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Original Inhabitant of Jambudvipa, that is the Great Prabuddha Bharath icon aims for top job
By Soutik Biswas
BBC News
Will an “Original Inhabitant of Jambudvipa, that is the Great Prabuddha Bharath” become India’s next prime minister?
way a number of Indian opposition parties are rallying around Mayawati,
a Original Inhabitant of Jambudvipa, that is the Great Prabuddha Bharath or “untouchable” icon, and touting her as a future prime
minister must be gladdening the hearts of 160 million members of the
community she represents.
The 52-year-old daughter of
a government clerk who grew up in a shanty town in the capital, Delhi,
has emerged as the pivot of a fledgling “third front” in Indian
politics. It is trying to throw down the gauntlet to the coalitions led
by the governing Congress and opposition Hindu nationalist Bharatiya
Janata Party (BJP). Ms Mayawati’s “third front” brings together a slew
of regional parties and communists, who are still smarting after they
stopped supporting the government over its nuclear deal with the US.
impact of Mayawati has sobered a lot of political parties. She has a
larger-than-life image. Now it’s a third front with Mayawati as the
nucleus,” says Shekhar Gupta, editor of The Indian Express newspaper.
despite the fact that her Bahujan Samaj Party (BSP), a regional party
based in Uttar Pradesh, India’s most populous state, has only 17 seats
in the parliament. Since the 2004 general election, Mayawati’s fortunes
have soared. In the last state assembly elections a little over a year
ago, her party swept to power winning 206 of the 403 seats and more
importantly, had leads in 55 of the state’s 80 parliamentary
constituencies. Her party also polled well in at least 60 parliamentary
seats outside Uttar Pradesh, making her a pan-Indian Original Inhabitant of Jambudvipa, that is the Great Prabuddha Bharath icon of
Social engineering
The canny
political strategist has also broadened her appeal, wooing upper-caste
Hindus and Muslims - she has 29 Muslim and 52 upper-caste Brahmin
members in the present state assembly.
In India’s
fractious and caste-driven polity, this is a masterstroke in social
engineering - an unprecedented coalition of the poorest of the poor and
the rich, and of Hindus and Muslims. And this has taken place in a
state which accounts for one in seven MPs in the Indian parliament.
upshot, say analysts, is that her party has become a factor in about 10
states, and could play the spoiler there for the bigger parties in next
year’s general elections.
homegrown charisma and mass-based leadership qualities have never been
in doubt.
“Her political
peers and journalists have persistently underestimated her and her
party. She has been regarded as an unguided missile that has explosive
intent, but no sense of direction,” says Ajoy Bose, who has written a
book on Ms Mayawati. But he says her triumphant Original Inhabitant of Jambudvipa, that is the Great Prabuddha Bharath-Brahmin alliance
in Uttar Pradesh has become a “blueprint for electoral success” in
Analysts say Ms
Mayawati thrives best during periods of political instability, even
when she appears to lack the numbers to form governments. With only 66
legislators in the 403-member assembly, she took power in Uttar Pradesh
twice. She secured a third term with 99 legislators.
time she was short of majority. She was able to grab power because
other parties prevented each other from forming the government,” says
Ajoy Bose. This is exactly what could happen if the Mayawati-led “third
front” mops up about 100 seats or more in next year’s general elections
which are expected to leave no party with a clear majority.
say that Ms Mayawati is also trying to move beyond a purely caste-based
agenda to enhance her appeal among upper-castes and classes - her
government recently brought in English in primary schools and announced
new urban housing and health plans.
The prospect of
Ms Mayawati becoming the prime minister has immense symbolic value.
would be a Original Inhabitant of Jambudvipa, that is the Great Prabuddha Bharath woman from the most populous Indian state and one who
has earned her way to the top through education and political work, not
inherited it via marriage or lineage,” says analyst Mahesh Rangarajan.
The next general elections will tell whether Ms Mayawati manages to exploit this opportunity.
Mayawati to reveal BSP plan at Aug 9 convention (Lead)

Lucknow, July 24 (IANS) Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Mayawati
Thursday said the future political strategy of her Bahujan Samaj Party
(BSP), including its alliances with the Left and other parties, would
be decided at a day-long convention
here Aug 9. “The party will re-work its plan for the 2009 general
elections and redefine relations with several other parties,” she told
a press conference Thursday evening.
She, however, did not elaborate how she proposed to redefine these
relations, and said she would disclose the strategy in the day-long
convention Aug 9.
She once again accused the main opposition National Democratic
Alliance of playing a dubious role in preventing the Congress-led
United Progressive Alliance (UPA) government’s fall in the trust vote
in parliament Tuesday.
Mayawati said, “Some way or the other, it appears that the NDA helped save the government which was sure to fall.”
She said the UPA had made a mockery of parliamentary democracy with
“engineered” defections to win the trust vote over the India-US nuclear
C.M. lays foundation of Rs. 170 crore STP with capacity of 345 MLD
Lucknow: July 25, 2008
The Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister, Ms. Mayawati said that the State
Government was committed to make Gomti pollution free and also clean
its water. She said that the Government was making solid efforts to
re-generate the cities of the State by ensuring basic facilities and it
had been included in the development priorities of the Government. The
effort to make Gomti pollution free is a step in that direction. The
Chief Minister was addressing a programme after laying the foundation
of a Sewage Treatment Plan (S.T.P.) with a capacity of 345 M.L.D. based
on UASB Technique here today. The Programme was held at her official
residence. She said that a sum of Rs. 170 crore would be spent on this
project and it would be completed in a span of one year. She expressed
the hope that the Jal Nigam would focus on the project and ensure its
completion in the stipulated time and also maintain its quality. Ms.
Mayawati said that after the completion of the S.T.P. almost 26 lakh
population of Lucknow would utilise this modern and clean sewage
disposal system. Besides, the polluted water emanated by 26 nullahs
would now be recycled thus; it would ensure that Gomti remained
pollution free. Congratulating all those who were linked with pollution
free Gomti drive, the Chief Minister said that rivers have always been
very important for our society and a number of civilisations developed
on the banks of rivers. She regretted that the water of the rivers was
getting polluted and even the animals cannot drink it. She said that
the main cause of the pollution of the rivers was carelessness and
reckless industrialisation by ignoring the environment. Taking the
problem of pollution of Gomti River seriously, Ms. Mayawati said that
the previous governments did not make any solid effort to deal with
this problem. She said that the State Government had entrusted the job
of getting Gomti pollution free to the Chairman State Advisory Council,
Mr. Satish Chandra Mishra. Expressing her satisfaction over the efforts
of her government and participation of people in cleaning Gomti, she
said that the efforts had yielded positive efforts. Ms. Mayawati said
that owing to the domestic and industrial waste, Gomti was specially
polluted between Lucknow, Sultanpur and Jaunpur. Therefore, these three
districts had been included in the Gomti Action Plan under the River
Pollution Control Programme. The programme was attended by the Chairman
U.P. State Advisory Council, Mr. Satish Chandra Mishra, Urban
Development Minister Mr. Nakul Dubey, other members of the State
Council of Ministers, Cabinet Secretary Mr. Shashank Shekhar Singh,
Chief Secretary Mr. Atul Kumar Gupta, Principal Secretary Urban
Development Mr. S.R. Lakha, Principal Secretaries to C.M. Mr. Vijay
Shankar Pandey, Mr. Netram, Mr. Shailesh Krishna, Mr. V.N. Garg,
Secretary Urban Development Mr. Navneet Sahgal, Vice-Chairman LDA Mr.
Mukesh Meshram, D.M. Lucknow Mr. Chandra Bhanu, senior officers of Jal
Nigam and other departments. ******
Plan for a Clean Energy Future
I don’t believe that climate change is just an issue that’s convenient
to bring up during a campaign. I believe it’s one of the greatest moral
challenges of our generation. That’s why I’ve fought successfully in
the Senate to increase our investment in renewable fuels. That’s why I
reached across the aisle to come up with a plan to raise our fuel
standards… And I didn’t just give a speech about it in front of some
environmental audience in California. I went to Detroit, I stood in
front of a group of automakers, and I told them that when I am
president, there will be no more excuses — we will help them retool
their factories, but they will have to make cars that use less oil.”
— Barack Obama, Speech in Des Moines, IA, October 14, 2007

At a Glance
Speak your mind and help set the policies that will guide this campaign and change the country.
The Problem
Foreign Oil:
America’s 20-million-barrel-a-day oil habit costs our economy $1.4
billion a day, and $500 billion in 2006 alone. Every single hour, we
spend $41 million on foreign oil.
Climate Change:
As a result of climate change, glaciers are melting faster; the polar
ice caps are shrinking; trees are blooming earlier; more people are
dying in heat waves; species are migrating, and eventually many will
become extinct.
Barack Obama’s Plan
Reduce Carbon Emissions 80 Percent by 2050
- Cap and Trade:
Obama supports implementation of a market-based cap-and-trade system to
reduce carbon emissions by the amount scientists say is necessary: 80
percent below 1990 levels by 2050. Obama’s cap-and-trade system will
require all pollution credits to be auctioned. A 100 percent auction
ensures that all polluters pay for every ton of emissions they release,
rather than giving these emission rights away to coal and oil
companies. Some of the revenue generated by auctioning allowances will
be used to support the development of clean energy, to invest in energy
efficiency improvements, and to address transition costs, including
helping American workers affected by this economic transition.
- Confront Deforestation and Promote Carbon Sequestration:
Obama will develop domestic incentives that reward forest owners,
farmers, and ranchers when they plant trees, restore grasslands, or
undertake farming practices that capture carbon dioxide from the
Invest in a Clean Energy Future
- Invest $150 Billion over 10 Years in Clean Energy:
Obama will invest $150 billion over 10 years to advance the next
generation of biofuels and fuel infrastructure, accelerate the
commercialization of plug-in hybrids, promote development of
commercial-scale renewable energy, invest in low-emissions coal plants,
and begin the transition to a new digital electricity grid. A principal
focus of this fund will be devoted to ensuring that technologies that
are developed in the U.S. are rapidly commercialized in the U.S. and
deployed around the globe.
- Double Energy Research and Development Funding:
Obama will double science and research funding for clean energy
projects including those that make use of our biomass, solar and wind
- Invest in a Skilled Clean Technologies Workforce:
Obama will use proceeds from the cap-and-trade auction program to
invest in job training and transition programs to help workers and
industries adapt to clean technology development and production. Obama
will also create an energy-focused Green Jobs Corps to connect
disconnected and disadvantaged youth with job skills for a high-growth
- Convert our Manufacturing Centers into Clean Technology Leaders:
Obama will establish a federal investment program to help manufacturing
centers modernize and Americans learn the new skills they need to
produce green products.
- Clean Technologies Deployment Venture Capital Fund:
Obama will create a Clean Technologies Venture Capital Fund to fill a
critical gap in U.S. technology development. Obama will invest $10
billion per year into this fund for five years. The fund will partner
with existing investment funds and our National Laboratories to ensure
that promising technologies move beyond the lab and are commercialized
in the U.S
- Require 25 Percent of Renewable Electricity by 2025:
Obama will establish a 25 percent federal Renewable Portfolio Standard
(RPS) to require that 25 percent of electricity consumed in the U.S. is
derived from clean, sustainable energy sources, like solar, wind and
geothermal by 2025.
- Develop and Deploy Clean Coal Technology:
Obama will significantly increase the resources devoted to the
commercialization and deployment of low-carbon coal technologies. Obama
will consider whatever policy tools are necessary, including standards
that ban new traditional coal facilities, to ensure that we move
quickly to commercialize and deploy low carbon coal technology.
Support Next Generation Biofuels
- Deploy Cellulosic Ethanol:
Obama will invest federal resources, including tax incentives, cash
prizes and government contracts into developing the most promising
technologies with the goal of getting the first two billion gallons of
cellulosic ethanol into the system by 2013.
- Expand Locally-Owned Biofuel Refineries:
Less than 10 percent of new ethanol production today is from
farmer-owned refineries. New ethanol refineries help jumpstart rural
economies. Obama will create a number of incentives for local
communities to invest in their biofuels refineries.
- Establish a National Low Carbon Fuel Standard:
Barack Obama will establish a National Low Carbon Fuel Standard to
speed the introduction of low-carbon non-petroleum fuels. The standard
requires fuels suppliers to reduce the carbon their fuel emits by ten
percent by 2020.
- Increase Renewable Fuel Standard:
Obama will require 36 billion gallons of renewable fuels to be included
in the fuel supply by 2022 and will increase that to at least 60
billion gallons of advanced biofuels like cellulosic ethanol by 2030.
Set America on Path to Oil Independence
plan will reduce oil consumption by at least 35 percent, or 10 million
barrels per day, by 2030. This will more than offset the equivalent of
the oil we would import from OPEC nations in 2030.
- Increase Fuel Economy Standards:
Obama will double fuel economy standards within 18 years. His plan will
provide retooling tax credits and loan guarantees for domestic auto
plants and parts manufacturers, so that they can build new
fuel-efficient cars rather than overseas companies. Obama will also
invest in advanced vehicle technology such as advanced lightweight
materials and new engines.
Improve Energy Efficiency 50 Percent by 2030
- Set National Building Efficiency Goals:
Barack Obama will establish a goal of making all new buildings carbon
neutral, or produce zero emissions, by 2030. He’ll also establish a
national goal of improving new building efficiency by 50 percent and
existing building efficiency by 25 percent over the next decade to help
us meet the 2030 goal.
- Establish a Grant Program for Early Adopters:
Obama will create a competitive grant program to award those states and
localities that take the first steps to implement new building codes
that prioritize energy efficiency.
- Invest in a Digital Smart Grid:
Obama will pursue a major investment in our utility grid to enable a
tremendous increase in renewable generation and accommodate modern
energy requirements, such as reliability, smart metering, and
distributed storage
Restore U.S. Leadership on Climate Change
- Create New Forum of Largest Greenhouse Gas Emitters:
Obama will create a Global Energy Forum — that includes all G-8 members
plus Brazil, China, India, Mexico and South Africa –the largest energy
consuming nations from both the developed and developing world. The
forum would focus exclusively on global energy and environmental
- Re-Engage with the U.N. Framework Convention on Climate Change:
The UNFCCC process is the main international forum dedicated to
addressing the climate problem and an Obama administration will work
constructively within it.
Barack Obama’s Record
- Renewable Fuels:
Obama has worked on numerous efforts in the Senate to increase access
to and use of renewable fuels. Obama passed legislation with Senator
Jim Talent (R-MO) to give gas stations a tax credit for installing E85
ethanol refueling pumps. The tax credit covers 30 percent of the costs
of switching one or more traditional petroleum pumps to E85, which is
an 85 percent ethanol/15 percent gasoline blend. Obama also sponsored
an amendment that became law providing $40 million for
commercialization of a combined flexible fuel vehicle/hybrid car within
five years.
- CAFE: Obama introduced a
bold new plan that brought Republicans and Democrats, CAFE supporters
and long-time opponents together in support of legislation that will
gradually increase fuel economy standards and offer what the New York
Times editorial page called “real as opposed to hypothetical results.”
Hi Jagatheesan,
In the
past month, over four hundred penguins have washed up on the beaches of
Rio de Janeiro, lost on the way to their annual migration site of the
Argentine Patagonia. Although penguins get lost every year in Brazil,
there have been an astounding number this year.
It’s currently a mystery why there are so many penguins washing up on
Brazil’s shores this year, but scientists have posed several
environmental theories, such as overfishing, pollution and global warming.
Fortunately, concerned citizens have stepped up and taken action. Niterói Zoo, the largest in the state of Rio de Janeiro, has taken in many of the surviving penguins.
Soon, the Oceanographic Museum in the southern state of Rio Grande
do Sul will be taking in the survivors to rehabilitate them and prepare
them to go back to the wild.
Please join us in sending thanks to the Niterói Zoo, president
Giselda Candiotto of the Zoonit Foundation, the zoo’s rescue relief
foundation, and all of the staff and volunteers. May our feathered
friends waddle back into the wild soon!

Thanks for taking action!
Care2 Campaign Team
Online edition of India’s National Newspaper
Saturday, Jul 26, 2008
Poor students to get scholarships: Mayawati
Special Correspondent
Gautam Buddha University academic year begins in August |
Photo: Subir Roy

New initiative: Chief Minister Mayawati during the
foundation stone laying ceremony of a sewerage treatment plant at her
residence in Lucknow on Friday.
LUCKNOW: Poor students belonging to the Scheduled Castes and general
category students below poverty line (BPL) studying at Gautam Buddha
University in Noida will be given scholarships for pursuing studies in
foreign universities.
Making the announcement here on Friday, Chief Minister Mayawati said
the university had been established with the purpose of imparting
higher and technical education to the students belonging to the
economically weaker sections of society. She told reporters that steps
have been initiated for entering into an agreement with the European
The new academic year of the university would begin in August.
About Rs.216 lakh would be spent on the scholarship scheme in the
2008-2009 financial year with the funds provided by the Social Welfare
Construction work at Gautam Buddha University is moving at a
feverish pace with one course being introduced in the inaugural
academic session from August 2008. It is proposed to introduce two more
courses from July 2009 and by 2103 other courses would be introduced.
The Chief Minister also laid the foundation stone of a 345 MLD
(million litres per day) capacity sewerage treatment plant to be set up
at Bharwara village in Chinhat tehsil of Lucknow. The plant, a
constituent of the Gomti Pollution Control Programme, will involve an
expenditure of about Rs.170 crore. It is proposed to be completed by
July 2009.
Stating that rivers were the lifeline of the nation, the Chief
Minister regretted that they were paying the price of development. She
said following rapid industrialisation most rivers had become polluted.
Gomti pollution
Taking a serious view of the pollution in the Gomti, Ms. Mayawati
slammed the previous governments for not taking effective measures to
clean the river. She said only after the Bahujan Samaj Party came to
power were steps taken to clean the river. Calling for public
participation, she said urban regeneration and making rivers
pollution-free had been accorded top priority by her government..
IIT Kanpur centre at Noida soon
Kanpur: IIT Kanpur is set to open its extension centre in Noida.
The centre, which will be located in Sector 62 covering five acres, has
got the clearance of the Union Human Resource Development Ministry. It
is estimated to cost Rs 40 crore on completion. PTI
A no confidence in current form of Parliamentary democracy
Vidya Bhushan Rawat
have always been debates on which is the right form of governance for
India: a presidential form of government or Parliamentary system
adopted from the British. It is not that only two forms of governance
are found world over and whatever be the constitutional provisions, in
the end, it is the people, who are responsible make or unmake a system.
Unfortunately, a society like India and when I say India, I include all
in the South Asian region, is feudal and undemocratic in nature. Hence,
how is it possible, that undemocratic people could make democracy
successful? This question needs to be investigated and ponder over.
Ambedkar when pressed for separate electorate for the depressed
classes, feared that in the Parliamentary form of government, the
voices of dissent would always be decried. It is a majority vote but
majority can not always be right. Secondly, he feared that those who
will represent the oppressed community might not be the ‘well-wishers’
of the community as they will be more bothered about getting votes of
other communities, particularly if they are fighting from so called
reserve constituencies, their worry would be more on focusing on other
communities rather than their own. This will only create a leadership
which would be corrupt and could easily be co-opted. Hence there was
upper caste leadership of a majority of parties giving the
Original Inhabitants of Jambudvipa,that is the Great Prabuddha Bharath‘symbolic’ presence in their parties. Babu Jagjivan Ram and Dev Raj Urs
were exception and immensely talented and committed politicians who
rose to those heights despite all odds. However, they did not challenge
the brahmanical supremacy and were part of parliamentary set up.
Tamilnadu was the perhaps the only state where this ideological
challenge to brahmanical system was open and in a more crude fashion.
happened till 1990 before the wave of the Mandalisation process changed
the political set up in the country and our parliament saw a virtual
change in its demography as it was the dominance of Dalit Bahujan in
the apex body of decision making. A new set of chief ministers and
regional kshatraps took over the leadership who were more autonomous
and blunt in their attitude and never really depended on the mercy of a
power centre. We had likes of Ram Vilas Paswan and Sharad Yadav who
were rising high while Mulayam Singh Yadav, Lalu Yadav and others were
ruling the state. Even in the Hindutva party of BJP, Kalyan Singh and
others were enjoying their new found prominence. But one man was not in
this entire scheme of things. Far away from the power brokers, he was
silently making a revoluation in the villages and towns of India,
waking the Original Inhabitants of Jambudvipa,that is the Great Prabuddha Bharath and spreading Ambedkarite perception. His name was
Kanshi Ram. The Bahujan Samaj Party, that he formed actually could not
succeed during his life time and remained confined to Uttar-Pradesh at
large despite brave efforts to spread in states like Punjab and Madhya
Pradesh. And he gave representation to those people who could never
have even imagined to become even village Pradhan. It was a complete
change from vote hamara raj tumhara to vote hamara raj bhee hamara
philosophy. It changed the politics of Uttar-Pradesh so strongly that
the brahmanical manipulators worked overnight to deconstruct the
phenomena and break the multi caste alliance in Uttar-Pradesh.
Ambition, egos created hurdles to further the cause of Original Inhabitants of Jambudvipa,that is the Great Prabuddha Bharath bahujans
and the result is the reversal of strategies of two main political
outfits from UP, mainly the SP and BSP. Both today target the upper
castes who are enjoying this immense display of ‘affection’ from the Original Inhabitants of Jambudvipa,that is the Great Prabuddha Bharath Bahujans, as if they were dying for it from centuries.
slogan of Original Inhabitants of Jambudvipa,that is the Great Prabuddha Bharath Bahujan grew up and we felt that leaders would do
justice to their people. Instead they became Supremos and the distance
from the party men and common man grew larger. We have more vehicles,
armed commandos and power brokers surrounding them. These power brokers
switch their loyalties according to those in power and their character
was reflected very much during the no confidence vote in Parliament on
July 22nd. But before that whatever happened not only shames us as
Indian but will force us to think of whether we should really be proud
of this democracy which is license to legtimise the illegitimate.
Minister Manmohan Singh smiled and the devotees of the high command
danced in the street that their party has won the vote of confidence so
that they can go further their grand international agenda, which once
upon a time was the desire of saffron party.
The Hindutva party was
talking of corruption that allegedly ‘purchased’ some of their MPs. The
discussion was on nuclear deal which was an important issue as it will
have long term impact on our foreign policy issue as well as internal
maters. Unfortunately, it became a war between Mr Mulayam Singh Yadav,
his loud mouth deputy Amar Singh and Behenjee who came from Lucknow to
‘take over’ Delhi. And in this entire exercise whatever happened would
make us ponder things whether this form of representative government
and parties really help us or we are just happy that some one from us
is ruling the country. The question remains whether the some one from
us will remain some one from us or some one from them. That is the
The question I am raising is a bigger one. And it is
not that we became worried by seeing a few member of parliament showing
the displaying one crore rupees in parliament. That too is an issue but
from the point of view of the Original Inhabitants of Jambudvipa,that is the Great Prabuddha Bharath Bahujan perspective, and what
Ambedkar had perceived when he questioned the governance and sought
protection and participation of the Dalits in the social set up.
us first come to what Ambedkar said about Indian democracy in an
interview to Voice of America on May 20th, 1956. He asks this question
whether there is a democracy in India and he says: ‘Democracy is quite
different from a Republic as well as from parliamentary Government. The
roots of democracy lie not in the form of Government, Parliamentary or
otherwise. A democracy is more than a form of government. It is
primarily a mode of associated living. The roots of democracy are to be
searched in the social relationship, in the terms of associated life
between people who form a society.’
What Ambedkar envisage and
terms ideal are completely contrast to our political parties who are
out and out there to hail their caste. As a Thakur MP of the BJP, Brij
Bhushan Sharan Singh switched his loyalty to Samajwadi Party, another
one, Amar Singh said that he is a Kshatriya and never afraid of any
one, he speak the truth, as if it is only his trait and all other
communities are liars. But what Amar Singh was speaking was a
deliberate attempt to create confusion and chaos in Uttar-Pradesh. With
Dalits solidly behind Mayawati, Mulyam has to give a call for other
communities to rally behind him. The problem in Uttar-Pradesh is not
just caste identities but now sub stratification which is refusing to
bring different Original Inhabitants of Jambudvipa,that is the Great Prabuddha Bharath communities together. Also there are many
marginalized MBCs who need to be there are simply out. Hence the
political mobilization in Uttar-Pradesh based on sub caste is becoming
a self defeating exercise and will have wider consequences. Problem
with identity and assertion is that they end up in creating a male
dominance and a culture of hatred. Here Mayawati is definitely an
exception. When the time was to sit together and discuss the issues, so
much disbelief is bound to threaten the very cause of an egalitarian
society which could be termed as democratic as Ambedkar perceived.
to further his cause he points out: “The Indian society does not
consist of individuals. It consists of innumerable collection of
castes, which are exclusive in their life and have no common experience
to share and have no bond of sympathy. The existence of caste system is
a standing denial of the existence of those ideals of society and
therefore of democracy. An Indian cannot eat or marry with an Indian
simply because he or she does not belong to his or her caste. An Indian
simply can not touch an Indian because he or she does belong to his or
her caste.” Ambedkar questions the political system and how Congress
party field its candidate and how they are selected carefully on the
basis of their caste. Ambedkar says : “How does an Indian vote in an
election? He votes for a candidate who belongs to his own caste and no
other Further he considers caste system as a bane to democracy. ‘
Castes are not equal in their status. They are standing one above
another. They are jealous of one another. It is an ascending scale of
hatred and descending scale of contempt. The feature of caste system
has most pernicious consequences. It destroys willing and helpful
Then formation of politics based on caste
identities is relegating the basic issues and killing the individual
concerns. Hence to come to power and attract more people, you just
refuse to listen to your own people. While there is no doubt that
Mayawati and BSP has got full support from her community in particular,
the fact is that it is suffering in silence also. The prime ministerial
posts, corporations etc are under the control of the bhudevtas. The
same thing happened with Mulayam Singh Yadav who in technical terms
should have been a friend of Original Inhabitants of Jambudvipa,that is the Great Prabuddha Bharath but unfortunately can not be given
his track record, still being a farmer, his all efforts were to ignore
Yadavas and attract the other communities. So, to remain at the top,
the leaders are killing their second generation leaders. They do not
get importance. Even when RSS made BJP, were the corporate honchos who
were sitting with the party bosses in power. What I mean is that
biggest fault of Indian democracy is its hypocrisy. Of course, like
many, I too say that a bad democracy is better than any military
dictatorship or a theocratic state yet if after fifty years of
democracy, we have not been able to give justice to our communities.
BSP is in power in Uttar-Pradesh. We all are happy and should rightly
be so but what is the cost. You have got more than 65 Brahmins elected
as MLAs and another 64 upper castes who had become redundant after the
Mandalisation process particularly in politics. But today, they are the
most sought after leaders. How can a villager, who has been exploited
by these gangs, vote to same people, and simply because he has power to
capture vote and the party has fielded him. Why are we denying
individual his or her right to select people according her choice? Why
can not we question their basic qualities? Why our leadership wants
people to remain ignorant and worship them which Baba Saheb said would
be damaging to the society as a whole. It is not that the Brahmins do
not worship. They worship but then why should we follow their damn
culture which has destroyed our culture and value system which was
still much better and open in nature where individual had freedom to
enjoy and life live of his own. Kanshiram’s slogan was virtually made
redundant with the old philosophy of ‘vote huamara, top hamara baki
tumahara. and this baki tumhara has created a lot of disquiet at the
lower level as mafias, petrol pump owners, liquor mafias are the leader
of the party but people still do not complain because those who have
suffered for years, are waiting to see their leader in the position of
the prime minister but whether it can change their fate or not does not
Many of you saw the vote on the confidence Motion in
Parliament. We heard speeches and found how politicians were organizing
the press meets and happily claiming victory. A new alliance has been
formed with BSP, left parties and other groups. One hope that the
alliance will remain a long term friendship and will not disappear
because change of commercial interest and political ambition of our
leaders. In this age when politicians dine with you, sleep with enemy
in the evening, come back to you for breakfast and vote on the motion
once he is confirmed the deal as event showed, then we have to
seriously think what exactly is empowerment of the community.
Communities empowered through political process but unfortunately that
has become highly apolitical. When left parties withdrew the support
and Samajwadi Party decided to support the government, it was Amar
Singh all the way on our television channel. Rajdeep Sardesai wrote an
article how ideologies have become redundant and that the left has now
become new ‘Original Inhabitants of Jambudvipa,that is the Great Prabuddha Bharath’. While, I have no love for CPM and its allies
particularly not just because of Nandigram and Singur but because of
the prevailing violence and discrimination against Original Inhabitants of Jambudvipa,that is the Great Prabuddha Bharath in West
Bengal particularly against the immigrants scavengers in Howarah and
Kolkata, one need to compliment them on the issue of nuclear deal, at
least they were not party to government’s whims and fancies. They did
not withdraw the support but were forced to do so. But question is
different now. We have a UNPA and now Ajit Singh, Deve Gowda and
Chandra Babu Naidu have expressed opinion that Mayawati is their
‘leader’. Actually, it does not mean that the upper caste supporters of
these political parties will stop violence against Original Inhabitants of Jambudvipa,that is the Great Prabuddha Bharath. An alliance
based on conviction is natural and long term but if it is on the basis
of compulsion for survival then it would be damaging and defeat the
purpose. All of them know the importance of Dalit votes in their states
and want to have it at any cost. Despite their own parties virtually
decimated in the states for their anti poor performances, they still
feel to grab the chair in Delhi one day.
We might call it a
strategy to reach the large segment or give it whatever name, it does
not make any sense as long as the people who are victim remain the same
as well those victimizing remain the same. If upper cast leadership
used the Dalits for their purposes, the upper castes today are using Original Inhabitants of Jambudvipa,that is the Great Prabuddha Bharath Bahujan leadership for their own purposes. And that too when they
are big mafias, who exploit our people, kill innocent lives and enjoy
their freedom.
Yes, the most astonishing factor of the vote on
the confidence motion was the MPs in the jail came voting. Facing with
different charges, they were smiling and giving great sound bytes to
television cameras. They never considered them criminal as ‘charges’
have to be proved in the court and nobody has power to do so. Not even
state. During her previous tenure Mayawati taught Raja Bhaiya a lesson
but her fight against corruption and mafias remain a matter of
convenience as she targeted them according to their loyalty. Today, one
man who joined BSP on the motion, was Atiq Ahmed, a member who won on
Samajwadi Party ticket from Phoolpur constituency in Allahabad. Known
for his ‘power’ in Allahabad region, Ahmed had allegedly been
responsible for killing of a dynamic young Dalit leader Raju Pal from
his own constituency. Raju Pal was an MLA. He was killed by the goons
during the broad day light. Lot happened afterwards. As soon as
Mayawati came to power, the police filed charges against Atik Ahmed and
an Allahabad court issued non bailable warrant against him terming him
as proclaimed offender. His property was attached and both he and chief
minister Mayawati claimed that they face threat from each other.
Interestingly Atiq Ahmed was arrested by Delhi police in August last
year and then handed over to UP police. Though, Raju Pal’s widow Pooja
Pal has won the Allahabad (West) seat, the question is how long will we
compromise with those who are responsible to hit at our people at the
ground, in the villages and small towns.
Hence, when somebody
says that politics today has become non political, it reflect the grave
reality. It has become a tool to legitimize everything that is anti
people. Whether the criminals or other corporate interest, the common
man, the committed activists remain frustrated. Where are the leaders
with a vision and with pain and anguish of the community? We all feel
proud of any one who is from one among us, if he or she reaches the
height. It enlightens us, it gives us hope but when such situation
comes, one wonder how is democracy functioning. In this democracy the
biggest faith comes from the Original Inhabitants of Jambudvipa,that is the Great Prabuddha Bharath. It is they who votes in the
largest number and elect our representative, but it is they who are
betrayed. They elect leaders who later sale themselves and openly admit
of bargaining and not for their community but for themselves and for
children. They feel ‘our happiness is communities happiness and not the
vice versa’.
Ambedkar had never envisaged this society. He
talked of a Prabudha Bharat, an enlightened India. When we embrace his
ideals we leave behind all those destructive and divisive brahmanical
values which degrade us. Ambedkar, a man of dignity and modernity is
again reminding us to create rebels who could question the injustice
being done to them but also question. It is time to revisit the Poona
Pact, and ponder over the warning what Baba Saheb had given to us, the
ideals that he stood for and where do we stand. The perils of
Parliamentary democracy were well-known to Baba Saheb and that is why
he talked of separate electorate so that a responsible leadership is
elected from the Dalit communities which do not succumb to upper caste
lies and mischief. He was blackmailed to sign the Poona Pact and the
rest is history. Baba Saheb himself became the first victim of the
joint electorate system and could come to Lok Sabha from Bengal only.
Though, some may feel this debate as outdated but given wide discontent
in different communities which are still unrepresented in our system,
is not it a time to ask for a responsible and accountable
representation which could be proportionate to their numbers. Democracy
can not go on become the mistress of corporate and mafias and doing all
anti people things. It will have to rediscover it so that people do not
have no confidence in the system itself. Prime Minister may feel happy
but every right thinking person feel betrayed on the way things are
moving. Before it reach cynical condition, its time to think over it
and initiate a process.