Please send a copy to awakenmedia.prabandhak@gmail.com chandrasekhara.tipitaka@gmail.com Visit: http://sarvajan.ambedkar.org8) Classical Basque
DR. Ashok Siddhrth M.L.C. (UP) Co-ordinator, Karnataka, Tamilnadu & Pondicherry State
Marasandra Muniyappa Former Karnataka State President BSP will be Central Committee Member and Co-ordinator, Karnataka,
N.Mahesh is the newpresident of Karnataka BSP. Can we bring areal social transformation?Better than never. Jai Bheem , sir. Sender: Kodanram-+919845087001
http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/home/lok-sabha-elections-2014/news/Modi-ministry-to-be-expanded-before-Budget-session/articleshow/35644076.cms? The Times of India News
http://zeenews.india.com/news/general-elections-2014/non-congress-non-bjp-dalit-leaders-fare-poorly-in-vidarbha_933527.html Zeenews Home GENERAL ELECTIONS 2014
Tehelka.com Also post on Facebook Posting as Jagatheesan Chandrasekharan (Change) Jagatheesan Chandrasekharan · New english high school, mahal ,nagpur
21) Classical English
SUCCESS of election DEPENDS on MEDIA FM TV coverd > 25 cr. Investment to advert(5000cr0100 sangh+2cr RSSfmlyvote vote, OBC ignorance. Hindu/sudratvaOBC(20cr) ANTI Congresswave>10cr CAPITALIST(Industry) Temple and matt swamiji Beaurocrate(manuvadis0.Another wave is under ground work against ANTI reservation(RSS)-Sender Upasak Vishnu 918880994580Message centre:+919014000512
If all the Fradulent EVMs are replaced with tamper proof ones BSP will be the only hope and alternative to acquire the MASTER KEY
Honourable Chief Justice Supreme Court of India Tilak Marg, New Delhi-110 001 (India) PABX NOS.23388922-24,23388942-44, FAX NOS.23381508,23381584,23384336/23384533/23384447 supremecourt@nic.in
was requested to SCRAP the 2014 LOK SABHA which passed the order of putting new VVAT voting machines in use in a “phased manner”, that has unwittingly shirked its duty and committed a grave error of judgment that dealt a fatal blow to Indian democracy in general and me a Scheduled Caste and my other ST. OBCs, Minorities and poor upper caste brothern in particular. Now RSS’s BJP’s Narendra Modi is allowed to become the PRIME MINISTER on 26-05-2014 with this fradulent EVMs. It should have been ordered, that till the time this newer set of about 1300000 voting machines is manufactured in full and so deployed throughout India, ballot paper system should have been brought in to re conduct the elections. And also take action on RSSs Mr. Mohan Bagawath, a brahmin who says there should not be any reservation on the basis of castes which is against Constitutional provision for SC/STs CEC Mr. .Sampath, a brahmin responsible for asking EVMs to be replaced in instalments created EVM Fixing and Mr. Narendra Modi who has violated all silas is unfit to contest any elections. He was responsible for killing large number of human beings in 2002 Gujarat riots, as http://go.microsoft.com/fwlin… is not revealing his caste while claiming to be a Backward caste though he is a Baniya(same caste as Mr. Gandhi). He suppressed the fact that he was married and became the Chief Minister of Gujarat, He spent huge amount for his election campaign.These three persons because of their caste background developed hatred, anger, intolerance, irritation, bias, dominating attitude, delusion towards Sarva samaj i.e., all societies in general and SC/STs and Muslims who converted from SC/STs in general. This is nothing but defilement of the mind that needs mental treatment in mental asylum. Not as Prime Minister or CEC or in any violent stealth Cult by booking them under Untouchability and POA, the SC/ST Act, the Prevention of Atrocities Act.
DR . Ashok Siddhrth M.L.C. ( UP ) Koordinatzailea , Karnataka , Tamilnadu & Pondicherry Estatuko
Marasandra Muniyappa BSP ohia Karnataka Estatuko presidenteak Batzorde Zentraleko kideak eta izango da Koordinatzailea , Karnataka ,
N.Mahesh Karnataka BSP of newpresident da . Daiteke areal
gizarte-eraldaketa ekarri dugu ? Inoiz baino hobeto . Jai Bheem , jauna.
Bidaltzailea : Kodanram - +919845087001
timesofindia.indiatimes.com/home/lok-sabha-elections-2014/news/Modi-ministry-to-be-expanded-before-Budget-session/articleshow/35644076.cms? Indiako Times Albisteak http://ijnet.org/blog/planning-data-journalism-story-start-finish # comment- 34934
Tehelka.com Facebook-en ere argitaratu Jagatheesan Chandrasekharan (Aldatu) gisa posting Jagatheesan Chandrasekharan · english goi eskola berria , mahal , Nagpur
21) ingeles klasikoa
Hauteskunde arrakasta MEDIA FM telebista coverd > 25 cr araberakoa .
Iragarkia ( 5000cr0100 Sangh +2 cr RSSfmlyvote botoa , OBC
ezjakintasuna inbertsioa . Hindu / sudratvaOBC ( 20cr ) ANTI
Congresswave > 10cr kapitalista (Industria ) tenplua eta matt Swamiji
Beaurocrate ( manuvadis0.Another olatua lurrean ANTI erreserba ( RSS ) -
Sender aurka lan pean Upasak Vishnu 918880994580Message zentroan :
The Fradulent EVMS guztiak froga direnak
manipulazioak ordezkatu bazabiltza BSP du itxaropena eta alternatiba
MASTER KEY eskuratzeko bakarra izango da
eskatu zen 2014 LOK Sabha horrek VVAT boto makina berriak jarriz
erabilia dago ” ezabatzeko modu ” batean ordena gainditu txatarra , dela
oharkabean bere betebeharra shirked eta epaia akats larria kolpe larria
egin Indian demokrazia landu duten orokorrean konpromisoa eta niri
Programatutako kasta bat eta nire beste ST . OBCs , gutxiengoak eta
pobreen goiko kasta bereziki brothern . Orain RSS en BJP en Narendra
Modi da lehen ministro bihurtu 26-05-2014 fradulent EVMS honekin
onartzen. Dute agindu behar dira , denbora arte boto 1300000 buruzko
makinak multzo berriagoak hau osoa da fabrikatu eta India osoan
zabaldutako beraz , boto- paper sistema dute ekarri behar dira berriro
hauteskundeak egitea . Eta ekintza RSSs Mohan Bagawath jauna , Brahmin
bat nork dio ez behar ez kasta oinarria erreserba edozein SC / STS CEC
jauna . Sampath , EVMS galdetuz ordezkatu behar erantzule brahmin
baterako xedapen konstituzionalaren aurka da izan on ere hartu epetan
EVM Fixing sortu eta nork Silas guztiak urratu ditu Narendra Modi jauna
ezgaitasuna edozein hauteskundeetan ukatzea da . Gizaki -kopuru handi
hil 2002 Gujarat istiluek in arduraduna izan zen , baita http://go.microsoft.com/
… ez da bere kasta agerian utziz bitartean Atzeranzko kasta bat izan
Baniya bat ( kasta berekoak Gandhi jauna bezala ) zuen arren
erreklamatzeko. Izan ere, zuen ezkondu zen erreprimitu zuen eta Chief
ministroa Gujarat du , kopuru handi eman zituen bere hauteskunde hiru
pertsona campaign.These eman dutelako kasta atzealde bihurtu gorrotoa ,
haserrea, intolerantzia , narritadura, alborapena , M. jarrera ,
delusion garatu Sarva bidean bidearen hau da , oro har, eta SC / STS eta
musulmanen orokorrean SC / STS nor bihurtutako gizarte guztietan . Hori
kontuan asilo mental tratamendu psikologikoa behar duten -defilement
besterik ez da. Ez lehen ministro edo CEC gisa edo edozein indarkeriazko
stealth Cult erreserba horiek Untouchability eta POA pean arabera , SC /
ST Legeak , Ankerkeriak Legeak Prebentziorako .
Таксама размясціць на Facebook
Сярэдняя як Jagatheesan Чандрасекхаран ( змяніць )
Jagatheesan Чандрасекхаран · Новы англійская ВНУ , Махал , Нагпур
21) Класічная Англійская
Поспех выбараў залежыць ад медыя FM TV Coverd > 25 кр. Інвестыцыі ў
аб’яву ( 5000cr0100 Сангха +2 кр RSSfmlyvote галасоў , ОВС невуцтва .
Індуісцкай / sudratvaOBC ( 20Cr ) АНТЫ Congresswave > 10CR
капіталістычнага (прамысловасць ) Храм і матавы Свамиджи Beaurocrate (
manuvadis0.Another хваля пад зямлёй працуюць супраць ANTI браніравання (
RSS) -адпраўніка цэнтр Upasak Вішнёў 918880994580Message : 919014000512
Калі ўсё Fradulent адладкавыя модулі замяняюцца падробак іх BSP будзе адзінай надзеяй і альтэрнатыва набыць MASTER KEY
Ганаровы старшыня Вярхоўнага суда
Вярхоўны суд Індыі
Тилак Марг ,
Нью -Дэлі - 110001 ( Індыя )
АТС NOS.23388922 -24 ,23388942-44 ,
FAX NOS.23381508 , 23.381.584,23384336 / 23384533/23384447
было прапанавана адмовіцца ад 2014 Лок Сабха , які праходзіў парадак
ўводу новых VVAT машыны для галасавання ў выкарыстанні ў ” паэтапна ” ,
што мімаволі ўхіляўся свой доўг і здзейсніў сур’ёзную памылку
меркаванні , што нанесла смяротны ўдар па індыйскай дэмакратыі ў цэлым і
я касты і мой іншы ST . Дог , Меншасці і бедных вышэйшай касты brothern
у прыватнасці . Зараз у RSS- БДП Нарендра Модзі дазволена стаць прэм’ер
-міністрам на 2014/05/26 з гэтым fradulent EVMS . Варта былі замоўленыя
, што да апошняга часу гэтая новая набор каля 1300000 машын для
галасавання выраблена ў поўным аб’ёме і так разгорнутыя па ўсёй Індыі ,
сістэма выбарчы бюлетэнь павінен быў быць дастаўлены ў паўторна правесці
выбары. А таксама прыняць меры па RSss г- Мохан Bagawath , брамінаў ,
які кажа , што не павінна быць любая агаворка аснове кастаў якая
выступае супраць канстытуцыйнага становішча для SC / СЦ ЦВК г- н.
Sampath , брамінаў адказнага за пытанне EVMS быць заменены у
растэрміноўку створаны EVM Мацаванне і г- н Нарендра Модзі , хто парушыў
усе Шылы непрыдатны аспрэчыць любыя выбары. Ён быў адказным за
забойства вялікай колькасці людзей у 2002 Гуджарат беспарадкаў , як
… не раскрываючы яго касту прэтэндуючы на назад каста хоць ён
з’яўляецца Baniya ( ж касты , як г -н Гандзі ) . Ён здушыў той факт ,
што ён быў жанаты і стаў галоўны міністр штата Гуджарат , ён правёў
велізарную колькасць для сваёй перадвыбарнай campaign.These трох чалавек
, таму што ад іх касты фоне распрацавана нянавісць , гнеў ,
нецярпімасць , раздражненне , зрушэння , дамінуючая стаўленне , памылкі
да Сарва Samaj г.зн. усё грамадства ў цэлым і SC / СН і мусульман , якія
перайшлі ад SC / Зб ў цэлым. Гэта не што іншае , апаганьваньня розуму ,
які павінен псіхічнае лячэнне ў псіхіятрычную бальніцу. Не ў якасці
прэм’ер - міністра ці ЦВК або ў якіх-небудзь гвалтоўных стэлс Cult
рэзервуючы іх пад недатыкальнасць і АПА , SC / Закон ST, Закон аб
папярэджанні злачынстваў .
DR . Ashok Siddhrth M.L.C. ( UP )
Koordinator , Karnataka , Tamilnadu & Pondicherry država
Marasandra Muniyappa
Bivši Karnataka State predsjednik BSP će biti Central članica i Komisije
Koordinator , Karnataka ,
N.Mahesh je newpresident u Karnataka BSP . Možemo donijeti areal
društvene transformacije ? Bolje nego nikad . Jai Bheem , gospodine .
Sender : Kodanram - +919845087001
Također postavljati na Facebook-u
Postavljanje kao Jagatheesan Chandrasekharan (Promjena )
Jagatheesan Chandrasekharan · Novi engleski srednje škole , Mahal , nagpur
21 ) Klasična English
Uspjeh izbora zavisi MEDIA FM TV coverd > 25 cr . Investicija
oglas ( 5000cr0100 sangh +2 CR RSSfmlyvote glasova , OBC neznanja .
Hindu / sudratvaOBC ( 20cr ) ANTI Congresswave > 10cr kapitalistički (
industrije ) Hram i mat Swamiji Beaurocrate ( manuvadis0.Another val
pod zemljom rada protiv ANTI rezervacije ( RSS ) - Sender Upasak Vishnu
918880994580Message centra : 919014000512
Ako sve Fradulent evms su zamijenjeni sa Vibro one dokaz BSP će biti jedina nada i alternativa steći glavni ključ
Poštovani Vrhovnog suda
Vrhovni sud u Indiji
Tilak Marg ,
New Delhi - 110 001 ( Indija )
PABX NOS.23388922 -24 ,23388942-44 ,
FAX NOS.23381508 , 23381584,23384336 / 23384533/23384447
je zatražio da se otpadni LOK Sabha 2014 koje su prošle redoslijed
stavljanja novih VVAT glasanja mašine u upotrebi u ” postepeno ” , koja
je nesvjesno uzdržavale svoje dužnosti i počinili tešku grešku presude
koje je zadao fatalni udarac Indian demokratije uopšte i mi Planirano
Kasta i moje druge ST . OBCs , manjine i siromašne gornje kaste brothern
posebno . Sada RSS -a BJP je Narendra Modi je dozvoljeno da postane
premijer na 26-05-2014 sa ovim fradulent evms . Trebalo je naređeno , da
do put ove novije skup o 1300000 glasanja mašine je proizveden u
potpunosti i tako raspoređeni širom Indije , sistem rada glasanjem
trebao biti doveden da ponovno provesti izbore . I također poduzeti
mjere RSSS g Mohan Bagawath , Bramin koji kaže da ne bi trebalo biti
nikakvih rezervacije na osnovu kaste koja je protiv Ustavnog odredbe za
SC / STS CIK gospodina . Sampath , Bramin odgovoran za traži evms biti
zamijenjen u ratama stvorio EVM Učvršćivanje i gospodina Narendra Modi
koji je prekršio sve Silas je nesposoban da ospori bilo izbora . Bio je
odgovoran za ubijanje velikog broja ljudskih bića u 2002 Gujarat nereda ,
… se ne otkrivajući svoju kastu , a tvrdi da je unazad kasta iako je
Baniya ( iste kaste kao gospodin Gandhi ) . On je potisnuo činjenicu da
je oženjen i postao glavni ministar Gujarat , proveo je ogroman iznos za
njegov izbor campaign.These tri osobe zbog njihove kaste pozadini
razvili mržnju , bijes , netolerancija , iritacije , predrasuda ,
dominirao odnos , obmana prema Sarva Šamaj odnosno , sva društva u
cjelini i SC / STS i Muslimana koji su pretvorena iz SC / STS općenito .
To nije ništa drugo nego prljanje uma koji treba mentalnog liječenja u
mentalnim azila . Ne kao premijer ili CIK ili na bilo nasilnih stealth
Cult Rezervirajte ih pod nedodirljivosti i POA , na SC / ST Zakona ,
sprečavanje zločina Zakona .
Marasandra Muniyappa Бившият щата Карнатака президент на БСП ще бъде в централния комитет на държавите и Координатор , Карнатака ,
е newpresident на Карнатака БСП . Можем ли да донесе ареал социална
трансформация ? По-добре , отколкото никога . Jai Bheem , сър . Подател:
Kodanram - +919845087001
Tehelka.com Също публикувате в Facebook Публикуване като Jagatheesan Chandrasekharan ( Change) Jagatheesan Chandrasekharan · New Английска Езикова Гимназия , Махал , Нагпур
21 ) Classical English
УСПЕХ на изборите , зависи от средата FM TV обрасли > 25 кр. Инвестициите за ОБЯВАТА (гласуване 5000cr0100 sangh +2 кр RSSfmlyvote , OBC невежество. Hindu / sudratvaOBC ( 20cr ) ANTI Congresswave > 10cr КАПИТАЛИЗМА ( индустрия ) Temple и матов Свамиджи Beaurocrate ( manuvadis0.Another вълна е под сериозна работа срещу ANTI резервация ( RSS )- Sender Upasak Вишну 918880994580Message център: 919 014 000 512
Ако всички Fradulent EVMS се заменя със защитен срещу фалшифициране такива БСП ще бъде единствената надежда и алтернативата да придобие MASTER KEY
Почетен председател на Върховния съд Върховният съд на Индия Тилак Marg , New Delhi -110 001 (Индия ) PABX NOS.23388922 -24 ,23388942-44 , NOS.23381508 FAX , 23381584,23384336 / 23384533/23384447 supremecourt@nic.in
бе поискано да скрап 2014 Лок Сабха , който премина по реда на пускането на нови машини VVAT глас в използване в ” поетапно ” , че е несъзнателно shirked задължението си и е допуснал сериозна грешка на съдебно решение
, че нанесе фатален удар на индийската демокрация като цяло и ми
Предвидена кастовата и другата ми ST. OBCs , малцинства и бедни горна
каста brothern в частност. Сега RSS е BJP на Нарендра Моди е позволено
да стане министър-председателя на 26-05-2014 с тази fradulent EVMS . Той е трябвало да бъде осъдена , че до момента тази нова група от около 1300000 за гласуване се произвежда изцяло и така разположена на територията на Индия , бюлетината система хартия е трябвало да се внася с цел повторно провеждане на изборите. И също така да предприеме действия по RSSS г-н Мохан Bagawath , брамин , който казва, че не би трябвало да бъде всяка резерва, въз основа на касти , която е против конституционна разпоредба за SC / STS CEC г-н . Sampath
, брамин , отговорен за задаване EVMS да бъдат заменени на вноски
създаден EVM Ремонт и г-н Нарендра Моди , който е нарушил всички Сила е
негоден да оспори изборите . Той е отговорен за убийството на голям брой
човешки същества в 2002 Гуджарат бунтове , тъй като http://go.microsoft.com/fwlin … не разкрива неговата каста , а твърди, че е изостанала каста въпреки че той е Baniya (същата каста , както г-н Ганди ) . Той потиска факта, че той е женен и се превърна в главния министър на Гуджарат , Той прекарва огромна сума за предизборната си campaign.These трима души , защото на тяхната каста фон разработен омраза , гняв, нетърпимост , раздразнение , пристрастия , доминиращата нагласа , заблуда
към Sarva Самадж т.е. всички общества като цяло и SC / STS и мюсюлмани,
които се превръщат от SC / STS като цяло. Това не е нищо , но
оскверняване на ума , че се нуждае от психическо лечение в областта на
психичното убежище. Не е като министър-председател или CEC или по някакъв насилствен стелт Cult от тях резервация под недосегаемост и POA , НС / закон ST, Закона за предотвратяване на жестокости .
PUBLISH. Please send a copy to awakenmedia.prabandhak@gmail.com chandrasekhara.tipitaka@gmail.com Visit: http://sarvajan.ambedkar.org
DR. Ashok Siddhrth M.L.C. (UP) Co-ordinator, Karnataka, Tamilnadu & Pondicherry State
Marasandra Muniyappa Former Karnataka State President BSP will be Central Committee Member and Co-ordinator, Karnataka,
is the newpresident of Karnataka BSP. Can we bring areal social
transformation?Better than never. Jai Bheem , sir. Sender:
Jagatheesan Chandrasekharan · New english high school, mahal ,nagpur21) Classical English
SUCCESS of election DEPENDS on
MEDIA FM TV coverd > 25 cr. Investment to advert(5000cr0100 sangh+2cr
RSSfmlyvote vote, OBC ignorance. Hindu/sudratvaOBC(20cr)
ANTI Congresswave>10cr CAPITALIST(Industry) Temple and matt swamiji
Beaurocrate(manuvadis0.Another wave is under ground work against ANTI
reservation(RSS)-Sender Upasak Vishnu 918880994580Message
If all the Fradulent EVMs are replaced
with tamper proof ones BSP will be the only hope and alternative to
acquire the MASTER KEY
Honourable Chief Justice Supreme Court of India Tilak Marg, New Delhi-110 001 (India) PABX NOS.23388922-24,23388942-4
was requested to SCRAP the 2014 LOK SABHA which passed the order of
putting new VVAT voting machines in use in a “phased manner”, that has
unwittingly shirked its duty and committed a grave error of judgment
that dealt a fatal blow to Indian democracy in general and me a
Scheduled Caste and my other ST. OBCs, Minorities and poor upper caste
brothern in particular. Now RSS’s BJP’s Narendra Modi is allowed to
become the PRIME MINISTER on 26-05-2014 with this fradulent EVMs. It
should have been ordered, that till the time this newer set of about
1300000 voting machines is manufactured in full and so deployed
throughout India, ballot paper system should have been brought in to re
conduct the elections. And also take action on RSSs Mr. Mohan Bagawath, a
brahmin who says there should not be any reservation on the basis of
castes which is against Constitutional provision for SC/STs CEC Mr.
.Sampath, a brahmin responsible for asking EVMs to be replaced in
instalments created EVM Fixing and Mr. Narendra Modi who has violated
all silas is unfit to contest any elections. He was responsible for
killing large number of human beings in 2002 Gujarat riots, as http://go.microsoft.com/
is not revealing his caste while claiming to be a Backward caste though
he is a Baniya(same caste as Mr. Gandhi). He suppressed the fact that
he was married and became the Chief Minister of Gujarat, He spent huge
amount for his election campaign.These three persons because of their
caste background developed hatred, anger, intolerance, irritation, bias,
dominating attitude, delusion towards Sarva samaj i.e., all societies
in general and SC/STs and Muslims who converted from SC/STs in general.
This is nothing but defilement of the mind that needs mental treatment
in mental asylum. Not as Prime Minister or CEC or in any violent stealth
Cult by booking them under Untouchability and POA, the SC/ST Act, the
Prevention of Atrocities Act.
is versoek om die 2014 Lok Sabha wat aan die orde van die plaas van nuwe VVAT stem masjiene in gebruik in ‘n ” gefaseerde wyse ” geslaag te skaf , wat onwetend shirked sy plig en verbind ‘n graf oordeelsfout wat behandel
‘n fatale terugslag vir die Indiese demokrasie in die algemeen en vir
my ‘n geskeduleerde Caste en my ander ST. OBCs , Minderhede en swak
boonste kaste brothern in die besonder. Nou RSS se BJP se Narendra Modi
toegelaat te word die Eerste Minister op 26-05-2014 met hierdie
fradulent evms . Dit moet bestel het , wat tot die tyd hierdie nuwe stel van ongeveer 1300000 stem masjiene is ten volle vervaardig en so ontplooi in Indië , moet stembrief stelsel in gebring gewees het om weer te voer die verkiesings. En ook optrede op RSSs mnr Mohan Bagawath , ‘n Brahmaan wat sê daar moet geen bespreking op die basis van kaste wat teen die grondwetlike bepaling vir SC / ste CEC mnr . Sampath , ‘n Brahmaan verantwoordelik vir
vra evms te word vervang in paaiemente geskep EVM Bevestiging en mnr
Narendra Modi wat geskend het al Silas ongeskik enige verkiesings deel
te neem . Hy was verantwoordelik vir die moord op ‘n groot aantal mense
in 2002 Gujarat opstande , soos http://go.microsoft.com/fwlin … is dit nie die onthulling van sy kaste terwyl beweer ‘n agterlike kaste te wees , al is hy ‘n Baniya ( dieselfde kaste soos mnr Gandhi ) . Hy onderdruk die feit dat hy getroud was en het die Chief Minister van Gujarat, Hy het groot bedrag vir sy verkiesing campaign.These drie persone as gevolg van hul kaste agtergrond ontwikkel haat, woede , onverdraagsaamheid , irritasie , vooroordeel, dominerende houding, dwaling
teenoor Sarva Samaj dit wil sê, alle samelewings in die algemeen en SC /
ste en Moslems wat van SC / ste omskep in die algemeen. Dit is niks
anders as ‘ n besoedeling van die gedagte dat die geestelike behandeling
in geestelike asiel nodig het. Nie as Eerste Minister of CEC of in enige gewelddadige stilletjies Cult deur die bespreking van hulle onder untouchability en POA , die SC / ST Wet op die Voorkoming Gruweldade Wet .
Nëse të gjitha EVMS Fradulent janë zëvendësuar me të ngacmoj prova BSP
do të jetë e vetmja shpresë dhe alternativë për të marrë çelësi kryesor
I nderuar Shefi i Drejtësisë Gjykata e Lartë e Indisë Tilak Marg , New Delhi - 110 001 ( Indi ) PABX NOS.23388922 -24 ,23388942-44 , NOS.23381508 FAX , 23381584,23384336 / 23384533/23384447 supremecourt@nic.in
kërkuar për skrap 2014 Lok Sabha e cila kaloi rendin e vënë makinat e
reja të votimit VVAT në përdorim në një ” faza ” , që ka shirked
padashur detyrën e saj dhe kryen një gabim të rëndë të gjykimit që dha
një goditje fatale për demokracinë indiane në përgjithësi dhe me një kastë të Caktuar dhe ST mia të tjera . OBCs , Minoriteteve dhe brothern varfër kastë e sipërme në mënyrë të veçantë . Tani RSS -së BJP e Narendra Modi është e lejuar të bëhetKRYEMINISTRI më 26-05-2014 me këtë EVMS fradulent . Ajo
duhet të ishte urdhëruar , që deri në atë kohë ky grup më të reja nga
rreth 1300000 makinave të votimit është prodhuar në mënyrë të plotë dhe
në mënyrë të vendosur në të gjithë Indinë , sistemi i votimit letër
duhet të ishin sjellë në të ri të kryer zgjedhjet . Dhe
gjithashtu të ndërmarrin veprime në RSSs z Mohan Bagawath , një Brahmin
i cili thotë se nuk duhet të ketë çdo rezervë në bazë të kastave që
është kundër dispozitës Kushtetuese për SC / STS i KQZ-së z . Sampath ,
një Brahmin përgjegjës për të kërkuar EVMS të zëvendësohet në
këste krijuar EVM fiksimin dhe Z. Narendra Modi i cili i ka shkelur të
gjitha Silën është i papërshtatshëm për të kundërshtuar ndonjë zgjedhje . Ai ishte përgjegjës për vrasjen e numër të madh të qenieve njerëzore në 2002 trazirave Gujarat , si http://go.microsoft.com/fwlin
… nuk është zbuluar kastë e tij duke pretenduar të jetë një kastë
kthehu mbrapa edhe pse ai është një Baniya ( njëjta kastë si z Gandhi ) . Ai
shtypur faktin se ai u martua dhe u bëministri Shefi i Gujarat , Ai
kaloi sasi të madhe për campaign.These tij zgjedhore tre persona për
shkak të përkatësisë së tyre kastë zhvilluar urrejtje, zemërim ,
intolerancën , acarim , paragjykim, qëndrimin dominues , mashtrim ndaj
Sarva samaj pra , të gjitha shoqëritë në përgjithësi dhe të KS / STS dhe muslimanëve të cilët u kthyen nga KS / STS në përgjithësi . Kjo nuk është tjetër vetëm prishje të mendjes që ka nevojë për trajtim mendor në azil mendore . Jo
si kryeministër apo KQZ-së ose në ndonjë Kult dhunshme vjedhurazi nga
rezervimin e tyre nën Untouchability dhe POA ,SC / ST Akti ,parandalimin
e mizorive të Aktit .
Hold on, this is waiting to be approved by elheddaf.
5 ) اللغة العربية الفصحى
إذا تم استبدال جميع EVMS Fradulent بأخرى تزوير BSP سيكون الأمل والبديلة للحصول على KEY MASTER فقط
معالي رئيس المحكمة العليا المحكمة العليا في الهند تيلاك المرج، نيودلهي -110 001 (الهند ) PABX NOS.23388922 -24 ،23388942-44 ، NOS.23381508 FAX، 23381584،23384336 / 23384533/23384447 supremecourt@nic.in
وطلب لالغاء 2014 لوك سابها التي مرت ترتيب وضع الاجهزة الجديدة VVAT التصويت في استخدامها في ” مراحل ” ، التي تتهرب من دون قصد واجبها و ارتكب خطأ فادحا
من الحكم الذي وجهت ضربة قاتلة للديمقراطية الهندية في عام و لي الطوائف
المنبوذة وبلدي وغيرها ST . OBCS والأقليات و الفقراء brothern الطائفة
العلوية بشكل خاص. الآن يتم السماح RSS ل حزب بهاراتيا جاناتا نارندرا مودي
ليصبح رئيسا للوزراء في 26-05-2014 مع هذا EVMS fradulent . كان ينبغي أن يكون أمر بذلك ، وهذا حتى ذلك الوقت يتم تصنيعها هذه المجموعة الأحدث من حوالي 1300000 آلات التصويت في كامل و نشر ذلك في جميع أنحاء الهند ، يجب أن يمثل النظام ورقة الاقتراع في إعادة إجراء الانتخابات. و أيضا اتخاذ إجراء بشأن RSSS السيد موهان Bagawath ، وهي براهمة الذي يقول لا ينبغي أن يكون هناك أي تحفظ على أساس الطبقات التي هي ضد الحكم الدستوري ل SC / المنبوذة CEC السيد . سامباث ، وهي مسؤولة عن براهمة يسأل EVMS لتحل
محلها على أقساط خلق EVM إصلاح والسيد نارندرا مودي الذي انتهك كل سيلاس
لا تصلح لخوض أي انتخابات . كان مسؤولا عن قتل عدد كبير من البشر في عام
2002 أعمال شغب غوجارات ، و http://go.microsoft.com/fwlin … لا تكشف عن طبقته في حين يدعي أنه الطائفة الخلف على الرغم من انه هو Baniya (نفس الطبقات كما قال السيد غاندي ) . انه قمع حقيقة أنه كان متزوجا ، وأصبح رئيس وزراء ولاية غوجارات، وقضى مبلغ ضخم ل campaign.These انتخابه ثلاثة أشخاص بسبب الخلفية الطبقية التي وضعت الكراهية ، والغضب ، والتعصب ، وتهيج ، والتحيز ، والموقف السائد ، وهم نحو
سارفا ساماج أي جميع المجتمعات بشكل عام و SC / المنبوذة والمسلمين الذين
تحولوا من SC / المنبوذة بشكل عام. هذه ليست سوى هتك العرض من العقل الذي
يحتاج إلى علاج النفسية في اللجوء العقلية. لا منصب رئيس الوزراء أو لجنة الانتخابات المركزية أو في أي عبادة الشبح العنيف عن طريق الحجز عليها بموجب النبذ و عند توقيع الطلب ، و SC / ST قانون ، قانون منع الفظائع .
Եթե բոլոր Fradulent evms անունով փոխարինվում են դրդել ապացույց են BSP կլինի միակ հույսն ու այլընտրանք է ձեռք բերել տերը բանալին
Պատվավոր Chief Justice Գերագույն դատարանը Հնդկաստանի Tilak Marg , New Delhi -110 001 ( Հնդկաստան) PABX NOS.23388922 -24 ,23388942-44 , FAX NOS.23381508 , 23381584,23384336 / 23384533/23384447 supremecourt@nic.in
- ին խնդրել է գրություն 2014 Լոկ Սաբհայի եւ անցել կարգը դնելու նոր VVAT քվեարկության մեքենաներ օգտագործելու է « փուլային ձեւով », որը ակամա պատրիարքը խուսափողական է իր պարտքը եւ կատարել է ծանր սխալ դատաստանի , որը զբաղվում է ճակատագրական հարված Հնդկաստանի ժողովրդավարության ընդհանրապես
եւ ինձ Պլանավորված կաստայի եւ իմ մյուս ST. OBCs , փոքրամասնությունների
եւ աղքատ վերին կաստա BrotherN մասնավորապես. Այժմ RSS -ի ՀԱՂԹԵԼՈՒ ի
Narendra Modi թույլատրվում է դառնալ վարչապետին է 26-05-2014 այս
fradulent evms անունով. Այն պետք է հրամայել, որ մինչեւ անգամ ավելի փաթեթը շուրջ 1300000 քվեարկության մեքենաների արտադրվում է ամբողջությամբ եւ տեղակայված են Հնդկաստանի, քվեաթերթիկը համակարգը պետք է բերում կրկին անցկացնել ընտրությունները. Եվ նաեւ քայլեր ձեռնարկել է RSSs պարոն Mohan Bagawath , մի հնդիկ քուրմ , ով ասում է, որ չպետք է լինի որեւէ վերապահման հիման վրա castes , որը դեմ է սահմանադրական դրույթի համար SC / STS ԿԸՀ նախագահ . Sampath , մի հնդիկ քուրմ պատասխանատու խնդրելով evms անունով է փոխարինել մարումներով ստեղծվել EVM շտկելու եւ պարոն Narendra Modi , ով խախտել է բոլոր Շիղայի որը
պիտանի է վիճարկել ցանկացած ընտրություններ. Նա պատասխանատու է սպանության
մեծ թվով մարդկանց `2002 Gujarat անկարգությունների , ինչպես նաեւ http://go.microsoft.com/fwlin … Չէ, բացահայտելով իր կաստա , երբ պնդում է մի հետամնաց կաստա , թեեւ նա մի Baniya ( նույնը, կաստա , ինչպես պարոն Գանդին ). Նա ճնշել է այն փաստը , որ նա ամուսնացած էր եւ դարձավ գլխավոր նախարար Gujarat , նա անցկացրել է հսկայական իր նախընտրական արշավի երեք անձանց , քանի որ իրենց կաստայական հետին պլան մշակել, ատելություն, զայրույթ, անհանդուրժողականություն , գրգռում, կողմնակալության, գերիշխող վերաբերմունքը մոլորություն է Sarva Samaj այսինքն , բոլոր հասարակությունները ընդհանրապես եւ SC / ԿԳ - ների եւ մահմեդականների
, ովքեր կրոնափոխ են SC / ԿԳ - ների ընդհանրապես. Սա ոչ այլ ինչ է
կեղտոտում է հիշել, որ անհրաժեշտ է հոգեկան բուժում հոգեկան ապաստան. Ոչ, քանի որ վարչապետի կամ ԿԸՀ - կամ ցանկացած բռնի գաղտագողի պաշտամունք է ամրագրում նրանց տակ Untouchability եւ ԳԾ է, SC / ST ակտի, կանխարգելման վայրագությունների Ակտ.
Bütün Fradulent EVMs qoya sübut yeniləri ilə əvəz olunur , əgər BSP yalnız ümid və MASTER KEY əldə alternativ olacaq
Hörmətli Baş Ədliyyə Hindistan Ali Məhkəməsi Tilak Marg, New Delhi -110 001 (India) PABX NOS.23388922 -24 ,23388942 -44 , FAX NOS.23381508 , 23381584,23384336 / 23384533/23384447 supremecourt@nic.in
a ” mərhələli şəkildə ” istifadə yeni VVAT səsvermə maşın verilməsi qaydası keçən 2014 LOK Sabha dəmir-dümür tələb edildi ki, unwittingly vəzifəsini shirked və ümumiyyətlə Hindistan demokratiyaya ölümcül zərbə məşğul
ki, qərarın ağır səhv törətmiş və mənə bir Planlı Qəsd və digər ST.
OBCs , azlıqlar və xüsusilə yoxsul yuxarı qəsd brothern . İndi RSS nin
BJP nin Narendra Modi bu fradulent EVMs ilə 26-05-2014 Baş nazir olmaq
üçün icazə verilir. Bu vaxta qədər haqqında 1300000 səsvermə maşın bu yeni set tam istehsal olunur ki, sifariş və Hindistan ərzində səfərbər olmalı, seçki bülletenində sistemi yenidən seçkilərin keçirilməsi üçün cəlb olmalıdır . Həmçinin RSSs cənab Mohan Bagawath , SC / STS MSK cənab . Sampath əvəz edilməsi EVMs xahiş məsul bir Brahmin üçün Konstitusiya təminatı qarşı olan castes əsasında hər hansı bir şərt ola bilməz deyən bir Brahmin hərəkətə
keçməsi hissələrlə EVM təyinatı yaradılmış və bütün Sila pozulmuş edən
cənab Narendra Modi hər hansı bir seçki etiraz yararsızdır. O, 2002-ci
il Qucarat qiyamları insan sayda həlak üçün məsuliyyət kimi o Baniya ( cənab Qandi kimi eyni kasta ) olsa bir Geriye kasta olduğunu iddia edən isə http://go.microsoft.com/fwlin … onun qəsd aşkar deyil. O evli ki yatırıldı və Gujarat Baş naziri , O, onların kasta fon onun seçki campaign.These üç nəfər üçün böyük məbləğ sərf oldu Sarva qarşı nifrət , hirs, dözümsüzlük , qıcıqlanma, bias , hökmran mövqe tutan münasibət,
aldanma inkişaf Samaj yəni , ümumi SC / STS olan konvertasiya olan
general və SC / STS və müsəlmanların bütün cəmiyyətlər . Bu ruhi
sığınacaq psixi müalicə lazımdır ki, ruh murdarlığından bir şey deyil.
Baş nazir və ya Mərkəzi Seçki Komissiyası və ya toxunulmazlığı və Poa altında sifariş hər hansı bir zorakı gizli Cult , bu SC / ST Aktı , vəhşiliklər Qanununun .
7) Classical Azerbaijani
all the Fradulent EVMs are replaced with tamper proof ones BSP will be
the only hope and alternative to acquire the MASTER KEY
Honourable Chief Justice Supreme Court of India Tilak Marg, New Delhi-110 001 (India) PABX NOS.23388922-24,23388942-44, FAX NOS.23381508,23381584,23384336/23384533/23384447 supremecourt@nic.in
requested to SCRAP the 2014 LOK SABHA which passed the order of putting
new VVAT voting machines in use in a “phased manner”, that has
unwittingly shirked its duty and committed a grave error of judgment
that dealt a fatal blow to Indian democracy in general and me a
Scheduled Caste and my other ST. OBCs, Minorities and poor upper caste
brothern in particular. Now RSS’s BJP’s Narendra Modi is allowed to
become the PRIME MINISTER on 26-05-2014 with this fradulent EVMs. It
should have been ordered, that till the time this newer set of about
1300000 voting machines is manufactured in full and so deployed
throughout India, ballot paper system should have been brought in to re
conduct the elections. And also take action on RSSs Mr. Mohan Bagawath, a
brahmin who says there should not be any reservation on the basis of
castes which is against Constitutional provision for SC/STs CEC Mr.
.Sampath, a brahmin responsible for asking EVMs to be replaced in
instalments created EVM Fixing and Mr. Narendra Modi who has violated
all silas is unfit to contest any elections. He was responsible for
killing large number of human beings in 2002 Gujarat riots, as http://go.microsoft.com/fwlin…
is not revealing his caste while claiming to be a Backward caste though
he is a Baniya(same caste as Mr. Gandhi). He suppressed the fact that
he was married and became the Chief Minister of Gujarat, He spent huge
amount for his election campaign.These three persons because of their
caste background developed hatred, anger, intolerance, irritation, bias,
dominating attitude, delusion towards Sarva samaj i.e., all societies
in general and SC/STs and Muslims who converted from SC/STs in general.
This is nothing but defilement of the mind that needs mental treatment
in mental asylum. Not as Prime Minister or CEC or in any violent stealth
Cult by booking them under Untouchability and POA, the SC/ST Act, the
Prevention of Atrocities Act.
Lord Buddha Trust
6:14 PM (17 hours ago)
to Vinaya, Khushilal, SAMAY, Jagdish, Christopher, alans, bhupali, bcc: me
Dear Dhamma Friends ,
Namo Buddhay & Krantikari JAI BHIM
LORD BUDDHA TRUST are organizing ( Awareness Campaign for rights thru Bhim Jagran) ”BHIM JAGRAN ” on 14 June 2014 at 9:00 Pm , 12/181-184 Block, chandramani boddh vihar kalyan puri ,Delhi ,you r invited for this program. we should your cooperation
for this program . your presence is must . pl. contribute your time,
monetarily, experience & etc.our Dhamma School ’s student will give
performance in this program . this type program is being first time in
Delhi . Please support us.
All Donations are under TAX Exemption income Tax Act Govt. of India Our Bank Detail : BANK: INDIAN BANK, ACCOUNT No: 985020038 BRANCH: SOUTH EXTENSSION PART 1, DELHI 110049 IFS CODE: IDIB000S032
Your comment on the article ‘’No Uttar Pradesh dalit MP in Modi cabinet'’ is now displayed on timesofindia.com.
RSS’s BJP’s Narendra Modi is allowed to become the PRIME MINISTER on
26-05-2014 with this fradulent EVMs. It should have been ordered, that
till the time this newer set of about 1300000 voting machines is
manufactured in full and so deployed throughout India, ballot paper
system should have been brought in to re conduct the elections. And also
take action on RSSs Mr. Mohan Bagawath, a brahmin who says there should
not be any reservation on the basis of castes which is against
Constitutional prhttp://sarvajan.ambedkar.org/blog_admin/wp-admin/post.php?action=edit&post=2695ovision for SC/STs CEC Mr. .Sampath, a brahmin
responsible for asking EVMs to be replaced in instalments created EVM
Fixing and Mr. Narendra Modi who has violated all silas is unfit to
contest any elections. He was responsible for killing large number of
human beings in 2002 Gujarat riots, as he is not revealing his caste
while claiming to be a Backward caste though he is a Baniya(same caste
as Mr. Gandhi). He suppressed the fact that he was married and became
the Chief Minister of Gujarat, He spent huge amount for his election
campaign.These three persons because of their caste background developed
hatred, anger, intolerance, irritation, bias, dominating attitude,
delusion towards Sarva samaj i.e., all societies in general and SC/STs
and Muslims who converted from SC/STs in general. This is nothing but
defilement of the mind that needs mental treatment in mental asylum. Not
as Prime Minister or CEC or in any violent stealth Cult by booking them
under Untouchability and POA, the SC/ST Act, the Prevention of
Atrocities Act.'’
To reply to this comment , or see the whole conversation, click here.
Anant Geete: Matriculation Pusapati Ashok Gajapati Raju: Matriculation Jual Oram: Diploma in Electrical Engineering Smriti Irani: BCom Part 1
Maneka Gandhi: ISC (The Indian School Certificate is the equivalent of Grade 12).
Harsimrat Kaur Badal: Diploma in Textile Design Ravi Shankar Prasad: MA, LLB Kalraj Mishra: MA Narendra Singh Tomar: BA Radha Mohan Singh: BA from MS College, Bihar University Gopinath Munde: BCom, BGL (Bachelor of General Law), from Yogeshwari University, New Law College, Pune Prime Minister Narendra Modi holds a Masters in Political Science from Gujarat University. Rajnath Singh: MSc in Physics Ananth Kumar: LLB Arun Jaitley: BCom, LLB Sushma Swaraj: BA, LLB D V Sadanana Gowda: LLB Nitin Gadkari: LLB M Venkaiah Naidu: LLB
Thawar Chand Gehlot: BA Ram Vilas Paswan: MA, LLB
Harsh Vardhan: MBBS, MS Najma Heptullah: MSc, and PhD in Cardiac Anatomy from
PUBLISH. Please send a copy to awakenmedia.prabandhak@gmail.com chandrasekhara.tipitaka@gmail.com Visit: http://sarvajan.ambedkar.org
DR. Ashok Siddhrth M.L.C. (UP) Co-ordinator, Karnataka, Tamilnadu & Pondicherry State
Marasandra Muniyappa Former Karnataka State President BSP will be Central Committee Member and Co-ordinator, Karnataka,
N.Mahesh is the newpresident of Karnataka BSP. Can we bring areal social transformation?Better than never. Jai Bheem , sir. Sender: Kodanram-+919845087001
SUCCESS of election DEPENDS on
MEDIA FM TV coverd > 25 cr. Investment to advert(5000cr0100 sangh+2cr
RSSfmlyvote vote, OBC ignorance. Hindu/sudratvaOBC(20cr)
ANTI Congresswave>10cr CAPITALIST(Industry) Temple and matt swamiji
Beaurocrate(manuvadis0.Another wave is under ground work against ANTI
reservation(RSS)-Sender Upasak Vishnu 918880994580Message
If all the Fradulent EVMs are replaced
with tamper proof ones BSP will be the only hope and alternative to
acquire the MASTER KEY
Honourable Chief Justice Supreme Court of India Tilak Marg, New Delhi-110 001 (India) PABX NOS.23388922-24,23388942-4
was requested to SCRAP the 2014 LOK SABHA which passed the order of
putting new VVAT voting machines in use in a “phased manner”, that has
unwittingly shirked its duty and committed a grave error of judgment
that dealt a fatal blow to Indian democracy in general and me a
Scheduled Caste and my other ST. OBCs, Minorities and poor upper caste
brothern in particular. Now RSS’s BJP’s Narendra Modi is allowed to
become the PRIME MINISTER on 26-05-2014 with this fradulent EVMs. It
should have been ordered, that till the time this newer set of about
1300000 voting machines is manufactured in full and so deployed
throughout India, ballot paper system should have been brought in to re
conduct the elections. And also take action on RSSs Mr. Mohan Bagawath, a
brahmin who says there should not be any reservation on the basis of
castes which is against Constitutional provision for SC/STs CEC Mr.
.Sampath, a brahmin responsible for asking EVMs to be replaced in
instalments created EVM Fixing and Mr. Narendra Modi who has violated
all silas is unfit to contest any elections. He was responsible for
killing large number of human beings in 2002 Gujarat riots, as http://go.microsoft.com/
is not revealing his caste while claiming to be a Backward caste though
he is a Baniya(same caste as Mr. Gandhi). He suppressed the fact that
he was married and became the Chief Minister of Gujarat, He spent huge
amount for his election campaign.These three persons because of their
caste background developed hatred, anger, intolerance, irritation, bias,
dominating attitude, delusion towards Sarva samaj i.e., all societies
in general and SC/STs and Muslims who converted from SC/STs in general.
This is nothing but defilement of the mind that needs mental treatment
in mental asylum. Not as Prime Minister or CEC or in any violent stealth
Cult by booking them under Untouchability and POA, the SC/ST Act, the
Prevention of Atrocities Act.
ST. অশোক Siddhrth M.L.C. ( ইউপি ) সমন্বয়ক , কর্ণাটক , তামিলনাডু ও পুদুচেরি রাজ্য
Marasandra স্বরাষ্ট্রমন্ত্রী মুনিয়াপ্পা সাবেক কর্ণাটক রাজ্য সভাপতি বিএসপি কেন্দ্রীয় কমিটির সদস্য ও হবে সমন্বয়ক , কর্ণাটক ,
কর্ণাটক বিএসপি এর newpresident হয় . আমরা Areal সামাজিক রূপান্তর আনতে
পারেন? কখনও তুলনায় উন্নত . জয় Bheem , স্যার . প্রেরকের : Kodanram -
নির্বাচনী সাফল্যের গণমাধ্যম এফএম টিভি মলাটে বাঁধান > 25 CR উপর নির্ভর করে. ( 5000cr0100 সংঘ +2 CR RSSfmlyvote ভোট , ওবিসি অজ্ঞতা বিজ্ঞাপন দিতে ইনভেস্টমেন্ট . হিন্দু / sudratvaOBC ( 20cr ) এন্টি Congresswave > 10cr capitalist ( ইন্ডাস্ট্রি ) মন্দির ও অনুজ্জ্বল Swamiji Beaurocrate ( manuvadis0.Another তরঙ্গ বিরোধী রিজার্ভেশন ( আরএসএস )- প্রেরকের বিরুদ্ধে স্থল কাজ অধীন হয় Upasak বিষ্ণু 918880994580Message কেন্দ্র : +919014000512
সব Fradulent ইভিএম অবৈধ প্রভাব বিস্তার প্রমাণ বেশী দিয়ে প্রতিস্থাপিত করা হয় বিএসপি একমাত্র আশা ও মাস্টার কী অর্জন বিকল্প হতে হবে
একটি ” বিকাশ পদ্ধতিতে ” ব্যবহারের নতুন VVAT ভোটিং মেশিন বসিয়ে আদেশ পাশ যা 2014 LOK সভা স্ক্র্যাপ অনুরোধ করা হয়েছিল , যে অনিচ্ছাকৃতভাবে তার দায়িত্ব shirked এবং সাধারণ ভারতীয় গণতন্ত্রের একটি মারাত্মক গাট্টা থাকেন
যে রায় একটি সমাধি ত্রুটি সংঘটিত হয়েছে এবং আমাকে একটি নির্ধারিত বর্ণ ও
আমার অন্যান্য AVE. বলেছি , সংখ্যালঘু এবং বিশেষ করে দরিদ্র উপরের বর্ণ
brothern . এখন আরএসএস এর বিজেপি এর নরেন্দ্র মোদি হয় এই fradulent ইভিএম দিয়ে 26-05-2014 প্রধানমন্ত্রী হয়ে অনুমতি দেওয়া . এটা সময় পর্যন্ত প্রায় 1300000 ভোটিং মেশিনে এই নতুন সেট পূর্ণ উত্পাদন করা হয় যে , আদেশ এবং যাতে ভারত জুড়ে মোতায়েন করা উচিত হয়েছে , ব্যালট পেপার সিস্টেম পুনরায় নির্বাচনের আচার আনা উচিত হয়েছে . এবং এছাড়াও ডলি জনাব নেভিগেশন ব্যবস্থা গ্রহণ মোহন Bagawath , এসসি / জনজাতিকে সিইসি জনাব জন্য সাংবিধানিক বিধান বিরুদ্ধে যা জাতি ভিত্তিতে কোনো রিজার্ভেশন আছে করা উচিত হবে না বলে যারা একটি ব্রাহ্মণ
. Sampath , কিস্তিতে প্রতিস্থাপন করা ইভিএম চাওয়ার জন্য দায়ী একটি
ব্রাহ্মণ ইভিএম স্থির এবং তৈরি জনাব সব Silas লঙ্ঘন যিনি নরেন্দ্র মোদি
কোনো নির্বাচনে প্রতিদ্বন্দিতা করার অনুপযুক্ত হয় . তিনি 2002 গুজরাট
দাঙ্গা মধ্যে মানুষের সংখ্যক প্রাণনাশ জন্য দায়ী হিসেবে তিনি একটি বানিয়া ( জনাব গান্ধী হিসাবে একই বর্ণ ) , যদিও একটি পিছিয়ে পড়া জাতি নিজেকে দাবি যখন http://go.microsoft.com/fwlin … তার বর্ণ প্রকাশক না হয়. তিনি বলেন, তিনি বিয়ে করেছিলেন যে চাপা ও গুজরাটের মুখ্যমন্ত্রী , তিনি কারণ তাদের বর্ণ পটভূমি তার নির্বাচনী campaign.These তিন ব্যক্তির জন্য বিপুল পরিমাণ ব্যয় ওঠে সর্ব প্রতি বিদ্বেষ , রাগ, অসহিষ্ণুতা , জ্বালা , পক্ষপাত
, জাহাঁবাজ মনোভাব , বিভ্রম উন্নত সমাজ অর্থাত্, সাধারণ এসসি / জনজাতিকে
থেকে রূপান্তরিত যারা সাধারণ এবং এসসি / জনজাতিকে ও মুসলমানদের মধ্যে সব
সমাজে . এই মানসিক এসাইলাম মধ্যে মানসিক চিকিত্সা প্রয়োজন যে মনের
অপবিত্রতা কিন্তু কিছুই. নেই প্রধানমন্ত্রী বা সিইসি হিসাবে অথবা অস্পৃশ্যতা এবং POA অধীনে তাদের বুকিং দ্বারা কোনো সহিংস চৌর্য অর্চনা মধ্যে , এসসি / এসটি আইন, নৃশংসতার আইনের প্রতিরোধ .
ST. અશોક Siddhrth M.L.C. ( યુપી ) સંકલનકાર, કર્ણાટક, તમિલનાડુ અને પોંડિચેરી રાજ્ય
Marasandra Muniyappa ભૂતપૂર્વ કર્ણાટક રાજ્ય પ્રમુખ બીએસપી સેન્ટ્રલ સમિતિ સભ્ય અને હશે સંકલનકાર, કર્ણાટક,
કર્ણાટક બીએસપી ના newpresident છે . અમે ક્ષેત્રીય સામાજિક પરિવર્તન
લાવવા કરી શકો છો? ક્યારેય કરતાં વધુ સારો. જય Bheem , સર. પ્રેષક :
Kodanram - +919845087001
ચૂંટણી સફળતા મીડિયા એફએમ ટીવી coverd > 25 કરોડ પર આધાર રાખે છે. ( 5000cr0100 સંઘ + 2 કરોડ RSSfmlyvote મત , ઓબીસી અજ્ઞાન જાહેરાત ઇન્વેસ્ટમેંટ . હિન્દૂ / sudratvaOBC ( 20cr ) પ્રતિ Congresswave > 10cr મૂડીવાદી ( ઉદ્યોગ) મંદિર અને મેટ સ્વામીજી Beaurocrate ( manuvadis0.Another તરંગ વિરોધી આરક્ષણ (આરએસએસ) - પ્રેષક સામે જમીન કામ હેઠળ છે Upasak વિષ્ણુ 918880994580Message કેન્દ્ર : +919014000512
તમામ Fradulent EVMs ગોલમાલ સાબિતી મુદ્દાઓ સાથે બદલી રહ્યા હોય બીએસપી માત્ર એક જ આશા અને તમામ મુખ્ય હસ્તગત વિકલ્પ હશે
ઓનરેબલ મુખ્ય ન્યાયાધીશ ભારત સુપ્રીમ કોર્ટ તિલક માર્ગ, નવી દિલ્હી -110 001 (ભારત) PABX આ NOS.23388922 -24 ,23388942-44 , ફેકસ NOS.23381508 , 23381584,23384336 / 23384533/23384447 supremecourt@nic.in
એક ” તબક્કાવાર રીતે ” વપરાશમાં નવી VVAT વોટિંગ મશીન મૂકવા ક્રમ પસાર જે 2014 લોકસભા સ્ક્રેપ વિનંતી કરવામાં આવી છે , કે અજાણતા તેના ફરજ shirked અને સામાન્ય રીતે ભારતીય લોકશાહી માટે જીવલેણ ઘા કાર્યવાહી કે ચુકાદો એક ગંભીર
ભૂલ કર્યાં અને મને અનુસુચિત અને મારા અન્ય AVE. OBCs , લઘુમતીઓ અને ખાસ
કરીને ગરીબ ઉચ્ચ જ્ઞાતિ brothern . હવે આરએસએસ માતાનો ભાજપના નરેન્દ્ર મોદી
છે આ fradulent EVMs સાથે 26-05-2014 પર વડાપ્રધાન બનવા માટે મંજૂરી આપી હતી. તે સમય સુધી વિશે 1300000 મતદાન મશીનો આ નવા સમૂહ સંપૂર્ણ ઉત્પાદન છે કે , આદેશ આપ્યો છે અને તેથી ભારતમાં તૈનાત કરવામાં આવી છે જોઇએ, મતદાન કાગળ સિસ્ટમ પુન: ચૂંટણી કરવા માટે લાવવામાં આવેલ હોવી જોઈએ. અને પણ RSSs શ્રી પર પગલાં લેવા મોહન Bagawath , એસસી / એસટીએસ સીઇસી શ્રી માટે બંધારણીય જોગવાઈ સામે છે, જે જાતિ
આધારે કોઈ આરક્ષણ ન હોવી જોઈએ જે કહે છે એક બ્રાહ્મણ . સંપત, હપતામાં
બદલાશે EVMs પૂછવા માટે જવાબદાર એક બ્રાહ્મણ EVM ફિક્સિંગ , ને ઉત્પન્ન
શ્રી બધા સિલાસ ઉલ્લંઘન કરનાર નરેન્દ્ર મોદી કોઈ પણ ચૂંટણી લડવા માટે
અયોગ્ય છે . તેમણે 2002 ગુજરાત હુલ્લડો માં મનુષ્ય મોટી સંખ્યામાં હત્યા
માટે જવાબદાર હતી તે એક વાણિયા ( શ્રી ગાંધી જ જાતિ ) છે છતાં એક પછાત જાતિ કરે તેનો દાવો કરતું જ્યારે http://go.microsoft.com/fwlin … તેમના જ્ઞાતિ છતી નથી. તેમણે લગ્ન કર્યા હતા એ હકીકત છે કે દબાવી અને ગુજરાતના મુખ્ય મંત્રી, તેમણે કારણ કે તેમના જ્ઞાતિ પૃષ્ઠભૂમિ તેમના ચૂંટણી campaign.These ત્રણ વ્યક્તિઓ માટે વિશાળ જથ્થો ખર્ચ્યા બની હતી સર્વ તરફ તિરસ્કાર , ગુસ્સો, અસહિષ્ણુતા
, ખંજવાળ , પૂર્વગ્રહ , પ્રભુત્વભરી વલણ , માયાનો વિકાસ સમાજ એટલે કે ,
સામાન્ય રીતે એસસી / એસટીએસ થી રૂપાંતરિત જે સામાન્ય અને એસસી / એસટીએસ અને
મુસ્લિમો તમામ સમાજો . આ માનસિક ય માનસિક સારવાર કરાવવાની કે મનની
મલિનતાને દૂર પરંતુ કંઈ નથી. નથી વડાપ્રધાન અથવા સીઇસી કે અસ્પૃશ્યતા અને પીઓએ હેઠળ તેમને બુકિંગ દ્વારા કોઈ પણ હિંસક સ્ટીલ્થ સંપ્રદાય માં, એસસી / એસટી એક્ટ , અત્યાચાર અધિનિયમ ધ પ્રિવેન્શન .
डॉ . अशोक Siddhrth M.L.C. (उत्तर प्रदेश ) समन्वयक , कर्नाटक , तमिलनाडु और पांडिचेरी राज्य
Marasandra मुनियप्पा कर्नाटक के पूर्व प्रदेश अध्यक्ष बसपा केंद्रीय समिति के सदस्य और होंगे समन्वयक , कर्नाटक ,
कर्नाटक बसपा के newpresident है . हम क्षेत्रीय सामाजिक परिवर्तन लाने के
लिए? आए दुरुस्त आए . जय Bheem , सर . प्रेषक: Kodanram - +919845087001
चुनाव की सफलता मीडिया एफएम टीवी coverd > 25 रुपए पर निर्भर करता है . ( 5000cr0100 संघ दो करोड़ RSSfmlyvote वोट , ओबीसी अज्ञान विज्ञापन पर निवेश . हिन्दू / sudratvaOBC ( 20cr ) विरोधी Congresswave > 10cr पूंजीवादी (उद्योग) मंदिर और मैट स्वामीजी Beaurocrate ( manuvadis0.Another लहर एंटी आरक्षण (आरएसएस ) प्रेषक के खिलाफ जमीनी काम के तहत है Upasak विष्णु 918880994580Message केंद्र: 919014000512
सभी Fradulent ईवीएम छेड़छाड़ प्रूफ लोगों के साथ प्रतिस्थापित कर रहे हैं , तो बसपा ही उम्मीद और मास्टर कुंजी प्राप्त करने के लिए वैकल्पिक होगी
माननीय मुख्य न्यायाधीश भारत के सुप्रीम कोर्ट तिलक मार्ग , नई दिल्ली 110 001 ( भारत ) PABX NOS.23388922 -24 ,23388942-44 , फैक्स NOS.23381508 , 23381584,23384336 / 23384533/23384447 supremecourt@nic.in
एक ” चरणबद्ध तरीके से ” में उपयोग में नई VVAT वोटिंग मशीनों लगाने का आदेश पारित कर दिया है, जो 2014 के लोकसभा स्क्रैप अनुरोध किया गया था , कि अनजाने अपने कर्तव्य shirked और सामान्य रूप में भारतीय लोकतंत्र के लिए एक
घातक झटका लगा कि फैसले की एक गंभीर त्रुटि के लिए प्रतिबद्ध है और मुझे
एक अनुसूचित जाति और मेरे अन्य अनुसूचित जनजाति . ओबीसी , अल्पसंख्यकों और
विशेष रूप से गरीब सवर्ण brothern . अब आरएसएस का भाजपा के नरेंद्र मोदी इस fradulent ईवीएम मशीनों के साथ 26-05-2014 को प्रधानमंत्री बनने के लिए अनुमति दी . यह समय तक के बारे में 1300000 वोटिंग मशीनों के इस नए सेट में पूर्ण निर्मित है , का आदेश दिया है और इसलिए भारत भर में तैनात किया जाना चाहिए था , मतपत्र प्रणाली फिर से चुनाव का संचालन करने में लाया जाना चाहिए था . और भी RSSs श्री पर कार्रवाई मोहन Bagawath , अनुसूचित जाति / अनुसूचित जनजाति सीईसी श्री के लिए संवैधानिक प्रावधान के खिलाफ है जो जाति के आधार पर कोई आरक्षण नहीं होना चाहिए जो कहते
हैं, एक ब्राह्मण . संपत , किश्तों में प्रतिस्थापित करने की ईवीएम पूछने
के लिए जिम्मेदार एक ब्राह्मण ईवीएम फिक्सिंग और बनाया श्री सभी सिलसिले का
उल्लंघन किया है , जो नरेंद्र मोदी को किसी भी चुनाव लड़ने के लिए अयोग्य
है . उन्होंने कहा कि 2002 के गुजरात दंगों में मनुष्य की बड़ी संख्या में
हत्या के लिए जिम्मेदार था के रूप में वह एक बनिया ( श्री गांधी के रूप में एक ही जाति ) है , हालांकि एक पिछड़ी जाति के होने का दावा करते हुए http://go.microsoft.com/fwlin … उसकी जाति का खुलासा नहीं किया गया है . उन्होंने कहा कि वह शादी कर रहा था कि इस तथ्य को दबा दिया और गुजरात के मुख्यमंत्री , वह क्योंकि उनकी जाति पृष्ठभूमि से अपने चुनाव campaign.These तीन व्यक्तियों के लिए बड़ी रकम खर्च हो गया सर्व के प्रति घृणा , क्रोध , असहिष्णुता , जलन , पूर्वाग्रह , हावी रवैया , भ्रम विकसित समाज यानी , सामान्य रूप में अनुसूचित जाति / जनजाति से परिवर्तित जो सामान्य और
अनुसूचित जाति / अनुसूचित जनजाति और मुसलमानों में सभी समाजों . इस
पागलखाने में मानसिक इलाज की जरूरत है कि मन की मलिनता लेकिन कुछ भी नहीं
है . न कि प्रधानमंत्री या मुख्य चुनाव आयुक्त के रूप में या अस्पृश्यता और पीओए के तहत उन्हें बुकिंग से किसी भी हिंसक चुपके पंथ में , अनुसूचित जाति / अनुसूचित जनजाति अधिनियम , अत्याचार निवारण अधिनियम के .
ಡಿಆರ್ . ಅಶೋಕ್ Siddhrth M.L.C. ( ಯುಪಿ ) ಸಂಘಟಕ , ಕರ್ನಾಟಕ , ತಮಿಳುನಾಡು ಮತ್ತು ಪಾಂಡಿಚೇರಿ ರಾಜ್ಯ
Marasandra ಮುನಿಯಪ್ಪ ಮಾಜಿ ಕರ್ನಾಟಕ ರಾಜ್ಯ ಅಧ್ಯಕ್ಷ ಬಿಎಸ್ಪಿ ಕೇಂದ್ರ ಸಮಿತಿಯ ಸದಸ್ಯ ಮತ್ತು ಇರುತ್ತದೆ ಸಂಘಟಕ , ಕರ್ನಾಟಕ ,
ಕರ್ನಾಟಕ ಬಿಎಸ್ಪಿ newpresident ಆಗಿದೆ . ನಾವು ವಿಭಾಗಗಳ ಸಾಮಾಜಿಕ ರೂಪಾಂತರ ತರಲು?
ಎಂದಿಗೂ ಉತ್ತಮ . ಜೈ ಭೀಮ್ , ಸರ್ . ಕಳುಹಿಸಿದವರ : Kodanram - +919845087001
ಚುನಾವಣೆಯಲ್ಲಿ ಯಶಸ್ಸು ಮಾಧ್ಯಮ ಎಫ್ಎಂ ಟಿವಿ coverd > 25 ಕೋಟಿ ಅವಲಂಬಿಸಿರುತ್ತದೆ . ( 5000cr0100 ಸಂಘ +2 ಸಿಆರ್ RSSfmlyvote ಮತ , ಒಬಿಸಿ ಅಜ್ಞಾನದ ಜಾಹೀರಾತಿನಲ್ಲಿ ಹೂಡಿಕೆ . ಹಿಂದೂ / sudratvaOBC ( 20cr ) ವಿರೋಧಿ Congresswave > 10cr ಬಂಡವಾಳಶಾಹಿ ( ಇಂಡಸ್ಟ್ರಿ ) ದೇವಾಲಯ ಮತ್ತು ಮ್ಯಾಟ್ ಸ್ವಾಮೀಜಿ Beaurocrate ( manuvadis0.Another ತರಂಗ ಮೀಸಲಾತಿ ವಿರೋಧಿ ( ಮೇ ) - ಕಳುಹಿಸಿದವರ ವಿರುದ್ಧ ತಳಪಾಯ ಹಂತದಲ್ಲಿದೆ Upasak ವಿಷ್ಣು 918880994580Message ಸೆಂಟರ್ : +919014000512
ಎಲ್ಲಾ ಮೋಸದ ಇ ವಿ ಎಂ ಗಳನ್ನು ತಿದ್ದುಪಡಿ ಬದಲಿಸಲಾಗುತ್ತದೆ ವೇಳೆ ಬಿಎಸ್ಪಿ ಮಾತ್ರ ಭರವಸೆ ಮತ್ತು ಮಾಸ್ಟರ್ ಕೀಲಿ ಪಡೆಯಲು ಪರ್ಯಾಯ ಇರುತ್ತದೆ
ಗೌರವಾನ್ವಿತ ಮುಖ್ಯ ನ್ಯಾಯಾಧಿಪತಿಯ ಭಾರತದ ಸರ್ವೋಚ್ಚ ನ್ಯಾಯಾಲಯ ತಿಲಕ್ ಮಾರ್ಗ್, ದಹಲಿ - 110 001 ( ಭಾರತ ) PABX NOS.23388922 -24 ,23388942-44 , ಫ್ಯಾಕ್ಸ್ NOS.23381508 , 23381584,23384336 / 23384533/23384447 supremecourt@nic.in
ಒಂದು ” ಇಳಿಕೆ ರೀತಿಯಲ್ಲಿ ” ಬಳಕೆಯಲ್ಲಿ ಹೊಸ VVAT ಮತದಾನ ಯಂತ್ರಗಳು ಹಾಕುವ ಸಲುವಾಗಿ ವಿಧಿಸಿದ 2014 ರ ಲೋಕಸಭಾ ವಿವಾದವೂ ವಿನಂತಿಸಿದ , ಎಂದು ಅರಿಯದೆ ತನ್ನ ಕರ್ತವ್ಯವನ್ನು shirked ಮತ್ತು ಭಾರತೀಯ ಪ್ರಜಾಪ್ರಭುತ್ವ ಮಾರಣಾಂತಿಕ ಹೊಡೆತವನ್ನು ವ್ಯವಹರಿಸುತ್ತಿದ್ದ
ತೀರ್ಪು ಒಂದು ಸಮಾಧಿ ದೋಷ ಬದ್ದವಾಗಿದೆ ಮತ್ತು ನನಗೆ ಒಂದು ಪರಿಶಿಷ್ಟ ಜಾತಿ ಮತ್ತು
ನನ್ನ ಇತರ ST . ಒಬಿಸಿ , ಅಲ್ಪಸಂಖ್ಯಾತರು ಮತ್ತು ನಿರ್ದಿಷ್ಟವಾಗಿ ಕಳಪೆ ಮೇಲ್ಜಾತಿಯ
brothern . ಈಗ ಆರೆಸ್ಸೆಸ್ ಬಿಜೆಪಿಯ ನರೇಂದ್ರ ಮೋದಿ ಆಗಿದೆ ಈ ಮೋಸದ ಇ ವಿ ಎಂ ಗಳನ್ನು ಜೊತೆ 26-05-2014 ರಂದು ಪ್ರಧಾನಿ ಆಗಲು ಅವಕಾಶ . ಇದು ತನಕ ಬಗ್ಗೆ 1300000 ಮತದಾನ ಯಂತ್ರಗಳ ಈ ಹೊಸ ಸೆಟ್ ಪೂರ್ಣ ತಯಾರಾಗುವ ವಸ್ತುಗಳಲ್ಲಿ , ಆದೇಶ ಮತ್ತು ಆದ್ದರಿಂದ ಭಾರತದಾದ್ಯಂತ ಬಳಕೆಯಾದರೆ ಮಾಡಬೇಕು , ಮತಪತ್ರವನ್ನು ವ್ಯವಸ್ಥೆಯ ಮರು ಚುನಾವಣೆ ನಡೆಯಬೇಕೆಂದು ತಂದು ನಡೆಯಬೇಕಾಗಿತ್ತು . ಮತ್ತು RSSs ಶ್ರೀ ಮೇಲೆ ಕ್ರಮ ತೆಗೆದುಕೊಳ್ಳಲು ಮೋಹನ್ Bagawath , ಎಸ್ಸಿ / ಪರಿಶಿಷ್ಟ CEC ಶ್ರೀ ಫಾರ್ ಸಂವಿಧಾನದ ನಿಬಂಧನೆ ವಿರುದ್ಧ ಇದು
ಜಾತಿ ಆಧಾರದ ಮೇಲೆ ಯಾವುದೇ ಮೀಸಲಾತಿ ಮಾಡಬಾರದು ಹೇಳುತ್ತಾರೆ ಒಬ್ಬ ಬ್ರಾಹ್ಮಣ .
ಸಂಪತ್ , ಕಂತುಗಳಲ್ಲಿ ಬದಲಿಗೆ ಇ ವಿ ಎಂ ಗಳನ್ನು ಕೇಳುವ ಕಾರಣವಾಗಿದೆ ಬ್ರಾಹ್ಮಣ ವಿ
ಎಂ ಫಿಕ್ಸಿಂಗ್ ಮತ್ತು ರಚಿಸಿದ ಶ್ರೀ ಎಲ್ಲಾ ಸಿಲಾಸ್ ಉಲ್ಲಂಘನೆ ಮಾಡಿದ ನರೇಂದ್ರ
ಮೋದಿ ಯಾವುದೇ ಚುನಾವಣೆಯಲ್ಲಿ ಸ್ಪರ್ಧಿಸಲು ಅನರ್ಹ ಆಗಿದೆ . ಅವರು , 2002 ರ
ಗುಜರಾತ್ ಹಿಂಸಾಚಾರದಲ್ಲಿ ಮಾನವರ ದೊಡ್ಡ ಸಂಖ್ಯೆಯ ಸಾವಿಗೆ ಕಾರಣವಾಗಿದೆ ಎಂದು ಅವರು ಬನಿಯಾ ( ಶ್ರೀ ಗಾಂಧಿ ಅದೇ ಜಾತಿ ) ಆದರೂ ಒಂದು ಹಿಂದುಳಿದ ಜಾತಿ ಎಂದು ಆರೋಪಿಸಿ ಸಂದರ್ಭದಲ್ಲಿ http://go.microsoft.com/fwlin … ತನ್ನ ಜಾತಿ ಬಹಿರಂಗ ಇಲ್ಲ . ಅವರು ಮದುವೆಯಾದ ವಾಸ್ತವವಾಗಿ ದಮನ ಮತ್ತು ಗುಜರಾತ್ ಮುಖ್ಯಮಂತ್ರಿ , ಅವರು ಏಕೆಂದರೆ ತಮ್ಮ ಜಾತಿ ಹಿನ್ನೆಲೆ ತನ್ನ ಚುನಾವಣೆಯಲ್ಲಿ campaign.These ಮೂರು ವ್ಯಕ್ತಿಗಳಿಗೆ ಬೃಹತ್ ಪ್ರಮಾಣದ ಖರ್ಚು ಆಯಿತು ಸರ್ವ ಕಡೆಗೆ ದ್ವೇಷ, ಕೋಪ , ಅಸಹಿಷ್ಣುತೆ , ಕೆರಳಿಕೆ , ಪಕ್ಷಪಾತ
, ಮೇಲುಗೈ ವರ್ತನೆ , ಭ್ರಾಂತಿ ಅಭಿವೃದ್ಧಿ ಸಮಾಜ ಅಂದರೆ , ಸಾಮಾನ್ಯವಾಗಿ ಎಸ್ಸಿ /
ಪರಿಶಿಷ್ಟ ರಿಂದ ಮತಾಂತರವಾದ ಸಾಮಾನ್ಯ ಮತ್ತು ಎಸ್ಸಿ / ಪರಿಶಿಷ್ಟ ಮತ್ತು ಮುಸ್ಲಿಮರು
ಎಲ್ಲಾ ಸಮಾಜಗಳು . ಈ ಮಾನಸಿಕ ಸ್ಥೈರ್ಯವನ್ನು ಮಾನಸಿಕ ಚಿಕಿತ್ಸೆಯ ಅಗತ್ಯವಿರುವ
ಮನಸ್ಸಿನ ಶೀಲಭಂಗ ಆದರೆ ಏನೂ. ಮಾಡಿರುವುದಿಲ್ಲ ಪ್ರಧಾನಿ ಅಥವಾ CEC ಅಥವಾ ಅಸ್ಪೃಶ್ಯತೆ ಮತ್ತು POA ಅಡಿಯಲ್ಲಿ ಅವುಗಳನ್ನು ಕಾಯ್ದಿರಿಸುವ ಮೂಲಕ ಯಾವುದೇ ಹಿಂಸಾತ್ಮಕ ರಹಸ್ಯ ಉಪಾಸನೆಯಲ್ಲಿ , ಪರಿಶಿಷ್ಟ ಜಾತಿ / ಆಕ್ಟ್ , ದೌರ್ಜನ್ಯ ತಡೆ ಕಾಯ್ದೆಯ .
विनामूल्य ऑनलाइन ई नालंदा संशोधन आणि सराव विद्यापीठ
प्रेमळ हा ” अपील ” अनुवाद
शास्त्रीय मातृभाषा आणि आपल्या ओळखीच्या इतर सर्व भाषा आणि
प्रकाशित करा. एक प्रत पाठवा awakenmedia.prabandhak @ gmail.com chandrasekhara.tipitaka @ gmail.com भेट द्या : http://
sarvajan.ambedkar.org डॉ . अशोक Siddhrth M.L.C. ( उत्तरप्रदेश ) समन्वयक , कर्नाटक , तामिळनाडू आणि पाँडिचेरी राज्य
Marasandra Muniyappa माजी कर्नाटक राज्य अध्यक्ष बसपाच्या केंद्रीय समिती सदस्य आणि होईल समन्वयक , कर्नाटक ,
N.Mahesh कर्नाटक बसपाच्या च्या newpresident आहे . आम्ही areal सामाजिक
परिवर्तन आणू शकता ? कधीच जास्त चांगले. जय Bheem , सर . प्रेषक : Kodanram
- +919845087001
निवडणूक यश मीडिया एफएम टीव्ही coverd > 25
कोटी अवलंबून असते. ( 5000cr0100 संघ + 2 कोटी RSSfmlyvote मत , इतर मागास
वर्ग अज्ञान जाहिरात या शब्दाचे संक्षिप्त रुप गुंतवणूक . हिंदू /
sudratvaOBC ( 20cr ) अँटि Congresswave > 10cr भांडवली ( इंडस्ट्री )
मंदिर व चकाकणारा स्वामी Beaurocrate ( manuvadis0.Another लहर विरोधी
आरक्षण ( आरएसएस ) प्रेषक विरुद्ध पाया आहे उपासक विष्णू
918880994580Message केंद्र : +919014000512
सर्व लबाड EVMs फाटणार्यास विषयावर बदलले आहेत तर बसपाच्या एकमेव आशा आणि मास्टर कळ घेणे पर्यायी असेल
नामदार सरन्यायाधीश भारत सुप्रीम कोर्ट टिळक मार्ग, नवी दिल्ली 001 110 ( भारत ) PABX NOS.23388922 -24 ,23388942-44 , फॅक्स NOS.23381508 , 23381584,23384336 / 23384533/23384447 supremecourt@nic.in
एक ” रद्दबातल रीतीने ” मध्ये वापरात नवीन VVAT मतदान मशीन टाकल्यावर क्रम
पास जे 2014 लोकसभा स्क्रॅप विनंती करण्यात आली , की unwittingly त्याचे
कर्तव्य shirked आणि सर्वसाधारणपणे भारतीय लोकशाही एक जीवघेणा धक्का डील की
न्यायाच्या एक गंभीर त्रुटी पाप आहे आणि मला एक अनुसूचित जाति आणि माझ्या
इतर अनुसूचित . OBCs , अल्पसंख्यांक आणि विशेषतः गरीब उच्च जाती brothern .
आता आरएसएस च्या भाजप चे नरेंद्र मोदी आहे या लबाड EVMs सह 26-05-2014
रोजी पंतप्रधान बनण्यासाठी परवानगी मिळाली. तो वेळ पर्यंत सुमारे 1300000
मतदान मशीनचे या नवीन संच पूर्ण उत्पादित आहे की , आदेश आणि त्यामुळे भारत
संपूर्ण उपयोजित आली आहे , मतपत्रिका प्रणाली पुन्हा निवडणूक घेण्याचे
मध्ये आणले गेले पाहिजे . तसेच RSSs श्री कारवाई मोहन Bagawath , जाती /
अनुसूचित CEC श्री साठी कायदेशीर तरतूद विरुद्ध आहे जाती आधारावर कोणत्याही
आरक्षण असू नये म्हणतो जो ब्राम्हण . Sampath , हप्त्यांमध्ये बदलले जातील
EVMs विचारून जबाबदार एक ब्राम्हण EVM निराकरण आणि तयार श्री सर्व silas
उल्लंघन झालेल्या नरेंद्र मोदी कोणत्याही निवडणुकीत स्पर्धा नालायक आहे .
त्यांनी 2002 गुजरात दंगली मध्ये माणूस मोठ्या संख्येने हत्या जबाबदार होते
तो एक बनिया ( श्री गांधी म्हणून समान जात ) आहे तरी एक मागासवर्गीय जाती अधिकार सांगून करताना http://go.microsoft.com/fwlin
… त्याची जात टाळाटाळ आहे . तो लग्न करण्यात आला की दडपला आणि गुजरात
मुख्यमंत्री , त्याने कारण त्यांच्या जातीची पार्श्वभूमी त्याच्या निवडणूक
campaign.These तीन व्यक्तींना प्रचंड रक्कम खर्च झाले सर्व दिशेने द्वेष ,
राग , असहिष्णुता , संताप , ओढा , dominating वृत्ती , चुकीचा समज विकसित
समाज म्हणजे , सर्वसाधारणपणे जाती / अनुसूचित रुपांतरित कोण सर्वसाधारण आणि
अनुसूचित जाती / अनुसूचित आणि मुस्लिम सर्व संस्था . हे मानसिक आश्रय
मध्ये मानसिक उपचार गरज लक्षात च्या defilement पण काहीही आहे . नाही
पंतप्रधान किंवा CEC म्हणून किंवा अस्पृश्यता आणि POA अंतर्गत त्यांना
आरक्षित करून कोणत्याही हिंसक चोरी भक्ती मध्ये , जाती / अनुसूचित अधिनियम ,
atrocities कायदा प्रतिबंध .
58) Classical Nepali
58 ) शास्त्रीय नेपाली
निःशुल्क अनलाइन ई - NALANDA अनुसन्धान र अभ्यास UNIVERSITY
दयालु यो ” अपील” अनुवाद गर्नुहोस
शास्त्रीय मातृभाषा र तपाईं जान्दछन् अन्य सबै भाषा र
प्रकाशित । एक प्रतिलिपि पठाउन गर्नुहोस् awakenmedia.prabandhak @ gmail.com chandrasekhara.tipitaka @ gmail.com हेर्नुहोस् : http://sarvajan.ambedkar.org
ड । अशोक Siddhrth M.L.C. ( उत्तर प्रदेश ) Co-ordinator , कर्नाटक , तमिलनाडु र Pondicherry राज्य
Marasandra Muniyappa पूर्व कर्नाटक राज्य राष्ट्रपति बसपा केन्द्रीय सदस्य र हुनेछ Co-ordinator , कर्नाटक ,
N.Mahesh कर्नाटक बसपा को newpresident छ । हामी areal सामाजिक रुपान्तरणको ल्याउन सक्नुहुन्छ ? कहिल्यै भन्दा राम्रो । जय Bheem , महोदय । प्रेषक: Kodanram - +919845087001
10cr CAPITALIST(Industry) Temple and matt swamiji Beaurocrate(manuvadis0.Another wave is under ground work against ANTI reservation(RSS)-Sender”>(
5000cr0100 संघ +2 सामान्य RSSfmlyvote मत , पिछडा वर्ग अज्ञानता Advert
लागि लगानी । हिन्दू / sudratvaOBC ( 20cr ) विरोधी Congresswave > 10cr
पुँजीवादी ( उद्योग ) मन्दिर र Matt Swamiji Beaurocrate (
manuvadis0.Another लहर विरोधी आरक्षण ( आरएसएस ) - प्रेषक विरुद्ध जमीन
काम भइरहेको छ Upasak विष्णु 918880994580Message केन्द्र : +919014000512
सबै Fradulent EVMs छेडछाड व्यक्तिहरूलाई प्रतिस्थापित गर्दै छन् भने बसपा मात्र आशा र मास्टर प्रमुख हासिल गर्न वैकल्पिक हुनेछ
माननीय मुख्य न्यायाधीश भारत को सर्वोच्च अदालतले तिलक मार्ग , नयाँ दिल्ली - 110 001 ( भारत ) PABX NOS.23388922 -24 ,23388942-44 , फैक्स NOS.23381508 , 23381584,23384336 / 23384533/23384447 supremecourt@nic.in
” चरणबद्ध तरिका ” मा उपयोग मा नयाँ VVAT मतदान मिसिन डाल को क्रम पारित
जो 2014 लोक सभा स्क्रैप लागि अनुरोध थियो , कि थाहै नपाई आफ्नो कर्तव्य
shirked र सामान्य मा भारतीय प्रजातन्त्रका लागि एउटा घातक झटका गर्नुभएको
व्यवहारबाट न्यायको एउटा गम्भीर त्रुटि प्रतिबद्ध छ र मलाई एक अनुसूचित जाति र मेरो अन्य ST । ओबीसी , अल्पसंख्यक र विशेष गरी गरिब माथिल्लो जातको brothern । अब आरएसएस गर्नुपर्छ भाजपा गर्नुपर्छ नरेन्द्र मोदी छ यो fradulent EVMs संग 26-05-2014 मा प्रधानमन्त्री बन्न दिनुभयो। यो
समय सम्म बारेमा 1300000 मतदान मिसिन को यो नयाँ सेट पूर्ण मा निर्मित छ
कि , आदेश र यति भारत भर तैनाथ गरिएको छ पर्छ , मतपत्र कागज प्रणाली हो
निर्वाचन सञ्चालन गर्न मा ल्याइएको छ पर्छ । र पनि rsss श्री मा कारबाही मोहन
Bagawath , जाति / बस्न सीईसी श्री लागि संवैधानिक प्रावधान विरुद्ध छ जो
जातका आधारमा कुनै आरक्षण त्यहाँ हुनु हुँदैन भन्नुहुन्छ एक ब्राह्मण । Sampath , किस्तामा प्रतिस्थापन गर्न EVMs गरेकोमा जिम्मेवार एक ब्राह्मण EVM ठड्याउने र सिर्जित श्री सबै सिलासलाई उल्लंघन गरेको छ , जो नरेन्द्र मोदी कुनै चुनाव प्रतिष्पर्धा गर्न अयोग्य छ । उहाँले , 2002 गुजरात हूलदङ्गा मा मानव प्राणी को ठूलो संख्या हत्या लागि जिम्मेवार थियो उहाँले
एक बानियाँ ( श्री गान्धी जस्तै जातीय ) छ तर एक पिछडिएका जात भनी दाबी
गर्दा http://go.microsoft.com/fwlin … आफ्नो जातीय प्रकट छैन । उहाँले
विवाह भएको थियो भन्ने तथ्य दबा र गुजरात को मुख्य मन्त्री , उहाँ
तिनीहरूका जातीय पृष्ठभूमि आफ्नो निर्वाचन campaign.These तीन जनालाई लागि
ठूलो रकम खर्च भयो सर्व तिर घृणा , रीस , असहिष्णुता , जलन , पूर्वाग्रह ,
हावी मनोवृत्ति , भ्रम विकसित समाज अर्थात् , सामान्य मा अनुसूचित जाति / बस्न देखि परिवर्तित जो सामान्य र जाति / बस्न र मुस्लिम मा सबै समाजमा । यो मानसिक शरण मा मानसिक कि उपचार को आवश्यकता मन दूषित पारिरहेको तर केही छ । होइन
प्रधानमन्त्री वा सीईसी वा छुवाछुत र POA भेटेपछि बुकिंग गरेर कुनै पनि
हिंसात्मक चुपके पंथ मा, अनुसूचित जाति / जनजाति ऐन , ज्यादती ऐन को रोकथाम
இலவச ஆன்லைன் மின் நாலந்தா ஆராய்ச்சி மற்றும் பயிற்சி பல்கலைக்கழகம்
தயவுசெய்து தங்கள் தாய்மொழி மற்றும் உங்களுக்கு தெரியும் மற்ற மொழிகளில் இந்த ” கோரிக்கை” மொழிபெயர்க்க -
Please send a copy to
DR . அசோக் சித்தார்த் M.L.C. (உ.பி.)
ஒருங்கிணைப்பாளர் , கர்நாடகா, தமிழ்நாடு & பாண்டிச்சேரி மாநிலம்
மாரசந்திரா முனியப்பா
முன்னாள் கர்நாடக பகுஜன் சமாஜ் கட்சி மாநில தலைவர் மத்திய குழு உறுப்பினரும் ஒருங்கிணைப்பாளர் , கர்நாடகா,
N.மகேஷ் புதிய கர்நாடகம் பகுஜன் சமாஜ் கட்சி தலைவர் ஆவார். நாம் பரப்பளவு
சமூக மாற்றத்தை கொண்டு வர முடியும். ஜெய் பீம் - அனுப்புநர் : கோதன்ராம்
- +919845087001
தேர்தல் வெற்றி ஊடகத்தின் எஃப்எம் தொலைக்காட்சி Covered > 25 கோடி
பொறுத்தது . ( 5000cr0100 சங்கம் +2 கோடி ரஸ் பமலி vote வாக்கு ,
ஓ.பி.சி. அறியாமை விழுங்கி முதலீட்டு . இந்து மதம் / sudratvaOBC ( 20cr )
எதிர்ப்பு காங்கிரஸ் அலை > 10cr முதலாளித்துவ ( தொழில் ) கோயில்
மற்றும் மாட் சுவாமிகள் Beaurocrate ( மனுவடிகள் .Another அலை
ஒதுக்கீட்டுக்கு எதிரான (RSS) அனுப்புநர் எதிராக நிலத்தில் வேலை உள்ளது
Upasak விஷ்ணு 918880994580Message சென்டர் : +919014000512
அனைத்து Fraud EVM களுக்கு பதிலாக தில்லு முல்லு செய்ய இயலா தவைகளை
மாற்றம் செய்தல் தான் , பகுஜன் சமாஜ் மட்டுமே மாஸ்டர் கீ பெற முடியும்.
முதன்மை நீதிபதிக்கு
இந்திய உச்ச நீதிமன்றம்
திலக் மார்க்,
புது தில்லி 110 001 (இந்தியா)
PABX NOS.23388922-24 ,23388942-44,
பேக்ஸ் NOS.23381508, 23381584,23384336 / 23384533/23384447
“படிப்படியாக முறையில்” பயன்படுத்த புதிய VVAT வாக்குப்பதிவு இயந்திரங்கள்
வைத்து, சட்டம் ஒழுங்கு இது 2014 மக்களவை கைவிட்டால் கேட்டு, அந்த அறியாமல்
அதன் கடமை shirked மற்றும் பொது, இந்திய ஜனநாயகத்தின் ஒரு அபாயகரமான
அடியை என்று தீர்ப்பு ஒரு பெரிய பிழை செய்த என்னை ஒரு ஆதிதிராவிட மற்றும்
என் மற்ற ST. இதர பிற்படுத்தப்பட்ட, சிறுபான்மையினர், குறிப்பாக ஏழை மேல்
சாதி வள்ளலை. இப்போது ஆர்எஸ்எஸ் பாஜக நரேந்திர மோடி ஆகிறது
இந்த fradulent மெஷினில் கொண்டு 26-05-2014 அன்று, பிரதம மந்திரி ஆக
அனுமதி. இது காலம் வரை சுமார் 1300000 வாக்குப்பதிவு இயந்திரங்கள் இந்த
புதிய தொகுப்பு முழு உற்பத்தி செய்யப்படுகிறது என்று உத்தரவிட்டார்
மற்றும் இந்தியா முழுவதும் நிறுத்தப்பட்டிருந்தனர் வேண்டும், வாக்கு
சீட்டில் ஒரு முறை மீண்டும் தேர்தல் நடத்த உள்ள கொண்டுவரப்பட்டுள்ளது.
மேலும் RSSs திரு மோகன் Bagawath, சி / எஸ் சிஈசி திரு. சம்பத், பதிலாக
மெஷினில் கேட்டு பொறுப்பு ஒரு பிராமணர் அரசியலமைப்பு சட்டப்பிரிவு எதிராக
இது சாதி அடிப்படையில் எந்த இட ஒதுக்கீடு இருக்க கூடாது என்கிறார் ஒரு
பிராமணர் மீது நடவடிக்கை எடுக்க தவணை EVM நிர்ணயிப்பு உருவாக்கப்பட்ட
மற்றும் அனைத்து சைலஸ் மீறி யார் திரு நரேந்திர மோடி எந்த தேர்தலில்
போட்டியிட தகுதியில்லை. அவர், 2002 ஆம் ஆண்டு குஜராத் கலவரம் மனிதர்கள்
ஏராளமான கொலை பொறுப்பு இருந்தது
அவர் ஒரு பனியா (திரு காந்தி அதே சாதி) என்றாலும் பஞ்சாயத்திற்காக
கூறிக்கொண்டு http://go.microsoft.com/fwlin … அவரது சாதி வெளியில்
காட்டி கொள்ளவில்லை. அவர் திருமணம் செய்து கொண்டார் என்பதை அடக்கி
மற்றும் குஜராத் முதல்வர், அவர், ஏனெனில் அவர்களின் ஜாதி பின்னணி தனது
தேர்தல் campaign.These மூன்று பேருக்கு மிக பெரிய தொகை செலவு ஆனது சர்வ
நோக்கி வெறுப்பு, கோபம், வெறுப்பின், எரிச்சல், சார்பு, ஆதிக்கம்
செலுத்தும் அணுகுமுறை, மாயை உருவாக்கப்பட்டது சமாஜ் அதாவது, பொதுவாக சி /
எஸ் இருந்து மாறிய பொது மற்றும் சி / எஸ் மற்றும் முஸ்லிம்கள் அனைத்து
சங்கங்கள். இந்த பைத்தியக்கார மனநல சிகிச்சை தேவை என்று மனதில் அசுத்தமான
வேறில்லை. பிரதமர் அல்லது சிஈசி அல்லது தீண்டாமை மற்றும் POA கீழ்
முன்பதிவு மூலம் எந்த வன்முறை திருட்டுத்தனமாக வழிபாட்டு, எஸ்சி / எஸ்டி
சட்டத்தின், வன்கொடுமை தடுப்பு சட்டத்தின்….
”>కో ఆర్డినేటర్, కర్నాటక, తమిళనాడు, పాండిచ్చేరి రాష్ట్రం
“>కో ఆర్డినేటర్, కర్నాటక,
N.Mahesh కర్నాటక బిఎస్పి નેવ అధ్యక్షుడు. మేము areal సామాజిక మార్పు తీసుకురావడానికి కాదు? ఆర్డినెన్స్. జై భీమ్, సర్. 25 cr.”>ఎన్నికల విజయం MEDIA FM TV coverd> 25 కోట్లు ఆధారపడి.
“>Upasak విష్ణు 918880994580Message సెంటర్: +919014000512
“>గౌరవప్రదమైన చీఫ్ జస్టిస్
“>తిలక్ మార్గ్,
“>PABX NOS.23388922-24 ,23388942-44,
“దశలవారీగా” లో ఉపయోగంలో కొత్త VVAT ఓటింగ్ యంత్రాలు పెట్టటం క్రమాన్ని
యిచ్చిన 2014 లోక్సభ స్క్రాప్ అభ్యర్థించబడింది, ఆ తెలియకుండానే తన విధి
shirked మరియు సాధారణంగా భారత ప్రజాస్వామ్యానికి ఒక ప్రాణాంతకంగా దెబ్బ
కొట్టాయి అని తీర్పు ఒక సమాధి లోపం కట్టుబడి ఉంది మరియు నాకు ఒక షెడ్యూల్డ్ కులం మరియు నా ఇతర ST. ఒబిసి, మైనారిటీలు, ముఖ్యంగా పేద అగ్రకుల brothern. ఈ fradulent ఈవీఎంలు తో 26-05-2014 న మంత్రి కావడానికి. ఇది
సమయం వరకు సుమారు 1300000 ఓటింగ్ యంత్రాల ఈ కొత్త సెట్ పూర్తి తయారు అని
ఆదేశించాడు మరియు భారతదేశం అంతటా మోహరించారు ఉండాలి, బ్యాలెట్ పేపర్
సిస్టమ్ తిరిగి ఎన్నికలు తీసుకువచ్చారు వుండాలి. మరియు
కూడా RSSs మిస్టర్ మోహన్ Bagawath, SC / ఎస్టీలు CEC మిస్టర్. సంపత్,
ప్రవేశపెట్టేందుకు ఈవీఎంలు అడగడం బాధ్యత ఒక బ్రాహ్మణ కోసం నియమం రాజ్యాంగ
వ్యతిరేకం కులాల ఆధారంగా ఏ రిజర్వేషన్లు ఉన్నాయి ఉండకూడదు చెప్పారు ఒక
బ్రాహ్మణ చర్య తీసుకోవాలని వాయిదాలలో
EVM ఫిక్సింగ్ను రూపొందించినవారు మరియు అన్ని సిలాస్ ఉల్లంఘించినట్లు
మిస్టర్ నరేంద్ర మోడీ ఏ ఎన్నికల్లో పోటీ పనికిరాడు ఉంది. అతను
ఒక బానియా (మిస్టర్ మహాత్మా గాంధీ అదే కుల) ఉన్నప్పటికి వెనుకబడిన కులంగా
ఆరోపించారు అయితే http://go.microsoft.com/fwlin … తన కుల బహిర్గతం లేదు. అతను
వివాహం జరిగింది వాస్తవం అణచివేశారు మరియు గుజరాత్ ముఖ్యమంత్రి, అతను
ఎందుకంటే వారి కుల నేపథ్యం తన ఎన్నికల campaign.These మూడు వ్యక్తులు కోసం
భారీ మొత్తంలో ఖర్చు మారింది సర్వ పట్ల ద్వేషాన్ని, కోపం, అసహనం, చికాకు,
వివక్ష, ఆధిపత్యం వైఖరి, మాయ అభివృద్ధి సమాజ్ అంటే, సాధారణంగా SC / ఎస్టీలు నుండి మారిన సాధారణ మరియు SC / ఎస్టీలు మరియు ముస్లింలు లో అన్ని సంఘాలు. ఈ మానసిక ఆశ్రయం మానసిక చికిత్స అవసరం మనస్సు యొక్క అపవిత్రత పత్రం ఉంది. కాదు
ప్రధాన మంత్రి లేదా CEC వంటి లేదా అంటరానితనం, POA కింద వాటిని బుకింగ్
ద్వారా ఏ హింసాత్మక స్టీల్త్ కల్ట్, SC / ST చట్టం, అత్యాచార నిరోధక చట్టం.
ڈاکٹر. اشوک سدھارتھ M.L.C. (یوپی)
آرڈینیٹر، کرناٹک، تملناڈو اور پانڈچیری ریاست
Marasandra Muniyappa
کرناٹک کے سابق ریاستی صدر بی ایس پی سینٹرل کمیٹی کے رکن اور ہو جائے گا
آرڈینیٹر، کرناٹک،
N.Mahesh کرناٹک بی ایس پی کے નેવ صدر ہیں. ہم areal سماجی تبدیلی لا
سکتا ہوں؟ کبھی نہیں سے بہتر. جی Bheem، صاحب. مرسل:
انتخابات کی کامیابی میڈیا ایف ایم ٹی وی coverd> 25 CR پر انحصار
کرتا ہے. (5000cr0100 سنگھ +2 CR RSSfmlyvote ووٹ، او بی سی جہالت کے
اشتہار کے لئے سرمایہ کاری. ہندو / sudratvaOBC (20cr) اینٹی
Congresswave> 10cr سرمایہ دارانہ (صنعت) مندر اور میٹ سوامیجی
Beaurocrate (manuvadis0.Another لہر مخالف بکنگ (آر ایس ایس) مرسل کے خلاف
زمین کے کام کے تحت ہے Upasak وشنو 918880994580Message مرکز:
تمام فراڈ EVMs چھیڑنا ثبوت لوگوں کے ساتھ تبدیل کر رہے ہیں، تو بی ایس
پی صرف امید اور ماسٹر کی کلید حاصل کرنے کے لئے متبادل ہو جائے گا
ایک “مرحلہ وار انداز” میں استعمال میں نئے VVAT ووٹنگ مشینوں لگانے کا
حکم جاری کیا ہے جس میں 2014 کے لوک سبھا کو ختم کرنے کی درخواست کی تھی،
کہ نادانستہ طور پر اس کی ذمہ داری shirked اور عام طور پر ہندوستانی
جمہوریت کے لئے ایک مہلک دھچکا نمٹا ہے کہ قیامت کے ایک سنگین غلطی کا
ارتکاب کیا ہے اور مجھے ایک تخسوچت ذات اور میرے دوسرے ST. او بی سی،
اقلیتوں اور خاص طور پر غریبوں کے اوپری ذات brothern. اب آر ایس ایس کے بی
جے پی کی اعلی نریندر مودی ہے
اس fradulent EVMs کے ساتھ 26-05-2014 وزیر اعظم بننے کی اجازت. یہ وقت تک
کے بارے میں 1300000 ووٹنگ مشینوں کے اس نئے سیٹ مکمل طور پر تیار کیا جاتا
ہے کہ، کا حکم دیا اور تو بھارت بھر میں تعینات کیا جانا چاہئے، بیلٹ پیپر
کے نظام کو دوبارہ انتخابات کرانے میں لایا گیا ہے چاہئے. اور بھی RSSs
مسٹر موہن Bagawath، سپریم کورٹ / تخسوچت جنجاتیوں سی ای سی مسٹر. سمپت،
تبدیل کرنے EVMs پوچھ کے لئے ذمہ دار ایک برہمن کے لئے آئینی شق کے خلاف ہے
جس میں ذاتوں کی بنیاد پر کوئی بکنگ نہیں ہونا چاہئے کہتے ہیں کہ ایک
برہمن پر کارروائی قسطوں میں EVM فکسنگ پیدا کیا اور تمام سیلاس کی خلاف
ورزی کی ہے جو مسٹر نریندر مودی کسی بھی انتخابات لڑنے کے لئے نااہل ہے.
انہوں نے کہا کہ، 2002 کے گجرات فسادات میں انسانوں کی بڑی تعداد کو قتل کے
لئے ذمہ دار تھا
وہ ایک بنیا (مسٹر گاندھی طور پر ایک ہی ذات) ہے اگرچہ ایک پسماندہ ذات ہونے کا دعوی کرتے ہوئے http://go.microsoft.com/fwlin
… اس ذات ظاہر نہیں ہے. انہوں نے کہا کہ شادی کی تھی حقیقت یہ ہے کہ دبا
اور گجرات کے وزیر اعلی، انہوں نے کہا کہ کیونکہ ان کی ذات کے پس منظر کے
ان انتخابات campaign.These تین افراد کے لیے بہت بڑی رقم خرچ ہو گیا سرو
کی طرف نفرت، غصہ، عدم برداشت، جلن، تعصب، غالب رویہ، برم تیار سماج یعنی،
عام طور پر سپریم کورٹ / تخسوچت جنجاتیوں سے تبدیل جنرل اور سپریم کورٹ /
تخسوچت جنجاتیوں اور مسلمانوں میں تمام معاشروں کے. یہ پاگل خانے میں ذہنی
علاج کی ضرورت ہے دماغ کی آلودگی کے سوا کچھ نہیں ہے. وزیراعظم یا چیف
الیکشن کمشنر یا چھواچھوت اور پیوی کے تحت ان کی بکنگ کی طرف سے کسی بھی پر
تشدد چپکے فرقے میں، تخسوچت ذات / جنجاتی ایکٹ، مظالم ایکٹ کی روک تھام.
Hold on, this is waiting to be approved by Indian Express.
Outcome of the May 2014 General Elections in India. Hackers made hay in May!
From J.Chandrasekharan Scheduled caste 668 5A Main Road, 8th Cross, HAL 3rd Stage, Bangalore-560075 Karnataka State India Mob:9449260443 Email:chandrasekhara.tipitaka@gmail.com http://sarvajan.ambedkar.org
To , Honourable Chief Justice Supreme Court of India Tilak Marg, New Delhi-110 001 (India) PABX NOS.23388922-24,23388942-44, FAX NOS.23381508,23381584,23384336/23384533/23384447 supremecourt@nic.in
Hon’ble Sir,
Sub: REQUEST to the Supreme Court of India to SCRAP the 2014 LOK SABHA which passed the order of putting new VVAT voting machines in use in a “phased manner”, that has unwittingly shirked its duty and committed a grave error of judgment that dealt a fatal blow to Indian democracy in general and me a Scheduled Caste and my other ST. OBCs, Minorities and poor upper caste brothern in particular, if RSS’s BJP’s Narendra Modi is allowed to become the PRIME MINISTER on 26-05-2014 with this fradulent EVMs. It should order, that till the time this newer set of about 1300000 voting machines is manufactured in full and so deployed throughout India, ballot paper system should be brought in to re conduct the elections. Anal also take action on RSSs Mr. Mohan Bagawath, a brahmin who says there should not be any reservation on the basis of castes which is against Constitutional provision for SC/STs CEC Mr. .Sampath, a brahmin responsible for asking EVMs to be replaced in instalments created EVM Fixing and Mr. Narendra Modi who has violated all silas who is unfit to contest any elections. He was responsible for killing large number of human beings in 2002 Gujarat riots, Hhttp://go.microsoft.com/fwlin… is not revealing his caste while claiming to be a Backwartd caste though he is a Baniya. He suppressed the fact that he was married and became the Chief Minister of Gujarat, He spent huge amount for his election campaign.These three persons because of their caste background developed hatred, anger, intolerance, irritation, bias, dominating attitude, delusion towards Sarva samaj i.e., all societies in general and SC/STs and Muslims who converted from SC/STs in general. This is nothing but defilement of the mind that needs mental treatment in mental asylum. Not as Prime Minister or CEC or in any violent stealth Cult by booking them under Untouchability and POA, the SC/ST Act, the Prevention of Atrocities Act.
I, J.Chandrasekharan S/O Late Shri. M.Jagatheesan (Retd. Chairman, Bench Court, Mayo hall, Bangalore), R etd. Sr.Manager(Design), ARDC, HAL, Bangalore, Secretary General All India SC/ST Employees and Officers Assn. and President, HAL SC/ST and Safai Workers Multipurpose Cooperative Society wish to bring to your kind notice the following for your favourable orders.When all the doors for SC/STs employees in Govt. and PSUs were closed, Manyawar Kanshiramji.s BSP came as a boon for the majority of the society and the political reform helped Ms Maywati to become Chief Minister for four times. Now the fradulant EVMs are preventing her to win even a single seat preventing Sarvajan Hitaye Sarvajan Sukhaye i.e., for the welfare nad happiness of the entire society.
It has been conclusively proved to the satisfaction of the Hon’ble Supreme Court that Indian EVMs ARE tamperable.The process of elections is the most sacrosanct duty in a Republic which ECI should carry out with utmost diligence. Caesar’s wife should be above suspicion. Free and fair polls should not only be ensured but APPEAR to be ensured to the satisfaction of the voters.
India first tested EVMs in a by-election in 1982, but the machines were first deployed on a large scale of over 1 million in a general election in 2004.
In 2010, security researcher Hari Prasad and his associates released a video that they said demonstrated vulnerabilities in the EVMs, after hacking an EVM that had already been used in an election.
Prasad and his team replaced the display board of the machine with a look-alike component that could be instructed through a Bluetooth connection on a mobile phone to steal a percentage of the votes in favor of a chosen candidate. The researchers also used a pocket-size device that could be attached to the memory of the EVM to change the votes stored in the machine during the period between the election and the public counting session.
The Supreme Court has in its ruling this week asked the government to provide the financial assistance required by the Election Commission to roll out the EVMs. It has not set out a schedule for the full deployment of EVMs with the paper trail.
LONDON: India’s voting machines - considered to be among the world’s most tamperproof - can be hacked, American scientists claim.
Researchers at the University of Michigan connected a home-made device to a voting machine and successfully changed results by sending text messages from a mobile.
“We made an imitation display board that looks almost exactly like the real display in the machines. But underneath some of the components of the board, we hide a microprocessor and a Bluetooth radio,” the BBC quoted Prof J Alex Halderman, who led the project, as saying.
He added: “Our lookalike display board intercepts the vote totals that the machine is trying to display and replaces them with dishonest totals - basically whatever the bad guy wants to show up at the end of the election.”
Moreover, they added a small microprocessor, which they say can change the votes stored in the machine between the election and the vote-counting session.
No one’s right mind would yet allow the use of absolutely antiquated, completely out-dated, easily hack-able and highly tamper-able “high school technology” based, obsolete EVMs (electronic voting machines) in national elections, but it was used now — in 2014
More than 80 democracies in the world have simply done away with them, dumping them in the trash, or simply declared the usage of this simplistic voting system susceptible to fraud, and hence declaring the same as illegal — as the Supreme Courts of Germany and Holland indeed have done. Even Japan, from where EVMs originated, has long abandoned its rogue babies, and is using paper ballot system since then. All the advanced democracies in the West, except the most dull-headed ones, have reverted to a voter verifiable system or the ballot paper. In Canada, even at the ,most basic school level, ballot paper voting is in use.
Last year, the Supreme Court of India, having been convinced of an undeniable, edible possibility of EVMs getting tampered with and that easily hacked — even from afar — had ordered the imbecilic Election Commission and the indolent Government of India to provide about 1600 crore (1600, 0000000) rupees — convert this into your respective currency! — for manufacturing these VVPAT (Voter Verifiable Paper Audit Trail) voting machines; which show a verifiable paper receipt to the voter.
This is the Fundamental Right of a citizen of India, as per the laws laid down by the Constitution. However, recent newspaper reports tell us that only 20, 000 such voting machines have been provided for the entire country in this, 2014 election! India has 29 states now — with Telagana being the latest. In most of them, depending upon their size etc., either about 400 VVPAT machines are being deployed, or some such similar ridiculous number — more or less — has been made available in the length and breadth of the country. It’s an asinine, bland, cruel, demeaning joke we 1.25 billion voters have been “blessed” with by the powers that be.
All “patriotic” hackers including the Chief Election Commission Mr. Sampath, RSS Chief Mr. Mohan Bagawath BJP Chief Minister Mr. Narendra Modi of our motherland made hay in May!
As to how EVMs can be hacked into, tampered with, and results favorably manipulated via software interference and other means — from near and from far, far away — this can easily be found by anybody by just going to Google etc. and filling “EVM HACKING, TAMPERING” or something to this effect in the Search. And lo, behold! a plethora of information will just overwhelm your overly chilled-out, lesser employed, un-billed brains.
However, the only solace for us naive fools is that quite a few unscrupulous politicians and every other most “honorable” political party worthy of its “salt”, would surely be playing this comic-tragic game of hacking into and hijacking the votes of a billion people! Thus, one who outsmarts the other such fine folks, armed with their hacking forks in this merry-go-around, will win.
The rest — this or that “tsunami” or wave in favor of one or the other, poll forecasts and the “newbie”, the over enthused, seeming game changers in the making — well, have fallen flat on their dumb faces.
That the Supreme Court of India too, while passing the order of putting new VVAT voting machines in use in a “phased manner”, has unwittingly shirked its duty. In fact, it committed a grave error of judgment. Perhaps dealt a fatal blow to Indian democracy. It should have ordered, as a caution, that till the time this newer set of about 1300ooo voting machines is manufactured in full and so deployed throughout India, ballot paper system would be brought in.
The somewhat notorious lawyer who had brought in this case — of the present lot of EVMs being tamper-able and hack-able — and, who, had successfully fought it so, forcing the Supreme Court to order the installation of a fail-safe voting mechanism (of Voter Verifiable Paper Audit machines replacing the susceptible earlier Electronic Voting Machines) to ensure a free and fair electoral process in India — this-very honorable fellow too has fallen silent, like a demure maiden. This most vociferous gentleman had openly declared on social websites, especially Twitter, that in case VVPAT machines do not get installed in time for 2014 elections, then, there would be a “constitutional crisis” — putting it out there like an Indian “pehalwan”, a la WWW wrestler, that he would challenge the same in the apex court. He had most emphatically underlined he would ensure that either the new fail-safe voting machines or the old time-tested paper ballot system will be put in use during this general election in India. However, recently, when asked specifically on Twitter about this matter — as to what this lovely man is doing or is going to do about this impending doomsday electoral scenario — there was a deafening silence from his side. May be owing to the fact that since the Supreme Court judgement late last year, this self-righteous rightist has joined the ultra-rightist political bandwagon. The latter has been projected by pollsters to overwhelmingly sweep these elections — as a direct result of the doings of the monstrous public relations firm hired from the land of the let-it-be, oops! free. This US firm is the same that was used fruitfully by President Bush and Hillary Clinton for their respective political campaigns. It has — let there be no doubt about it — successfully projected its client as the potential winner and the next numero uno in Indian politics.
What the majority of the Indians have missed in fine print is that the outgoing Chief Minister of the state of Rajasthan, in the last year elections, had officially filed a complaint with the election commission that the EVMs used in his state were pre-programmed and tampered with — and that the same had come from the state of which this presently hyped-up future Prime Minister of India, is the current Chief Minister. Now, the lawyer who had gone to the dogs to awaken India and the rest of the world about the mischief and malfeasance possible with the old model of EVMs — and had in fact written a book on this subject — is in a wink-wink deep-throat “smadhi”. A silence that speaks truths we dumb billion idiots on this part of slippery earth cannot fathom. Perhaps it’s a precursor of the things to come.
Let us hope the jolly good hackers of this-that party screw-up each other’s devilish, outright evil plans. In a dog eat dog political crap pit we hapless billion creatures have to walk through every election, maybe this time the ape sitting by the side — the wide-eyed hopeful citizen of India — at least gets a tiny part of the apple pie this messy hacking cat fight will leave behind, on the side lanes. Perhaps these little crumbs will be enough for us to stay afloat. though not gloat.
In a nutshell, simply put, BJP “out-hacked” the other, thinks it has won.
Then again, RSS’s BJP believing in a cult of more than 33, 0000000 gods and goddesses — some civilized, others not so civil.
There is no hope that one of these fancied deities will have a soft corner for us Sarva Samaj i.e., the entire society. Otherwise, we are going to get screwed. A billion times over.
Therefore, many made doubly sure they did not vote. I sat on my ass on voting day —
The Hon’ble must follow the above orders to free us from living in a fool’s paradise.
Long live the banana republic of India!
‘FIXING’ Indian Lok Sabha elections
Computer Business Review appeared more certain with the “How Google search results influenced elections” headline for its version of the story, the Guardian reported.”……Google changed its course, it undermined people’s trust in its results and company.”
A press release put out on 13 May by the American Institute for Behavioral Research and Technology, an independent research organisation based in California created a furore around the topic when it released a report headlined “Could Google have fixed the Lok Sabha elections? A landmark new study in India shows it’s possible,” the report added. (ANI)
Washington: As India eagerly awaits the outcome of the just concluded general elections, a study by an American institute says the real threat to democracy comes from an unexpected corner: Google Search.
Google search results can pose a real threat to democracy as it could swing a close election by influencing the voting preferences of undecided voters, wars the American Institute for Behavioral Research and Technology in California that studied more than 2,000 undecided voters throughout India.
The study conducted in recent weeks suggests that Google has the power to fix elections “without anyone being the wiser.” This is possible because of the power that search rankings have on people’s opinions, the researchers said. Studies show that the higher the rank, the more people trust the result, which is why companies are spending billions now to push their products higher.
“So could highly-ranked search results that make Arvind Kejriwal look better than Narendra Modi drive votes to Kejriwal?” the researchers set out to determine, The Times of India reported.
In research conducted last year in the US, researchers found that search rankings biased in favor of a candidate could push the preferences of undecided voters towards that candidate by 15 percent or more.
The researchers have shown that votes can easily be pushed toward one candidate or another by about 12 percent — double that amount in some demographic groups — enough to determine the outcomes of many close races.
“This is a very serious matter — a real threat to democracy,” said Dr Robert Epstein, lead researcher in the study and Senior Research Psychologist at the American institute.
“If two candidates were both trying to push their rankings higher, they would be competing, and that’s fine. But if Google, which has a monopoly on search in India, were to favor one candidate, it could easily put that candidate in office by manipulating search rankings, and no one could counter what they were doing.
“Even if without human intervention the company’s search algorithm favored one candidate, thousands of votes would still be driven to that candidate,” said Epstein.
In the new study, participants were randomly assigned to groups in which search rankings favored either Kejriwal, Rahul Gandhi, or Modi.
Real search rankings and web pages were used, and people were asked to research all the candidates just as they would on Google. The only difference between the groups was the order in which the search results were displayed.
The new study suggests that biased search rankings can be used to fix the outcome of races in India in which the winner is projected to win by a margin up to 2.9 percent.
This can be done just by influencing undecided voters who use the internet — a small but important group of voters that is sure to grow in coming years, researchers said.
Worldwide, the researchers said, upwards of 25 percent of national elections are won by margins under 3 percent. The study also shows that certain demographic groups are especially vulnerable.
The voting preferences of 19 percent of women over 35 were shifted in the study, as were the voting preferences of 18 percent of voters who were unemployed.
“Of particular concern is the fact that 99 percent of the people in our study seemed to be unaware that the search rankings they saw were biased. That means Google has the power to manipulate elections without anyone suspecting they’re doing so,” said Epstein.
“To prevent undue influence, election-related search rankings need to be regulated and monitored, as well as subjected to equal-time rules,” Epstein said.
(which is not referred in the SUPREME COURT web) of the above case.but could do only registration.Unable to attach ID. Will keep trying, Until I succeed. I have sent the above grievance directly with a request to all democracy loving people in all the 80 countries to follow suit. And request the Chief Justice of Superior Courts to make this site easily accessible to all.
PUBLISH. Please send a copy to awakenmedia.prabandhak@gmail.com chandrasekhara.tipitaka@gmail.com Visit: http://sarvajan.ambedkar.org
Outcome of the May 2014 General Elections in India. Hackers made hay in May!
From J.Chandrasekharan Scheduled caste 668 5A Main Road, 8th Cross, HAL 3rd Stage, Bangalore-560075 Karnataka State India Mob:9449260443 Email:chandrasekhara.tipitaka@gmail.com http://sarvajan.ambedkar.org
To , Honourable Chief Justice Supreme Court of India Tilak Marg, New Delhi-110 001 (India) PABX NOS.23388922-24,23388942-44, FAX NOS.23381508,23381584,23384336/23384533/23384447 supremecourt@nic.in
Hon’ble Sir,
REQUEST to the Supreme Court of India to SCRAP the 2014 LOK SABHA
which passed the order
of putting new VVAT voting machines in use in a “phased manner”, that
unwittingly shirked its duty and committed a grave error of
judgment that dealt a fatal blow to Indian democracy in general and me a
Scheduled Caste and my other ST. OBCs, Minorities and poor upper caste
brothern in particular, if RSS’s BJP’s Narendra Modi is allowed to
become the PRIME MINISTER on 29-05-2014 with this fradulent EVMs. It
order, that till the time this newer set of about
1300000 voting machines is manufactured in full and so deployed
throughout India, ballot paper system should be brought in to re conduct
the elections. Anal also take action on RSSs Mr. Mohan Bagawath, a brahmin who
says there should not be any reservation on the basis of castes which is
against Constitutional provision for SC/STs CEC Mr. .Sampath, a brahmin responsible for asking EVMs to be replaced in instalments created EVM Fixing and Mr.
Narendra Modi who has violated all silas who is unfit to contest any elections. He was responsible for killing
large number of human beings in 2002 Gujarat riots, Hhttp://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=121315e is not revealing
his caste while claiming to be a Backwartd caste though he is a Baniya. He suppressed the
fact that he was married and became the Chief Minister of Gujarat, He
spent huge amount for his election campaign.These three persons because of their caste background developed hatred, anger, intolerance, irritation, bias, dominating attitude, delusion towards Sarva samaj i.e., all societies in general and SC/STs and Muslims who converted from SC/STs in general. This is nothing but defilement of the mind that needs mental treatment in mental asylum. Not as Prime Minister or CEC or in any violent stealth Cult by booking them under Untouchability and POA, the SC/ST Act, the Prevention of Atrocities Act.
Bahujan Samaj Party had“APPEALED” To Vote for “Sarvajan Hitaye & Sarvajan Sukhaye” In General Elections -2014 Being Held In the Country For the 16th Lok Sabha by believing in mantra of “deeds and not merely words complete the incomplete work of the humanistic movement of the great Sants, Gurus and Mahapurush (great men) born from time to time in the “Bahujan Samaj” here in our
country, especially Mahatma Jyotiba Phule, Chhatrapati Shahuji Maharaj, Shri Narayana Guru, Baba Saheb Dr. Bhimrao Ambedkar and Manyawar Shri Kanshi Ram Ji etc., by following the paths shown by them so that our party by
showing a good result in elections can occupy the seat of power and then through the “Master Key” of political power can make the life of the poor people from the Sarva Samaj (all sections of society), as also others unhappy and
oppressed by a castiest order “just happy, prosperous and dignifies”, because about the importance of the “Master Key of political power” Baba Saheb Dr. Bhimrao Abedkar used to often say that “political power is that
one Master Key through which all the problems can be solved, in other words, through this Master Key all the closed doors to your progress and prosperity can be opened.”But the un replaced EVMs spoiled every thing.
BSP is the only political party in the country with the “ideology, principles and policies” besides “work style” of which are in the greater interest
of and for the full welfare of Sarva Samaj, in other words, the people of all the religions and all castes; and, at the same time, it does well within time whatever it says in the interest of and for the welfare of the Sarva Samaj (all
sections of society), whereas other political parties gave a lot of assurances and do very little work to translate them into realities, in other words, most of their work is confined to planning on paper and is seldom seen or is at
the best seen incomplete at the ground level, a proper benefit of which is not able to reach the common people in a right manner.
This is the main reason why as a result of wrong policies of the government of the
parties having a castiest mindset no significant change has come about even now, 66 years after independence in “social, educational and economic” condition of the ” Bahujan Samaj”, which comprises the Scheduled Castes (SCs),
Scheduled Tribes (STs), other backward classes (OBCs) and the people of different communities and religions like the Sikhs, Muslims, Christians, Parsis and Buddhists etc., belonging to the religious minority society, whose population is
altogether about 85 percent of the country.
In our country, in the centre and most of the states, governments of whichever
parties have been formed till date have been mostly formed with financial assistance of big capitalists and super-rich (dhannaseth) , because of which these parties after coming to power, frame each and every “economic policy” of their
respective government in accordance with the interests of those very super-rich, in other words; they do not frame their economic policies with a view to removing sufferings and hardships of the poor and the general public here.
Thus all these parties in general and BJP in particular, despite maintaining their separate identities , foster and promote only a particular kind of belief that is bases on “pro-capitalist” and they have common masters, who are big capitalists
and super-rich persons and industrialist, in other words, all these parties and big capitalists have been always complimenting each other and they both take pride in helping and serving interests of each other, which is not
at all pro-poor and pro-people. Their interest in removing sorrows and sufferings of the poor people and the general public is mostly a “sham and hypocrisy”.
Not only this, rather because of these
very reasons “prices and unemployment” skyrocketing and have been continuously increasing here as a result of which the vast population of the poor and the middle income class in the country for the reason of being the
hardest hit are highly unhappy and stressed. This is the main reason why the economic condition of the people of the “Bahujan Samaj” here along with that of particularly the poor people from the “savarna (Upper/High caste)
Samaj” continues to be very bad even now.
Keeping all these matters in view, then by following the paths shown by Parampujya Baba Saheb Dr. Bhimrao Ambedkar had to form a separate political party of ours by the name
of the “Bahujan Samaj party” (BSP) under the leadership of “Manyawar Shri Kanshi Ram Ji” on April 14, 1984, and now this party with limitless love, sacrifices and cooperation of the Sarva Samaj has become a prominent and
important party at the “national level”.
And as it is known to all, the Bhaujan Samaj Party (BSP) does not at all follow in the footsteps of the anti-poor and pro-capitalists parties like the congress and the BJP, and
rather than take money from capitalists and super-rich like other parties and work at their bidding, it is running its “humanistic movement” all over the country by taking donation and membership subscription from
its cadre, followers and supporters.
By following the same principle, our party has also got an auspicious opportunity of forming its own government several times in the most populous state of the country, Uttar
Pradesh, and it has been the first and the only government in the country every policy of which has been framed by keeping in view the moto of “Sarvajan Hitaye and sarvajan Sukhaye” (Progress and Prosperity For All), which clearly
and perfectly reflects “Pro-sarvajan and pro- Sarva Samaj ideology and policies” of the BSP.
Not only this, rather this party by gradually expanding its mass-base in the entire country’s now ensured victory of many
of its nominees and sent them as MPs to Parliament and as Legislators in several state assemblies. besides, government has been formed under the leadership of our party in Uttar Pradesh four times, ( first three times in the years
of 1995, 1997, and 2002 for short periods but in the year of 2007 with an absolute majority for five years), and , all the four times the government of our party has in the matter of ensuring “development and justice” in the state
taken full care of interests and welfare of the Sarva samaj, but we have also given first priority to those people of the “Bahujan samaj”, who under the past governments have been neglect here on a big scale particularly in the
“social, educational and economic” field.
And it is by taking serious note of this that the government of our (BSP) part in Uttar Pradesh in order to bring about judicious improvement in “social, educational and
economic” condition of the people of the Bahujan Samaj constituted for the first time in the country separate “Welfare Department” for each of their segments and by selecting particularly SC/ST majority villages in the state
on a priority basis under the Dr. ambedkar Gram Vikas Yojana ( Village Development Scheme) has done the work of covering them with necessary basic amenities of every kind and other works of development also in a phased manner and
then with a view to making this scheme still more beneficial has made available a lot of funds under this ssheme and changes its name to “Baba Saheb Dr.Ambedkat Uttar Pradesh Gram Sabha Samagra Vikas Yojana” for all round
development of gramsabhas.
Similarly in the name of Manyawar Shri Kanshi Ram Ji, who advanced the stalled humanistic self-respect caravan of Baba sahib Dr. Bhimrao Ambedkar by imparting momentum
to it, “Shahari Samagra Vika Yojana” (Urban all round development scheme) was devised and through this scheme, cities, towns and villages, big and small, of Uttar Pradesh were developed in a phased manner. But momentum could be
imparted to all these works only by keeping in view limited economic resources of the state, and had our government got adequate cooperation from the Central Government for all these welfare works, still more and speedier benefit could have
been made available to the deprived people.
Besides by giving priority to particularly “SC/STs, exploited, other backward classes (OBCs) and religious minorities” from the Sarva samaj in Uttar pradesh,”two-room pucca houses”
were given to the poor homeless from among them and by “allotting vacant government land” to helpless people for “farming”; possession has also been ensured to them by the BSP government, which has directly
benefitted lakhs of poor people in Uttar pradesh.
For promoting “Education”also, our BSP government has for the first time in the country granted “scholarships” to children belonging to
the Scheduled Castes/Scheduled Tribes and like them to the poor children of the other backward classes (OBCs) and of Muslim samaj in particular from the religious minorities and in accordance with increase in prices has “doubled” the rates
of the scholarships and also made arrangements for distributing these to students immediately after their admission. And at the same time, to help qualifying “poor students from these classes for high ranking jobs”, our government
has also made arrangements for giving them “free government coaching”.
Besides, for poor children from the “Savarna (Upper Caste) Samaj, along with these classes in Uttar Pradesh, dawn of a new
age in the field of higher and technical education has been ushered in under which an historic work has been done for the first time to send such children to other countries for higher education at government expenditure to the newly
established world class “Gautam Buddha University” in newly created Gautam Buddha Nagar District (Greater Noida near New Delhi).
At the same time, giving priority to the development of people of Scheduled
castes and Scheduled Tribes, a provision was mad for the first time for separate “25 per cent fund” from the budget of the Uttar Pradesh government for them. Similarly, for creating a sense of security among the people
of the “Bahujan samaj” in every district of Uttar Pradesh, a provision of “reservation” was made for the first time in the country for making officers of the “police department” from their
society as Station House Officers (SHO).
Similarly, full care has been taken of particularly the people of the “Muslim Society” the largest segment of the religious minority society, in Uttar Pradesh in every field. their
educational and economic development and also full security of their life and property and religion were ensured. in addition, by including economically backward people from the Muslim society in the list of the backward class, our party’s
government for the first time made available to them “facility of reservation in government jobs and other fields” in Uttar Pradesh.
A new initiative in the matter of ”reservation” : In the matter of “reservation”
also, we during all our terms in office i Uttar Pradesh have got cleared the backlog of “reservation” quota of people of the Scheduled castes(SCs)/Scheduled Tribes (STs) and the other backward classes (OBCs) pending
for years in government services and other areas by conducting a spacial recruitment drive as a result of which the people of these classes got “permanent employment on a big scale” and a new kind of confidence was generated
among the people of these classes.
Besides, for making available the facility of “reservation” in the areas like ” hon’ble Judiciaary, council of ministers, Rajya Sabha, Legislative Councils and private sectors” etc., in
the country where it is not yet been made available to the people of the Scheduled castes/ Scheduled Tribes and the other backward classes by the Central Government, our party’s struggle with the Central Government is
relentlessly continuing. At the same time, relentless effort is being made by our party for securing the benefit of reservation in an additional way, keeping intact the provision of reservation as fixed at present, to those people
of the Scheduled Castes/Scheduled Tribes in the country who through religious conversion have become Christians or Muslims, by taking up with the Central Government their inclusion also into the list of Scheduled castes/Scheduled Tribes.
Moreover, the governments of the Congress Party, BJP and other opposition parties under a well thought out conspiracy are engaged in an attempt to gradually finish the facility of reservation, which the people of the Scheduled
Castes (SCs)/ Scheduled Tribes (STs) and the other backward classes (OBCs) are getting in government services in “government departments” and “institutions” at central and state levels in the country becausee of tireless
efforts of most revered Bba Saheb Dr. Bhimrao Ambedkar, by handing these over to the “private sector” on a big scale, when the facility of reservation is not yet available to these classes in jobs at the central and state levels in
the private sector. And in such a situation, a day will come when the entire constitutional facility of reservation for these classes will automatically come to an end. Our party is very “serious and worried” over this matter and in this regard the
people of these classes all over the country also need to be very “alert and vigilant”.
In this context, it is the believe of our party that this constitutional facility of reservation of the people of SCs/STs and OBCs can remain
secure and this facility can be secured for them in the areas where it is not yet available only when these people form a government of their own party, BSP, in the country, in the Centre also along with that in the states and an
“incontrovertible proof” of this is the formation of our party’s government in Uttar Pradesh as the BSP’s is the first and the only government in the country to have ensured “full guarantee”
of keeping intact the existing facility of reservation even after the handing over of any “government department” and “institution” in Uttar Pradesh to the private sector.
At the same time, our party in the matter
of reservation has for the first time made a provision that if the works of government departments are given to any “private institution” or “individual” on contract, then the same percentage of reservation would continue
to be given to the people of the SCs, Sts and the OBCs classes as they have been getting in government departments.
At the same time, our party in the matter of “reservation” all over the country is a votary
of providing separate reservation to the poor people from the Savarna (Upper caste) society on an economic basis, which would have to be implemented only by the “Central Government” by amending the Country’s
Constitution. Therefore, several times letters have been written by the government of our party to the Government for giving separate reservation to these classes on an economic basis, but this suggestion of ours
has not so far been accepted by the Central Government of any party.
But in this regard, I wish to assure the people of the “Savarna Society” that when a government of our party is formed, then our
party’s government would make a meaningful attempt to remove their poverty and unemployment also by certainly making available the facility of reservation to them without being asked by them to do so. And even
otherwise it is known to you people about the work style of our party that our party does what it says, in other words, there is no difference between assertions and deeds of our party, this is known to all by now.
My party’s government has also been fully sensitive and serious over “Social Security” benefits to the people along with Constitutional facility of “reservation”. Therefore, we have increased the amount of old age/farmer
pension from Rs.150 to Rs.300. At the same time, may party’s government promptly increased the daily wages of “labourers” from Rs.58 to Rs. 100 as they are the most poor and weaker section and mostly come in the
category of “agricultural “labourers” and to whom no attention had ever been paid earlier because of their having been not organized.
At the same time, our BSP government in Uttar Pradesh has instead of giving
“unemployment allowance” provided the youths with an opportunity to live with self-respect and self-reliance by providing them with “opportunity of permanent employment”. In addition to these, my part’s government has
taken full care of interests of the poor and unemployed people from the Sarva samaj as also “farmers”, “workers”, “traders” and the people engaged in other occupations and has taken many important decisions in their interests.
Along with these works, our party’s government in Uttar pradesh has given full respect and honor to great Sants, Gurus and Mahapurush ( great men) born from time to time in the Bahujan Samaj by creating several
“new districts, universities, hospitals and museums and many other important places” were named after them.
Here, I also wish to say it that the peole of SCs/STs, backward and other neglected samaj (classes) have been victims
of excesses and atrocities of various kinds perpetrated by the people having a cattiest mindset since independence till date and they are “not getting full justice” in time and in a proper and satisfactory manner. But our party
on coming to power in the Centre would not at all allow “injustice and exploitation” of any kind to any class of the society and would do ” Justice to all” and by fully establishing a “Rule of Law By Law” in the entire country.
like in Uttar Pradesh and would thereby create an “atmosphere free from injustice, crime, exploitation and fear”
At the same time, because of absence of adequate development and rampant injustice,
exploitation, poverty and wretched condition across the regions in our country, the people are adopting the path of “Naxalism”, and Centre and the state governments have not yet given proper attention towards them, but our party
immediately on assuming power in the Centre would make every possible effort to find a “lasting solution” to all their problems and will also make fullest effort to bring them into the mainstream of development process by providing them the
opportunity of “permanent employment”.
Besides, “terrorism” has grown to be big challenge before our country over the past few years, the main reason of which are weaknesses of the Central Government and also
whichever party is in power also has to some extent a vested political interest in it. But our party on coming to power in the Centre would pay full attention towards this also.
As far the question of the National
Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme is concerned, there is a provision of providing employment for only 100 out of 365 days in a year under the scheme and that too for only one unemployed member of a family. But on
coming to power in then Centre, we will run such a scheme for the poor and needy people living in rural areas all over the country as would ensure for them “employment throughout the year, i.e., all the 365 days of a year” by
restructuring/rationalising various existing welfare schemes.
At the same time, it is also no secret to anyone that during the long rule of over 63 years of the Congress and the BJP and their supporting
parties, “farm, farming and farmers” have been neglected in a big way; in other words, in the process of encouraging big/heavy industries under the governments of these parties serious negligence has been shown towards interests
and welfare of “farming sector and farmers”.
Not only this, rather persisting in this cattiest and feudal mindset even now, the Central Government led by the Congress party announced only a few concessions in the budget
for 2007-08 to benefit a handful of big farmers. Such announcements are generally made before elections because of which their real benefit does accrue to the people.
At the same time, no concern is shown
for crores of such farmers in the country who are groaning under loan at exorbitant rates of interests from money lenders. They constitute about 46 per cent of total number of farmers and need government assistance to the maximum so
that they could be prevented from committing suicides. But the Central and the state governments have done nothing to improve the wretched lots of crores of families and farmers.
Another bitter truth in this process is that
the land of the poor and helpless people have been acquired for setting up big/heavy industries, but they have not been given jobs of even the lowest order in those industries because of which the life of the people of the
“Adivasi (Scheduled Tribe) Samaj” in particular has become still more difficult. During the rule of the Congress and the BJP, this is the height of exploitation, but our party wants to make “farming a dignified occupation”.
Not only that, our path wants to see the life of farmers as happy and prosperous. Our BSP government in its very first year had began work on an extremely ambitious “Ganga Express-Way” , from NOIDA (New Delhi) to
Ballia, bordering Bihar which could have turned around the face and fortunes of about half the ’state and at the same time could have improved the fate of farmers on a big scale, but it did not get adequate cooperation from the Central
Government for this high ambitious project.
Besides, a proper use would be made of “Natural Resources” in the country for improvement in the economic condition of the people.”Good and proper use of natural
resources” in the full and honest natural interest can play big role in improving the standard of life of the people here. We are in favor of providing solution to the problem of unemployment at the local level by making
“optimum use small resources” of the area itself.
At the same time, of the land fit for cultivation and lying vacant with the government in the entire country, which is not being used, such “fallow land” at the rate of “3 acres would
be distributed free” on the pattern of Uttar Pradesh for cultivation to the people of the Sarva Samaj by giving priority to the poor and unemployed peole of the SC/s/STs and backward classes. Not only this, rather villages, kasbas,
towns and big cities in the entire country would be developed on the pattern of the “Dr. Ambedkar Gram Vikas Yojana” and the “Manyawar Kanshi Ram Ji Shahari Samagra Vikas Yojana” devised in Uttar Pradesh.
Thus, our party after coming to power in the Centre would frame the “Economic Policy” of the country in every field by keeping in view interests of the Sarva Samaj for then only can our party’s dream of “Sarvajan Hitaye
and Sarvajan Sukhaye” be realized. At the same time, our every economic policy would be designed to reach “proper benefit to the general public”, and it will not be of a kind that makes the “rich richer and the poor poorer” as has
been happening during the rule of the Congress, the BJP and their supporting parties so far.
Besides, on coming to power in the Centre, our government’s “Foreign Policy” in every respect would be absolutely in the full
interest of Sarva samajand the country; in other words, while framing foreign policy and reaching international agreements special care would be taken of the security of the country as also of the country’s honour,self-respect and
sovereignty, it would not be mortgaged the way it was done by the Congress-led UPA Government while entering into the Indo- American Nuclear Deal in the year of 2008.
In brief, it is the contention of our party
that if the people of the “Bahujan Samaj and the Upper Caste Samaj” wish to create all over the country an atmosphere akin to that ensures by the BSP government of Uttar Pradesh by securing for the people a “life of self-respect”,
they would have to take the”Master Key of political power” into their own hands by showing a good result in the Lok Sabha general elections being held in the country now.
But for achieving success in this, they
would certainly have to be alert against “many tactics like “Saam, Daam, Dand, Bhedh” (cajolery, inducement, coercion, divisive politics) etc., of opposition parties because opposition parties can go to any extent to harm
our party and its electoral prospect.
And in this regard, opposition parties would make fullest efforts to see to it that our party cannot at any cost get the votes of the people of Upper caste society , and for this,
opposition parties may also try to present a distorted picture about our party’s “ideology and policies”, whereas the ideologies and policies of our party are not against any caste and religion,
rather the “BSP wishes to unite in a spirit of brotherhood the people fragmented in this country on the basis of caste and vans in order to establish here a ‘humanity-based Equalitarian Social Order’, which is in fullest interest of the
Sarva samaj and the country an in which all the people are equal and share mutual fraternal feelings, then only the inequitable social order prevalent in the country be uprooted.
And if in this missionary work of “Social
Transformation”, the people of the “Upper caste society” also along with the “Bahujan Samaj” extend their cooperation, doors would be found open for such people for admission to and advancement in the Bahujan Samaj Party.
In this regard, I also wish to make it, clear here that had the “ideology and policies” of our party been against the “Upper Caste Samaj”, why would our party have kept the people of these
class at the national and state levels in its organizations? Also, why would it have fielded them in the Lok sabha and Assembly elections on its tickets and given them respectable position of ministers on formation of its government in Uttar
Pradesh? In other words, the ideology and all the policies of our party are pro-Sarva Samaj and based on the ideal humanistic principle of “Sarvajan Hitaye and Sarvajan Sukhaye”.
Besides, also wish to make it clear, here
about the “ideology and policies” of that BSP that an “Equalitarian Social Order” is not going to be established in the country by organizing only the people of the “Bahujan Samaj” alone. For this,
we would also have to take along the Upper caste Hindus on the basis of “social brothrhood” by changing their cattiest mindset, then only an “Equalitarian Social Order” in a real sense, in
accordance with the thinking of the architect of Country’s Constitution Baba Saheb Dr. Bhimrao Ambedkar, can be established in our country, and it is only after this that the Sarva Samaj can be fully united and divisions of “high” and “low” and
caste and creed can come to an end in the society here for ever and then only the people can get full opportunity of advancing in every walk of life.
But the BSP people would have to bear this in mind that the Congress, BJP and their
supporting parties will not allow our party to come to power so easily here in the Centre and to prevent our party from com in to power in the Centre all the opposition parties will use “tactics of every kind like cajolery,
inducement, coercion, divisive politics etc.,” and the party people would have to be very alert against it at every step.
What is meant is that at the time of the Lok Sabha general elections being held in the
country, all the opposition parties can influence your votes by misleading you with “inducements and assurances” of various kinds. For this reason, it is my advice to BSP supporters and well wishers
that you have to be fully alert against all kinds of tactics employed by the Congress, BJP and their allies during the elections.
And in this regard, what merits particular attention here is that whenever these opposition
parties have there governments in the Centre and the states, then for the first 3-4 years they do not bother even a little bit about the interests of the Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes, other backward classes (OBCs), religious minorities and
the poor and unemployed people from the Upper castes and farmers, workers, traders, employees and the people engaged in other occupations, but when the time of elections comes close the interests of these classes suddenly come to the
mind of these opposition parties and then these parties start using “electoral tactics” of different kinds such as making many populist laws and rules in their interests, distributing scholarships,
cheap wheat and rice and other populist relief acts of various kinds. But once the elections are over, these opposition parties treat these laws and rules as garbage and discard them in the garbage bin and the work of relief etc., then
comes to an end until the next elections.
Besides, attempts could also be made by thé opposition par ties during the elections to garners your votes by spreading rumors of different kinds against which also our party people need
to be extremely vigilant. At the same time, it is also my “APPEAL” to the people and sympathisers of BSP that “you remain fully alert , your vote is invaluable, ensure that none of your votes can be purchased nor could be looted.
Neither it is left uncast nor it is misused by any selfish element ensnare you in the name of caste and creed, by using money power or by inciting feelings over the issue of temple and mosque, in other words, you have to defend democracy
with all your might.
Therefore, in the interest of Sarva Samaj, your respective state and country, you have to entrust power in the centre into the hands of the right party, that is Bahujan Samaj
Party (BSP) so that the party’s government through this power can frame each one of its policies in every walk of life in accordance with the principle of “Sarvajan Hitaye and Sarvajan Sukhaye i.e., Progress and
Prosperity For All” and thereby make the life of the “Bahujan Samaj and poor and unemployed people from Upper/high caste society happy and prosperous in a dignified manner.”
In the end keeping all these matters in
view, I make this “APPEAL” to all the supporters, followers and well wishers of the BSP that they should not be misled by any populist promises made in the “election manifestos” of opposition
parties, in other words, they should act only on this “APPEAL” of their own party and must make all the BSP candidates in this general elections being held for the Lok Sabha victorious
This is the main reason why as a result of wrong policies of the government of the parties having a cattiest mindset no significant change has come about even now, 66 years after independence in “social, educational and economic” condition of the ” Bahujan Samaj”, which comprises the Scheduled Castes (SCs), Scheduled Tribes (STs), other backward classes (OBCs) and the people of different communities and religions like the Sikhs, Muslims, Christians, Parsis and Buddhists etc., belonging to the religious minority society, whose population is altogether about 85 percent of the country.
And, I have spoken about wrong policies of the governments of these opposition parties here because in our country, in the centre and most of the states, governments of whichever parties have been formed till date have been mostly formed with financial assistance of big capitalists and super-rich (dhannaseth) , because of which these parties after coming to power, frame each and every “economic policy” of their respective government in accordance with the interests of those very super-rich, in other words; they do not frame their economic policies with a view to removing sufferings and hardships of the poor and the general public here.
Thus all these opposition parties, despite maintaining their separate identities , foster and promote only a particular kind of belief that is bases on “pro-capitalist” and they have common masters, who are big capitalists and super-rich persons and industrialist, in other words, all these opposition parties and big capitalists have been always complimenting each other and they both take pride in helping and serving interests of each other, which is not at all pro-poor and pro-people. Their interest in removing sorrows and sufferings of the poor people and the general public is mostly a “sham and hypocrisy”.
Not only this, rather because of these very reasons “prices and unemployment” skyrocketing and have been continuously increasing here as a result of which the vast population of the poor and the middle income class in the country for the teason of being the hardest hit are highly unhappy and stressed. This is the main reason why the economic condition of the people of the “Bahujan Samaj” here along with that of particularly the poor people from the “avarna (Upper/High carte) Samaj” continues to be very bad even now.
Keeping all these matters in view, we then by following the paths shown by Parampujya Baba Saheb Dr. Bhimrao Ambedkar had to form a separate political party of ours by the name of the “Bahujan Samaj party” (BSP) under the leadership of “Manyawar Shri Kanshi Ram Ji” on April 14, 1984, and now this party with limitless love, sacrifices and cooperation of the Sarva Samaj has become a prominent and important party at the “national level”.
And as it is known to all, the Bhaujan Samaj Party (BSP) does not at all follow in the footsteps of the anti-poor and pro-capitalists parties like the congress and the BJP, and rather than take money from capitalists and super-rich like other parties and work at their bidding, it is running its “humanistic movement” all over the country by taking donation and membership subscription from its cadre, followers and supporters.
By following the same principle, our party has also got an auspicious opportunity of forming its own government several times in the most populous state of the country, Uttar Pradesh, and it has been the first and the only government in the country every policy of which has been framed by keeping in view the moto of “Sarvajan Hitaye and sarvajan Sukhaye” (Progress and Prosperity For All), which clearly and perfectly reflects “Pro-sarvajan and pro- Sarva Samaj ideology and policies” of the BSP.
Not only this, rather this party of ours by gradually expanding its mass-base in the entire countrys now ensured victory of many of its nominees and sent them as MPs to Parliament and as Legislators in several state assemblies. besides, government has been formed under the leadership of our party in Uttar Pradesh four times, ( first three times in the years of 1995, 1997, and 2002 for short periods but in the year of 2007 with an absolute majority for five years), and , all the four times the government of our party has in the matter of ensuring “development and justice” in the state taken full care of interests and welfare of the Sarva samaj, but we have also given first priority to those people of the “Bahujan samaj”, who under the past governments have been neglect here on a big scale particularly in the “social, educational and economic” field.
And it is by taking serious note of this that the government of our (BSP) part in Uttar Pradesh in order to bring about judicious improvement in “social, educational and economic” condition of the people of the Bahujan Samaj constituted for the first time in the country separate “Welfare Department” for each of their segments and by selecting particularly SC/ST majority villages in the state on a priority basis under the Dr. ambedkar Gram Vikas Yojana ( Village Development Scheme) has done the work of covering them with necessary basic amenities of every kind and other works of development also in a phased manner and then with a view to making this scheme still more beneficial has made available a lot of funds under this ssheme and changes its name to “Baba Saheb Dr.Ambedkat Uttar Pradesh Gram Sabha Samagra Vikas Yojana” for all round development of gramsabhas.
Similarly in the name of Manyawar Shri Kanshi Ram Ji, who advanced the stalled humanistic self-respect caravan of Baba sahib Dr. Bhimrao Ambedkar by imparting momentum to it, “Shahari Samagra Vika Yojana” (Urban all round development scheme) was devised and through this scheme, cities, towns and villages, big and small, of Uttar Pradesh were developed in a phased manner. But momentum could be imparted to all these works only by keeping in view limited economic resources of the state, and had our government got adequate cooperation from the Central Government for all these welfare works, still more and speedier benefit could have been made available to the deprived people.
Besides by giving priority to particularly “SC/STs, exploited, other backward classes (OBCs) and religious minorities” from the Sarva samaj in Uttar pradesh,”two-room pucca houses” were given to the poor homeless from among them and by “allotting vacant government land” to helpless people for “farming”; possession has also been ensured to them by the BSP government, which has directly benefitted lakhs of poor people in Uttar pradesh.
For promoting “Education”also, our BSP government has for the first time in the country granted “scholarships” to children belonging to the Scheduled Castes/Scheduled Tribes and like them to the poor children of the other backward classes (OBCs) and of Muslim samaj in particular from the religious minorities and in accordance with increase in prices has “doubled” the rates of the scholarships and also made arrangements for distributing these to students immediately after their admission. And at the same time, to help qualifying “poor students from these classes for high ranking jobs”, our government has also made arrangements for giving them “free government coaching”.
Besides, for poor children from the “Savarna (Upper Caste) Samaj, along with these classes in Uttar Pradesh, dawn of a new age in the field of higher and technical education has been ushered in under which an historic work has been done for the first time to send such children to other countries for higher education at government expenditure to the newly established world class “Gautam Buddha University” in newly created Gautam Buddha Nagar District (Greater Noida near New Delhi).
At the same time, giving priority to the development of people of Scheduled castes and Scheduled Tribes, a provision was mad for the first time for separate “25 per cent fund” from the budget of the Uttar Pradesh government for them. Similarly, for creating a sense of security among the people of the “Bahujan samaj” in every district of Uttar Pradesh, a provision of “reservation” was made for the first time in the country for making officers of the “police department” from their society as Station House Officers (SHO).
Similarly, full care has been taken of particularly the people of the “Muslim Society” the largest segment of the religious minority society, in Uttar Pradesh in every field. their educational and economic development and also full security of their life and property and religion were ensured. in addition, by including economically backward people from the Muslim society in the list of the backward class, our party’s government for the first time made available to them “facility of reservation in government jobs and other fields” in Uttar Pradesh.
A new initiative in the matter of ”reservation” : In the matter of “reservation” also, we during all our terms in office i Uttar Pradesh have got cleared the backlog of “reservation” quota of people of the Scheduled castes(SCs)/Scheduled Tribes (STs) and the other backward classes (OBCs) pending for years in government services and other areas by conducting a spacial recruitment drive as a result of which the people of these classes got “permanent employment on a big scale” and a new kind of confidence was generated among the people of these classes.
Besides, for making available the facility of “reservation” in the areas like ” hon’ble Judiciaary, council of ministers, Rajya Sabha, Legislative Councils and private sectors” etc., in the country where it is not yet been made available to the people of the Scheduled castes/ Scheduled Tribes and the other backward classes by the Central Government, our party’s struggle with the Central Government is relentlessly continuing. At the same time, relentless effort is being made by our party for securing the benefit of reservation in an additional way, keeping intact the provision of reservation as fixed at present, to those people of the Scheduled Castes/Scheduled Tribes in the country who through religious conversion have become Christians or Muslims, by taking up with the Central Government their inclusion also into the list of Scheduled castes/Scheduled Tribes.
Moreover, the governments of the Congress Party, BJP and other opposition parties under a well thought out conspiracy are engaged in an attempt to gradually finish the facility of reservation, which the people of the Scheduled Castes (SCs)/ Scheduled Tribes (STs) and the other backward classes (OBCs) are getting in government services in “government departments” and “institutions” at central and state levels in the country becausee of tireless efforts of most revered Bba Saheb Dr. Bhimrao Ambedkar, by handing these over to the “private sector” on a big scale, when the facility of reservation is not yet available to these classes in jobs at the central and state levels in the private sector. And in such a situation, a day will come when the entire constitutional facility of reservation for these classes will automatically come to an end. Our party is very “serious and worried” over this matter and in this regard the people of these classes all over the country also need to be very “alert and vigilant”.
In this context, it is the believe of our party that this constitutional facility of reservation of the people of SCs/STs and OBCs can remain secure and this facility can be secured for them in the areas where it is not yet available only when these people form a government of their own party, BSP, in the country, in the Centre also along with that in the states and an “incontrovertible proof” of this is the formation of our party’s government in Uttar Pradesh as the BSP’s is the first and the only government in the country to have ensured “full guarantee” of keeping intact the existing facility of reservation even after the handing over of any “government department” and “institution” in Uttar Pradesh to the private sector.
At the same time, our party in the matter of reservation has for the first time made a provision that if the works of government departments are given to any “private institution” or “individual” on contract, then the same percentage of reservation would continue to be given to the people of the SCs, Sts and the OBCs classes as they have been getting in government departments.
At the same time, our party in the matter of “reservation” all over the country is a votary of providing separate reservation to the poor people from the Savarna (Upper caste) society on an economic basis, which would have to be implemented only by the “Central Government” by amending the Country’s Constitution. Therefore, several times letters have been written by the government of our party to the Government for giving separate reservation to these classes on an economic basis, but this suggestion of ours has not so far been accepted by the Central Government of any party.
But in this regard, I wish to assure the people of the “Savarna Society” that when a government of our party is formed, then our party’s government would make a meaningful attempt to remove their poverty and unemployment also by certainly making available the facility of reservation to them without being asked by them to do so. And even otherwise it is known to you people about the work style of our party that our party does what it says, in other words, there is no difference between assertions and deeds of our party, this is known to all by now.
My party’s government has also been fully sensitive and serious over “Social Security” benefits to the people along with Constitutional facility of “reservation”. Therefore, we have increased the amount of old age/farmer pension from Rs.150 to Rs.300. At the same time, may party’s government promptly increased the daily wages of “labourers” from Rs.58 to Rs. 100 as they are the most poor and weaker section and mostly come in the category of “agricultural “labourers” and to whom no attention had ever been paid earlier because of their having been not organized.
At the same time, our BSP government in Uttar Pradesh has instead of giving “unemployment allowance” provided the youths with an opportunity to live with self-respect and self-reliance by providing them with “opportunity of permanent employment”. In addition to these, my part’s government has taken full care of interests of the poor and unemployed people from the Sarva samaj as also “farmers”, “workers”, “traders” and the people engaged in other occupations and has taken many important decisions in their interests.
Along with these works, our party’s government in Uttar pradesh has given full respect and honor to great Sants, Gurus and Mahapurush ( great men) born from time to time in the Bahujan Samaj by creating several “new districts, universities, hospitals and museums and many other important places” were named after them.
Here, I also wish to say it that the peole of SCs/STs, backward and other neglected samaj (classes) have been victims of excesses and atrocities of various kinds perpetrated by the people having a cattiest mindset since independence till date and they are “not getting full justice” in time and in a proper and satisfactory manner. But our party on coming to power in the Centre would not at all allow “injustice and exploitation” of any kind to any class of the society and would do ” Justice to all” and by fully establishing a “Rule of Law By Law” in the entire country. like in Uttar Pradesh and would thereby create an “atmosphere free from injustice, crime, exploitation and fear”
At the same time, because of absence of adequate development and rampant injustice, exploitation, poverty and wretched condition across the regions in our country, the people are adopting the path of “Naxalism”, and Centre and the state governments have not yet given proper attention towards them, but our party immediately on assuming power in the Centre would make every possible effort to find a “lasting solution” to all their problems and will also make fullest effort to bring them into the mainstream of development process by providing them the opportunity of “permanent employment”.
Besides, “terrorism” has grown to be big challenge before our country over the past few years, the main reason of which are weaknesses of the Central Government and also whichever party is in power also has to some extent a vested political interest in it. But our party on coming to power in the Centre would pay full attention towards this also.
As far the question of the National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme is concerned, there is a provision of providing employment for only 100 out of 365 days in a year under the scheme and that too for only one unemployed member of a family. But on coming to power in then Centre, we will run such a scheme for the poor and needy people living in rural areas all over the country as would ensure for them “employment throughout the year, i.e., all the 365 days of a year” by restructuring/rationalising various existing welfare schemes.
At the same time, it is also no secret to anyone that during the long rule of over 63 years of the Congress and the BJP and their supporting parties, “farm, farming and farmers” have been neglected in a big way; in other words, in the process of encouraging big/heavy industries under the governments of these parties serious negligence has been shown towards interests and welfare of “farming sector and farmers”.
Not only this, rather persisting in this cattiest and feudal mindset even now, the Central Government led by the Congress party announced only a few concessions in the budget for 2007-08 to benefit a handful of big farmers. Such announcements are generally made before elections because of which their real benefit does accrue to the people.
At the same time, no concern is shown for crores of such farmers in the country who are groaning under loan at exorbitant rates of interests from money lenders. They constitute about 46 per cent of total number of farmers and need government assistance to the maximum so that they could be prevented from committing suicides. But the Central and the state governments have done nothing to improve the wretched lots of crores of families and farmers.
Another bitter truth in this process is that the land of the poor and helpless people have been acquired for setting up big/heavy industries, but they have not been given jobs of even the lowest order in those industries because of which the life of the people of the “Adivasi (Scheduled Tribe) Samaj” in particular has become still more difficult. During the rule of the Congress and the BJP, this is the height of exploitation, but our party wants to make “farming a dignified occupation”.
Not only that, our path wants to see the life of farmers as happy and prosperous. Our BSP government in its very first year had began work on an extremely ambitious “Ganga Express-Way” , from NOIDA (New Delhi) to Ballia, bordering Bihar which could have turned around the face and fortunes of about half the ’state and at the same time could have improved the fate of farmers on a big scale, but it did not get adequate cooperation from the Central Government for this high ambitious project.
Besides, a proper use would be made of “Natural Resources” in the country for improvement in the economic condition of the people.”Good and proper use of natural resources” in the full and honest natural interest can play big role in improving the standard of life of the people here. We are in favor of providing solution to the problem of unemployment at the local level by making “optimum use small resources” of the area itself.
At the same time, of the land fit for cultivation and lying vacant with the government in the entire country, which is not being used, such “fallow land” at the rate of “3 acres would be distributed free” on the pattern of Uttar Pradesh for cultivation to the people of the Sarva Samaj by giving priority to the poor and unemployed peole of the SC/s/STs and backward classes. Not only this, rather villages, kasbas, towns and big cities in the entire country would be developed on the pattern of the “Dr. Ambedkar Gram Vikas Yojana” and the “Manyawar Kanshi Ram Ji Shahari Samagra Vikas Yojana” devised in Uttar Pradesh.
Thus, our party after coming to power in the Centre would frame the “Economic Policy” of the country in every field by keeping in view interests of the Sarva Samaj for then only can our party’s dream of “Sarvajan Hitaye and Sarvajan Sukhaye” be realized. At the same time, our every economic policy would be designed to reach “proper benefit to the general public”, and it will not be of a kind that makes the “rich richer and the poor poorer” as has been happening during the rule of the Congress, the BJP and their supporting parties so far.
Besides, on coming to power in the Centre, our government’s “Foreign Policy” in every respect would be absolutely in the full interest of Sarva samajand the country; in other words, while framing foreign policy and reaching international agreements special care would be taken of the security of the country as also of the country’s honour,self-respect and sovereignty, it would not be mortgaged the way it was done by the Congress-led UPA Government while entering into the Indo- American Nuclear Deal in the year of 2008.
In brief, it is the contention of our party that if the people of the “Bahujan Samaj and the Upper Caste Samaj” wish to create all over the country an atmosphere akin to that ensures by the BSP government of Uttar Pradesh by securing for the people a “life of self-respect”, they would have to take the”Master Key of political power” into their own hands by showing a good result in the Lok Sabha general elections being held in the country now.
But for achieving success in this, they would certainly have to be alert against “many tactics like “Saam, Daam, Dand, Bhedh” (cajolery, inducement, coercion, divisive politics) etc., of opposition parties because opposition parties can go to any extent to harm our party and its electoral prospect.
And in this regard, opposition parties would make fullest efforts to see to it that our party cannot at any cost get the votes of the people of Upper caste society , and for this, opposition parties may also try to present a distorted picture about our party’s “ideology and policies”, whereas the ideologies and policies of our party are not against any caste and religion, rather the “BSP wishes to unite in a spirit of brotherhood the people fragmented in this country on the basis of caste and vans in order to establish here a ‘humanity-based Equalitarian Social Order’, which is in fullest interest of the Sarva samaj and the country an in which all the people are equal and share mutual fraternal feelings, then only the inequitable social order prevalent in the country be uprooted.
And if in this missionary work of “Social Transformation”, the people of the “Upper caste society” also along with the “Bahujan Samaj” extend their cooperation, doors would be found open for such people for admission to and advancement in the Bahujan Samaj Party.
In this regard, I also wish to make it, clear here that had the “ideology and policies” of our party been against the “Upper Caste Samaj”, why would our party have kept the people of these class at the national and state levels in its organizations? Also, why would it have fielded them in the Lok sabha and Assembly elections on its tickets and given them respectable position of ministers on formation of its government in Uttar Pradesh? In other words, the ideology and all the policies of our party are pro-Sarva Samaj and based on the ideal humanistic principle of “Sarvajan Hitaye and Sarvajan Sukhaye”.
Besides, also wish to make it clear, here about the “ideology and policies” of that BSP that an “Equalitarian Social Order” is not going to be established in the country by organizing only the people of the “Bahujan Samaj” alone. For this, we would also have to take along the Upper caste Hindus on the basis of “social brothrhood” by changing their cattiest mindset, then only an “Equalitarian Social Order” in a real sense, in accordance with the thinking of the architect of Country’s Constitution Baba Saheb Dr. Bhimrao Ambedkar, can be established in our country, and it is only after this that the Sarva Samaj can be fully united and divisions of “high” and “low” and caste and creed can come to an end in the society here for ever and then only the people can get full opportunity of advancing in every walk of life.
But the BSP people would have to bear this in mind that the Congress, BJP and their supporting parties will not allow our party to come to power so easily here in the Centre and to prevent our party from com in to power in the Centre all the opposition parties will use “tactics of every kind like cajolery, inducement, coercion, divisive politics etc.,” and the party people would have to be very alert against it at every step.
What is meant is that at the time of the Lok Sabha general elections being held in the country, all the opposition parties can influence your votes by misleading you with “inducements and assurances” of various kinds. For this reason, it is my advice to BSP supporters and well wishers that you have to be fully alert against all kinds of tactics employed by the Congress, BJP and their allies during the elections.
And in this regard, what merits particular attention here is that whenever these opposition parties have there governments in the Centre and the states, then for the first 3-4 years they do not bother even a little bit about the interests of the Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes, other backward classes (OBCs), religious minorities and the poor and unemployed people from the Upper castes and farmers, workers, traders, employees and the people engaged in other occupations, but when the time of elections comes close the interests of these classes suddenly come to the mind of these opposition parties and then these parties start using “electoral tactics” of different kinds such as making many populist laws and rules in their interests, distributing scholarships, cheap wheat and rice and other populist relief acts of various kinds. But once the elections are over, these opposition parties treat these laws and rules as garbage and discard them in the garbage bin and the work of relief etc., then comes to an end until the next elections.
Besides, attempts could also be made by thé opposition par ties during the elections to garners your votes by spreading rumors of different kinds against which also our party people need to be extremely vigilant. At the same time, it is also my “APPEAL” to the people and sympathisers of BSP that “you remain fully alert , your vote is invaluable, ensure that none of your votes can be purchased nor could be looted. Neither it is left uncast nor it is misused by any selfish element ensnare you in the name of caste and creed, by using money power or by inciting feelings over the issue of temple and mosque, in other words, you have to defend democracy with all your might.
Therefore, in the interest of Sarva Samaj, your respective state and country, you have to entrust power in the centre into the hands of the right party, that is Bahujan Samaj Party (BSP) so that the party’s government through this power can frame each one of its policies in every walk of life in accordance with the principle of “Sarvajan Hitaye and Sarvajan Sukhaye i.e., Progress and Prosperity For All” and thereby make the life of the “Bahujan Samaj and poor and unemployed people from Upper/high caste society happy and prosperous in a dignified manner.”
In the end keeping all these matters in view, I make this “APPEAL” to all the supporters, followers and well wishers of the BSP that they should not be misled by any populist promises made in the “election manifestos” of opposition parties, in other words, they should act only on this “APPEAL” of their own party and must make all the BSP candidates in this general elections being held for the Lok Sabha victorious
by pressing the button facing the B.S.P. election symbol “Elephant”of their party. I fully have this expectation from the people of my party, its supporters and well wishers.But all in vain because of the tamperable EVMs which was not replaced in total with tramper proof machines or the traditional ballot voting system which would have benefitted the BSP to acquire the MASTER KEY.
I, J.Chandrasekharan
S/O Late Shri. M.Jagatheesan (Retd. Chairman, Bench Court, Mayo hall,
Bangalore), R etd. Sr.Manager(Design), ARDC, HAL, Bangalore, Secretary
General All India SC/ST Employees and Officers Assn. and President, HAL
SC/ST and Safai Workers Multipurpose Cooperative Society wish to bring
to your kind notice the following for your favourable orders.When all
the doors for SC/STs employees in Govt. and PSUs were
closed, Manyawar Kanshiramji.s BSP came as a boon for the majority of
the society and the political reform helped Ms Maywati to become Chief
Minister for four times. Now the fradulant EVMs are preventing her to
win even a single seat preventing Sarvajan Hitaye Sarvajan Sukhaye i.e.,
for the welfare nad happiness of the entire society.
has been conclusively proved to the satisfaction of the Hon’ble Supreme
Court that Indian EVMs ARE tamperable.The process of elections is the
most sacrosanct duty in a Republic which ECI should carry out with
utmost diligence. Caesar’s wife should be above suspicion. Free and fair
polls should not only be ensured but APPEAR to be ensured to the
satisfaction of the voters.
India first tested EVMs in a
by-election in 1982, but the machines were first deployed on a large
scale of over 1 million in a general election in 2004.
In 2010,
security researcher Hari Prasad and his associates released a video that
they said demonstrated vulnerabilities in the EVMs, after hacking an
EVM that had already been used in an election.
Prasad and his team
replaced the display board of the machine with a look-alike component
that could be instructed through a Bluetooth connection on a mobile
phone to steal a percentage of the votes in favor of a chosen candidate.
The researchers also used a pocket-size device that could be attached
to the memory of the EVM to change the votes stored in the machine
during the period between the election and the public counting session.
Supreme Court has in its ruling this week asked the government to
provide the financial assistance required by the Election Commission to
roll out the EVMs. It has not set out a schedule for the full deployment
of EVMs with the paper trail.
http://articles.economictimes.indiatimes.com/2010-05-20/news/27589262_1_voting-machines-display-board-hack American scientists ‘hack’ into Indian voting machines
India’s voting machines - considered to be among the world’s most
tamperproof - can be hacked, American scientists claim.
at the University of Michigan connected a home-made device to a voting
machine and successfully changed results by sending text messages from a
“We made an imitation display board that looks almost
exactly like the real display in the machines. But underneath some of
the components of the board, we hide a microprocessor and a Bluetooth
radio,” the BBC quoted Prof J Alex Halderman, who led the project, as
He added: “Our lookalike display board intercepts the vote
totals that the machine is trying to display and replaces them with
dishonest totals - basically whatever the bad guy wants to show up at
the end of the election.”
Moreover, they added a small
microprocessor, which they say can change the votes stored in the
machine between the election and the vote-counting session.
No one’s
right mind would yet allow the use of absolutely antiquated, completely
out-dated, easily hack-able and highly tamper-able “high school
technology” based, obsolete EVMs (electronic voting machines) in
national elections, but it was used now — in 2014
More than 80
democracies in the world have simply done away with them, dumping them
in the trash, or simply declared the usage of this simplistic voting
system susceptible to fraud, and hence declaring the same as
illegal — as the Supreme Courts of Germany and Holland indeed have done.
Even Japan, from where EVMs originated, has long abandoned its rogue
babies, and is using paper ballot system since then. All the advanced
democracies in the West, except the most dull-headed ones, have reverted
to a voter verifiable system or the ballot paper. In Canada, even at
the ,most basic school level, ballot paper voting is in use.
year, the Supreme Court of India, having been convinced of an
undeniable, edible possibility of EVMs getting tampered with and that
easily hacked — even from afar — had ordered the imbecilic Election
Commission and the indolent Government of India to provide about 1600
crore (1600, 0000000) rupees — convert this into your respective
currency! — for manufacturing these VVPAT (Voter Verifiable Paper Audit
Trail) voting machines; which show a verifiable paper receipt to the
This is the Fundamental Right of a citizen of India, as per
the laws laid down by the Constitution. However, recent newspaper
reports tell us that only 20, 000 such voting machines have been
provided for the entire country in this, 2014 election! India has 29
states now — with Telagana being the latest. In most of them, depending
upon their size etc., either about 400 VVPAT machines are being
deployed, or some such similar ridiculous number — more or less — has
been made available in the length and breadth of the country. It’s an
asinine, bland, cruel, demeaning joke we 1.25 billion voters have been
“blessed” with by the powers that be.
All “patriotic” hackers
including the Chief Election Commission Mr. Sampath, RSS Chief Mr. Mohan
Bagawath BJP Chief Minister Mr. Narendra Modi of our motherland made
hay in May!
to how EVMs can be hacked into, tampered with, and results favorably
manipulated via software interference and other means — from near and
from far, far away — this can easily be found by anybody by just going
to Google etc. and filling “EVM HACKING, TAMPERING” or something to this
effect in the Search. And lo, behold! a plethora of information will
just overwhelm your overly chilled-out, lesser employed, un-billed
However, the only solace for us naive fools is that quite a
few unscrupulous politicians and every other most “honorable” political
party worthy of its “salt”, would surely be playing this comic-tragic
game of hacking into and hijacking the votes of a billion people! Thus,
one who outsmarts the other such fine folks, armed with their hacking
forks in this merry-go-around, will win.
The rest — this or that
“tsunami” or wave in favor of one or the other, poll forecasts and the
“newbie”, the over enthused, seeming game changers in the making — well, have fallen flat on their dumb faces.
That the Supreme Court of India too, while passing the order
of putting new VVAT voting machines in use in a “phased manner”, has
unwittingly shirked its duty. In fact, it committed a grave error of
judgment. Perhaps dealt a fatal blow to Indian democracy. It should have
ordered, as a caution, that till the time this newer set of about
1300ooo voting machines is manufactured in full and so deployed
throughout India, ballot paper system would be brought in.
somewhat notorious lawyer who had brought in this
case — of the present lot of EVMs being tamper-able and hack-able — and,
who, had successfully fought it so, forcing the Supreme Court to order
the installation of a fail-safe voting mechanism (of Voter Verifiable
Paper Audit machines replacing the susceptible earlier Electronic Voting
Machines) to ensure a free and fair electoral process in
India — this-very honorable fellow too has fallen silent, like a demure
maiden. This most vociferous gentleman had openly declared on social
websites, especially Twitter, that in case VVPAT machines do not get
installed in time for 2014 elections, then, there would be a
“constitutional crisis” — putting it out there like an Indian
“pehalwan”, a la WWW wrestler, that he would challenge the same in the
apex court. He had most emphatically underlined he would ensure that
either the new fail-safe voting machines or the old time-tested paper
ballot system will be put in use during this general election in India.
However, recently, when asked specifically on Twitter about this
matter — as to what this lovely man is doing or is going to do about
this impending doomsday electoral scenario — there was a deafening
silence from his side. May be owing to the fact that since the Supreme
Court judgement late last year, this self-righteous rightist has joined
the ultra-rightist political bandwagon. The latter has been projected
by pollsters to overwhelmingly sweep these elections — as a direct
result of the doings of the monstrous public relations firm hired from
the land of the let-it-be, oops! free. This US firm is the same that was
used fruitfully by President Bush and Hillary Clinton for their
respective political campaigns. It has — let there be no doubt about
it — successfully projected its client as the potential winner and the
next numero uno in Indian politics.
What the majority of the Indians
have missed in fine print is that the outgoing Chief Minister of the
state of Rajasthan, in the last year elections, had officially filed a
complaint with the election commission that the EVMs used in his state
were pre-programmed and tampered with — and that the same had come from
the state of which this presently hyped-up future Prime Minister of
India, is the current Chief Minister. Now, the lawyer who had gone to
the dogs to awaken India and the rest of the world about the mischief
and malfeasance possible with the old model of EVMs — and had in fact
written a book on this subject — is in a wink-wink deep-throat “smadhi”.
A silence that speaks truths we dumb billion idiots on this part of
slippery earth cannot fathom. Perhaps it’s a precursor of the things to
Let us hope the jolly good hackers of this-that party screw-up
each other’s devilish, outright evil plans. In a dog eat dog political
crap pit we hapless billion creatures have to walk through every
election, maybe this time the ape sitting by the side — the wide-eyed
hopeful citizen of India — at least gets a tiny part of the apple pie
this messy hacking cat fight will leave behind, on the side lanes.
Perhaps these little crumbs will be enough for us to stay afloat. though
not gloat.
In a nutshell, simply put, BJP “out-hacked” the other, thinks it has won.
again, RSS’s BJP believing in a cult of more than 33, 0000000 gods and
goddesses — some civilized, others not so civil.
There is no hope that one of
these fancied deities will have a soft corner for us Sarva Samaj i.e., the entire society. Otherwise, we are
going to get screwed. A billion times over.
Therefore, many made doubly
sure they did not vote. I sat on my ass on voting day —
The Hon’ble must follow the above orders to free us from living in a fool’s paradise.
Long live the banana republic of India!
‘FIXING’ Indian Lok Sabha elections
Business Review appeared more certain with the “How Google search
results influenced elections” headline for its version of the story, the
Guardian reported.”……Google changed its course, it undermined people’s
trust in its results and company.”
A press release put out on 13 May
by the American Institute for Behavioral Research and Technology, an
independent research organisation based in California created a furore
around the topic when it released a report headlined “Could Google have
fixed the Lok Sabha elections? A landmark new study in India shows it’s
possible,” the report added. (ANI)
Published: 9:31 am, May 15, 2014 Story By: mattersindia.com
A threat to democracy
As India eagerly awaits the outcome of the just concluded general
elections, a study by an American institute says the real threat to
democracy comes from an unexpected corner: Google Search.
search results can pose a real threat to democracy as it could swing a
close election by influencing the voting preferences of undecided
voters, wars the American Institute for Behavioral Research and
Technology in California that studied more than 2,000 undecided voters
throughout India.
The study conducted in recent weeks suggests that
Google has the power to fix elections “without anyone being the wiser.”
This is possible because of the power that search rankings have on
people’s opinions, the researchers said. Studies show that the higher
the rank, the more people trust the result, which is why companies are
spending billions now to push their products higher.
“So could
highly-ranked search results that make Arvind Kejriwal look better than
Narendra Modi drive votes to Kejriwal?” the researchers set out to
determine, The Times of India reported.
In research conducted last
year in the US, researchers found that search rankings biased in favor
of a candidate could push the preferences of undecided voters towards
that candidate by 15 percent or more.
The researchers have shown that
votes can easily be pushed toward one candidate or another by about 12
percent — double that amount in some demographic groups — enough to
determine the outcomes of many close races.
“This is a very serious
matter — a real threat to democracy,” said Dr Robert Epstein, lead
researcher in the study and Senior Research Psychologist at the American
“If two candidates were both trying to push their
rankings higher, they would be competing, and that’s fine. But if
Google, which has a monopoly on search in India, were to favor one
candidate, it could easily put that candidate in office by manipulating
search rankings, and no one could counter what they were doing.
if without human intervention the company’s search algorithm favored
one candidate, thousands of votes would still be driven to that
candidate,” said Epstein.
In the new study, participants were
randomly assigned to groups in which search rankings favored either
Kejriwal, Rahul Gandhi, or Modi.
Real search rankings and web pages
were used, and people were asked to research all the candidates just as
they would on Google. The only difference between the groups was the
order in which the search results were displayed.
The new study
suggests that biased search rankings can be used to fix the outcome of
races in India in which the winner is projected to win by a margin up to
2.9 percent.
This can be done just by influencing undecided voters
who use the internet — a small but important group of voters that is
sure to grow in coming years, researchers said.
Worldwide, the researchers said, upwards of 25 percent of national elections are won by margins under 3 percent. The study also shows that certain demographic groups are especially vulnerable.
voting preferences of 19 percent of women over 35 were shifted in the
study, as were the voting preferences of 18 percent of voters who were
“Of particular concern is the fact that 99 percent of the
people in our study seemed to be unaware that the search rankings they
saw were biased. That means Google has the power to manipulate elections
without anyone suspecting they’re doing so,” said Epstein.
prevent undue influence, election-related search rankings need to be
regulated and monitored, as well as subjected to equal-time rules,”
Epstein said.
(which is not referred in the SUPREME COURT web) of the above case.but could do
only registration.Unable to attach ID. Will keep trying, Until I succeed.
I have sent the above grievance directly with a request to all
democracy loving people in all the 80 countries to follow suit. And request the Chief Justice of Superior Courts to make this site easily accessible to all.
PUBLISH. Please send a copy to awakenmedia.prabandhak@gmail.com chandrasekhara.tipitaka@gmail.com Visit: http://sarvajan.ambedkar.org
Outcome of the May 2014 General Elections in India. Hackers made hay in May! From J.Chandrasekharan Scheduled caste 668 5A Main Road, 8th Cross, HAL 3rd Stage, Bangalore-560075 Karnataka State India Mob:9449260443 Email:chandrasekhara.tipitaka@gmail.com http://sarvajan.ambedkar.org
To , Honourable Chief Justice Supreme Court of India Tilak Marg, New Delhi-110 001 (India) PABX NOS.23388922-24,23388942-44, FAX NOS.23381508,23381584,23384336/23384533/23384447 supremecourt@nic.in
Sub: Grievance of a Scheduled Caste
has been conclusively proved to the satisfaction of the Hon’ble Supreme
Court that Indian EVMs ARE tamperable.The process of elections is the
most sacrosanct duty in a Republic which ECI should carry out with
utmost diligence. Caesar’s wife should be above suspicion. Free and fair
polls should not only be ensured but APPEAR to be ensured to the
satisfaction of the voters.
India first tested EVMs in a
by-election in 1982, but the machines were first deployed on a large
scale of over 1 million in a general election in 2004. In 2010,
security researcher Hari Prasad and his associates released a video that
they said demonstrated vulnerabilities in the EVMs, after hacking an
EVM that had already been used in an election. Prasad and his team
replaced the display board of the machine with a look-alike component
that could be instructed through a Bluetooth connection on a mobile
phone to steal a percentage of the votes in favor of a chosen candidate.
The researchers also used a pocket-size device that could be attached
to the memory of the EVM to change the votes stored in the machine
during the period between the election and the public counting session. The
Supreme Court has in its ruling this week asked the government to
provide the financial assistance required by the Election Commission to
roll out the EVMs. It has not set out a schedule for the full deployment
of EVMs with the paper trail. http://articles.economictimes.indiatimes.com/2010-05-20/news/27589262_1_voting-machines-display-board-hack American scientists ‘hack’ into Indian voting machines LONDON:
India’s voting machines - considered to be among the world’s most
tamperproof - can be hacked, American scientists claim. Researchers
at the University of Michigan connected a home-made device to a voting
machine and successfully changed results by sending text messages from a
mobile. “We made an imitation display board that looks almost
exactly like the real display in the machines. But underneath some of
the components of the board, we hide a microprocessor and a Bluetooth
radio,” the BBC quoted Prof J Alex Halderman, who led the project, as
saying. He added: “Our lookalike display board intercepts the vote
totals that the machine is trying to display and replaces them with
dishonest totals - basically whatever the bad guy wants to show up at
the end of the election.” Moreover, they added a small
microprocessor, which they say can change the votes stored in the
machine between the election and the vote-counting session. No one’s
right mind would yet allow the use of absolutely antiquated, completely
out-dated, easily hack-able and highly tamper-able “high school
technology” based, obsolete EVMs (electronic voting machines) in
national elections, but it was used now — in 2014 More than 80
democracies in the world have simply done away with them, dumping them
in the trash, or simply declared the usage of this simplistic voting
system susceptible to fraud, and hence declaring the same as
illegal — as the Supreme Courts of Germany and Holland indeed have done.
Even Japan, from where EVMs originated, has long abandoned its rogue
babies, and is using paper ballot system since then. All the advanced
democracies in the West, except the most dull-headed ones, have reverted
to a voter verifiable system or the ballot paper. In Canada, even at
the ,most basic school level, ballot paper voting is in use. Last
year, the Supreme Court of India, having been convinced of an
undeniable, edible possibility of EVMs getting tampered with and that
easily hacked — even from afar — had ordered the imbecilic Election
Commission and the indolent Government of India to provide about 1600
crore (1600, 0000000) rupees — convert this into your respective
currency! — for manufacturing these VVPAT (Voter Verifiable Paper Audit
Trail) voting machines; which show a verifiable paper receipt to the
voter. This is the Fundamental Right of a citizen of India, as per
the laws laid down by the Constitution. However, recent newspaper
reports tell us that only 20, 000 such voting machines have been
provided for the entire country in this, 2014 election! India has 29
states now — with Telagana being the latest. In most of them, depending
upon their size etc., either about 400 VVPAT machines are being
deployed, or some such similar ridiculous number — more or less — has
been made available in the length and breadth of the country. It’s an
asinine, bland, cruel, demeaning joke we 1.25 billion voters have been
“blessed” with by the powers that be. All “patriotic” hackers of our motherland made hay in May! As
to how EVMs can be hacked into, tampered with, and results favorably
manipulated via software interference and other means — from near and
from far, far away — this can easily be found by anybody by just going
to Google etc. and filling “EVM HACKING, TAMPERING” or something to this
effect in the Search. And lo, behold! a plethora of information will
just overwhelm your overly chilled-out, lesser employed, un-billed
brains. However, the only solace for us naive fools is that quite a
few unscrupulous politicians and every other most “honorable” political
party worthy of its “salt”, would surely be playing this comic-tragic
game of hacking into and hijacking the votes of a billion people! Thus,
one who outsmarts the other such fine folks, armed with their hacking
forks in this merry-go-around, will win. The rest — this or that
“tsunami” or wave in favor of one or the other, poll forecasts and the
“newbie”, the over enthused, seeming game changers in the making — well,
they may well fall flat on their dumb faces, if not on their smart
asses. That the Supreme Court of India too, while passing the order
of putting new VVAT voting machines in use in a “phased manner”, has
unwittingly shirked its duty. In fact, it committed a grave error of
judgment. Perhaps dealt a fatal blow to Indian democracy. It should have
ordered, as a caution, that till the time this newer set of about
1300ooo voting machines is manufactured in full and so deployed
throughout India, ballot paper system would be brought in. No such
precautionary measure was decreed by the apex court. Well, crib all
you want. But don’t cry, my dear countrymen. After all, the same model
of EVMs is yet very much in use in South Africa, Bangla Desh, Bhutan,
Nepal, Nigeria, Venezuela etc. These poor folks of the said “non-techy”
countries — millions of them — too cannot figure out as to what the hell
had, yet is happening, in their dear short-circuited “developed”
democracies. Nor will you. Don’t worry, be happy! You are not alone “out there”. Oh,
by the way, the somewhat notorious lawyer who had brought in this
case — of the present lot of EVMs being tamper-able and hack-able — and,
who, had successfully fought it so, forcing the Supreme Court to order
the installation of a fail-safe voting mechanism (of Voter Verifiable
Paper Audit machines replacing the susceptible earlier Electronic Voting
Machines) to ensure a free and fair electoral process in India — well,
this oh-so-very honorable fellow too has fallen silent, like a demure
maiden. This most vociferous gentleman had openly declared on social
websites, especially Twitter, that in case VVPAT machines do not get
installed in time for 2014 elections, then, there would be a
“constitutional crisis” — putting it out there like an Indian
“pehalwan”, a la WWW wrestler, that he would challenge the same in the
apex court. He had most emphatically underlined he would ensure that
either the new fail-safe voting machines or the old time-tested paper
ballot system will be put in use during this general election in India.
However, recently, when asked specifically on Twitter about this
matter — as to what this lovely man is doing or is going to do about
this impending doomsday electoral scenario — there was a deafening
silence from his side. May be owing to the fact that since the Supreme
Court judgement late last year, this self-righteous rightist has joined
the ultra-rightist political bandwagon. The latter has been projected
by pollsters to overwhelmingly sweep these elections — as a direct
result of the doings of the monstrous public relations firm hired from
the land of the let-it-be, oops! free. This US firm is the same that was
used fruitfully by President Bush and Hillary Clinton for their
respective political campaigns. It has — let there be no doubt about
it — successfully projected its client as the potential winner and the
next numero uno in Indian politics. What the majority of the Indians
have missed in fine print is that the outgoing Chief Minister of the
state of Rajasthan, in the last year elections, had officially filed a
complaint with the election commission that the EVMs used in his state
were pre-programmed and tampered with — and that the same had come from
the state of which this presently hyped-up future Prime Minister of
India, is the current Chief Minister. Now, the lawyer who had gone to
the dogs to awaken India and the rest of the world about the mischief
and malfeasance possible with the old model of EVMs — and had in fact
written a book on this subject — is in a wink-wink deep-throat “smadhi”.
A silence that speaks truths we dumb billion idiots on this part of
slippery earth cannot fathom. Perhaps it’s a precursor of the things to
come. Let us hope the jolly good hackers of this-that party screw-up
each other’s devilish, outright evil plans. In a dog eat dog political
crap pit we hapless billion creatures have to walk through every
election, maybe this time the ape sitting by the side — the wide-eyed
hopeful citizen of India — at least gets a tiny part of the apple pie
this messy hacking cat fight will leave behind, on the side lanes.
Perhaps these little crumbs will be enough for us to stay afloat. though
not gloat. In a nutshell, simply put, whosoever “out-hacks” the other, will win. Then
again, we are an ancient civilization of more than 33, 0000000 gods and
goddesses — some civilized, others not so civil. Let’s hope one of
these fancied deities has a soft corner for us dumbos. Otherwise, we are
going to get screwed. A billion times over. Therefore, I made doubly
sure I did not vote. I sat on my ass on voting day — not that I don’t
do so everyday. This voting day, I absolutely did. Not only figuratively
and metaphorically, but literally. I may have many buts in life, but at
least today I have a little sore, yet not so sorry a butt. We are a fool’s paradise. Long live the banana republic of India! LOK SABHA ELECTIONS FIXING ‘FIXING’ Indian Lok Sabha elections Computer
Business Review appeared more certain with the “How Google search
results influenced elections” headline for its version of the story, the
Guardian reported.”……Google changed its course, it undermined people’s
trust in its results and company.” A press release put out on 13 May
by the American Institute for Behavioral Research and Technology, an
independent research organisation based in California created a furore
around the topic when it released a report headlined “Could Google have
fixed the Lok Sabha elections? A landmark new study in India shows it’s
possible,” the report added. (ANI) http://mattersindia.com/google-search-threatens-democracy-study/ Google Search threatens democracy: Study Published: 9:31 am, May 15, 2014 Story By: mattersindia.com
A threat to democracy
As India eagerly awaits the outcome of the just concluded general
elections, a study by an American institute says the real threat to
democracy comes from an unexpected corner: Google Search. Google
search results can pose a real threat to democracy as it could swing a
close election by influencing the voting preferences of undecided
voters, wars the American Institute for Behavioral Research and
Technology in California that studied more than 2,000 undecided voters
throughout India. The study conducted in recent weeks suggests that
Google has the power to fix elections “without anyone being the wiser.”
This is possible because of the power that search rankings have on
people’s opinions, the researchers said. Studies show that the higher
the rank, the more people trust the result, which is why companies are
spending billions now to push their products higher. “So could
highly-ranked search results that make Arvind Kejriwal look better than
Narendra Modi drive votes to Kejriwal?” the researchers set out to
determine, The Times of India reported. In research conducted last
year in the US, researchers found that search rankings biased in favor
of a candidate could push the preferences of undecided voters towards
that candidate by 15 percent or more. The researchers have shown that
votes can easily be pushed toward one candidate or another by about 12
percent — double that amount in some demographic groups — enough to
determine the outcomes of many close races. “This is a very serious
matter — a real threat to democracy,” said Dr Robert Epstein, lead
researcher in the study and Senior Research Psychologist at the American
institute. “If two candidates were both trying to push their
rankings higher, they would be competing, and that’s fine. But if
Google, which has a monopoly on search in India, were to favor one
candidate, it could easily put that candidate in office by manipulating
search rankings, and no one could counter what they were doing. “Even
if without human intervention the company’s search algorithm favored
one candidate, thousands of votes would still be driven to that
candidate,” said Epstein. In the new study, participants were
randomly assigned to groups in which search rankings favored either
Kejriwal, Rahul Gandhi, or Modi. Real search rankings and web pages
were used, and people were asked to research all the candidates just as
they would on Google. The only difference between the groups was the
order in which the search results were displayed. The new study
suggests that biased search rankings can be used to fix the outcome of
races in India in which the winner is projected to win by a margin up to
2.9 percent. This can be done just by influencing undecided voters
who use the internet — a small but important group of voters that is
sure to grow in coming years, researchers said. Worldwide, the researchers said, upwards of 25 percent of national elections are won by margins under 3 percent. The study also shows that certain demographic groups are especially vulnerable. The
voting preferences of 19 percent of women over 35 were shifted in the
study, as were the voting preferences of 18 percent of voters who were
unemployed. “Of particular concern is the fact that 99 percent of the
people in our study seemed to be unaware that the search rankings they
saw were biased. That means Google has the power to manipulate elections
without anyone suspecting they’re doing so,” said Epstein. “To
prevent undue influence, election-related search rankings need to be
regulated and monitored, as well as subjected to equal-time rules,”
Epstein said.
I, Nostradamus! — Predicting the Outcome of the May 2014 General Elections in Indool’s Paradise. Hacke hay in May!
Over a billion cuckoos cackle, cry and crap in India.
is a nation where intelligence rules in closed quarters, idiocy in the
open. Just like the open toilets under the benign gaze of Mother
Nature — there are more cell phones than toilets in India, a survey
reports. Oh! the average Indian retorts — and, then, goes on to do
“business” as usual, sitting on the haunches, as sorry-assed as
before — or sorts.
We are an indifferent,
intelligently inclined idiocy — oops! democracy, We make gods out of
mud, then, prostrating before them, we remain, as before, a dud. And,
some times, in the name of our fancied little god and his glory, my
motherland’s favorite sons also kill each other, with the deep ingrained
vigor of all our bestial ancestry, and like a whiff of wind are
gone — dead.
Lest it becomes confusing, let’s say it
as it is — we Indians, like every other human being, are truly one
really, really queer kin of apes. In some fields, ahead of others and
beyond compare; in other areas, we are as silly and supercilious as a
bull-hounded mare. In a nutshell, Indians, at least in the loftier
mystical and evolved spiritual circles “get” some things well — like
higher metaphysics — while failing miserably, simplistically, in simple,
elementary physics.
After all,
who in one’s right mind would yet allow the use of absolutely
antiquated, completely out-dated, easily hack-able and highly
tamper-able “high school technology” based, obsolete EVMs (electronic
voting machines) in national elections, even now — in 2014?
than 80 democracies in the world have simply done away with them,
dumping them in the trash, or simply declared the usage of this
simplistic voting system susceptible to fraud, and hence declaring the
same as illegal — as the Supreme Courts of Germany and Holland indeed
have done. Even Japan, from where EVMs originated, has long abandoned
its rogue babies, and is using paper ballot system since then. All the
advanced democracies in the West, except the most dull-headed ones, have
reverted to a voter verifiable system or the ballot paper. In Canada,
even at the ,most basic school level, ballot paper voting is in use.
year, the Supreme Court of India, having been convinced of an
undeniable, edible possibility of EVMs getting tampered with and that
easily hacked — even from afar — had ordered the imbecilic Election
Commission and the indolent Government of India to provide about 1600
crore (1600, 0000000) rupees — convert this into your respective
currency! — for manufacturing these VVPAT (Voter Verifiable Paper Audit
Trail) voting machines; which show a verifiable paper receipt to the
This is the Fundamental Right of a citizen of
India, as per the laws laid down by the Constitution. However, recent
newspaper reports tell us that only 20, 000 such voting machines have
been provided for the entire country in this, 2014 election! India has
29 states now — with Telagana being the latest. In most of them,
depending upon their size etc., either about 400 VVPAT machines are
being deployed, or some such similar ridiculous number — more or
less — has been made available in the length and breadth of the country.
It’s an asinine, bland, cruel, demeaning joke we 1.25 billion jokers
have been “blessed” with by the powers that be.
All “patriotic” hackers of our motherland are going to make hay in May!
to how EVMs can be hacked into, tampered with, and results favorably
manipulated via software interference and other means — from near and
from far, far away — this can easily be found by anybody by just going
to Google etc. and filling “EVM HACKING, TAMPERING” or
something to this effect in the Search. And lo, behold! a plethora of
information will just overwhelm your overly chilled-out, lesser
employed, un-billed brains.
the only solace for us naive fools is that quite a few unscrupulous
politicians and every other most “honorable” political party worthy of
its “salt”, would surely be playing this comic-tragic game of hacking
into and hijacking the votes of a billion people! Thus, one who
outsmarts the other such fine folks, armed with their hacking forks in
this merry-go-around, will win.
rest — this or that “tsunami” or wave in favor of one or the other, poll
forecasts and the “newbie”, the over enthused, seeming game changers in
the making — well, they may well fall flat on their dumb faces, if not
on their smart asses.
That the Supreme Court of India
too, while passing the order of putting new VVAT voting machines in use
in a “phased manner”, has unwittingly shirked its duty. In fact, it
committed a grave error of judgment. Perhaps dealt a fatal blow to
Indian democracy. It should have ordered, as a caution, that till the
time this newer set of about 1300ooo voting machines is manufactured in
full and so deployed throughout India, ballot paper system would be
brought in. No such precautionary measure was decreed by the apex court.
crib all you want. But don’t cry, my dear countrymen. After all, the
same model of EVMs is yet very much in use in South Africa, Bangla Desh,
Bhutan, Nepal, Nigeria, Venezuela etc. These poor folks of the said
“non-techy” countries — millions of them — too cannot figure out as to
what the hell had, yet is happening, in their dear short-circuited
“developed” democracies. Nor will you.
Don’t worry, be happy! You are not alone “out there”.
by the way, the somewhat notorious lawyer who had brought in this
case — of the present lot of EVMs being tamper-able and hack-able — and,
who, had successfully fought it so, forcing the Supreme Court to order
the installation of a fail-safe voting mechanism (of Voter Verifiable
Paper Audit machines replacing the susceptible earlier Electronic Voting
Machines) to ensure a free and fair electoral process in India — well,
this oh-so-very honorable fellow too has fallen silent, like a demure
maiden. This most vociferous gentleman had openly declared on social
websites, especially Twitter, that in case VVPAT machines do not get
installed in time for 2014 elections, then, there would be a
“constitutional crisis” — putting it out there like an Indian
“pehalwan”, a la WWW wrestler, that he would challenge the same in the
apex court. He had most emphatically underlined he would ensure that
either the new fail-safe voting machines or the old time-tested paper
ballot system will be put in use during this general election in India.
However, recently, when asked specifically on Twitter about this
matter — as to what this lovely man is doing or is going to do about
this impending doomsday electoral scenario — there was a deafening
silence from his side. May be owing to the fact that since the Supreme
Court judgement late last year, this self-righteous rightist has joined
the ultra-rightist political bandwagon.
The latter has
been projected by pollsters to overwhelmingly sweep these
elections — as a direct result of the doings of the monstrous public
relations firm hired from the land of the let-it-be, oops! free. This
US firm is the same that was used fruitfully by President Bush and
Hillary Clinton for their respective political campaigns. It has — let
there be no doubt about it — successfully projected its client as the
potential winner and the next numero uno in Indian politics.
the majority of the Indians have missed in fine print is that the
outgoing Chief Minister of the state of Rajasthan, in the last year
elections, had officially filed a complaint with the election commission
that the EVMs used in his state were pre-programmed and tampered
with — and that the same had come from the state of which this presently
hyped-up future Prime Minister of India, is the current Chief Minister.
Now, the lawyer who had gone to the dogs to awaken India and the rest
of the world about the mischief and malfeasance possible with the old
model of EVMs — and had in fact written a book on this subject — is in a
wink-wink deep-throat “smadhi”. A silence that speaks truths we dumb
billion idiots on this part of slippery earth cannot fathom. Perhaps
it’s a precursor of the things to come.
Let us hope
the jolly good hackers of this-that party screw-up each other’s
devilish, outright evil plans. In a dog eat dog political crap pit we
hapless billion creatures have to walk through every election, maybe
this time the ape sitting by the side — the wide-eyed hopeful citizen of
India — at least gets a tiny part of the apple pie this messy hacking
cat fight will leave behind, on the side lanes. Perhaps these little
crumbs will be enough for us to stay afloat. though not gloat.
In a nutshell, simply put, whosoever “out-hacks” the other, will win.
again, we are an ancient civilization of more than 33, 0000000 gods and
goddesses — some civilized, others not so civil. Let’s hope one of
these fancied deities has a soft corner for us dumbos. Otherwise, we are
going to get screwed. A billion times over.
I made doubly sure I did not vote. I sat on my ass on voting day — not
that I don’t do so everyday. This voting day, I absolutely did. Not only
figuratively and metaphorically, but literally. I may have many buts in
life, but at least today I have a little sore, yet not so sorry a butt.
E-Filing is Electronic filing of matters in the
Registry of Supreme Court of India. Yes, E-Filing is a user friendly
programme prepared by National Informatics Centre.
The Registrar,
Supreme Court of India,
Tilak Marg,
New Delhi-110 001 (India)
PABX NOS.23388922-24,23388942-44,
FAX NOS.23381508,23381584,23384336/23384533/23384447 supremecourt@nic.in
Through E-Filing facilitates any Advocate-on-record
(in the Supreme Court of India) or Petitioner-in-person can file his/her
matter through internet facility, sitting anywhere in the world. It
does not require any person to come at the filing Counter in the
Registry of the Supreme Court of India for just filing his/her matter.
Prequalification - you must have prepared the Petition offline. The steps required for E-Filing process are:
1. Login: For login you need User ID and Password. (Advocate on record
are provided ID and password from the Registry. Petitioner-in-person has
to create his ID and Password by submitting his/her Identity proof.
The Supreme Court of India has introduced E-FILING. Now you can file a case in the Supreme Court through the internet and also avail of the following services:
Business Review appeared more certain with the “How Google
search results are influencing elections” headline for its version of
the story, the Guardian reported.”…. if Google changed its course, it
would undermine people’s trust in its results and company.”
A press release put out on 13 May by the American Institute for
Behavioral Research and Technology, an independent research organisation
based in California created a furore around the topic when it released a
report headlined “Could Google have fixed the Lok Sabha elections? A
landmark new study in India shows it’s possible,” the report added.
Let us appeal to the Computer Business Review and the American Institute for
Behavioral Research and Technology, an independent research organisation
based in California to review and research on the following technology:
Napolean had once said that “I can face two
battalions but not two scribes”. Scribes are aware that the Supreme
Court had directed that all the EVMs must be replaced with TAMPER PROOF
machines. But the CEC had not bothered tto replace all the EVMs and went
for Lok Sabha elections. Napoleans suggested scribes have to do some
investigative journalism and expose the CEC to save this MURDER of
‘fixing’ Indian Lok Sabha elections
SUB:An Appeal to do research on all Electronic
Voting Machines those were to be replaced with Tamper proof machines as
per the directives of Supreme court of India
to the Computer Business Review and the American Institute for
Behavioral Research and Technology, an independent research organisation
based in California to review and research on the following technology:
had once said that “I can face two battalions but not two scribes”.
Scribes are aware that the Supreme Court had directed that all the EVMs
must be replaced with TAMPER PROOF machines. But the CEC had not
bothered tto replace all the EVMs and went for Lok Sabha elections.
Napoleans suggested scribes have to do some investigative journalism and
expose the CEC to save this MURDER of DEMOCRACY and STOP ‘fixing’ Indian Lok Sabha elections.
With reference to
https://in.news.yahoo.com/google-denies-fixing-indian-lok-sabha-elections-105557389.html ‘FIXING’ Indian Lok Sabha elections
Business Review appeared more certain with the “How Google search
results are influencing elections” headline for its version of the
story, the Guardian reported.”…. if Google changed its course, it
would undermine people’s trust in its results and company.”
press release put out on 13 May by the American Institute for Behavioral
Research and Technology, an independent research organisation based in
California created a furore around the topic when it released a report
headlined “Could Google have fixed the Lok Sabha elections? A landmark
new study in India shows it’s possible,” the report added. (ANI)
The American Institute for Behavioral Research and Technology
is a nonprofit, nonpartisan 501(c)(3) organization based in Vista,
California, USA, which promotes and conducts research that has the
potential to increase the well-being and functioning of people
worldwide. It currently has ongoing research projects in eleven
different topic areas.
mission of the American Institute for Behavioral Research and
Technology is to conduct, promote, and advance research on behavior that
has the potential to improve the human condition, to develop possible
applications of such research, and to educate the public about both this
research and its applications. It pursues this mission by conducting
relevant research, presenting such research at scientific conferences,
publishing reports of such research in both scientific and popular
publications, developing possible applications of such research and
presenting and publishing reports of such applications, and keeping the
public informed about relevant research and applications through
classes, workshops, Internet activities, videos, and a variety of other
publishing and media activities.
Washington: As India eagerly awaits the outcome of the just concluded
general elections, a study by an American institute says the real
threat to democracy comes from an unexpected corner: Google Search.
Google search results can pose a real threat to democracy as it could
swing a close election by influencing the voting preferences of
undecided voters, wars the American Institute for Behavioral Research
and Technology in California that studied more than 2,000 undecided
voters throughout India.
The study conducted in recent weeks suggests that Google has the
power to fix elections “without anyone being the wiser.” This is
possible because of the power that search rankings have on people’s
opinions, the researchers said.
Studies show that the higher the rank, the more people trust the
result, which is why companies are spending billions now to push their
products higher.
“So could highly-ranked search results that make Arvind Kejriwal look
better than Narendra Modi drive votes to Kejriwal?” the researchers set
out to determine, The Times of India reported.
In research conducted last year in the US, researchers found that
search rankings biased in favor of a candidate could push the
preferences of undecided voters towards that candidate by 15 percent or
The researchers have shown that votes can easily be pushed toward one
candidate or another by about 12 percent — double that amount in some
demographic groups — enough to determine the outcomes of many close
“This is a very serious matter — a real threat to democracy,” said Dr
Robert Epstein, lead researcher in the study and Senior Research
Psychologist at the American institute.
“If two candidates were both trying to push their rankings higher,
they would be competing, and that’s fine. But if Google, which has a
monopoly on search in India, were to favor one candidate, it could
easily put that candidate in office by manipulating search rankings, and
no one could counter what they were doing.
“Even if without human intervention the company’s search algorithm
favored one candidate, thousands of votes would still be driven to that
candidate,” said Epstein.
In the new study, participants were randomly assigned to groups in
which search rankings favored either Kejriwal, Rahul Gandhi, or Modi.
Real search rankings and web pages were used, and people were asked
to research all the candidates just as they would on Google. The only
difference between the groups was the order in which the search results
were displayed.
The new study suggests that biased search rankings can be used to fix
the outcome of races in India in which the winner is projected to win
by a margin up to 2.9 percent.
This can be done just by influencing undecided voters who use the
internet — a small but important group of voters that is sure to grow in
coming years, researchers said.
Worldwide, the researchers said, upwards of 25 percent of national elections are won by margins under 3 percent.
The study also shows that certain demographic groups are especially vulnerable.
The voting preferences of 19 percent of women over 35 were shifted in
the study, as were the voting preferences of 18 percent of voters who
were unemployed.
“Of particular concern is the fact that 99 percent of the people in
our study seemed to be unaware that the search rankings they saw were
biased. That means Google has the power to manipulate elections without
anyone suspecting they’re doing so,” said Epstein.
“To prevent undue influence, election-related search rankings need to
be regulated and monitored, as well as subjected to equal-time rules,”
Epstein said.
Computer Business Review appeared more certain with the “How Google search results are influencing elections” headline
for its version of the story, the Guardian reported.”…. if Google
changed its course, it would undermine people’s trust in its results and
A press release put out on 13 May by the American
Institute for Behavioral Research and Technology, an independent
research organisation based in California created a furore around the
topic when it released a report headlined “Could Google have fixed the
Lok Sabha elections? A landmark new study in India shows it’s possible,”
the report added. (ANI)
Let us appeal to the Computer Business
Review and the American Institute for Behavioral Research and
Technology, an independent research organisation based in California to
review and research on the following technology:
had once said that “I can face two battalions but not two scribes”.
Scribes are aware that the Supreme Court had directed that all the EVMs
must be replaced with TAMPER PROOF machines. But the CEC had not
bothered tto replace all the EVMs and went for Lok Sabha elections.
Napoleans suggested scribes have to do some investigative journalism and
expose the CEC to save this MURDER of DEMOCRACY and STOP ‘fixing’ Indian Lok Sabha elections.
The Scheduled Castes and Tribes (Prevention of Atrocities) Act, 1989 was enacted by the Parliament of India (Act 33 of 1989), to prevent atrocities against scheduled castes and scheduled tribes. The Act is popularly known as POA, the SC/ST Act, the Prevention of Atrocities Act, or simply the Atrocities Act.
Article 17 of Indian Constitution seeks to abolish ‘untouchability’
and to forbid all such practices. It is basically a “statement of
principle” that needs to be made operational with the ostensible
objective to remove humiliation and multifaceted harassments meted to
the Dalits and to ensure their fundamental and socio-economic,
political, and cultural rights.
Historical sketch
In modern times, atrocities against the Scheduled Castes can be traced
back to the 19th century in parts of India when the systemic practice of
‘untouchability’ began to be challenged by the ‘Untouchables’. A
Committee which toured British India in the 1920s to review the working
of the Government of India Act 1919 noted that many atrocities were
being committed during those days against the ‘Untouchables’, but were
going unnoticed and unpunished because witness would not come forward to
give evidence. Dr Ambedkar, then MLC of Bombay, cited some early
instances of atrocities against Dalits in his submission to the Indian
Statutory Commission (Simon Commission) on behalf of the Bahishkrita
Hitakarini Sabha on 29 May 1928.
Atrocities rooted in caste system
A study conducted by the National Commission for SCs and STs in 1990 on Atrocities on Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes: Causes and Remedies
pointed out various causal factors for atrocities: land disputes; land
alienation; bonded labour; indebtedness; non-payment of minimum wages;
caste prejudice and practice of untouchability; political factions on
caste lines; refusal to perform traditional works such as digging burial
pits, arranging cremations, removing carcasses of dead animals and
beating drums; etc. The deep root for such atrocities is traceable to
the caste system, which “encompasses a complete ordering of social
groups on the basis of the so-called ritual purity. A person is
considered a member of the caste into which s/he is born and remains
within that caste until death….”[5]
Considered ritually impure, SCs have been physically and socially
excluded from mainstream society, denied basic resources and services,
and discriminated against in all areas of life. Accordingly, they face
various forms of exploitation, insults and violence, as well as
degrading practices of untouchability. The Scheduled Tribes were equally
exploited on grounds of not falling within the caste system but having a
distinct culture and worldview of their own. “Women belonging to these
castes and tribes bore double burden. They were exploited by caste and
gender, and were vulnerable to and powerless against sexual
Continuing widespread prevalence
Despite the right to non-discrimination on the basis of race or caste
enshrined in Article 15 of the Indian Constitution, discrimination
against SCs and STs is pervasive. Though abolished and forbidden by
Article 17, the practice of ‘untouchability’ persists due to its
systemic character. Hence, the Indian Parliament enacted the
Untouchability Offences Act 1955, which underwent amendment and renaming
in 1976 to become the Protection of Civil Rights (PCR) Act. Under this
Act, ‘untouchability’ as a result of religious and social disabilities
was made punishable. However, due to legal loopholes, the levels of
punishments being less punitive as compared to those of the IPC, and the
law and order machinery being neither professionally trained nor
socially inclined to implement such social legislation, a more
comprehensive and more punitive Act was required to protect SCs and STs
from violence committed by other communities. This gave rise to the
SC/ST (PoA) Act 1989.
The basic objective and purpose of this more comprehensive and more
punitive piece of legislation was sharply enunciated when the Bill was
introduced in the Lok Sabha:
“Despite various measures to improve the socio-economic
conditions of the SCs and STs, they remain vulnerable… They have, in
several brutal incidents, been deprived of their life and property…
Because of the awareness created… through spread of education, etc.,
when they assert their rights and resist practices of untouchability
against them or demand statutory minimum wages or refuse to do any
bonded and forced labour, the vested interests try to cow them down and
terrorise them. When the SCs and STs try to preserve their self-respect
or honour of their women, they become irritants for the dominant and the
Under the circumstances, the existing laws like the Protection of
Civil Rights Act 1955 and the normal provisions of the Indian Penal
Code have been found to be inadequate to check and deter crimes against
them committed by non-SCs and non-STs… It is considered necessary that
not only the term ‘atrocity’ should be defined, but also stringent
measures should be introduced to provide for higher punishment for
committing such atrocities. It is also proposed to enjoin on the States
and Union Territories to take specific preventive and punitive measures
to protect SCs and STs from being victimized and, where atrocities are
committed, to provide adequate relief and assistance to rehabilitate
The objectives of the Act, therefore, very clearly emphasise the
intention of the Indian state to deliver justice to SC/ST communities
through affirmative action in order to enable them to live in society
with dignity and self-esteem and without fear, violence or suppression
from the dominant castes.[8]
The Supreme Court of India too reiterated the significance and importance of the Act:[9]
“The offences of atrocities are committed to humiliate and
subjugate the SCs and STs with a view to keep them in a state of
servitude. Hence, they constitute a separate class of offences and
cannot be compared with offences under the Indian Penal Code.”
Salient features
The provisions of SC/ST Act and Rules can be divided into three
different categories, covering a variety of issues related to atrocities
against SC/ST people and their position in society.
The first category contains provisions of criminal law. It
establishes criminal liability for a number of specifically defined
atrocities, and extends the scope of certain categories of penalizations
given in the Indian Penal Code (IPC).
The second category contains provisions for relief and compensation for victims of atrocities.
The third category contains provisions that establish special authorities for the implementation and monitoring of the Act.
The salient features of the Act are
Creation of new types of offences not in the Indian Penal Code (IPC) or in the Protection of Civil Rights Act 1955 (PCRA).
Commission of offences only by specified persons (atrocities can be
committed only by non-SCs and non-STs on members of the SC or ST
communities. Crimes among SCs and STs or between STs and SCs do not come
under the purview of this Act).
Defines various types of atrocities against SCs/STs (Section 3(1)i to xv and 3(2)i to vii).
Prescribes stringent punishment for such atrocities (Section 3(1)i to xv and 3(2)i to vii).
Enhanced punishment for some offences (Section 3(2)i to vii, 5).
Enhanced minimum punishment for public servants (Section 3(2)vii).
Punishment for neglect of duties by a public servant(Section 4).
Attachment and forfeiture of property (Section 7).
Externment of potential offenders (Section 10(1), 10(3), 10(3)).
Appointment of Special Public Prosecutors (Section 15).
Empowers the government to impose collective fines (Section 16).
Cancellation of arms licences in the areas identified where an
atrocity may take place or has taken place (Rule 3iii) and seize all
illegal fire arms (Rule 3iv).
Grant arms licences to SCs and STs (Rule 3v).
Denial of anticipatory bail (Section 18).
Denial of probation to convict (Section 19).
Provides compensation, relief and rehabilitation for victims of
atrocities or their legal heirs (Section 17(3), 21(2)iii, Rule 11,
Setting up deterrents to avoid committing of atrocities on the SCs amongst others (Rule 3i to 3xi).
Setting up a mandatory, periodic monitoring system at different levels (Section 21(2)v):
District level (Rule 3xi, 4(2), 4(4), 17).
State level (8xi, 14, 16, 18).
National level (Section 21(2), 21(3), 21(4)).
Together with the rules, it provides a framework for monitoring the
state response to the atrocities against Scheduled Castes and Scheduled
Tribes. According to the Act and Rules, there are to be monthly reports
(from the District Magistrates), quarterly review meetings at the
district level by the District Monitoring and Vigilance Committee (DVMC)
and half yearly reviews by a 25 member State Monitoring and Vigilance
Committee (SVMC) the chaired by the Chief Minister. The performance of
every Special Public Prosecutor (SPP) will also have to be reviewed by
the Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP) every quarter. Annual reports
have to be sent to the central government by 31 March every year.
The Act and Rules are a potent mechanism and precision instruments
that can be used in tandem with the Right To Information (RTI) Act 2005
to motivate the state to hold the mandatory meetings and enforce
compliance. A Human Rights Defenders Monitoring Calendar has been developed from the Act and rules to help human rights defenders, and the functions and duties of the monitoring authorities (the SVMC and DVMC).
Defining ‘atrocity’
The term ‘atrocity’ was not defined until this Act was passed by the
Parliament in 1989. In legal parlance, the Act understands the term to
mean an offence punishable under sections 3(1) and 3(2).
In specific terms:
Atrocity is “an expression commonly used to refer to crimes against Scheduled Castes (SCs) and Scheduled Tribes (STs) in India”.
It “denotes the quality of being shockingly cruel and inhumane, whereas the term ‘crime’ relates to an act punishable by law”.
It implies “any offence under the Indian Penal Code (IPC) committed
against SCs by non-SC persons, or against STs by non-ST persons. Caste
consideration as a motive is not necessary to make such an offence in
case of atrocity”.
It signifies “crimes which have ingredients of infliction of
suffering in one form or the other that should be included for
reporting”. This is based on the assumption that “where the victims of
crime are members of Scheduled Castes and the offenders do not belong to
Scheduled Castes caste considerations are really the root cause of the
crime, even though caste considerations may not be the vivid and minimum
motive for the crime”.
The Act lists 22 offences relating to various patterns of behaviours
inflicting criminal offences for shattering the self-respect and esteem
of SCs and STs, denial of economic, democratic and social rights,
discrimination, exploitation and abuse of the legal process, etc.
Section 3 of the Act lists the criminal offences and the punishments. It contains:
19 offences in their own right (Section 3(1) contains 15 subsections
with an equal number of offences. Section 3(2) contains four
subsections with offences)
two derived offences (sections 3(2)(vi) and 3(2)(vii)). The derived
offences are based on the offences given in the SC/ST Act. They only
come in the picture provided that another offence under the SC/ST Act
has been committed.
one subsection that increases the punishment for certain offences under the IPC (Section 3(2)(v)).
These protections can be broadly divided into protection from
social disabilities (denial of access to certain places and to use
customary passage and to get water from any spring, reservoir or any
other source).
personal atrocities (forceful drinking or eating of inedible or
obnoxious substance, against stripping, outrage of modesty, sexual
exploitation, injury or annoyance).
The common denominator of the offences is that criminal liability can
only be established if the offence is committed by a person who is not a member of a Scheduled Caste or a Scheduled Tribe against a person who belongs to a Scheduled Caste or a Scheduled Tribe.
Special Courts
For speedy trial, Section 14 of the Act provides for a Court of
Session to be a Special Court to try offences under this Act in each
district. Rule 13(i) mandates that the judge in a special court be
sensitive with right aptitude and understanding of the problems of the
SCs and STs.
However, that is seldom the case. Most states have declared a court
as a ’special court’. The hitch is that they are designated courts (as
opposed to exclusive special courts) and so have to hear many other
cases too. Consequently, at any time about 80% of the cases are pending[14]—defeating the very purpose of having special courts in the first place.
Special Court Justice Ramaswamy observed in the case of State of Karnataka v. Ingale[15]
that more than seventy-five percent of the cases brought under the
SC/ST Act end in acquittal at all levels. The situation has not improved
much since 1992 according to the figures given by the 2002 Annual
Report dealing with SC/ST Act (of the Ministry of Social Justice and
Of the total cases filed in 2002 only 21.72% were disposed of, and, of
those, a mere 2.31% ended in conviction. The number of acquittals is 6
times more than the number of convictions and more than 70 percent of
the cases are still pending.[17]
Inaugurating a two-day annual conference of State Ministers of
Welfare/Social Justice, 8 Sept 2009, Prime Minister Singh expressed
’shock’ that the conviction rate of cases of atrocities against the
SC/STs is less than 30% against the average of 42% for all cognisable
offences under the Indian Penal Code.[18]
Karnataka has only 8 Special courts, though 15 of 30 districts are
declared ‘atrocity prone’. Overall conviction rates remain at or below
5%. Even the few special courts seem to be biased. In 2010, of the 101
cases disposed of in the Tumkur special court, not one was convicted.
Gulbarga, another atrocity prone district had a conviction rate of just
2%. 7 districts had a conviction rate of 0% in 2010.[19]
According to Rule 7(1)[20]
investigation of an offence committed under the SC/ST Act cannot be
investigated by an officer not below the rank of Deputy Superintendent
of Police (DSP).
Various High Courts have vitiated the trail based on the above rule and have improperly set aside the order of conviction.[21]
The rule was to ensure that the investigations were of high quality,
and the assumption was that senior officials would not be as biased, nor
as vulnerable to other pressures, as those in the lower rungs of the
police force. But the judges in their wisdom have allowed perpetrators
to go free based on this legal fig leaf.
The Andhra Pradesh High Court, in D. Ramlinga Reddy v. State of AP,[22]
took the position that provisions of Rule 7 are mandatory and held that
investigation under the SC/S (Prevention of Atrocities) Act has to be
carried out by only an officer not below the rank of DSP. An
investigation carried out and charge sheet filed by an incompetent
officer is more than likely to be quashed. Similarly, the Madras High
Court in M. Kathiresam v. State of Tamil Nadu[23]
held that investigation conducted by an officer other than a DSP is
improper and bad in law and proceedings based on such an investigation
are required to be quashed. The Courts without taking into consideration
the inadequacies of the State, have been punishing SC/STs (the victims)
for the same. Shri Pravin Rashtrapal, Member of Parliament rightly
pointed out that there are insufficient officers at that level.[24] His statement is supported by the Annual Report of 2005-2006 of Ministry of Home Affairs.[25]
Of the total posts sanctioned by the government under Indian Police
Service (IPS) more than 15 percent of the posts are vacant. This
basically means that there is one IPS officer for 77,000 SC/STs.33
In the case of Karnataka, there were no officers of the required rank
in three districts, as admitted by the government at the State
Vigilance and Monitoring Committee (SVMC) in September 2010.[26]
Though officers of higher rank can conduct the investigation (the Act
only says ‘at least of rank’), in practice they seldom do.
Atrocities often take place when persons belonging to the SC
community do not fulfill their ‘caste functions’ by doing ritually
prescribed ‘unclean’ work or break the caste boundaries such as sitting
in the bus or wearing a turban—often the preserve of the dominant
castes. Atrocities are often a form of ‘collective’ punishment for
daring to have even some semblance of non-dependence which is termed as
‘prosperous’, and the atrocity is to bring them back into the situation
of total dependence and servitude. The state therefore has the duty to
help the community back on its feet.
In fact, a part of the reason why atrocities are committed is
economic activity. In my experience, I have seen that in some areas, the
Scheduled Caste or the Scheduled Tribe person is prosperous. My
knowledge is mostly about the Scheduled Caste, not about the Scheduled
Tribe. It is because of the economic activity, because of the
enterprise, there are areas where the Scheduled Caste people have also
become prosperous. The Scheduled Caste people are able to build brick
and stone houses. The Scheduled Caste people are able to acquire
vehicles. The Scheduled Caste people are able to dress better, send
their children to better schools. One of the reasons why atrocities take
place in those places is to cripple them economically. Every riot,
every arson case cripples them economically. Therefore, it is important
that the State must immediately rush in social and economic measures for
the rehabilitation of those who have suffered through these atrocities.[27]
The government has prescribed a schedule for compensation[28]
under Rule 12.(4)) as Annexure 1 entitled Norms for Relief Amount. This
is periodically updated. The amendment of 23 December 2011 is available here
As ‘police’ and ‘public order’ are state subjects, primary
responsibility for prevention of atrocities and maintenance of law and
order rests with the State Governments. A responsive police
administration has always been recognized as an essential requirement in
any society that seeks to take care of its citizens. Such responsive
administration is essential for prevention of atrocities likely to be
inflicted upon SCs and STs by unscrupulous non-SC/ST elements.
Section 21(1) and (2) of SC/ST (POA) Act, 1989 stipulate that the
State Government shall take all such measures as may be necessary for
its effective implementation. However despite the Act and Rules, the
situation has not changed much. The incidence of atrocities is actually
increasing, and the implementation of the law leaves much to be desired
as this statement of the Union Minister for Home Affairs shows:
“Madam, I must concede that the statistics do not reflect any
decline in the atrocities. On the contrary, the information compiled by
the Crime Records Bureau shows that the number of cases registered of
atrocities against the Scheduled Castes and the Scheduled Tribes is, in
fact, on the rise. I have the numbers from 2006 to 2008, subsequent
years are being compiled. Take for example the case of the Scheduled
Castes. The number of cases of atrocities against the Scheduled Castes
registered in 2006 was 26,665. That itself is an understatement. Many of
the cases are simply not registered. In 2007, it was 29,825 and in 2008
it was 33,365. So, this clearly shows the rise in trend.
I can make one or two deductions from this.
Firstly that there is no let up in the atrocities committed on the Scheduled Castes.
The other inference one can make is, perhaps, because of the
pressure that is put on the State Governments by the Central Government,
by public opinion and by NGOs, now the States are showing greater
willingness to deal with the problem. Therefore, more cases are being
We cannot be happy about the fact that approximately 33,000 cases
are being registered as atrocities against Scheduled Castes in one year.
What makes it even more disturbing is that while so many cases are
registered, the conviction rate hovers around 30%. What makes it doubly
painful is that there is rise in atrocities, but when you try to
prosecute and convict, the conviction rate is only 30%. It was 28%,
31.4% and 32%. Not only are acquittals very high; pendency is about 80%.[…]
I am afraid that the disposal of the cases is low; the rate of
conviction is low. Therefore, it is fair to conclude that the feeling
amongst the Scheduled Castes and the Schedule Tribes that all these laws
and all these statements, all these pronouncements have really not
brought any relief to them. That feeling is running high and I cannot
but say that feeling is justified.”[14] (p143,144 of the printed text).
23 States have set up SC/ST Protection Cells. Nodal Officers have been appointed in 28 States.[3]
Though the Act and rules are stringent, it is not a deterrent, as the
Minister for Home Affairs P Chidambaram admitted in the Lok Sabha,
referring to the Central Committee monitoring the implementation of the
A committee under the Chairmanship of the Minister of Social
Justice was set up after the SCs and STs (PoA), 1989 was passed. That
Committee has met, so far, 10 times. The situation in 25 States and 4
Union Territories were reviewed. That committee has expressed that the
most important areas of concern are the following five:
firstly, the high rate of acquittal;
secondly, the high rate of pendency of cases and very low rate of disposal;
thirdly, inadequate use of the preventive provisions of the Act,
while the punitive provisions are invoked and FIR is registered,
preventive provisions are rarely invoked;
fourthly, that the committees and other mechanisms provided in the Act have virtually not been put to use; and fifthly,
the Act itself may not be deterrent, perhaps it is not being as deterrent as we thought it could be.[14]
Drawbacks and lacunae
Going through the Indian judicial system is degrading for any Dalit
because of the still existing biases of the court judges. One example is
the conduct of an Allahabad High Court judge who had his chambers
“purified” with water from the ‘ganga jal’ because a Dalit judge had
previously sat in that chamber before him.[29] Another example is the case of State of Karnataka v. Ingale.[15]
The State of Karnataka had charged five individuals with violating the
SC/ST Act. At trial, four witnesses testified that the defendants had
threatened Dalits with a gun to stop them from taking water from a well.
The defendants told the Dalits that they had no right to take water,
because they were `untouchables’. The trial judge convicted all of the
defendants. On appeal, the Additional Sessions judge confirmed the
conviction of three defendants but acquitted two. On further appeal to
the High Court, the judge acquitted all the defendants after rejecting
the testimony of the four Dalit witnesses. The Dalits finally got relief
from the Supreme Court.
Perhaps the most important bias (re implementation of this Act) is
that there is little done to prevent atrocities. Most of the reports are
of what is done after an atrocity has been committed. Few states have
preventive measures in place. The ‘relief’ provided is a pittance and
the confidence of the community is seldom rebuilt.
For the opponents of social justice, the low conviction rates are
evidence of misuse of the Act by the SCs and STs to threaten and
blackmail other communities. Actual data on such misuse is not
available. However, the acquittal rates are abnormally high, as
acknowledged by the prime minister and home minister (quoted above).
There is also a high rate of FIRs rejected as being ‘false’ by the
police. In Karnataka the rejection rate at the police station level (the
‘B’ report that classifies a case as false) was 77% of total cases
disposed off in 2009[30]—so
much so that it became a topic for discussion in the SVMC. There were
accusations by the top police officers and the top legal officers of the
state, in the presence of the chief minister, other ministers and top officials, that the other was not doing their duty.[31]
Legal system
The legal regime is fraught with contradictions. While the legal text
is explicit in seeking remedies, the implementation of the text appears
to evade actual performance. Laws and legal processes are not
self-executing; they depend on the administrative structure and the
judiciary with the anticipation that the social attitudes are driven by
notions of equity, social justice and fair play.[32]
However, the increasingly indifferent responses of those involved in
the implementation of laws protecting the weak, the oppressed and the
socially disadvantaged have persisted over the years and the system has
failed to provide for self-correction. The problem is that the victims
of atrocities suffer not only bodily and mental pain but also feelings
of insecurity and social avoidance which is not present for the victims
of other crimes. If the judge delegated to protect them shows
indifference, it further aggravates their already vulnerable position.
According to the preamble of the SC/ST Act, it is an Act to prevent
the commission of offences of atrocities against SC/STs, to provide for
Special Courts for the trial of such offences and for the relief and
rehabilitation of the victims of such offences. The Madhya Pradesh High
Court also had the same view and observed in the case of Dr. Ram Krishna
Balothia v. Union of India[33]
that the entire scheme of the SC/ST Act is to provide protection to the
members of the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes and to provide for
Special Court and speedy trial of the offences. The Act contains
affirmative measures to weed out the root cause of atrocities, which has
denied SCs and STs basic civil rights. The Act has addressed the
problem the regarding the dispensation of justice, but what the failed
to deal with is the problem of ‘rehabilitation’. There is mention of
rehabilitation under Section 21(2)(iii), but there are no provision
addressing the same. As it has been stated earlier that victims of
atrocities are on a different level when compared to victims of other
crimes, hence there should be special provision for the same. According
to the report submitted by the National Commission for Review and
Working of the Constitution,[34]
victims of atrocities and their families should be provided with full
financial and any other support to make them economically self-reliant
without their having to seek wage employment from their very oppressors
or classes of oppressors. Also it would be the duty of the state to
immediately take over the educational needs of the children of such
victims and provide for the cost of their food and maintenance.
SCs and STs constitute 68% of the total rural population. According
to the 1991 agricultural census a large number of SCs and STs are
marginal farmers compared to the other sections of the society and
because of this the number of cultivators are going down. In other
words, the landlessness is increasing at a faster rate among SCs and
STs. At the same time, the number of SC and ST workers as agricultural
labourer is increasing at a faster rate when compared to other sections
of the society. This basically implies that after losing their land
holdings, SC and ST cultivators are becoming agriculture labourers. Loss
of land, on the one hand, is caused by atrocities making them more
vulnerable. This in turn fuels and promotes continuance of atrocities
and untouchability.
Marginalisation is one of the worst forms of oppression.[citation needed]
It expels a whole category of people from useful participation in the
society and therefore potentially subjected to material deprivation and
this could even lead to extermination. Moreover, this leads to the state
of powerlessness which perhaps is best described negatively; the
powerless lack authority, status and a sense of self.[35] Moreover, every right has three types of duties[citation needed]—duty to
Avoid deprivation.
Protect from deprivation.
Aid the deprived.
Though the SC/ST Act does cover these duties, and its implementation
is admittedly uneven, it is found wanting most in the third: duty to aid
the deprived. One possible reason could be that the State has to work
through its officials who are drawn from the same oppressive social
strata. Though the Act does mention that officers and other staff
appointed in an area prone to atrocity shall have the right aptitude and
understanding of the problems of the SCs and STs(Rule 13(1))
in practice, these officials often collude with their caste brethren
and even file counter-cases against the victims or their family members.[36]
This means, in addition to the perpetrators getting away with the
original crime, free to further intimidate the victims, the victims are
left helpless—denied the government compensation and assistance to
rebuild their life. They have to go back to the same perpetrator caste
for their livelihood or daily wage labour. Hence, it is necessary to
make the SCs and STs self-dependent.
Lack of awareness
The statement of object and reason of the SC/ST Act clearly reveals
that the Act, in its letter and spirit, desires that Dalits lead a
dignified life. However, even after 16 years of its existence in the
statute book, it has not shown its desired effect.
The majority of the beneficiaries of this Act are unaware of the
legitimate claims of leading a dignified way of life or are unwilling to
enforce it intensively. Even the Police, prosecutors and judicial
officers are unaware of this Act as was pointed out by Calcutta High
Court in the case of M.C. Prasannan v. State of West Bengal.[37]
Misapplication of the Act by police and the courts aggravates the problem ultimately leads to acquittals.[38]
Some atrocities not covered
Social and economic boycott and blackmail are widespread. In view of
the fact that the main perpetrators of the crime sometimes co-opt a few
SC/STs with them and take advantage of local differences among the
SC/STs and sometimes they promote and engineer crimes but get them
executed by some members of SC/STs, the Act should be suitably amended
to bring such crimes and atrocities within the purview of the definition
of atrocities under the Act.[34]
Likewise, the Special Courts established under Section 14 of the Act
are required to follow the committal procedure under Cr.P.C. Such an
interpretation prevents the speedy trial envisaged under the Act. The
absence of adequate special courts has resulted in slow disposal of
atrocity cases and a huge backlog.
Dalits in other religions not covered
This Act is applicable only for those communities that are in the
government Schedule Caste or Schedule Tribe lists. Those who suffer from
caste based discrimination (CBD) but are left out of the government
list—the Dalits—(mainly
those who profess Christianity or Islam, but even others who are not on
the list due to mis-classification) do not come under its purview. This
makes Dalits
who have exercised their freedom of religion more vulnerable (if they
or their ancestors changed their religion) or subject to administrative
whims and fancies (if they profess to be Hindu, Sikh or Buddhist).
Empowering provisions
Under constitutional provisions, a caste or tribe is notified with
reference to a State or Union territory. Hence a person born in state/UT
gets certificate of SC/ST if his/her father belongs to specified
caste/tribe in that state as SC/ST. On migration to another state, they
lose their SC/ST status for affirmative actions, i.e. benefit of
admission in educational institutes, reservation in government
employment etc. but the protection accorded under this Act stays.[citation needed]
Once a person is notified as SC/ST in any state/UT, they are protected
under the SCs and STs (Prevention of Atrocities) Act, 1989 throughout
the country, irrespective of whether the particular caste or tribe is
notified in the state/UT where the offence is committed.
Legal aid
Legal aid is available for all victims regardless of financial status. For all others legal aid depends on the financial status.
Many civil society organisations (CSOs) started using this Act to
provide some relief to the victims almost immediately. A few Dalit and
human rights organizations took to monitoring violence against the
SC&ST communities, documenting them, publicizing them and also
monitoring the use of the Act in dealing with these crimes. One of the
first to monitor the implementation of this Act was Sakshi
in Andhra Pradesh. However, that was restricted to monitoring up to the
judicial process—up to the filing of the First Information Report (FIR)
in the police station. Special attention was given to ensure that the
filing of the First Information Report (FIR) included sections of the
The full monitoring of the Act by CSOs is a later phenomenon[39]
and has not matured in that civil society reports on implementation of
the Act (shadow reports to the ones mandated by the Act section 21(4))
are yet to be done.
Annual reports by Citizen’s monitoring committees have been done in Karnataka for 2009 (English), 2010 (English and Kannada) and a combined report for 2011 and 2012 (in English and Kannada(with monitoring tools))
auditing the performance of the State, including the bureaucracy,
judicial system, police and monitoring mechanisms (DVMCs and SVMC).
However, atrocities in the state still continue to rise, and convictions
remain low.
Filing PILs for implementation
Some organizations also used the provisions of the Public Interest
Litigations (PIL) to demand better implementation under the Act at High
Court level and National Campaign on Dalit Human Rights (NCDHR) in the Supreme Court of India.
National coalition to strengthen the Act
On the 20th anniversary of its enactment, CSOs came together from
across the country to review its implementation and formed a ‘National
Coalition for Strengthening SC & ST Prevention of Atrocities Act’
that took stock of the implementation of the Act in a ‘report card’,
analysed the lacunae and suggested a set of amendments for improving
the implementation. State specific ‘fact sheets’ were also made
available for Madhya Pradesh and Bihar
Many important areas such as social and economic boycotts, causing
hurt, destruction of property, defining the SC communities to include
those who profess a religion other than Hinduism, Sikhism, Buddhism, and
better monitoring mechanisms were identified.
Many organisations continue to monitor the implementation of the Act, and bring out state level reports.
Himachal Pradesh: Monitoring by Centre for Mountain Dalit Rights
Karnataka: Monitoring by Committee Monitoring and
Strengthening the POA in Karnataka (CMASK) led by the Karnataka Dalit
Mahilla Vedike (KDMV). State reports are available on the status of
implementation during 2009 (English), 2010 (English and Kannada) and a combined report for 2011 and 2012 (in English and Kannada (with monitoring tools)). Also available in Kannada is the monitoring calendar .
SCs and STs (Prevention of Atrocities) Amendment Ordinance 2014 (No 1 of 2014)
The Amendment Ordinance 2014
was signed by the president on 4 March 2014 and came into force
immediately. (Since it is an ordinance, it will need to be ratified by
(the next) parliament within six (6) months or it will lapse).
The key features of the ordinance are
Addition of following new category of offences to the existing 19
punishable offences. In addition to the 19 offences listed in the Act,
following new offences proposed. To cite a few: tonsuring of head,
moustache, or similar acts which are derogatory to the dignity of Dalits
and Adivasis; garlanding with chappals; denying access to irrigation
facilities or forest rights ; dispose or carry human or animal
carcasses, or to dig graves; using or permitting manual scavenging;
dedicating Dalit women as devadasi; abusing in caste name; perpetrating
witchcraft atrocities; imposing social or economic boycott; preventing
Dalit and Adivasi candidates filing of nomination to contest elections;
hurting the modesty of Dalit/Adivasi woman by removing her garments;
forcing to leave house , village or residence; defiling objects sacred
to SCs and STs; touching a women or uses words, acts or gestures of a
sexual nature against women.
Addition of IPC offences attracting committed against Dalits or
Adivasis as punishable offences under the POA Act. Presently, only those
offences listed in IPC as attracting punishment of 10 years or more and
committed on Dalits/ Adivasis are accepted as offences falling under
the POA Act. A number of commonly committed offences (hurt, grievous
hurt, intimidation, kidnapping etc.) are excluded from the Act. This
provides loopholes for the perpetrators of crime to escape from being
punished for these commonly committed crimes. Therefore a Schedule of
list of IPC offences is provided in the amended act.
Establishment of Exclusive Special Courts and Special Public
Prosecutors to exclusively try the offences falling under the POA Act to
enable speedy and expeditious disposal of cases. Presently, Special
Courts and Public Prosecutors also deal with other cases besides
atrocity cases. Consequently, cases are kept pending for long time. Thus
victims are denied justice or speedy justice. Establishment of an
Exclusive Special Court for one or more districts and Exclusive Public
Prosecutor is proposed;
Power of Exclusive Courts to take cognizance of offence and
completion of trial in 2 months. Courts so established or specified
shall have power to directly take cognizance of offences under this Act
and the trial shall, as far as possible, be completed within a period of
two months from the date of filing of the charge sheet.
Addition of chapter on the ‘Rights of Victims and Witnesses’. As of
now, the Act recognizes a few rights of the victims and witnesses. This
is insufficient. Therefore many other essential rights are covered so as
to impose duty and responsibility upon the State for making
arrangements for the protection of victims, their dependants and
witnesses against any kind of intimidation, coercion or inducement or
violence or threats of violence.
Defining clearly the term ‘wilful negligence’ of public servants at
all levels, starting from the registration of complaint, and covering
aspects of dereliction of duty under this Act. Section 4 of the present
Act does not clearly define what constitutes ‘wilful negligence’ of
public servants. Hence, ‘wilful negligence’ is defined by listing
specific transgressions of law: for example, police officers not putting
down accurately in writing the victim’s complaint; not reading out to
the victims what has been recorded prior to getting their signature; not
registering FIR under the Act; not registering it under appropriate
sections of the Act; etc.
Addition of presumption to the offences –If the accused was
acquainted with the victim or his family, the court will presume that
the accused was aware of the caste or tribal identity of the victim
unless proved otherwise.
K.I. Vibhute,
“Right to Live with Human Dignity of Scheduled Castes and Tribes:
Legislative Spirit and Social Response – Some Reflections”, 44 JILI
(2002) 469 at 481.
Iris Young, “Justice
and Politics of Difference”. Amita Dhanda (compiled by), “Law and
Poverty Reading Material – IV Semester B.A.B.L (Hons)”, 1st edition
2006, p.29
“Whenever the SC or
ST victim of atrocity presents a report to the Sub-Inspector or
Circle-Inspector in charge of Police Station and if he records F.I.R.,
and register a case, the Sub-Inspector or Circle-Inspector should arrest
the assailant or assailants who committed the atrocity on the
complaint-SC. But the Sub-Inspector or Circle-Inspector who recorded the
F.I.R., and registered a case did not arrest the assailants except in
rare cases. On the other hand, it is stated in their representations
that those assailants against whom the SC-victims presented complaints
lodge counter reports to the Police against SC-victims and the
Sub-Inspectors or Circle-Inspectors register counter cases against the
SCs (Victims) and arrest them. When a counter report is presented by the
assailant who is the accused in the report presented by the SC-victim,
it was filed obviously with the sole intention to counter blast the
complaint filed by the SC-victim. As a result of the counter cases, the
real SC victims of the atrocities are being arrested and subjected to
criminal litigation as accused in the counter cases” (Justice Punnayya
Commission, Government of Andhra Pradesh 2001).
1999 Cr LJ 998 (Cal)
Karansingh v. State of MP, 1992 Cr LJ 3054 (MP)
The full monitoring
of the Act is virtually a ’systems audit’ that, in addition to the
police and judicial process, includes the monthly, quarterly,
half-yearly and annual reports, compliance regarding prevention,
rehabilitation, performance reviews, quarterly district vigilance and
monitoring committee (DVMC) meetings and half yearly state vigilance and
monitoring committee (SVMC) meetings.
The Scheme provides Central assistance to State Governments on a
50:50 basis (100% to the UTs) for the measures undertaken/proposed by
them for effective implementation of both the Acts namely Protection of
Civil Rights Act 1955 and the SCs and STs (Prevention of Atrocities) Act
Information on the Appointment of
Nodal Officers by State Governments / Union Territory Administration in
accordance with Rule 9 of Scheduled caste and Scheduled Tribes
(Prevention of Atrocities) Rule, 1995
The Nodal Officers have been appointed in the States/UTs of Andhra
Pradesh, Assam, Bihar, Chhatisgarh, Goa, Gujarat, Haryana, Himachal
Pradesh, Karnataka, Kerala, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Manipur,
Meghalaya, Nagaland,, Orissa, Punjab, Rajasthan, Tamil Nadu, Tripura,
Uttar Pradesh, Uttaranchal, West Bengal, Chandigarh, Daman & Diu,
Dadra & Nagar Haveli, Delhi and Pondicherry.
SC condition for conviction under SC/ST atrocities act
Supreme Court has held that a person cannot be convicted for an offence
under the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes (Prevention of
Atrocities) Act 1989 for making casteist remarks against an SC or ST
unless and until it is proved that the accused belongs to the upper
A bench comprising Justices Arijit Pasayat, Mukundakam
Sharma and H L Dattu, while setting aside the judgment of Bombay High
Court which had quashed the FIR lodged by the petitioner Asha Bai
Machindra Adhagale against the accused for abusing her in the name of
her caste, said ‘it needs no reiteration that the FIR is not expected to
be an encyclopedia.
‘As rightly contended by the learned
counsel for the appellant whether the accused belongs to Scheduled Caste
or Scheduled Tribe can be gone into when the matter is being
‘Under Section 23(1) of the Act, the Scheduled
Castes and Scheduled Tribes (Prevention of Atrocities) rules, 1995 have
been framed.
‘After ascertaining the facts during the course of
investigation, it is open to the investigating officer to record that
the accused either belongs to or does not belong to the SC/ST. After
final opinion is formed, it is open to the court to either accept the
same or take cognizance.’ The High Court had quashed the FIR only
because the caste of the accused was not mentioned in it.
PUBLISH. Please send a copy to awakenmedia.prabandhak@gmail.com chandrasekhara.tipitaka@gmail.com Visit: http://sarvajan.ambedkar.org
Outcome of the May 2014 General Elections in India. Hackers made hay in May!
From J.Chandrasekharan Scheduled caste 668 5A Main Road, 8th Cross, HAL 3rd Stage, Bangalore-560075 Karnataka State India Mob:9449260443 Email:chandrasekhara.tipitaka@gmail.com http://sarvajan.ambedkar.org
To , Honourable Chief Justice Supreme Court of India Tilak Marg, New Delhi-110 001 (India) PABX NOS.23388922-24,23388942-44, FAX NOS.23381508,23381584,23384336/23384533/23384447 supremecourt@nic.in
Sub: Grievance of a Scheduled Caste
It has been conclusively proved to the satisfaction of the Hon’ble Supreme Court that Indian EVMs ARE tamperable.The process of elections is the most sacrosanct duty in a Republic which ECI should carry out with utmost diligence. Caesar’s wife should be above suspicion. Free and fair polls should not only be ensured but APPEAR to be ensured to the satisfaction of the voters.
India first tested EVMs in a by-election in 1982, but the machines were first deployed on a large scale of over 1 million in a general election in 2004. In 2010, security researcher Hari Prasad and his associates released a video that they said demonstrated vulnerabilities in the EVMs, after hacking an EVM that had already been used in an election. Prasad and his team replaced the display board of the machine with a look-alike component that could be instructed through a Bluetooth connection on a mobile phone to steal a percentage of the votes in favor of a chosen candidate. The researchers also used a pocket-size device that could be attached to the memory of the EVM to change the votes stored in the machine during the period between the election and the public counting session. The Supreme Court has in its ruling this week asked the government to provide the financial assistance required by the Election Commission to roll out the EVMs. It has not set out a schedule for the full deployment of EVMs with the paper trail. http://articles.economictimes.indiatimes.com/2010-05-20/news/27589262_1_voting-machines-display-board-hack American scientists ‘hack’ into Indian voting machines LONDON: India’s voting machines - considered to be among the world’s most tamperproof - can be hacked, American scientists claim. Researchers at the University of Michigan connected a home-made device to a voting machine and successfully changed results by sending text messages from a mobile. “We made an imitation display board that looks almost exactly like the real display in the machines. But underneath some of the components of the board, we hide a microprocessor and a Bluetooth radio,” the BBC quoted Prof J Alex Halderman, who led the project, as saying. He added: “Our lookalike display board intercepts the vote totals that the machine is trying to display and replaces them with dishonest totals - basically whatever the bad guy wants to show up at the end of the election.” Moreover, they added a small microprocessor, which they say can change the votes stored in the machine between the election and the vote-counting session. No one’s right mind would yet allow the use of absolutely antiquated, completely out-dated, easily hack-able and highly tamper-able “high school technology” based, obsolete EVMs (electronic voting machines) in national elections, but it was used now — in 2014 More than 80 democracies in the world have simply done away with them, dumping them in the trash, or simply declared the usage of this simplistic voting system susceptible to fraud, and hence declaring the same as illegal — as the Supreme Courts of Germany and Holland indeed have done. Even Japan, from where EVMs originated, has long abandoned its rogue babies, and is using paper ballot system since then. All the advanced democracies in the West, except the most dull-headed ones, have reverted to a voter verifiable system or the ballot paper. In Canada, even at the ,most basic school level, ballot paper voting is in use. Last year, the Supreme Court of India, having been convinced of an undeniable, edible possibility of EVMs getting tampered with and that easily hacked — even from afar — had ordered the imbecilic Election Commission and the indolent Government of India to provide about 1600 crore (1600, 0000000) rupees — convert this into your respective currency! — for manufacturing these VVPAT (Voter Verifiable Paper Audit Trail) voting machines; which show a verifiable paper receipt to the voter. This is the Fundamental Right of a citizen of India, as per the laws laid down by the Constitution. However, recent newspaper reports tell us that only 20, 000 such voting machines have been provided for the entire country in this, 2014 election! India has 29 states now — with Telagana being the latest. In most of them, depending upon their size etc., either about 400 VVPAT machines are being deployed, or some such similar ridiculous number — more or less — has been made available in the length and breadth of the country. It’s an asinine, bland, cruel, demeaning joke we 1.25 billion voters have been “blessed” with by the powers that be. All “patriotic” hackers of our motherland made hay in May! As to how EVMs can be hacked into, tampered with, and results favorably manipulated via software interference and other means — from near and from far, far away — this can easily be found by anybody by just going to Google etc. and filling “EVM HACKING, TAMPERING” or something to this effect in the Search. And lo, behold! a plethora of information will just overwhelm your overly chilled-out, lesser employed, un-billed brains. However, the only solace for us naive fools is that quite a few unscrupulous politicians and every other most “honorable” political party worthy of its “salt”, would surely be playing this comic-tragic game of hacking into and hijacking the votes of a billion people! Thus, one who outsmarts the other such fine folks, armed with their hacking forks in this merry-go-around, will win. The rest — this or that “tsunami” or wave in favor of one or the other, poll forecasts and the “newbie”, the over enthused, seeming game changers in the making — well, they may well fall flat on their dumb faces, if not on their smart asses. That the Supreme Court of India too, while passing the order of putting new VVAT voting machines in use in a “phased manner”, has unwittingly shirked its duty. In fact, it committed a grave error of judgment. Perhaps dealt a fatal blow to Indian democracy. It should have ordered, as a caution, that till the time this newer set of about 1300ooo voting machines is manufactured in full and so deployed throughout India, ballot paper system would be brought in. No such precautionary measure was decreed by the apex court. Well, crib all you want. But don’t cry, my dear countrymen. After all, the same model of EVMs is yet very much in use in South Africa, Bangla Desh, Bhutan, Nepal, Nigeria, Venezuela etc. These poor folks of the said “non-techy” countries — millions of them — too cannot figure out as to what the hell had, yet is happening, in their dear short-circuited “developed” democracies. Nor will you. Don’t worry, be happy! You are not alone “out there”. Oh, by the way, the somewhat notorious lawyer who had brought in this case — of the present lot of EVMs being tamper-able and hack-able — and, who, had successfully fought it so, forcing the Supreme Court to order the installation of a fail-safe voting mechanism (of Voter Verifiable Paper Audit machines replacing the susceptible earlier Electronic Voting Machines) to ensure a free and fair electoral process in India — well, this oh-so-very honorable fellow too has fallen silent, like a demure maiden. This most vociferous gentleman had openly declared on social websites, especially Twitter, that in case VVPAT machines do not get installed in time for 2014 elections, then, there would be a “constitutional crisis” — putting it out there like an Indian “pehalwan”, a la WWW wrestler, that he would challenge the same in the apex court. He had most emphatically underlined he would ensure that either the new fail-safe voting machines or the old time-tested paper ballot system will be put in use during this general election in India. However, recently, when asked specifically on Twitter about this matter — as to what this lovely man is doing or is going to do about this impending doomsday electoral scenario — there was a deafening silence from his side. May be owing to the fact that since the Supreme Court judgement late last year, this self-righteous rightist has joined the ultra-rightist political bandwagon. The latter has been projected by pollsters to overwhelmingly sweep these elections — as a direct result of the doings of the monstrous public relations firm hired from the land of the let-it-be, oops! free. This US firm is the same that was used fruitfully by President Bush and Hillary Clinton for their respective political campaigns. It has — let there be no doubt about it — successfully projected its client as the potential winner and the next numero uno in Indian politics. What the majority of the Indians have missed in fine print is that the outgoing Chief Minister of the state of Rajasthan, in the last year elections, had officially filed a complaint with the election commission that the EVMs used in his state were pre-programmed and tampered with — and that the same had come from the state of which this presently hyped-up future Prime Minister of India, is the current Chief Minister. Now, the lawyer who had gone to the dogs to awaken India and the rest of the world about the mischief and malfeasance possible with the old model of EVMs — and had in fact written a book on this subject — is in a wink-wink deep-throat “smadhi”. A silence that speaks truths we dumb billion idiots on this part of slippery earth cannot fathom. Perhaps it’s a precursor of the things to come. Let us hope the jolly good hackers of this-that party screw-up each other’s devilish, outright evil plans. In a dog eat dog political crap pit we hapless billion creatures have to walk through every election, maybe this time the ape sitting by the side — the wide-eyed hopeful citizen of India — at least gets a tiny part of the apple pie this messy hacking cat fight will leave behind, on the side lanes. Perhaps these little crumbs will be enough for us to stay afloat. though not gloat. In a nutshell, simply put, whosoever “out-hacks” the other, will win. Then again, we are an ancient civilization of more than 33, 0000000 gods and goddesses — some civilized, others not so civil. Let’s hope one of these fancied deities has a soft corner for us dumbos. Otherwise, we are going to get screwed. A billion times over. Therefore, I made doubly sure I did not vote. I sat on my ass on voting day — not that I don’t do so everyday. This voting day, I absolutely did. Not only figuratively and metaphorically, but literally. I may have many buts in life, but at least today I have a little sore, yet not so sorry a butt. We are a fool’s paradise. Long live the banana republic of India! LOK SABHA ELECTIONS FIXING ‘FIXING’ Indian Lok Sabha elections Computer Business Review appeared more certain with the “How Google search results influenced elections” headline for its version of the story, the Guardian reported.”……Google changed its course, it undermined people’s trust in its results and company.” A press release put out on 13 May by the American Institute for Behavioral Research and Technology, an independent research organisation based in California created a furore around the topic when it released a report headlined “Could Google have fixed the Lok Sabha elections? A landmark new study in India shows it’s possible,” the report added. (ANI) http://mattersindia.com/google-search-threatens-democracy-study/ Google Search threatens democracy: Study Published: 9:31 am, May 15, 2014 Story By: mattersindia.com
A threat to democracy
Washington: As India eagerly awaits the outcome of the just concluded general elections, a study by an American institute says the real threat to democracy comes from an unexpected corner: Google Search. Google search results can pose a real threat to democracy as it could swing a close election by influencing the voting preferences of undecided voters, wars the American Institute for Behavioral Research and Technology in California that studied more than 2,000 undecided voters throughout India. The study conducted in recent weeks suggests that Google has the power to fix elections “without anyone being the wiser.” This is possible because of the power that search rankings have on people’s opinions, the researchers said. Studies show that the higher the rank, the more people trust the result, which is why companies are spending billions now to push their products higher. “So could highly-ranked search results that make Arvind Kejriwal look better than Narendra Modi drive votes to Kejriwal?” the researchers set out to determine, The Times of India reported. In research conducted last year in the US, researchers found that search rankings biased in favor of a candidate could push the preferences of undecided voters towards that candidate by 15 percent or more. The researchers have shown that votes can easily be pushed toward one candidate or another by about 12 percent — double that amount in some demographic groups — enough to determine the outcomes of many close races. “This is a very serious matter — a real threat to democracy,” said Dr Robert Epstein, lead researcher in the study and Senior Research Psychologist at the American institute. “If two candidates were both trying to push their rankings higher, they would be competing, and that’s fine. But if Google, which has a monopoly on search in India, were to favor one candidate, it could easily put that candidate in office by manipulating search rankings, and no one could counter what they were doing. “Even if without human intervention the company’s search algorithm favored one candidate, thousands of votes would still be driven to that candidate,” said Epstein. In the new study, participants were randomly assigned to groups in which search rankings favored either Kejriwal, Rahul Gandhi, or Modi. Real search rankings and web pages were used, and people were asked to research all the candidates just as they would on Google. The only difference between the groups was the order in which the search results were displayed. The new study suggests that biased search rankings can be used to fix the outcome of races in India in which the winner is projected to win by a margin up to 2.9 percent. This can be done just by influencing undecided voters who use the internet — a small but important group of voters that is sure to grow in coming years, researchers said. Worldwide, the researchers said, upwards of 25 percent of national elections are won by margins under 3 percent. The study also shows that certain demographic groups are especially vulnerable. The voting preferences of 19 percent of women over 35 were shifted in the study, as were the voting preferences of 18 percent of voters who were unemployed. “Of particular concern is the fact that 99 percent of the people in our study seemed to be unaware that the search rankings they saw were biased. That means Google has the power to manipulate elections without anyone suspecting they’re doing so,” said Epstein. “To prevent undue influence, election-related search rankings need to be regulated and monitored, as well as subjected to equal-time rules,” Epstein said.
I, Nostradamus! — Predicting the Outcome of the May 2014 General Elections in Indool’s Paradise. Hacke hay in May!
Over a billion cuckoos cackle, cry and crap in India.
is a nation where intelligence rules in closed quarters, idiocy in the
open. Just like the open toilets under the benign gaze of Mother
Nature — there are more cell phones than toilets in India, a survey
reports. Oh! the average Indian retorts — and, then, goes on to do
“business” as usual, sitting on the haunches, as sorry-assed as
before — or sorts.
We are an indifferent,
intelligently inclined idiocy — oops! democracy, We make gods out of
mud, then, prostrating before them, we remain, as before, a dud. And,
some times, in the name of our fancied little god and his glory, my
motherland’s favorite sons also kill each other, with the deep ingrained
vigor of all our bestial ancestry, and like a whiff of wind are
gone — dead.
Lest it becomes confusing, let’s say it
as it is — we Indians, like every other human being, are truly one
really, really queer kin of apes. In some fields, ahead of others and
beyond compare; in other areas, we are as silly and supercilious as a
bull-hounded mare. In a nutshell, Indians, at least in the loftier
mystical and evolved spiritual circles “get” some things well — like
higher metaphysics — while failing miserably, simplistically, in simple,
elementary physics.
After all,
who in one’s right mind would yet allow the use of absolutely
antiquated, completely out-dated, easily hack-able and highly
tamper-able “high school technology” based, obsolete EVMs (electronic
voting machines) in national elections, even now — in 2014?
than 80 democracies in the world have simply done away with them,
dumping them in the trash, or simply declared the usage of this
simplistic voting system susceptible to fraud, and hence declaring the
same as illegal — as the Supreme Courts of Germany and Holland indeed
have done. Even Japan, from where EVMs originated, has long abandoned
its rogue babies, and is using paper ballot system since then. All the
advanced democracies in the West, except the most dull-headed ones, have
reverted to a voter verifiable system or the ballot paper. In Canada,
even at the ,most basic school level, ballot paper voting is in use.
year, the Supreme Court of India, having been convinced of an
undeniable, edible possibility of EVMs getting tampered with and that
easily hacked — even from afar — had ordered the imbecilic Election
Commission and the indolent Government of India to provide about 1600
crore (1600, 0000000) rupees — convert this into your respective
currency! — for manufacturing these VVPAT (Voter Verifiable Paper Audit
Trail) voting machines; which show a verifiable paper receipt to the
This is the Fundamental Right of a citizen of
India, as per the laws laid down by the Constitution. However, recent
newspaper reports tell us that only 20, 000 such voting machines have
been provided for the entire country in this, 2014 election! India has
29 states now — with Telagana being the latest. In most of them,
depending upon their size etc., either about 400 VVPAT machines are
being deployed, or some such similar ridiculous number — more or
less — has been made available in the length and breadth of the country.
It’s an asinine, bland, cruel, demeaning joke we 1.25 billion jokers
have been “blessed” with by the powers that be.
All “patriotic” hackers of our motherland are going to make hay in May!
to how EVMs can be hacked into, tampered with, and results favorably
manipulated via software interference and other means — from near and
from far, far away — this can easily be found by anybody by just going
to Google etc. and filling “EVM HACKING, TAMPERING” or
something to this effect in the Search. And lo, behold! a plethora of
information will just overwhelm your overly chilled-out, lesser
employed, un-billed brains.
the only solace for us naive fools is that quite a few unscrupulous
politicians and every other most “honorable” political party worthy of
its “salt”, would surely be playing this comic-tragic game of hacking
into and hijacking the votes of a billion people! Thus, one who
outsmarts the other such fine folks, armed with their hacking forks in
this merry-go-around, will win.
rest — this or that “tsunami” or wave in favor of one or the other, poll
forecasts and the “newbie”, the over enthused, seeming game changers in
the making — well, they may well fall flat on their dumb faces, if not
on their smart asses.
That the Supreme Court of India
too, while passing the order of putting new VVAT voting machines in use
in a “phased manner”, has unwittingly shirked its duty. In fact, it
committed a grave error of judgment. Perhaps dealt a fatal blow to
Indian democracy. It should have ordered, as a caution, that till the
time this newer set of about 1300ooo voting machines is manufactured in
full and so deployed throughout India, ballot paper system would be
brought in. No such precautionary measure was decreed by the apex court.
crib all you want. But don’t cry, my dear countrymen. After all, the
same model of EVMs is yet very much in use in South Africa, Bangla Desh,
Bhutan, Nepal, Nigeria, Venezuela etc. These poor folks of the said
“non-techy” countries — millions of them — too cannot figure out as to
what the hell had, yet is happening, in their dear short-circuited
“developed” democracies. Nor will you.
Don’t worry, be happy! You are not alone “out there”.
by the way, the somewhat notorious lawyer who had brought in this
case — of the present lot of EVMs being tamper-able and hack-able — and,
who, had successfully fought it so, forcing the Supreme Court to order
the installation of a fail-safe voting mechanism (of Voter Verifiable
Paper Audit machines replacing the susceptible earlier Electronic Voting
Machines) to ensure a free and fair electoral process in India — well,
this oh-so-very honorable fellow too has fallen silent, like a demure
maiden. This most vociferous gentleman had openly declared on social
websites, especially Twitter, that in case VVPAT machines do not get
installed in time for 2014 elections, then, there would be a
“constitutional crisis” — putting it out there like an Indian
“pehalwan”, a la WWW wrestler, that he would challenge the same in the
apex court. He had most emphatically underlined he would ensure that
either the new fail-safe voting machines or the old time-tested paper
ballot system will be put in use during this general election in India.
However, recently, when asked specifically on Twitter about this
matter — as to what this lovely man is doing or is going to do about
this impending doomsday electoral scenario — there was a deafening
silence from his side. May be owing to the fact that since the Supreme
Court judgement late last year, this self-righteous rightist has joined
the ultra-rightist political bandwagon.
The latter has
been projected by pollsters to overwhelmingly sweep these
elections — as a direct result of the doings of the monstrous public
relations firm hired from the land of the let-it-be, oops! free. This
US firm is the same that was used fruitfully by President Bush and
Hillary Clinton for their respective political campaigns. It has — let
there be no doubt about it — successfully projected its client as the
potential winner and the next numero uno in Indian politics.
the majority of the Indians have missed in fine print is that the
outgoing Chief Minister of the state of Rajasthan, in the last year
elections, had officially filed a complaint with the election commission
that the EVMs used in his state were pre-programmed and tampered
with — and that the same had come from the state of which this presently
hyped-up future Prime Minister of India, is the current Chief Minister.
Now, the lawyer who had gone to the dogs to awaken India and the rest
of the world about the mischief and malfeasance possible with the old
model of EVMs — and had in fact written a book on this subject — is in a
wink-wink deep-throat “smadhi”. A silence that speaks truths we dumb
billion idiots on this part of slippery earth cannot fathom. Perhaps
it’s a precursor of the things to come.
Let us hope
the jolly good hackers of this-that party screw-up each other’s
devilish, outright evil plans. In a dog eat dog political crap pit we
hapless billion creatures have to walk through every election, maybe
this time the ape sitting by the side — the wide-eyed hopeful citizen of
India — at least gets a tiny part of the apple pie this messy hacking
cat fight will leave behind, on the side lanes. Perhaps these little
crumbs will be enough for us to stay afloat. though not gloat.
In a nutshell, simply put, whosoever “out-hacks” the other, will win.
again, we are an ancient civilization of more than 33, 0000000 gods and
goddesses — some civilized, others not so civil. Let’s hope one of
these fancied deities has a soft corner for us dumbos. Otherwise, we are
going to get screwed. A billion times over.
I made doubly sure I did not vote. I sat on my ass on voting day — not
that I don’t do so everyday. This voting day, I absolutely did. Not only
figuratively and metaphorically, but literally. I may have many buts in
life, but at least today I have a little sore, yet not so sorry a butt.
E-Filing is Electronic filing of matters in the
Registry of Supreme Court of India. Yes, E-Filing is a user friendly
programme prepared by National Informatics Centre.
The Registrar,
Supreme Court of India,
Tilak Marg,
New Delhi-110 001 (India)
PABX NOS.23388922-24,23388942-44,
FAX NOS.23381508,23381584,23384336/23384533/23384447 supremecourt@nic.in
Through E-Filing facilitates any Advocate-on-record
(in the Supreme Court of India) or Petitioner-in-person can file his/her
matter through internet facility, sitting anywhere in the world. It
does not require any person to come at the filing Counter in the
Registry of the Supreme Court of India for just filing his/her matter.
Prequalification - you must have prepared the Petition offline. The steps required for E-Filing process are:
1. Login: For login you need User ID and Password. (Advocate on record
are provided ID and password from the Registry. Petitioner-in-person has
to create his ID and Password by submitting his/her Identity proof.
The Supreme Court of India has introduced E-FILING. Now you can file a case in the Supreme Court through the internet and also avail of the following services:
Business Review appeared more certain with the “How Google
search results are influencing elections” headline for its version of
the story, the Guardian reported.”…. if Google changed its course, it
would undermine people’s trust in its results and company.”
A press release put out on 13 May by the American Institute for
Behavioral Research and Technology, an independent research organisation
based in California created a furore around the topic when it released a
report headlined “Could Google have fixed the Lok Sabha elections? A
landmark new study in India shows it’s possible,” the report added.
Let us appeal to the Computer Business Review and the American Institute for
Behavioral Research and Technology, an independent research organisation
based in California to review and research on the following technology:
Napolean had once said that “I can face two
battalions but not two scribes”. Scribes are aware that the Supreme
Court had directed that all the EVMs must be replaced with TAMPER PROOF
machines. But the CEC had not bothered tto replace all the EVMs and went
for Lok Sabha elections. Napoleans suggested scribes have to do some
investigative journalism and expose the CEC to save this MURDER of
‘fixing’ Indian Lok Sabha elections
SUB:An Appeal to do research on all Electronic
Voting Machines those were to be replaced with Tamper proof machines as
per the directives of Supreme court of India
to the Computer Business Review and the American Institute for
Behavioral Research and Technology, an independent research organisation
based in California to review and research on the following technology:
had once said that “I can face two battalions but not two scribes”.
Scribes are aware that the Supreme Court had directed that all the EVMs
must be replaced with TAMPER PROOF machines. But the CEC had not
bothered tto replace all the EVMs and went for Lok Sabha elections.
Napoleans suggested scribes have to do some investigative journalism and
expose the CEC to save this MURDER of DEMOCRACY and STOP ‘fixing’ Indian Lok Sabha elections.
With reference to
https://in.news.yahoo.com/google-denies-fixing-indian-lok-sabha-elections-105557389.html ‘FIXING’ Indian Lok Sabha elections
Business Review appeared more certain with the “How Google search
results are influencing elections” headline for its version of the
story, the Guardian reported.”…. if Google changed its course, it
would undermine people’s trust in its results and company.”
press release put out on 13 May by the American Institute for Behavioral
Research and Technology, an independent research organisation based in
California created a furore around the topic when it released a report
headlined “Could Google have fixed the Lok Sabha elections? A landmark
new study in India shows it’s possible,” the report added. (ANI)
The American Institute for Behavioral Research and Technology
is a nonprofit, nonpartisan 501(c)(3) organization based in Vista,
California, USA, which promotes and conducts research that has the
potential to increase the well-being and functioning of people
worldwide. It currently has ongoing research projects in eleven
different topic areas.
mission of the American Institute for Behavioral Research and
Technology is to conduct, promote, and advance research on behavior that
has the potential to improve the human condition, to develop possible
applications of such research, and to educate the public about both this
research and its applications. It pursues this mission by conducting
relevant research, presenting such research at scientific conferences,
publishing reports of such research in both scientific and popular
publications, developing possible applications of such research and
presenting and publishing reports of such applications, and keeping the
public informed about relevant research and applications through
classes, workshops, Internet activities, videos, and a variety of other
publishing and media activities.
Washington: As India eagerly awaits the outcome of the just concluded
general elections, a study by an American institute says the real
threat to democracy comes from an unexpected corner: Google Search.
Google search results can pose a real threat to democracy as it could
swing a close election by influencing the voting preferences of
undecided voters, wars the American Institute for Behavioral Research
and Technology in California that studied more than 2,000 undecided
voters throughout India.
The study conducted in recent weeks suggests that Google has the
power to fix elections “without anyone being the wiser.” This is
possible because of the power that search rankings have on people’s
opinions, the researchers said.
Studies show that the higher the rank, the more people trust the
result, which is why companies are spending billions now to push their
products higher.
“So could highly-ranked search results that make Arvind Kejriwal look
better than Narendra Modi drive votes to Kejriwal?” the researchers set
out to determine, The Times of India reported.
In research conducted last year in the US, researchers found that
search rankings biased in favor of a candidate could push the
preferences of undecided voters towards that candidate by 15 percent or
The researchers have shown that votes can easily be pushed toward one
candidate or another by about 12 percent — double that amount in some
demographic groups — enough to determine the outcomes of many close
“This is a very serious matter — a real threat to democracy,” said Dr
Robert Epstein, lead researcher in the study and Senior Research
Psychologist at the American institute.
“If two candidates were both trying to push their rankings higher,
they would be competing, and that’s fine. But if Google, which has a
monopoly on search in India, were to favor one candidate, it could
easily put that candidate in office by manipulating search rankings, and
no one could counter what they were doing.
“Even if without human intervention the company’s search algorithm
favored one candidate, thousands of votes would still be driven to that
candidate,” said Epstein.
In the new study, participants were randomly assigned to groups in
which search rankings favored either Kejriwal, Rahul Gandhi, or Modi.
Real search rankings and web pages were used, and people were asked
to research all the candidates just as they would on Google. The only
difference between the groups was the order in which the search results
were displayed.
The new study suggests that biased search rankings can be used to fix
the outcome of races in India in which the winner is projected to win
by a margin up to 2.9 percent.
This can be done just by influencing undecided voters who use the
internet — a small but important group of voters that is sure to grow in
coming years, researchers said.
Worldwide, the researchers said, upwards of 25 percent of national elections are won by margins under 3 percent.
The study also shows that certain demographic groups are especially vulnerable.
The voting preferences of 19 percent of women over 35 were shifted in
the study, as were the voting preferences of 18 percent of voters who
were unemployed.
“Of particular concern is the fact that 99 percent of the people in
our study seemed to be unaware that the search rankings they saw were
biased. That means Google has the power to manipulate elections without
anyone suspecting they’re doing so,” said Epstein.
“To prevent undue influence, election-related search rankings need to
be regulated and monitored, as well as subjected to equal-time rules,”
Epstein said.
Computer Business Review appeared more certain with the “How Google search results are influencing elections” headline
for its version of the story, the Guardian reported.”…. if Google
changed its course, it would undermine people’s trust in its results and
A press release put out on 13 May by the American
Institute for Behavioral Research and Technology, an independent
research organisation based in California created a furore around the
topic when it released a report headlined “Could Google have fixed the
Lok Sabha elections? A landmark new study in India shows it’s possible,”
the report added. (ANI)
Let us appeal to the Computer Business
Review and the American Institute for Behavioral Research and
Technology, an independent research organisation based in California to
review and research on the following technology:
had once said that “I can face two battalions but not two scribes”.
Scribes are aware that the Supreme Court had directed that all the EVMs
must be replaced with TAMPER PROOF machines. But the CEC had not
bothered tto replace all the EVMs and went for Lok Sabha elections.
Napoleans suggested scribes have to do some investigative journalism and
expose the CEC to save this MURDER of DEMOCRACY and STOP ‘fixing’ Indian Lok Sabha elections.
Through FREE ONLINE E-Nālanda Research and Practice UNIVERSITY run through http://sarvajan.ambedkar.org is interested to join you to produce TIPITAKA short episodes in laser holographic projection.Please guide.
PUBLISH. Please send a copy to awakenmedia.prabandhak@gmail.com chandrasekhara.tipitaka@gmail.com Visit: http://sarvajan.ambedkar.org
E-Filing is Electronic filing of matters in the
Registry of Supreme Court of India. Yes, E-Filing is a user friendly
programme prepared by National Informatics Centre.
The Registrar,
Supreme Court of India,
Tilak Marg,
New Delhi-110 001 (India)
PABX NOS.23388922-24,23388942-44,
FAX NOS.23381508,23381584,23384336/23384533/23384447 supremecourt@nic.in
Through E-Filing facilitates any Advocate-on-record
(in the Supreme Court of India) or Petitioner-in-person can file his/her
matter through internet facility, sitting anywhere in the world. It
does not require any person to come at the filing Counter in the
Registry of the Supreme Court of India for just filing his/her matter.
Prequalification - you must have prepared the Petition offline. The steps required for E-Filing process are:
1. Login: For login you need User ID and Password. (Advocate on record
are provided ID and password from the Registry. Petitioner-in-person has
to create his ID and Password by submitting his/her Identity proof.
The Supreme Court of India has introduced E-FILING. Now you can file a case in the Supreme Court through the internet and also avail of the following services:
Business Review appeared more certain with the “How Google
search results are influencing elections” headline for its version of
the story, the Guardian reported.”…. if Google changed its course, it
would undermine people’s trust in its results and company.”
A press release put out on 13 May by the American Institute for
Behavioral Research and Technology, an independent research organisation
based in California created a furore around the topic when it released a
report headlined “Could Google have fixed the Lok Sabha elections? A
landmark new study in India shows it’s possible,” the report added.
Let us appeal to the Computer Business Review and the American Institute for
Behavioral Research and Technology, an independent research organisation
based in California to review and research on the following technology:
Napolean had once said that “I can face two
battalions but not two scribes”. Scribes are aware that the Supreme
Court had directed that all the EVMs must be replaced with TAMPER PROOF
machines. But the CEC had not bothered tto replace all the EVMs and went
for Lok Sabha elections. Napoleans suggested scribes have to do some
investigative journalism and expose the CEC to save this MURDER of
‘fixing’ Indian Lok Sabha elections
SUB:An Appeal to do research on all Electronic
Voting Machines those were to be replaced with Tamper proof machines as
per the directives of Supreme court of India
to the Computer Business Review and the American Institute for
Behavioral Research and Technology, an independent research organisation
based in California to review and research on the following technology:
had once said that “I can face two battalions but not two scribes”.
Scribes are aware that the Supreme Court had directed that all the EVMs
must be replaced with TAMPER PROOF machines. But the CEC had not
bothered tto replace all the EVMs and went for Lok Sabha elections.
Napoleans suggested scribes have to do some investigative journalism and
expose the CEC to save this MURDER of DEMOCRACY and STOP ‘fixing’ Indian Lok Sabha elections.
With reference to
https://in.news.yahoo.com/google-denies-fixing-indian-lok-sabha-elections-105557389.html ‘FIXING’ Indian Lok Sabha elections
Business Review appeared more certain with the “How Google search
results are influencing elections” headline for its version of the
story, the Guardian reported.”…. if Google changed its course, it
would undermine people’s trust in its results and company.”
press release put out on 13 May by the American Institute for Behavioral
Research and Technology, an independent research organisation based in
California created a furore around the topic when it released a report
headlined “Could Google have fixed the Lok Sabha elections? A landmark
new study in India shows it’s possible,” the report added. (ANI)
The American Institute for Behavioral Research and Technology
is a nonprofit, nonpartisan 501(c)(3) organization based in Vista,
California, USA, which promotes and conducts research that has the
potential to increase the well-being and functioning of people
worldwide. It currently has ongoing research projects in eleven
different topic areas.
mission of the American Institute for Behavioral Research and
Technology is to conduct, promote, and advance research on behavior that
has the potential to improve the human condition, to develop possible
applications of such research, and to educate the public about both this
research and its applications. It pursues this mission by conducting
relevant research, presenting such research at scientific conferences,
publishing reports of such research in both scientific and popular
publications, developing possible applications of such research and
presenting and publishing reports of such applications, and keeping the
public informed about relevant research and applications through
classes, workshops, Internet activities, videos, and a variety of other
publishing and media activities.
Washington: As India eagerly awaits the outcome of the just concluded
general elections, a study by an American institute says the real
threat to democracy comes from an unexpected corner: Google Search.
Google search results can pose a real threat to democracy as it could
swing a close election by influencing the voting preferences of
undecided voters, wars the American Institute for Behavioral Research
and Technology in California that studied more than 2,000 undecided
voters throughout India.
The study conducted in recent weeks suggests that Google has the
power to fix elections “without anyone being the wiser.” This is
possible because of the power that search rankings have on people’s
opinions, the researchers said.
Studies show that the higher the rank, the more people trust the
result, which is why companies are spending billions now to push their
products higher.
“So could highly-ranked search results that make Arvind Kejriwal look
better than Narendra Modi drive votes to Kejriwal?” the researchers set
out to determine, The Times of India reported.
In research conducted last year in the US, researchers found that
search rankings biased in favor of a candidate could push the
preferences of undecided voters towards that candidate by 15 percent or
The researchers have shown that votes can easily be pushed toward one
candidate or another by about 12 percent — double that amount in some
demographic groups — enough to determine the outcomes of many close
“This is a very serious matter — a real threat to democracy,” said Dr
Robert Epstein, lead researcher in the study and Senior Research
Psychologist at the American institute.
“If two candidates were both trying to push their rankings higher,
they would be competing, and that’s fine. But if Google, which has a
monopoly on search in India, were to favor one candidate, it could
easily put that candidate in office by manipulating search rankings, and
no one could counter what they were doing.
“Even if without human intervention the company’s search algorithm
favored one candidate, thousands of votes would still be driven to that
candidate,” said Epstein.
In the new study, participants were randomly assigned to groups in
which search rankings favored either Kejriwal, Rahul Gandhi, or Modi.
Real search rankings and web pages were used, and people were asked
to research all the candidates just as they would on Google. The only
difference between the groups was the order in which the search results
were displayed.
The new study suggests that biased search rankings can be used to fix
the outcome of races in India in which the winner is projected to win
by a margin up to 2.9 percent.
This can be done just by influencing undecided voters who use the
internet — a small but important group of voters that is sure to grow in
coming years, researchers said.
Worldwide, the researchers said, upwards of 25 percent of national elections are won by margins under 3 percent.
The study also shows that certain demographic groups are especially vulnerable.
The voting preferences of 19 percent of women over 35 were shifted in
the study, as were the voting preferences of 18 percent of voters who
were unemployed.
“Of particular concern is the fact that 99 percent of the people in
our study seemed to be unaware that the search rankings they saw were
biased. That means Google has the power to manipulate elections without
anyone suspecting they’re doing so,” said Epstein.
“To prevent undue influence, election-related search rankings need to
be regulated and monitored, as well as subjected to equal-time rules,”
Epstein said.
Computer Business Review appeared more certain with the “How Google search results are influencing elections” headline
for its version of the story, the Guardian reported.”…. if Google
changed its course, it would undermine people’s trust in its results and
A press release put out on 13 May by the American
Institute for Behavioral Research and Technology, an independent
research organisation based in California created a furore around the
topic when it released a report headlined “Could Google have fixed the
Lok Sabha elections? A landmark new study in India shows it’s possible,”
the report added. (ANI)
Let us appeal to the Computer Business
Review and the American Institute for Behavioral Research and
Technology, an independent research organisation based in California to
review and research on the following technology:
had once said that “I can face two battalions but not two scribes”.
Scribes are aware that the Supreme Court had directed that all the EVMs
must be replaced with TAMPER PROOF machines. But the CEC had not
bothered tto replace all the EVMs and went for Lok Sabha elections.
Napoleans suggested scribes have to do some investigative journalism and
expose the CEC to save this MURDER of DEMOCRACY and STOP ‘fixing’ Indian Lok Sabha elections
PUBLISH. Please send a copy to awakenmedia.prabandhak@gmail.com chandrasekhara.tipitaka@gmail.com Visit: http://sarvajan.ambedkar.org
Please Visit:
Mayavati press conference
BSP gets third highest vote share, garnering 19.6 per cent of votes in the state.
She also Ms Mayawati said that BSP suffered due to BJP’s wrong
marketing during the poll process. Moreover, she added that the upper
caste and the Muslims were misled by the BJP.
“Muslims voted in favour of the Samajwadi Party,” she added.
During the press conference, Mayawati stated that In
terms of voting percentage, BSP stood third in Uttar Pradesh, whereas 58
per cent voters rejected the BJP.
One of the most curious stories from the 2014 Lok Sabha polls will
be that of the BSP, which, despite getting the third-highest vote share
of just over four per cent, did not win a single seat. The party had 21
seats in the 15th Lok Sabha, 20 of which were from UP. As per data
available at the time of filing this report, the BSP polled 2.29 crore
votes and had a vote share of 4.2 per cent. After the BJP, whose vote
share hovered around 31.1 per cent and the Congress, which had a vote
share of 19.4 per cent, the BSP emerged as the third-highest vote-
getter in the country. But these votes were not good enough to win the
party even a single seat in the 16th Lok Sabha.
Several parties, despite having lower vote shares than the BSP,
managed much more seats. The 3.9 per cent vote share of TMC, for
instance, fetched the party a good 34 seats. Similarly, the AIADMK, with
a vote share hovering around 3.3 per cent, notched up 37 seats. Even
the AAP, with a meager vote share of 2.1 per cent, managed to win four
Election Commission data showed that the BSP had finished second in 33 of the 80 constituencies in the sprawling state.
watch ? … Mayavati पत्रकार सम्मेलन कभी सबसे अच्छा और सबसे सुरक्षित होने के लिए खुश जीते रहो ! सभी संवेदनशील और गैर - जागरूक लोग कभी खुश नहीं हो सकता! तुम हमेशा शांत , शांत रह सकते हैं , चेतावनी , चौकस और मन की एक स्पष्ट समझ के साथ मन में है कि, सब कुछ बदल गया है!
नेपोलियन एक बार ” मैं दो बटालियनों का सामना करना पड़ेगा लेकिन नहीं दो
लेखकों सकते हैं ” कहा कि कहा . लेखकों, सुप्रीम कोर्ट के सभी सबूत के बारे
में पता ईवीएम मशीनों द्वारा बदल दिया जाना चाहिए निर्देश दिया था . लेकिन
लोकसभा चुनाव के लिए ईवीएम की जगह के लिए मुख्य चुनाव आयुक्त के बारे में
चिंता तोड़ दिया गया और परवाह नहीं थी . Napoleans शास्त्रियों कुछ खोजी
पत्रकारिता और कर देशों द्वारा मारे बचाओ सीईसी के चुनाव को रोकने के लिए स्थापित प्रस्तावों का खुलासा होगा .
राज्य में मतदान का 19.6 प्रतिशत तीसरे share.garnering बसपा में सबसे ज्यादा वोट हो जाता है .
सुश्री मायावती की बसपा , कारण विपणन गलतियों को भाजपा चुनाव प्रक्रिया का
आनंद नहीं है . इसके अलावा , वह ऊंची जाति द्वारा गुमराह किया और
मुसलमानों को भाजपा जोड़ा गया है.
” समाजवादी पार्टी मुसलमानों के पक्ष में मतदान किया , ” उन्होंने कहा .
संवाददाता सम्मेलन के दौरान मायावती प्रतिशत मतदाताओं ने भाजपा 58 को अस्वीकार कर दिया वोट बसपा के प्रतिशत के संदर्भ में उन्होंने कहा कि उत्तर प्रदेश में तीसरे खड़ा था .
काफी कुछ टीमों बसपा कम मतदान के शेयरों के बावजूद , कई और सीटों में
कामयाब रहे. वोट की टीएमसी के 3.9 प्रतिशत शेयर हैं, उदाहरण के लिए , समूह
एक अच्छा 34 सीटों के लिए एकत्र हुए. इसी तरह, अन्नाद्रमुक , एक वोट शेयर
लगभग 3.3 प्रतिशत मँडरा के साथ 37 सीटों पर दर्ज की . बंजर के साथ भी आप
मतदान का 2.1 फीसदी हिस्सा है, चार सीटें जीतने में कामयाब रहे .
बसपा विशाल राज्य निर्वाचन आयोग डेटा 80 33 के चुनाव में दूसरे स्थान पर थी.
ನೀವು ಎಂದಾದರೂ , ಸಂತೋಷ ಹಾಗೂ ಸುರಕ್ಷಿತ ಇರಬಹುದು ನೀವು ದೀರ್ಘ ಜೀವಿಸಬಹುದಾಗಿದೆ ! ಎಲ್ಲಾ ಚೇತನಾತ್ಮಕ ಮತ್ತು ಚೇತನವನ್ನು ಜೀವಿಗಳು ಎಂದೆಂದಿಗೂ ಸಂತೋಷವಾಗಿರಲಿಲ್ಲ ಇರಬಹುದು ! ನೀವು ಯಾವಾಗಲೂ ಶಾಂತ ಮಾಡಿರಬಹುದು , ಪ್ರಶಾಂತ , ಎಚ್ಚರಿಕೆ ಗಮನ ಮತ್ತು ಸ್ಪಷ್ಟ ಗ್ರಹಿಕೆಯೊಂದಿಗೆ ಸಮಚಿತ್ತತೆ ಮನಸ್ಸು ಎಲ್ಲವೂ ಬದಲಾಗುತ್ತಿದೆ !
Napolean ಒಮ್ಮೆ ” ನಾನು ಎರಡು ಪಟಾಲಂಗಳು ಎದುರಿಸಬೇಕಾಗುತ್ತದೆ ಆದರೆ ಎರಡು ಶಾಸ್ತ್ರಿಗಳು ಮಾಡಬಹುದು ” ಎಂದು ಹೇಳಿದ್ದಾರೆ . ಬರೆಹಗಳು ಸುಪ್ರೀಂ ಕೋರ್ಟ್ ಎಲ್ಲಾ ಇ ವಿ ಎಂ ಗಳನ್ನು ತಿದ್ದುಪಡಿ ಯಂತ್ರಗಳ ಬದಲಿಗೆ ಮಾಡಬೇಕು ಎಂದು ನಿರ್ದೇಶಿಸಿದರು ಎಂದು ಅರಿತಿದೆ . ಆದರೆ CEC ಎಲ್ಲಾ ಇ ವಿ ಎಂ ಗಳನ್ನು ಬದಲಾಯಿಸಲು tto ತೊಂದರೆಯಾಗಿತ್ತು ಮತ್ತು ಲೋಕಸಭಾ ಚುನಾವಣೆಯಲ್ಲಿ ಹೋದರು ಇರಲಿಲ್ಲ . Napoleans ಶಾಸ್ತ್ರಿಗಳೂ ಕೆಲವು ತನಿಖಾ ಪತ್ರಿಕೋದ್ಯಮದ ಮಾಡಲು ಮತ್ತು ಚುನಾವಣೆ ಫಿಕ್ಸಿಂಗ್ ತಡೆಯಲು ಪ್ರಜಾಪ್ರಭುತ್ವದ ಈ ಕೊಲೆ ಉಳಿಸಲು CEC ಒಡ್ಡಲು ಸಲಹೆ.
ಬಿಎಸ್ಪಿ ರಾಜ್ಯದ ಮತಗಳ 19.6 ರಷ್ಟು share.garnering ಮೂರನೇ ಗರಿಷ್ಠ ಮತ ಪಡೆಯುತ್ತದೆ .
ಮಾಯಾವತಿ ಬಿಎಸ್ಪಿ ಸಮೀಕ್ಷೆಯಲ್ಲಿ ಪ್ರಕ್ರಿಯೆಯಲ್ಲಿ ಕಾರಣ ಬಿಜೆಪಿ ತಪ್ಪು ಮಾರುಕಟ್ಟೆ ಅನುಭವಿಸಿದರು ಹೇಳಿದರು . ಇದಲ್ಲದೆ, ಅವರು ಮೇಲ್ಜಾತಿಯ ಮತ್ತು ಮುಸ್ಲಿಮರು ಬಿಜೆಪಿ ತಪ್ಪು ಅಭಿಪ್ರಾಯ ಎಂದು ಸೇರಿಸಲಾಗಿದೆ .
” ಮುಸ್ಲಿಮರ ಸಮಾಜವಾದಿ ಪಕ್ಷದ ಪರವಾಗಿ ಮತ , ” ಅವರು.
ಪತ್ರಿಕಾಗೋಷ್ಠಿಯ ಸಂದರ್ಭದಲ್ಲಿ , ಮಾಯಾವತಿ 58 ರಷ್ಟು ಮತದಾರರು ಬಿಜೆಪಿ ತಿರಸ್ಕರಿಸಿದರು ಆದರೆ ಮತದಾನ ಶೇಕಡಾವಾರು , ಬಿಎಸ್ಪಿ , ಉತ್ತರ ಪ್ರದೇಶದ ಮೂರನೇ ನಿಂತು ಹೇಳಿದರು.
ಹಲವಾರು ಪಕ್ಷಗಳು ಬಿಎಸ್ಪಿ ಕಡಿಮೆ ಮತ ಷೇರುಗಳನ್ನು ಹೊಂದಿರುವ ಹೊರತಾಗಿಯೂ , ಹೆಚ್ಚು ಸ್ಥಾನಗಳನ್ನು ನಿರ್ವಹಿಸುತ್ತಿದ್ದ . ಟಿಎಂಸಿ 3.9 ಶೇಕಡಾ ಮತಗಳೊಂದಿಗೆ , ಉದಾಹರಣೆಗೆ, ಪಕ್ಷದ ಉತ್ತಮ 34 ಸ್ಥಾನಗಳನ್ನು ಗಳಿಸಿತು . ಹಾಗೆಯೇ, ಎಐಎಡಿಎಂಕೆ , ಮತ ಪಾಲು ಸುಮಾರು 3.3 ಶೇಕಡಾ ತೂಗಾಡುತ್ತಿರುವಂತೆ ಜೊತೆ , 37 ಸ್ಥಾನಗಳನ್ನು ಗಳಿಸಿದೆ. ಸಹ ಆಪ್ , 2.1 ಶೇಕಡ ಒಂದು ತೆಳ್ಳನೆಯ ಮತಗಳೊಂದಿಗೆ , ನಾಲ್ಕು ಸ್ಥಾನಗಳನ್ನು ಗೆಲ್ಲುವಲ್ಲಿ ಯಶಸ್ವಿಯಾದರು .
ಚುನಾವಣಾ ಆಯೋಗ ದಶಮಾಂಶ ಬಿಎಸ್ಪಿ ವಿಸ್ತಾರವಾದ ರಾಜ್ಯದಲ್ಲಿ 80 ಕ್ಷೇತ್ರಗಳಲ್ಲಿ 33 ಎರಡನೇ ಪೂರೈಸಿದರು ತೋರಿಸಿದರು .
மாயாவதிக்கு செய்தியாளர் மாநாட்டில்
73 ) தமிழ் செம்மொழி
நீங்கள் எப்போதும் , மகிழ்ச்சியாக மற்றும் பாதுகாப்பாக இருக்க வேண்டும்.
நீங்கள் நீண்ட நாள் வாழ வேண்டும்!
அனைத்து புலன் உணர்ச்சி கொண்ட மற்றும் புலன் உணர்ச்சி அல்லாத ஜீவன்கல் எப்போதும் சந்தோஷமாக இருக்கவேண்டும் !
நீங்கள் எப்போதும் அமைதியாகவும், அமைதியான,எச்சரிக்கை கவனத்துடன் இருக்கவேண்டும் !
மனஅமைதியுடன் எல்லாம் மாறுகிறது என்ற தெளிவான புரிதலுடன் இருக்கவேண்டும் !
நெப்போலியன் ஒரு முறை “நான் இரண்டு பட்டாலியன்கள் சந்திக்க முடியும்
ஆனால் இரண்டு எழுத்தாளர்களை சந்திக்க முடியாது ” என்று கூறினார். உச்ச
நீதிமன்றம் அனைத்துதில்லு முல்லு EVM இயந்திரங்களையும் மாற்றியமைக்கப்பட
வேண்டும் என்று உத்தரவிட்டுள்ளது என்று எழுத்தாளர்களுக்கு தெரியும்.
அதுகுறித்து அனைத்து EVM இயந்திரங்களையும் CEC கவலை இல்லாமல்
லோக்சபா தேர்தல்களை நடத்தியது.. நெப்போலியன் பரிந்துரைத்த எழுத்தாளர்கள்
ஜனநாயகத்தின் இந்த கொலையிலிருந்து காப்பாற்ற மற்றும் ELECTION FIXING CEC
யை அம்பலப்படுத்த சில புலனாய்வு பத்திரிகைகள் முன்வர வேண்டும்.
பகுஜன் சமாஜ் கட்சிக்கு மூன்றாவது இடமாக மிக உயர்ந்த வாக்கு
கிடைத்திருக்கிறது. பகுஜன் சமாஜ் கட்சி மாநில வாக்குகளை 19.6 சதவீதம்
பங்கு பெற்ற திருமதி மாயாவதி தேர்தல் பணியின் போது பாஜகவின் தவறான
மார்க்கெட்டிங் காரணமாக BSP பாதிக்கப்பட்டது என்று கூறினார். மேலும், அவர்
மேல் ஜாதி மற்றும் முஸ்லிம்களுக்கு பாஜக தவறாக வழி நடத்தியது என்று
“முஸ்லிம்கள் சமாஜ்வாதி கட்சிக்கு ஆதரவாக வாக்களித்தனர்,” என அவர் மேலும் தெரிவித்தார்.
செய்தியாளர் மாநாட்டில் போது, மாயாவதி, 58 சதவீதம் வாக்காளர்கள் பாஜக
நிராகரித்து அதேசமயம் வாக்கு சதவீதம் அடிப்படையில், பகுஜன் சமாஜ் கட்சி,
உத்தர பிரதேசம் மூன்றாவது நின்று என்று கூறினார்.
பல அரசியல் கட்சிகள், பகுஜன் சமாஜ் கட்சியைவிட குறைவாக வாக்கு பங்குகள்
இருந்தும், அதிக இடங்களை நிர்வகிக்கப்படுகிறது. உதாரணமாக,திரிணாமுல்
காங்கிரஸ் கட்சி 3.9 சதவீதம் வாக்கு பெற்று ஒரு நல்ல 34 இடங்களை தந்தது.
இதேபோல், அதிமுக, 3.3 சதவீதம் வாக்கு நகர்த்துவதன் மூலம், 37 இடங்களை
பெற்றது. கூட AAP, 2.1 சதவீதம் என்ற அளவில் வாக்கு மூலம், நான்கு இடங்களை
வெற்றி பெற முடிந்தது.
தேர்தல் ஆணையப்படி பகுஜன் சமாஜ் கட்சி பரந்த மாநிலத்தில் 80 தொகுதிகளில் 33 ல் இரண்டாவதாக முடிந்தது என்று காட்டியது.
మీరు , HAPPY WELL మరియు సురక్షితమైనది ఉండవచ్చు మీరు LONG జీవించవచ్చు ! అన్ని భౌతిక ఉన్న మరియు భౌతిక జీవులపై ఎప్పుడూ లేదా? మీరు ఎల్లప్పుడూ భరించాలి వుండవచ్చు, క్వైట్ , , హెచ్చరిక శ్రద్ధగల మరియు స్పష్టమైన చేసుకోవడంతో శాంతము చూసుకొని ఆ ప్రతిదీ మారుతుంది !
నెపోలియన్ ఒకసారి ” నేను రెండు బెటాలియన్లు ఎదుర్కొనే కానీ వారిరువురి చేయవచ్చు ” అని చెప్పాడు . లేఖకులు సుప్రీంకోర్టు అన్ని ఈవీఎంలు సురక్షితమైన యంత్రాలు భర్తీ చేయాలి సంస్థలు ఆరోపించాయి తెలుసు . కానీ CEC అన్ని ఈవీఎంలు స్థానంలో tto పొందలేదన్న మరియు లోక్సభ ఎన్నికలకు వెళ్లి లేదు . Napoleans లేఖకులు కొన్ని పరిశోధనాత్మక జర్నలిజం మరియు ఙన్ఠ ఫిక్సింగ్ నివారించడం ద్వారా డెమొక్రసీ హత్య సేవ్ CEC బహిర్గతం కలిగి సూచించారు .
బిఎస్పి రాష్ట్ర ఓట్ల 19.6 శాతం share.garnering మూడవ అత్యధిక ఓటు వస్తుంది .
Ms మాయావతి బిఎస్పి పోల్ విధానంలో కారణంగా బిజెపి తప్పు మార్కెటింగ్ బాధపడ్డాడు అన్నారు. అంతేకాకుండా , ఆమె అగ్రకుల ముస్లింలకు బిజెపి పట్టిన అని జోడించారు .
” ముస్లింలు సమాజ్వాది పార్టీ అనుకూలంగా ఓటు , ” ఆమె జోడించిన .
విలేకరుల సమావేశంలో మాయావతి 58 శాతం ఓటర్లు బిజెపి తిరస్కరించింది అయితే పోలింగ్లో పరంగా, బిఎస్పి , ఉత్తర ప్రదేశ్ లో నిలిచాయి పేర్కొన్నారు .
సారాలాండ్లో , బిఎస్పి కంటే తక్కువ ఓటు షేర్లు ఉన్నప్పటికీ , మరింత సీట్లను గెలుచుకోగా . తృణమూల్ 3.9 శాతం ఓట్ల , ఉదాహరణకు , పార్టీ ఒక మంచి 34 సీట్లు తెచ్చిన . అదేవిధంగా , ఎఐఎడిఎంకె , ఓట్లు 3.3 శాతంగా కొట్టుమిట్టాడుతుండగా తో , 37 సీట్లు గడించాయి. కూడా ఆప్ , 2.1 శాతం యొక్క కొద్దిగా ఓట్ల తో , నాలుగు సీట్లు గెలుచుకున్నాడు.
ఎన్నికల కమిషన్ డేటా బిఎస్పి విశాలమైన రాష్ట్రంలో 80 నియోజకవర్గాల్లో 33 రెండవ పూర్తి చేసాడు తేలింది .
আপনি কি কখনও শুভ ভাল এবং নিরাপদ হতে পারে আপনি জিন্দাবাদ হতে পারে ! সব সংবেদী এবং অ - সচেতন মানুষ কখনো খুশি হতে পারে ! আপনি সর্বদা শান্ত থাকতে পারে, শান্ত, , সতর্কতা অতন্দ্র এবং পরিস্কারভাবে বুঝতে সাথে মনের মন যে সবকিছু পরিবর্তিত হচ্ছে !
একবার ” আমি দুই বাহিনী মুখোমুখি কিন্তু না দুটি ব্যবস্থার শিক্ষকরা পারেন
” যে বলেছিলেন. ব্যবস্থার শিক্ষকদের সুপ্রিম কোর্টের সব ইভিএম প্রমাণ
মেশিন দিয়ে প্রতিস্থাপিত করা আবশ্যক পরিচালিত ছিল সচেতন. কিন্তু সিইসি সব
ইভিএম প্রতিস্থাপন কথাটা একটু ভেঙে বিরক্ত ও লোকসভা নির্বাচনের জন্য
গিয়েছিলাম ছিল না . Napoleans ব্যবস্থার শিক্ষকরা কিছু অনুসন্ধানী
সাংবাদিকতা করবেন এবং নির্বাচনের স্থাপন প্রতিরোধ দ্বারা দেশগুলিকে এই হত্যা সংরক্ষণ সিইসি এক্সপোজ করতে হবে প্রস্তাব .
বিএসপি রাজ্যের ভোট 19.6 শতাংশ share.garnering তৃতীয় সর্বোচ্চ ভোট পায় .
Ms মায়াবতী বিএসপি পোলের প্রক্রিয়ার সময় কারণে বিজেপি এর ভুল বিপণন
করার ভোগ করে না. তাছাড়া, তিনি উপরের বর্ণ ও মুসলমানদের বিজেপি দ্বারা
বগুড়ায় ছিল এখনো যোগ করেনি.
” মুসলিম সমাজবাদী পার্টির পক্ষে ভোট দেয় ,” তিনি যোগ .
সংবাদ সম্মেলনে সময়, মায়াবতী 58 শতাংশ ভোটার বিজেপি প্রত্যাখ্যাত যেহেতু ভোটের শতকরা নিরিখে বিএসপি , উত্তর প্রদেশ তৃতীয় দাঁড়িয়ে বলেন .
কিছু দল, বিএসপি কম ভোট শেয়ার থাকা সত্বেও , অনেক বেশি আসন পরিচালিত .
টিএমসি র 3.9 শতাংশ ভোট ভাগ, উদাহরণস্বরূপ, দলের একটি ভাল 34 টি আসন
সংগৃহীত . একইভাবে, এআইএডিএমকে , একটি ভোট ভাগ প্রায় 3.3 শতাংশ ঝুলে সঙ্গে
, 37 টি আসন আপ খাঁজকাটা . এমনকি AAP , 2.1 শতাংশ একটি অনুর্বর ভোট ভাগ
সঙ্গে , চারটি আসন জিততে পরিচালিত.
নির্বাচন কমিশনের তথ্য বিএসপি sprawling রাজ্যের 80 নির্বাচনী এর 33 দ্বিতীয় সমাপ্ত করেছে যে দেখিয়েছেন.
watch ? … Mayavati पत्रकार परिषद कधी सवोर्त्कृष्ट आणि सर्वात सुरक्षित असल्याचे शुभेच्छा आपण आशीर्वाद ! सर्व संवेदनशील आणि नॉन - लाजाळू लोक आनंदी होऊ शकत नाही शकता ! आपण नेहमी शांत , शांत रहा सावध , सावध आणि त्या पैकी लक्षात मन स्पष्ट समज सह , सर्व काही बदलले आहे !
नेपोलियन , ” मी दोन battalions सामोरे जातील परंतु दोन लेखक आहेत , ”
एकदा तो म्हणाला . सर्वोच्च न्यायालयाच्या सर्व पुरावा जाणीव लेखक , सुचित
होते EVMs द्वारे बदलले पाहिजे . पण CEC पुनर्स्थित करण्यासाठी
निवडणुकीच्या EVMs घुसले होते आणि काळजी करण्याची काळजी नाही . Napoleans
नियमशास्त्राचे शिक्षक काही चौकशीच्या पत्रकारिता व करू देशांकडून ठार जतन CEC निवडणूक टाळण्यासाठी स्थापन प्रस्ताव उघड करणे आवश्यक आहे .
राज्यात मत च्या 19.6 टक्के तिसऱ्या share.garnering बसपाच्या सर्वात मते मिळतात .
महेंद्रसिंग मायावती यांच्या बसपाच्या , भाजपा विपणन चुका निवडणूक
प्रक्रियेचा भाग नाही . याव्यतिरिक्त , तो वरच्या जाति द्वारे मिसली ‘ड चे
भु.का. आणि मुसलमान भाजपा समाविष्ट केला .
” सोशलिस्ट पार्टी मुस्लिम नावे मतदान , ” तो म्हणाला .
पत्रकार परिषदेत दरम्यान , मतदारांची भाजप 58 टक्के मायावती नाकारले पक्ष मत टक्केवारी शब्द, तो उत्तर प्रदेश तिसऱ्या आलो .
कमी येण्याच्या बसपाच्या समभाग असूनही यापैकी काही संघ , अनेक जागा
व्यवस्थापित . मत च्या टीएमसी 3.9 टक्के हिस्सा , उदाहरणार्थ , गट चांगला
34 जागांसाठी जमले . त्याचप्रमाणे , 33 टक्के सुमारे एक मत शेअर hovering
सह AIADMK , 37 जागा रेकॉर्ड . मत 2.1 टक्के अजूनही नापीक आहे , चार जागा
जिंकण्यासाठी व्यवस्थापित .
बसपाच्या राक्षस राज्य निवडणूक आयोगाने डेटा , 80 33 निवडणुकीत दुसरा होता .
ક્યારેય શ્રેષ્ઠ અને સલામત હોઈ ખુશ તમે સુખી ! બધા સંવેદનશીલ અને બિન - સભાન લોકો ખુશ ન કરી શકો છો! તમે હંમેશા શાંત , શાંત રહેવા , ચેતવણી , વિનયી અને કે સાથે મન માં, મન એક સ્પષ્ટ સમજ સાથે , બધું બદલાઈ ગયો છે !
, ” હું બે બટાલિયન્સ સામનો કરવો પડશે પરંતુ બે લેખકો છે , ” એક વાર તેમણે
જણાવ્યું હતું. સુપ્રીમ કોર્ટમાં તમામ પુરાવા પરિચિત લેખકો , સૂચના હતી
EVMs દ્વારા બદલાઈ જશે. પરંતુ સીઇસી બદલો ચૂંટણી માટે EVMs તોડી હતી અને
ચિંતા દરકાર કરી ન હતી . Napoleans શાસ્ત્રીઓ કેટલાક સંશોધનાત્મક
પત્રકારત્વ માટે અને શું દેશો દ્વારા હત્યા સાચવો સીઇસી ચૂંટણી અટકાવવા સ્થાપના દરખાસ્તો જાહેર કરવી જ જોઇએ .
રાજ્યમાં મત 19.6 ટકા ત્રીજા share.garnering બીએસપી માં સૌથી વધુ મત મળે .
માયાવતીની બીએસપી , ભાજપ માર્કેટિંગ ભૂલો ચૂંટણી પ્રક્રિયાના ભાગ નથી. આ
ઉપરાંત, તેઓ ઉપર જાતિ દ્વારા ગેરમાર્ગે દોરી રહી છે અને મુસ્લિમો ભાજપ
ઉમેરવામાં આવ્યું હતું.
” સમાજવાદી પાર્ટી મુસ્લિમો તરફેણમાં મતદાન કર્યું હતું , ” તેમણે જણાવ્યું હતું.
પ્રેસ કોન્ફરન્સ દરમિયાન, મતદારો ભાજપ 58 ટકા માયાવતી નકારી પક્ષ મત ટકાવારી દ્રષ્ટિએ, તે ઉત્તર પ્રદેશમાં ત્રીજા સ્થાને છે.
મતદાન બીએસપી સરવાળો છતાં ખૂબ થોડા ટીમ , વિવિધ બેઠકો વ્યવસ્થાપિત. મત
ટીએમસી 3.9 ટકા શેર , ઉદાહરણ તરીકે , જૂથ સારી 34 બેઠકો માટે એકત્ર થયા
હતા. એ જ રીતે, 33 ટકા આસપાસ મત શેર ફેલાયેલ સાથે અન્નાદ્રમુક , 37 બેઠકો
રેકોર્ડ. મત 2.1 ટકા હજુ પણ ઉજ્જડ છે સાથે, ચાર બેઠકો મેળવ્યું.
બીએસપી વિશાળ રાજ્ય ચૂંટણી પંચ માહિતી , 80 33 ચૂંટણીમાં બીજા હતો .
58) Classical Nepali http://www.opendemocracy.net/can-europe-make-it/david-erdos/mind-gap-is-data-protection-catching-up-with-google-search
सबभन्दा राम्रो र सुरक्षित गर्न पाएकोमा खुसी तपाईं Bless ! सबै संवेदनशील र गैर - सचेत मानिसहरू खुसी हुन सक्दैन ! तपाईं सधैं शान्त , शान्त रहन , चेतावनी , ध्यान र कि मन मा , मन को एक स्पष्ट समझ संग , सबै कुरा परिवर्तन भएको छ !
, ” म दुई बटालियनहरुमा सामना गर्नेछ तर दुई लेखकहरूले हो , ” एक पल्ट
उनले भने । सर्वोच्च अदालतमा सबै प्रमाण थाह लेखक , निर्देशन दिनुभएको थियो
EVMs बनाउनुपर्छ । तर सीईसी प्रतिस्थापन गर्न निर्वाचनको लागि EVMs तोडा
थियो र चिन्ता गर्न ख्याल गरेन । Napoleans शास्त्री केही पत्रकारिता र के देशहरू हत्या बचत सीईसी को निर्वाचन रोक्न स्थापित प्रस्ताव खुलासा हुनुपर्छ ।
राज्य मा मतदान को 19.6 प्रतिशत तेस्रो share.garnering बसपा सबैभन्दा वोट हुन्छ ।
मायावती गर्नुपर्छ बसपा , भाजपा विपणन गल्ती निर्वाचन प्रक्रिया को भाग
छैन । साथै , उहाँले वगर् बहकाउमा र मुस्लिम भाजपा थपिएको थियो ।
” समाजवादी पार्टी मुस्लिम पक्षमा मतदान , ” उहाँले भन्नुभयो ।
पत्रकार सम्मेलन समयमा , मतदाताको भाजपा 58 प्रतिशत मायावती अस्वीकार पार्टी मत प्रतिशत को मामला मा , त्यो उत्तर प्रदेश मा तेस्रो उभिए ।
मतदान बसपा शेयर बाबजुद एकदम केहि टोली , धेरै सिट व्यवस्थित । मतदान को
टीएमसी 3.9 प्रतिशत शेयर , उदाहरणका लागि , समूह एक राम्रो 34 सिट लागि
भेला भए । त्यसै गरी , 33 प्रतिशत वरिपरि एक मत शेयर मँडरा संग अन्नाद्रमुक
, 37 सिट लिपिबद्ध । मतदान को 2.1 प्रतिशत अझै पनि बाँझो छ संग , चार सिट
जित्न व्यवस्थित ।
बसपा विशाल राज्य निर्वाचन आयोग डेटा , 80 33 को निर्वाचनमा दोस्रो थियो ।
کبھی سب سے بہترین اور سب سے محفوظ ہونے کے لئے خوش
جیتے رہو !
تمام حساس اور غیر – بیدار لوگ کبھی خوش نہیں ہو سکتا !
تم ہمیشہ پرسکون ، پرسکون رہ سکتے ہیں
، انتباہ ، توجہ اور
دماغ کی ایک واضح تفہیم کے ساتھ ذہن میں ہے کہ ،
سب کچھ بدل گیا ہے !
نےپولین ایک بار ” میں دو بٹالینوں کا سامنا کرنا پڑے گا لیکن نہیں دو
مصنفین سکتے ہیں ” کہا کہ کہا . مصنفین ، سپریم کورٹ کے تمام ثبوت کے بارے
میں پتہ ای وی ایم مشینوں کی طرف سے تبدیل کر دیا جائے کی ہدایت دی تھی .
لیکن لوک سبھا انتخابات کے لئے ای وی ایم کی جگہ کے لئے چیف الیکشن کمشنر
کے بارے میں فکر توڑ دیا گیا اور پرواہ نہیں تھی . Napoleans فقیہوں کچھ
صحافت اور کر
ممالک کی طرف سے مارے محفوظ کریں سييسي کے انتخابات کو روکنے کے لئے قائم
تجاویز کا انکشاف ہوگا .
ریاست میں ووٹنگ کا 19.6 فیصد تیسرے share.garnering بی ایس پی میں سب سے زیادہ ووٹ ہو جاتا ہے .
محترمہ مایاوتی کی بی ایس پی ، وجہ مارکیٹنگ غلطیوں کو بی جے پی انتخابی
عمل سے لطف اندوز نہیں ہے . اس کے علاوہ ، وہ اونچی ذات کی طرف سے گمراہ
کیا اور مسلمانوں کو بی جے پی کا اضافہ کیا ہے .
” سماج وادی پارٹی مسلمانوں کے حق میں ووٹ دیا ، ” انہوں نے کہا .
پریس کانفرنس کے دوران مایاوتی فیصد ووٹروں نے بی جے پی 58 کو مسترد کر دیا
ووٹ بی ایس پی کے فیصد کے تناظر میں انہوں نے کہا کہ اتر پردیش میں تیسرے کھڑا تھا .
بہت کچھ ٹیموں بی ایس پی کم ووٹنگ کے حصص کے باوجود ، کئی اور سیٹوں میں
کامیاب رہے . ووٹ کی ٹی ایم سی کے 3.9 فیصد شیئر ہیں ، مثال کے طور پر ،
گروپ ایک اچھا 34 سیٹوں کے لئے جمع ہوئے . اسی طرح ، انادرمک ، ایک ووٹ
شیئر تقریبا 3.3 فیصد ہوور کے ساتھ 37 سیٹوں پر درج کی . بنجر کے ساتھ بھی
آپ ووٹ کا 2.1 فیصد حصہ ہے ، چار سیٹیں جیتنے میں کامیاب رہے .
بی ایس پی بھاری ریاستی الیکشن کمیشن کے اعداد و شمار 80 33 کے انتخابات میں دوسرے نمبر پر تھی .
Nagaland (1)
Puducherry (1)
Daman and Diu (1)
Lakshadweep (1)
Chandigarh (1)
A & N Islands (1)
Chandigarh (1)
Dadar & Nagar Haveli (1)
Mizoram (1)
Sikkim (1)
Tripura (2)
GOA (2)
Manipur (2)
Meghalaya (2)
Himachal Pradesh (4)
Arunachal Pradesh (2)
Jammu & Kashmir (6)
Delhi (7)
Jammu & Kashmir (6)
Uttarakhand (5)
Chhattisgarh (11)
Punjab (13)
Chhattisgarh (11)
Haryana (10)
Kerala (20)
Assam (14)
Jharkhand (14)
Rajasthan (25)
Gujarat (26)
Rajasthan (25)
Odisha (21)
Madhya Pradesh (29)
Bihar (40)
Tamil Nadu (39)
Madhya Pradesh (29)
Karnataka (28)
Maharashtra (48)
Andhra Pradesh (42)
West Bengal (42)
PUBLISH. Please send a copy to awakenmedia.prabandhak@gmail.com chandrasekhara.tipitaka@gmail.com Visit: http://sarvajan.ambedkar.org
PUBLISH. Please send a copy to awakenmedia.prabandhak@gmail.com chandrasekhara.tipitaka@gmail.com Visit: http://sarvajan.ambedkar.org
ALERT,ATTENTIVE AND EQUANIMITY MIND WITH A CLEAR UNDERSTANDING THAT EVERYTHING IS CHANGING! Please watch: https://in.lifestyle.yahoo.com/celebrating-buddha-purnima-182907076.html
Celebrating Buddha Purnima
Purnima commemorates the birth as well as death anniversary of Lord
Buddha, the founder of Buddhism. Buddha also known as the “Awakened
One” propagated Buddhism in different parts of the world. Buddha Jayanti
is celebrated every year on the Full Moon day during Vesak, Vaisakha or Buddha Jayanti. It is also
believed that this is the same day when Lord Buddha achieved Awakenment. During the first World Fellowship of Buddhists in May
1950, the Full Moon day of May was officially decided as the celebration
of Buddha`s birthday.
Buddha Purnima is observed in different
parts of the world, especially in South Asian countries like Malaysia,
Vietnam, Sri Lanka, Indonesia, Thailand, India and Nepal, where Buddhism
is practiced. The preachings of Buddha are followed everywhere so as to
achieve peace and Nibbana in accordance with the Buddhist school of
thoughts. Lord Buddha explained the relevance of silence and its role in
understanding the existential aspects of life along with the ways to
achieve salvation.
This holy day begins with hoisting the
Buddhist flag in various Buddhist temples before dawn. Flowers, incense
sticks and candles are offered at the feet of Lord Buddha and various
hymns are recited in praise of Buddha along with readings of Buddhist
scriptures taking place throughout the day. Buddhist monks carry out
various processions on this day to celebrate the life of Lord Buddha.
Generally, Buddhists wear only white on this day. The religious Bodhi
tree under which Buddha meditated is decorated with flags and flowers
with lamps lit all around it.
Many devout Buddhists vow to
follow the five principles, thereby leading a pure, simple and
non-violent life on this day. There are many followers who help people
or engage in some humanitarian cause to practice the teachings of Lord
Buddha. Involving yourself in charitable acts like distributing food and
clothes to the poor is the best way of celebrating this day. Buddha
Purnima is all about spreading peace and happiness through the teachings
of Buddha that helped many kings and great people to understand life
and seek salvation.
Many exhibitions and ceremonies are hosted
in various monasteries and public places to celebrate the existence of
Lord Buddha. Various pilgrims visit Bodh Gaya, the religious place in
Bihar where Buddha achieved Awakenment, to attend the Budh Purnima
ceremony. In the present times of violence and corruption, the teachings
of Buddha have become even more important. Hence, we should embark on a
noble path from this day onwards as even Buddha taught his disciples
that following the doctrines of Dhamma is the best way to pay homage to
him. So, this Buddha Purnima, follow the Middle Path that Buddha asked
us to follow for the betterment of humanity.
உலக வாழ் பௌத்த மக்களுக்கு பிரித்தானிய பிரதமர் டேவிட் கெமரோன் வெசாக் வாழ்த்து தெரிவித்துள்ளார்.
புத்தபெருமான் ஏற்றுக்கொள்ளல், இணக்கம் போன்ற போதனைகளை போதித்தார்.
எனவே அந்த கொள்கைகளை உலக வாழ் பௌத்தர்கள் பின்பற்ற வேண்டும் என்று டேவிட் கெமரோன் கோரிக்கை விடுத்துள்ளார்.
பிரித்தானியாவில் உள்ள பௌத்த மக்களுக்கு அவர் தமது வாழ்த்துக்களை
தெரிவித்திருப்பதுடன், அவர்கள் பிரித்தானியாவின் வளர்ச்சிக்கு வழங்கியுள்ள
ஒத்துழைப்புகளுக்கும் நன்றி வெளியிட்டுள்ளார்.
மத முரண்பாடுகளை ஏற்படுத்தும் நோக்கில் சூழ்ச்சித் திட்டங்கள்
முன்னெடுக்கப்பட்டு வருவதாக புலனாய்வுப் பிரிவினர் எச்சரிக்கை
மத அமைப்புக்கள் தொடர்பில் பிழையான கருத்துக்களை பிரச்சாரம் செய்து அதன்
மூலம் முரண்பாடுகளை தோற்றுவிக்க முயற்சிக்கப்படுகின்றது.
இந்த சூழ்ச்சித் திட்டங்களை முன்னெடுப்போரை அடையாளம் கண்டு சட்ட நடவடிக்கை எடுக்க அரசாங்கம் திட்டமிட்டுள்ளது.
சூழ்ச்சித் திட்டங்கள் தொடர்பில் பொலிஸாருக்கு முக்கிய தகவல்கள் கிடைத்துள்ளன.
மத முரண்பாடுகளை ஏற்படுத்தும் நபர்கள் குறித்து விரிவான விசாரணை நடாத்துமாறு பாதுகாப்பு அமைச்சு பொலிஸாருக்கு உத்தரவிட்டுள்ளது.
மடு தேவாயலத்தை ஒரு தரப்பினர் சுற்றி வளைக்க உள்ளதாக போலிப் பிரச்சாரம்
செய்யப்பட்டதாகவும், அவ்வாறான சம்பவம் எதுவும் இடம்பெறவில்லை எனவும்
இதேபோன்று முஸ்லிம் மக்களை ஆத்திரமடையச் செய்யும் வகையில் சில தரப்பினர் போலிப் பிரச்சாரங்களை முன்னெடுத்து வருகின்றனர்.
போலிப் பிரச்சாரத்தில் ஈடுபடுவோர் தொடர்பில் தகவல்களை திரட்ட மக்களின்
ஒத்துழைப்பும் அவசியம் என புலனாய்வுப் பிரிவினர் தெரிவித்துள்ளனர்.
முரண்பாடுகள் தொடர்பில் விசாரணை நடாத்தும் நோக்கில் உருவாக்கப்பட்ட புதிய
பொலிஸ் பிரிவிற்கு, இந்த தகவல்களை வழங்க பாதுகாப்ப அமைச்சு
பண்டிகையையொட்டி கல்குடா பொலிஸ் நிலைய பிரதேசத்தில் வறிய மக்களுக்கான
உணவுப் பொதிகளும், மாணவர்களுக்கான பாடசாலை உபகரணங்களும் வழங்கி வைக்கும்
நிகழ்வும், விசேட வழிபாட்டு நிகழ்வும் நேற்று இடம்பெற்றது.
பொலிஸ் நிலைய அதிகாரி தர்மிக்க நவரட்ன தலைமையில் நடைபெற்ற நிகழ்வில்,
மட்டக்களப்பு மாவட்டத்திற்கான சிரேஸ்ட பொலிஸ் அத்தியட்சகர் மேர்வின்
சில்வா, வாழைச்சேனை உதவி பொலிஸ் அத்தியட்சகர் லால் சேனவிரட்ன,
மதகுருமார்களும் மற்றும் சிவில் பாதுகாப்பு பிரிவு உத்தியோகஸ்த்தர்களும்,
மாணவர்கள், பொதுமக்கள் எனப் பலர் கலந்து கொண்டனர்.
இதனைத் தொடர்ந்து மக்களுக்கான தாகசாந்தி நிலையம் சிரேஸ்ட பொலிஸ் அத்தியட்சகரினால் திறந்து வைக்கப்பட்டது.
எதிர்வரும் இரண்டு நாட்களுக்கு இவ்வாறு மூடப்பட உள்ளதாக அரசாங்கம் அறிவித்துள்ளது.
சகல மதுபானக் கடைகளும் எதிர்வரும் இரண்டு தினங்களுக்கு மூடப்பட வேண்டும்
என கலால் திணைக்கள ஆணையாளர் பிரபாத் ஜயவிக்ரம தெரிவித்துள்ளார்.
மீறிச் செயற்படும் மதுபானசாலைகளை சுற்றி வளைத்து சட்ட நடவடிக்கை
எடுக்குமாறு பிராந்திய கலால் திணைக்கள அதிகாரிகளுக்கு அறிவுறுத்தல்
பல்பொருள் அங்காடிகள் உள்ளிட்ட அனைத்து கடைகள் வர்த்தக நிலையங்களிலும்
இரண்டு நாட்களுக்கு இறைச்சி விற்பனை செய்யக் கூடாது என
EVMs by EC, Paid Media டைம்ஸ் நவ்,ஏ.பி.பி.- ஏ.சி. நீல்சன்,
சி.என்.என்.-ஐ.பி.என்.,இந்தியா டுடே- சியோரோ போஸ்ட்,ஜீ நியூஸ்,புதிய
தலைமுறை,தந்தி டிவி,என்.டி.டி.வி.,நியூஸ் எக்ஸ்- சி வோட்டர், இந்தியா
நியூஸ், இந்தியா டிவி,already know the results because of the above
reasons. But the voters have given less that 40 seats for the Bahuth
Jiyadha Paapi.
மீசை முளைத்தால் சித்தப்பா. அத்தைக்கு மீசை முளைத்து விட்டது என்று
அந்தர் பல்டிகளை பார்க்கலாம். நியாயமான வகையில் EVM களில் தில்லு முல்லு
நடக்காமல் இருந்தால் மாயாவதி தான் பிரதம மந்திரி. உச்ச நீதி மன்றப்படி EVM
கள் மாற்றப்பட வில்லை. அதனால் ஏற்கெனவே EC மற்றும் மீடியாவுக்கு பிஜேபி
க்கு நிலைமை தெரிந்து விட்ட கார
UP exit polls 2014 live: BJP to sweep, might get more than 50 seats
1 New voter verifiable paper trail (VVPT) machines to replace the EVMs, following doubts that it could be tampered.
Voting Machines are “Calculators which can be manipulated by computer
softwares”. New Machines are ordered by EC, where a paper slip will
come out with EVM voting which will be then deposited in a box. What is
the use? Paper Slip will show that voter has casted vote for “Party A”,
but calculator software will add vote to “Party B”! The Computers are
programmable. No use for such fake paper slips. In Superior Courts it
has been demonstrated how these computers can be manipulated and how it
can be pre-programmed to make sure victory to one candidate during
election. The EVM machines have killed Democracy and have all the
potentials to do so.
Under such circumstances the following exposure by media had no
relevance during the last Karnataka Assembly Elections 2013 where the
Congress won and the trend will continue in the forth coming General
Elections until the Superior Court and the upholders of Democracy
including the free and fair media.
A Chip can be inserted that “Party A” should get +1 more vote than “Party B” no matter what may be the actual voting.
These are called “Overwriting Commands”. Computers are computers. They can be programmed and re-programmed.
Ruling Party and Election Commission of India disregards truth and
insist on use of EVM machines in Elections. They are source of
discriminative Caste bias.
People and Other Election Candidates have some Constitutional Rights
which are being violated by use of EVM machines. Open Source Code is not
being made public. People have right under Art 21 to live a life of
Dignity. You cannot live a life of Dignity without free and fair
The Courts have to be further convinced that they have jurisdiction to
pass orders which are being asked, and it is practicable and desirable
to issue such prohibitory orders. It is DUTY of Court to uphold
Constitution by passing such prohibitory orders. Election Commission is a
Government body and hence if it acts arbitrarily it violates Art.14.
If Election Commission does not ADMIT that machines are capable of
manipulation, it acts arbitrarily and its Decision Process is vitiated.
The Decision is Liable to be struck down on ground that the important
components are kept out from decision making process.
It is Duty of Court to protect Basic Structure of Constitution. If Fair
Elections are replaced with Manipulatable Elections, the Basic Structure
of Constitution is DESTROYED. So it is Duty of Court to ban EVM
machines. The Superior Courts of Most democratic countries have already
banned such use.
The Court can strike down such arbitrary policy and decisions of EC.
EC must first of all ADMIT that EVMs can be manipulated… Only
thereafter it should further satisfy courts about what steps are taken
by it to prevent manipulations.
Apart from Rights of People, there are Rights of Other Contesting
Candidates to be considered. Where will they appeal for a re-count? How
can it be done on same manipulated EVM machines?
Original method of ballot paper voting and counting in presence of
representatives of Candidates, is still the best method as recognized by
US, UK, Germany etc countries.
Are our Courts powerful enough to take call and ban EVM machines which are already banned in other countries?
We have to see. Laws of other countries not applicable to India.
Our courts and our democracy are passing through a process.
It is hoped supporters succeed in their efforts to liberate country from Manipulative EVM machines.
The Election Commission met all recognised political parties on May 10
to seek their consent for the new voter verifiable paper trail (VVPT)
machines to replace the EVMs, following doubts that it could be
Appearing for the Centre, Attorney General GE Vahanvati informed a Bench
of Justices P Sathasivam and Ranjan Gogoi that the process of amendment
was “underway”. In response to a letter written by EC on March 28,
2013, the Legislative Department of the Law Ministry had begun the work
of preparing amendments to the Rules, which would be placed before the
The Bench exclaimed, “We are happy that it has finally materialised. Now
what remains is when we are to implement it.” All parties were in
support of introducing the VVPT machines.
274531 + 85691 = 360222 Awakened Voters with awareness voted in the
concluded Karnataka Assembly Elections 2013 aware of the above fact.
They will in turn educate the masses on the importance of VVPT along
with its Open Source Code to clear doubts that it could be tampered.
Why Crusade of Activists against misuse of EVM machines in Elections is 100% justified? — Haresh Raichura
Haresh Raichura
I have a dream to make Judiciary People-Friendly. Advocate(1982)At
Supreme Court (1990)Advocate on Record (1992)Preferred areas: Legal
Consultancy, Criminal law, Civil law, Property law, Public Interest
Litigations and cases of poor
Why Crusade of Activists against misuse of EVM machines in Elections is 100% justified? -A brief view
The more and more people are convinced that Electronic Voting Machines
are “Calculators which can be manipulated by computer softwares”.
For example a Chip can be inserted that “Party A” should get +1 more
vote than “Party B” no matter what may be the actual voting.
These are called “Overwriting Commands”. Computers are computers. They can be programmed and re-programmed.
Ruling Party and Election Commission of India disregards truth and insist on use of EVM machines in Elections.
What can we do about it?
In Superior Courts it has been demonstrated how these computers can be
manipulated and how it can be pre-programmed to make sure victory to one
candidate during election. The EVM machines have killed Democracy and
have all the potentials to do so.
What is LAW here?
Possibility of MISUSE is no ground for courts to prohibit Government and EC from using EVMs
This is law. Court can issue prohibitory directions only if we can show to courts that:
A) Something is being done in violation of certain express law.
B) People and Other Election Candidates have some Constitutional Rights which are being violated by use of EVM machines.
C) The Courts have to be further convinced that they have jurisdiction
to pass orders which are being asked, and it is practicable and
desirable to issue such prohibitory orders.
D) It is DUTY of Court to uphold Constitution by passing such prohibitory orders.
Following are some of the answers to A to D points.
1) It is Duty of Court to protect Basic Structure of Constitution. If
Fair Elections are replaced with Manipulatable Elections, the Basic
Structure of Constitution is DESTROYED. So it is Duty of Court to ban
EVM machines. The Superior Courts of Most democratic countries have
already banned such use.
2) People have right under Art 21 to live a life of Dignity. You cannot live a life of Dignity without free and fair elections.
3) Election Commission is a Govt body and hence if it acts arbitrarily it violates Art.14.
If Election Commission does not ADMIT that machines are capable of
manipulation, it acts arbitrarily and its Decision Process is vitiated.
The Decision is Liable to be struck down on ground that the important
components are kept out from decision making process.
The Court can strike down such arbitrary policy and decisions of EC.
EC must first of all ADMIT that EVMs can be manipulated… Only
thereafter it should further satisfy courts about what steps are taken
by it to prevent manipulations.
4) New Machines are ordered by EC, where a paper slip will come out with EVM voting which will be then deposited in a box.
What is the use? Paper Slip will show that voter has casted vote for
“Party A”, but calculator software will add vote to “Party B”!
The Computers are programmable. No use for such fake paper slips.
5)Apart from Rights of People, there are Rights of Other Contesting
Candidates to be considered. Where will they appeal for a re-count? How
can it be done on same manipulated EVM machines?
Original method of ballot paper voting and counting in presence of
representatives of Candidates, is still the best method as recognized by
US, UK, Germany etc countries.
Are our Courts powerful enough to take call and ban EVM machines which are already banned in other countries?
We have to see. Laws of other countries not applicable to India.
Our courts and our democracy are passing through a process.
It is hoped supporters succeed in their efforts to liberate country from Manipulative EVM machines.
CR Rajendran கூறிய படி EVM இல் தில்லு முல்லு நடந்திருப்பது உண்மை என எல்லா பிஜேபி மற்றும் மோடிக்கேத்த தே மு தி க , ப ம க , ம தி மு க ஜாடிகளுக்கு நன்றாகவெ தெரியும் 1 லட்ச ஒட்டு வித்தியாசத்தில் ஜெய்பார்கள் என .
திருட்டுத்தனமாக சமய வழிபாட்டு RSS இன் பஹுத் ஜியாத பாவி மிகவும் பயத்துடன் 58 ” ” காட்டுமிராண்டி மார்புடன் கோத்ரா குற்றவாளி ” தன் வெறுப்பு , கோபம் , பொறாமை மனதின் எல்லா அசுத்தமான இந்த ஒரு சிகிச்சை தேவையான மன நோயால் வாக்காளர்களை பயமுறுத்துகிரார் . இவருடைய தஞ்சம் பாராளுமன்றத்தில் அல்ல மன நோய் மருத்துவ மனையில் . இந்த நாட்டில் அனைவரும் ஒரு இனம் அனைவருக்கும் சொந்தமானது மற்றும் பல்வேறு கட்சிகள் பல தலைவர்கள் இதை ஒப்புக்கொண்டுள்ளனர் . மிகவும் பயத்துடன் 58 ” ” காட்டுமிராண்டி மார்புடன் கோத்ரா குற்றவாளி ”
மற்றும் திருட்டுத்தனமாக சமய வழிபாட்டு உண்மையான உரிமையாளர்கள் இடையே ஒரு நிழல்குத்துச்சண்டை நாட்டின் மக்கள் இந்த சமய வழிபாட்டு உரிமையாளர்கள் இடத்தே பயப்படவில்லை .
தில்லு முல்லு EVM அவர்களுக்கு உதவ முடியும் . காரணம் தேர்தல் ஆணையத்தில் சர்வசமாஜின் அனைத்து சமூகத்தை சேர்ந்த உறுப்பினர்கள் இல்லை என்பதால் தான் . தேர்தல் ஆணையம் உச்ச நீதிமன்றங்கள் பொருட்டு அனைத்து EVM இயந்திரங்களை VVPT இயந்திரங்களாக மாற்ற செயல்படுத்தவில்லை . 543 மக்களவை தொகுதிகள் பதிலாக 10 மூலம் மட்டும் செயல்படுத்தப்பட்டுள்ளது .
EVM க்கு பதிலாக புதிய வாக்காளர் சரிபார்க்க காகித சோதனை ( VVPT ) இத் தேர்தலில் நடைமுறைக்கு வந்தது , அதில் தில்லு முல்லு செய்ய முடியும் என்பதால் . நியாயமான முடிவுகளை தேர்தல்களில் வரவில்லை அதனால் ஆணைக்குழு இச்சை படி நடை பெற்று வந்தது . எப்போதும் தேர்தல் ஆசைகளையும் என்று பொருள் வசம் முடியும் என்று சந்தேகம் பின்வரும் மெஷினில் பதிலாக இயந்திரங்கள் , வாக்குப்பதிவு இயந்திரங்கள் ” கணினி மென்பொருள் மோசடியாக முடியும் கால்குலேட்டர்கள் ” ஆக இருக்கின்றன . தேர்தல் ஆணையம் , உத்தரவிட்டது படி புதிய இயந்திரங்கள் ஒரு வாக்குப்பதிவு பின்னர் ஒரு காகித சீட்டு வெளியே வந்து ஒரு பெட்டியில் டெபாசிட் செய்யப்படும் . அது என்ன பயன் ? காகித ஸ்லிப் வாக்காளர் ” கட்சி” வாக்கு அளித்தால் , கால்குலேட்டர் மென்பொருள் ” கட்சி B ” வாக்கு சேர்ந்து விடும் என்று காண்பிக்கும் கணினி நிரல் . இது போன்ற போலி காகித சீட்டுகள் எந்த பயனும் இல்லை .
சுப்பீரியர் நீதி மன்றங்களில் முன் திட்டமிடப்பட்ட உறுதி வெற்றி செய்ய முடியும் அதை தேர்தலின் போது ஒரு வேட்பாளர் என்பதை இந்த கணினிகள் கையாள முடியும்யெனநிரூபிக்கப்பட்டது . EVM இயந்திரங்கள் ஜனநாயகம் கொலை செய்ய அனைத்து ஆற்றல்களும் உண்டு .
இந்த சூழ்நிலையில் உச்ச நீதிமன்றத்தில் மற்றும் சுதந்திரமான மற்றும் நியாயமான ஊடகங்கள் உட்பட ஜனநாயக நிலைநிறுத்த வாக்காளர்களை எழுப்ப ஊடகங்கள் பின்வரும் பொது தேர்தலில் முன் வர வேண்டும் .
” கட்சி B ” விட ” கட்சி” +1 வாக்கு பெற ஒரு சிப் சேர்க்கப்பட்டால் உண்மையான வாக்கு எதுவாக இருந்தாலும் அக்கட்சிக்கு சேர்ந்து விடும் .
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Heritage site, the Mahabodhi Temple is illuminated with lights on the
occassion of the 2558th Buddha Jayanti celebrations at Bodhgaya on May
12, 2014. Buddha Jayanti, the most sacred Buddhist festival, celebrates
the birthday of Lord Buddha and commemorates his Awakenment and
death. It is held on a full moon in May each year and in 2014, Buddha
Jayanti falls on May 14. AFP PHOTO (Photo credit should read
STR/AFP/Getty Images)
Buddha Jayanti celebrations in Bodhgaya.
Buddha Purnima today
DHAKA : Buddha Purnima, the biggest religious festival of the
Buddhist Community will be observed in the country today, reports UNB.
Buddha Purnima is a festival that marks Gautam Buddha’s birth,
enlightenment and death. It falls on the day of the full moon in May.
Lord Buddha was born on the full moon day in 563 BC, achieved enlightenment and nirvana (passing away) on the same day.
Different Buddhist organisations have chalked out various programmes to celebrate the day. The day is a public holiday.
President Abdul Hamid, Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina and BNP Chairperson
Khaleda Zia, in separate messages, greeted the Buddhist community on the
In a message, President Abdul Hamid said Bangladesh is a country of
communal harmony where all citizens can practice their religion freely.
He also hoped that the people of Buddhist community will play an
important role in the development of the country.
In a separate message, Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina said Gautam Buddha
preached the messages of friendship, mercy and non-violence throughout
his life.
ಪವಿತ್ರ ವ್ಯೆಶಾಖ ಬುದ್ಧ ಪೂರ್ಣಿಮಾ
Pabbajja Courses for
Children : 27-04-2015 to 04-05-2010
Men & Women : 07-05-2014 to 15-05-2014
All are Welcome
10 Famous Buddha Statues
The study of Buddhism has inspired some of
the world’s most beautiful contributions to the world of art, most
notable in the form of statues known as Buddharupa (literally, the form
of the Awakened One) that adorn Buddhist temples of worship. Listed here
are ten of the world’s most famous and beautiful statues celebrating
the Awakened One and his message of peace.
Some of these Buddha statues are among the largest in the world. A comparison between these and other great statues in the world can be found here.
The Buddha statue situated at the center of an artificial lake in the
city of Hyderabad is one of India’s most famous Buddha statues. This
figure stands at a full 17 meters (56 feet) tall and weighs 320 tons.
The single largest monolithic statue in all of India, it was sculpted by
a group of artisans from a single piece of stone. Tragically, during
the statue’s installation in 1992 the figure tipped over and fell into
the lake, causing the death of 8 workers. The government recovered the
statue and restored it to its full height and stature.
Tian Tan Buddha sometimes locally referred to as the Big Buddha, is
located on Lantau Island, in Hong Kong. Fashioned of bronze and
completed in 1993, The statue is the main feature of the Po Lin
Monastery, symbolizing harmony between man, nature, people and religion.
The statue is named Tian Tan Buddha because its base is a replica of
Tian Tan, the Temple of Heaven in Beijing. The statue sits on a lotus
throne on top of a three tiered altar. At 34 meters (110 feet) tall,
the Tian Tan Buddha is presented in a posture of serenity. His right
hand is raised to remove affliction. His left hand rests on his knee,
representing happiness.
Monywa is a city in central Myanmar located on the banks of the
Chindwin River. Just east of the city is the Po Khaung Taung, a range of
hills where you can see the Monywa Buddha– the largest reclining Buddha
statue in the world. This colossal figure measures 90 meters (300 feet)
in length. The head alone is 60 feet high. The Monywa Buddha was
constructed in 1991 and is hollow inside, allowing visitors to walk
along from the head to the feet. Inside the figure are 9,000
one-foot-high metal images of the Buddha and his disciples, depicting
various representations of important events in the Buddha’s life.
Recently a gigantic standing Buddha statue was built on top of Po
Kaung Hills. At 132 meter (433 feet) high it is one of the largest
Buddha statues in the world.
Thailand’s city of Ayutthaya is the location of one of the world’s
most unusual Buddhist statues. Among the ruins of Wat Mahathat (The
Temple of the Great Relic) is the remains of a sandstone statue of the
Buddha whose body has been lost to the ages but whose head rests
appropriately in the climbing roots and vines of a tree. Around this
famous figure are many other stature of the Ayutthaya period which have
survived the ravages of time.
Located in north central Sri Lanka, Polonnaruwa is the site of one of
the most breathtaking of the world’s representations of the Buddha –
the Gal Gal Viharaya. This massive rock temple was constructed by
Parakramabahu the Great in the 12th century. The central attraction of
the temple are 4 large Buddha statues carved into the face of a granite
boulder. Among these giant stone figures are a reclining statue of the
Buddha that measures 14 meters (46 feet) in length and a standing figure
measuring 7 meters (23 feet) high.
The Ushiku Daibutsu is located in the city of Ushiku in Japan.
Finished in 1995, the figure is one of the world’s tallest statues,
standing a total of 120 meters (394 feet) high including the 10m (30
foot) base and 10m high lotus platform. Visitors to the Buddha statue
can take an elevator to a platform where an observation deck is
situated. The bronze-plated figure depicts Amitabha Buddha, and is also
known as Ushiku Arcadia.
Located in Bangkok,
Wat Pho is famous for the huge Reclining Buddha statue it houses. It is
one of the largest temples in Bangkok and also one of the oldest,
constructed nearly 200 years before Bangkok became Thailand’s capital.
Wat Pho holds the distinction of having both Thailand’s largest
reclining Buddha image and the largest number of Buddha images in
Thailand. The gold-plated Reclining Buddha statue is 46 meters long and
15 meters high, and commemorates the passing of the Buddha into Nirvana.
The statue’s eyes and feet are decorated with engraved mother of pearl,
the soles of the feet displaying the 108 auspicious characteristics of
the true Buddha.
The Kotoku-in is a Buddhist temple of the Jodo shu sect located in
the city of Kamakura in Japan. The temple is famous for its great
Buddhist statue (or daibutsu). a colossal outdoor representation of
Amida Buddha, one of Japan’s most celebrated Buddhist figures. Cast in
bronze, the Great Buddha stands at over 13 meters (40 feet) high and
weighs nearly 93 tons.
The statue reportedly dates from 1252 and is generally believed to
have been cast by the Buddhist monk Joko, who also collected donations
to build it. Although it originally was housed in a small wooden temple,
the Great Buddha now stands in the open air as the original temple was
washed away in a tsunami in the 15th century.
Another of Bangkok’s Buddhist temples is Wat Phra Kaew, the Temple of
the Emerald Buddha, located within the grounds of the Grand Palace. The
main building is the central ubosoth, which houses The Emerald Buddha,
one of the oldest and most famous Buddha statues in the world.
A jade statue adorned in gold clothing, the Emerald Buddha was,
according to legend, created in India in 43 BC in the city of
Pataliputra, where it remained for 300 years. In the 4th century AD it
was taken away to Sri Lanka by Buddhist monks to save it from
destruction by war. Eventually the statue made its way to Thailand and
was moved to Wat Phra Kaew in 1779. The statue has three different sets
of gold clothing, which are changed by the King of Thailand in a
ceremony at the changing of the seasons.
The Giant Buddha of Leshan is a gigantic Buddha statue carved out of a
cliff face in Sichuan, western China. The great sculpture is a figure
of Maitreya — a Bodhisattva traditionally represented in sitting
posture. Begun in the year 713 during the Tang Dynasty, the statue was
not completed until the year 803, and was the effort of thousands of
sculptors and workers. As the biggest carved stone Buddha in the world,
the Leshan Giant Buddha is featured in poetry, song and story. The
sculpture stands about 71 meters (233 feet) high and has three meter (11
feet) long fingers on each of its enormous resting hands. Today it is a
popular tourist attraction in China.
12th May 2014 Monday 10 am Venue: District Prison, Mandya
PRISONERS SERVICE DAY Self Correction – Finding Peace
Talk and guided meditation by Venerable Ananda Bhanteji
Dr. Sathischandra Director and Vice Chancellor, NIMHANS
Presided by Venerable Ashin Nodinyana Bhanteji Professor of Pali and Abhidhamma, Myanmar
Blessings by Venerable Ananda Bhante
14-05-2014 Wednesday 10 am Venue: Maha Bodhi Society, 14, Kalidasa Raod, Gandhinagar, Bangalore-560009
VESAKHA SACRED BUDDHA PURNIMA DAY 10 AM – Sanghadana and Pindapata Puja 11
AM - Sri Maha Bodhi Puja, Vishwa Maitri Stupa Puja, Siripada Cetiya
Puja Buddha Puja at Mahabodhi Loka Shanti Buddha Vihara, Undertaking of
Tisarana, Atthasila and Pancasila
Dhamma Desana by Venerable Ananda Bhante General Secretary, Maha Bodhi Society, Bengaluru
Blessings by Venerable Ashin Nodinyana Professor of Pali and Abhidhamma, Myanmar
Buddha Purnima Day Address by Nadoja Dr. Ham pa Nagarajaiah Famous Kannada Author and Thinker
Release of Books by Dr. M. G.Krishnan Vice Chancellor, Karnataka State Open University, Mysore
Books to be released Perspective of Buddhism – 30 Dhamma talks by Venerable Acharya Buddharakkhita Sutta Nipata – Kannada translation by Sri Anish Bodh Upasakarige Boudha Anushasana – by Sri Anish Bodh Sutta Sara Kaipidi by Smt.Gayathri Chabbi Mahabodhi Samsthegalu – Kiru parichaya by Dr.B.V.Rajaram
1.30 PM : Meals for Devotees
Meals Dana by Upasakas B.Gopal, Dr.Jayprakash, Dr.Ramachandra, Sri Subbanna and family members
2.30 to 4.30PM Dhamma Deeksha, meditation programs and Dhamma discourses
6.00PM Vesakha Purnima Dhamma Discourse Special Puja and Blessing Ceremony by Venerable Ashin Nodinyana Professor of Pali and Abhidhamma, Myanmar
7:30 Deepa Puja
We thank all the donors who have generously helped us to make these programs successful.
Books on Buddhism are available on discounts from 7-14 May 2014 SPECIAL PALI COURSE A
special Pali Course is being held at Maha Bodhi Society, Bengaluru,
from 3-27 May 2014, 6 PM -7:30 PM daily by Venerable Ashin Nodinyana,
Professor of Pali & Abhidhamma, International Theravada Buddhist
University, Yongon, Myanmar. Interested people may enroll with Mr.Ravi –
Center for Theravada Buddhist Studies is conducting One-Year Diploma,
3-years Undergraduate, 2-year Masters degree and Ph.D courses in
Theravada Buddhist Studies. Please contact after 16th May onwards the
Director at the Mahabodhi Office.
To Commemorate the Three Great Events
Birth, Awakenment and mahaparinibbana of
Will be observed as BODHI SAPTAHA
From Thursday 8th May 2014 to Wednesday 14th May 2014
With main funcion on 14-05-2014 Vesakha Purnima Day
We cordially invite you to attend all the programs
with family and friends.
Yours, President and Members,
Maha Bodhi Society, Mahabodhi maitri mandala,
Mahabodhi Centre for Theravada Buddhist Studies,
Mahabodhi Foundation, Baghavan Buddha University,
Mahabodhi Research Centre, Buddha Vachana Trust, Nalanda Vijjayatana
and Mahabodhi Branches in Mysore, Arunachal pradesh, Tripura
Address for correspondence and donations; MAHA BODHI SOCIETY 14, Kalidasa Road, Gandhinagar, Bangalore-560009, India Tel: 080-22250684, 09343158020, Fax: 080-41148440 Email:info@mahabodhi.info Web site: www.mahabodhi.info
Donate generously and share merits
Buddha Jayanti, also known as Buddha Purnima, celebrates the birthday
of Lord Buddha. It also commemorates his enlightenment and death. It’s
the most sacred Buddhist festival.
Jambudīpe Boddhakalā Paraṁparā Indian Buddhist Art Schools
Note that the Empires
which give their names to the art periods described below waxed and
waned, sometimes over many centuries. The borders of the Empires on
these maps generally show what they were like at their greatest extent,
and at other times they may have been much smaller. The periods given
for the Empires sometimes overlap each other when they prevailed in
different parts of the country.
Mauryan Period, 322–185 BC
The remains from the Mauryan period are very few, they
consist mainly of the Asokan Rock Edicts and the Pillars, which are
normally inscribed and surmounted by lions, elephants or bulls (only a
small selection of them are shown here). In Kumraha on the edge of
modern day Patna are old architectural remains of the ancient city
walls, and from Didarganj on the banks on the Ganges a splendid
human-size Yakṣinī modelled in the round, and highly polished, has been
found. The excavated rock caves at Barabar, although later inhabited by
Buddhists, were carved out for the Ājīvaka sect, but their main
importance lies in the fact that they provided the models for the great
rock cave complexes at Ajāntā, Ellora and eslewhere in the coming
Sunga Period, 185–75 BC
After the fall of the Mauryans a new dynasty arose
called the Sungas. The stūpas at Sāñchi and Bhārhut, although originally
built during the Mauryan period, were rebuilt and expanded during the
Sunga period, and it is the work carried out beginning at this later
period that we see today, including the dome, the stone casing and the
harmika. It was also during their reign that the Chaitya at the Bhaja
Caves at Karli in Maharashtra was built.
Sātavāhana Period, circa 2c BC–2c AD
With the
collapse of the Mauryan Empire, the kingdoms
in the south of India were united by the Sātavāhana dynasty, and it is
during this time that the great railings at Sāñchi, Bhārhut and
Amaravati were made. The elaborate carvings found on these monuments are
the main sources for the aniconic period of Buddhist art, in which the
Buddha was represented only by symbols, such as the Vajrāsana, the Bodhi
Tree, the Dhamma-Wheel and the Siripāda, or Holy Feet. It was also at
this time that the rock-cut Temples at Ajāntā and Ellora and the other
cave complexes in the western regions were first carved out. The
Sātavāhanas were succeeded by the short-lived Ikshvāku dynasty (2c AD–3c
AD), and it was during this time when the great stūpas were built at
Nāgārjunakoṇḍa and elsewhere.
Gandhāra Period, 1 BC–5 AD
the invasions of Alexandria in the 3rd
century B.C., many of the Greek forces settled on the borders of India,
giving rise to the syncetric Greco-Indic civilisations at Gandhāra, in
what is modern day Pakistan and Afghanistan. In this confluence of
cultures the first statues and reliefs of the Buddha were made. They
were evidently modelled on the Greek statues of Apollo, and present the
Buddha with Caucasian facial features, and flowing, wavy hair on the
head. The halo behind the Buddha’s head is plain. During the Kuṣāṇ
period (1c AD–3c AD) this empire stretched right into the heartland of
India, and also gave rise to the great and influential atelier at
Gupta Period, 4c–6c AD
The Gupta Empire was centered around their capital at
Pāṭaliputra in modern-day Bihar, and is normally thought of as the
Golden Age of Indian artistic creation. It is during this period that
the murals we find in Ajāntā and Ellora were begun, which provide the
earliest examples of Indian painting. Also during this time the great
universities at Nālanda, Vikrāmaśīla and elsewhere were built, and they
in turn gave rise to great schools of sculpture and bronze casting, all
with classical elagance. In this period the Buddha figures are modelled
with the characteristic curly ringlets of hair, and sheen-like
close-fitting robes. The halos are normally decorated in this period.
Pāla Period, 8c–12c AD
The Pāla Empire grew up in the eastern areas of India,
in what is now Bihar and Bengal, both east and west, but during the
height of their power their Empire also reached as far as the Kabul
valley in modern-day Afghanistan. The universities were still
flourishing during this time, and there are very many architectural and
sculptural remains from this period. The art of this period is much more
elaborate and intricate in style. We see at this time a great
fourishing of representations of the various Bodhisattvas and gods in
the developed Buddhist pantheon. It was towards the end of their reign
that the Muslim invasions finally brought Buddhism to an end in India,
and with it the Buddhist art traditions there. Before that had happened
though, Buddhist culture and art had spread all over Asia.
Photo Credits: on Map 1 (Asokan Capital): mself on Map 2 (Bhaja Cave): Elroy Serrao on Map 3 (Amaravati Relief): Gurubrahma on Map 4 (Gandhāran Buddha Head): Phg on Map 5 (Standing Buddha): Ānandajoti Bhikkhu on Map 6 (Bronze Sitting Buddha): Ānandajoti Bhikkhu
All Released with Creative Commons, Attribution, Share-Alike licenses, or into the Public Domain.
http://www.ancient-buddhist-texts.net/Maps/MP-index.htm During Lord Buddha’s Time
Tathāgatassa Pure Caritaṁ
The Realised One’s Early Career
The map shown above is approx. 550 km from East to West and 400 km from North to South
There is a video of an
hour-long talk I gave using this map as a basis to explain more about
the Buddha’s movements before and after his Awakening. It can be seen on YouTube
Some of the modern place names, where they differ, are given here:
Uruvelā = Bodhgaya; Bārāṇasī = Varanasi; Isipatana = Sarnath; Rājagaha =
Rajgir; Vesālī = Vaishali; Kapilavatthu = Kapilavastu.
What follows is based on the account in the
Mahākhandhaka section of the Vinaya Mahāvagga, and the traditional
histories such as the Jātaka Nidānakathā, and the Jinavaṁsa:
After Awakening at the foot of the Bodhi tree in Uruvelā the Buddha
spent the following 7 weeks in a number of locations in the same area.
He then travelled to Isipatana, where his former companions, the group
of five (pañcavaggiya) ascetics were staying. The walking tour appears to have taken around a week, as he arrived on the Full Moon night of Āsāḷha.
That night he preached his first recorded discourse, and thereby set
the Dhamma-Wheel rolling, at the end of which Aññāta Koṇḍañña became the
first person to attain Path and Fruit in the present Sāsana. In the
next few days he and his four companions all became Worthy Ones (Arahanta).
The Buddha spent the first Vassāna in the Deer-Park at Isipatana, and
in a short time converted first Yasa, and then 50 of his friends, who
also all became Worthy Ones.
At the end of the Rain’s Retreat the Buddha walked back to Uruvelā,
where he converted the three Kassapa brothers and their 1,000 disciples.
From there he travelled to the Magadhan capital Rājagaha, where he was
presented with his first monastery, the Bamboo Wood (Veḷuvana) by King Bimbisāra.
Five months had passed since leaving Isipatana and it was now
Springtime. Kāḷudāyī arrived from Kapilavatthu, and invited the Buddha
to return to his home town. There he converted his former Wife, his
Father, and ordained his Son, and other family members, including Nanda
and Ānanda.
After these conversions he returned once again to Rājagaha, and while
he was there the rich merchant Anāthapiṇḍika arrived and invited him to
Sāvatthī, where he bought and presented him with the Jeta’s Wood
monastery. At this point the early histories break off, perhaps because
the Sāsana was safely established by this time. Although we know a lot
about the Buddha’s ministry, the chronology is not picked up again until
the Mahāparinibbānasutta opens about one year before the Final
Emancipation at Kusinārā.
Tathāgatassa Vassā
The Realised One’s Rains Retreats
The map shown above is approx. 550 km from East to West and 400 km from North to South
Some of the modern place names, where they differ, are
given here: Isipatana = Sarnath; Rājagaha = Rajgir; Vesālī = Vaishali;
Kosambī = Kausambi; Kapilavatthu = Kapilavastu. Nāḷaka is either
Nalanda, or is nearby; Āḷavī is unidentified as yet.
This map shows the various places where the Buddha
spent his Rain’s Retreats according to the information related in the
Introduction to the Commentary on the Buddhavaṁsa, which is also
followed by Ven. Medhaṅkara in Jinacarita. Most of them are well known,
and appear in the Discourses many times. Of the Retreats we are sure
about note that they all were taken in the Middle Lands (Majjhimadesa).
Some of the places we cannot identify. These include the 6th retreat on Mount Maṅkula;01 8th at Bhesakalā Wood in the Bhagga Country; 13th, 18th and 19th on Mount Cāliya.02
Others are only vaguely known, such as Silk-Cotton Wood, Pārileyya and
Verañjā, all of which were around Kosambī. The exact position of Āḷavī
is also not known, but must have been in the Vajjī Country where there
were many yakkha shrines. According to tradition the 7th Rains Retreat
was spent in Tāvatiṁsa teaching the Abhidhamma to his Mother, who had
been reborn as a Devaputta.
The information given in the Commentary inexplicably
omits the last Rain’s Retreat spent by the Buddha, which was at the
village of Beluva, within walking distance of Vesālī, as related in the
Mahāparinibbānasuttaṁ. A text and translation of the relevant section of
the Commentary to Buddhavaṁsa follows (for a later, and more poetic
description of the Rains Retreats, see Jinacaritaṁ):
from Madhuratthavilāsinī (Buddhavaṁsatthakathā), Ganthārambakathā:
Paṭhamaṁ Vassaṁ Isipatane Dhammacakkaṁ pavattetvā aṭṭhārasa Brahmakoṭiyo amatapānaṁ pāyetvā
After setting the Dhamma Wheel Rolling in Isipatana and making
180,000,000 Brahmās imbibe the immortal ambrosia during the first Rains
Bārāṇasiṁ upanissāya Isipatane Migadāye vasi;
he dwelt at the Deer Park in Isipatana relying on Bārāṇasī (for alms);
dutiyaṁ Vassaṁ Rājagahaṁ upanissāya Veḷuvane Mahāvihāre;
the second Rains retreat was in the Great Monastery at Bamboo Wood, relying on Rājagaha;
tatiyacatutthāni pi tattheva;
the third and fourth likewise (he was) also there;
pañcamaṁ Vesāliṁ upanissāya Mahāvane Kūṭāgārasālāyaṁ;
the fifth was in the Gabled House Hall in the Great Wood relying on Vesālī;
chaṭṭhaṁ Maṅkulapabbate;
the sixth on Mount Maṅkula;
sattamaṁ Tāvatiṁsabhavane;
the seventh in the realm of the 33 gods (Tāvatiṁsa);
aṭṭhamaṁ Bhaggesu Saṁsumāragiriṁ upanissāya Bhesakaḷāvane;
the eighth in the Bhesakaḷā Wood, relying on the Crocodile Hill amongst the Bhaggas;
navamaṁ Kosambiyaṁ;
the ninth near Kosambī (at Ghositārāma);
dasamaṁ Pārileyyakavanasaṇḍe;
the tenth in the Pārileyyaka grove;
ekādasamaṁ Nāḷāyaṁ brāhmaṇagāme;
the eleventh in the brāhmin village of Nāḷa (in Magadhā);
dvādasamaṁ Verañjāyaṁ;
the twelfth near Verañjā;
terasamaṁ Cāliyapabbate;
the thirteenth on Mount Cāliya;
cuddasamaṁ Jetavanamahāvihāre;
the fourteenth in the Jeta’s Wood great Monastery (near Sāvatthī);
pañcadasamaṁ Kapilavatthumahānagare;
the fifteenth near the great city of Kapilavatthu (at the Nigrodhārāma, near his home town, amongst the Sākiyans);
soḷasamaṁ Āḷavakaṁ dametvā caturāsītipāṇasahassāni amatapānaṁ pāyetvā Āḷaviyaṁ;
having tamed (the yakkha) Āḷavaka and making 84,000 creaturess imbibe the immortal ambrosia, (he spent) the sixteenth at Āḷavī;
sattarasamaṁ Rājagahe yeva;
the seventeenth was surely near Rājagaha (perhaps in Bamboo Wood);
aṭṭhārasamaṁ Cāliyapabbate yeva tathā ekūnavīsatimaṁ;
the eighteenth on mount Cāliya and then also the nineteenth;
vīsatimaṁ pana Vassaṁ Rājagaheyeva vasi;
but the twentieth Rains Retreat he dwelt near to Rājagaha (perhaps in Bamboo Wood);
Tato paṭṭhāya pana Sāvatthiṁ yeva upanissāya
But from there onwards he surely relied on Sāvatthī
Jetavanamahāvihāre ca Pubbārāme ca dhuvaparibhogavasena vasi.
dwelling in the Great Monastery in Jeta’s Wood and the Eastern Monastery
because it had constant supplies (of requisites for the large gathering
of monks).
Tathāgatassa Pacchimā Cārikā
The Realised One’s Last Tour
The map shown above is approx. 550 km from East to West and 400 km from North to South
There is a video of an hour-long talk I gave using this map as a basis to explain more about the last year of the Buddha’s life. It can be seen on YouTube
Some of the modern place names, where they differ, are given here:
Rājagaha = Rajgir; Pāṭaligāma = Patna; Koṭigāma = Hajipur; Vesālī =
Vaishali; Pāvā = Fazilnagar and Kusinārā = Kushinagar. Other places are
uncertain or unidentified.
The last year of the Buddha’s life is recorded in the Mahāparinibbānasutta of the Dīghanikāya (DN 16), which records his last walking tour in the Middle Country (Majjhimadesa). Before the beginning of the Rains Retreat (Vassāna)
the Buddha walked from Rājagaha to Vesālī (approx. 90 km) where he
stayed for a number of months. Eventually the Buddha left Vesālī and
started walking North and attained Complete Emancipation (Parinibbāna) at Kusinārā (approx. 270 km, quite a walk when 80 years old and ill).
Looking at the map it very much appears as though the Buddha was
actually heading for his home town of Kapilavatthu but succumbed to his
illness on the way. The Buddha fell ill with dysentry in Pāvā and
according to the very sad story in the Commentary, on the last day of
his tour he actually had to sit down and rest no less than 25 times
before reaching Kusinārā in the evening.
The map shown above is approx. 550 km from East to West and 400 km from North to South
The exact positions of Pipphalivana, Allakappa, and Veṭhadīpa are not
known. One of the more interesting things this map brings out is that
Sāvatthī and Bārāṇasī did not get a share of the relics, and apart from
the relics that were taken to Vesālī and Rājagaha, all the others were
distributed locally.
Some of the modern place names, where they differ, are given here:
Kapilavatthu = Kapilavastu; Pāvā = Fazilnagar; Kusinārā = Kushinagar;
Rāmagāma = Ramgram; Rājagaha = Rajgir; Vesālī = Vaishali; Rājagaha =
from Mahāparinibbānasuttaṁ
Then the Magadhan King Ajātasattu, the son of Lady Wisdom, made a
Shrine for the Gracious One’s bodily relics at Rājagaha and held a
The Licchavīs from Vesālī made a Shrine for the Gracious One’s bodily relics at Vesālī and held a festival.
The Sakyas from Kapilavatthu made a Shrine for the Gracious One’s bodily relics at Kapilavatthu and held a festival.
The Bulas of Allakappa made a Shrine for the Gracious One’s bodily relics at Allakappa and held a festival.
The Koliyas of Rāmagāma made a Shrine for the Gracious One’s bodily relics at Rāmagāma and held a festival.
The Veṭhadīpaka brahmin made a Shrine for the Gracious One’s bodily relics at Veṭhadīpa and held a festival.
The Mallas of Pāvā made a Shrine for the Gracious One’s bodily relics at Pāvā and held a festival.
The Mallas of Kusinārā made a Shrine for the Gracious One’s bodily relics at Kusinārā and held a festival.
Doṇa the brahmin made a Shrine for the urn and held a festival.
The Moriyās of Pipphalivana made a Shrine for the ashes at Pipphalivana and held a festival.
Thus there were eight Shrines for the bodily relics, the Vessel
Shrine was the ninth, and the Ashes Shrine was the tenth, and so it was
former times.
Cattāri Saṁvejanīyāni Ṭhānāni
The Four Places that Produce Enthusiasm
The map shown above is approx. 550 km from East to West and 400 km from North to South
The modern place names are given here: Uruvelā = Bodhgaya; Isipatana = Sarnath; Kusinārā = Kushinagar.
from Mahāparinibbānasuttaṁ, Section 35:
These are the four places, Ānanda, that are to be seen that produce
enthusiasm for a faithful man of good family. Faithful monks, nuns,
laymen, and laywomen will come, (thinking): ‘Here the Realised One was
born’, ‘Here the Realised One awoke to the unsurpassed and Perfect
Awakening’, ‘Here the Realised One set rolling the Wheel of the
Teaching’, ‘Here the Realised One was Completely Emancipated in the
Emancipation-element which has no basis for attachment remaining’, and
whoever, Ānanda, will die while on pilgrimage to the Shrines with a
confident mind they will all, at the break-up of the body, after death,
re-arise in a fortunate destiny, in a heavenly world.
* * *
To give some idea of the distances involved: when the Bodhisatta left
Kapilavatthu he walked down to Rājagaha, which is approx. 360 km; from
Rajagaha he walked down to Uruvelā (approx. 80 km south), which is where
he practiced and attained Awakening; after Awakening he walked over to
Isipatana near Bārāṇasī (approx. 250 km). On his last walking tour at
the age of 80, he first walked from Rājagaha to Vesālī (approx. 90 km,
and after the Rains Retreat from Vesālī to Kusinārā (approx. 270 km),
quite a feat for someone who was 80 years old and ill.
Bāvarissa Māṇavacārikā Jambudīpe
Bāvarī’s Students’ Walk across Ancient India
The map shown above is approx. 1,600 km from East to West and 1,200 km from North to South
from Pārāyanavaggo, verses 31-38:
After hearing Bāvarī’s words, the sixteen brahmin students …
set out for the North. From Mūḷaka to Patiṭṭhāna first, then on to
Mahissati, to Ujjenī, and Gonaddha, to Vedisa, and to the place called
Vanasa, to Kosambī, and Sāketa, and Sāvatthī, the city supreme, to
Setabya, and Kapilavatthu, and to the city of Kusinārā, to Pāvā, to
Bhoganagara, to Vesālī, to the Magadhan city (Rājagaha), and to the
Pāsāṇaka Shrine, delightful, it is the mind’s delight.
Bāvarī had left Sāvatthī, the capital of Kosala, some time before
and retired to a very remote place on the bank of the Godhāvarī River,
which was about as far south as the Ariyans had penetrated at that time.
There students gathered around him, including 16 who became teachers in
their own right. When Bāvarī heard that a Sambuddha had arisen in the
world he sent his students to question him. They first headed for
Sāvatthī itself, where the Buddha had been staying, but when he saw them
coming, realising that they were not mature enough, he withdrew to
Rājagaha and to the Pāsāṇaka Shrine. Their walking tour covered a
distance of some 1,800 kilometres.
The map shown above is approx. 1,600 km from East to West and 1,200 km from North to South
In two places in the Aṅguttaranikāya (Uposathasuttaṁ, Bk. 3.71;
Vitthatūposathasuttaṁ, Bk. 8.42) we find the following list of great
states (Mahājanapadā): Aṅgā, Magadhā, Kāsī, Kosalā, Vajjī, Mallā, Cetī, Vaṁsā,01 Kurū, Pañcālā, Macchā, Sūrasenā, Assakā, Avantī, Gandhārā, Kambojā.02
We sometimes come across other forms of this list, so that at
Janavasabhasuttaṁ (DN 18) only the following ten are mentioned: Kāsī,
Kosalā, Vajjī, Mallā, Cetī, Vaṁsā, Kurū, Pañcālā, Macchā,03 Sūrasenā. Interestingly, the Sākiyas and the Koḷiyans are omitted from these lists, perhaps they were not considered as great states, being too small in size.
Below is a list of the State Capitals, and their Kings where they are
known. The most important ones by far are the first two. Remember that
the Buddha lived for 80 years and the political situation was always
Magadhā (Capital: Rājagaha; King Bimbisāra, later Ajātasattu)
Kosalā (Capital: Sāvatthī; King Pasenadi, later Viḍudabha)
Anotattasaro ca Sinerupabbato ca
Mount Neru and Lake Anotatta
The map shown above is approx. 160 km from East to West and 120 km from North to South
The Buddha is said to have traversed the great distance from Uruvelā
to the Himālayas to spend the day at Lake Anotatta during the time he
was trying to convert the Uruvelā Kassapa, shortly after the Awakening,
but the latter was still not convinced of the Buddha’s superiority. It
is mentioned as one of the seven great lakes in the Himālayas.01
In the same Aṅguttara discourse Mount Sineru is mentioned as the King of Mountains (Pabbatarājā). The mountain is also known in the Pāḷi texts as Neru, Mahāmeru, Meru and Kelasa.
It is identified now with Mount Kailash in western Tibet. The Lake
Anotatta, which is identified with Lake Manasarovar is on the rocky
plains (silātala) in front of the mountain range.
Sineru takes on mythical proportions in the Commentaries, where the
Tāvatiṁsa Heaven in said to be positioned on its summit, and the abode
of the Demons at its base.02
The maps shown here are approx. 5,000 km from East to West and 3,500 km from North to South
There is a video of an hour-long talk I gave
using these maps as a basis to explain more about the development of the
Asokan Empire and the Missions. It can be seen on YouTube
During the Lord Buddha’s time Magadha was only one of many monarchies
and republics in northern India, with its capital at Rājagaha. King
Bimbisāra was one of the Buddha’s main patrons, and gave him his first
monastery near the capital.
After his passing King Bimbisāra’s son, Ajātasattu, who had killed
his father and ascended the throne, managed to overthrow the republics
of the Vajjians amongst others, and consolidate his hold on Kāsi. He was
killed by his son Udāyabhadra, and a series of patricides took place
over the following generations.
That dynasty was eventually overthrown and during the time of the
Sisunāgas and the ten Nanda Kings, the capital moved to Pāṭaliputta, and
the area they controlled expanded to most of the sub-Himalayan Region.
When the Greek King Alexandra entered India, his troops mutinied and
refused to cross the Ganges and attack the Nandian Empire, fearing for
their lives.
That dynasty was overthrown by one of the great Indian Emporers,
Candagutta, who greatly expanded the empire to the west and the south,
and, following the advice of his minister Kautilya, the author of the
Arthaśāṣṭra, by the time he was twenty he was in control of most of
Under his grandson King Asoka the Empire reached its greatest extent,
incorporating most of present day India, Pakistan, Afghanistan and
Bangladesh. Asoka ruled this vast empire from his capital, and sent out
religious missions to the border areas, which went beyond his borders to
Śrī Laṅkā in the south; Suvaṇṇabhūmi in the east, and according to Rock
Edicts XIII missions were also sent to Egypt and Greece in the west.
Northern Black Polished Ware (7th-2nd centuries BC)
The map shown above is approx. 5,000 km from East to West and 3,500 km from North to South
The map above shows some of the main archeological sites associated
with the spread of Northern Black Polished Ware (NBPW) during the time
of Asoka, although only the main sites are shown here as the ware has
been found at over 1,500 sites by now. The Iron-Age culture which
produced it appears to have been centered around the Middle Land, and
was at its height during the period when Buddhism was on the rise, and
is therefore the background culture to the discourses.
Between the 6th and 3rd centuries Indian society was undergoing
dramatic and fundamental changes. The most significant of these, all of
them connected, were the easy availability of iron, a rise in
agricultural production, the growth of large towns and cities, and the
beginning of a market economy and trade, and of centralized government.
Iron made it possible to open up much more land for agriculture meaning
that more food was available. The discovery of the technique of
transplantation at around the same time also contributed to a food
surplus. This caused an explosion in the population which in turn led to
the development of the first large towns and cities in northern India.
In the political domain these changes caused the decline of the
so-called tribal republics such as the Sakyans and the Vajjians, which
had been governed by elected councils, and the growth of kingdoms such
as Kosala and Magadha, with the latter eventually absorbing the former
as well as the Vajjian and Licchivi republics and within 100 years of
the Buddha’s parinibbāna becoming the vast Mauryan Empire.
Evidence of the growing wealth and technological sophistication of
the time was the development of a very distinct type of pottery
archaeologists call Northern Black Polished Ware. This pottery is
somewhat misnamed, as it is found in the south of India, as well as in
the north, and is sometimes brown in colour. But typically it has a
black, shiny, almost metallic sheen and exactly how it was made remains
unexplained. It was first produced in Magadha and reached its most
developed form between 500 and 300 BCE, corresponding with the beginning
of Buddhism.
This is important as it helps in dating archaeological sites
associated with the Buddha and with the first Buddhists. It also helps
map the expansion of Asoka’s empire which introduced NBPW technology as
it spread, taking Buddhism with it.
Brahmanism, the religion that had prevailed up till this time, was a
rural-based religion whose central sacrament was the sacrifice which
involved killing of sometimes large numbers of domestic animal. The
newly emerging town dwellers, and especially the tradesmen and merchants
were looking for an ideology that made sense within an urban setting
and particularly one that did not involve expensive and wasteful
It was at this point that first Mahāvīra, the founder of Jainism, and
then the Buddha arrived on the scene. These changes influenced some of
the issues the Buddha addresses which meant that his Dhamma had a ready
audience. It is clear from the suttas that the Buddha’s most significant
supporters were merchants (e.g. Anathapiṇḍaka, Ghosita and Kukkuṭa) and
townsfolk. It is also interesting that quite a few of his discourses
address ethics and practices related to business and finances.
One of the central themes of the Dhamma is that ethical behaviour and
not rituals are important in the spiritual life. It is true that the
Buddha often praised forest living, at least for monks and nuns, but
this seems to have been mainly a nostalgic nod to the past. Of the
earliest Buddhist monasteries discovered by archaeologists, all are
within easy walking distance of a town or city, and one, the
Ghositarama, is actually within the city walls of Kosambi.
Other ascetics groups were allowed to pick fruit and dig roots from
the forest, whereas the Vinaya rules forbade monks and nuns from doing
this, meaning that they had to be near habitation in order to get their
food, and so Buddhism started as the religion of urban-dwellers.
The Buddha could have met with strong opposition from the powerful
elites, i.e. rulers and the Brahmans who were their spiritual advisors.
But while he was sometimes openly critical of Brahmanical rituals and
Brahman complacency, he more commonly adopted their terminology and
mythology, saying what they ‘really meant’ was exactly what he himself
taught, rather than condemning and dismissing them.
The Buddha’s rejection of caste may also have contributed to the
early success of the Dhamma. While few suttas are addressed to low caste
or outcaste individuals, many undermine caste ideology. This must have
made the Dhamma attractive to low castes and outcastes living in cities
where social mobility was more possible than in the villages.
One more factor contributing to the rapid growth of the Buddha’s
Dhamma was the extraordinary mobility of he and his monks. Strong
central governments administrating large areas allowed for the opening
up of roads, the construction of bridges and the control of banditry.
The purpose of this was to promote trade but it also enabled the Buddha
and his monks to travel widely. The suttas are full of references to the
Buddha or his monks making long journeys, from one town or city to
another. In a world without books this allowed thousands of people to
hear the Buddha’s message, thus contributing greatly to its acceptance.
PUBLISH. Please send a copy to awakenmedia.prabandhak@gmail.com chandrasekhara.tipitaka@gmail.com Visit: http://sarvajan.ambedkar.org
When is Buddha Jayanti:
Buddha Jayanti is held on a full moon in May each year. In 2014, Buddha Jayanti falls on May 14.
The account of the last days of the Buddha is recorded in the Pali Canon Mahaparinibbana Sutta: The Great Passing, The Buddha’s Last Days. The other suttas are the Maha Sudassana Sutta and Janavasabha Sutta.
The Nirvana Sutra, or Mahāparinirvāṇa Sūtra (Chinese: Nièpán Jīng (涅槃經); Japanese: Nehankyō (涅槃経); Tibetan: myang ‘das kyi mdo) is a major Mahayana sutra, generally referred to by its full Sanskrit title, Mahāyāna Mahāparinirvāṇa Mahā-sūtra (or simply “Nirvana Sutra”).
The Maha Parivirvana of the Buddha took place in 544 B.C. at Kusinara in the country of the Mallas.
- See more at: http://www.btrts.org.sg/sacred-relics-of-the-buddha#sthash.FCqPFsIF.dpuf
Sacred Relics of Buddha Sakyamuni
https://www.facebook.com/SiddharthaBuddhaViharaTrust?filter=2 SACRED 2558TH VESAKH - BUDDHA PURNIMA DAY PROGRAM
Dear Upasakas and Upasikas in the Dhamma
In the commemoration of three auspicious events in the life of Buddha,
his Birth, Supreme Enlightenment and Mahaparinibbana (Great demise) on
the Full moon day of Vesakha, On this three auspicious occasion day we
the members of Siddhartha Buddha Vihara Trust (SBVT) and Yuva Buddhist
Group of Hyderabad (YB
GH) Celebrates the Sacred 2558th Buddha Purnima from 11th May to 14th May 2014, We cordially invite you to attend all the programs with your family and friends and make a grand success. Venerable monks from different parts of the country and abroad will grace the occasion.
Program follows 11th May 2014
9.30 A M, Samanera ordination program for 10 days at Siddhartha Buddha Vihara, Bowenpally Hyderabad and follows by Dhamma talk
12th May 2014
10.00 AM Sangha dana at Dhamma Deep Buddha Vihara, Ambedkar Nagar, follows by Dhamma Talk on significant of Buddha Purnima
13th May 2014
5.00 AM Proceeding to Nagarjuna Konda offering Buddha relic Puja at Museum @ 12.30 PM
5.00 PM Puja / Chanting at Sriparvata Arama Buddhist HeritageThem park
(Buddha Vanam) Nagarjuna Sagar, Organize by Archeological survey of
India, A.P. Circuit,
14th May 2014 Morning program
9.30 A M, Buddha Jayanti Program at Siddhartha Buddha Vihara, Bowenpally Chanting and Dhamma talk on the significant of Buddha purnima day 11.30 AM. -Lunch for Monks 12.15 Noon- Lunch for all devotees
Afternoon Program
2.00 PM -all members Proceeding towards A P State Museum near Jubilee Hall public garden 3.00 PM -Buddha relic Puja / Chanting & Meditation at State Museum 4.00 PM -Gathering at Lumbini Park near Boating point 4.45 PM - Proceeding to Buddha statue at Hussain Sagar Lake 5.30 PM –Buddha Puja / chanting for world peace and Dhamma talk near Buddha statue
6,15 PM –Candle procession at Buddha statue and Lightening of sky lamp,
Organize by Andhra Pradesh Tourism Department & Siddhartha Buddha
Vihara Trust, Hyderabad.
Note: Please gather in large number and with white dress code
All are welcome
With Metta Ven Khemachara Thero Chairman Contact No, 09177370888 n 09849973017
We would like to invite you to attend the 2558th Buddha Jayanti located
at Maha Bodhi Society of India, Kolkata Headquarter on 14th May 2014 at
08:30 am. It is our great honor to have you as out guest as we
apreciate you as our Honorable guests. We are hoping that we will get
the same support from you.
In order to commemorate the “thrice great events” i.e. Birth, Awakenment and mahaparinibbana of Bhagavan Buddha, Society of Dhamma
Bodhi and Meditation (SDB&M) Dimapur would be celebrating the 2558th
sacred Buddha Jayanti on May 14 and 15 at the premises of Dimapur
Dhamma Vihar, Kevija-u village, Signal Bosti, Dimapur.
Schools/institutions have also been requested to participate in the art,
essay and speech competitions on both the days for which the students
representing their respective schools have been asked to come in their
school uniforms.
Reporting time for participants/students on May 14 is at 11 a.m. for
which confirmation for participation would be at 3 p.m. on May 12. For
details teachers/students may contact at 9774171517.
Some of its key programmes include tree plantation by the member of SDBM
for the protection of environment, distribution of fruits to the indoor
patient of Dimapur Civil Hospital, cultural programme and prize
distribution to the students and participants on May 15.
May 10: To commemorate the birth, attainment of awakenment and
nirvana of Lord Buddha, the 2558th Buddha Jayanti is going to be
solemnized here on May 14 next.
Buddhists from all over the state including capital complex in huge
numbers are expected to participate in the joyous occasion of Buddha
Jayanti, reverentially, the most important day for the followers of
The Buddha Jayanti Joint Celebration Committee, Itanagar, which had a
meeting at the premises of Theravada Buddhist Vihara here on Thursday,
arranged for to and fro bus service for devotees residing in Banderdewa,
Doimukh, Naharlagun and adjacent areas which will be available in their
locations at 6am sharp.
Series of programmes like, hoisting of Buddhist flag at IBCS Gompa and
TBS Temple, procession from IBCS Gompa to TBS Temple, Dhamma talks by
resource persons, and illumination of butter lamp/candle in the evening
besides presentation of cultural programmes will mark the day.
Buddha Purnima or Buddha Jayanti festival is the most sacred day in
Buddhist calendar. It is the most important festival of Buddhists, and
is celebrated with great enthusiasm. Although Buddhists regard every
full moon as sacred, the moon of the month of Vaisakh (April – May) has
special significance because on this day Buddha was born, attained awakenment and nirvana. This strange, three-fold coincidence, gives
Buddha Purnima its unique significance.
Sacred Relics of Buddha Sakyamuni
The account of the last days of the Buddha is recorded in the Pali Canon Mahaparinibbana Sutta: The Great Passing, The Buddha’s Last Days. The other suttas are the Maha Sudassana Sutta and Janavasabha Sutta.
The Nirvana Sutra, or Mahāparinirvāṇa Sūtra (Chinese: Nièpán Jīng (涅槃經); Japanese: Nehankyō (涅槃経); Tibetan: myang ‘das kyi mdo) is a major Mahayana sutra, generally referred to by its full Sanskrit title, Mahāyāna Mahāparinirvāṇa Mahā-sūtra (or simply “Nirvana Sutra”).
The Maha Parivirvana of the Buddha took place in 544 B.C. at Kusinara in the country of the Mallas.
The Forecast
The first indication of Nibbana was when the Buddha spent the Rains in Beluva, as in the Mahaparinibbana Sutta:
2.23 And during the Rains the Lord was attacked by a severe sickness, with sharp pains as if he were about to die. But he endured all this mindfully, clearly aware and without complaining. He thought: ‘It is not fitting that I should attain final Nibbāna without addressing my followers and taking leave of the order of monks. I must hold this disease in check by energy and apply myself to the force of life.’ He did so, and the disease abated.
The first mention of Nibbana to Ananda was:
2.25 ‘Ānanda, I am now old, worn out, venerable, one who has traversed life’s path, I have reached the term of life, which is eighty. Just as an old cart is made to go by being held together with straps, so the Tathāgata’s body is kept going by being strapped up. It is only when the Tathāgata with¬draws his attention from outward signs, and by the cessation of certain feelings, enters into the signless concentra¬tion of mind, that his body knows comfort.
At Vesali, Mara asked:
3.8 May the Blessed Lord now attain fined Nibbāna, may the Well-Farer now attain final Nibbāna. Now is the time for the Blessed Lord’s final Nibbāna.’
3.9 At this the Lord said to Māra: ‘You need not worry, Evil One. The Tathāgata’s final passing will not be long delayed. Three months from now, the Tathāgata will take final Nibbāna.’
The Buddha then inform Ananda in:
3.36. ‘And just now, today, Ānanda, at the Cāpāla Shrine, Māra came to me, stood to one, side and said: “Lord, may the Blessed Lord now attain final Nibbāna…Now is the time for the Blessed Lord’s final Nibbāna.”
3.37. ‘And I said: “You need not worry, Evil One. Three months from now the Tathāgata will take final Nibbāna.” So now, today, Ānanda, at the Cāpāla Shrine, the Tathāgata has mindfully and in full awareness renounced the life-principle.’
The Buddha then announced to all the monks gathered at the Gabled Hall in the Great Forest of Vesali:
3.51. Then the Lord said to the monks: ‘And now, monks, I declare to you — all conditioned things are of a nature to decay — strive on untiringly. The Tathāgata’s final passing will not be long delayed. Three months from now the Tathāgata will take his final Nibbāna.’
Thus the Lord spoke. The Well-Farer having thus spoken, the Teacher said this:
‘Ripe I am in years. My life-span’s determined. Now I go from you, having made myself my refuge. Monks, be untiring, mindful, disciplined, Guarding your minds with well-collected thought. He who, tireless, keeps to law and discipline, Leaving birth behind will put an end to woe.’
The Maha Paranirvana
The Buddha went to Pava and stayed at the mango grove of Cunda the smith.
4.20. And after having eaten the meal provided by Cunda, the Lord was attacked by a severe sickness with bloody diarrhea, and with sharp pains as if he were about to die. But he endured all this mindfully and clearly aware, and without complaint. Then the Lord said: ‘Ānanda, let us go to Kusināra.’ ‘Very good, Lord’, said Ānanda.
4.38. Tonight, Ānanda, in the last watch, in the sāl-grove of the Mallas near Kusinārā, between two sāl-trees, the Tathāgata’s final passing will take place. And now, Ānanda, let us go to the River Kakutthā.’ ‘Very good, Lord’, said Ānanda.
5.1. The Lord said: ‘Ānanda, let us cross the Hiraññavatī River and go to the Mallas’ sāl-grove in the vicinity of Kusinārā.’ ‘Very good, Lord’, said Ānanda, and the Lord, with a large company of monks, crossed the river and went to the sāl-grove. There the Lord said: ‘Ānanda, prepare me a bed between these twin sāl-trees with my head to the north. I am tired and want to lie down.’ ‘Very good, Lord’, said Ānanda, and did so. Then the Lord lay down on his right side in the lion-posture, placing one foot on the other, mindful and dearly aware.
5.2. And those twin sāl-trees burst forth into an abundance of untimely blossoms, which fell upon the Tathāgata’s body, sprinkling it and covering it in homage. Divine coral-tree flowers fell from the sky, divine sandal-wood powder fell from the sky, sprinkling and covering the Tathāgata’s body in homage. Divine music and song sounded from the sky in homage to the Tathāgata.
5.11. ‘But, Lord, what are we to do with the Tathāgata’s remains?’ ‘Ānanda, they should be dealt with like the remains of a wheel-turning monarch.’ ‘And how is that, Lord?’ ‘Ānan¬da, the remains of a wheel-turning monarch are wrapped in a new linen-doth. This they wrap in teased cotton wool, and this in a new doth. Having done this five hundred times each, they enclose the king’s body in an oil-vat of iron, which is covered with another iron pot. Then having made a funeral-pyre of all manner of perfumes they cremate the king’s body, and they raise a stupa at a crossroads. That, Ānanda, is what they do with the remains of a wheel-turning monarch, and they should deal with the Tathāgata’s body in the same way. A stupa should be erected at the crossroads for the Tathāgata. And whoever lays wreaths or puts sweet perfumes and colors there with a devout heart, will reap benefit and happiness for a long time.
5.19. ‘And now, Ānanda, go to Kusinārā and announce to the Mallas of Kusinārā: ‘Tonight, Vāsetthas, in the last watch, the Tathāgata will attain final Nibbāna. Approach him, Vāseṭṭhas, approach him, lest later you should regret it, saying: The Tathāgata passed away in our parish, and we did not take the opportunity to see him for the last time!”” ‘Very good, Lord’, said Ānanda and, taking robe and bowl, he went with a companion to Kusinārā.
6.7. Then the Lord said to the monks: ‘Now, monks, I declare to you: all conditioned things are of a nature to decay – strive on untiringly.’ These were the Tathāgata’s last words.
6.8. Then the Lord entered the first jhāna. And leaving that he entered the second, the third, the fourth jhāna. Then leaving the fourth jhāna he entered the Sphere of Infinite Space, then the Sphere of Infinite Consciousness, then the Sphere of No-Thingness, then the Sphere of Neither-Perception-Nor-Non-perception, and leaving that he attained the Cessation of Feeling and Perception.
6.9. Then the Lord, leaving the attainment of the Cessation of Feeling and Perception, entered the Sphere of Neither-Perception-Nor-Non-Perception, from that he entered the Sphere of No-Thingness, the Sphere of Infinite Consciousness, the Sphere of Infinite Space. From the Sphere of Infinite Space he entered the fourth jhāna, from there the third, the second and the first jhāna. Leaving the first jhāna, he entered the second, the third, the fourth jhāna. And, leaving the fourth jhāna, the Lord finally passed away.
6.10. And at the Blessed Lord’s final passing there was a great earthquake, terrible and hair-raising, accompanied by thunder.
6.13. Then the Mallas ordered their men to bring perfume and wreaths, and gather all the musicians together. And with the perfumes and wreaths, and all the musicians, and with five hundred sets of garments they went to the sāl-grove where the Lord’s body was lying. And there they honored, paid respects, worshipped and adored the Lord’s body with dance and song and music, with garlands and scents, making awnings and circular tents in order to spend the day there. And they thought: ‘It is too late to cremate the Lord’s body today. We shall do so tomorrow.’ And so, paying homage in the same way, they waited for a second, a third, a fourth, a fifth, a sixth day.
6.16. At that time even the sewers and rubbish-heaps of Kusinārā were covered knee-high with coral-tree flowers. And the devas as well as the Mallas of Kusinārā honored the Lord’s body with divine and human dancing, song…; and they carried the body to the north of the city, brought it in through the north gate, through the middle of the city and out through the eastern gate to the Mallas’ shrine of Makuṭa- Bandhana, where they set the body down.
6.17. Then they asked the Venerable Ānanda: ‘Lord, how should we deal with the body of the Tathāgata?’ ‘Vāseṭṭhas, you should deal with the Tathāgata’s body as you would that of a wheel-turning monarch.’ ‘And how do they deal with that, Lord?’
‘Vāseṭṭhas, the remains are wrapped in a new linen-cloth. This they wrap in teased cotton-wool…; then having made a funeral-pyre of all manner of perfumes, they cremate the king’s body and they raise a stupa at a cross roads…’
6.18. Then the Mallas ordered their men to bring their teased cotton-wool. And they dealt with the Tathāgata’s body accordingly…
6.22. Then the Venerable Kassapa the Great went to the Mallas’ shrine at Makuṭa-Bandhana to the Lord’s funeral pyre and, covering one shoulder with his robe, joined his hands in salutation, circumambulated the pyre three times and, uncovering the Lord’s feet, paid homage with his head to them, and the five hundred monks did likewise. And when this was done, the Lord’s funeral pyre ignited of itself.
6.23. And when the Lord’s body was burnt, what had been skin, under-skin, flesh, sinew, or joint-fluid, all that vanished and not even ashes or dust remained, only the bones re¬mained. Just as when butter or oil is burnt, no ashes or dust remain, so it was with the Lord’s body…, only the bones were left. And all the five hundred garments, even the inner¬most and the outermost cloth, were burnt up. And when the Lord’s body was burnt up, a shower of water from the sky, and another which burst forth from the sāl-trees extinguish¬ed the funeral pyre. And the Mallas of Kusinārā poured per¬fumed water over it for the same purpose. Then the Mallas honored the relics for a week in their assembly hall, having made a lattice-work of spears and an encircling wall of bows, with dancing, singing, garlands and music.
Sacred Relics
6.24. And King Ajātasattu Vedehiputta of Magadha heard that the Lord had passed away at Kusinārā. And he sent a message to the Mallas of Kusinārā: The Lord was a Khattiya and I am a Khattiya. I am worthy to receive a share of the Lord’s remains. I will make a great stupa for them.’ The Licchavis of Vesālī heard, and they sent a message: The Lord was a Khattiya and we are Khattiyas. We are worthy to receive a share of the Lord’s remains, and we will make a great stupa for them.’ The Sakyas of Kapilavatthu heard, and they sent a message: The Lord was the chief of our clan. We are worthy to receive a share of the Lord’s remains, and we will make a great stupa for them.’ ‘The Bulayas of Allakappa and the Koliyas of Rāmagāma replied similarly. The Brahmin of Veṭhadīpa heard, and he sent a message: ‘The Lord was a Khattiya, I am a Brahmin…’, and the Mallas of Pāvā sent a message: “The Lord was a Khattiya, we are Khattiyas. We are worthy to receive a share of the Lord’s remains, and we will make a great stupa for them.’
6.25. On hearing all this, the Mallas of Kusinārā addressed the crowd, saying: “The Lord passed away in our parish. We will not give away any share of the Lord’s remains.’ At this the Brahmin Dona addressed the crowd in this verse:
‘Listen, lords, to my proposal. Forbearance is the Buddha’s teaching. It is not right that strife should come From sharing out the best of men’s remains. Let’s all be joined in harmony and peace, In friendship sharing out portions eight: Let stupas far and wide be put up, That all may see — and gain in faith!’
‘Well then, Brahmin, you divide up the remains of the Lord in the best and fairest way!’ ‘Very good, friends’, said Dona. And he made a good and fair division into eight portions, and then said to the assembly: ‘Gentlemen, please give me the urn, and I will erect a great stupa for it.’ So they gave Dona the urn.
6.26. Now the Moriyas of Pipphalavana heard of the Lord’s passing, and they sent a message: ‘The Lord was a Khattiya and we are Khattiyas. We are worthy to receive a portion of the Lord’s remains, and we will make a great stupa for them.’
There is not a portion of the Lord’s remains left, they have all been divided up. So you must take the embers.’ And so they took the embers.
6.27. Then King Ajātasattu of Magadha built a great stupa for the Lord’s relics at Rājagaha. The Licchavis of Vesālī built one at Vesālī, the Sakyans of Kapilavatthu built one at Kapilavatthu, the Bulayas of Allakappa built one at Allakappa, the Koliyas of Rāmagāma built one at Rāmagāma, the Brah¬min of Veṭhadīpa built one at Veṭhadīpa, the Mallas of Pāvā built one at Pāvā, the Mallas of Kusinārā built a great stupa for the Lord’s relics at Kusinārā, the Brahmin Dona built a great stupa for the urn, and the Moriyas of Pipphalavana built a great stupa for the embers at Pipphalavana. Thus, eight stupas were built for the relics, a ninth for the urn, and a tenth for the embers. That is how it was in the old days.
6.28. Eight portions of relics there were of him, The All-Seeing One. Of these, seven remained In Jambudīpa with honor. The eighth In Rāmagāma’s kept by nāga kings. One tooth the Thirty Gods have kept, Kalinga’s kings have one, the nāgas too. They shed their glory o’er the fruitful earth. Thus the Seer’s honored by the honored. Gods and nāgas, kings, the noblest men Clasp their hands in homage, for hard it is To find another such for countless aeons.
(DN16, note 100: These verses were, as Buddhaghosa (DA) obviously correctly says, added by the Sinhalese Elders.)
The Sacred Buddha Relics were divided by Brahmin Professor Dona amongst the 8 claimants as follows:
All the religious objects of the Buddha are considered sacred. They are classified into 3 categories:
A The corporeal or body relics (saririras), i.e. the actual remains of parts the Buddha’s body, e.g. Tooth, Bones, Hair;
B The utilitarian or contact relics (paribhogika), i.e. the objects that once belonged to the Buddha, e.g. Alms bowl, Robes, Staff, Bodhi tree;
C The teachings relics (darma), i.e. things associated with the teachings, e.g. sutras, dharani, mantras;
D The commemorative objects (uddesika) e.g. Buddha images, shadow image, footprints.
Sariras, the Sanskrit name for relics, refers to the remains of a body part usually after cremation. In Buddhist context, sariras refers to the crystallization of solid remains of especially Buddha Sakyamuni after His cremation. Henceforth, relics are also broadly defined to include solid remains of other Buddhist practitioners, regardless of Sangha and secular disciples. The emergence of relics signifies that the spiritual energy of Buddha or the spiritual practitioner during their lifetime is constant and serene, untainted by nature’s forces yet elevated due to persevering religious practices. Hence, this energy is converted to physical forms to what we known as relics. Relics are the essence of wisdom, the fruit of spiritual labour, which are free of lust, greed and wrath. Relics are classified into Dharmakaya sariras and physical sariras. Physical sariras, also known as physical bone sariras, refers to solid remains left behind after the cremation of Buddha’s body. Dharmakaya sariras refers to all Buddhist scriptures and canon by Buddha, signifying His spirit in teaching the Truth.
The history and distribution of Buddha’s relics
Two hundred years after Buddha’s demise, King Asoka, a staunch follower of Buddha’s Dharma, emerged into the scene and advocated Buddhism enthusiastically to be the state religion. In the Samyuktagama, Asoka go to the 8 stupas to re-gathered all the relics, then re-distributed and enshrined the relics to 84,000 stupas around his land, for his subjects to venerate and revere.
The golden age of Buddhism waned over time as outside threats and internal conflicts began to cause a strain on Buddhism’s sphere of influence in India. During this period, many stupas were brutally destroyed. Many bhikkhus and bhikkhunis attempted to salvage the relics enshrined within the stupas, then fled to other parts of the world. Thus, Buddha’s relics were spread to other lands outside of India. A part of it went to the then Sinhala (which meant Land of the Lions, today’s Sri Lanka), and a part of it to Pakistan then traveled via the Silk Road to Xinjiang, Gansu and the central plains of China. Today, Buddha’s relics are enshrined and venerated in many Asian countries such as India, Sri Lanka, Myamnar, China, Japan and Tibet.
The Characteristics and Variety of Buddha Relics According to accounts from sutras, Buddha Relics possess many amazing characteristics. The power, size and number of Buddha Relics are said to increase with time and veneration, as devoted offerings and respect are showered on the relics. Different body part relics of Buddha give rise to different colours, shapes and sizes. Generally, Buddha’s Relics retain the shape of kidney beans, broken rice grains or mustard seeds. The largest form of Buddha Relics comes from the muscle and flesh, while medium sized ones that take after the shape of irregular small pearls come from the bones and the smallest form of Buddha Relics is from the blood. Generally, Buddha relics come in three sizes: like the kidney bean, broken rice, or mustard seed. Their colours show their bodily origin: golden relics come from flesh; pearly ones from bone; and red jasmine from blood. Sisa relics from the head of the Buddha may look like diamond, ruby, emerald or amber.
The chapter on “Giving Up the Body” in the Golden Light Sutra states, “Sariras” are formed under the influence and cultivation of discipline, meditation and wisdom. They are hard to come by. They are the most superior fields of blessings. As such, BTRTS is honoured to also house the sariras of eminent monks from various countries, featuring them for faithful believers to look upon in reverence. According to Mahaparinirvana Sutra, just before the Buddha’s nirvana, his disciples were very sad. Then Buddha said, “you don’t have to be sad, as after Buddha attains nirvana, there will be many relics (sariras) left for you to make offerings”. Hence, the relics are the Buddha’s body in eternal form which keeps the Dharma Wheel turning forever. The relics of the Buddha are usually in pure white, gold, jade green and orange red colours. All these bright and striking colours are the result of the Buddha having gone through the six paramitas, the complete fulfilment of all dharma including precepts, meditation and wisdom. The gold relics represent the incomparable brightness, wisdom and gunamati. The pure white represents the patience under provocation and calmness for commandment-keeping. Jade green represent the concentration of mind, profound and complete fulfilment of all dharma. Orange red represent dana (donation) and retribution of good deed.
Often the relics are placed in Buddhist reliquaries of various shapes and sizes, made of various materials such as clay, stone, crystal and precious metals. These reliquaries are then placed in several larger nesting receptacles, which in turn are put into stupas. These receptacles may also contain jewelry, coins, Buddha images, etc. Sometimes these receptacles have inscriptions and pictures of Bodhisattvas, Devas, etc.
Parinirvana of the Relics
In the Anagatavamsa commentary, the Buddha is said to preface the account of the future Buddha Ariya Metteyya by saying his own dispensation will disappear in five stages:
(1) the disappearance of analytical insight (patisambhida),
(2) the disappearance of the Paths and Fruition States,
(3) the disappearance of the practice (patipatti),
(4) the disappearance of the texts (pariyatti), and
(5) the disappearance of the Sangha.
Other commentaries also speak in terms of five stages of disappearance (antaradhana) of the Sasana: (1) First, there will be the disappearance of attainment (adhigama), which would correspond to the age of deliverance. (2) The second disappearance is of the practice (patipatti), which corresponds to the ages of concentration and morality. (3) The disappearance of accomplishment in the texts (pariyatti) is third and corresponds to the age of learning. (4) The fourth disappearance is of the signs (linga). During this period, the only good action left is making gifts to those who wear a yellow strip of cloth around their necks, so this would correspond to the age of generosity. When this disappearance occurs, five thousand years will have passed.[54] After this period there occurs (5) the disappearance of the relics (dhatu). When the relics no longer receive honour, they will assemble at the seat where the Buddha attained Awakening under the Great Bodhi tree. There, they will make an effigy of the Buddha and perform a marvel similar to the Twin Marvel and will teach the Doctrine. No human being will be present, only Devas from the ten thousand world systems will listen, and many of them will attain release. After that, the relics will be burned up without remainder. In the Bhadantācariya Buddhaghoṣa’s(Chinese: 覺音, a 5th-century Indian Theravadin Buddhist commentator and scholar), Sumangala Vilasini (Commentary on Digha Nikaya), he also elaborates the paranirvana of the relics. This is also covered in the Nandimitravadana, translated by Xuanzang.
Bibliography: • Mahaparinibbana Sutta: The Great Passing, The Buddha’s Last Days, The Long Discourses of the Buddha, A Translation of the Digha Nikaya, Maurice Walshe, Wisdom Publications, 1987, 1995, ISBN 0-86171-103-3, DN 16, Pages 231 – 277 • Last Days of the Buddha, The Maha-parinibbana Sutta: Translated from the Pali by Sister Vajira & Francis Story, Buddhist Publication Society, Kandy, Sri lanka, 1964, ISBN 13-978-955-9219-98-9 • Mahavamsa, The Great Chronicle of Ceylon, Wilhelm Geiger, Ph.D., Buddhist Culture Center, Sri Lanka, 1912 • Relics of the Buddha, John S. Strong, Princeton University Press, 2004, ISBN-13:978-0-691-11764-5, chapters 4, 5 • King Asoka and Buddhism, Historical and Literary Studies, Edited by Anuradha Seneviratna, Buddhist Publication Society,1994, ISBN 978-955-24-0065-0 • Samyuktagama • Life of The Buddha in Gandhara Art, Ven Weragoda Sarada Maha Thero, The Singapore Buddhist meditation Centre, 2006, ISBN 981-05-7045-7 Websites: 1. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mahaparinirvana 2. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mahaparinibbana_Sutta 3. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nirvana_Sutra 4. http://www.palicanon.org/ 5. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Relic 6. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Relic_of_the_tooth_of_the_Buddha
- See more at: http://www.btrts.org.sg/sacred-relics-of-the-buddha#sthash.MTm4Izkz.dpuf
who reveres those worthy of reverence, the Buddhas and their disciples,
who have transcended all obstacles and passed beyond the reach of
sorrow and lamentation.
He who reveres such peaceful and fearless ones, his merit none can compute by any measure.
Pūjārahe pūjayato buddhe yadi va sāvake Papañca samatikkante tiṇṇasokapariddave.
Te tādise pūjayato nibbute akutobhaye Na sakkā puññaṃ saṅkhātuṃ imettamapi kenaci.
- Dhammapada Verses 195 & 196
In the month of Vesākha, a. the Bodhisatta was Born , b. the Bodhisatta Awakened to become the Buddha, and c. the Buddha attained Mahāparinibbāna.
BUDDHA DAY HERITAGE PROCESSION 13 May | 7 pm | Nalanda Centre Sri Serdang
- Posted by CFFong
BUDDHA DAY HERITAGE PROCESSION 13 May | 7 pm | Nalanda Centre Sri Serdang
The Buddha Day Heritage Procession at Nalanda is a unique cultural and
spiritual experience. It is the only Heritage Procession in Malaysia
where the Buddharupam is conveyed on a
wooden sedan by traditionally dressed devotees, to the harmonious
beating of drums and gongs. Beautifully hand-crafted paraphernalia will
be carried by devotees holding candle-lights. The Heritage Procession
theme is “One step, one wholesome thought! 2558 steps to spiritual
The legacy of processions dates back to the time of
Emperor Asoka of the Mauryan Dynasty in the 3rd Century BCE. He
initiated the custom of parading through villages in customary attire,
and conveying Buddhist icons on a carriage, pausing intermittently for
devotees to come closer and learn more about the Buddha’s teachings.
All are welcome to participate in this iconic Heritage Procession on
Wesak Day, 13 May, at 7pm, at Nalanda Centre Sri Serdang. Bring along
your family and friends to experience the serenity and joy of this
Following is UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon’s message for Vesak Day, to be observed on 13 May 2014.
PUBLISH. Please send a copy to awakenmedia.prabandhak@gmail.com chandrasekhara.tipitaka@gmail.com Visit: http://sarvajan.ambedkar.org
Narendra Modi belongs to Modh-Ghanchi caste, which was added to OBCs categories in 1994, says Gujarat government
ಪವಿತ್ರ ವ್ಯೆಶಾಖ ಬುದ್ಧ ಪೂರ್ಣಿಮಾ
Pabbajja Courses for
Children : 27-04-2015 to 04-05-2010
Men & Women : 07-05-2014 to 15-05-2014
All are Welcome 12th May 2014 Monday 10 am Venue: District Prison, Mandya
PRISONERS SERVICE DAY Self Correction – Finding Peace
Talk and guided meditation by Venerable Ananda Bhanteji
Dr. Sathischandra Director and Vice Chancellor, NIMHANS
Presided by Venerable Ashin Nodinyana Bhanteji Professor of Pali and Abhidhamma, Myanmar
Blessings by Venerable Ananda Bhante
14-05-2014 Wednesday 10 am Venue: Maha Bodhi Society, 14, Kalidasa Raod, Gandhinagar, Bangalore-560009
VESAKHA SACRED BUDDHA PURNIMA DAY 10 AM – Sanghadana and Pindapata Puja 11
AM - Sri Maha Bodhi Puja, Vishwa Maitri Stupa Puja, Siripada Cetiya
Puja Buddha Puja at Mahabodhi Loka Shanti Buddha Vihara, Undertaking of
Tisarana, Atthasila and Pancasila
Dhamma Desana by Venerable Ananda Bhante General Secretary, Maha Bodhi Society, Bengaluru
Blessings by Venerable Ashin Nodinyana Professor of Pali and Abhidhamma, Myanmar
Buddha Purnima Day Address by Nadoja Dr. Ham pa Nagarajaiah Famous Kannada Author and Thinker
Release of Books by Dr. M. G.Krishnan Vice Chancellor, Karnataka State Open University, Mysore
Books to be released Perspective of Buddhism – 30 Dhamma talks by Venerable Acharya Buddharakkhita Sutta Nipata – Kannada translation by Sri Anish Bodh Upasakarige Boudha Anushasana – by Sri Anish Bodh Sutta Sara Kaipidi by Smt.Gayathri Chabbi Mahabodhi Samsthegalu – Kiru parichaya by Dr.B.V.Rajaram
1.30 PM : Meals for Devotees
Meals Dana by Upasakas B.Gopal, Dr.Jayprakash, Dr.Ramachandra, Sri Subbanna and family members
2.30 to 4.30PM Dhamma Deeksha, meditation programs and Dhamma discourses
6.00PM Vesakha Purnima Dhamma Discourse Special Puja and Blessing Ceremony by Venerable Ashin Nodinyana Professor of Pali and Abhidhamma, Myanmar
7:30 Deepa Puja
We thank all the donors who have generously helped us to make these programs successful.
Books on Buddhism are available on discounts from 7-14 May 2014 SPECIAL PALI COURSE A
special Pali Course is being held at Maha Bodhi Society, Bengaluru,
from 3-27 May 2014, 6 PM -7:30 PM daily by Venerable Ashin Nodinyana,
Professor of Pali & Abhidhamma, International Theravada Buddhist
University, Yongon, Myanmar. Interested people may enroll with Mr.Ravi –
Center for Theravada Buddhist Studies is conducting One-Year Diploma,
3-years Undergraduate, 2-year Masters degree and Ph.D courses in
Theravada Buddhist Studies. Please contact after 16th May onwards the
Director at the Mahabodhi Office.
To Commemorate the Three Great Events
Birth, Awakenment and mahaparinibbana of
Will be observed as BODHI SAPTAHA
From Thursday 8th May 2014 to Wednesday 14th May 2014
With main funcion on 14-05-2014 Vesakha Purnima Day We cordially invite you to attend all the programs
with family and friends.
Yours, President and Members,
Maha Bodhi Society, Mahabodhi maitri mandala,
Mahabodhi Centre for Theravada Buddhist Studies,
Mahabodhi Foundation, Baghavan Buddha University,
Mahabodhi Research Centre, Buddha Vachana Trust, Nalanda Vijjayatana
and Mahabodhi Branches in Mysore, Arunachal pradesh, Tripura
Address for correspondence and donations; MAHA BODHI SOCIETY 14, Kalidasa Road, Gandhinagar, Bangalore-560009, India Tel: 080-22250684, 09343158020, Fax: 080-41148440 Email:info@mahabodhi.info Web site: www.mahabodhi.info
Donate generously and share merits
Responding to Congress charge that Narendra Modi was a ‘fake’OBC,
Gujarat government cited its two-decade old notification which says the
Modh-Ghanchi (oil-pressers) caste, to which Modi belongs, was inlcuded
in Other Backward Castes (OBCs) categories. “The Social Welfare
Department of the Gujarat Government has passed a notification on July
25, 1994 which included 36 castes as OBCs and at number 25(b)
Modh-Ghanchi caste has been mentioned to which Narendra Modi belongs.
The caste has been included amongst OBCs,” Nitin Patel, the state
government’s spokesperson, said.
Congress claimed on Thursday the BJP’s prime ministerial candidate
Narendra Modi doesn’t belong to any backward caste, but was in fact born
into an upper caste “Vaishya” family, that is given title of “Modh”,
for being super rich, like Mod Brahmin and Modh Bania.
Modi was a “fake OBC”, former Gujarat Assembly opposition leader
Shaktisinh Gohil armed with documents said Modi belonged to a Vaishya
sub-caste the “Modh Ghanchi”, a microscopic minority found only in
Gujarat. “He, in fact, belongs to the upper caste since he comes from a
prosperous business community,” said Gohil.
further contested Modi’s claim of being a tea-seller, saying his uncle
ran a canteen at a state road transport office, where Modi used to sit
occasionally. Gohil’s disclosure came at an AICC press briefing here,
when he said, “Here comes the “fake OBC” of Gujarat after the state is
already getting a bad name for fake encounters.”
He went on, “If Modi is speaking the truth that he used to sell tea, he should disclose from which “larri”
(cart) he used to do so, and there must be still many people of his age
who used to have tea stalls in the area to vouch for his authenticity.”
flaunted a Gujarat government resolution dated January 1, 2002 that he
had procured through the Right To Information Act (RTI) to show how Modi
usurped the rights of Other Backward Castes (OBCs) by placing his rich
“Modh Ghanchi” caste in the OBC category within four months of becoming
chief minister.
why he was making the disclosure so late in the day when Modi has been
flaunting his OBC credentials all these months, Gohil said he was
supplied the government resolution only two days ago, after the second
RTI appeal, and he could make it to Delhi to share it with the media
only after polling was over on Wednesday in the Abdasa Assembly
by-election, which he was contesting in Gujarat.
explained the “Modh Ghanchis” are not of “Teli” caste like the Muslim
Ghanchis of Gujarat who enjoy OBC status. They are “Vaishyas”. He also
quoted from the authentic Gujarati lexicon ‘Bhagvadgomandal’, which says
the Modh are rich people living in a particular village. Gandhiji was a
“modh vanik”, he said.
is an adjective showing the prosperity status of a particular caste or
community. “By acquiring OBC status for his selfish motives, Modi has in
fact encroached upon the right of members of OBC. Modi is a man born in
upper caste and indulging in low level politics. A man’s actions have
nothing to do with his caste. The best example of this was Dr BR
Ambedkar,” Gohil said.
Sukla Sen sukla.sen@gmail.com [indiathinkersnet]
To IHROindiathinkersnet@yahoogroups.com
Today at 4:39 PM
course no one can assure that the exit poll results will go wrong this
time as well just because so were the cases on the preceding three
And, moreover, these may go wrong even in the reverse direction.
Lok Sabha polls: Can the Exit Polls get it right in 2014?
polls in India are notorious for getting it wrong. Recent sting
operations showing some pollsters allegedly offering to fix a poll for a
certain candidate or party haven’t helped their credibility either.
2004 and 2009, pollsters underestimated Congress seats, and
overestimated BJP seats. Pollsters also failed to predict seats that
were won by parties not part of the two major coalitions. In 2004, they
underestimated gains by these parties while in 2009, they overestimated them.
Only the EC knows as to who has to win with its EVMs that could be tampered.
PUBLISH. Please send a copy to awakenmedia.prabandhak@gmail.com chandrasekhara.tipitaka@gmail.com Visit: http://sarvajan.ambedkar.org
GENERAL ELECTIONS 2014 http://www.ndtv.com/elections/article/election-2014/mr-modi-give-women-respect-rahul-gandhi-in-varanasi-after-payback-roadshow-521704?pfrom=home-election2014
11th May 2014 Sunday 3 pm Venue: KR Hospital, Mysore
Led by Venerable Dhammaloka Bhanteji Director, Mahabodhi Center Mysore
6pm Venue: Mahabodhi Centre, Mahabodhi Marga, Saraswatipuram, Mysore
Seminar on Relevance of Buddha’s Teachings Today
Speakers : Prof. H.S.Umesh, Principal Rtd., Sharda Vilas B.Ed College, Mysore.
Prof. C.K.Maheshwarappa Regional Joint Director, Dpt of College Education, Mysore
Blessings by Venerable Ananda Bhanteji General Secretary, MBS
Astrologers Don’t See Bahuth Jiyadha Paapi As Prime Minister in future
May10, 2014
My friends asked me about
chances of Narendra Modi getting majority and becoming Prime Minister of India
and my confident response is ‘No Chance’, cant win making a fool of voters,
using derogatory language and funded by corporate.
All lies and media publicity
worth Rs.20,000 crores needs just few lines of truth to change public
opinion like darkness in a room is gone by lighting a single candle.
Questions We Should Be
Asking Are –
1.Can a party which lost 170 deposits in 2009
Elections, win this time?
It did nothing positive to
change its pro Trader Moneylender, Exploiter Agenda as Core Ideology and
Ø People of this country has come to know that Madi’s Rs.20,000 crore publicity over a
year was funded by Adani & Ambani – top Robbers in the World –
though Opposition didn’t emphasize the fact that Public Has No Equity In Their
Companies and through them no share in natural resources sold to them cheaply,
Workers Just 1% of Revenue and are not generating wealth for India but
simply enriching themselves.
Ø Professionally managed
campaign would have reduced Bahuth Jiyadha Paapi to under 40 seats this 2014 election irrespective
of all the publicity.
2.Can a Party win Elections by Switching
Strategy from Development to Staelth Militant Hindutva Cult to Caste to Class etc and deceiving
people each time?
Ø When every
action of Madi is televised extensively Strategy of Shifting
Priorities and Strategy in every speech indicates Non Serious &
Fraudulent Character which is negative.
meeting and appealing to every segment of society seeking votes don’t please
any, his OBC Claim also fails to impress any Caste as so far he has not mentioned which caste he belongs to.
was FULLY exposed, in spite of daily doze of and obvious support and
funding by Adani & Ambani, Urged them to be less Greedy, doesn’t
impress Farmers – who knows Bahuth Jiyadha Paapi is supporter of Traders & Factories Owners.
3. Can this country Progress Without Just &
Fair distribution of National Wealth?
Ø Justifying Rs.1
per sq,mt land allotment to Adani and Rs.10,000 crores to Tata Nano
repeatedly and on top of that ‘Claiming It Was Done Under Official Policy’ actually Confirms Opposition Charge Crony Capitalism.
4.Can Corruption & Local Issues over ride
Conduct of Adani & Ambani?
Ø People in UP,
Bihar and other poor states Understand Exploitation of Labor in Gujarat, and Lowest Wages in Bahuth Jiyadha Paapi states. Glamorous
Campaign in Adani Jet & Helicopters would actually ERODE voter confidence in Bahuth Jiyadha Paapi Strongholds.
of the VOTERS have voted and will Vote for the change to create a
SOCIETIES.Just as the people of US decided with their broad mindedness
to elect Obama as President for the second time, Broad minded people of
this country too will elect Ms Mayawati as the next prime Minister.
the EC with its fraud EVMs, for the benefit of SAVARNAJAN HITAYE
SAVARNAJAN SUKHAYE will tamper it to create a MADIYA with hatred, angry,
intolerant, jealousy, delusion madis.
In Varanasi, Mayawati says Congress, BJP have anti-SC/ST mindsets
Flaying Congress and BJP for their “anti-SC/ST mindsets”, BSP supremo
Mayawati today appealed to the people to vote for her Bahujan Samaj
party in the ongoing Lok Sabha elections, so that even the daughter of a Scheduled Caste can become the Prime Minister.
Addressing a rally at Gaurakala village on the outskirts of Varanasi,
Mayawati questioned Congress chief Sonia Gandhi and BJP’s nominee Narendra Modi’s “silence” on anti-SC/ST remarks of
yoga guru Baba Ramadev.
Referring to Ramdev’s remarks that Congress leader Rahul Gandhi “goes
to SC/STs’ house for honeymoon and picnic”, the BSP supremo said it was
an “insult” to the SC/ST community and the silence shows that “Congress
and BJP have anti-SC/ST mindsets”.
While Congress and BJP remained silent, “our party in Uttar Pradesh
had taken care of the people belonging to all communities and had given
equal respect on the basis of mankind in its previous four regime”, she
“In this condition you all have to make efforts to bring BSP to power
at the Centre, so that even the daughter of SC can become the Prime
Minister of this country,” she said.
Mayawati said
she had written many times to the Centre for carving out a separate
state out of Uttar Pradesh, but Congress did not let the formation of
separate Purvanchal.
She said the people here must stop BJP and Congress from coming to power as “both the parties are same”.
She said the sizable number of Muslim voters would play a major role
in Varanasi, and urged them not to let their votes get divided between
Congress, SP and other parties.
Mayawati appealed to the Muslims to vote for BSP, claiming that her
party has the support of nearly two lakh fifty thousand SC/ST
electorates of Varanasi, along with other backward and upper caste
voters, which makes her party nominee the strongest contender.
Uttar Pradesh: ‘Development’ is the biggest poll issue for voters
BSP supremo Mayawati, who is hoping to come back to power in Uttar
Pradesh, has said that price rise and corruption are major issues that
affect not only middle classes but just about everyone.
During a rally in Agra last month, she said, “Uttar Pradesh was in a
mess with rising crimes against women, loot, arson, murders and communal
strifes, as in Muzaffarnagar and Shamli. Even the apex court has held
the Samajwadi Party responsible for the tension in western Uttar
Pradesh. The alarming law and order situation has halted developmental
activities in the state.”
Last year, UP Chief Minister Akhilesh Yadav had said that he hopes that
the state would get the support of World Bank so that development and
infrastructure projects can move forward.
BSP won’t support Modi in government formation: Mayawati
Lucknow, May 9: BSP chief Mayawati declared Friday
that under no circumstances will her party support a possible BJP
government after the Lok Sabha election.Addressing a hurriedly convened
press conference here, she referred to BJP’s candidate Narendra Modi‘s
remarks that everybody including Mayawati were potential allies.”Modi
has in his latest televised interview said that in case he does not get a
majority on his own, he is open to seeking the support of
Mayawati the former Uttar Pradesh chief minister
said.She said that while she cannot speak on behalf of other parties,
she was clear that she would not support Modi or the BJP in government
Trashing the claims by the BJP of a “Modi wave”, she accused the BJP of attempting to finish off the SC/ST movement.
Later, addressing an election meeting in Varanasi, she returned to
the theme, asking Muslims not to believe in “rumours” of a possible tie
up of the BSP and the BJP.
BJP States
Slipped in Ranks BOGUS Montek Singh Reports
May09, 2014
This is the Ultimate Tragedy
of UPA that Montek Singh churned out BOGUS Reports giving 280 Plus bogus (PAID)
awards when actually Gujarat performed worst in Converting Capital into NVA,
Jobs, Wages, Share to Investors etc.
Instead of hiring Deloitte
Touche Tohmatsu India
Pvt. Ltd Planning Commission Should have refined STATS –
Like giving more refined
data – NVA per Employee, NVA as Percent of Capital Investment, Wages as Per
Cent of Capital Investment of Each State etc.
Further more PC ought to
have also data regarding Price and Availability of Water and Power, Education
& Skill Standards.
BJP states are POOR in
When Gujarat lost one Rank
in Net Value Addition and its share in Factory value additions fell from
12% in 2001-02 to 10% in 2011-12, how can we consider Gujarat
as No.1 in Investment Destination when over 51000 Dud MoU were signed at VG
Even more shocking – All
BJP ruled states for two terms lost ranks
Factory Sector Ranks
Rank States 2012
Rank 2001
NVA 2001-02
NVA 2011-12
3. Gujarat
13. MP
15. Jharkhand
16. Chhatisgarh
Performance of MSME of
BJP states is far worse also is given here as per latest AR of MSME 2012-13.
1st in Fixed Assets, 7th in Enterprises, 7th in Jobs, 9th in Production Value. P-32
Market Value of Fixed Assets (Rs. Crore)
Gross Output
(Rs. Crore)
Maharashtra, UP, TN, Punjab, West
Bengal, Kerala, AP, Karnataka are ahead of Gujarat
in MSME production value.
Only the EC knows as to who has to win with its EVMs that could be tampered.
Bahujan Samaj Party “APPEAL” To Vote for “Sarvajan Hitaye & Sarvajan Sukhaye” In General Elections -2014 Being Held In the Country For the 16th Lok Sabha
Kumari Mayawati National President Bahujan Samaj Party
O, the poor, SC/STs, backwards, exploited, oppressed and the people of other neglected classes, rise and become rulers on the strength of your votes and yourselves achieve your cherished goal of “Social Transformation and Economic Emancipation”. National President of BSP movement and Icon of social transformation in the country Behen Ms. Mayawati Ji, who has been consistently advancing the caravan of the epoch-making person, who gave an epoch-making call of this kind, the architect of the Constitution, hart Ratna and most revered Baba Saheb Dr. Bhimrao Ambedkar, offering glowing tributes to Baba saheb.
Jai Bhim ! Jai Bharat !!
Bahujan Samaj Party “APPEAL” To Vote for “Sarvajan Hitaye & Sarvajan Sukhaye” In General Elections -2014 Being Held In the Country For the 16th Lok Sabha
Dear Friends, As is now known to everyone, Bahujan Samaj Party” (BSP) is the only party in our country which “does not believe merely promises, allurement or announcement etc., but in demonstrating abundant volume of work
in public interest and for public welfare.” In other words, BSP believes in mantra of “deeds and not merely words.”Therefore, our party, unlike other political parties, does not issue any “Election Manifesto” of its in any election, rather
issues only an “APPEAL” to vote for the BSP for completing the incomplete work of the humanistic movement of the great Sants, Gurus and Mahapurush (great men) born from time to time in the “Bahujan Samaj” here in our
country, especially Mahatma Jyotiba Phule, Chhatrapati Shahuji Maharaj, Shri Narayana Guru, Baba Saheb Dr. Bhimrao Ambedkar and Manyawar Shri Kanshi Ram Ji etc., by following the paths shown by them so that our party by
showing a good result in elections can occupy the seat of power and then through the “Master Key” of political power can make the life of the poor people from the Sarva Samaj (all sections of society), as also others unhappy and
oppressed by a castiest order “just happy, prosperous and dignifies”, because about the importance of the “Master Key of political power” Baba Saheb Dr. Bhimrao Abedkar used to often say that “political power is that
one Master Key through which all the problems can be solved, in other words, through this Master Key all the closed doors to your progress and prosperity can be opened.”
By following this very thinking of
Parampujya Bab Saheb Dr.Bhimrao Ambedkar, our party is contesting these general elections to 16th Lok Sabha on all the seats in most of the states of the country with full preparation on its own, in other words, our party has not in
this Lok Sabha elections entered into any electoral alliance or understanding of any kind with any party.
But now the main question that arises here is why is it necessary for the general public of the country not to vote for the “Congress”
and the “BJP” and their allies, but to vote only for the “BSP” and strengthen this party of theirs all over the country? This main and essential thing will have to be understood carefully.
In this regard, it is our conviction that the BSP is the only political party in the country the “ideology, principles and policies” besides “work style” of which are in the greater interest
of and for the full welfare of Sarva Samaj, in other words, the people of all the religions and all castes; and, at the same time, it does well within time whatever it says in the interest of and for the welfare of the Sarva Samaj (all
sections of society), whereas other political parties give a lot of assurances and do very little work to translate them into realities, in other words, most of their work is confined to planning on paper and is seldom seen or is at
the best seen incomplete at the ground level, a proper benefit of which is not able to reach the common people in a right manner.
This is the main reason why as a result of wrong policies of the government of the
parties having a cattiest mindset no significant change has come about even now, 66 years after independence in “social, educational and economic” condition of the ” Bahujan Samaj”, which comprises the Scheduled Castes (SCs),
Scheduled Tribes (STs), other backward classes (OBCs) and the people of different communities and religions like the Sikhs, Muslims, Christians, Parsis and Buddhists etc., belonging to the religious minority society, whose population is
altogether about 85 percent of the country.
And, I have spoken about wrong policies of the governments of these opposition parties here because in our country, in the centre and most of the states, governments of whichever
parties have been formed till date have been mostly formed with financial assistance of big capitalists and super-rich (dhannaseth) , because of which these parties after coming to power, frame each and every “economic policy” of their
respective government in accordance with the interests of those very super-rich, in other words; they do not frame their economic policies with a view to removing sufferings and hardships of the poor and the general public here.
Thus all these opposition parties, despite maintaining their separate identities , foster and promote only a particular kind of belief that is bases on “pro-capitalist” and they have common masters, who are big capitalists
and super-rich persons and industrialist, in other words, all these opposition parties and big capitalists have been always complimenting each other and they both take pride in helping and serving interests of each other, which is not
at all pro-poor and pro-people. Their interest in removing sorrows and sufferings of the poor people and the general public is mostly a “sham and hypocrisy”.
Not only this, rather because of these
very reasons “prices and unemployment” skyrocketing and have been continuously increasing here as a result of which the vast population of the poor and the middle income class in the country for the teason of being the
hardest hit are highly unhappy and stressed. This is the main reason why the economic condition of the people of the “Bahujan Samaj” here along with that of particularly the poor people from the “avarna (Upper/High carte)
Samaj” continues to be very bad even now.
Keeping all these matters in view, we then by following the paths shown by Parampujya Baba Saheb Dr. Bhimrao Ambedkar had to form a separate political party of ours by the name
of the “Bahujan Samaj party” (BSP) under the leadership of “Manyawar Shri Kanshi Ram Ji” on April 14, 1984, and now this party with limitless love, sacrifices and cooperation of the Sarva Samaj has become a prominent and
important party at the “national level”.
And as it is known to all, the Bhaujan Samaj Party (BSP) does not at all follow in the footsteps of the anti-poor and pro-capitalists parties like the congress and the BJP, and
rather than take money from capitalists and super-rich like other parties and work at their bidding, it is running its “humanistic movement” all over the country by taking donation and membership subscription from
its cadre, followers and supporters.
By following the same principle, our party has also got an auspicious opportunity of forming its own government several times in the most populous state of the country, Uttar
Pradesh, and it has been the first and the only government in the country every policy of which has been framed by keeping in view the moto of “Sarvajan Hitaye and sarvajan Sukhaye” (Progress and Prosperity For All), which clearly
and perfectly reflects “Pro-sarvajan and pro- Sarva Samaj ideology and policies” of the BSP.
Not only this, rather this party of ours by gradually expanding its mass-base in the entire countrys now ensured victory of many
of its nominees and sent them as MPs to Parliament and as Legislators in several state assemblies. besides, government has been formed under the leadership of our party in Uttar Pradesh four times, ( first three times in the years
of 1995, 1997, and 2002 for short periods but in the year of 2007 with an absolute majority for five years), and , all the four times the government of our party has in the matter of ensuring “development and justice” in the state
taken full care of interests and welfare of the Sarva samaj, but we have also given first priority to those people of the “Bahujan samaj”, who under the past governments have been neglect here on a big scale particularly in the
“social, educational and economic” field.
And it is by taking serious note of this that the government of our (BSP) part in Uttar Pradesh in order to bring about judicious improvement in “social, educational and
economic” condition of the people of the Bahujan Samaj constituted for the first time in the country separate “Welfare Department” for each of their segments and by selecting particularly SC/ST majority villages in the state
on a priority basis under the Dr. ambedkar Gram Vikas Yojana ( Village Development Scheme) has done the work of covering them with necessary basic amenities of every kind and other works of development also in a phased manner and
then with a view to making this scheme still more beneficial has made available a lot of funds under this ssheme and changes its name to “Baba Saheb Dr.Ambedkat Uttar Pradesh Gram Sabha Samagra Vikas Yojana” for all round
development of gramsabhas.
Similarly in the name of Manyawar Shri Kanshi Ram Ji, who advanced the stalled humanistic self-respect caravan of Baba sahib Dr. Bhimrao Ambedkar by imparting momentum
to it, “Shahari Samagra Vika Yojana” (Urban all round development scheme) was devised and through this scheme, cities, towns and villages, big and small, of Uttar Pradesh were developed in a phased manner. But momentum could be
imparted to all these works only by keeping in view limited economic resources of the state, and had our government got adequate cooperation from the Central Government for all these welfare works, still more and speedier benefit could have
been made available to the deprived people.
Besides by giving priority to particularly “SC/STs, exploited, other backward classes (OBCs) and religious minorities” from the Sarva samaj in Uttar pradesh,”two-room pucca houses”
were given to the poor homeless from among them and by “allotting vacant government land” to helpless people for “farming”; possession has also been ensured to them by the BSP government, which has directly
benefitted lakhs of poor people in Uttar pradesh.
For promoting “Education”also, our BSP government has for the first time in the country granted “scholarships” to children belonging to
the Scheduled Castes/Scheduled Tribes and like them to the poor children of the other backward classes (OBCs) and of Muslim samaj in particular from the religious minorities and in accordance with increase in prices has “doubled” the rates
of the scholarships and also made arrangements for distributing these to students immediately after their admission. And at the same time, to help qualifying “poor students from these classes for high ranking jobs”, our government
has also made arrangements for giving them “free government coaching”.
Besides, for poor children from the “Savarna (Upper Caste) Samaj, along with these classes in Uttar Pradesh, dawn of a new
age in the field of higher and technical education has been ushered in under which an historic work has been done for the first time to send such children to other countries for higher education at government expenditure to the newly
established world class “Gautam Buddha University” in newly created Gautam Buddha Nagar District (Greater Noida near New Delhi).
At the same time, giving priority to the development of people of Scheduled
castes and Scheduled Tribes, a provision was mad for the first time for separate “25 per cent fund” from the budget of the Uttar Pradesh government for them. Similarly, for creating a sense of security among the people
of the “Bahujan samaj” in every district of Uttar Pradesh, a provision of “reservation” was made for the first time in the country for making officers of the “police department” from their
society as Station House Officers (SHO).
Similarly, full care has been taken of particularly the people of the “Muslim Society” the largest segment of the religious minority society, in Uttar Pradesh in every field. their
educational and economic development and also full security of their life and property and religion were ensured. in addition, by including economically backward people from the Muslim society in the list of the backward class, our party’s
government for the first time made available to them “facility of reservation in government jobs and other fields” in Uttar Pradesh.
A new initiative in the matter of ”reservation” : In the matter of “reservation”
also, we during all our terms in office i Uttar Pradesh have got cleared the backlog of “reservation” quota of people of the Scheduled castes(SCs)/Scheduled Tribes (STs) and the other backward classes (OBCs) pending
for years in government services and other areas by conducting a spacial recruitment drive as a result of which the people of these classes got “permanent employment on a big scale” and a new kind of confidence was generated
among the people of these classes.
Besides, for making available the facility of “reservation” in the areas like ” hon’ble Judiciaary, council of ministers, Rajya Sabha, Legislative Councils and private sectors” etc., in
the country where it is not yet been made available to the people of the Scheduled castes/ Scheduled Tribes and the other backward classes by the Central Government, our party’s struggle with the Central Government is
relentlessly continuing. At the same time, relentless effort is being made by our party for securing the benefit of reservation in an additional way, keeping intact the provision of reservation as fixed at present, to those people
of the Scheduled Castes/Scheduled Tribes in the country who through religious conversion have become Christians or Muslims, by taking up with the Central Government their inclusion also into the list of Scheduled castes/Scheduled Tribes.
Moreover, the governments of the Congress Party, BJP and other opposition parties under a well thought out conspiracy are engaged in an attempt to gradually finish the facility of reservation, which the people of the Scheduled
Castes (SCs)/ Scheduled Tribes (STs) and the other backward classes (OBCs) are getting in government services in “government departments” and “institutions” at central and state levels in the country becausee of tireless
efforts of most revered Bba Saheb Dr. Bhimrao Ambedkar, by handing these over to the “private sector” on a big scale, when the facility of reservation is not yet available to these classes in jobs at the central and state levels in
the private sector. And in such a situation, a day will come when the entire constitutional facility of reservation for these classes will automatically come to an end. Our party is very “serious and worried” over this matter and in this regard the
people of these classes all over the country also need to be very “alert and vigilant”.
In this context, it is the believe of our party that this constitutional facility of reservation of the people of SCs/STs and OBCs can remain
secure and this facility can be secured for them in the areas where it is not yet available only when these people form a government of their own party, BSP, in the country, in the Centre also along with that in the states and an
“incontrovertible proof” of this is the formation of our party’s government in Uttar Pradesh as the BSP’s is the first and the only government in the country to have ensured “full guarantee”
of keeping intact the existing facility of reservation even after the handing over of any “government department” and “institution” in Uttar Pradesh to the private sector.
At the same time, our party in the matter
of reservation has for the first time made a provision that if the works of government departments are given to any “private institution” or “individual” on contract, then the same percentage of reservation would continue
to be given to the people of the SCs, Sts and the OBCs classes as they have been getting in government departments.
At the same time, our party in the matter of “reservation” all over the country is a votary
of providing separate reservation to the poor people from the Savarna (Upper caste) society on an economic basis, which would have to be implemented only by the “Central Government” by amending the Country’s
Constitution. Therefore, several times letters have been written by the government of our party to the Government for giving separate reservation to these classes on an economic basis, but this suggestion of ours
has not so far been accepted by the Central Government of any party.
But in this regard, I wish to assure the people of the “Savarna Society” that when a government of our party is formed, then our
party’s government would make a meaningful attempt to remove their poverty and unemployment also by certainly making available the facility of reservation to them without being asked by them to do so. And even
otherwise it is known to you people about the work style of our party that our party does what it says, in other words, there is no difference between assertions and deeds of our party, this is known to all by now.
My party’s government has also been fully sensitive and serious over “Social Security” benefits to the people along with Constitutional facility of “reservation”. Therefore, we have increased the amount of old age/farmer
pension from Rs.150 to Rs.300. At the same time, may party’s government promptly increased the daily wages of “labourers” from Rs.58 to Rs. 100 as they are the most poor and weaker section and mostly come in the
category of “agricultural “labourers” and to whom no attention had ever been paid earlier because of their having been not organized.
At the same time, our BSP government in Uttar Pradesh has instead of giving
“unemployment allowance” provided the youths with an opportunity to live with self-respect and self-reliance by providing them with “opportunity of permanent employment”. In addition to these, my part’s government has
taken full care of interests of the poor and unemployed people from the Sarva samaj as also “farmers”, “workers”, “traders” and the people engaged in other occupations and has taken many important decisions in their interests.
Along with these works, our party’s government in Uttar pradesh has given full respect and honor to great Sants, Gurus and Mahapurush ( great men) born from time to time in the Bahujan Samaj by creating several
“new districts, universities, hospitals and museums and many other important places” were named after them.
Here, I also wish to say it that the peole of SCs/STs, backward and other neglected samaj (classes) have been victims
of excesses and atrocities of various kinds perpetrated by the people having a cattiest mindset since independence till date and they are “not getting full justice” in time and in a proper and satisfactory manner. But our party
on coming to power in the Centre would not at all allow “injustice and exploitation” of any kind to any class of the society and would do ” Justice to all” and by fully establishing a “Rule of Law By Law” in the entire country.
like in Uttar Pradesh and would thereby create an “atmosphere free from injustice, crime, exploitation and fear”
At the same time, because of absence of adequate development and rampant injustice,
exploitation, poverty and wretched condition across the regions in our country, the people are adopting the path of “Naxalism”, and Centre and the state governments have not yet given proper attention towards them, but our party
immediately on assuming power in the Centre would make every possible effort to find a “lasting solution” to all their problems and will also make fullest effort to bring them into the mainstream of development process by providing them the
opportunity of “permanent employment”.
Besides, “terrorism” has grown to be big challenge before our country over the past few years, the main reason of which are weaknesses of the Central Government and also
whichever party is in power also has to some extent a vested political interest in it. But our party on coming to power in the Centre would pay full attention towards this also.
As far the question of the National
Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme is concerned, there is a provision of providing employment for only 100 out of 365 days in a year under the scheme and that too for only one unemployed member of a family. But on
coming to power in then Centre, we will run such a scheme for the poor and needy people living in rural areas all over the country as would ensure for them “employment throughout the year, i.e., all the 365 days of a year” by
restructuring/rationalising various existing welfare schemes.
At the same time, it is also no secret to anyone that during the long rule of over 63 years of the Congress and the BJP and their supporting
parties, “farm, farming and farmers” have been neglected in a big way; in other words, in the process of encouraging big/heavy industries under the governments of these parties serious negligence has been shown towards interests
and welfare of “farming sector and farmers”.
Not only this, rather persisting in this cattiest and feudal mindset even now, the Central Government led by the Congress party announced only a few concessions in the budget
for 2007-08 to benefit a handful of big farmers. Such announcements are generally made before elections because of which their real benefit does accrue to the people.
At the same time, no concern is shown
for crores of such farmers in the country who are groaning under loan at exorbitant rates of interests from money lenders. They constitute about 46 per cent of total number of farmers and need government assistance to the maximum so
that they could be prevented from committing suicides. But the Central and the state governments have done nothing to improve the wretched lots of crores of families and farmers.
Another bitter truth in this process is that
the land of the poor and helpless people have been acquired for setting up big/heavy industries, but they have not been given jobs of even the lowest order in those industries because of which the life of the people of the
“Adivasi (Scheduled Tribe) Samaj” in particular has become still more difficult. During the rule of the Congress and the BJP, this is the height of exploitation, but our party wants to make “farming a dignified occupation”.
Not only that, our path wants to see the life of farmers as happy and prosperous. Our BSP government in its very first year had began work on an extremely ambitious “Ganga Express-Way” , from NOIDA (New Delhi) to
Ballia, bordering Bihar which could have turned around the face and fortunes of about half the ’state and at the same time could have improved the fate of farmers on a big scale, but it did not get adequate cooperation from the Central
Government for this high ambitious project.
Besides, a proper use would be made of “Natural Resources” in the country for improvement in the economic condition of the people.”Good and proper use of natural
resources” in the full and honest natural interest can play big role in improving the standard of life of the people here. We are in favor of providing solution to the problem of unemployment at the local level by making
“optimum use small resources” of the area itself.
At the same time, of the land fit for cultivation and lying vacant with the government in the entire country, which is not being used, such “fallow land” at the rate of “3 acres would
be distributed free” on the pattern of Uttar Pradesh for cultivation to the people of the Sarva Samaj by giving priority to the poor and unemployed peole of the SC/s/STs and backward classes. Not only this, rather villages, kasbas,
towns and big cities in the entire country would be developed on the pattern of the “Dr. Ambedkar Gram Vikas Yojana” and the “Manyawar Kanshi Ram Ji Shahari Samagra Vikas Yojana” devised in Uttar Pradesh.
Thus, our party after coming to power in the Centre would frame the “Economic Policy” of the country in every field by keeping in view interests of the Sarva Samaj for then only can our party’s dream of “Sarvajan Hitaye
and Sarvajan Sukhaye” be realized. At the same time, our every economic policy would be designed to reach “proper benefit to the general public”, and it will not be of a kind that makes the “rich richer and the poor poorer” as has
been happening during the rule of the Congress, the BJP and their supporting parties so far.
Besides, on coming to power in the Centre, our government’s “Foreign Policy” in every respect would be absolutely in the full
interest of Sarva samajand the country; in other words, while framing foreign policy and reaching international agreements special care would be taken of the security of the country as also of the country’s honour,self-respect and
sovereignty, it would not be mortgaged the way it was done by the Congress-led UPA Government while entering into the Indo- American Nuclear Deal in the year of 2008.
In brief, it is the contention of our party
that if the people of the “Bahujan Samaj and the Upper Caste Samaj” wish to create all over the country an atmosphere akin to that ensures by the BSP government of Uttar Pradesh by securing for the people a “life of self-respect”,
they would have to take the”Master Key of political power” into their own hands by showing a good result in the Lok Sabha general elections being held in the country now.
But for achieving success in this, they
would certainly have to be alert against “many tactics like “Saam, Daam, Dand, Bhedh” (cajolery, inducement, coercion, divisive politics) etc., of opposition parties because opposition parties can go to any extent to harm
our party and its electoral prospect.
And in this regard, opposition parties would make fullest efforts to see to it that our party cannot at any cost get the votes of the people of Upper caste society , and for this,
opposition parties may also try to present a distorted picture about our party’s “ideology and policies”, whereas the ideologies and policies of our party are not against any caste and religion,
rather the “BSP wishes to unite in a spirit of brotherhood the people fragmented in this country on the basis of caste and vans in order to establish here a ‘humanity-based Equalitarian Social Order’, which is in fullest interest of the
Sarva samaj and the country an in which all the people are equal and share mutual fraternal feelings, then only the inequitable social order prevalent in the country be uprooted.
And if in this missionary work of “Social
Transformation”, the people of the “Upper caste society” also along with the “Bahujan Samaj” extend their cooperation, doors would be found open for such people for admission to and advancement in the Bahujan Samaj Party.
In this regard, I also wish to make it, clear here that had the “ideology and policies” of our party been against the “Upper Caste Samaj”, why would our party have kept the people of these
class at the national and state levels in its organizations? Also, why would it have fielded them in the Lok sabha and Assembly elections on its tickets and given them respectable position of ministers on formation of its government in Uttar
Pradesh? In other words, the ideology and all the policies of our party are pro-Sarva Samaj and based on the ideal humanistic principle of “Sarvajan Hitaye and Sarvajan Sukhaye”.
Besides, also wish to make it clear, here
about the “ideology and policies” of that BSP that an “Equalitarian Social Order” is not going to be established in the country by organizing only the people of the “Bahujan Samaj” alone. For this,
we would also have to take along the Upper caste Hindus on the basis of “social brothrhood” by changing their cattiest mindset, then only an “Equalitarian Social Order” in a real sense, in
accordance with the thinking of the architect of Country’s Constitution Baba Saheb Dr. Bhimrao Ambedkar, can be established in our country, and it is only after this that the Sarva Samaj can be fully united and divisions of “high” and “low” and
caste and creed can come to an end in the society here for ever and then only the people can get full opportunity of advancing in every walk of life.
But the BSP people would have to bear this in mind that the Congress, BJP and their
supporting parties will not allow our party to come to power so easily here in the Centre and to prevent our party from com in to power in the Centre all the opposition parties will use “tactics of every kind like cajolery,
inducement, coercion, divisive politics etc.,” and the party people would have to be very alert against it at every step.
What is meant is that at the time of the Lok Sabha general elections being held in the
country, all the opposition parties can influence your votes by misleading you with “inducements and assurances” of various kinds. For this reason, it is my advice to BSP supporters and well wishers
that you have to be fully alert against all kinds of tactics employed by the Congress, BJP and their allies during the elections.
And in this regard, what merits particular attention here is that whenever these opposition
parties have there governments in the Centre and the states, then for the first 3-4 years they do not bother even a little bit about the interests of the Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes, other backward classes (OBCs), religious minorities and
the poor and unemployed people from the Upper castes and farmers, workers, traders, employees and the people engaged in other occupations, but when the time of elections comes close the interests of these classes suddenly come to the
mind of these opposition parties and then these parties start using “electoral tactics” of different kinds such as making many populist laws and rules in their interests, distributing scholarships,
cheap wheat and rice and other populist relief acts of various kinds. But once the elections are over, these opposition parties treat these laws and rules as garbage and discard them in the garbage bin and the work of relief etc., then
comes to an end until the next elections.
Besides, attempts could also be made by thé opposition par ties during the elections to garners your votes by spreading rumors of different kinds against which also our party people need
to be extremely vigilant. At the same time, it is also my “APPEAL” to the people and sympathisers of BSP that “you remain fully alert , your vote is invaluable, ensure that none of your votes can be purchased nor could be looted.
Neither it is left uncast nor it is misused by any selfish element ensnare you in the name of caste and creed, by using money power or by inciting feelings over the issue of temple and mosque, in other words, you have to defend democracy
with all your might.
Therefore, in the interest of Sarva Samaj, your respective state and country, you have to entrust power in the centre into the hands of the right party, that is Bahujan Samaj
Party (BSP) so that the party’s government through this power can frame each one of its policies in every walk of life in accordance with the principle of “Sarvajan Hitaye and Sarvajan Sukhaye i.e., Progress and
Prosperity For All” and thereby make the life of the “Bahujan Samaj and poor and unemployed people from Upper/high caste society happy and prosperous in a dignified manner.”
In the end keeping all these matters in
view, I make this “APPEAL” to all the supporters, followers and well wishers of the BSP that they should not be misled by any populist promises made in the “election manifestos” of opposition
parties, in other words, they should act only on this “APPEAL” of their own party and must make all the BSP candidates in this general elections being held for the Lok Sabha victorious
by pressing the button facing the B.S.P. election
symbol “Elephant”of their party. I fully have this expectation from the people of my party, its supporters and well wishers.
Jai Bhim, Jai Bharat
Appeal by (Kumari Mayawati) National President,
Bahujan Samaj Party (BSP)
Dr. Bhimrao Ambedkar Samajik Parivarthan Sthal, an architectural marvel built by Behen Mayawati Ji government of Uttar Pradesh at the Bank of river Gomti in respect and honour of Sants, Gurus and Mahapurush
(Great men) born in SC/ST and Other Backward Classes (OBC) samaj
Manyawar Shri Kanshi Ram Ji Smarak Sthal, Lucknow at the VVIP Road is dedicated to Shri
Kanshi ram Ji, who devoted his life and sacrificed a lot to give momentum to humanistic ‘Self-Respect’ movement which was stalled after the demise of Babasaheb Dr. Bhimrao Ambedkar.
Gautam Buddha University, NOIDA, Gautam Buddha Nagar district near national capital New Delhi is an institution of high and advance learning where poor students of SC/ST, OBCs, religious minorities
and upper caste samaj were given opportunity to go for higher studies in Europe and America.
Manyawar Shri Kanshi Ram Ji Urban Poor Housing Scheme
Lakhs of urban poor families belonging to Sarva samaj were given their own pucca home under highly ambitious
Shri Kanshi Ram Ji Urban Poor Housing Scheme” by Behen Mayawati Ji Govt. in Uttar Pradesh.
Ideology and policies of B.S.P. are genuinely pro-people and in the full interest
of Sarva Samaj, all sections of the society as it is based upon cherished humanistic goal of “Sarvajan Hitaye and Sarvajan Sukhaye (Progress and Prosperity For All)”
Ensure victory of B.S.P. candidates by pressing the button facing the B.S.P. election symbol “Elephant” in Electronic Voting Machines (EVMs)
Identity of B.S.P. is the Blue Flag and elephant Symbol
Thank you
35) Classical Hindi http://tehelkahindi.com/sabha-elections-2014newsno-easy-win-in-azamgarh-for-mulaym-singh/#comment-384
मुफ़्त ऑनलाइन ई नालंदा अनुसंधान और अभ्यास विश्वविद्यालय
कृपया इस ” अपील” अनुवाद आपका शास्त्रीय मातृभाषा और आप सभी जानते हैं कि अन्य भाषाओं और प्रकाशित करें. करने के लिए एक प्रतिलिपि भेजें awakenmedia.prabandhak @ gmail.com chandrasekhara.tipitaka @ gmail.com पर जाएँ : http://sarvajan.ambedkar.org 11 मई 2014 रविवार 3:00 स्थान: के.आर. अस्पताल , मैसूर
रोगियों सेवा दिवस
के नेतृत्व में आदरणीय Dhammaloka Bhanteji निदेशक , महाबोधि केंद्र मैसूर
6:00 स्थान: महाबोधि केंद्र , महाबोधि मार्ग , Saraswatipuram , मैसूर
प्रो C.K.Maheshwarappa क्षेत्रीय संयुक्त निदेशक , कॉलेज शिक्षा की डीपीटी, मैसूर
आशीर्वाद से आदरणीय आनंद Bhanteji महासचिव , एमबीएस
यहां तक कि ज्योतिषी भविष्य में प्रधानमंत्री के रूप में Bahuth Jiyadha पापी नहीं दिख रहा है May10 , 2014
मेरे दोस्त नरेंद्र मोदी बहुमत मिल रहा है और भारत के प्रधानमंत्री बनने
और मेरा विश्वास है प्रतिक्रिया , अपमानजनक भाषा का प्रयोग और कॉर्पोरेट
द्वारा वित्त पोषित , मतदाताओं को मूर्ख बना रही जीत नहीं कर सकते ‘ कोई
मौका ‘ है की संभावना के बारे में पूछा .
सभी झूठ और मीडिया प्रचार लायक 20 , 000 करोड़ रुपये के एक कमरे में
अंधेरे की तरह जनता की राय बदलने के लिए सच्चाई का सिर्फ कुछ लाइनों की
जरूरत है एक मोमबत्ती जलाकर चला गया है .
हम पूछना चाहिए सवाल कर रहे हैं -
1 . 2009 के चुनाव में 170 जब्त हो गई जो एक पार्टी है, इस बार जीत सकते हैं?
यह बजाय उसके समर्थक व्यापारी साहूकार , कोर विचारधारा के रूप में शोषक एजेंडा और बदलने के लिए सकारात्मक कुछ नहीं किया
लोक अपनी कंपनियों में और के माध्यम से कोई इक्विटी है कि इस बात पर जोर
नहीं था - दुनिया में शीर्ष लुटेरे - इस देश के हे लोग Madi के 20 , एक
वर्ष से अधिक 000 करोड़ प्रचार अदानी और अंबानी द्वारा वित्त पोषित किया
गया है कि पता करने के लिए आ गया है उन्हें सस्ते में उन्हें बेचा प्राकृतिक संसाधनों में कोई शेयर , श्रमिक
बस 1 राजस्व % और भारत के लिए धन पैदा लेकिन नहीं कर रहे हैं बस खुद को
समृद्ध .
Ø व्यावसायिक रूप से सफल अभियान से प्रभावित हुए बिना सभी प्रचार के 40
के तहत सीटें 2014 के चुनाव के लिए Bahuth Jiyadha पापी को कम कर दिया
जाएगा .
2 . एक पार्टी क्लास आदि और धोखा दे लोगों को हर बार जाति के उग्रवादी
हिन्दुत्व पंथ Staelth को विकास से रणनीति स्विच करके चुनाव जीत सकते हैं?
Ø Madi की हर कार्रवाई के हर भाषण में बड़े पैमाने पर स्थानांतरण
प्राथमिकताओं की रणनीति और रणनीति टेलीविजन पर प्रसारित किया जाता है तो
गैर गंभीर और नकारात्मक है जो फर्जी चरित्र को दर्शाता है.
Ø Madi बैठक और समाज की मांग वोट के हर वर्ग के लिए अपील किसी भी कृपया
नहीं है , उसकी ओबीसी दावा भी अब तक वह वह के अंतर्गत आता है जो जाति का
उल्लेख नहीं किया गया है के रूप में किसी भी जाति को प्रभावित करने में
विफल रहता है.
Ø Madi पूरी तरह से दैनिक झपकी लेना और अदानी और अंबानी ने स्पष्ट समर्थन
और वित्त पोषण के बावजूद , संपर्क में था , कम लालची हो उन से आग्रह किया ,
किसानों को प्रभावित नहीं करता है - जो Bahuth Jiyadha पापी व्यापारी और
कारखानों मालिकों का समर्थक है जानता है .
3 . कर सकते हैं बस और राष्ट्रीय धन का उचित वितरण के बिना इस देश प्रगति हुई है?
Ø न्यायोचित ठहरा रू 1 प्रति वर्ग , अदानी और 10 रुपये, टाटा नैनो के लिए
000 करोड़ रुपए की बार बार और कहा कि यह सरकारी नीति के तहत किया गया था
दावा ‘ के शीर्ष पर करने के लिए मीट्रिक टन भूमि आवंटन वास्तव में विपक्ष
का शुल्क crony पूंजीवाद पुष्टि करता है.
4 . कर सकते हैं भ्रष्टाचार एवं स्थानीय अदानी और अंबानी की सवारी आचरण से अधिक मुद्दों?
प्रदेश , बिहार और अन्य गरीब राज्यों में हे लोगों गुजरात में श्रम के
शोषण , और Bahuth Jiyadha पापी राज्यों में न्यूनतम मजदूरी को समझें . अदानी जेट और हेलीकाप्टर में ग्लैमरस अभियान वास्तव में Bahuth Jiyadha पापी गढ़ों में मतदाता विश्वास इरोड होगा .
के बहुमत वोट दिया है और SARVAJAN HITAYE SARVAJAN SUKHAYE IE के लिए
जागरूकता के साथ जागा एक की एक भारथ बनाने के लिए बदलाव के लिए वोट देंगे ,
कल्याण, खुशी और सभी SOCIETIES.Just के सद्भाव के लिए अमेरिका के लोगों को
अपने व्यापक उदारता के साथ निर्णय के अनुसार दूसरी बार राष्ट्रपति के रूप में ओबामा का चुनाव करने के लिए , इस देश के
ब्रॉड मानसिकता के लोग भी अगले प्रधानमंत्री के रूप में सुश्री मायावती का
चुनाव करेंगे .
लेकिन इसके धोखाधड़ी ईवीएम मशीनों के साथ चुनाव आयोग, SAVARNAJAN HITAYE
SAVARNAJAN SUKHAYE के लाभ के लिए नफरत , गुस्सा , असहिष्णु , ईर्ष्या ,
भ्रम तेज के साथ एक MADIYA बनाने के लिए यह छेड़छाड़ जाएगा . वाराणसी में मायावती ने कांग्रेस , भाजपा anti-SC/ST मानसिकता है कहते हैं
अनुसूचित जाति की भी बेटी प्रधानमंत्री बन सकता है तो उनके ” anti-SC/ST
मानसिकता ” के लिए कांग्रेस और भाजपा flaying , बीएसपी सुप्रीमो मायावती आज
, चल रहे लोकसभा चुनाव में उसे बहुजन समाज पार्टी के लिए वोट करने के लिए
लोगों से अपील की मंत्री .
वाराणसी के बाहरी इलाके में Gaurakala गांव में एक रैली को संबोधित करते
हुए मायावती ने कांग्रेस अध्यक्ष सोनिया गांधी और योग गुरु बाबा Ramadev की
anti-SC/ST टिप्पणी पर भाजपा के उम्मीदवार नरेंद्र मोदी की ‘ चुप्पी ‘ पर
सवाल उठाया .
नेता राहुल गांधी ” हनीमून और पिकनिक के लिए अनुसूचित जाति / अनुसूचित
जनजाति के घर के लिए चला जाता है कि” रामदेव की टिप्पणी का जिक्र करते हुए
बसपा सुप्रीमो ने कांग्रेस और भाजपा विरोधी है ” पता चलता है कि यह
अनुसूचित जाति / जनजाति समुदाय और चुप्पी को एक ” अपमान “था -SC/ST मानसिकता ” .
कांग्रेस और भाजपा खामोश बने रहे, ” उत्तर प्रदेश में हमारी पार्टी के
सभी समुदायों के लोगों का ध्यान रखा था और अपने पिछले चार शासन में मानव
जाति के आधार पर बराबर सम्मान दिया था ,” उसने कहा.
” इस स्थिति में सभी अनुसूचित जाति की भी बेटी इस देश का प्रधानमंत्री बन
सकता है , केंद्र में सत्ता में बसपा लाने के लिए प्रयास करने के लिए है ,
” उसने कहा .
मायावती उत्तर प्रदेश के बाहर एक अलग राज्य से बाहर नक्काशी के लिए
केंद्र सरकार को कई बार लिखा था , लेकिन कांग्रेस अलग पूर्वांचल के गठन
नहीं होने दिया था.
वह यहाँ के लोग ” पार्टियों वही कर रहे हैं दोनों ” के रूप में सत्ता में आने से भाजपा और कांग्रेस को रोकना चाहिए था.
वह मुस्लिम मतदाताओं की बड़ी संख्या वाराणसी में एक प्रमुख भूमिका अदा कर
सकता है , और कहा कि उनके वोट कांग्रेस , सपा और अन्य दलों के बीच विभाजित
हो जाओ करने के लिए नहीं उन्हें भी आग्रह किया.
मायावती ने अपनी पार्टी उसे पार्टी के उम्मीदवार सबसे मजबूत दावेदार
बनाता है जो अन्य पिछड़े और सवर्ण मतदाताओं के साथ वाराणसी के लगभग दो लाख
पचास हजार अनुसूचित जाति / अनुसूचित जनजाति के मतदाताओं , का समर्थन किया
है का दावा है कि बसपा के लिए वोट करने के लिए मुसलमानों से अपील की .
उत्तर प्रदेश : ‘ विकास ‘ मतदाताओं के लिए सबसे बड़ा चुनावी मुद्दा है
प्रदेश में सत्ता में वापस आने के लिए उम्मीद कर रहा है जो बसपा सुप्रीमो
मायावती , महंगाई और भ्रष्टाचार मध्यवर्ग लेकिन हर कोई बस के बारे में न
केवल प्रभावित करने वाले प्रमुख मुद्दे हैं कि कहा गया है. आगरा
में एक रैली में पिछले महीने के दौरान, वह मुजफ्फरनगर और शामली में . यहां
तक कि सुप्रीम कोर्ट के लिए समाजवादी पार्टी के जिम्मेदार आयोजित किया
गया है के रूप में उत्तर प्रदेश , महिलाओं , लूट , आगजनी , हत्या और
सांप्रदायिक strifes के खिलाफ बढ़ती अपराधों के साथ एक मुसीबत में था ने
कहा, ” पश्चिमी उत्तर प्रदेश में तनाव . खतरनाक कानून और व्यवस्था की स्थिति राज्य में विकास कार्य रुक गया है . ” पिछले साल उत्तर प्रदेश के मुख्यमंत्री अखिलेश यादव ने कहा कि वह विकास
और बुनियादी परियोजनाओं को आगे ले जा सकते हैं , इसलिए है कि राज्य विश्व
बैंक के सहयोग मिलेगा उम्मीद है कि ने कहा था कि . बसपा सरकार के गठन में मोदी का समर्थन नहीं करेंगे : मायावती
, 9 मई : बसपा प्रमुख मायावती ने किसी भी परिस्थिति में उनकी पार्टी
लोकसभा यहाँ एक हड़बड़ी में बुलाई प्रेस कॉन्फ्रेंस election.Addressing के
बाद , वह भारतीय जनता पार्टी के उम्मीदवार नरेंद्र मोदी की टिप्पणी के लिए
भेजा एक संभव भाजपा सरकार का समर्थन करेंगे कि शुक्रवार घोषित कि मायावती
सहित सबको संभावित
सहयोगी थे . ” मोदी अपने नवीनतम टीवी पर साक्षात्कार में मामले में वह
अपने दम पर बहुमत नहीं मिलता है कि ने कहा है , वह मायावती said.She कहा
उत्तर प्रदेश के पूर्व मुख्यमंत्री के समर्थन की मांग के लिए खुला है कि वह
बात नहीं कर सकते , जबकि अन्य दलों की ओर से , वह सरकार गठन में मोदी या भाजपा का समर्थन नहीं करेंगे कि स्पष्ट था .
एक ” मोदी लहर ” भाजपा के इस दावे trashing, वह अनुसूचित जाति / अनुसूचित
जनजाति आंदोलन खत्म करने के लिए प्रयास करने का भाजपा का आरोप लगाया.
बाद में, वाराणसी में एक चुनावी सभा को संबोधित करते हुए वह बसपा और
भाजपा के संभावित गठबंधन की ” अफवाहें ” में विश्वास नहीं मुसलमानों पूछ ,
विषय को लौट गया. भाजपा राज्य खेमे में फर्जी मोंटेक सिंह रिपोर्टें फिसल May09 , 2014
इस मोंटेक सिंह वास्तव में गुजरात आदि निवेशकों को NVA , नौकरियां ,
मजदूरी, शेयर में पूंजी में परिवर्तित करने में सबसे खराब प्रदर्शन किया जब
प्लस फर्जी (भुगतान) पुरस्कार 280 देकर फर्जी रिपोर्ट बाहर मंथन किया कि
संप्रग के अंतिम त्रासदी है
इसके बजाय Deloitte ट्च Tohmatsu इंडिया प्राइवेट भर्ती की . लिमिटेड योजना आयोग परिष्कृत आँकड़े होना चाहिए -
अधिक परिष्कृत डेटा देने की तरह - पूंजी निवेश के प्रतिशत के रूप में
कर्मचारी , NVA प्रति NVA , आदि प्रत्येक राज्य के पूंजी निवेश के प्रतिशत
के रूप में मजदूरी
इसके अलावा अधिक पीसी भी जल और ऊर्जा, शिक्षा और कौशल मानकों की कीमत और उपलब्धता के बारे में जानकारी है चाहिए .
भाजपा राज्य अमेरिका शिक्षा और कौशल में गरीब हैं .
शुद्ध मूल्य संवर्द्धन में एक रैंक खो दिया है और फैक्टरी मूल्य परिवर्धन
में अपना हिस्सा 2011-12 में 10 % करने के लिए 2001-02 में 12 % से गिर गया
जब 51000 से अधिक व्यर्थ सहमति पत्र पर थे , जब हम कैसे निवेश गंतव्य में
नंबर 1 के रूप में गुजरात पर विचार कर सकते हैं वी.जी. घटनाओं पर हस्ताक्षर किए ?
इससे भी अधिक चौंकाने वाला - सभी भाजपा दो शब्दों खो रैंकों के लिए शासित राज्यों फैक्टरी सेक्टर रैंक कल राज्य अमेरिका 2012
कल 2001
NVA 2001-02
NVA 2011-12 3 . गुजरात
12 %
10 % 13 . सांसद
4 %
2.4% 15 . झारखंड
2.28 % 16 . छत्तीसगढ़
भाजपा राज्यों के एमएसएमई का प्रदर्शन भी अभी तक खराब है एमएसएमई 2012-13 के नवीनतम एआर के अनुसार यहाँ दी गई है .
http://msme.gov.in/WriteReadData/DocumentFile/ANNUALREPORT-MSME-2012-13P.pdf अचल संपत्ति में गुजरात 1st , उद्यम में 7 वीं , नौकरियां 7th , उत्पादन मूल्य में 9 . पी -32 क्र . नहीं.
राज्य / केन्द्र शासित प्रदेशों
उद्यम ( लाख )
रोजगार ( लाख
बाजार अचल संपत्ति (करोड़ ) का मूल्य
कुल उत्पादन (करोड़ ) 3
81,625 24
1077212 महाराष्ट्र , उत्तर प्रदेश , तमिलनाडु, पंजाब , पश्चिम बंगाल , केरल ,
आंध्र प्रदेश , कर्नाटक एमएसएमई उत्पादन मूल्य में आगे गुजरात की हैं .
महाबोधि सोसाइटी , बेंगलुरु , भारत
21558 पवित्र बुद्ध जयंती
समारोह 2014
VESAKHA बुद्ध पूर्णिमा
ಪವಿತ್ರ ವ್ಯೆಶಾಖ ಬುದ್ಧ ಪೂರ್ಣಿಮಾ
के लिए Pabbajja पाठ्यक्रम
बच्चे: 27-04-2015 04-05-2010 को
15-05-2014 को 2014/07/05 : पुरुषों और महिलाओं सभी का स्वागत है
तीन बड़ी घटनाओं की स्मृति में जन्म , Awakenment और mahaparinibbana की
भगवान बुद्ध 2558 पवित्र बुद्ध जयंती
बोधी SAPTAHA के रूप में मनाया जाएगा गुरुवार 8 मई 2014 से बुधवार 14 मई 2014
14-05-2014 Vesakha पूर्णिमा दिवस के अवसर पर मुख्य funcion साथ
हम cordially आप सभी कार्यक्रमों में भाग लेने के लिए आमंत्रित परिवार और दोस्तों के साथ .
तुम्हारा है, राष्ट्रपति और सदस्य ,
महाबोधि सोसायटी , महाबोधि मैत्री मंडला ,
Theravada बौद्ध अध्ययन के लिए महाबोधि केंद्र ,
महाबोधि फाउंडेशन , Baghavan बुद्ध विश्वविद्यालय ,
महाबोधि रिसर्च सेंटर , बुद्ध Vachana ट्रस्ट , नालंदा Vijjayatana और मैसूर , अरुणाचल प्रदेश , त्रिपुरा में महाबोधि शाखाओं
पत्राचार और दान के लिए पता; महाबोधि सोसाइटी 14 , कालिदास रोड , गांधीनगर , बंगलौर 560009 , भारत टेलीफोन: 080-22250684 , 09343158020 , फैक्स: 080-41148440 ईमेल: वेब साइट info@mahabodhi.info : www.mahabodhi.info
उदारता से दान और गुण का हिस्सा
16-05-2014 विश्व जागरूकता के साथ जगाने से एक की लहर देखेंगे
बहुजन समाज पार्टी - एक मूक करनेवाला
बहुजन समाज पार्टी ” अपील” के लिए मतदान की ” Sarvajan Hitaye और Sarvajan Sukhaye “ आम चुनावों में -2014 देश में आयोजित किया जा रहा 16 वीं लोकसभा के लिए
कुमारी मायावती राष्ट्रीय अध्यक्ष बहुजन समाज पार्टी
हे , गरीब , अनुसूचित जाति / जनजाति , पीछे की ओर , शोषित , पीड़ित और अन्य उपेक्षित वर्गों के लोगों , वृद्धि और पर शासकों बन अपने वोट और अपने आप की शक्ति अपने पोषित लक्ष्य को प्राप्त “सामाजिक परिवर्तन और आर्थिक मुक्ति ” की . राष्ट्रीय बसपा आंदोलन के अध्यक्ष और सामाजिक का चिह्न किया गया है जो देश में परिवर्तन बहन सुश्री मायावती जी , लगातार युगांतरकारी व्यक्ति के कारवां को आगे बढ़ाने , जो इस तरह के एक युगांतरकारी कॉल के वास्तुकार दिया संविधान , हार्ट रत्न और सबसे श्रद्धेय बाबा साहेब डॉ. भीमराव अंबेडकर , बाबा साहेब को चमक अर्पित की पेशकश की.
जय भीम ! जय भारत !
बहुजन समाज पार्टी ” अपील” के लिए मतदान की ” Sarvajan Hitaye और Sarvajan Sukhaye “ आम चुनावों में -2014 देश में आयोजित किया जा रहा 16 वीं लोकसभा के लिए
प्रिय दोस्तो , अब हर कोई , बहुजन लिए जाना जाता है समाज पार्टी ” (बसपा ) में ही पार्टी है हमारे केवल विश्वास नहीं करता है जो ” देश वादे , प्रलोभन या आदि घोषणा लेकिन काम की प्रचुर मात्रा में प्रदर्शन जनता के हित में और जनता के कल्याण के लिए . ” अन्य में शब्द , बसपा कर्मों ” के मंत्र में विश्वास करता है और न केवल शब्दों . “इसलिए, हमारी पार्टी , अन्य राजनीतिक पार्टियों के विपरीत किसी भी मुद्दे नहीं है किसी भी चुनाव में अपनी की ” चुनाव घोषणा पत्र ” , बल्कि बसपा के लिए वोट करने के लिए मुद्दों केवल एक ” अपील” के अधूरे काम को पूरा करने के लिए महान संतों , गुरुओं के मानवतावादी आंदोलन और Mahapurush ( महान पुरुषों ) समय से पैदा हुआ यहां ” बहुजन समाज ” में समय के लिए हमारे देश , विशेष रूप से महात्मा ज्योतिबा फुले , छत्रपति शाहूजी महाराज , श्री नारायणा गुरू , बाबा साहेब डा. भीमराव अम्बेडकर और Manyawar श्री कांशीराम जी आदि का पालन करके उनके द्वारा दिखाए गए रास्तों इतना है कि हमारी पार्टी द्वारा चुनाव में एक अच्छा परिणाम दिखा पर कब्जा कर सकते हैं बिजली की सीट और फिर ” मास्टर के माध्यम से राजनीतिक सत्ता की कुंजी ” का जीवन बना सकते हैं सर्व समाज से गरीब लोगों ( सभी वर्गों समाज की ) , के रूप में भी दूसरों को दुखी और एक castiest आदेश ” बस खुश द्वारा दीन , ” समृद्ध और dignifies , क्योंकि के बारे में राजनीतिक के ” मास्टर कुंजी का महत्व सत्ता ” बाबा साहेब डॉ. भीमराव Abedkar करने के लिए इस्तेमाल अक्सर राजनीतिक शक्ति है कि ” का कहना है कि एक मास्टर कुंजी है जिसके माध्यम से सभी समस्याओं इस माध्यम से, दूसरे शब्दों में , हल किया जा सकता है मास्टर कुंजी अपनी प्रगति के लिए सभी बंद दरवाजों और समृद्धि खोला जा सकता है . “
के इस बहुत ही सोच का अनुसरण करके Parampujya बाब साहेब Dr.Bhimrao अम्बेडकर , हमारी पार्टी इन आम चुनावों में चुनाव लड़ रहा है के अधिकांश में सभी सीटों पर 16 वीं लोकसभा के लिए पूरी तैयारी के साथ देश के राज्यों अपने दम पर , दूसरे शब्दों में , हमारी पार्टी में नहीं है इस लोकसभा चुनाव में प्रवेश किया के किसी भी चुनावी गठबंधन या समझ किसी भी पार्टी के साथ किसी भी तरह .
लेकिन अब उठता है कि मुख्य सवाल यहाँ क्यों यह आम जनता के लिए आवश्यक है देश की ” कांग्रेस ” के लिए वोट करने के लिए नहीं और ” भाजपा ” और उनके सहयोगियों , लेकिन केवल वोट करने के लिए ” बसपा ” के लिए और उनकी इस पार्टी को मजबूत पूरे देश में ? यह मुख्य और आवश्यक बात ध्यान से समझ में आ जाना होगा .
इस संबंध में, यह हमारा दृढ़ विश्वास है कि बसपा देश में केवल राजनीतिक पार्टी है ” विचारधारा , सिद्धांतों और नीतियों ” के अलावा अधिक से अधिक हित में हैं , जिनमें से ” काम शैली “ के और सर्व समाज का पूर्ण कल्याण के लिए , दूसरे शब्दों में , सभी धर्मों के लोग और सब जातियों ; और , एक ही समय में , यह करता है यह अच्छी तरह से ब्याज में कहते हैं, जो कुछ समय के भीतर ( की और सर्व समाज के कल्याण के लिए सभी समाज के वर्गों ) , जबकि अन्य राजनीतिक पार्टियों आश्वासनों का एक बहुत कुछ दे सकता है और करना बहुत में , वास्तविकताओं में अनुवाद करने के लिए थोड़ा काम दूसरे शब्दों में, अपने काम के सबसे तक ही सीमित है कागज पर योजना बना रहा है और शायद ही कभी देखा या कम है सबसे अच्छा , जमीनी स्तर पर अधूरा देखा एक जिनमें से उचित लाभ तक पहुँचने में सक्षम नहीं है एक सही ढंग से आम लोगों को .
यही कारण है कि एक परिणाम के रूप में मुख्य कारण है सरकार की गलत नीतियों पार्टियों कोई महत्वपूर्ण एक cattiest मानसिकता होने परिवर्तन 66 साल , भी के बारे में अब आ गया है ” , सामाजिक, शैक्षणिक और में आजादी के बाद बहुजन समाज ” आर्थिक ” की हालत “ जो अनुसूचित जातियों (एससी) शामिल हैं , अनुसूचित जनजाति (अजजा ) , अन्य पिछड़ा वर्ग (ओबीसी) और विभिन्न समुदायों के लोग और सिखों की तरह धर्मों , मुस्लिम, ईसाई , से संबंधित पारसी और आदि बौद्ध, जिनकी आबादी है धार्मिक अल्पसंख्यक समाज , कुल मिलाकर देश की लगभग 85 प्रतिशत .
और, मैं गलत नीतियों के बारे में बात की है इन विपक्षी दलों की सरकारों के यहाँ क्योंकि हमारे देश में , केंद्र में और अधिकांश राज्यों , सरकारों के जो भी पार्टियों किया गया है आज तक का गठन कर दिया गया है ज्यादातर बड़े की वित्तीय सहायता के साथ बनाई पूंजीपतियों और सुपर अमीर ( dhannaseth ) , क्योंकि जिनमें से इन दलों के सत्ता में आने के बाद , प्रत्येक और हर ” आर्थिक नीति ” फ्रेम उनके के अनुसार संबंधित सरकार दूसरे शब्दों में , बहुत सुपर अमीर लोगों के हितों ; वे एक साथ उनकी आर्थिक नीतियों फ्रेम नहीं है कष्टों और कठिनाइयों को दूर करने के लिए देखने गरीब और यहां आम जनता .
इस प्रकार इन सभी विपक्षी दलों , उनकी अलग पहचान बनाए रखने के बावजूद , पालक और केवल एक खास तरह का बढ़ावा देने के ” समर्थक पूंजीवादी ” पर कुर्सियां है और वे विश्वास है कि बड़े पूंजीपतियों हैं जो आम स्वामी है, और सुपर अमीर व्यक्तियों और उद्योगपति , में दूसरे शब्दों में, इन सभी विपक्षी दलों और बड़े पूंजीपतियों हमेशा बधाई दिया गया है एक दूसरे के और वे दोनों की मदद करने में गर्व ले और जो नहीं है , एक दूसरे के हितों की सेवा सब पर गरीब समर्थक और समर्थक लोग . में उनकी रुचि हटाने के दुखों और गरीब की पीड़ा लोगों और आम जनता ज्यादातर एक “नकली और पाखंड ” .
इतना ही नहीं , बल्कि इसलिए कि इन की बहुत कारणों “कीमतों और बेरोजगारी “ आसमान छू और लगातार कर दिया गया है नतीजतन यहां बढ़ती विशाल जिनमें से गरीब और मध्यम आय की आबादी होने का teason के लिए देश में वर्ग मुश्किल हिट अत्यधिक दुखी हैं और जोर दिया . यही कारण है कि आर्थिक मुख्य कारण है ” बहुजन समाज ” के लोगों की हालत यहां विशेष रूप से गरीब के साथ के साथ ” avarna (ऊपरी / उच्च कार्टे ) से लोग समाज ” अब भी बहुत बुरा हो रहा है.
इन सभी मामलों को ध्यान में रखते हुए , हम फिर Parampujya द्वारा दिखाए गए रास्तों का पालन करके बाबा साहेब डा. भीमराव अम्बेडकर के लिए फार्म का था नाम से हमारा एक अलग राजनीतिक दल के तहत ” बहुजन समाज पार्टी ‘ (बसपा ) की ” Manyawar श्री कांशीराम जी ” का नेतृत्व 14 अप्रैल 1984 , और अब इस पार्टी के साथ पर असीम प्रेम, बलिदान और का सहयोग सर्व समाज एक प्रमुख बन गया है ” राष्ट्रीय स्तर ” पर महत्वपूर्ण पार्टी .
और यह सब करने के लिए जाना जाता है, Bhaujan समाज पार्टी (बसपा ) पर सभी में पालन नहीं करता गरीब विरोधी और समर्थक पूंजीपतियों के नक्शेकदम पर कांग्रेस और भाजपा जैसी पार्टियों , और पूंजीपतियों से पैसा लेने के लिए और के बजाय उनके पर अन्य दलों और काम की तरह सुपर अमीर बोली , यह अपने ‘ मानवतावादी चल रहा है लेकर पूरे देश में आंदोलन “ से दान और सदस्यता सदस्यता अपने काडर , अनुयायियों और समर्थकों .
इसी सिद्धांत का पालन करके, हमारे पार्टी भी एक शुभ अवसर का हो गया है में अपनी ही सरकार को कई बार गठन देश , उत्तर के सर्वाधिक आबादी वाले राज्य प्रदेश , और यह पहली और एकमात्र कर दिया गया है देश में सरकार की हर नीति देखने में Moto रखकर तैयार की गई है ” Sarvajan Hitaye और sarvajan Sukhaye ” की (सभी के लिए प्रगति और समृद्धि ) , जो स्पष्ट रूप से और पूरी तरह से समर्थक sarvajan और समर्थक ” को दर्शाता है बसपा की सर्व समाज की विचारधारा और नीतियों ” .
हमारे इस , बल्कि इस पार्टी न केवल धीरे - धीरे में इसकी बड़े पैमाने पर आधार के विस्तार से पूरे देश में अब कई की जीत सुनिश्चित की अपने प्रत्याशियों की और सांसदों के रूप में उन्हें भेजा संसद और कई राज्य में विधायक के रूप में असेंबलियों . इसके अलावा , सरकार कर दिया गया है उत्तर में हमारी पार्टी के नेतृत्व में गठित साल में प्रदेश में चार बार ( पहले तीन बार 1995, 1997 , और 2002 संक्षिप्त अवधि के लिए , लेकिन के पूर्ण बहुमत के साथ 2007 के वर्ष में पांच साल के लिए ) , और सभी चार बार हमारी पार्टी की सरकार की बात में है राज्य में ” विकास और न्याय ” यह सुनिश्चित करना पूर्ण हितों की देखभाल और का कल्याण लिया सर्व समाज , लेकिन हम भी पहले दे दिया है प्राथमिकता ” बहुजन समाज ” के उन लोगों के लिए , अतीत की सरकारों के तहत किया गया है , जो विशेष रूप में एक बड़े पैमाने पर यहां उपेक्षा ” , सामाजिक, शैक्षणिक और आर्थिक ” क्षेत्र .
और यह इस को गंभीरता से लेने के द्वारा है कि उत्तर में हमारे (बसपा) के हिस्से की सरकार प्रदेश विवेकपूर्ण के बारे में लाने के लिए ” , सामाजिक, शैक्षणिक और में सुधार के लोगों की आर्थिक ” हालत बहुजन समाज में पहली बार गठित देश के लिए ” कल्याण विभाग ” अलग अपने क्षेत्र के प्रत्येक और चयन करके राज्य में विशेष रूप से अनुसूचित जाति / जनजाति बहुमत गांवों डा. अम्बेडकर ग्राम के तहत प्राथमिकता के आधार पर विकास योजना ( ग्राम विकास योजना ) है आवश्यक के साथ उन्हें कवर का काम किया हर तरह के और अन्य निर्माण के बुनियादी सुविधाएं चरणबद्ध तरीके से भी विकास और की तो अब भी इस योजना बनाने के लिए एक दृश्य के साथ अधिक लाभकारी धन की उपलब्ध एक बहुत कुछ किया गया है इस ssheme तहत और करने के लिए अपने नाम में परिवर्तन ” बाबा साहेब Dr.Ambedkat उत्तर प्रदेश ग्राम सभी दौर के लिए सभा समग्र विकास योजना “ gramsabhas का विकास .
इसी Manyawar श्री के नाम ठप उन्नत जो कांशीराम जी , बाबा साहिब का मानवीय आत्मसम्मान कारवां डॉ. भीमराव अम्बेडकर गति प्रदान करके यह करने के लिए , ” शहरी समग्र Vika योजना ‘ (अर्बन सब सर्वांगीण विकास योजना ) तैयार कर लिया गया था और इस योजना के माध्यम से , शहरों, कस्बों और गांवों , बड़े और छोटे , उत्तर प्रदेश के विकसित किए गए चरणबद्ध तरीके से . लेकिन गति हो सकता है केवल में रखने के द्वारा इन सभी कार्यों के लिए प्रदान किया राज्य के सीमित आर्थिक संसाधनों को देखने , और हमारी सरकार पर्याप्त सहयोग मिला था इन सभी के कल्याण के लिए केन्द्र सरकार से निर्माण , अभी भी अधिक है और तेजी से लाभ हो सकता है वंचित लोगों को उपलब्ध कराया गया .
विशेष रूप से करने के लिए प्राथमिकता देकर इसके अलावा “अनुसूचित जाति / अनुसूचित जनजातियों, शोषण , अन्य पिछड़ा वर्ग ( ओबीसी ) सर्व समाज से और धार्मिक अल्पसंख्यकों “ उत्तर प्रदेश में , ” दो कमरे पक्के मकानों “ बीच में से गरीब बेघर करने के लिए दिए गए थे उन्हें और ” आवंटित खाली सरकार द्वारा खेती ” ” के लिए लोगों को मजबूर करने के लिए ” भूमि ; कब्जे भी द्वारा उन्हें यह सुनिश्चित किया गया है सीधे है जो बसपा सरकार , उत्तर प्रदेश में गरीब लोगों के लाख लाभान्वित .
भी “शिक्षा ” को बढ़ावा देने के लिए, हमारी बसपा सरकार ने देश में पहली बार से संबंधित बच्चों को दी गई ” छात्रवृत्ति “ अनुसूचित जातियों / अनुसूचित जनजातियों और पसंद उन्हें अन्य पिछड़े के गरीब बच्चों के लिए वर्गों (ओबीसी) और विशेष रूप से मुस्लिम समाज की धार्मिक अल्पसंख्यकों से है और अनुसार कीमतों में वृद्धि के साथ दरों ” दोगुनी है” छात्रवृत्ति और भी की गई व्यवस्थाओं की तुरंत छात्रों को इन वितरण के लिए उनके प्रवेश के बाद . और एक ही समय में , करने के लिए इन से ” गरीब छात्रों को योग्यता मदद उच्च रैंकिंग जॉब , ” हमारी सरकार के लिए कक्षाएं उन्हें भी देने के लिए इंतजाम किए हैं “मुक्त सरकार कोचिंग ” .
इसके अलावा , से गरीब बच्चों के लिए के साथ ” Savarna ( सवर्ण ) समाज , उत्तर प्रदेश , एक नया की भोर में इन वर्गों उच्च और तकनीकी शिक्षा के क्षेत्र में उम्र में ले जाया गया है , जिसके तहत एक ऐतिहासिक काम ऐसे भेजने के लिए पहली बार किया गया है उच्च शिक्षा के लिए अन्य देशों के लिए बच्चों को हाल में करने के लिए सरकारी खर्च पर स्थापित विश्व स्तरीय ” गौतम बुद्ध नव निर्मित गौतम बुद्ध विश्वविद्यालय “ नगर जिला ( नई दिल्ली के पास ग्रेटर नोएडा) .
इसी समय, को प्राथमिकता दे रही है अनुसूचित के लोगों का विकास जाति और अनुसूचित जनजाति , एक प्रावधान था अलग “25 प्रति के लिए पहली बार के लिए पागल उत्तर के बजट से प्रतिशत निधि “ उनके लिए प्रदेश सरकार . इसी तरह, के लिए लोगों के बीच सुरक्षा की भावना पैदा करने उत्तर के हर जिले में ” बहुजन समाज ” की प्रदेश , ” आरक्षण ” का प्रावधान किया गया था बनाने के लिए देश में पहली बार उनके से ” पुलिस विभाग ” के अधिकारियों स्टेशन हाउस ऑफिसर्स ( एसएचओ ) के रूप में समाज .
इसी तरह, पूर्ण देखभाल के लिए लिया गया है ” मुस्लिम सोसायटी ” का विशेष रूप से लोगों को धार्मिक अल्पसंख्यक का सबसे बड़ा वर्ग समाज , हर क्षेत्र में उत्तर प्रदेश में . उनके यह भी शैक्षिक और आर्थिक विकास और उनके जीवन और संपत्ति और धर्म की पूर्ण सुरक्षा यह सुनिश्चित किया गया . इसके अलावा, सहित द्वारा मुसलमान से आर्थिक रूप से पिछड़े लोगों को समाज पिछड़े वर्ग की सूची में , हमारी पार्टी के उपलब्ध कराया पहली बार सरकार सरकार में आरक्षण की उन्हें ” सुविधा नौकरी और उत्तर प्रदेश में अन्य क्षेत्रों ” .
के मामले में एक नई पहल ” आरक्षण ” : ” आरक्षण ” के मामले में इसके अलावा, कार्यालय में सब हमारे नियमों दौरान हम मैं उत्तर प्रदेश बैकलॉग की मंजूरी दे दी हो गया है के लोगों की ” आरक्षण ” कोटा अनुसूचित जाति ( एससी) / अनुसूचित जनजाति (अजजा ) और अन्य पिछड़े वर्गों (ओबीसी) के लिए लंबित सरकारी सेवाओं और अन्य क्षेत्रों में साल के लिए एक के रूप में एक spacial भर्ती अभियान के संचालन से परिणाम इन वर्गों के लोगों को मिला है जो की ” एक बड़े पैमाने पर स्थायी रोजगार “ और विश्वास की एक नई तरह की उत्पन्न किया गया इन वर्गों के लोगों के बीच .
इसके अलावा , सुविधा उपलब्ध कराने के लिए ” माननीय जैसे क्षेत्रों में ” आरक्षण ” की Judiciaary , मंत्रियों , राज्य सभा की परिषद विधान परिषदों और निजी क्षेत्रों ” आदि में यह अभी तक नहीं किया गया है , जहां देश अनुसूचित जाति के लोगों के लिए उपलब्ध / अनुसूचित जनजाति और अन्य पिछड़े केन्द्र सरकार द्वारा कक्षाएं, हमारी पार्टी के केन्द्र सरकार के साथ संघर्ष है लगातार जारी है. इसी समय, अथक प्रयास हमारी पार्टी के लिए द्वारा बनाया जा रहा है एक में आरक्षण का लाभ हासिल अतिरिक्त रास्ता , प्रावधान के बरकरार रखते हुए उन लोगों के लिए , वर्तमान में तय आरक्षण के रूप में में अनुसूचित जातियों / अनुसूचित जनजातियों की धार्मिक रूपांतरण के माध्यम से है जो देश साथ लेकर , ईसाई या मुसलमान बनने भी में केन्द्र सरकार उनके समावेश अनुसूचित जातियों / अनुसूचित जनजातियों की सूची .
इसके अलावा , की सरकारों कांग्रेस पार्टी , भाजपा और अन्य विपक्षी दलों एक सुविचारित षड्यंत्र के तहत लगे हुए हैं धीरे - धीरे की सुविधा खत्म करने की कोशिश में के लोगों को अनुसूचित जो आरक्षण , जाति (एससी) / जनजाति (अजजा ) अनुसूचित और अन्य पिछड़ा वर्ग ( ओबीसी ) में हो रही है ” सरकार में सरकारी सेवाओं विभागों ” और ” केंद्रीय संस्थानों ” और अथक की becausee देश में राज्य स्तर सबसे श्रद्धेय बीबीए साहेब डॉ. भीमराव के प्रयासों अम्बेडकर , ” निजी खत्म करने के लिए इन सौंपने से एक बड़े पैमाने पर क्षेत्र ” जब की सुविधा आरक्षण इन करने के लिए अभी तक उपलब्ध नहीं है में केंद्रीय और राज्य स्तर पर नौकरियों में कक्षाएं निजी क्षेत्र की. और ऐसी स्थिति में , एक दिन आएगा जब पूरी संवैधानिक सुविधा इन कक्षाओं में स्वचालित रूप से करेंगे के लिए आरक्षण की एक को समाप्त करने के लिए आते हैं. हमारी पार्टी बहुत ” गंभीर और है इस मामले पर और इस संबंध में “चिंतित इन वर्गों के लोगों को देश भर में भी बहुत ” सतर्क और जागरूक ” होने की जरूरत है .
इस संदर्भ में , यह हमारी पार्टी का मानना है उस के आरक्षण के इस संवैधानिक सुविधा अनुसूचित जातियों / अनुसूचित जनजातियों और अन्य पिछड़े वर्गों के लोग रह सकते हैं सुरक्षित और यह सुविधा उनके लिए सुरक्षित किया जा सकता है यह अभी तक उपलब्ध नहीं है उन क्षेत्रों में जहाँ केवल इन लोगों की सरकार बनाने के लिए जब उनके केंद्र में अपनी पार्टी , बसपा , देश में , यह भी अमेरिका में है कि और एक के साथ इस के ” मुंहतोड़ सबूत ‘ गठन है के रूप में उत्तर प्रदेश में हमारी पार्टी की सरकार की बसपा का पहला और एकमात्र सरकार है देश ” पूरी गारंटी ” यह सुनिश्चित किया है करने में की मौजूदा सुविधा बरकरार रखने की यहां तक कि किसी भी सौंपे जाने के बाद आरक्षण ” सरकारी विभाग ” और ” संस्था “ निजी क्षेत्र के लिए उत्तर प्रदेश .
इसी समय, इस मामले में हमारी पार्टी आरक्षण के लिए पहली बार बनाया गया है एक प्रावधान है कि अगर सरकार का काम करता है विभागों किसी भी ” निजी करने के लिए दिया जाता है संस्था ” या ” तो , अनुबंध पर ” व्यक्तिगत आरक्षण की इसी प्रतिशत जारी रहेगा अनुसूचित जातियों , अनुसूचित जनजातियों और के लोगों को दिए जाने की वे में मिल रहा है के रूप में ओबीसी वर्गों सरकारी विभागों .
इसी समय, इस मामले में हमारी पार्टी पूरे देश में ” आरक्षण ” के समर्थक है गरीबों को अलग आरक्षण देने की Savarna ( सवर्ण ) से लोग आर्थिक आधार पर समाज , जो होगा केवल “सेंट्रल से कार्यान्वित किया जाना है संशोधन करके सरकार “देश के संविधान . इसलिए, कई बार पत्र हमारी सरकार द्वारा लिखा गया है अलग देने के लिए सरकार को पार्टी एक पर इन वर्गों के लिए आरक्षण हमारा आर्थिक आधार , लेकिन इस सुझाव अब तक केन्द्रीय द्वारा स्वीकार नहीं किया गया है किसी भी पार्टी की सरकार .
लेकिन इस संबंध में , मैं आश्वस्त करना चाहते ” Savarna सोसायटी ” के लोगों कि जब एक हमारी पार्टी की सरकार बनी है , तब हमारी पार्टी की सरकार एक सार्थक बनाना होगा उनकी गरीबी और दूर करने का प्रयास बेरोजगारी भी निश्चित रूप से बनाने के द्वारा उन्हें आरक्षण की सुविधा उपलब्ध ऐसा करने के लिए उनके द्वारा कहा जा रहा है बिना . और भी अन्यथा इसके बारे में आप लोगों के लिए जाना जाता है हमारी पार्टी करता है कि हमारी पार्टी की कार्य शैली क्या यह दूसरे शब्दों में , कोई अंतर नहीं है , कहते हैं दावे और हमारी पार्टी के कामों , इस बीच अब तक सभी के लिए जाना जाता है.
अपनी पार्टी की सरकार ने भी कर दिया गया है सामाजिक “पर पूरी तरह से संवेदनशील और गंभीर साथ साथ लोगों को सुरक्षा “लाभ ” आरक्षण ” की संवैधानिक सुविधा . इसलिए, हम वृद्धावस्था / किसान की राशि में वृद्धि हुई है 300 को 150 से पेंशन . वही पर समय , तुरंत सरकार द्वारा राष्ट्रों से ” मजदूर ” की दैनिक मजदूरी में वृद्धि हुई रुपये के लिए 58 . 100 वे सबसे गरीब हैं के रूप में और कमजोर वर्ग और ज्यादातर में आते हैं “कृषि ” मजदूर ” की श्रेणी और किसके लिए कोई ध्यान भी पहले हो , क्योंकि भुगतान किया गया था के अपने आयोजन नहीं किया गया है.
एक ही समय में, हमारी बसपा सरकार उत्तर प्रदेश में है बजाय देने की ” बेरोजगारी भत्ता ” युवाओं को प्रदान की आत्म - सम्मान और साथ जीने के लिए एक अवसर के साथ साथ प्रदान करके आत्मनिर्भरता ” स्थायी रोजगार के अवसर ” . इन के अलावा, मेरे हिस्से की सरकार है गरीबों के हितों का पूरा ख्याल रखा और सर्व समाज के रूप से बेरोजगार लोगों को भी “किसान ” , “श्रमिकों ” , ” व्यापारियों ” और लोग अन्य व्यवसायों में लगे हुए है और है उनके हित में कई महत्वपूर्ण निर्णय लिया .
इन कार्यों , हमारी पार्टी के साथ साथ उत्तर प्रदेश में सरकार पूरी दिया गया है महान संतों , गुरुओं और के लिए आदर और सम्मान Mahapurush ( महान पुरुषों ) समय से करने के लिए पैदा हुआ कई बनाकर बहुजन समाज में समय ” नए जिलों , विश्वविद्यालयों , अस्पतालों और संग्रहालयों और कई अन्य महत्वपूर्ण स्थान ” के बाद उन्हें निकाला गया था.
यहाँ, मैं भी यह कहना चाहते हैं कि peole अनुसूचित जातियों के / अनुसूचित जनजातियों, पिछड़े और अन्य उपेक्षित समाज ( वर्ग) शिकार हो गया है ज्यादतियों और विभिन्न प्रकार के अत्याचारों की एक cattiest वाले लोगों द्वारा बढ़ावा आज तक आजादी के बाद से मानसिकता और वे समय में और एक में ” पूर्ण न्याय नहीं मिल रहा है कर रहे हैं” उचित और संतोषजनक ढंग से . लेकिन हमारी पार्टी नहीं होगा पर केंद्र में सत्ता में आने पर सभी की अनुमति ” अन्याय और शोषण ” किसी भी प्रकार की समाज के किसी भी वर्ग के लिए और क्या करना होगा ” सभी के लिए न्याय ” और पूरी तरह से स्थापित करने से एक पूरे देश में “कानून द्वारा कानून का शासन” . जैसे उत्तर प्रदेश में और इस तरह से पैदा होगा अन्याय , अपराध से मुक्त एक वातावरण ” , शोषण और डर ‘
एक ही समय में , क्योंकि के अभाव की पर्याप्त विकास और बड़े पैमाने पर अन्याय , शोषण , गरीबी और मनहूस हालत हमारे देश में विभिन्न क्षेत्रों में , लोग हैं ” नक्सलवाद ” का पथ , और केंद्र अपनाने और राज्य सरकारों को अभी तक नहीं दिया है उन्हें , लेकिन हमारी पार्टी की ओर उचित ध्यान तुरंत केंद्र में सत्ता संभालने पर एक ” स्थायी लगाने के लिए हर संभव प्रयास करना होगा अपने सभी समस्याओं का हल ” और भी कर देगा मुख्य धारा में लाने के लिए उन्हें पूरा प्रयास उन्हें प्रदान करके विकास प्रक्रिया का ” स्थायी रोजगार ” के अवसर .
इसके अलावा , ” आतंकवाद ” हो गया है बड़ी चुनौती अतीत में हमारे देश पहले कुछ साल , जिनमें से मुख्य कारण हैं भी केन्द्र सरकार की कमजोरियों और पार्टी सत्ता में है , जो भी भी कुछ करना है हद उस में एक निहित राजनीतिक हित . लेकिन हमारी पार्टी केंद्र में सत्ता में आने पर होगा भी इस ओर पूरा ध्यान दे .
राष्ट्रीय की जहां तक सवाल ग्रामीण रोजगार गारंटी योजना है चिंतित , उपलब्ध कराने का प्रावधान है एक में केवल 100 365 से बाहर दिनों के लिए रोजगार वर्ष योजना के तहत है और वह भी केवल के लिए एक परिवार के एक बेरोजगार सदस्य है. लेकिन पर तब केंद्र में सत्ता में आने के , हम ऐसे चलेंगे रहने वाले गरीब और जरूरतमंद लोगों के लिए एक योजना सभी के रूप में होगा देश भर में ग्रामीण क्षेत्रों में भर में उन्हें ” रोजगार के लिए सुनिश्चित वर्ष , यानी , एक वर्ष के सभी 365 दिन ” से पुनर्गठन / मौजूदा विभिन्न युक्तिसंगत कल्याणकारी योजनाओं .
उसी समय, यह भी कोई रहस्य है किसी को भी है कि 63 से अधिक वर्षों के लंबे शासन के दौरान कांग्रेस और भारतीय जनता पार्टी और उनके समर्थन की पार्टियों , ” खेत , खेती और किसानों ” है एक बड़े पैमाने पर उपेक्षा की गई ; दूसरे शब्दों में, में बड़े / भारी उद्योगों को प्रोत्साहित करने की प्रक्रिया गंभीर इन दलों की सरकारों के तहत लापरवाही हितों की दिशा में दिखाया गया है और ” कृषि क्षेत्र और किसानों ” का कल्याण .
यही नहीं, बल्कि इस में बने न केवल cattiest और सामंती मानसिकता अब भी, केन्द्र सरकार ने कांग्रेस पार्टी के नेतृत्व में बजट में घोषणा की केवल कुछ रियायतें वर्ष 2007-08 के बड़े किसानों का एक मुट्ठी भर लाभ के लिए . इस तरह की घोषणाओं आम तौर पर पहले से बना रहे हैं चुनावों जिसकी वजह से उनके वास्तविक लाभ लोगों को जमा करता है .
इसी समय, कोई चिंता नहीं दिखाया गया है कौन हैं देश में ऐसे किसानों के करोड़ों के लिए के अत्यधिक दरों पर ऋण के तहत कराहना साहूकारों से हितों . वे का गठन के बारे में 46 प्रति किसानों की कुल संख्या का प्रतिशत और अधिकतम करने के लिए सरकारी सहायता की जरूरत है तो वे करने से रोका जा सकता है आत्महत्या . लेकिन केंद्र और राज्य सरकारों को सुधारने के लिए कुछ नहीं किया है परिवारों और किसानों के करोड़ों के नीच बहुत सारे .
इस प्रक्रिया में एक और कड़वा सच तो यह है कि गरीब और असहाय लोगों की भूमि है बड़े / भारी स्थापित करने के लिए अधिग्रहण किया गया उद्योगों , लेकिन उन्हें रोजगार नहीं दिया गया है उन उद्योगों में से भी न्यूनतम आदेश जिसकी वजह से लोगों का जीवन ” आदिवासी ( अनुसूचित जनजाति) समाज ” में विशेष अभी भी अधिक मुश्किल हो गया है . दौरान कांग्रेस और भाजपा का शासन है, यह है शोषण की ऊंचाई , लेकिन हमारी पार्टी के लिए चाहता है ” एक सम्मानजनक पेशा खेती” बनाते हैं.
इतना ही नहीं, हमारे पथ देखना चाहता है किसानों के जीवन में खुश और समृद्ध . अपने पहले ही साल में हमारा बसपा सरकार पड़ा एक अत्यंत महत्वाकांक्षी ” गंगा पर काम शुरू किया नोएडा (दिल्ली ) से , ” तरीका एक्सप्रेस बलिया , बिहार की सीमा से बदल सकता है जो के बारे में आधे के चेहरे और भाग्य के आसपास ‘ राज्य और एक ही समय में सुधार हो सकता था एक बड़े पैमाने पर किसानों के भाग्य का है, लेकिन यह नहीं था सेंट्रल से पर्याप्त सहयोग मिल इस उच्च महत्वाकांक्षी परियोजना के लिए सरकार .
इसके अलावा , एक उचित उपयोग का बनाया जाएगा देश में ” प्राकृतिक संसाधन ” के लिए की आर्थिक हालत में सुधार प्राकृतिक के लोग हैं. “अच्छा और उचित उपयोग पूर्ण और ईमानदार प्राकृतिक संसाधनों में “ ब्याज में सुधार लाने में बड़ी भूमिका निभा सकते हैं यहां के लोगों के जीवन के मानक . हम में हैं की समस्या का हल प्रदान करने के पक्ष बनाकर स्थानीय स्तर पर बेरोजगारी क्षेत्र के ही ” इष्टतम उपयोग छोटे संसाधनों ” .
इसी समय, खेती के लिए भूमि फिट की और सरकार के साथ खाली पड़े नहीं किया जा रहा है जो पूरे देश में 3 एकड़ जमीन ” की दर पर इस तरह के” परती भूमि ” होगा उत्तर की तर्ज पर ” फ्री वितरित किया सर्व के लोगों को खेती के लिए प्रदेश गरीब और को प्राथमिकता देकर समाज अनुसूचित जाति / एस / अनुसूचित जनजातियों और पिछड़े के बेरोजगार peole कक्षाओं . इतना ही नहीं , बल्कि गांवों , kasbas , कस्बों और पूरे देश में बड़े शहरों होगा की तर्ज पर विकसित किया जा “डॉ. अम्बेडकर ग्राम विकास योजना ” और ” Manyawar कांशीराम जी शहरी समग्र विकास योजना ” उत्तर प्रदेश में तैयार कर लिया .
इस प्रकार, हमारी पार्टी सत्ता में आने के बाद केंद्र में “आर्थिक फ्रेम होगा रखने के द्वारा हर क्षेत्र में देश की नीति “ तब के लिए सर्व समाज के मद्देनजर हित में केवल ” Sarvajan Hitaye के बारे में हमारी पार्टी की सपना देख सकते हैं और Sarvajan Sukhaye ” महसूस किया जा . वही पर समय , हमारे हर आर्थिक नीति होगी सामान्य करने के लिए ” उचित लाभ तक पहुँचने के लिए बनाया गया ” सार्वजनिक , और यह बनाता है एक तरह की नहीं होगी के रूप में ” गरीब और अमीर अमीर और गरीब ” है कांग्रेस के शासन के दौरान हो गई अब तक भाजपा और उनके समर्थन पार्टियों .
इसके अलावा , में सत्ता में आने पर केंद्र , हमारी सरकार की “विदेश नीति ” में हर मामले में पूर्ण बिल्कुल होगा सर्व की ब्याज देश samajand ; में दूसरे शब्दों में, विदेश नीति बनाते समय और अंतरराष्ट्रीय समझौतों विशेष देखभाल तक पहुँचने देश की सुरक्षा का लिया जाएगा के रूप में भी देश के सम्मान , स्वाभिमान की और संप्रभुता , यह जिस तरह से गिरवी नहीं होगा यह कांग्रेस के नेतृत्व वाली संयुक्त प्रगतिशील गठबंधन द्वारा किया गया था में भारत में प्रवेश करने के सरकार , जबकि 2008 के वर्ष में अमेरिकी न्यूक्लियर डील .
संक्षेप में , यह हमारी पार्टी का विवाद है कि अगर ” बहुजन समाज के लोगों और सवर्ण समाज ” सब कुछ खत्म बनाना चाहते हैं कि जैसा माहौल सुनिश्चित करता है देश बसपा उत्तर प्रदेश की सरकार द्वारा द्वारा एक “आत्म सम्मान का जीवन ” लोगों के लिए सुरक्षित, वे के ” मास्टर कुंजी लेना होगा अपने ही हाथों से में राजनीतिक शक्ति “ लोकसभा सामान्य रूप में एक अच्छा परिणाम दिखा चुनाव अब देश में आयोजित किया जा रहा है .
लेकिन इस में सफलता , वे प्राप्त करने के लिए निश्चित रूप से कई ” के खिलाफ सावधान रहना होगा ” Saam , Daam , Dand , Bhedh ” की तरह रणनीति ( ख़ुशामद , प्रलोभन , बलात्कार , विभाजनकारी राजनीति ) आदि , विपक्षी दलों की वजह विपक्षी दलों को नुकसान करने के लिए किसी भी हद तक जा सकते हैं हमारी पार्टी और अपनी चुनावी संभावना .
और इस संबंध में विपक्षी दलों में यह देखना पूरा प्रयास करने होंगे कि हमारी पार्टी किसी भी कीमत पर की वोट प्राप्त नहीं कर सकते सवर्ण समाज के लोगों को , और इस के लिए , विपक्षी दलों को भी पेश करने के लिए कोशिश कर सकते हैं एक हमारी पार्टी की ” विचारधारा और के बारे में विकृत चित्र नीतियों ” , जबकि की विचारधारा और नीतियों हमारी पार्टी किसी भी जाति और धर्म के खिलाफ नहीं हैं , बल्कि ” बसपा की भावना में एकजुट करना चाहती है ब्रदरहुड लोग इस में खंडित आदेश में जाति और वैन के आधार पर देश यहां एक ‘ मानवता के आधार पर equalitarian स्थापित करने के लिए की पूरी हित में है , जो सामाजिक व्यवस्था ‘ , सर्व समाज और देश एक जिसमें सभी लोग बराबर हैं और आपसी भाईचारे का साझा भावनाओं , तब ही अन्यायी सामाजिक उखाड़ा जा देश में प्रचलित आदेश.
और सामाजिक “के इस मिशनरी काम में अगर परिवर्तन ” , के लोगों को ” ऊपरी बहुजन ” भी साथ साथ ” जाति समाज समाज ” उनके सहयोग , दरवाजे का विस्तार होगा में प्रवेश के लिए ऐसे लोगों के लिए खुला पाया जा और बहुजन समाज पार्टी में उन्नति .
इस संबंध में, मैं भी स्पष्ट है, यह सुनिश्चित करने के लिए इच्छा यहाँ कि हमारे की ” विचारधारा और नीतियों था” पार्टी ” सवर्ण समाज ” , के खिलाफ की गई क्यों हमारी पार्टी इन के लोगों को रखा गया होता अपने में राष्ट्रीय और राज्य स्तर पर वर्ग संगठनों ? इसके अलावा , यह क्यों उतारा गया होता लोकसभा और विधानसभा चुनावों में उन्हें अपने टिकट और उन्हें दिया सम्मानजनक स्थिति पर उत्तर में अपनी सरकार के गठन पर मंत्रियों की प्रदेश ? दूसरे शब्दों में , विचारधारा और सभी हमारी पार्टी की नीतियों समर्थक सर्व समाज हैं और आदर्श मानवतावादी सिद्धांत के आधार पर ” Sarvajan Hitaye और Sarvajan Sukhaye ” .
इसके अलावा , यह भी स्पष्ट है, यहाँ करना चाहते हैं कि बसपा की ” विचारधारा और नीतियों ” के बारे में कि एक ” equalitarian सामाजिक व्यवस्था ” होने के लिए नहीं जा रहा है केवल आयोजन से देश में स्थापित अकेले ” बहुजन समाज ” के लोग . इस के लिए, हम भी उच्च जाति के साथ ले जाना होगा ” सामाजिक brothrhood ” द्वारा के आधार पर हिंदुओं उनके cattiest मानसिकता बदल रहा है , तो केवल एक एक वास्तविक अर्थों में ” equalitarian सामाजिक व्यवस्था ” , में के वास्तुकार की सोच के अनुसार देश का संविधान बाबा साहेब डॉ. भीमराव अम्बेडकर , हमारे देश में स्थापित है, और किया जा सकता है यह सर्व समाज हो सकता है कि केवल इस के बाद है पूरी तरह से एकजुट है और ” उच्च ” और “कम” के विभाजन और जाति और धर्म समाज में समाप्त हो सकता है यहां कभी और तब के लिए ही लोगों को मिल सकता है जीवन के हर क्षेत्र में आगे बढ़ाने का पूरा मौका .
लेकिन बसपा के लोगों को सहन करना होगा इस मन में है कि कांग्रेस , भाजपा और उनके समर्थन पार्टियों हमारी पार्टी के लिए अनुमति नहीं दी जाएगी केंद्र में यहाँ इतनी आसानी से सत्ता में आई और में सत्ता में कॉम से हमारी पार्टी को रोकने के लिए केंद्र सभी विपक्षी दलों का प्रयोग करेंगे चापलूसी की तरह हर तरह के “रणनीति , प्रलोभन , बलात्कार , विभाजनकारी राजनीति आदि , ” और पार्टी के लोगों को करना होगा हर कदम पर इसके खिलाफ बहुत सतर्क .
क्या मतलब है इस बात का समय है में आयोजित किया जा रहा लोकसभा आम चुनाव देश , सभी विपक्षी दलों को प्रभावित कर सकते हैं ” प्रलोभन के साथ आपको गुमराह करके अपने वोट और विभिन्न प्रकार के आश्वासनों ” . इस कारण से, यह बसपा समर्थकों और शुभचिंतकों को मेरी सलाह है आप सभी प्रकार के खिलाफ पूरी तरह से सतर्क रहना होगा कि कांग्रेस , भाजपा और द्वारा नियोजित रणनीति की चुनाव के दौरान उनके सहयोगियों .
और इस संबंध में क्या गुण विशेष यहां ध्यान देने की है कि जब भी इन विरोध पार्टियों केंद्र में वहां की सरकारों की है और राज्यों , तो पहले 3-4 साल के लिए वे करते हैं के हितों के बारे में भी थोड़ा परेशान नहीं अनुसूचित जाति, अनुसूचित जनजाति , अन्य पिछड़ा वर्ग ( ओबीसी ) , धार्मिक अल्पसंख्यकों और अपर से गरीब और बेरोजगार लोगों जाति और किसानों , मजदूरों, व्यापारियों , कर्मचारियों और लोगों को अन्य व्यवसायों में लगे हुए है, लेकिन चुनाव का समय करीब आता है जब इन वर्गों के हितों के अचानक लिए आते हैं ये तो इन विपक्षी दलों के मन और पार्टियों अलग से ” चुनावी रणनीति ” का उपयोग शुरू ऐसे कई लोकलुभावन कानून बनाने के रूप में सभी प्रकार के और छात्रवृत्ति का वितरण उनके हित में नियमों , , सस्ता गेहूं और चावल और अन्य लोकलुभावन राहत विभिन्न प्रकार के कार्य करता है. लेकिन चुनाव कर रहे हैं एक बार पर, इन विपक्षी दलों को इन कानूनों का इलाज और नियमों कचरा के रूप में और में उन्हें त्यागने कचरा बिन और आदि राहत का काम करते हैं, तो अगले चुनाव तक समाप्त हो जाता है .
इसके अलावा , प्रयास भी किया जा सकता है garners को चुनाव के दौरानविपक्ष के बराबर संबंधों अलग की अफवाहें फैलाने से अपने वोट प्रकार भी हमारी पार्टी के लोगों की जरूरत है जो के खिलाफ बेहद सतर्क रहने के लिए . उसी समय, यह है मेरी भी लोगों को ” अपील” और आप पूरी तरह से सतर्क रहना ” कि बसपा के समर्थकों , आपका वोट अमूल्य है , अपने की है कि कोई भी सुनिश्चित वोट खरीदा जा सकता है और न ही लूट लिया जा सकता है. यह uncast रह गया है और न ही यह किसी भी दुरुपयोग के न स्वार्थी तत्व जाति के नाम पर आप फुसलाना और धर्म, धन बल का या उकसाने से मंदिर और मस्जिद के मुद्दे पर भावनाओं को , दूसरे शब्दों में , आपको लोकतंत्र की रक्षा के लिए है सब आपके साथ हो .
इसलिए, सर्व के हित में समाज , अपने अपने राज्य और देश , आप में केंद्र में सत्ता सौंपना है सही पार्टी के हाथ , कि बहुजन समाज है पार्टी (बसपा) इतना है कि पार्टी की सरकार इस शक्ति से हर एक फ्रेम कर सकते हैं के माध्यम से अपने के अनुसार जीवन के हर क्षेत्र में नीतियों ” Sarvajan Hitaye और का सिद्धांत Sarvajan Sukhaye यानी , प्रगति और सभी ” के लिए समृद्धि और इस तरह जीवन बनाने ” बहुजन समाज और गरीब और बेरोजगारों की ऊपरी / उच्च जाति समाज के लोग खुश और एक सम्मानजनक तरीके से समृद्ध . “
इन सभी मामलों में रखते हुए अंत में देखें , मैं सभी समर्थकों को इस ” अपील” बनाने बसपा के अनुयायियों और शुभचिंतकों कि वे किसी भी लोकलुभावन वादों से भ्रमित नहीं होना चाहिए विपक्ष की ” चुनाव घोषणापत्र ” में किए गए पार्टियों , दूसरे शब्दों में , वे केवल पर कार्य करना चाहिए उनकी ही पार्टी और चाहिए की इस ” अपील” यह सामान्य में सभी बसपा उम्मीदवारों बनाने चुनाव लोकसभा विजयी के लिए आयोजित किया जा रहा
B.S.P. का सामना करना पड़ बटन दबाने से चुनाव उनकी पार्टी का प्रतीक ‘हाथी’ . मैं पूरी तरह से है मेरी पार्टी के लोगों से यह अपेक्षा , अपने समर्थकों और शुभचिंतकों .
जय भीम , जय भारत
( कुमारी मायावती ) से अपील राष्ट्रीय अध्यक्ष , बहुजन समाज पार्टी (बसपा )
डॉ. भीमराव अम्बेडकर सामाजिक Parivarthan स्थल , निर्मित एक वास्तुशिल्प चमत्कार बहन मायावती जी ने उत्तर प्रदेश की सरकार में नदी गोमती के बैंक में सम्मान और संतों का सम्मान , गुरुओं और Mahapurush अनुसूचित जाति / अनुसूचित जनजाति में पैदा (ग्रेट पुरुष) और अन्य पिछड़ा वर्ग ( ओबीसी ) समाज Manyawar श्री Kanshi राम जी स्मारक स्थल , वीवीआईपी पर लखनऊ रोड श्री के लिए समर्पित है कांशीराम जी , जो अपना जीवन समर्पित और देने के लिए एक बहुत बलिदान किया मानवतावादी को गति ‘ स्वाभिमान ‘ आंदोलन बाद में हंगामा हो गया , जो बाबा साहेब का निधन डा. भीमराव अम्बेडकर .
गौतम बुद्ध युनिवर्सिटी, नोएडा , गौतम बुद्ध नगर राष्ट्रीय निकट जिला राजधानी नई दिल्ली में एक है उच्च की संस्था और जहां सीखने अग्रिम अनुसूचित जाति / अनुसूचित जनजाति के गरीब छात्रों को , ओबीसी , धार्मिक अल्पसंख्यकों और सवर्ण समाज करने का अवसर दिया गया में उच्च शिक्षा के लिए जाना यूरोप और अमेरिका .
Manyawar श्री कांशीराम जी शहरी गरीब आवास योजना
शहरी गरीबों के लाखो से संबंधित परिवारों सर्व समाज थे अपने स्वयं के पक्के दी अत्यधिक तहत घर महत्वाकांक्षी ” Manyawar श्री कांशीराम जी शहरी गरीब आवास बहन द्वारा योजना “ मायावती जी सरकार. में उत्तर प्रदेश .
विचारधारा और B.S.P. की नीतियों हैं सही मायने में समर्थक लोगों और पूर्ण हित में सर्व समाज की , समाज के सभी वर्गों के रूप में यह पोषित मानवीय लक्ष्य पर आधारित है ” Sarvajan Hitaye और Sarvajan Sukhaye की (सभी के लिए प्रगति और समृद्धि ) “
B.S.P. की जीत सुनिश्चित उम्मीदवारों का सामना करना पड़ बटन दबाने से B.S.P. चुनाव चिन्ह ‘हाथी’ इलेक्ट्रॉनिक वोटिंग मशीनों में ( ईवीएम )
PUBLISH. Please send a copy to awakenmedia.prabandhak@gmail.com chandrasekhara.tipitaka@gmail.com Visit: http://sarvajan.ambedkar.org
In Varanasi, Mayawati says Congress, BJP have anti-SC/ST mindsets
Flaying Congress and BJP for their “anti-SC/ST mindsets”, BSP supremo
Mayawati today appealed to the people to vote for her Bahujan Samaj
party in the ongoing Lok Sabha elections, so that even the daughter of a Scheduled Caste can become the Prime Minister.
Addressing a rally at Gaurakala village on the outskirts of Varanasi,
Mayawati questioned Congress chief Sonia Gandhi and BJP’s nominee Narendra Modi’s “silence” on anti-SC/ST remarks of
yoga guru Baba Ramadev.
Referring to Ramdev’s remarks that Congress leader Rahul Gandhi “goes
to SC/STs’ house for honeymoon and picnic”, the BSP supremo said it was
an “insult” to the SC/ST community and the silence shows that “Congress
and BJP have anti-SC/ST mindsets”.
While Congress and BJP remained silent, “our party in Uttar Pradesh
had taken care of the people belonging to all communities and had given
equal respect on the basis of mankind in its previous four regime”, she
“In this condition you all have to make efforts to bring BSP to power
at the Centre, so that even the daughter of SC can become the Prime
Minister of this country,” she said.
Mayawati said
she had written many times to the Centre for carving out a separate
state out of Uttar Pradesh, but Congress did not let the formation of
separate Purvanchal.
She said the people here must stop BJP and Congress from coming to power as “both the parties are same”.
She said the sizable number of Muslim voters would play a major role
in Varanasi, and urged them not to let their votes get divided between
Congress, SP and other parties.
Mayawati appealed to the Muslims to vote for BSP, claiming that her
party has the support of nearly two lakh fifty thousand SC/ST
electorates of Varanasi, along with other backward and upper caste
voters, which makes her party nominee the strongest contender.
Uttar Pradesh: ‘Development’ is the biggest poll issue for voters
BSP supremo Mayawati, who is hoping to come back to power in Uttar
Pradesh, has said that price rise and corruption are major issues that
affect not only middle classes but just about everyone.
During a rally in Agra last month, she said, “Uttar Pradesh was in a
mess with rising crimes against women, loot, arson, murders and communal
strifes, as in Muzaffarnagar and Shamli. Even the apex court has held
the Samajwadi Party responsible for the tension in western Uttar
Pradesh. The alarming law and order situation has halted developmental
activities in the state.”
Last year, UP Chief Minister Akhilesh Yadav had said that he hopes that
the state would get the support of World Bank so that development and
infrastructure projects can move forward.
BSP won’t support Modi in government formation: Mayawati
Lucknow, May 9: BSP chief Mayawati declared Friday
that under no circumstances will her party support a possible BJP
government after the Lok Sabha election.Addressing a hurriedly convened
press conference here, she referred to BJP’s candidate Narendra Modi‘s
remarks that everybody including Mayawati were potential allies.”Modi
has in his latest televised interview said that in case he does not get a
majority on his own, he is open to seeking the support of
Mayawati the former Uttar Pradesh chief minister
said.She said that while she cannot speak on behalf of other parties,
she was clear that she would not support Modi or the BJP in government
Trashing the claims by the BJP of a “Modi wave”, she accused the BJP of attempting to finish off the SC/ST movement.
Later, addressing an election meeting in Varanasi, she returned to
the theme, asking Muslims not to believe in “rumours” of a possible tie
up of the BSP and the BJP.
மோடி தலைமையிலான அரசுக்கு ஆதரவு கிடையாது: மாயாவதி திட்டவட்டம்!
லக்னோ: மோடி தலைமையிலான பா.ஜ.க. அரசுக்கு ஆதரவு கிடையாது என்று மாயாவதி திட்டவட்டமாக கூறியுள்ளார்.
இது குறித்து பகுஜன் சமாஜ் கட்சி தலைவர் மாயாவதி லக்னோவில்
செய்தியாளர்களிடம் கூறும்போது, ‘’மோடி சமீபத்தில் அளித்த பேட்டியில்,
தனக்கு நாடாளுமன்றத்தில் பெரும்பான்மை கிடைக்காவிட்டால், ஜெயலலிதா, மாயாவதி
மற்றும் மம்தா பானர்ஜி ஆகியோரிடம் ஆதரவு கேட்க உள்ளதாக கூறியுள்ளார்.
எனக்கு மற்ற கட்சிகளின் நிலை பற்றி தெரியாது. ஆனால், பகுஜன் சமாஜ் கட்சி,
மோடிக்கு ஆதரவு அளிக்காது. கடந்த 2003 ஆம் ஆண்டு சி.பி.ஐ. மூலம் நெருக்கடி
கொடுத்து எங்கள் கட்சியை அழிக்க முயன்ற கட்சி பா.ஜ.க. மேலும், முஸ்லீம்
வாக்காளர்களை கவரும் நோக்கத்தில் எங்கள் ஆதரவை பெற மோடி முயற்சிக்கிறார்”
BJP States
Slipped in Ranks BOGUS Montek Singh Reports
May09, 2014
This is the Ultimate Tragedy
of UPA that Montek Singh churned out BOGUS Reports giving 280 Plus bogus (PAID)
awards when actually Gujarat performed worst in Converting Capital into NVA,
Jobs, Wages, Share to Investors etc.
Instead of hiring Deloitte
Touche Tohmatsu India
Pvt. Ltd Planning Commission Should have refined STATS –
Like giving more refined
data – NVA per Employee, NVA as Percent of Capital Investment, Wages as Per
Cent of Capital Investment of Each State etc.
Further more PC ought to
have also data regarding Price and Availability of Water and Power, Education
& Skill Standards.
BJP states are POOR in
When Gujarat lost one Rank
in Net Value Addition and its share in Factory value additions fell from
12% in 2001-02 to 10% in 2011-12, how can we consider Gujarat
as No.1 in Investment Destination when over 51000 Dud MoU were signed at VG
Even more shocking – All
BJP ruled states for two terms lost ranks
Factory Sector Ranks
Rank States 2012
Rank 2001
NVA 2001-02
NVA 2011-12
3. Gujarat
13. MP
15. Jharkhand
16. Chhatisgarh
Performance of MSME of
BJP states is far worse also is given here as per latest AR of MSME 2012-13.
Project Bluebeam to be Used to Create Fake Appearances of Religious
Figures Worldwide? 14 Comments By Clyde Lewis theintelhub.com April
19, 2012 Visit GroundZeroMedia Opinion JESUS WANTS US FOR A BLUE BEAM
The Blue beam technology will allegedly display in the sky laser
projections of multiple holographic images to be visible by every part
of the planet. Each area will receive different images according to the
predominating regional religious faith. Not a single area will be
excluded. This will allegedly be done with computer animation and sound
effects appearing to come from the depths of space. Computers will
coordinate the satellites and software will run the audio and visual
show-and-tell. It is said that astonished followers of the various
creeds will witness their own returned Messiah in spectacularly
convincing lifelike realness. The various images of Christ, Mohammad,
Buddha, Krishna, etc., will merge into one image after correct
explanation of the mysteries, prophecies and revelations throughout time
have been disclosed. This “One God” will explain that the various
scriptures have been misunderstood and that the religious of old are
responsible for turning brother against brother, nation against nation,
and that the religions of the world must be abolished to make way for
the New World Religion representing the one God they see before them.
Some claim that the Blue beam technology can fake or hoax a rapture
scenario where people will be seen being beamed into heaven. Others say
that the Blue beam project is capable of creating an alien attack. Like
a visual war of the Worlds where we will be convinced of a fake UFO
landing and contact. Sounds crazy right? Last month Ground Zero Radio
reported on the Anniversary of probably one of the most witnessed UFO
sightings in History. On March 13th, 1997 a mile long triangular shaped
UFO was seen over Phoenix. The massive airship had an array of lights
in the back and a huge light in the front. While many witnesses phoned
into the show from the Phoenix area confirming that what was seen was a
giant flying platform, there were others who believed that what was seen
was a holographic image of a large space ship. This would mean that on
that night, thousands of people were all part of a massive psy-op.
There is circumstantial evidence that suggests that what was seen was
part of an experiment called Project Blue Beam. This blue beam project
allegedly has been created by NASA and the United States Psy-ops
division in order to trigger an emotional reaction through the use of
computer generated apparitions, modulated microwave images and sounds
and voices directed into your brain. The Image of a large UFO was seen
by the entire city of Phoenix Arizona and garnered all types of press.
While the reaction from the public was typical for a UFO sighting, there
were other reactions that were reported and then forgotten. An A-10
Warplane was stolen by Major Craig Button in Arizona around the time of
the sighting. The plane was seen in Utah. The wreckage of the plane was
eventually found on April 2nd in the Colorado Rockies three weeks later.
Was Button alarmed by the news that an invasion had begun? According
to reports Button committed suicide because of personal problems with
his girlfriend. No one knows why he broke from the formation. Captain
Button turned off his transponder, which made the aircraft difficult to
track. His jet was last spotted in the air about 100 miles west of
Denver. It zig-zagged in the air before impacting the mountainous
terrain about 15 miles (SW of Vail, Colorado, on Gold Dust Peak in a
remote part of Eagle County. The crash occurred at 13,200 feet of
elevation. It took months for a search party to recover the aircraft and
Craig D. Button’s remains. The four 500-pound Mk-82 bombs that were on
the aircraft were never found despite an exhaustive search involving
metal detectors and ground-penetrating radar. However there has been
some speculation that after the sighting in Arizona Button became
obsessed with the possibility of hidden alien bases in the Southwest and
decided it was his duty to destroy them. Hundreds of people reported
hearing loud explosions in Northern Arizona, Telluride and Aspen. It
was a mysterious situation that will never be explained. Some believed
that Button was attacking a secret U.S. underground base. However the
government had covered up the situation. On May 27th, 1997 a report was
filed that another A-10 had crashed. The Pilot was Capt. Amy Lynn
Svoboda who actually trained Craig Button. Is it all a Coincidence?
The Heaven’s gate Cult Committed mass suicide just days after the
Arizona Sighting. Marshall Applewhite received a “sign” that it was time
for he and 38 of his followers to shed their human containers and join
the Evolutionary Level Above Human in a spaceship hiding behind the
comet Hale Bopp. Was that sign he received the appearance of a “mother
ship” over Phoenix? It seemed to be coincidence that both the UFO event
and the suicides took place on the powerful 33rd degree north latitude,
an area that is supposed to be a powerful place to shed blood or
conduct magical works. The “Heaven’s Gate” cult committed suicide from
almost exactly the 33°30′N latitude in “Rancho Santa Fe,” North of San
Diego. The large triangular UFO was seen over Phoenix Arizona at about
33.24 – 32.34 North latitude. Is this another coincidence? Perhaps not
as we realize that there may have been an attempt at creating a “blue
beam” test over Arizona, created by computer programmers who died in the
Heaven’s gate Suicides. Three members of the Heaven’s Gate “away team”
worked for Advanced Development Group (ADG), Inc., a company that
developed computer-based instruction for the US Army. ADG later became
ManTech Advanced Development Group; these organizations have connections
to the First Earth Battalion. A Psy-op group that was formed in the
U.S. Military to allegedly handle Military extra terrestrial affairs
such as abductions, contact through telepathy Remote Viewing and ESP ,
and possible simulated extra terrestrial “drills” using holographic
technology. First Earth Battalion eventually became the Jedi Project.
All of these secretive Psy-op groups are, or were, well skilled in
spreading information and disinformation about the occult, the Heaven’s
Gate cult, the attacks of 9/11, remote viewing and UFO’s. As it was
discussed on an earlier Ground Zero, holographic technology has advanced
exponentially. The report of the “holla-graphic” appearance of Tupac
Shakur at Coachella, or reports of a holographic appearance of Prince
Charles at a World environmental summit in Abu Dhabi show that the
technology has advanced and projection systems could very well create
mile long Triangular spacecraft over Phoenix. If the Phoenix sighting
was part of the Blue beam project, a project that we are told will
simulate a fake alien attack or the return of a messianic being, then
wouldn’t it be logical to think that over a decade later we could see
advances that could be so convincing that it would be unbelievable? A
projection system alone can create a fake alien invasion effectively.
However , if you want to fake the second coming of Christ , or the
arrival of a God that’s another story. The impressive images of a deity
have to be accompanied by an equally impressive soundtrack. It can’t be
broadcast on huge speakers. That would be impossible. The soundtrack
would have to be transmitted directly into your brain in order for it to
impress you. Perhaps there could be a viral video campaign created by
people who record strange sounds on the earth, sounds that can be
perceived as trumpets or angelic hosts proclaiming the arrival of a God.
The Military has now developed Long Range Acoustics or LRAD systems
that they can use to emit sound that completely misses the ears and goes
directly into your head. The LRAD beam was originally used to emit a
loud sound to apprehend disable someone. Now it is being used to send
spoken messages up to 300 meters. Oddly enough the LRAD system has been
nicknamed the voice of God. Now we can have projection and sound that
you hear in your head. An image that interpreted as God or Jesus appears
in the sky. You look up and soon you hear “I am Alpha and Omega your
knee shall bow and your tongue shall confess that I am the one true
God.” If you don’t then your skin begins to burn and you worry that you
will be consumed in the fire of his wrath. Soldiers start rounding up
people. You say to yourself this can’t be real. Suddenly your skin burns
and you fall to the ground. This can be the result of holographic
technology, or L.R.A.D systems broadcasting the message and active
denial systems burning your skin within range. All of this technology is
real and can be used against you. Still don’t believe that the
technology is real? Perhaps you can investigate a Washington post Story
where Al-Qaida operative Abu Zabaida was taken into custody and was
water boarded for information. No matter how much they tortured him he
would not divulge information about terror activities. The next day he
had a change of heart. Zubaida walked in and told his interrogator that
Allah came to him in a dream and spoke to him directly, telling him to
cooperate with officials. Was it really Allah? Or could it have been an
LRAD induced electronic hallucination? John Ronson is a powerful
writer, investigative journalist and documentary film maker from the
U.K. He has recently uncovered various experimental projects being
carried out by the U.S. Military. His book “ The Men Who Stare at Goats”
uncovered strange psychological operations being carried out by the
U.S. government including the use of psychic warfare to assassinate an
enemy. In 2007 Ronson reported on real “non lethal” technologies
developed by the military like “the gay bomb,” a bomb that releases an
aphrodisiac pheromone designed to make enemy forces so attracted to one
another that the US could just march in and take over. He also
discovered plans to use low-frequency infrasound weapons which easily
penetrates most buildings and vehicles and creates nausea, loss of bowel
control, disorientation, vomiting, potential internal organ damage and
death. In his article “Bees on the battlefield and other U.S. Military
Experiments” Ronson also reveals that the Military is feverishly working
on something called “The Prophet Hologram” which is technology that
projects the image of an ancient god over an enemy capitol whose public
communications have been seized and used against it in a massive
psychological operation. Yitzhaq Hayutman a 61 year old cybernetics
specialist was featured in WIRED Magazine. His claim to fame is
utilizing holographic imagery that in his opinion will summon the
Messiah to arrive at the Dome of the Rock. Using lasers a blimp and a
few other gadgets he is able to project a large throne in the sky to
simulate the throne of God. He also believes that this device can be
used for peace. He believes his technology can “engineer” an apocalypse
and unite the people for good. According to the Defense Technical
information center The United States military has a patent Numbered
ADA33849 listed as a 3D holographic display that is used with Strontium
Barium Niobate. A compound that Is aerosolized. It is created by Army
Research laboratories as a new and innovative technique for generating a
three dimensional holographic displays that can be viewed in real time
over a wide perspective or field of view. The holographic image is free
from system-induced aberrations and has a uniform, high quality over the
entire FOV. The enhanced image quality results from using a phase
conjugate a red or blue beam generated from a second photorefractive
crystal acting as a double pumped phase conjugate mirror (DPPCM).
Multiple three dimensional images have been stored in the crystal via
wavelength multiplexing How does one get enough Strontium Barium
Niobate in the air in order to project such a convincing Holographic
image? You lay down trails of the chemical that spread for miles. The
image is then projected on the mist, it is called “FOGSCREEN”
technology. A 1996 study commissioned by a US Air Force panel called
“Air Force 2025” shows how a future “Airborne Holographic Projector”
might look like. In this illustration, a virtual aircraft is created to
deceive the enemy as to the size and location of attacking forces.
There seems to be so much evidence to suggest that “Blue beam” Psy-ops
technology exists and it can be used for the purpose of creating some
event where a mass reaction would take place. While Operation Blue beam
is supposed to be a universal hoax that is supposed to deceive all
Christian religions and their faithful– it seems that most of the
theories behind the very real technologies are based in Christian
paranoia. Many say that the project will be used to falsify “God’s”
word. It won’t matter whose word is falsified, the simulation will
become the reality as Baudrillard had written in his book Simulacra and
Simulation, “The simulacrum is never that which conceals the truth–it is
the truth which conceals that there is none. The simulacrum is true.”
The Majority of people have created the idea of God through renascence
paintings, movies, saint stamps, crucifixes, mangers, thunder lightning,
and fire. The only ideas we have about God, Jesus, Allah or Mohammed
are created on a canvas, or broadcast on television or made into movies.
With this in mind the value we place on images of fantasy will
influence how we perceive reality. It will be easy to fool a majority of
people with digital trickery. The Blue Beam Operation will also
allegedly utilize tools like H.A.A.R.P. that can produce earthquakes
using ultra low frequency technologies. The Earthquakes are to occur in
many places designated as “holy centers.” These centers are to include
the Middle east, Mesopotamia, Israel, and the Vatican in Rome. The
earthquakes will allegedly uncover new discoveries that will explain to
all people the error of all fundamental religious doctrines. The fear of
every religion is to have it undermined with new information to make
all nations believe that their religious doctrines have been
misunderstood for centuries and misinterpreted. On Palm Sunday 2008
Pope Benedict warned of love of material wealth over God and how the
world has become enslaved by an economic hoax. He spoke of the
moneychangers and how they should be driven out. He of course was
speaking of the Secret Government that has dashed the economy. He spoke
out against the New World order and afterwards there was major
Earthquake on Palm Sunday in Rome. The Pope immediately changed his
mind. It was also a coincidence that later in the Movie Angels and
Demons Tom hanks Returned as Harvard Symbologist Robert Langdon. The
plot was centered on the Illuminati and a powerful weapon they had that
could destroy the Vatican. The new technology coincidentally was created
at CERN. The remarkable synchronicity of all this is the possibility
that CERN can open up a wormhole or dimension where it could appear that
a gateway has appeared in the sky. This was a reality for Norwegians
who awoke to the strange sighting of what appeared to be a lit spiral in
the sky that eventually opened a worm hole. The oddest thing about
project Blue beam and all of its supposed powers is that while evidence
is suggesting that the project is very real. There are others who think
that it is product of disinformation. After all it all sounds like an
incredible script or something taken from Arthur C. Clarke’s
“Childhood’s end. In that story, a massive UFO appears over every major
city as the aliens benevolently take over the world with their
superhuman technology. Interestingly, the benevolent invaders don’t
show themselves until they’ve been in charge for a hundred years and the
majority of the world has grown up with and benefited from their rule.
When they finally do appear, they look exactly like demons from hell.
It turns out that the human race has a precognitive ability and
misinterpreted the invaders they saw in their future as demons.
However, the interesting thing here is that when the invaders finally
reveal themselves all the other giant saucers vanish except the one over
New York. It turns out all the others were simply holograms. The Joke
is on us. How coincidental.
Project Bluebeam to be Used to Create Fake Appearances of Religious Figures
The Blue beam technology will allegedly display in the sky laser projections
of multiple holographic images to be visible by every part of the planet.
Each area will receive different images according to the predominating
regional religious faith. Not a single area will be excluded.
This will allegedly be done with computer animation and sound effects
appearing to come from the depths of space.
Computers will coordinate the satellites and software will run the audio and
visual show-and-tell. It is said that astonished followers of the various creeds
will witness their own returned Messiah in spectacularly convincing lifelike
The various images of Christ, Mohammad, Buddha, Krishna, etc., will merge
into one image after correct explanation of the mysteries, prophecies and
revelations throughout time have been disclosed.
This “One God” will explain that the various scriptures have been
misunderstood and that the religious of old are responsible for turning brother
against brother, nation against nation, and that the religions of the world must
be abolished to make way for the New World Religion representing the one God
they see before them.
Some claim that the Blue beam technology can fake or hoax a rapture scenario
where people will be seen being beamed into heaven.
Others say that the Blue beam project is capable of creating an alien attack.
Like a visual war of the Worlds where we will be convinced of a fake UFO landing
and contact.
Sounds crazy right?
Last month Ground Zero Radio reported on the Anniversary of probably one of
the most witnessed UFO sightings in History. On March 13th, 1997 a mile long
triangular shaped UFO was seen over Phoenix.
The massive airship had an array of lights in the back and a huge light in
the front. While many witnesses phoned into the show from the Phoenix area
confirming that what was seen was a giant flying platform, there were others who
believed that what was seen was a holographic image of a large space ship.
This would mean that on that night, thousands of people were all part of a
massive psy-op. There is circumstantial evidence that suggests that what was
seen was part of an experiment called Project Blue Beam.
This blue beam project allegedly has been created by NASA and the United
States Psy-ops division in order to trigger an emotional reaction through the
use of computer generated apparitions, modulated microwave images and sounds and
voices directed into your brain.
The Image of a large UFO was seen by the entire city of Phoenix Arizona and
garnered all types of press. While the reaction from the public was typical for
a UFO sighting, there were other reactions that were reported and then
An A-10 Warplane was stolen by Major Craig Button in Arizona around the time
of the sighting. The plane was seen in Utah. The wreckage of the plane was
eventually found on April 2nd in the Colorado Rockies three weeks later. Was
Button alarmed by the news that an invasion had begun?
According to reports Button committed suicide because of personal problems
with his girlfriend. No one knows why he broke from the formation.
Captain Button turned off his transponder, which made the aircraft difficult
to track. His jet was last spotted in the air about 100 miles west of Denver. It
zig-zagged in the air before impacting the mountainous terrain about 15 miles
(SW of Vail, Colorado, on Gold Dust Peak in a remote part of Eagle County.
The crash occurred at 13,200 feet of elevation. It took months for a search
party to recover the aircraft and Craig D. Button’s remains. The four 500-pound
Mk-82 bombs that were on the aircraft were never found despite an exhaustive
search involving metal detectors and ground-penetrating radar.
However there has been some speculation that after the sighting in Arizona
Button became obsessed with the possibility of hidden alien bases in the
Southwest and decided it was his duty to destroy them. Hundreds of people
reported hearing loud explosions in Northern Arizona, Telluride and Aspen.
It was a mysterious situation that will never be explained. Some believed
that Button was attacking a secret U.S. underground base. However the government
had covered up the situation.
On May 27th, 1997 a report was filed that another A-10 had crashed. The Pilot
was Capt. Amy Lynn Svoboda who actually trained Craig Button.
Is it all a Coincidence?
The Heaven’s gate Cult Committed mass suicide just days after the Arizona
Sighting. Marshall Applewhite received a “sign” that it was time for he and 38
of his followers to shed their human containers and join the Evolutionary Level
Above Human in a spaceship hiding behind the comet Hale Bopp.
Was that sign he received the appearance of a “mother ship” over Phoenix?
It seemed to be coincidence that both the UFO event and the suicides took
place on the powerful 33rd degree north latitude, an area that is supposed to be
a powerful place to shed blood or conduct magical works.
The “Heaven’s Gate” cult committed suicide from almost exactly the 33°30′N
latitude in “Rancho Santa Fe,” North of San Diego. The large triangular UFO was
seen over Phoenix Arizona at about 33.24 – 32.34 North latitude.
Is this another coincidence? Perhaps not as we realize that there may have
been an attempt at creating a “blue beam” test over Arizona, created by computer
programmers who died in the Heaven’s gate Suicides.
Three members of the Heaven’s Gate “away team” worked for Advanced
Development Group (ADG), Inc., a company that developed computer-based
instruction for the US Army. ADG later became ManTech Advanced Development
Group; these organizations have connections to the First Earth Battalion.
A Psy-op group that was formed in the U.S. Military to allegedly handle
Military extra terrestrial affairs such as abductions, contact through telepathy
Remote Viewing and ESP , and possible simulated extra terrestrial “drills” using
holographic technology.
First Earth Battalion eventually became the Jedi Project. All of these
secretive Psy-op groups are, or were, well skilled in spreading information and
disinformation about the occult, the Heaven’s Gate cult, the attacks of 9/11,
remote viewing and UFO’s.
As it was discussed on an earlier Ground Zero, holographic technology has
advanced exponentially.
The report of the “holla-graphic” appearance of Tupac Shakur at Coachella, or
reports of a holographic appearance of Prince Charles at a World environmental
summit in Abu Dhabi show that the technology has advanced and projection systems
could very well create mile long Triangular spacecraft over Phoenix.
If the Phoenix sighting was part of the Blue beam project, a project that we
are told will simulate a fake alien attack or the return of a messianic being,
then wouldn’t it be logical to think that over a decade later we could see
advances that could be so convincing that it would be unbelievable?
A projection system alone can create a fake alien invasion effectively.
However , if you want to fake the second coming of Christ , or the arrival of a
God that’s another story. The impressive images of a deity have to be
accompanied by an equally impressive soundtrack.
It can’t be broadcast on huge speakers. That would be impossible. The
soundtrack would have to be transmitted directly into your brain in order for it
to impress you.
Perhaps there could be a viral video campaign created by people who record
strange sounds on the earth, sounds that can be perceived as trumpets or angelic
hosts proclaiming the arrival of a God.
The Military has now developed Long Range Acoustics or LRAD systems that they
can use to emit sound that completely misses the ears and goes directly into
your head.
The LRAD beam was originally used to emit a loud sound to apprehend disable
someone. Now it is being used to send spoken messages up to 300 meters.
Oddly enough the LRAD system has been nicknamed the voice of God.
Now we can have projection and sound that you hear in your head. An image
that interpreted as God or Jesus appears in the sky.
You look up and soon you hear “I am Alpha and Omega your knee shall bow and
your tongue shall confess that I am the one true God.” If you don’t then your
skin begins to burn and you worry that you will be consumed in the fire of his
Soldiers start rounding up people. You say to yourself this can’t be real.
Suddenly your skin burns and you fall to the ground. This can be the result of
holographic technology, or L.R.A.D systems broadcasting the message and active
denial systems burning your skin within range. All of this technology is real
and can be used against you.
Still don’t believe that the technology is real?
Perhaps you can investigate a Washington post Story where Al-Qaida operative
Abu Zabaida was taken into custody and was water boarded for information. No
matter how much they tortured him he would not divulge information about terror
The next day he had a change of heart. Zubaida walked in and told his
interrogator that Allah came to him in a dream and spoke to him directly,
telling him to cooperate with officials. Was it really Allah? Or could it have
been an LRAD induced electronic hallucination?
John Ronson is a powerful writer, investigative journalist and documentary
film maker from the U.K.
He has recently uncovered various experimental projects being carried out by
the U.S. Military. His book “ The Men Who Stare at Goats” uncovered strange
psychological operations being carried out by the U.S. government including the
use of psychic warfare to assassinate an enemy.
In 2007 Ronson reported on real “non lethal” technologies developed by the
military like “the gay bomb,” a bomb that releases an aphrodisiac pheromone
designed to make enemy forces so attracted to one another that the US could just
march in and take over.
He also discovered plans to use low-frequency infrasound weapons which easily
penetrates most buildings and vehicles and creates nausea, loss of bowel
control, disorientation, vomiting, potential internal organ damage and
In his article “Bees on the battlefield and other U.S. Military Experiments”
Ronson also reveals that the Military is feverishly working on something called
“The Prophet Hologram” which is technology that projects the image of an ancient
god over an enemy capitol whose public communications have been seized and used
against it in a massive psychological operation.
Yitzhaq Hayutman a 61 year old cybernetics specialist was featured in WIRED
Magazine. His claim to fame is utilizing holographic imagery that in his opinion
will summon the Messiah to arrive at the Dome of the Rock.
Using lasers a blimp and a few other gadgets he is able to project a large
throne in the sky to simulate the throne of God. He also believes that this
device can be used for peace. He believes his technology can “engineer” an
apocalypse and unite the people for good.
According to the Defense Technical information center The United States
military has a patent Numbered ADA33849 listed as a 3D holographic display that
is used with Strontium Barium Niobate. A compound that Is aerosolized.
It is created by Army Research laboratories as a new and innovative technique
for generating a three dimensional holographic displays that can be viewed in
real time over a wide perspective or field of view. The holographic image is
free from system-induced aberrations and has a uniform, high quality over the
entire FOV.
The enhanced image quality results from using a phase conjugate a red or blue
beam generated from a second photorefractive crystal acting as a double pumped
phase conjugate mirror (DPPCM). Multiple three dimensional images have been
stored in the crystal via wavelength multiplexing
How does one get enough Strontium Barium Niobate in the air in order to
project such a convincing Holographic image? You lay down trails of the chemical
that spread for miles. The image is then projected on the mist, it is called
“FOGSCREEN” technology.
A 1996 study commissioned by a US Air Force panel called “Air Force 2025”
shows how a future “Airborne Holographic Projector” might look like. In this
illustration, a virtual aircraft is created to deceive the enemy as to the size
and location of attacking forces.
There seems to be so much evidence to suggest that “Blue beam” Psy-ops
technology exists and it can be used for the purpose of creating some event
where a mass reaction would take place.
While Operation Blue beam is supposed to be a universal hoax that is supposed
to deceive all Christian religions and their faithful– it seems that most of the
theories behind the very real technologies are based in Christian paranoia. Many
say that the project will be used to falsify “God’s” word.
It won’t matter whose word is falsified, the simulation will become the
reality as Baudrillard had written in his book Simulacra and Simulation, “The
simulacrum is never that which conceals the truth–it is the truth which conceals
that there is none. The simulacrum is true.”
The Majority of people have created the idea of God through renascence
paintings, movies, saint stamps, crucifixes, mangers, thunder lightning, and
fire. The only ideas we have about God, Jesus, Allah or Mohammed are created on
a canvas, or broadcast on television or made into movies.
With this in mind the value we place on images of fantasy will influence how
we perceive reality. It will be easy to fool a majority of people with digital
The Blue Beam Operation will also allegedly utilize tools like H.A.A.R.P.
that can produce earthquakes using ultra low frequency technologies. The
Earthquakes are to occur in many places designated as “holy centers.” These
centers are to include the Middle east, Mesopotamia, Israel, and the Vatican in
The earthquakes will allegedly uncover new discoveries that will explain to
all people the error of all fundamental religious doctrines. The fear of every
religion is to have it undermined with new information to make all nations
believe that their religious doctrines have been misunderstood for centuries and
On Palm Sunday 2008 Pope Benedict warned of love of material wealth over God
and how the world has become enslaved by an economic hoax. He spoke of the
moneychangers and how they should be driven out. He of course was speaking of
the Secret Government that has dashed the economy.
He spoke out against the New World order and afterwards there was major
Earthquake on Palm Sunday in Rome. The Pope immediately changed his mind.
It was also a coincidence that later in the Movie Angels and Demons Tom hanks
Returned as Harvard Symbologist Robert Langdon. The plot was centered on the
Illuminati and a powerful weapon they had that could destroy the Vatican. The
new technology coincidentally was created at CERN.
The remarkable synchronicity of all this is the possibility that CERN can
open up a wormhole or dimension where it could appear that a gateway has
appeared in the sky.
This was a reality for Norwegians who awoke to the strange sighting of what
appeared to be a lit spiral in the sky that eventually opened a worm hole.
The oddest thing about project Blue beam and all of its supposed powers is
that while evidence is suggesting that the project is very real. There are
others who think that it is product of disinformation. After all it all sounds
like an incredible script or something taken from Arthur C. Clarke’s
“Childhood’s end.
In that story, a massive UFO appears over every major city as the aliens
benevolently take over the world with their superhuman technology.
Interestingly, the benevolent invaders don’t show themselves until they’ve
been in charge for a hundred years and the majority of the world has grown up
with and benefited from their rule.
When they finally do appear, they look exactly like demons from hell. It
turns out that the human race has a precognitive ability and misinterpreted the
invaders they saw in their future as demons.
However, the interesting thing here is that when the invaders finally reveal
themselves all the other giant saucers vanish except the one over New York. It
turns out all the others were simply holograms. The Joke is on us.
PUBLISH. Please send a copy to awakenmedia.prabandhak@gmail.com chandrasekhara.tipitaka@gmail.com Visit: http://sarvajan.ambedkar.org
9th May 2014 Friday 10 am
Venue: Red Cross Home, Ulsoor, Bengaluru
Venerable Sugatananda Bhanteji Upasaka Shri S. Narasimhaiah
DIPP Gujarat BAD RANKING, 4% FDI or $9b For $1500b MoUs
Times NOW
Arnab Goswami FIXED Narindra Modi’s Interview
May 09, 2014
There was nothing new and
all Q&A were related to Low Grade Politics indulged in by politicians and
Narendra Modi himself in the lead.
Only good thing is that all
the Nonsense of Modi is available in one interview.
He avoided ‘Gross Failure
of Gujarat in all Critical Development
He pretended ignorance about
the Cases against Maya Kodnani who resigned as Minister on March27, 2009 over
seven years after the riots and murders and later convicted and sentenced to 28
years in jail.
He has started meeting PRESS
who is likely to be Exposing Every Detail of Modi Scams, Riots, Communal
Speeches, etc etc in an attempt to influence them.
Something he managed to
Avoid and Evade on development and social issues will be in focus – he shall
face Worst of Media as he may win less than 100.
Every single wrong he has
done will be exposed.
10 Biggest TRAGEDIES Of Gujarat Indian Voters
Must Know
Large Companies control Business, Trade and Infrastructure in Gujarat and
Gujarat has Sold Out to Corporate:Ambani,
Adani, ESSAR, Tata, WIPRO and many more run businesses of Rs.10,00,000 crores
in which people of Gujarat has no EQUITY and 62m People of Gujarat have no
Share in Natural Resources of Gujarat.
2.]Tax Collection in Gujarat is just 11% of GDP against
63.3% tax rate and India
rax collection rate of 17.7%. Thus there is massive leak of taxes CORRUPTION.
said Gujaratisare expert businessmen born traders with history
of our 5000 years (same thing he said in Delhi – BJP is party of traders) and
with Foreign Technology collaboration India-EU/USA can dominate
the world – also told them Gujarat has 14,000 MW of power generation
capacity when actual was 6400 MW around 2004 etc – actually then there
were severe power shortages and Industry operated 5 days in a week and working
hours were staggered. The impression was clearly he is Liar, Incompetent and
4.]Nanavati Commission clearly stated two things first program was
planned from Ahmadabad to send batches of 2200 every alternate day in
Sabarmati express and none of the SEWAKS had valid ticket or reservation – this
itself points to the fact that large number SEWAKS left Ahmadabad Apprehending
Clashes – travelling without ticket was therefore – when 2200 Unreserved young
workers in unreserved coaches were travelling for two days there are
possibilities of Clashes at every station. Why was DNA tests not carried out on
victims points to the fact that non SEWAK families of men women and children
were engulfed in fire?Out of 59
Causalities 27 were women, 21 men and 10 Children. Women rarely travel
alone in very long distance train – obviously Innocent Families were trapped in
communal clash.
reported this year that Gujarat has cheaply
acquired 1.08 million hectares of Farmers land for Corporate cheaply and 6
million hectares is operated by BJP RSS cadre for grazing etc disguised as
water harvesting etc.
Ø This
is Clearly a Conspiracy to acquire 40% to 50% land area of Gujarat.
6.Gujarat has completely FAILED to develop Water
Resources in the state. NWDT strictly regulated entitlement of Gujarat at 10,000
cusecs but Gujarat designed 40,000 cusec
system. It could have connected UKAI dam to Narmada Canal.
Dam itself has not been built. Then Gujarat diverted 3 maf of water or 33%
for drinking purpose through pipelines and also built Sufalam Sujalam
project drawing over 1 maf of water and around 1 maf of water is
diverted for Sabarmati River Front. Instead of 9 MAF just 4 maf is left
for release in Narmada
Canal network. So instead
of 4000 cusec water available Capacity of Canal is 40,000 cusecs.
7.Healthcare in Gujarat had failed 50%Children are Malnourished even as
Central government provided Subsidies 35 Kg Wheat & Rice to Gujarat
population. Gujarat
EXPORT milk than Feed Own Population.
8.Education in Gujarat
is SUBSTANDARD – 95% students are taught in Gujarati medium and practically
learn nothing. IN FACT GUJARAT SPEND JUST 0.4%
9. Food Production in Gujarat is just 3% of India, Farmers in Gujarat
get Rs.40 per kg for Groundnut Kernels that are retailedfor
Rs.200 per kg. Similarly Gujarat farmer
get Rs.80 for Spices that retail for Rs.450 to Rs.480 per kg in
10.Gujarat signed 51000 MoUs with foreign
investors worth $1500mbut nothing materialized. MSMEs are
shutting down, Workers are Paid Low Wages, Hired for short Contracts
and deprived of Provident Fund.
– Ashwin Jangam
DIPP Gujarat BAD RANKING, 4% FDI or $9b For $1500b MoUs
May07, 2014
Gujarat is a scam state. Everything it does is MISCHIEF,
DISHONEST & MISLEADING. Actually about Land Gujarat has huge VACANT plots
all over Gujarat waiting for Industries to come mainly due to inaccessible
location, poor railway infrastructure, (Industry Need Railways For
Transportation), Severe Water Shortage, High Cost Water & Power, Poor Skill
Levels, Gujarati is Official Spoken Language, Low Grade Lifestyle – few star
hotels, prohibition etc.
Same DIPP site also reports
FDI on monthly basis and Gujarat attracted
just 4% of FDI.
DIPP report was about
Investing in states and since 2000 Gujarat attracted just 4% of FDI in 14
years or $9b when Gujarat entered in to
51000 MoU worth $1500b.
Mayawati alleges Modi playing backward class card for political gains
“Narendra Modi is trying to play “backward card” for political gains. He
is indulging in cheap politics. He should instead reveal his caste,”
said Mayawati.
She also said that the Gujarat Chief Minister is resorting to cheap
tactics as his party is going through a bad phase in Uttar Pradesh.
“Low-level politics does not have any relation with backward castes. It
means that you are indulging in cheap politics. He deliberately used the
backward caste card. Why doesn’t he tell us about his caste?” she
She alleged that the BJP has always been against SC/STs and the backward
castes, and said that they have never done anything for backward
“I thought the Congress would have given him a fitting reply. Even
Mulayam Singh could not give a fitting reply to Modi. It is very
surprising,” she added.
PUBLISH. Please send a copy to awakenmedia.prabandhak@gmail.com chandrasekhara.tipitaka@gmail.com Visit: http://sarvajan.ambedkar.org
8th May 2014 Thursday 3 pm
Venue: Nursing College Auditorium, Victoria Hospital, Bengaluru
ಪವಿತ್ರ ವ್ಯೆಶಾಖ ಬುದ್ಧ ಪೂರ್ಣಿಮಾ
Pabbajja Courses for
Children : 27-04-2015 to 04-05-2010
Men & Women : 07-05-2014 to 15-05-2014
All are Welcome
To Commemorate the Three Great Events
Birth, Awakenment and mahaparinibbana of
Will be observed as BODHI SAPTAHA From Thursday 8th May 2014 to Wednesday 14th May 2014
With main funcion on 14-05-2014 Vesakha Purnima Day
We cordially invite you to attend all the programs with family and friends.
Yours, President and Members,
Maha Bodhi Society, Mahabodhi maitri mandala,
Mahabodhi Centre for Theravada Buddhist Studies,
Mahabodhi Foundation, Baghavan Buddha University,
Mahabodhi Research Centre, Buddha Vachana Trust, Nalanda Vijjayatana and Mahabodhi Branches in Mysore, Arunachal pradesh, Tripura
Address for correspondence and donations; MAHA BODHI SOCIETY 14, Kalidasa Road, Gandhinagar, Bangalore-560009, India Tel: 080-22250684, 09343158020, Fax: 080-41148440 Email:info@mahabodhi.info Web site: www.mahabodhi.info
Donate generously and share merits
8th May 2014 Thursday 3 pm
Venue: Nursing College Auditorium, Victoria Hospital, Bengaluru
Guests Dr. Devadas, Superintendent, Victoria Hospital S. Mariswamy, IPS Rtd., Chairman, AIT, Spoorti Dhama
Blessings by Ven. Ananda Bhante General Secretary, Mah Bodhi Society, Bengaluru
vinaya rakkhita
To bodhisattva groupYuva Buddhist Group of Hyderabadshantichakra foundation
Today at 3:08 PM
On Thursday, 8 May 2014 11:05 AM, Ashwin Jangam wrote:
Date: 8 May 2014 07:45 Subject: Scholarship availability
for Buddhists students who wish / desire topursue Engineering
Education [ 4 years B.Tech Program] To:
Dear Sir / Madam,
Vikas College of Engineering
& Technology , Nunna, Vijayawada, Andhra Pradesh, has few Scholarship
availability for Buddhists students who wish / desire to pursue Engineering
Education [ 4 years B.Tech Program], the students would get more than 50%
waiver of tuition fees, please share the brochure of our campus to Buddhists
PUBLISH. Please send a copy to awakenmedia.prabandhak@gmail.com chandrasekhara.tipitaka@gmail.com Visit: http://sarvajan.ambedkar.org
[humanrightsactivist] Fw: Democray under seize, mockery of elections with manipulated electoral ro
Kishin Chandiramani
Today at 2:30 PM
[Attachment(s) from Kishin Chandiramani included below]
On Monday, May 5, 2014 10:01 PM, Satya D wrote:
Chetana Manch is a leading NGO fighting against these issues for many
years and won the Supreme Court cases such as against Aadhar card.
Please read through the entire Press release which is showing up to 35%
to 60% of the electoral rolls are bogus. It is not that the ECI does
not know these things, they just sat on it and did NOTHING
all these years. (see the table in Press release below).
We may very well be seeing repeat of 2009, with anywhere up or above 50 seats manipulated and tilt the balance of power.
Nagrik Chetna Manch, after deep study and discussions, is issuing the enclosed press release for favour of publication.
Nagrik Chetna Manch has
resolved to see this matter through as it strikes at the very roots of
democracy and we firmly believe that “Democracy is under siege” due to
faulty preparation of Electoral Rolls.
We have argued in the Press Release for our following demands:
intensive revision of the Electoral Rolls under Rule 25 of the
Registration of Electors Rules through door-to-door visits by staff
hired solely for the purpose.
b)An audit by the CAG of such rolls for their compliance to Registration of Electors Rules, especially Rules 6 and 21A.
c)Conduct of free and fair elections as soon as, and only after, such genuine verified and audited Electoral Rolls are available.
Thank you,
Yours sincerely,–
Maj. Gen. S. C. N. Jatar, Retd
President, Nagrik Chetna Manch
5 May 2014
Electoral Rolls
one is now aware that citizens had trouble finding their booths and a large
number of them could not find their names in the electoral rolls on the polling
day in Pune on 17 April 2014. However, what is not known is that the
elimination of names and addition of fictitious names appears to be on design
and not unintentional. It is just beyond anyone’s comprehension to fathom how
names can get deleted unless applied for in case of residence change or death.
were at least two indicators that were precursors to the impending electoral
rolls muddle; (i) the statement by a senior politician advising his supporters
to wipe out the ‘indelible’ ink and vote a second time and (ii) the replication
of 1.08 lakh voters from Sangli Lok Sabha constituency evenly distributed in
the slum areas of the six assembly segments of Pune Lok Sabha constituency. The
authorities should have sat up and checked.
Anupam Saraph (9325349304), a member of Nagrik
Chetna Manch, along with a few other citizens has been
studying the irregularities and lack of adherence to the Registration of
Electors Rules, 1960 since 2011 when he objected to the entire electoral roll
and also lodged a police complaint but to no avail. Even now, the names in the
electoral rolls are not arranged as per house numbers or in alphabetical order.
Further, there is an elaborate procedure in Rule 21A for deletion of names. It
is the registration officer, who makes a list of the names to be deleted with
details of such electors, exhibits them and considers written/verbal objections
before finally deleting the names. Hence, it is implicit in Rule 21A that elector’s
names do not get deleted ‘automatically’ but it is on occurrence of an event
e.g. death or not being an ordinary resident. The main cause for illicit
additions and deletions is that the electoral rolls are neither verifiable nor
This means that elections are held on a directory of people who may not exist,
may live in different constituencies or even vote multiple times.
violation of existing rules, the Election Commission outsources the addition
and deletion of names to political parties, which immediately creates a
conflict of interest because political parties fight elections. To compound the
problem, the Election Commission of India has permitted the use Aadhaar number as
proof of address and of identity, which it is not. The issue of Aadhaar number
had also been outsourced to the very same political parties.
studies based on the age-structure as published by the Census of India[2] and
the population of a constituency as published by the Election Commission[3] reveal
the following:
a) An
average of 35% electors in Maharashtra are duplicate or do not exist. Further there
are about 25 % deletions as per ECI website[4].
b) Due
to illicit additions and deletions, the error (plus/minus) in the electoral rolls
is about 60% (35 % excess i.e. plus and 25 % deletions i.e. minus).
c) The
declared turnout percentages are, therefore, misleading, not being actual.
The errors in electoral
rolls, either deliberate or due to sheer inefficiency, result in “booth capturing”
in terms of Section 135A of the Representation of Peoples Act because incorrect
electoral rolls “affect the orderly conduct of elections” and “prevents
legitimate voters from free exercise of their right to vote”. In terms of
Section 58A of the said Act, the improperly prepared electoral rolls call for
“adjournment of poll or countermanding of election”.
Chetna Manch has written to the Chief Election
Commissioner, the Chief Justice of India and the Chief Justice of the Bombay
High Court calling for suo-moto cognizance of our grievance and commencement of
an intensive Supreme Court-‐monitored
revision of electoral rolls.
have, therefore, demanded for:
a) An
intensive revision of the Electoral Rolls under Rule 25 of the Registration of
Electors Rules through door-to-door visits by staff hired solely for the
b) An
audit by the CAG of such rolls for their compliance to Registration of Electors
Rules, especially Rules 6 and 21A.
c) Conduct
of free and fair elections as soon as, and only after, such genuine verified
and audited Electoral Rolls are available.
Please see Annexure
for elaboration on the above points.
President, Nagrik
Chetna Manch
Elaboration and
Clarification of Points
Press Release dated 5 May
Faulty Electoral Rolls
& Deletion of Names from Electoral Rolls
Election Commission outsources the addition and deletion of names to Political
Parties. There is no evidence to show that they would not be influenced by
their conflict of interest in selectively adding or deleting names. To compound
the problem the Election Commission of India has permitted use Aadhaar as the
proof of address and proof of identity, which it is not.
with Aadhaar Number
The Aadhaar is merely a
random number assigned to access unverified and unaudited data submitted by
various private enrolment agencies including political parties or their agents.
The Aadhaar data held by these private parties can be used to fill forms that
add persons to the electoral roll or delete them, and submit an Aadhaar as the
proof of identity/proof of address without the knowledge of the persons. This
allows the enrolment of non-existent persons, duplicates, persons from
different constituencies and the deletion of persons onto the Electoral Rolls
without the knowledge of persons involved.
Estimate of the Number of Citizens on
the Electoral Roll
the absence of verifiable and auditable Electoral Rolls, we calculated the
number of people who would be expected to be on the Roll given the
age-structure as published by the Census of India[5] and the population of a
constituency as published by the Election Commission[6]. The calculations are
presented below:
the numbers in the above Table, we draw the following deductions:
a) An
average of 35% electors in Maharashtra are duplicate or do not exist. There are
about 25 % deletions as per ECI website[7].
b) Due
to illicit additions and deletions, the error (plus/minus) in the electoral
rolls is about 60% (35 % excess i.e. plus and 25 % deletions i.e. minus).
c) The
declared turnout percentages are, therefore, misleading, not being actual.
Such Electoral Rolls, that are neither
verified nor audited, amount to booth capturing or fraudulently interfering
with the process of an election whereby members of a party occupy a polling
booth, excluding and voting in place of those people who should be eligible to
vote there.
elections are a facade because we elect our representatives based on faulty electoral
rolls and call it a free and fair election. Our netas have twisted the
perspective of democracy by coming to power by “virtual booth capturing”. We
are made to believe that that if you do not vote, you lose the right to
participate in the Indian “democracy”.
Democracy is under siege.
The elections have become a mockery under such electoral rolls.
மக்களவைத் தேர்தலின் 8வது கட்ட வாக்குப்பதிவு மே 7 புதனன்று நடைபெறுகிறது.
இதை யொட்டி, வாக்குப்பதிவு நடைபெற உள்ள 64 மக்களவை தொகுதிகள் மற்றும்
சீமாந்திரா பகுதியில் உள்ள 125 சட்டமன்ற தொகுதிகளில் தேர்தல் பிரச்சாரம்
திங்களன்று மாலையுடன் நிறைவுபெற்றது.
தேர்தல் 9 கட்ட மாக நடைபெற்று வருகிறது. 7 கட்டங்கள் முடிவடைந்து 8வது
கட்ட வாக்குப்பதிவு புதனன்று நடை பெறுகிறது. இதில் பிரதானமாக
ஆந்திரப்பிரதேசத்தில் சீமாந் திரா பகுதிக்குட்பட்ட 25 தொகுதிகளில் தேர்தல்
நடைபெறுகிறது. சீமாந்திரா சட்டமன்றத்திற்கும் வாக்குப்பதிவு நடைபெறுகிறது.
இதுதவிர பீகாரில் 7 மக்களவை தொகுதிகள், இமாச்சலப் பிரதேசத்தில் 4
தொகுதிகள், ஜம்மு-காஷ்மீரில் 2 தொகுதிகள், உத்தரப்பிரதேசத்தில் 15 தொகுதி
கள், உத்தரகாண்ட்டில் 5 தொகுதிகள், மேற்குவங்கத்தில் 6 தொகுதிகள் என
மொத்தம் 7 மாநிலங்களில் 64 மக்களவை தொகுதிகளுக்கு வாக்குப்பதிவு
நடைபெறுகிறது.இதில் மார்க்சிஸ்ட் கம்யூனிஸ்ட் கட்சி போட்டியிடும்
சீமாந்திராவில் அரக்கு மற்றும் திருப்பதி ஆகிய இரண்டு தொகுதிகளிலும்,
இமாச்சலப்பிரதேசத்தில் சிம்லா, மாண்டி ஆகிய தொகுதிகளிலும் வாக்குப்பதிவு
நடைபெறுகிறது. இத்தொகுதிகளில் கட்சியின் வேட்பாளருக்கு பிரச்சாரத்தின் போது
மக்கள் உற்சாக வர வேற்பு அளித்தனர் என்பது குறிப்பிடத்தக்கது. குறிப்பாக
சிம்லா மற்றும் மாண்டி ஆகிய தொகுதிகளில் பாஜக, காங்கிரஸ், சிபிஎம் ஆகிய
கட்சிகளிடையே பலத்த போட்டி நிலவுகிறது.
மே 7 அன்று ஜார்க்ரம், மிட்னாப்பூர், புருலியா, பங்குரா, விஷ்ணுப்பூர்
மற்றும் அசம்சால் ஆகிய ஆறு தொகுதிகளில் வாக்குப்பதிவு
நடைபெறுகிறது.ஏற்கெனவே இங்கு மூன்று கட்ட தேர்தல்கள் நடந்துள்ளன.
எஞ்சியுள்ள 17 தொகுதிகளில் கடைசி கட்டமாக மே 12ந்தேதி வாக்குப்பதிவு
நடைபெறுகிறது. புதனன்று நடைபெறும் தேர்தலில் போட்டியிடும் வேட் பாளர்களில்
பங்குரா தொகுதியில் இடதுமுன்னணி சார்பில் மார்க் சிஸ்ட் கம்யூனிஸ்ட
கட்சியின் வேட் பாளராக போட்டியிடும் பாசுதேவ் ஆச்சார்யா குறிப்பிடத்தக்க
தலை வர் ஆவார். இவர் மார்க்சிஸ்ட் கம்யூனிஸ்ட் கட்சியின் மக்கள வைக் குழுத்
தலைவராக செயல்பட்டு வருகிறார். இதே தொகுதியில் 9 முறைமக்களின் அன்பைப்
பெற்று மக்களவைக்கு தேர்ந்தெடுக் கப்பட்ட மூத்த தலைவர் இவர் என்பது
$2b Industrial
Wages $100b Gujarat Economy, 65m People
May06, 2014
It is quite shocking when EU
and other developed countries are aspiring to engage 100% of eligible work
force in jobs particularly R&D based Industries we in India employ just 0.8% of work
force in industries that too of low grade technologies.
In EU over 90% work force is
employed and out of this 39% are engaged in IPR industries.
Over 90% of activity in India
is controlled by Businessmen including Industrialists. Farmers, Workers, MSMEs
account for less than 10% of real GDP. IMPORTANT – Embroidery workers earn just
$1 for dress retailing for $100 to $300. As given in the ASI also value of
Factory output was Rs.57.6 lakh crores that may be retailed for Rs.180 lakh
crores to Rs.200 crores but Industrial workers were paid not even Rs.1 lakh
crore. (99,855 crores)
When Gujarat
was seeking investment through 51000 MoU worth $1500b it neither has the
skills, nor infrastructure nor IPR protection.
What is truly pathetic is
our Factory workers earn just 1% of India GDP.
employed just 10% Factory workers 1998-99 and 10% in 2011-12, wages to factory
workers was 9% and 10% but valuation declined from 13% of India to 10%
Average wages of Factory
workers are Rs.8000 Per Month $130 Per month. A Factory worker is engaged for
200 hours in a week means hourly wages are US 65 cents per hour.
Average hourly wages of
unorganized skilled and unskilled worker is around US 40 cents and US 20 Cents.
Kishin Chandiramani
To Janshakti@yahoogroups.com
Today at 12:39 PM
of Government appointees, is well described by the Hon. Supreme Court
(e.g. case of CBI functioning) as being PUPPETs. Recently, few days back
at drop of their eye-lash, the Soniaji’s (MMS) GOI retired and/or
appointed two new EC commissioners, retired one army General etc. etc.
During the National Parliament Election, the GOI is made as a CareTaker
GOI; but the Soniaji cleverly scheduled the Election 2014 so that does
not happen -afraid of loosing the Election due to loot/scams after
scams- apart from the fact cleverly also manipulating the period of
University/college/schools exams and subseqt holidays.. the very so
called impartial EC headed by current CEC just went along that
On Tuesday, May 6, 2014 5:43 AM, “devinder.thakur@btopenworld.com” wrote:
suggest Congress hand in the FIR against N Modi means causing serious
aspersions on the impartiality of the Election Commission. On the
contrary, I think the Election Commission should move the case out of
Gujarat if it wants result oriented proceedings. N Modi, instead of
apologising, has been cocky and throwing challenges at the Election
Commission asking it to take out some more FIRs against him. Devinder
From: Bhalchandra Thattey To: Janshakti@yahoogroups.com Sent: Saturday, May 3, 2014 2:37 AM Subject: Re: [Janshakti] Re: [IndianJustice] FIR for NaMO, then how about FIR on CEC Sampath’s CRIME for lakhs of missing voters ?
TV recording shows that Modi was openbly and vulgarely shopwing lotus
symbol knowingly violating code of conduct.You cant campaign while
voting is going on.
How do you know that it is not maneuvered by the Congress Party
FIR is the first step towards an inquiry. FIR does not mean an
automatic indictment. It only means that prima facie something wrong has
taken place. I agree with you that the missing lists of voters are a
serious and very disappointing failure but is not an act of criminality
unless it has been done by someone intentionally. Devinder
Subject: Re: [Janshakti] Re: [IndianJustice] FIR for NaMO, then how about FIR on CEC Sampath’s CRIME for lakhs of missing voters ?
of the election commission to order filing FIR without preliminary
inquiry and asking for compliance report by the evening is most
deplorable and smacks of gross partisanship. Symbols continue to flutter
all around. Modi had gone there to vote and the media followed him as
it does for all other leaders who matter. All of them have symbols
around them. If Modi was just talking to Medi and showed the symbol
perhaps at sufficient distance from the actual polling booth there was
no cause for raising such hulla boo. Any way the EC should take next
step carefully.
On Friday, 2 May 2014 6:14 AM, Kishin Chan
diramani <ohumkc@yahoo.com> wrote:
will be the course of the Law, the CEC conduct@accountability towards
the Nation’s lacs of public voters not being able to vote can not be
less than anti-national act and can’t be set-aside/brushed-away as a
matter of no consequence; as the way this seems to be treated by the
Govt@bureaucrats by showing NO CONCERN@NO REACTION TO THIS MAJOR
a small point. The moral code of conduct is a voluntary code which all
the political parties agreed to adhere to. The breach of the code does
not invoke legal action. The FIR against Sh. N Modi is not for the
breach of moral code of conduct but the breach of relevant law.
FIR for NaMo for displaying symbol and carried over by channels.
How about EC
and Mr. Sampath who did nothing when literally lacs of voters are
missing? Between Pune and Mumbai up to six lacs voters? Should there not be an FIR against Mr. Sampath?
How about Mr. Sampath who is supposed to refresh voter lists every 5 years and has done nothing?
How about Mr Sampath not complying with SC order to procure VVPAT (EVM with paper trail) and did nothing?
about Election Commission did nothing when EC website showed results
before starting counting in 2009? No investigation still today?
What about literally declaring Chidambaram winner after the opposition candidate was announced as winner in 2009?
What about Election Commissioner Chawla taking health break and passing EC meetings details to Congress?
When Rahul Gandhi violated code of conduct, was there an FIR?
What about when Islamist spread a message to cut Modi to pieces and EC did nothing?
The list goes on and on…..
Even if Modi made a mistake, why did the channels carry it? Was he addressing a rally?
lacs of crores are looted from the nation, there is no charge but here
is cowardly EC that lost its bearings and placing the FIRs.
am not saying they they should NOT do what is necessary, but where have
they done anything so far when elections were literally stolen.
Let the country men file FIRs and PILs against the incompetent and cowardly Election Commission.