people of All Major religions in the world of
grows vegetables & Fruits Plants in pots to live like free birds to overcome Hunger on Good Earth and SPACE.
getting up at 3:45 AM take bath and do Buddhists Patanjali Yogic
Meditation inhaling and exhaling in all positions of the body. Do Meditative Mindful Swimming from 5 am to 6:30 AM
Attānañce tathā kayirā, yathāññamanusāsati; Sudanto vata dametha, attā hi kira duddamo.
should act the same way that one instructs others to act;one who is
well-trained can train others -for it is truly hard to train oneself.
- Dhammapada verse 159
At Sāvatthī, standing to one side, the god Kāmada said to the Buddha:
So hard it is to do, Lord, It’s so very hard to do!
[Buddha] But still they do what’s hard to do, Who steady themselves with virtue. For one pursuing homelessness, Content arrives, and with it joy.
[Kamada:] So hard it is to tame, Lord, This mind of which you speak!
[Buddha:] But still they tame what’s hard to tame, Who delight in senses at peace. Cutting through mortality’s net, The nobles, Kamada, proceed.
[Kamada:] So hard it is to go, Lord, On this path that gets so rough!
[Buddha:] Still nobles, Kamada, proceed On paths both rough and hard to take. Those who are less than noble fall On their heads when the path gets rough. But for nobles the path is smooth — For nobles smooth out what is rough!
Check these baby names. Athisa Aisa Amya Anewa Astylea Aofa Awishinga Ayoua Aaa Ahappya Anewa, Ayeara Aina Aadvancea Surprised?
Now remove the first A and the last A
Mayawati declared that she will bring back the rule of Ashoka I.e., JAMBUDIPA. So far no leader ever dream’t of that.
Wise,Intelligent people of All Major religions in the world of
All non BSP parties are remotely controlled by foreigners kicked out from Bene Israel ,Tibet, Africa,Eastern Europe,Western Germany ,South Russia ,Western Europe,Hungary chitpavan brahmins of Rowdy Swayam Sevak slaves,stooges,boot lickers,chamchas,chelas are mad people.
Free For All Mad murderer of democratic institutions gobbled the Master Key by tampering the fraud EVMs, promised Rs 15 lakh in every citizen’s bank accounts,2 crore jobs for the youths,Tea & pakora stalls with drain water for unemployed youths, bhajans for malnutrition
from Hinduism,
Eternal,Glorified,Friendly,Benevolent,Compassionate from Christianity,
Eternal,Glorified,Friendly,Benevolent,Compassionate from Islam,
Eternal,Glorified,Friendly,Benevolent,Compassionate from Buddhism,
Eternal,Glorified,Friendly,Benevolent,Compassionate from Judaism,
from Taoism,
Eternal,Glorified,Friendly,Benevolent,Compassionate from Atheism,
Eternal,Glorified,Friendly,Benevolent,Compassionate from Sikhism,
Eternal,Glorified,Friendly,Benevolent,Compassionate from Mormonism
Awakened Ones practice JAMBUDIPANatyam for Body & Mind to Attain
Eternal Bliss
06)Classical Classical Eternal,Glorified,Friendly,Benevolent,Compassionate Devanagari,Classical Hindi-Devanagari- शास्त्रीय हिंदी,
Shared with Public
नया साल मुबारक हो 2023
शास्त्रीय शास्त्रीय शाश्वत, गौरवशाली, मैत्रीपूर्ण, परोपकारी, अनुकंपा देवनागरी, शास्त्रीय हिंदी-देवनागरी- शास्त्रीय हिंदी,
महिमा, दोस्ताना, परोपकारी, दयालु जंबुडीपा ब्रह्मांड की दुनिया में सभी
प्रमुख धर्मों के बुद्धिमान, बुद्धिमान लोग सब्जियों को उगाते हैं पौधे गमलों में
मुक्त पक्षियों की तरह जीने के लिए
अच्छी पृथ्वी और अंतरिक्ष पर भूख को दूर करने के लिए। सुबह 3:45 बजे उठने
के बाद स्नान करें और बौद्ध पतंजलि यौगिक ध्यान करें और शरीर की सभी
स्थितियों में सांस लें और छोड़ें।
सुबह 5 बजे से 6:30 बजे तक मेडिटेटिव माइंडफुल स्विमिंग करें
मायावती ने घोषणा की कि वह अशोक यानी जंबुदीप के शासन को वापस लाएगी। अभी
तक किसी भी नेता ने कभी सपने में भी नहीं सोचा होगा। अनन्त, गौरवशाली,
मित्रवत, परोपकारी, दयालु जंबुदीप ब्रह्मांड की दुनिया में सभी प्रमुख
धर्मों के बुद्धिमान, बुद्धिमान लोग चाहते थे कि ऐसा हो।
बेने इज़राइल , तिब्बत, अफ्रीका, पूर्वी यूरोप, पश्चिमी जर्मनी , दक्षिण रूस , पश्चिमी यूरोप, हंगरी
से निकाले गए विदेशियों द्वारा सभी गैर बसपा पार्टियों को दूरस्थ रूप से
नियंत्रित किया जाता है। बूट चाटने वाले, चमचे, चेले पागल लोग हैं।
फ्री फॉर ऑल मैड लोकतांत्रिक संस्थाओं के हत्यारे ने ईवीएम से छेड़छाड़ कर मास्टर चाबी हड़पी कुपोषण के लिए
गौरवशाली, मैत्रीपूर्ण, परोपकारी, हिंदू धर्म, ईसाई धर्म, इस्लाम, बौद्ध
धर्म, यहूदी धर्म, ताओवाद, नास्तिकता, सिखवाद, मोर्मोनवाद से अनुकंपा
जाग्रत लोग शरीर और मन के लिए जम्बुदीप नाट्यम का अभ्यास करते हैं ताकि
शाश्वत आनंद प्राप्त किया जा सके
ধ্রুপদী শাশ্বত, মহিমান্বিত, বন্ধুত্বপূর্ণ, কল্যাণকর, সহানুভূতিশীল বাংলা-ক্লাস সংযুক্ত বাংলা, ধ্রুপদী বাংলা-ক্লাস বাংলা
গৌরবময়, বন্ধুত্বপূর্ণ, দানশীল, সহানুভূতিশীল জাম্বুদিপা মহাবিশ্বের
জগতের সমস্ত প্রধান ধর্মের বুদ্ধিমান, বুদ্ধিমান মানুষ শাকসব্জী বৃদ্ধি করে
গাছপালা পাত্রে
মুক্ত পাখির মতো বাঁচতে
ভালো পৃথিবী এবং স্থানের ক্ষুধা কাটিয়ে উঠতে। ভোর 3:45 টায় ঘুম থেকে
ওঠার পর স্নান করুন এবং বৌদ্ধ পতঞ্জলি যোগিক ধ্যান করুন এবং শরীরের সমস্ত
অবস্থানে শ্বাস-প্রশ্বাস গ্রহণ করুন।
সকাল 5 টা থেকে 6:30 AM পর্যন্ত মেডিটেটিভ মাইন্ডফুল সাঁতার কাটুন
মায়াবতী ঘোষণা করেছিলেন যে তিনি অশোকের শাসন অর্থাৎ জম্বুদ্বীপ ফিরিয়ে
আনবেন। এখন পর্যন্ত কোনো নেতা এমন স্বপ্ন দেখেননি। চিরন্তন, মহিমান্বিত,
বন্ধুত্বপূর্ণ, কল্যাণকর, সহানুভূতিশীল জম্বুদ্বীপ মহাবিশ্বের সমস্ত প্রধান
ধর্মের বুদ্ধিমান, বুদ্ধিমান লোকেরা এটি ঘটতে চেয়েছিল।
সমস্ত নন-বিএসপি দলগুলি দূরবর্তীভাবে নিয়ন্ত্রিত হয় বেনে ইজরায়েল , তিব্বত, আফ্রিকা, পূর্ব ইউরোপ, পশ্চিম জার্মানি , দক্ষিণ রাশিয়া , পশ্চিম ইউরোপ, হাঙ্গেরি চিত্পাবন শ্বোক্ওয়েস্ভস্ভস্ভস্ভস্ভস্ভস্ভস্ভস্, বিদেশিদের দ্বারা। বুট চাটা, চামচা, চেলারা পাগল মানুষ।
ফ্রী ফর অল পাগল গণতান্ত্রিক প্রতিষ্ঠানের খুনি জালিয়াতি ইভিএমে কারচুপি করে মাস্টার কী , প্রতি নাগরিকের ব্যাঙ্ক অ্যাকাউন্টে 15 লক্ষ টাকা, যুবকদের জন্য 2 কোটি চাকরি, চা এবং বেকার যুবকদের জন্য ড্রেন ওয়াটার সহ পাকোড়ার স্টল দেওয়ার প্রতিশ্রুতি অপুষ্টির জন্য
মহিমান্বিত, বন্ধুত্বপূর্ণ, পরোপকারী, হিন্দুধর্ম, খ্রিস্টান, ইসলাম,
বৌদ্ধ, ইহুদি ধর্ম, তাওবাদ, নাস্তিকতা, শিখ ধর্ম, মর্মোনিজম জাগ্রত
ব্যক্তিরা শাশ্বত সুখ অর্জনের জন্য শরীর ও মনের জন্য জম্বুদীপা নাট্যম
অনুশীলন করে
ક્લાસિકલ શાશ્વત, ગૌરવપૂર્ણ, મૈત્રીપૂર્ણ, પરોપકારી, દયાળુ ગુજરાતી- કલાસિકલ ગુજરાતી
ગૌરવપૂર્ણ, મૈત્રીપૂર્ણ, પરોપકારી, કરુણાપૂર્ણ જાંબુદીપા બ્રહ્માંડના
વિશ્વના બધા મોટા ધર્મોના બુદ્ધિશાળી, શાકભાજી ઉગાડે છે છોડ પોટ્સમાં
મુક્ત પક્ષીઓની જેમ જીવવું
સારી પૃથ્વી અને અવકાશ પર ભૂખને દૂર કરવા માટે. સવારે 3:45 વાગ્યે ઉઠ્યા
પછી સ્નાન કરો અને બૌદ્ધ પતંજલિ યોગિક ધ્યાન કરો અને શરીરની તમામ સ્થિતિમાં
શ્વાસ લો અને બહાર કાઢો.
સવારે 5 થી 6:30 સુધી મેડિટેટિવ માઇન્ડફુલ સ્વિમિંગ કરો
માયાવતીએ જાહેર કર્યું કે તેઓ અશોક એટલે કે જંબુદીપનું શાસન પાછું લાવશે.
અત્યાર સુધી કોઈ નેતાએ આવું સ્વપ્ન પણ જોયું નથી. શાશ્વત, ગૌરવપૂર્ણ,
મૈત્રીપૂર્ણ, પરોપકારી, કરુણાપૂર્ણ જંબુદીપ બ્રહ્માંડની દુનિયાના તમામ
મુખ્ય ધર્મોના સમજદાર, બુદ્ધિશાળી લોકો એવું ઇચ્છતા હતા.
બીએસપી સિવાયની તમામ પાર્ટીઓ બેને ઈઝરાયેલ , તિબેટ, આફ્રિકા, પૂર્વ યુરોપ, પશ્ચિમ જર્મની , દક્ષિણ રશિયા , પશ્ચિમ યુરોપ, હંગેરી
ચિત્પાવન બ્રહ્મસેવા, ચિત્પાવન બ્રહ્મસેવા, ચિત્પાવન બ્રહ્મસેવામાંથી બહાર
કાઢવામાં આવેલા વિદેશીઓ દ્વારા દૂરથી નિયંત્રિત છે. બૂટ ચાટનારા, ચમચા,
ચેલા એ પાગલ લોકો છે.
ફ્રી ફોર ઓલ મેડ લોકશાહી સંસ્થાઓના ખૂનીએ છેતરપિંડી કરીને EVM સાથે છેતરપિંડી કરીને માસ્ટર કી ખોઈ નાખી, દરેક નાગરિકના બેંક ખાતામાં 15 લાખ રૂપિયા, યુવાનો માટે 2 કરોડ નોકરીઓ, બેરોજગાર યુવાનો માટે ગટરના પાણી સાથે ચા અને પકોડાના સ્ટોલનું વચન આપ્યું હતું. કુપોષણ માટે
ગૌરવપૂર્ણ, મૈત્રીપૂર્ણ, પરોપકારી, હિંદુ ધર્મ, ખ્રિસ્તી ધર્મ, ઇસ્લામ,
બૌદ્ધ ધર્મ, યહુદી ધર્મ, તાઓવાદ, નાસ્તિકવાદ, શીખ ધર્મ, મોર્મોનિઝમ જાગૃત
લોકો શાશ્વત આનંદ પ્રાપ્ત કરવા માટે શરીર અને મન માટે જંબુદીપ નાટ્યમનો
અભ્યાસ કરે છે
62) Classical Eternal,Glorified,Friendly,Benevolent,Compassionate Kannada- ಶಾಸ್ತ್ರೀಯ ಕನ್ನಡ,
Shared with Public
ಹೊಸ ವರ್ಷದ ಶುಭಾಶಯಗಳು 2023
ಶಾಸ್ತ್ರೀಯ ಎಟರ್ನಲ್ ಮತ್ತು ವೈಭವೀಕರಿಸಿದ ಸ್ನೇಹಪರ ಉಪಕಾರ ಕರುಣಾಮಯಿ ಕನ್ನಡ- ಶಾಸ್ತ್ರೀಯ ಕನ್ನಡ,
ಬುದ್ಧಿವಂತ, ಬುದ್ಧಿವಂತ ಜನರು ಶಾಶ್ವತ, ವೈಭವೀಕರಿಸಿದ, ಸ್ನೇಹಪರ, ಪರೋಪಕಾರಿ,
ಸಹಾನುಭೂತಿಯ ಜಂಬುಡಿಪಾ ಬ್ರಹ್ಮಾಂಡವು ತರಕಾರಿಗಳನ್ನು ಬೆಳೆಯುತ್ತದೆ ಸಸ್ಯಗಳು ಕುಂಡಗಳಲ್ಲಿ
ಉಚಿತ ಪಕ್ಷಿಗಳಂತೆ ಬದುಕಲು
ಗುಡ್ ಅರ್ಥ್ ಮತ್ತು ಸ್ಪೇಸ್ನಲ್ಲಿ ಹಸಿವನ್ನು ಹೋಗಲಾಡಿಸಲು. 3:45 AM ಕ್ಕೆ ಎದ್ದ
ನಂತರ ಸ್ನಾನ ಮಾಡಿ ಮತ್ತು ಬೌದ್ಧರು ಪತಂಜಲಿ ಯೋಗದ ಧ್ಯಾನವನ್ನು ದೇಹದ ಎಲ್ಲಾ
ಸ್ಥಾನಗಳಲ್ಲಿ ಉಸಿರಾಡಲು ಮತ್ತು ಹೊರಹಾಕಲು ಮಾಡುತ್ತಾರೆ.
ಬೆಳಿಗ್ಗೆ 5 ರಿಂದ 6:30 ರವರೆಗೆ ಧ್ಯಾನಸ್ಥ ಮೈಂಡ್ಫುಲ್ ಈಜು ಮಾಡಿ
ಮಾಯಾವತಿ ಅವರು ಅಶೋಕನ ಅಂದರೆ ಜಂಬೂದೀಪ ಆಡಳಿತವನ್ನು ಮರಳಿ ತರುವುದಾಗಿ ಘೋಷಿಸಿದರು.
ಇಲ್ಲಿಯವರೆಗೂ ಯಾವ ನಾಯಕರೂ ಆ ಕನಸು ಕಂಡಿರಲಿಲ್ಲ. ಶಾಶ್ವತ, ವೈಭವೀಕರಿಸಿದ, ಸೌಹಾರ್ದ,
ಪರೋಪಕಾರಿ, ಸಹಾನುಭೂತಿಯುಳ್ಳ ಜಂಬೂದೀಪ ವಿಶ್ವದಲ್ಲಿರುವ ಎಲ್ಲಾ ಪ್ರಮುಖ ಧರ್ಮಗಳ
ಬುದ್ಧಿವಂತ, ಬುದ್ಧಿವಂತ ಜನರು ಅದು ಆಗಬೇಕೆಂದು ಬಯಸುತ್ತಾರೆ.
ಎಲ್ಲಾ ಬಿಎಸ್ಪಿ ಅಲ್ಲದ ಪಕ್ಷಗಳನ್ನು ಬೆನೆ ಇಸ್ರೇಲ್ , ಟಿಬೆಟ್, ಆಫ್ರಿಕಾ, ಪೂರ್ವ ಯುರೋಪ್, ಪಶ್ಚಿಮ ಜರ್ಮನಿ , ದಕ್ಷಿಣ ರಷ್ಯಾ , ಪಶ್ಚಿಮ ಯುರೋಪ್, ಹಂಗೇರಿ
ಚಿತ್ಪಾವನ್ ಸ್ಲೌಕ್ ಸ್ಲಾವ್ಸ್, ಚಿತ್ಪಾವನ್ ಬ್ರಾಹ್ಮಿನ್ಸ್, ಚಿತ್ಪಾವನ್
ಬ್ರಾಹ್ಮಿನ್ಸ್, ಟಿಬೆಟ್, ಆಫ್ರಿಕಾದಿಂದ ಹೊರಹಾಕಲ್ಪಟ್ಟ ವಿದೇಶಿಯರಿಂದ ದೂರದಿಂದ
ನಿಯಂತ್ರಿಸಲ್ಪಡುತ್ತವೆ. ಬೂಟ್ ಲಿಕ್ಕರ್ಸ್, ಚಮ್ಚಾಗಳು, ಚೇಲಾಗಳು ಹುಚ್ಚು ಜನರು.
ಎಲ್ಲರಿಗೂ ಉಚಿತ ಹುಚ್ಚು ಪ್ರಜಾಸತ್ತಾತ್ಮಕ ಸಂಸ್ಥೆಗಳ ಕೊಲೆಗಾರ ವಂಚನೆ ಇವಿಎಂಗಳನ್ನು ಟ್ಯಾಂಪರಿಂಗ್ ಮಾಡುವ ಮೂಲಕ ಮಾಸ್ಟರ್ ಕೀ , ಪ್ರತಿಯೊಬ್ಬ ನಾಗರಿಕರ ಬ್ಯಾಂಕ್ ಖಾತೆಗಳಲ್ಲಿ ರೂ 15 ಲಕ್ಷ, ಯುವಕರಿಗೆ 2 ಕೋಟಿ ಉದ್ಯೋಗ, ಟೀ & ನಿರುದ್ಯೋಗಿ ಯುವಕರಿಗೆ ಚರಂಡಿ ನೀರು, ಪಕೋರ ಸ್ಟಾಲ್ಗಳು, ಅಪೌಷ್ಟಿಕತೆಗಾಗಿ
ವೈಭವೀಕರಿಸಿದ, ಸೌಹಾರ್ದ, ಪರೋಪಕಾರಿ, ಹಿಂದೂ ಧರ್ಮ, ಕ್ರಿಶ್ಚಿಯನ್ ಧರ್ಮ, ಇಸ್ಲಾಂ,
ಬೌದ್ಧ ಧರ್ಮ, ಜುದಾಯಿಸಂ, ಟಾವೊಯಿಸಂ, ನಾಸ್ತಿಕತೆ, ಸಿಖ್ ಧರ್ಮ, ಮಾರ್ಮೊನಿಸಂ
ಜಾಗೃತರಾದವರು ದೇಹ ಮತ್ತು ಮನಸ್ಸು ಶಾಶ್ವತ ಆನಂದವನ್ನು ಪಡೆಯಲು ಜಂಬೂದೀಪ ನಾಟ್ಯವನ್ನು
ಅಭ್ಯಾಸ ಮಾಡುತ್ತಾರೆ
83) Classical Eternal,Glorified,Friendly,Benevolent,Compassionate Malayalam-ക്ലാസിക്കൽ മലയാളം,
2023 പുതുവത്സരാശംസകൾ
ക്ലാസിക്കൽ എറ്റേണൽ, ഗ്ലോറിഫൈഡ്, ഫ്രണ്ട്ലി, ദയയുള്ള, അനുകമ്പയുള്ള മലയാളം-ക്ലാസിക്കൽ മലയാളം,
മഹത്വവൽക്കരിക്കപ്പെട്ട, സൗഹൃദപരമുള്ള, അനുകമ്പയുള്ള, സൗഹൃദപരമുള്ള,
അനുകമ്പയുള്ള ജാംബുഡിപ യൂണിറ്റിർ, അനുകമ്പയുള്ള ജാംബീപ യൂണിറ്റിർ,
പച്ചക്കറികൾ വളർത്തുന്നു ചെടികൾ ചട്ടിയിൽ
സ്വതന്ത്ര പക്ഷികളെപ്പോലെ ജീവിക്കാൻ ഗുഡ് എർത്ത്, സ്പേസ് എന്നിവയിലെ വിശപ്പിനെ മറികടക്കാൻ. 3:45 AM-ന് എഴുന്നേറ്റതിന് ശേഷം കുളിക്കുക ബുദ്ധമതക്കാർ പതഞ്ജലി യോഗ ധ്യാനം ശരീരത്തിന്റെ എല്ലാ സ്ഥാനങ്ങളിലും ശ്വസിക്കുകയും ശ്വസിക്കുകയും ചെയ്യുക.
രാവിലെ 5 മുതൽ 6:30 വരെ ധ്യാനാത്മകമായ നീന്തൽ നടത്തുക
അതായത് ജംബൂദീപയുടെ ഭരണം തിരികെ കൊണ്ടുവരുമെന്ന് മായാവതി പ്രഖ്യാപിച്ചു.
ഇതുവരെ ഒരു നേതാവും അങ്ങനെ സ്വപ്നം കണ്ടിട്ടില്ല. ശാശ്വത, മഹത്വമുള്ള,
സൗഹൃദ, ദയാലുവായ, അനുകമ്പയുള്ള ജംബൂദീപ യൂണിവേഴ്സ് ലോകത്തിലെ എല്ലാ പ്രധാന
മതങ്ങളിലെയും ജ്ഞാനികളായ, ബുദ്ധിയുള്ള ആളുകൾ അത് സംഭവിക്കണമെന്ന്
ഇസ്രായേൽ, ടിബറ്റ്, ആഫ്രിക്ക, കിഴക്കൻ യൂറോപ്പ്, പടിഞ്ഞാറൻ ജർമ്മനി,
ദക്ഷിണ റഷ്യ, ദക്ഷിണ റഷ്യ, പടിഞ്ഞാറൻ യൂറോപ്പ്, ഹംഗറി ബൂട്ട് ലിക്കർമാർ,
ചാംചാസ്, ചേലകൾ എന്നിവ ഭ്രാന്തന്മാരാണ്.
എല്ലാ ഭ്രാന്തന്മാർക്കും സൗജന്യം
ജനാധിപത്യ സ്ഥാപനങ്ങളുടെ ഘാതകൻ തട്ടിപ്പ് ഇവിഎമ്മുകളിൽ കൃത്രിമം കാണിച്ച്
മാസ്റ്റർ കീ തട്ടിയെടുത്തു, ഓരോ പൗരന്റെയും ബാങ്ക് അക്കൗണ്ടുകളിൽ 15 ലക്ഷം
രൂപ വാഗ്ദാനം ചെയ്തു, യുവാക്കൾക്ക് 2 കോടി ജോലി, ചായ & തൊഴിലില്ലാത്ത യുവാക്കൾക്ക് ചോർച്ച വെള്ളമുള്ള പക്കോറ സ്റ്റാളുകൾ, പോഷകാഹാരക്കുറവിന്
ക്രിസ്ത്യൻ, ഇസ്ലാം, ബുദ്ധമതം, യഹൂദമതം, താവോയിസം, നിരീശ്വരവാദം, സിഖ്
മതം, മോർമോണിസം എന്നിവയിൽ നിന്നുള്ള നിത്യവും, മഹത്വവത്കരിക്കപ്പെട്ടതും,
സൗഹാർദ്ദപരവും, ദയയുള്ളതും, അനുകമ്പയുള്ളതുമായ, ഉണർന്നിരിക്കുന്നവർ
ശരീരത്തിനും മനസ്സിനും ശാശ്വതമായ ആനന്ദം നേടുന്നതിനായി ജംബുദീപ നാട്യം
स्वतन्त्र चराहरू जस्तै बाँच्न राम्रो पृथ्वी र अन्तरिक्षमा भोक मेटाउन। बिहान 3:45 बजे उठेपछि नुहाउनुहोस् र बौद्ध पतञ्जली योगिक ध्यान गर्नुहोस् शरीरको सबै स्थानहरूमा श्वास लिनुहोस् र श्वास छोड्नुहोस्।
बिहान 5 बजे देखि 6:30 बजे सम्म मेडिटेटिभ माइन्डफुल स्विमिङ गर्नुहोस्
सुश्री मायावतीले घोषणा गरिन् कि उनी अशोक अर्थात् जम्बुदिपाको शासन फिर्ता ल्याउनेछिन्। अहिलेसम्म कुनै नेताले त्यस्तो सपना देखेका छैनन् । शाश्वत, महिमापूर्ण, मैत्रीपूर्ण, परोपकारी, अनुकम्पापूर्ण जम्बुदीप ब्रह्माण्डको संसारका सबै प्रमुख धर्महरूका बुद्धिमान्, बुद्धिमान मानिसहरूले त्यो होस् भन्ने चाहन्थे।
सबै गैर BSP पार्टीहरू बेने इजरायल , तिब्बत, अफ्रिका, पूर्वी यूरोप, पश्चिमी जर्मनी , दक्षिण रूस , पश्चिमी यूरोप, हंगेरी चितपावन सवक्वेस्वस्वेस्वस्वेस्वस्वेस्वमिन्भस्वाम बाट निकालिएका विदेशीहरूद्वारा टाढाबाट नियन्त्रित छन्। बुट चाट्ने, चम्चा, चेलाहरू पागल मान्छे हुन्।
फ्री फर अल पागल लोकतान्त्रिक संस्थाका हत्याराले ठगी EVM मा छेडछाड गरेर मास्टर की खोसे, प्रत्येक नागरिकको बैंक खातामा 15 लाख रुपैयाँ, युवालाई २ करोड रोजगारी, बेरोजगार युवाका लागि नाली पानीसहित चिया पकोडा स्टल, बेरोजगार भजन कुपोषणको लागि
शाश्वत, महिमापूर्ण, मैत्रीपूर्ण, परोपकारी, हिन्दू धर्म, ईसाई धर्म, इस्लाम, बौद्ध धर्म, यहूदी धर्म, ताओवाद, नास्तिकता, सिख धर्म, मोर्मोनिज्म जागृत व्यक्तिहरूले शाश्वत आनन्द प्राप्त गर्न शरीर र मनको लागि जम्बुदीप नाट्यम अभ्यास गर्छन्।
நித்திய, புகழ்பெற்ற, நட்பு, நன்மை பயக்கும், இரக்கமுள்ள ஜம்புடிபா பிரபஞ்சம் காய்கறிகளை வளர்க்கிறது தாவரங்கள் தொட்டிகளில்
எர்த் மற்றும் விண்வெளியில் பசியை போக்க சுதந்திர பறவைகள் போல் வாழ.
அதிகாலை 3:45 மணிக்கு எழுந்து குளித்து, பௌத்தர்கள் பதஞ்சலி யோக தியானத்தை
உடலின் எல்லா நிலைகளிலும் உள்ளிழுத்து, வெளிவிடுகிறார்கள்.
காலை 5 மணி முதல் 6:30 மணி வரை தியான மனதுடன் நீச்சல் செய்யுங்கள்
ஆட்சியை மீண்டும் கொண்டு வருவேன் என்று திருமதி மாயாவதி அறிவித்தார்,
அதாவது ஜம்புதிபா. இதுவரை எந்த தலைவனும் கனவு கண்டதில்லை. நித்திய,
புகழப்பட்ட, நட்பான, கருணையுள்ள, இரக்கமுள்ள ஜம்புதிபா யுனிவர்ஸ் உலகில்
உள்ள அனைத்து முக்கிய மதங்களின் அறிவுள்ள அறிவுள்ள மக்கள் அது நடக்க
வேண்டும் என்று விரும்பினர்.
பெனே இஸ்ரேல் , திபெத், ஆபிரிக்கா, கிழக்கு ஐரோப்பா, மேற்கு ஜெர்மனி , தெற்கு ரஷ்யா , மேற்கு ஐரோப்பா, ஹங்கேரி பூட் லிக்கர்ஸ், சம்சாக்கள், சேலாக்கள் பைத்தியக்காரர்கள்.
எல்லா பைத்தியங்களுக்கும் இலவசம் ஜனநாயக நிறுவனங்களின் கொலைகாரன், மோசடி EVMகளை சிதைத்து மாஸ்டர் கீயை பறித்து, ஒவ்வொரு குடிமகனின் வங்கிக் கணக்குகளிலும் ரூ. 15 லட்சம், இளைஞர்களுக்கு 2 கோடி வேலை, டீ & வேலையில்லாத இளைஞர்களுக்கு வடிகால் தண்ணீர் கொண்ட பகோரா கடைகள், ஊட்டச்சத்து குறைபாட்டிற்கு
புகழப்பட்ட, நட்பு, கருணை, இந்து, கிறிஸ்தவம், இஸ்லாம், புத்த மதம்,
யூதம், தாவோயிசம், நாத்திகம், சீக்கியம், மார்மோனிசம் ஆகியவற்றிலிருந்து
விழித்தெழுந்தவர்கள் ஜம்புதிப நாட்டியத்தை உடலும் மனமும் நித்திய
பேரின்பத்தை அடைய பயிற்சி செய்கிறார்கள்.
స్వేచ్చా పక్షుల్లా జీవించడానికి గుడ్ ఎర్త్ మరియు స్పేస్లో ఆకలిని అధిగమించడానికి. తెల్లవారుజామున 3:45 గంటలకు లేచిన తర్వాత స్నానం చేయండి మరియు బౌద్ధులు పతంజలి యోగిక్ ధ్యానం శరీరంలోని అన్ని స్థానాల్లో పీల్చే మరియు వదులుతూ ఉంటారు.
ఉదయం 5 నుండి 6:30 వరకు ధ్యాన మైండ్ఫుల్ స్విమ్మింగ్ చేయండి
అంటే జంబూదీప పాలనను తిరిగి తీసుకువస్తానని శ్రీమతి మాయావతి ప్రకటించారు.
ఇప్పటి వరకు ఏ నాయకుడు కలలో కూడా ఊహించలేదు. ఎటర్నల్, గ్లోరిఫైడ్,
ఫ్రెండ్లీ, బెనెవోలెంట్, దయగల జంబూదీప యూనివర్స్ ప్రపంచంలోని అన్ని ప్రధాన
మతాల జ్ఞాని, మేధావి ప్రజలు అలా జరగాలని కోరుకున్నారు.
BSP యేతర పార్టీలన్నీ బెనే ఇజ్రాయెల్ , టిబెట్, ఆఫ్రికా, తూర్పు యూరప్, పశ్చిమ జర్మనీ , దక్షిణ రష్యా , పశ్చిమ యూరోప్, హంగేరి బూట్ లిక్కర్లు, చంచాలు, చేలలు పిచ్చి వ్యక్తులు.
అందరికీ ఉచితం ప్రజాస్వామ్య సంస్థల హంతకుడు మోసం EVM లను ట్యాంపరింగ్ చేయడం ద్వారా మాస్టర్ కీ , ప్రతి పౌరుడి బ్యాంకు ఖాతాలలో రూ. 15 లక్షలు, యువకులకు 2 కోట్ల ఉద్యోగాలు, టీ & నిరుద్యోగ యువతకు డ్రైన్ వాటర్తో పకోర స్టాల్స్, పోషకాహార లోపం కోసం
క్రైస్తవం, ఇస్లాం, బౌద్ధమతం, జుడాయిజం, టావోయిజం, నాస్తికత్వం, సిక్కు
మతం, మర్మోనిజం జాగృతం చేసినవారు శాశ్వతమైన, మహిమాన్వితమైన, స్నేహపూర్వక,
దయగల, దయగలవారు శరీరం & మనస్సు శాశ్వతమైన ఆనందాన్ని పొందేందుకు జంబూదీప
నాట్యం అభ్యసిస్తారు
ابدی ، تسبیح ، دوستانہ ، فلاحی ، ہمدردی ، ہمدرد جمبوڈپا کائنات کی دنیا میں تمام بڑے مذاہب کے عقلمند ، ذہین لوگ سبزیوں کو اگاتے ہیں۔ پودے گملوں میں
آزاد پرندوں کی طرح زندگی گزارنا
اچھی زمین اور جگہ پر بھوک پر قابو پانے کے لیے۔ صبح 3:45 بجے اٹھنے کے
بعد غسل کریں اور بدھسٹ پتنجلی یوگک مراقبہ کریں جسم کی تمام پوزیشنوں پر
سانس لینا اور باہر نکالنا۔
صبح 5 بجے سے صبح 6:30 بجے تک مراقبہ کے لیے دماغی تیراکی کریں۔
ہم اندر تھے۔
ابدی، جلالی، دوستانہ، مہربان، ہمدرد جمبودیپا
ہم میں ہیں
ابدی، جلالی، دوستانہ، مہربان، ہمدرد جمبودیپا
ہم میں رہنا جاری ہے۔
ابدی، جلالی، دوستانہ، مہربان، ہمدرد جمبودیپا
مایاوتی نے اعلان کیا کہ وہ اشوک کی حکومت کو واپس لائیں گی یعنی
جمبودیپا۔ آج تک کسی لیڈر نے ایسا خواب بھی نہیں دیکھا۔ ابدی، جلالی،
دوستانہ، احسان مند، ہمدرد جمبودیپا کائنات کی دنیا کے تمام بڑے مذاہب کے
عقلمند، ذہین لوگ چاہتے تھے کہ ایسا ہو۔
تمام غیر بی ایس پی پارٹیوں کو بینی اسرائیل ، تبت، افریقہ، مشرقی یورپ، مغربی جرمنی ، جنوبی روس ، مغربی یورپ، ہنگری
چتپاون رویسواسٹوگ سوگویاس، سووگیسوا کے چِتپاون رویسٹوگم، سے نکالے گئے
غیر ملکیوں کے ذریعے دور سے کنٹرول کیا جاتا ہے۔ بوٹ چاٹنے والے، چمچے،
چیلے دیوانے لوگ ہیں۔
فری فار آل پاگل جمہوری اداروں کے قاتل نے فراڈ ای وی ایم میں چھیڑ چھاڑ کر کے ماسٹر کی پر ہاتھ ڈالا، ہر شہری کے بینک کھاتوں میں 15 لاکھ روپے، نوجوانوں کے لیے 2 کروڑ نوکریاں، چائے اور بے روزگار نوجوانوں کے لیے گندے پانی کے ساتھ پکوڑے کے اسٹالز کا وعدہ کیا غذائیت کے لیے
جلالی، دوستانہ، خیر خواہ، ہندو مت، عیسائیت، اسلام، بدھ مت، یہودیت، تاؤ
ازم، الحاد، سکھ مت، مورمونزم سے بیدار لوگ ابدی خوشی حاصل کرنے کے لیے جسم
اور دماغ کے لیے جمبودیپا ناٹیم کی مشق کرتے ہیں
people of All Major religions in the world of
grows vegetables & Fruits Plants in pots to live like free birds to overcome Hunger on Good Earth and SPACE.
getting up at 3:45 AM take bath and do Buddhists Patanjali Yogic
Meditation inhaling and exhaling in all positions of the body. Do Meditative Mindful Swimming from 5 am to 6:30 AM
Mayawati declared that she will bring back the rule of Ashoka I.e., JAMBUDIPA. So far no leader ever dream’t of that.
Wise,Intelligent people of All Major religions in the world of
All non BSP parties are remotely controlled by foreigners kicked out from Bene Israel ,Tibet, Africa,Eastern Europe,Western Germany ,South Russia ,Western Europe,Hungary chitpavan brahmins of Rowdy Swayam Sevak slaves,stooges,boot lickers,chamchas,chelas are mad people.
Free For All Mad murderer of democratic institutions gobbled the Master Key by tampering the fraud EVMs, promised Rs 15 lakh in every citizen’s bank accounts,2 crore jobs for the youths,Tea & pakora stalls with drain water for unemployed youths, bhajans for malnutrition
from Hinduism,
Eternal,Glorified,Friendly,Benevolent,Compassionate from Christianity,
Eternal,Glorified,Friendly,Benevolent,Compassionate from Islam,
Eternal,Glorified,Friendly,Benevolent,Compassionate from Buddhism,
Eternal,Glorified,Friendly,Benevolent,Compassionate from Judaism,
from Taoism,
Eternal,Glorified,Friendly,Benevolent,Compassionate from Atheism,
Eternal,Glorified,Friendly,Benevolent,Compassionate from Sikhism,
Eternal,Glorified,Friendly,Benevolent,Compassionate from Mormonism
Awakened Ones practice JAMBUDIPANatyam for Body & Mind to Attain
Eternal Bliss
dy A Buddhist Meditation Practice
This is a cool website, designed very nicely to easily understand Meditation on 32 Parts of Body.
A guide to preparing and planting thriving garden plots
Are you a first time gardener? Learning how to grow vegetables can be a
satisfying process that may pay off heftily at harvest time. To begin
the process, you need to learn how, where, and when to plant the
vegetables you want to grow. Planting vegetables requires some
pre-planning on your part, to insure that you start your plants off
right. In addition, planting vegetables requires two kinds of
investments: an investment of money for seeds or starts and soil
amendments, and an investment of the time it takes to prepare the soil,
plant the vegetables, and care for them as they grow.
Part 1
Planning Out Your Vegetable Planting
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Decide which veggies to plant. Research vegetables
that grow successfully in your area. Your location is one of the largest
factors in whether you will successfully grow vegetables. You need to
do a bit of research about your region and only decide on vegetables
that are compatible with the climate where you live. Looking up the
United States Department of Agriculture’s growing zones can give you a
start in learning about what plants grow well in your area.[1]
Start out small. You may want to plant a ton of different vegetables
but if you are just starting out gardening you should really focus your
energy on just a few.[2] Growing vegetables can be more of a time commitment than people expect, so begin gradually so you don’t get overwhelmed.
Once you are an experienced gardener, you may be able to replicate
the climate of other regions in order to grow any vegetables you like.
However, when you are just starting out, planting vegetables that are
difficult to grow in your region will most likely just be frustrating
and unfruitful.
Decide where to plant your veggies. In general, choose a spot to plant your vegetables where sun shines at least 6 hours a day.[3] This amount of sun is considered “full sun.” If you want to plant
a vegetable that does not require full sun all day, then you will need
to locate an area of your yard that gets a significant amount of shade.
You do not necessarily have to plant vegetables directly in the
ground. Planting veggies in pots can be very successful for a wide
variety of plants and it does not require a lot of space.[4] There are benefits to container gardening, for instance you can
easily move the plants to a new location if they are not happy where you
initially place them and the soil in the pot usually develops fewer
weeds. On the downside, however, plants in containers usually need to be
watered more often and are more vulnerable to cold and hot
temperatures, as a pot changes temperature much more easily than the
Decide whether to plant seeds or starts. Seeds will generally need to start earlier but may have to be started inside, to protect them from frost.[5] Vegetable starts, young plants that have been grown from seed in a
greenhouse by a professional, will cost you significantly more to buy,
but they will establish easier and can be planted later in the growing
Some plants are difficult to grow from seed. Plants with long
germination periods, such as cilantro, can be difficult for home
gardeners to cultivate. Consider investing in the added cost of
vegetable starts for plants such as this.
Many plants, including lettuce, are actually easier to grow from
seed. This is especially the case for plants, such as carrots, that
don’t do well with being transplanted. For plants like this, it makes
sense to sew the seeds directly into the ground or in biodegradable seed
starting pots that can go right into the ground once the plant sprouts.[6]
Figure out when to plant your veggies. Part of
deciding when to plant your veggies will be dictated by whether you are
planting seeds or starts. In addition, different vegetables need to be
planted at different times of the year. There are many vegetables that
thrive in the summer sun, but you can also grow a surprising amount of
vegetables over the winter months, depending on your location.[7]
Part 2
Preparing to Plant Your Vegetables
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Buy seeds or veggie starts from a garden center. If
purchasing seeds, pick a brand that seems dependable and pick vegetable
strains that seem reliable. You may want to do some research before you
go to the garden center to decide exactly which type of each vegetable
you want. If you are purchasing vegetable starts, pick plants that seem
healthy and do not have discoloration or spots.
Consider whether you want organic or non-GMO veggie starts or seeds.
While some people do not have a problem with genetic modification or
pesticides, others do not what these kind of processes involved in the
propagation of their food. It’s up to you.
You can also get good quality seeds and plants from springtime
farmer’s markets, seed swaps hosted by local organizations, and online
seed catalog companies.
Test the soil and purchase necessary amendments.
These amendments will depend on the current status of your soil and the
needs of the vegetables you want to plant. If you have never planted
before in the location you are using, take a soil sample and conduct a soil test.[8] There are tests available at any garden center that will tell you
the ph of your soil. Soil can go from very acidic all the way to very
alkaline, as well as going from very sandy to very clay like. Figure out
what kind of soil you have and try to move it more toward neutral by
adding amendments.
After assessing the soil, add some compost to it. Compost adds
organic matter that breaks down and basically becomes food for your
Remove all of the weeds and vegetation where you are going to plant your vegetables.
Take the time to weed before you plant your veggies. Weeds will compete
for nutrients with your new plants, making their success less likely.
Get all the weeds from their roots, as many weeds can regenerate if even
a bit of their roots are left intact.
Break up and amend the soil. You will want to
cultivate, or break up, the soil in an area a bit larger than where your
plants will actually be. The root systems of many plants will grow to
be quite large, moving outward from where the plant is initially
planted. You can break the soil up by digging with a shovel or using a
roto-tiller. As you mix the soil, add in any amendments you need to add
based on the results from your soil test.
Part 3
Planting Your Vegetables
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Dig a hole and place seeds or a vegetable start in it.
Be sure to follow any directions on seed packets about how deep and how
far apart you should plant seeds. Some seeds can easily grow from a
depth of 6 inches, while others need to basically be on the surface of
the soil. Vegetable starts, on the other hand, should be planted so that
their existing soil is level with the surface.
Remember that some plants can only grow in one direction,
meaning that a certain part of the seed or clove needs to be facing up
in order for it to grow properly. For instance, garlic cloves have a top
and bottom. When planting garlic you need to face the pointy side up in
order for it to grow.[9]
Cover the hole back up with soil. If you are using
seeds, pack the soil back in the hole, making sure that it is firm but
not totally compacted. If you are planting vegetable starts, push soil
in all around the start, pressing the soil firmly so that the start
stands firmly upright.
Water your vegetables. The first time you water, you
will want to soak the entire area. After that, keep the soil moist but
don’t drown the plants. Keeping up on watering is one of the most
important things you can do to make your vegetables thrive. Monitor your
plants and soil and adjust your watering schedule accordingly.
If you are starting plants from seeds outdoors, keep the water
consistently moist until the plants come up. As they grow, you can
reduce the watering frequency to once or twice per week.
Care for your veggies after planting. Don’t just
forget about them, or they won’t grow very well. Remove any weeds that
pop up, fertilize if necessary, and keep on watering.[10] You will need to keep tending to your veggies but once they are planted properly, much of your work is done!
To deter weeds from growing, consider mulching around your veggies.[11] The little bit of effort it takes to mulch will pay off when you are not repeatedly weeding around your plants.
Some vegetable plants need to be fertilized during the growing
season to ensure harvest because they absorb large amounts of nutrients
from the soil. Make sure that you’re aware of your plants’ specific
feeding requirements.
present, the EC’s VVPAT auditing is restricted to one randomly chosen
polling booth per constituency. In a recent essay, K. Ashok Vardhan
Shetty , a former IAS officer, demonstrates that this sample size will
fail to detect faulty EVMs 98-99% of the time. He also shows that VVPATs
can be an effective deterrent to fraud only on the condition that the
detection of even one faulty EVM in a constituency must entail the VVPAT
hand-counting of all the EVMs in that constituency. Without this
proviso, VVPATs would merely provide the sheen of integrity without its
The third criterion is secrecy. Here too, EVMs
disappoint. With the paper ballot, the EC could mix ballot papers from
different booths before counting, so that voting preferences could not
be connected to a given locality. But with EVMs, we are back to
booth-wise counting, which allows one to discern voting patterns and
renders marginalised communities vulnerable to pressure. Totaliser
machines can remedy this, but the EC has shown no intent to adopt them. So,
on all three counts — transparency, verifiability and secrecy — EVMs
are flawed. VVPATs are not the answer either, given the sheer magnitude
of the logistical challenges. The recent track record of EVMs indicates
that the number of malfunctions in a national election will be high. For
that very reason, the EC is unlikely to adopt a policy of hand-counting
all EVMs in constituencies where faulty machines are reported, as this
might entail hand-counting on a scale that defeats the very purpose of
EVMs. And yet, this is a principle without which the use of VVPATs is
meaningless. Unjustified suspicions Despite these issues, EVMs
continue to enjoy the confidence of the EC, which insists that Indian
EVMs, unlike the Western ones, are tamper-proof. But this is a matter of
trust. Even if the software has been burnt into the microchip, neither
the EC nor the voter knows for sure what software is running in a
particular EVM. One has to simply trust the manufacturer and the EC. But
as the German court observed, the precondition of this trust is the
verifiability of election events, whereas in the case of EVMs, “the
calculation of the election result is based on a calculation act which
cannot be examined from outside”.
While it is true that the
results come quicker and the process is cheaper with EVMs as compared to
paper ballot, both these considerations are undeniably secondary to the
integrity of the election. Another argument made in favour of the EVM
is that it eliminates malpractices such as booth-capturing and
ballot-box stuffing. In the age of the smartphone, however, the
opportunity costs of ballot-box-stuffing and the risk of exposure are
prohibitively high. In contrast, tampering with code could accomplish
rigging on a scale unimaginable for booth-capturers. Moreover, it is
nearly impossible to detect EVM-tampering. As a result, suspicions of
tampering in the tallying of votes — as opposed to malfunction in
registering the votes, which alone is detectable — are destined to
remain in the realm of speculation. The absence of proven fraud might
save the EVM for now, but its survival comes at a dangerous cost — the
corrosion of people’s faith in the electoral process. Yet there
doesn’t have to be incontrovertible evidence of EVM-tampering for a
nation to return to paper ballot. Suspicion is enough, and there is
enough of it already. As the German court put it, “The democratic
legitimacy of the election demands that the election events be
controllable so that… unjustified suspicion can be refuted.” The
phrase “unjustified suspicion” is pertinent. The EC has always
maintained that suspicions against EVMs are unjustified. Clearly, the
solution is not to dismiss EVM-sceptics as ignorant technophobes.
Rather, the EC is obliged to provide the people of India a polling
process capable of refuting unjustified suspicion, as this is a basic
requirement for democratic legitimacy, not an optional accessory. sampath.g@thehindu.co.in
Jagatheesan Chandrasekharan, [Dec 30, 2022 at 9:05 AM] A
/ One cannot describe Bhakti movement in a single category. The Bhakti
movement has several aspects. On the one side, there was dissent against
the established order of things in relation to the Vedic practice. At
the same time, there was considerable conformism to the Puranic kind of
religion. If you look at the songs of these saints — Saiva Nayanars and
Vaishnava Alwars — most of them are addressed to Puranic deities, who
are consecrated at temples. A / In a paper which I along with my
Professor M.G.S. Narayanan published some 45 years ago, we argued that
the Bhakti movement was propagation of the temple cult, which meant the
propagation of the kind of ideology represented by the landed magnates
who were managing the temples. So, a new social formation was coming
into existence and this was the ideological justification for that. The
Bhakti movement was not this or that but it was this, that and the
others. You cannot give a single explanation for the movement. But the
Bhakti movement further developed more conformists. Brahminical
orthodoxy is also the child of Bhakti movement. What began by breaking
fences eventually ended up building walls. Q / What is your view on
the argument that the writing of the history of India should start from
the south and not from the north? A / This question comes only when
you accept the notion of India. If you accept the notion of India, you
could ask whether it should start from north India or south India. When
does this notion of India come into existence? Let us say in the 19th
century, with the Indian national movement during the British rule.
Before that, there was no India. Then, what Indian history are you
talking about?
Rector JC
7,117 languages are spoken today.
That number is constantly in flux, because we’re learning more about the
world’s languages every day. And beyond that, the languages themselves
are in flux.
They’re living & dynamic,spoken by communities whose lives are
shaped by our rapidly changing world.
This is a fragile time: Roughly 0%
of languages are now endangered, often with less than 1,000 speakers
a just born baby is kept isolated without anyone communicating with the
baby, after a few days it will speak and human natural (Prakrit)
language known as Classical Eternal,Glorified,Friendly,Benevolent,CompassionateMagahi Magadhi/
Magadhi Prakrit,Classical Eternal,Glorified,Friendly,Benevolent,Compassionate Hela Basa (Hela Language),
Classical Eternal,Glorified,Friendly,Benevolent,Compassionate Pāḷi which are the same.
Eternal,Glorified,Friendly,Benevolent,Compassionate ONE Buddha spoke in Eternal,Glorified,Friendly,Benevolent,Compassionate Magadhi.All
the 7,139 languages and dialects are off shoot of Classical ETERNAL AND Eternal,Glorified,Friendly,Benevolent,Compassionate Magahi Magadhi. Hence all
of them are Classical Eternal,Glorified,Friendly,Benevolent,Compassionatein nature (Prakrit) of Human Beings, just like all other
living speices have their own natural languages for communication. 138 languages are translated by
people of All Major religions in the world of
grows vegetables & Fruits Plants in pots to live like free birds to overcome Hunger on Good Earth and SPACE.
getting up at 3:45 AM take bath and do Buddhists Patanjali Yogic
Meditation inhaling and exhaling in all positions of the body. Do Meditative Mindful Swimming from 5 am to 6:30 AM
Mayawati declared that she will bring back the rule of Ashoka I.e., JAMBUDIPA. So far no leader ever dream’t of that.
Wise,Intelligent people of All Major religions in the world of
All non BSP parties are remotely controlled by foreigners kicked out from Bene Israel ,Tibet, Africa,Eastern Europe,Western Germany ,South Russia ,Western Europe,Hungary chitpavan brahmins of Rowdy Swayam Sevak slaves,stooges,boot lickers,chamchas,chelas are mad people.
Free For All Mad murderer of democratic institutions gobbled the Master Key by tampering the fraud EVMs, promised Rs 15 lakh in every citizen’s bank accounts,2 crore jobs for the youths,Tea & pakora stalls with drain water for unemployed youths, bhajans for malnutrition
Awakened Ones practice JAMBUDIPA Natyam for Body & Mind to Attain
Eternal Bliss
28 Dwarf Vegetables to Grow | Best Mini Vegetables to Grow
Are you looking for some Dwarf Vegetables to Grow in a small space? Here are the best Mini Vegetables to Grow in tiny containers!
If you live in a small urban home or
apartment, there is always a way for you to have a lovely kitchen
garden. Here are some delicious Dwarf Vegetables to Grow in small pots!
Want to make an urban vegetable garden? Click here
Dwarf Vegetables to Grow
1. Cherry Tomatoes
Botanical Name: Solanum lycopersicum var. cerasiforme
Cherry tomatoes are one of the most suitable vegetables for
containers. You can easily grow them in small to medium-sized containers
or hanging baskets.
Get the best tips for growing a lot of tomatoes in limited space here
2. Cauliflower
Botanical Name: Brassica oleracea var. botrytis
There are wide dwarf cauliflower varieties available that you can
grow in pots in your small garden for higher yield. Besides
cauliflowers, you can also grow other brassicas.
Learn about growing cauliflower in containers here
The difference between the full-sized artichokes and the dwarf kind
is that the little artichokes actually do not have a choke. You can eat
the whole of them if you just peel their external layer of leaves.
You can grow any eggplant varieties in containers in a small garden.
Go for round Mauve eggplant, Little Finger eggplant, and Casper eggplant
for tasty fruits in a little space.
This type of carrot can be produced all year and are a bit sweet.
Select between round, white or French carrots. If you prefer to eat
tender carrots, go for the French ones.
The dwarf French beans “Haricot Verts” are very appealing in many
European countries. These are thinner and tender than ordinary green
beans and are one of the best mini vegetables to grow in tiny
The Iceberg, Salad Bowl, the Red Royal oak leaf, Little Gem and green
leaf sorts can be produced year-round and do not require much space,
making them an excellent choice for small urban gardens.
The dwarves of the green onion taste like chives and can also be grown all year round. You can easily grow these on a sunny kitchen windowsill too.
9. Dwarf Avocado
Botanical Name: Persea americana
These tiny avocados have no seed. Also called cocktail avocados, they
do not require any special gardening skills to be grown and are
suitable for container gardening.
It is a hybrid of kale and brussels sprouts. Its small floret leaves
can be cooked easily or eaten raw. Kalettes have a nutty and savory
taste that’s milder than kale.
13. Biquinho Yellow Pepper
Botanical Name: Capsicum chinense
These bright yellow peppers are crispy and sweet with hints of
smokiness like poblano. They also make for a lovely ornamental plant.
14. Tom Thumb Peas
Botanical Name:
This heirloom vegetable grows up to 8-12 inches tall and produces
full-sized pea pods. It is a non-hybrid plant, so you can save the seeds
to plant for the next year.
This micro dwarf tomato has a tender skin, mild flavor, and high
fragrance. The plant grows up to 6-8 inches in height. For best growth,
use a 3/4 gallon-sized pot.
Learn the top secrets of growing tomatoes in containers here
This snacking cucumber has thin, glossy, dark green skin. It can be
harvested once grown up to 4-5 inches tall. It is one of the best mini
vegetables to grow in tiny containers.
This vining plant will be more than happy to dwell in a 6-8 inches
pot. Just make sure you use well-draining soil, provide ample light, and
give it support.
27. Cucamelon
Botanical Name: Melothria scabra
If you are a salad fan, growing Cucamelon is one of the best ways to
enjoy it fresh on the platter. A little sunny space on a balcony and a
medium-sized pot are all you need.
28. Kiwano Melon
Botanical Name: Cucumis metuliferus
Also popular as African horned cucumber and jelly melon, it tastes
excellent when ripe, and you can also use it to make jams. A small pot
with a cage or trellis is all you need to grow it.
whether Tathāgatas arise or not, there persists that law, that
stableness of the Dhamma, that fixed course of the Dhamma:
‘All conditioned phenomena are impermanent.’
‘All conditioned phenomena are suffering.’
‘All phenomena are non-self.’
Tathāgata awakens to this and breaks through to it, and then he
explains it, teaches it, proclaims it, establishes it, discloses it,
analyzes it, and elucidates it thus.
Here is everything you need to get fresh fruit from any size space
By Fionuala Campion Fine Gardening - Issue 197
your own orchard fruits in the backyard is extremely rewarding and
gives you an empowering sense of resiliency. It reduces your carbon
footprint (that luscious peach you’re biting into was not just
transported 500 miles) and your grocery bills. Homegrown fruit is far
more delicious than what you find in a store, and you can rest assured
that it is safe to eat. But if you’re concerned the term “orchard fruit”
implies that you need acres to produce the variety and quantity of
fruit you’d like, think again.
dwarf fruit tree
space for an acre of apple trees? No problem. You can still have fresh
fruit from your backyard or patio if you select the right variety of
tree on a dwarfing rootstock and prune appropriately. Photo: Graham
tree breeders have opened up a world of possibilities for gardeners by
offering naturally dwarfing fruit tree varieties and by developing
dwarfing and semi-dwarfing rootstocks on which any varietal can be
grafted. These advances make it possible for even the smallest garden to
grow abundant fruit. Apart from being able to squeeze more fruit trees
into a smaller space, compact fruit trees make the gardener’s life
easier. Maintaining a tree’s height at eye level or at least within
arm’s reach makes it easier to monitor, troubleshoot, spray, thin,
prune, and protect the tree from birds (or other critters) as the
anticipated crop ripens. And harvesting is safer, since neither
tree-climbing skills nor ladders are needed to reach fruit on the
topmost branches. Having grown and maintained a dozen big, 75-year-old,
standard-size apple and pear trees in my garden in Ireland and an equal
number of semi-dwarf fruit trees pruned to a manageable height in my
Northern California garden, I can happily report that when it comes to
growing fruit trees, keeping them compact makes a gardener’s life
Get to know the ins and outs of rootstocks
every fruit tree you buy is actually two (or more) varieties joined or
grafted together. The upper part of the tree (scion) produces the fruit
we’re familiar with—the ‘Granny Smith’ apple, the ‘Bartlett’ pear, the
‘Elberta’ peach—and it’s grafted onto the rootstock (much of it
underground) of the second variety. The rootstock deter mines the
ultimate size of the tree, its pest and disease resistance, and what
conditions it is adaptable to (think cold hardiness, heat resistance,
and soil-type tolerance). When buying fruit trees, look for a label with
the type of rootstock described by a name or code, such as M27, and a
general overview of what to expect from that rootstock (example:
“semi-dwarfing, hardy to Zone 4”).
grafting trees
makes the creation of many dwarf fruit trees possible. The rootstock
(left) is generally what determines the size of the tree. The scion, or
top part, of another tree is then grafted onto the rootstock (right).
The illustration below highlights how the tree you buy at the nursery is
actually built. Photos: Danielle Sherry
are most often categorized by their ability to determine tree size.
Standard rootstocks produce the largest trees, reaching 35 feet tall.
Semi-dwarfing rootstocks produce trees 16 to 30 feet tall. Dwarfing
rootstocks produce the smallest trees, ranging from 5 to 12 feet tall.
Although dwarfing rootstocks create the smallest trees, suitable even
for containers, there are drawbacks.
anatomy of a tree
true dwarfing rootstock such as M27 ensures that your apple tree
remains under 6 feet tall with no extra pruning, plus it promotes early
fruiting. But it also means your tree will have a shallow root system
and therefore no drought tolerance, so the soil will need to be kept
evenly moist at all times. Staking or anchoring is also needed to
prevent toppling, and as M27 rootstock is susceptible to mildew and fire
blight, regular monitoring and treating of your dwarf tree for fungal
problems is vital.
more recently developed, harder to find G65 rootstock is not as
dwarfing as the better-known M27, but it keeps the tree under 8 feet and
offers greater disease resistance. However, it’s also shallow rooted,
so staking and regular irrigation are necessary for maintaining its
health. Bottom line: Know what rootstock your tree has so you’ll
understand its needs in advance.
Explore the various tree-siting options
because a fruit tree is considered “dwarf” doesn’t mean it will stay
tiny and compact its whole life. With proper siting and pruning,
however, you can keep the growth of your trees manageable. When it comes
to planting, you have a few options. You can plant them singly in the
garden as you would any other trees. But their reduced footprint also
makes them good candidates for espalier, hedgerows, or for putting in
Espaliered trees
trees offer a unique focal point and a delicious harvest. Nearly any
variety of dwarf fruit tree can be trained into a two-dimensional form,
but you’ll need to prune for shape regularly. Photo: Nova Photo
a two-dimensional fruit tree using the ancient art of espaliering is
one way to promote maximum fruit production in the smallest amount of
space. All that’s needed is a sunny strip of rich, well-drained soil
(against a wall or fence works well) and the intention to stay on top of
the pruning needed to keep your beautiful espalier within bounds.
planting is another fantastic way to guarantee a whole lot of fruit
from a relatively small area. This involves placing the dwarf trees in
rows but spacing them close together. Make sure their placement doesn’t
block air circulation and light from nearby plantings, however, and if
you would like to plant more than one type of tree together, only do so
if they all have similar conditional needs. This means your trees must
have the same moisture, fertilizer, and maintenance requirements and all
grow at a similar rate so that one won’t dominate or shade the others.
Having the same rootstock is also key. In a hedgerow, 12 trees can
sometimes be planted 3 feet apart in a hedge-like fashion in one strip.
With trees planted so close, growth will be somewhat curtailed, but it’s
still important to monitor for potential domination concerns and to
keep all of your trees in bounds with diligent winter and summer
have been around for hundreds of years, and for good reason. This
close-planting technique produces a large amount of fruit from a
relatively compact space. Dwarf fruit trees are particularly well suited
to this style because their footprint is already more compact. Photo:
Ernie Janes/gapphotos.com
are also an option, but only trees on true dwarfing rootstocks are
candidates for this placement. If you grow your fruit trees in pots,
keep them consistently moist (drip irrigation is ideal), and be sure
that they are staked or tethered to avoid toppling.
More about growing fruit trees
7 Easy Fruit Trees to Grow Right in Your Own Backyard
How to Prune Dwarf Fruit Trees
Great Citrus for Growing Indoors
Tips for Growing Apple Trees
Fionuala Campion is the owner and manager of Cottage Gardens of Petaluma in Petaluma, California.
Illustration: Lyn Alice
EVMs not tamper-proof, return to ballot paper system: RSS RSS
has demanded re-introduction of ballot paper system in elections,
claiming that electronic voting machines are not tamper-proof and ruling
parties can “misuse” them to get desired results in polls
all other democratic countries use Ballot Papers instead of EVMs where
its software and source code are not made public for the voters right.
EVMs not tamper-proof, return to ballot paper system: RSS
has demanded re-introduction of ballot paper system in elections,
claiming that electronic voting machines are not tamper-proof and ruling
parties can “misuse” them to get desired results in polls
New Delhi: RSS has demanded re-introduction of ballot paper system in elections, claiming that electronic voting machines are not tamper-proof and ruling parties can “misuse” them to get desired results in polls. “Can`t EVMs be tampered with? Experts say that it (tampering with) is possible, though Election Commission has unnecessarily made it a matter of prestige,” an editorial in the recent issue of RSS mouthpiece Organiser said. The Sangh said that if Election Commission believed that EVMs cannot be tampered with, there was no reason for it to feel troubled over conducting a test of the machine in public. It said, “it is unfortunate that its expert P V Indiresan has adopted an unscientific approach over the issue (of testing of the machines) as if his views are the last word about EVMs and so there was no necessity to review or improve it.” The editorial claimed that voters across the world doubt EVMs. Countries like Netherland, Italy, Germany and Ireland, which initially adopted EVMs, have banned them because they believe that these can “easily be rigged”. It alleged that ruling party can tamper with the EVMs to achieve desired results in election.
Expressing his agreement with the Sang`s views on the issue, BJP spokesman Ravi Shankar Prasad said that EVMs have been in use during elections for last ten years and time has now come to ascertain its credibility. Chief Election Commissioner S Y Quraishi says that EVMs are tamper proof and the machine has passed through rigorous tests. PTI
Rector JC
7,117 languages are spoken today.
That number is constantly in flux, because we’re learning more about the
world’s languages every day. And beyond that, the languages themselves
are in flux.
They’re living & dynamic,spoken by communities whose lives are
shaped by our rapidly changing world.
This is a fragile time: Roughly 0%
of languages are now endangered, often with less than 1,000 speakers
a just born baby is kept isolated without anyone communicating with the
baby, after a few days it will speak and human natural (Prakrit)
the 7,139 languages and dialects are off shoot of Classical ETERNAL AND
COMPASSIONATE in nature (Prakrit) of Human Beings, just like all other
living speices have their own natural languages for communication. 138 languages are translated by
Jambudipan civilisation can be traced back to thousands of years, and many
influences and peoples have entered it over the years, modifying and
enriching the cuisine.
Recent days have seen a revival of Jambudipian so called “super foods”, many of which trace their origins to the ancient period.
Jambudipian cuisine is vast and variegated, complex and fascinating as the
subcontinent itself. To the uninitiated, there is Jambudipian food. For Jambudipians themselves, the region, state or city they belong to means a
different taste, texture and approach to food.
If there is any common marker of food in the subcontinent, it has to be
the use of an enormous variety of spices and the complex processes the
ingredients go through to achieve the finished product.
Jambudipian civilisation can be traced back to thousands of years, and many
influences and peoples have entered it over the years, modifying and
enriching the cuisine. Food plants have travelled to Jambudipa across
continents and oceans. Greeks, Chinese, Arabs, Europeans; all have made
some contribution to Jambudipian cuisine. Some of the utensils used for
cooking such as the frying pan and tandoori ovens, kadhais etc., go back
thousands of years. The ethos of food preparation and the attention to
cleanliness and purity is again something that has come down through the
Jambudipian cuisine has six basic tastes: sweet, salt, bitter, sour, astringent and
pungent. The preparations are a mix and match of ingredients with these
different flavors. Interestingly, at a broad level, western European
cuisine harmonises flavors while Jambudipian cuisine creates a unity of
opposites. The flavors “rub against each other” in different ways and
create “unique, negative food pairings.” It is also worth remembering
that, of the total unique ingredients observed across the world, almost
200 are used in Jambudipian cuisine. The variety is, therefore, staggering
and the palate to play with has a number of colours.
In this brief history, we will go back only about eight to ten thousand
years and confine ourselves to a consideration of food for the period
before the advent of Islam or the Europeans. We will see how the
ingredients, methods of preparation, utensils and the basic philosophy
of food have an astonishing continuity from the past to the present.
Even after numerous admixtures from across land and sea, the underlying
continuities are more than discernible.
For the earliest periods when hunting and gathering were the only means
of subsistence, remains of stone implements and animal bones offer
pointers on the slaughtering and consumption of animals. Later, after
the Neolithic revolution, remains of agricultural implements and ancient
crop fields— of actual food consumed— of cooking and eating utensils
are all very significant. These are supplemented by cave paintings,
literary evidence and linguistic evidence of names of food products
borrowed from one language and evolving into another.
So what stories does this evidence tell us?
humans lived off hunting animals and gathering or foraging from the
forests. Cave paintings from Bhimbetka, for instance, show men and women
hunting and the animals they hunted including deer, bison, gaur, tiger,
rhinoceros and even the giraffe and ostrich which are no longer found
in India. There are pictures of women gathering fruits with long baskets
on their backs or of women kneading dough.
the entry of agriculture and rudimentary animal husbandry, there is
more physical evidence. Cereals like barley and wheat begin to be found
as well as fruits such as ber and dates. There are signs of the
domestication of sheep, goat and buffalo. Then came larger settlements
with much animal food, oats, more varieties of wheat and wine grapes.
Perhaps the onager— an early form of the horse— or the horse itself was
domesticated too.
Moving on to the civilisation,
starting from around 10,000 years BP, the staple diet was still wheat
and barley. Some species of millets have been found at Surkotada— ragi,
sorghum and amaranth grains have also been found at other sites. Pulses
such as peas, channa, masur, mung and kulthi have been found before 1500
BCE. These people also knew of oilseeds such as sesame, rai and
linseed. Judging from a piece of jewelry and a bowl shaped like a
coconut found it appears that the coconut may also have been known.
Fruits such as dates, melon , lemon, pomegranate and banana have left
some traces.
Meat was consumed in abundance— land , sea and river
animals. An interesting fact is that the Jambudipian jungle fowl, which the
Harappans knew of, is the progenitor of all domestic poultry in the
Agriculture was known to these cities and settlements. Clay
models of ploughs have been found. Remains of perhaps the earliest
ploughed field in the world have been found at Kalibangan, around the
turn of the third millennium BCE. Widely spaced north-south furrows were
found with closer spaced east-west furrows at right angles to them.
Even today, channa dal is grown on wide furrows in Rajasthan so as not
to cast shadows on the shorter mustard plants at right angles to them— a
remarkable continuity of agricultural practice.
Water was
provided through flood irrigation and supplemented by seasonal rains.
Remains of clay pots, assumed to be fixed on water wheels.
were elaborate granaries and arrangements for the transport and storage
of food grains and evidence of this has been found across the cities of
this civilisation.
Moving on to what may be called the post
Harappan phase, what were the changes in the diet?
Agriculture became the
mainstay and source of the dietary staples. Ploughed, irrigated and even
fertilised fields provided much of the food. Barley, rice and wheat
remained the basic food grains. The seminal and most important trio of
masha (urad), masoor and and mudga (mung) became more significant than
Supplementary foods such as vegetables and food crops,
pepper, grapes and sugarcane were raised on village outskirts and banks
of rivers.
It would be instructive to consider a few of the most important foods that are still eaten and see how they began.
forms of barley are found in the Middle East. In the Jambudipian
subcontinent, it has been found more than 8000 years BP in Mehrgarh and
later in Kalibangan, Mohenjodaro, Chhanudaro etc. down
to 500 BCE, barley was the main staple grain. That position was lost as time went
Wheat has a similar story. Originating in the Middle East, it
has been found first in Mehrgarh and then in many other towns on the
banks of the Sindhu. On an examination of the
varieties found in Jambudipa, in the early 20th century, four varieties were
found to have persisted for 3,500 years— again a remarkable continuity.
Sativa or Asiatic Rice is native to the Jambudipian subcontinent and has
flowed out from here with the movement of people. From the Munda word
“jom” which means “to eat”, it is thought to have become “chom-la” and
then “chaval”, the Hindi word for rice. As for physical evidences of
rice cultivation, terraced fields perfect for rice cultivation have been
found in Kashmir dating to as long ago as 10,000 BCE. The earliest
finds are from northern and north-western Jambudipa and evidence suggests a
later arrival into the south of India. From the Tamil word “arise” which travelled to Europe and
became rice.
Ragi and jowar are known to have originated in
Africa. Ragi has been found in the Deccan in about 1800 BCE and jowar in
Rajasthan around the same time.
Of the aforementioned masha, mudga and masur— which recur in Sanskrit
literature— the first two are indigenous to Jambudipa. Masur is one of the
oldest of cultivated grains and may have originated in Turkey or Iran.
ubiquity of some of these grains gave rise to certain other uses also.
For instance, rati or gunja seeds are the basis of the system of weights
in the Harappan civilisation, both the binary series and the decimal
This same gunja seed is the starting point of the famous
series of weights set down in the centuries later. The
masha bean, apart from being used as the name of the most prevalent coin
during the Mauryan period, was also used for this weight series.
this series, for all goods except precious metals and stones, the basic
weight was a dharana which was 320 gunja seeds or 640 masha beans or
14,080 white mustard seeds.
Measures of length were also based on natural objects like grain. Barley corn as the basic unit of length— eight yavas
are one angula, 24 angulas are one hasta, four hastas are one danda,
1000 dandas are one krosha and four kroshas are one yojana or 5.2 km in
the metric system.
Of the spices, turmeric is native to Jambudipa.
Ginger is native to south-east Asia but wild forms have grown very early
in Jambudipa, too. Garlic and onion are native to what is now Afghanistan
but are not mentioned in literature till the second century BCE
where they are forbidden to those seeking an austere life.
What were the ways of preparing and eating food?
Harappans definitely ground their grain. Remains of many large-scale
pounding platforms, probably used by the state, as well as domestic
grinding stones have been found. Mud plastered ovens with a side opening
resembling present-day tandoors have been found as well as mud chulhas.
Remains of metal and clay plates resembling tavas point to preparation
of baked chapatis. Clay vessels for boiling barley and rice have also
been found. Frying pans, serving dishes (with a fitted cover, too),
cups, dippers, ladles of shell and knives of chert have also been found.
The tandoors may well have roasted the domesticated fowl.
Remains from Farmana have recently been analysed to show that cooking
was done with the use of ginger garlic and turmeric; “proto-curry” as it
is called.
In the period, barley was the major grain eaten.
It was fried and consumed as cakes, called “apupa”, dipped in ghee and
honey. The modern eastern pua and malpua are direct descendants of
apupa. It was also boiled or parched and powdered and then mixed with
water, ghee, milk or curds to give “karambha”.
Rice was cooked
with water, the dish called “odana” or “bhataka” which was bath or the
modern bhath of the east. “Kshira” was rice cooked with milk. A
forerunner of khichdi existed as a mixture of rice and dal. Boiled rice
was eaten with many accompaniments like curds, ghee, mung, beans or meat
preparations. “Chipita” was flattened rice, the modern chivda.
dish “kulmasha”, masha with gud and oil, resembles the ghugri of today.
Thin and thick barley gruels were popular. Masha, mung, masur and
channa were eaten as a soup ( the vedic “sups” or “yusa” from where the
word soup originates).
The “vataka”, forerunner of the modern
vada, was made of soaked, coarsely ground and fermented dal shaped and
fried. Dals were also made into “purpatas” or papads.
A word must
be said about milk and milk products. Cattle were an integral part of
life and culture. The milk of the cow was most important though the milk
of the buffalo and goat also find mention. Milk was consumed fresh from
the udder or boiled, mixed with soma juice or as cream. Milk was
curdled with starters or various green materials and eaten with rice ,
barley or soma juice.
There were many ways of consuming curds.
After churning and dilution, when it carried butter globules, it was
called “parasadjya”. Two forms of “dadhanwat” may be what we call paneer
and ripened cheese today. “Ghrta” or ghee was a commodity of enormous
prestige made by melting down and desiccating butter. It was used for
frying, mixing with soma juice and dipping as relish. “Shikharini”, an
old form of the shrikhand, was prepared by mixing strained curds, sugar
and spices. The popularity of curds can be judged from the fact that
there were even professional curd sellers at “maithikas” or curd-shops
during the Mauryan period.
The palao or pulao is ascribed to
Arabic origins yet rice and meat dishes have a hoary ancestry in
Sanskrit literature. References are found as long ago as the Valmiki
Ramayan. The word itself is found in the Yagyavalkya Smriti as
“pallaomevach” and in early Tamil literature of the third century CE
The kabab, too, could perhaps be traced to the tradition of roasting meats described in the epics.
and vegetables have been known in this landmass for a very long time
but during the period, they really came into their own.
date, bel and ber are the earliest fruits. The mango is indigenous to
India and the first mention comes probably in the as “saha” for
the “sahakara” or mango; it is definitely there in the Shatpatha
Brahmana, dated about 1000 BCE. The “amlaka” or amla is mentioned in the same time. Fig, jamun, coconut, banana,
jackfruit, palm, tendu, grapes, phalsa, karaunda and ingudi are all
mentioned in the Buddhist
Vegetables first mentioned in are the lotus
stem and the cucumber (urvaruka) and then the lotus root, bottle gourd
and the singhada and many flavoring materials such as methi, mahua
flowers, and maduga (the southern marugu). Yams, spinach and leafy
vegetables are mentioned in Buddhist and Jain literature. Kautilya has a
list of vegetables as does Panini. The Valmiki Ramyan is a veritable
treasure trove of the fruits and vegetables found at the time. The
ingudi is a prominent fruit, used by Lord Ram for the pind daan of his
father when he receives the news of his death while in exile.
was done using both ghrta and other vegetable oils such as sesame oil
and mustard oil. In fact, the oil of the sesame or til, known as “tail”
then, became the generic name for all vegetable oils. It may be noted
that both Sushruta and Charaka, the vaidyas of yore, cautioned against
daily and excessive consumption of fried foods.
In the early
Vedic period, salt was a rarity but later it was obtained from natural
sources such as rocks, rivers, seas, lakes etc. It was a state monopoly
under the Mauryans with a special Superintendent for Salt. It would have
been very expensive for the consumers; six taxes had to be paid on it.
The famous Khewra Salt mines, in the north- west, are said to have been
discovered when one of Alexander’s horses was found licking a rock which
turned out to be a lump of rock salt. It was a prolific and significant
salt mine for centuries.
Early spices and condiments include
mustard, sour citrus, turmeric (haridra or today’s haldi) and long
pepper apart from black pepper, hing, ginger, cumin, cloves, myrobalan
and vinegar. The Epic period has mentions of coriander, cardamom,
cinnamon, spikenard, nutmeg and aloes.
As far as sweet foods are
concerned, honey was the earliest sweetener and, later, sugarcane and
its extracts were used. “Sharkara” or shakkar is an original Indian
product made from sugarcane and there were many kinds of products and
sweets made by mixing this with other things like til, wheat , rice or
barley flour. “Mandaka” or mande was like the Maharashtrian puran poli.
“Gulalalavaniya” was a tiny puffed up puri eaten both sweet and salted,
the modern gol papadi perhaps? “Hayapunna” is the modern ghevara. Of
course, rice cooked in milk and sugar, “payasa” or kheer has never lost
its popularity.
What was the philosophy of food, the theory and practice?
Upanishads say that man consists of the essence of food, from food all
creatures are produced and by food they grow. Apart from nutrition, of
seminal importance are the spiritual qualities of food and its
connection with the higher purpose of living.
Connected to this is the concept of hospitality and the merit of sharing food.
ancient practices are only now being understood for their nutritional
and health value. Parching and puffing of grains breaks down
carbohydrates and proteins and makes grains easily digestible. Another
early Indian concept of sprouting increases the vitamin content of the
grains and breaks down iron to make it easily available to the body.
Pickling conserves vitamins for use when fresh food is not available.
Another good practice is the use of plenty of green and leafy vegetables
for meals, and consumption of fruits. The blending of different types
of proteins by mixing cereals and dals together leads to a higher
quality of total proteins from both sources, more than if they are taken
separately. Khichdi, dosa, idli, dhokla and khaman are examples of such
Food was not merely for eating but had medicinal value and
the giants of medicine, Sushruta and Charaka , writing 2,700 years BP,
set down the principles and practice of Ayurveda which brings the
well-being of body, mind and spirit in harmony. Diet is said to be the
most important way of achieving this harmony. Charaka says that without a
proper diet, medicines are of no use.
Ayurveda’s principles
have long influenced the choice taste and texture of our food. A
balanced dietary regimen should include all six major tastes, namely
sweet, sour, salty, astringent, pungent and bitter. Traditional meals
for weddings, for instance, still follow this injunction.
Recent days have seen a revival of Indian so called “super foods”, many of which trace their origins to the ancient period.
conclusion, here is some food for thought: the Arthashastra describes a
balanced meal for a man as follows— 500 gms of rice, 125 gms of dal, 56
gms of oil and five gms of salt. This is the same as the essentials in
the recommended balanced diet that the Indian Council for Medical
Research laid down in 1987. Ancient food wisdom for today!
Jagatheesan Chandrasekharan, [28-Dec-2022 at 10:46:53 AM]: https://yourveganjourney.com/the-best-vegan-foods-to-lower-blood-pressure/ The BEST Vegan Foods to Lower Blood Pressure I Nuts and Seeds
According to Orlich et al., those following plant-based diets tend to consume greater quantities of nuts compared to those following omnivorous diets.8
For example, the AHS-2 study showed vegans to consume 36 g/day of nuts and seeds compared to omnivores who consumed 18.8 g/day (not even a full serving).8
A large meta-analysis including 21 randomized controlled trials (RCTs) looked at the effect of nut consumption on systolic and diastolic BP. What’s more, they included studies involving a wide range of nuts such as almonds, walnuts, cashews, pistachios, hazelnuts, pecans, macadamia nuts, peanuts, and soy nuts.
The author concluded, “Total nut consumption lowered SBP in participants without type 2 diabetes.* Pistachios seemed to have the strongest effect on reducing SBP and DBP. Mixed nuts also reduced DBP.”9 *The authors noted that the reason for this is unknown. Why Are Nuts and Seeds Anti-Hypertensive? It seems many components common to this food group contribute to the anti-hypertensive effects observed. These components include:10 • Plant proteins present in nuts • Dietary fiber • Phytonutrients such as phytosterols, flavonoids • Micronutrients—vitamins, magnesium, and potassium. We’ll be covering all of these components in the coming paragraphs.
If you read the article, Does a Vegan Diet Lower Blood Pressure? then you know that plant-based diets are endorsed by the major health organizations for their anti-hypertensive properties.
Now, as we saw with many of the studies, much of its hypotensive effects seem to be conferred by way of body weight regulation—i.e. folks on plant-based diets tend to have lower BMIs which, in itself, helps to regulate blood pressure. However, as you’ll see in the coming paragraphs, there are many plant foods that are thought to have hypotensive properties and are thus likely to account for at least some of the anti-hypertensive effects of vegan and vegetarian diets.
Food Groups Fruits and Vegetables for Improved Endothelial Function One sizable meta-analysis included 25 observational studies wherein researchers found consumption of fruits and veggies to be associated with a reduced incidence of hypertension.1 When they compared F/V intakes between the groups with the highest and lowest consumption, the pooled relative risks of hypertension were 0.81 and 0.7 for fruits and veggies, respectively.1 Just so you know, a relative risk of 0.5 would mean that your risk for a certain condition would be 1/2 that of average—i.e. you’d have a 50% lower risk given a certain intervention (a certain threshold of fruit/veggie intake in this case).
The DASH Diet Is More than Sodium Restriction Ever heard of the DASH diet? DASH stands for Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension, a diet devised by the NIH to help prevent and control hypertension. When people think of the DASH diet, their mind often goes to sodium. However, the DASH diet is a dietary pattern that focuses on fruit and vegetable consumption. While there is a DASH-sodium variation of the diet, the standard protocol doesn’t require restricting sodium beyond standards set forth by the Dietary Guidelines (sodium limits for the general public). The point I’m making is that people often remember that they’re supposed to restrict sodium if they’re watching their blood pressure, whereas far fewer people seem to think of adding fruits and veggies to their diets in order to control blood pressure. In dietary trials that controlled sodium intake, the DASH-sodium diet actually conferred a greater BP-lowering effect than non-DASH diets with sodium reduction alone.2,3
I.e. F/V intake plus sodium restriction is more effective than simply restricting sodium. Why Are Fruits and Veggies Anti-Hypertensive? Fruits and veggies are rich sources of micronutrients such as magnesium, folic acid, and vitamin C. They also offer phytonutrients such as flavonoids and carotenoids.
What do all these nutrients have in common? They’re all thought to lower BP by improving endothelial function.4-7 Certain veggies like beets, spinach, and arugula are packed with nitrates which get converted to nitrites by the bacteria on our tongues, which go on to play a role in nitric oxide (NO) biosynthesis and/or in improving nitric oxide bioavailability. This results in more vasodilation, and lower blood pressure.72
He who Overcomes sense desire, Scolding, slaying, and other bonds, He who stands still like a mountain, Is unshaken by pleasure or pain.
“But what, Master Gotama, is a gap, a break, a spot, a blemish of the holy life?”
is the case, brahman, where a certain contemplative or brahman, while
claiming to be one who rightly follows the holy life, doesn’t actually
engage in copulating with a woman but he does consent to being anointed,
rubbed down, bathed, or massaged by a woman. He enjoys that, wants more
of that, and luxuriates in that. This is a gap, a break, a spot, a
blemish of the holy life. He is called one who lives the holy life in an
impure way, one who is fettered by the fetter of sexuality. He is not
freed from birth, aging, & death, from sorrows, lamentations, pains,
griefs, & despairs. He is not freed, I tell you, from suffering
& stress.
“Or… he jokes, plays, and amuses himself with a woman. He enjoys that, wants more of that, and luxuriates in that.…
“Or… he stares into a woman’s eyes. He enjoys that, wants more of that, and luxuriates in that.…
he listens to the voices of women outside a wall as they laugh, speak,
sing, or cry. He enjoys that, wants more of that, and luxuriates in
“Or… he recollects how he used to laugh, converse, and
play with a woman. He enjoys that, wants more of that, and luxuriates in
“Or… he sees a householder or householder’s son enjoying
himself endowed with the five strings of sensuality. He enjoys that,
wants more of that, and luxuriates in that.…
“Or… he practices
the holy life intent on being born in one or another of the deva hosts,
(thinking) ‘By this virtue or practice or abstinence or holy life I will
be a deva of one sort or another.’ He enjoys that, wants more of that,
and luxuriates in that. This is a gap, a break, a spot, a blemish of the
holy life. He is called one who lives the holy life in an impure way,
one who is fettered by the fetter of sexuality. He is not freed from
birth, aging, & death, from sorrows, lamentations, pains, griefs,
& despairs. He is not freed, I tell you, from suffering &
stress. “And, brahman, as long as I saw that one or another of these
seven fetters of sexuality was not abandoned in myself, I did not claim
to have directly awakened to the right self-awakening unexcelled in the
cosmos with its devas, Māras, & Brahmās, in this generation with its
contemplatives & brahmans, their royalty & commonfolk. But when
I did not see any one of these seven fetters of sexuality unabandoned
in myself, then I did claim to have directly awakened to the right
self-awakening unexcelled in the cosmos with its devas, Māras, &
Brahmās, in this generation with its contemplatives & brahmans,
their royalty & commonfolk. Knowledge & vision arose in me:
‘Unprovoked is my release. This is the last birth. There is now no
further becoming.’”
is a namer describe the territory of Greater Prabuddha Bharat in
Ancient sources. The term is based on the concept of dvīpa, meaning
“island” or “continent” in Ancient Prabuddha Bharatian cosmogony. The
term Jambudipa was used by Ashoka to represent his realm in the third
century BCE. The same terminology was used in subsequent texts, for
instance Kannada inscriptions from the tenth century CE which also
described the region, presumably Ancient Prabuddha Bharatian, as
The word Jambudipa literally refers to “the land of Jambu trees” where jambu (Syzygium cumini) grows.
Unshaken by Pleasure and Pain Ud 3.3 Yasojasuttam
He who Overcomes sense desire, Scolding, slaying, and other bonds, He who stands still like a mountain, Is unshaken by pleasure or pain.
“But what, Master Gotama, is a gap, a break, a spot, a blemish of the holy life?”
is the case, brahman, where a certain contemplative or brahman, while
claiming to be one who rightly follows the holy life, doesn’t actually
engage in copulating with a woman but he does consent to being anointed,
rubbed down, bathed, or massaged by a woman. He enjoys that, wants more
of that, and luxuriates in that. This is a gap, a break, a spot, a
blemish of the holy life. He is called one who lives the holy life in an
impure way, one who is fettered by the fetter of sexuality. He is not
freed from birth, aging, & death, from sorrows, lamentations, pains,
griefs, & despairs. He is not freed, I tell you, from suffering
& stress.
“Or… he jokes, plays, and amuses himself with a woman. He enjoys that, wants more of that, and luxuriates in that.…
“Or… he stares into a woman’s eyes. He enjoys that, wants more of that, and luxuriates in that.…
he listens to the voices of women outside a wall as they laugh, speak,
sing, or cry. He enjoys that, wants more of that, and luxuriates in
“Or… he recollects how he used to laugh, converse, and
play with a woman. He enjoys that, wants more of that, and luxuriates in
“Or… he sees a householder or householder’s son enjoying
himself endowed with the five strings of sensuality. He enjoys that,
wants more of that, and luxuriates in that.…
“Or… he practices
the holy life intent on being born in one or another of the deva hosts,
(thinking) ‘By this virtue or practice or abstinence or holy life I will
be a deva of one sort or another.’ He enjoys that, wants more of that,
and luxuriates in that. This is a gap, a break, a spot, a blemish of the
holy life. He is called one who lives the holy life in an impure way,
one who is fettered by the fetter of sexuality. He is not freed from
birth, aging, & death, from sorrows, lamentations, pains, griefs,
& despairs. He is not freed, I tell you, from suffering &
stress. “And, brahman, as long as I saw that one or another of these
seven fetters of sexuality was not abandoned in myself, I did not claim
to have directly awakened to the right self-awakening unexcelled in the
cosmos with its devas, Māras, & Brahmās, in this generation with its
contemplatives & brahmans, their royalty & commonfolk. But when
I did not see any one of these seven fetters of sexuality unabandoned
in myself, then I did claim to have directly awakened to the right
self-awakening unexcelled in the cosmos with its devas, Māras, &
Brahmās, in this generation with its contemplatives & brahmans,
their royalty & commonfolk. Knowledge & vision arose in me:
‘Unprovoked is my release. This is the last birth. There is now no
further becoming.’”
In Buddhism Edit The
Buddhist cosmology divides the bhūmaṇḍala (circle of the earth) into
three separate levels: Kāmadhātu (Desire realm), Rūpadhātu (Form realm),
and Ārūpyadhātu (Formless realm). In the Kāmadhātu is located Mount
Sumeru which is said to be surrounded by four island-continents. “The
southernmost island is called Jambudvīpa”. The other three continents of
Buddhist accounts around Sumeru are not accessible to humans from
Jambudvīpa. Jambudvīpa is shaped like a triangle with a blunted point
facing south, somewhat like the Indian subcontinent. In its center is a
gigantic Jambu tree from which the continent takes its name, meaning
“Jambu Island”. Jambudipa, one of the four Mahādīpas, or great
continents, which are included in the Cakkavāla and are ruled by a
Cakkavatti. They are grouped round Mount Sumeru. In Jambudīpa is Himavā
with its eighty-four thousand peaks, its lakes, mountain ranges, etc. This
continent derives its name from the Jambu-tree (also called Naga) which
grows there, its trunk fifteen yojanas in girth, its outspreading
branches fifty yojanas in length, its shade one hundred yojanas in
extent and its height one hundred yojanas (Vin.i.30; SNA.ii.443;
Vsm.i.205f; Sp.i.119, etc.) On account of this tree, Jambudīpa is also
known as Jambusanda (SN.vs.552; SNA.i.121). The continent is ten
thousand yojanas in extent; of these ten thousand, four thousand are
covered by the ocean, three thousand by the Himālaya mountains, while
three thousand are inhabited by men (SNA.ii.437; UdA.300). Jambudvīpa
is the region where the humans live and is the only place where a being
may become enlightened by being born as a human being. It is in
Jambudvīpa that one may receive the gift of Dharma and come to
understand the Four Noble Truths, the Noble Eightfold Path and
ultimately realize the liberation from the cycle of life and death.
Another reference is from the Buddhist text Mahavamsa, where the emperor
Ashoka’s son Mahinda introduces himself to the Sri Lankan king
Devanampiyatissa as from Jambudvipa, referring to what is now the Indian
subcontinent. This is Based In the Kṣitigarbha Sūtra in the Mahayana.
Jambudvipa in geopolitical sense Edit The
term Jambudvipa is used by Ashoka perhaps to represent his realm in 3rd
century BC, same terminology is then repeated in subsequent
inscriptions for instance Mysorean inscription from the tenth century AD
which also describes the region, presumably India, as Jambudvipa.[14] ‘
the Kuntala country (which included the north-western parts of Mysore
and the southern parts of the Bombay Presidency) was ruled by the
nava-Nanda, Gupta-kula, Mauryya kings ; then the Rattas ruled it : after
whom were the Chalukyas; then the Kalachuryya family; and after them
the (Hoysala) Ballalas.’’ Another, at Kubatur, expressly states that
Chandra Gupta ruled the Naga-khanda in the south of the Bharata-kshetra
of Jambu dvipa : this is the Nagara-khanda Seventy of so many
inscriptions, of which Bandanikke (Bandalike in Shimoga) seems to have
been the chief town. And fuidher, a record to be noticed below says that
the daughters of the Kadamba king were given in marriage to the Guptas. — Annual Report Of Mysore 1886 To 1903
Meru (also Sumeru (Sanskrit) or Sineru (Pāli) or Kangrinboqe) is the
name of the central world-mountain in Buddhist cosmology.
Etymologically, the proper name of the mountain is Meru (Pāli Meru), to
which is added the approbatory prefix su-, resulting in the meaning
“excellent Meru” or “wonderful Meru”.[1]
Bhutanese thangka of Mount Meru and the Buddhist universe, 19th century, Trongsa Dzong, Trongsa, Bhutan
[6:14 am, 27/12/2022] Chandrasekharan J: s. Unshaken by Pleasure and Pain Ud 3.3 Yasojasuttam
He who Overcomes sense desire, Scolding, slaying, and other bonds, He who stands still like a mountain, Is unshaken by pleasure or pain.
“But what, Master Gotama, is a gap, a break, a spot, a blemish of the holy life?”
is the case, brahman, where a certain contemplative or brahman, while
claiming to be one who rightly follows the holy life, doesn’t actually
engage in copulating with a woman but he does consent to being anointed,
rubbed down, bathed, or massaged by a woman. He enjoys that, wants more
of that, and luxuriates in that. This is a gap, a break, a spot, a
blemish of the holy life. He is called one who lives the holy life in an
impure way, one who is fettered by the fetter of sexuality. He is not
freed from birth, aging, & death, from sorrows, lamentations, pains,
griefs, & despairs. He is not freed, I tell you, from suffering
& stress.
“Or… he jokes, plays, and amuses himself with a woman. He enjoys that, wants more of that, and luxuriates in that.…
“Or… he stares into a woman’s eyes. He enjoys that, wants more of that, and luxuriates in that.…
he listens to the voices of women outside a wall as they laugh, speak,
sing, or cry. He enjoys that, wants more of that, and luxuriates in
“Or… he recollects how he used to laugh, converse, and
play with a woman. He enjoys that, wants more of that, and luxuriates in
“Or… he sees a householder or householder’s son enjoying
himself endowed with the five strings of sensuality. He enjoys that,
wants more of that, and luxuriates in that.…
“Or… he practices
the holy life intent on being born in one or another of the deva hosts,
(thinking) ‘By this virtue or practice or abstinence or holy life I will
be a deva of one sort or another.’ He enjoys that, wants more of that,
and luxuriates in that. This is a gap, a break, a spot, a blemish of the
holy life. He is called one who lives the holy life in an impure way,
one who is fettered by the fetter of sexuality. He is not freed from
birth, aging, & death, from sorrows, lamentations, pains, griefs,
& despairs. He is not freed, I tell you, from suffering &
stress. “And, brahman, as long as I saw that one or another of these
seven fetters of sexuality was not abandoned in myself, I did not claim
to have directly awakened to the right self-awakening unexcelled in the
cosmos with its devas, Māras, & Brahmās, in this generation with its
contemplatives & brahmans, their royalty & commonfolk. But when
I did not see any one of these seven fetters of sexuality unabandoned
in myself, then I did claim to have directly awakened to the right
self-awakening unexcelled in the cosmos with its devas, Māras, &
Brahmās, in this generation with its contemplatives & brahmans,
their royalty & commonfolk. Knowledge & vision arose in me:
‘Unprovoked is my release. This is the last birth. There is now no
further becoming.’”
Characteristics Edit
Yuan dynasty (1271–1368) Chinese mandala depicting Mount Meru as an inverted pyramid topped by a lotus. According
to Vasubandhu’s Abhidharmakośabhāṣyam (philosophical writings), Sumeru
is 80,000 yojanas tall. The exact measure of one yojana is uncertain,
but some accounts put it at about 24,000 feet, or approximately 4-1/2
miles, but other accounts put it at about 7-9 miles. It also descends
beneath the surface of the surrounding waters to a depth of 80,000
yojanas, being… [6:15 am, 27/12/2022] Chandrasekharan J: They contain
the followers of the Four Great Kings, namely nāgas, yakṣas,
gandharvas, and kumbhāṇḍas. The names and dimensions of the terraces on the lower slopes of Sumeru are given below: Name Height above the sea Breadth Length (on one side) Cāturmahārājika 40,000 yojanas 2,000 yojanas 24,000 yojanas Sadāmada 30,000 yojanas 4,000 yojanas 32,000 yojanas Mālādhara 20,000 yojanas 8,000 yojanas 48,000 yojanas Karoṭapāni 10,000 yojanas 16,000 yojanas 80,000 yojanas Below Sumeru, in the seas around it, is the abode of the Asuras who are at war with the Trāyastriṃśa gods.
Yuan dynasty (1271–1368) Chinese mandala depicting Mount Meru as an inverted pyramid topped by a Abandonment Edit Certain
traditional Buddhist ideas about the world are incompatible with modern
science and have been abandoned by numerous modern Buddhists. One of
the most well known of these ideas is Mount Meru. According to Donald S.
Lopez Jr., “the human realm that Buddhist texts describe is a flat
earth, or perhaps more accurately a flat ocean, its waters contained by a
ring of iron mountains. In that ocean is a great central mountain,
surrounded in the four cardinal directions by island continents.”[2] As
Lopez notes, as early as the 18th century, Buddhist scholars like
Tominaga Nakamoto (1715–1746) began to question this classical Buddhist
cosmography, holding that they were adopted by the Buddha from Indian
theories, but that they were incidental and thus not at the heart of
Buddha’s teaching.[3] While some traditional Buddhists did defend the
traditional cosmology, others like Shimaji Mokurai (1838–1911) argued
that it was not foundational to Buddhism and was merely an element of
Indian mythology.[4] Others like Kimura Taiken (1881–1930), went further
and argued that this traditional cosmography was not part of original
Buddhism.[5] The issue of Mount Meru was also discussed by modern
Buddhist intellectuals like Gendün Chöphel and the 14th Dalai Lama.
According to Chöphel, the Meru cosmology is a provisional teaching
taught in accord with the ideas of ancient India, but not appropriate
for the modern era.[6] Similarly, the 14th Dalai Lama writes that “my
own view is that Buddhism must abandon many aspects of the Abhidharma
cosmology”.[7] The Dalai Lama sees the falsehood of this traditional
cosmology as not affecting the core of Buddhism (the teaching of the
four noble truths and liberation) since it is “secondary to the account
of the nature and origins of sentient beings”.[8]
See also Edit • Semeru — a mountain in Indonesia, named after Sumeru • Mandala (Southeast Asian history)
25,000 inscriptions found in Karnataka and states near by[1] belongs to
Kannada rulers like Kadambas, Western Ganga Dynasty, Rashtrakuta,
Chalukya, Hoysala and Vijayanagara Empire. Many inscriptions related to
Jainism are unearthed. The inscriptions generally found are on stone
(Shilashasana) or copper plates (Tamarashasana). The Kannada
inscriptions (Old Kannada, Kadamba script) found on historical Hero
Stone, coin and temple wall, piller, tablet and rock edict. These
Inscription have contributed towards Kannada literature and helped to
classify as Proto Kannada, Pre Old Kannada, Old Kannada, Middle Kannada
and New Kannada. Inscriptions depicts culture, tradition and prosperity
of those era. The world wide recognized literature Ramayana and
Mahabharata are transferred through generation by these Inscription
Hazara Rama Temple and Aranmula Parthasarathy Temple are the best
578 CE Mangalesha Kannada inscription in Cave temple # 3 at Badami
634CE Aihole inscription of Ravi Kirti Main
articles: Indian inscriptions, Indian copper plate inscriptions, Early
Indian epigraphy, Epigraphia Carnatica, History of Karnataka, Timeline
of Karnataka, Etymology of Karnataka, and Old Kannada § Origin
Earliest Kannada inscriptions Edit
Halmidi inscription of 450 AD
9th century AD Old Kannada inscription on Hero Stone in Kalleshvara Temple at Aralaguppe The
first written record in Kannada traced to Ashoka’s Brahmagiri edict
dating back to around 250 BC, Tagarthi inscription dates back to 350
AD.[2][3] The stone inscription (dated 370 CE) found at Talagunda near
Shiralakoppa in the taluk during excavation by the Archaeological Survey
of India (ASI) in 2013-14 is now said to be the earliest Kannada
inscription.[4] Nishadi Inscription of 400 AD of Chandragiri hill
(Shravanabelagola), Halmidi inscription of 5th century AD[5][6] and
Aihole inscriptions are very important in the history of Kannada and
Karnataka. 5th century Tamatekallu inscription of Chitradurga and 500 CE
Chikkamagaluru inscription. The earliest known Kannada inscription in
Bengaluru region traced to the reign of Sripurusha was discovered in
2018 in Hebbal.[7] There are few Kannada words found in the edicts and
inscriptions those are prior to the Christian era in places as far as
Egypt.[8] Brahmagiri rock inscription of Ashoka Ashoka rock edict
at Brahmagiri in Chitradurga district is the ancient site of Ishila. An
inscription there contains this most ancient Kannada word. The earliest
recorded word of Kannada is Isila occurring in the Brahmagiri rock
inscription of 252 BC (similar to many other inscriptions with Kannada
words).[9] Tagarthi inscription A Dr. S. Shettar completed a
detailed palaeographic study over 10 years, finding five to six
inscriptions that are older than Halmidi inscription (in Poorvada
Halegannada dialect). The inscription is a mix of Brahmi, Kannada and
Nagari scripts. One of those found at Tagarthi (within the Gangavadi
region in Shimoga district) dates to 350 AD, during the Ganga dynasty.
This study pushed the date push back by at least a century. The
historian Suryanath Kamath also agree with the findings of Dr S.
Shettar.[10] Gunabhushitana Nishadi inscription M. G. Manjunath an
epigraphist Mysore based scholar discovered 400 AD Gunabhushitana
Nishadi inscription of Jainism one of the 271 inscriptions on
Chandragiri hill of Shravanabelagola found near Parshwanatha Basadi,
which is 50 years older than Halmidi inscription. It is mentioned in the
Epigraphia Karnataka. There are Prakrit, Sanskrit and Purvada
Halegannada (Old Kannada words. The four lined inscription has six
words. The inscription is in Shatavahana Brahmi and Aadi Ganga script.
M. Chidananda Murthy also agree that Gunabhushitana Nishadi Shasana was a
Kannada inscription (in Purvada Halegannada script).[11] Halmidi inscription The
5th century AD[5][6] Halmidi inscription 16-line earliest Kannada
inscription found at Halmidi in Belur taluk of Hassan district on
rectangular sandstone ( 2.5 ft height and 1 ft width) has a Vishnu
Chakra on its top. The language of the inscription is in Poorvada
Halegannada ( Proto-Kannada). Archaeologist M. H. Krishna found the
Brahmi script in the inscription. Shifted the inscription to
Archaeological Museum, Mysore and later to Government Museum in
Bangalore. Epigraphia Karnataka has dedicated a chapter to study of the
inscription. The linguists and writers Govinda Pai, M. Chidananda
Murthy, T. V. Venkatachala Sastry, Ram Sri Mugali, R.S. Panchamukhi,
D.L. Narasimhachar, and M. M. Kalburgi studied the inscription and
published papers. Writers including G. S. Gai, T. A. Gopinatha Rao, T.
N. Srikantaiah, Shivarama Aithala, S. Nagaraju, S. Srikanta Sastri, M.
Bhatta, M. B. Neginahal, K. V. Ramesh, Devarakondareddy and K. M.
Hanumantha Rao have discussed the important issues raised by Halmidi
inscription in their books.[12] Tamatakallu inscriptions Chitradurga
district is home for most ancient inscriptions written in archaic
Kannada script. As per epigraphist Dr. B. Rajashekharappa the
inscriptions known as Veeragallu at Tamatakal village written in Kannada
script belongs mostly to end of Fifth Century or beginning of Sixth
Century, describes the nature and achievements of Gunamadhura who ruled
Masikapura (ancient name of Tamatakal), he was frivolous, generous and
kind person. he was a favourite among women (Despite being of dark
complexion), because of his kind nature. In 1903 by the historian late
B. L. Rice discovered the inscriptions, Dr. Rajashekharappa found new
9th century AD Old Kannada inscription on Hero Stone in Kalleshvara Temple at Aralaguppe
Karnataka inscriptions of Kannada dynasties Edit Main
articles: Kannada literature, Chalukya dynasty § Literature, Western
Chalukya literature in Kannada, Rashtrakuta literature, Hoysala
literature, Medieval Kannada literature, Vijayanagara literature in
Kannada, and Mysore literature in Kannada
Old Kannada inscription of 983 CE on Tyagada Brahmadeva Pillar at Shravanabelagola The Karnataka inscriptions are mainly categories as mentioned below Kadambas inscriptions • Halmidi inscription - Kadamba Coins and the earliest Kannada inscription • Talagunda pillar inscription • Halasi Inscriptions of Kadambas of Halasi • Chandravalli rock inscription. • In AD 475-490 Mrigesavarman of Kadambas of Halasi inscription there is mention about Yapaniya. Western Ganga Dynasty inscriptions
Old Kannada inscription of 983 CE on Tyagada Brahmadeva Pillar at Shravanabelagola
Old Kannada inscription at Vindyagiri Shravanabelagola • The 981 CE Old Kannada inscription at Vindyagiri Shravanabelagola • Hebbal-Kittayya inscription at Hebbal, Bangalore[14][15] • Doddahundi nishidhi inscription • Atakur inscription • The 983 CE Tyagada Brahmadeva Pillar at Shravanabelagola • Shravanabelagola inscription of Nandisena • Tumbula inscriptions of 444 AD, Sanskrit-Kannada inscription, the Kannada words are used to describe the land boundaries. • Western Ganga Kannada writings Chalukya inscriptions •
The 634CE Aihole inscription of Ravi Kirti (minister and poet of Badami
Chalukya Pulakeshin II) available at the Meguti temple, the inscription
is a eulogy of Pulakeshin II and his conquests. • 750CE inscription stone found in 2018 at Hebbal referring to the region as Perbolu nadu[15]
• Mahakuta Pillar • Kappe Arabhatta • Badami Inscriptions • Gadag inscription of Vikramaditya VI • Sudi Inscriptions • 610AD Peddavaduguru inscription of Pulakeshin II Rashtrakuta inscriptions • Kavirajamarga •
Ninth century Kannada stone inscription of Rashtrakuta period unearthed
near Tumbi Kere (tank) at Halekumur village in Byadgi Takuk. The
inscription is about Rashtrakuta rulers donating 200 acres to Siddarevar
Singh to construct a tank.[16] • Navalinga Temple inscriptions Kuknur. • Northernmost Kannada inscription of the Rashtrakutas of 964 AD is the Jura record found near Jabalpur in Madhya Pradesh. • Inscriptions related to Dantidurga Hoysala inscriptions Vijayanagara Empire inscriptions Vengi Chalukya inscriptions Yadava inscriptions Kalachuri Inscriptions
Kannada copper plates and manuscripts Edit Main articles: Indian copper plate inscriptions and Palm-leaf manuscript • The 8th century AD oldest Kannada copper plate inscription found at Belmannu in Karkala taluk of Udupi district. • Western Ganga Dynasty Tumbula inscriptions of 444 AD • The 8th century AD Aluvarasa II of Alupas copper plate inscription in Kannada.
• The 1430 AD Vijayanagara empire Devarajapuram copper plate
inscription having state-deity Virupaksha’s signature at the bottom in
Kannada script to certify a grant of land to Brahmins (by King Devaraya
II (1425-1446))
Coins bearing Kannada inscription Edit
Kadamba Coin of Shanthivarma, 5th century Kannada legend Sri Manarashi
• The 5th Century copper coin in archaic Kannada script found at
Banavasi.[17] One side has five letter inscription Sri Manaragi and
symbol of Ujjain on other side. • Coins bearing Kannada inscription • Pagodas and Fanams with Kannada inscription were the coinage of Alupas. • Kadamba Coins • Lari (fish hook money) • Sudi and Lakkundi coins mint (Tankhashaley) • Honnu or Gadyana of Hoysala • Kalachuri Kannada Coinage
Kadamba Coin of Shanthivarma, 5th century Kannada legend Sri Manarashi
Kadamba Coin of Shanthivarma, 5th century Kannada legend Sri Manarashi
People associated with Kannada inscriptions and manuscripts Edit • People associated with the study of Kannada inscriptions • Shivakotiacharya’s Vaddaradhane • Nagavarma I • Phakirappa Gurubasappa Halakatti • Aluru Venkata Rao • Parabrahma Sastry
[6:14 am, 27/12/2022] Chandrasekharan J: s.
Characteristics Edit
Yuan dynasty (1271–1368) Chinese mandala depicting Mount Meru as an inverted pyramid topped by a lotus. According
to Vasubandhu’s Abhidharmakośabhāṣyam (philosophical writings), Sumeru
is 80,000 yojanas tall. The exact measure of one yojana is uncertain,
but some accounts put it at about 24,000 feet, or approximately 4-1/2
miles, but other accounts put it at about 7-9 miles. It also descends
beneath the surface of the surrounding waters to a depth of 80,000
yojanas, being… [6:15 am, 27/12/2022] Chandrasekharan J: They contain
the followers of the Four Great Kings, namely nāgas, yakṣas,
gandharvas, and kumbhāṇḍas. The names and dimensions of the terraces on the lower slopes of Sumeru are given below: Name Height above the sea Breadth Length (on one side) Cāturmahārājika 40,000 yojanas 2,000 yojanas 24,000 yojanas Sadāmada 30,000 yojanas 4,000 yojanas 32,000 yojanas Mālādhara 20,000 yojanas 8,000 yojanas 48,000 yojanas Karoṭapāni 10,000 yojanas 16,000 yojanas 80,000 yojanas Below Sumeru, in the seas around it, is the abode of the Asuras who are at war with the Trāyastriṃśa gods.
Yuan dynasty (1271–1368) Chinese mandala depicting Mount Meru as an inverted pyramid topped by a Abandonment Edit Certain
traditional Buddhist ideas about the world are incompatible with modern
science and have been abandoned by numerous modern Buddhists. One of
the most well known of these ideas is Mount Meru. According to Donald S.
Lopez Jr., “the human realm that Buddhist texts describe is a flat
earth, or perhaps more accurately a flat ocean, its waters contained by a
ring of iron mountains. In that ocean is a great central mountain,
surrounded in the four cardinal directions by island continents.”[2] As
Lopez notes, as early as the 18th century, Buddhist scholars like
Tominaga Nakamoto (1715–1746) began to question this classical Buddhist
cosmography, holding that they were adopted by the Buddha from Indian
theories, but that they were incidental and thus not at the heart of
Buddha’s teaching.[3] While some traditional Buddhists did defend the
traditional cosmology, others like Shimaji Mokurai (1838–1911) argued
that it was not foundational to Buddhism and was merely an element of
Indian mythology.[4] Others like Kimura Taiken (1881–1930), went further
and argued that this traditional cosmography was not part of original
Buddhism.[5] The issue of Mount Meru was also discussed by modern
Buddhist intellectuals like Gendün Chöphel and the 14th Dalai Lama.
According to Chöphel, the Meru cosmology is a provisional teaching
taught in accord with the ideas of ancient India, but not appropriate
for the modern era.[6] Similarly, the 14th Dalai Lama writes that “my
own view is that Buddhism must abandon many aspects of the Abhidharma
cosmology”.[7] The Dalai Lama sees the falsehood of this traditional
cosmology as not affecting the core of Buddhism (the teaching of the
four noble truths and liberation) since it is “secondary to the account
of the nature and origins of sentient beings”.[8]
See also Edit • Semeru — a mountain in Indonesia, named after Sumeru • Mandala (Southeast Asian history) [6:16 am, 27/12/2022] Chandrasekharan J: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kannada_inscriptions
Kannada inscriptions
Article Talk Language Watch Edit
25,000 inscriptions found in Karnataka and states near by[1] belongs to
Kannada rulers like Kadambas, Western Ganga Dynasty, Rashtrakuta,
Chalukya, Hoysala and Vijayanagara Empire. Many inscriptions related to
Jainism are unearthed. The inscriptions generally found are on stone
(Shilashasana) or copper plates (Tamarashasana). The Kannada
inscriptions (Old Kannada, Kadamba script) found on historical Hero
Stone, coin and temple wall, piller, tablet and rock edict. These
Inscription have contributed towards Kannada literature and helped to
classify as Proto Kannada, Pre Old Kannada, Old Kannada, Middle Kannada
and New Kannada. Inscriptions depicts culture, tradition and prosperity
of those era. The world wide recognized literature Ramayana and
Mahabharata are transferred through generation by these Inscription
Hazara Rama Temple and Aranmula Parthasarathy Temple are the best
578 CE Mangalesha Kannada inscription in Cave temple # 3 at Badami [6:16 am, 27/12/2022] Chandrasekharan J: 634CE Aihole inscription of Ravi Kirti Main
articles: Indian inscriptions, Indian copper plate inscriptions, Early
Indian epigraphy, Epigraphia Carnatica, History of Karnataka, Timeline
of Karnataka, Etymology of Karnataka, and Old Kannada § Origin
Earliest Kannada inscriptions Edit
Halmidi inscription of 450 AD
9th century AD Old Kannada inscription on Hero Stone in Kalleshvara Temple at Aralaguppe The
first written record in Kannada traced to Ashoka’s Brahmagiri edict
dating back to around 250 BC, Tagarthi inscription dates back to 350
AD.[2][3] The stone inscription (dated 370 CE) found at Talagunda near
Shiralakoppa in the taluk during excavation by the Archaeological Survey
of India (ASI) in 2013-14 is now said to be the earliest Kannada
inscription.[4] Nishadi Inscription of 400 AD of Chandragiri hill
(Shravanabelagola), Halmidi inscription of 5th century AD[5][6] and
Aihole inscriptions are very important in the history of Kannada and
Karnataka. 5th century Tamatekallu inscription of Chitradurga and 500 CE
Chikkamagaluru inscription. The earliest known Kannada inscription in
Bengaluru region traced to the reign of Sripurusha was discovered in
2018 in Hebbal.[7] There are few Kannada words found in the edicts and
inscriptions those are prior to the Christian era in places as far as
Egypt.[8] Brahmagiri rock inscription of Ashoka Ashoka rock edict
at Brahmagiri in Chitradurga district is the ancient site of Ishila. An
inscription there contains this most ancient Kannada word. The earliest
recorded word of Kannada is Isila occurring in the Brahmagiri rock
inscription of 252 BC (similar to many other inscriptions with Kannada
words).[9] Tagarthi inscription A Dr. S. Shettar completed a
detailed palaeographic study over 10 years, finding five to six
inscriptions that are older than Halmidi inscription (in Poorvada
Halegannada dialect). The inscription is a mix of Brahmi, Kannada and
Nagari scripts. One of those found at Tagarthi (within the Gangavadi
region in Shimoga district) dates to 350 AD, during the Ganga dynasty.
This study pushed the date push back by at least a century. The
historian Suryanath Kamath also agree with the findings of Dr S.
Shettar.[10] Gunabhushitana Nishadi inscription M. G. Manjunath an
epigraphist Mysore based scholar discovered 400 AD Gunabhushitana
Nishadi inscription of Jainism one of the 271 inscriptions on
Chandragiri hill of Shravanabelagola found near Parshwanatha Basadi,
which is 50 years older than Halmidi inscription. It is mentioned in the
Epigraphia Karnataka. There are Prakrit, Sanskrit and Purvada
Halegannada (Old Kannada words. The four lined inscription has six
words. The inscription is in Shatavahana Brahmi and Aadi Ganga script.
M. Chidananda Murthy also agree that Gunabhushitana Nishadi Shasana was a
Kannada inscription (in Purvada Halegannada script).[11] Halmidi inscription The
5th century AD[5][6] Halmidi inscription 16-line earliest Kannada
inscription found at Halmidi in Belur taluk of Hassan district on
rectangular sandstone ( 2.5 ft height and 1 ft width) has a Vishnu
Chakra on its top. The language of the inscription is in Poorvada
Halegannada ( Proto-Kannada). Archaeologist M. H. Krishna found the
Brahmi script in the inscription. Shifted the inscription to
Archaeological Museum, Mysore and later to Government Museum in
Bangalore. Epigraphia Karnataka has dedicated a chapter to study of the
inscription. The linguists and writers Govinda Pai, M. Chidananda
Murthy, T. V. Venkatachala Sastry, Ram Sri Mugali, R.S. Panchamukhi,
D.L. Narasimhachar, and M. M. Kalburgi studied the inscription and
published papers. Writers including G. S. Gai, T. A. Gopinatha Rao, T.
N. Srikantaiah, Shivarama Aithala, S. Nagaraju, S. Srikanta Sastri, M. [6:17
am, 27/12/2022] Chandrasekharan J: Mariyappa Bhatta, M. B. Neginahal,
K. V. Ramesh, Devarakondareddy and K. M. Hanumantha Rao have discussed
the important issues raised by Halmidi inscription in their books.[12] Tamatakallu inscriptions Chitradurga
district is home for most ancient inscriptions written in archaic
Kannada script. As per epigraphist Dr. B. Rajashekharappa the
inscriptions known as Veeragallu at Tamatakal village written in Kannada
script belongs mostly to end of Fifth Century or beginning of Sixth
Century, describes the nature and achievements of Gunamadhura who ruled
Masikapura (ancient name of Tamatakal), he was frivolous, generous and
kind person. he was a favourite among women (Despite being of dark
complexion), because of his kind nature. In 1903 by the historian late
B. L. Rice discovered the inscriptions, Dr. Rajashekharappa found new
9th century AD Old Kannada inscription on Hero Stone in Kalleshvara Temple at Aralaguppe
Karnataka inscriptions of Kannada dynasties Edit Main
articles: Kannada literature, Chalukya dynasty § Literature, Western
Chalukya literature in Kannada, Rashtrakuta literature, Hoysala
literature, Medieval Kannada literature, Vijayanagara literature in
Kannada, and Mysore literature in Kannada
Old Kannada inscription of 983 CE on Tyagada Brahmadeva Pillar at Shravanabelagola The Karnataka inscriptions are mainly categories as mentioned below Kadambas inscriptions • Halmidi inscription - Kadamba Coins and the earliest Kannada inscription • Talagunda pillar inscription • Halasi Inscriptions of Kadambas of Halasi • Chandravalli rock inscription. • In AD 475-490 Mrigesavarman of Kadambas of Halasi inscription there is mention about Yapaniya. Western Ganga Dynasty inscriptions [6:18 am, 27/12/2022] Chandrasekharan J: Old Kannada inscription of 983 CE on Tyagada Brahmadeva Pillar at Shravanabelagola [6:19 am, 27/12/2022] Chandrasekharan J: Old Kannada inscription at Vindyagiri Shravanabelagola • The 981 CE Old Kannada inscription at Vindyagiri Shravanabelagola • Hebbal-Kittayya inscription at Hebbal, Bangalore[14][15] • Doddahundi nishidhi inscription • Atakur inscription • The 983 CE Tyagada Brahmadeva Pillar at Shravanabelagola • Shravanabelagola inscription of Nandisena • Tumbula inscriptions of 444 AD, Sanskrit-Kannada inscription, the Kannada words are used to describe the land boundaries. • Western Ganga Kannada writings Chalukya inscriptions •
The 634CE Aihole inscription of Ravi Kirti (minister and poet of Badami
Chalukya Pulakeshin II) available at the Meguti temple, the inscription
is a eulogy of Pulakeshin II and his conquests. • 750CE inscription stone found in 2018 at Hebbal referring to the region as Perbolu nadu[15]
• Mahakuta Pillar • Kappe Arabhatta • Badami Inscriptions • Gadag inscription of Vikramaditya VI • Sudi Inscriptions • 610AD Peddavaduguru inscription of Pulakeshin II Rashtrakuta inscriptions • Kavirajamarga •
Ninth century Kannada stone inscription of Rashtrakuta period unearthed
near Tumbi Kere (tank) at Halekumur village in Byadgi Takuk. The
inscription is about Rashtrakuta rulers donating 200 acres to Siddarevar
Singh to construct a tank.[16] • Navalinga Temple inscriptions Kuknur. • Northernmost Kannada inscription of the Rashtrakutas of 964 AD is the Jura record found near Jabalpur in Madhya Pradesh. • Inscriptions related to Dantidurga Hoysala inscriptions Vijayanagara Empire inscriptions Vengi Chalukya inscriptions Yadava inscriptions Kalachuri Inscriptions
Kannada copper plates and manuscripts Edit Main articles: Indian copper plate inscriptions and Palm-leaf manuscript • The 8th century AD oldest Kannada copper plate inscription found at Belmannu in Karkala taluk of Udupi district. • Western Ganga Dynasty Tumbula inscriptions of 444 AD • The 8th century AD Aluvarasa II of Alupas copper plate inscription in Kannada.
• The 1430 AD Vijayanagara empire Devarajapuram copper plate
inscription having state-deity Virupaksha’s signature at the bottom in
Kannada script to certify a grant of land to Brahmins (by King Devaraya
II (1425-1446))
Coins bearing Kannada inscription Edit
Kadamba Coin of Shanthivarma, 5th century Kannada legend Sri Manarashi
• The 5th Century copper coin in archaic Kannada script found at
Banavasi.[17] One side has five letter inscription Sri Manaragi and
symbol of Ujjain on other side. • Coins bearing Kannada inscription • Pagodas and Fanams with Kannada inscription were the coinage of Alupas. • Kadamba Coins • Lari (fish hook money) • Sudi and Lakkundi coins mint (Tankhashaley) • Honnu or Gadyana of Hoysala • Kalachuri Kannada Coinage [6:20 am, 27/12/2022] Chandrasekharan J: Kadamba Coin of Shanthivarma, 5th century Kannada legend Sri Manarashi
Kadamba Coin of Shanthivarma, 5th century Kannada legend Sri Manarashi
People associated with Kannada inscriptions and manuscripts Edit • People associated with the study of Kannada inscriptions • Shivakotiacharya’s Vaddaradhane • Nagavarma I • Phakirappa Gurubasappa Halakatti • Aluru Venkata Rao • Parabrahma Sastry
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JAMBUDIPA UNIVERSE Grow vegetables & Fruits Plants in pots to live like free birds to overcome Hunger on Good Earth and SPACE along with Meditative Mindful Swimming
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Eternal Glorified Friendly Benevolent Compassionate AWAKENED ONE
short animated quotes on Xmas & New year greetings from
Eternal,Glorified,Friendly,Benevolent,Compassionate AWAKENED ONE
Christianity,Islam,Buddhism,Judaism,Hinduism,Taoism,Atheism,Sikhism,Mormonismfor Body &Mind.
Khp 9 Metta Sutta: Discourse on Loving-Kindness | Sutta Friends As
a mother would risk her own life to protect her only child, even so
towards all living beings, one should cultivate boundless
One should cultivate for all the world a heart
of boundless loving-kindness, above, below, and all around,
unobstructed, without hatred or resentment.
Whether standing,
walking or sitting, lying down or whenever awake, one should develop
this mindfulness. This is called “divinely dwelling here.”
May you live long at least for 150 years with NAD pills!
May you be calm, quiet, alert, attentive and have equanimity mind with a clear understanding tha everything is changing!
“Peace on earth will come to stay, when we live Christmas every day.” — Helen Steiner Rice
…ould cultivate boundless loving-kindness.
Jagatheesan Chandrasekharan, [25-Dec-2022 at 7:01:20 AM]: Best short animated quotes on Xmas & New year greetings from Eternal,Glorified,Friendly,Benevolent,Compassionate AWAKENED ONE Buddhism Judaism,Hinduism,Taoism, Atheism,Sikhism,Mormonism