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May 2008
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B Media 4 Sarvajan Hithaya Sarvajan Sukhaya- Karnataka results not disheartening for BSP-Guilty persons in Noida case would not be spared—C.M. -C.M. appeals to the people of Gujar Samaj to maintain law and order -C.M. assures for no harassment of traders -CMs and CS directives -Berth pangs grip BJP-Violent protests on Day One-Chief Minister B.S. Yeddyurappa visited Keshawa Krupa, the RSS headquarters and held talks with the Sangh leaders.He promised that he will follow the guidelines from RSS to rule the State.-Buddhism was, is and will continue to be the national Religion of the Jambudvipa, that is the Great Prabuddha Bharath
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B Media 4 Sarvajan Hithaya Sarvajan Sukhaya

Online edition of India’s National Newspaper
Sunday, Jun 01, 2008

Governor should trust us, says BJP

Special Correspondent

BANGALORE: The Bharatiya Janata Party on Saturday took exception to the reported stand of Karnataka Governor Rameshwar Thakur that its government should prove its majority on the floor of the Assembly before convening a joint session of both Houses.

BJP State president D.V. Sadananda Gowda, talking to journalists here after meeting leaders of the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh, termed the stand a “mockery of democracy.”

Mr. Gowda said the government expected the Governor to first address a joint session of the legislature. But he was insisting that Chief Minister B.S. Yeddyurappa first prove his strength on the floor of the Assembly.

“We had demonstrated our strength before him by presenting the independent members who have expressed support to the party. We do not know why the Governor is again asking us to prove our strength,” Mr. Gowda said.

Maintaining that it was not proper on the part of Mr. Thakur to ask Mr. Yeddyurappa to prove his strength again, he said: “We have trust in the Governor. He too should trust us.”

A delegation of BJP Ministers is said to have called on the Governor on Friday night and told him that as per Article 176 of the Constitution, he should address a joint session of the legislature soon after the elections.

Joint session

The joint session has to be addressed before the legislature transacted other official businesses, they pointed out.

The delegation is also learnt to have expressed concern that the Governor would set precedence if he did not address a joint session.

Mr. Thakur is said to have told the Ministers that he would consult the Advocate-General and constitutional experts.

Karnataka results not disheartening for BSP

Tuesday, May 27, 2008 15:19 [IST]

Lucknow: Uttar Pradesh’s ruling Bahujan Samaj Party (BSP) failed to win a single seat in the Karnataka assembly elections, but party bigwigs say the results are not at all disheartening.

“Whatever we have done is an achievement and will prove to be a source of encouragement for party workers to pump in greater efforts when it comes to the more crucial parliamentary election,” BSP’s national general secretary Satish Misra told IANS in an interview here.

Effort N0.1

Organise Booth Committees and Sector Committees in all the Parliament Constituencies.

Effort No.2.

Ambedkar’s Efforts for Adivasis


All these people are now realizing that Dr. Ambedkar had struggled a lot for Adivasis also. We must strive for upliftment of BCs and Adivasis said Dr. Ambedkar. The purpose of keeping them in sub-clause (2) of Hindu Code Bill was to make some provision for them and Hindu Law would “apply to them only if it is proved that Hindu customs and Hindu usages are prevallent in that class”, and it will not apply to them unless “they have adopted the customs.” [W&S, vol. 14 part 2, p.886-7]

Ambedkar asked for right of Adult franchise for Adivasis, in 1928, Simon Commision Statemnt, commenting that Legislatures are the places where “social battles have to be fought, previlages have to be destroyed, and rights have to be won”. He avered that their illeteracy should not come in way of giving them right to vote, as even an illiterate is intellegent and knows his welfare. [W&S, vol.2, p.471]

Disagreeing with the Britishers’ idea of keeping the Adivasis segregated, during the evidence taken before the joint Committee on Indian Constitutional Reforms in 1933, he professed the ideal that these primitive people should not remain primitive and they should cease to be an isolated part of humanity and take part in the public affairs of this country like others. That they must not loose their lands and be landless labourers and their lands be protected from money lendes by suitable Laws. The education is more neccesary for BCs and Adivasis, more than anybody else, he said, and wanted adequate representation for them in legislature assuring the friendship of many BCs. [W&S, vol.2, p.737 ff.]

Election Commission India

Elections India : Article 324 of the constitution establishes an independent Election Commission to supervise parliamentary and state elections in India. Supervising elections in the world’s largest democracy is by any standard an immense undertaking. Some 521 million people were eligible to vote in 1991.


We the people - these are the most important words in our constitution. Everything depends on

us- the voters,who have an opportunity and the right to choose our representatives, demand

accountability and determine the direction of growth and governance of the country. Several

problems have surfaced in the gigantic task of conducting elections in India and to ensure that

elections are free and fair. With each passing election, the educated citizens of our country

seem to have grown ignorant and apathetic about the electoral process and elections. The result

has been a steady deterioration in the standards and practices of political parties reflected in

rampant corruption and the reckless use of money and muscle power to win elections.


Active participation of citizens is an absolute prerequisite to make the electoral system more representative, fair, transparent and free from all the other ills. Eleanor Roosevelt once said:“nobody can hurt you without your consent” which in this context can be rephrased as“nobody can marginalise you without your cooperation.

 Hence include all the eligible voters whose names are missing in the voters list with their photo identity.

Strive for Election Tribunal to form Election Committee like any other Parliamentary Committee with the representatives of all sections of the society to ensure that all eligible voters are included in the voters list with their photo identity. And to see that no elections are conducted till this process is completed as enshrined by the constitution of India. And the Chief Election Commission to come under RTI.

Eacha nd every Election Office in Each Constituency must have representative from different sections of the society right from the begining of the election process till the end.

Chief Election Commissioner N Gopalaswamy on Thursday fixed the responsibility for preparation

of error-free voters list, ahead of the election to Karnataka Assembly, on political parties.

Speaking to reporters here, Mr Gopalaswamy said the political parties would be given two

separate lists on February seven for deletion and additions to be made in the final list.   

‘’They will be given two weeks time for raising objections to removing and

adding names of the voters for the final list to be prepared on March ten,’’

he said.  

‘’It will be the responsibility of the political parties to ensure the final

list did not contain discrepancies any more as the EC has adopted a new

mechanism for producing error-free list,‘’ he said.


To a question on whether the elections would be postponed in case of a delay in the

implementation of the report of Mr Justice Kuldeep Singh who headed Delimitation

Commission, he said the EC did not work on the basis of ‘ifs and buts’ and as of now,

it would conduct the elections before May 28.

‘’The Commission is concerned about the voter’s list as there are only additions and no

deletions in the list.

‘’This is the reason I sent Deputy Election Commissioner R Bhattacharya, who is in charge

for Karnataka, to oversee the whole exercise,’’ Mr Gopalaswamy said.

The EC would hold elections before May 28, as the state completes six months under

President’s Rule on the date, he said.

In the draft list submitted by the State Election Commission (SEC) names of 3.48 lakh

voters had been deleted while 9.27 lakh new voters had been added as of yesterday.

Mr Gopalaswamy and his Deputies Navin Chawla and S Y Qureshi have been here for

the last two days reviewing the voters list and preparedness of the official machinery to

hold elections, following the detection of large number of bogus voters in the voter’s list.

Earlier, Congress and the BJP submitted memorandum to the CEC urging him to provide

error-free voters list and elections be held in the stipulated time.

He replied in the affirmative when asked whether he would take action against the officials

for their ‘lapses’ in preparation of the voter’s list.

Voters list mess in poll-bound Karnataka

Bangalore, Jan 5 - A family with 90 voters and a town with 30,000 voters in a population of 36,500! These are just some of

the glitches in the voters list in poll-bound Karnataka. R. Bhattacharya, deputy election commissioner at the

Election Commission of India has been in Bangalore for the last three days having talks with state

election officials on steps to ensure proper voters list ahead of polls to the 224-member assembly

expected in April/May.

The irregularities in the voters list pointed out by people and political parties has forced the state

election commission to cancel its plans to release the final list on Jan 10.

Bhattacharya met state chief electoral officer R. Ramaseshan, Bruhat Bangalore Mahanagar Palike

(Greater Bangalore City Corporation) commissioner S. Subramanya and senior officials from several

districts and told them of the Election Commission’s displeasure over the way the voters lists had

been prepared.

The state officials now plan to revise the lists and publish them by the end of this month. They have

sought the help of voters to point out anomalies.

Karnataka Pradesh Congress Committee president Mallikharjun Kharge Friday mentioned the

instance of one family in north Karnataka having 90 voters on the list and of Humnabad town in Bidar

district that has 30,000 voters in a population of 36,500.

More than 7,000 in the town are school-going children, yet there are 30,000 names in the voters list.

Another Congress leader H.K. Patil said there could be around four million bogus names in the voters


Karnataka’s population is estimated at 55 million and voting population at around 42 million.

The two other main political parties, the Bharatiya Janata Party and Janata Dal-Secular also allege

there are many irregularities in the list. The three parties have urged the state and central election

officials to rectify the anomalies

Karnataka Assembly Election 2008 was not Free and Fair election for the following reasons:

Names of over 910 voters of Ambedkar Nagar in the city were found missing in the electoral rolls.

Many names were missing in voters’ list

The facts are the results of a study conducted by Election Watch Committee
Large Number of citizens names not found in voters list
only 17% of the IT hub Bangalore  have Voters Photo Identy Cards
In several areas, voters protested deletion of their names

On large number of names reported missing in the voters’ list in almost all constituencies,

Mr. Vidyashankar said both the voters and the Election Commission were to be blamed

Effort No.3.

To ensure that only genuine SC/STs contest in Reserved Constituencies to uphold the Constitution of India on for the real purpose of Reservation. Election office for each constituency must have a representative from Nation Commission or Social welfare department of SC/STs along with the Caste Issuing Authority right from the beginning of the election process till the scrutiny date.

H.D. Kote segment caught in caste row

Staff Correspondent

‘Countermand elections or declare an Adivasi candidate as winner’

Congress, BJP, JD(S) candidates accused of producing fake caste certificates

They ‘tampered’ with records to claim they are from Nayaka community

MYSORE: The State unit of the National Front for Adivasi Self-rule (NFASR) and the Nagarahole National Park Tribal Rights Restoration Committee have appealed to President Pratibha Patil to countermand elections to the H.D. Kote (ST) Assembly Constituency, or declare as winner the Adivasi candidate who gets the highest number of votes, in view of the controversy over the caste status of five candidates including two independents.

Candidates of the Congress, the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) and the Janata Dal (Secular) contesting from the reserved H.D. Kote constituency have been accused of producing fake caste certificates to contest in the elections.

NFASR had appealed to the State Election Commissioner to disqualify them for misguiding the Election Commission.

M.R. Ravi, Assistant Commissioner of Hunsur Sub-Division, has submitted a report to the District Election Officer (DEO) P. Manivannan on the the candidates allegedly tampering with the records in order to claim Scheduled Tribe status.

In his report sent to the DEO on May 5, he said that the Tahsildar of H.D. Kote had issued a “controversial caste certificate without verifying the original documents and failed in following the procedure while dealing with the sensitive issue of issuing caste certificates.”

Based on the recommendations, Mr. Manivannan had suspended H.D. Kote Tahsildar T. Vijaya on April 25, and ordered a departmental inquiry for issuing a caste certificate to BJP candidate Chikkaveera Naika.

Although they belong to the “Parivara” community, the Congress, Janata Dal (S) and BJP candidates contested in the elections by claiming themselves to be from the Nayaka community by tampering with official records, according to Mr. Ravi.

The Directorate of Civil Rights Enforcement had issued a circular a few years ago listing a few communities including “Parivara” which should not be categorised as Scheduled Tribes. Tribal organisations in Hunsur and H.D. Kote had launched an agitation accusing various backward groups of cornering the benefits meant for Scheduled Tribes.

Convener of Development through Education (DEED) S. Srikanth told The Hindu that the tribal rights restoration committee had appealed to the President on Saturday to countermand the elections to the constituency or declare as winner the Adivasi candidate who would get the highest number of votes

In C.V.raman Nagar Assembly Constituency One of the candidates raised objection of JDS candidate that he was a Christian. But the Election Officer said that they go by the Caste Certificate issued by the Tahisildar and hence cannot reject his candidature and only the Court has to be approached for further action.

Lambani to set foot in Assembly

His candidature was a calculated move by BJP

BIDAR: A new face, Prabhu Chavan, has made a mark in the district after winning the Aurad (reserve) seat in the district by a huge margin of votes. He is a Bharatiya Janata Party candidate who has been successful in his first attempt at the Assembly polls.

Earlier, some associations had raised an objection with the Election Commission regarding Mr. Chavan’s community. They said that Mr. Chavan hailed from the Banjara community and he therefore could not claim benefit under Scheduled Castes. But Mr. Chavan got clearance after a report from Department of Social Welfare stated that “both Banjara and Lambani are synonymous in the State”.

Effort No.4.

To insist the Election Commission ensure that all the candidates who contest for elections come under RTI to reveal their source of income and file their Income Tax at the time filing their nomination and publish the same in Election Commission’s website and in all the media well in advance before the scrutiny date.

 BJP legislators and mine owners Janardhan Reddy and Karunakar Reddy were present during the talks with some of the Independents held at a posh hotel in the city. Mr. Reddy and the former Minister, B. Sriramulu, also accompanied the Independents to the Raj Bhavan.

Among those who fall into the high assets category are Anand Singh, a builder and contractor contesting on a BJP ticket, who has declared assets at Rs 74.56 crore while the party’s Harapannahalli candidate G. Karunakar Reddy, a mining magnate, has declared assets worth Rs 34.06 crore. Karunakar Reddy, brother of mining baron Janardhan Reddy from Bellary, owns a top-bracket BMW, unheard of in these parts.

In Bellary city, Anil H. Lad, another mining biggie who recently shifted loyalties from the BJP to the Congress, declared assets worth Rs 172.72 crore.

Mining magnates with moneybags are new entrants to politics. In the last five years, those who entered the mining sector with a few thousand rupees have become quick crorepatis, admits a BJP office-bearer. “They have huge purchasing power and no party can afford to ignore them,” he said.

Among well known candidates are the BJP’s G. Somashekhara Reddy, whose family is into mining in Bellary, at Rs 29.23 crore, businessman and BJP candidate Krishna Palemar Rs 27.57 crore and Umesh Krishna Hegde, fighting on a BSP ticket, at Rs 102.82 crore.

In the first phase too, former chief minister H.D. Kumaraswamy’s assets stood at Rs 49.72 crore. “What is more surprising is that in 2004, he had declared assets worth just Rs 3.76 crore. It has jumped by Rs 46 crore in four years.

‘Mining mafia has pumped in Rs. 2,000 crore for elections’

‘The mining mafia has been giving away money to parties to gain political patronage’

‘Candidates of all the three major parties have distributed coupons as parallel currency’

S.Raghu BJP

Assets Declared Rs.6 Crore

KC Vijaya Kumar Congress

Assets Declared Rs.1.5 Crore

S.Manohar JD (S)

Assets Declared Rs.1.5 Crore

A Narayan Swamy BJP

Assets Rs.2.5 Crore

B.Gopal Congress

Assets Rs.1.2 Crore

KM Muniappa JD (S)

Assets Rs.3 Crore

A.Krishnappa (Congress)

Assets Declared Rs..7.5 Crores

L.Muniswamy (JD (S))

Assets Declared Rs.3 Crores

NS Nandish Reddy (BJP)

Assets Declared Rs.30 Crores

NL Narendra Babu Congress

Assets Rs.12.5 Lakh

RV Harish BJP

Assets Rs.2.26 Crore

K Gopaliah JD (S)

Assets Rs.4 Crore

Katta Subramanya Naidu BJP

Assets Rs.19 Crore

HM Revanna Congress

Assets Rs.5 Crore

Lokesh Gowda JD (S)

Assets Rs.28 Crore

Krishna Byre Gowda Congress

Assets Rs.5 Crore

A Ravi BJP

Assets Rs.5.45 Crore

C Narayana Swamy JD (S)

Assets Rs.15 Crore

B Anandappa (JD (S))

Assets Rs.8.99 Crore

KC Ashok Congress

Assets Rs.8.78 Crore

Muniraja BJP

Assets Rs10,84,51,900

MR Seetharam Congress

Assets: Rs.57.83 Crore

Dr.CS Ashwarth Narayana BJP

Assets: Rs.5.1 Crore

Shankaranna JD (S)

Assets: Rs.90 Lakhs

M Krishnappa BJP

Assets Rs.17.5Crore

M.Sadananda Congress

Assets:Rs 1.3 Crore

C Manjunath aks Manjunath Gutigere JD (S)

Assets Rs.5 Crore

Krishna Murthy PN (Congress)

Assets Rs.3.25 Crores

Hanumathrayappa JD(S

Assets Rs.2.45 Crores

M Srinivasa BJP

Assets Rs.12 Crores

B.Chandrappa ( Congress)

Assets Rs.9.47 Crores

SR Vishwanath BJP

Assets Rs.9.45 Crores

E.Krishnappa JD (S)

Assets Rs.46.5 Crore

R.Shankar BJP

Assets Declared Rs.10.5 Crore

R Roshan Baig, who represented Shivajinagar and the erstwhile Jayamahal twice in the past, is the Congress candidate.

Assests Declared Rs.7.5 Crores

 His main opponent is BJP’s Nirmal Kumar Surana, who had also represented Bharatinagar.

Assets Declared Rs.1.7 Crores

R Ashok (BJP)

Assets Declared Rs. 10 Crore

Dr. Gurappa Naidu (Congress)

Assets Declared Rs. 32 Crore

MV Prasad Babu (JD (S))

Assets Declared Rs.5.7 Crore

Many in poll fray not given ‘PAN’

DH News Service, Bangalore:

Many candidates who are trying their electoral luck in the first phase of polling, have not furnished their Permanent Account Number (PAN) while declaring their assets in the affidavit filed along with the nomination papers.

It is no secret that majority of candidates in the fray this time are crorepathies. But several of them, who are trying their electoral luck in the first phase of polling, have not furnished their Permanent Account Number (PAN) while declaring their assets in the affidavit filed along with the nomination papers.

EC nets Rs 40 cr in poll code implementation

CEC N Gopalswami briefed the press that of the cash and material seized, Rs 16 crore was in terms of cash, Rs eight crore worth of liquor, and Rs 16 crore worth of other materials….

Chief Election Commissioner N Gopalswami on Monday said that due to the strict implementation of the code of conduct, the State Election Commission had been able to seize cash and material worth Rs 40.83 crore in the State so far, allegedly used for wooing voters.

Speaking to reporters he said that of the cash and material seized, Rs 16 crore was in terms of cash, Rs eight crore worth of liquor, and Rs 16 crore worth of other materials.

As per section 139(A) of the Income Tax Act, any person who is carrying on any business or profession whose total sales, turnover or gross receipts are or is likely to exceed Rs 5 lakh in any previous year, must possess a PAN. Permanent Account Number is a number by which the Assessing Officer identifies any person.

However, Election Commission officials said it is not mandatory for candidates to furnish PAN numbers in the affidavit.

People of Karnataka demands inquiry into amassing of assets


People of Karnataka on Friday demanded an inquiry from the Income Tax department into the illegal amassing of assets worth crores of rupees by candidates, irrespective of their parties, who are contesting this assembly election in the state.

 Candidates who are mostly drawn from different types of mafias like real estate, land and mining have looted the property of the government and the people and had now submitted their affidavits with declaration of illegal assets worth crores of rupees to the Election Commission.

The Income Tax department should take action in investigating into the amassing of properties after they entered political life, he said.

“We have complained to the Election Commission and to take immediate action to find out from where and how they obtained such a huge property in a short period,’’ 

Mining irregularities: 15 netas get notices



Lokayukta Justice Santosh Hegde displaying incriminating documents handed over to him by a mine owner during his visit to Hospet on Saturday. DH photo

The Lokayukta has served show-cause notices on nearly 15 State politicians who were allegedly involved in several mining irregularities.

The Lokayukta has served show-cause notices on nearly 15 State politicians who were allegedly involved in several mining irregularities.

Declining to reveal the names of the politicians in the dock, Lokayukta Justice Santosh Hegde told Deccan Herald that his office had on Saturday dispatched show-cause notices to 10 to 15 politicians.

While the notices were served on four of them, the rest could not be served as the addressees were found to be out of station, he said.

Earlier, the Lokayukta had told mediapersons in Bellary that those who were issued notices included “former ministers, legislators, those who have fought elections…. everybody is in the list”.

“They will be given a week’s time to respond to the notices. At the most, we will wait for 15 days for their reply. After that a detailed report will be submitted to the government. People can obtain the information under the Right to Information Act,” he had said.

The notices issued under the Lokayukta Act have sought explanation from these politicians for their “prima facie misconduct, malpractice or actions without application of mind to legal provisions or implications and facts or without necessary enquiries” over mining activities.

The irregularities pertain to iron ore mining activities in Bellary, Chitradurga and Tumkur districts, granite mining activities in Bangalore Rural district and irregularities involving Mysore Minerals Limited.

Lokayukta probe

The notices were based on an investigation conducted by a team of Lokayukta sleuths upon a reference from the Mines department. Documents too have been enclosed with the notices.

“Different persons have been issued notices in different matters and a principal report in the matter as a whole will be prepared only after receiving and considering the responses, if any, to our show-cause notices,” Justice Hegde said.

He said though most of the investigation had been completed, the show-cause notices were held back to avoid any politicisation of the issue during the elections.

Already, similar notices have been issued in the matter to several State government officials. Notices are also being issued to mining businessmen and firms found violating mining laws and regulations.

In Bellary, the Lokayukta had said that the notices were not issued earlier because of the elections. He said it was decided not to delay the issue of notices after May 24 because it was feared that the government of that day might be blamed for influencing the action.

Had Hegde Ji has done this before or during Karnataka Assembly Elections with the names of the 15 netas, the results would have been more free and fair. Now this is the comedy done on the people and the people in turn will do comedy on such polititicians and the administration. The results will prove that.

Misra, who is credited with spearheading the BSP’s  “social engineering” campaign that took the party to new heights in Uttar Pradesh, dismissed the notion that the party failed to repeat the formula in Karnataka.

“It was quite ridiculous to assume that our social engineering failed to work in Karnataka; as a matter of fact it worked very well to make a dent on quite a large number of the 224 seats in the state”, he asserted.

“For a party that stood at zero in that state, our performance just could not be under-rated. We did quite well in the blocks and rural areas”, Misra pointed out.

According to him, “in nine constituencies, BSP stood at the number two position and at the third spot in as many as 32 seats”.

Significantly, there were a few seats where the margin by which it lost was as low as 200-800.

“We have made the desired dent in the Congress bastion at several places. I can assure you that the Congress lost several seats in Karnataka essentially because of the BSP presence.”

Confident of repeating this in several other states where assembly elections are due this year, Mayawati’s Brahmin mascot predicted “major reverses” for the Congress in Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh, Haryana, Chhattisgarh and Jammu and Kashmir.

“Once we have made our presence felt in the assembly elections in these states, it will set the pace for our party’s stride in next year’s Lok Sabha poll, which is our ultimate goal.”

Guilty persons in Noida case would not be spared—C.M.

Lucknow : May 29, 2008 The Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister, Ms. Mayawati said that enquiry into the double murder case of Noida would be done by C.B.I. She said that a letter has been sent to the Government of India today in this connection. She appealed that the small leaders sitting on responsible posts in Congress and Central Government should co-operate the U.P. Government for arresting the guilty persons in this case leaving behind the party politics. She said that under the garb of this case dirty politics should not be done. Ms. Mayawati was addressing the media representatives at her official residence 5-Kalidas Marg here today. She said that wherever the Congress Party government were ruling, especially in Delhi, which is also the capital of the country, gruesome cases took place now and then. She said that if the members of Cabinet of our government speak against the Central Government keeping in view the approach of Centre and especially the Congress Party regarding the double murder case of Noida, then it would not be a good tradition for the healthy democracy. The Chief Minister said that the enquiry into this case was yet to be completed. The officers of Gautam Buddha Nagar district police and other senior police officers were searching the right culprits of the case. She said that without knowing the proper facts of the concerning case, the issuance of notice to D.G.P. of U.P. by the National Child Commission of the Centre and the remarks of a Union Minister belonging to Congress Party were not proper and justified. Such type of statement exhibit the dirty politics of Congress Party instead of sympathy towards the deceased victim family, which she herself and B.S.P. severely condemns. Ms. Mayawati said that information about the facts came into the light by the police department regarding this case had been given to media, after which during the examination of the case some other persons and the family members of deceased were being inquired and arrest was made. She said that the case was examined on a large scale and with the help of the experts and other electronic surveillance the facts came into light so far are very important and of serious nature unfolding of which would be against the honour and prestige. The necessary facts in this connection have been presented in the concerning court of district Gautam Buddha Nagar by the police, she said. The Chief Minister said that the family members of deceased were raising fingers on U.P. Police regarding the probe and they wanted C.B.I. enquiry into the case. It is not proper to say something finally in a hurry by our government regarding the allegations of the victim’s family till the enquiry is going on. Our Government assures the victim’s family that the true culprits would be punished in this case. So far as the question of demand of C.B.I. enquiry by the victim’s family is concerned in this case, our government is ready for handing over this case to C.B.I., if the Central Government agrees, she said. Ms. Mayawati said that after the formation of the government on the demand of victim’s families the State Government requested for C.B.I. enquiry into such type of serious cases, but on the pressure of the Union Government C.B.I. had rejected such cases one by one in lieu of some pretext, while it was held very little earlier. She said that keeping in view the bad experiences about the C.B.I. so far regarding Uttar Pradesh, it is to be said to the victim’s family that even after the acceptance of demand by our government regarding C.B.I. enquiry, it might be possible that C.B.I. could return the case after making some excuse after some period of time. But since family members of the victim have lost the confidence on U.P. Police in this case, therefore State Government was sending a letter to the Central Government for conducting C.B.I. enquiry into this case. Assuring the family members, she said that if the C.B.I. rejects for the enquiry into the case and U.P. Police again conducts the enquiry then despite it, in our government no innocent person would be punished in this case and whoever be the true culprits would be severely dealt with. If any police personnel would be found involved in saving the true culprits and our government finds proof of any conspiracy, then such police personnel would not be spared at any cost. She said that during our party government criminals and doubtful police personnel would never be protected like in the previous government regime. **********

C.M. appeals to the people of Gujar Samaj to maintain law and order

Lucknow : May 29, 2008 The Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister, Ms. Mayawati has requested from the Centre and Rajasthan Government for finding out some middle path after mutual talks soon in order to solve the problem of including the Gujar Samaj in SC/ST list. She said that the agitation of Gujar Samaj was spreading gradually in many states and law and order situation could become worse any time in country due to it. The Chief Minister was addressing the media persons at her official residence 5-Kalidas Marg here today. She appealed to the people of Gujar Samaj of other states including U.P. that they should put forward their demands in peaceful manner and should not take law in their hands at any cost. ********

C.M. assures for no harassment of traders

Lucknow : May 29, 2008 The Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Ms. Mayawati while clarifying here regarding the decision of fixing the stock limit for wheat, rice, pulses, food-grain oil-seeds and edible oils said that the directives for fixing the stock limit for these items had been given by the Union Government. The Uttar Pradesh Government had followed the directives of the Centre for fixing the stock limit, she added. Addressing the media persons at her official residence 5-Kalidas Marg, the Chief Minister said that it was the definite opinion of U.P. Government that traders should not be harassed for which the concerning officers had been directed that the permission of District Magistrate or Food Commissioner was necessary before any inspection pertaining to stock limit. Ms. Mayawati said that some persons were misguiding the traders of the State for their own vested political interests. The traders should remain conscious from such people. She assured the traders that there would not be any harassment of the traaders and State Government was fully committed for their welfare and interests. *********

CMs and CS directives

Lucknow: May 28, 2008 The Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Ms. Mayawati has directed to the senior government officers for the inspection and spot verification of the schemes running by their respective departments. She has also directed to the concerning officers for ensuring the quality of development works, besides making their department offices more effective and beneficial for the people. She directed to solve the problems of the people and dispose of their complaints through meeting them at grass root level. Besides, she has also directed for holding review meetings, inspections and spot verifications of the development projects. The Chief Minister has clearly stated that officers should do their honest efforts for providing the government facilities to the people and visit them by leaving their chambers. Besides, the subordinate officers of the departments have been directed for running the welfare schemes at war-footing. Any slackness in this regard would be severely dealt with. It may be recalled that the Chief Minister has given stern directives to the senior officers in a law and order and development works review meeting held on April 24 last, reiterating her government priorities, so that people could be benefited by it. Necessary directives have been sent by the Chief Secretary, Mr. Atul Kumar Gupta in this regard to the Principal Secretary/Secretary and HODs of Public Works, Irrigation, Rural Development, Agriculture, Energy, Urban Development, Housing, Medical and Health, Food and Civil Supplies, Basic Education, Social Welfare, Women and Child Development, Backward Welfare, Minorities Welfare, Handicapped Welfare, Dr. Ambedkar Gramin Samagra Vikas, Shahri Samagra Vikas, Tax and Registration, Finance, Panchayati Raj, Home and Revenue Departments. In these directives the day of visit has been fixed for the Senior Officers of these departments. According to the tour schedule the Principal Secretary/Secretary of twelve departments will visit for three days and HODs for six days in their respective division/district/tehsil besides, making the tour programme for the subordinate officers of their respective departments. According to the programme, the Principal Secretary/Secretary of Revenue, Dr. Ambedkar Gramin Samagra Vikas, Medical and Health, Rural Development, Agriculture, Urban Development, Food and Civil Supplies, Social Welfare, Panchayati Raj, Basic Education and Home Departments will visit for four days and HODs for eight days in every month necessarily. The departments where the Principal Secretaries are posted will tour themselves. The Principal Secretary can send the Secretary for visit in his place only in unavoidable circumstances. The HODs will send their review and visit report to their Principal Secretaries. In the directives of the Chief Secretary, it has been said that Principal Secretary will send their tour report to the Chief Secretary and a copy of it will also be send to the Principal Secretary to C.M. The Principal Secretary of the concerning departments after meeting their HODs will issue the necessary directives likewise, to their subordinate headquarter, divisional and district level officers for the inspection and ensuring spot verification during the visit. The Principal Secretary/Secretary and HODs will pay special attention during the review meetings and inspections of their divisions and districts whether their subordinate officers are doing spot verification works during their visits or not. In any slackness is found in this regard, then stern action would be taken against the concerning officers. The Chief Secretary has directed that if any officer has the charge of more than one department then he would simultaneously review all concerning departments and send the reports separately. All the senior officers are expected to follow the directives themselves besides, ensuring the follow-up by their subordinate officers, so that the people could be benefited by the quality development works. **********

A warning to secular parties

The outcome sends out a warning to those secular parties who, in the interest of forming a government, go in for an electoral understanding with the BJP.For long the BJP had been trying to polarise the people along communal lines and had succeeded in weakening the secular forces in Karnataka.

The poll results also reflected the loss of credibility of the Congress and were a comment on the performance of the United Progressive Alliance government at the Centre.

The Centre’s polices, particularly in regard to price rise and the crisis in the agriculture sector, have led to resentment among the people who have rejected the Congress.

The BSP leader said that its candidates had lost because BSP could not match the money power of the BJP and this was the prime reason for the party’s rout.

The BSP votes were concentrated in slums and the BJP wooed the slum dwellers with liquor and money, he alleged.

The BSP candidate from the Tumkur city segment, Veer Dilip Kumar, polled 1,053 votes. Congress candidate from the city, Rafiq Ahmed Shaik, faced defeat by a narrow margin of 1,869 votes.

Berth pangs grip BJP


Five of the six independents whose support is key for the party to hold on to the reins of power, have also been accommodated in the Cabinet.

But several party veterans like Jagadish Shettar, D H Shankara Murthy, B Yogish Bhat and H S Shankaralinge Gowda have been left out, causing a stir in the party.

Notes of discontent in the BJP echoed on the opening day itself for the new government with several senior leaders openly expressing displeasure over their non-inclusion in the 30-member B S Yeddyurappa ministry.

Jagadish Shettar, H S Shankaralinge Gowda and A Narayanaswamy voiced their resentment, even as a section of their supporters took to the streets in Hubli, Mysore and Bangalore demanding justice to their leaders. Both Shettar and Gowda kept away from the swearing-in ceremony.

Shettar wants Home

According to sources, Shettar was keen that he be given Home portfolio. But Yeddyurappa insisted that he take up the Speaker’s post, which Shettar spurned. When the differences persisted till the last minute, Shettar walked away in a huff

Violent protests on Day One

BJP leader Jagadish Shettars supporters staged a demonstration in front of Basaveshwara statue here demanding inclusion of their leader in the Cabinet.

His supporters took to the streets in large numbers in Hubli City where a bus was torched and several others were damaged in stone throwing.

Thirty-six BJP members of the Hubli-Dharwad Municipal Corporation have threatened to submit their resignation en masse on Saturday.

In Anekal, BJP workers stoned five buses in protest against the non-inclusion of  V Narayanaswamy in the Ministry. Supporters of H S Shankaralinge Gowda and S A Ramadas took to the streets in Mysore City demanding Cabinet berths to their leaders.

Yeddyurappa leaves out Shettar from Ministry, violence erupts in Hubli

Staff Correspondent

A bus torched on Gadag Road; Shettar’s supporters stage ‘rasta roko’ at three places


DOUSING THE FLAMES: A Fire and Emergency Services personnel putting out the fire inside a NWKRTC bus set ablaze by protesters in Hubli on Friday.

HUBLI: Violence erupted in Hubli on Friday following denial of a berth to the former Minister Jagadish Shettar in the B.S. Yeddyurappa Ministry.

According to police sources, a state road transport bus proceeding to Hubli was stopped near the railway gate on Gadag Road and was torched on Friday evening.

According to them, the commuters were asked to alight from the bus and then it was torched. Before the Fire and Emergency Services personnel could rush to the spot, the bus was gutted.

Five city buses belonging to the North-West Karnataka Road Transport Corporation were damaged after miscreants threw stones at them at Keshwapur, Devangpet Road and Vishweshwar Nagar Road.

Following this, the city bus services were suspended in theses areas and those returning home from work had to face hardship because of lack of commuter transport.

Deputy Commissioner of Police D. Prakash told The Hindu that additional forces had been deployed in the city following the incident and patrolling had been intensified following the torching of the bus.

However, he clarified that so far no one had been arrested in connection with the incidents of violence.

Roads blocked

Meanwhile, several supporters of Mr. Shettar, including women, staged a “rasta roko” at three places.

The supporters blocked the road for several minutes at Keshwapur, Bhairidevarakoppa and Gadag Road and demanded that Mr. Shettar be included in the Cabinet of the newly formed Government.

Resignation threat

The Mayor and Deputy Mayor of Hubli-Dharwad and the corporators of the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) have threatened to resign in protest against the non-inclusion of Mr. Shettar in the Cabinet. Most supporters of Mr. Shettar had gone to Bangalore on Friday to see Mr. Shettar take oath. They were disappointed when it did not happen. Local BJP leaders told this correspondent that the next course of action would be decided at a meeting.

Chief Minister B.S. Yeddyurappa visited Keshawa Krupa, the RSS headquarters and held talks with the Sangh leaders.He promised that he will follow the guidelines from RSS to rule the State.

Sangh Parivar has a strong presence

K.N. Venkatasubba Rao

Many of them were members of the erstwhile Jan Sangh

BANGALORE: Besides Chief Minister B.S. Yeddyurappa, the first-ever Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) Government in the State has many ministers from the ranks of the Sangh Parivar.

Some of them were even with erstwhile Bharatiya Jan Sangh from which the BJP was born in 1982.

The Ministers, who have come from the Rashtriya Swayam Sevak (RSS) ranks are Ramachandra Gowda, V.S. Acharya, R. Ashok, S. Suresh Kumar, Arvind Limbavali, Vishveshwara Hegde Kageri, and Shobha Karndlaje.

Daily Khabor @ Khabor.Com

Depicting Buddha as Hindu by RSS, specially to the international community, and pretending to respect Him, is a stategy to hoodwink the mases, as was done about Ambedkar. The process started long time back by declaring Buddha as an avatara of god in some times around eighth century and finalised till 12th century. Manohar Joshi, the then Chief Minister of Maharashtra, writing in the Introduction of Dr. Ambedkar’s W&S vol. 16, (1998) does mention Buddha as tenth incarnation of God, knowingly that the Buddhists all over the world do not believe in God, let alone its incarnations. At the same time, an average Aryan Invader Cult takes a great pride that Buddhism was driven away from this land by Adi- Sankara. They ignore that a non-existent religion can not die. Declaring the Buddha as ninth avatara of Vishnu, by the Aryan Invader’s Puranas, was meant to cause confusion in the minds of people with the result that Buddhism came to be treated as a “heretical” and “aesthetic” branch of Invaders. The modern scholars like Kane, Radhakrishnan, Swami Vivekanand and Tilak, have pushed this confusion further back to the time of origin of Buddhism, by saying that Upanishadas are the origin of Buddhist thought, thus claiming both that Buddhism was just a refined “Hinduism”, and also claiming with pride that Buddhism was driven away by the Invaders and it has died down.

As a non-existent tradition or way of life can not die, and as the decline of Buddhism in India is a historical fact, the theory of its origin as a “reformed” Aryan Invaders Cult is false. If Buddhism was a sect of “Hinduism”, then one may well ask the proud supporters of Shankaracharya, what was that religion which was “driven out by Adi Sankara”, as they claim? Was it also Hinduism? This proves that Buddhism is not a sect of Hinduism, which was nonexistant till Muslim conquest.

Buddhism was, is and will continue to be  the national Religion of the Jambudvipa, that is the Great Prabuddha Bharath 


Buddhism was the first organized religion in the modern sense of the term “religion”. It succeeded in driving out the Aryan Invaders Cult of sacrifices, but gradually succumbed to the influences of the religion of masses, who had by then, set up Buddha’s images and started temple worship. The fact that at one time Buddhism was the national religion of Jambudvipa, that is the Great Prabuddha Bharth and was followed by the majority of population, is almost ignored. There is a feeling in the minds of many, that Jambudvipa, that is the Great Prabuddha Bharth is and was a Hindu country having always had a majority of Hindus. This again is a misconception. In historical times the population of  Jambudvipa, that is the Great Prabuddha Bharth never had majority of Hindus. Swami Vivekananda, estimated Buddhists to be two thirds of population [L.M.Joshi: 1977: 358] and Dr. Ambedkar says Buddhist were in majority. [W&S, 7, 345] Then there were Jains and Veerashaivas and Tribal religions in addition to Muslims, Sikhs and Christians coming in the later times. Aryan Invaders Cult had lost all the respect of masses as well as princely rulers. They were smarting under this defeat. [Untouchables, W&S vol.7, p.346] They did everything in their power to finish off Buddhism and after Muslim invasion, succeeded in it.


Buddhism was the national religion of the Jambudvipa, that is the Great Prabuddha Bharath , not only because the Buddha was in Jambudvipa, but because it was the source and inspiration of the national awakening of Great Prabuddha Bharath empires and for the first time, united Jambudvipa that is the Great Prabuddha Bharath in a common cultural synthesis and organization and because unlike the Aryan Invaders cult, which was the religion of the privileged classes, Buddhism was the first religion of the common people, not forced on them, but accepted by their free will and pleasure; and because Buddhism caused progress in science and art, literature and religion, commerce and industry, internal progress and international reputation; and lastly, because no other religion has till this day been able to make Jambudvipa, that is the Freat Prabuddha Bharath a great nation as Buddhism did. [Swami Dharmatirtha, p. 76]



Aryan Invaders Cult usurped Buddhism


Aryan Invaders became the leaders of Buddhism because of their learning, and first disfigured it thoroughly with ritualism and images, and then destroyed its separate organization of monasteries and monks with the help of the foreign masters who came into power. But the Buddhism of Harsha and Nagarjuna did not disappear, it formed the nucleus of the later Hinduism, superadded with horrors of caste. To become the sole leaders of the country and to enforce their system of castes, has always been the prime motive of Aryan Invaders Cult, and if Buddhist order of monks and monasteries had survived, the Aryan Invaders could not have achieved this goal. So they completely destroyed the external institution of Buddhism, the monks and monasteries. Aryan Invaders became the undisputed leaders, and a new popular religion, Hinduism, emerged with important aspect of caste, as Dharmatitha observed:

“… Caste is an entirely independent social order which was neither in the ancient Aryan religion nor in primitive Jambudvipa, that is the Great Prabuddha Bharath religion nor in Buddhism. It is the unique contribution of the Aryan Invader priests, and none else ever wanted it, until the country lost its national religion and political freedom, and the Aryan Invaders succeeded in imposing the system upon the people almost at the point of the bayonet with of alien masters. [Swami Dharmatirtha, p. 110]


Aryan Invaders Cult does not mean Aryan Invaders alone


As the British Imperialism does not mean the British people and symbolizes a vast system and has numerous votaries among Jambudvipa, that is the Great Prabuddha Bharath also, Aryan Invaders Cult, similarly, does not signify the Aryan Invaders exclusively, but an ancient order of things of which the Aryan Invaders are the leaders and champions. It stands for the aggregate of ideals, institutions and past history of the socio-religious constitution of the Hindu society. We have to serve the welfare of the entire nation and not the sentiment of separate castes, though Aryan Invaders, or Kshatriyas or others must accept a larger share of the blame for the disaster which has befallen us all. We have to understand that it is the pernicious system which is throttling us all equally, and is the subject of our criticism. A prominent thinker of Maharashtra, Raosaheb Kasbe, has elaborated the subject by saying that,  Aryan Invaders are fortunte that, “Aryan Invaders” is a name of Caste as well as of a Varna“, thereby implying Class, this status being bestowed upon them by Smritis. As a class and as a power structure, Aryan Invaders have developed vested interests. Original Inhabitants of Jambudvipa, that is the Great Prabuddha Bharth  writers divide the history as Aryan Invaders Vs. Original Inhabitants of Jambudvipa, that is the Great Prabuddha Bharth , instead of Vedic Vs. non-Vedic, and when the words having Aryan Invaders as one of their components are used by them to criticise these vested interests, the meaning implied is against the power structure and not agaist the caste. If this is a blameworthy mistake, the mistake is committed by the authors of Smritis, specially “Yama smriti”, and they and the later authors desrve the blame. [Kasbe Raosaheb, “hindu muslim prashna aani sawarkara cha hindu rastravaad”, (marathi) Sugawa Publ. 1994, p.242 ff.]


Causes of fall of Buddhism


We saw M. M. Kane’s views and those of other scholars. Caliber of Vajrayani Buddhists was not the cause, neither was the Tantric practices. Buddhist Siddhas were the forerunners of Bhakti cult, which now Hindus claim to be theirs. In this respect Aryan Invaders Cult books must not be relied upon.

Techniques of imposing slavery over the population by the Aryan Invaders Cults were studied. In present times the struggle is amongs the followers of Phule, Shahu, Ambedkar Versus those of Tilak Gandhi Golwalkar. We saw the Sryan Invaders Cult tendency to find faults with Buddhism for country’s ills, like Sawarkar in his “saha soneri pane” blaming Buddhist Ahimsa and ignorng the real reason being Chaturvarna.

Position of women in ancient Jambudvipa, that is the Great Prabuddha Bharth has been studied in detail in Pre-Vedic and Vedic times and Buddhist Doctrines and Laws about them contrasted and Manu’s role in their degradation stressed. This continued in Rajput and in middle ages in pre-British times, and got worst during Peshawa rule.

Even today Buddhism is the national Religion of Jambudvipa, that is the Great Prabuddha Bharath 


We saw how Buddhism was the national religion of Jambudvipa, that is the Great Prabuddha Bharath and that it is flourishing even now in the garb of Hinduism with superadded Chaturvarna. We saw Buddhism is not a sect of Hinduism, irrespective of false propaganda of RSS. As Dr. Tulsiram, Associate Proffesor, School of International Studies, JNU and editor of Hindi monthly ‘Vishwa Ashvaghosah’, observes the Vishwa Hindu Parishad, has organised a number of “World Hindu Buddhist Conferences”, at Haridwar, Modi Puram, Sarnath, Rajgir, Buddha Gaya, and Lumbini. At these conferences, it is falsely claimed that since Buddhism is an essential part of Hinduism, those who want to embrace Buddhism should embrace Hinduism directly. Also the text books are manipulated e.g. in a class IX book, the Sangha Parivar’s Government in Gujrath has inserted that “the caste system is the greatest gift of Aryans to humankind.” One of the reasons of reasserting Sankrit is preservation of caste. He observes:

“… The religion based on caste system has annihilated millions of Original Inhabitants of Jambudvipa, that is the Great Prabuddha Bharth  over the centuries. About three million Original Inhabitants of Jambudvipa, that is the Great Prabuddha Bharth women have been raped and around one million  Original Inhabitants of Jambudvipa, that is the Great Prabuddha Bharth killed from the time of Independence. This is 25 times more than number of soldiers killed during the wars fought after independence. That is why Original Inhabitants of Jambudvipa, that is the Great Prabuddha Bharth  do not need Aryan culture or Hindu Dharma based on caste any more. …” [Dr. Tulsiram, “The Pioneer”, 30 Jan. 2000]


 Orphan of Humanity


Buddha was ignored in his own country. Vedantists’ claim that Vedanta alone can save the world and humanity has proved false and let alone saving the world, Hindus did not cultivate any superior virtues and ideals, and deny justice and humanity to their own kith and kin. Failure of Socialist Reformers was because they are steeped in the culture of caste and the religion of deception and exploitation. Same is the condition of the so called Nationalists, who only cultivated regionalism and language struggle and a good number of our Socialists and Nationalists turned out to be rank Capitalists and fanatical Communalists. Of many revolutions against Aryan Invaders Cult, only work of Guru Govind Singh and Sikhism seems to have survived, at least to some extent, being influenced by saints like Kabir and Nanak, all under spirit of Buddhism.


Hindus became Hindus by Conversion


The derogatory sense of the word “Hindu” is forgotten, it is also forgotten that Aryan Invaders Cult did not like to be called as Hindus, not a long time back and that Hindus became Hindus by a sort of mass conversion or mass classification by the Muhammadans, and the various castes acquired their status by a similar process of mass classification behind their backs by the Aryan Invaders Cult first and lastly by the British Government by laws made for them. We saw that Hinduism is not a religion in the sense in which Buddhism Muhammadanism and Christianity are. It is a loose conglomeration of castes, which is described by one author as a “grocery shop”, where the comodity called “grocery” is not sold. Therefore, all those who are not Muhammadans or Christians are treated as Hindus, where all types of worship is allowed, as long as Aryan Invaders supremacy is maintained. Even for these Christians and Mohamedans, Aryan Invaders have plans to incorporate in Hinduism and terms like “Mohemadi Hindus” are already coined for them, and full preparations are going on for its implementation. Also plans are afoot to create new ‘Swastika’ temples for such “purified” Christians. Thus the vagueness of Hinduism is a virtue for them, and language of Vedanta is the garb of camaflouge of equality, which help in the desire of Aryan Invader elites to govern the OBCs. Arrogance of Aryan Invaders, who rule Hindus, did not change since the times of Abbe Dobois, neither did their attitude towards women.


Suggestions for nation building


The constructive thoughts and efforts and guiding as to what must be done as advised by Swamiji are summerised in the ability to evolve new ideals and institutions to embody the spirit of the collective life and will and avoid an obstinate clinging to mere existence and past glories. India had been suffering under the two imperialisms, Aryan Invaders Cult and British placed one above the other, and three tests of Hindu Nationalism should be (1) Opposition to caste, (2) opposition to priestcraft and idolatry, and (3) Inter-religious tolerance and fraternisation. It must be realised that more nationalism persisted in the past before the British arrived, and there was more fellow feeling in teachings of saints, inspired by Buddhism.


Modus operandi of Aryan Invaders Cult to enslave Hindus


That the kalivarjya was the method of Aryan Invaders to tackle the Buddhist influence over the masses and impose their supremacy. All laws and rules, were amended including Civil, Criminal, Revenue and Personal laws, without actually condemning them. Who suffered in Kalivarjya were the OBCs due to failure of export of their productions. These are the masses of which Indian society is made of, and it is the need of the day to educate them. The process of emancipation of masses was started by Mahatma Phule, strengthened by Shahu, and put in Indian Constitution by Dr. Ambedkar. Now it is the duty of masses to protect the Constitution, if they want to protect themselves from oncoming Aryan Invaders tyranny.


Decline and fall of Buddhism


Techniques in causing decline and fall of buddhism, the Caliber of Vajrayani Buddhists, the methods of Aryan Invaders Cult Conquest by peaceful means, the domestic and sexual invasion in Kerala are discussed, and the role of Shankara explained. Various techniques of Aryan Invaders Cult controls, the difference between Local and Regional Aryan Invaders Cult the admission of kings to Varna System, the extension of Varna system, the Extension of Sanskritic deities, the creation and developement of ceremonial and the Sanskritisation of names of places discussed and the social self of Aryan Invaders explained. It was seen how Buddha’s Sangha was captured by Aryan Invders, and how Aryan Invaders destroyed Buddhism from outside also and how Kautilya checked growth of Buddhism and how Buddhism tried to thwart attempts of Aryan Invaders Cult and how Aryan Invaders Cult crushed Nationalism.


Foreign invasions


The foreigners like Shakas, Pahlavas Hunas etc. were assimilated by Buddhist ideals and not the Aryan Invaders Cult, and the Hindu Muslim Conflict would not have been there if Buddhism was alive at the time of Muslim invasion. We saw the Aryan Invaders had comunications links with foreign forces and that they obtained foreign help to topple kings unwanted for them.

About the conditions at the time of arrival of Europeans, Raja Sekhar Vundru, IAS, former JNU student writes:

“Vasco da Gama landed in 1498 in Jambudvipa, that is the Great Prabuddha Bharath, a veritable social hell for the Original Inhabitants of Jambudvipa, that is the Great Prabuddha Bharath. Original Inhabitants of Jambudvipa, that is the Great Prabuddha Bharath feeding on carcasses, lurking like animals in the day with a status worse than an animal and conditions of life worse than a million genocides of a Hitler. The greatness of  Original Inhabitants of Jambudvipa, that is the Great Prabuddha Bharathlies in their confidence to accept the ultra sub-human existence and breed dasyus, menials, slave, asuras, chandalas and untouchables: unparalleled and unrecorded in the history of world civilizations.” [Raja Sekhar Vundru, “The Pioneer”, Dalit Millennium Issue, 30 Jan. 2000]


How Hindus enjoyed Aryan Invaders Cult slavery?


The evils of Hindu caste system are well known. The theory of karma castrated the society and deprived all the masses from the motivation to revolt against the domination and atrocities of the priestly class, making all the Hindus the slaves of Aryan Invaders. We know that Rigvedic Society had only three Varnas. The fourth varna, i.e. of Shudras was added by “purusha-sukta“, late in Buddhist times and was a planned to destroy the egalatarian Buddhist society, to stop Kshatriya revolt against Aryan Invaders and to stop the flow of Shudras towards Buddha’s Dhamma.

We discussed the sexual behaviour of Aryans and how the ancient Aryan society did not have the marriage institution as we believe it today, or rather had no marriage institution at all. The barbarous Aryan society considered no relationship like brother- sister, father-daughter. Rajwade has explained how the priests had to satisfy the sexual demand of any woman approaching them at the time of yajnyas, then and there in open ground, in presence of Vedic fire. The Buddha fought against this and included vow to abstain from mithyachara, i.e. improper behaviour in sexual matters, among the five shilas.

Conversion from three varna society to four varna society was a great revolution in Aryan society, and entry of shudras into Chaturvana system, transformed savage society to rural one, claims Rajwade. But the Buddha discarded Varna System, where Shudras were made the beasts of burden with all the forced labour duties and no rights. Buddhists had no caste and Ashokan Society was integrated and that caste revived on the decay of Buddhism and emergence of Shaivism and Vaishnavism around 8th century A.D.

The productive castes suffered in Kalivarjya, one of the means adopted by Aryan Invaders to dominate Original Inhabitants of Jambudvipa, that is the Great Prabuddha Bharath. The national Religion was destroyed by Caste System and Caste hierarchy with Aryan Invaders having vested interests. They grew most powerful with the duty of kings being enjoined to worship Aryan Invaders, whose arrogance was not an empty claim and Aryan Invaders ruled over masses also not only the kings. Free Lands and houses were given to them, with no taxes and no fear of punishments. Secular powers were also exercised by Aryan Invaders and Aryan Invaders Sabhas had power over all castes. Dharma Sastras were recasted in Muslim Rule and laws amended to establish Aryan Invaders supremacy. Means employed by Aryan Invaders to enslave Hindus included Punishments and Ordeals on Caste basis, and false philosophies created to support immoral acts to distort the religion. Buddhism had tried to save masses from Aryan Invaders Cult slavery but in vain. We know how Vijaynagar Empire was a seat of exploitation of masses and Aryan Invaders Cult was punished for the crimes.

Scheduled Tribes (aadivaasi)


Fall of Buddhism saw the rise of untouchables, the so called criminal tribes and Aadivaasis. Their problems are discussed, explaining differences between Castes and Tribes and origins of various names. Their history is traced from Prehistoric Period and it is explained that they are not remenents of Neolithic Age but are post Buddhistic. We know how Indus Valley civilization did not belong to Aryans, how Jambudvipa, that is the Great Prabuddha Bharath was land of Naagas and its language Tamil, and how Vratyas were Naagas. We know history of the Sisunaaga Dynasty, that Naaga worship is non-Vedic and Naagas were Buddhists. There was a casteless society among the Naaga culture, Naagas having their Republics. We know the denegration of Naagas in Mahabharata, which opens with a curse on Naagas. We know Naaga Rajas in Kashmir and Rise of Buddhism there with Ahimsa of Buddha, and studied Serpent worship during Mauryan Dynasty, the times of Naagaarjuna and Kanishka, the Buddhist Sculptures and that Ayrans created writings, whereas Naagas created structures. We studied importance of Tribal Population in Sanchi and Amaravati Stupas and antiquity of Naaga clans.


Other effects of Fall of Buddhism


We know other efects of Caste culture were deprivation of Education and spread of illiteracy and how fall of Buddhism directly affected the multitudes of population, who were denied education. How Gurukul system was detrimental to the interests of masses is explained and how a most educated country, where foreign scholars were coming to take higher education in Jambudviap, that is the Great Prabuddha Bharath Universities, became the most illiterate country of the world due to fall of Buddhism is explained.

We know how position of women detoriated and ultimately reached to the stage of burning of widows. We know that Rajput Age was Dark Age of Jambudvipa, thatis the Great Prabuddha Bharath and how Aryan Invaders created Rajputs to get hold over the population, and how it caused the degradation and fall of Jambudvipa, thatis the Great Prabuddha Bharath  masses.

Kulin system of Bengal:  was created to increase the population who would be willing to accept the supremacy of Aryan Invaders and all the ill effects of this System is explained.

Sambandham System of Kerala: Aryan Invaders managed to gain control over the Buddhist Nayars by this method of “Cultural fertilization” and  it destroyed the cultural fabric of old Kerala society.

Devadasis: A system of Religious prostitution is discussed. It was put forward by the present author, for the first time, that Devadasis were degraded Buddhist nuns, in his book in 1991, “Tirupati Balaji was a Buddhist Shrine”. The subject is discussed more fully here.

Fall of Science: How Science was on zenith in Buddhist Jambudvipa, that is the Great Prabuddha Bharath and Aryan Invaders purposefully caused its fall to uphold their own supremacy after the fall of Buddhism.

Kashmir Problem: A Buddhist country of Kashmir became Mohammedan country, thereby leading to all the present problems is discussed.

Language Problem: Acountry, which speaking one language and one or two scripts during the Buddhist period was divided into a country of multiple languages and scripts.

The Remedies


The reason why need to know the history is to guide us in future. If that purpose is not served, it has no meaning. The rulers of the society know it. Therefore, those who like that the oppressors should keep on oppressing and sufferers should go on suffering, never wish that the masses should know the real history. They present only those aspects of history which suits them, even distorting the facts. To find the cure, one has to know and understand the cause of ailments. If the interpretation of the history is on proper lines, the remedies would be correct. There is no doubt that now all realize that the real cause of all the ills of this country has been its religion. If this is realized, the ills can be cured and Indian masses can see the bright future. We narrate the views of some of the prominent thinkers.


In key note address at the recent “Bahujan Conference” at Nagpur by a prominent OBC thinker and writer, expressed his views on the future course of action to be taken by OBCs. He stressed the importance of realizing the principle that OBCs and the Jambudvipa, that is the Great Prabuddha Bharath  are co-sufferers. They should make it a point that they will neither tolerate the injustice done by others, nor would commit injustice against others. Vedic culture came into being after the destruction of Indus Culture. Among those who opposed Vedic culture, prominent was the Buddha and his movement was much more powerful than that of Phule, Shahu and Ambedkar. [’Prabuddha Bharat‘, 30.4.2000]

Amartya Sen got the Nobel Prize, he said, but did not get enough publicity in Indian media, not even as much as the Beauty Contests did. The reason was that while discussing the Asian cultural history, Sen pointed out that the main reason why education did not reach the grass root levels in Jambudvipa, that is the Great Prabuddha Bharath was that machinery of education remained in the hands of fistful of priests, and that as contrasted against this, education reached the people at bottom levels of society in the other neighbouring nations like Ceylon and others, because they were following Buddhism. The Bahujans must realize that a person who declares these facts would not get any appreciation from the established society here. [’Prabuddha Bharat‘, 30.4.2000]

Amartya Sen, when questioned by journalists about his preceptor and the father of his ideals on Welfare State, had acknowledged the Buddha as his ‘guru’ and Ashoka as his ideal, a fact which never appeared in any Aryan Invaders Cult media. [Speech by P. S. Changole at Aurangabad, ‘Prabuddha Bharat‘, 30.4.2000]

He explained how Indus Culture was followed by Vedic onslaught, how Buddhism was followed by Counter-revolution by Manu, how Saints and Shivaji was followed by Peshawai and now how after the revolution of Phule, Shahu and Ambedkar we are faced with danger of destruction of this system by Aryan Invaders Cult counter- revolution by the R.S.S. If we wish to avert this calamity the Original Inhabitants of Jambudvipa, that is the Great prabuddha Bharath must sort out the points of conflicts and unite. [’Prabuddha Bharat‘, 30.4.2000]

He urged the OBCs to discard Wamana as an incarnation, and questioned how he can be our ideal instead of Bali. He also opined that OBC youths should reexamine the ‘Gita‘, and if it teaches you to follow the duties of ‘Chaturvarnya‘, you would be required to throw it away. ‘Gita‘ talks of ’swadharma’, which does not mean Hindu or Islam religion, it means ‘Chaturvarna dharma‘’. He asked OBCs to evaluate the history of the Buddha through their own values instead of those of Manu, Shankara or Aryan Invaders Cult books. He asked them to examine their own religion and ask themselves what exactly, it offers them. It offers nothing but slavery, he stressed. [’Prabuddha Bharat‘, 30.4.2000]

He averred that it is a false history, taught to us that Shankara defeated Buddhism, but if he had evolved some strategy and helped its decline, not only for Original Inhabitants of Jambudvipa, that is the Great prabuddha Bharath, but also even for people in grass root level, and for those who call themselves as Kshatriyas and for Marathas and Kunbis and OBCs, it was not a golden day of glory but it is was a moment of pushing them into darkness and slavery. He advised that the sufferings of  Original Inhabitants of Jambudvipa, that is the Great prabuddha Bharath are the sufferings of OBCs, and vice versa. We are not fighting against any caste, not even Aryan Invaders, but against a system of inequality imposed over Original Inhabitants of Jambudvipa, that is the Great prabuddha Bharath by the religious books. Some OBCs think they are Kshatriyas, and should side with Aryan Invaders because of our scriptures which condemn the ‘Shudras’ and not the ‘Kshatriyas’. Their mentality is to accept the slavery of Aryan Invaders but not to consider Original Inhabitants of Jambudvipa, that is the Great prabuddha Bharath equal to themselves. But if you inspect the reality, you would find that not only Ekalavya and Shambuka suffered but also Tukaram, who was an OBC, suffered. For the scriptures, Original Inhabitants of Jambudvipa, that is the Great prabuddha Bharath and OBCs are both ‘Shudras’ and both deserve condemnation and are deprived from their rights. Today OBCs are projected as neo- Kshatriyas and made to fight against Muslims and Original Inhabitants of Jambudvipa, that is the Great prabuddha Bharath, but they must not forget that they are being used as tools and will the thrown away after their utility ends. If the merit is important, there is no doubt that Shivaji’s merit as a ‘Kshatriya‘ was proved. Why then his coronation was opposed by the Aryan Invaders of Maharashtra. Today Original Inhabitants of Jambudvipa, that is the Great prabuddha Bharath honour Shivaji and Shahu with full reverence, not as a strategy or convenience, but from the bottom of their hearts, then why OBCs should not honour Ambedkar likewise? [’Prabuddha Bharat‘, 30.4.2000] Similar views are expressed by him later in “First Maratha Sahitya Sammelan” held very recently at Amravati in Vidarbha. This literary meet of Marathas was highly maligned by Brahmanical press and scholars.  


Aryan Invaders  attitude towards Original Inhabitants of Jambudvipa, that is the Great Prabuddha Bharath 


 The attitude of elitist media towards these people.

“Media explosion finds news value in  Original Inhabitants of Jambudvipa, that is the Great prabuddha Bharath only when they are killed. Original Inhabitants of Jambudvipa, that is the Great prabuddha Bharath do not see themselves as victims of atrocities. Atrocities are part of their daily life. For Original Inhabitants of Jambudvipa, that is the Great prabuddha Bharath persecution is as old as Shambuka, denial as old as Eklavya; revolution as old as Buddha; valor as old as Asura; slavery as old as dasyu and untouchability as old as touch. Nevertheless, Manudharma’s tentacles are wide spread and all-compassing.” [Raja Sekhar Vundru, “The Pioneer”, Original Inhabitants of Jambudvipa, that is the Great prabuddha Bharath Millennium Issue, 30 Jan. 2000]


The best remedy is as uggested by Late Manyawar dadasahib Kanshram ji ‘B Media 4 Sarvajan Hithaya Sarvajan Sukhaya’.


Each and every elite and educated of Sarv Samj in general and Original Inhabitants of Jambudvipa, that is the Great prabuddha Bharath in particular must become the media to counter the anti-Original Inhabitants of Jambudvipa, that is the Great prabuddha Bharath propaganda of the Aryan Invaders Cult media. Thay must start their own News Papers, since Aryan Invaders News Papers are just their Views Papers & the media is controlled by the Moneyed, Mafia & Manuvadis.


The Educated and the elite Original Inhabitants of Jambudvipa, that is the Great prabuddha Bharath must start their own websites and blogs and write about the need for empower themselves and spread Dhamma for the welfare and happiness for all.


When Dr. Ambedkar was trying for “Hindu Code Bill”, which was to remove the injustice on Hindu women, Jereshastri the then Shankarachrya of Sankeswara Pitha, wrote:

“… Milk or Ganges water may be holy, but if it comes through a nallah or a gutter, it can not be considered sacred. Similarly, the ‘Dharmasastra’ howsoever it may be authentic, it can not be considered authentic because it has come from a ‘Mahar’ like Dr. Ambedkar. Ambedkar is a scholar, it is said that his study of scriptures is great, but he is an ‘antyaja’. How can the Ganga of Scriptures comming from the nallah of Ambekar be holy? It must be discardable like milk comming from the gutter…”

Quoting this passage from ‘Nav Bharat‘, daily, 21 Jan. 1950, Yashwant Manohar observes, even the women for whose liberation was this Bill opposed it. We see today these women participating in hindutwavadi organizations. They opposed Mandal Commission, and they still oppose the reservation of OBC and other women, however, they demand right to priesthood. [Yashwant Manohar:, 1999: p.73]


Our religion and Constitution must not have contradictions


In his last speech during Sarnath visit in 1956, Dr. Ambedkar spoke to students, as reported by Nanak Chand Rattu, in Benares University Hall. Speaking on Adi Shankara philosophy, he said that if the Aryan Ivaders pervaded all, a Aryan Invader and an untouchable were equal. But Shankara did not apply his doctrine of Aryan Invader to social organization and kept the discussions only on Vedantic level. Had he applied it on a social level and preached social equality, his proposition would have been profound and worth consideration, in spite of his belief in the world being an illusion. Rattu reports:

“He, therefore, asked the students whether they would follow Hindu scriptures which supported graded inequality propounded by Purush Sukta and give religious sanction to social inequality or whether they would stand by the principles of liberty, equality and fraternity propounded in the Constitution, and refute the graded inequality preached by the Hindu scriptures.” [Rattu: 1997: 99]


How Buddhist Books reached West


Arrogance and hatred against Buddhism is seen by the fact that around 1816 A.D. after Nepal was settled under British rule, Brian Hodgson came there as Assisant to the Resident in a newly opened Office. He obtained many MSS from Buddhist pundits like Amrutananda, and sent the collection to Asiatic Society of Bengal and to Jambudvipa, that is the Great Prabuddha Bharath House in Paris and other libraries. Once, Minister Rana Bahadur Jang of Nepal seized a Buddhist Vihar and threw away all the books in the street. Dr. Wrights, who was Physician to British Resident got it collected and presented to the Cambridge University. From these sourses Burnuff and his disciple Max Muller compiled early history of Buddhism. [Kasbe: 1996: 315]


How Upnishads reached West


It is also interesting to know that it was Dara Shukoh, brother of Emperor Aurangjeb, who got many Upnishads translated into Persian through pundits of Kashi. These were later translated into Latin. Duparron obtained a copy from a French scholar M. Gentyl in court of Sirajuddolah, and later Burneere took it to France on his trip to Bengal in 1775 A.D., and translated into French, and later published in Latin. Weber commented on these in his “Jambudvipa,that is Prabuddha Bharath Studies”. The South Jambudvipa,that is Prabuddha Bharath collection was published for the first time in 1851 by W. Elliot in Journal of Asiatic Society in Bengal, and later translated and incorporated in ‘Bibliotheca India. [Kasbe: 1996: 228]




That the main target of Aryan Invaders Cult was the OBCs, in ancient times as it is today, is clear from more sourses than one. Kasbe describes one instance where OBCs are equated with impotents etc. According to him, “Jabaloupnishad”, which is a later Upnishad, is highly venomous to the orthdox as they believe it planted the seeds of starting of Buddhism and destruction of Vedic religion. The reason was it had allowed renunciation of household duties and accepting the “pravajya” any time, wihout going through the tradional Ashramas. Ahitagni Shankar Ramchandra Rajwade, a Vedic scholar, criticised bitterly this upnishad in his criticism of ‘nasdiya sukta bhashya‘, saying that when a sentence ‘yadahrev virjettdahrev pravajet‘ appeared in this upnishad, it paved the way for all the “bungled and botched” ‘vratyas’, ‘patitas’ etc. for a life of “Liberty-Equality- Fraternity”, thereby reducing the importance of Aryan Invaders in the society. Though Jabalopnishad advocated ‘sanyas‘ at any age, there were upnishands that time in existence asking for taking sanyas after all three ashramas, and also upnishadas which included the ‘Kumbhar‘ (potter), and ‘Teli‘ (oilmen) among the list of those for whom ‘sanyas‘ was prohibited, like to impotent, outcaste, deaf, dumb etc. [Raosaheb Kasbe, “manav aani dharm chintan”, Sugawa, Pune, 1996, p. 223]


A neglected message from Dr. Ambedkar to OBCs


An article was published recently in Marathi local magazine by Suhas Sonwane based on daily Loksatta. The following is a gist of it, translated from Marathi.

Mr. Gawande, a close friend of Dr. Ambedkar, who was then the Law Minister in Nehru Cabinet in 1947, asked for a message for the Maratha people to be published in the Souvenir of “Maratha Mandir” of Bombay. Ambedkar declined saying that he had no relation with the Organization or the Marathas, but on persistent insistence, a message was given and published in the souvenir on 23rd March 1947. It was made available by Shri Vijay Survade recently and was undocumented till now. Dr. Ambedkar said:

“This principle will apply not only to Marathas but all Backward Castes. If they do not wish to be under the thumb of others they should concentrate on two things, one is politics and the other is education.”

“One thing I like to impress on you is that the community can live in peace only when it has enough moral but indirect pressure over the rulers. Even if a community is numerically weak, it can keep its pressure over the rulers and create its dominance as is seen by the example of status of present day Aryan Invaders in India. It is essential that such a pressure is maintained, as without it, the aims and policies of the state can not have proper direction, on which depends the development and progress of the state.”

“At the same time, it must not be forgotten that education is also important. Not only elementary education but higher education is most essential to keep ahead in competition of communities in their progress.”

“Higher education, in my opinion, means that education, which can enable you to occupy the strategically important places in State administration. Aryan Invaders had to face a lot of opposition and obstacles, but they are overcoming these and progressing ahead.”

“I can not forget, rather I am sad, that many people do not realize that the Caste system is existing in Jambudvipa, that is the Great Prabuddha Bharath for centuries because of inequality and a wide gulf of difference in education, and they have forgotten that it is likely to continue for some centuries to come. This gulf between the education of Aryan Invaders and Original Inhabitants of Jambudvipa, that is the Great Prabuddha Bharath will not end just by primary and secondary education. The difference in status between these can only be reduced by higher education. Some non-Brahmins must get highly educated and occupy the strategically important places, which has remained the monopoly of Aryan Invaders since long. I think this is the duty of the State. If the Govt. can not do it, institutions like “Maratha Mandir” must undertake this task.”

“I must emphasize one point here that middle class tries to compare itself with the highly educated and well placed and well to do community, whereas lower class all over the world has same fault. The middle class is not as liberal as upper one, and has no ideology as lower one, which makes it enemy of both the classes. The middle class Marathas of Maharashtra also have this fault. They have only two ways out, either to join hands with upper classes and prevent the lower classes from progress, and the other is to join hands with lower classes and both together destroy the upper class power coming against the progress of both. There was a time, they used to be with lower classes, now they seem to be with the upper class. It is for them to decide which way to go. The future of not only Indian masses but also their own future depends upon what decision the Maratha leaders take. As a matter of fact it all should be left to the skill and wisdom of the leaders of Marathas. But there seems to be a lack of such wise leadership among the Marathas.”

What he said about Marathas, equally applies to all OBCs, and still holds true after half a century. Dr. Ambedkar wrote much to educate the OBCs. It is only now that OBCs are awakening gradually. It must not be forgotten that the future of this country depends on them.


Buddhist “Bahujan” meant Original Inhabitants of Jambudvipa, that is the Great Prabuddha Bharath 


Vedic social stucture was created for supremacy of Aryan Invaders and it was not possible to liberate all the Original Inhabitants of Jambudvipa, that is the Great Bharath masses without destroying it. “Bahujan Samaj” of Buddha was not the middle castes like Kunbis, Telis and Malis but comprised of all  Original Inhabitants of Jambudvipa, that is the Great Bharath - Kunbis Telis to Mang Mahars and Nomadic and ex- Criminal tribes, opined Ambedkarite laureate Yashwant Manohar. [’Prabuddha Bharat‘, 30.4.2000]


OBC Problem


It is not properly realized that the ultimate fate of  Jambudvipa, that is the Great Bharath  depends upon what course of action the OBCs take. The Original Inhabitants of Jambudvipa, that is the Great Bharath  have already made their choice, that they do not wish to lead a life of Slavery under the Aryan Invaders. As a matter of fact, they always wished to free themselves from it one way or the other. If the present movement of Ambedkar for Deekhsha to Buddhism is sabotaged and if it fails, they would find other alternatives. It is for the OBCs to decide what they wish to do, whether to join Ambedkarite movement or to join Aryan Invaders Cult movement. That the political power in Independent democratic Jambudvipa, that is the Great Bharath  is mostly in the hands of the OBCs, is technically speaking, true. But the real power evades them. What is the reason? There is a lot of awakening among them, these days, and everybody seems to be searching for the solution, but the real reason is elluding them. The real reason, in our opinion, is that these people are not concerned with their “Cultural Slavery” under the Aryan Invaders.


Examples of Aryan Invaders hostility towards OBCs


OBC youth in Maharashtra had demanded of the Government that certain books which had deroatory remarks about OBCs be banned. The then Govt. of Maharashtra under Sharad Pawar had declared the ban. But perhaps it was not effected. The President of Marathi Sahitya Sammelan held at Panaji (Goa) a few years back, Shri Ram Shewalkar, then criticised the Maharashtra Govt. for this decision as, he claimed, it was against the “freedom of speech”, going out of the way by speaking what was not in the written speech.

The then Chairman of the Marathi Sanskruti Mandal, a Govt. organization for promotion of literature, criticised that an OBC saint Tukdoji Maharaj, who played a great role during Independance movement, is termed as “Rashtra Sant”, and in his opinion, only a Aryan Invader saint Ramdas deserved this appellation.

Recently the word “Kunbi” was shown to have been included in a dictionary mentioned having derogatory meaning, for which the publisher had to apologise.

At all these times, OBCs had protested. Sometimes, in their caste functions, they talk of denouncing the Aryan Invaders slavery. They talk that Eklavya was deceived by Dronacharya, that killing of Shambuka was wrong. But they can not deny the grip of cultural slavery on their minds. They can not demand that the name of Dronacharya given to the highest award in Sports be withdrawn. They can not stop participating in “Ganesh Festival” started by B. G. Tilak, and which was then criticised by the Mahatma Phule’s followers in Satya Shodhak Samaj and requested a ban on it.

As a matter of fact, the relationship of Original Inhabitants of Jambudvipa, that is the Great Bharath  to ‘upper’ castes in all the political parties run by Aryan Invaders, as various teams from A to E of Aryan Invaders Cult in Kanshiram’s terms, is like Ram and Hanuman, as put forward by Kancha Ilaiah, whose observation about Congress applies to all parties under Aryan Invaders Cult control:

“…The Congress was systematically moulded into being a bhadralok party. They talked about the welfare of the  Original Inhabitants of Jambudvipa, that is the Great Bharath castes, while all the state resources were cornered by the Hindus. The relationship between an ‘upper’ caste man and a Original Inhabitants of Jambudvipa, that is the Great Bharath  caste man within Congress was like that between Rama and Hanuman. It is a common knowledge that Hanuman was a South Original Inhabitants of Jambudvipa, that is the Great Bharath  who joined the imperial army of Rama to fight against the South Jambudvipa, that is the Great Bharath Nationalist ruler - Ravana. Hanuman worked day in and day out in the interest of ‘Ramrajya’ (an anti- Original Inhabitants of Jambudvipa, that is the Great PrabuddhaBharath and anti-woman kingdom), yet his place in the administration was marginal and subservient. Similarly, all the  Original Inhabitants of Jambudvipa, that is the Great PrabuddhaBharath activists who joined the Congress party were given subservient places in the party hierarchy. Their main task was to mobilize the masses, and organize the ‘praise melas’ of ‘upper’ caste Congress leaders in whose name they would carry the party flag. They would organize the photographers to publicize the images of ‘upper’ caste Congress leaders. The aim of an average ‘upper’ caste Congress leader would be to mould every Original Inhabitants of Jambudvipa, that is the Great Bharath  into a trustworthy Hanuman. While Ambedkarism was creating a small force of conscious people among Original Inhabitants of Jambudvipa, that is the Great Bharath  who were trying to organize into an autonomous political force, a large number were (perhaps for the sake of fringe benefits that the Congress administration could offer, perhaps for other reasons) willing to be Hanumans. [p.58]

Kancha Ilaiah, himself an OBC, has very convincingly put forward that the process of “Sanskritisation”, i.e. elevating one’s own caste, without demolishing the framework of Chaturvarna can never end the Aryan Invaders Cult domination. Describing how various methods of Sanskritisation are futile, he observed:

“…Sanskritization process did not dilute caste identities and caste based humiliations. Many Original Inhabitants of Jambudvipa, that is the Great PrabuddhaBharath  who got Sanskritized later realized that Sanskritization is no solution to Hindu barbarity. This is the why Ambedkar embraced Buddhism to build a counterculture to Hinduism, and Periyar Ramasamy Naiker attempted to establish the hegemony of Dravida culture by attacking Hindu culture and Hindu Gods.” [Kancha Ilaiah, “Why I am not a Hindu”, publ. Samaya, Calcutta, third reprint 1998, p.70]

Kancha Ilaiah, strongly advocates ‘Original Inhabitants of Jambudvipa, that is the Great PrabuddhaBharathisation ’ - signifying dignity of labour rather than of leisure and combining physical and mental knowledge as Original Inhabitants of Jambudvipa, that is the Great PrabuddhaBharath do - rather than hinduization, of the civil society, state and administrative apparatus, which is the real solution to the problems of  Jambudvipa, that is the Great PrabuddhaBharath. He feels that only through liberation of  Original Inhabitants of Jambudvipa, that is the Great PrabuddhaBharath that the rest of the society, namely, the ‘upper castes’ can be liberated. And this process, which could be “very painful and tortuous” should start with addressing to the UC women, who also feel that  Original Inhabitants of Jambudvipa, that is the Great PrabuddhaBharath are the “others”, but are receptive to Original Inhabitants of Jambudvipa, that is the Great PrabuddhaBharath questions, as they seem to prefer “divorce and remarriage” of Original Inhabitants of Jambudvipa, that is the Great PrabuddhaBharath to “wife-murder” policy of UCs. [p.129]

Second thing he recommends is the capture of Hindu temples by expelling Aryan Invaders, for the wealth they hold, convert them into centres of public education, taking care that the Aryan Invaders Cult god culture does not get assimilated into Original Inhabitants of Jambudvipa, that is the Great PrabuddhaBharath culture. It is comparatively easier for neo-Kshatriyas to unlearn many things than baniyas and Aryan Invaders, but he warns that this anti-caste revolution may be more tortuous than the ‘proletarian cultural revolution’ in China. He avers about the NRIs that the post capitalist markets into which these NRIs are integrated did not de-caste them as is very clear from their pro-Hindutva proclamations from abroad. [Kancha, p.131]

Examples of OBC awakening


Apart from Dr. Salunkhe’s advice to OBCs, there are other indicaters of OBC awakening. A recent literary meet of “Mana” community in Maharashtra declared themselves to be of “Naaga” clan and associated themselves with the Buddhist culture, denying the Aryan Invaders’ one. The important Adivasis are already dissociating themselves from the hindutvavadis and associating with Ambedkarites, in spite of strong propaganda by BSO of converting them into “Vanavasis”. Everybody is realizing that the way of liberation is the fight against the caste and Aryan Invaders supremacy.


Ambedkar’s Efforts for Adivasis


All these people are now realizing that Dr. Ambedkar had struggled a lot for Adivasis also. We must strive for upliftment of BCs and Adivasis said Dr. Ambedkar. The purpose of keeping them in sub-clause (2) of Hindu Code Bill was to make some provision for them and Hindu Law would “apply to them only if it is proved that Hindu customs and Hindu usages are prevallent in that class”, and it will not apply to them unless “they have adopted the customs.” [W&S, vol. 14 part 2, p.886-7]

Ambedkar asked for right of Adult franchise for Adivasis, in 1928, Simon Commision Statemnt, commenting that Legislatures are the places where “social battles have to be fought, previlages have to be destroyed, and rights have to be won”. He avered that their illeteracy should not come in way of giving them right to vote, as even an illiterate is intellegent and knows his welfare. [W&S, vol.2, p.471]

Disagreeing with the Britishers’ idea of keeping the Adivasis segregated, during the evidence taken before the joint Committee on Indian Constitutional Reforms in 1933, he professed the ideal that these primitive people should not remain primitive and they should cease to be an isolated part of humanity and take part in the public affairs of this country like others. That they must not loose their lands and be landless labourers and their lands be protected from money lendes by suitable Laws. The education is more neccesary for BCs and Adivasis, more than anybody else, he said, and wanted adequate representation for them in legislature assuring the friendship of many BCs. [W&S, vol.2, p.737 ff.]


“Jati Todo Samaj Jodo”


 One thing is sure that Mayawati and Kanshiram talk of “Jati Todo Samaj Jodo“, which does not mean, as VTR seems to suggest, that they advocate consolidation of each caste. On the contrary, they say break your own caste, forget about wellbeing of only your caste and strive for making up a “Bahujan Samaj” identity, which alone can convert the minority into majority as Aryan Invaders Cult has broken the society into various castes numbering about six thousand. It should be our aim to unite these various castes into one identity of “Bahujan”. They believe that political solution is the most important method and quote Ambedkar that political power is the master key to all the ailments of Original Inhabitants of Jambudvipa, that is the Great PrabuddhaBharath. They point out to the tremendous work that has been done in U.P. in a short span of her rule there. They have not tried to strengthen only Chamar caste, as is presumed by VTR. They have asked to strengthen all Bahujans to come together and work for common good of all Bahujans including Original Inhabitants of Jambudvipa, that is the Great PrabuddhaBharath. They never worked for “separate but equal” castes. Neither Dr. Ambedkar, nor Shahu, nor Phule worked on the lines mentioned by VTR. They always worked to bring all together, demolishing walls among the castes, never ever, they advocated salvation of any individual caste or that of an individual person within a caste. A well known letter by Dr. Ambedkar to a Mang youth is proof thereof.

G. P. Deshpande, Prof. Of International politics at JNU and a theater personality in Delhi advises that a caste-group is never a leader and Dr. Ambedkar never thought so either. What he identified was central contradiction in Indian society epitomised in and by the Varna and Jati system. The transformative movement that Jambudvipa, that is the Great PrabuddhaBharath needs so badly today should take note of this understanding. Ambedkar’s relevance lies precisely in this approach in building a wider social base. The present  Original Inhabitants of Jambudvipa, that is the Great PrabuddhaBharath movement, Deshpande comments, is yet to define itself and demonstrate that it is conscious of the whole within which it is to function, and avers that it has as much relevance for Savarnas and upper castes as it has for the Original Inhabitants of Jambudvipa, that is the Great PrabuddhaBharath and other classes. He concludes:

“Original Inhabitants of Jambudvipa, that is the Great PrabuddhaBharath, today, have to realise that it is all a question of hegemony. He also has to realise that in matters of politics and culture, he will provide leadership only if his politics is of genuine ‘jatyanta’ (end of caste). Interests of caste have to be secondary to the interests of end of caste.” [G. P. Deshpande, “The Pioneer”,  Original Inhabitants of Jambudvipa, that is the Great PrabuddhaBharathMillennium Issue, 30 Jan. 2000]


Kancha Ilaiah

He laments that Original Inhabitants of Jambudvipa, that is the Great PrabuddhaBharath are the oldest people of the globe, and yet have no calender of their own and a largest group in the world without the own individual dates of birth. They invented through their scientific approach to production by counting seeds, birds and animals the ‘concept of zero’, which was “patented” by Bana Bhatta, an Aryan Invader. These first invaders, the Aryan Hindus, condemned the discovery of tool making, leather making, and wool weaving as Chandala processes.

The degradation of Original Inhabitants of Jambudvipa, that is the Great PrabuddhaBharath was achieved through two methods - danda and mantra, first ‘Danda’ i.e. violence and second ‘Mantra’ i.e. by developing the consent systems. As an example of second, he observes:

“Did not Hinduism make us do the same thing when it forced us to celebrate the birthday of Rama as Ramnavami, a dateless day, a man who killed my ancestors Tataka, Vali, Shambhuka and Ravana, and cut off the nose and earlobes of most beautiful woman of  Jambudvipa, that is the Great PrabuddhaBharath, Shurpanakha?  What a difference in godhood.” [Kancha Ilaiah, “The Pioneer”, 30 Jan. 2000]

“Post independent  Jambudvipa, that is the Great PrabuddhaBharath has not given the Original Inhabitants of Jambudvipa, that is the Great PrabuddhaBharath anything except a saga of atrocities. The Hinduism that rendered this country calenderless is forcing all Original Inhabitants of Jambudvipa, that is the Great PrabuddhaBharath to call themselves Hindus. I made my position very clear that “I am not a Hindu” as I cannot worship the very gods who killed my ancestors. My predicament is that of Angada, the son of Bali who was killed by Rama and while his father’s dead body lying there he was forced to worship the killer of his father, Rama. I refuse to do that.” [Kancha Ilaiah, “The Pioneer”, 30 Jan. 2000]

Describing the sufferings of Original Inhabitants of Jambudvipa, that is the Great PrabuddhaBharath for last two thousand years, Kancha Ilaiah describes:

“In the first millennium, the Shudras along with the Chandalas suffered all kinds of atrocities at the hands of the Hindu rulers who constructed a Swarna Yuga (golden age) of their own during political rule of Guptas. It was during this period that the scientific temper the Shudras constructed among themselves was destroyed and they were pushed into most dark period of their life. During the first millennium Manu Dharma as law and Kauttilya’s brutal state craft were brought into force and they destroyed all the creative ability of the Shudras, Chandalas and Adivasis (SCAs). Except the text ‘Mritchakatika‘ by Shudraka, all other texts including ‘Megha Sandesha’ by Kalidasa were written in the image of Brahmanical leisure- centered classes. The history of SCAs from then was rendered invisible and non-existent.” [Kancha Ilaiah, “The Pioneer”, 30 Jan. 2000]

“… By the beginning of the second millennium, Aryan Invaders, Kshatriyas, Vaishyas (AIKVs) had eaten away the vitals of Subcontinent. These three leisure and pleasure centered castes lived in celestial and spiritual luxuries and sexual orgies. During this period, the AIKVs destroyed the Buddhist ethical and productive life and also symbols of that civilization and errected erotic temples translating the sexual pleasure-centered discourse of Vatsayana’s ‘Kamasutra’ culture into sculpture at the cost of enormous labour power of the unpaid sculptors. All the sculptors came from the SCA backgrounds. Investment of wealth and labour on constructing structures like Khajuraho and Konark reflected the negative cultural mould of the ruling castes/classes. No single structure that reflected the productive culture of people was errected during the period.” [Kancha Ilaiah, “The Pioneer”, 30 Jan. 2000]

Gail Omvedt


Today as  Jambudvipa, that is the Great PrabuddhaBharath heads into new millennium, its own sixth millennium of civilization, it has no clear vision of where it is going, kind of society it wants and how it proposes to build it, she laments and emphasizes, the fervor of freedom fighters and Nehruvian socialism are gone and “Gandhian version of Hinduism is empty now”, and its modern ‘avatar‘, the environmentalists wish the revival of traditional forms of production and culture in the form of “Ram Raj”. She feels that neither Gandhism, nor socialism are more than empty terms in India, and Hindutva Nationalism alternative is itself based upon the Brahmanic version of Indian tradition. She recommends five new visions for the  Original Inhabitants of Jambudvipa, that is the Great PrabuddhaBharath masses of  Jambudvipa, that is the Great PrabuddhaBharath:

“1. Alternative awakenment” - based on moralism, rationalism, whether religious or aesthetic or agnostic, a genuine democratic socialism can have its roots only in “Ambedkar’s Buddhism”.

“2. Alternative spirituality” - “…Even before Ambedkar chose Buddhism in 1956, it had emerged with Pandit Iyothee Thass and Tamil Buddhism; with Srilanka’s Anagarika Dharmapala, Brahmanand Reddy of Andhra and Acchutananda of Uttar Pradesh. Phule took Buddhism as an important source of ‘Original Inhabitants of Jambudvipa, that is the Great PrabuddhaBharath’tradition. …”

“3. Alternative Economics” - “…Ambedkar’s economic trajectory went from conventional welfare liberal economics in twenties to endorsement of state socialism that lasted upto 1947, to a final disillusionment of Soviet model and efforts to seek alternative Buddhist economics, described variously as democratic socialism, liberal socialism, a mixed economy or simply as beyond labels. …”

“4. Alternative Nationalism” - Only Ambedkar realized the need for English to unite all Original Inhabitants of Jambudvipa, that is the Great PrabuddhaBharath  in Jambudvipa, that is the Great PrabuddhaBharath. “This illustrates that real nationalism in  Jambudvipa, that is the Great PrabuddhaBharath must (be) realized in the language of the people, not in the Sanskritised Hindi taught in schools or link language of cinema.”

“5. Empowerment of women” - In contrast to Aryan Invaders Cult subordination of women, Original Inhabitants of Jambudvipa, that is the Great PrabuddhaBharath leaders projected a vision of women as equal citizens with rights to individual fulfillment. [Gail Omvedt, “The Pioneer”, 30 Jan. 2000]

Hindu Muslim Unity


Arvind Das, the editor of New Delhi review journal, “Biblio”, commenting on the attitude of elites, observe that any of those who demand that Christians apologize for the Inquisition or Muslims be sorry for being designated “Babur ki aulad” do not express the slightest regret for the centuries of oppression that they have practiced on the Original Inhabitants of Jambudvipa, that is the Great PrabuddhaBharath, and there is only a thundering silence in that respect. [Arvind Das, “The Pioneer”, 30 Jan.2000]

Syed Shahabuddin, editor of Muslim India and former M.P. observes that the Draft constitution had declared Muslims and SCs as minorities and provided reservations for both. But Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel moved resolution and Muslims were denied facilities. He observes:

“… The goal of Original Inhabitants of Jambudvipa, that is the Great PrabuddhaBharath Muslim unity is neither racial kinship nor religious uniformity but political unity. … Even if the forward Shudras were not included, the EBCs (the Backward backwards), SCs, STs, and Muslims alone form about 67.5 percent of the population. … a majority that lives below the poverty line. They own less than 15 per cent of national resources and have a long way to go before they become equal partners in the national enterprise - in power sharing as well as effective participation in decision making.” [Syed Shahabuddin, “The Pioneer”, 30 Jan. 2000]

He advocates alliance of deprived, but thinks it is unrealistic to think on national level. But in MLA segments, where the strength of these people exceeds fifty percent, it can be tried. In UP BSP and in Maharashtra RPI represent Original Inhabitants of Jambudvipa, that is the Great PrabuddhaBharath, but there is no party of Muslims anywhere, he laments, and stresses the need for “composite leadership”. He also stresses the need of common agenda, and feels that the Aryan Invaders Cult order is on the decline, but not so Aryan Invaders Cult. He laments that every emergent class tends to be reborn as a Neo-Aryan Invaders aspiring for social domination. Those who stand for social justice cannot accept such succession and, therefore, the battle for Identity, Dignity and Equality will go on, he avers. [Syed Shahabuddin, “The Pioneer”, 30 Jan. 2000]


Communism and Original Inhabitants of Jambudvipa, that is the Great Prabuddha Bharath 


A lot has been written by Dr. Ambedkar discarding Communist idiology. Prof. T. K. Oomen at JNU, explains layers of  Original Inhabitants of Jambudvipa, that is the Great PrabuddhaBharath movement. There are people who concentrate on economic side and others on caste basis. But he feels that all  Original Inhabitants of Jambudvipa, that is the Great PrabuddhaBharath are not proletarians and a small substratum among this traditionally unprivileged class has undergone a process of elitisation. In addition, Original Inhabitants of Jambudvipa, that is the Great PrabuddhaBharath consciousness is qualitatively different from proletarian or caste consciousness. Stressing the importance of cultural enlightenment, he comments that it is no accident that Original Inhabitants of Jambudvipa, that is the Great PrabuddhaBharath protests in  Jambudvipa, that is the Great PrabuddhaBharath first crystallized against socio- cultural oppression like untouchability, which was followed by mobilization for political enfranchisement and finally protests against economical exploitations were heard. [T. K. Oomen, “The Pioneer”, 30 Jan. 2000]


Original Inhabitants of Jambudvipa, that is the Great Prabuddha Bharath Unity is not enough


Without in any way denigrating the efforts of those who are striving for Original Inhabitants of Jambudvipa, that is the Great PrabuddhaBharath Unity, I feel, even if all the  Original Inhabitants of Jambudvipa, that is the Great PrabuddhaBharath of Jambudvipa, that is the Great PrabuddhaBharath, of all castes, shades and colours, unite, they cannot achieve any power without the help of other oppressed castes, as they are only about 16% or so. And if there is no power, caravan of Ambedkar will be on retrograde journey. Many non-Original Inhabitants of Jambudvipa, that is the Great PrabuddhaBharath non- Aryan Invaders castes are realizing the mischief done by Caste system, they are having dialogue with Original Inhabitants of Jambudvipa, that is the Great PrabuddhaBharath and uniting with them, as is seen in North Indian states. And the message is spread broad and wide and all regions of this country are awakening.


Should we not destroy our identity?


Are various leaders ready to give up their identities on argument that Original Inhabitants of Jambudvipa, that is the Great PrabuddhaBharath liberation must get priority over all other demands? One does not have to give up ones identity, if we are talking at this stage of only political unity. But if we unite only politically at this stage, a time will come, when we have to unite religiously and socially also. At that time, I would like to ask these leaders, “Can they afford not to dissolve their identities?” If they did, their castes would be wiped out by the BSO. One has only to see the way these sub-castes are fighting among themselves just for crumbs, they have forgotten that their real enemy, BSO, is safe and secure in its own citadel. Even at this stage, infighting among the sub-castes is counter productive and injurious to the interest of their own caste.


Role of Jains and Osho


There are always some sporadic news items keep appearing in papers that, some youths have started a social movement to assert that Jains are not Hindus. We read that at one time Jainism was a revolutionary religion, and they had to suffer for it at the hands of BSO. K.A.N.Sastri tells us how eight thousand Jains were put to death by impalement by a Saiva King and how a festival is celebrated every year, even now, to commemorate this event in a temple at Madura. [K. Jamanadas, “Tirupati Balaji was a Buddhist Shrine” p.134]. Whether same revolutionary spirit will be revived among the Jains again, is more than I can predict.

I only know of one Jain revolutionary in modern times. He is Osho Rajnish, who said about the glass of orange juice given by Robindranath Tagore to break the fast of M. Gandhi at the conclusion of Poona Pact, “But this orange juice, this one glass of orange juice, contains millions of people’s blood!” [“Dr. Ambedkar aur Osho”, Hindi, by Sandesh Bhalekar p. 43] He had the courage to denounce Manu in no uncertain terms that if we could forget Manusmriti whole world would call us more liberal and broad minded; Manu is sitting on our chest like a big stone. [p.51] Some Ambedkarite scholars like Lokhande and Bhalekar project him as ‘in lineage of Phule, Shahu and Ambedkar’. Other equally prominent scholars like Yashwant Manohar call such projections as pollution (pradushan) in  Original Inhabitants of Jambudvipa, that is the Great PrabuddhaBharath literature. What role, if any, the followers of Osho, the world over, will play in opposing BSO in future, is a question better left alone for the future generations to work out.

Future of Buddhism in India


The struggle for destruction of Caste is the precursor of the spread of Buddhism, but need not be a precondition. Equitable distribution of land and fast implementation of Land Reforms is the need of the day. They know that this will dilute the hegemony of Aryan Invaders, and so such reforms are not implemented. With this attitude, one may contrast the honesty of the British, who knew that imparting education to lower castes will, one day, enable these people to drive away the alien rulers, but still they did not keep us ignorant. Under such circumstances we conclude this tract with the prophesy of Dr. Ambedkar about future of Indian Buddhism.

After comparing Buddhism with Hinduism, while comparing Buddhism with other non-Hindu religions, Dr. Ambedkar observes:

(i) The society must have either the sanction of law or the sanction of morality to hold it together. Without either society is sure to go pieces. He explains that in all societies law plays a very small part. It is intended to keep the minority within the range of social discipline. The majority is left and has to be left to sustain its social life by the postulates and sanction of morality. Religion in the sense of morality, must therefore, remain the governing principle in every society.

(ii) That religion as defined in the first proposition must be in accord with science. Religion is bound to lose its respect and therefore become the subject of ridicule and thereby not merely lose its force as a governing principle of life but might in course of time be disintegrated and lapse if it is not in accord with science. In other words, religion if it is to function, must be in accord with reason which is merely another name for science.

(iii) That religion as a code of social morality, must recognize the fundamental tenets of liberty, equality and fraternity. Unless a religion recognize these three fundamental principles of social life religion will be doomed.

(iv) That religion must not sanctify or ennoble poverty. Renunciation of riches by those who have it may be a blessed state. But poverty can never be. To declare poverty to be a blessed state is to pervert religion, to perpetuate vice crime, to consent to make earth a living hell.

Which religion fulfills all these requirement, he asks, emphasing that the days of the Mahatmas are gone and the world cannot have a new Religion and choice is limited to existing ones, and avers that the only religion which satisfies all these tests is Buddhism. Buddhism is the only religion which the whole world can have. The new world needs religion far more than the old world did, and it can only be religion of the Buddha. The confusion is because most of those who have written about the Buddha have propagated the idea that the only thing Buddha taught was Ahimsa. Without minimizing its importance, as it is a great doctrine and the world can not be saved unless it, he emphasized that Buddha taught many other things besides Ahimsa. He observed:

“… He taught as a part of religion, social freedom, intellectual freedom, economic freedom and political freedom. He taught equality, equality between man and man but between man and woman. It would be difficult to find a religious teacher to compare with Buddha whose teachings embrace so many aspects of the social life of a people whose doctrines are so modern and whose main concern was to give salvation to man in his life on earth and not to promise it to him in heaven after he is dead.” [Buddha and future of his religion”, p. 9]



Kanshi Ram: from BAMCEF to the Bahujana Samaj Party

Kanshi Ram was born in 1934 as a Raedasi Sikh, a community of Punjabi Chamars converted to Sikhism. The family had 4 or 5 acres of land, some of it inherited and the rest acquired through government allocation after Independence), a small landed background is characteristic of many Scheduled Caste legislators but remains a comparative rarity for Dalits in general. Kanshi Ram’s father was himself ’slightly’ literate, and he managed to educate all his four daughters and three sons. Kanshi Ram, the eldest, is the only graduate. He was given a reserved position in the Survey of India after completing his BSc degree, and in 1958 he transferred to the Department of Defence Production as a scientific assistant in a munitions factory in Poona. Kanshi Ram had encountered no Untouchability as a child, and overt discrimination was not a phenomenon within the educated circles of his adult life. But his outlook underwent a sudden change in 1965 when he became caught up in a struggle initiated by other Scheduled Caste employees to prevent the abolition of a holiday commemorating Dr Anibedkar’s birthday.’4 During this conflict Kanshi Ram encountered a depth of high-caste prejudice and hostility towards Dalits that was a revelation to him. His almost instant radicalisation was completed soon after by a reading of Ambedkar’s Annihilation of Caste: he read the book three times in one night, going entirely without sleep.

Kanshi Ram’s introduction to the political ideas of Ambedkar - he has never been attracted to Buddhism - was through his Mahar Buddhist colleague and friend at the munitions factory, D. K. Khaparde. Together the two of them began formulating ideas for an organisation to be built by educated employees from the Scheduled and Backward castes. Such an organisation would work against harassment and oppression by high-caste officers, and also enable the often inward-looking occupants of reserved postions to give something back to their own communities. So Kanshi Ram and Khaparde began to contact likely recruits in Poona. At about this time Kanshi Ram abandoned any thought of marriage, largely because it did not fit into a life he now wanted to dedicate to public con-cerns. He had also quite lost interest in his career, though he continued in the job until about 1971. He finally left after a severe conflict over the non-appointment of an apparently qualified Scheduled Caste young woman. During this conflict he had gone so far as to strike a senior official, and he did not even bother attending most of the ensuing disciplinary pro-ceedings. He had already made up his mind to become a full-time activist, and the movement was by then strong enough to meet his modest needs.

In 1971 Kanshi Ram and his colleagues established the Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes, Other Backward Classes and Minorities Employees Welfare Association, which was duly registered under the Poona Charity Commissioner. Their primary object was: To subject our problems to close scrutiny and find out quick and equitable solu-tions to the problems of injustice and harassment of our employees in general and the educated employees in particular.

Despite the Association’s inclusive reach, its aggressively Ambedkarite stance ensured that most of its members were Mahar Buddhists. Within a year of its establishment there were more than one thousand members and it was able to open an office in Poona: many of the members were from the Defence and Post and Telegraph Departments, and their first annual conference was addressed by the then Defence Minister, Jagjivan Ram. Kanshi Ram’s next organisational step was to create the basis of a national association of Scheduled Caste government servants. As early as 1973 he and his colleagues established the All India Backward and Minority Employees Federation (BAMCEF), and a functioning office was established in Delhi in 1976. BAMCEF was relaunched with greater fanfare on 6 December 1978, the anniversary of Ambedkar’s death, with claims of two thousand delegates joining a procession to the Boat Club Lawns in New Delhi (BAMCEF Bulletin April 1979). Although the stated objects of the new organisation were essentially the same as those of the earlier body, the rhetoric had grown bolder. It was not merely the oppressors who came in the line of fire, but also many of the reserved office holders too:
As all the avenues of advance are closed to them in the field of agriculture, trade, commerce and industry almost all the educated persons from these [oppressed] communities are trapped in Govt. services. About 2 million educated oppressed Indians have already joined various types of sobs during the last 26 years. Civil Service Conduct rules put some restrictions on them. But their inherent timidity, cowardice, selfishness and lack of desire for Social Service to their own creed have made them exceptionally useless to the general mass of the oppressed Indians.The only ray of hope is that almost everywhere in the country there are some edu-cated employees who feel deeply agitated about the miserable existence of their brethren. (BAMCEF Bulletin 2 1974)

By the mid-1970S Kanshi Ram had established a broad if not dense network of contacts throughout Maharashtra and adjacent regions. During his frequent train trips from Poona to Delhi, he adopted the habit of getting down at major stations along the way - Nagpur, Jabalpur and Bhopal, among others - to contact likely sympathisers and to try to recruit them to the organisation (Kanshi Ram Interview: 1996). Once he had moved to Delhi he pushed into Punjab, Haryana and Uttar Pradesh, as well as further into Madhya Pradesh. Parallel to his work among edu-cated employees Kanshi Ram was also contacting a wider audience with simple presentations of Ambedkar’s teachings. Thus in 1980 he put together a roadshow called ‘Ambedkar Mela on Wheels’. This was an oral and pictorial account of Ambedkar’s life and views, together with con-temporary material on oppression, atrocities and poverty. Between April and June 1980 the show was carted to thirty-four destinations in nine States of the north. Jang Bahadur Patel, a Kurmi (Backward Caste) and President of the Uttar Pradesh Branch of the Bahujana Samaj Party until late 1995, recalls meeting Kanshi Ram for the first time when he brought his roadshow to Lucknow (Interview: 25 November 1995). Kanshi Ram talked persuasively about how Ambedkar had struggled for all the down-trodden classes, and how the Scheduled Castes, Tribes and also the Backwards and Minorities were all victims of Brahminism. Because of their weight of numbers, these people had the potential to convert them-selves from ‘beggars to rulers’. It was all a matter of organisation. Patel immediately joined BAMCEF, though he was in a distinct minority as a non-Untouchable: Untouchables constituted about 90 per cent of the membership, with the other io per cent being split between tribals and Backward Caste people.
BAMCEF’s motto, ‘Educate, Organise and Agitate’, was adopted from Ambedkar, and its activities were formally divided into a number of welfare and proselytising objects. But increasingly Kanshi Ram’s agita-tional activities were leading him into politics. By the late 70s he was no longer content with being the leader of reserved office holders, a class for whom he had less than complete respect. Kanshi Ram’s first attempt to create a radical political vehicle capable of mobilising the larger body of Original Inhabitants of jambudvipa, that is the Great Prabuddha Bharath (DS4) formed in 1981. This was conceived as a political organisation parallel to BAMCEF: it shared the same President in Kanshi Ram, the same office, and many of the same members. DS4 was a quasi- rather than fully fledged political party, partly because government servants were forbidden to take part in electoral politics. But DS4 made little concrete progress, and late in 1984 Kanshi Ram took the plunge and formed the Bahujana Samaj Party (a variant on the name of Phule’s nineteenth-century organisation). Inevitably, this caused major strains in BAMCEF ranks. Their agitational activities had placed many of his colleagues from the Poona and early Delhi periods in a delicate position as government servants and, in any case, the political loyalty of many of them was to the several strands of the Republican Party. There were also strains arising from Kanshi Ram’s will to total domination of all three organisations. And the need for money was rising with the push into politics: one of the Maharashtra workers recalls delivering Kanshi Ram a purse of forty thousand rupees collected from Maharashtra in 1984. These several strains grew more severe over the next two years, and early in 1986 a major split took place. Kanshi Ram announced at that time that he was no longer willing to work for any organisation other than the Bahujana Samaj Party. His transition from social worker to politician was complete.

Kanshi Ram is more an organiser and political strategist than an innov-ative thinker or charismatic public speaker. While his Ambedkarite ideol-ogy has remained constant and lacking in any innovation, there has been a progressive sharpening of his rhetoric. The early issues of BAMCEF’s monthly magazine, The Oppressed Indian, were full of his didactic exposi-tions of Ambedkar’s views on Indian society. These have now given way to simpler formulations, repeated in numerous newspaper accounts and both public and private speech. The central proposition is that Indian society is characterised by the self-interested rule of io per cent over the other 90 per cent (the bahujan samaj or common people). Although the ruling io per cent is composed of several castes, they derive their legiti-macy and ruling ideology from Brahminism. All the institutions of society reflect this ruling ideology and distortion, including the press. These institutions can therefore be termed Manuwadi (after the great Brahmin-inspired text) or Brahminwadi. In the marketplace of elections, such simplicity has been further reduced to crudeness and epithet. A slogan coined after the formation of DS4 was, ‘Brahmin, Bania, Thakur Chor, Baki Sab Hem DS-Four’. Loosely translated, this rhyme states that Brahmins, Banias and Rajputs are thieves, while the rest of society are their victims. The epithets reached their height during the election cam-paign for the UP Assembly in 1993, the most notorious being: ‘Tilak, Taraju, Talwar. Maaro Unko Joote Char’. This slogan, with its insistent rhythm in Hindi, advocates that Brahmins, Banias and Rajputs, each identified by a slighting term, be beaten four times with a shoe - a tradi-tionally demeaning form of punishment because of the ritual impurity of leather. While Kanshi Ram and Mayawati denied authorship of such slogans, they served as a simple and dramatically offensive marker of the party’s ideological position.

Kanshi Ram’s strategy and his larger understanding of social change are now considerably evolved. He no longer believes in the primacy of social reform. Rather, expenditure of effort on any object other than the capture of government is seen to be superfluous. It is administrative power that will bring about desired social change, not vice versa. So he declines to spell out policies on basic issues such as the liberalisation of the Indian economy or on land reforms. His view is that such issues are irrelevant to the project of gaining power, and that the appropriate poli-cies will fall into place once power is attained. His picture of India is of a kind of holy war on the part of the bahujan samaj against their Brahminwadi oppressors. In the context of this war debates about policy are almost frivolities. This is a stance of pure fundamentalism, but it also frees him to engage in the most ruthless pragmatism in the name of capturing power.

Consistent with this stance, Kanshi Ram has become increasingly critical of the institution of reservation in government employment. Reservation is a ‘crutch’ - useful for a cripple, but a positive handicap for someone who wants to run on his own two feet (Kanshi Ram interview:1996). He now throws off the line that once the bahujan samaj get to power throughout India, it will be they who can condescend to the Brahmins by giving them reservation proportional to their own meagre population. There is more than a little bravado in this, but there is no doubt that Kanshi Ram is now hostile to the system of institutional preference that was the indispensable basis of his own personal and polit-ical career. It seems that he believes that reservation has now done enough for the Scheduled Castes. He notes that of some 500 Indian Admin-istrative Service (IAS) Officers in Uttar Pradesh, 137 are from the Scheduled Castes. By comparison, there are only seven lAS officers from the Backward Castes, six of them Yadavs (Hindustan Times, 6 April 1994). His point is not that there are now too many Scheduled Caste officers -their number conforms strictly to the legal quota - but too few from the Backward Castes. He apparently assumes that the capture of political power will automatically transform the composition of the bureaucratic elite.
The Bahujana Samaj Party first made headway in Punjab, Kanshi Ram’s home State, but his primary political task was to wean the Chamars of Uttar Pradesh from Congress. It was Kanshi Ram’s fortune that he built the party at the historical moment that the long-term Congress decline became a landslide. The formal entry of his party into Uttar Pradesh was in a by-election in 1985 for the Lok Sabha seat of Bijinor, in which its candidate was Mayawati. She is a Jatav (or Chamar), the daughter of a minor government official in Delhi, and had completed a BA and LLB from the University of Delhi. Mayawati had made contact with Kanshi Ram in 1977 while she was a student, and had gradually been drawn into his organisation. Her opponents in Bijinor included Ram Vilas Paswan - the two have had poor relations since this contest - and Meira Kumar, Jagjivan Ram’s daughter, representing Congress. Rajiv Gandhi was at the height of his popularity at the time, and Meira Kumar won the seat easily. But by 1989 the Bahujana Samaj Party had put in five years of solid organising work in UP and also in the neighbouring regions of Madhya Pradesh, Punjab, Delhi, and parts of Haryana. And mean-while the Congress Party had slumped in popularity. Kanshi Ram had prepared the ground carefully. He had selected organisers and candidates from a variety of social backgrounds. One of his organisers was Dr Mahsood Ahmed, a temporary lecturer in history at Aligarh Muslim University. Mahsood had become disillusioned with Congress when Indira Gandhi made her infamous tilt towards the Hindus in the early 1980s (Mahsood interview: 27 November 1995). He joined BAMCEF and then switched to DS4 in 1983 as a full-time organiser and fund raiser. Mahsood was later put in charge of the whole of eastern Uttar Pradesh for the Bahujana Samaj Party.

The years of organisation bore fruit in 1989 and 1991. In the four State Assembly and Parliamentary (Lok Sabha) polls for Uttar Pradesh between 1989 and 1991 the Bahujana Samaj Party’s share of the vote varied only marginally between 8.7 and 9.4 per cent. But this impressive vote produced a disappointing number of seats - in 1989 the party won thirteen out of 425 State Assembly seats, and in 1991 it won twelve. The party won only two Parliamentary seats in 1989, and one in 1991; Kanshi Ram himself subsequently won a by-election from UP in 1992. Both the strength and the weakness of the party is that its primary ‘vote bank’, the Chamars, are relatively evenly spread across the State. This spread gives the Bahujana Samaj a chance in a large number of seats, but also make it logically impossible to win even a single seat without strong support from other communities. Although it has attracted a measure of Muslim, Backward Caste and other Scheduled Caste support, it has encountered considerable resistance in these target communities. We need to look more closely at this problem.

First, there is the question of why the majority of Jatavs of western UP deviated from their kinfolk in the eastern part of the State, and continued to vote Congress in 1989 and 1991. The answer to this question is not entirely clear. Some have blamed the result on the poor organising capacities of Mayawati - she was in charge of this region - but the deeper reason may be the Jatavs’ historical association with B. P. Maurya. In a move of some desperation, Congress resurrected the 70-year-old Maurya as one of four national Vice-Presidents in the run-up to the 1996 elections. But by then Mayawati had become an electorally popular figure in eastern UP. As to the Scheduled Castes other than the Chamars/Jatavs, only Pasis appear to have voted for Kanshi Ram’s party in large numbers. The Valmikis (formerly known as Bhangis) voted solidly for the BJP in the 1993 Assembly elections, and the sole Valmiki in the Lok Sabha elected in 1991 represented the BJP (though in 1980 he had been elected for the Janata Party). Mangal Ram Premi MP - his biography is sketched in chapter 8- accounts for the Valmiki support of the BJP by simply advert-ing to the community’s dislike of the Chamars (Interview: 4 November 1995). The Chamars are more numerous, better educated and more successful in acquiring reserved positions than the Valmikis, and this tends to produce resentment. Many of the Dhobis too have recently voted for the BJP. In short, Kanshi Ram’s party has not solved the problem of how to mobilise all or even most of the Scheduled Castes. The problem that dogged Ambedkar has thus repeated itself in Uttar Pradesh, though Kanshi Ram’s Chamars are both more numerous and numerically more dominant among the Untouchables than were Ambedkar’s Mahars in the western part of the country.

Among Backward Castes, Kanshi Ram’s strongest support has come from the Kurmis. In Bihar, this is an upwardly mobile peasant community responsible for several of the worst atrocities against Original Inhabitants of jambudvipa, that is the Great Prabuddha Bharath . But in Uttar Pradesh the Kurmis are comparatively low on the scale of prosperity. Moreover, they have had a history of anti-Aryan Invaders radicalism - Shahu Maharaj of Kolhapur remains a source of inspiration to some of them. And a sprinkling of them had been members of the Republican Party. The Kurmis could see advantage in being associated with a party that was not dominated by the more numerous Yadavs (whose firm affiliation is with Mulayam Singh’s Samajwadi Party). As to the large number of other Backward Castes in UP, over the last several years there has been an intense three-way tussle between the BJP, the Bahujana Samaj Party and the Samajwadi Party to capture their support. All three have had some success, but perhaps the larger part of this vote is a floating one that will flow with the main political current of the time. The last community to consider is the Muslims. In the aftermath of the destruction of the Babri Masjid the Muslims have been politically leaderless. They have shunned Congress for what they see to have been its culpable failure to prevent the demolition of the mosque, and have given considerable support to Mulayam Singh’s Samajwadi Party and some support to Kanshi Ram. Thus in the municipal elections of Uttar Pradesh in November 1995 and in the national and UP elections of 1996 it seems that UP Muslims were prepared to vote for whichever party was locally the strongest anti-BJP force. In short, the politics of post-Congress Uttar Pradesh are currently cast largely in terms of community vote banks. Political strategy is a matter of positioning one’s party so as to retain one s core vote bank and also attract others at the margins. At least as much as any other player, Kanshi Ram has adapted to this game with calculating skill.


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For sarvjan Hithaya Sarvajan Sukhaya Rs. 35,000 crore Annual Plan sanctioned for State-In Karnataka Assembly Elections 2008 BSP got second place in 9 seats Third place in 30 seats Congress lost in 45 seats because of the presence of BSP
Filed under: General
Posted by: site admin @ 11:26 pm

In Karnataka Assembly Elections 2008

BSP got second place in 9 seats

Third place in 30 seats

Congress lost in 45 seats because of the presence of BSP

BSP rocks the Congress boat in Tumkur district

Congress would have got three more seats if BSP had not fielded candidates

Rs. 35,000 crore Annual Plan sanctioned for State

New Delhi : May 26, 2008 The Senior Departmental Officers, led by the Uttar Pradesh Chief Secretary Mr. Atul Kumar Gupta, held discussions on the shape and size of the Annual Plan of the Uttar Pradesh for the year 2008-09 at a meeting organised at the Planning Commission here today. The meeting was presided over by the member of the Planning Commission Mr. Bal Krishna Chaturvedi. The State proposed a shape of Rs. 35,000 crore for the Annual Plan, which was accepted by the Planning Commission. During the meeting, it was pointed out that the State had demanded a package of Rs. 80,000 crore on July 17, 2007 to bridge the critical gaps and backwardness of the Bundelkhand and Purvanchal regions, but the Government of India has not taken any positive decision in this regard so far. This package included construction of roads, development of health facilities, drinking water, electricity works, irrigation facilities, housing facilities for poor, agriculture development, social welfare and programmes related to employment. It was also pointed out at the meeting that Uttar Pradesh was not getting the requisite share under the self financed programmes of the Government of India if compared to the other States. Elaborating upon the situations, it was informed at the meeting that there were 90.17 lakh families subsisting below the poverty line in Bihar and it has been allocated a sum of Rs. 1412.47 crore under the Indira Awas Yojna, while 99.56 lakh families were living below the poverty line in Uttar Pradesh and the State was facing a shortage of 43 lakh houses, yet it was allocated Rs. 668.66 crore under the same scheme. The officers informed at the meeting that the State had not been reimbursed the sum spent during the last two years under the Accelerated Irrigation Benefit Project (AIBP). Rs. 193 crore have been sanctioned, but not reimbursed so far. Moreover, the State was not being provided a grant of 90 per cent from the Drought Hit Area Project, while the other States were getting it. The officers of the State Government said at the meeting that owing to the effective financial management and proper exploitation of tax and other financial resources, the pace of development programmes was accelerated through the resources generated in this way, but the Union Government did not provide requisite financial resources to the State Government. The officers of the State Government informed the Member of the Planning Commission that in the year 2007-08, Uttar Pradesh, which is the largest state of the country, had been sanctioned Rs. 75 crore as one time additional assistance, while the Planning Commission had sanctioned Rs. 200 crore for Maharashtra and Rs. 247.50 crore for Uttarakhand. Both of these states are smaller states if compared to the most populous state of the country. It is evident that the Centre had been discriminating against Uttar Pradesh as far as allocation of funds was concerned. A request of Rs. 300 crore has been made under this head. Highlighting the constructive approach of the State Government, it was pointed out that important steps had been taken to provide relief in the drought hit areas during the last one year. Owing to the steps taken by the State Government to encourage the private sector in the State, proposals worth Rs. 1.31 lakh crore had been implemented and people have shown interest in the development of energy sector, urban areas, Ganga Express-way, transport sector, medical sector etc. The development of agriculture and allied sectors have been accorded top priority and it would give some good results very soon. A sum of Rs. 1898 crore was spent under the National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme (NREGS) during the last year to provide employment opportunities to more than 40 lakh families. Under the Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojna, 2657 kms. long roads have been constructed. More people were made literate against the national average as far as literacy was concerned; this fact was confirmed by the study conducted by the NCRT. During the meeting the Chief Secretary requested to provide special package for Vindhya and Bundelkhand region of the State, so that the backward area of the State could be developed all-round. He also mentioned a request of Rs. 10,684 crore sent earlier for the development of the Bundelkhand region and an inter departmental team of the Government of India had conducted survey and inspection as well. The Government of India was also requested to provide an additional Central assistance of Rs. 5000 crore, so that various schemes and programmes of the State could be implemented. Besides, special request was also made to provide Rs. 100 crore for setting up agricultural university in Banda district, an additional assistance of Rs. 300 crore for the Bana Sagar Irrigation Project, Rs. 300 crore for the drinking water and irrigation facilities of the region, Rs. 50 crore for drip and sprinkler irrigation and exempting both the backward regions from the condition of 100 days of employment generation under the National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme (NREGS) for the Bundelkhand region. Raising the issue of delay made in the sanctioning of State Government’s projects under the Jawahar Lal Nehru Urban Renewal Mission at the meeting, it was emphasised that the amount payable for the sanctioned projects should be released immediately and a request to provide Rs. 700 crore amount to the State was also made. Likewise, a demand of sanctioning Rs. 708.04 crore under AIBP, Rs. 1200 crore under BRGF, Rs. 831 crore under NSAP, Rs. 450 crore RKVY, Rs. 200 crore under APDRP, Rs. 50 crore under BADP, Rs. 500 crore under CRF, Rs. 35.50 crore under NEGAP, Rs. 4.92 crore under Article 275 (1), Rs. 5.46 crore under TSP, Rs. 6.61 crore under NPAG — in all about Rs. 5,000 crore was made. It was also pointed out at the meeting that the State’s demand under the above programmes was justified and other states had been allocated more funds. ******


Lucknow: May 24, 2008 The State Government has announced 6 per cent hike in the dearness allowance (D.A.) of the State employees, aided educational and technical education institutions and employees of the urban bodies, with effect from January 01, 2008. The decision was taken at a Cabinet meeting presided over by the U.P. Chief Minister Ms. Mayawati. Now, the revised rate of D.A. would be 47 per cent. It may be recalled that the Central Government had announced an increase of 6 per cent in the D.A. of the Central employees from January 01, 2008 for its employees. Besides, the State Cabinet has also decided to increase the D.A. of the pensioners/family pensioners to 47 per cent with effect from January 01, 2008. It may be recalled that the Union Government has sanctioned dearness relief for its pensioners/family pensioners from January 01, 2008. The Chief Minister apprised of media about the decisions of the Cabinet at a press conference held at her 5-Kalidas Marg official residence here today. She said that the State Finance Department is issuing a G.O. in this regard. *******

A warning to secular parties

The outcome sends out a warning to those secular parties who, in the interest of forming a government, go in for an electoral understanding with the BJP.For long the BJP had been trying to polarise the people along communal lines and had succeeded in weakening the secular forces in Karnataka.

The poll results also reflected the loss of credibility of the Congress and were a comment on the performance of the United Progressive Alliance government at the Centre.

The Centre’s polices, particularly in regard to price rise and the crisis in the agriculture sector, have led to resentment among the people who have rejected the Congress.

The BSP leader said that its candidates had lost because BSP could not match the money power of the BJP and this was the prime reason for the party’s rout.

The BSP votes were concentrated in slums and the BJP wooed the slum dwellers with liquor and money, he alleged.

The BSP candidate from the Tumkur city segment, Veer Dilip Kumar, polled 1,053 votes. Congress candidate from the city, Rafiq Ahmed Shaik, faced defeat by a narrow margin of 1,869 votes.

Karnataka Assembly Election 2008 was not Free and Fair election for the following reasons:

Names of over 910 voters of Ambedkar Nagar in the city were found missing in the electoral rolls.

Many names were missing in voters’ list

The facts are the results of a study conducted by Election Watch Committee
Large Number of citizens names not found in voters list
only 17% of the IT hub Bangalore  have Voters Photo Identy Cards
In several areas, voters protested deletion of their names

On large number of names reported missing in the voters’ list in almost all constituencies,

Mr. Vidyashankar said both the voters and the Election Commission were to be blamed.


Solution No. 1


Election Committee like any other Parliamentary Committee may be formed with

representatives of different castes so that all the eligible voters are included with

their photo identity cards.


In several areas, voters protested deletion of their names

Now the people of India must have the Right To Information from the

Election Commission to


know as to how many million people were elegible to vote in 2009 and 2008 Karnataka

Assembly elections. There is no official information on the exact number of people whose

names are not found in the voter’s list.



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Find the live update of Karnataka 2008 Assembly Election results. -Mining irregularities: 15 netas get notices
Filed under: General
Posted by: site admin @ 6:32 pm

Its judgment day

Karnataka Assembly Poll Outcome 2008

Below find the live update of Karnataka 2008 Assembly Election results.

Final Results

Total number of seats – 224
Results Declared – 224
Trends Available – 224
Party Name     Ahead   Won   Total    
Congress       0         80       80   (+12)
BJP            0         110      110  (+30)
JD(S)          0          28      28    (-26)
Others         0          6       6    (-16)
BJP Vote Share  34.6 %
Congess Vote Share  35.7 %
JD(S)  Vote Share  18.8 %
Other Vote Share 10.9% 

The number of independents who have won this time are

the lowest in the history of Assembly elections in the


Of the six independents, four are Congress rebels while

one is a JD-S rebel and the other a BJP rebel.

According to BJP sources, chief ministerial nominee

B S Yeddyurappa will meet Governor Rameshwar Thakur to

stake his claim to form the government only after

enlisting the support of three independents that will

be also required to survive a floor test. MANDYA: All eyes here are on P.M.Narendraswamy, the independent candidate who won the Malavalli seat. After the Congress denied him ticket, he entered the fray with the confidence of making it to the Assembly. Although the BJP tried to woo him, he preferred to fight the elections as an independent. Now that the BJP is running short of simple majority, the support of independents has become crucial for the formation of a new government in the State.

47 candidates face criminal charges 

32 with criminal charges are in the fray 
Special Correspondent 


BANGALORE: Even as the State prepares for the third phase of polling for the Assembly elections, the list of candidates includes a large number of candidates having criminal background from three major parties. A study, “Karnataka Election Watch 2008”, released by the Association of Democratic Reforms (ADR) shows that the wealth of candidates has increased multifold since the last elections in 2004. ADR spokesperson Trilochan Sastry told presspersons here on Saturday that there were 36 candidates with grievous criminal charges such as murder, attempt to murder, bribery, cheating, dacoity, forgery, rape and theft. Of them, 27 were from major political parties. The BJP tops the list of parties having candidates with criminal cases against them with 12 candidates followed by the Janata Dal (Secular) with seven and the Congress with six. Eleven other candidates have criminal records. Mr. Sastry said the ADR was careful to include only those charges that were serious in nature. One BJP candidate faced charges of murder while in the Congress, four of them faced charges of murder. The Janata Dal (Secular) has one such case. The document says 140 candidates with serious criminal charges have contested in all the three phases of elections so far. The document states that there are 22 candidates who faced grievous charges in 2004 but the nature of their offences have changed after they became MLAs or when their parties came to power. The ADR wants the authorities to investigate into the charges. Giving details about the volume of wealth accumulated by the candidates contesting in the third phase, the document says the candidates have amassed wealth of Rs. 199.02 crores since the last elections in 2004.


Reforms could ensure more voter turnout

Research could throw up answers for poor poll percentage

Poll percentage could improve if the Government makes a ‘determined attempt’ to bring in reforms

‘Involvement of Resident Welfare Associations, NGOs and other concerned citizens would help’

MYSORE: The voter turnout in the second phase of the elections held in ten districts has been put at 60 per cent, which is a drop of six per cent from the first phase of polls. What could be the reason for voter apathy? Can reforms set right the apathy and ensure people turn out in large numbers to exercise their franchise? Social activist Vasanthkumar Mysoormath, who conducted voter awareness movements in 1999, 2004 and 2008 elections (first phase), has echoed Deputy Commissioner and District Election Officer P. Manivannan’s reported view that research has to be conducted on poor poll percentage. “It is high time that such an exercise is undertaken by the Government of India. A number of election reforms are long-pending before the Centre. The Election Commission itself has forwarded some suggestions that are pending since many years now,” said Mr. Mysoormath, who was the presiding officer in more than 10 elections. Mr. Mysoormath, who retired from the Indian Audit and Accounts Department, maintained that the poll percentage can be substantially improved if the Government makes a “determined attempt” to bring in reforms as recommended by the Election Commission and experts over the years. He, too, had made certain suggestions for improving the poll percentage.Missing names Many eligible voters have been denied their right to vote because their names were missing,although they held Elector’s Photo Identity Cards (EPIC). “Why should they keep running around in circles to obtain updated EPICs every time there is an election, only to be turned down because the revised rolls do not contain their names,” he asked. The money and energy spent for enumeration and preparation of electoral rolls with the help of teachers and government officials has time and again failed to produce the required results. This needs to be answered because public money is being splurged to prepare incorrect rolls and to deny the citizens their right to vote, he said. Involvement It is also time for the citizens to behave in a responsible manner and involve themselves at the grassroots level to help the EC set right the perennial problem, he said. The three-tier system applicable to rural areas viz., zilla, taluk and gram panchayats, is absent in urban areas. To fill this gap, involvement of Resident Welfare Associations/NGOs and other concerned citizens would help. Better network “Street committees with volunteers from the residents in a street are the need of the hour. They, in turn, can coordinate with ward committees for enumeration and compilation of near-perfect electoral rolls and also for assessing the works and projects that need attention and for projecting their demands and grievances with the concerned service providers,” Mr. Mysoormath suggested.Sensitising youth. The youth of the country has exhibited rank apathy due to their feeling that “politics is a dirty business”. Many have expressed disgust over the behaviour of politicians in Parliament/Assemblies. ‘Not bothered’ “The youth have not bothered even to register themselves as voters because of the cumbersome procedure and running around to get an EPIC which nevertheless becomes useless by the next election. This attitude needs to be changed,” he said. Political will What the country needs is political will to bring necessary legislation through amendment to those rule books that govern elections. “Countries like Turkey and Australia have compulsory voting and the turnout is about 90-plus per cent. What made those countries prescribe such a rule and how it is implemented may be studied and adopted in our country also,” he said. Incentives Can incentives attract voters? Some incentive is bound to attract at least a percentage of people to stop being apathetic and cynical and proceed to vote. “A system may be prescribed: those who vote may be given a certificate by the EC for claiming say one or two per cent reduction in their electricity bills or water bills or property tax for a certain period after an election. If the percentage of voting can be increased by spending a few crores, then it will be well worth trying,” said Mr. Mysoormath. EC has failed to check flow of money Election Commission has failed to check distribution of money and other articles among voters.  Mine lords, members of land mafia and anti-social elements were controlling the elections, which a dangerous development in democracy. Major political parties had no moral right to go before the electorate as they had forgotten the basic principles of politics.four polling booths in Bellary alleged rigging during the second phase of Karnataka assembly elections. Tribal organisations, demand, disqualification, of candidatesAdivasi Swayattategagi Rastriya Rangha (ASRR)and Nagarahole Tribal Rights Samithi have urged the Election Commission to disqualify three candidates contesting from H D Kote(Reserve) Assembly Constituency for allegedly producing false caste certificates. According to a press note issued by Samithi Convenor P K Ramu, the candidates Mr Chikkanna (Congress), Mr Chikkaveera Nayaka (BJP)and (Mr Doddanayaka (JD-S) had contested the Assembly elections from this reserved constituency for tribals and urged the Commission to disqualify and file criminal cases against them. Earlier, based on a complaint filed by the public, Deputy Commissioner and District Election Officer P Manivannan had suspended H D Kote Tahasildar T Vijya and ordered a departmental inquiry against her for issuing S T certificate to BJP candidate Chikkaveera Naika. They alleged that all three candidates had tampered with the school documents and produced the false caste certificates during the time of the election process and contested from H D Kote. The Assistant Commissioner of Hunsur Sub Division M R Ravi had submitted a report to the district election officer alleging tampering with the records by the three candidates to claim the Scheduled Tribe status to contest the election. In his report, Mr Ravi stated the Tahsildar of H D Kote had issued controversial caste certificates without verifying the original documents and failed to follow the procedures before issuing them. Meanwhile, Deputy Commissioner and District Election Officer P Manivannan said the report had been sent to the Election Commission for further action. In Reserved Constituencies, the Major Opposition Parties have encouraged False Caste

Certificate holders as candidates.May be to keep them under their control for not asking for
any provisions of reservation.

In CV Raman Nagar Constitutncy similar action was not taken when objection was raised  

during scrutiny, they were not rejected but accepted since the Tahsildars had issued them
certificates and EC said that they were helpless and only the Courts can help them.


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B Media 4 Sarvajan Hithaya Sarvajan Sukhaya-Triple Gem Study Circle-Analysis-Voters will give a chance to BSP-Most of the Casteist Political Leaders and Cadres !Are for the happiness & welfare of Rich Invaders !Hence will be the ultimate Loosers !BSP Leaders and Cadres !Are for Original Inhabitants of Jambudvipa that is the Great Prabuddha Bharath & the poor Sarv Samaj Happiness & Welfares !Hence voters will give them a chance for their success !-BJP, JD(S) accused of distributing money, liquor-Action against top officials sought for hooch deaths-
Filed under: General
Posted by: site admin @ 12:21 am

Overall polling percentage in State put at 64.72

Special Correspondent

64.23 per cent polling recorded in third phase

BANGALORE: The State has recorded 64.72 per cent of polling in elections to the 13th Legislative Assembly held in three phases on May 10, 16 and 22.

The percentage of polling in 2004 Assembly elections was 64.9.

In sharp contrast to the comparatively low turnout of voters in Bangalore during the first phase of the Assembly elections, polling in the third phase for the 69 constituencies in the eight districts of northern parts of the State was a respectable 64.23 per cent.

The polling in the first phase was 66 per cent and in the second phase was 67.75 per cent.

District-wise figures

The percentage of polling district-wise in the final phase is: Bagalkot (67.47), Belgaum (70.88), Bidar (57.77), Bijapur (60), Dharwad (64.86), Gadag (65.80), Gulbarga (52.22) and Haveri (71.33).

The Election Commission has ordered repolling in four booths in Gulbarga district following failure of electronic voting machines. The repolling will be held on Saturday.

Repolling will be held at booth No. 170 in Surpur constituency, booth No. 30 at Shahapur constituency, booth No. 68 at Yadgir constituency and booth No. 98 at Chittapur constituency, all in the Gulbarga district, according to officials at the Chief Electoral Office here.

Results to be out by 3 p.m.

Special Correspondent

Information Department sets up media centre at Vartha Bhavan

Resource centre comprising 15 officers and staff set up

— Photo: Sampath Kumar G.P.

For the big day: (From right) Principal Secretary, Information Department, I.M. Vittalamurthy; Chief Electoral Officer M.N. Vidyashankar, and Commissioner, Information Department, K.V. Ravindranath Tagore checking the facilities at the media centre in Bangalore on Friday.

BANGALORE: The Information Department, in collaboration with the Office of the Chief Electoral Officer here, has made all arrangements for providing information on the results of the elections to the Legislative Assembly to the media at the Vartha Bhavan on Mahaveer Bhagwan Road in the city, on Sunday.

Addressing presspersons here on Friday, Information Department Principal Secretary I.M. Vittalamurthy said separate media centres with have been set up for print, electronic media and news agencies. A press kit with an election compendium, background information of 2004 elections and CD with photographs of all candidates and other information would be made available, he said.

National Informatics Centre would provide exclusive information from each and every counting centre, results, party positions, trends and they would be displayed on a separate screen (Plasma TV) at the media centre both on the ground floor and the first floor. Arrangements have been made to get information from all districts, he said.

A resource centre has been set up on the ground floor which equipped with 15 officers and staff with the facilities such as 15 telephone lines and five fax lines, the Principal Secretary said.

Chief Electoral Officer M.N. Vidyashankar said results of all 224 Assembly constituencies would be declared at 3 p.m. on Sunday. Information at the State, district level and constituency levels would be provided to the media, he said.


Hi-tech vote counting in Karnataka

Special Correspondent

BANGALORE: The counting of votes will go hi-tech this time in Karnataka as the State is set to use a web-based technology to aid the process of counting. The new technology will enable computerised counting, computing and also transmission of the data to the Election Commission from the counting centres.

Addressing a press conference here Friday, Bangalore Urban district Deputy Commissioner M.A. Sadiq, who is also Returning Officer for the district, said the software was also being used in the district which comprises seven Assembly constituencies. The software titled “Genesys,” supported by the National Informatics Centre, is to facilitate online counting.

BJP, JD(S) accused of distributing money, liquor

Action against top officials sought for hooch deaths

He alleged that the Bharatiya Janata Party and the Janata Dal (Secular) had distributed money and liquor to voters during the elections, without any qualms.

Reiterating the criticism against the Election Commission for not heeding the Congress demand for holding elections after preparing the electoral rolls, Mr. Kharge said that 20 per cent of the voters, mostly labour class and farmers, were deprived of their rights.

Citing the case of polling booth no. 98 near Wadi Station in his Chitapur constituency, he said that names of some 143 voters had been removed a few months ago by the Commission.

But, they returned with their ID cards and were allowed to vote. An election observer, who saw this, had reportedly ordered a repoll in the booth, he said.

He said that the commission should not repeat this mistake in the elections which would be held in future.

Many voters were illiterate and should not be deprived of their right to vote.

The KPCC president alleged in many booths the polling officers had disallowed a large number of people from casting their votes, even after producing one of the 20 documents to prove their identity.

Hooch tragedy

On the hooch tragedy, the Congress leader demanded action against top officials and not a few juniors such as sub-inspectors, responsible for the death of people.

On the basis of important recommendations of various inquiry commissions and committees on the liquor tragedies in the State, a stringent law should be enacted to avoid recurrence of such incidents, Mr.Kharge added.

If 20 per cent of the voters, mostly labour class and farmers, were deprived of their rights to vote then the Election Commission should be scraped and an Election Committee akin various Parliamentary Committees consisting of representatives from all the Political parties should be in its place and should ensure that all eligible peoples names are included in the voters list before any other future elections. Till such time no elections must be held.

People must have the Right To Information from such a Committee to know all the information for Transparency

While the Election Commission boasts of Hi-Tech this time in Karnataka as the State is set to use a web-based technology to aid the process of counting. The new technology that enable computerised counting, computing and also transmission of the data to the Election Commission from the counting centres. Was it difficult to ensure that all the eligible people’s names included in the voter’s list with photo identity ?

Split verdict will delay formation of government

By all accounts, government formation is not expected to be an easy exercise unless one of the three main political parties in the fray secures a simple majority in the least. While the Bharatiya Janata Party is the only party which has been categorically stating that it will win a comfortable majority, the Congress and the Janata Dal (Secular) have refrained from such announcements for obvious reasons.

Election Commission was not heeding to the demand for holding elections after preparing the electoral rolls, stating that the new Government has to be formed on 28-05-2008 as per the Constitution of India. Such an action might only help Communal Party which claims of majaority. The secular forces must see that a proper Election Committee in line with any other Parliamentary Committee representing all political parties is formed for future free and fair elections after including all elegible people in voter’s list with photo identity cards.


‘EC strictures led to more spending’

Special Correspondent

Candidates could not reach voters through cheaper modes of publicity

Delimitation compounded the woes of candidates

Bangalore: The Karnataka Pradesh Congress Committee on Friday opined that the restrictions imposed by the Election Commission of India forced the candidates to spend more, as they were unable to reach their voters through the cheaper modes of publicity such as mikes fitted on autorickshaws in the countryside.

Addressing presspersons, KPCC election spokespersons B.L. Shankar, V.R. Sudarshan and K.H. Srinivasa said that the District Returning Officers took different views in their jurisdictions in imposing restrictions on using autorickshaws and mikes in public meetings. It happened in Chikmagalur district, Mr. Shankar said.

The problem of the candidates, mostly new ones, was compounded this time because of the delimitation of the constituencies and most of them did not know their voters. The holding of elections should not be too technical as it would take of the flavour from it, they said.

The Election Commission, Mr. Shankar said, should experiment with more debates by the media in future. Mr. Srinivasa and Mr. Sudarshan said that it was strange that mikes were allowed to be used during Ganeshotsavas and hoardings by film industry and the birthday of personalities, and political parties were barred from using it. Are the political parties and politicians criminals to be ostracised like this? they asked. A serious exercise such as elections should not be left to the whims and fancies of the officials, they said.

On the election prospects, Mr. Shankar said  admitting that the Congress faced a serious challenge by its own workers, and that 12persons joined the Bahujan Samaj Party.

Rajkot Municipal Building burns Saurashtra

Almost all political parties are up for creating mess out of this issue, Bahujan Samaj Party is arranging a Dharna, Rebal BJP is carrying out a signature campaign, Congress is simply doing protests, even less known NCP is up for a fight.

This controversy erupted when new building of Rajkot Municipal Corporation (RMS) constructed inside central zone of Ambedkar Bhawan was resolved to be named as the Chiman Shukla Building.

This turmoil reached to Jamnagar and all over Saurashtra, In Jamnagar these parties protested against District Collectorate at Lal Bunglow, In Kalavad situation got worse and Police was called in for help, similar incidents are felt all over Saurashtra

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Triple Gem Study Circle-Analysis-Voters will give a chance to BSP-Most of the Political Leaders and Cadres !Are for the happiness & welfare of Rich Invaders !Hence will be the ultimate Loosers !BSP Leaders and Cadres !Are for Original Inhabitants of Jambudvipa that is the Great Prabuddha Bharath & the poor Sarv Samaj Happiness & Welfares !Hence voters will give them a chance for their success !-Over 61 per cent cast vote in third phase of Karnataka polls -BSP seeks arrest of excise official -Governor should quit-Media Apathy-Exit polls give different pictures -Hooch tragedy brings into focus ‘ban’ politics
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Posted by: site admin @ 8:04 pm

138 Buddha’s Most Powerful Positive Own Words 

Over 61 per cent cast vote in third phase of Karnataka polls

Special Correspondent

Major parties field candidates in all seats

Third phase to decide fate of 699 aspirants

Bangalore: Polling in 69 of the 224 Assembly constituencies in Karnataka was by and large peaceful.

With the conclusion of polling, the Chief Electoral Officer, M.N. Vidyashankar, announced the schedule for counting of votes. The election results for all the constituencies are expected to be announced latest by 3 p.m. on Sunday while the preliminary results will be made available by 11 a.m. The counting of votes will commence at 8 a.m. under the overall supervision of a Union Government official for every constituency.

The third phase recorded average polling of 61.3 per cent in the eight districts. Nearly 25 per cent of the people cast their vote in the first three hours. The polling percentage of the first two phases was higher with the first phase recording 66 per cent and the second phase 67.5 per cent compared to the total of 65 per cent recorded in the two-phase 2004 elections. Bagalkot and Dharwad districts recorded 65 per cent turnout each followed by Haveri and Gadag districts with 63 per cent each, Belgaum with 62 per cent, Gulbarga with 60 per cent and Bijapur and Bidar with 57 per cent each.

The political future of 415 candidates from 20 political parties and 284 independents will be decided in the third phase in which more than 1.18 crore voters were eligible to exercise their franchise. The BSP — had fielded candidates in all the constituencies.

The BSP had done extremely well in the predominantly Sarv Samaj belt in 2008 at the cost of the Congress, BJP and JDS. There are 12 former Ministers in the fray.

BSP seeks arrest of excise official

Special Correspondent

BANGALORE: The Bahujan Samaj Party (BSP) on Wednesday urged the State Government to register a criminal case against the Excise Commissioner and arrest him by holding him responsible for the hooch tragedy that claimed several lives in the State.

BSP State unit president Marasandra Muniyappa told presspersons here that besides the Excise Commissioner, other officials of the department responsible for the tragedy should be prosecuted.

‘Governor should quit’

The Government should initiate action against the deputy commissioners and superintendents of police of those districts from where the illicit arrack had originated, he said.

As the State was under President’s rule, Governor Rameshwar Thakur should own moral responsibility for the tragedy and step down from his post.

Mr. Thakur should emulate Lal Bahadur Shastri who resigned as Railway Minister owning moral responsibility for a minor train accident, he said.

Mr. Muniyappa and the BSP national general secretary Veer Singh demanded a CBI probe into the incident and urged the State Government to pay a compensation of Rs. 5 lakh each to the families of the victims and a government job to the victim’s kin.

A BSP delegation led by Mr. Veer Singh would visit the families of the victims in Devarajeevanhalli in the city on Thursday, Mr. Muniyappa said.

On elections

Mr. Singh said major political parties in the State freely distributed huge quantities of liquor, saris and other articles along with cash to woo the voters.

Despite initiating strict measures, the Election Commission had failed to stop the political parties from enticing voters by distributing liquor and money. The Union Government should order a CBI probe into the electoral malpractice, he said.

Mr. Singh, a Rajya Sabha member from Uttar Pradesh, told The Hindu that the BSP’s vote share would be over 10 per cent.

State polls: Final round today

As many as 1.17 crore voters are expected to decide the fate of 699 candidates who are contesting from 69 Assembly constituencies going to the polls on Thursday in the third and final phase of elections in the State.

All arrangements are in place to ensure peaceful polling in eight districts of Hyderabad-Karnatak and Bombay-Karnatak regions: Dharwad, Gadag, Haveri, Belgaum, Bijapur, Bagalkot, Bidar and Gulbarga.

Bijapur dt wired

For the first time, all polling booths in Bijapur district have been equipped with CCTV cameras to help the administration monitor the proceedings from the district headquarters.

 Raymond Peter has been appointed special observer for both Gadag and Dharwad districts. The Dharwad district administration has kept a tight vigil on Kalghatagi constituency where mining  businessman is in the fray as the Congress candidate.

Removal sought
In Bangalore, complaint with State Chief Electoral Officer was filed seeking the removal of Gurmatkal DySP charging that the police officer was misusing his office to favour Congress in the polls.

Media Apathy

Pre poll and exit poll surveys conducted by media  publishes surveys based on their information and perception. In the first survey it was stated that Congress was ahead and following this BJP leader Yedyurappa had demanded ban on surveys. But in the second phase when it came out that BJP was in the lead the party leaders have kept a mum. “BJP applies double standards with regard to media pre poll and exit poll surveys’’ .

Exit polls give different pictures

New Delhi: As the polling concluded for the Karnataka Assembly elections on Thursday, two exit polls presented different scenarios: CNN-IBN projected a hung Assembly, with the Congress as the largest party, and NDTV envisaged the possibilities of a fractured mandate as also of the BJP securing a majority on its own.

The Congress would emerge as the single largest party with 86 to 95 seats in the 224-member House followed by the BJP with 79 to 90 seats and the JD(S) getting 45 — all far away from the half-way mark of 112 — said a CNN-IBN exit poll. It said 14 seats would go to “others” at the end of the final round of polling.

The exit poll carried out by CNN-IBN, the Centre for the Study of Developing Societies (CSDS) and Deccan Herald had a sample size of 4,348 voters spread across 92 locations.

The NDTV exit poll gave the BJP 95 to 115 seats (three more than the half-way mark) seats, the Congress 55-75, the JD(S) 45-55 and others 10 to 15. It projected the BJP as emerging on the top in the third and final phase of polling, in which votes were cast for 69 seats, with 30-40 seats, followed by the Congress 20-30 and the JD (S) 10-12. — PTI


Media in general and News papers in particular in India !

Are nothing but views papers and the Media have their own Idea !

They work on Packages In support of Moneyed, Muscle power,Invaders and Mafia !

Depending upon the amount they receive on their packages they keep changing their Idea !

To-day in India !

They are worst than Moneyed, Muscle Power, Invaders and the Mafia !

Congress flays Yeddyurappa

Special Correspondent

BANGALORE: The Congress has criticised the statements made by former Chief Minister,B.S. Yeddyurappa accusing it and the Janata Dal (Secular) of hatching a conspiracy for revocation of the arrack ban in Karnataka.

Addressing presspersons here on Thursday, Congress spokesman K.H. Srinivasa said Mr. Yeddyurappa had made a “frivolous and mischievous” statement. Demanding an apology from Mr. Yeddyurappa, the Congress spokesman stated that the former had crossed all limits of “arrogance” and displayed political immaturity. Pointing out to Mr. Yeddyurappa’s term as Deputy Chief Minister and Chief Minister, Mr. Srinivasa said the BJP leader did not think of the consequences of an arrack ban.

Hooch tragedy brings into focus ‘ban’ politics

Bageshree S.

Absence of mechanism to prevent illicit liquor manufacture is glaring


Habitual drinkers driven to hooch because of pricey IML

Bangalore: The hooch tragedy that has claimed 125 lives in Karnataka, so far, has set off a blame game among political parties with a focus on the arrack ban implemented by the H.D. Kumaraswamy Government with effect from July 1 last year.

The former Chief Minister B.S. Yeddyurappa, who held the excise portfolio, announced the ban in the 2007-08 budget. In a reaction to the hooch tragedy, he has called it a “conspiracy hatched jointly by the Congress and the Janata Dal (Secular)” to build a case for revoking the ban.

When the arrack ban was thought of, there were apprehensions on two counts. One was that it would lead to a sharp decline in the State revenue that came from arrack sales, which accounted for about 50 per cent of the excise revenue. The second fear was that it would give a fillip to illicit liquor manufacture, considering the higher cost of Indian Made Liquor (IML). After all, the cheapest IML is priced between Rs. 33 and Rs. 38 a bottle as against Rs. 12 per 100 ml for arrack.

The Government, however, went ahead with the ban, saying that it will “lead to better health of our people, but will result in loss of revenue.”

In his budget speech, Mr. Yeddyurappa said that the ban was  He  promised that the Government would take “stern action” to combat the menace of illicit arrack after the ban was implemented.

According to the Excise Department, the spurt in IML sales compensated for at least a significant portion of the revenue loss. The sale of IML in the five divisions of the State stood at 16,22,066 cartons in June, the month prior to the ban, while it doubled to 32,21,045 in December. By March 2008, the sales went up by another 10 lakh cartons. The sales doubled in all divisions, with Bangalore (which includes Bangalore Urban, Bangalore Rural, Chitradurga, Davangere, Kolar and Tumkur) accounting for the highest sales.

Medium-term fiscal plan for Karnataka (2008-12) says that “due to increased consumption of IML, the revenue gap has been substantially covered and the revised estimates for the financial year 2008-09 for collections from State Excise are expected to be higher than the budget estimates by about Rs. 1,300 crore.”

What did not get any attention was, however, the question of illicit liquor. There was no special mechanism put in place to prevent possible spurt in illicit brewing nor regulations worked out to scientifically regulate liquor manufacture and sales.

“There was a promise that an excise inspector would be posted in every taluk especially to control illicit brewing. But this never happened,” said M.S. Jayalakshmi of Grameena Mahila Okkuta based in Kolar, a district that has seen many deaths.

On the other hand, habitual drinkers from the poorest sections were driven to illicitly-brewed liquor given the higher price of IML, especially the increase from Rs. 27 to Rs. 33 and from Rs. 32 to Rs. 38 from April 1.

Yellappa, a migrant construction worker here hailing from Yadgir in Gulbarga district, told The Hindu that the Government “does not stop people from drinking in bars but asks poor people not to drink.” This underlines the moral contradiction embedded in the arrack ban.

As a result, the policy, ostensibly meant to help the poor, resulted in draining their meagre income by pushing them to IML or put their health at risk by driving them to illicit liquor.


Hung House forecast

By Sandeep Shastri, Sanjay Kumar and Yogendra Yadav

The Congress is expected to secure around 35 per cent votes, the same as last time. The BJP contesting on its own is likely to secure the same vote share of 30 per cent which it secured in alliance with the JD(U) last time.

Karnataka seems to be headed for yet another fractured mandate.

At the end of four years full of political action and drama, the electorate appears to have given a rather undramatic verdict: if we go by the Deccan Herald CNN-IBN-—CSDS poll, all the three major parties appear to be exactly where they were in 2004 in terms of their vote share. 

The Congress is expected to secure around 35 per cent votes, the same as last time. The BJP contesting on its own is likely to secure the same vote share of 30 per cent which it secured in alliance with the JD(U) last time.

Despite many prophecies of doom, the JD(S) appears to have retained its share of 21 per cent votes. Other players like the JD(U), the BSP and the SP do not appear to have made a dent, even allowing for the fact that surveys tend to under-estimate smaller parties.

This is not to say that nothing has changed in the popular preferences. The public mood has undergone many ups and downs. The regional and caste-community equations have undergone a lot of churning. Popular evaluation of issues and personalities has undergone a serious change. Yet the net effect of all these changes tends to cancel each other and leaves all the key players at the same level in terms of popular support. 

The last few weeks have seen some major shifts. On the whole, the Congress appears to have lost the substantial lead that it enjoyed at the starting point of the electoral race.

The Deccan Herald CNN-IBN-—CSDS pre-poll survey, which was done before the candidates were announced and the campaign began, had shown that the Congress enjoyed an 11-point lead over the BJP in its share of popular votes. But the post-poll survey for the first two phases and the exit poll for the last phase show that the nomination of candidates and party campaign seems to have changed the picture.

In the first two phases the momentum had swung in favour of the BJP, but the party did not manage to keep its surge in the third phase of elections that took place on Thursday. Compared to where it stood at the beginning of the race, the Congress lost 4 percentage points, 2 to the BJP and one each to JD(S) and others.

The Deccan Herald CNN-IBN-—CSDS survey indicates that while the BJP has gained all over the state in the last one month, its gains are differential and could lead to very different scenarios in different parts of the state. 
B’lore with Cong?

In the Bangalore region, comprising Bangalore urban and rural, the advantage still rests with the Congress despite impressive gains for the BJP. The JD(S) is likely to finish a distant third in this region, with some influence in the rural periphery around Bangalore.

There is good news for the JD(S) from its heartland South Karnataka, which voted in the first phase. As reported in our pre-poll survey, the JD(S) appears set to defy forecasters of doom to retain its ground in this region. The Congress and the JD(S) appear to be locked in a dead-heat in this region. The BJP has registered small gains over the last election, but not enough to bring it close to the top two. 

Polls: 61.3 pc turnout in final phase

Bangalore, DHNS:

The curtain falls on to the three-week long election process in the State with the third and final phase of assembly polls held on Thursday recording 61.3 per cent polling, which is slightly lower compared to the voters turnout in the previous two phases.

The third phase held in 66 constituencies spread over nine districts of Hyderabad-Karnataka and Mumbai-Karnataka region, can make or break the quest for power for both the Congress and the BJP.

State Chief Electoral Officer M N Vidyashankar told reporters in Bangalore on Thursday that Bagalkot and Dharwad districts recorded the highest polling percentage — 65 pc each, while Bidar district, the lowest at 57 pc. In Belgaum, which has a total of 18 assembly constituencies, as many as 62 per cent of the electorate exercised their franchise. The final voting percentage will slightly increase when the complete data is compiled on Friday.

The first phase of the polling held on May 10 in 89 constituencies spread over 11 districts witnessed 66.3 per cent turn out, while 68 per cent polling was recorded in the 66 constituencies in 10 districts that went to polls in the second phase on May 16.

The commission is in the process of receiving form 17A (which records the proceedings in the station) from the presiding officers of all 12,000 polling stations and only after scrutiny of the same, repolling, if any, would be decided, Vidyashankar said.

Thursday’s poll witnessed the village of Attikete in Ron Assembly constituency in Gadag district boycotting polls. Not   even a single vote was cast at the Attikete polling station as villagers stood by their demand that a separate gram panchayat be constituted for them. The polling station had 832 votes.

Vidyashankar said the DC and Zilla Panchayat CEO visited the spot to convince villagers but in vain.

Mixed methodology of post-poll and exit poll

Findings reported here are based on a survey conducted in 75 out of the 224 assembly constituencies in Karnataka using a mixed methodology of post-poll and exit poll.

The post-poll survey of 4,104 respondents was conducted in the constituencies, which went to poll in the first and the second phase, while the exit poll of 4,348 respondents was conducted in those sampled constituencies where elections were held during the last phase.

All the 75 assembly constituencies were randomly selected using the Probability Proportionate to Size (PPS) method.

In each of the selected assembly constituencies, four polling booths were randomly selected using systematic random sampling method.

We preferred conducting post-poll survey in constituencies, which went to poll in the first two rounds of the election, because it enables strict randomisation of respondents, which is not possible in an exit poll situation.

During the post-poll survey, at each location, 30 respondents randomly selected from the updated electoral roll using the systematic random sampling technique were approached for interview. Post-poll survey also enabled strict comparisons since these respondents were also interviewed during the pre-poll survey conducted last month.

Structured interview

All the respondents were interviewed at their home using a structured interview schedule. The respondents were interviewed face-to-face in the language they spoke at home. To facilitate this, the interviewed schedule was translated in three languages, Kannada, Hindi and English.

While majority of the respondents were interviewed in Kannada, there were a few respondents especially in Bangalore who were interviewed using interview schedule in Hindi or English language.

In constituencies, which went to polls in the third phase, we conducted the exit poll at 92 polling booths.

A total of 150 field investigators, mostly students from different universities, carried out the hard work of data collection. All the field investigators were given training in survey research and data collection at workshops held in different regions of the state. A total of five workshops were held to train these field investigators.

We preferred conducting post-poll survey in constituencies, which went to poll in the first two rounds of the election, because it enables strict randomisation of respondents, which is not possible in an exit poll situation.

During the post-poll survey, at each location, 30 respondents randomly selected from the updated electoral roll using the systematic random sampling technique were approached for interview. Post-poll survey also enabled strict comparisons since these respondents were also interviewed during the pre-poll survey conducted last month.





Presiding Officer Gopal Katage and Sectoral Officer P Bharule posted at polling booth number 70 of Thimmapur in Surapur (ST) constituency have been suspended for their failure to conduct the mock polling exercise before the start of the actual polling.

Due to this out of the 70 votes polled the electronic voting machine could record only four and the remaining were not recorded following delinking of the ballot unit and control unit.

The official sources said the discrepancy was noted by the observer and steps were taken to restore normalcy. The two suspended officers were replaced by the stand by trained staff. The matter has been reported to the election commission and the possibility of a repoll is not ruled out.

There have been complaints of malfunctioning of electronic voting machines from about 12 polling booths in the district. As a result of which the poll process was affected for 30 to 60 minutes. The reports of EVMs not functioning have come from Surapur, Shahapur and Aland constituencies. The machines were set right by the technicians





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124 to 137 Buddha’s Powerful Positive Own Words 𝓛𝓔𝓢𝓢𝓞𝓝 4431 to 4444 Thu 25 May 2022
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124 to 137 Buddha’s Powerful Positive Own Words
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व अन्य बीजेपी शासित राज्यों में भी, कांग्रेस की ही तरह, जिस प्रकार से
टारगेट करके गरीबों, दलितों, अदिवासियों एवं मुस्लिमों को जुल्म-ज्यादती व
भय आदि का शिकार बनाकर उन्हें परेशान किया जा रहा है यह अति-दुःखद, जबकि
दूसरों के मामलों में इनकी कृपादृष्टि जारी है।
क्रम में यूपी सरकार द्वारा अपने विरोधियों पर लगातार द्वेषपूर्ण व आतंकित
कार्यवाही तथा वरिष्ठ विधायक मोहम्म्द आज़म खान को करीब सवा दो वर्षों से
जेल में बन्द रखने का मामला काफी चर्चाओं में है, जो लोगों की नज़र में
न्याय का गला घोंटना नहीं तो और क्या है?
ही, देश के कई राज्यों में जिस प्रकार से दुर्भावना व द्वेषपूर्ण रवैया
अपनाकर प्रवासियों व मेहनतकश समाज के लोगों को अतिक्रमण के नाम पर भय व
आतंक का शिकार बनाकर, उनकी रोजी-रोटी छीनी जा रही है, वह अनेकों सवाल खड़े
करता है जो अति-चिन्तनीय भी है।
UP and other BJP ruled states too, like the Congress, the way the poor,
Dalits, tribals and Muslims are being harassed by making them victims
of atrocities and fear etc., it is very sad, while others are being
harassed. His grace in matters continues.
this sequence, the matter of continuous hateful and terroristic action
by the UP government on its opponents and keeping senior MLA Mohammad
Azam Khan in jail for about two and a half years is in the news, which
if not strangling justice in the eyes of the people, what else? Is?
the same time, the manner in which the migrants and working people of
the society are being taken away by making them a victim of fear and
terror in the name of encroachment, by adopting a malicious and
malicious attitude in many states of the country, it raises many
questions. Very thoughtful too.

May be an image of 1 person



Pro-BJP businessmen cause for inflation

 Pro-BJP businessmen in rise in the price of essential commodities.


Business people were responsible for creating artificial shortage which increased the price of commodities.

That was due to pro-BJP businessmen

SP denies Smritis charge

Belgaum Superintendent of Police Hemant Nimbalkar has denied that TV star and BJP leader Smriti Irani was manhandled by police on Tuesday.

Reacting to media reports, he said on Wednesday that the charge was false and baseless.

Reports said that the BJP leader was insulted and touched by some policemen while she was on her way to Goa in a vehicle from Belgaum after attending the party programme on Tuesday. “In the pretext of searching me, some policemen stopped my car near Belgaum and touched me,'’ the actor had claimed.

  The SP said the police had not received any complaint by either Ms Smriti or her BJP workers. She has levelled unfair allegations against the police, he said. On Tuesday evening, a vehicle was intercepted near Angol for search by police. Many BJP workers were present on the occasion. “I don’t know whether Ms Smriti was also in it. Apart from this search, nowhere the BJP leaders’ vehicles were stopped during that evening,'’ he stated.

BSP may keep off UPA report card function

NEW DELHI: Prime Minister Manmohan Singh will release on Thursday a yearly “Report to the People” on the government’s achievements.

There are reports that Bahujan Samaj Party MPs will not attend the function to be held to mark four years of the Congress-led United Progressive Alliance rule.

The BSP’s move coincides with the announcement by MPs of its rival, Samajwadi Party, that they would attend the event, indicating the change in equations in the run-up to next year’s Lok Sabha elections.

Congress spokesman said, while confirming the reports that the BSP was likely to stay away.

This was expected after the recent war of words between the Congress and the BSP in Uttar Pradesh, say observers.

Deprived of a right and De-Franchised

— Photo: K. Murali Kumar

left out: Voters whose names were missing from the voters’ list, which prevented them from exercising their franchise, showing their identity cards during the repoll

at one of the booths in Bangalore on Monday.


The Election Commission is responsible for De-franchising large number people who were deprived of their right to vote as their names were missing from voter’s list.

Many of them those who had their photo identity cards also did not find their names in the voter’s list.

There was haste in conducting elections by the Election Commission without ensuring that all the eligible people in Karnataka were included in the voters list.

However Election Commission has to postpone the date for formation of the New Government and not on 28 th May 2008 as required by the Constitution.

With thousands of people not finding their names in the voters list, People must have the Right To Information on the exact percentage of names missing in the voter’s list.

Those who tried to include their names before 29-04-2008 had their acnowledgements. Yet their names were not found in the voters list.

Thousands of people stood in scroching sun to get photo identity cards before the elections. But they could not get because of lack of proper infrastructure such as enough numbers of computers and staff who could either include peoples name in the voters list or provide them photo identity cards.

People must also have the Right To Information on the type of chip used in the Electronic Voting Machine with the source code for transparency.

In Reserved Constituencies, the Major Opposition Parties have encouraged False Caste Certificate holders as candidates.

When objected during scrutiny they were not rejected but accepted since the Tahsildars had issued them certificates and EC said that they were helpless and only the Courts can help them.

The Election Commission must have a mechanism to ensure that genuine SC/STs only contested elections in Reserved Constituencies.

 Since the Chief Election Commissioner N Gopalaswamy on Thursday fixed the responsibility for preparation of error-free voters list, ahead of the election to Karnataka Assembly, on political parties, it is high time that the present Election Commission be scraped and an Election Committee representing all the Political Parties like various Parliamentary Committees be formed forthwith. And work out to see tha all the eligible people of India are included in the voter’s list. This must be made mandatory.

And no elections has to be conducted until all the peoples’ names are included in the voter’s list.

Till then the present election has to be scraped

for a Real Free and fair Election.

Election Commission India

Elections India : Article 324 of the constitution establishes an independent Election Commission to supervise parliamentary and state elections in India. Supervising elections in the world’s largest democracy is by any standard an immense undertaking. Some 521 million people were eligible to vote in 1991.

Now the people of India must have the Right To Information from the Election Commission know as to how many million people were elegible to vote in 2009 and 2008 Karnataka Assembly elections. There is no official information on the exact number of people whose names are not found in the voter’s list.

We the people - these are the most important words in our constitution. Everything depends on us- the voters,who have an opportunity and the right to choose our representatives, demand accountability and determine the direction of growth and governance of the country. Several problems have surfaced in the gigantic task of conducting elections in India and to ensure that elections are free and fair. With each passing election, the educated citizens of our country seem to have grown ignorant and apathetic about the electoral process and elections. The result has been a steady deterioration in the standards and practices of political parties reflected in rampant corruption and the reckless use of money and muscle power to win elections.


Active participation of citizens is an absolute prerequisite to make the electoral system more representative, fair, transparent and free from all the other ills. Eleanor Roosevelt once said: “nobody can hurt you without your consent” which in this context can be rephrased as “nobody can marginalise you without your cooperation


Chief Election Commissioner N Gopalaswamy on Thursday fixed the responsibility for preparation of error-free voters list, ahead of the election to Karnataka Assembly, on political parties. Speaking to reporters here, Mr Gopalaswamy said the political parties would be given two separate lists on February seven for deletion and additions to be made in the final list.   


‘’They will be given two weeks time for raising objections to removing and adding names of the voters for the final list to be prepared on March ten,'’ he said.  


‘’It will be the responsibility of the political parties to ensure the final list did not contain discrepancies any more as the EC has adopted a new mechanism for producing error-free list,'’ he said.

To a question on whether the elections would be postponed in case of a delay in the implementation of the report of Mr Justice Kuldeep Singh who headed Delimitation Commission, he said the EC did not work on the basis of ‘ifs and buts’ and as of now, it would conduct the elections before May 28.


‘’The Commission is concerned about the voter’s list as there are only additions and no deletions in the list.

‘’This is the reason I sent Deputy Election Commissioner R Bhattacharya, who is in charge for Karnataka, to oversee the whole exercise,'’ Mr Gopalaswamy said.


The EC would hold elections before May 28, as the state completes six months under President’s Rule on the date, he said.


In the draft list submitted by the State Election Commission (SEC) names of 3.48 lakh voters had been deleted while 9.27 lakh new voters had been added as of yesterday.


Mr Gopalaswamy and his Deputies Navin Chawla and S Y Qureshi have been here for the last two days reviewing the voters list and preparedness of the official machinery to hold elections, following the detection of large number of bogus voters in the voter’s list.


Earlier, Congress and the BJP submitted memorandum to the CEC urging him to provide error-free voters list and elections be held in the stipulated time.


He replied in the affirmative when asked whether he would take action against the officials for their ‘lapses’ in preparation of the voter’s list.

  Voters list mess in poll-bound Karnataka

Bangalore, Jan 5 - A family with 90 voters and a town with 30,000 voters in a population of 36,500! These are just some of the glitches in the voters list in poll-bound Karnataka. R. Bhattacharya, deputy election commissioner at the Election Commission of India has been in Bangalore for the last three days having talks with state election officials on steps to ensure proper voters list ahead of polls to the 224-member assembly expected in April/May.

The irregularities in the voters list pointed out by people and political parties has forced the state election commission to cancel its plans to release the final list on Jan 10.

Bhattacharya met state chief electoral officer R. Ramaseshan, Bruhat Bangalore Mahanagar Palike (Greater Bangalore City Corporation) commissioner S. Subramanya and senior officials from several districts and told them of the Election Commission’s displeasure over the way the voters lists had been prepared.

The state officials now plan to revise the lists and publish them by the end of this month. They have sought the help of voters to point out anomalies.

Karnataka Pradesh Congress Committee president Mallikharjun Kharge Friday mentioned the instance of one family in north Karnataka having 90 voters on the list and of Humnabad town in Bidar district that has 30,000 voters in a population of 36,500.

More than 7,000 in the town are school-going children, yet there are 30,000 names in the voters list.

Another Congress leader H.K. Patil said there could be around four million bogus names in the voters list. Karnataka’s population is estimated at 55 million and voting population at around 42 million.

The two other main political parties, the Bharatiya Janata Party and Janata Dal-Secular also allege there are many irregularities in the list. The three parties have urged the state and central election officials to rectify the anomalies


MCC to revise voters’ list in three Assembly segments

Special Correspondent

Door-to-door campaign to be launched along with booth committee members

Training programme to be held for booth committee members

Exercise to be launched at one booth each in

the three Assembly segments


Major decision: Mayor Ayub Khan announcing the involvement of booth committees in the revision of the voters’ list. Deputy Mayor Kamala Venkatesh is seen.

MYSORE: The Mysore City Corporation (MCC) will revise the voters’ list in the three Assembly constituencies within its jurisdiction by launching a door-to-door campaign along with members of the booth committees.

There are 607 booth committees in the city covering all the 65 wards. The initiative is expected to be more precise; it will involve people at the grassroots level unlike in the the top-down approach followed so far.

Apart from updating the voters’ list, the exercise will help rectify the anomalises and help add to the list the names of those who were left out while deleting the names of bogus voters. The initiative will complement the steps taken by the district administration before the elections.

Disclosing this, Mayor Ayub Khan said here on Saturday that during his visits to polling booths in his capacity as the first citizen of Mysore, he had received several complaints from registered voters.

“Either their names were missing or the details were faulty. Hence I have decided to accord priority to ensure that the citizens are not deprived of the right to exercise their franchise,” he said.

“I consider it my duty to ensure that the names of all eligible voters are incorporated in the revised voters’ list and hence have decided to take the step with the assistance of booth committee members”, Mr. Khan said.

It has been decided to undertake a survey according to which, the head of each booth committee, along with officials of the MCC and other members, will cover the area coming under their respective booths and ensure that the discrepancies are removed.

“The entire responsibility of revising and updating the voters’ list will be vested with the new team”, according to the Mayor. It has also been decided to conduct a one-day workshop-cum-training programme for all booth committee members so that they can familiarise themselves with the process of revising the list. “Details will be collected from every household on individuals who have been transferred, women who have left the locality after marriage and those who have expired so as to ensure that their names are deleted from the list”, Mr. Khan said.

Once the workshop-cum-training programme is completed, the voters’ list revision exercise will be taken up as a pilot project at one booth each in the three Assembly constituencies coming under the MCC limits.

The team involved in this exercise will record its findings and experience, collate the pros and cons of such an approach and table a report which will be subjected to scrutiny.

“We will thoroughly analyse the report and streamline the exercise before extending it to cover all the booths coming under the 65 wards of the MCC”, Mr. Khan said.

Cooperation sought

He called for public cooperation, and sought the assistance of non-governmental organisations so as to ensure that in the subsequent elections genuine voters will not be deprived of their right to exercise their franchise.

There are 607 booths in the three Assembly segments in Mysore Urban which has a population of nearly 7.55 lakh according to the 2001 census.

The Election Commission recently called for revision of the voters’ list in Mysore on learning that the number of voters in the city was more than 65 per cent of the total population.

Though the revision exercise was conducted over an extended period of time, there were some discrepancies which the Mayor wants to rectify by launching an exercise involving the booth committees.


Reforms could ensure more voter turnout

Research could throw up answers for poor poll percentage

Poll percentage could improve if the Government makes a ‘determined attempt’ to bring in reforms

‘Involvement of Resident Welfare Associations, NGOs and other concerned citizens would help’

MYSORE: The voter turnout in the second phase of the elections held in ten districts has been put at 60 per cent, which is a drop of six per cent from the first phase of polls. What could be the reason for voter apathy? Can reforms set right the apathy and ensure people turn out in large numbers to exercise their franchise?

Social activist Vasanthkumar Mysoormath, who conducted voter awareness movements in 1999, 2004 and 2008 elections (first phase), has echoed Deputy Commissioner and District Election Officer P. Manivannan’s reported view that research has to be conducted on poor poll percentage.

“It is high time that such an exercise is undertaken by the Government of India. A number of election reforms are long-pending before the Centre.

The Election Commission itself has forwarded some suggestions that are pending since many years now,” said Mr. Mysoormath, who was the presiding officer in more than 10 elections.

Mr. Mysoormath, who retired from the Indian Audit and Accounts Department, maintained that the poll percentage can be substantially improved if the Government makes a “determined attempt” to bring in reforms as recommended by the Election Commission and experts over the years.

He, too, had made certain suggestions for improving the poll percentage.

Missing names

Many eligible voters have been denied their right to vote because their names were missing, although they held Elector’s Photo Identity Cards (EPIC).

“Why should they keep running around in circles to obtain updated EPICs every time there is an election, only to be turned down because the revised rolls do not contain their names,” he asked.

The money and energy spent for enumeration and preparation of electoral rolls with the help of teachers and government officials has time and again failed to produce the required results.

This needs to be answered because public money is being splurged to prepare incorrect rolls and to deny the citizens their right to vote, he said.


It is also time for the citizens to behave in a responsible manner and involve themselves at the grassroots level to help the EC set right the perennial problem, he said.

The three-tier system applicable to rural areas viz., zilla, taluk and gram panchayats, is absent in urban areas. To fill this gap, involvement of Resident Welfare Associations/ NGOs and other concerned citizens would help.

Better network

“Street committees with volunteers from the residents in a street are the need of the hour.

They, in turn, can coordinate with ward committees for enumeration and compilation of near-perfect electoral rolls and also for assessing the works and projects that need attention and for projecting their demands and grievances with the concerned service providers,” Mr. Mysoormath suggested.

Sensitising youth

The youth of the country has exhibited rank apathy due to their feeling that “politics is a dirty business”.

Many have expressed disgust over the behaviour of politicians in Parliament/Assemblies.

‘Not bothered’

“The youth have not bothered even to register themselves as voters because of the cumbersome procedure and running around to get an EPIC which nevertheless becomes useless by the next election. This attitude needs to be changed,” he said.

Political will

What the country needs is political will to bring necessary legislation through amendment to those rule books that govern elections.

“Countries like Turkey and Australia have compulsory voting and the turnout is about 90-plus per cent. What made those countries prescribe such a rule and how it is implemented may be studied and adopted in our country also,” he said.


Can incentives attract voters?

Some incentive is bound to attract at least a percentage of people to stop being apathetic and cynical and proceed to vote.

“A system may be prescribed: those who vote may be given a certificate by the EC for claiming say one or two per cent reduction in their electricity bills or water bills or property tax for a certain period after an election. If the percentage of voting can be increased by spending a few crores, then it will be well worth trying,” said Mr. Mysoormath.

EC has failed to check flow of money

Election Commission has failed to check distribution of money and other articles among voters.  Mine lords, members of land mafia and anti-social elements were controlling the elections, which a dangerous development in democracy.

 Major political parties had no moral right to go before the electorate as they had forgotten the basic principles of politics.

four polling booths in Bellary alleged rigging during the second phase of Karnataka assembly elections.

Tribal organisations, demand, disqualification, of candidates

Adivasi Swayattategagi Rastriya Rangha (ASRR)

and Nagarahole Tribal Rights Samithi have urged the Election

Commission to disqualify three candidates contesting from H D Kote

(Reserve) Assembly Constituency for allegedly producing false caste


According to a press note issued by Samithi Convenor P K Ramu,

the candidates Mr Chikkanna (Congress), Mr Chikkaveera Nayaka (BJP)

and (Mr Doddanayaka (JD-S) had contested the Assembly elections from

this reserved constituency for tribals and urged the Commission to

disqualify and file criminal cases against them.

Earlier, based on a complaint filed by the public, Deputy

Commissioner and District Election Officer P Manivannan had

suspended H D Kote Tahasildar T Vijya and ordered a departmental

inquiry against her for issuing S T certificate to BJP candidate

Chikkaveera Naika.

They alleged that all three candidates had tampered with the

school documents and produced the false caste certificates during

the time of the election process and contested from H D Kote.

The Assistant Commissioner of Hunsur Sub Division M R Ravi had

submitted a report to the district election officer alleging

tampering with the records by the three candidates to claim the

Scheduled Tribe status to contest the election.

In his report, Mr Ravi stated the Tahsildar of H D Kote had

issued controversial caste certificates without verifying the

original documents and failed to follow the procedures before

issuing them.

Meanwhile, Deputy Commissioner and District Election Officer

P Manivannan said the report had been sent to the Election

Commission for further action.

In Reserved Constituencies, the Major Opposition Parties have encouraged False Caste Certificate holders as candidates.May be to keep them under their control for not asking for any provisions of reservation.


 In CV Raman Nagar Constitutncy similar action was not taken when objection was raised  during scrutiny, they were not rejected but accepted since the Tahsildars had issued them certificates and EC said that they were helpless and only the Courts can help them.


Some political parties were involved in the bomb blast at Hubli court to gain political mileage during the election.


Polling in sensitive booths of Bellary City and Rural was slow, but peaceful on the whole except for an incident in Srirampur Colony (SC (Original Inhabitants of Jambudvipa that is the Great Prabuddha Bharath) Colony), where a voter, Shivaji an asthma patient was not permitted to vote as he had produced only the xerox copy of his ID card which was not accepted by the polling officer.

An altercation ensued and the Border Security Force (BSF), who could not understand Kannada manhandled the voter and pushed him out. A group of people gathered and the situation was tense for a while. However, special observer Raymond Peter arrived on the spot. The voter and the local people mobbed his car and represented the case. The situation was brought under control.


Such a huge number of contestants has made the officials organize for two electronic voting machines in each polling booth. Each EVM can display a maximum of 16 names. Both machines will be connected to a single controlling unit, according to B P Adnoor, Commissioner, Bellary City Corporation.

Will voters be confused as they will have to look for their choice of candidates in two EVMs?

“No. Each candidate has been allotted with a number and a symbol. Voters will have to know that number. But in case of national parties, voters go by the symbol. In 2004, two EVMs were used in each booth as elections to the Assembly and Lok Sabha were held simultaneously. A voter will have to spend a second or two just to read the symbols as there would be two EVMs,” he said.

A tour around Bellary city showed that none of the independents are campaigning. Even major political party leaders admit that no independent is serious about the elections. Then why do they pay Rs 5,000 as deposit and enter the fray? A senior Congress leader said, “Majority of the independent candidates are dummy. They contest and approach us (major parties) for money to withdraw their nominations. This time none withdrew their papers. Each candidate is allowed to use only four vehicles for campaigning. This EC restriction has come as a major hurdle for us to campaign. So, we have kept the vehicles of independent candidates at our disposal. Of course, we have their money. This is done in by all major parties. Many of the independents are fielded by national parties”.

Another challenge being faced by the officials is to weed out the bogus student ID cards. The EC has listed 20 types of identity cards which can be used for casting vote. A voter has to produce any one of these to exercise his franchise. Students are allowed to produce their college ID card.

In the first phase of polling, students were found producing fake ID cards. So, the EC has sent mails to all the DCs to check the veracity of students’ ID card. “We have held a meeting with the principals of all colleges in Bellary and have directed them to ensure that their colleges are not found issuing bogus cards. If fake cards are found, then principals of such colleges will face criminal action,” said Aravind Srivastv,  Deputy Commissioner, Bellary.  


 Giving protection to polling booths in Bellary city is also a major challenge to officials. Each booth will be monitored by para military personnel because each one of the total 211 polling booths in the city is branded as hypersensitive, said Srivastav.

As many as 7,244 government staff has been drawn for election duty on March 16. Of this, 1,811 are presiding officers.

In fact, no staff is allowed to work in their home town or village. They have been allotted postings on a random basis. Till May 15 morning, they would not know where they will be posted. All these measures are taken to see that fare and free elections are held in the district, added Mr Srivastav.


Rs 10 crore worth liquor, gifts seized


As many as 1,418 criminal cases have been booked under provisions of IPC and Peoples Representation Act, while 1,705 cases have been registered under the Excise Act and Rs 3.5 crore worth IMF liquor and spirit has been seized since April 1….


Around 120 cases of inducement to voters by giving various gifts have been booked while property worth Rs 7 crore worth property have been seized, Additional Director General of Police (Law and Order) Shankar Bidari said here on Wednesday.
Speaking to reporters he said 16,616 persons have been arrested since April 1 and bonds have been obtained from them for good behaviour.

He said as many as 56,000 police personnel will be deployed in the second phase of elections to be held for 66 constituencies on May 16. This includes 21,000 civil police, 10,000 Home Guards, 22,000 para military forces and 3,000 KSRP personnel.

a total of 214 Central Para Military Force (CPMF) companies have been allotted to 66 Assembly constituencies in 10 districts, that include 21 for Raichur, Koppal (15) Uttara Kannada (18), Bellary (31), Chitradurga (18),  Davanagere (24), Shimoga (22), Udupi (18), Chikmagalur (20) and Dakshina Kannada (27).

One mobile squad will be provided for every 20 polling stations. Each mobile squad comprises one police sub-inspector, one head constable, three constables and one Home Guard.

In all, there will be 650 mobile squads for all constituencies, Bidari said.

The CPMF pickets with one head constable, four constables/two head constables and 10 PCs will be posted in sensitive areas. Each constituency will have a striking force consisting one platoon of KSRP, he informed.

Polling booths

Bidari said out of the 12,271 polling stations in phase two, 3,754 have been classified as hypersensitive and 4,282 have been considered as sensitive. For every hypersensitive and sensitive booth, two uniformed police personnel and for every normal booth, one police personnel will be deployed.

families, in implementing housing programme and maintaining law and order.

BJP failure

BJP like the Congress and JDS also had to bear the burden of anti-incumbency as it had failed to issue ration cards to BPL

Peter takes charge

Senior IAS officer Raymond Peter, who was appointed as a special observer to oversee polling process in Bellary district, where mine owners have locked horns in the second phase, took charge on Wednesday.


He held a meeting with returning officers, top police officials and commandant of central security to review the poll preparations and arrangements.

In the December 2006 byelection to the Chamundeshwari Assembly constituency, Peter was the election observer and was known for dealing any violation of poll code of conduct with an iron hand.

The appointment of Peter in Bellary takes significance following allegations that voters are being lured with cash by mine owners. All the 211 polling stations in Bellary City has been declared as hypersensitive

In several areas, voters protested deletion of their names

Technical snags delaying and disrupting poll process for brief spells has been reported from several places.

Repolling in two polling stations


Electoral authorities on Sunday ordered repolling in two polling stations where elections were held during the first phase of Karnataka assembly polls


Repolling has been ordered at a polling station in Malleshwaram and another in Ramanagara following malfunctioning of EVMs there, Chief Electoral officer M N Vidyashankar told reporters.


Dear Sir,
Heartfelt greeting  on Buddha jayanti.I’m very thankful to you all for showing your concern for the liberation of Mahabodhi Temple, Buddhagaya. I will be going to Bihar in second week of June,2008 for initiating legal action. I have made  legal research on the issue of Buddhgaya. Apparantly the Bodhgaya Act of 1949 which provides for provision for constitution of Temple Management Committee with Invaders and thier slaves majority  is unconstitutional on ground several provisions and principles (14, 25,26, secularism etc)of Indian Constitution and International Bill of Human Rights.
Its shocking to learn that how state government had courage to enact such illegal and unconstitutional Act. I feel that becouse of  Invaders and thier slaves majority in legislatve body has committed mischief on the pretext of better management of affairs of temple.
It is a grave fraud on the Constitution of India and state and society have committed crime of collective conspiracy.
I belong to Buddhagaya itself but since born in untouchable

(Original Inhabitant of Jambudvipa that is the Great Prabuddha Bharath) family, was unaware of my real identity. When I started reading the works of Babasheb Ambedkar and Buddha, I realized that we are defacto Buddhist and then committed to Buddhism and humanity. I’ll fight till last blood of body to liberate Buddhagaya and Buddhism from the domination of  Invaders and thier slaves.
I’m looking forward for your active participation and cooperation.
You may publish this letter in your esteem news magzine.

With Metta,


Manual scavenging still rampant in North East Delhi, says report

Parul Sharma

Finance and Development Corporation had sponsored the study to identify scavengers in the city

As per the report scavenging is a women dominated profession

‘The scavengers have high aspirations for their children and want them to study’

NEW DELHI: While 15 years have lapsed since the demeaning and humiliating practice of manual scavenging was banned through the enactment of the Employment of Manual Scavengers and Construction of Dry Latrines (Prohibition) Act, 1993, manual scavenging is still rampant in North East Delhi, where a majority of Delhi’s 1,282 scavengers work, a study by a Delhi University lecturer has revealed.

According to the study conducted by Pamela Singla, a lecturer at the Department of Social Work at Delhi University, the main pockets of residence and workplace of people engaged in removal of night soil are in areas like Karawal Nagar, Old Seelampur, Shahdara, Gandhi Nagar, Nand Nagri and Babarpur. “Scavenging is done mainly by two ways, either by cleaning of drains or emptying the containers containing night soil,” said Dr. Singla, sharing the findings of the study that she conducted for the Delhi SC/ST/OBC/Minorities/Handicapped Finance and Development Corporation.

The Corporation had sponsored the study to identify scavengers in the city. Acting on the report, the Delhi State Cabinet had recently decided to initiate steps for the rehabilitation of manual scavengers.

As per the report, “Scavengers and Scavenging in Delhi”, submitted to the Corporation in July last year, scavenging is a women dominated profession.

“About 80 per cent of scavengers are women and majority of them are married. Over 71 per cent are below 40 years of age. Out of 1,282 scavengers, 1,085 reside and work in Delhi, while the remaining work in the Capital but live in Loni. Besides scavenging, they also collect garbage and clean septic tanks. They are engaged in scavenging purely owing to financial reasons as they have to fend for their families,” shared Dr. Singla.

A majority of them are not satisfied with their jobs since the work is “extremely filthy”. About 12 per cent of scavengers said they could not quit the profession as there was no alternative means of employment available to them because of their illiteracy.

“They are not sure what they want to do. During informal interactions with some of the women, I could gauge that they were not ready to undergo training for any other job. They showed willingness to do government jobs. Some women even said they would not mind scavenging if it would be counted under government jobs and would give them a regular, fixed income at the end of the month coupled with weekly holidays,” she said.

According to the report, the scavengers had high aspirations for their children and wanted them to study and get into some “dignified profession”.

Interestingly, Dr. Singla had conducted the same study way back in 1992 and was glad to note that the number of human scavengers in the Capital had come down from 8,000 back then to 1,282 this time round.

“Things have improved in some ways. In 1992, there were many scavengers who carried it (night soil) head load. In 2007, such persons were almost negligible with most carrying it in a cart,” she noted.

Dr. Singla said the profession can be completely abolished only when the authorities convert “dry” latrines to “wet” latrines with simultaneous programmes for their rehabilitation.

“As long as there is a demand for their services, scavengers will continue to exist,” she concluded, adding that the Corporation is sharing the report with some ministries.

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123 Buddha’s Most Powerful Positive Own Words𝓛𝓔𝓢𝓢𝓞𝓝 4431 Thu 12 May 2022 “If you find no one to support you on the spiritual path, walk alone.”
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123 Buddha’s Most Powerful Positive Own Words𝓛𝓔𝓢𝓢𝓞𝓝   4431  Thu 1May  2022

“If you find no one to support you on the spiritual path, walk alone.”
May be an image of 1 person, tree and outdoors

May be an image of 1 person and text

Whenever You Feel Lonely, Remember These Buddha Quotes on Loneliness | Buddha Quotes On Being Alone!
best animated quotes of buddha in his own words on loneliness এর ছবির ফলাফল
best animated quotes of buddha in his own words on loneliness এর ছবির ফলাফল
Do not pursue the past.
Do not lose yourself in the future.
The past no longer is.
The future has not yet come.
best animated quotes of buddha in his own words on loneliness এর ছবির ফলাফল
Looking deeply at life as it is
in the very here and now,
the practitioner dwells
in stability and freedom.
best animated quotes of buddha in his own words on loneliness এর ছবির ফলাফল
“If you find no one to support you on the spiritual path, walk alone.”
best animated quotes of buddha in his own words on loneliness এর ছবির ফলাফল
“You only lose what you cling to.”
best animated quotes of buddha in his own words on loneliness এর ছবির ফলাফল
“The root of suffering is attachment.”
“No one saves us but ourselves. No one can and no one may. We ourselves must walk the path.”
“Do not look for a sanctuary in anyone except your self.”
“Irrigators channel waters; fletchers straighten arrows; carpenters bend wood; the wise master themselves.”
“You yourself must strive. The Buddhas only point the way.”
“Meditate… do not delay, lest you later regret it.”
man asked Gautama Buddha, ‘I want happiness.’ Buddha said, ‘First
remove I, that’s Ego, then remove want, that’s Desire. See now you are
left with only Happiness.’ ”
component things in the world are changeable. They are not lasting.
Work hard to gain your own salvation. Do your best.”. Then the Buddha
lapsed into the Jhana stages or meditative absorption.
Well, watch this video on Best Buddha Quotes About Being Alone and be inspired.
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Whenever You Feel Lonely, Remember These Buddha Quotes on Loneliness | Buddha Quotes On Being

जब भी आप अकेला महसूस करते हैं, तो इन बुद्ध उद्धरणों को अकेलेपन पर याद रखें | बुद्ध अकेले होने पर उद्धरण!
“यदि आपको आध्यात्मिक पथ पर आपका समर्थन करने के लिए कोई नहीं मिलता है, तो अकेले चलें।”
अतीत का पीछा न करें।
भविष्य में खुद को न खोएं।
अतीत अब नहीं है।
भविष्य अभी तक नहीं आया है।
जीवन में गहराई से देख रहे हैं जैसा कि यह है
यहाँ और अब में,
व्यवसायी निवास करता है
स्थिरता और स्वतंत्रता में।
“यदि आपको आध्यात्मिक पथ पर आपका समर्थन करने के लिए कोई नहीं मिलता है, तो अकेले चलें।”
“तुम जिस के पीछे पड़ते हो उसी को खो देते हो।”
“दुख की जड़ लगाव है।”
“कोई भी हमें नहीं बल्कि खुद को बचाता है। कोई भी इसे कर नहीं सकता और कोई भी इसे करने की कोशिश ना करे। हम खुद रास्ते पर चलना चाहिए। ”
“अपने आप को छोड़कर किसी में भी अभयारण्य की तलाश न करें।”
“सिंचाई चैनल वाटर्स; फ्लेचर्स सीधा तीर; बढ़ई लकड़ी को मोड़ते हैं; बुद्धिमान मास्टर खुद। ”
“आपको खुद प्रयास करना चाहिए। बुद्ध केवल रास्ते को इंगित करते हैं। ”
“ध्यान करें … देरी न करें, ऐसा न हो कि आपको बाद में पछतावा हो।”
“एक व्यक्ति ने गौतम बुद्ध से पूछा,‘ मुझे खुशी चाहिए। ‘ अब देखें कि आप केवल खुशी के साथ रह गए हैं। ‘
“दुनिया में सभी घटक चीजें परिवर्तनशील हैं। वे स्थायी नहीं हैं। अपना खुद का उद्धार हासिल करने के लिए कड़ी मेहनत करें। अपना सर्वश्रेष्ठ करो। ”तब बुद्ध ने झाना के चरणों या ध्यानपूर्ण अवशोषण में प्रवेश किया।
लेकिन एक नेक का उत्पादन करता है
योग्यता की एक बहुतायत
सभी जीवित प्राणियों के प्रति एक दयालु मन होने से।
“शांत मन और आत्मा बोलेंगे।”
“हम जो कुछ भी सोचते हैं उसका परिणाम है।”
“आपको क्या लगता है आप कया बनेंगे। आप क्या महसूस करते हैं, आप आकर्षित करते हैं। आप क्या कल्पना करते हैं, आप बनाते हैं। ”
“आपके पास एक आत्मा नहीं है। आप एक आत्मा हैं। आपके पास एक शरीर है। ”
“हर सुबह हम फिर से पैदा होते हैं। आज हम जो करते हैं वह सबसे ज्यादा मायने रखता है। ”
“एक पल एक दिन बदल सकता है, एक दिन एक जीवन बदल सकता है, और एक जीवन दुनिया को बदल सकता है।”
“आपका दिमाग एक शक्तिशाली चीज है। जब आप इसे सकारात्मक विचारों के साथ फ़िल्टर करना शुरू करते हैं तो आपका जीवन बदलना शुरू हो जाएगा। ”
“स्वास्थ्य सबसे बड़ा उपहार है, सबसे बड़ा धन, सबसे अच्छा रिश्ता विश्वास।”
“यदि आप जानते हैं कि मैं देने की शक्ति के बारे में क्या जानता हूं, तो आप इसे किसी तरह से साझा किए बिना एक भी भोजन पास नहीं होने देंगे।”
“जब आपको एहसास होता है कि सब कुछ कितना सही है तो आप अपने सिर को वापस झुकाएंगे और आकाश पर हंसेंगे।”
हर जगह सभी प्राणी सुरक्षित और अच्छी तरह से हो सकते हैं।
हर जगह सभी प्राणी खुश और संतुष्ट हो सकते हैं।
हर जगह सभी प्राणी स्वस्थ और मजबूत हो सकते हैं।
हर जगह सभी प्राणी शांतिपूर्ण और आराम से हो सकते हैं।
बौद्ध धर्म और सभी प्राणियों के जीवन-बुद्ध का अधिकार
महात्मा बुद्ध के 151 अनमोल विचार | Mahatma Buddha Quotes in Hindi |

13) Classical Assamese-ধ্ৰুপদী অসমীয়া
অকলশৰীয়া হোৱাৰ ওপৰত বুদ্ধৰ উদ্ধৃতি ** “যদি আপুনি আধ্যাত্মিক পথত আপোনাক সমৰ্থন কৰিবলৈ কোনো নাপায়, তেন্তে অকলে খোজ কাঢ়ক।” অতীতঅনুসৰণ নকৰিব। ভৱিষ্যতে নিজকে হেৰুৱাব নালাগে। অতীত এতিয়া নাই। ভৱিষ্যত এতিয়াও অহা নাই। জীৱনক গভীৰভাৱে চাই থকা যেন লাগিছে ইয়াত আৰু এতিয়া, চিকিৎসকে বাস কৰে স্থিৰতা আৰু স্বাধীনতাত। “যদি আপুনি আধ্যাত্মিক পথত আপোনাক সমৰ্থন কৰিবলৈ কোনো নাপায়, তেন্তে অকলে খোজ কাঢ়ক।” “আপুনি কেৱল আপুনি যি আঁকোৱালি লয় সেয়াহে হেৰুৱায়।” “দুখ-কষ্টৰ মূল হৈছে আসক্তি।” “আমাক নিজৰ বাহিৰে আন কোনেও ৰক্ষা নকৰে। কোনেও নোৱাৰে আৰু কোনেও কৰিব নোৱাৰে। আমি নিজেই পথত খোজ কাঢ়িব লাগিব।” “আপোনাৰ নিজৰ বাহিৰে আন কাৰো অভয়াৰণ্য বিচাৰি নাথাকিব।” “ইৰিগেটৰ চেনেলৰ পানী; ফ্লেচাৰসকলে কাড় পোন কৰে; কাঠমিস্ত্ৰীয়ে কাঠ বেঁকা কৰে; জ্ঞানী সকলে নিজেই মাষ্টাৰ।” “আপুনি নিজেই চেষ্টা কৰিব লাগিব। বুদ্ধসকলে কেৱল পথ দেখুৱায়।” “ধ্যান কৰক… পলম নকৰিব, নহ’লে আপুনি পিছত অনুশোচনা কৰিব।
“এজন ব্যক্তিয়ে গৌতম বুদ্ধক সুধিছিল, ‘মই সুখ বিচাৰো।’ বুদ্ধ বলল, ‘প্রথমে আমাকে সরিয়ে দাও, ওটা অহংকার, তারপর অর্থ সরিয়ে দাও, এটাই ডিজায়ার। এখন দেখো, তোমার কাছে শুধু সুখ বাকি আছে। “******* “পৃথিৱীৰ সকলো উপাদান বস্তু পৰিৱৰ্তনযোগ্য। সেইবোৰ স্থায়ী নহয়। আপোনাৰ নিজৰ পৰিত্ৰাণ প্ৰাপ্ত কৰিবলৈ কঠোৰ পৰিশ্ৰম কৰক। আপোনাৰ সৰ্বশ্ৰেষ্ঠ প্ৰৱণতা কৰক।”। তাৰ পিছত বুদ্ধ জাহ্না পৰ্যায়লৈ গৈছিল বা ধ্যানৰ অৱশোষণ কৰিছিল। কিন্তু এজন মহৎ ব্যক্তিয়ে উৎপাদন কৰে যোগ্যতাৰ প্ৰাচুৰ্য সকলো জীৱৰ প্ৰতি সহানুভূতিশীল মন ৰখাৰ দ্বাৰা। “মন আৰু আত্মাই কথা ক’ব। “আমি যি ভাবিছোঁ তাৰ ফলস্বৰূপে আমি সকলো।” “আপুনি যি ভাবে, আপুনি হ’ব। আপুনি কি অনুভৱ কৰে, আপুনি আকৰ্ষিত কৰে। আপুনি যি কল্পনা কৰে, আপুনি সৃষ্টি কৰে।” “আপোনাৰ আত্মা নাই। আপুনি এজন আত্মা। আপোনাৰ এটা শৰীৰ আছে।”
“প্ৰত্যেক ৰাতিপুৱা আমি পুনৰ জন্ম গ্ৰহণ কৰোঁ। আজি আমি যি কৰোঁ সেয়াই আটাইতকৈ গুৰুত্বপূৰ্ণ।” “এটা মুহূৰ্তই দিনসলনি কৰিব পাৰে, এদিনে এটা জীৱন সলনি কৰিব পাৰে, আৰু এটা জীৱনে পৃথিৱীখন সলনি কৰিব পাৰে।” “আপোনাৰ মন এটা শক্তিশালী বস্তু। যেতিয়া আপুনি ইয়াক ইতিবাচক চিন্তাৰে ফিল্টাৰ কৰিবলৈ আৰম্ভ কৰে তেতিয়া আপোনাৰ জীৱন সলনি হ’ব।” “স্বাস্থ্য হৈছে আটাইতকৈ ডাঙৰ উপহাৰ, সন্তুষ্টি সৰ্বাধিক সম্পদ, বিশ্বস্ততা সৰ্বশ্ৰেষ্ঠ সম্পৰ্ক।” “যদি আপুনি জানে যে মই দিয়াৰ শক্তিৰ বিষয়ে কি জানো, তেন্তে আপুনি কোনো প্ৰকাৰে ভাগ-বতৰা নকৰাকৈ এটাআহাৰও পাৰ হ’বলৈ নিদিব।” “যেতিয়া আপুনি অনুভৱ কৰিব যে সকলোবোৰ কিমান নিখুঁত আপুনি আপোনাৰ মূৰটো পিছলৈ হেলনীয়া কৰিব আৰু আকাশত হাঁহিব।” সকলো জন্তু সুৰক্ষিত আৰু ভাল হওঁক। সকলো জন্তু সুখী আৰু সন্তুষ্ট হওঁক। সকলো ঠাইতে সকলো বোৰ জীয়াই স্বাস্থ্যৱান আৰু শক্তিশালী হওঁক। সকলো বোৰ সতেজ শান্তিপূৰ্ণ আৰু স্বাচ্ছন্দ্যত থাকক। বৌদ্ধ ধৰ্ম আৰু সকলো জীৱৰ জীৱন-বুদ্ধৰ অধিকাৰ
আপনার মনের প্রশ্ন ও গৌতম বুদ্ধের উত্তর(যা মানলে আপনার জীবন বদলে যাবে)Life changing lessons of Buddha
17) Classical Bengali-ক্লাসিক্যাল বাংলা,

বুদ্ধ একা থাকার বিষয়ে উদ্ধৃতি!
“আপনি যদি আধ্যাত্মিক পথে আপনাকে সমর্থন করার জন্য কেউ খুঁজে না পান তবে একা চলুন।”
অতীতকে অনুসরণ করবেন না।
ভবিষ্যতে নিজেকে হারাবেন না।
অতীত আর হয় না।
ভবিষ্যত এখনও আসে নি।
লাইফের মতো গভীরভাবে খুঁজছেন
খুব এখানে এবং এখন,
অনুশীলনকারী বাস করেন
স্থিতিশীলতা এবং স্বাধীনতায়।
“আপনি যদি আধ্যাত্মিক পথে আপনাকে সমর্থন করার জন্য কেউ খুঁজে না পান তবে একা চলুন।”
“আপনি কেবল যা আঁকড়ে আছেন তা হারাবেন।”
“দুর্ভোগের মূলটি সংযুক্তি।”
“কেউ আমাদের ছাড়া আর কেউ বাঁচায় না। কেউ পারে না এবং কেউ পারে না। আমরা আমাদের নিজেদের পথ চলতে হবে.”
“আপনার স্ব ব্যতীত কারও কাছে অভয়ারণ্যের সন্ধান করবেন না।”
“সেচকারী চ্যানেল ওয়াটার্স; ফ্লেচারগুলি সোজা তীর; ছুতার বাঁকানো কাঠ; জ্ঞানী মাস্টার নিজেরাই। “
“আপনি নিজেই চেষ্টা করতে হবে। বুদ্ধরা কেবল পথ নির্দেশ করে। ”
“ধ্যান করুন … দেরি করবেন না, পাছে আপনি পরে আফসোস করবেন না।”
“একজন ব্যক্তি গৌতম বুদ্ধকে জিজ্ঞাসা করলেন,‘ আমি সুখ চাই। ’বুদ্ধ বলেছিলেন,‘ প্রথমে আমি মুছে ফেলি, এটাই অহংকার, তারপরে চাই, এটাই ইচ্ছা। এখন দেখুন আপনি কেবল সুখের সাথে রয়েছেন। ’”
“বিশ্বের সমস্ত উপাদান জিনিস পরিবর্তনযোগ্য। তারা স্থায়ী হয় না। আপনার নিজের পরিত্রাণ অর্জনের জন্য কঠোর পরিশ্রম করুন। আপনার যথাসাধ্য চেষ্টা করুন। “। তারপরে বুদ্ধ ঝানা পর্যায় বা ধ্যানমূলক শোষণে প্রবেশ করলেন।
কিন্তু একটি মহৎ একটি উত্পাদন করে
যোগদানের প্রাচুর্য
সমস্ত জীবের প্রতি সহানুভূতিশীল মন রেখে।
“মন শান্ত এবং আত্মা কথা বলবে।”
“আমরা যা কিছু করি তা হ’ল আমরা যা ভেবেছি তার ফলাফল” “
“আপনি হত্তয়া কি মনে করেন. আপনি যা অনুভব করেন, আপনি আকর্ষণ করেন। আপনি যা কল্পনা করেন, আপনি তৈরি করেন। “
“তোমার আত্মা নেই। আপনি একটি আত্মা। আপনার একটি দেহ আছে। “
“প্রতিদিন সকালে আমরা আবার জন্মগ্রহণ করি। আমরা আজ যা করি তা হ’ল সবচেয়ে গুরুত্বপূর্ণ ”
“এক মুহুর্ত একটি দিন পরিবর্তন করতে পারে, একদিন একটি জীবন পরিবর্তন করতে পারে এবং একটি জীবন বিশ্বকে পরিবর্তন করতে পারে।”
“আপনার মন একটি শক্তিশালী জিনিস। আপনি যখন ইতিবাচক চিন্তাভাবনা দিয়ে এটি ফিল্টার করতে শুরু করেন তখন আপনার জীবন পরিবর্তন হতে শুরু করবে ””
“স্বাস্থ্য হ’ল সর্বাধিক উপহার, সন্তুষ্টি সর্বাধিক সম্পদ, বিশ্বস্ততা সেরা সম্পর্ক।”
“যদি আপনি জানতেন যে আমি দেওয়ার শক্তি সম্পর্কে আমি কী জানি তবে আপনি কোনওভাবে কোনওভাবে ভাগ করে না দিয়ে একটি খাবার পাস করতে দেবেন না।”
“আপনি যখন বুঝতে পারবেন যে সবকিছু কতটা নিখুঁত, আপনি নিজের মাথাটি পিছনে কাত করে আকাশে হাসবেন।”
সমস্ত প্রাণী সর্বত্র নিরাপদ এবং ভাল হতে পারে।
সমস্ত প্রাণী সর্বত্র সুখী এবং বিষয়বস্তু হতে পারে।
সমস্ত প্রাণী সর্বত্র সুস্থ এবং শক্তিশালী হতে পারে।
সমস্ত প্রাণী সর্বত্র শান্তিপূর্ণ এবং স্বাচ্ছন্দ্যময় হোক।
বৌদ্ধধর্ম এবং সমস্ত প্রাণীর জীবন-বুদ্ধি অধিকার
বৌদ্ধধর্মের ইতিহাস |বৌদ্ধধর্ম কিভাবে সৃষ্টি হলো?এই ধর্মে ঈশ্বর আছে নাকি নেই..?
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এই ভিডিওতে আপনারা জানতে পারবেন কিভাবে বৌদ্ধ ধর্ম উৎপত্তি হলো। কিভাবে এটি বিশ্বব্যাপী ছড়িয়ে পড়ল। এই ধর্মের ধর্মবিশ্বাস নিয়ম নীতি ধর্মগ্রন্থ,চতুরার্য সত্য, প্রতীত্যসমুৎপাদ নীতি, আর্য অষ্টাঙ্গিক মার্গ, নির্বাণ, পূর্ণিমা সহ বিভিন্ন বিষয় আপনাদের মাঝে তুলে ধরার চেষ্টা করেছি। আর সম্পূর্ণ ভিডিওতেই বৌদ্ধ ধর্মের গুরুত্বপূর্ণ তথ্য রয়েছে। তাই ধৈর্য সহকারে মনোযোগ দিয়ে শুনুন।
এই ভিডিওতে আপনারা জানতে পারবেন বৌদ্ধরা কেন সৃষ্টিকর্তায় বিশ্বাসী নয়।
কিছু ভিডিও এবং ছবি সংগৃহীত। ধন্যবাদ সকলের মঙ্গল হউক।
আমরা কেন সৃষ্টিকর্তায় বিশ্বাসী নই||এই ভিডিওতে জানতে পারলাম|| Part:1
41) Classical Gujarati-ક્લાસિકલ ગુજરાતી,

બુદ્ધ એકલા હોવા અંગે અવતરણ!
“જો તમને આધ્યાત્મિક માર્ગ પર ટેકો આપવા માટે કોઈ ન મળે, તો એકલા ચાલો.”
ભૂતકાળનો પીછો કરશો નહીં.
ભવિષ્યમાં પોતાને ગુમાવશો નહીં.
ભૂતકાળ હવે નથી.
ભવિષ્ય હજી આવ્યું નથી.
જીવનની જેમ deeply ંડે જોવું
અહીં અને હવે,
વ્યવસાયી વસે છે
સ્થિરતા અને સ્વતંત્રતામાં.
“જો તમને આધ્યાત્મિક માર્ગ પર ટેકો આપવા માટે કોઈ ન મળે, તો એકલા ચાલો.”
“તમે જે વળગી રહો છો તે તમે ગુમાવો છો.”
“દુ suffering ખનું મૂળ જોડાણ છે.”
“કોઈ આપણને બચાવે નહીં પણ પોતાને. કોઈ કરી શકે નહીં અને કોઈ કરી શકે નહીં. આપણે જાતે રસ્તો ચાલવો જ જોઇએ. “
“તમારા સ્વ સિવાય કોઈના અભયારણ્યની શોધ ન કરો.”
“ઇરિગેટર્સ ચેનલ વોટર્સ; ફ્લેચર્સ સીધા તીર; સુથાર લાકડા બેન્ડ; સમજદાર માસ્ટર પોતાને. “
“તમે જાતે જ પ્રયત્ન કરવો જ જોઇએ. બુદ્ધો ફક્ત માર્ગ દર્શાવે છે. “
“ધ્યાન કરો … વિલંબ ન કરો, નહીં કે તમે પછીથી તેનો પસ્તાવો કરો.”
“એક વ્યક્તિએ ગૌતમ બુદ્ધને પૂછ્યું,‘ મારે ખુશી જોઈએ છે. ’બુદ્ધે કહ્યું,‘ પહેલા હું દૂર કરો, તે અહંકાર છે, પછી ઇચ્છાને દૂર કરો, તે ઇચ્છા છે. હવે જુઓ તમે ફક્ત ખુશીથી બાકી છો. ’”
“વિશ્વની બધી ઘટક વસ્તુઓ પરિવર્તનશીલ છે. તેઓ સ્થાયી નથી. તમારા પોતાના મુક્તિ મેળવવા માટે સખત મહેનત કરો. તમારા શ્રેષ્ઠ પ્રયાસો કરો. “. પછી બુદ્ધ ઝાના તબક્કામાં અથવા ધ્યાન શોષણમાં ઉતરી ગયા.
પરંતુ એક ઉમદા ઉત્પાદન કરે છે
યોગ્યતા વિપુલ પ્રમાણમાં
બધા જીવંત માણસો પ્રત્યે કરુણ મન રાખીને.
“શાંત મન અને આત્મા બોલશે.”
“આપણે જે છીએ તે આપણે જે વિચાર્યું છે તેનું પરિણામ છે.”
“તમે જે વિચારો છો, તમે બની જાઓ. તમે જે અનુભવો છો, તમે આકર્ષિત કરો છો. તમે જે કલ્પના કરો છો, તમે બનાવો છો. “
“તમારી પાસે આત્મા નથી. તમે આત્મા છો. તમારી પાસે શરીર છે. “
“દરરોજ સવારે આપણે ફરીથી જન્મ લઈએ છીએ. આજે આપણે જે કરીએ છીએ તે સૌથી વધુ મહત્વનું છે. “
“એક ક્ષણ એક દિવસ બદલી શકે છે, એક દિવસ જીવન બદલી શકે છે, અને એક જીવન વિશ્વને બદલી શકે છે.”
“તમારું મન એક શક્તિશાળી વસ્તુ છે. જ્યારે તમે તેને સકારાત્મક વિચારોથી ફિલ્ટર કરવાનું પ્રારંભ કરો છો ત્યારે તમારું જીવન બદલાશે. “
“આરોગ્ય એ સૌથી મોટી ભેટ છે, સંતોષ સૌથી મોટી સંપત્તિ છે, વિશ્વાસુ શ્રેષ્ઠ સંબંધ છે.”
“જો તમને ખબર હોત કે આપવાની શક્તિ વિશે હું શું જાણું છું, તો તમે કોઈ પણ રીતે શેર કર્યા વિના એક પણ ભોજન પસાર થવા દેતા નહીં.”
“જ્યારે તમે સમજો છો કે બધું કેટલું સંપૂર્ણ છે તમે તમારા માથાને પાછળ ઝુકાવશો અને આકાશમાં હસશો.”
દરેક જગ્યાએ બધા માણસો સલામત અને સારી રીતે રહે.
દરેક જગ્યાએ બધા માણસો ખુશ અને સામગ્રી હોઈ શકે.
દરેક જગ્યાએ બધા માણસો તંદુરસ્ત અને મજબૂત હોઈ શકે.
દરેક જગ્યાએ બધા માણસો શાંતિપૂર્ણ અને સરળતા હોઈ શકે.
બૌદ્ધ ધર્મ અને બધા માણસોના જીવન-બુધ
55) Classical Kannada- ಶಾಸ್ತ್ರೀಯ ಕನ್ನಡ,

ಬುದ್ಧ ಏಕಾಂಗಿಯಾಗಿರುವುದನ್ನು ಉಲ್ಲೇಖಿಸುತ್ತದೆ!
“ಆಧ್ಯಾತ್ಮಿಕ ಹಾದಿಯಲ್ಲಿ ನಿಮ್ಮನ್ನು ಬೆಂಬಲಿಸಲು ನೀವು ಯಾರೂ ಕಾಣದಿದ್ದರೆ, ಏಕಾಂಗಿಯಾಗಿ ನಡೆಯಿರಿ.”
ಹಿಂದಿನದನ್ನು ಅನುಸರಿಸಬೇಡಿ.
ಭವಿಷ್ಯದಲ್ಲಿ ನಿಮ್ಮನ್ನು ಕಳೆದುಕೊಳ್ಳಬೇಡಿ.
ಹಿಂದಿನದು ಇನ್ನು ಮುಂದೆ ಇಲ್ಲ.
ಭವಿಷ್ಯ ಇನ್ನೂ ಬಂದಿಲ್ಲ.
ಜೀವನವನ್ನು ಆಳವಾಗಿ ನೋಡುವುದು
ಇಲ್ಲಿ ಮತ್ತು ಈಗ,
ವೈದ್ಯರು ವಾಸಿಸುತ್ತಾರೆ
ಸ್ಥಿರತೆ ಮತ್ತು ಸ್ವಾತಂತ್ರ್ಯದಲ್ಲಿ.
“ಆಧ್ಯಾತ್ಮಿಕ ಹಾದಿಯಲ್ಲಿ ನಿಮ್ಮನ್ನು ಬೆಂಬಲಿಸಲು ನೀವು ಯಾರೂ ಕಾಣದಿದ್ದರೆ, ಏಕಾಂಗಿಯಾಗಿ ನಡೆಯಿರಿ.”
“ನೀವು ಅಂಟಿಕೊಳ್ಳುವುದನ್ನು ಮಾತ್ರ ನೀವು ಕಳೆದುಕೊಳ್ಳುತ್ತೀರಿ.”
“ದುಃಖದ ಮೂಲವು ಬಾಂಧವ್ಯವಾಗಿದೆ.”
“ನಮ್ಮನ್ನು ಆದರೆ ನಮ್ಮನ್ನು ಉಳಿಸುವುದಿಲ್ಲ. ಯಾರಿಗೂ ಸಾಧ್ಯವಿಲ್ಲ ಮತ್ತು ಯಾರೂ ಇಲ್ಲ. ನಾವೇ ಹಾದಿಯಲ್ಲಿ ನಡೆಯಬೇಕು. ”
“ನಿಮ್ಮ ಆತ್ಮವನ್ನು ಹೊರತುಪಡಿಸಿ ಯಾರಿಗಾದರೂ ಅಭಯಾರಣ್ಯವನ್ನು ಹುಡುಕಬೇಡಿ.”
“ನೀರಾವರಿಗಳು ಚಾನಲ್ ನೀರು; ಫ್ಲೆಚರ್ಸ್ ಬಾಣಗಳನ್ನು ನೇರಗೊಳಿಸುತ್ತಾರೆ; ಬಡಗಿಗಳು ಮರವನ್ನು ಬಾಗಿಸಿ; ಬುದ್ಧಿವಂತ ಮಾಸ್ಟರ್ ತಮ್ಮನ್ನು ತಾವು. “
“ನೀವೇ ಶ್ರಮಿಸಬೇಕು. ಬುದ್ಧರು ಮಾತ್ರ ದಾರಿ ತೋರಿಸುತ್ತಾರೆ. “
“ಧ್ಯಾನ ಮಾಡಿ … ವಿಳಂಬ ಮಾಡಬೇಡಿ, ನಂತರ ನೀವು ವಿಷಾದಿಸುತ್ತೀರಿ.”
“ಒಬ್ಬ ವ್ಯಕ್ತಿಯು ಗೌತಮ ಬುದ್ಧನನ್ನು ಕೇಳಿದನು,‘ ನನಗೆ ಸಂತೋಷ ಬೇಕು. ’ಬುದ್ಧನು,‘ ಮೊದಲು ನಾನು ತೆಗೆದುಹಾಕಿ, ಅದು ಅಹಂ, ನಂತರ ಬಯಕೆಯನ್ನು ತೆಗೆದುಹಾಕಿ, ಅದು ಬಯಕೆ. ಈಗ ನೋಡಿ ನಿಮಗೆ ಕೇವಲ ಸಂತೋಷವಿದೆ. ’”
“ಪ್ರಪಂಚದ ಎಲ್ಲಾ ಘಟಕಗಳು ಬದಲಾಗಬಲ್ಲವು. ಅವರು ಶಾಶ್ವತವಾಗಿಲ್ಲ. ನಿಮ್ಮ ಸ್ವಂತ ಮೋಕ್ಷವನ್ನು ಪಡೆಯಲು ಶ್ರಮಿಸಿ. ನಿಮ್ಮ ಕೈಲಾದಷ್ಟು ಮಾಡಿ. “. ನಂತರ ಬುದ್ಧನು hana ಾನಾ ಹಂತಗಳಲ್ಲಿ ಅಥವಾ ಧ್ಯಾನಸ್ಥ ಹೀರಿಕೊಳ್ಳುವಿಕೆಗೆ ಇಳಿದನು.
ಆದರೆ ಉದಾತ್ತನು ಉತ್ಪಾದಿಸುತ್ತಾನೆ
ಮೆರಿಟ್ ಹೇರಳವಾಗಿದೆ
ಎಲ್ಲಾ ಜೀವಿಗಳ ಬಗ್ಗೆ ಸಹಾನುಭೂತಿಯ ಮನಸ್ಸನ್ನು ಹೊಂದುವ ಮೂಲಕ.
“ಮನಸ್ಸನ್ನು ಶಾಂತಗೊಳಿಸಿ ಮತ್ತು ಆತ್ಮವು ಮಾತನಾಡುತ್ತದೆ.”
“ನಾವೆಲ್ಲರೂ ನಾವು ಯೋಚಿಸಿದ್ದರ ಫಲಿತಾಂಶ.”
“ನೀವು ಏನು ಯೋಚಿಸುತ್ತೀರಿ, ನೀವು ಆಗುತ್ತೀರಿ. ನಿಮಗೆ ಏನು ಅನಿಸುತ್ತದೆ, ನೀವು ಆಕರ್ಷಿಸುತ್ತೀರಿ. ನೀವು ಏನು imagine ಹಿಸುತ್ತೀರಿ, ನೀವು ರಚಿಸುತ್ತೀರಿ. ”
“ನಿಮಗೆ ಆತ್ಮವಿಲ್ಲ. ನೀವು ಆತ್ಮ. ನಿಮಗೆ ದೇಹವಿದೆ. ”
“ಪ್ರತಿದಿನ ಬೆಳಿಗ್ಗೆ ನಾವು ಮತ್ತೆ ಜನಿಸುತ್ತೇವೆ. ನಾವು ಇಂದು ಏನು ಮಾಡುತ್ತೇವೆ ಎಂಬುದು ಹೆಚ್ಚು ಮುಖ್ಯವಾಗಿದೆ. ”
“ಒಂದು ಕ್ಷಣವು ಒಂದು ದಿನವನ್ನು ಬದಲಾಯಿಸಬಹುದು, ಒಂದು ದಿನ ಜೀವನವನ್ನು ಬದಲಾಯಿಸಬಹುದು, ಮತ್ತು ಒಂದು ಜೀವನವು ಜಗತ್ತನ್ನು ಬದಲಾಯಿಸಬಹುದು.”
“ನಿಮ್ಮ ಮನಸ್ಸು ಪ್ರಬಲ ವಿಷಯ. ನೀವು ಅದನ್ನು ಸಕಾರಾತ್ಮಕ ಆಲೋಚನೆಗಳೊಂದಿಗೆ ಫಿಲ್ಟರ್ ಮಾಡಲು ಪ್ರಾರಂಭಿಸಿದಾಗ ನಿಮ್ಮ ಜೀವನವು ಬದಲಾಗಲು ಪ್ರಾರಂಭಿಸುತ್ತದೆ. ”
“ಆರೋಗ್ಯವು ದೊಡ್ಡ ಉಡುಗೊರೆ, ಸಂತೃಪ್ತಿ ದೊಡ್ಡ ಸಂಪತ್ತು, ನಿಷ್ಠೆ ಅತ್ಯುತ್ತಮ ಸಂಬಂಧ.”
“ನೀಡುವ ಶಕ್ತಿಯ ಬಗ್ಗೆ ನನಗೆ ಏನು ತಿಳಿದಿದೆ ಎಂದು ನಿಮಗೆ ತಿಳಿದಿದ್ದರೆ, ಒಂದೇ meal ಟವನ್ನು ಕೆಲವು ರೀತಿಯಲ್ಲಿ ಹಂಚಿಕೊಳ್ಳದೆ ನೀವು ಅದನ್ನು ಹಾದುಹೋಗಲು ಬಿಡುವುದಿಲ್ಲ.”
“ಎಲ್ಲವೂ ಎಷ್ಟು ಪರಿಪೂರ್ಣವೆಂದು ನೀವು ತಿಳಿದುಕೊಂಡಾಗ ನೀವು ನಿಮ್ಮ ತಲೆಯನ್ನು ಹಿಂದಕ್ಕೆ ಓರೆಯಾಗಿಸಿ ಆಕಾಶವನ್ನು ನೋಡಿ ನಗುತ್ತೀರಿ.”
ಎಲ್ಲ ಜೀವಿಗಳು ಎಲ್ಲೆಡೆ ಸುರಕ್ಷಿತವಾಗಿರಲಿ ಮತ್ತು ಉತ್ತಮವಾಗಿರಲಿ.
ಎಲ್ಲ ಜೀವಿಗಳು ಎಲ್ಲೆಡೆ ಸಂತೋಷ ಮತ್ತು ವಿಷಯವಾಗಿರಲಿ.
ಎಲ್ಲ ಜೀವಿಗಳು ಆರೋಗ್ಯಕರ ಮತ್ತು ದೃ strong ವಾಗಿರಲಿ.
ಎಲ್ಲ ಜೀವಿಗಳು ಎಲ್ಲೆಡೆ ಶಾಂತಿಯುತವಾಗಿ ಮತ್ತು ನಿರಾಳವಾಗಿರಲಿ.
ಬೌದ್ಧಧರ್ಮ ಮತ್ತು ಎಲ್ಲಾ ಜೀವಿಗಳ ಜೀವನ-ಬುದ್ಧನ ಹಕ್ಕು

70) Classical Malayalam-ക്ലാസിക്കൽ മലയാളം,

ബുദ്ധൻ തനിയെ ഉള്ളതിനെ ഉദ്ധരിക്കുന്നു!
“ആത്മീയ പാതയിൽ നിങ്ങളെ പിന്തുണയ്ക്കാൻ ആരെയും നിങ്ങൾ കണ്ടെത്തുകയാണെങ്കിൽ, ഒറ്റയ്ക്ക് നടക്കുക.”
ഭൂതകാലത്തെ പിന്തുടരരുത്.
ഭാവിയിൽ സ്വയം നഷ്ടപ്പെടുത്തരുത്.
ഭൂതകാലം ഇനി ഇല്ല.
ഭാവി ഇതുവരെ വന്നിട്ടില്ല.
ജീവിതത്തിൽ ആഴത്തിൽ നോക്കുന്നു
ഇവിടെയും ഇപ്പോളും
പരിശീലകൻ വസിക്കുന്നു
സ്ഥിരതയിലും സ്വാതന്ത്ര്യത്തിലും.
“ആത്മീയ പാതയിൽ നിങ്ങളെ പിന്തുണയ്ക്കാൻ ആരെയും നിങ്ങൾ കണ്ടെത്തുകയാണെങ്കിൽ, ഒറ്റയ്ക്ക് നടക്കുക.”
“നിങ്ങൾ പറ്റിനിൽക്കുന്ന കാര്യങ്ങൾ മാത്രമേ നിങ്ങൾക്ക് നഷ്ടപ്പെടുകയുള്ളൂ.”
“കഷ്ടതയുടെ വേര് അറ്റാച്ചുമെന്റ് ആണ്.”
“ഞങ്ങളല്ലാതെ ആരും നമ്മെ രക്ഷിക്കുന്നില്ല. ആർക്കും കഴിയില്ല, ആരും കഴിയില്ല. നമ്മൾ നാം പാതയിലൂടെ നടക്കണം. “
“നിങ്ങളുടെ സ്വയമല്ലാതെ മറ്റാർക്കും ഒരു സങ്കടത്തിനായി നോക്കരുത്.”
“ജലസേചന ഉദ്യോഗസ്ഥർ വെള്ളം; ഫ്ലെച്ചറുകൾ അമ്പുകൾ നേരെയാക്കുന്നു; മരപ്പണിക്കാരുടെ മരം വളയുന്നു; ജ്ഞാനിയായ മാസ്റ്റർ തനിയെ. “
“നിങ്ങൾ സ്വയം പരിശ്രമിക്കണം. ബുദ്ധന്മാർ വഴി ചൂണ്ടിക്കാണിക്കുന്നു. “
“ധ്യാനം … താമസിക്കരുത്, നിങ്ങൾ പിന്നീട് ഖേദിക്കാതിരിക്കാൻ.”
“എനിക്ക് സന്തോഷം വേണം, ‘എനിക്ക് സന്തോഷം വേണം’ എന്ന് ഒരു മനുഷ്യൻ ഗൗതമ ബുദ്ധനോട് ചോദിച്ചു. ‘ആദ്യം നീക്കം, അത് അർഥമാണ്, അത് ആഗ്രഹിക്കുന്നു, അത് ആഗ്രഹിക്കുന്നു. ഇപ്പോൾ നിങ്ങൾക്ക് സന്തോഷം മാത്രം അവശേഷിക്കുന്നു. ‘”
“ലോകത്തിലെ എല്ലാ ഘടകങ്ങളും മാറ്റാവുന്നവയാണ്. അവർ നിലനിൽക്കില്ല. നിങ്ങളുടെ സ്വന്തം രക്ഷ നേടാൻ കഠിനമായി പ്രവർത്തിക്കുക. നിങ്ങളുടെ പരമാവധി ചെയ്യുക. “
എന്നാൽ ഒരു കുലീനൻ ഉത്പാദിപ്പിക്കുന്നു
ധാരാളം യോഗ്യത
എല്ലാ ജീവജാലങ്ങളോടും അനുകമ്പയുള്ള മനസ്സ് ഉള്ളതിനാൽ.
“മനസ്സും ആത്മാവും സംസാരിക്കും.”
“നമ്മൾ എന്താണെന്നതെല്ലാം ഞങ്ങൾ ചിന്തിച്ചതിന്റെ ഫലമാണ്.”
“നിങ്ങൾ കരുതുന്നത് നിങ്ങൾ ആകും. നിങ്ങൾക്ക് തോന്നുന്നത്, നിങ്ങൾ ആകർഷിക്കുന്നു. നിങ്ങൾ എന്ത് സങ്കൽപ്പിക്കുന്നു, നിങ്ങൾ സൃഷ്ടിക്കുന്നു. “
“നിങ്ങൾക്ക് ഒരു ആത്മാവില്ല. നിങ്ങൾ ഒരു ആത്മാവാണ്. നിങ്ങൾക്ക് ഒരു ശരീരമുണ്ട്. “
“എല്ലാ ദിവസവും രാവിലെ ഞങ്ങൾ വീണ്ടും ജനിക്കുന്നു. ഇന്ന് നമ്മൾ ചെയ്യുന്നത് ഏറ്റവും പ്രധാനമാണ്. “
“ഒരു നിമിഷം ഒരു ദിവസം മാറാം, ഒരു ദിവസം ഒരു ജീവിതത്തെ മാറ്റാൻ കഴിയും, ഒരു ജീവിതത്തിന് ലോകത്തെ മാറ്റാൻ കഴിയും.”
“നിങ്ങളുടെ മനസ്സ് ശക്തമായ ഒരു കാര്യമാണ്. പോസിറ്റീവ് ചിന്തകളോടെ ഇത് ഫിൽട്ടർ ചെയ്യാൻ ആരംഭിക്കുമ്പോൾ നിങ്ങളുടെ ജീവിതം മാറാൻ തുടങ്ങും. “
“Health is the greatest gift, contentment the greatest wealth, faithfulness the best relationship.”
“If you knew what I know about the power of giving, you would not let a single meal pass without sharing it in some way.”
“എല്ലാം തികഞ്ഞതെല്ലാം എത്ര തികഞ്ഞതാണെന്നും നിങ്ങൾ തലയെ തിരികെ കൊണ്ടുവരിച്ച് ആകാശത്ത് ചിരിക്കും.”
May all beings everywhere be safe and well.
എല്ലായിടത്തും എല്ലായിടത്തും സന്തോഷവും ഉള്ളടക്കവും ആകാം.
May all beings everywhere be healthy and strong.
May all beings everywhere be peaceful and at ease.
Buddhism and all beings’ right to life-Buddha
ആരാണ് ദൈവം?ബുദ്ധന്റെ പ്രബോധനം . ബുദ്ധ വചനങ്ങൾ

73) Classical Marathi-क्लासिकल माओरी,

बुद्ध एकटे राहण्याचे कोट!
“जर तुम्हाला आध्यात्मिक मार्गावर कोणी पाठिंबा नसेल तर एकटाच चाला.”
भूतकाळाचा पाठपुरावा करू नका.
भविष्यात स्वत: ला गमावू नका.
भूतकाळ यापुढे नाही.
भविष्य अद्याप आले नाही.
आयुष्याकडे सखोलपणे पहात आहे
येथे आणि आता,
प्रॅक्टिशनर राहतो
स्थिरता आणि स्वातंत्र्यात.
“जर तुम्हाला आध्यात्मिक मार्गावर कोणी पाठिंबा नसेल तर एकटाच चाला.”
“आपण जे काही चिकटत आहात ते आपण फक्त गमावता.”
“दु: खाचे मूळ संलग्नक आहे.”
“कोणीही आम्हाला वाचवत नाही पण स्वतःला. कोणीही करू शकत नाही आणि कोणीही करू शकत नाही. आपण स्वतः मार्ग चालला पाहिजे. ”
“आपल्या स्वत: च्या व्यतिरिक्त कोणामध्येही अभयारण्य शोधू नका.”
“इरिगेटर्स चॅनेल वॉटर; फ्लेचर्स बाण सरळ करतात; सुतार लाकूड वाकणे; शहाणे स्वत: वर मास्टर. ”
“तुम्ही स्वतः प्रयत्न करणे आवश्यक आहे. बुद्ध फक्त मार्ग दर्शवितात. ”
“ध्यान करा … उशीर करू नका, नाही तर मग तुम्हाला वाईट वाटते.”
“एका माणसाने गौतम बुद्धांना विचारले,‘ मला आनंद हवा आहे. ’बुद्ध म्हणाले,‘ प्रथम मी काढा, तो अहंकार आहे, मग ती काढा, ही इच्छा. आता पहा आपण फक्त आनंदाने उरले आहात. ’”
“जगातील सर्व घटक गोष्टी बदलण्यायोग्य आहेत. ते चिरस्थायी नाहीत. आपले स्वतःचे तारण मिळविण्यासाठी कठोर परिश्रम करा. आपले सर्वोत्तम प्रयत्न करा.
पण एक उदात्त उत्पादन
गुणवत्तेची विपुलता
सर्व सजीवांसाठी दयाळू मनाने.
“शांत मन आणि आत्मा बोलेल.”
“आपण जे काही आहोत ते आपण जे विचार केले त्याचा परिणाम आहे.”
“आपण काय विचार करता, आपण व्हा. आपल्याला काय वाटते, आपण आकर्षित करता. आपण काय कल्पना करता, आपण तयार करा. ”
“तुमचा आत्मा नाही. आपण एक आत्मा आहात. तुझे शरीर आहे. ”
“दररोज सकाळी आपण पुन्हा जन्म होतो. आज आपण काय करतो ते सर्वात महत्त्वाचे आहे. ”
“One moment can change a day, one day can change a life, and one life can change the world.”
“तुमचे मन एक शक्तिशाली गोष्ट आहे. When you start to filter it with positive thoughts your life will start to change.”
“Health is the greatest gift, contentment the greatest wealth, faithfulness the best relationship.”
“If you knew what I know about the power of giving, you would not let a single meal pass without sharing it in some way.”
“When you realize how perfect everything is you will tilt your head back and laugh at the sky.”
सर्वत्र सर्वत्र सुरक्षित आणि चांगले असू द्या.
सर्वत्र सर्वत्र आनंदी आणि समाधानी राहू शकेल.
सर्वत्र सर्वत्र निरोगी आणि मजबूत असू शकेल.
सर्वत्र सर्वत्र शांतता आणि आरामात असो.
बौद्ध आणि सर्व प्राणी ’जीवन-बुद्धाचा हक्क
महात्मा बुद्ध ने कहा जीवन में मोक्ष के लिए तीन बातें ध्यान रखना।Three things for salvation in life

  • 76) Classical Nepali-शास्त्रीय म्यांमार (बर्मा),

    बुद्ध एक्लो हुनुको उद्धरणहरू छन्!
    “यदि तपाईंले आध्यात्मिक मार्गमा सहयोग गर्न कसैलाई पनि भेट्नुभएन भने एक्लै हिंड्नुहोस्।”
    विगतलाई पछ्याउनु हुँदैन।
    भविष्यमा आफूलाई हराउन नदिनुहोस्।
    विगतको अब छैन।
    भविष्य अझै आएको छैन।
    यो जीवनमा गहिरो हेर्दै
    यहाँ धेरै मा र अब,
    व्यवसायी बास गर्दछ
    स्थिरता र स्वतन्त्रता मा।
    “यदि तपाईंले आध्यात्मिक मार्गमा सहयोग गर्न कसैलाई पनि भेट्नुभएन भने एक्लै हिंड्नुहोस्।”
    “तपाईं मात्र तपाईं टाँसिरहनुभएको कुरा हराउनुहुन्छ।”
    “कष्टको जड संलग्न छ।”
    “कसैले पनि हामीलाई बचाउँदैन तर आफैलाई बचाउँदछ। कोही पनि हुन सक्दैन र कोही पनि हुन सक्दैन। हामी आफैं मार्गमा हिंड्नै पर्छ। “
    “तपाईको आफ्नै भित्र कसैलाई कुनै चीज नहेर्नुहोस्।”
    “सिँचाइ च्यानल पानी; fletecress ले एरो सीधा; Crapeples betwee काठ ज्ञानी बुद्धिमान मालिक।
    “तपाई आफैंले प्रयास गर्नु पर्छ। बुद्धले मात्र बाटोमा औंल्याउँछन्। “
    “ध्यान दिनुहोस् … ढिलाइ नगर्नुहोस्, नत्र भने तपाईले यसलाई पछुताउनु भयो।”
    “एक व्यक्तिले गौतम बुद्धलाई सोधे, ‘म खुशी चाहन्छु।’ बुद्धले भनिन्, ‘पहिले म हटाउँछु, त्यो अहंकार हो, त्यसको चाहना हो, त्यो इच्छा हो। हेर्नुहोस् अब तपाई मात्र खुशी हुनुहुन्छ। ‘”
    “सबै कम्पोनेन्टहरू विश्वमा चीजहरू परिवर्तनशील छन्। तिनीहरू चिरस्थायी छैनन्। तपाईंको आफ्नै मुक्तिको लागि कडा परिश्रम गर्नुहोस्। तपाईंको सक्दो राम्रो गर्नुहोस्। “त्यसपछि बुद्धले जुना चरण वा भूकम्पिक शोषणमा समाप्त भयो।
    तर एक महान एक उत्पादन हुनेछ
    योग्यको एक प्रशस्तता
    सबै जीवित प्राणीहरूप्रति अनुकम्पापूर्ण दिमाग राखेर।
    “दिमागमा शान्त र आत्माले बोल्नेछ।”
    “हामी सबै कुरा हामीले सोचेको कुराको परिणाम हो।”
    “तपाई के सोच्नुहुन्छ, तपाईं बन्नुहुन्छ। तपाईलाई के लाग्छ, तपाई आकर्षित गर्नुहुन्छ। तपाईले कल्पना गर्नु भएको छ, तपाईंले सिर्जना गर्नुहुनेछ। “
    “तपाईसँग आत्मा छैन। तपाईं आत्मा हुनुहुन्छ। तिम्रो शरीर छ। “
    “हरेक बिहान हामी नयाँ गरी जन्मेका छौं। आज के गर्ने आज हामी के गर्छौं।
    “एक क्षण एक दिन परिवर्तन गर्न सक्दछ, एक दिनले जीवन परिवर्तन गर्न सक्दछ, र एक जीवनले संसारलाई परिवर्तन गर्न सक्दछ।”
    “तपाईको दिमाग एक शक्तिशाली कुरा हो। जब तपाईं यसलाई सकारात्मक विचारहरूको साथ फिल्टर गर्न थाल्नुहुन्छ तपाईंको जीवन परिवर्तन हुन्छ। “
    “स्वास्थ्य भनेको सबैभन्दा ठूलो उपहार हो, सन्तुष्टि ठूलो धन, सन्तुष्टि, वफादारीको उत्तम सम्बन्ध।”
    “यदि तपाईंलाई थाहा थियो कि म दिने शक्तिको बारेमा जे जान्छु, तपाईंले एकजनालाई पासलाई कुनै तरिकामा साझा नगरीकन जान दिनुहुन्न।”
    “जब तपाइँले महसुस गर्नुहुन्छ कि कति उत्तम सबै चीज तपाईको टाउकोमा पछाडि पनी र आकाशमा हाँस्नेछ।”
    जताततै सुरक्षित र राम्रोसँग हुन सक्छ।
    सबै प्राणीहरू जताततै खुशी र सामग्री हुन सक्छ।
    May all beings everywhere be healthy and strong.
    May all beings everywhere be peaceful and at ease.
    Buddhism and all beings’ right to life-Buddha
    भगवान बुद्ध के द्वारा अपने भिक्षुओ को उपदेश
    भगवान बुद्ध के द्वारा अपने भिक्षुओ को उपदेश// बुद्ध वाणीभगवान बुद्ध का उपदेश
  • 78) Classical Odia (Oriya)

    ବୁଦ୍ଧ ଏକୁଟିଆ ହେବା ପାଇଁ ଉଦ୍ଧୃତ ହୁଏ!
    “ଯଦି ତୁମେ ଆଧ୍ୟାତ୍ମିକ ପଥରେ ତୁମକୁ ସମର୍ଥନ କରିବାକୁ କେହି ପାଇବ ନାହିଁ, ତେଣୁ ଏକାକୀ ଚାଲନ୍ତୁ।”
    ଅତୀତକୁ ଅନୁସରଣ କର ନାହିଁ |
    ଭବିଷ୍ୟତରେ ନିଜକୁ ହରାନ୍ତୁ ନାହିଁ |
    ଅତୀତ ଆଉ ନାହିଁ |
    ଭବିଷ୍ୟତ ଏପର୍ଯ୍ୟନ୍ତ ଆସି ନାହିଁ |
    ଜୀବନରେ ବହୁତ ଗଭୀର ଦେଖାଯାଉଛି |
    ଏଠାରେ ଏବଂ ବର୍ତ୍ତମାନରେ,
    ଅଭ୍ୟାସକାରୀ ବାସ କରନ୍ତି |
    ସ୍ଥିରତା ଏବଂ ସ୍ୱାଧୀନତା ରେ |
    “ଯଦି ତୁମେ ଆଧ୍ୟାତ୍ମିକ ପଥରେ ତୁମକୁ ସମର୍ଥନ କରିବାକୁ କେହି ପାଇବ ନାହିଁ, ତେଣୁ ଏକାକୀ ଚାଲନ୍ତୁ।”
    “ତୁମେ ଯାହା ବାଜିଛ, ତୁମେ କେବଳ ହରାଇବ |”
    ଦୁ suffering ଖର ମୂଳ ହେଉଛି ସଂଲଗ୍ନକ। “
    “କେହି ଆମ ବ୍ୟତୀତ ଆମକୁ ରକ୍ଷା କରନ୍ତି ନାହିଁ। କେହି କରିପାରିବେ ନାହିଁ ଏବଂ କେହି କରିପାରନ୍ତି ନାହିଁ | ଆମେ ନିଜେ ନିଜକୁ ପାଥ୍ ଚାଲିବା ଆବଶ୍ୟକ। “
    “ନିଜ ବ୍ୟତୀତ ଅନ୍ୟ କାହା ବ୍ୟତୀତ ଏକ ଅଭୟାରଣ୍ୟ ଖୋଜ ନାହିଁ।”
    “Irrigatornetters ଜଳ ଚ୍ୟାନେଲ ଜଳ; ଫ୍ଲେଚର୍ମାନେ ତୀର ସିଧା କରନ୍ତି; କାର୍ପେଟରମାନେ କାଠ ନଇଁ ପଡ଼ନ୍ତି; ଜ୍ଞାନୀମାନେ ନିଜକୁ ଗୁରୁ ଗୁରୁ ମାଲିକ। “
    “ଆପଣ ନିଜେ ଚେଷ୍ଟା କରିବେ। ବୁଦ୍ଧମାନେ କେବଳ ପଥ ଦେଖାନ୍ତି। “
    “ଧ୍ୟାନ … ବିଳମ୍ବ କର ନାହିଁ, ନଚେତ୍ ତୁମେ ଏହା ପରେ ଦୁ regret ଖିତ।”
    “ଜଣେ ବ୍ୟକ୍ତି ଗ aut ତମ ବୁଦ୍ଧଙ୍କୁ ପଚାରିଲା, ‘ମୁଁ ସୁଖ ଚାହୁଁଛି।’ ବୁଦ୍ଧ କହିଛନ୍ତି, ‘ପ୍ରଥମେ ମୁଁ ହଟାଇ, ତା’ଛଡ଼ା ମୁଁ ଇଚ୍ଛା କରେ, ତାପରେ ଇଚ୍ଛା କୁ ହଟାଇ ଦିଏ | ଦେଖନ୍ତୁ ବର୍ତ୍ତମାନ ଆପଣ କେବଳ ଖୁସିରେ ରହିଛନ୍ତି। “”
    “ଦୁନିଆର ସମସ୍ତ ଉପାଦାନ ଜିନିଷଗୁଡ଼ିକ ପରିବର୍ତ୍ତନଶୀଳ ଅଟେ। ସେମାନେ ଚିରସ୍ଥାୟୀ ନୁହଁନ୍ତି | ତୁମର ପରିତ୍ରାଣ ପାଇବା ପାଇଁ କଠିନ ପରିଶ୍ରମ କର | ତୁମର ଯଥାସମ୍ଭବ କର। “ତା’ପରେ ବୁଦ୍ଧ ଜାନା ଷ୍ଟେଜ କିମ୍ବା ମଧ୍ୟାଦାନ ଶୋଷଣକୁ ଲାପ୍ କଲା |
    କିନ୍ତୁ ଜଣେ ସମ୍ଭ୍ରାନ୍ତ ବ୍ୟକ୍ତି ଉତ୍ପାଦନ କରନ୍ତି |
    ଏକ ପ୍ରଚୁରତା ଯୋଗ୍ୟତା |
    ସମସ୍ତ ଜୀବଜନ୍ତୁଙ୍କ ପ୍ରତି ଦୟାଳୁ ମନ ରହିଥାଏ |
    “ଚୁପ୍ ରୁହ ଏବଂ ପ୍ରାଣ କହିବ।”
    “ଆମେ ଯାହା ଚିନ୍ତା କରିଛୁ ତାହାର ଫଳାଫଳ ଅଛି।”
    “ତୁମେ ଯାହା ଭାବୁଛ, ତୁମେ ହୁଅ। ତୁମେ ଯାହା ଅନୁଭବ କରୁଛ, ତୁମେ ଆକର୍ଷିତ କର | ତୁମେ ଯାହା କଳ୍ପନା କରୁଛ, ତୁମେ ସୃଷ୍ଟି କର। “
    “ତୁମର ଆତ୍ମା ​​ନାହିଁ। ତୁମେ ଜଣେ ପ୍ରାଣ। ତୁମର ଶରୀର ଅଛି। “
    “ପ୍ରତିଦିନ ସକାଳେ ଆମେ ପୁନର୍ବାର ଜନ୍ମ ହୋଇଛୁ। ଆଜି ଆମେ ଯାହା କରୁ ତାହା ହେଉଛି ସବୁଠାରୁ ଗୁରୁତ୍ୱପୂର୍ଣ୍ଣ |
    ଗୋଟିଏ ମୁହୂର୍ତ୍ତ ଦିନକୁ ଦିନ ପରିବର୍ତ୍ତନ କରିପାରିବ, ଦିନେ ଏକ ଜୀବନ ପରିବର୍ତ୍ତନ କରିପାରିବ, ଏବଂ ଗୋଟିଏ ଜୀବନ ଜଗତକୁ ବଦଳାଇପାରେ। “
    “ତୁମର ମନ ଏକ ଶକ୍ତିଶାଳୀ ଜିନିଷ ଅଟେ। ଯେତେବେଳେ ତୁମେ ଏହାକୁ ସକରାତ୍ମକ ଚିନ୍ତାଧାରା ସହିତ ଫିଲ୍ଟର୍ କରିବା ଆରମ୍ଭ କର, ତୁମର ଜୀବନ ପରିବର୍ତ୍ତନ ଆରମ୍ଭ ହେବ | “
    “Health is the greatest gift, contentment the greatest wealth, faithfulness the best relationship.”
    “ଯଦି ତୁମେ ଜାଣିଥିଲ ଯେ ମୁଁ ଦେବାର ଶକ୍ତି ବିଷୟରେ କ’ଣ ଜାଣେ, ତୁମେ କ way ଣସି ପ୍ରକାରେ ଏହାକୁ ବାଣ୍ଟିବା ବିନା ଗୋଟିଏ ଖାଇବା ପାସ ପାସକୁ ପାସ୍ କରିବାକୁ ଦେବ ନାହିଁ।
    “ଯେତେବେଳେ ତୁମେ ଅନୁଭବ କର ସବୁକିଛି ତୁମର ସବୁକିଛି ତୁମର ମୁଣ୍ଡକୁ ଫେରି ଆକାଶରେ ହସିବ।”
    May all beings everywhere be safe and well.
    May all beings everywhere be happy and content.
    May all beings everywhere be healthy and strong.
    May all beings everywhere be peaceful and at ease.
    Buddhism and all beings’ right to life-Buddha
    La vita le opere ed insegnamenti di Shakyamuni Buddha Parliamo di Buddha Dharma su YouTube
    vita le opere ed insegnamenti di Shakyamuni Buddha Parliamo di Buddha
    Dharma su YouTube.La #vita del #Buddha. 生活的佛像。#仏の生活。ชีวิตของพระพุทธเจ้า
    부처님의 수명을 연장 …
83) Classical Punjabi-ਕਲਾਸੀਕਲ ਪੰਜਾਬੀ,

ਬੁੱਧ ਹਵਾਲੇ ਇਕੱਲੇ ਰਹਿਣ ‘ਤੇ!
“ਜੇ ਤੁਸੀਂ ਰੂਹਾਨੀ ਮਾਰਗ ‘ਤੇ ਤੁਹਾਡਾ ਸਮਰਥਨ ਕਰਨ ਲਈ ਕੋਈ ਨਹੀਂ ਪਾਉਂਦੇ, ਤਾਂ ਇਕੱਲੇ ਰਹੋ.”
ਅਤੀਤ ਦਾ ਪਿੱਛਾ ਨਾ ਕਰੋ.
ਆਪਣੇ ਆਪ ਨੂੰ ਭਵਿੱਖ ਵਿੱਚ ਨਾ ਗੁਆਓ.
ਅਤੀਤ ਹੁਣ ਨਹੀਂ ਹੈ.
ਭਵਿੱਖ ਅਜੇ ਨਹੀਂ ਆਇਆ.
ਜ਼ਿੰਦਗੀ ‘ਤੇ ਡੂੰਘਾ ਦਿਖਾਈ ਦੇ ਰਿਹਾ ਹੈ
ਇੱਥੇ ਅਤੇ ਹੁਣ,
ਪ੍ਰੈਕਟੀਸ਼ਨਰ ਵੱਸਦਾ ਹੈ
ਸਥਿਰਤਾ ਅਤੇ ਆਜ਼ਾਦੀ ਵਿੱਚ.
“ਜੇ ਤੁਸੀਂ ਰੂਹਾਨੀ ਮਾਰਗ ‘ਤੇ ਤੁਹਾਡਾ ਸਮਰਥਨ ਕਰਨ ਲਈ ਕੋਈ ਨਹੀਂ ਪਾਉਂਦੇ, ਤਾਂ ਇਕੱਲੇ ਰਹੋ.”
“ਤੁਸੀਂ ਸਿਰਫ ਉਹੀ ਗੁਆਉਂਦੇ ਹੋ ਜੋ ਤੁਸੀਂ ਚਿੰਬੜਦੇ ਹੋ.”
“ਦੁੱਖਾਂ ਦੀ ਜੜ ਲਗਾਵ ਹੈ.”
“ਕੋਈ ਵੀ ਸਾਡੇ ਤੋਂ ਪਰ ਆਪਣੇ ਆਪ ਨੂੰ ਬਚਾਉਂਦਾ ਹੈ. ਕੋਈ ਵੀ ਨਹੀਂ ਕਰ ਸਕਦਾ ਅਤੇ ਕੋਈ ਵੀ ਨਹੀਂ ਹੋ ਸਕਦਾ. ਅਸੀਂ ਖੁਦ ਰਸਤਾ ਚੱਲਣਾ ਲਾਜ਼ਮੀ ਹਾਂ. “
“ਆਪਣੇ ਆਪ ਨੂੰ ਛੱਡ ਕੇ ਕਿਸੇ ਵਿੱਚ ਸ਼ਰਕਾਂਤ ਨਾ ਭਾਲੋ.”
“ਸਿੰਜਾਈ ਕਰਨ ਵਾਲੇ ਚੈਨਲ ਪਾਣੀ; ਫਿੱਟਚਰਸ ਤੀਰ ਨੂੰ ਸਿੱਧਾ ਕਰਦੇ ਹਨ; ਤਰਖਾਣ ਲੱਕੜ ਨੂੰ ਮੋੜਦੇ ਹਨ; ਬੁੱਧੀਮਾਨ ਆਪਣੇ ਆਪ ਨੂੰ. “
“ਤੁਹਾਨੂੰ ਆਪਣੇ ਆਪ ਨੂੰ ਯਤਨ ਕਰਨਾ ਚਾਹੀਦਾ ਹੈ. ਬੁੱਧ ਸਿਰਫ ਰਸਤੇ ਨੂੰ ਦਰਸਾਉਂਦੇ ਹਨ. “
“ਅਭਿਆਸ ਕਰੋ … ਦੇਰੀ ਨਾ ਕਰੋ, ਨਾ ਕਿ ਤੁਹਾਨੂੰ ਬਾਅਦ ਵਿਚ ਅਫ਼ਸੋਸ ਹੈ.”
“ਇਕ ਆਦਮੀ ਨੇ ਗੌਤਮ ਬੁੱਧ ਨੂੰ ਪੁੱਛਿਆ, ‘ਮੈਂ ਖ਼ੁਸ਼ੀ ਚਾਹੁੰਦਾ ਹਾਂ.” ਪਹਿਲਾਂ ਮੈਂ ਹਟਾ ਲਵੋ,’ ਪਹਿਲਾਂ ਮੈਨੂੰ ਹਟਾਓ, ਇਹ ਹਉਮੈ ਹੈ, ਤਾਂ ਇਹ ਇੱਛਾ ਹੈ. ਹੁਣ ਮਿਲੋ ਹੁਣ ਤੁਸੀਂ ਸਿਰਫ ਖੁਸ਼ਹਾਲੀ ਛੱਡ ਗਏ ਹੋ. ‘”
“ਦੁਨੀਆ ਦੀਆਂ ਸਾਰੀਆਂ ਚੀਜ਼ਾਂ ਬਦਲਣ ਯੋਗ ਹਨ. ਉਹ ਸਥਾਈ ਨਹੀਂ ਰਹੇ. ਆਪਣੀ ਮੁਕਤੀ ਪ੍ਰਾਪਤ ਕਰਨ ਲਈ ਸਖਤ ਮਿਹਨਤ ਕਰੋ. ਆਪਣਾ ਸਭ ਤੋਂ ਵਧੀਆ ਕਰੋ. “ਫਿਰ ਬੁੱ bud ਾ ਨੇ ਝਾਨਾ ਪੜਾਵਾਂ ਜਾਂ ਸਿਮਰਨ ਦੇ ਮਨਜੋਣ ਵਿੱਚ ਖੱਬੀ.
ਪਰ ਇੱਕ ਨੇਕ ਪੈਦਾ ਕਰਦਾ ਹੈ
ਮੈਰਿਟ ਦੀ ਬਹੁਤਾਤ
ਸਾਰੇ ਜੀਵਾਂ ਪ੍ਰਤੀ ਹਮਦਰਦ ਮਨ ਬਣ ਕੇ.
“ਮਨ ਅਤੇ ਆਤਮਾ ਬੋਲੀ ਬੋਲਣਗੇ.”
“ਉਹ ਸਭ ਜੋ ਅਸੀਂ ਹਾਂ ਇਸਦਾ ਨਤੀਜਾ ਹੈ ਜੋ ਅਸੀਂ ਸੋਚਿਆ ਹੈ.”
“ਜੋ ਤੁਸੀਂ ਸੋਚਦੇ ਹੋ, ਤੁਸੀਂ ਬਣ ਜਾਂਦੇ ਹੋ. ਤੁਸੀਂ ਜੋ ਮਹਿਸੂਸ ਕਰਦੇ ਹੋ, ਤੁਸੀਂ ਆਕਰਸ਼ਤ ਕਰਦੇ ਹੋ. ਤੁਸੀਂ ਕੀ ਕਲਪਨਾ ਕਰਦੇ ਹੋ, ਤੁਸੀਂ ਬਣਾਉਂਦੇ ਹੋ. “
“ਤੁਹਾਡੇ ਕੋਲ ਰੂਹ ਨਹੀਂ ਹੈ. ਤੁਸੀਂ ਇੱਕ ਰੂਹ ਹੋ. ਤੁਹਾਡਾ ਸਰੀਰ ਹੈ. “
“ਹਰ ਸਵੇਰ ਅਸੀਂ ਦੁਬਾਰਾ ਜਨਮ ਲੈਂਦੇ ਹਾਂ. ਜੋ ਅਸੀਂ ਅੱਜ ਜੋ ਕਰਦੇ ਹਾਂ ਉਹ ਉਹ ਹੁੰਦਾ ਹੈ ਜੋ ਜ਼ਿਆਦਾਤਰ ਮਹੱਤਵ ਰੱਖਦਾ ਹੈ. “
“ਇਕ ਪਲ ਇਕ ਦਿਨ ਬਦਲ ਸਕਦਾ ਹੈ, ਇਕ ਦਿਨ ਇਕ ਜ਼ਿੰਦਗੀ ਬਦਲ ਸਕਦਾ ਹੈ, ਅਤੇ ਇਕ ਜੀਵਨ ਦੁਨੀਆਂ ਨੂੰ ਬਦਲ ਸਕਦਾ ਹੈ.”
“ਤੁਹਾਡਾ ਮਨ ਇਕ ਸ਼ਕਤੀਸ਼ਾਲੀ ਚੀਜ਼ ਹੈ. ਜਦੋਂ ਤੁਸੀਂ ਇਸ ਨੂੰ ਸਕਾਰਾਤਮਕ ਵਿਚਾਰਾਂ ਨਾਲ ਫਿਲਟਰ ਕਰਨਾ ਸ਼ੁਰੂ ਕਰਦੇ ਹੋ ਤਾਂ ਤੁਹਾਡੀ ਜ਼ਿੰਦਗੀ ਬਦਲਣਾ ਸ਼ੁਰੂ ਹੋ ਜਾਵੇਗੀ. “
“ਸਿਹਤ ਸਭ ਤੋਂ ਵੱਡਾ ਤੋਹਫਾ ਹੈ, ਸੰਤੁਸ਼ਟੀ ਸਭ ਤੋਂ ਵੱਡੀ ਦੌਲਤ, ਵਫ਼ਾਦਾਰੀ ਨਾਲ ਸਭ ਤੋਂ ਵਧੀਆ ਰਿਸ਼ਤਾ.”
“ਜੇ ਤੁਹਾਨੂੰ ਪਤਾ ਹੁੰਦਾ ਕਿ ਮੈਂ ਦੇਣ ਦੀ ਸ਼ਕਤੀ ਬਾਰੇ ਕੀ ਜਾਣਦਾ ਹਾਂ, ਤਾਂ ਤੁਸੀਂ ਇਸ ਨੂੰ ਕਿਸੇ ਤਰੀਕੇ ਨਾਲ ਸਾਂਝਾ ਨਾ ਕਰਨ ਦਿਓ.”
“ਜਦੋਂ ਤੁਹਾਨੂੰ ਅਹਿਸਾਸ ਹੁੰਦਾ ਹੈ ਕਿ ਸਭ ਕੁਝ ਕਿੰਨਾ ਸੰਪੂਰਨ ਹੈ ਕਿ ਤੁਸੀਂ ਆਪਣੇ ਸਿਰ ਨੂੰ ਵਾਪਸ ਝੁਕੋਗੇ ਅਤੇ ਅਕਾਸ਼ ‘ਤੇ ਹੱਸੋਂਗੇ.”
ਹਰ ਜਗ੍ਹਾ ਸਾਰੇ ਜੀਵਾਂ ਸੁਰੱਖਿਅਤ ਅਤੇ ਵਧੀਆ ਹੋ ਸਕਦੇ ਹਨ.
ਸਾਰੇ ਪਾਸੇ ਸਾਰੇ ਜੀਵਾਂ ਖੁਸ਼ ਅਤੇ ਸਮੱਗਰੀ ਹੋ ਸਕਦੇ ਹਨ.
ਹਰ ਜਗ੍ਹਾ ਤੰਦਰੁਸਤ ਅਤੇ ਮਜ਼ਬੂਤ ​​ਹੋ ਸਕਦੇ ਹਨ.
ਹਰ ਜਗ੍ਹਾ ਸਾਰੇ ਜੀਵ ਸ਼ਾਂਤ ਅਤੇ ਆਸਾਨੀ ਨਾਲ ਹੋ ਸਕਦੇ ਹਨ.
ਬੁੱਧ ਧਰਮ ਅਤੇ ਸਾਰੇ ਜੀਵਾਂ ਦਾ ਜੀਵਨ-ਬੁੱਧ

87) Classical Sanskrit छ्लस्सिचल् षन्स्क्रित्

87) Cलस्सिcअल् Sअन्स्क्रिट् छ्लस्सिचल् षन्स्क्रित्
भुड्द Qउओटेस् Oन् भेइन्ग् आलोने!
“ईफ़् योउ फ़िन्ड् नो ओने टो सुप्पोर्ट् योउ ओन् ते स्पिरिटुअल् पत्, wअल्क् अलोने.”
ढो नोट् पुर्सुए ते पस्ट्.
ढो नोट् लोसे योउर्सेल्फ़् इन् ते फ़ुटुरे.
थे पस्ट् नो लोन्गेर् इस्.
थे फ़ुटुरे हस् नोट् येट् cओमे.
ळूकिन्ग् डीप्ल्य् अट् लिफ़े अस् इट् इस्
इन् ते वेर्य् हेरे अन्ड् नोw,
ते प्रcटिटिओनेर् ड्wएल्ल्स्
इन् स्टबिलिट्य् अन्ड् फ़्रीडोम्.
“ईफ़् योउ फ़िन्ड् नो ओने टो सुप्पोर्ट् योउ ओन् ते स्पिरिटुअल् पत्, wअल्क् अलोने.”
“य़ोउ ओन्ल्य् लोसे wहट् योउ cलिन्ग् टो.”
“थे रूट् ओफ़् सुफ़्फ़ेरिन्ग् इस् अट्टच्मेन्ट्.”
“णो ओने सवेस् उस् बुट् ओउर्सेल्वेस्. णो ओने cअन् अन्ड् नो ओने मय्. Wए ओउर्सेल्वेस् मुस्ट् wअल्क् ते पत्.”
“ढो नोट् लूक् फ़ोर् अ सन्cटुअर्य् इन् अन्योने एxcएप्ट् योउर् सेल्फ़्.”
“ईर्रिगटोर्स् चन्नेल् wअटेर्स्; फ़्लेट्चेर्स् स्ट्रैघ्टेन् अर्रोwस्; cअर्पेन्टेर्स् बेन्ड् wऊड्; ते wइसे मस्टेर् तेम्सेल्वेस्.”
“य़ोउ योउर्सेल्फ़् मुस्ट् स्ट्रिवे. थे भुड्दस् ओन्ल्य् पोइन्ट् ते wअय्.”
“ंएडिटटे… डो नोट् डेलय्, लेस्ट् योउ लटेर् रेग्रेट् इट्.”
“आ मन् अस्केड् ङौटम भुड्द, ‘ई wअन्ट् हप्पिनेस्स्.’ भुड्द सैड्, ‘Fइर्स्ट् रेमोवे ई, तट्’स् Eगो, तेन् रेमोवे wअन्ट्, तट्’स् ढेसिरे. Sई नोw योउ अरे लेफ़्ट् wइत् ओन्ल्य् ःअप्पिनेस्स्.’ ”
“आल्ल् cओम्पोनेन्ट् तिन्ग्स् इन् ते wओर्ल्ड् अरे चन्गेअब्ले. थेय् अरे नोट् लस्टिन्ग्. Wओर्क् हर्ड् टो गैन् योउर् ओwन् सल्वटिओन्. ढो योउर् बेस्ट्.”. थेन् ते भुड्द लप्सेड् इन्टो ते Jहन स्टगेस् ओर् मेडिटटिवे अब्सोर्प्टिओन्.
भुट् अ नोब्ले ओने प्रोडुcएस्
आन् अबुन्डन्cए ओफ़् मेरिट्
भ्य् हविन्ग् अ cओम्पस्सिओनटे मिन्ड् ठोwअर्ड्स् अल्ल् लिविन्ग् बेइन्ग्स्.
“Qउइएट् ते मिन्ड् अन्ड् ते सोउल् wइल्ल् स्पेअक्.”
“आल्ल् तट् wए अरे इस् ते रेसुल्ट् ओफ़् wहट् wए हवे तोउघ्ट्.”
“Wहट् योउ तिन्क्, योउ बेcओमे. Wहट् योउ फ़ील्, योउ अट्ट्रcट्. Wहट् योउ इमगिने, योउ cरेअटे.”
“य़ोउ डोन्’ट् हवे अ Sओउल्. य़ोउ अरे अ सोउल्. य़ोउ हवे अ बोड्य्.”
“Eवेर्य् मोर्निन्ग् wए अरे बोर्न् अगैन्. Wहट् wए डो टोडय् इस् wहट् मट्टेर्स् मोस्ट्.”
“Oने मोमेन्ट् cअन् चन्गे अ डय्, ओने डय् cअन् चन्गे अ लिफ़े, अन्ड् ओने लिफ़े cअन् चन्गे ते wओर्ल्ड्.”
“य़ोउर् मिन्ड् इस् अ पोwएर्फ़ुल् तिन्ग्. Wहेन् योउ स्टर्ट् टो फ़िल्टेर् इट् wइत् पोसिटिवे तोउघ्ट्स् योउर् लिफ़े wइल्ल् स्टर्ट् टो चन्गे.”
“ःएअल्त् इस् ते ग्रेअटेस्ट् गिफ़्ट्, cओन्टेन्ट्मेन्ट् ते ग्रेअटेस्ट् wएअल्त्, फ़ैत्फ़ुल्नेस्स् ते बेस्ट् रेलटिओन्शिप्.”
“ईफ़् योउ क्नेw wहट् ई क्नोw अबोउट् ते पोwएर् ओफ़् गिविन्ग्, योउ wओउल्ड् नोट् लेट् अ सिन्ग्ले मेअल् पस्स् wइतोउट् शरिन्ग् इट् इन् सोमे wअय्.”
“Wहेन् योउ रेअलिज़े होw पेर्फ़ेcट् एवेर्य्तिन्ग् इस् योउ wइल्ल् टिल्ट् योउर् हेअड् बcक् अन्ड् लौघ् अट् ते स्क्य्.”
ंअय् अल्ल् बेइन्ग्स् एवेर्य्wहेरे बे सफ़े अन्ड् wएल्ल्.
ंअय् अल्ल् बेइन्ग्स् एवेर्य्wहेरे बे हप्प्य् अन्ड् cओन्टेन्ट्.
ंअय् अल्ल् बेइन्ग्स् एवेर्य्wहेरे बे हेअल्त्य् अन्ड् स्ट्रोन्ग्.
ंअय् अल्ल् बेइन्ग्स् एवेर्य्wहेरे बे पेअcएफ़ुल् अन्ड् अट् एअसे.
भुड्दिस्म् अन्ड् अल्ल् बेइन्ग्स्’ रिघ्ट् टो लिफ़े-भुड्द
क्या बौध्द भिक्षु ‘पुरोहित’ होते हैं ? | Buddha & His Dhamma
@AWAAZ INDIA TV | Buddha & His Dhamma | Episode - 278 | Dr. Rajendra Fule

92) Classical Sindhi,

بدو اڪيلو اڪيلو هجڻ تي چوڻي ٿو!
“جيڪڏهن توهان ڪو ماڻهو توهان کي روحاني رستي تي سهارو نه ڳوليندا، اڪيلو هلن.”
ماضي جي تعاقب نه ڪريو.
مستقبل ۾ پنهنجو پاڻ کي نه وڃايو.
ماضي هاڻي ناهي.
مستقبل اڃا تائين نه آيو آهي.
زندگي ۾ ڏا deeply و ڏسڻ ۾ اچي رهيو آهي
هتي ۽ هاڻي ۾،
عملي طور تي ڊوڙي ٿو
استحڪام ۽ آزادي ۾.
“جيڪڏهن توهان ڪو ماڻهو توهان کي روحاني رستي تي سهارو نه ڳوليندا، اڪيلو هلن.”
“توهان صرف اهو وڃايو جيڪو توهان سان کلندي آهي.”
“مصيبت جو روٽ منسلڪ آهي.”
“ڪو به اسان کي نٿو بچائي. ڪو به نٿو ڪري سگهي ۽ ڪير به نٿو سگهي. اسان پاڻ کي رستي ۾ رستو هلڻ گهرجي. “
“توهان جي نفس کانسواء ڪنهن جي ضد جي ڳولا نه ڪريو.”
“آبپاشي چينل جو پاڻي؛ فليچر سڌو تيرون؛ ڪارڪنن کي ڪاٺ جوڙيو؛ عقلمند ماسٽر پاڻ. “
“توهان پنهنجو پاڻ کي ڪوشش ڪرڻ گهرجي. ٻڌ ڌرم صرف رستو اشارو ڪري ٿو. “
“غور ڪريو … دير نه ڪريو، دير سان توهان کي ان تي افسوس ٿيو.”
“هڪ ماڻهو، گاتاماداما کان پڇيو، ‘آئون خوشي چاهيان ٿو.’ ٻڌ ڌرم چيو، ‘پهريون هٽايو، اهو انا، اهو خواهش آهي، اهو انا، اهو خواهش آهي. هاڻي ڏسو ته توهان صرف خوشيء سان ڇڏي ويا آهيو. “
“دنيا ۾ سڀ جز شيون تبديل ٿينديون آهن. اهي آخري نه رهيا آهن. پنهنجي نجات حاصل ڪرڻ لاء سخت ڪم ڪرڻ پنهنجو بهترين ڪم ڪيو. پوء بدي جا جهانا جي اسٽيج يا مراقبي جذب ٿي ويا.
پر هڪ عظيم هڪ پيدا ڪري ٿو
قابليت جو هڪ ڪثرت
سڀني جاندار مخلوق جي طرف شفقت وارو ذهن هجڻ سان.
“ذهن خاموش ۽ روح ڳالهائيندو.”
“اهو سڀ جيڪو اسان آهيون جو نتيجو آهي جيڪو اسان سوچيو آهي.”
“جيڪو توهان سوچيو ٿا، تون ٿي ويندين. جيڪو توهان محسوس ڪيو، توهان متوجه ڪيو. جيڪو توهان تصور ڪيو، توهان ٺاهيو. “
“توهان کي روح ناهي. تون هڪ روح آهين. توهان وٽ هڪ جسم آهي. “
“هر صبح اسان ٻيهر پيدا ٿيا آهيون. جيڪو اسان ا today جيڪو ڪيو آهي اهو سڀ کان اهم آهي. “
“هڪ ئي هڪ ڏينهن هڪ ڏينهن کي تبديل ڪري سگهي ٿو هڪ ڏينهن زندگي بدلائي سگهي ٿو، ۽ هڪ زندگي دنيا بدلائي سگهي ٿو.
“توهان جو دماغ هڪ طاقتور شيء آهي. جڏهن توهان ان کي مثبت سوچن سان فلٽر ڪرڻ شروع ڪيو ٿا توهان جي زندگي بدلجي ويندي. “
“صحت سڀني کان وڏو تحفو آهي، اطمينان بخش دولت، وفادار بهترين تعلق.”
“جيڪڏهن توهان knew اڻو ٿا ته مان ڏيڻ جي طاقت بابت ڇا know اڻان ٿو، توهان ڪنهن به طريقي سان ڪنهن به طريقي سان ڪنهن به کاڌي جي پاس نه ڇڏيندا.”
“When you realize how perfect everything is you will tilt your head back and laugh at the sky.”
May all beings everywhere be safe and well.
May all beings everywhere be happy and content.
May all beings everywhere be healthy and strong.
May all beings everywhere be peaceful and at ease.
Buddhism and all beings’ right to life-Buddha
قدم اول یادگیری شنا با آب دوست باشید

  • 102) Classical Tamil-பாரம்பரிய இசைத்தமிழ் செம்மொழி,

    தனியாக இருப்பது குறித்து புத்தர் மேற்கோள்கள்!
    “ஆன்மீக பாதையில் உங்களை ஆதரிக்க யாரும் இல்லை என்றால், தனியாக நடந்து செல்லுங்கள்.”
    கடந்த காலத்தைத் தொடர வேண்டாம்.
    எதிர்காலத்தில் உங்களை இழக்காதீர்கள்.
    கடந்த காலம் இனி இல்லை.
    எதிர்காலம் இன்னும் வரவில்லை.
    வாழ்க்கையைப் போலவே ஆழமாகப் பார்ப்பது
    இங்கே மற்றும் இப்போது,
    பயிற்சியாளர் வாழ்கிறார்
    ஸ்திரத்தன்மை மற்றும் சுதந்திரத்தில்.
    “ஆன்மீக பாதையில் உங்களை ஆதரிக்க யாரும் இல்லை என்றால், தனியாக நடந்து செல்லுங்கள்.”
    “நீங்கள் ஒட்டிக்கொண்டிருப்பதை மட்டுமே இழக்கிறீர்கள்.”
    “துன்பத்தின் வேர் இணைப்பு.”
    “யாரும் நம்மைத் தவிர வேறு யாரும் காப்பாற்றுவதில்லை. யாராலும் முடியாது, யாரும் முடியாது. நாம் பாதையில் நடக்க வேண்டும். ”
    “உங்கள் சுயத்தைத் தவிர வேறு யாரிடமும் சரணாலயத்தைத் தேட வேண்டாம்.”
    “நீர்ப்பாசனங்கள் சேனல் நீர்; பிளெட்சர்கள் அம்புகளை நேராக்குகின்றன; தச்சர்கள் மரத்தை வளைக்கிறார்கள்; புத்திசாலித்தனமான மாஸ்டர். “
    “நீங்களே முயற்சி செய்ய வேண்டும். புத்தர்கள் மட்டுமே வழியை சுட்டிக்காட்டுகிறார்கள். ”
    “தியானியுங்கள் … தாமதிக்க வேண்டாம், பின்னர் நீங்கள் வருத்தப்படக்கூடாது.”
    “ஒரு நபர் க ut தம புத்தரிடம்,‘ எனக்கு மகிழ்ச்சி வேண்டும் என்று கேட்டார். ’புத்தர்,‘ முதலில் நான் நீக்கு, அது ஈகோ, பின்னர் விருப்பத்தை அகற்று, அது ஆசை. இப்போது நீங்கள் மகிழ்ச்சியுடன் மட்டுமே எஞ்சியுள்ளீர்கள் என்று பாருங்கள். ’”
    “உலகில் உள்ள அனைத்து கூறு விஷயங்களும் மாறக்கூடியவை. அவை நீடிக்கவில்லை. உங்கள் சொந்த இரட்சிப்பைப் பெற கடினமாக உழைக்கவும். உங்களால் முடிந்ததைச் செய்யுங்கள். “. பின்னர் புத்தர் ஜானா நிலைகள் அல்லது தியான உறிஞ்சுதலில் தோல்வியடைந்தார்.
    ஆனால் ஒரு உன்னதமானவர் உற்பத்தி செய்கிறார்
    ஏராளமான தகுதி
    எல்லா உயிரினங்களுக்கும் இரக்கமுள்ள மனம் வைத்திருப்பதன் மூலம்.
    “மனதை அமைதிப்படுத்துங்கள், ஆன்மா பேசும்.”
    “நாங்கள் நினைத்ததன் விளைவாகும் நாங்கள் நினைத்தோம்.”
    “நீங்கள் என்ன நினைக்கிறீர்கள், நீங்கள் ஆகிறீர்கள். நீங்கள் என்ன நினைக்கிறீர்கள், ஈர்க்கிறீர்கள். நீங்கள் கற்பனை செய்வது, நீங்கள் உருவாக்குகிறீர்கள். ”
    “உங்களிடம் ஆன்மா இல்லை. நீங்கள் ஒரு ஆன்மா. உங்களுக்கு ஒரு உடல் இருக்கிறது. ”
    “ஒவ்வொரு காலையிலும் நாங்கள் மீண்டும் பிறக்கிறோம். இன்று நாம் செய்வது மிகவும் முக்கியமானது. ”
    “ஒரு கணம் ஒரு நாள் மாற்ற முடியும், ஒரு நாள் ஒரு வாழ்க்கையை மாற்ற முடியும், ஒரு வாழ்க்கை உலகை மாற்றும்.”
    “உங்கள் மனம் ஒரு சக்திவாய்ந்த விஷயம். நேர்மறையான எண்ணங்களுடன் அதை வடிகட்டத் தொடங்கும் போது உங்கள் வாழ்க்கை மாறத் தொடங்கும். ”
    “உடல்நலம் என்பது மிகப் பெரிய பரிசு, மிகப் பெரிய செல்வம், விசுவாசம் சிறந்த உறவு.”
    “கொடுப்பதன் சக்தியைப் பற்றி எனக்குத் தெரிந்தவை உங்களுக்குத் தெரிந்தால், ஒரு உணவை ஏதேனும் ஒரு வழியில் பகிராமல் நீங்கள் அதை கடக்க விடமாட்டீர்கள்.”
    “எல்லாம் எவ்வளவு சரியானது என்பதை நீங்கள் உணரும்போது, ​​நீங்கள் தலையை பின்னால் சாய்த்து வானத்தைப் பார்த்து சிரிப்பீர்கள்.”
    எல்லா இடங்களிலும் உள்ள அனைத்து மனிதர்களும் பாதுகாப்பாகவும் நன்றாகவும் இருக்கட்டும்.
    எல்லா இடங்களிலும் உள்ள அனைத்து உயிரினங்களும் மகிழ்ச்சியாகவும் உள்ளடக்கமாகவும் இருக்கட்டும்.
    எல்லா இடங்களிலும் உள்ள அனைத்து உயிரினங்களும் ஆரோக்கியமாகவும் வலுவாகவும் இருக்கட்டும்.
    எல்லா இடங்களிலும் உள்ள அனைத்து உயிரினங்களும் அமைதியாகவும் நிம்மதியாகவும் இருக்கட்டும்.
    ப Buddhism த்தம் மற்றும் அனைத்து உயிரினங்களின் வாழ்க்கை புதிக்கும் உரிமை
    தனியாக இரு !! புத்தர் கதை | Story Man Voice
    #buddhastory #storyman #mudhalmozhiAanmeegathil ariyavendiya ra

104) Classical Telugu- క్లాసికల్ తెలుగు,

ఒంటరిగా ఉండటం గురించి బుద్ధుడు కోట్స్!
“ఆధ్యాత్మిక మార్గంలో మీకు మద్దతు ఇవ్వడానికి మీరు ఎవరూ కనుగొనకపోతే, ఒంటరిగా నడవండి.”
గతాన్ని కొనసాగించవద్దు.
భవిష్యత్తులో మిమ్మల్ని మీరు కోల్పోకండి.
గతం ఇక లేదు.
భవిష్యత్తు ఇంకా రాలేదు.
జీవితాన్ని లోతుగా చూడటం
చాలా ఇక్కడ మరియు ఇప్పుడు,
అభ్యాసకుడు నివసిస్తాడు
స్థిరత్వం మరియు స్వేచ్ఛలో.
“ఆధ్యాత్మిక మార్గంలో మీకు మద్దతు ఇవ్వడానికి మీరు ఎవరూ కనుగొనకపోతే, ఒంటరిగా నడవండి.”
“మీరు అతుక్కొని ఉన్నదాన్ని మాత్రమే మీరు కోల్పోతారు.”
“బాధ యొక్క మూలం అటాచ్మెంట్.”
“మనల్ని తప్ప మరెవరూ మమ్మల్ని రక్షించరు. ఎవరూ చేయలేరు మరియు ఎవరూ ఉండలేరు. మనమే మనం ఈ మార్గంలో నడవాలి. ”
“మీ స్వయం తప్ప ఎవరిలోనూ అభయారణ్యం కోసం వెతకండి.”
“ఇరిగేటర్స్ ఛానల్ వాటర్స్; ఫ్లెచర్లు బాణాలను నిఠారుగా చేస్తాయి; వడ్రంగి కలపను వంచు; తెలివైన నైపుణ్యం. ”
“మీరే ప్రయత్నించాలి. బుద్ధులు మార్గం మాత్రమే చూపిస్తారు. ”
“ధ్యానం చేయండి … ఆలస్యం చేయవద్దు, తరువాత మీరు చింతిస్తున్నాము లేదు.”
“ఒక వ్యక్తి గౌతమ బుద్ధుడిని,‘ నాకు ఆనందం కావాలి ’అని అడిగాడు. బుద్ధుడు ఇలా అన్నాడు,‘ మొదట నేను తొలగించండి, అది అహం, ఆపై కోరికను తొలగించండి, అది కోరిక. ఇప్పుడు మీరు ఆనందంతో మాత్రమే మిగిలి ఉన్నారని చూడండి. ’”
“ప్రపంచంలోని అన్ని భాగాల విషయాలు మార్చగలవు. అవి శాశ్వతమైనవి కావు. మీ స్వంత మోక్షాన్ని పొందడానికి కృషి చేయండి. మీ వంతు కృషి చేయండి. “. అప్పుడు బుద్ధుడు hana ానా దశల్లోకి లేదా ధ్యాన శోషణలో మునిగిపోయాడు.
కానీ ఒక గొప్పవాడు ఉత్పత్తి చేస్తాడు
మెరిట్ యొక్క సమృద్ధి
అన్ని జీవుల పట్ల దయగల మనస్సు కలిగి ఉండటం ద్వారా.
“మనస్సు నిశ్శబ్దంగా మనస్సు మరియు ఆత్మ మాట్లాడుతుంది.”
“మేము అనుకున్నది మనం అనుకున్న దాని ఫలితం.”
“మీరు ఏమనుకుంటున్నారో, మీరు అవుతారు. మీకు ఏమి అనిపిస్తుంది, మీరు ఆకర్షిస్తారు. మీరు imagine హించినది, మీరు సృష్టిస్తారు. ”
“మీకు ఆత్మ లేదు. మీరు ఒక ఆత్మ. మీకు శరీరం ఉంది. ”
“ప్రతి ఉదయం మేము మళ్ళీ పుట్టాము. ఈ రోజు మనం చేసేది చాలా ముఖ్యమైనది. ”
“ఒక క్షణం ఒక రోజు మార్చగలదు, ఒక రోజు జీవితాన్ని మార్చగలదు, మరియు ఒక జీవితం ప్రపంచాన్ని మార్చగలదు.”
“మీ మనస్సు శక్తివంతమైన విషయం. మీరు దానిని సానుకూల ఆలోచనలతో ఫిల్టర్ చేయడం ప్రారంభించినప్పుడు మీ జీవితం మారడం ప్రారంభమవుతుంది. ”
“ఆరోగ్యం గొప్ప బహుమతి, గొప్ప సంపద, విశ్వాసం ఉత్తమ సంబంధం.”
“ఇచ్చే శక్తి గురించి నాకు తెలిసినది మీకు తెలిస్తే, మీరు ఒక్క భోజనం ఏదో ఒక విధంగా పంచుకోకుండా పాస్ చేయనివ్వరు.”
“ప్రతిదీ ఎంత పరిపూర్ణంగా ఉందో మీరు గ్రహించినప్పుడు మీరు మీ తలని వెనక్కి వంచి, ఆకాశాన్ని చూసి నవ్వుతారు.”
ప్రతిచోటా అన్ని జీవులు సురక్షితంగా మరియు బాగా ఉండవచ్చు.
ప్రతిచోటా అన్ని జీవులు సంతోషంగా మరియు కంటెంట్‌ను కలిగి ఉంటాయి.
ప్రతిచోటా అన్ని జీవులు ఆరోగ్యంగా మరియు బలంగా ఉంటాయి.
ప్రతిచోటా అన్ని జీవులు శాంతియుతంగా మరియు తేలికగా ఉంటాయి.
బౌద్ధమతం మరియు అన్ని జీవుల జీవితానికి హక్కు
గౌతమ బుద్ధ చెప్పిన ఈ కొన్ని మాటలు చాలు మీ జీవితం మారడానికి | Intresting Facts About Gauthama Buddha

109) Classical Urdu- کلاسیکی اردو


اکیلے ہونے پر بدھ کے حوالے!
“اگر آپ کو روحانی راہ پر آپ کی مدد کرنے کے لئے کوئی نہیں ملتا ہے تو ، تنہا چلیں۔”
ماضی کا پیچھا نہ کریں۔
مستقبل میں اپنے آپ کو کھوئے نہیں۔
ماضی اب نہیں ہے۔
مستقبل ابھی نہیں آیا ہے۔
زندگی کی طرح گہری نظر آرہی ہے جیسا کہ ہے
بہت ہی یہاں اور اب میں ،

پریکٹیشنر رہتا ہے
استحکام اور آزادی میں۔
“اگر آپ کو روحانی راہ پر آپ کی مدد کرنے کے لئے کوئی نہیں ملتا ہے تو ، تنہا چلیں۔”
“آپ صرف اس چیز سے محروم ہوجاتے ہیں جس سے آپ چمٹے ہوئے ہیں۔”
“مصائب کی جڑ منسلک ہے۔”
“کوئی بھی ہمیں اپنے سوا نہیں بچاتا ہے۔ کوئی نہیں کرسکتا اور کوئی نہیں کرسکتا۔ ہمیں خود ہی راستے پر چلنا چاہئے۔
“اپنے نفس کے علاوہ کسی میں کسی حرمت کی تلاش نہ کریں۔”
“آبپاشی چینل کے پانی ؛ فلیچرز سیدھے تیر ؛ کارپٹرز موڑنے والی لکڑی ؛ عقلمند ماسٹر خود۔ “
“آپ خود جدوجہد کریں۔ بدھ صرف راستے کی نشاندہی کرتے ہیں۔
“مراقبہ کریں… تاخیر نہ کریں ، ایسا نہ ہو کہ آپ بعد میں اس پر افسوس کریں۔”
شخص نے گوتامہ بدھ سے پوچھا ،‘ میں خوشی چاہتا ہوں۔ ’بدھ نے کہا ،‘ پہلے
میں ، یہ انا ہے ، پھر خواہش کو دور کریں ، اس کی خواہش ہے۔ دیکھو اب آپ کو
صرف خوشی ہی رہ گئی ہے۔ ’’
کی تمام جزو چیزیں بدل سکتی ہیں۔ وہ دیرپا نہیں ہیں۔ اپنی نجات حاصل کرنے
کے لئے سخت محنت کریں۔ اپنی پوری کوشش کرو۔ “۔ پھر بدھ جھانا کے مراحل یا
مراقبہ جذب میں شامل ہوگیا۔
لیکن ایک عمدہ پیدا ہوتا ہے
میرٹ کی کثرت
تمام جانداروں کے ساتھ ہمدردی ذہن رکھنے سے۔
“دماغ اور روح بولے گا۔”
“ہم جو کچھ ہیں اس کا نتیجہ ہے جو ہم نے سوچا ہے۔”
کیا سوچتے ہیں ، آپ بن جاتے ہیں۔ آپ کیا محسوس کرتے ہیں ، آپ اپنی طرف
راغب کرتے ہیں۔ آپ کیا تصور کرتے ہیں ، آپ تخلیق کرتے ہیں۔ “
“آپ کی روح نہیں ہے۔ آپ ایک روح ہیں۔ آپ کا جسم ہے۔
“ہر صبح ہم دوبارہ پیدا ہوتے ہیں۔ آج ہم کیا کرتے ہیں وہی سب سے اہم ہے۔ “
“ایک لمحہ ایک دن بدل سکتا ہے ، ایک دن زندگی بدل سکتا ہے ، اور ایک زندگی دنیا کو بدل سکتی ہے۔”
“آپ کا دماغ ایک طاقتور چیز ہے۔ جب آپ اسے مثبت خیالات کے ساتھ فلٹر کرنا شروع کردیتے ہیں تو آپ کی زندگی تبدیل ہونے لگے گی۔
“صحت سب سے بڑا تحفہ ہے ، اطمینان بخش سب سے بڑی دولت ، وفاداری کا بہترین رشتہ ہے۔”
آپ جانتے تھے کہ میں دینے کی طاقت کے بارے میں کیا جانتا ہوں تو ، آپ کسی
بھی طرح سے کسی بھی طرح سے اشتراک کیے بغیر کسی بھی کھانے کو گزرنے نہیں
دیں گے۔”
“جب آپ کو احساس ہوتا ہے کہ ہر چیز کتنی کامل ہے آپ اپنے سر کو پیچھے جھکائیں گے اور آسمان پر ہنسیں گے۔”
تمام مخلوق ہر جگہ محفوظ اور اچھی طرح سے رہیں۔
تمام مخلوق ہر جگہ خوش اور مطمئن رہیں۔
ہر جگہ تمام مخلوقات صحت مند اور مضبوط رہیں۔
تمام مخلوق ہر جگہ پر امن اور آسانی سے رہیں۔
بدھ مت اور تمام مخلوقات ’زندگی کا حق
आज 12 मई 2022 की सुबह के सभी मुख्य ताजा समाचार। Yahan Sach Dekho
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khabrein || aaj ki news || Yahan Sach dekho




True joy arised from Just sitting

An oasis of serenity amid chaos

Chhaya and Shravya Mouli

English, Hindi, mathematics and science are taught in addition to Buddhist scriptures

Most students at the monastery are from Ladakh and Arunachal Pradesh

At peace: A file photo of young Buddhist monks praying at the Maha Bodhi Society in Bangalore.

Bangalore: Amidst the bustling activity on the lanes of Gandhinagar — shoppers bargaining for the best price, whirring traffic and crowded streets — it is hard to believe that there could be such an oasis.

The Maha Bodhi Loka Shanti Buddha Vihara is a world in itself, The Hindu discovers on the occasion of Buddha Poornima.

The Vihara aims not just to teach the Dharma to disciples, but to spread the message of peace and co-existence.

Established in 1956 by Acharya Buddharakkhita, the complex is set amidst one-and-a-half serene, lush acres. And the ambience is so tranquil and secluded from the outside world that you might not want to leave once you are in.

The entire complex has been designed in the Buddhist style of architecture. A prominent structure that catches everyone’s attention is the foundation stone of the Vishwa Mattri Stupa that resembles the famous Sanchi Stupa in Madhya Pradesh.

From Thailand

A magnificent idol of the Buddha, six feet in height, and brought from Thailand, is gracefully seated atop a dais in the vast chanting hall and is regarded as the guiding light to all disciples. This hall is open not only to Buddhists but to anyone who wants solitude to meditate or chant. The life of the Buddha has been captured in the form of paintings that adorn the walls. The monastery has four branches all over India: in Ladakh, Arunachal Pradesh, Mysore and Bangalore.

Students from different parts of India come down to enlighten themselves by studying Buddhists manuscripts in Pali.

It is believed that Pali is the language used by Gautam Buddha to preach.

“I like to study the verses in Pali, as we can comprehend them in their original form,” says Dhammabuddhi, a disciple.

130 residents

A large number of these students are from Ladakh and Arunachal Pradesh. Presently there are 130 students who are studying different aspects of Buddhism: the life of the Buddha, one of the world’s oldest languages Pali, Vinaya (discipline), and various discourses of the Buddha.

In addition to this, English, Hindi, mathematics and science are taught.

“The discourses of the Buddha are my favourite subject,” says nine-year-old Jago, who is talented enough to memorize all 423 verses from the book Dhammapada.


The monastery follows a particular routine. The day begins at 5 a.m., with activities such as physical exercise, puja, chanting, meditation and gardening.

When asked about what the disciples will do after they complete their course, society treasurer Sangharakkhita says that after the five years spent at the monastery, students can either train to run a monastery or become meditation masters.


Buddha Purnima celebrations


– Photo: Subir Roy

Matter of faith: Devotees offering prayers to Lord Buddha in Lucknow on Monday on the occasion of Buddha Purnima.

Lord of peace


Prayers on their lips: Buddha Poornima was celebrated at Maha Bodhi School in Mysore on Monday.



Janapada Sri award

Bangalore, DHNS: Puppeteer Belagal Veeranna of Bellary has been reportedly chosen for the Janapada Sri award instituted by the government, for  the year 2007.

The 73-year-old Veeranna uses puppets of Buddha, Basava  and Gandhi in his shows and thus known for his innovative bent of mind.The Committee headed by Eshwarappa Gurappa Angadi is said to have recommended the name of Veeranna for the award, to the government


Gold Bamboo 

Buddha's Path

Kindly visit:

Thai Traditional Paintings

Thai Traditional Paintings

Thai Wall Tapestry

Thai Wall Tapestry

Thai Wood Buddhas

Thai Wood Buddhas

Thai Monk Paintings

Thai Monk Paintings

Thai Bowls, Spoons

Thai Bowls & Spoons

Thai Khon Masks

Thai Khon Masks

Thai Silk Table Runners

Thai Silk Table Runners


Thai Silk Bags

Thai Silk Bags

Thai Buddha Paintings

Thai Silk Cushion Covers

Thai Silk Cushion Covers

Thai Vases

Thai Vases

Thai Ornaments

Thai Ornaments


Thai Wood Wall Carvings

Thai Wood Wall Carvings

Thai Silk Tissue Box

Thai Silk Tissue Box


Thai Traditional Paintings

Thai Traditional Paintings


Thai Lighting

Thai Lighting

Thai Bronze Buddhas

Thai Bronze Buddhas

Thai Vases

Thai Vases


Thai Wood Buddhas

Thai Wood Buddhas

Thai Bronze Buddhas

Thai Wood Buddhas


Kindly Note:

On 19th May 2008 at 09:15 P.M.Bangalore Akashavani Kendra broadcasted Poojya Ananda Bhante’s  Discourse on Life of Buddha and His Peace Message





On 18-05-2008 Sunday  9:30 PMAt Maha Bodhi Society, Gandhinagar, Bangalore-9

DISABLED SERVICE DAY was observed by Launching of the Malaria Prevention Program  with Donation of wheel chairs and blessings by Venerable Acharya Buddharakkhita  Founder President, Maha Bodhi Society, Bangalore


Chief Guests were Shri P.L.Nanjundaswamy Chairman, Dr.B.R.Ambedkar Medical College and Hospital

Founder Member, Pancajanya Vidyapeetha Welfare Trust & Navachetana Social & Educational Society



Emeritus Neuro Surgeon

Taking Care of a Sick Monk


Maha Bodhi Society, Bangalore

 On the Sacred Buddha Purnima Day 500 mosquito nets will be distributed to poor people in remote areas of Arunachal Pradesh for malaria prevention. This will be a continued yearlong program. Join us by generously contributing to this program.


On 19-05-2008  Monday 9:00 AM At Maha Bodhi Society, Gandhinagar, Bangalore-9

SACRED BUDDHA PURNIMA DAY was celebrated in a grand manner

Siri Maha Bodhi Puja,Vishwa Maitri Stupa Puja, Buddha Puja at Mahabodhi Loka Shanti Buddha Vihara, Pindapata Puja  Undertaking of Tisarana, Atthasila and Pancasila, Laying of Foundation for

MAHABODHI MAHA DVARA And Dhamma Desana By Venerable Acharya Buddharakkhita

Founder President, Maha Bodhi Society, Bangalore & Presentation of the Sacred Pali Tipitaka in Kannada Script to Mahabodhi Library by Devoteeswas performed in a hifhly spiritual manner



Year long chanting of ‘SACRED PALI TIPITAKA’

At Mahabodhi Vihara everyday

Inauguration of Tipitaka Parayana was performed by

Venerable Acharya Buddharakkhita


Upasaka A.M.Rajanna Donor of Mahabodhi Mahadvara was honoured


 At 11 AM  Sanghadana was carried out & At 12 Noon  Meals for devotees was offered

(Service by Dr.D.Ramachandrappa, Chairman and Managing Director, Yellamma Dasappa Hospital , Bangalore )

 At 1:00 PM  there was a  Film Show  & at 2:30 PM  Dhamma Deeksha was undertaken by devotees



At  5:30 PM

There was a SACRED BUDDHA JAYANTI Symposium on THE BUDDHA’S RELEVANCE TO TODAY’S WORLD with Buddha Puja and Blessings by Venerable Acharya Buddharakkhita

Founder President, Maha Bodhi Society, Bangalore


Chief Guests were &Release of book  “Life’s Great Blessings-12” by Honorable Justice Shri N.Santosh Hegde Lokayukta, Karnataka State


Release of book “Life’s Great Blessings -13” Shri C.Anjanaya Reddy IPS (DGP Retd) Vice Chairman, Ananda Buddha Vihara, Secunderabad  Former Managing Director, AP Tourism Corporation Ltd. & Director General Vigilance and Enforcement


Release of “Satipatthana Sutta – Foundations of Mindfulness” by Shri Molkalmooru Sreenivasa Murthy

Kannada Buddhist Writer Deepa Puja

 Thanks to all the donors who have generously helped  to make these programs successful.


We seek your generous donations for the welfare activities of the Maha Bodhi Society and for the 2552nd Sacred Buddha Jayanti Celebrations. May your dana conduce to your well being, peace and prosperity! May you be happy!

BUDDHA PURNIMA DAY on  19-5-2008 at 10 AM : Buddha Puja, Bodhi Puja, Stupa Puja


Upasaka Shri Kalaiah & with the Blessings by

Venerable Aggadhammo Bhanteji was performed in a grand manner.




 was CELEBRATED in a grand scale

ON 20-05-2008



Asoka Dhamma Dutha Buddhist Society, TrustBuddha Vihar & Sri. H.M. Gangadaraiah Memorial Meditation Centre Gotham Nagar, Opp. KSRTC Bus Depot,Kolar Gold Fields -563 113

Buddhism Dharma Wheel




Buddha Pooja, Tisarana, Pancasila and Dhamma Discource


Venerable Poojya Ananda Bhanteji

Vice President, and other Monks of Maha Bodhi Society, Bangalore was performed


Guest of Honor :

Sri. Molakalmuru Sreenivasamurthy

Kannada Buddhist Writer, Bangalore




Dhana by :


Dr. ramani Poorneson & Family Poornima Nursing Home


Smt. Jayalakshmi Manivachagam & Family

Director, Longevite Health Care, Bangalore

Sri.Chandrasekar & Family A.R.T.O., Bangalore

Sri.R.Kannan & Family Muskum KGF


 There was Services of Free Health Checkup & Treatment Camp at the above premises where more than a thousand patients availed on 20-05-2008 between 9.00 a.m.& 4.00 p.m. which was sponsored by LONGEVITE HEALTH CARE Lady Curzon Road, Bangalore -560 001




B Media 4 Sarvajan Hitaya Sarvajan Sukhaya


Triple Gem Study Circle analysis predicts 130 seats for BSP because of Price Rise and anti-incumbency factors on Congress, BJP and JD(S) and because of Chief Minister of Uttar Pradesh Ms Mayawati’s performance to be repeated in Karnataka


 So Vote For BSP

The Marvel of the Dhamma


Ashoka Maurya

Map of the Maurya Empire under Ashoka's rule.

Map of the Maurya Empire under Ashoka’s rule.


The Sanchi stupa in Sanchi, Madhya Pradesh established by emperor Ashoka in the third century BC.

The Sanchi stupa in Sanchi, Madhya Pradesh established by emperor Ashoka in the third century BC.


Fragment of the 6th Pillar Edicts of Ashoka (238 BC), in Brahmi, sandstones. British Museum.

Fragment of the 6th Pillar Edicts of Ashoka (238 BC), in Brahmi, sandstones. British MuseumBuddhism Dharma Wheel

The Ashoka Chakra, featured on the flag of the Republic of IndiaSilver punch-mark coins of the Mauryan empire, bear Buddhist symbols such as the Dharmacakra, the elephant (previous form of the Buddha), the tree under which enlightenment happened, and the burial mound where the Buddha died (obverse). 3rd century BC.

Silver punch-mark coins of the Mauryan empire, bear Buddhist symbols such as the Dharmacakra, the elephant (previous form of the Buddha), the tree under which enlightenment happened, and the burial mound where the Buddha died (obverse). 3rd century BCDistribution of the Edicts of Ashoka and Ashokan territorial limits.

Distribution of the Edicts of Ashoka and Ashokan territorial limits.[7]
Greek Late Archaic style capital from Patna (Pataliputra), thought to correspond to the reign of Ashoka, 3rd century BC, Patna Museum (click image for references).Bilingual edict (Greek and Aramaic) by king Ashoka, from Kandahar - Afghan National Museum. (Click image for translation).

Bilingual edict (Greek and Aramaic) by king Ashoka, from Kandahar - Afghan National Museum.. (Click image for translation) .
Buddhist proselytism at the time of king Ashoka (260-218 BC), according to his Edicts.

“The legend of King Asoka, A study and translation of the Asokavadana“, John Strong, Princeton Library of Asian translations.
Ashoka’s Major Rock Edict inscription at Girnar

Ashokan Pillar at Vaishali

Ashokan Pillar at Vaishali
This is the famous original sandstone sculpted Lion Capital of Ashoka preserved at Sarnath Museum which was<br />
 originally<br />
 erected around 250 BCE atop an Ashoka Pillar at Sarnath. The angle from which this picture has been taken, minus the inverted bell-shaped lotus flower, has been adopted as the National Emblem of India showing the Horse on the left and the Bull on the right of the Ashoka Chakra in the circular base on which the four Indian lions are standing back to back. On the far side there is an Elephant and a Lion instead. The wheel

This is the famous original sandstone sculpted Lion Capital of Ashoka preserved at Sarnath Museum which was originally erected around 250 BCE atop an Ashoka Pillar at Sarnath. The angle from which this picture has been taken, minus the inverted bell-shaped lotus flower, has been adopted as the National Emblem of India showing the Horse on the left and the Bull on the right of the Ashoka Chakra in the circular base on which the four Indian lions are standing back to back. On the far side there is an Elephant and a Lion instead. The wheel “Ashoka Chakra” from its base has been placed onto the center of the National Flag of India.

Jyotirao Phule

Chhatrapati Shahuji Maharaj

Narayana guru





A file-photo of Bahujan Samaj Party




Jai Bheem                   BSP                      Jai Bharath

An “Appeal”

To The People of Karnataka for

Legislative Assembly Election – 2008

Ms. Mayawati, Chief Minister of U.P.

Kumari Mayawati

National President

Bahujan Samaj Party

Brothers and Sisters,

It is well known to every one the Bahujan Samaj Party (BSP) is the only party in the country, which “believes in doing rather than saying“.

It is for this reason that our party, unlike other parties, does not release any tempting “Election Manifestoes” and instead, issues “Appeal” to the people in general and voters in particular to ensure their vote and support for BSP in order to fulfill the remaining commitments for completing its missionary goal by adopting the path shown by Saints, Gurus and Mahapurush (Great men) born in different periods in the Bahujan Samaj like Mahatma Jyotiba Phule, Chatrapati Sahu Maharaj, Narayana Guru, Periyar Ramaswamy Ji, Baba Saheb Dr.Ambedkar and more recently Manyawar Shri Kanshi Ram ji.

This we do with an aim to earn good results for the party in the elections and to achieve power to rule so that with the help of the “Master Key of Political Power” we become master of our own destiny and could ensure work and proper welfare of the poor, deprived and downtrodden sections of the society belonging to all castes and religions i.e.”Sarv Samaj”. Param pujya Baba Saheb Dr. Bhimrao Ambedkar has beautifully and wonderfully explained about the significance of the “Master Key of the Political Power”, declaring that the political power is such a “Master Key” through which all problems can be solved and also doors of progress and prosperity can be opened up.

Following this principle of Babasaheb Dr.Ambedkar, our party is contesting, on its’ own strength, KARNATAKA Legislative Assembly General Elections-2008. The Karnataka Legislative Assembly has a total number of 224 seats and the BSP is contesting on almost all the seats on its own. BSP has not at all entered into any kind of alliance or seat adjustments with any other party in this election. So, we are fighting this election on all seats on our own.


            But, the pertinent question which arises here is, as to why there is a necessity for the people of the State of Karnataka to cast their votes in favour of the BSP only, rather than voting for the Congress, B.J.P. or their supporting parties? We have to understand this issue very clearly for an outstanding performance. .

            In this regard, I am of the view that BSP is the only Party in the country whose “Principles & Policies” and also its “style of functioning” suits very much the interests of the people belonging to “Sarv Samaj” (all sections of the society). On the other hand, other political parties make too many promises to people just before the elections or in the election year but they never translate them into reality for the true welfare of them, leaving most of their lofty electoral promises confined to papers only, rather than getting them implemented in practical terms.

            It is for this very reason that, even after 60 years of independence, the “Social and Economic” condition of people belonging to Bahujan Samaj, which comprises of Scheduled Castes (SCs), Scheduled Tribes (STs), Other Backward Class (OBCs) and Religious Minorities such as Sikhs, Muslims, Christians, Parsis and Buddhists have not significantly improved due to faulty economic policies adopted by various governments of castiest leaders of different political parties, even though the population of these sections of society is very large and for this reason , we call them as “Bahujan Samaj”.

            Here, I am especially talking about their wrong and erratic economic policies, mainly because at the centre as well as in most of the States, Governments’ were formed with the monetary or otherwise help of big capitalist powers and for this very reason, these parties, after coming to power, as a “return gift” to them formulated their “Economic Policies” in subservience of these capitalists, fully ignoring the interests and welfare of general public.

Due to this kind of unjust behaviour of the governments of Congress, BJP and their supporting parties, the economic condition of people belonging to Bahujan Samaj as well as poor people of “Savarn Samaj” i.e. the upper castes is turning from bad to worse. The malice is still continuing, rendering more and more such people unemployed and live a life under the darkness of poverty.

            In view of the complexity and seriousness of such kind of problems, these deprived and exploited sections of the people revolted in such a manner to form a separate political party of their own called as (the Bahujan Samaj Party-BSP) under the leadership of Manyawar Shri Kanshi Ram Ji on April, 1984, basing its ideology on policy and progrmmes of Great Baba sahib Dr. Ambedkar. And quiet obviously, with the massive support and cooperation of all the sections of the society, the BSP has acquired a “National Status” and has grown enough to be officially by the Election Commission of India as one of the main national political parties of India .

            Not only this, our party also gradually expanded its mass base and graduated to send its representatives in Parliament, apart from winning assembly elections in various States of the Country. In Uttar Pradesh, which is the biggest State of India in terms of the size of the population, the BSP under the leader ship of mine had formed government four times. And all the four times, the governments of our party has worked with full devotion and dedication to provide “justice” to all, besides giving impetus and dynamism to the issue of ”Development” in the State.

            Giving priority to weaker sections of the society in the process, with an aim to improve “Social and Economic” condition of the underprivileged sections of the society and poor people belonging to Sarv Samaj, our party Government in Uttar Pradesh, for the first time in the country, constituted separate “Welfare” Departments” in 1995 right at the inception of the first BSP government.

            And the aspect of development were given new meaning when 25,000 villages, having predominantly Original Inhabitants of Jambudvipa i.e. the Great Prabuddha Bharath (SC/STs) population, were selected for “Dr.Ambedkar Village Development Scheme” to develop them fully with all kind of basic amenities and infrastructure facilities. The process is going on and gradually all the villages of the State will be taken for such kind of developmental activities all over the State, surely changing the very face and of course the life of the rural poor in real terms. Presently, however, the name of this scheme has been changed as “Baba Saheb Dr. Ambedkar U.P. Gramsabha Samagra Vikas Yojana (Gramsabha Integrated Development Scheme.)”.

          Similarly, an ambitious “Urban Integrated Development Scheme” has been formulated in the name of “Manyawar Shri Kanshi Ram Ji”. Under this scheme, small towns and cities of Uttar Pradesh are being developed in a systematic manner and within time bound period. But under both these schemes, all the activities are being speeded up as much as the economic condition of the State allows. These developmental activities could well get further momentum and much speed if the Central Government fulfills its obligations of providing funds for the purpose.

            Apart of this, priority has been accorded especially to Original Inhabitants of Jambudvipa i.e. The Great Prabuddha Bharath (SC/STs) and other exploited sections of the “Sarv Samaj” in all other developmental activities. The homeless and poor people were allotted vacant land, besides possession has also been ensured to landless poor for the purpose of farming/agriculture on that land. About 20 lakh poor people have so far been benefited from this decision of the government in the State, and this work is still continuously in progress.

            In addition, my government has taken an unprecedented and historic decision to provide with more than one lakh permanent government jobs in rural areas for the Valmiki community of Scheduled Castes. By this decision, all the 1.08 lakh revenue village of Uttar Pradesh will have at least one Sarkari Safai Karmachari, and the person appointed will be from the same village in most of the cases… This besides meeting employment problem will also make a sea change in the health atmosphere of rural areas for it will ensure cleanliness and help eradicate diseases spreading due to unhygienic conditions.


            And, so far the issue of giving boost to education is concerned, the government of our party, for the first time in the country, took a policy decision to grant scholarship to the children of persons belonging to poor Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes and also to poor children of Other Backward Classes and Religious Minorities, especially to the poor children belonging to Muslim community.

            The scholarship amount has also been doubled in view of the rising inflation and cost of living; besides that the amount of scholarship is being distributed to students immediately after their admission. Our government also arranged free coaching to ensure their admissions in the prestigious institutions and for high-grade prestigious jobs like IAS, IPS. PCS etc.

            Along with the above facilities, for the first time in the State, 25% of the State budget has been allocated separately for the welfare and development of Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes in the State.

            Besides, in order to infuse the sense of security among the people belonging to Bahujan Samaj, a policy of reservation has been introduced for the first time in the postings at the police stations in each and every district. Under the new provision, police officers belonging to SC/STs, for the first time in the country, will be getting 25 percent of such posts of police station will go to the people belonging to OBCs and 5 percent to officers from Religious Minorities (Muslims) in all the districts of the State. This system of governance is still continuing in the State with a slight modification.

            And especially, full care has been made towards protecting, in all spheres of life, the interests and welfare of the Muslims, which is the largest section of Religious Minorities in the State. Apart from their economic development, the safety and security of their lives and Religion has also been fully ensured. In addition, our government was first in the country ensuring government jobs to economically weaker Muslims by including them in category of other Backward Classes (OBCs) and issuing government order facilitating release of caste certificates accordingly.


“New Positive Reservation Initiatives”

In The Interest of Sarv Samaj

          You know very well that “where there is will, there is way.” That is why for the first time in the country, the BSP government of Uttar Pradesh has taken “ New Positive Reservation Initiatives”

In The Interest of Sarv Samaj

i.e. Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes, Other Backward Classes (OBC), Religious Minorities and Upper caste, for it is more than  evident that the benefit of reservation, which was provided on account of the untiring efforts of Param Pujya Baba Saheb Dr. Bhimarao Ambedkar, to the Scheduled Castes (SCs), Scheduled Tribes (STs) and Other Backward Castes (OBCs) in the Government jobs under the Constitution of India, was not reaching fully to the dire needy people because of anti-reservation attitude of the Congress, BJP and their supporting parties.


            Not only this, various Government Departments and Institutions are being handed over to the Private Sectors for the past several years on the pretext of poor economic  condition of the government, without ensuring provision of the same kind of reservation in the privatised firm/sector at any level. And, if this current state of affairs/practice of handing over the government departments and Institutions to Private Sector continues, a day will come when the constitutional facility of reservation will cease to exist.

            Taking this issue of great importance very seriously, the Government of my party in Uttar Pradesh wrote several letters to the Government of India and requested that before the privatization of various Government and public sector institutions, the same quantum of reservation for those sections of society should be ensured as they were already getting in the Government sector and institutions. But no Government of any party has so far acceded to our contention and our party is “seriously concerned” and “worried” about this issue.

            But the people belonging to Scheduled Castes (SCs) & Schedule Tribes (STs) and Other Backward Classes (OBCs) will be happy to know that throughout the country, it is only the Government of my party, the BSP in Uttar Pradesh which was fulfilled these tasks, which are as follows:

·                    Public-Private- Partnership (P.P.P.) is the main component of “all inclusive” realistic and practical economic policy of my government in Uttar Pradesh.

·                    All the Schemes/projects/ industries with partnership with state government, the State Government would have a maximum partnership of 49 percent of 11 percent.

·                    The provision of job reservation in enterprises developed on Public-Private Partnership model will continue in the proportion and manner as the State Government has been providing quota which is in the government jobs 21 percent for Scheduled Castes, 02 percent for Scheduled Tribes and 27 percent for Other Backward Classes.

·                    The interests of employees will be fully safeguarded in the projects/enterprise s established under PPP model.

·                    Now along with this, the Uttar Pradesh Government of my party has applied the policy of “Sarvjan Hitai –Sarvjan Sukhai” (Progress and Prosperity for all) also in the area of the reservation. In pursuance of this policy, our government has taken historical initiative to provide the benefits of reservation to all the poor and needy people belonging to all castes and the implementation of this new system has already been taken up in the right earnest in Uttar Pradesh. This step has been taken for the first time in the country.

·                    Under it, if the services rendered by the Govt. Departments, Corporations, Authorities, Councils and other Semi-government institutions or the maintenance of their establishment are substituted by outsourcing, then the contract to be executed for the said purpose would include the provision of providing 21 percent of jobs created through this out sourcing to the persons of Scheduled Castes, 2 percent to the persons belonging to Scheduled Tribes and 27 percent to Other Backward Classes.

·                    In the Industrial Units, Educational Institutions, Infrastructure/ Service Sector Projects, Disinvested Units are being set up in which the private sector is provided land, subsidy, state aid or assets by the Government or any of its government departments, then as per the “voluntary” and “mutual agreement”, the employers have to provide 10 percent of the total jobs created in the projects to the persons of Scheduled Castes, 10 percent to Other Backward Classes, including Backwards of Religious Minorities and 10 percent to the economically weaker persons of the Upper Castes

·                    Over 30 thousand posts of backlog have so far been filled by my part’s government in Uttar Pradesh. Recruitment on remaining posts is in progress.

·                    Besides, it is to be clear in mind that the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes (prevention of atrocities) Act, 1989, has been enacted by the Government of India, hence a central act, and no State Government can make any alternation in this Act nor repeal it. The State Government of Uttar Pradesh has ensured strict enforcement of this law.

·                    My Government has done everything possible regarding implementation of reservation policy.

·                    The Government of India has also been asked to fill the vacant posts in Government Services in accordance with the policy of reservation. The policy of reservation should be extended to private and other sectors and it should be included in the ninth Schedule of Constitution as a safeguard.

·                    We have also urged the Government of India to amend the Constitution for providing benefits of reservation to the people belonging to upper castes living below the poverty line. But, the attitude of the Congress and BJP and its supporting parties has been throughout negative.

·                    But for that matter, I would like to fully assure the people of upper castes that the day the government of our party come to power at the centre, they will be given the benefit of reservation, similar to the pattern which has been introduced by us in Uttar Pradesh and this will be done without their asking for it, and will also make all positive efforts for the eradication of their poverty and un-employment. And, you all know very well about the style of functioning of my party that whatever we say, we do the same. In other words, there is no difference in our party’s saying and doing.

·                    Besides, Adequate additional reservation should also be provided to such persons of Scheduled Castes who were converted to Muslim or Christian religion, but maintaining the present share of quota of prescribed reservation for the Scheduled Castes. For this, necessary amendment should be made in the Constitution to relax the total limit of 50 percent reservation as laid down by Hon. Supreme Court and this amendment will be included in the 9th schedule of the Constitution so that this arrangement becomes a permanent feature.

So far as the matter of providing Social Security to the people is concerned, my party’s government in Uttar Pradesh is very serious and sensitive over the issue… That is why immediately after assumption of power my government increased to double the amount of pension to old age persons and farmers from Rs.150 to Rs.300. And also the number of beneficiaries was raised to 24 lakh from 20 lakh, for which sum of Rs. 1410 crores has been earmarked in the budget.

Similarly, labourers , who belong to the poorest and weaker section of the society and mostly fall under the category  of farming labour, were not being cared properly as they belong to unorganized sector, but my government has raised their daily remuneration wage to Rs.100 from a meager of Rs.58, which they were getting previously.

      And, over the issue of plight of farmers and farming becoming less remunerative day by day and thereby ultimately affecting our self-reliance on food, my party is in full sympathy with the farming community. It is beyond any doubt that the governments of the Congress, the BJP and their supporting parties during their rule in the past 60 years have done a criminal act of ignoring farm and farmers. In the course of promotion of heavy industries, there was a criminal neglect of farm sectors and farmers’ requirements.

      This is also a tragedy that in the course of developing heavy industries particularly in the tribal areas, where the native people were deprived even from the fourth class jobs, adding more burden on their life to ensure protection of the interests of tribals & farmers.

      Besides, my government has taken a stand that the Self-esteem and Self-respect of the unemployed youth will not be ridiculed every month by providing them meager ‘unemployment allowance’. Instead, our party wants them to live with pride, as they would instead be provided permanent jobs, with the creation of job opportunities, for which Regional Rural Employment Centre will be established.

      And education is another area that has been accorded top most priority by my government in Uttar Pradesh. It is with this reason a decision was taken without any delay to recruit 88,000 teachers to help improve the standards of education. The process of recruitment of such a large number teachers in just one go is on.

      In addition of all these, my government has paid attention in according full respect and honour to Sants, Gurus and Mahapurush born in Bahujan Samaj at different period of times such as Mahatma Jyotiba Phule, Chatrapati Shahuji Maharaj, Narayana Guru, Periar Ramaswamy, Baba Saheb Dr. Bhimrao Ambedkar and more recently Manyawar Shri Kanshi Ram Ji. A number of new Districts, Universities, Memorials, Museums and other important public places and institutions have been named and erected in their name to perpetuate the memory of their hard-faught struggles.

      And in this connection, you all know very well that no government, be it the government of the Congress, the BJP or their supporting parties, ever gave proper respect and regards to the Sants, Gurus and Mahapurush born in the Bahujan Samaj.

      And regrettably, the castiest mentality of these political parties still persists. . The biggest proof of it is that the Congress party, ruling at the centre did not even declare one or two days holiday nor they ordered flying of national flag half mast in the mourning of Manyawar Shri Kanshi Ram Ji, the creator and founder of the BSP movement.. And the BJP and other opposition parties remained a mute spectator to all this.


      In brief, the lesson to our people of all this happenings is that if the people belonging to Bahujan Samaj and those of Savarn Samaj (upper castes) living in your state of Karnataka want to create an atmosphere like that of Uttar Pradesh for leading a life full of self-esteem, respect and dignity, they will also have to capture the “Master Key of political power” in their hands by ensuring good results in the general election being held in your State.

      Therefore keeping all these factual propositions in mind, I earnestly “APPEAL” to the supporters of the BSP to follow the above mentioned suggestions in order to make an all out effort to achieve party’s goal of capturing power in order to get rid of their poverty, helplessness, backwardness, unemployment, injustice and exploitation by making your own government in your State, following the true path shown to you by your messiah Baba Saheb Dr. Ambedkar on the basis of exercise of franchise based on the concept of “One Man-One Vote” given to you by Baba Saheb himself and thus fulfill the unfinished task of Manyawar Shri. Kanshi Ram Ji.

      In other words, you should understand your Messiah’s message properly and utilize the right to vote wisely to help yourself so that you could form a government of your own party in your State which will in real terms help improve your socio-economic condition as well as of education, besides ensuring a civilized self-esteem life to you. In the meantime, this could be also help improve the economic condition of the Upper castes people.

      But to create such an atmosphere in your State, you have to acquire the “Master Key of Political Power” in your hands, like people have done in the Stae of Uttar Pradesh and you will have show good result in the coming Assembly elections in your State. And to achieve this great goal of success in the assembly election, you will have to be cautious and alert from various nasty tricks and Saam-Daam-Dand- bhed like nefarious designs of the opposition parties during the elections, because these parties can go to any extent to damage our party.

      And I want to warn you that these opposition parties will go all out and will make all  efforts to sabotage the voting of Savarn Samaj inn favour of BSP and for this purpose , these parties will propagate our “Ideology and Principles” in a wrong, vicious and twisted manner among these sections of society.

      Therefore, I consider it important to explain the ideology and principles of B.S.P. I would also like to clarify here that the ideology and principles of our party “are not against any caste or creed”. B.S.P. wants to change the unequal social order of this country based on “caste” and wants to establish here a “Samatamulak Samaj Vyavastha” ( A Social Order based on Equality), which is in the interest of this country and Sarv Samaj.

For this, we have to change the Jaatwadi (casteist)mentality of Savarn (High Castes) Hindus and on the basis of Samajik Bhaichara (Social Brotherhood) we have to take them also along with us and only then “Samtamulak Samaj Vyavastha” can be established in this country in accordance with the thinking of the architect of Indian Constitution, Baba Saheb Dr. Ambedkar and only after that Sarv Samaj will be unified and disparities or casteism in the society will be completely eradicated forever.

      Along with this, they will get full opportunity to move in every walk of life. The members of our party should always remain cautious from different kind of rumours, which may be spread by opposition parties during elections.

      Apart from the above, I also appeal to all of you – “Beware that your vote is invaluable. No vote should be allowed to be purchased. No vote should be allowed to be looted. No vote should be left out from being cast and no selfish person should misuse your vote on account of defrauding or misleading you in the name of caste, money, religion or emotions.

     Hence, to save democracy you have to give power into hands of right person to safeguard the interests of your KARNATAKA State, so that you may formulate the policy of :Sarvajan Hitai – Sarvjan Sukhai” in all the areas and make the poor and unemployed persons of Bahujan Samaj and Savarn Samaj  happy.”

      In the end, keeping in view all the above mentioned observations, I “Appeal” to the supporters and well wishers of my party that you should not be misled by any alluring promises of Election Manifestoes of opposition parties and that you should follow the appeal of B.S.P. which is your own party, to make the candidates of B.S.P. victorious in the General Assembly Elections of KARNATAKA by pressing the button against “Elephant” (Haathi), the election symbol of B.S.P. I hope and expect that you will accept my “Appeal” and act accordingly.

                                                                            Km Mayawati

National President,

Bahujan Samaj Party (BSP)



In the Interest of Sarv Samaj, Contribute your Physical, Mental and Economic Might in Favour of BSP to Help its Ideology And Policies Reach its “Ultimate Destination”


Vote for the Candidates of

Bahujan Samaj Party

Make B.S.P. successful by pressing the button opposite Election Symbol – Elephant (Haathi)

B.S.P. Ki Kya Pehchaan !

Neela Jhanda, Haathi Nishaan !!

The  Identity of BSP is

Blue Flag & Elephant Symbol



Jai Bheem                   Jai Kansiram              Jai Bharath

                                                              Mayawati Sister’s

Appeal for Karnataka Brothers & Sisters

To Vote for Elephant Symbolised BSP Candidates

We say what we do and do what we say

Which is the way to be Happy and Gay

That is Sarva Jan Hithay Sarvajan Sukhay

Before the commencement of election the other political party


For a short while give you a goodie

From Exploitation & discrimination you get away

For progress of a diversified society

And for a developmental ruling assuring safety

Since BSP born from ashes of untouchability

Promises to wipe out your tears and provide you safety

Until you are all supportively behind this mission of

Sarvajan Hithay

Sarvajan Sukhay

Kindly visit:

http://sarvajan. ambedkar. org


Even after 60 years of Independence !

Because of UPA, NDA and their Supporting Parties Sins !

Such as not providing constitutional amendment to provide reservation even to the poor among the forward castes !

Non-inclusion of  Original Inhabitants of Jambudvipa that is the Great Prabuddha Bharath Christians !

And poor Muslims in the SC/ST category for giving them reservation in various sectors !

Congress and the Bharatiya Janata Party responsible for the backwardness of SC/STs !

Over five decades of rule, the Congress did not consider poor people as this Country’s citizens !

The BJP gave prominence only to the rich and neglected the economically weaker sections !

Both parties receive funds from capitalists during elections !

They later frame policies suiting their needs but not favouring the poor after their selections !

Thereby not the earning of the workers !

But the prices rises !

Hence !

BSP wins !

For allotting three acres of land to each poor and landless !

Benefiting over 25 lakh families !

Filled all the backlog posts reserved for SC/STs and backward classes !

Constituted separate welfare departments for all backward communties !

for their social and economic advancement,to ensure that they receive all the government benefits !


BSP made whirlwind tours of the areas going to the polls seeking votes for stable governance, development and all-round welfare of the people.


For votes: . BSP supremo Mayawati and party leaders waving to the crowd in Gulbarga


Congress, BJP targeted

Ms. Mayawati accused the Congress and BJP of not protecting the quota rights of the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes.

She said that thousands of posts reserved for SC/STs had not been filled and the number of backlog vacancies in the country was alarmingly high.

Addressing a public meeting in Gulbarga, Ms. Mayawati alleged that all governments at the Centre after Independence had been anti-reservation and anti-poor.

The economic policies pursued by Congress and BJP governments were blatantly anti-poor and pro-rich.

She said it was only in Uttar Pradesh, after the BSP came to power, that all backlog vacancies had been filled.

“All that is required is the will and commitment for the welfare of Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes and the oppressed sections, which was lacking in all other political parties,” she said.

She said the BSP was a cadre-based party and it was the funds provided by workers that kept the party going and not the money provided by industrialists and “that’s why we are independent and take pro-people decisions.”

Singling out Congress for attack, Ms. Mayawati questioned the contribution of that party and its governments for the welfare of the Muslims, who traditionally supported it.

“The economic condition of the Muslims is poor,” she said

She asked the Muslims to identify the parties that really worked for their welfare and support them.

The BSP leader said she favoured extension of reservation benefits to Original Inhabitants of Jambudvipa that is the Great Prabuddha Bharath Christians and Original Inhabitants of Jambudvipa that is the Great Prabuddha Bharath Muslims and added that she had already written to the Union Government in this regard. However, this reservation should be extended only after increasing the percentage of reservation for the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes.

Ms. Mayawati called upon the people of the State to defeat the BJP, Congress and regional parties and support the BSP which aimed at the welfare of all sections of society, including upper castes.

Party general secretaries Satish Chandra Mishra and P.G.R. Sindhia spoke. The former Minister D.T. Jayakumar and other leaders were present.

‘Mining mafia has pumped in Rs. 2,000 crore for elections’

The mining mafia has been giving away money to parties to gain political patronage’

‘Candidates of all the three major parties have distributed coupons as parallel currency’

BANGALORE: Accusing the mining mafia of pumping in Rs. 2,000 crore black money in favour of various candidates to lure voters in the ongoing polls, it is demanded that the entire mining activity in the State should be suspended.

 Most of the mining activity being undertaken in Karnataka was illegal and was nothing but looting of public mineral resources.

To get political patronage for its illegal activity, the mining mafia had been giving away money to political parties, he alleged.

The mining activity should be stopped till steps were taken to prevent illegal mining. If it is not possible for the State to initiate such a measure, then the Union Government itself should enact legislation to suspend mining activities in Karnataka, he said.


Such was the influence of money power in the elections that the candidates of all the three major political parties had distributed coupons, as parallel currency, to voters.

These coupons could be exchanged later for gift articles, he alleged.

In addition, cash was also distributed directly.

It had not been possible for the Election Commission, though it had introduced stringent measures, to ensure a fully fair elections,  while  ambulances were being used by candidates to transport vast amounts of money.

Main sources for these vices were mafia, particularly the mining one. The use of big money, pumped in by the mining mafia, in the elections had posed a direct threat to democracy and had hijacked the electoral process, he observed.


 If these elections throw up a hung Assembly, the mining mafia would play a major role in deciding the shape of the government by indulging in horse-trading.

 No other State had such large scale illegal mining as being witnessed in Karnataka and politicians and bureaucrats who have colluded with the mining lobby be arrested. Fast-track courts should also be set up for their trial.

 People of Karnataka must reject those trying to take democracy for a ride with their money and muscle power. Such things were detrimental to the interests of the State and its development. And hence vote for BSP.

Poll surveys will be proved wrong

 All the poll surveys published in the media will be proves wrong, and the BSP will register a surprising victory in most of the constituencies.



Parties indulge in mud-slinging act

With just a day left for the final phase of the Assembly polls, all the three major parties - the BJP, Congress and the JD(S) - made a beeline to the office of the chief electoral officer with various charges against each other.

The BJP has requested the Election Commission to close the Karnataka- Maharashtra border with immediate effect as it alleged that liquor and cash is being smuggled into the State for distribution among voters.

The BJP has alleged that in Jewargi constituency wherein former chief minister N Dharam Singh is contesting, ambulances are being used for distribution of money to voters. No action had been taken despite specific complaints lodged with the returning officer, the petition said.

Meanwhile, the Congress on Tuesday reiterated its charge that BJP’s chief ministerial candidate B S Yeddyurappa was trying to woo Dalit and Muslim voters by enticement and gratification.

The Congress has requested the EC to direct authorities concerned to take cognisance of the “provoking statement and action” and register a case against Yeddyurappa. The JD(S) appealed to the EC to stop a local television channel from telecasting a pre-poll survey, claiming it would impact voting.

Meanwhile, the EC has changed the Returning Officer Gulbarga (rural) B M Risaldar for dereliction of duty. He has been replaced by Horticulture department deputy director Krishnamurthy. The EC has ordered political leaders to vacate from constituencies going to polls in the third phase

Cash, liquor seized

A huge quantity of liquor and cash has been seized by police during the last few weeks, according to Director General of Police Shrikumar

Elaborating on the arrangements for third phase of polling on May 22, he told reporters that liquor worth Rs 60 crore and Rs 40 crore in cash were seized.

Within a period of 45 days, he said the Department would release the names of candidates from various political parties who were allegedly involved in smuggling of liquor. “The police officials have been investigating into all the cases. Those involved in the poll code violation will face action,'’ he stated.   He said that his department was fully prepared to ensure a peaceful polls during the third phase.

Meanwhile, the Belgaum police seized liquor worth Rs 32 lakh which was being smuggled in two trucks  to different parts of Karnataka. A huge amount of wine and spirit was being carried in the trucks which were intercepted near Kugnoli on Tuesday afternoon.

In Bijapur district, the  police raided a farm house at Moratagi and recovered 500 cases of duplicate liquor worth Rs 6 lakh. The farm owner is said to be a relative of Sindagi BJP candidate.


Wealth multiplies in just 4 yrs

Believe it or not, politics is the most lucrative profession in the state. And some politicians have proved it by earning crores of rupees in just four years!

A report released by Delhi-based Association for Democratic Reforms (ARD), formed by professors of the IIMs, showed how dramatically asset of some politicians, who got elected in the 2004 Assembly election, has gone up in the last four years. In some cases, the increase in the value of the assets is more than 2,000 per cent!
The ARD, which is striving to create an awareness among the voters to elect honest persons, has collected information regarding assets of the ex-MLAs, who are contesting in this elections, from the asset declaration affidavits submitted by them to the Election Commission.

Total asset of 28 Congress candidates has gone up from Rs 34.60 crore to 182.58 crore, showing an increase of 427.7 per cent. Assets of 22 BJP candidates has surged  from Rs 14.15 crore to Rs 45.48 crore, registering a growth of 221.5 per cent. Assets of the 13 JD(S) candidates has increased from Rs 9.24 crore to Rs 22.65 crore, posting a growth of 145.2 per cent.

Among the Congress candidates, Ajaykumar Sarnayak from Bilgi has the credit of accumulating  highest wealth in the last four years. Value of his asset has moved up from Rs 93 lakh in 2004 to Rs 21.25 crore in 2008, registering a growth of 2181 per cent! Among the BJP candidates, Rajkumar Patil Telkur from Sedam constituency is the richest man. Net value of his wealth has gone up from just Rs 12 lakh in 2004 to Rs 2.59 crore in 2008, posting an impressive growth of 1990 per cent!

Mallikarjun Khuba from Basavakalyan is the richest man among the JD(S) ex-MLAs. Value of his assets rose from Rs 36 lakh in 2004 to Rs 3.43 crore in 2008, showing an increase of 847.9 per cent.

Prof Trilochan Sastry, the brain behind the ARD, said there were still several politicians (who are contesting from different constituencies in North Karnataka) who deliberately avoided giving complete information regarding their assets to the Election Commission. He urged the EC to initiate a CBI probe against such politicians and also against those whose property had gone up phenomenally in the last four years. “There is an urgent need for investigating source of income of politicians and how they amassed wealth of such an unimaginable size and value,” he added.

BSP hoping for change of fortune in Bagalkot dist

The Bahujan Samaj Party (BSP) has fielded Ravi Kambale who is a powerful Madiga (SC-left) is hopeful of winning since,no candidate has won from here for the second time in a row. This ‘jinx’ is haunting Karjol, who got elected in the last election. Besides, ‘failure’ of implementing the ration card distribution may also work against  Karjol in this election. Madiga (SC-left) and Reddy votes play a deciding role in the constituency. Anti-incumbency factor, delay in implementing the Rs 100 crore drinking water project, stopping of Ranna memorial building works are working in favour of Ravi Kambale.

Criticising the BJP for claiming to replicate Gujarat model in the State, SM Krishna said after Godhra carnage in 2002, people have come to know what actually the Gujarat model is. Karnataka do not need any other model. The people here will reject the BJP.

He also accused the BJP spending lavishly on elections.

Reacting to the hooch tragedy, S M Krishna blamed the previous JD(S)-BJP Government’s “hurried” decision to ban arrack for it. “The decision to ban arrack should have been taken after plugging all loopholes. But the previous coalition took the decision in a hurry,” he stated

Congress demands inquiry

Congress leader K H Srinivas has demanded that the state government should conduct an inquiry into allegations made by former chief minister H D Kumaraswamy against another former chief minister B S Yeddyurappa. Srinivas was referring to Kumaraswamy’s statement that Yeddyurappa had illegally stored arrack to distribute during the elections.

Addressing a press conference in Bangalore on Tuesday, Srinivas said that Kumaraswamy’s allegations should be taken seriously and a thorough investigation should be conducted. “Kumaraswamy has said he has proof to support his allegation. If his allegation is proved true, Yeddyurappa’s result should be annulled, if he gets elected”, he demanded.


Exhibition will be organised at all divisional headquarters

Lucknow: May 16, 2008 The Uttar Pradesh Information and Public Relations Department has organised a two-day photo exhibition titled ‘Uttar Pradesh: One Year of development and progress’ on the completion of one year of the Government. The exhibition has been organised at the historical Baradari Hall. The exhibition was inaugurated by the Chief Minister Ms. Mayawati on May 13 last. The exhibition displays various achievements of the Government related to development, law and order, Ganga Express-Way, foundation laying photos of various projects of energy sector, roads, bridges, drinking water supply, health, education, rural and urban infrastructure facilities etc. It also provides an insight on the various schemes and relief works being carried out in the Bundelkhand by the State Government. The exhibition is an effort to take the objective of Sarvajan Hitai, Sarvajan Sukhai to the people through photographs. The Information Secretary and Director Mr. Sunil Kumar today visited the exhibition. He was accompanied by the Additional Director Chintamani and other Senior Officers. A large number of people thronged the exhibition site this evening. The exhibition would be open for public till tomorrow. The entry is free of cost. It may be recalled that this photo exhibition would be organised at different divisional headquarters till July 20, 2008. This exhibition would be organised at the Saharanpur divisional headquarters on 26-27 May, Meerut division headquarters on 29-30 May, Aligarh division headquarters on 2-3 June, Agra division headquarters on 5-6 June, Moradabad division headquarters on 8-9 June, Bareilly division headquarters 11-12 on June, Kanpur division headquarters on 14-15 June, Jhansi division headquarters on 18-19 June and Chitrakoot division headquarters on 21-22 June. Likewise, it would be organised at the Allahabad division headquarters on 24-25 June, Varanasi division headquarters on 27-28 June, Mirzapur division headquarters on 30 June-01July, Azamgarh division headquarters on 4-5 July, Basti division headquarters on 8-9 July, Faizabad division headquarters on 12-13 July, Gorakhpur division headquarters on 16-17 July and Devipatan division headquarters on 19-20 July. ******

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121 Buddha’s Most Powerful Positive Own Words 𝓛𝓔𝓢𝓢𝓞𝓝 4430 Wed 11 May 2022 The Dhammapada: Verses and Stories in all 119 Classical languages of the world
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121 Buddha’s Most Powerful Positive Own Words

𝓛𝓔𝓢𝓢𝓞𝓝   4430  Wed 11  May  2022

The Dhammapada: Verses and Stories in all 119 Classical languages of the world


The Dhammapada: Verses and Stories

Courtesy of For free distribution only, as a gift of dhamma.


Dhammapada is one of the best known books of the Pitaka. It is a
collection of the teachings of the Buddha expressed in clear, pithy
verses. These verses were culled from various discourses given by the
Buddha in the course of forty-five years of his teaching, as he
travelled in the valley of the Ganges (Ganga) and the sub-mountain tract
of the Himalayas. These verses are often terse, witty and convincing.
Whenever similes are used, they are those that are easily understood
even by a child, e.g., the cart’s wheel, a man’s shadow, a deep pool,
flowers. Through these verses, the Buddha exhorts one to achieve that
greatest of all conquests, the conquest of self; to escape from the
evils of passion, hatred and ignorance; and to strive hard to attain
freedom from craving and freedom from the round of rebirths. Each verse
contains a truth (dhamma), an exhortation, a piece of advice.

Dhammapada Verses

Dhammapada verses are often quoted by many in many countries of the
world and the book has been translated into many languages. One of the
earliest translations into English was made by Max Muller in 1870. Other
translations that followed are those by F.L. Woodward in 1921, by
Wagismara and Saunders in 1920, and by A.L. Edmunds (Hymns of the Faith)
in 1902. Of the recent translations, that by Narada Mahathera is the
most widely known. Dr. Walpola Rahula also has translated some selected
verses from the Dhammapada and has given them at the end of his book
“What the Buddha Taught,” revised edition. The Chinese translated the
Dhammapada from Sanskrit. The Chinese version of the Dhammapada was
translated into English by Samuel Beal (Texts from the Buddhist Canon
known as Dhammapada) in 1878.

In Burma, translations have been made into Burmese, mostly in
prose, some with paraphrases, explanations and abridgements of stories
relating to the verses. In recent years, some books on Dhammapada with
both Burmese and English translations, together with Pali verses, have
also been published.

The Dhammapada is the second book of the Khuddaka Nikaya of the
Suttanta Pitaka, consisting of four hundred and twenty-three verses in
twenty-six chapters arranged under various heads. In the Dhammapada are
enshrined the basic tenets of the Buddha’s Teaching.

Verse (21) which begins with “Appamado amatapadam” meaning
“Mindfulness is the way to Nibbana, the Deathless,” is a very important
and significant verse. Mindfulness is the most important element in
Tranquillity and Insight Meditation. The last exhortation of the Buddha
just before he passed away was also to be mindful and to endeavour
diligently (to complete the task of attaining freedom from the round of
rebirths through Magga and Phala). It is generally accepted that it was
on account of this verse on mindfulness that the Emperor Asoka of India
and King Anawrahta of Burma became converts to Buddhism. Both kings had
helped greatly in the propagation of Buddhism in their respective

In verse (29) the Buddha has coupled his call for mindfulness with a
sense of urgency. The verse runs: “Mindful amongst the negligent,
highly vigilant amongst the drowsy, the wise man advances like a race
horse, leaving the jade behind.”

Verses (1) and (2) illustrate the immutable law of Kamma, under
which every deed, good or bad, comes back to the doer. Here, the Buddha
emphasizes the importance of mind in all our actions and speaks of the
inevitable consequences of our deeds, words and thoughts.

Verses (153) and (154) are expressions of sublime and intense joy
uttered by the Buddha at the very moment of his Enlightenment. These two
verses give us a graphic account of the culmination of the Buddha’s
search for Truth.

tell us about the Buddha finding the ‘house-builder,’ Craving, the
cause of repeated births in Samsara. Having rid of Craving, for him no
more houses (khandhas) shall be built by Craving, and there will be no
more rebirths.

Verses (277), (278) and (279) are also important as they tell us
about the impermanent, unsatisfactory and the non-self nature of all
conditioned things; it is very important that one should perceive the
true nature of all conditioned things and become weary of the khandhas,
for this is the Path to Purity.

Then the Buddha shows us the Path leading to the liberation from
round of rebirths, i.e., the Path with eight constituents (Atthangiko
Maggo) in Verse (273). Further, the Buddha exhorts us to make our own
effort in Verse (276) saying, “You yourselves should make the effort,
the Tathagatas only show the way.” Verse (183) gives us the teaching of
the Buddhas. It says, “Do no evil, cultivate merit, purify one’s mind;
this is the teaching of the Buddhas.”

In Verse (24) the Buddha shows us the way to success in life, thus:
“If a person is energetic, mindful, pure in thought, word and deed, if
he does everything with care and consideration, restrains his senses;
earns his living according to the Dhamma and is not unheedful, then, the
fame and fortune of that mindful person increase.”

These are some of the examples of the gems to be found in the
Dhammapada. Dhammapada is, indeed, a philosopher, guide and friend to

This translation of verses is from Pali into English. The Pali text
used is the Dhammapada Pali approved by the Sixth International
Buddhist Synod. We have tried to make the translation as close to the
text as possible, but sometimes it is very difficult, if not impossible,
to find an English word that would exactly correspond to a Pali word.
For example, we cannot yet find a single English word that can convey
the real meaning of the word “dukkha” used in the exposition of the Four
Noble Truths. In this translation, wherever the term “dukkha” carries
the same meaning as it does in the Four Noble Truths, it is left
untranslated; but only explained.

When there is any doubt in the interpretation of the dhamma concept
of the verses or when the literal meaning is vague or unintelligible,
we have referred to the Commentary (in Pali) and the Burmese translation
of the Commentary by the Nyaunglebin Sayadaw, a very learned thera. On
many occasions we have also consulted the teachers of the Dhamma
(Dhammacariyas) for elucidation of perplexing words and sentences.

In addition we have also consulted Burmese translations of the
Dhammapada, especially the translation by the Union Buddha Sasana
Council, the translation by the Sangaja Sayadaw (1805-1876), a leading
Maha thera in the time of King Mindon and King Thibaw, and also the
translation by Sayadaw U Thittila, an Ovadacariya Maha thera of the
Burma Pitaka Association. The book by the Sangaja Sayadaw also includes
paraphrases and abridgements of the Dhammapada stories.

Dhammapada Stories

Summaries of the Dhammapada stories are given in the second part of
the book as it is generally believed that the Dhammapada Commentary
written by Buddhaghosa (5th century A.D.) is a great help towards a
better understanding of the Dhammapada. Three hundred and five stories
are included in the Commentary. Most of the incidents mentioned in the
stories took place during the life-time of the Buddha. In some stories,
some facts about some past existences were also retold.

In writing summaries of stories we have not tried to translate the
Commentary. We have simply culled the facts of the stories and have
rewritten them briefly: A translation of the verses is given at the end
of each story.

It only remains for me now to express my deep and sincere gratitude
to the members of the Editorial Committee, Burma Pitaka Association,
for having meticulously gone through the script; to Sayagyi Dhammacariya
U Aung Moe and to U Thein Maung, editor, Burma Pitaka Association, for
helping in the translation of the verses.
Dhammapada 1: Suffering is Mind-made
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13) Classical Assamese-ধ্ৰুপদী অসমীয়া

ধম্মপদ: বিশ্বৰ 119 টা শাস্ত্ৰীয় ভাষাত শ্লোক আৰু কাহিনী ** প্ৰস্তাৱনা
ধম্মপদ পিতাকাৰ অন্যতম জনাজাত গ্ৰন্থ। ই হৈছে স্পষ্ট, পিথি শ্লোকত প্ৰকাশ
কৰা বুদ্ধৰ শিক্ষাৰ এক সংগ্ৰহ। এই পদবোৰ বুদ্ধই তেওঁৰ শিক্ষাদানৰ
পঁয়তাল্লিশ বছৰৰ সময়ছোৱাত দিয়া বিভিন্ন বক্তৃতাৰ পৰা সংগ্ৰহ কৰা হৈছিল,
যিহেতু তেওঁ গঙ্গা (গংগা) উপত্যকা আৰু হিমালয়ৰ উপ-পৰ্বতঅঞ্চলত ভ্ৰমণ
কৰিছিল। এই পদবোৰ প্ৰায়ে সংক্ষিপ্ত, কৌতুকপূৰ্ণ আৰু বিশ্বাসযোগ্য হয়।
যেতিয়াই উপমা ব্যৱহাৰ কৰা হয়, সেইবোৰ হৈছে সেইবোৰ যিবোৰ শিশুৱেও সহজে
বুজি পায়, যেনে গাড়ীৰ চকা, এজন মানুহৰ ছাঁ, গভীৰ পুখুৰী, ফুল। এই পদসমূহৰ
জৰিয়তে বুদ্ধই সকলো বিজয়ৰ ভিতৰত সৰ্বশ্ৰেষ্ঠ, আত্মবিজয় প্ৰাপ্ত কৰিবলৈ
অনুৰোধ জনাইছে; আবেগ, ঘৃণা আৰু অজ্ঞতাৰ কুফলৰ পৰা পৰিত্ৰাণ পাবলৈ; আৰু
পুনৰ্জন্মৰ পৰ্যায়ৰ পৰা হেঁপাহ আৰু স্বাধীনতাৰ পৰা মুক্তি পাবলৈ কঠোৰ
পৰিশ্ৰম কৰা। প্ৰতিটো পদত এটা সত্য (ধম্ম), এটা উপদেশ, এটা উপদেশ থাকে।
পদ ধম্মপদৰ পদসমূহ প্ৰায়ে পৃথিৱীৰ বহুতো দেশৰ বহুতে উদ্ধৃত কৰে আৰু
কিতাপখন বহুতো ভাষালৈ অনুবাদ কৰা হৈছে। ইংৰাজীলৈ প্ৰাৰম্ভিক অনুবাদসমূহৰ
এটা ১৮৭০ চনত মেক্স মুলাৰে কৰিছিল। ইয়াৰ পিছত হোৱা অন্যান্য অনুবাদবোৰ
হৈছে ১৯২১ চনত এফ.এল. উডৱাৰ্ডৰ দ্বাৰা, ১৯২০ চনত ৱাগিচমাৰা আৰু চণ্ডাৰ্ছৰ
দ্বাৰা, আৰু ১৯০২ চনত এ.এল. এডমণ্ডছৰ (বিশ্বাসৰ স্তোত্ৰ) দ্বাৰা। শেহতীয়া
অনুবাদবোৰৰ ভিতৰত, নাৰদা মহাথেৰাৰ দ্বাৰা সৰ্বাধিক জনাজাত। ড. ৱালপোলা
ৰাহুলাই ধম্মপদৰ পৰা কিছুমান নিৰ্বাচিত শ্লোক অনুবাদ কৰিছে আৰু সংশোধিত
সংস্কৰণ “বুদ্ধই কি শিকাইছিল” নামৰ কিতাপখনৰ শেষত সেইবোৰ দিছে। চীনাসকলে
সংস্কৃতৰ পৰা ধম্মপদ অনুবাদ কৰিছিল। ধম্মপদৰ চীনা সংস্কৰণটো ১৮৭৮ চনত
চেমুৱেল বিলৰ দ্বাৰা ইংৰাজীলৈ অনুবাদ কৰা হৈছিল (ধম্মপদ নামেৰে জনাজাত
বৌদ্ধ কেননৰ পাঠ)।
বাৰ্মাত অনুবাদবোৰ বাৰ্মিজ লৈ নিৰ্মাণ কৰা হৈছে, বেছিভাগ গদ্যত, কিছুমানত
পদসমূহৰ সৈতে সম্পৰ্কিত কাহিনীবোৰৰ বাক্যাংশ, ব্যাখ্যা আৰু সংক্ষিপ্তি আছে।
শেহতীয়া বছৰবোৰত, বাৰ্মিজ আৰু ইংৰাজী দুয়োটা অনুবাদৰ সৈতে ধম্মপদৰ ওপৰত
কিছুমান কিতাপ, পালি পদৰ সৈতে, প্ৰকাশ িত হৈছে। ধম্মপদ হৈছে সুতান্ত া
পিটাকাৰ খুদকনিকায়াৰ দ্বিতীয় খন কিতাপ, য’ত বিভিন্ন মুৰৰ তলত সজ্জিত
ছাব্বিশটা অধ্যায়ৰ চাৰিশ তেশটা শ্লোক আছে। ধম্মপদত বুদ্ধৰ শিক্ষাৰ মূল
নীতিসমূহ সন্নিবিষ্ট কৰা হৈছে।
(21) যি “আপ্পামাডো আমাতাপাদম”ৰ সৈতে আৰম্ভ হয়, যাৰ অৰ্থ হৈছে “মননশীলতা
হৈছে নিব্বানা, মৃত্যুহীনৰ পথ,” এক অতি গুৰুত্বপূৰ্ণ আৰু গুৰুত্বপূৰ্ণ
শ্লোক। প্ৰশান্তি আৰু অন্তৰ্দৃষ্টি ধ্যানৰ আটাইতকৈ গুৰুত্বপূৰ্ণ উপাদান
হৈছে মনোযোগ। বুদ্ধৰ মৃত্যুৰ ঠিক আগতে তেওঁৰ অন্তিম উপদেশটো আছিল সতৰ্ক
হোৱা আৰু নিষ্ঠাৰে চেষ্টা কৰা (মাগ্গা আৰু ফালাৰ জৰিয়তে পুনৰ্জন্মৰ
ৰাউণ্ডৰ পৰা স্বাধীনতা প্ৰাপ্ত কৰাৰ কাম সম্পূৰ্ণ কৰা)। সাধাৰণতে এইটো
স্বীকাৰ কৰা হয় যে মননশীলতাৰ ওপৰত এই শ্লোকটোৰ বাবেই ভাৰতৰ সম্ৰাট আছোকা
আৰু বাৰ্মাৰ ৰজা আনাৱৰাহতা বৌদ্ধ ধৰ্মলৈ ধৰ্মান্তৰিত হৈছিল। দুয়োজন ৰজাই
তেওঁলোকৰ নিজ নিজ দেশত বৌদ্ধ ধৰ্মৰ প্ৰচাৰত যথেষ্ট সহায় কৰিছিল। শ্লোকত
(২৯) বুদ্ধই তেওঁৰ মনোযোগৰ আহ্বানক তাৎক্ষণিক তাৎক্ষণিকতাৰে সংযুক্ত কৰিছে।
এই পদটোত এইদৰে কোৱা হৈছে: “নিদ্ৰাহীন লোকসকলৰ মাজত অৱহেলাকৰা, অত্যাধিক
সতৰ্ক হৈ থকা জ্ঞানী ব্যক্তিজনে জাতিৰ ঘোঁৰাৰ দৰে আগবাঢ়ি যায় আৰু জেডক
এৰি যায়।”
(1) আৰু (2) কাম্মাৰ অপৰিৱৰ্তনীয় নিয়মৰ বিষয়ে বৰ্ণনা কৰে, যাৰ অধীনত
ভাল বা বেয়া প্ৰতিটো কাম কৰ্তাৰ ওচৰলৈ ঘূৰি আহে। ইয়াত, বুদ্ধই আমাৰ সকলো
কামত মনৰ গুৰুত্বৰ ওপৰত গুৰুত্ব আৰোপ কৰে আৰু আমাৰ কাম, শব্দ আৰু চিন্তাৰ
অনিবাৰ্য পৰিণামৰ কথা কয়। পদসমূহ (১৫৩) আৰু (১৫৪) হৈছে বুদ্ধই তেওঁৰ
জ্ঞানলাভৰ মুহূৰ্তত উচ্চাৰণ কৰা উদাত্ত আৰু তীব্ৰ আনন্দৰ অভিব্যক্তি। এই
দুটা পদে আমাক বুদ্ধৰ সত্যৰ সন্ধানৰ সমাপ্তিৰ এক গ্ৰাফিক বিৱৰণ দিয়ে।
তেওঁলোকে আমাক বুদ্ধই ‘গৃহ নিৰ্মাতা’ বিচাৰি পোৱাৰ বিষয়ে কয়, ক্ৰেভিং,
সম্ৰাত বাৰে বাৰে জন্ম হোৱাৰ কাৰণ। হেঁপাহৰ পৰা পৰিত্ৰাণ পোৱাৰ পিছত, তেওঁৰ
বাবে আৰু কোনো ঘৰ (খান্ধা) নিৰ্মাণ কৰা নহ’ব, আৰু আৰু কোনো পুনৰ্জন্ম
(277), (278) আৰু (279) গুৰুত্বপূৰ্ণ কিয়নো তেওঁলোকে আমাক সকলো চৰ্তযুক্ত
বস্তুৰ অস্থায়ী, অসন্তোষজনক আৰু অ-স্বপ্ৰকৃতিৰ বিষয়ে কয়; এইটো অতি
গুৰুত্বপূৰ্ণ যে এজনে সকলো কণ্ডিচনড বস্তুৰ প্ৰকৃত প্ৰকৃতি অনুভৱ কৰিব লাগে
আৰু খান্ধবোৰৰ পৰা ভাগৰুৱা হ’ব লাগে, কিয়নো এয়া হৈছে বিশুদ্ধতাৰ পথ।
তেতিয়া বুদ্ধই আমাক পুনৰ্জন্মৰ ৰাউণ্ডৰ পৰা মুক্তিৰ পথ দেখুৱায়, অৰ্থাৎ
পদ্য (273)ত আঠটা উপাদানৰ (আথাংগিকো মেগগো) সৈতে পথ। তদুপৰি, বুদ্ধই আমাক
পদ্য (২৭৬)ত আমাৰ নিজৰ প্ৰচেষ্টা কৰিবলৈ অনুৰোধ জনাই কয়, “আপুনি নিজেই
প্ৰচেষ্টা কৰা উচিত, তথাগাটাসকলে কেৱল পথ দেখুৱায়।” পদ্য (১৮৩) আমাক
বুদ্ধসকলৰ শিক্ষা প্ৰদান কৰে। ইয়াত কোৱা হৈছে, “কোনো বেয়া নকৰিব, যোগ্যতা
গঢ়িব, নিজৰ মন শুদ্ধ কৰিব; এয়া হৈছে বুদ্ধসকলৰ শিক্ষা।”
(২৪) ত বুদ্ধই আমাক জীৱনত সফলতাৰ পথ দেখুৱাই এইদৰে কৈছিল: “যদি এজন
ব্যক্তি উদ্যমী, মনোযোগী, চিন্তা, শব্দ আৰু কামত শুদ্ধ হয়, যদি তেওঁ
সকলোবোৰ যত্ন আৰু বিবেচনাৰে কৰে, তেন্তে তেওঁৰ ইন্দ্ৰিয়ক নিয়ন্ত্ৰণ কৰে;
ধম্ম অনুসৰি নিজৰ জীৱিকা উপাৰ্জন কৰে আৰু সেই মনোযোগী ব্যক্তিজনৰ খ্যাতি
আৰু ভাগ্য বৃদ্ধি পায়। ধম্মপদত পোৱা ৰত্নবোৰৰ এইবোৰ কেইটামান উদাহৰণ।
ধম্মপদ সঁচাকৈয়ে এজন দাৰ্শনিক, পথপ্ৰদৰ্শক আৰু সকলোৰে বাবে বন্ধু।
এই অনুবাদ পালিৰ পৰা ইংৰাজীলৈ। ব্যৱহৃত পালি পাঠহৈছে ষষ্ঠ আন্তৰ্জাতিক
বৌদ্ধ ধৰ্মসভাৰ দ্বাৰা অনুমোদিত ধম্মপদ পালি। আমি অনুবাদটো যিমান সম্ভৱ
পাঠৰ ওচৰত ৰাখিবলৈ চেষ্টা কৰিছো, কিন্তু কেতিয়াবা এটা ইংৰাজী শব্দ বিচাৰি
উলিওৱাটো অতি কঠিন, যদি অসম্ভৱ নহয়, যিটো এটা পালি শব্দৰ সৈতে একেবাৰে খাপ
খায়। উদাহৰণ স্বৰূপে, আমি এতিয়ালৈকে এটাও ইংৰাজী শব্দ বিচাৰি পোৱা নাই
যিয়ে চাৰিটা নবেল সত্যৰ প্ৰদৰ্শনত ব্যৱহৃত “দুক্খা” শব্দটোৰ প্ৰকৃত অৰ্থ
প্ৰকাশ কৰিব পাৰে। এই অনুবাদত, য’তেই “দুখা” শব্দটোৱে চাৰিটা নবেল সত্যৰ
দৰে একে অৰ্থ বহন কৰে, ইয়াক অনুবাদ নকৰাকৈ ৰখা হৈছে; কিন্তু কেৱল বৰ্ণনা
শ্লোকবোৰৰ ধম্ম ধাৰণাটোৰ ব্যাখ্যাত কোনো সন্দেহ থাকে বা যেতিয়া আক্ষৰিক
অৰ্থ অস্পষ্ট বা বোধগম্য নহয়, আমি ভাষ্য (পালিত) আৰু নিয়াউংলেবিন
ছায়াদাওৰ দ্বাৰা ভাষ্যৰ বাৰ্মিজ অনুবাদৰ কথা উল্লেখ কৰিছোঁ, যি হৈছে এক
অতি শিকা থেৰা। বহুসময়ত আমি ধম্ম (ধাম্মাকাৰিয়া)ৰ শিক্ষকসকলৰ সৈতে ও জটিল
শব্দ আৰু বাক্যৰ ব্যাখ্যাৰ বাবে পৰামৰ্শ লৈছো। ইয়াৰ উপৰিও আমি ধম্মপদৰ
বাৰ্মিজ অনুবাদ, বিশেষকৈ ইউনিয়ন বুদ্ধ চাচানা পৰিষদৰ অনুবাদ, সংগজা
ছায়াদাওৰ (১৮০৫-১৮৭৬) অনুবাদ, ৰজা মিণ্ডন আৰু ৰজা থিবাওৰ সময়ত এক আগশাৰীৰ
মহা থেৰা আৰু লগতে বাৰ্মাৰ মহা পিত্ৰা মহা পিত্ৰা অভা কাৰ্মা ৰ জাতক
সংস্থাৰ ছায়াদাও উথিলাৰ অনুবাদৰ পৰামৰ্শ লৈছো। সংগজা চয়াদাওৰ কিতাপখনত
ধম্মপদ কাহিনীৰ বাক্যাংশ আৰু সংক্ষিপ্তিও অন্তৰ্ভুক্ত আছে।
কাহিনী ধম্মপদ কাহিনীৰ সাৰাংশ কিতাপখনৰ দ্বিতীয় অংশত দিয়া হৈছে কিয়নো
সাধাৰণতে বিশ্বাস কৰা হয় যে বুদ্ধঘোচাৰ দ্বাৰা লিখা ধম্মপদ ভাষ্য (খ্ৰীঃ
পঞ্চম শতিকা) ধম্মপদৰ উন্নত বুজাবুজিৰ দিশত এক ডাঙৰ সহায়। ভাষ্যত তিনিশ
পাঁচটা কাহিনী অন্তৰ্ভুক্ত কৰা হৈছে। কাহিনীবোৰত উল্লেখ কৰা বেছিভাগ ঘটনা
বুদ্ধৰ জীৱনকালত সংঘটিত হৈছিল। কিছুমান কাহিনীত, কিছুমান অতীতৰ অস্তিত্বৰ
বিষয়ে কিছুমান তথ্যও পুনৰ কোৱা হৈছিল। কাহিনীবোৰৰ সাৰাংশ লিখিতভাৱে আমি
ভাষ্যটো অনুবাদ কৰিবলৈ চেষ্টা কৰা নাই। আমি কেৱল কাহিনীবোৰৰ তথ্যবোৰ কটালো
আৰু সেইবোৰ চমুকৈ পুনৰ লিখিছোঁ: প্ৰতিটো কাহিনীৰ শেষত পদবোৰৰ এটা অনুবাদ
দিয়া হয়।
অতি সতৰ্কতাৰে পাৰ হোৱাৰ বাবে সম্পাদকীয় সমিতি, বাৰ্মা পিটাকা
এছ’চিয়েশ্যনৰ সদস্যসকলৰ প্ৰতি মোৰ গভীৰ আৰু আন্তৰিক কৃতজ্ঞতা প্ৰকাশ কৰাটো
এতিয়া মোৰ বাবে বাকী আছে; শ্লোকসমূহৰ অনুবাদত সহায় কৰাৰ বাবে ছায়াগি
ধাম্মাকাৰিয়া ইউ অং মো আৰু বাৰ্মা পিটাকা এছ’চিয়েশ্যনৰ সম্পাদক ইউ থেইন

41) Classical Gujarati-ક્લાસિકલ ગુજરાતી,

मायावती ने बदला बसपा का संविधान | लोगों ने जताया विरोध | BSP Constitution changed by Mayawati
ધમ્મપદ: વિશ્વની 119 શાસ્ત્રીય ભાષાઓમાં છંદો અને વાર્તાઓ *********
ફક્ત મફત વિતરણ માટે, ધમ્મની ભેટ તરીકે.
ધમપદા એ પીતાકાના સૌથી જાણીતા પુસ્તકોમાંથી એક છે. તે સ્પષ્ટ, દ્વેષી
છંદોમાં વ્યક્ત કરાયેલા બુદ્ધના ઉપદેશોનો સંગ્રહ છે. આ છંદો તેમના શિક્ષણના
પંચાવન વર્ષ દરમિયાન બુદ્ધ દ્વારા આપવામાં આવેલા વિવિધ પ્રવચનોથી ખેંચી
લેવામાં આવ્યા હતા, કારણ કે તે ગંગાની ખીણ (ગંગા) અને હિમાલયના પેટા માઉન્ટ
માર્ગમાં પ્રવાસ કરતો હતો. આ છંદો ઘણીવાર કંટાળાજનક, વિનોદી અને
ખાતરીપૂર્વક હોય છે. જ્યારે પણ સિમલ્સનો ઉપયોગ કરવામાં આવે છે, ત્યારે તે
તે છે જે બાળક દ્વારા પણ સરળતાથી સમજી શકાય છે, દા.ત., કાર્ટનું ચક્ર,
માણસની છાયા, deep ંડા પૂલ, ફૂલો. આ છંદો દ્વારા, બુદ્ધ બધા વિજય, સ્વનો
વિજય મેળવવાની તે પ્રાપ્ત કરવા માટે એકને પ્રોત્સાહન આપે છે; ઉત્કટ, દ્વેષ
અને અજ્ orance ાનતાની દુષ્ટતામાંથી બચવા માટે; અને પુનર્જન્મના રાઉન્ડથી
તૃષ્ણા અને સ્વતંત્રતામાંથી સ્વતંત્રતા મેળવવા માટે સખત પ્રયત્ન કરવો. દરેક
શ્લોકમાં સત્ય (ધમ્મ), એક પ્રોત્સાહન, સલાહનો ટુકડો હોય છે.
ધમ્મપદ શ્લોકો
ધમ્મપદ છંદો ઘણીવાર વિશ્વના ઘણા દેશોમાં ટાંકવામાં આવે છે અને
પુસ્તકનું ઘણી ભાષાઓમાં ભાષાંતર કરવામાં આવ્યું છે. અંગ્રેજીમાંના
પ્રારંભિક અનુવાદોમાંથી એક 1870 માં મેક્સ મ્યુલર દ્વારા કરવામાં આવ્યું
હતું. ત્યારબાદના અન્ય અનુવાદો એફ.એલ. વુડવર્ડ 1921 માં, 1920 માં
વાગીસ્મારા અને સોન્ડર્સ દ્વારા, અને 1902 માં એ.એલ. એડમંડ્સ (વિશ્વાસના
સ્તોત્રો) દ્વારા. તાજેતરના અનુવાદોમાં, કે નારદા મહારાધરા દ્વારા સૌથી વધુ
જાણીતા છે. ડ Dr .. વોલપોલા રાહુલાએ પણ ધમ્મપદમાંથી કેટલાક પસંદ કરેલા
શ્લોકોનો ભાષાંતર કર્યો છે અને તેમના પુસ્તક “ધ બુદ્ધ ટીચડ”, સુધારેલી
આવૃત્તિના અંતે તેમને આપ્યા છે. ચીનીઓએ સંસ્કૃતથી ધમ્મપદનું ભાષાંતર
કર્યું. ધમ્મપદના ચાઇનીઝ સંસ્કરણને 1878 માં સેમ્યુઅલ બીલ (ધમપડા તરીકે
ઓળખાતા બૌદ્ધ કેનનનાં ગ્રંથો) દ્વારા અંગ્રેજીમાં ભાષાંતર કરવામાં આવ્યું
બર્મામાં, બર્મીઝમાં અનુવાદો કરવામાં આવ્યા છે, મોટે ભાગે ગદ્યમાં,
કેટલાકને છંદોને લગતી વાર્તાઓના પેરાફ્રેઝ, ખુલાસા અને સંક્ષિપ્તમાં.
તાજેતરના વર્ષોમાં, ધમ્મપાદા પરના કેટલાક પુસ્તકો બર્મીઝ અને અંગ્રેજી બંને
અનુવાદો સાથે, પાલી શ્લોકો સાથે, પણ પ્રકાશિત કરવામાં આવ્યા છે.
ધમ્મપદ એ સુતાન્ટા પીટાકાના ખુદકા નિકાયાનું બીજું પુસ્તક છે, જેમાં
વિવિધ વડાઓ હેઠળ ગોઠવાયેલા છવીસ પ્રકરણોમાં ચારસો અને તેવીસ છંદોનો સમાવેશ
થાય છે. ધમ્મપદમાં બુદ્ધના શિક્ષણના મૂળભૂત સિધ્ધાંતો સ્થાપિત કરવામાં
આવ્યા છે.
શ્લોક (21) જે “અપ્પામાડો અમાતપડમ” થી શરૂ થાય છે, જેનો અર્થ
“માઇન્ડફુલનેસ એ નિબબાના, ડેથલેસ,” એક ખૂબ જ મહત્વપૂર્ણ અને નોંધપાત્ર
શ્લોક છે. માઇન્ડફુલનેસ એ સુલેહ -શાંતિ અને આંતરદૃષ્ટિ ધ્યાનમાં સૌથી
મહત્વપૂર્ણ તત્વ છે. બુદ્ધનું તેમનું નિધન થાય તે પહેલાં જ છેલ્લું
પ્રોત્સાહન પણ ધ્યાનપૂર્વક હતું અને ખંતપૂર્વક પ્રયાસ કરવો (મેગ્ગા અને ફલા
દ્વારા પુનર્જન્મના રાઉન્ડમાંથી સ્વતંત્રતા પ્રાપ્ત કરવાનું કાર્ય પૂર્ણ
કરવું). સામાન્ય રીતે તે સ્વીકારવામાં આવે છે કે માઇન્ડફુલનેસ પર આ શ્લોકને
કારણે તે ભારતનો સમ્રાટ અસોકા અને બર્માના રાજા અનાવરહતા બૌદ્ધ ધર્મમાં
ફેરવાઈ ગયો. બંને રાજાઓએ તેમના સંબંધિત દેશોમાં બૌદ્ધ ધર્મના પ્રસારમાં ખૂબ
મદદ કરી હતી.
શ્લોકમાં (29) બુદ્ધે તાકીદની ભાવનાથી માઇન્ડફુલનેસ માટેના તેમના ક
call લને જોડી દીધા છે. આ શ્લોક ચાલે છે: “નિંદ્રામાં બેદરકારી, ખૂબ જાગૃત
લોકોમાં, જ્ wise ાની માણસ રેસ ઘોડાની જેમ આગળ વધે છે, જેડને પાછળ છોડી દે
છંદો (1) અને (2) કમ્માના અપરિવર્તનશીલ કાયદાને સમજાવે છે, જેના હેઠળ
દરેક ખત, સારા કે ખરાબ, પાછા આવનારા પર આવે છે. અહીં, બુદ્ધ આપણી બધી
ક્રિયાઓમાં મનના મહત્વ પર ભાર મૂકે છે અને આપણા કાર્યો, શબ્દો અને વિચારોના
અનિવાર્ય પરિણામોની વાત કરે છે.
છંદો (153) અને (154) એ તેમના જ્ l ાનની ખૂબ જ ક્ષણે બુદ્ધ દ્વારા
ઉચ્ચાર અને તીવ્ર આનંદના અભિવ્યક્તિઓ છે. આ બે શ્લોકો અમને બુદ્ધની સત્યની
શોધની પરાકાષ્ઠાનો ગ્રાફિક એકાઉન્ટ આપે છે.
અમને બુદ્ધ વિશે કહે છે કે સંસારમાં વારંવાર જન્મોનું કારણ ‘ઘરના બિલ્ડર’,
તૃષ્ણા. તૃષ્ણાથી છૂટકારો મેળવ્યો, તેના માટે કોઈ વધુ મકાનો (ખંડ) તૃષ્ણા
દ્વારા બનાવવામાં આવશે નહીં, અને વધુ પુનર્જન્મ નહીં થાય.
છંદો (277), (278) અને (279) પણ મહત્વપૂર્ણ છે કારણ કે તેઓ અમને
અસ્થાયી, અસંતોષકારક અને બધી કન્ડિશન્ડ વસ્તુઓના સ્વ-સ્વ-પ્રકૃતિ વિશે કહે
છે; તે ખૂબ જ મહત્વપૂર્ણ છે કે વ્યક્તિએ બધી કન્ડિશન્ડ વસ્તુઓના સાચા
સ્વભાવને સમજવું જોઈએ અને ખાંડથી કંટાળી જવું જોઈએ, કારણ કે આ શુદ્ધતાનો
માર્ગ છે.
પછી બુદ્ધ અમને પુનર્જન્મના રાઉન્ડથી મુક્તિ તરફ દોરી જવાનો માર્ગ
બતાવે છે, એટલે કે, શ્લોક (273) માં આઠ ઘટકો (એટંગિકો મેગ્ગો) સાથેના
માર્ગ. આગળ, બુદ્ધ અમને શ્લોક (276) માં પોતાનો પ્રયાસ કરવા માટે
પ્રોત્સાહિત કરે છે કે, “તમારે જાતે જ પ્રયાસ કરવો જોઈએ, તથાગાટનો ફક્ત
રસ્તો બતાવવામાં આવશે.” શ્લોક (183) આપણને બુદ્ધોનું શિક્ષણ આપે છે. તે કહે
છે, “કોઈ દુષ્ટ ન કરો, યોગ્યતા કેળવશો, કોઈનું મન શુદ્ધ કરો; આ બુદ્ધોનું
શિક્ષણ છે.”
(૨)) બુદ્ધ અમને જીવનમાં સફળતાનો માર્ગ બતાવે છે, આમ: “જો કોઈ વ્યક્તિ get
ર્જાસભર, માઇન્ડફુલ, વિચારમાં શુદ્ધ, શબ્દ અને ખત છે, જો તે સંભાળ અને
વિચારણાથી બધું કરે છે, તો તેની સંવેદનાઓને નિયંત્રિત કરે છે; તેની કમાણી
કરે છે; ધમ્મ અનુસાર જીવવું અને તે બેભાન નથી, તો પછી, તે માઇન્ડફુલ
વ્યક્તિની ખ્યાતિ અને નસીબમાં વધારો થાય છે. “
ધમ્મપડામાં મળેલા રત્નના આ કેટલાક ઉદાહરણો છે. ધમ્મપદ, ખરેખર, એક ફિલસૂફ, માર્ગદર્શિકા અને બધા માટે મિત્ર છે.
છંદોનો આ અનુવાદ પાલીથી અંગ્રેજીમાં છે. વપરાયેલ પાલી ટેક્સ્ટ એ
ધમ્મપદ પાલી છે જે છઠ્ઠા આંતરરાષ્ટ્રીય બૌદ્ધ સિનોદ દ્વારા મંજૂર છે. અમે
અનુવાદને શક્ય તેટલું ટેક્સ્ટની નજીક બનાવવાનો પ્રયાસ કર્યો છે, પરંતુ
કેટલીકવાર તે ખૂબ જ મુશ્કેલ હોય છે, જો અશક્ય ન હોય તો, અંગ્રેજી શબ્દ
શોધવાનું કે જે પાલી શબ્દને અનુરૂપ છે. ઉદાહરણ તરીકે, આપણે હજી સુધી એક પણ
અંગ્રેજી શબ્દ શોધી શકતા નથી જે ચાર ઉમદા સત્યના પ્રદર્શનમાં ઉપયોગમાં
લેવાતા “દુખા” શબ્દનો વાસ્તવિક અર્થ વ્યક્ત કરી શકે છે. આ અનુવાદમાં, જ્યાં
પણ “દુખા” શબ્દ ચાર ઉમદા સત્યમાં કરે છે તે જ અર્થ વહન કરે છે, ત્યાં તે
અનુલક્ષીને બાકી છે; પરંતુ માત્ર સમજાવ્યું.
જ્યારે છંદોની ધમ્મ વિભાવનાના અર્થઘટનમાં કોઈ શંકા હોય અથવા જ્યારે
શાબ્દિક અર્થ અસ્પષ્ટ અથવા અસ્પષ્ટ હોય, ત્યારે આપણે કોમેન્ટરી (પાલી) અને
ન્યુંગલબિન સયાદાવ દ્વારા ટિપ્પણીના બર્મીઝ અનુવાદનો ઉલ્લેખ કર્યો છે, જે
ખૂબ જ વિદ્વાન છે થેરા. ઘણા પ્રસંગોએ અમે ધમની અને વાક્યોની સ્પષ્ટતા માટે
ધમ્મ (ધમ્મકરીયા) ના શિક્ષકોની સલાહ પણ લીધી છે.
આ ઉપરાંત અમે ધમ્મપદના બર્મીઝ અનુવાદોની પણ સલાહ લીધી છે, ખાસ કરીને
યુનિયન બુદ્ધ સાસના કાઉન્સિલ દ્વારા અનુવાદ, સંગજા સયાદાવ (1805-1876)
દ્વારા અનુવાદ, કિંગ મિંડન અને કિંગ થિબાના સમયમાં અગ્રણી મહા થેરા, અને તે
પણ બર્મા પિટાકા એસોસિએશનના ઓવાડકરીયા મહા થેરા સૈયદાવ યુ થિટિલા દ્વારા
અનુવાદ. સંગજા સૈયદાવના પુસ્તકમાં ધમ્મપદ વાર્તાઓના પેરાફ્રેસેસ અને
સંક્ષિપ્તમાં પણ શામેલ છે.
ધમ્મપદ વાર્તાઓ
ધમ્મપદ વાર્તાઓના સારાંશ પુસ્તકના બીજા ભાગમાં આપવામાં આવે છે કારણ કે
સામાન્ય રીતે માનવામાં આવે છે કે બુદ્ધઘોસા (5 મી સદી એ.ડી.) દ્વારા લખેલી
ધમ્મપદ ટિપ્પણી એ ધમમપડાની સારી સમજણ માટે એક મોટી મદદ છે. ટિપ્પણીમાં
ત્રણસો અને પાંચ વાર્તાઓ શામેલ છે. વાર્તાઓમાં ઉલ્લેખિત મોટાભાગની ઘટનાઓ
બુદ્ધના જીવનકાળ દરમિયાન થઈ હતી. કેટલીક વાર્તાઓમાં, કેટલાક ભૂતકાળના
અસ્તિત્વ વિશેની કેટલીક તથ્યો પણ ફરીથી લાવવામાં આવી હતી.
વાર્તાઓના સારાંશ લખતા અમે ટિપ્પણીનો ભાષાંતર કરવાનો પ્રયાસ કર્યો
નથી. અમે ફક્ત વાર્તાઓના તથ્યોને કાબૂમાં રાખ્યા છે અને ટૂંકમાં તેમને
ફરીથી લખ્યું છે: દરેક વાર્તાના અંતમાં છંદોનો અનુવાદ આપવામાં આવ્યો છે.
સંપાદકીય સમિતિના સભ્યો, બર્મા પિટાકા એસોસિએશનના સભ્યો પ્રત્યે
સાવચેતીપૂર્વક સ્ક્રિપ્ટમાંથી પસાર થયા માટે મારા deep ંડા અને નિષ્ઠાવાન
આભાર વ્યક્ત કરવા માટે હવે મારા માટે જ બાકી છે; સૈયાગી ધમ્મકરીયા યુ આંગ
મો અને બર્મા પિટાકા એસોસિએશનના સંપાદક, થિન મૌંગને છંદોના અનુવાદમાં મદદ
કરવા માટે.
मायावती ने बदला बसपा का संविधान | लोगों ने जताया विरोध

57) Classical Khmer- ខ្មែរបុរាណ,

59) Classical Korean-고전 한국어,

62) Classical Lao-ຄລາສສິກລາວ,

69) Classical Malay-Melayu Klasik,

71) Classical Maltese-Klassiku Malti,

74) Classical Mongolian-Сонгодог Монгол,

75) Classical Myanmar (Burmese)-Classical မြန်မာ (ဗမာ),

76) Classical Nepali-शास्त्रीय म्यांमार (बर्मा),

धममपादा: विश्वको 11 fruly शास्त्री भाषाहरूमा पद र कथाहरू **********
धमलामा मात्र नि: शुल्क वितरणको लागि।
धम्मतापाडा पिकाका उत्कृष्ट ज्ञात पुस्तकहरू मध्ये एक हो। यो बुद्धका
शिक्षाहरूको संग्रह प्रस्ट, पिध्येजहरू व्यक्त गरिएको छ। यी पदहरूले
बुद्धले गरेका विभिन्न भाषणहरूबाट उनको उनको शिक्षणको क्रममा उनको पुष्टि
भयो, किनकि उनी गंगाको बेंसीमा यात्रा गरे (गंगा) र हिमालयको उप-पर्खालको
उप-पर्वतको उपस्राफ। यी पदहरू प्रायः ट्यूसेस र चित्तबुझ्दो हुन्छन्।
Whenever similes are used, they are those that are easily understood
even by a child, e.g., the cart’s wheel, a man’s shadow, a deep pool,
flowers. यी पदहरू मार्फत बुद्धले सबैलाई अर्कै विजय प्राप्त गर्न आग्रह
गरे जुन उहाँमाथि विजय प्राप्त गर्न आग्रह गर्दछ; जोश, घृणा र अज्ञानता को
दुष्टता बाट उम्कन; र शव्द र शव्दको साथ पेज र स्वतन्त्रबाट स्वतन्त्रता
प्राप्त गर्न कडा प्रयत्न गर्न कडा प्रयत्न। प्रत्येक पदमा एक सत्य
(धम्मणा), एक सल्लाह, सल्लाह को एक टुक्रा समावेश गर्दछ।
धम्मतापाडा पदहरू
धम्मतापादाका पदहरू प्रायः विश्वको धेरै देशहरूमा उद्धृत गरिएको छ र
पुस्तक धेरै भाषाहरूमा अनुवाद गरिएको छ। अ English ्ग्रेजीमा सब भन्दा
चाँडो अनुवाद 1 18700 मा अधिकतम मलर द्वारा बनाइएको थियो। अन्य अनुवादहरू
जुन fr.l द्वारा ती हुन्। सन् 1 192 .1 मा दसवतको 1 192 .1 मा, 1 190 20 मा
वैसासम्यारा र सौरंडहरू (विश्वासका भजनहरू) 1 190 02 मा हालसालै
अनुवादहरू, कि नाराद महो्राभर सबैभन्दा व्यापक रूपमा परिचित छ। डा।
वास्प्लाला राहलाले पनि pumaapapada बाट केही चयनित पदहरू अनुवाद गरेका छन्
र उनीहरूले “बुद्ध के सिकाउने के हो,” संशोधित संस्करण। चिनियाँहरूले
संस्मानपाडाडालाई संस्माताबाट अनुवाद गरे। धमम्मापादाको चिनियाँ संस्करण
शमूएल बेयरमा अनुवाद गरिएको थियो (बौद्ध क्याननबाट धमारमाप्राडाका पदहरू
धममापादाका रूपमा चिनिन्थे।
बर्मामा, अनुवादहरूलाई प्राय: पदहरूमा वर्णन गर्ने प्याराफ्रासहरू,
स्पष्टीकरण र अनुच्छेदको साथ वर्णन गरिएको छ। हालसालैका वर्षहरूमा
धम्मतापादाका केही पुस्तकहरूका केही पुस्तकहरू र अ English ्ग्रेजी
अनुवादहरू, सीएलआई पदहरु संग, पनि प्रकाशित गरिएको छ।
धम्मतापादामा सुम्माता पिकाको खुद्राको सिखयाको दोस्रो पुस्तक हो, जुन
चार सय तीन पदहरूमा विभिन्न टाउको मुनिको व्यवस्था गरे। दरमापाडामा
बुद्धको शिक्षाको आधारभूत टेनेटलाई आकार दिइन्छ।
पद (21) जो “Appamado Amattapadam” मनोनयन हो “को साथ सुरू गर्नुहोस्”
मनोनयन नीबिनको बाटो हो, “एक महत्त्वपूर्ण र महत्वपूर्ण पद हो। दिमागले
शान्ति र अन्तर्राष्ट्रिय मनसायको सबैभन्दा महत्त्वपूर्ण तत्व हो। बित्नु
अघि नै बुद्धको अन्तिम सल्लाह पनि ध्यान दिएर र लगनशील भई प्रयास
गर्नुपर्थ्यो (म्यागा र फिला मार्फत पुनर्जन्मबाट स्वतन्त्रता प्राप्त
गर्ने काम पूरा गर्न)। यो सामान्यतया स्वीकार्य छ कि भारत भारत र भारदार
अरोटाको सम्राट अरोकार र बर्माको राजा अंधालाई धर्म परिवर्तन गर्थ्यो। दुबै
राजाले आराधक देशहरूमा बौद्ध धर्मको घोषणामा ठूलो सहयोग गरेका थिए।
पद (2)) मा बुद्धले जरुरीताको भावनाले मनको लागि आह्वानलाई जोडेको छ।
पद रनले यसो भन्छ: “लापरवाही, निकै कठोर, निन्द्राहरूबीच अत्यन्तै सतर्क,
ज्ञानी मानिसहरू एक रेस घोडामा बढ्दै गए, जेडलाई पछाडि छोडिदिए।”
पदहरू (1) र (2) कुमाको अपरिवर्तनीय कानूनको वर्णन गर्नुहोस्, जुन
प्रत्येक काममा, राम्रो वा नराम्रो, फेरि डोररमा फर्कन्छ। यहाँ, बुद्धले
हाम्रा सबै कार्यहरूमा दिमागको महत्त्वलाई जोड दिन्छ र हाम्रो कार्य, शब्द र
विचारहरूको अपरिहार्य परिणामहरूको कुरा गर्दछ।
Verses (153) and (154) are expressions of sublime and intense joy
uttered by the Buddha at the very moment of his Enlightenment. These two
verses give us a graphic account of the culmination of the Buddha’s
search for Truth.
tell us about the Buddha finding the ‘house-builder,’ Craving, the
cause of repeated births in Samsara. Having rid of Craving, for him no
more houses (khandhas) shall be built by Craving, and there will be no
more rebirths.
Verses (277), (278) and (279) are also important as they tell us
about the impermanent, unsatisfactory and the non-self nature of all
conditioned things; it is very important that one should perceive the
true nature of all conditioned things and become weary of the khandhas,
for this is the Path to Purity.
Then the Buddha shows us the Path leading to the liberation from
round of rebirths, i.e., the Path with eight constituents (Atthangiko
Maggo) in Verse (273). Further, the Buddha exhorts us to make our own
effort in Verse (276) saying, “You yourselves should make the effort,
the Tathagatas only show the way.” Verse (183) gives us the teaching of
the Buddhas. It says, “Do no evil, cultivate merit, purify one’s mind;
this is the teaching of the Buddhas.”
(2 24) बुद्धले हामीलाई जीवनमा सफलताको बाटो देखाउँदछ, यसरी: “यदि एक
व्यक्ति ऊर्जावान, शब्द, यदि उसले विचार, शब्द र कार्यमा सबै कुरा गर्छ भने
उसको इन्द्रियलाई संयम गर्दछ। धम्मणाका अनुसार बाँचिरहेका छन् र
अविश्वसनीय छैन, तब, प्रख्यात व्यक्तिको प्रख्यात व्यक्तित्व र भाग्य बढ्ने
छ। “
यी धलमपादामा फेला पर्ने रत्नका लागि कृषिका केही उदाहरणहरू हुन्। धम्मतापादा, वास्तवमा, दार्शनिक, गाईड र मित्र सबैको लागि छ।
यस अनुवाद पदहरूको अनुवाद पालीबाट अंग्रेजीमा छ। प्रयोग गरिएको पाना
पाठ छैठौं अन्तर्राष्ट्रिय बौद्ध सिकारले अनुमोदित भएको छ। हामीले अनुवाद
पाठको रूपमा पाठको नजिक बनाउनको लागि प्रयास गरेका छौं, तर कहिलेकाँही यो
धेरै गाह्रो हुन्छ, यदि असम्भव छैन भने, एक अंग्रेजी शब्द पत्ता लगाउन जुन
सिली शब्दमा ठीक छ। उदाहरण को लागी, हामी अझै एकल अंग्रेजी शब्द पाउन
सक्दैनौं कि चार महान सत्यको पर्दाफासनमा प्रयोग गरिएको “डर्कहा” शब्दको
वास्तविक अर्थ प्रदान गर्न सक्दैन। यस अनुवादमा जहाँ जहाँ शर्त “डर्कख” वजन
चार महान सत्यहरूमा जत्तिकै यसको अर्थ राख्छ, यो अक्सर छोडियो; तर मात्र
व्याख्या गरियो।
जब पदहरूको धम्मर अवधारणाको अर्थमा वा शाब्दिक अर्थ अस्पष्ट वा
अस्थिरता हो, हामीले कमबिनबिनले बौलार्य अनुवादलाई र एक धेरै सिकेका छौं
अती। धेरै अवसरहरूमा हामीले अलमल्ल गर्दै शब्दहरू र वाक्यको इम्प्लेसिंगको
लागि धम्मेद (धम्मता (धम्मता (धम्मता (धम्मता (धम्मता (धम्मता (धम्मता
(धम्मता (धम्मता (धम्मता (धम्मता (धम्मता (धम्मता (धम्मता (धम्मता (धम्मता
(धम्मता (धम्मता (धम्मता (धम्मता (धम्मता (धम्मता) का लागि परामर्श लिएको
यसका अतिरिक्त हामीले पनि राजाको बुद्ध सरना काउन्सिलद्वारा
अनुवादन्युले अनुवाद गरेका छौं। बर्नम डामाला एन्भ्यामारियाको अनुवाद,
बुम्मोदमारियाको एक ओभिडेखारीमा महरियाको संघ। संघजाको पुस्तकले धमाटकपडा
कथाहरूको प्याराफ्रास र अपहरणको प्याराफ्रास र अपहरण पनि समावेश गर्दछ।
धम्मतापाडा कथाहरू
धमम्मापादा कथाहरूको सारांशलाई यो सामान्यतया विश्वास गरिन्छ कि
बुधर्ग (5th औं शताब्दी ए.डी.) को राम्रो समझतर्फ लिखित एक ठूलो मद्दत हो।
कमेन्टरीमा तीन सय पाँच कथाहरू समावेश छन्। कथाहरूमा उल्लेख गरिएका धेरैजसो
घटनाहरू बुद्धको जीवनशैलीको क्रममा भएको अधिकांश घटनाहरू भयो। केहि
कथाहरूमा, केहि विगतको अस्तित्वको बारेमा केहि तथ्यहरू पुनः प्राप्त गरियो।
कथाहरूको सारांश लेख्नमा हामीले कमेन्टरी अनुवाद गर्न कोशिस गरेका
छैनौं। हामीले केवल कथाहरूको तथ्यलाई औंल्यायौं र तिनीहरूलाई संक्षिप्तमा
लेख्यौं: प्रत्येक कथाको अन्त्यमा पदहरूको अनुवाद दिइन्छ।
सम्पादकीय कमिटी, बुरमा पिटाका संघका सदस्यहरूलाई यो मेरो गहिरो र
ईमान्दार कृतज्ञता व्यक्त गर्ने समय मात्र छ, किनकि स्क्रिप्टबाट सधैं
उल्लेख गरिएको छ; भन्नुपर्दा VANGIEI U UING MOE र U जेन मुंग, सम्पादक,
बर्मा पिटाका संघमा, पदहरूको अनुवादमा मद्दतको लागि।

धम्मपद - (03) चित्त वर्ग | Dhammapada - (03) Chitta Vagga
सभी लोगों के सुख-शांति के लिए इस प्रवचन को अपने दोस्तों को भी SHARE करें…Subscribe for more videos 👉 Us 👉 https://www.facebo…

  • 78) Classical Odia (Oriya)

    DHAMMapda: ବିଶ୍ୱର 119 ଶାସ୍ତ୍ରୀୟ ଭାଷାରେ ପଦ ଏବଂ କାହାଣୀଗୁଡିକ ********
    କେବଳ ଧାମର ଉପହାର ଭାବରେ ମାଗଣା ବଣ୍ଟନ ପାଇଁ |
    ଗାମପର୍ଡର ସର୍ବୋତ୍ତମ ଜଣାଶୁଣା ପୁସ୍ତକ ମଧ୍ୟରୁ ଗୋଟିଏ | ବୁଦ୍ଧର
    ଶିକ୍ଷାଗୁଡ଼ିକ ସ୍ୱଚ୍ଛ, ପିଥ୍ ପଦଗୁଡ଼ିକ ପ୍ରକାଶିତ କରୁଥିବା ଶିକ୍ଷାଗୁଡ଼ିକ | ସେ
    ଚତୁମାଙ୍କ ଦ୍ by ାରା ଦିଆଯାଇଥିବା ବିଭିନ୍ନ ଶିକ୍ଷାଠାରୁ ବହୁ ସଂଖ୍ୟାରେ ବିଭିନ୍ନ
    ପରାଜିତତା ଘରୁ ଚତୁର ଶିକ୍ଷାଠାରୁ ଚତୁର ବିଭିନ୍ନ ଶିକ୍ଷାଠାରୁ ଦୂରେଇ ରହାଯାଇଥିଲା,
    ଯେତେବେଳେ ସେ ହିମାଳୟର ଉପତ୍ୟକାଗର ଉପତ୍ୟକାରେ ଯାତ୍ରା କରିଥିଲେ। ଏହି ବିଭାଗଗୁଡ଼ିକ
    ପ୍ରାୟତ tes ଟର୍ସ, ଚତୁର ଏବଂ ବିଶ୍ୱାସଯୋଗ୍ୟ | ଯେବେ ବି ସିମିଲ୍ ବ୍ୟବହୃତ ହୁଏ,
    ସେମାନେ ସେହି ସ୍ଥାନଗୁଡ଼ିକରେ ସହଜରେ ବୁ understood ିହେଲେ, ଯଥା, କାର୍ଟର ଚକ୍ର,
    ମନୁଷ୍ୟର ଛାୟା, ଏକ ଶିଙ୍ଗର ଛାୟା, ଏକ ଗଭୀର ପୁଲ୍, ଫୁଲ | ଏହି ପଦଗୁଡ଼ିକ ମାଧ୍ୟମରେ
    ବୁଦ୍ଧ ସମସ୍ତ ପ୍ରେରିତମାନଙ୍କ ମଧ୍ୟରୁ ଶ୍ରେଷ୍ଠମାନଙ୍କୁ ସଂରକ୍ଷଣ କରିବାକୁ, ଆତ୍ମର
    ନକିକତା ହାସଲ କରିବାକୁ ଗୋଟିଏକୁ ଉତ୍ସାହିତ କରେ; ଉତ୍ସାହ, ଘୃଣା ଏବଂ ଅଜ୍ଞତା ମନ୍ଦରୁ
    ରକ୍ଷା ପାଇବା ପାଇଁ; ଏବଂ ରାଣ୍ବିର ରାଉଣ୍ଡରୁ ମୁକ୍ତି ପାଇବା ପାଇଁ ସ୍ୱାଧୀନତା ହାସଲ
    କରିବା ଏବଂ ସ୍ୱାଧୀନତା ପାଇବାକୁ କଠିନ ଚେଷ୍ଟା କରିବା | ପ୍ରତ୍ୟେକ ପଦରେ ଏକ ସତ୍ୟ
    (ଧାମମା), ଏକ ପରାମର୍ଶ, ପରାମର୍ଶର ଏକ ଧାରଣା ଅଛି |
    Dhamapdas ପଦଗୁଡ଼ିକ |
    ପାର୍ମ୍ାପଡା ପଦଗୁଡିକ ବିଶ୍ୱର ଅନେକ ଦେଶ ମଧ୍ୟରେ ଅନେକଙ୍କ ନିକଟରେ ଉଦ୍ଧୃତ
    ହୋଇଛି ଏବଂ ପୁସ୍ତକଟି ଅନେକ ଭାଷାରେ ଅନୁବାଦ କରାଯାଇଛି | ଇଂରାଜୀରେ ଇଂରାଜୀରେ ଅଧିକ
    ଚରାୟ ଅନୁବାଦଗୁଡିକ 1870 ରେ ସର୍ବାଧିକ ମଲଲର ଦ୍ୱାରା କରାଯାଇଥିଲା | ଅନ୍ୟ
    ଅନୁବାଦଗୁଡିକ ଯାହା F.L. 1921 ରେ ୱାଗିସ୍ ଆରେୱାର୍ଡସ୍, ୱାଗିସ୍ମିମମାରା ଏବଂ ଗ୍ରେ
    ବିଶ୍ on ର 172 ରେ କାଠୱାର୍ଡ | ନିକଟରେ ଡାଲପୋଲା ରହୁଲା ମଧ୍ୟ Dhamapapda ରୁ କିଛି
    ମନୋନୀତ ପଦଗୁଡିକୁ ଅନୁବାଦ କରିଛନ୍ତି ଏବଂ ସେଗୁଡିକୁ ତାଙ୍କ ପୁସ୍ତକର ଶେଷରେ
    ଦେଇଛନ୍ତି? ବିଦାୟ ଦୃଶ୍ୟମାନ ହୋଇଥିଲା। ଚାଇନିଜ୍ମାନେ ସଂସ୍କୃତିରୁ ଦାମାପଡା ଅନୁବାଦ
    କରିଥିଲେ | Dhamapapda ର ଚାଇନିଜ୍ ସଂସ୍କରଣ ହେଉଛି ସାମଥନ୍ ବାଇହକ୍ ବାଇଲଙ୍କ
    ଇଂରାଜୀ ସହିତ ଅନୁବାଦ କରାଯାଇଥିଲା (ବ h ଦ୍ଧ ତୋସଙ୍କଠାରୁ ଚିଠି 1278 ରେ ଦାମାପାଦାନ
    ବୋଲି କହିଥିଲା।
    ବର୍ମାରେ ଥିବା ମୁଣ୍ଡରେ, ଅନୁବାଦଗୁଡିକରେ ଚାବୁକରେ କରାଯାଇଛି, ପ୍ରାୟତ the
    ବାଣିଜ୍ୟ, ବ୍ୟାଖ୍ୟା, ବ୍ୟାଖ୍ୟାରେ ବର୍ଣ୍ଣନା କରୁଥିବା କାହାଣୀ ଏବଂ ବ୍ୟାଖ୍ୟା ସହିତ
    କେତେକ | ନିକଟ ଅତୀତରେ, ଧରାପାପଡା ଏବଂ ଇଂରାଜୀ ବିଲ୍ ସହିତ ଉଭୟ ବର୍ମେଜ୍ ଏବଂ
    ଇଂରାଜୀ ଅନୁବାଦଗୁଡ଼ିକ ସହିତ ପାଲୀ ପଦ ସହିତ, ଏକତ୍ରିତ ହୋଇଛି, ଯାହା ମଧ୍ୟ ପ୍ରକାଶ
    କରାଯାଇଛି |
    ଦମ୍ଗାପଡା ହେଉଛି ସୁଟାନ୍ଟା ପିଙ୍ଗୁଟର କିରାଦାର ନିଡିକାୟା ର ଦ୍ୱିତୀୟ ପୁସ୍ତକ |
    Dhamapapada ରେ ବୁଦ୍ଧଙ୍କ ଶିକ୍ଷାଦାନ ର ମ basic ଳିକ ଟିଣ୍ଟେଟଗୁଡିକ ମିଳିତ
    ହୋଇଛି |
    ପଦ (21) ଯାହା “ଆପମ୍ପାଡୋ ଅମାଟାପାଡାମ” ଅର୍ଥ “ସହିତ ଆରମ୍ଭ ହୁଏ,
    ନିଶ୍ୱାସୀନତା, ମୃତ୍ୟୁହୀନ, ମୃତ୍ୟୁହୀନ,” ଅତ୍ୟନ୍ତ ଗୁରୁତ୍ୱପୂର୍ଣ୍ଣ ଏବଂ
    ମହତ୍ତ୍ୱପୂର୍ଣ୍ଣ ପଦ | ଶାନ୍ତତା ଏବଂ ବୁଦ୍ଧିମାନ ଧ୍ୟାନ କରିବା ଅତ୍ୟନ୍ତ
    ଗୁରୁତ୍ୱପୂର୍ଣ୍ଣ ଉପାଦାନ | ଦେହରେ ଯିବା ପୂର୍ବରୁ ବୁଦ୍ଧଙ୍କ ଶେଷ ଉପଦେଶ ମଧ୍ୟ ମନେ
    ହେବା ଏବଂ ଯତ୍ନର ସହ ସ୍ୱାଧୀନତାର ଅପେକ୍ଷା ମାମଗା ଏବଂ ଫାଲା ହାସଲ କରିବା ପାଇଁ) |
    ଏହା ସାଧାରଣତ adced ଗ୍ରହଣ କରାଯାଇଛି ଯେ ଏହା ମନେର ପଦକାତ୍ରୀ କାରଣ ହୋଇଥିଲା ଯେ
    ଭାରତର ଆସୋକା ଭାରତର ଆନାକ୍ରାଟର ଆନାଭାମନ୍ ସହିତ ରୂପାନ୍ତରିତ ହୋଇଥିଲେ | ନିଜ ଦେଶରେ
    ବ h ଦ୍ଧ ଧର୍ମ ପ୍ରସଙ୍ଗରେ ଉଭୟ ରାଜାଙ୍କୁ ସାହାଯ୍ୟ କରିଥିଲେ।
    ପଦରେ (29) ବୁଦ୍ଧ ମାନଙ୍କର ଏକ ଅନୁତାଙ୍କ ସହିତ ମନକୁ ମନକୁ ସାହାଯ୍ୟ କରିଛି |
    ପଦଟି ଚାଲିଥାଏ: ଅବହେଳନା ମଧ୍ୟରେ ମନାଯାତତା ଚାଲିଥାଏ, ବୁଡ଼ିଯିବା ମଧ୍ୟରେ ଅତ୍ୟଧିକ
    ମହାନ୍, ଜ୍ଞାନୀ ବ୍ୟକ୍ତି ଏକ ରେସ ଘୋଡା ପରି ଅଗ୍ରଗତି କରନ୍ତି, ପଛରେ ଜଡେଡ୍
    ଛାଡିଥିବେ। “
    ପଦ (1) ଏବଂ (୨) କାମୋମା ର ଏକ ନିୟମକୁ ବର୍ଣ୍ଣନା କରେ, ଯାହା ଅନୁଯାୟୀ
    ପ୍ରତ୍ୟେକ କାର୍ଯ୍ୟରେ, ଭଲ କିମ୍ବା ଖରାପ, ସେହିଠାରେସମ୍ପୁଙ୍କ ନିକଟକୁ ଫେରିଯାଆନ୍ତି |
    ଏଠାରେ, ବୁଦ୍ଧ ଆମର ସମସ୍ତ କାର୍ଯ୍ୟରେ ମନର ଗୁରୁତ୍ୱକୁ ଗୁରୁତ୍ୱ ଦେଇଥାଏ ଏବଂ ଆମର
    କାର୍ଯ୍ୟର ଅପରିହାର୍ଯ୍ୟ ପରିଣାମ ବିଷୟରେ ଅଧିକ ଗୁରୁତ୍ୱ ଦେଇଥାଏ |
    Verses (153) and (154) are expressions of sublime and intense joy
    uttered by the Buddha at the very moment of his Enlightenment. These two
    verses give us a graphic account of the culmination of the Buddha’s
    search for Truth.
    tell us about the Buddha finding the ‘house-builder,’ Craving, the
    cause of repeated births in Samsara. Having rid of Craving, for him no
    more houses (khandhas) shall be built by Craving, and there will be no
    more rebirths.
    Verses (277), (278) and (279) are also important as they tell us
    about the impermanent, unsatisfactory and the non-self nature of all
    conditioned things; it is very important that one should perceive the
    true nature of all conditioned things and become weary of the khandhas,
    for this is the Path to Purity.
    Then the Buddha shows us the Path leading to the liberation from
    round of rebirths, i.e., the Path with eight constituents (Atthangiko
    Maggo) in Verse (273). Further, the Buddha exhorts us to make our own
    effort in Verse (276) saying, “You yourselves should make the effort,
    the Tathagatas only show the way.” Verse (183) gives us the teaching of
    the Buddhas. It says, “Do no evil, cultivate merit, purify one’s mind;
    this is the teaching of the Buddhas.”
    (24) ବୁଦ୍ଧ ଆମ ଜୀବନରେ ସଫଳତାର ଉପାୟ ଦେଖାଏ, ଯଦି ଜଣେ ବ୍ୟକ୍ତି ଶକ୍ତିଶାଳୀ,
    ଚିନ୍ତାଧାରା, ଶବ୍ଦ ଏବଂ ଧ୍ୟାନ ସହିତ, ଯଦି ସେ ସବୁକିଛି ନିଜର କାର୍ଯ୍ୟକୁ ପ୍ରତିବଦ
    କରନ୍ତି; ତାଙ୍କୁ ରଚନା କରନ୍ତି | ଧାମମା ଅନୁଯାୟୀ ବଞ୍ଚିବା ଅନାଡିକାର ମୁଖ, ସେ ମନ ଓ
    ଦୃ fortର କ୍ଷଣ ବୃଦ୍ଧି ହୁଏ ନାହିଁ। “
    ଦାମାପଡା ରେ ମିଳିବାର ମିଳିବାର ଏଗୁଡ଼ିକ ହେଉଛି ରତ୍ନର କିଛି ଉଦାହରଣ | ଧର୍ମାପଡା ପ୍ରକୃତରେ, ସମସ୍ତଙ୍କୁ ଏକ ଦାର୍ଶନିକ, ଗାଇଡ୍ ଏବଂ ବନ୍ଧୁ |
    ପଦଗୁଡ଼ିକର ଅନୁବାଦ ପାଲିଙ୍କଠାରୁ ଇଂରାଜୀକୁ | ପାଲି ପାଠ୍ୟ ବ୍ୟବହୃତ ହେଉଛି
    ଧାମାପଡା ପାଲି ଷଷ୍ଠ ଆନ୍ତର୍ଜାତୀୟ ବ bnusts ଣସି ଅନୁମୋଦିତ ହୋଇଛି | ଆମେ ଆପଣଙ୍କୁ
    ବାରମ୍ବାର ପାଠ୍ୟ ନିକଟରେ ବ୍ୟବହାର କରିବାକୁ ଚେଷ୍ଟା କରିଛୁ, କିନ୍ତୁ ବେଳେବେଳେ ଏହା
    ବହୁତ କଷ୍ଟସାଧ୍ୟ, ଯଦି ଏକ ଇଂରାଜୀ ଶବ୍ଦ ଖୋଜିବା ପାଇଁ, ଠିକ୍ ଶବ୍ଦ ଖୋଜିବା |
    ଉଦାହରଣ ସ୍ୱରୂପ, ଆମେ ଏପର୍ଯ୍ୟନ୍ତ ଗୋଟିଏ ଇଂରାଜୀ ଶବ୍ଦ ପାଇପାରୁ ଯାହା ଚାରି
    ସମ୍ଭ୍ରାନ୍ତ ସତ୍ୟର ଦୃଶ୍ୟରେ ବ୍ୟବହୃତ ହେଉଥିବା ଶବ୍ଦର ପ୍ରକୃତ ଅର୍ଥକୁ ଜଣାଇ ପାରିବ
    ନାହିଁ | ଏହି ଅନୁବାଦରେ, ଯେଉଁଠାରେ ହାଦଖ “ଶବ୍ଦ ଚାରି ସମ୍ଭ୍ରାନ୍ତ ସତ୍ୟରେ ଯାହା
    କରେ, ତାହା ହେଉଛି ସମାନ ଅର୍ଥ ନେଇଥାଏ, ଏହା ଅନୁବାଦ ହୋଇ ରହିଥାଏ; କିନ୍ତୁ କେବଳ
    ବ୍ୟାଖ୍ୟା କରାଯାଇଛି |
    ଯେତେବେଳେ ଭଏସ୍ ଖଣ୍ଡଗୁଡ଼ିକର ବ୍ୟାଖ୍ୟା ମିଳିବ କିମ୍ବା ଯେତେବେଳେ ଆକ୍ଷରିକ
    ଅର୍ଥ ଅସ୍ପଷ୍ଟ କିମ୍ବା ଅଜ୍ଞାତରେ, ଆମେ ନୟାଗେଲିନ୍ ସର୍ଟାରୀଙ୍କ ବର୍ମେଜ୍ ଅନୁବାଦକୁ
    ବାରମ୍ବାର ଅନୁବାଦ ଏବଂ ବହୁତ ଶିକ୍ଷିତ ଅନୁବାଦକୁ ଜଣାଇଲୁ | ଥେରା ଅନେକ ଥର ଆମେ
    ବିସ୍ମିତ ଶବ୍ଦ ଏବଂ ବାକ୍ୟର ଏସେକିଡେସନ୍ ପାଇଁ ଶିକ୍ଷକମାନଙ୍କୁ ମଧ୍ୟ ପରାମର୍ଶ ଦେଇଛୁ
    ଏହା ସହିତ, Dhamapdadda ର ବର୍ମେଜ୍ ଅନୁବାଦ, ବିଶେଷକିଙ୍ଗର ୟୁନିଅନ୍ ବୁସାନା
    ପରିଷଦ (1805-1876) ଦ୍ Manken ାରା ଅନୁବାଦ ଏକ ଅଗ୍ରଣୀ ମହା ଆକା ବୁଦ୍ଧା ଏବଂ ମଧ୍ୟ
    | ବିଟାଡା ମିଥିଲା ​​ଦ୍ୱାରା ଅନୁବାଦ, ଉଭମା ପିଟା ସମାର୍କ୍ରିଆନ ଅଫ୍ ସାୟକା ଥେରା |
    ସାଙ୍ଗଜାଷ୍ଟ୍ରିବଦାୱାର୍ ଦ୍ 7 ାରା ପୁସ୍ତକ Dhamapdack ର ଦୃଷ୍ଟାନ୍ତ ଏବଂ
    ଆବ୍ରିଙ୍ଗ୍ ଅନ୍ତର୍ଭୂକ୍ତ କରେ |
    Dhamapdas କାହାଣୀଗୁଡିକ |
    ଦାମାପାଟରର ସାରାଂଶଗୁଡିକ ବହିର ଦ୍ୱିତୀୟ ଭାଗରେ ଦିଆଯାଏ ଯେପରି ବିଶ୍ believed
    ାସ କରାଯାଏ ଯେ Dhamapapda boUmGhosa ଦ୍ୱାରା ଲିଖିତ DHAMAPAPDAD ମନ୍ତବ୍ୟ:
    DHAMMAPDA ର ଏକ ଉତ୍ତମ ବୁ understanding ାମଣା ପ୍ରତି ଏକ ଉତ୍ତମ ସାହାଯ୍ୟ |
    ମନ୍ତବ୍ୟରେ ତିନି ଶହରୁ ପାଞ୍ଚ କାହାଣୀ ଅନ୍ତର୍ଭୁକ୍ତ | କାହାଣୀରେ ଉଲ୍ଲେଖ
    କରାଯାଇଥିବା ଅଧିକାଂଶ ଘଟଣା ବୁଦ୍ଧଙ୍କ ଜୀବନକାଳ ପର୍ଯ୍ୟନ୍ତ ଘଟିଥିଲା ​​| କିଛି
    କାହାଣୀରେ, କିଛି ଅତୀତର ଅସ୍ତିତ୍ୱ ବିଷୟରେ କିଛି ତଥ୍ୟ ମଧ୍ୟ ପୁନ ret ନିର୍ମାଣ
    କରାଯାଇଥିଲା |
    କାହାଣୀଗୁଡିକର ସାରାଂଶଗୁଡ଼ିକର ବିଚାରରେ ଆମେ ମନ୍ତବ୍ୟକୁ ଅନୁବାଦ କରିବାକୁ
    ଚେଷ୍ଟା କରିନାହୁଁ | ଆମେ କେବଳ କାହାଣୀଗୁଡିକର ତଥ୍ୟକୁ ଖଣ୍ଡନ କରିଛୁ ଏବଂ ସେମାନଙ୍କୁ
    ସଂକ୍ଷେପରେ ପୁନ r ଲେଖାଇଛୁ: ପ୍ରତ୍ୟେକ କାହାଣୀର ଶେଷରେ ପଦାର୍ଥର ଏକ ଅନୁବାଦ
    ଦିଆଯାଇଛି |
    ଏହା କେବଳ ମୋ ଗଭୀର ଏବଂ ଆନ୍ତରିକ କମିଟିର ସଦସ୍ୟମାନଙ୍କୁ ଜଣାଇବା ପାଇଁ ମୋର
    ଗଭୀର ଏବଂ ଆନ୍ତରିକ କମିଟି, ବର୍ଦ୍ଧିତ ଭାବରେ ଗଲା; କହିବାକୁ ଧତ୍ରାକାରୀ ୟୁ ଅଙ୍ଗ ମୋ
    ଏବଂ ୟୁ ଥିନ୍ ମଙ୍ଗ, ଏଡିଟର୍, ବୁରମା ପିଙ୍ଗା ୱିଜିୟା, ଏଡିଟର୍, ବୁରମା ପିଙ୍ଗା
    ୱିଜିୟା, ଏଡିଟର୍, ବୁରମା ପିଟା ଆସୋସିଏସନ,
    ଚଢ଼େୟାଣୀ ବନଦେବୀଙ୍କୁ ପ୍ରାଥନା / D Patapur Danda Nacha / Danda Charitra / Danda Suanga / Ganjam Danda
83) Classical Punjabi-ਕਲਾਸੀਕਲ ਪੰਜਾਬੀ,

ਧਮਮਾਪਦਾ: ਵਰਲਡ ਦੀਆਂ 119 ਕਲਾਸੀਕਲ ਭਾਸ਼ਾਵਾਂ ਵਿਚ ਆਇਤਾਂ ਅਤੇ ਕਹਾਣੀਆਂ *********
ਸਿਰਫ ਮੁਫਤ ਵੰਡ ਲਈ, ਧਾਮਾ ਦੀ ਦਾਤ ਵਜੋਂ.
ਧਾਮਾਪਾਡਾ ਪਿਟਾਕਾ ਦੀ ਸਭ ਤੋਂ ਉੱਤਮ ਜਾਣੀਆਂ ਕਿਤਾਬਾਂ ਵਿੱਚੋਂ ਇੱਕ ਹੈ. ਇਹ
ਸਪੱਸ਼ਟ, ਪਿਥੀ ਆਇਤਾਂ ਵਿੱਚ ਪ੍ਰਗਟ ਹੋਏ ਬੁੱਧ ਦੀਆਂ ਸਿੱਖਿਆਵਾਂ ਦੀਆਂ ਸਿੱਖਿਆਵਾਂ ਦਾ
ਸੰਗ੍ਰਹਿ ਹੈ. ਇਹ ਬਾਣੀ ਬੁੱਧ ਦੁਆਰਾ ਬੁੱਧ ਦੇ ਚਾਲੀ-ਪੰਜ ਸਾਲਾਂ ਦੇ ਉਪਦੇਸ਼ ਦੇ ਦੌਰਾਨ
ਭੇਜੇ ਗਏ ਸਨ, ਕਿਉਂਕਿ ਉਹ ਗੰਗਾ (ਗੰਗਾ) ਅਤੇ ਹਿਮਾਲੀਆ ਦੇ ਉਪ-ਪਹਾੜੀ ਟ੍ਰੈਕਟ ਦੀ
ਯਾਤਰਾ ਕੀਤੀ ਸੀ. ਇਹ ਆਇਤਾਂ ਅਕਸਰ ਤੀਰਥ, ਸਮਝਦਾਰ ਅਤੇ ਯਕੀਨ ਨਾਲ ਹੁੰਦੀਆਂ ਹਨ. ਜਦੋਂ
ਵੀ ਸਿਪਾਹਾਂ ਦੀ ਵਰਤੋਂ ਕੀਤੀ ਜਾਂਦੀ ਹੈ, ਉਹ ਉਹ ਹੁੰਦੇ ਹਨ ਜੋ ਕਿਸੇ ਬੱਚੇ ਦੁਆਰਾ ਵੀ
ਇੱਕ ਬੱਚੇ, ਐੱਮ.ਆਰ. ਦੇ ਸ਼ੈਡੋ, ਇੱਕ ਡੂੰਘੇ ਤਲਾਅ, ਫੁੱਲਾਂ ਦੇ ਪਹੀਏ ਦੁਆਰਾ ਅਸਾਨੀ
ਨਾਲ ਸਮਝਦੇ ਹਨ. ਇਨ੍ਹਾਂ ਆਇਤਾਂ ਦੇ ਜ਼ਰੀਏ, ਬੁੱਧ ਨੇ ਸਭ ਤੋਂ ਵੱਡੀ ਜਿੱਤ ਪ੍ਰਾਪਤ ਕਰਨ
ਲਈ ਇਕ ਨੂੰ ਅਹਿਮਾਨ ਕਰ ਦਿੱਤਾ, ਆਪਿਆਂ ਦੀ ਜਿੱਤ; ਜਨੂੰਨ, ਨਫ਼ਰਤ ਅਤੇ ਅਗਿਆਨਤਾ ਦੀਆਂ
ਬੁਰਾਈਆਂ ਤੋਂ ਬਚਣ ਲਈ; ਅਤੇ ਪੁਨਰ ਜਨਮ ਦੇ ਦੌਰ ਤੋਂ ਲਾਲਸਾ ਅਤੇ ਆਜ਼ਾਦੀ ਤੋਂ
ਛੁਟਕਾਰਾ ਪਾਉਣ ਲਈ ਸਖਤ ਕੋਸ਼ਿਸ਼ ਕਰਨ ਲਈ. ਹਰ ਇਕ ਆਇਤ ਵਿਚ ਇਕ ਸੱਚਾਈ (ਧਮਾਮਾ), ਸਲਾਹ
ਦਾ ਟੁਕੜਾ ਹੁੰਦਾ ਹੈ.
ਧਾਮਾਪਾਦਾ ਆਇਤ ਦੁਨੀਆ ਦੇ ਕਈ ਦੇਸ਼ਾਂ ਵਿੱਚ ਅਕਸਰ ਕਈ ਭਾਸ਼ਾਵਾਂ ਵਿੱਚ ਅਨੁਵਾਦ
ਕੀਤੀ ਗਈ ਹੈ. ਅੰਗਰੇਜ਼ੀ ਵਿਚ ਸਭ ਤੋਂ ਪੁਰਾਣੇ ਅਨੁਵਾਦ 1870 ਵਿਚ ਵੱਧ ਤੋਂ ਵੱਧ ਮਿਕਲਰ
ਦੁਆਰਾ ਬਣਾਇਆ ਗਿਆ ਸੀ. ਹੋਰ ਅਨੁਵਾਦ ਜੋ ਉਹ ਹਨ ਜੋ ਐਫ.ਆਈ.ਐਲ. 1921 ਵਿਚ ਵੁਡਵਰਡ
1902 ਵਿਚ ਵਾਗਿਸਮਾਰਾ ਅਤੇ ਸਵਾਰਾਂ ਦੁਆਰਾ, ਅਤੇ ਇਕਸਾਰ ਦੇ ਸੰਸਦ (ਵਿਸ਼ਵਾਸ ਦੇ ਨਿਹਚਾ
ਦੇ ਭਜਨ) ਵਿਚ. ਨਵੇਂ ਗਏ ਅਨੁਵਾਦਾਂ ਦੁਆਰਾ ਸਭ ਤੋਂ ਜ਼ਿਆਦਾ ਜਾਣਿਆ ਜਾਂਦਾ ਹੈ. ਡਾ.
ਵਾਲਪਲਾ ਰਾਹੁਲੇ ਨੇ ਧੰਮੇਪਾ ਦੇ ਕੁਝ ਆਇਤਾਂ ਦਾ ਅਨੁਵਾਦ ਕੀਤਾ ਹੈ ਅਤੇ ਉਨ੍ਹਾਂ ਨੂੰ
ਆਪਣੀ ਕਿਤਾਬ “ਜੋ ਪੜ੍ਹਿਆ” ਕਿਤਾਬ ਦੇ ਅੰਤ ਵਿੱਚ ਦਿੱਤੇ ਹਨ, “ਬੁੱਧ ਨੇ ਕੀ ਸਿਖਾਇਆ
ਹੈ. ਚੀਨੀ ਨੇ ਧਾਮਾਪਦਾ ਸੰਸਕ੍ਰਿਤ ਤੋਂ ਅਨੁਵਾਦ ਕੀਤਾ. 1878 ਵਿਚ ਹੀ ਧੰਥੀ ਪੀਲ ਦੇ
ਚੀਨੀ ਸੰਸਕਰਣ ਦਾ ਅੰਗਰੇਜ਼ੀ ਵਿਚ ਅਨੁਵਾਦ ਕੀਤਾ ਗਿਆ ਸੀ (ਬੋਧੀ ਕੈਨਨ ਦੇ ਪਾਠਾਂ ਵਜੋਂ
ਜਾਣੇ ਜਾਂਦੇ ਬੁੱਧ ਦੇ ਨਾਮ ਦੇ ਤੌਰ ਤੇ ਜਾਣੇ ਜਾਂਦੇ).
ਬਰਮਾ ਵਿਚ, ਅਨੁਵਾਦਾਂ ਨੂੰ ਬਰਮੀਅਸ, ਜ਼ਿਆਦਾਤਰ ਵਾਰਤਕ ਦੇ ਨਾਲ, ਕੁਝ ਪਰਸੀਆਂ,
ਵਿਆਖਿਆ ਅਤੇ ਕਹਾਣੀਆਂ ਸੁਣਾਉਣ ਵਾਲੀਆਂ ਕਹਾਣੀਆਂ ਦੇ ਸੰਖੇਪ ਵਿੱਚ ਹਨ. ਹਾਲ ਹੀ ਦੇ
ਸਾਲਾਂ ਵਿਚ, ਧੰਮ੍ਹ ਦੀਆਂ ਕੁਝ ਕਿਤਾਬਾਂ, ਪਾਲੀ ਵਰਸਿਆਂ ਦੇ ਨਾਲ ਮਿਲ ਕੇ, ਪਾਲੀ ਬਾਣੀ
ਦੇ ਨਾਲ, ਪ੍ਰਕਾਸ਼ਤ ਕੀਤੀਆਂ ਗਈਆਂ ਹਨ.
ਧਾਮਾਪਾਦੁੱਦੁਦਾਕਾ ਨਿਕਿਆ ਦੀ ਖੁੱਕਦਾਕਾ ਨਿਕਿਆ ਦੀ ਦੂਜੀ ਕਿਤਾਬ ਹੈ, ਜਿਸ ਵਿਚ
ਚੌਵੀ ਅਧਿਆਵਾਂ ਦੇ ਚਾਰ ਸੌ ਅਤੇ ਤੀਹ ਦੀਆਂ ਆਇਤਾਂ ਵੱਖ-ਵੱਖ ਸਿਰਾਂ ਵਿਚ ਹਨ. ਧਮਪੁਰ
ਵਿੱਚ ਬੁੱਧ ਦੇ ਉਪਦੇਸ਼ ਦੇ ਬੁਨਿਆਦੀ ਸਿਧਾਂਤਾਂ ਨੂੰ ਜੋੜ ਕੇ ਕੀਤਾ ਜਾਂਦਾ ਹੈ.
ਆਇਤ (21) ਜੋ “ਐਪਮਾਡੋ ਅਮਤਪਾਦਮ” ਦੇ ਨਾਲ ਸ਼ੁਰੂ ਹੁੰਦੀ ਹੈ “ਮਨਮੋਹਕ ਨਬੀਬਾਨਾ
ਨਾਂ ਦਾ ਰਾਹ ਹੈ,” ਬਹੁਤ ਮਹੱਤਵਪੂਰਣ ਅਤੇ ਮਹੱਤਵਪੂਰਣ ਆਇਤ ਹੈ. ਚੰਗੀ ਤਰ੍ਹਾਂ ਸ਼ਾਂਤੀ
ਅਤੇ ਸਮਝਦਾਰੀ ਦਾ ਧਿਆਨ ਰੱਖਣਾ ਸਭ ਤੋਂ ਮਹੱਤਵਪੂਰਣ ਤੱਤ ਹੁੰਦਾ ਹੈ. ਬੁੱਧ ਦਾ ਆਖਰੀ
ਉਪਾਸਨਾ ਵੀ ਚੇਤੇ ਹੋਣ ਅਤੇ ਮਿਹਨਤ ਨਾਲ ਕੋਸ਼ਿਸ਼ ਕਰਨ ਲਈ ਸੀ (ਪੂਰੀ ਤਰ੍ਹਾਂ ਜਨਮ ਲੈਣ
ਦੀ ਕੋਸ਼ਿਸ਼ ਕਰਨ ਲਈ (ਮੈਗਾਜ਼ ਅਤੇ ਫਾਲਾ ਦੇ ਜ਼ਰੀਏ ਆਜ਼ਾਦੀ ਪ੍ਰਾਪਤ ਕਰਨ ਲਈ ਆਜ਼ਾਦੀ
ਪ੍ਰਾਪਤ ਕਰਨ ਲਈ). ਇਹ ਆਮ ਤੌਰ ‘ਤੇ ਸਵੀਕਾਰਿਆ ਜਾਂਦਾ ਹੈ ਕਿ ਇਸ ਕਵਿਤਾ ਦੇ ਕਾਰਨ ਇਹ
ਆਇਤ’ ਤੇ ਸੀ ਕਿ ਬਾਬਾ ਦਾ ਸਮਰਾਟ ਅਸੋਕਾ ਬੁੱਧ ਧਰਮ ਵਿਚ ਬਦਲ ਗਿਆ. ਦੋਵਾਂ ਰਾਜਿਆਂ ਨੇ
ਆਪਣੇ-ਆਪਣੇ ਦੇਸ਼ਾਂ ਵਿੱਚ ਬੁੱਧ ਧਰਮ ਦੇ ਪ੍ਰਚਾਰ ਵਿੱਚ ਬਹੁਤ ਮਦਦ ਕੀਤੀ ਸੀ.
In verse (29) the Buddha has coupled his call for mindfulness with a
sense of urgency. ਤੁਕ ਦੌੜਦਾ ਹੈ: “ਤ੍ਰਿਪਤ ਤੌਰ ‘ਤੇ ਲਾਪਰਵਾਹੀ ਦੇ ਵਿਚਕਾਰ
ਚੇਤੰਨ, ਸੂਝਵਾਨ ਆਦਮੀ ਇਕ ਰੇਸ ਘੋੜੇ ਵਾਂਗ ਉੱਨਦਾ ਹੈ, ਜੇਡ ਨੂੰ ਪਿੱਛੇ ਛੱਡ ਗਿਆ.”
ਬਾਣੀ (1) ਅਤੇ (2) ਕਾਮਮਾ ਦੇ ਅਟੱਲ ਕਾਨੂੰਨ ਨੂੰ ਦਰਸਾਉਂਦੇ ਹਨ, ਜਿਸ ਦੇ ਤਹਿਤ
ਕਮਰਾ, ਜਿਸ ਦੇ ਤਹਿਤ ਕਿ ਹਰ ਕੰਮ ਤੇ ਚੰਗਾ ਜਾਂ ਮਾੜਾ, ਵਾਪਸ ਕਰ ਰਹੇ ਹੋ. ਇੱਥੇ, ਬੁੱਧ
ਸਾਡੇ ਸਾਰੇ ਕਾਰਜਾਂ ਵਿੱਚ ਮਨ ਦੀ ਮਹੱਤਤਾ ਉੱਤੇ ਜ਼ੋਰ ਦਿੰਦਾ ਹੈ ਅਤੇ ਸਾਡੇ ਕਰਮਾਂ,
ਸ਼ਬਦਾਂ ਅਤੇ ਵਿਚਾਰਾਂ ਦੇ ਅਟੱਲ ਨਤੀਜਿਆਂ ਦੀ ਗੱਲ ਕਰਦਾ ਹੈ.
Verses (153) and (154) are expressions of sublime and intense joy
uttered by the Buddha at the very moment of his Enlightenment. ਇਹ ਦੋ
ਆਇਤਾਂ ਸਾਨੂੰ ਬੁੱਧ ਦੇ ਸੱਚਾਈ ਦੀ ਖੋਜ ਦੇ ਅੰਤ ਦੇ ਬਰਾਬਰ ਦਾ ਇੱਕ ਗ੍ਰਾਫਿਕ ਖਾਤਾ
ਦਿੰਦੀਆਂ ਹਨ.
tell us about the Buddha finding the ‘house-builder,’ Craving, the
cause of repeated births in Samsara. Having rid of Craving, for him no
more houses (khandhas) shall be built by Craving, and there will be no
more rebirths.
Verses (277), (278) and (279) are also important as they tell us
about the impermanent, unsatisfactory and the non-self nature of all
conditioned things; it is very important that one should perceive the
true nature of all conditioned things and become weary of the khandhas,
for this is the Path to Purity.
Then the Buddha shows us the Path leading to the liberation from
round of rebirths, i.e., the Path with eight constituents (Atthangiko
Maggo) in Verse (273). Further, the Buddha exhorts us to make our own
effort in Verse (276) saying, “You yourselves should make the effort,
the Tathagatas only show the way.” Verse (183) gives us the teaching of
the Buddhas. It says, “Do no evil, cultivate merit, purify one’s mind;
this is the teaching of the Buddhas.”
ਵਿਚ (24) ਬੁੱਧ ਨੇ ਸਾਨੂੰ ਜ਼ਿੰਦਗੀ ਵਿਚ ਸਫਲਤਾ ਦਾ ਰਾਹ ਦਿਖਾਓ, ਇਸ ਤਰ੍ਹਾਂ: “ਜੇ
ਕੋਈ ਵਿਅਕਤੀ ਆਪਣੀ ਇਸ਼ਾਰਾ ਨੂੰ ਰੋਕਦਾ ਹੈ; ਉਸ ਨੂੰ ਕਮਾਉਂਦਾ ਹੈ; ਉਸ ਨੂੰ ਕਮਾਉਂਦਾ
ਹੈ ਧਾਮਾ ਅਨੁਸਾਰ ਜੀਉਣਾ ਅਤੇ ਨਾ ਪਾਗਲ ਨਹੀਂ ਹੁੰਦਾ, ਤਾਂ ਇਸ ਚੇਤੇ ਵਾਲੇ ਵਿਅਕਤੀ ਦੀ
ਪ੍ਰਸਿੱਧੀ ਅਤੇ ਕਿਸਮਤ ਵਧਦੀ ਜਾਂਦੀ ਹੈ. “
ਇਹ ਧਮ੍ਹਮੱਤਾ ਵਿੱਚ ਸ਼ਾਮਲ ਹੋਣ ਲਈ ਰਤਨ ਦੀਆਂ ਕੁਝ ਉਦਾਹਰਣਾਂ ਹਨ. ਧਾਮਾਪਦਾ ਅਸਲ ਵਿੱਚ, ਦਰਅਸਲ, ਦ ਫਿਲਾਸਫਰ, ਗਾਈਡ ਅਤੇ ਦੋਸਤ.
ਬਾਣੀ ਦਾ ਇਹ ਅਨੁਵਾਦ ਪਾਲੀ ਤੋਂ ਅੰਗ੍ਰੇਜ਼ੀ ਵਿੱਚ ਹੈ. ਵਰਤੀ ਗਈ ਪਾਲੀ ਟੈਕਸਟ ਇਹ
ਹੈ ਕਿ ਛੇਵੇਂ ਅੰਤਰਰਾਸ਼ਟਰੀ ਬੁੱਧਵਾਦੀ ਸਿਨੇਡ ਦੁਆਰਾ ਮਨਜ਼ੂਰਸ਼ੁਦਾ ਪਾਲੀ ਹੈ. ਅਸੀਂ
ਅਨੁਵਾਦ ਨੂੰ ਜਿੰਨਾ ਸੰਭਵ ਹੋ ਸਕੇ ਟੈਕਸਟ ਦੇ ਨੇੜੇ ਕਰਨ ਦੀ ਕੋਸ਼ਿਸ਼ ਕੀਤੀ ਹੈ, ਪਰ ਕਈ
ਵਾਰ ਇਹ ਮੁਸ਼ਕਲ ਹੁੰਦਾ ਹੈ, ਬਿਲਕੁਲ ਇਕ ਪਾਲੀ ਸ਼ਬਦ ਦਾ ਬਿਲਕੁਲ ਮੇਲ ਖਾਂਦਾ ਹੁੰਦਾ.
ਉਦਾਹਰਣ ਦੇ ਲਈ, ਅਸੀਂ ਅਜੇ ਤੱਕ ਇੱਕ ਅੰਗਰੇਜ਼ੀ ਸ਼ਬਦ ਨਹੀਂ ਲੱਭ ਸਕਦੇ ਜੋ ਚਾਰ ਨੇਕ
ਸਚਾਈਆਂ ਦੇ ਪ੍ਰਦਰਸ਼ਨ ਵਿੱਚ ਸ਼ਬਦ “ਡਿਕਾਹਾ” ਸ਼ਬਦ ਦਾ ਅਸਲ ਅਰਥ ਦੱਸ ਸਕਦਾ ਹੈ. ਇਸ
ਅਨੁਵਾਦ ਵਿੱਚ, ਜਿੱਥੇ ਵੀ “ਡਕਖਾ” ਸ਼ਬਦ ਉਹੀ ਹੁੰਦਾ ਹੈ ਜਿਵੇਂ ਕਿ ਚਾਰ ਨੇਕ ਸਚਾਈਆਂ
ਵਿੱਚ ਹੁੰਦਾ ਹੈ, ਇਹ ਅਣਚਾਹੇ ਰਹਿ ਜਾਂਦਾ ਹੈ; ਪਰ ਸਿਰਫ ਸਮਝਾਇਆ.
ਜਦੋਂ ਆਇਤਾਂ ਦੀ ਧਮਮਾ ਸੰਕਲਪ ਦੀ ਵਿਆਖਿਆ ਵਿਚ ਕੋਈ ਸ਼ੱਕ ਹੁੰਦਾ ਹੈ ਜਾਂ ਜਦੋਂ
ਅਸਲੀਅਤਵਾਦੀ ਅਰਥ ਅਸਪਸ਼ਟ ਜਾਂ ਨਾ ਕਿ ਇਸ ਨੂੰ ਨਿਆਗਲਬਲੇਬਿਨ ਸਟੇਡਿ. ਦੁਆਰਾ ਕੀਤੀ ਗਈ
ਟਿੱਪਣੀਆਂ ਦਾ ਮਾੜਾ ਥੈਰਾ. ਬਹੁਤ ਸਾਰੇ ਮੌਕਿਆਂ ‘ਤੇ ਅਸੀਂ ਹੈਰਾਨ ਕਰਨ ਵਾਲੇ ਸ਼ਬਦਾਂ
ਅਤੇ ਵਾਕਾਂ ਦੇ ਐਲੂਕੀ ਦੀ ਧਾਮਾ ਦੇ ਅਧਿਆਪਕਾਂ ਦੇ ਅਧਿਆਪਕਾਂ ਨਾਲ ਵੀ ਸਲਾਹ-ਮਸ਼ਵਰਾ
ਕੀਤੀ ਹੈ.
ਇਸ ਤੋਂ ਇਲਾਵਾ ਅਸੀਂ ਸੰਘਣੇ ਬੁੱਧ ਸਹਾਤਰੇ (1805-1876) ਦੁਆਰਾ ਅਨੁਵਾਦ ਕਰਦੇ
ਹੋਏ ਧਾਮਾਪਦਾ ਦੇ ਬਰਮੇ ਦੇ ਅਨੁਵਾਦ ਵੀ ਅਤੇ ਅਨੁਵਾਦ ਵੀ ਹਨ, ਜੋ ਕਿ ਰਾਜਾ ਮਨੋਰਥ ਅਤੇ
ਰਾਜਾ ਤਿੱਖ ਦੇ ਸਮੇਂ ਅਨੁਵਾਦ ਕੁਇਦਾਵ ਯੂ ਥਿਠਿੱਲਾ ਦੁਆਰਾ ਅਨੁਵਾਦ ਬਰਮਾ ਪਿਕਾਕਾ
ਐਸੋਸੀਏਸ਼ਨ ਦੇ ਓਵਦਸੀਦੀਆ ਮਹਿਲਾ. ਸੰਗਾਜਾ ਸਬਦਾਂ ਵੱਲੋਂ ਦਿੱਤੀ ਪੁਸਤਕ ਵਿੱਚ ਵੀ
ਸ਼ਾਮਲ ਹੈ ਪਰਦਾ ਸੁਣਾਉਂਦਾ ਹੈ.
ਧਾਮਾਪਦਾ ਦੀਆਂ ਕਹਾਣੀਆਂ
ਧਾਮਾਪਦਾਦਾਤਾ ਦੀਆਂ ਸਾਰਾਂਸ਼ ਕਿਤਾਬ ਦੇ ਦੂਜੇ ਭਾਗ ਵਿੱਚ ਦਿੱਤੀਆਂ ਜਾਂਦੀਆਂ ਹਨ
ਜਿਵੇਂ ਕਿ ਇਹ ਆਮ ਤੌਰ ਤੇ ਵਿਸ਼ਵਾਸ ਕੀਤਾ ਜਾਂਦਾ ਹੈ ਕਿ ਬੁੱਧਹੋਸਾ (5 ਵੀਂ ਸਦੀ ਦੇ
ਏ.ਡੀ.) ਦੁਆਰਾ ਲਿਖੀ ਧਮਮਾਪਦਾ ਦੀ ਟਿੱਪਣੀ ਧਮਾਮਾਪਦਾ ਦੀ ਬਿਹਤਰ ਲੋੜ ਹੁੰਦੀ ਹੈ.
ਟਿੱਪਣੀ ਵਿੱਚ ਤਿੰਨ ਸੌ ਅਤੇ ਪੰਜ ਕਹਾਣੀਆਂ ਸ਼ਾਮਲ ਹਨ. ਜ਼ਿਆਦਾਤਰ ਲੋਕ ਕਹਾਣੀਆਂ ਵਿਚ
ਜ਼ਿਕਰ ਕੀਤੀਆਂ ਕਹਾਣੀਆਂ ਵਿਚ ਬੁੱਧ ਦੇ ਜੀਵਨ-ਸਮੇਂ ਦੌਰਾਨ ਹੋਈਆਂ ਸਨ. ਕੁਝ ਕਹਾਣੀਆਂ
ਵਿਚ, ਕੁਝ ਪਿਛਲੇ ਖਿੰਸੀ ਬਾਰੇ ਕੁਝ ਤੱਥ ਵੀ ਕੀਤੇ ਜਾਂਦੇ ਸਨ.
ਕਹਾਣੀਆਂ ਦੇ ਸੰਖੇਪ ਲਿਖਣ ਵਿੱਚ ਅਸੀਂ ਟਿੱਪਣੀ ਦਾ ਅਨੁਵਾਦ ਕਰਨ ਦੀ ਕੋਸ਼ਿਸ਼
ਨਹੀਂ ਕੀਤੀ ਹੈ. ਅਸੀਂ ਕਹਾਣੀਆਂ ਦੇ ਤੱਥਾਂ ਨੂੰ ਸਿਰਫ਼ ਉਨ੍ਹਾਂ ਨੂੰ ਸਿਰਫ਼ ਉਨ੍ਹਾਂ
ਨੂੰ ਦੁਬਾਰਾ ਲਿਖਣਾ ਹੈ ਅਤੇ ਉਹਨਾਂ ਨੂੰ ਸੰਖੇਪ ਵਿੱਚ ਮੁੜ ਲਿਖ ਦਿੱਤਾ ਹੈ: ਬਾਣੀ ਦਾ
ਅਨੁਵਾਦ ਹਰ ਕਹਾਣੀ ਦੇ ਅੰਤ ਵਿੱਚ ਦਿੱਤਾ ਜਾਂਦਾ ਹੈ.
ਇਹ ਸਿਰਫ ਮੇਰੇ ਲਈ ਬੜਾ ਮਟਿਕੀਆ ਐਸੋਸੀਏਸ਼ਨ ਦੇ ਮੈਂਬਰਾਂ, ਮਨਮੋਹਣੀ ਕਮੇਟੀ ਦੇ
ਮੈਂਬਰਾਂ, ਧਿਆਨ ਨਾਲ ਸਕ੍ਰਿਪਟ ਦੁਆਰਾ ਚਲੀ ਗਈ ਹੈ; ਆਇਤ ਦੇ ਅਨੁਵਾਦ ਵਿੱਚ ਸਹਾਇਤਾ ਲਈ
ਕਹਿਣ ਲਈ ਸਗੀਯੀ ਧੂੰਏ ਅਤੇ ਯੂ ਆਇਨ ਮੈੰਗ, ਸੰਪਾਦਕ, ਬਮਾ ਪਿਕਾ ਟੋਕਾ ਐਸੋਸੀਏਸ਼ਨ ਲਈ.
ਬੁੱਧ ਧਰਮ ਨੂੰ ਬ੍ਰਾਹਮਣਾਂ ਨੇ ਭਾਰਤ ਵਿੱਚ ਜਿਵੇਂ ਖਤਮ ਕੀਤਾ ਤੁਸੀਂ ਸੋਚ ਵੀ ਨਹੀਂ ਸਕਦੇ | Jind badali
  • 87) Classical Sanskrit छ्लस्सिचल् षन्स्क्रित्

    87) Cलस्सिcअल् Sअन्स्क्रिट् छ्लस्सिचल् षन्स्क्रित्
    थे धम्मपडः Vएर्सेस् अन्ड् Sटोरिएस् इन् 119 Cलस्सिcअल् ळन्गुअगेस् ओफ़् ते Wओर्ल्ड् *********
    Fओर् फ़्री डिस्ट्रिबुटिओन् ओन्ल्य्, अस् अ गिफ़्ट् ओफ़् दम्म.
    धम्मपड इस् ओने ओफ़् ते बेस्ट् क्नोwन् बूक्स् ओफ़् ते Pइटक. ईट् इस् अ
    cओल्लेcटिओन् ओफ़् ते टेअचिन्ग्स् ओफ़् ते भुड्द एxप्रेस्सेड् इन् cलेअर्,
    पित्य् वेर्सेस्. थेसे वेर्सेस् wएरे cउल्लेड् फ़्रोम् वरिओउस्
    डिस्cओउर्सेस् गिवेन् ब्य् ते भुड्द इन् ते cओउर्से ओफ़् फ़ोर्ट्य्-फ़िवे
    येअर्स् ओफ़् हिस् टेअचिन्ग्, अस् हे ट्रवेल्लेड् इन् ते वल्लेय् ओफ़् ते
    ङन्गेस् (ङन्ग) अन्ड् ते सुब्-मोउन्टैन् ट्रcट् ओफ़् ते ःइमलयस्. थेसे
    वेर्सेस् अरे ओफ़्टेन् टेर्से, wइट्ट्य् अन्ड् cओन्विन्cइन्ग्. Wहेनेवेर्
    सिमिलेस् अरे उसेड्, तेय् अरे तोसे तट् अरे एअसिल्य् उन्डेर्स्टूड् एवेन्
    ब्य् अ चिल्ड्, ए.ग्., ते cअर्ट्’स् wहील्, अ मन्’स् शडोw, अ डीप् पूल्,
    फ़्लोwएर्स्. थ्रोउघ् तेसे वेर्सेस्, ते भुड्द एxहोर्ट्स् ओने टो अचिएवे तट्
    ग्रेअटेस्ट् ओफ़् अल्ल् cओन्क़ुएस्ट्स्, ते cओन्क़ुएस्ट् ओफ़् सेल्फ़्; टो
    एस्cअपे फ़्रोम् ते एविल्स् ओफ़् पस्सिओन्, हट्रेड् अन्ड् इग्नोरन्cए; अन्ड्
    टो स्ट्रिवे हर्ड् टो अट्टैन् फ़्रीडोम् फ़्रोम् cरविन्ग् अन्ड् फ़्रीडोम्
    फ़्रोम् ते रोउन्ड् ओफ़् रेबिर्त्स्. Eअच् वेर्से cओन्टैन्स् अ ट्रुत्
    (दम्म), अन् एxहोर्टटिओन्, अ पिएcए ओफ़् अड्विcए.
    धम्मपड Vएर्सेस्
    धम्मपड वेर्सेस् अरे ओफ़्टेन् क़ुओटेड् ब्य् मन्य् इन् मन्य्
    cओउन्ट्रिएस् ओफ़् ते wओर्ल्ड् अन्ड् ते बूक् हस् बीन् ट्रन्स्लटेड् इन्टो
    मन्य् लन्गुअगेस्. Oने ओफ़् ते एअर्लिएस्ट् ट्रन्स्लटिओन्स् इन्टो ऍग्लिश्
    wअस् मडे ब्य् ंअx ंउल्लेर् इन् 1870. Oतेर् ट्रन्स्लटिओन्स् तट्
    फ़ोल्लोwएड् अरे तोसे ब्य् F.ळ्. Wऊड्wअर्ड् इन् 1921, ब्य् Wअगिस्मर अन्ड्
    Sऔन्डेर्स् इन् 1920, अन्ड् ब्य् आ.ळ्. Eड्मुन्ड्स् (ःय्म्न्स् ओफ़् ते
    Fऐत्) इन् 1902. Oफ़् ते रेcएन्ट् ट्रन्स्लटिओन्स्, तट् ब्य् णरड ंअहतेर इस्
    ते मोस्ट् wइडेल्य् क्नोwन्. ढ्र्. Wअल्पोल ऱहुल अल्सो हस् ट्रन्स्लटेड्
    सोमे सेलेcटेड् वेर्सेस् फ़्रोम् ते धम्मपड अन्ड् हस् गिवेन् तेम् अट् ते
    एन्ड् ओफ़् हिस् बूक् “Wहट् ते भुड्द ठौघ्ट्,” रेविसेड् एडिटिओन्. थे छिनेसे
    ट्रन्स्लटेड् ते धम्मपड फ़्रोम् Sअन्स्क्रिट्. थे छिनेसे वेर्सिओन् ओफ़् ते
    धम्मपड wअस् ट्रन्स्लटेड् इन्टो ऍग्लिश् ब्य् Sअमुएल् भेअल् (ठेxट्स्
    फ़्रोम् ते भुड्दिस्ट् Cअनोन् क्नोwन् अस् धम्मपड) इन् 1878.
    ईन् भुर्म, ट्रन्स्लटिओन्स् हवे बीन् मडे इन्टो भुर्मेसे, मोस्ट्ल्य्
    इन् प्रोसे, सोमे wइत् परफ्रसेस्, एxप्लनटिओन्स् अन्ड् अब्रिड्गेमेन्ट्स्
    ओफ़् स्टोरिएस् रेलटिन्ग् टो ते वेर्सेस्. ईन् रेcएन्ट् येअर्स्, सोमे
    बूक्स् ओन् धम्मपड wइत् बोत् भुर्मेसे अन्ड् ऍग्लिश् ट्रन्स्लटिओन्स्,
    टोगेतेर् wइत् Pअलि वेर्सेस्, हवे अल्सो बीन् पुब्लिशेड्.
    थे धम्मपड इस् ते सेcओन्ड् बूक् ओफ़् ते Kहुड्डक णिकय ओफ़् ते Sउट्टन्ट
    Pइटक, cओन्सिस्टिन्ग् ओफ़् फ़ोउर् हुन्ड्रेड् अन्ड् ट्wएन्ट्य्-त्री वेर्सेस्
    इन् ट्wएन्ट्य्-सिx चप्टेर्स् अर्रन्गेड् उन्डेर् वरिओउस् हेअड्स्. ईन् ते
    धम्मपड अरे एन्श्रिनेड् ते बसिc टेनेट्स् ओफ़् ते भुड्द’स् ठेअचिन्ग्.
    Vएर्से (21) wहिच् बेगिन्स् wइत् “आप्पमडो अमटपडम्” मेअनिन्ग्
    “ंइन्ड्फ़ुल्नेस्स् इस् ते wअय् टो णिब्बन, ते ढेअत्लेस्स्,” इस् अ वेर्य्
    इम्पोर्टन्ट् अन्ड् सिग्निफ़िcअन्ट् वेर्से. ंइन्ड्फ़ुल्नेस्स् इस् ते मोस्ट्
    इम्पोर्टन्ट् एलेमेन्ट् इन् ठ्रन्क़ुइल्लिट्य् अन्ड् ईन्सिघ्ट् ंएडिटटिओन्.
    थे लस्ट् एxहोर्टटिओन् ओफ़् ते भुड्द जुस्ट् बेफ़ोरे हे पस्सेड् अwअय् wअस्
    अल्सो टो बे मिन्ड्फ़ुल् अन्ड् टो एन्डेअवोउर् डिलिगेन्ट्ल्य् (टो
    cओम्प्लेटे ते टस्क् ओफ़् अट्टैनिन्ग् फ़्रीडोम् फ़्रोम् ते रोउन्ड् ओफ़्
    रेबिर्त्स् त्रोउघ् ंअग्ग अन्ड् Pहल). ईट् इस् गेनेरल्ल्य् अccएप्टेड् तट्
    इट् wअस् ओन् अccओउन्ट् ओफ़् तिस् वेर्से ओन् मिन्ड्फ़ुल्नेस्स् तट् ते
    Eम्पेरोर् आसोक ओफ़् ईन्डिअ अन्ड् Kइन्ग् आनwरह्ट ओफ़् भुर्म बेcअमे
    cओन्वेर्ट्स् टो भुड्दिस्म्. भोत् किन्ग्स् हड् हेल्पेड् ग्रेअट्ल्य् इन्
    ते प्रोपगटिओन् ओफ़् भुड्दिस्म् इन् तेइर् रेस्पेcटिवे cओउन्ट्रिएस्.
    ईन् वेर्से (29) ते भुड्द हस् cओउप्लेड् हिस् cअल्ल् फ़ोर्
    मिन्ड्फ़ुल्नेस्स् wइत् अ सेन्से ओफ़् उर्गेन्cय्. थे वेर्से रुन्सः
    “ंइन्ड्फ़ुल् अमोन्ग्स्ट् ते नेग्लिगेन्ट्, हिघ्ल्य् विगिलन्ट् अमोन्ग्स्ट्
    ते ड्रोwस्य्, ते wइसे मन् अड्वन्cएस् लिके अ रcए होर्से, लेअविन्ग् ते जडे
    Vएर्सेस् (1) अन्ड् (2) इल्लुस्ट्रटे ते इम्मुटब्ले लw ओफ़् Kअम्म,
    उन्डेर् wहिच् एवेर्य् डीड्, गूड् ओर् बड्, cओमेस् बcक् टो ते डोएर्. ःएरे,
    ते भुड्द एम्फसिज़ेस् ते इम्पोर्टन्cए ओफ़् मिन्ड् इन् अल्ल् ओउर् अcटिओन्स्
    अन्ड् स्पेअक्स् ओफ़् ते इनेविटब्ले cओन्सेक़ुएन्cएस् ओफ़् ओउर् डीड्स्,
    wओर्ड्स् अन्ड् तोउघ्ट्स्.
    Vएर्सेस् (153) अन्ड् (154) अरे एxप्रेस्सिओन्स् ओफ़् सुब्लिमे अन्ड्
    इन्टेन्से जोय् उट्टेरेड् ब्य् ते भुड्द अट् ते वेर्य् मोमेन्ट् ओफ़् हिस्
    ऍलिघ्टेन्मेन्ट्. थेसे ट्wओ वेर्सेस् गिवे उस् अ ग्रफिc अccओउन्ट् ओफ़् ते
    cउल्मिनटिओन् ओफ़् ते भुड्द’स् सेअर्च् फ़ोर् ठ्रुत्.
    टेल्ल् उस् अबोउट् ते भुड्द फ़िन्डिन्ग् ते ‘होउसे-बुइल्डेर्,’ Cरविन्ग्,
    ते cऔसे ओफ़् रेपेअटेड् बिर्त्स् इन् Sअम्सर. ःअविन्ग् रिड् ओफ़् Cरविन्ग्,
    फ़ोर् हिम् नो मोरे होउसेस् (खन्दस्) शल्ल् बे बुइल्ट् ब्य् Cरविन्ग्, अन्ड्
    तेरे wइल्ल् बे नो मोरे रेबिर्त्स्.
    Vएर्सेस् (277), (278) अन्ड् (279) अरे अल्सो इम्पोर्टन्ट् अस् तेय्
    टेल्ल् उस् अबोउट् ते इम्पेर्मनेन्ट्, उन्सटिस्फ़cटोर्य् अन्ड् ते
    नोन्-सेल्फ़् नटुरे ओफ़् अल्ल् cओन्डिटिओनेड् तिन्ग्स्; इट् इस् वेर्य्
    इम्पोर्टन्ट् तट् ओने शोउल्ड् पेर्cएइवे ते ट्रुए नटुरे ओफ़् अल्ल्
    cओन्डिटिओनेड् तिन्ग्स् अन्ड् बेcओमे wएअर्य् ओफ़् ते खन्दस्, फ़ोर् तिस् इस्
    ते Pअत् टो Pउरिट्य्.
    थेन् ते भुड्द शोwस् उस् ते Pअत् लेअडिन्ग् टो ते लिबेरटिओन् फ़्रोम्
    रोउन्ड् ओफ़् रेबिर्त्स्, इ.ए., ते Pअत् wइत् एइघ्ट् cओन्स्टिटुएन्ट्स्
    (आट्तन्गिको ंअग्गो) इन् Vएर्से (273). Fउर्तेर्, ते भुड्द एxहोर्ट्स् उस्
    टो मके ओउर् ओwन् एफ़्फ़ोर्ट् इन् Vएर्से (276) सयिन्ग्, “य़ोउ योउर्सेल्वेस्
    शोउल्ड् मके ते एफ़्फ़ोर्ट्, ते ठतगटस् ओन्ल्य् शोw ते wअय्.” Vएर्से (183)
    गिवेस् उस् ते टेअचिन्ग् ओफ़् ते भुड्दस्. ईट् सय्स्, “ढो नो एविल्,
    cउल्टिवटे मेरिट्, पुरिफ़्य् ओने’स् मिन्ड्; तिस् इस् ते टेअचिन्ग् ओफ़् ते
    #पद्यश्री शिवमणी यांनी कोल्हापुरात सिवमणी ट्रायो हा संगीत कला अविष्कार सादर केला - 1

92) Classical Sindhi,

93) Classical Sinhala-සම්භාව්ය සිංහල,

105) Classical Thai-ภาษาไทยคลาสสิก,

دھمپاڈا: دنیا کی 119 کلاسیکی زبانوں میں آیات اور کہانیاں *********
صرف مفت تقسیم کے لئے ، دھما کے تحفے کے طور پر۔
دھمپاڈا پٹاکا کی سب سے مشہور کتابوں میں سے ایک ہے۔ یہ بدھ کی
تعلیمات کا ایک مجموعہ ہے جو واضح ، تیز آیات میں ظاہر ہوتا ہے۔ ان آیات کو
بدھ کے ذریعہ اس کی تعلیم کے پینتالیس سال کے دوران دیئے گئے مختلف
مباحثوں سے روک دیا گیا تھا ، جب وہ گنگا کی وادی (گنگا) اور ہمالیہ کے
ذیلی پہاڑ کی نالی میں سفر کرتا تھا۔ یہ آیات اکثر سخت ، لطیف اور قائل
ہوتی ہیں۔ جب بھی مثل کا استعمال کیا جاتا ہے ، وہ وہ ہوتے ہیں جو آسانی سے
کسی بچے کے ذریعہ سمجھے جاتے ہیں ، جیسے ، کارٹ کا پہیہ ، آدمی کا سایہ ،
ایک گہرا تالاب ، پھول۔ ان آیات کے ذریعہ ، بدھ ایک کو یہ نصیب کرتا ہے کہ
وہ اس سب سے بڑے فتوحات کو حاصل کرے ، جو خود کی فتح ہے۔ جذبے ، نفرت اور
لاعلمی کی برائیوں سے بچنے کے لئے۔ اور پنر جنم کے دور سے ترس اور آزادی سے
آزادی حاصل کرنے کے لئے سخت جدوجہد کرنا۔ ہر آیت میں ایک سچائی (دھما) ،
ایک نصیحت ، مشورے کا ایک ٹکڑا ہوتا ہے۔
دھمپاڈا آیات
دنیا کے بہت سے ممالک میں بہت سے لوگوں کے ذریعہ دھماپڈا آیات کا اکثر
حوالہ دیا جاتا ہے اور اس کتاب کا بہت سی زبانوں میں ترجمہ کیا گیا ہے۔
انگریزی میں ابتدائی ترجمے میں سے ایک میکس مولر نے 1870 میں بنایا تھا۔ اس
کے بعد دوسرے ترجمے بھی ہیں جو ایف ایل کے ذریعہ ہیں۔ 1921 میں ووڈورڈ ،
1920 میں ویگسمارا اور سینڈرز کے ذریعہ ، اور 1902 میں اے ایل ایڈمنڈس
(عقیدے کی تسبیح) کے ذریعہ۔ حالیہ ترجموں میں سے ، کہ ناردا مہاتھیرا کے
ذریعہ سب سے زیادہ جانا جاتا ہے۔ ڈاکٹر والپولا راہولا نے بھی دھماپڈا کی
کچھ منتخب آیات کا ترجمہ کیا ہے اور ان کی کتاب “واٹ دی دی بدھ نے سکھایا”
کے آخر میں ان میں نظر ثانی شدہ ایڈیشن دیا ہے۔ چینیوں نے سنسکرت سے
دھماپڈا کا ترجمہ کیا۔ دھماپڈا کے چینی ورژن کا ترجمہ انگریزی میں سیموئیل
بیل (بدھسٹ کینن کے متن) نے 1878 میں کیا تھا۔
برما میں ، برمی میں ترجمے کیے گئے ہیں ، زیادہ تر نثر میں ، کچھ آیات
سے متعلق کہانیوں کی وضاحتیں ، وضاحتیں اور اس کی کھوج کے ساتھ۔ حالیہ
برسوں میں ، برمی اور انگریزی دونوں ترجموں کے ساتھ دھمپاڈا سے متعلق کچھ
کتابیں ، پالی آیات کے ساتھ ، بھی شائع کی گئیں۔
دھمپاڈا ستنتا پٹکا کی کھودکا نکایا کی دوسری کتاب ہے ، جس میں مختلف
سروں کے نیچے چھبیس بابوں میں چار سو تئیس آیات شامل ہیں۔ دھمپڈا میں بدھ
کی تعلیم کے بنیادی اصولوں کو شامل کیا گیا ہے۔
آیت (21) جو “اپاماڈو امتاپادم” سے شروع ہوتی ہے جس کا مطلب ہے “ذہنیت
نبانا کا راستہ ہے ، ڈیتھیس لیس ،” ایک بہت اہم اور اہم آیت ہے۔ سکون اور
بصیرت مراقبہ کا سب سے اہم عنصر ذہن سازی ہے۔ اس کے انتقال سے ٹھیک پہلے
بدھ کی آخری نصیحت کو بھی ذہن نشین کرنا تھا اور تندہی سے کوشش کرنا تھا
(میگگا اور فالہ کے ذریعے پنر جنم کے دور سے آزادی کے حصول کے کام کو مکمل
کرنا)۔ عام طور پر یہ قبول کیا جاتا ہے کہ ذہن سازی پر اس آیت کی وجہ سے یہ
تھا کہ ہندوستان کے شہنشاہ اشوکا اور برما کے بادشاہ اناورہتا بدھ مذہب
میں بدل گئے۔ دونوں بادشاہوں نے اپنے اپنے ممالک میں بدھ مت کے پھیلاؤ میں
بہت مدد کی تھی۔
آیت (29) میں بدھ نے فوری طور پر احساس کے ساتھ ذہنیت کی اپنی کال کو
جوڑا ہے۔ آیت چلتی ہے: “غفلت برتنے والے ، انتہائی چوکس ، غنودگی کے درمیان
، عقلمند آدمی ریس کے گھوڑے کی طرح ترقی کرتا ہے ، جس سے جیڈ کو پیچھے
چھوڑ دیا جاتا ہے۔”
آیات (1) اور (2) کاما کے غیر منقولہ قانون کی وضاحت کرتی ہیں ، جس کے
تحت ہر کام ، اچھا یا برا ، واپس کرنے والے کے پاس آتا ہے۔ یہاں ، بدھ
ہمارے تمام اعمال میں دماغ کی اہمیت پر زور دیتا ہے اور ہمارے اعمال ،
الفاظ اور خیالات کے ناگزیر نتائج کی بات کرتا ہے۔
آیات (153) اور (154) اس کی روشن خیالی کے بالکل ہی لمحے بدھ کے ذریعہ
بولی اور شدید خوشی کے اظہار ہیں۔ These two verses give us a graphic
account of the culmination of the Buddha’s search for Truth.
tell us about the Buddha finding the ‘house-builder,’ Craving, the
cause of repeated births in Samsara. Having rid of Craving, for him no
more houses (khandhas) shall be built by Craving, and there will be no
more rebirths.
Verses (277), (278) and (279) are also important as they tell us
about the impermanent, unsatisfactory and the non-self nature of all
conditioned things; it is very important that one should perceive the
true nature of all conditioned things and become weary of the khandhas,
for this is the Path to Purity.
Then the Buddha shows us the Path leading to the liberation from
round of rebirths, i.e., the Path with eight constituents (Atthangiko
Maggo) in Verse (273). Further, the Buddha exhorts us to make our own
effort in Verse (276) saying, “You yourselves should make the effort,
the Tathagatas only show the way.” Verse (183) gives us the teaching of
the Buddhas. It says, “Do no evil, cultivate merit, purify one’s mind;
this is the teaching of the Buddhas.”
(24) میں بدھ ہمیں زندگی میں کامیابی کا راستہ دکھاتا ہے ، اس طرح: “اگر
کوئی شخص توانائی بخش ، ذہن سازی ، سوچ ، لفظ اور عمل میں خالص ہے ، اگر وہ
دیکھ بھال اور غور و فکر کے ساتھ ہر کام کرتا ہے تو ، اس کے حواس کو روکتا
ہے۔ دھما کے مطابق رہنا اور ناقابل تلافی نہیں ہے ، پھر ، اس ذہن ساز شخص
کی شہرت اور خوش قسمتی میں اضافہ ہوتا ہے۔ “
یہ جواہرات کی کچھ مثالیں ہیں جو دھمپڈا میں پائی جاتی ہیں۔ دھمپاڈا ، واقعی ، ایک فلسفی ، رہنما اور سب کے لئے دوست ہے۔
آیات کا یہ ترجمہ پالی سے انگریزی میں ہے۔ استعمال شدہ پالی متن
دھمپڈا پالی ہے جس کو چھٹے بین الاقوامی بدھ مت کے ذریعہ منظور کیا گیا ہے۔
ہم نے ترجمہ کو ہر ممکن حد تک متن کے قریب بنانے کی کوشش کی ہے ، لیکن بعض
اوقات یہ بہت مشکل ہوتا ہے ، اگر ناممکن نہیں تو ، انگریزی کا لفظ تلاش
کرنا جو بالکل پالی لفظ کے مطابق ہو۔ مثال کے طور پر ، ہمیں ابھی تک ایک
بھی انگریزی لفظ نہیں مل سکا ہے جو چار عظیم سچائیوں کی نمائش میں استعمال
ہونے والے لفظ “دکھا” کے اصل معنی بیان کرسکتا ہے۔ اس ترجمے میں ، جہاں بھی
“دکھا” کی اصطلاح وہی معنی رکھتی ہے جیسا کہ یہ چار عظیم سچائیوں میں ہوتا
ہے ، اسے غیر ترجمانی چھوڑ دیا جاتا ہے۔ لیکن صرف وضاحت کی۔
جب آیات کے دھما کے تصور کی ترجمانی میں کوئی شبہ ہے یا جب لفظی معنی
مبہم یا ناقابل فہم ہے تو ، ہم نے تبصرے (پالی میں) اور نیانگلیبن سیاڈا کے
ذریعہ برمی ترجمہ کا حوالہ دیا ہے ، ایک بہت ہی سیکھا ہے۔ تھیرا بہت سے
مواقع پر ہم نے دھما (دھماکاریاس) کے اساتذہ سے بھی پریشان کن الفاظ اور
جملوں کی وضاحت کے لئے مشورہ کیا ہے۔
اس کے علاوہ ہم نے دھماپادا کے برمی ترجمے سے بھی مشورہ کیا ہے ، خاص
طور پر یونین بدھ ساسانا کونسل کے ترجمہ ، سنگجا سیاڈا (1805-1876) کا
ترجمہ ، کنگ مائنڈن اور کنگ تھیبا کے زمانے میں ایک معروف مہا تھیرا ، اور
بھی۔ برما پٹاکا ایسوسی ایشن کے اوواڈاکاریہ مہا تھیرہ ، سیاڈا یو تھٹیلا
کا ترجمہ۔ سنگجا سیاڈا کی کتاب میں دھماپڈا کی کہانیوں کے پیرا فریس اور اس
کی کھوج بھی شامل ہے۔
دھمپاڈا کہانیاں
دھماپڈا کہانیوں کے خلاصے کتاب کے دوسرے حصے میں دیئے گئے ہیں کیونکہ
عام طور پر یہ خیال کیا جاتا ہے کہ بدھھاگوسہ (پانچویں صدی عیسوی) کے لکھے
ہوئے دھمپاڈا کمنٹری دھمپڈا کی بہتر تفہیم کی طرف ایک بہت بڑی مدد ہے۔
تفسیر میں تین سو پانچ کہانیاں شامل ہیں۔ کہانیوں میں مذکور زیادہ تر
واقعات بدھ کے تاحیات وقت کے دوران پیش آئے۔ کچھ کہانیوں میں ، کچھ ماضی کے
وجود کے بارے میں کچھ حقائق بھی واپس ہوئے تھے۔
کہانیوں کے خلاصے لکھنے میں ہم نے اس تبصرے کا ترجمہ کرنے کی کوشش
نہیں کی ہے۔ ہم نے صرف کہانیوں کے حقائق کو ختم کردیا ہے اور انہیں مختصر
طور پر دوبارہ لکھا ہے: ہر کہانی کے آخر میں آیات کا ترجمہ دیا جاتا ہے۔
ابھی میرے لئے ابھی باقی ہے کہ وہ اسکرپٹ میں احتیاط سے گزرنے پر ،
ایڈیٹوریل کمیٹی ، برما پٹکا ایسوسی ایشن کے ممبروں سے گہری اور مخلصانہ
شکرگزار کا اظہار کریں۔ آیات کے ترجمے میں مدد کرنے کے لئے ، سگی دھماکاریہ
یو آنگ مو اور آپ کے لئے ، برما پٹاکا ایسوسی ایشن کے ایڈیٹر ، ایڈیٹر کو۔
Full Quran l 4K Video Beautiful Relaxing Nature Sounds & Voice , Ultra HD, 2160p
Hours Beautiful sounding Quran Recitation 4K Video Beautiful Relaxing
Nature Sounds & Voice Ultra HD for deep peaceful sleep.prayer,
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True joy arised from Just sitting

Dear Sir,
Heartfelt greeting  on Buddha jayanti.I’m very thankful to you all for showing your concern for the liberation of Mahabodhi Temple, Buddhagaya. I will be going to Bihar in second week of June,2008 for initiating legal action. I have made  legal research on the issue of Buddhgaya. Apparantly the Bodhgaya Act of 1949 which provides for provision for constitution of Temple Management Committee with Invaders and thier slaves majority  is unconstitutional on ground several provisions and principles (14, 25,26, secularism etc)of Indian Constitution and International Bill of Human Rights.
Its shocking to learn that how state government had courage to enact such illegal and unconstitutional Act. I feel that becouse of  Invaders and thier slaves majority in legislatve body has committed mischief on the pretext of better management of affairs of temple.
It is a grave fraud on the Constitution of India and state and society have committed crime of collective conspiracy.
I belong to Buddhagaya itself but since born in untouchable

(Original Inhabitant of Jambudvipa that is the Great Prabuddha Bharath) family, was unaware of my real identity. When I started reading the works of Babasheb Ambedkar and Buddha, I realized that we are defacto Buddhist and then committed to Buddhism and humanity. I’ll fight till last blood of body to liberate Buddhagaya and Buddhism from the domination of  Invaders and thier slaves.
I’m looking forward for your active participation and cooperation.
You may publish this letter in your esteem news magzine.

With Metta,



Gold Bamboo 

Buddha's Path

Kindly visit:

Thai Buddha Paintings

Thai Buddha Paintings

Thai Traditional Paintings

Thai Traditional Paintings

Thai Wall Tapestry

Thai Wall Tapestry

Thai Wood Buddhas

Thai Wood Buddhas

Thai Monk Paintings

Thai Monk Paintings

Thai Bowls, Spoons

Thai Bowls & Spoons

Thai Khon Masks

Thai Khon Masks

Thai Silk Table Runners

Thai Silk Table Runners


Thai Silk Bags

Thai Silk Bags

Thai Buddha Paintings

Thai Silk Cushion Covers

Thai Silk Cushion Covers

Thai Vases

Thai Vases

Thai Ornaments

Thai Ornaments


Thai Wood Wall Carvings

Thai Wood Wall Carvings

Thai Silk Tissue Box

Thai Silk Tissue Box


Thai Traditional Paintings

Thai Traditional Paintings


Thai Lighting

Thai Lighting

Thai Bronze Buddhas

Thai Bronze Buddhas

Thai Vases

Thai Vases


Thai Wood Buddhas

Thai Wood Buddhas

Thai Bronze Buddhas

Thai Wood Buddhas


Kindly Note:

On 19th May 2008 at 09:15 P.M.Bangalore Akashavani Kendra will broadcast  Poojya Ananda Bhante’s  Discourse on Life of Buddha and His Peace Message





On 18-05-2008 Sunday  9:30 PMAt Maha Bodhi Society, Gandhinagar, Bangalore-9

DISABLED SERVICE DAY was observed by Launching of the Malaria Prevention Program  with Donation of wheel chairs and blessings by Venerable Acharya Buddharakkhita  Founder President, Maha Bodhi Society, Bangalore


Chief Guests were Shri P.L.Nanjundaswamy Chairman, Dr.B.R.Ambedkar Medical College and Hospital

Founder Member, Pancajanya Vidyapeetha Welfare Trust & Navachetana Social & Educational Society



Emeritus Neuro Surgeon

Taking Care of a Sick Monk


Maha Bodhi Society, Bangalore

 On the Sacred Buddha Purnima Day 500 mosquito nets will be distributed to poor people in remote areas of Arunachal Pradesh for malaria prevention. This will be a continued yearlong program. Join us by generously contributing to this program.


On 19-05-2008  Monday 9:00 AM At Maha Bodhi Society, Gandhinagar, Bangalore-9

SACRED BUDDHA PURNIMA DAY was celebrated in a grand manner

Siri Maha Bodhi Puja,Vishwa Maitri Stupa Puja, Buddha Puja at Mahabodhi Loka Shanti Buddha Vihara, Pindapata Puja  Undertaking of Tisarana, Atthasila and Pancasila, Laying of Foundation for

MAHABODHI MAHA DVARA And Dhamma Desana By Venerable Acharya Buddharakkhita

Founder President, Maha Bodhi Society, Bangalore & Presentation of the Sacred Pali Tipitaka in Kannada Script to Mahabodhi Library by Devoteeswas performed in a hifhly spiritual manner



Year long chanting of ‘SACRED PALI TIPITAKA’

At Mahabodhi Vihara everyday

Inauguration of Tipitaka Parayana was performed by

Venerable Acharya Buddharakkhita


Upasaka A.M.Rajanna Donor of Mahabodhi Mahadvara was honoured


 At 11 AM  Sanghadana was carried out & At 12 Noon  Meals for devotees was offered

(Service by Dr.D.Ramachandrappa, Chairman and Managing Director, Yellamma Dasappa Hospital , Bangalore )

 At 1:00 PM  there was a  Film Show  & at 2:30 PM  Dhamma Deeksha was undertaken by devotees



At  5:30 PM

There was a SACRED BUDDHA JAYANTI Symposium on THE BUDDHA’S RELEVANCE TO TODAY’S WORLD with Buddha Puja and Blessings by Venerable Acharya Buddharakkhita

Founder President, Maha Bodhi Society, Bangalore


Chief Guests were &Release of book  “Life’s Great Blessings-12” by Honorable Justice Shri N.Santosh Hegde Lokayukta, Karnataka State


Release of book “Life’s Great Blessings -13” Shri C.Anjanaya Reddy IPS (DGP Retd) Vice Chairman, Ananda Buddha Vihara, Secunderabad  Former Managing Director, AP Tourism Corporation Ltd. & Director General Vigilance and Enforcement


Release of “Satipatthana Sutta – Foundations of Mindfulness” by Shri Molkalmooru Sreenivasa Murthy

Kannada Buddhist Writer Deepa Puja

 Thanks to all the donors who have generously helped  to make these programs successful.


We seek your generous donations for the welfare activities of the Maha Bodhi Society and for the 2552nd Sacred Buddha Jayanti Celebrations. May your dana conduce to your well being, peace and prosperity! May you be happy!

BUDDHA PURNIMA DAY on  19-5-2008 at 10 AM : Buddha Puja, Bodhi Puja, Stupa Puja


Upasaka Shri Kalaiah & with the Blessings by

Venerable Aggadhammo Bhanteji was performed in a grand manner.





ON 20-05-2008


Namo Buddha


Asoka Dhamma Dutha Buddhist Society, Trust

Buddha Vihar & Sri. H.M. Gangadaraiah

Memorial Meditation Centre

Gotham Nagar, Opp. KSRTC Bus Depot,

Kolar Gold Fields -563 113

Buddhism Dharma Wheel


President and Members of ADDBS are cordially inviting the gracious presence of Sarv Samaj on the occasion of the Buddha Jayanti Celebration at the above Buddhist Society, Trust, Buddha Vihar & Sri. H.M.Gangadharaiah Memorial Meditation Centre, Gotham Nagar, Opp. KSRTC Bus Depot,Kolar Gold Fields -563 113 on Tuesday the 20th May 2008 at 5.00 P.M. Presence of one and all on the occasion is solicited.


Buddha Pooja, Tisarana, Pancasila and Dhamma Discource


Venerable Poojya Ananda Bhanteji

Vice President, and other Monks of Maha Bodhi Society, Bangalore


Guest of Honor :

Sri. Lakshminarayana IAS

Commissioner for Transport, Govt. of karnataka, Bangalore


Sri. Molakalmuru Sreenivasamurthy

Kannada Buddhist Writer, Bangalore


Dhana by :


Dr. ramani Poorneson & Family Poornima Nursing Home


Smt. Jayalakshmi Manivachagam & Family

Director, Longevite Health Care, Bangalore

Sri.Chandrasekar & Family A.R.T.O., Bangalore

Sri.R.Kannan & Family Muskum KGF


In the Service of Dhamma

Trustees, Executive Members and Friends


Services of Free Health Checkup & Treatment Camp at the above premises may be availed on 20-05-2008 between 9.00 a.m.& 4.00 p.m. Sponsored by LONGEVITE HEALTH CARE Lady Curzon Road, Bangalore -560 001


Upasakas/Upasikas are requested to bring flowers,incence sticks, Candles to perform Pooja.


B Media 4 Sarvajan Hitaya Sarvajan Sukhaya


Triple Gem Study Circle analysis predicts 130 seats for BSP because of Price Rise and anti-incumbency factors on Congress, BJP and JD(S) and because of Chief Minister of Uttar Pradesh Ms Mayawati’s performance to be repeated in Karnataka


 So Vote For BSP

The Marvel of the Dhamma


Ashoka Maurya

Map of the Maurya Empire under Ashoka's rule.

Map of the Maurya Empire under Ashoka’s rule.


The Sanchi stupa in Sanchi, Madhya Pradesh established by emperor Ashoka in the third century BC.

The Sanchi stupa in Sanchi, Madhya Pradesh established by emperor Ashoka in the third century BC.


Fragment of the 6th Pillar Edicts of Ashoka (238 BC), in Brahmi, sandstones. British Museum.

Fragment of the 6th Pillar Edicts of Ashoka (238 BC), in Brahmi, sandstones. British MuseumBuddhism Dharma Wheel

The Ashoka Chakra, featured on the flag of the Republic of IndiaSilver punch-mark coins of the Mauryan empire, bear Buddhist symbols such as the Dharmacakra, the elephant (previous form of the Buddha), the tree under which enlightenment happened, and the burial mound where the Buddha died (obverse). 3rd century BC.

Silver punch-mark coins of the Mauryan empire, bear Buddhist symbols such as the Dharmacakra, the elephant (previous form of the Buddha), the tree under which enlightenment happened, and the burial mound where the Buddha died (obverse). 3rd century BCDistribution of the Edicts of Ashoka and Ashokan territorial limits.

Distribution of the Edicts of Ashoka and Ashokan territorial limits.[7]
Greek Late Archaic style capital from Patna (Pataliputra), thought to correspond to the reign of Ashoka, 3rd century BC, Patna Museum (click image for references).Bilingual edict (Greek and Aramaic) by king Ashoka, from Kandahar - Afghan National Museum. (Click image for translation).

Bilingual edict (Greek and Aramaic) by king Ashoka, from Kandahar - Afghan National Museum.. (Click image for translation) .
Buddhist proselytism at the time of king Ashoka (260-218 BC), according to his Edicts."The legend of King Asoka, A study and translation of the Asokavadana", John Strong, Princeton Library of Asian translations.

“The legend of King Asoka, A study and translation of the Asokavadana“, John Strong, Princeton Library of Asian translations.
Ashoka’s Major Rock Edict inscription at Girnar

Ashokan Pillar at Vaishali

Ashokan Pillar at Vaishali
This is the famous original sandstone sculpted Lion Capital of Ashoka preserved at Sarnath Museum which was<br />
 originally<br />
 erected around 250 BCE atop an Ashoka Pillar at Sarnath. The angle from which this picture has been taken, minus the inverted bell-shaped lotus flower, has been adopted as the National Emblem of India showing the Horse on the left and the Bull on the right of the Ashoka Chakra in the circular base on which the four Indian lions are standing back to back. On the far side there is an Elephant and a Lion instead. The wheel "Ashoka Chakra" from its base has been placed onto the center of the National Flag of India.

This is the famous original sandstone sculpted Lion Capital of Ashoka preserved at Sarnath Museum which was originally erected around 250 BCE atop an Ashoka Pillar at Sarnath. The angle from which this picture has been taken, minus the inverted bell-shaped lotus flower, has been adopted as the National Emblem of India showing the Horse on the left and the Bull on the right of the Ashoka Chakra in the circular base on which the four Indian lions are standing back to back. On the far side there is an Elephant and a Lion instead. The wheel “Ashoka Chakra” from its base has been placed onto the center of the National Flag of India.

Jyotirao Phule

Chhatrapati Shahuji Maharaj

Narayana guru





A file-photo of Bahujan Samaj Party




Jai Bheem                   BSP                      Jai Bharath

An “Appeal”

To The People of Karnataka for

Legislative Assembly Election – 2008

Ms. Mayawati, Chief Minister of U.P.

Kumari Mayawati

National President

Bahujan Samaj Party

Brothers and Sisters,

It is well known to every one the Bahujan Samaj Party (BSP) is the only party in the country, which “believes in doing rather than saying“.

It is for this reason that our party, unlike other parties, does not release any tempting “Election Manifestoes” and instead, issues “Appeal” to the people in general and voters in particular to ensure their vote and support for BSP in order to fulfill the remaining commitments for completing its missionary goal by adopting the path shown by Saints, Gurus and Mahapurush (Great men) born in different periods in the Bahujan Samaj like Mahatma Jyotiba Phule, Chatrapati Sahu Maharaj, Narayana Guru, Periyar Ramaswamy Ji, Baba Saheb Dr.Ambedkar and more recently Manyawar Shri Kanshi Ram ji.

This we do with an aim to earn good results for the party in the elections and to achieve power to rule so that with the help of the “Master Key of Political Power” we become master of our own destiny and could ensure work and proper welfare of the poor, deprived and downtrodden sections of the society belonging to all castes and religions i.e.”Sarv Samaj”. Param pujya Baba Saheb Dr. Bhimrao Ambedkar has beautifully and wonderfully explained about the significance of the “Master Key of the Political Power”, declaring that the political power is such a “Master Key” through which all problems can be solved and also doors of progress and prosperity can be opened up.

Following this principle of Babasaheb Dr.Ambedkar, our party is contesting, on its’ own strength, KARNATAKA Legislative Assembly General Elections-2008. The Karnataka Legislative Assembly has a total number of 224 seats and the BSP is contesting on almost all the seats on its own. BSP has not at all entered into any kind of alliance or seat adjustments with any other party in this election. So, we are fighting this election on all seats on our own.


            But, the pertinent question which arises here is, as to why there is a necessity for the people of the State of Karnataka to cast their votes in favour of the BSP only, rather than voting for the Congress, B.J.P. or their supporting parties? We have to understand this issue very clearly for an outstanding performance. .

            In this regard, I am of the view that BSP is the only Party in the country whose “Principles & Policies” and also its “style of functioning” suits very much the interests of the people belonging to “Sarv Samaj” (all sections of the society). On the other hand, other political parties make too many promises to people just before the elections or in the election year but they never translate them into reality for the true welfare of them, leaving most of their lofty electoral promises confined to papers only, rather than getting them implemented in practical terms.

            It is for this very reason that, even after 60 years of independence, the “Social and Economic” condition of people belonging to Bahujan Samaj, which comprises of Scheduled Castes (SCs), Scheduled Tribes (STs), Other Backward Class (OBCs) and Religious Minorities such as Sikhs, Muslims, Christians, Parsis and Buddhists have not significantly improved due to faulty economic policies adopted by various governments of castiest leaders of different political parties, even though the population of these sections of society is very large and for this reason , we call them as “Bahujan Samaj”.

            Here, I am especially talking about their wrong and erratic economic policies, mainly because at the centre as well as in most of the States, Governments’ were formed with the monetary or otherwise help of big capitalist powers and for this very reason, these parties, after coming to power, as a “return gift” to them formulated their “Economic Policies” in subservience of these capitalists, fully ignoring the interests and welfare of general public.

Due to this kind of unjust behaviour of the governments of Congress, BJP and their supporting parties, the economic condition of people belonging to Bahujan Samaj as well as poor people of “Savarn Samaj” i.e. the upper castes is turning from bad to worse. The malice is still continuing, rendering more and more such people unemployed and live a life under the darkness of poverty.

            In view of the complexity and seriousness of such kind of problems, these deprived and exploited sections of the people revolted in such a manner to form a separate political party of their own called as (the Bahujan Samaj Party-BSP) under the leadership of Manyawar Shri Kanshi Ram Ji on April, 1984, basing its ideology on policy and progrmmes of Great Baba sahib Dr. Ambedkar. And quiet obviously, with the massive support and cooperation of all the sections of the society, the BSP has acquired a “National Status” and has grown enough to be officially by the Election Commission of India as one of the main national political parties of India .

            Not only this, our party also gradually expanded its mass base and graduated to send its representatives in Parliament, apart from winning assembly elections in various States of the Country. In Uttar Pradesh, which is the biggest State of India in terms of the size of the population, the BSP under the leader ship of mine had formed government four times. And all the four times, the governments of our party has worked with full devotion and dedication to provide “justice” to all, besides giving impetus and dynamism to the issue of ”Development” in the State.

            Giving priority to weaker sections of the society in the process, with an aim to improve “Social and Economic” condition of the underprivileged sections of the society and poor people belonging to Sarv Samaj, our party Government in Uttar Pradesh, for the first time in the country, constituted separate “Welfare” Departments” in 1995 right at the inception of the first BSP government.

            And the aspect of development were given new meaning when 25,000 villages, having predominantly Original Inhabitants of Jambudvipa i.e. the Great Prabuddha Bharath (SC/STs) population, were selected for “Dr.Ambedkar Village Development Scheme” to develop them fully with all kind of basic amenities and infrastructure facilities. The process is going on and gradually all the villages of the State will be taken for such kind of developmental activities all over the State, surely changing the very face and of course the life of the rural poor in real terms. Presently, however, the name of this scheme has been changed as “Baba Saheb Dr. Ambedkar U.P. Gramsabha Samagra Vikas Yojana (Gramsabha Integrated Development Scheme.)”.

          Similarly, an ambitious “Urban Integrated Development Scheme” has been formulated in the name of “Manyawar Shri Kanshi Ram Ji”. Under this scheme, small towns and cities of Uttar Pradesh are being developed in a systematic manner and within time bound period. But under both these schemes, all the activities are being speeded up as much as the economic condition of the State allows. These developmental activities could well get further momentum and much speed if the Central Government fulfills its obligations of providing funds for the purpose.

            Apart of this, priority has been accorded especially to Original Inhabitants of Jambudvipa i.e. The Great Prabuddha Bharath (SC/STs) and other exploited sections of the “Sarv Samaj” in all other developmental activities. The homeless and poor people were allotted vacant land, besides possession has also been ensured to landless poor for the purpose of farming/agriculture on that land. About 20 lakh poor people have so far been benefited from this decision of the government in the State, and this work is still continuously in progress.

            In addition, my government has taken an unprecedented and historic decision to provide with more than one lakh permanent government jobs in rural areas for the Valmiki community of Scheduled Castes. By this decision, all the 1.08 lakh revenue village of Uttar Pradesh will have at least one Sarkari Safai Karmachari, and the person appointed will be from the same village in most of the cases… This besides meeting employment problem will also make a sea change in the health atmosphere of rural areas for it will ensure cleanliness and help eradicate diseases spreading due to unhygienic conditions.


            And, so far the issue of giving boost to education is concerned, the government of our party, for the first time in the country, took a policy decision to grant scholarship to the children of persons belonging to poor Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes and also to poor children of Other Backward Classes and Religious Minorities, especially to the poor children belonging to Muslim community.

            The scholarship amount has also been doubled in view of the rising inflation and cost of living; besides that the amount of scholarship is being distributed to students immediately after their admission. Our government also arranged free coaching to ensure their admissions in the prestigious institutions and for high-grade prestigious jobs like IAS, IPS. PCS etc.

            Along with the above facilities, for the first time in the State, 25% of the State budget has been allocated separately for the welfare and development of Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes in the State.

            Besides, in order to infuse the sense of security among the people belonging to Bahujan Samaj, a policy of reservation has been introduced for the first time in the postings at the police stations in each and every district. Under the new provision, police officers belonging to SC/STs, for the first time in the country, will be getting 25 percent of such posts of police station will go to the people belonging to OBCs and 5 percent to officers from Religious Minorities (Muslims) in all the districts of the State. This system of governance is still continuing in the State with a slight modification.

            And especially, full care has been made towards protecting, in all spheres of life, the interests and welfare of the Muslims, which is the largest section of Religious Minorities in the State. Apart from their economic development, the safety and security of their lives and Religion has also been fully ensured. In addition, our government was first in the country ensuring government jobs to economically weaker Muslims by including them in category of other Backward Classes (OBCs) and issuing government order facilitating release of caste certificates accordingly.


“New Positive Reservation Initiatives”

In The Interest of Sarv Samaj

          You know very well that “where there is will, there is way.” That is why for the first time in the country, the BSP government of Uttar Pradesh has taken “ New Positive Reservation Initiatives”

In The Interest of Sarv Samaj

i.e. Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes, Other Backward Classes (OBC), Religious Minorities and Upper caste, for it is more than  evident that the benefit of reservation, which was provided on account of the untiring efforts of Param Pujya Baba Saheb Dr. Bhimarao Ambedkar, to the Scheduled Castes (SCs), Scheduled Tribes (STs) and Other Backward Castes (OBCs) in the Government jobs under the Constitution of India, was not reaching fully to the dire needy people because of anti-reservation attitude of the Congress, BJP and their supporting parties.


            Not only this, various Government Departments and Institutions are being handed over to the Private Sectors for the past several years on the pretext of poor economic  condition of the government, without ensuring provision of the same kind of reservation in the privatised firm/sector at any level. And, if this current state of affairs/practice of handing over the government departments and Institutions to Private Sector continues, a day will come when the constitutional facility of reservation will cease to exist.

            Taking this issue of great importance very seriously, the Government of my party in Uttar Pradesh wrote several letters to the Government of India and requested that before the privatization of various Government and public sector institutions, the same quantum of reservation for those sections of society should be ensured as they were already getting in the Government sector and institutions. But no Government of any party has so far acceded to our contention and our party is “seriously concerned” and “worried” about this issue.

            But the people belonging to Scheduled Castes (SCs) & Schedule Tribes (STs) and Other Backward Classes (OBCs) will be happy to know that throughout the country, it is only the Government of my party, the BSP in Uttar Pradesh which was fulfilled these tasks, which are as follows:

·                    Public-Private- Partnership (P.P.P.) is the main component of “all inclusive” realistic and practical economic policy of my government in Uttar Pradesh.

·                    All the Schemes/projects/ industries with partnership with state government, the State Government would have a maximum partnership of 49 percent of 11 percent.

·                    The provision of job reservation in enterprises developed on Public-Private Partnership model will continue in the proportion and manner as the State Government has been providing quota which is in the government jobs 21 percent for Scheduled Castes, 02 percent for Scheduled Tribes and 27 percent for Other Backward Classes.

·                    The interests of employees will be fully safeguarded in the projects/enterprise s established under PPP model.

·                    Now along with this, the Uttar Pradesh Government of my party has applied the policy of “Sarvjan Hitai –Sarvjan Sukhai” (Progress and Prosperity for all) also in the area of the reservation. In pursuance of this policy, our government has taken historical initiative to provide the benefits of reservation to all the poor and needy people belonging to all castes and the implementation of this new system has already been taken up in the right earnest in Uttar Pradesh. This step has been taken for the first time in the country.

·                    Under it, if the services rendered by the Govt. Departments, Corporations, Authorities, Councils and other Semi-government institutions or the maintenance of their establishment are substituted by outsourcing, then the contract to be executed for the said purpose would include the provision of providing 21 percent of jobs created through this out sourcing to the persons of Scheduled Castes, 2 percent to the persons belonging to Scheduled Tribes and 27 percent to Other Backward Classes.

·                    In the Industrial Units, Educational Institutions, Infrastructure/ Service Sector Projects, Disinvested Units are being set up in which the private sector is provided land, subsidy, state aid or assets by the Government or any of its government departments, then as per the “voluntary” and “mutual agreement”, the employers have to provide 10 percent of the total jobs created in the projects to the persons of Scheduled Castes, 10 percent to Other Backward Classes, including Backwards of Religious Minorities and 10 percent to the economically weaker persons of the Upper Castes

·                    Over 30 thousand posts of backlog have so far been filled by my part’s government in Uttar Pradesh. Recruitment on remaining posts is in progress.

·                    Besides, it is to be clear in mind that the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes (prevention of atrocities) Act, 1989, has been enacted by the Government of India, hence a central act, and no State Government can make any alternation in this Act nor repeal it. The State Government of Uttar Pradesh has ensured strict enforcement of this law.

·                    My Government has done everything possible regarding implementation of reservation policy.

·                    The Government of India has also been asked to fill the vacant posts in Government Services in accordance with the policy of reservation. The policy of reservation should be extended to private and other sectors and it should be included in the ninth Schedule of Constitution as a safeguard.

·                    We have also urged the Government of India to amend the Constitution for providing benefits of reservation to the people belonging to upper castes living below the poverty line. But, the attitude of the Congress and BJP and its supporting parties has been throughout negative.

·                    But for that matter, I would like to fully assure the people of upper castes that the day the government of our party come to power at the centre, they will be given the benefit of reservation, similar to the pattern which has been introduced by us in Uttar Pradesh and this will be done without their asking for it, and will also make all positive efforts for the eradication of their poverty and un-employment. And, you all know very well about the style of functioning of my party that whatever we say, we do the same. In other words, there is no difference in our party’s saying and doing.

·                    Besides, Adequate additional reservation should also be provided to such persons of Scheduled Castes who were converted to Muslim or Christian religion, but maintaining the present share of quota of prescribed reservation for the Scheduled Castes. For this, necessary amendment should be made in the Constitution to relax the total limit of 50 percent reservation as laid down by Hon. Supreme Court and this amendment will be included in the 9th schedule of the Constitution so that this arrangement becomes a permanent feature.

So far as the matter of providing Social Security to the people is concerned, my party’s government in Uttar Pradesh is very serious and sensitive over the issue… That is why immediately after assumption of power my government increased to double the amount of pension to old age persons and farmers from Rs.150 to Rs.300. And also the number of beneficiaries was raised to 24 lakh from 20 lakh, for which sum of Rs. 1410 crores has been earmarked in the budget.

Similarly, labourers , who belong to the poorest and weaker section of the society and mostly fall under the category  of farming labour, were not being cared properly as they belong to unorganized sector, but my government has raised their daily remuneration wage to Rs.100 from a meager of Rs.58, which they were getting previously.

      And, over the issue of plight of farmers and farming becoming less remunerative day by day and thereby ultimately affecting our self-reliance on food, my party is in full sympathy with the farming community. It is beyond any doubt that the governments of the Congress, the BJP and their supporting parties during their rule in the past 60 years have done a criminal act of ignoring farm and farmers. In the course of promotion of heavy industries, there was a criminal neglect of farm sectors and farmers’ requirements.

      This is also a tragedy that in the course of developing heavy industries particularly in the tribal areas, where the native people were deprived even from the fourth class jobs, adding more burden on their life to ensure protection of the interests of tribals & farmers.

      Besides, my government has taken a stand that the Self-esteem and Self-respect of the unemployed youth will not be ridiculed every month by providing them meager ‘unemployment allowance’. Instead, our party wants them to live with pride, as they would instead be provided permanent jobs, with the creation of job opportunities, for which Regional Rural Employment Centre will be established.

      And education is another area that has been accorded top most priority by my government in Uttar Pradesh. It is with this reason a decision was taken without any delay to recruit 88,000 teachers to help improve the standards of education. The process of recruitment of such a large number teachers in just one go is on.

      In addition of all these, my government has paid attention in according full respect and honour to Sants, Gurus and Mahapurush born in Bahujan Samaj at different period of times such as Mahatma Jyotiba Phule, Chatrapati Shahuji Maharaj, Narayana Guru, Periar Ramaswamy, Baba Saheb Dr. Bhimrao Ambedkar and more recently Manyawar Shri Kanshi Ram Ji. A number of new Districts, Universities, Memorials, Museums and other important public places and institutions have been named and erected in their name to perpetuate the memory of their hard-faught struggles.

      And in this connection, you all know very well that no government, be it the government of the Congress, the BJP or their supporting parties, ever gave proper respect and regards to the Sants, Gurus and Mahapurush born in the Bahujan Samaj.

      And regrettably, the castiest mentality of these political parties still persists. . The biggest proof of it is that the Congress party, ruling at the centre did not even declare one or two days holiday nor they ordered flying of national flag half mast in the mourning of Manyawar Shri Kanshi Ram Ji, the creator and founder of the BSP movement.. And the BJP and other opposition parties remained a mute spectator to all this.


      In brief, the lesson to our people of all this happenings is that if the people belonging to Bahujan Samaj and those of Savarn Samaj (upper castes) living in your state of Karnataka want to create an atmosphere like that of Uttar Pradesh for leading a life full of self-esteem, respect and dignity, they will also have to capture the “Master Key of political power” in their hands by ensuring good results in the general election being held in your State.

      Therefore keeping all these factual propositions in mind, I earnestly “APPEAL” to the supporters of the BSP to follow the above mentioned suggestions in order to make an all out effort to achieve party’s goal of capturing power in order to get rid of their poverty, helplessness, backwardness, unemployment, injustice and exploitation by making your own government in your State, following the true path shown to you by your messiah Baba Saheb Dr. Ambedkar on the basis of exercise of franchise based on the concept of “One Man-One Vote” given to you by Baba Saheb himself and thus fulfill the unfinished task of Manyawar Shri. Kanshi Ram Ji.

      In other words, you should understand your Messiah’s message properly and utilize the right to vote wisely to help yourself so that you could form a government of your own party in your State which will in real terms help improve your socio-economic condition as well as of education, besides ensuring a civilized self-esteem life to you. In the meantime, this could be also help improve the economic condition of the Upper castes people.

      But to create such an atmosphere in your State, you have to acquire the “Master Key of Political Power” in your hands, like people have done in the Stae of Uttar Pradesh and you will have show good result in the coming Assembly elections in your State. And to achieve this great goal of success in the assembly election, you will have to be cautious and alert from various nasty tricks and Saam-Daam-Dand- bhed like nefarious designs of the opposition parties during the elections, because these parties can go to any extent to damage our party.

      And I want to warn you that these opposition parties will go all out and will make all  efforts to sabotage the voting of Savarn Samaj inn favour of BSP and for this purpose , these parties will propagate our “Ideology and Principles” in a wrong, vicious and twisted manner among these sections of society.

      Therefore, I consider it important to explain the ideology and principles of B.S.P. I would also like to clarify here that the ideology and principles of our party “are not against any caste or creed”. B.S.P. wants to change the unequal social order of this country based on “caste” and wants to establish here a “Samatamulak Samaj Vyavastha” ( A Social Order based on Equality), which is in the interest of this country and Sarv Samaj.

For this, we have to change the Jaatwadi (casteist)mentality of Savarn (High Castes) Hindus and on the basis of Samajik Bhaichara (Social Brotherhood) we have to take them also along with us and only then “Samtamulak Samaj Vyavastha” can be established in this country in accordance with the thinking of the architect of Indian Constitution, Baba Saheb Dr. Ambedkar and only after that Sarv Samaj will be unified and disparities or casteism in the society will be completely eradicated forever.

      Along with this, they will get full opportunity to move in every walk of life. The members of our party should always remain cautious from different kind of rumours, which may be spread by opposition parties during elections.

      Apart from the above, I also appeal to all of you – “Beware that your vote is invaluable. No vote should be allowed to be purchased. No vote should be allowed to be looted. No vote should be left out from being cast and no selfish person should misuse your vote on account of defrauding or misleading you in the name of caste, money, religion or emotions.

     Hence, to save democracy you have to give power into hands of right person to safeguard the interests of your KARNATAKA State, so that you may formulate the policy of :Sarvajan Hitai – Sarvjan Sukhai” in all the areas and make the poor and unemployed persons of Bahujan Samaj and Savarn Samaj  happy.”

      In the end, keeping in view all the above mentioned observations, I “Appeal” to the supporters and well wishers of my party that you should not be misled by any alluring promises of Election Manifestoes of opposition parties and that you should follow the appeal of B.S.P. which is your own party, to make the candidates of B.S.P. victorious in the General Assembly Elections of KARNATAKA by pressing the button against “Elephant” (Haathi), the election symbol of B.S.P. I hope and expect that you will accept my “Appeal” and act accordingly.

                                                                            Km Mayawati

National President,

Bahujan Samaj Party (BSP)



In the Interest of Sarv Samaj, Contribute your Physical, Mental and Economic Might in Favour of BSP to Help its Ideology And Policies Reach its “Ultimate Destination”


Vote for the Candidates of

Bahujan Samaj Party

Make B.S.P. successful by pressing the button opposite Election Symbol – Elephant (Haathi)

B.S.P. Ki Kya Pehchaan !

Neela Jhanda, Haathi Nishaan !!

The  Identity of BSP is

Blue Flag & Elephant Symbol



Jai Bheem                   Jai Kansiram              Jai Bharath

                                                              Mayawati Sister’s

Appeal for Karnataka Brothers & Sisters

To Vote for Elephant Symbolised BSP Candidates

We say what we do and do what we say

Which is the way to be Happy and Gay

That is Sarva Jan Hithay Sarvajan Sukhay

Before the commencement of election the other political party


For a short while give you a goodie

From Exploitation & discrimination you get away

For progress of a diversified society

And for a developmental ruling assuring safety

Since BSP born from ashes of untouchability

Promises to wipe out your tears and provide you safety

Until you are all supportively behind this mission of

Sarvajan Hithay

Sarvajan Sukhay

Kindly visit:

http://sarvajan. ambedkar. org


Even after 60 years of Independence !

Because of UPA, NDA and their Supporting Parties Sins !

Such as not providing constitutional amendment to provide reservation even to the poor among the forward castes !

Non-inclusion of  Original Inhabitants of Jambudvipa that is the Great Prabuddha Bharath Christians !

And poor Muslims in the SC/ST category for giving them reservation in various sectors !

Congress and the Bharatiya Janata Party responsible for the backwardness of SC/STs !

Over five decades of rule, the Congress did not consider poor people as this Country’s citizens !

The BJP gave prominence only to the rich and neglected the economically weaker sections !

Both parties receive funds from capitalists during elections !

They later frame policies suiting their needs but not favouring the poor after their selections !

Thereby not the earning of the workers !

But the prices rises !

Hence !

BSP wins !

For allotting three acres of land to each poor and landless !

Benefiting over 25 lakh families !

Filled all the backlog posts reserved for SC/STs and backward classes !

Constituted separate welfare departments for all backward communties !

for their social and economic advancement,to ensure that they receive all the government benefits !

Deprived of a right and De-Franchised

— Photo: K. Murali Kumar

left out: Voters whose names were missing from the voters’ list, which prevented them from exercising their franchise, showing their identity cards during the repoll

at one of the booths in Bangalore on Monday.


The Election Commission is responsible for De-franchising large number people who were deprived of their right to vote as their names were missing from voter’s list.

Many of them those who had their photo identity cards also did not find their names in the voter’s list.

There was haste in conducting elections by the Election Commission without ensuring that all the eligible people in Karnataka were included in the voters list.

However Election Commission has to postpone the date for formation of the New Government and not on 28 th May 2008 as required by the Constitution.

With thousands of people not finding their names in the voters list, People must have the Right To Information on the exact percentage of names missing in the voter’s list.

Those who tried to include their names before 29-04-2008 had their acnowledgements. Yet their names were not found in the voters list.

Thousands of people stood in scroching sun to get photo identity cards before the elections. But they could not get because of lack of proper infrastructure such as enough numbers of computers and staff who could either include peoples name in the voters list or provide them photo identity cards.

People must also have the Right To Information on the type of chip used in the Electronic Voting Machine with the source code for transparency.

In Reserved Constituencies, the Major Opposition Parties have encouraged False Caste Certificate holders as candidates.

When objected during scrutiny they were not rejected but accepted since the Tahsildars had issued them certificates and EC said that they were helpless and only the Courts can help them.

The Election Commission must have a mechanism to ensure that genuine SC/STs only contested elections in Reserved Constituencies.

 Since the Chief Election Commissioner N Gopalaswamy on Thursday fixed the responsibility for preparation of error-free voters list, ahead of the election to Karnataka Assembly, on political parties, it is high time that the present Election Commission be scraped and an Election Committee representing all the Political Parties like various Parliamentary Committees be formed forthwith. And work out to see tha all the eligible people of India are included in the voter’s list. This must be made mandatory.

And no elections has to be conducted until all the peoples’ names are included in the voter’s list.

Till then the present election has to be scraped

for a Real Free and fair Election.

Election Commission India

Elections India : Article 324 of the constitution establishes an independent Election Commission to supervise parliamentary and state elections in India. Supervising elections in the world’s largest democracy is by any standard an immense undertaking. Some 521 million people were eligible to vote in 1991.

Now the people of India must have the Right To Information from the Election Commission know as to how many million people were elegible to vote in 2009 and 2008 Karnataka Assembly elections. There is no official information on the exact number of people whose names are not found in the voter’s list.

We the people - these are the most important words in our constitution. Everything depends on us- the voters,who have an opportunity and the right to choose our representatives, demand accountability and determine the direction of growth and governance of the country. Several problems have surfaced in the gigantic task of conducting elections in India and to ensure that elections are free and fair. With each passing election, the educated citizens of our country seem to have grown ignorant and apathetic about the electoral process and elections. The result has been a steady deterioration in the standards and practices of political parties reflected in rampant corruption and the reckless use of money and muscle power to win elections.


Active participation of citizens is an absolute prerequisite to make the electoral system more representative, fair, transparent and free from all the other ills. Eleanor Roosevelt once said: “nobody can hurt you without your consent” which in this context can be rephrased as “nobody can marginalise you without your cooperation


Chief Election Commissioner N Gopalaswamy on Thursday fixed the responsibility for preparation of error-free voters list, ahead of the election to Karnataka Assembly, on political parties. Speaking to reporters here, Mr Gopalaswamy said the political parties would be given two separate lists on February seven for deletion and additions to be made in the final list.   


‘’They will be given two weeks time for raising objections to removing and adding names of the voters for the final list to be prepared on March ten,'’ he said.  


‘’It will be the responsibility of the political parties to ensure the final list did not contain discrepancies any more as the EC has adopted a new mechanism for producing error-free list,'’ he said.

To a question on whether the elections would be postponed in case of a delay in the implementation of the report of Mr Justice Kuldeep Singh who headed Delimitation Commission, he said the EC did not work on the basis of ‘ifs and buts’ and as of now, it would conduct the elections before May 28.


‘’The Commission is concerned about the voter’s list as there are only additions and no deletions in the list.

‘’This is the reason I sent Deputy Election Commissioner R Bhattacharya, who is in charge for Karnataka, to oversee the whole exercise,'’ Mr Gopalaswamy said.


The EC would hold elections before May 28, as the state completes six months under President’s Rule on the date, he said.


In the draft list submitted by the State Election Commission (SEC) names of 3.48 lakh voters had been deleted while 9.27 lakh new voters had been added as of yesterday.


Mr Gopalaswamy and his Deputies Navin Chawla and S Y Qureshi have been here for the last two days reviewing the voters list and preparedness of the official machinery to hold elections, following the detection of large number of bogus voters in the voter’s list.


Earlier, Congress and the BJP submitted memorandum to the CEC urging him to provide error-free voters list and elections be held in the stipulated time.


He replied in the affirmative when asked whether he would take action against the officials for their ‘lapses’ in preparation of the voter’s list.


Voters list mess in poll-bound Karnataka

Bangalore, Jan 5 - A family with 90 voters and a town with 30,000 voters in a population of 36,500! These are just some of the glitches in the voters list in poll-bound Karnataka. R. Bhattacharya, deputy election commissioner at the Election Commission of India has been in Bangalore for the last three days having talks with state election officials on steps to ensure proper voters list ahead of polls to the 224-member assembly expected in April/May.

The irregularities in the voters list pointed out by people and political parties has forced the state election commission to cancel its plans to release the final list on Jan 10.

Bhattacharya met state chief electoral officer R. Ramaseshan, Bruhat Bangalore Mahanagar Palike (Greater Bangalore City Corporation) commissioner S. Subramanya and senior officials from several districts and told them of the Election Commission’s displeasure over the way the voters lists had been prepared.

The state officials now plan to revise the lists and publish them by the end of this month. They have sought the help of voters to point out anomalies.

Karnataka Pradesh Congress Committee president Mallikharjun Kharge Friday mentioned the instance of one family in north Karnataka having 90 voters on the list and of Humnabad town in Bidar district that has 30,000 voters in a population of 36,500.

More than 7,000 in the town are school-going children, yet there are 30,000 names in the voters list.

Another Congress leader H.K. Patil said there could be around four million bogus names in the voters list. Karnataka’s population is estimated at 55 million and voting population at around 42 million.

The two other main political parties, the Bharatiya Janata Party and Janata Dal-Secular also allege there are many irregularities in the list. The three parties have urged the state and central election officials to rectify the anomalies


MCC to revise voters’ list in three Assembly segments

Special Correspondent

Door-to-door campaign to be launched along with booth committee members

Training programme to be held for booth committee members

Exercise to be launched at one booth each in

the three Assembly segments


Major decision: Mayor Ayub Khan announcing the involvement of booth committees in the revision of the voters’ list. Deputy Mayor Kamala Venkatesh is seen.

MYSORE: The Mysore City Corporation (MCC) will revise the voters’ list in the three Assembly constituencies within its jurisdiction by launching a door-to-door campaign along with members of the booth committees.

There are 607 booth committees in the city covering all the 65 wards. The initiative is expected to be more precise; it will involve people at the grassroots level unlike in the the top-down approach followed so far.

Apart from updating the voters’ list, the exercise will help rectify the anomalises and help add to the list the names of those who were left out while deleting the names of bogus voters. The initiative will complement the steps taken by the district administration before the elections.

Disclosing this, Mayor Ayub Khan said here on Saturday that during his visits to polling booths in his capacity as the first citizen of Mysore, he had received several complaints from registered voters.

“Either their names were missing or the details were faulty. Hence I have decided to accord priority to ensure that the citizens are not deprived of the right to exercise their franchise,” he said.

“I consider it my duty to ensure that the names of all eligible voters are incorporated in the revised voters’ list and hence have decided to take the step with the assistance of booth committee members”, Mr. Khan said.

It has been decided to undertake a survey according to which, the head of each booth committee, along with officials of the MCC and other members, will cover the area coming under their respective booths and ensure that the discrepancies are removed.

“The entire responsibility of revising and updating the voters’ list will be vested with the new team”, according to the Mayor. It has also been decided to conduct a one-day workshop-cum-training programme for all booth committee members so that they can familiarise themselves with the process of revising the list. “Details will be collected from every household on individuals who have been transferred, women who have left the locality after marriage and those who have expired so as to ensure that their names are deleted from the list”, Mr. Khan said.

Once the workshop-cum-training programme is completed, the voters’ list revision exercise will be taken up as a pilot project at one booth each in the three Assembly constituencies coming under the MCC limits.

The team involved in this exercise will record its findings and experience, collate the pros and cons of such an approach and table a report which will be subjected to scrutiny.

“We will thoroughly analyse the report and streamline the exercise before extending it to cover all the booths coming under the 65 wards of the MCC”, Mr. Khan said.

Cooperation sought

He called for public cooperation, and sought the assistance of non-governmental organisations so as to ensure that in the subsequent elections genuine voters will not be deprived of their right to exercise their franchise.

There are 607 booths in the three Assembly segments in Mysore Urban which has a population of nearly 7.55 lakh according to the 2001 census.

The Election Commission recently called for revision of the voters’ list in Mysore on learning that the number of voters in the city was more than 65 per cent of the total population.

Though the revision exercise was conducted over an extended period of time, there were some discrepancies which the Mayor wants to rectify by launching an exercise involving the booth committees.


Reforms could ensure more voter turnout

Research could throw up answers for poor poll percentage

Poll percentage could improve if the Government makes a ‘determined attempt’ to bring in reforms

‘Involvement of Resident Welfare Associations, NGOs and other concerned citizens would help’

MYSORE: The voter turnout in the second phase of the elections held in ten districts has been put at 60 per cent, which is a drop of six per cent from the first phase of polls. What could be the reason for voter apathy? Can reforms set right the apathy and ensure people turn out in large numbers to exercise their franchise?

Social activist Vasanthkumar Mysoormath, who conducted voter awareness movements in 1999, 2004 and 2008 elections (first phase), has echoed Deputy Commissioner and District Election Officer P. Manivannan’s reported view that research has to be conducted on poor poll percentage.

“It is high time that such an exercise is undertaken by the Government of India. A number of election reforms are long-pending before the Centre.

The Election Commission itself has forwarded some suggestions that are pending since many years now,” said Mr. Mysoormath, who was the presiding officer in more than 10 elections.

Mr. Mysoormath, who retired from the Indian Audit and Accounts Department, maintained that the poll percentage can be substantially improved if the Government makes a “determined attempt” to bring in reforms as recommended by the Election Commission and experts over the years.

He, too, had made certain suggestions for improving the poll percentage.

Missing names

Many eligible voters have been denied their right to vote because their names were missing, although they held Elector’s Photo Identity Cards (EPIC).

“Why should they keep running around in circles to obtain updated EPICs every time there is an election, only to be turned down because the revised rolls do not contain their names,” he asked.

The money and energy spent for enumeration and preparation of electoral rolls with the help of teachers and government officials has time and again failed to produce the required results.

This needs to be answered because public money is being splurged to prepare incorrect rolls and to deny the citizens their right to vote, he said.


It is also time for the citizens to behave in a responsible manner and involve themselves at the grassroots level to help the EC set right the perennial problem, he said.

The three-tier system applicable to rural areas viz., zilla, taluk and gram panchayats, is absent in urban areas. To fill this gap, involvement of Resident Welfare Associations/ NGOs and other concerned citizens would help.

Better network

“Street committees with volunteers from the residents in a street are the need of the hour.

They, in turn, can coordinate with ward committees for enumeration and compilation of near-perfect electoral rolls and also for assessing the works and projects that need attention and for projecting their demands and grievances with the concerned service providers,” Mr. Mysoormath suggested.

Sensitising youth

The youth of the country has exhibited rank apathy due to their feeling that “politics is a dirty business”.

Many have expressed disgust over the behaviour of politicians in Parliament/Assemblies.

‘Not bothered’

“The youth have not bothered even to register themselves as voters because of the cumbersome procedure and running around to get an EPIC which nevertheless becomes useless by the next election. This attitude needs to be changed,” he said.

Political will

What the country needs is political will to bring necessary legislation through amendment to those rule books that govern elections.

“Countries like Turkey and Australia have compulsory voting and the turnout is about 90-plus per cent. What made those countries prescribe such a rule and how it is implemented may be studied and adopted in our country also,” he said.


Can incentives attract voters?

Some incentive is bound to attract at least a percentage of people to stop being apathetic and cynical and proceed to vote.

“A system may be prescribed: those who vote may be given a certificate by the EC for claiming say one or two per cent reduction in their electricity bills or water bills or property tax for a certain period after an election. If the percentage of voting can be increased by spending a few crores, then it will be well worth trying,” said Mr. Mysoormath.

EC has failed to check flow of money

Election Commission has failed to check distribution of money and other articles among voters.  Mine lords, members of land mafia and anti-social elements were controlling the elections, which a dangerous development in democracy.

 Major political parties had no moral right to go before the electorate as they had forgotten the basic principles of politics.

four polling booths in Bellary alleged rigging during the second phase of Karnataka assembly elections.

Tribal organisations, demand, disqualification, of candidates

Adivasi Swayattategagi Rastriya Rangha (ASRR)

and Nagarahole Tribal Rights Samithi have urged the Election

Commission to disqualify three candidates contesting from H D Kote

(Reserve) Assembly Constituency for allegedly producing false caste


According to a press note issued by Samithi Convenor P K Ramu,

the candidates Mr Chikkanna (Congress), Mr Chikkaveera Nayaka (BJP)

and (Mr Doddanayaka (JD-S) had contested the Assembly elections from

this reserved constituency for tribals and urged the Commission to

disqualify and file criminal cases against them.

Earlier, based on a complaint filed by the public, Deputy

Commissioner and District Election Officer P Manivannan had

suspended H D Kote Tahasildar T Vijya and ordered a departmental

inquiry against her for issuing S T certificate to BJP candidate

Chikkaveera Naika.

They alleged that all three candidates had tampered with the

school documents and produced the false caste certificates during

the time of the election process and contested from H D Kote.

The Assistant Commissioner of Hunsur Sub Division M R Ravi had

submitted a report to the district election officer alleging

tampering with the records by the three candidates to claim the

Scheduled Tribe status to contest the election.

In his report, Mr Ravi stated the Tahsildar of H D Kote had

issued controversial caste certificates without verifying the

original documents and failed to follow the procedures before

issuing them.

Meanwhile, Deputy Commissioner and District Election Officer

P Manivannan said the report had been sent to the Election

Commission for further action.

In Reserved Constituencies, the Major Opposition Parties have encouraged False Caste Certificate holders as candidates.May be to keep them under their control for not asking for any provisions of reservation.


 In CV Raman Nagar Constitutncy similar action was not taken when objection was raised  during scrutiny, they were not rejected but accepted since the Tahsildars had issued them certificates and EC said that they were helpless and only the Courts can help them.


Some political parties were involved in the bomb blast at Hubli court to gain political mileage during the election.


Polling in sensitive booths of Bellary City and Rural was slow, but peaceful on the whole except for an incident in Srirampur Colony (SC (Original Inhabitants of Jambudvipa that is the Great Prabuddha Bharath) Colony), where a voter, Shivaji an asthma patient was not permitted to vote as he had produced only the xerox copy of his ID card which was not accepted by the polling officer.

An altercation ensued and the Border Security Force (BSF), who could not understand Kannada manhandled the voter and pushed him out. A group of people gathered and the situation was tense for a while. However, special observer Raymond Peter arrived on the spot. The voter and the local people mobbed his car and represented the case. The situation was brought under control.


Such a huge number of contestants has made the officials organize for two electronic voting machines in each polling booth. Each EVM can display a maximum of 16 names. Both machines will be connected to a single controlling unit, according to B P Adnoor, Commissioner, Bellary City Corporation.

Will voters be confused as they will have to look for their choice of candidates in two EVMs?

“No. Each candidate has been allotted with a number and a symbol. Voters will have to know that number. But in case of national parties, voters go by the symbol. In 2004, two EVMs were used in each booth as elections to the Assembly and Lok Sabha were held simultaneously. A voter will have to spend a second or two just to read the symbols as there would be two EVMs,” he said.

A tour around Bellary city showed that none of the independents are campaigning. Even major political party leaders admit that no independent is serious about the elections. Then why do they pay Rs 5,000 as deposit and enter the fray? A senior Congress leader said, “Majority of the independent candidates are dummy. They contest and approach us (major parties) for money to withdraw their nominations. This time none withdrew their papers. Each candidate is allowed to use only four vehicles for campaigning. This EC restriction has come as a major hurdle for us to campaign. So, we have kept the vehicles of independent candidates at our disposal. Of course, we have their money. This is done in by all major parties. Many of the independents are fielded by national parties”.

Another challenge being faced by the officials is to weed out the bogus student ID cards. The EC has listed 20 types of identity cards which can be used for casting vote. A voter has to produce any one of these to exercise his franchise. Students are allowed to produce their college ID card.

In the first phase of polling, students were found producing fake ID cards. So, the EC has sent mails to all the DCs to check the veracity of students’ ID card. “We have held a meeting with the principals of all colleges in Bellary and have directed them to ensure that their colleges are not found issuing bogus cards. If fake cards are found, then principals of such colleges will face criminal action,” said Aravind Srivastv,  Deputy Commissioner, Bellary.  


 Giving protection to polling booths in Bellary city is also a major challenge to officials. Each booth will be monitored by para military personnel because each one of the total 211 polling booths in the city is branded as hypersensitive, said Srivastav.

As many as 7,244 government staff has been drawn for election duty on March 16. Of this, 1,811 are presiding officers.

In fact, no staff is allowed to work in their home town or village. They have been allotted postings on a random basis. Till May 15 morning, they would not know where they will be posted. All these measures are taken to see that fare and free elections are held in the district, added Mr Srivastav.


Rs 10 crore worth liquor, gifts seized


As many as 1,418 criminal cases have been booked under provisions of IPC and Peoples Representation Act, while 1,705 cases have been registered under the Excise Act and Rs 3.5 crore worth IMF liquor and spirit has been seized since April 1….


Around 120 cases of inducement to voters by giving various gifts have been booked while property worth Rs 7 crore worth property have been seized, Additional Director General of Police (Law and Order) Shankar Bidari said here on Wednesday.
Speaking to reporters he said 16,616 persons have been arrested since April 1 and bonds have been obtained from them for good behaviour.

He said as many as 56,000 police personnel will be deployed in the second phase of elections to be held for 66 constituencies on May 16. This includes 21,000 civil police, 10,000 Home Guards, 22,000 para military forces and 3,000 KSRP personnel.

a total of 214 Central Para Military Force (CPMF) companies have been allotted to 66 Assembly constituencies in 10 districts, that include 21 for Raichur, Koppal (15) Uttara Kannada (18), Bellary (31), Chitradurga (18),  Davanagere (24), Shimoga (22), Udupi (18), Chikmagalur (20) and Dakshina Kannada (27).

One mobile squad will be provided for every 20 polling stations. Each mobile squad comprises one police sub-inspector, one head constable, three constables and one Home Guard.

In all, there will be 650 mobile squads for all constituencies, Bidari said.

The CPMF pickets with one head constable, four constables/two head constables and 10 PCs will be posted in sensitive areas. Each constituency will have a striking force consisting one platoon of KSRP, he informed.

Polling booths

Bidari said out of the 12,271 polling stations in phase two, 3,754 have been classified as hypersensitive and 4,282 have been considered as sensitive. For every hypersensitive and sensitive booth, two uniformed police personnel and for every normal booth, one police personnel will be deployed.

families, in implementing housing programme and maintaining law and order.

BJP failure

BJP like the Congress and JDS also had to bear the burden of anti-incumbency as it had failed to issue ration cards to BPL

Peter takes charge

Senior IAS officer Raymond Peter, who was appointed as a special observer to oversee polling process in Bellary district, where mine owners have locked horns in the second phase, took charge on Wednesday.


He held a meeting with returning officers, top police officials and commandant of central security to review the poll preparations and arrangements.

In the December 2006 byelection to the Chamundeshwari Assembly constituency, Peter was the election observer and was known for dealing any violation of poll code of conduct with an iron hand.

The appointment of Peter in Bellary takes significance following allegations that voters are being lured with cash by mine owners. All the 211 polling stations in Bellary City has been declared as hypersensitive

In several areas, voters protested deletion of their names

Technical snags delaying and disrupting poll process for brief spells has been reported from several places.

Repolling in two polling stations


Electoral authorities on Sunday ordered repolling in two polling stations where elections were held during the first phase of Karnataka assembly polls


Repolling has been ordered at a polling station in Malleshwaram and another in Ramanagara following malfunctioning of EVMs there, Chief Electoral officer M N Vidyashankar told reporters.


BSP made whirlwind tours of the areas going to the polls seeking votes for stable governance, development and all-round welfare of the people.


For votes: . BSP supremo Mayawati and party leaders waving to the crowd in Gulbarga


Congress, BJP targeted

Ms. Mayawati accused the Congress and BJP of not protecting the quota rights of the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes.

She said that thousands of posts reserved for SC/STs had not been filled and the number of backlog vacancies in the country was alarmingly high.

Addressing a public meeting in Gulbarga, Ms. Mayawati alleged that all governments at the Centre after Independence had been anti-reservation and anti-poor.

The economic policies pursued by Congress and BJP governments were blatantly anti-poor and pro-rich.

She said it was only in Uttar Pradesh, after the BSP came to power, that all backlog vacancies had been filled.

“All that is required is the will and commitment for the welfare of Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes and the oppressed sections, which was lacking in all other political parties,” she said.

She said the BSP was a cadre-based party and it was the funds provided by workers that kept the party going and not the money provided by industrialists and “that’s why we are independent and take pro-people decisions.”

Singling out Congress for attack, Ms. Mayawati questioned the contribution of that party and its governments for the welfare of the Muslims, who traditionally supported it.

“The economic condition of the Muslims is poor,” she said

She asked the Muslims to identify the parties that really worked for their welfare and support them.

The BSP leader said she favoured extension of reservation benefits to Original Inhabitants of Jambudvipa that is the Great Prabuddha Bharath Christians and Original Inhabitants of Jambudvipa that is the Great Prabuddha Bharath Muslims and added that she had already written to the Union Government in this regard. However, this reservation should be extended only after increasing the percentage of reservation for the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes.

Ms. Mayawati called upon the people of the State to defeat the BJP, Congress and regional parties and support the BSP which aimed at the welfare of all sections of society, including upper castes.

Party general secretaries Satish Chandra Mishra and P.G.R. Sindhia spoke. The former Minister D.T. Jayakumar and other leaders were present.

Manual scavenging still rampant in North East Delhi, says report

Parul Sharma

Finance and Development Corporation had sponsored the study to identify scavengers in the city

As per the report scavenging is a women dominated profession

‘The scavengers have high aspirations for their children and want them to study’

NEW DELHI: While 15 years have lapsed since the demeaning and humiliating practice of manual scavenging was banned through the enactment of the Employment of Manual Scavengers and Construction of Dry Latrines (Prohibition) Act, 1993, manual scavenging is still rampant in North East Delhi, where a majority of Delhi’s 1,282 scavengers work, a study by a Delhi University lecturer has revealed.

According to the study conducted by Pamela Singla, a lecturer at the Department of Social Work at Delhi University, the main pockets of residence and workplace of people engaged in removal of night soil are in areas like Karawal Nagar, Old Seelampur, Shahdara, Gandhi Nagar, Nand Nagri and Babarpur. “Scavenging is done mainly by two ways, either by cleaning of drains or emptying the containers containing night soil,” said Dr. Singla, sharing the findings of the study that she conducted for the Delhi SC/ST/OBC/Minorities/Handicapped Finance and Development Corporation.

The Corporation had sponsored the study to identify scavengers in the city. Acting on the report, the Delhi State Cabinet had recently decided to initiate steps for the rehabilitation of manual scavengers.

As per the report, “Scavengers and Scavenging in Delhi”, submitted to the Corporation in July last year, scavenging is a women dominated profession.

“About 80 per cent of scavengers are women and majority of them are married. Over 71 per cent are below 40 years of age. Out of 1,282 scavengers, 1,085 reside and work in Delhi, while the remaining work in the Capital but live in Loni. Besides scavenging, they also collect garbage and clean septic tanks. They are engaged in scavenging purely owing to financial reasons as they have to fend for their families,” shared Dr. Singla.

A majority of them are not satisfied with their jobs since the work is “extremely filthy”. About 12 per cent of scavengers said they could not quit the profession as there was no alternative means of employment available to them because of their illiteracy.

“They are not sure what they want to do. During informal interactions with some of the women, I could gauge that they were not ready to undergo training for any other job. They showed willingness to do government jobs. Some women even said they would not mind scavenging if it would be counted under government jobs and would give them a regular, fixed income at the end of the month coupled with weekly holidays,” she said.

According to the report, the scavengers had high aspirations for their children and wanted them to study and get into some “dignified profession”.

Interestingly, Dr. Singla had conducted the same study way back in 1992 and was glad to note that the number of human scavengers in the Capital had come down from 8,000 back then to 1,282 this time round.

“Things have improved in some ways. In 1992, there were many scavengers who carried it (night soil) head load. In 2007, such persons were almost negligible with most carrying it in a cart,” she noted.

Dr. Singla said the profession can be completely abolished only when the authorities convert “dry” latrines to “wet” latrines with simultaneous programmes for their rehabilitation.

“As long as there is a demand for their services, scavengers will continue to exist,” she concluded, adding that the Corporation is sharing the report with some ministries.


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122 Buddha’s Most Powerful Positive Own Words 𝓛𝓔𝓢𝓢𝓞𝓝 4430 Wed 11 May 2022 The Dhammapada: Verses and Stories in all 119 Classical languages of the world
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122 Buddha’s Most Powerful Positive Own Words
𝓛𝓔𝓢𝓢𝓞𝓝   4430  Wed 11  May  2022
The Dhammapada: Verses and Stories in all 119 Classical languages of the world

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121 BUDDHA’S MOST POWERFUL POSITIVE OWN WORDS𝓛𝓔𝓢𝓢𝓞𝓝 4429 Tue 10 May 2022 The Dhammapada: Verses and Stories in all languages of the world
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The Dhammapada: Verses and Stories in all languages of the world

The Dhammapada: Verses and Stories
Courtesy of ( For free distribution only, as a gift of dhamma.


   Dhammapada is one of the best known books of the Pitaka. It is a
collection of the teachings of the Buddha expressed in clear, pithy
verses. These verses were culled from various discourses given by the
Buddha in the course of forty-five years of his teaching, as he
travelled in the valley of the Ganges (Ganga) and the sub-mountain tract
of the Himalayas. These verses are often terse, witty and convincing.
Whenever similes are used, they are those that are easily understood
even by a child, e.g., the cart’s wheel, a man’s shadow, a deep pool,
flowers. Through these verses, the Buddha exhorts one to achieve that
greatest of all conquests, the conquest of self; to escape from the
evils of passion, hatred and ignorance; and to strive hard to attain
freedom from craving and freedom from the round of rebirths. Each verse
contains a truth (dhamma), an exhortation, a piece of advice.

Dhammapada Verses

   Dhammapada verses are often quoted by many in many countries of the
world and the book has been translated into many languages. One of the
earliest translations into English was made by Max Muller in 1870. Other
translations that followed are those by F.L. Woodward in 1921, by
Wagismara and Saunders in 1920, and by A.L. Edmunds (Hymns of the Faith)
in 1902. Of the recent translations, that by Narada Mahathera is the
most widely known. Dr. Walpola Rahula also has translated some selected
verses from the Dhammapada and has given them at the end of his book
“What the Buddha Taught,” revised edition. The Chinese translated the
Dhammapada from Sanskrit. The Chinese version of the Dhammapada was
translated into English by Samuel Beal (Texts from the Buddhist Canon
known as Dhammapada) in 1878.

   In Burma, translations have been made into Burmese, mostly in prose,
some with paraphrases, explanations and abridgements of stories
relating to the verses. In recent years, some books on Dhammapada with
both Burmese and English translations, together with Pali verses, have
also been published.

   The Dhammapada is the second book of the Khuddaka Nikaya of the
Suttanta Pitaka, consisting of four hundred and twenty-three verses in
twenty-six chapters arranged under various heads. In the Dhammapada are
enshrined the basic tenets of the Buddha’s Teaching.

   Verse (21) which begins with “Appamado amatapadam” meaning
“Mindfulness is the way to Nibbana, the Deathless,” is a very important
and significant verse. Mindfulness is the most important element in
Tranquillity and Insight Meditation. The last exhortation of the Buddha
just before he passed away was also to be mindful and to endeavour
diligently (to complete the task of attaining freedom from the round of
rebirths through Magga and Phala). It is generally accepted that it was
on account of this verse on mindfulness that the Emperor Asoka of India
and King Anawrahta of Burma became converts to Buddhism. Both kings had
helped greatly in the propagation of Buddhism in their respective

   In verse (29) the Buddha has coupled his call for mindfulness with a
sense of urgency. The verse runs: “Mindful amongst the negligent,
highly vigilant amongst the drowsy, the wise man advances like a race
horse, leaving the jade behind.”

   Verses (1) and (2) illustrate the immutable law of Kamma, under
which every deed, good or bad, comes back to the doer. Here, the Buddha
emphasizes the importance of mind in all our actions and speaks of the
inevitable consequences of our deeds, words and thoughts.

   Verses (153) and (154) are expressions of sublime and intense joy
uttered by the Buddha at the very moment of his Enlightenment. These two
verses give us a graphic account of the culmination of the Buddha’s
search for Truth.

tell us about the Buddha finding the ‘house-builder,’ Craving, the
cause of repeated births in Samsara. Having rid of Craving, for him no
more houses (khandhas) shall be built by Craving, and there will be no
more rebirths.

   Verses (277), (278) and (279) are also important as they tell us
about the impermanent, unsatisfactory and the non-self nature of all
conditioned things; it is very important that one should perceive the
true nature of all conditioned things and become weary of the khandhas,
for this is the Path to Purity.

   Then the Buddha shows us the Path leading to the liberation from
round of rebirths, i.e., the Path with eight constituents (Atthangiko
Maggo) in Verse (273). Further, the Buddha exhorts us to make our own
effort in Verse (276) saying, “You yourselves should make the effort,
the Tathagatas only show the way.” Verse (183) gives us the teaching of
the Buddhas. It says, “Do no evil, cultivate merit, purify one’s mind;
this is the teaching of the Buddhas.”

   In Verse (24) the Buddha shows us the way to success in life, thus:
“If a person is energetic, mindful, pure in thought, word and deed, if
he does everything with care and consideration, restrains his senses;
earns his living according to the Dhamma and is not unheedful, then, the
fame and fortune of that mindful person increase.”

   These are some of the examples of the gems to be found in the
Dhammapada. Dhammapada is, indeed, a philosopher, guide and friend to

   This translation of verses is from Pali into English. The Pali text
used is the Dhammapada Pali approved by the Sixth International Buddhist
Synod. We have tried to make the translation as close to the text as
possible, but sometimes it is very difficult, if not impossible, to find
an English word that would exactly correspond to a Pali word. For
example, we cannot yet find a single English word that can convey the
real meaning of the word “dukkha” used in the exposition of the Four
Noble Truths. In this translation, wherever the term “dukkha” carries
the same meaning as it does in the Four Noble Truths, it is left
untranslated; but only explained.

   When there is any doubt in the interpretation of the dhamma concept
of the verses or when the literal meaning is vague or unintelligible, we
have referred to the Commentary (in Pali) and the Burmese translation
of the Commentary by the Nyaunglebin Sayadaw, a very learned thera. On
many occasions we have also consulted the teachers of the Dhamma
(Dhammacariyas) for elucidation of perplexing words and sentences.

   In addition we have also consulted Burmese translations of the
Dhammapada, especially the translation by the Union Buddha Sasana
Council, the translation by the Sangaja Sayadaw (1805-1876), a leading
Maha thera in the time of King Mindon and King Thibaw, and also the
translation by Sayadaw U Thittila, an Ovadacariya Maha thera of the
Burma Pitaka Association. The book by the Sangaja Sayadaw also includes
paraphrases and abridgements of the Dhammapada stories.

Dhammapada Stories

   Summaries of the Dhammapada stories are given in the second part of
the book as it is generally believed that the Dhammapada Commentary
written by Buddhaghosa (5th century A.D.) is a great help towards a
better understanding of the Dhammapada. Three hundred and five stories
are included in the Commentary. Most of the incidents mentioned in the
stories took place during the life-time of the Buddha. In some stories,
some facts about some past existences were also retold.

   In writing summaries of stories we have not tried to translate the
Commentary. We have simply culled the facts of the stories and have
rewritten them briefly: A translation of the verses is given at the end
of each story.

   It only remains for me now to express my deep and sincere gratitude
to the members of the Editorial Committee, Burma Pitaka Association, for
having meticulously gone through the script; to Sayagyi Dhammacariya U
Aung Moe and to U Thein Maung, editor, Burma Pitaka Association, for
helping in the translation of the verses.

धम्मपद: छंद और कहानियाँ
के सौजन्य से केवल मुफ्त वितरण के लिए, धम्म के उपहार के रूप में।
धम्मपदा पिटक की सबसे अच्छी ज्ञात पुस्तकों में से एक है। यह स्पष्ट,
पिथी छंदों में व्यक्त बुद्ध की शिक्षाओं का एक संग्रह है। इन छंदों को
बुद्ध द्वारा अपने शिक्षण के पैंतालीस वर्षों के दौरान दिए गए विभिन्न
प्रवचनों से हटा दिया गया था, क्योंकि उन्होंने गंगा की घाटी (गंगा) और
हिमालय के उप-माउंटेन पथ में यात्रा की थी। ये छंद अक्सर टेरस, मजाकिया और
आश्वस्त होते हैं। जब भी उपमाओं का उपयोग किया जाता है, तो वे वे होते हैं
जो आसानी से एक बच्चे, जैसे, कार्ट का पहिया, एक आदमी की छाया, एक गहरा
पूल, फूलों द्वारा भी समझ में आ जाते हैं। इन छंदों के माध्यम से, बुद्ध ने
सभी विजय, स्वयं की विजय को प्राप्त करने के लिए एक को छोड़ दिया; जुनून,
घृणा और अज्ञान की बुराइयों से बचने के लिए; और पुनर्जन्म के दौर से तरसने
और स्वतंत्रता से स्वतंत्रता प्राप्त करने के लिए कड़ी मेहनत करने के लिए।
प्रत्येक कविता में एक सत्य (धम्म), एक उपदेश, सलाह का एक टुकड़ा होता है।
धम्मपदा छंद
धम्मपद छंदों को अक्सर दुनिया के कई देशों में कई देशों में उद्धृत
किया जाता है और पुस्तक का कई भाषाओं में अनुवाद किया गया है। अंग्रेजी में
शुरुआती अनुवादों में से एक मैक्स मुलर द्वारा 1870 में बनाया गया था।
इसके बाद के अन्य अनुवाद एफ.एल. 1921 में वुडवर्ड, 1920 में वागिस्मारा और
सॉन्डर्स द्वारा, और 1902 में ए.एल. एडमंड्स (विश्वास के भजन) द्वारा। डॉ।
वालपोला राहुला ने धम्मपदा के कुछ चयनित छंदों का भी अनुवाद किया है और
उन्हें अपनी पुस्तक “व्हाट द बुद्धा सिखाया,” संशोधित संस्करण के अंत में
दिया है। चीनी ने संस्कृत से धम्मपद का अनुवाद किया। धम्मपद के चीनी
संस्करण का अंग्रेजी में सैमुअल बील (बौद्ध कैनन के ग्रंथों को धम्मपदा के
रूप में जाना जाता है) द्वारा 1878 में अंग्रेजी में अनुवाद किया गया था।
बर्मा में, अनुवाद बर्मी में किए गए हैं, ज्यादातर गद्य में, कुछ
छंदों से संबंधित कहानियों के विरोधाभास, स्पष्टीकरण और अपमान के साथ। हाल
के वर्षों में, बर्मी और अंग्रेजी दोनों अनुवादों के साथ धम्मपदा पर कुछ
किताबें, पाली वर्सेज के साथ मिलकर भी प्रकाशित हुई हैं।
धम्मपदा सुत्तंत पितक के खुदाका निकया की दूसरी पुस्तक है, जिसमें
छब्बीस अध्यायों में चार सौ तेईस छंद शामिल हैं, जो विभिन्न प्रमुखों के
तहत व्यवस्थित हैं। धम्मपद में बुद्ध के शिक्षण के मूल सिद्धांतों को निहित
किया जाता है।
कविता (21) जो “अप्पामादो अमातापादम” के साथ शुरू होती है, जिसका अर्थ
है “माइंडफुलनेस निबाना, द डेथलेस” का तरीका है, एक बहुत ही महत्वपूर्ण और
महत्वपूर्ण कविता है। माइंडफुलनेस शांति और अंतर्दृष्टि ध्यान में सबसे
महत्वपूर्ण तत्व है। बुद्ध का अंतिम उद्घोषणा होने से पहले ही उनका निधन हो
गया था, यह भी मनमोहक था और परिश्रम से (मैग और फाला के माध्यम से
पुनर्जन्म के दौर से स्वतंत्रता प्राप्त करने के कार्य को पूरा करने के
लिए)। आम तौर पर यह स्वीकार किया जाता है कि यह इस कविता के कारण मनमोहक था
कि भारत के सम्राट अशोक और बर्मा के राजा अनवरहता बौद्ध धर्म में
धर्मान्तरित हो गए। दोनों राजाओं ने अपने -अपने देशों में बौद्ध धर्म के
प्रसार में बहुत मदद की थी।
श्लोक (29) में बुद्ध ने तात्कालिकता की भावना के साथ माइंडफुलनेस के
लिए अपनी कॉल को युग्मित किया है। श्लोक चलता है: “लापरवाही के बीच का मन,
बहुत सतर्कता के बीच, बुद्धिमान व्यक्ति एक दौड़ के घोड़े की तरह आगे बढ़ता
है, जेड को पीछे छोड़ देता है।”
छंद (1) और (2) कममा के अपरिवर्तनीय कानून का वर्णन करते हैं, जिसके
तहत हर काम, अच्छा या बुरा, कर्ता में वापस आता है। यहां, बुद्ध हमारे सभी
कार्यों में मन के महत्व पर जोर देते हैं और हमारे कर्मों, शब्दों और
विचारों के अपरिहार्य परिणामों की बात करते हैं।
छंद (153) और (154) बुद्ध द्वारा अपने आत्मज्ञान के क्षण में बुद्ध
द्वारा उच्चतर और तीव्र आनंद के भाव हैं। ये दोनों छंद हमें बुद्ध की
सच्चाई के लिए खोज की परिणति का एक ग्राफिक खाता देते हैं।
हमें बुद्ध के बारे में बताते हैं कि ‘हाउस-बिल्डर,’ लालसा, संस्कार में
बार-बार जन्म का कारण है। तरसने से छुटकारा पाने के बाद, उसके लिए कोई और
घर नहीं (खान) को तरसकर नहीं बनाया जाएगा, और कोई और पुनर्जन्म नहीं होगा।
छंद (277), (278) और (279) भी महत्वपूर्ण हैं क्योंकि वे हमें सभी
वातानुकूलित चीजों की असंतोष, असंतोषजनक और गैर-स्व प्रकृति के बारे में
बताते हैं; यह बहुत महत्वपूर्ण है कि किसी को सभी वातानुकूलित चीजों की
वास्तविक प्रकृति को समझना चाहिए और खानधों से थका हुआ होना चाहिए, क्योंकि
यह पवित्रता का मार्ग है।
तब बुद्ध हमें पुनर्जन्म के दौर से मुक्ति के लिए अग्रणी मार्ग दिखाते
हैं, अर्थात्, कविता (273) में आठ घटकों (एटथांगिको मैग्गो) के साथ पथ।
इसके अलावा, बुद्ध ने हमें कविता (276) में अपना प्रयास करने के लिए कहा,
“आप अपने आप को प्रयास करना चाहिए, तथागात्स केवल रास्ता दिखाते हैं।”
श्लोक (183) हमें बुद्धों का शिक्षण देता है। यह कहता है, “कोई बुराई मत
करो, योग्यता की खेती करो, किसी के दिमाग को शुद्ध करो; यह बुद्धों का
शिक्षण है।”
(24) में बुद्ध हमें जीवन में सफलता का रास्ता दिखाते हैं, इस प्रकार:
“यदि कोई व्यक्ति ऊर्जावान, दिमागदार, विचार, शब्द और विलेख में शुद्ध है,
अगर वह सब कुछ देखभाल और विचार के साथ करता है, तो अपनी इंद्रियों को रोकता
है; धम्म के अनुसार रहना और अनसुना नहीं है, फिर, उस दिमागदार व्यक्ति की
प्रसिद्धि और भाग्य बढ़ता है। “
ये धम्मपद में पाए जाने वाले रत्नों के कुछ उदाहरण हैं। धम्मपदा, वास्तव में, एक दार्शनिक, मार्गदर्शक और सभी के लिए मित्र है।
छंदों का यह अनुवाद पाली से अंग्रेजी में है। पाली पाठ का उपयोग छठे
अंतर्राष्ट्रीय बौद्ध धर्मसभा द्वारा अनुमोदित धम्मपद पाली है। हमने अनुवाद
को यथासंभव पाठ के करीब बनाने की कोशिश की है, लेकिन कभी -कभी यह बहुत
मुश्किल होता है, यदि असंभव नहीं है, तो एक अंग्रेजी शब्द खोजने के लिए जो
बिल्कुल एक पाली शब्द के अनुरूप होगा। उदाहरण के लिए, हम अभी तक एक एकल
अंग्रेजी शब्द नहीं पा सकते हैं जो चार महान सत्य के विस्तार में उपयोग किए
जाने वाले “दुकखा” शब्द के वास्तविक अर्थ को व्यक्त कर सकता है। इस अनुवाद
में, जहां भी “दुकाख” शब्द उसी अर्थ को वहन करता है जैसा कि चार महान सत्य
में होता है, यह अनियंत्रित छोड़ दिया जाता है; लेकिन केवल समझाया गया।
जब छंदों की धम्म की अवधारणा की व्याख्या में कोई संदेह होता है या जब
शाब्दिक अर्थ अस्पष्ट या अनपेक्षित होता है, थेरा। कई अवसरों पर हमने धम्म
(धम्मकरीस) के शिक्षकों से भी सलाह दी है, जो शब्दों और वाक्यों के बारे
में बताते हैं।
इसके अलावा, हमने धम्मपद के बर्मी अनुवादों से भी परामर्श किया है,
विशेष रूप से संघ बुद्ध सासन काउंसिल द्वारा अनुवाद, संगजा सयादव
(1805-1876) द्वारा अनुवाद, किंग मिंडन और किंग थिबाव के समय में एक प्रमुख
महा तेरा, और भी, और भी बर्मा पिटाका एसोसिएशन के एक ओवादकारिया महा थेरा
सायदव यू थिटिला द्वारा अनुवाद। संगजा सयादव की पुस्तक में धम्मपद की
कहानियों के विरोधाभास और अपमान भी शामिल हैं।
धम्मपद की कहानियां
धम्मपद की कहानियों के सारांश पुस्तक के दूसरे भाग में दिए गए हैं
क्योंकि यह आमतौर पर माना जाता है कि बुद्धघोसा (5 वीं शताब्दी ए। डी।)
द्वारा लिखी गई धम्मपद टिप्पणी धम्मपदा की बेहतर समझ के लिए एक बड़ी मदद
है। कमेंट्री में तीन सौ पाँच कहानियां शामिल हैं। कहानियों में उल्लिखित
अधिकांश घटनाएं बुद्ध के जीवन-समय के दौरान हुईं। कुछ कहानियों में, कुछ
अतीत के अस्तित्व के बारे में कुछ तथ्य भी रिटॉल्ड थे।
कहानियों के सारांश लिखने में हमने टिप्पणी का अनुवाद करने की कोशिश
नहीं की है। हमने बस कहानियों के तथ्यों को कम कर दिया है और उन्हें
संक्षेप में फिर से लिखा गया है: प्रत्येक कहानी के अंत में छंदों का
अनुवाद दिया गया है।
यह केवल अब मेरे लिए बना हुआ है कि संपादकीय समिति के सदस्यों, बर्मा
पितका एसोसिएशन के सदस्यों के प्रति मेरी गहरी और ईमानदारी से आभार व्यक्त
करें, जो कि स्क्रिप्ट के माध्यम से सावधानीपूर्वक जाने के लिए है; छंदों
के अनुवाद में मदद करने के लिए सयागी धम्मकारिया यू आंग मो और यू थिन
माउंग, संपादक, बर्मा पितका एसोसिएशन को।
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ಧಮ್ಮಪದ ಯಮಕ ವಗ್ಗ ಅವಳಿ ಶ್ಲೋಕಗಳು ಬುದ್ಧರ ಧಮ್ಮಪದ ಕನ್ನಡದಲ್ಲಿ Dhammapada in Kannada
ಧಮ್ಮಪದ: ಪದ್ಯಗಳು ಮತ್ತು ಕಥೆಗಳು
ಉಚಿತ ವಿತರಣೆಗಾಗಿ ಮಾತ್ರ, ಧಮ್ಮದ ಉಡುಗೊರೆಯಾಗಿ.
ಧಮ್ಮಪದ ಪಿಟಾಕಾದ ಅತ್ಯಂತ ಪ್ರಸಿದ್ಧ ಪುಸ್ತಕಗಳಲ್ಲಿ ಒಂದಾಗಿದೆ. ಇದು ಸ್ಪಷ್ಟ,
ಸಣ್ಣ ಪದ್ಯಗಳಲ್ಲಿ ವ್ಯಕ್ತಪಡಿಸಿದ ಬುದ್ಧನ ಬೋಧನೆಗಳ ಸಂಗ್ರಹವಾಗಿದೆ. ಈ ವಚನಗಳನ್ನು
ಬುದ್ಧನು ತನ್ನ ಬೋಧನೆಯ ನಲವತ್ತೈದು ವರ್ಷಗಳ ಅವಧಿಯಲ್ಲಿ ನೀಡಿದ ವಿವಿಧ ಪ್ರವಚನಗಳಿಂದ
ತೆಗೆದಿದ್ದಾನೆ, ಏಕೆಂದರೆ ಅವನು ಗಂಗಾ ಕಣಿವೆಯಲ್ಲಿ (ಗಂಗಾ) ಪ್ರಯಾಣಿಸುತ್ತಿದ್ದನು
ಮತ್ತು ಹಿಮಾಲಯದ ಉಪ-ಪರ್ವತ ಪ್ರದೇಶದಲ್ಲಿ ಪ್ರಯಾಣಿಸಿದನು. ಈ ಪದ್ಯಗಳು ಸಾಮಾನ್ಯವಾಗಿ
ಕಠಿಣ, ಹಾಸ್ಯಮಯ ಮತ್ತು ಮನವರಿಕೆಯಾಗುತ್ತವೆ. ಸಿಮೈಲ್‌ಗಳನ್ನು ಬಳಸಿದಾಗಲೆಲ್ಲಾ,
ಅವುಗಳು ಮಗುವಿನಿಂದಲೂ ಸುಲಭವಾಗಿ ಅರ್ಥವಾಗುತ್ತವೆ, ಉದಾ., ಕಾರ್ಟ್‌ನ ಚಕ್ರ, ಮನುಷ್ಯನ
ನೆರಳು, ಆಳವಾದ ಕೊಳ, ಹೂವುಗಳು. ಈ ವಚನಗಳ ಮೂಲಕ, ಬುದ್ಧನು ಎಲ್ಲ ವಿಜಯಗಳಲ್ಲಿ ಆ
ಶ್ರೇಷ್ಠತೆಯನ್ನು ಸಾಧಿಸಲು ಒಬ್ಬನನ್ನು ಪ್ರಚೋದಿಸುತ್ತಾನೆ, ಸ್ವಯಂ ವಿಜಯ; ಉತ್ಸಾಹ,
ದ್ವೇಷ ಮತ್ತು ಅಜ್ಞಾನದ ದುಷ್ಕೃತ್ಯಗಳಿಂದ ತಪ್ಪಿಸಿಕೊಳ್ಳಲು; ಮತ್ತು ಪುನರ್ಜನ್ಮಗಳ
ಸುತ್ತಿನಿಂದ ಹಂಬಲ ಮತ್ತು ಸ್ವಾತಂತ್ರ್ಯದಿಂದ ಸ್ವಾತಂತ್ರ್ಯವನ್ನು ಪಡೆಯಲು
ಶ್ರಮಿಸುವುದು. ಪ್ರತಿಯೊಂದು ಪದ್ಯವು ಸತ್ಯವನ್ನು (ಧಮ್ಮ), ಒಂದು ಉಪದೇಶ, ಸಲಹೆಯನ್ನು
ಧಮ್ಮಪಡ ಪದ್ಯಗಳು
ಧಮ್ಮಪದ ಪದ್ಯಗಳನ್ನು ಹೆಚ್ಚಾಗಿ ವಿಶ್ವದ ಅನೇಕ ದೇಶಗಳಲ್ಲಿ ಉಲ್ಲೇಖಿಸಲಾಗುತ್ತದೆ
ಮತ್ತು ಪುಸ್ತಕವನ್ನು ಅನೇಕ ಭಾಷೆಗಳಿಗೆ ಅನುವಾದಿಸಲಾಗಿದೆ. ಇಂಗ್ಲಿಷ್ಗೆ ಮುಂಚಿನ
ಅನುವಾದಗಳಲ್ಲಿ ಒಂದನ್ನು 1870 ರಲ್ಲಿ ಮ್ಯಾಕ್ಸ್ ಮುಲ್ಲರ್ ಮಾಡಿದ್ದಾರೆ. ನಂತರದ ಇತರ
ಅನುವಾದಗಳು ಎಫ್.ಎಲ್. ವುಡ್‌ವರ್ಡ್ 1921 ರಲ್ಲಿ, 1920 ರಲ್ಲಿ ವ್ಯಾಗಿಸ್ಮರಾ ಮತ್ತು
ಸೌಂಡರ್ಸ್ ಮತ್ತು 1902 ರಲ್ಲಿ ಎ.ಎಲ್. ಡಾ. ವಾಲ್ಪೋಲಾ ರಾಹುಲಾ ಅವರು ಧಮ್ಮಪದದಿಂದ
ಕೆಲವು ಆಯ್ದ ಪದ್ಯಗಳನ್ನು ಅನುವಾದಿಸಿದ್ದಾರೆ ಮತ್ತು ಅವರ “ವಾಟ್ ದಿ ಬುದ್ಧನ ಕಲಿಸಿದ”
ಪುಸ್ತಕದ ಕೊನೆಯಲ್ಲಿ ಪರಿಷ್ಕೃತ ಆವೃತ್ತಿ ನೀಡಿದ್ದಾರೆ. ಚೀನಿಯರು ಸಂಸ್ಕೃತದಿಂದ
ಧಮ್ಮಪದವನ್ನು ಅನುವಾದಿಸಿದ್ದಾರೆ. ಧಮ್ಮಪಡಾದ ಚೀನೀ ಆವೃತ್ತಿಯನ್ನು 1878 ರಲ್ಲಿ
ಸ್ಯಾಮ್ಯುಯೆಲ್ ಬೀಲ್ (ಧಮ್ಮಪಡ ಎಂದು ಕರೆಯಲ್ಪಡುವ ಬೌದ್ಧ ಕ್ಯಾನನ್ ಪಠ್ಯಗಳು)
ಇಂಗ್ಲಿಷ್ಗೆ ಅನುವಾದಿಸಿದರು.
ಬರ್ಮಾದಲ್ಲಿ, ಅನುವಾದಗಳನ್ನು ಬರ್ಮೀಸ್ ಆಗಿ ಮಾಡಲಾಗಿದೆ, ಹೆಚ್ಚಾಗಿ ಗದ್ಯದಲ್ಲಿ,
ಕೆಲವು ಪ್ಯಾರಾಫ್ರೇಸ್‌ಗಳು, ವಿವರಣೆಗಳು ಮತ್ತು ಪದ್ಯಗಳಿಗೆ ಸಂಬಂಧಿಸಿದ ಕಥೆಗಳ
ಸಂಕ್ಷಿಪ್ತತೆಗಳನ್ನು ಹೊಂದಿದೆ. ಇತ್ತೀಚಿನ ವರ್ಷಗಳಲ್ಲಿ, ಬರ್ಮೀಸ್ ಮತ್ತು ಇಂಗ್ಲಿಷ್
ಅನುವಾದಗಳೊಂದಿಗೆ ಧಮ್ಮಪಡಾದ ಕೆಲವು ಪುಸ್ತಕಗಳು, ಪಾಲಿ ಪದ್ಯಗಳೊಂದಿಗೆ ಸಹ
ಧಮ್ಮಪಡವು ಸುತಂತ ಪಿಟಾಕಾದ ಖುದ್ದಾಕ ನಿಕಾಯಾದ ಎರಡನೇ ಪುಸ್ತಕವಾಗಿದ್ದು, ವಿವಿಧ
ತಲೆಗಳ ಅಡಿಯಲ್ಲಿ ಜೋಡಿಸಲಾದ ಇಪ್ಪತ್ತಾರು ಅಧ್ಯಾಯಗಳಲ್ಲಿ ನಾನೂರ ಇಪ್ಪತ್ಮೂರು
ಪದ್ಯಗಳನ್ನು ಒಳಗೊಂಡಿದೆ. ಧಮ್ಮಪಡದಲ್ಲಿ ಬುದ್ಧನ ಬೋಧನೆಯ ಮೂಲ ಸಿದ್ಧಾಂತಗಳನ್ನು
“ಅಪ್ಪಾಮಾಡೊ ಅಮತಪಡಮ್” ನೊಂದಿಗೆ ಪ್ರಾರಂಭವಾಗುವ ಪದ್ಯ (21) ಅಂದರೆ “ಸಾವಧಾನತೆ
ನಿಬ್ಬಾನಾದ ಮಾರ್ಗವಾಗಿದೆ, ಮರಣರಹಿತ” ಎಂಬುದು ಬಹಳ ಮುಖ್ಯವಾದ ಮತ್ತು ಮಹತ್ವದ
ಪದ್ಯವಾಗಿದೆ. ನೆಮ್ಮದಿ ಮತ್ತು ಒಳನೋಟ ಧ್ಯಾನದಲ್ಲಿ ಮೈಂಡ್‌ಫುಲ್‌ನೆಸ್ ಪ್ರಮುಖ
ಅಂಶವಾಗಿದೆ. ಬುದ್ಧನು ತೀರಿಕೊಳ್ಳುವ ಮುನ್ನ ಕೊನೆಯ ಉಪದೇಶವು ಎಚ್ಚರದಿಂದಿರಬೇಕು ಮತ್ತು
ಶ್ರದ್ಧೆಯಿಂದ ಪ್ರಯತ್ನಿಸುವುದು (ಮಜಿ ಮತ್ತು ಫಲಾ ಮೂಲಕ ಪುನರ್ಜನ್ಮಗಳ ಸುತ್ತಿನಿಂದ
ಸ್ವಾತಂತ್ರ್ಯವನ್ನು ಪಡೆಯುವ ಕೆಲಸವನ್ನು ಪೂರ್ಣಗೊಳಿಸಲು). ಭಾರತದ ಅಶೋಕ ಮತ್ತು ಬರ್ಮಾದ
ರಾಜ ಅನಾವ್ರಹ್ತಾ ಅವರು ಬೌದ್ಧಧರ್ಮಕ್ಕೆ ಮತಾಂತರಗೊಂಡರು ಎಂಬುದು ಸಾವಧಾನತೆಯ ಮೇಲಿನ ಈ
ಪದ್ಯವನ್ನು ಪರಿಗಣಿಸಿದೆ ಎಂದು ಸಾಮಾನ್ಯವಾಗಿ ಒಪ್ಪಿಕೊಳ್ಳಲಾಗಿದೆ. ಆಯಾ ದೇಶಗಳಲ್ಲಿ
ಬೌದ್ಧಧರ್ಮದ ಪ್ರಸರಣದಲ್ಲಿ ಇಬ್ಬರೂ ರಾಜರು ಬಹಳವಾಗಿ ಸಹಾಯ ಮಾಡಿದ್ದರು.
ಪದ್ಯದಲ್ಲಿ (29) ಬುದ್ಧನು ಸಾವಧಾನತೆಯ ಕರೆಯನ್ನು ತುರ್ತು ಪ್ರಜ್ಞೆಯೊಂದಿಗೆ
ಸೇರಿಸಿಕೊಂಡಿದ್ದಾನೆ. ಪದ್ಯವು ಚಲಿಸುತ್ತದೆ: “ನಿರ್ಲಕ್ಷ್ಯದ ನಡುವೆ ಎಚ್ಚರದಿಂದಿ,
ಅರೆನಿದ್ರಾವಸ್ಥೆಯ ನಡುವೆ ಹೆಚ್ಚು ಜಾಗರೂಕನಾಗಿ, ಬುದ್ಧಿವಂತನು ಓಟದ ಕುದುರೆಯಂತೆ
ಮುನ್ನಡೆಯುತ್ತಾನೆ, ಜೇಡ್ ಅನ್ನು ಬಿಟ್ಟು ಹೋಗುತ್ತಾನೆ.”
(1) ಮತ್ತು (2) ಪದ್ಯಗಳು ಕಮ್ಮಾದ ಬದಲಾಗದ ಕಾನೂನನ್ನು ವಿವರಿಸುತ್ತದೆ, ಅದರ
ಅಡಿಯಲ್ಲಿ ಪ್ರತಿಯೊಂದು ಕಾರ್ಯ, ಒಳ್ಳೆಯದು ಅಥವಾ ಕೆಟ್ಟದು ಮತ್ತೆ ಮಾಡುವವರಿಗೆ
ಬರುತ್ತದೆ. ಇಲ್ಲಿ, ಬುದ್ಧನು ನಮ್ಮ ಎಲ್ಲಾ ಕಾರ್ಯಗಳಲ್ಲಿ ಮನಸ್ಸಿನ ಮಹತ್ವವನ್ನು
ಒತ್ತಿಹೇಳುತ್ತಾನೆ ಮತ್ತು ನಮ್ಮ ಕಾರ್ಯಗಳು, ಪದಗಳು ಮತ್ತು ಆಲೋಚನೆಗಳ ಅನಿವಾರ್ಯ
ಪರಿಣಾಮಗಳ ಬಗ್ಗೆ ಹೇಳುತ್ತಾನೆ.
ಪದ್ಯಗಳು (153) ಮತ್ತು (154) ಬುದ್ಧನು ತನ್ನ ಜ್ಞಾನೋದಯದ ಕ್ಷಣದಲ್ಲಿಯೇ
ಭವ್ಯವಾದ ಮತ್ತು ತೀವ್ರವಾದ ಸಂತೋಷದ ಅಭಿವ್ಯಕ್ತಿಗಳು. ಈ ಎರಡು ಪದ್ಯಗಳು ಬುದ್ಧನ ಸತ್ಯದ
ಹುಡುಕಾಟದ ಪರಾಕಾಷ್ಠೆಯ ಬಗ್ಗೆ ನಮಗೆ ಒಂದು ಗ್ರಾಫಿಕ್ ಖಾತೆಯನ್ನು ನೀಡುತ್ತವೆ.
ಪುನರಾವರ್ತಿತ ಜನನಗಳಿಗೆ ಕಾರಣವಾದ ‘ಮನೆ-ನಿರ್ಮೂಲಕ,’ ಹಂಬಲವನ್ನು ಕಂಡುಕೊಳ್ಳುವ
ಬಗ್ಗೆ ಅವರು ನಮಗೆ ಹೇಳುತ್ತಾರೆ. ಹಂಬಲವನ್ನು ತೊಡೆದುಹಾಕಿದ ನಂತರ, ಅವನಿಗೆ ಹೆಚ್ಚಿನ
ಮನೆಗಳು (ಖಂದಗಳು) ಹಂಬಲಿಸುವ ಮೂಲಕ ನಿರ್ಮಿಸಲಾಗುವುದಿಲ್ಲ, ಮತ್ತು ಹೆಚ್ಚಿನ
ಪುನರ್ಜನ್ಮಗಳು ಇರುವುದಿಲ್ಲ.
ಪದ್ಯಗಳು (277), (278) ಮತ್ತು (279) ಸಹ ಮುಖ್ಯವಾದವು, ಏಕೆಂದರೆ ಅವರು ಎಲ್ಲಾ
ನಿಯಮಾಧೀನ ವಸ್ತುಗಳ ಅಶ್ಲೀಲ, ಅತೃಪ್ತಿಕರ ಮತ್ತು ಸ್ವಯಂ-ಅಲ್ಲದ ಸ್ವಭಾವದ ಬಗ್ಗೆ ನಮಗೆ
ತಿಳಿಸುತ್ತಾರೆ; ಒಬ್ಬರು ಎಲ್ಲಾ ನಿಯಮಾಧೀನ ವಸ್ತುಗಳ ನೈಜ ಸ್ವರೂಪವನ್ನು ಗ್ರಹಿಸಬೇಕು
ಮತ್ತು ಖಂಧರ ಬಗ್ಗೆ ಬೇಸರಗೊಳ್ಳುವುದು ಬಹಳ ಮುಖ್ಯ, ಏಕೆಂದರೆ ಇದು ಶುದ್ಧತೆಯ
ನಂತರ ಬುದ್ಧನು ಪುನರ್ಜನ್ಮದ ಸುತ್ತಿನಿಂದ ವಿಮೋಚನೆಗೆ ಕಾರಣವಾಗುವ ಮಾರ್ಗವನ್ನು
ನಮಗೆ ತೋರಿಸುತ್ತದೆ, ಅಂದರೆ, ಪದ್ಯದಲ್ಲಿ (273) ಎಂಟು ಘಟಕಗಳ (ಅಂಥಂಗಿಕೊ ಮ್ಯಾಗ್ಗೊ)
ಇರುವ ಮಾರ್ಗ. ಇದಲ್ಲದೆ, “ನೀವೇ ಪ್ರಯತ್ನವನ್ನು ಮಾಡಬೇಕು, ತಥಗತರು ಮಾತ್ರ ದಾರಿ
ತೋರಿಸುತ್ತಾರೆ” ಎಂದು ಹೇಳುವ (276) ಶ್ಲೋಕದಲ್ಲಿ ನಮ್ಮದೇ ಆದ ಪ್ರಯತ್ನವನ್ನು ಮಾಡಲು
ಬುದ್ಧ ನಮಗೆ ಪ್ರಚೋದಿಸುತ್ತದೆ. ಪದ್ಯ (183) ನಮಗೆ ಬುದ್ಧರ ಬೋಧನೆಯನ್ನು ನೀಡುತ್ತದೆ.
ಅದು ಹೇಳುತ್ತದೆ, “ಯಾವುದೇ ಕೆಟ್ಟದ್ದನ್ನು ಮಾಡಬೇಡಿ, ಅರ್ಹತೆಯನ್ನು ಬೆಳೆಸಿಕೊಳ್ಳಿ,
ಒಬ್ಬರ ಮನಸ್ಸನ್ನು ಶುದ್ಧೀಕರಿಸಿ; ಇದು ಬುದ್ಧರ ಬೋಧನೆ.”
(24) ಬುದ್ಧನು ಜೀವನದಲ್ಲಿ ಯಶಸ್ಸಿನ ಮಾರ್ಗವನ್ನು ನಮಗೆ ತೋರಿಸುತ್ತಾನೆ, ಹೀಗೆ:
“ಒಬ್ಬ ವ್ಯಕ್ತಿಯು ಶಕ್ತಿಯುತ, ಬುದ್ದಿವಂತನಾಗಿದ್ದರೆ, ಆಲೋಚನೆಯಲ್ಲಿ
ಶುದ್ಧನಾಗಿದ್ದರೆ, ಮಾತು ಮತ್ತು ಕಾರ್ಯದಲ್ಲಿ, ಅವನು ಎಲ್ಲವನ್ನೂ ಎಚ್ಚರಿಕೆಯಿಂದ ಮತ್ತು
ಪರಿಗಣನೆಯೊಂದಿಗೆ ಮಾಡಿದರೆ, ಅವನ ಇಂದ್ರಿಯಗಳನ್ನು ನಿಗ್ರಹಿಸುತ್ತಾನೆ; ಅವನ ಸಂಪಾದನೆ;
ಧಮ್ಮದ ಪ್ರಕಾರ ವಾಸಿಸುವುದು ಮತ್ತು ಆ ಮನಸ್ಸಿನ ವ್ಯಕ್ತಿಯ ಖ್ಯಾತಿ ಮತ್ತು ಅದೃಷ್ಟವು
ಹೆಚ್ಚಾಗುವುದಿಲ್ಲ. “
ಧಮ್ಮಪಡದಲ್ಲಿ ಕಂಡುಬರುವ ರತ್ನಗಳ ಕೆಲವು ಉದಾಹರಣೆಗಳು ಇವು. ಧಮ್ಮಪಡವು ನಿಜಕ್ಕೂ ತತ್ವಜ್ಞಾನಿ, ಮಾರ್ಗದರ್ಶಿ ಮತ್ತು ಎಲ್ಲರಿಗೂ ಸ್ನೇಹಿತ.
ಪದ್ಯಗಳ ಈ ಅನುವಾದವು ಪಾಲಿಯಿಂದ ಇಂಗ್ಲಿಷ್‌ಗೆ ಬಂದಿದೆ. ಆರನೇ ಅಂತರರಾಷ್ಟ್ರೀಯ
ಬೌದ್ಧ ಸಿನೊಡ್ ಅನುಮೋದಿಸಿದ ಧಮ್ಮಪದ ಪಾಲಿ ಬಳಸಿದ ಪಾಲಿ ಪಠ್ಯ. ಅನುವಾದವನ್ನು
ಸಾಧ್ಯವಾದಷ್ಟು ಪಠ್ಯಕ್ಕೆ ಹತ್ತಿರವಾಗಿಸಲು ನಾವು ಪ್ರಯತ್ನಿಸಿದ್ದೇವೆ, ಆದರೆ
ಕೆಲವೊಮ್ಮೆ ಪಾಲಿ ಪದಕ್ಕೆ ಅನುಗುಣವಾದ ಇಂಗ್ಲಿಷ್ ಪದವನ್ನು ಕಂಡುಹಿಡಿಯುವುದು ತುಂಬಾ
ಕಷ್ಟ, ಅಸಾಧ್ಯವಲ್ಲ. ಉದಾಹರಣೆಗೆ, ನಾಲ್ಕು ಉದಾತ್ತ ಸತ್ಯಗಳ ನಿರೂಪಣೆಯಲ್ಲಿ ಬಳಸಲಾದ
“ದುಖಾ” ಪದದ ನೈಜ ಅರ್ಥವನ್ನು ತಿಳಿಸಬಲ್ಲ ಒಂದೇ ಇಂಗ್ಲಿಷ್ ಪದವನ್ನು ನಾವು ಇನ್ನೂ
ಕಂಡುಹಿಡಿಯಲಾಗುವುದಿಲ್ಲ. ಈ ಅನುವಾದದಲ್ಲಿ, “ದುಖಾ” ಎಂಬ ಪದವು ನಾಲ್ಕು ಉದಾತ್ತ
ಸತ್ಯಗಳಲ್ಲಿ ಮಾಡುವಂತೆಯೇ ಅದೇ ಅರ್ಥವನ್ನು ಹೊಂದಿದೆ, ಅದು ಅನುವಾದಿಸದೆ
ಬಿಡಲಾಗುತ್ತದೆ; ಆದರೆ ಮಾತ್ರ ವಿವರಿಸಲಾಗಿದೆ.
ಪದ್ಯಗಳ ಧಮ್ಮ ಪರಿಕಲ್ಪನೆಯ ವ್ಯಾಖ್ಯಾನದಲ್ಲಿ ಯಾವುದೇ ಸಂದೇಹವಿದ್ದಾಗ ಅಥವಾ
ಅಕ್ಷರಶಃ ಅರ್ಥವು ಅಸ್ಪಷ್ಟ ಅಥವಾ ಗ್ರಹಿಸಲಾಗದಿದ್ದಾಗ, ನಾವು ವ್ಯಾಖ್ಯಾನವನ್ನು (ಪಾಲಿ)
ಮತ್ತು ಬರ್ಮೀಸ್ ಅನುವಾದವನ್ನು ನ್ಯಾಂಗೆಬಿನ್ ಸಯಾಡಾವ್ ಅವರ ವ್ಯಾಖ್ಯಾನವನ್ನು
ಉಲ್ಲೇಖಿಸಿದ್ದೇವೆ, ಬಹಳ ಕಲಿತರು ಥೇರಾ. ಅನೇಕ ಸಂದರ್ಭಗಳಲ್ಲಿ ನಾವು ದರ್ಪ್ಲೆಕ್ಸಿಂಗ್
ಪದಗಳು ಮತ್ತು ವಾಕ್ಯಗಳನ್ನು ಸ್ಪಷ್ಟಪಡಿಸಿದ್ದಕ್ಕಾಗಿ ಧಮ್ಮ (ಧಮ್ಮಕರಿಯಾ)
ಶಿಕ್ಷಕರನ್ನು ಸಂಪರ್ಕಿಸಿದ್ದೇವೆ.
ಇದಲ್ಲದೆ, ನಾವು ಧಮ್ಮಪದ ಬರ್ಮೀಸ್ ಅನುವಾದಗಳನ್ನು ಸಹ ಸಂಪರ್ಕಿಸಿದ್ದೇವೆ,
ವಿಶೇಷವಾಗಿ ಯೂನಿಯನ್ ಬುದ್ಧ ಸಾಸಾನಾ ಕೌನ್ಸಿಲ್ ಅವರ ಅನುವಾದ, ಸಂಗಾಜ ಸಯಾದಾವ್
(1805-1876) ಅವರ ಅನುವಾದ, ರಾಜ ಮಿಂಡನ್ ಮತ್ತು ಕಿಂಗ್ ತಿಬಾವ್ ಅವರ ಕಾಲದಲ್ಲಿ
ಪ್ರಮುಖ ಮಹಾ ಥೇರಾ, ಮತ್ತು ಸಹ ಬರ್ಮ ಪಿಟಕಾ ಅಸೋಸಿಯೇಷನ್‌ನ ಓವಾಡಾಕರಿಯಾ ಮಹಾ ಥೇರಾದ
ಸಯಾದಾವ್ ಯು ಥಿಟ್ಟಿಲಾ ಅವರ ಅನುವಾದ. ಸಂಗಾಜ ಸಯಾದಾವಿನ ಪುಸ್ತಕದಲ್ಲಿ ಧಮ್ಮಪದ ಕಥೆಗಳ
ಪ್ಯಾರಾಫ್ರೇಸ್‌ಗಳು ಮತ್ತು ಸಂಕ್ಷಿಪ್ತ ರೂಪಗಳಿವೆ.
ಧಮ್ಮಪದ ಕಥೆಗಳು
ಧಮ್ಮಪಡ ಕಥೆಗಳ ಸಾರಾಂಶವನ್ನು ಪುಸ್ತಕದ ಎರಡನೇ ಭಾಗದಲ್ಲಿ ನೀಡಲಾಗಿದೆ, ಏಕೆಂದರೆ
ಬುದ್ಧಘೋಸಾ (5 ನೇ ಶತಮಾನದ ಎ.ಡಿ.) ಬರೆದ ಧಮ್ಮಪದ ವ್ಯಾಖ್ಯಾನವು ಧಮ್ಮಪದ ಬಗ್ಗೆ ಉತ್ತಮ
ತಿಳುವಳಿಕೆಯ ಕಡೆಗೆ ಒಂದು ದೊಡ್ಡ ಸಹಾಯವಾಗಿದೆ ಎಂದು ಸಾಮಾನ್ಯವಾಗಿ ನಂಬಲಾಗಿದೆ.
ಮುನ್ನೂರು ಮತ್ತು ಐದು ಕಥೆಗಳನ್ನು ವ್ಯಾಖ್ಯಾನದಲ್ಲಿ ಸೇರಿಸಲಾಗಿದೆ. ಕಥೆಗಳಲ್ಲಿ
ಉಲ್ಲೇಖಿಸಲಾದ ಹೆಚ್ಚಿನ ಘಟನೆಗಳು ಬುದ್ಧನ ಜೀವಿತಾವಧಿಯಲ್ಲಿ ನಡೆದವು. ಕೆಲವು
ಕಥೆಗಳಲ್ಲಿ, ಹಿಂದಿನ ಕೆಲವು ಅಸ್ತಿತ್ವಗಳ ಬಗ್ಗೆ ಕೆಲವು ಸಂಗತಿಗಳು ಸಹ
ಕಥೆಗಳ ಸಾರಾಂಶಗಳನ್ನು ಬರೆಯುವಾಗ ನಾವು ವ್ಯಾಖ್ಯಾನವನ್ನು ಭಾಷಾಂತರಿಸಲು
ಪ್ರಯತ್ನಿಸಲಿಲ್ಲ. ನಾವು ಕಥೆಗಳ ಸಂಗತಿಗಳನ್ನು ಸರಳವಾಗಿ ತಗ್ಗಿಸಿದ್ದೇವೆ ಮತ್ತು
ಅವುಗಳನ್ನು ಸಂಕ್ಷಿಪ್ತವಾಗಿ ಪುನಃ ಬರೆದಿದ್ದೇವೆ: ಪ್ರತಿ ಕಥೆಯ ಕೊನೆಯಲ್ಲಿ ಪದ್ಯಗಳ
ಅನುವಾದವನ್ನು ನೀಡಲಾಗುತ್ತದೆ.
ಸ್ಕ್ರಿಪ್ಟ್‌ನ ಮೂಲಕ ನಿಖರವಾಗಿ ಹೋಗಿದ್ದಕ್ಕಾಗಿ ಸಂಪಾದಕೀಯ ಸಮಿತಿಯ ಬರ್ಮ ಪಿಟಕಾ
ಅಸೋಸಿಯೇಷನ್‌ನ ಸದಸ್ಯರಿಗೆ ನನ್ನ ಆಳವಾದ ಮತ್ತು ಪ್ರಾಮಾಣಿಕ ಕೃತಜ್ಞತೆಯನ್ನು
ವ್ಯಕ್ತಪಡಿಸುವುದು ಈಗ ನನಗೆ ಉಳಿದಿದೆ; ಪದ್ಯಗಳ ಅನುವಾದಕ್ಕೆ ಸಹಾಯ ಮಾಡಿದ್ದಕ್ಕಾಗಿ
ಸಯಾಗಿ ಧಮ್ಮಕರಿಯಾ ಯು ಆಂಗ್ ಮೋ ಮತ್ತು ಬರ್ಮ ಪಿಟಕಾ ಅಸೋಸಿಯೇಷನ್‌ನ ಸಂಪಾದಕ ಯು ಥೀನ್
ಮಾಂಗ್ ಅವರಿಗೆ.
ಧಮ್ಮಪದ ಯಮಕ ವಗ್ಗ ಅವಳಿ ಶ್ಲೋಕಗಳು ಬುದ್ಧರ ಧಮ್ಮಪದ ಕನ್ನಡದಲ್ಲಿ Dhammapada in Kannada

57) Classical Khmer- ខ្មែរបុរាណ,

59) Classical Korean-고전 한국어,

62) Classical Lao-ຄລາສສິກລາວ,

69) Classical Malay-Melayu Klasik,

71) Classical Maltese-Klassiku Malti,

70) Classical Malayalam-ക്ലാസിക്കൽ മലയാളം,

The Dhammapada: Verses and Stories
For free distribution only, as a gift of dhamma.
Dhammapada is one of the best known books of the Pitaka. It is a
collection of the teachings of the Buddha expressed in clear, pithy
verses. These verses were culled from various discourses given by the
Buddha in the course of forty-five years of his teaching, as he
travelled in the valley of the Ganges (Ganga) and the sub-mountain tract
of the Himalayas. These verses are often terse, witty and convincing.
Whenever similes are used, they are those that are easily understood
even by a child, e.g., the cart’s wheel, a man’s shadow, a deep pool,
flowers. Through these verses, the Buddha exhorts one to achieve that
greatest of all conquests, the conquest of self; to escape from the
evils of passion, hatred and ignorance; and to strive hard to attain
freedom from craving and freedom from the round of rebirths. Each verse
contains a truth (dhamma), an exhortation, a piece of advice.
Dhammapada Verses
Dhammapada verses are often quoted by many in many countries of the
world and the book has been translated into many languages. One of the
earliest translations into English was made by Max Muller in 1870. Other
translations that followed are those by F.L. Woodward in 1921, by
Wagismara and Saunders in 1920, and by A.L. Edmunds (Hymns of the Faith)
in 1902. Of the recent translations, that by Narada Mahathera is the
most widely known. Dr. Walpola Rahula also has translated some selected
verses from the Dhammapada and has given them at the end of his book
“What the Buddha Taught,” revised edition. The Chinese translated the
Dhammapada from Sanskrit. The Chinese version of the Dhammapada was
translated into English by Samuel Beal (Texts from the Buddhist Canon
known as Dhammapada) in 1878.
In Burma, translations have been made into Burmese, mostly in
prose, some with paraphrases, explanations and abridgements of stories
relating to the verses. In recent years, some books on Dhammapada with
both Burmese and English translations, together with Pali verses, have
also been published.
The Dhammapada is the second book of the Khuddaka Nikaya of the
Suttanta Pitaka, consisting of four hundred and twenty-three verses in
twenty-six chapters arranged under various heads. In the Dhammapada are
enshrined the basic tenets of the Buddha’s Teaching.
Verse (21) which begins with “Appamado amatapadam” meaning
“Mindfulness is the way to Nibbana, the Deathless,” is a very important
and significant verse. Mindfulness is the most important element in
Tranquillity and Insight Meditation. The last exhortation of the Buddha
just before he passed away was also to be mindful and to endeavour
diligently (to complete the task of attaining freedom from the round of
rebirths through Magga and Phala). It is generally accepted that it was
on account of this verse on mindfulness that the Emperor Asoka of India
and King Anawrahta of Burma became converts to Buddhism. Both kings had
helped greatly in the propagation of Buddhism in their respective
In verse (29) the Buddha has coupled his call for mindfulness with a
sense of urgency. The verse runs: “Mindful amongst the negligent,
highly vigilant amongst the drowsy, the wise man advances like a race
horse, leaving the jade behind.”
Verses (1) and (2) illustrate the immutable law of Kamma, under
which every deed, good or bad, comes back to the doer. Here, the Buddha
emphasizes the importance of mind in all our actions and speaks of the
inevitable consequences of our deeds, words and thoughts.
Verses (153) and (154) are expressions of sublime and intense joy
uttered by the Buddha at the very moment of his Enlightenment. These two
verses give us a graphic account of the culmination of the Buddha’s
search for Truth.
tell us about the Buddha finding the ‘house-builder,’ Craving, the
cause of repeated births in Samsara. Having rid of Craving, for him no
more houses (khandhas) shall be built by Craving, and there will be no
more rebirths.
Verses (277), (278) and (279) are also important as they tell us
about the impermanent, unsatisfactory and the non-self nature of all
conditioned things; it is very important that one should perceive the
true nature of all conditioned things and become weary of the khandhas,
for this is the Path to Purity.
Then the Buddha shows us the Path leading to the liberation from
round of rebirths, i.e., the Path with eight constituents (Atthangiko
Maggo) in Verse (273). Further, the Buddha exhorts us to make our own
effort in Verse (276) saying, “You yourselves should make the effort,
the Tathagatas only show the way.” Verse (183) gives us the teaching of
the Buddhas. It says, “Do no evil, cultivate merit, purify one’s mind;
this is the teaching of the Buddhas.”
(24) ബുദ്ധൻ ജീവിതത്തിലെ വിജയത്തിലേക്കുള്ള വഴി കാണിക്കുന്നു, ഇപ്രകാരം,
“ഒരു വ്യക്തി, മനസ്സുള്ള, നിർമ്മലവും, എല്ലാ കാര്യങ്ങളും, അവന്റെ
ഇന്ദ്രിയങ്ങളെ നിയന്ത്രിക്കുന്നു എങ്കിൽ; അവന്റെ സമ്പാദിക്കുന്നു
ധർമ്മമനുസരിച്ച് ജീവിക്കുക, അതിനാൽ, ശ്രവിക്കുന്ന വ്യക്തിയുടെ പ്രശസ്തിയും
ഭാഗ്യവും വർദ്ധിപ്പിക്കുന്നില്ല. “
ധർമ്മപദയിൽ ഗംസ് കണ്ടെത്തേണ്ട ചില ഉദാഹരണങ്ങൾ ഇവയാണ്. ധർമ്മപദ, തീർച്ചയായും എല്ലാവർക്കും തത്ത്വചിന്തകനും വഴികാട്ടിയുമാണ്.
വാക്യങ്ങളുടെ ഈ വിവർത്തനം പാലിയിൽ നിന്നുള്ളതാണ്. ആറാം അന്താരാഷ്ട്ര
ബുദ്ധ സമന്വയം അംഗീകരിച്ച ധർമ്മപദ പാലിയാണ് ഉപയോഗിച്ച പാലി വാചകം.
വിവർത്തനം കഴിയുന്നത്ര വാചകവുമായി അടുക്കാൻ ഞങ്ങൾ ശ്രമിച്ചു, പക്ഷേ
ചിലപ്പോൾ ഇത് വളരെ ബുദ്ധിമുട്ടാണ്, അത് അസാധ്യമല്ലെങ്കിൽ, ഒരു പാലി
പദവുമായി പൊരുത്തപ്പെടുന്ന ഒരു ഇംഗ്ലീഷ് പദം കണ്ടെത്തുക. ഉദാഹരണത്തിന്,
“ദുക്കൻ” എന്ന വാക്കിന്റെ യഥാർത്ഥ അർത്ഥം ഞങ്ങൾക്ക് കണ്ടെത്താനാവില്ല, അത്
നാല് മാറിയൽ സത്യങ്ങളുടെ അറിയിപ്പിൽ ഉപയോഗിക്കുന്നു. ഈ വിവർത്തനത്തിൽ,
“ദുക്കൻ” എന്ന പദം നാല് മാന്യമായ സത്യങ്ങളിൽ ചെയ്യുന്ന അതേ അർത്ഥം
വഹിക്കുന്നു, ഇത് സംക്ഷിപ്തമായി അവശേഷിക്കുന്നു; എന്നാൽ വിശദീകരിച്ചു.
വാക്മ്മ സങ്കൽപ്പത്തിന്റെ വ്യാഖ്യാനത്തിൽ അല്ലെങ്കിൽ അക്ഷരാർത്ഥത്തിൽ
അർത്ഥമാക്കുമ്പോൾ, ഞങ്ങൾ കമന്ററിയെ (പാലി) പരാമർശിച്ച് (പാലി), കമന്ററി
വിവർത്തനം, വളരെ പഠിച്ചു തെര. ആശയക്കുഴപ്പമുണ്ടാക്കുന്ന വാക്കുകളും
വാക്യങ്ങളും ഉനുസമിക്കുന്നതിനായി ധർമ്മത്തിലെ (ധഭകരിയകൾ) അധ്യാപകരെ ഞങ്ങൾ
കൂടാതെ, ധർമ്മപടയുടെ ബർമീസ് വിവർത്തനങ്ങളും ആലോചിച്ചു, പ്രത്യേകിച്ച്
യൂണിയൻ ബുദ്ധ സസാന കൗൺസിൽ, പ്രത്യേകിച്ച് സംയോജനം (1805-1876) വിവർത്തനം,
പ്രഭാതം ബർമ പിറ്റക്ക അസോസിയേഷന്റെ ഓവാഡകരിയ മഹാമായ തെരയാണ് സയദാവ് യു
തിറ്റിലയുടെ വിവർത്തനം. ധർമ്മപദ കഥകളുടെ പാരാഫ്രേസുകളും സംഗ്രഹങ്ങളും സംഗജാ
സീഡായ പുസ്തകത്തിൽ ഉൾപ്പെടുന്നു.
ധർമ്മക്ക കഥകൾ
ബുദ്ധഗോസ (അഞ്ചാം നൂറ്റാണ്ട് A.D.) എഴുതിയ ധർമ്മപദ വ്യാഖ്യാനം
ധർമ്മപപാദത്തെക്കുറിച്ചുള്ള മികച്ച ഗ്രാഹ്യത്തെക്കാൾ മികച്ച സഹായമാണ് ഈ
പുസ്തകത്തിന്റെ സംഗ്രഹങ്ങൾ പുസ്തകത്തിന്റെ രണ്ടാം ഭാഗത്ത് നൽകുന്നത്.
മുന്നൂറ്റഞ്ചു അഞ്ച് നിലകളുണ്ട് വ്യാഖ്യാനത്തിൽ ഉൾപ്പെടുത്തിയിട്ടുണ്ട്.
കഥകളിൽ പരാമർശിച്ചിരിക്കുന്ന മിക്ക സംഭവങ്ങളും ബുദ്ധന്റെ ജീവിതകാലത്താണ്
നടന്നത്. ചില കഥകളിൽ, ചില മുൻ നിലനിൽപ്പുകളെക്കുറിച്ചുള്ള ചില വസ്തുതകളും
റിട്ടൽ ചെയ്യപ്പെട്ടു.
കഥാപാത്രങ്ങളുടെ സംഗ്രഹങ്ങൾ എഴുതുന്നതിൽ ഞങ്ങൾ വ്യാഖ്യാനം വിവർത്തനം
ചെയ്യാൻ ശ്രമിച്ചിട്ടില്ല. ഞങ്ങൾ കഥകളുടെ വസ്തുതകൾ അഴിച്ചുമാറ്റി അവ
അവർക്ക് ഹ്രസ്വമായി എഴുതിയിട്ടുണ്ട്: വാക്യങ്ങളുടെ വിവർത്തനം ഓരോ
സ്റ്റോറിയുടെയും അവസാനത്തിൽ നൽകിയിരിക്കുന്നു.
എഡിറ്റോറിയൽ കമ്മിറ്റി അംഗങ്ങളുമായി എന്റെ ആഴമേറിയതും ആത്മാർത്ഥതയും
പ്രകടിപ്പിക്കുന്നതിനായി മാത്രമേ ഇത് ഞാൻ തുടരുന്നുള്ളൂ, ബർമ പിക്കാക്ക
അസോസിയേഷൻ സെയ്ഗ്ഗി ധമകാരിയ യു ഓങ്, എ ലിറ്റർ, ബർമ പിറ്റാക്ക അസോസിയേഷൻ,
വാക്യങ്ങളുടെ വിവർത്തനത്തിൽ സഹായിക്കുന്നതിന്.
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73) Classical Marathi-क्लासिकल माओरी,

Most Powerful Theravada Pali Chanting
धम्मपादा: श्लोक आणि कथा
केवळ विनामूल्य वितरणासाठी, धम्माची भेट म्हणून.
धम्मपदा हे पिटकाच्या सर्वात प्रसिद्ध पुस्तकांपैकी एक आहे. हे
स्पष्ट, पिठी श्लोकांमध्ये व्यक्त केलेल्या बुद्धांच्या शिकवणींचा संग्रह
आहे. गंगा (गंगा) आणि हिमालयातील उप-माउंटन ट्रॅक्टच्या खो valley ्यात
प्रवास करत असताना बुद्धांनी त्यांच्या पंच्याऐंशी वर्षांच्या अध्यापनाच्या
काळात बुद्धांनी दिलेल्या विविध प्रवचनांमधून हे श्लोक केले गेले. हे
श्लोक बर्याचदा
चिडचिडे, मजेदार आणि खात्री पटणारे असतात. जेव्हा जेव्हा सिमिल्स वापरली
जातात तेव्हा ते असे असतात जे अगदी मुलाद्वारे सहजपणे समजले जातात, उदा.
कार्टचे चाक, माणसाची सावली, एक खोल तलाव, फुले. या श्लोकांच्या माध्यमातून
बुद्धांनी सर्व विजय, स्वत: चा विजय मिळविण्यास उद्युक्त केले; उत्कटतेने,
द्वेष आणि अज्ञानाच्या दुष्परिणामांपासून सुटण्यासाठी; आणि पुनर्जन्माच्या
फे from ्यापासून लालसा आणि स्वातंत्र्य मिळविण्यापासून स्वातंत्र्य
मिळविण्यासाठी कठोर प्रयत्न करणे. प्रत्येक श्लोकात एक सत्य (धम्म), एक
उपदेश, सल्ल्याचा एक तुकडा असतो.
धम्मपादा श्लोक
धम्मपादा श्लोक बहुतेक वेळा जगातील बर्याच
देशांमध्ये उद्धृत केले जातात आणि पुस्तकाचे अनेक भाषांमध्ये भाषांतर केले
गेले आहे. इंग्रजीतील सर्वात आधीचे भाषांतर १ Max70० मध्ये मॅक्स मुलर
यांनी केले. त्यानंतर इतर भाषांतर एफ.एल. १ 21 २१ मध्ये व्हेडवर्ड, १ 1920
२० मध्ये वॅजीझारा आणि सॉन्डर्स यांनी आणि १ 190 ०२ मध्ये ए.एल. एडमंड्स
(विश्वासाचे स्तोत्रे) यांनी. अलीकडील भाषांतरांपैकी, नारदा महाथेरा यांनी
सर्वात जास्त ओळखले आहे. डॉ. वालपोला राहुलानेही धम्मपादाकडून काही
निवडलेल्या श्लोकांचे भाषांतर केले आहे आणि त्यांच्या “व्हॉट द बुद्ध
शिकवलेल्या” पुस्तकाच्या शेवटी ते सुधारित आवृत्तीचे भाषांतर केले आहेत.
चिनी लोकांनी धम्मपदाचे संस्कृतमधून भाषांतर केले. १787878 मध्ये
धम्मपदाच्या चिनी आवृत्तीचे इंग्रजीमध्ये सॅम्युअल बील (बौद्ध कॅनॉनमधील
ग्रंथ) यांनी इंग्रजीमध्ये भाषांतर केले.
बर्मामध्ये, बर्मीमध्ये भाषांतर केले गेले आहे, मुख्यत: गद्यात, काही
श्लोकांशी संबंधित कथांचे स्पष्टीकरण आणि परिच्छेदन असलेले काही. अलिकडच्या
वर्षांत, पाली श्लोकांसह बर्मी आणि इंग्रजी भाषांतरांसह धम्मपदावरील काही
पुस्तके देखील प्रकाशित केली गेली आहेत.
धम्मपाद हे सुट्टंता पितकाच्या खुद्दाका निकयाचे दुसरे पुस्तक आहे,
ज्यात विविध प्रमुखांच्या खाली असलेल्या छत्तीस अध्यायांमधील चारशे तेवीस
श्लोक आहेत. धम्मपदामध्ये बुद्धांच्या शिकवणीचे मूलभूत तत्त्वे तयार केली
श्लोक (२१) जो “अपॅमाडो अमतापादम” ने सुरू होतो “म्हणजे” मानसिकता हा
निबानाचा मार्ग आहे, “हा एक अतिशय महत्वाचा आणि महत्त्वपूर्ण श्लोक आहे.
मानसिकता हा शांतता आणि अंतर्दृष्टी ध्यानात सर्वात महत्वाचा घटक आहे.
बुद्ध यांचे निधन होण्यापूर्वीच शेवटचे उपदेश देखील लक्षात ठेवून आणि
प्रयत्नशीलतेने प्रयत्न करणे होते (मॅग्गा आणि फालाद्वारे पुनर्जन्माच्या
फेरीपासून स्वातंत्र्य मिळविण्याचे कार्य पूर्ण करण्यासाठी). हे
सर्वसाधारणपणे मान्य केले जाते की या श्लोकामुळे या श्लोकामुळे भारताचा
सम्राट असोका आणि बर्माचा राजा अनवरहता बौद्ध धर्मात रूपांतरित झाला.
दोन्ही राजांनी त्यांच्या संबंधित देशांमध्ये बौद्ध धर्माच्या प्रसारात
मोठ्या प्रमाणात मदत केली होती.
श्लोकात (२)) बुद्धांनी तातडीच्या भावनेने माइंडफुलनेसची मागणी केली
आहे. हा श्लोक चालला आहे: “निष्काळजीपणाच्या, अत्यंत सावधगिरीने, अत्यंत
जागरूक, शहाणा माणूस रेस घोड्यासारखा प्रगती करतो आणि जेडला मागे ठेवतो.”
श्लोक (१) आणि (२) कममाच्या अपरिवर्तनीय कायद्याचे वर्णन करतात, ज्या
अंतर्गत प्रत्येक कृत्ये, चांगले किंवा वाईट, परत परत येतात. येथे, बुद्ध
आपल्या सर्व कृतींमध्ये मनाचे महत्त्व यावर जोर देतात आणि आपल्या कर्मे,
शब्द आणि विचारांच्या अपरिहार्य परिणामाबद्दल बोलतात.
श्लोक (१33) आणि (१44) हे उदात्त आणि तीव्र आनंदाचे अभिव्यक्ती आहेत
आणि बुद्धांनी त्याच्या ज्ञानाच्या क्षणी बोलले. हे दोन श्लोक आपल्याला
बुद्धांच्या सत्याच्या शोधाच्या कळसाचे ग्राफिक खाते देतात.
आम्हाला बुद्धांना ‘घर बांधणारे’ शोधत आहेत, तृष्णा, संसारामध्ये वारंवार
जन्म घेण्याचे कारण शोधत आहेत. तृष्णापासून मुक्त झाल्यामुळे, त्याच्यासाठी
आणखी घरे (खंदस) तळमळीने बांधली जाणार नाहीत आणि यापुढे पुनर्जन्म होणार
श्लोक (२77), (२88) आणि (२9)) हे देखील महत्त्वाचे आहेत कारण ते
आपल्याला कायमस्वरुपी, असमाधानकारक आणि सर्व कंडिशन केलेल्या गोष्टींच्या
स्वत: च्या स्वभावाविषयी सांगतात; हे फार महत्वाचे आहे की एखाद्याने सर्व
कंडिशन केलेल्या गोष्टींचे खरे स्वरूप लक्षात घेतले पाहिजे आणि खान्गाने
कंटाळले पाहिजे, कारण शुद्धतेचा हा मार्ग आहे.
मग बुद्ध आपल्याला पुनर्जन्माच्या फेरीपासून मुक्त होण्याचा मार्ग
दर्शवितो, म्हणजेच, श्लोकात आठ घटक (अटांगिको मॅग्गो) (२33) मध्ये मार्ग.
पुढे, बुद्धांनी आम्हाला (२66) श्लोकात स्वतःचे प्रयत्न करण्यास उद्युक्त
केले की, “तुम्ही स्वतः प्रयत्न केले पाहिजेत, तथगात फक्त मार्ग दाखवतात.”
श्लोक (183) आपल्याला बुद्धांची शिकवण देते. ते म्हणतात, “कोणतीही वाईट
गोष्ट करू नका, गुणवत्तेची लागवड करा, एखाद्याचे मन शुद्ध करा; ही
बुद्धांची शिकवण आहे.”
(२)) बुद्ध आपल्याला जीवनात यशस्वी होण्याचा मार्ग दाखवतात, अशा प्रकारे:
“जर एखादी व्यक्ती ऊर्जावान, सावध, विचार, शब्द आणि कृत्याने शुद्ध असेल तर
जर त्याने काळजी आणि विचाराने सर्व काही केले तर त्याच्या इंद्रियांना
प्रतिबंधित करते; धम्मानुसार जगणे आणि ते निर्विकार नाही, तर मग त्या
मनाच्या व्यक्तीची कीर्ती आणि भविष्य वाढते. “
धम्मपादामध्ये सापडलेल्या रत्नांची ही काही उदाहरणे आहेत. धम्मपादा खरंच एक तत्वज्ञानी, मार्गदर्शक आणि सर्वांचे मित्र आहे.
श्लोकांचे हे भाषांतर पालीपासून इंग्रजीमध्ये आहे. सहाव्या
आंतरराष्ट्रीय बौद्ध सायनॉडने मंजूर केलेला धम्मपाद पाली वापरलेला पाली
मजकूर आहे. आम्ही अनुवाद शक्य तितक्या मजकूराच्या जवळ करण्याचा प्रयत्न
केला आहे, परंतु काहीवेळा पाली शब्दाशी संबंधित इंग्रजी शब्द शोधणे फार
कठीण आहे, अशक्य नसल्यास. उदाहरणार्थ, आम्हाला अद्याप एकच इंग्रजी शब्द
सापडला नाही जो चार उदात्त सत्यांच्या प्रदर्शनात वापरल्या जाणार्या
“दुस्का” या शब्दाचा खरा अर्थ सांगू शकतो. या भाषांतरात, जिथे जिथे
“दुस्का” हा शब्द चार उदात्त सत्यांप्रमाणेच अर्थपूर्ण आहे, तो अप्रशिक्षित
राहिला आहे; पण फक्त स्पष्ट केले.
जेव्हा श्लोकांच्या धम्म संकल्पनेच्या स्पष्टीकरणात किंवा शाब्दिक
अर्थ अस्पष्ट किंवा बिनधास्त असतो तेव्हा आम्ही शंका घेतल्यास, आम्ही भाष्य
(पालीमध्ये) आणि न्युन्गलबिन सयादाव यांनी केलेल्या समालोचनाचा उल्लेख
केला आहे, जो एक अतिशय शिकलेला आहे. थेरा. बर्याच प्रसंगी आम्ही धम्म (धम्मकारियस) च्या शिक्षकांचा सल्ला घेतला आहे.
याव्यतिरिक्त आम्ही धम्मपादाच्या बर्मी भाषांतरांचा सल्लाही घेतला
आहे, विशेषत: युनियन बुद्ध ससाना कौन्सिलच्या भाषांतर, राजाजा सयादाव
(१5०5-१-1876)) यांनी भाषांतर, किंग मिंडन आणि किंग थिबॉ यांच्या काळात
अग्रगण्य महा थेर बर्मा पितका असोसिएशनचे सयादाव यू थिटिला, ओव्हडॅकरीया
महा थेराचे भाषांतर. संगज सयादाव यांच्या पुस्तकात धम्मपदांच्या कथांचे
परिच्छेद आणि संक्षिप्त रूप देखील समाविष्ट आहे.
धम्मपादा कथा
धम्मपदाच्या कथांचे सारांश पुस्तकाच्या दुसर्या
भागात दिले गेले आहेत कारण सामान्यत: असे मानले जाते की बुद्धघोसा
(century व्या शतकातील एडी) यांनी लिहिलेले धम्मपादाचे भाष्य धम्मपादाच्या
चांगल्या प्रकारे समजून घेण्यासाठी एक मोठी मदत आहे. भाष्यात तीनशे पाच कथा
समाविष्ट केल्या आहेत. कथांमध्ये नमूद केलेल्या बर्याच घटना बुद्धांच्या आयुष्यात घडल्या. काही कथांमध्ये, मागील काही अस्तित्वांबद्दल काही तथ्य देखील परत केले गेले.
कथांचे सारांश लिहिताना आम्ही भाष्य भाषांतर करण्याचा प्रयत्न केला
नाही. आम्ही कथांच्या तथ्ये सहजपणे काढल्या आहेत आणि त्या थोडक्यात पुन्हा
लिहिल्या आहेत: प्रत्येक कथेच्या शेवटी श्लोकांचे भाषांतर दिले जाते.
आता फक्त माझ्यासाठीच हेच आहे की आता फक्त माझ्यासाठी हेच आहे.
श्लोकांच्या भाषांतरात मदत केल्याबद्दल सयागी धम्मकारिया यू औंग मो आणि यू
थेन मौंग, बर्मा पितका असोसिएशनचे संपादक.
Most Powerful Theravada Pali Chanting

74) Classical Mongolian-Сонгодог Монгол,

75) Classical Myanmar (Burmese)-Classical မြန်မာ (ဗမာ),

76) Classical Nepali-शास्त्रीय म्यांमार (बर्मा),
  • 78) Classical Odia (Oriya)
83) Classical Punjabi-ਕਲਾਸੀਕਲ ਪੰਜਾਬੀ,
  • 87) Classical Sanskrit छ्लस्सिचल् षन्स्क्रित्

92) Classical Sindhi,

93) Classical Sinhala-සම්භාව්ය සිංහල,

  • 102) Classical Tamil-பாரம்பரிய இசைத்தமிழ் செம்மொழி,

    தம்மபாதா: வசனங்களும் கதைகளும்
    தம்மத்தின் பரிசாக, இலவச விநியோகத்திற்காக மட்டுமே மரியாதை.
    தம்மபாதா பிடகாவின் சிறந்த புத்தகங்களில் ஒன்றாகும். இது தெளிவான,
    தெளிவான வசனங்களில் வெளிப்படுத்தப்பட்ட புத்தரின் போதனைகளின் தொகுப்பாகும்.
    இந்த வசனங்கள் புத்தர் வழங்கிய பல்வேறு சொற்பொழிவுகளிலிருந்து
    நாற்பத்தைந்து ஆண்டுகளில் அவரது போதனையின் போது, ​​அவர் கங்கை பள்ளத்தாக்கு
    (கங்கா) மற்றும் இமயமலையின் துணை மவுண்டன் பாதையில் பயணம் செய்தார். இந்த
    வசனங்கள் பெரும்பாலும் கடுமையானவை, நகைச்சுவையானவை மற்றும் உறுதியானவை.
    உருவகங்கள் பயன்படுத்தப்படும்போதெல்லாம், அவை ஒரு குழந்தையால் கூட எளிதில்
    புரிந்து கொள்ளப்படுகின்றன, எ.கா., வண்டியின் சக்கரம், ஒரு மனிதனின் நிழல்,
    ஆழமான குளம், பூக்கள். இந்த வசனங்களின் மூலம், புத்தர் ஒருவருக்கு எல்லா
    வெற்றிகளிலும் மிகப் பெரிய வெற்றியை அடைய அறிவுறுத்துகிறார், சுயத்தை
    கைப்பற்றுகிறார்; ஆர்வம், வெறுப்பு மற்றும் அறியாமை ஆகியவற்றின்
    தீமைகளிலிருந்து தப்பிக்க; மற்றும் மறுபிறப்புகளின் சுற்றிலிருந்து
    ஏங்குதல் மற்றும் சுதந்திரத்திலிருந்து சுதந்திரத்தை அடைய கடுமையாக
    பாடுபடுவது. ஒவ்வொரு வசனத்திலும் ஒரு உண்மை (தம்மம்), ஒரு அறிவுரை, ஒரு
    அறிவுரை உள்ளது.
    தம்மபாதா வசனங்கள்
    தம்மபாதா வசனங்கள் பெரும்பாலும் உலகின் பல நாடுகளில் பலரால் மேற்கோள்
    காட்டப்படுகின்றன, மேலும் புத்தகம் பல மொழிகளில் மொழிபெயர்க்கப்பட்டுள்ளது.
    ஆங்கிலத்தில் ஆரம்பகால மொழிபெயர்ப்புகளில் ஒன்று 1870 இல் மேக்ஸ்
    முல்லரால் செய்யப்பட்டது. அதைத் தொடர்ந்து வரும் பிற மொழிபெயர்ப்புகள்
    எஃப்.எல். 1921 ஆம் ஆண்டில் உட்வார்ட், 1920 இல் வாகிஸ்மரா மற்றும்
    சாண்டர்ஸ் மற்றும் 1902 ஆம் ஆண்டில் ஏ.எல். எட்மண்ட்ஸ் (விசுவாசத்தின்
    பாடல்கள்) ஆகியோரால். சமீபத்திய மொழிபெயர்ப்புகளில், நாரத மகாதேரா எழுதியது
    மிகவும் பரவலாக அறியப்படுகிறது. டாக்டர் வால்போலா ராகுலா
    தம்மபாதாவிலிருந்து தேர்ந்தெடுக்கப்பட்ட சில வசனங்களையும்
    மொழிபெயர்த்துள்ளார், மேலும் தனது “புத்தர் கற்பித்தவர்,” திருத்தப்பட்ட
    பதிப்பின் புத்தகத்தின் முடிவில் அவற்றைக் கொடுத்துள்ளார். சீனர்கள்
    தம்மபாதாவை சமஸ்கிருதத்திலிருந்து மொழிபெயர்த்தனர். தம்மபாதாவின் சீன
    பதிப்பு 1878 ஆம் ஆண்டில் சாமுவேல் பீல் (தம்மபாதா என்று அழைக்கப்படும் ப
    Buddhist த்த நியதியின் நூல்கள்) ஆங்கிலத்தில் மொழிபெயர்க்கப்பட்டது.
    பர்மாவில், மொழிபெயர்ப்புகள் பர்மியர்களாக மாற்றப்பட்டுள்ளன,
    பெரும்பாலும் உரைநடை, சில பொழிப்புரைகள், விளக்கங்கள் மற்றும் வசனங்கள்
    தொடர்பான கதைகளின் சுருக்கங்கள். சமீபத்திய ஆண்டுகளில், தம்மபாதா பற்றிய
    சில புத்தகங்களும் பர்மிய மற்றும் ஆங்கில மொழிபெயர்ப்புகளுடன், பாலி
    வசனங்களுடன் சேர்ந்து வெளியிடப்பட்டுள்ளன.
    தம்மபாதா என்பது சுட்டான்டா பிடகாவின் குடகா நிகாயாவின் இரண்டாவது
    புத்தகம், இது இருபத்தி ஆறு அத்தியாயங்களில் பல்வேறு தலைகளின் கீழ் ஏற்பாடு
    செய்யப்பட்டுள்ளது. தம்மபாதாவில் புத்தரின் போதனையின் அடிப்படைக்
    கொள்கைகள் உள்ளன.
    “அப்பாமாடோ அமதபாதம்” உடன் தொடங்கும் வசனம் (21) “நினைவாற்றல் என்பது
    நிபானாவுக்கு வழி, மரணமற்றது” என்பது மிக முக்கியமான மற்றும்
    குறிப்பிடத்தக்க வசனம். அமைதி மற்றும் நுண்ணறிவு தியானத்தில் மனம் மிக
    முக்கியமான உறுப்பு. அவர் இறப்பதற்கு சற்று முன்பு புத்தரின் கடைசி
    அறிவுரையும் கவனத்துடன் இருக்க வேண்டும், விடாமுயற்சியுடன் முயற்சி செய்ய
    வேண்டும் (மாகா மற்றும் ஃபாலா வழியாக மறுபிறப்புகளின் சுற்றிலிருந்து
    சுதந்திரத்தை அடைவதற்கான பணியை முடிக்க). இந்த வசனத்தின் காரணமாக,
    இந்தியாவின் அசோகா மற்றும் பர்மாவின் மன்னர் அனவ்ராஹ்தா ஆகியோர் ப Buddhism
    த்தமாக மாறியது என்பது இந்த வசனத்தின் காரணமாகவே பொதுவாக
    ஏற்றுக்கொள்ளப்படுகிறது. இரு மன்னர்களும் அந்தந்த நாடுகளில் ப Buddhism த்த
    மதத்தை பரப்புவதில் பெரிதும் உதவியிருந்தனர்.
    வசனத்தில் (29) புத்தர் நினைவாற்றலுக்கான தனது அழைப்பை அவசர உணர்வோடு
    இணைத்துள்ளார். வசனம் இயங்குகிறது: “அலட்சியமான, மயக்கமடைந்தவர்களிடையே
    மிகுந்த கவனத்துடன், ஞானமுள்ளவர் ஒரு ரேஸ் குதிரையைப் போல முன்னேறுகிறார்,
    ஜேட் பின்னால் விட்டுவிடுகிறார்.”
    வசனங்கள் (1) மற்றும் (2) கம்மாவின் மாறாத சட்டத்தை விளக்குகின்றன,
    அதன் கீழ் ஒவ்வொரு செயலும் நல்லது அல்லது கெட்டது, மீண்டும் செய்பவருக்கு
    வரும். இங்கே, புத்தர் நம்முடைய எல்லா செயல்களிலும் மனதின்
    முக்கியத்துவத்தை வலியுறுத்துகிறார், மேலும் நமது செயல்கள், சொற்கள்
    மற்றும் எண்ணங்களின் தவிர்க்க முடியாத விளைவுகளைப் பற்றி பேசுகிறார்.
    வசனங்கள் (153) மற்றும் (154) ஆகியவை அவரது அறிவொளியின் தருணத்தில்
    புத்தர் கூறும் விழுமிய மற்றும் தீவிரமான மகிழ்ச்சியின் வெளிப்பாடுகள்.
    இந்த இரண்டு வசனங்களும் புத்தரின் உண்மையைத் தேடுவதற்கான உச்சம் குறித்த
    கிராஃபிக் கணக்கை நமக்குத் தருகின்றன.
    மீண்டும் மீண்டும் பிறப்பதற்கான காரணம், புத்தர் ‘ஹவுஸ்-பில்டர்’,
    ஏங்குதல், ஏங்குதல் பற்றி அவர்கள் எங்களிடம் கூறுகிறார்கள்.
    ஏக்கத்திலிருந்து விடுபட்டு, அவருக்கு இனி வீடுகள் இல்லை (காந்தாக்கள்)
    ஏங்குவதன் மூலம் கட்டப்பட மாட்டார்கள், மேலும் மறுபிறப்புகள் இருக்காது.
    வசனங்கள் (277), (278) மற்றும் (279) ஆகியவை முக்கியமானவை, ஏனெனில்
    அவை அனைத்து நிபந்தனைக்குட்பட்ட விஷயங்களின் அசாதாரண, திருப்தியற்ற மற்றும்
    சுயமற்ற தன்மை பற்றி எங்களிடம் கூறுகின்றன; அனைத்து நிபந்தனைக்குட்பட்ட
    விஷயங்களின் உண்மையான தன்மையையும் ஒருவர் உணர்ந்து காந்தாக்களுக்கு
    சோர்வடைய வேண்டும் என்பது மிகவும் முக்கியம், ஏனென்றால் இது தூய்மைக்கான
    மறுபிறப்பு சுற்றிலிருந்து விடுதலைக்கு வழிவகுக்கும் பாதையை புத்தர்
    நமக்குக் காட்டுகிறார், அதாவது, வசனத்தில் (273) எட்டு தொகுதிகள்
    (அட்டாங்கிகோ மாக்கோ) கொண்ட பாதை. மேலும், புத்தர் வசனத்தில் (276) எங்கள்
    சொந்த முயற்சியை மேற்கொள்ளும்படி அறிவுறுத்துகிறார், “நீங்களே முயற்சி
    செய்ய வேண்டும், ததகதர்கள் மட்டுமே வழியைக் காட்டுகிறார்கள்.” வசனம் (183)
    புத்தர்களின் போதனையை நமக்குத் தருகிறது. அது கூறுகிறது, “எந்த தீமையும்
    செய்யாதீர்கள், தகுதியை வளர்த்துக் கொள்ளுங்கள், ஒருவரின் மனதை
    சுத்திகரிக்கவும்; இது புத்தர்களின் போதனை.”
    (24) புத்தர் வாழ்க்கையில் வெற்றிக்கான வழியைக் காட்டுகிறார், இவ்வாறு:
    “ஒரு நபர் ஆற்றல் மிக்கவராகவும், கவனமாகவும், சிந்தனையிலும்,
    வார்த்தையிலும், செயலிலும் தூய்மையானவராக இருந்தால், அவர் எல்லாவற்றையும்
    கவனத்துடனும் பரிசீலிப்புடனும் செய்தால், அவரது உணர்வுகளைத் தடுக்கிறார்;
    அவரைப் சம்பாதிக்கிறார் தம்மத்தின் படி வாழ்வது மற்றும் கவனக்குறைவாக
    இல்லை, அப்படியானால், அந்த கவனமுள்ள நபரின் புகழ் மற்றும் அதிர்ஷ்டம்
    அதிகரிக்கிறது. “
    தம்மபாதாவில் காணப்படும் ரத்தினங்களின் சில எடுத்துக்காட்டுகள் இவை.
    தம்மபாதா, உண்மையில், ஒரு தத்துவஞானி, வழிகாட்டி மற்றும் அனைவருக்கும்
    வசனங்களின் இந்த மொழிபெயர்ப்பு பாலியில் இருந்து ஆங்கிலத்திற்கு
    உள்ளது. பயன்படுத்தப்படும் பாலி உரை ஆறாவது சர்வதேச ப Buddhist த்த ஆயர்
    ஒப்புதல் அளித்த தம்மபாதா பாலி ஆகும். மொழிபெயர்ப்பை முடிந்தவரை உரைக்கு
    நெருக்கமாக்க முயற்சித்தோம், ஆனால் சில நேரங்களில் அது மிகவும் கடினம்,
    சாத்தியமற்றது என்றால், ஒரு பாலி வார்த்தைக்கு சரியாக ஒத்திருக்கும் ஒரு
    ஆங்கில வார்த்தையைக் கண்டுபிடிப்பது. எடுத்துக்காட்டாக, நான்கு உன்னத
    உண்மைகளின் வெளிப்பாட்டில் பயன்படுத்தப்படும் “துக்கா” என்ற வார்த்தையின்
    உண்மையான அர்த்தத்தை தெரிவிக்கக்கூடிய ஒரு ஆங்கில வார்த்தையை நாம் இன்னும்
    கண்டுபிடிக்க முடியவில்லை. இந்த மொழிபெயர்ப்பில், “துக்கா” என்ற சொல்
    நான்கு உன்னத உண்மைகளில் அதே பொருளைக் கொண்டிருக்கும் இடமெல்லாம், அது
    மொழிபெயர்க்கப்படாமல் விடப்படுகிறது; ஆனால் மட்டுமே விளக்கினார்.
    வசனங்களின் தம்மக் கருத்தின் விளக்கத்தில் ஏதேனும் சந்தேகம்
    இருக்கும்போது அல்லது நேரடி பொருள் தெளிவற்றதாகவோ அல்லது புரியாததாகவோ
    இருக்கும்போது, ​​வர்ணனை (பாலியில்) மற்றும் வர்ணனையின் பர்மிய
    மொழிபெயர்ப்பை நாங்கள் குறிப்பிட்டுள்ளோம் தேரா. பல சந்தர்ப்பங்களில்,
    குழப்பமான சொற்கள் மற்றும் வாக்கியங்களை தெளிவுபடுத்துவதற்காக தம்மத்தின்
    (தம்மகரியாஸ்) ஆசிரியர்களையும் நாங்கள் ஆலோசித்துள்ளோம்.
    கூடுதலாக, தம்மபாதாவின் பர்மிய மொழிபெயர்ப்புகளையும், குறிப்பாக
    தொழிற்சங்க புத்தர் சசனா கவுன்சிலின் மொழிபெயர்ப்பையும், சங்காஜா சயதவாவின்
    மொழிபெயர்ப்பு (1805-1876), கிங் மிண்டோன் மற்றும் கிங் திபாவின்
    காலத்தில் ஒரு முன்னணி மகா தேரா மொழிபெயர்ப்பு, மேலும் பர்மா பிடகா
    சங்கத்தின் ஓவடகாரியா மகா தேரா சயதாவ் யு திட்டிலாவின் மொழிபெயர்ப்பு.
    சங்காஜா சயதாவின் புத்தகத்தில் தம்மபாதா கதைகளின் பொழிப்புரைகள் மற்றும்
    சுருக்கங்களும் அடங்கும்.
    தம்மபாத கதைகள்
    தம்மபாதா கதைகளின் சுருக்கங்கள் புத்தகத்தின் இரண்டாம் பாகத்தில்
    கொடுக்கப்பட்டுள்ளன, ஏனெனில் புத்தகோசா (5 ஆம் நூற்றாண்டு ஏ.டி.) எழுதிய
    தம்மபாத வர்ணனை தம்மபாதாவைப் பற்றி நன்கு புரிந்துகொள்ள ஒரு பெரிய
    உதவியாகும் என்று பொதுவாக நம்பப்படுகிறது. வர்ணனையில் முந்நூற்று ஐந்து
    கதைகள் சேர்க்கப்பட்டுள்ளன. கதைகளில் குறிப்பிடப்பட்டுள்ள பெரும்பாலான
    சம்பவங்கள் புத்தரின் வாழ்நாளில் நடந்தன. சில கதைகளில், கடந்த கால
    இருப்புக்களைப் பற்றிய சில உண்மைகளும் மீண்டும் இருந்தன.
    கதைகளின் சுருக்கங்களை எழுதுவதில் வர்ணனையை மொழிபெயர்க்க
    முயற்சிக்கவில்லை. கதைகளின் உண்மைகளை நாங்கள் வெறுமனே அழித்துவிட்டோம்,
    அவற்றை சுருக்கமாக மீண்டும் எழுதியுள்ளோம்: ஒவ்வொரு கதையின் முடிவிலும்
    வசனங்களின் மொழிபெயர்ப்பு கொடுக்கப்பட்டுள்ளது.
    ஸ்கிரிப்ட் வழியாக உன்னிப்பாகச் சென்றதற்காக, தலையங்கக் குழுவின்
    உறுப்பினர்களான பர்மா பிடகா அசோசியேஷனுக்கு எனது ஆழ்ந்த மற்றும் நேர்மையான
    நன்றியை வெளிப்படுத்துவது இப்போது எனக்கு உள்ளது; சயகி தம்மகாரியா யு ஆங்
    மோ மற்றும் வசனங்களை மொழிபெயர்ப்பதற்கு உதவியதற்காக பர்மா பிடகா
    அசோசியேஷனின் ஆசிரியர் யு தெய்ன் ம ung ங் ஆகியோருக்கு.
    விபாசனா பயிற்சி ஒரு மணி நேரம்|Vizha kolam|விழா கோலம்|Vipasana meditation
    3.85K subscribers
    தியானப் பயிற்சி, புத்தரின் தம்மம்,மனதின் பதிவை அழிக்கும் பயிற்சி.,வாழ்வில் மகிழ்ச்சி கொடுக்கும் பயிற்சி.
    practice in the Theravada tradition ended in the 10th century, but was
    reintroduced in Toungoo and Konbaung Burma in the 18th century,[3] based
    on contemporary readings of the Satipaṭṭhāna sutta, the Visuddhimagga,
    and other texts. A new tradition developed in the 19th and 20th
    centuries, centering on bare insight in conjunction with samatha.[4] It
    became of central importance in the 20th century Vipassanā movement[5]
    as developed by Ledi Sayadaw and U Vimala and popularised by Mahasi
    Sayadaw, V. R. Dhiravamsa, and S. N. Goenka.[6][7][8]
    modern Theravada, the combination or disjunction of vipassanā and
    samatha is a matter of dispute. While the Pali sutras hardly mention
    vipassanā, describing it as a mental quality alongside with samatha
    which develop in tandem and lead to liberation, the Abhidhamma Pitaka
    and the commentaries describe samatha and vipassanā as two separate
    meditation techniques. The Vipassanā movement favours vipassanā over
    samatha, but critics point out that both are necessary elements of the
    Buddhist training.
    or vipaśyanā, “insight,” is prajñā “insight into the true nature of
    reality”, defined as anicca “impermanence”, dukkha “suffering,
    unsatisfactoriness”, anattā “non-self”, the three marks of existence in
    the Theravada tradition, and as śūnyatā “emptiness” and Buddha-nature in
    the Mahayana traditions,vizha kolam, விழா கோலம்
    தியானம்,விபாசனா தியானம் எங்கே செய்யலாம்,தியான வகுப்பு,ஆனா பானா
    தியானம்,தியானம் இசை,புத்த தியானம்,விபாசனா பயன் என்ன,ஆனா பானா ஸதி தியான
    முறை விளக்கம்,தியானம் செய்யும் முறை,விபாசனா எப்படி செய்வது,தியானம்
    எப்படி செய்வது,தியானம் செய்வது எப்படி,தியானம் செய்யும் நேரம்,மனதை
    ஒருநிலைப் படுத்தும் தியானம்,தியானப் பயிற்சி,ஞானம்,மனரீதியான
    பிரச்சனை,விபசான,விழா கோலம்,விழாகோலம்,வாழ்வியல்,கொல்லிப்பாவை,தன்னம்பிக்கை
    பயிற்சி,யோகம்,முக்தி,மனதை ஒருநிலை படுத்த
விபாசனா பயிற்சி ஒரு மணி நேரம்|Vizha kolam|விழா கோலம்|Vipasana meditation

104) Classical Telugu- క్లాసికల్ తెలుగు,

పిటాకా యొక్క బాగా తెలిసిన పుస్తకాల్లో ధమ్మపాడ ఒకటి. ఇది స్పష్టమైన,
చిన్న శ్లోకాలలో వ్యక్తీకరించబడిన బుద్ధుని బోధనల సమాహారం. ఈ శ్లోకాలు
బుద్ధుడు తన బోధన యొక్క నలభై ఐదు సంవత్సరాల కాలంలో ఇచ్చిన వివిధ ఉపన్యాసాల
నుండి తొలగించబడ్డాయి, ఎందుకంటే అతను గంగా లోయ (గంగా) మరియు హిమాలయాల
ఉప-పర్వత ప్రాంతంలో ప్రయాణించాడు. ఈ శ్లోకాలు తరచుగా మొగ్గు చూపుతాయి,
చమత్కారంగా మరియు నమ్మదగినవి. అనుకరణలను ఉపయోగించినప్పుడల్లా, అవి
పిల్లవాడు కూడా సులభంగా అర్థం చేసుకునేవి, ఉదా., బండి చక్రం, మనిషి నీడ,
లోతైన కొలను, పువ్వులు. ఈ శ్లోకాల ద్వారా, బుద్ధుడు అన్ని విజయాలలో
గొప్పది, స్వీయ విజయం సాధించమని ప్రోత్సహిస్తాడు; అభిరుచి, ద్వేషం మరియు
అజ్ఞానం యొక్క చెడుల నుండి తప్పించుకోవడానికి; మరియు పునర్జన్మ యొక్క రౌండ్
నుండి కోరిక మరియు స్వేచ్ఛ నుండి స్వేచ్ఛను పొందటానికి తీవ్రంగా
ప్రయత్నిస్తారు. ప్రతి పద్యంలో ఒక సత్యం (ధమ్మ), ఒక ప్రబోధం, సలహా ఉంది.

ధమ్మపాద శ్లోకాలు తరచుగా ప్రపంచంలోని అనేక దేశాలలో చాలా మంది కోట్
చేయబడ్డాయి మరియు ఈ పుస్తకం అనేక భాషలలోకి అనువదించబడింది. ఆంగ్లంలోకి తొలి
అనువాదాలలో ఒకటి 1870 లో మాక్స్ ముల్లెర్ చేత చేయబడింది. తరువాత వచ్చిన
ఇతర అనువాదాలు F.L. వుడ్వార్డ్ 1921 లో, 1920 లో వేగిస్మర మరియు సాండర్స్
చేత, మరియు 1902 లో A.L. ఎడ్మండ్స్ (విశ్వాసం యొక్క శ్లోకాలు) చేత. ఇటీవలి
అనువాదాలలో, నారద మహాథెరా చేత విస్తృతంగా ప్రసిద్ది చెందింది. డాక్టర్
వాల్పోలా రాహులా కూడా ధమ్మపాద నుండి ఎంచుకున్న కొన్ని శ్లోకాలను
అనువదించారు మరియు తన పుస్తకం “వాట్ ది బుద్ధ బోధించాడు” అనే పుస్తకం
చివరిలో వాటిని ఇచ్చారు. చైనీయులు ధమ్మపాడను సంస్కృత నుండి అనువదించారు.
1878 లో ధమ్మపాద యొక్క చైనీస్ వెర్షన్‌ను శామ్యూల్ బీల్ (బౌద్ధ కానన్ నుండి
ధమ్మపాడ అని పిలువబడే బౌద్ధ కానన్ నుండి పాఠాలు) ఆంగ్లంలోకి అనువదించాయి.

“అప్పమాడో అమాటపదు” తో ప్రారంభమయ్యే పద్యం (21) అంటే “మైండ్‌ఫుల్‌నెస్
అనేది నిబ్బానాకు మార్గం, డెత్లెస్” చాలా ముఖ్యమైన మరియు ముఖ్యమైన పద్యం.
ప్రశాంతత మరియు అంతర్దృష్టి ధ్యానంలో మైండ్‌ఫుల్‌నెస్ చాలా ముఖ్యమైన అంశం.
బుద్ధుడు చనిపోయే ముందు చివరిగా ఉపదేశించడం కూడా జాగ్రత్త వహించడం మరియు
శ్రద్ధగా ప్రయత్నించడం (మాగా మరియు ఫలా ద్వారా పునర్జన్మ రౌండ్ నుండి
స్వేచ్ఛను పొందే పనిని పూర్తి చేయడం). భారతదేశ చక్రవర్తి మరియు బర్మా రాజు
అనవ్రాహతా రాజు బౌద్ధమతంలో మతమార్పిడి అయ్యారని ఈ పద్యం కారణంగా ఇది
సాధారణంగా అంగీకరించబడింది. ఆయా దేశాలలో బౌద్ధమతం ప్రచారం చేయడంలో ఇద్దరు
రాజులు ఎంతో సహాయపడ్డారు.

పద్యాల యొక్క ఈ అనువాదం పాలి నుండి ఆంగ్లంలోకి వచ్చింది. ఉపయోగించిన
పాలి వచనం ఆరవ అంతర్జాతీయ బౌద్ధ సైనాడ్ ఆమోదించిన ధమ్మపాద పాలి. మేము
అనువాదాన్ని వీలైనంత దగ్గరగా వచనానికి దగ్గరగా చేయడానికి ప్రయత్నించాము,
కాని కొన్నిసార్లు పాలి పదానికి సరిగ్గా అనుగుణంగా ఉండే ఆంగ్ల పదాన్ని
కనుగొనడం చాలా కష్టం, అసాధ్యం కాకపోతే. ఉదాహరణకు, నాలుగు గొప్ప సత్యాల
ప్రదర్శనలో ఉపయోగించిన “దుక్కా” అనే పదం యొక్క నిజమైన అర్ధాన్ని తెలియజేయగల
ఒక్క ఆంగ్ల పదాన్ని మనం ఇంకా కనుగొనలేకపోయాము. ఈ అనువాదంలో, “దుక్కా” అనే
పదం నాలుగు గొప్ప సత్యాలలో అదే అర్ధాన్ని కలిగి ఉన్న చోట, అది
అనువదించబడలేదు; కానీ మాత్రమే వివరించబడింది.
to tradition, the Dhammapada’s verses were spoken by the Buddha on
various occasions. By distilling the complex models, theories,
rhetorical style and sheer volume of the Buddha’s teachings into
concise, crystalline verses, the Dhammapada makes the Buddhist way of
life available to anyone…In fact, it is possible that the very source
of the Dhammapada in third century B.C.E. is traceable to the need of
the early Buddhist communities in India to laicize the ascetic impetus
of the Buddha’s original words.” The text is part of the Khuddaka Nikaya
of the Sutta Pitaka, although over half of the verses exist in other
parts of the Pali Canon. A 4th or 5th century CE commentary attributed
to Buddhaghosa includes 305 stories which give context to the verses.
1. యమక వర్గ
2. అప్పమాద వర్గ
3. చిత్త వర్గ
4. పుష్ప వర్గ
5. బాల వద్ద
6. పండిత వర్గ
7. అరహంత వర్గ
8. సహస్స వర్గ
9. పాప వర్గ
10. దండ వర్గ
11. జరా వగ్గ
12. అత్త వర్గ
13. లోక వగ్గ
14. బుద్ధ వర్గ
15. సుఖ వర్గ
16. పియ వర్గ
!!! 1 . Dhammapadam ( ధమ్మ పదం ) Full Audio Book in Pali - Telugu ll Bhikkhu Siddhartha !!!




True joy arised from Just sitting


Gold Bamboo 

Buddha's Path

Kindly visit:

Thai Traditional Paintings

Thai Traditional Paintings

Thai Wall Tapestry

Thai Wall Tapestry

Thai Wood Buddhas

Thai Wood Buddhas

Thai Monk Paintings

Thai Monk Paintings

Thai Bowls, Spoons

Thai Bowls & Spoons

Thai Khon Masks

Thai Khon Masks

Thai Silk Table Runners

Thai Silk Table Runners


Thai Silk Bags

Thai Silk Bags

Thai Buddha Paintings

Thai Silk Cushion Covers

Thai Silk Cushion Covers

Thai Vases

Thai Vases

Thai Ornaments

Thai Ornaments


Thai Wood Wall Carvings

Thai Wood Wall Carvings

Thai Silk Tissue Box

Thai Silk Tissue Box


Thai Traditional Paintings

Thai Traditional Paintings


Thai Lighting

Thai Lighting

Thai Bronze Buddhas

Thai Bronze Buddhas

Thai Vases

Thai Vases


Thai Wood Buddhas

Thai Wood Buddhas

Thai Bronze Buddhas

Thai Wood Buddhas


Kindly Note:

On 19th May 2008 at 09:15 P.M.Bangalore Akashavani Kendra will broadcast  Poojya Ananda Bhante’s  Discourse on Life of Buddha and His Peace Message





On 18-05-2008 Sunday  9:30 PMAt Maha Bodhi Society, Gandhinagar, Bangalore-9

DISABLED SERVICE DAY was observed by Launching of the Malaria Prevention Program  with Donation of wheel chairs and blessings by Venerable Acharya Buddharakkhita  Founder President, Maha Bodhi Society, Bangalore


Chief Guests were Shri P.L.Nanjundaswamy Chairman, Dr.B.R.Ambedkar Medical College and Hospital

Founder Member, Pancajanya Vidyapeetha Welfare Trust & Navachetana Social & Educational Society



Emeritus Neuro Surgeon

Taking Care of a Sick Monk


Maha Bodhi Society, Bangalore

 On the Sacred Buddha Purnima Day 500 mosquito nets will be distributed to poor people in remote areas of Arunachal Pradesh for malaria prevention. This will be a continued yearlong program. Join us by generously contributing to this program.


19-05-2008                             Monday                                   9:00 AM


Venue: Maha Bodhi Society, Gandhinagar, Bangalore-9


Siri Maha Bodhi Puja

Vishwa Maitri Stupa Puja

Buddha Puja at Mahabodhi Loka Shanti Buddha Vihara, Pindapata Puja

Undertaking of Tisarana, Atthasila and Pancasila

Laying of Foundation for


And Dhamma Desana


Venerable Acharya Buddharakkhita

Founder President, Maha Bodhi Society, Bangalore .

Presentation of the

Sacred Pali Tipitaka in Kannada Script

to Mahabodhi Library by Devotees


Year long chanting of ‘SACRED PALI TIPITAKA’

At Mahabodhi Vihara everyday

Inauguration of Tipitaka Parayana by

Venerable Acharya Buddharakkhita


Upasaka A.M.Rajanna

Donor of Mahabodhi Mahadvara

11 AM             Sanghadana

12 Noon          Meals for devotees

(Service by Dr.D.Ramachandrappa, Chairman and Managing Director, Yellamma Dasappa Hospital , Bangalore )

1:00 PM  Film Show

2:30 PM           Dhamma Deeksha

19-05-2008                             Monday                                   5:30 PM

Venue: Maha Bodhi Society, Gandhinagar, Bangalore-9


Symposium on


Buddha Puja and Blessings by

Venerable Acharya Buddharakkhita

Founder President, Maha Bodhi Society, Bangalore

Chief Guests

Release of book  “Life’s Great Blessings-12”

Honorable Justice Shri N.Santosh Hegde

Lokayukta, Karnataka State

Release of book “Life’s Great Blessings -13”

Shri C.Anjanaya Reddy IPS (DGP Retd)

Vice Chairman, Ananda Buddha Vihara, Secunderabad

 Former Managing Director, AP Tourism Corporation Ltd.

& Director General Vigilance and Enforcement

Release of “Satipatthana Sutta – Foundations of Mindfulness” by

Shri Molkalmooru Sreenivasa Murthy

Kannada Buddhist Writer

Deepa Puja

We thank all the donors who have generously helped us to make these programs successful.


We seek your generous donations for the welfare activities of the Maha Bodhi Society and for the 2552nd Sacred Buddha Jayanti Celebrations. May your dana conduce to your well being, peace and prosperity! May you be happy!


10 AM : Buddha Puja, Bodhi Puja, Stupa Puja

 At  4 PM


Service Led by

Upasika Smt.Parvatamma

Upasaka Shri Kalaiah

Blessings by

Venerable Aggadhammo Bhanteji


Address for correspondence and donations:

Maha Bodhi Society

14, Kalidasa Road , Gandhinagar, Bangalore-560009, India

Tel: 080-22250684, Fax: 080-22264438







ON 20-05-2008


Namo Buddha


Asoka Dhamma Dutha Buddhist Society, Trust

Buddha Vihar & Sri. H.M. Gangadaraiah

Memorial Meditation Centre

Gotham Nagar, Opp. KSRTC Bus Depot,

Kolar Gold Fields -563 113

Buddhism Dharma Wheel


President and Members of ADDBS are cordially inviting the gracious presence of Sarv Samaj on the occasion of the Buddha Jayanti Celebration at the above Buddhist Society, Trust, Buddha Vihar & Sri. H.M.Gangadharaiah Memorial Meditation Centre, Gotham Nagar, Opp. KSRTC Bus Depot,Kolar Gold Fields -563 113 on Tuesday the 20th May 2008 at 5.00 P.M. Presence of one and all on the occasion is solicited.


Buddha Pooja, Tisarana, Pancasila and Dhamma Discource


Venerable Poojya Ananda Bhanteji

Vice President, and other Monks of Maha Bodhi Society, Bangalore


Guest of Honor :

Sri. Lakshminarayana IAS

Commissioner for Transport, Govt. of karnataka, Bangalore


Sri. Molakalmuru Sreenivasamurthy

Kannada Buddhist Writer, Bangalore


Dhana by :


Dr. ramani Poorneson & Family Poornima Nursing Home


Smt. Jayalakshmi Manivachagam & Family

Director, Longevite Health Care, Bangalore

Sri.Chandrasekar & Family A.R.T.O., Bangalore

Sri.R.Kannan & Family Muskum KGF


In the Service of Dhamma

Trustees, Executive Members and Friends


Services of Free Health Checkup & Treatment Camp at the above premises may be availed on 20-05-2008 between 9.00 a.m.& 4.00 p.m. Sponsored by LONGEVITE HEALTH CARE Lady Curzon Road, Bangalore -560 001


Upasakas/Upasikas are requested to bring flowers,incence sticks, Candles to perform Pooja.


B Media 4 Sarvajan Hitaya Sarvajan Sukhaya


Triple Gem Study Circle analysis predicts 130 seats for BSP because of Price Rise and anti-incumbency factors on Congress, BJP and JD(S) and because of Chief Minister of Uttar Pradesh Ms Mayawati’s performance to be repeated in Karnataka


 So Vote For BSP

The Marvel of the Dhamma


Ashoka Maurya

Map of the Maurya Empire under Ashoka's rule.

Map of the Maurya Empire under Ashoka’s rule.


The Sanchi stupa in Sanchi, Madhya Pradesh established by emperor Ashoka in the third century BC.

The Sanchi stupa in Sanchi, Madhya Pradesh established by emperor Ashoka in the third century BC.


Fragment of the 6th Pillar Edicts of Ashoka (238 BC), in Brahmi, sandstones. British Museum.

Fragment of the 6th Pillar Edicts of Ashoka (238 BC), in Brahmi, sandstones. British MuseumBuddhism Dharma Wheel

The Ashoka Chakra, featured on the flag of the Republic of IndiaSilver punch-mark coins of the Mauryan empire, bear Buddhist symbols such as the Dharmacakra, the elephant (previous form of the Buddha), the tree under which enlightenment happened, and the burial mound where the Buddha died (obverse). 3rd century BC.

Silver punch-mark coins of the Mauryan empire, bear Buddhist symbols such as the Dharmacakra, the elephant (previous form of the Buddha), the tree under which enlightenment happened, and the burial mound where the Buddha died (obverse). 3rd century BCDistribution of the Edicts of Ashoka and Ashokan territorial limits.

Distribution of the Edicts of Ashoka and Ashokan territorial limits.[7]
Greek Late Archaic style capital from Patna (Pataliputra), thought to correspond to the reign of Ashoka, 3rd century BC, Patna Museum (click image for references).Bilingual edict (Greek and Aramaic) by king Ashoka, from Kandahar - Afghan National Museum. (Click image for translation).

Bilingual edict (Greek and Aramaic) by king Ashoka, from Kandahar - Afghan National Museum.. (Click image for translation) .
Buddhist proselytism at the time of king Ashoka (260-218 BC), according to his Edicts.

“The legend of King Asoka, A study and translation of the Asokavadana“, John Strong, Princeton Library of Asian translations.
Ashoka’s Major Rock Edict inscription at Girnar

Ashokan Pillar at Vaishali

Ashokan Pillar at Vaishali
This is the famous original sandstone sculpted Lion Capital of Ashoka preserved at Sarnath Museum which was<br />
 originally<br />
 erected around 250 BCE atop an Ashoka Pillar at Sarnath. The angle from which this picture has been taken, minus the inverted bell-shaped lotus flower, has been adopted as the National Emblem of India showing the Horse on the left and the Bull on the right of the Ashoka Chakra in the circular base on which the four Indian lions are standing back to back. On the far side there is an Elephant and a Lion instead. The wheel

This is the famous original sandstone sculpted Lion Capital of Ashoka preserved at Sarnath Museum which was originally erected around 250 BCE atop an Ashoka Pillar at Sarnath. The angle from which this picture has been taken, minus the inverted bell-shaped lotus flower, has been adopted as the National Emblem of India showing the Horse on the left and the Bull on the right of the Ashoka Chakra in the circular base on which the four Indian lions are standing back to back. On the far side there is an Elephant and a Lion instead. The wheel “Ashoka Chakra” from its base has been placed onto the center of the National Flag of India.

Jyotirao Phule

Chhatrapati Shahuji Maharaj

Narayana guru





A file-photo of Bahujan Samaj Party




Jai Bheem                   BSP                      Jai Bharath

An “Appeal”

To The People of Karnataka for

Legislative Assembly Election – 2008

Ms. Mayawati, Chief Minister of U.P.

Kumari Mayawati

National President

Bahujan Samaj Party

Brothers and Sisters,

It is well known to every one the Bahujan Samaj Party (BSP) is the only party in the country, which “believes in doing rather than saying“.

It is for this reason that our party, unlike other parties, does not release any tempting “Election Manifestoes” and instead, issues “Appeal” to the people in general and voters in particular to ensure their vote and support for BSP in order to fulfill the remaining commitments for completing its missionary goal by adopting the path shown by Saints, Gurus and Mahapurush (Great men) born in different periods in the Bahujan Samaj like Mahatma Jyotiba Phule, Chatrapati Sahu Maharaj, Narayana Guru, Periyar Ramaswamy Ji, Baba Saheb Dr.Ambedkar and more recently Manyawar Shri Kanshi Ram ji.

This we do with an aim to earn good results for the party in the elections and to achieve power to rule so that with the help of the “Master Key of Political Power” we become master of our own destiny and could ensure work and proper welfare of the poor, deprived and downtrodden sections of the society belonging to all castes and religions i.e.”Sarv Samaj”. Param pujya Baba Saheb Dr. Bhimrao Ambedkar has beautifully and wonderfully explained about the significance of the “Master Key of the Political Power”, declaring that the political power is such a “Master Key” through which all problems can be solved and also doors of progress and prosperity can be opened up.

Following this principle of Babasaheb Dr.Ambedkar, our party is contesting, on its’ own strength, KARNATAKA Legislative Assembly General Elections-2008. The Karnataka Legislative Assembly has a total number of 224 seats and the BSP is contesting on almost all the seats on its own. BSP has not at all entered into any kind of alliance or seat adjustments with any other party in this election. So, we are fighting this election on all seats on our own.


            But, the pertinent question which arises here is, as to why there is a necessity for the people of the State of Karnataka to cast their votes in favour of the BSP only, rather than voting for the Congress, B.J.P. or their supporting parties? We have to understand this issue very clearly for an outstanding performance. .

            In this regard, I am of the view that BSP is the only Party in the country whose “Principles & Policies” and also its “style of functioning” suits very much the interests of the people belonging to “Sarv Samaj” (all sections of the society). On the other hand, other political parties make too many promises to people just before the elections or in the election year but they never translate them into reality for the true welfare of them, leaving most of their lofty electoral promises confined to papers only, rather than getting them implemented in practical terms.

            It is for this very reason that, even after 60 years of independence, the “Social and Economic” condition of people belonging to Bahujan Samaj, which comprises of Scheduled Castes (SCs), Scheduled Tribes (STs), Other Backward Class (OBCs) and Religious Minorities such as Sikhs, Muslims, Christians, Parsis and Buddhists have not significantly improved due to faulty economic policies adopted by various governments of castiest leaders of different political parties, even though the population of these sections of society is very large and for this reason , we call them as “Bahujan Samaj”.

            Here, I am especially talking about their wrong and erratic economic policies, mainly because at the centre as well as in most of the States, Governments’ were formed with the monetary or otherwise help of big capitalist powers and for this very reason, these parties, after coming to power, as a “return gift” to them formulated their “Economic Policies” in subservience of these capitalists, fully ignoring the interests and welfare of general public.

Due to this kind of unjust behaviour of the governments of Congress, BJP and their supporting parties, the economic condition of people belonging to Bahujan Samaj as well as poor people of “Savarn Samaj” i.e. the upper castes is turning from bad to worse. The malice is still continuing, rendering more and more such people unemployed and live a life under the darkness of poverty.

            In view of the complexity and seriousness of such kind of problems, these deprived and exploited sections of the people revolted in such a manner to form a separate political party of their own called as (the Bahujan Samaj Party-BSP) under the leadership of Manyawar Shri Kanshi Ram Ji on April, 1984, basing its ideology on policy and progrmmes of Great Baba sahib Dr. Ambedkar. And quiet obviously, with the massive support and cooperation of all the sections of the society, the BSP has acquired a “National Status” and has grown enough to be officially by the Election Commission of India as one of the main national political parties of India .

            Not only this, our party also gradually expanded its mass base and graduated to send its representatives in Parliament, apart from winning assembly elections in various States of the Country. In Uttar Pradesh, which is the biggest State of India in terms of the size of the population, the BSP under the leader ship of mine had formed government four times. And all the four times, the governments of our party has worked with full devotion and dedication to provide “justice” to all, besides giving impetus and dynamism to the issue of ”Development” in the State.

            Giving priority to weaker sections of the society in the process, with an aim to improve “Social and Economic” condition of the underprivileged sections of the society and poor people belonging to Sarv Samaj, our party Government in Uttar Pradesh, for the first time in the country, constituted separate “Welfare” Departments” in 1995 right at the inception of the first BSP government.

            And the aspect of development were given new meaning when 25,000 villages, having predominantly Original Inhabitants of Jambudvipa i.e. the Great Prabuddha Bharath (SC/STs) population, were selected for “Dr.Ambedkar Village Development Scheme” to develop them fully with all kind of basic amenities and infrastructure facilities. The process is going on and gradually all the villages of the State will be taken for such kind of developmental activities all over the State, surely changing the very face and of course the life of the rural poor in real terms. Presently, however, the name of this scheme has been changed as “Baba Saheb Dr. Ambedkar U.P. Gramsabha Samagra Vikas Yojana (Gramsabha Integrated Development Scheme.)”.

          Similarly, an ambitious “Urban Integrated Development Scheme” has been formulated in the name of “Manyawar Shri Kanshi Ram Ji”. Under this scheme, small towns and cities of Uttar Pradesh are being developed in a systematic manner and within time bound period. But under both these schemes, all the activities are being speeded up as much as the economic condition of the State allows. These developmental activities could well get further momentum and much speed if the Central Government fulfills its obligations of providing funds for the purpose.

            Apart of this, priority has been accorded especially to Original Inhabitants of Jambudvipa i.e. The Great Prabuddha Bharath (SC/STs) and other exploited sections of the “Sarv Samaj” in all other developmental activities. The homeless and poor people were allotted vacant land, besides possession has also been ensured to landless poor for the purpose of farming/agriculture on that land. About 20 lakh poor people have so far been benefited from this decision of the government in the State, and this work is still continuously in progress.

            In addition, my government has taken an unprecedented and historic decision to provide with more than one lakh permanent government jobs in rural areas for the Valmiki community of Scheduled Castes. By this decision, all the 1.08 lakh revenue village of Uttar Pradesh will have at least one Sarkari Safai Karmachari, and the person appointed will be from the same village in most of the cases… This besides meeting employment problem will also make a sea change in the health atmosphere of rural areas for it will ensure cleanliness and help eradicate diseases spreading due to unhygienic conditions.


            And, so far the issue of giving boost to education is concerned, the government of our party, for the first time in the country, took a policy decision to grant scholarship to the children of persons belonging to poor Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes and also to poor children of Other Backward Classes and Religious Minorities, especially to the poor children belonging to Muslim community.

            The scholarship amount has also been doubled in view of the rising inflation and cost of living; besides that the amount of scholarship is being distributed to students immediately after their admission. Our government also arranged free coaching to ensure their admissions in the prestigious institutions and for high-grade prestigious jobs like IAS, IPS. PCS etc.

            Along with the above facilities, for the first time in the State, 25% of the State budget has been allocated separately for the welfare and development of Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes in the State.

            Besides, in order to infuse the sense of security among the people belonging to Bahujan Samaj, a policy of reservation has been introduced for the first time in the postings at the police stations in each and every district. Under the new provision, police officers belonging to SC/STs, for the first time in the country, will be getting 25 percent of such posts of police station will go to the people belonging to OBCs and 5 percent to officers from Religious Minorities (Muslims) in all the districts of the State. This system of governance is still continuing in the State with a slight modification.

            And especially, full care has been made towards protecting, in all spheres of life, the interests and welfare of the Muslims, which is the largest section of Religious Minorities in the State. Apart from their economic development, the safety and security of their lives and Religion has also been fully ensured. In addition, our government was first in the country ensuring government jobs to economically weaker Muslims by including them in category of other Backward Classes (OBCs) and issuing government order facilitating release of caste certificates accordingly.


“New Positive Reservation Initiatives”

In The Interest of Sarv Samaj

          You know very well that “where there is will, there is way.” That is why for the first time in the country, the BSP government of Uttar Pradesh has taken “ New Positive Reservation Initiatives”

In The Interest of Sarv Samaj

i.e. Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes, Other Backward Classes (OBC), Religious Minorities and Upper caste, for it is more than  evident that the benefit of reservation, which was provided on account of the untiring efforts of Param Pujya Baba Saheb Dr. Bhimarao Ambedkar, to the Scheduled Castes (SCs), Scheduled Tribes (STs) and Other Backward Castes (OBCs) in the Government jobs under the Constitution of India, was not reaching fully to the dire needy people because of anti-reservation attitude of the Congress, BJP and their supporting parties.


            Not only this, various Government Departments and Institutions are being handed over to the Private Sectors for the past several years on the pretext of poor economic  condition of the government, without ensuring provision of the same kind of reservation in the privatised firm/sector at any level. And, if this current state of affairs/practice of handing over the government departments and Institutions to Private Sector continues, a day will come when the constitutional facility of reservation will cease to exist.

            Taking this issue of great importance very seriously, the Government of my party in Uttar Pradesh wrote several letters to the Government of India and requested that before the privatization of various Government and public sector institutions, the same quantum of reservation for those sections of society should be ensured as they were already getting in the Government sector and institutions. But no Government of any party has so far acceded to our contention and our party is “seriously concerned” and “worried” about this issue.

            But the people belonging to Scheduled Castes (SCs) & Schedule Tribes (STs) and Other Backward Classes (OBCs) will be happy to know that throughout the country, it is only the Government of my party, the BSP in Uttar Pradesh which was fulfilled these tasks, which are as follows:

·                    Public-Private- Partnership (P.P.P.) is the main component of “all inclusive” realistic and practical economic policy of my government in Uttar Pradesh.

·                    All the Schemes/projects/ industries with partnership with state government, the State Government would have a maximum partnership of 49 percent of 11 percent.

·                    The provision of job reservation in enterprises developed on Public-Private Partnership model will continue in the proportion and manner as the State Government has been providing quota which is in the government jobs 21 percent for Scheduled Castes, 02 percent for Scheduled Tribes and 27 percent for Other Backward Classes.

·                    The interests of employees will be fully safeguarded in the projects/enterprise s established under PPP model.

·                    Now along with this, the Uttar Pradesh Government of my party has applied the policy of “Sarvjan Hitai –Sarvjan Sukhai” (Progress and Prosperity for all) also in the area of the reservation. In pursuance of this policy, our government has taken historical initiative to provide the benefits of reservation to all the poor and needy people belonging to all castes and the implementation of this new system has already been taken up in the right earnest in Uttar Pradesh. This step has been taken for the first time in the country.

·                    Under it, if the services rendered by the Govt. Departments, Corporations, Authorities, Councils and other Semi-government institutions or the maintenance of their establishment are substituted by outsourcing, then the contract to be executed for the said purpose would include the provision of providing 21 percent of jobs created through this out sourcing to the persons of Scheduled Castes, 2 percent to the persons belonging to Scheduled Tribes and 27 percent to Other Backward Classes.

·                    In the Industrial Units, Educational Institutions, Infrastructure/ Service Sector Projects, Disinvested Units are being set up in which the private sector is provided land, subsidy, state aid or assets by the Government or any of its government departments, then as per the “voluntary” and “mutual agreement”, the employers have to provide 10 percent of the total jobs created in the projects to the persons of Scheduled Castes, 10 percent to Other Backward Classes, including Backwards of Religious Minorities and 10 percent to the economically weaker persons of the Upper Castes

·                    Over 30 thousand posts of backlog have so far been filled by my part’s government in Uttar Pradesh. Recruitment on remaining posts is in progress.

·                    Besides, it is to be clear in mind that the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes (prevention of atrocities) Act, 1989, has been enacted by the Government of India, hence a central act, and no State Government can make any alternation in this Act nor repeal it. The State Government of Uttar Pradesh has ensured strict enforcement of this law.

·                    My Government has done everything possible regarding implementation of reservation policy.

·                    The Government of India has also been asked to fill the vacant posts in Government Services in accordance with the policy of reservation. The policy of reservation should be extended to private and other sectors and it should be included in the ninth Schedule of Constitution as a safeguard.

·                    We have also urged the Government of India to amend the Constitution for providing benefits of reservation to the people belonging to upper castes living below the poverty line. But, the attitude of the Congress and BJP and its supporting parties has been throughout negative.

·                    But for that matter, I would like to fully assure the people of upper castes that the day the government of our party come to power at the centre, they will be given the benefit of reservation, similar to the pattern which has been introduced by us in Uttar Pradesh and this will be done without their asking for it, and will also make all positive efforts for the eradication of their poverty and un-employment. And, you all know very well about the style of functioning of my party that whatever we say, we do the same. In other words, there is no difference in our party’s saying and doing.

·                    Besides, Adequate additional reservation should also be provided to such persons of Scheduled Castes who were converted to Muslim or Christian religion, but maintaining the present share of quota of prescribed reservation for the Scheduled Castes. For this, necessary amendment should be made in the Constitution to relax the total limit of 50 percent reservation as laid down by Hon. Supreme Court and this amendment will be included in the 9th schedule of the Constitution so that this arrangement becomes a permanent feature.

So far as the matter of providing Social Security to the people is concerned, my party’s government in Uttar Pradesh is very serious and sensitive over the issue… That is why immediately after assumption of power my government increased to double the amount of pension to old age persons and farmers from Rs.150 to Rs.300. And also the number of beneficiaries was raised to 24 lakh from 20 lakh, for which sum of Rs. 1410 crores has been earmarked in the budget.

Similarly, labourers , who belong to the poorest and weaker section of the society and mostly fall under the category  of farming labour, were not being cared properly as they belong to unorganized sector, but my government has raised their daily remuneration wage to Rs.100 from a meager of Rs.58, which they were getting previously.

      And, over the issue of plight of farmers and farming becoming less remunerative day by day and thereby ultimately affecting our self-reliance on food, my party is in full sympathy with the farming community. It is beyond any doubt that the governments of the Congress, the BJP and their supporting parties during their rule in the past 60 years have done a criminal act of ignoring farm and farmers. In the course of promotion of heavy industries, there was a criminal neglect of farm sectors and farmers’ requirements.

      This is also a tragedy that in the course of developing heavy industries particularly in the tribal areas, where the native people were deprived even from the fourth class jobs, adding more burden on their life to ensure protection of the interests of tribals & farmers.

      Besides, my government has taken a stand that the Self-esteem and Self-respect of the unemployed youth will not be ridiculed every month by providing them meager ‘unemployment allowance’. Instead, our party wants them to live with pride, as they would instead be provided permanent jobs, with the creation of job opportunities, for which Regional Rural Employment Centre will be established.

      And education is another area that has been accorded top most priority by my government in Uttar Pradesh. It is with this reason a decision was taken without any delay to recruit 88,000 teachers to help improve the standards of education. The process of recruitment of such a large number teachers in just one go is on.

      In addition of all these, my government has paid attention in according full respect and honour to Sants, Gurus and Mahapurush born in Bahujan Samaj at different period of times such as Mahatma Jyotiba Phule, Chatrapati Shahuji Maharaj, Narayana Guru, Periar Ramaswamy, Baba Saheb Dr. Bhimrao Ambedkar and more recently Manyawar Shri Kanshi Ram Ji. A number of new Districts, Universities, Memorials, Museums and other important public places and institutions have been named and erected in their name to perpetuate the memory of their hard-faught struggles.

      And in this connection, you all know very well that no government, be it the government of the Congress, the BJP or their supporting parties, ever gave proper respect and regards to the Sants, Gurus and Mahapurush born in the Bahujan Samaj.

      And regrettably, the castiest mentality of these political parties still persists. . The biggest proof of it is that the Congress party, ruling at the centre did not even declare one or two days holiday nor they ordered flying of national flag half mast in the mourning of Manyawar Shri Kanshi Ram Ji, the creator and founder of the BSP movement.. And the BJP and other opposition parties remained a mute spectator to all this.


      In brief, the lesson to our people of all this happenings is that if the people belonging to Bahujan Samaj and those of Savarn Samaj (upper castes) living in your state of Karnataka want to create an atmosphere like that of Uttar Pradesh for leading a life full of self-esteem, respect and dignity, they will also have to capture the “Master Key of political power” in their hands by ensuring good results in the general election being held in your State.

      Therefore keeping all these factual propositions in mind, I earnestly “APPEAL” to the supporters of the BSP to follow the above mentioned suggestions in order to make an all out effort to achieve party’s goal of capturing power in order to get rid of their poverty, helplessness, backwardness, unemployment, injustice and exploitation by making your own government in your State, following the true path shown to you by your messiah Baba Saheb Dr. Ambedkar on the basis of exercise of franchise based on the concept of “One Man-One Vote” given to you by Baba Saheb himself and thus fulfill the unfinished task of Manyawar Shri. Kanshi Ram Ji.

      In other words, you should understand your Messiah’s message properly and utilize the right to vote wisely to help yourself so that you could form a government of your own party in your State which will in real terms help improve your socio-economic condition as well as of education, besides ensuring a civilized self-esteem life to you. In the meantime, this could be also help improve the economic condition of the Upper castes people.

      But to create such an atmosphere in your State, you have to acquire the “Master Key of Political Power” in your hands, like people have done in the Stae of Uttar Pradesh and you will have show good result in the coming Assembly elections in your State. And to achieve this great goal of success in the assembly election, you will have to be cautious and alert from various nasty tricks and Saam-Daam-Dand- bhed like nefarious designs of the opposition parties during the elections, because these parties can go to any extent to damage our party.

      And I want to warn you that these opposition parties will go all out and will make all  efforts to sabotage the voting of Savarn Samaj inn favour of BSP and for this purpose , these parties will propagate our “Ideology and Principles” in a wrong, vicious and twisted manner among these sections of society.

      Therefore, I consider it important to explain the ideology and principles of B.S.P. I would also like to clarify here that the ideology and principles of our party “are not against any caste or creed”. B.S.P. wants to change the unequal social order of this country based on “caste” and wants to establish here a “Samatamulak Samaj Vyavastha” ( A Social Order based on Equality), which is in the interest of this country and Sarv Samaj.

For this, we have to change the Jaatwadi (casteist)mentality of Savarn (High Castes) Hindus and on the basis of Samajik Bhaichara (Social Brotherhood) we have to take them also along with us and only then “Samtamulak Samaj Vyavastha” can be established in this country in accordance with the thinking of the architect of Indian Constitution, Baba Saheb Dr. Ambedkar and only after that Sarv Samaj will be unified and disparities or casteism in the society will be completely eradicated forever.

      Along with this, they will get full opportunity to move in every walk of life. The members of our party should always remain cautious from different kind of rumours, which may be spread by opposition parties during elections.

      Apart from the above, I also appeal to all of you – “Beware that your vote is invaluable. No vote should be allowed to be purchased. No vote should be allowed to be looted. No vote should be left out from being cast and no selfish person should misuse your vote on account of defrauding or misleading you in the name of caste, money, religion or emotions.

     Hence, to save democracy you have to give power into hands of right person to safeguard the interests of your KARNATAKA State, so that you may formulate the policy of :Sarvajan Hitai – Sarvjan Sukhai” in all the areas and make the poor and unemployed persons of Bahujan Samaj and Savarn Samaj  happy.”

      In the end, keeping in view all the above mentioned observations, I “Appeal” to the supporters and well wishers of my party that you should not be misled by any alluring promises of Election Manifestoes of opposition parties and that you should follow the appeal of B.S.P. which is your own party, to make the candidates of B.S.P. victorious in the General Assembly Elections of KARNATAKA by pressing the button against “Elephant” (Haathi), the election symbol of B.S.P. I hope and expect that you will accept my “Appeal” and act accordingly.

                                                                            Km Mayawati

National President,

Bahujan Samaj Party (BSP)



In the Interest of Sarv Samaj, Contribute your Physical, Mental and Economic Might in Favour of BSP to Help its Ideology And Policies Reach its “Ultimate Destination”


Vote for the Candidates of

Bahujan Samaj Party

Make B.S.P. successful by pressing the button opposite Election Symbol – Elephant (Haathi)

B.S.P. Ki Kya Pehchaan !

Neela Jhanda, Haathi Nishaan !!

The  Identity of BSP is

Blue Flag & Elephant Symbol



Jai Bheem                   Jai Kansiram              Jai Bharath

                                                              Mayawati Sister’s

Appeal for Karnataka Brothers & Sisters

To Vote for Elephant Symbolised BSP Candidates

We say what we do and do what we say

Which is the way to be Happy and Gay

That is Sarva Jan Hithay Sarvajan Sukhay

Before the commencement of election the other political party


For a short while give you a goodie

From Exploitation & discrimination you get away

For progress of a diversified society

And for a developmental ruling assuring safety

Since BSP born from ashes of untouchability

Promises to wipe out your tears and provide you safety

Until you are all supportively behind this mission of

Sarvajan Hithay

Sarvajan Sukhay

Kindly visit:

http://sarvajan. ambedkar. org


Even after 60 years of Independence !

Because of UPA, NDA and their Supporting Parties Sins !

Such as not providing constitutional amendment to provide reservation even to the poor among the forward castes !

Non-inclusion of  Original Inhabitants of Jambudvipa that is the Great Prabuddha Bharath Christians !

And poor Muslims in the SC/ST category for giving them reservation in various sectors !

Congress and the Bharatiya Janata Party responsible for the backwardness of SC/STs !

Over five decades of rule, the Congress did not consider poor people as this Country’s citizens !

The BJP gave prominence only to the rich and neglected the economically weaker sections !

Both parties receive funds from capitalists during elections !

They later frame policies suiting their needs but not favouring the poor after their selections !

Thereby not the earning of the workers !

But the prices rises !

Hence !

BSP wins !

For allotting three acres of land to each poor and landless !

Benefiting over 25 lakh families !

Filled all the backlog posts reserved for SC/STs and backward classes !

Constituted separate welfare departments for all backward communties !

for their social and economic advancement,to ensure that they receive all the government benefits !

Deprived of a right and De-Franchised

— Photo: K. Murali Kumar

left out: Voters whose names were missing from the voters’ list, which prevented them from exercising their franchise, showing their identity cards during the repoll

at one of the booths in Bangalore on Monday.


The Election Commission is responsible for De-franchising large number people who were deprived of their right to vote as their names were missing from voter’s list.

Many of them those who had their photo identity cards also did not find their names in the voter’s list.

There was haste in conducting elections by the Election Commission without ensuring that all the eligible people in Karnataka were included in the voters list.

However Election Commission has to postpone the date for formation of the New Government and not on 28 th May 2008 as required by the Constitution.

With thousands of people not finding their names in the voters list, People must have the Right To Information on the exact percentage of names missing in the voter’s list.

Those who tried to include their names before 29-04-2008 had their acnowledgements. Yet their names were not found in the voters list.

Thousands of people stood in scroching sun to get photo identity cards before the elections. But they could not get because of lack of proper infrastructure such as enough numbers of computers and staff who could either include peoples name in the voters list or provide them photo identity cards.

People must also have the Right To Information on the type of chip used in the Electronic Voting Machine with the source code for transparency.

In Reserved Constituencies, the Major Opposition Parties have encouraged False Caste Certificate holders as candidates.

When objected during scrutiny they were not rejected but accepted since the Tahsildars had issued them certificates and EC said that they were helpless and only the Courts can help them.

The Election Commission must have a mechanism to ensure that genuine SC/STs only contested elections in Reserved Constituencies.

 Since the Chief Election Commissioner N Gopalaswamy on Thursday fixed the responsibility for preparation of error-free voters list, ahead of the election to Karnataka Assembly, on political parties, it is high time that the present Election Commission be scraped and an Election Committee representing all the Political Parties like various Parliamentary Committees be formed forthwith. And work out to see tha all the eligible people of India are included in the voter’s list. This must be made mandatory.

And no elections has to be conducted until all the peoples’ names are included in the voter’s list.

Till then the present election has to be scraped

for a Real Free and fair Election.

Election Commission India

Elections India : Article 324 of the constitution establishes an independent Election Commission to supervise parliamentary and state elections in India. Supervising elections in the world’s largest democracy is by any standard an immense undertaking. Some 521 million people were eligible to vote in 1991.

Now the people of India must have the Right To Information from the Election Commission know as to how many million people were elegible to vote in 2009 and 2008 Karnataka Assembly elections. There is no official information on the exact number of people whose names are not found in the voter’s list.

We the people - these are the most important words in our constitution. Everything depends on us- the voters,who have an opportunity and the right to choose our representatives, demand accountability and determine the direction of growth and governance of the country. Several problems have surfaced in the gigantic task of conducting elections in < ?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = “urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags” />India and to ensure that elections are free and fair. With each passing election, the educated citizens of our country seem to have grown ignorant and apathetic about the electoral process and elections. The result has been a steady deterioration in the standards and practices of political parties reflected in rampant corruption and the reckless use of money and muscle power to win elections.


Active participation of citizens is an absolute prerequisite to make the electoral system more representative, fair, transparent and free from all the other ills. Eleanor Roosevelt once said: “nobody can hurt you without your consent” which in this context can be rephrased as “nobody can marginalise you without your cooperation


Chief Election Commissioner N Gopalaswamy on Thursday fixed the responsibility for preparation of error-free voters list, ahead of the election to Karnataka Assembly, on political parties. Speaking to reporters here, Mr Gopalaswamy said the political parties would be given two separate lists on February seven for deletion and additions to be made in the final list.   


‘’They will be given two weeks time for raising objections to removing and adding names of the voters for the final list to be prepared on March ten,'’ he said.  


‘’It will be the responsibility of the political parties to ensure the final list did not contain discrepancies any more as the EC has adopted a new mechanism for producing error-free list,'’ he said.

To a question on whether the elections would be postponed in case of a delay in the implementation of the report of Mr Justice Kuldeep Singh who headed Delimitation Commission, he said the EC did not work on the basis of ‘ifs and buts’ and as of now, it would conduct the elections before May 28.


‘’The Commission is concerned about the voter’s list as there are only additions and no deletions in the list.

‘’This is the reason I sent Deputy Election Commissioner R Bhattacharya, who is in charge for Karnataka, to oversee the whole exercise,'’ Mr Gopalaswamy said.


The EC would hold elections before May 28, as the state completes six months under President’s Rule on the date, he said.


In the draft list submitted by the State Election Commission (SEC) names of 3.48 lakh voters had been deleted while 9.27 lakh new voters had been added as of yesterday.


Mr Gopalaswamy and his Deputies Navin Chawla and S Y Qureshi have been here for the last two days reviewing the voters list and preparedness of the official machinery to hold elections, following the detection of large number of bogus voters in the voter’s list.


Earlier, Congress and the BJP submitted memorandum to the CEC urging him to provide error-free voters list and elections be held in the stipulated time.


He replied in the affirmative when asked whether he would take action against the officials for their ‘lapses’ in preparation of the voter’s list.


Voters list mess in poll-bound Karnataka

Bangalore, Jan 5 - A family with 90 voters and a town with 30,000 voters in a population of 36,500! These are just some of the glitches in the voters list in poll-bound Karnataka. R. Bhattacharya, deputy election commissioner at the Election Commission of India has been in Bangalore for the last three days having talks with state election officials on steps to ensure proper voters list ahead of polls to the 224-member assembly expected in April/May.

The irregularities in the voters list pointed out by people and political parties has forced the state election commission to cancel its plans to release the final list on Jan 10.

Bhattacharya met state chief electoral officer R. Ramaseshan, Bruhat Bangalore Mahanagar Palike (Greater Bangalore City Corporation) commissioner S. Subramanya and senior officials from several districts and told them of the Election Commission’s displeasure over the way the voters lists had been prepared.

The state officials now plan to revise the lists and publish them by the end of this month. They have sought the help of voters to point out anomalies.

Karnataka Pradesh Congress Committee president Mallikharjun Kharge Friday mentioned the instance of one family in north Karnataka having 90 voters on the list and of Humnabad town in Bidar district that has 30,000 voters in a population of 36,500.

More than 7,000 in the town are school-going children, yet there are 30,000 names in the voters list.

Another Congress leader H.K. Patil said there could be around four million bogus names in the voters list. Karnataka’s population is estimated at 55 million and voting population at around 42 million.

The two other main political parties, the Bharatiya Janata Party and Janata Dal-Secular also allege there are many irregularities in the list. The three parties have urged the state and central election officials to rectify the anomalies


Reforms could ensure more voter turnout

Research could throw up answers for poor poll percentage

Poll percentage could improve if the Government makes a ‘determined attempt’ to bring in reforms

‘Involvement of Resident Welfare Associations, NGOs and other concerned citizens would help’

MYSORE: The voter turnout in the second phase of the elections held in ten districts has been put at 60 per cent, which is a drop of six per cent from the first phase of polls. What could be the reason for voter apathy? Can reforms set right the apathy and ensure people turn out in large numbers to exercise their franchise?

Social activist Vasanthkumar Mysoormath, who conducted voter awareness movements in 1999, 2004 and 2008 elections (first phase), has echoed Deputy Commissioner and District Election Officer P. Manivannan’s reported view that research has to be conducted on poor poll percentage.

“It is high time that such an exercise is undertaken by the Government of India. A number of election reforms are long-pending before the Centre.

The Election Commission itself has forwarded some suggestions that are pending since many years now,” said Mr. Mysoormath, who was the presiding officer in more than 10 elections.

Mr. Mysoormath, who retired from the Indian Audit and Accounts Department, maintained that the poll percentage can be substantially improved if the Government makes a “determined attempt” to bring in reforms as recommended by the Election Commission and experts over the years.

He, too, had made certain suggestions for improving the poll percentage.

Missing names

Many eligible voters have been denied their right to vote because their names were missing, although they held Elector’s Photo Identity Cards (EPIC).

“Why should they keep running around in circles to obtain updated EPICs every time there is an election, only to be turned down because the revised rolls do not contain their names,” he asked.

The money and energy spent for enumeration and preparation of electoral rolls with the help of teachers and government officials has time and again failed to produce the required results.

This needs to be answered because public money is being splurged to prepare incorrect rolls and to deny the citizens their right to vote, he said.


It is also time for the citizens to behave in a responsible manner and involve themselves at the grassroots level to help the EC set right the perennial problem, he said.

The three-tier system applicable to rural areas viz., zilla, taluk and gram panchayats, is absent in urban areas. To fill this gap, involvement of Resident Welfare Associations/ NGOs and other concerned citizens would help.

Better network

“Street committees with volunteers from the residents in a street are the need of the hour.

They, in turn, can coordinate with ward committees for enumeration and compilation of near-perfect electoral rolls and also for assessing the works and projects that need attention and for projecting their demands and grievances with the concerned service providers,” Mr. Mysoormath suggested.

Sensitising youth

The youth of the country has exhibited rank apathy due to their feeling that “politics is a dirty business”.

Many have expressed disgust over the behaviour of politicians in Parliament/Assemblies.

‘Not bothered’

“The youth have not bothered even to register themselves as voters because of the cumbersome procedure and running around to get an EPIC which nevertheless becomes useless by the next election. This attitude needs to be changed,” he said.

Political will

What the country needs is political will to bring necessary legislation through amendment to those rule books that govern elections.

“Countries like Turkey and Australia have compulsory voting and the turnout is about 90-plus per cent. What made those countries prescribe such a rule and how it is implemented may be studied and adopted in our country also,” he said.


Can incentives attract voters?

Some incentive is bound to attract at least a percentage of people to stop being apathetic and cynical and proceed to vote.

“A system may be prescribed: those who vote may be given a certificate by the EC for claiming say one or two per cent reduction in their electricity bills or water bills or property tax for a certain period after an election. If the percentage of voting can be increased by spending a few crores, then it will be well worth trying,” said Mr. Mysoormath.

EC has failed to check flow of money

Election Commission has failed to check distribution of money and other articles among voters.  Mine lords, members of land mafia and anti-social elements were controlling the elections, which a dangerous development in democracy.

 Major political parties had no moral right to go before the electorate as they had forgotten the basic principles of politics.

four polling booths in Bellary alleged rigging during the second phase of Karnataka assembly elections.

Tribal organisations, demand, disqualification, of candidates

Adivasi Swayattategagi Rastriya Rangha (ASRR)

and Nagarahole Tribal Rights Samithi have urged the Election

Commission to disqualify three candidates contesting from H D Kote

(Reserve) Assembly Constituency for allegedly producing false caste


According to a press note issued by Samithi Convenor P K Ramu,

the candidates Mr Chikkanna (Congress), Mr Chikkaveera Nayaka (BJP)

and (Mr Doddanayaka (JD-S) had contested the Assembly elections from

this reserved constituency for tribals and urged the Commission to

disqualify and file criminal cases against them.

Earlier, based on a complaint filed by the public, Deputy

Commissioner and District Election Officer P Manivannan had

suspended H D Kote Tahasildar T Vijya and ordered a departmental

inquiry against her for issuing S T certificate to BJP candidate

Chikkaveera Naika.

They alleged that all three candidates had tampered with the

school documents and produced the false caste certificates during

the time of the election process and contested from H D Kote.

The Assistant Commissioner of Hunsur Sub Division M R Ravi had

submitted a report to the district election officer alleging

tampering with the records by the three candidates to claim the

Scheduled Tribe status to contest the election.

In his report, Mr Ravi stated the Tahsildar of H D Kote had

issued controversial caste certificates without verifying the

original documents and failed to follow the procedures before

issuing them.

Meanwhile, Deputy Commissioner and District Election Officer

P Manivannan said the report had been sent to the Election

Commission for further action.

In Reserved Constituencies, the Major Opposition Parties have encouraged False Caste Certificate holders as candidates.May be to keep them under their control for not asking for any provisions of reservation.


 In CV Raman Nagar Constitutncy similar action was not taken when objection was raised  during scrutiny, they were not rejected but accepted since the Tahsildars had issued them certificates and EC said that they were helpless and only the Courts can help them.


Some political parties were involved in the bomb blast at Hubli court to gain political mileage during the election.


Polling in sensitive booths of Bellary City and Rural was slow, but peaceful on the whole except for an incident in Srirampur Colony (SC (Original Inhabitants of Jambudvipa that is the Great Prabuddha Bharath) Colony), where a voter, Shivaji an asthma patient was not permitted to vote as he had produced only the xerox copy of his ID card which was not accepted by the polling officer.

An altercation ensued and the Border Security Force (BSF), who could not understand Kannada manhandled the voter and pushed him out. A group of people gathered and the situation was tense for a while. However, special observer Raymond Peter arrived on the spot. The voter and the local people mobbed his car and represented the case. The situation was brought under control.


Such a huge number of contestants has made the officials organize for two electronic voting machines in each polling booth. Each EVM can display a maximum of 16 names. Both machines will be connected to a single controlling unit, according to B P Adnoor, Commissioner, Bellary City Corporation.

Will voters be confused as they will have to look for their choice of candidates in two EVMs?

“No. Each candidate has been allotted with a number and a symbol. Voters will have to know that number. But in case of national parties, voters go by the symbol. In 2004, two EVMs were used in each booth as elections to the Assembly and Lok Sabha were held simultaneously. A voter will have to spend a second or two just to read the symbols as there would be two EVMs,” he said.

A tour around Bellary city showed that none of the independents are campaigning. Even major political party leaders admit that no independent is serious about the elections. Then why do they pay Rs 5,000 as deposit and enter the fray? A senior Congress leader said, “Majority of the independent candidates are dummy. They contest and approach us (major parties) for money to withdraw their nominations. This time none withdrew their papers. Each candidate is allowed to use only four vehicles for campaigning. This EC restriction has come as a major hurdle for us to campaign. So, we have kept the vehicles of independent candidates at our disposal. Of course, we have their money. This is done in by all major parties. Many of the independents are fielded by national parties”.

Another challenge being faced by the officials is to weed out the bogus student ID cards. The EC has listed 20 types of identity cards which can be used for casting vote. A voter has to produce any one of these to exercise his franchise. Students are allowed to produce their college ID card.

In the first phase of polling, students were found producing fake ID cards. So, the EC has sent mails to all the DCs to check the veracity of students’ ID card. “We have held a meeting with the principals of all colleges in Bellary and have directed them to ensure that their colleges are not found issuing bogus cards. If fake cards are found, then principals of such colleges will face criminal action,” said Aravind Srivastv,  Deputy Commissioner, Bellary.  


 Giving protection to polling booths in Bellary city is also a major challenge to officials. Each booth will be monitored by para military personnel because each one of the total 211 polling booths in the city is branded as hypersensitive, said Srivastav.

As many as 7,244 government staff has been drawn for election duty on March 16. Of this, 1,811 are presiding officers.

In fact, no staff is allowed to work in their home town or village. They have been allotted postings on a random basis. Till May 15 morning, they would not know where they will be posted. All these measures are taken to see that fare and free elections are held in the district, added Mr Srivastav.


Rs 10 crore worth liquor, gifts seized


As many as 1,418 criminal cases have been booked under provisions of IPC and Peoples Representation Act, while 1,705 cases have been registered under the Excise Act and Rs 3.5 crore worth IMF liquor and spirit has been seized since April 1….


Around 120 cases of inducement to voters by giving various gifts have been booked while property worth Rs 7 crore worth property have been seized, Additional Director General of Police (Law and Order) Shankar Bidari said here on Wednesday.
Speaking to reporters he said 16,616 persons have been arrested since April 1 and bonds have been obtained from them for good behaviour.

He said as many as 56,000 police personnel will be deployed in the second phase of elections to be held for 66 constituencies on May 16. This includes 21,000 civil police, 10,000 Home Guards, 22,000 para military forces and 3,000 KSRP personnel.

a total of 214 Central Para Military Force (CPMF) companies have been allotted to 66 Assembly constituencies in 10 districts, that include 21 for Raichur, Koppal (15) Uttara Kannada (18), Bellary (31), Chitradurga (18),  Davanagere (24), Shimoga (22), Udupi (18), Chikmagalur (20) and Dakshina Kannada (27).

One mobile squad will be provided for every 20 polling stations. Each mobile squad comprises one police sub-inspector, one head constable, three constables and one Home Guard.

In all, there will be 650 mobile squads for all constituencies, Bidari said.

The CPMF pickets with one head constable, four constables/two head constables and 10 PCs will be posted in sensitive areas. Each constituency will have a striking force consisting one platoon of KSRP, he informed.

Polling booths

Bidari said out of the 12,271 polling stations in phase two, 3,754 have been classified as hypersensitive and 4,282 have been considered as sensitive. For every hypersensitive and sensitive booth, two uniformed police personnel and for every normal booth, one police personnel will be deployed.

families, in implementing housing programme and maintaining law and order.

BJP failure

BJP like the Congress and JDS also had to bear the burden of anti-incumbency as it had failed to issue ration cards to BPL

Peter takes charge

Senior IAS officer Raymond Peter, who was appointed as a special observer to oversee polling process in Bellary district, where mine owners have locked horns in the second phase, took charge on Wednesday.


He held a meeting with returning officers, top police officials and commandant of central security to review the poll preparations and arrangements.

In the December 2006 byelection to the Chamundeshwari Assembly constituency, Peter was the election observer and was known for dealing any violation of poll code of conduct with an iron hand.

The appointment of Peter in Bellary takes significance following allegations that voters are being lured with cash by mine owners. All the 211 polling stations in Bellary City has been declared as hypersensitive

In several areas, voters protested deletion of their names

Technical snags delaying and disrupting poll process for brief spells has been reported from several places.

Repolling in two polling stations


Electoral authorities on Sunday ordered repolling in two polling stations where elections were held during the first phase of Karnataka assembly polls


Repolling has been ordered at a polling station in Malleshwaram and another in Ramanagara following malfunctioning of EVMs there, Chief Electoral officer M N Vidyashankar told reporters.

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119 BUDDHA’S MOST POWERFUL POSITIVE OWN WORDS 𝓛𝓔𝓢𝓢𝓞𝓝 4428 Mon 9 May 2022 Ashoka: Empire EACH MORNING WE ARE BORN AGAIN. WHAT WE DO TODAY IS WHAT MATTERS MOST The best way to celebrate Mother’s Day is to Grow your own food 🍲 🍱 🥘 like 👍 vegetables 🥦 🥕 🥗 & fruit🍌 🍎 🍉 plants like Mauryan Emperor Ashoka and 🌱 in pots 🪴 to be free birds 🐦 🦢 🦅 & swim to be healthy.
Filed under: General
Posted by: site admin @ 6:30 pm
𝓛𝓔𝓢𝓢𝓞𝓝   4428  Mon 9  May  2022

Ashoka: Empire


The best way to celebrate Mother’s Day is to Grow your own food 🍲 🍱 🥘 like 👍 vegetables 🥦 🥕 🥗 & fruit🍌 🍎 🍉 plants like Mauryan Emperor Ashoka and 🌱 in pots 🪴 to be free birds 🐦 🦢 🦅 & swim to be healthy.

May be an image of text that saysLord Buddha GIF - Lord Buddha Good GIFs
Mothers Day Pizza GIF by Caroline Director
May be an image of map and text

Ashoka: Empire
from a few mentions in some Buddhist texts, Ashoka’s great empire was
all but forgotten, until in 1837 a young British administrator in
Calcutta managed decipher engravings on a range of mysterious stone
pillars that were scattered around India. These monumental stone pillars
were up to 80ft high, and some were found thousands of miles apart. In
what was the first example of writing in Indian history, the British
administrator discovered that the pillars were inscribed with advice
from Ashoka, on how to live a good life and with examples of what
Ashoka had achieved across his empire. These statements, or edicts, were
inscribed both on the stone pillars and also on large rocks, all across
the empire, in several different languages – even Greek.
pillars revealed clear evidence that this great ruler’s empire was not
due to vast armies and battles, but welfare. They provide evidence that
the king was the first (and only) whose conquest was not by force but by
the value of ideas and the welfare of the empire’s citizens – and the
cornerstone of this scheme to improve people’s lives was by planting
roadside trees.
Listed second on the list of 14 statements, or edicts, written on the monumental stones was:
“Along roads I have had wells dug and trees planted for the benefit of humans and animals”.
roads I have had banyan trees planted so that they can give shade to
animals and men, and I have had mango groves planted.”
is believed that state funds were used for the tree planting programme
along the roads, and to ensure that the projects were carried out
correctly, Ashoka would go on frequent tree inspection tours and he
expected his district officers to follow his example.
it is unlikely that many, if any, trees from this time remain, to
confirm the scale of the tree planting. However, to have gone to the
trouble and expense of the stone pillars, and for tree planting to form a
key headline on them, we can reliably confer that roadside trees were a
key policy of the empire and that the level of the tree planting was
substantial. To give some comparison, this would be akin to modern
political parties putting street tree planting above policy pledges on
health services, the economy, education and housing. Likewise, it is
reasonable to assume the street trees must have been welcomed and would
have formed a highly valued aspect of citizens lives.
street tree is defined as a tree located next to or within a public
road. They provide a wide range of social, environmental and economic
benefits and managing them is a major undertaking and cost for local
authorities, with much political debate relating to their presence and
management. The definition of urban forestry involves the planned,
systematic and integrated management of these trees. Although we
wouldn’t easily recognise this environment as ‘urban’ by today’s
standards, these definitions perfectly fit what was undertaken over 2000
years ago. As well as his other achievements, Ashoka has to be credited
as developing arboriculture in India, he was the first, and possibly
only, person to devise and implement an empire-wide roadside tree
planting policy.

(/əˈʃoʊkə/; Brahmi: 𑀅𑀲𑁄𑀓, Asoka, IAST: Aśoka), also known as Ashoka
the Great, was an Indian emperor of the Maurya Dynasty, son of
Bindusara, who ruled almost all of the Indian subcontinent from c. 268
to 232 BCE. Ashoka promoted the spread of Buddhism across ancient Asia.
Considered by many to be one of India’s greatest emperors, Ashoka
expanded Chandragupta’s empire to reign over territory stretching from
present-day Afghanistan in the west to present-day Bangladesh in the
east. It covered the entire Indian subcontinent except for parts of
present-day Tamil Nadu. The empire’s capital was Pataliputra (in
Magadha, present-day Patna), with provincial capitals at Takshashila
(later Taxila) and Ujjain. Ashoka, after the war of Kalinga, got upset
with the bloodshed and vowed to never fight again. He patronized
Buddhism during his reign.
waged a particularly destructive war against the state of Kalinga
(modern Odisha), which he conquered in about 260 BCE. According to an
interpretation of his Edicts, he converted to Buddhism after witnessing
the mass deaths of the Kalinga War, which he had waged out of a desire
for conquest and which reportedly directly resulted in more than 100,000
deaths and 150,000 deportations.He is remembered for erecting the
Ashoka pillars and spreading his Edicts,for sending Buddhist monks to
Sri Lanka and Central Asia,and for establishing monuments marking
several significant sites in the life of Gautama Buddha.
the Edicts of Ashoka, biographical information about him relies on
legends written centuries later, such as the 2nd-century CE Ashokavadana
(”Narrative of Ashoka”, a part of the Divyavadana), and in the Sri
Lankan text Mahavamsa (”Great Chronicle”). The emblem of the modern
Republic of India is an adaptation of the Lion Capital of Ashoka. His
Sanskrit name “Aśoka” means “painless, without sorrow” (the a privativum
and śoka, “pain, distress”). In his edicts, he is referred to as
Devānāmpriya (Pali Devānaṃpiya or “the Beloved of the Gods”), and
Priyadarśin or Priyadarshi (Pali Piyadasī or “He who regards everyone
with affection”). His fondness for a tree is the reason for his name
being connected to the “Ashoka tree” or Saraca asoca, and this is
referenced in the Ashokavadana.
The Outline of History (1920), H.G. Wells wrote, “Amidst the tens of
thousands of names of monarchs that crowd the columns of history, their
majesties and graciousnesses and serenities and royal highnesses and the
like, the name of Ashoka shines, and shines, almost alone, a star.”
Grow vegetables 🥦 🥕 🥗 and fruit 🍌 🍎 🍉plants in pots to overcome hunger the worst kind of illness as said by the Awakened One. Like Ashoka the Great plant fruit 🍎 bearing trees 🌳 🌲 all over the world 🌍 🌎
(/əˈʃoʊkə/; Brahmi: 𑀅𑀲𑁄𑀓, Asoka,[5] IAST: Aśoka), also known as
Ashoka the Great, was an Indian emperor of the Maurya Dynasty, son of
Bindusara, who ruled almost all of the Indian subcontinent from c. 268
to 232 BCE.[6][7] Ashoka promoted the spread of Buddhism across

is commonly believed that street trees originated in the capital cities
of Europe in the 1500s. First in France, then Holland and then to
London and the rest of the continent. This European history of street
trees is rightly uncontested. However, there is compelling evidence of a
vast network of managed street trees, from over 2000 years ago. A
massive programme of tree planting and arboricultural management along
routes over many thousands of miles across India and South Asia. A
scheme that would surpass even the most ambitious of today’s tree
planting projects and one that can lay claim to the practice of
arboriculture beginning in India, over 1500 years before the first trees
were planted on the streets of Europe.

the Great reigned from 269 BC to 232 BC. He was the third emperor of
the Maurya dynasty and is now considered ancient India’s greatest ruler
and the key figure in spreading Buddhism across the globe. At the
greatest extent, his empire expanded into India’s central and southern
regions, along the Himalayas to the north, into Assam to the east, and
to the west into what is now Afghanistan, with his influence reaching as
far as Greece and North Africa.

Ashoka Maurya

Map of the Maurya Empire under Ashoka's rule.
Map of the Maurya Empire under Ashoka’s rule.

The Sanchi stupa in Sanchi, Madhya Pradesh established by emperor Ashoka in the third century BC.
The Sanchi stupa in Sanchi, Madhya Pradesh established by emperor Ashoka in the third century BC.

Fragment of the 6th Pillar Edicts of Ashoka (238 BC), in Brahmi, sandstones. British Museum.
Fragment of the 6th Pillar Edicts of Ashoka (238 BC), in Brahmi, sandstones. British MuseumBuddhism Dharma Wheel

The Ashoka Chakra, featured on the flag of the Republic of IndiaSilver punch-mark coins of the Mauryan empire, bear Buddhist symbols such as the Dharmacakra, the elephant (previous form of the Buddha), the tree under which enlightenment happened, and the burial mound where the Buddha died (obverse). 3rd century BC.
Silver punch-mark coins of the Mauryan empire, bear Buddhist symbols such as the Dharmacakra,
the elephant (previous form of the Buddha), the tree under which
AWAKenment happened, and the burial mound where the Buddha died
3rd century BC
Distribution of the Edicts of Ashoka and Ashokan territorial limits.
Distribution of the Edicts of Ashoka and Ashokan territorial limits.
Greek Late Archaic style capital from Patna (Pataliputra), thought to correspond to the reign of Ashoka, 3rd century BC, Patna Museum (click image for references).
Bilingual edict (Greek and Aramaic) by king Ashoka, from Kandahar - Afghan National Museum. (Click image for translation).
Bilingual edict (Greek and Aramaic) by king Ashoka, from Kandahar - Afghan National Museum.. (Click image for translation) .
Buddhist proselytism at the time of king Ashoka (260

“The legend of King Asoka, A study and translation of the Asokavadana“, John Strong, Princeton Library of Asian translations.

Ashoka’s Major Rock Edict inscription at Girnar
Ashokan Pillar at Vaishali
Ashokan Pillar at Vaishali

This is the famous original sandstone sculpted Lion Capital of Ashoka preserved at Sarnath Museum which was<br />
 originally<br />
 erected around 250 BCE atop an Ashoka Pillar at Sarnath. The angle from which this picture has been taken, minus the inverted bell-shaped lotus flower, has been adopted as the National Emblem of India showing the Horse on the left and the Bull on the right of the Ashoka Chakra in the circular base on which the four Indian lions are standing back to back. On the far side there is an Elephant and a Lion instead. The wheel
This is the famous original sandstone sculpted Lion Capital of Ashoka preserved at Sarnath Museum which was originally erected around 250 BCE atop an Ashoka Pillar at Sarnath. The angle from which this picture has been taken, minus the inverted bell-shaped lotus flower, has been adopted as the National Emblem of India showing the Horse on the left and the Bull on the right of the Ashoka Chakra in the circular base on which the four Indian lions
are standing back to back. On the far side there is an Elephant and a
Lion instead. The wheel “Ashoka Chakra” from its base has been placed
onto the center of the
National Flag of India.




True joy arised from Just sitting


Gold Bamboo 

Buddha's Path

Kindly visit:

Thai Traditional Paintings

Thai Traditional Paintings

Thai Wall Tapestry

Thai Wall Tapestry

Thai Wood Buddhas

Thai Wood Buddhas

Thai Monk Paintings

Thai Monk Paintings

Thai Bowls, Spoons

Thai Bowls & Spoons

Thai Khon Masks

Thai Khon Masks

Thai Silk Table Runners

Thai Silk Table Runners


Thai Silk Bags

Thai Silk Bags

Thai Buddha Paintings

Thai Silk Cushion Covers

Thai Silk Cushion Covers

Thai Vases

Thai Vases

Thai Ornaments

Thai Ornaments


Thai Wood Wall Carvings

Thai Wood Wall Carvings

Thai Silk Tissue Box

Thai Silk Tissue Box


Thai Traditional Paintings

Thai Traditional Paintings


Thai Lighting

Thai Lighting

Thai Bronze Buddhas

Thai Bronze Buddhas

Thai Vases

Thai Vases


Thai Wood Buddhas

Thai Wood Buddhas

Thai Bronze Buddhas

Thai Wood Buddhas


Kindly Note:

On 19th May 2008 at 09:15 P.M.Bangalore Akashavani Kendra will broadcast  Poojya Ananda Bhante’s  Discourse on Life of Buddha and His Peace Message





On 18-05-2008 Sunday  9:30 PMAt Maha Bodhi Society, Gandhinagar, Bangalore-9

DISABLED SERVICE DAY was observed by Launching of the Malaria Prevention Program  with Donation of wheel chairs and blessings by Venerable Acharya Buddharakkhita  Founder President, Maha Bodhi Society, Bangalore


Chief Guests were Shri P.L.Nanjundaswamy Chairman, Dr.B.R.Ambedkar Medical College and Hospital

Founder Member, Pancajanya Vidyapeetha Welfare Trust & Navachetana Social & Educational Society



Emeritus Neuro Surgeon

Taking Care of a Sick Monk


Maha Bodhi Society, Bangalore

 On the Sacred Buddha Purnima Day 500 mosquito nets will be distributed to poor people in remote areas of Arunachal Pradesh for malaria prevention. This will be a continued yearlong program. Join us by generously contributing to this program.


19-05-2008                             Monday                                   9:00 AM


Venue: Maha Bodhi Society, Gandhinagar, Bangalore-9


Siri Maha Bodhi Puja

Vishwa Maitri Stupa Puja

Buddha Puja at Mahabodhi Loka Shanti Buddha Vihara, Pindapata Puja

Undertaking of Tisarana, Atthasila and Pancasila

Laying of Foundation for


And Dhamma Desana


Venerable Acharya Buddharakkhita

Founder President, Maha Bodhi Society, Bangalore .

Presentation of the

Sacred Pali Tipitaka in Kannada Script

to Mahabodhi Library by Devotees


Year long chanting of ‘SACRED PALI TIPITAKA’

At Mahabodhi Vihara everyday

Inauguration of Tipitaka Parayana by

Venerable Acharya Buddharakkhita


Upasaka A.M.Rajanna

Donor of Mahabodhi Mahadvara

11 AM             Sanghadana

12 Noon          Meals for devotees

(Service by Dr.D.Ramachandrappa, Chairman and Managing Director, Yellamma Dasappa Hospital , Bangalore )

1:00 PM  Film Show

2:30 PM           Dhamma Deeksha

19-05-2008                             Monday                                   5:30 PM

Venue: Maha Bodhi Society, Gandhinagar, Bangalore-9


Symposium on


Buddha Puja and Blessings by

Venerable Acharya Buddharakkhita

Founder President, Maha Bodhi Society, Bangalore

Chief Guests

Release of book  “Life’s Great Blessings-12”

Honorable Justice Shri N.Santosh Hegde

Lokayukta, Karnataka State

Release of book “Life’s Great Blessings -13”

Shri C.Anjanaya Reddy IPS (DGP Retd)

Vice Chairman, Ananda Buddha Vihara, Secunderabad

 Former Managing Director, AP Tourism Corporation Ltd.

& Director General Vigilance and Enforcement

Release of “Satipatthana Sutta – Foundations of Mindfulness” by

Shri Molkalmooru Sreenivasa Murthy

Kannada Buddhist Writer

Deepa Puja

We thank all the donors who have generously helped us to make these programs successful.


We seek your generous donations for the welfare activities of the Maha Bodhi Society and for the 2552nd Sacred Buddha Jayanti Celebrations. May your dana conduce to your well being, peace and prosperity! May you be happy!


10 AM : Buddha Puja, Bodhi Puja, Stupa Puja

 At  4 PM


Service Led by

Upasika Smt.Parvatamma

Upasaka Shri Kalaiah

Blessings by

Venerable Aggadhammo Bhanteji


Address for correspondence and donations:

Maha Bodhi Society

14, Kalidasa Road , Gandhinagar, Bangalore-560009, India

Tel: 080-22250684, Fax: 080-22264438







ON 20-05-2008


Namo Buddha


Asoka Dhamma Dutha Buddhist Society, Trust

Buddha Vihar & Sri. H.M. Gangadaraiah

Memorial Meditation Centre

Gotham Nagar, Opp. KSRTC Bus Depot,

Kolar Gold Fields -563 113

Buddhism Dharma Wheel


President and Members of ADDBS are cordially inviting the gracious presence of Sarv Samaj on the occasion of the Buddha Jayanti Celebration at the above Buddhist Society, Trust, Buddha Vihar & Sri. H.M.Gangadharaiah Memorial Meditation Centre, Gotham Nagar, Opp. KSRTC Bus Depot,Kolar Gold Fields -563 113 on Tuesday the 20th May 2008 at 5.00 P.M. Presence of one and all on the occasion is solicited.


Buddha Pooja, Tisarana, Pancasila and Dhamma Discource


Venerable Poojya Ananda Bhanteji

Vice President, and other Monks of Maha Bodhi Society, Bangalore


Guest of Honor :

Sri. Lakshminarayana IAS

Commissioner for Transport, Govt. of karnataka, Bangalore


Sri. Molakalmuru Sreenivasamurthy

Kannada Buddhist Writer, Bangalore


Dhana by :


Dr. ramani Poorneson & Family Poornima Nursing Home


Smt. Jayalakshmi Manivachagam & Family

Director, Longevite Health Care, Bangalore

Sri.Chandrasekar & Family A.R.T.O., Bangalore

Sri.R.Kannan & Family Muskum KGF


In the Service of Dhamma

Trustees, Executive Members and Friends


Services of Free Health Checkup & Treatment Camp at the above premises may be availed on 20-05-2008 between 9.00 a.m.& 4.00 p.m. Sponsored by LONGEVITE HEALTH CARE Lady Curzon Road, Bangalore -560 001


Upasakas/Upasikas are requested to bring flowers,incence sticks, Candles to perform Pooja.


B Media 4 Sarvajan Hitaya Sarvajan Sukhaya


Triple Gem Study Circle analysis predicts 130 seats for BSP because of Price Rise and anti-incumbency factors on Congress, BJP and JD(S) and because of Chief Minister of Uttar Pradesh Ms Mayawati’s performance to be repeated in Karnataka


 So Vote For BSP

The Marvel of the Dhamma


Ashoka Maurya

Map of the Maurya Empire under Ashoka's rule.

Map of the Maurya Empire under Ashoka’s rule.


The Sanchi stupa in Sanchi, Madhya Pradesh established by emperor Ashoka in the third century BC.

The Sanchi stupa in Sanchi, Madhya Pradesh established by emperor Ashoka in the third century BC.


Fragment of the 6th Pillar Edicts of Ashoka (238 BC), in Brahmi, sandstones. British Museum.

Fragment of the 6th Pillar Edicts of Ashoka (238 BC), in Brahmi, sandstones. British MuseumBuddhism Dharma Wheel

The Ashoka Chakra, featured on the flag of the Republic of IndiaSilver punch-mark coins of the Mauryan empire, bear Buddhist symbols such as the Dharmacakra, the elephant (previous form of the Buddha), the tree under which enlightenment happened, and the burial mound where the Buddha died (obverse). 3rd century BC.

Silver punch-mark coins of the Mauryan empire, bear Buddhist symbols such as the Dharmacakra, the elephant (previous form of the Buddha), the tree under which enlightenment happened, and the burial mound where the Buddha died (obverse). 3rd century BCDistribution of the Edicts of Ashoka and Ashokan territorial limits.

Distribution of the Edicts of Ashoka and Ashokan territorial limits.[7]
Greek Late Archaic style capital from Patna (Pataliputra), thought to correspond to the reign of Ashoka, 3rd century BC, Patna Museum (click image for references).Bilingual edict (Greek and Aramaic) by king Ashoka, from Kandahar - Afghan National Museum. (Click image for translation).

Bilingual edict (Greek and Aramaic) by king Ashoka, from Kandahar - Afghan National Museum.. (Click image for translation) .
Buddhist proselytism at the time of king Ashoka (260-218 BC), according to his Edicts."The legend of King Asoka, A study and translation of the Asokavadana", John Strong, Princeton Library of Asian translations.

“The legend of King Asoka, A study and translation of the Asokavadana“, John Strong, Princeton Library of Asian translations.
Ashoka’s Major Rock Edict inscription at Girnar

Ashokan Pillar at Vaishali

Ashokan Pillar at Vaishali
This is the famous original sandstone sculpted Lion Capital of Ashoka preserved at Sarnath Museum which was<br />
 originally<br />
 erected around 250 BCE atop an Ashoka Pillar at Sarnath. The angle from which this picture has been taken, minus the inverted bell-shaped lotus flower, has been adopted as the National Emblem of India showing the Horse on the left and the Bull on the right of the Ashoka Chakra in the circular base on which the four Indian lions are standing back to back. On the far side there is an Elephant and a Lion instead. The wheel "Ashoka Chakra" from its base has been placed onto the center of the National Flag of India.

This is the famous original sandstone sculpted Lion Capital of Ashoka preserved at Sarnath Museum which was originally erected around 250 BCE atop an Ashoka Pillar at Sarnath. The angle from which this picture has been taken, minus the inverted bell-shaped lotus flower, has been adopted as the National Emblem of India showing the Horse on the left and the Bull on the right of the Ashoka Chakra in the circular base on which the four Indian lions are standing back to back. On the far side there is an Elephant and a Lion instead. The wheel “Ashoka Chakra” from its base has been placed onto the center of the National Flag of India.

Jyotirao Phule

Chhatrapati Shahuji Maharaj

Narayana guru





A file-photo of Bahujan Samaj Party




Jai Bheem                   BSP                      Jai Bharath

An “Appeal”

To The People of Karnataka for

Legislative Assembly Election – 2008

Ms. Mayawati, Chief Minister of U.P.

Kumari Mayawati

National President

Bahujan Samaj Party

Brothers and Sisters,

It is well known to every one the Bahujan Samaj Party (BSP) is the only party in the country, which “believes in doing rather than saying“.

It is for this reason that our party, unlike other parties, does not release any tempting “Election Manifestoes” and instead, issues “Appeal” to the people in general and voters in particular to ensure their vote and support for BSP in order to fulfill the remaining commitments for completing its missionary goal by adopting the path shown by Saints, Gurus and Mahapurush (Great men) born in different periods in the Bahujan Samaj like Mahatma Jyotiba Phule, Chatrapati Sahu Maharaj, Narayana Guru, Periyar Ramaswamy Ji, Baba Saheb Dr.Ambedkar and more recently Manyawar Shri Kanshi Ram ji.

This we do with an aim to earn good results for the party in the elections and to achieve power to rule so that with the help of the “Master Key of Political Power” we become master of our own destiny and could ensure work and proper welfare of the poor, deprived and downtrodden sections of the society belonging to all castes and religions i.e.”Sarv Samaj”. Param pujya Baba Saheb Dr. Bhimrao Ambedkar has beautifully and wonderfully explained about the significance of the “Master Key of the Political Power”, declaring that the political power is such a “Master Key” through which all problems can be solved and also doors of progress and prosperity can be opened up.

Following this principle of Babasaheb Dr.Ambedkar, our party is contesting, on its’ own strength, KARNATAKA Legislative Assembly General Elections-2008. The Karnataka Legislative Assembly has a total number of 224 seats and the BSP is contesting on almost all the seats on its own. BSP has not at all entered into any kind of alliance or seat adjustments with any other party in this election. So, we are fighting this election on all seats on our own.


            But, the pertinent question which arises here is, as to why there is a necessity for the people of the State of Karnataka to cast their votes in favour of the BSP only, rather than voting for the Congress, B.J.P. or their supporting parties? We have to understand this issue very clearly for an outstanding performance. .

            In this regard, I am of the view that BSP is the only Party in the country whose “Principles & Policies” and also its “style of functioning” suits very much the interests of the people belonging to “Sarv Samaj” (all sections of the society). On the other hand, other political parties make too many promises to people just before the elections or in the election year but they never translate them into reality for the true welfare of them, leaving most of their lofty electoral promises confined to papers only, rather than getting them implemented in practical terms.

            It is for this very reason that, even after 60 years of independence, the “Social and Economic” condition of people belonging to Bahujan Samaj, which comprises of Scheduled Castes (SCs), Scheduled Tribes (STs), Other Backward Class (OBCs) and Religious Minorities such as Sikhs, Muslims, Christians, Parsis and Buddhists have not significantly improved due to faulty economic policies adopted by various governments of castiest leaders of different political parties, even though the population of these sections of society is very large and for this reason , we call them as “Bahujan Samaj”.

            Here, I am especially talking about their wrong and erratic economic policies, mainly because at the centre as well as in most of the States, Governments’ were formed with the monetary or otherwise help of big capitalist powers and for this very reason, these parties, after coming to power, as a “return gift” to them formulated their “Economic Policies” in subservience of these capitalists, fully ignoring the interests and welfare of general public.

Due to this kind of unjust behaviour of the governments of Congress, BJP and their supporting parties, the economic condition of people belonging to Bahujan Samaj as well as poor people of “Savarn Samaj” i.e. the upper castes is turning from bad to worse. The malice is still continuing, rendering more and more such people unemployed and live a life under the darkness of poverty.

            In view of the complexity and seriousness of such kind of problems, these deprived and exploited sections of the people revolted in such a manner to form a separate political party of their own called as (the Bahujan Samaj Party-BSP) under the leadership of Manyawar Shri Kanshi Ram Ji on April, 1984, basing its ideology on policy and progrmmes of Great Baba sahib Dr. Ambedkar. And quiet obviously, with the massive support and cooperation of all the sections of the society, the BSP has acquired a “National Status” and has grown enough to be officially by the Election Commission of India as one of the main national political parties of India .

            Not only this, our party also gradually expanded its mass base and graduated to send its representatives in Parliament, apart from winning assembly elections in various States of the Country. In Uttar Pradesh, which is the biggest State of India in terms of the size of the population, the BSP under the leader ship of mine had formed government four times. And all the four times, the governments of our party has worked with full devotion and dedication to provide “justice” to all, besides giving impetus and dynamism to the issue of ”Development” in the State.

            Giving priority to weaker sections of the society in the process, with an aim to improve “Social and Economic” condition of the underprivileged sections of the society and poor people belonging to Sarv Samaj, our party Government in Uttar Pradesh, for the first time in the country, constituted separate “Welfare” Departments” in 1995 right at the inception of the first BSP government.

            And the aspect of development were given new meaning when 25,000 villages, having predominantly Original Inhabitants of Jambudvipa i.e. the Great Prabuddha Bharath (SC/STs) population, were selected for “Dr.Ambedkar Village Development Scheme” to develop them fully with all kind of basic amenities and infrastructure facilities. The process is going on and gradually all the villages of the State will be taken for such kind of developmental activities all over the State, surely changing the very face and of course the life of the rural poor in real terms. Presently, however, the name of this scheme has been changed as “Baba Saheb Dr. Ambedkar U.P. Gramsabha Samagra Vikas Yojana (Gramsabha Integrated Development Scheme.)”.

          Similarly, an ambitious “Urban Integrated Development Scheme” has been formulated in the name of “Manyawar Shri Kanshi Ram Ji”. Under this scheme, small towns and cities of Uttar Pradesh are being developed in a systematic manner and within time bound period. But under both these schemes, all the activities are being speeded up as much as the economic condition of the State allows. These developmental activities could well get further momentum and much speed if the Central Government fulfills its obligations of providing funds for the purpose.

            Apart of this, priority has been accorded especially to Original Inhabitants of Jambudvipa i.e. The Great Prabuddha Bharath (SC/STs) and other exploited sections of the “Sarv Samaj” in all other developmental activities. The homeless and poor people were allotted vacant land, besides possession has also been ensured to landless poor for the purpose of farming/agriculture on that land. About 20 lakh poor people have so far been benefited from this decision of the government in the State, and this work is still continuously in progress.

            In addition, my government has taken an unprecedented and historic decision to provide with more than one lakh permanent government jobs in rural areas for the Valmiki community of Scheduled Castes. By this decision, all the 1.08 lakh revenue village of Uttar Pradesh will have at least one Sarkari Safai Karmachari, and the person appointed will be from the same village in most of the cases… This besides meeting employment problem will also make a sea change in the health atmosphere of rural areas for it will ensure cleanliness and help eradicate diseases spreading due to unhygienic conditions.


            And, so far the issue of giving boost to education is concerned, the government of our party, for the first time in the country, took a policy decision to grant scholarship to the children of persons belonging to poor Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes and also to poor children of Other Backward Classes and Religious Minorities, especially to the poor children belonging to Muslim community.

            The scholarship amount has also been doubled in view of the rising inflation and cost of living; besides that the amount of scholarship is being distributed to students immediately after their admission. Our government also arranged free coaching to ensure their admissions in the prestigious institutions and for high-grade prestigious jobs like IAS, IPS. PCS etc.

            Along with the above facilities, for the first time in the State, 25% of the State budget has been allocated separately for the welfare and development of Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes in the State.

            Besides, in order to infuse the sense of security among the people belonging to Bahujan Samaj, a policy of reservation has been introduced for the first time in the postings at the police stations in each and every district. Under the new provision, police officers belonging to SC/STs, for the first time in the country, will be getting 25 percent of such posts of police station will go to the people belonging to OBCs and 5 percent to officers from Religious Minorities (Muslims) in all the districts of the State. This system of governance is still continuing in the State with a slight modification.

            And especially, full care has been made towards protecting, in all spheres of life, the interests and welfare of the Muslims, which is the largest section of Religious Minorities in the State. Apart from their economic development, the safety and security of their lives and Religion has also been fully ensured. In addition, our government was first in the country ensuring government jobs to economically weaker Muslims by including them in category of other Backward Classes (OBCs) and issuing government order facilitating release of caste certificates accordingly.


“New Positive Reservation Initiatives”

In The Interest of Sarv Samaj

          You know very well that “where there is will, there is way.” That is why for the first time in the country, the BSP government of Uttar Pradesh has taken “ New Positive Reservation Initiatives”

In The Interest of Sarv Samaj

i.e. Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes, Other Backward Classes (OBC), Religious Minorities and Upper caste, for it is more than  evident that the benefit of reservation, which was provided on account of the untiring efforts of Param Pujya Baba Saheb Dr. Bhimarao Ambedkar, to the Scheduled Castes (SCs), Scheduled Tribes (STs) and Other Backward Castes (OBCs) in the Government jobs under the Constitution of India, was not reaching fully to the dire needy people because of anti-reservation attitude of the Congress, BJP and their supporting parties.


            Not only this, various Government Departments and Institutions are being handed over to the Private Sectors for the past several years on the pretext of poor economic  condition of the government, without ensuring provision of the same kind of reservation in the privatised firm/sector at any level. And, if this current state of affairs/practice of handing over the government departments and Institutions to Private Sector continues, a day will come when the constitutional facility of reservation will cease to exist.

            Taking this issue of great importance very seriously, the Government of my party in Uttar Pradesh wrote several letters to the Government of India and requested that before the privatization of various Government and public sector institutions, the same quantum of reservation for those sections of society should be ensured as they were already getting in the Government sector and institutions. But no Government of any party has so far acceded to our contention and our party is “seriously concerned” and “worried” about this issue.

            But the people belonging to Scheduled Castes (SCs) & Schedule Tribes (STs) and Other Backward Classes (OBCs) will be happy to know that throughout the country, it is only the Government of my party, the BSP in Uttar Pradesh which was fulfilled these tasks, which are as follows:

·                    Public-Private- Partnership (P.P.P.) is the main component of “all inclusive” realistic and practical economic policy of my government in Uttar Pradesh.

·                    All the Schemes/projects/ industries with partnership with state government, the State Government would have a maximum partnership of 49 percent of 11 percent.

·                    The provision of job reservation in enterprises developed on Public-Private Partnership model will continue in the proportion and manner as the State Government has been providing quota which is in the government jobs 21 percent for Scheduled Castes, 02 percent for Scheduled Tribes and 27 percent for Other Backward Classes.

·                    The interests of employees will be fully safeguarded in the projects/enterprise s established under PPP model.

·                    Now along with this, the Uttar Pradesh Government of my party has applied the policy of “Sarvjan Hitai –Sarvjan Sukhai” (Progress and Prosperity for all) also in the area of the reservation. In pursuance of this policy, our government has taken historical initiative to provide the benefits of reservation to all the poor and needy people belonging to all castes and the implementation of this new system has already been taken up in the right earnest in Uttar Pradesh. This step has been taken for the first time in the country.

·                    Under it, if the services rendered by the Govt. Departments, Corporations, Authorities, Councils and other Semi-government institutions or the maintenance of their establishment are substituted by outsourcing, then the contract to be executed for the said purpose would include the provision of providing 21 percent of jobs created through this out sourcing to the persons of Scheduled Castes, 2 percent to the persons belonging to Scheduled Tribes and 27 percent to Other Backward Classes.

·                    In the Industrial Units, Educational Institutions, Infrastructure/ Service Sector Projects, Disinvested Units are being set up in which the private sector is provided land, subsidy, state aid or assets by the Government or any of its government departments, then as per the “voluntary” and “mutual agreement”, the employers have to provide 10 percent of the total jobs created in the projects to the persons of Scheduled Castes, 10 percent to Other Backward Classes, including Backwards of Religious Minorities and 10 percent to the economically weaker persons of the Upper Castes

·                    Over 30 thousand posts of backlog have so far been filled by my part’s government in Uttar Pradesh. Recruitment on remaining posts is in progress.

·                    Besides, it is to be clear in mind that the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes (prevention of atrocities) Act, 1989, has been enacted by the Government of India, hence a central act, and no State Government can make any alternation in this Act nor repeal it. The State Government of Uttar Pradesh has ensured strict enforcement of this law.

·                    My Government has done everything possible regarding implementation of reservation policy.

·                    The Government of India has also been asked to fill the vacant posts in Government Services in accordance with the policy of reservation. The policy of reservation should be extended to private and other sectors and it should be included in the ninth Schedule of Constitution as a safeguard.

·                    We have also urged the Government of India to amend the Constitution for providing benefits of reservation to the people belonging to upper castes living below the poverty line. But, the attitude of the Congress and BJP and its supporting parties has been throughout negative.

·                    But for that matter, I would like to fully assure the people of upper castes that the day the government of our party come to power at the centre, they will be given the benefit of reservation, similar to the pattern which has been introduced by us in Uttar Pradesh and this will be done without their asking for it, and will also make all positive efforts for the eradication of their poverty and un-employment. And, you all know very well about the style of functioning of my party that whatever we say, we do the same. In other words, there is no difference in our party’s saying and doing.

·                    Besides, Adequate additional reservation should also be provided to such persons of Scheduled Castes who were converted to Muslim or Christian religion, but maintaining the present share of quota of prescribed reservation for the Scheduled Castes. For this, necessary amendment should be made in the Constitution to relax the total limit of 50 percent reservation as laid down by Hon. Supreme Court and this amendment will be included in the 9th schedule of the Constitution so that this arrangement becomes a permanent feature.

So far as the matter of providing Social Security to the people is concerned, my party’s government in Uttar Pradesh is very serious and sensitive over the issue… That is why immediately after assumption of power my government increased to double the amount of pension to old age persons and farmers from Rs.150 to Rs.300. And also the number of beneficiaries was raised to 24 lakh from 20 lakh, for which sum of Rs. 1410 crores has been earmarked in the budget.

Similarly, labourers , who belong to the poorest and weaker section of the society and mostly fall under the category  of farming labour, were not being cared properly as they belong to unorganized sector, but my government has raised their daily remuneration wage to Rs.100 from a meager of Rs.58, which they were getting previously.

      And, over the issue of plight of farmers and farming becoming less remunerative day by day and thereby ultimately affecting our self-reliance on food, my party is in full sympathy with the farming community. It is beyond any doubt that the governments of the Congress, the BJP and their supporting parties during their rule in the past 60 years have done a criminal act of ignoring farm and farmers. In the course of promotion of heavy industries, there was a criminal neglect of farm sectors and farmers’ requirements.

      This is also a tragedy that in the course of developing heavy industries particularly in the tribal areas, where the native people were deprived even from the fourth class jobs, adding more burden on their life to ensure protection of the interests of tribals & farmers.

      Besides, my government has taken a stand that the Self-esteem and Self-respect of the unemployed youth will not be ridiculed every month by providing them meager ‘unemployment allowance’. Instead, our party wants them to live with pride, as they would instead be provided permanent jobs, with the creation of job opportunities, for which Regional Rural Employment Centre will be established.

      And education is another area that has been accorded top most priority by my government in Uttar Pradesh. It is with this reason a decision was taken without any delay to recruit 88,000 teachers to help improve the standards of education. The process of recruitment of such a large number teachers in just one go is on.

      In addition of all these, my government has paid attention in according full respect and honour to Sants, Gurus and Mahapurush born in Bahujan Samaj at different period of times such as Mahatma Jyotiba Phule, Chatrapati Shahuji Maharaj, Narayana Guru, Periar Ramaswamy, Baba Saheb Dr. Bhimrao Ambedkar and more recently Manyawar Shri Kanshi Ram Ji. A number of new Districts, Universities, Memorials, Museums and other important public places and institutions have been named and erected in their name to perpetuate the memory of their hard-faught struggles.

      And in this connection, you all know very well that no government, be it the government of the Congress, the BJP or their supporting parties, ever gave proper respect and regards to the Sants, Gurus and Mahapurush born in the Bahujan Samaj.

      And regrettably, the castiest mentality of these political parties still persists. . The biggest proof of it is that the Congress party, ruling at the centre did not even declare one or two days holiday nor they ordered flying of national flag half mast in the mourning of Manyawar Shri Kanshi Ram Ji, the creator and founder of the BSP movement.. And the BJP and other opposition parties remained a mute spectator to all this.


      In brief, the lesson to our people of all this happenings is that if the people belonging to Bahujan Samaj and those of Savarn Samaj (upper castes) living in your state of Karnataka want to create an atmosphere like that of Uttar Pradesh for leading a life full of self-esteem, respect and dignity, they will also have to capture the “Master Key of political power” in their hands by ensuring good results in the general election being held in your State.

      Therefore keeping all these factual propositions in mind, I earnestly “APPEAL” to the supporters of the BSP to follow the above mentioned suggestions in order to make an all out effort to achieve party’s goal of capturing power in order to get rid of their poverty, helplessness, backwardness, unemployment, injustice and exploitation by making your own government in your State, following the true path shown to you by your messiah Baba Saheb Dr. Ambedkar on the basis of exercise of franchise based on the concept of “One Man-One Vote” given to you by Baba Saheb himself and thus fulfill the unfinished task of Manyawar Shri. Kanshi Ram Ji.

      In other words, you should understand your Messiah’s message properly and utilize the right to vote wisely to help yourself so that you could form a government of your own party in your State which will in real terms help improve your socio-economic condition as well as of education, besides ensuring a civilized self-esteem life to you. In the meantime, this could be also help improve the economic condition of the Upper castes people.

      But to create such an atmosphere in your State, you have to acquire the “Master Key of Political Power” in your hands, like people have done in the Stae of Uttar Pradesh and you will have show good result in the coming Assembly elections in your State. And to achieve this great goal of success in the assembly election, you will have to be cautious and alert from various nasty tricks and Saam-Daam-Dand- bhed like nefarious designs of the opposition parties during the elections, because these parties can go to any extent to damage our party.

      And I want to warn you that these opposition parties will go all out and will make all  efforts to sabotage the voting of Savarn Samaj inn favour of BSP and for this purpose , these parties will propagate our “Ideology and Principles” in a wrong, vicious and twisted manner among these sections of society.

      Therefore, I consider it important to explain the ideology and principles of B.S.P. I would also like to clarify here that the ideology and principles of our party “are not against any caste or creed”. B.S.P. wants to change the unequal social order of this country based on “caste” and wants to establish here a “Samatamulak Samaj Vyavastha” ( A Social Order based on Equality), which is in the interest of this country and Sarv Samaj.

For this, we have to change the Jaatwadi (casteist)mentality of Savarn (High Castes) Hindus and on the basis of Samajik Bhaichara (Social Brotherhood) we have to take them also along with us and only then “Samtamulak Samaj Vyavastha” can be established in this country in accordance with the thinking of the architect of Indian Constitution, Baba Saheb Dr. Ambedkar and only after that Sarv Samaj will be unified and disparities or casteism in the society will be completely eradicated forever.

      Along with this, they will get full opportunity to move in every walk of life. The members of our party should always remain cautious from different kind of rumours, which may be spread by opposition parties during elections.

      Apart from the above, I also appeal to all of you – “Beware that your vote is invaluable. No vote should be allowed to be purchased. No vote should be allowed to be looted. No vote should be left out from being cast and no selfish person should misuse your vote on account of defrauding or misleading you in the name of caste, money, religion or emotions.

     Hence, to save democracy you have to give power into hands of right person to safeguard the interests of your KARNATAKA State, so that you may formulate the policy of :Sarvajan Hitai – Sarvjan Sukhai” in all the areas and make the poor and unemployed persons of Bahujan Samaj and Savarn Samaj  happy.”

      In the end, keeping in view all the above mentioned observations, I “Appeal” to the supporters and well wishers of my party that you should not be misled by any alluring promises of Election Manifestoes of opposition parties and that you should follow the appeal of B.S.P. which is your own party, to make the candidates of B.S.P. victorious in the General Assembly Elections of KARNATAKA by pressing the button against “Elephant” (Haathi), the election symbol of B.S.P. I hope and expect that you will accept my “Appeal” and act accordingly.

                                                                            Km Mayawati

National President,

Bahujan Samaj Party (BSP)



In the Interest of Sarv Samaj, Contribute your Physical, Mental and Economic Might in Favour of BSP to Help its Ideology And Policies Reach its “Ultimate Destination”


Vote for the Candidates of

Bahujan Samaj Party

Make B.S.P. successful by pressing the button opposite Election Symbol – Elephant (Haathi)

B.S.P. Ki Kya Pehchaan !

Neela Jhanda, Haathi Nishaan !!

The  Identity of BSP is

Blue Flag & Elephant Symbol



Jai Bheem                   Jai Kansiram              Jai Bharath

                                                              Mayawati Sister’s

Appeal for Karnataka Brothers & Sisters

To Vote for Elephant Symbolised BSP Candidates

We say what we do and do what we say

Which is the way to be Happy and Gay

That is Sarva Jan Hithay Sarvajan Sukhay

Before the commencement of election the other political party


For a short while give you a goodie

From Exploitation & discrimination you get away

For progress of a diversified society

And for a developmental ruling assuring safety

Since BSP born from ashes of untouchability

Promises to wipe out your tears and provide you safety

Until you are all supportively behind this mission of

Sarvajan Hithay

Sarvajan Sukhay

Kindly visit:

http://sarvajan. ambedkar. org


Even after 60 years of Independence !

Because of UPA, NDA and their Supporting Parties Sins !

Such as not providing constitutional amendment to provide reservation even to the poor among the forward castes !

Non-inclusion of  Original Inhabitants of Jambudvipa that is the Great Prabuddha Bharath Christians !

And poor Muslims in the SC/ST category for giving them reservation in various sectors !

Congress and the Bharatiya Janata Party responsible for the backwardness of SC/STs !

Over five decades of rule, the Congress did not consider poor people as this Country’s citizens !

The BJP gave prominence only to the rich and neglected the economically weaker sections !

Both parties receive funds from capitalists during elections !

They later frame policies suiting their needs but not favouring the poor after their selections !

Thereby not the earning of the workers !

But the prices rises !

Hence !

BSP wins !

For allotting three acres of land to each poor and landless !

Benefiting over 25 lakh families !

Filled all the backlog posts reserved for SC/STs and backward classes !

Constituted separate welfare departments for all backward communties !

for their social and economic advancement,to ensure that they receive all the government benefits !

Deprived of a right and De-Franchised

— Photo: K. Murali Kumar

left out: Voters whose names were missing from the voters’ list, which prevented them from exercising their franchise, showing their identity cards during the repoll

at one of the booths in Bangalore on Monday.


The Election Commission is responsible for De-franchising large number people who were deprived of their right to vote as their names were missing from voter’s list.

Many of them those who had their photo identity cards also did not find their names in the voter’s list.

There was haste in conducting elections by the Election Commission without ensuring that all the eligible people in Karnataka were included in the voters list.

However Election Commission has to postpone the date for formation of the New Government and not on 28 th May 2008 as required by the Constitution.

With thousands of people not finding their names in the voters list, People must have the Right To Information on the exact percentage of names missing in the voter’s list.

Those who tried to include their names before 29-04-2008 had their acnowledgements. Yet their names were not found in the voters list.

Thousands of people stood in scroching sun to get photo identity cards before the elections. But they could not get because of lack of proper infrastructure such as enough numbers of computers and staff who could either include peoples name in the voters list or provide them photo identity cards.

People must also have the Right To Information on the type of chip used in the Electronic Voting Machine with the source code for transparency.

In Reserved Constituencies, the Major Opposition Parties have encouraged False Caste Certificate holders as candidates.

When objected during scrutiny they were not rejected but accepted since the Tahsildars had issued them certificates and EC said that they were helpless and only the Courts can help them.

The Election Commission must have a mechanism to ensure that genuine SC/STs only contested elections in Reserved Constituencies.

 Since the Chief Election Commissioner N Gopalaswamy on Thursday fixed the responsibility for preparation of error-free voters list, ahead of the election to Karnataka Assembly, on political parties, it is high time that the present Election Commission be scraped and an Election Committee representing all the Political Parties like various Parliamentary Committees be formed forthwith. And work out to see tha all the eligible people of India are included in the voter’s list. This must be made mandatory.

And no elections has to be conducted until all the peoples’ names are included in the voter’s list.

Till then the present election has to be scraped

for a Real Free and fair Election.

Election Commission India

Elections India : Article 324 of the constitution establishes an independent Election Commission to supervise parliamentary and state elections in India. Supervising elections in the world’s largest democracy is by any standard an immense undertaking. Some 521 million people were eligible to vote in 1991.

Now the people of India must have the Right To Information from the Election Commission know as to how many million people were elegible to vote in 2009 and 2008 Karnataka Assembly elections. There is no official information on the exact number of people whose names are not found in the voter’s list.

We the people - these are the most important words in our constitution. Everything depends on us- the voters,who have an opportunity and the right to choose our representatives, demand accountability and determine the direction of growth and governance of the country. Several problems have surfaced in the gigantic task of conducting elections in < ?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = “urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags” />India and to ensure that elections are free and fair. With each passing election, the educated citizens of our country seem to have grown ignorant and apathetic about the electoral process and elections. The result has been a steady deterioration in the standards and practices of political parties reflected in rampant corruption and the reckless use of money and muscle power to win elections.


Active participation of citizens is an absolute prerequisite to make the electoral system more representative, fair, transparent and free from all the other ills. Eleanor Roosevelt once said: “nobody can hurt you without your consent” which in this context can be rephrased as “nobody can marginalise you without your cooperation


Chief Election Commissioner N Gopalaswamy on Thursday fixed the responsibility for preparation of error-free voters list, ahead of the election to Karnataka Assembly, on political parties. Speaking to reporters here, Mr Gopalaswamy said the political parties would be given two separate lists on February seven for deletion and additions to be made in the final list.   


‘’They will be given two weeks time for raising objections to removing and adding names of the voters for the final list to be prepared on March ten,'’ he said.  


‘’It will be the responsibility of the political parties to ensure the final list did not contain discrepancies any more as the EC has adopted a new mechanism for producing error-free list,'’ he said.

To a question on whether the elections would be postponed in case of a delay in the implementation of the report of Mr Justice Kuldeep Singh who headed Delimitation Commission, he said the EC did not work on the basis of ‘ifs and buts’ and as of now, it would conduct the elections before May 28.


‘’The Commission is concerned about the voter’s list as there are only additions and no deletions in the list.

‘’This is the reason I sent Deputy Election Commissioner R Bhattacharya, who is in charge for Karnataka, to oversee the whole exercise,'’ Mr Gopalaswamy said.


The EC would hold elections before May 28, as the state completes six months under President’s Rule on the date, he said.


In the draft list submitted by the State Election Commission (SEC) names of 3.48 lakh voters had been deleted while 9.27 lakh new voters had been added as of yesterday.


Mr Gopalaswamy and his Deputies Navin Chawla and S Y Qureshi have been here for the last two days reviewing the voters list and preparedness of the official machinery to hold elections, following the detection of large number of bogus voters in the voter’s list.


Earlier, Congress and the BJP submitted memorandum to the CEC urging him to provide error-free voters list and elections be held in the stipulated time.


He replied in the affirmative when asked whether he would take action against the officials for their ‘lapses’ in preparation of the voter’s list.


Voters list mess in poll-bound Karnataka

Bangalore, Jan 5 - A family with 90 voters and a town with 30,000 voters in a population of 36,500! These are just some of the glitches in the voters list in poll-bound Karnataka. R. Bhattacharya, deputy election commissioner at the Election Commission of India has been in Bangalore for the last three days having talks with state election officials on steps to ensure proper voters list ahead of polls to the 224-member assembly expected in April/May.

The irregularities in the voters list pointed out by people and political parties has forced the state election commission to cancel its plans to release the final list on Jan 10.

Bhattacharya met state chief electoral officer R. Ramaseshan, Bruhat Bangalore Mahanagar Palike (Greater Bangalore City Corporation) commissioner S. Subramanya and senior officials from several districts and told them of the Election Commission’s displeasure over the way the voters lists had been prepared.

The state officials now plan to revise the lists and publish them by the end of this month. They have sought the help of voters to point out anomalies.

Karnataka Pradesh Congress Committee president Mallikharjun Kharge Friday mentioned the instance of one family in north Karnataka having 90 voters on the list and of Humnabad town in Bidar district that has 30,000 voters in a population of 36,500.

More than 7,000 in the town are school-going children, yet there are 30,000 names in the voters list.

Another Congress leader H.K. Patil said there could be around four million bogus names in the voters list. Karnataka’s population is estimated at 55 million and voting population at around 42 million.

The two other main political parties, the Bharatiya Janata Party and Janata Dal-Secular also allege there are many irregularities in the list. The three parties have urged the state and central election officials to rectify the anomalies


Reforms could ensure more voter turnout

Research could throw up answers for poor poll percentage

Poll percentage could improve if the Government makes a ‘determined attempt’ to bring in reforms

‘Involvement of Resident Welfare Associations, NGOs and other concerned citizens would help’

MYSORE: The voter turnout in the second phase of the elections held in ten districts has been put at 60 per cent, which is a drop of six per cent from the first phase of polls. What could be the reason for voter apathy? Can reforms set right the apathy and ensure people turn out in large numbers to exercise their franchise?

Social activist Vasanthkumar Mysoormath, who conducted voter awareness movements in 1999, 2004 and 2008 elections (first phase), has echoed Deputy Commissioner and District Election Officer P. Manivannan’s reported view that research has to be conducted on poor poll percentage.

“It is high time that such an exercise is undertaken by the Government of India. A number of election reforms are long-pending before the Centre.

The Election Commission itself has forwarded some suggestions that are pending since many years now,” said Mr. Mysoormath, who was the presiding officer in more than 10 elections.

Mr. Mysoormath, who retired from the Indian Audit and Accounts Department, maintained that the poll percentage can be substantially improved if the Government makes a “determined attempt” to bring in reforms as recommended by the Election Commission and experts over the years.

He, too, had made certain suggestions for improving the poll percentage.

Missing names

Many eligible voters have been denied their right to vote because their names were missing, although they held Elector’s Photo Identity Cards (EPIC).

“Why should they keep running around in circles to obtain updated EPICs every time there is an election, only to be turned down because the revised rolls do not contain their names,” he asked.

The money and energy spent for enumeration and preparation of electoral rolls with the help of teachers and government officials has time and again failed to produce the required results.

This needs to be answered because public money is being splurged to prepare incorrect rolls and to deny the citizens their right to vote, he said.


It is also time for the citizens to behave in a responsible manner and involve themselves at the grassroots level to help the EC set right the perennial problem, he said.

The three-tier system applicable to rural areas viz., zilla, taluk and gram panchayats, is absent in urban areas. To fill this gap, involvement of Resident Welfare Associations/ NGOs and other concerned citizens would help.

Better network

“Street committees with volunteers from the residents in a street are the need of the hour.

They, in turn, can coordinate with ward committees for enumeration and compilation of near-perfect electoral rolls and also for assessing the works and projects that need attention and for projecting their demands and grievances with the concerned service providers,” Mr. Mysoormath suggested.

Sensitising youth

The youth of the country has exhibited rank apathy due to their feeling that “politics is a dirty business”.

Many have expressed disgust over the behaviour of politicians in Parliament/Assemblies.

‘Not bothered’

“The youth have not bothered even to register themselves as voters because of the cumbersome procedure and running around to get an EPIC which nevertheless becomes useless by the next election. This attitude needs to be changed,” he said.

Political will

What the country needs is political will to bring necessary legislation through amendment to those rule books that govern elections.

“Countries like Turkey and Australia have compulsory voting and the turnout is about 90-plus per cent. What made those countries prescribe such a rule and how it is implemented may be studied and adopted in our country also,” he said.


Can incentives attract voters?

Some incentive is bound to attract at least a percentage of people to stop being apathetic and cynical and proceed to vote.

“A system may be prescribed: those who vote may be given a certificate by the EC for claiming say one or two per cent reduction in their electricity bills or water bills or property tax for a certain period after an election. If the percentage of voting can be increased by spending a few crores, then it will be well worth trying,” said Mr. Mysoormath.

EC has failed to check flow of money

Election Commission has failed to check distribution of money and other articles among voters.  Mine lords, members of land mafia and anti-social elements were controlling the elections, which a dangerous development in democracy.

 Major political parties had no moral right to go before the electorate as they had forgotten the basic principles of politics.

four polling booths in Bellary alleged rigging during the second phase of Karnataka assembly elections.

Tribal organisations, demand, disqualification, of candidates

Adivasi Swayattategagi Rastriya Rangha (ASRR)

and Nagarahole Tribal Rights Samithi have urged the Election

Commission to disqualify three candidates contesting from H D Kote

(Reserve) Assembly Constituency for allegedly producing false caste


According to a press note issued by Samithi Convenor P K Ramu,

the candidates Mr Chikkanna (Congress), Mr Chikkaveera Nayaka (BJP)

and (Mr Doddanayaka (JD-S) had contested the Assembly elections from

this reserved constituency for tribals and urged the Commission to

disqualify and file criminal cases against them.

Earlier, based on a complaint filed by the public, Deputy

Commissioner and District Election Officer P Manivannan had

suspended H D Kote Tahasildar T Vijya and ordered a departmental

inquiry against her for issuing S T certificate to BJP candidate

Chikkaveera Naika.

They alleged that all three candidates had tampered with the

school documents and produced the false caste certificates during

the time of the election process and contested from H D Kote.

The Assistant Commissioner of Hunsur Sub Division M R Ravi had

submitted a report to the district election officer alleging

tampering with the records by the three candidates to claim the

Scheduled Tribe status to contest the election.

In his report, Mr Ravi stated the Tahsildar of H D Kote had

issued controversial caste certificates without verifying the

original documents and failed to follow the procedures before

issuing them.

Meanwhile, Deputy Commissioner and District Election Officer

P Manivannan said the report had been sent to the Election

Commission for further action.

In Reserved Constituencies, the Major Opposition Parties have encouraged False Caste Certificate holders as candidates.May be to keep them under their control for not asking for any provisions of reservation.


 In CV Raman Nagar Constitutncy similar action was not taken when objection was raised  during scrutiny, they were not rejected but accepted since the Tahsildars had issued them certificates and EC said that they were helpless and only the Courts can help them.


Some political parties were involved in the bomb blast at Hubli court to gain political mileage during the election.


Polling in sensitive booths of Bellary City and Rural was slow, but peaceful on the whole except for an incident in Srirampur Colony (SC (Original Inhabitants of Jambudvipa that is the Great Prabuddha Bharath) Colony), where a voter, Shivaji an asthma patient was not permitted to vote as he had produced only the xerox copy of his ID card which was not accepted by the polling officer.

An altercation ensued and the Border Security Force (BSF), who could not understand Kannada manhandled the voter and pushed him out. A group of people gathered and the situation was tense for a while. However, special observer Raymond Peter arrived on the spot. The voter and the local people mobbed his car and represented the case. The situation was brought under control.


Such a huge number of contestants has made the officials organize for two electronic voting machines in each polling booth. Each EVM can display a maximum of 16 names. Both machines will be connected to a single controlling unit, according to B P Adnoor, Commissioner, Bellary City Corporation.

Will voters be confused as they will have to look for their choice of candidates in two EVMs?

“No. Each candidate has been allotted with a number and a symbol. Voters will have to know that number. But in case of national parties, voters go by the symbol. In 2004, two EVMs were used in each booth as elections to the Assembly and Lok Sabha were held simultaneously. A voter will have to spend a second or two just to read the symbols as there would be two EVMs,” he said.

A tour around Bellary city showed that none of the independents are campaigning. Even major political party leaders admit that no independent is serious about the elections. Then why do they pay Rs 5,000 as deposit and enter the fray? A senior Congress leader said, “Majority of the independent candidates are dummy. They contest and approach us (major parties) for money to withdraw their nominations. This time none withdrew their papers. Each candidate is allowed to use only four vehicles for campaigning. This EC restriction has come as a major hurdle for us to campaign. So, we have kept the vehicles of independent candidates at our disposal. Of course, we have their money. This is done in by all major parties. Many of the independents are fielded by national parties”.

Another challenge being faced by the officials is to weed out the bogus student ID cards. The EC has listed 20 types of identity cards which can be used for casting vote. A voter has to produce any one of these to exercise his franchise. Students are allowed to produce their college ID card.

In the first phase of polling, students were found producing fake ID cards. So, the EC has sent mails to all the DCs to check the veracity of students’ ID card. “We have held a meeting with the principals of all colleges in Bellary and have directed them to ensure that their colleges are not found issuing bogus cards. If fake cards are found, then principals of such colleges will face criminal action,” said Aravind Srivastv,  Deputy Commissioner, Bellary.  


 Giving protection to polling booths in Bellary city is also a major challenge to officials. Each booth will be monitored by para military personnel because each one of the total 211 polling booths in the city is branded as hypersensitive, said Srivastav.

As many as 7,244 government staff has been drawn for election duty on March 16. Of this, 1,811 are presiding officers.

In fact, no staff is allowed to work in their home town or village. They have been allotted postings on a random basis. Till May 15 morning, they would not know where they will be posted. All these measures are taken to see that fare and free elections are held in the district, added Mr Srivastav.


Rs 10 crore worth liquor, gifts seized


As many as 1,418 criminal cases have been booked under provisions of IPC and Peoples Representation Act, while 1,705 cases have been registered under the Excise Act and Rs 3.5 crore worth IMF liquor and spirit has been seized since April 1….


Around 120 cases of inducement to voters by giving various gifts have been booked while property worth Rs 7 crore worth property have been seized, Additional Director General of Police (Law and Order) Shankar Bidari said here on Wednesday.
Speaking to reporters he said 16,616 persons have been arrested since April 1 and bonds have been obtained from them for good behaviour.

He said as many as 56,000 police personnel will be deployed in the second phase of elections to be held for 66 constituencies on May 16. This includes 21,000 civil police, 10,000 Home Guards, 22,000 para military forces and 3,000 KSRP personnel.

a total of 214 Central Para Military Force (CPMF) companies have been allotted to 66 Assembly constituencies in 10 districts, that include 21 for Raichur, Koppal (15) Uttara Kannada (18), Bellary (31), Chitradurga (18),  Davanagere (24), Shimoga (22), Udupi (18), Chikmagalur (20) and Dakshina Kannada (27).

One mobile squad will be provided for every 20 polling stations. Each mobile squad comprises one police sub-inspector, one head constable, three constables and one Home Guard.

In all, there will be 650 mobile squads for all constituencies, Bidari said.

The CPMF pickets with one head constable, four constables/two head constables and 10 PCs will be posted in sensitive areas. Each constituency will have a striking force consisting one platoon of KSRP, he informed.

Polling booths

Bidari said out of the 12,271 polling stations in phase two, 3,754 have been classified as hypersensitive and 4,282 have been considered as sensitive. For every hypersensitive and sensitive booth, two uniformed police personnel and for every normal booth, one police personnel will be deployed.

families, in implementing housing programme and maintaining law and order.

BJP failure

BJP like the Congress and JDS also had to bear the burden of anti-incumbency as it had failed to issue ration cards to BPL

Peter takes charge

Senior IAS officer Raymond Peter, who was appointed as a special observer to oversee polling process in Bellary district, where mine owners have locked horns in the second phase, took charge on Wednesday.


He held a meeting with returning officers, top police officials and commandant of central security to review the poll preparations and arrangements.

In the December 2006 byelection to the Chamundeshwari Assembly constituency, Peter was the election observer and was known for dealing any violation of poll code of conduct with an iron hand.

The appointment of Peter in Bellary takes significance following allegations that voters are being lured with cash by mine owners. All the 211 polling stations in Bellary City has been declared as hypersensitive

In several areas, voters protested deletion of their names

Technical snags delaying and disrupting poll process for brief spells has been reported from several places.

Repolling in two polling stations


Electoral authorities on Sunday ordered repolling in two polling stations where elections were held during the first phase of Karnataka assembly polls


Repolling has been ordered at a polling station in Malleshwaram and another in Ramanagara following malfunctioning of EVMs there, Chief Electoral officer M N Vidyashankar told reporters.

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119 Buddha’s Most Powerful Positive Own Words 𝓛𝓔𝓢𝓢𝓞𝓝 4427 Sun 8 May 2022 Buddha’s own words on compassion and kindness towards all living beings
Filed under: General
Posted by: site admin @ 6:48 pm
 119 Buddha’s Most Powerful Positive Own Words
𝓛𝓔𝓢𝓢𝓞𝓝   4427  Sun 8  May  2022

Buddha’s own words on compassion and kindness towards all living beings

Buddha’s own words on compassion and kindness towards all living beings

the sects that arose after the Buddha’s death, what we now call
Theravada, the “way of the elders,” is the sole surviving strand. As the
oldest of the three main Buddhist traditions, it is the one most
closely associated with the teachings of the historical Buddha. The
school is rooted in the Tipitaka (Sanskrit, Tripitaka), “the three
baskets,” three collections of texts. Collected in the Tipitaka are some
of the earliest known Buddhist texts: the Suttas (Sanskrit, sutras),
accounts of hundreds of oral teachings given by the Buddha and his
senior disciples; the Vinaya, rules of the monastic order; and the
Abhidhamma (Sanskrit, Abhidharma), later scholarly commentaries on the
teachings. Together they form the Pali canon, a collection of
foundational texts that comprise the doctrinal basis of Theravada.
rests on core Buddhist teachings including the four noble truths and
eightfold path to enlightenment, the three jewels (Buddha, dharma, and
sangha), and concepts such as impermanence, non-self, karma, rebirth,
and dependent origination (the co-arising of phenomena), along with
ethical precepts and the meditation practices of samatha (calm abiding)
and vipassana (insight).
the Buddha set out ethical guidelines for lay practitioners, Theravada
is essentially a monastic tradition, emphasizing vows of renunciation
and self-purification. For the Theravadin, the spiritual ideal is the
arahant (Sanskrit, arhat), or “accomplished one,” who through solitary
effort attains nirvana—liberation from the suffering of cyclic existence
that marks samsara, or worldly life. In classical Theravada, a
layperson could become a “stream-enterer”—the first of four levels of
attainment on the path to enlightenment. But the disciplined life of a
monastic was deemed essential to reach the highest level—a non-returner
like the Buddha, whose “final nirvana” experienced at his death freed
him from rebirth.
has sometimes been called “Southern Buddhism”: from its origins in
northern India, it fanned out across southern Asia and today remains the
predominant form of Buddhism practiced in Sri Lanka, Myanmar (Burma),
Thailand, Cambodia, and Laos, and it is also practiced in Europe, the
Americas, and beyond.
What is Theravada Buddhism?
Buddhism is the oldest of the three main Buddhist traditions and is
most closely associated with the teachings of the historical Buddha.


But a noble one produces

An abundance of merit

By having a compassionate mind Towards all living beings.

“Quiet the mind and the soul will speak.”

“What you think, you become. What you feel, you attract. What you imagine, you create.”
“You don’t have a Soul. You are a soul. You have a body.”
“Every morning we are born again. What we do today is what matters most.”
“One moment can change a day, one day can change a life, and one life can change the world.”

“Your mind is a powerful thing. When you start to filter it with positive thoughts your life will start to change.”
“All that we are is the result of what we have thought.

“Health is the greatest gift, contentment the greatest wealth, faithfulness the best relationship.”
“If you knew what I know about the power of giving, you would not let a single meal pass without sharing it in some way.”

“When you realize how perfect everything is you will tilt your head back and laugh at the sky.”
May all beings everywhere be safe and well.

May all beings everywhere be happy and content.

May all beings everywhere be healthy and strong.

May all beings everywhere be peaceful and at ease.
Buddhism and all beings’ right to life
large majority of human beings deny the right to life of animals and
other sentient beings, including insects. Why? (Sentient being is a
living being endowed with mind and consciousness). The late Venerable
Narada Thera in his book titled, Manual of Buddhism, states as follows-
“The tolerance of…


गौतम बुद्ध : मन को शांत कैसे करें | How To Make Your Mind Peaceful : Gautam Buddha
लेकिन एक नेक का उत्पादन करता है
योग्यता की एक बहुतायत
सभी जीवित प्राणियों के प्रति एक दयालु मन होने से।
“शांत मन और आत्मा बोलेंगे।”
“हम जो कुछ भी सोचते हैं उसका परिणाम है।”
“आपको क्या लगता है आप कया बनेंगे। आप क्या महसूस करते हैं, आप आकर्षित करते हैं। आप क्या कल्पना करते हैं, आप बनाते हैं। ”
“आपके पास एक आत्मा नहीं है। आप एक आत्मा हैं। आपके पास एक शरीर है। ”
“हर सुबह हम फिर से पैदा होते हैं। आज हम जो करते हैं वह सबसे ज्यादा मायने रखता है। ”
“एक पल एक दिन बदल सकता है, एक दिन एक जीवन बदल सकता है, और एक जीवन दुनिया को बदल सकता है।”
दिमाग एक शक्तिशाली चीज है। जब आप इसे सकारात्मक विचारों के साथ फ़िल्टर
करना शुरू करते हैं तो आपका जीवन बदलना शुरू हो जाएगा। ”
“स्वास्थ्य सबसे बड़ा उपहार है, सबसे बड़ा धन, सबसे अच्छा रिश्ता विश्वास।”
आप जानते हैं कि मैं देने की शक्ति के बारे में क्या जानता हूं, तो आप इसे
किसी तरह से साझा किए बिना एक भी भोजन पास नहीं होने देंगे।”
“जब आपको एहसास होता है कि सब कुछ कितना सही है तो आप अपने सिर को वापस झुकाएंगे और आकाश पर हंसेंगे।”
हर जगह सभी प्राणी सुरक्षित और अच्छी तरह से हो सकते हैं।
हर जगह सभी प्राणी खुश और संतुष्ट हो सकते हैं।
हर जगह सभी प्राणी स्वस्थ और मजबूत हो सकते हैं।
हर जगह सभी प्राणी शांतिपूर्ण और आराम से हो सकते हैं।
बौद्ध धर्म और सभी प्राणियों के जीवन का अधिकार
गौतम बुद्ध : मन को शांत कैसे करें | How To Make Your Mind Peaceful : Gautam Buddha

  • 08) Classical Afrikaans– Klassieke Afrikaans

    Soothing music for meditation. Meditative Mind. Quiet the mind and the soul will speak.
    Maar ‘n edele produseer
    ‘N oorvloed meriete
    Deur ‘n deernisvolle gedagtes te hê teenoor alle lewende wesens.
    ‘Stil die gees en die siel sal praat.’
    ‘Al wat ons is, is die resultaat van wat ons gedink het.’
    ‘Wat jy dink, word jy. Wat jy voel, trek jy aan. Wat jy voorstel, skep jy. ”
    ‘Jy het nie ‘n siel nie. Jy is ‘n siel. Jy het ‘n liggaam. ”
    ‘Ons word elke oggend wedergebore. Wat ons vandag doen, is wat die belangrikste is. ”
    ‘Een oomblik kan ‘n dag verander, eendag kan ‘n lewe verander, en een lewe kan die wêreld verander.’
    ‘U gedagtes is ‘n kragtige ding. As u dit met positiewe gedagtes begin filter, sal u lewe begin verander. ”
    ‘Gesondheid is die grootste geskenk, tevredenheid die grootste rykdom, getrouheid die beste verhouding.’
    u weet wat ek weet van die krag van gee, sou u nie toelaat dat ‘n
    enkele maaltyd verbygaan sonder om dit op een of ander manier te deel
    ‘As jy besef hoe perfek alles is, sal jy jou kop terug kantel en vir die lug lag.’
    Mag alle wesens oral veilig en goed wees.
    Mag alle wesens oral gelukkig en tevrede wees.
    Mag alle wesens oral gesond en sterk wees.
    Mag alle wesens oral rustig en gemaklik wees.
    Boeddhisme en alle wesens se reg op die lewe
Soothing music for meditation. Meditative Mind. Quiet the mind and the soul will speak.

  • 09) Classical Albanian-Shqiptare klasike,

    Por një fisnik prodhon
    Një bollëk meritësh
    Duke pasur një mendje të dhembshur ndaj të gjitha qenieve të gjalla.
    “Qetë mendja dhe shpirti do të flasin.”
    “E gjithë ajo që jemi është rezultat i asaj që kemi menduar.”
    “Ajo që mendoni, bëheni. Ajo që ndiheni, ju tërheq. Çfarë e imagjinoni, ju krijoni. “
    “Ju nuk keni shpirt. Ju jeni një shpirt. Ju keni një trup. “
    “Çdo mëngjes ne kemi lindur përsëri. Ajo që ne bëjmë sot është ajo që ka më shumë rëndësi. “
    “Një moment mund të ndryshojë në ditë, një ditë mund të ndryshojë një jetë, dhe një jetë mund të ndryshojë botën.”
    “Mendja juaj është një gjë e fuqishme. Kur filloni ta filtroni atë me mendime pozitive jeta juaj do të fillojë të ndryshojë. “
    “Shëndeti është dhurata më e madhe, kënaqësia e pasurisë më të madhe, besnikëria marrëdhënia më e mirë.”
    do të dinit se çfarë di për fuqinë e dhënies, nuk do të lejonit që një
    vakt i vetëm të kalonte pa e ndarë atë në një farë mënyre.”
    “Kur të kuptoni se sa e përsosur është gjithçka, ju do ta ktheni kokën prapa dhe të qeshni në qiell.”
    Të gjitha qeniet kudo kudo të jenë të sigurta dhe mirë.
    Të gjitha qeniet kudo kudo të jenë të lumtur dhe të kënaqur.
    Të gjitha qeniet kudo kudo të jenë të shëndetshëm dhe të fortë.
    Le të jenë të gjitha qeniet kudo të jenë paqësore dhe të lehta.
    Budizmi dhe e drejta e të gjitha qenieve për jetën
    Cfare eshte zgjimi shpirteror? Pjesa 2. Matrix
    Me ndihmoni Te bej me shume Video te Tilla Duke bere Donacione K

  • 10) Classical Amharic-አንጋፋዊ አማርኛ,

    ግን አንድ ክቡር የሆነ አንድ ምርት
    የተትረፈረፈ ግርማ
    ለሁሉም ሕያዋን ፍጥረታት ሁሉ ርኅሩኅ አእምሮ በማግኘት.
    “ዝም በል ነፍስም ይናገራል.”
    “እኛ እኛ ብቻ ያለነው ነገር ባሰብነው ውጤት ነው.”
    “እርስዎ የሚመስሉት, ትሆናለህ. ምን እንደሚሰማዎት, ይስማማሉ. የምትታየው ነገር, ትፈጥርላለህ. “
    ነፍስ የለዎትም. ነፍስ ነሽ. አካል አለህ.
    “በየቀኑ ጠዋት እንደገና ተወለድን. ዛሬ የምናደርገው ነገር ጉዳዮች በጣም አስፈላጊ ነው. “
    አንድ ቀን አንድ ቀን ሊለወጥ ይችላል, አንድ ቀን ሕይወት ሊለውጥ ይችላል, እና አንድ ሕይወት ዓለምን ሊለውጠው ይችላል.
    አእምሮህ ኃይለኛ ነገር ነው. በአዎንታዊ ሀሳቦች ማጣራት ሲጀምሩ ሕይወትዎ መለወጥ ይጀምራል. “
    “ጤና ትልቁ ስጦታ, እርካታ ያለው ታላቅ ግንኙነት, ታማኝነት, ታማኝነት ነው.”
    “ስለ የመስጠት ኃይል የማውቀውን ካወቅክ አንድ ምግብ በሆነ መንገድ ሳያጋራ አንድ ምግብ እንዲያልፍ አይፈቅዱም.”
    ሁሉም ነገር ምን ያህል ፍጹም እንደሆነ ሲገነዘቡ ጭንቅላቱን መልሰው ያቆማሉ እና በሰማይ ላይ ሳቁ. “
    በሁሉም ቦታ ሁሉም ፍጥረታት ደህና ይሁኑ እና ደህና ይሁኑ.
    በየትኛውም ቦታ ያሉ ሁሉም ፍጥረታት ደስተኛ እና ይዘቶች ይሁኑ.
    በየትኛውም ቦታ ሁሉም ፍጥረታት ጤናማ እና ጠንካራ ይሁኑ.
    በየትኛውም ቦታ ያሉ ሁሉም ፍጥረታት ሰላማዊ እና ቀላል ይሁኑ.
    ቡድሂዝም እና የሕይወቱ መብት ሁሉ
    Lunar Eclipse Aatrox Skin Spotlight - League of Legends
    of Legends Lunar Eclipse Aatrox Skin Spotlight.Purchase RP here (Amazon
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    Ability Effec…

  • 11) Classical Arabic-اللغة العربية الفصحى

  • Public

    لكن النبيلة تنتج
    وفرة من الجدارة
    من خلال وجود عقل عاطفي تجاه جميع الكائنات الحية.
    “هادئ العقل والروح سوف تتحدث.”
    “كل ما نحن عليه هو نتيجة ما فكرنا فيه.”
    “ماذا تظن انك ستصبح. ما تشعر به ، أنت تجذب. ما تتخيله ، تنشئه “.
    “ليس لديك روح. أنت روح. لديك جسم. “
    “كل صباح نولد مرة أخرى. ما نفعله اليوم هو أكثر ما يهم “.
    “يمكن أن تتغير لحظة واحدة في اليوم ، ويمكن أن يغير يوم واحد من الحياة ، ويمكن أن تغير حياة واحدة من العالم.”
    “عقلك هو شيء قوي. عندما تبدأ في تصفيةه بأفكار إيجابية ، ستبدأ حياتك في التغيير. “
    “الصحة هي أعظم هدية ، والرضا أعظم ثروة ، وإخلاص أفضل علاقة.”
    “إذا كنت تعرف ما أعرفه عن قوة العطاء ، فلن تدع وجبة واحدة تمر دون مشاركتها بطريقة ما.”
    “عندما تدرك كم هو مثالي ، ستميل رأسك إلى الخلف وتضحك على السماء.”
    قد تكون جميع الكائنات في كل مكان آمنة وبصحة جيدة.
    قد تكون جميع الكائنات في كل مكان سعداء ومحتوى.
    قد تكون جميع الكائنات في كل مكان يتمتعون بصحة جيدة وقوية.
    أتمنى أن تكون جميع الكائنات في كل مكان سلميًا وراحة.
    البوذية وجميع الحق في الحياة
    Tony Robbins: STOP Wasting Your LIFE! (Change Everything in Just 90 DAYS)

  • 13) Classical Assamese-ধ্ৰুপদী অসমীয়া

    এজন মহৎ ব্যক্তিয়ে উৎপাদন কৰে যোগ্যতাৰ প্ৰাচুৰ্য সকলো জীৱৰ প্ৰতি
    সহানুভূতিশীল মন ৰখাৰ দ্বাৰা। “মন আৰু আত্মাই কথা ক’ব। “আমি যি ভাবিছোঁ তাৰ
    ফলস্বৰূপে আমি সকলো।” “আপুনি যি ভাবে, আপুনি হ’ব। আপুনি কি অনুভৱ কৰে,
    আপুনি আকৰ্ষিত কৰে। আপুনি যি কল্পনা কৰে, আপুনি সৃষ্টি কৰে।” “আপোনাৰ আত্মা
    নাই। আপুনি এজন আত্মা। আপোনাৰ এটা শৰীৰ আছে।” “প্ৰত্যেক ৰাতিপুৱা আমি পুনৰ
    জন্ম গ্ৰহণ কৰোঁ। আজি আমি যি কৰোঁ সেয়াই আটাইতকৈ গুৰুত্বপূৰ্ণ।”
    মুহূৰ্তই দিনসলনি কৰিব পাৰে, এদিনে এটা জীৱন সলনি কৰিব পাৰে, আৰু এটা
    জীৱনে পৃথিৱীখন সলনি কৰিব পাৰে।” “আপোনাৰ মন এটা শক্তিশালী বস্তু। যেতিয়া
    আপুনি ইয়াক ইতিবাচক চিন্তাৰে ফিল্টাৰ কৰিবলৈ আৰম্ভ কৰে তেতিয়া আপোনাৰ
    জীৱন সলনি হ’ব।” “স্বাস্থ্য হৈছে আটাইতকৈ ডাঙৰ উপহাৰ, সন্তুষ্টি সৰ্বাধিক
    সম্পদ, বিশ্বস্ততা সৰ্বশ্ৰেষ্ঠ সম্পৰ্ক।” “যদি আপুনি জানে যে মই দিয়াৰ
    শক্তিৰ বিষয়ে কি জানো, তেন্তে আপুনি কোনো প্ৰকাৰে ভাগ-বতৰা নকৰাকৈ
    এটাআহাৰও পাৰ হ’বলৈ নিদিব।” “যেতিয়া আপুনি অনুভৱ কৰিব যে সকলোবোৰ কিমান
    নিখুঁত আপুনি আপোনাৰ মূৰটো পিছলৈ হেলনীয়া কৰিব আৰু আকাশত হাঁহিব।” সকলো
    জন্তু সুৰক্ষিত আৰু ভাল হওঁক। সকলো জন্তু সুখী আৰু সন্তুষ্ট হওঁক। সকলো
    ঠাইতে সকলো বোৰ জীয়াই স্বাস্থ্যৱান আৰু শক্তিশালী হওঁক। সকলো বোৰ সতেজ
    শান্তিপূৰ্ণ আৰু স্বাচ্ছন্দ্যত থাকক। বৌদ্ধ ধৰ্ম আৰু সকলো জীৱৰ জীৱনৰ
    শৈলেন বাবু যাতে হিন্দু মুসলমানের মেয়ে গো সত্যপীর
    SK SAHALAM MOBILE. 8348902554
  • 14) Classical Azerbaijani- Klassik Azərbaycan,

    Ancaq bir nəcib bir istehsal edir
    Bir çox ləyaqət
    Bütün canlılara qarşı mərhəmətli bir düşüncə keçirməklə.
    “Ağlını və ruhu sakitcə danışacaq.”
    “Bütün olduğumuz hər şey düşündüyümüzün nəticəsidir.”
    “Nə düşünürsən, sən olursan. Nə hiss edirsən, cəlb edirsən. Nə təsəvvür edirsən, yaradırsan. “
    “Bir ruhunuz yoxdur. Sən bir ruhsan. Bir bədəniniz var. “
    “Hər səhər yenidən doğuluruq. Bu gün nə etdiklərimiz ən çox vacibdir. “
    “Bir an bir gün dəyişə bilər, bir gün bir həyat dəyişə bilər və bir həyat dünyanı dəyişə bilər.”
    “Ağlınız güclü bir şeydir. Həyatınızın dəyişməyə başlayacaq müsbət düşüncələrlə süzməyə başlayanda. “
    “Sağlamlıq ən böyük hədiyyədir, ən böyük sərvəti, sədaqət ən yaxşı əlaqəsidir.”
    “Verməyin gücü haqqında bildiyimi bilsəydin, bir yeməkdən bir şəkildə paylaşmadan bir yemək keçməsinə icazə verməzdin.”
    “Hər şeyin nə qədər mükəmməl olduğunu başa düşəndə ​​başınızı geri əyəcək və göyə güldürəcəksən.”
    Hər yerdə bütün varlıqlar təhlükəsiz və yaxşı olsun.
    Hər yerdə bütün varlıqlar xoşbəxt və məzmun olsun.
    Hər yerdə bütün varlıqlar sağlam və güclü ola bilər.
    Hər yerdə bütün varlıqlar dinc və rahat olsun.
    Buddizm və bütün varlıqların həyat hüququ-buddha
    Buddhist Mantra For Healing all Sufferings, Pain and Depression - Tayata Om Mantra

    BSP candidates may upset plans of other parties in Bidar district

    M.B. Girish

    BSP has given ticket to rebels candidates from Congress, JD(S), BJP

    Fierce contest is on the cards in Basavkalyan constituency

    Bandeppa Kashempur, Sanjay Kheny and Naseemoddin Patel to fight it out in Bidar South

    BIDAR: The entry of Bahujan Samaj Party (BSP) candidates into the fray may upset the plans of the nominees of other parties in some constituencies in Bidar district which will go to the polls on May 22.

    The BSP has given ticket to rebel candidates from the Congress, Janata Dal (Secular) and Bharatiya Janata Party.

    Naseemoddin Patel is contesting from Bidar South constituency on the BSP ticket after the Janata Dal (S) denied his candidature, Shantappa G. Patil, who was denied the BJP ticket, is the BSP candidate for Basavakalayn and Raheem Khan is contesting on the BSP ticket from Bidar Assembly seat after the Congress went in favour of the former Minister Gurupadappa Nagamarapalli.

    The BJP, which has fielded Raghunathrao Malkapure, who belongs to the Kuruba community, for Bidar constituency, is said to have a large vote base in the segment as the party nominees Narayanrao Manhalli won the seat in 1983 and 1989 and Rameshkumar Pande in 1999.

    The Congress, which won the seat in 1985, has fielded Mr. Nagamarapalli, a Lingayat. BSP, which won the Bidar seat in 1994 elections, has fielded Mr. Khan.

    The former Minister Bandeppa Kashempur of the Janata Dal (S), Sanjay Kheny of the BJP and Mr. Naseemoddin Patel are locked in a triangular contest in Bidar South, a new constituency.

    Both Mr. Kashempur and Mr. Kheny, whose native villages Kashempur and Ranjol Kheny respectively, are part of the constituency, are banking on their popularity and their family reputation. Mr. Naseemoddin Patel, a member of the zilla panchayat, is counting on the votes of minority community people.

    Samad Siddique of the Congress is said to be a “weak” candidate in the constituency.

    State unit president of the Janata Dal (S) Merajuddin Patel is contesting for Humnabad constituency where Rajshekar Patil of the Congress and Subhash Kallur of the BJP are in the fray.

    In Aurad constituency, which is reserved for the Scheduled Castes candidates, Narsinghrao Suryawanshi of the Congress, MP, is in a straight fight with the BJP’s Prabhu Chavan.

    Both are counting on the votes of Marathi-speaking people who are in large numbers in the constituency. Baburao Kadam is the Janata Dal (S) candidate.

    Prakash Khandre of the BJP, Ishwar Khandre of the Congress and Anil Bhusare of the Janata Dal (S) are in the contest in Bhalki.

    In the previous elections, the constituency witnessed a direct fight between Mr. Ishwar Khandre and Mr. Prakash Khandre. However, Mr. Prakash Khandre won the seat.

    Fierce contest is likely on the cards in Basavkalyan as Mr. Shantappa Patil has entered the fray as the BSP candidate.

    He has to fight it out with Basavraj Patil Attur of the BJP, Maruti Muley of the Congress and Mallikarjun Khuba of the Janata Dal (S).

    In the last elections, Mr. Khuba was the Janata Dal (S) candidate, Mr. Attur - Janata Dal (United), Mr. Muley -Congress and Mr. Shantappa Patil was the BJP candidate.

    5.84 % decrease in voter turnout in Raichur dist

    According to official information received, the average turnout in Raichur district of the North Karnataka region was 54.01 per cent as against 59.85 per cent in the 2004 elections.

    The voter turnout has come down by 5.84 per cent, compared to the 2004 elections, in Raichur district of the North Karnataka region in the second phase of elections to Karnataka Assembly, which was held on May 16.

    According to official information received, the average turnout in the district was 54.01 per cent as against 59.85 per cent in the 2004 elections. The district had recorded the lowest turnout in the polls in the state.

    It may be noted that in 2004, the elections were held simultaneously to the Assembly and Lok Sabha. The number of voters in the district had also increased to 12,47,868 from 10,82,77 in 2004. Only 6,73,934 voters had exercised their franchise in this election

    Sindhanur Assembly constituency topped the list with the highest voter turnout of 58.65 per cent, followed by Raichur Rural constituency, recording 56.27 per cent polling, Deodurga constituency (55.71 per cent), Manvi (54.66), Maski (53.59) Lingsugur (53.56) and Raichur City (45.19).

    An election official said strict implementation of rules, and making photo identity cards mandatory were some of the reasons for the reduced turnout. Rigging was considerably reduced in all the constituencies, the official claimed. Meanwhile, some technical problems had forced the election authorities to order repolling in two booths in Maski constituency, which was being held.

    Mr. Gandhi faced the brunt of the simmering discontent within the Congress when his motorcade was proceeding to Amethi from Lucknow.

    The issue came to the boil after he addressed party workers at Jagdishpur village, 70 km away, when he pointed out that he had received complaints of internal squabbles and that it amounted to “indiscipline”.

    As he started out for the town, a local Youth Congress leader and several party workers squatted in front of his motorcade, forcing it to a halt.

    When Mr. Gandhi asked them what the trouble was, they accused him of not fulfilling his promise made six months ago and said that not one of those displaced by the Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited plant set up at Jagdishpur was given a job.

    Party sources said the activists were also peeved at Mr. Gandhi “not spending enough time with them.” “He has taken a note of their demand on the BHEL project and would be talking to the higher authorities,” they said.

    Manual scavenging still rampant in North East Delhi, says report

    Parul Sharma

    Finance and Development Corporation had sponsored the study to identify scavengers in the city

    As per the report scavenging is a women dominated profession

    ‘The scavengers have high aspirations for their children and want them to study’

    NEW DELHI: While 15 years have lapsed since the demeaning and humiliating practice of manual scavenging was banned through the enactment of the Employment of Manual Scavengers and Construction of Dry Latrines (Prohibition) Act, 1993, manual scavenging is still rampant in North East Delhi, where a majority of Delhi’s 1,282 scavengers work, a study by a Delhi University lecturer has revealed.

    According to the study conducted by Pamela Singla, a lecturer at the Department of Social Work at Delhi University, the main pockets of residence and workplace of people engaged in removal of night soil are in areas like Karawal Nagar, Old Seelampur, Shahdara, Gandhi Nagar, Nand Nagri and Babarpur. “Scavenging is done mainly by two ways, either by cleaning of drains or emptying the containers containing night soil,” said Dr. Singla, sharing the findings of the study that she conducted for the Delhi SC/ST/OBC/Minorities/Handicapped Finance and Development Corporation.

    The Corporation had sponsored the study to identify scavengers in the city. Acting on the report, the Delhi State Cabinet had recently decided to initiate steps for the rehabilitation of manual scavengers.

    As per the report, “Scavengers and Scavenging in Delhi”, submitted to the Corporation in July last year, scavenging is a women dominated profession.

    “About 80 per cent of scavengers are women and majority of them are married. Over 71 per cent are below 40 years of age. Out of 1,282 scavengers, 1,085 reside and work in Delhi, while the remaining work in the Capital but live in Loni. Besides scavenging, they also collect garbage and clean septic tanks. They are engaged in scavenging purely owing to financial reasons as they have to fend for their families,” shared Dr. Singla.

    A majority of them are not satisfied with their jobs since the work is “extremely filthy”. About 12 per cent of scavengers said they could not quit the profession as there was no alternative means of employment available to them because of their illiteracy.

    “They are not sure what they want to do. During informal interactions with some of the women, I could gauge that they were not ready to undergo training for any other job. They showed willingness to do government jobs. Some women even said they would not mind scavenging if it would be counted under government jobs and would give them a regular, fixed income at the end of the month coupled with weekly holidays,” she said.

    According to the report, the scavengers had high aspirations for their children and wanted them to study and get into some “dignified profession”.

    Interestingly, Dr. Singla had conducted the same study way back in 1992 and was glad to note that the number of human scavengers in the Capital had come down from 8,000 back then to 1,282 this time round.

    “Things have improved in some ways. In 1992, there were many scavengers who carried it (night soil) head load. In 2007, such persons were almost negligible with most carrying it in a cart,” she noted.

    Dr. Singla said the profession can be completely abolished only when the authorities convert “dry” latrines to “wet” latrines with simultaneous programmes for their rehabilitation.

    “As long as there is a demand for their services, scavengers will continue to exist,” she concluded, adding that the Corporation is sharing the report with some ministries.

    7,85,702 people vote in Chitradurga district

    Staff Correspondent

    Hosadurga records highest turnout of 73.4 per cent

    Chitradurga: In the elections to the six Assembly constituencies held here on Friday, the district registered a polling percentage of 67.83.

    Of the 11,58,33 registered voters, 7,85,702 exercised their franchise. The Hosadurga segment took the lead with a poll percentage of 73.4. As many as 1,22,921 voters exercised their franchise there.

    Molakalmur, which is considered to be one of the most backward areas in the district, registered a polling percentage of 71.83 to emerge as the second highest. The number of people who exercised their franchise there was 1,38,317.

    Chitradurga constituency, where 1,37,764 people voted, came third by registering a polling percentage of 66.57.

    Holalkere registered a voter turnout of 66.51 per cent, while Challakere reached 65.46 per cent and Hiriyur 64.27 per cent.


    The counting of votes will take place on May 25 at the Government Arts and Junior College.

    As many as 64 candidates are in the fray

    Good voter turnout

    SIRSI: The Yellapur constituency has registered the highest voting percentage of 75 among the six constituencies in Uttara Kannada. Official sources said that Sirsi registered 73.62 per cent, Haliyal 69.91 per cent, Kumta 68.60 per cent, Karwar 63.51 per cent and Bhatkal 63.44 per cent. Kelaginamane polling booth in Siddapur taluk registered 89.94 per cent voting, Shiraguni booth 88.73 per cent, and Baragalagadda booth registered the lowest of 51.79 per cent, the sources said. Of the 9,51,149 voters in Uttara Kannada, 6,53,63 exercised their franchise. Uttara Kannada registered 68.72 per cent voting, 00.09 per cent more than the previous election.

    Security tightened for counting of votes


    CHAMARAJANAGAR: As many as 159 employees will be deputed on May 25 to carry out counting of votes of the four Assembly constituencies in Chamarajanagar district, Deputy Commissioner and District Election Officer K. Vishwanath Reddy has said.

    In a release here on Saturday, he said that 48 counting supervisors, 44 counting assistants and 48 Central Government employees would be put on duty on the day. Counting of votes would be held in the presence of 474 counting agents and 40 candidates, he said. The number of people who had cast their votes was 1,25,856 in Hanur constituency; 1,30,887 in Kollegal; 1,23,597 in Chamarajanagar; and 1,43,341 in Gundlepet, he said.

    The district police have made tight security arrangements on the day of counting. Nearly 183 police personnel would be deployed at the counting centres, he said.

    Kundapur records 90 per cent

    Special Correspondent

    BANGALORE: As many as 67.75 per cent of the electorate cast their ballot on Friday in the second phase of polling in the Legislative Assembly elections in 66 constituencies.

    Kundapura constituency in Udupi recorded 89.61 per cent turnout and Raichur recorded the lowest turnout of 45.19 per cent.

    The polling percentage for some the districts is:

    Raichur: Raichur Rural-56.27, Raichur-45.19, Manvi-54.66, Deodurga- 55.71, Lingsugur-53.56, Sindhanur-58.65 and Maski-53.59.

    Uttara Kannada: Haliyal-69.92, Karwar-63.51, Kumta-68.88, Bhatkal-63.44, Sirsi-73.59 and Yellapur-75.48.

    Bellary: Hadagali – 65.05, Hagaribommanahalli – 69.87, Vijayangara — 67.15, Kampli – 71.32, Siruguppa – 74.31, Bellary – 59.70, Bellary City – 51.87, Sandur – 76.72, and Kudligi - 71.79.

    Chitradurga: Molakalmuru – 71.82, Challakere – 65.46, Chitradurga – 66.57, Hiriyur – 64.27, Hosadurga – 73.40, Holalkere – 66.51.

    Davangere: Jagalur – 71.84, Harapanahalli - 80.13, Harihar – 74.80, Davanagere North – 55.66, ,Davangere South – 62.16, Mayakonda – 70.05, Channagiri – 73.13, and Honnali – 82.31.

    Shimoga: Shimoga Rural – 70.27, Bhadravati – 63.66, Shimoga – 56.74, Tirthahalli – 78.83, Shikaripura – 78.12, Sorab – 76.51, and Sagar – 70.09.


    32 with criminal charges are in the fray

    Special Correspondent

    BANGALORE: Even as the State prepares for the third phase of polling for the Assembly elections, the list of candidates includes a large number of candidates having criminal background from three major parties. A study, “Karnataka Election Watch 2008”, released by the Association of Democratic Reforms (ADR) shows that the wealth of candidates has increased multifold since the last elections in 2004. ADR spokesperson Trilochan Sastry told presspersons here on Saturday that there were 36 candidates with grievous criminal charges such as murder, attempt to murder, bribery, cheating, dacoity, forgery, rape and theft. Of them, 27 were from major political parties.

    The BJP tops the list of parties having candidates with criminal cases against them with 12 candidates followed by the Janata Dal (Secular) with seven and the Congress with six. Eleven other candidates have criminal records.

    Mr. Sastry said the ADR was careful to include only those charges that were serious in nature. One BJP candidate faced charges of murder while in the Congress, four of them faced charges of murder.

    The Janata Dal (Secular) has one such case. The document says 140 candidates with serious criminal charges have contested in all the three phases of elections so far.

    The document states that there are 22 candidates who faced grievous charges in 2004 but the nature of their offences have changed after they became MLAs or when their parties came to power. The ADR wants the authorities to investigate into the charges. Giving details about the volume of wealth accumulated by the candidates contesting in the third phase, the document says the candidates have amassed wealth of Rs. 199.02 crores since the last elections in 2004.


    Bangalore: Not taking action to remove 350 banners and buntings, put up illegally by the supporters of Congress leader D.K Shivakumar on May 16 in connection with his birthday, proved costly for two employees of the Bruhat Bangalore Mahanagara Palike (BBMP) as they were suspended for dereliction of duty. The suspended employees are: M. Ramesh (Second Division Revenue Inspector) and Yathiraj (First Division Revenue Inspector), both working in the Advertisement (East) division of the BBMP. Meanwhile, a show-cause notice has been issued to Francis, Assistant Revenue Officer, Incharge of Advertisement (East) division on the same issue. — Staff Reporter


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    118 Buddha’s Most Powerful Positive Own Words 𝓛𝓔𝓢𝓢𝓞𝓝 4426 Sat 7 May 2022 What is Theravada Buddhism? Chatsumarn Kabilsingh, 68, is trying to revive the ancient tradition of ordaining women monks. She was ordained a full bhikkhuni in Sri Lanka, becoming the Venerable Dhammananda, and returned to Thailand to help other women follow the same path.
    Filed under: General
    Posted by: site admin @ 5:43 am

    118 Buddha’s Most Powerful Positive Own Words

    𝓛𝓔𝓢𝓢𝓞𝓝   4426  Sat  7  May  2022
    What is Theravada Buddhism?
    Chatsumarn Kabilsingh, 68, is trying to revive the ancient tradition of
    ordaining women monks. She was ordained a full bhikkhuni in Sri Lanka,
    becoming the Venerable Dhammananda, and returned to Thailand to help
    other women follow the same path.

    Resentment and complaint are appropriate neither for oneself nor others. #buddhaquotes #buddhismquotes #quotes #inspiringquotes #amazingquotes #bravequotes #smartquotes #wisdom #buddhism #buddhateachingThis contains an image of: Understanding Buddhism:10 Reasons Why Its Not A ReligionThis contains an image of: Inner Peace & Stoicism/Buddhism

    Kindly visit:

    for slideshow

    8. Rescuing a swan shot by Devadatta


    the sects that arose after the Buddha’s death, what we now call
    Theravada, the “way of the elders,” is the sole surviving strand. As the
    oldest of the three main Buddhist traditions, it is the one most
    closely associated with the teachings of the historical Buddha. The
    school is rooted in the Tipitaka (Sanskrit, Tripitaka), “the three
    baskets,” three collections of texts. Collected in the Tipitaka are some
    of the earliest known Buddhist texts: the Suttas (Sanskrit, sutras),
    accounts of hundreds of oral teachings given by the Buddha and his
    senior disciples; the Vinaya, rules of the monastic order; and the
    Abhidhamma (Sanskrit, Abhidharma), later scholarly commentaries on the
    teachings. Together they form the Pali canon, a collection of
    foundational texts that comprise the doctrinal basis of Theravada.

    rests on core Buddhist teachings including the four noble truths and
    eightfold path to enlightenment, the three jewels (Buddha, dharma, and
    sangha), and concepts such as impermanence, non-self, karma, rebirth,
    and dependent origination (the co-arising of phenomena), along with
    ethical precepts and the meditation practices of samatha (calm abiding)
    and vipassana (insight).

    the Buddha set out ethical guidelines for lay practitioners, Theravada
    is essentially a monastic tradition, emphasizing vows of renunciation
    and self-purification. For the Theravadin, the spiritual ideal is the
    arahant (Sanskrit, arhat), or “accomplished one,” who through solitary
    effort attains nirvana—liberation from the suffering of cyclic existence
    that marks samsara, or worldly life. In classical Theravada, a
    layperson could become a “stream-enterer”—the first of four levels of
    attainment on the path to enlightenment. But the disciplined life of a
    monastic was deemed essential to reach the highest level—a non-returner
    like the Buddha, whose “final nirvana” experienced at his death freed
    him from rebirth.

    has sometimes been called “Southern Buddhism”: from its origins in
    northern India, it fanned out across southern Asia and today remains the
    predominant form of Buddhism practiced in Sri Lanka, Myanmar (Burma),
    Thailand, Cambodia, and Laos, and it is also practiced in Europe, the
    Americas, and beyond.
    What is Theravada Buddhism?
    Buddhism is the oldest of the three main Buddhist traditions and is
    most closely associated with the teachings of the historical Buddha.

    In pictures: Thailand’s female monks
    Thai women have not been ordained as monks for seven centuries – but one woman is trying to revive the tradition.

    Chatsumarn Kabilsingh, 68, is trying to revive the ancient tradition of
    ordaining women monks. She was ordained a full bhikkhuni in Sri Lanka,
    becoming the Venerable Dhammananda, and returned to Thailand to help
    other women follow the same path.

    Two bhikkhunis, or female Buddhist monks, at Wat Plak Mai Lai, a forest monastery in Thailand.
    Samaneris, or novice nuns, during a community work session at Wat
    Songkdhammakalayani, the first temple gathering fully ordained nuns in
    Thailand since 1960. All nuns are placed at the same level, regardless
    of their prior education or training.
    A novice nun begging for food near Wat Songkdhammakalayani.
    People from communities around the monastery feed the monks.
    New Samaneris (Buddhist novice nuns) during the Almsround (a food-giving
    ceremony that symbolizes humbleness) near Wat Songdhammakalyani, the
    first temple gathering fully ordained nuns in Thailand since 1960.
    People from communities around the monastery feed the Bhikkhunis (female
    buddhist monks).
    Novice nuns learn head massage techniques during their ordination training.
     Thai Sangha, the religious authority in Thailand, does not recognise ordinations of women.


    Excellent 👌 🎶 🎤 🎵 singing bird 🦢 🐦 🦅
    Nightingale Song.(Luscinia).
    bird is singing in the spring. Birds chirping. Best bird song.Nature
    sound and relaxing.Leave comments.The thrush nightingale (Luscinia

    MISSION 2024 (BSP) 🐘
    We will make BSP supremo Ms. Behen Kumari Mayawati ji as the Prime Minister of this country for Awakened YOUNIVERSE
    मिशन 2024 (बसपा) 🐘
    युवाओं को जगाने के लिए हम बसपा सुप्रीमो सुश्री बहन कुमारी मायावती जी को इस देश का प्रधानमंत्री बनाएंगे।
    মিছন 2024 (বিএছপি) 🐘
    আমি বিএছপি ৰ চুপ্ৰিমো শ্ৰীমতী বেহেন কুমাৰী মায়াৱতীজীক এই দেশৰ প্ৰধানমন্ত্ৰী হিচাপে জাগ্ৰত ইয়োইউনিভাৰ্ছৰ বাবে প্ৰস্তুত কৰিম
    মিশন 2024 (BSP) 🐘
    জাগ্রত যুবকদের জন্য আমরা বিএসপি সুপ্রিমো শ্রীমতি বহেন কুমারী মায়াবতী জিকে এই দেশের প্রধানমন্ত্রী করব
    મિશન 2024 (BSP) 🐘
    જાગૃત યુવાનો માટે અમે બસપા સુપ્રીમો સુશ્રી બહેન કુમારી માયાવતીજીને આ દેશના વડાપ્રધાન બનાવીશું.
    ಮಿಷನ್ 2024 (BSP) 🐘
    ಜಾಗೃತರಾದ ಯುವಜನತೆಗಾಗಿ ಬಿಎಸ್‌ಪಿ ವರಿಷ್ಠೆ ಶ್ರೀಮತಿ ಬೆಹೆನ್ ಕುಮಾರಿ ಮಾಯಾವತಿ ಅವರನ್ನು ಈ ದೇಶದ ಪ್ರಧಾನಿಯನ್ನಾಗಿ ಮಾಡುತ್ತೇವೆ.

    മിഷൻ 2024 (ബിഎസ്പി) 🐘
    ഉണർന്ന യുവജനങ്ങൾക്കായി ഞങ്ങൾ ബിഎസ്പി അധ്യക്ഷ ശ്രീമതി ബെഹൻ കുമാരി മായാവതിയെ ഈ രാജ്യത്തിന്റെ പ്രധാനമന്ത്രിയാക്കും.
    मिशन 2024 (BSP) 🐘
    जागृत तरुणांसाठी आम्ही बसपा सुप्रीमो सुश्री बहन कुमारी मायावती जी यांना या देशाच्या पंतप्रधान बनवू.
    मिशन 2024 (BSP) 🐘
    जागृत युवाका लागि बसपा सुप्रीमो सुश्री बहन कुमारी मायावती जीलाई यस देशको प्रधानमन्त्री बनाउनेछौं।
    ମିଶନ୍ 2024 (BSP) 🐘 |
    ଜାଗ୍ରତ ଯୁବକମାନଙ୍କ ପାଇଁ ଆମେ ଏହି ଦେଶର ପ୍ରଧାନମନ୍ତ୍ରୀ ଭାବରେ ବିଏସପି ସୁପ୍ରିମୋ ସୁଶ୍ରୀ ବେହେନ କୁମାରୀ ମାୟାବତୀ ଜିଙ୍କୁ ପ୍ରସ୍ତୁତ କରିବୁ |
    ਮਿਸ਼ਨ 2024 (BSP) 🐘
    ਜਾਗਰੂਕ ਨੌਜਵਾਨਾਂ ਲਈ ਅਸੀਂ ਬਸਪਾ ਸੁਪਰੀਮੋ ਸ਼੍ਰੀਮਤੀ ਬਹਿਨ ਕੁਮਾਰੀ ਮਾਇਆਵਤੀ ਜੀ ਨੂੰ ਇਸ ਦੇਸ਼ ਦੀ ਪ੍ਰਧਾਨ ਮੰਤਰੀ ਬਣਾਵਾਂਗੇ।
    ਮਿਸ਼ਨ 2024 (भ्SP) 🐘
    ਜਾਗਰੂਕ ਨੌਜਵਾਨਾਂ ਲਈ ਅਸੀਂ ਬਸਪਾ ਸੁਪਰੀਮੋ ਸ਼੍ਰੀਮਤੀ ਬਹਿਨ ਕੁਮਾਰੀ ਮਾਇਆਵਤੀ ਜੀ ਨੂੰ ਇਸ ਦੇਸ਼ ਦੀ ਪ੍ਰਧਾਨ ਮੰਤਰੀ ਬਣਾਵਾਂਗੇ।
    مشن 2024 (BSP) 🐘
    اسان بي ايس پي سپريمو محترمه بهن ڪماري ماياوتي کي هن ملڪ جي وزير اعظم بڻائينداسين.
    மிஷன் 2024 (பிஎஸ்பி) 🐘
    விழித்தெழுந்த யுனிவர்ஸ் இந்த நாட்டின் பிரதமராக பகுஜன் சமாஜ் கட்சியின் தலைவி திருமதி பெஹன் குமாரி மாயாவதியை உருவாக்குவோம்.

    మిషన్ 2024 (BSP) 🐘
    మేల్కొలుపు మీకోసం BSP అధినేత్రి శ్రీమతి బెహెన్ కుమారి మాయావతిని ఈ దేశానికి ప్రధానమంత్రిగా చేస్తాం
    مشن 2024 (BSP) 🐘
    ہم بی ایس پی سپریمو محترمہ بہن کماری مایاوتی جی کو بیدار نوجوانوں کے لیے اس ملک کی وزیر اعظم بنائیں گے۔

    Loop Wtf GIF

    On 14-05-2008  Wednesday  4 PM at Indira Gandhi Institute of Child Health, Beside NIMHANS, Bangalore

    CHILDREN SERVICE DAY  was Inauguration by Dr.H.Thimmaiah

    Prof. of Ophthalmology (Retd.) & Ex. Director of Minto Hospital

    Dana Service was Led by Dr. Siddaraju Director, Indira Gandhi Institute of Child Health, Bangalore


    Upasaka Dr. M.R.Narendrakumar

    Blessed by

    Venerable Bhikkhu Panyaloka

    Mahabodhi Bhanteji


    A Buddhist Center for Higher Learning

    (Supported by the Government of India )

    Maha Bodhi Society is running a two year Diploma course in Buddhist Studies over correspondence. The aims of the Academy are

    - To conduct Buddhist study programs through correspondence courses in a non-formal and cost effective way.

    - To present Buddhist teachings in a comprehensive and practical way. Practice of Buddhist meditation and moral precepts called Pancasila will be taught as an integral part of these courses.

    Please use this opportunity and gain wisdom! May you be happy!



    On 15-05-2008 AT  MYSORE Thursday 6 PM   At Mahabodhi Carla Students Home, Saraswathipuram, Mysore 2552nd Sacred Buddha Jayanti Celebrations was observed with BUDDHA JAYANTI PUBLIC MEETING,Buddha Pujawas Inaugurated by Shri S.Mariswamy, IPS Former Commissioner of Police, Bangalore & ADGP, Chairman, Dr.B.R.Ambedkar Institute of Technology, Bangalore

    Chief Guests were and with the Release of book “Yaavudu I Dharma?” by Prof.B.N.Chandraiah Buddhist Writer & Release of book – “Bauddha Dharmadalli Mahileya Sthaana” by Shri C.Chandrashekara

    Eminent Artist and Ex. Chairman, Karnataka Lalitha Kala Academy and Rajyotsava State Awardee

    Ex. Dean of CAVA, Mysore

    Shri Janardhan (Jenny) Theater Director and Singer

    Presided by

    Venerable Ananda Bhanteji

    Mahabodhi Bhanteji

    Dhammapada Recitation and Songs by Mahabodhi children

    Deepa Puja


    On 16-05-2008  Friday  2:30 PMAt Kidwai Institute of Oncology , Hosur Road , Bangalore  CANCER PATIENTS SERVICE DAY was observed with Dana Service at Kidwai Cancer Hospital , Bangalore was Inaugurated by Shri Chotmal Goenka Vipassana Meditation Center , Bangalore

    Release of Book “Buddha matthu Dhammada Pavitra Gunagalu”by Dr.A.C.Sreeram Chairman and Director, Mallige Medical Center , Bangalore

    Dana Service was Led By Dr.Loknath, MD Medical Oncologist, Kidwai Hospital , Bangalore

    Blessed by Venerable Bhikkhu Sangharakkhita

    Mahabodhi Bhanteji

    Thanking the following donors for supporting our humanitarian

    and spiritual activities

    1. Sri Sri Sri Chidananda Swamiji Maharaj

    2. Sri Siddartha Education Society, Tumkur

    3. Dr.B.R.Ambedkar Engineering College, Bangalore

    4. Sri.S. Mariswamy, Spoorthidhama, Bangalore

    5. Sri. P.L. Nanjundaswamy, Bangalore

    6. Sri. Narasimhaiah, Bangalore


    On 17-05-2008  Saturday 10 AM At Bhagawan Buddha Homeopathic Medical College and Hospital, Srinidhi Complex, Mallathalli, Outer Ring Road, (Near Dr.Ambedkar Engineering College ), Bangalore – 560056 (Tel: 080-23211056)

    STUDENTS SERVICE DAY was observed with Buddha Puja

    was Inaugurated and Dhamma Talk by Venerable Ananda Bhanteji Vice President, Maha Bodhi Society

    Chief Guests & Release of book “Saavu Nishchita Baduku Anishchita” by Shri Shankaralinge Gowda, IAS

    Secretary, Medical Education, Govt. of Karnataka


    Dr.H.R.Surendra, MD

    HOD of Ophthalmology, K.R.Hospital, Mysore .


    Dr.M.R.Srivatsa, MD

    Executive Committee Member, Central Council of Homeopathy,

    Govt. of India


    Presided by

    Shri K Chandrashekar

    Chairman and Managing Trustee, Sri Bhagawan Buddha Homeopathic College, Bangalore


    C.M. announces Rs. 50,000 assistance each for seriously injured persons

    Lucknow: May 15, 2008 The Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Ms. Mayawati has expressed deep sympathies the injured persons who are feared to have lost their eyesight because of using contaminated water. These people were injured in an accident at Tanda-Bajpur road in Rampur district today. She announced an assistance of Rs. 50,000 for each person suffering from serious injuries. She also directed the officers to provide free medical aid to the injured persons and said that the State Government would bear all the expenses towards their treatment. She has also directed the Commissioner Moradabad division Mr. Uma Dhar Dwivedi to conduct an inquiry into the accident. It may be recalled that about 35 persons belonging to Manpur Uttar, Imratpur and Rasoolpur villages of Swar Tehsil of the Rampur districts onboard a truck carrying concrete were going on Tanda-Bajpur road. The vehicle lost balance on a diversion on a bridge and turned turtle. In the accident all the 35 persons got injured. On the same spot, a few days back a tanker carrying chemicals had overturned and because of the leakage of the chemical the water of the nearby nullah got contaminated. Since the injured persons used this water they may have lost their eyesight. Out of the injured 19 persons have been admitted in the Dr. Sushila Tiwari Medical College of Haldwani (Uttarakhand) and 12 persons admitted in the district hospital Rudrapur. After coming to know about the accident the D.M. Rampur, S.P., C.M.O. and other officers reached the accident spot immediately and arranged the treatment of the injured persons. ******

    C.M. reviews the situation after dust storm in a high level meeting

    Lucknow : May 15, 2008 The Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister, Ms. Mayawati, while conveying her heartfelt condolences and deep sympathies to the family members of those who lost their lives in the severe dust storm which lashed yesterday, parts of the State has announced for immediate distribution of Rs. One lakh as financial assistance each to the families of those killed. She immediately called a high level meeting and reviewed the situation. She directed the concerned district magistrates to make arrangements for treatment of injured persons food etc. besides, setting up of relief camps. She also directed them to make available the additional amount of Rs. 27.10 crore immediately. She has also directed for providing necessary assistance after estimating loss of life and property, cattle heads and damage to houses. It may be recalled that a severe dust storm that hit 19 districts brought in its wake incidents of fire in which 89 persons died. The relief amount of Rs. One lakh each has been distributed to the bereaved family members. Relief works in the affected districts are going on in full swing. Control rooms have been set up at tehsil level in drought affected districts and at district level in other districts and the telephone installed with number 1077. An amount of Rs. 147 crore has been provided for relief works to the districts and money would not be allowed to come in the way of relief operations after availability of additional amount of Rs. 27.10 crore. Directives have been issued through fax and telephone yesterday night to all Divisional Commissioners to distribute relief amount to the families affected by dust storm and incidents of fire in their respective districts. Besides, district magistrates have been asked to estimate the loss of houses, animals etc. due to fire and immediately provide compensation. Massive loss of life and property has been reported in several districts due to the dust storm yesterday. Temporary relief camps have been set up in schools and other places for the people who have been rendered homeless in the incidents of fire due to this natural calamity. Besides, those who sustained injuries in fire, wall collapse and falling of trees are being properly treated and admitted in hospitals. Relief amount is being distributed after estimating the number of injured and loss of property. The districts affected by the dust storm are Kanpur Dehat, Unnao, Farrukhabad, Jalaun, Aurraiya, Etawa, Sitapur, Etah, Lakhimpurkhiri, Jhansi, Bagpat, Mathura, Mainpuri, Agra, Fatehpur, Firozabad, Aligarh, Kannauj and Badaun.

    All-out efforts to make Uttar Pradesh a prosperous State — Mayawati

    Lucknow: May 13, 2008 The Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Ms. Mayawati, while addressing a function organised to mark the completion of one year of her Government held at the C.M.S. Degree College, Kanpur road here today, said that the State Government’s achievements on the law and order and development front were noteworthy. The State Government took several decisions of historical and far-reaching importance to create an atmosphre conducive to development and peace, in order to measure upto the expectations. People reposed faith in the policies and programmes of the BSP Government by ensuring landslide victory of BSP candidates in recently held by-polls. She extended her heartiest felicitations to the people and assured them that the Government would spare no efforts to make Uttar Pradesh a developed and prosperous State. She said that the BSP Government would provide opportunities of development to all the sections of society, so that those lagged behind in the race of development could also benifit and brought into the mainstream of development. On the occasion, the Chief Minister laid foundation, inaugrated and made announcements of more than 48 schemes totalling to Rs.8500 crore. She inaugrated 375 metre long 8-lane Mahamaya flyover constructed over NOIDA-Greater NOIDA Expressway and Okhla Barrage, NOIDA crossing. The bridge has been constructed at a cost of about Rs. 67 crore. She also dedicated to the people 26 new roads constructed by the Public Works Department at a cost of Rs. 840 crore. Besides, she dedicated Mahamaya Government Degree College, B.B.Nagar Bulandshahr, Ramabai Ambedkar Government Degree College, Sambhal, Moradabad, Gautam Buddha Government Degree College, Gunnaur (Badaun) and Panchsheel Convention Centre of Chhatrapati Shahuji Maharaj University, Kanpur to the people. She laid foundation of 1000 M.W. Anpara-D Thermal Project costing Rs. 5300 crore, Rs. 1077 crore Agra Drinking Water Supply Project, Rs. 270.95 crore Kanpur Drinking Water Supply Project, Rs. 111.02 crore Varanasi Drinking Water Supply Project, Rs. 190.89 crore Kanpur Sewage Disposal Project, 24 new bridges costing Rs. 269.46 crore, widening and improvement work of 13 main roads costing Rs. 452.50 crore, hostel to be constructed at the training centre of the Rural Development Bank at a cost of Rs. 3.50 crore. She also laid foundation of the residential and non-residential buildings of the Divisional Commissioner Aligarh, Dr. Bhimrao Ambedkar Government Degree College, Padaria, Mainpuri and Dr. Bhimrao Ambedkar Government Degree College, Anougi, Kannauj. Ms. Mayawati also laid foundation of Bhimrao Ambedkar Government Degree College, Maharajganj, Mahamaya Government Degree College, Sherkot, Bijnore, Manyawar Kanshiram Government Degree College, Gabhana, Aligarh, Manyawar Kanshiram Government Degree College, Ninauwa, Farrukhabad, Savitribai Phule Women’s Hostel at the Chhatrapati Shahuji Maharaj University, Kanpur and residential and non-residential buildings for the police. In addition to that she also laid foundation of Dr. Bhim Rao Ambedkar multi-speciality hospital, Mahamaya Girls Inter College Building and Panchsheel Boys Inter College at NOIDA, Manyawar Kanshiram multi-speciality hospital building and Savitri Bai Phule Girls’ Inter College building at NOIDA, Manyawar Kanshiram Engineering College of Information and Technology, Azamgarh and Ambedkarnagar, Mahamaya Polytechnic of Information and Technology at Jyotiba Phule Nagar, Mahamayanagar, Chandauli and Gorakhpur and Gautam Buddha Boys’ Inter College Building at Greater NOIDA. Ms. Mayawti announced to provide financial assistance of Rs. 4,824 per student for one-year correspondence course in Urdu Journalism. She also said that decision had been taken to open 50 new polytechnics, 250 new I.T.I.s through public-private-participation under the new programme of the expansion of technical education. She also announced to upgrade all 278 government high schools to the intermediate level. Besides, she said that decision had been taken to consider opening of co-education schools, in case of non-receipt of applications for the establishment of girl schools in served and unserved development blocks. Decision had also been taken to reduce distance standard from 10 km. to 5 km. between schools, in order to encourage opening of schools and intermediate colleges in the private sector. On the occasion, she presented letter of allotment/keys of houses to the seven (7) beneficiaries under the housing for the poor scheme. These beneficiaries included Smt. Sheela and Ashish Sharma of Badaun, Niranjan Singh and Karan Singh of Mathura, Smt. Kanti Singh, Shri. Tejpal and Irshad of Meerut. These houses have been constructed in the Manyawar Shri Kanshi Ram Nagar scheme. She also inaugurated Saubhagyawati Surakhshit Matritva Yojna for the women belonging to B.P.L. families with a view to providing secured and institutional delivery facilities to them. Under the scheme, provision has been made to pay Rs. 1.85 lakh per 100 deliveries to the identified nursing home and private hospitals, which would perform the said number of deliveries of pregnant women belonging to B.P.L. category. Ms. Mayawati said that her government was committed to live up to the expectations of the people and all efforts were being made to make Uttar Pradesh a leading state of the country. She said that only B.S.P. Government could provide an atmosphere free from injustice, crime, fear, corruption which was condusive for development. All the governments ruling the state since independence could not provide such an atmosphere. She said that after coming to power, the biggest challenge before the government was to streamline the law and order of the state. The Government had succeeded in it and there was a sharp decline in the incidents of crime. The Chief Minister maintained that the State Government had brought an end to the atmosphere of anarchy following which the situation stabilised. She said that peace was necessary for development and the government took some bold decision to improve the law and order, as against the previous regime where the F.I.R.s were not registered and the jungle raaj pervaded all over the State. She remarked that her government accorded top priority to the establishment of the ‘rule of law by the law’ in the State and abolish the jungle raaj. Provisions like A.T.S., S.T.F., U.P.C.O.C.A., S.I.T. were made to deal with terrorism, notorious criminals etc. The SC/ST Act was being followed strictly. Efforts had been made to ensure development and welfare of naxal affected areas. She congratulated the police administration for the dip in the crimegraph. Ms. Mayawati said that after coming to power, she immediately held a meeting of senior officers of the State and reviewed the law and order situation as well as development works. At that meeting, she had listed her government’s priorities and ordered the officers to follow them strictly. She said that the services and facilities being provided by the State Government should reach the common man and no let up in it would be tolerated. She said that the officer had been directed to remain present in their offices between 10 a.m. to 12 noon, so that on the spot redress of people’s grievances could be ensured. Besides, the officers had been directed to organise ‘tehsil diwas’ and ‘thana diwas’ on a regular basis. She said that the government was specially focussing on the villages and poor among the farmers. She said that the State Government had prepared all its policies in the light of Sarvajan Hitai, Sarvajan Sukhai (welfare and happiness for all). The Chief Minister said that monitoring of law and order had been made foolproof at every level. The Government’s intent was to ensure that the benefit of government schemes should reach beneficiaries. She said that her government had doubled the amount of all types of pension and the number of the beneficieries too had been raised. For the development of villages new norms had been fixed for the selection of gram sabhas on the basis of population of ‘Sarva Samaj’ under Dr. Ambedkar Samgra Vikas Yojna, so as to ensure the benefit of development to all. For the development and expansion of basic facilities in towns and cities, Manyawar Kanshi Ram Shahri Samgra Vikas Yojna had been launched. We had put back on rails the development of the entire state within our limited resources, without the cooperation of the Central Government. She said that electrification work lying unfinished in 17,179 villages had been completed and power supply ensured in more than 20,000 villages Dr. Ambedkar Gram Sabha Yojna. Ms. Mayawati said that on assumption of power she inherited empty coffers and the serious problem of power. The government took necessary steps to meet power crisis without loss of time and long term schemes had been formulated to solve the problem. She said that these efforts were expected to result in the availability of 10,000 MW in the state in the five years. She said that almost all the previous governments failed to pay heed to power generation in keeping with the need of increasing population. She said that efforts of present government had resulted in 100 per cent payment of cane prices to the farmers in the year of 2006-07 and about 75 per cent in 2007-08. The remaining payment of cane dues would be made soon. The penalty for less weighing had been increased from Rs. 5,000 to Rs. 50,000. The crushing capacity had been increased by raising the number of sugar mills. The Chief Minister said that keeping in view the importance of education, 88,000 primary teachers were being recruited, besides ensuring qualitative improvement in education. Buildings of 5,500 primary and higher primary schools besides 27,000 class rooms had been constructed in one year. Decision had also been taken to hold students union’s elections according to the recommendations of the Lyngdoh committee. With a view to ensuring participation of private sector in technical education and higher education, emphasis had been laid on the creation of more and more employment opportunities. The initiative had for the first time been taken to implement the reservation system in the jobs being created in the private sector on voluntary basis. She said that schemes were being implemented for the development of rural areas and top most priority had been given to employment generation adding that the rule of previous governments had been confined to a few places. She said that for medical and health facilities her government had made a budgetary provision of Rs. 5626 crore for high class facilities in every area without any discrimination which was 20 per cent more than the last year. Besides, a provision of Rs. 383 crore had been made for the construction of primary and community health centres. Hospitals established earlier were being upgraded, expanded and modernised. Ms. Mayawati said that her government had been sensitive to the interests of the destitute, weaker sections and the poor from the very beginning. Decision had been taken for establishing several schools for handicapped persons for making them self-reliant. Besides it, decision had also been taken to establish a university at Lucknow for them on Public Private Partnership (PPP) basis. For the betterment and welfare of minorities, Madarsa Siksha Parishad had been constituted for the first time in the State. She said that a proposal for inclusion of socially, economically and educationally backward caste in the scheduled castes list had been sent to the Government of India. Request had to also been made to Central Government to bring constitutional amendment for providing benefit of reservation to the poor people of upper castes in the private sector. The backlog of reserved posts had been filled by way of drive. The recruitments under general category had also commenced. The Chief Minster especially referred to the efforts of state government for providing relief to the drought affected people in Bundelkhand. On the occasion she said that after taking the reigns of administration, she was told that the drought conditions of Bundelkhand were very severe. It was due to the insensitivity of previous government that the situation worsened in the last four years. She said that her government declared nine districts as drought affected without wasting time and relief and development works were taken up on war-footing. She said that she herself went to Bundelkhand and schemes worth Rs. 1500 crore were started. In each village food grain banks had been opened for providing foodgrains to the destitute and helpless persons, besides provision or community kitchen. The Minimum amount of agriculture subsidy had been increased from Rs. 250 to Rs. 1000 for small and marginal farmers. Under NREGA 6.37 lakh families were given employment and 3.13 crore man days employment was created. The Chief Minister said that the government had formulated a pragmatic middle of the path economic policy. Ganga Express-way project costing Rs. 40,000 crore had been prepared on PPP basis, which would connect the entire Uttar Pradesh to Delhi. The industrial development had been given a fillip by strengthening the infrastructure facilities in the State. Besides, VAT regime had been implemented and tax rates of necessary items have been reduced so as to bring down prices of essential commodities. Ms. Mayawati said that the foundation laid by Dr. Ambedkar for an egalitarian social order was carried forward by Manyawar Shri Kanshiram. No body had done any thing in memory and honour of such great persons. She said that the government took initiative in this direction and to perpetuate their memory to constructing memorials. Besides, several other schemes had been launched after the name of Saints, Gurus and great men, so that the people could take inspiration from their life and struggles. She said that the people had realised during one year of the rule that the promises made by the B.S.P. Government were not confined to paper, but were seen on the ground. She assured the people that every moment of the B.S.P. Government was devoted to the welfare and betterment of the people. Earlier, the Chief Minster inaugurated a photo exhibition based one year’s achievements of the government. Cultural programmes were also presented on the occasion. The Chief Minister appreciated M.P. and Chairman U.P. Advisory Council Mr. Satish Chandra Mishra, Chief Secretary Mr. P.K. Mishra, Cabinet Secretary Mr. Shashank Shekhar Singh for their commitment for implementing the policies of the Government. While the Chief Secretary Mr. P.K. Mishra welcomed the Chief Minister and other guests, Principal Secretary Information Mr. Vijai Shanker Pandey proposed vote of thanks. On this occasion, M.P. Mr. Satish Chandra Mishra, several Minister, MPs, MLAs, Party office bearers and Cabinet Secretary Mr. Shashank Shekhar Singh were present, besides senior officers and eminent citizens.

    Calls for consensus on passage of Women’s Reservation Bill

    Lucknow: May 6, 2008 The Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister, Ms. Mayawati, while clearing the stand of the State Government on the issue of Women’s Reservation Bill, said that from the outset her Government was of the view that “Jitni jiski bhagidari, Utni uski hissedari”. She said that considering that the population of the women was 50 per cent of the total population of the country, therefore, it would be justified that they were given 50 per cent reservation in all levels of the political structure of the country. The C.M. said that her Government welcomed the proposal of 33 per cent reservation of women as it was an important step towards the empowerment of women, but it also expresses its disapproval of certain provisions incorporated in the Bill. Ms. Mayawati said that there was no provision to ensure that the women of all categories of the Sarva Samaj got the benefit of reservation. Therefore, her government was of the view that certain important amendments should be made in the Bill. She said that her government believed that out of the 33 per cent reservation quota proposed for the women, there should be provision for separate reservation for the women belonging to SC/ST and OBC categories, viz. these categories should not be given quota within quota. *******

    Einstein’s letter auctioned


    LONDON: A letter in which Albert Einstein termed God as the product of human weakness sold at an auction here on Thursday for more than £200,000.

    60 % vote in Karnataka phase II

    Special Correspondent

    Bangalore: Polling in the second phase of elections for 66 seats of the Karnataka Assembly held in 10 districts on Friday was by and large peaceful. In the first phase on May 10, elections were conducted for 89 seats. The third phase, covering the remaining 69 seats, is scheduled for May 22.

    A violent incident in Bellary on Thursday, resulting in the transfer of the Superintendent of Police, and a shootout by a naxal group at Hebri in Udupi district in which two people were killed, did not have much impact on the polling.

    Udupi and the neighbouring district of Dakshina Kannada recorded the highest polling percentage of 68. It was 55 per cent in Bellary.

    Chief Electoral Officer M.N. Vidyashankar said the polling average was 60.3 per cent. It was 63.3 per cent in the first phase.

    Heavy security

    Director-General and Inspector-General of Police R. Srikumar told The Hindu that apart from the State police and the special anti-naxalite police, a number of platoons of Central paramilitary forces were on duty.

    There was only one attempt at bogus voting in a polling station at the New Mangalore Port and even this was thwarted by the police. The polling percentages in the other districts were: Chikmagalur (63), Chitradurga (60), Davanagere (64), Koppal (62), Raichur (47), Shimoga (60) and Uttara Kannada (61).

    67.8 per cent polling in second phase of Karnataka polls

    Karnataka Chief Electoral Officer, M N Vidyashankar told reporters that Chikmagalur registered 71.14 per cent while Bellary, classified as a highly sensitive district, recorded 66.64 per cent.

    About 67.8 per cent of the 1.10 crore electorate cast their ballot yesterday in the second phase of polling in Karnataka assembly elections in 66 constituencies spread over ten districts, Election Department sources said today.

    Karnataka Chief Electoral Officer, M N Vidyashankar told reporters that Bellary, classified as a highly sensitive district, recorded 66.64 per cent.

    Chikmagalur registered 71.14 per cent, Chitradurga 67.83 per cent, Dakshina Kannada 72.87 per cent, Davanagere 70.84 per cent, Koppal 62.39 per cent, Raichur 54.01 per cent, Shimoga 70.06 per cent, Udupi 75.63 per cent and Uttara Kannada 69 per cent.

    Incidentally, these districts had registered 67.8 per cent polling in the 2004 assembly elections also, he said.

    Vidyashankar said there was a possibility of ordering re-poll in two or three polling booths and awaited reports from Returning Officers.

    Sources had projected about 60 per cent polling yesterday.

    The second phase of polling was by and large peaceful and was held amid unprecedented security cover.The security was tightened in the light of poll-related violence in which Naxalites shot dead two persons in Hebri in Udupi district on May 15 and also some clashes between Congress and BJP workers in Bellary.

    Voters sealed the poll fortunes of 589 aspirants.

    In the first phase of election in 89 assembly segments spread across 11 districts, about 66 per cent of an estimated 1.73 crore electorate had exercised their franchise

    A total of 155 constituencies out of the 224 seats have gone through the voting process and remaining 69 from eight districts face election on May 22, in the final phase.

    The counting of votes will be taken up on May 25.


    anti-national activities had reached a new height during the NDA government headed by Atal Behari Vajpayee.
    He said that law and order was state’s responsibility and the bomb blasts in Rajasthan would have prevented had Vijayraje Scindia-led BJP government taken proper measures. 
    BJP was using the terror issue as an election stunt.


    Poll scuffle in Bellary



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    117 Buddha’s Most Powerful Positive Own Words 𝓛𝓔𝓢𝓢𝓞𝓝 4425 Fri 6 May 2022 Let us Witness the life journey of Gautam Buddha in an immersive 360 degree experience – Animation… to DO GOOD😊PURIFY MIND Grow your own vegetables 🥦 🥕 🥗 & fruits 🍌 🍎 🍉 REVOLUTION to go into 🏨 inner world 🗺 🌍 🌎 & attain happiness & peace for Eternal Bliss. Do Meditative Mindful Swimming. Let’s convert all our homes to show the Path for All Societies to Attain NIBBANA Buddha’s words have Power
    Filed under: General
    Posted by: site admin @ 8:19 pm


    117 Buddha’s Most Powerful Positive Own Words

    𝓛𝓔𝓢𝓢𝓞𝓝   4425  Fri  6  May  2022

    Let us Witness the life journey of Gautam Buddha in an immersive 360 degree experience – Animation… to
    Grow your own vegetables 🥦 🥕 🥗 & fruits 🍌 🍎 🍉 REVOLUTION
    to go into 🏨 inner world 🗺 🌍 🌎 & attain happiness & peace for Eternal Bliss.
    Do Meditative Mindful Swimming.
    Let’s convert all our homes to show the Path for All Societies to Attain NIBBANA
    Buddha’s words have Power
    May be an image of 1 person and text

    Grow your own vegetables 🥦 🥕 🥗 & fruits 🍌 🍎 🍉 REVOLUTION
    to go into 🏨 inner world 🗺 🌍 🌎 & attain happiness & peace for Eternal Bliss.
    Do Meditative Mindful Swimming.
    Let’s convert all our homes to show the Path for All Societies to Attain NIBBANA
    Buddha’s words have Power
    Awakened One ☝️ the Buddha’s 🤕 Own Words from Theravada Tipitaka are for all societies irrespective of religions, racism and castes.
    Kushinara Nibbana Bhumi Pagoda
    White Home
    An 18ft Dia Mindful Meditation 🧘
    668, 5A Main Road, 8th Cross, HAL III Stage,
    Punya Bhumi Bengaluru
    Magadhi Karnataka
    Witness the life journey of Gautam Buddha in an immersive 360 degree experience – Animation…

    Adapted from Archaic Translation By Mrs. Rhys Davids 1909
    Compared with the Pali Tipitaka at
    Dhammadinna, Daughter of a clansman (kulagehe), wife of a
    Millionare(Setthi) (Visakha), both of Rajagaha, foremost of the Elder
    Nuns who were preachers
    she, in the time when Padumuttara was Buddha, lived at Hansavati in a
    state of servitude; and because she worshipped, served and did honour to
    one of the chief disciples when he rose from his meditative trance
    state, she was reborn in heaven and so on, among gods(angels) and men,
    till Phussa was Buddha. Then she worked merit by doubling the gift
    prescribed by her husband to the Master’s half-brothers while they were
    staying in a servant’s house. And when Kassapa was Buddha, she came to
    birth in the house of Kiki, King of Kasi, as one of the Seven Sisters,
    his daughters, and for 20,000 years lived a holy life of
    sexual-abstinence(celibacy). . . . Finally, in this Buddha-Era, she was
    reborn of a clansman’s family at Rajagaha, and became the wife of
    Visakha, a leading citizen. Now one day her husband went to hear the
    Master(Buddha) teaching, and became Anagami(non-returner , destined to
    arch-angel world[1]). When he came home, Dhammadinna met him as he went
    up the stairs; but he leant not on her outstretched hand, nor spoke to
    her at supper. And she asked: ‘Dear sir, why did you not take my hand?
    Why do you not talk to me? Have I done anything improper?’ ‘It is for no
    fault in you, Dhammadinna; but from from now on I am not fit to touch a
    woman or take pleasure in food, for of such is the doctrine now borne
    in upon me. Do you according as you wish, either continuing to dwell
    here, or taking as much wealth as you need and going back to your
    family.’ ‘No, dear sir, I will make no such goings back. Allow me to
    leave the world(renounce & become nun).’ ‘It is well, Dhammadinna,’
    replied Visakha, and sent her to the Bhikkhunis in a golden palanquin.
    Admitted to the Order, she shortly after asked permission of her
    teachers to go into retreat, saying: ‘Mothers, my heart has no delight
    in a place of crowds; I would go into a village abode.’ The Bhikkhunis
    brought her there, and while there, because in her past lives she had
    subjugated the complexities of thought, word, and deed, she soon
    attained Arahantship(enlightenment equal to Buddha), together with
    thorough mastery of the form and meaning of the Dhamma(eternal truth).
    Upon that she thought: ‘Now have I reached the summit. What shall I do
    here any longer? I will even go to Rajagaha and worship the
    Master(Buddha), and many of my relatives will, through me, acquire
    merit.’ So she returned with her Bhikkhunis. Then Visakha(husband),
    hearing of her return, curious to know why she came, interviewed her
    with questions on the Khandhas and the like. And Dhammadinna answered
    every question as one might cut a lotus-stalk with a knife, and finally
    referred him to the Master. The Master(Buddha) praised her great wisdom,
    as it is told in the Lesser Vedalla (Miscellany) Sutta, and ranked her
    foremost among the Theris who could preach.
    it was while she was dwelling in the country, and, while yet in the
    lowest path, practiced insight meditation (Vipassana[2]) to reach the
    highest, that she uttered her verse:
    In whom desire to reach the final rest
    Is born suffusing all the mind of her,
    Whose mind is no more held by lure of sense-desire
    Bound Upstream, so shall she be called. (12)
    Anagami - lit. non-returner , The state prior to nirvana , one who will
    be reborn in Brahmaloka (arch-angel world) and then from there one will
    achieve Nirvana.
    Vipassana : This refers to the foremost insight meditation called
    ‘Vipassana’ taught by Buddha in which attention is focussed on inner
    phenomenon (breath,body,emotions , sensations & mind) with
    detachment (samata/equanimity) leading to self-awakening &
    The Pali Tipitaka

    The Pali Tipitaka
    The Pali Tipitaka


    The Tipitaka
    Vinaya Pitaka
    Sutta Pitaka
    Digha Nikaya
    Majjhima Nikaya
    Samyutta Nikaya
    Anguttara Nikaya
    Khuddaka Nikaya
    Abhidhamma Pitaka
    Tipitaka >> Sutta Pitaka >> Khuddaka Nikaya >> Therigatha
    Therigatha : Complete & Detailed Version
    Therigatha (Theri+Gatha) consists poems(gathas) written by Theris i.e.
    Elder Nuns(also known as Bhikkunis) who were the foremost and fully
    enlightened (Arahats) & mostly of the time of Buddha. These
    infinitely self illuminated Elder Nuns had also reached the other shore
    of Nirvana/Nibbana (transcendental dimension) where there is eternal
    bliss and eternal life. These accounts serve as inspiration to follow in
    their footsteps.
    Some of the notable ones are :
    6.6 Maha-Pajapati-Gotami-The queen,aunt & foster mother of Lord Buddha. She started the nuns order.
    Yasodhara-Wife-of-Lord-Buddha-Her account. How she had been with Lord Buddha in many past lives etc.
    1.13 Visakha
    5.10 Patachara-A mad woman who received sanity & became enlightened.
    10.1 Kisa-Gotami-Son’s death made her inconsolable but the path showed her the way.
    13.1 Ambapali-Ex-Courtesan Of Vesali.
    Introduction: Life-of-Buddha & Formation of Bhikkunis(Nuns) Order
    1.1 A Certain Theri Of A Noble Family Of Vesali, Known As Therika.
    1.2 Mutta, Daughter of a Brahmin(priest) of Savatthi
    1.3 Punna, Daughter of a Millionare(Setthi) of Savatthi
    1.4 Tissa, Daughter of the Sakiyas, Kapilavatthu
    1.5 Another Theri Tissa
    1.6 Dhira
    1.7 Veera
    1.8 Mitta
    1.9 Bhadra
    1.10 Upasama
    1.11 Mutta, daughter and wife of Kosalan brahmins
    Dhammadinna, Daughter of a clansman (kulagehe), wife of a
    Millionare(Setthi) (Visakha), both of Rajagaha, foremost of the Elder
    Nuns who were preachers
    1.13 Visakha
    1.14 Sumana
    1.15 Uttara
    1.16 Sumana, Sister of Pasenadi, King of Kosala
    1.17 Dhamma, Daughter of a Clansman of Savatthi
    1.18 Sangha
    2.1 Abhirupa-Nanda, Daughter of the Sakiyas, Kapilavatthu
    2.2 Jenti (or Jenta), Daughter of the Licchavis, Vesali
    2.3 Sumangala’s Mother, Daughter Of Poor People, Wife Of A Rush-Plaiter, Savatthi
    2.4 Addhakasi, Daughter Of A Millionare(Setthi) Of Kasi, Ex-Harlot
    2.5 Citta, Daughter Of Great Elite Of Rajagaha
    2.6 Mettika, Daughter Of A Brahmin Of Rajagaha
    2.7 Mitta(2) , Daughter Of The Sakiyas, Kapilavatthu
    2.8 Abhaya’s Mother, Padumavati, Ex-Courtesan Of Ujjeni
    2.9 Abhaya, Daughter Of A Clansman Of Ujjeni
    2.10 Sama, Daughter Of A Great Elite Of Kosambi
    3.1 Another Sama, Daughter Of A Clansman Of Kosambi
    3.2 Uttama, Daughter Of A Millionare(Setthi) Of Savatthi, Disciple Of Patachara
    3.3 Another Uttama, Daughter Of A Kosalan Brahmin
    3.4 Dantika, Daughter Of A Brahmin Priest To The King Of Kosala, Savatthi
    3.5 Ubbiri, Daughter Of A Great Elite Of Savatthi, Wife Of The King
    3.6 Sukka, Daughter Of A Great Elite Of Rajagaha, Pupil Of Dhammadinna, Distinguished As Preacher
    3.7 Sela , ‘The Alavikan,’ Daughter Of The King Of Alavi
    3.8 Soma, Daughter of a Brahmin, Priest to the King of Magadha(Bimbisara)
    Bhadda Of The Kapilani, Daughter Of A Brahmin Of The Kosiyas, At
    Sagala, Wife Of Pippali Kassapa (Maha-Kassapa) Of Mahatittha, Foremost
    Of Those Theris Who Could Remember Past Lives, A Distinguished Preacher
    5.1 Vaddhesi, Of Family Unknown, Nurse To Foster Mother Of Buddha,Great Pajapati Gotami
    5.2 Vimala, Daughter Of A Harlot Of Vesali, Ex-Harlot
    5.3 Siha , Niece Of Army General Siha, Of Vesali
    Sundari-Nanda, Daughter Of Great Pajapati Gotami(Queen, Foster Mother
    Of Buddha) Of The Sakiyan Gotamas, Of Kapilavastu, Younger (Half) Sister
    To The Buddha
    5.5 Nanduttara , Daughter Of A Brahmin Of Kammassadamma, Ex-Jain, Pupil Of The Great Moggallana
    5.6 Mittakali, Daughter Of A Brahmin(Priest) Of Kammassadamma
    5.7 Sakula, Or Pakula, A Brahmin(Priest) Matron Of Savatthi, Foremost Of The Theris Who Had The Faculty Of The ‘Eye Celestial’
    5.8 Sona , ‘Bahuputtika,’ Daughter Of A Clansman Of Savatthi, Foremost Of The Theris Who Were Eminent In Strenuous Will
    Bhadda Kundalakesa, The Ex-Jain, Daughter Of A Millionare(Setthi) Of
    Rajagaha, Wife Of A Brahmin Chief, Foremost Of The Theris Who Had Swift
    Patachara, Daughter Of A Millionare(Setthi) Of Savatthi, Wife Of Her
    Father’s Servant, Foremost Of The Theris Who Were Proficient In The
    Vinaya, An Eminent Teacher And Leader
    5.11 Thirty Theris Under Patachara Declare Their Anna (Enlightened state)
    5.12 Chanda, Daughter Of A Poor Brahmin
    6.1 Patachara’s ‘Five Hundred’ Bereaved Mothers Whom She Comforted And Ordained
    6.2 Vasitthi, Or Vasetthi, Daughter Of A Clansman Of Vesali, Wife Of A Brahmin, A Teacher
    Khema, Daughter Of The King’s Family At Sagala In Magadha, Wife Of King
    Bimbisara, Rajagaha, Foremost Of The Theris Who Were Distinguished For
    Insight, Ranked By The Buddha As A Model Theri
    6.4 Sujata, Daughter Of A Millionare(Setthi) Of Saketa, Wife Of A Millionare(Setthi)
    6.5 Anopama, Daughter Of The Millionare(Setthi) Majjha Of Saketa
    Great Maha-Pajapati The Gotami, (Foster Mother Of Buddha, The Sister
    And Co-Wife Of The Buddha’s Departed Mother, Queen Of Kapilavastu as
    well as Head of Nuns Order )
    6.7 Gutta, Daughter Of A Brahmin Of Savatthi
    6.8 Vijaya, Daughter Of A Clansman Of Rajagaha
    7.1 Uttara, Daughter Of A Clansman Of Savatthi, Disciple Of Patachara
    7.2 Chala, Daughter Of The Brahminee Surupasari, Of Nalaka, Magadha, Sister Of Sariputta, Chief Of The Bhikkhus(Monks)
    7.3 Upachala, Sister of Chala & Sariputta
    8.1 Sisupachala, Sister of Chala, Upachala & Sariputta
    9.1 Vaddha’s Mother, Daughter Of A Clansman Of Bharukaccha(Bharuch)
    10.1 Kisa-Gotami, Daughter Of Poor People Of Savatthi, Foremost Of The Theris Who Wore Rough Clothing
    Uppalavanna, Daughter Of A Millionare(Setthi) Of Savatthi, Foremost Of
    The Theris Who Had Iddhi(Magical Ability), Ranked With Khema By The
    Buddha As Pre-Eminent of The Bhikkunis(nuns)
    12.1 Punna Or Punnika, Daughter Of A Slave In The Household Of Anathapindika, Millionare(Setthi) Of Savatthi, And Freed By Him
    13.1 Ambapali, Ex-Courtezan Of Vesali
    13.2 Rohini, Daughter Of A Brahmin(Priest) Of Vesali
    13.3 Chapa, Daughter Of A Head-Trapper (Jetthakamigaluddaka) Of Vankahara, Wife Of Upaka, Ex-Ajivaka (Ascetic)
    13.4 Sundari, Daughter Of A Rich Brahmin Sujata, Of Savatthi
    13.5 Subha (The Goldsmith’s Daughter) of Rajagaha
    CHAPTER 14
    14.1 Subha Of Jivaka’s Mango-Grove, Daughter Of A Brahmin Of Rajagaha
    CHAPTER 15
    15.1 Isidasi, Daughter Of A Millionare(Setthi) Of Ujjeni, Ex-Wife Of A Millionare(Setthi) Of Saketa (Patna)
    16.1 Sumedha, Daughter Of Koncha, King Of Varanavati
    Yasodhara-Wife-of-Lord-Buddha-This is from Apadana. Provided for completeness.
    Therigatha : Older Incomplete ATI Version
    Note : The Pali verse numbers appear in the braces {}.
    Chapter 1 — Single Verses 1-18
    Thig 1-18- Chapter 1: The Single Verses(excerpt)
    Chapter 2 — Pairs
    Thig 2 PTS: Thig 19-38- Chapter 2: Pairs of Verses(excerpt) - free at last from my shameless husband!
    Chapter 3 — Groups of Three Verses {Thig 39-62}
    Thig 3.2 PTS: Thig 42-44- Uttama - Seven days of continuous meditation. On the eighth: Victory!
    Thig 3.4 PTS: Thig 39-62- Dantika and the Elephant - Taming the mind: “Why I’d gone to the woods in the first place.”
    Thig 3 PTS: Thig 51-53- Ubbiri: Groups of Three Verses(excerpt) - A mother conquers her grief over her daughter’s death.
    Chapter 4 — The Group of Four Verses {Thig 63-66}
    4.1 PTS: Thig 63-66- Bhadda Kapilani - Bhadda recalls her ex-husband
    (Ven. Thera Maha Kassapa), and sings of how they now are both freed from
    Chapter 5 — Groups of Five Verses {Thig 67-126}
    Thig 5.2 PTS: Thig 72-76- Vimala: The Former Courtesan - A former prostitute joins the ranks of the arahants.
    Thig 5.4 PTS: Thig 82-86- Nanda: Nanda’s Vision - Contemplating the foul nature of the body, Nanda uproots all passions.
    Thig 5.6 PTS: Thig 92-96- Mittakali - No time for heedlessness!
    Thig 5.8 PTS: Thig 102-106- Sona: Mother of Ten - Sona conquers aging: “I spit on old age!”
    5.9 PTS: Thig 107-111- Bhadda Kundalakesa: The Former Jain Ascetic -
    Bhadda looks back and gives thanks to whomever it was who long ago gave
    her a robe when she set out in the homeless life.
    Thig 5.10 PTS: Thig 112-116- Patacara - “And taking a pin, I pulled out the wick…”
    Thig 5.11 PTS: Thig 117-121- Patacara’s Thirty Students - Patacara’s instructions lead all her students to arahantship.
    Thig 5.12 PTS: Thig 122-126- Canda: The Beggar - A former beggar becomes an arahant.
    Chapter 6 — Groups of Six Verses {Thig 127-174}
    6.1 PTS: Thig 127-132- Pañcasata Patacara: Patacara’s 500 Students —
    The Soothing of Grief. A mother conquers her grief over her son’s death:
    “As he came, so he has gone — so what is there to lament?”
    Thig 6.2 PTS: Thig 133-138- Vasitthi the Madwoman - A mother conquers her grief over her son’s death.
    6.4 PTS: Thig 133-138- The Verses of Final Knowledge of Bhikkhuni
    Sujata - When, by chance, she passed by a monastery, her life changed
    Thig 6.5 PTS: Thig 151-156- Anopama, the Millionaire’s Daughter - A wealthy heiress hears the Dhamma and becomes a non-returner.
    6.6 PTS: Thig 157-162- Maha Pajapati (Gotami) Theri: A Mother’s
    Blessing - After attaining arhantship, Pajapati Gotami (Aunt &
    Stepmother of Gautam Buddha) sings the praises of Buddha.
    Thig 6.7 PTS: Thig 163-168- Gutta - The Buddha urges a childless mother in her pursuit of the Deathless.
    Chapter 10
    10 PTS: Thig 213-223- Kisagotami Theri — The Woman with the Dead Child.
    Kisagotami, now an arahant, looks back upon a long, hard life of
    sorrow: “Your tears have flowed for many thousands of lives.”
    Chapter 12 — The Group of Sixteen Verses {Thig 236-251}
    12.1 PTS: Thig 236-251- Punnika: Punnika and the Brahman - Punnika
    convinces a brahman to abandon his purifying water-rituals — after all,
    if bathing were sacred, then frogs, turtles, and fish would all be pure!
    Chapter 13 — Groups of (about) Twenty Verses {Thig 252-365}
    13.1 PTS: Thig 252-270- Ambapali - A former courtesan — now an arahant —
    reveals how aging has eroded every trace of her youthful beauty. An
    exquisite portrait of the effects of aging.
    13.2 PTS: Thig 271-290- Rohini - Before her ordination, Rohini answers
    her father’s accusation that monks are lazy. In fact, she observes,
    “They do the best work.”
    13.5 PTS: Thig 339-367- Subha: The Goldsmith’s Daughter - Subha resists
    her family’s efforts to lure her back the world of sensuality and
    riches, and soon discovers a treasure worth more than any amount of gold
    or silver.
    Chapter 14 — The Group of (about) Thirty Verses {Thig 366-399}
    14.1 PTS: Thig 366-399- Subha Jivakambavanika: Subha and the Libertine -
    Subha, an arahant nun living alone in the forest, is hounded by a man
    who lusts after her. Her “special gift” to him instantly gives him a
    change of heart. A magnificent story.
    Original Pali Version
    The following freely available .PDF files were taken from These are from Vipassana Research Institute. These contain the original words in Pali language.
    translation of original Pali words can never convey exact meaning,
    hence these are being provided for research & comparison. The website also contains files in many other languages.
    is also to be mentioned that in original Pali language Buddha is
    referred as Bhagava(God), Bhagvanta(God), Sattha/Satthu(Teacher).
    Pali-English Version
    Mula(Short) Version: File:Therigathapali mula.pdf
    Atthakatha (Detailed): File:Therigatha-atthakatha.pdf
    Pali-Devnagri Version(Sanskrit/Hindi Script)
    Mula(Short) Version: File:9.Therigathapali-dev.pdf
    Atthakatha (Detailed): File:Therigatha-atthakatha-dev.pdf
    The Pali Tipitaka

    The Pali Tipitaka
    The Pali Tipitaka

    Amazing 🤩 skills 🎿 this is needed for
    all beings to be happy 😃 well and secure!
    May all live long!
    May all have calm, quiet, alert 🚨, attentive and equanimity mind with a clear understanding that everything is changing!

    Buddhist Drumming


    Awakened with Awareness Youniverse is already there
    Mayawati’s Monumental Pride
    Awakened Scheduled Castes have crafted unique visual metaphors to
    assert their identity and mark their place in politics and BSP played a
    big role in the process.
    is a common grouse among Aboriginal Awakened Scheduled Castes/Tribes
    supporters of the Bahujan Samaj Party—that BSP lost the last two UP
    assembly polls due to “Manuvadi media’s neg­­a­­tive propaganda” over
    the crea­tion of ‘Aboriginal Awakened Scheduled Castes heritage’ in
    Mayawati’s last term as chief minister. The truth is all non-BSP parties
    remotely controlled by foreigners kicked out from Bene Israel, Tibet,
    Africa, Eastern Europe, Western Germany, South Russia, Eastern Europe,
    Hungary chitpavan brahmins of Rowdy Swyam Sevaks (RSS who are violent,
    militant, number one terrorists of the World, ever shooting,mob lynching
    lunatic, mentally retarded requiring mental treatment at Mental Asylums
    for practising hater, anger, jealousy, delusion, stupidity to wards
    99.9% Aboriginals whose DNA does not match with the Aboriginals of
    Prabuddha Bharat keep tampering the fraud EVMs to deny the Master Key to
    SC/STs as desired by the Father of our Marvelous, Modern Constitution
    through their slaves, stooges, chamchas, chelas, boot lickers who are
    own mother’s flesh eaters.
    Babasaheb Dr BR Ambedkar thundered that he will make this country PRABUDDHA BHARAT.
    manusmriti PRESSTITUTE media is bashing obscured all the good work done
    by Mayawati — India’s first woman chief minister from a Aboriginal
    Scheduled Caste community. This is how it articulates the sentiment:
    “When Behen Mayawatiji set up some statues and memorials, the media
    lampooned her. But the same media lauds other political parties when
    thousands of crores are spent on statues of their respective icons”
    refer to the statue of Sardar Patel in Gujarat, which is touted as the
    world’s tallest statue; or the proposed statue of Chhatrapati Shivaji
    Maharaj in the Arabian Sea; or the proposed 251 m tall statue of Lord
    Rama on the banks of Saryu River in Ayodhya, tallest EVM on top of EC
    office, godse a chitpavan brahmin like vinay dhaomhar savarkar and all
    the chitpavan brahmin leaders statues.
    told the Supreme Court on March 9, 2019, that the memorials in Lucknow
    and Noida have a cast of characters including Tathagath Gau­tam Buddha,
    Sant Kabir Das, Sant Ravidas, Mahatama Jyotiba Phule, Guru Gha­sidas,
    Rajarshi Chhatrapati Shahuji Maharaj, Shri Birsa Munda, Shri Narayana
    Guru, Bhimrao Ambedkar and Kanshi Ram.
    from memorials, several stupas, meditation centres and exhibition
    galleries were also added to the existing public parks during
    Maya­wati’s four terms as UP’s chief minister, between 1995 and 2012.
    commemorative architecture is viewed by many as lighthouses on
    Prabuddha Bharat’s political landscape that show the march of the
    socio-political movement launched by B.R. Ambedkar, the Father of
    Prabuddha Bharat’s Marvelous Modern Constitution.
    to the statues of Indira Gandhi, Rajiv Gandhi, Sardar Vallabhbhai
    Patel, Shivaji, N.T. Rama Rao and Jayalalithaa in her affidavit filed in
    court, Mayawati had asked, “Are only statues of Aboriginal Awakened
    leaders erected using public money, and not the ones built by chitpavan
    brahmin controlled Congress or BJP?”
    to Ronki Ram, professor of Political Science at Panjab Univer­sity,
    when BSP made inroads in UP, public heritage bel­onged only to those
    communities that enjoyed a share in political power. “BSP organised All
    Awakened Aboriginal Societies in a political class. Kanshi Ram and
    Mayawati sta­r­ted projecting Sant Ravidas, Guru Valmik and Dr Ambedkar,
    among others, as All Awakened Aboriginal Societies icons,” he says.
    is how BSP started to reclaim “This is how BSP started to reclaim All
    Aboriginal Awakened Societies heritage that was lost to the politics of
    domination,” he adds, describing the policy of building statues and
    memorials, and naming public places after All Aboriginal Awakened
    Societies icons, as the cultural capital of a community—a way of
    political assertion.
    who have historically been controlling social and political structures
    can’t accept All Aboriginal Awakened Societies identity, he says. “In
    many places, All Aboriginal Awakened Societies grooms get attacked for
    riding a horse in their wedding processions.” heritage that was lost to
    the politics of domination,” he adds, describing the policy of building
    statues and memorials, and naming public places after All Aboriginal
    Awakened Societies icons, as the cultural capital of a community—a way
    of political assertion.
    Darapuri, a retired IPS officer and president of All India People’s
    Front, says the 2018 Bhima Koregaon violence and the 2017 Saha­ranpur
    clashes were attempts at suppressing All Aboriginal Awakened Societies
    Shabbirpur village in western UP, 25 km away from Saharanpur city,
    witnessed violence betw­een Thakurs and All Aborigina Awakened Socities,
    starting from April 14, 2017. “The first clash happened over the
    propo­sed installation of an Ambedkar statue,” Darapuri says,
    enumerating how statues of Ambedkar are regularly vandalised by
    right-wing forces.
    that the annual Bhima Koregaon ceremony symbolises the political
    aspirations of All Aborigina Awakened Socities, Darapuri adds, “The
    attack on Elgar Parishad was in fact an attack on All Aboriginal
    Awakened Societies pride. The police action was taken against the
    victims and not the perpetrators.”
    Monumental Pride: Mayawati’s Memorials in Lucknow, an essay published
    in 2014 by Freer Gallery of Art, The Smithsonian Institution and
    Department of the History of Art, University of Michigan, author Melia
    Belli provides interesting insights into Lucknow’s Ambedkar Memorial and
    Prerna Kendra. Belli writes, “The sheer number of memorials, coupled
    with their monumental scale, arguably make Mayawati the single most
    prolific architectural patron in India since the British Raj
    commissioned New Delhi in 1911.”
    their installation, Mayawati told the top court that statues of
    elephants have extensi­v­ely been used in ancient monuments and temples,
    besides in pillars of the North and South blocks of Rashtrapati Bhawan.
    She stated the statues have also been installed in newly constructed
    public places across Delhi, like the Indira Gandhi Int­ernational
    she linked elephants with Hinduism, Bud­dhism and Jainism, she said,
    “Buddhism was adopted by All Aboriginal Awakened Societies leaders due
    to the inability of Hinduism to abolish the caste system.”
    was referring to Ambedkar’s returning back to own home Buddhism along
    with 3,65,000 of his All Aboriginal Awakened Societies followers in the
    belief that Buddhism was the only way for “All Aboriginal Awakened
    Societies’ untouchables” to gain equality, a trend that continues to
    sculptures of elephants commemorate the ideals and values of Sants,
    Gurus and leaders who have devoted their lives for humanity, equality
    and social justice, Mayawati had stated. “These memorials reflect
    aspirations of the oppressed and downtrodden sections of society, who
    have been marginalised by the caste system” IN MANUSMRITI that believes
    in chitpavan brahmin as 1st rate athma/soul, kshatria, vysia, shudra as
    2nd, 3rd, 4th rate souls and the Aboriginal SC/STs having no soul at
    all, Buddha never believed in any soul. He said all are equal. That is
    why we are all Buddhists.
    was also targeted for commissioning life-sized statues of herself and
    of her mentor and BSP founder Kanshi Ram, who had sworn to fulfill
    Ambedkar’s incomplete mission.
    her essay, which analyses intersections of politics, caste, gender and
    visibility at the two mem­orials, Melia Belli writes, “The forms and
    decoration of the memorials highlight the abs­ence of earlier All
    Aboriginal Awakened Societies leaders and present Mayawati as their
    legitimate political heir.
    talks about the aesthetics of Mayawati’s statues: “She has cropped
    hair; a plain, loose-fitting salwar-kameez; chunky sandals; a prominent
    wristwatch; and a handbag at her side.” Descri­b­i­ng her appearance as
    “androgynous”, she goes on to add, “The message conveyed is that she is
    fully capable of negotiating the male-dominated political arena. Her
    distinctly unfeminine appearance also highlights her unmarried status,
    and by exte­nsion, her complete dedication to the betterment of her
    community, which she confirms when questioned about her marital status.”
    and memorials do act as a limited source of inspiration and
    ins­truments of assertion in social and political life, from which All
    Aboriginal Awakened Societies identity had been obliterated.”
    “Ambedkar had said: ‘If we want to claim our real status in Prabuddha
    Bharatian society, we have to seek our own identity—which will come only
    if we totally disassociate ourselves from Hinduism’.”besides having an
    equal share in executive, legislature and judiciary, All Aboriginal
    Awakened Societies assertion means that “we get our own temples, Deras
    and things other communities own, and doe with these what others have
    been doing.”
    the viewpoint that All Aboriginal Awakened Societies memorials and
    statues are milestones of the Amb­edkarite movement, “They symbolise
    the victory of All Aboriginal Awakened Societies politics.”
    must first order to replace all the fraud EVMs with Ballot Papers
    followed by all other democratic countries to save democracy, liberty,
    equality and fraternity. The Free For All 😡 Mad😠
    murderer of democratic institutions (Modi) of Bevakoof Jhoothe
    Psychopaths (BJP) remotely controlled by foreigners kicked out from Bene
    Israel, Tibet, Africa,Eastern Europe, western Germany 🇩🇪, South Russia 🇷🇺,
    Western Europe, Hungary chitpavan brahmins of (RSS) are anti
    Constitution & trying to implement manusmrti. CJI must also order
    growing fruit 🍌 🍎 🍉 bearing trees 🌳 🌲 along the road sides of the country and highways 🛣 like Ashoka did. To overcome hunger the worst illness as Buddha said grow vegetables 🥦 🥕 🥗 & fruit 🍌 🍎 🍉 plants in🪴 pots like free birds 🐦 🦢 🦅 .
    To stop this chitpavan brahmin Rowdy Swayam Sevaks are getting exposed:…/adivasis-are-not…/618051/….
    is a reason Jharkhand CM Hemant Soren’s statement at Harvard’s India
    Conference that Adivasis were never Hindus rattled the BJP and RSS.
    the chief minister of Jharkhand and leader of Jharkhand Mukti Morcha,
    Hemant Soren admitted that Adivasis were never Hindus and neither are
    they now. This was in response to his attempt to get Sarna Code approved
    by the Narendra Modi government at the Centre. The Sarna Code
    establishes a distinct, honourable identity for the Adivasis away from
    the Hindu identity — which is usually assumed as such for the Tribals.
    The dominant caste savarna Hindus have taken for granted the status of
    Adivasi and Dalits as being Hindu. It is used to construct a false
    notion of Hindu majority and thereby establish Bharat nation as Hindus’
    land – Hindustan.
    Soren’s statement, the entire Hindu consensus, and especially the
    Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS), got rattled. They were shaken to the
    core. The mouthpiece of the RSS, Organiser, immediately released a
    statement accusing Soren of “parroting evangelical propaganda”. The RSS’
    political offshoot, the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), followed with
    accusations at Soren that he was benefiting from Christian missionaries.
    sitting, democratically elected chief minister and arguably the tallest
    leader of Adivasis in the country was put to test by caste denialists.
    The Constitution of India gives the responsibility to the State and
    society to protect and preserve Adivasi tradition as unique to India’s
    history. But the savarna advocates of the Hindu mission insist on
    Hinduising the Adivasis.
    idea of Hindustan is enveloped as majoritarian nationalism. It is used
    by liberals, radicals, nationalists alike. When one declares the
    national Indian identity as one tied to the Hindu past, it brushes aside
    the glorious histories of independent, autonomous, anti-Brahminical
    legacy of the native people. The natives of India can be broadly
    classified into Scheduled Caste (SC), Scheduled Tribe (ST), and Other
    Backward Class (OBC) in constitutional terms. These natives were
    relegated to the lower status by the advent of Brahminism. Pushyamitra
    Shunga was one of the important Brahmin actors to have ironed the
    definition of political varna, which gave rise to the clean distinction
    of varna-based political economy. This meant extermination of Sramana
    traditions — those that gave rise to Jainism and Buddhism.
    everyone in the country falsely promotes the idea of Hindu
    majoritarianism. The defender and opponents alike use this historically
    incorrect and sociologically impossible definition of Hindu
    majoritarianism. The liberals get a piece of cake for framing the recent
    identity of Hindu-Muslim binarism. I have repeatedly opposed such
    limiting binaries. These binaries obviate Adivasis and Dalits as
    non-existing, useless, and irrelevant categories of people without any
    history of their own. Turns out, these binaries are the relic of the
    census data that have classified majority (Hindu) and minority (Muslim).
    Thus, the majoritarian consensus doesn’t need rationalisation. It can
    be qualified based on assumptions and beliefs — it becomes a matter of
    Fraudulent Census of India
    majority is a faulty idea on many counts. It is a fraud committed by
    census takers from the time of British colonialism. The construction of
    Hindu is ahistorical. There is no prevalence of Hindu or Hinduism before
    the British census started putting Hindu as an identity in its census
    in 1881. Although the census was to take off in 1861 but the 1857
    rebellion quashed those efforts. In 1872, it finally started to take
    shape but did not cover all of India.
    British census was faulty, it gave the administration enough to
    regulate laws and decide for the ruled mass. Better governance was the
    primary objective of the State and knowing more about this extremely
    diverse nation was pursued by curious anthropologists. As census started
    to formalise over the years, Hindu began to become a more known
    identity. The Brahmins, as usual, jumped on this proposition to claim
    ownership over recently manufactured pan-India Hindu identity.
    Initially, the census covered disparate provinces.
    census chart of religion later classified into groups such as Hindu,
    Muslim, Christian, Buddhist, Jain, Sikh, Parsi, Jewish, and Animist.
    Animist meant the aboriginal tribes who had not yet come under the
    influence of Hinduism, argues census scholar Bhagat. When Hindu was
    introduced in the census, there arose enormous problems. How to define a
    Hindu? There were two broad classifications of Shaivites and
    Vaishanvities, who were bitterly divided over the common belief. Then
    there are those who classify as Brahmo Samaj and Arya Samaj. Add to it
    the enormous divisions of caste and independent religious practices.
    Nevertheless, it had to be defined.
    is anyone who is not “European, Armenian, Moghul, Persian or other
    foreign descent, who is a member of a recognised caste, who acknowledges
    the spiritual authority of Brahmans (priestly caste), who venerates or
    at least refuses to kill or harm kine, and does not profess any creed or
    religion which the Brahman forbids him to profess” [sic].
    gave a push for Brahmin interpreters like Arya Samaj, who merrily
    accepted this adjustment and promoted a common Indian identity as being
    Hindu. Social reformers at the time and the Congress party embraced this
    fallacious identity by setting a political agenda of mythical Hindu
    supremacist past. This worked in two ways. The first was to establish a
    historical sense of sovereignty in the past, and the second was to
    counter the European colonisers as ahistorical barbarous.
    1911 census, Hindus were separated as genuine and non-genuine. The
    latter were those who denied Vedas, authority of Brahmins, did not have
    Brahmins into the fold, ate beef and did not revere cows.
    intervention by the British officials led many in the postcolonial
    scholarship to believe that caste was highlighted and incoherently
    promoted by the British. Thus, the controversial argument of caste
    becoming sharper during British period prevailed in the thesis of
    Bernard Cohn and Nicholas Dirks. Many in the Right-wing interpreted this
    to say that the British imported caste from Europe by giving it an
    anglicised taste.
    Census of 21st Century
    2001 census found 1,700 religious categories apart from the dominant
    ones. They were clubbed into the ‘Other’ column. Adivasis are also
    clubbed into this. However, it is now being taken out in 2021 census,
    which indirectly puts them in the column of Hindu or other religious
    groups, Hemant Soren gestured.
    Indian State has issued the Socio-Economic Caste Census separate from
    the rest of the nation. The report is disturbing because it shows the
    marginalisation of Dalits and Adivasis on each level. The purpose of
    post-independence Indian census was to record the lives and stories of
    those on the margins in order to protect them.
    the celebration of postcolonial nationalism does not only mean changing
    of colonial-era names and laws but getting rid of colonial-era laws and
    ignorant identities. India is an extremely complicated country. Each
    region, caste, sect, religion has its own history, and they are a nation
    in themselves. We cannot afford to combine them under a pretence of
    British-given identity. To rescue Adivasis from the stranglehold of
    Hindu is the real work of Birsa Munda, Sidhu, Kanhu Murmu, and Narayan
    Singh among scores of heroes and heroines.
    Brahmin and other Savarna castes only seem to care about Adivasis when
    the Christian missionaries are taking the word of equality propounded in
    their religion. Tribals like Dalits on the coastal regions and in
    Southern India immediately converted to Christianity in the colonial era
    as they did during the colonial Mughals to Islam. Brahmins, through
    organisations like the RSS, have started to convert Tribals to the Hindu
    fold. This is not very different from what Christian missions do.
    who is indigenous to the land and worship their ancestral gods should
    be allowed to register as a non-Hindu with separate identity. As the
    Census of India 2001 report on religion stated, India is host to
    “indigenous faiths tribal religions which have survived the influence of
    major religions for centuries and are holding the ground firmly”. The
    Census of India is an ideal way to establish yourself without relying on
    the patronage of the oppressive majority. By forcing Dalits, Adivasis
    and many backward classes into the Hindu fold, the savarnas assume an
    undemocratic, unelected majority. The Adivasis and Dalits should be
    allowed to have a separate column in the religious census. This will be a
    tribute to their contribution to India’s freedom struggle and the
    nation as a whole.
    Suraj Yengde is Senior Fellow, Harvard Kennedy School. He is the author
    of Caste Matters. He hosted Jharkhand CM Hemant Soren at the 18th
    edition of India Conference at Harvard. Views are personal.

    RSS favours paper ballots, EVMs subjected to public scrutiny
    the controversy regarding the reliablity of Electronic Voting Machines
    (EVMs) which have been questioned by political parties, the RSS today
    asked the Election Commission (EC) to revert back to tried and tested
    paper ballots and subject EVMs to public scrutiny whether these gadgets
    are tamper proof. In an editorial titled ‘Can we trust our EVMs?’, The
    Organiser, the RSS mouthpiece, noted it was a fact that till date an
    absolutely tamper-proof machine had not been invented and credibility of
    any system depends on ‘transparency, verifiability and trustworthiness’
    than on blind and atavistic faith in its infallibility. The issue is
    not a ‘private affair’ and it involves the future of India. Even if the
    EVMs were genuine, there was no reason for the EC to be touchy about it,
    the paper commented. The Government and the EC can’t impose EVMs as a
    fait accompli on Indian democracy as the only option before the voter.
    There were flaws like booth capturing, rigging, bogus voting, tampering
    and ballot paper snatching in the ballot paper system of polling leading
    the country to switch over to the EVMs and all these problems were
    relevant in EVMs too. Rigging was possible even at the counting stage.
    What made the ballot papers voter-friendly was that all aberrations were
    taking place before the public eye and hence open for corrections
    whereas the manipulations in the EVMs is entirely in the hands of powers
    that be and the political appointees manning the sytem, the paper
    commented. The EVM has only one advantage — ’speed’ but that advantage
    has been undermined by the staggered polls at times spread over three to
    four months. ‘’This has already killed the fun of the election
    process,'’ the paper noted. Of the dozen General Elections held in the
    country, only two were through the EVMs and instead of rationally
    addressing the doubts aired by reputed institutions and experts the
    Government has resorted to silence its critics by ‘intimidation and
    arrests on false charges’, the paper observed, recalling the arrest of
    Hyederabad-based technocrat Hari Prasad by the Mumbai Police. Prasad’s
    research has proved that the EVMs were ‘vulnerable to fraud’. The
    authorities want to send a message that anybody who challenges the EC
    runs the risk of persecution and harassment, the RSS observed. Most
    countries around the world looked at the EVMs with suspicion and
    countries like the Netherlands, Italy, Germany and Ireland had all
    reverted back to paper ballots shunning EVMs because they were ‘easy to
    falsify, risked eavesdropping and lacked transparency’. Democracy is too
    precious to be handed over to whims or an opaque establishment and
    network of unsafe gizmos. ‘’For the health of Indian democracy it is
    better to return to tried and tested methods or else elections in future
    can turn out to be a farce,'’ the editorial said.
    – (UNI) — 28DI28.xml
    RSS favours paper ballots, EVMs subjected to public scrutiny

    On 14-05-2008  Wednesday  4 PM at Indira Gandhi Institute of Child Health, Beside NIMHANS, Bangalore

    CHILDREN SERVICE DAY  was Inauguration by Dr.H.Thimmaiah

    Prof. of Ophthalmology (Retd.) & Ex. Director of Minto Hospital

    Dana Service was Led by Dr. Siddaraju Director, Indira Gandhi Institute of Child Health, Bangalore


    Upasaka Dr. M.R.Narendrakumar

    Blessed by

    Venerable Bhikkhu Panyaloka

    Mahabodhi Bhanteji

    BSP is hoping to bag 55-60 seats (of the 89 which went to polls in first phase)

    Karnataka prepares for second phase of assembly polls

    An estimated 1.10 crore electorate are expected to decide the fate of 589 candidates in the second phase of elections to Karnataka Assembly on Friday.

    Electoral authorities have made elaborate arrangements for conduct of the elections in the 12,271 polling stations in 66 segments spread across ten districts, where over 56,000 security personnel would keep a close watch.

    In the first phase of elections on May 10, a 66 per cent voter turnout was registered in 89 of the total 224 assembly seats. The third and final phase would be on May 22.

    Police have provided an additional layer of security in naxal infested districts of Udupi, Shimoga and Chikmagalur and issued shoot-at-sight orders to deal with outlaws if they attempt to disrupt the poll process in wake of their issuing poll boycott warnings.

    Around 16,000 para military force personnel, including 500-strong Anti-Naxal Force, have been deployed in these parts, state ADGP Shankar Bidari said.

    Similarly, strong vigil was on in the sensitive Bellary district, bordering Andhra Pradesh where giants from the mining industry are in fray.

    The Election Commission continuing its efforts to ensure a free and fair election in Bellary, has deputed senior IAS officer Raymond Peter as special observer, who successfuly checked malpractices in the 2006 by-election to Chamundeswari assembly constituency in Mysore.


    This reserved constituency has the highest number of agriculture labourers and plantation workers. The BSP is therefore a major opponent to Congress and BJP.

    Former minister B B Ningaiah will contest from BSP


    BSP candidate K M Gopal has managed to convince the colony voters.

    Only 31 candidates in fray!


    In Bellary,   the sheer number of candidates in the fray is enough to cause head ache to them & is shooting up the blood pressure of the election officials.There are as many as 31 candidates in the fray in Bellary city!

    H Siddanna (BSP), is hopeful of winning the seat


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    116 Buddha’s Most Powerful Positive Own Words𝓛𝓔𝓢𝓢𝓞𝓝 4424 Thu 5 May 2022 Witness the life journey of Gautam Buddha in an immersive 360 degree experience – Animation. Awakened with Awareness Youniverse is already there
    Filed under: General
    Posted by: site admin @ 7:52 pm

    116 Buddha’s Most Powerful Positive Own Words𝓛𝓔𝓢𝓢𝓞𝓝   4424  Thu  5   May  2022

    Witness the life journey of Gautam Buddha in an immersive 360 degree experience – Animation.

    Awakened with Awareness Youniverse is already there

    new latest buddha best quotes wallpaper 3866x2577 for desktop mobile 1600x1066

    Your mind is a powerful thing. When you filter it with positive thoughts, your life will start to change.

    way to happiness is: keep your mind free from hate, your mind from
    worry. Live simply, give much. Fill your life with love. Do as you would
    be done by.

    troubles are rooted in extreme attention to senses, thoughts, and
    imagination. Attention should be focused internally to experience a
    quiet body and a calm mind.

    Happiness will never come to those who fail to appreciate what they already have.

    If you light a lamp for somebody, it will also brighten your path.

    Your purpose in life is to find your purpose and give your whole mind and soul to it

    world is a looking mirror. It gives back to every man a true reflection
    of his own thoughts. Rule your mind or it will rule you.

    Witness the life journey of Gautam Buddha in an immersive 360 degree experience – Animation…


    Commissioned by Rajkiya Nirman Nigam, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh, a
    remarkable view into the life of Siddhartha Gautam Buddha in a 360
    degree space is being designed by Charuvi Design Labs (CDL). Through
    beautiful and permanent films for the upcoming museums at Sravasti
    (Uttar Pradesh) and Kapilavastu (on the Prabuddha Bharat Nepal Border), the team
    plans to immerse the audience from all perspectives in this one of a
    kind experience.

    CDL is currently conceptualising two 30-minute animated films to be
    exhibited and projected as part of the museums currently being
    constructed at Sravasti. This is the site where Buddha spent twenty-four
    rainy seasons at the Jetavan monastery, built by his disciple Sudatta
    Anathapindika and Kapilavastu which is deeply endowed with Buddha’s
    origins. It is believed that Buddha spent his first early years here
    before embarking on the long journey to awakenment.


    The films attempt to encapsulate the brief duration of Buddha’s
    exemplary life spent in both the places. The intent is to visually
    depict some of the important milestones in his life whilst parallelly
    showing the historical aspects of both the sites and the holistic
    connection to the life story of Buddha himself. Tremendous research was
    done supplemented with incredible documentation before proceeding to
    conceptualise the visuals.
    The 360 projection space is a permanent installation at the museum and
    the content intends to soak the audience in spiritual journey aiding
    with historical facts. “We have primarily used a mix of pure 3D, motion
    graphics and an amalgamation with real photography, live shoots and
    drone shots. Considering it’s a 360 projection, we had to formulate the
    camera movement as per the surface area so that it feels seamless when
    viewed from any angel,” mentioned Charuvi Design Labs founder and
    director Charuvi Agarwal. During 3D production, the team used Unreal
    Engine and Maya for animating majority of the shots.
    For both the films, music and audio constitute half the viewing
    experience. The sūtra-dhāra of the films takes one through the entire
    journey of Buddha, where one can experience a captivating monologue of
    Angulimaal. “We want the audience to step into a poetic rendition of the
    whole experience and all this and much more can be experienced under
    the soothing and sometimes dramatic musical score,” added Agarwal.

    CDL was in the news years back for the 25 feet sculpture of Hanuman,
    made of 26,000 bells, installed in New Delhi. This grand piece of art
    was made to promote CDL’s animated film Shri Hanuman Chalisa.

    Agrawal presented A Tour De Force for The Jayprakash Narayan Museum in Lucknow, where a praxinoscope titled Thali Bajao,
    attempts to recreate the flash in history. The installation makes one
    understand the physics and dynamics of constructing a large structure
    and also takes one on an emotional ride, recreating the historical
    impact of the protest and feel the deep rooted emotions attached to the

    CDL, with its unique concepts and breathtaking artwork is taking
    animation industry to another level. And, we just can’t wait to get
    enthralled by experiencing the life of Siddhartha Gautam Buddha in a 360
    degree space!


    Thank you

    On  13-05-2008    Tuesday   9 AM


    at Maha Bodhi Society, Gandhinagar, Bangalore-9




    Temporary Ordination and Meditation Course


    Venerable Acharya Buddharakkhita Bhanteji

    Founder President, Maha Bodhi Society, Bangalore

    was inaugurated



    4: PM



    College of Nursing Auditorium, Victoria Hospital, Bangalore

    was Inaugurated by


    Director and Dean, Bangalore Medical College and Research Center

    Chief Guests were


    Medical Superintendent, Victoria Hospital, Bangalore

    Ms Jansi

    Principal, Government College of Nursing, Bangalore


    Released of book “Neene Honegaara” by

    Prof. H.V.Venugopal

    National College, Basavanagudi, Bangalore

    Venerable Ananda bhanteji

    Maha Bodhi Society, Bangalore

    Presided and blessed the gathering

    followed by

    Hospital Dana service at Mahabodhi Burns and Casualty Center and other wards of Victoria Hospital

    Kindly visit:

    for slideshow



    Layed of Foundation for



    Bodhi Saptaha – Enlightenment Week

    13-05-2008 to 19-05-2008



    Maha Bodhi Society, Bangalore, India



    To Commemorate the Three Great Events

    Birth, Enlightenment and Mahaparinibbana of



    Will be observed from

    Tuesday the 13th May 2008 to Monday the 19th May 2008

    We cordially invite you to attend all the programs with family and friends.


    Founder President and Members,

    Maha Bodhi Society

    Mahabodhi Maitri Mandala

    Mahabodhi Academy for Pali and Buddhist Studies

    Buddha Vachana Trust

    Nalanda Vijjayatana

    Mahabodhi School and Mahabodhi Carla Students Home, Mysore

    Mahabodhi School and Mahabodhi Rita Girls Home, Diyun, AP

    Mahabodhi International Meditation Center, Leh Ladakh

    Mahabodhi Maitri Mandala, Tawang, AP

    Address for correspondence and donations:

    Maha Bodhi Society

    14, Kalidasa Road, Gandhinagar, Bangalore-560009, India

    Tel: 080-22250684, Fax: 080-22264438


    Kindly visit:

    to watch

    The Birth of Prince Siddhartha


    Donate generously and share merits

    Thank you very much

    w w w. m a h a b o d h i . i n f o 


    Over 2500 years ago Gotama the Buddha ushered in a golden era of unprecedented peace, harmony  and happiness which lasted for several centuries. In recent times once again a great interest is growing among people, both in the East and the West, to study and practice the noble teachings of the Buddha. Ven.Acharya Buddharakkhita, the founder president of Maha Bodhi Society, Bangalore, has contributed greatly to the revival of Buddha Dhamma in India.


    Since he started the Maha Bodhi Society, Bangalore in 1956 it has been engaged in running spiritual and welfare activities such as: Mahabodhi Loka Shanti Buddha Vihara, Sacred Bodhi Tree, Viswa Maitri Stupa, Mahabodhi Monastic Institute, Mahabodhi Academy for Pali and Buddhist Studies, Publication of books and magazines, Mahabodhi hospitals, Mahabodhi Schools, Mahabodhi hostels, old age home, Meditation centers, week long Pabbajja courses, 3-month Dhammaduta courses, branches in Karnataka, Ladakh, Arunachal Pradesh, Mizoram, etc.


    One of the main programs has been the celebration of Sacred Buddha Jayanti every year for seven days with intensive humanitarian and spiritual services. This festival is celebrated as Bodhi Saptaha – Enlightenment Week. This year too several programs are planned for a week from 13-19 May. The highlight of this year’s programs is the chanting of the Holy Tipitaka throughout year. We invite you to participate in all the programs and gain merits.


    Kindly visit:


    8. Rescuing a swan shot by Devadatta


    May all beings be happy and well! 


    New Delhi, May 13 (IANS) It is perhaps just a matter of time, given the “certain weariness” with the mainstream political parties, before Mayawati becomes India’s prime minister, says a new autobiography of the Uttar Pradesh chief minister released to time with the first anniversary of her fourth stint as government leader of the country’s most populous state. Written by journalist Ajoy Bose, “Behenji” (Penguin) says that there is often a subterranean current in favour of a political leader of movement that is not fully visible on the surface.

    “Mayawati comprehensively proved that in Uttar Pradesh” last year by leading her Bahujan Samaj Party (BSP) to an astonishing victory in the assembly elections, says the book.

    “It is possible that she will do so again in a larger national arena. Certainly, for a long time no other leader has been talked about with as much excitement and anticipation across social strata - from upper class living rooms to working class slums.

    “There is a certain weariness cutting across class and caste barriers today, with the minimalist politics practised by mainstream political parties, whether it is the Congress or the BJP (Bharatiya Janata Party).

    “This is why the idea of a prime minister like Mayawati appeals to more people that one would normally imagine,” says the political biography of the woman who was born into a poor family and became what she is today with aggressive mobilization of the Original Inhabitants of Jambudvipa that is the Great Prabuddha Bharath.

    “Even if Mayawati were not to make it as prime minister after (next year’s) Lok Sabha polls, she would remain a strong contender for the post in future electoral battles,” Bose says.

    Until BSP Rules !

    There’ll be many Midterm Polls !

    “With a secure bastion in the country’s largest state and an emotional stranglehold over a countrywide group like the Original Inhabitants of Jambudvipa that is the Great Prabuddha Bharath, she has extremely strong political cards to play in an increasingly fractured polity.

    “It is perhaps just a matter of time before she does become the prime minister of this country,” says the book, adding it would not be surprising if the BSP wins 250 seats in the Lok Sabha from Uttar Pradesh alone in the next general election.

    This, if it happens, would make her a strong contender for power nationally, more so if there were to be a badly hung parliament.

    At the same time, the autobiography cautions that it would be naive to expect the BSP to replicate its successful social engineering - the coalition of Original Inhabitants of Jambudvipa that is the Great Prabuddha Bharath and Hindu upper castes - experiment across the country.

    “It is not difficult to envisage the BSP getting more than 150 Lok Sabha seats beyond Uttar Pradesh in the next general electionsas it has spread its wings all over India.


    All-out efforts to make Uttar Pradesh a prosperous State — Mayawati

    Lucknow: May 13, 2008 The Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Ms. Mayawati, while addressing a function organised to mark the completion of one year of her Government held at the C.M.S. Degree College, Kanpur road here today, said that the State Government’s achievements on the law and order and development front were noteworthy. The State Government took several decisions of historical and far-reaching importance to create an atmosphre conducive to development and peace, in order to measure upto the expectations. People reposed faith in the policies and programmes of the BSP Government by ensuring landslide victory of BSP candidates in recently held by-polls. She extended her heartiest felicitations to the people and assured them that the Government would spare no efforts to make Uttar Pradesh a developed and prosperous State. She said that the BSP Government would provide opportunities of development to all the sections of society, so that those lagged behind in the race of development could also benifit and brought into the mainstream of development. On the occasion, the Chief Minister laid foundation, inaugrated and made announcements of more than 48 schemes totalling to Rs.8500 crore. She inaugrated 375 metre long 8-lane Mahamaya flyover constructed over NOIDA-Greater NOIDA Expressway and Okhla Barrage, NOIDA crossing. The bridge has been constructed at a cost of about Rs. 67 crore. She also dedicated to the people 26 new roads constructed by the Public Works Department at a cost of Rs. 840 crore. Besides, she dedicated Mahamaya Government Degree College, B.B.Nagar Bulandshahr, Ramabai Ambedkar Government Degree College, Sambhal, Moradabad, Gautam Buddha Government Degree College, Gunnaur (Badaun) and Panchsheel Convention Centre of Chhatrapati Shahuji Maharaj University, Kanpur to the people. She laid foundation of 1000 M.W. Anpara-D Thermal Project costing Rs. 5300 crore, Rs. 1077 crore Agra Drinking Water Supply Project, Rs. 270.95 crore Kanpur Drinking Water Supply Project, Rs. 111.02 crore Varanasi Drinking Water Supply Project, Rs. 190.89 crore Kanpur Sewage Disposal Project, 24 new bridges costing Rs. 269.46 crore, widening and improvement work of 13 main roads costing Rs. 452.50 crore, hostel to be constructed at the training centre of the Rural Development Bank at a cost of Rs. 3.50 crore. She also laid foundation of the residential and non-residential buildings of the Divisional Commissioner Aligarh, Dr. Bhimrao Ambedkar Government Degree College, Padaria, Mainpuri and Dr. Bhimrao Ambedkar Government Degree College, Anougi, Kannauj. Ms. Mayawati also laid foundation of Bhimrao Ambedkar Government Degree College, Maharajganj, Mahamaya Government Degree College, Sherkot, Bijnore, Manyawar Kanshiram Government Degree College, Gabhana, Aligarh, Manyawar Kanshiram Government Degree College, Ninauwa, Farrukhabad, Savitribai Phule Women’s Hostel at the Chhatrapati Shahuji Maharaj University, Kanpur and residential and non-residential buildings for the police. In addition to that she also laid foundation of Dr. Bhim Rao Ambedkar multi-speciality hospital, Mahamaya Girls Inter College Building and Panchsheel Boys Inter College at NOIDA, Manyawar Kanshiram multi-speciality hospital building and Savitri Bai Phule Girls’ Inter College building at NOIDA, Manyawar Kanshiram Engineering College of Information and Technology, Azamgarh and Ambedkarnagar, Mahamaya Polytechnic of Information and Technology at Jyotiba Phule Nagar, Mahamayanagar, Chandauli and Gorakhpur and Gautam Buddha Boys’ Inter College Building at Greater NOIDA. Ms. Mayawti announced to provide financial assistance of Rs. 4,824 per student for one-year correspondence course in Urdu Journalism. She also said that decision had been taken to open 50 new polytechnics, 250 new I.T.I.s through public-private-participation under the new programme of the expansion of technical education. She also announced to upgrade all 278 government high schools to the intermediate level. Besides, she said that decision had been taken to consider opening of co-education schools, in case of non-receipt of applications for the establishment of girl schools in served and unserved development blocks. Decision had also been taken to reduce distance standard from 10 km. to 5 km. between schools, in order to encourage opening of schools and intermediate colleges in the private sector. On the occasion, she presented letter of allotment/keys of houses to the seven (7) beneficiaries under the housing for the poor scheme. These beneficiaries included Smt. Sheela and Ashish Sharma of Badaun, Niranjan Singh and Karan Singh of Mathura, Smt. Kanti Singh, Shri. Tejpal and Irshad of Meerut. These houses have been constructed in the Manyawar Shri Kanshi Ram Nagar scheme. She also inaugurated Saubhagyawati Surakhshit Matritva Yojna for the women belonging to B.P.L. families with a view to providing secured and institutional delivery facilities to them. Under the scheme, provision has been made to pay Rs. 1.85 lakh per 100 deliveries to the identified nursing home and private hospitals, which would perform the said number of deliveries of pregnant women belonging to B.P.L. category. Ms. Mayawati said that her government was committed to live up to the expectations of the people and all efforts were being made to make Uttar Pradesh a leading state of the country. She said that only B.S.P. Government could provide an atmosphere free from injustice, crime, fear, corruption which was condusive for development. All the governments ruling the state since independence could not provide such an atmosphere. She said that after coming to power, the biggest challenge before the government was to streamline the law and order of the state. The Government had succeeded in it and there was a sharp decline in the incidents of crime. The Chief Minister maintained that the State Government had brought an end to the atmosphere of anarchy following which the situation stabilised. She said that peace was necessary for development and the government took some bold decision to improve the law and order, as against the previous regime where the F.I.R.s were not registered and the jungle raaj pervaded all over the State. She remarked that her government accorded top priority to the establishment of the ‘rule of law by the law’ in the State and abolish the jungle raaj. Provisions like A.T.S., S.T.F., U.P.C.O.C.A., S.I.T. were made to deal with terrorism, notorious criminals etc. The SC/ST Act was being followed strictly. Efforts had been made to ensure development and welfare of naxal affected areas. She congratulated the police administration for the dip in the crimegraph. Ms. Mayawati said that after coming to power, she immediately held a meeting of senior officers of the State and reviewed the law and order situation as well as development works. At that meeting, she had listed her government’s priorities and ordered the officers to follow them strictly. She said that the services and facilities being provided by the State Government should reach the common man and no let up in it would be tolerated. She said that the officer had been directed to remain present in their offices between 10 a.m. to 12 noon, so that on the spot redress of people’s grievances could be ensured. Besides, the officers had been directed to organise ‘tehsil diwas’ and ‘thana diwas’ on a regular basis. She said that the government was specially focussing on the villages and poor among the farmers. She said that the State Government had prepared all its policies in the light of Sarvajan Hitai, Sarvajan Sukhai (welfare and happiness for all). The Chief Minister said that monitoring of law and order had been made foolproof at every level. The Government’s intent was to ensure that the benefit of government schemes should reach beneficiaries. She said that her government had doubled the amount of all types of pension and the number of the beneficieries too had been raised. For the development of villages new norms had been fixed for the selection of gram sabhas on the basis of population of ‘Sarva Samaj’ under Dr. Ambedkar Samgra Vikas Yojna, so as to ensure the benefit of development to all. For the development and expansion of basic facilities in towns and cities, Manyawar Kanshi Ram Shahri Samgra Vikas Yojna had been launched. We had put back on rails the development of the entire state within our limited resources, without the cooperation of the Central Government. She said that electrification work lying unfinished in 17,179 villages had been completed and power supply ensured in more than 20,000 villages Dr. Ambedkar Gram Sabha Yojna. Ms. Mayawati said that on assumption of power she inherited empty coffers and the serious problem of power. The government took necessary steps to meet power crisis without loss of time and long term schemes had been formulated to solve the problem. She said that these efforts were expected to result in the availability of 10,000 MW in the state in the five years. She said that almost all the previous governments failed to pay heed to power generation in keeping with the need of increasing population. She said that efforts of present government had resulted in 100 per cent payment of cane prices to the farmers in the year of 2006-07 and about 75 per cent in 2007-08. The remaining payment of cane dues would be made soon. The penalty for less weighing had been increased from Rs. 5,000 to Rs. 50,000. The crushing capacity had been increased by raising the number of sugar mills. The Chief Minister said that keeping in view the importance of education, 88,000 primary teachers were being recruited, besides ensuring qualitative improvement in education. Buildings of 5,500 primary and higher primary schools besides 27,000 class rooms had been constructed in one year. Decision had also been taken to hold students union’s elections according to the recommendations of the Lyngdoh committee. With a view to ensuring participation of private sector in technical education and higher education, emphasis had been laid on the creation of more and more employment opportunities. The initiative had for the first time been taken to implement the reservation system in the jobs being created in the private sector on voluntary basis. She said that schemes were being implemented for the development of rural areas and top most priority had been given to employment generation adding that the rule of previous governments had been confined to a few places. She said that for medical and health facilities her government had made a budgetary provision of Rs. 5626 crore for high class facilities in every area without any discrimination which was 20 per cent more than the last year. Besides, a provision of Rs. 383 crore had been made for the construction of primary and community health centres. Hospitals established earlier were being upgraded, expanded and modernised. Ms. Mayawati said that her government had been sensitive to the interests of the destitute, weaker sections and the poor from the very beginning. Decision had been taken for establishing several schools for handicapped persons for making them self-reliant. Besides it, decision had also been taken to establish a university at Lucknow for them on Public Private Partnership (PPP) basis. For the betterment and welfare of minorities, Madarsa Siksha Parishad had been constituted for the first time in the State. She said that a proposal for inclusion of socially, economically and educationally backward caste in the scheduled castes list had been sent to the Government of India. Request had to also been made to Central Government to bring constitutional amendment for providing benefit of reservation to the poor people of upper castes in the private sector. The backlog of reserved posts had been filled by way of drive. The recruitments under general category had also commenced. The Chief Minster especially referred to the efforts of state government for providing relief to the drought affected people in Bundelkhand. On the occasion she said that after taking the reigns of administration, she was told that the drought conditions of Bundelkhand were very severe. It was due to the insensitivity of previous government that the situation worsened in the last four years. She said that her government declared nine districts as drought affected without wasting time and relief and development works were taken up on war-footing. She said that she herself went to Bundelkhand and schemes worth Rs. 1500 crore were started. In each village food grain banks had been opened for providing foodgrains to the destitute and helpless persons, besides provision or community kitchen. The Minimum amount of agriculture subsidy had been increased from Rs. 250 to Rs. 1000 for small and marginal farmers. Under NREGA 6.37 lakh families were given employment and 3.13 crore man days employment was created. The Chief Minister said that the government had formulated a pragmatic middle of the path economic policy. Ganga Express-way project costing Rs. 40,000 crore had been prepared on PPP basis, which would connect the entire Uttar Pradesh to Delhi. The industrial development had been given a fillip by strengthening the infrastructure facilities in the State. Besides, VAT regime had been implemented and tax rates of necessary items have been reduced so as to bring down prices of essential commodities. Ms. Mayawati said that the foundation laid by Dr. Ambedkar for an egalitarian social order was carried forward by Manyawar Shri Kanshiram. No body had done any thing in memory and honour of such great persons. She said that the government took initiative in this direction and to perpetuate their memory to constructing memorials. Besides, several other schemes had been launched after the name of Saints, Gurus and great men, so that the people could take inspiration from their life and struggles. She said that the people had realised during one year of the rule that the promises made by the B.S.P. Government were not confined to paper, but were seen on the ground. She assured the people that every moment of the B.S.P. Government was devoted to the welfare and betterment of the people. Earlier, the Chief Minster inaugurated a photo exhibition based one year’s achievements of the government. Cultural programmes were also presented on the occasion. The Chief Minister appreciated M.P. and Chairman U.P. Advisory Council Mr. Satish Chandra Mishra, Chief Secretary Mr. P.K. Mishra, Cabinet Secretary Mr. Shashank Shekhar Singh for their commitment for implementing the policies of the Government. While the Chief Secretary Mr. P.K. Mishra welcomed the Chief Minister and other guests, Principal Secretary Information Mr. Vijai Shanker Pandey proposed vote of thanks. On this occasion, M.P. Mr. Satish Chandra Mishra, several Minister, MPs, MLAs, Party office bearers and Cabinet Secretary Mr. Shashank Shekhar Singh were present, besides senior officers and eminent citizens.


    Deprived of a right and De-Franchised

    — Photo: K. Murali Kumar

    left out: Voters whose names were missing from the voters’ list, which prevented them from exercising their franchise, showing their identity cards during the repoll

    at one of the booths in Bangalore on Monday.

    The Election Commission is responsible for De-franchising large number people who were deprived of their right to vote as their names were missing from voter’s list and many of them those who had their photo identity cards also did not find their names in the voter’s list.

    There was haste in conducting elections by the Election Commission, since the Election Commission has to postpone the date for formation of the New Government  and not before 28 th May 2008.

    With thousands of people not finding their names in the voters list, People must have the Right To Information on the exact percentage of names missing in the voter’s list.

    People must also have the Right To Information on the type of chip used in the Electronic Voting Machine with the source code for transparency.

    In Reserved Constituencies, the Major Opposition Parties have encouraged False Caste Certificate holders as candidates.

    When objected during scrutiny they were not rejected but accepted since the Tehisildars had issued them certificates and EC said that they were helpless and only the Courts can help them.

    The Election Commission must have a mechanism to ensure that genuine SC/STs only contested elections in Reserved Constituencies.


    And no elections has to be conducted until all the people’s names are included in the voter’s list.

    Till then the present election has to be scraped

    for a Real Free and fair Election.


    Political parties neglect women as candidates

    Despite women constituting about half of the population and outnumbering men in many segments,Political parties neglect women as candidates

    EC nets Rs 40 cr in poll code implementation

    CEC N Gopalswami briefed the press that of the cash and material seized, Rs 16 crore was in terms of cash, Rs eight crore worth of liquor, and Rs 16 crore worth of other materials….

    Chief Election Commissioner N Gopalswami on Monday said that due to the strict implementation of the code of conduct, the State Election Commission had been able to seize cash and material worth Rs 40.83 crore in the State so far, allegedly used for wooing voters.

    Gopalswami along with Election Commissioners S Y Quereshi and Naveen B Chawla reviewed the security measures and poll related issues of the eight districts which are going to the polls in the third phase on May 22.
    Speaking to reporters he said that of the cash and material seized, Rs 16 crore was in terms of cash, Rs eight crore worth of liquor, and Rs 16 crore worth of other materials.

    He said, in all 1,915 cases had been booked.


    The Election Commission on Tuesday ordered a repoll in polling station no 195 in Chamarajanagar assembly constituency following malfunction of the Electronic Voting Machine.

    Repoll ordered

    The repolling at the booth will be held between 7 am and 5 pm on May 15. The first phase polling concluded on May 10 here. According to sources in the Office of the Chief Electoral Officer, the malfunction in the Electronic Voting Machine in the polling station was confirmed after the Bharat Electronics Limited submitted its report that the data could not be retrieved.

    This is the fifth polling station where repoll will be held on account of faulty Electronic Voting Machine . Repoll has already been held at a polling station each in Malleswaram, Gandhinagar, Shivajinagar and Ramanagara due to faulty Electronic Voting Machine .

    Meanwhile, the CoD is conducting an inquiry into complaints that fake student ID cards had been used for bogus voting in some places in Bangalore during the first phase.

    The Election Commission has already issued an alert to all district election officers to send report to the Commission about the same. Meanwhile, the complaint filed by the Congress with the Chief Electoral Officer demanding action against BJP leader B S Yeddyurappa for allegedly whipping up religious sentiments during campaigning has been sent to the Election Commission, sources said.

    Mayawati dubs Congress, SP and BJP losers

    Special Correspondent

    Chief Minister inaugurates seven schemes, lays foundation for 29 more

    She assumed charge as Chief Minister for the fourth time on May 13 last year

    — Photo: Subir Roy

    Welfare move: Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Mayawati handing over papers and keys of a property to a beneficiary at a function to celebrate the completion of one year of the BSP government, in Lucknow on Tuesday. Cabinet Minister Satish Chandra Mishra is seen.

    LUCKNOW: Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Mayawati marked the completion of one year in office on Tuesday by inaugurating seven schemes and laying the foundation for 29 others. Safe motherhood for women living below the poverty line and English education from class I in primary schools were among a dozen decisions she announced. She also handed over the allotment letter and keys to seven beneficiaries of the Kanshi Ram housing scheme for the urban poor.

    Launching a frontal attack on the Congress, the Samajwadi Party and the Bharatiya Janata Party, she said they were destined to be losers in State politics.

    Ms. Mayawati assumed charge as the Chief Minister for the fourth time on May 13, 2007.

    Congress charge sheet

    Addressing an official function at the City Montessori School auditorium here, Ms. Mayawati slammed the Congress for distributing booklets containing false information. The Chief Minister was reacting to the charge sheet presented against her by the Congress on Monday. She also attacked the Samajwadi Party for falsely alleging that her government was targeting its workers.

    Ms. Mayawati said the BJP was trying to gain political mileage from her decision to impose Value Added Tax in the State. No gain would accrue to the Opposition parties, she said.

    She accused the United Progressive Alliance government of ignoring the Bahujan Samaj Party government’s demand for a special relief package of Rs. 80,000 crore for Bundelkhand and Purvanchal regions of the State. She had written to the Prime Minister on July 17 last year and met him on July 20. But no decision had been taken on the package, she said, charging the Centre with discrimination.

    International airport

    Ms. Mayawati said that the international airport proposed in Gautam Buddha Nagar district was delayed because of the Centre’s attitude towards U.P. She also held the Union government responsible for the price rise.

    The Chief Minister said development and redressal of public grievances were the top priorities of the government. She claimed that the law and order situation had improved. The government was making sure that the Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes (Prevention of Atrocities) Act was being strictly implemented while ensuring that it was not being misused.

    She noted that despite inheriting empty coffers and non-cooperation of the Centre notwithstanding, the State government had taken several measures for the welfare of the people.

    Among the new schemes inaugurated by the Chief Minister were a 375-metre-long eight-lane Mahamaya flyover over the Noida-Greater Noida Expressway and Okhla Barrage, built at a cost of Rs. 67 crore, a new power sub station of 1012 KV capacity and 26 new roads. She also laid the foundation for a Rs. 5,300 crore 1000 MW Anpara

    D thermal power station and a 1584 KV sub-station.

    Congress, BJP not pro-poor: Mayawati

    Staff Correspondent


    Chitradurga: Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister and Bahujan Samaj Party (BSP) supremo Mayawati has asserted that if the party comes to power at the Centre, it would bring in a constitutional amendment to provide reservation even to the poor among the forward castes.

    Addressing a large gathering at the middle school ground here on Monday, she alleged that despite writing several letters to the Centre, the United Progressive Alliance (UPA) Government had failed to act in this regard.

    Ms. Mayawati said that her Government had also written to the Centre urging it to include Original Inhabitants of Jambudvipa that is the Great Prabuddha Bharath Christians and poor Muslims in the SC/ST category for giving them reservation in various sectors. There was no progress even on this, she charged.

    Listing the “welfare” works she had undertaken in Uttar Pradesh, she said that her Government allotted three acres land to each poor and landless person of the State. The scheme had benefited over 25 lakh families in the State,” she claimed.

    Backlog posts

    Ms. Mayawati said that soon after coming to power, she had filled all the backlog posts reserved for SC/STs and backward classes.

    “We have also constituted separate welfare departments for each backward community to ensure that they receive all the government benefits for their social and economic advancement,” she said. Holding the Congress and the Bharatiya Janata Party responsible for the backwardness of SC/STs, she alleged that in its over five decades of rule, the Congress did not consider poor people as the citizens of the country. The BJP gave prominence only to the rich and neglected the economically weaker sections of society.

    “During elections, as both parties receive funds from capitalists, they later frame policies suiting their needs but not favouring the poor people,” she remarked.

    Ms. Mayawati said that the condition of the labour class and farmers had remained the same even after 60 years of Independence.

    Cost of living

    The cost of living had been shooting up because of the price rise, but the earnings of workers has not been increased accordingly, the Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister said.

    With regard to the Assembly elections in Karnataka, she said that the party had fielded 219 candidates across the State without the support of any other parties. The BSP had given ticket to all sections of people.

    “We have given ticket to 28 Muslims, but Congress has given ticket to only 12 Muslims,” she said.

    BSP general secretaries P.G.R. Sindhia and Veer Singh; State unit president Manasandra Muniyappa, and State unit general secretaries M. Jayanna and Trishulpani Patel were present.

    Dissidence, rebels pose a problem for all parties except BSP

    SIRSI: All the major parties — the Congress, the Bharatiya Janata Party and the Janata Dal(Secular), and the Samajwadi Party — in Uttara Kannada district are facing the problem of rebels, dissidents and independent candidates. The second of the Assembly elections will be held in the district on May 16

    In Karwar Assembly Constituency, Anand Asnotikar of the Congress, Prasad Karwarkar of the BJP and Ganapati Ulvekar, an independent and Congress rebel, are the main contenders.

    In Sirsi, Congress candidate Ravindranath Naik, though popular, faces independent and party rebel Shanmukh Gouda. BJP candidate Vishweshwar Hegde Kageri is confident of getting the Havyak community vote. The Samajwadi Party candidate, Bheemanna Naik, is banking on the support of Namadhari community.  Bahujan Samaj Party candidate, Ramanath Hegde, is in the arena.

    Factors that may go against Congress

    Polling in the second phase on May 16

    Chitradurga: Unlike in the last Assembly elections, the road to success seems to be a thorny one for the Congress in Chitradurga district where polling for the second phase will be held on May 16.

    The Congress appears to be losing ground in the district which has been its stronghold so far.

    The factors that may adversely contribute to the party’s success are the redrawing of constituencies after the delimitation process, the emergence of rebellious candidates who are now contesting as independents, the growing support for independent candidates in some constituencies

    The district, which earlier had seven constituencies, has six after the delimitation exercise.

    In Chitradurga, the Congress candidate and former MLA, G. H. Tippareddy, who has won the elections for the three terms, has to overcome several hindrances to taste success. The increasing support for the Janata Dal (Secular) candidate, S.K. Basavarajan, is likely to be one among them.

    Hiriyur is another constituency where the Congress candidate, Geeta Nandini Gowda, is facing stiff competition from four Congress rebels, including two former MLAs, A.V. Umpati from Holalkere and D. Sudhakar from Challakere. They are contesting as independent candidates after they lost their constituencies in the delimitation exercise, and the high command denied them ticket for Hiriyur.

    An independent candidate, Gulihatti Shekhar, is giving sleepless nights to the former Congress MLA, B.G. Govindappa, in Hosadurga.


    All the Opposition Parties commit sins!


    BSP Wins!

    Attachment of vehicles for election work upsets many

    Staff Correspondent

    Many vehicles

    hired by private


    ‘Owners will be paid for their services’

    DAVANGERE: The district administration has commandeered a large number of private vehicles, including buses, cars and jeeps to transport electronic voting machines, election material and staff to various polling stations in the eight Assembly constituencies here.

    Owners of these vehicles were taken by surprise at the sudden decision of the administration. However, they were assured by district officials that they would be suitably compensated. Traffic police personnel and officials of the Regional Transport Office had been vested with the responsibility of procuring the required number of vehicles.

    Forcibly taken

    Many private vehicle owners, who were surprised by the way in which their vehicles were forcibly taken away, said they would not have objected to lending them if they had been informed earlier. They said they should have been given time so that contracts for leasing out the vehicles could be formulated.

    They expressed fear of losing business and reputation as the vehicles had been given out on hire to various private enterprises before the government decided to attach them.

    Deputy Commissioner M.B. Dyaberi admitted that the district administration had attached their vehicles and added that owners would, however, be paid for their services. He said there were not enough vehicles with the district administration to ensure successful conduct of the elections, as it was a new district. Hence, private vehicles had to be taken away without notice.

    He said over 800 buses were required to transport election material and election personnel, apart from 147 cars for sectoral officers. Another 170 cars and jeeps were required for police sectoral officers. He said he had sought provision of Karnataka State Road Transport Corporation (KSRTC) buses as well.

    Divisional Controller of KSRTC G.R. Venkateshwara Reddy told The Hindu that the district administration had sought 750 buses, of which 101 had already been given to the Police Department to transport its personnel to polling stations. The remaining buses would be given to the district administration on Wednesday for election-related work, he added.

    He said that from Wednesday, for three days, limited bus services would available to commuters.

    Liquor-making machines seized

    Staff Correspondent

    DAVANGERE: Two machines used to make spurious liquor were seized by the district administration here on Monday.

    Deputy Commissioner M.B. Dyaberi told presspersons on Tuesday that the police raided a farmhouse in Kurki village of the district and found one such machine. They were in search of the owner of the farmhouse, who was absconding.

    The authorities also seized another machine on the Tholahunese-Kurki main road near the Bhadra Canal. A few people who were carrying the machine, left it and fled after seeing the police, Mr. Dyaberi said.

    Possessing and using machines meant to manufacture spurious liquor, especially during election time, are considered criminal and non-bailable offences, he said and added that a hunt was on for those responsible for acquiring them. The authorities also seized labels of a prominent whisky brand, he added.

    Mr. Dyaberi said 158 cases of code violation had been registered in the district, and Rs. 70 lakh worth saris, liquor and unauthorised vehicles impounded.

    He said he was told that certain educational institutions in the district run by some influential people were offering bogus identity cards to students, with the intention of manipulating the elections.

    Mr. Dyaberi said he had convened a meeting of principals of all institutions in the district and apprised them of the legal consequences of such actions. He said the district administration would verify the identity cards of students of certain institutions against which complaints had been registered. Mr. Dyaberi told the principals not to be party to such activities, as criminal cases would be filed against them and their accomplices.

    The managements of factories, industries, small-scale units and business houses in the district had been directed to give their employees a “paid holiday” on election day, Mr. Dyaberi said.

    Poll panel frowns

    Chief Election Commissioner has taken exception to parties involving Stree Shakti members in election campaigning.


    Delhi to get a taste of Maya’s social engineering

    The BSP, taking a lead in announcing candidates for the elections, had earlier come out with a list of 38 nominees in March, following it on Sunday with another 22 names.

    Out of the 60 candidates whose names have been announced so far, 22 belong to upper castes.

    A total of 13 candidates are Original Inhabitants of Jambudvipa that is the Great Prabuddha Bharath, who have made it to the two lists, while 20 others are from the backward classes. Five of the candidates are Muslims.


    Three women also figure in the two lists.Buoyed by the substantial increase in its number of seats in the municipal elections held in 2007, the BSP plans to contest from all 70 constituencies in Delhi.


    The party is fielding three sitting municipal councilors, taking into account their popularity in their areas, BSP Delhi unit President Jogram Bhatti, the party candidate from Karawal Nagar constituency, told.


    He said the candidates for the remaining ten seats will be announced later in May.

    “We have announced the candidates much ahead of other parties and this will help us to acquaint ourselves with the constituency.


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    comments (0)
    115 Buddha”s Most Powerful Positive Own Words𝓛𝓔𝓢𝓢𝓞𝓝 4423 Wed 4 May 2022 If Buddha’s own words from Tipitaka are picturised in 3D Panoromic 360 Deg. & as Circarama it will help Discovery of Metteyya Awakened One with Awareness YoUniverse (DMAOAY) and help the Current Situation that Ended between 04-8-2020 and 3-12-2020 which Paves way for Free Online Analytical Free JC PURE INSPIRATION Insight Net for The Welfare,Happiness, Peace of All Sentient and Non-Sentient Beings and for them to Attain Eternal Peace as Final Goal. Awakened with Awareness Youniverse is already there
    Filed under: General
    Posted by: site admin @ 7:56 pm

    115 Buddha”s Most Powerful Positive Own Words𝓛𝓔𝓢𝓢𝓞𝓝   4423  Wed    4  May  2022

    Buddha’s own words from Tipitaka are picturised in 3D Panoromic 360
    Deg. & as Circarama it will help Discovery of Metteyya Awakened One
    with Awareness YoUniverse (DMAOAY) and help the Current Situation that
    Ended between 04-8-2020 and 3-12-2020 which Paves way for Free Online
    Analytical Free JC PURE INSPIRATION Insight Net for The
    Welfare,Happiness, Peace of All Sentient and Non-Sentient Beings and for
    them to Attain Eternal Peace as Final Goal.

    Awakened with Awareness Youniverse is already there…/amudha-surabi-unconditional….
    Amudha surabi - unconditional,
    everlasting compassion and service மாரனை வெல்லும் வீர நின் அடி தீ
    நெறிக் கடும்பகை கடிந்தோய் நின் அடி பிறர்க்கு அறம் அருளும் பெரியோய் நின்
    அடி துறக்கம் வேண்டாத் தொல்லோய் நின் அடி எண் பிறக்கு ஒழிய இறந்தோய்
    நின் அடி கண் பிறர்க்கு அளிக்கும் கண்ணோய் நின் அடி தீ மொழிக்கு அடைத்த
    செவியோய் நின் அடி வாய்மொழி சிறந்த நாவோய் நின் அடி நரகர் துயர் கெட
    நடப்போய் நின் அடி உரகர் துயரம் ஒழிப்போய் நின் அடி வணங்கல் அல்லது
    வாழ்த்தல் என் நாவிற்கு அடங்காது போதி நீழல் பொருந்தித் தோன்றும் நாதன்
    பாதம் நவை கெட ஏத்தி குடிப்பிறப்பு அழிக்கும் விழுப்பம் கொல்லும்
    பிடித்த கல்விப் பெரும்புணை விடூஉம் நாண் அணி களையும் மாண் எழில்
    சிதைக்கும் பூண் முலை மாதரொடு புறங்கடை நிறுத்தும் பசிப்பிணி என்னும்
    பாவி அது தீர்த்தோர் இசைச் சொல் அளவைக்கு என் நா நிமிராது!!!
    ஆற்றுநர்க்கு அளிப்போர் அறவிலை பகர்வோர் ஆற்றா மாக்கள் அரும்பசி களைவோர்
    மேற்றே உலகின் மெய்நெறி வாழ்க்கை மண் திணி ஞாலத்து வாழ்வோர்க்கு எல்லாம்
    உண்டி கொடுத்தோர் உயிர் கொடுத்தோரே!!! These are the lines from the great
    Tamil epic Manimekalai. She praises the truth after getting the amudha
    surabi. Manimekalai was the only daughter born to Kovalan and his
    beloved love Madhavi in Poompuhar.

    May be an image of standing and outdoors

    Entire Earth 🌏 🌎 🌍 is Amudha Surabhi a spring of nectar for unconditional, everlasting compassion. Grow your own food 🍲 🍱 🥘 like 👍 vegetables 🥦 🥕 🥗 & fruit🍌 🍎 🍉 plants like Mauryan Emperor Ashoka and 🌱 in pots 🪴 to be free birds 🐦 🦢 🦅 & swim to be healthy.

    Bodh Gaya | The Land of Buddha’s Enlightenment | 360° video | VR Experience | Elysian Studios
    video shooting was made on Buddhist site. In Bangalore people had the
    opportunity to see movies and landing on the moon 🌙 episodes in Circarama.
    Buddha’s own words from Tipitaka are picturised in 3D Panoromic 360
    Deg. and as Circarama it will help Discovery of Metteyya Awakened One
    with Awareness Universe (DMAOAU) and help the
    Current Situation that may End between 04-8-2020 and 3-12-2020 which Paves way for Free Online Analytical Insight Net
    The Welfare, Happiness, Peace of All Sentient and Non-Sentient Beings and for them to Attain Eternal Peace as Final Goal.
    Elysian Studios
    1.1K subscribers
    Gaya - The Land of Buddha’s Enlightenment is a VR experience which
    takes you to Bodh Gaya in the Indian state of Bihar. The main temple
    complex houses the famous Mahabodhi temple and a descendant of the
    original Bodhi tree under which Gautama Buddha attained Enlightenment.
    ► Subscribe to our channel:
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    Bodh Gaya | The Land of Buddha’s Enlightenment | 360° video | VR Experience | Elysian Studios

    VR360 Pure Land Scenery
    you have a virtual headset, you can wear it to watch this video and
    Nianfo. You will feel like you are sitting in a lotus in front of
    Amitabha Buddha and the Three Sages, and already in the Pure Land.
    So grateful to Alcoo Beijing for creating this wonderful VR Pure Land Scene.
    🙏Namo Amitabha Buddha 🙏
    🙏Namo Amituofo🙏
    🎉 3 Refuges & 5 Precepts Ceremony 22nd Aug 8.30-9am (pls join our FB group and contact our admin for more information)
    📿 24hrs Nianfo + 4 Free Daily Guided Sessions (4-6.30am, 8-9am, 3-4pm, 9-10pm)
    ☸️ Weekly Pure Land Sutra talks
    (Thursday 8-9am, Sunday 3-4pm)
    🔆 Weekly Nianfo Sharing Circle
    Teachings from Pure Land Patriarchs (Wednesday 8.30-9pm)
    🕑 All times are China Standard Time (GMT+8), please check your respective time zones.
    ⬇️ Zoom Link for All Events:
    password: amituofo
    ✅FB group: Pure Land Buddhism (Lotus Family)
    materials are used for the pure non-for-profit purpose of spreading the
    Dharma, if there are any issues pls let us know and we can remove them.
    Thanks, Amituofo

    VR360 Pure Land Scenery
    #virtual #pureland If you have a virtual headset, you can wear it to
    watch this video and Nianfo. You will feel like you are sitting in a
    lotus in front …


    Buddha’s own words from Tipitaka are picturised in 3D Panoromic 360
    Deg. & as Circarama it will help Discovery of Metteyya Awakened One
    with Awareness YoUniverse (DMAOAY) and help the Current Situation that
    Ended between 04-8-2020 and 3-12-2020 which Paves way for Free Online
    Analytical Free JC PURE INSPIRATION Insight Net for The
    Welfare,Happiness, Peace of All Sentient and Non-Sentient Beings and for
    them to Attain Eternal Peace as Final Goal.
    Animated Quote GIF - Animated Quote GIFs

    Buddha GIF - Buddha GIFsBuddha GIF - Buddha GIFsBuddha GIF - Buddha GIFsBuddha GIF - Buddha GIFsBuddha Meditation GIF - Buddha Meditation Believe In You GIFsBuddha.Gif GIF - Buddha Kulfy Telugu GIFsBuddha GIF - Buddha GIFsBuddha GIF - Buddha GIFsBuddha GIF - Buddha GIFsBuddha GIF - Buddha GIFsBuddha GIF - Buddha GIFsBuddha GIF - Buddha GIFsBuddha GIF - Buddha GIFsBuddha GIF - Buddha GIFsBuddha GIF - Buddha GIFsHappy Lord Buddha Jayanti GIF - Happy Lord Buddha Jayanti GIFsBuddha GIF - Buddha GIFsBuddha GIF - Buddha GIFsမင်္ဂလာပါ သာဓုsadiu GIF - မင်္ဂလာပါ သာဓုsadiu Buddha GIFsBuddha Mystery GIF - Buddha Mystery Abstract GIFs
  • Buddha GIF - Buddha GIFsမင်္ဂလာပါbuddha Meditate GIF - မင်္ဂလာပါbuddha Meditate GIFsမင်္ဂလာပါ သာဓုsadu GIF - မင်္ဂလာပါ သာဓုsadu Buddha GIFsJaybheem Asurharsh GIF - Jaybheem Asurharsh Buddha GIFsBuddha GIF - Buddha GIFsMandaing Buddha GIF - Mandaing Buddha Meditate GIFs


    13-05-2008                             Tuesday                                   9 AM


    Venue: Maha Bodhi Society, Gandhinagar, Bangalore-9




    Temporary Ordination and Meditation Course


    Venerable Acharya Buddharakkhita Bhanteji

    Founder President, Maha Bodhi Society, Bangalore

    4: PM



    College of Nursing Auditorium, Victoria Hospital, Bangalore

    Inauguration by


    Director and Dean, Bangalore Medical College and Research Center

    Chief Guests


    Medical Superintendent, Victoria Hospital, Bangalore

    Sri H.S.Dasegowda

    Principal, Government College of Nursing, Bangalore

    Release of book “Neene Honegaara” by

    Prof. H.V.Venugopal

    National College, Basavanagudi, Bangalore

    Presided and blessings by

    Venerable Ananda bhanteji

    Maha Bodhi Society, Bangalore

    Hospital Dana service at Mahabodhi Burns and Casualty Center and other wards of Victoria Hospital


    Hoskote records 89 per cent polling

    DH News Service,Bangalore:

    Hoskote Assembly constitutency in Bangalore Rural district witnessed the highest polling per centage in the first phase with 89.18 per cent of the electorate excercising their franchise while Sarvagnanagar in BBMP limits polled the lowest at 35.53 pc.


    The Election Commission on Monday released the constitutency wise break-up of polling percentage in the 89 constitutencies which went to polls on Saturday.

    In Hoskote as many as 1.41 lakh of the 1.58 lakh electorate turned up to vote on polling day.

    Sidlaghatta (82.26); Srinivasapura (83.26),  Malur (81.7) Arkalgud (81.48) and Gundlupet (81.11) are the other constitutencies which have crossed the 80 pc mark in polling.

    Ramanagara recorded a polling per centage of 72.99. The constitutency wise break-up:

    Chiknayakanhalli: 77.56,

    Tiptur: 77.84, Turuvekere: 77.81,

    Kunigal: 77.53, Tumkur City: 52.54,

    Tumkur Rural: 77.84,

    Koratagere: 77.14,

    Gubbi: 80.19, Sira: 77.04,

    Pavagada: 73.16,

    Madhugiri: 74.9,

    Gauribidanur: 73.99,

    Bagepalli: 78.63,

    Chikkaballapur: 78.75,

    Sidlaghatta: 82.26,

    Chintamani: 75.49,

    Srinivaspur: 83.26,

    Mulbagal: 68.09,

    Kolar Gold Field: 62.99,

    Bangarapet: 72.96,

    Kolar: 70.23, Malur: 81.7,

    Yelahanka: 60.85,

    K.R. Pura:  43.06,

    Byatarayanapura: 53.32,

    Yeshvanthapura: 56.78,

    Rajarajeshwarinagar: 47.84,

    Dasarahalli: 43.89,

    Mahalakshmi Layout: 51.49,

    Malleshwaram: 52.04,

    Hebbal: 45,

    Pulakeshinagar: 42.32,

    Sarvagnanagar: 35.53,

    C.V. Raman Nagar: 40.71,

    Shivajinagar: 47.92,

    Shanti Nagar: 44.45,

    Gandhi Nagar: 44.22,

    Rajaji Nagar: 52.69,

    Govindraj Nagar: 42.52,

    Vijayanagar: 43.27,

    Chamrajpet: 40.93,

    Chickpet: 46.97,

    Basavanagudi: 42.57,

    Padmanaba Nagar: 53.08,

    BTM Layout: 46.88,

    Jayanagar: 47.53,

    Mahadevapura: 53.18,

    Bommanahalli: 44.44,

    Bangalore South: 43.99,

    Anekal: 58.53,

    Hosakote: 89.18,

    Devanahalli: 79.10,

    Doddaballapur: 75.85,

    Nelamangala: 69.92,

    Magadi: 77.07,

    Ramanagaram: 72.99,

    Kanakapura: 76.04,

    Channapatna: 77.85,

    Malavalli: 68.64,

    Maddur: 75.19,

    Melukote: 78.84,

    Mandya: 62.45,

    Shrirangapattana: 77.59,

    Nagamangala: 77.03,

    Krishnarajpet: 77.73,

    Shravanabelagola: 77.89,

    Arsikere: 77.87,

    Belur: 74.56,

    Hassan: 65.86,

    Holenarasipur: 78.18,

    Arkalgud: 81.48,

    Sakleshpur: 74.99,

    Madikeri: 70.22,

    Virajpet: 61.56,

    Piriyapatna: 79.19,

    Krishnarajanagara: 79.99,

    Hunsur: 77.25,

    Heggadadevankote: 68.16,

    Nanjangud: 72.01,

    Chamundeshwari: 66.94,

    Krishnaraja: 56.09,

    Chamaraja: 51,

    Narasimharaja: 50.37,

    Varuna: 75.82,

    T.Narasipur: 67.81,

    Hanur: 69.75,

    Kollegal: 72.65,

    Chamarajanagar: 72.23,

    Gundlupet : 81.11

    The JD(S) Assembly candidate for Bellary City walked out of the electoral battlefield and shook hands with the Congress leaders.

    Money matter

    On record, Babu said that he had bid goodbye to the JD(S) to teach a lesson to the ‘communal forces’ (meaning the BJP). Mallikarjun Kharge said, “during elections many developments take place. Ambareesh did the negotiation.” When his attention was drawn to the rumours that huge money was exchanged between Ambareesh and Babu to get the latter to the Congress fold, Kharge just said, “I have no idea about it”.

    Reacting sharply to the development, BJP leader Janardhan Reddy told media persons

    “In Bellary people know that Diwakar Babu and his family is into goondagiri. His track record is so bad that people would further loathe him. In last 40 years, he and his Mundlur family members could do nothing for the development of Bellary

    It is the SCs and STs (35,000 voters), Kurubas (25,000), SCs and and minority community (15,000), who hold the key for a candidate to emerge victorious

    Since !

    Other Opposition Parties commit lot of Sins!

     In Shikarpura & Bellary BSP wins!


    The BJP spokesperson Suresh Kumar has alleged that the Congress party has violated the model code of conduct by using national tri-colour with the emblem of Ashok

    Chakra for canvassing.

    video CD brought out by Niranjan Rao for campaigning shows the usage of national flag at three scenes. Even the cover of the CD shows the former Prime Minister Indira Gandhi with the tri-colour, alleged Suresh Kumar. He pointed out that the government schemes for schoolchildren and Yashaswini Schemes have also been used to garner votes.

    The Congress party said that it released VCDs prepared for campaigning only after obtaining approval from the Election Commission.

    Since !

    Other Opposition Parties commit lot of Sins!

    BSP wins!

    Puttur assembly constituency, also known as the areca capital of the State, has been in news in the entire State ever since former MLA T Shakunthala Shetty was denied ticket by the BJP.

    The subsequent support by former MLA Urimajalu Ram Bhat, who is also the ‘political guru’ for a number of politicians including BJP State President D V Sadananda Gowda, to Ms Shetty compounded the problems for the BJP.

    The BJP came to power in Puttur for the first time in 1978 and retained the seat in 1983 (Ram Bhat). However, in 1985, Mr Ram Bhat lost to Mr Vinay Kumar Sorake (Cong) and Mr Sorake succeeded in retaining the seat in 1989 as well. In 1994, Mr Sorake lost to Mr D V Sadananda Gowda (BJP) by a thin margin of 404 votes (While Sorake polled 52,611 votes, DV polled 53,015 votes). In 1999, Mr D V Sadananda Gowda retained the seat and in 2004, Mr Gowda fielded Ms Shakunthala Shetty who too won the seat.

    The BJP has been winning the seat in Puttur since 1994. But the rift between Mr Gowda and Ms Shetty which resulted in the denial of ticket to Ms Shetty is no more a secret. Lack of a good reason for denial of ticket to Ms Shetty, not only invited the wrath of BJP workers, but also that of Mr Ram Bhat — who went on to organise a public meet to gather support for Ms Shetty (who is presently contesting as an Independent). The huge response for the meet, forced BJP to invite none other than Gujrath Chief Minister Narendra Modi to woo the voters. However, the poor response for Mr Modi’s visit has caught the BJP leaders on the wrong foot.

    Interestingly, the BJP official candidate Mallika Prasad too was not keen on contesting against Ms Shetty as everyone (including Ms Prasad) know that the BJP had meted out injustice to Ms Shetty. An unofficial meeting convened a few days ago revealed that 43 out of 45 BJP village committee chiefs favoured Ms Shetty. But the BJP top leaders were adamant and they cared a damn for public opinion. While the leaders are supporting official candidate, many BJP workers are supporting Ms Shetty! In fact, a situation has arisen in Puttur that the BJP leaders have decided to defeat Ms Shetty at any cost. “It does not matter whether BJP wins or not, but Ms Shakunthala Shetty should not win,” is the ‘decision’ taken by the BJP leaders.

    However, people have a feeling that if Ms Prasad is elected, she may not be available to the workers later, whereas Ms Shakunthala Shetty is known for her courage to solve any problem.
    JD(S) too has extended its support to Ms Shetty and it has not fielded any candidate in Puttur. JD(S) spokesperson Subbaiah Shetty said that the decision of not fielding any candidate came after Ms Shetty sought support from Mr H D Kumaraswamy.

    On the other hand, the decision of Congress leaders to field District Youth Congress President Bondala Jagannath Shetty has irked the Congress leaders of Puttur. But a number of people opine that though Mr Bondala is a person who people love to hate, they agree that he can get the things done.

    His ‘managerial’ skills of obtaining a ticket for himself and his ‘capacity’ of bringing Union Minister Renuka Choudhury speaks volumes about him. Mr Vinaykumar Sorake, who won as MLA twice  is  campaigning for Mr Shetty.

    Congress workers are looking for an able leader in Puttur, especially to counter the BJP and RSS which is growing by leaps and bounds. “If there is any person in the district who can take on RSS supremo Dr Kalladka Prabhakar Bhat head-on, it is none other than Mr Bondala,” opines  Ibrahim, an aged person.
    Ms Nalini Lokappa Gowda is contesting as an independent after she failed to get a ticket from the Congress. She too may ‘snatch’ a few Congress votes.

    Finally, how many votes Ms Shakunthala Shetty is going to take away from BJP’s Mallika Prasad will decide whether Ms Shetty or Mr Shetty will make it to the Vidhana Soudha

    Since !

    Other Opposition Parties commit lot of Sins!

    In Puttur BSP wins!

    Caste will play a pivotal role


    Tirthahalli taluk is no longer a place of rustic innocence as visualised by poet laureate Kuvempu in his works. The region is now a potpourri of problems like drastic depletion in areca yield due to fungal infection, deforestation in the name of development, displacement due to construction of reservoirs and problems of Naxalites. Voters are hoping sincere efforts from representativesthe persons who represent the constituency to address these problems.

    Voters of Tirthahalli assembly segment have favoured non-Congress parties. In the 12 Assembly elections held so far, non-Congress candidates have registered victory eight times. This time the constituency will witness triangular contest between BJP candidate Araga Jnanendra, Kimmane Rathnakar of Congress and Kadtur Dinesh of Samajawadi party.

    Nagara and Humcha hoblis of Hosanagar taluk and Nidige hobli of Shimoga taluk are included in Tirthahalli Assembly constituency after delimitation. The delimitation is expected to spring surprise result this election. Along with Vokkaliga, after delimitation Idiga and Havyaka Brahmin communities will also form the major chunk of population in the constituency and caste consideration is also expected to play an important role in the election.

    Araga Jnanendra has scored hat trick by registering victory in 1994, 1999 and 2004. Mr Araga who is humble in his approach and is easily accessible to the mass is hoping for a straight fourth win. He is seeking votes on the basis of performance of BJP leaders in JD(S)-BJP coalition government. Gujarath Chief Minister Narendra Modi has campaigned for Araga Jnanendra in the constituency. Kimmane Rathnakar who lost against Araga Jnanendra last two elections enjoys sympathy of the voters. Kadtur Dinesh of Samajawadi party also stands fair chance of winning the election. Vokkaliga votes will split between Araga Jnanendra, Kimmane Rathnakar and Kadtur Dinesh.
    As Idiga votes are in significant number here, Kadtur Dinesh is expecting them with the grace of S Bangarappa.

    With the emergence of BSP as strong force this time other opposition parties are finding it difficult to maintain the winning streak.

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    114 Buddha’s Most Powerful, Positive Own Words 𝓛𝓔𝓢𝓢𝓞𝓝 4422 Tue 3 May 2022 Awakened with Awareness Youniverse is already there 2. “Give up anger, give up pride, and free yourself from worldly bondage. No sorrow can befall those who never try to possess people and things as their own.” - Buddha
    Filed under: General
    Posted by: site admin @ 5:40 pm

    114 Buddha’s Most Powerful, Positive Own Words 

    𝓛𝓔𝓢𝓢𝓞𝓝   4422  Tue   3  May  2022

    Awakened with Awareness Youniverse is already there

    “Give up anger, give up pride, and free yourself from worldly bondage.
    No sorrow can befall those who never try to possess people and things as
    their own.”
    - Buddha
    Buddha Lord GIF - Buddha Lord Buddhadharma GIFs

    Aanhalings uit Boeddha vir wysheid en vrede
    Siddhārtha Gautama, oftewel Boeddha, was ‘n man wat gebore is in ‘n ryk gesin in Nepal rondom 500 B.C. Hy het ‘n groot belangstelling in die vind van ‘n oplossing vir die lyding van die mensdom. Nadat sy pa hom nie kon belowe dat hy nie oud sou word, siek word of sterf nie, het hy begin mediteer totdat hy die genesing vir ellende en lyding gevind het. Dit het hom 49 dae en nagte van sittende meditasie onder ‘n peepalboom, ook bekend as die ‘bodhi -boom’, geneem om ‘ontwaking’ of ’satori’ te vind. Daarna het hy te werk gegaan en ander die weg na begrip gewys. Die leringe van Boeddha dien as die basis van Boeddhisme. Hierdie onderrig kan maklik leiding en ‘n groter gemoedsrus aan iemand gee. Hier is 30 aanhalings uit Boeddha om u te help om wysheid en vrede te lei.
    1. “Die wortel van lyding is gehegtheid.”
    2. “Gee woede op, gee trots op en bevry jouself van wêreldse slawerny. Geen hartseer kan diegene wat nooit probeer om mense en dinge as hul eie te besit nie. ‘
    3. “Suiwerheid en onreinheid is afhanklik van jouself; Niemand kan ‘n ander suiwer nie. ”
    4. “Ons lewe word gevorm deur ons gedagtes; Ons word wat ons dink. ”
    5. ‘Een wat homself verower, is groter as ‘n ander wat duisend keer ‘n duisend man op die slagveld oorwin.’
    6. “As u niemand vind om u op die geestelike pad te ondersteun nie, moet u alleen stap. Daar is geen kameraadskap met die onvolwasse nie. ”
    7. “Daar is geen vrees vir iemand wie se gedagtes nie met begeertes gevul is nie.”
    8. “As iets die moeite werd is om te doen, doen dit met u hele hart.”
    9. “U moet self streef. Die Boeddhas wys net die weg. ”
    10. “Diegene wat die wortels van jaloesie vernietig het, het altyd gemoedsrus.”
    11. “Daar is geen onreinheid groter as onkunde nie.”
    12. “Die wêreld word getref deur die dood en verval. Maar die wyse treur nie, nadat hy die aard van die wêreld besef het. ”
    13. “’n Mens is nie wys nie, want hy praat baie. Hulle is wys wat geduldig is en vry van haat en vrees. ”
    14. “Wie ook nie opvlam vir iemand wat kwaad is, wen ‘n stryd om te wen nie.”
    15. “’n Mens is nie edel wat lewende wesens beseer nie. Hulle is edel wat niemand seergemaak het nie. ‘
    16. “Bewaak u gedagtes, woorde en dade. Hierdie drie dissiplines sal u op die pad na pure wysheid bespoedig. ”
    17. “As u ‘n wyse kritikus vind om u foute uit te wys, volg hom, soos u ‘n gids vir verborge skat sou hê.”
    18. “Moenie u aandag gee aan wat ander doen of nie doen nie; Gee dit aan wat u doen of nie doen nie. ”
    19. “Wanneer leef jy in die duisternis, waarom soek jy nie lig nie?”
    20. “As jy na jouself kyk, kyk jy na ander. As jy na ander kyk, kyk jy na jouself. ”
    21. “Maak jou gedagtes suiwer soos ‘n silwersmid die onsuiwerhede van silwer, bietjie vir bietjie, onmiddellik op die oomblik wegblaas.”
    22. “Moenie probeer om u geluk op die ongelukkigheid van ander op te bou nie. U sal in ‘n net van haat ingedruk wees. ”
    23. “Die wyse is gedissiplineerd in liggaam, spraak en gees. Hulle is inderdaad goed beheer. ”
    24. “Lig die lamp binne; streef moeilik om wysheid te bereik. ”
    25. “Lei jouself vas om vrede te bereik.”
    26. “Meditasie bring wysheid; ‘N Gebrek aan meditasie laat onkunde. Weet goed wat u vorentoe lei en wat u terughou, en kies die pad wat tot wysheid lei. ”
    27. “Gee, selfs al het jy net ‘n bietjie.”
    28. “Net soos ‘n soliede rots nie deur die storm geskud word nie, word die wyse nie deur lof of skuld beïnvloed nie.”
    29. “Moenie ‘n oomblik mors nie, want vermorsde oomblikke stuur jou op die afwaartse baan.”
    30. “As u die vreugde van die lewe vergeet en vasgevang word in die plesier van die wêreld, sal u diegene wat meditasie eerste stel, beny.”

    Lotus Buddha Mantra LET US BRING PEACE IN OUR HEARTS!! ॐ PM 2019

    • 09) Classical Albanian-Shqiptare klasike,

      Samadhi Movie, 2018 - Part 2 (It’s Not What You Think)

      480K subscribers

      Support us by purchasing high quality versions of the films for download, or physical products on DVD/blu-ray. The Awaken the World Initiative was created for the purpose of humbly serving the awakening of humanity by bringing the perennial wisdom back into the world for free in every language.
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      We have created a series of guided meditations and teachings if you are interested in realizing Samadhi.
      The soundtrack is available on Amazon, iTunes, Spotify, Play Store and most streaming services. The iTunes link is here:
      This Youtube video has “community translations” turned on. To add or contribute to a translation, in the Youtube player, click on the “gear” icon, then “subtitles”, then click “more” and then click “add translation”. Or click here:
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      Thanks to Oriya Katz for the Hebrew translation.
      Citate nga Buda për mençuri dhe paqe
      Siddhārtha Gautama, ose Buda, ishte një njeri i lindur në një familje të pasur në Nepal rreth 500 B.C. Ai interesoi shumë për të gjetur një zgjidhje për vuajtjet e njerëzimit. Pasi babai i tij nuk mund t’i premtonte se ai nuk do të plaket, të sëmuret ose të vdiste, ai u nis për të medituar derisa të gjejë kurimin për mjerimin dhe vuajtjet. Iu deshën 49 ditë dhe netë për të ulur meditimin nën një pemë peepale, të njohur edhe si “pema e bodhi”, për të gjetur “Zgjat” ose “Satori”. Ai pastaj shkoi për mësimdhënie dhe duke u treguar të tjerëve rrugën për të kuptuar. Mësimet e Budës shërbejnë si themeli i Budizmit. Këto mësime mund të japin lehtësisht udhëzime dhe paqe më të madhe të mendjes për këdo. Këtu janë 30 citate nga Buda për t’ju ndihmuar të drejtoni drejt mençurisë dhe paqes.
      1. “Rrënja e vuajtjes është lidhja.”
      2. “Hiqni dorë nga zemërimi, hiqni dorë nga krenaria dhe lirohuni nga skllavëria e kësaj bote. Asnjë pikëllim nuk mund të ndodhë ata që kurrë nuk përpiqen të zotërojnë njerëz dhe gjëra si të tyre. “
      3. “Pastërtia dhe papastërtia varen nga vetvetja; Askush nuk mund të pastrojë një tjetër. “
      4. “Jeta jonë është formuar nga mendja jonë; Ne bëhemi ato që mendojmë. ”
      5. “Ai që pushton veten është më i madh se një tjetër që pushton një mijë herë një mijë burra në fushën e betejës.”
      6. “Nëse nuk gjeni askënd që t’ju mbështesë në rrugën shpirtërore, ecni vetëm. Nuk ka asnjë shoqëri me të papjekurin. “
      7. “Nuk ka frikë për atë, mendja e të cilit nuk është e mbushur me dëshira.”
      8. “Nëse ndonjë gjë ia vlen ta bësh, bëje me gjithë zemrën tënde.”
      9. “Ju vetë duhet të përpiqeni. Buddhat tregojnë vetëm rrugën. “
      10. “Ata që kanë shkatërruar rrënjët e xhelozisë kanë gjithmonë paqe mendore.”
      11. “Nuk ka papastërti më të madhe se injoranca.”
      12. “Bota është e prekur nga vdekja dhe kalbja. Por të mençurit nuk pikëllohen, pasi e kuptuan natyrën e botës. “
      13. “Një nuk është i mençur sepse ai flet një marrëveshje të mirë. Ata janë të mençur që janë të durueshëm dhe nuk janë nga urrejtja dhe frika. “
      14. “Kushdo që nuk ndizet me dikë që është i zemëruar fiton një betejë të vështirë për të fituar.”
      15. “Një nuk është fisnik që dëmton krijesat e gjalla. Ata janë fisnikë që nuk lëndojnë askënd. ”
      16. «Ruajini mendimet, fjalët dhe veprat tuaja. Këto tre disiplina do t’ju shpejtojnë përgjatë rrugës drejt mençurisë së pastër. “
      17. “A duhet të gjeni një kritik të mençur për të treguar gabimet tuaja, ndiqni atë ndërsa do të bëni një udhëzues për thesarin e fshehur.”
      18. “Mos i kushtoni vëmendjen tuaj asaj që bëjnë të tjerët ose nuk arrijnë të bëjnë; Jepini asaj që bëni ose nuk arrini të bëni. “
      19. “Kur po jetoni në errësirë, pse nuk kërkoni dritë?”
      20. “Kur shikoni pas vetes, ju shikoni pas të tjerëve. Kur shikoni pas të tjerëve, ju shikoni pas vetes. “
      21. “Bëni mendjen tuaj të pastër si një argjendar i heq papastërtitë e argjendit, pak nga pak, çastit nga çasti.”
      22. “Mos u mundoni të ndërtoni lumturinë tuaj për pakënaqësinë e të tjerëve. Ju do të përfshiheni në një rrjetë urrejtjeje. “
      23. “Të mençurit janë të disiplinuar në trup, fjalim dhe mendje. Ata janë vërtet të kontrolluar mirë. “
      24. “Ndizni llambën brenda; Përpiquni shumë për të arritur mençurinë. “
      25. “Trajnoni me vendosmëri veten për të arritur paqen.”
      26. “Meditimi sjell mençuri; Mungesa e meditimit lë injorancën. Njihni mirë atë që ju çon përpara dhe çfarë ju mban mbrapa dhe zgjidhni rrugën që çon në mençuri. “
      27. “Jepni, edhe nëse keni vetëm pak.”
      28. “Ashtu si një shkëmb i fortë nuk tronditet nga stuhia, edhe kështu të mençurit nuk preken nga lavdërimi ose faji.”
      29. “Mos harxhoni asnjë moment, sepse momentet e humbura ju dërgojnë në kursin në rënie.”
      30. “Nëse harroni gëzimin e jetës dhe kapeni në kënaqësitë e botës, do të vini në zili ata që vendosin meditimin e parë.”
      Samadhi Movie, 2018 - Part 2 (It’s Not What You Think)
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      10) Classical Amharic-አንጋፋዊ አማርኛ,

      ከቡድሃ ለጥበብ እና ለሰላም የተወሰዱ ጥቅሶች
      ሲድድታታ ጋውታማ ወይም ቡዳ, ወይም ቡድሃ ከ 500 የሚበልጡ ለነበሩ ሀብታም ቤተሰብ ውስጥ የተወለደ ሰው ነበር. ለሰብአዊነት ሥቃይ መፍትሄ ለማግኘት ከፍተኛ ፍላጎት ነበረው. አባቱ እንደሚያረጀ, ታመመ, ይታመሙ ወይም እንዲሞቱ ቃል ኪዳኑን ቃል ኪዳኑን ሲሞት, ለሽሽኝነትና መከራውን ፈውስ እስኪያገኝ ድረስ ለማሰላሰል ተነሳ. እሱ 49 ቀናት እና ሌሊቶች የመቀመጥ በማሰላሰል በተቀመጠው በፔፊ ዛፍ ወይም ‘መነቃቃትን’ ወይም ‘ሰባራ’ በመባልም ውስጥ ‘ቦዲን ዛፍ’ ተብሎ በሚጠራው የፔርፔ ዛፍ ውስጥ ወሰደ. ከዚያ በኋላ ማስተማርና ሌሎችን ለማስተዋል የሚወስደውን መንገድ ሌሎችን ማሳየት ጀመረ. የቡድሃ ትምህርቶች የቡድሃነት መሠረት ሆነው ያገለግላሉ. እነዚህ ትምህርቶች በቀላሉ ለሚሰጡት መመሪያ እና ታላቅ የአእምሮ ሰላም ይሰጡታል. ከቡዳ ወደ ጥበብ እና ሰላም እንዲመራዎት ለማገዝ 30 ጥቅሶች እዚህ አሉ.
      1. “የመከራ ሥርዋው አባሪ ነው.”
      2. “ቁጣን መተው, ኩራትን ትተው, ከአለም ባርነት ራስህ ነፃ አወጣቸው. ሰዎች እንደየራሳቸው እና ነገሮችን ፈጽሞ የማይሞክሩ ሰዎች ምንም sorrow ዘን አይወድም. “
      3. “ንፅህና እና ርኩሰት በራስዎ ላይ የተመሠረተ ነው, ማንም ሌላ ማንበብ አይችልም. “
      4. “ሕይወታችን በአዕምሮአችን ቅርፅ ተሰጥቶናል, እኛ እንደምናስበው እንሆናለን. “
      5. “ራሱን የሚሸከምን አንድ ሺህ ጊዜ በጦር ሜዳ ውስጥ ሺህ ጊዜ ሺህ የሚሆኑ ሰዎችን ከሌላው የሚበልጥ ነው.”
      6. “በመንፈሳዊው መንገድ እርስዎን የሚደግፍህ ማንም ከሌለህ ለብቻው ይራመዱ. ከወትሮው ጋር ጓደኛ የለም. “
      7. “አእምሮው በፍላጎቶች ያልተሞላ ሰው የለም” የሚል ፍራቻ የለም.
      8. “ምንም ነገር ማድረግ የሚያስችል ከሆነ በፍጹም ልብህ ያድርጉት.”
      9. “እርስዎ እራስዎ ይጥላሉ. ቡድሃ መንገዱን ብቻ ይጠቁማል. “
      10. “የቅናት ሥፍራዎች የሚያጠፉ ሰዎች ሁልጊዜ የአእምሮ ሰላም አላቸው.”
      11. “ከግንዛቤም የበለጠ ር imp ስምን የለም.”
      12. “ዓለም በሞት እና በመበስበስ ተጎድቷል. የአለምን ዓለም ተፈጥሮ ተገንዝቡ ጥበቡ ግን አያዝኑም. “
      13. “አንድ ጥበበኛ አይደለም ምክንያቱም እሱ ጥሩ ስምምነትን ስለሚናገር. እነሱ ታጋሽ እንጂ ከጥላቱ ነፃ የሆኑ ጥበበኞች ናቸው. “
      14. “የተናደደ ሰው የሚያነድድ ሰው ለማሸነፍ የተዋሸገ ውጊያ ያሸንፋል.”
      15. “አንደኛው በሕይወት ያሉ ሕያዋን ፍጥረታትን የሚጎዳ መልካም አይደለም. እነሱ አንድን ሰው የማይጎዱ ሰዎች ናቸው. “
      16. “ሀሳቦችህን, ቃላቶቻችሁን ጠብቅ. እነዚህ ሶስት ሥነ-ምግባር ወደ ንጹሕ ጥበብ በሚወስደው መንገድ ላይ በፍጥነት ያፈራሉ. “
      17. “ስህተቶችዎን ለመጠቅለል ጥበበኛ ተቺ ነገር ካገኙ, የተደበቀ ውድ ሀብት እንደሚመራው ይከተሉ.”
      18. “ሌሎች ለሚያደርጉት ወይም ላለማድረግ ትኩረት አትስጥ. ለሚያደርጉት ወይም የማይሰሩትን ይስጡት. “
      19. “በጨለማ ውስጥ የሚኖሩት, ለምን ብርሃን አይፈልጉም?”
      20. “ራስዎን በሚመለከቱበት ጊዜ ሌሎችን ትከታተላለህ. ሌሎችን በሚመለከትበት ጊዜ እራስዎን ይጠብቃሉ. “
      21. “አንጥረኛ በጥቂቱ በትንሹ በቅጽበት ብርትን የሚያጠፋ እንደመሆኑ መጠን አእምሯችሁን በጥልቀት ይንፉ.”
      22. “በሌሎች ደስታ ላይ ደስታዎን ለመገንባት አይሞክሩ. በጥላቻ መረብ ውስጥ ታዝናላችሁ. “
      23. “ጠቢቡ በሰውነት, በንግግር እና በአእምሮ ውስጥ ተግሣጽ ተሰጥቷቸዋል. በእርግጥ በጥሩ ሁኔታ ቁጥጥር ይደረግባቸዋል. “
      24. “አምፖሉን በውስጥ አብርቱ; ጥበብን ለማግኘት ጥረት አድርግ. “
      25. “ሰላም ለማግኘት ራስህን ሙሉ በሙሉ አሠልጥኑ.”
      26. “Meditation brings wisdom; lack of meditation leaves ignorance. Know well what leads you forward and what holds you back, and choose the path that leads to wisdom.”
      27. “Give, even if you only have a little.”
      28. “Just as a solid rock is not shaken by the storm, even so the wise are not affected by praise or blame.”
      29. “Don’t waste a moment, for wasted moments send you on the downward course.”
      30. “If you forget the joy of life and get caught in the pleasures of the world, you will come to envy those who put meditation first.”
      Yung Lean - Ginseng Strip 2002 [Bass Boosted] | Bitches come and go
    11) Classical Arabic-اللغة العربية الفصحى


    ونقلت من بوذا من أجل الحكمة والسلام
    كان Siddhārtha Gautama ، أو Buddha ، رجلًا من مواليد عائلة غنية في نيبال حوالي 500 قبل الميلاد. لقد اهتم كبير بإيجاد حل لمعاناة الإنسانية. بعد أن لا يستطيع والده أن يعده بأنه لن يكبر ، أو يمرض ، أو يموت ، انطلق إلى التأمل حتى وجد علاج البؤس والمعاناة. استغرق الأمر 49 يومًا وليالًا من التأمل في ظل شجرة بيربال ، والمعروفة أيضًا باسم “شجرة بودي” ، للعثور على “الاستيقاظ” أو “Satori”. ثم ذهب إلى التدريس وإظهار الآخرين الطريق إلى الفهم. تعاليم بوذا بمثابة أساس للبوذية. يمكن لهذه التعليم بسهولة إعطاء التوجيه وراحة البال لأي شخص. فيما يلي 30 اقتباسًا من بوذا للمساعدة في إرشادك نحو الحكمة والسلام.
    1. “جذر المعاناة هو التعلق”.
    2. “التخلي عن الغضب ، التخلي عن الفخر ، وتحرير نفسك من العبودية الدنيوية. لا يمكن لأي حزن أن يصيب أولئك الذين لا يحاولون أبدًا امتلاك أشخاص وأشياء خاصة بهم. “
    3. “الطهارة والضوضاء تعتمد على الذات ؛ لا أحد يستطيع تنقية آخر. “
    4. “حياتنا تتشكل بعقلنا. نصبح ما نفكر به.”
    5. “الشخص الذي يقهر نفسه أكبر من الآخر الذي يقهر ألف مرة ألف رجل في ساحة المعركة.”
    6. “إذا لم تجد أحد يدعمك على الطريق الروحي ، امش بمفردك. لا يوجد رفقة مع غير ناضجة. “
    7. “لا يوجد خوف على عقله لا يملأ الرغبات”.
    8. “إذا كان أي شيء يستحق القيام به ، افعله من كل قلبك.”
    9. “أنت نفسك يجب أن تسعى جاهدة. يشير بوذا فقط إلى الطريق. “
    10. “أولئك الذين دمروا جذور الغيرة لديهم راحة البال دائمًا”.
    11. “لا يوجد شوائب أكبر من الجهل”.
    12. “العالم مصاب بالموت والانحطاط. لكن الحكماء لا يحزنون ، بعد أن أدركوا طبيعة العالم “.
    13. “واحد ليس حكيما لأنه يتحدث عن صفقة جيدة. إنهم حكيمون صبرون وخاليون من الكراهية والخوف “.
    14. “كل من لا يتخلى عن شخص غاضب يفوز بمعركة بجد للفوز”.
    15. “واحد ليس نبيل الذي يصيب المخلوقات الحية. إنهم نبيل لا يؤذي أحد “.
    16. “حراسة أفكارك ، كلماتك ، والأفعال. هذه التخصصات الثلاثة سوف تسرعك على طول الطريق إلى الحكمة النقية. “
    17. “إذا وجدت ناقدًا حكيمًا للإشارة إلى أخطائك ، تابعه كما تفعل دليلًا للكنز المخفي.”
    18. “لا تمنحك اهتمامك بما يفعله الآخرون أو يفشلون في فعله ؛ أعطها لما تفعله أو تفشل في فعله “.
    19. “متى تعيش في الظلام ، لماذا لا تبحث عن الضوء؟”
    20. “عند المشاهدة بعد نفسك ، تشاهد الآخرين. عند المشاهدة بعد الآخرين ، تشاهد نفسك “.
    21. “اجعل عقلك نقيًا باعتباره الفضة تهب الشوائب الفضية ، فشيئًا فشيئًا ، فوريًا من اللحظة”.
    22. “لا تحاول بناء سعادتك على تعاسة الآخرين. سوف تكون مغطاة في شبكة من الكراهية. “
    23. “الحكيم منضبطون في الجسم والكلام والعقل. يتم التحكم فيها بشكل جيد بالفعل. “
    24. “تضيء المصباح داخل ؛ نسعى جاهدين لتحقيق الحكمة “.
    25. “تدريب نفسك بحزم على تحقيق السلام”.
    26. “التأمل يجلب الحكمة. عدم وجود التأمل يترك الجهل. تعرف جيدًا ما الذي يقودك إلى الأمام وما الذي يعيقك ، واختر المسار الذي يؤدي إلى الحكمة “.
    27. “أعط ، حتى لو كان لديك القليل فقط.”
    28. “مثلما لا تهتز العاصفة الصخرية الصلبة ، على الرغم من أن الحكيم لا يتأثرون بالثناء أو اللوم”.
    29. “لا تضيع لحظة ، لأن اللحظات الضائعة أرسل لك في المسار الهابط.”
    30. “إذا نسيت فرحة الحياة واشتعلت في ملذات العالم ، فسوف تأتي لحسد أولئك الذين وضعوا التأمل أولاً.”
    Wish mantra of Green Tara - Your Dreams Come True ☸ 2019 (PM)
    12) Classical Armenian-դասական հայերեն,

    Մեջբերումներ Բուդդայից իմաստության եւ խաղաղության համար
    Գաուտամա կամ Բուդդա, Նեպալում հարուստ ընտանիքի մոտ ծնված տղամարդ էր,
    շուրջ 500 B.C. Նա մեծ հետաքրքրություն հայտնեց մարդկության տառապանքի
    լուծում գտնելու հարցում: Այն բանից հետո, երբ հայրը չկարողացավ խոստանալ,
    որ նա չի ծերանա, հիվանդանա, կամ կմեռնի, նա պատրաստեց խորհրդածել, քանի
    դեռ նա գտավ բուժումը դժբախտության եւ տառապանքի համար: Նրան տեւեցին 49 օր
    եւ գիշերային նստած խորհրդատվության գիշերային նստացույցը, որը հայտնի է
    նաեւ որպես «Բոդի ծառ», գտնելու «արա արա» կամ «Satori»: Այնուհետեւ նա
    գնաց ուսուցանելու եւ ուրիշներին ցույց տալու ճանապարհը հասկանալու
    ճանապարհը: Բուդդայի ուսմունքները ծառայում են որպես բուդդիզմի հիմք: Այս
    դասավանդումը կարող է հեշտությամբ տալ առաջնորդություն եւ ավելի մեծ մտքի
    խաղաղություն որեւէ մեկին: Ահա Բուդդայից 30 գնանշաններ, որոնք կօգնեն ձեզ
    առաջնորդել դեպի իմաստություն եւ խաղաղություն:
    1. «Տառապանքի արմատը կցված է»:
    «Հանգստացեք զայրույթից, հրաժարվեք հպարտությունից եւ ազատվեք աշխարհիկ
    ստրկությունից: Ոչ մի վիշտ չի կարող պատահել նրանց, ովքեր երբեք չեն
    փորձում տիրապետել մարդկանց եւ իրերն իրենց սեփականը »:
    3. «Մաքրությունն ու կեղտը կախված են իրենից. Ոչ ոք չի կարող մաքրել մեկ այլ »:
    4. «Մեր կյանքը ձեւավորվում է մեր մտքով. Մենք դառնում ենք այն, ինչ մտածում ենք »:
    5. «Նա, ով իրեն նվաճում է, ավելի մեծ է, քան մյուսը, ով հազար անգամ հազար մարդ է նվաճում ռազմի դաշտում»:
    6. «Եթե ոչ ոք չես գտնում, որ ձեզ սատարի հոգեւոր ճանապարհով, միայնակ քայլեք: Անասունների հետ ընկերակցություն չկա »:
    7. «Մի վախ չկա մեկի համար, որի միտքը ցանկություններով չի լցվում»:
    8. «Եթե որեւէ բան արժե անել, արա դա քո ամբողջ սրտով»:
    9. «Դուք ինքներդ պետք է ձգտեք: Բուդդան միայն մատնանշում է ճանապարհը »:
    10. «Նրանք, ովքեր ոչնչացրել են խանդի արմատները, միշտ մտքի խաղաղություն ունեն»:
    11. «Անտեղյակությունից ավելի մեծ անմաքուր չկա»:
    12. «Աշխարհը տառապում է մահից եւ քայքայվում: Բայց իմաստունները չեն վշտացնում, հասկանալով աշխարհի բնույթը »:
    13. «Մեկը իմաստուն չէ, քանի որ լավ է խոսում: Նրանք իմաստուն են, ովքեր համբերատար են եւ զերծ են ատելությունից եւ վախից »:
    14. «Ով չի բռնկվում որեւէ մեկի վրա, ով բարկացած է, հաղթում է մարտին հաղթելու համար»:
    15. «Մեկը ոչ թե ազնիվ է, ով վնասում է կենդանի արարածներին: Նրանք ազնիվ են, ովքեր ոչ մեկին չեն խանգարում »:
    16. «Պահպանեք ձեր մտքերը, խոսքերը եւ գործերը: Այս երեք առարկաները ձեզ արագացնելու են մաքուր իմաստության ճանապարհով »:
    17. «Պետք է իմաստուն քննադատ գտնեք ձեր մեղքերը մատնանշելու համար, հետեւեք նրան, քանի որ ուղեցույց եք թաքնված գանձ»:
    «Ձեր ուշադրությունը մի տվեք այն, ինչ անում են մյուսները կամ չեն
    կարողանում անել. Տվեք այն, ինչ անում եք կամ չեք կարողանում անել »:
    19. «Երբ եք ապրում մթության մեջ, ինչու չեք փնտրում լույս»:
    20. «Ինքներդ հետեւելիս դիտում ես ուրիշների հետեւից: Ուրիշների հետեւից դիտելիս ինքներդ ձեզ հետեւում եք »:
    21. «Ձեր միտքը մաքուր դարձրեք, քանի որ սիլվերսմիթը փչում է արծաթի կեղտերը, քիչ քանակությամբ ակնթարթորեն»:
    22. «Մի փորձեք ձեր երջանկությունը կառուցել ուրիշների դժբախտության վրա: Դուք կվերածվեք ատելության ցանցում »:
    23. «Իմաստունները կարգապահ են մարմնով, խոսքով եւ մտքով: Նրանք իսկապես լավ վերահսկվում են »:
    24. «Լամպը լուսավորեք ներսում. Ձգտեք դժվար է հասնել իմաստության »:
    25. «վճռականորեն մարզվեք ինքներդ ձեզ խաղաղության հասնելու համար»:
    «Մեդիտացիան իմաստություն է բերում. Մտածմունքի բացակայությունը
    տգիտություն է թողնում: Լավ գիտեք, թե ինչն է ձեզ առաջ տանում եւ ինչն է
    ձեզ հետ պահում եւ ընտրեք այն ճանապարհը, որը տանում է դեպի իմաստություն
    27. «Տվեք, նույնիսկ եթե միայն մի փոքր ունեք»:
    28. «Հենց որ ամուր ժայռը չի ցնցվում փոթորիկից, այնպես որ իմաստունները չեն ազդում գովասանքի կամ մեղքի վրա»:
    29. «Մի պահ մի պահեք, որ վատնված պահերը ձեզ ուղարկեն դեպի ներքեւ ընթացք»:
    «Եթե մոռանում եք կյանքի ուրախությունը եւ բռնվել աշխարհի հաճույքների
    մեջ, ապա կգաք նախանձելու նրանց, ովքեր նախ խորհուրդ են դնում:
    Տեր Բուդդայի կյանքի եւ ուսմունքի համառոտ նկարագրությունը

    14) Classical Azerbaijani- Klassik Azərbaycan,

    Buddandan hikmət və sülh üçün sitatlar
    Gautama və ya Budda, Nepalda 500 B.C ətrafında zəngin bir ailə üçün
    doğulmuş bir adam idi. İnsanlıq əzabının bir həllini tapmaqda böyük
    maraq gördü. Atası onun qocalmaz, xəstələnməyəcəyini və ya ölməyəcəyini
    vəd etmədikdən sonra, pis və əzabın müalicəsini tapana qədər meditasiya
    etmək üçün yola düşdü. Onu 49 gün və gecə, ‘oyanış’ və ya ’satori’
    tapmaq üçün ‘bodhi ağacı’ kimi tanınan bir peeepal ağacın altında
    meditasyonun görülməsi. Daha sonra öyrətmək və başqalarına anlamaq yolu
    göstərdi. Buddanın təlimləri Buddizmin təməli kimi xidmət edir. Bu
    tədris asanlıqla kiməsə rəhbərlik və daha çox dinclik verə bilər. Budur
    Buddandan hikmət və sülhə doğru yola yönəltməyə kömək etmək üçün 30
    1. “Əzabın kökü əlavəlidir.”
    “Qəzəbdən imtina edin, qürurdan imtina edin və özünüzü dünyəvi
    əsarətdən azad edin. Heç bir kədər, heç vaxt insanlara və əşyalara sahib
    olmağa çalışmayanlara başına gələ bilməz. “
    3. “Saflıq və murdarlıq özündən asılıdır; Heç kim başqasını təmizləyə bilməz. “
    4. “Həyatımız ağlımızın formalaşmasıdır; Düşündüyümüz hala gəlirik. “
    5. “Özünü fəth edən, döyüş bölgəsində min dəfə min dəfə fəth edən digərindən daha böyükdür.”
    6. “Əgər səni ruhani yolda dəstəkləyən heç kim tapmasan, tək gəzmək. Yetişməmiş ilə yoldaşlıq yoxdur. “
    7. “Ağlımızın arzuları ilə dolu olmayan bir qorxu yoxdur.”
    8. “Bir şey etməyə dəyərsə, bunu bütün qəlbinizlə edin.”
    9. “Özünüz səy göstərməlisiniz. Buddhas yalnız yolu göstərir. “
    10. “Qısqanclığın köklərini məhv edənlər həmişə barışıqda dinclik var”.
    11. “Cahillikdən daha böyük bir çirk yoxdur.”
    12. “Dünya ölüm və çürüməyə görə əziyyət çəkir. Ancaq müdriklər dünyanın təbiətini dərk edərək kədərlənmir. “
    13. “Biri ağıllı deyil, çünki yaxşı bir şey danışır. Səbirli olanlar və nifrətdən və qorxudan azad olan ağıllıdırlar. “
    14. “Kim qəzəbli olan birində alov almırsa, qazanmaq çətin bir döyüş qazanır.”
    15. “Biri canlı varlıqları yaralayan Satt deyil. Heç kimə zərər verən nəcibdirlər. “
    16. “Düşüncələrinizi, sözlərinizi və əməllərinizi qoruyun. Bu üç fənlər sizi təmiz hikmətə yol boyu sürətləndirəcəkdir. “
    17. “Arızalarınızı qeyd etmək üçün ağıllı bir tənqidçi tapmalısınız, gizli xəzinə üçün bir bələdçi olacağınız kimi onu izləyin.”
    18. “Başqalarının etdiklərinə və ya etmədiyi şeylərə diqqətinizi verməyin; Etdiyiniz və ya edə bilmədiyiniz şeyə verin. “
    19. “Qaranlıqda nə vaxt yaşayırsınız, niyə işıq axtarmırsınız?”
    “Özünüzdən sonra seyr edərkən başqalarından sonra izləyirsiniz.
    Başqalarından sonra seyr edərkən özünüzdən sonra seyr edirsiniz. “
    21. “Dərin bir sürücüsisit, dərhal gümüşün çirklənməsindən uzaqlaşdıqca ağlınızı təmiz edin, dərhal dərhal, dərhal dərhal.”
    22. “Xoşbəxtliyinizi başqalarının bədbəxtliyinə qurmağa çalışmayın. Siz nifrət şəbəkəsində gəzəcəksiniz. “
    23. “Müdriklər bədən, nitqdə və ağılda intizamlıdırlar. Həqiqətən yaxşı idarə olunurlar. “
    24. “İçəridə lampanı yandırın; hikmət əldə etmək üçün səy göstərin. “
    25. “Barışıq əldə etmək üçün özünüzü qətiyyətlə məşq edin.”
    “Meditasiya hikmət gətirir; Meditasiya olmaması cəhalət. Sizi irəli
    aparan və nə saxlayan nəyi yaxşı bilirsən və hikmətə səbəb olan yolu
    seçir. “
    27. “Bir azınız olsanız da verin.”
    28. “Fırtına tərəfindən möhkəm bir qaya sarsılan kimi, hətta müdriklər həmd və ya günahdan təsirlənmir.”
    29. “Bir an israf etməyin, boşa çıxan anlar sizi aşağıya doğru göndərin.”
    30. “Həyat sevincini unutsan və dünyanın ləzzətlərinə qapılsan, əvvəlcə düşüncə quranlara həsəd aparacaqsan.”
    Dahilerden “Motivasiya” eden sozler
    motivasiya eden
    sozler______________________________________________ABUNƏ OLMAQ ÜÇÜN ►

    15) Classical Basque- Euskal klasikoa,

    Professor Kevin Brown (US) In conversation with Dr. Sukhdeo Thorat
    Budaren komatxoak jakinduria eta bakea lortzeko
    Gautama, edo Buda, Nepalen familia aberats bati jaio zen gizona izan
    zen 500 B.C. inguruan. Gizateriaren sufrimenduari irtenbidea aurkitzeko
    interes handia hartu zuen. Aitak agindu ondoren, ez zuela agindu, ez
    zuela zahartuko, gaixotu edo hil, meditatzeko asmoa zuen miseriagatik
    eta sufrimenduaren sendabidea aurkitu zuen arte. 49 egun eta gau hartu
    zituen meditazio zuhaitz baten azpian, ‘Bodhi Tree’ izenaz ere ezaguna,
    ‘esnatzea’ edo ’satori’ aurkitzeko. Ondoren, irakasten eta besteei
    ulertzeko bidea erakutsi zuen. Budaren irakaspenak budismoaren oinarri
    gisa balio dute. Irakaskuntza horiek orientazioa eta lasaitasun
    handiagoa eman diezaieke edonori. Hona hemen Buda-tik 30 aipamen
    jakinduria eta bakea lortzeko bidean laguntzeko.
    1. “Sufrimenduaren erroa eranskina da”.
    “Amore eman haserrea, amore eman harrotasuna, eta askatu munduko
    lotura. Tristurarik ez da inoiz jendea eta gauzak bere jabe izaten
    saiatu ez direnentzat. “
    3. “Garbitasuna eta garbitasuna norberaren araberakoak dira; Inork ezin du beste bat garbitu. “
    4. “Gure bizitza gure gogoaren arabera moldatzen da; Uste duguna bihurtzen gara. “
    5. “Bere burua konkistatzen duena batailabostean mila aldiz mila gizonek konkistatzen duten bat baino handiagoa da.”
    6. “Bide espiritualean laguntzeko inor aurkitzen ez baduzu, ibili bakarrik. Ez dago heldutasunarekin laguntasunik. “
    7. “Ez dago beldurrik, ez da inolako beldurrik desioz betetzen.”
    8. “Zerbait merezi badu, egin bihotz osoz”.
    9. “Zeure burua ahalegindu behar duzu. Budak bidea bakarrik adierazten du. “
    10. “Jeloskorren sustraiak suntsitu dituztenek beti lasaitasuna dute”.
    11. “Ez dago ezjakintasuna baino garutasunik.”
    12. “Mundua heriotza eta gainbehera dago. Baina jakintsuak ez du minik egiten, munduaren izaerarekin konturatu “.
    13. “Bata ez da zuhur hitz egiten duelako. Jakina dira gaixoak direnak, eta gorroto eta beldurrik gabe “.
    14. “Haserre dagoen norbaiti erori ez zaionak irabazten du irabazteko gogorra den borroka”.
    15. “Ez da nobleak izaki bizidunak zauritzen dituena. Nobleak dira inor minik ez dutenak “.
    “zaindu zure pentsamenduak, hitzak eta eskriturak. Hiru diziplina hauek
    jakinduria hutsa lortzeko bidean azkartu egingo zaituzte “.
    “Kritika zuhur bat aurkitu behar baduzu zure akatsak seinalatzeko,
    jarraitu harengandik ezkutuko altxorraren gida izango zenukeen bezala”.
    18. “Ez ezazu zure arreta eman besteek egiten edo huts egiten dutenari; eman zer egiten duzun edo huts egiten duzunari. “
    19. “Noiz bizi zara iluntasunean, zergatik ez duzu argirik bilatzen?”
    20. “Zeure burua ikustean, besteak zaintzen dituzu. Besteen atzetik ikustean, zure burua zaintzen duzu. “
    21. “Egin ezazu zure buruak zilarrezko ezpurutasunak kolpatzen dituela, pixka bat berehala, berehala.”
    22. “Ez saiatu zure zoriontasuna besteen zorigaiztokoan eraikitzen. Gorroto sare batean jarriko zara. “
    23. “Jakintsuak gorputzean, hizketan eta gogoan diziplinatuak dira. Ondo kontrolatuta daude. “
    24. “Lanpara sartu barruan; ahalegindu gogor jakiteko “.
    25. “Erabaki ezazu zeure burua entrenatzea bakea lortzeko.”
    “Meditazioak jakinduria dakar; Meditazio faltak ezjakintasuna uzten du.
    Ondo jakin zerk aurrera egiten zaitu eta zerk babesten zaitu eta
    aukeratu jakinduria daraman bidea “.
    27. “Eman, nahiz eta pixka bat bakarrik izan”.
    28. “Arroka sendoa ez da ekaitzak astindu, nahiz eta jakintsuek ez dute laudorio edo errua eragiten.”
    29. “Ez alferrik galdu une alferrikako uneak beheranzko ikastaroan.”
    “Bizitzaren poza ahazten baduzu eta munduko plazerretan harrapatzen
    baduzu, meditazioa jartzen dutenak inbidiatzera etorriko zara”.
    अमेरिका ने क्यों माना डॉ. आंबेडकर को समझने में देर हुई?

    16) Classical Belarusian-Класічная беларуская,

    Цытаты з Буды для мудрасці і міру
    Гаутама, альбо Буда, быў чалавекам, які нарадзіўся ў багатай сям’і ў
    Непале каля 500 г. да н.э. Ён вельмі зацікаўлены ў пошуку рашэння пакут
    чалавецтва. Пасля таго, як бацька не мог паабяцаць яму, што ён не
    старэе, не захварэў і не памрэ, ён вырашыў разважаць, пакуль не знайшоў
    лекі ад пакут і пакут. Яму спатрэбілася 49 дзён і ночы сядзення
    медытацыі пад піпальным дрэвам, таксама вядомым як “дрэва Бодхі”, каб
    знайсці “абуджэнне” альбо “Satori”. Затым ён пайшоў на выкладанне і
    паказваючы іншым шлях да разумення. Вучэнне Буды служыць асновай
    будызму. Гэтыя выкладанні могуць лёгка даць рэкамендацыі і большы спакой
    для каго -небудзь. Вось 30 цытатаў з Буды, якія дапамогуць вам
    накіраваць вас да мудрасці і міру.
    1. “Корань пакут - гэта прыхільнасць”.
    “Адмовіцеся ад гневу, адмовіцеся ад гонару і вызваліце ​​сябе ад
    светскай рабства. Ні адзін смутак не можа напасці на тых, хто ніколі не
    спрабуе валодаць людзьмі і рэчамі як свае ўласныя “.
    3. “Чысціня і прымешка залежаць ад сябе; Ніхто не можа ачысціць іншага “.
    4. “Наша жыццё сфарміравана нашым розумам; Мы становімся тым, што думаем “.
    5. “Той, хто заваёўвае сябе, перавышае іншага, які за тысячу разоў перамагае тысячу чалавек на полі бою”.
    6. “Калі вы не знойдзеце каго -небудзь, каб падтрымаць вас на духоўным шляху, ідзіце ў адзіноце. Няма зносін з няспелым “.
    7. “Няма страху для таго, чый розум не запоўнены жаданнямі”.
    8. “Калі што -небудзь варта зрабіць, зрабіце гэта ўсім сэрцам”.
    9. “Вы самі павінны імкнуцца. Буды толькі паказваюць на шлях “.
    10. “Тыя, хто знішчыў карані рэўнасці, заўсёды маюць спакой”.
    11. “Няма прымешак, якія перавышаюць невуцтва”.
    12. “Свет пакутуе ад смерці і распаду. Але мудры не смуткуе, зразумеўшы прыроду свету “.
    13. “Адзін не мудры, таму што ён добра размаўляе. Яны мудрыя, якія цярплівыя, і свабодныя ад нянавісці і страху “.
    14. “Той, хто не ўспыхвае таго, хто злы, перамагае ў бітве, каб перамагчы”.
    15. “Адзін не высакародны, хто траўмаваў жывых істот. Яны высакародныя, якія нікога не шкодзяць “.
    16. “Ахоўвайце свае думкі, словы і справы. Гэтыя тры дысцыпліны паскораць вас па шляху да чыстай мудрасці “.
    17. “Калі вы знойдзеце мудры крытык, каб паказаць свае недахопы, ідзіце за ім, як вы б кіраўніцтвам схаванага скарбу”.
    18. “Не звяртайце ўвагі на тое, што робяць іншыя, альбо не могуць зрабіць; Дайце яго тым, што вы робіце альбо не зробіце “.
    19. “Калі вы жывяце ў цемры, чаму б не шукаць святло?”
    20. “Калі вы глядзіце за сабой, вы глядзіце за іншымі. Назіраючы за іншымі, вы сочыце за сабой “.
    21. “Зрабіце свой розум чыстым, як срэбныя, якія вырываюць прымешкі срэбра, патроху і імгненна”.
    22. “Не спрабуйце пабудаваць сваё шчасце на няшчасце іншых. Вы будзеце забітыя ў сетцы нянавісці “.
    23. “Мудрыя дысцыплінаваныя ў целе, гаворцы і розуме. Яны сапраўды добра кантралююцца “.
    24. “Запалі лямпу ўнутры; імкнуцца цяжка дасягнуць мудрасці “.
    25. “Рашуча навучыце сябе, каб дасягнуць міру”.
    “Meditation brings wisdom; lack of meditation leaves ignorance. Know
    well what leads you forward and what holds you back, and choose the path
    that leads to wisdom.”
    27. “Give, even if you only have a little.”
    28. “Just as a solid rock is not shaken by the storm, even so the wise are not affected by praise or blame.”
    29. “Don’t waste a moment, for wasted moments send you on the downward course.”
    “If you forget the joy of life and get caught in the pleasures of the
    world, you will come to envy those who put meditation first.”

    Citati iz Bude za mudrost i mir
    Gautama ili Buda, bio je čovjek rođen za bogatu porodicu u Nepalu oko
    500 B.C. Odličan je zainteresiran za pronalaženje rješenja za patnju
    čovječanstva. Nakon što mu otac nije mogao obećati da neće ostariti,
    razboljeti se ili umreti, krenuo je da meditira dok nije pronašao lijek
    za bijedu i patnju. Trebalo mu je 49 dana i noći sjedećih meditacije pod
    peepal stablom, poznato i kao “bodhi stablo”, kako bi pronašli
    “probude” ili “satore”. Potom je otišao u nastavu i prikazivanje drugima
    na putu za razumijevanje. Učenja Bude služe kao temelj budizma. Ovu
    nastavu mogu lako dati smjernice i veći mir uma nikome. Evo 30 citata iz
    Bude koji će vam pomoći da vas vodi prema mudrosti i miru.
    1. “Korijen patnje je prilog.”
    “Odustani od ljutnje, odustani od ponosa i oslobodi se svjetomalijeg
    ropstva. Nijedna tuga ne može zadesiti one koji nikada ne pokušavaju
    posjedovati ljude i stvari kao svoje. “
    3. “Čistoća i nečistoća ovise o sebi; niko ne može pročistiti drugu. “
    4. “Naš život je oblikovan našm umom; Postajemo ono što mislimo. “
    5. “Onaj koji je osvojio je veći od drugog koji osvaja hiljadu puta hiljadu muškaraca na bojnom polju.”
    6. “Ako ne nađete nikoga da vas podrži na duhovnom putu, hodajte sami. Nema druženja sa nezrelim. “
    7. “Nema straha za jedno čiji um nije ispunjen željama.”
    8. “Ako nešto vrijedi učiniti, uradite to svim srcem.”
    9. “Vi samo morate težiti. Buda samo upućuju put. “
    10. “Oni koji su uništili korijenje ljubomore uvijek imaju mir uma.”
    11. “Ne postoji nečistoća veća od neznanja.”
    12. “Svijet je ubijen smrću i propadanjem. Ali mudri ne tuguju, shvativši prirodu svijeta. “
    13. “Jedan nije mudar jer on govori dobar posao. Mudri su koji su strpljivi, a bez mržnje i straha. “
    14. “Ko god ne plasi na nekoga ko je ljut, teško je pobijedio u borbi.”
    15. “Jedan nije plemenit koji povređuje živu bića. Oni su plemenit koji nikoga povrijedi. “
    16. “Čuvajte svoje misli, reči i dela. Ove tri discipline će vam ubrzati put do čiste mudrosti. “
    17. “Ako nađete mudri kritičar da ukažete svoje greške, slijedite ga kao što biste vodili za skriveno blago.”
    18. “Nemojte pažnju posvetiti onome što drugi rade ili ne rade; dajte ga onome što radite ili ne učinite. “
    19. “Kada živite u tami, zašto ne tražite svjetlost?”
    20. “Kada gledate nakon sebe, gledate na druge. Kada gledate za druge, gledate nakon sebe. “
    21. “Šalite se čistim kao SilverSmith udaljene nečistoće srebra, malo po malo, trenutačno u trenutku.”
    22. “Ne pokušavaj da izgradiš svoju sreću na nesreću drugih. Bićete uhvaćeni u mrežu mržnje. “
    23. “Mudri su disciplinirani u tijelu, govoru i umu. Zaista su dobro kontrolirani. “
    24. “Osvijetli lampu unutar; Teži teško da postigne mudrost. “
    25. “Resolutely train yourself to attain peace.”
    “Meditacija donosi mudrost; lack of meditation leaves ignorance. Know
    well what leads you forward and what holds you back, and choose the path
    that leads to wisdom.”
    27. “Give, even if you only have a little.”
    28. “Just as a solid rock is not shaken by the storm, even so the wise are not affected by praise or blame.”
    29. “Don’t waste a moment, for wasted moments send you on the downward course.”
    “If you forget the joy of life and get caught in the pleasures of the
    world, you will come to envy those who put meditation first.”

    Walk Around Bude Harbour

    19) Classical Bulgaria- Класически българск,

    Цитати от Буда за мъдрост и мир
    Гаутама, или Буда, е бил човек, роден в богато семейство в Непал около
    500 г. пр.н.е. Той прояви голям интерес да намери решение на страданието
    на човечеството. След като баща му не можеше да му обещае, че няма да
    остарее, да се разболее или да умре, той тръгна да медитира, докато не
    намери лечението за мизерия и страдание. Отнеха му 49 дни и нощи на
    седнала медитация под дърво на Peepal, известно още като „Bodhi Tree“,
    за да намери „пробуждане“ или „Satori“. След това той се занимаваше с
    преподаване и показване на другия път към разбирането. Ученията на Буда
    служат като основата на будизма. Тези преподаватели могат лесно да дадат
    напътствия и по -голямо спокойствие на всеки. Ето 30 цитати от Буда,
    които да ви помогнат да ви насочат към мъдрост и мир.
    1. „Коренът на страданието е привързаност.“
    „Откажете се от гняв, откажете се от гордост и се освободете от
    светското робство. Никаква скръб не може да сполети онези, които никога
    не се опитват да притежават хора и неща като свои. “
    3. „Чистотата и нечистотата зависят от себе си; Никой не може да пречисти друг. “
    4. „Животът ни е оформен от ума ни; ние ставаме това, което мислим. “
    5. „Този, който се завладее, е по -голям от друг, който завладява хиляда пъти хиляда мъже на бойното поле.“
    6. „Ако намерите кой да ви подкрепя по духовния път, вървете сами. Няма другарство с незрелите. “
    7. „Няма страх за човек, чийто ум не е изпълнен с желания.“
    8. „Ако нещо си струва да направите, направете го с цялото си сърце.“
    9. „Ти самият трябва да се стремиш. Будите сочат само пътя. “
    10. „Тези, които са унищожили корените на ревността, винаги имат спокойствие.“
    11. “Няма нечистота по -голяма от невежеството.”
    12. „Светът е засегнат от смъртта и разпадането. Но мъдрите не скърбят, като осъзнаха природата на света. “
    13. „Човек не е мъдър, защото говори много. Те са мъдри, които са търпеливи и без омраза и страх. “
    14. “Който не се разпали с някой, който е ядосан, печели битка, която е трудно да спечели.”
    15. „Единият не е благороден, който наранява живите същества. Те са благородни, които не нараняват никого. “
    16. „Пазете мислите, думите и делата си. Тези три дисциплини ще ви ускорят по пътя към чиста мъдрост. “
    17. „Ако намерите мъдър критик, който да посочи вашите грешки, следвайте го както бихте ръководители за скрито съкровище.“
    „Не обръщайте внимание на това, което другите правят или не успяват да
    правят; Дайте го на това, което правите или не успявате да направите. “
    19. “Кога живееш в тъмнината, защо не търсиш светлина?”
    20. „Когато гледате след себе си, гледате след другите. Когато гледате след другите, гледате за себе си. “
    21. „Направете ума си чист, докато сребърник издухва примесите на среброто, малко по малко, моментално от момента.“
    22. „Не се опитвайте да изградите щастието си върху нещастието на другите. Ще бъдете обгърнати в мрежа от омраза. “
    23. “The wise are disciplined in body, speech, and mind. Те наистина са добре контролирани. “
    24. „Запалете лампата вътре; Стремете се трудно да постигнете мъдрост. “
    25. „Решително се обучавайте да постигнете мир.“
    “Meditation brings wisdom; lack of meditation leaves ignorance. Знайте
    добре какво ви води напред и какво ви задържа и изберете пътя, който
    води до мъдрост. “
    27. “Give, even if you only have a little.”
    28. “Just as a solid rock is not shaken by the storm, even so the wise are not affected by praise or blame.”
    29. “Don’t waste a moment, for wasted moments send you on the downward course.”
    “If you forget the joy of life and get caught in the pleasures of the
    world, you will come to envy those who put meditation first.”

    БУДА!____________________________________________________АБОНИРАЙТЕ СЕ И

    Zen Meditation GIF - Zen Meditation Serious GIFs

    66 per cent polling registered in first phase

    Chief Electoral Officer M N Vidyashankar said on Sunday an average of 66 per cent polling was registered in the first phase of elections in the segments spread over 11 districts.

    Contrary to projections of a modest polling in Saturday’s first phase of Karnataka assembly polls, 66 per cent of 1.73 crore electorate exercised their franchise in 89 of the total 224 constituencies

    Chief Electoral Officer M N Vidyashankar said on Sunday an average of 66 per cent polling was registered in the first phase of elections in the segments spread over 11 districts.

    This is higher than the 65.07 per cent average polled in the 224 assembly segments in 2004 polls.

    Bangalore Rural registered the highest polling percentage of 78.1 per cent while Bruhat Bangalore Maha Palike (BBMP) registered the lowest percentage of 44.5, he told reporters.

    Tumkur saw a voter turnout of 74.4 per cent, Chickballapura, 77.7 per cent, Kolar 73.1 per cent, Ramanagara 75.9 percent, Bangalore 52.14 percent and Mandya 73 per cent.

    Hassan registered a poll percentage of 75.4 percent, < ?XML:NAMESPACE PREFIX = ST1 />Mysore 67.5 per cent, Kodagu 65.7 per cent and Chamarajanagar 72.41 per cent, he said.

    Barring BBMP and Bangalore urban, the polling percentage was 72.2 percent.Traditionally BBMP and Bangalore urban are known to have a low voter turnout, he said, adding the Election Commission curbs on buntings,posters and hoardings was not the reason for the low turnout.In Hoskote 151 polling booths saw a polling percentage of 90 per cent, he said.

    Meanwhile, repolling has been ordered at a polling station in Malleshwaram and another in Ramanagara following malfunctioning of EVMs in both these polling stations.

    Repolling will be conducted tomorrow between 7 am and 5 pm, Vidyashankar said.

    Campaigning for second phase gains momentum

    With the completion of first phase of elections to the Karnataka Assembly covering 89 of the 224 seats, electioneering in ten districts which go to polls in the second phase on May 16 is gaining momentum.

    In the first phase held yesterday, voting in 11 districts,  passed off peacefully with a modest 59.8 polling.

    An exit poll by Triple Gem Study Circle has given the edge to BSP, saying it would emerge on top with 55 of the 89 seats. Ms Mayawati will be touring in Chitradurga on 12-05-2008.

    The 10 districts that will go to polls on May 16 are: Raichur, Koppal, Uttarakannada, Bellary, Chitradurga, Davanagere, Shimoga, Udupi, Chikmagalur and Dakshina Kannad.

    Repolling in two polling stations


    Electoral authorities on Sunday ordered repolling in two polling stations where elections were held during the first phase of Karnataka assembly polls

    Repolling has been ordered at a polling station in Malleshwaram and another in Ramanagara following malfunctioning of EVMs there, Chief Electoral officer M N Vidyashankar told reporters.

    Repolling will be conducted tomorrow between 7 am and 5 pm, he said.

    Rs 14 lakh worth liquor seized

    In a raid, police last night seized Rs 14 lakhs worth liquor which had been ‘illegally’ stored for distribution during the assembly elections in Karnataka.

    One person had been arrested in this connection and efforts were on to nab another who managed to escape during the raid, police said.

    The district goes to polls in the second phase on May 16.

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    113 Buddha’s Most Powerful Positive Own Words𝓛𝓔𝓢𝓢𝓞𝓝 4421 Mon 2 May 2022 Awakened with Awareness Youniverse is already there. “The root of suffering is attachment.” - Buddha
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    Posted by: site admin @ 8:20 pm
    113 Buddha’s Most Powerful Positive Own Words𝓛𝓔𝓢𝓢𝓞𝓝   4421  Mon   2  May  2022

    Awakened with Awareness Youniverse is already there.

    “The root of suffering is attachment.” - Buddha

    30 Quotes From Buddha For Wisdom and Peace

    Gautama, or Buddha, was a man born to a rich family in Nepal around 500
    B.C. He took a great interest in finding a solution to the suffering of
    humanity. After his father couldn’t promise him that he wouldn’t grow
    old, get sick, or die, he set out to meditate until he found the cure
    for misery and suffering. It took him 49 days and nights of sitting
    meditation under a peepal tree, also known as the ‘Bodhi Tree’, to find
    ‘awakenment’ or ‘satori’. He then went about teaching and showing others
    the way to understanding. The teachings of Buddha serve as the
    foundation of Buddhism. These teaching can easily give guidance and
    greater peace of mind to anyone. Here are 30 quotes from Buddha to help
    guide you toward wisdom and peace.

    1. “The root of suffering is attachment.”
    “Give up anger, give up pride, and free yourself from worldly bondage.
    No sorrow can befall those who never try to possess people and things as
    their own.”
    3. “Purity and impurity depend on oneself; no one can purify another.”
    4. “Our life is shaped by our mind; we become what we think.”
    5. “One who conquers himself is greater than another who conquers a thousand times a thousand men on the battlefield.”
    6. “If you find no one to support you on the spiritual path, walk alone. There is no companionship with the immature.”
    7. “There is no fear for one whose mind is not filled with desires.”
    8. “If anything is worth doing, do it with all your heart.”
    9. “You yourself must strive. The Buddhas only point the way.”
    10. “Those who have destroyed the roots of jealousy have peace of mind always.”
    11. “There is no impurity greater than ignorance.”
    12. “The world is afflicted by death and decay. But the wise do not grieve, having realized the nature of the world.”
    13. “One is not wise because he talks a good deal. They are wise who are patient, and free from hate and fear.”
    14. “Whoever doesn’t flare up at someone who’s angry wins a battle hard to win.”
    15. “One is not noble who injures living creatures. They are noble who hurt no one.”
    16. “Guard your thoughts, words, and deeds. These three disciplines will speed you along the path to pure wisdom.”
    17. “Should you find a wise critic to point out your faults, follow him as you would a guide to hidden treasure.”
    18. “Do not give your attention to what others do or fail to do; give it to what you do or fail to do.”
    19. “When are you living in darkness, why don’t you look for light?”
    20. “When watching after yourself, you watch after others. When watching after others, you watch after yourself.”
    21. “Make your mind pure as a silversmith blows away the impurities of silver, little by little, instant by instant.”
    22. “Don’t try to build your happiness on the unhappiness of others. You will be enmeshed in a net of hatred.”
    23. “The wise are disciplined in body, speech, and mind. They are well controlled indeed.”
    24. “Light the lamp within; strive hard to attain wisdom.”
    25. “Resolutely train yourself to attain peace.”
    “Meditation brings wisdom; lack of meditation leaves ignorance. Know
    well what leads you forward and what holds you back, and choose the path
    that leads to wisdom.”
    27. “Give, even if you only have a little.”
    28. “Just as a solid rock is not shaken by the storm, even so the wise are not affected by praise or blame.”
    29. “Don’t waste a moment, for wasted moments send you on the downward course.”
    “If you forget the joy of life and get caught in the pleasures of the
    world, you will come to envy those who put meditation first.”

    30 Quotes From Buddha For Wisdom and Peace
    These quotes from Buddha can give guidance and greater peace of mind to anyone.

    ज्ञान और शांति के लिए बुद्ध से 30 उद्धरण
    गौतम, या बुद्ध, नेपाल में एक अमीर परिवार के लिए पैदा हुए व्यक्ति थे।
    उन्होंने मानवता की पीड़ा का समाधान खोजने में बहुत रुचि ली। उसके पिता ने
    यह वादा नहीं किया कि वह बूढ़ा नहीं होगा, बीमार हो जाएगा, या मर जाएगा, वह
    तब तक ध्यान करने के लिए तैयार हो जाएगा जब तक कि उसे दुख और पीड़ा का
    इलाज नहीं मिला। उसे 49 दिन और रात में एक पीपल के पेड़ के नीचे बैठने के
    लिए, जिसे ‘बोधि ट्री’ के रूप में भी जाना जाता है, को ‘जागृति’ या ‘सटोरि’
    के रूप में भी जाना जाता है। वह तब पढ़ाने और दूसरों को समझने का रास्ता
    दिखाने के बारे में गया था। बुद्ध की शिक्षाएं बौद्ध धर्म की नींव के रूप
    में काम करती हैं। ये शिक्षण आसानी से मार्गदर्शन और किसी को भी मन की अधिक
    शांति दे सकते हैं। यहां बुद्ध से 30 उद्धरण हैं जो आपको ज्ञान और शांति
    की ओर मार्गदर्शन करने में मदद करते हैं।
    1. “दुख की जड़ लगाव है।”
    “क्रोध छोड़ दें, गर्व छोड़ दें, और अपने आप को सांसारिक बंधन से मुक्त
    करें। कोई भी दुःख उन लोगों को नहीं कर सकता है जो कभी भी लोगों और चीजों
    को अपने रूप में रखने की कोशिश नहीं करते हैं। ”
    3. “पवित्रता और अशुद्धता स्वयं पर निर्भर करती है; कोई भी दूसरे को शुद्ध नहीं कर सकता। ”
    4. “हमारा जीवन हमारे दिमाग के आकार का है; जैसा हम सोचते हैं, वैसे हो जाते हैं।”
    5. “जो खुद को जीतता है वह दूसरे से बड़ा है जो युद्ध के मैदान में एक हजार बार हजार बार जीतता है।”
    6. “यदि आपको आध्यात्मिक पथ पर आपका समर्थन करने वाला कोई नहीं मिलता है, तो अकेले चलें। अपरिपक्व के साथ कोई साहचर्य नहीं है। ”
    7. “एक के लिए कोई डर नहीं है जिसका मन इच्छाओं से भरा नहीं है।”
    8. “अगर कुछ भी करने लायक है, तो इसे अपने दिल से करें।”
    9. “आपको खुद प्रयास करना चाहिए। बुद्ध केवल रास्ते को इंगित करते हैं। ”
    10. “जिन लोगों ने ईर्ष्या की जड़ों को नष्ट कर दिया है, उनमें मन की शांति हमेशा होती है।”
    11. “अज्ञानता से अधिक कोई अशुद्धता नहीं है।”
    12. “दुनिया मृत्यु और क्षय से पीड़ित है। लेकिन बुद्धिमान शोक नहीं करते हैं, दुनिया की प्रकृति का एहसास हुआ। ”
    “एक बुद्धिमान नहीं है क्योंकि वह एक अच्छा सौदा बात करता है। वे
    बुद्धिमान हैं जो धैर्य रखते हैं, और नफरत और भय से मुक्त हैं। ”
    14. “जो कोई भी किसी ऐसे व्यक्ति पर भड़क नहीं जाता है जो गुस्से में जीतने के लिए कड़ी मेहनत करता है।”
    15. “एक महान नहीं है जो जीवित प्राणियों को घायल करता है। वे महान हैं जिन्होंने किसी को चोट नहीं पहुंचाई। ”
    16. “अपने विचारों, शब्दों और कर्मों की रक्षा करें। ये तीन विषय आपको शुद्ध ज्ञान के मार्ग के साथ गति देंगे। ”
    “क्या आपको अपने दोषों को इंगित करने के लिए एक बुद्धिमान आलोचक ढूंढना
    चाहिए, उसका पालन करें क्योंकि आप छिपे हुए खजाने के लिए एक मार्गदर्शक
    18. “दूसरों को क्या करना है या क्या करने में विफल है, इस पर अपना ध्यान न दें; आप जो करते हैं उसे दें या करने में असफल रहें। ”
    19. “आप अंधेरे में कब रह रहे हैं, आप प्रकाश की तलाश क्यों नहीं करते?”
    20. “जब आप अपने बाद देखते हैं, तो आप दूसरों के बाद देखते हैं। दूसरों के बाद देखने पर, आप अपने पीछे देखते हैं। ”
    21. “अपने दिमाग को शुद्ध बनाएं क्योंकि एक सिल्वरस्मिथ चांदी की अशुद्धियों को उड़ा देता है, थोड़ा -थोड़ा करके, तुरंत तुरंत।”
    22. “दूसरों की नाखुशी पर अपनी खुशी बनाने की कोशिश न करें। आप घृणा के जाल में घिर जाएंगे। ”
    23. “बुद्धिमान शरीर, भाषण और मन में अनुशासित हैं। वे वास्तव में अच्छी तरह से नियंत्रित हैं। ”
    24. “दीपक को भीतर रोशन करें; ज्ञान प्राप्त करने के लिए कड़ी मेहनत करें। ”
    25. “शांति प्राप्त करने के लिए अपने आप को प्रशिक्षित करें।”
    “ध्यान ज्ञान लाता है; ध्यान का अभाव अज्ञानता छोड़ देता है। अच्छी तरह से
    जानें कि क्या आपको आगे बढ़ाता है और क्या आपको वापस पकड़ता है, और वह
    रास्ता चुनें जो ज्ञान की ओर ले जाता है। ”
    27. “दे दो, भले ही आपके पास केवल थोड़ा हो।”
    28. “जैसे ही एक ठोस चट्टान तूफान से हिल नहीं जाती है, यहां तक ​​कि बुद्धिमान भी प्रशंसा या दोष से प्रभावित नहीं होते हैं।”
    29. “एक पल बर्बाद न करें, व्यर्थ क्षणों के लिए आपको नीचे की ओर भेज दें।”
    “यदि आप जीवन की खुशी को भूल जाते हैं और दुनिया के सुखों में फंस जाते
    हैं, तो आप उन लोगों से ईर्ष्या करने के लिए आएंगे जो पहले ध्यान डालते
    ज्ञान और शांति के लिए बुद्ध से 30 उद्धरण

    मन को शांति देने वाली भगवान् बुद्ध की अनोखी बातें !! Gautam Buddha inspirational quotes In Hindi

    13) Classical Assamese-ধ্ৰুপদী অসমীয়া

    ধ্ৰুপদী অসম-ধ্ৰুপদী অসমীয়া জ্ঞান আৰু শান্তিৰ বাবে বুদ্ধৰ উদ্ধৃতি
    Siddhārtha গৌতম বা বুদ্ধ নেপালৰ এটা ধনী পৰিয়ালত জন্ম গ্ৰহণ কৰা এজন
    ব্যক্তি আছিল যি প্ৰায় ৫০০ খ্ৰী.C। তেওঁ মানৱতাৰ দুখ-কষ্টৰ সমাধান বিচাৰি
    উলিওৱাত যথেষ্ট আগ্ৰহ লৈছিল। তেওঁৰ দেউতাকে তেওঁক প্ৰতিশ্ৰুতি দিব নোৱাৰিলে
    যে তেওঁ বৃদ্ধ নহ’ব, অসুস্থ হ’ব বা মৰিব নোৱাৰিব, তেতিয়ালৈকে তেওঁ ধ্যান
    কৰিবলৈ ওলাই ছিল যেতিয়ালৈকে তেওঁ দুখ আৰু দুখৰ নিৰাময় নাপালে। ‘জাগ্ৰত’
    বা ‘সতোৰী’ বিচাৰি উলিওৱাৰ বাবে তেওঁক পিপল গছৰ তলত ধ্যান কৰি বহি বলৈ 49
    দিন আৰু ৰাতি লাগিছিল, যাক ‘বোধি গছ’ বুলিও কোৱা হয়। তাৰ পিছত তেওঁ শিকোৱা
    আৰু আনক বুজাৰ পথ দেখুৱাবলৈ গৈছিল। বুদ্ধৰ শিক্ষাই বৌদ্ধ ধৰ্মৰ ভেটি
    হিচাপে কাম কৰে। এই শিক্ষাই যিকোনো লোকক সহজে নিৰ্দেশনা আৰু অধিক মানসিক
    শান্তি প্ৰদান কৰিব পাৰে। আপোনাক জ্ঞান আৰু শান্তিৰ দিশত পথ প্ৰদৰ্শন কৰাত
    সহায় কৰিবলৈ বুদ্ধৰ পৰা ৩০ টা উদ্ধৃতি ইয়াত দিয়া হৈছে।
    “দুখ-কষ্টৰ মূল হৈছে আসক্তি।” ২. “খং এৰি দিয়ক, গৌৰৱ ত্যাগ কৰক আৰু নিজকে
    সাংসাৰিক বন্ধনৰ পৰা মুক্ত কৰক। যিসকলে কেতিয়াও মানুহ আৰু বস্তুক নিজৰ
    বুলি ধৰি ৰাখিবলৈ চেষ্টা নকৰে তেওঁলোকৰ ওপৰত কোনো দুখ থাকিব নোৱাৰে।” 3.
    “বিশুদ্ধতা আৰু অশুদ্ধতা নিজৰ ওপৰত নিৰ্ভৰ কৰে; কোনেও আনক শুদ্ধ কৰিব
    নোৱাৰে।” ৪. “আমাৰ জীৱন আমাৰ মনৰ দ্বাৰা গঢ় লৈ উঠা; আমি যি ভাৱো সেয়া হৈ
    পৰিম।” ৫. “যিজনে নিজকে জয় কৰে, তেওঁ আন এজনতকৈ ডাঙৰ যি যুদ্ধক্ষেত্ৰত
    হাজাৰ গুণ অধিক লোকক জয় কৰে।” ৬. “যদি আপুনি আধ্যাত্মিক পথত আপোনাক সহায়
    কৰিবলৈ কোনো নাপায়, তেন্তে অকলে খোজ কাঢ়ক। অপৰিপক্ক লোকসকলৰ সৈতে কোনো
    সম্পৰ্ক নাই।” ৭. “যিজনৰ মন আকাংক্ষাৰে ভৰি নাথাকে, তেওঁলোকৰ বাবে কোনো ভয়
    নাই।” ৮. “যদি কিবা কৰাৰ যোগ্য হয়, তেন্তে আপোনাৰ হৃদয়েৰে কৰক।” ৯.
    “আপুনি নিজেই চেষ্টা কৰিব লাগিব। বুদ্ধসকলে কেৱল পথ দেখুৱায়।” ১০. “যিসকলে
    ঈৰ্ষাৰ শিপা ধ্বংস কৰিছে, তেওঁলোকৰ সদায়ে মানসিক শান্তি থাকে।”
    “অজ্ঞতাতকৈ ডাঙৰ কোনো অশুদ্ধতা নাই।” ১২. “পৃথিৱীখন মৃত্যু আৰু ক্ষয়ৰ
    দ্বাৰা পীড়িত। কিন্তু জ্ঞানীসকলে পৃথিৱীৰ প্ৰকৃতি উপলব্ধি কৰি দুখ নকৰে।”
    ১৩. “এজন জ্ঞানী নহয় কিয়নো তেওঁ ভাল কথা কয়। তেওঁলোক জ্ঞানী যি
    ধৈৰ্য্যশীল আৰু ঘৃণা আৰু ভয়ৰ পৰা মুক্ত।” ১৪. “যিজনে খং কৰা কাৰোবাৰ ওপৰত
    জ্বলা-ফুলা নকৰে, তেওঁ জিকিবলৈ কঠিন যুঁজ ত জিকিব পাৰে।” ১৫. “জীৱিত
    প্ৰাণীক আঘাত কৰা এজন মহৎ নহয়। তেওঁলোক মহৎ যিয়ে কাকো আঘাত নকৰে।” ১৬.
    “তোমাৰ চিন্তা, বাক্য আৰু কাৰ্য্যৰ প্ৰতি ৰক্ষা কৰক। এই তিনিটা শাখাই
    আপোনাক বিশুদ্ধ জ্ঞানৰ পথত গতি দিব।” ১৭. “যদি আপুনি নিজৰ দোষবোৰ দেখুৱাবলৈ
    এজন জ্ঞানী সমালোচক বিচাৰি পায়, তেন্তে তেওঁক অনুসৰণ কৰক, যেনেকৈ আপুনি
    লুকাই থকা ধনৰ পথ প্ৰদৰ্শন কৰিব।” ১৮. “আনে কি কৰে বা কৰিবলৈ বিফল হয় তাৰ
    প্ৰতি আপোনাৰ মনোযোগ নিদিব; আপুনি যি কৰে বা কৰিবলৈ বিফল হয় তাক দিয়ক।”
    ১৯. “আপুনি কেতিয়া অন্ধকাৰত বাস কৰি আছে, তেতিয়া আপুনি পোহৰ কিয় বিচাৰি
    নাপায়?” ২০. “নিজৰ পিছত চোৱা-চিতা কৰোঁতে, আপুনি আনৰ পিছত চাব। আনৰ
    চোৱাচিতা কৰোঁতে, আপুনি নিজৰ পিছত চাব।”
    “ৰূপালী ৰজাই ৰূপালী ৰূঢ়তাৰ অশুদ্ধিবোৰ কঢ়িয়াই নিয়াৰ দৰে আপোনাৰ
    মনশুদ্ধ কৰক, অলপ অলপ কৈ, লগে লগে।” ২২. “আনৰ দুখৰ ওপৰত আপোনাৰ সুখ গঢ়ি
    তুলিবলৈ চেষ্টা নকৰিব। আপুনি ঘৃণাৰ জালত আৱদ্ধ হ’ব।” ২৩. “জ্ঞানীসকল শৰীৰ,
    কথা আৰু মনত শৃংখলাবদ্ধ। সেইবোৰ সঁচাকৈয়ে ভালদৰে নিয়ন্ত্ৰণ কৰা হয়।” ২৪.
    “ভিতৰৰ চাকিটো জ্বলাওক; জ্ঞান প্ৰাপ্ত কৰিবলৈ কঠোৰ পৰিশ্ৰম কৰক।” ২৫.
    “শান্তি লাভ কৰিবলৈ দৃঢ়তাৰে নিজকে প্ৰশিক্ষণ দিয়ক।” ২৬. “ধ্যানে জ্ঞান
    কঢ়িয়াই আনে; ধ্যানৰ অভাৱৰ ফলত অজ্ঞতা হয়। কিহে আপোনাক আগুৱাই লৈ যায়
    আৰু কিহে আপোনাক পিছুৱাই ৰাখে, আৰু জ্ঞানৰ পথ বাছনি কৰক।” ২৭. “দিয়ক, আনকি
    আপোনাৰ ওচৰত অলপ থাকিলেও।” ২৮. “যেনেকৈ ধুমুহাৰ দ্বাৰা কঠিন শিল কঁপি
    নাযায়, তেনেদৰে জ্ঞানীসকলে প্ৰশংসা বা দোষৰ দ্বাৰা প্ৰভাৱিত নহয়।” ২৯.
    “এক মুহূৰ্তও অপচয় নকৰিব, অপচয় হোৱা মুহূৰ্তবোৰে আপোনাক তললৈ পঠিয়াব।”
    ৩০. “যদি আপুনি জীৱনৰ আনন্দ পাহৰি পৃথিৱীৰ আনন্দত আৱদ্ধ হয়, তেন্তে যিসকলে
    ধ্যানক প্ৰথম স্থান দিয়ে তেওঁলোকক ঈৰ্ষা কৰিব পাৰিব।”
    গৌতম বুদ্ধৰ 10 টা নীতি। 10 Rules of Gautam Buddha
    গৌতম বুদ্ধৰ 10 তা নীতি। 10 Rules of Gautam Buddha.gautama buddha

    17) Classical Bengali-ক্লাসিক্যাল বাংলা,

    প্রজ্ঞা এবং শান্তির জন্য বুদ্ধের কাছ থেকে 30 টি উদ্ধৃতি
    গৌতম, বা বুদ্ধ, তিনি ছিলেন নেপালের এক ধনী পরিবারে জন্মগ্রহণকারী এক
    ব্যক্তি, প্রায় ৫০০ বিসি। তিনি মানবতার দুর্ভোগের সমাধান খুঁজে পেতে খুব
    আগ্রহী ছিলেন। তার বাবা তাকে প্রতিশ্রুতি দিতে না পারার পরে যে তিনি বৃদ্ধ
    হবেন না, অসুস্থ হয়ে পড়বেন না বা মারা যাবেন, তিনি দুর্দশা ও যন্ত্রণার
    নিরাময়ের সন্ধান না হওয়া পর্যন্ত তিনি ধ্যান করতে প্রস্তুত হন। ‘জাগ্রত’
    বা ‘সাতোরি’ খুঁজে পেতে ‘বোধি গাছ’ নামেও পরিচিত একটি উঁকি গাছের নীচে বসে
    ধ্যানের 49 দিন এবং রাত লেগেছিল। তারপরে তিনি পড়াশোনা এবং অন্যকে বোঝার
    উপায় দেখিয়েছিলেন। বুদ্ধের শিক্ষাগুলি বৌদ্ধধর্মের ভিত্তি হিসাবে কাজ
    করে। এই শিক্ষাগুলি সহজেই কাউকে গাইডেন্স এবং মনের প্রশান্তি দিতে পারে।
    জ্ঞান এবং শান্তির দিকে আপনাকে গাইড করতে সহায়তা করার জন্য এখানে বুদ্ধের
    30 টি উক্তি রয়েছে।
    1. “দুর্ভোগের মূলটি হ’ল সংযুক্তি।”
    “ক্রোধ ছেড়ে দিন, গর্ব ছেড়ে দিন এবং নিজেকে পার্থিব দাসত্ব থেকে মুক্ত
    করুন। যারা কখনও লোক এবং জিনিসকে তাদের নিজের মতো করে রাখার চেষ্টা করে না
    তাদের কোনও দুঃখের মুখোমুখি হতে পারে না। “
    ৩. “বিশুদ্ধতা এবং অপরিষ্কার নিজের উপর নির্ভর করে; কেউ অন্যকে শুদ্ধ করতে পারে না। ”
    ৪. “আমাদের জীবন আমাদের মন দ্বারা রুপান্তরিত; আমরা যা ভাবি তা হয়ে উঠি। ”
    ৫. “যিনি নিজেকে বিজয়ী করেন তিনি অন্য একজনের চেয়ে বেশি যিনি যুদ্ধের ময়দানে হাজার হাজার লোককে জয় করেন।”
    “Of। যদি আপনি আধ্যাত্মিক পথে আপনাকে সমর্থন করার জন্য কেউ খুঁজে না পান তবে একা চলুন। অপরিণত নিয়ে কোনও সাহচর্য নেই। ”
    O “যার মন আকাঙ্ক্ষায় পূর্ণ নয় তার জন্য কোনও ভয় নেই।”
    ৮. “যদি কিছু করার মতো মূল্যবান হয় তবে এটি আপনার সমস্ত হৃদয় দিয়ে করুন।”
    9. “আপনি নিজেই চেষ্টা করতে হবে। বুদ্ধরা কেবল পথ নির্দেশ করে। ”
    ১০. “যারা হিংসা শিকড় ধ্বংস করেছেন তাদের মন শান্তির সর্বদা থাকে” “
    ১১. “অজ্ঞতার চেয়ে বড় কোনও অশুচি নেই।”
    ১২. “পৃথিবী মৃত্যু ও ক্ষয় দ্বারা ক্ষতিগ্রস্থ হয়েছে। কিন্তু জ্ঞানী শোক করবেন না, বিশ্বের প্রকৃতি উপলব্ধি করে। “
    13. “একজন জ্ঞানী নন কারণ তিনি একটি ভাল চুক্তি করেন। তারা জ্ঞানী যারা ধৈর্যশীল এবং ঘৃণা ও ভয় থেকে মুক্ত ””
    14. “যে কেউ রাগান্বিত কারও দিকে ঝাঁপিয়ে পড়ে না সে জয়ের পক্ষে কঠোর লড়াইয়ে জয়লাভ করে।”
    15. “একজন জীবিত প্রাণীকে আহত করেন এমন একজন মহৎ নন। তারা মহৎ যারা কাউকে আঘাত করে না। “
    16. “আপনার চিন্তা, শব্দ এবং কাজ রক্ষা করুন। এই তিনটি শাখা আপনাকে খাঁটি জ্ঞানের পথে এগিয়ে দেবে। “
    “আপনার ত্রুটিগুলি চিহ্নিত করার জন্য আপনার কি কোনও জ্ঞানী সমালোচক খুঁজে
    পাওয়া উচিত, তাকে অনুসরণ করুন যেমন আপনি লুকানো ধন -সম্পদের জন্য গাইড
    18. “অন্যরা কী করে বা ব্যর্থ হয় সে সম্পর্কে আপনার মনোযোগ দিন না; আপনি যা করেন বা করতে ব্যর্থ হন তা দিন। “
    19. “আপনি কখন অন্ধকারে বাস করছেন, কেন আপনি আলোর সন্ধান করবেন না?”
    20. “নিজের পিছনে দেখার সময় আপনি অন্যদের অনুসরণ করেন। অন্যদের অনুসরণ করার সময়, আপনি নিজের পিছনে দেখেন। “
    “সিলভারস্মিথ রৌপ্যের অমেধ্যগুলি উড়িয়ে দেওয়ার সাথে সাথে আপনার মনকে
    খাঁটি করুন, তাত্ক্ষণিকভাবে তাত্ক্ষণিকভাবে তাত্ক্ষণিকভাবে।”
    22. “অন্যের অসুখীতার উপর আপনার সুখ গড়ে তোলার চেষ্টা করবেন না। আপনাকে ঘৃণা জালে মেনে নেওয়া হবে। ”
    23. “জ্ঞানী দেহ, বক্তৃতা এবং মনের মধ্যে শৃঙ্খলাবদ্ধ। তারা সত্যিই ভাল নিয়ন্ত্রণ করা হয়। “
    24. “মধ্যে প্রদীপ হালকা; জ্ঞান অর্জনে কঠোর প্রচেষ্টা করুন। ”
    25. “শান্তি অর্জনের জন্য নিজেকে দৃ olute ়ভাবে প্রশিক্ষণ দিন।”
    “মেডিটেশন জ্ঞান নিয়ে আসে; ধ্যানের অভাব অজ্ঞতা ছেড়ে দেয়। আপনাকে কী
    এগিয়ে নিয়ে যায় এবং আপনাকে কী পিছনে রাখে তা ভাল করে জানুন এবং সেই পথটি
    বেছে নিন যা জ্ঞানের দিকে পরিচালিত করে ””
    27. “আপনার কেবল কিছুটা থাকলেও দিন।”
    28. “যেমন একটি শক্ত শিলা ঝড় দ্বারা কাঁপানো হয় না, তেমনি জ্ঞানী প্রশংসা বা দোষ দ্বারা প্রভাবিত হয় না।”
    29. “একটি মুহূর্ত নষ্ট করবেন না, নষ্ট মুহুর্তগুলির জন্য আপনাকে নীচের দিকে কোর্সে প্রেরণ করুন।”
    “আপনি যদি জীবনের আনন্দ ভুলে যান এবং বিশ্বের আনন্দে ধরা পড়েন তবে আপনি
    যারা ধ্যানকে প্রথমে রেখেছিলেন তাদের vy র্ষা করতে আসবেন।”
    গৌতম বুদ্ধের এই ৩০টি বাণী জীবন বদলে দেবে | 30 Quotations of Gautam Buddha Can Change Life in Bengali

    23) Classical Chinese (Simplified)-古典中文(简体),




    24) Classical Chinese (Traditional)-古典中文(繁體),



    這個咒語很短但能量巨大!每天出門前念一遍,災禍立刻全消,還能獲無量福德! | 佛說

    41) Classical Gujarati-ક્લાસિકલ ગુજરાતી,

    ડહાપણ અને શાંતિ માટે બુદ્ધ તરફથી અવતરણ
    ગૌતમ, અથવા બુદ્ધ, નેપાળમાં આશરે 500 બી.સી. તેમણે માનવતાના દુ suffering
    ખનો સમાધાન શોધવામાં ખૂબ રસ લીધો. તેના પિતા તેને વચન આપી શક્યા નહીં કે તે
    વૃદ્ધ નહીં થાય, માંદા ન થાય અથવા મરી જાય, ત્યાં સુધી તે દુ ery ખ અને દુ
    suffering ખનો ઉપાય ન મળે ત્યાં સુધી તે ધ્યાન કરવાનું પસંદ કરે છે. તેને
    ‘જાગૃત’ અથવા ‘સતોરી’ શોધવા માટે, પીપલ ઝાડની નીચે ધ્યાન આપતા ધ્યાનના 49
    દિવસ અને રાત લાગ્યાં, જેને ‘બોધી ટ્રી’ તરીકે પણ ઓળખવામાં આવે છે. તે પછી
    તે શીખવવા અને અન્યને સમજવાની રીત બતાવવા વિશે ગયો. બુદ્ધના ઉપદેશો બૌદ્ધ
    ધર્મના પાયા તરીકે સેવા આપે છે. આ શિક્ષણ સરળતાથી કોઈને પણ માર્ગદર્શન અને
    માનસિક શાંતિ આપી શકે છે. તમને શાણપણ અને શાંતિ તરફ માર્ગદર્શન આપવા માટે
    બુદ્ધના 30 અવતરણો છે.
    1. “દુ suffering ખનું મૂળ જોડાણ છે.”
    “ગુસ્સો છોડી દો, ગૌરવ છોડી દો અને સાંસારિક બંધનથી પોતાને મુક્ત કરો. કોઈ
    દુ sorrow ખ ન ​​થાય કે જેઓ ક્યારેય લોકો અને વસ્તુઓ તેમના પોતાના તરીકે
    રાખવાનો પ્રયત્ન કરતા નથી. “
    “.“ શુદ્ધતા અને અશુદ્ધતા પોતાના પર નિર્ભર છે; કોઈ બીજાને શુદ્ધ કરી શકશે નહીં. “
    “.“ આપણું જીવન આપણા મગજમાં આકારનું છે; આપણે જે વિચારીએ છીએ તે આપણે બનીએ છીએ. “
    “.” જે પોતાને જીતી લે છે તે બીજા કરતા વધારે છે જે યુદ્ધના મેદાનમાં હજાર વખત એક હજાર માણસો પર વિજય મેળવે છે. “
    6. “જો તમને આધ્યાત્મિક માર્ગ પર ટેકો આપવા માટે કોઈ ન મળે, તો એકલા ચાલો. અપરિપક્વ સાથે કોઈ સાથી નથી. ”
    “.” જેનું મન ઇચ્છાઓથી ભરેલું નથી તેના માટે કોઈ ડર નથી. “
    8. “જો કંઇપણ કરવા યોગ્ય છે, તો તે તમારા બધા હૃદયથી કરો.”
    9. “તમારે જાતે જ પ્રયત્ન કરવો જ જોઇએ. બુદ્ધો ફક્ત માર્ગ દર્શાવે છે. “
    10. “જેમણે ઈર્ષ્યાના મૂળનો નાશ કર્યો છે તેઓને હંમેશા માનસિક શાંતિ રહે છે.”
    11. “અજ્ orance ાન કરતાં કોઈ અશુદ્ધતા નથી.”
    12. “વિશ્વ મૃત્યુ અને સડો દ્વારા પીડિત છે. પરંતુ જ્ wise ાનીઓ દુ ve ખ આપતી નથી, વિશ્વની પ્રકૃતિનો અહેસાસ કર્યા પછી. “
    13. “એક હોશિયાર નથી કારણ કે તે સારી ડીલ સાથે વાત કરે છે. તેઓ સમજદાર છે જે ધીરજ રાખે છે, અને નફરત અને ભયથી મુક્ત છે. “
    14. “જે કોઈ ગુસ્સે છે તે જીતવા માટે સખત યુદ્ધ જીતે છે તેના પર ભડકતો નથી.”
    15. “એક ઉમદા નથી જે જીવંત જીવોને ઇજા પહોંચાડે છે. તેઓ ઉમદા છે જેણે કોઈને નુકસાન પહોંચાડ્યું નથી. “
    16. “તમારા વિચારો, શબ્દો અને કાર્યોની રક્ષા કરો. આ ત્રણ શાખાઓ તમને શુદ્ધ શાણપણના માર્ગ પર ઝડપી બનાવશે. “
    “જો તમારે તમારા દોષોને દર્શાવવા માટે કોઈ સમજદાર વિવેચક મળવું જોઈએ, તો
    તમે છુપાયેલા ખજાનોની માર્ગદર્શિકા છો તેમ તેમનું પાલન કરો.”
    18. “અન્ય લોકો શું કરે છે તેના પર તમારું ધ્યાન ન આપો અથવા નિષ્ફળ; તમે જે કરો છો તેને આપો અથવા કરવામાં નિષ્ફળ જાઓ. “
    19. “તમે ક્યારે અંધકારમાં જીવો છો, તમે પ્રકાશ કેમ જોતા નથી?”
    20. “તમારી જાતને જોતી વખતે, તમે અન્યની પાછળ જોશો. જ્યારે અન્યની પાછળ જોતા હોય ત્યારે, તમે તમારી જાતને જોશો. “
    21. “સિલ્વરસ્મિથે ચાંદીની અશુદ્ધિઓ ઉડાવી દીધી હોવાથી તમારા મનને શુદ્ધ બનાવો, થોડુંક, ત્વરિત દ્વારા.”
    22. “બીજાની નાખુશતા પર તમારી ખુશી બનાવવાનો પ્રયાસ કરશો નહીં. તમે દ્વેષની જાળીમાં ડૂબી જશો. ”
    23. “જ્ wise ાનીઓ શરીર, વાણી અને મનમાં શિસ્તબદ્ધ છે. તેઓ ખરેખર સારી રીતે નિયંત્રિત છે. “
    24. “અંદર દીવો પ્રકાશિત કરો; શાણપણ પ્રાપ્ત કરવા માટે સખત પ્રયત્ન કરો. “
    25. “શાંતિ પ્રાપ્ત કરવા માટે તમારી જાતને નિશ્ચિતપણે તાલીમ આપો.”
    “ધ્યાન ડહાપણ લાવે છે; ધ્યાનનો અભાવ અજ્ orance ાન પાંદડા. તમને શું આગળ
    ધપાવે છે અને તમને શું પાછળ રાખે છે તે સારી રીતે જાણો, અને ડહાપણ તરફ દોરી
    જાય છે તે માર્ગ પસંદ કરો. “
    27. “આપો, ભલે તમારી પાસે થોડીક હોય.”
    28. “જેમ કે કોઈ નક્કર ખડક તોફાનથી હચમચી નથી, તેમ છતાં જ્ wise ાની પ્રશંસા અથવા દોષ દ્વારા અસરગ્રસ્ત નથી.”
    29. “એક ક્ષણ બગાડો નહીં, કારણ કે વ્યર્થ ક્ષણો તમને નીચેના માર્ગ પર મોકલે છે.”
    .૦. “જો તમે જીવનનો આનંદ ભૂલી જાઓ છો અને વિશ્વના આનંદમાં ફસાઈ જશો, તો તમે ધ્યાન આપનારાઓને ઈર્ષ્યા કરશો.”
    ડૉ. બાબાસાહેબ આંબેડકર કહે છે ધર્મ માણસ માટે છે I Shree Jaydev Bapa I Bhagvan budhh no satsang
    ડૉ. …

    50) Classical Indonesian-Bahasa Indonesia Klasik,

    Kutipan dari Buddha untuk Kebijaksanaan dan Damai
    Gautama, atau Buddha, adalah seorang pria yang lahir dari keluarga kaya
    di Nepal sekitar 500 SM. Dia menaruh minat besar untuk menemukan solusi
    untuk penderitaan umat manusia. Setelah ayahnya tidak bisa berjanji
    kepadanya bahwa dia tidak akan menjadi tua, sakit, atau mati, dia mulai
    bermeditasi sampai dia menemukan obat untuk kesengsaraan dan
    penderitaan. Butuh waktu 49 hari dan malam meditasi duduk di bawah pohon
    peepal, juga dikenal sebagai ‘pohon bodhi’, untuk menemukan ‘bangun’
    atau ’satori’. Dia kemudian mulai mengajar dan menunjukkan kepada orang
    lain cara untuk memahami. Ajaran Buddha berfungsi sebagai dasar
    Buddhisme. Pengajaran ini dapat dengan mudah memberikan bimbingan dan
    ketenangan pikiran yang lebih besar kepada siapa pun. Berikut adalah 30
    kutipan dari Buddha untuk membantu membimbing Anda menuju kebijaksanaan
    dan kedamaian.
    1. “Akar penderitaan adalah keterikatan.”
    “Menyalakan kemarahan, menyerah bangga, dan membebaskan diri Anda dari
    perbudakan duniawi. Tidak ada kesedihan yang bisa menimpa mereka yang
    tidak pernah mencoba memiliki orang dan hal -hal sebagai milik mereka. ”
    3. “Kemurnian dan pengotor bergantung pada diri sendiri; Tidak ada yang bisa memurnikan yang lain. “
    4. “Hidup kita dibentuk oleh pikiran kita; kita menjadi apa yang kita pikirkan. “
    5. “Seseorang yang menaklukkan dirinya lebih besar dari yang lain yang menaklukkan seribu kali seribu orang di medan perang.”
    “Jika Anda tidak menemukan siapa pun untuk mendukung Anda di jalan
    spiritual, berjalan sendirian. Tidak ada persahabatan dengan yang belum
    dewasa. ”
    7. “Tidak ada rasa takut untuk orang yang pikirannya tidak dipenuhi dengan keinginan.”
    8. “Jika ada yang layak dilakukan, lakukan dengan sepenuh hati.”
    9. “Anda sendiri harus berjuang. Buddha hanya menunjukkan jalan. ”
    10. “Mereka yang telah menghancurkan akar kecemburuan selalu memiliki ketenangan pikiran.”
    11. “Tidak ada pengotor lebih besar dari ketidaktahuan.”
    12. “Dunia menderita kematian dan pembusukan. Tetapi orang bijak tidak berduka, setelah menyadari sifat dunia. ”
    13. “Seseorang tidak bijaksana karena dia berbicara banyak. Mereka bijak yang sabar, dan bebas dari kebencian dan ketakutan. ”
    14. “Siapa pun yang tidak menyala pada seseorang yang marah memenangkan pertempuran yang sulit dimenangkan.”
    15. “Seseorang bukan bangsawan yang melukai makhluk hidup. Mereka adalah bangsawan yang tidak menyakiti siapa pun. ”
    “Jaga pikiran, kata -kata, dan perbuatan Anda. Tiga disiplin ilmu ini
    akan mempercepat Anda di sepanjang jalan menuju kebijaksanaan murni. ”
    “Jika Anda menemukan kritik yang bijak untuk menunjukkan kesalahan
    Anda, ikuti dia seperti Anda akan menjadi panduan untuk harta yang
    “Jangan berikan perhatian Anda pada apa yang dilakukan atau gagal
    dilakukan orang lain; berikan apa yang Anda lakukan atau gagal lakukan. “
    19. “Kapan Anda hidup dalam kegelapan, mengapa Anda tidak mencari cahaya?”
    20. “Saat menonton sendiri, Anda menonton orang lain. Saat menonton orang lain, Anda menonton diri sendiri. “
    21. “Buat pikiran Anda murni sebagai seorang perak meledakkan kotoran perak, sedikit demi sedikit, instan demi instan.”
    22. “Jangan mencoba membangun kebahagiaan Anda di atas ketidakbahagiaan orang lain. Anda akan terjerat dalam jaring kebencian. ”
    23. “Orang bijak didisiplinkan dalam tubuh, ucapan, dan pikiran. Mereka memang terkontrol dengan baik. ”
    24. “Nyalakan lampu di dalamnya; berusaha keras untuk mencapai kebijaksanaan. ”
    25. “Latih dengan tegas untuk mencapai kedamaian.”
    “Meditasi membawa kebijaksanaan; Kurangnya meditasi meninggalkan
    ketidaktahuan. Ketahui dengan baik apa yang membawa Anda maju dan apa
    yang menahan Anda, dan pilih jalan yang mengarah pada kebijaksanaan. “
    27. “Berikan, bahkan jika Anda hanya memiliki sedikit.”
    “Sama seperti batu yang solid tidak terguncang oleh badai, meskipun
    yang bijak tidak terpengaruh oleh pujian atau kesalahan.”
    29. “Jangan buang waktu sejenak, untuk saat -saat yang terbuang mengirimmu ke bawah.”
    “Jika Anda melupakan kegembiraan hidup dan terjebak dalam kesenangan
    dunia, Anda akan iri dengan mereka yang mengutamakan meditasi.”
    penjelasannya dapatkah kita memperbaiki nasib dan mendapatkan rejeki
    dengan bersujud memohon kepada dewa dan buddha.Mari kita simak dan
    renungkan bers…




    55) Classical Kannada- ಶಾಸ್ತ್ರೀಯ ಕನ್ನಡ,

    ಬುದ್ಧಿವಂತಿಕೆ ಮತ್ತು ಶಾಂತಿಗಾಗಿ ಬುದ್ಧನ ಉಲ್ಲೇಖಗಳು
    ಗೌತಮ, ಅಥವಾ ಬುದ್ಧ, ನೇಪಾಳದ ಶ್ರೀಮಂತ ಕುಟುಂಬಕ್ಕೆ 500 ಬಿ.ಸಿ. ಮಾನವೀಯತೆಯ
    ದುಃಖಕ್ಕೆ ಪರಿಹಾರವನ್ನು ಕಂಡುಕೊಳ್ಳುವಲ್ಲಿ ಅವರು ಹೆಚ್ಚಿನ ಆಸಕ್ತಿ ವಹಿಸಿದರು. ಅವನು
    ವಯಸ್ಸಾಗುವುದಿಲ್ಲ, ಅನಾರೋಗ್ಯಕ್ಕೆ ಒಳಗಾಗುವುದಿಲ್ಲ, ಅಥವಾ ಸಾಯುವುದಿಲ್ಲ ಎಂದು ಅವನ
    ತಂದೆಗೆ ಭರವಸೆ ನೀಡದ ನಂತರ, ದುಃಖ ಮತ್ತು ಸಂಕಟಗಳಿಗೆ ಪರಿಹಾರವನ್ನು
    ಕಂಡುಕೊಳ್ಳುವವರೆಗೂ ಅವನು ಧ್ಯಾನ ಮಾಡಲು ಹೊರಟನು. ‘ಜಾಗೃತಿ’ ಅಥವಾ ‘ಸಾಟೋರಿ’ ಅನ್ನು
    ಕಂಡುಹಿಡಿಯಲು ‘ಬೋಧಿ ಮರ’ ಎಂದೂ ಕರೆಯಲ್ಪಡುವ ಪೀಪಲ್ ಮರದ ಕೆಳಗೆ ಕುಳಿತುಕೊಳ್ಳುವ
    ಧ್ಯಾನದ 49 ಹಗಲು ಮತ್ತು ರಾತ್ರಿಗಳನ್ನು ತೆಗೆದುಕೊಂಡಿತು. ನಂತರ ಅವರು ಇತರರಿಗೆ
    ತಿಳುವಳಿಕೆಯ ಮಾರ್ಗವನ್ನು ಕಲಿಸುವ ಮತ್ತು ತೋರಿಸುವ ಬಗ್ಗೆ ಹೋದರು. ಬುದ್ಧನ ಬೋಧನೆಗಳು
    ಬೌದ್ಧಧರ್ಮದ ಅಡಿಪಾಯವಾಗಿ ಕಾರ್ಯನಿರ್ವಹಿಸುತ್ತವೆ. ಈ ಬೋಧನೆಯು ಯಾರಿಗಾದರೂ
    ಮಾರ್ಗದರ್ಶನ ಮತ್ತು ಹೆಚ್ಚಿನ ಮನಸ್ಸಿನ ಶಾಂತಿಯನ್ನು ನೀಡುತ್ತದೆ. ಬುದ್ಧಿವಂತಿಕೆ
    ಮತ್ತು ಶಾಂತಿಯ ಕಡೆಗೆ ನಿಮಗೆ ಮಾರ್ಗದರ್ಶನ ನೀಡಲು ಸಹಾಯ ಮಾಡಲು ಬುದ್ಧನ 30 ಉಲ್ಲೇಖಗಳು
    1. “ದುಃಖದ ಮೂಲವು ಬಾಂಧವ್ಯವಾಗಿದೆ.”
    “ಕೋಪವನ್ನು ಬಿಟ್ಟುಬಿಡಿ, ಹೆಮ್ಮೆಯನ್ನು ಬಿಟ್ಟುಬಿಡಿ ಮತ್ತು ಲೌಕಿಕ ಬಂಧನದಿಂದ
    ನಿಮ್ಮನ್ನು ಮುಕ್ತಗೊಳಿಸಿ. ಜನರು ಮತ್ತು ವಸ್ತುಗಳನ್ನು ತಮ್ಮದೇ ಆದಂತೆ ಹೊಂದಲು
    ಪ್ರಯತ್ನಿಸದವರಿಗೆ ಯಾವುದೇ ದುಃಖವು ಸಂಭವಿಸುವುದಿಲ್ಲ. ”
    3. “ಪರಿಶುದ್ಧತೆ ಮತ್ತು ಅಶುದ್ಧತೆಯು ತನ್ನನ್ನು ಅವಲಂಬಿಸಿರುತ್ತದೆ; ಇನ್ನೊಬ್ಬರನ್ನು ಶುದ್ಧೀಕರಿಸಲು ಸಾಧ್ಯವಿಲ್ಲ. ”
    4. “ನಮ್ಮ ಜೀವನವು ನಮ್ಮ ಮನಸ್ಸಿನಿಂದ ರೂಪಿಸಲ್ಪಟ್ಟಿದೆ; ನಾವು ಯೋಚಿಸುತ್ತೇವೆ. “
    5. “ತನ್ನನ್ನು ವಶಪಡಿಸಿಕೊಳ್ಳುವವನು ಯುದ್ಧಭೂಮಿಯಲ್ಲಿ ಸಾವಿರ ಬಾರಿ ಸಾವಿರ ಬಾರಿ ಜಯಿಸುವ ಇನ್ನೊಬ್ಬರಿಗಿಂತ ದೊಡ್ಡವನು.”
    6. “ಆಧ್ಯಾತ್ಮಿಕ ಹಾದಿಯಲ್ಲಿ ನಿಮ್ಮನ್ನು ಬೆಂಬಲಿಸಲು ನೀವು ಯಾರೂ ಕಾಣದಿದ್ದರೆ, ಏಕಾಂಗಿಯಾಗಿ ನಡೆಯಿರಿ. ಅಪಕ್ವತೆಯೊಂದಿಗೆ ಯಾವುದೇ ಒಡನಾಟವಿಲ್ಲ. ”
    7. “ಅವರ ಮನಸ್ಸು ಆಸೆಗಳಿಂದ ತುಂಬಿರದವರಿಗೆ ಭಯವಿಲ್ಲ.”
    8. “ಏನಾದರೂ ಮಾಡಲು ಯೋಗ್ಯವಾಗಿದ್ದರೆ, ಅದನ್ನು ನಿಮ್ಮ ಹೃದಯದಿಂದ ಮಾಡಿ.”
    9. “ನೀವೇ ಶ್ರಮಿಸಬೇಕು. ಬುದ್ಧರು ಮಾತ್ರ ದಾರಿ ತೋರಿಸುತ್ತಾರೆ. “
    10. “ಅಸೂಯೆಯ ಬೇರುಗಳನ್ನು ನಾಶಪಡಿಸಿದವರಿಗೆ ಯಾವಾಗಲೂ ಮನಸ್ಸಿನ ಶಾಂತಿ ಇರುತ್ತದೆ.”
    11. “ಅಜ್ಞಾನಕ್ಕಿಂತ ಹೆಚ್ಚಿನ ಅಶುದ್ಧತೆ ಇಲ್ಲ.”
    12. “ಜಗತ್ತು ಸಾವು ಮತ್ತು ಕೊಳೆಯುವಿಕೆಯಿಂದ ಬಳಲುತ್ತಿದೆ. ಆದರೆ ಬುದ್ಧಿವಂತರು ಪ್ರಪಂಚದ ಸ್ವರೂಪವನ್ನು ಅರಿತುಕೊಂಡ ನಂತರ ದುಃಖಿಸುವುದಿಲ್ಲ. ”
    “ಒಬ್ಬನು ಬುದ್ಧಿವಂತನಲ್ಲ ಏಕೆಂದರೆ ಅವನು ಒಳ್ಳೆಯ ವ್ಯವಹಾರವನ್ನು ಮಾತನಾಡುತ್ತಾನೆ.
    ಅವರು ತಾಳ್ಮೆಯಿಂದಿರುವ ಬುದ್ಧಿವಂತರು ಮತ್ತು ದ್ವೇಷ ಮತ್ತು ಭಯದಿಂದ
    ಮುಕ್ತರಾಗಿದ್ದಾರೆ. ”
    14. “ಕೋಪಗೊಂಡ ಯಾರೊಬ್ಬರ ಮೇಲೆ ಯಾರು ಭುಗಿಲೆದ್ದಿಲ್ಲ, ಗೆಲ್ಲಲು ಕಷ್ಟಪಟ್ಟು ಯುದ್ಧವನ್ನು ಗೆಲ್ಲುತ್ತಾರೆ.”
    15. “ಒಬ್ಬರು ಜೀವಂತ ಜೀವಿಗಳನ್ನು ಗಾಯಗೊಳಿಸುವ ಉದಾತ್ತನಲ್ಲ. ಅವರು ಯಾರನ್ನೂ ನೋಯಿಸದ ಉದಾತ್ತರು. “
    “ನಿಮ್ಮ ಆಲೋಚನೆಗಳು, ಪದಗಳು ಮತ್ತು ಕಾರ್ಯಗಳನ್ನು ಕಾಪಾಡಿಕೊಳ್ಳಿ. ಈ ಮೂರು ವಿಭಾಗಗಳು
    ಶುದ್ಧ ಬುದ್ಧಿವಂತಿಕೆಯ ಹಾದಿಯಲ್ಲಿ ನಿಮ್ಮನ್ನು ವೇಗಗೊಳಿಸುತ್ತವೆ. ”
    “ನಿಮ್ಮ ದೋಷಗಳನ್ನು ಎತ್ತಿ ತೋರಿಸಲು ನೀವು ಬುದ್ಧಿವಂತ ವಿಮರ್ಶಕನನ್ನು ಕಂಡುಕೊಂಡರೆ,
    ನೀವು ಗುಪ್ತ ನಿಧಿಗೆ ಮಾರ್ಗದರ್ಶನ ನೀಡುವಂತೆ ಅವನನ್ನು ಅನುಸರಿಸಿ.”
    “ಇತರರು ಏನು ಮಾಡುತ್ತಾರೆ ಅಥವಾ ಮಾಡಲು ವಿಫಲರಾಗುತ್ತಾರೆ ಎಂಬುದರ ಬಗ್ಗೆ ನಿಮ್ಮ
    ಗಮನವನ್ನು ನೀಡಬೇಡಿ; ನೀವು ಏನು ಮಾಡುತ್ತೀರಿ ಅಥವಾ ಮಾಡಲು ವಿಫಲರಾಗಿದ್ದೀರಿ ಎಂದು
    ನೀಡಿ. ”
    19. “ನೀವು ಯಾವಾಗ ಕತ್ತಲೆಯಲ್ಲಿ ವಾಸಿಸುತ್ತಿದ್ದೀರಿ, ನೀವು ಏಕೆ ಬೆಳಕನ್ನು ಹುಡುಕಬಾರದು?”
    20. “ನಿಮ್ಮ ನಂತರ ನೋಡುವಾಗ, ನೀವು ಇತರರ ನಂತರ ನೋಡುತ್ತೀರಿ. ಇತರರ ನಂತರ ನೋಡುವಾಗ, ನೀವು ನಿಮ್ಮ ನಂತರ ನೋಡುತ್ತೀರಿ. ”
    22. “ಇತರರ ಅಸಮಾಧಾನದ ಬಗ್ಗೆ ನಿಮ್ಮ ಸಂತೋಷವನ್ನು ಬೆಳೆಸಲು ಪ್ರಯತ್ನಿಸಬೇಡಿ. ನೀವು ದ್ವೇಷದ ನಿವ್ವಳದಲ್ಲಿ ತೊಡಗಿಸಿಕೊಳ್ಳುತ್ತೀರಿ. ”
    23. “ಬುದ್ಧಿವಂತರು ದೇಹ, ಮಾತು ಮತ್ತು ಮನಸ್ಸಿನಲ್ಲಿ ಶಿಸ್ತುಬದ್ಧರಾಗಿದ್ದಾರೆ. ಅವುಗಳನ್ನು ನಿಜಕ್ಕೂ ಚೆನ್ನಾಗಿ ನಿಯಂತ್ರಿಸಲಾಗುತ್ತದೆ. ”
    24. “ಒಳಗೆ ದೀಪವನ್ನು ಬೆಳಗಿಸಿ; ಬುದ್ಧಿವಂತಿಕೆಯನ್ನು ಸಾಧಿಸಲು ಶ್ರಮಿಸಿ. ”
    25. “ಶಾಂತಿಯನ್ನು ಸಾಧಿಸಲು ದೃ ut ನಿಶ್ಚಯದಿಂದ ತರಬೇತಿ ನೀಡಿ.”
    “ಧ್ಯಾನವು ಬುದ್ಧಿವಂತಿಕೆಯನ್ನು ತರುತ್ತದೆ; ಧ್ಯಾನದ ಕೊರತೆಯು ಅಜ್ಞಾನವನ್ನು
    ಬಿಡುತ್ತದೆ. ನಿಮ್ಮನ್ನು ಮುಂದಕ್ಕೆ ಕರೆದೊಯ್ಯುವ ಮತ್ತು ನಿಮ್ಮನ್ನು
    ಹಿಂತೆಗೆದುಕೊಳ್ಳುವದನ್ನು ಯಾವುದು ಕರೆದೊಯ್ಯುತ್ತದೆ ಎಂಬುದನ್ನು ಚೆನ್ನಾಗಿ
    ತಿಳಿದುಕೊಳ್ಳಿ ಮತ್ತು ಬುದ್ಧಿವಂತಿಕೆಗೆ ಕಾರಣವಾಗುವ ಮಾರ್ಗವನ್ನು ಆರಿಸಿ. ”
    27. “ನೀವು ಸ್ವಲ್ಪ ಹೊಂದಿದ್ದರೂ ಸಹ ನೀಡಿ.”
    28. “ಘನ ಬಂಡೆಯು ಚಂಡಮಾರುತದಿಂದ ನಡುಗುವುದಿಲ್ಲವಾದ್ದರಿಂದ, ಬುದ್ಧಿವಂತರು ಹೊಗಳಿಕೆ ಅಥವಾ ದೂಷಣೆಯಿಂದ ಪ್ರಭಾವಿತರಾಗುವುದಿಲ್ಲ.”
    29. “ಸ್ವಲ್ಪ ಸಮಯ ವ್ಯರ್ಥ ಮಾಡಬೇಡಿ, ಏಕೆಂದರೆ ವ್ಯರ್ಥವಾದ ಕ್ಷಣಗಳು ನಿಮ್ಮನ್ನು ಕೆಳಮುಖವಾಗಿ ಕಳುಹಿಸುತ್ತವೆ.”
    “ನೀವು ಜೀವನದ ಸಂತೋಷವನ್ನು ಮರೆತು ಪ್ರಪಂಚದ ಸಂತೋಷಗಳಲ್ಲಿ ಸಿಕ್ಕಿಹಾಕಿಕೊಂಡರೆ,
    ಧ್ಯಾನವನ್ನು ಮೊದಲ ಸ್ಥಾನದಲ್ಲಿಟ್ಟುಕೊಳ್ಳುವವರನ್ನು ನೀವು ಅಸೂಯೆಪಡುತ್ತೀರಿ.”
    Top 21 Buddha Thoughts In Kannada | Buddha Quotes In Kannada | Buddha Thoughts In Kannada

    57) Classical Khmer- ខ្មែរបុរាណ,

    500 B.C.

    វាបានចំណាយពេល 49
    “ដើមបូហ៊ី” ដើម្បីរក “ការភ្ញាក់” ឬ ’satori’ ។
    នេះគឺជាការដកស្រង់ចំនួន 30

    1. “ឫសគល់នៃការរងទុក្ខគឺការចងក្រង” ។



    3. “ភាពបរិសុទ្ធនិងភាពបរិសុទ្ធអាស្រ័យលើខ្លួនឯង; គ្មាននរណាម្នាក់អាចធ្វើឱ្យអ្នកបរិសុទ្ធបានឡើយ “។
    4. “ជីវិតរបស់យើងត្រូវបានបង្កើតឡើងដោយគំនិតរបស់យើង។ យើងក្លាយជាអ្វីដែលយើងគិត»។
    5 អ្នកដែលឈ្នះខ្លួនឯងគឺធំជាងអ្នកដែលឈ្នះបុរសមួយពាន់នាក់រាប់ពាន់នាក់នៅសមរភូមិ»។
    6. “ប្រសិនបើអ្នកមិនឃើញនរណាម្នាក់គាំទ្រអ្នកនៅលើផ្លូវខាងវិញ្ញាណទេចូរដើរតែឯង។ មិនមានភាពជាដៃគូដែលមានភាពចាស់ទុំទេ។
    7. «មិនខ្លាចអ្នកណាដែលមនុស្សម្នាក់ដែលមានគំនិតមិនពេញចិត្ដឡើយ»។
    8. “ប្រសិនបើមានអ្វីដែលសមនឹងធ្វើសូមធ្វើវាដោយអស់ពីចិត្ត” ។
    9. “អ្នកខ្លួនឯងត្រូវតែខិតខំ។ ព្រះពុទ្ធចង្អុលតែវិធីប៉ុណ្ណោះ “។
    10. “អ្នកដែលបានបំផ្លាញឬសនៃការច្រណែនមានសន្ដិភាពជានិច្ច” ។
    11. “គ្មានអសុអឬអន់ជាងភាពល្ងង់ខ្លៅ” ។
    13. “ម្នាក់មិនមានប្រាជ្ញាទេពីព្រោះគាត់និយាយយ៉ាងល្អ។ ពួកគេមានប្រាជ្ញាដែលអត់ធ្មត់និងមានសេរីភាពពីការស្អប់និងការភ័យខ្លាច “។
    14 អ្នកណាមិនធ្វើឱ្យអ្នកដែលខឹងនឹងនរណាម្នាក់ដែលខឹងនឹងច្បាំងពិបាកឈ្នះ»។
    15. “ម្នាក់មិនគួរឱ្យស្អប់ខ្ពើមដែលធ្វើឱ្យសត្វមានជីវិតរស់នៅ។ ពួកគេមានភាពថ្លៃថ្នូរដែលធ្វើឱ្យនរណាម្នាក់ឈឺចាប់ “។
    16 “ការពារគំនិតពាក្យសម្ដីនិងការប្រព្រឹត្ដរបស់អ្នក។ វិន័យទាំងបីនេះនឹងធ្វើឱ្យអ្នកស្រោចស្រពប្រាជ្ញារបស់អ្នក។


    18. “កុំយកចិត្តទុកដាក់របស់អ្នកចំពោះអ្វីដែលអ្នកដទៃធ្វើឬបរាជ័យក្នុងការធ្វើ; ផ្តល់ឱ្យវានូវអ្វីដែលអ្នកធ្វើឬខកខានមិនបានធ្វើ “។
    19. “តើអ្នកកំពុងរស់នៅក្នុងភាពងងឹតហេតុអ្វីបានជាអ្នកមិនស្វែងរកពន្លឺនៅពេលណា?”
    20. “នៅពេលមើលបន្ទាប់ពីខ្លួនអ្នកអ្នកនឹងមើលអ្នកផ្សេងទៀត។ នៅពេលមើលក្រោយអ្នកឯទៀតអ្នកមើលបន្ទាប់ពីខ្លួនអ្នក “។
    21. “ធ្វើឱ្យចិត្តរបស់អ្នកបរិសុទ្ធដូចជាភាពស៊ីសង្វាយមួយបក់ចេញពីភាពមិនស្អាតនៃប្រាក់បន្តិចបន្តួចភ្លាមៗភ្លាមៗភ្លាមៗភ្លាមៗ” ។
    22. “កុំព្យាយាមកសាងសុភមង្គលរបស់អ្នកលើភាពមិនសប្បាយចិត្តរបស់អ្នកដទៃ។ អ្នកនឹងត្រូវបាន enmeshed ក្នុងសំណាញ់នៃការស្អប់ខ្ពើមមួយ “។
    23. “អ្នកប្រាជ្ញត្រូវបានប្រៀនប្រដៅក្នុងរូបកាយការនិយាយនិងគំនិត។ ពួកគេត្រូវបានគ្រប់គ្រងយ៉ាងល្អ។
    24 «បំភ្លឺចង្កៀងនៅខាងក្នុង; ព្យាយាមយ៉ាងខ្លាំងដើម្បីទទួលបានប្រាជ្ញា “។
    25. “បង្ហាត់ខ្លួនអ្នកឱ្យទទួលបានសន្តិភាព” ។
    ការរំពឹងគិតនាំមកនូវប្រាជ្ញា។ កង្វះការធ្វើសមាធិទុកឱ្យល្ងង់ខ្លៅ។
    27. “ផ្តល់ឱ្យសូម្បីតែអ្នកមានតិចតួចក៏ដោយ” ។
    28. “ដូចថ្មរឹងមួយដុំមិនត្រូវបានរង្គោះរង្គើដោយខ្យល់ព្យុះសូម្បីតែមានប្រាជ្ញាក៏មិនរងផលប៉ះពាល់ដោយការសរសើរឬបន្ទោសដែរ” ។
    29. កុំខ្ជះខ្ជាយពេលវេលាមួយភ្លែតសម្រាប់គ្រាខ្ជះខ្ជាយពេលវេលាសូមផ្ញើមកអ្នកវិញ។
    30. “ប្រសិនបើអ្នកភ្លេចសេចក្តីអំណរនៃជីវិតហើយជាប់ក្នុងការសប្បាយរបស់ពិភពលោកអ្នកនឹងមានចិត្តច្រណែននឹងអ្នកដែលដាក់ការធ្វើសមាធិជាមុន” ។

    59) Classical Korean-고전 한국어,

    지혜와 평화에 대한 부처의 인용문
    Gautama 또는 Buddha는 기원전 500 년경 네팔의 부유 한 가정에서 태어난 남자였습니다. 그는 인류의 고통에 대한
    해결책을 찾는 데 큰 관심을 보였습니다. 그의 아버지가 나이가 들거나 아프거나 죽지 않을 것이라고 약속하지 않았을 때, 그는
    불행과 고통에 대한 치료법을 발견 할 때까지 명상하기 시작했습니다. ‘깨어 난 나무’또는‘Satori’를 찾기 위해서는‘bodhi
    tree’라고도 알려진 엿보는 나무 아래에서 49 일간의 밤낮으로 앉아있었습니다. 그런 다음 다른 사람들에게 이해하는 방법을
    가르치고 보여주었습니다. 부처의 가르침은 불교의 기초가됩니다. 이러한 가르침은 누구에게나 쉽게 안내와 마음의 평화를 줄 수
    있습니다. 지혜와 평화로 당신을 인도하는 데 도움이되는 부처님의 30 개의 인용문이 있습니다.
    1.“고통의 근원은 애착입니다.”
    2.“분노를 포기하고, 자부심을 포기하고, 세상의 속박에서 벗어나십시오. 사람과 사물을 자신의 것으로 소유하려고하지 않는 사람들은 슬픔이 없습니다.”
    3.“순결과 불순물은 자신에게 의존한다. 아무도 다른 사람을 정화 할 수 없습니다.”
    4.“우리의 삶은 우리의 마음에 의해 형성됩니다. 우리는 우리가 생각하는 것이됩니다.”
    5. “자신을 정복하는 사람은 전장에서 천 번의 남자를 수천 번 정복하는 다른 사람보다 더 큽니다.”
    6.“영적인 길을 지원할 사람이 없다면 혼자 걸으십시오. 미성숙과의 동반자는 없습니다.”
    7.“마음이 욕망으로 가득 차 있지 않은 사람에 대한 두려움은 없습니다.”
    8.“할 가치가 있다면, 마음을 다해하십시오.”
    9.“당신은 스스로 노력해야합니다. 불상은 길을 가리 킵니다.”
    10.“질투의 뿌리를 파괴 한 사람들은 항상 마음의 평화를 가지고 있습니다.”
    11.“무지보다 큰 불순물은 없습니다.”
    12.“세상은 죽음과 부패에 시달리고 있습니다. 그러나 현명한 사람들은 세상의 본질을 깨달았을 때 슬퍼하지 않습니다.”
    13.“그는 좋은 거래를하기 때문에 현명하지 않습니다. 그들은 인내심을 가진 사람이며 증오와 두려움에서 벗어납니다.”
    14.“화난 사람을 타지 않는 사람은 승리하기 위해 전투에서 승리합니다.”
    15.“살아있는 생물을 다치게하는 고귀한 사람은 아닙니다. 그들은 아무도 아프지 않은 고귀한 것입니다.”
    16.“당신의 생각, 말, 행동을 지키십시오. 이 세 학문은 순수한 지혜로가는 길을 따라 당신을 속일 것입니다.”
    17.“당신의 결점을 지적 할 현명한 비평가를 찾으면 숨겨진 보물에 대한 가이드처럼 그를 따라 가십시오.”
    18.“다른 사람들이하는 일에주의를 기울이지 마십시오. 당신이하는 일이나하지 않는 일에 그것을주십시오.”
    19.“어둠 속에서 언제 살고 있습니까? 왜 빛을 찾지 않습니까?”
    20.“자신을 보면 다른 사람들을보고 있습니다. 다른 사람들을 보면서 당신은 당신 자신을보고 있습니다.”
    21.“은세공으로 마음이 순수하게, 즉시 순간적으로 은행의 불순물을 날려 버릴 때마다 당신의 마음을 순수하게 만드십시오.”
    22.“다른 사람들의 불행에 대한 행복을 쌓으려고하지 마십시오. 당신은 증오의 그물에 갇히게 될 것입니다.”
    23.“현명한 사람은 몸, 말, 마음으로 훈련되어 있습니다. 그들은 실제로 잘 통제됩니다.”
    24.“램프를 켜십시오. 지혜를 얻기 위해 열심히 노력하십시오.”
    25.“평화를 얻기 위해 자신을 단호하게 훈련시킵니다.”
    26.“명상은 지혜를 가져옵니다. 명상의 부족은 무지입니다. 무엇이 당신을 앞으로 나아가고 무엇이 당신을 붙잡는 지 잘 알고, 지혜로 이어지는 길을 선택하십시오.”
    27.“조금만 있더라도 줘.”
    28.“단단한 바위가 폭풍으로 흔들리지 않는 것처럼, 심지어 현명한 사람은 칭찬이나 비난의 영향을받지 않습니다.”
    29.“순간을 낭비하지 마십시오.
    30.“생명의 기쁨을 잊어 버리고 세상의 즐거움에 갇히면 명상을 최우선으로 생각하는 사람들을 부러워하게 될 것입니다.”
    #명언 지혜 실천#

    62) Classical Lao-ຄລາສສິກລາວ,

    gautama, ຫຼືພະພຸດທະເຈົ້າທີ່ເກີດມາກັບຄອບຄົວທີ່ອຸດົມສົມບູນໃນປະມານ 500
    ຫລັງຈາກພໍ່ຂອງລາວບໍ່ໄດ້ສັນຍາວ່າລາວຈະບໍ່ເຖົ້າແກ່, ເຈັບປ່ວຍ, ຫລືຕາຍ,
    ມັນໄດ້ພາເຂົາໄປສະມາທິ 49
    ວັນແລະຄືນທີ່ມີການນັ່ງສະມາທິຢູ່ໃຕ້ຕົ້ນໄມ້ທີ່ເປັນສັດປີກ, ທີ່ເອີ້ນກັນວ່າ
    ‘ຕົ້ນໄມ້’ Bodhi ‘, ເພື່ອຊອກຫາ’ Satori ‘ຫຼື’ Satori ‘.
    ນີ້ແມ່ນ 30
    1. “ຮາກຂອງຄວາມທຸກທໍລະມານແມ່ນສິ່ງທີ່ແນບມາ.”
    “ຈົ່ງຈື່ຈໍາຄວາມໂກດແຄ້ນ, ໃຫ້ຄວາມພາກພູມໃຈ,
    3. “ຄວາມບໍລິສຸດແລະຄວາມບົກຜ່ອງແລະຄວາມບົກຜ່ອງແມ່ນຂື້ນກັບຕົວເອງ; ບໍ່ມີໃຜສາມາດເຮັດຄວາມສະອາດຄົນອື່ນໄດ້. “
    4. “ຊີວິດຂອງພວກເຮົາແມ່ນຮູບຮ່າງໂດຍຈິດໃຈຂອງພວກເຮົາ; ພວກເຮົາກາຍເປັນສິ່ງທີ່ພວກເຮົາຄິດ. “
    5. “ຜູ້ທີ່ເອົາໃຈໃສ່ຕົນເອງແມ່ນໃຫຍ່ກວ່າຜູ້ທີ່ເອົາຊະນະຜູ້ຊາຍຫລາຍພັນຄົນໃນສະຫນາມຮົບ.”
    6. “ຖ້າທ່ານບໍ່ເຫັນວ່າບໍ່ມີໃຜສະຫນັບສະຫນູນທ່ານໃນເສັ້ນທາງວິນຍານ, ຍ່າງໄປຄົນດຽວ. ບໍ່ມີຄວາມເປັນເພື່ອນກັບຄວາມອ່ອນ. “
    7. “” ບໍ່ມີຄວາມຢ້ານກົວສໍາລັບຄົນທີ່ມີຄວາມຄິດທີ່ບໍ່ເຕັມໄປດ້ວຍຄວາມປາຖະຫນາ. “
    8. “ຖ້າມີສິ່ງໃດທີ່ຄວນເຮັດ, ເຮັດມັນດ້ວຍສຸດໃຈຂອງທ່ານ.”
    9. “ທ່ານຕົວທ່ານເອງຕ້ອງພະຍາຍາມ. ພະພຸດທະເຈົ້າພຽງແຕ່ຊີ້ທາງ. “
    10. “ຜູ້ທີ່ໄດ້ທໍາລາຍຮາກຂອງຄວາມອິດສາມີຄວາມສະຫງົບສຸກສະເຫມີໄປ.”
    11. “ບໍ່ມີຄວາມບົກຜ່ອງຫລາຍກ່ວາຄວາມໂງ່ຈ້າ.”
    12. “ໂລກໄດ້ຮັບຄວາມທຸກທໍລະມານໂດຍການເສຍຊີວິດແລະຊຸດໂຊມ. ແຕ່ຄົນສະຫລາດບໍ່ໂສກເສົ້າ, ໂດຍໄດ້ຮັບຮູ້ເຖິງລັກສະນະຂອງໂລກ. “
    13. “” ຫນຶ່ງບໍ່ສະຫລາດເພາະວ່າລາວເວົ້າເຖິງສິ່ງທີ່ດີ. ພວກເຂົາສະຫລາດທີ່ມີຄວາມອົດທົນ, ແລະປາດສະຈາກຄວາມກຽດຊັງແລະຄວາມຢ້ານກົວ. “
    14. “” ຜູ້ໃດທີ່ບໍ່ເຮັດໃຫ້ຄົນທີ່ໃຈຮ້າຍທີ່ໃຈຮ້າຍຊະນະການສູ້ຮົບຢ່າງຫນັກທີ່ຈະຊະນະ. “
    15. “ຄົນຫນຶ່ງບໍ່ແມ່ນຜູ້ສູງສົ່ງຜູ້ທີ່ເຮັດໃຫ້ສິ່ງມີຊີວິດມີຊີວິດ. ພວກເຂົາເປັນຄົນສູງສົ່ງທີ່ບໍ່ມີໃຜເລີຍ. “
    “ຈົ່ງປ້ອງກັນຄວາມຄິດ, ຄໍາເວົ້າ, ຄໍາເວົ້າແລະການກະທໍາຂອງທ່ານ.
    ສາມວິໄນນີ້ຈະເຮັດໃຫ້ທ່ານເລັ່ງທ່ານໄປຕາມເສັ້ນທາງສູ່ສະຕິປັນຍາບໍລິສຸດ. “
    17. “ທ່ານຄວນຊອກຫານັກວິຈານທີ່ສະຫລາດທີ່ຈະຊີ້ໃຫ້ເຫັນຄວາມຜິດຂອງທ່ານ, ຕິດຕາມພຣະອົງຄືກັບທີ່ທ່ານຄວນແນະນໍາໃຫ້ສົມບັດທີ່ເຊື່ອງໄວ້.”
    18. “ຢ່າໃຫ້ຄວາມສົນໃຈຂອງທ່ານຕໍ່ກັບສິ່ງທີ່ຄົນອື່ນເຮັດຫຼືລົ້ມເຫລວທີ່ຈະເຮັດ; ໃຫ້ມັນກັບສິ່ງທີ່ທ່ານເຮັດຫຼືບໍ່ເຮັດ. “
    19. “ເຈົ້າອາໄສຢູ່ໃນຄວາມມືດ, ເປັນຫຍັງເຈົ້າຈຶ່ງບໍ່ຊອກຫາແສງສະຫວ່າງ?”
    20. “ໃນເວລາທີ່ເບິ່ງແຍງຕົວເອງ, ທ່ານເຝົ້າເບິ່ງແຍງຄົນອື່ນ. ໃນເວລາທີ່ເບິ່ງແຍງຄົນອື່ນ, ທ່ານສັງເກດເບິ່ງແຍງຕົວທ່ານເອງ. “
    21. “ເຮັດໃຫ້ຈິດໃຈຂອງເຈົ້າບໍລິສຸດຄືກັບຊ່າງແກະສະຫຼັກໂດຍບໍ່ມີຄວາມບໍ່ສະອາດຂອງເງິນ, ຫນ້ອຍຫນຶ່ງ, ທັນທີທັນທີໂດຍການທັນທີໂດຍການດ່ວນ.”
    22. “ຢ່າພະຍາຍາມສ້າງຄວາມສຸກຂອງທ່ານກ່ຽວກັບຄວາມບໍ່ສະບາຍຂອງຄົນອື່ນ. ທ່ານຈະໄດ້ຮັບການສະຫນັບສະຫນູນໃນສຸດທິຂອງຄວາມກຽດຊັງ. “
    23. “ຄົນສະຫລາດກໍາລັງມີວິໄນໃນຮ່າງກາຍ, ການປາກເວົ້າ, ແລະຈິດໃຈ. ພວກເຂົາຖືກຄວບຄຸມໄດ້ດີແທ້ໆ. “
    24. “ແສງໂຄມໄຟພາຍໃນ; ພະຍາຍາມຍາກທີ່ຈະບັນລຸສະຕິປັນຍາ. “
    25. “ຝຶກອົບຮົມຕົນເອງຢ່າງເດັດຂາດໃຫ້ບັນລຸຄວາມສະຫງົບສຸກ.”
    “ການສະມາທິນໍາສະຕິປັນຍາ; ການຂາດການສະມາທິອອກສະມາທິອອກຄວາມບໍ່ຮູ້.
    ແລະເລືອກເສັ້ນທາງທີ່ນໍາໄປສູ່ສະຕິປັນຍາ. “
    27. “ໃຫ້, ເຖິງແມ່ນວ່າທ່ານພຽງແຕ່ມີຫນ້ອຍເທົ່ານັ້ນ.”
    28. “ຄືກັບວ່າຫີນແຂງບໍ່ໄດ້ສັ່ນສະເທືອນໂດຍພາຍຸ, ເຖິງແມ່ນວ່າສະນັ້ນຄົນທີ່ສະຫຼາດກໍ່ບໍ່ໄດ້ຮັບຜົນກະທົບຈາກການສັນລະເສີນຫຼືຕໍານິ.”
    29. “ຢ່າເສຍເວລາ, ສໍາລັບຊ່ວງເວລາທີ່ເສຍໄປສົ່ງທ່ານຢູ່ໃນຫຼັກສູດທີ່ຕໍ່າລົງ.”
    30. “ຖ້າທ່ານລືມຄວາມສຸກຂອງຊີວິດແລະຖືກຈັບໃນຄວາມສຸກຂອງໂລກ, ທ່ານຈະເຂົ້າມາອິດສາຜູ້ທີ່ວາງສະມາທິກ່ອນ.”
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    69) Classical Malay-Melayu Klasik,

    Petikan dari Buddha untuk Kebijaksanaan dan Damai
    Gautama, atau Buddha, adalah seorang lelaki yang dilahirkan pada
    keluarga yang kaya di Nepal sekitar 500 B.C. Dia mengambil minat yang
    besar untuk mencari penyelesaian kepada penderitaan manusia. Selepas
    bapanya tidak dapat menjanjikannya bahawa dia tidak akan menjadi tua,
    sakit, atau mati, dia berangkat untuk bermeditasi sehingga dia mendapati
    penawar untuk kesengsaraan dan penderitaan. Ia mengambil masa 49 hari
    dan malam meditasi duduk di bawah pokok peepal, yang juga dikenali
    sebagai ‘Bodhi Tree’, untuk mencari ‘Awakenment’ atau ‘Satori’. Dia
    kemudian pergi mengajar dan menunjukkan cara lain untuk memahami. Ajaran
    Buddha berfungsi sebagai asas Buddhisme. Pengajaran ini dengan mudah
    dapat memberi bimbingan dan ketenangan fikiran yang lebih besar kepada
    sesiapa sahaja. Berikut adalah 30 petikan dari Buddha untuk membantu
    membimbing anda ke arah kebijaksanaan dan kedamaian.
    1. “Akar penderitaan adalah lampiran.”
    “Menyerah kemarahan, melepaskan kebanggaan, dan membebaskan diri dari
    perhambaan duniawi. Tidak ada kesedihan yang dapat menimpa mereka yang
    tidak pernah cuba memiliki orang dan benda -benda sebagai mereka
    sendiri. “
    3. “Kesucian dan kekotoran bergantung kepada diri sendiri; Tiada siapa yang boleh membersihkan orang lain. “
    4. “Kehidupan kita dibentuk oleh fikiran kita; Kami menjadi apa yang kami fikirkan. “
    5. “Orang yang menaklukkan dirinya lebih besar daripada yang lain yang menakluk seribu kali seribu orang di medan perang.”
    6. “Jika anda tidak dapat menyokong anda di jalan rohani, berjalan sendiri. Tidak ada persahabatan dengan yang tidak matang. “
    7. “Tidak ada ketakutan bagi seseorang yang fikirannya tidak dipenuhi dengan keinginan.”
    8. “Jika ada yang patut dilakukan, lakukan dengan sepenuh hati.”
    9. “Anda sendiri mesti berusaha. Buddha hanya menunjukkan jalan. “
    10. “Mereka yang telah memusnahkan akar cemburu mempunyai ketenangan fikiran selalu.”
    11. “Tidak ada kekotoran yang lebih besar daripada kejahilan.”
    12. “Dunia ditimpa oleh kematian dan kerosakan. Tetapi orang yang bijak tidak bersedih, setelah menyedari sifat dunia. “
    13. “Satu tidak bijak kerana dia bercakap dengan baik. Mereka bijak yang bersabar, dan bebas dari kebencian dan ketakutan. “
    14. “Sesiapa yang tidak menyala pada seseorang yang marah menang keras untuk menang.”
    15. “Satu bukan mulia yang mencederakan makhluk hidup. Mereka adalah mulia yang tidak menyakiti siapa pun. “
    “Jaga fikiran, kata -kata, dan perbuatan anda. Ketiga disiplin ini akan
    mempercepatkan anda di sepanjang jalan ke kebijaksanaan tulen. “
    “Sekiranya anda mencari pengkritik yang bijak untuk menunjukkan
    kesalahan anda, ikuti dia kerana anda akan membimbing harta karun
    “Jangan memberi perhatian kepada apa yang dilakukan atau gagal dilakukan
    oleh orang lain; berikan kepada apa yang anda lakukan atau gagal
    lakukan. “
    19. “Bilakah anda hidup dalam kegelapan, mengapa anda tidak mencari cahaya?”
    “Apabila menonton selepas diri anda, anda menonton selepas orang lain.
    Apabila menonton selepas orang lain, anda menonton sendiri. “
    “Jadikan fikiran anda murni sebagai seorang perak yang menghilangkan
    kekotoran perak, sedikit demi sedikit, segera dengan segera.”
    22. “Jangan cuba membina kebahagiaan anda terhadap kesedihan orang lain. Anda akan dibenci dengan kebencian. “
    23. “Orang bijak disiplin dalam badan, ucapan, dan minda. Mereka terkawal dengan baik. “
    24. “Cahaya lampu dalam; berusaha keras untuk mencapai kebijaksanaan. “
    25. “Secara melatih diri anda untuk mencapai keamanan.”
    “Meditasi membawa kebijaksanaan; Kekurangan meditasi meninggalkan
    kejahilan. Ketahui dengan baik apa yang membawa anda ke hadapan dan apa
    yang memegang anda kembali, dan pilih jalan yang membawa kepada
    kebijaksanaan. “
    27. “Beri, walaupun anda hanya mempunyai sedikit.”
    28. “Sama seperti batu padat tidak digoncang oleh ribut, walaupun orang bijak tidak terjejas oleh pujian atau kesalahan.”
    29. “Jangan buang seketika, untuk momen yang sia -sia menghantar anda ke arah bawah.”
    “Jika anda melupakan kegembiraan hidup dan terperangkap dalam
    kesenangan dunia, anda akan datang untuk iri hati mereka yang meletakkan
    meditasi terlebih dahulu.”
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    70) Classical Malayalam-ക്ലാസിക്കൽ മലയാളം,

    ജ്ഞാനത്തിനും സമാധാനത്തിനുമായി ബുദ്ധനിൽ നിന്നുള്ള ഉദ്ധരണികൾ
    ഒരു സമ്പന്ന കുടുംബത്തിൽ ജനിച്ച ഒരാളായിരുന്നു സിദ്ധേശര ഗൗതുമ, ബുദ്ധൻ.
    500 ഓളം ബി.സി. മാനവികതയുടെ കഷ്ടപ്പാടിന് പരിഹാരം കണ്ടെത്താൻ അദ്ദേഹം
    വളരെയധികം താത്പര്യം കാണിച്ചു. അവൻ വൃദ്ധരായിരിക്കില്ലെന്ന് പിതാവിനോട്
    വാഗ്ദാനം ചെയ്യാനായില്ല, അല്ലെങ്കിൽ രോഗികൾക്കും കഷ്ടപ്പാടുകൾക്കും പരിഹാരം
    കണ്ടെത്തുന്നതുവരെ അവൻ ധ്യാനിക്കാൻ പുറപ്പെട്ടു. ഒരു പീപ്പൽ വൃക്ഷത്തിൻ
    കീഴിൽ ഒരു പീപ്പൽ വൃക്ഷത്തിൻ കീഴിൽ 49 ദിവസവും രാത്രിയും ‘ബോധ്യുമെൻറ്’
    അല്ലെങ്കിൽ ‘സാറ്റോറി’ എന്നറിയപ്പെടുന്നു. വിവേകത്തിനുള്ള വഴി പഠിപ്പിച്ച്
    മറ്റുള്ളവരെ കാണിച്ചുകൊണ്ട് അദ്ദേഹം പോയി. ബുദ്ധമതത്തിന്റെ പഠിപ്പിക്കലുകൾ
    ബുദ്ധമതത്തിന്റെ അടിത്തറയായി വർത്തിക്കുന്നു. ഈ അധ്യാപനത്തിന് എളുപ്പത്തിൽ
    മാർഗനിർദേശവും കൂടുതൽ മന of സമാധാനവും നൽകാൻ കഴിയും. നിങ്ങളെ ജ്ഞാനത്തിലും
    സമാധാനത്തിലേക്കും നയിക്കാൻ സഹായിക്കുന്നതിന് ബുദ്ധനിൽ നിന്ന് 30 ഉദ്ധരണികൾ
    1. “കഷ്ടതയുടെ വേര് അറ്റാച്ചുമെന്റ് ആണ്.”
    “കോപം ഉപേക്ഷിക്കുക, അഹങ്കാരം ഉപേക്ഷിക്കുക, ല ly കിക അടിമത്തത്തിൽ നിന്ന്
    സ്വയം മോചിപ്പിക്കുക. ആളുകളെയും കാര്യങ്ങളെയും സ്വന്തമാക്കാൻ ഒരിക്കലും
    ശ്രമിക്കാത്തവർക്ക് ഒരു ദു orrow ഖവും സംഭവിക്കില്ല. “
    3. “വിശുദ്ധിയും ഉബതവും സ്വയം ആശ്രയിച്ചിരിക്കുന്നു; ആർക്കും മറ്റൊരാളെ ശുദ്ധീകരിക്കാൻ കഴിയില്ല. “
    4. “നമ്മുടെ ജീവിതം നമ്മുടെ മനസ്സ് രൂപപ്പെടുത്തിയിരിക്കുന്നു; ഞങ്ങൾ ചിന്തിക്കുന്നതിനായിത്തീരുന്നു. “
    5. “തന്നെത്തന്നെ ജയിക്കുന്നവൻ ആയിരം തവണ യുദ്ധക്കളത്തിൽ ആയിരം പേരെ ജയിക്കുന്നവനെക്കാൾ വലുതാണ്.”
    “ആത്മീയ പാതയിൽ നിങ്ങളെ പിന്തുണയ്ക്കാൻ ആരെയും നിങ്ങൾ
    കണ്ടെത്തുകയാണെങ്കിൽ, ഒറ്റയ്ക്ക് നടക്കുക. പക്വതയില്ലാത്ത
    കൂട്ടുകെള്ളൊന്നുമില്ല. “
    7. “മനസ്സ് മോഹങ്ങൾ നിറയാത്ത ഒരാളെ ഭയപ്പെടുന്നില്ല.”
    8. “എന്തെങ്കിലും ചെയ്താൽ, നിങ്ങളുടെ പൂർണ്ണഹൃദയത്തോടെ അത് ചെയ്യുക.”
    9. “നിങ്ങൾ സ്വയം പരിശ്രമിക്കണം. ബുദ്ധന്മാർ വഴി ചൂണ്ടിക്കാണിക്കുന്നു. “
    10. “അസൂയയുടെ വേരുകൾ നശിപ്പിച്ചവർ എപ്പോഴും മനസ്സിന്റെ സമാധാനമുണ്ട്.
    11. “അജ്ഞതയേക്കാൾ വലിയ അശുദ്ധിയില്ല.”
    12. “ലോകത്തെ മരണവും അപചയവും അനുഭവിക്കുന്നു. എന്നാൽ ലോകത്തിന്റെ സ്വഭാവം തിരിച്ചറിഞ്ഞ ജ്ഞാനികൾ ദു ve ഖിക്കുന്നില്ല.
    “ഒരു നല്ല കാര്യം സംസാരിക്കുന്നതിനാൽ ഒരാൾ ജ്ഞാനികളല്ല. അവർ ജ്ഞാനികളാണ്,
    ക്ഷമയുള്ളവനും വിദ്വേഷത്തിലും ഭയത്തിലും നിന്ന് മോചിതരുമാണ്. “
    14. “കോപിക്കുന്ന ഒരാളെ ലംഘിക്കുന്ന ഒരാളെ കീഴടക്കുന്നില്ല.
    15. “ജീവനുള്ള സൃഷ്ടികളെ പരിക്കേൽക്കുന്നവൻ ഒരു ശ്രേഷ്ഠനല്ല. ആരെയും വേദനിപ്പിക്കാത്തവൻ കുലീനരാണ്.
    “നിങ്ങളുടെ ചിന്തകളും വാക്കുകളും പ്രവൃത്തികളും കാത്തുസൂക്ഷിക്കുക. ഈ
    മൂന്ന് വിഭാഗങ്ങളും ശുദ്ധമായ ജ്ഞാനത്തിലേക്കുള്ള പാതയിലൂടെ നിങ്ങളെ
    വേഗത്തിലാക്കും. “
    “നിങ്ങളുടെ തെറ്റുകൾ ചൂണ്ടിക്കാണിക്കുന്ന ഒരു ബുദ്ധി വിമർശനമായി നിങ്ങൾ
    കണ്ടെത്തണമെന്ന് നിങ്ങൾ കണ്ടെത്തണോ, മറഞ്ഞിരിക്കുന്ന നിധിയിലേക്കുള്ള
    വഴികാട്ടിയാകുന്നത് അവനെ അനുഗമിക്കുക.”
    18. “മറ്റുള്ളവർ ചെയ്യുന്നതോ ചെയ്യുന്നതോ ആയ കാര്യങ്ങളിൽ ശ്രദ്ധ നൽകരുത്; നിങ്ങൾ ചെയ്യുന്നതോ ചെയ്യുന്നതോ ആയ കാര്യങ്ങൾക്ക് നൽകുക. “
    19. “നിങ്ങൾ എപ്പോഴാണ് ഇരുട്ടിൽ താമസിക്കുന്നത്, എന്തുകൊണ്ടാണ് നിങ്ങൾ വെളിച്ചത്തിനായി നോക്കാത്തത്?”
    “നിങ്ങൾക്കു ശേഷം കാണുമ്പോൾ, നിങ്ങൾ മറ്റുള്ളവരെ നിരീക്ഷിക്കുന്നു.
    മറ്റുള്ളവരെ പരിപാലിക്കുമ്പോൾ നിങ്ങൾ സ്വയം നിരീക്ഷിക്കുന്നു. “
    “നിങ്ങളുടെ മനസ്സിനെ ശുദ്ധമായ ഒരു സിൽവർമിത്ത് പോലെ നിർമ്മലമാക്കുക,
    വെള്ളിയുടെ മാലിന്യങ്ങളെ പ്രകാശിപ്പിക്കുക, തൽക്ഷണം തൽക്ഷണം തൽക്ഷണം.”
    “മറ്റുള്ളവരുടെ അസന്തുഷ്ടിയിൽ നിങ്ങളുടെ സന്തോഷം കെട്ടിപ്പടുക്കാൻ
    ശ്രമിക്കരുത്. വിദ്വേഷത്തിന്റെ വലയിൽ നിങ്ങളെ തൃപ്തിപ്പെടുത്തും. “
    23. “ജ്ഞാനികൾ ശരീരത്തിൽ, സംസാരം, മനസ്സ് എന്നിവയിൽ അച്ചടക്കമുള്ളവരാണ്. അവ തീർച്ചയായും നിയന്ത്രിച്ചിരിക്കുന്നു.
    24. “വിളക്ക് കത്തിക്കുക; ജ്ഞാനം നേടാൻ കഠിനമായി പരിശ്രമിക്കുക. “
    25. “സമാധാനം നേടാൻ സ്വയം പരിശീലിപ്പിക്കുക.”
    “ധ്യാനം ജ്ഞാനം നൽകുന്നു; ധ്യാനത്തിന്റെ അഭാവം അജ്ഞത ഒഴിവാക്കുന്നു.
    നിങ്ങളെ മുന്നോട്ട് നയിക്കുന്നതും നിങ്ങളെ തടയുന്നതും നന്നായി അറിയുക,
    ജ്ഞാനത്തിലേക്ക് നയിക്കുന്ന പാത തിരഞ്ഞെടുക്കുക. “
    27. “നിങ്ങൾക്ക് അൽപ്പം മാത്രമേയുള്ളൂ എങ്കിലും കൊടുക്കുക.”
    28. “ഒരു കട്ടിയുള്ള പാറ കൊടുങ്കാറ്റിൽ കുലുങ്ങാത്തതുപോലെ, ജ്ഞാനികളെ സ്തുതിയോ കുറ്റപ്പെടുത്തലോ ബാധിക്കില്ല.”
    29. “ഒരു നിമിഷം പോലും പാഴാക്കരുത്, കാരണം പാഴായ നിമിഷങ്ങൾക്ക് നിങ്ങളെ താഴേക്ക് അയയ്ക്കുന്നു.”
    “നിങ്ങൾ ജീവിതത്തിന്റെ സന്തോഷം മറക്കുകയും ലോകത്തിന്റെ ആനന്ദത്തിൽ
    പിടിക്കപ്പെടുകയും ചെയ്താൽ, ആദ്യം ധ്യാനം നൽകുന്നവരോട് നിങ്ങൾ

    71) Classical Maltese-Klassiku Malti,

    Kwotazzjonijiet mill-Buddha għall-għerf u l-paċi
    Gautama, jew Buddha, kien raġel imwieled minn familja rikka fin-Nepal
    madwar 500 B.C. Huwa ħa interess kbir biex isib soluzzjoni għat-tbatija
    tal-umanità. Wara li missieru ma setax iwiegħed li ma kienx se jixjieħ,
    jimrad jew imut, huwa beda jimmedita sakemm sab il-kura għall-miżerja u
    t-tbatija. Ħaduh 49 jum u ljieli ta ‘meditazzjoni bilqiegħda taħt siġra
    tal-peepal, magħrufa wkoll bħala s- “siġra tal-bodhi”, biex issib
    “qawmien” jew “satori”. Huwa mbagħad kompla dwar it-tagħlim u juri lil
    ħaddieħor it-triq għall-fehim. It-tagħlim tal-Buddha jservi bħala
    l-pedament tal-Buddiżmu. Dan it-tagħlim jista ‘faċilment jagħti gwida u
    serħan tal-moħħ akbar lil kulħadd. Hawn huma 30 kwotazzjoni mill-Buddha
    biex jgħinuk tiggwidak lejn l-għerf u l-paċi.
    1. “L-għerq tat-tbatija huwa sekwestru.”
    “Aqta ‘r-rabja, aqta’ kburija, u teħles lilek innifsek mill-jasar
    tad-dinja. L-ebda niket ma jista ‘jaqa’ lil dawk li qatt ma jippruvaw
    ikollhom nies u affarijiet bħala tagħhom stess. “
    3. “Il-purità u l-impurità jiddependu minnu nnifsu; Ħadd ma jista ‘jippurifika lil ieħor. “
    4. “Ħajjitna hija ffurmata minn moħħna; Aħna nsiru dak li naħsbu. “
    5. “Wieħed li jirbaħ lilu nnifsu huwa akbar minn ieħor li jirbaħ elf darba elf irġiel fuq il-kamp tal-battalja.”
    6. “Jekk ma ssib ħadd li jappoġġjak fit-triq spiritwali, imxi waħdu. M’hemm l-ebda kumpanija ma ‘l-immatura. “
    7. “M’hemm l-ebda biża ‘għal waħda li moħħha mhix mimlija xewqat.”
    8. “Jekk xi ħaġa ta ‘min tagħmel, agħmilha b’qalbek kollha.”
    9. “Int innifsek trid tistinka. Il-Buddha jindika biss it-triq. “
    10. “Dawk li qerdu l-għeruq tal-jealousy għandhom il-paċi tal-moħħ dejjem.”
    11. “M’hemm l-ebda impurità akbar mill-injoranza.”
    12. “Id-dinja hija milquta mill-mewt u t-tħassir. Imma l-għorrief ma jiddejjaqx, wara li rrealizza n-natura tad-dinja. “
    13. “Wieħed mhuwiex għaqli għax jitkellem tajjeb. Huma għaref li huma pazjenti, u ħielsa mill-mibegħda u l-biża ‘. “
    14. “Kull min ma joħroġx ma ‘xi ħadd li huwa rrabjat jirbaħ battalja diffiċli biex jirbaħ.”
    15. “Wieħed mhuwiex nobbli li jweġġa ‘kreaturi ħajjin. Huma nobbli li ma jweġġgħu lil ħadd. “
    16. “Ħarsa l-ħsibijiet, il-kliem, u l-għemejjel tiegħek. Dawn it-tliet dixxiplini jħaffuk tul it-triq għall-għerf pur. “
    17. “Jekk issib kritiku għaqli biex jindika l-ħsarat tiegħek, segwih kif tkun gwida għat-teżor moħbi.”
    “Tagħtix l-attenzjoni tiegħek għal dak li jagħmlu oħrajn jew jonqsu
    milli jagħmlu; Agħtih lil dak li tagħmel jew tonqos milli tagħmel. “
    19. “Meta tkun qed tgħix fid-dlam, għaliex m’għandekx tfittex dawl?”
    20. “Meta tara wara lilek innifsek, tara wara oħrajn. Meta tara wara oħrajn, tara wara lilek innifsek. “
    22. “Tippruvax tibni l-kuntentizza tiegħek fuq il-kuntentizza ta ‘ħaddieħor. Int tkun imdaħħal fix-xibka ta ‘mibegħda. “
    23. “L-għorrief huma dixxiplinati fil-ġisem, id-diskors, u l-moħħ. Huma tabilħaqq ikkontrollati sew. “
    24. “Dawl il-lampa ġewwa; Storve iebes biex tilħaq l-għerf. “
    25. “Tħarreġ b’mod rinoett biex tilħaq il-paċi.”
    “Meditation brings wisdom; lack of meditation leaves ignorance. Know
    well what leads you forward and what holds you back, and choose the path
    that leads to wisdom.”
    27. “Give, even if you only have a little.”
    28. “Just as a solid rock is not shaken by the storm, even so the wise are not affected by praise or blame.”
    29. “Don’t waste a moment, for wasted moments send you on the downward course.”
    “If you forget the joy of life and get caught in the pleasures of the
    world, you will come to envy those who put meditation first.”
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    73) Classical Marathi-क्लासिकल माओरी,

    शहाणपण आणि शांततेसाठी बुद्धांचे कोट
    गौतम किंवा बुद्ध, नेपाळमध्ये श्रीमंत कुटुंबात जन्मलेला माणूस सुमारे 500
    बी.सी. मानवतेच्या दु: खावर तोडगा काढण्यात त्याने खूप रस घेतला. त्याचे
    वडील त्याला म्हातारे होणार नाहीत, आजारी पडणार नाहीत किंवा मरणार नाहीत
    असे वचन देऊ शकले नाही, तोपर्यंत तो ध्यान आणि दु: खाचा इलाज सापडल्याशिवाय
    ध्यान करण्यास निघाला. त्याला ‘बोधि वृक्ष’ म्हणून ओळखले जाणारे, ‘बोधि
    ट्री’ किंवा ‘सॅटरी’ शोधण्यासाठी एका पिपल ट्रीखाली बसलेल्या ध्यानात 49
    दिवस आणि रात्री लागल्या. त्यानंतर तो शिकवण्याबद्दल आणि इतरांना समजून
    घेण्याचा मार्ग दाखवत गेला. बुद्धांच्या शिकवणी बौद्ध धर्माचा पाया म्हणून
    काम करतात. हे शिक्षण कोणालाही सहज मार्गदर्शन आणि अधिक शांती देऊ शकते.
    आपल्याला शहाणपण आणि शांततेकडे मार्गदर्शन करण्यासाठी बुद्धांचे 30 कोट्स
    येथे आहेत.
    १. “दु: खाचे मूळ म्हणजे संलग्नक.”
    “राग सोडून द्या, अभिमान द्या आणि स्वत: ला सांसारिक गुलामगिरीतून मुक्त
    करा. जे लोक आणि गोष्टी स्वत: च्या ताब्यात घेण्याचा कधीही प्रयत्न करतात
    अशा लोकांचे दु: ख होऊ शकत नाही. ”
    “.“ शुद्धता आणि अशुद्धता स्वतःवर अवलंबून असते; कोणीही दुसर्याला शुद्ध करू शकत नाही. ”
    “.“ आपले जीवन आपल्या मनाने आकार दिले आहे; आपण जे विचार करतो ते आपण बनतो. ”
    “.“ जो स्वत: वर विजय मिळवितो तो दुसर्यापेक्षा मोठा आहे जो रणांगणावर हजारपट हजार पुरुषांवर विजय मिळवितो. ”
    “.“ जर तुम्हाला आध्यात्मिक मार्गावर कोणीही पाठिंबा नसेल तर एकटाच चालत जा. अपरिपक्व सह कोणतीही मैत्री नाही. ”
    “.“ ज्याचे मन इच्छेने भरलेले नाही अशा व्यक्तीसाठी भीती नाही. ”
    “.“ जर काही करायचं असेल तर ते मनापासून करा. ”
    “.“ तुम्ही स्वतः प्रयत्न करणे आवश्यक आहे. बुद्ध फक्त मार्ग दर्शवितात. ”
    १०. “ज्यांनी मत्सराची मुळे नष्ट केली आहेत त्यांना नेहमीच मनाची शांती असते.”
    ११. “अज्ञानापेक्षा जास्त अशुद्धता नाही.”
    १२. “मृत्यू आणि क्षय यामुळे जगाचा त्रास झाला आहे. पण जगाचे स्वरूप लक्षात घेतल्याने शहाणा दु: खी होत नाहीत. ”
    १ .. “एक शहाणा नाही कारण तो एक चांगला करार करतो. ते शहाणे आहेत जे धैर्यवान आहेत आणि द्वेष आणि भीतीपासून मुक्त आहेत. “
    14. “जो कोणी रागावला आहे त्याच्याकडे जबरदस्तीने भडकत नाही, तो जिंकण्यासाठी कठोर लढाई जिंकतो.”
    १ .. “जिवंत प्राण्यांना इजा करणारा एक उदात्त नाही. ते उदात्त आहेत ज्यांनी कोणालाही दुखापत केली नाही. ”
    16. “आपले विचार, शब्द आणि कर्मांचे रक्षण करा. या तीन विषयांमुळे शुद्ध शहाणपणाच्या मार्गावर गती मिळेल. ”
    “आपल्या दोष दर्शविण्यासाठी आपल्याला एक शहाणा समीक्षक सापडला पाहिजे, आपण
    लपलेल्या खजिन्यासाठी मार्गदर्शक म्हणून त्याचे अनुसरण करा.”
    18. “इतर काय करतात किंवा अपयशी ठरू नका; आपण जे करता ते द्या किंवा करण्यात अयशस्वी व्हा. ”
    19. “आपण अंधारात कधी राहत आहात, आपण प्रकाश का शोधत नाही?”
    20. “स्वत: चे पहात असताना, आपण इतरांच्या मागे पाहता. इतरांचे पालन करताना आपण स्वत: नंतर पाहता. ”
    २१. “सिल्व्हरमिथने चांदीच्या अशुद्धतेला उडवून दिले म्हणून आपले मन शुद्ध करा, थोड्या वेळाने झटपट.”
    22. “इतरांच्या दु: खावर आपला आनंद वाढवण्याचा प्रयत्न करू नका. आपण द्वेषाच्या जाळ्यात प्रवेश कराल. ”
    23. “शहाणे शरीर, भाषण आणि मनामध्ये शिस्तबद्ध आहेत. ते खरोखर चांगले नियंत्रित आहेत. ”
    24. “आत दिवा लावला; शहाणपण मिळविण्यासाठी कठोर प्रयत्न करा. ”
    25. “शांतता मिळविण्यासाठी स्वत: ला निश्चितपणे प्रशिक्षण द्या.”
    “ध्यान केल्याने शहाणपण आणते; ध्यानाचा अभाव अज्ञानामुळे. आपल्याला काय
    पुढे नेते आणि आपल्याला मागे काय ठेवते हे चांगले जाणून घ्या आणि
    शहाणपणाकडे नेणारा मार्ग निवडा. ”
    27. “आपल्याकडे फक्त थोडे असल्यास देखील द्या.”
    २ .. “ज्याप्रमाणे वादळामुळे घन खडक हादरत नाही, त्याचप्रमाणे प्रशंसा किंवा दोषामुळे शहाण्यांना त्याचा परिणाम होत नाही.”
    २ .. “एक क्षण वाया घालवू नका, वाया गेलेल्या क्षणांमुळे तुम्हाला खालच्या दिशेने पाठवा.”
    .०. “जर आपण जीवनाचा आनंद विसरलात आणि जगाच्या सुखात अडकल्यास, प्रथम ध्यानधारणा करणा those ्यांना आपण हेवा वाटेल.”
    महापरिनिर्वाण मंदिर कुशीनगर में भगवान बुद्ध की ये मूर्ति देखकर आप भी आश्चर्य करेंगे
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    74) Classical Mongolian-Сонгодог Монгол,

    Мэргэн ухаан, энх тайвны төлөө Буддагийн ишлэлүүд
    Гаутама, Будда, Будда, Будда, Непал гэр бүлд Непалд 500 b.c.c. Хүн
    төрөлхтний зовлонг шийдэж чаддаг. Эцэст нь аав нь хөгширч, өвдөж, өвдөж,
    үхэх, үхэх, үхэх хүртэх хүртлээ биеэ авч явахад тэрээр эмчлэх хүртлээ
    бясалгалаа хийхээр төлөвлөв. Энэ нь түүнийг “Бодоль мод” эсвэл “сэрээ”
    эсвэл ‘сэрүүн’ эсвэл ’satori’ -ийг олохын тулд түүнчлэн Бясалгал хийв.
    Дараа нь тэр сургах, бусдад ойлгох арга замыг харуулах талаар явлаа.
    Буддын сургаал нь Буддизмын үндэс суурь болж үйлчилдэг. Эдгээр багш нар
    нь удирдамж, илүү их сэтгэлийн амар амгаланг хялбаршуулж чаддаг.
    Будда-аас 30-т санал, мэргэн ухаан, энх тайвныг чиглүүлэхэд туслах
    1. “Зэврэх үндэс нь хавсралт юм.”
    “Уур хилэнгээс бууж, бахархах, бахархах, дэлхийн боолчлолоос өөрийгөө
    чөлөөл. Хэзээ ч хүн, эд зүйлээ өөрсдөө эзэмшихийг хичээдэггүй хүмүүс
    ямар ч уй гашуугүй болно. “
    3. “Цэвэр байдал, бохир байдал нь өөртөө хамаарна; хэн ч нөгөөг нь цэвэрлэж чадахгүй. “
    4. “Бидний амьдрал бидний оюун ухаанд хэлбэртэй байдаг; Бид бидний бодож байгаа зүйл болжээ. “
    5. “Өөрөө байлдан дагуулаад мянга мянган хүн байлдан дагуулын талбар дээр мянга мянган хүнийг байлдан дагуулснаас илүү их юм.”
    6. “Хэрэв та оюун санааны зам дээр таныг дэмжих хүн байхгүй бол ганцаараа алхаарай. Төлөвшөөгүй нөхөрлөл байхгүй. “
    7. “Сэтгэл санаа нь хүсэл эрмэлзэлээр дүүрдэггүй гэж хэн ч айдаггүй.”
    8. “Хэрэв ямар нэгэн зүйл хийх нь үнэ цэнэтэй юм бол бүх зүрх сэтгэлээрээ хий.”
    9. “Та өөрөө хичээх ёстой. Будда нь зөвхөн замыг л зааж өгдөг. “
    10. “Атаархалын үндэсийг устгасан хүмүүс үргэлж сэтгэлийн амар амгалан байдаг.”
    11. “Майльтаас илүү бохирдол байхгүй.”
    12. “Дэлхий үхэл, ялзралд өртөж байна. Гэхдээ ухаалаг зүйл гашуудахгүй, дэлхийн мөн чанарыг ойлгосон. “
    13. “Нэг нь сайн тохиролцоо ярьдаг тул ухаалаг биш. Тэд тэвчээртэй, үзэн ядалт, үзэн ядалт, айдсаас ангид байдаг. “
    14. “Уурлаж уурлах хүн ялахын тулд уурлаж чаддаггүй хүн.
    15. “Нэг нь амьд амьтдыг гэмтээсэн хүн биш. Тэд хэнийг ч гомдоосон хүмүүс юм. “
    16. “Таны бодол санаа, үгс, үйлсийг хамгаалаарай. Эдгээр гурван сахилга батыг цэвэр мэргэн ухаан руу чиглүүлнэ. “
    “Та алдаагаа илэрхийлэх ухаалаг шүүмжлэгчийг олох хэрэгтэй, түүнийг
    далдлах эрдэнэсийн гарын авлага гэж үзвэл түүнийг дагах хэрэгтэй.”
    18. “Бусдын хийх эсвэл хийхгүй байгаа зүйлдээ анхаарлаа хандуулах хэрэггүй; хийж байгаа эсвэл хийж чадахгүй байгаа зүйлдээ өг. “
    19. “Та хэзээ харанхуйд амьдарч байгаа юм бэ, яагаад гэрэл хайхгүй байгаа юм бэ?”
    20. “Өөрийгөө харж байхад та бусад хүмүүсийн дараа харж байна. Бусдын дараа үзэхэд та өөрийгөө харж байна. “
    22. “Бусдын аз жаргалд аз жаргалаа бүү бүтээ. Та үзэн ядалтын торонд болно. “
    23. “Ухаантай байдал нь бие махбодь, яриа, оюун ухаанд, оюун ухаанд сахилаа. Тэд үнэхээр сайн удирддаг. “
    24. “ДЭЛГҮҮРИЙН ДЭЛГҮҮР; Мэргэн ухаанд хүрэхэд хэцүү. “
    25. “Энх тайвны төлөө өөрийгөө сургах.”
    “Бясалгал нь мэргэн ухаан авчирдаг; Бясалгалын дутагдал нь үл
    тоомсорлодог. Таныг урагш чиглүүлж, таныг буцааж барьж байгаа зүйлээ
    сайн мэддэг бөгөөд мэргэн ухаан руу хөтөлдөг замыг сонгоорой. “
    27. “Танд бага зэрэг л байгаа ч гэсэн.”
    28. “Зүгээр л хатуу чулуун шиг ширүүн чулуунд сэгсэрдэггүй тул ухаалаг, буруутгахад хүргэдэггүй.”
    30. “Хэрэв та амьдралын баяр баясгаланыг мартаж, дэлхийн таашаалд орвол, та бясалгалыг эхлээд атаархах болно.”
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    75) Classical Myanmar (Burmese)-Classical မြန်မာ (ဗမာ),

    ဦး ဖြစ်သည်။
    ဖခင်ဖြစ်သူကသူသည်အသက်ကြီးလာမည်, ဖျားနာခြင်း, ဖျားနာခြင်း,
    သူ့ကို ‘Bodhi Tree’ သို့မဟုတ် ’satei’ ကိုရှာဖွေရန် “Bodhi Tree
    ‘ဟုလည်းလူသိများသော peepal သစ်ပင်အောက်ရှိတရား 0 င်ထိုင်နေသောတရား 0
    င်ထိုင်နေသော 0 တ်စာ 0 တ်ဆင်ခြင်း၏ညဥ့်နက်သည့်ညဥ့်နက်သည့်ညဥ့်နက်သည်။
    ဤသွန်သင်ချက်သည်မည်သူတစ် ဦး


    1. “ဆင်းရဲဒုက္ခရဲ့ရင်းမြစ်ဟာပူးတွဲမှုဖြစ်တယ်။ “
    2. “အမျက် ထွက်. မာနကိုစွန့်ပစ်လော့။ လူနှင့်အရာများကိုသူတို့ပိုင်ဆိုင်ရန်ဘယ်တော့မှမကြိုးစားသောသူတို့သည်ဝမ်းနည်းစရာပင်။ “
    3. “သန့်ရှင်းစင်ကြယ်ခြင်းနှင့်ညစ်ညူးခြင်းမိမိကိုယ်ကိုမူတည်သည်။ တစ်ယောက်ယောက်ကိုဘယ်သူမှမသန့်ရှင်းစေနိုင်ဘူး။
    4 င်းတို့၏ဘဝကိုကျွန်ုပ်တို့၏စိတ်ဖြင့်ပုံဖော်ထားသည်။ ငါတို့ထင်တာပဲ။ “
    5 ။
    6 ။ မရင့်ကျက်မှုနှင့်အဖော်မရှိပါ။ “
    7 ။
    8 ။
    9. “သင်ကိုယ်တိုင်ကြိုးစားရမည်။ အဆိုပါဗုဒ္ဓဘာသာသာလမ်းကိုညွှန်ပြ။ “
    10. “မနာလိုသောစိတ်အမွှေးအကြိုင်များကိုဖျက်ဆီးသောသူတို့သည်စိတ်ငြိမ်ဝပ်စွာနေတတ်ကြ၏။ “
    11 ။
    12 ။ ဒါပေမယ့်ပညာရှိတွေဟာကမ္ဘာရဲ့သဘောသဘာဝကိုသဘောပေါက်လာကြပြီး,
    13 ။ သူတို့သည်စိတ်ရှည်တတ်၏။
    15 ။ အဘယ်သူကိုမျှမထိခိုက်သောမိတ်ဆွေဖြစ်ကြ၏။
    16 သင်၏အကြံအစည်, အကျင့်ကိုစောင့်ရှောက်ကြလော့။ ဤဆုံးမစကားသုံးပါးသည်သင့်ကိုစင်ကြယ်သောဉာဏ်ပညာကိုမြန်ဆန်စေလိမ့်မည်။ “
    17 ။
    18 ။ မင်းလုပ်တာကိုပေးဖို့ဒါမှမဟုတ်လုပ်ဖို့ပျက်ကွက်ပါ။
    19 သင်တို့သည်မှောင်မိုက်၌နေကြစဉ်တွင်အဘယ်ကြောင့်အလင်းကိုရှာကြသနည်း။
    20 ။ သူတစ်ပါးကိုကြည့်ရှုသောအခါ,
    21 ။


    23. “ပညာရှိသောသူသည်ကိုယ်ကို၎င်း, သူတို့ကတကယ်ကိုထိန်းချုပ်ထားတယ်။ “
    24 ။ ဉာဏ်ပညာကိုရရှိရန်ကြိုးစားပါ။ “
    25. “ငြိမ်းချမ်းရေးကိုရရန်မိမိကိုယ်ကိုစိတ်ငြိမ်သက်စွာလေ့ကျင့်ပါ။
    26. တွေးတောဆင်ခြင်ခြင်းသည်ပညာကိုပေးတတ်၏။ တရားအားထုတ်ခြင်းမရှိခြင်းသည်အဝိဇ္ဇာမှထွက်ခွာသည်။ သင့်ကိုအဘယ်သို့ဆိုင်သနည်း,
    27 ။
    28 ။
    29 ။
    အသက်တာ၏ 0 မ်းသာမှုကိုမေ့ သွား. လောက၏အပျော်အပါးကိုသင်မေ့သွားလျှင်,
    သိုင်းလောကနဲ့ ပတ်သက်တဲ့ ဇာတ်လမ်းလေးတွေကိုတင်ဆက်ပေးနေတဲ့ Channe

    76) Classical Nepali-शास्त्रीय म्यांमार (बर्मा),

    बुद्धि र शान्तिको लागि उद्धरण उद्धृत
    गौतम, वा बुद्ध, एक मानिस एक जना धनी परिवारमा 80000 बी.सीमा जन्मेका थिए।
    मानवताको दुःखकष्टको समाधान पाउँदा उहाँ ठूलो चासो लिनुभयो। उनको बुबाले
    उनलाई वृद्ध भन्दैनन् कि ऊ बुढे कि ऊ बिरामी हुँदैन, बिरामी नआउन्जेल, ऊ
    मनन गर्न बाहिर जान्छ जबसम्म उसले दु: खी र दु: खको उपचार नपारोस्। एक
    पर्सी रूख अन्तर्गत ध्यान बसिरहेको days days days दिन लाग्यो, ‘बोध रूख’
    पनि, ‘बेलुका’ वा ‘ब्रह्रस’ फेला पार्न। उहाँ अरूलाई सिकाउने तरिका सिकाउने
    सम्बन्धमा गयो। बुद्धका शिक्षाहरू बौद्ध धर्मको जग हो। यी शिक्षाले
    सजिलैसँग कसैलाई मार्गदर्शन र ठूलो शान्ति प्रदान गर्न सक्छ। यहाँ बुद्धबाट
    300 को उद्धरणहरू बुद्धि र शान्ति तिर डो guide ्याउन मद्दत पुर्याउन छन्।
    1. “कष्टको जरा संलग्न छ।”
    “रीस उठाउनुहोस्, घमण्ड छोड्नुहोस्, र संसारको दासत्वबाट आफूलाई स्वतन्त्र
    पार्नुहोस्। कुनै दु: खहरू हुन सक्दैनन् जसले मानिसहरूलाई र चीजहरूलाई
    आफुको रूपमा लिन कोसिस गर्दैनन्। “
    “शुद्धता र अशुद्धता आफैमा निर्भर हुन्छ; कसैले पनि अर्कोलाई शुद्ध पार्न सक्दैन। “
    “।” हाम्रो जीवन हाम्रो दिमागले आकार दिएको छ; हामी यो कुरा सोच्दछौं। “
    “।” जसले आफूलाई जित्छ उसले अरू भन्दा ठूलो हो जसले युद्धको मैदानमा हजारौं पुरुषहरू जित्छ। “
    “।” यदि तपाईं कसैलाई आध्यात्मिक मार्गमा सहयोग गर्न कसैलाई पनि भेट्नुहुन्छ भने, एक्लै हिँड्। अपरिपक्वसँग कुनै साथी छैन। “
    One। “त्यहाँ कुनै डर छैन जसको लागि जसको लागि मेरो दिमागले इच्छाले भरिदैन।”
    “।” यदि केहि गर्न लायक छ भने, आफ्नो सम्पूर्ण हृदयले यसलाई गर्नुहोस्। “
    “..” तपाई आफैंले प्रयास गर्नु पर्छ। बुद्धले मात्र बाटोमा औंल्याउँछन्। “
    10. ईर्ष्याको जरा नष्ट भएकाहरूले सँधै मानसिक दिमागलाई शान्त पार्छन्। “
    11 “” त्यहाँ अञ्झेमी भन्दा धेरै अपारनीय छैन। “
    12. “संसार मृत्यु र क्षयले पीडित छ। तर बुद्धिमान् मानिसहरूले शोक गर्दैनन्, संसारको स्वरूपमा महसुस गरे। “
    .. “एक जना बुद्धिमान् छैन किनकि उसले राम्रो कुरा कुरा गर्छ। तिनीहरू
    ज्ञानी छन् तिनीहरू धैर्यवान छन्, र घृणा गर्छन् र डराउँछन्। “
    1 “।” जसले क्रोधित छ उसले उठ्दैन उसले युद्धलाई जित्न गाह्रो गयो। “
    1 .. “एक जना रीति छैन जो जीवित जीवित प्राणीहरू छन्। तिनीहरू महान छैनन् जसले कसैलाई चोट पुर्याउँदैनन्। “
    1 yourselves। “आफ्ना विचार, शब्दहरू, र कार्यहरू जोगाउनुहोस्। यी तीन अनुयायीहरूले शुद्ध बुद्धिको मार्गमा तपाईंको गति राख्छन्। “
    गल्तीहरू पत्ता लगाउन “के तपाईंले बुद्धिमानी आलोचकहरूले पत्ता
    लगाउनुपर्छ, उहाँलाई गोलाममा डो guide ्याउने रूपमा जाँच्नुहोस् भने
    उहाँलाई पछ्याउनुहोस्।”
    1 .. “अरूले गर्ने वा गर्न नसक्ने कुरालाई ध्यान नदिनुहोस्; यसलाई दिनुहोस् जुन तपाईं के गर्नुहुन्छ वा गर्न असफल हुनुहोस्। “
    1 .. “कहिले अन्धकारमा बस्नुहुन्छ, तपाईं किन बत्तीलाई हेर्नुहुन्न?”
    20. “आफैले हेरेपछि तपाईं अरू पछि हेर्नुहुन्छ। जब अरूको पछि हेर्दा, आफैंलाई हेरचाह गर्नुहुन्छ। “
    21. “सिल्वरसमिथको रूपमा शुद्ध पार्नुहोस् रूपमा तपाईंको मनलाई चाँदीको अशुद्धताहरू छोडिदिनुहोस्, अलि अलि गरेर तत्काल।”
    22. “अरूको अस्शीयनमा तपाईको खुशी बनाउन प्रयास नगर्नुहोस्। तपाईं घृणाको जालमा संलग्न हुनेछ। “
    23 “बुद्धिमान् शरीर, बोली, बोली र दिमागमा अनुशासित हुन्छ। तिनीहरू साँच्चिकै नियन्त्रणमा छन्। “
    24. “भित्र बत्ती बालेर; बुद्धि प्राप्त गर्न कडा प्रयास गर्नुहोस्। “
    2 the। “शान्ति स्थापना गर्न आफैलाई तालिम दिनलाई तालिम लिनुहोस्।”
    मनले बुद्धि ल्याउँदछ; ध्यान को अभावले अज्ञानता छोड्छ। राम्ररी
    जान्नुहोस् कुन कुराले तपाईंलाई अगाडि बढाउँछ र तपाईंलाई के फिर्ता समात्छ,
    र बुद्धिको छनौट गर्दछ जुन ज्ञानले जान्छ। “
    “दिनुहोस्, दिनुहोस्, यदि तपाईं मात्र थोरै मात्र हुनुभयो भने पनि।
    2 .. “जसरी एउटा ठोस चट्टान आँधीबेहरीले हल्लाएको छैन, त्यसरी नै बुद्धिमानले प्रशंसा वा दोषबाट प्रभावित हुँदैनन्।”
    2 .. “एक क्षण बर्बाद नगर्नुहोस्, व्यर्थ क्षणहरूले तपाईंलाई तलतिर पठाउँदै।”
    .0। “यदि तपाईंले जीवनको आनन्द बिर्सनुभयो र संसारको आनन्दमा फस्नुभयो भने, तपाईं पहिले मनपराउनेहरू ईर्ष्या गर्न आउनुहुनेछ।”
    इस ध्यान विधि के द्वारा बुद्ध ने सत्य को प्राप्त किया था!!दुनिया की सबसे आसान ध्यान विधि!![Buddha ]
    • 78) Classical Odia (Oriya)

      ଜ୍ଞାନ ଏବଂ ଶାନ୍ତି ପାଇଁ ବୁଦ୍ଧରୁ ଉଦ୍ଧୃତି |
      ଗ ata ଗ, କିମ୍ବା ବୁଦ୍ଧ, ଏକ ଧନୀ ପରିବାରରେ ଏକ ଧନୀ ପରିବାରରେ 500 B.C. |
      ମାନବିକତାର ଦୁ aff ଖ ଦୂର କରି ସେ ବହୁତ ଆଗ୍ରହ ଦେଖାଇଲେ | ତାଙ୍କ ପିତା ତାଙ୍କୁ
      ପ୍ରତି ପ୍ରତିଶୋଧ ଦେଇ ପାରିଲେ ନାହିଁ ଯେ ସେ ବୃଦ୍ଧୀ ହୁଅ, ରୋଗ କର, ନା ମର, ସେ
      ଦୁଷ୍କର୍ମ ଏବଂ ଯନ୍ତ୍ରଣା ପାଇଁ ଉପହାସ ନହେବା ପର୍ଯ୍ୟନ୍ତ ସେ ଧ୍ୟାନ କରିବାକୁ ସ୍ଥିର
      କଲେ | ଏହା ତାଙ୍କୁ 49 ଦିନ ଓ ରାତି ନେଇଥିଲା ଯେ, ଏକ ପେପାଲ ଗଛ ତଳେ ଜଡିତ ଧ୍ୟାନ
      ଗ୍ରହଣ କରିଥିଲେ, ଯାହା ଅଶୁଭ ଗଛ ‘’ ଜାଗ୍ରତ୍ୱର କିମ୍ବା ‘ସାଟୋରି’ ଖୋଜିବା ପାଇଁ
      ଜଣାଶୁଣା | ଏହା ପରେ ସେ ଶିକ୍ଷାଦାନ ବୁଣିବା ଦେଖି ଅନ୍ୟମାନଙ୍କୁ ବୁ understanding
      ିବା ପାଇଁ ରାସ୍ତା ଦେଖାଉଥିଲେ | ବବୁଶା ର ଶିକ୍ଷାଗୁଡ଼ିକ ବ Bud ଦ୍ଧ ଧର୍ମର ମୂଳଦୁଆ
      ଭାବରେ କାର୍ଯ୍ୟ କରେ | ଏହି ଶିକ୍ଷାଗୁଡିକ ସହଜରେ ମାର୍ଗଦର୍ଶନ ଏବଂ ମନର ଅଧିକ ମାର୍ଗ
      ଦେଇପାରେ | ଜ୍ଞାନ ଏବଂ ଶାନ୍ତିକୁ ମାର୍ଗଦର୍ଶନ କରିବାରେ ସାହାଯ୍ୟ କରିବା ପାଇଁ
      ବୁଦ୍ଧରୁ 30 ଟି କୋଟ୍ ଅଛି |
      1. “ଦୁ suffering ଖର ମୂଳ ହେଉଛି ସଂଲଗ୍ନ |”
      “କ୍ରୋଧ ଦିଅ, ଗର୍ବ ତ୍ୟାଗ କର ଏବଂ ନିଜକୁ ବିଶ୍ୱରେ ଦାସତ୍ୱରୁ ମୁକ୍ତ କର |
      ଯେଉଁମାନେ କ bood brored ଣସି ଦୁ orrow ଖ ସେମାନଙ୍କ ସହିତ ଏବଂ ଜିନିଷକୁ ନିଜର
      ଅଧିକାର ପାଇବାକୁ ଚେଷ୍ଟା କରେ ନାହିଁ |
      3. “ଶୁଦ୍ଧତା ଏବଂ ଅପରିଷ୍କାରତା ନିଜେ ନିର୍ଭର କରେ; କେହି ଅନ୍ୟକୁ ଶୁଦ୍ଧ କରିପାରିବେ ନାହିଁ। “
      4. “ଆମର ଜୀବନ ଆମ ମନ ଦ୍ୱାରା ଆକୃତିର; ଆମେ ଯାହା ଭାବୁଛୁ ତାହା ଆମେ ହୋଇଯିବା। “
      5. “ଯିଏ ନିଜକୁ ଜିତେ, ସେ ନିଜଠାରୁ ଅଧିକ, ଯିଏ ଯୁଦ୍ଧକ୍ଷେତ୍ରରେ ଏକ ହଜାର ଥର ଜନେଙ୍କୁ ପରାସ୍ତ କରନ୍ତି |”
      6. “ଯଦି ଆପଣ ଆଧ୍ୟାତ୍ମ ପଥରେ ଆପଣଙ୍କୁ ସମର୍ଥନ କରିବେ ନାହିଁ, ତେବେ ଏକୁଟିଆ ଚାଲନ୍ତୁ | ଅପରିପକ୍ୱ ସହିତ କ cates ଣସି ସାଥୀତା ନାହିଁ |
      7. “ଯେଉଁମାନଙ୍କ ପାଇଁ ଭୟ ନାହିଁ, ସେଥିପାଇଁ ଭୟ ନାହିଁ। ‘
      8. “ଯଦି କିଛି କରିବାର ମୂଲ୍ୟ, ତେବେ ଏହାକୁ ସମସ୍ତ ହୃଦୟ ସହିତ କର।”
      9. “ଆପଣ ନିଜେ ଚେଷ୍ଟା କରିବେ | ବୁଦ୍ଧମାନେ କେବଳ ପଥ ଦେଖାନ୍ତି। “
      10. “ଯେଉଁମାନେ ealous ର୍ଷାର ମୂଳକୁ ଧ୍ୱଂସ କରିଛନ୍ତି, ସେମାନେ ସର୍ବଦା ସର୍ବଦା ମନର ଶାନ୍ତି ରକ୍ଷା କରନ୍ତି।”
      11. “ନ୍ୟସ୍ତ ହୋଇଥିବା ଅସୁବିଧାଠାରୁ କ is ଣସି ଅପବ୍ୟବହାର ଅଧିକ ନୁହେଁ।”
      12. “ଦୁନିଆ ମୃତ୍ୟୁ ଦ୍ୱାରା କଷ୍ଟ ଓ କ୍ଷୟ ଦ୍ୱାରା କଷ୍ଟ ପାଏ।” କିନ୍ତୁ ଜ୍ଞାନୀ ଜଗତର ପ୍ରକୃତି ହୃଦୟଙ୍ଗମ କରି ବୁଦ୍ଧିମାନ ନୁହେଁ। “
      “ଜଣେ ଜ୍ଞାନୀ ନୁହେଁ କାରଣ ସେ ଭଲ କାରବାର କରନ୍ତି | ସେମାନେ ଜ୍ wise ାନୀ, ସେମାନେ
      ଧ patient ର୍ଯ୍ୟବାନ ଅଟନ୍ତି, ଏବଂ ଘୃଣାରୁ ମୁକ୍ତ ଅଟନ୍ତି। “
      14. “ଯିଏ କ୍ରୋଧିତ ବ୍ୟକ୍ତିଙ୍କଠାରେ ଜଳିଯାଏ ନାହିଁ, ଯିଏ ଜିତିବା ପାଇଁ ଯୁଦ୍ଧ ଜିତିବ |”
      15. “ଜଣେ ଜୀବନ୍ତ ପ୍ରାଣୀମାନଙ୍କୁ ଆଘାତ କରୁଥିବା ଜୀବକୁ ଆଘାତ କରେ | ସେମାନେ ସମ୍ଭ୍ରାନ୍ତ, ଯିଏ କାହାକୁ ଆଘାତ କରନ୍ତି ନାହିଁ। “
      16. “ତୁମର ଚିନ୍ତାଧାରା, ଶବ୍ଦ ଏବଂ କାର୍ଯ୍ୟକୁ ରକ୍ଷା କର | ଏହି ତିନୋଟି ଶୃଙ୍ଖଳା ତୁମକୁ ବାଟରେ ଶୁଦ୍ଧ ଜ୍ଞାନର ପଥରେ ଗତି କରିବ | “
      17. “ତୁମେ ତୁମର ଦୋଷକୁ ସୂଚାଇବା ପାଇଁ ଏକ ଜ୍ଞାନୀ ସମାଗୋ ପାଇବା ଉଚିତ୍, ତାଙ୍କୁ ଅନୁସରଣ କର ଯେପରି ତୁମେ ଲୁକ୍କାୟିତ ଧନକୁ ଗାଇଡ୍ କରିବ |”
      18. “ଅନ୍ୟମାନେ ଯାହା କରନ୍ତି କିମ୍ବା କରିବାରେ ବିଫଳ ହୁଅନ୍ତି ତାହା ଧ୍ୟାନ ଦିଅନ୍ତୁ ନାହିଁ; ତୁମେ ଯାହା କର କିମ୍ବା କରିବାରେ ବିଫଳ ହୁଅ ତାହା ଦିଅ। “
      19. “ତୁମେ ଅନ୍ଧକାରରେ ବାସ କରୁଛ, ତୁମେ କାହିଁକି ଆଲୋକ ଖୋଜୁ ନାହଁ?”
      20. “ଯେତେବେଳେ ନିଜେ ଦେଖେ, ତୁମେ ଅନ୍ୟମାନଙ୍କ ପରେ ଦେଖିବ | ଅନ୍ୟମାନେ ଅନ୍ୟମାନେ ଦେଖିବେ, ଆପଣ ନିଜ ପଛରେ ଦେଖନ୍ତି। “
      21. “ପୁନର୍ବାର ମନକୁ ଶୁଦ୍ଧ କର, ଯେପରି ତୁରନ୍ତ ତୁରନ୍ତ ଦ୍ୱାରା ଅଳ୍ପ, ତତକ୍ଷଣାତ୍ ତତ୍ତ୍ୱ ନୁହେଁ।”
      22. “ଅନ୍ୟମାନଙ୍କର ଅସନ୍ତୋଷ ଉପରେ ତୁମର ଖୁସି ନିର୍ମାଣ କରିବାକୁ ଚେଷ୍ଟା କର ନାହିଁ | ତୁମେ ଘୃଣା ଅଳଙ୍କାରରେ ପରିପୂର୍ଣ୍ଣ ହେବ। “
      23. “ଜ୍ଞାନ ଶରୀର, ବକ୍ତବ୍ୟ ଏବଂ ମନରେ ଜ୍ଞାନୀ | ପ୍ରକୃତରେ ସେମାନେ ଭଲ ଭାବରେ ନିୟନ୍ତ୍ରିତ | “
      24. “ଦୀପାବଳି ଭିତରେ ପଡ଼; ଜ୍ଞାନ ଆକର୍ଷଣ କରିବାକୁ କଠିନ ଚେଷ୍ଟା କର। “
      25. “ଶାନ୍ତି ହାସଲ କରିବା ପାଇଁ ନିଜକୁ ଦୃ red ଭାବରେ ତାଲିମ ଦିଅ।”
      “Meditation brings wisdom; lack of meditation leaves ignorance. Know
      well what leads you forward and what holds you back, and choose the path
      that leads to wisdom.”
      27. “Give, even if you only have a little.”
      28. “Just as a solid rock is not shaken by the storm, even so the wise are not affected by praise or blame.”
      29. “Don’t waste a moment, for wasted moments send you on the downward course.”
      “If you forget the joy of life and get caught in the pleasures of the
      world, you will come to envy those who put meditation first.”
    83) Classical Punjabi-ਕਲਾਸੀਕਲ ਪੰਜਾਬੀ,

    ਬੁੱਧ ਅਤੇ ਸ਼ਾਂਤੀ ਲਈ ਬੁੱਧ ਦੇ ਹਵਾਲੇ
    ਗੌਤਮ, ਜਾਂ ਬੁੱਧ, ਨੇਪਾਲ ਵਿੱਚ ਲਗਭਗ 500 ਬੀ.ਸੀ. ਉਸਨੇ ਮਨੁੱਖਤਾ ਦੇ ਦੁੱਖਾਂ ਦਾ
    ਹੱਲ ਲੱਭਣ ਵਿੱਚ ਬਹੁਤ ਦਿਲਚਸਪੀ ਲਈ. ਜਦੋਂ ਉਹ ਉਸ ਨਾਲ ਵਾਅਦਾ ਨਹੀਂ ਕਰ ਸਕਿਆ ਤਾਂ ਉਹ
    ਬੁੱ grow ੇ ਹੋ ਜਾਵੇਗਾ ਜਾਂ ਮਰਨ ਤੋਂ ਬਾਅਦ, ਉਸਨੇ ਦੁੱਖ ਅਤੇ ਦੁੱਖਾਂ ਦਾ ਇਲਾਜ਼
    ਨਹੀਂ ਪਾਇਆ. ‘ਜਾਗਦੇ’ ਜਾਂ ‘ਸਤੋਰੀ’ ਜਾਂ ‘ਸਤੋਚਨਾ’ ਨੂੰ ਲੱਭਣ ਲਈ ਉਸ ਨੂੰ ਇਕ ਝਰਨੇ
    ‘ਦੇ ਤੌਰ ਤੇ ਵੀ ਇਸ ਮਾਹੂ ਦੇ ਦਰੱਖਤ’ ਵਜੋਂ ਜਾਣਿਆ ਜਾਂਦਾ ਸਿਪਾਹੀ ਦੇ ਨਾਲ-ਨਾਲ ਧਿਆਨ
    ਨਾਲ ਉਠਾਇਆ. ਉਹ ਫਿਰ ਸਿਖਾਉਣ ਅਤੇ ਸਮਝਣ ਦਾ ਰਾਹ ਦਿਖਾਉਣ ਬਾਰੇ ਗਿਆ. ਬੁੱ hand ਾ
    ਦੀਆਂ ਸਿੱਖਿਆਵਾਂ ਬੁੱਧ ਧਰਮ ਦੀ ਬੁਨਿਆਦ ਵਜੋਂ ਕੰਮ ਕਰਦੀਆਂ ਹਨ. ਇਹ ਸਿੱਖਿਆ ਆਸਾਨੀ
    ਨਾਲ ਕਿਸੇ ਨੂੰ ਮਨ ਦੀ ਅਗਵਾਈ ਅਤੇ ਵਧੇਰੇ ਸ਼ਾਂਤੀ ਦੇ ਸਕਦੀ ਹੈ. ਬੁੱਧ ਦੇ ਇੱਥੇ 30
    ਹਵਾਲੇ ਹਨ ਤਾਂਕਿ ਤੁਹਾਡੀ ਸਿਆਣਪ ਅਤੇ ਸ਼ਾਂਤੀ ਪ੍ਰਤੀ ਸੇਧ ਦੇਣ ਲਈ 30 ਹਵਾਲੇ ਦਿੱਤੇ
    ਗਏ ਹਨ.
    1. “ਦੁੱਖਾਂ ਦੀ ਜੜ ਲਗਾਵ ਹੈ.”
    “ਗੁੱਸਾ ਛੱਡ ਦਿਓ, ਹੰਕਾਰੀ ਤਿਆਗ ਦਿਓ, ਅਤੇ ਆਪਣੇ ਆਪ ਨੂੰ ਸੰਸਾਰੀ ਗ਼ੁਲਾਮਾਂ ਤੋਂ
    ਮੁਕਤ ਕਰੋ. ਕੋਈ ਦੁੱਖ ਉਨ੍ਹਾਂ ਲੋਕਾਂ ਨੂੰ ਨਹੀਂ ਹੋ ਸਕਦਾ ਜੋ ਕਦੇ ਵੀ ਲੋਕਾਂ ਅਤੇ
    ਚੀਜ਼ਾਂ ਨੂੰ ਆਪਣੇ ਖੁਦ ਦੇ ਨਾ ਕਰਨ ਦੀ ਕੋਸ਼ਿਸ਼ ਕਰਦੇ ਹਨ. “
    3. “ਸ਼ੁੱਧਤਾ ਅਤੇ ਅਪਵਿੱਤਰਤਾ ਆਪਣੇ ਆਪ ਤੇ ਨਿਰਭਰ ਕਰਦੀ ਹੈ; ਕੋਈ ਵੀ ਦੂਸਰੇ ਨੂੰ ਸ਼ੁੱਧ ਨਹੀਂ ਕਰ ਸਕਦਾ. “
    4. “ਸਾਡੀ ਜਿੰਦਗੀ ਸਾਡੇ ਮਨ ਦੁਆਰਾ ਸੀ. ਅਸੀਂ ਉਹ ਬਣਦੇ ਹਾਂ ਜੋ ਅਸੀਂ ਸੋਚਦੇ ਹਾਂ. “
    5. “ਜਿਹੜਾ ਵਿਅਕਤੀ ਆਪਣੇ ਆਪ ਨੂੰ ਜਿੱਤਦਾ ਹੈ ਉਹ ਦੂਜੇ ਨਾਲੋਂ ਵੱਡਾ ਹੁੰਦਾ ਹੈ ਜੋ ਲੜਾਈ ਦੇ ਮੈਦਾਨ ਵਿੱਚ ਹਜ਼ਾਰ ਗੁਣਾ ਨੂੰ ਮੰਨਦਾ ਹੈ.”
    6. “ਜੇ ਤੁਸੀਂ ਰੂਹਾਨੀ ਮਾਰਗ ‘ਤੇ ਤੁਹਾਡਾ ਸਮਰਥਨ ਕਰਨ ਲਈ ਕੋਈ ਨਹੀਂ ਪਾਉਂਦੇ, ਤਾਂ ਇਕੱਲੇ ਰਹੋ. ਪਥਰਾਣ ਨਾਲ ਕੋਈ ਸਾਥੀ ਨਹੀਂ ਹੈ. “
    7. “ਉਸ ਲਈ ਕੋਈ ਡਰ ਨਹੀਂ ਹੁੰਦਾ ਜਿਸਦਾ ਮਨ ਇੱਛਾਵਾਂ ਨਾਲ ਭਰਿਆ ਨਹੀਂ ਜਾਂਦਾ.”
    8. “ਜੇ ਕੁਝ ਵੀ ਕਰਨ ਯੋਗ ਹੈ, ਤਾਂ ਆਪਣੇ ਸਾਰੇ ਦਿਲ ਨਾਲ ਕਰੋ.”
    9. “ਤੁਹਾਨੂੰ ਆਪਣੇ ਆਪ ਨੂੰ ਯਤਨ ਕਰਨਾ ਚਾਹੀਦਾ ਹੈ. ਬੁੱਧ ਸਿਰਫ ਰਸਤੇ ਨੂੰ ਦਰਸਾਉਂਦੇ ਹਨ. “
    10. “ਜੋ ਈਰਖਾ ਦੀਆਂ ਜੜ੍ਹਾਂ ਨੂੰ ਨਸ਼ਟ ਕਰ ਦਿੰਦੇ ਹਨ ਉਹ ਹਮੇਸ਼ਾ ਮਨ ਦੀ ਸ਼ਾਂਤੀ ਹੁੰਦੀ ਹੈ.”
    11. “ਅਗਿਆਨਤਾ ਤੋਂ ਇਲਾਵਾ ਕੋਈ ਵੀ ਅਸ਼ੁੱਧਤਾ ਨਹੀਂ ਹੈ.”
    12. “ਸੰਸਾਰ ਮੌਤ ਅਤੇ ਵਿਗਾੜ ਦੁਆਰਾ ਗ੍ਰਸਤ ਹੈ. ਪਰ ਸਿਆਣੇ ਲੋਕ ਦੁਖੀ ਨਹੀਂ ਹੁੰਦੇ, ਦੁਨੀਆਂ ਦੇ ਸੁਭਾਅ ਨੂੰ ਪ੍ਰਾਪਤ ਕਰਨ ਤੋਂ ਬਾਅਦ. “
    13. “ਕੋਈ ਸਿਆਣਾ ਨਹੀਂ ਹੈ ਕਿਉਂਕਿ ਉਹ ਇਕ ਚੰਗਾ ਸੌਦਾ ਬੋਲਦਾ ਹੈ. ਉਹ ਬੁੱਧੀਮਾਨ ਹਨ ਜੋ ਸਬਰ ਵਾਲੇ ਹਨ, ਅਤੇ ਨਫ਼ਰਤ ਅਤੇ ਡਰ ਤੋਂ ਮੁਕਤ ਹਨ. “
    14. “ਜਿਹੜਾ ਵਿਅਕਤੀ ਕਿਸੇ ‘ਤੇ ਭੜਕਿਆ ਨਹੀਂ ਹੁੰਦਾ ਜੋ ਕਿ ਗੁੱਸੇ ਹੋਏਗਾ ਉਹ ਜਿੱਤਣ ਲਈ ਇੱਕ ਲੜਾਈ ਜਿੱਤਦਾ ਹੈ.”
    15. “ਕੋਈ ਵੀ ਜੀਵਤ ਜੀਵਾਂ ਨੂੰ ਸੱਟ ਨਹੀਂ ਦਿੰਦਾ ਹੈ. ਉਹ ਨੇਕ ਹਨ ਜਿਨ੍ਹਾਂ ਨੇ ਕਿਸੇ ਨੂੰ ਠੇਸ ਨਹੀਂ ਪਹੁੰਚਾਈ. “
    16. “ਆਪਣੇ ਵਿਚਾਰਾਂ, ਸ਼ਬਦਾਂ ਅਤੇ ਕਰਮਾਂ ਦੀ ਰਾਖੀ ਕਰੋ. ਇਹ ਤਿੰਨ ਅਨੁਸ਼ਾਸਨ ਤੈਨੂੰ ਸ਼ੁੱਧ ਬੁੱਧੀ ਦੇ ਰਾਹ ਦੇ ਨਾਲ ਤੁਹਾਨੂੰ ਤੇਜ਼ ਕਰਨਗੇ. “
    “ਕੀ ਤੁਹਾਨੂੰ ਆਪਣੇ ਨੁਕਸਾਂ ਵੱਲ ਇਸ਼ਤਿਹਾਰ ਦੇਣ ਲਈ ਇਕ ਸਮਝਦਾਰ ਆਲੋਚਕ ਪਾਇਆ ਜਾਣਾ
    ਚਾਹੀਦਾ ਹੈ, ਉਸ ਤੋਂ ਬਾਅਦ ਉਸ ਨੂੰ ਮੰਨੋ ਜਿਵੇਂ ਕਿ ਤੁਸੀਂ ਲੁਕਵੇਂ ਖਜ਼ਾਨੇ ਲਈ ਇਕ
    ਮਾਰਗ-ਨਿਰਦੇਸ਼ ਦਿੰਦੇ ਹੋ.”
    “ਆਪਣਾ ਧਿਆਨ ਨਾ ਦਿਓ ਕਿ ਦੂਸਰੇ ਕੀ ਕਰਦੇ ਹਨ ਜਾਂ ਕਰਨ ਵਿੱਚ ਅਸਫਲ ਰਹਿੰਦੇ ਹਨ; ਇਸ
    ਨੂੰ ਦਿਓ ਜੋ ਤੁਸੀਂ ਕਰਦੇ ਹੋ ਜਾਂ ਕਰਨ ਵਿੱਚ ਅਸਫਲ ਰਹਿੰਦੇ ਹੋ. “
    19. “ਤੁਸੀਂ ਹਨੇਰੇ ਵਿੱਚ ਕਦੋਂ ਰਹਿ ਰਹੇ ਹੋ, ਤੁਸੀਂ ਰੋਸ਼ਨੀ ਕਿਉਂ ਨਹੀਂ ਲੈਂਦੇ?”
    20. “ਆਪਣੇ ਆਪ ਨੂੰ ਮਿਲਣ ਵੇਲੇ, ਤੁਸੀਂ ਦੂਜਿਆਂ ਦੀ ਦੇਖਭਾਲ ਕਰਦੇ ਹੋ. ਦੂਜਿਆਂ ਦੀ ਦੇਖ ਭਾਲ ਕਰਦੇ ਸਮੇਂ, ਤੁਸੀਂ ਆਪਣੇ ਆਪ ਨੂੰ ਦੇਖਦੇ ਹੋ. “
    21. “ਆਪਣੇ ਮਨ ਨੂੰ ਇਕ ਸਿਲਵਰਸਮਿਦ ਨੂੰ ਸ਼ੁੱਧ ਬਣਾਉ, ਥੋੜ੍ਹੀ ਦੇਰ ਨਾਲ, ਥੋੜ੍ਹੀ ਦੇਰ ਨਾਲ ਚਾਂਦੀ ਦੀਆਂ ਅਸ਼ੁੱਧੀਆਂ ਨੂੰ ਤੁਰੰਤ ਬਾਹਰ ਸੁੱਟ ਦਿੰਦਾ ਹੈ.
    22. “ਦੂਜਿਆਂ ਦੇ ਨਾਖਣਾਂ ‘ਤੇ ਆਪਣੀ ਖੁਸ਼ੀ ਵਧਾਉਣ ਦੀ ਕੋਸ਼ਿਸ਼ ਨਾ ਕਰੋ. ਤੁਹਾਨੂੰ ਨਫ਼ਰਤ ਦੀ ਸ਼ੁੱਧਤਾ ਵਿੱਚ ਵਾਧਾ ਕੀਤਾ ਜਾਵੇਗਾ. “
    23. “ਸਿਆਣੇ ਬਿਰਤਾਂਤ ਸਰੀਰ, ਬੋਲਣ ਅਤੇ ਦਿਮਾਗ ਵਿਚ ਅਨੁਸ਼ਾਸਿਤ ਹੁੰਦੇ ਹਨ. ਉਹ ਸਚਮੁੱਚ ਚੰਗੀ ਤਰ੍ਹਾਂ ਨਿਯੰਤਰਿਤ ਕੀਤੇ ਗਏ ਹਨ. “
    24. “ਅੰਦਰ ਦੀਵੇ ਨੂੰ ਰੋਸ਼ਨ ਕਰੋ; ਬੁੱਧੀ ਨੂੰ ਪ੍ਰਾਪਤ ਕਰਨ ਲਈ ਸਖਤ ਕੋਸ਼ਿਸ਼ ਕਰੋ. “
    25. “ਸ਼ਾਂਤੀ ਪ੍ਰਾਪਤ ਕਰਨ ਲਈ ਆਪਣੇ ਆਪ ਨੂੰ ਦ੍ਰਿੜਤਾ ਨਾਲ ਸਿਖਲਾਈ ਦਿਓ.”
    “ਸਿਮਰਨ ਬੁੱਧ ਲਿਆਉਂਦਾ ਹੈ; ਸਿਮਰਨ ਦੀ ਘਾਟ ਅਗਿਆਨਤਾ ਨੂੰ ਛੱਡਦੀ ਹੈ. ਚੰਗੀ ਤਰ੍ਹਾਂ
    ਜਾਣੋ ਕਿ ਤੁਹਾਡੀ ਕਿਹੜੀ ਅਗਵਾਈ ਕਰਦਾ ਹੈ ਅਤੇ ਕਿਹੜੀ ਚੀਜ਼ ਤੁਹਾਨੂੰ ਪਿੱਛੇ ਹਟਦੀ ਹੈ,
    ਅਤੇ ਉਹ ਰਾਹ ਚੁਣਦੀ ਹੈ ਜੋ ਬੁੱਧੀ ਹੁੰਦੀ ਹੈ. “
    27. “ਦਿਓ, ਭਾਵੇਂ ਤੁਹਾਡੇ ਕੋਲ ਸਿਰਫ ਥੋੜਾ ਜਿਹਾ ਹੋਵੇ.”
    28. “ਬਿਲਕੁਲ ਇਕ ਠੋਸ ਚੱਟਾਨ ਦੇ ਤੌਰ ਤੇ ਤੂਫਾਨ ਦੁਆਰਾ ਹਿਲਾਇਆ ਨਹੀਂ ਜਾਂਦਾ, ਇਥੋਂ ਤਕ ਸਿਆਣਾ ਪ੍ਰਸ਼ੰਸਾ ਜਾਂ ਦੋਸ਼ ਤੋਂ ਪ੍ਰਭਾਵਤ ਨਹੀਂ ਹੁੰਦੇ.”
    29. “ਇੱਕ ਪਲ ਬਰਬਾਦ ਨਾ ਕਰੋ, ਬਰਬਾਦ ਕੀਤੇ ਪਲ ਤੁਹਾਨੂੰ ਹੇਠਾਂ ਵੱਲ ਭੇਜੋ.”
    ਜੇ ਤੁਸੀਂ ਜ਼ਿੰਦਗੀ ਦੀ ਖ਼ੁਸ਼ੀ ਨੂੰ ਭੁੱਲ ਜਾਂਦੇ ਹੋ ਅਤੇ ਦੁਨੀਆਂ ਦੇ ਸੁੱਖਾਂ ਵਿਚ
    ਫਸ ਜਾਂਦੇ ਹੋ, ਤਾਂ ਤੁਸੀਂ ਉਨ੍ਹਾਂ ਨੂੰ ਈਰਖਾ ਕਰਨ ਵਾਲੇ ਨੂੰ ਈਰਖਾ ਕਰਨ ਲਈ ਆ ਜਾਓਗੇ
    ਜਿਨ੍ਹਾਂ ਨੇ ਪਹਿਲਾਂ ਸਿਮਰਨ ਕਰਨ ਵਾਲਿਆਂ ਨੂੰ ਈਰਖਾ ਕਰਨ ਲਈ ਆਵੋਂਗੇ. “
    ਬੁੱਧ ਧਰਮ ਨੂੰ ਬ੍ਰਾਹਮਣਾਂ ਨੇ ਭਾਰਤ ਵਿੱਚ ਜਿਵੇਂ ਖਤਮ ਕੀਤਾ ਤੁਸੀਂ ਸੋਚ ਵੀ ਨਹੀਂ ਸਕਦੇ | Jind badali
    ji ka khalsa waheguru ji ki FatehTopic - ਬੁੱਧ ਧਰਮ ਨੂੰ ਬ੍ਰਾਹਮਣਾਂ ਨੇ ਭਾਰਤ
    ਵਿੱਚ ਜਿਵੇਂ ਖਤਮ ਕੀਤਾ ਤੁਸੀਂ ਸੋਚ ਵੀ ਨਹੀਂ ਸਕਦੇFollow Facebook Page -
    • 87) Classical Sanskrit छ्लस्सिचल् षन्स्क्रित्

      87) Cलस्सिcअल् Sअन्स्क्रिट् छ्लस्सिचल् षन्स्क्रित्
      Qउओटेस् Fरोम् भुड्द Fओर् Wइस्डोम् अन्ड् Pएअcए
      ङौटम, ओर् भुड्द, wअस् अ मन् बोर्न् टो अ रिच् फ़मिल्य् इन् णेपल् अरोउन्ड्
      500 भ्.C. ःए टूक् अ ग्रेअट् इन्टेरेस्ट् इन् फ़िन्डिन्ग् अ सोलुटिओन् टो
      ते सुफ़्फ़ेरिन्ग् ओफ़् हुमनिट्य्. आफ़्टेर् हिस् फ़तेर् cओउल्ड्न्’ट् प्रोमिसे
      हिम् तट् हे wओउल्ड्न्’ट् ग्रोw ओल्ड्, गेट् सिcक्, ओर् डिए, हे सेट् ओउट्
      टो मेडिटटे उन्टिल् हे फ़ोउन्ड् ते cउरे फ़ोर् मिसेर्य् अन्ड् सुफ़्फ़ेरिन्ग्.
      ईट् टूक् हिम् 49 डय्स् अन्ड् निघ्ट्स् ओफ़् सिट्टिन्ग् मेडिटटिओन् उन्डेर् अ
      पीपल् ट्री, अल्सो क्नोwन् अस् ते ‘भोदि ठ्री’, टो फ़िन्ड् ‘अwअकेन्मेन्ट्’
      ओर् ‘सटोरि’. ःए तेन् wएन्ट् अबोउट् टेअचिन्ग् अन्ड् शोwइन्ग् ओतेर्स् ते
      wअय् टो उन्डेर्स्टन्डिन्ग्. थे टेअचिन्ग्स् ओफ़् भुड्द सेर्वे अस् ते
      फ़ोउन्डटिओन् ओफ़् भुड्दिस्म्. थेसे टेअचिन्ग् cअन् एअसिल्य् गिवे गुइडन्cए
      अन्ड् ग्रेअटेर् पेअcए ओफ़् मिन्ड् टो अन्योने. ःएरे अरे 30 क़ुओटेस् फ़्रोम्
      भुड्द टो हेल्प् गुइडे योउ टोwअर्ड् wइस्डोम् अन्ड् पेअcए.
      1. “थे रूट् ओफ़् सुफ़्फ़ेरिन्ग् इस् अट्टच्मेन्ट्.”
      “ङिवे उप् अन्गेर्, गिवे उप् प्रिडे, अन्ड् फ़्री योउर्सेल्फ़् फ़्रोम्
      wओर्ल्ड्ल्य् बोन्डगे. णो सोर्रोw cअन् बेफ़ल्ल् तोसे wहो नेवेर् ट्र्य् टो
      पोस्सेस्स् पेओप्ले अन्ड् तिन्ग्स् अस् तेइर् ओwन्.”
      3. “Pउरिट्य् अन्ड् इम्पुरिट्य् डेपेन्ड् ओन् ओनेसेल्फ़्; नो ओने cअन् पुरिफ़्य् अनोतेर्.”
      4. “Oउर् लिफ़े इस् शपेड् ब्य् ओउर् मिन्ड्; wए बेcओमे wहट् wए तिन्क्.”
      “Oने wहो cओन्क़ुएर्स् हिम्सेल्फ़् इस् ग्रेअटेर् तन् अनोतेर् wहो
      cओन्क़ुएर्स् अ तोउसन्ड् टिमेस् अ तोउसन्ड् मेन् ओन् ते बट्ट्लेफ़िएल्ड्.”
      6. “ईफ़् योउ फ़िन्ड् नो ओने टो सुप्पोर्ट् योउ ओन् ते स्पिरिटुअल् पत्, wअल्क् अलोने. थेरे इस् नो cओम्पनिओन्शिप् wइत् ते इम्मटुरे.”
      7. “थेरे इस् नो फ़ेअर् फ़ोर् ओने wहोसे मिन्ड् इस् नोट् फ़िल्लेड् wइत् डेसिरेस्.”
      8. “ईफ़् अन्य्तिन्ग् इस् wओर्त् डोइन्ग्, डो इट् wइत् अल्ल् योउर् हेअर्ट्.”
      9. “य़ोउ योउर्सेल्फ़् मुस्ट् स्ट्रिवे. थे भुड्दस् ओन्ल्य् पोइन्ट् ते wअय्.”
      10. “थोसे wहो हवे डेस्ट्रोयेड् ते रूट्स् ओफ़् जेअलोउस्य् हवे पेअcए ओफ़् मिन्ड् अल्wअय्स्.”
      11. “थेरे इस् नो इम्पुरिट्य् ग्रेअटेर् तन् इग्नोरन्cए.”
      “थे wओर्ल्ड् इस् अफ़्फ़्लिcटेड् ब्य् डेअत् अन्ड् डेcअय्. भुट् ते wइसे डो
      नोट् ग्रिएवे, हविन्ग् रेअलिज़ेड् ते नटुरे ओफ़् ते wओर्ल्ड्.”
      13. “Oने इस् नोट् wइसे बेcऔसे हे टल्क्स् अ गूड् डेअल्. थेय् अरे wइसे wहो अरे पटिएन्ट्, अन्ड् फ़्री फ़्रोम् हटे अन्ड् फ़ेअर्.”
      14. “Wहोएवेर् डोएस्न्’ट् फ़्लरे उप् अट् सोमेओने wहो’स् अन्ग्र्य् wइन्स् अ बट्ट्ले हर्ड् टो wइन्.”
      15. “Oने इस् नोट् नोब्ले wहो इन्जुरेस् लिविन्ग् cरेअटुरेस्. थेय् अरे नोब्ले wहो हुर्ट् नो ओने.”
      “ङुअर्ड् योउर् तोउघ्ट्स्, wओर्ड्स्, अन्ड् डीड्स्. थेसे त्री
      डिस्cइप्लिनेस् wइल्ल् स्पीड् योउ अलोन्ग् ते पत् टो पुरे wइस्डोम्.”
      “षोउल्ड् योउ फ़िन्ड् अ wइसे cरिटिc टो पोइन्ट् ओउट् योउर् फ़ौल्ट्स्,
      फ़ोल्लोw हिम् अस् योउ wओउल्ड् अ गुइडे टो हिड्डेन् ट्रेअसुरे.”
      18. “ढो नोट् गिवे योउर् अट्टेन्टिओन् टो wहट् ओतेर्स् डो ओर् फ़ैल् टो डो; गिवे इट् टो wहट् योउ डो ओर् फ़ैल् टो डो.”
      19. “Wहेन् अरे योउ लिविन्ग् इन् डर्क्नेस्स्, wह्य् डोन्’ट् योउ लूक् फ़ोर् लिघ्ट्?”
      “Wहेन् wअट्चिन्ग् अफ़्टेर् योउर्सेल्फ़्, योउ wअट्च् अफ़्टेर् ओतेर्स्.
      Wहेन् wअट्चिन्ग् अफ़्टेर् ओतेर्स्, योउ wअट्च् अफ़्टेर् योउर्सेल्फ़्.”
      “ंअके योउर् मिन्ड् पुरे अस् अ सिल्वेर्स्मित् ब्लोwस् अwअय् ते
      इम्पुरिटिएस् ओफ़् सिल्वेर्, लिट्ट्ले ब्य् लिट्ट्ले, इन्स्टन्ट् ब्य्
      “ढोन्’ट् ट्र्य् टो बुइल्ड् योउर् हप्पिनेस्स् ओन् ते उन्हप्पिनेस्स् ओफ़्
      ओतेर्स्. य़ोउ wइल्ल् बे एन्मेशेड् इन् अ नेट् ओफ़् हट्रेड्.”
      23. “थे wइसे अरे डिस्cइप्लिनेड् इन् बोड्य्, स्पीच्, अन्ड् मिन्ड्. थेय् अरे wएल्ल् cओन्ट्रोल्लेड् इन्डीड्.”
      24. “ळिघ्ट् ते लम्प् wइतिन्; स्ट्रिवे हर्ड् टो अट्टैन् wइस्डोम्.”
      25. “ऱेसोलुटेल्य् ट्रैन् योउर्सेल्फ़् टो अट्टैन् पेअcए.”
      “ंएडिटटिओन् ब्रिन्ग्स् wइस्डोम्; लcक् ओफ़् मेडिटटिओन् लेअवेस्
      इग्नोरन्cए. Kनोw wएल्ल् wहट् लेअड्स् योउ फ़ोर्wअर्ड् अन्ड् wहट् होल्ड्स्
      योउ बcक्, अन्ड् चूसे ते पत् तट् लेअड्स् टो wइस्डोम्.”
      27. “ङिवे, एवेन् इफ़् योउ ओन्ल्य् हवे अ लिट्ट्ले.”
      28. “Jउस्ट् अस् अ सोलिड् रोcक् इस् नोट् शकेन् ब्य् ते स्टोर्म्, एवेन् सो ते wइसे अरे नोट् अफ़्फ़ेcटेड् ब्य् प्रैसे ओर् ब्लमे.”
      29. “ढोन्’ट् wअस्टे अ मोमेन्ट्, फ़ोर् wअस्टेड् मोमेन्ट्स् सेन्ड् योउ ओन् ते डोwन्wअर्ड् cओउर्से.”
      “ईफ़् योउ फ़ोर्गेट् ते जोय् ओफ़् लिफ़े अन्ड् गेट् cऔघ्ट् इन् ते प्लेअसुरेस्
      ओफ़् ते wओर्ल्ड्, योउ wइल्ल् cओमे टो एन्व्य् तोसे wहो पुट् मेडिटटिओन्
      खुश और सफल रहने के लिए बुद्ध के गोल्डन रूल्स | 9 Buddha’s Golden Rules of Happy and Successful life

    92) Classical Sindhi,

    عقل ۽ امن لاء ٻڌمت مان اقتباس
    گٽاما، يا بدو، هڪ انسان هو ته هڪ ماڻهو، هڪ امير خاندان ۾ هڪ امير خاندان
    ۾ پيدا ٿيو هو 500 بي. هن انسانيت جي تڪليف جو حل ڳولڻ ۾ وڏو شوق ڪيو. هن
    جي پيء کان پوء هن جو واعدو نه ڪري سگهيو ته بيمار نه وڌندو، يا مرڪي، هن
    مصيبت ۽ مصيبت جو علاج نه ڪيو. هن کي 49 ڏينهن ۽ رات جو ويهي وڻن جي رات جو
    ڏينهن، صرف ‘بيبي وڻ’ کي “جاڳندڙ ‘يا’ سوري” ڳولڻ لاء. هو پوء تدريس بابت ۽
    ٻين کي سمجهڻ جو رستو ڏيکارڻ بابت ويو. بدوم جا تضرست ٻڌمت جي بنياد تي
    عمل ڪن ٿا. اهي تدريس آسانيء سان ڪنهن کي هدايت ۽ وڏي امن ۽ وڏي امن ۾ ڏئي
    سگهن ٿا. هتي اسپاء کان 30 اقتباس آهن توهان کي دانش ۽ امن جي هدايت ڪرڻ ۾
    مدد لاء.
    1. “مصيبت جو روٽ منسلڪ آهي.”
    “ڪاوڙ کي ڇڏي ڏيو، فخر کي ڇڏي ڏيو، ۽ پنهنجو پاڻ کي دنيا جي بانڊن کان
    آزاد ڪريو. ڪوبه ڏک نه ٿو ڪري سگهي جيڪي ڪڏهن به ماڻهن ۽ شين کي پنهنجي طور
    تي رکڻ جي ڪوشش نه ڪندا آهن. “
    3. “پاڪائي ۽ نجڪاري پنهنجي پاڻ تي ڀاڙڻ؛ ڪو به ٻئي کي پاڪ نٿو ڪري سگهي.
    4. “اسان جي زندگي اسان جي دماغ مان شڪل آهي؛ اسان آهيون جيڪو اسان سوچيو ٿا. “
    5. “جيڪو پنهنجو پاڻ کي فتح ڪري ٿو ٻئي کان وڌيڪ وڏو آهي جيڪو هڪ هزار دفعا جنگ جي ميدان تي هڪ هزار مرد فتح ڪري ٿو.”
    6. “جيڪڏهن توهان کي ڪو به توهان کي روحاني رستي تي سهارو نه مليو، اڪيلو هليو. ڪو به مرد سان گڏ ناهي. “
    7. “ان لاء ڪو خوف ناهي جنهن جو دماغ خواهشن سان ڀريل ناهي.”
    8. “جيڪڏهن ڪا شيء ڪرڻ جي لائق آهي، اهو توهان جي پوري دل سان ڪيو.”
    9. “توهان پنهنجو پاڻ کي ڪوشش ڪرڻ گهرجي. ٻڌ ڌرم صرف رستو اشارو ڪري ٿو. “
    10. “جيڪي حسد جي جڑا کي تباهه ڪري چڪا آهن ذهن جي باري ۾ صحيح آهي.”
    11. “جهالت کان وڌيڪ ناانصافي ناهي.”
    12. “” دنيا موت جي خاتمي ۽ خرابي ڪئي وڃي. پر دانڙو جيڪو غمگين نه ٿيندو، دنيا جي، دنيا جي طبي کي برقرار رکڻ لاء. “
    13. “هڪ عقلمند نه آهي ڇاڪاڻ ته هو هڪ سٺو واپار ڳالهائي ٿو. اهي جادوگر آهن، جيڪي صبر ۽ نفرت ۽ ڊ fear و ٿا. “
    14. “جيڪو ڪنهن کي به نه لهندو آهي جيڪو ڪاوڙجي ٿو وڙهڻ لاء هڪ جنگ جي جنگ کٽي ٿو.”
    15. “هڪ عظيم ناهي جيڪو جاندار مخلوق کي زخمي ڪري ٿو. اهي عظيم آهن جن کي ڪنهن کي نقصان نه پهچايو. “
    16. “” پنهنجن خيالن، لفظن، ۽ عملن کي سنڀال ڪريو. اهي ٽي شعبا توهان کي خالص دانش جي رستي تي تيز ڪندو. “
    17. “توهان کي توهان جي غلطين کي نشاندهي ڪرڻ لاء هڪ عقلمند تنقيد ڳولڻ گهرجي، هن جي پيروي ڪريو جئين توهان لڪيل خزاني جو هڪ گائيڊ.”
    18. “پنهنجو ڌيان نه ڏيو ته ٻيا ڇا ڪندا يا ڪرڻ ۾ ناڪام ٿين ٿا. اهو ڏيو جيڪو توهان ڪيو يا ڪرڻ ۾ ناڪام ٿيو. “
    19. “توهان اونداهين ۾ ڪٿي رهندا آهيو، توهان ڇو نه ٿا ڳوليندا؟”
    20. “جڏهن پنهنجي پاڻ کان پوء ڏسي رهيو آهي، توهان ٻين کي ڏسندا. جڏهن ٻين کان پوء ڏسي رهيا آهيو، توهان پنهنجي پاڻ کان پوء ڏسو. “
    21. “سلورسما کي سلورائيت جي خالص طور تي توهان جي دماغ کي چورائي، نن little ن، تڪڙي، فوري، فوري طور تي گهٽائي ٿو.”
    22. “ٻين جي ناخوشگي تي توهان جي خوشي ٺاهڻ جي ڪوشش نه ڪريو. توهان کي نفرت جي هڪ خالص ۾ خوش ٿي ويندو. “
    23. “جسم، تقرير، ۽ دماغ ۾ عقلمند آهن. اهي يقينا ڪنٽرول آهن. “
    24. “اندر چراغ کي روشن ڪريو؛ عقل حاصل ڪرڻ لاء محنت ڪئي. “
    25. امن حاصل ڪرڻ لاء پاڻ کي حل ڪرڻ لاء. “
    “Meditation brings wisdom; lack of meditation leaves ignorance. Know
    well what leads you forward and what holds you back, and choose the path
    that leads to wisdom.”
    27. “Give, even if you only have a little.”
    28. “Just as a solid rock is not shaken by the storm, even so the wise are not affected by praise or blame.”
    29. “Don’t waste a moment, for wasted moments send you on the downward course.”
    “If you forget the joy of life and get caught in the pleasures of the
    world, you will come to envy those who put meditation first.”
    La vita le opere ed insegnamenti di Shakyamuni Buddha Parliamo di Buddha Dharma su YouTube

    93) Classical Sinhala-සම්භාව්ය සිංහල,

    ප්ර wisdom ාව හා සාමය සඳහා බුදුන්ගෙන් උපුටා දැක්වීම්
    ගෞතම නොහොත් බුදුන් වහන්සේ ආපනශාලාවේ ධනවතුන් සඳහා උපත ලැබූ මිනිසෙකි.
    මනුෂ්යත්වයේ දුක් විඳීමට විසඳුමක් සෙවීමට ඔහු මහත් උනන්දුවක් දැක්වීය.
    ඔහුගේ පියාට ඔහු වයසට යෑමට, අසනීප වීම හෝ මිය නොයන බවට පොරොන්දු වූ පසු,
    අවාසනාවන්ත හා දුක් වේදනා සඳහා ප්රතිකාරය සොයා ගන්නා තෙක් ඔහු මෙනෙහි
    කිරීමට පිටත් විය. ‘බෝධි ගස’ ලෙස හැඳින්වෙන, ‘බෝධි ගස’ ලෙස හැඳින්වෙන,
    ‘බෝධි ගස’ ලෙසත්, ‘අත්තෝමි’ ලෙස හැඳින්වෙන ඔහුට භාවනා කරමින් දින 49 ක් සහ
    රාත්රීන් එහි භාවනා කළහ. ඉන්පසු ඔහු ඉගැන්වීමට හා අවබෝධ කර ගැනීමේ මාර්ගය
    අන් අයට පෙන්වීය. බුදුන්ගේ ඉගැන්වීම් බුද්ධාගමේ පදනම ලෙස සේවය කරයි. මෙම
    ඉගැන්වීම් ඕනෑම කෙනෙකුට මඟ පෙන්වීම සහ වැඩි මනසක් ලබා ගත හැකිය. ප්ර wisdom
    ාව හා සාමය සඳහා ඔබට මඟ පෙන්වීම සඳහා බුදුන්ගෙන් උපුටා දැක්වීම් 30 ක්
    1. “දුක්විඳීමේ මුල ඇමුණුමයි.”
    “කෝපය අත්හරින්න, ආඩම්බරව අත්හරින්න, ලෞකික වහල්භාවයෙන් නිදහස් වන්න. කිසි
    විටෙකත් මිනිසුන් හා දේවල් තමන්ගේම දේ සන්තකයේ තබා ගැනීමට උත්සාහ නොකරන
    අයට කිසිම ශෝකයක් සිදුවිය හැක්කේ නැත. “
    3. “නිර්මලත්වය හා අපිරිසිදුකම තමා මත රඳා පවතී. තවත් කිසිවෙකුට තවත් දේ පවිත්ර කළ නොහැකිය. “
    4. “අපගේ ජීවිතය අපගේ මනස හැඩගස්වා ඇත; අපි සිතන දේ අපි බවට පත්වෙමු. “
    5. “තමා ජය ගන්නා කෙනෙකුට යුධ පිටියේ මිනිසුන් දහස් වාරයක් ජය ගන්නා තවත් කෙනෙකුට වඩා උතුම් ය.”
    6. “අධ්යාත්මික මාවතට ඔබට සහාය වීමට කිසිවෙකු ඔබට හමු නොවන්නේ නම්, තනිවම ඇවිදින්න. නොමේරූ සමඟ මිත්රත්වයක් නොමැත. “
    7. “ආශාවන්ගෙන් පිරී නැති කෙනෙකුගේ මනස ගැන භය නැත.”
    8. “යමක් කිරීම වටී නම්, එය මුළු හදවතින්ම කරන්න.”
    9. “ඔබම උත්සාහ කළ යුතුයි. බුදුස්වරු පෙන්වා දෙන්නේ මාර්ගය පමණි. “
    10. “ඊර්ෂ්යාවේ මුල් විනාශ කර ඇති අය සෑම විටම මනසේ සාමය ඇත.”
    11. “නොදැනුවත්කමට වඩා වැඩි අපිරිසිදුකම නැත.”
    12. “මරණයෙන් හා දිරාපත්වීම නිසා ලෝකය පීඩා විඳිති. නමුත් ප්ර wise ාවන්තයන් ලෝකයේ ස්වභාවය වටහාගෙන, දුක් වන්නේ නැහැ. “
    13. “යමෙකු බුද්ධිමත් දෙයක් කතා කරන නිසා ඔහු wise ානවන්ත නොවේ. ඔවුන් ඉවසිලිවන්තව හා වෛරයෙන් හා භීතියෙන් නිදහස් වන්නේ නුවණෙනි. “
    14. “කෝපාවිෂ්ට කෙනෙකු දෙස අපව දැරූ යමෙක් යුද්ධයක් ජය ගැනීමට අපහසුය.”
    15. “යමෙක් ජීවීන්ට තුවාල කරන උතුම්ය. කිසිවෙකුටත් රිදවන ඔවුන් උතුම් ය. “
    16. “ඔබේ සිතුවිලි, වචන සහ ක්රියාවන් ආරක්ෂා කරන්න. මෙම විෂයයන් තුනේ ඔබව පිරිසිදු ප්ර .ාව කරා යන මාවත දිගේ වේගවත් කරනු ඇත. “
    “” ඔබේ වැරදි පෙන්වා දීම සඳහා ඔබේ වැරදි පෙන්වා දීම wise ානවන්ත
    විවේචකයෙකු සොයාගත්තොත්, ඔබ සැඟවුණු නිධානයක් සඳහා මග පෙන්වන ආකාරයටම ඔහුව
    අනුගමනය කරන්න. “
    18. “අන් අය කරන දේ ගැන ඔබේ අවධානය යොමු නොකරන්න. ඔබ කරන දේට හෝ කිරීමට අපොහොසත් වන දේට දෙන්න. “
    19. “ඔබ අන්ධකාරයේ ජීවත් වන්නේ කවදාද, ඇයි ඔබ ආලෝකය සොයන්නේ නැත්තේ?”
    20. “ඔබම බලාගොස් සිටින විට, ඔබ අන් අයව බලාගන්න. අන් අයව බලාගත් විට, ඔබ ඔබම බලා සිටී. “
    21. “රිදීකරුවෙකුගේ මනස රිදී අපිරිසිදුකම පිඹින විට ඔබේ මනස පිරිසිදු කරන්න. ටිකෙන් ටික, ක්ෂණිකව ක්ෂණිකව ක්ෂණිකව.”
    22. “අන් අයගේ අසතුටින් ඔබේ සතුට ගොඩනඟා ගැනීමට උත්සාහ නොකරන්න. ඔබව වෛරයේ දැල්වලින් හසු වනු ඇත. “
    23. “ප්ර wise ාවන්ත ශරීරය, කථාව සහ මනසෙහි විනයගරුක ය. ඇත්තෙන්ම ඒවා හොඳින් පාලනය වේ. “
    24. “පහන ඇතුළත ලාම්පුව දැයි; ප්ර .ාව ලබාගැනීමට දැඩි උත්සාහයක් ගන්න. “
    25. “සාමය අත් කරගැනීම සඳහා ඔබව අධිෂ්පාදනය කරන්න.”
    “භාවනා කිරීමෙන් ප්ර wisdom ාව ලැබේ. භාවනා නොමැතිකම නොදැනුවත්කම. ඔබව
    ඉදිරියට ගෙන යන්නේ කුමක් ද යන්න සහ ඔබව වළක්වන දේ සහ ප්ර .ාවට මඟ පෙන්වන
    මාවත තෝරාගන්න. “
    27. “ඔබට ටිකක් තිබුණත් දෙන්න.”
    28. “solid න පර්වතයක් කුණාටුවෙන් කම්පා නොවන්නාක් මෙන්, ප්ර wise ාවන්තයන් ප්රශංසාව හෝ දොස් නොකියයි.”
    29. “මොහොතකට නාස්ති නොකරන්න, අපතේ ගිය අවස්ථාවන් පහත වැටීම.”
    30. “ඔබට ජීවිතයේ ප්රීතිය අමතක කර ලෝකයේ සැපශිවලට හසු වුවහොත්, භාවනා කරන අයට මුලින්ම භාවනා කරන අයට ඔබ ඊර්ෂ්යා කිරීමට පැමිණෙනු ඇත.”
    සවස බුද්ධ වන්දනාව | Mahamevnawa Melbourne
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    • 102) Classical Tamil-பாரம்பரிய இசைத்தமிழ் செம்மொழி,

      ஞானம் மற்றும் அமைதிக்காக புத்தரிடமிருந்து மேற்கோள்கள்
      க ut தாமா, அல்லது புத்தர், நேபாளத்தில் ஒரு பணக்கார குடும்பத்திற்கு 500
      பி.சி. மனிதகுலத்தின் துன்பங்களுக்கு ஒரு தீர்வைக் கண்டுபிடிப்பதில் அவர்
      மிகுந்த ஆர்வம் காட்டினார். அவர் வயதாகவோ, நோய்வாய்ப்படவோ அல்லது இறக்கவோ
      மாட்டார் என்று அவரது தந்தை அவருக்கு உறுதியளிக்க முடியாத பிறகு, துன்பம்
      மற்றும் துன்பத்திற்கான சிகிச்சையை அவர் கண்டுபிடிக்கும் வரை தியானிக்க
      புறப்பட்டார். ‘விழிப்புணர்வு’ அல்லது ‘சடோரி’ கண்டுபிடிக்க, ‘போதி மரம்’
      என்றும் அழைக்கப்படும் ஒரு பீப்பல் மரத்தின் கீழ் தியானத்தின் 49 பகல்
      மற்றும் இரவுகள் அவருக்கு பிடித்தன. பின்னர் அவர் கற்பித்தல் மற்றும்
      மற்றவர்களைப் புரிந்துகொள்வதற்கான வழியைக் காண்பிப்பார். புத்தரின்
      போதனைகள் ப Buddhism த்த மதத்தின் அடித்தளமாக செயல்படுகின்றன. இந்த
      போதனைகள் யாருக்கும் வழிகாட்டுதலையும் அதிக மன அமைதியையும் தரும்.
      ஞானத்தையும் அமைதியையும் நோக்கி உங்களை வழிநடத்த புத்தரின் 30 மேற்கோள்கள்
      1. “துன்பத்தின் வேர் இணைப்பு.”
      “கோபத்தை விட்டுவிடுங்கள், பெருமையை விட்டுவிடுங்கள், உலக
      அடிமைத்தனத்திலிருந்து உங்களை விடுவிக்கவும். ஒருபோதும் மக்களையும்
      விஷயங்களையும் தங்கள் சொந்தமாக வைத்திருக்க முயற்சிக்காதவர்களுக்கு எந்த
      துக்கமும் ஏற்பட முடியாது. ”
      3. “தூய்மையும் தூய்மையும் தன்னைப் பொறுத்தது; வேறு யாராலும் சுத்திகரிக்க முடியாது. ”
      4. “எங்கள் வாழ்க்கை நம் மனதினால் வடிவமைக்கப்பட்டுள்ளது; நாங்கள் என்ன நினைக்கிறோம். ”
      5. “போர்க்களத்தில் ஆயிரம் முறை ஆயிரம் முறை வெல்லும் மற்றொருவரை விட தன்னை வெல்லும் ஒருவர் பெரியவர்.”
      6. “ஆன்மீக பாதையில் உங்களை ஆதரிக்க யாரும் இல்லை என்றால், தனியாக நடந்து செல்லுங்கள். முதிர்ச்சியற்றவர்களுடன் தோழமை இல்லை. ”
      7. “மனம் ஆசைகளால் நிரப்பப்படாத ஒருவருக்கு எந்த பயமும் இல்லை.”
      8. “ஏதாவது செய்ய வேண்டியது என்றால், அதை உங்கள் முழு இதயத்துடனும் செய்யுங்கள்.”
      9. “நீங்களே முயற்சி செய்ய வேண்டும். புத்தர்கள் மட்டுமே வழியை சுட்டிக்காட்டுகிறார்கள். ”
      10. “பொறாமையின் வேர்களை அழித்தவர்களுக்கு எப்போதும் மன அமைதி இருக்கும்.”
      11. “அறியாமையை விட அதிக தூய்மையற்ற தன்மை இல்லை.”
      12. “மரணம் மற்றும் சிதைவால் உலகம் பாதிக்கப்படுகிறது. ஆனால் ஞானிகள் உலகின் தன்மையை உணர்ந்தபின் துக்கப்படுவதில்லை. ”
      “அவர் ஒரு நல்ல ஒப்பந்தத்தை பேசுவதால் ஒருவர் புத்திசாலி அல்ல. அவர்கள்
      பொறுமையாக இருக்கிறார்கள், வெறுப்பு மற்றும் பயத்திலிருந்து
      விடுபடுகிறார்கள். ”
      14. “கோபமடைந்த ஒருவரிடம் எவரும் எரியாதவர் வெல்ல கடினமாக வென்றார்.”
      15. “ஒருவர் உயிரினங்களை காயப்படுத்தும் உன்னதமானவர் அல்ல. அவர்கள் யாரையும் காயப்படுத்தாத உன்னதமானவர்கள். ”
      “உங்கள் எண்ணங்கள், சொற்கள் மற்றும் செயல்களைக் காக்கவும். இந்த மூன்று
      துறைகளும் தூய ஞானத்திற்கான பாதையில் உங்களை விரைவுபடுத்தும். ”
      “உங்கள் தவறுகளை சுட்டிக்காட்ட ஒரு புத்திசாலி விமர்சகரை நீங்கள் கண்டால்,
      மறைக்கப்பட்ட புதையலுக்கான வழிகாட்டியைப் போலவே அவரைப் பின்தொடரவும்.”
      “மற்றவர்கள் என்ன செய்கிறார்கள் அல்லது செய்யத் தவறிவிட்டார்கள் என்பதில்
      உங்கள் கவனத்தை அளிக்காதீர்கள்; நீங்கள் என்ன செய்கிறீர்கள் அல்லது செய்யத்
      தவறினால் அதை கொடுங்கள். ”
      19. “நீங்கள் எப்போது இருளில் வாழ்கிறீர்கள், ஏன் ஒளியைத் தேடக்கூடாது?”
      20. “உங்களைப் பார்த்தால், நீங்கள் மற்றவர்களைப் பார்க்கிறீர்கள். மற்றவர்களைப் பார்க்கும்போது, ​​நீங்களே பார்த்துக் கொள்ளுங்கள். ”
      21. “ஒரு சில்வர்ஸ்மித் வெள்ளியின் அசுத்தங்களை, சிறிது சிறிதாக, உடனடியாக உடனடியாக வீசுவதால் உங்கள் மனதை தூய்மையாக்குங்கள்.”
      “மற்றவர்களின் மகிழ்ச்சியற்ற தன்மையில் உங்கள் மகிழ்ச்சியை வளர்க்க
      முயற்சிக்காதீர்கள். நீங்கள் வெறுப்பின் வலையில் மூழ்கிவிடுவீர்கள். ”
      23. “புத்திசாலி உடல், பேச்சு மற்றும் மனதில் ஒழுக்கமாக இருக்கிறார். அவை உண்மையில் நன்கு கட்டுப்படுத்தப்படுகின்றன. ”
      24. “உள்ளே விளக்கை ஏற்றி வைக்கவும்; ஞானத்தை அடைய கடுமையாக முயற்சி செய்யுங்கள். ”
      25. “சமாதானத்தை அடைய உங்களை உறுதியுடன் பயிற்றுவிக்கவும்.”
      “தியானம் ஞானத்தைக் கொண்டுவருகிறது; தியானத்தின் பற்றாக்குறை அறியாமையை
      விட்டுச்செல்கிறது. உங்களை முன்னோக்கி வழிநடத்துகிறது, உங்களைத் தடுத்து
      நிறுத்துவது எது என்பதை நன்கு அறிந்து கொள்ளுங்கள், மேலும் ஞானத்திற்கு
      வழிவகுக்கும் பாதையைத் தேர்வுசெய்க. ”
      27. “உங்களிடம் கொஞ்சம் மட்டுமே இருந்தாலும் கொடுங்கள்.”
      28. “ஒரு திடமான பாறை புயலால் அசைக்கப்படாதது போல, ஞானிகள் புகழ் அல்லது பழி மூலம் பாதிக்கப்படுவதில்லை.”
      29. “ஒரு கணம் வீணாக்காதீர்கள், வீணான தருணங்கள் உங்களை கீழ்நோக்கிய போக்கில் அனுப்புகின்றன.”
      “நீங்கள் வாழ்க்கையின் மகிழ்ச்சியை மறந்து, உலகின் இன்பங்களில் சிக்கிக்
      கொண்டால், தியானத்திற்கு முதலிடம் கொடுப்பவர்களுக்கு நீங்கள்
      வாழ்க்கையை மாற்ற உதவும் புத்தரின் 25 வாழ்வியல் கருத்துக்கள்!

    104) Classical Telugu- క్లాసికల్ తెలుగు,

    జ్ఞానం మరియు శాంతి కోసం బుద్ధుడి నుండి ఉల్లేఖనాలు
    గౌతమ, లేదా బుద్ధుడు, నేపాల్‌లో ధనవంతుడైన కుటుంబానికి 500 బి.సి.
    మానవత్వం యొక్క బాధలకు పరిష్కారం కనుగొనడంలో అతను చాలా ఆసక్తిని కనబరిచాడు.
    అతను వృద్ధాప్యం కాదని, అనారోగ్యానికి గురికాడు, లేదా చనిపోతాడని అతని
    తండ్రి అతనికి వాగ్దానం చేయలేన తరువాత, అతను దు ery ఖం మరియు బాధల నివారణను
    కనుగొనే వరకు ధ్యానం చేయడానికి బయలుదేరాడు. ‘మేల్కొలుపు’ లేదా ‘సతోరి’
    కనుగొనడానికి ‘బోధి చెట్టు’ అని కూడా పిలువబడే పీపాల్ చెట్టు కింద 49 పగలు
    మరియు రాత్రులు కూర్చున్న ధ్యానం పట్టింది. అప్పుడు అతను బోధన గురించి
    మరియు ఇతరులకు అర్థం చేసుకునే మార్గాన్ని చూపించడం గురించి వెళ్ళాడు.
    బుద్ధుని బోధనలు బౌద్ధమతానికి పునాదిగా పనిచేస్తాయి. ఈ బోధన ఎవరికైనా
    సులభంగా మార్గదర్శకత్వం మరియు ఎక్కువ మనశ్శాంతిని ఇస్తుంది. జ్ఞానం మరియు
    శాంతి వైపు మీకు మార్గనిర్దేశం చేయడంలో సహాయపడటానికి బుద్ధుడి నుండి 30
    కోట్లు ఇక్కడ ఉన్నాయి.
    1. “బాధ యొక్క మూలం అటాచ్మెంట్.”
    “కోపాన్ని వదులుకోండి, అహంకారాన్ని వదులుకోండి మరియు ప్రాపంచిక బంధం నుండి
    మిమ్మల్ని మీరు విడిపించుకోండి. ప్రజలను మరియు వస్తువులను తమ సొంతంగా
    కలిగి ఉండటానికి ఎప్పుడూ ప్రయత్నించని వారికి దు orrow ఖం జరగదు. ”
    3. “స్వచ్ఛత మరియు అశుద్ధత తనపై ఆధారపడి ఉంటాయి; ఎవరూ మరొకరిని శుద్ధి చేయలేరు. ”
    4. “మన జీవితం మన మనస్సుతో ఆకారంలో ఉంది; మేము ఏమనుకుంటున్నారో అవుతాము. ”
    6. “ఆధ్యాత్మిక మార్గంలో మీకు మద్దతు ఇవ్వడానికి మీరు ఎవరూ కనుగొనకపోతే, ఒంటరిగా నడవండి. అపరిపక్వతో సాంగత్యం లేదు. ”
    7. “మనస్సు కోరికలతో నిండిన వ్యక్తికి భయం లేదు.”
    8. “ఏదైనా చేయడం విలువైనదే అయితే, మీ హృదయంతో దీన్ని చేయండి.”
    9. “మీరే ప్రయత్నించాలి. బుద్ధులు మార్గం మాత్రమే చూపిస్తారు. ”
    10. “అసూయ యొక్క మూలాలను నాశనం చేసిన వారికి ఎల్లప్పుడూ మనశ్శాంతి ఉంటుంది.”
    11. “అజ్ఞానం కంటే గొప్ప అశుద్ధత లేదు.”
    12. “ప్రపంచం మరణం మరియు క్షయం ద్వారా బాధపడుతోంది. కానీ తెలివైనవారు దు rie ఖించరు, ప్రపంచ స్వభావాన్ని గ్రహించారు. ”
    “ఒకరు మంచి ఒప్పందం మాట్లాడుతున్నందున ఒకరు తెలివైనవారు కాదు. వారు
    తెలివైనవారు, మరియు ద్వేషం మరియు భయం నుండి విముక్తి పొందారు. ”
    14. “కోపంగా ఉన్నవారిని ఎవరైతే మంటలు చేయరు.”
    15. “జీవులను గాయపరిచే వ్యక్తి నోబెల్ కాదు. వారు ఎవరినీ బాధపెట్టని గొప్పవారు. ”
    16. “మీ ఆలోచనలు, మాటలు మరియు పనులను కాపాడుకోండి. ఈ మూడు విభాగాలు మిమ్మల్ని స్వచ్ఛమైన జ్ఞానానికి దారి తీస్తాయి. ”
    “మీ లోపాలను ఎత్తి చూపడానికి మీరు తెలివైన విమర్శకుడిని కనుగొనాలి, మీరు
    దాచిన నిధికి మార్గదర్శిగా ఉన్నందున అతన్ని అనుసరించండి.”
    18. “ఇతరులు చేసే పనులపై మీ దృష్టిని ఇవ్వవద్దు లేదా చేయడంలో విఫలమవుతారు; మీరు చేసే పనులకు ఇవ్వండి లేదా చేయడంలో విఫలమవుతారు. ”
    19. “మీరు ఎప్పుడు చీకటిలో నివసిస్తున్నారు, ఎందుకు మీరు కాంతి కోసం చూడకూడదు?”
    20. “మీ తర్వాత చూసినప్పుడు, మీరు ఇతరులను చూస్తారు. ఇతరులను చూసేటప్పుడు, మీరు మీరే చూస్తారు. ”
    21. “సిల్వర్‌మిత్ వెండి యొక్క మలినాలను, కొద్దిసేపు, తక్షణమే తక్షణమే చెదరగొట్టడంతో మీ మనస్సును స్వచ్ఛంగా చేసుకోండి.”
    22. “ఇతరుల అసంతృప్తిపై మీ ఆనందాన్ని పెంపొందించడానికి ప్రయత్నించవద్దు. మీరు ద్వేషపూరిత వలయంలో పొందుతారు. ”
    23. “తెలివైనవారు శరీరం, ప్రసంగం మరియు మనస్సులో క్రమశిక్షణతో ఉన్నారు. అవి నిజంగా బాగా నియంత్రించబడతాయి. ”
    24. “దీపం లోపల వెలిగించండి; జ్ఞానం పొందడానికి తీవ్రంగా ప్రయత్నిస్తారు. “
    25. “శాంతిని పొందడానికి మీరే నిశ్చయంగా శిక్షణ ఇవ్వండి.”
    “ధ్యానం జ్ఞానం తెస్తుంది; ధ్యానం లేకపోవడం అజ్ఞానాన్ని వదిలివేస్తుంది.
    మిమ్మల్ని ముందుకు నడిపించేది మరియు మిమ్మల్ని వెనక్కి తీసుకునేది ఏమిటో
    బాగా తెలుసుకోండి మరియు జ్ఞానానికి దారితీసే మార్గాన్ని ఎంచుకోండి. ”
    27. “ఇవ్వండి, మీకు కొంచెం మాత్రమే ఉన్నప్పటికీ.”
    28. “దృ rock మైన రాక్ తుఫానుతో కదిలించబడనందున, తెలివైనవారు ప్రశంసలు లేదా నిందల ద్వారా ప్రభావితం కాదు.”
    29. “ఒక్క క్షణం వృథా చేయవద్దు, ఎందుకంటే వృధా క్షణాలు మిమ్మల్ని క్రిందికి కోర్సులో పంపుతాయి.”
    “మీరు జీవిత ఆనందాన్ని మరచిపోయి, ప్రపంచంలోని ఆనందాలలో చిక్కుకుంటే,
    ధ్యానం చేసేవారిని మొదటి స్థానంలో ఉంచిన వారిని మీరు అసూయపరుస్తారు.”
    భయం ఎందుకు …? |How to reduce fear from mind |Restart your life |Buddha speeches in telugu (2019)
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    105) Classical Thai-ภาษาไทยคลาสสิก,

    500 ปีก่อนคริสตกาล
    เขาใช้เวลา 49 วันและคืนในการนั่งสมาธิภายใต้ต้นไม้ peepal
    หรือที่รู้จักกันในชื่อ ‘ต้นโพธิ’ เพื่อค้นหา ‘ตื่น’ หรือ ’satori’
    นี่คือ 30
    1. “ รากของความทุกข์คือสิ่งที่แนบมา”
    “ ยอมแพ้ความโกรธให้ความภาคภูมิใจและปลดปล่อยตัวเองจากการเป็นทาสทางโลก
    ๆ เป็นของตัวเอง”
    3. “ ความบริสุทธิ์และความบริสุทธิ์ขึ้นอยู่กับตัวเอง ไม่มีใครสามารถชำระให้บริสุทธิ์ได้”
    4. “ ชีวิตของเรามีรูปร่างโดยจิตใจของเรา เรากลายเป็นสิ่งที่เราคิด”
    5. “ ผู้ที่พิชิตตัวเองยิ่งใหญ่กว่าอีกคนหนึ่งที่พิชิตผู้ชายหนึ่งพันเท่าในสนามรบ”
    6. “ หากคุณไม่มีใครให้การสนับสนุนคุณบนเส้นทางจิตวิญญาณให้เดินคนเดียว ไม่มีมิตรภาพที่ยังไม่บรรลุนิติภาวะ”
    7. “ ไม่มีความกลัวสำหรับคนที่จิตใจไม่เต็มไปด้วยความปรารถนา”
    8. “ ถ้ามีสิ่งใดที่ควรค่าแก่การทำด้วยสุดใจ”
    9. “ คุณต้องพยายามอย่างเต็มที่ พระพุทธเจ้าชี้ทางเท่านั้น”
    10. “ คนที่ทำลายรากของความหึงหวงมีความอุ่นใจอยู่เสมอ”
    11. “ ไม่มีสิ่งเจือปนที่ยิ่งใหญ่ไปกว่าความไม่รู้”
    12. “ โลกกำลังทุกข์ทรมานจากความตายและการสลายตัว แต่คนฉลาดไม่เสียใจเมื่อตระหนักถึงธรรมชาติของโลก”
    13. “ ไม่มีใครฉลาดเพราะเขาพูดถึงเรื่องดี พวกเขาฉลาดที่อดทนและปราศจากความเกลียดชังและความกลัว”
    14. “ ใครก็ตามที่ไม่ได้ลุกเป็นไฟกับคนที่โกรธชนะการต่อสู้อย่างหนักเพื่อชนะ”
    15. “ คนหนึ่งไม่ได้ขุนนางที่ทำร้ายสิ่งมีชีวิต พวกเขาเป็นผู้สูงศักดิ์ที่ไม่ทำร้ายใคร”
    16. “ ปกป้องความคิดคำพูดและการกระทำของคุณ สาขาวิชาทั้งสามนี้จะเร่งความเร็วให้คุณไปตามเส้นทางสู่ภูมิปัญญาอันบริสุทธิ์”
    17. “ หากคุณพบนักวิจารณ์ที่ฉลาดเพื่อชี้ให้เห็นข้อบกพร่องของคุณให้ติดตามเขาเช่นเดียวกับที่คุณจะแนะนำขุมทรัพย์ที่ซ่อนอยู่”
    18. “ อย่าให้ความสนใจกับสิ่งที่คนอื่นทำหรือไม่ทำ มอบสิ่งที่คุณทำหรือไม่ทำ”
    19. “ คุณอาศัยอยู่ในความมืดเมื่อไหร่ทำไมคุณไม่มองหาแสงสว่าง”
    20. “ เมื่อเฝ้าดูตัวเองคุณดูคนอื่น เมื่อดูหลังจากคนอื่นคุณดูตัวเอง”
    21. “ ทำให้จิตใจของคุณบริสุทธิ์เหมือนเงินทำให้สิ่งสกปรกของเงินออกไปทีละน้อยทีละน้อยทันที”
    22. “ อย่าพยายามสร้างความสุขของคุณต่อความทุกข์ของผู้อื่น คุณจะได้รับความเกลียดชังในความเกลียดชัง”
    23. “ ผู้ฉลาดมีระเบียบวินัยในร่างกายการพูดและความคิด พวกเขาควบคุมได้ดีแน่นอน”
    24. “ ไฟส่องสว่างภายใน; พยายามอย่างหนักที่จะบรรลุภูมิปัญญา”
    25. “ ฝึกฝนตัวเองอย่างเด็ดขาดเพื่อให้ได้ความสงบ”
    “ การทำสมาธินำภูมิปัญญา; การขาดการทำสมาธิทำให้ความไม่รู้
    27. “ ให้แม้ว่าคุณจะมีเพียงเล็กน้อย”
    28. “ เช่นเดียวกับหินแข็งไม่ได้ถูกเขย่าด้วยพายุดังนั้นผู้ที่ฉลาดจึงไม่ได้รับผลกระทบจากการสรรเสริญหรือโทษ”
    29. “ อย่าเสียเวลาสักครู่เพราะช่วงเวลาที่สูญเปล่าส่งคุณไปที่เส้นทางลง”
    30. “ ถ้าคุณลืมความสุขของชีวิตและติดอยู่ในความสุขของโลกคุณจะต้องอิจฉาคนที่ทำสมาธิก่อน”


    حکمت اور امن کے لئے بدھ سے قیمتیں
    گوتاما ، یا بدھ ، نیپال میں ایک امیر خاندان میں پیدا ہونے والے 500 بی
    سی کے ارد گرد پیدا ہوئے تھے۔ اس نے انسانیت کے مصائب کا حل تلاش کرنے میں
    بڑی دلچسپی لی۔ اس کے بعد جب اس کے والد اس سے وعدہ نہیں کرسکتے تھے کہ وہ
    بوڑھا نہیں ہوگا ، بیمار ہوجائے گا ، یا مرجائے گا ، تب تک وہ مراقبہ کرنے
    نکلا جب تک کہ اسے تکلیف اور تکلیف کا علاج نہ مل جائے۔ اسے جھانکنے والے
    درخت کے نیچے بیٹھے ہوئے مراقبہ میں 49 دن اور رات لگے ، جسے ’بودھی درخت‘
    بھی کہا جاتا ہے ، ‘بیداری’ یا ‘ستوری’ تلاش کرنے میں۔ اس کے بعد وہ دوسروں
    کو سمجھنے کا طریقہ درس و تدریس کے بارے میں چلا گیا۔ بدھ کی تعلیمات بدھ
    مت کی بنیاد کے طور پر کام کرتی ہیں۔ یہ تعلیم کسی کو آسانی سے رہنمائی اور
    ذہنی سکون فراہم کرسکتی ہے۔ حکمت اور امن کی طرف آپ کی رہنمائی میں مدد کے
    لئے بدھ کے 30 حوالہ جات یہ ہیں۔
    1. “مصائب کی جڑ منسلک ہے۔”
    “غصہ ترک کرو ، فخر ترک کرو ، اور خود کو دنیاوی غلامی سے آزاد کرو۔ کوئی
    غم ان لوگوں کو نہیں پہنچ سکتا جو کبھی بھی لوگوں اور چیزوں کو اپنے طور پر
    رکھنے کی کوشش نہیں کرتے ہیں۔
    3. “طہارت اور نجاست خود پر منحصر ہے۔ کوئی دوسرے کو پاک نہیں کرسکتا۔
    “.” ہماری زندگی ہمارے دماغ سے تشکیل پاتی ہے۔ ہم وہی بن جاتے ہیں جو ہم سوچتے ہیں۔
    “.” جو شخص اپنے آپ کو فتح کرتا ہے وہ دوسرے سے بڑا ہوتا ہے جو میدان جنگ میں ایک ہزار بار ہزار مردوں کو فتح کرتا ہے۔ “
    6. “اگر آپ کو روحانی راہ پر آپ کی مدد کرنے کے لئے کوئی نہیں ملتا ہے تو ، تنہا چلیں۔ نادان سے کوئی صحبت نہیں ہے۔
    7. “کسی کے لئے کوئی خوف نہیں ہے جس کا دماغ خواہشات سے بھر نہیں ہے۔”
    8. “اگر کچھ کرنے کے قابل ہے تو ، اپنے پورے دل سے کریں۔”
    9. “آپ خود جدوجہد کرنی ہوں گے۔ بدھ صرف راستے کی نشاندہی کرتے ہیں۔
    10. “جن لوگوں نے حسد کی جڑوں کو تباہ کیا ہے ان میں ہمیشہ ذہنی سکون رہتا ہے۔”
    11. “جہالت سے بڑا کوئی ناپاک نہیں ہے۔”
    12. “دنیا موت اور کشی کا شکار ہے۔ لیکن عقلمند غم نہیں کرتے ، دنیا کی نوعیت کا احساس کرتے ہوئے۔
    13. “ایک دانشمند نہیں ہے کیونکہ وہ اچھی بات کی بات کرتا ہے۔ وہ عقلمند ہیں جو صبر اور نفرت اور خوف سے پاک ہیں۔
    14. “جو بھی ناراض ہے اس پر کوئی بھڑک اٹھتا ہے جو جیتنے کے لئے سخت جنگ جیت جاتا ہے۔”
    15. “ایک ایسا نیک نہیں ہے جو زندہ مخلوق کو زخمی کرتا ہے۔ وہ نیک ہیں جنہوں نے کسی کو تکلیف نہیں دی۔
    16. “اپنے خیالات ، الفاظ اور اعمال کی حفاظت کریں۔ یہ تینوں مضامین آپ کو خالص حکمت کے راستے پر تیز کریں گے۔
    “کیا آپ کو اپنی غلطیوں کی نشاندہی کرنے کے لئے کوئی عقلمند نقاد مل جائے ،
    اس کی پیروی کریں کیونکہ آپ پوشیدہ خزانے کے لئے رہنما ہوں گے۔”
    18. “دوسروں کے کام کرنے یا ناکام ہونے پر اپنی توجہ نہ دیں۔ اسے جو کچھ آپ کرتے ہیں یا کرنے میں ناکام رہتے ہیں اسے دیں۔ “
    19. “آپ کب اندھیرے میں رہ رہے ہیں ، آپ روشنی کی تلاش کیوں نہیں کرتے؟”
    20. “جب خود دیکھ رہے ہو تو ، آپ دوسروں کے بعد دیکھتے ہیں۔ جب دوسروں کے بعد دیکھتے ہو تو ، آپ اپنے آپ کو دیکھتے ہیں۔ “
    21. “اپنے دماغ کو خالص بنائیں جیسے سلورسٹھ نے چاندی کی نجاست کو تھوڑا سا ، فوری طور پر فوری طور پر اڑا دیا۔”
    22. “دوسروں کی ناخوشی پر اپنی خوشی پیدا کرنے کی کوشش نہ کریں۔ آپ نفرت کے جال میں مبتلا ہوجائیں گے۔
    23. “عقلمند جسم ، تقریر اور دماغ میں نظم و ضبط ہے۔ وہ واقعی اچھی طرح سے کنٹرول ہیں۔
    24. “اندر کے اندر چراغ روشن ؛ حکمت کو حاصل کرنے کے لئے سخت جدوجہد کریں۔
    25. “امن کے حصول کے لئے خود کو پوری طرح سے تربیت دیں۔”
    “Meditation brings wisdom; lack of meditation leaves ignorance. Know
    well what leads you forward and what holds you back, and choose the path
    that leads to wisdom.”
    27. “Give, even if you only have a little.”
    28. “Just as a solid rock is not shaken by the storm, even so the wise are not affected by praise or blame.”
    29. “Don’t waste a moment, for wasted moments send you on the downward course.”
    “If you forget the joy of life and get caught in the pleasures of the
    world, you will come to envy those who put meditation first.”
    BANGKOK, Thailand: things to do and to know | Tourism Thailand vlog 1

    112) Classical Vietnamese-Tiếng Việ,

    Trích dẫn từ Phật vì trí tuệ và hòa bình
    Gautama, hay Phật, là một người đàn ông sinh ra trong một gia đình giàu
    có ở Nepal vào khoảng 500 B.C. Ông rất quan tâm đến việc tìm kiếm một
    giải pháp cho sự đau khổ của nhân loại. Sau khi cha anh không thể hứa
    với anh rằng anh sẽ già đi, bị bệnh hoặc chết, anh bắt đầu thiền cho đến
    khi anh tìm thấy phương pháp chữa bệnh đau khổ và đau khổ. Anh ta phải
    mất 49 ngày đêm ngồi thiền ngồi dưới gốc cây peepal, còn được gọi là
    ‘cây bồ đề, để tìm‘ sự thức tỉnh hay ‘satori. Sau đó, ông đi giảng dạy
    và chỉ cho người khác cách hiểu. Những lời dạy của Đức Phật đóng vai trò
    là nền tảng của Phật giáo. Những giảng dạy này có thể dễ dàng cung cấp
    hướng dẫn và sự an tâm lớn hơn cho bất cứ ai. Dưới đây là 30 trích dẫn
    từ Đức Phật để giúp hướng dẫn bạn về sự khôn ngoan và hòa bình.
    1. Rễ của đau khổ là sự gắn bó.
    Từ bỏ sự tức giận, từ bỏ niềm tự hào và giải thoát bản thân khỏi sự
    trói buộc trần tục. Không có nỗi buồn nào có thể xảy ra với những người
    không bao giờ cố gắng sở hữu mọi người và những thứ như của riêng họ.
    3. Sự tinh khiết và tạp chất phụ thuộc vào bản thân; Không ai có thể thanh lọc người khác.
    4. Cuộc sống của chúng ta được định hình bởi tâm trí của chúng ta; Chúng ta trở thành những gì chúng ta nghĩ.
    5. Một người chinh phục bản thân mình lớn hơn một người khác chinh phục hàng ngàn lần một ngàn người trên chiến trường.
    Nếu bạn không tìm thấy ai để hỗ trợ bạn trên con đường tâm linh, hãy đi
    bộ một mình. Không có sự đồng hành với người chưa trưởng thành.
    7. Không có nỗi sợ hãi cho một người mà tâm trí không chứa đầy những ham muốn.
    8. Nếu có bất cứ điều gì đáng để làm, hãy làm điều đó với tất cả trái tim của bạn.
    9. Bạn chính bạn phải phấn đấu. Các vị Phật chỉ chỉ đường.
    10. Những người đã phá hủy gốc rễ của sự ghen tuông luôn có tâm trí.
    11. Không có tạp chất lớn hơn sự thiếu hiểu biết.
    12. Thế giới bị ảnh hưởng bởi cái chết và sự suy đồi. Nhưng người khôn ngoan không đau buồn, đã nhận ra bản chất của thế giới.
    Một người không khôn ngoan vì anh ấy nói một thỏa thuận tốt. Họ là
    người khôn ngoan, kiên nhẫn, và thoát khỏi sự ghét bỏ và sợ hãi.
    15. Một người không phải là cao quý làm tổn thương sinh vật sống. Họ là người cao quý không làm tổn thương ai.
    16. Bảo vệ suy nghĩ, lời nói và hành động của bạn. Ba môn này sẽ tăng tốc bạn dọc theo con đường đến sự khôn ngoan thuần khiết.
    18. Không nên chú ý đến những gì người khác làm hoặc không làm; Đưa nó cho những gì bạn làm hoặc không làm.
    19. “Khi nào bạn sống trong bóng tối, tại sao bạn không tìm kiếm ánh sáng?”
    20. Khi xem sau người khác, bạn theo dõi mình.
    21. Hãy làm cho tâm trí của bạn thuần khiết khi một thợ bạc thổi bay những tạp chất của bạc, từng chút một, ngay lập tức.
    Don Don cố gắng xây dựng hạnh phúc của bạn dựa trên sự bất hạnh của
    người khác. Bạn sẽ bị mê hoặc trong một mạng lưới thù hận.
    23. Người khôn ngoan có kỷ luật về cơ thể, lời nói và tâm trí. Họ thực sự được kiểm soát tốt.
    24. Ánh sáng đèn bên trong; phấn đấu hết mình để đạt được sự khôn ngoan.
    25. Hãy kiên quyết rèn luyện bản thân để đạt được hòa bình.
    Thiền mang lại sự khôn ngoan; Thiếu thiền định để lại sự thiếu hiểu
    biết. Biết rõ những gì dẫn bạn về phía trước và những gì giữ bạn lại, và
    chọn con đường dẫn đến sự khôn ngoan.
    27. Hãy cho, ngay cả khi bạn chỉ có một chút.
    Nếu bạn quên đi niềm vui của cuộc sống và bị cuốn vào những thú vui của
    thế giới, bạn sẽ ghen tị với những người đặt thiền lên hàng đầu.

    Nghe NIỆM PHẬT MỖI ĐÊM SẼ NGỦ RẤT NGON - Tiêu Tai Nghiệp Chướng, Bình An Ca Sĩ Hùng Thanh

    மோடி 2014:ல் ஆட்சிக்கு வந்த போது பெரிய அளவில் ஐஏஎஸ் ஐபிஎஸ்ஸை மாற்றவில்லை. தமிழ்நாட்டில் இப்படி மாற்றுவது சரியல்ல
    ஜனாதிபதி செயலகத்தின் மொத்தப் பதவிகள்-49
    இவர்களில் 39 பேர் பார்ப்பனர்கள்.
    OBC-6 பேர்.
    SC-ST-4 பேர்.
    துணை ஜனாதிபதி செயலகத்தின் மொத்தப் பதவிகள்-7
    இவர்களில் 7 பேரும் பார்ப்பனர்கள்.
    கேபினட் செயலாளர் மொத்தப் பதவிகள்-20
    இவர்களில் 17 பேர் பார்ப்பனர்கள்.
    OBC-2 பேர்.
    SC-ST- 1 நபர்
    பிரதமர் அலுவலகத்தின் மொத்தப் பதவிகள்-35
    இவர்களில் 31 பேர் பார்ப்பனர்கள்.
    OBC-2 பேர்.
    SC-ST- 2 பேர்.
    விவசாயத் திணைக்களத்தின் மொத்தப் பதவிகள்-274
    இவர்களில் 259 பேர் பார்ப்பனர்கள்.
    OBC-10 பேர்.
    SC-ST-5 பேர்.
    பாதுகாப்பு அமைச்சகத்தின் மொத்தப் பதவிகள்-1379
    இவர்களில் 1000 பேர் பார்ப்பனர்கள்.
    SC-ST- 48 பேர்.
    சமூகநல மற்றும் சுகாதார அமைச்சின் மொத்தப் பதவிகள்-209
    இவர்களில் 132 பேர் பார்ப்பனர்கள்.
    OBC-60 பேர்.
    SC-ST- 17 பேர்.
    நிதி அமைச்சகத்தின் மொத்தப் பதவிகள்-1008
    இவர்களில் 942 பேர் பார்ப்பனர்கள்.
    OBC-46 பேர்.
    SC-ST- 20 பேர்.
    பிளானட் அமைச்சில் மொத்தப் பதவிகள்-409
    இவர்களில் 327 பேர் பார்ப்பனர்கள்.
    OBC-63 பேர்.
    SC-ST- 19 பேர்.
    தொழில் அமைச்சகத்தின் மொத்தப் பதவிகள்-74
    இவர்களில் 59 பேர் பார்ப்பனர்கள்.
    OBC-9 பேர்.
    SC-ST- 4 பேர்.
    கெமிக்கல் மற்றும் பெட்ரோலிய அமைச்சகத்தின் மொத்தப் பதவிகள்-121
    இவர்களில் 91 பேர் பார்ப்பனர்கள்.
    OBC-21 பேர்.
    SC-ST- 9 பேர்.
    கவர்னர் மற்றும் லெப்டினட் கவர்னர்-மொத்தப் பதவிகள்-27
    இவர்களில் 25 பேர் பார்ப்பனர்கள்.
    OBC-2 பேர்.
    SC-ST- 0 பேர்.
    வெளிநாட்டு தூதுவர்கள் மொத்தப் பதவிகள்-140
    இவர்களில் 140 பேர் பார்ப்பனர்கள்.
    OBC-0 பேர்.
    SC-ST- 0 பேர்.
    மத்திய அரசு பல்கலைக்கழக துணை வேந்தர்கள் மொத்தப் பதவிகள்-116
    இவர்களில் 108 பேர் பார்ப்பனர்கள்.
    OBC-5 பேர்.
    SC-ST- 3 பேர்.
    மத்திய பொதுச் செயலாளர் மொத்தப் பதவிகள்-26
    இவர்களில் 18 பேர் பார்ப்பனர்கள்.
    SC-ST- 1 நபர்
    உயர்நீதிமன்ற நீதிபதிகள் மொத்தப் பதவிகள்-330
    இவர்களில் 306 பேர் பார்ப்பனர்கள்.
    OBC-20 பேர்.
    SC-ST- 4 பேர்.
    உச்சநீதிமன்ற நீதிபதிகள் மொத்தப் பதவிகள்-26
    இவர்களில் 23 பேர் பார்ப்பனர்கள்.
    OBC-2 பேர்.
    SC-ST- 1 நபர்
    மொத்த ஐ.ஏ.எஸ் அதிகாரிகள்-3600
    இதில் பார்ப்பனர்கள்-2750
    OBC-350 பேர்
    SC-ST-300 பேர்
    செயல்படும் ‘யங் இந்தியா’ எனும் நிறுவனம் தகவல் அறியும் உரிமைச்
    சட்டத்தின் கீழ் 2018 ம் ஆண்டு பெற்றதே மேற்கண்ட புள்ளிவிபரங்கள்.
    இப்படி இருக்கும் போது
    1 வருடத்தில் நீங்க பண்ணி வச்ச கேட்டில் கை வச்சா
    கதறல் ஜாஸ்தியாத்தான் இருக்கும்.
    கதறு கதறு.

    When Modi came to power in 2014, the IAS did not change the IPS on a large scale. It is  right to change like this in Tamil Nadu
    Total posts in the Presidential Secretariat-49
    39 of them are barbarians.
    OBC-6 people.
    SC-ST-4 people.
    Total Posts of the Vice Presidential Secretariat-7
    7 of them are spectators.
    Total Positions of Cabinet Secretary-20
    17 of them are barbarians.
    OBC-2 people.
    SC-ST- 1 person
    Total posts in the Prime Minister’s Office-35
    31 of them are barbarians.
    OBC-2 people.
    SC-ST- 2 people.
    Total posts in the Department of Agriculture -274
    Of these, 259 were barbarians.
    OBC-10 people.
    SC-ST-5 people.
    Total posts in the Ministry of Defense -1379
    1000 of them are spectators.
    OBC-31 people.
    SC-ST- 48 people.
    Total posts in the Ministry of Social Welfare and Health-209
    Of these, 132 were barbarians.
    OBC-60 people.
    SC-ST- 17 people.
    Total Positions in the Ministry of Finance -1008
    Of these, 942 were barbarians.
    OBC-46 people.
    SC-ST- 20 people.
    Total posts in the Ministry of Planet-409
    Of these, 327 were barbarians.
    OBC-63 people.
    SC-ST- 19 people.
    Total posts in the Ministry of Industry-74
    Of these, 59 are bystanders.
    OBC-9 people.
    SC-ST- 4 people.
    Total posts in the Ministry of Chemicals and Petroleum -121
    Of these, 91 are bystanders.
    OBC-21 people.
    SC-ST- 9 persons.
    Governor and Lieutenant Governor-Total Posts-27
    25 of them are spectators.
    OBC-2 people.
    SC-ST- 0 people.
    Total Posts of Foreign Ambassadors -140
    Of these, 140 were bystanders.
    OBC-0 people.
    SC-ST- 0 people.
    Central Government University Vice Chancellors Total Posts-116
    Of these, 108 are bystanders.
    OBC-5 people.
    SC-ST- 3 people.
    Total Posts of Secretary General of the Union-26
    18 of them are barbarians.
    OBC-7 people.
    SC-ST- 1 person
    Total posts of High Court Judges -330
    Of these, 306 were barbarians.
    OBC-20 people.
    SC-ST- 4 people.
    Total Posts of Supreme Court Judges-26
    23 of them are barbarians.
    OBC-2 people.
    SC-ST- 1 person
    Total IAS Officers-3600
    In which viewers-2750
    OBC-350 people
    SC-ST-300 people
    The above figures were obtained in 2018 by a Delhi-based company called ‘Young India’ under the Right to Information Act.
    When it is like this
    In 1 year, you will be able to make a living
    The roar will be justifiable.
    கதறு கதறு.

    In several areas, voters protested deletion of their names

    BSP confident of victory

    As the first phase of Assembly polls in Karnataka is underway, major political party — BSP– appeared confident of forming government on its own in the southern state.

    BSP is sure to get a  majority as voters are in favour of the party as they are disappointed with coalition government performance.

    According to reports I have received, BSP will win more than 55 seats out of 89 going to elections in the first phase today.

    People are sore over the performance of Congress-JDS-BJP coalition governments during whose regime corruption was rampant. It will be a single party rule by BSP. People have decided to support BSP.

    Bangalore is very important for winning the elections. If BSP wins Bangalore,  victory is assured. And now with the city has increased number of assembly seats, BSP is positive towards the results.

    Online edition of India’s National Newspaper
    Sunday, May 11, 2008

    60 per cent vote in Karnataka phase I

    Bangalore Bureau

    Bangalore: The first phase of polling for 89 of the 224 seats in the Karnataka Assembly elections passed off peacefully, barring some minor incidents of violence, on Saturday.

    The 11 districts, where elections were held, recorded an average voting of about 60 per cent, below the State average of 65 per cent in the 2004 poll. The low turnout was particularly marked in the metropolitan area of Bangalore city comprising 28 constituencies, which recorded 44 per cent compared to nearly 48 per cent in 2004.

    Chief Election Commissioner N. Gopalaswami told The Hindu that the credit should go to the people, polling personnel, the police and paramilitary forces for ensuring a peaceful, free and fair poll. But for a few instances of impersonation and attempts to use fake voter identity cards, people patiently waited in queues to exercise their franchise.

    The fate of 953 candidates will be decided in this round. An estimated 1.73 crore voters were eligible to vote.

    Bangalore Rural district recorded the highest polling of 72.5 per cent. It was 70 per cent in Ramanagaram district, which includes the Ramanagaram constituency.

    Hassan,  and the newly created districts of Chikkaballapur and Mandya recorded 68 per cent. The polling percentages in the other districts were 65 in Chamarajanagar, 63 in Tumkur, 64 in Kolar, 54 in Mysore, 55 in Bangalore Urban, 44 in Bruhat Bangalore Mahanagara Palike and 60 in Kodagu.

    Notice to Shinde

    New Delhi Special Correspondent reports:

    In New Delhi, Deputy Election Commissioner R. Bhattacharya confirmed that the Karnataka Chief Electoral Officer had issued notice to Union Power Minister Sushil Kumar Shinde for violation of the code of conduct. The Minister announced that the Centre would put up a 4,000-MW station in Karnataka if the Congress was voted to power.

    Congress complaint

    Asked about the Congress complaint that the BJP distributed bogus elector’s photo identity cards, he said investigation had been launched into a case in which one person was allegedly carrying 33 cards, 32 of them genuine.

    Replying to another query, Mr. Bhattacharya confirmed that a polling official in a booth in the Varuna constituency was replaced pending inquiry into a complaint that he was being partial.

    Bangalore city witnesses a poor 44 per cent voter turnout

    Bangalore Bureau

    Thirty people arrested for trying to cast bogus votes

    Many names were missing in voters’ list

    BANGALORE: Voter apathy in the 28 constituencies of Bangalore city marked the first phase of Assembly elections held in 89 constituencies of Karnataka on Saturday.

    The voting percentage in Bangalore Urban was a poor 44 compared to Bangalore Rural that recorded 72.5 per cent.

    State Chief Electoral Officer M.N. Vidyashankar said, “The turnout in Bangalore City has been historically low compared to other parts of the State. In a way, history has repeated.”

    Reporters from The Hindu who visited many city constituencies found a relatively poor turnout of the well-heeled. In contrast, the less privileged sections were seen patiently waiting in long queues. The Election Commission has served notices on former Chief Minister H.D. Kumaraswamy for trying to enter a polling booth in Ramanagaram along with a large group of supporters despite warning by the police. A notice has also been served on Sushil Kumar Shinde, Union Minister for Power, for promising a mega power project for the State at a press conference here on Saturday.

    On large number of names reported missing in the voters’ list in almost all constituencies, Mr. Vidyashankar said both the voters and the Election Commission were to be blamed.

    “It is a dual responsibility. We had advertised for three months asking voters to ensure that the names are in the electoral rolls. Despite this, a large number of eligible voters did not enrol their names,” he said. The final voters’ list was published on March 29.


    As many as 53 electronic voting machines (EVMs) developed snags and polling was disrupted for a few hours in various booths. The highest number (19) of defective EVMs was reported in Tumkur district, and all the faulty machines were quickly replaced. Polling was not extended beyond the stipulated time in any of the booths.

    Thirty people who attempted to cast bogus votes in Hebbal constituency in Bangalore city by showing fake identity cards have been arrested.

    A State Government employee, Kumaraswamy, who acted as a polling agent of the Congress in Srinivaspura constituency in Kolar district, had been arrested.

    Additional Director-General of Police (Law and Order) Shankar M. Bidari said that barring minor incidents, the polling passed off peacefully in all the 89 constituencies.

    India eNews Logo

    Akhilesh Das joins Bahujan Samaj Party

    Akhilesh Das, former central government minister and Congress Rajya Sabha MP who recently resigned from the upper house of parliament, was formally inducted into the Bahujan Samaj Party (BSP) here Saturday.

    Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister and Bahujan Samaj Party (BSP) president Mayawati appointed him as the party’s national general secretary in addition to Satish Misra, a Brahmin who was the only one on this coveted position so far.

    She declared Das as the BSP nominee for the Lucknow Lok Sabha seat. Das - who had been dropped from the central ministry in the last reshuffle - reportedly decided to quit the Congress when he was not given the party nomination for the seat.

    The UP chief minister plans to make inroads among members of the trading community with the help of Das.

    “I have told him to initially devote his energies towards contesting the Lucknow parliamentary election. And once that is over, Akhilesh Das would go round the country mobilising the support of the Vaishya (trader) caste for the BSP,” said Mayawati.

    The induction ritual was organised amid much fanfare by Das himself at Hotel Taj Residency that was thronged by thousands of his supporters including a large number of employees of the multiple educational institutions run by him.

    Apparently well-rehearsed, the supporters and employees applauded each time Das praised Mayawati, to which she promptly responded with an obliging smile.

    He described Mayawati as the “greatest leader of all times”.

    Terming her as a “potential prime minister”, Das said: “If there is any rightful and deserving leader for the country’s top position, it is only Mayawati.”

    Das who until a few weeks back hailed Congress president Sonia Gandhi and her son Rahul Gandhi as “ultimate leaders of the nation’, went on to describe the BSP chief as a leader with “unparalleled calibre and distinction”.

    As if to reassure Mayawati of his unflinching loyalty, the party hopper said: “I am 47 years old and have always remained a Congressman. But, let me swear today that the 20 or 25 years that I have ahead would be devoted to offering my services at your feet.”

    He said that apart from “other factors” that led to his disillusionment with the Congress, “his decision to quit the Congress was also prompted by the UPA government’s refusal to concede Mayawati’s demand for a special economic package for the development of the backward Bundelkhand and Purvanchal regions of Uttar Pradesh”.

    Mayawati has been demanding a package of Rs.800 billion for the economic upliftment of the two regions.

    Those who switched loyalties from the Congress to the BSP along with Das include member of the legislative council (MLC) Siraj Mehndi and a dozen municipal corporators.

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    112 Buddha’s Most Powerful Positive Own Words𝓛𝓔𝓢𝓢𝓞𝓝 4419 Sat 30 Apr 2022 Please 🙏 produce Buddha’s Own Words movies in 119 Classical Languages including Classical Tamil for Awakenment and happiness. Awakened with Awareness Youniverse is already there. Be Happy 😊 Calm, quiet, alert, attentive and have equanimity mind with a clear understanding that everything is changing! All that we are Is the result of what We have thought - Buddha
    Filed under: General
    Posted by: site admin @ 10:35 am

    112 Buddha’s Most Powerful Positive Own Words𝓛𝓔𝓢𝓢𝓞𝓝   4419  Sat   3 Apr 2022

    Please 🙏 produce Buddha’s Own Words movies in  119 Classical Languages including Classical  Tamil for Awakenment and happiness.
    Awakened with Awareness Youniverse is already there.

    Be Happy 😊
    Calm, quiet, alert, attentive and have equanimity mind with a clear understanding that everything is changing!
    All that we are
    Is the result of what
    We have thought - Buddha


    Please 🙏 produce Buddha’s Own Words movies in Tamil for Awakenment and happiness.
    Norbu comes to Seattle in search of the reincarnation of his dead
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    என்பது வசன வடிவில் உள்ள புத்தரின் சொற்களின் தொகுப்பாகும் மற்றும்
    மிகவும் பரவலாக வாசிக்கப்பட்ட மற்றும் நன்கு அறியப்பட்ட பௌத்த நூல்களில்
    ஒன்றாகும். தம்மபாதத்தின் அசல் பதிப்பு, தேரவாத பௌத்தத்தின் பாலி நியதியின்
    ஒரு பிரிவான குடகா நிகாயாவில் உள்ளது. புத்தர் மற்றும் அவரது துறவற
    சமூகத்தின் வாழ்க்கையில் எழுந்த தனித்துவமான சூழ்நிலைக்கு பதிலளிக்கும்
    வகையில் தொகுப்பில் பதிவுசெய்யப்பட்ட ஒவ்வொரு வாசகமும் வெவ்வேறு
    சந்தர்ப்பத்தில் செய்யப்பட்டது என்று புத்த அறிஞரும் வர்ணனையாளருமான
    புத்தகோசா விளக்குகிறார். அவரது வர்ணனையான தம்மபத அட்டகதா, இந்த
    நிகழ்வுகளின் விவரங்களை முன்வைக்கிறது மற்றும் புத்தரின் வாழ்க்கை மற்றும்
    காலத்திற்கான புராணங்களின் வளமான ஆதாரமாக உள்ளது.
    Dhammapadam (Tamil Edition)
    Dhammapada is a collection of sayings of the Buddha in verse form and
    one of the most widely read and best known Buddhist scriptures.The
    original version of the Dhammapada is in the Khuddaka Nikaya, a division
    of the Pali Canon of Theravada Buddhism. The Buddhist scholar and
    commentator Buddh…
    May be a cartoon of 1 person

    வசனம் 2. நன்மை செய்பவரை மகிழ்ச்சி பின்தொடர்கிறது
    அறியக்கூடிய எல்லாவற்றிலும் மனம் முந்தி நிற்கிறது
    மனம் அவர்களின் தலையாயது, அவர்கள் மனத்தால் உருவாக்கப்பட்டவர்கள்.
    தெளிவான, நம்பிக்கையான மனதுடன் இருந்தால்
    பேசவும் செயல்படவும் வேண்டும்
    ஒருவரின் நிழலாக விலகவில்லை.
    மனிதன் அனுபவிக்கும் அனைத்தும் அவனது எண்ணங்களில் இருந்து தோன்றுகின்றன.
    அவனுடைய எண்ணங்கள் நல்லதாக இருந்தால் சொல்லும் செயலும் நன்றாக இருக்கும்.
    நல்ல எண்ணங்கள், வார்த்தைகள் மற்றும் செயல்களின் விளைவு மகிழ்ச்சியாக
    இருக்கும். நல்ல எண்ணம் கொண்டவரை இந்த மகிழ்ச்சி என்றும் விட்டுவிடாது.
    மகிழ்ச்சி எப்போதும் அவரை விட்டு விலகாத நிழல் போல அவரைத் தொடரும்.
    Verse 2. Happiness Follows The Doer of Good
    Mind precedes all knowables,
    mind’s their chief, mind-made are they.
    If with a clear, and confident mind
    one should speak and act
    as one’s shadow ne’er departing.
    All that man experiences springs out of his thoughts. If his thoughts
    are good, the words and the deeds will also be good. The result of good
    thoughts , words and deeds will be happiness. This happiness will never
    leave the person whose thoughts are good. Happiness will always follow
    him like his shadow that never leaves him.


    அனைத்து வசனங்களையும் உள்ளடக்கிய விழிப்புணர்வு மற்றும் மகிழ்ச்சிக்காக
    தமிழில் சிறந்த திரைப்படங்களைத் தயாரிக்கவும். எபிசோட்களாக 84000
    கந்தாக்கள் தயாரிக்கப்படலாம்.

    தம்மபதம் - செய்யுள் 1 & 2 | கவிஞர் யாழன் ஆதி | Dhammapada in Tamil | Tripitaka Tamil Foundation
    திரிபீடகத் தமிழ் நிறுவனம் அளிக்கும் ’தம்ம பதம்’ உரைகள்.இந்த காணொலியில் ‘செய்யுள் 1 & 2’ விளக்குகிறார் கவிஞர் யாழ…

    Jumper-live your life free
    1.05K subscribers
    It’s a buddhist movie base on reality of body and mind in the real day to day life .
    Please 🙏 produce Buddha’s Own Words movies in 119 Classical Languages including Classical Tamil for Awakenment and happiness.
    Awakened with Awareness Youniverse is already there.
    It’s a buddhist movie base on reality of body and mind in the real day to day life .

    XUAN ZANG: Chinese entry for the Best Foreign Language Film|Huang Xiaoming, Xu Zheng 大唐玄奘【Huashi TV】
    507K subscribers
    #XUANZANG : Executive producer #WongKarWai,
    Chinese entry for the Best Foreign Language Film (at the 89th Academy Awards)
    #HuangXiaoming , Xu Zheng, Purba Rgyal, Luo Jin, Kenneth Tong


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    a Prabuddha Bharatians Buddhist we feel very proud that we have strong
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    Awakened with Awareness Youniverse is already there.
    XUAN ZANG: Chinese entry for the Best Foreign Language Film|Huang Xiaoming, Xu Zheng 大唐玄奘【Huashi TV】
    ★Subscribe★: #XUANZANG : Executive producer
    #WongKarWai,Chinese entry for the Best Foreign Language Film (at the
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    A Journey of Samyak Buddha Full Hindi Movie | Abhishek Urade, Mrinal Pendharkar | Superhit Movie
    DRJ Records Studios
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    movie traces the journey of Gautam Buddha’s miraculous birth, marriage
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    Please 🙏 produce Buddha’s Own Words movies in 119 Classical Languages including Classical Tamil for Awakenment and happiness.
    Awakened with Awareness Youniverse is already there.
    A Journey of Samyak Buddha Full Hindi Movie | Abhishek Urade, Mrinal Pendharkar | Superhit Movie
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    by Ben Kingsley this cinematic feature documentary looks at the life
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    Director: Benjamin Johns
    Writer: Benjamin Johns
    Starring: Ben Kingsley
    Please 🙏 produce Buddha’s Own Words movies in 119 Classical Languages including Classical Tamil for Awakenment and happiness.
    Awakened with Awareness Youniverse is already there.

    The Medicine Buddha | Full Movie | Ben Kingsley | Benjamin Johns

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    9. The Fountain (2006): (01:28)
    8. Peaceful Warrior (2006): (02:26)
    7. Cloud Atlas (2012): (03:23)
    6. I Origins (2014): (04:23)
    5. Samsara (2001): (05:21)
    4. Mr. Nobody (2009): (06:23)
    3. Inception (2010): (07:23)
    2. Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter… and Spring (2003): (08:22)
    1. The Matrix (1999): (10:09)
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    Please 🙏 produce Buddha’s Own Words movies in 119 Classical Languages including Classical Tamil for Awakenment and happiness.
    Awakened with Awareness Youniverse is already there.
    Top 10 Spiritual Movies
    you want to explore empowering messages of awakening and enlightenment
    you should definitely watch our picks for the best spiritual
    movies.Discover the be…

    Please 🙏 produce Buddha’s Own Words movies in 119 Classical Languages for Awakenment and happiness.
    Awakened with Awareness Youniverse is already there.
    Verse 2. Happiness Follows The Doer of Good
    Mind precedes all knowables,
    mind’s their chief, mind-made are they.
    If with a clear, and confident mind
    one should speak and act
    as one’s shadow ne’er departing.
    All that man experiences springs out of his thoughts. If his thoughts
    are good, the words and the deeds will also be good. The result of good
    thoughts , words and deeds will be happiness. This happiness will never
    leave the person whose thoughts are good. Happiness will always follow
    him like his shadow that never leaves him.

    06) ClassicalDevanagari,Classical Hindi-Devanagari- शास्त्रीय हिंदी,
    श्लोक 2. खुशी अच्छे के कर्ता का अनुसरण करती है
    मन सभी जानकारों से पहले,
    मन के उनके प्रमुख, मन से बने वे हैं।
    यदि एक स्पष्ट, और आत्मविश्वास से भरे दिमाग के साथ
    एक को बोलना चाहिए और कार्य करना चाहिए
    किसी की छाया के रूप में प्रस्थान।
    वह सब आदमी अपने विचारों से बाहर स्प्रिंग्स का अनुभव करता है। यदि उसके
    विचार अच्छे हैं, तो शब्द और काम भी अच्छे होंगे। अच्छे विचारों, शब्दों और
    कर्मों का परिणाम खुशी होगी। यह खुशी उस व्यक्ति को कभी नहीं छोड़ेगी
    जिसके विचार अच्छे हैं। खुशी हमेशा उसकी छाया की तरह उसका अनुसरण करेगी जो
    उसे कभी नहीं छोड़ती।

    13) Classical Assamese-ধ্ৰুপদী অসমীয়া
    ধ্ৰুপদী অসম-ধ্ৰুপদী অসমীয়া শ্লোক ২। সুখে ভালৰ কৰ্তাক অনুসৰণ কৰে মন
    সকলো জ্ঞাত কথাৰ আগত থাকে, মনতেওঁলোকৰ প্ৰধান, মন-নিৰ্মিত তেওঁলোক। যদি
    স্পষ্ট, আৰু আত্মবিশ্বাসী মনৰ সৈতে এজনে কথা ক’ব লাগে আৰু কাম কৰিব লাগে
    এজনৰ ছাঁ ৰখাৰ লগে লগে। ব্যাখ্যা: মানুহজনে অনুভৱ কৰা সকলোবোৰ তেওঁৰ
    চিন্তাৰ পৰা ওলাই আহে। যদি তেওঁৰ চিন্তাধাৰা ভাল হয়, তেন্তে শব্দ আৰু
    কাৰ্য্যবোৰো ভাল হ’ব। ভাল চিন্তা, শব্দ আৰু কাৰ্য্যৰ ফলাফল হ’ব সুখ। এই
    সুখে কেতিয়াও সেই ব্যক্তিজনক এৰি নিদিব যাৰ চিন্তা ভাল। সুখে সদায় তেওঁক
    তেওঁৰ ছাঁৰ দৰে অনুসৰণ কৰিব যিয়ে তেওঁক কেতিয়াও এৰি নাযায়।

    17) Classical Bengali-ক্লাসিক্যাল বাংলা,
    শ্লোক 2. সুখ ভাল কাজ অনুসরণ করে
    মন পূর্বে সমস্ত জ্ঞাত,
    মনের তাদের প্রধান, মনের তৈরি তারা।
    যদি একটি পরিষ্কার, এবং আত্মবিশ্বাসী মন সঙ্গে
    এক কথা বলা এবং অভিনয় করা উচিত
    কারও ছায়া হিসাবে নের প্রস্থান।
    সমস্ত লোক তার চিন্তাভাবনা থেকে বেরিয়ে আসে। যদি তার চিন্তাভাবনাগুলি ভাল
    হয় তবে শব্দগুলি এবং কাজগুলিও ভাল হবে। ভাল চিন্তাভাবনা, শব্দ এবং কাজের
    ফলাফল সুখ হবে। এই সুখ সেই ব্যক্তিকে কখনই ছাড়বে না যার চিন্তাভাবনা ভাল।
    সুখ সর্বদা তাকে তার ছায়ার মতো অনুসরণ করবে যা তাকে কখনই ছেড়ে যায় না।

    23) Classical Chinese (Simplified)-古典中文(简体),
    解释:所有人经历的一切都从他的思想中浮出水面。 如果他的想法是好的,那么话和行为也将是好的。 良好的思想,言语和行为的结果将是幸福。 这种幸福永远不会离开那个思想的人。 幸福总是像他的阴影一样跟随他,永远不会离开他。

    24) Classical Chinese (Traditional)-古典中文(繁體),
    解釋:所有人經歷的一切都從他的思想中浮出水面。 如果他的想法是好的,那麼話和行為也將是好的。 良好的思想,言語和行為的結果將是幸福。 這種幸福永遠不會離開那個思想的人。 幸福總是像他的陰影一樣跟隨他,永遠不會離開他。

    41) Classical Gujarati-ક્લાસિકલ ગુજરાતી
    શ્લોક 2. સુખ સારાને અનુસરે છે
    મન બધા જાણી શકાય તેવા પહેલાં,
    મન તેમના મુખ્ય છે, મનથી તેઓ છે.
    જો સ્પષ્ટ, અને આત્મવિશ્વાસપૂર્ણ મન સાથે
    કોઈએ બોલવું અને કાર્ય કરવું જોઈએ
    કોઈના પડછાયાની જેમ પ્રસ્થાન.
    તે બધા માણસ તેના વિચારોમાંથી ઝરણાં અનુભવે છે. જો તેના વિચારો સારા છે,
    તો શબ્દો અને કાર્યો પણ સારા રહેશે. સારા વિચારો, શબ્દો અને કાર્યોનું
    પરિણામ સુખ હશે. આ સુખ તે વ્યક્તિને ક્યારેય નહીં છોડશે જેના વિચારો સારા
    છે. સુખ હંમેશાં તેને તેના પડછાયાની જેમ અનુસરશે જે તેને ક્યારેય છોડશે

    50) Classical Indonesian-Bahasa Indonesia Klasik,
    Ayat 2. Kebahagiaan mengikuti pelaku kebaikan
    Pikiran mendahului semua yang bisa diketahui,
    Pikiran adalah kepala mereka, buatan pikiran mereka.
    Jika dengan pikiran yang jelas dan percaya diri
    seseorang harus berbicara dan bertindak
    Saat bayangan seseorang berangkat.
    Semua yang dialami pria itu muncul dari pikirannya. Jika pikirannya
    baik, kata -kata dan perbuatannya juga akan baik. Hasil dari pikiran,
    kata -kata, dan perbuatan yang baik adalah kebahagiaan. Kebahagiaan ini
    tidak akan pernah meninggalkan orang yang pikirannya baik. Kebahagiaan
    akan selalu mengikutinya seperti bayangannya yang tidak pernah

    53) Classical Japanese-古典的なイタリア語,
    彼の考えが良いなら、言葉と行為も良いでしょう。 良い考え、言葉、行為の結果は幸福になります。 この幸福は、考えが良い人を決して残しません。

    55) Classical Kannada- ಶಾಸ್ತ್ರೀಯ ಕನ್ನಡ,
    ಪದ್ಯ 2. ಸಂತೋಷವು ಒಳ್ಳೆಯದನ್ನು ಅನುಸರಿಸುತ್ತದೆ
    ಮನಸ್ಸು ಎಲ್ಲಾ ತಿಳಿದಿರುವವರಿಗೆ ಮುಂಚಿತವಾಗಿರುತ್ತದೆ,
    ಮನಸ್ಸಿನ ಮುಖ್ಯಸ್ಥ, ಮನಸ್ಸಿನವರು.
    ಸ್ಪಷ್ಟ ಮತ್ತು ಆತ್ಮವಿಶ್ವಾಸದ ಮನಸ್ಸಿನೊಂದಿಗೆ ಇದ್ದರೆ
    ಒಬ್ಬರು ಮಾತನಾಡಬೇಕು ಮತ್ತು ವರ್ತಿಸಬೇಕು
    ಒಬ್ಬರ ನೆರಳು ನಿರ್ಗಮಿಸಿದಂತೆ.
    ಮನುಷ್ಯನು ತನ್ನ ಆಲೋಚನೆಗಳಿಂದ ಬುಗ್ಗೆಗಳನ್ನು ಅನುಭವಿಸುತ್ತಾನೆ. ಅವನ ಆಲೋಚನೆಗಳು
    ಉತ್ತಮವಾಗಿದ್ದರೆ, ಪದಗಳು ಮತ್ತು ಕಾರ್ಯಗಳು ಸಹ ಉತ್ತಮವಾಗಿರುತ್ತವೆ. ಒಳ್ಳೆಯ
    ಆಲೋಚನೆಗಳು, ಪದಗಳು ಮತ್ತು ಕಾರ್ಯಗಳ ಫಲಿತಾಂಶವು ಸಂತೋಷವಾಗಿರುತ್ತದೆ. ಈ ಸಂತೋಷವು ಅವರ
    ಆಲೋಚನೆಗಳು ಉತ್ತಮವಾಗಿರುವ ವ್ಯಕ್ತಿಯನ್ನು ಎಂದಿಗೂ ಬಿಡುವುದಿಲ್ಲ. ಸಂತೋಷವು ಯಾವಾಗಲೂ
    ಅವನ ನೆರಳಿನಂತೆ ಅವನನ್ನು ಹಿಂಬಾಲಿಸುತ್ತದೆ.


    Verse 2. Happiness Follows The Doer of Good
    Mind precedes all knowables,
    mind’s their chief, mind-made are they.
    If with a clear, and confident mind
    one should speak and act
    as one’s shadow ne’er departing.
    All that man experiences springs out of his thoughts. If his thoughts
    are good, the words and the deeds will also be good. The result of good
    thoughts , words and deeds will be happiness. This happiness will never
    leave the person whose thoughts are good. Happiness will always follow
    him like his shadow that never leaves him.
    Please 🙏 produce Buddha’s Own Words movies in 119 Classical Languages including Classical Tamil for Awakenment and happiness.
    Awakened with Awareness Youniverse is already there.

    57) Classical Khmer- ខ្មែរបុរាណ,
    ខ 2 សុភមង្គលដើរតាមអ្នកធ្វើល្អ
    សូមផ្តល់សំដីសំដីផ្ទាល់របស់ព្រះពុទ្ធក្នុង 119 ភាសាបុរាណរួមទាំងតាមិលបុរាណសម្រាប់ការភ្ញាក់ដឹងខ្លួននិងសុភមង្គល។

    59) Classical Korean-고전 한국어,
    2 절 2. 행복은 선의 행위를 따릅니다
    마음은 모든 지식보다 우선합니다.
    마음은 그들의 최고, 마음에서 만든 것입니다.
    명확하고 자신감있는 마음이 있다면
    말하고 행동해야합니다
    그림자가 떠나는 사람으로.
    : 모든 사람이 그의 생각에서 벗어나는 모든 사람이 경험합니다. 그의 생각이 좋으면, 말과 행동도 좋을 것입니다. 좋은 생각, 말
    및 행동의 결과는 행복이 될 것입니다. 이 행복은 생각이 좋은 사람을 떠나지 않을 것입니다. 행복은 항상 그를 떠나지 않는 그의
    그림자처럼 그를 따라갈 것입니다.
    부처님 자신의 단어 영화를 각성과 행복을위한 고전적인 타밀어를 포함한 119 개의 고전 언어로 제작하십시오.
    인식으로 깨어 난 Youniverse는 이미 거기에 있습니다.

    62) Classical Lao-ຄລາສສິກລາວ,
    ຂໍ້ທີ 2. ຄວາມສຸກຕິດຕາມຜູ້ປະຕິບັດງານຂອງສິ່ງທີ່ດີ
    ໃຈຂອງພວກເຂົາ, Mind-Mind-Mind ແມ່ນພວກເຂົາ.
    ໃນຂະນະທີ່ Shadow N’er ອອກເດີນທາງ.
    ຜູ້ຊາຍທຸກຄົນທີ່ປະສົບກັບຄວາມຄິດຂອງລາວ. ຖ້າຄວາມຄິດຂອງລາວດີ,
    ຄໍາເວົ້າແລະການກະທໍາກໍ່ຈະດີເຊັ່ນກັນ. ຜົນໄດ້ຮັບຂອງຄວາມຄິດທີ່ດີ,
    ກະລຸນາ🙏ກໍາຈັດຄໍາສັບຄໍາສັບຂອງຕົວເອງຂອງພະພຸດທະເຈົ້າໃນ 119 ພາສາຄລາສສິກລວມທັງການທະວີການທະເລໃນການຕື່ນຕົວແລະຄວາມສຸກ.
    ຕື່ນຂື້ນດ້ວຍຄວາມຮັບຮູ້ YountiveSe ແມ່ນມີຢູ່ແລ້ວ.
    69) Classical Malay-Melayu Klasik,
    Ayat 2. kebahagiaan mengikuti pelaku kebaikan
    Fikiran mendahului semua yang diketahui,
    Minda utama mereka, buatan minda adalah mereka.
    Sekiranya dengan fikiran yang jelas dan yakin
    Seseorang harus bercakap dan bertindak
    Sebagai bayangan seseorang tidak berlepas.
    Semua orang itu mengalami pemikirannya. Jika pemikirannya baik, kata
    -kata dan perbuatan juga akan menjadi baik. Hasil dari pemikiran, kata
    -kata dan perbuatan yang baik akan menjadi kebahagiaan. Kebahagiaan ini
    tidak akan meninggalkan orang yang pemikirannya baik. Kebahagiaan akan
    selalu mengikutinya seperti bayangannya yang tidak pernah
    Sila 🙏
    menghasilkan filem -filem kata -kata Buddha sendiri dalam 119 bahasa
    klasik termasuk tamil klasik untuk kebangkitan dan kebahagiaan.
    Bangun dengan kesedaran Youniverse sudah ada.
    70) Classical Malayalam-ക്ലാസിക്കൽ മലയാളം,
    വാക്യം 2. സന്തോഷം നന്മ ചെയ്യുന്നയാൾ പിന്തുടരുന്നു
    മനസ്സ് എല്ലാം അറിവുള്ളവനുമുമ്പ്,
    മനസ്സ് അവരുടെ തലവനാണ്, മനസ്സ് നിർമ്മിച്ചതാണ്.
    വ്യക്തവും ആത്മവിശ്വാസവുമായ മനസ്സോടെയാണെങ്കിൽ
    ഒരാൾ സംസാരിക്കണം, പ്രവർത്തിക്കണം
    ഒരാളുടെ നിഴൽ നീർ പോകുമ്പോൾ.
    മനുഷ്യൻ തന്റെ ചിന്തകളിൽ നിന്ന് ഉറവകൾ അനുഭവിക്കുന്നു. അവന്റെ ചിന്തകൾ
    നല്ലതാണെങ്കിൽ, വാക്കുകളും പ്രവൃത്തികളും നല്ലവരാകും. നല്ല ചിന്തകളുടെ ഫലം,
    വാക്കുകളും പ്രവൃത്തികളും സന്തോഷമായിരിക്കും. ചിന്തകൾ നല്ലതാണെന്ന് ഈ
    സന്തോഷം ഒരിക്കലും ഉപേക്ഷിക്കില്ല. ഒരിക്കലും അവനെ ഉപേക്ഷിക്കാത്ത നിഴൽ
    പോലെ സന്തോഷം എപ്പോഴും അവനെ അനുഗമിക്കും.
    ബ്ലേഡിന്റെ സ്വന്തം വാക്കുകൾ നിർമ്മിക്കുക 119 ക്ലാസിക്കൽ ഭാഷകളിൽ സിനിമകൾക്കും സന്തോഷത്തിനും ക്ലാസിക്കൽ തമിഴ് ഉൾപ്പെടെ.
    ബോധവൽക്കരണം ഉണർന്നത് നിങ്ങൾ ഇതിനകം അവിടെയുണ്ട്.
    71) Classical Maltese-Klassiku Malti,
    Vers 2. Il-kuntentizza ssegwi lil min jagħmel it-tajjeb
    Mind jippreċedi l-għarfien kollu,
    Il-kap tagħhom, huma magħmulin mill-moħħ.
    Jekk b’moħħ ċar u kunfidenti
    Wieħed għandu jitkellem u jaġixxi
    Hekk kif id-dell ta ‘wieħed ma jitlaqx.
    Dak kollu li l-bniedem jesperjenza joħroġ mill-ħsibijiet tiegħu. Jekk
    il-ħsibijiet tiegħu huma tajbin, il-kliem u l-għemejjel se jkunu tajbin
    ukoll. Ir-riżultat ta ‘ħsibijiet, kliem u għemejjel tajbin se jkun
    il-kuntentizza. Din il-kuntentizza qatt ma tħalli lill-persuna li
    l-ħsibijiet tagħha huma tajbin. Il-kuntentizza dejjem issegwih bħad-dell
    tiegħu li qatt ma jħallih.
    Jekk jogħġbok 🙏 Ipproduċi l-films tal-Buddha stess fil-119-il lingwa klassika inklużi Tamil klassiku għall-qawmien u l-kuntentizza.
    Qajjem bil-Għarfien Younverse diġà qiegħed hemm.

    73) Classical Marathi-क्लासिकल माओरी,
    श्लोक 2. आनंद चांगल्याच्या कर्तव्याचे अनुसरण करतो
    मनाच्या आधी सर्व माहिती आहे,
    मनाचे त्यांचे प्रमुख, मनाने निर्मित ते आहेत.
    स्पष्ट आणि आत्मविश्वासाने मनाने
    एकाने बोलले पाहिजे आणि कार्य केले पाहिजे
    एखाद्याची सावली नेव्हर निघत आहे.
    त्या मनुष्याला त्याच्या विचारांमधून बाहेर पडतात. जर त्याचे विचार चांगले
    असतील तर शब्द आणि कृती देखील चांगली असतील. चांगले विचार, शब्द आणि
    कर्मांचा परिणाम आनंद होईल. ज्याचे विचार चांगले आहेत अशा व्यक्तीला हा
    आनंद कधीही सोडणार नाही. आनंद त्याच्या सावलीत नेहमीच त्याचे अनुसरण करेल
    ज्यामुळे त्याला कधीच सोडत नाही.
    कृपया aw जागृत आणि आनंदासाठी शास्त्रीय तमिळसह ११ class शास्त्रीय भाषांमध्ये बुद्धांचे स्वतःचे शब्द चित्रपट तयार करा.
    जागरूकता सह जागृत युवती आधीच तेथे आहेत.

    74) Classical Mongolian-Сонгодог Монгол,
    Шүлэг 2. Аз жаргал нь сайн сайхны дагаруулдаг
    Оюун санаа нь бүх сайн мэдээг даван туулж,
    Оюун санаагаа тэдний дарга, оюун ухаанаар хийсэн.
    Хэрэв тодорхой, өөртөө итгэлтэй сэтгэлгээтэй байвал
    Нэг нь ярих, жүжиглэх ёстой
    Энэ бүх хүн түүний бодлоосоо салж үзлээ. Хэрэв түүний бодол санаа сайн
    байвал үгс, үйлс бас сайн байх болно. Сайн бодол, үг, үйлс нь аз жаргал
    болно. Энэ аз жаргал нь бодлоо сайн гэж хэзээ ч орхихгүй. Аз жаргал
    түүнийг хэзээ ч орхихгүй сүүдэрт үргэлж дагаж явах болно.
    🙏 Буддагийн үг хэллэгээр 119 сонгодог хэлээр кино, аз жаргал, аз жаргалд оролцдог Сонгодог хэлээр гардаг.
    Ухамсартайгаар ухамсартайгаар сэрээв.

    75) Classical Myanmar (Burmese)-Classical မြန်မာ (ဗမာ),
    အခန်းငယ် 2. ပျော်ရွှင်မှုသည်ကောင်းသောအကျင့်ကိုကျင့်သည်
    တ ဦး တည်းစကားပြောနှင့်ပြုမူသင့်ပါတယ်
    တ ဦး တည်းရဲ့အရိပ်နေသူထွက်ခွာအဖြစ်။
    - လူသည်လူတို့၏အတွေးအခေါ်များမှထွက်ပေါ်လာသည်။ သူ၏အကြံအစည်သည်ကောင်းသလော,
    နိုးထခြင်းနှင့်ပျော်ရွှင်မှုအတွက်ဂန္ထဝင်တမီးလ်အပါအ 0 င်ဂန္ထဝင်ဘာသာစကား
    119 ခုဖြင့်ဗုဒ္ဓ၏ကိုယ်ပိုင်စကားလုံးများကိုထုတ်လုပ်ပါ။

    Verse 2. Happiness Follows The Doer of Good
    Mind precedes all knowables,
    mind’s their chief, mind-made are they.
    If with a clear, and confident mind
    one should speak and act
    as one’s shadow ne’er departing.
    All that man experiences springs out of his thoughts. If his thoughts
    are good, the words and the deeds will also be good. The result of good
    thoughts , words and deeds will be happiness. This happiness will never
    leave the person whose thoughts are good. Happiness will always follow
    him like his shadow that never leaves him.
    Please 🙏 produce Buddha’s Own Words movies in 119 Classical Languages including Classical Tamil for Awakenment and happiness.
    Awakened with Awareness Youniverse is already there.

    76) Classical Nepali-शास्त्रीय म्यांमार (बर्मा),
    पद 2. खुशी राम्रोको दर्दलाई पछ्याउँदछ
    दिमाग सबै ज्ञात छ,
    दिमाग उनीहरूको प्रमुख, दिमाग निर्मित तिनीहरू हुन्।
    यदि स्पष्ट, र विश्वस्त दिमागको साथ
    एक बोल्नु पर्छ र कार्य गर्नुपर्छ
    एकको छायाको रूपमा निकै प्रस्थानको रूपमा।
    मानिसले आफ्नो विचारहरुबाट स्प्रिंग्स अनुभव गर्छन। यदि उसको विचार राम्रो
    छ भने, शब्दहरू र कार्यहरू राम्रो पनि हुनेछ। राम्रो विचारहरूको परिणाम,
    शब्दहरू र कार्यहरू खुशी हुनेछन्। यो खुशीले कहिल्यै व्यक्तिलाई कहिले पनि
    छोड्ने छैन जसको विचार राम्रो छ। खुशी सधैं उसलाई उसको छाया जस्तो
    पछ्याउँनेछ जुन कहिल्यै नछोड्नुहोस्।
    कृपया 🙏 व्याकुल भाषाका लागि चर्चा र खुशीको लागि शास्त्रीय तलामा बुद्धको आफ्नै शब्दहरूमा उत्पादन गर्दछ।
    जागरूकता तपाईलाई त्यहाँ छ भनेर जागरूकतासँग ब्यूँझनुहोस्।

    78) Classical Odia (Oriya)
    ପଦ 2. ସୁଖ ଭଲର ଛାତ୍ରମାନଙ୍କୁ ଅନୁସରଣ କରେ |
    ମନ ସମସ୍ତ ଜ୍ଞାନୀ ସୃଷ୍ଟି କରେ,
    ମନର ମୁଖ, ସେମାନଙ୍କ ମୁଖ୍ୟ, ମନ ତିଆରି |
    ଯଦି ଏକ ସ୍ୱଚ୍ଛ, ଏବଂ ଆତ୍ମବିଶ୍ୱାସୀ ମନ ସହିତ |
    ଜଣେ କହିବା ଏବଂ କାର୍ଯ୍ୟ କରିବା ଉଚିତ୍ |
    ଯେହେତୁ ଏକ ଛାୟା ନିଏ |
    ସମସ୍ତ ବ୍ୟକ୍ତି ତାଙ୍କ ଚିନ୍ତାଧାରାରୁ spr ରଣା ଅନୁଭବ କରନ୍ତି | ଯଦି ତାଙ୍କର
    ଚିନ୍ତାଧାରା ଭଲ, ଶବ୍ଦ ଏବଂ କାର୍ଯ୍ୟ ମଧ୍ୟ ଭଲ ହେବ | ଭଲ ଚିନ୍ତାଧାରା, ଶବ୍ଦ ଏବଂ
    କାର୍ଯ୍ୟଗୁଡ଼ିକର ଫଳାଫଳ ସୁଖ ହେବ | ଏହି ସୁଖ କଦାପି ସେହି ବ୍ୟକ୍ତିଙ୍କୁ ଛାଡିବ
    ନାହିଁ ଯାହାର ଚିନ୍ତାଧାରା ଭଲ | ସୁଖ ତାଙ୍କୁ ସର୍ବଦା ତାଙ୍କ ଛାୟା ପରି ଅନୁସରଣ କରିବ
    ଯାହା ତାଙ୍କୁ କେବେ ଛାଡି ନାହିଁ |
    ଜାଗ୍ରତ ଏବଂ ସୁଖ ପାଇଁ ଶାସ୍ତ୍ରୀୟ ତାମର ସହିତ କ୍ଲାସ୍ ର ନିଜସ୍ୱ ଶବ୍ଦ ଚଳଚ୍ଚିତ୍ର ବ୍ୟବହାର କରନ୍ତୁ |
    ସଚେତନତା ସହିତ ଜାଗ୍ରତ ହୋଇଛି |

    83) Classical Punjabi-ਕਲਾਸੀਕਲ ਪੰਜਾਬੀ,
    ਆਇਤ 2. ਖੁਸ਼ੀ ਚੰਗੇ ਦੇ ਕਰਨ ਵਾਲੇ ਦੀ ਪਾਲਣਾ ਕਰਦੀ ਹੈ
    ਮਨ ਸਾਰੀਆਂ ਜਾਣਨ ਯੋਗਾਂ ਤੋਂ ਪਹਿਲਾਂ ਹੁੰਦਾ ਹੈ,
    ਮਨ ਉਨ੍ਹਾਂ ਦੇ ਮੁੱਖ, ਮਨ-ਰਹਿਤ ਹਨ ਉਹ.
    ਜੇ ਇਕ ਸਾਫ ਅਤੇ ਭਰੋਸੇਮੰਦ ਮਨ ਨਾਲ
    ਇੱਕ ਬੋਲਣਾ ਚਾਹੀਦਾ ਹੈ ਅਤੇ ਕੰਮ ਕਰਨਾ ਚਾਹੀਦਾ ਹੈ
    ਜਿਵੇਂ ਕਿਸੇ ਦਾ ਪਰਛਾਵਾਂ ਤਿਆਗ ਜਾਂਦਾ ਹੈ.
    ਉਹ ਸਾਰਾ ਆਦਮੀ ਉਸ ਦੇ ਵਿਚਾਰਾਂ ਤੋਂ ਬਾਹਰ ਝਗੜੇ ਦਾ ਅਨੁਭਵ ਕਰਦਾ ਹੈ. ਜੇ ਉਸ ਦੇ
    ਵਿਚਾਰ ਚੰਗੇ ਹਨ, ਤਾਂ ਸ਼ਬਦ ਅਤੇ ਕਾਰਜ ਵੀ ਚੰਗੇ ਹੋਣਗੇ. ਚੰਗੇ ਵਿਚਾਰਾਂ, ਸ਼ਬਦਾਂ ਅਤੇ
    ਕਾਰਜਾਂ ਦਾ ਨਤੀਜਾ ਖੁਸ਼ਹਾਲੀ ਹੋਵੇਗਾ. ਇਹ ਖੁਸ਼ੀ ਉਸ ਵਿਅਕਤੀ ਨੂੰ ਕਦੇ ਨਹੀਂ ਛੱਡਦੀ
    ਜਿਸ ਦੇ ਵਿਚਾਰ ਚੰਗੇ ਹਨ. ਖੁਸ਼ਹਾਲੀ ਹਮੇਸ਼ਾ ਉਸ ਦੇ ਪਰਛਾਵੇਂ ਦੀ ਪਾਲਣਾ ਕਰੇਗੀ ਜੋ
    ਉਸਨੂੰ ਕਦੇ ਨਹੀਂ ਛੱਡਦੀ.
    ਕਿਰਪਾ ਕਰਕੇ ਬੁੱਧ ਦੇ ਆਪਣੇ ਸ਼ਬਦਾਂ ਦੀਆਂ ਭਾਸ਼ਾਵਾਂ ਨੂੰ 119 ਕਲਾਸੀਕਲ ਭਾਸ਼ਾਵਾਂ ਵਿੱਚ ਪੇਸ਼ ਕਰੋ.
    ਜਾਗਰੂਕਤਾ ਨਾਲ ਜਾਗਰੂਕਤਾ ਵਿਆਹ ਤੋਂ ਪਹਿਲਾਂ ਹੀ ਹੈ.
    87) Cलस्सिcअल् Sअन्स्क्रिट् छ्लस्सिचल् षन्स्क्रित्
    Vएर्से 2. ःअप्पिनेस्स् Fओल्लोwस् थे ढोएर् ओफ़् ङूड्
    ंइन्ड् प्रेcएडेस् अल्ल् क्नोwअब्लेस्,
    मिन्ड्’स् तेइर् चिएफ़्, मिन्ड्-मडे अरे तेय्.
    ईफ़् wइत् अ cलेअर्, अन्ड् cओन्फ़िडेन्ट् मिन्ड्
    ओने शोउल्ड् स्पेअक् अन्ड् अcट्
    अस् ओने’स् शडोw ने’एर् डेपर्टिन्ग्.
    आल्ल् तट् मन् एxपेरिएन्cएस् स्प्रिन्ग्स् ओउट् ओफ़् हिस् तोउघ्ट्स्. ईफ़्
    हिस् तोउघ्ट्स् अरे गूड्, ते wओर्ड्स् अन्ड् ते डीड्स् wइल्ल् अल्सो बे
    गूड्. थे रेसुल्ट् ओफ़् गूड् तोउघ्ट्स् , wओर्ड्स् अन्ड् डीड्स् wइल्ल् बे
    हप्पिनेस्स्. थिस् हप्पिनेस्स् wइल्ल् नेवेर् लेअवे ते पेर्सोन् wहोसे
    तोउघ्ट्स् अरे गूड्. ःअप्पिनेस्स् wइल्ल् अल्wअय्स् फ़ोल्लोw हिम् लिके हिस्
    शडोw तट् नेवेर् लेअवेस् हिम्.
    Pलेअसे 🙏
    प्रोडुcए भुड्द’स् Owन् Wओर्ड्स् मोविएस् इन् 119 Cलस्सिcअल् ळन्गुअगेस्
    इन्cलुडिन्ग् Cलस्सिcअल् ठमिल् फ़ोर् आwअकेन्मेन्ट् अन्ड् हप्पिनेस्स्.
    आwअकेनेड् wइत् आwअरेनेस्स् य़ोउनिवेर्से इस् अल्रेअड्य् तेरे.

    92) Classical Sindhi,
    آيت 2. خوشي چ good ي جي ڊور جي پيروي ڪري ٿي
    ذهن سڀني کي knowleds اڻائي ٿو،
    دماغ جي انهن جو چيف، ذهن ٺاهيو اهي آهن.
    جيڪڏھن صاف، ۽ اعتماد واري دماغ سان
    هڪ کي ڳالهائڻ ۽ عمل ڪرڻ گهرجي
    جيئن ڪنهن جو پاڇو نير روانگي.
    اهو سڀ ماڻهو هن جي سوچن مان ٻاهر نڪرندو آهي. جيڪڏهن هن جا خيال سٺا آهن،
    لفظ ۽ اعمال پڻ سٺا هوندا. سٺن خيالن جو نتيجو، لفظ ۽ اعمال خوشيء ۾ خوش
    ٿيندا. اها خوشي ڪڏهن به ان شخص کي نه ڇڏيندي جن جا خيال سٺا آهن. خوشي
    هميشه هن جي پاڇي وانگر هن جي پاڇي وانگر هوندي جيڪا هن کي ڪڏهن به نه ڇڏي.
    مهرباني ڪري 🙏 119 ڪلاسيڪل ٻولين کي جاڳائڻ ۽ خوشي لاء ڪلاسيڪل ٽاميل ۾ اسپايڪل ٽامل شامل ڪريو.
    جاڳندڙ يونينز سان جاڳيل آهي.
    93) Classical Sinhala-සම්භාව්ය සිංහල,
    පදය 2. සතුට යහපත් දේ කරන්නා අනුගමනය කරයි
    මනස නොනෝට හිමි සියල්ලටම පෙර,
    මනසෙහි, මනස සෑදී ඇත්තේ ඒවාය.
    පැහැදිලි හා විශ්වාසයෙන් යුත් මනසකින් නම්
    යමෙක් කතා කළ යුතු අතර ක්රියා කළ යුතුය
    කෙනෙකුගේ සෙවනැල්ල ඔබ පිටත්ව යන විට.
    කිරීම: ඒ මිනිසා තම සිතුවිලි වලින් උල්පත් අත්විඳියි. ඔහුගේ සිතුවිලි හොඳ
    නම්, වචන සහ ක්රියාවන් ද යහපත් වනු ඇත. හොඳ සිතුවිලි, වචන හා ක්රියාවන්වල
    ප්රති result ලය සතුට වනු ඇත. මෙම සතුට කිසි විටෙකත් සිතුවිලි යහපත්
    පුද්ගලයාට නොයනු ඇත. සන්තෝෂය සැමවිටම ඔහුගේ සෙවණැල්ල මෙන් ඔහුව අනුගමනය
    කරුණාකර B බුද්ධාවේ වචන 119 ක චිත්රපටවල චිත්රපටවල චිත්රපට 119 ක සම්භාව්ය භාෂා දරක් පිල්කන් සහ සතුට සඳහා ශාස්ත්රීය දෙමළ ය.
    දැනුවත් කිරීම සමඟ අවදි වී ඇති යූනිවර්ස් දැනටමත් එහි සිටී.

    102) Classical Tamil-பாரம்பரிய இசைத்தமிழ் செம்மொழி,
    வசனம் 2. மகிழ்ச்சி நன்மை செய்பவரைப் பின்பற்றுகிறது
    மனம் எல்லா அறிவிற்கும் முன்னதாகவே உள்ளது,
    மனம் அவர்களின் முதல்வர், மனதில் தயாரிக்கப்பட்டவர்கள்.
    தெளிவான, நம்பிக்கையான மனதுடன் இருந்தால்
    ஒருவர் பேச வேண்டும், செயல்பட வேண்டும்
    ஒருவரின் நிழல் புறப்படுவதால்.
    மனிதன் அனுபவிக்கும் அனைத்தும் அவனது எண்ணங்களிலிருந்து வெளியேறுகின்றன.
    அவரது எண்ணங்கள் நன்றாக இருந்தால், சொற்களும் செயல்களும் நன்றாக இருக்கும்.
    நல்ல எண்ணங்கள், சொற்கள் மற்றும் செயல்களின் விளைவாக மகிழ்ச்சியாக
    இருக்கும். இந்த மகிழ்ச்சி ஒருபோதும் எண்ணங்கள் நல்ல நபரை விட்டுவிடாது.
    அவரை ஒருபோதும் விட்டுவிடாத அவரது நிழலைப் போல மகிழ்ச்சி எப்போதும் அவரைப்
    தயவுசெய்து 🙏
    புத்தரின் சொந்த வார்த்தைகள் திரைப்படங்களை 119 கிளாசிக்கல் மொழிகளில்
    கிளாசிக்கல் தமிழ் உட்பட விழிப்பு மற்றும் மகிழ்ச்சிக்காக உருவாக்குங்கள்.
    விழிப்புணர்வுடன் விழித்திருப்பது ஏற்கனவே உள்ளது.

    104) Classical Telugu- క్లాసికల్ తెలుగు,
    పద్యం 2. ఆనందం మంచి చేసేవారిని అనుసరిస్తుంది
    మనస్సు అన్ని తెలిసిన అన్నిటినీ ముందు,
    మనస్సు వారి చీఫ్, మనస్సుతో తయారు చేసిన వారు.
    స్పష్టమైన మరియు నమ్మకమైన మనస్సుతో ఉంటే
    ఒకరు మాట్లాడాలి మరియు నటించాలి
    ఒకరి నీడ నిష్క్రమించినట్లు.
    మనిషి అనుభవించినవన్నీ తన ఆలోచనల నుండి స్ప్రింగ్లను అనుభవిస్తాడు. అతని
    ఆలోచనలు బాగుంటే, పదాలు మరియు పనులు కూడా బాగుంటాయి. మంచి ఆలోచనలు, పదాలు
    మరియు పనుల ఫలితం ఆనందం అవుతుంది. ఈ ఆనందం ఆలోచనలు మంచిగా ఉన్న వ్యక్తిని
    ఎప్పటికీ వదిలిపెట్టదు. ఆనందం ఎల్లప్పుడూ అతని నీడలాగా అతనిని
    దయచేసి 🙏 🙏 🙏 🙏 బుద్ధుని స్వంత పదాల సినిమాలను 119 క్లాసికల్ భాషలలో క్లాసికల్ తమిళంతో సహా మేల్కొలుపు మరియు ఆనందం కోసం నిర్మించండి.
    అవగాహనతో మేల్కొన్న యూనివర్సే ఇప్పటికే ఉంది.

    105) Classical Thai-ภาษาไทยคลาสสิก,
    ข้อ 2 ความสุขตามผู้กระทำที่ดี
    เมื่อเงาของคน ๆ หนึ่งออกไป
    ได้โปรด🙏ผลิตภาพยนตร์ของพระพุทธเจ้าใน 119 ภาษาคลาสสิกรวมถึงทมิฬคลาสสิกสำหรับการตื่นขึ้นและความสุข
    ตื่นขึ้นมาด้วยความตระหนักถึง Youniverse อยู่ที่นั่นแล้ว
    109) Classical Urdu- کلاسیکی اردو
    آیت 2. خوشی بھلائی کرنے والے کی پیروی کرتی ہے
    دماغ تمام جاننے والوں سے پہلے ہے ،
    دماغ ان کا چیف ہے ، دماغی ساختہ وہ ہیں۔
    اگر واضح ، اور پر اعتماد ذہن کے ساتھ
    کسی کو بولنا اور عمل کرنا چاہئے

    جیسے جیسے کسی کا سایہ دار روانہ ہو رہا ہے۔
    وہ سبھی جو اس کا تجربہ کرتا ہے وہ اپنے خیالات سے باہر نکل جاتا ہے۔ اگر
    اس کے خیالات اچھے ہیں تو ، الفاظ اور اعمال بھی اچھے ہوں گے۔ اچھے خیالات ،
    الفاظ اور اعمال کا نتیجہ خوشی ہوگی۔ یہ خوشی کبھی بھی اس شخص کو نہیں
    چھوڑ پائے گی جس کے خیالات اچھے ہیں۔ خوشی ہمیشہ اس کے سائے کی طرح اس کی
    پیروی کرے گی جو اسے کبھی نہیں چھوڑتی ہے۔
    براہ کرم 119 کلاسیکی زبانوں میں بدھ کے اپنے الفاظ کی فلمیں تیار کریں جن میں بیداری اور خوشی کے لئے کلاسیکی تامل شامل ہیں۔
    بیداری کے ساتھ بیدار ہوا نوجوان پہلے ہی موجود ہے۔
    112) Classical Vietnamese-Tiếng Việ,
    Câu 2. Hạnh phúc theo sau điều tốt
    Tâm trí đi trước tất cả các biết,
    Tâm trí là người đứng đầu của họ, làm tâm trí là họ.
    Nếu với một tâm trí rõ ràng và tự tin
    một người nên nói và hành động
    Khi cái bóng của một người khởi hành.
    thích: Tất cả những gì người đàn ông trải nghiệm thoát ra khỏi suy nghĩ
    của mình. Nếu suy nghĩ của anh ấy là tốt, các từ và hành động cũng sẽ
    tốt. Kết quả của những suy nghĩ, lời nói và hành động tốt sẽ là hạnh
    phúc. Hạnh phúc này sẽ không bao giờ rời khỏi người có suy nghĩ tốt đẹp.
    Hạnh phúc sẽ luôn đi theo anh ta như cái bóng của anh ta không bao giờ
    rời khỏi anh ta.
    vui lòng tạo ra các từ Phật Phật của riêng Phật bằng 119 ngôn ngữ cổ
    điển bao gồm cả tiếng Tamil cổ điển để đánh thức và hạnh phúc.
    Awaken với nhận thức, người bạn đã ở đó.

    Calls for consensus on passage of Women’s Reservation Bill

    Lucknow: May 6, 2008 The Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister, Ms. Mayawati, while clearing the stand of the State Government on the issue of Women’s Reservation Bill, said that from the outset her Government was of the view that “Jitni jiski bhagidari, Utni uski hissedari”. She said that considering that the population of the women was 50 per cent of the total population of the country, therefore, it would be justified that they were given 50 per cent reservation in all levels of the political structure of the country. The C.M. said that her Government welcomed the proposal of 33 per cent reservation of women as it was an important step towards the empowerment of women, but it also expresses its disapproval of certain provisions incorporated in the Bill. Ms. Mayawati said that there was no provision to ensure that the women of all categories of the Sarva Samaj got the benefit of reservation. Therefore, her government was of the view that certain important amendments should be made in the Bill. She said that her government believed that out of the 33 per cent reservation quota proposed for the women, there should be provision for separate reservation for the women belonging to SC/ST and OBC categories, viz. these categories should not be given quota within quota. *******


    Districts going to polls: Tumkur, Chikkaballapur, Kolar, Bangalore Urban, Bangalore Rural, Ramanagara, Mandya, Hassan, Kodagu, Mysore, Chamarajnagar.
    Total number of seats: 224;
    Total number of Candidates: 950 (independent:440)


    50 percent turnout in first phase of polls
    An estimated 50 per cent of the 1.73 crore electorate cast their votes in the first phase of polls held in 89 assembly segments spread over 11 districts in Karnataka which ended by and large peacefully.
    Voters stand in a queue to cast their votes, outside a polling station in Bangalore.

    BSP confident of victory

    50 percent turnout in first phase of polls in Karnataka

    An estimated 50 per cent of the 1.73 crore electorate cast their votes in the first phase of polls held in 89 assembly constituencies spread over 11 districts in Karnataka which ended by and large peacefully on Saturday

    Of the 224 assembly segments in the state, 66 will go to polls in the second phase on May 16 and the remaining 69 in the third phase on May 22

    Police resorted to lathicharge to disperse a group of persons who apparently were trying to cast bogus votes at Chickpet.

    In several areas, voters protested deletion of their names

    A 58,000-strong security personnel kept a close watch on the polling which passed off peacefully, official sources said.

    The poll prospects of 953 candidates were sealed in the EVMs.

    The voters’ response in Bangalore City, which has 28 assembly segments was poor, was about 50 per cent, according to initial reports from electoral authorities.

    Polling was brisk in Bangalore Rural, Kolar, Hassan, Ramanagar and Chamarajnagar.

    Technical snags delaying and disrupting poll process for brief spells has been reported from several places.

    Karnatataka is the first state to go to election under the delimitation of constituencies in the country.

    BSP confident of victory

    As the first phase of Assembly polls in Karnataka is underway, major political party — BSP– appeared confident of forming government on its own in the southern state.

    BSP is sure to get a  majority as voters are in favour of the party as they are disappointed with coalition government performance.

    According to reports I have received, BSP will win more than 55 seats out of 89 going to elections in the first phase today.

    People are sore over the performance of Congress-JDS-BJP coalition governments during whose regime corruption was rampant. It will be a single party rule by BSP. People have decided to support BSP.

    Bangalore is very important for winning the elections. If BSP wins Bangalore,  victory is assured. And now with the city has increased number of assembly seats, BSP is positive towards the results.


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    111 Buddha’s Most Powerful Positive Own Words𝓛𝓔𝓢𝓢𝓞𝓝 4418 Fri 29 Apr 2022 I call it Nibbana, the complete destruction of old age and dying Awakened with Awareness Youniverse is already there. Be Happy 😊 Calm, quiet, alert, attentive and have equanimity mind with a clear understanding that everything is changing! All that we are Is the result of what We have thought - Buddha
    Filed under: General
    Posted by: site admin @ 8:09 pm
    111 Buddha’s Most Powerful Positive Own Words𝓛𝓔𝓢𝓢𝓞𝓝   4418  Fri   29 Apr 2022

    I call it Nibbana, the complete destruction of
    old age and dying
    Awakened with Awareness Youniverse is already there.

    Be Happy 😊
    Calm, quiet, alert, attentive and have equanimity mind with a clear understanding that everything is changing!
    All that we are
    Is the result of what
    We have thought - Buddha

    May be an image of text that says


    Mindful 🧘 🧘‍♂️ 🧘‍♀️ 3D 360 degree VR Meditation


    At Savatthi, King Pasenadi of Kosala said to the Blessed One: “Venerable sir, is anyone who is born free from aging and death?”
    king, no one who is born is free from aging and death. Even those
    affluent khattiyas—rich, with great wealth and property, with abundant
    gold and silver, abundant treasures and commodities, abundant wealth and
    grain—because they have been born, are not free …

    See more
    The Buddha on Old Age, Illness, and Death - The Wisdom Experience

    The Buddha on Old Age, Illness, and Death - The Wisdom Experience
    At Savatthi, King Pasenadi of Kosala said to the Blessed One: “Venerable sir, is anyone who is born free from aging and death?”

    BUDDHA And THE MAD ELEPHANT | Miracle Of BUDDHA | Life Of Buddha ( Facts To Known )
    þýðir „aðgerð“. Lögmál Kamma þýðir að það eru óhjákvæmilegar
    niðurstöður aðgerða okkar. Það eru verk af líkama, tali eða huga sem
    leiða til skaða annarra, eigin skaða eða skaða beggja. Slík verk eru
    kölluð slæm (eða „óheiðarleg“) kamma. Þeir eru venjulega hvattir til
    græðgi, haturs eða blekkingar. Vegna þess að þeir skila sársaukafullum
    árangri ætti ekki að gera þær.
    eru líka verk af líkama, tali eða huga sem leiða til líðan annarra,
    eigin líðan eða líðan beggja. Slík verk eru kölluð góð (eða „heilnæm“)
    kamma. Þeir eru venjulega hvattir af örlæti, samúð eða visku. Vegna þess
    að þeir ná hamingjusömum árangri ættu þeir að gera eins oft og mögulegt
    Þannig er margt af
    því sem maður upplifir afleiðing eigin fyrri kamma. Þegar ógæfa á sér
    stað, í stað þess að kenna einhverjum öðrum, þá er hægt að leita að
    hvaða sök í eigin fortíð. Ef bilun er að finna mun reynslan af
    afleiðingum þess gera réttari í framtíðinni. Þegar hamingja á sér stað, í
    stað þess að taka það sem sjálfsögðum hlut, þá getur maður leitað til
    að sjá hvort það sé afleiðing góðrar kamma. Ef svo er, mun reynslan af
    skemmtilegum árangri hvetja til meiri góðrar kamma í framtíðinni.
    benti á að það sé ekki að vera neinn, guðlegur eða á annan hátt, hefur
    neinn kraft til að stöðva afleiðingar góðrar og slæmrar kamma. Sú
    staðreynd að maður uppsker bara það sem maður sá fyrir búddistanum meiri
    hvata til að forðast alls konar slæma kamma meðan þú gerir eins mikið
    gott kamma og mögulegt er.
    maður geti ekki sloppið við niðurstöður slæmrar kamma, þá er hægt að
    draga úr áhrifum þeirra. Skeið af salti, sem blandað er saman í glasi af
    hreinu vatni, gerir allt mjög salt, en sömu skeið af salti blandað í
    ferskvatnsvatni breytir varla smekk vatnsins. Að sama skapi er afleiðing
    slæmrar kamma hjá manni venjulega aðeins lítið magn af góðri kamma
    sársaukafull, en afleiðing sömu slæmu kamma hjá manni sem venjulega
    gerir mikið af góðri kamma finnst aðeins mildilega.
    Þessi náttúrulögmál Kamma verður krafturinn að baki og ástæðan fyrir því að siðferði og samúð í samfélagi okkar.
    Ég kalla það Nibbana, fullkomin eyðilegging
    ellin og deyja

    49) Classical Igbo,Klassískt Igbo,

    putara ‘ime ihe’. Iwu nke Kamma pụtara na enwere ike ịrụpụta ọrụ anyị. E
    nwere omume nke ahụ, okwu ma ọ bụ n’uche nke na-eduga n’ebe ndị ọzọ nọ,
    nsogbu mmadụ, ma ọ bụ nsogbu nke abụọ. A na-akpọ ọrụ ndị dị otú a ihe
    ọjọọ (ma ọ bụ ‘na-adịghị mma’ kamma. Ha na-akwali ha anyaukwu, ịkpọasị
    ma ọ bụ aghụghọ. N’ihi na ha na-eweta nsonaazụ na-egbu mgbu, ekwesighi
    ịme ha.
    nwekwara ọrụ ahụ, okwu ma ọ bụ uche na-eduga ndị ọzọ ‘ịdị mma, ya bụ,
    mmadụ na-eme nke ọma, ma ọ bụ nke ọma ma ọ bụ ịdị mma. A na-akpọkarị ọrụ
    ndị dị mma (ma ọ bụ ‘mma’). Ha na-akpalikarị mmesapụ aka, ọmịiko ma ọ
    bụ amamihe. N’ihi na ha na-eweta nsonaazụ obi ụtọ, a ga-eme ha mgbe ọ
    bụla o kwere omume.
    mere, ihe mmadụ na - eme bụ nsonaazụ nke onye ọgaranya nke mbụ. Mgbe
    nsogbu pụtara, kama ịta onye ọzọ, mmadụ nwere ike ịchọ mmejọ ọ bụla
    n’ọnọdụ mmadụ gara aga. Ọ bụrụ na achọtara mmejọ, ahụmịhe nke nsonaazụ
    ya ga-akpachara anya karị n’ọdịnihu. Mgbe obi ụtọ pụtara, kama iwere ya
    gwurie egwu, mmadụ nwere ike na-ele anya ịhụ ma ọ bụ nsonaazụ nke ezigbo
    kamma. Ọ bụrụ otu a, ahụmịhe nke nsonaazụ ya ga - agba ume ka ukwuu
    kamma n’ọdịnihu.
    ahụ rụtụrụ aka na ọ dịghị ihe ọ bụla, Chineke ma ọ bụ nke ọzọ, nwere
    ike ọ bụla iji kwụsị ihe ndị dị mma na ihe ọjọọ. Eziokwu ahụ bụ na mmadụ
    na-aghọrọ ihe na-enye ihe na-eme ihe na-enye onye Buddha na-enye ndị
    Buddha ahụ ka ukwuu na-eme ka ụdị ndị ọjọọ mara mma mgbe ha kwere.

    bụ ezie na mmadụ enweghị ike ịgbanahụ nsonaazụ ndị ọjọọ na Kamma, mmadụ
    nwere ike belata mmetụta ha. Ngaji nke nnu agwakọtara na iko mmiri dị
    ọcha na-eme nnu nnu, ebe otu ngaji nke nnu jupụtara na mmiri mmiri
    na-adịghị agbanwe uto mmiri. N’otu aka ahụ, nsonaazụ nke ihe ọjọọ na-eme
    naanị obere obere kamma na-egbu naanị n’ezie, ebe nsonaazụ nke otu ahụ
    kamma na-eme ka ọ dị mma na-eme ezigbo ihe na-eme kama dị mma.
    Iwu a dị n’otu nke Kamma ghọkwara ike, na ihe ga - emekwa ya, omume nke omume na ọmịiko n’ime ọha mmadụ anyị.
    Akpọrọ m ya nibbana, mbibi zuru ezu nke
    agadi na ịnwụ
    50) Classical Indonesian-Bahasa Indonesia Klasik,


    berarti ‘tindakan’. Hukum Kamma berarti ada hasil yang tak terhindarkan
    dari tindakan kita. Ada perbuatan tubuh, ucapan atau pikiran yang
    mengarah pada bahaya orang lain, kerusakannya sendiri, atau terhadap
    kerugian keduanya. Perbuatan seperti itu disebut Kamma yang buruk (atau
    ‘tidak sehat’). Mereka biasanya termotivasi oleh keserakahan, kebencian
    atau khayalan. Karena mereka membawa hasil yang menyakitkan, mereka
    tidak boleh dilakukan.

    Ada juga perbuatan tubuh,
    ucapan atau pikiran yang mengarah pada kesejahteraan orang lain,
    kesejahteraan seseorang, atau kesejahteraan keduanya. Perbuatan seperti
    itu disebut Kamma yang baik (atau ’sehat’). Mereka biasanya termotivasi
    oleh kemurahan hati, belas kasih atau kebijaksanaan. Karena mereka
    membawa hasil yang bahagia, mereka harus dilakukan sesering mungkin.

    banyak dari apa yang dialami seseorang adalah hasil dari Kamma
    sebelumnya. Ketika kemalangan terjadi, alih -alih menyalahkan orang
    lain, seseorang dapat mencari kesalahan dalam perilaku masa lalu
    seseorang. Jika kesalahan ditemukan, pengalaman konsekuensinya akan
    membuat satu lebih berhati -hati di masa depan. Ketika kebahagiaan
    terjadi, alih -alih menerima begitu saja, orang dapat melihat apakah itu
    hasil dari kamma yang baik. Jika demikian, pengalaman hasil yang
    menyenangkan akan mendorong lebih banyak kamma yang baik di masa depan.

    Buddha menunjukkan bahwa tidak ada makhluk, ilahi atau sebaliknya,
    memiliki kekuatan untuk menghentikan konsekuensi dari Kamma yang baik
    dan buruk. Fakta bahwa seseorang menuai apa yang seseorang tapi berikan
    kepada Buddhis insentif yang lebih besar untuk menghindari semua bentuk
    kamma buruk sambil melakukan sebanyak mungkin kamma yang baik.

    orang tidak dapat lepas dari hasil Kamma yang buruk, seseorang dapat
    mengurangi efeknya. Sendok garam yang dicampur dalam segelas air murni
    membuat seluruh asin, sedangkan sendok garam yang sama dicampur di danau
    air tawar hampir tidak mengubah rasa air. Demikian pula, hasil dari
    Kamma yang buruk pada seseorang yang biasanya melakukan hanya sejumlah
    kecil kamma yang baik memang menyakitkan, sedangkan hasil dari kamma
    buruk yang sama pada seseorang yang biasanya melakukan banyak kamma yang
    baik hanya dirasakan sedikit.

    Hukum alam Kamma ini menjadi kekuatan di belakang, dan alasannya, praktik moralitas dan belas kasih dalam masyarakat kita.

    Saya menyebutnya nibbana, penghancuran total
    Usia tua dan sekarat

    51) Classical Irish-Indinéisis Clasaiceach,

    Kamma ‘gníomh’. Ciallaíonn dlí Kamma go bhfuil torthaí dosheachanta ar
    ár ngníomhartha. Tá gníomhais choirp, urlabhra nó aigne ann as a dtagann
    díobháil daoine eile, dochar do dhuine féin, nó do dhochar an dá rud.
    Tugtar kamma dona (nó ‘neamhshuimiúil’) ar ghníomhais den sórt sin. Is
    iondúil go mbíonn siad spreagtha ag saint, fuath nó delusion. Toisc go
    dtugann siad torthaí pianmhara, níor chóir iad a dhéanamh.

    gníomhais choirp, urlabhra nó aigne ann freisin as a dtagann leas
    daoine eile, a leas féin, nó le leas an dá rud. Tugtar kamma maith (nó
    ‘folláin’) ar ghníomhais den sórt sin. Is iondúil go mbíonn siad
    spreagtha ag flaithiúlacht, trócaire nó eagna. Toisc go dtugann siad
    torthaí sona, ba chóir iad a dhéanamh chomh minic agus is féidir.

    bhrí sin tá cuid mhaith de na heispéiris mar thoradh ar a kamma roimhe
    seo. Nuair a tharlaíonn mí -ádh, in ionad an milleán a chur ar dhuine
    eile, is féidir le duine a bheith ag lorg aon locht i iompar an duine
    féin. Má aimsítear locht, beidh taithí na n -iarmhairtí níos cúramaí sa
    todhchaí. Nuair a tharlaíonn sonas, in ionad é a thógáil go deonach, is
    féidir féachaint ar an bhfuil sé mar thoradh ar kamma maith. Má tá,
    spreagfaidh an taithí ar a thorthaí taitneamhacha kamma níos fearr sa
    an Búda in iúl nach bhfuil aon chumhacht ag aon rud ar bith, diaga nó
    eile, stop a chur le hiarmhairtí an Kamma maith agus olc. Ós rud é go n
    -éiríonn le duine amháin an méid a thugann duine amháin don Bhúdaíoch
    dreasacht níos mó a dhéanamh chun gach cineál droch -kamma a sheachaint
    agus an oiread kamma maith agus is féidir á dhéanamh.

    nach féidir le duine éalú ó thorthaí droch -kamma, is féidir le duine a
    n -éifeacht a laghdú. Déanann spúnóg salainn measctha i ngloine uisce
    íon an -blas goirt amháin, ach is ar éigean a athraíonn an spúnóg
    chéanna salainn atá measctha i loch fionnuisce blas an uisce. Ar an
    gcaoi chéanna, is é an toradh a bhí ar dhroch -kamma i ndaoine nach
    bhfuil ach méid beag de kamma maith de ghnáth ná pianmhar go deimhin,
    ach ní bhraithtear ach toradh an droch -kamma céanna i duine de ghnáth.
    é an dlí nádúrtha seo de kamma an fórsa atá taobh thiar de, agus cúis
    leis, cleachtas na moráltachta agus an trócaire inár sochaí.
    Glaoim air Nibbana, scrios iomlán na
    seanaois agus ag fáil bháis

    52) Classical Italian-Italiano classico,

    significa “azione”. La legge di Kamma significa che ci sono risultati
    inevitabili delle nostre azioni. Ci sono azioni di corpo, linguaggio o
    mente che portano al danno degli altri, al proprio danno o al danno di
    entrambi. Tali azioni sono chiamati Kamma cattivi (o “non salutari”. Di
    solito sono motivati ​​dall’avidità, dall’odio o dall’illusione. Poiché
    portano risultati dolorosi, non dovrebbero essere fatti.
    sono anche azioni di corpo, linguaggio o mente che portano al benessere
    degli altri, al proprio benessere o al benessere di entrambi. Tali
    azioni sono chiamati kamma buono (o “sano”). Di solito sono motivati
    ​​da generosità, compassione o saggezza. Poiché portano risultati
    felici, dovrebbero essere fatti il ​​più spesso possibile.
    gran parte di ciò che una sperimenta è il risultato del proprio Kamma
    precedente. Quando si verifica sventure, invece di incolpare qualcun
    altro, si può cercare di colpa nella propria condotta passata. Se viene
    trovato un errore, l’esperienza delle sue conseguenze renderà più
    attento in futuro. Quando si verifica la felicità, invece di darla per
    scontato, si può cercare se è il risultato di un buon kamma. In tal
    caso, l’esperienza dei suoi piacevoli risultati incoraggerà in futuro
    più kamma.
    Buddha ha sottolineato che nessun essere di sorta, divino o altro, ha
    alcun potere di fermare le conseguenze del kamma buono e cattivo. Il
    fatto che si raccolga proprio ciò che una semina dà al buddista un
    incentivo più grande per evitare tutte le forme di cattivo kamma mentre
    fa il più buono kamma possibile.
    non si possa sfuggire ai risultati di Bad Kamma, si può ridurre il loro
    effetto. Un cucchiaio di sale mescolato in un bicchiere di acqua pura
    rende tutto salato, mentre lo stesso cucchiaio di sale mescolato in un
    lago d’acqua dolce non cambia difficilmente il gusto dell’acqua. Allo
    stesso modo, il risultato di un cattivo kamma in una persona che fa
    abitualmente solo una piccola quantità di buon kamma è davvero doloroso,
    mentre il risultato dello stesso cattivo kamma in una persona che fa
    abitualmente un sacco di buon kamma è solo lievemente sentito.
    legge naturale di Kamma diventa la forza dietro e la ragione della
    pratica della moralità e della compassione nella nostra società.
    Lo chiamo nibbana, la completa distruzione di
    vecchiaia e morte
    10 Mysterious Extinct Human Species
    We have not always been the only human species around… (HD - 01/2016)FOLLOW THE HYBRID LIBRARIAN:Subscribe ▶ ▶ http://on.f…

    53) Classical Japanese-古典的なイタリア語,

    Exclusive Expeditions, KANSAI Japan - Wakayama [4K]繁体字
    【宮司 九鬼家隆 × 熊野本宮大社】

    54) Classical Javanese-Klasik Jawa,

    tegese ‘tumindak’. Hukum Kamma tegese ora ana asil sing ora bisa
    dieling-eling. Ana tumindak awak, wicara utawa pikiran sing nyebabake
    cilaka wong liya, gawe piala dhewe, utawa kanggo gawe piala. Tumindake
    kaya ngono diarani ala (utawa ‘Unwholesome’)) Kamma. Biasane motivasi
    kanthi rakus, gething utawa khayal. Amarga padha ngasilake asil sing
    nglarani, mula ora bisa ditindakake.
    uga tumindak awak, pidato utawa pikiran sing nyebabake wong liya ‘
    Tumindake kaya ngono diarani apik (utawa ‘hebat’) kamma. Biasane
    motivasi kanthi loman, welas asih utawa kawicaksanan. Amarga padha
    nggawa asil sing seneng, mula kudu ditindakake kanthi asring.
    sing akeh pengalaman yaiku asil saka Kamma dhewe. Yen nyasar, ora
    nyalahake wong liya, siji bisa golek kesalahan ing tumindak kepungkur.
    Yen kesalahan ditemokake, pengalaman saka akibat kasebut bakal nggawe
    luwih ati-ati ing mangsa ngarep. Yen kebahagiaan dumadi, tinimbang sing
    diwenehake, siji bisa ngerteni manawa iki minangka asil saka Kamma sing
    apik. Yen mangkono, pengalaman asil sing nyenengake bakal nyengkuyung
    Kamma sing luwih apik.
    nuding manawa ora ana, gaib utawa liya, duwe kekuwatan kanggo mungkasi
    akibat saka Kamma sing apik lan ala. Kasunyatan manawa ana sing
    ngasilake apa sing diwenehake dening Buddha sing menehi insentif kanggo
    ngindhari Kamma sing ala nalika nindakake kamma sing apik.
    salah siji ora bisa uwal saka asil saka Kamma sing ala, sing bisa nyuda
    efek. Sendok uyah sing dicampur ing gelas banyu murni ndadekake kabeh
    asin banget, dene sendok uyah sing padha dicampur ing tlaga banyu sing
    angel ngganti rasa banyu. Kajaba iku, asil saka Kamma sing ala ing wong
    sing biasane dilayani karo Kamma sing apik banget, mula asil saka Kamma
    sing ala ing wong sing padha nindakake kamma sing apik banget.
    Hukum alam kamma iki dadi kekuwatan, lan alesan kanggo, praktik moral lan welas asih ing masyarakat kita.
    Aku nelpon Nibbana, karusakan lengkap saka
    Umur tuwa lan mati
    Tor Bhudha Bhatar Mill Gelo|Tor Kariya Bhatar Mil Gaile|pappu devraj Khortha song|Budha Bhatar Song
    Bhudha Bhatar Mill Gelo|Tor Kariya Bhatar Mil Gaile|pappu devraj
    Khortha song|Budha Bhatar Song@Neha Mitron Music चैनल पर जाने के लिए इसे
    टच करेंInstagra…

    பாபாசாகேப் அம்பேத்கரை பற்றி தெரிந்து கொள்ளுங்கள் பிறகுபெரியாரைப் பற்றி
    தெரிந்து கொள்ளலாம் இப்போதெல்லாம் பெரியாரிசம் எல்லாம் சூத்திர ஜாதிகளின்
    பின்னே ஓடிக்கொண்டிருக்கிறது

    No photo description available.

    திபிடகா & பாபாசாகேப் அம்பேத்கரின் புத்தரின் சொந்த வார்த்தைகளை
    முதலில் தெரிந்து கொள்ளுங்கள், பிறகு பெரியாரை அறிந்து கொள்ளுங்கள்.
    இப்போது பெரியாரிசம் சூத்திர சாதிகளின் பின்னால் ஓடுவதுதான்.

    இஸ்ரேல், திபெத், ஆப்பிரிக்கா, கிழக்கு ஐரோப்பா, மேற்கு ஜெர்மனி, தெற்கு
    ரஷ்யா, மேற்கு ஐரோப்பா, ஹங்கேரி ஆகிய நாடுகளில் இருந்து வெளியேற்றப்பட்ட
    வெளிநாட்டவர்கள், உலகின் நம்பர் ஒன் பயங்கரவாதிகளான ரவுடி ஸ்வயம்
    சேவகர்களின் ஹங்கேரி சித்பவன் பிராமணர்கள் வன்முறையாளர்கள், போராளிகள்,
    எப்போதும் கும்பல் மதிய உணவு சாப்பிடுகிறார்கள். , 99.9% அனைத்து
    பூர்வகுடிகள் எழுப்பப்பட்ட சமூகங்கள் மீது வெறுப்பு, கோபம், பொறாமை, மாயை,
    முட்டாள்தனம் பயிற்சி செய்யும் பைத்தியம், மனவளர்ச்சி குன்றியவர்கள்.
    மனுஸ்மிருதியைப் பின்பற்றுகிறார்கள். சித்பவன் பிராமணர் 1வது விகித
    ஆத்மா/ஆத்மா க்ஷத்ரியர், வைசியா, சூத்திரன் 2வது, 3வது, 4வது விகித
    ஆன்மாக்கள் மற்றும் ஆதிவாசிகளான எஸ்சி/எஸ்டிகள் ஆன்மாவே இல்லாததால்
    எல்லாவிதமான அட்டூழியங்களும் தொடர்கின்றன. ஆனால் புத்தர் எந்த ஆன்மாவையும்
    நம்பியதில்லை, அனைவரும் சமம் என்று கூறினார். அதனால்தான் நாங்கள்
    பௌத்தர்களாக இருந்தோம், பௌத்தர்களாக இருக்கிறோம், தொடர்ந்து பௌத்தர்களாக
    இருக்கிறோம். பகுஜன் சமாஜ் கட்சி அல்லாத அனைத்துக் கட்சிகளிலும் உள்ள சில
    சொந்த தாயின் சதை உண்பவர்கள், கைக்கூலிகள், அடிமைகள், காலணி நக்குபவர்கள்
    சித்பவன் பிராமணர்களை ஆதரிக்கின்றனர்.

    to know Buddha’s Own Words from Theravada Tipitaka & Babasaheb
    Ambedkar first and then get to know Periyar. Now Periyarism is all about
    running behind the Shudra castes.

    foreigners kicked Out from Bene Israel, Tibet, Africa, Eastern Europe,
    Western Germany, South Russia, Western Europe, Hungary chitpavan
    brahmins of Rowdy Swayam Sevaks who are anti national number one
    terrorists of the world are violent, militant, ever shooting mob
    lunching, lunatic, mentally retarded practising hatred, anger, jealousy,
    delusion, stupidity towards 99.9% All Aboriginal Awakened Societies.
    They are following manusmriti. chitpavan brahmin as 1st rate athma/Soul
    Kshatriya, Vysia, Shudra as 2nd, 3rd, 4th rate souls and the aboriginal
    SC/STs having no soul at all so that all sorts of atrocities are carried
    on. But Buddha never believed in any soulHe said all are equal. That’s
    why we were Buddhists, are Buddhists and continue to be Buddhists. Some
    own mother’s flesh eaters, stooges, slaves, boot lickers in all the
    non-BSP parties are supporting chitpavan brahmins.

    May be a cartoon of text that says "MAKE GIFS AT GIFSOUP COM"

    Kanakapura is one among the high profile constituencies of the State. Post delimitation, profile of the constituency has changed.

    Former minister PGR Sindhia who won from the constituency for six times is National General Secretary of BSP, is not in the fray this time.

    The BJP has fielded Chinnaswamy as BSP candidate.  This time the Congress is worried of the BSP. Sindhia who won from the constituency for six times is national general secretary of the BSP.  His name will help the party gather a considerable amountof votes and prove problematic for the Congress.

    Kodihalli, Uyyamballi, Sathanur hoblis which were earlier parts of Sathanur Assembly constituency and Kasaba hobli and Kanakapua Town Municipal Council are parts of the Kanakapura Assembly constituency.

    Over 45 per cent of total voters belong to Vokkaliga community. As prime contestants also belong to the same community, the votes will go divided.



    BSP’s Muniyappa is the best choice since,
    A major hurdle in Chandranna’s way is internal differences in the JD(S). There is displeasure among leaders and workers of other communities over giving the ticket to the same caste (Korama) person continuously.

    The constituency includes Vijayapura, Kundana, Channarayapatna, Kasaba and Thubugere hoblis and is a reserved constituency. Here, SC/ST voters are in large numbers are disillusioned with Congress, BJP and JD(S) for the price rise lack of drinking water proper sanitation, while Vokkaligas are next in number. Yadavas and Kurubas are also in considerably high numbers who are also affected by price rise. There is the anti-incummbency factor because of all the three parties the Congress, BJP and JD(S). 

    Mahadevapura (SC) - R Muniyappa, (BSP)

    Vote for BSP



    S.Raghu BJP

    Assets Declared Rs.6 Crore

    KC Vijaya Kumar Congress

    Assets Declared Rs.1.5 Crore

    S.Manohar JD (S)

    Assets Declared Rs.1.5 Crore

    For Sarvajan Hithai Sarvajan Sukhai

    Know your candidates



    C.V. Raman Nagar Constituency

    Legislative Assembly Election held on

    10-05-2008 Saturday


    Dear Brothers & Sisters,


    For  progress of a diversified society with promised welfare and complete freedom from exploitation, discrimination, and assuring safety and for a developmental ruling, we plead you to vote for the “Elephant” symbolized BSP candidate.


    B.T.Srinivas to be victorious to build a secure society.


    Not like all other political parties, that feeds you for a short while before the elections commence, our BSP party born from the ashes of the down trodden of ignored classes, promises to wipe out your tears and also feed you until you all are supportively behind this mission.

    Large number of youths both boys and girls participated in the poll campaign in Anandapura, Murphy Town, Kaggadaspura and the people in the area expressed their unhappiness of all the three parties, Congress,BJP,and JD(S) since they had not bothered about their welfare after they got elected. In Kaggadaspura where the pooeres of the poor live have to pay Rs.2 per pot of water. They dont have proper shelter and some of their houses are damaged and are not in a position to repair they. They dont have proper lighting in the area. Many of them are not issued Ration Cards. A few of the girls and boys who have passed 10th Standard are unable to pursue their further studies because of poverty and they say that they have to continue with the low paid daily wage safai karmachari jobs.


    Anekal (SC) - Jigani Shankar BSP

    A Narayan Swamy BJP

    Assets Rs.2.5 Crore

    B.Gopal Congress

    Assets Rs.1.2 Crore

    KM Muniappa JD (S)

    Assets Rs.3 Crore

    K R Puram
    Voter population: 3,08,400  Men: 1,62,563    Women: 1,45,83
    Total wards: 35 wards of the erstwhile K R Puram CMC, 9 wards of Mahadevapura
    &3  village
    panchayats of Horamavu, K Narayanpura and Agara.
    Returning Officer: M Ashok, 944819130.

    KR Puram, a new constituency carved out from the erstwhile Varathur & Hoskote assembly constituencies after delimitation, is the largest of the 21 constituencies in BBMP limits. With an electorate of 3.08 lakh, it lacks basic amenities like tarred roads, drinking water, garbage disposal and street lights. The Cable-Stayed Bridge, popularly known as the ‘Hanging Bridge’ and ITI are the popular landmarks of reas.

    Abraham (BSP)

    He promises water supply

    After reports of installing borewells and supplying drinking water through tankers to woo voters, will anyone believe that a candidate can actually get water supply stopped to a particular area?

    This is what the BSP candidate of K R Puram Abraham T J has alleged against the Congress nominee A Krishnappa. The reason: “Because he thinks voters of Nellurpuram, the area where the supply has been stopped, may not vote in his favour as most of them belong to the backward communities. Instead they might vote in favour of the BSP,” Abraham alleged.

    “ Everyone knows that Krishnappa has used his clout with the water supply officials to threaten the Nellurpuram voters and ensure that they vote for him,” he said.

    “Nellurpuram was part of the erstwhile Varathur constituency last time and Krishnappa banked on Malayalee, Christian and Muslim population for his election. He is scared now that the votes will get divided as the Bahujan Samaj Party is emerging as a strong force in Karnataka,” he added.

    A.Krishnappa (Congress)

    Assets Declared Rs..7.5 Crores

    L.Muniswamy (JD (S))

    Assets Declared Rs.3 Crores

    NS Nandish Reddy (BJP)

    Assets Declared Rs.30 Crores

    Mahalalakshmi Layout - C Vishwanath BSP

    NL Narendra Babu Congress

    Assets Rs.12.5 Lakh

    RV Harish BJP

    Assets Rs.2.26 Crore

    K Gopaliah JD (S)

    Assets Rs.4 Crore

    Hebbal - S K Sajid Ahmed BSP

    Katta Subramanya Naidu BJP

    Assets Rs.19 Crore

    HM Revanna Congress

    Assets Rs.5 Crore

    Lokesh Gowda JD (S)

    Assets Rs.28 Crore


    Byatarayanapura - M Appayanna (BSP)

    Krishna Byre Gowda Congress

    Assets Rs.5 Crore

    A Ravi BJP

    Assets Rs.5.45 Crore

    C Narayana Swamy JD (S)

    Assets Rs.15 Crore

    Yeshwantpur, G Bette Gowda (BSP)

    Shoba Karandalje BJP

    Assets Rs.44 Crore

    Somshekar Congress

    Assets Rs.15 Crore

    Dashara Halli, NK Naveen (BSP)

    B Anandappa (JD (S))

    Assets Rs.8.99 Crore

    KC Ashok Congress

    Assets Rs.8.78 Crore

    Muniraja BJP

    Assets Rs10,84,51,900

    Malleswaram - Nisarga Nagaraju BSP

    MR Seetharam Congress

    Assets: Rs.57.83 Crore

    Dr.CS Ashwarth Narayana BJP

    Assets: Rs.5.1 Crore

    Shankaranna JD (S)

    Assets: Rs.90 Lakhs

    Bangalore South - R Manjunath(BSP)

    M Krishnappa BJP

    Assets Rs.17.5Crore

    M.Sadananda Congress

    Assets:Rs 1.3 Crore

    C Manjunath aks Manjunath Gutigere JD (S)

    Assets Rs.5 Crore

    Raja Rajeshwari Nagar

    Vishwanath C (BSP)

    Krishna Murthy PN (Congress)

    Assets Rs.3.25 Crores

    Hanumathrayappa JD(S

    Assets Rs.2.45 Crores

    M Srinivasa BJP

    Assets Rs.12 Crores


    D.Prakash (BSP)

    B.Chandrappa ( Congress)

    Assets Rs.9.47 Crores

    SR Vishwanath BJP

    Assets Rs.9.45 Crores

    E.Krishnappa JD (S)

    Assets Rs.46.5 Crore

    Ex-Wg Cdr’s poll launch

    Among the rare contestants this time, is a retired Wing Commander, G B Athri, representing BSP in Padmanabhanagar Assembly constituency. Athri, who has served the Indian Air Force for 25 years says: “I have only two things to tell the voters - I am with them always, and I will do what they want me to do for their good.”
    On his door-to-door campaign trail in Banashankari 2nd stage, he said, “I have no money to copy publicity stunts of politicians. I am appealing to conscientious voters through hand bills and meeting small groups of citizens; no rallies or processions. I believe only in contacting people.”

    Athri, a BSc. Honours in Chemistry, took voluntary retirement from Air Force in 2001, and was Chief Programme Officer at IIM-B for a year. Thereafter, he has been running a training institute for security industry.

    As for political experience, Athri said he was elected secretary and then president of the Students Union while studying at National College, Bangalore between 1971-74. He joined BSP with P G R Sindhia in December 2007. “I believe in Mayawatiji’s ‘Sarva Jana Sukhaya, Sarva Jana Hithaya’ ideal. There can be no nation on religion alone and I condemn dynasty politics.”

    His other interests - art, literature and environment. “I have planted around 1,000 trees in my locality,” he claims.
    “I am specially asking those who are not voting to come out and vote, and to elect the right person,” he said, sharing information on  his constituency’s problems:  “There are no parks for joggers and elders, clogged drains, lack of recreational and sports facilities for youth, poor connectivity to other parts. Although the former MLA of this area was a Health Minister, menace of dogs and mosquitos is unbearable. On election, I will address people’s problems and find workable solutions.”

    BT Srnivas BSP candidate from

    CV Raman Nagar assembly constituency

    S.Raghu BJP

    Assets Declared Rs.6 Crore

    KC Vijaya Kumar Congress

    Assets Declared Rs.1.5 Crore

    S.Manohar JD (S)

    Assets Declared Rs.1.5 Crore


    K R Puram
    Voter population: 3,08,400  Men: 1,62,563    Women: 1,45,83
    Total wards: 35 wards of the erstwhile K R Puram CMC, 9 wards of Mahadevapura
    &3  village
    panchayats of Horamavu, K Narayanpura and Agara.
    Returning Officer: M Ashok, 944819130.

    KR Puram, a new constituency carved out from the erstwhile Varathur & Hoskote assembly constituencies after delimitation, is the largest of the 21 constituencies in BBMP limits. With an electorate of 3.08 lakh, it lacks basic amenities like tarred roads, drinking water, garbage disposal and street lights. The Cable-Stayed Bridge, popularly known as the ‘Hanging Bridge’ and ITI are the popular landmarks of reas.

    Abraham (BSP)

    He promises water supply

    After reports of installing borewells and supplying drinking water through tankers to woo voters, will anyone believe that a candidate can actually get water supply stopped to a particular area?

    This is what the BSP candidate of K R Puram Abraham T J has alleged against the Congress nominee A Krishnappa. The reason: “Because he thinks voters of Nellurpuram, the area where the supply has been stopped, may not vote in his favour as most of them belong to the backward communities. Instead they might vote in favour of the BSP,” Abraham alleged.

    “ Everyone knows that Krishnappa has used his clout with the water supply officials to threaten the Nellurpuram voters and ensure that they vote for him,” he said.

    “Nellurpuram was part of the erstwhile Varathur constituency last time and Krishnappa banked on Malayalee, Christian and Muslim population for his election. He is scared now that the votes will get divided as the Bahujan Samaj Party is emerging as a strong force in Karnataka,” he added.

    A.Krishnappa (Congress)

    Assets Declared Rs..7.5 Crores

    L.Muniswamy (JD (S))

    Assets Declared Rs.3 Crores

    NS Nandish Reddy (BJP)

    Assets Declared Rs.30 Crores

    Mismatch between wealth & education

    Wealth and educational qualification do not necessarily go together. So it seems when one tries to match the assets declared by BJP candidates contesting from Bangalore Urban with their educational qualification.

    Prasad Reddy who is contesting from BTM Layout has declared his assets in the affidavit before the returning officer as Rs 313 crore. His educational qualification: PUC.

    Former legislator P C Mohan is contesting from Gandhinagar has done his SSLC. His assets: More than Rs 20 crore.


    Ismail Sharief BSP

    KJ George Congress

    Assets Declared Rs.7.37 Crore

    Padmanabha Reddy JD (S)

    Assets Declared Rs.84 Lakhs (plus other unquantifiable assets)

    R.Shankar BJP

    Assets Declared Rs.10.5 Crore

    Charles Prabakar (BSP)

    Voter Population:  1,66,709   Men: 84,214 Women: 82,495   Constituency:  6 BBMP wards - Ulsoor, Bharatinagar, Jayamahal, Shivajinagar,  Vasanthnagar, Sampangiramnagar. Returning Officer:  Puttaswamy. PH: 9739042406

    Russel Market, St Mary’s Bascilica, a modern bus-stand, Commercial Street are the attractions of this area. It has a good number of Kabab centres.

    R Roshan Baig, who represented Shivajinagar and the erstwhile Jayamahal twice in the past, is the Congress candidate.

    Assests Declared Rs.7.5 Crores

     His main opponent is BJP’s Nirmal Kumar Surana, who had also represented Bharatinagar.

    Assets Declared Rs.1.7 Crores


    Voter Population:  2,19,612, Men: 1,13,682, Women: 1,05,930
    Constituency:  3 BBMP wards - Padmanabhanagar, Ganesh Mandira, Yediyur.
    Returning Officer: Thippeswamy.  Phone: 9448727578

    Padmanabhanagar assembly constituency, which is newly carved out,  has a mix of both the old and the new areas of Bangalore. It is also presents a prime example of how old residential localities are making way for commercial hubs. The Deve Gowda Petrol bunk in the locality has become a sort of political landmark in the city. The constituency is likely to witness a triangular fight among the candidature from the three major parties.

    Balakrishna Atri (BSP)


    R Ashok (BJP)

    Assets Declared Rs. 10 Crore

    Dr. Gurappa Naidu (Congress)

    Assets Declared Rs. 32 Crore

    MV Prasad Babu (JD (S))

    Assets Declared Rs.5.7 Crore



    Venkataramana Shetty and Krishnamurthy of the BSP

    Parimala Nagappa of the BSP

    N. Mahesh of the BSP

    G.M. Gadkar of the BSP

    Madikeri,  Virajpet

    K.S. Vittal filed nomination papers as BSP

    Kunhi Abdulla of the BSP filed nomination papers

    Mysore Printer Friendly Page  Srirangapatna constituency

    B. Lingaiah of Bahujan Samaj Party

    D.T. Jayakumar, snapped his ties with the party on being refused B form to contest from Chamundeshwari and entered the fray as a Bahujan Samaj Party (BSP) candidate.

    Narayana Gowda of the BSP

    Krishne Gowda of the BSP


    List of candidates

    Kollegal (SC) - N Mahesh,

    Sindgi - Shamshuddin M Patil Ganihar,

    Aurad (SC) - Vaijanath Suryavamshi,

    Sakleshpur (SC) - Sridhar Kaliveer,

    Mahadevapura (SC) - R Muniyappa,

    Devanahalli (SC) - M Muniyappa Koramangala,

    Anekal (SC) - Jigani Shankar,

    Hanur - Parimala Nagappa,

    Pulkeshinagar (SC) - V Srinivasan,

    Bidar - Syed Zulfikar Hasmi,

    Hagri Bommanahalli (SC) - Mundargi Nagaraj, Shiggaon - Dr Syed Roshan Mulla,

    Gulbarga Rural (SC) - Chandrakanta Gaddagi, Hubli - Dharwad East (SC) - D Shobha Bellary, Kalghatgi - Babusaheb Kasimnavar,

    Yellapur - Umesh Hegde,

    Hollallkere - Panduranga Swamy,

    Molkalmur (ST) - Dr Venkatesh Nayak,

    Mandya - Varaprasad,

    Bangalore South - R Manjunath.

    Shikaripura - J Jayappa,

    Soraba - M V Kotresh,

    Byatarayanapura - M Appayanna,

    Mahalalakshmi Layout - C Vishwanath,

    Yeshwanthpur - G Bettegowda,

    BTM Layout - A Papanna,

    Channapatna - M S Mukaram,

    Challakere (ST)- Dr Obanna Pujar,

    Hiriyur - H K Kantaraju,

    Hosdurga - Mohan Kumar,

    Turvekere - Umesh,

    Tiptur - Lingaraju.
    Korategere (Reserved) - Dr D Muralidhara, Bangarapet (Reserved) - V Narayanaswamy,

    Malur - Dr R S Kumar,

    Kolar - Sajjad,

    Mulbagal (SC) - H Narayanappa,

    Chintamani - N Muniswamy,

    KGF (SC) - Suresh,

    Gandhinagar - Murugan,

    Hebbal - S K Sajid Ahmed,

    Shantinagar - K P Narsimharaju,

    Bommanahalli - Venkatesh,

    Sarvajnanagar - Vivek Menon,

    Chamarajnagar - Srinivas Murthy,

    Malleswaram - Nisarga Nagaraju,

    Rajajinagar - K V Srinivasappa,

    Pavagada (SC) - Hennur Srinivas,

    T Narasipura - Guruppaji,

    Nanjangud - Mahadevappa

    BSP’s second list out

    Bangalore, DHNS:

    The BSP has announced the second list of candidates for the coming elections. Following are the candidates.

    Shravanabelagola - Abdul Hadi;

    Arasikere - Dr K S Basvaraj;

    Belur - Rajashetty;

    Hassan - Aijaz Ahmed Faruqi; Holenarasipura - Nagendra;

    Arakalagudu - Ramegowda; Chikkanayakanahalli - H N Hemashree; Kunigal - Kunigal Shivanna;

    Tumkur Town - Veeradilip Kumar;

    Gubbi - Maranahalli Shivaiah;

    Madhugiri - Pandurangaiah;

    Gowribidanur - Krishnakumar;

    Begapalli - Narasa Reddy;

    Chikkaballapur - Mehaboob Pasha; Shidalaghata - Rajendra;

    Srinivasapura - Manjunath;

    Yelahanka - D Prakash; 

    K R Puram - T G Abraham;

    Dasarahalli - N K Naveen;

    C V Raman Nagar - B T Srinivas; Govindrajanagar - Ravi Kumar;

    Vijaynagar - Madesh C;

    Chamarajpet - N P Swamy;

    Padmanabhanagar - G Balakrishna Atri;

    Jayanagar - Dr Venkatesh;

    Virajpet - Kunji Abdullah;

    Periyapatna - Ramchandra;

    Krishnarajnagar - Yoganna;

    Hunsur - Ajay Devaraj Urs;

    Heggadadevanakote - Devadatta;

    Chamundeshwari - Mehul G Patel;

    Krishnaraj - Srinath;

    Narasimharaj - Azizulla;

    Varuna - Gurupadaswamy;

    Gundlupet - Venkataramana Shetty;

    Malavalli - Prasanna;

    Maddur - Shivram;

    Melukote - Rangaswamy;

    Srirangapatna - S S Yogesh;

    Nagamangala - Krishnegowda;

    Krishnarajpet - K C Narayan Gowda;

    Hoskote - S R Ranganath (BSP) 

    is sure to win because of price rise and anti-incumbency factor on Congress, BJP and JD(S)

    Till now, Hoskote was known for neck to neck fight between the Congress and the JD(S). But, former minister B N Bachegowda has left JD(S) and joined BJP which fielded him here. This time, fight will be close between the BJP and the BSP.


    The Congress candidate is once again N Nagaraj(MTB Nagaraj) who had entered Assembly after defeating Bachegowda, who was then contesting from JD(S). JD(S) candidate is N Kumar, once a supporter of Bachegowda, who has entered the fray after voluntarily retiring from his forest department post.

     Due to delimitation, Kuruba community votes have gone down, which may negatively affect Nagaraj.

    Hoskote constituency includes Jadigenahalli, Kasaba, Anugondanahalli, Nandagudi and Sulibele hoblis.

    Doddaballapur - Purshottam;

    Nelamangala - Krishna Murthy BSP

    has all hopes of winning in


    Post delimitation, the situation has changed in Nelamangala which was once a strong base for Congress. Madhure hobli is now with Doddaballapur constituency, and Dasanapura in Yelahanka constituency

     Original Inhabitants of Jambudvipa that is The Great Prabuddha Bhartah (SCs) have more than 34,000 votes and are likely to favour their ‘own’ Krishna Murthy.

    Magadi - Jaffar Pasha;

    Kanakapura - Chinnaswamy;

    Hebbal - G M Yousuf.

    48 candidates to fight it out in Chikmagalur

    M.K. Prasanna Kumar (Bahujan Samaj Party),


    B.B. Ningaiah (BSP),


    M.R. Ravishankar (BSP),

    Tarikere constituency

    R. Lingaraju (BSP),

    Kadur constituency

    S. Shivakumar (BSP),



    BSP’s Mukram will certainly affect the results and sure to win in the hustings.

    Complaints lodged against Yogeeshwar with the Election Commission might become hurdles in his way. Ramanagar Assistant Commissioner has already taken action to lodge a case against him for not giving proper details in his affidavit. Along with this, the fact that Bangalore’s Mega City project’s members have taken legal recourse against Yogeeshwar is also a matter of debate in the town. The Congress’ influence has also been affected as former minister C Varadegowda, Virupakshipur’s Lingarajegowda and others have left Congress

    Vokkaligas are in large numbers(about 70,000) and their votes may be spread between Congress and JD(S).

    Fishermen, muslims, kurubas are around 20,000 each. About 30,000 SC/ST, 9,000 lingayats, 6,000 brahmins are here. Another special feature is that the number of female voters is more than that of male voters (Women 92,032, Men 90033) and women can have a decisive say here. Sarvajan Hithaya Sarvajan Sukhaya concept of BSP and the price rise and anti-incumbency factor on Congress,BJP and JD(S) will work in favour of BSP.


    EC officials biased: BSP
    DH News Service, Bangalore:
    The BSP on Thursday alleged that the Election Commission (EC) officials in the state were working as Congress agents in Karnataka
    BSP leader H N Nanjegowda told reporters here on Thursday the officials were showing a biased attitude towards some parties while enforcing the model code of conduct.

    This was quite evident when the officials seized the BSP supremo Mayawati’s Z+ category escort vehicles during her recent visit to Devanahalli, he said.

    “But the officials did not bother to stop the Congress President Sonia Gandhi (who also has the same Z+ category security) from using a convoy of vehicles during her visit to K R Puram.  K R Puram Congress candidate A Krishnappa has spent more than Rs 30 lakhs on her visit.

    The EC should include this in the candidate’s expenses and disqualify him,” Nanjegowda said.

    Pointing out that Mayawati was scheduled to visit the State two more times on the eve of second and third phase of elections, Nanjegowda said if the same attitude was shown by the officials then, they would have to face the consequences.

    The party would soon lodge a complaint in this regard with the Central Election Commission, Nanjegowda said.

    BSP candidate Jigani Shankar is expected to give a tough fight to the  Congress as well as the BJP candidates
    58,000 personnel to provide security cover
    Bangalore, PTI:
    A total of 25,000 policemen from the state, 15,000 paramilitary personnel and an equal number of home guards were among the security men who would be deployed in 89 assembly segments…
     About 58,000 security personnel will maintain strict vigil in the first phase of assembly elections being held in 11 districts of Karnataka on May 10.

    A total of 25,000 policemen from the state, 15,000 paramilitary personnel and an equal number of home guards were among the security men who would be deployed in 89 assembly segments that go to the polls in the first phase to ensure a trouble-free polling, state’s DGP R Sreekumar told a press conference here.

    Out of the 18,562 polling stations, 6,252 have been classified as hyper sensitive and 3,500 as sensitive. Others are considered to be normal, he said.

     A mobile patrol party will keep vigil around 20 polling stations, Sreekumar said.

    About 200 companies of paramilitary forces have already been positioned in parts of the state for deployment during the three phase election, he said.

    He said till yesterday 1,458 cases in connection with violation under various acts, including Excise act, had been registered and liquor worth Rs three crore seized.

    The state police have launched a special website to disseminate information on poll related issues.

    13,000 police force to keep vigil in Bangalore

    Bangalore, PTI:

    A 13,000 strong-police force will be deployed in Bangalore City, the state capital, to ensure free and fair polls during the first phase of Karnataka assembly polls tomorrow.

     A total force of 13,000 police personnel and officers will be deployed in 5685 polling booths in 26 contituencies which go to polls in the city, City Police Commissioner N Achutha Rao told reportersSome 2000 polling booths and as many have been classfied hyper-sensitive and sensitive, he said.

    Six Hundred mobile squads will fan out in all the 26 constituencies and each sector consisting of 35 polling booths will be patrolled by a mobile squad round the clock, Rao said.

    In addition to these, police pickets have been provided to maintain law and order, he said.

    Since campaigning started, 1000 history-sheeters had been arrested in the city and illegal liquour and goods worth Rs 70 lakh seized from them, Rao said.

    You can vote but still not cast ballot

    DH News Service, Bangalore:

    In an electronic voting machine, a voter cannot invalidate a vote because there is no provision to do that. But, a voter can refuse to vote after going to the polling booth…

    According to the Election Commission, after a voter goes to the polling counter and the EVM is on, if he refuses to vote on some grounds, then his refusal will be registered in a book by the presiding officer. The details of the voter will be entered in the register and the voter will have to attest the same with his signature or thumb impression.

    A voter can refuse to vote for any of the candidates in his constituency but he cannot invalidate a vote, the EC said.

    According to the EC website, the Commission in its proposed electoral reforms has recommended that the law should be amended to specifically provide for negative / neutral voting.

    The Commission has said that for this purpose Rules 22 and 49B of the Conduct of Election Rules, 1961 may be suitably amended adding a column ‘none of the above’, to enable a voter to reject all the candidates, if he/she chooses so.

    Stage set for first phase of polling in Karnataka tomorrow
    A keen contest is on the cards between the BSP,Congress, JDS and BJP in the first phase of the assembly elections in Karnataka tomorrow in which 89 assembly constituencies, spread over 11 districts, will go to the polls.
    An estimated 1.73 crore voters are eligible to exercise their franchise with 953 candidates in the fray, including 440 independents. About one lakh polling officials and 58,000 security personnel have been drafted in for the exercise.

    The stakes are high for the BSP, which is making a strong bid to gain power in Karnataka as it has done in Uttar Pradesh.

    The BSP, will  make surprise inroads into several Congress, JD(s) and BJP bastions in the 2008 elections, win in 60 constituencies in this belt and has a good showing in Sarvjan Samaj (SC/STs, OBCs,Minorities, and upper Castes)-dominated belts of all the 89 constituencies

    The BSP is going all out to win a majority of seats, seeking to overcome the challenge being thrown by Congress,JDS and BJP.

    The BSP has  fielded candidates in all most all the segments facing election in this phase.

    For all key players, particularly the BSP, the focus has been on Bangalore city, which accounts for 28 seats out of 89.

    The BSP has promised special attention to address infrastructural needs of the cosmopolitan city

    The BSP has approached the electorate on the stability plank  because of the past hung assembly, price rise, anti-incumbency and are seeking a clear majority for its party government, reminding them of the ‘bitter experiences’ people had with two coalition governments in the last four years..

    Would be Prime Minister Ms Mayawati,  has undertaken electioneering in the state, drumming up voters support for her party.

    People of Karnataka demands inquiry into amassing of assets


    People of Karnataka on Friday demanded an inquiry from the Income Tax department into the illegal amassing of assets worth crores of rupees by candidates, irrespective of their parties, who are contesting this assembly election in the state.

     Candidates who are mostly drawn from different types of mafias like real estate, land and mining have looted the property of the government and the people and had now submitted their affidavits with declaration of illegal assets worth crores of rupees to the Election Commission.

    The Income Tax department should take action in investigating into the amassing of properties after they entered political life, he said.

    “We have complained to the Election Commission and to take immediate action to find out from where and how they obtained such a huge property in a short period,'’ 

    Many in poll fray not given ‘PAN’

    DH News Service, Bangalore:

    Many candidates who are trying their electoral luck in the first phase of polling, have not furnished their Permanent Account Number (PAN) while declaring their assets in the affidavit filed along with the nomination papers.

    It is no secret that majority of candidates in the fray this time are crorepathies. But several of them, who are trying their electoral luck in the first phase of polling, have not furnished their Permanent Account Number (PAN) while declaring their assets in the affidavit filed along with the nomination papers.

    As per section 139(A) of the Income Tax Act, any person who is carrying on any business or profession whose total sales, turnover or gross receipts are or is likely to exceed Rs 5 lakh in any previous year, must possess a PAN. Permanent Account Number is a number by which the Assessing Officer identifies any person.

    However, Election Commission officials said it is not mandatory for candidates to furnish PAN numbers in the affidavit.

    69 JD(S) Office bearers resign

    Accusing former Karnataka Chief Minister H D Kumaraswamy of neglecting party workers as many as 69 office bearers of Janata Dal (Secular), Dharwad District unit including State Youth wing President Gururaj Hunsimarad and former Union Minister Babagouda Patil have resigned enmass from the party


    Original Inhabitants of Jambudvipa that is the Great Prabuddha Bharath votes will never split this time.


    Original Inhabitants of Jambudvipa that is the Great Prabuddha Bharath (SC/STs) account for 23.5 per cent of the population in State

    Bangalore: How will the votes of Original Inhabitants of Jambudvipa that is the Great Prabuddha Bharath  — who account for 23.5 per cent of the total population — impact the outcome of elections in Karnataka?

    A few elections ago, the answer would have been straight-forward: they would have of course voted for the Congress. But the Bahujan Samaj Party (BSP) factor is eyeing the same section of voters along with Sarv Samaj that is the entire society have rendered the situation more fluid this time.

    In the last elections, the Original Inhabitants of Jambudvipa that is the Great Prabuddha Bharath (SC/ST) BSP made an undeniable dent in the Congress self-assurance that the minority and the votes rested with them. The BSP divided the Original Inhabitants of Jambudvipa that is the Great Prabuddha Bharath (SC/ST) vote share, resulting in the defeat of the Congress candidate. In many constituencies where the BSP managed to get more than 3,000 votes, the Congress lost narrowly, in about 25 constituencies. Anekal (reserved) constituency was a classic example of the “BSP factor.” The party’s former State chief B. Gopal got 24,841 votes. While the BJP won with 63,023 votes, the Congress got 60,847 votes, losing by a narrow margin.

    The fact that Karnataka has a history of sustained backward class and Original Inhabitants of Jambudvipa that is the Great Prabuddha Bharath (SC/ST) movement, which has opposed the ideological positions of the BJP, has been a deterrent to the party despite its effort to shed its image of an “upper-caste” party.

    This time too, the BSP is expected to exert a huge influence on the Original Inhabitants of Jambudvipa that is the Great Prabuddha Bharath (SC/ST) vote-share. P.G.R. Sindhia, national general secretary of the BSP, south, believes that they expect to increase the overall vote share to between 15 and 30 per cent, hus tilting the balance. With BSP supremo Mayawati is keen on launching the party to the national arena, Karnataka becomes an important player. Mr. Sindhia says that the party base has expanded now and it is not “only a  Original Inhabitants of Jambudvipa that is the Great Prabuddha Bharath (SC/ST) party.”

    But will the fact that the BSP is underplaying its earlier “anti-Manuvadi” agenda cut both ways? Will it make the Original Inhabitants of Jambudvipa that is the Great Prabuddha Bharath (SC/ST) wary of BSP’s brand of politics? Mr. Sindhia believes that it will not, considering the example in Uttar Pradesh. This pattern, he believes, can be replicated. He, in fact, dismisses this argument as no more than “Congress propaganda.” Whether the Uttar Pradesh model can be “replicated” in a State with different caste and class equations compared with Uttar Pradesh is a moot question.

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