Free Online FOOD for MIND & HUNGER - DO GOOD 😊 PURIFY MIND.To live like free birds 🐦 🦢 🦅 grow fruits 🍍 🍊 🥑 🥭 🍇 🍌 🍎 🍉 🍒 🍑 🥝 vegetables 🥦 🥕 🥗 🥬 🥔 🍆 🥜 🎃 🫑 🍅🍜 🧅 🍄 🍝 🥗 🥒 🌽 🍏 🫑 🌳 🍓 🍊 🥥 🌵 🍈 🌰 🇧🇧 🫐 🍅 🍐 🫒Plants 🌱in pots 🪴 along with Meditative Mindful Swimming 🏊‍♂️ to Attain NIBBĀNA the Eternal Bliss.
Kushinara NIBBĀNA Bhumi Pagoda White Home, Puniya Bhumi Bengaluru, Prabuddha Bharat International.

June 2017
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2274 Sat 01 Jul 2017 LESSON from INSIGHT-NET - FREE Online Tipiṭaka Research & Practice University and related NEWS through 
 105 CLASSICAL LANGUAGES Pl use and render correct translation in your mother tongue for this google translation to attain Eternal Bliss as Final Goal II. Observation of Vedanā B. Section on postures in 1) Classical Pāḷi, 23) Classical English, 76) Classical Russian-Классический русский,
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Posted by: site admin @ 9:25 pm

2274 Sat 01 Jul 2017 LESSON
संसद में ईवीएम घोटाले पर मायावती का सनसनीखेज बयान/MAYAWATI ON EVM IN PARLIAMENT

behenji sach bol rahi hai
Sahi hai evm ko hatao
EVM should be banned

Toamit Chaudhary

She is absolutely right…according her E.V.M ought to be ban…!! She is the God of  society….
BJP can go to any extant of debauchery

inko bolne kiun nahi diya jaa raha hai baar baar unko baithne kiun kaha jaate raha hai
I salute u


sudeshkumar sagar

ye maderchod sale sab chor hai beiman hain voton ki chori karke jeete hain inki salo ki aulad doob jayegi
correct iron Lady👍👍👍


Pankaj Rawat

बहन जी आप शेरनी है
हमे पता है कि आप कभी पिछे नही हटेंगी
Aap aage badhe hum aap ke sath hai
sabha pati bjp ka agent hai


Vikkarm John

Mazhar Abbas sahi kaha Bhai
Bhenji zindaabaad a age bado janta aapke saath hai
evm se election nai honi chaiye. evm is dangerous for country…

evm murdabad
EVM FRAUD SCAM - BSP Leader SATISH CHANDRA MISHRA [Best Speech] with complete study and Evidence


Published on Mar 24, 2017

Video Credits goes to :…
SHARE this video and comment below your views and Don’t forget to subscribe this CHANNEL.
These Big Politicians are against EVM Machine Results - EVM Fraud Scam के लिए सवाल उठाने वाले नेता…
Supreme Court ने EVM Fraud Scam पर कर दिया फैसला - देखें पूरा वीडियो - Arvind Kejriwal ने बताया…
ABP news, Aaj tak news, India tv News और Zee News जैसे बड़े News
Channel EVM Tampering or EVM Fraud Scam को छिपाने की कोशिस कर रहे है |
Supreme Court ने माना EVM में कराई जा सकती है गड़बड़ी | EVM Fraud Scam की जांच होनी चाहिए या नहीं ?…
EVM Fraud Scam से देश के नागरिकों में भड़का BJP और PM Narendra Modi के खिलाफ गुस्सा…
How to Hack EVM Machine | Hacked EVM Machine, How it works | 2 Methods to hack | UP Election…
your comments and views below without using abusive words, just stay
calm and give your views in acceptable manner as a good citizen of your
BJP won due to EVM machine SCAM, allegations by
Oppositions. UP: Fraud in EVM Machine By BJP explained in detail ईवीएम
में कैसे हुई गड़बड़ी- मायावती का सनसनीखेज खुलासा/MAYAWATI BLAMES FRAUD
BJP tampered with EVMs, alleges Mayawati; asks for fresh polling by ballot papers
votes in Muslim majority constituencies have gone to BJP, makes it
evident that voting machines were manipulated,” said Mayawati.

pradesh elections 2017, up polls, mayawati akhilesh yadav, bsp,
samajwadi party, indian express news, india news, elections updates
BSP Chief Mayawati (File Photo)
ready to accept defeat in Uttar Pradesh, BSP chief mayawati accused the
BJP of tampering with the EVMs and demanded fresh poll with the use of
ballot paper. The BJP is likely to secure a landlisde victory in the
state, according to the latest trend. But Mayawati alleged that the
voting was fudged and accused the BJP and its workers of tampering with
the electronic voting machines. She said that she will write to the
Election Commission to conduct a fresh poll in the state.
results in UP and Uttarakhand are surprising and not palatable to
anyone…it seems EVMs did not accept votes polled for any party other
than BJP,” said Mayawati, whose Bahujan Samaj Party has fared poorly in
the UP elections.
Elections,Modi,Technical guruji,Technicalguruji,Narendra Modi,EVM
Problem Voting Machine Scam: Miss Pooja blames to Modi party वोटिंग मशीन
घोटाले में पूजा ने खोली मोदी की पोल ये है गवाह यूपी में हुआ वोटिंग मशीन
घोटाला । EVM scam EVM fraud UP ईवीएम में कैसे हुई गड़बड़ी- मायावती का
सनसनीखेज खुलासा/MAYAWATI BLAMES FRAUD IN EVM Nashik: EVM Machine scam
Issue; candidate complaint fraud in EVM machine BJP का चुनाव जीतने का
नया हथकंडा, पहले Kamal का Button दबा कर EVM Machine Check करें ? किस-किस
नेता ने उठाए ईवीएम पर सवाल ?/BIG LEADER AGAINST EVM MACHINE

b j p chor he

waah really wonderful speech .


good speech

and true speech

good spech

Good speech

s sir good speech .bjp wale agar mard ki aulad hain to re election karwao (ballot paper se)Kya himmat hi .agar tum ram ke manne wale ho aur ram par bharosa hi to pm se bolo re election ke liye. is me Gali de ke kuch NAHI hoga (Tamam rajion ka re election karwao)
ईवीएम घोटाले पर शरद यादव का आंखें खोल देने वाला भाषण/JDU LEADER SHARAD YADAV ON EVM SCAM

comments (0)
2273 Fri 30 Jun 2017 LESSON from INSIGHT-NET - FREE Online Tipiṭaka Research & Practice University and related NEWS through 
 105 CLASSICAL LANGUAGES Pl use and render correct translation in your mother tongue for this google translation to attain Eternal Bliss as Final Goal II. Observation of Vedanā B. Section on postures in 1) Classical Pāḷi, 23) Classical English,64) Classical Maltese-Klassiku Malti,66) Classical Maori-Puāwaitanga Māori,67) Classical Marathi- शास्त्रीय मराठी,68) Classical Mongolian-Сонгодог Монгол,69) Classical Myanmar (Burmese)-Classical မြန်မာ (ဗမာ),70) Classical Nepali-शास्त्रीय नेपाली,71) Classical Norwegian-Klassisk norsk,72) Classical Pashto- پښتو 73) Classical Persian- کلاسیک فارسی 74) Classical Polish- Klasyczny polski,75) Classical Portuguese-Classical Portuguese,76) Classical Punjabi-ਕਲਾਸੀਕਲ ਪੰਜਾਬੀ,77) Classical Romanian-Clasicul românesc
Filed under: General
Posted by: site admin @ 4:16 pm

2273 Fri 30 Jun 2017 LESSON

INSIGHT-NET - FREE Online Tipiṭaka Research & Practice University
and related NEWS through 

Pl use
and render correct translation in your mother tongue for this google translation to attain Eternal Bliss as Final Goal

II. Observation of Vedanā

B. Section on postures

in 1) Classical Pāḷi, 23) Classical English,64) Classical Maltese-Klassiku Malti,66) Classical Maori-Puāwaitanga Māori,67) Classical Marathi- शास्त्रीय मराठी,68) Classical Mongolian-Сонгодог Монгол,69) Classical Myanmar (Burmese)-Classical မြန်မာ (ဗမာ),70) Classical Nepali-शास्त्रीय नेपाली,71) Classical Norwegian-Klassisk norsk,72) Classical Pashto- پښتو

73) Classical Persian- کلاسیک فارسی
74) Classical Polish- Klasyczny polski,75) Classical Portuguese-Classical Portuguese,76) Classical Punjabi-ਕਲਾਸੀਕਲ ਪੰਜਾਬੀ,77) Classical Romanian-Clasicul românesc
Visit Of President Eisenhower In Delhi (1959)

/ unused material. President Dwight Eisenhower (Ike) visits Delhi,
India - part of world peace tour. LS President Eisenhower arriving at
the Rajghat…
Classical Guitar Lesson: Posture, Technique, and Hand Positions

See more lessons and high quality photos at: This is a visual reference guide for my students of classical guit…

64) Classical Maltese

64) Klassiku Malti

2272 ĠU 29 ta ‘Ġunju 2017 LESSON


INSIGHT-NET - FREE Online Tipiṭaka Riċerka u Prattika Università u
NEWS relatati permezz ta ‘ f’105 LINGWI

Uża l-użu

U tirrendi traduzzjoni korretta f’ilsien ilsienek għal din it-traduzzjoni ta ‘google biex tikseb Eternal Bliss bħala Goal Finali

II. Osservazzjoni ta ‘Vedanā

B. Taqsima dwar il-qagħdiet

Barra minn hekk,
Bhikkhus, a bhikkhu, waqt li jimxi, jifhem: “Jiena mixi”, jew
Waqt li qiegħed jifhem: “Jiena wieqaf”, jew waqt li qiegħed bilqiegħda
Jifhem: “Jiena seduta”, jew waqt li timtedd hu jifhem: “Jiena
Mimdud ‘. Jew inkella, f’liema pożizzjoni l-kāya tiegħu tkun imneħħija, hu
Jifhem dan kif xieraq.

Għalhekk huwa jgħix l-osservazzjoni tal-kāya f’Kāya
Internament, jew huwa jixtieq li josserva kāya in kāya esternament, jew hu jgħix
L-osservazzjoni tal-kāya in kāya internament u esternament; Hu jgħix l-osservazzjoni
Il-samudaya tal-fenomeni f’Kāya, jew hu jgħix fl-osservazzjoni tal-mogħdija
Bogħod ta ‘fenomeni f’Kāya, jew hu juri li josserva l-samudaya u
Li tgħaddi l-fenomeni f’Kāya; Jew inkella, [jirrealizza:] “dan huwa kāya!”
Sati huwa preżenti fih, biss sal-limitu ta ’sempliċi ñāṇa u sempliċi
Paṭissati, huwa jibqa ‘jinqala’, u ma joqrob lejn xejn fil -
Dinja. Għalhekk, bhikkhus, bhikkhu jgħix osserva kāya in kāya.

66) Classical Maori
66) Puāwaitanga Māori

2273 Paraire 30 Jun 2017 AKORANGA

Akonaki-NET - FREE Online Tipiṭaka Research & Practice University
me whai pānga NEWS roto i roto i 105 reo
Pl whakamahi

a hoatu translation tika i roto i te reo tou whaea hoki tenei translation google ki whiwhi Bliss Mure rite Whāinga Whakamutunga

II. Mātakitaki o Vedanā

B. Wāhanga runga i āraitia te

I tua atu,
bhikkhus, he bhikkhu, i haere, mārama: ‘ahau e haere ana ahau’, ranei
i tu matau ia: ‘E tu ana ahau’, ia e noho ana ia ranei
mārama: ‘Kua noho ahau’, i takoto iho matau ia ranei: ‘Ko ahau
takoto iho ‘. , Ki te kahore, i roto i ēnei tūranga e tikanga tona kāya, ia
matau i te reira i runga i.

Ko te kupu noho mātakitaki ia kāya i kāya
ä, ia ranei noho mātakitaki kāya i kāya waho, noho ana ia ranei
mātakitaki kāya i roto i te kāya roto, o waho; noho ia te mātakitaki
te samudaya o tītohu i kāya, ia ranei noho mātakitaki i te paahitanga
atu o tītohunga i kāya, ranei noho mātakitaki ia te samudaya me
haere atu o te ari i roto i te kāya; ranei atu, [te ite:] “Ko kāya tenei!”
Ko reira i roto ia ia sati, tika ki te whānuitanga o te nana noa, me te mere
paṭissati, noho ia tuāporo, a e kore e piri ki tetahi mea i roto i te
ao. Ko te kupu, bhikkhus, he bhikkhu noho mātakitaki kāya i kāya.

67) Classical Marathi
67) शास्त्रीय मराठी

2273 शुक्र 30 जून 2017 पाठ

इनसाईट-नेट - विनामूल्य ऑनलाइन टिपिका रिसर्च अँड प्रॅक्टिस
युनिव्हर्सिटी आणि संबंधित न्यूजच्या माध्यमातून 105 क्लासिक भाषांमध्ये
Pl वापर

आणि आपल्या मूळ भाषेत अखंड परमानंद अंतिम लक्ष्य म्हणून गाठण्यासाठी या मायबोलीत योग्य अनुवाद सादर करा

दुसरा वेदान्नाचा आढावा

बी. कलम वर विभाग

भिक्खू, एक भिक्षु, चालत असताना, समजते: ‘मी चालत आहे’, किंवा
उभे असताना त्याला समजते: ‘मी उभा आहे’, किंवा बसलेला असताना
समजते: ‘मी बसलो आहे’, किंवा खाली पडलेल्या त्याने म्हटले: ‘मी आहे
खाली पडलेली ‘ अन्यथा, कुठल्याही स्तरावर त्याची कार्य निष्कर्ष काढली जाते, ते
त्यानुसार त्यास समजतात.

अशा प्रकारे ते कयांच्या कार्यात पाहत राहतात
आंतरिकपणे, किंवा बाहेरून काव्य मध्ये त्याने कायेचे निरीक्षण केले, किंवा तो तेथे राहतो
आंतरिक आणि बाहेरील कार मध्ये करण पाहणे; तो निरीक्षण राहतो
काया मधील घटनांचे समूदाय, किंवा तो उत्तीर्ण होण्याचे निरीक्षण करतो
काया मध्ये प्रसंग दूर, किंवा तो samudaya निरीक्षण व राहते आणि
काया मध्ये प्रसंग दूर होत; अन्यथा, [हे जाणण्याची:] “हे आहे!”
सती त्याच्यामध्ये आहे, फक्त केवळ मर्यादेपर्यंत आणि फक्त
Paśnisati, तो अलग dwells, आणि काहीही मध्ये चिकटणे नाही
जग. अशा प्रकारे, भिख्खू, एक भिक्खू काव्य मध्ये कायेचे निरीक्षण करतो.
Traditional Mongolian Music Dance ‘My Beloved Country Mongolia’ Song

Mongolian Music & Dance Ensemble. One of Mongolia’s best known
songs “My Beloved Country” song. Played by artists of the ‘Mongolian
National Song…

My Neighbor, Charles | 이웃집 찰스 - Ep.35 (2016.02.20)

the “Caption” button to activate subtitle!
———————————————— - Ep.35: Ganbaatar is
from Mongolia and he’s an acting majo…
68) Classical Mongolian
68) Сонгодог Монгол

2273 Fri 30 сарын 2017 ЗОРИЛГО

INSIGHT-NET - Онлайн үнэгүй Товч намтар судлал ба дадлын их сургууль,
түүнтэй холбоотой шинэ сувгууд вэбсайтаар
Pl ашиглан

Мөнхийн Гэгээнтний зорилгыг биелүүлэхийн тулд энэ хэлийг орчуулахын тулд эх хэлээрээ зөв орчуулга хийлээ

II. Vedanā-гийн ажиглалт

B. Буудлын хэсэг

Хуврагууд, хувраг минь ээ, алхаж байхдаа: ‘Би явж байна’ эсвэл
Тэр зогсож байхдаа: ‘Би зогсож байна’, эсвэл сууж байхдаа ойлгодог
‘Би сууж байна’ эсвэл хэвтэж байхдаа ойлгодог: ‘Би байна
хэвтэх’. Эсвэл, түүний кайяа хаана байрладаг вэ?
Үүнийг зохих ёсоор ойлгодог.

Тийнхүү тэрээр кайяа дахь кайяныг ажиглаж байдаг
Дотооддоо эсвэл кайяа кайяа дотроо ажиглаж байдаг, эсвэл тэр амьдардаг
Кайяа дахь кайяа дотроо болон гаднаас ажиглана; Тэр ажигладаг
Кайяа дахь үзэгдлийн самүмаяа, эсвэл тэрээр өнгөрөхийг ажигладаг
Кайяа дахь үзэгдлийн хол, эсвэл тэрээр самудаяа ба ажигладаг
Кайяа дахь үзэгдлүүдийг орхих; Өөрөөр хэлбэл [ухамсарлах]: “энэ бол кияа!”
Сати нь түүний дотор ердөө л ганцхан хийгээд жинхэнээсээ хамаардаг
Paṭissati, тэр амьдардаггүй, оршин сууж амьдардаг
Ертөнц. Хуврагууд аа, хувраг бээр кайяа дахь кайяныг ажиглаж байдаг.
Inline image 1

A longer montage of the highlights from a Classic Burma tour.

How To Meditate - Buddhism For Beginners How To Meditate Buddhism For Beginners As a Buddhist, meditation is an important part of life. It o…
69) Classical Myanmar (Burmese)
69), Classical မြန်မာ (ဗမာ)

2273 Fri 30 ရက်ဇွန် 2017 သင်ခန်းစာ

105 Classic ဘာသာစကားများအတွက်
မှတဆင့်အခမဲ့အွန်လိုင်းTipiṭakaသုတေသန & Practice
တက္ကသိုလ်နှင့်ဆက်စပ်သတင်းများ - Insights-NET
pl ကိုသုံးပါ

နှင့်နောက်ဆုံးရည်မှန်းချက်အဖြစ်ထာဝရ Bliss မှီဤမှာ google ဘာသာပြန်ချက်ဘို့သင့်မိခင်ဘာသာစကားအတွက်မှန်ကန်သောဘာသာပြန်ချက်ဆပ်

II ကို။ Vedanā၏လေ့လာရေး

ကိုယ်ဟန်အနေအထားအပေါ် B. ပုဒ်မ

ရဟန်းတို့ရဟန်းသည်, လမ်းလျှောက်နေစဉ်, နားလည်နိုင်: ‘ငါလမ်းလျှောက်နေပါတယ်’, သို့မဟုတ်
မတ်တပ်ရပ်နေစဉ်သူနားလည်: ‘ငါရပ်နေပါတယ်’, သို့မဟုတ်သူထိုင်လျက်နေစဉ်တွင်
‘ငါထိုင်လျက်ငါ’, သို့မဟုတ်လဲလျောင်းနေစဉ်သူနားလည်: နားလည်နိုင်သည် ‘’ ငါဖြစ်၏
လဲလျောင်းသည်’။ ဒါမှမဟုတ်တခြား, ကိုမဆိုအနေအထား၌မိမိkāyaသူ, စွန့်ပစ်လျက်ရှိသည်

ပြည်တွင်းရွှေ့ပြောင်း, ဒါမှမဟုတ်သူကပြင်ပမှkāyaအတွက်kāyaစောင့်ကြည့်ကျိန်းဝပ်, ဒါမှမဟုတ်သူကကျိန်းဝပ်
ပြည်တွင်းရွှေ့ပြောင်းနှင့်ပြင်ပမှkāyaအတွက်kāyaစောင့်ကြည့်; သူကစောင့်ကြည့်ကျိန်းဝပ်
အဆိုပါkāyaအတွက်ဖြစ်ရပ်၏ samudaya, ဒါမှမဟုတ်သူသွားတာစောင့်ကြည့်ကျိန်းဝပ်
ကွာkāyaအတွက်ဖြစ်ရပ်၏, ဒါမှမဟုတ်သူ samudaya စောင့်ကြည့်ခြင်းနှင့်ကျိန်းဝပ်
kāyaအတွက်ဖြစ်ရပ်၏ရွေ့သွားကွယ်ပျောက်; သို့မဟုတ်အခြား [သဘောပေါက်:] “ဒီkāyaဖြစ်ပါတယ်!”
sati, ကိုယ်တော်၌ပစ္စုပ္ပန်ရုံမျှသာ nana ၏အတိုင်းအတာနှင့်မျှသာဖြစ်ပါသည်
paṭissatiသူတသန့်ကျိန်းဝပ်လျက်, တစုံတခုမှတွယ်ကပ်မထားဘူး
ကမ္ဘာကြီးကို။ ထို့ကြောင့်ရဟန်းတို့ရဟန်းသည်kāyaအတွက်kāyaစောင့်ကြည့်ကျိန်းဝပ်။
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Top 10 Tallest Mountains in the World 2017

10 Tallest/Highest Mountains in the World . Thanks For Watching. Please
Subscribe, Like, Share and Comment. The following is a list of the
tallest mounta…

Deepak Jangham | Nepali Classical Evergreen Song Collection

AUDIO Song Jukebox “Best Of Deepak Jangham” only on Music Nepal
official YouTube channel. 1. Lolayeka Ti Thula Thula Aankha…..00:00 2.
Kina Kina…
70) Classical Nepali
70) शास्त्रीय नेपाली

2273 शुक्र 30 जुन 2017 पाठ

105 शास्त्रीय LANGUAGES मा मुफ्त अनलाइन Tipiṭaka अनुसन्धान र अभ्यास
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Pl प्रयोग

र अनन्त आनंद अन्तिम लक्ष्य रूपमा प्राप्त गर्न यो Google अनुवादको लागि आफ्नो मातृभाषामा सही अनुवाद प्रस्तुत

द्वितीय। Vedanā को अवलोकन

postures मा बी धारा

bhikkhus, एक bhikkhu, पैदल गर्दा, बुझ्नुहुन्छ: ‘म हिड्ने छु’, वा
खडा गर्दा उहाँले बुझ्नुहुन्छ: ‘म खडा छु’, वा त्यो बसेर
बुझ्नुहुन्छ: ‘म बसिरहेका छु’, वा तल झूट गर्दा उहाँले बुझ्नुहुन्छ: ‘म हुँ
तल झूट ‘। वा अरू, whichever स्थिति मा आफ्नो काया disposed छ, उहाँले
तदनुसार यो बुझ्नुहुन्छ।

यसरी उहाँले काया मा काया नियालेर बास
आंतरिक, वा त्यो काया काया मा बाह्य नियालेर बास, वा त्यो बास
आंतरिक र बाह्य काया मा काया नियालेर; उहाँले नियालेर बास
काया मा घटना को samudaya, वा त्यो बित्दै जाँदा नियालेर बास
काया मा घटना को दूर वा त्यो samudaya नियालेर बास र
काया मा घटना को दूर पारित; वा अरू, [साकार:] “यो काया छ!”
sati बस मात्र nana र मात्र को हदसम्म, उहाँलाई उपस्थित
paṭissati, उहाँले Detached बास, र मा केहि अपनाउँछन् छैन
संसारमा। यसरी, bhikkhus, एक bhikkhu काया मा काया नियालेर बास।
Inline image 3
33 Types of Meditation Explained For Beginners

Types of Meditation. Learn more at #1 Kundalini Meditation Kundalini meditation is a type of me……
Langt nord, i fjello

Norwegian folk
71) Classical Norwegian
71) Klassisk norsk

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II. Observasjon av Vedan

B. Seksjon på stillinger

Bhikkhus, en bhikkhu, mens han går, forstår: “Jeg går”, eller
Mens han står, forstår han: “Jeg står”, eller mens han sitter
Forstår: “Jeg sitter”, eller mens han ligger ned, forstår han: “Jeg er
Legger seg ned “. Ellers, i hvilken stilling hans kāya er plassert, han
Forstår det tilsvarende.

Dermed bor han i å observere kāya i kāya
Internt, eller han bor i å observere kāya i kāya eksternt, eller han bor
Observere kāya i kāya internt og eksternt; Han bor iagttagelse
Samudaya av fenomener i Kāya, eller han bor i å observere passasjonen
Borte av fenomener i kāya, eller han bor i å observere samudaya og
Forbi fenomener i kāya; Ellers, [skjønner:] “dette er kāya!”
Sati er til stede i ham, bare i den grad bare ñāṇa og bare
Paṭissati, han bor frittliggende, og klamrer seg ikke til noe i
verden. Dermed bor bhikkhus, en bhikkhu, som observerer kāya i kāya

Pashto Classical Song Pha Khwa

Pashto classical song performed by Junaid and Ismail, Hamza Baba poetry.
Aaqa teri nean zyarat mangdy ny

shreef Aaqa teri nean zyarat mangdy ny by qari Shahid Mehmood 2017
shahid mehmood, naat, nat, latest naat, naat 2016, naat 2017, best naat,
mefile naat,…
72) Classical Pashto
72) پښتو

2273 فبروري 30 جون 2017 لوست

مفت - مفت - وړیا آنلاین ټایټاتکا تحقیق او عملی پوهنتون او اړونده
خبرونه د له 105 څخه په 105 کلاسیکي ژبو کې
د plt استعمال

او د خپلې مورنۍ ژبې په سمه ژباړه کې د دې گوگل ژباړې لپاره وړاندې کړئ ترڅو د انټرنیټ بلس په توګه د وروستۍ هدف په توګه ترلاسه شي

II. د ودان کتنه

ب. د تدارکاتو برخه

سربېره پر دې،
bhikkhus، bhikkhu، پداسې حال کې چې ګرځیدل، پوهیږي: ‘زه چلیدلی یم’، یا
پداسې حال کې چې ولاړ و، هغه پوهیږي: ‘زه ولاړ یم’ یا کله چې هغه ناست وو
پوهیږم: ‘زه ناست یم »، یا په داسې حال کې چې لیکل کیږي هغه پوهیږي: زه یم
اوږد غځېدل’. یا بل، په هغه ځای کې چې کایا یې له منځه ځي، هغه
په دې پوهیږي.

په دې توګه هغه په ​​کیا کې دیني څارنه کوي
په داخلي توګه، یا هغه په ​​بهر کې کایان لیدنه کوي، یا هغه اوسيږي
په داخلی او بهرنی کییا کې کییا څارنه؛ هغه څارنه کوي
په قیا کې د پیښې سمودیا، یا هغه د هغه تیریدو څارنه کوي
په قیا کې د پیښې څخه لیرې دي، یا هغه د سمودیا او نظارت لیدنه کوي
په قیا کې د پیښې څخه تیریدل؛ یا بل، [پام کول:] “دا کای دی!”
ساټي په هغه کې شتون لري، یواځې یوازې د اکاډمي او یوازې تر حد پورې
پاتیستی، هغه ځای ویجاړ شوی او په هیڅ شی کی هیڅ شی نه لری
نړۍ. په دې توګه، bhikkhus، bhikkhu په کیا کې دیني مشاهده کوي.

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Naked Eye Observations: Crash Course Astronomy #2

on Crash Course Astronomy, Phil invites you to head outside and take a
look at all the incredible things you can see with your naked eye. —
Table of C…
73) Classical Persian
73) کلاسیک فارسی

2273 پنجشنبه 30 ژوئن 2017 درس
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INSIGHT-NET - آنلاین دانشگاه تایپیتاکا تحقیق و عملی و اخبار مربوطه از طریق در 105 زبان کلیدی
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و ترجمه صحیح در زبان مادری خود را برای این ترجمه گوگل برای به دست آوردن ابله به عنوان هدف نهایی

دوم مشاهده Vedanā

ب. بخش در موقعیت

علاوه بر این،
bhikkhus، bhikkhu، در حالی که پیاده روی، می فهمد: “من راه می روم”، یا
در حالی که ایستاده او می فهمد: “من ایستاده”، و یا در حالی که او نشسته است
میفهمد: “من نشستهام”، یا در حالی که دراز کشید، میفهمد: “من هستم
دراز کشیدن’. یا دیگر، در هر موقعیتی که کویا او قرار دارد، او است
آن را درک می کند.

بنابراین او در حال مشاهده کاویا در کویا است
در داخل، یا او در حال مشاهده کایا در کایا از خارج، و یا او ساکن است
رعایت کایا در داخل و خارج از کشور؛ او در حال تماشای ساکن است
samudaya از پدیده ها در کویا، یا او در حال مشاهده رانندگی ساکن است
دور از پدیده ها در کویا، یا او در حال مشاهده سامودایا و
از بین رفتن پدیده ها در کیوی؛ یا دیگر، [realizing:] “این کویا است!”
ساتی در او حضور دارد، فقط به معنای صرفا به معنای زانا و تنها
پایتاستی، او ساکن جدا، و به هیچ چیز در چنگال چسبیده است
جهان بنابراین، bhikkhus، bhikkhu ساکن مشاهده کییا در کییا.
Inline image 6
The Origins of Acting and “The Method”

the origins of acting technique by following the roots of theater going
back all the way to the Ancient Greeks, through the Italian Renaissance
and fin…

Ignacy Feliks Dobrzyński - Symphony No. 2 (1834)

Info - “Drifting Islands” by dile I. Andante Sostenuto - Allegro Vivace
- 00:00 II. Elegia - Andante Doloroso Ma Non troppo Lento - 13:35 III.
74) Classical Polish
74) Klasyczny polski

2273 piątek 30 czerwca 2017 r. Lekcja

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II. Obserwacja Vedanā

B. Część dotycząca postaw

Bhikkhus, bhikkhu, chodząc, rozumie: “ja chodzę”, lub
Stojąc rozumie: “stoję”, albo siedząc
Rozumie: “ja siedzę”, albo leżąc, rozumie: “Ja jestem
leżeć’. Albo w innym miejscu, w którymkolwiek miejscu jego kaya jest usposobiony, on
Rozumie to odpowiednio.

W ten sposób mieszka w obserwacji kaya w kaya
Wewnętrznie, lub mieszka obserwując kayę w kaya z zewnątrz, lub mieszka
Obserwowanie kayy w kaji wewnętrznie i zewnętrznie; On obserwuje
Samudaya zjawisk w kayi, lub on obserwuje przejście
Z dala od zjawisk w kyi, czy on mieszka obserwując samudaya i
Odejście od zjawisk w kyi; Albo inaczej, [realizując:] “to jest kaya!”
Sati jest w nim obecny, tylko w stopniu zwykłym ñāṇa i tylko
Paṭissati, mieszka w oderwaniu i nie trzyma się w niej niczego
świat. Tak więc, czcigodny, bhikkhu mieszka obserwując kaya w kaya.
Inline image 7
Why do we feel nostalgia? - Clay Routledge

View full lesson: Nostalgia was once considered an illness confined to specific groups of p……
Guitar Concerto Patricio da Silva

Concerto Contemporary Classical Guitar Concerto Contemporary Classical
Composers Patricio da Silva Contemporary Music Composers Classic Guitar
with Or…
75) Classical Portuguese
75) Classical Portuguese

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II. Observação de Vedanā

B. Seção sobre posturas

Além disso,
Bhikkhus, um bhikkhu, ao caminhar, entende: “Estou andando”, ou
Enquanto está de pé, ele entende: “Estou de pé”, ou sentado
Entende: “Estou sentado”, ou quando deitado, ele entende: “Eu sou
deitado’. Ou então, em qualquer posição que seu kāya esteja disposto, ele
Entende isso de acordo.

Assim, ele observa kāya em kāya
Internamente, ou ele mora observando kāya em kāya externamente, ou ele mora
Observando kāya em kāya internamente e externamente; Ele observa
A samudaya de fenômenos em kāya, ou ele mora observando a passagem
Longe de fenômenos em kāya, ou ele mora observando o samudaya e
Passando de fenômenos em kāya; Ou então, [percebendo:] “isto é kāya!”
Sati está presente nele, apenas na medida do mero ñāṇa e mero
Paṭissati, ele divide-se, e não se apega a nada no
mundo. Assim, bhikkhus, um bhikkhu habita observando kāya em kāya.

Inline image 8

5:07 / 6:58
Hazara singh ramta - daaru classical punjabi folk song

Hazara singh ramta singing punjabi classical song on daaru and his kissa
76) Classical Punjabi

76) ਕਲਾਸੀਕਲ ਪੰਜਾਬੀ

2273 ਸ਼ੁੱਕਰ 30 ਜੂਨ 2017 ਪਾਠ

ਇੰਸਟੀਟ-ਐਨਈਟੀ - ਮੁਫਤ ਆਨਲਾਈਨ ਟਾਇਕੂਕਾ ਰੀਸਰਚ ਐਂਡ ਪ੍ਰੈਕਟਿਸ ਯੂਨੀਵਰਸਿਟੀ ਅਤੇ
ਸਬੰਧਤ ਨਿਊਜ਼ ਦੁਆਰਾ 105 ਕਲਾਜੀਕ ਭਾਸ਼ਾ ਵਿਚ
Pl ਦਾ ਉਪਯੋਗ ਕਰੋ

ਅਤੇ ਆਖ਼ਰੀ ਟੀਚੇ ਵਜੋਂ ਅਨਾਦਿ ਅਨੰਦ ਪ੍ਰਾਪਤ ਕਰਨ ਲਈ ਇਸ ਗੂਗਲ ਦੇ ਅਨੁਵਾਦ ਲਈ ਆਪਣੀ ਮਾਤ ਭਾਸ਼ਾ ਵਿੱਚ ਸਹੀ ਅਨੁਵਾਦ ਪੇਸ਼ ਕਰੋ

II. ਵੇਦਾਂਡਾ ਦਾ ਨਿਰੀਖਣ

ਬੀ. ਟੁਕੜਿਆਂ ਤੇ ਸੈਕਸ਼ਨ

ਇਸ ਤੋਂ ਇਲਾਵਾ,
ਭਿਕਖੁਸ, ਇਕ ਭਿਕੁ, ਜਦੋਂ ਤੁਰਨਾ, ਸਮਝਦਾ ਹੈ: ‘ਮੈਂ ਚੱਲ ਰਿਹਾ ਹਾਂ’, ਜਾਂ
ਖੜ੍ਹੇ ਹੋਣ ‘ਤੇ ਉਹ ਸਮਝਦਾ ਹੈ:’ ਮੈਂ ਖੜ੍ਹਾ ਹਾਂ ‘, ਜਾਂ ਜਦੋਂ ਉਹ ਬੈਠਦਾ ਹੈ
ਸਮਝਦਾ ਹੈ: ‘ਮੈਂ ਬੈਠਾ ਹਾਂ’ ਜਾਂ ਜਦੋਂ ਉਹ ਲੁਕਿਆ ਹੋਇਆ ਹੈ ਉਹ ਸਮਝਦਾ ਹੈ: ‘ਮੈਂ ਹਾਂ
ਪਿਆ ਹੋਇਆ ‘ ਜਾਂ ਫਿਰ, ਜੋ ਵੀ ਸਥਿਤੀ ਵਿਚ ਉਸ ਦੀ ਕਾਇਜ਼ ਦਾ ਨਿਪਟਾਰਾ ਕੀਤਾ ਜਾਂਦਾ ਹੈ, ਉਹ
ਇਸ ਅਨੁਸਾਰ ਇਸ ਨੂੰ ਸਮਝਦਾ ਹੈ.

ਇਸ ਤਰ੍ਹਾਂ ਉਹ ਕਯਾ ਵਿਚ ਕਾਯ ਵੇਖਦੇ ਰਹਿੰਦੇ ਹਨ
ਅੰਦਰੂਨੀ ਤੌਰ ਤੇ, ਜਾਂ ਉਹ ਬਾਹਰੀ ਤੌਰ ਤੇ ਕਯਾ ਵਿਚ ਕਯਾ ਵੇਖਦਾ ਹੈ, ਜਾਂ ਉਹ ਨਿਵਾਸ ਕਰਦਾ ਹੈ
ਅੰਦਰ ਅਤੇ ਬਾਹਰੀ ਤੌਰ ਤੇ ਕਾਇਆਂ ਵਿਚ ਕਾਯਾਤ ਨੂੰ ਵੇਖਣਾ; ਉਹ ਦੇਖਦਾ ਰਹਿੰਦਾ ਹੈ
ਕਾਇਆ ਵਿਚ ਵਾਪਰੀ ਘਟਨਾ ਦੀ ਸਮੂਦਾ, ਜਾਂ ਉਹ ਲੰਘਣ ਨੂੰ ਵੇਖਦਾ ਹੈ
ਕਯ ਵਿਚ ਪ੍ਰਕ੍ਰਿਆ ਦੂਰ, ਜਾਂ ਉਹ ਸਮੂਦਾ ਦੇਖਦਾ ਰਹਿੰਦਾ ਹੈ ਅਤੇ
ਕਯਾ ਵਿਚ ਘੁੰਮਣਾ ਘੁੰਮਣਾ; ਜਾਂ ਹੋਰ, [ਅਨੁਭਵੀ ਹੈ]: “ਇਹ ਹੈ ਕਾਇਆ!”
ਸਤੀ ਉਸ ਵਿਚ ਮੌਜੂਦ ਹੈ, ਕੇਵਲ ਨਾਨਾ ਦੀ ਹੱਦ ਤੱਕ ਅਤੇ ਕੇਵਲ
ਪਾਸੀਸਤੀ, ਉਹ ਨਿਰਲੇਪ ਰਹਿੰਦਾ ਹੈ, ਅਤੇ ਇਸ ਵਿਚ ਕਿਸੇ ਵੀ ਚੀਜ਼ ਨਾਲ ਜੁੜਿਆ ਨਹੀਂ ਹੁੰਦਾ
ਸੰਸਾਰ ਇਸ ਤਰ੍ਹਾਂ, ਭਿਕਖੁਸ, ਇਕ ਭਿਕੁ, ਕਾਇਆ ਵਿਚ ਕਯਾ ਵੇਖਦਾ ਹੈ.…
Ca din bucium / Carpathianhorn alike tune

din bucium” performed by Constantin Pechea at long pipe (”tilincă”).
Romanian traditional folk song from Moldova area. ****** © 2009 Internet

2:02 / 49:24
Athene: Real Answers (part 1 of 2)

Real Answers is written by Athene and available in paperback book form at: and Amazon Kindle version at:
77) Classical Romanian
77) Clasicul românesc

2273 Vineri 30 Iun. 2017 LECȚIA

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Și să traduceți corect traducerea în limba maternă pentru această traducere Google pentru a obține Eternal Bliss ca Final Goal

II. Observarea lui Vedanā

B. Secțiunea privind posturile

În plus,
Bhikkhus, un bhikkhu, în timp ce merge pe jos, înțelege: “Mă plimb” sau
În timp ce el înțelege: “Eu stau”, sau în timp ce stăte el
Înțelege: “Eu stau”, sau în timp ce culcă el înțelege: “Eu sunt
culcat’. Sau altfel, oricare ar fi poziția lui kāya, el
O înțelege în consecință.

Astfel, el locuiește observând kāya în kāya
Intern, sau el locuiește observând kāya în kāya în exterior sau locuiește
Observând kāya în kāya intern și extern; El locuiește observând
Samudaya fenomenelor din kaya, sau el locuiește observând trecerea
Departe de fenomene în kaya, sau el locuiește observând samudaya și
Trecerea fenomenelor în kāya; Sau altfel, [realizând:] “acesta este kāya!”
Sati este prezent în el, doar în măsura în care este doar ñāna și simpla
Paṭissati, el locuiește detașat și nu se agăță de nimic din
lume. Astfel, bhikkhus, un bhikkhu locuiește observând kāya în kāya.

Inline image 9

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2272 Thu 29 Jun 2017 LESSON-Mayawati’s Bahujan Samaj Party (BSP) — have alleged that the EVMs were tampered with in the February-March assembly elections in 5 states and the just concluded civic polls in Delhi. How will VVPAT with EVM restore trust and faith of people, also its a law now as following SC direction The ex CJI Sathasivam had committed a grave error of judgement by ordering that the EVM could be replaced in a phased manner as suggested by the ex CEC Sampath which is a bad law. He never ordererd for using Paper Ballots as used by 80 democracies of the world till the entire EVMs. so EC has to use it in only 8 out of 543 Lok Sabha seats in 2014 and subeswuently in 20 seats out of 403 seats in UP Assembly elections which helped the Murderer of democratic institutions (Modi) to gobble the Master Key at the Centre and the Yogi to win the UP elections for BJP (Bahuth Jiyadha Psychopaths: why then CEC introduced VVPATs because EC was not so sure of EVMs.
Filed under: General
Posted by: site admin @ 1:35 pm

2272 Thu 29 Jun 2017 LESSON

INSIGHT-NET - FREE Online Tipiṭaka Research & Practice University
and related NEWS through 

Pl use
and render correct translation in your mother tongue for this google translation to attain Eternal Bliss as Final Goal

II. Observation of Vedanā

B. Section on postures

in 1) Classical Pāḷi, 23) Classical English,


How will VVPAT
with EVM restore trust and faith of people, also its a law now as
following SC direction The ex CJI Sathasivam had committed a grave error of judgement by ordering that the EVM could be replaced in a phased manner as suggested by the ex CEC Sampath which is a bad law. He never ordererd for using Paper Ballots as used by 80 democracies of the world till the entire EVMs. so EC has to use it in only 8 out of 543 Lok Sabha seats in 2014 and subeswuently in 20 seats out of 403 seats in UP Assembly elections which helped the Murderer of democratic institutions (Modi) to gobble the Master Key at the Centre and the Yogi to win the UP elections for BJP (Bahuth Jiyadha Psychopaths: why then CEC introduced VVPATs when EC was not so sure of EVMs ?

That is because the leader of the 99% Sarvajan Samsaj i.e., of all societies belonging to SC/STs/OBCs/Religious Minorities and even the poor  Upper Castes Ms Mayawati a Scgedued Caste became eligible to become the Prime Minister because of her good governance of Upper Pradesh and declared that she would reestablish Ashokan Rule if she became the Prime Minister. This is not liked by the Manuvadi 1% intolernat, violent, militant, ever shooting, lynching number one terrorist horrorists lunatic, mentally retarded cannibal chitpawan brahmin psychopaths RSS (Rakshasa Swayam Sevaks) to establish their stealth, shadowy, discriminatory hindutva cult.

This has to be prevented by filing number of cases unitedly  sarvajan samaj through e-filing in the Supreme Court to see that Central and state governments selected by these fraud EVMs are dismissed and go for fresh polls with paper ballots as challenged  by Ms Mayawati. It was proved in the UP Panchayat elections Ms Mayawati’s BSP won majority of the seats which was conducted with paper ballots and failed in Assembly elections just after few months with the fraud EVMs.

Now the entire Sarvajan Samaj must project Ms Mayawati as the next Prime Minister as so far no SC/ST has been able to acquire the Master Key as desired by the Chief Architect of our Modern Constitution Dr BR Ambedkar. If while majority number of brahmins and an SC/ST could become the President of this country why not Prime Minister form SC/ST? Are majority of the Prime Ministers, Presidents, CJIs, CECs, top Defence forces Central state fovernments, Public Undertakings etc are filled on the basis of  brahmin caste without making a big hue and cry ?

First the Sarvajan Samaj must bring back the Paper Ballots then automatically an SC/ST will become the Prime Minister.

All those Murderers of democratic institutions (Modi), Chief of Rakshasa Swayam Sevaks, the EX CJI and the ec CEC who are responsible to prevent SC/ST to become the Prime Minister by way of tampering the fraud EVMs to win elections and reversed the Universal Adult Franchise must be booked under SC/ST atrocities act with non bailable warrant and punished with 7 years imprisionment with Rs 10 lakhs fine to save democracy, liberty, equality and fraternity.

The intellectuals belonging to Sarvajan Samaj must propagate for paper ballots through facebook.WhattsApp, twitter,SMSes , Emails and all other media supporting this cause.

Daily News & Analysis

Prez polls: MPs, MLAs to have different coloured ballot papers may be because most of them are illiterates. Because of this early elections had colour boxes for different political parties. For example yellow for congress, red for socialist and so on while the CEC wants to continue with EVMs they may introduce different colour boxes for different political parties and also play the popular Tamil Song ” Pacca coloru Jingi cha “

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2271 Wed 28 Jun 2017 LESSON from INSIGHT-NET - FREE Online Tipiṭaka Research & Practice University and related NEWS through 
 105 CLASSICAL LANGUAGES Pl use and render correct translation in your mother tongue for this google translation to attain Eternal Bliss as Final Goal II. Observation of Vedanā B. Section on postures in 1) Classical Pāḷi, 23) Classical English,51) Classical Khmer-ខ្មែរបុរាណ,52) Classical Korean-고전 한국어,53) Classical Kurdish (Kurmanji)-) Kurdî (Kurmancî),54) Classical Kyrgyz-Классикалык Кыргыз,55) Classical Lao- ລາວຄລາສສິກ,56) Classical Latin-LVI) Classical Latin,57) Classical latvian- Klasiskais latvietis,58) Classical lithuanian- Klasikinis lietuvis,59) Classical luxembourgish- Klassik Lëtzebuergesch,60) Classical Macedonian-Класични, луксембуршки,61) Classical Malagasy,62) Classical Malay,63) Classical Malayalam- ക്ലാസിക്കൽ മലയാളം
Filed under: General
Posted by: site admin @ 5:32 pm

2271 Wed 28 Jun 2017 LESSON

INSIGHT-NET - FREE Online Tipiṭaka Research & Practice University
and related NEWS through 

Pl use
and render correct translation in your mother tongue for this google translation to attain Eternal Bliss as Final Goal

II. Observation of Vedanā

B. Section on postures

in 1) Classical Pāḷi, 23) Classical English,51) Classical Khmer-ខ្មែរបុរាណ,52) Classical Korean-고전 한국어,53) Classical Kurdish (Kurmanji)-) Kurdî (Kurmancî),54) Classical Kyrgyz-Классикалык Кыргыз,55) Classical Lao- ລາວຄລາສສິກ,56) Classical Latin-LVI) Classical Latin,57) Classical latvian- Klasiskais latvietis,58) Classical lithuanian- Klasikinis lietuvis,59) Classical luxembourgish- Klassik Lëtzebuergesch,60) Classical Macedonian-Класични,

луксембуршки,61) Classical Malagasy,62) Classical Malay,63) Classical Malayalam- ക്ലാസിക്കൽ മലയാളം
Young generation training Khmer classical dance at Sophiline Arts Ensemble

51) Classical Khmer

51) ខ្មែរបុរាណ

2271 ថ្ងៃពុធទី 2 ខែមិថុនា 2017 មេរៀន

INSIGHT-NET - ឥតគិតថ្លៃ Online Tipiṭaka Research & Practice
University និងពត៌មានទាក់ទងនឹងតាមរយៈ ក្នុង
105 ភាសាជាភាសាអង់គ្លេស។
Pl ប្រើ

II ។ ការសង្កេតរបស់វីដាណា

ខ។ ផ្នែកស្តីពីឥរិយាបថ

ខ។ ស។ គ។ គ។ ស។ , ខណៈពេលដែលដើរ, យល់ថា: “ខ្ញុំកំពុងដើរ”, ឬ
ខណៈពេលឈរគាត់បានយល់ ‘ខ្ញុំឈរ’ ឬខណៈពេលដែលគាត់អង្គុយ
យល់ថា “ខ្ញុំកំពុងអង្គុយ” ឬពេលកំពុងគេងគាត់យល់ថា: “ខ្ញុំ
ទម្រេត​ខ្លួន’។ ឬក៏ផ្សេងទៀតក្នុងទីតាំងណាដែលគាត់ត្រូវគេបោះចោល

ការសង្កេតkāyaនៅក្នុងkāyaខាងក្នុងនិងខាងក្រៅ; គាត់រស់នៅសង្កេតមើល
ការសាបសូន្យបាតុភូតនៅក្នុងkāya; ឬផ្សេងទៀត [ដឹង:] “នេះគឺជាkāya!”
paṭissati, គាត់រស់នៅដាច់ដោយឡែកនិងមិនប្រកាន់ខ្ជាប់អ្វីនៅក្នុងព្រះ
ពិភពលោក។ ហេតុដូច្នេះហើយសម្មាសតាមជាសង្ឃមួយឋិតនៅលើការឃ្លាំមើលពាក្យថាkāyaនៅក្នុងkāya។

video i found from the Internet. it shows the 4 basic hand gestures of
khmer classical dance. these hand movements are use and combined with
dozens of post…
EMOTIONS in Korean (KWOW#20)
Candy Craftsmanship: Korea’s First Family of a Classic Confection

Chungju, South Korea, Bong-Seok Kang and his family carry on a
generations-long tradition of a sweeter sort than most: they make yeot, a
taffy-like candy …
The benefits of good posture - Murat Dalkilinç

View full lesson: Has anyone ever told you, “Stand up straight!” or scolded you for slo…

This page is brief introduction to the history of Korean animation

52) Classical Korean

52) 고전 한국어

2271 Wed 2 Jun 2017 LESSON

INSIGHT-NET - 무료 온라인 Tipiṭaka 연구 및 실습 대학 및 관련된 뉴스 ( 105 CLASSICAL LANGUAGES을 사용합니다.
이 Google 번역이 최종 목표로 영원한 행복을 얻으려면 모국어로 올바른 번역을 렌더링하십시오.

II. Vedanā 관측

B. 자세 절

bhikkhus, bhikkhu, 걷는 동안 이해 : ‘나는 걷고있다’, 또는
서있는 동안 그는 ‘나는 서있다’또는 앉아있는 동안 그는 이해한다.
이해 : ‘나는 앉아있다’, 또는 누워있는 동안 그는 이해한다 : ‘나는
누워. 아니면, 그의 위치가 어느 위치에 있든, 그는
그에 따라 그것을 이해합니다.

따라서 그는 kāya에서 kāya를 관찰하고있다.
내부적으로, 또는 그는 kāya에서 kāya를 외부 관찰하는 동안 머물러 있거나, 그가 거주하고있다.
kāya에서 kāya를 내부적으로 그리고 외부 적으로 관찰; 그는 관찰하다.
kāya에있는 현상의 samudaya, 또는 그는 지나가는 것을 관찰한다
kāya에서 현상의 멀리, 또는 그는 samudaya을 관찰하고있다.
kāya에서 현상을 지나치다. 그렇지 않으면, [실현 :] “이것은 kāya입니다!”
사티는 단순한 ñāṇa와 단순한 정도에서 그에게 존재한다.
paṭissati, 그는 분리되어 있으며,
세계. 따라서, bhikkhus, bhikkhu는 kāya에서 kāya를 관찰합니다.

Diagrams showing the postures of the mouth when demonstrating proper elocution, from a 19th-century book dedicated to elocution.
Ela mezar , Kurmanj music (Northern khorasan)

Ela mezar , Kurmanj music (Northern khorasan)
Kurdish (Medes) folk songs - Koma Heray “Leylo” - Xorasan Kurds

Klamen Kurdî Kurmanjî Xorasan bi Intrumenta Kurdî Daf, Dahol, Tambur/Tenbur, Tar û Markasî Kurden Xorasan ê.

video tutorial on how to copy and paste gif links to your faceboook timeline or anywhere on facebook. If…
53) Classical Kurdish (Kurmanji)
53) Kurdî (Kurmancî)

2271 Wed 2 Jun 2017 LESSON

û ZEBÛR ji nûçeyên re di 105 klassîkal
Pl Bikaranîna
Û ji bo wergera vê googleê ji bo zimanê zikmakî di rastiyê de
wergerandina wergerandinê rast bike da ku ji bo Tevgera Dawîn ya
Navneteweyî ya Navîn

II. Çavdêriya Vedanayê

B. Beşê li ser dagirkirinê

Wekî din,
Bhikkhus, a bhikkhu, dema ku rêve çû, fêm dike: ‘Ez diçim im’, an jî
Dema ku rawesta ew fêm dike: ‘Ez ez bisekinim’, an jî dema rûniştina wî
Fêm dike: ‘Ez rûniştim’, an jî dema ku derewîtiye wî ew fêm dike: ‘Ez im
Daketin ‘. Ya din, di kîjan rewşên kayayê de bête kirin, ew
Li gorî wê fêm dike.

Ji ber vê yekê ew li kayya kaya tê dîtin
Navxweyî, an ew ew li kayya kayiyê dîtiye, an ew dimîne
Li hundurê hundir û derveyî li kaya tê dîtin. Ew rûniştin
Samudaya dînamena li kayayê, an ew li wir derbas dibe
Ji awayekî fenomena di kaya de, an ew li ser samudaya rûniştinê dike
Di kāya de derbas kirina phenomena; An jî, [rastkirina rastiyê]] “ev kâya!”
Sati ew di heman demê de, tenê bi heya hema tenê tenê û tenê
Paṭissati, ew dimîne, û nabe ku tiştek tiştek nebe
dinya. Ji ber vê yekê, bhikkhus, bhikkhu li kayya kaya tê dîtin.

( Kurdî , کوردی ) is a continuum of Northwestern Iranian languages
spoken by the Kurds in Western Asia . Kurdish forms three dialect groups
known as Northern Kurdish ( Kurmanji ), Central Kurdish ( Sorani ), and
Southern Kurdish ( Palewani ). A separate group of non-Kurdish
Northwestern Iran…

asian medical institute kyrgyzstan . cultural fest. 2017 classical dance

medical institute kyrgyzstan 2017. cultural fest.2017 classical dance
world’s lowest mbbs package .in kyrgyzstan for admission . pls contact .
10 Vision Gran Turismo concept cars into reality

Sports Graphics. Free Animated Yoga Gifs. Sports Gifs. Yoga Graphics
and Gifs. Yoga Animations and Pictures. Yoga Sports Gif Images and

are several the world’s leading automotive brands who made the Vision
Gran Turismo concept cars and shown into real world (in the form of real
cars, dum…

54) Classical Kyrgyz

54) Классикалык Кыргыз

2271 Wed 2 Jun 2017-бөлүм

ТҮШҮНҮКТҮҮЛҮК-NET - FREE Online Трипитака изилдөө жана практика
University жана аны менен байланышкан NEWS
Pl колдонуу
жана акыркы максаты болуп, түбөлүктүү бактылуулукка жетүү үчүн бул Google котормо үчүн эне тилинде туура котормо чыгарат

II. Vedanā байкоо

B. саждалардын боюнча бөлүм

Мындан тышкары,
bhikkhus бир bhikkhu, жөө, ал эми жакшы түшүнөт: “Мен бара жатам”, же
турган, ал эми ал жакшы түшүнөт: “Мен турам”, же ал отурган
түшүнөт: же, ал түшүнөт түшүп жатып: “Мен отурган жатам:” Мен
“Түшүп жатыптыр. Же болбосо, кайсынысы орду анын Кайа маанайда, ал
ошого жараша түшүнөт.

Ошентип, ал Кая менен Кайа байкоо жашаган нан
ички, же тышкы Кая менен Кайа байкоо жашайт, же ал жашаган
ички жана тышкы Кая менен Кайа сактоо; Ал байкоо жашайт
Кая менен кубулуштардын samudaya, же өтүп байкоо жашаган нан
жок Кая менен көрүнүштөрдүн, же samudaya байкоо жашайт
жок Кая менен көрүнүштөрдүн өтүп; же башка, [түшүнүп:] “Бул Кайа экен!”
саатан жөн гана Бейбит жана жөнөкөй жараша, анын ичинде бар
paṭissati, ал, ошондой эле эч нерсеге жабышып эмес, өзүнчө жашайт
дүйнө. Ошентип, монастырларда бир bhikkhu Кая менен Кайа байкоо жашаган нан.
4. Straight Ahead & Pose to Pose - 12 Principles of Animatio

NEXT VIDEO: PREVIOUS VIDEO: This is my video series highlighting each of the 12 Principles of Animati…

I present “Chiakinkouay, a classical Laos tune. The piece is performed
here by the Musicians of the Children’s Cultural Centre in Vientiane.
The accompa…
Mindfulness Practice: observing sensation, emotions and thoughts in a non-jugdgemental way.

Within the practice of mindfulness, thoughts and feelings are observed as events in the mind, without…

Article on Posture: Meaning & Intent.
55) Classical Lao
55) ລາວຄລາສສິກ

2271 ພຸດ 2 Jun 2017 ບົດທີ

INSIGHT-NET - FREE Online Tipitaka
ຄົ້ນຄ້ວາແລະປະຕິບັດວິທະຍາໄລແລະຂ່າວທີ່ກ່ຽວຂ້ອງໂດຍຜ່ານການ ໃນ 105 ພາສາ CLASSICAL
Pl ໃຊ້
ແລະລາຍງານການແປພາສາທີ່ຖືກຕ້ອງໃນພາສາແມ່ຂອງທ່ານສໍາລັບການນີ້ການແປພາສາກູໂກເພື່ອບັນລຸນິລັນດອນ Bliss ເປັນເປົ້າຫມາຍສຸດທ້າຍ

II. ສັງເກດການຂອງ Vedana

ຕາ B. on postures

bhikkhus, bhikkhu, ໃນຂະນະທີ່ຍ່າງ, ເຂົ້າໃຈ: ‘ຂ້າພະເຈົ້າໃນເວລາຍ່າງ, ຫຼື
ໃນຂະນະທີ່ຢືນຢູ່ລາວເຂົ້າໃຈ: ‘ຂ້າພະເຈົ້າຢືນ, ຫຼືໃນຂະນະທີ່ນັ່ງໄດ້
ເຂົ້າໃຈ: ‘ຂ້າພະເຈົ້ານັ່ງ, ຫຼືໃນຂະນະທີ່ນອນເຂົາເຂົ້າໃຈ:’ ຂ້າພະເຈົ້າ
ນອນ​ລົງ’. ຖ້າບໍ່ດັ່ງນັ້ນ, ໃນຖານະອັນໃດກໍໄດ້ເບິ່ງ Kaya ລາວແມ່ນ disposed, ລາວ

ດັ່ງນັ້ນຈຶ່ງໄດ້ຊົງສັງເກດເບິ່ງ Kaya ໃນ Kaya
ພາຍໃນປະເທດຫຼືລາວ dwells ສັງເກດເບິ່ງ Kaya ໃນ Kaya ຕ່າງປະເທດ, ຫຼືວ່າ dwells
ສັງເກດເບິ່ງ Kaya ໃນ Kaya ພາຍໃນແລະຕ່າງປະເທດ; ວ່າ dwells ສັງເກດ
samudaya ຂອງປະກົດການໃນ Kaya, ຫຼືເຂົາ dwells ສັງເກດເບິ່ງການຖ່າຍທອດ
ຫ່າງຂອງປະກົດການໃນ Kaya, ຫຼືວ່າ dwells ສັງເກດເບິ່ງ samudaya ແລະ
passing ຫ່າງຂອງປະກົດການໃນ Kaya; ຖ້າບໍ່ດັ່ງນັ້ນ, [realizing:] “ນີ້ແມ່ນ Kaya!”
ປະຈຸບັນ satiis ໃນພຣະອົງ, ພຽງແຕ່ໃນຂອບເຂດຂອງ Nana ແຕ່ແລະເທົ່ານັ້ນ
paṭissati, ເຂົາ dwells detached, ແລະບໍ່ cling ກັບສິ່ງໃດແດ່ໃນ
ໂລກ. ດັ່ງນັ້ນ, bhikkhus, bhikkhu ເປັນ dwells ສັງເກດເບິ່ງ Kaya ໃນ Kaya.

Happy holi 2017

Shinzen Young: Deep Concentration in Formal Meditation and Daily Life (Theory and Practice)

Google Tech Talk 27 April 2010 Presented by: Shinzen Young ABSTRACT Renowed meditation teacher…

Psybient Greatest Anthems All Time Mix (+ Animated 16Bit Sci-Fi Visuals)

If you like what I do you can support me by downloading my stuff at…

56) Classical Latin
LVI) Classical Latin


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et ad mutuam translationem in linguam vernaculam bene pro hoc google
translationem tamquam ad extremam metam conducant, aeternam beatitudinem

II. Observatio de Vedanā

§ B. de orantis habitu corporis pertractant

bhikkhus a Bhikkhu dum walking, intelligat: ‘ego ambulans’ aut
dum autem intelligit stabant: ‘Ego sum stans, aut cum ipse sedebat
intellectorum, ’sedeo’, nec quando accubuit filia nec dum sciat: ‘Ego sum,
videntes vana dormientes. Aut quocumque kaya disponitur dignitate et
secundum quod sumitur.

Ita manet in custodiendo kaya kaya
interius et exterius kaya manet in kaya animadverteret aut morabitur
in custodiendo kaya kaya interius et exterius; observatione versatur
samudaya kaya in phaenomenis seu exitus manet observando
avertit phaenomenis kaya aut manet et observantes samudaya
phaenomenis kaya transit; et alibi, [ubi intellegunt:] ‘hoc est kaya “
sati inest ei, quantum ipsa sola et elegans
paṭissati, remota a Sublimis habitans æternitatem, et non adherebit ad quod
mundi. Sic bhikkhus et Bhikkhu habitat in kaya kaya servatis.

Latvian Culture exposed… More videos about Latvia at:

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57) Classical latvian
57) Klasiskais latvietis

2271 piektdiena, 2017. gada 2. jūnijs PEDALĪJUMS

INSIGHT-NET - bezmaksas tiešsaistes Tipitakas pētniecības un prakses
universitāte un saistītās JAUNUMI, izmantojot 105 KLASISKĀS VALODAS
Pl izmantojiet
Un padariet pareizu tulkojumu savā dzimtajā valodā par šo Google tulkojumu, lai sasniegtu Eternal Bliss kā galīgo mērķi

II. Vēdanas novērošana

B. Postu posms

Bhikhhus, bhikkhu, ejot, saprot: “Es eju” vai
Stāvot, viņš saprot: “Es stāvu” vai sēžot
Saprot: “Es sēžu” vai, gulējot, saprot: “Es esmu
Guļot “. Vai arī kādā stāvoklī viņa rīcībā ir kojas, viņš
To saprot atbilstoši.

Tādējādi viņš dzīvo, vērojot kāju kājā
Iekšēji, vai arī viņš dzīvo, vērojot, kāja ārā, vai arī viņš dzīvo
Novērojot Kaju kājā iekšēji un ārēji; Viņš dzīvo, vērojot
Kadju samuāža, vai arī viņš dzīvo, vērojot iet
Parādīšanās parādīšanās Kajā, vai arī viņš dzīvo, vērojot samūdaiju un
Parādīšanās pasliktināšanās Kajā; Vai arī, [realizējot:] “tas ir kāja!”
Sati atrodas viņā, tikai tiktāl, cik tas ir tikai ānā un vienkāršs
Paťissati, viņš dzīvo nošķirts, un nepiesaista nevienam
Pasaule. Tādējādi, bhikhhus, bhikkhu mājo vērojot kāya kājā.
Animation vs. Minecraft (original)

Behind the Scenes: Stick figures on a computer find a Minecraft cube. The Animator vs. Animation series continues, this time wit…

58) Classical lithuanian
58) Klasikinis lietuvis

2271 Wed 2 June 2017 PEDAGOGAS

INSIGHT-NET - NEMOKAMAI Online Tipitakos tyrimų ir praktikos
universitete ir susijusiuose NAUJIENOS per
Pl naudokite
Ir atlikite šį “Google” vertimą, kad galėtumėte pasiekti Amžinąją Blauzdą kaip galutinį tikslą

II. Vedanos stebėjimas

B. Posų skirsnis

Be to,
Bhikkhus, bhikkhu, vaikščiojant, supranta: “Aš einu”, arba
Stovėdamas jis supranta: “Aš stoviu” arba sėdėdamas
Supranta: “Aš sėdžiu”, o gulėdamas jis supranta: “Aš esu
gulintis’. Arba kitur, bet kurioje pozicijoje jo kojas yra išmestas, jis
Supranta tai atitinkamai.

Taigi jis gyvena stebėdamas kają koje
Viduje, arba jis gyvena, stebėdamas koją koje iš išorės, ar jis gyvena
Stebint Kają Kajoje viduje ir išorėje; Jis gyvena stebėdamas
Reiškinių samuadai kajoje, ar jis gyvena stebint praeinančią
Atstumti reiškinius koje, ar jis gyvena stebėdamas samudaiją ir
Pasibaigus reiškiniams Kajoje; Ar kitu, [realizuojant:] “tai kada!”
Satis yra jame, tik tiek, kiek tik šana ir paprasta
Patisawi, jis gyvena atskirai ir neatsilaiko nieko
Pasaulis. Taigi, bhikkhus, bhikkhu gyvena stebėdamas kyja koje.
Funny Japanese Game Show - Human Tetris…
Luxembourg Music and Images

Luxembourg is the 182nd country in my Music/Travel series.

Battle of the Bulge (16 December 1944 — 25 January 1945) was a major
German offensive campaign launched through the densely forested Ardennes
region of …

to Plank exercise. The “Plank exercise” and all its variants are
considered among the best 5 exercises in terms of efficiency for
training the central pa…
59) Classical luxembourgish
59) Klassik Lëtzebuergesch

2271 Tue 2 juni 2017 Lektioun

INSIGHT-NET - GRATIS Online Tipiṭaka Fuerschung & herno zu
Universitéit an Zesummenhang NEWS duerch zu
105 klassescher GENANNT
Pl benotzen
a richteg Iwwersetzung an Ärer Mammesprooch fir dës Google Iwwersetzung uerdnen onendlechen Bliss als Final Schoss se

II. Observatioun vun Vedanā

B. Section op postures

bhikkhus, engem bhikkhu, iwwerdeems Fouss, versteet: ‘Ech sinn Fouss “, oder
iwwerdeems Meter hie versteet: ‘Ech sinn Meter’, oder wann hie sëtzt
versteet: ‘Ech sinn Sëtzen “, oder während doruechter verwandelt huet hie versteet:’ Ech sinn
doruechter verwandelt “. Oder aneren, an watrengem Positioun säi KAYA ass entsuergt, hien
versteet et no.

hien dwells also Observatioun KAYA zu KAYA
intern, oder hien dwells erhale bleiwen an KAYA Observatioun KAYA, oder hien dwells
Observatioun KAYA zu KAYA intern erhale bleiwen; hien dwells Observatioun
der samudaya vu Phenomener an KAYA, oder hien dwells Observatioun der laanschtgoungen
ewech vu Phenomener an KAYA, oder hien dwells der samudaya Observatioun an
ewech vu Phenomener an KAYA laanschtgoungen; oder aneren, [feststellen:] “dëst KAYA ass!”
SATI ass präsent an him, just fir d’Ausmooss vun normale Nana an normale
paṭissati, hien dwells ugebauten, an et oof net am un eppes
Welt. Sou, bhikkhus, dwells engem bhikkhu KAYA zu KAYA Observatioun.

Aristotle was the master of virtues. If you like our films, take a look at our shop (we ship worldwide): FURTHER READING “Aristotle was…
Macedonian Classical Composers

Macedonian classical music composers presented with short fragments of their music
Auburn Coach Wife Kristi Malzahn Agrees with Match & eHarmony: Men are Jerks

My advice is this: Settle! That’s right. Don’t worry about passion or intense connection. Don’t nix a guy based…

60) Classical Macedonian
60) Класични луксембуршки

2271 срд 2 јуни 2017 година Лекција

INSIGHT-NET - БЕСПЛАТНО онлајн Tipiṭaka истражување и пракса
Универзитетот и поврзани со ВЕСТИ преку во
Pl користи
И направете точен превод на вашиот мајчин јазик за овој превод на Гугл за да постигнете Вечна Блаженство како конечна цел

II. Набљудување на Ведана

Б. Раздел за положби

Покрај тоа,
Бихикус, бихику, додека одел, разбира: “одам”, или
Додека стоеше тој разбира: “Јас стојам”, или додека седи тој
Разбира: “Јас седам”, или додека легна, тој разбира: “Јас сум
лежи’. Или на друго место, во која положба неговата каја е расположена, тој
Тоа го разбира соодветно.

Така живее набљудување на каја во каја
Внатрешно, или живее набљудувајќи ја каја во каја однадвор, или живее
Набљудување на каја во каја внатрешно и надворешно; Тој живее набљудување
Самудаја на феномени во каја, или живее со набљудување на донесувањето
Далеку од феномени во каја, или живее со набљудување на самудаја и
Поминувањето на феномени во каја; Или друго, [сфаќајќи:] “ова е каја!”
Часот е присутен во него, само до степен на само ñāṇa и обичен
Paṭissati, тој живее одвоен, и не се држи до ништо во
Светот. Така, бихикус, бихику живее со набљудување на каја во каја.

Bernard Pascal Rajerison plays a touching rendition of a traditional
Malagasy ballad on a bassoon-like instrument made from bamboo. He is
capably accomp…
Cabo pingüinito kawaii 😍

😍😍😍de Los pingüinos de madagascar

😍😍😍😍de Los pingüinos de madagascar
GIF de Anace Dávila Chichipe

This video was uploaded from an Android phone.
61) Classical Malagasy

2271 Wed Jun 2017 2 LESONA
avy amin’ny

Insight-NET - Free Online Tipiṭaka Research & Boky University sy
mifandray amin’ny alalan’ny NEWS tamin’ny
Pl mampiasa
ka omeo ny olonao ao amin’ny fandikan-teny marina ny tenin-drazany
noho io fandikan-teny Google mba hahatratra Mandrakizay Bliss ho Final

II. Fandinihana ny latsa-Vedanā

B. fizarana mikasika ny postures

Ankoatra izany,
bhikkhus, dia bhikkhu, raha mbola mandeha, mahatakatra: ‘mandeha aho’, na
raha nitsangana teo izy mahatakatra: ‘mijoro aho’, na mipetraka izy
mahatakatra: ‘mipetraka aho’, na raha mandry izy mahatakatra: ‘Izaho no
mandry ‘. Raha tsy izany, ao amin’ny toerana handefasana ny Kaya dia vonona, dia
mahalala; dia mifanaraka amin’izany.

Dia toy izany no mitoetra mijery Kaya in Kaya
anatiny, na dia mitoetra amin’ny Kaya Kaya mijery ety ivelany, na dia monina
mijery Kaya in Kaya anatiny sy ivelany; dia mitoetra fandinihana
ny samudaya ny trangan-javatra eo amin’ny Kaya, na dia mitoetra fitandremana ny fandehan’ny
lasa ny trangan-javatra eo amin’ny Kaya, na dia monina sy ny fandinihana ny samudaya
mandalo ny trangan-javatra eo amin’ny Kaya; raha tsy izany, [tonga saina:] “izao no Kaya!”
sati dia teo ihany ny azy, araka ny halehiben’ny fotsiny sy Nana fotsiny
paṭissati, dia mitoetra avelany, ka tsy hifikitra na inona na inona ao amin’ny
izao tontolo izao. Noho izany, bhikkhus, ny bhikkhu monina mijery Kaya in Kaya.

[eng] 20160612 Z.Tao in ⓇⓄⓉⒿ Epi 1- Full

I wanted to make a cut.. but my video editor is on strike…. (freezing
my whole comp so… ) ah well.. rough subs as usual!!! the earlier
parts are…

Digital Animated Dance Audition On Mongolia’s Got Talent | Got Talent Global

Mongolia’s Got Talent Animation Dancer Shijirbat is a digital genious! One of the best auditions we’ve seen……

62) Classical Malay

2271 Rabu 2 Jun 2017 LESEN

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PERCUMA dan BERITA yang berkaitan melalui
Sila gunakan
Dan menterjemahkan terjemahan yang betul dalam bahasa ibu anda untuk
terjemahan google ini untuk mencapai Eternal Bliss sebagai Matlamat

II. Pemerhatian Vedanā

B. Seksyen mengenai postur

Tambahan pula,
Bhikkhu, seorang bhikkhu, sambil berjalan, memahami: ‘Saya berjalan’, atau
Semasa berdiri dia memahami: ‘Saya berdiri’, atau semasa duduk dia
Memahami: ‘Saya sedang duduk’, atau semasa berbaring dia memahami: ‘Saya
baring’. Atau, di mana kedudukan kyaya dilupuskan, dia
Memahaminya dengan sewajarnya.

Oleh itu dia tinggal mengamati kya di kāya
Secara dalaman, atau dia tinggal mengamati kyaya di kāya secara luaran, atau dia tinggal
Memerhatikan kyaya di kya secara dalaman dan luaran; Dia tetap mengamati
Samudaya fenomena di kya, atau dia tinggal mengamati lulus
Jauh dari fenomena di kya, atau dia tinggal mengamati samudaya dan
Lenyap fenomena di kāya; Atau lain, [menyedari:] “ini kāya!”
Sati ada di dalamnya, hanya sejauh ñāna dan semata-mata
Paṭissati, dia tinggal terpisah, dan tidak berpaut kepada apa-apa di dalam
Dunia. Oleh itu, para bhikkhu, seorang bhikkhu mendiami kāya di kāya.

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How to change face in GIF (MALAYALAM)

Change fase in GIF
mujees collection2 (Nostalgic feelings)

about my nostalgic feeling……
63) Classical Malayalam
63. ക്ലാസിക്കൽ മലയാളം

2271 Wed 2 ജൂൺ 2017 പാഠം

INSIGHT-NET - FREE Tipiṭaka റിസർച്ച് ആന്റ് പ്രാക്ടീസ് സർവ്വകലാശാലയും
ബന്ധപ്പെട്ട വാർത്തകളും ൽ 105 ക്ലാസിക്കൽ
Pl ഉപയോഗിക്കുക
അവസാനത്തെ ലക്ഷ്യം എമെർലിസ്റ്റ് ബ്ലിസ് കൈവരിക്കാൻ ഈ ഗൂഗിൾ വിവർത്തനത്തിനായി നിങ്ങളുടെ മാതൃഭാഷയിൽ കൃത്യമായ വിവർത്തനം നൽകുക

II. വേദാന്ത നിരീക്ഷണം


ഭിക്ക്ഖൂസ്, ഒരു ഭിക്ഷു, നടക്കുമ്പോൾ, മനസ്സിലാക്കുന്നു: ‘ഞാൻ നടക്കുന്നു’, അല്ലെങ്കിൽ
നിൽക്കുമ്പോൾ, അവൻ നിൽക്കുന്നു: ‘ഞാൻ നിൽക്കുകയാണ്, അല്ലെങ്കിൽ ഇരുന്നിരിക്കുക.’
ഞാൻ ഇരിക്കുന്നതും എഴുന്നേലക്കുന്നതും അവൻ അറിയുന്നു
കിടക്കുന്നു. അല്ലെങ്കിൽ, അവന്റെ സ്ഥാനത്ത് ഏറ്റെടുക്കാൻ അവൻ ആഗ്രഹിക്കുന്നു
അതിനനുസരിച്ച് ഇത് മനസ്സിലാക്കുന്നു.

അങ്ങനെ കായായിൽ കായാ ആചരിക്കുന്നു
കായായിൽ ബാഹ്യമോ അതോ വസിക്കുന്നുവോ അവൻ കാരിയയിൽ വസിക്കുന്നു
കയ്യയിൽ കാമ ആന്തരികമായും ബാഹ്യമായും കാണുന്നു; അവൻ വാസ്തവമായി പാർക്കുന്നു;
കിയയിലെ പ്രതിഭാസങ്ങളുടെ സമൂദയ അല്ലെങ്കിൽ അദ്ദേഹം നിരീക്ഷണത്തെ നിരീക്ഷിക്കുന്നു
കിയയിലെ പ്രതിഭാസങ്ങൾ, അല്ലെങ്കിൽ അദ്ദേഹം സാമുദായി നിരീക്ഷിക്കുന്നു
കിയയിലെ പ്രതിഭാസങ്ങൾ കടന്നുപോകുന്നു; അല്ലെങ്കിൽ, [മനസ്സിലാക്കുന്നു:] “ഇതാണ് കാവ!”
സതി വെറും വെറും ñāṇa ഉം വെറും വ്യാപ്തിയും മാത്രമായി അവനിൽ ഉണ്ട്
പാതിശാസിയ, അവൻ വേർപിരിഞ്ഞാണ് ജീവിക്കുന്നത്, അതിൽ ഒന്നും പിടികൂടുന്നില്ല
ലോകം. കിയയിലെ കിയ ഭക്തൻ ഭിക്ക്ഖു എന്ന ഭിക്ഷു വസിക്കുന്നു.

Inline image 1…/sp-bsp-back-meira-kumar-consolidate…/

SP, BSP back Meira Kumar, consolidate anti-BJP forces in UP
Lucknow, Jun 25 (PTI)

The coming together of archrivals BSP and SP to support the candidature
of Meira Kumar as president could be a crucial step towards further
consolidating anti-BJP forces in Uttar

Lucknow, Jun 25 (PTI) The
coming together of archrivals BSP and SP to support the candidature of
Meira Kumar as president could be a crucial step towards further
consolidating anti-BJP forces in Uttar Pradesh, say political observers.

Struggling to regain lost ground after the near washout in the recent
assembly elections with the BJP making deep inroads into their
respective bastions, the SP and the BSP have found in the presidential
election another opportunity to come on the same page.

their value of votes is unlikely to make either NDA candidate Ram Nath
Kovind win or bolster Kumar’s prospects, their joint support for the
opposition-backed candidate will drive home the message that forces
opposed to the saffron party were coming together.

political observers feel, is likely to pave the way for other
like-minded parties to join hands ahead of the 2019 Lok Sabha elections.

“This shows that the opposition is forced to come together as they are realising their strength is in unity…

“There is also pressure from the public who have started saying that
all anti-BJP parties should come together on one platform,”

too aware of the drubbing they faced and the acute necessity for
drastic steps to counter the saffron surge, SP chief Akhilesh Yadav and
BSP supremo Mayawati have already decided to share a platform at a rally
organised by the Lalu Prasad-led RJD in Patna on August 27.

thaw between the two could also prompt a repeat of a Bihar-like
experiment in UP politics and subsequently at the national level with
all parties opposed to the BJP aligning on one agenda.

“It is
becoming clearer with every passing day that democracy is under siege
and all those who want to see democracy survive and the Indian
Constitution prevail will have to come together as the threat which is
looming is much greater than the Emergency…,” said Ramesh Dixit,
political scientist and former head of the political science department
of Lucknow University.

Referring to the dismal showing of all
anti-BJP parties in the assembly polls, Dixit said, “No one can dispute
that had they fought elections together, the results would have been

The SP and the BSP, it seemed, had parted ways for
life after the State Guest House case of 1995 when Mayawati alleged that
an attempt was made on her life. But with SP patriarch Mulayam Singh
Yadav, who was at the helm of affairs then, now on the sidelines with
son Akhilesh leading the party, it would be easier for Mayawati to build

The father and son, it is learnt, are also opposed to
each other on the issue of the presidential election and this could also
come help Mayawati soften her posture towards her adversary.

SP and the BSP together make a formidable alliance with the
consolidation of SC/ST and backward votes which could effectively
checkmate the BJP and both are aware that they need some strong ground
to face the BJP challenge, say experts.

The BSP won only 19 seats
in 2017 assembly in the 403- member House, down from 80 in 2012. This
is its lowest tally since 1991, when the party won 12 seats. The SP won
47, its lowest tally since the party s inception in 1992.

cornered 40 per cent of the votes polled, a jaw-dropping increase of 25
per cent since last time, grabbing along with its NDA partners 325

As the BJP’s unprecedented tally dwarfed the opposition,
which has together been reduced to less than 75 seats, calls for an
alliance between the SP and the BSP have grown louder.

Before the
start of their hostility, the SP and the BSP had contested the 1993 UP
Assembly elections together — the BSP contested 164 seats and won 67
while the SP fought 256 seats and bagged 109.

The government was
formed with Mulayam Singh as the chief minister. The relationship,
however, turned sour and the BSP withdrew support. Mayawati went on to
form the government with the help of the BJP in 1995.

But then, as they say, there are no permanent friends and no permanent enemies either in politics.

All the anti-BJP parties accounting 99% of the voters must and should
insist that Ballot Papers have to be used in all future elections as
being done in 80 democracies of the world

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2270 Tue 27 Jun 2017 LESSON from INSIGHT-NET - FREE Online Tipiṭaka Research & Practice University and related NEWS through 
 105 CLASSICAL LANGUAGES Pl use and render correct translation in your mother tongue for this google translation to attain Eternal Bliss as Final Goal II. Observation of Vedanā B. Section on postures in 45) Classical Irish- Classical Gaeilge,46) Classical Italian- Classica italiana,47) Classical Japanese-古典的な日本語,48) Classical Javanese- Klasik Jawa,49) Classical Kannada-ಶಾಸ್ತ್ರೀಯ ಕನ್ನಡ,50) Classical Kazakh-Классикалық қазақ,
Filed under: General
Posted by: site admin @ 3:33 am
2270 Tue 27 Jun 2017 LESSON

INSIGHT-NET - FREE Online Tipiṭaka Research & Practice University
and related NEWS through 

Pl use
and render correct translation in your mother tongue for this google translation to attain Eternal Bliss as Final Goal

II. Observation of Vedanā

B. Section on postures

in 45) Classical Irish- Classical Gaeilge,46) Classical Italian- Classica italiana,47) Classical Japanese-古典的な日本語,48) Classical Javanese- Klasik Jawa,49) Classical Kannada-ಶಾಸ್ತ್ರೀಯ ಕನ್ನಡ,50) Classical Kazakh-Классикалық қазақ,

by O’Carolan classical music.

45) Classical Irish
45) Classical Gaeilge

II. Breathnú ar Vedanā

Roinn B. ar postures

Ina theannta sin,
bhikkhus, tá bhikkhu, agus siúl thuigeann,: ‘Tá mé ag siúl’, nó
agus é ina sheasamh thuigeann sé: ‘Tá mé ag seasamh’, nó agus ina suí dó
Tuigeann: ‘Tá mé ag suí’, nó agus atá suite síos thuigeann sé: ‘Tá mé
ag luí síos’. Nó eile, in cibé riocht é a Kaya dhiúscairt, sé
Tuigeann sé dá réir sin.

Dá bhrí sin dwells sé ag breathnú Kaya i Kaya
go hinmheánach, nó dwells sé ag breathnú Kaya i Kaya go seachtrach, nó dwells sé
breathnú Kaya i Kaya istigh agus taobh amuigh; dwells sé ag breathnú
an samudaya na feiniméin i Kaya, nó dwells sé ag breathnú ar an a rith
ar shiúl na feiniméin i Kaya, nó dwells sé ag breathnú ar an samudaya agus
rith ar shiúl na feiniméin i Kaya; nó eile, [a bhaint amach:] “Is é seo Kaya!”
Tá Sati i láthair i dó, ach go feadh Nana ach ní bhíonn ach agus ní bhíonn ach
paṭissati, dwells sé scoite, agus ní cling go rud ar bith sa
domhan. Dá bhrí sin, bhikkhus, dwells a bhikkhu breathnú Kaya i Kaya.
An Irish Catholic and a Thai Buddhist

little talk about my catholic upbringing while showing some footage of
one of our trips to the Guan Yu Buddha shrine in Koh Samui, Thailand.
Music : Antoni…
Inline image 1
Caterina from Italy speaks about Buddhafield, meditation and Buddhism

ITALIAN. Caterina, a VAP volunteer from Italy, describes her experience of the 2013 Buddhafield Festival - and…
4-7-8 Breathing Exercise by GoZen
- This is a great breathing exercise for both adults and children to
help alleviate anxiety. Basic breathing exercises that encourage br…

46) Classical Italian
46) Classica italiana

II. Osservazione di Vedanā

B. Sezione sulle posture

Bhikkhus, un bhikkhu, mentre camminava, capisce: ’sto camminando’, o
Mentre sta in piedi, capisce: ‘Sto in piedi’, o mentre stai seduto
Capisce: ‘Sto seduto’, o mentre sdraiato capisce: ‘Io sono
sdraiarsi’. Oppure, in qualunque posizione il suo kāya è disposto, lui
Lo capisce di conseguenza.

Così abita ad osservare kāya in kāya
Internamente, o dimora osservando kāya in kāya esternamente, o dimora
Osservando kāya in kāya internamente ed esternamente; Egli dimora osservando
La samudaya dei fenomeni in kāya, o abita ad osservare il passaggio
Lontano di fenomeni in kāya, o si abita osservando il samudaya e
Passando di fenomeni in kāya; Altrimenti, [realizzando:] “questo è kāya!”
Sati è presente in lui, solo nella misura di mera ñāna e mera
Papostaissati, dimora distaccato, e non si aggrappa a niente
mondo. Così, bhikkhus, un bhikkhu abita osservando kāya in kāya.
Inline image 2
Ki No Kokyuho - breathing meditation - Standing

this video, Henry demonstrates standing breathing meditation (Ki No
Kokyuho) yoga techniques. Contact the Neighbourhood Learning Centre for
details of cou…
47) Classical Japanese



ビックフ、ビックフ、歩きながら、理解している: ‘私は歩いている’、または
立っている間、彼は理解している: ‘私は立っている’、または座っている間

kāyaの現象を追い払う。そうでなければ、[実現:] “これはkāyaです!”

Andrew Bush conducts a personal investigation into the two main
religions of Japan: Buddhism and Shintoism. This is the spiritual sequel
to “Kyudo:…

Inline image 3
2 Reincarnation in Human Evolution - The New Science of Darwinian Reincarnation.

Neurotheology 2 - This lecture by scientist and author Todd Murphy discusses “Darwinian Reincarnation”, a…
Javanese Music: Gamelan Nyai Saraswati (full album)

An Evening of Javanese Music and Dance April 26, 2009 Kenan Rehearsal Hall at University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
48) Classical Javanese
48) Klasik Jawa

II. Pengamatan Vedanā

B. Bagian postur

Bhikkhu, bhikkhu, nalika mlaku-mlaku, ngerti: ‘Aku mlaku-mlaku’, utawa
Nalika ngadeg, dheweke ngerti: ‘Aku ngadeg’, utawa nalika lungguh
Mangertos: ‘Aku lungguh’, utawa nalika ngobong dheweke mangerteni: ‘Aku
Lying mudhun ‘. Utawa liya, ing ngendi posisi kyai dibuwang, dheweke
Mangerteni iku sesuai.

Mangkono dheweke manggoni observasi kāya ing kāya
Njero, utawa manggon ngamatake kāya ing kāya njaba, utawa manggon
Ngemut kāya ing kāya secara internal lan eksternal; Panjenengane netepi angger-anggering Toret
Samudaya saka fénoména ing kāya, utawa dhèwèké dumunung ing ngalamuné
Adoh saka fénoména ing kāya, utawa dhèwèké ngupaya ngurusi samudaya lan
Ngliwati fénoména ing kāya; Utawa liya, [sadhar:] “iki kāya!”
Sati dumunung ana ing dheweke, mung dumadi saka āṇa lan wiyar
Paṭissati, dheweke manggon ing omah, lan ora nempel apa-apa ing
Donya. Mangkene, para bhikkhu, para bhikkhu manggoni kāya ing kāya.

or “pictures of floating worlds” were woodblock prints that became
wildly popular in 17th -19th century Japan. Emerging as a spontaneous
artistic development, they remain, to this day, as some of the most
well-known imagery…
Talking Book in Kannada - Buddha

story of Gautham Buddha, the founder of one of the major religions in
the world - Buddhism, it depicts his journey from a prince to an
enlightened being….
Ninasam Documentary 2015 | ನೀನಾಸಮ್ ದಾಖಲೀಕರಣ ೨೦೧೫

Documentation of Ninasam plays 2015 A project of Sanchi Foundation ® and Ninasam Visit: ನೀನಾಸಮ್ ನಾಟಕಗಳ ದಾಖಲೀಕರಣ ಯೋಜನೆ ೨೦೧೫ ಸಂಚಿ ಫೌಂಡ…
49) Classical Kannada

49) ಶಾಸ್ತ್ರೀಯ ಕನ್ನಡ

II. ವೇದಾನಾ ವೀಕ್ಷಣೆ

ಭಂಗಿಗಳ ಬಗ್ಗೆ ಬಿ ವಿಭಾಗ

ಭಿಕ್ಷುಸ್, ಭಿಕ್ಕು, ವಾಕಿಂಗ್ ಮಾಡುವಾಗ, ಅರ್ಥ: ‘ನಾನು ವಾಕಿಂಗ್’, ಅಥವಾ
ಅವನು ನಿಂತಿರುವ ಸಂದರ್ಭದಲ್ಲಿ ‘ನಾನು ನಿಂತಿರುವೆ’ ಅಥವಾ ಅವನು ಕುಳಿತುಕೊಳ್ಳುತ್ತಿದ್ದಾಗ
ಅರ್ಥ: ‘ನಾನು ಕುಳಿತಿದ್ದೇನೆ’ ಅಥವಾ ಮಲಗಿರುವಾಗ ಅವನು ಅರ್ಥಮಾಡಿಕೊಳ್ಳುತ್ತಾನೆ: ‘ನಾನು
ವಿರಮಿಸು’. ಇಲ್ಲವಾದರೆ, ಅವನ ಕಾಯವನ್ನು ಯಾವ ಸ್ಥಾನದಲ್ಲಿ ಇಡಬೇಕು, ಅವನು
ಅದಕ್ಕೆ ಅನುಗುಣವಾಗಿ ಅರ್ಥ.

ಹೀಗಾಗಿ ಆತ ಕಾಯಾದಲ್ಲಿ ಕಾಯಿಯನ್ನು ವೀಕ್ಷಿಸುತ್ತಾನೆ
ಆಂತರಿಕವಾಗಿ, ಅಥವಾ ಅವನು ಬಾಹ್ಯವಾಗಿ ಕಾಯಾದಲ್ಲಿ ಕಾಯಿಯನ್ನು ವೀಕ್ಷಿಸುತ್ತಾನೆ, ಅಥವಾ ಅವನು ವಾಸಿಸುತ್ತಾನೆ
ಆಂತರಿಕವಾಗಿ ಮತ್ತು ಬಾಹ್ಯವಾಗಿ ಕಾಯದಲ್ಲಿ ಕಾಯನನ್ನು ಗಮನಿಸಿ; ಅವರು ವೀಕ್ಷಿಸುತ್ತಿದ್ದಾರೆ
ಕಾಯಾದಲ್ಲಿ ವಿದ್ಯಮಾನಗಳ ಸಮಾಧಿ, ಅಥವಾ ಅವರು ಹಾದುಹೋಗುವಿಕೆಯನ್ನು ಗಮನಿಸುತ್ತಿದ್ದಾರೆ
ಕಾಯಾದಲ್ಲಿ ವಿದ್ಯಮಾನಗಳ ದೂರ, ಅಥವಾ ಅವನು ಸಮಾಧಾನವನ್ನು ವೀಕ್ಷಿಸುತ್ತಾ ಇರುತ್ತಾನೆ
ಕಾಯಾದಲ್ಲಿ ವಿದ್ಯಮಾನಗಳ ಹೊರಹೋಗುವಿಕೆ; ಅಥವಾ, [ಅರಿತುಕೊಂಡ:] “ಇದು ಕಾಯಾ!”
ಸತಿ ಕೇವಲ ñāṇa ಮತ್ತು ಕೇವಲ ಮಟ್ಟಿಗೆ ಕೇವಲ ಅವನಲ್ಲಿ ಇರುತ್ತಾನೆ
ಪಾಟಿಸ್ಟಾಟಿ, ಅವರು ಬೇರ್ಪಟ್ಟಿದ್ದಾರೆ, ಮತ್ತು ಏನನ್ನಾದರೂ ಅಂಟಿಕೊಳ್ಳುವುದಿಲ್ಲ
ಪ್ರಪಂಚ. ಹೀಗಾಗಿ, ಭಿಕ್ಷುಸ್, ಭಿಕು ಕಾಯದಲ್ಲಿ ಕಾಯನನ್ನು ಆಚರಿಸುತ್ತಿದ್ದಾರೆ.

Artificial Breathing techniques in Kannada by Dr Madhusudhan in SSNH davangere

Breathing techniques for nursing staff
Inline image 5

Cyber Operations and National Security: A Panel Discussion

Operations and National Security Thursday, October 20th at 4:30pm
Rockefeller 002 Operation Shady RAT. Stuxnet. Conficker. International
and National S…

2104 points and 110 comments so far on reddit

Declaration, signed by leaders of 41 delegations representing Islam,
Christianity, Buddhism, Judaism, Shinto, Taoism and Hinduism as well as
50) Classical Kazakh
50) Классикалық қазақ

II. Vedanā байқау

В. тұрақтылық бөлімі

Сонымен қатар,
Бхикхус, бхикху, жаяу жүріп, түсінеді: «мен жүремін», немесе
Тұрғанда ол түсінеді: «Мен тұрмын» немесе ол отырғанда
Түсінеді: «Мен отырамын», немесе жатып жатқан кезде ол түсінеді: «Менмін
Жатып жатырмыз. Немесе оның қай жерде орналасқандығына қарамастан, ол
Мұны тиісті түрде түсінеді.

Осылайша ол қиялда болуды қалайды
Ішкі, немесе ол сыртында сақталып қалады, немесе ол өмір сүреді
Ішкі және сыртқы түрлерде байқау; Ол бақылайды
Құдай құбылыстарының самадясы, немесе ол өтуді бақылайды
Құдай құбылыстарынан алыс, немесе ол самұдаяны байқап отырады
Құдай құбылыстарынан құтылу; Не болмаса, [іске асырады:] «бұл кая!»
Саты оған тек қана анавама және жай ғана дәрежеде қатысады
Ол, әрине, тұрып қалады және ештеңеге жабыспайды
Әлем. Осылайша, bhikkhus, bhikkhu тұрақтылықты байқайды.
Inline image 1
Inline image 3

the first place Murderer of democratic institution (Modi) gobbled the
Master Key by distorting, rigging and tampering the fraud EVMs (Evil
Voting Machines and won elections. They must not be recognised by any
one who believes in democracy and Universal Adult Franchise which is
being negated by these fraud EVMs that continue to rule.

does not have the capacity be a reformer  as he is not elected by the
mass voters by by the fraud EVMs. So he is not good at working
systematically to sort out the underlying problems holding the economy
back. Instead his reputation to find land for a particular factory or
expediting the construction of power station. modi is occupied by by
launching glitzy initiative on toilet construction.
Modi’s Demonetisation is not a sound policy lacked planning and unclear objectives which damaged the economy.
More erratic decision making  Modi aims to prove that he is doing something.
The lack of concentrated focus and strategy has meant that the country’s economy is currently growing at a slower pace.
Modi, in short is squandering a golden opportunity.

Modi is a hindtuva cult zealot disguised as economic reformer.He is more a chauvinist than an economist.
has created havoc in the booming beef-export business.The language used
after this is particularly strong and upset many of his supporters.

Debate on communal relations has astrophied.
cult thugs intimidate those who chide Modi for straying from the
country’s secular tradition or who advocate a less repressive approach
to protests in Kashmir.

This has happened in a n atmosphere where Modi himself has  become the object of a sychophantic personalty cult.

And the following is the result of his hindutva cult:

At The ‘Hindutva Cult Rashtra’ Conclave In Goa, An Open Call For Violence Against ‘Seculars’

Inline image 2

“The constitution is one that was written by Ram and Krishna.”

A rising star in the hindutva cult circuit, Sadhvi Saraswati was on fire
at the “hindutva cult rashtra” conclave, which is currently underway in Goa.

Not only did the self-appointed god woman spew venom against Muslims,
she made an open call for violence against  “seculars.”
The Sadhvi also said that hindutvaites should arm themselves to “save our women “

Saraswati said,
“Whoever harms cow or abuses the country can only be termed as our
enemy. Those politicians who are supporting the secularism in
the country and those who see it as a status symbol should be publicly
executed by the Murderers of democratic institutions (Modi). Protection of the cow is our duty. We should
apply the same laws which are applied for homicide cases against people
found butchering cattle.”

Saraswati also said, “Pehle Hindu ko hi Hindu banana hai
(first we need to convert a Hindu to Hindu) — that is our biggest
challenge today… They are in the garb of seculars… these seculars
are the first who will be attacked,” she said.

Over 100 right-wing groups are being hosted in Goa by the Hindu
Janajagriti Samiti, widely regarded as a fringe group. The objective of
the four-day long conclave is to establish a “Hindu Rashtra.” HJS burst
into limelight after the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) arrested
Virendrasing Tawde, a member, in connection with the murder of the
rationalist Narendra Dabholakar in Pune in 2013.

Shockingly, Sadhvi and Ramesh Shinde, the national spokesperson of
HJS, said that they would not be held back by the Constitution of India
in their efforts to establish a Hindutva Cult Rashtra. The Times of India quoted
them as saying, “The constitution is one that was written by Ram and
Krishna” and not by the Chief Architect of our Modern Constitution Dr BR

Before Buddha the
brahmins were not only eating beef but also horses after performing
ashvmega yaga.They were top traders who were exporting beef.  What has
to be done to the 1% intolerant, violent, militant shooting. lynching
lumatic and mentally retarded number 1 terrorists and horrorists of the
world the cannibal chitpavan brahmin RSS (Rakshasa Swayam Sevaks) for
their stealth, shadowy discriminatory hindutva cult. They consume milk
of the cows which is meant for their calves and all other mill products
only to accumulate fat and to become violent. Will they become Vegans.
Only Buddhism can bring welfare, happiness and peace for all societies.
The hinduva cult believes in brahmins as the 1st rate athmas, kasahtrias
as 2nd, vysias 3rd, shudras as 4th rate souls. And the aboriginal
inhabitants of Jambudvipa having no soul at all so that they could be
butchered. The Buddha never believed in any soul. He said all are equal.
Dr Ambedkar is his Modern Constitutions made provisions for everybody
to get educated which is prevented by manusmriti, Modern Constitution
says anybody can do trade and business while manuvad is for vysias,
Modern Constitution allows anybody to become rulers while manu says only
the kshatriyas must rule.Because of the modern constitution women have
the right to rule the country. Indira Gandhi became PM. This woman
sadhvi is shouting at the top of her voice only because of the Modern
Constitution. See what he says about women and SC/STs. Why will people
embrace such a cult. People of this country belong to one race and they
were Buddhists, are Buddhists and will continue to be Buddhists. Because
of the insult committed on the aboriginals by manuvad many embraced
Christianity,Islam, Sickhism and many other religions. But they are part
and parcel of this Great Jambuvipa. While the RSSised BJP (Bahuth
Jiyadha Psychopaths and all their chamchas, chelas, slaves, boot-lickers
and own mothers flesh eaters are for the rule of chitpavan brahmins by
the chitpavan brahmins and for the chitpavan brahmins.

[amdavadis4ever] How to Reduce the Risk of Mobile Phone Radiation!

Health Guidelines for Mobile Users

Scientists can’t seem to make up their mind about cell phones. Are they causing radiation? Yes. Is it harmful to us?

They aren’t sure. However, putting all their reports together, a pattern of tips and precautions becomes clear.


most important thing you need to know right away, is that the phone is
sometimes transmitting a stronger (and as such more hazardous) signal,
while at other times it will transmit very weakly or not at all. It’s a
good idea to know when that happens and when not, as to avoid causing
possible harm to yourself. Parents, take heed, as children are the most
susceptible to damage by radiation at their tender years of growth.

Here are some important tips to minimize exposure:

1. Keep some distance – Hold the cell phone away from body to the extent possible.


kāyaの現象を追い払う。そうでなければ、[実現:] “これはkāyaです!”

Andrew Bush conducts a personal investigation into the two main
religions of Japan: Buddhism and Shintoism. This is the spiritual sequel
to “Kyudo:…
Inline image 1
Inline image 3

the first place Murderer of democratic institution (Modi) gobbled the
Master Key by distorting, rigging and tampering the fraud EVMs (Evil
Voting Machines and won elections. They must not be recognised by any
one who believes in democracy and Universal Adult Franchise which is
being negated by these fraud EVMs that continue to rule.

does not have the capacity be a reformer  as he is not elected by the
mass voters by by the fraud EVMs. So he is not good at working
systematically to sort out the underlying problems holding the economy
back. Instead his reputation to find land for a particular factory or
expediting the construction of power station. modi is occupied by by
launching glitzy initiative on toilet construction.
Modi’s Demonetisation is not a sound policy lacked planning and unclear objectives which damaged the economy.
More erratic decision making  Modi aims to prove that he is doing something.
The lack of concentrated focus and strategy has meant that the country’s economy is currently growing at a slower pace.
Modi, in short is squandering a golden opportunity.

Modi is a hindtuva cult zealot disguised as economic reformer.He is more a chauvinist than an economist.
has created havoc in the booming beef-export business.The language used
after this is particularly strong and upset many of his supporters.

Debate on communal relations has astrophied.
cult thugs intimidate those who chide Modi for straying from the
country’s secular tradition or who advocate a less repressive approach
to protests in Kashmir.

This has happened in a n atmosphere where Modi himself has  become the object of a sychophantic personalty cult.

And the following is the result of his hindutva cult:

At The ‘Hindutva Cult Rashtra’ Conclave In Goa, An Open Call For Violence Against ‘Seculars’

Inline image 2

“The constitution is one that was written by Ram and Krishna.”

A rising star in the hindutva cult circuit, Sadhvi Saraswati was on fire
at the “hindutva cult rashtra” conclave, which is currently underway in Goa.

Not only did the self-appointed god woman spew venom against Muslims,
she made an open call for violence against  “seculars.”
The Sadhvi also said that hindutvaites should arm themselves to “save our women “

Saraswati said,
“Whoever harms cow or abuses the country can only be termed as our
enemy. Those politicians who are supporting the secularism in
the country and those who see it as a status symbol should be publicly
executed by the Murderers of democratic institutions (Modi). Protection of the cow is our duty. We should
apply the same laws which are applied for homicide cases against people
found butchering cattle.”

Saraswati also said, “Pehle Hindu ko hi Hindu banana hai
(first we need to convert a Hindu to Hindu) — that is our biggest
challenge today… They are in the garb of seculars… these seculars
are the first who will be attacked,” she said.

Over 100 right-wing groups are being hosted in Goa by the Hindu
Janajagriti Samiti, widely regarded as a fringe group. The objective of
the four-day long conclave is to establish a “Hindu Rashtra.” HJS burst
into limelight after the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) arrested
Virendrasing Tawde, a member, in connection with the murder of the
rationalist Narendra Dabholakar in Pune in 2013.

Shockingly, Sadhvi and Ramesh Shinde, the national spokesperson of
HJS, said that they would not be held back by the Constitution of India
in their efforts to establish a Hindutva Cult Rashtra. The Times of India quoted
them as saying, “The constitution is one that was written by Ram and
Krishna” and not by the Chief Architect of our Modern Constitution Dr BR

Before Buddha the
brahmins were not only eating beef but also horses after performing
ashvmega yaga.They were top traders who were exporting beef.  What has
to be done to the 1% intolerant, violent, militant shooting. lynching
lumatic and mentally retarded number 1 terrorists and horrorists of the
world the cannibal chitpavan brahmin RSS (Rakshasa Swayam Sevaks) for
their stealth, shadowy discriminatory hindutva cult. They consume milk
of the cows which is meant for their calves and all other mill products
only to accumulate fat and to become violent. Will they become Vegans.
Only Buddhism can bring welfare, happiness and peace for all societies.
The hinduva cult believes in brahmins as the 1st rate athmas, kasahtrias
as 2nd, vysias 3rd, shudras as 4th rate souls. And the aboriginal
inhabitants of Jambudvipa having no soul at all so that they could be
butchered. The Buddha never believed in any soul. He said all are equal.
Dr Ambedkar is his Modern Constitutions made provisions for everybody
to get educated which is prevented by manusmriti, Modern Constitution
says anybody can do trade and business while manuvad is for vysias,
Modern Constitution allows anybody to become rulers while manu says only
the kshatriyas must rule.Because of the modern constitution women have
the right to rule the country. Indira Gandhi became PM. This woman
sadhvi is shouting at the top of her voice only because of the Modern
Constitution. See what he says about women and SC/STs. Why will people
embrace such a cult. People of this country belong to one race and they
were Buddhists, are Buddhists and will continue to be Buddhists. Because
of the insult committed on the aboriginals by manuvad many embraced
Christianity,Islam, Sickhism and many other religions. But they are part
and parcel of this Great Jambuvipa. While the RSSised BJP (Bahuth
Jiyadha Psychopaths and all their chamchas, chelas, slaves, boot-lickers
and own mothers flesh eaters are for the rule of chitpavan brahmins by
the chitpavan brahmins and for the chitpavan brahmins.

[amdavadis4ever] How to Reduce the Risk of Mobile Phone Radiation!

Health Guidelines for Mobile Users

Scientists can’t seem to make up their mind about cell phones. Are they causing radiation? Yes. Is it harmful to us?

They aren’t sure. However, putting all their reports together, a pattern of tips and precautions becomes clear.


most important thing you need to know right away, is that the phone is
sometimes transmitting a stronger (and as such more hazardous) signal,
while at other times it will transmit very weakly or not at all. It’s a
good idea to know when that happens and when not, as to avoid causing
possible harm to yourself. Parents, take heed, as children are the most
susceptible to damage by radiation at their tender years of growth.

Here are some important tips to minimize exposure:

1. Keep some distance – Hold the cell phone away from body to the extent possible.

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2269 Mon 26 Jun 2017 LESSON Happy birthday to our grand son Pranay and all those who are born on auspicious Ramzan Day 26-6-2017! May all be happy, well and secure!! May all live long!!! May all be ever calm, quiet alert, attentive and have an equanimity mind with a clear understanding that everything is changing!!!! from Thaatha & Paati. image Ramadan Mubarak 2017 Greeting GIF II. Observation of Vedanā B. Section on postures in Classical Pāḷi,15) Classical Chichewa- Chikale cha Chichewa,16) Classical Chinese (Simplified)-古典中文(简体),17) Classical Chinese (Traditional)-古典中文(繁体),18) Classical Corsican- Corsa Corsa,19) Classical Croatian-Klasična hrvatska,20) Classical Czech-Klasická čeština,21) Classical Danish- Klassisk dansk,22) Classical Dutch- Klassiek Nederlands,24) Classical Esperanto- Klasika Esperanto,25) Classical Estonian-klassikaline eesti keel,26) Classical Filipino,27) Classical Finnish- Klassinen suomalainen,28) Classical French-français classique,29) Classical Frisian-Classical Frysk,30) Classical Galician-Clásico galego,31) Classical Georgian- Xeorxiano clásico,32) Classical German-Klassisch Deutsch,33) Classical Greek- Κλασσική Ελληνική,34) Classical Gujarati-ક્લાસિકલ ગુજરાતી,35) Classical Haitian Creole-Klasik kreyòl ayisyen,36) Classical Hausa,37) Classical Hawaiian-panina Hawaiian, 38) Classical Hebrew- עברית קלאסית 39) Classical Hindi- शास्त्रीय हिंदी,40) Classical Hmong,41) Classical Hungarian-Klasszikus magyar,43) Classical Igbo,44) Classical Indonesian-Bahasa Indonesia Klasik,
Filed under: General
Posted by: site admin @ 7:35 pm

2269 Mon 26 Jun 2017 LESSON

Happy birthday to our grand son Pranay and all those who are born on auspicious Ramzan Day 26-6-2017!
May all be happy, well and secure!!
May all live long!!!
all be ever calm, quiet alert, attentive and have an equanimity mind
with a clear understanding that everything is changing!!!!

from Thaatha & Paati.


Ramadan Mubarak 2017 Greeting GIF

II. Observation of Vedanā

B. Section on postures

in Classical Pāḷi,15) Classical Chichewa- Chikale cha Chichewa,16) Classical Chinese (Simplified)-古典中文(简体),17) Classical Chinese (Traditional)-古典中文(繁体),18) Classical Corsican- Corsa Corsa,19) Classical Croatian-Klasična hrvatska,20) Classical Czech-Klasická čeština,21) Classical Danish- Klassisk dansk,22) Classical Dutch- Klassiek Nederlands,24) Classical Esperanto- Klasika Esperanto,25) Classical Estonian-klassikaline eesti keel,26) Classical Filipino,27) Classical Finnish- Klassinen suomalainen,28) Classical French-français classique,29) Classical Frisian-Classical Frysk,30) Classical Galician-Clásico galego,31) Classical Georgian- Xeorxiano clásico,32) Classical German-Klassisch Deutsch,33) Classical Greek- Κλασσική Ελληνική,34) Classical Gujarati-ક્લાસિકલ ગુજરાતી,35) Classical Haitian Creole-Klasik kreyòl ayisyen,36) Classical Hausa,37) Classical Hawaiian-panina Hawaiian,
38) Classical Hebrew- עברית קלאסית

39) Classical Hindi- शास्त्रीय हिंदी,40) Classical Hmong,41) Classical Hungarian-Klasszikus magyar,43) Classical Igbo,44) Classical Indonesian-Bahasa Indonesia Klasik,

Buddha dance IISJ Grade 6A 2016
Can you find all the hidden faces? - Test your observation skills!

wonder if your observation skills are top notch? Go against the clock
and see how many faces you can find in this magical picture! I’ll give
you a tip, the…
15) Classical Chichewa
15) Chikale cha Chichewa

2268 Sun 25 Jun 2017 PHUNZIRO

II. Kuwunika Vedanā

B. Chigawo pa zochitika

Bhikkhus, bhikkhu, akuyenda, amamvetsa: ‘Ndikuyenda’, kapena
Pamene akuyimirira amamvetsa kuti: ‘Ine ndaimirira’, kapena pamene ndikukhala
Amamvetsa: ‘Ndakhala pansi’, kapena pogona pansi amamvetsa kuti: ‘Ndine
Kugona pansi ‘. Kapena ayi, pamalo aliwonse ake kāya akuchotsedwa, iye
Amamvetsa bwino.

Kotero akukhala akuyang’ana kāya mu kāya
Mkati mwake, kapena amakhala akuyang’ana kāya mu kāya kunja, kapena amakhala
Kuwona kāya mu kāya mkati ndi kunja; Iye amakhala akusamala
Samudaya wa phenomena mu kāya, kapena amakhala akuyang’ana kudutsa
Kutali kwa zochitika mu kāya, kapena amakhala akuyang’ana samudaya komanso
Kuchoka kwa zochitika mu kāya; Kapena ayi, [kuzindikira:] “ichi ndi kāya!”
Sati ali mwa iye, mpaka kufika pa ñāṇa ndi kumango
Paṭissati, iye amakhala osasunthika, ndipo sagwiritsitsa kanthu kalikonse
Dziko. Kotero, bhikkhus, bhikkhu amakhala ndikuyang’ana kāya ku kāya.
Buddhism China’s fastest growing religion - 300 millions already

Buddhism in china. It would be wonderful to see China as Buddhist country.
8 tai chi breathing exercises

Pei‐Yi Li developed these 8 Tai Chi Breathing Exercises. This routine
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eight body m…
16) Classical Chinese (Simplified)






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Chinese Shamanic Tiger Qigong — Excellent !!

Shamanic Tiger Qigong — Wonderful exercise. Also known as Laohu Gong.
The book on this routine is a remarkable gift to all Qigong
practitioners; is …
17) Classical Chinese (Traditional)





Dhamma(from Conversations on Buddhism)

would like to have pleasant feeling all the time but this is not
possible.If we can understand the causes of our different feelings it
will help us to hav…
18) Classical Corsican
18) Corsa Corsa

2268 dom 25 jun 2017 LESSON

II. Observazione di Vedanā

Sección B. nantu à i posture

I bhikkhus, un bhikkhu, mentre caminava, entende: “Sò cammendu”, o
Mentre era intendante, “I am standing ‘, o mentre èranu attaccatu
Entri: “Sugeraghju”, o mentri mentri l’omu entende: “I am
Ghjacia à manghjà. O altru, in questu postu u so kāya hè disponitu, ellu
Capisce cusì.

Hè cusì avà u catturare in Kāya
Internu, o quellu chì osserva a kāya in kāya esternamente, o questu
Observendu u kāya in kāya internamente è esterno; Quellu chì osserva
A samudaya di i fenomeni in a Kāya, o hà stese a manteniri u passageru
Alluntanatu di i fenomeni in Kāya, o omi stà à observà a samudaya è
Passendu i fenomeni in Kāja; O altru, [capiscia:] “questu hè Kāya!”
Sati hè prisente in ellu, solu à l’estensione di semplice ñāṇa è mera
Paṭissati, ùn hà micca ind’u stazzu, è ùn hè micca impastatu à nunda in u
Mondu. Cusì, i bhikkhus, a bhikkhu mestieri chì osserva a kāya in kāya.

19) Classical Croatian
19) Klasična hrvatska

2268 Sun 25 Jun 2017 LESSON

II. Promatranje Vedane

B. Odjeljak o položaju

Osim toga,
Bhikkhus, bhikkhu, hodajući, razumije: ‘Hodam’, ili
Dok stoji, razumije: ‘Ja stojim’ ili dok sjedim
Razumije: ‘Sjedim’ ili dok leži, razumije: ‘Ja sam
ležati’. Ili, u kojem položaju njegova kaya je zbrinuta, on
Razumije ga u skladu s tim.

Tako stanuje promatrajući kāya u kāya
Interno, ili prebiva u promatranju kāya u kāya izvana, ili prebiva
Promatrajući kāya in kāya interno i izvana; On živi promatrajući
Samudaya fenomena u kāya, ili on živi promatrajući prolaz
Daleko od pojava u kāya, ili on živi promatrajući samudayu i
Prolaženje fenomena u kāya; Ili drugo, [shvaćajući:] “ovo je kāya!”
Sat je prisutan u njemu, samo u mjeri u kojoj su samo ñāna i puk
Paṭissati, on živi odvojen, i ne drži se ničega u
svijet. Dakle, bhikkhus, bhikkhu prebiva promatrajući kāya u kāya.
Buddha yoga in Czech Republic
Czech Meditation - a 4K Slideshow with Relaxing Music

sleep, study or meditate to the beautiful sounds of serene music with
magnificent views of the Czech Republic. All photos are original and
were shot i…
Mission: Observation Skills

A fun “secret mission” type animation highlighting 5 skills of observation for more in-depth Bible reading and study.
20) Classical Czech
20) Klasická čeština

2268 Ne 25 Čer 2017 LEKCE

II. Pozorování Vedan

B. Sekce o postojích

Bhikkhus, bhikkhu při chůzi chápe: “Jdu pěšky”, nebo
Zatímco stojí, rozumí: “Stojím”, nebo když sedí
Rozumí: “Sedím”, nebo když leží, rozumí: “Já jsem
vleže’. Jinak v jakémkoli postavení jeho kāya je
Rozumí tomu odpovídajícím způsobem.

Proto přebývá pozorování kāya v kāyě
Vnitřně, nebo přebývá, když pozoruje kāya v kāya, nebo bydlí
Pozorování kāya in kāya interně a externě; On přebývá pozorování
Samudjaya jevy v kaya, nebo přebývá pozorování kolem
Odhalení jevů v kāji, nebo přebývá při pozorování samudských a
Propadnutí jevů v kāji; Nebo jinak, [uvede:] “toto je kāya!”
Sati je přítomen v něm, jen v rozsahu pouhého ñāṇa a pouhého
Paṭissati, žije odloučený a nedrží se na ničem
svět. Tak, bhikkhus, bhikkhu přebývá při pozorování kāya v kāya.
Conscious Breath Meditation

A sacred pause to restore. Location, Nurture Through Nature Retreat Center, Denmark, Maine, USA
21) Classical Danish
21) Klassisk dansk

2268 søn 25. juni 2017 LESSON

II. Observation af Vedanā

B. Sektion om stillinger

Bhikkhus, en bhikkhu, mens han går, forstår: ‘Jeg går’ eller
Mens han står, forstår han: “Jeg står” eller mens han sidder
Forstår: “Jeg sidder”, eller når han ligger ned, forstår han: “Jeg er
ligger ned’. Eller i hvilken stilling hans kāya er afsat, han
Forstår det i overensstemmelse hermed.

Således bor han iagttagelse af kāya i kāya
Internt, eller han bor iagttagelse af kāya i kāya eksternt, eller han bor
Observere kāya i kāya internt og eksternt Han bor iagttagelse
Samudaya af fænomener i Kāya, eller han bor iagttager passagen
Væk fra fænomener i kāya, eller han bor iagttagelse af samudaya og
Forbi fænomener i kāya; Ellers [realiserer:] “dette er kāya!”
Sati er til stede i ham, bare for så vidt bare ñāṇa og mere
Paṭissati, han bor løs, og klamrer sig ikke til noget i
verden. Således bor bhikkhus, en bhikkhu, der observerer kāya i kāya.
Horizon Zero Dawn – The making of the game (2017)

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sold more than 2….
Four Practical Buddhist Tips for Dealing with Negativity.

Posture 2. How we dress 3. Clothes off the floor 4. Doing
nothing—allowing gaps #walkthetalk May it be of benefit! For more: Walk
the Talk Show with Waylo…
22) Classical Dutch
22) Klassiek Nederlands

2268 zo 25 juni 2017 les

II. Observatie van Vedanā

B. Sectie op houdingen

Bhikkhus, een bhikkhu, terwijl hij loopt, begrijpt: ‘ik loop’, of
Terwijl hij zich bevindt, begrijpt hij: ‘Ik sta’ of terwijl hij zit
Begrijpt: ‘Ik zit’, of terwijl hij ligt, begrijpt hij: ‘Ik ben
liggen’. Of anders, in welke positie zijn kāya is geplaatst, hij
Begrijpt het dienovereenkomstig.

Zo verblijft hij kāya in kāya
Intern, of hij woont in het buitenland van kāya in kāya, of hij woont
Kāya in kāya intern en extern observeren; Hij woont het observeren
De samudaya van fenomenen in Kāya, of hij woont het passeren in acht te nemen
Weg van fenomenen in kāya, of hij woont de samudaya en
Overlijden van fenomenen in kāya; Of anders, [realiseren:] “dit is kāya!”
Sati is aanwezig in hem, alleen tot de mate van blote ñāṇa en blote
Paṭissati, hij woont losgelaten, en houdt zich niet vast aan iets in de
wereld. Dus, bhikkhus, woont een bhikkhu in het observeren van kāya in kāya.
Inline image 1
Nikko Buddhist Temple Observation

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HOW TO OBSERVE like Sherlock Holmes - 5 Hyper Observant Techniques

You will learn how to observe and think like Sherlock Holmes using 5 observation techniques used by the…

24) Classical Esperanto
24) Klasika Esperanto

2268 Sun 25 Jun 2017 LECIONO

Mondmilito. Observado de Vedanā

B. Sekcio sur sintenoj

bhikkhus, kiel Bhikkhu, dum piedirante komprenas: “Mi estas iranta”, aŭ
starante li komprenas: “Mi staras”, aŭ sidante li
komprenas: “mi sidas ‘, aŭ dum kusxemaj li komprenas:” Mi estas
kusxemaj ‘. Aŭ, en kiu ajn pozicio lia Kaya estas dispoziciita, li
komprenas ĝin laŭ tio.

Tiel li loĝas observi Kaya en Kaya
interne, aŭ li loĝas observi Kaya en Kaya ekstere, aŭ li loĝas
observi Kaya en Kaya internulino kaj ekstere; Li loĝas observado
la samudaya de fenomenoj en Kaya, aŭ li loĝas observi la forpaso
for de fenomenoj en Kaya, aŭ li loĝas observi la samudaya kaj
forpaso de fenomenoj en Kaya; aux, [rimarki:] “ĉi tiu estas Kaya!”
sati ĉeestas en li, nur por la amplekso de nura Nana kaj nura
paṭissati, li loĝas indiferenta, kaj ne gluiĝas al nenio en la
mondo. Tiel, bhikkhus, kiel Bhikkhu loĝas observi Kaya en Kaya.

Inline image 2…
Chakra Meditation Balancing & Healing presents a complete chakra balancing & healing session. Working from the base chakra up to the crown chakra usi…
Manali -Buddha temple - gurukulam

At Manali … Buddha temple . Feeling blessed…
Chakra Meditation Balancing & Healing presents a complete chakra balancing & healing session. Working from the base chakra up to the crown chakra usi…
25) Classical Estonian
25) klassikaline eesti keel

2268 P 25 juuni 2017 TUND

II. Vedanā vaatamine

B. Postide sektsioon

Lisaks sellele
Bhikkhus, bhikkhu, kõndides, mõistab: “ma kõnni” või
Seisates ta mõistab: “Ma seisan” või istub ta
Mõistab: “Ma olen istuv” või lamades ta mõistab: “Mina olen
pikali heitma’. Või muidu on ta oma asukohas oma kojas
Mõistab seda vastavalt.

Seega elab ta kyaas vaatamist
Sisemiselt või ta elab, kui jälgib mõnelt väliselt või elab
Jälgides kaia sisse nii sisemiselt kui ka väljastpoolt; Ta elab jälgides
Mõjus nähtuste samuudaias või ta elab mööda läinud
Nägemuste vältimine Kajas, või ta elab, jälgides samudaiat ja
Nähtuste kadumine mõisas; Või muidu, [realizing:] “see on kuja!”
Sati on temas olemas, ainult ulatuses, mis on ainult ñàṇa ja lihtsalt
Paťissati, ta elab lahti ja ei ole kinni midagi
Maailm. Seega, bhikkhus, elab bhikkhu, jälgides kasyas kaja.
Inline image 3
Around 8 symbols of Buddhism, Have a Sain New Year!

this year was productive for me. But kinda low on finance -feeling the
economic slow down here. Keeping the wealth is about managing one`s
border, langu…
Observation skills exercises 1

How good are you at observation?
Daloy Dance Company - Himalaya

A portmanteau of the Filipino words “himala” (miracle) and “laya”
(freedom), Himalaya is a stylized dance that depicts the flowing unity
between spi…
26) Classical Filipino

2268 Araw 25 Hunyo 2017 ARALIN

II. Pag-obserba ng Vedanā

B. Seksyon sa mga postura

At saka,
Bhikkhus, isang bhikkhu, habang naglalakad, nauunawaan: ‘Ako ay naglalakad’, o
Habang nakatayo siya nauunawaan: ‘Ako ay nakatayo’, o habang nakaupo siya
Naiintindihan: ‘Ako ay nakaupo’, o habang nakahiga ay naiintindihan niya: ‘Ako nga
nakahiga’. O iba pa, sa alinmang posisyon ang kanyang kaya ay itatapon, siya
Naiintindihan ito nang naaayon.

Sa gayon siya ay naninirahan sa pagmamasid sa kāya sa kāya
Sa loob, o siya ay naninirahan sa pagmamasid sa kāya sa kāya sa labas, o siya ay naninirahan
Pagmamasid sa kāya sa kāya sa loob at sa labas; Siya ay naninirahan
Ang samudaya ng mga phenomena sa kāya, o siya ay naninirahan observing ang pagpasa
Malayo sa mga phenomena sa kāya, o siya ay naninirahan observing ang samudaya at
Paglipas ng phenomena sa kāya; O iba pa, [napagtatanto:] “ito ay kya!”
Ang sati ay naroroon sa kanya, sa sukat lamang ng āṇa at lamang
Paṭissati, siya ay nanatiling hiwalay, at hindi kumapit sa anumang bagay sa
Mundo. Kaya, ang bhikkhus, isang bhikkhu ay naninirahan na nagmamasid sa kāya sa kāya.

Inline image 4
Atulyamati introduces the Triratna Buddhist Order - in Finnish

Atulyamati introduces the Triratna Buddhist Order - in Finnish…
Joe Dispenza - Observation is a skill

Background sound: Joe Dispenza Paying Atention
One Year Later… | Critical Role RPG Episode 95

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Buddha Kashyapa’s Relic in Finland

27) Classical Finnish
27) Klassinen suomalainen

2268 Su 25.6.2017 OPETUS

II. Vedanan havainnointi

B. Osa asentoista

Bhikkhus, bhikkhu kävellessään, ymmärtää: “Minä kävelen”, tai
Kun seisoo, hän ymmärtää: “minä olen seisova”, tai kun hän istuu
Ymmärtää: “Istun”, tai makaamassa hän ymmärtää: “Minä olen
maata’. Tai sitten, missä asennossa hänen kayasa on hävitetty, hän
Ymmärtää sen mukaisesti.

Näin hän asuu tarkkailemalla kāya kāyassa
Sisäisesti tai hän asuu tarkkailemalla kāya in kāya ulkoisesti, tai hän asuu
Observing kāya in kāya sisäisesti ja ulkoisesti; Hän asuu tarkkailemalla
Kāya-ilmiöiden samudaya, tai hän asuu tarkkailemassa kulkua
Pois ilmiöistä kāyassa, tai hän asuu tarkkailemalla samudayaa ja
Kāya-ilmiöiden poistaminen; Tai muuten, [realizing:] “tämä on kāya!”
Sati on läsnä hänessä, vain pelkästään ñāna ja pelkkä
Paṭissati, hän asuu irrallaan, eikä tartu mitään siihen
maailman. Siten bhikkhus, bhikkhu asuu havainnoimalla kāya in kāya.
Inline image 5
What place for Buddhism in secular France?

the Dalai Lama arrives in France for his first visit in five years,
AFPTV looks at the place Buddhism and its teachings hold in a society
that prides itse…
The Amazing Animated Portraits – GIFS Of Romain Laurent

And even more breathtaking photos you can find here: French photographer and director Romain Laurent s…
28) Classical French
28) français classique

2268 dim. 25 juin 2017 LEÇON

II. Observation de Vedanā

B. Section sur les postures

En outre,
Bhikkhus, un bhikkhu, en marchant, comprend: «Je marche», ou
Tout en restant debout, il comprend: «Je suis debout», ou en train d’être assis
Comprend: «Je suis assis”, ou lorsqu’il est allongé, il comprend: «Je suis
allongé’. Ou bien, dans n’importe quelle position, son kāya est disposé, il
Le comprend en conséquence.

Ainsi, il habite l’observation de kāya dans kāya
En interne, ou il s’habille en observant kāya dans kāya à l’extérieur, ou il habite
En observant kāya en kāya en interne et en externe; Il observe l’observation
Le samudaya des phénomènes dans kāya, ou il habite en observant le passage
Loin des phénomènes dans kāya, ou il vit observer les samudaya et
Passage de phénomènes dans kāya; Ou bien, [réalisant:] “c’est kāya!”
Sati est présent en lui, juste dans la mesure du simple ñāṇa et simplement
Paṭissati, il habite détaché, et ne s’accroche à rien dans le
monde. Ainsi, bhikkhus, un bhikkhu habite observant kāya dans kāya.
Inline image 6
Buddha Grass Harbour “No Hard Feelings”

29) Classical Frisian
29) Classical Frysk

2268 Sun 25 Jun 2017 les

II. Waarnimming fan Vedanā

B. Section op hâldings

bhikkhus, in bhikkhu, wylst kuierje, begrypt: ‘Ik bin rinne “, of
wylst standing hy begrypt: ‘Ik bin stean’, of wylst sitten er
begrypt: ‘Ik bin sit’, of wylst lizzen hy begrypt: ‘Ik bin
dellizze’. Of oars, yn Foar hokker posysje syn Kaya wurdt disposed, hy
ferstiet it accordingly.

Sa hy wennet observearjen fan kaya yn kaya
yntern, of hy wennet observearjen Kaya yn Kaya fan bûten, of hy wennet
observearjen fan Kaya yn Kaya yntern en ekstern; Hy wennet observearjen
de samudaya fan ferskynsels yn Kaya, of hy wennet observearjen fan it trochjaan
away fan ferskynsels yn Kaya, of hy wennet observeerje de samudaya en
fergean fan ferskynsels yn kaya; of oars, [realisearjen:] “dit is kaya!”
Sati is oanwêzich yn him, krekt nei de omfang fan mere nana en mere
paṭissati, hy wennet frijsteand, en net oanhingje neat yn ‘e
wrâld. Sa, bhikkhus, in bhikkhu wennet observearjen fan Kaya yn kaya

Inline image 7

30) Classical Galician
30) Clásico galego

2268 dom 25 xuño 2017 LECCIÓN

II. Observación de Vedanā

B. Sección sobre posturas

Bhikkhus, a bhikkhu, mentres camiña, entende: “Estou camiñando”, ou
Mentres está de pé, el entende: “Estou parado”, ou mentres está sentado
Entende: “Estou sentado”, ou mentres se deitada entende: “Eu son
Acostado ‘. Ou ben, en calquera posición que o seu kāya estea disposto, el
Entende isto en consecuencia.

Así habita observando kāya en kāya
Internamente, ou el vive observando kāya en kāya externamente, ou el habita
Observando kāya en kāya internamente e externamente; El vive observando
A samudaya de fenómenos en kāya, ou el observa o paso
Lonxe dos fenómenos en kāya, ou mora observando a samudaya e
Falecemento de fenómenos en kāya; Ou ben, [dito:] “¡isto é kāya!”
Sati está presente nel, só na medida do mero ñāṇa e mero
Paṭissati, el vive separado e non se aferra a nada no
Mundo. Así, bhikkhus, un bhikkhu mora observando kāya en kāya.
Why does everyone want to get married in a church and not at a Buddhist temple?(GDD-0271)

People like to have weddings in churches because they are simple, impressive and solemn. This type of…
31) Classical Georgian
31. კლასიკური ქართული

2268 Sun 25 ივნ 2017 ლექცია

II. ვედანა დაკვირვება

B. სექცია პოსტებზე

გარდა ამისა,
ბიკიხუ, ბიკიხი, ფეხით გასეირნება, ესმის: “მე ფეხით”, ან
როდესაც იდგა, მას ესმის: “ვდგავარ”, ან იჯდა იგი
ესმის: “მე ვზივარ”, ან ცრუობს ქვემოთ, რომ ესმის: “მე ვარ
ცრუობს “. ან სხვაგვარად, რომელი პოზიციაა მისი კაია განლაგებული, ის
მას ესმის.

ამგვარად, ის ცხოვრობს კაიაში კაიაში
შიგნით, ან ის ცხოვრობს კაიაში დაკვირვება კაიაში გარედან, ან ის ცხოვრობს
ქაიასა და გარეგნულად ის ცხოვრობს
ქაიაში ფენომენის სინდუაია, ან ის ცხოვრობს დამკვირვებლად
ქაიში ფენომენის მოშორება, ან ის ცხოვრობს სამუდისის დაცვაში
კაენში ფენომენის დაშორება; ან სხვა, [ხვდებიან:] “ეს არის კაია!”
სატი არის მასში, მხოლოდ ñāṇa და უბრალო
პატატისტი, ის ცხოვრობს, რომელიც არღვევს და არაფერს არ იღებს
მსოფლიოში. ამდენად, ბიკიხუს, ბჰიხუში ცხოვრობს კაიაში კაია დაკვირვება.

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0:22 / 9:53
Tao Ovarain Breathing (New German version 2010)

32) Classical German
32) Klassisch Deutsch

2268 So 25 Jun 2017 LEKTION

II. Beobachtung von Vedanā

B. Abschnitt über Haltungen

Bhikkhus, ein Bhikkhu, beim Gehen, versteht: “Ich gehe”, oder
Während er steht, versteht er: “Ich stehe”, oder beim Sitzen
Versteht: “Ich sitze”, oder beim Liegen versteht er: “Ich bin
hinlegen’. Oder sonst, in welcher Position seine Kāya ist, ist er
Versteht es entsprechend

So wohnt er und beobachtet kāya in kāya
Innerlich, oder er wohnt, kāya in kāya nach außen zu beobachten, oder er wohnt
Beobachtet kāya in kāya intern und extern; Er wohnt zu beobachten
Die samudaya von phänomenen in kāya, oder er wohnt, das vorüber zu beobachten
Weg von Phänomenen in Kāya, oder er wohnt, die Samudaya zu beobachten und
Vergehen von Phänomenen in Kāya; Oder sonst, [realisieren:] “das ist kāya!”
Sati ist in ihm vorhanden, nur in dem Ausmaß von bloßem und nurem
Paṭissati, er wohnt los, und klammert sich nicht an irgendetwas in der
Welt. So bhikkhus, ein Bhikkhu wohnt, kāya in kāya zu beobachten.
Inline image 9

A short video on the Indo-Greek kingdoms and their relationship to Buddhism.

10λεπτος διαλογισμός mindfulness.
33) Classical Greek
33) Κλασσική Ελληνική

2268 Κυρ 25 Ιουν 2017 ΜΑΘΗΜΑ

II. Παρατήρηση του Vedanā

Β. Τμήμα στάσεων

Επί πλέον,
Ο bhikkhus, ένας bhikkhu, ενώ περπατάει, καταλαβαίνει: ‘Περπαίνω’, ή
Ενώ στέκεται, καταλαβαίνει: «Στέκομαι», ή ενώ καθόταν
Καταλαβαίνει: «Καθίζω» ή όταν ξαπλώνει καταλαβαίνει: «Εγώ είμαι
ξαπλώνω’. Ή αλλιώς, σε όποια θέση διατίθεται το kaya του, αυτός
Το αντιλαμβάνεται ανάλογα.

Συνεπώς, κατοικεί παρατηρώντας το kāya στο kāya
Εσωτερικά, ή κατοικεί εξωτερικά παρατηρώντας το kāya στο kaya, ή κατοικεί
Παρατηρώντας το kāya in kāya εσωτερικά και εξωτερικά. Κατοικεί παρατηρώντας
Η samudaya των φαινομένων στο kaya, ή κατοικεί παρατηρώντας το πέρασμα
Μακριά από τα φαινόμενα στην kāya, ή κατοικεί παρατηρώντας τα samudaya και
Απομάκρυνση των φαινομένων στο kāya. Ή αλλιώς, [συνειδητοποιώντας:] “αυτό είναι kaya!”
Η σατί είναι παρούσα σ ‘αυτόν, μόνο στην έκταση της απλής ñāṇa και της απλής
Paṭissati, αυτός κατοικεί αποσπασμένος, και δεν προσκολλάται σε τίποτα στο
κόσμος. Έτσι, ο bhikkhus, ένας bhikkhu κατοικεί παρατηρώντας το kāya στο kāya.
Inline image 10

Sanghakaya foundation International Buddhist conference gandhinagar gujarat
34) Classical Gujarati
34) ક્લાસિકલ ગુજરાતી

2268 સન 25 જૂન 2017 પાઠ

II. વેદનાનું નિરીક્ષણ

B. મુદ્રાઓ પર વિભાગ

ભિક્ષુ, એક ભિક્હ, જ્યારે ચાલવું, સમજે છે: ‘હું ચાલું છું’, અથવા
સ્થાયી જ્યારે તે સમજે છે: ‘હું ઊભો છું’, અથવા જ્યારે તે બેસતો હતો
સમજે છે: ‘હું બેઠો છું’ અથવા તે બોલતી વખતે તે સમજે છે: ‘હું છું
આડો પડેલો’. અથવા બીજું, જે કોઈ પણ પોઝિશન તેના કાર્યોનું નિકાલ કરે છે, તે
તે મુજબ સમજે છે.

આમ તે ક્યામાં ક્યા અવલોકન કરતો રહે છે
આંતરિક રીતે, અથવા તે બાહ્ય રીતે કાયામાં ક્યા અવલોકન કરે છે, અથવા તે નિવાસ કરે છે
આંતરિક રીતે અને બાહ્ય કાર્યોમાં ક્યા અવલોકન; તે નિરીક્ષણમાં રહે છે
ક્યામાં અસાધારણ ઘટના છે, અથવા તે પસાર થવાનો નિરીક્ષણ કરે છે
ક્યામાં અસાધારણ ઘટના દૂર, અથવા તે સમૂદાય જોવાનું રહે છે અને
ક્યામાં અસાધારણ ઘટના પસાર થાય છે; અથવા બીજું, [અનુભૂતિની:] “આ ક્યા છે!”
સતી તેનામાં હાજર છે, માત્ર નિદ્રાની માત્રા સુધી અને માત્ર
પાશિસી, તે અલગ રહે છે, અને તેમાં કંઇપણ ચોંટે નહીં
દુનિયા. આમ, ભિક્ષુ, એક ભીખુ કશ્યમાં ક્યા અવલોકન કરે છે.

Inline image 11
Haitian Creole preeching enjoy #Zoelife

Go to for more videos and subscribe and spread the news my fellow haitian Americans and native haitians
35) Classical Haitian Creole
35) Klasik kreyòl ayisyen

2268 Solèy 25 Jun 2017 LESON

II. Obsèvasyon nan Vedanā

B. Seksyon sou posture

Anplis de sa,
bhikkhus, se yon bhikkhu, pandan y ap mache, konprann: ‘Mwen mache’, oswa
pandan y ap kanpe li konprann: ‘m’ap rete kanpe’, oswa pandan y ap chita li
konprann: ‘Mwen chita’, oswa pandan y ap kouche li konprann: ‘Se mwen menm ki
kouche ‘. Oswa lòt moun, nan kèlkeswa sa ki pozisyon se Kaya l ‘jete, li
konprann li kòmsadwa.

Se konsa, li rete obsève Kaya nan Kaya
intern, oswa li rete obsève Kaya nan Kaya deyò, oswa li rete
obsève Kaya nan Kaya andedan ak deyò; li rete obsève
samudaya nan fenomèn nan Kaya, oswa li rete obsève pase a
lwen nan fenomèn nan Kaya, oswa li rete obsève samudaya a ak
lontan ankò nan fenomèn nan Kaya; oswa lòt moun, [ka akonpli:] “sa a se Kaya!”
se prezan nan li, jis nan limit ki nan Nana sèlman ak
paṭissati, li rete detache, epi yo pa rete kole sou anyen nan la
lemonn. Kidonk, bhikkhus, se yon bhikkhu rete obsève Kaya nan Kaya.
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Google NYC Tech Talks: Crisis Response @ Google

Tech Talk July 9, 2013 (more info below) Presented by Alice
Bonhomme-Biais and Phil Coakley ABSTRACT When disaster strikes, people
increasingly turn t…
36) Classical Hausa

2268 Sun 25 Jun 2017 DARASIN

II. Kallo na Vedanā

B. Sashin kan postures

Bugu da ƙari,
bhikkhus, a bhikkhu, yayin tafiya, fahimta: ‘Ina tafiya’, ko
alhãli kuwa a tsaye ya fahimci: ‘ina tsaye’, ko a zaune ya
fahimci: ‘Ina zaune’, ko yayin kwance ya fahimci: ‘Ni
kwance ‘. Ko kuma, a duk matsayin da ya Kaya an zubar, ya
fahimci shi yadda ya kamata.

Ta haka ne ya yi kawaici lura Kaya a Kaya
ƙ, ko ya yi kawaici lura Kaya a Kaya externally, ko ya yi kawaici
lura Kaya a Kaya ƙ da externally. ya yi kawaici lura
da samudaya na mamaki a Kaya, ko ya yi kawaici lura da shigewar
tafi na mamaki a Kaya, ko ya yi kawaici lura da samudaya da kuma
rasuwar mamaki a Kaya. ko kuma, [farga:] “wannan shi ne Kaya!”
sati ne ba a shi, kawai zuwa har na mere Nana da mere
paṭissati, ya zaune ware, kuma ba a jingina zuwa ga wani abu a cikin
duniya. Saboda haka, bhikkhus, a bhikkhu zaune lura Kaya a Kaya.
Inline image 13
Buddha Vision 88 Buddhist Science by TS Abeywickrama

word science is used in the sense of organised knowledge, acquired by
observation and testing of facts or data through experiments.
Etymologically, the w…
37) Classical Hawaiian
37) panina Hawaiian

2268 Sun 25 Jun 2017 Aula

II. Kilo o Vedanā

B. Section ma kulou

Eia kekahi,
bhikkhus, he bhikkhu, ana hele, maopopo: ‘au e hele’, a
oiai e ku ana oia i ka hoomaopopo: ‘Ke ku nei au’, a oiai e noho ana oia
ka hoomaopopo: ‘au e noho nei au’, a oiai moe iho la oia i ka hoomaopopo: ‘Owau no
moe ana ia ‘. A hiki ole, ma whichever kulana o kona kāya ua manaʻo,ʻo ia
ka hoomaopopo ia pela.

Pela oia i noho nānā kāya ma kāya
i loko o, a mea, ke noho ka malama ana kāya ma kāya externally, a me ka mea e noho
nānā kāya ma kāya i loko o a externally; ka mea, e noho nānā
ka samudaya oʻike manaʻo i loko o kāya, a me ka mea e noho ana ka malama ana i ka hala
aku o kaʻike manaʻo i loko o kāya, a me ka mea e noho ana ka malama ana i ka samudaya, a
hele ana aku o kaʻike manaʻo i loko o kāya; ai ole, ea, [hoʻomaopopo:] “keia mea kāya!”
sati mea i loaʻa i loko ona, e like me ka nui o maula Nana a me maula
paṭissati,ʻo ia ke noho nei Hoʻokaʻawale, a aole e hoopili aku ia i kekahi mea i loko o ka
honua. Penei, bhikkhus, he bhikkhu noho nānā kāya ma kāya.

Inline image 14

Searching for authentic and sacred Jewish meditations and breathing techniques? Harav Ginsburgh teaches…

38) Classical Hebrew
38) עברית קלאסית

2268 ראשון 25 יוני 2017 LESSON

II. תצפית על וידאנה

ב. סעיף על תנוחות

יתר על כן,
Bhikkhus, bhikkhu, תוך כדי הליכה, מבין: “אני הולך”, או
בעוד הוא עומד מבין: ‘אני עומד’, או כשהוא יושב
מבין: “אני יושב”, או בזמן שהוא שוכב הוא מבין: “אני
שוכב’. או, בכל מקום שבו הקאיה שלו נפטר, הוא
מבין זאת בהתאם.

כך הוא מתבונן בקאיה בקאיה
פנימי, או שהוא מתבונן בקאיה בחוץ, או שוכן
התבוננות בקאיה בקאיה פנימית וחיצונית; הוא מתבונן
את samudaya של תופעות kaya, או שהוא שוכן התבוננות עובר
הרחק מהתופעות בקאיה, או שהוא מתבונן בסמודיא
עוברים מתופעות בקאיה; או, [realising:] “זה קאיה!”
סאטי נמצא בו, רק עד כדי כך בלבד
פאיסטי, הוא מנותק, ואינו נאחז בשום דבר
עוֹלָם. לכן, bhikkhus, bhikkhu שוכנת kaya בקיה.
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लिया जाए तो मन अपने आप शांत होने लगता है| यह Guided Meditation Audio
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39) Classical Hindi
39) शास्त्रीय हिंदी

2268 रवि 25 जून 2017 पाठ

द्वितीय। वेदान का निरीक्षण

बी आसन पर अनुभाग

इसके अलावा,
भिक्खु, एक भक्तू, चलते समय, समझता है: ‘मैं चल रहा हूं’, या
खड़े होने पर वह समझता है: ‘मैं खड़ा हूं’, या जब वह बैठता है
समझता है: ‘मैं बैठी हूं’, या झूठ बोलने के दौरान वह समझता है: ‘मैं हूं
लेटना’। वरना, जो भी स्थिति में उसका काम निपटारा हो, वह
तदनुसार इसे समझता है।

इस प्रकार वह कया में कया को देखकर निवास करता है
आंतरिक रूप से, या वह बाहरी में कया में कया देखता रहता है, या वह निवास करता है
आंतरिक और बाह्य रूप में काया में कया देख रहा है; वह देखता रहता है
काया में घटना की समूदाया, या वह पासिंग का निरीक्षण करता है
कया में घटनाओं से दूर, या वह समूदाया देखता रहता है और
काया में घटनाओं की मृत्यु; या अन्य, [साकार:] “यह कया है!”
सती उस में मौजूद है, सिर्फ मात्र और सिर्फ मात्र की सीमा तक
पाषासी, वह अलग रहती है, और में कुछ भी नहीं चिपटना
विश्व। इस प्रकार, भिक्खु, एक भक्तु काया में कया देखता रहता है।
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How to Practice the Buddhist Path While Living in Samsara

40) Classical Hmong

2268 hnub 25 Jun 2017 ZAJ KAWM

II. Soj ntawm Vedanā

B. Section rau postures

Tsis tas li ntawd,
bhikkhus, ib tug bhikkhu, thaum taug kev, to taub: ‘Kuv taug kev, los yog
thaum sawv nws to taub: ‘Kuv sawv’, los yog thaum zaum nws
to taub: ‘Kuv zaum’, los yog thaum pw nws to taub: ‘Kuv yog
pw ‘. Los yog lwm tus, nyob rau hauv seb qhov twg txoj hauj lwm nws Kaya yog pov tseg, nws
to taub nws raws li.

Yog li nws phem tsom kwm Kaya nyob rau hauv KAYA
hauv, los yog nws phem tsom kwm Kaya nyob rau hauv Kaya externally, los yog nws phem
tsom kwm Kaya nyob rau hauv Kaya hauv lawv thiab externally; nws phem tsom kwm
lub samudaya ntawm phenomena nyob rau hauv Kaya, los yog nws phem tsom kwm dhau
deb ntawm phenomena nyob rau hauv Kaya, los yog nws phem tsom kwm tus samudaya thiab
dua deb ntawm phenomena nyob rau hauv Kaya; los yog lwm tus, [realizing:] “qhov no yog Kaya!”
sati yog tam sim no nyob rau hauv nws, cia li mus raws li ntawm mere Nana thiab mere
paṭissati, nws phem detached, thiab tsis lo rau tej yam nyob rau hauv lub
ntiaj teb no. Yog li, bhikkhus, ib tug bhikkhu phem tsom kwm Kaya nyob rau hauv Kaya.
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Sprawdzian na spostrzegawczość - An observation skills test

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równie nieprzew…
41) Classical Hungarian
41) Klasszikus magyar

2268 V. június 25. 2017 LESSON

II. A vedanai megfigyelése

B. A testhelyzetekre vonatkozó szakasz

Bhikkhus, a bhikkhu, miközben sétál, megérti: “járok” vagy
Közben állva megérti: “Állok”, vagy ülve
Megérti: “ülök”, vagy lefekvés közben megérti: “Én vagyok
lefekvés’. Vagy másképp, akármelyik pozícióban van a kája elrendelve, ő
Megérti ennek megfelelően.

Így lakik megfigyelni a káyát káyában
Belsőleg, vagy a káya megfigyelését káya-ban megfigyelheti kívülről, vagy lakik
Kāya in kāya belső és külső megfigyelése; Ő figyel
A káya-i jelenségek samudájája, vagy az áthaladás megfigyelésében lakik
Távol a jelenségek kāya, vagy ő lakik figyeli a samudaya és
A kāya jelenségeinek elmúlása; Vagy pedig: “ez a káya!”
Óra van jelen benne, csak puszta ñāṇa és puszta mértékig
Paṭissati, ott lakik, és nem ragaszkodik semmihez
világ. Így bhikkhus, egy bhikkhu lakik megfigyelve kāya in kāya.
Inline image 18…

Progressive Muscle Relaxation- for kids and adults!

you are stressed or tense, this is a great and fun way to relax! ***No
Copyright Infringement intended.*** I do not own this script. “Copyright

43) Classical Igbo

II. Observation nke Vedanā

B. Nkebi na kpee

bhikkhus, a bhikkhu, mgbe na-eje ije, na-aghọta: ‘M na-eje ije’, ma ọ bụ
mgbe guzo ọ na-aghọta: ‘Ana m eguzo’, ma ọ bụ mgbe ọ nọ ọdụ na ọ
na-aghọta: ‘M na ọdụ’, ma ọ bụ mgbe ha dina ala ọ na-aghọta: ‘Abụ m
dina ala ‘. Ma ọ bụ ọzọ, na bụla ọnọdụ ya kāya na-ewekarị, o
na-aghọta ya kwekọrọ na ya.

N’ihi ya o bi edebe kāya na kāya
internally, ma ọ bụ o bi edebe kāya na kāya externally, ma ọ bụ o bi
edebe kāya na kāya internally na externally; o bi edebe
na samudaya nke phenomena na kāya, ma ọ bụ o bi edebe agafe
pụọ nke phenomena na kāya, ma ọ bụ o bi edebe samudaya na
agabiga nke phenomena na kāya; ma ọ bụ ọzọ, [ifiọkde:] “nke a bụ kāya!”
sati bụ ugbu a na ya, dị nnọọ ruo n’ókè nke mere Nana na mere
paṭissati, o bi mmasị, na anaghị jidesienụ ihe ọ bụla na
ụwa. N’ihi ya, bhikkhus, a bhikkhu bi edebe kāya na kāya.
Inline image 19

Buddhist Culture 2011, Yayasan Satipatthana Indonesia (Yasati), Bacom, Puncak

Budhist Culture, Yasati, ISMC, Bacom, Puncak, Indonesia June 2011
Meditation Relaxing Music Beautiful Indonesian Paddy #01

Meditation Relaxing Music Beautiful Indonesian Paddy. have a possitive motivating in a relaxed moment.
44) Classical Indonesian
44) Bahasa Indonesia Klasik

II. Pengamatan Veda

B. Seksi postur

Bhikkhu, seorang bhikkhu, sambil berjalan, mengerti: ‘Saya sedang berjalan’, atau
Sambil berdiri dia mengerti: ‘Saya berdiri’, atau saat duduk dia
Mengerti: ‘Saya sedang duduk’, atau saat berbaring dia mengerti: ‘Saya
berbaring’. Atau, di mana posisi kyaya dibuang, dia
Mengerti itu sesuai

Jadi dia tinggal mengamati kāya di kāya
Secara internal, atau dia tinggal mengamati kāya di kāya secara eksternal, atau dia tinggal
Mengamati kāya di kāya secara internal dan eksternal; Dia berdiam mengamati
Samudaya fenomena di kāya, atau dia berdiam mengamati kelulusannya
Jauh dari fenomena di kāya, atau dia berdiam mengamati samudaya dan
Melewati fenomena di kāya; Atau lagi, [menyadari]: “ini kāya!”
Sati hadir di dalam dirinya, hanya sebatas ñāṇa belaka dan semata
Paṭissati, dia tinggal terpisah, dan tidak berpegang pada apapun di
dunia. Jadi, para bhikkhu, seorang bhikkhu tinggal mengamati kāya di kāya

0:27 / 5:45
First ride yamaha fz-16 (yamaha Byson Indonesian)

sorry so bad this camera..
Inline image 20

0:27 / 5:45
First ride yamaha fz-16 (yamaha Byson Indonesian)

sorry so bad this camera..
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2268 Sun 25 Jun 2017 LESSON II. Observation of Vedanā B. Section on postures in Classical Pāḷi, 23) Classical English,2) Classical Afrikaans- Klassieke Afrikaans,3) Classical Albanian- Klasike Shqiptare,4) Classical Amharic-ጥንታዊ አማርኛ,5) Classical Arabic- العربية الكلاسيكية 6) Classical Armenian- Դասական հայերեն,7) Classical Azerbaijani- Klassik azərbaycanlı,8) Classical Basque-Euskal klasikoa,9) Classical Belarusian-Класічная беларуская,10) Classical Bengali- ক্লাসিক্যাল বাংলা,11) Classical Bosnian-Klasični bosanski,12) Classical Bulgarian- Класически български,13) Classical Catalan- Català clàssic,14) Classical Cebuano-Cebuano clàssic,
Filed under: General
Posted by: site admin @ 10:23 pm

2268 Sun 25 Jun 2017 LESSON

II. Observation of Vedanā

B. Section on postures
in Classical
Pāḷi, 23) Classical English,2) Classical Afrikaans- Klassieke Afrikaans,3) Classical Albanian- Klasike Shqiptare,4) Classical Amharic-ጥንታዊ አማርኛ,5) Classical Arabic- العربية الكلاسيكية
6) Classical Armenian- Դասական հայերեն,7) Classical Azerbaijani- Klassik azərbaycanlı,8) Classical Basque-Euskal klasikoa,9) Classical Belarusian-Класічная беларуская,10) Classical Bengali- ক্লাসিক্যাল বাংলা,11) Classical Bosnian-Klasični bosanski,12) Classical Bulgarian- Класически български,13) Classical Catalan- Català clàssic,14) Classical Cebuano-Cebuano clàssic,

Tipitaka network … his life, his acts, his words  sabbe satta bhavantu sukhi-tatta


    Brief historical background

   Sutta Pitaka
   Vinaya Pitaka
   Abhidhamma Pitaka

     Twelve Divisions of Buddhist Canons

Nine Divisions of Buddhist Canons

Sutta Piṭaka
— The basket of discourses —Mahāsatipaṭṭhāna Sutta (DN 22) {excerpt} - all infobubbles— Attendance on awareness —Kāyānupassanā
>> Sutta Piṭaka >> Digha Nikāya

DN 22 - (D ii 290)
Mahāsatipaṭṭhāna Sutta
— Attendance on awareness —
[ mahā+satipaṭṭhāna ]

This sutta is widely considered as a the main reference for meditation practice.

Note: infobubbles on all Pali words



I. Kāyānupassanā
   A. Ānāpāna Pabba
   B. Iriyāpatha Pabba
   C. Sampajāna Pabba
   D. Paṭikūlamanasikāra Pabba
   E. Dhātumanasikāra Pabba
   F. Navasivathika Pabba

II. Vedanānupassanā

B. Iriyāpatha Pabba

ca·paraṃ, bhikkhave, bhikkhu gacchanto vā ‘gacchāmī’ ti pajānāti, ṭhito
vā ‘ṭhitomhī’ ti pajānāti, nisinno vā ‘nisinnomhī’ ti pajānāti, sayāno
vā ‘sayānomhī’ ti pajānāti. Yathā yathā vā pan·assa kāyo paṇihito hoti,
tathā tathā naṃ pajānāti. 

Iti ajjhattaṃ vā kāye kāyānupassī
viharati, bahiddhā vā kāye kāyānupassī viharati, ajjhatta-bahiddhā vā
kāye kāyānupassī viharati; samudaya-dhamm·ānupassī vā kāyasmiṃ viharati,
vaya-dhamm·ānupassī vā kāyasmiṃ viharati, samudaya-vaya-dhamm·ānupassī
vā kāyasmiṃ viharati; ‘atthi kāyo’ ti vā pan·assa sati paccupaṭṭhitā
hoti, yāvadeva ñāṇa·mattāya paṭissati·mattāya,{1} a·nissito ca viharati,
na ca kiñci loke upādiyati. Evam·pi kho, bhikkhave, bhikkhu kāye
kāyānupassī viharati. 



I. Observation of Kāya
   A. Section on ānāpāna
   B. Section on postures
   C. Section on sampajañña
   D. Section on repulsiveness
   E. Section on the Elements
   F. Section on the nine charnel grounds
Mindfulness Practice: observing sensation, emotions and thoughts in a non-jugdgemental way.

Within the practice of mindfulness, thoughts and feelings are observed as events in the mind, without…

II. Observation of Vedanā

B. Section on postures

bhikkhus, a bhikkhu, while walking, understands: ‘I am walking’, or
while standing he understands: ‘I am standing’, or while sitting he
Mindfulness Practice: observing sensation, emotions and thoughts in a non-jugdgemental way.

Within the practice of mindfulness, thoughts and feelings are observed as events in the mind, without…
understands: ‘I am sitting’, or while lying down he understands: ‘I am
lying down’. Or else, in whichever position his kāya is disposed, he
understands it accordingly. 

Thus he dwells observing kāya in kāya
internally, or he dwells observing kāya in kāya externally, or he dwells
observing kāya in kāya internally and externally; he dwells observing
the samudaya of phenomena in kāya, or he dwells observing the passing
away of phenomena in kāya, or he dwells observing the samudaya and
passing away of phenomena in kāya; or else, [realizing:] “this is kāya!”
sati is present in him, just to the extent of mere ñāṇa and mere
paṭissati, he dwells detached, and does not cling to anything in the
world. Thus, bhikkhus, a bhikkhu dwells observing kāya in kāya.
Psybient Greatest Anthems All Time Mix (+ Animated 16Bit Sci-Fi Visuals)