Free Online FOOD for MIND & HUNGER - DO GOOD 😊 PURIFY MIND.To live like free birds 🐦 🦒 πŸ¦… grow fruits 🍍 🍊 πŸ₯‘ πŸ₯­ πŸ‡ 🍌 🍎 πŸ‰ πŸ’ πŸ‘ πŸ₯ vegetables πŸ₯¦ πŸ₯• πŸ₯— πŸ₯¬ πŸ₯” πŸ† πŸ₯œ πŸŽƒ πŸ«‘ πŸ…πŸœ πŸ§… πŸ„ 🍝 πŸ₯— πŸ₯’ 🌽 🍏 πŸ«‘ 🌳 πŸ“ 🍊 πŸ₯₯ 🌡 🍈 🌰 πŸ‡§πŸ‡§ 🫐 πŸ… 🍐 πŸ«’Plants 🌱in pots πŸͺ΄ along with Meditative Mindful Swimming πŸŠβ€β™‚οΈ to Attain NIBBΔ€NA the Eternal Bliss.
Kushinara NIBBΔ€NA Bhumi Pagoda White Home, Puniya Bhumi Bengaluru, Prabuddha Bharat International.

February 2012
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01 03 2012 LESSON 540 The Dhammapada Verses and Stories Dhammapada Verses 87 88 89 Pancasata Agantukabhikkhu Vatthu Those Who Follow The Dhamma Are Liberated Purify Your mind Arahats Are Beyond Worldliness
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Posted by: site admin @ 11:33 pm

01 03 2012 LESSON 540
The Dhammapada Verses and Stories Dhammapada Verses 87 88 89
Agantukabhikkhu Vatthu
Those Who Follow The
Dhamma Are Liberated
Purify Your mind Arahats Are Beyond Worldliness



a Sutta a Day Keeps Dukkha Away

Caravan of Phule-Shahu-Ambedkar-Kanshiram is successfully taken ahead by Bahen
Mayawati Ji all over India. Plz support national and state leadership of this
movement and defeat anti-movement elements to reach our ultimate goal. Don’t
get carried away with different banners in Maharashtra and other parts. We have
to follow our leader Bahenji and her appointed state local leaders.Victory is
ours. Have faith in capturing political Master Key and make PraBuddha Bharath.
JaiBheem! Jai Kanshiram! –DR. Rahul BSP

is successfully taken ahead by Bahen Mayawatiji.
Plz support National & State leadership of this
movement to acquire MASTER KEY.

Verse 87. Liberation Through Discipline

Abandoning the dhammas dark
the wise should cultivate the bright,
having from home to homeless gone
in solitude unsettling.

Explanation: The wise person abandons fully and totally those
tainted views and questionable ways of behaviour and moves away from
the known comforts of lay life into the unfamiliar way of life of
the renunciate. He practises virtue conducive to the achievement of

Verse  88. Purify Your mind

Let them desire that rare delight
renouncing pleasures, owing nought,
those wise ones should cleanse themselves
from all defilements of the mind.

Explanation: He takes interest in
liberation. He gives up all preferences for sensualities. This way, he is
without any possessions. The wise person proceeds to cleanse his mind from
those defilements that blemish the mind.


Verse 89. Arahats Are Beyond Worldliness

Those who come to Wakening
with mind full-cultivated,
delight, no longer clinging,
in relinquishing attachment:
they, without pollution, radiant,
in this world have reach Nibbana.

Explanation: There are those wise
individuals who have practiced extremely well the factors conducive to the
attainment of liberation. They do not cling to anything emotionally or
mentally. They are opposed to the tendency to be greedy and grasping, They
take delight in non-grasping. They, the shining ones, who are totally
bereft of blemishes, have attained liberation in this world itself.



Dhammapada Verses 87, 88 and 89
Pancasata Agantukabhikkhu Vatthu

Kanham dhammam
sukkam bhavetha pandito
oka anokamagamma1
viveke2 yattha duramam.

hitva kame akincano3
pariyodapeyya attanam
cittaklesehi4 pandito.

samma cittam subhavitam
anupadaya ye rata
khinasava6 jutimanto7
te loke parinibbuta.8

Verses 87 & 88: The man of wisdom,
leaving the home of craving and having Nibbana as his goal, should give up
dark, evil ways and cultivate pure, good ones. He should seek great delight
in solitude, detachment and Nibbana, which an ordinary man finds so difficult
to enjoy. He should also give up sensual pleasures, and clinging to nothing,
should cleanse himself of all impurities of the mind.

Verse 89: Those, with mind well-developed in
the seven Factors of Enlightenment (bojjhanga), having rid themselves of all
craving, rejoice in their abandonment of attachment. Such men, with all moral
intoxicants eradicated, and powerful (with the light of Arahatta Magganana),
have realized Nibbana in this world (i.e., with Khandha aggregates

1. oka anakamagamma; lit., having
gone from home to the homeless. In this context interpreted as leaving the
seat of craving and having Nibbana as a goal.

2. viveke: solitude, detachment,

3. akincano: lit., having nothing;
clinging to nothing. (The term kincana may include any of the kilesas
or defilements such as passion, ill will, ignorance, etc; it also means
clinging or attachment to the world.)

4. cittaklesehi: citta kilesa:
impurities of the mind.

5. sambodhiyangesu: sambojjhanga: the
Factors of Enlightenment or requisites for attaining Magga Insight.

6. khinasava: one in whom human
passions are extinguished; an arahat.

7. jutimanta: one endowed with the
power of Arahatta Magganana.

8. te loke parinibbuta: the
realization of Nibbana in the realm of the five aggregates (khandhas), or in
other words, in this world. But according to the Commentary, in this context,
both Sa-upadisesa and Anupadisesa Nibbana are meant. Sa-upadisesa
or Kilesa Nibbana is Nibbana with groups of existence or khandhas
remaining; it is realized by an arahat on the attainment of arahatship. Anupadisesa
or Khandha Nibbana is Nibbana without groups of existence or khandhas
remaining. It takes place on the death of an arahat.

The Story of Five Hundred Visiting Bhikkhus

While residing at the Jetavana monastery,
the Buddha uttered Verses (87), (88) and (89) of this book, with reference to
five hundred visiting bhikkhus.

Five hundred bhikkhus who had spent the
vassa in Kosala came to pay homage to the Buddha at the Jetavana monastery,
at the end of the vassa.

The Buddha uttered
the following three verses to suit their various temperaments:

Verses 87 & 88: The man of wisdom,
leaving the home of craving and having Nibbana as his goal, should give up
dark, evil ways and cultivate pure, good ones. He should seek great delight
in solitude, detachment and Nibbana, which an ordinary man finds so
difficult to enjoy. He should also give up sensual pleasures, and clinging
to nothing, should cleanse himself of all impurities of the mind.


Verse 89: Those, with mind well-developed
in the seven Factors of Enlightenment (bojjhanga), having rid themselves of
all craving, rejoice in their abandonment of attachment. Such men, with all
moral intoxicants eradicated, and powerful (with the light of Arahatta
Magganana), have realized Nibbana in this world (i.e., with Khandha
aggregates remaining).

End of Chapter Six: The Wise (Panditavagga)

conducted by  FREE
ONLINE eNālandā Research & Practice UNIVERSITY!

Voting started  in 6th phase
of UP elections
Polling for the sixth
phase of UP assembly elections covering 68 seats spread
over 13 districts.
in Noida, Dadri and Jewar assembly seats in Gautam Budhh Nagar was going on
In Chief
Minister Mayawati’s native Badalpur village, farmers had lined up to cast their
vote. BSP has fielded Satvir Gujjar sitting MLA from here .
In Noida,
which has become an assembly seat for the first time, residents seemed
enthusiastic. Earlier Noida was part of Dadri assembly seat and rural voters
used to decide the winning pattern here.
is underway in assembly seats in Saharanpur, Prabuddha Nagar, Meerut, Bagpath,
Ghaziabad, Panchsheel Nagar, Gautam Buddha Nagar, Bulandshahr, Aligarh,
Muzaffarnagar, Mathura, Mahamayanagar and Agra.
is underway in assembly seats in Saharanpur, Prabuddha Nagar, Meerut, Bagpath,
Ghaziabad, Panchsheel Nagar, Gautam Buddha Nagar, Bulandshahr, Aligarh,
Muzaffarnagar, Mathura, Mahamayanagar and Agra.
More than
2.17 crore voters are expected to cast their votes to decide the fate of 1103
including 86 women.
said that polling was being held at 22,137 polling stations at 12181 centres,
of which 3188 centres and 4892 stations have been marked as sensitive.
To keep a
tight vigil on polling process, 1015 video cameras and 2353 digital cameras
have been installed.

In the 2007 assembly polls, 46.58 per cent votes were
polled for 67 seats of which BSP got 35,Now it will win 51 seats.
60 per cent turnout in
6th round of UP poll

(Uttar Pradesh chief
minister and BSP supremo Mayawati addresses an election rally in Rai Bareilly.)

Bahujan Samaj Party

No action against Nasimuddin Siddiqui:
UP govt
The UP government on Monday told the state Lokayukta that a CBI probe as
recommended by it against its minister Naseemuddin Siddiqui cannot be initiated
as the charges made against him were not related to any of his decisions or
approvals taken during his tenure as minister.

“It is not possible to take action as per the law on the recommendations
of the Lokayukta as there is no charge against Naseemuddin on approvals granted
by him or any of his decisions and works as a minister,” an official
spokesperson said here.

Samay Dead,
hindusthan bad times,
Toomany circles,
The Indian Goods,
The Ahindu,
The Errorist 
Funny Animated Pictures
These are some of the VIEWS Papers and Idea medias (Black and blind paid views reporters/scribes/journalists
searching for black cat in a dark room which is not there) are publishing false
and bogus views to please Congress, BJP, SP bosses forgetting that there are
educated people belonging to sarvajan samaj including SC/ST/OBC/Minorities/Poor
upper caste  who have already stoped
buying these views. Their comments are not published agsinst their views. As long
as they are paid they are not bothered about their sales as they are paid by
their bosses. They are forgetting that there is a very powerful media in this
country. Their prediction that Ms Mayawati will get 303 seats will come true
just like in 2007 where the predictions of the above views papers and the ideas
of the medias failed.

Ananda Bhante ;
Dear Dhamma Friends,
We, the monks and
members of the Maha Bodhi Organisation cordially request the pleasure of your
participation in the
Which marks the 91st birthday
of our beloved Bada Bhante the
Venerable Acharya Buddharakkhita
Abhidhaja Aggamaha Saddhamma Jotika, D.Lit
The Founder President
of Maha Bodhi Society Bangalore and its sister organisations
Inauguration of
Sambodhi Pujana Dhatu Cetiya
Dhamma Hall
On Phagguna Purnima, 8th March
2012 Thursday at 9 AM
Maha Bodhi Society
14, Kalidasa Road, Gandhinagar, Bangalore-560009, India
Tel: 080-22250684, Fax: 080-22264438
Chief Guest
Venerable Phrakhrupalad Suvathanavachirakhun
(Sawai Chotiko),
Vice Rector for Foreign Affairs,
Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University, Thailand
There will be recitation of the Holy Dhammapada and
meditation retreats from 1st to 15th March
2012. Bada Bhante has already started one week meditation courses
for monks which will run throughout the year in the newly
built Satipatthana Bhavana Kendra. In every course there are
9 monks.
An Appeal
We have recently
constructed Satipatthana Bhavana Kuti and renovation of the
old Dhamma hall is going on. We are also
constructing SambodhiPujana Dhatu Cetiya. Five new books will be
published on the occasion of Dhammapada Festival. We request you to
kindly help us to complete all these programs.
You may please send your contribution by
cheque/draft/MO in favour of Maha Bodhi Society, Bengaluru and post to
The Secretary,
Maha Bodhi Society,
14, Kalidasa Road, Gandhinagar,
Bengaluru – 560009,
Or you may directly make electronic
transfer to our bank account
Indian donations
Maha Bodhi Society,
Account No. SB 353102010000137
IFSC Code: UBINO 535311
Union Bank of India,
Gandhinagar Branch, Bangalore β€“
560009, India
Foreign Donations
Kindly contact us at
Thank you very much,
Yours truly,
Ananda Bhante
General Secretary, Maha Bodhi Society,
8th March 2012  Thursday   9:00AM
Venue: Maha Bodhi
Society, Gandhinagar, Bangalore
9:00 AM
Inauguration of
Sambodhi Pujana Dhatu Cetiya
Venerable Acharya Buddharakkhita
Puja at the Sacred Bodhi Tree and
the Stupa,
Buddha Puja, Sutta Chanting
and undertaking of SΔ«las and
Dhamma Discourses
at Loka Shanti Buddha VihΓ ra
of Dhamma Hall by
Chief Guest
Venerable Phrakhrupalad Suvathanavachirakhun
(Sawai Chotiko),
Vice Rector for Foreign Affairs,
Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University, Thailand
Release of
An Unforgettable Inheritance – Part III
(Dhammapada Commentary)
Dighanikaya β€“ Vol 1
(Kannada Tipitaka Project)
Sutta Sangaho β€“ Part III
(Collected Sutta & translation)
Hattha Ratana β€“ (Jewel in
Hand) – Practical handbook for monks
Dhammapada Gatha Prasangagalu β€“ Dhammapada stories
in Kannada
2:30 PM  β€“ Dhamma
Discourse by
Venerable Phrakhrupalad Suvathanavachirakhun
4 PM - Hospital Dana Service
at Bowring Hospital

6 PM β€“ Puja

20 Painkillers in Your Kitchen 
Make muscle pain a memory with ginger 
Danish researchers asked achy people to jazz up their diets with
ginger, it eased muscle and joint pain, swelling and stiffness for up to
63 percent of them within two months. Experts credit ginger’s potent
compounds called gingerols, which prevent the production of
pain-triggering hormones. The study-recommended dose: Add at least 1
teaspoon of dried ginger or 2 teaspoons of chopped ginger to meals

Cure a toothache with cloves

a toothache and can’t get to the dentist? Gently chewing on a clove can
ease tooth pain and gum inflammation for two hours straight, say UCLA
researchers. Experts point to a natural compound in cloves called
eugenol, a powerful, natural anesthetic. Bonus: Sprinkling a ΒΌ teaspoon
of ground cloves on meals daily may also protect your ticker. Scientists
say this simple action helps stabilize blood sugar, plus dampen
production of artery-clogging cholesterol in as little as three weeks.
Heal heartburn with cider vinegar 
1 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar mixed with 8 ounces of water before
every meal, and experts say you could shut down painful bouts of
heartburn in as little as 24 hours. “Cider vinegar is rich in malic and
tartaric acids, powerful digestive aids that speed the breakdown of fats
and proteins so your stomach can empty quickly, before food washes up
into the esophagus, triggering heartburn pain,” explains Joseph Brasco,
M.D., a gastroenterologist at the Center for Colon and Digestive
Diseases in Huntsville, AL.

Erase earaches with garlic 
ear infections drive millions of Americans to doctors’ offices every
year. To cure one fast, just place two drops of warm garlic oil into
your aching ear twice daily for five days. This simple treatment can
clear up ear infections faster than prescription meds, say experts at
the University of New Mexico School of Medicine. Scientists say garlic’s
active ingredients (germanium, selenium, and sulfur compounds) are
naturally toxic to dozens of different pain-causing bacteria. To whip up
your own garlic oil gently simmer three cloves of crushed garlic in a
half a cup of extra virgin olive oil for two minutes, strain, then
refrigerate for up to two weeks, suggests Teresa Graedon, Ph.D.,
co-author of the book, Best Choices From The People’s Pharmacy. For an optimal experience, warm this mix slightly before using so the liquid will feel soothing in your ear canal.
Chase away joint and headache pain with cherries 
studies show that at least one in four women is struggling with
arthritis, gout or chronic headaches. If you’re one of them, a daily
bowl of cherries could ease your ache, without the stomach upset so
often triggered by today’s painkillers, say researchers at East Lansing
’s Michigan State University . Their research reveals that anthocyanins,
the compounds that give cherries their brilliant red color, are
anti-inflammatories 10 times stronger than ibuprofen and aspirin.
“Anthocyanins help shut down the powerful enzymes that kick-start tissue
inflammation, so they can prevent, as well as treat, many different
kinds of pain,” explains Muraleedharan Nair, Ph.D., professor of food
science at Michigan State University . His advice: Enjoy 20 cherries
(fresh, frozen or dried) daily, then continue until your pain
Prevent PMS with yogurt 
to 80 percent of women will struggle with premenstrual syndrome and its
uncomfortable symptoms, report Yale researchers. The reason: Their
nervous systems are sensitive to the ups and downs in estrogen and
progesterone that occur naturally every month. But snacking on 2 cups of
yogurt a day can slash these symptoms by 48 percent, say researchers at
New York ’s Columbia University. “Yogurt is rich in calcium, a mineral
that naturally calms the nervous system, preventing painful symptoms
even when hormones are in flux,” explains Mary Jane Minkin, M.D., a
professor of gynecology at Yale University.

Tame chronic pain with turmeric 
show turmeric, a popular East Indian spice, is actually three times
more effective at easing pain than aspirin, ibuprofen or naproxen, plus
it can help relieve chronic pain for 50 percent of people struggling
with arthritis and even fibromyalgia, according to Cornell researchers.
That’s because turmeric’s active ingredient, curcumin, naturally shuts
down cyclooxygenase 2, an enzyme that churns out a stream of
pain-producing hormones, explains nutrition researcher Julian Whitaker,
M.D. and author of the book,Reversing Diabetes. The study-recommended dose: Sprinkle 1/4 teaspoon of this spice daily onto any rice, poultry, meat or vegetable dish.

End endometrial pain with oats 
ticket to soothing endometriosis pain could be a daily bowl of oatmeal.
Endometriosis occurs when little bits of the uterine lining detach and
grow outside of the uterus. Experts say these migrating cells can turn
menstruation into a misery, causing so much inflammation that they
trigger severe cramping during your period, plus a heavy ache that drags
on all month long. Fortunately, scientists say opting for a diet rich
in oats can help reduce endometrial pain for up to 60 percent of women
within six months. That’s because oats don’t contain gluten, a
trouble-making protein that triggers inflammation in many women, making
endometriosis difficult to bear, explains Peter Green, M.D., professor
of medicine at Colombia University

Soothe foot pain with salt 
say at least six million Americans develop painful ingrown toenails
each year. But regularly soaking ingrown nails in warm salt water baths
can cure these painful infections within four days, say scientists at
California ’s Stanford University . The salt in the mix naturally nixes
inflammation, plus it’s anti-bacterial, so it quickly destroys the germs
that cause swelling and pain. Just mix 1 teaspoon of salt into each cup
of water, heat to the warmest temperature that you can comfortably
stand, and then soak the affected foot area for 20 minutes twice daily,
until your infection subsides.

Prevent digestive upsets with pineapple 
gas? One cup of fresh pineapple daily can cut painful bloating within
72 hours, say researchers at California ’s Stanford University . That’s
because pineapple is natually packed with proteolytic enzymes, digestive
aids that help speed the breakdown of pain-causing proteins in the
stomach and small intestine, say USDA researchers.

Relax painful muscles with peppermint 
from tight, sore muscles? Stubborn knots can hang around for months if
they aren’t properly treated, says naturopath Mark Stengler, N.D.,
author of the book, The Natural Physician’s Healing Therapies.
His advice: Three times each week, soak in a warm tub scented with 10
drops of peppermint oil. The warm water will relax your muscles, while
the peppermint oil will naturally soothe your nerves — a combo that can
ease muscle cramping 25 percent more effectively than over-the-counter
painkillers, and cut the frequency of future flare-ups in half, says
Give your back some TLC with grapes 
an achy back? Grapes could be the ticket to a speedy recovery. Recent
studies at Ohio State University suggest eating a heaping cup of grapes
daily can relax tight blood vessels, significantly improving blood flow
to damaged back tissues (and often within three hours of enjoying the
first bowl). That’s great news because your back’s vertebrae and
shock-absorbing discs are completely dependent on nearby blood vessels
to bring them healing nutrients and oxygen, so improving blood flow is
essential for healing damaged back tissue, says Stengler.

Wash away pain injuries with water 
it’s your feet, your knees or your shoulders that are throbbing,
experts at New York ’s Manhattan College , say you could kick-start your
recovery in one week just by drinking eight 8-ounce glasses of water
daily. Why? Experts say water dilutes, and then helps flush out,
histamine, a pain-triggering compound produced by injured tissues. “Plus
water is a key building block of the cartilage that cushions the ends
of your bones, your joints’ lubricating fluid, and the soft discs in
your spine,” adds Susan M. Kleiner, Ph.D., author of the book,
The Good Mood Diet.
“And when these tissues are well-hydrated, they can move and glide over
each other without causing pain.” One caveat: Be sure to measure your
drinking glasses to find out how large they really are before you start
sipping, she says. Today’s juice glasses often hold more than 12 ounces,
which means five servings could be enough to meet your daily
Heal sinus problems with horseradish 
studies show sinusitis is the nation’s number one chronic health
problem. And this condition doesn’t just spur congestion and facial
pain, it also makes sufferers six times more likely to feel achy
all-over. Horseradish to the rescue! According to German researchers,
this eye-watering condiment naturally revs up blood flow to the sinus
cavities, helping to open and drain clogged sinuses and heal sinus
infections more quickly than decongestant sprays do. The
study-recommended dose: One teaspoon twice daily (either on its own, or
used as a sandwich or meat topping) until symptoms clear.

Beat bladder infections with blueberries 
1 cup of blueberries daily, whether you opt for them fresh, frozen or
in juice form, can cut your risk of a urinary tract infection (UTIs) by
60 percent, according to researchers at New Jersey’s Rutgers University.
That’s because blueberries are loaded with tannins, plant compounds
that wrap around problem-causing bacteria in the bladder, so they can’t
get a toehold and create an infection, explains Amy Howell, Ph.D. a
scientist at Rutgers University .

Heal mouth sores with honey 
painful canker and cold sores with unpasteurized honey four times daily
until these skin woes disappear, and they’ll heal 43 percent faster
than if you use a prescription cream, say researchers at the Dubai
Specialized Medical Center in the United Arab Emirates . Raw honey’s
natural enzymes zap inflammation, destroy invading viruses and speed the
healing of damaged tissues, say the study authors.

Fight breast pain with flax 
one recent study, adding 3 tablespoons of ground flax to their daily
diet eased breast soreness for one in three women within 12 weeks.
Scientists credit flax’s phytoestrogens, natural plant compounds that
prevent the estrogen spikes that can trigger breast pain. More good
news: You don’t have to be a master baker to sneak this healthy seed
into your diet. Just sprinkle ground flax on oatmeal, yogurt, applesauce
or add it to smoothies and veggie dips.

Cure migraines with coffee 
to migraines? Try muscling-up your painkiller with a coffee chaser.
Whatever over-the-counter pain med you prefer, researchers at the
National Headache Foundation say washing it down with a strong 12- ounce
cup of coffee will boost the effectiveness of your medication by 40
percent or more. Experts say caffeine stimulates the stomach lining to
absorb painkillers more quickly and more effectively.
Tame leg cramps with tomato juice 
least one in five people regularly struggle with leg cramps. The
culprit? Potassium deficiencies, which occur when this mineral is
flushed out by diuretics, caffeinated beverages or heavy perspiration
during exercise. But sip 10 ounces of potassium-rich tomato juice daily
and you’ll not only speed your recovery, you’ll reduce your risk of
painful cramp flare-ups in as little as 10 days, say UCLA researchers.

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29 02 2012 LESSON 539 The Dhammapada Verses and Stories Dhammapada Verse 85 and 86 Dhammassavana Vatthu A Few Reach The Other Shore Those Who Follow The Dhamma Are Liberated
Filed under: General
Posted by: site admin @ 10:05 pm
02 2012 LESSON 539 The Dhammapada Verses and Stories Dhammapada Verse 85 and 86
Dhammassavana Vatthu A Few Reach The Other Shore Those Who Follow The Dhamma
Are Liberated

a Sutta a Day Keeps Dukkha Away
The Caravan of Phule-Shahu-Ambedkar-Kanshiram is successfully
taken ahead by Bahen Mayawati Ji all over India. Plz support national and state
leadership of this movement and defeat anti-movement elements to reach our ultimate goal. Don’t get
carried away with different banners in Maharashtra and other parts. We have to
follow our leader Bahenji and her appointed state local leaders.Victory is
ours. Have faith in capturing political Master Key and make PraBuddha Bharath.
JaiBheem! Jai Kanshiram! –DR. Rahul BSP

85. A Few Reach The Other Shore
Among folk they are few
who go to the Further Shore,
most among humanity
scurry on this hither shore.
Explanation: Of those who wish to cross over to the other side
only a handful are successful. Those others who are left behind keep running
along this shore. Those masses who have not been able to reach liberation
continue to be caught up in Samsara.

86. Those Who Follow The Dhamma Are Liberated
But they who practise Dhamma
according to Dhamma well-told,
from Death’s Domain hard to leave
they’ll cross to the Further Shore.
Explanation: The realms over which Mara has sway, are
difficult to be crossed. Only those who quite righteously follow the way
indicated in the well-articulated Teachings of the Buddha, will be able to
cross these realms that are so difficult to cross.

Verses 85 and 86
Dhammassavana Vatthu
Appaka te manussesu
ye jana paragamino
athayam itara paja
Ye ca kho sammadakkhate
dhamme dhammanuvattino
te jana paramessanti2
maccudheyyam3 suduttaram.
Verse 85: Few among men reach the other shore (Nibbana); all the
others only run up and down on this shore.
Verse 86: But those who practise according to the well-expounded
Dhamma will reach the other shore (Nibbana), having passed the realm of Death
(i.e., samsara), very difficult as it is to cross.

1. tiramevanudhavati: tiram + eva + anudhavati: shore +
only this + run up and down: according to the Commentary ‘only this shore’ in
this context means sakkayaditthi (ego belief).
2. paramessanti: param + essanti: the other shore + will
reach. The other or opposite shore is metaphorically used for Nibbana.
3. maccudheyyam: the realm of Death (or samsara,
round of rebirths).

The Story of Dhamma Listeners
While residing at the Jetavana monastery, the Buddha uttered
Verses (85) and (86) of this book, with reference to a congregation of people
who had come to listen to a religious discourse in Savatthi.
On one occasion, a group of people from Savatthi made special
offerings to the bhikkhus collectively and they arranged for some bhikkhus to
deliver discourses throughout the night, in their locality. Many in the audience
could not sit up the whole night and they returned to their homes early; some
sat through the night, but most of the time they were drowsy and half-asleep.
There were only a few who listened attentively to the discourses.
At dawn, when the bhikkhus told the Buddha about what happened
the previous night, he replied, “Most people are attached to this
world; only a very few reach the other shore (Nibbana).”
Then the Buddha spoke in verse as follows:
Verse 85: Few among men reach the other shore (Nibbana); all
the others only run up and down on this shore.
Verse 86: But those who practise according to the
well-expounded Dhamma will reach the other shore (Nibbana), having passed the
realm of Death (i.e., samsara), very difficult as it is to cross.
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28 02 2012 LESSON 538 The Dhammapada Verses and Stories Dhammapada Verse 84 Dhammikatthera Vatthu The Wise Live Correctly
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Posted by: site admin @ 10:24 pm

28 02 2012 LESSON 538 The
Dhammapada Verses and Stories Dhammapada Verse 84 Dhammikatthera Vatthu The
Wise Live Correctly




a Sutta a Day Keeps Dukkha Away

Verse 84. The Wise Live

for one’s own, nor for another’s sake
one should wish for children, wealth, estate,
nor success desire by means unjust,
thus virtuous, and wise, righteous one would be.

Not for one’s own benefit nor for that of others, does he desire children,
wealth or kingdom. Nor does he desire self-glory. Thus he is realistic,
penetrative and well behaved.

Dhammapada Verse 84
Dhammikatthera Vatthu

attahetu na parassa hetu
na puttamicche na dhanam na rattham
na iccheyya adhammena samiddhimattano
sa silava pannava dhammiko siya.

84: For his own sake or for the sake of others, he does no evil; nor does he
wish for sons and daughters or for wealth or for a kingdom by doing evil; nor
does he wish for success by unfair means; such a one is indeed virtuous, wise
and just.

Story of Thera Dhammika

residing at the Jetavana monastery, the Buddha uttered Verse (84) of this book,
with reference to Thera Dhammika.

lived in Savatthi with his wife. One day, he told his pregnant wife that he
wished to become a bhikkhu; his wife pleaded with him to wait until after the
birth of their child. When the child was born, he again requested his wife to
let him go; again, she pleaded with him to wait until the child could walk.
Then Dhammika thought to himself, “It will be useless for me to ask my
wife for her approval to join the Order; I shall work for my own liberation.”
Having made a firm decision, he left his house to become a bhikkhu. He took a
subject of meditation from the Buddha and practised meditation ardently and
diligently and soon became an arahat.

years later, he visited his house in order to teach the Dhamma to his son and
his wife. His son entered the Order and he too attained arahatship. The wife
then thought, “Now that both my husband and my son have left the house,
I’d better leave it, too.” With this thought she left the house and became
a bhikkhuni; eventually, she too attained arahatship.

At the
congregation of the bhikkhus, the Buddha was told how Dhammika became a bhikkhu
and attained arahatship, and how through him his son and his wife also attained
arahatship. To them the Buddha said, “Bhikkhus, a wise man does not
wish for wealth and prosperity by doing evil, whether it is for his own sake or
for the sake of others. He only works for his own liberation from the round of
rebirths (samsara) by comprehending the Dhamma and living according to the Dhamma.”

the Buddha spoke in verse as follows:

Verse 84: For his own
sake or for the sake of others, he does no evil; nor does he wish for sons
and daughters or for wealth or for a kingdom by doing evil; nor does he wish
for success by unfair means; such a one is indeed virtuous, wise and just.
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27 02 2012 LESSON 537 The Dhammapada Verses and Stories Dhammapada Verse 83 Pancasatabhikkhu Vatthu The Wise Are Tranquil
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Posted by: site admin @ 9:29 pm

27 02 2012 LESSON 537 The Dhammapada Verses and Stories
Dhammapada Verse 83
Vatthu The Wise Are Tranquil

eNālandā Research & Practice UNIVERSITY & BUDDHIST GOOD NEWS LETTER  Through :



Practice a Sutta a Day Keeps Dukkha Away

Verse 83. The Wise Are Tranquil

Everything the good renounce,
the peaceful chatter not of fond delights,
and whether touched by pleasure or pain
nor joy or woe in the wise is seen.

Explanation: The noble and wise persons are
not attached to anything whatsoever in the world. The disciplined persons do
not talk desiring worldly things, material benefits or sensual delights.
Whatever fortune or ill-fortune may touch them, they remain calm, neither
depressed or elated.

Dhammapada Verse 83
Pancasatabhikkhu Vatthu

Sabbattha ye sappurisa cajanti
na kamakama lapayanti santo
sukhena phuttha atha va dukhena
na uccavacam pandita dassayanti.

Verse 83: Indeed, the virtuous give up all
(i.e., attachment to the five khandhas, etc.); the virtuous (lit., the
tranquil) do not talk with sensual desire; when faced with joy or sorrow, the
wise do not show elation or depression.

The Story of Five Hundred Bhikkhus

While residing at the Jetavana monastery, the
Buddha uttered Verse (83) of this book, with reference to five hundred

At the request of a brahmin from Veranja, the
Buddha was, on one occasion, staying at Veranja with five hundred bhikkhus.
While they were at Veranja, the brahmin failed to look after them. The people
of Varanja, who were then facing a famine, could offer very little to the
bhikkhus when they went on their rounds for alms-food. In spite of all these
hardships, the bhikkhus were not disheartened; they were quite contented with
the small amount of shrivelled grain which the horse-traders offered them
daily. At the end of the vasa, after informing the brahmin from Veranja, the
Buddha returned to the Jetavana monastery, accompanied by the five hundred
bhikkhus. The people of Savatthi welcomed them back with choice food of all

A group of people living with the bhikkhus,
eating whatever was left over by the bhikkhus, ate greedily like true gluttons
and went to sleep after their meals. On waking up, they were shouting, singing
and dancing, thus making themselves a thorough nuisance. When the Buddha came
in the evening to the congregation of bhikkhus, they reported to him about the
behaviour of those unruly persons, and said, “These people living on the
leftovers were quite decent and well-behaved when all of us were facing
hardship and famine in Veranja. Now that they have enough good food they are
going about shouting, singing and dancing, and thus make themselves a thorough
nuisance. The bhikkhus, however, behave themselves here just as they were in

To them the Buddha replied, “It is in
the nature of the foolish to be full of sorrow and feel depressed when things
go wrong, and to be full of gladness and feel elated when things go well. The
wise, however, can withstand the ups and downs of life.”

Then the Buddha spoke in verse as follows:

Verse 83: Indeed, the virtuous give up all (i.e., attachment
to the five khandhas, etc.); the virtuous (lit., the tranquil) do not talk
with sensual desire; when faced with joy or sorrow, the wise do not show
elation or depression.
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26 02 2012 LESSON 536 The Dhammapada Verses and Stories Dhammapada Verse 82 Kanamata Vatthu The Wise Are Happy
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Posted by: site admin @ 10:23 pm

26 02 2012 LESSON 536 The
Dhammapada Verses and Stories Dhammapada Verse 82 Kanamata Vatthu
The Wise Are Happy



a Sutta a Day Keeps Dukkha Away

Verse 82. The Wise Are Happy

Even as a fathomless lake,
a lake so calm and clear,
so dhammas having heard
serene the wise become.

exceedingly deep oceans are tranquil, calm and are not agitated. In the same
way whose wise ones who listen to the word of the Buddha acquire deep awareness
and are extremely calm and tranquil.

Dhammapada Verse 82
Kanamata Vatthu

rahado gambhiro

vippasanno anavilo
evam dhammani sutvana
vippasidanti pandita.

82: Like a lake which is deep, clear and calm, the wise after listening to the
Teaching (Dhamma) become serene.

Story of Kanamata

residing at the Jetavana monastery, the Buddha uttered Verse (82) of this book,
with reference to the mother of Kana, Kanamata.

was a devoted lay disciple of the Buddha. Her daughter Kana was married to a
man from another village. As Kana had been on a visit to her mother for some
time, her husband sent a message for her to come home. Her mother told her to
wait for one more day as she wanted to send along some sweetmeats with her for
her husband. The next day, Kanamata made some sweetmeats, but when four
bhikkhus stood at her door for alms, she offered some to them. The four bhikkhus
told other bhikkhus about the sweetmeats from Kanamata’s house and they also
came to stand at the door of Kanamata, as a devotee of the Buddha and his
disciples, offered her sweetmeats to the bhikkhus as they came in, one after
another. The result was that in the end there was none left for Kana and she
did not go home on that day. The same thing happened on the next two days; her
mother made some sweetmeats, the bhikkhus stood at her door, she offered her
sweetmeats to the bhikkhus, there was nothing left for her daughter to take
home, and her daughter did not go home. On the third day, for the third time,
her husband sent her a message, which was also an ultimatum stating that if she
failed to come home the next day, he would take another wife. But on the next
day also Kana was unable to go home because her mother offered all her
sweetmeats to the bhikkhus. Kana’s husband then took another wife and Kana
became very bitter towards the bhikkhus. She used to abuse all bhikkhus so much
so that the bhikkhus kept away from the house of Kanamata.

Buddha heard about Kana and went to the house of Kanamata; there Kanamata
offered him some rice gruel. After the meal, the Buddha sent for Kana and asked
her, “Did my bhikkhus take what was given them or what was not given
them ?”
Kana answered that the bhikkhus had taken only what was given
them, and then added, “They were not in the wrong; only I was in the
wrong.” Thus, she owned up her fault and she also paid homage to the
Buddha. The Buddha then gave a discourse. At the end of the discourse, Kana
attained Sotapatti Fruition.

On the
way back to the monastery, the Buddha met King Pasenadi of Kosala. On being
told about Kana and her bitter attitude towards the bhikkhus, King Pasenadi
asked the Buddha whether he had been able to teach her the Dhamma and, make her
see the Truth (Dhamma). The Buddha replied, “Yes, I have taught her the
Dhamma, and I have also made her rich in her next existence.”
Then the
king promised the Buddha that he would make Kana rich even in this existence.
The king then sent his men with a palanquin to fetch Kana. When she arrived,
the king announced to his ministers, “Whoever can keep my daughter Kana in
comfort may take her.” One of the ministers volunteered to adopt Kana as
his daughter, gave her all his wealth, and said to her, “You may give in
charity as much as you like.” Everyday, Kana made offerings to the
bhikkhus at the four city-gates. When told about Kana giving generously in
charity, the Buddha said, “Bhikkhus, the mind of Kana which was foggy
and muddled was made clear and calm by my words.”

the Buddha spoke in verse as follows:

ONLINE eNālandā Research & Practice UNIVERSITY
Students and their friends participated in their respective swimming pools to
program organised by Rotary Global Swimarathon
WORLD RECORD ATTEMPT by The Rotary Club of Bangalore Banashankari

on 25-02-2012 to create world record for the most
number of people swimming at the same time anywhere in the world between 05:30
and 06:30 PM and contributing to Rotary International’s worldwide project to
eradicate polio.


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25 02 2012 LESSON 535 The Dhammapada Verses and Stories Dhammapada Verse 81 Lakundakabhaddiyatthera Vatthu The Wise Are Steadfast
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Posted by: site admin @ 4:36 pm

25 02 2012 LESSON 535 The Dhammapada Verses and Stories
Dhammapada Verse 81
Vatthu The Wise Are Steadfast

ONLINE eNālandā Research & Practice UNIVERSITY & BUDDHIST GOOD NEWS LETTER  Through :


Practice a Sutta a Day Keeps Dukkha Away





 according to FREE ONLINE eNālandā Research & Practice UNIVERSITY!

All  FREE ONLINE eNālandā Research & Practice UNIVERSITY Students and their friends are requested to register with their respective swimming pools to end Polio program organised by Rotary Club at 04:30 PM on 25-02-2012 to create world record for large number of swimmers swim at the same time between 05:00 and 06:30 PM all over the world.

Verse 81. The Wise Are Steadfast

Just as a mighty boulder
stirs not with the wind,
so the wise are never moved
either by praise or blame.

Explanation: The wise remain unmoved and
unruffled both by praise and humiliation. The wise remain unshaken under all
vicissitudes of life, like the solid rock that withstands the buffetings of
wind, unmoved.

Dhammapada Verse 81
Lakundakabhaddiyatthera Vatthu

Selo yatha ekaghano
vatena na samirati
evam nindapasamsasu
na saminjanti pandita

Verse 81: As a mountain of rock is unshaken by
wind, so also, the wise are unperturbed by blame or by praise.

The Story of Thera Lakundaka Bhaddiya

While residing at the Jetavana monastery, the
Buddha uttered Verse (81) of this book, with reference to Thera Bhaddiya.

Bhaddiya was one of the bhikkhus staying at
the Jetavana monastery. Because of his short stature he was known as Lakundaka
(the dwarf) to other bhikkhus. Lakundaka Bhaddiya was very good natured; even
young bhikkhus would often tease him by pulling his nose or his ear, or by
patting him on his head. Very often they would jokingly say, “Uncle, how
are you? Are you happy, or are you bored with your life here as a
bhikkhu?”, etc. Lakundaka Bhaddiya never retaliated in anger, or abused
them; in fact, even in his heart he did not get angry with them.

When told about the patience of Lakundaka
Bhaddiya, the Buddha said, “An arahat never loses his temper, he has no
desire to speak harshly or to think ill of others. He is like a mountain of
solid rock; as a solid rock is unshaken, so also, an arahat is unperturbed by
scorn or by praise.”

Then the Buddha spoke in verse as follows:

Verse 81: As a mountain of rock is unshaken by wind, so also,
the wise are unperturbed by blame or by praise.

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24 02 2012 LESSON 534 The Dhammapada Verses and Stories Dhammapada Verse 80 Panditasamanera Vatthu The Wise Control Themselves
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Posted by: site admin @ 12:51 am

24 02 2012 LESSON 534 The Dhammapada Verses and Stories Dhammapada
Verse 80
Panditasamanera Vatthu The Wise Control Themselves



Practice a Sutta a
Day Keeps Dukkha Away

Verse 80. The Wise
Control Themselves

govern waters,
fletchers fashion shafts,
as joiners shape their timber
those who are wise tame themselves.

The irrigator who manages water is skilled in directing water to whatever place
he wants. The fletcher skilfully shapes a very straight arrow-shaft out of a
piece of wood by working skilfully on it. The carpenter selects a block of wood
and constructs whatever he wants out of it, depending on his need. In the same
way, the wise person works upon their mind, restraining it the way they desire.

Dhammapada Verse 80
Panditasamanera Vatthu

hi nayanti nettika

usukara namayanti tejanam
darum namayanti tacchaka
attanam damayanti pandita.

80: Farmers (lit., makers of irrigation canals ) channel the water; fletchers
straighten the arrow; carpenters work the timber; the Wise tame themselves.

Story of Samanera Pandita

While residing
at the Jetavana monastery, the Buddha uttered Verse (80) of this book, with
reference to Samanera Pandita.

was a young son of a rich man of Savatthi. He became a samanera at the age of
seven. On the eighth day after becoming a samanera, as he was following Thera
Sariputta on an alms-round, he saw some farmers channeling water into their
fields and asked the thera, “Can water which has no consciousness be
guided to wherever one wishes ?” The thera replied, “Yes, it can be
guided to wherever one wishes.” As they continued on their way, the
samanera next saw some fletchers heating their arrows with fire and
straightening them. Further on, he came across some carpenters cutting, sawing
and planing timber to make it into things like cart-wheels. Then he pondered,
“If water which is without consciousness can be guided to wherever one
desires, if a crooked bamboo which is without consciousness can be
straightened, and if timber which is without consciousness can be made into
useful things, why should I, having consciousness, be unable to tame my mind
and practise Tranquillity and Insight Meditation?”

and there he asked permission from the thera and returned to his own room in
the monastery. There he ardently and diligently practised meditation, contemplating
the body. Sakka and the devas also helped him in his meditation by keeping the
monastery and its precincts very quiet and still. Before meal time Samanera
Pandita attained Anagami Fruition.

At that
time Thera Sariputta was bringing food to the samanera. The Buddha saw with his
supernormal power that Samanera Pandita had attained Anagami Fruition and also
that if he continued to practise meditation he would soon attain arahatship. So
the Buddha decided to stop Sariputta from entering the room, where the samanera
was. The Buddha went to the door and kept Sariputta engaged by putting some
questions to him. While the conversation was taking place, the samanera
attained arahatship. Thus, the samanera attained arahatship on the eighth day
after becoming a novice.

In this
connection, the Buddha said to the bhikkhus of the monastery, “When one
is earnestly practising the Dhamma, even Sakka and the devas give protection
and keep guard; I myself have kept Thera Sariputta engaged at the door so that
Samanera Pandita should not be disturbed. The samanera, having seen the farmers
irrigating their fields, the fletchers straightening their arrows, and
carpenters making cart-wheels and other things, tames his mind and practises
the dhamma; he has now become an arahat.”

Buddha then spoke in verse as follows:

Verse 80: Farmers
(lit., makers of irrigation canals) channel the water; fletchers straighten
the arrow; carpenters work the timber; the Wise tame themselves.

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23 02 2012 LESSON 533 The Dhammapada Verses and Stories Dhammapada Verse 79 Mahakappinatthera Vatthu Living Happily In The Dhamma
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Posted by: site admin @ 10:32 pm

02 2012 LESSON 533
The Dhammapada Verses and Stories Dhammapada Verse 79 Mahakappinatthera Vatthu Living Happily In The Dhamma




Practice a Sutta a Day Keeps Dukkha Away

79. Living Happily In The Dhamma

Happy is he who Dhamma drinks
with heart that’s clear and cool.
One so wise e’er delights
in Dhamma declared by the Noble.

Explanation: One who delights in “The Teaching” lives
happily with a pure mind. The experience of the “Sublime Ones” the
wise always enjoy

Verse 79
Mahakappinatthera Vatthu

Dhammapiti sukham seti
vippasannena cetasa
ariyappavedite dhamme
sada ramati pandito.

Verse 79: He who drinks in the Dhamma lives happily with a
serene mind; the wise man always takes delight in the Dhamma (Bodhipakkhiya
) expounded by the Noble Ones (ariyas).

The Story of Thera Mahakappina

While residing at the Jetavana monastery, the Buddha uttered
Verse (79) of this book, with reference to Thera Mahakappina.

Mahakappina was king of Kukkutavati. He had a queen named Anoja;
he also had one thousand ministers to help him rule the country. One day, the
king accompanied by those one thousand ministers, was out in the park. There,
they met some merchants from Savatthi. On learning about the Buddha, the
Dhamma, and the Samgha from these merchants the king and his ministers
immediately set out for Savatthi.

On that day, when the Buddha surveyed the world with his
supernormal power, he saw in his vision, Mahakappina and his ministers coming
towards Savatthi. He also knew that they were due for arahatship. The Buddha
went to a place one hundred and twenty yojanas away from Savatthi to meet them.
There, he waited for them under a banyan tree on the bank of the river
Candabhaga. King Mahakappina and his ministers came to the place where the
Buddha was waiting for them. When they saw the Buddha, with six-coloured rays
radiating from his body, they approached the Buddha and paid homage to him. The
Buddha then delivered a discourse to them. After listening to the discourse the
king and all his ministers attained Sotapatti Fruition, and they asked
the Buddha to permit them to join the Order. The Buddha, reflecting on their
past and finding that they had made offerings of yellow robes in a past
existence, said to them, “Ehi bhikkhu“, and they all became bhikkhus.

Meanwhile, Queen Anoja, learning about the king’s departure for
Savatthi, sent for the wives of the one thousand ministers, and together with
them followed the king’s trail. They too came to the place where the Buddha was
and seeing the Buddha with a halo of six colours, paid homage to him. All this
time, the Buddha by exercising his supernormal power had made the king and his
ministers invisible so that their wives did not see them. The queen therefore
enquired where the king and his ministers were. The Buddha told the queen and
her party to wait for a while and that the king would soon come with his
ministers. The Buddha then delivered another discourse; at the end of this
discourse the king and his ministers attained arahatship; the queen and
the wives of the ministers attained Sotapatti Fruition. At that instant,
the queen and her party saw the newly admitted bhikkhus and recognized
them as their former husbands.

The ladies also asked permission from the Buddha to enter the
Order of Bhikkhunis; so they were directed to go ahead to Savatthi.
There they entered the Order and very soon they also attained arahatship.
The Buddha then returned to the Jetavana monastery accompanied by one thousand

At the Jetavana monastery, Thera Mahakappina while resting
during the night or during the day would often say, “Oh, what
happiness!” (Aho Sukham). The bhikkhus, hearing him saying this so
many times a day told the Buddha about it. To them the Buddha replied, “My
son Kappina having had the taste of the Dhamma lives happily with a serene
mind; he is saying these words of exultation repeatedly with reference to

Then the Buddha spoke in verse as follows:

79: He who drinks in the Dhamma lives happily with a serene mind; the wise
man always takes delight in the Dhamma (Bodhipakkhiya Dhamma)
expounded by the Noble Ones (ariyas).

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22 02 2012 LESSON 532 The Dhammapada Verses and Stories Dhammapada Verse 78 Channatthera Vatthu In The Company Of The Virtuous
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Posted by: site admin @ 10:40 pm

22 02 2012 LESSON 532 The Dhammapada Verses
and Stories
Dhammapada Verse 78
Channatthera Vatthu In The Company Of The Virtuous



Practice a Sutta a Day Keeps Dukkha Away

Verse 78. In The Company Of The Virtuous

Don’t go around with evil friends,
with rogues do not resort.
Spend your time with noble friends,
and worthy ones consort.

Explanation: Do not associate with people who
have evil ways. Avoid the company of wicked, evil people who are mean and bad.
Associate with worthy friends. Keep the company of noble persons who are
superior in quality and virtue and who will be able to elevate you.

Dhammapada Verse 78
Channatthera Vatthu

Na bhaje papake mitte
na bhaje purisadhame
bhajetha mitte kalyane
bhajetha purisuttame.

Verse 78: One should not associate with bad
friends, nor with the vile. One should associate with good friends, and with
those who are noble.

1. namayanti: to bend, to incline a
person’s heart or will. In the case of fletchers, to make the arrows straight;
in the case of carpenters, to make the timber into things that people want, by
cutting, sawing and planing.

The Story of Thera Channa

While residing at the Jetavana monastery, the
Buddha uttered Verse (78) of this book, with reference to Thera Channa.

Channa was the attendant who accompanied
Prince Siddhattha when he renounced the world and left the palace on horseback.
When the prince attained Buddhahood, Channa also became a bhikkhu. As a
bhikkhu, he was very arrogant and overbearing because of his close connection
to the Buddha. Channa used to say, “I came along with my Master when he left
the palace for the forest. At that time, I was the only companion of my Master
and there was no one else. But now, Sariputta and Moggallana are saying, ‘we
are the Chief Disciples,’ and are strutting about the place.”

When the Buddha sent for him and admonished
him for his behaviour, he kept silent but continued to abuse and taunt the two
Chief Disciples. Thus the Buddha sent for him and admonished him three times;
still, he did not change. And again, the Buddha sent for Channa and said, “Channa,
these two noble bhikkhus are good friends to you; you should associate with
them and be on good terms with them.”

Then the Buddha spoke in verse as follows:

Verse 78: One should not associate with bad friends, nor with
the vile. One should associate with good friends, and with those who are

In spite of repeated admonitions and advice
given by the Buddha, Channa did as he pleased and continued to scold and abuse
the bhikkhus. The Buddha, knowing this, said that Channa would not change
during the Buddha’s lifetime but after his demise (parinibbana) Channa
would surely change. On the eve of his parinibbana, the Buddha called
Thera Ananda to his bedside and instructed him to impose the Brahma-punishment
(Brahmadanda) to Channa; i.e., for the bhikkhus to simply ignore him and
to have nothing to do with him.

After the parinibbana of the Buddha, Channa,
learning about the punishment from Thera Ananda, felt a deep and bitter remorse
for having done wrong and he fainted three times. Then, he owned up his guilt
to the bhikkhus and asked for pardon. From that moment, he changed his ways and
outlook. He also obeyed their instructions in his meditation practice and soon
attained arahatship.

BSP emerges as an alternative to RPIs in Vidarbha polls

Pradip Kumar Maitra, Hindustan Times

Nagpur, February 19, 2012

The increasing might of Bahujan Samaj Party (BSP) and the virtual fall

of Republican Party of India (RPI) in its stronghold in Vidarbha,

particularly in Nagpur have raised many eyebrows in the region after

the local bodies’ elections.

Nagpur has been the citadel of RPI where Dr

Babasaheb Ambedkar converted to Buddhism in 1956 but the BSP has dealt

a severe blow to their vote bank in the recent elections.

BSP earned 12 seats in the Nagpur Municipal Corporations alone while 6

seats in the neighbouring Amravati municipal corporation and their

candidates finished second in 30 wards, giving a threat to the RPI

politicians. Moreover, the party got one seat in Akola Municipal

Corporation elections.

In Nagpur, it got 10 seats from north and south Nagpur assembly

constituenciesβ€”predominantly dalit areas  which are considered as RPI

citadel and dalit voters are the deciding factor for the state


In Akola, where Dr Babasaheb Ambedkar’s grandson Dr Balasaheb Ambedkar

has a considerable clout, the party could manage to win only seven

seats and the BSP also made its presence felt in the elections.

The BSP also fared well in entire Vidarbha’s Zilla Parishad elections

and emerged as the top party for Dalits and backward classes by

winning eleven seats while all RPI factions could manage to win only

nine seats.

Milind Pakhale, chief of RPI (Ambedkar) in Nagpur, admitted that the

traditional RPI factions have lost their credibility among the voters

because of their hobnobbing with the ruling class as well as the

saffron combine which was cleverly used by the BSP in the region.

β€œWe are assessing the entire issue and would rectify our mistakes.

This was lesson for us in our stronghold and we would certainly work

to reclaim our share of votes in the next elections,” he said.

Nagpur has been a significant power base of RPI where they ruled the

civic body for several years but all the three RPI factions could

manage only four seats.  RPI (Kawade ) failed to win a single seat

while Prakash Ambedkar faction got two while former state Maharashtra

minister Sulekha Kumbhare and Ramdas Athavale factions received a seat

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21 02 2012 LESSON 531 The Dhammapada Verses and Stories Dhammapada Verse 77 Assajipunabbasuka Vatthu The Virtuous Cherish Good Advice
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21 02 2012 LESSON 531 The
Dhammapada Verses and Stories
Verse 77 Assajipunabbasuka Vatthu The Virtuous Cherish Good Advice



a Sutta a Day Keeps Dukkha Away

Verse 77. The Virtuous
Cherish Good Advice

Let him
exhort, let him instruct,
and check one from abasement.
Dear indeed is he to the true,
not dear is he to the false.

The wise and good person who reproaches and warns, and prevents a person from
getting into anti-social behaviour, is liked by virtuous individuals - and
disliked by those who are evil.

Dhammapada Verse 77
Assajipunabbasuka Vatthu

asabbha ca nivaraye
satam hi so piyo hoti
asatam hoti appiyo.

77: The man of wisdom should admonish others; he should give advice and should
prevent others from doing wrong; such a man is held dear by the good; he is
disliked only by the bad.

1. anusaseyya:
to give advice in advance; also to give advice repeatedly.

Story or Bhikkhus Assaji and Punabbasuka

residing at the Jetavana monastery, the Buddha uttered Verse (77) of this book,
with reference to bhikkhus Assaji and Punabbasuka.

Assaji and Punabbasuka and their five hundred disciples were staying at
Kitagiri village. While staying there they made their living by planting
flowering plants and fruit trees for gain, thus violating the rules of
Fundamental Precepts for bhikkhus.

Buddha hearing about these bhikkhus sent his two Chief Disciples Sariputta and
Maha Moggallana, to stop them from committing further misconduct. To his two
Chief Disciples the Buddha said, “Tell those bhikkhus not to destroy
the faith and generosity of the lay disciples by misconduct and if anyone
should disobey, drive him out of the monastery. Do not hesitate to do as I told
you, for only fools dislike being given good advice and being forbidden to do

the Buddha spoke in verse as follows:

Verse 77: The man of
wisdom should admonish others; he should give advice and should prevent
others from doing wrong; such a man is held dear by the good; he is disliked
only by the bad.

[ZESTCaste] Mayawati
rubbishes surveys showing BSP faring badly

Siddhartha Kumar

UP polls:
Mayawati rubbishes surveys showing BSP faring badly
Published: Friday, Feb 17, 2012, 21:22 IST
Place: Kanpur | Agency: PTI

[ZESTCaste] SC/STparty
fails to win over vote bank


Siddhartha Kumar  




18 February 2012 2:58 PM

SC/STparty fails to win over vote bank
Zeeshan Shaikh, Hindustan Times
Mumbai, February 18, 2012

SC/ST voters, who have  historically swayed between the Congress and
the Republican Party of India (RPI), appear to have played a role in
propelling the Shiv Sena-BJP combine into the numero uno  position in
the civic body this election.

The biggest sufferers of SC/ST antagonism
seem to have been the Congress and the RPI.

SC/STs constitute nearly 15-18% of Mumbai’s electorate. Their vote
plays a decisive role in nearly 60 constituencies in the city.

β€œThe Congress-NCP combine seemed to have been taking SC/ST voters for

β€œSC/ST votes played a decisive role in getting us where we are,”
executive president Uddhav Thackeray admitted. He had taken a gamble
when he got Ramdas Athawale’s RPI on board.

The RPI, which contested 29 seats, managed to win only one. In 2007 it
had won three seats.  We need to contemplate on why we performed so

Political analysts believe people turned their backs on the RPI as
they thought it was compromising on its ideology.

[mfc_mumbai] BSP candidates won in Maharashtra Corporation and ZP Election

Sandip Patil

Latest Status of BSP candidates won:
Corporation Elections: Nagpur - 12, Amravati– 6, Solapur -3, Thane - 2 and Ulhasnagar - 2.
ZP Elections : Amravati - 3, Nagpur - 1, Chandrapur - 1 and Yawatmal - 1
Panchayat Samiti Elections : Amravati - 8, Nagpur - 2, Yeotmal - 1, Hindgoli -1, Chandrapur - 1 and Wardha - 1


With Regards
Sandip Patil
Mumbai, 8149645674


Uttar Pradesh gears up for fourth phase of Assembly polls

Lucknow: Polling for the fourth phase of Uttar
Pradesh Assembly election covering 56 seats spread over 11 districts would be
held on Sunday that would decide the fate of three ministers, 32 sitting MLAs
and 12 former ministers.

More than
1.74 crore voters are expected to cast their vote to seal the fate of 967
candidates in the polling to be held in Hardoi, Unnao, Lucknow, Rae Bareli,
Farrukhabad, CSM Nagar, Kannauj, Banda, Chitrakoot, Fatehpur and Pratapgarh.

Stakes are high for ruling BSP for the
403 Assembly seats.
This phase has  139 ‘crorepatis’.

The fourth phase would test
fate of several stalwarts and heavyweights including three ministers, 32
sitting MLAs, 12 former ministers

ministers while Urban development minister Nakul Dubey has shifted to Bakshi ka
Talab seat, Science and technology minister Abdul Mannan is re-contesting from
Sandila seat.

Chairman of
Housing and Development Board Achche Lal Nishad is in fray from Tindwari and
chairman of UP Agro Brijmohan Singh Kushwaha from Baberu seat.

Uttar pradesh Chief
Minister Mayawati will be addressing rally in Jalon and Jhansi


Please add these two sites into the
latest E mail sent: the first one below has more material
 to make people stop and think of Indian government as the real problem..

Untouchables - National Geographic Magazine

against India’s lowest Hindu
castes is technically illegal. But try telling that to the 160 million Untouchables, who face violent
reprisals if they forget

Face Violence - National Geographic News

Jun 2, 2003 More than 160 million people in India are considered
“Untouchable”β€”people tainted by their birth into a caste system
that deems them impure,

Untouchable @ National Geographic Magazine

By Tom O’Neill by William Albert Allard

Discrimination against
India’s lowest Hindu castes is technically illegal. But try telling that to
the 160 million Untouchables, who face violent reprisals if they forget their

Get a taste of what awaits you in print from this compelling

The sins of Girdharilal Maurya are many, his attackers
insisted. He has bad kamma. Why else would he, like his ancestors, be born an
Untouchable, if not to pay for his past lives? Look, he is a leatherworker,
and Hindu law says that working with animal skins makes him unclean, someone
to avoid and revile. And his unseemly prosperity is a sin. Who does this
Untouchable think he is, buying a small plot of land outside the village?
Then he dared speak up, to the police and other authorities, demanding to use
the new village well. He got what Untouchables deserve.

One night, while Maurya was
away in a nearby city, eight men from the higher Rajput caste came to his
farm. They broke his fences, stole his tractor, beat his wife and daughter,
and burned down his house. The message was clear: Stay at the bottom where
you belong.

* * * * * *

To be born a Hindu in India
is to enter the caste system, one of the world’s longest surviving forms of
social stratification. Embedded in Indian culture for the past 1,500 years,
the caste system follows a basic precept: All men are created unequal. The
ranks in Hindu society come from a legend in which the main groupings, or varnas,
emerge from a primordial being. From the mouth come the Brahmansβ€”the priests
and teachers. From the arms come the Kshatriyasβ€”the rulers and soldiers. From
the thighs come the Vaisyasβ€”merchants and traders. From the feet come the
Sudrasβ€”laborers. Each varna in turn contains hundreds of hereditary castes
and subcastes with their own pecking orders.

A fifth group describes the
people who are achuta, or untouchable. The primordial being does not
claim them. Untouchables are outcastsβ€”people considered too impure, too
polluted, to rank as worthy beings. Prejudice defines their lives,
particularly in the rural areas, where nearly three-quarters of India’s
people live. Untouchables are shunned, insulted, banned from temples and
higher caste homes, made to eat and drink from separate utensils in public
places, and, in extreme but not uncommon cases, are raped, burned, lynched,
and gunned down.

Some believe in that only
human beings have soul. But the other living beings do not have. So that they
can do whatever they want to do with tose beings.

Here we have 1st
rate, 2nd rate, 3rd rate 4th rate and the
Panchamas without any soul. So that they are doing anything they wanted to do
with these untouchables and un seeables.

Get the whole story in the
pages of National Geographic

National Geographic

India’s “Untouchables” Face Violence,

Hillary Mayell
for National Geographic News

June 2, 2003

More than 160 million people in India are
considered “Untouchable”β€”people tainted by their birth into a caste
system that deems them impure, less than human.

Human rights abuses against these people, known as
Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes (SC/ST)s, are legion. A random sampling
of headlines in mainstream Indian newspapers tells their story: ” SC boy
beaten to death for plucking flowers”; ” SC tortured by cops for
three days”; ” SC ‘witch’ paraded naked in Bihar”; ” SC
killed in lock-up at Kurnool”; “7 SC/STs burnt alive in caste
clash”; “5 SC/STs lynched in Haryana”; ” SC woman
gang-raped, paraded naked”; “Police egged on mob to lynch SC/STs”.

” SC/STs
are not allowed to drink from the same wells, attend the same temples, wear
shoes in the presence of an upper caste, or drink from the same cups in tea
stalls,” said Smita Narula, a senior researcher with Human Rights Watch,
and author of Broken People: Caste Violence Against India’s
Human Rights Watch is a worldwide activist
organization based in New York.

Untouchables are relegated to the lowest jobs, and live in constant fear of
being publicly humiliated, paraded naked, beaten, and raped with impunity by
upper-caste Hindus seeking to keep them in their place. Merely walking through
an upper-caste neighborhood is a life-threatening offense.

Nearly 90
percent of all the poor Indians and 95 percent of all the illiterate Indians
are SC/STs, according to figures presented at the International SC/ST
Conference that took place May 16 to 18 in Vancouver, Canada.

Crime Against SC/STs

compiled by India’s National Crime Records Bureau indicate that in the year
2000, the last year for which figures are available, 25,455 crimes were
committed against Dalits. Every hour two Dalits are assaulted; every day three
Dalit women are raped, two SC/STs are murdered, and two SC/ST homes are

No one
believes these numbers are anywhere close to the reality of crimes committed
against SC/STs. Because the police, village councils, and government officials
often support the caste system, which is based on the religious teachings of
Hinduism, many crimes go unreported due to fear of reprisal, intimidation by
police, inability to pay bribes demanded by police, or simply the knowledge
that the police will do nothing.

have been large-scale abuses by the police, acting in collusion with upper
castes, including raids, beatings in custody, failure to charge offenders or
investigate reported crimes,” said Narula.

That same
year, 68,160 complaints were filed against the police for activities ranging from
murder, torture, and collusion in acts of atrocity, to refusal to file a
complaint. Sixty two percent of the cases were dismissed as unsubstantiated; 26
police officers were convicted in court.

Despite the
fact that untouchability was officially banned when India adopted its
constitution in 1950, discrimination against SC/STs remained so pervasive that
in 1989 the government passed legislation known as The Prevention of Atrocities
Act. The act specifically made it illegal to parade people naked through the
streets, force them to eat feces, take away their land, foul their water,
interfere with their right to vote, and burn down their homes.

Since then,
the violence has escalated, largely as a result of the emergence of a
grassroots human rights movement among SC/STs to demand their rights and resist
the dictates of untouchability, said Narula.

Lack of Enforcement, Not Laws

of laws designed to protect SC/STs is lax if not non-existent in many regions
of India. The practice of untouchability is strongest in rural areas, where 80
percent of the country’s population resides. There, the underlying religious
principles of Hinduism dominate.

believe a person is born into one of four castes based on karma and
“purity”β€”how he or she lived their past lives. Those born as Brahmans
are priests and teachers; Kshatriyas are rulers and soldiers; Vaisyas are
merchants and traders; and Sudras are laborers. Within the four castes, there
are thousands of sub-castes, defined by profession, region, dialect, and other

are literally outcastes; a fifth group that is so unworthy it doesn’t fall
within the caste system.

based on religious principles practiced for some 1,500 years, the system
persists today for economic as much as religious reasons.

Because they
are considered impure from birth, Untouchables perform jobs that are
traditionally considered “unclean” or exceedingly menial, and for
very little pay. One million SC/STs work as manual scavengers, cleaning
latrines and sewers by hand and clearing away dead animals. Millions more are
agricultural workers trapped in an inescapable cycle of extreme poverty,
illiteracy, and oppression.

illegal, 40 million people in India, most of them SC/STs, are bonded workers,
many working to pay off debts that were incurred generations ago, according to
a report by Human Rights Watch published in 1999. These people, 15 million of
whom are children, work under slave-like conditions hauling rocks, or working
in fields or factories for less than U.S. $1 day.

Crimes Against Women

SC/ST women
are particularly hard hit. They are frequently raped or beaten as a means of
reprisal against male relatives who are thought to have committed some act
worthy of upper-caste vengeance. They are also subject to arrest if they have
male relatives hiding from the authorities.

A case
reported in 1999 illustrates the toxic mix of gender and caste.

A 42-year-old
SC woman was gang-raped and then burnt alive after she, her husband, and two
sons had been held in captivity and tortured for eight days. Her crime? Another
son had eloped with the daughter of the higher-caste family doing the
torturing. The local police knew the SC family was being held, but did nothing
because of the higher-caste family’s local influence.

There is very
little recourse available to victims.

A report
released by Amnesty International in 2001 found an “extremely high”
number of sexual assaults on SC/ST women, frequently perpetrated by landlords,
upper-caste villagers, and police officers. The study estimates that only about
5 percent of attacks are registered, and that police officers dismissed at
least 30 percent of rape complaints as false.

The study also
found that the police routinely demand bribes, intimidate witnesses, cover up
evidence, and beat up the women’s husbands. Little or nothing is done to
prevent attacks on rape victims by gangs of upper-caste villagers seeking to
prevent a case from being pursued. Sometimes the policemen even join in, the
study suggests. Rape victims have also been murdered. Such crimes often go

Thousands of
pre-teen SC/ST girls are forced into prostitution under cover of a religious
practice known as devadasis, which means “female servant of
god.” The girls are dedicated or “married” to a deity or a
temple. Once dedicated, they are unable to marry, forced to have sex with
upper-caste community members, and eventually sold to an urban brothel.

Resistance and Progress

Within India,
grassroots efforts to change are emerging, despite retaliation and intimidation
by local officials and upper-caste villagers. In some states, caste conflict
has escalated to caste warfare, and militia-like vigilante groups have conducted
raids on villages, burning homes, raping, and massacring the people. These
raids are sometimes conducted with the tacit approval of the police.

In the
province Bihar, local SC/STs are retaliating, committing atrocities also.
Non-aligned SC/STs are frequently caught in the middle, victims of both groups.

is a growing grassroots movement of activists, trade unions, and other NGOs
that are organizing to democratically and peacefully demand their rights,
higher wages, and more equitable land distribution,” said Narula.
“There has been progress in terms of building a human rights movement
within India, and in drawing international attention to the issue.”

In August
2002, the UN Committee for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination (UN CERD)
approved a resolution condemning caste or descent-based discrimination.

“But at
the national level, very little is being done to implement or enforce the
laws,” said Narula.

unfortunately a few scribes and media including the western ones are supporting
the oppressors rather than the oppressed.

The above
authors and the media have missed how Ms Mayawati the Uttar Pradesh Chief
Minister is being discriminated just for the simple reason that she is an
untouchable. Most of them are paid news. They just don’t tolerate an
untouchable becoming the Prime Minister of PraBuddha bharath. And they have
also how the SC/ST employees from Group A to D and the contract labourers are
being ill treated in State, Central, Public Sector Undertakings. Permanent
nature of jobs of Protectors of the lives of living beings are given to
contractors to make money depriving permanent salaries to them. People have
died while working in manholes. Whenever a SC/ST employee becomes elegible for
his promotion he uis being falsely charge sheeted to help an upper caste
employee, because he does not come under the category of reservation. Most of
the cases booked under Lokayukta are against SC/STs.

Some people believe in Souls for Human Beings and that other living beings have no souls, so that they can torchure them.

as here we have 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th rate souls and panchamas (who follow
Pancasila)or the untouchables without any soul, so that they can
torchure them

But the Buddha never
believed in any soul. He said all are equal.

That is the reason why Dr BR
Ambedkar took back these aboriginals to their original homes i.e., the
Buddhism. Manyawar Kanshiram followed the same path. Now Ms Mayawati is
following the same path. The only hope and solution of the nation is Ms Mayawati becoming
the Prime Minister of Jambudvipa i.e., the Great PraBuddha Bharath with her
highly promising best and meritorious governance following the policy of
Sarvajan Hithay Sarvajan Sukhay i.e., for the peace,happiness and welfare of
the entire people.

Mayawati a Ssheduled Caste Untouchable is going to become the Chief Minister
for the 5th time and ultimately the next Prime Minister of PraBuddha
Bharath because of her highly promising best and meritorious governence with
the policy of Sarvajan Hithay Sarvajan Sukhay i.e., for the peace, welfare and
happiness of the entire people.Hence she is given full protection. It is
because of this popularity she is unable to move as she wishes.

Mayawati’s seclusion were β€œexaggerated”.BSP’s top functionaries meet
Behenji once in four months. They don’t care if she interacts with them or not
because their job is to propagate her achievements and her safety.

Jagatheesan Chandrasekharan


Bhara Khuni Maaf!

Congress is aware of the fact that it is going to
loose the elections. Hence the leaders started violating the Model Code of
Conduct and then say sorry. Bhara Khooni Maaf!

Congress is not cooperating with the Aam Aadhmi. The UP
elections will prove this.  Congress
government in the Centre and States is not for the common man in its efforts to
bring back the nation back on the path of developmemt and progress.

Lakhs of crores of rupees of tax payers are not reaching the
common man.But it is distributed to a hanful of rich people leading to price
rise, due to misgovernance and overlooking the common man’s problems. Manmohan
singh’s government will face the condemnation in UP election by the rejection
of congress by the very same common man.

Earlier it was merit mantra now it is development mantra.

The congress and the BJP condemn SC/STs in the name merit and
development mantras.But the broad minded Sarvajan Samaj of Uttar Pradesh will
strengthen the elephants of Ms Mayawati’s BSP and would make her the Prime
Minister for the real progress of the nation, because of  equal distribution of wealth for social
transformation and economic emancipation through the policy of Sarvajan Hithay
Sarvajan Sukhay i.e., for the peace, happiness and welfare of the entire
people.Ms Mayawati has made politics sacred with her highly promising best and
meritorious governance by uniting all sections of the society and brought in equality.
Where as the Congress, BJP and SP are dividing the society in the name of caste
and religion for the sake of votes. They will fail.

EC issues notice to Beni Prasad for sub-quota speech

The Election Commission on Saturday issued notice to Union steel
minister Beni Prasad Verma over his remarks on sub-quota for minorities,
holding that prima facie it was a violation of the Model Code of Conduct and
sought his reply by Monday evening.

Verma is the
second Union minister after law minister Salman
Khurshid who has been issued notice from the poll body for poll code violation
over the sub-quota remarks.

The Commission,
which examined the video recordings of Verma’s speech at a rally in Farrukhabad
in UP, said it “is prima facie satisfied” that the steel minister,
“by making the aforesaid statements, has violated the aforesaid provisions
of the Model Code of Conduct”.

The EC notice further
states, “It is evident from the above statements of Shri Beni Prasad Verma
that he was well aware that by making such utterances, he was violating the
model code of conduct and yet he deliberately and wilfully did the same.”

The Commission asked Verma
to explain his position by 5 PM on February 20, as to why action should not be
taken against him for violating the provisions of Model Code of Conduct.

In case Verma fails to
reply to the notice, the EC will decide the matter without any further
reference to him, the notice said.

Sources said the Election
Commission had taken serious note of his comments, particularly for daring the
poll body to take action against him.

While addressing a poll
rally on Wednesday night in Farukkabad in the presence of Congress general
secretary Digvijay Singh and Union Law Minister Salman Khurshid, Beni had said,
“Reservation for Muslims will be increased and if the EC wants, it can now
issue a notice to me.”

Verma said in Lucknow
today that his remarks were not intentional and were a slip of tongue.

“I have been
addressing four to five rallies everyday and sometimes I fail to pay attention
that in which reference I am saying something,” Verma said, adding he
respected the Election Commission and every person should do so.

The EC notice states
further that since the Model Code of Conduct for political parties and
candidates is in force since December 24, where it is laid down that
“there shall be no appeal to caste or communal feelings for securing

It also stated that
“the Party in power whether at the Centre or in the State or States
concerned, shall ensure that no cause is given for any complaint that it has
used its official position for the purpose of its election campaign.”

Besides, the Mode code also
seeks to ensure that “Ministers and other authorities shall not announce
any financial grants in any form or promises thereof, which may have the effect
of influencing the votes in favour of the party in power.”

[Arkitect India] BJP’s
Team B: The mask is off. Anna Hazare and his lieutenants are batting for the
BJP / Open Magazine

Arun Khote ;

Open Magazine

BJP’s Team B

The mask is
off. Anna Hazare and his lieutenants are batting for the BJP


Dhirendra K Jha

30 October last year, when Mohan Bhagwat claimed that Anna Hazare’s
anti-corruption movement was actually supported by the RSS, the remark conveyed
palpable nervousness and attracted criticism from Team Anna. Three months
later, as Team Anna launches its voters’ awareness campaign in UP, there is not
even an attempt to keep its secular mask intact.


mask, in fact, fell off at the very first stop that Team Anna made in the state
to remind prospective voters of their duties in the upcoming Assembly polls. It
happened on 2 February at Fatehpur subdivision of Barabanki district, the spot
that marked the beginning of the voters’ awareness campaign in the state by the
lieutenants of Anna Hazare, and repeated itself through much of the first
legβ€”four rallies, the last on the evening of 3 February at Bastiβ€”of Team Anna’s
campaign. Kiran Bedi led Team Anna through this leg of the campaign, and the dais
was set directly, in three out of four places, by the RSS.


begin with, the public meeting at Fatehpur was a typical RSS show. Rakesh Kumar
Premil, the man who led the local group organising the entire event, has been a
prominent member of the local unit of the Sangh Parivar. β€œHindus must be
aroused to fight against corruption,” he told Open. Premil is known in
Fatehpur for his aggressive Hindutva ideology. During the late 1990s and early
2000s, he was president of the Shiv Sena’s Fatehpur unit. Later, he formed an
NGO, Manav Utkarsha Sewa Sansthan, and started working under this banner. The
banners of this NGO were prominent at the Mahadev Talab ground, where Kiran
Bedi, Manish Sisodia, Sanjay Singh, Gopal Rai and some other members of Team
Anna addressed their first public meeting. Ably assisting Premil was Ram Kumar
Yadav, a local quack who is also the president of the Fatehpur unit of the
Bharatiya Kisan Sangh, the farmers’ wing of the RSS.


to Premil, about 50 volunteers from outfits like the Manav Utkarsha Sewa
Sansthan, Bharatiya Kisan Sangh and Rashtra Bhakta Vichar Manch, with known if
not professed leanings towards the RSS, worked day and night for almost a week
to make this event a success. Some of the volunteers, who had come all the way
from Agra, belonged to Jai Kali Kalyan Samiti, another NGO with professed
Hindutva leanings. No less significant was the role played by teachers and
studentsβ€”they were present in numbers to swell the crowdsβ€”of various branches
of Saraswati Shishu Mandir, schools run directly by the RSS in and around
Fatehpur, as well as those controlled by Sangh sympathisers, including Sai Usha
Montessori High School, Glorious Public School and Rabindranath Tagore Senior
Secondary School.


the RSS set the stage at Fatehpur and gathered the crowds, the speakers of Team
Anna did the rest. Though members of the Team asserted that they had not come
to tell voters who they should vote for, their categorical attack on
β€œcorruption” in the Congress, β€œcriminalisation” of the Samajwadi Party (SP) and
β€œmisgovernance” by the Bahujan Samaj Party (BSP), and high praise for the BJP
government in Uttarakhand for bringing in a β€œreally strong Lokayukta Bill” in
the state left no doubt in the minds of listeners who they were being asked to
vote to the new UP Assembly.


while members of Team Anna spoke, their volunteers distributed a
leafletβ€”containing a 13-point β€˜letter of oath’—to prospective voters. The
β€˜letter’ is an exhortation to the electorate to obtain 13 pledges from the
contesting candidate before committing their vote. The first pledge in the
β€˜letter of oath’, quoting Swami Vivekanand, invokes an idea of India that today
only the RSS will endorse: β€˜β€¦that I am a citizen of India and every citizen is
my brother. Indians are my life and Indian gods and goddesses my divinities.
India and its society are the swing of my childhood, the garden of my youth, my
sacred heaven and the Kashi of my old age. The soil of India is my highest
heaven. My welfare lies in the welfare of India. And this whole life I will
chant, day and nightβ€”O, Gaurinath, O, Jagdambe, make me more humane and take
away my weaknesses and unmanliness.’ It is inconceivable for a non-Hindu to
take this oath.


remaining 12 points in the β€˜letter of oath’ are no less absurd, if not so
religiously charged. They prod voters to obtain a commitment from contesting
candidates that they would never sit in an AC room and remove ACs from their
residences, that they would never travel in a luxury car but always in hooded jeeps,
that they would never keep a driver and would drive their jeeps themselvesβ€”and,
surprise, surprise, would always support the passage of the Jan Lokpal Bill.
There are many other points in this one-page β€˜letter of oath’ that point to a
simple thingβ€”the anti-corruption agitation of Anna Hazare has gone nuts.


was hard to miss the farce at Fatehpur. Nearly half the 2,000-odd present at
the Mahadev Talab ground were children, most of them from local Saraswati
Shishu Mandirs, who had come in their school uniforms and are clearly not yet
eligible to vote. When Kiran Bedi, speaking after other members of Team Anna
had delivered their speeches, asked β€œvoters” in the crowd to raise their hands,
the ones that shot up instantaneously belonged to schoolchildren. Those who
might be eligible to vote didn’t even get Bedi’s instructions immediately, and
by the time they realised this, it had become too awkward to obey. Bedi,
apparently unfazed by all this, went on: β€œSee, how voters are responding to
Anna’s call. Now all of you stand up and swear with me that we will never vote
for the corrupt.” This time nearly everyone responded, but the schoolkids were
again the most eager.


was the first voters’ awareness rally of Team Anna, which left Fatehpur as soon
as Kiran Bedi had finished her monologue around 2.30 pm on 2 February. The next
destination was Gonda, about 140 km away from Fatehpur. Here the meeting began
at 4 pm at the Ramlila Maidan in the heart of town, though the cavalcade of
Team Anna reached slightly behind schedule. The farce was repeated here too. So
was the silent message, though members of Team Anna continued to maintain that
they were not foisting a political choice on prospective voters. As in
Fatehpur, the organisers of the event at Gonda too had among them a generous
peppering of the Hindutva brigade. The chief organiser of Team Anna’s voters’
awareness rally at Gonda, Dr Dilip Shukla, is a known RSS face in the area.
Once again, the lieutenants of Anna Hazare set about their task in earnestβ€”ripping
apart Congress leaders Sonia Gandhi, Rahul Gandhi, Digvijaya Singh and many
others, besides SP chief Mulayam Singh Yadav and BSP leader Mayawati. Once
again they maintained a calculated silence vis-Γ -vis the saffron party. When
they spoke of the BJP, they didn’t fail to mention the β€œstrong” Lokayukta Bill
brought in by the BJP government in Uttara khand. And as they concluded the
meeting, once again, they left no doubt in the minds of those present who Team
Anna would have them vote for.


the time they reached the Gulab Bari ground at Faizabad, around 1 pm on 3
February, Team Anna’s language had acquired the subtlest change in inflection.
Here, they started off with the need to change the present system so that
farmers, labourers and the unemployed could get their due, before returning to
the familiar theme of bashing every other party save the BJP. Praise for the
Uttarakhand BJP government’s β€œstrong” Lokayukta bill was now a little subdued;
there was mild criticism too of the party’s UP state unit for not yet promising
voters that they would follow Uttarakhand’s example. But only the envelope had
changed, the message hadn’tβ€”by the time the Faizabad leg concluded, Team Anna
had left voters here in no doubt which way they leant. β€˜Don’t vote for the BJP
till it promises you a strong Lokayukta in your state’ was another way of
saying β€˜vote the BJP if it does’.


reasons for Team Anna’s restraint in Faizabad are not hard to figure. Unlike in
their previous stops at Fatehpur and Gonda, the rally at Faizabad was organised
mainly by those who have for long been associated with the Left and Dalit
politics in the regionβ€”names like Gopal Krishna Verma, who led the group that
organised the rally at Faizabad, and team members Arvind Murty, Nitin Kumar
Mishra and Vinod Singh, among others. The presence on the dais of Tariq
Sayeedβ€”a senior member of the local intelligentsia and head of the Urdu
department of KS Saket PG College, Ayodhyaβ€”who presided over the public meeting
at Faizabad, may have been a deterrent for members of Team Anna and forced them
to be less deferential to the BJP than in the previous two meetings.


restraint notwithstanding, most members of Team Anna were silent on the threat
of communalism. Only one of them, Mufti Shamoom Kazmi, underlined the need to
fight communal politics. β€œAyodhya means the place where no one fights, but some
politicians of a particular party have tried to damage Hindu-Muslim unity in
the name of religion. We must not forget that we can fight against corruption
only if we remain one irrespective of our religious identities.”


too, Kiran Bedi created a flutter on the dais when she elbowed out stage
manager Arvind Murty, who wanted to call speakers to the mike in a prearranged
order. Bedi had ideas of her own, and when she grabbed the mike, Murty left the
dais in a huff. She proceeded to hold forth for half an hour, and by the time
former MP Ilyas Azmi, who was supposed to speak before her, began his address,
the crowd had begun to recede.


Basti a few hours later, the last stop of the first leg of the campaign, the
Anna anthem had been restored to its original fervour. Gone was the aberrant
restraint of Faizabad, most apparent in the speeches of Bedi and Sisodia. Only
three speakers of Team Annaβ€”Sanjay Singh, Manish Sisodia and Kiran Bediβ€”spoke
here, and the meeting was wrapped up in less than an hour because some of the
Team’s leading lights had to catch a train to Delhi. β€œRahul Gandhi says UP has
been looted for the past 21 years. He says if you give him a chance, he will
change the state in the next five years. Fact is, the Congress is in pain
because it has not been able to loot UP for the past 21 years. That’s what they
want to do now.” That was Sisodia. Bedi made a shorter speech here (remember
she had a train to catch), signing off with the now familiar reference to the
BJP government in Uttarakhand and its β€œstrong” Lokayukta Bill.


for the organisers of the rally at Basti, the presence of the Sangh Parivar was
even more obvious here. Harishchandra Pratab Singh, an advocate and a key
figure in the local committee, has been district convenor of the Shri Rama
Janmabhoomi Mukti Sewa Samiti formed in the late 1980s and was one of the
leaders of its karsewak wing. He is a well-known Hindutva face in the district.


the four-page message of Anna Hazare, distributed at all four stops, has a
clear pro-BJP bias. Anna’s message is a litany of charges, framed as questions
for Rahul Gandhi, Mulayam Singh Yadav and Mayawati. For the sake of form, the
tail-end of the message has some questions for the BJP too, but they sound more
like exhortations to repeat what Team Anna sees as the party’s stellar
performance in Uttarakhand. There’s not a mention, for example, of the
corruption of the BJP government in Karnataka, nor its communal record in
Gujarat. So, while the pamphlet names P Chidambaram and Mulayam Singh and
Mayawati, it bestows no such honour on former Karnataka Chief Minister BS
Yeddyurappa or Gujarat Chief Minister Narendra Modi.


When Anna Hazare sat on his first indefinite fast
at Delhi’s Jantar Mantar in April last year, his proximity to the Sangh Parivar
was on show. Hindutva symbols were a feature of the stage decor.
Understandably, it drew flak from people then close to the movement but not
similarly inclined politically. When it still seemed important to take these
people along, as in Anna’s next show at the Ramlila Maidan, his lieutenants
tried to play down this associationβ€”Gandhi had now replaced β€˜Bharat Mata’ as
stage backdrop. In UP, Anna and his henchmen were back to home base. In the
days to come, as the political battle rages in the state, Kiran Bedi and her
cohorts may continue to make a great deal of sound and fury. But it won’t
amount to much except this: Team Anna’s transformation into Team B of the BJP
is complete.


Jaibhim, Thanks Ranjit for sharing the article.
I agree Republican Party of India is towards its dead end. The
chiefs of RPI have made the party their personal property and as they
cud not eat enough food they sold the Ambedkarite movment RPI
to promoters of Manusmriti.
is no less than selling your children. If the children i.e us the
Ambedkarites are not awaken we be better ready to face the violence at
the hand of Manu wadi hindus.
The only alternative Now for the Ambedkarites is to put full
support behind BSP. BSP won good number of seats almost 21 in
Nagarpalika election and we will again see better show in Municipal
corporation elections.

Krishna Naik had once rightly called  the promoters of manusmriti as
one who eats the flesh of  his own mother. There after such people came
back to the right path.

From: Ritesh Manwatkar
To: “”
Sent: Saturday, 18 February 2012 1:07 PM
Subject: Re: [The Buddhist Circle] Article in Loksatta

show by BSP in Maharashtra.. We need to directly/indirectly work to
support BSP in the country. Future is ours…their should be not be any
doubt on that in our mind. The better learning from political movement
of Maharashtra, is strengthening/uniting the strongest which is giving
With metta,
Ritesh Manwatkar

General Secretary Rahul Gandhi tearing away the manifesto of a political
during his public meeting in Uttar Pradesh, the entire episode is  undemocratic.

He has  now become a senior member of the party. And to tear apart,
the opposition’s manifesto in public is not a democratic tradition. However, if
he has done it, it is his concer

Rahul Gandhi had on Wednesday tore a piece of paper at an
election meeting to drive home the point that ‘’mere lists'’ of assurances were
of no use.

The Congress is being involved in the National Rural Health
Mission (NRHM) scam.

“A lot of skeletons are still going to
come out. The larger issue is, what
about the liability of Congress itself as a Chief Ministers in the
states it ruled  and also of BJP because the entire scam extends to last
about 7-8 years, we all know it, is spreading into 50 billion rupees.

The NRHM scam inthe states ruled by Congress and BJP has turned murkier.

Inflation was bound to rise as a Congress minister committed scam of Rs 1.76 lakh crore.

The BJP leaders had
nothing to do with the common man and blame BSP for spending  Rs 600 on installing
statues of SC/ST/OBC icons which has created history of the common man, since
they cannot tolerate this.

BJP had
indirectly supported Congress in not bringing the lokpal bill despite the scams
and price rise. In fact the Congress and the BJP are the two sides of the same
coin. One is A team and the other B team.

SP supremo Mulayam
Singh Yadav’s flip flop o
ver supporting Congress in post-poll Uttar Pradesh. This
tendency of Mr Mulayam Singh Yadav showed he has accepted defeat even before the results are out.

There was a hidden
understanding between Congress and Samajwadi Party
in Uttar Pradesh
which has been exposed by Mulayam Singh Yadav accidentally
. Mulayam Singh Yadav
has exposed it by talking about extending support to Congress That by saying
such things, the SP supremo has admitted to the fact that the BSP was on its
way to form the government.

This is the traditional way of divide and rule policy of the
BJP. The BJP had ruled in the Centre and many states including Madhya Pradesh.
Have they created memorial for the birth place of Dr Ambedkar in MHOW? They
should have created memorials throughout the country for Lord Buddha, Sahu
Maharaj, Mahatma Phule, Narayan Guru, Periyar Rama swamy Naikar,Manyawar
Ravidas, a cobbler, Kabir, a weaver who is
highly regarded by Koris, Raja Bijli Pasi, Jhalkari Bai Kori, a key associate
of Rani Jhansi, Uda Devi, a Khatik, and sage Valmiki, a local Valmiki icon,”
said BJP national spokesperson and
leader Ramnath Kovind.
who is a election time SC leader like curry
leaf like use and throw leader.Let them keep statues in their RSS head quarters
and BJP HQs along with their inner circle leaders.That way they can do good to
the nation.


Abhijit Sengupta
To: Int’l Human Rights
Organization ; media monitor
Cc: ananya dasgupta
Sent: Saturday, 18 February 2012
1:41 AM
Subject: [IHRO] Most Indian
children are underweight


Most Indian kids underweight: NGO

16 February 2012

indo-asian news service
KOLKATA, 16 FEB: Around
48 per cent
of children under five years
of age in India are underweight, ranging from 20 per cent of the child
population (under-five years) in Sikkim to a whopping 60 per cent in Madhya
Pradesh, according to an NGO, Child Rights and You (CRY).
Quoting data from the National Family Health Survey (NFHS-3) report on health
and nutrition, the NGO said in a statement that one out of every five
children under five years is wasted (low weight for height), while seven out
of every 10 children aged six to 59 months are anaemic.
β€œThe effects of malnutrition are irreversible
as it prevents children from growing to their full potential,” CEO of
CRY Puja Marwaha said.
β€œIts effects are inter-generational ~ a malnourished child suffers with
diminished cognitive development, poor school performance and physical
development, thus impacting his/her productivity as an adult, and for women
it leads to giving birth to low birth weight babies,” she said.
More than a quarter of the babies born in Bihar, Delhi, Punjab, Rajasthan and
Tripura are low in birth weight, while Haryana leads the list with 32.7 per cent of its child
population weighing below par.
The standard weight of a normal child
at the time of birth is 2.8 kg
as prescribed by the World Health
Organisation (WHO).
Contrary to common perception, metropolitan cities like Mumbai, country
capital New Delhi and the National Capital Region (NCR), too, have not
escaped the grasp of malnutrition, where more than four out of every 10
children are stunted, the statement said. On an average, 74 children out of 1,000 do not live to see
their fifth birthday in India.

States like Chhattisgarh, Madhya Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh, Odisha and Jharkhand
have even higher under-five mortality rate of 90 per 1,000, with more than 50
per cent of them dying from malnutrition.
The immunisation rate of children in the age of 12-23 months is quite low,
with an average of 43.5 per cent. Not a single state has achieved the target
of total immunisation.
Poor antenatal care for mothers contributes to the number of wasted and
stunted children, making it increasingly difficult for them to escape the
clutches of malnourishment, according to the statement.


India is shining? ~ Joarder

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Saturday, 18 February 2012 1:17 AM

India shining?

16 February 2012

manas joardar      
It is exceedingly gratifying to learn from a recent Central Statistical
Office release that during 2010-11, annual
per capita income
of our fellow citizens crossed Rs 53,000, which
works out to Rs 146 per day.
For a five-member family, this translates into more than Rs 21,000 per month!
But this being an average
figure, the true story of a
vast majority of the Indian population is not that rosy. In fact, reality is different. True, a section of the upper echelons of Indian
society is being flooded with boundless wealth.
It is also true that millions are living in interminable misery,
so much so that our country enjoys the dubious distinction of being home to
the largest number of hungry people in the world.

Earlier, the Planning Commission used
to define poverty using calorific values of food intake
~ the
benchmark was less than 2,400 kilo-calories per person per day in rural areas
and 2,100 in urban areas. This criterion placed, since 2004, 27 per cent of
Indians below the poverty line (BPL).
The Arjun Sengupta commission
estimated that 77 per cent of the
Indian population lived below the poverty line
. According to the NC
Saxena Committee, BPL population stood at 50 per cent of the country’s total
population. The Planning Commission, however, accepted the Tendulkar
Committee report that fixed the BPL figure at 37 per cent. Since 2008, the World Bank’s international poverty
line has been re-cast with the benchmark set at $1.25 per head per day. As
per this formula, 42 per cent of
Indians are poor.

In 2006, the International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) devised a yardstick ~ Global
Hunger Index (GHI) ~ and made
it public. To quantify the extent of hunger in a country, three equally weighted
hunger-related parameters were used ~
the proportion of population not consuming an adequate level of calories, the
prevalence of underweight children under 5 years of age and their mortality
. As such, higher the value of GHI, poorer the country. GHI value
of less than 5 classifies severity of hunger as low, between 5 and 10 as
moderate, from 10 to 20 as serious, from 20 to 30 as alarming and anything above that, as extremely
India’s GHI score as recorded in the GHI-2011 report is 23.7.  The value did not change
from what it was in the GHI-2008 report, in which India ranked sixty-sixth among 88 poverty-stricken
countries. Based on the IFPRI methodology,
a group of workers prepared a document titled India State Hunger Index (ISHI) 2008, wherein the hunger index
(indicated in parenthesis hereafter for individual states) was computed
separately for 17 major states of India covering more than 95 per cent of the
country’s population. Scores for Indian states ranged between 13.6 and 30.9.
In Punjab (13.6), Kerala (17.7), Andhra Pradesh (19.5) and Assam (19.8), the
severity of hunger was classified as β€œserious”; the situation in Haryana
(20.0), Uttar Pradesh (20.9), Tamil Nadu (21.0), Rajasthan (21.0), West Bengal (22.2), Karnataka
(22.8), Orissa (23.7), Maharashtra (23.8), Guajrat (24.7), Chhattisgarh
(26.6), Bihar (27.3) and Jharkhand (28.7) as β€œalarming”; and Madhya Pradesh,
with an ISHI score of 30.9, was placed in the β€œextremely alarming” group.
Punjab was ranked thirty-fourth globally while Madhya Pradesh is ranked
eighty-second in the report. It is a matter of shame that even in the
GHI-2011 report, not only China (5.5)
, Sri Lanka (14.0), Pakistan (20.7) and Nepal (19.9) ~ our neighbouring
countries ~ rank better but India  ranks below many sub-Saharan
such as Kenya (18.6), Cameroon (17.7), Congo
(13.2),   Nigeria (15.5) and Sudan (21.5), the much lower per
capita GDP of such African counties notwithstanding.
In July 2010, the Oxford Poverty & Human Development Initiative (OPHI) of Oxford University and the
United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)
adopted a new poverty measurement tool that they claim is more effective ~
the Multidimensional Poverty Index (MPI).
MPI computation involves assessing deprivation of a household of 10
indicators under three dimensions ~ education, health and standard of living.
The indicators are ~ attendance and
years of schooling; nutrition and child mortality; electricity, sanitation,
drinking water, condition of floor of the living house, cooking fuel and

 According to the UNDP Human
Development Report, 2011, 53.7 per cent of Indians are victims of
multidimensional poverty. In an article published in July, 2010, OPHI
researchers observed: β€œThere are more
MPI poor people in eight Indian states than in the 26 poorest African
countries combined. 
421 million people in the Indian states of
Bihar, Chhattisgarh, Jharkhand, Madhya Pradesh, Orissa, Rajasthan, Uttar
Pradesh, and West Bengal live in
multidimensional poverty; the
26 poorest African countries are home to 410 million MPI poor people.” The
researchers also pointed out: β€œIndia has experienced strong economic growth
in recent years, yet the MPI reveals that extensive acute multidimensional
poverty persists.”
Poverty in Africa ~ both chronic and endemic ~ is fairly well known. That a
substantial section of people residing there is economically better placed
than a huge segment of Indians is relatively unknown. With 230 million
malnourished people, nearly 44 per cent of children under 5 years underweight
and 7 per cent of them dying every year, it is indeed an irony that India is being touted as an
economic superpower.

To our rulers, irrespective of political affiliation, efforts to paper over
abysmal poverty rather than honest
efforts to alleviate it
have been a matter of priority for decades. Our
Prime Minister described the Maoist menace as β€œthe biggest internal security
threat” to our country without really paying proper attention to addressing
the cause of such insurgency.
The woes of the marginalised
section of the Indian population continue though a huge amount is being spent
from the public exchequer. No wonder the government seeks solace in mindless statistics.

The writer, a former member of Senate and Syndicate, Calcutta University, is
a retired teacher of Applied Physics 

 The ruling Castes that are ruling this country for the last 65 years are responsible for all the above happenings.

Minister Manmohan’s government misused funds meant for SC/STs in the CWG as
well as neglecting development of the entire people in general and SC/STs in
particular. In all the Government jobs back logs were not filled. Permanent
nature of jobs have been handed over to contractors and large number of
SC/STs/OBCs/minorities are working as contract labourers.Privatisation has
deprived SC/STs/OBCs/Minorities getting govt. jobs. In the name of the so
called merit they are denied jobs.

Congress and
BJP in many states are facing allegations of corruption.

The Central
government is misusing the tax payers money for the benefit of the rich and the
common man is facing price rise and all other difficulties.

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20 02 2012 LESSON 530 The Dhammapada Verses and Stories Dhammapada Verse 76 Radhatthera Vatthu Treasure The Advice Of The Wise
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20 02 2012 LESSON 530 The Dhammapada Verses and Stories Dhammapada Verse 76 Radhatthera Vatthu Treasure The Advice Of The Wise


animated gifs elephants 11




a Sutta a Day Keeps Dukkha Away

Verse 76. Treasure The
Advice Of The Wise

one a man of wisdom meet
who points out faults and gives reproof,
who lays a hidden treasure bare,
with such a sage should one consort.
Consorting so is one enriched
and never in decline.

If one discovers a wise person who points out one’s errors and sternly corrects
one, he should be looked upon as a benign revealer of a treasure. His company
should be sought. Such association would make better persons of men.

Dhammapada: Verses and Stories

Dhammapada Verse 76
Radhatthera Vatthu


yam passe vajjadassinam
niggayhavadim medhavim
tadisam panditam bhaje
tadisam bhajamanassa
seyyo hoti na papiyo.

76: One should follow a man of wisdom who rebukes one for one’s faults, as one
would follow a guide to some buried treasure. To one who follows such a wise
man, it will be an advantage and not a disadvantage.

Story of Thera Radha

residing at the Jetavana monastery, the Buddha uttered Verse (76) of this book,
with reference to Thera Radha, who was at one time a poor old Brahmin.

was a poor brahmin who stayed in the monastery doing small services for the
bhikkhus. For his services he was provided with food and clothing and other
needs, but was not encouraged to join the Order, although he had a strong
desire to become a bhikkhu.

day, early in the morning, when the Buddha surveyed the world with his
supernormal power, he saw the poor old brahmin in his vision and knew that he
was due for arahatship. So the Buddha went to the old man, and learned from him
that the bhikkhus of the monastery did not want him to join the Order. The
Buddha therefore called all the bhikkhus to him and asked them, “Is
there any bhikkhu here who recollects any good turn done to him by this old
To this question, the Venerable Sariputta replied,
“Venerable Sir, I do recollect an instance when this old man offered me a
spoonful of rice.” “If that be so,” the Buddha said, “shouldn’t
you help your benefactor get liberated from the ills of life?”
the Venerable Sariputta agreed to make the old man a bhikkhu and he was duly
admitted to the Order. The Venerable Sariputta guided the old bhikkhu and the
old bhikkhu strictly followed his guidance. Within a few days, the old bhikkhu
attained arahatship.

the Buddha next came to see the bhikkhus, they reported to him how strictly the
old bhikkhu followed the guidance of the Venerable Sariputta. To them, the
Buddha replied that a bhikkhu should be amenable to guidance like Radha, and
should not resent when rebuked for any fault or failing.

the Buddha spoke in verse as follows:

Verse 76: One should
follow a man of wisdom who rebukes one for one’s faults, as one would follow
a guide to some buried treasure. To one who follows such a wise man, it will
be an advantage and not a disadvantage.


Lucknow comes all out to vote, 57%
turnout recorded in fourth phase

An estimated 57% votes were
polled in the fourth phase of Uttar Pradesh assembly elections which covered
Rae Bareli and Amethi, bastions
and part of
backward Bundelkhand region

A total of more than 1.74 crore voters sealed the fate of 967 candidates in the
polling held in Hardoi, Unnao, Lucknow, Rae Bareli, Farukkhabad, Kannauj,
Banda, Chitrakoot, Fatehpur, Pratapgarh and CSM Nagar which includes Amethi.

there was brisk polling in CSM Nagar and Rae Bareli, good voter turnout was
also recorded in Banda and Chitrakoot infamous for dacoits.

estimated 54% polling was recorded till 5pm. The figure, however, may change a
little as polling continued even after that time at a number of places,” a
state Election Commission official said.

of this phase of the seven-part polling would decide the fate of several
stalwarts, including three ministers, 32 sitting MLAs, 12 former ministers
. Chief minister Mayawati was among state leaders who
exercised their franchise.

for the fourth phase covering 11 districts started at 7am amidst tight security
arrangements and picked up as the day progressed,” an election official

has been peaceful, he said.

are high for ruling BSP.

urban development minister Nakul Dubey has shifted to Bakshi ka Talab seat,
science and technology minister Abdul Mannan is seeking re-election from
Sandila seat.

remaining phases of polling will be held on February 23, 28 and March 3.
Counting will take place on March 6.

first phase of polling on February 8 in 55 constituencies in 10 districts had
recorded around 63% turn out while the voting percentage in the second phase on
February 11 for 59 seats spread over nine districts was 59%. In the third
phase, the polling percentage was 56% for 56 seats.

will see the last time an
election in Uttar Pradesh,
because the
will be divided into four parts as
by the BSP which will win 303 seats, before
the 2014 Lok Sabha elections.

Because of the  congress’s
corrupt and black money tainted hand putting the poor man in lot of
difficulties,  BSP
has become  strong with Sarvajan Samaj including
SC/ST/OBC/Minorities and poor upper castes votebank of
the BSP. The
SC/STs/OBCs/Minorities and the poor Upper Castes, either due to the want of a better Sarvajan  alternative or for the
fear of the
Communal, Casteists, and goond raj  returning to power, would continue to vote for
the BSP

The upper
castes will go to the BSP. The BJP is not in the race. When they know
the Congress is not forming the government, they’ll shift to BSP.

Brahmins, an original vote bank of the Congress and the BJP are not comfortable in the company of Uma Bhartis and
Kushwahas and the congress. They are now with BSP due to social engineering and their safety under Ms Mayawati’s rule which is against goonda raj and they are able to lead a peaceful life

BSP the front-runner

to an assessment made by
FREE ONLINE eNālandā Research & Practice UNIVERSITY & BUDDHIST GOOD NEWS LETTER  Through :, the state’s ruling Bahujan Samaj Party
(BSP) is ahead of others after conclusion of the first three rounds of the
seven-phased elections in Uttar Pradesh.

So far,
voting has taken place in 170 constituencies for the 403-member state assembly.

The high voter
turnout is advantageous to the ruling BSP, since all those names that
were removed by the previous regimes were included this time.

So far,
voting has taken place only in eastern Uttar Pradesh and some districts of
central Uttar Pradesh. The final result may change during the next four phases for the benefit of BSP.

As of
now, the agency estimates that BSP may end up wining 139 out of 170 seats while
BJP could win as many as 10 of these seats.

The SP, may win
only 18 of these seats, thanks to the Congress’ resurgence.

resurgence may not enable it to win many seats since the assessment shows it
could gain only two seats while other parties are poised to win one.

emerged the clear winner in 2007 by bagging 206 seats, getting a simple
majority which was enough to sustain it in power for the past five years.Now it will win 303 seats

BSP will win Uttar Pradesh Polls

A handful of leaders think that the words
β€˜development’ and earlier β€˜merit’ are the sole properties of 1st, 2nd
and 3rd rate souls. And if a Panchama or an untouchable rules, it is
without merit or development, since they are considered to have no souls. But
the Buddha never believed any soul. He said all are equal. This is not accepted
by these hanful of leaders and of course the media who support them. So they
keep insulting the under previlages leader like Ms Mayawati. Since majority of
the people in this country are poor and under previlages they are aware of the
tricks of these leaders.

When people look at the development of the whole
country under the leadership of Dr. Manmohan Singh, Sonia and Youraj had not
moved forward all these years. They are not paying attention to price rise and
development of the country. In the whole country the supply of water and
electricity and the condition of road is getting worse.

At one time this country had very good
educational educational institution such as Nalanda, but now it has gone down.
In Uttar Pradesh under Ms Mayawati Chief Ministership it stands first in the
whole country. Children get hot meals which is monitored by computerised by
free sms that is now being followed by the entire country. But yet they talk about
development, merit and so on.

Central Government funds for the development
of the common man did not reach them, whether ruled by the Congress or the BJP.

Ms Mayawti had asked for Rs 80000 crores for
development. Sonia says that the Central Government had sent lakhs of crores
while Dr Man Mohan singh claims to have sent Rs.24000 crores. The Congress is
trying to wood wink the Aam Adhmi with such Gimmicks.

Ms Mayawati is the only Chief Minister of
Uttar Pradesh who completed full five years term in office. Now she will win
303 seats and become the Chief Minister for the fifth time and ultimately
become the nex Prime Minister of PraBuddha Bharath.She has made politics sacred
with her highly promising best and meritorious governance with the policy of
Sarvajan Hithay Sarvajan Sukhay i.e., for the welfare and happiness and peace
of the entire people.

Mayawati demands Punia resignation for
chopping of Scheduled Caste’s hand

Samaj Party supremo and Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Mayawati today demanded
that National Commission for Scheduled Castes(NCSC) chairman P L Punia resign
from the post, taking moral responsibility for chopping of a hand of a Scheduled Caste by
an upper caste farmer in Haryana recently. Ms Mayawati took strong exception to
the incident and said Mr Punia, also a Congress MP, has indulged in doing
‘nautanki’ (drama) in UP over minor issues and now he was doing the same in
Congress-ruled Haryana. ‘’Mr Punia has no moral right to continue as the
chairman of NCSC as he failed to prevent atrocities against SC/STs in his own
Congress-ruled state,'’ she alleged in a statement here. Demanding an
explanation from senior Congress leaders over the issue, she said such incidents
should be prevented in future. ‘’Congress makes much hue and cry over petty
incidents but now they are quiet over the incident in Haryana,'’ she added. In
Daulatpur village of Hisar in Haryana, a hand of an SC worker was chopped off
by an upper caste farmer after the labourer by fault took water from a water
pot, to be used by the owner only. UNI MB SW RP1446 NNNN

– (UNI)
– 17DR27.xml

On the
face of it, the BSP has become inclusive over the years. The party has a Muslim
face in Naseemuddin Siddiqui, Behenji’s trusted man who is responsible for
devising strategies to galvanise the Muslim vote.

In the
current elections, Mayawati’s party gave 85 Muslims candidates tickets. Muslims
are as clever as SC/STs as to who will be the best Chief Minister or Prime
Minister. They have learnt their lesson through suffering. Now the SC/STs/
OBCs/Minorities and poor upper Castes are safe and progressing under the  highly promising best and meritorious
governance of UP CM Ms Mayawati who has made politics sacred through the policy
of Sarvajan Hithay Sarvajan Sukhay i.e., for the peace, happiness and welfare
of the entire people.


Kanshi Ram saw real β€œpotential” in Ms Mayawati. When
Mayawati told Kanshi Ram she wanted to be a collector, he retorted β€œI can
make you such a big leader one day that not one,  but a whole row of
collectors will line up in front of you, waiting for your orders.”

Mayawati’s building spree is effectively about building
temples for SC/ST/OBC icons

 are against the
collective, historic insults heaped upon the SC/ST/OBC communities.

Mayawati’s legacy in stone

Lucknow: Mayawati has carved her
legacy in stone. Two centuries from now, any tourist to Lucknow would stand
mesmerised at the beauty and grandeur of the Ambedkar Memorial and Manyawar
Kashiram Ji Smarak Sthal, saluting in silence the aesthetic vision of the ruler
who made such works possible. He would not hesitate to equate these with other
medieval architectural marvels in the state, which include Shah Jahan’s elegy
in stone, Taj Mahal.

Red sand
stone, quarried in Chunnar and sent for finishing touches to Rajasthan before
being transported to Lucknow, has been used in profusion in making statues in
both the memorials. Certain statues have been carved out of marble.

The sprawling Ambedkar Park is spread over an area of
around 120 acres and the Kanshiram Smarak around 85 acres – in fanciful notions
of glory.

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19 02 2012 LESSON 529 Dhammapada Vanavasitissasamanera Vatthu Path To Liberation FREE ONLINE eNālandā Research & Practice UNIVERSITY & BUDDHIST GOOD NEWS LETTER Through :
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Posted by: site admin @ 8:57 pm

19 02 2012 LESSON 529
Vanavasitissasamanera Vatthu Path To Liberation


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a Sutta a Day Keeps Dukkha Away

Verse 75. Path To

One is
the way to worldly gain,
another to Nibbana goes.
Clearly comprehending this
the bhikkhu, Buddha’s follower
should wallow not in proffered gifts,
surrendering instead to solitude.

There is one way to worldly and material progress and profit. But the way to
Nibbana is quite different than that. The monk, who is the Buddha’s disciple,
should be clearly aware of this difference. He must not take delight in the
worldly gifts with which he is being enticed. He must on the other hand seek

Dhammapada Verse 75
Vanavasitissasamanera Vatthu

Anna hi

anna nibbanagamini
evametam abhinnaya
bhikkhu Buddhassa savako
sakkaram nabhinandeyya

75: Indeed, the path that leads to worldly gain is one and the Path that leads
to Nibbana is another. Fully comprehending this, the bhikkhu, the disciple of
the Buddha, should not take delight in worldly gain and honour, but devote
himself to solitude, detachment and the realization of Nibbana.

(vivekam + anubruhaye)
: Viveka - solitary seclusion. According to
the Commentary, the three kinds of vivekas are kayaviveka (seclusion of
the body or solitude); cittaviveka (detachment of the mind from human
passions) and upadhiviveka (Nibbana).

Story of Samanera Tissa of the Forest Monastery

residing at the Jetavana monastery, the Buddha uttered Verse (75) of this book,
with reference to Tissa, a samanera, who dwelt in a forest monastery.

was the son of a rich man from Savatthi. His father used to offer alms-food to
the Chief Disciple Sariputta in their house and so Tissa even as a child had
met the Chief Disciple on many occasions. At the age of seven he became a
novice (samanera) under the Chief Disciple Sariputta. While he was staying at
the Jetavana monastery, many of his friends and relatives came to see him,
bringing presents and offerings. The samanera found these visits to be very
tiresome; so after taking a subject of meditation from the Buddha, he left for
a forest monastery. Whenever a villager offered him anything, Tissa would just
say ‘May you be happy, may you be liberated from the ills of life,’
(”Sukhita hotha, dukkha muccatha”), and would go on his own way.
While he stayed at the forest monastery, he ardently and diligently practised
meditation, and at the end of three months he attained arahatship.

the vassa, the Venerable Sariputta accompanied by the Venerable Maha Moggallana
and other senior disciples paid a visit to Samanera Tissa, with the permission
of the Buddha. All the villagers came out to welcome the Venerable Sariputta
and his company of four thousand bhikkhus. They also requested the Venerable
Sariputta to favour them with a discourse, but the Chief Disciple declined;
instead, he directed his pupil Tissa to deliver a discourse to the villagers.
The villagers, however, said that their teacher Tissa could only say “May
you be happy, may you be liberated from the ills of life”, and asked the
Chief Disciple to assign another bhikkhu in his place. But the Venerable
Sariputta insisted that Tissa should deliver a discourse on the dhamma, and
said to Tissa, “Tissa, talk to them about the dhamma and show them how to
gain happiness and how to be liberated from the ills of life.”

in obedience to his teacher, Samanera Tissa went up the platform to deliver his
discourse. He explained to the audience the meaning of the aggregates (khandhas),
sense bases and sense objects (ayatanas), elements of the perpetuation
of the Teaching (Bodhipakkhiya Dhamma), the Path leading to arahatship
and Nibbana, etc. Finally he concluded, “And thus, those who attain
arahatship are liberated from all the ills of life and have Perfect Peace; all
the rest will still wander about in the round of rebirths (samsara).”

Venerable Sariputta praised Tissa for having expounded the dhamma so well. Dawn
was approaching when he finished his exposition, and all the villagers were
very much impressed. Some of them were surprised that Samanera Tissa knew the
dhamma so well, but they were also dissatisfied with him because formerly he
had talked so little about the dhamma to them; the others were happy and
contented to find the samanera to be so learned and felt that they were very
lucky to have him amongst them.

Buddha, with his supernormal power, saw from the Jetavana monastery these two
groups of villagers and appeared before them. His intention in coming to the
village was to clear up the misunderstanding amongst the first group of
villagers. The Buddha arrived while the villagers were preparing alms-food for
the bhikkhus. So, they had the opportunity to offer alms-food to the Buddha as
well. After the meal, the Buddha addressed the villagers, “O lay
disciples, all of you are so lucky to have Samanera Tissa amongst you. It is on
account of his presence here that I myself, my Chief Disciples, senior
disciples and many other bhikkhus now pay you a visit.”
These words
made them realize how fortunate they were to have Samanera Tissa with them and
they were satisfied. The Buddha then delivered a discourse to the villagers and
the bhikkhus, and consequently, many of them attained Sotapatti Fruition.

the discourse, the Buddha returned to the Jetavana monastery. In the evening,
the bhikkhus said in praise of Tissa to the Buddha, “Venerable Sir,
Samanera Tissa had performed a very difficult task; he was so well provided
with gifts and offerings of all kinds here in Savatthi, yet he gave up all
these to go and live austerely in a forest monastery.” To them the Buddha
replied, “Bhikkhus, a bhikkhu, whether in town or in village, should
not live for the sake of gifts and offerings, if a bhikkhu renounces all good
prospects or worldly gain and diligently practises the dhamma in solitude, he
is sure to attain arahatship.”

the Buddha spoke in verse as follows:

Verse 75: Indeed, the
path that leads to worldly gain is one and the Path that leads to Nibbana is
another. Fully comprehending this, the bhikkhu, the disciple of the Buddha,
should not take delight in worldly gain and honour, but devote himself to
solitude, detachment and the realization of Nibbana.

End of
Chapter Five: The Fool (Bilavagga)

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18 02 2012 LESSON 528 Dhammapada Verses 73 and 74 Cittagahapati Vatthu Desire For Pre-Eminence and The Ignorant are Ego Centred
Filed under: General
Posted by: site admin @ 8:27 pm

18 02 2012 LESSON 528
Dhammapada Verses 73 and 74 Cittagahapati Vatthu Desire For Pre-Eminence and The
Ignorant are Ego Centred


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a Sutta a Day Keeps Dukkha

Verse 73. Desire For

position a fool may wish:
among the bhikkhus precedence,
in monasteries authority,
from other families honours.

He is fond of being recognized for what he, in reality, is not. Yearns for
pre-eminence among peers. He craves for preference in matters relating to
residences. He is enamoured of the idea of receiving gifts and requisites from
other families as well.

Verse 74. The Ignorant
are Ego-Centred

monks and laymen, let them think
‘This was done by me,
whatever the works, both great and small,
let them depend on me’.
Such the intention of a fool, 
swollen his greed and conceit.

The ignorant has this attitude of mind: “Let everybody know that this was
done by me alone. In whatever activity small or big my leadership shall
prevail. Everybody must follow me.” This conceit of the ignorant leads to
craving, uncontrolled desire and to a groundless pride, to a false sense of
superiority. These begin to grow.


Dhammapada Verses 73 and
Cittagahapati Vatthu

purekkharanca bhikkhusu
avasesu ca issariyam
pujam parakulesu1 ca.

kata mannantu
gihi2 pabbajita ubho
mamevativasa assu
kiccakiccesu kismici
iti balassa sankappo
iccha mano ca vaddhati.

73: The foolish bhikkhu desires praise for qualities he does not have,
precedence among bhikkhus, authority in the monasteries, and veneration from those
unrelated to him.

74: “Let both laymen and bhikkhus think that things are done because of
me; let them obey me in all matters, great and small.” Such being the
thoughts of the fool, his greed and his pride grow.

1. parakulesu:
those outside the family; (para = outside or others).

2. gihi:
short form for gahapati, householder.

Story of Citta the Householder

residing at the Jetavana monastery, the Buddha uttered Verses (73) and (74) of
this book, with reference to Thera Sudhamma and Citta the householder.

a householder, once met Thera Mahanama, one of the group of the first five
bhikkhus (Pancavaggis), going on an alms-round, and invited the thera to
his house. There, he offered alms-food to the thera and after listening to the
discourse given by him, Citta attained Sotapatti Fruition. Later, Citta
built a monastery in his mango grove. There, he looked to the needs of all
bhikkhus who came to the monastery and Bhikkhu Sudhamma was installed as the
resident bhikkhu.

day, the two Chief Disciples of the Buddha, the Venerable Sariputta and the
Venerable Maha Moggallana, came to the monastery and after listening to the
discourse given by the Venerable Sariputta, Citta attained Anagami Fruition.
Then, he invited the two Chief Disciples to his house for alms-food the next
day. He also invited Thera Sudhamma, but Thera Sudhamma refused in anger and
said, “You invite me only after the other two.” Citta repeated his
invitation, but it was turned down. Nevertheless, Thera Sudhamma went to the
house of Citta early on the following day. But when invited to enter the house,
Thera Sudhamma refused and said that he would not sit down as he was going on
his alms-round. But when he saw the things that were to be offered to the two
Chief Disciples, he envied them so much that he could not restrain his anger.
He abused Citta and said, “I don’t want to stay in your monastery any
longer,” and left the house in anger.

there, he went to the Buddha and reported everything that had happened. To him,
the Buddha said, “You have insulted a lay-disciple who is endowed with
faith and generously. You’d better go back to him and own up your
Sudhamma did as he was told by the Buddha, but Citta would
not be appeased; so he returned to the Buddha for the second time. The Buddha,
knowing that the pride of Sudhamma had dwindled by this time, said, “My
son, a good bhikkhu should have no attachment; a good bhikkhu should not be
conceited and say ‘This is my monastery, this is my place, these are my
lay-disciples,’ etc., for in one with such thoughts, covetousness and pride
will increase.”

the Buddha spoke in verse as follows:

73: The foolish bhikkhu desires praise for qualities he does not have,
precedence among bhikkhus, authority in the monasteries, and veneration from
those unrelated to him.


74: “Let both laymen and bhikkhus think that things are done because of
me; let them obey me in all matters, great and small.” Such being the
thoughts of the fool, his greed and his pride grow.

At the
end of the discourse, Sudhamma went to the house of Citta, and this time they
got reconciled; and within a few days, Sudhamma attained arahatship.

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17 02 2012 LESSON 527 Dhammapada Verse 72 Satthikutapeta Vatthu The Knowledge Of The Wicked Splits His Head
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Posted by: site admin @ 12:36 am

17 02 2012 LESSON 527 Dhammapada Verse 72 Satthikutapeta Vatthu The
Knowledge Of The Wicked Splits His Head

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Practice a Sutta a Day Keeps Dukkha

Verse 72. The Knowledge Of The Wicked Splits
His Head

Truly to his detriment
skill is born to the fool;
ruined is his better nature
and scattered are his wits.

Explanation: Whatever is
learned by the ignorant is conducive to harm. It brings about his own downfall.
Misplaced learning destroys whatever potential the learner possesses and
renders him useless in terms of real knowledge.

Dhammapada Verse 72
Satthikutapeta Vatthu

Yavadeva anatthaya
nattam balassa jayati
hanti balassa sukkamsam1

muddhamassa2 vipatayam.

Verse 72: The skill of a
fool can only harm him; it destroys his merit and his wisdom (lit., it severs
his head).

1. sukkamsa: sukka + amsa :
 sukka means white, bright, pure or good; amsa means
portion. According to the Commentary, sukkamsa means merit.

2. muddha: head,
top, summit. According to the Commentary, it means knowledge.

The Story of Satthikutapeta

While residing at the
Veluvana monastery, the Buddha uttered Verse (72) of this book with reference
to a peta-ghost named Satthikutapeta.

The Chief Disciple Maha
Moggallana saw this enormous peta-ghost while going on an alms-round
with Thera Lakkhana. In this connection, the Buddha explained that
Satthikutapeta, in one of his previous existences, was very skilful in throwing
stones at things. One day, he asked permissions from his teacher to try out his
skill. His teacher told him not to hit a cow, or a human being as he would have
to pay compensation to the owner or to the relative, but to find a target which
was ownerless or guardianless.

On seeing the
paccekabuddha, the idiots lacking in intelligence, thought the paccekabuddha,
having no relative or guardian, would be an ideal target. So he threw a stone
at the paccekabuddha who was on an alms-round. The stone entered from one ear
and came out of the other. The paccekabuddha expired when he reached the
monastery. The stone-thrower was killed by the disciples of the paccekabuddha
and he was reborn in Avici Niraya. Afterwards, he was reborn as a peta-ghost
and had since been serving the remaining term of the evil consequences (kamma)
of his evil deed. As a peta-ghost his enormous head was being
continuously hit with red-hot hammers.

In conclusion, the Buddha
said, “To a fool, his skill or knowledge is of no use; it can only harm

Then the Buddha spoke in
verse as follows:

Verse 72: The skill of a fool can only harm
him; it destroys his merit and his wisdom (lit., it severs his head).

Nagpur 5 seats,

Thane 2

Ulhasnagar 2

Umred ZP 1

Panchayat Samiti 2

Congrats missionary workers

- Dr Rahul BSP


Hazarelal Gautam, the co-ordinator of
the Ramnagar Assembly seat in Barabanki district (which voted in phase one last
week), said: “Our top functionaries meet Behenji once in four months. We
don’t care if she interacts with us or not because our job is to propagate her

The whole world knows that this is a
paid news. A handful of scribes full of hatred for Scheduled castes, having
come to know that the Congress and the BJP are not in the race, hence are
attempting to project SP. Once Napolian said that he can face two battalions
but not two scribes.Today the scribes are
worst than some of the Congress and BJP leaders full of casteist and
religious mindset. They are just day dreaming.

Buddhist Circle] For NRIs, Lucknow is a harbinger of change in UP -
“Many chief ministers came and went, but it is only Mayawati who has
tried to develop the city.

For NRIs, Lucknow is a harbinger of change in UP

Friday, 17 February 2012 13:48
IANS | Lucknow
Hits: 14
“I was mesmerised by the change,” says an excited Sifat Khan, a
21-year-old who grew up in Australia and visited poll-bound Lucknow this
winter after four years. She was thrilled to find recreation spots,
malls, well-lit roads and a changing lifestyle - not to mention the
renovated commercial hub of Hazratganj.

Barnstorming by political
parties may be in full swing in the current elections in Uttar Pradesh,
India’s most populated state of over 200 million people and around 120
million voters. But many of those from the state who live abroad are
impressed with the development work and applaud Chief Minister
Mayawati’s efforts, saying it’s no mean feat in this erstwhile city of
nawabs and currently at the heart of a fierce political battle for
control of the country’s most politically consequential state.

“One thing that caught my eye was the Ambedkar Memorial Park,” said Sifat, a medicine student based in Brisbane.

enormous and magnificent place drips with creativity. I was in awe of
the 62 huge elephant statues welcoming me,” Sifat told IANS.

great transformation was how organised Hazratganj has become! I clearly
recall being stuck in traffic for hours witnessing street fights and
brawls just to get parking at this
shopping centre. Now you see a wide expanded road with traffic lights
and multi-storeyed parking and its shoppers delight,” she added.
though Maywati’s opponents are training the gun on her and say she has
failed to bring development and has wasted and misused central
government funds, outsiders are happy to see the new developments in the
historical city, home to 4.5 million people, which is focusing on
better infrastructure and safety.

For Sanjana Singh, travelling to the city from the US was a great experience.

keep hearing a lot of things on television but coming here gives a
different picture. As an outsider you feel safe in the city and it
offers good outing spots too.”

Many NRIs from Uttar Pradesh were
holidaying in their native state in winter even as the state is in the
middle of seven-phased assembly polls. Lucknow, which has a population
of 4.5 million, votes Feb 19.

Some local people complain that
much of the construction work has benefited Mayawati’s brother who is
in the construction business, but for Huma Khan, who works abroad as a
consultant, what counts is the development effort in the city.

and Gomti Nagar area have changed remarkably, she said. “There are
wide, three-laned, well-lit roads and there is the Ambedkar Smarak. It’s
hard to believe it is the same Lucknow.”

And clearly they have a good word for Mayawati, whose Bahujan Samaj Party (BSP) has been in power since 2007.

chief ministers came and went, but it is only Mayawati who has tried to
develop the city. The connectivity to the heart of the city
(Hazrarganj) and the airport are a compared to earlier days,” Huma Khan

The development is not centred in the state capital alone,
points out London-based Samrat Basu, who used to dread travelling by
road earlier. He says it is a delight to take a road trip between
Lucknow and Banda

“My visit this time was exceptional. I started my journey
from Delhi to Banda and I was very happy to catch the train UP Sampark
Kranti. The journey was very comfortable and safe,” he said.

And he had a similar experience from Banda to Lucknow.

travel to Lucknow from Banda by train used to be a nightmare due to
erratic departure timings and trouble in boarding. So this time someone
suggested I travel by road. I was not confident, but was amazed to see
the construction of a long bridge on the Yamuna river near Chilla Ghat.
This particular improvement by the Uttar Pradesh government has
connected Banda so well with many cities by road. It took us only four
hours to reach Lucknow and we enjoyed the trip,” Basu told IANS.

“I must be thank Mayawatiji for her enormous contribution and vision to develop this city. We loved the advancement.”

The very fact that Samajwadi Party supremo Mulayam Singh Yadav
said that his party will support the Congress is a clear indication
that BSP is going to be the winner. And the media through paid news
started lifting up SP knowing very well that the Congress and the BJP
are no where in the race.

the 2007 Assembly elections, the Samajwadi Party won three of the four
constituencies in Etawah β€” Etawah city, Bharathana (where Samajwadi Party chief
Mulayam Singh Yadav himself contested and won) and Jaswantnagar. The fourth
seat, Lakhana, then a reserved constituency, had gone to the Bahujan Samaj

the equation stands drastically altered in 2012 when, post-delimitation, Etawah
goes to the polls with only three seats, two of which β€” Etawah city and Mulayam
Singh’s Bharthana (which fell vacant after he was elected to the Lok Sabha)
were wrested by the Bahujan Samaj Party in the 2009 by-elections. Only
Jaswantnagar, represented by Mulayam’s brother Shivpal Singh Yadav, remains
with the Samajwadi Party in the outgoing Assembly as far as Etawah is

Following these setbacks in
his own backyard, Mulayam Singh cannot take Etawah for granted.

During Mulayam Singh’s rule gundagardi (muscle-flexing
by goons) is rampant.

whereas during Mayawati’s
rule, there is no gundagardi

On the upper caste vote.  Brahmins and Thakurs have decided to throw their weight behind Mayawati,because there is no gundagardi.

More than 17 million people were eligible to vote in 56 seats in the third phase of UP elections.

These elections are expected to be a litmus
test ahead of national elections, which are due in 2014.

Uttar Pradesh is ruled by Chief Minister Mayawati, a Sarvajan i.e., the entire people’s icon from the Bahujan Samaj Party (BSP).

If it were a separate country, Uttar Pradesh would be the
fifth-largest in the world by population, with more than 200 million people.

The average turnout in the 2007 state election
was 46%.

No major incidents were reported.

Manipur, Punjab, Uttarakhand and Goa are also voting in this
round of state elections. Results for all the states will be announced on March

Uttar Pradesh, the most populous state in
India, is at the polls to elect its 403-seat state legislative
assembly. The third phase of polling commenced on 15th Feb 2012, and results will be
known on 6 March. With a population of 200 million people, Uttar Pradesh is
larger than Brazil. If it were a country, it would be the fifth largest.
Accordingly, it has the largest parliamentary representation at central level.
Another claim to fame for the state is that it has produced seven Indian prime ministers.

SC/STs, the “untouchables”, are a sizeable
population and the most prized voters. The incumbent chief minister, who goes
by the single moniker of Mayawati, is from this community. Hers is an
extraordinary story: the rise of a SC woman to the highest echelons of
power. She is a potential prime ministerial candidate.
The next community of significance in the hierarchy of voters is the Muslim
community. They comprise 18% of the state’s population and are being
relentlessly supported by Bahujan  Samaj party (BSP). Brahmins, the community located at the top of
the Indian caste pyramid, form the third grouping. In 2007, sitting chief
minister Mayawati and her party rose to power with a thumping majority on the
back of a combination of SC/ST and Brahmin votes. It was a stunning victory
that saw the fusion of the votes of communities traditionally at the polar
opposites of the Indian caste spectrum.

Mayawati remains a
favourite, with her Brahmin support base is intact with Muslims

Brisk polling was
recorded for the third phase of UP Assembly elections for 56 seats in 10

Voting began at 7 AM
for the third phase of assembly elections.

This phase will
decide the fate of three cabinet ministers, a minister of state, 29 sitting
MLAs and 14 former ministers.

More than 1.75 crore
voters are expected to cast their votes to seal the fate of 1,018 candidates in
the polling to be held in CSM Nagar, Sultanpur, Kaushambi, Allahabad, Jaunpur,
Chandauli, Varanasi, Sant Ravidas Nagar, Mirzapur and Sonbhadra.

Fate of 1,018
candidates in 10 districts, including Amethi and Rae Bareli, and Naxal-hit districts Chandauli, Sonbhadra and Mirzapur
would be decided in the third phase.

In this phase, as many as 48 ‘crorepatis’
are in the fray. Polling  ended  by 4 PM in Naxal-affected
area of Chakia in Sonbhadra and Duddhi in Robertsganj of Sonbhadra.

A total of 2,025 polling stations have been identified as sensitive and 1,766
as hyper sensitive.

The CEO said that polling was being held at 18,374 polling booths at 11,607
polling stations where 1,122 video cameras and 1,190 digital cameras have been
installed to maintain a vigil on poll process.

Stakes are high for ruling BSP,the no holds barred
fight for the 403 assembly seats.

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16 02 2012 LESSON 526 Dhammapada Verse 71 Ahipeta Vatthu Sin Is Like Sparks Of Fire Hidden In Ashes
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Posted by: site admin @ 3:27 am

02 2012 LESSON 526 Dhammapada Verse 71 Ahipeta Vatthu Sin Is Like Sparks Of
Fire Hidden In Ashes




a Sutta a Day Keeps Dukkha Away

71. Sin Is Like Sparks Of Fire Hidden In Ashes

As milk, is evil kamma done,
so slowly does it sour.
Smouldering does it follow the fool
like fire with ashes covered.

Explanation: When an ignorance person commits an act of sin, it
does not immediately yield bad results. This is like the freshly extracted
milk, which does not curdle immediately on being extracted from the cow’s
udder. The sin that has been committed remains concealed like the sparks
covered with ashes, and continues to follow and burn the doer of sins.

Verse 71
Ahipeta Vatthu

Na hi papam katam kammam
sajju khiramva muccati
dahantam balarnanveti
bhasmacchannova pavako.

Verse 71: An evil deed does not immediately bear fruit, just as
the newly-drawn milk does not curdle at once; but it follows the fool burning
him like live coal covered with ashes.

The Story of Ahipeta*

While residing at the Jetavana monastery, the Buddha uttered
Verse (71) of this book, with reference to a peta-ghost.

The Chief Disciple Maha Moggallana was on one occasion going on
an alms-round with Thera Lakkhana in Rajagaha. On seeing something, he smiled
but said nothing. When they were back at the monastery, Thera Maha Moggallana
told Thera Lakkhana that he smiled because he saw a peta-ghost with the head of
a human being and the body of a snake. The Buddha then said that he himself had
seen that very peta-ghost on the day he attained Buddhahood. The Buddha
also explained that, a very long time ago, there was a paccekabuddha, who was
respected by many. People going to his monastery had to traverse a field. The
owner of the field, fearing that his field would be damaged by too many people
going to and from the monastery, set fire to it. Consequently, the
paccekabuddha had to move to some other place. The disciples of the
paccekabuddha, being very angry with the land-owner, beat him and killed him.
On his death he was reborn in Avici Niraya. In his present existence, he
was serving out the remaining term of the evil consequences (kamma) as a peta-ghost.

In conclusion, the Buddha said, “An evil deed does not
bear fruit immediately, but it invariably follows the evil doer. There is no
escape from the consequences of an evil deed.”

Then the Buddha spoke in verse as follows:

71: An evil deed does not immediately bear fruit, just as the newly-drawn
milk does not curdle at once; but it follows the fool burning him like live
coal covered with ashes.

* Ahipeta = Ahi + peta; ahi
 = snake + peta  =  peta-ghost, an ever-hungry
spirit or ghost. In this instance a ghost with the head of a human being and
the body of a snake.


Rs. 1 crore seized: President’s son in a spot

Days ahead of the Municipal Corporation polls in
Maharashtra, the state Congress has been caught in an embarrassing situation
over the seizure of Rs. one crore cash by the police. President Pratibha
Patil’s son and Congress MLA Raosaheb Shekhawat has said that the money was
meant for distribution among the financially-weak candidates for the local
civic polls on February 16.

President’s son comes to take
charge of Rs 1-cr β€˜Cong poll fund’

MUMBAI, 13 FEB: More than Rs 1 crore seized by the
Amravati police from a mysterious Ford Endeavour SUV during late-night
patrolling on Saturday (about 2 a.m.) remained unclaimed for over 12 hours
until local Congress MLA Mr Rajendra alias Raosaheb Shekhawat, son of the
President, Mrs Pratibha Patil, came forward to take charge of the cash, which
he described as β€œparty fund” sent by a functionary from Nagpur for use in the
Amravati municipal corporation election due on Thursday.

This belated explanation ~ after a prolonged suspense and wild speculation ~
was submitted by Mr Shekhawat in a letter to police commissioner Amitesh Kumar.
The letter did not say why the MLA took 12 hours in his attempt to come out
clean. Police have refused to hand over the confiscated money unless a court or
the Maharashtra Election Commission asks them to do so. City police chief was
criticised in the last state Assembly election for allegedly using unfair
covert practices in favour of the President’s son. Apparently in this case Mr
Kumar prefers to act from a safer distance since the entire episode is in
public domain and the voters are normally aware where such cash is used during
election time.

The cops on night patrol intercepted the Ford SUV ~ MH 31 D 4744 (Nagpur
registration) and arrested two persons identified as Mr AM Bodhankar and Mr PD
Mesram carrying unaccounted cash. Both failed to provide satisfactory answers
to police queries. In the meantime, police found out that the vehicle belonged
to a minister of state from Nagpur who is believed to have sent more than Rs 1
crore in cash to allegedly target and woo vulnerable voters. The police chief,
Mr Kumar, said the arrested duo would be charged under suitable provisions of
the Indian Penal Code and the money seized deposited in the district treasury
under the Amravati collector. He said although the Congress MLA and a party
functionary, Mr Ganesh Patil, have written to him, the cash would not be
returned to them unless they obtained a court order.

The car carrying β€œthe Congress party fund” was seen
earlier on Saturday morning in chief minister Prithviraj Chavan’s cavalcade
during his visit to Amravati to address voters in several parts of the city.
Police have traced the owner but declined to confirm his identity as he is an
important Congress leader. Deputy chief minister and Nationalist Congress Party
leader Ajit Pawar has raised some uncomfortable questions. He demanded an
investigation into the origin and the probable end user of the unaccounted cash.
β€œIf this was meant for the Congress nominees in Amravati why send it
surreptitiously in wee hours,” Mr Pawar asked. He alleged that the Amravati
police were involved with the Congress MLA in β€œa big cover-up operation”.
Accusing the cops of not performing their election duties honestly, the deputy
chief minister sought to know details of the police commissioner’s cell phone
records since the consfication of the cash and the car. The Congress and the
NCP are fighting the Amravati corporation election independently and against
each other.

In the letter to police, Congress leaders have said the cash was for 87 party
candidates. Each was to receive Rs 1 lakh and the balance Rs 13 lakh was for
sundry expenses. Police have forwarded these letters to the state election
commissioner and have apprised the Income-Tax department of the seizure. The
BJP said it would file a complaint with the SEC.

Indians have stashed $500 b
abroad: CBI

FEB: Indians are the largest depositors of black money in Swiss banks,
said the CBI director, Mr A K Singh, adding an estimated US $500 billion
belonging to Indians are deposited in tax havens.

Economically, India has
suffered from the flow of illegal funds to tax havens mainly Mauritius,
Switzerland, Lichtenstein, British Virgin Islands, the CBI director
said. β€œWe need to relentlessly pursue asset recovery strategies to make such
illegal acquisitions a β€˜no profit high risk’ proposition,” Mr Singh said while
addressing the inaugural function of the first Interpol global programme on
anti-corruption and asset recovery.

 Information about such illegal transactions is a time-consuming process
as investigators have to peel each layer by sending judicial requests to the
country where such deposits have been made, the CBI chief said, while
highlighting the problems encountered during such investigations especially
relating to trans-border issues.

 According to World Bank estimates, the cross border flow of money from
criminal activities, including corruption and tax evasion, is around US $1.5
trillion annually, Mr Singh said. And around $40 billion of this flow is on
account of bribes paid to public  officials in the developing countries,
he added.

Yet, it is only US $5 billion in stolen assets that has been repatriated over
the past 15 years, the CBI director said. β€œThat leaves a wide gap between the
outflow from the developing countries and its subsequent repatriation,” he
added. β€œTracing, freezing, confiscation and then repatriation of stolen assets
is a legal challenge. Managing the asset recovery investigation is complex,
time consuming, costly and most importantly requires expertise and political
will,” Mr Singh said.

β€œFifty three per cent of the countries said to be least corrupt by the
Transparency International Index are offshore tax havens, where most of the
corrupt money goes. The tax havens include New Zealand which is ranked as the
least corrupt country, Singapore is ranked number five and Switzerland number
seven,” Mr Singh said.

 He said there is a lack of political will in the leading tax haven states
to part with information because they are aware of the extent to which their
economies have become β€œgeared to this flow of illegal capitals from the poorer

What They Said: Election Commission vs Khurshid

Earlier this month, Law Minister
Salman Khurshid suggested that the Congress party would grant a quota of 9% of
government jobs and educational seats for so-called β€œbackward minorities” if it
came to power in Uttar Pradesh, the sprawling northern state that is currently
holding elections.

He reportedly made his controversial remark while
campaigning for his wife, Louis Khurshid, in Farrukhabad, Uttar Pradesh, where
she is contesting as a Congress candidate.

The statement infuriated the Election
Commission, which claimed his statements were a violation of the Election Model
Code of Conduct and reprimanded him.

The matter escalated when Mr.
Khurshid announced in another election meeting in
Farrukhabad that even if the Commission β€œhangs him or does anything else, he
would ensure that people of Pasmanda community get their rights.”

The Commission did not take
kindly to the statement and wrote to the President to complain about the
β€œdefiant and aggressive” Law Minister. It sought the President’s immediate and decisive

After Mr. Khurshid expressed regret over his remarks Monday, the
commission reportedly decided to close the matter.

Here’s what national newspapers
had to say about the issue.

The Indian Express in an editorial on Monday condemned the Law Minister’s
defiance of the Election Commission and justified the Commission’s stand
against him by saying that his statements had β€œdemeaned his office and his

The newspaper’s editorial
published under the headline β€œCode of Misconduct” also expressed surprise at
the Law Minister’s actions by saying that he was usually articulate and well
aware of the law and of due process and said β€œit is hard not to interpret his
defiance of the Election Commission as premeditated or deliberate.”

The Asian Age also found Mr. Khurshid’s conduct in the
past few days to be surprising, saying that he was β€œknown to act and speak with
restraint in coping with awkward situations.” The national daily concluded by
suggesting that pulling Mr. Khurshid back from campaigning in Uttar Pradesh
might be a way out of the sticky situation.

In an editorial published Tuesday, The Times of India commended the actions of the Election
Commission and said β€œEC is a constitutional body, and its strictures deserve to
be treated with greater respect.” The piece lauded the many achievements of the
Commission and opined that, as Law Minister, Mr. Khurshid β€œhas a responsibility
to conform to the letter and spirit of the model code.”

In an opinion piece published by The Hindu, the national daily firmly  stated that
Mr. Khurshid’s defiance of the Commission must be put to an end. Pointing out
that Mr. Khurshid’s promise of a quota for minorities was not in the Congress
election manifesto as he claimed, the editorial said the β€œissue has become much
too contentious and significant to be brushed under the carpet.” After citing
the significance of the Commission in the country, the editorial concluded that
β€œ it was imperative that the Central government and the Congress demonstrate
their respect for the Election Commission and accept its rulings.”

Muslim voters
say Mr Khurshid has shown political immaturity by opting for a see-through
agenda. Development remains a distant hope here, and bijli-sadak-paani
(electricity, roads, water) are all that matters.  A middle-aged doctor,
Zubair Ahmed, shares, “Whatever Salman has sowed, his wife Louise will
reap the losses. He has done nothing in the past two years. Why should we vote
for his wife?”

failed to translate swaraj the country had gained post Independence into
development despite remaining in power for so many years,”

India] KMSS condemns Jayanti Natarajan for wildlife clearance given to Lower
Demwe Project - Assam

Roma ;

Message from Akhil Gogoi - Secretary Krishak
Mukti Sangram Samiti, Assam


KMSS condemns Jayanti Natarajan for wildlife
clearance given to Lower Demwe Project

Press Statement, KMSS


14th February 2012

In a
press statement of released today Akhil Gogoi, secretary and Raju Bora of
president of KMSS says that despite protest from the people of Assam and the
concerns raised by the Assam government the MOEF has finally given wildlife
clearance to the Lower Demwe project citing the need for development. This has
again proved how insensitive the Indian government is and also how helpless the
Assam government is. The KMSS reacts to this and says that nowhere in the
ministry’s order the concern of Assam has been mentioned and sincerely

laments that the Assam government can only protest. The Assam government has
been unable to bring justice. Mrs. Jayanti Natarajan, country’s Minister of
Environment who has never visited the chars in Assam now claims that the
dam will have only minimum impact. She also claims that the animals learn to
live in the new situation and hence no need to worry. She virtually condemns
the Dr. Asad Rehmani of Bombay Natural History Society, who earlier highlighted
how disastrous this project would be for Assam, for not understanding this
issue. It must be mentioned here that Dr. Rehmani submitted a full length
report on the Lower Demwe citing massive ecological damage in the downstream.
In the 24th meeting of the Standing Committee of the National Board
of Wildlife which met on 13th December 2011 all the non-official
members supported Dr. Rehmani’s proposal for rejection of this project. Dr
Rehmani also suggested for additional studies in the coming years. The report
especially mentioned the formation of an independent consortium of scientists
to review the project. The Ministry’s order simply ignores these critical
issues. The KMSS condemns the fact that the Ministry also forgets to mention
that people also live downstream.

claims this again proved how the Assam is the worst victim of the present hydro-power
policies. The Indian government completely ignored the presence of Assam in
downstream of this project. Not only that the government gives clearance to the
project by strongly saying that the IIT Roorkee will only study any future
environmental study for this project. The KMSS condemns the fact that the
Ministry’s position that any such study will begin only after construction

says that this order of the Indian government finally proved the issues raised
by it for long. That in the name of development and dam building Assam is not
going to get anything and Assam’s problems cannot be solved unless policies are
changed. The KMSS demands that the Assam government must immediately protest
against this. The KMSS reiterated that the government of India must stop this
mockery and engage with sincerity about the concerns of the people of Assam.

NFFPFW / Human Rights Law Centre
c/o Sh. Vinod Kesari, Near Sarita Printing Press,
Tagore Nagar
District Sonbhadra 231216
Uttar Pradesh
Tel : 91-9415233583, 05444-222473
Email :

BJP believes “In
west a person’s intelligence is gauged by measuring his IQ (Intelligence
Quotient) and later the concept of EQ (Emotional Quotient) too arrived. But Indians
were known worldover for one more thing and that is for their SQ (Spiritual

[IHRO] Sleaze Blitz

Abhijit Sengupta ;

Sleaze blitz

Red-faced over three legislators caught watching pornographic
footage inside the Karnataka Assembly, the BJP is lying low in the state for
the moment, writes tyagaraj sharma 

When Srinivas Kulkarni, TV 9’s cameraman and his colleague from Suvarna
TV, assistant cameraman Prashanth, readied their cameras to cover the Karnataka
Assembly proceedings from the visitors’ gallery on 7 February, 2012, they
expected a routine, dull affair. After all, nothing exciting was listed for the

That is, till Srinivas saw minister for cooperation, Mr Laxman Savadi,
looking furtively at the visitors’ gallery while holding his cellphone.

This happened once too often prompting an alert Srinivas to zero in on the
minister. A keen Prashanth also realised something was cooking and he too
focused his camera on the minister who, by then, had been joined by Mr C Patil,
minister for women and child development.

The two media professionals also noted that the duo was sitting behind chief
minister Mr Sadanand Gowda and law minister Mr Suresh Kumar. The cameramen shut
out everything else, even the discussion that had started on the controversial
hoisting of a Pakistani flag by activists of the Sree Ram Sene. They started
rolling the cameras to capture what they realised was a big story.
the job, they quickly sent the tapes to their outdoor broadcast (OB) vans
even though the vehicles were capturing the cameras’ feeds from inside the
Assembly. But the cameramen did not want to take a chance and ensured that
their tapes reached their OB vans as well. After that, all hell broke loose as
the channels telecast the all-important footage, immediately putting the
ruling party in the state and its central leadership to shame
. Predictably,
the telecast led to a furore with BJP leaders running for cover.

With the Opposition also going on the offensive, a red-faced government sought
to buy peace by forcing the tainted ministers to resign immediately. For
good measure, it also ordered a probe with a report expected by 12 March, 2012.
Till then, the three legislators caught watching pornographic footage on
their cellphones would need to stay away from the Assembly.

Significantly, β€œPorngate” as the affair has come to be known, could not have
come at a worse time for the BJP which is trying hard to make a comeback in
Uttar Pradesh, where crucial Assembly polls are under way. With the general
election too expected to be held in the next one year, the puerility of its
three Karnataka legislators comes as a self-indictment for the party whose
tendency to commit hara-kiri is all too well known.

Admittedly, the BJP has moved fast in an attempt to address the nationwide
outcry against the tainted Karnataka legislators. To that extent, it may have
done a limited damage control. Yet, considering its inability and its
unwillingness to act against growing indiscipline in the party, especially when
it comes to former chief minister Mr BS Yeddyurappa, the BJP’s decision to
penalise the errant ministers took even the offending lawmakers by surprise.

That apart, the party’s record in the state has not been too encouraging what
with almost 15 of its legislators already having come under the scanner on
charges of rape, corruption and closing illegal deals and much more. Topping
the list is none other than Mr Yeddyurappa
who quit on 31 July, 2011
following his indictment by the then Lokayukta, Mr Justice  N Santosh
Hegde  for encouraging rampant illegal mining in the state.

Incidentally, last week’s resignation of the three Karnataka legislators also
takes the total number of BJP ministers who had to quit their posts on charges
related to immoral/corrupt conduct to four, adding to the party’s
embarrassment. Mr Haratalu Halappa was the first to quit in 2010 after his friend’s
wife accused him of raping her.
Other than Mr Yeddyurappa, Katta
Subramanya, Mr SN Krishnaiah Setty and the Bellary behemoth, Mr Gali Janardhana
Reddy are being tried for having committed alleged acts of corruption. This is
not all. Industry minister Mr Murugesh Nirani and housing minister, Mr V
Somanna, too have come under the scanner as has party spokesperson, Mr CT Ravi
and Mr Yeddyurappa’s son and MP, Mr BY Raghvendra. In other words the β€œparty
with a difference” has gone overboard to show how different it truly is!

The double standards of the β€œPorngate” lawmakers, particularly, Mr C Patil,
have come under severe scrutiny. He had hit the headlines a month ago for
suggesting a dress code for women as he felt that skimpy attires invited sexual
assaults. And then, the same worthy was caught watching a video of women in
various stages of undress inside the Karnataka Assembly!

Of course, his colleague Mr Palemar seems to have got embroiled in the
controversy unwittingly. It appears that outside the Assembly, Mr Savadi had
approached him, seeking to understand the meaning of a β€œrave party” given the
recent commotion at a state-sponsored show in Udupi. Mr Palemar could not
provide a proper explanation and instead offered to show Mr Savadi clippings
of the uninhibited party that foreigners had indulged in on 3 February, 2012 in
This was the same function over which the Opposition had hauled the
ruling party over the coals. According to information available with The
Statesman, Mr Palemar then handed his cellphone to Mr Savadi so that his
colleague could watch the video that he had received before being called to the
Assembly to reply to a question. Mr Savadi followed him into the Assembly and
started watching the video along with Mr Patil.

Interestingly, the three tainted legislators are known to be supporters of Mr
Yeddyurappa. It is also learnt that notwithstanding their conduct, they may go
scot free as, according to a senior police officer, the existing cyber crime
legislation has many loopholes that the offending ministers can exploit to get
away. But then, a criminal case could be registered against the trio as
watching pornographic material in public is an offence.

A senior lawyer told The Statesman that the former ministers could be booked
under Sections 290 (public nuisance), 292, (selling and public exhibition of
sexually explicit materials) and 294 (obscene acts and songs) of the IPC.
Another advocate , however, claimed that it was difficult  to register a
case as too many legal issues had to be resolved first. To begin with, he said,
it needed an aggrieved party to come forward for a case to be registered. In
this instance, however, no one was affected. Besides, given the absence of a
concrete definition of obscenity in this country, it would be difficult to
build a case against the trio.

Legal opinions apart, the fact remains that some BJP legislators have got away
with similar behaviour in the past with the party even going so far as to
promoting them. A case in point is that of the Honnali MLA, Mr MP Renukacharya.
He was promoted by Yeddyurappa as excise minister 20 months after a nurse
accused him of sexually exploiting her.

Be that as it may, the red-faced BJP is maintaining a low profile for now.
Which is why it has suspended all official organisational activities till the
end of this month. To start with, regional conferences scheduled to be held in
Belgaum and Bijapur have been postponed. Likewise, a few other meetings planned
across the state have been put off. A senior leader said: β€œOne thing is clear.
We are not ready for another jolt.”

The party bosses, however, are confident that the picture would become clearer
by end of the month at the two-day conference of BJP legislators and
Parliamentarians beginning 24 February, 2012. In this conclave, controversial
issues ranging from β€œPorngate” to indiscipline in the party to leadership
crises would be discussed. It is all but certain that the BJP’s central
leadership would now utilise the opportunity to issue strict guidelines to rein
in legislators till the time the next Assembly election, which is barely a few
months away now, is held.

Meanwhile, as an immediate offshoot of the embarrassing act of the ruling
party’s members, the Karnataka legislature is all set to have its proceedings
telecast just as it is done in Parliament. The state government proposes to
spend about Rs 30 crore on the project. The advantage of such an investment:
the feed would be made available to all channels with the government censoring
it first! Until that time, the BJP would fervently hope that no other member
embarrasses the party.

The General’s birthday

~ The controversy involving the Chief of the Army Staff, General VK Singh, and
the government has gone on for far too long. This is very unfortunate both for
the civilian administration and the military.

Why did the government want the General to accept an incorrect date of
birth at the time of promotion? Is it because the UPA government didn’t want an
upright officer to move up? If the General hasn’t accepted it, then I am sure
the present government wouldn’t have promoted him to the post of army chief.
Certain critics claim that General Singh erred in going to court, considering
that he had already accepted the DOB for his promotion.

  If he was aggrieved, he should have fought at that point in time and not
now. His third extension and the existence of two different records about his
DoB suggest that the government had seen the point of his grievance. The
General accepted his promotion after pointing out the anomaly in the
If one had expected him to settle the issue before accepting the
post, that would never have happened. By the time an intricate issue relating
to promotion is settled, the officer retires.  The honest usually
suffer. General V K Singh may have paid the price for forwarding an adverse
report on the Adarsh housing scam.

Yours, etc., Amjad K Maruf, Thane, 12 February.

BJP exposed

SIR, ~  The editorial, β€œBJP’s pressure (12 February) is valuable and worth
preserving. It could not have been better timed, coinciding with the elections
in Uttar Pradesh. It has  unmasked the BJP on the basis of facts and
figures. The real, unprincipled face of the party, has been exposed. Which is
to say that the BJP encourages corruption in Karnataka where it is in power,
but poses as a crusader against it in Parliament and at the Ramlila Maidan.

  The party interfered with the judicial process in its anxiety to bail
Jayalalitha out of a corruption case. This has now been exposed through your
editorial. Its loud protestations  of honesty and integrity must ring

The tenets of democracy have had no impact on the ways of Jayalalitha. Your
editorial mentions the figure of Rs 66 crore. You have rightly pointed
out that she belongs to an elite brand of politicians who can amass wealth at
will, without regard to the law of the land. Your detailed account of how
she evaded the wealth cases against her for 16 years proves that she had made a
mockery of the law and democratic institutions.

The rule of law is in danger of being overshadowed by the rule of the few.
There may be hope yet as people still have faith in the judiciary.
Yours, etc., Chanchal Banerjee, Kolkata, 12 February.

No SEZ please, this is Bengal!

SIR, ~ This is with reference to your report, β€œInfosys sets terms for Rajarhat
deal” (12 February). Mr Narayana Murthy, founder chairman of Infosys, should
have realised by now that the West Bengal Chief Minister is unlikely to
approve his project with a SEZ label. And yet that three-letter tag is
essential in terms of investment and corporate interests.
The Assembly
election manifesto of the Trinamul Congress had ruled out Special Economic
Zones. Mamata Banerjee will not amend her manifesto, let alone alter its
provisions by wilting under pressure.

Unlike Mr Ratan Tata, Mr Murthy should spell out his conditions if he wants
to avoid an ignominious exit. Mr Tata took Miss  Banerjee very casually
and had to pay a heavy price
. The Trinamul leader had demanded to know
every detail of the Nano car project, but the Left Front government never conceded
that demand.

Mr Murthy would like his project to be accorded the SEZ status by the state
There must be no ambiguity on such issues as job
potential and the land requirement.  According to Mr Murthy, this is
entirely dependent on the state government. An  SEZ project can be a
white elephant in the sense that it does not pay tax to the state exchequer.

Yours, etc., Gokul Burman, Chakdaha, (Nadia), 13 February.

An institution

SIR ~ This is with reference to Krishnan Srinivasan’s review of Iliya
Troyanov’s review of The Collector of Worlds (12 February). Any research that
sheds fresh light on the life and times of the remarkable Englishman, Sir
Richard Burton,
explorer extraordinary, a polyglot and a linguist, a
chronicler of the times and an author of many an esoteric book, is heartily
welcome. In a word, he was  an institution to boot. The word β€˜Erotologist’
is exquisitely appropriate. Iliya Turganov, the Bulgarian litterateur, presently
domiciled in Germany, has crafted a seminal work on Burton. He was awarded the
Leipzig book fair prize in 2006. Burton’s magnum opus Alf Laila wah Laila
[Arabian Nights] is too well known to comment upon. Perfumed Gardens is
considered to be a must read for serious scholars. It recounts the salacious
history of aphrodisiacs. His brilliant essay on homosexuality has stood the
test of time.
Mr Srinivasan’s book review, β€˜Flash- forwards and backwards’, traces the
explorer’s visit to Mecca and  his hazardous journey to discover the
source of the Nile in Africa. To have a book burnt by  Britain’s royal
hangman is posthumous honour. His widow had sought and received permission to
destroy his Falconry in the Valley of the Indus. He is in the august company of
Lord Byron whose autobiography met a similar fate.
Yours, etc., Arindam Bandyopadhaya, Kolkata, 12 February.

Rashtriya Swayamsevak
Sangh (RSS) activist Kamal Chauhan was arrested by the National Investigation Agency (NIA)
for his involvement in Samjhauta express train blast case.

β€œThe arrested person is a
close associate of RSS leaders and has confessed to planting a bomb in the
Samjhauta Express train. RSS and the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) were
communalising the issue and that if the suspects were Muslim, then their
Right Wing stance would have been different.

β€œ He has
acknowledged his association with the RSS. His father has accepted the fact
that he is from the RSS. Chauhan also confessed that he was one of the persons
who planted the bomb in Samjhauta Express,” β€œthis has been
under NIA’s investigation for quite sometime, the agency acted after it had
clinching evidence”.

It is β€˜Sanghi Terror’.

β€œEarlier the NIA had also questioned the senior RSS leader Indresh Kumar after
another accused Aseemanand had confessed that Kumar had prior information of
the blast, but he had not been arrested since the investigation is still
underway”. There was a nexus between Bajrang Dal and
Students Islamic Movement of India (SIMI) on anti-national activities in the country.
β€œBajrang Dal and SIMI are two sides of the same coin, like Mohan Bhagwat and
Maulana Syed Ahmed Bhukari.”

β€œA SIMI activist arrested
from Khandwa (Madhya Pradesh) three months ago had disclosed that he was
staying in the house of the district Bajrang Dal president to evade arrest. A proposal was sent to the
Centre to ban both Barjang Dal and SIMI. The then NDA government, accepted the
proposal for SIMI but rejected the Bajrang Dal [option].

Kamal Chauhan, a
disgruntled RSS worker arrested by the NIA, had on Tuesday 14 February, claimed
that he had planted bombs in Samjhauta Express in 2007 that left 68 people,
mostly Pakistani nationals, dead. β€œYes, I have done it on my will,” Chauhan had
told the media as he was being taken out after in-camera proceedings in the
Panchkula court in Haryana , which granted the NIA his custody till February 24
for questioning him on his role in the blast.

Singh has asked for a
β€œclose vigil” on the RSS but said banning the organisation was not possible.
β€œIt would be hard to ban any Hindu fundamentalist outfits in the present
scenario as there are around 150 such groups in the country”. The Congress
general secretary also demanded that the SIT report in Gujarat should be made
public so that people know the reason behind letting off Chief Minister
Narendra Modi in connection with a Gujarat’s communal riots.

The biggest challenge the Samajawadi party is facing is a
negative public perception.

Their earlier stints in power were associated with
a surge in gang violence when thugs threatened shopkeepers and harassed women.

“During Mulayam Singh’s rule, chain
snatchings, thefts were common, people had to pay protection money to
goons,” says journalist Ashwini Bhatnagar.

“Serious atrocities were committed against SC/STs and other low-caste people and memories of those years are very strong
in [the] public mind and people fear that petty crimes will go up if the party

Critics point out that many of his party
candidates have criminal records and some of them are contesting from inside
the jail.

They say that if the Samajwadi Party is elected,
it will be back to the old days of muscle-power ruling the state.

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15 02 2012 LESSON 525 Dhammapada Verse 70Jambukatthera Vatthu The Unconditioned Is The Highest Achievement
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Posted by: site admin @ 3:41 am

15 02 2012 LESSON 525 Dhammapada Verse 70Jambukatthera Vatthu The
Unconditioned Is The Highest Achievement


Through :


Practice a Sutta a Day Keeps Dukkha Away

Verse 70. The
Unconditioned Is The Highest Achievement

after month with blady-grass tip
the fool may take his food;
he’s not worth the slightest bit
of one who Dhamma knows.

A foolish person sets out to attain the highest reward of spiritual life. As an
austere ascetic, he eats a mere morsel of food with the tip of a blade of
grass. And, that too, only once a month. Still that kind of misguided ascetic
will not at all be nearer liberation than when he started. With all that, he is
not worth even one-sixteenth part of an Arahant who has achieved the

Dhammapada Verse 70
Jambukatthera Vatthu

mase kusaggena

balo bhunjeyya bhojanam
na so sankhatadhammanam
kalam agghati solasim.

70: Even though, month after month, the fool (living in austerity) takes his
food sparingly with the tip of a grass blade, he is not worth even
one-sixteenth part of those who have comprehended the Truth (i.e., the ariyas).

Story of Thera Jambuka

residing at the Jetavana monastery, the Buddha uttered Verse (70) of this book,
with reference to Thera Jambuka.

was the son of a rich man in Savatthi. Due to his past evil deeds he was born
with very peculiar habits. As a child, he wanted to sleep on the floor with no
proper bed, and to take his own excreta for food instead of rice. When he grew
older, his parents sent him to the Ajivakas, the naked ascetics. When those
ascetics found out about his peculiar food habits they drove him away. At
nights he ate human excreta and in the day time stood still on one leg and kept
his mouth open. He used to say that he kept his mouth open because he only lived
on air and that he stood on one leg because it would otherwise be too heavy for
the earth to bear him. “I never sit down, I never go to sleep,” he
boasted and on account of this, he was known as Jambuka, a ‘jackal’.

people believed him and some would come to him with offerings of choice food.
Then Jambuka would refuse and say, “I do not take any food except
air.” When pressed, he would take just a little of the food with the tip
of a blade of grass and say, “Now go, this little will give you enough merit.”
In this way, Jambuka lived for fifty-five years, naked and taking only excreta.

day, the Buddha saw in his vision that Jambuka was due to attain arahatship
within a short time. So, in the evening, the Buddha went to where Jambuka was
staying and asked for some place to spend the night. Jambuka pointed out to him
a mountain-cave not far from the stone slab on which he himself was staying.
During the first, second and third watches of the night, the Catumaharajika
devas, Sakka and Mahabrahma came to pay homage to the Buddha in turn. On all
the three occasions, the forest was lit up and Jambuka saw the light three
times. In the morning, he walked over to the Buddha and enquired about the

told about the devas, Sakka and Mahabrahma coming to pay homage to the Buddha,
Jambuka was very much impressed, and said to the Buddha, “You must,
indeed, be a wonderfully great person for the devas, Sakka and Mahabrahma to
come and pay homage to you. As for me, even though I have practised austerely
for fifty-five years, living only on air and standing only on one leg, none of
the devas, nor Sakka, nor Mahabrahma has ever came to me” To him, the
Buddha replied, “O Jambuka! You have been deceiving other people, but
you cannot deceive me. I know that for fifty-five years you have been eating
excreta and sleeping on the ground.”

the Buddha explained to him how in one of his past existences during the time
of Kassapa Buddha, Jambuka had prevented a thera from going with him to the
house of a lay-disciple where alms-food was being offered and how he had also
thrown away the food that was sent along with him for that thera. It was for
those evil deeds that Jambuka had to be eating excreta and sleeping on the
ground. Hearing that account, Jambuka was horrified and terror-stricken, and
repented for having done evil and for having deceived other people. He went
down on his knees and the Buddha gave him a piece of cloth to put on. The
Buddha then proceeded to deliver a discourse; at the end of the discourse
Jambuka attained arahatship and joined the Buddhist Order on the spot.

after this, Jambuka’s pupils from Anga and Magadha arrived and they were
surprised to see their teacher with the Buddha. Thera Jambuka then explained to
his pupils that he had joined the Buddhist Order and that he was now only a
disciple of the Buddha. To them, the Buddha said that although their teacher
had lived austerely by taking food very sparingly, it was not worth even
one-sixteenth part of his present practice and achievement.

the Buddha spoke in verse as follows:

Verse 70: Even though,
month after month, the fool (living in austerity) takes his food sparingly
with the tip of a grass blade, he is not worth even one-sixteenth part of
those who have comprehended the Truth (i.e., the ariyas).

56 Uttar Pradesh assembly seats went to polls on Wednesday

LUCKNOW: Fifty-six seats
spread across 10 districts on Wednesday gone to polls in the third leg of the
seven-phased Uttar Pradesh assembly elections.

The most high-profile of these districts is Amethi (re-christened Chhatrapati
Shahuji Maharaj Nagar).

Sultanpur as well as  Allahabad are also in the list of places to go to polls.

Among the other districts are Varanasi, Jaunpur, Mirzapur, Bhadohi (renamed
Sant Ravidas Nagar), Kaushambhi, Sonbhadra and Chandauli - mostly situated
along the banks of the Ganga river.

The fate of 1,018 candidates for the 56 seats will be determined by 1.77 crore
voters at 18,374 polling stations where 31,400 electronic voting machines are
in place.

Prominent candidates include Mayawati
cabinet ministers Indrajeet Saroj and Nand Gopal Nandi.

Said Uttar Pradesh chief electoral officer Umesh Singh: “The 18,374
polling parties detailed to man the polling stations have reached their
respective destinations.”

This year, in a striking break with the past, there have been no
charges of electoral fraud or malfeasance. In considerable part, there was
peaceable process.

Throughout India, the same
electronic voting machines (EVMs) are used and they are mostly tamper proof.
The EC personnel has also made use of video cameras to record the proceedings
around polling booths in potentially sensitive areas to ensure that party goons
don’t foment discord and create havoc.

‘Congress can’t tolerate daughter of an Untouchable (Scheduled
Caste) as CM’

UP Chief
Minister Mayawati attacked the Congress, blaming it for the things  that
she could not deliver to the people during her 5-year term in the state

Launching Bahujan Samaj Party’s (BSP) election campaign yesterday, Uttar
Pradesh Chief Minister Mayawati attacked the Congress, blaming it for the
things that she could not deliver to the people during her five-year rule over
India’s most populous state.

She did not spare the Samajwadi Party and the Bharatiya Janata Party either,
but it was the Congress that remained her key target throughout the
50-minute-long speech which she read out from a printed pages before a large
crowd in Sitapur, about 85 km from Lucknow.

Mayawati did not miss the opportunity to run the Youraj down. Claiming that her
rally drew at least five times the crowd that was addressed by Gandhis, she
sought to warn the people, “Don’t get carried away by the lip service of
different opposition parties and their manifestoes, but be particularly wary of
the Congress party, because it has very big stakes but a very poor support

In an obvious reference to Youraj, she remarked, “A top Congress leader
has been repeatedly lamenting over the fact that a lot of people from UP go
begging for jobs in far-off places, but I would like to ask him what his party
did to prevent this migration during the 40 years that Congress ruled over this

Jumbo support: BSP supporters hold up the party’s symbol at

Minister Mayawati’s election campaign rally in

Terming the Congress as grossly “anti-SC/ST”, Mayawati accused the
Congress-led United Progressive Alliance government of personally targeting her
as well as her government through misuse of institutions like the Central
Bureau of Investigation (CBI) and the Comptroller and Auditor General (CAG).

Citing the current probe into the Rs 5,000-crore National Rural Health Mission
(NRHM) scandal, which also involves murder of three senior health officials,
she said, “The manner in which the probe is being carried out reflects the
anti-SC/ST mindset of the Congress party which has clearly influenced the CBI
and the CAG to target me.

“The Congress cannot tolerate the daughter of an Untouchable (Scheduled
Caste) as chief minister and that is why its effort was to run me down.”

She also charged the Congress-led central government with not giving adequate
assistance for development of the state.

Talking to reporters, Mayawati said her government had done more work in the
past five years than any other government in the state since the country became
independent and asserted that only her BSP can ensure progress of all

“There is need to ensure progress of all communities. Only BSP can ensure
that people from all communities are on their feet,” Mayawati said.

UP: Mayawati blames Centre for lack of funds

Varanasi: Uttar
Pradesh Chief Minister and BSP supremo Mayawati at a rally in Varanasi on
Friday attacked the Congress government for not releasing the funds asked for
development projects in the state.

said the State Government is not being given funds by the Central Government.

have started many schemes for development with the help of private sector. We
ask for funds for development projects but the Central Government does not
release the funds for development in UP for political reasons,” accused

She also charged the Congress-led
central government with not giving adequate assistance for development of the

Talking to reporters, Mayawati said her government had done more work in the
past five years than any other government in the state since the country became
independent and asserted that only her BSP can ensure progress of all

“There is need to ensure progress of all communities. Only BSP can ensure
that people from all communities are on their feet,” Mayawati said.

Chief said the Central Government has not given complete funds for the Central
Government projects and all this is affecting the development work in the

also attacked the Congress and Congress General Secretary Rahul Gandhi.

said that Rahul and other Congress party leaders are taking names of Kashiram
to attract the SC/ST and BSP supporters.

taking Kashiram’s name is like insulting him,” said Mayawati.

A flag with photographs of Bahujan Samaj Party leaders,
Kanshiram, left, Mayawati, right, and B.R. Ambedkar, centre, at a  rally
in Gorakhpur, Uttar Pradesh, Feb. 6.

The Bahujan Samaj Party, the
ruling party in Uttar Pradesh, was founded in 1984 by Indian politician Kanshi
Ram. The party is currently led by Kumari Mayawati, who champions the cause of
the state’s millions of SC/STs(untouchables), a group that
is traditionally at the bottom of the Hindu caste system, the
OBCs/Minorities and the poor upper castes.

The BSP has its stronghold in
the northern state of Uttar Pradesh and been in power four times there, winning
elections in 1993, 1997, 2002 and 2007. Ms Mayawati is the only Chief Minister
who completes a full five-year term in power in the state, where elections
started Wednesday. No other Chief Minister in Uttar Pradesh have ever completed
five years term.

The party has currently 21
members in India’s lower house of Parliament, making it the fourth-largest
party in the country. Its political symbol is the elephant.

enacting drama on Batla House encounter: Mayawati

Jaunpur/Varanasi: Uttar
Pradesh Chief Minister Mayawati today alleged that Congress was enacting a
“drama” on the Batla House encounter and said the Muslim community
should exercise vigilance against such “designs”.

is enacting a drama on the Batla House encounter case… had it been really
serious it would have ordered a judicial probe so that the reality could come
before people,” Mayawati told an election rally.

of a probe, Congress is only trying to “mislead Muslims and the community
should be vigilant against such designs”, she said.

Instead of a probe, Congress is only trying to mislead Muslims, Mayawati said.

that Congress was not implementing the Sachchar Committee report and was merely
“shedding crocodile tears”, the chief minister said, “Congress
did nothing for the welfare of the community and only treated it as a vote

out at opposition parties, she said that Congress, SP and BJP were unable to digest
that BSP government had successfully worked for the welfare of all sections of

playing with the sentiments of people should not be allowed to come to power,
she said. Accusing the Centre of having “casteist mentality”,
Mayawati said that it was because of this that UPA government did not give any
package to the state and hindered welfare works of her government.

Centre did not take any initiative to deal with the recurring problem of floods
in purvanchal,” she said. “People of Uttar Pradesh will never forgive
Congress for remembering BR Ambedkar and BSP fouder Kanshiram only at the time
of elections. The Congress-led UPA government did not even declare a day’s
mourning in memory of Kanshiram when he had passed away,” Mayawati said in

Trouble for BJP

This time the BJP in UP
is facing the wrath from a section that it had never expected. Sant Mahasabha
an umbrella body of various sadhu organisations, has demanded the removal of
the mention of Ram Temple from the BJP’s election manifesto.

A delegation of the Mahasabha even met
officials of the EC in this regard. According to national president of the Sant
and Hindu Mahasabhahas Chakrapani Maharaj, the BJP has repeatedly used the
temple issue only for its political advantage. The sadhus have even threatened
to go on fast unto death in front of the EC office if the BJP does not delete
the mention of Ram Mandir from its manifesto.


[IHRO] Re: [samukhya]
President, Minister and Treason! ~ rajinder puri

loksamukhya ;

you pick up a ordinary person from the street and ask him to run a marathon-
what will he do.
He/She  will do a mockery of the run.

Congress party has its best to put underserving people at the Presidents house.
They have made it clear- The cabinet is 
accountable to the empress Sonia Gandhi not the president
There is an alternative to President.


On Mon, Feb 13, 2012 at 11:57 AM, Abhijit Sengupta <>

Minister and Treason!

February 2012

rajinder puri

minister Salman Khurshid openly defied the Election Commission’s (EC)
restraining order on his advocacy of a sub-quota for minorities during the
Uttar Pradesh election campaign. The law minister was undeterred by the EC.
Sticking to his stand he reiterated he would ensure the
rights of the Muslim community even if the Election Commission were to
“hang” him.
The EC as a Constitutional body accountable to the
President complained to Rashtrapati Bhawan by writing in a letter: β€œThe
Election Commission of India finds it necessary and unavoidable to turn to you
at this juncture for immediate and decisive intervention.” President Pratibha
Patil forwarded the complaint to the Prime Minister asking for β€œappropriate

President Patil’s response was totally
Regardless of how the PM reacts it is against the
principles of natural justice to seek redress from someone subject to such
obvious conflict of interest. The Law Minister is
the PM’s colleague in the Union Cabinet which is chaired by him. The
misconception that the President is bound by the advice of the Cabinet
according to the 42nd Amendment of the Constitution introduced during the
Emergency by a paranoid and dictatorial PM is not relevant here
. Never
mind the perverse Amendment that needs to be scrapped, even under its
provisions the President is not obliged to seek the
PM’s advice
in this matter. The President may be bound by the advice
that is tendered by the Cabinet. In this case it is not the Cabinet proffering
advice. It is the President being obliged to give direction regarding the
complaint received from a Constitutional office directly accountable to the
President related to a dispute arising between the EC and a Cabinet minister.

President Patil is the only officeholder in the
nation under oath to β€œpreserve and protect” the Constitution and Law. All other
officials including the PM and ministers are under oath to abide by the
Constitution and to maintain official secrecy where required.
Does the
President’s oath of office have any relevance? If it does, there is an even
graver episode involving the law minister that has escaped appropriate
Presidential intervention. The law minister in an
election rally indicated that the Batla House encounter between terrorists and
the police was faked and deserved a judicial inquiry
. He told the
audience: “When I showed her the pictures of the Batla House encounter,
Soniaji wept bitterly and asked me to go to the prime minister so that
something could be done,” He added that the government was set to appoint
an enquiry panel headed by a former chief justice to examine the genuineness of
the encounter but had to abort its plans in view of the ensuing 2009 general

by shooting over the shoulder of Mrs Sonia
Gandhi the law minister was strengthening the view
expressed by the
Congress general secretary, Mr. Digvijay Singh. Mr Singh had earlier said that
the Batla House encounter was faked and it deserved a judicial inquiry.
However, Mr Singh’s opinion, as that of any citizen, is on a different footing
from the same view being endorsed by Mr Salman Khurshid. Despite his high
office Mr Singh is not a member of the Cabinet. He is free to question the
Cabinet’s view. How that affects discipline within the ruling party is a
problem that concerns the Congress and not the public. Mr
Khurshid as a Cabinet minister
endorsing Mr Singh’s view is an altogether different matter.

It might be recalled that
home minister Chidambaram
has on more than one occasion stated categorically that the Batla House encounter was genuine, and that it
occurred between the police and terrorists. The Prime Minister publicly
endorsed the home minister. It is therefore the view
of the Cabinet, which has collective responsibility,
that the Batla
House encounter was genuine. Mr Khurshid as the law minister and member of the
Cabinet therefore also stands committed to that view. However, in his election
rally he ran totally counter to his own officially-held view. By opposing that view he did not simply commit
indiscipline. The implications could be much graver.

Terrorism is akin to fighting a war against the state. In the Batla House
encounter two terrorists and one highly decorated police officer were killed. Article
121 of the Indian Penal Code that deals with
under the heading: β€œWaging, or attempting to wage war, or abetting
waging of war against the Government of India” goes on to state: β€œWhoever,
wages war against the Government of India, or attempts to wage such war, or
abets the waging of such war, shall be punished
with death, or Imprisonment for life and shall also be liable to fine.”

The question arises: Did the law minister commit treason by opposing what he
officially believed to be a genuine encounter between the police and
terrorists? This is a question that the legal advisers of the President might
address. One does not know how the President will react to the dispute between
the EC and the law minister, or to one between the law minister and the home
minister. At the start of this year I had predicted that the next Presidential
election, due in a few months, will be fought by candidates promising
pro-active roles by exercising the powers assigned to the office by our written
Constitution. If that does not happen, given the cavalier fashion in which law
and convention are flouted by this government, democracy in India will be dead.
I do not believe that will happen. I believe that the system will be restored.
It will have to conform to the intentions of the Constitution’s founding
Patil has the historic opportunity to start the ball rolling.

[dhamma_voice] RE:
Honour killing reaches Karnataka In the Abalavadi village of Karnatka, a girl
was killed for falling in love with a Scheduled Caste (SC).

Harbans virdee ;


killing reaches Karnataka

the Abalavadi village of Karnatka, a girl was killed for falling in love with a Scheduled Caste.

In a chilling case, an entire village, Abalavadi, appears to
have stood mute witness to the murderous beating and killing of a young girl,
Suvarna, 22, by her immediate relatives, even as her SC paramour of five
years, Govindaraju, 24, helpless to stop it, was thrashed and allowed to crawl
away with nothing but his life. It is said to be the first case of honour
killing in Karnataka.

On January 5, two months after the incident, Govindaraju’s still-rattled mother
and two sisters-in-law, Tholasamma, Thayamma and Mangalagowri, told the
jurisdictional Mandya district police that they witnessed the November 6, 2011
killing. The battered Suvarna, belonging to the dominant other backward caste
of Vokkaligas, was hanged from the rafters of their cattle shed by her
relatives, egged on by her father Davalana Ramakrishna. According to their
account, and the version given exclusively to India Today by Govindaraju,
nearly 300 villagers belonging to the girl’s caste, as well as several SC/STs,
watched the incident. No one intervened.

“They could not bear the idea of their girl being with me, an SC. We
loved each other so much and longed for a life together, but they killed her.
They told her, you want a SC boy, we will kill you in his house,'’ a
distraught Govindaraju told India Today over the telephone from his hiding

Activist Lakshman Cheernahally, who is fighting for justice for Govindaraju and
Suvarna, said some Vokkaligas were supporting their cause. “But this
incident is just the latest among the anti-Dalit incidents in this Vokkaliga-dominant
district,'’ he said.

Most Vokkaligas at Abalavadi insist Suvarna’s death was suicide. “Will any
man kill his own daughter? That too his only child whom he brought up like a
flower?'’ asks Suvarna’s neighbour Savitri, 40. The deceased girl’s classmate
Jayalakshmi, 22, says: “She was weak and always complained of stomach
ache. She killed herself. Her father would never have raised a hand against
her. He was so caring, we used to wish our fathers were like that.'’

Abalavadi gram panchayat member Lakshmamma, 40, from the Congress party, says:
“Ramakrishna, our village elder from Janata Dal-Secular (JD-S), got
Govindaraju’s brother Thimmappa elected to the panchayat. Look at how they
repaid him.'’ Another neighbour, Ningamma, 35, maintains that Govindaraju’s
family was trying to duck outstanding loans of Rs.4 lakh taken from Vokkaligas
by concocting the case. ‘’They are using Suvarna’s death to make money,'’ she
says and points to the Rs.25 lakh rehabilitation package that some
organisations have sought for the family.

Govindaraju angrily denies these allegations. He says the “characterless'’
Ramakrishna egged on Suvarna’s brother Sunil, 16, to commit suicide a year ago,
as he suspected that the boy was illegitimate. “After Sunil’s death,
Suvarna was the sole heir to about four acres of land and a jaggery unit, so
all her cousins were eyeing her property. They seized the excuse of our
relationship to get rid of her,'’ he claims.

The village of Abalavadi, near External Affairs Minister S.M. Krishna’s
hometown of Maddur, is home to over 2,000 Vokkaligas and about 300 SC/STs of
the “untouchable'’ Maadigas. The SC/STs are “outsiders'’ from
Kunigal, 45 km away, who migrated to Abalavadi over three generations ago. They
do not have land, but work as labourers on Vokkaliga lands.

“They are a lazy lot, but we can’t even raise our voices against them.
They complain to the police for flimsy reasons and we are immediately penalised
under the (Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribe Prevention of) Atrocities Act (1989).
They may be just a minority in this village, but they know their power,'’ says
an angry Vokkaliga villager.

This feeling is reflected across the region and the death of Suvarna, with its
consequent SC/ST agitation, threatens to exacerbate the long simmering
inter-caste conflict in this hotbed of Vokkaliga politics. In the past one
year, the district administration has reported an alarming number of
inter-caste disruptions, perceived as an effort to capture and consolidate the SC/ST vote. “We have still not identified a specific party that is
fomenting this trouble, but a pattern of instigation is certainly emerging,'’ a
senior official in the district administration who did not want to be
identified, told India Today.

With just a year to go for the 2013 Assembly elections, Mandya district and its
surrounding Vokkaliga belt, which accounts for 45 seats in the 224-seat
Assembly, is crucial for the fortunes of all parties. The JD(S) led by former
prime minister H.D. Deve Gowda, and the Congress, are traditional rivals here,
but the ruling BJP is making inroads. Mayawati’s Bahujan Samaj Party is also
stepping in.

Suvarna’s death and immediate cremation had been passed off as a “hidden
suicide'’. Locals and the police admit that it is the norm for bodies of
suicide victims to be burnt without a case being registered or a post-mortem,
as no one wants to get involved in the legal process. But Govindaraju’s family,
drummed out of Abalavadi since the incident, were emboldened by local bsp
leader Krishnamurthy to lodge the complaint about what happened two months ago.
The family is still in hiding.

Govindaraju’s elder brother Thimmappa also approached the State Human Rights
Commission (SHRC), along with several Dalit organisations. He contends that the
district police are not in a position to conduct an impartial inquiry as the
Vokkaligas are politically powerful. He has asked the shrc to conduct an
independent inquiry and also sought its support to refer the case to the CBI.

“I took up the case suo motu based on media reports, before these people
approached me. I issued notices to the chief secretary, the Mandya district
administration and the superintendent of police. I also spoke to the inspector
general for the range and sought a report within six weeks,'’ shrc Chairperson
Justice S.R. Nayak told India Today.

Mandya’s Superintendent of Police Koushalendra Kumar said there did appear to
be a case as per Govindaraju’s family’s allegations. “We have arrested
most of the accused, including Ramakrishna,'’ he said.

The district administration is looking to resolve the case quickly, as several SC/ST and Vokkaliga organi- sations are staging dharnas and processions
countering each other, which could lead to serious clashes. The district Deputy
Commissioner P.C. Jaffer said, “We are working to bring back harmony to
the village.'’


Gauthama Prabhu Nagappan


Foundation of His Sacred Majesty (FHSM),

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14 02 2012 LESSON 524 Dhammapada Verse 69 Uppalavannattheri Vatthu Sin Yields Bitter Results
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Posted by: site admin @ 6:25 pm

14 02 2012 LESSON 524
Dhammapada Verse 69 Uppalavannattheri Vatthu Sin Yields Bitter Results

ālandā Research & Practice UNIVERSITY & BUDDHIST

Through :



Practice a Sutta a Day
Keeps Dukkha Away

Verse 69. Sin Yields
Bitter Results

evil kamma’s immature
the fool thinks it is honeyed,
but when the evil has matured
then to the fool comes dukkha.

When a sinful act is being done, the ignorant person enjoys it as if it were
honey. But the suffering comes when it begins to yield its evil results.

Dhammapada Verse 69
Uppalavannattheri Vatthu

mannati balo

yava papam na paccati
yada ca paccati papam
atha dukkham nigacchati.

69: As long as the evil deed does not bear fruit, the fool thinks it is sweet
like honey; but when his evil deed does bear fruit, the fool suffers for it.

Story of Theri Uppalavanna

residing at the Jetavana monastery, the Buddha uttered Verse (69) of this book,
with reference to Theri Uppalavanna.

there was a young daughter of a rich man in Savatthi. Because she was so
beautiful, with looks so tender and sweet, like a blue lotus flower, she was
called “Uppalavanna”, the blue lotus. The fame of her beauty spread
far and wide and there were many suitors: princes, rich men and many others.
But she decided that it would be better for her to become a bhikkhuni, a
female member of the Buddhist Order. One day, after lighting a lamp, she kept
her mind fixed on the flame and meditating on the fire kasina (object of
concentration) she soon achieved Magga Insight and finally attained arahatship.

time later, she moved to the ‘Dark Forest’ (Andhavana) and lived in solitude.
While Theri Uppalavanna was out on her alms-round, Nanda, the son of her uncle,
came to her monastery and hid himself underneath her couch. Nanda had fallen in
love with Uppalavanna before she became a bhikkhuni; his intention obviously
was to take her by force. When Uppalavanna returned she saw Nanda and said,
“You fool! Do no harm, do not molest.” But he would not be stopped.
After satisfying himself, he left her. As soon as he stepped on the ground, the
earth opened wide and he was swallowed up.

about this, the Buddha spoke in verse as follows:

Verse 69: As long as
the evil deed does not bear fruit, the fool thinks it is sweet like honey;
but when his evil deed does bear fruit, the fool suffers for it.

At the
end of the discourse, many attained Sotapatti Fruition.

Buddha next sent for King Pasenadi of Kosala and told him about the dangers
that bhikkhunis living in forests had to face from irresponsible persons
obsessed with sex. The king then promised to build monasteries for bhikkhunis
only in towns or close to the towns.


11 and 12 02 2012 LESSONS 521 and 522 Dhammapada Verse 66
Suppabuddhakutthi VatthuA Sinner Is One’s Own Foe Verses 67 Kassaka
Vatthu Do What Brings Happiness

Thuan Van Tran ;


I am delighted to read your materials. I pray for the peace and
happiness of your state and your people. Buddhism preaches non-violence
and wisdom is always the great antidote of all poisons of society. I
pray that your people will have the courage and strength in your pursuit
of social justice and equality for all.
Thuan VanTran, ESQ.

Has Uttar Pradesh moved on?

Yes. UP has clearly moved on, and like so much
else, could show the rest of India the way.

The β€˜rajnaitik hava’ or β€˜electoral wind’ sweeping this flank of Uttar Pradesh,
and converting into a β€˜lehar’, literally a wave, that will knock every other
party out of sight by
PraBuddha Bharath  Pradhan, of the pro-Sarvajan i.e., entire
people Ms Mayawati of  Bahujan Samaj
Party (BSP).

Sarvajan leader Mayawati and her BSP has ruled
the state continuously for the last five years with an iron fist
, made
politics sacred with highly performing best and meritorious governance with a
policy of Sarvajan Hithay Sarvajan Sukhay i.e., for the welfare and happiness
of the entire people distributing the wealth of the state equally among all
sections of the society for equality, social transformation and economic

Voters are ready to change the “negative
politics” prevalent in the whole country for the past 65 years, and leaders
should get the message that they will not get support if they do no work for

Congress hand (Congress poll symbol) is  soiled with black money,corruption and scams
were rampant during its regimes. It did not sanction a pacakage of Rs 80000
crore meant for farmers were taken away by the elephant (BSP’s poll symbol) in

Accusing Congress and BJP of not being serious in
bringing back blackmoney stashed away in foreign banks, BSP supremo Mayawati
said it appeared both parties had deposited in those banks black money earned
through corrupt means.

 The third phase elections was held in 56 constituencies
of 10 districts of eastern UP and Vindhyachal region in the state on 15th

Ten  districts where polling would be held on Wednesday are Chhatrapati
Sahuji Nagar, Sultanpur, Kushambi, Allahabad, Jaunpur, Chandauli, Varanasi,
Sant Ravidas Nagar, Mirzapur and Sonebhadra.

More than 1 crore 79 lakhs electorates will decide the fate  of 1,021 candidates who  are
in fray for the third  phase elections .

Out of 11,500 polling stations s there are some sensitive areas where Central
Para Military Forces have been deployed as  third phase polling will cover
the Maoist-infested  areas like Mirzapur, Sonebhadra and Chandauli
districts and the inter-state borders

Prominent candidates whose fate would be decided in this phase include BSP government
ministers Nand Gopal Gupta and Indrajeet Saroj.

state’s ruling Bahujan Samaj Party has launched an aggressive
online campaign targeting their political rivals.

In a series of blogs
on its website, the BSP describes Congress as β€œcorrupt” and β€œdeceiving.”
The party, spearheaded by Chief Minister Kumar Mayawati, targets other parties,

One blog
post says Mulayam Singh Yadav, the president of the regional Samajwadi Party
β€œdoesn’t have the ability or strength” to overthrow the BSP.

BSP is
aware that the  party’s online  efforts itself will not translate into more
votes. It totally relies on its cadres who themselves are the media of BSP. Although
census data shows that around 22% of U.P.’s population lives in urban areas –
only part of which have Internet or smartphone access – political experts say
online campaigning alone is not enough.

Karnataka Cooperation Minister Laxman Savadi,
Women and Child Welfare Minister C C Patil and Ports Minister Krishna Palemar
had to resign following an uproar over the incident.

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13 02 2012 LESSON 523 DhammapadaVerse 68 Sumanamalakara Vatthu Happiness Results From Good Deeds
Filed under: General
Posted by: site admin @ 4:31 pm

13 02 2012 LESSON 523
DhammapadaVerse 68
Sumanamalakara Vatthu Happiness Results From Good Deeds


Through :



Practice a Sutta a Day
Keeps Dukkha Away

Verse 68. Happiness
Results From Good Deeds

well-made is that kamma
which done brings no remorse,
of which one senses the result
with glad mind and with joy.

It is good if one were to do such actions that would not bring repentance
later. One should do things that bring pleasant consequences.

Dhammapada Verse 68
Sumanamalakara Vatthu

kammam katam sadhu

yam katva nanutappati
yassa patito sumano
vipikam patisevati.

68: That deed is well done if one has not to repent for having done it, and if
one is delightful and happy with the result of that deed.

Story of Sumana, the Florist

residing at the Jetavana monastery, the Buddha uttered Verse (68) of this book,
with reference to Sumana the florist.

florist, named Sumana, had to supply King Bimbisara of Rajagaha with jasmin
flowers every morning. One day, as he was going to the king’s palace he saw the
Buddha, with a halo of light-rays radiating from him, coming into town for
alms-food accompanied by many bhikkhus. Seeing the Buddha in his resplendent
glory, the florist Sumana felt a strong desire to offer his flowers to the
Buddha. Then and there, he decided that even if the king were to drive him out
of the country or to kill him, he would not offer the flowers to the king for
that day. Thus, he threw up the flowers to the sides, to the back and over and
above the head of the Buddha. The flowers remained hanging in the air; those
over the head formed a canopy of flowers and those at the back and the sides
formed walls of flowers. These flowers followed the Buddha in this position as
he moved on, and stopped when the Buddha stopped. As the Buddha proceeded,
surrounded by walls of flowers, and a canopy of flowers, with the six-coloured
rays radiating from his body, followed by a large entourage, thousands of
people inside and outside of Rajagaha came out of their houses to pay obeisance
to the Buddha. As for Sumana, his entire body was suffused with delightful
satisfaction (Piti).

wife of the florist Sumana then went to the king and said that she had nothing
to do with her husband failing to supply the king with flowers for that day.
The king, being a Sotapanna himself, felt quite happy about the flowers.
He came out to see the wonderful sight and paid obeisance to the Buddha. The
king also took the opportunity to offer alms-food to the Buddha and his
disciples. After the meal, the Buddha returned in the Jetavana monastery and
the king followed him for some distance. On arrival back at the palace King
Bimbisara sent for Sumana and offered him a reward of eight elephants, eight
horses, eight male slaves, eight female slaves, eight maidens and eight
thousand in cash.

At the
Jetavana monastery, the Venerable Ananda asked the Buddha what benefits Sumana
would gain by his good deed done on that day. The Buddha answered that Sumana,
having given to the Buddha without any consideration for his life, would not be
born in any of the four lower worlds (Apaya) for the next one hundred
thousand worlds and that eventually he would become a paccekabuddha. After
that, as the Buddha entered the Perfumed Hall (Gandhakuti) the flowers
dropped off of their own accord.

night, at the end of the usual discourse, the Buddha spoke in verse as follows:

Verse 68: That deed is
well done if one has not to repent for having done it, and if one is
delightful and happy with the result of that deed.

‘BJP, Cong not serious to bring back black money’

Unnao (UP): Accusing Congress and BJP of not
being serious in bringing back blackmoney stashed away in foreign banks, BSP
supremo Mayawati on Sunday said it appeared both parties had deposited in those
banks black money earned through corrupt means.

“Both BJP and Congress appear non-serious on the issue of bringing back
black money stashed in foreign banks. It seems they had deposited their
blackmoney earned through corruption in foreign countries,” the Uttar
Pradesh Chief Minister said at an election meeting here.

Making an appeal to the electorate to vote for
the BSP, she said those playing with the sentiments of the people should not be
allowed to come to power.

“The opposition parties are misleading the people and wrong opinion polls
are showed against BSP,” she claimed cautioning the voters to remain aware
of such gimmicks.

Attacking Congress for
seeking votes to ensure development, she said the party which
“ruined” the state in its 40 years rule, should be ashamed of its

Claiming that her government had demanded Rs 80,000 crore for the state’s
development from the Centre, Mayawati said Rs 36,000 crore was meant to be
spent in eastern UP.

Congress was following “dynastic

Congress  responsible for plight of women in the whole

“Even though this country is
ruled by a Congress and BJP Prime Ministers, there is no one to hear the voice
of women, despite the fact that one of the PMs was a woman Prime Minister Mrs
Indira Gandhi ensuring participation of women right down to the grassroots
level, the Congress did not make it a point to give reservation to women in
panchayats, but that is not being implemented in the true spirit in this
country. In Uttar Pradesh district polling is due Feb 15 in the third phase of
the seven-phase assembly election.

Old women complained how their
agricultural lands were forcibly acquired for some builders. When the builder
demanded immediate vacation of the plot, the women complained to the local
police stations but to no avail.

Police not only refused to intervene
but even went to the extent of setting fire to the standing crop on the poor
women’s land all over the country.

All that the ruling caste has to do
is distribute land to the poor with water facilities like Ms Mayawati Chief
Minister of Uttar Pradesh. Congress and the BJP only made promises during
elections and disappear after they won. Whereas Ms Mayawati implements all
social reforms as laid in the Constitution which is BSPs manefesto.

“Ask Congress, BJP and SP
whether they cared to visit any village in the lastsixty
 five years, but youvraj goes Scheduled Caste
hutments during the election periods, which they had created for their vote
bank, they were busy making tall promises with out allowing the hut dwellers in
the home kitchens of Congress, BJP, SP leaders. One wondered why they had not
done so when in power.

Their development is in the area of 2G,
CWG,S-Band, Goa, Udupi Rave parties, watching pornography in the Sacred temple
of Vidhana Saudha etc.

Not a single person will stand by
them, because they have duped the people for the last 65 years.

Not doing anything to build the
future of the country’s youth.

Congress, BJP and SP were fuelling
corruption in the Centre and states ruled by them and pilfering funds given by
the people as tax to the central government for various development tasks.

 vote for BSP. Ms Mayawati  wanted a lot for these back ward
areas of UP. Her one hand was tied as UP did not have BSP
government in the Centre. To untie her
hand press the button for
elephant (BSP symbol). Thinking it is elephant symbol the EC
has draped it even though the draped elephants were not exactly the BSP symbol
with the trunks facing downwards.

is a
 need for BSP
government in UP and the Centre, Once UP has
developed except some Backward areas
because the Central government did not give Rs 80000 crores for development
, With UP government and the BSP government at
the centre the entire country would progress.


Pradesh polls 59 per cent votes in peaceful second phase

Second phase of voting in Uttar Pradesh

Nearly 59 per cent of the 1.92
crore voters on Saturday exercised their franchise for the 59 seats spread over
nine districts in the second phase of the Uttar Pradesh assembly elections. The
polling was by and large peaceful, the election commission has stated.

fate of 1,098 candidates, including two state party chiefs, 31 MLAs and 24
former ministers, was sealed in the electronic voting machines (EVMs) in the
latest electoral exercise.

highest turnout was reported from the Kushinagar district (63 per cent),”
chief election officer of UP Umesh Sinha said.

Kushinagar was followed by
Azamgarh (56.65 per cent), Baliya (54 per cent), Azamgarh (60 per cent),
Ghazipur (61 per cent), Sant Kabirnagar (56 per cent), Gorakhpur (61 per cent),
Maharajganj (60 per cent) and Mau (59 per cent), he added.

is a record turnout in the Poorvanchal belt. We have recorded a rise of 36 per
cent in the turnout since 2007,” Sinha said.

would say that four (of the nine) districts have passed the democracy test with
first division (over 60 per cent voting). We would once again request the
public to come out to exercise their fundamental right in the remaining phases
of the election,” Sinha said.

were reports of the voters boycotting the election at Bheeta in Ballia district
and Hathiya in Azamgarh districts, besides minor complaints related to problems
with the EVMs. Minor skirmishes were reported in Mau and Azamgarh districts,
where the police had to resort to mild force for dispersing a rowdy crowd.

voting for the Uttar Pradesh assembly elections is scheduled over seven phases,
having started on February 8 and set to conclude on March 3.

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11 and 12 02 2012 LESSONS 521 and 522 Dhammapada Verse 66 Suppabuddhakutthi VatthuA Sinner Is One’s Own Foe Verses 67 Kassaka Vatthu Do What Brings Happiness
Filed under: General
Posted by: site admin @ 9:33 pm

11 and 12 02 2012 LESSONS 521 and  522 Dhammapada  Verse 66 Suppabuddhakutthi VatthuA Sinner Is
One’s Own Foe
Verses 67 Kassaka Vatthu Do What
Brings Happiness

Research &

Through :

 LESSONS 521 and 522

Practice a Sutta a Day Keeps Dukkha Away

High turnoutof Voters of UP is the reflection of good governance,law and order.Earlier people were not allowed to vote. No unpleasantt incidence in UP reported

Ambedkar wanted SC/STs grow like banian tree,with a tremendous capacity to
regenerate,giving cool shade to needy, but never wanted SC/STs to become
ornamental shrubs (planted in Gamlas left at the mercy of owner for water and
sun light) with out roots in the fore courts of congress. It never can think of
an accidental banian seed sprouting in the heart lands of Indian polity.
Fortunately Ambedkar’s relentless fights, efforts and dreams has seen thelight
of the day in UP. Let’s sing and rejoice glory of our fore fathers. Jai Bheem!
Jai Kanshiram!

-Message by BSP Dr Rahul

The untouchables along with Sarvajan Samaj including SC/ST/OBC/Minorities
and the poor Upper Castes will gift Multi Billion Budget amount after giving
the master key as Chief Minister for the fifth time on 06-02-2012 and as Prime
Minister in 2014 for equal distribution of wealth for Sarvajan Hithay Sarvajan Sukhay
i.e., for the welfare and happiness of the entire people as she has made
politics sacred by her highly promising best and meritorious governance
completing full 5 years term unlike the other CM of Congress, BJP and SP.

Verse 66. A Sinner Is
One’s Own Foe

of feeble wisdom fare
enemies to themselves,
making evil kamma
which is of bitter fruit.

Those unwise foolish people behave in a manner that is harmful

Dhammapada Verse 66
Suppabuddhakutthi Vatthu

bala dummedha

amitteneva attana
karonta papakam kammam
yam hoti katukapphalam.

66: With themselves as their own enemies, fools lacking in intelligence, move
about doing evil deeds, which bear bitter fruits.

Story of Suppabuddha, the Leper

residing at the Jetavana monastery, the Buddha uttered Verse (66) of this book,
with reference to Suppabuddha, a leper.

the leper, while sitting at the back of the crowd and listening attentively to
the discourse given by the Buddha, attained Sotapatti Fruition. When the crowd
had dispersed, he followed the Buddha to the monastery as he wished to tell the
Buddha about his attainment of Sotapatti Fruition. Sakka, king of the devas,
wishing to test the leper’s faith in the Buddha, the Dhamma and the Samgha, appeared
to him and said, “You are only a poor man, living on what you get by
begging, with no one to fall back on. I can give you immense wealth if you deny
the Buddha, the Dhamma and the Samgha and say that you have no use for
them.” To this, Suppabuddha replied. “I am certainly not a poor man,
with no one to rely on. I am a rich man; I possess the seven attributes which
the ariyas possess; I have faith (saddha), morality (sila), sense of shame to
do evil (hiri), sense of fear to do evil (ottappa), learning (sula), generosity
(caga) and knowledge (panna).

Sakka went to the Buddha ahead of Suppabuddha and related the conversation
between himself and Suppabuddha. To him the Buddha replied that it would not be
easy even for a hundred or a thousand Sakkas to coax Suppabuddha away from the
Buddha, the Dhamma and the Samgha. Soon after this, Suppabuddha arrived at the
monastery and reported to the Buddha about his attainment of Sotapatti
Fruition. On his way back from the Jetavana monastery, Suppabuddha was gored to
death by an infuriated cow, who, in fact, was an ogress assuming the form of a
cow. This ogress was none other than the prostitute who was killed by
Suppabuddha in one of his previous existences and who had vowed to have her
revenge on him.

the news of Suppabuddha’s death reached the Jetavana monastery, the bhikkhus
asked the Buddha where Suppabuddha was reborn and the Buddha replied to them
that Suppabuddha was reborn in Tavatimsa deva realm. The Buddha also explained
to them that Suppabuddha was born a leper because, in one of his previous
existences, he had spat upon a paccekabuddha.

the Buddha spoke in verse as follows:

66: With themselves as their own enemies, fools lacking in intelligence, move
about doing evil deeds, which bear bitter fruits.

High turnout of voters in UP is the reflection
of good governance, Law and order. Earlier people were not allowed to vote. No
unpleasant incidences in UP reported.

Verse 67. Do What Brings Happiness

That kamma’s not
from which there is remorse,
of which one senses the result
with weeping and a tear-stained face.

Explanation: It is good
if one were to avoid committing such actions which would later lead to regret.
When one regrets one weeps.

Dhammapada Verse 67
Kassaka Vatthu

Na tam kammam katam sadhu
yam katva anutappati
yassa assumukho rodam
vipakam patisevati.

Verse 67: That deed is
not well done, if one has to repent for having done it, and if, with a tearful
face, one has to weep as a result of that deed.

The Story of a Farmer

While residing at the
Jetavana monastery, the Buddha uttered Verse (67) of this book, with reference
to a farmer who handled poison.

One day, some thieves
having stolen some valuables and cash from the house of a rich man came to a
field. There, they divided the stolen property among themselves and dispersed;
but a packet containing one thousand in cash, having dropped from one of the
thieves, was left behind unnoticed.

Early in the morning on
that day, the Buddha, on surveying the world with his supernormal power,
perceived that a farmer, cultivating near that field, would attain Sotapatti
Fruition on that very day. So, the Buddha went there, accompinied by the
Venerable Ananda. The farmer on seeing the Buddha paid obeisance to him and
continued to plough the field. The Buddha seeing the packet of money said to
the Venerable Ananda, “Ananda, look at that very poisonous snake,”
and Ananda replied, “Venerable Sir, yes, it is, indeed, a very poisonous
snake!” Then, both the Buddha and the Venerable Ananda continued their

The farmer, hearing them,
went to find out if there really was a snake and found the packet of money. He
took the picket and hid it in a place. The owners of the property coming after
the thieves came to the field, and tracing the footprints of the farmer, found
the packet of money. They beat the farmer and took him to the king, who ordered
his men to kill the farmer. On being taken to the cemetery, where he was to be
killed, the farmer kept on repeating, “Ananda, look at that very poisonous
snake. Venerable Sir, I see the snake; it is, indeed, a very poisonous
snake!” When the king’s men heard the above dialogue between the Buddha
and the Venerable Ananda being repeated all the way, they were puzzled and took
him to the king. The king surmised that the farmer was calling upon the Buddha
as a witness; he was therefore taken to the presence of the Buddha. After
hearing from the Buddha everything that had happened in the morning, the king
remarked, “If he had not been able to call upon the Buddha as a witness of
his innocence, this man would have been killed.” To him, the Buddha
replied, “A wise man should not do anything that he would repent after
doing it.”

Then the Buddha spoke in
verse as follows:

Verse 67: That deed is not well done, if one
has to repent for having done it, and if, with a tearful face, one has to
weep as a result of that deed.

At the end of the
discourse, the farmer attained Sotapatti Fruition.

Manimekalai - Buddhist
influence on Tamil literature

by Nagalingam

Buddhism entered Tamil-Nadu in the third century BC Flourished
in the sixth century AD declined in the eight, but lingered till the end of the
16th century.

Buddhist statues in South India

It might have been introduced first into the Tamil Kingdom by
Asoka’s Missionaries on their way to Ceylon. Talaing chronicles, the source
book of Burmese Buddhism, reveals that Asoka built a vihara in Kanchi, in which
Acharya Dharmapala stayed and wrote 14 commentaries on Pali texts.

Buddhism had an almost incalculable effect on art, thought
literature and way of life of the Tamils.

The Annapurani shrine found within the famous Kamakshi Temple at
Kanchi first housed Manimekala and that Kamakshi is considered a Buddhist
Goddess Tara.

According to historians, the rural administration in Tamil Nadu,
under the later Pallavas and Cholas must have received a fillip from Buddhism
since the pattern of the local government with its characteristic committee
system based on the Sangha administration, the influence of Buddhism may be traced.


The importance of the wide range of Buddhist art in any study of
the philosophy and art of Asia cannot be overemphasized.

The impact of Buddhist architecture is to be seen in the various
styles now found in South India.

The apsidal - ended temple, the pyramidal-storied temple, the
wagon-headed roof and the circular shrine chamber found in some temples on the
west coast are so obviously Buddhist in origin.

The external designs of the temples of Mahablipuram, popularly
known as the seven pagodas, bears ample testimony to the Buddhist influence.

The contribution of Buddhism to Tamil literature is more
valuable than the other benefits it might have conferred on the Tamil society,
though unfortunately many great Buddhist works in Tamil have been irrecoverably


At least one of the lyrics in Puranancerie in the incomparable
Sangam Anthology is claimed to be a faithful rendering of a passage from
Dhammapada which contains the gist of the essential principle of the Buddha’s

There are scholars who over that Valluvar, the author of
Tirukkural, the crown Jewel of Tami classic must have known Buddhism.

The unmistakable influence of Buddhist thought on Valluvar is
discernible in his work. The arrangement of chapters is closely modelled upon
the Dhammapada.

Most of the terms used to refer to God in the first chapter,
which is a glorification of the Supreme being, are applicable to the Buddha and
they are the appellations, used in some Buddhist works.

Two of the five great epics in Tamil, Kuntalakesi and
Manimekalai are authored by men with pronounced Buddhist learnings while the
rest are attributed to Jains.

Viracoliyam, a grammatical work of the eleventh century written
by Buddhamitra in honour of Vira Rajendra Chola, cites as illustrative examples
passages from great Buddhist works.

These citations are witness to the vast variety of Buddhist
works that might have been written in Tamil.

Although many great works were lost Manimekalai has survived
such uncertain times is a reflection upon its greatness.


The title of the book which may be translated as the ‘Jewel
Belt’, is the name of the heroine and of one of the great Buddhist goddesses
mentioned in the Jatakas, who also appears in the poem. The epic consists of
4,861 lines (a kind of blank verse) in 30 cantos.

Manimekalai was written by a Buddhist merchant Seethalai Cattan
in the post Sangam period (at least two to three centuries after the Sangam
classics) in the 4th century AD.

The epics Manimekalai and Cilappathi Karam are considered by
many as twin epics as they are very much related to each other. Both of them
belong to the same age and deal with the story of the same family.

The story of Manimekalai is supposed to be a continuation of
what has already been superbly treated by Illanko in his Cilapatikaram.

Towards the end of the earlier epic Kannaki takes revenge upon
the Pandya king for having killed her husband unjustly by burning the city of
Madurai. Realising his folly, the king dies of shock; Kannaki is taken to
heaven by some divine beings, Matavi the danseuse, joins the Buddhist order
along with her daughter Manimekalai.

The later epic takes up the story from here beginning with the
renunciation of the heroine at a very early age. Manimekalai, is the story of a
women of not only of great chastity but also a woman who is very much concerned
with the poor and hungry.

Manimekalai’s inner struggles between her passionate love for
the prince who was her husband in the previous birth and her ardent desire for
spiritual service eloquently described, by the poet, finally her desire for
serving mankind triumphs.

In Manimekalai, the public that has admired the mother and the
daughter as beautiful dancers does not relish their joining the nunnery and
wants the younger one to follow the hereditary profession of a courtesan. But
the strong-willed maiden is firm even though she finds herself drawn to the
Chola prince. Utayakamaran, who is in love with her. Later she learns that the
real reason for this magnetic charm is that she has been his wife in a series
of former births.

But her own indomitable will and the encouragement of her mother
and the help rendered by the divine beings enables her to free herself from
human ties. The prince relentlessly pursues her but she is miraculously removed
by the goddess Manimekalai to, the island of Manipallawam, (present day
Jaffna). Where she sees the miraculous Buddha seat and learns all about her
past life.

Finally she goes to Kanchi, meets Aravana Adigal, the embodiment
of Buddhist scholarship and sitting at his feet learns Buddhist ethics, logic
and philosophy. After attaining wisdom, she settles there permanently to do
penance to attain Nirvana.

The poem does not have a well-knit plot unlike its predecessor
Cilapatikaram, which testifies to the architectonic skill of Illango to Cattan
himself, the story seems to be of lessor importance than the propagation of
Buddhist thoughts.

It is more as repository of Buddhist logic, ethics and
philosophy than artistic success that Manimekalai is remembered today.

And the author would have certainly felt rewarded by this kind
of recognition accorded to his work.

Cattan the poet has envisioned Manimekalai as human like
ourselves but divine in her soulful compassion.

The very bliss one earth is the result of a life of love and

Cattan’s Manimekalai true to the Tamil literary tradition which
swears by the essential oneness of mankind, universal love and viewing God as
the very embodiment of love achieves his purpose.


Fw: Ancient Buddhists Monuments of Hanathi Tah. Chitapur Dist. Gulbarga
(Karnataka State, India) destroyed by State Govt. machinery.

Dr. Milind Jiwane

From :
Civil Rights Protection Cell
H.Q. Jeewak Welfare Society Premises,
Naya Nakasha, Opposite Swastik school,
Nagpur (India)
Dated - 11/02/2012

1. Hon. President of India, New Delhi.
2. Hon. Prime Minister of India, New Delhi
3. Hon. Sonia Gandhi, Ruling Party Leader, New Delhi

Respected Sirs,

Subject : Ancient Buddhists Monuments of Hanathi Tah. Chitapur Dist. Gulbarga
(Karnataka State, India) destroyed by State Govt. machinery.

 Today, I got a message from Ven. Bodhidhama
(Who is now arrested in police station in Karnataka)
by mobile on his arrest with 100 followers on the issue of agitation in concern
with saving of ancient
Buddhist monuments, who are destroying by Divisional Assistant Commissioner Mr.
D P Ravi, who is additional charge of  Sannati Development Corporation. An
ancient Buddhist monuments are seem to be 2200 years King Asoka regime. Asst
Commissioner Mr Raju, who installed their Durga Devi idol, So Buddhist people ,
who made agitation on this anti-social movement.The said monuments has been
evacuated between the period of 1994 to 2001 by the Government. But no care has
been taken by them. Due to making strong agitation by Buddhist people, the
police has been arrested to Ven. Bodhidhamma and his 100 followers under pressure
of asst. commissioner Mr. Raju and by  Hindu orthodox.
On behalf of Civil Rights Protection Cell, I am requesting you to take action
immediately. There should be need of suspension of Asst. Commissioner Mr Raju
and Concerned Police Officer. There should be need of care of this ancient
Buddhist Monuments. And should be made free from all the police cases

Thanking You.

Yours Faithfully,

Dr. Milind Jiwane


Civil Rights Protection Cell

Nagpur (MS. India)

Pradesh polls: Over 59 per cent turnout in second phase

caste pie still stands in favour of the BSP that bagged the majority of the
seats in the region in 2007. The BSP will be hoping that more than 27 per cent
committed SC/ST voters will show no signs of shifting loyalties.
billion rupees that was sanctioned was equally distributed among all sections
of the sarvajan samaj as per the Constitutiion

The proposed
division of UP and the creation of a separate state of Poorvanchal will also
resonate in the minds of voters when they make a beeline to cast their vote.

second phase would seal the fate of many senior leaders, including speaker
Sukhdeo Rajbhar, Revenue Minister Phagu Chauhan, state president of BSP are in
fray as BSP candidate from newly-created Deedarganj seat in Azamgarh district.

There were complaints
related to problems with electronic voting machines (EVM).

This phase
will also test the potency of the 4.5 per cent backward minorities sub quota
decision - another poll sop that for now has been stayed by Election Commission

Congress has also resurrected the possibility of a judicial probe in the Batla
House encounter in Delhi that claimed the lives of boys from Azamgarh.

Mulayam”, an identity he lost in the run up to the 2009 Lok Sabha
elections when he forged an alliance with Kalyan Singh - a man who many Muslims
consider as the face of the Babri Masjid demolition. Samajwadi Party experienced
a massive erosion of its traditional Muslim vote.

SP had obliterated the state when the it was in
power, there was an atmosphere of fear all around. There was a goon to be found
in every nook and cranny, the women were not safe at all, there was corruption
all around.


Con(g)tradictions: Party leaders give conflicting statements in
battlefield Uttar Pradesh

Did Sonia Gandhi cry over the Batla House
encounter or not? Will Rahul Gandhi remote control the chief minister in Uttar
Pradesh if the Congress emerges victorious? And an official spokesperson
blabbering at daily briefings.

All these issues are what the Congress could
least afford in the face of crucial make-or-break elections in Uttar Pradesh.

But the fact of the matter is that too many
party leaders are shooting from the hip and in the process shooting themselves
in the foot.

Striking a rather desperate note as he addressed
public meetings in the Lalganj and Sagri assembly constituencies of Azamgarh,
Khurshid tried to fire from Sonia’s shoulder on Thursday. He said Sonia’s eyes
had welled up on seeing the killed youths in the photographs of the shootout.

‘I was not a minister at the time. As a lawyer
and a Congress worker, I had shown the photographs to Sonia. She requested us
to not to show her the images and started crying bitterly. She then asked me to
tell all this to the Prime Minister,’ Khurshid told the gatherings which
largely comprised members of the Muslim community.

But even before any Opposition leader could have
responded to Khurshid’s assertion, party general secretary Digvijaya Singh
astonishingly told the media in Varanasi that what the law minister had said
was far from the reality and reflected his personal feelings.

‘He was talking about his own expressions,’
Singh contended.

Then Jaiswal’s remote control comment left party
managers red-faced. Since Rahul is in the heat of the UP poll battle, the
comment is expected to devalue Jaiswal’s currency in the party - precisely the
opposite effect of what the coal minister must have intended.

Congress’ new OBC face in UP, Beni Prasad Verma,
also had a slip of tongue at a strategic moment. Addressing a poll rally, he
described the party MP from Barabanki as ‘an outsider’.

But if this was not headache enough for party
managers, Congress spokesperson Renuka Chowdhury had nothing to offer to the
scribes attending the briefing on Friday.

When she was asked about Digvijaya contradicting
Khurshid, all that she could say was ‘leave it’, evoking peels of laughter from
the media.

To another question over the 2G spectrum scam,
Chowdhury said: ‘Aaji, Noji’ to which the journo responded with ‘whyji’.

The Congress core committee, including Prime
Minister Manmohan Singh, Sonia and finance minister Pranab Mukherjee met on
Friday but sources said the Batla House issue did not come up for discussion.

Mayawati at a Brahmin sammelan at Ramabai rally sthal in Lucknow.
Mayawati at a Brahmin sammelan at Ramabai rally sthal in Lucknow.

Mayawati came to power in 2007, she built the 76-acre Ramabai Rally
Sthal in Lucknow to accommodate a crowd of five lakh. She has held six
rallies here for her party cadre, three of them in the last two months.
She is the only leader to have done so in such a sprawling space. Each
of her three recent rallies has focused on Sarvajan Hithay Sarvajan
Sukhay i.e., for the welfare and happiness of entire people. On
November 13, she held a Brahmin Sammelan where Satish Chandra Misra, the
BSP’s Brahmin face, described Mayawati as “kanoon ki devi”. A fortnight
later, she addressed a rally for the party’s Scheduled Castes and
backward class workers. BSP state President Swami Prasad Maurya shared
the dais with her. On December 18, it was the turn of the Muslim
votebank, for whom she paraded BSP leader Naseemuddin Siddiqui.

Mayawati always arrives on time. She then arrives at the venue in an
Ambassador, usually accompanied by a fleet of 10 cars. At the venue, she
is at her combative best, hitting out at both Samajwadi Party and the
Congress. Taunting Rahul Gandhi’s attacks on her, she says, “The
elephant has started haunting Congress leaders even in their dreams.”
The applause is deafening.

BSP works not only for SC/STs but for all sections: Mayawati

to shake off BSP’s image as a party which cares only for SC/STs,
Mayawati today said it was not against any caste or religion and
wanted to build a society based on the principles of equality.

“BSP is not against any caste or religion. It wants to remove
inequality and establish a society based on equality,” the Uttar Pradesh
Chief Minister said while seeking votes for party candidates in
Uttarakhand Assembly elections.

To support her claim, Mayawati
said she has given tickets to candidates belonging to all sections of
society during the current assembly elections.

Reminding people
that the BSP had formed government in UP four times because of its “good
and pro-people policies”, she exuded confidence that her party will
repeat its performance once again this time.

“People would bring
BSP back to power for the fifth time in the state as it always works for
the welfare of all sections of soceity,” she claimed.

that non-BSP governments are formed with the help of rich people and so
they make policies which favour them, she described BSP as the only
party which makes policies for the welfare of all sections.

the works done by her government in Uttar Pradesh for welfare of
various sections of the society, Mayawati said her government did not
tolerate atrocities against women, SC/STs and other weaker sections and
the culprits are immediately sent behind the bars.

Uttar Pradesh’s Sarvajan living hugely improved lives in the last
five years of rule by Mayawati, a CM from the community . Hence she
remains their icon and BSP the party they identify with-because it draws
legitimacy, inspiration and ideology from Babasaheb Ambedkar.

BSP rule has  made much difference even to Ambedkar villages which
were conceived in 1991 to bring their residents, particularly SC/STs,
into the mainstream . When implemented in 1995, the scheme became a
source of heartburn exposing Mayawati to the charge that she was
excessively focused on SC/STs which is not true.

Authorities insist wetland sale is ‘perfectly legal’

NOIDA: Stepping up its act following reports of alleged “irregularities
in the sale of the wetland in Dadri to a private developer”, the Uttar
Pradesh government sent a team of officials led by the inspector general
of forests, Uttar Pradesh, DC Khanduri to visit the disputed area on
Friday. This was done to “ensure the legality of the sale of land around
the Bil Akbarpur Lake in Dadri, Greater Noida, to a private developer.”
Dismissing all allegations of irregularities, the officials maintain
that the sale of approximately one lakh square metre area around the
wetland to the Ansals for developing a residential township is
“perfectly legal.”


[The Buddhist Circle] Support BSP from anywhere in the world for Feb-2012 elections - Pls. do your part


Friday, 20 January 2012 11:58 PM
Dear All,


Elections are due in UP from 8th Feb.
2012. As you know the media / centre govt / election commission will
always present only incorrect negative news repeatedly about UP govt and
Mayawati to defame her.


Now in this technology world let’s
present to whole world correct and positive news about UP govt and
Mayawati which may assist BSP to win more seats. 


As a part of your responsibility,
please try to do two below things by spending about 10min daily from
today till the elections are over.


1) Open various news items about Mayawati & BSP from Google news search and put your comparative positive comment on the  news.


2) Vote to Mayawati in various news papers online survey.



If you notice now days there are many
people writing comments on news articles, which mean many people read
these news and they do write comments as well. So let’s have comments
from our side as well.


If all well wisher of BSP writes
their positive comparative comments, then it will surely put real storey
about UP and Mayawati to the world.


Please send this email to maximum people without losing any time as 6th Feb. 2012 is very near.


 Few  comparative points about BSP govt;


1) UP is now one of the fast
developing states in all aspects like education / infrastructure / water
/ roads etc. Congress could not do this in last 40 years of their rule.
BJP demolished Babari. SP promoted goondaraj.

2) Controlled crime and created safe environment.

3) Created various new districts which helped developing the local area.

4) Proposed divisions of state into smaller states for better development

5) Given full respect to great national social leaders by creating their parks and institutes.

6) Sacked ministers who are indicated by Lokayukta in corruption.

7) Rejected FDI in retails to protect small shop owners.

8) Mayawati is the only CM who is going to serve full 5 years with stable govt.


are many more developments which media will never tell, so local UP
people will need to play vital role for spreading correct news.


Let’s keep our land in our hands.


Yours in mission.


randhir gill (mirzapur)
57 mins ago (02:31 PM)

Mam i am really happy because you are my state CM.I live in
mirzapur,near by allahabad.Youare such great CM.I pray only CM in my

Vijay (Chennai)
6 hrs ago (08:48 AM)
EC is covering our statues and symbols across UP. Next time we should
make EC to do the same across India. Jai Bhim…Jai Kanshiram…Jai

Jagatheesan Chandrasekharan (Bangalore)
7 hrs ago (07:57 AM)
Ms Mayawati of BSP will win 303 seats, since BSP is a movement for social transformation and Economic Emancipation.




By Broad minded Entire Uttar Pradesh People will give her seats Three Hundred and Three!

sandeep sharma (Mohali)
18 Jan, 2012 01:47 PM
better than Mulayam.Done development in Noida,Lko.

Sparrow (DC)
18 Jan, 2012 07:59 AM
is the only strong Sarvajan leader to protect minorities against the caste
/ feudal system in UP.She has learned her lessons and shall give
better govt.

rahul (delhi)
17 Jan, 2012 04:04 PM
Great leader

Prashant (Australia)
15 Jan, 2012 06:25 PM
am 100% with u that u have done enough for SC, OBC and all other castes
that everyone in India should be proud to have your statue in every
state of India.

I honestly salute you and want to meet you once personally in my life.

May God give u long life and after you will be remembered as GOD itself.

ROSHAN (Faridabad)
14 Jan, 2012 02:54 PM

Nitesh Thakur (Delhi)
12 Jan, 2012 02:27 PM

A Sarvajan  icon

neeraj upadhyay (noida)
12 Jan, 2012 02:18 PM
Haathi mere sathi.. :)

qrst (Delhi)
12 Jan, 2012 11:05 AM
I wish you come to power again.

Right nice

In a democracy any party goes to the people
with an agenda and programmes they would implement if they came to
power. Are the parks in UP not built with that sense? BSP being a party
that has come into being on the philosophy of Dr.B.R.Ambedkar, Mahatma
Phule, Periyar and other social thinkers who wanted to establish a just
society. It is in this context that one should understand the parks
established in honour of the leaders who showed a path to the
downtrodden. If the argument given by EC that anything built from public
funds that could influence the voters, “… are they created using
government funds and displayed in an election situation? Second, even
when these are created with government funds, we need to see if they are
part of the normal functions of any government, irrespective of party
affiliation?” How could one see parties asking people to vote for their
party on the schemes brought out by them? Eg. Congress asking people to
vote on the MGNRES, RTI, Development, etc. is it not one way of
influencing the voters asking for votes on schemes implemented from
‘Public Funds’. The EC’s logic of public funds being used is absurd and
against the democratically elected government’s mandate to execute its
schemes for its people. It is worthwhile to recollect Dr.B.R.Ambedkar’s
words, “For ours is a battle not for wealth or for power. It is battle
for freedom. It is the battle of reclamation of human personality” and
it is that culture which is reflected in parks which the so-called
‘elites’ of the Indian society cannot digest. And the bogey of ‘Public
money’ being wasted is just hogwash.


hyderabad, India

UP chief minister Mayawati, accused the Centre
of focusing on NRHM bunglings on assembly polls eve with a
“malicious” design. At a rally in Roorkee on Monday, she said:
“The Congress-headed UPA is misusing the CBI in the name of the NRHM scam
probe. The raids just before the assembly elections are politically motivated
to malign my image and take mileage in the polls.”

Uttar Pradesh Election 2012: Fourth phase nomination begins . . .

Uttar Pradesh Election 2012: Fourth phase nomination
begins . . .

Election 2012, Uttar Pradesh, nomination

Lucknow: The filing of
nominations for the fourth phase of assembly elections 2012 in Uttar Pradesh
began on Wednesday.

The fourth phase, which would cover 56 of the state’s 403 assembly
constituencies, spread across Lucknow, Rae Bareli, Farrukhabad, Hardoi, Unnao,
Prataprarh, Kannauj, Banda, Chitrakoot and Fatehpur districts, would determine
the fate of 32 sitting legislators, three ministers and a dozen former

More than 1.72 crore voters are expected to cast their votes at 18,209 polling
booths at 12,821 polling stations where 19,029 electronic voting machines would
be used Feb 19.

Several important leaders of different political parties are expected to file
their nominations.

The fate of Louis Khurshid, wife of union Law Minister Salman Khurshid, would
also be determined during this phase in Farrukhabad.


Among the Uttar Pradesh ministers in the fray are Nakul Dubey (urban
development) and Anbul Manan (science and technology).

The authentic Gandhites (not those whose names have a Gandhi suffix)
would not have expected their progeny to resort to bare faced efforts to
protect the corrupt and perpetuate a naked β€˜dynastic rule’ intent on power in
Delhi; usurping the powers from the office of the PM and exercising those
powers without any checks and balances to evade accountability for major policy
failures. This reduced Singh to a lame duck PM; unable to act against the
corrupt or errant top politicians once Sonia and her family had effectively
usurped the PM Office’s powers to act claiming that dealing with errant Congressmen
whether ministers or others fell within the purview of the party (Congress)
President. PM Singh mourned over this and his inability to act gave vague
explanations merely to stay in office and accumulating all the negative
points for β€˜weak’ and, β€˜indecisive’ leadership in preparation for his departure
from the political scene once the Sonia call comes. How effectively could Singh
perform his PM role in these conditions being an unelected holding the PM
office? He thus is carrying the blame for Delhi’s failures on behalf the
UPA2/Congress allowing the Sonia leadership to keep their record unblemished
though exercising part of the PM’s powers and hence could afford to β€˜stay aloof
from grassroots’ (Mark Tully).

Sonia inducted Priyanka Vadra
into the UP election campaign ignoring Priyanka’s conspicuous absence (β€˜stayed
aloof from grassroots’ – Mark Tully) from Rae Bareli since 2009 expecting the
apathetic Rae Bareli/UP voter to forget fast the background for her absence
from Rae Bareli.  The Sonia family avoided embarrassment over the speed
with which Vadra, Priyanka’s husband amassed wealth to become a billionaire
(net worth $2.1 billion) after his marriage to Priyanka. Vadra who originally
owned Artex a small company exporting artificial jewellery is now involved in
numerous business ventures including Unitec that is in the centre of the
high profile 2g spectrum scam
. (Is this the Sonia family’s connection to
the 2g affair?). NDTV on 16 January 2012. referred to the conspicuous absence
of Priyanka from UP  (After a long break , Congress chief Sonia
Gandhi β€˜s daughter Priyanka Vadra was back in Amethi on Monday to supplement
brother Rahul’s efforts in mobilizing votes for the Congress ahead of elections
in politically crucial UP..” This is dynastic succession in action.

To throw in Priyanka an
absentee Congress politicians
to be in the vanguard of the campaign in UP
highlights Rahul’s inability to make an impact in UP electorally and the Sonia
family’s strong belief that dynastic loyalties have  β€˜too much influence’
(Tully) or appeal electorally to counter any mass discontent be it mass
corruption or any other major policy failure.  In fact
the UP assembly election is evolving into referendum on the Sonia UPA2/Congress
rule that carries the hallmarks of deep-set corruption, power craze,
confrontational style of politics, unfair use of state instrumentalities to
disadvantage the opposition and dissent, craving for dynastic succession and
even creating dissension amongst the top Congress leadership to kill off any
alternative PM candidate to Rahul from emerging- a classic Sonia dynastic
succession rule in action.  All these issues though crucial do not surface
much in public debate thanks to a meek media and the capacity of those
campaigning for the Sonia UPA2/Congress to  create enough trivial
 diversionary issues to take attention away from the massive corruption
against which  the Lokpal tide is creating waves in UP.  

 Will the Indian voters in
UP as patriotic Indians like the Biharis and TN Tamilians also vote to rid
Delhi/India of the evil corrupt cult of the UPA2/Congress?
 Readers’ attention is drawn to a piece β€œThe choice for Indians – the
phony mafia UPA2/Congress verses the historic  glory of the Mahatma
Congress..’ (Groundreport 02, December 2011). This piece examines the attitude
of the UPA2/Congress in the face of a national calamity, the spreading
corruption epidemic threatening the whole of India. Morally Sonia UPA2/Congress
has forfeited all rights to claim a Gandhian lineage that demands rulers
to be pre-eminently clean, also morally the Sonia UPA2/Congress with a
stranglehold on the Mahatma Congress as an organization acts and speaks the
language of a phony not the authentic Mahatma Congress.  Once voters see
through this distinction it will be doomsday for UPA2 /Congress.

The UPA2/Congress also went to
the TN and Bihar electorates carrying its massive corrupt/deals baggage
accumulated from Rajiv’s Bofors scam and  grown robustly under the
UPA2/Congress rule to produce a series of scams,  amongst others the 2G,
CWG and whole list of other scams that earned for it notoriety for plundering
public assets. UP voters are bound to vote with anger over the UPA2/Congress
top leadership’s attempts to camouflage such a notorious corruption record
 with fads and not seriously acting  to remedy its failures/misdeeds.
The TN electors acted wisely enough with the UPA2/Congress failing miserably to
cheat the TN electors. Indians,  India-wide are looking up to the voters
of UP, the biggest state and politically the most powerful with
the power to alter the course of events acting as real patriots to
end this corruption menace by rejecting the UPA2/Congress in the forthcoming
UP assembly elections. 

The UPA2/Congress
corruption/deals cult has wider ramifications. It nurtured in the UPA2/Congress
a haughty confrontational approach

to political debate especially
against those struggling against the corruption malice. An authentic Mahatma
Congress regime would scrupulously have avoided such hurtful conduct. Yet
the UPA2/Congress posters have a Mahatma in the background with Sonia in the
middle flanked by Rahul and Priyanka. This is a cynical abuse of the
Mahatma’s lineage for cheap political advantage by non- practitioners

UPA2/Congress inaction against
the corrupt is accompanied by inaction against those who have illicit funds
stashed in banks overseas. Without the corrupt culture those funds would have
flowed in normal course to fund β€˜development’ benefitting all Indians.
 Rahul’s development call sounds hollow and insincere; with UPA2/Congress’
inaction. Accountability requires Sonia UPA2/Congress to publish and or take
action against those in the list holding funds overseas, but it has
 scrupulously avoided taking any such action and the reasons that its
official spokesmen trot out sound  totally incredible. Only Lokpal
extending the scope of its campaign to cover these illicit funds issue would be
the answer.  When massive amounts in overseas banks, the where withal for
β€˜development’ are locked up and away? it is cynical that Rahul vociferously
claims that only the Sonia UPA2/Congress agenda unlike that of the opposition
is serious about β€˜development’. How much more dubious could the UPA2/Congress
β€˜development’ promise be?  Development is a must to alleviate the grinding
poverty of majority of Indian especially those in UP. Analysts point to
the inaction and the stilled silence of Sonia UPA2/Congress on these issues as anti-development’;
acts to protect the corrupt.

The corruption culture that
began with Bofors.

The confrontational politics of
the UPA2/Congress is also destructive to its coalition partners. It drove its
coalition ally the DMK (not much more corrupt than the Congress) into exile by
poaching on DMK’s regional vote winning base. In DMK’s case the South Block
used Delhi’s inaction to demonstrate DMK’s incapacity to serve as champions of
Tamils in Eelam or elsewhere. The astute Mamata Banerjee sensed from DMK’s
experience, the risks inherent in partnering the Congress early enough that she
pre-empted any UPA2/Congress move to usurp her party’s regional base to
advantage the Congress. This is a warning to all parties seeking ties with
the UPA2/Congress anywhere in India or UP.

On the misuse of state
instrumentalities by Sonia/Narayanan junta; CBI was used domestically against
the opposition where necessary domestically.


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11 02 2012 LESSON 521 Dhammapada Verse 66 Suppabuddhakutthi Vatthu A Sinner Is One s Own Foe
Filed under: General
Posted by: site admin @ 4:10 pm

11 02 2012 LESSON 521
Dhammapada Verse
66 Suppabuddhakutthi Vatthu A Sinner Is One s Own Foe


Through :



Practice a Sutta a Day
Keeps Dukkha Away

Ambedkar wanted SC/STs grow like banian tree,with a tremendous capacity to
regenerate,giving cool shade to needy, but never wanted SC/STs to become
ornamental shrubs (planted in Gamlas left at the mercy of owner for water and
sun light) with out roots in the fore courts of congress. It never can think of
an accidental banian seed sprouting in the heart lands of Indian polity.
Fortunately Ambedkar’s relentless fights, efforts and dreams has seen thelight
of the day in UP. Let’s sing and rejoice glory of our fore fathers. Jai Bheem!
Jai Kanshiram!

-Message by BSP Dr Rahul

The untouchables along with Sarvajan Samaj including SC/ST/OBC/Minorities
and the poor Upper Castes will gift Multi Billion Budget amount after giving
the master key as Chief Minister for the fifth time on 06-02-2012 and as Prime
Minister in 2014 for equal distribution of wealth for Sarvajan Hithay Sarvajan Sukhay
i.e., for the welfare and happiness of the entire people as she has made
politics sacred by her highly promising best and meritorious governance
completing full 5 years term unlike the other CM of Congress, BJP and SP.

Verse 66. A Sinner Is
One’s Own Foe

of feeble wisdom fare
enemies to themselves,
making evil kamma
which is of bitter fruit.

Those unwise foolish people behave in a manner that is harmful

Dhammapada Verse 66
Suppabuddhakutthi Vatthu

bala dummedha

amitteneva attana
karonta papakam kammam
yam hoti katukapphalam.

66: With themselves as their own enemies, fools lacking in intelligence, move
about doing evil deeds, which bear bitter fruits.

Story of Suppabuddha, the Leper

residing at the Jetavana monastery, the Buddha uttered Verse (66) of this book,
with reference to Suppabuddha, a leper.

the leper, while sitting at the back of the crowd and listening attentively to
the discourse given by the Buddha, attained Sotapatti Fruition. When the crowd
had dispersed, he followed the Buddha to the monastery as he wished to tell the
Buddha about his attainment of Sotapatti Fruition. Sakka, king of the devas,
wishing to test the leper’s faith in the Buddha, the Dhamma and the Samgha, appeared
to him and said, “You are only a poor man, living on what you get by
begging, with no one to fall back on. I can give you immense wealth if you deny
the Buddha, the Dhamma and the Samgha and say that you have no use for
them.” To this, Suppabuddha replied. “I am certainly not a poor man,
with no one to rely on. I am a rich man; I possess the seven attributes which
the ariyas possess; I have faith (saddha), morality (sila), sense of shame to
do evil (hiri), sense of fear to do evil (ottappa), learning (sula), generosity
(caga) and knowledge (panna).

Sakka went to the Buddha ahead of Suppabuddha and related the conversation
between himself and Suppabuddha. To him the Buddha replied that it would not be
easy even for a hundred or a thousand Sakkas to coax Suppabuddha away from the
Buddha, the Dhamma and the Samgha. Soon after this, Suppabuddha arrived at the
monastery and reported to the Buddha about his attainment of Sotapatti
Fruition. On his way back from the Jetavana monastery, Suppabuddha was gored to
death by an infuriated cow, who, in fact, was an ogress assuming the form of a
cow. This ogress was none other than the prostitute who was killed by
Suppabuddha in one of his previous existences and who had vowed to have her
revenge on him.

the news of Suppabuddha’s death reached the Jetavana monastery, the bhikkhus
asked the Buddha where Suppabuddha was reborn and the Buddha replied to them
that Suppabuddha was reborn in Tavatimsa deva realm. The Buddha also explained
to them that Suppabuddha was born a leper because, in one of his previous
existences, he had spat upon a paccekabuddha.

the Buddha spoke in verse as follows:

66: With themselves as their own enemies, fools lacking in intelligence, move
about doing evil deeds, which bear bitter fruits.

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