Free Online FOOD for MIND & HUNGER - DO GOOD 😊 PURIFY MIND.To live like free birds 🐦 🦢 🦅 grow fruits 🍍 🍊 🥑 🥭 🍇 🍌 🍎 🍉 🍒 🍑 🥝 vegetables 🥦 🥕 🥗 🥬 🥔 🍆 🥜 🎃 🫑 🍅🍜 🧅 🍄 🍝 🥗 🥒 🌽 🍏 🫑 🌳 🍓 🍊 🥥 🌵 🍈 🌰 🇧🇧 🫐 🍅 🍐 🫒Plants 🌱in pots 🪴 along with Meditative Mindful Swimming 🏊‍♂️ to Attain NIBBĀNA the Eternal Bliss.
Kushinara NIBBĀNA Bhumi Pagoda White Home, Puniya Bhumi Bengaluru, Prabuddha Bharat International.

June 2022
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LESSON 4480 Fri 1 Jul 2022 Daily Wisdom DO GOOD PURIFY MIND Good Morning Buddha Positive Quotes Buddha Vacana — The words of the Buddha — — Āṇi Sutta —in 23) Classical Catalan-Català clàssic 24) Classical Cebuano-Klase sa Sugbo, 25) Classical Chichewa-Chikale cha Chichewa, 26) Classical Chinese (Simplified)-古典中文(简体), 27) Classical Chinese (Traditional)-古典中文(繁體), 28) Classical Corsican-Corsa Corsicana, 29) Classical Croatian-Klasična hrvatska, 30)Classical Czech-Klasická čeština
Filed under: General, Theravada Tipitaka , Plant raw Vegan Broccoli, peppers, cucumbers, carrots
Posted by: site admin @ 5:34 pm

LESSON 4480 Fri 1 Jul  2022

Daily Wisdom


Good Morning Buddha Positive Quotes

Buddha Vacana

— The words of the Buddha —
— Āṇi Sutta —in
23) Classical Catalan-Català clàssic

24) Classical Cebuano-Klase sa Sugbo,

25) Classical Chichewa-Chikale cha Chichewa,

26) Classical Chinese (Simplified)-古典中文(简体),

27) Classical Chinese (Traditional)-古典中文(繁體),

28) Classical Corsican-Corsa Corsicana,

29) Classical Croatian-Klasična hrvatska,

30)Classical Czech-Klasická čeština

May be an image of text that says
Buddha Vacana
— The words of the Buddha —

— Āṇi Sutta —

future time, there will be bhikkhus who will not listen to the
utterance of such discourses which are words of the Tathāgata, profound,
profound in meaning, leading beyond the world, (consistently) connected
with emptiness, they will not lend ear, they will not apply their mind
on knowledge, they will not consider those teachings as to be taken up

On the contrary, they will listen to the utterance of such discourses which are
compositions made by poets, witty words, witty letters, by people from
outside, or the words of disciples, they will lend ear, they will apply
their mind on knowledge, they will consider those
teachings as to be taken up and mastered.

Thus, bhikkhus, the discourses which are words of the Tathāgata, profound,
profound in meaning, leading beyond the world, (consistently) connected with emptiness, will disappear.

Therefore, bhikkhus, you should train thus: ‘We will listen to the utterance of
discourses which are words of the Tathāgata, profound, profound in
meaning, leading beyond the world, (consistently) connected with
emptiness, we will lend ear, we will apply our mind on knowledge, we
will consider those teachings as to be taken up and mastered.’ This is
how, bhikkhus, you should train yourselves.

Classical Pāli

bhikkhū anāgatam·addhānaṃ, ye te suttantā tathāgata·bhāsitā gambhīrā
gambhīr·atthā lok·uttarā suññata·p·paṭisaṃyuttā, tesu bhaññamānesu na
sussūsissanti na sotaṃ odahissanti na aññā cittaṃ upaṭṭhāpessanti na ca
te dhamme uggahetabbaṃ pariyāpuṇitabbaṃ maññissanti.

Ye pana te suttantā kavi·katā kāveyyā citta·kkharā citta·byañjanā bāhirakā sāvaka·bhāsitā,
tesu bhaññamānesu sussūsissanti, sotaṃ odahissanti, aññā cittaṃ
upaṭṭhāpessanti, te ca dhamme uggahetabbaṃ pariyāpuṇitabbaṃ maññissanti.

bhikkhave, suttantānaṃ tathāgata·bhāsitānaṃ gambhīrānaṃ
gambhīr·atthānaṃ lok·uttarānaṃ suññata·p·paṭisaṃyuttānaṃ antaradhānaṃ

bhikkhave, evaṃ sikkhitabbaṃ: ‘ye te suttantā tathāgata·bhāsitā
gambhīrā gambhīr·atthā lok·uttarā suññata·p·paṭisaṃyuttā, tesu
bhaññamānesu sussūsissāma, sotaṃ odahissāma, aññā cittaṃ upaṭṭhāpessāma,
te ca dhamme uggahetabbaṃ pariyāpuṇitabbaṃ maññissāmā’ti. Evañhi vo,
bhikkhave, sikkhitabbanti.


दैनिक ज्ञान
मन को शुद्ध करो
बुद्ध वचन
— बुद्ध के वचन —
— i सुट्टा —
में, ऐसे भिक्खु होंगे जो ऐसे प्रवचनों के उच्चारण को नहीं सुनेंगे जो
तथागत के शब्द हैं, गहरा, अर्थ में गहरा, दुनिया से परे, (निरंतर) शून्यता
से जुड़ा हुआ है, वे कान नहीं देंगे, वे ज्ञान पर अपना दिमाग नहीं लगाएंगे,
वे उन शिक्षाओं पर विचार नहीं करेंगे जिन्हें लिया जाना है और
महारत हासिल
इसके विपरीत, वे ऐसे प्रवचनों के उच्चारण सुनेंगे जो हैं
द्वारा बनाई गई साहित्यिक रचनाएं, मजाकिया शब्द, मजाकिया पत्र, बाहर के
लोगों द्वारा, या शिष्यों के शब्द, वे कान देंगे, वे अपना दिमाग ज्ञान पर
लगाएंगे, वे उन पर विचार करेंगे
शिक्षाओं को लिया जाना और महारत हासिल करना।
इस प्रकार, भिक्खु, प्रवचन जो तथागत के शब्द हैं, गहन,
अर्थ में गहरा, संसार से परे, (लगातार) शून्य से जुड़ा हुआ, गायब हो जाएगा।
इसलिए, भिक्खुओं, आपको इस प्रकार प्रशिक्षित करना चाहिए: ‘हम उनकी बात सुनेंगे’
ऐसे प्रवचन जो तथागत के शब्द हैं, गहरा, अर्थ में गहरा, दुनिया से परे, (लगातार) से जुड़ा हुआ है
खालीपन, हम कान लगाएंगे, हम अपना दिमाग ज्ञान पर लगाएंगे, हम
उन शिक्षाओं पर विचार करेगा जिन्हें लिया और महारत हासिल किया जाएगा।’ यह है
कैसे, भिक्खुओं, तुम्हें खुद को प्रशिक्षित करना चाहिए।

23) Classical Catalan-Català clàssic
Saturday Baby GIF - Saturday Baby Laugh GIFs

23) Clàtelan-català clàssic
Buda vacana
- Les paraules del Buda -
- āṇi sutta -
el futur temps, hi haurà Bhikkhus que no escoltarà la declaració de
discursos que són paraules del Tathāgata, profund, profund de
significat, que porta més enllà del món, (constantment) relacionat amb
el buit, no prestaran oïda, sinó No aplicaran la seva ment sobre el
coneixement, no consideraran que aquests ensenyaments siguin presos i
contra, escoltaran la declaració de discursos que són composicions
literàries fetes per poetes, paraules enginyoses, lletres enginyoses,
per part de persones de fora o de les paraules dels deixebles ,
consideraran que aquests ensenyaments seran assumits i dominats.
Bhikkhus, els discursos que són paraules del Tathāgata, profunds,
profunds de significat, que condueixen més enllà del món, (constantment)
relacionats amb el buit, desapareixeran.
tant, Bhikkhus, hauríeu d’entrenar així: “Escoltarem la declaració de
discursos que són paraules del Tathāgata, profund, profund de
significat, que condueix més enllà del món, (constantment) relacionat
amb el buit, prendrem l’orella Aplicarem la nostra ment sobre el
coneixement, considerarem que aquests ensenyaments siguin presos i
dominats. “Així, Bhikkhus, hauríeu de formar -vos.
Bon dia Buda Cites positives
d’espelmes es poden il·luminar a partir d’una sola espelma i la vida de
l’espelma no s’escurçarà. La felicitat no disminueix mai en ser
compartida. “
“Cada matí tornem a néixer. El que fem avui és el que més importa ”.
final, només hi ha tres coses importants: quant us va encantar, la suau
que vivíeu i amb quina gràcia deixeu anar les coses que no es vol dir
per a vosaltres.”
“La pau ve de dins. No ho busqueu sense “.
“Per entendre -ho tot és perdonar -ho tot”
Cites positives de Gautam Buda
“El dolor és inevitable. El patiment és opcional. “
“Només hi ha dos errors que es poden cometre al camí cap a la veritat; No anar tot el camí i no començar. “
“La puresa o la impuresa depèn d’un mateix, ningú no pot purificar -ne un altre.”
“Una idea desenvolupada i posada és més important que una idea que només existeix com a idea.”
“No sereu castigats per la vostra ira, sereu castigats per la vostra ira.”
el patiment és causat per la ignorància. Les persones infligeixen dolor
als altres en la recerca egoista de la seva pròpia felicitat o
satisfacció. “
Imatges de cites positives de Buda
“Abans de parlar, deixeu que les vostres paraules passin per tres portes: és cert? És necessari? És amable? ”
“Un gos no es considera un bon gos perquè és un bon Barker. Un home no es considera un home bo perquè és un bon parlant. “
“Els que estan lliures de pensaments ressentits segurament troben pau”.
“La felicitat no arribarà mai a aquells que no aprecien el que ja tenen”.
“No tens ànima. Ets una ànima. Tens un cos ”.
Cites de la vida de Buda
“Si voleu volar, renuncieu a tot el que us pesa.”
conformen els nostres pensaments; Ens convertim en el que pensem. Quan
la ment és pura, l’alegria segueix com una ombra que no surt mai ”.
“No podeu recórrer el camí fins que no us hagueu convertit en el camí en si”
“El que penses, et converteixes. El que sentiu, atrau. El que imagineu, creeu ”.
“Una idea desenvolupada i posada és més important que una idea que només existeix com a idea.”
L’ego mai accepta la veritat.
Disertación de Sobre la profecía del Buda
Hablemos del Budismo de Nichiren Daishonin
del Gosho de Abril de 2021. Del Gosho: Sobre la profecía del Buda.
Presentada por Paulino Bocanegra Quesada como integrante del
departamento de estudio de la SGIP.
Disertación de Sobre la profecía del Buda
del Gosho de Abril de 2021. Del Gosho: Sobre la profecía del Buda.
Presentada por Paulino Bocanegra Quesada como integrante del
departamento de es…

24) Classical Cebuano-Klase sa Sugbo,

Bhim Jai GIF - Bhim Jai GIFs

24) Klase Classical Cebuano-Klasase sa Sugbo,
Buddha Vachana
- ang mga pulong sa Buddha -
- āṇi sutta -
umaabot nga panahon, adunay bhikkhus nga dili mamati sa pagpamulong sa
mga diskurso nga mga pulong sa Tathāgata, nga labi pa sa kalibutan, nga
nag-ayo) nga adunay kaarang, nga nag-atubang sa kawad-on, sila dili
magpahulam sa dalunggan, sila dili magpahulam, sila dili dili magamit
ang ilang hunahuna sa kahibalo, dili nila hunahunaon ang mga pagtulun-an
nga pagakuhaon ug mas ma-master.
kasukwahi, mamati sila sa pagpamulong sa mga diskurso nga mga
komposisyon sa literatura nga gihimo sa mga magbabalak, dili maayo nga
mga pulong, sa mga tawo gikan sa gawas, o mga pulong sa mga disipulo,
sila magpahulam sa ilang hunahuna sa kahibalo , ilang hisgotan ang mga
pagtulun-an nga pagakuhaon ug mas ma-master.
ingon, ang Bhikkhus, ang mga diskurso nga mga pulong sa Tathāgata,
lawom, lawom nga kahulugan, nga molungtad sa kalibutan, nga adunay
kawala’y kawala, mawala.
bhikkhus, kinahanglan nga bansayon ​​nimo kini: ‘Mamati kami sa
pagpamulong sa mga diskurso nga mga pulong sa Tathāgata, nga nag-ayo sa
kalibutan, nga nag-ayo sa kalibutan, nga nag-uswag sa kawad-on, nga
nag-uswag sa kawad-on, nga magpahulam sa kawad-on, kami magamit ang
atong hunahuna sa kahibalo, hisgotan naton ang mga pagtulun-an nga
pagahimoon ug masamok. ‘Ingon niini, bhikkhus, kinahanglan nimo nga
bansayon ​​ang imong kaugalingon.
Maayong buntag buddha positibo nga kinutlo
ka mga kandila mahimong madasig gikan sa usa ka kandila, ug ang
kinabuhi sa kandila dili mapamubu. Ang kalipay dili molambo pinaagi sa
pagpaambit. “
“Kada buntag natawo kita pag-usab. Ang among gibuhat karon mao ang labing hinungdanon. “
katapusan, tulo ra ka mga butang ang hinungdan: kung unsa ang imong
gihigugma, kung giunsa nimo ang kalumo, ug kung unsa ka matulin ang
imong mga butang nga wala nimo buhaton.”
“Ang kalinaw gikan sa sulod. Ayaw kini pangitaa kung wala. “
“Aron masabtan ang tanan mao ang pagpasaylo sa tanan”
Gautam buddha positibo nga kinutlo
“Ang kasakit dili malikayan. Ang pag-antos kapilian. “
duha ra nga mga sayup nga mahimo sa usa ka tawo sa dalan sa kamatuoran;
dili moadto sa tanan nga dalan, ug dili magsugod. “
“Ang kaputli o kahugawan nagdepende sa kaugalingon, wala’y usa nga makahinlo sa lain.”
“Ang usa ka ideya nga naugmad ug gibutang sa aksyon labi ka hinungdanon kaysa usa ka ideya nga adunay usa ka ideya.”
“Dili ka pagasilotan tungod sa imong kasuko, pagasilotan ka sa imong kasuko.”
tanan nga pag-antos gipahinabo sa pagkawalay alamag. Ang mga tawo
nakapasakit sa uban sa hakog nga paggukod sa ilang kaugalingon nga
kalipay o katagbawan. “
Buddha Positibo nga mga imahe sa Quduch
wala ka pa mosulti, tugoti ang imong mga pulong nga moagi sa tulo ka
mga ganghaan: Tinuod ba kini? Kinahanglan ba? Maayo ba kini? “
usa ka iro wala gikonsiderar nga maayo nga iro tungod kay siya usa ka
maayo nga barker. Ang usa ka tawo dili giisip nga usa ka maayong tawo
tungod kay siya usa ka maayong tigpamaba. “
“Kadtong wala’y salabutan nga mga hunahuna makita nga kalinaw.”
“Ang kalipay dili moabut sa mga napakyas nga pabilhan kung unsa ang naa na nila.”
“Wala ka’y ​​kalag. Ikaw usa ka kalag. Adunay ka lawas. “
Kinabuhi Quote sa Buddha
“Kung gusto nimo molupad, biyai ang tanan nga nagatimbang kanimo.”
kami sa among mga hunahuna; Nahimo kita kung unsa ang atong gihunahuna.
Kung ang hunahuna putli, ang kalipay nagsunod sama sa anino nga wala
mobiya. “
“Dili ka makabiyahe sa agianan hangtod nga nahimo ka nga dalan mismo”
“Sa imong hunahuna, mahimo ka. Ang imong gibati, nakadani ka. Ang imong gihunahuna, ikaw nagmugna. “
“Ang usa ka ideya nga naugmad ug gibutang sa aksyon labi ka hinungdanon kaysa usa ka ideya nga adunay usa ka ideya.”
Si Ego wala gidawat ang kamatuoran.
Nepal: Little Buddha, the return - Documentary
Nepal, five hours from Katmandou, thousands of people, irrespective of
wich caste they belong to, goes each day on a pilgrimage, on foot or on
cart. There…

25) Classical Chichewa-Chikale cha Chichewa,
Br Ambedkar Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar GIF - Br Ambedkar Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar Jai Jai Bheem GIFs

25) Zachidziwikire Chichewa-Chikale Chawawa,
Buddha Cime
- mawu a Buddha -
- āṇi sutta -
nthawi, padzakhala Bhikhson yemwe samvera mawu oterewa omwe ali a
THATHāgata, tanthauzo lalikulu, logonjetsedwa ,. Sadzagwiritsa ntchito
nzeru zawo, sakambirana ziphunzitsozo kuti atengedwe ndi kusamaliridwa.
mwake, amvera mawu oterewa omwe ali ndakatulo, mawu a Witty, zilembo za
wiby, kapena mawu a ophunzira, adzakuturutsani kudziwa , amakambirana
ziphunzitsozo kuti atengedwe ndi kusamaliridwa.
chake, Bhikkhos, nkhani zomwe ndi mawu a Thraāgata, tanthauzo lalikulu,
latanthauzo, zomwe zimayambitsa kupitirira dziko lapansi, (nthawi
zonse) zolumikizidwa ndi zopanda pake, zidzatha.
chake, muyenera kuphunzitsa motero kuti: Tidzagwiritsa ntchito kudziwa
zambiri, tikambirana ziphunzitsozi kuti titengedwe. ‘Umu ndi momwe,
bhikkosi, muyenera kudziphunzitsa.
Mawa wabwinobwino
masauzande amatha kuyatsidwa pa kandulo imodzi, ndipo moyo wa kandulo
sudzafupikitsidwa. Chimwemwe sichimachepa pogawidwa. “
“M’mawa uliwonse timabadwa mwatsopano. Zomwe timachita lero ndi zofunika kwambiri. “
ake, zinthu zitatu zokha: momwe mumakondera, momwe mumakhalira modekha,
komanso momwe mumadziwira mwamphamvu zomwe sizikuyenera kwa inu.”
“Mtendere umachokera mkati. Osazifunafuna. “
“Kumvetsetsa chilichonse ndichokhululukira chilichonse”
Gautam Buddha Quomes
“Ululu ndiwosapeweka. Kuvutika ndikosankha. “
“Pali zolakwika ziwiri zokha zomwe munthu angapange panjira yopita ku chowonadi; osapita njira yonse, osayamba. “
“Chiyero kapena chodetsedwa chimadzitengera nokha, palibe amene angayeretsenso wina.”
lomwe limakulitsidwa ndikugwiridwa ntchito ndizofunikira kwambiri
kuposa lingaliro lokhalo lomwe lili ngati lingaliro chabe.”
“Sudzalangidwa chifukwa cha mkwiyo wanu, udzalangidwa ndi mkwiyo wanu.”
onse amayamba chifukwa cha umbuli. Anthu amapweteketsa ena mu kudziona
kuti akufuna kukhala achimwemwe kapena kukhutira. “
Mawu abwino amalemba zithunzi
“Musanalankhule, mawu anu adutse zipata zitatu: kodi nzoona? Kodi ndizofunikira? Kodi Ndizokomera? “
“Galu sawaona ngati galu wabwino chifukwa ndi wobisala bwino. Mwamuna samuona ngati munthu wabwino chifukwa ali wakhama. “
“Iwo amene ali ndi malingaliro omasuka amafunadi kupeza mtendere.”
“Chimwemwe sichidzabwera konse kwa iwo omwe alephera kuyamikira zomwe ali nazo kale.”
“Ulibe mzimu. Ndiwe mzimu. Muli ndi thupi. “
Zolemba za Buddha
“Ngati mukufuna kuuluka, siyani zonse zomwe zimakulemetsani.”
ndi malingaliro athu; Timakhala zomwe tikuganiza. Malingaliro akakhala
oyera, chisangalalo chimatsata ngati mthunzi womwe sudzachoka. “
“Simungathe kuyenda njirayo mpaka mudzakhalanso njira”
“Mukuganiza bwanji, mumakhala. Zomwe mukumva, mumakopa. Zomwe mukuganiza, mumapanga. “
lomwe limakulitsidwa ndikugwiridwa ntchito ndizofunikira kwambiri
kuposa lingaliro lokhalo lomwe lili ngati lingaliro chabe.”
EGA samalandira chowonadi.
Purathchiyalar Dr. Ambedkar | Jai Bhim | Shankar Mahadevan | Sep 24 onwards | Thursday - Sunday 6 PM
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26) Classical Chinese (Simplified)-古典中文(简体),

Zen 佛 GIF - Zen 佛 Buddha GIFs

26)古典中文(简化) - (古典(),
- 佛陀的话 -
- āṇisutta -
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27) Classical Chinese (Traditional)-古典中文(繁體),

birthday web GIF

27)古典中文(傳統) - (傳統) - 古典繁體),
- 佛陀的話 -
- āṇisutta -
【優美佛曲】南無阿彌陀佛-李娜(最美不過念佛的女人) Namo Amitabha, Namo Amituofo
☆ 念佛,阿彌陀佛予我莊嚴相好!
【南  無  阿  彌  陀  佛!】
【優美佛曲】南無阿彌陀佛-李娜(最美不過念佛的女人) Namo Amitabha, Namo Amituofo
【最美不過念佛的女人】念佛的女人,不再是那麼妖嬈的裝扮!給誰看呢?惹來的不過是染污和慾念,沒人注意才好呢!她只管悄悄地念她的佛號,唱她的佛歌,欣慕那淨土的美妙!☆念佛,阿彌陀佛親自來為我裝扮! 念佛的…..

28) Classical Corsican-Corsa Corsicana,
บ่อยากฟัง Baby Sticker - บ่อยากฟัง Baby Cute Stickers

28) Cagle corsu-Corsa Corsicana,
Buddha vacana
- e parolle di u Buddha -
- Āṇi sutta -
tempu futuri, ci sarà bhikkhus chì ùnarete micca l’utenza di tali
discursi chì sò parolle di tronazione, prufonda in significatu ùn
applicà a so mente nantu à a cunniscenza, ùn cunsidereranu queste
insegnamenti in quantu à esse mundate è maestri.
stanu à circà u cuntrariu di tali diskurti gratuitarie è e parolle
literarie, lettere ingegnate, o e persone di discìpuli, permettenu a
sordu, e una sabilità , cunsideranu quelli insegnamenti per esse
pigliati è maestri.
Cus, bhikkhus, i discursi, prufunatu, profund in Significatu, guidendu alori di u mondu, (consistente) hà raccattu cù u votozza.
Bhikkhus, duvete trenu cusì: ‘Starrà sente u disezurenti chì sò parolle
di l’affondu à u mondu, caprovendu à l’autunnoble, noi Pensarà a nostra
mente nantu à a cunniscenza, invece cunzideremu queste quelli insegnati
per esse prettati è maestri. “Questu hè, Bhikkhus, Depiendu voi.
Bonghjornu Buddha Quotes pusitivi
di candele ponu illuminata da una sola candela, è a vita di a candela
ùn fermanu micca. A felicità ùn mai decreasia per esse spartutu “.
“Ogni matina simu nati. Ciò chì facemu oghje hè ciò chì importa più “.
a fine, solu e trè cose: quantu avete amatu, quantu delicatamente vivi,
è chì graziamente lasciate e cose micca significati per voi.”
“A pace vene da l’internu. Ùn circà micca senza. “
“Per capisce tuttu hè di pardunà tuttu”
Gautam buddha quotes pusitivi
“U dulore hè inevitabbile. U soffrenu hè facultativu “.
“Ci hè solu dui sbagli si pò fà longu a strada à a verità; Ùn andendu à tuttu u modu, è micca cumincià. “
“Purità o impurità depende di ellu stessu, nimu ùn pò purificà un altru”.
“Un idea chì si sviluppeghja è mette in azzione hè più impurtante di una idea chì esiste solu una idea”.
“Ùn sarete micca puniti per a vostra rabbia, sarete punitu da a vostra rabbia”.
u soffrenu hè causatu da l’ignuranza. E persone inflittate u dulore à
l’altri in a ricerca egoista di a so propria felicità o satisfaczione “.
Buddha Quotes Positive Images
“Prima di parlà, lasciate chì e vostre parolle passanu per trè Gates: hè vera? Hè necessariu? Hè tippu? “
cane ùn hè micca cunsideratu un bon cane perchè hè un bon barker. Un
omu ùn hè micca cunsideratu un bonu omu perchè hè un bellu parlante. “
“Quelli chì sò liberi di penseri risenti di truvà a pace.”
“A felicità ùn vene mai à quelli chì ùn riescevanu à apprezzà ciò chì anu digià.”
“Ùn avete micca un’anima. Sì una anima. Avete un corpu. “
A vita quotes di Buddha
“Se vulete vola, rinuncia di tuttu ciò chì ti pesa.”
furmatu da i nostri pinsamenti; Diventemu ciò chì pensemu. Quandu a
mente hè pura, gioia seguita cum’è una ombra chì ùn lascia mai. “
“Ùn pudete micca viaghjà u percorsu finu à chì site diventatu u percorsu stessu”
“Chì pensate, diventate. Ciò chì sente, atraite. Ciò chì imaginate, create “.
“Un idea chì si sviluppeghja è mette in azzione hè più impurtante di una idea chì esiste solu una idea”.
Ego ùn accetta mai a verità.
Meditative Mind
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Mantra describes the essence of Buddhism - the conviction that we have
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difficulty that we may encounter in life; a capacity to transform any
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MANTRA - NAM MYOHO RENGE KYOThis Mantra describes the essence of
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29) Classical Croatian-Klasična hrvatska,

Monk Amitofo GIF - Monk Buddha GIFs

29) Klasična hrvatska-klasička hrvatska,
Buddha Vacana
- Buddhe riječi -
- āṇi Sutta -
budućnosti će postojati Bhikkhus koji neće slušati izreku takvih
diskursa koji su riječi tathāgata, duboke, duboke značenja, vodeći izvan
svijeta, (dosljedno) povezane s prazninom, oni neće posuditi uho, oni
Neće se odnositi na znanje, neće razmotriti ta učenja kao da će se
preuzeti i savladati.
oni će slušati izgovore takvih diskursa koji su književne skladbe koje
su pjesnici, duhovitim riječima, duhovitim pismima, ljudi izvana ili
riječi učenika, oni će im pružiti um na znanje o znanju na znanje , oni
će razmotriti ta učenja da se uzimaju i savladaju.
Bhikkhus, diskursi koji su riječi tathāgata, duboke, duboke značenja,
koji vode izvan svijeta, (dosljedno) povezane s prazninom, nestati će.
bi Bhikkhus, trebali bi trenirati tako: ‘Mi ćemo slušati izreku takvih
diskursa koji su riječi tathāgata, duboke, duboke značenja, vodeći izvan
svijeta, (dosljedno) povezane s prazninom, mi ćemo posuditi uho, mi
ćemo mi posuditi uho Primijenit ćemo svoj um na znanje, razmotrit ćemo
ta učenja kao da se preuzmu i savlada. “Tako bi, Bhikkhus, trebali
Dobro jutro Buddha Pozitivni citati
“Tisuće svijeća može se upaliti iz jedne svijeće, a život svijeće neće biti skraćen. Sreća se nikada ne smanjuje dijeljenjem. “
“Svakog se jutra ponovno rodimo. Ono što danas radimo je ono što je najvažnije. “
kraju su važne samo tri stvari: koliko ste voljeli, koliko ste nježno
živjeli i kako graciozno puštate stvari koje vam nisu namijenjene.”
“Mir dolazi iznutra. Ne tražite ga bez. “
“Sve razumjeti znači sve oprostiti”
Gautam Buddha Pozitivni citati
“Bol je neizbježna. Patnja nije obavezna. “
“Postoje samo dvije pogreške koje možete napraviti uz put do istine; Ne ide skroz i ne počinju. “
“Čistoća ili nečistoća ovise o sebi, nitko ne može pročistiti drugu.”
“Ideja koja se razvija i vodi u akciju važnija je od ideje koja postoji samo kao ideja.”
“Nećete biti kažnjeni zbog svog bijesa, bit ćete kažnjeni svojim bijesom.”
“Sva patnja uzrokovana je neznanjem. Ljudi nanose bol drugima u sebičnoj potrazi za vlastitom srećom ili zadovoljstvom. “
Buddha pozitivne citate slike
“Prije nego što progovorite, neka vaše riječi prođu kroz tri vrata: je li to istina? Je li potrebno? Je li to ljubazno? “
“Pas se ne smatra dobrim psom jer je dobar Barker. Čovjek se ne smatra dobrim čovjekom jer je dobar govornik. “
“Oni koji su slobodni od ogorčenih misli zasigurno pronalaze mir.”
“Sreća nikada neće doći onima koji ne cijene ono što već imaju.”
“Nemate dušu. Ti si duša. Imate tijelo. “
Životni citati Bude
“Ako želite letjeti, odreći se svega što vas vaga.”
„Oblikovamo se svojim mislima; Postajemo ono što mislimo. Kad je um čist, radost slijedi poput sjene koja nikad ne odlazi. “
“Ne možete putovati stazom dok ne postanete sam put”
“Što misliš, postaješ. Što osjećate, privlačite. Što zamišljate, stvarate. “
“Ideja koja se razvija i vodi u akciju važnija je od ideje koja postoji samo kao ideja.”
Ego nikada ne prihvaća istinu.
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Explanation of the meaning of the Mantra
Tayata Om Bekandze Bekandze
Maha Bekandze Radza Samudgate Soha
The mantra means:
May the many sentient beings
who are sick,
quickly be freed from sickness.
And may all the sicknesses of beings
Never arise again.
means eliminating pain, maha bekandze means great eliminating of pain.
One explanation of the meaning of the first bekandze is that it refers
to eliminating the pain of true suffering, not just of disease but of
all problems. It eliminates the pain of death and rebirth that are
caused by karma and disturbing thoughts. The first bekandze eliminates
all the problems of body and mind, including old age and sickness.
second bekandze eliminates all the true cause of suffering, which is
not external but within the mind. This refers to karma and disturbing
thoughts. It is the inner cause that enables external factors such as
food and exposure to sunlight to become conditions for disease.
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30)Classical Czech-Klasická čeština
Buddha Terrarium GIF - Buddha Terrarium GIFs

30) Klasická česká-Klasicka Čeština
Buddha Vacana
- Slova Buddhy -
- āṇi sutta -
budoucnu bude existovat Bhikkhus, který nebude poslouchat promluvu o
takových diskurzích, které jsou slova Tathāgata, hluboká, hluboká ve
smyslu, vedoucí mimo svět, (důsledně) spojené s prázdnotou, nebudou
půjčovat ucho Nebudou uplatňovat svou mysl na znalosti, nebudou
považovat tato učení, že jsou přijata a zvládnuta.
budou poslouchat promluvu o takových diskurzích, které jsou literárními
skladbami, které vytvořili básníci, vtipná slova, vtipná dopisy, lidmi
zvenčí nebo slova učedníků, půjčují ucho, aplikují svou mysl na znalosti
, budou považovat tato učení, že jsou přijata a zvládnuta.
diskurzy, které jsou slova Tathāgata, hluboká, hluboká ve smyslu,
vedoucí mimo svět (důsledně) spojené s prázdnotou, zmizí.
byste tedy měli trénovat: „Budeme poslouchat promluvu o takových
diskurzích, které jsou slova Tathāgata, hluboká, hluboká ve smyslu,
která vede mimo svět, (důsledně) spojené s prázdnotou, půjčíme ucho, my,
my, my Budeme uplatňovat naši mysl na znalosti, budeme považovat tato
učení, že jsou přijata a zvládnuta. „Takto, Bhikkhus, měli byste se
Dobré ráno Buddha Pozitivní citace
“Tisíce svíček mohou být osvětleny z jedné svíčky a život svíčky nebude zkrácen.” Štěstí se nikdy nesnižuje sdílením. “
“Každé ráno jsme se znovu narodili.” To, co dnes děláme, je nejdůležitější. “
záleží jen na třech věcech: jak moc jste milovali, jak jemně jste žili a
jak půvabně jste pustili věci, které pro vás neznamenaly.”
“Mír přichází zevnitř.” Nehledejte to bez. “
„Porozumět všemu znamená odpustit všechno“
Gautam Buddha Pozitivní citace
“Bolest je nevyhnutelná.” Utrpení je volitelné. “
“Na cestě k pravdě lze udělat jen dvě chyby; nechodí celou cestu a nezačínám. “
“Čistota nebo nečistota závisí na sobě, nikdo nemůže očistit jiného.”
“Myšlenka, která je rozvíjena a uvedena do akce, je důležitější než myšlenka, která existuje pouze jako nápad.”
“Nebudete potrestáni za svůj hněv, budeš potrestán svým hněvem.”
utrpení je způsobeno nevědomostí.” Lidé způsobují bolest ostatním při
sobeckém pronásledování vlastního štěstí nebo spokojenosti. “
Buddha pozitivní citace obrázky
“Než promluvíte, nechte svá slova projít třemi bránami: Je to pravda?” Je to nezbytné? Je to laskavé? “
není považován za dobrého psa, protože je dobrým Barkerem.” Muž není
považován za dobrého člověka, protože je dobrým mluvčím. “
“Ti, kteří jsou bez odporných myšlenek, jistě najdou mír.”
“Štěstí nikdy nepřijde k těm, kteří neuznávají, co již mají.”
“Nemáš duši.” Jsi duše. Máte tělo. “
Životní citace Buddhy
“Pokud chcete létat, vzdejte se všeho, co tě váží.”
formováni našimi myšlenkami; Stali jsme se tím, co si myslíme. Když je
mysl čistá, radost následuje jako stín, který nikdy neodejde. “
“Nemůžete cestovat po cestě, dokud se nestanete samotnou cestou”
“Co si myslíš, staneš se.” Co cítíte, přitahujete. Co si představujete, vytvoříte. “
“Myšlenka, která je rozvíjena a uvedena do akce, je důležitější než myšlenka, která existuje pouze jako nápad.”
Ego nikdy nepřijímá pravdu.
Birth Of The Buddha (With Lyrics)
Oh Teik Bin
An inspiring and lively Buddhist Hymn by Daniel Yeo
Birth Of The Buddha (With Lyrics)
An inspiring and lively Buddhist Hymn by Daniel Yeo

Good Morning Buddha Positive Quotes

of candles can be lit from a single candle, and the life of the candle
will not be shortened. Happiness never decreases by being shared.”

“Every morning we are born again. What we do today is what matters most.”

the end, only three things matters: how much you loved, how gently you
lived, and how gracefully you let go of things not meant for you.”

“Peace comes from within. Do not seek it without.”

“To understand everything is to forgive everything”

Gautam Buddha Positive Quotes

“Pain is inevitable. Suffering is optional.”

“There are only two mistakes one can make along the road to truth; not going all the way, and not starting.”

“Purity or impurity depends on oneself, no one can purify another.”

“An idea that is developed and put into action is more important than an idea that exists only as an idea.”

“You will not be punished for your anger, you will be punished by your anger.”

suffering is caused by ignorance. People inflict pain on others in the
selfish pursuit of their own happiness or satisfaction.”

Buddha Positive Quotes Images

“Before you speak, let your words pass through three gates: Is it true? Is it necessary? Is it kind?”

dog is not considered a good dog because he is a good barker. A man is
not considered a good man because he is a good talker.”

“Those who are free of resentful thoughts surely find peace.”

“Happiness will never come to those who fail to appreciate what they already have.”

“You don’t have a Soul. You are a soul. You have a body.”

Life Quotes of Buddha

“If you want to fly, give up everything that weighs you down.”

“We are shaped by our thoughts; we become what we think. When the mind is pure, joy follows like a shadow that never leaves.”

“You cannot travel the path until you have become the path itself”

“What you think, you become. What you feel, you attract. What you imagine, you create.”

“An idea that is developed and put into action is more important than an idea that exists only as an idea.”


Congratulations 🥳 dear Harshith. We wish you become famous 👨‍🍳 chef NALA and get PhD in cooking 🥘.
upon a time, there was a man who cooked so well that a woman decided to
marry him. And when he ran away, taking up a job as a cook, she tracked
him down by the flavours he conjured up in his master’s kitchen. His
name was Nala. Her name was Damayanti.
sage called Vrihadashwa narrates the story, Nalopakyana, or the tale of
Nala, to the Pandavas, during their exile in the forest, in the epic
Mahabharata. This makes it a story within a story. Nala loses his
fortune due to his own foolishness and is so ashamed of himself that he
runs away from his wife, and lives in hiding, until she finds him, and
restores his faith in himself through her love.
is interesting is that Nala, a prince, who is an expert in
chariot-riding, but terrible at the game of dice, is also a cook. This
is an usual tale. Nala is described as a Nishadha, which could have many
meanings including ‘tribal king’, and so may refer to someone outside
the classical Aryan warrior mould.
the Mahabharata, Bhima is also described as a cook; but he cooks to
feed himself (a negative trait that lands him in Naraka eventually). In
the Virata Parva, when he is forced to hide as a servant in the kingdom
of Matsya, he is required to feed others before he feeds himself. Cooks
were service-providers, or dasa, hence belonging to the shudra varna.
Hardly the vocation, or the hobby, of a king. Yet it is this hobby that
wins him the heart of Damayanti. That is how she distinguishes him from
the gods who attend her swayam-vara: the flavours of the kitchen cling
to him, while they exude the scent of flowers.
who were expected to serve their husbands, are known to be cooks. Sita
and Draupadi are famous as cooks and as hosts. Nala stands out as an
exception. The male cook, or shall we say chef, the forerunner of the
Maharaj who controls many a Marwari and Gujarati kitchen.
even wrote a book. Of course, we are not sure if this Sanskrit
cookbook, which is at least 800 years old, was actually written by one
Nala or simply attributed to him by a humble writer who knew marketing
and did not want the glory. This book is called Paka-darpana or the
mirror of culinary skills!
we have not only recipes but also observations about food, techniques
of cooking and their medicinal properties, revealing an intimate
knowledge of Ayurveda too with different types of food for different
times of the day and different seasons. He also reveals knowledge of
poisons: how ingredients that are non-toxic become toxic when mixed
together, or how toxic ingredients become non-toxic when cooked
differently. So we find dishes containing leaves of the poisonous
dhatura and arka plants. He is also particular about the qualities of a
cook and a waiter!
types of preparations are described: rice, khichdi, curd rice, ghee,
butter, buttermilk, puddings, juices, meat dishes, vegetable dishes,
watery dishes, side dishes, munchies, lickables, appetizers. Most
interestingly, the book refers to indigenous biryani (mamsodana): rice
cooked with meat. There are detailed descriptions of various
preparations with flesh of birds including chicken (kukkuta), animals,
fish and eggs. No crinkling of the nose at the sight of meat in this
Sanskrit work.
Chef Nala - Devdutt
Once upon a time, there was a man who cooked so well that a woman decided to marry him… His name was Nala.

Harshith - future modern 👨‍🍳 chef NALA
Wow hats off 🤩🤩🤩

like details of my in-person chef course click here)
Get support throughout your course from professional chef and vegan veteran Day Radley
Join a community of talented foodies who are set to take the vegan food world by storm!
just 12-26 weeks, you will experience a rapid evolution; you’ll go from
keen home cook to knowledgeable, skilled, creative chef, ready to take
your first step on the cooking career ladder.
The course includes a high proportion of hands-on practical classes in your own home kitchen, on topics such as:
How to create recipes - a fresh take on old classics or completely new combinations to make you stand out from the crowd.
How to scale recipes - so you can cook for a crowd
How to adapt recipes - veganizing dishes, and adapting them for allergies
Using specialist ingredients - taking your skills to the next level with unusual foods
Ordering from suppliers and organising your kitchen - everything you need to know to run a professional kitchen
Sourcing the best ingredients - suppliers, retailers, wholesalers
Designing a menu - concepts, themes, flavour combinations
How to cost recipes and events - so you can be on top of your finances
Complying with the Food Standards Agency - all you need to know to run a safe kitchen
Plating skills - arty, rustic or sophisticated, we’ll get your creative skills on point
This course is for you if you want -
to pursue a career in vegan food
support throughout your course
reliable and innovative recipes
to gain a qualification for your career advancement
to be part of a community of vegan cooks and chefs
an advanced vegan cooking course but do not want a career in vegan food
to enter working in a professional kitchen with confidence in your abilities
more knowledge about vegan food but already work in a the food industry
to test whether you want to move into a career in vegan food 🍲 🥘 🍱
Click on the image above to watch my tour of your course
I show you what the online course looks like and talk about what is included in the course
The course also includes
Lifetime access to an online study group with like minded people
Monthly video calls with your fellow students and Chef Day
1-2-1 support from Chef Day
Prerecorded content so you can take classes at a time that suits you
Ingredient substitution suggestions so you can use what is local and seasonal
To support your career goals, additional sessions will include:
Internship scheme, giving you experience in a vegan food business, with hours to suit you
Talks by successful chefs, restaurateurs, caterers and food business leaders
Visits to suppliers and food manufacturers
A student-led supper club where you can invite family and friends (this can be open to the public or a private dinner)
You will learn a wide variety of recipes such as -
You can see more images of the beautiful and tasty plates my students create on my Instagram page.
Every student has a chance to get personal guidance and one-to-one tuition. We see you as an individual and the class as a team.
Cost: The total cost for this course is £950.
& INGREDIENTS - You will need to purchase equipment and ingredients
so please take this into consideration when you are deciding if the
course is affordable for you. We have limited the equipment you buy to
those items that will be useful to you in your chef career. However, if
you are able to do so you can borrow equipment from family and friends.
You can find a list of equipment needed for the course by clicking the button below.
How to access the course:
will need use of a laptop, tablet or smartphone to access the course
content. We have a private study group for our students on the Circle
platform. This is away from the big social media platforms so you don’t
get distracted whilst trying to focus on your course. The platform is
available on a browser and iOS so content is easily accessed on your
mobile device.
Dates and time: Our courses start whenever you are ready!
It can be completed in as little as 3 months or as long as 12 months.
will receive access to the course which contains video and a written
content to work through at their own pace. We have students living in
different time zones therefore we are unable to do ‘live’ classes.
you complete the course within 3 months the weekly time commitment will
be the same as our in-person course - 1 whole day per week (9 hours)
plus 2-3 hours for home work. This is a total of 11-12 hours. You will
also have to factor in time for buying ingredients (this will vary
depending on the accessibility of ingredients). However, most students
take longer to do the course. You can take a maximum of 12 months but
most students take 6 months to complete the course. In this case the
weekly time commitment will be an average of 6 hours per week plus
shopping time.
Students can request an extension to this deadline which may be given depending on the circumstances.
you have questions about the course you cannot find the answer to in
our FAQ section you can book a 1-2-1 call with Chef Day. Click on the
button below.
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the fraud EVMs foreigners chitpavan brahmins from Bene Israel etc are
remotely controlling BJP,Cong and other non-BSP parties. With Social
power of growing vegetables and fruits in pots and fruit bearing trees
throughout the country like what Ashoka did only can defeat them.
No photo description available.

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LESSON 4479 Thu 30 Jun 2022 Daily Wisdom DO GOOD PURIFY MIND Buddha Vacana — The words of the Buddha — — Āṇi Sutta —
Filed under: General, Theravada Tipitaka , Plant raw Vegan Broccoli, peppers, cucumbers, carrots
Posted by: site admin @ 6:32 pm

LESSON 4479 Thu 30 Jun  2022

Daily Wisdom


Buddha Vacana

— The words of the Buddha —
— Āṇi Sutta —

Iotaspin Iotaglobe GIF - Iotaspin Iotaglobe Iota GIFs

Buddha Vacana
— The words of the Buddha —

— Āṇi Sutta —

future time, there will be bhikkhus who will not listen to the
utterance of such discourses which are words of the Tathāgata, profound,
profound in meaning, leading beyond the world, (consistently) connected
with emptiness, they will not lend ear, they will not apply their mind
on knowledge, they will not consider those teachings as to be taken up

On the contrary, they will listen to the utterance of such discourses which are
compositions made by poets, witty words, witty letters, by people from
outside, or the words of disciples, they will lend ear, they will apply
their mind on knowledge, they will consider those
teachings as to be taken up and mastered.

Thus, bhikkhus, the discourses which are words of the Tathāgata, profound,
profound in meaning, leading beyond the world, (consistently) connected with emptiness, will disappear.

Therefore, bhikkhus, you should train thus: ‘We will listen to the utterance of
discourses which are words of the Tathāgata, profound, profound in
meaning, leading beyond the world, (consistently) connected with
emptiness, we will lend ear, we will apply our mind on knowledge, we
will consider those teachings as to be taken up and mastered.’ This is
how, bhikkhus, you should train yourselves.

Classical Pāli

Warner Bros Vintage Animation GIF by Maudit

bhikkhū anāgatam·addhānaṃ, ye te suttantā tathāgata·bhāsitā gambhīrā
gambhīr·atthā lok·uttarā suññata·p·paṭisaṃyuttā, tesu bhaññamānesu na
sussūsissanti na sotaṃ odahissanti na aññā cittaṃ upaṭṭhāpessanti na ca
te dhamme uggahetabbaṃ pariyāpuṇitabbaṃ maññissanti.

Ye pana te suttantā kavi·katā kāveyyā citta·kkharā citta·byañjanā bāhirakā sāvaka·bhāsitā,
tesu bhaññamānesu sussūsissanti, sotaṃ odahissanti, aññā cittaṃ
upaṭṭhāpessanti, te ca dhamme uggahetabbaṃ pariyāpuṇitabbaṃ maññissanti.

bhikkhave, suttantānaṃ tathāgata·bhāsitānaṃ gambhīrānaṃ
gambhīr·atthānaṃ lok·uttarānaṃ suññata·p·paṭisaṃyuttānaṃ antaradhānaṃ

bhikkhave, evaṃ sikkhitabbaṃ: ‘ye te suttantā tathāgata·bhāsitā
gambhīrā gambhīr·atthā lok·uttarā suññata·p·paṭisaṃyuttā, tesu
bhaññamānesu sussūsissāma, sotaṃ odahissāma, aññā cittaṃ upaṭṭhāpessāma,
te ca dhamme uggahetabbaṃ pariyāpuṇitabbaṃ maññissāmā’ti. Evañhi vo,
bhikkhave, sikkhitabbanti.

16 Classical BAMBARA,16 Bambara klasiki .
Peace Out Love GIF by Barbara Pozzi


16 Bambara klasikoa
Buda Vacana
- Budaren hitzak -
- ṇṇi sutta -
Bhikkhus egongo da, ez baitituzte halako diskurtsoen esanahia, esanahia
sakonak, esanahi sakona dutenak, mundutik (koherentziaz) hutsekin
lotuta, ez dute belarririk emango, ez dute belarrian utziko Ez dute
pentsamendua ezagutzan aplikatuko, ez dute irakaskuntza horiek hartu eta
menderatuko diren kontuan hartuko.
halako diskurtsoak entzungo dituzte, poetek, hitzekin, hizki ergelak,
jendeak, edo ikasleen hitzak, belarriari emango diote, ezagutzan
aplikatuko dute , irakaspen horiek hartu eta menderatuko dituztela
kontuan hartuko dute.
Horrela, Bhikkhus, esanahi sakonak, esanahi sakona, mundua haratago (koherentziaz) mundutik lotuta, desagertuko da.
dela eta, Bhikkhus, horrela entrenatu beharko zenuke: “Tathāgata-ren
hitzak, sakonak, sakonak diren hitzak dira, mundua haratago
(koherentziaz” hustekin lotuta, belarrian utziko dugu) Ezagutzan gure
gogoa aplikatuko dugu, irakaskuntza horiek hartu eta menderatuko direnak
kontuan hartuko ditugu. ‘Hau da, Bhikkhus, zure burua entrenatu beharko
Egoek ez du inoiz egia onartzen.
Ani Choying Drolma - Namo Ratna (Great Compassion Mantra)
Ani Choying Drolma [ Official ]
52.5K subscribers
is the official video for ‘Namo Ratna Mantra” by Ani Choying Drolma
from the album ‘Inner Peace I’. Matra is the essence of prayer that
assures the receptiveness of the respective Enlightened Deities. Mantra
is the request and the means through which one invokes the deities. It
the bridge between oneself and the deities.
mantra have immeasurable benefit to all sentient beings. It is the very
core of Avalokiteshvara’s compassionate mission. The immediate
benefits, as taught in sutra and commentaries, are: purification of
negative karmas, protection and healing.
Vocals : Ani Choying Drolma
Music composition: Nhyoo Bajracharya
Follow Ani Choying:
© Ani Choying Drolma Foundation
All rights reserved. Unauthorised reproduction is a violation of applicable laws.
Ani Choying Drolma - Namo Ratna (Great Compassion Mantra)
is the official video for ‘Namo Ratna Mantra” by Ani Choying Drolma
from the album ‘Inner Peace I’. Matra is the essence of prayer that
assures the rec…

Buda Vacana .
— Buda ka kumaw — .
— āṇi sutta — .
nataw la, Bhikkhw bɛna sɔrɔ minnu tɛna o kuma suguw fɔcogo lamɛn minnu
ye tathāgata kumaw ye, minnu juguyalen don, minnu ka bon kɔrɔ la, minnu
bɛ taa diɲɛ kɔfɛ, (minnu bɛ bɛn ɲɔgɔn ma) u tɛna tulo da, u tɛna tulo
da, u tɛna tulo da . U tɛna u hakili waleya dɔnniya kan, u tɛna o kalanw
jate i n’a fɔ u bɛ ta ani ka se kosɛbɛ.
kɔfɛ, u bɛna o kuma suguw fɔcogo lamɛn minnu ye sɛbɛnnikɛcogo ye minnu
bɛ kɛ poyikɛlaw fɛ, daɲɛ hakilitigiw, bataki hakilitigiw, mɔgɔw fɛ minnu
bɛ bɔ kɛnɛma, walima kalandenw ka kumaw, u bɛna u hakili da u kan, u
bɛna u hakili waleya dɔnniya kan , u bɛna o kalansiraw jate ko u bɛna ta
ani ka se kosɛbɛ.
cogo la, Bhikkhus, kumasen minnu ye Tathāgata ka kumaw ye, minnu
juguyalen don, minnu juguyalen don kɔrɔ la, minnu bɛ taa diɲɛ kɔfɛ, (min
bɛ tali kɛ ɲɔgɔn na) bɛna tunun.
la, Bhikkhus, i ka kan ka dege nin cogo la: ‘An bɛna o kuma suguw
fɔcogo lamɛn minnu ye tathāgata kumaw ye, minnu ka jugu, minnu ka jugu,
minnu kɔrɔ ka bon, minnu bɛ taa diɲɛ kɔfɛ, (minnu bɛ bɛn ɲɔgɔn ma) an
bɛna tulo juru bɛna an hakili waleya dɔnniya kan, an bɛna o kalansiraw
jate i n’a fɔ u ka kan ka ta ani ka se kosɛbɛ.’ Nin ye nin ye, Bhikkhus,
i ka kan k’i yɛrɛ dege.
Ego tɛ sɔn tiɲɛ ma abada.
Zariya - AR Rahman, Ani Choying, Farah Siraj - Coke Studio @ MTV Season 3
Coke Studio India
4.32M subscribers
a whole new spin to the term ‘world music’ — A.R.Rahman spins his
magic on an absolute scorcher, featuring Jordanian singer –Farah Siraj
along with Nepalese Buddhist Nun Ani Choying. With the traditional
Nepalese Buddhist hymn forming the base of the song, layered with a
traditional Jordanian melody, and bridged seamlessly with composition
written by A.R.Rahman, this song truly brings together diverse cultures
and musical genres. Everything from the background vocals to Sivamani’s
percussion takes a big leap across musical styles and creates a storm of
inspired rhythms, to give this track that extra flavour. Completely
based around the theme of motherhood, compassion & ultimately
happiness, this is the very first track of what promises to be an
unforgettable Season 3 of CS@MTV!
If you cannot view the video here, go to:
Traditional Buddhist & Jordanian Composition.
Composed & Produced by A.R.Rahman
Singers: Ani Choying Drolma, Farah Siraj
Lyrics: Traditional Jordanian Lyrics & Hindi Lyrics by Prasoon Joshi
Keys & Continuum Keyboard: A R Rahman
Percussion: Sivamani
Guitar: Prasanna
Guitar: Keba Jeremiah
Bass: Mohini Dey
Percussions: KKMC : Kahaan Shah, Yash Pathak, Pradvay Sivashankar, Suyash Medh
Vocals: Abhilasha Chellum, Deblina Bose, Kanika Joshi, Prajakta Shukre,
Sasha Trupati , Varsha Tripathy, Aditi Pual, Suchi, Rayhanah, Issrath
String Section: Carol George, Herald E A, Francis Xavier P D, Vian Pereira
Creative Producer: Aditya Modi
Asst Music Director: Kevin Doucette
Music Programmer: Jerry Vincent
Post Production: Hari, Nitish Kumar
Recorded by: Steve Fitzmaurice, Ashish Manchanda, assisted by Darren Heelis & Raaj Jagtap
Sound Engineers:
Panchathan Record-Inn, Chennai:
Suresh Permal, Hentry Kuruvilla, R.Nitish Kumar, Srinidhi Venkatesh,
Kevin Doucette, Jerry Vincent, Santhosh Dayanidhi, Marc.
Premier Digital Mastering Studios, Mumbai:
Aditya Modi, Hari.
Mixed by: Jerry Vincent, R.Nitish Kumar and Kevin Doucette at Panchathan Record-Inn, Chennai.
Mastered by: Ashish Manchanda at Flying Carpet Productions, Mumbai.
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Tu Zariya, hun mein zariya (You’re a path, so am I)
Aur uski kirpa, dariya dariya (And His compassion, like an ocean)
Hain jo ankhiya nirmal, duniya nirmal (The world is pure, if pure is your vision)
Chalka..chalka, chhal chhal chhal chhal (Brimming o’er, brimming o’er, on and on)
Ho zuba koyeebhi (Whichever language, doesn’t matter)
Bol dil se tu bol (When from the heart, words you utter)
Ya misri si ho (Like sugar maybe)
Ya shahad si ho (Or even like honey)
Anti al umm (You are the mother)
Anti il hayaa (You are the life)
Anti alhob (You are love)
Anti lee aldunya (You are the world to me)
Anti lee aldunya (You are the world to me)
Tu Zariya, hun mein zariya (You’re a path, so am I)
Aur uski kirpa, dariya dariya (And His compassion, like an ocean)
Hain jo ankhiya nirmal, duniya nirmal (The world is pure, if pure is your vision)
Chalka..chalka, chhal chhal chhal chhal (Brimming o’er, brimming o’er, on and on)
Reedaha, reedaha (I love her, I love her)
Kefima, reedaha (However it may be, I love her)
Teflatan ya halee (She is a young beauty)
Wil asaal reegaha (In her voice there is honey)
Zariya - AR Rahman, Ani Choying, Farah Siraj - Coke Studio @ MTV Season 3 #cokestudioatmtv
      • 17) Classical Basque- Euskal klasikoa,16) Euskara klasikoa- Euskal klasikoa,
      • Drink Bottle GIF - Drink Bottle Baby GIFs

      • 16 Bambara klasikoa
        Buda Vacana
        - Budaren hitzak -
        - ṇṇi sutta -
        Bhikkhus egongo da, ez baitituzte halako diskurtsoen esanahia, esanahia
        sakonak, esanahi sakona dutenak, mundutik (koherentziaz) hutsekin
        lotuta, ez dute belarririk emango, ez dute belarrian utziko Ez dute
        pentsamendua ezagutzan aplikatuko, ez dute irakaskuntza horiek hartu eta
        menderatuko diren kontuan hartuko.
        halako diskurtsoak entzungo dituzte, poetek, hitzekin, hizki ergelak,
        jendeak, edo ikasleen hitzak, belarriari emango diote, ezagutzan
        aplikatuko dute , irakaspen horiek hartu eta menderatuko dituztela
        kontuan hartuko dute.
        Horrela, Bhikkhus, esanahi sakonak, esanahi sakona, mundua haratago (koherentziaz) mundutik lotuta, desagertuko da.
        dela eta, Bhikkhus, horrela entrenatu beharko zenuke: “Tathāgata-ren
        hitzak, sakonak, sakonak diren hitzak dira, mundua haratago
        (koherentziaz” hustekin lotuta, belarrian utziko dugu) Ezagutzan gure
        gogoa aplikatuko dugu, irakaskuntza horiek hartu eta menderatuko direnak
        kontuan hartuko ditugu. ‘Hau da, Bhikkhus, zure burua entrenatu beharko
        Egoek ez du inoiz egia onartzen.
        Ani Choying Drolma - Namo Ratna (Great Compassion Mantra)
        Ani Choying Drolma [ Official ]
        52.5K subscribers
        is the official video for ‘Namo Ratna Mantra” by Ani Choying Drolma
        from the album ‘Inner Peace I’. Matra is the essence of prayer that
        assures the receptiveness of the respective Enlightened Deities. Mantra
        is the request and the means through which one invokes the deities. It
        the bridge between oneself and the deities.
        mantra have immeasurable benefit to all sentient beings. It is the very
        core of Avalokiteshvara’s compassionate mission. The immediate
        benefits, as taught in sutra and commentaries, are: purification of
        negative karmas, protection and healing.
        Vocals : Ani Choying Drolma
        Music composition: Nhyoo Bajracharya
        Follow Ani Choying:
        © Ani Choying Drolma Foundation
        All rights reserved. Unauthorised reproduction is a violation of applicable laws.
Ani Choying Drolma - Namo Ratna (Great Compassion Mantra)
is the official video for ‘Namo Ratna Mantra” by Ani Choying Drolma
from the album ‘Inner Peace I’. Matra is the essence of prayer that
assures the rec…

18) Classical Belarusian-Класічная беларуская,17) Класічная беларуска-класічная беларуская,

EnchantedMedia animation vintage text word GIF

  • Public

    18) Класічны беларузіян-Класіна, бэларара, 17) Класіна, бэларара-бласіа, Бяларара,,,,,,,, для,
    Буда вакана
    - Словы Буды -
    - āṇi sutta -
    будучыні будзе Бхікхус, які не будзе слухаць выказванне такіх
    дыскурсаў, якія з’яўляюцца словамі Татхагата, глыбокі, глыбокі сэнс, які
    вядзе за межамі свету, (паслядоўна), звязаныя з пустата Не будуць
    прымяняць свой розум на веды, яны не будуць разглядаць гэтыя вучэнні,
    якія будуць прыняты і асвоіць.
    яны будуць слухаць выказванне такіх дыскурсаў, якія з’яўляюцца
    літаратурнымі кампазіцыямі, зробленымі паэтамі, дасціпнымі словамі,
    дасціпнымі літарамі, людзьмі звонку, альбо словамі вучняў, яны будуць
    пазычаць вуха, яны будуць прымяняць свой розум на веды , яны будуць
    разглядаць гэтыя вучэнні, якія будуць прыняты і асвоіць.
    чынам, Бхікхус, дыскурсы, якія ўяўляюць сабой словы татагата, глыбокі,
    глыбокі сэнс, які вядзе за межамі свету, (паслядоўна), звязаныя з
    пустэчай, знікне.
    чынам, Бхікхус, вы павінны трэніравацца такім чынам: “Мы будзем слухаць
    выказванні такіх дыскурсаў, якія з’яўляюцца словамі татхагата,
    глыбокім, глыбокім сэнсам, які вядзе за межамі свету, (паслядоўна),
    звязаныя з пустата Будзем прымяніць наш розум на веды, мы разгледзім
    гэтыя вучэнні, якія будуць прыняты і асвоіць. “Вось як, Бхікхус, вы
    павінны трэніравацца.
    Эга ніколі не прымае праўду.
    Wise Words of Buddha Shakyamuni. Best Buddha Quotes with meaning, aphorisms, wise thoughts.
    Мудрые Слова Будда Шакьямуни. Лучшие Цитаты Будды со смыслом, афоризмы, мудрые мысли.

    19) Classical Bengali-ক্লাসিক্যাল বাংলা,19) ধ্রুপদী বাংলা-ক্লাস বাংলা
  • buddha GIF

  • 19) ধ্রুপদী বাংলা- ক্লাসিক্যাল বাংলা, 19) ধ্রুপদী বাংলা-ক্লাস বাংলা
    বুদ্ধ ভ্যাকানা
    - বুদ্ধের কথা -
    - āi সুত -
    সময়ে, ভিক্ষু থাকবে যারা এই জাতীয় বক্তৃতাগুলির উচ্চারণ শুনবে না যা
    তাতগাটা শব্দ, গভীর, গভীর অর্থের মধ্যে গভীর, পৃথিবীর বাইরে নেতৃত্ব দেয়,
    (ধারাবাহিকভাবে) শূন্যতার সাথে সংযুক্ত থাকে, তারা কান ধার দেবে না, তারা
    তারা কান দেবে না, তারা জ্ঞানের উপর তাদের মন প্রয়োগ করবে না, তারা এই
    শিক্ষাগুলি গ্রহণ এবং আয়ত্ত করা হিসাবে বিবেচনা করবে না।
    তারা এই জাতীয় বক্তৃতাগুলির উচ্চারণ শুনবে যা কবি, মজাদার শব্দ, মজাদার
    চিঠিগুলি, বাইরের লোকেরা বা শিষ্যদের দ্বারা করা সাহিত্য রচনাগুলি, তারা
    কান ধার দেবে, তারা জ্ঞানের উপর তাদের মন প্রয়োগ করবে , তারা এই
    শিক্ষাগুলি গ্রহণ এবং আয়ত্ত করা হিসাবে বিবেচনা করবে।
    ভিকখুস, যে বক্তৃতাগুলি ত্যাথগাটা শব্দ, গভীর, অর্থের গভীর, বিশ্বজুড়ে
    নেতৃত্বে, (ধারাবাহিকভাবে) শূন্যতার সাথে সংযুক্ত, অদৃশ্য হয়ে যাবে।
    ভিকখুস, আপনার এইভাবে প্রশিক্ষণ দেওয়া উচিত: ‘আমরা এই জাতীয়
    বক্তৃতাগুলির উচ্চারণ শুনব যা তাতগাটা শব্দ, গভীর, গভীর অর্থের মধ্যে গভীর,
    পৃথিবীর বাইরে নেতৃত্বে, (ধারাবাহিকভাবে) শূন্যতার সাথে সংযুক্ত, আমরা কান
    ধার দেব, আমরা জ্ঞানের উপর আমাদের মন প্রয়োগ করবে, আমরা সেই শিক্ষাগুলি
    গ্রহণ এবং আয়ত্ত করা হিসাবে বিবেচনা করব ‘’ এভাবেই ভিকখুস, আপনার নিজের
    প্রশিক্ষণ দেওয়া উচিত।
    অহং কখনও সত্য গ্রহণ করে না।
    আপনার মনের প্রশ্ন ও গৌতম বুদ্ধের উত্তর(যা মানলে আপনার জীবন বদলে যাবে)Life changing lessons of Buddha
    Inspiring Talks With Sumit
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    ভিডিওতে বিভিন্ন ভক্তের বিভিন্ন সময় গৌতম বুদ্ধকে করা জীবনের বিভিন্ন
    প্রশ্নের উত্তরে গৌতম বুদ্ধ কি বলেন সেটাই তুলে ধরা হয়েছে।এই মূল্যবান
    উপদেশ গুলো সবার জীবন বদলে দেওয়ার ক্ষমতা রাখে।এই উপদেশগুলো যারা মানবে
    তারা অবশ্যই মানসিক শান্তি পাবে এবং জীবনে সফল হবে।
    In this video I have shared some life changing inspiring lessons of Goutam Budhha.
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    Background music credit:
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  • আপনার মনের প্রশ্ন ও গৌতম বুদ্ধের উত্তর(যা মানলে আপনার জীবন বদলে যাবে)Life changing lessons of Buddha
    এই ভিডিওতে বিভিন্ন ভক্তের বিভিন্ন সময় গৌতম বুদ্ধকে করা জীবনের বিভিন্ন প্রশ্নের উত্তরে গৌতম বুদ্ধ কি বলেন সেটাই ত…

  • 20) Classical Bhojpuri 20) शास्त्रीय भोजपुरी के बा
  • VanderPlassprouts white arrow wit pijl GIF

  • गौतम बुद्ध के सोने के पीछे का रहस्य | sleeping Buddha | Buddha the way of living
    20) शास्त्रीय भोजुपुरी 20) नमलापन में नम से रुपया
    बुद्ध वाकाना के बा .
    — बुद्ध के बात —
    — āṇi सुत्त — 1999 में भइल रहे।
    के समय में भिक्षु लोग अइसनो होई जे अइसन प्रवचनन के उच्चारण ना सुनी जवन
    तथागत के शब्द ह, गहिर, अर्थ में गहिराह, दुनिया से परे, (सुसंगत) खालीपन
    से जुड़ल, उ लोग कान ना उधार देई, उ लोग ज्ञान पर आपन मन ना लगाई, ऊ लोग ओह
    शिक्षा के उठावल आ महारत हासिल करे वाला ना मानी.
    उलट ऊ लोग अइसन प्रवचनन के उच्चारण के सुनी जवन कवि लोग के बनावल
    साहित्यिक रचना ह, चुटीला शब्द, चुटीला अक्षर, बाहर के लोग के, भा चेला के
    शब्दन के, ऊ लोग कान उधार देई, ऊ लोग आपन मन के ज्ञान पर लागू करी , ऊ लोग
    ओह शिक्षा के उठावल आ महारत हासिल करे वाला मानत होई.
    एह तरह से भिक्षु, प्रवचन जवन तथागत के शब्द ह, गहिर, अर्थ में गहिराह, दुनिया से परे, (संगत रूप से) खालीपन से जुड़ल, गायब हो जाई।
    से भिक्षु लोग के एह तरह से प्रशिक्षित करे के चाहीं: ‘हमनी के अइसन
    प्रवचनन के उच्चारण के सुनब जा जवन तथागत के शब्द ह, गहिर, अर्थ में
    गहिराह, दुनिया से परे, (सुसंगत) खालीपन से जुड़ल, हमनी के कान उधार देब
    जा, हमनी के ज्ञान पर हमनी के दिमाग के लागू करब जा, हमनी के ओह शिक्षा के
    उठावल आ महारत हासिल करे के मानब जा।’ भिक्षु लोग, रउआ अपना के प्रशिक्षित
    करे के चाहीं, एह तरह से।
    अहंकार कबो सच्चाई के स्वीकार ना करेला।
  • गौतम बुद्ध के सोने के पीछे का रहस्य | sleeping Buddha | Buddha the way of living

  • 21) Classical Bosnian-Klasični bosanski,21) Klasični bosanski-Klasični bosanski,

    မင်္ဂလာပါbuddha သာဓုsadusadu GIF - မင်္ဂလာပါbuddha သာဓုsadusadu Hello GIFs

    21) klasični bosanski-klasični bosanski, 21) klasični bosanski-klasični bosanski,
    Buddha Vacana
    - Riječi Bude -
    - ṇṇi Sutta -
    budućem vremenu bit će Bhikkhus koji neće slušati takve diskurse koje
    su riječi Tathāgata, duboko, duboko, duboko u značenju, vodeći izvan
    sveta, (dosljedno) povezane sa prazninom, oni neće dati uho, oni neće
    primijeniti svoj um o znanju, oni neće smatrati da se ta učenja uzimaju i
    tome, slušat će izreku takvih diskusija koji su književnije kompozicije
    koji su napravljeni pjesnici, duhovitim riječima, duhovitim pismima, od
    strane ljudi izvana, oni će pozajmiti uho, oni će im primijeniti u umor
    , oni će razmotriti ta učenja da se preuzmu i savladaju.
    Bhikkhus, diskursi koje su riječi Tathāgata, duboko, duboko u značenju,
    vodeći izvan svijeta, (dosljedno) povezane sa prazninom, nestat će.
    bi Bhikkhus, tako da treniramo: “Slušat ćemo izreku takvih diskursa
    koji su riječi Tathāgata, dubokog, dubokog, dubokog značenja, vodeći
    izvan sveta, mi ćemo pozajmljivati ​​uho, mi ćemo Primjenjut će nam
    mišljenje o znanju, razmotrit ćemo te učenja da se preuzme i savladaju.
    “Ovako, Bhikkhus, trebali biste se trenirati.
    Ego nikad ne prihvaća istinu.
    गौतम बुद्ध की सभी शिक्षा , यह दो शब्दो मे समायी हुई है। TEACHINGS OF BUDDHA.
    THE WAY OF LIVING#budhha #budhhathewayofliving #buddha #enlightenment
    #enlighten #liberation #buddhastory

    22) Classical Bulgaria- Класически българск,22) Класическа България- Класически българск,

    Publicdad thinks GIF

    22) Класическа България-Какасияски-Булгарск, 22) Класиежа Булгария- валясиески-Булгарш,
    Буда Вакана
    - Думите на Буда -
    - āṇi sutta -
    бъдещо време ще има bhikkhus, който няма да слуша изказването на
    подобни дискурси, които са думи на татхагата, дълбоки, дълбоки в
    смисъла, водещи отвъд света, (последователно), свързани с празнотата, те
    няма да дадат ухо, те те Няма да прилагат ума си върху знанието, те
    няма да вземат предвид тези учения за възприемани и овладяни.
    те ще изслушат изказването на такива дискурси, които са литературни
    композиции, направени от поети, остроумни думи, остроумни писма, от хора
    отвън или думите на учениците, те ще дават ухо, те ще приложат ума си
    върху знанието , те ще разгледат тези учения за заемани и овладяни.
    този начин, Bhikkhus, дискурсите, които са думи на татхагата, дълбоки,
    дълбоки в смисъла, водещи отвъд света (последователно), свързани с
    празнотата, ще изчезнат.
    bhikkhus, трябва да тренирате по този начин: „Ще слушаме изказването на
    такива дискурси, които са думи на татхагата, дълбоки, дълбоки в
    смисъла, водещи отвъд света, (последователно), свързани с празнота, ще
    заем на ухо, ние, ние Ще приложим ума си върху знанието, ние ще
    разгледаме тези учения за възприемане и овладяване. „Ето как, bhikkhus,
    трябва да се обучавате.
    Его никога не приема истината.
    14-те заповеди на Буда
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    LESSON 4478 Wed 29 Jun 2022 Daily Wisdom DO GOOD PURIFY MIND Buddha Vacana — The words of the Buddha —
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    LESSON 4478 Wed 29 Jun  2022

    Daily Wisdom


    Buddha Vacana

    — The words of the Buddha —

    Buddha Vacana

    — The words of the Buddha —

    Learn Pali online for free and the easy way.

    This website is dedicated to those who wish to understand better the
    words of the Buddha by learning the basics of Pali language, but who
    don’t have much time available for it. The idea is that if their purpose
    is merely to get enabled to read the Pali texts and have a fair feeling
    of understanding them, even if that understanding does not cover all
    the minute details of grammatical rules, they don’t really need to spend
    much time struggling with a discouraging learning of tedious
    grammatical theory involving such things as numerous declensions and

    In that case, it is enough to
    limit themselves to simply learn the meaning of the most important Pali
    words, because the repeated experience of reading provides an empirical
    and intuitive understanding of the most common sentence structures.
    They are thus enabled to become autodidacts, choosing the time,
    duration, frequency, contents and depth of their own study.

    Their understanding of the
    Buddha Vacana will become much more precise as they effortlessly learn
    and memorize the words and the important formulae that are fundamental
    in the Buddha’s teaching, by ways of regular reading. Their learning and
    the inspiration they get from it will grow deeper as their receptivity
    to the messages of the Teacher will improve.

    Disclaimer: This website is created by an autodidact and
    is meant for autodidacts. The webmaster has not followed any official
    Pali course and there is no claim that all the information presented
    here is totally free from errors. Those who want academic precision may
    consider joining a formal Pali course. In case the readers notice any
    mistake, the webmaster will be grateful if they report it via the
    mailbox mentioned under ‘Contact’.

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    now provides the service this website intended to make available. If
    you want a quick tutorial explaining how you can use Sutta Central with a
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    The only work I keep doing on this part of the website is to expand the
    glossary with definitions and references taken only from the Sutta
    Pitaka and occasionally the Vinaya Pitaka.

    En Français:

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    bhikkhū anāgatam·addhānaṃ, ye te suttantā tathāgata·bhāsitā gambhīrā
    gambhīr·atthā lok·uttarā suññata·p·paṭisaṃyuttā, tesu bhaññamānesu na
    sussūsissanti na sotaṃ odahissanti na aññā cittaṃ upaṭṭhāpessanti na ca
    te dhamme uggahetabbaṃ pariyāpuṇitabbaṃ maññissanti.

    In future
    time, there will be bhikkhus who will not listen to the utterance of
    such discourses which are words of the Tathāgata, profound, profound in
    meaning, leading beyond the world, (consistently) connected with
    emptiness, they will not lend ear, they will not apply their mind on
    knowledge, they will not consider those teachings as to be taken up and

    Ye pana te suttantā kavi·katā kāveyyā citta·kkharā citta·byañjanā bāhirakā sāvaka·bhāsitā,
    tesu bhaññamānesu sussūsissanti, sotaṃ odahissanti, aññā cittaṃ
    upaṭṭhāpessanti, te ca dhamme uggahetabbaṃ pariyāpuṇitabbaṃ maññissanti.

    On the
    contrary, they will listen to the utterance of such discourses which are
    literary compositions made by poets, witty words, witty letters, by
    people from outside, or the words of disciples, they will lend
    ear, they will apply their mind on knowledge, they will consider those
    teachings as to be taken up and mastered.

    bhikkhave, suttantānaṃ tathāgata·bhāsitānaṃ gambhīrānaṃ
    gambhīr·atthānaṃ lok·uttarānaṃ suññata·p·paṭisaṃyuttānaṃ antaradhānaṃ

    bhikkhus, the discourses which are words of the Tathāgata, profound,
    profound in meaning, leading beyond the world, (consistently) connected
    with emptiness, will disappear.

    bhikkhave, evaṃ sikkhitabbaṃ: ‘ye te suttantā tathāgata·bhāsitā
    gambhīrā gambhīr·atthā lok·uttarā suññata·p·paṭisaṃyuttā, tesu
    bhaññamānesu sussūsissāma, sotaṃ odahissāma, aññā cittaṃ upaṭṭhāpessāma,
    te ca dhamme uggahetabbaṃ pariyāpuṇitabbaṃ maññissāmā’ti. Evañhi vo,
    bhikkhave, sikkhitabbanti.

    bhikkhus, you should train thus: ‘We will listen to the utterance of
    such discourses which are words of the Tathāgata, profound, profound in
    meaning, leading beyond the world, (consistently) connected with
    emptiness, we will lend ear, we will apply our mind on knowledge, we
    will consider those teachings as to be taken up and mastered.’ This is
    how, bhikkhus, you should train yourselves.

    — Āṇi Sutta —

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    Bodhi leaf

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    Don’t say anything! Top 22 Buddha Quotes On Silence | Buddha Silence…
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    Gina101 Gina101creative GIF - Gina101 Gina101Creative Aint That The…
    The perfect Gina101 Gina101Creative Aint That The Truth Animated GIF for your conversation. Discover and Share the

    08) Classical Afrikaans– Klassieke Afrikaans
    Positive Mind Positive Life Gifkaro GIF - Positive Mind Positive Life Gifkaro No To Negative Thoughts GIFs


    die toekomstige tyd sal daar bhikkhus wees wat nie sal luister na die
    uitspraak van sulke diskoerse wat woorde van die Tathāgata is nie,
    diepgaande, diepgaande betekenis, wat verder as die wêreld lei,
    (konsekwent) met leegheid verbind, sal hulle nie oor leen nie, hulle sal
    hulle leen Sal nie hul gedagtes op kennis toepas nie, hulle sal nie die
    leringe oorweeg om opgeneem en bemeester te word nie.
    hulle sal luister na die uitspraak van sulke diskoerse wat literêre
    komposisies is wat deur digters gemaak word, geestige woorde, geestige
    letters, deur mense van buite, of die woorde van dissipels, hulle sal
    oor leen, hulle sal hul gedagtes op kennis toepas , sal hulle die
    leringe oorweeg om opgeneem en bemeester te word.
    die diskoerse wat woorde is van die Tathāgata, diepgaande, diepgaande
    betekenis, wat verder as die wêreld lei, (konsekwent) wat met leegheid
    verband hou, sal verdwyn.
    Bhikkhus, moet u so oplei: ‘Ons sal luister na die uitspraak van sulke
    diskoerse wat woorde is van die Tathāgata, diepgaande, diepgaande
    betekenis, wat verder as die wêreld lei, (konsekwent) met leegheid
    verbind, sal ons oor leen, ons ons sal ons gedagtes op kennis toepas,
    ons sal die leringe oorweeg om opgeneem en bemeester te word. ‘ Dit is
    hoe, Bhikkhus, jy moet julleself oplei.
    Ego aanvaar nooit die waarheid nie.

    Buddha Health mantra - ☸ -The Buddha’s Mantra of Medicine ☯
    Dear friends! Don’t miss the HUGE SALE on Aliexpress! ☸ Buddha Health mantra - Mantra of Medicine Buddha☸ The Buddha’s Mantra of Medic…

    09) Classical Albanian-Shqiptare klasike,

    wall e disney GIF


    Fjalët e Budës

    kohën e ardhshme, do të ketë Bhikkhus i cili nuk do të dëgjojë
    shqiptimin e ligjërimeve të tilla që janë fjalë të Tathāgata, të thella,
    të thella në kuptim, duke çuar përtej botës, (vazhdimisht) të lidhura
    me zbrazëtinë, ato nuk do të japin vesh, ata Nuk do ta zbatojnë mendjen e
    tyre në njohuri, ata nuk do t’i konsiderojnë ato mësime për t’u marrë
    dhe zotëruar.
    ata do të dëgjojnë shqiptimin e ligjërimeve të tilla që janë kompozime
    letrare të bëra nga poetë, fjalë të mençura, letra të mençura, nga
    njerëz nga jashtë, ose fjalët e dishepujve, ata do të japin veshin, ata
    do të zbatojnë mendjen e tyre në njohuri , ata do t’i konsiderojnë ato
    mësime si të merren dhe zotërohen.
    bhikkhus, ligjërimet që janë fjalë të tathāgata, të thella, të thella
    në kuptim, që çojnë përtej botës, (vazhdimisht) të lidhura me
    zbrazëtinë, do të zhduken.
    bhikkhus, ju duhet të stërvite Do të zbatojmë mendjen tonë për njohuri,
    ne do t’i konsiderojmë ato mësime që të merren dhe të zotërohen. ‘
    Kështu, bhikkhus, ju duhet të stërviteni veten tuaj.
    Ego kurrë nuk e pranon të vërtetën.
    Drilon Gashi - Historia e Budës (shkurt)
    Filozofi e Islamit
    Gashi është një studiues dhe mendimtar i lirë me një qasje racionale
    ndaj Islamit - larg besëtytnisë dhe pasimit të verbër.
    Ai beson që Fjala e Zotit (Kurani) nuk bie në kundërshtim me Veprën e Zotit (Universi dhe Ligjet Kozmologjike).
    racionaliste ka shkaktuar kontroversi në mes të besimtarëve të mësuar
    tashmë me një Islam dogmatik. Gjithësesi besimi i sinqertë në parimet
    Kuranore Universale ka bërë që Driloni të vazhdojë duke injoruar
    injorantin dhe duke debatuar kundërshtarin.
    Drilon Gashi - Historia e Budës (shkurt)
    Gashi është një studiues dhe mendimtar i lirë me një qasje racionale
    ndaj Islamit - larg besëtytnisë dhe pasimit të verbër.Ai beson që Fjala e
    Zotit (…

    10) Classical Amharic-አንጋፋዊ አማርኛ,

    Mese Moa Nibansenji GIF - Mese Moa Nibansenji Nokkuso GIFs

    ከዓለም በላይ የሚመራው የቲቶርጋታ, ጥልቅ, ጥልቅ, ጥልቅ, ጥልቅ, ጥልቅ, ጥልቅ, ጥልቅ, ጥልቅ, ጥልቅ እና
    ትርጉም ያላቸው ሰዎች ቃላት የማይሰማው ቢኪኪደስስ ከድግነት ጋር አይገናኝም አእምሯቸውን በእውቀት ላይ ተግባራዊ
    አይሆኑም, እነዚያ ትምህርቶች እንደ ተነሱ እና እንደተያዙ አይመለከቱትም.
    በውጭ ያሉ ሰዎች, በውጭ ያሉ ሰዎች, ወይም ለደቀመዛሙርቶች ቃላት የተሠሩ እንደዚህ ያሉ ንግግሮችን ጩኸት ይሰማሉ
    ጆሮ ያበድራሉ, እነሱ በእውቀት ላይ ይተገበራሉ , እነዚያን ትምህርቶች እንደ ተነሱና እንደተካፈሉ ይገነዘባሉ.
    ስለሆነም, ቢኪኪስ, የቲቶጋጋ ቃላት የተናገሯቸው ትምህርቶች ከዓለም በላይ የሚመራው (በቋሚነት) ትርጉም ያለው (በቋሚነት) ከደን በላይነት የተገናኙት ይጠፋል.
    Bhikkhuss, ስለሆነም ከዩኒቨርት በላይ የሚመራው የቲቶርጋጋ, ጥልቅ, ጥልቅ, ጥልቅ, ጥልቅ, ጥልቅ, ጥልቅ,
    ጥልቅ, ጥልቅ እና ትርጉም ያለው, እኛ ከድህነት ጋር የተዛመዱ ናቸው. አእምሯችን በእውቀት ላይ ይተገበራል,
    እነዚህን ትምህርቶች እንደ ተነሱና የተካተቱ መሆናቸውን እንመረምራለን. ‘ ይህ, ቢኪኪስ, እርስዎም ማሠልጠን
    ያለብዎት በዚህ መንገድ ነው.
    ኢጎጎ እውነትን አይቀበልም.
    OM Mani Padme Hum Chant || 3 hours
    chanting the OM Mani Padme Hum Mantra with chakra healing sounds from
    Tibetan Singing Bowls for 3 hours long.On the meaning of: OM MANI PADME
    HUM T…

    11) Classical Arabic-اللغة العربية الفصحى

    Publicpatternbase rainbow glitch face psychedelic GIF

    اعظم اقوال بوذا مؤسس الديانة البوذية في الهند
    قناديل الفلسفة
    1.18K subscribers
    (بالسنسكريتي सिद्धार्थ गौतम) هو مؤسس ديانة أو فلسفة (1) البوذية (وهي
    أقرب إلى فلسفة الحياة منها إلى الدِّين حيث لا تؤمن بإله، وتقوم على
    التَّجرُّد والزُّهد تخلُّصًا من الشهوات والألم وطريقًا إلى الفناء
    التَّام، وتقول بالتَّناسخ ومبدأ السببيَّة، وتنكر البعث والحساب، وهي من
    أكثر الديانات انتشارًا في الهند والشرق الأقصى)، [1] ويلفظ اسمه أيضا
    (بودا (2) أي الساهر أو اليقظ، واسمه بالعربية البد،[2] وفي الفارسية
    بددة)[3] وبوذا ليس اسم علم على شخص بعينه، وإنما هو لقب ديني عظيم، معناه
    الحكيم، أو المستنير، أو ذو البصيرة النفاذة،[4] وهو الذي يعلن طريقة خلاص
    البشر من دائرة الولادة المتكررة (سمسارا) ولكن أتباعه حولوا تعاليمه إلى
    مبادئ دينية وألهوه،[5] وتذكر الروايات أنه ولد سنة 568 ق م،[6] فيما تذكر
    أخرى أنه ولد سنة 563 ق. م،[7] في بلدة لومبيني التي تقع حالياً جنوب
    جمهورية نيبال على الحدود الهندية وكان من أسرة نبيلة، وكان أبوه ملكا
    صغيرا في تلك البلاد، وقد تربى بوذا في وضع من الرفاهية، وكان يعيش كما
    يعيش أبناء السادة والملوك في نعيم عظيم.[8] توفيت أمه مايا وهو في السابعة
    من عمره، فربته عمته وتزوج صغيراً ولما بلغ السادسة والعشرين هجر زوجته
    إلى الزهد والتقشف والتأمل في الكون وانتهج نهجا خاصاً في الكون ليتخلص
    الإنسان به من آلامه ودعا إلى ذلك كثيراً من الناس.[9] ترك بوذا (سندهارتا)
    القصر الملكي في سن 29، وعاش لمدة ست سنوات بلا مأوى ومات وهو في الثمانين
    من عمره، والجدير بالذكر أن بعض المؤرخين يزعم أن بوذا شخصية وهمية
    وخرافية لا وجود لها، وذلك لكثرة الأساطير والخرافات التي نسجها البوذيون
    حول شخصيته،[10] ويعتقد البوذيون أنه كان هناك على الأقل ستة أشخاص يسمون
    بوذا قبل غوتاما، بل يزعمون أن هناك بوذا آخر اسمه مايتريا سيظهر في
    المستقبل،[11] وتقول الأسطورة إن روح بوذا خالدة خلود الدهر، وهي تتمثل في
    الدلاي لاما وعندما يموت فإنه يموت جسدياً ولكن روحه أو روح بوذا تنتقل
    لأحد المواليد الجدد من المتبعين للبوذية ليصبح بعد ذلك هو الدلاي لاما
    الجديد وهكذا إلى ما لا نهاية.[12] وقد أعطاه مايكل هارت الترتيب الرابع في
    كتابه الخالدون المائة.
    كلمات بوذا
    الوقت المستقبلي ، سيكون هناك Bhikkhus الذي لن يستمع إلى كلام مثل هذه
    الخطابات التي هي كلمات Tathāgata ، عميقة ، عميقة في المعنى ، يقودون إلى
    ما وراء العالم ، (باستمرار) مرتبطة بالفراغ ، لن يقرضوا الأذن ، إنهم لن
    يطبقوا أذهانهم على المعرفة ، فلن يعتبروا تلك التعاليم التي يجب اتخاذها
    العكس من ذلك ، سوف يستمعون إلى كلام مثل هذه الخطابات التي هي مؤلفات
    أدبية تدل عليها الشعراء ، والكلمات البارعة ، والرسائل البارعة ، من قبل
    الناس من الخارج ، أو كلمات التلاميذ ، سوف يقرضون الأذن ، وسوف يطبقون
    أذهانهم على المعرفة ، سوف يعتبرون تلك التعاليم التي يجب تناولها
    ، فإن Bhikkhus ، الخطابات التي هي كلمات Tathāgata ، عميقة ، عميقة في
    المعنى ، والتي تقود إلى ما وراء العالم ، (باستمرار) المرتبطة بالفراغ ،
    سوف تختفي.
    ، Bhikkhus ، يجب أن تتدرب على هذا النحو: “سوف نستمع إلى كلام مثل هذه
    الخطابات التي هي كلمات Tathāgata ، عميقة ، عميقة في المعنى ، نؤدي إلى ما
    وراء العالم ، (باستمرار) مرتبطة بالفراغ ، سنقدم الأذن ، نحن سوف نطبق
    أذهاننا على المعرفة ، وسننظر في تلك التعاليم التي يجب أن تتقنها
    وإتقانها. هكذا ، Bhikkhus ، يجب أن تدرب أنفسكم.
    الأنا لا تقبل الحقيقة.
    اعظم اقوال بوذا مؤسس الديانة البوذية في الهند
    (بالسنسكريتي सिद्धार्थ गौतम) هو مؤسس ديانة أو فلسفة (1) البوذية (وهي
    أقرب إلى فلسفة الحياة منها إلى الدِّين حيث لا تؤمن بإله، وتقوم على
    التَّجرُّد والزُ…

    12) Classical Armenian-դասական հայերեն,


    The life works and teachings of Shakyamuni Buddha Let’s talk about Buddha Dharma on YouTube
    Բուդդայի խոսքերը
    ժամանակ կլինի Բհիկխուսը, ով չի լսի այնպիսի դիսկուրսների խոսքը, որոնք
    տաթաեգաթայի, խորը, խորը իմաստով տառապող բառեր են, որոնք կապված են
    դատարկության հետ, նրանք չեն ցանկանա Չի կիրառի իրենց միտքը գիտելիքի վրա,
    նրանք չեն համարի այդ ուսմունքները, որոնք պետք է ընդունվեն եւ տիրապետեն:
    նրանք կլսեն նման դիսկուրսների խոսքը, որոնք բանաստեղծների, սրամիտ
    խոսքերի, սրամիտ տառերի կողմից պատրաստված գրական կոմպոզիցիաներ են, դրսից
    մարդիկ կամ աշակերտների խոսքերը, նրանք կդիմեն իրենց միտքը գիտելիքի վրա ,
    նրանք կքննարկեն այդ ուսմունքները, որոնք պետք է ընդունվեն եւ տիրապետեն:
    Բհիկխուսը, Թաթաղատայի խոսքերը, որոնք պատմում են Թաթագրատայի, խորը, խորը
    իմաստով, առաջատարը տանում են դատարկության հետ կապված (հետեւողականորեն),
    կվերանան դատարկության հետ:
    Բհիկխուսը, դուք պետք է մարզվեք այսպես. Կիրառի մեր միտքը գիտելիքների
    վրա, մենք կդիտարկենք այդ ուսմունքները, որոնք պետք է ընդունվեն եւ
    տիրապետեն »: Այսպես, Բհիկխուսը, դուք պետք է մարզվեք:
    Էգոն երբեք չի ընդունում ճշմարտությունը:
    La vita le opere ed insegnamenti di Shakyamuni Buddha Parliamo di Buddha Dharma su YouTube
    #vita le #opere ed #insegnamenti di #Shakyamuni #Buddha #Parliamo di
    Buddha #Dharma su #youtube #video ଶ୍ୟାକୁମୁନି ବୁଦ୍ଧଙ୍କ ଜୀବନ କାର୍ଯ୍ୟ ଏବଂ
    ଶିକ୍ଷା ଆସନ୍ତୁ …

    13) Classical Assamese-ধ্ৰুপদী অসমীয়া
    с_наступающей_пасхой пасха GIF - с_наступающей_пасхой пасха верба GIFs

    গৌতম বুদ্ধৰ 10 টা নীতি। 10 Rules of Gautam Buddha
    কথা ভৱিষ্যতে, এনে কথোপকথনৰ উচ্চাৰণ নুশুনিব যিবোৰ হৈছে Tathāgata শব্দ,
    গভীৰ, গভীৰ অৰ্থ, পৃথিৱীৰ বাহিৰত আগবাঢ়ি যোৱা, (ধাৰাবাহিকভাৱে) শূন্যতাৰ
    সৈতে সম্পৰ্কিত, তেওঁলোকে কাণ নিদিব, তেওঁলোকে জ্ঞানৰ ওপৰত তেওঁলোকৰ মন
    প্ৰয়োগ নকৰিব, তেওঁলোকে সেই শিক্ষাবোৰ গ্ৰহণ আৰু আয়ত্ত কৰাৰ দৰে বিবেচনা
    ইয়াৰ বিপৰীতে,
    তেওঁলোকে এনে কথোপকথনৰ উচ্চাৰণ শুনিব যিবোৰ হৈছে কবিসকলৰ দ্বাৰা নিৰ্মিত
    সাহিত্যিক ৰচনা, কৌতুকপূৰ্ণ শব্দ, কৌতুকপূৰ্ণ আখৰ, বাহিৰৰ মানুহৰ দ্বাৰা,
    বা শিষ্যসকলৰ কথা, তেওঁলোকে কাণ দিব, তেওঁলোকে জ্ঞানৰ ওপৰত তেওঁলোকৰ মন
    প্ৰয়োগ কৰিব, তেওঁলোকে সেই শিক্ষাবোৰ গ্ৰহণ আৰু আয়ত্ত কৰাৰ দৰে বিবেচনা
    কৰিব। সেয়েহে, ভিখখু, যিবোৰ বক্তৃতা হৈছে Tathāgata শব্দ, গভীৰ, গভীৰ
    অৰ্থ, পৃথিৱীৰ বাহিৰত আগবাঢ়ি যোৱা, (নিৰন্তৰভাৱে) শূন্যতাৰ সৈতে
    সম্পৰ্কিত, নাইকিয়া হ’ব।
    ভিখখু, আপুনি এনেদৰে প্ৰশিক্ষণ দিয়া উচিত: ‘আমি এনে কথোপকথনৰ উচ্চাৰণ
    শুনিম যিবোৰ হৈছে Tathāgata, গভীৰ, গভীৰ অৰ্থ, পৃথিৱীৰ বাহিৰত আগবাঢ়ি
    যোৱা, (নিৰন্তৰভাৱে) শূন্যতাৰ সৈতে সম্পৰ্কিত, আমি কাণ দিম, আমি জ্ঞানৰ
    ওপৰত আমাৰ মন প্ৰয়োগ কৰিম, আমি সেই শিক্ষাবোৰ গ্ৰহণ আৰু আয়ত্ত কৰাৰ
    বিষয়ে বিবেচনা কৰিম।’ এনেদৰে, ভিখখুচ, আপুনি নিজকে প্ৰশিক্ষণ দিয়া উচিত।
    অহংকাৰে কেতিয়াও সত্যক স্বীকাৰ নকৰে।
    গৌতম বুদ্ধৰ 10 টা নীতি। 10 Rules of Gautam Buddha
    বুদ্ধৰ 10 তা নীতি। 10 Rules of Gautam Buddha.gautama buddha,buddha,life
    changing quotes of gautama buddha,gautama buddha quotes in
    assamese,gautama budd…

    juggling GIF

    14) Classical Aymara 14) Aymara clásico

    PublicFloating Inner Peace GIF

    The life works and teachings of Shakyamuni Buddha Let’s talk about Buddha Dharma on YouTube
    Բուդդայի խոսքերը
    ժամանակ կլինի Բհիկխուսը, ով չի լսի այնպիսի դիսկուրսների խոսքը, որոնք
    տաթաեգաթայի, խորը, խորը իմաստով տառապող բառեր են, որոնք կապված են
    դատարկության հետ, նրանք չեն ցանկանա Չի կիրառի իրենց միտքը գիտելիքի վրա,
    նրանք չեն համարի այդ ուսմունքները, որոնք պետք է ընդունվեն եւ տիրապետեն:
    նրանք կլսեն նման դիսկուրսների խոսքը, որոնք բանաստեղծների, սրամիտ
    խոսքերի, սրամիտ տառերի կողմից պատրաստված գրական կոմպոզիցիաներ են, դրսից
    մարդիկ կամ աշակերտների խոսքերը, նրանք կդիմեն իրենց միտքը գիտելիքի վրա ,
    նրանք կքննարկեն այդ ուսմունքները, որոնք պետք է ընդունվեն եւ տիրապետեն:
    Բհիկխուսը, Թաթաղատայի խոսքերը, որոնք պատմում են Թաթագրատայի, խորը, խորը
    իմաստով, առաջատարը տանում են դատարկության հետ կապված (հետեւողականորեն),
    կվերանան դատարկության հետ:
    Բհիկխուսը, դուք պետք է մարզվեք այսպես. Կիրառի մեր միտքը գիտելիքների
    վրա, մենք կդիտարկենք այդ ուսմունքները, որոնք պետք է ընդունվեն եւ
    տիրապետեն »: Այսպես, Բհիկխուսը, դուք պետք է մարզվեք:
    Էգոն երբեք չի ընդունում ճշմարտությունը:
    La vita le opere ed insegnamenti di Shakyamuni Buddha Parliamo di Buddha Dharma su YouTube
    #vita le #opere ed #insegnamenti di #Shakyamuni #Buddha #Parliamo di
    Buddha #Dharma su #youtube #video ଶ୍ୟାକୁମୁନି ବୁଦ୍ଧଙ୍କ ଜୀବନ କାର୍ଯ୍ୟ ଏବଂ
    ଶିକ୍ଷା ଆସନ୍ତୁ …

    15) Classical Azerbaijani- Klassik Azərbaycan,
    Finland Aerial View GIF - Finland Aerial View Suomi GIFs


    zaman, Tathāgata’nın sözləri olan, dərin, dərinliyi olan, (ardıcıl)
    sözləri olan, (ardıcıl) sözləri olan bu cür çıxışların sözlərini
    dinləməyəcək Bhikkhus olacaq Bhikkhus olacaq Ağıllarını biliklərə tətbiq
    etməyəcək, bu təlimləri götürüləcək və mənimsəməsi üçün nəzərə
    şairlər, hazırcavab sözlər, hazırcavab hərflər, çöldəki insanlar
    tərəfindən və ya şagirdlərin sözləri, qulaq asacaqları bu cür
    dəyişikliklərin sözlərini dinləyəcəklər, qulaq asacaqlar, ağıllarını
    biliklərə görə tətbiq edəcəklər , götürüləcək və mənimsəməli olduğu kimi
    bu təlimləri nəzərdən keçirəcəklər.
    Bhikkhus, dünyanın kənarında, (ardıcıl olaraq), (ardıcıl), boşluqla
    əlaqəli olan dərin, mənası olan tathāgata sözləri olan çıxışları yox
    görə də, beləliklə, beləcə məşq etməlisiniz: “Bu cür açıqlamalar olan
    bu cür açıqlamalardakı, dərin, dərinliyi olan, (ardıcıl), (ardıcıl)
    sözləri olan bu cür çıxışların sözlərini dinləyəcəyik, biz qulu
    verəcəyik Fikrimizi biliklə tətbiq edəcək, bu təlimləri qəbul və
    mənimsənildiyi kimi nəzərdən keçirəcəyik. ‘ Bu, Bhikkhus, özünüzü
    Eqo heç vaxt həqiqəti qəbul etmir.
    Gautama Buddha Siddhartha Shakyamuni | YOGA | ART | İndia | Buddism | Artesthetic #4 Aytan Mammadli
    Dione Team
    (Siddhattha Gotama ya da Siddhartha Gautama və ya Buddha Shakyamuni
    olaraq da bilinir) qədim Hindistanda yaşamış bir filosof, mendikant,
    meditator, ruhani müəllim və dini liderdir Dünya Buddizm dininin
    qurucusu olaraq hörmət edilir və buddist məktəblərin əksəriyyəti
    Karmadan üstün olduğunu və doğuş və yenidən doğuş dövründən qaçdığına
    inanan Aydınlı kimi ibadət edir. Təxminən 45 il dərs verdi və həm
    monastır, həm də böyük bir izləyici qurdu.

    06) ClassicalDevanagari,Classical Hindi-Devanagari- शास्त्रीय हिंदी,
    instagram rainbow GIF by DAS NAIZ

    महात्मा बुद्ध के 151 अनमोल विचार | Mahatma Buddha Quotes in Hindi |
    बुद्ध के शब्द
    के समय में, भिकख भी होंगे जो ऐसे प्रवचनों की उच्चारण नहीं सुनेंगे, जो
    कि तथगता के शब्द हैं, गहन, अर्थ में गहरा, दुनिया से परे अग्रणी, (लगातार)
    शून्यता से जुड़ा हुआ है, वे कान उधार नहीं देंगे, वे कान नहीं करेंगे, वे
    ज्ञान पर अपने मन को लागू नहीं करेंगे, वे उन शिक्षाओं पर विचार नहीं
    करेंगे, जिन्हें लिया जाना और महारत हासिल है।
    विपरीत, वे ऐसे प्रवचनों की उच्चारण को सुनेंगे, जो कवियों, मजाकिया
    शब्दों, मजाकिया पत्रों, बाहर के लोगों द्वारा, या शिष्यों के शब्दों
    द्वारा बनाई गई साहित्यिक रचनाएँ हैं, वे कान उधार देंगे, वे ज्ञान पर अपना
    मन लागू करेंगे। , वे उन शिक्षाओं पर विचार करेंगे जो उठाए और महारत हासिल
    कर लेंगे।
    प्रकार, भिखु, प्रवचनों जो कि तातागता के शब्द हैं, गहन, अर्थ में गहरा,
    दुनिया से परे अग्रणी, (लगातार) शून्यता से जुड़े, गायब हो जाएंगे।
    भिखु, आपको इस प्रकार प्रशिक्षित करना चाहिए: ‘हम ऐसे प्रवचनों के उच्चारण
    को सुनेंगे, जो कि तातागता के शब्द हैं, गहरा, अर्थ में गहरा, दुनिया से
    परे अग्रणी, (लगातार) शून्यता से जुड़ा हुआ है, हम कान उधार देंगे, हम कर
    देंगे, हम ज्ञान पर हमारे मन को लागू करेंगे, हम उन शिक्षाओं पर विचार
    करेंगे जो उठाए और महारत हासिल कर लेंगे। ‘ यह कैसे है, भिकख, आपको खुद को
    प्रशिक्षित करना चाहिए।
    अहंकार कभी भी सत्य को स्वीकार नहीं करता है।
    महात्मा बुद्ध के 151 अनमोल विचार | Mahatma Buddha Quotes in Hindi |

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    7,117 languages are spoken today.

    ) Classical Bhojpuri 20) शास्त्रीय भोजपुरी के बा

    21) Classical Bosnian-Klasični bosanski,21) Klasični bosanski-Klasični bosanski,

    22) Classical Bulgaria- Класически българск,22) Класическа България- Класически българск,

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      67) Classical Konkani,69) शास्त्रीय कोंकणी

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      69) Classical Krio,70) Krio we dɛn kɔl Krio

      70) Classical Kurdish (Kurmanji)-Kurdî (Kurmancî),

      71) Classical Kyrgyz-Классикалык Кыргыз,

      72) Classical Lao-ຄລາສສິກລາວ,

      73) Classical Latin-LXII) Classical Latin,

      74) Classical Latvian-Klasiskā latviešu valoda,

      75) Classical Lingala,76) Lingala ya kala,

      76) Classical Lithuanian-Klasikinė lietuvių kalba,

      77) Classical Luganda,78) Oluganda olw’edda

      78) Classical Luganda,79) Oluganda olw’edda

      79) Classical Luxembourgish-Klassesch Lëtzebuergesch,

      80)Classical Macedonian-Класичен македонски,

      81)Classical Maithili,83) शास्त्रीय मैथिली

      82) Classical Malagasy,класичен малгашки,

      83) Classical Malay-Melayu Klasik,

      84) Classical Malayalam-ക്ലാസിക്കൽ മലയാളം,

      85) Classical Maltese-Klassiku Malti,

      86) Classical Maori-Maori Maori,

      87) Classical Marathi-क्लासिकल माओरी,

      88) Classical Meiteilon (Manipuri),꯹꯰) ꯀ꯭ꯂꯥꯁꯤꯀꯦꯜ ꯃꯦꯏꯇꯦꯏꯂꯣꯟ (ꯃꯅꯤꯄꯨꯔꯤ) ꯴.

      89) Classical Mizo,89) Classical Mizo a ni

      90) Classical Mongolian-Сонгодог Монгол,

      91) Classical Myanmar (Burmese)-Classical မြန်မာ (ဗမာ),

      92) Classical Nepali-शास्त्रीय म्यांमार (बर्मा),

      93) Classical Norwegian-Klassisk norsk,

      94) Classical Odia (Oriya)

      95) Classical Oromo,97) Afaan Oromoo Kilaasikaa

      96) Classical Pashto- ټولګی پښتو

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      98)Classical Polish-Język klasyczny polski,

      99) Classical Portuguese-Português Clássico,

      100) Classical Punjabi-ਕਲਾਸੀਕਲ ਪੰਜਾਬੀ,

      101) Classical Quechua,103) Quechua clásico

      102) Classical Romanian-Clasic românesc,

      103) Classical Russian-Классический русский,

      104) Classical Samoan-Samoan Samoa

      105) Classical Sanskrit छ्लस्सिचल् षन्स्क्रित्

      106) Classical Scots Gaelic-Gàidhlig Albannach Clasaigeach,

      107)Classical Sepedi,107) Sepedi sa Kgale

      108) Classical Serbian-Класични српски,

      109) Classical Sesotho-Seserbia ea boholo-holo,

      110) Classical Shona-Shona Shona,

      111) Classical Sindhi,

      112)Classical Sinhala-සම්භාව්ය සිංහල,

      113) Classical Slovak-Klasický slovenský,

      114) Classical Slovenian-Klasična slovenska,

      115) Classical Somali-Soomaali qowmiyadeed,

      116) Classical Spanish-Español clásico,

      117) Classical Sundanese-Sunda Klasik,

      118) Classical Swahili,Kiswahili cha Classical,

      119) Classical Swedish-Klassisk svensk,

      120) Classical Tajik-тоҷикӣ классикӣ,

      121) Classical Tamil-பாரம்பரிய இசைத்தமிழ் செம்மொழி,

      122) Classical Tatar

      123) Classical Telugu- క్లాసికల్ తెలుగు,

      124) Classical Thai-ภาษาไทยคลาสสิก,

      125) Classical Tigrinya,127) ክላሲካል ትግርኛ

      126) Classical Tsonga,128) Xitsonga xa xikhale

      127) Classical Turkish-Klasik Türk,

      128)Classical Turkmen

      129) Classical Twi,129) Twi a wɔde di dwuma wɔ tete mmere mu

      130)Classical Ukrainian-Класичний український,

      131) Classical Urdu- کلاسیکی اردو

      132) Classical Uyghur,

      133) Classical Uzbek-Klassik o’z,

      134) Classical Vietnamese-Tiếng Việ,

      135) Classical Welsh-Cymraeg Clasurol,

      136) Classical Xhosa-IsiXhosa zesiXhosa,

      137) Classical Yiddish- קלאסישע ייִדיש

      138) Classical Yoruba-Yoruba Yoruba,

      139) Classical Zulu-I-Classical Zulu9
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    LESSON 4477 Tue 28 Jun 2022 Daily Wisdom DO GOOD PURIFY MIND The Way is not in the Sky The way is in the Mind
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    Posted by: site admin @ 6:37 pm
    LESSON 4477 Tue 28 Jun  2022

    Daily Wisdom


    The Way is not in the Sky
    The way is in the Mind


    The Way is not in the Sky
    The way is in the Mind
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    ARTICLE by Thomas J Law 30 Nov, 2018 Skip to article content POST
    CONTENTS 1 Inspirational Video #1: Do What You Can’t by Casey Neistat 2
    Inspirational Video #2: Steve Jobs’ 2005 Stanford Commencement Address 3
    Inspirational Video #3: The Best Gift I Ever Survived by Stacey Kramer 4
    Inspirational Video #4: The Basketball Scene from The Pursuit of
    Happiness 5 Inspirational Video #5: Get Back Up by Nick Vujicic 6
    Inspirational Video #6: Rocky Balboa’s Speech to His Son 7 Inspirational
    Video #7: Damian Aspinall is Reunited with Kwibi the Gorilla 8
    Inspirational Video #8: The Death Crawl Scene from Facing the Giants 9
    Inspirational Video #9: Kid Gives Speech After Learning to Ride a Bike
    10 Inspirational Video #10: The One Thing Only 1% of People Do 11
    Inspirational Video #11: Jim Carrey’s 2014 Commencement Address 12
    Inspirational Video #12: Olympian Derek Redmond Finishes the Race 13
    Inspirational Video #13: Neil Gaiman’s 2012 Commencement Speech at the
    University of the Arts 14 Inspirational Video #14: Success is a
    Continuous Journey by Richard St. John 15 Inspirational Video #15:
    Everyday 16 Inspirational Video #16: Finding Your Meaning of Life 17
    Inspirational Video #17: Balance 18 Inspirational Video #18: Christian
    the Lion Reunion 19 Inspirational Video #19: Dream – a Compilation 20
    Inspirational Video #20: The Story of Your Life 21 Inspirational Video
    #21: Be The Change 22 Inspirational Video #22: The Social Revolution 23
    Inspirational Video #23: The Teacher Who Changed My Life by Dan Lock 24
    Summary 25 Want to Learn More? Are you lacking inspiration? Do you lack
    direction, have bad habits, unhealthy relationships, and a mindset that
    has prevented you from achieving success? Well, these inspirational
    videos can help. They don’t contain the answers – instead, they remind
    you of the deeper truths that you already know. Let’s dive straight in.
    Inspirational Video #1: Do What You Can’t by Casey Neistat Perfect for:
    When you need to be reminded that you have fewer limitations than you
    think. Key Quote: “When you’re a creator, all you need is your phone, an
    internet connection, and a good idea – a story you want to share,
    something you need to say.” In this inspirational video, creator Casey
    Neistat encourages you to pursue things that other people say you can’t.
    It’s a powerful reminder to ignore the limitations others put on us. My
    favorite quote: “The haters, the doubters, are all drinking champagne
    on the top deck of the Titanic, and we are the f***ing iceberg.”
    CaseyNeistat 1.24 crore subscribers DO WHAT YOU CAN’T” target=”_blank”>Try watching this video on, or enable JavaScript if it is disabled in your browser.
    Inspirational Video #2: Steve Jobs’ 2005 Stanford Commencement Address
    Perfect for: When you’re feeling like you haven’t made any progress.
    Key Quote: “Have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become.”
    Nyd de videoer og den musik, du holder af, upload originalt indhold, og del det hele med venner, familie og verden på YouTube.
    BUDDHA’S LAST MESSAGE - Be Your Own Saviour
    Last Message - Be Your Own SaviourBuddha story by dare to do.
    motivation about buddha’s final message for his disciples, thnks for
    watching and enjo…

    In this inspirational video, Steve Jobs shares the pivotal moments that shaped his life and career.
    explains how seemingly meaningless moments, can have a profound impact
    on future events – such as when he sat in on calligraphy classes at
    “None of this
    had even a hope of any practical application in my life. But years
    later, when we were designing the first Macintosh computer, it all came
    back to me.”
    Jobs ends his speech with the immortal words, “Stay hungry. Stay foolish.”
    A Cheng
    190 subscribers
    [HD] Steve Jobs - 2005 Stanford Commencement Speech.mp4” target=”_blank”>Try watching this video on, or enable JavaScript if it is disabled in your browser.
    Inspirational Video #3: The Best Gift I Ever Survived by Stacey Kramer
    Perfect for: When life deals you an obstacle, set back, or tragedy.
    Key Quote: “The next time you’re faced with something unexpected, unwanted, and uncertain, consider that it just may be a gift.”
    inspirational video features a moving story from Stacey Kramer about
    her struggle with hemangioblastoma – also known as a brain tumor.
    Kramer explores all the positive life-changing benefits that were a result of her condition.” target=”_blank”>Try watching this video on, or enable JavaScript if it is disabled in your browser.
    Full version available here.
    Inspirational Video #4: The Basketball Scene from The Pursuit of Happiness
    Perfect for: When people try to hold you back or tell you to “be realistic.”
    Key Quote: “Don’t ever let somebody tell you [that] you can’t do something. You gotta dream, you gotta protect it.”
    This emotional scene from The Pursuit of Happiness is pure gold.
    At some point, everybody has been told – directly or indirectly – that they shouldn’t pursue something.
    inspirational video ends with the line, “People can’t do something
    themselves, they wanna tell you [that] you can’t do it. You want
    something, go get it. Period.”
    mugeninfinity” target=”_blank”>Try watching this video on, or enable JavaScript if it is disabled in your browser.
    Inspirational Video #5: Get Back Up by Nick Vujicic
    Perfect for: Gaining perspective and remembering everything you have to be thankful for.
    Key Quote: “It’s a lie to think that you’re not good enough. It’s a lie to think that you’re not worth anything.”
    Nick Vujicic is an inspiration.
    Despite being born without arms or legs, Vujicic embraces all that life has to offer with love, compassion, and gratitude.
    video features Nick taking part in sports and waterslides, combined
    with a powerful speech delivered to a hall of young students.

    The most inspirational video you will ever see Nick Vujicic” target=”_blank”>Try watching this video on, or enable JavaScript if it is disabled in your browser.
    Inspirational Video #6: Rocky Balboa’s Speech to His Son
    Perfect for: When you’re not taking responsibility for your life or situation.
    Quote: “If you know what you’re worth, then go out and get what you’re
    worth. But ya gotta be willing to take the hits, and not pointing
    fingers saying you ain’t where you wanna be because of him, or her, or
    In this inspirational video, Rocky hands out a hefty dose of tough love to his son.
    Nyd de videoer og den musik, du holder af, upload originalt indhold, og del det hele med venner, familie og verden på YouTube.

    message is clear: We must stop blaming other people or things for our
    life situation. Instead, each and every one of us must take
    responsibility for our lives.
    The speech ends by saying, “Until you start believing in yourself, you ain’t gonna have a life.”
    JackBauer137” target=”_blank”>Try watching this video on, or enable JavaScript if it is disabled in your browser.
    Inspirational Video #7: Damian Aspinall is Reunited with Kwibi the Gorilla
    Perfect for: Remembering the deep connection that we share with all living creatures on this planet.
    Key Takeaway: Animals have just as many emotions and feelings as humans.
    Kwibi the gorilla was raised by Damian Aspinall in England.
    When he was five years old, Kwibi was released to live in the wilds of Africa. Five years later Aspinall went to visit Kwibi.
    This is the dramatic and uplifting story of their reunion.

    Gorilla Reunion: Damian Aspinall’s Extraordinary Gorilla Encounter on Gorilla School” target=”_blank”>Try watching this video on, or enable JavaScript if it is disabled in your browser.
    Inspirational Video #8: The Death Crawl Scene from Facing the Giants
    Perfect for: Reminding you that you’re more capable than you think you are.
    Key Quote: “Don’t quit ‘til you’ve got nothing left.”
    key to this inspirational video is the blindfold that the coach places
    over the player’s eyes. It stops the player from quitting when he’s
    reached what he thinks he’s capable of.
    The blindfold frees him from his self-imposed limitations and allows him to reach his full potential.
    The lesson: We’re far more capable than we think we are.
    This video has been removed for violating YouTube’s Terms of Service
    Unable to execute JavaScript.
    Inspirational Video #9: Kid Gives Speech After Learning to Ride a Bike
    Perfect for: When you feel like you’re not getting anywhere and want to give up.
    Quote: “Everybody, I know you can believe in yourself. If you believe
    in yourself, you will know how to ride a bike. If you don’t, you just
    keep practicing. You will get the hang of it, I know it!”
    This six-year-old has a simple, but profound message: Believe in yourself and the power of practice.
    words of wisdom have struck a chord with people online – not only did
    this inspirational video go viral, it’s also been made into dozens of
    autotune remixes.
    “Thumbs up everybody – for rock and roll!”

    Kid Gives Speech After Learning To Ride A Bike (Original)” target=”_blank”>Try watching this video on, or enable JavaScript if it is disabled in your browser.
    Inspirational Video #10: The One Thing Only 1% of People Do
    Perfect for: Anyone who has bad habits, procrastinates, or wants to change their life for the better.
    Key Quote: “You cannot win the war against the world if you cannot win the war against your own mind.”
    In this inspiration video, entertainer Will Smith and accelerated learning coach Jim Kwik share their wisdom.
    The upshot: “The road to sustained happiness is through disciplining your behavior.”
    This video is private
    Unable to execute JavaScript.
    Inspirational Video #11: Jim Carrey’s 2014 Commencement Address
    Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube.


    Perfect for: Learning to live a life of abundance.
    Quote: “You will only ever have two choices. Love or fear. Choose love
    and don’t ever let fear turn you against your playful heart.”
    In this inspirational video, Jim Carrey shares the lessons he’s learned throughout life.
    packed with words of wisdom, such as, “You can fail at what you don’t
    want. So you might as well take a chance on doing what you love.”
    Maharishi International University
    45.8K subscribers
    Jim Carrey at MIU: Commencement Address at the 2014 Graduation (EN, FR, ES, RU, GR,…)” target=”_blank”>Try watching this video on, or enable JavaScript if it is disabled in your browser.
    Inspirational Video #12: Olympian Derek Redmond Finishes the Race
    Perfect for: Understanding that the journey matters more than the destination.
    Key Takeaway: Finish what you start.
    the Barcelona Olympics in 1992, Derek Redmond was favored to win the
    400-meter sprint, but tragedy struck 150 meters into the race.
    Instead of quitting, Derek continued.

    Powerful Inspirational true story…Never give up!” target=”_blank”>Try watching this video on, or enable JavaScript if it is disabled in your browser.
    Inspirational Video #13: Neil Gaiman’s 2012 Commencement Speech at the University of the Arts
    Perfect for: Anyone who wants a career as an artist, creator, or entrepreneur.
    Key Quote: “And when things get tough, this is what you should do: Make good art.”
    This inspirational video of Neil Gaiman’s commencement speech is packed with wisdom for budding artists and creatives.
    also explains how people manage to maintain freelancing work: “Their
    work is good, they’re easy to get along with, and they deliver the work
    on time – and you don’t even need all three. Two out of three is fine!”

    Neil Gaiman - Inspirational Commencement Speech at the University of the Arts 2012” target=”_blank”>Try watching this video on, or enable JavaScript if it is disabled in your browser.
    Inspirational Video #14: Success is a Continuous Journey by Richard St. John
    Perfect for: When you need a reminder to not become complacent.
    Key Quote: “Success isn’t a one-way street… it’s a continuous journey.”
    Once you’ve achieved something, it’s easy to sit back, relax, and stop doing the very things that got you there.
    This inspirational video is a reminder that success isn’t a destination, but a process.” target=”_blank”>Try watching this video on, or enable JavaScript if it is disabled in your browser.
    Inspirational Video #15: Everyday
    Perfect for: Anyone unhappy or unsatisfied with their day-to-day life.
    Key Quote: “Life is 10% what happens to you, it’s 90% what you do about it.”
    This inspirational video is 15 minutes of quotes, clips, and music that will help you to awaken your higher self.
    It addresses the fact that how we approach every day shapes our circumstances and the effect we have on the world.
    “What you do every day is far more important than what you do once every decade.”

    EVERYDAY The Most Inspirational Video You’ll Ever See! YouTube” target=”_blank”>Try watching this video on, or enable JavaScript if it is disabled in your browser.
    Inspirational Video #16: Finding Your Meaning of Life
    Perfect for: Anyone searching for more meaning and purpose in their life.
    Quote: “If you don’t know why you’re here, I encourage you to find out
    what your purpose is here – what is the meaning of your life. Because
    once you find that, it puts you in your power place.”
    inspirational video features words by motivational speaker and author
    Les Brown. It’s a call to find true purpose and meaning in your life –
    before it’s too late.
    Because as Brown says, “Most people, they go to their graves with their greatness still in them.”

    Finding Your Meaning of Life - Inspirational Video” target=”_blank”>Try watching this video on, or enable JavaScript if it is disabled in your browser.
    Inspirational Video #17: Balance
    Perfect for: Anyone who spends lots of time online or consuming news and media.
    Key Quote: “People have to understand: Are you using your device, or is your device using you?”
    This next inspirational video features different quotes addressing the unhealthy aspects of the internet and the media.
    It also touches on society’s view of so-called “success”:
    well-trodden path is the scariest way… because then you just spent the
    last 80 years of your life doing everything that everybody else told you
    to do and you’ve never really lived, or produced anything unique.”
    This video is private
    Unable to execute JavaScript.
    Inspirational Video #18: Christian the Lion Reunion
    Perfect for: Seeing the bond that humans and animals share.
    Key Takeaway: Animals are just like us.
    In 1969, John Rendall and Ace Berg saw a lion cub, “cramped and lonely, in a small cage.”
    adopted him and raised the cub in their small apartment. Once Christian
    grew too big, they released him to live wild in Africa.
    A year later, they went to visit.
    You might want to grab the tissues.

    Christian the Lion Reunion As Seen on CNN” target=”_blank”>Try watching this video on, or enable JavaScript if it is disabled in your browser.
    Inspirational Video #19: Dream – a Compilation
    Perfect for: Anyone with a dream who is doubting themselves.
    Quote: “Greatness is not this wonderful esoteric, elusive god-like
    feature that only the special among us will ever taste. It’s something
    that truly exists in all of us.”
    inspirational video reminds us that we all have so much potential –
    that we must face adversity if we are to improve our lives for the
    It features
    quotes from Les Brown, Eric Thomas, and Will Smith, as well as clips
    from popular films like Rocky, The Pursuit of Happiness, and Into the
    Mateusz M” target=”_blank”>Try watching this video on, or enable JavaScript if it is disabled in your browser.
    Inspirational Video #20: The Story of Your Life
    Perfect for: Anyone trying to make a positive change when surrounded by negative people.
    Key Quote: “Choose the people that you surround yourself with wisely. That can make all the difference in your life.”
    This inspirational video tells the story of a small boy who asked his father what is the value of his life.
    Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube.


    It shows us how people value things differently – us included.
    The takeaway is simple: Surround yourself with people who value and appreciate you.
    Video unavailable
    This video is unavailable

    Quote: “If you wait until you can do everything for everybody, instead
    of something for somebody, you’ll end up doing nothing for nobody.”
    inspirational video was created with the sole intention of inspiring
    viewers. It features clips of people doing remarkable things, powerful
    music, and quotes from motivational speaker Les Brown and entertainer
    Jim Carrey.
    5.7K subscribers
    Be The Change - Inspirational Video” target=”_blank”>Try watching this video on, or enable JavaScript if it is disabled in your browser.
    Inspirational Video #22: The Social Revolution
    Perfect for: Remembering to seize every moment and create the life of your dreams.
    Key Quote: “Your memories are your life.”
    This stirring speech given by Memorize founder Antoine Cartier-Wells reminds us of the power of the human mind and spirit.
    dramatic music with video footage from filmmaker Devin Graham, the
    video was actually made to promote the game Remember Me.
    This inspirational video is a call to realize our full potential.
    devinsupertramp” target=”_blank”>Try watching this video on, or enable JavaScript if it is disabled in your browser.
    Inspirational Video #23: The Teacher Who Changed My Life by Dan Lock
    Perfect for: Reminding us that every interaction we have with another person can have far-reaching consequences – good or bad.
    Key Quote: “Understand the impact that you can have on somebody [with] one gesture, one encouragement, [or] one story.”
    this inspirational video, entrepreneur and author Dan Lock shares a
    story about how one teacher believing in him, made him believe in
    It’s a stark reminder of how we all have the power to help one another in immeasurable ways, through the smallest actions.
    Goalcast” target=”_blank”>Try watching this video on, or enable JavaScript if it is disabled in your browser.
    the power of these inspirational videos lies not in the videos
    themselves, but in their ability to remind you of what you already know.
    Here’s a quick summary of some of the key takeaways:
    • Take responsibility for your life situation.
    • Most limitations in life are self-imposed.
    • You are more capable than you think you are.
    • You must believe in yourself.
    • Follow your heart and intuition.
    • Sustained happiness is a result of discipline.
    • Success isn’t a destination, but a continuous journey.
    • All living things are connected.
    • Choose the people that you surround yourself with wisely.
    • Ignore the haters.
    • Do what you can’t.
    • Our entire lives are made up of this single present moment.
    • If you have a dream, protect it.
    • Don’t wait to make a change, start now.
    • “Thumbs up for rock n’ roll!”
    J in I
    Nyd de videoer og den musik, du holder af, upload originalt indhold, og del det hele med venner, familie og verden på YouTube.

    sky of India is full of kings, among them Chhatrapati Shahuji Maharaj
    is a sage i.e. Rajarshi among the kings. He is the father of reservation
    in India. Babasaheb called him ‘the pillar of social democracy’ in
    India !! Greetings to all the countrymen on the birth anniversary of
    such a popular Maharaj! Jai Bheem !!!
    का आकाश राजाओं से भरा है उनमें छत्रपति साहूजी महाराज राजाओं में ऋषि
    अर्थात् राजर्षि हैं ! वह भारत में reservation के जनक हैं ! बाबा साहब ने
    उन्हें भारत में ‘सामाजिक लोकतंत्र के आधार स्तम्भ‘ कहा !! ऐसे लोकप्रिय
    महाराज की जयंती पर सभी देशवासियों को शुभकामनाएँ ! जय भीम !!!

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    LESSON 4476 Mon 27 Jun  2022

    Daily Wisdom

    Theravada Portal
    Random Wisdom Quotes Search
    By Maxime Lagacé maxime lagace
    is the founder and chief editor of WisdomQuotes. He has been writing
    and collecting quotes since 2004. He’s also into personal development
    and productivity. Most of all, he’s dedicated to help you live a simpler
    and more peaceful life. Learn more about him on his about page.
    are 150 of the best Buddha quotes I could find. Hope you’ll find
    inspiration, peace and wisdom with these beautiful words. Note that
    you’ll also discover quotes about Buddha and Buddhism. Enjoy!
    buddha quotes work out your own salvation not depend others wisdom
    Work out your own salvation. Do not depend on others. Buddha
    buddha quotes there fear for one whose mind not filled with desires wisdom
    There is no fear for one whose mind is not filled with desires. Buddha
    buddha quotes anything worth doing with your hearth wisdom
    If anything is worth doing, do it with all your heart. Buddha
    quotes a man is not called wise because he talks and talks again but if
    he is peaceful loving and fearless then he is in truth called wise
    wisdom quotes
    man is not called wise because he talks and talks again; but if he is
    peaceful, loving and fearless then he is in truth called wise. Buddha
    buddha quotes not look for sanctuary anyone except your self wisdom
    Do not look for a sanctuary in anyone except your self. Buddha
    buddha quotes no one saves us but ourselves can may ourselves must walk the path wisdom
    No one saves us but ourselves. No one can and no one may. We ourselves must walk the path. Buddha
    buddha quotes live pure unselfish life one must count nothing ones own the midst abundance wisdom
    To live a pure unselfish life, one must count nothing as one’s own in the midst of abundance. Buddha
    buddha quotes all that we are is the result of what we have thought wisdom quotes
    All that we are is the result of what we have thought. Buddha
    buddha quotes fail look after others when they need help who will look after us wisdom
    If we fail to look after others when they need help, who will look after us? Buddha
    buddha quotes one who acts truth happy this world beyond wisdom
    One who acts on truth is happy in this world and beyond. Buddha
    buddha quotes wear your ego like loose fitting garment buddha wisdom man woman couple beach sea sitting
    Wear your ego like a loose fitting garment. Buddha
    buddha quotes what you are have been will be now wisdom computer home office
    What you are is what you have been. What you’ll be is what you do now. Buddha
    buddha quotes when watching after yourself you watch others yourself wisdom water kayak friend
    When watching after yourself, you watch after others. When watching after others, you watch after yourself. Buddha
    buddha quotes there nothing disobedient undisciplined mind obedient disciplined wisdom man computer home office
    There is nothing so disobedient as an undisciplined mind, and there is nothing so obedient as a disciplined mind. Buddha
    buddha quotes give even you only have little buddha wisdom couple man woman walking nature forest
    Give, even if you only have a little. Buddha
    Related topics and authors: Zen, Rumi, gratitude
    Real name: Gautama Buddha
    Other names include: Siddhārtha Gautama, Siddhattha Gotama, Shakyamuni
    You can find more information on Wikipedia
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    buddha quotes greatest gift give people enlightenment share wisdom woman water
    The greatest gift is to give people your enlightenment, to share it. It has to be the greatest.
    He who loves 50 people has 50 woes; he who loves no one has no woes.
    Even death is not to be feared by one who has lived wisely.
    the angry man with love. Silence the ill-natured man with kindness.
    Silence the miser with generosity. Silence the liar with truth.
    Irrigators channel waters; fletchers straighten arrows; carpenters bend wood; the wise master themselves.
    Drop by drop is the water pot filled. Likewise, the wise man, gathering it little by little, fills himself with good.
    Even as a solid rock is unshaken by the wind, so are the wise unshaken by praise or blame. Click to tweet
    If you knew what I know about the power of giving, you would not let a single meal pass without sharing it in some way.
    The root of suffering is attachment.
    buddha quotes you find one support the spiritual path walk alone wisdom
    If you find no one to support you on the spiritual path, walk alone.
    People with opinions just go around bothering each other.
    You yourself must strive. The Buddhas only point the way.
    Nothing can harm you as much as your own thoughts unguarded.
    Better than a thousand hollow words, is one word that brings peace.
    Understanding is the heartwood of well-spoken words.
    Ambition is like love, impatient both of delays and rivals.
    Meditate… do not delay, lest you later regret it.
    Ceasing to do evil, cultivating the good, purifying the heart: this is the teaching of the Buddhas.
    Delight in meditation and solitude. Compose yourself, be happy. You are a seeker.
    Ardently do today what must be done. Who knows? Tomorrow, death comes.
    You, yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe, deserve your love and affection.
    If you propose to speak always ask yourself, is it true, is it necessary, is it kind.
    Related: The Heart of the Buddha’s Teaching (Amazon book)
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    buddha quotes stop do not speak ultimate truth even think wisdom silhouette
    Stop, stop. Do not speak. The ultimate truth is not even to think. Click to tweet
    as the great ocean has one taste, the taste of salt, so also this
    teaching and discipline has one taste, the taste of liberation.
    one in whom no longer exist the craving and thirst that perpetuate
    becoming; how could you track that Awakened one, trackless, and of
    limitless range.
    We are what we think. All that we are arises with our thoughts. With our thoughts, we make the world.
    Endurance is one of the most difficult disciplines, but it is to the one who endures that the final victory comes.
    is the night to him who is awake; long is a mile to him who is tired;
    long is life to the foolish who do not know the true law.
    Whatever precious jewel there is in the heavenly worlds, there is nothing comparable to one who is Awakened.
    Our life is shaped by our mind; we become what we think. Joy follows a pure thought like a shadow that never leaves.
    a fine flower, beautiful to look at but without scent, fine words are
    fruitless in a man who does not act in accordance with them.
    theories of the eternal are as valuable as are those which a chick
    which has not broken its way through its shell might form of the outside
    An idea that is developed and put into action is more important than an idea that exists only as an idea.
    However many holy words you read, however many you speak, what good will they do you if you do not act on upon them?
    Chaos is inherent in all compounded things. Strive on with diligence.
    Want to get the Wisdom Quotes collection?
    You can buy it today by clicking below.
    Get The Quotes Collection
    short Buddha quotes, thoughts, sayings and captions for your bio,
    social status, self-talk, motto, mantra, signs, posters, wallpapers,
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    buddha quotes attachment leads suffering wisdom man laying grass
    Attachment leads to suffering. Click to tweet
    May all beings have happy minds.
    Born out of concern for all beings.
    I am the miracle.
    A jug fills drop by drop.
    Every human being is the author of his own health or disease.
    The tongue like a sharp knife… Kills without drawing blood.
    The way is not in the sky. The way is in the heart.
    Want to become more peaceful?
    It’s simple: Get our daily quotes by email today!
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    fake buddha quotes mind everything what you think become wisdom woman silhouette
    The mind is everything. What you think you become.
    Peace comes from within. Do not seek it without.
    You can only lose what you cling to.
    As rain falls equally on the just and the unjust, do not burden your heart with judgments but rain your kindness equally on all.
    I never see what has been done; I only see what remains to be done.
    As you walk and eat and travel, be where you are. Otherwise you will miss most of your life.
    The only real failure in life is not to be true to the best one knows.
    man asked Gautama Buddha, “I want happiness.” Buddha said, “First
    remove “I,” that’s Ego, then remove “want,” that’s Desire. See now, you
    are left with only “Happiness”.
    A family is a place where minds come in contact with one another.
    nothing, no matter where you read it, or who said it, no matter if I
    have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common
    If your compassion does not include yourself, it is incomplete.
    the end, only three things matter: how much you loved, how gently you
    lived, and how gracefully you let go of things not meant for you.
    The foot feels the foot when it feels the ground.
    A dog is not considered a good dog because he is a good barker. A man is not considered a good man because he is a good talker.
    If we destroy something around us we destroy ourselves. If we cheat another, we cheat ourselves.
    Every experience, no matter how bad it seems, holds within it a blessing of some kind. The goal is to find it.
    fake buddha quotes doubt everything find your own light wisdom woman sitting
    Doubt everything. Find your own light.
    A generous heart, kind speech, and a life of service and compassion are the things which renew humanity.
    Just as a snake sheds its skin, we must shed our past over and over again.
    When you realize how perfect everything is you will tilt your head back and laugh at the sky.
    Meditate. Live purely. Be quiet. Do your work with mastery. Like the moon, come out from behind the clouds! Shine.
    My doctrine is not a doctrine but just a vision. I have not given you any set rules, I have not given you a system.
    the sky, there is no distinction of east and west; people create
    distinctions out of their own minds and then believe them to be true.
    Holding on to anger is like grasping a hot coal with the intent of throwing it at someone else; you are the one who gets burned.
    What you think you create, what you feel you attract, what you imagine you become.
    Your work is to discover your world and then with all your heart give yourself to it.
    There has to be evil so that good can prove its purity above it.
    When you like a flower, you just pluck it. But when you love a flower, you water it daily.
    It is better to travel well than to arrive.
    is better to conquer yourself than to win a thousand battles. Then the
    victory is yours. It cannot be taken from you, not by angels or by
    demons, heaven or hell.
    If you truly loved yourself, you could never hurt another.
    Every morning we are born again. What we do today is what matters most.
    Life is so very hard. How can we be anything but kind?
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    buddha quotes should seeker find companion better equal let them resolutely pursue solitary course wisdom
    Should a seeker not find a companion who is better or equal, let them resolutely pursue a solitary course.
    One moment can change a day, one day can change a life and one life can change the world.
    She who knows life flows, feels no wear or tear, needs no mending or repair.
    Live every act fully, as if it were your last. Click to tweet
    Virtue is persecuted more by the wicked than it is loved by the good.
    Nothing ever exists entirely alone; everything is in relation to everything else.
    Purity or impurity depends on oneself. No one can purify another.
    To support mother and father, to cherish wife and child and to have a simple livelihood; this is the good luck.
    insincere and evil friend is more to be feared than a wild beast; a
    wild beast may wound your body, but an evil friend will wound your mind.
    Whatever words we utter should be chosen with care for people will hear them and be influenced by them for good or ill.
    To be idle is a short road to death and to be diligent is a way of life; foolish people are idle, wise people are diligent.
    If we could see the miracle of a single flower clearly, our whole life would change.
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    buddha quotes true love born from understanding wisdom woman water
    True love is born from understanding.
    Love is a gift of one’s inner most soul to another so both can be whole.
    Let all-embracing thoughts for all beings be yours.
    will develop and cultivate the liberation of mind by lovingkindness,
    make it our vehicle, make it our basis, stabilize it, exercise ourselves
    in it, and fully perfect it.
    Hatred does not cease through hatred at any time. Hatred ceases through love. This is an unalterable law.
    Kindness should become the natural way of life, not the exception.
    Speak only endearing speech, speech that is welcomed. Speech, when it brings no evil to others, is a pleasant thing.
    Radiate boundless love towards the entire world.
    Related: positive quotes
    One is not called noble who harms living beings. By not harming living beings one is called noble.
    Being deeply learned and skilled, being well trained and using well spoken words: this is good luck.
    Just as a mother would protect her only child with her life, even so let one cultivate a boundless love towards all beings.
    In whom there is no sympathy for living beings: know him as an outcast.
    us rise up and be thankful, for if we didn’t learn a lot today, at
    least we learned a little, and if we didn’t learn a little, at least we
    didn’t get sick, and if we got sick, at least we didn’t die; so, let us
    all be thankful.
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    buddha quotes able who thinks wisdom water nature
    He is able who thinks he is able. Click to tweet
    It is a man’s own mind, not his enemy or foe, that lures him to evil ways.
    Delight in heedfulness! Guard well your thoughts!
    is based on mind, is led by mind, is fashioned by mind. If you speak
    and act with a polluted mind, suffering will follow you, as the wheels
    of the oxcart follow the footsteps of the ox.
    mind unruffled by the vagaries of fortune, from sorrow freed, from
    defilements cleansed, from fear liberated — this is the greatest
    from the rivers in clefts and in crevices: those in small channels flow
    noisily, the great flow silent. Whatever’s not full makes noise.
    Whatever is full is quiet.
    You are a seeker. Delight in the mastery of your hands and your feet, of your words and your thoughts.
    them, floundering in their sense of mine, like fish in the puddles of a
    dried-up stream — and, seeing this, live with no mine, not forming
    attachment for states of becoming.
    ‘As I am, so are these. As are these, so am I.’ Drawing the parallel to yourself, neither kill nor get others to kill.
    All experiences are preceded by mind, having mind as their master, created by mind.
    enjoy good health, to bring true happiness to one’s family, to bring
    peace to all, one must first discipline and control one’s own mind. If a
    man can control his mind he can find the way to Enlightenment, and all
    wisdom and virtue will naturally come to him.
    All wrong-doing arises because of mind. If mind is transformed can wrong-doing remain?
    we are today comes from our thoughts of yesterday, and our present
    thoughts build our life of tomorrow: Our life is the creation of our
    The one who has conquered himself is a far greater hero than he who has defeated a thousand times a thousand men.
    intelligence rises when the intellectual mind reaches its limit and if
    things are to be realized in their true and essential nature, its
    processes of thinking must be transcended by an appeal to some higher
    faculty of cognition.
    I will not look at another’s bowl intent on finding fault: a training to be observed.
    external world is only a manifestation of the activities of the mind
    itself, and the mind grasps it as an external world simply because of
    its habit of discrimination and false-reasoning. The disciple must get
    into the habit of looking at things truthfully.
    Mind precedes all mental states. Mind is their chief; they are all mind-wrought.
    If with a pure mind a person speaks or acts happiness follows him like his never-departing shadow.
    Related: Buddha’s Brain: The Practical Neuroscience of Happiness, Love, and Wisdom (Amazon book)
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    buddha quotes there path happiness buddha wisdom beach
    There is no path to happiness: happiness is the path. Click to tweet
    Happiness comes when your work and words are of benefit to yourself and others.
    enlightened one, intent on jhana, should find delight in the forest,
    should practice jhana at the foot of a tree, attaining his own
    of candles can be lighted from a single candle, and the life of the
    candle will not be shortened. Happiness never decreases by being shared.
    It is in the nature of things that joy arises in a person free from remorse.
    Set your heart on doing good. Do it over and over again, and you will be filled with joy.
    not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind
    on the present moment. (See also: 10 Tips to Start Living in the
    Should a person do good, let him do it again and again. Let him find pleasure therein, for blissful is the accumulation of good.
    are formed and molded by our thoughts. Those whose minds are shaped by
    selfless thoughts give joy when they speak or act. Joy follows them like
    a shadow that never leaves them.
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    Just as a candle cannot burn without fire, men cannot live without a spiritual life. Click to tweet
    Looking deeply at life as it is in this very moment, the meditator dwells in stability and freedom.
    brings wisdom; lack of meditation leaves ignorance. Know well what
    leads you forward and what hold you back, and choose the path that leads
    to wisdom.
    Whatever a monk keeps pursuing with his thinking and pondering, that becomes the inclination of his awareness.
    Related topic: introvertion
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    Resolutely train yourself to attain peace. Click to tweet
    the sage who’s fully quenched rests at ease in every way; no sense
    desire adheres to him whose fires have cooled, deprived of fuel. All
    attachments have been severed, the heart’s been led away from pain;
    tranquil, he rests with utmost ease. The mind has found its way to
    He who
    sits alone, sleeps alone, and walks alone, who is strenuous and subdues
    himself alone, will find delight in the solitude of the forest.
    Do not turn away what is given you, nor reach out for what is given to others, lest you disturb your quietness.
    Those who are free of resentful thoughts surely find peace.
    Related topic: letting go
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    The fool who knows he is a fool is that much wiser. Click to tweet
    Whatever has the nature of arising has the nature of ceasing.
    Unity can only be manifested by the Binary. Unity itself and the idea of Unity are already two.
    is the appropriate behavior for a man or a woman in the midst of this
    world, where each person is clinging to his piece of debris? What’s the
    proper salutation between people as they pass each other in this flood?
    none find fault with others; let none see the omissions and commissions
    of others. But let one see one’s own acts, done and undone.
    The true master lives in truth, in goodness and restraint, non-violence, moderation, and purity.
    in neither word nor deed. Eat with moderation. Live in your heart. Seek
    the highest consciousness. Master yourself according to the law. This
    is the simple teaching of the awakened.
    is like the harp string, if it is strung too tight it won’t play, if it
    is too loose it hangs, the tension that produces the beautiful sound
    lies in the middle.
    not believe in anything simply because you have heard it. Do not
    believe in anything simply because it is spoken and rumored by many. Do
    not believe in anything simply because it is found written in your
    religious books. Do not believe in anything merely on the authority of
    your teachers and elders. Do not believe in traditions because they have
    been handed down for many generations. But after observation and
    analysis, when you find that anything agrees with reason and is
    conducive to the good and benefit of one and all, then accept it and
    live up to it.
    as treasures are uncovered from the earth, so virtue appears from good
    deeds, and wisdom appears from a pure and peaceful mind. To walk safely
    through the maze of human life, one needs the light of wisdom and the
    guidance of virtue.
    The wise ones fashioned speech with their thought, sifting it as grain is sifted through a sieve.
    The virtues, like the Muses, are always seen in groups. A good principle was never found solitary in any breast.
    With gentleness overcome anger. With generosity overcome meanness. With truth overcome deceit.
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    who has set out in the vehicle of a Bodhisattva should decide that ‘I
    must lead all the beings to nirvana, into that realm of nirvana which
    leaves nothing behind’. What is this realm of nirvana which leaves
    nothing behind ?
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    Nothing is forever except change. Click to tweet
    There is no fire like passion, there is no shark like hatred, there is no snare like folly, there is no torrent like greed.
    Both formerly and now, it is only suffering that I describe, and the cessation of suffering.
    who can curb his wrath as soon as it arises, as a timely antidote will
    check snake’s venom that so quickly spreads, — such a monk gives up the
    here and the beyond, just as a serpent sheds its worn-out skin.
    May all that have life be delivered from suffering.
    is easy to see the faults of others, but difficult to see one’s own
    faults. One shows the faults of others like chaff winnowed in the wind,
    but one conceals one’s own faults as a cunning gambler conceals his
    See also: inspirational quotes for men (
    See also: 6 Ways to Decrease Your Suffering (
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    Those attached to the notion ‘I am’ and to views roam the world offending people. Click to tweet
    is nothing more dreadful than the habit of doubt. Doubt separates
    people. It is a poison that disintegrates friendships and breaks up
    pleasant relations. It is a thorn that irritates and hurts; it is a
    sword that kills.
    driven on by thirst, run about like a snared hare; let therefore
    mendicant drive out thirst, by striving after passionlessness for
    one has the feeling of dislike for evil, when one feels tranquil, one
    finds pleasure in listening to good teachings; when one has these
    feelings and appreciates them, one is free of fear.
    The instant we feel anger we have already ceased striving for the truth, and have begun striving for ourselves.
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    You will not be punished for your anger, you will be punished by your anger. Click to tweet
    Some do not understand that we must die, but those who do realize this settle their quarrels.
    All tremble at violence; all fear death. Putting oneself in the place of another, one should not kill nor cause another to kill.
    will never disappear so long as thoughts of resentment are cherished in
    the mind. Anger will disappear just as soon as thoughts of resentment
    are forgotten.
    I do not dispute with the world; rather it is the world that disputes with me.
    blame those who remain silent, they blame those who speak much, they
    blame those who speak in moderation. There is none in the world who is
    not blamed.
    Those who cling to perceptions and views wander the world offending people.
    Whoever doesn’t flare up at someone who’s angry wins a battle hard to win.
    Do not overrate what you have received, nor envy others. He who envies others does not obtain peace of mind.
    See also: How to Handle Resentment Against Someone (
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    Neither fire nor wind, birth nor death can erase our good deeds. Click to tweet
    Should you find a wise critic to point out your faults, follow him as you would a guide to hidden treasure.
    As an elephant in the battlefield withstands arrows shot from bows all around, even so shall I endure abuse.
    and blame, gain and loss, pleasure and sorrow come and go like the
    wind. To be happy, rest like a giant tree in the midst of them all.
    In separateness lies the world’s greatest misery; in compassion lies the world’s true strength.
    Be a lamp for yourselves. Be your own refuge. Seek for no other. All things must pass. Strive on diligently. Don’t give up.
    it is to live one day seeing the rise and fall of things than to live a
    hundred years without ever seeing the rise and fall of things.
    If you do not change direction, you may end up where you are heading.
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    Health is the greatest gift, contentment the greatest wealth, faithfulness the best relationship. Buddha
    To keep the body in good health is a duty… otherwise we shall not be able to keep our mind strong and clear.
    Without health life is not life; it is only a state of languor and suffering – an image of death.
    secret of health for both mind and body is not to mourn for the past,
    not to worry about the future, not to anticipate the future, but to live
    the present moment wisely and earnestly.
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    Those who have failed to work toward the truth have missed the purpose of living.
    this triple truth to all: A generous heart, kind speech, and a life of
    service and compassion are the things which renew humanity.
    There are two mistakes one can make along the road to truth…not going all the way, and not starting.
    calmed say that what is well-spoken is best; second, that one should
    say what is right, not unrighteous; third, what’s pleasing, not
    displeasing; fourth, what is true, not false.
    the angry one by not getting angry; conquer the wicked by goodness;
    conquer the stingy by generosity, and the liar by speaking the truth.
    Three things cannot be long hidden: the sun, the moon, and the truth.
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    To follow Buddha is to not follow Buddha. Sven Schnieders
    And the Buddha is the person who’s free: free of plans, free of cares. Bodhidharma
    If you use your mind to look for a Buddha, you won’t see the Buddha. Bodhidharma Click to tweet
    Buddha means awareness, the awareness of body and mind that prevents evil from arising in either. Bodhidharma
    Buddhas move freely through birth and death, appearing and disappearing at will. Bodhidharma
    But deluded people don’t realize that their own mind is the Buddha. They keep searching outside. Bodhidharma
    To find a Buddha all you have to do is see your nature. Bodhidharma (
    one can force us to transform our minds, not even Buddha. We must do so
    voluntarily. Therefore Buddha stated, ‘You are your own master’. Dalai
    Every man is at war with himself, except a Buddha. Naval Ravikant
    The color of the mountains is Buddha’s body; the sound of running water is his great speech. Dogen
    The Buddha and all sentient beings are nothing but expressions of the one mind. There is nothing else. Huang Po
    awaken suddenly to the fact that your own Mind is the Buddha, that
    there is nothing to be attained or a single action to be performed. This
    is the Supreme Way. Huang Po
    The words of the Buddha offer this truth: Hatred never ceases by hatred but by love alone is healed. Jack Kornfield
    Respect Buddha and the gods without counting on their help. Miyamoto Musashi
    the buddha does not want anyone to follow him. Even the greatest
    masters cannot give you a single commandment. They see you so uniquely
    you, they see your freedom to be so uniquely for you. Osho
    two small things: meditation and let-go. Remember these two key words:
    meditation and surrender. Meditation will take you in, and surrender
    will take you into the whole. And this is the whole of religion. Within
    these two words Buddha has condensed the whole essence of religion. Osho
    is no need for God! If you want to meditate you can meditate without
    God. Buddha meditated without God; he had no belief in God. Osho
    A Buddha is a Buddha, a Krishna is a Krishna, and you are you. Osho
    taught virtue, mindfulness, and wisdom. These are the three pillars of
    Buddhist practice, as well as the wellsprings of everyday well-being,
    psychological growth, and spiritual realization. Rick Hanson
    If you cannot bow to Buddha, you cannot be a Buddha. It is arrogance. Shunryu Suzuki (
    says there are two kinds of suffering: the kind that leads to more
    suffering and the kind that brings an end to suffering. Terry Tempest
    teachings of the Buddha tells you clearly and plainly to make this the
    most magnificent and wonderful moment of your life. You can train
    yourself to be free from worries and preoccupations about the past and
    the future. Thich Nhat Hanh
    need to have confidence that you have the capacity to become a Buddha,
    the capacity of transformation and healing. Thich Nhat Hanh
    of the deepest teachings given by the Buddha is that we should not be
    too sure of our own ideas. Don’t be fooled by your perceptions. Even if
    you are sure you were seeing clearly, check again. Keep an open mind. Be
    ready to let go of your views. Thich Nhat Hanh (
    As long as you look for a Buddha somewhere else, you’ll never see that your own mind is the Buddha. Bodhidharma
    A Buddha is someone who finds freedom in good fortune and bad. Bodhidharma
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    Man suffers only because he takes seriously what the gods made for fun. Alan Watts Click to tweet
    only thing that is ultimately real about your journey is the step that
    you are taking at this moment. That’s all there ever is. Alan Watts
    Everything in moderation, including moderation. Buddhist saying
    to let go should be learned before learning to get. Life should be
    touched, not strangled. You’ve got to relax, let it happen at times, and
    at others move forward with it. Ray Bradbury
    if things don’t unfold the way you expected, don’t be disheartened or
    give up. One who continues to advance will win in the end. Daisaku Ikeda
    If we learn to open our hearts, anyone, including the people who drive us crazy, can be our teacher. Pema Chödrön
    Awareness is the greatest agent for change. Huang Po Click to tweet
    We are not going in circles, we are going upwards. The path is a spiral; we have already climbed many steps. Hermann Hesse
    secret of Buddhism is to remove all ideas, all concepts, in order for
    the truth to have a chance to penetrate, to reveal itself. Thich Nhat
    If you want to change the world, start with the next person who comes to you in need. Maezumi Roshi
    We are here to awaken from our illusion of separateness. Martin Luther King Jr
    When you do something, you should burn yourself up completely, like a good bonfire, leaving no trace of yourself. Eckhart Tolle
    Wherever you are, be there totally. Eckhart Tolle
    Only the hand that erases can write the true thing. Meister Eckhart
    Treat every moment as your last. It is not preparation for something else. Shunryu Suzuki
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    whole secret of existence is to have no fear. Never fear what will
    become of you, depend on no one. Only the moment you reject all help are
    you freed. Buddha
    Let’s recap:
    Buddha’s most important message? Life is suffering, but there’s also a way out.
    The root of suffering? Attachments (to things, thoughts, people, ideas, etc.).
    What leads to inner peace?
    Understanding your mind, desires, thoughts
    Not depending on others
    Living a life of freedom is possible if you stop seeking validation from others.
    Watch your thoughts and your words. They will become a reality.
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    17 Buddha Quotes For A Better Life
    Call to action: Watch Eastern Philosophies – Buddha (6-minute YouTube video by The School of Life)
    or read Deep Quotes That Will Make You Think
    or Inner Peace Quotes To Be Cool, Calm And Collected
    Hope you enjoyed these beautiful Buddha quotes and Buddhism quotes.
    If you did enjoy the quotes, please share them with a friend today!
    Did you know about Buddha before? What was your favorite quote? Please let us know in the comment section below!
    Part 1
    Top 15 Images
    Best Quotes
    Part 2
    Buddha Quotes That ARE
    Part 3
    Buddha Quotes ABOUT
    Karma, Nirvana
    Part 4
    Quotes About Buddha
    Part 5
    Buddhism Quotes
    Part 6
    maxime lagace
    Maxime Lagacé started collecting quotes in 2004 after he lost his girlfriend in a car accident.
    In search of meaning, he dived in the self-improvement world, psychology and trail running.
    Books, blogs, quotes and nature became his guide.
    He started journaling, reflecting, writing his thoughts, feelings and quotes.
    His goal was to understand his pain, his depression, his fears, his lack of motivation and inspiration.
    finished his software engineering degree in 2007 at the École de
    Technologie Supérieure de Montréal. He also studied at the Hong Kong
    Polytechnic University.
    A few years later, he started his first website to share his passion for quotes.
    Maxime is a father of two, INFJ and also loves running.
    notable interests of Maxime are health (mental and physical),
    meditation, nutrition, bananas, SEO, human potential, education,
    learning, productivity and minimalism.
    Finally, he is (very) far from being perfect.
    You can find him on Twitter, Pinterest, LinkedIn, Quora, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube.
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    Buddhist Death Traditions, Rituals & Beliefs
    30+ Inspiring Buddha Quotes on Life, Death & the Afterlife
    Updated 4/22/2022
    frame profile picture
    Cassie Barthuly, BA in English
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    some people, taking solace in their religion is an important part of
    healing. Faith can offer not only daily guidance but steps to work out
    important life questions and find comfort. Buddhist quotes, in
    particular, can strike that mix of both comfort, food for thought, and a
    mantra to help live your life.
    Jump ahead to these sections:
    Buddha Quotes on Living Fully
    Buddha Quotes on Dying Well
    Buddha Quotes on the Afterlife
    when you are looking to send the perfect words in a sympathy card or to
    provide support, it can be hard to strike the right tone. You might
    want to share them in person, or just tuck them into a card. Buddhism
    however, has multifaceted approaches to life and death. The concept of
    achieving enlightenment, of reincarnating in an afterlife… these are
    just a few of these goals that people think about when living life as a
    you’re looking for quotes that encompass all of these elements—living
    fully, and dying well, and embracing the afterlife that will greet
    you—we’ve selected some great options.
    Buddha Quotes on Living Fully
    Achieving enlightenment is one of the primary goals of a Buddhist’s existence, and can come at any point in one’s life.
    will say that it takes a long time to get there and cannot be achieved
    without sincere dedication to meditating and connecting to nature. And
    also to have patience, because the journey is part of a full life.
    “This one life has no form and is empty by nature. If you become
    attached by any form, you should reject it. If you see an ego, a soul, a
    birth, or a death, reject them all.”
    concept of no form and emptiness is central to the way Buddhists view
    life but can be really hard to embrace overall, as it runs counter to
    our conventional way of thinking. It can be hard especially when someone
    is grieving to remind them not to get attached to temporary things.
    “One clings to life although there is nothing to be called life;
    another clings to death although there is nothing to be called death. In
    reality, there is nothing to be born; consequently, there is nothing to
    It’s all about your perspective. If the world around you isn’t real, then death and loss can just be ways to interpret life.
    3. “Life is suffering.”
    always sounds like the most awful thing ever, but the application of
    this quote has more to do with the fact that no human is born without a
    capacity to suffer.
    If you consider that everyone and everything can suffer, this can be outright freeing to know and accept.
    “The thought manifests as the word; The word manifests as the deed; The
    deed develops into habit, And habit hardens into character. So watch
    the thought and its ways with care, And let it spring from love, Born
    out of compassion for all human beings. As the shadow follows the body,
    As we think, so we become.”
    The most meaningful moments in your life might start with the tiniest interactions.
    “Just as the dawn is the forerunner of the arising of the sun, so true
    friendship is the forerunner of the arising of the noble eightfold
    Friends can define your entire life. And if you’re trying to achieve enlightenment, the people you touch along the way matters.
    6. “The mind precedes all things, the mind dominates all things, the mind creates all things.”
    In Western culture, the body is often paramount. Buddha’s take removes those pressures and focuses on what really matters.
    “Thousands of candles can be lit from a single candle, and the life of
    the candle will not be shortened. Happiness never decreases by being
    If you’re worried about losing a moment of happiness, sharing it can be the best way to keep it from disappearing.
    8. “Without health, life is not life; it is only a state of languor and suffering an image of death.”
    Health doesn’t just apply to physical wellness but also to value your mental and spiritual wellbeing.
    “Silence the angry man with love. Silence the ill-natured man with
    kindness. Silence the miser with generosity. Silence the liar with
    Serving as an
    antidote to someone else’s anger, miserliness, or lies can only be
    achieved by being the best version of yourself.
    10. “To walk safely through the maze of human life, one needs the light of wisdom and the guidance of virtue.”
    Unraveling the mysteries of life and truth isn’t easy. That’s why Buddhist funerals focus on virtue and love.
    » MORE: Easy as 1-2-3, make a free online will in minutes.
    Buddha Quotes on Dying Well
    on your loved one can be done by lighting a candle for someone that
    died. It gives you a chance to remember how they both lived and died
    11. “You too shall pass away. Knowing this, how can you quarrel?”
    can define our lives. Old feuds, old grudges…they not only hold you
    back from a journey toward truth, but as this quote implies, they also
    take up valuable time.
    12. “Long is the cycle of birth and death to the fool who does not know the true path.”
    If you’re spinning your wheels without any purpose in mind, it’s easy to feel like you’re going to die in vain.
    13. “Even death is not to be feared by one who has lived wisely.”
    Living wisely is a recipe for avoiding regrets. This is a perfect “rest in peace” quote for someone you admired.
    “To be idle is a short road to death and to be diligent is a way of
    life; foolish people are idle, wise people are diligent.”
    diligently isn’t what you think. It might be raising your children
    well, or committing to meditation or being kind to others.
    “On the air they rise and fly an invisible course, gathering nothing,
    storing nothing… Joyous and clear like the lake, still as the stone at
    the door, (they are) free from life and death.”
    the natural order is an important part of Buddhism. Seeing how not all
    creatures are tied to fear of death can be empowering.
    “This world is shrouded in darkness. Here, only a few can see their way
    free. These few birds escape from the net, and fly away to the
    Sharing this quote can be great in a sympathy card. Or, this could be used in an obituary or funeral announcement.
    “Those who consider the unessential to be essential, and see the
    essential as unessential, don’t reach the essential, living in the field
    of wrong intention.”
    Getting your priorities straight is the most crucial part of making sure you both live and die well.
    “The secret of health for both mind and body is not to mourn for the
    past, nor to worry about the future, but to live the present moment
    wisely and earnestly.”
    can’t change past mistakes. And you certainly can’t predict the future.
    Taking the time you have now in front of you is the best way to connect
    with family and friends.
    “Let him associate with friends who are noble, energetic, and pure in
    life, let him be cordial and refined in conduct. Thus, full of joy, he
    will make an end of suffering.”
    You often can’t choose whether you die or not. But you can choose how you go about it.
    “Should a person do good, let him do it again and again. Let him find
    pleasure therein, for blissful is the accumulation of good.”
    good things for others is addictive. And if you want to be remembered,
    it’s never too late to start with the tiniest things.
    Download your free end-of-life plan.
    Enter your email below to get your free checklist in your inbox.
    Thanks! Your checklist is on its way.
    Buddha Quotes on the Afterlife
    about life after death suggest that reincarnation is one of the most
    popular beliefs. That’s definitely true for Buddhism and can provide a
    lot of hope for people about to pass away.
    “Our theories of the eternal are as valuable as are those that a chick
    which has not broken its way through its shell might form of the outside
    Buddhism is intentionally vague about the afterlife. It’s a chance to drift off into peaceful unknowns, without limitations.
    22. “Whatever is not yours: let go of it. Your letting go of it will be for your long-term happiness and benefit.”
    Letting go of your own fears is empowering, and makes the last stages of your life much easier.
    “Generosity brings happiness at every stage of its expression. We
    experience joy in forming the intention to be generous. We experience
    joy in the actual act of giving something. And we experience joy in
    remembering the fact that we have given.”
    to others doesn’t stop once you pass away. If you’ve started
    end-of-life planning, it’s a great gift for your loved ones.
    24. “There are only two mistakes one can make along the road to truth; not going all the way, and not starting.”
    It’s never too late to start on the road to truth. Your efforts matter, whenever you start them.
    “One who, while himself seeking happiness, oppresses with violence
    other beings who also desire happiness, will not attain happiness
    The first rule of happiness is ‘first, do no harm.’
    “We will develop and cultivate the liberation of mind by
    lovingkindness, make it our vehicle, make it our basis, stabilize it,
    exercise ourselves in it, and fully perfect it.”
    liberation of the mind, from everyday life and struggles, is the point
    of it all. This is the perfect quote for someone who made a point of
    chasing lovingkindness.
    27. “Fashion your life as a garland of beautiful deeds.”
    When you’re in the afterlife or reincarnating in a new one, this ‘garland’ is the only thing you can leave behind.
    “Heedfulness is the path to the Deathless. Heedlessness is the path to
    Death. The heedful die not. The heedless are as if dead already.”
    If you’re mindful, of yourself and others and the greater spiritual world, you’re not really dying.
    29.“But those who act according to the perfectly taught Dharma will cross the realm of Death, so difficult to cross.”
    Crossing into death is always a little frightening. But if you’re ready, then Buddha promises it will become easier for you.
    “Neither in the sky nor in mid-ocean nor by entering into mountain
    clefts, nowhere in the world is there a place where one may not be
    overcome by death.”
    Death is an inevitable part of life. The reminder that every one faces it is a little comforting, for some.
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    Consoling Your Loved One
    no magical recipe for consolation, especially in the face of death.
    Taking the time out to pray or offer some sage words during a difficult
    time can make all the difference.
    Harvard University. “Quotes: Neuroscience of Yoga and Meditation.” n.d.,
    Gonzaga University. “Zen Quotes.” n.d.,
    Easwaran, Eknath. “The Dhammapada.” 1987. Print.
    Buddhist death traditions, rituals & beliefs Quotes about death
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    Materials in other Languages
    copied from Access to Insight, the original page having now been withdrawn.
    Chinese (Traditional & Simplified)
    The Wings to Awakening: Readings in Theravadan Buddhism in Chinese Translation
    Sinh-Lam) is a Chinese website (both in Simplified and Traditional
    Fonts) dedicated to the study and practice of Theravada Buddhist
    Prátelé Dhammy (”Friends of Dhamma”)
    has an extensive library of readings in Czech from the Thai Forest traditions and the Pali canon.
    Sleutel tot Inzicht (”Key to Insight”)
    (Peter van Loosbroek)
    Accès au Canon Pali
    Proulx) mirrors the sutta collection of Access to Insight in English,
    and offers a growing number of French translations of suttas and other
    La Parole du Bouddha
    (Remy Zins)
    Tipitaka, der Pali Kanon des Theravada-Buddhismus
    a nearly complete collection of German translations from all five
    Nikayas, plus extensive excerpts from the Vinaya and Abhidhamma Pitakas.
    offers German translations of articles by Ajaan Chah, Ajaan Suwat, Thanissaro Bhikkhu, Bhikkhu Bodhi, and Ayya Khema.
    A Buddha Ujja (”The Finger of the Buddha”)
    Gábor) offers a large collection of Pali suttas in Hungarian, articles
    and videos by and about major teachers from the Thai forest traditions.
    Dhamma Citta: Tipitaka-Kanon Pali
    Canone Pali: le parole del Buddha
    (Enzo Alfano)
    Acesso ao Insight: Leituras do Budismo Theravada
    Beisert) offers an extensive collection of Pali suttas, articles by
    major teachers from the Thai forest traditions, and much more — all
    translated into Portuguese.
    Koleso Dhammy (”Wheel of Dhamma”)
    Pali Kanon
    (Branislav Kovačević) offers a good selection of suttas and other passages from the Pali canon.
    Aathaapi: Pure Theravada Buddhism Exposed according to The Original Pali Canon
    The complete Buddha Jayanthi Tipitaka in Sinhalese script (Pali and translation) in PDF format.
    The Tipitaka
    (Russia) offers Sinhala translations of large portions of the Vinaya and Sutta Pitakas.
    Centro Mexicano del Buddhismo Theravada A.C.
    offers an extensive collection of Spanish language texts.
    (Kerstin Jönhagen) offers Swedish translations of about 30 suttas.
    BuddhaSasana: Vietnamese Buddhist Page
    (Binh Anson) offers the entire Vietnamese translation of the Tipitaka and is regularly revised and corrected for any errors.
    Bilingual Pali - Vietnamese Tipitaka Project
    of the authentic teachings of the Buddha, presenting the Sinhala Pāḷi
    texts in Roman script together with a Vietnamese translation.
    I am trying to be selective in these listings but
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    please contact me at the address below
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    Links to other Websites and Resources
    Links to various resources for the study of Buddhism, inclduing text

    Some Buddhist Websites
    Main Page >> Buddhist Websites
    For resources , some Buddhist websites are listed here, more can be added:

    1.Vipassana Research Institute :

    great attempt by Vipassana Research Institute to collect & compile
    the entire original Theravada Tipitaka originating from The
    Sixth_Buddhist_council of 1954 (in Yangon Burma now Myanmar) held
    exactly 2500 years after Buddha fulfilling the prediction that Buddha’s
    path would again begin to spread after 2500 years of Buddha. This is a
    great resource for archiving, research and for meditation practitioners.
    A Complete Pali Source originally as spoken by Lord Buddha, in Many
    Scripts-Roman, Devanagari, Thai, Burmese, Sinhala, Cyrillic, Khmer,
    Tibetan etc:
    3.Vipassana Meditation Courses Booking (worldwide) Free of Cost But Runs on Your Voluntary Donations:
    4.Works of Ven.Ledi Sayādaw:
    To Insight website contains translations in modern English, but still,
    in order to understand true meaning, a knowledge of Pali is still
    required :
    6.Pariyatti website:
    site contains many suttas not listed elsewhere. This is the most
    organised website with suttas in Pali as well as many translations for
    comparison. Most suttas are of PTS (Pali Text Society) which were
    translated (in west) more than 100 years ago around 1910 hence these are
    in archaic English. In order to understand true meanings, one must read
    Pali version:
    8.The Wisdom Library:
    9.The Sacred texts Archive:
    10.This site has detailed Dhammapada:
    11.Buddhasasana website(English section):
    12.It has many good translations:
    13.Several .pdfs available for download:
    good collection of many Buddhist literatures. Many latest ones provided
    by Ven. Bhikku Bodhi & freely available thanks to him:
    15. Pali Text Society aka PTS:
    Some Buddhist Websites
    Main Page >> Buddhist Websites For resources , some Buddhist we

    Theravada Portal
    Theravāda is a major branch of Buddhism having the the Pali canon (tipitaka) as their canonical literature, which includes the vinaya-pitaka (monastic rules), the sutta-pitaka (Buddhist sermons) and the abhidhamma-pitaka (philosophy and psychology).
    Portal · Articles · Updates
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    Overview of all Theravada books:
    Sort By: title - Author - Date - Words
    A Discourse on Paticcasamuppada
    by Venerable Mahasi Sayadaw
    62,614 words
    A Manual of Abhidhamma
    by Nārada Thera
    80,494 words
    A Survey of Paramattha Dhammas
    by Sujin Boriharnwanaket
    129,875 words
    A Treatise on the Paramis
    by Ācariya Dhammapāla
    23,066 words
    Abhidhamma And Practice
    by Nina van Gorkom
    5,974 words
    Abhidhamma in Daily Life
    by Nina Van Gorkom
    70,623 words
    Abhidhamma in Daily Life (by Ashin Janakabhivamsa)
    by Ashin Janakabhivamsa
    66,666 words
    Buddhist Monastic Discipline
    by Jotiya Dhirasekera
    113,985 words
    by Nina van Gorkom
    122,172 words
    by Nina van Gorkom
    56,782 words
    Dhammapada (Illustrated)
    by Ven. Weagoda Sarada Maha Thero
    341,201 words
    124,932 words
    Dipavamsa (study)
    by Sibani Barman
    55,946 words
    Fundamentals of Vipassana Meditation
    by Venerable Mahāsi Sayādaw
    24,609 words
    Gemstones of the Good Dhamma
    by Ven. S. Dhammika
    8,721 words
    Guide to Tipitaka
    by U Ko Lay
    48,543 words
    Introducing Buddhist Abhidhamma
    by Kyaw Min, U
    43,258 words
    Introduction to Dhammasangani
    by U Ko Lay
    7,776 words
    by Wilhelm Geiger
    94,941 words
    by Acariya Maha Boowa Ñanasampanno
    256,801 words
    Patthana Dhamma
    by Htoo Naing
    57,704 words
    Pointing to Dhamma
    by Ven. Khantipalo Bhikkhu
    96,153 words
    Tanha Vs Upadana
    1,658 words
    The Bhikkhus Rules
    by Bhikkhu Ariyesako
    50,970 words
    The Brahmajāla Sutta
    21,080 words
    The Catusacca Dipani
    by Mahathera Ledi Sayadaw
    11,997 words
    The Doctrine of Paticcasamuppada
    by U Than Daing
    18,306 words
    The Great Chronicle of Buddhas
    by Ven. Mingun Sayadaw
    1,044,401 words
    The Jataka tales [English], Volume 1-6
    by Robert Chalmers
    877,505 words
    The Madhura Sutta
    5,279 words
    The Patthanuddesa Dipani
    by Mahathera Ledi Sayadaw
    21,602 words
    The Vipassana Dipani
    by Mahathera Ledi Sayadaw
    21,831 words
    Vidhura Jataka (nr. 548)
    by R. F. ST. Andrew St. John
    10,519 words
    Vinaya (1): The Patimokkha
    by T. W. Rhys Davids
    17,356 words
    Vinaya (2): The Mahavagga
    by T. W. Rhys Davids
    156,382 words
    Vinaya (3): The Cullavagga
    by T. W. Rhys Davids
    137,074 words
    Vinaya Pitaka (1): Bhikkhu-vibhanga (the analysis of Monks’ rules)
    by I. B. Horner
    345,334 words
    Vinaya Pitaka (2): Bhikkhuni-vibhanga (the analysis of Nun’ rules)
    by I. B. Horner
    66,469 words
    Vinaya Pitaka (3): Khandhaka
    by I. B. Horner
    386,194 words
    Vinaya Pitaka (4): Parivara
    by I. B. Horner
    150,781 words
    Vipassana Meditation
    by Chanmyay Sayadaw
    22,042 words
    Vipassana Meditation Course
    by Chanmyay Sayadaw
    28,857 words
    Visuddhimagga (the pah of purification)
    by Ñāṇamoli Bhikkhu
    420,758 words
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