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Buddha oder opgränkt ass; wuertwiertlech “Wło”, “Lën”, oder erwächt “- ass den Éiere Wunneng vun der Numm vum Buddhismus.
E verstänneg op et net
verstoppt alles, an
et gëtt näischt se
Hal dech drun un.
Ouni ze kréien
oder Näid bleift se
onbeschiedegt; si hunn
keng Verontreiung oder Beleidegung
fir jiddereen.
-Purabeda Sutta
De Buddha op
Den aacht
“Lueft an
Unerkennung an
ignoréiert, gewannen
a Verloscht,
Trauer kommen
a gitt wéi de
Wandaachen. Rescht wéi A
rante Bam an der
Mëttst vun hinnen
all. “
Angscht gëtt gebuer vu sech selwer.
Just gesinn wéi mwny Leit kämpfen!
Ech soen Iech iwwer déi schrecklech Angscht
dat huet mech iwwerall gemaach:
- de Buddha
Attadanda sutta
Et gëtt keng Angscht fir
een deen ass
waakreg, deem säi Geescht
ass onkontaminéiert
duerch Verlaangen,
an ass unerkleed,
a wien opginn huet
vice an Tugend
Obwuel Dir honnert Joer liewen
onethesch an net unintegréiert,
Besser ass een eenzegen Dag
gelieft Ethesch an absorbéiert
(a méi héije Meditativen.-de Buddha
Fir laangfristeg Virdeeler a Gléck
Tuch selwer:
‘Och wann ech vläicht am Kierper betraff sinn, da wier mäi Geescht net onaffabléiert.’
Dat ass wéi Dir Iech sollt trainéieren. “
gutt ugeriichtlech Jüren huet noutwendeg fir nobel ze berécksiichtegen
an ass gutt zréckgezunn an hir Dhammam; Ass bericht fir Männer vun
Integritéit an ass gutt geprägt an hir Dhamma - seng Form Ännerungen an
Arieren, awer hien fällt net a Trauer, Schmerz, Schmerz, Schmerz,
Schmerz, Schmerz, Schmerz, Schmerz, Schmerz, Schmerz, Schmerz, Schmerz,
Schmerz, Schmerz. “
Zu zwee Brahmans -120 Joer al -
Maache merci datt d’Schwäizer bréngt.
Maacht Mérite beim Liewen.
Wann d’Welt am Feier mat Alterung an Doud ass, soll een gewaltegen [zukünfteg Räichtum] andeems Dir op d’ginn: “
“Moralesch Verhalen servéiert een gutt bis alen Alter.
Sradrada wann gutt etabléiert, servéiert eng gutt.
Wëssen ass e wäertvolle Schatz fir de Mënsch.
De Merit vu gutt Aktiounen ass schwéier fir d’Déif ze huelen. “
Eng Persoun verflicht wat hien als meng starten. - Buddha
Als Waasser ass op engem Lotus Blat net entsuergt, also de Salbei net entsuergt. - Buddha
E weise Mann gëtt net ofgeléist vu wat erkannt gëtt. - Buddha
a stieche bei riets Liewensliewen, richteg Effort, richteg Gedanken,
richteg Konzentratioun, als Alterung ass stresseg. - Buddha
Den Dokter Diagnos
Live bis 150 Joer fir de Präis vu Kaffi
Adenine dinucleothide (NAD) 15 Gramm in $ 62.00, déi eng Roll an de
mënschleche Kierper fir de Präis vun engem Kaffi ze gesinn, an 150 Joer
an 150 Joer Prozess gouf vum Harvard Professer David Sidclair a
Fuerscher aus der Universitéit vun neie Südwalterung, sech op
Dem Buddha seng Wierder hu Kraaft
Eng schlau Persoun Gedanken
Hält se mat ugesinn
konstant Equanimitéit wou
Arroganz ass onméiglech;
si maachen kee Verglach
mam Rescht vun der Welt
als ‘Superior’, ‘Ënnerbewosstsinn’
oder ‘gläich’.
-Purabeda Sutta
Maturitéit ass
léieren ze trëppelen
ewech vu Leit
a Situatiounen déi
menacéiert Är
Selbst respekt,
Wäerter, Moral,
oder Selbstwert.
Verzeien aneren.
Net well se
Verdéngt Verzeiung,
Byt well Dir
verdéngt Fridden.
Do sinn dräi
Léisunge fir all
Problem: Akzeptéiert et,
ännere se, oder et verloossen.
Wann Dir et net akzeptéiere kënnt,
änneren et. Wann Dir net kënnt
ännere se, loosst et.
Wa mir net eng enthalen
breet Bewosstsinn an eisem
Praxis vu Gedanken,
there can be a sense of
separation from the
world. Becoming more
aware of those around us
and our impact on others
is essential on the path
Den Tippitaka - de Pali Canon 1
Dëst ass d’Sammlung vu Pali Sprooch
Texter, déi d’Doktrinal formen
Fëllement vum Arravada Buddhismus.
Den Tippitaka an de post-kanonesche
Pali Texter, dh. de Kommentarer an
Chronique, maacht de komplette
Kierper vu klassescher dovada Texter.
Vinaya Pitaka - d’Regele vu Verhalen
regéiert déi deeglech Affären an der
Sangha, fir béid Mönche an Nonnen.
Sutta Pitaka - D’Discoursen un de Buddha an e puer vun
säi nooste Jünger.
Abhidhamma Pitaka - d’Doktrinen
rearmed an nei an en
Enquête vum Geescht an Matière.
De Pali Canon, oder den Tipitaka, besteet aus
d’Sammlung vun dräi Pitakas:
D’Sutta Pitaka, de Vinaya Pitaka an
den Abhidhamma Pitaka,
Och wann traditionell un den
Buddha, den Abhidhamma Pitaka ass allgemeng
akzeptéiert fir d’Aarbecht vu méi spéit Scholden ze sinn
Mönche, déi nei organiséiert an huet säi fonnt
Léiere an dësem Set vu 7 Bicher
D’Sutta Pitaka
1. D’Digha Nikaya -kollection vu Long Discoursen:
34 Sutsas, e puer ganz laang, presentéiert eng lieweg Bild vum
verschidden Aspekter vum Liewen an huet geduecht an de Buddha Zäit.
2. D’Majjhima Nikaya - Sammlung vun der Mëttlängt
Soen: enthält 152 Sutsas a presentéiert Léierungen
mat déifgräifenden ähnlechen an Beispiller.
3. D’SAMYUTTA Nikaya - Sammlung vu kriibten Discoursen:
Dëst huet 2.941 Sutsas, gruppéiert a fënnef Deeler, oder vaggas.
4. D’Angaufra Nikaya - Sammlung vun de graduellen Aussoen:
Enthält sou vill wéi 2.38 kleng Sutsas ageriicht no
op d’Zuel vun Themen diskutéiert, vun engem op eelef.
Der Vinaya Pitaka
1. Paramka Pali - Major Beleidegungen: D’Rien vun der Disziplin
betreffend 49 gréisser a kleng Beleidegungen an den Strofe.
2. PACITTIYA Pali - Major Beleidegungen: Deals mat der verbleiwen 178
setzt d’Regele fir Bhikkhus a Bhikkhunis.
3. Mahavagagga Pali - méi grouss Sektioun: Dëst enthält e Kont
vun der Period no dem Buddha seng Erwächtung, seng Seremonen
op déi éischt fënnef Mönche an e puer vu senge super Jünger
huet sech mam Sangha an erwächt erwächt. Also rules of
conduct and etiquette for Sangha.
4. Culavagga Pali - Lesser Section : More rules and proceedures
അല്ലെങ്കിൽ പ്രബുദ്ധൻ - അക്ഷരാർത്ഥത്തിൽ “അറിയുന്നവൻ”, “മനസിലാക്കുന്നത്”,
അല്ലെങ്കിൽ “ഉണർവ്”, അല്ലെങ്കിൽ “ഉണർന്നിൻ” “- ലോകത്തെ കണ്ടെത്തി,
പടിഞ്ഞാറ് പേർക്ക് വിടുതൽ നൽകി ബുദ്ധമതത്തിന്റെ പേര്.
ബുദ്ധിമാനായ ഒരു ജ്ഞാനി
ഒന്നും മറച്ചുവെക്കുക
അവർ ഒന്നും ഇല്ല
അല്ലെങ്കിൽ അസൂയ, അവ നിലനിൽക്കുന്നു
തടസ്സമില്ലാത്ത; അവര്ക്കുണ്ട്
പുച്ഛിക്കുകയോ അപമാനിക്കുകയോ ഇല്ല
ആർക്കും വേണ്ടി.
-പുരഭാദേ സുട്ടും
ല ly കിക കാറ്റ്:
“സ്തുതിയും ഒപ്പം
അവഗണിക്കുക, നേടുക
ദു orrow ഖം വരുന്നു
ഒപ്പം പോകുക
കാറ്റ്. A പോലെ വിശ്രമിക്കുക
ലെ ഭീമൻ ട്രീ
അവരുടെ ഇടയിൽ
ഭയം ആയുധത്തിൽ നിന്നാണ് ജനിക്കുന്നത്.
MWNY ആളുകൾ എങ്ങനെ യുദ്ധം ചെയ്യുന്നുവെന്ന് കാണുക!
ഭയങ്കരമായ ഭയത്തെക്കുറിച്ച് ഞാൻ നിങ്ങളോട് പറയും
അത് എന്നെ മുഴുവൻ കുലുക്കാൻ കാരണമായി:
- ബുദ്ധൻ
അട്ടാഡന്ദ സുത്ത്ത
ഉള്ള ഒരാൾ
ഉണരുക, മനസ്സ്
ആരാണ് ഉപേക്ഷിച്ചത്
ഉപാധികളും പുണ്യവും
നിങ്ങൾ നൂറു വർഷം ജീവിച്ചേക്കാം
അനീതിപരവും അനിയന്ത്രിതവുമാണ്,
ഒരു ഒറ്റ ദിവസമാണ് നല്ലത്
ധാർമ്മികമായി ജീവിക്കുകയും ആഗിരണം ചെയ്യുകയും ചെയ്തു
(ഉയർന്ന ധ്യാന സംസ്ഥാനങ്ങളിൽ. - ബുദ്ധൻ
ദീർഘകാല ആനുകൂല്യത്തിനും സന്തോഷത്തിനും
സ്വയം പരിശീലിപ്പിക്കുക:
‘ഞാൻ ശരീരത്തിൽ പീഡിപ്പിക്കാമെങ്കിലും, എന്റെ മനസ്സ് അസ്വസ്ഥരാകും.’
അങ്ങനെയാണ് നിങ്ങൾ സ്വയം പരിശീലിപ്പിക്കേണ്ടത്. “
നിർദ്ദേശമുള്ള ശിഷ്യൻ കുലീനന്മാരുമായി ബന്ധപ്പെട്ടിരിക്കുന്നു, അവരുടെ
ധർമ്മത്തിൽ നന്നായി അറിയും അച്ചടക്കവും പുലർത്തുന്നു; സമഗ്രതയുള്ള മനുഷ്യരെ
പരിഗണിക്കുകയും അവരുടെ ധർമ്മത്തിൽ നന്നായി അറിയുകയും അച്ചടക്കവും
ചെയ്യുകയും ചെയ്യുന്നു - അവന്റെ രൂപം മാറുന്നു, അവ മാറ്റി, വിലക്കയറ്റം
രണ്ട് ബ്രാഹ്മണർക്ക് -120 വയസ്സ് -
ആനന്ദം നൽകുന്ന യോഗ്യതയേറിയ പ്രവൃത്തികൾ ചെയ്യുക.
ജീവിച്ചിരിക്കുമ്പോൾ മെറിറ്റ് ഉണ്ടാക്കുക.
വാർദ്ധക്യത്തോടും മരണത്തോടും കൂടി ലോകം തീപിടിക്കുമ്പോൾ [ഭാവിയിൽ സമ്പത്ത്] നൽകുന്നതിലൂടെ [ഭാവി സമ്പത്ത്]: “
“ധാർമ്മിക പെരുമാറ്റം വാർദ്ധക്യം വരെ ഒരു നല്ലത് നന്നായി പ്രവർത്തിക്കുന്നു.
SRARDDA നന്നായി സ്ഥാപിതമായി ഒരു കിണർ നൽകുന്നു.
അറിവ് മനുഷ്യന്റെ വിലയേറിയ നിധിയാണ്.
നല്ല പ്രവർത്തനങ്ങളുടെ യോഗ്യത മോഷ്ടാക്കൾ എടുത്തുകളയാൻ പ്രയാസമാണ്. “
ഒരു വ്യക്തി എന്റേത് എന്റേതായി നിർണ്ണയിക്കുന്നവ ഉപേക്ഷിക്കുന്നു. - ബുദ്ധൻ
താമര ഇലയിൽ ഒരു വാട്ടർ കൊന്ത പോലെ മുനി പാലിക്കുന്നില്ല. - ബുദ്ധൻ
ഒരു ജ്ഞാനിയെ തിരിച്ചറിയുന്നതിലൂടെ വഞ്ചിതരല്ല. - ബുദ്ധൻ
ഉപജീവനത്തിനായി ശ്രമിക്കുക, ശരിയായ പരിശ്രമം, ശരിയായ മന ful പൂർവ്വം,
വാർദ്ധക്യം പോലെ, ശരിയായ ഏകാഗ്രത, ശരിയായ ശ്രദ്ധ. - ബുദ്ധൻ
ഡോക്ടറുടെ രോഗനിർണയം
കാപ്പിയുടെ വിലയ്ക്ക് 150 വർഷം വരെ ജീവിക്കുക
അഡെനൈൻ ഡിനൈനിഡ് (നാഡ്) 15 ഗ്രാം. 62.00 ന് 15 ഗ്രാം energy ർജ്ജം
ഉൽപാദിപ്പിക്കുന്നു ‘എന്നത്’ ഒരു കോഫിയുടെ വിലയ്ക്ക് ‘ഒരു കോഫിയുടെ
വിലയ്ക്ക് 150 വർഷമായി ജീവിക്കാനും അവയവങ്ങൾ കാണാനും കഴിയും. സെൽ
എപ്രോഗ്രാമിംഗ് ഉൾപ്പെടുന്ന പുതിയ സൗത്ത് വെയിൽ യൂണിവേഴ്സിറ്റിയിലെ ഗവേഷകൻ
ഗവേഷകരാണ് പ്രക്രിയ കണ്ടെത്തിയത്.
ബുദ്ധന്റെ വാക്കുകൾക്ക് അധികാരമുണ്ട്
ബുദ്ധിമാനായ ഒരു വ്യക്തിയുടെ മനസ്സ്
അവർ അകത്തേക്ക് പിടിക്കുന്നു
നിരന്തരമായ സമത്വം എവിടെ
അഹങ്കാരം അസാധ്യമാണ്;
അവർ താരതമ്യപ്പെടുത്തുന്നില്ല
ലോകത്തിന്റെ ബാക്കി ഭാഗങ്ങളോടെ
‘സുപ്പീറ്റർ’, ‘ഇൻഫീരിയർ’
അല്ലെങ്കിൽ ‘തുല്യ’.
-പുരഭാദേ സുട്ടും
നടക്കാൻ പഠിക്കുന്നു
ആളുകളിൽ നിന്ന് അകലെ
അത് സാഹചര്യങ്ങളും
നിങ്ങളുടെ ഭീഷണി
സ്വയം ആദരവ്,
മൂല്യങ്ങൾ, ധാർമ്മിക,
അല്ലെങ്കിൽ സ്വയം മൂല്യം.
മറ്റുള്ളവരോട് ക്ഷമിക്കുക.
അവർ കാരണം
കാരണം നിങ്ങൾ
സമാധാനത്തിന് അർഹമാണ്.
മൂന്ന് ഉണ്ട്
ഓരോരുത്തർക്കും പരിഹാരങ്ങൾ
പ്രശ്നം: അത് സ്വീകരിക്കുക,
അത് മാറ്റുക, അല്ലെങ്കിൽ അത് ഉപേക്ഷിക്കുക.
നിങ്ങൾക്ക് ഇത് അംഗീകരിക്കാൻ കഴിയുന്നില്ലെങ്കിൽ,
അത് മാറ്റുക. നിങ്ങൾക്ക് കഴിയുന്നില്ലെങ്കിൽ
അത് മാറ്റുക, അത് ഉപേക്ഷിക്കുക.
ഞങ്ങൾക്ക് ഉൾപ്പെടുന്നില്ലെങ്കിൽ a
ഞങ്ങളുടെ വിശാലമായ അവബോധം
ശ്രദ്ധേയമായ പരിശീലനം,
ഒരു ബോധം ഉണ്ടാകാം
നിന്ന് വേർതിരിക്കൽ
ലോകം. കൂടുതലായി ആകുക
ചുറ്റുമുള്ളവരെക്കുറിച്ച് അറിയുക
മറ്റുള്ളവരിൽ ഞങ്ങളുടെ സ്വാധീനം
പാതയിൽ അത്യാവശ്യമാണ്
ടിപ്റ്റക്ക - പാലി കാനൻ 1
ഇതാണ് പാലി ഭാഷയുടെ ശേഖരം
ടെക്സ്റ്റുകൾ, ഏത് ഉപദേശകമാണ്
ഥേരവാദ ബുദ്ധമതത്തിന്റെ അടിസ്ഥാനം.
ടിപ്റ്റക്കയും പോസ്റ്റ്-കാനോനിക്കലും
പാലി ടെക്സ്റ്റുകൾ, അതായത്. കമന്റേറിയറികളും
ദിനവൃത്താന്തം, പൂർത്തിയാക്കുക
ക്ലാസിക്കൽ മറഡ പാഠങ്ങളുടെ ശരീരം.
വിനയ പിറ്റാക്ക - പെരുമാറ്റ നിയമങ്ങൾ
ദൈനംദിന കാര്യങ്ങൾ നിയന്ത്രിക്കുന്നു
സന്യാസിമാർക്കും കന്യാസ്ത്രീകൾക്കും സംഘം.
സത്ത പിക്കാക്ക - ബുദ്ധന് കാരണമായേക്കാവുന്ന പ്രഭാഷണങ്ങൾ
അവന്റെ ഏറ്റവും അടുത്ത ശിഷ്യന്മാർ.
അഭിദ്മ പിക്കാക്ക - ഉപദേശങ്ങൾ
പുനർനിർമ്മിക്കുകയും a
മനസ്സിന്റെയും കാര്യത്തിന്റെയും അന്വേഷണം.
പാലി കാനോൻ, അല്ലെങ്കിൽ ടിപ്റ്റക്ക, അടങ്ങിയിരിക്കുന്നു
മൂന്ന് പിറ്റാകസിന്റെ ശേഖരം:
സത്ത പിക്കാക്ക, വിനയ പിറ്റാക്ക കൂടാതെ
അഭിദ്ഷമ്മ പിക്കാക്ക,
പരമ്പരാഗതമായി ആട്രിബ്യൂട്ട് ചെയ്തിട്ടുണ്ടെങ്കിലും
ബുദ്ധൻ, അഭിദ്മ്മ പിക്കാക്ക പൊതുവെ
പിന്നീടുള്ള പണ്ഡിതന്റെ ജോലിയായി അംഗീകരിച്ചു
വീണ്ടും സംഘടിപ്പിച്ച് അവശേഷിച്ച സന്യാസിമാർ
ഈ സെറ്റിൽ 7 പുസ്തകങ്ങളിലെ പഠിപ്പിക്കലുകൾ
സത്താ പിക്കാക്ക
1. ദിഗ നികയ - നീണ്ട പ്രഭാഷണങ്ങളുടെ എണ്ണം:
34 സതുതാസ്, വളരെ നീണ്ട, ഒരു ഉജ്ജ്വലമായ ചിത്രം അവതരിപ്പിക്കുന്നു
ജീവിതകാലത്ത് ജീവിതത്തിന്റെ വ്യത്യസ്ത വശങ്ങൾ.
2. മജ്ജിമ നികായ - മധ്യ നീളത്തിന്റെ ശേഖരം
വാക്കുകൾ: 152 സറ്റകളും ഇപ്പോഴത്തെ പഠിപ്പിക്കലുകളും അടങ്ങിയിരിക്കുന്നു
അഗാധമായ സമാനതകളോടും ഉദാഹരണങ്ങളോടും കൂടി.
3. സംയുത്ട്ട നികയ - ബന്ധുക്കളുടെ ശേഖരം:
ഇതിന് 2,941 സതാസ് ഉണ്ട്, അഞ്ച് ഭാഗങ്ങളായി കണക്കാക്കപ്പെടുന്നു, അല്ലെങ്കിൽ വാഗസ്.
4. അങ്ങത്താര നികയ - ക്രമേണ വാക്കുകളുടെ ശേഖരം:
2,38 ചെറിയ സറ്റകൾ കണക്കിലെടുക്കുമ്പോൾ
ഒന്നിൽ നിന്ന് പതിനൊന്ന് ചർച്ച ചെയ്ത വിഷയങ്ങളുടെ എണ്ണത്തിലേക്ക്.
വിനയ പിറ്റാക്ക
1. പരജ പാലി - പ്രധാന കുറ്റകൃത്യങ്ങൾ: അച്ചടക്കത്തിന്റെ വളയങ്ങൾ
പ്രധാന, ചെറിയ കുറ്റകൃത്യങ്ങളും പിഴകളും സംബന്ധിച്ച.
2. പാസിറ്റിയ പാലി - പ്രധാന കുറ്റകൃത്യങ്ങൾ: ബാക്കിയുള്ള 178
ഭീഖുസ്, ഭിക്രുനികൾക്കുള്ള നിയമങ്ങളുടെ സെറ്റ്.
3. മഹാാവനഗ്ഗ പാലി - കൂടുതൽ ഭാഗം: ഇതിൽ ഒരു അക്കൗണ്ട് അടങ്ങിയിരിക്കുന്നു
ബുദ്ധന്റെ ഉണർവ്, അവന്റെ പ്രഭാഷണങ്ങൾ പിന്തുടരുന്ന കാലയളവിൽ
ആദ്യത്തെ അഞ്ച് സന്യാസിമാർക്കും അവന്റെ വലിയ ശിഷ്യന്മാരിൽ ചിലർക്കും
സംഘത്തിൽ ചേർന്ന് ഉണർവ് കൈവശം വച്ചു. നിയമങ്ങളും
സംഘത്തിന് മര്യാദയും മര്യാദയും.
4. കുലവഗ്ഗ പാലി - കുറഞ്ഞ വിഭാഗം: കൂടുതൽ നിയമങ്ങളും പ്രതിരോധവും
Free Online JC PURE free birds growing fruits vegetables
or Enlightened One — literally “Knower”, “Understander”, or “Awakened
One” — is the honorific name given to the Indian Sage, Gotama, who
discovered and proclaimed to the world the Law of Deliverance, known to
the West by the name of Buddhism.
A wise on does not
conceal anything, and
there is nothing they
hold on to.
Without acquisitiveness
or envy, they remain
unobtrusive; သူတို့မှာရှိတယ်
no disdain or insult
for anyone.
-Purabheda Sutta
The Buddha on
The Eight
Worldly Winds:
“Praise and
recognition and
disregard, gain
and loss,
pleasure and
sorrow come
and go like the
wind. Rest like a
giant tree in the
midst of them
Fear is born from arming oneself.
Just see how mwny people fight!
I’ll tell you about the dreadful fear
that caused me to shake all over:
- The Buddha
Attadanda Sutta
There is no fear for
someone who is
awake, whose mind
is uncontaminated
by craving,
and is unperplexed,
and who has given up
vice and virtue
Though you may live a hundred years
unethical and unintegrated,
better is one single day
lived ethically and absorbed
(in higher meditative states.-the Buddha
For long-term benefit and happiness
Train yourself:
‘Even though I may be afflicted in body, my mind will be unafflicted.’
That is how you should train yourself.”
well-instructed disciple has regard for noble ones and is well-versed
and disciplined in their Dhamma; has regard for men of integrity and is
well-versed and disciplined in their Dhamma - his form changes and
alters, but he does not fall into sorrow, lamentation, pain, distress,
or despair over its change and alteration.”
To Two brahmans -120 years old -
Do meritorious deeds that bring bliss.
Make merit while alive.
When the world is on fire with aging and death, one should salvage [future wealth] by giving:”
“Moral conduct serves one well till old age.
Sradda if well-established, serves one well.
Knowledge is a precious treasure for man.
The merit of good actions is difficult for thieves to take away.”
A person abandons what he construes as mine. - Buddha
As a water bead on a lotus leaf does not adhere, so the sage does not adhere. - Buddha
A wise man is not deluded by what is perceived. - Buddha
Try and stick to right livelihood, right effort, right mindfulness, right concentration, as aging is stressful. - Buddha
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a day’ a Stunning anti-ageing breakthrough could see humans live to 150
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ni khichdi recipe | daliya khichdi | broken wheat khichdi with detailed
photo and video recipe. an easy, tasty and more importantly healthy
meal made with broken wheat, moong dal, vegetables and dry spices. the
recipe follows the same traditional moong dal and rice-based khichdi and
is served for the same purpose. it is an ideal morning breakfast meal
or can also be served for lite lunch and dinner with a hint of a pickle
with it. Table Of Contents Hide 1 Watch Video 2 Recipe Card 3 Ingredients 4 Step By Step Photos 5 Notes 6 Crispy Bedmi Poori & Aloo Ki Sabzi – Delhi Street Style Breakfast Combo
ni khichdi recipe | daliya khichdi | broken wheat khichdi with step by
step photo and video recipe. khichdi recipes are one of the popular and
sought after meal across india. it is generally made and served for
various purpose like if you have stomach indigestion or crave for
something lite to have. one such popular daliya based gujarati cuisine
khichdi is fada ni khichdi recipe, known for its taste and simplicity.
be honest, i am not a huge fan of khichdi recipes. i personally feel
the combination of rice and moong dal makes it more heavier as compared
to a simple rice and rasam combination. well, that is my opinion and
there are many others who would disagree to it. yet i share a different
opinion for this fada ni khichdi recipe. as a matter of fact, daliya or
broken wheat is lighter or contains fewer carbohydrates as compared to
rice. and hence this would be an ideal meal for your dinner, specially
when you had a heavy meal. having said that i make it for my morning
breakfast and serve it with mango pickle. sometimes, i even serve for my
husband’s tiffin box with some leftover curry and simply loves it
anyway, before wrapping it up, some important and critical tips,
suggestions for fada ni khichdi recipe. firstly, in this recipe, i have
used vegetables like carrots, peas, potatoes and tomato. having said
that, you can make it very simple and prepare it with just onions and
beans. secondly, due to the use of moong dal, it would thicken as rested
and hence may have to be adjusted with consistency by adding water.
also ensure to reheat or microwave it properly before serving. lastly,
you can follow the same recipe and steps to make other variations of
khichdi like rice, rava or semolina based ones.
finally, i
request you to check my other breakfast recipes collection with this
post of fada ni khichdi recipe. it mainly includes recipes variations
like vegetable uttapam, methi dosa, rava rotti, eggless bread omelette,
rava dosa, ghee roast dosa, poha uttapam, tomato chitranna, bread
paratha, set dosa. further, to these, i would also like to highlight my
other detailed recipes collection like,
rice recipes vrat or fasting recipes snacks recipes
Directives given not to show laxity in filing F.I.R.s
Lucknow :April 30, 2008 In compliance of the directives given by the Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Ms. Mayawati during the law and order and development works review meeting held on April 24 last, the State Government has issued the necessary Government Order (G.O.) Through this G.O. effective implementation of development works and law and order would be ensured. According to the G.O. issued by the Chief Secretary Mr. Prashant Kumar Mishra, the Principal Secretaries/Secretaries, D.G.P., Divisional Commissioners and D.M.s have been given explicit orders that the policies and programmes of the government should be implemented effectively so that the needy could be benefited to a larger extent. There should be no slackness in registering F.I.R.s. Besides, there should be no laxity in the implementation of development works and maintenance of law and order, else the guilty would not be spared at any cost. According to the G.O., the officers should remain present between 10 a.m. and 12 noon in their respective offices barring holidays, so that the problems of the people could be disposed off at the earliest. Although these orders had been issued previously, but still the government was receiving complaints that it was not being strictly adhered to in some districts. According to the G.O. teams from the headquarters would be sent to conduct surprise checks and if any laxity in it was detected then stringent action would be initiated against the guilty. The G.O. further states that the officers of the police and administration should maintain better co-ordination to ensure peace arrangements in their areas. The S.O.s should not pressurise the aggrieved party to go for compromise, neither any action should be initiated against the same under sections 107, 116 and 151 of C.R.P.C. The complaints related to the exploitation of SC/ST should be investigated speedily and if the complaint is found correct, then only case should be registered under the SC/ST Act. Besides, review meetings regarding the terrorist activities should be compulsorily held at the district and divisional levels. The G.O. further states that the officers should accord proper respect to the people’s representatives. Besides, they should initiate strict action against the white collared criminals, mafias and notorious criminals under the Gangster Act. The officers have been asked to reach the incident site without delay if any untoward happening occurs in their respective district, and initiate proper action. Besides, the media should also be informed with real facts, so that the people get the real picture of the incident. In the Government Order, directives have also been issued for organising Thana Diwas every saturday, to redress the people’s complaints in every police station. During thana diwas, all the revenue employees of the revenue villages falling under the concerning police station, police inspector and sub-inspectors, employees of development and electricity departments will remain present compulsorily. Whether the Thana Diwas is being organised on scheduled time or not? The concerning Police Superintendent (rural) /A.S.P. will have to verify at least two police station areas. Besides, D.M./S.P. have been directed for checking at least one police station. For tackling the problem of naxalism, activities should be under taken regarding the economic, social and law and order aspect. It is the need of the hour that the poor people residing in naxal affected areas should join the mainstream of the society. Action in this regard is needed on priority basis. Full attention should be paid for providing maximum benefits of government facilities to the weaker sections of the society. Besides, pension, scholarships to SC/ST, backward, minorities and other eligible people should be provided timely. The Government Order further states that the remaining agricultural land in districts should be allotted to the eligible on priority basis. Besides, if some land is still available, then it should be distributed among the eligible persons. If strongmen have encroached upon the pattas given to the dalits and poor, then effective action should be taken for freeing the pattas from their possession. It should also be ensured that the poor people of Sarva Samaj benefit from the decisions of the government. The Chief Secretary has directed to ensure the availability of electricity without hindrance as per roster in the urban and rural areas. Special attention should be paid for effectively checking on power theft and also on drinking water, health, NAREGA and other welfare programmes. Incidents of theft, dacoity, murder, crimes and rape should be effectively controlled. Small incidents concerning with law and order and communalism should be taken seriously, so that they do not aggravate into a major incident in future. Special attention should be paid regarding the security of the statues of saints, gurus and great persons so that anti-social elements do not cause any harm to these. District Magistrate, Commissioner and the district and divisional level officers of other departments have been directed for making spot verification of development works. Similarly, the S.P. and S.S.P.s have been instructed to monitor the law and order situation in their area. Besides, 10 teams have been constituted for reviewing the police and administrative works of 18 divisions. All the divisional in-charge will visit their respective divisions till the 20th of every month without fail. The Government Order also directs the officers to discharge their duties honestly and with commitment, keeping in view the policy of Sarvajan Hitai, Sarvajan Sukhai so as to provide the people a development oriented system devoid of injustice, crime, fear and corruption. *********
All Hajis will be allowed to bring Aab-e-Jamjam
Lucknow : April 30, 2008 The distribution of the application forms for the Haj pilgrims would begin from tomorrow (May 01, 2008). Now, the applicants would not be required to submit draft, instead they would have to deposit the necessary amount in the account of Central Haj Committee in the branches of the State Bank of India. The Hajis would be allowed to bring 10 litre cans with them this time. These decisions were taken at a meeting of the State Haj Committee held at the guest house of the PWD here today. The meeting was presided over by the State Public Works and Irrigation Minister and Chairman of the Committee, Mr. Nasimuddin Siddiqui. Keeping the district-wise population of the Muslims in mind, the Hajis would be selected on the basis of proportion. Besides, efforts were being made to provide information regarding the places of stay of the Hajis in the Saudi Arab through internet. The Hajis would get the information of their stay in India itself. The Chairman of the Haj Committee suggested that discussions should be held with the senior officers of the bank, so that separate counters for the Hajis could be set up in the branches of SBI. Expressing his dissatisfaction over the working of the Khadimul-Hujjaj, he said that the same should be given proper training, so that they could provide better services to the Hajis and they should also be kept under vigil in the Saudi Arab. The Minister of State for minorities welfare and Haj (Independent charge) Mr. Anees Ahmad Khan alias Phoolbabu expected from the employees and Khadimul-Hujjaj that they should discharge their duties with missionary zeal and and a feeling of service. He suggested the members and officers of Haj committee that they should remain present at Haj House and airport during the take-off of Hajis, so that the problems pertaining to Hajis coming in the way could be solved on the spot. The Minister for Science and Technology and the senior member of the Haj committee Mr. Abdul Mannan and another member Maulana Saif Abbas Naqvi suggested that the rates of food in hotels at Haj House Premises should be fixed during the Haj and rate boards should be fixed at all hotels compulsorily. Likewise, the rates for coolies carrying the belongings should also be fixed, so that the Haj travellers and their associates could not be exploited. The Secretary, State Haj Committee Mr. Laik Ahmad said that the action plan of U.P. State Haj Committee regarding the Haj was appreciated in the meeting of Central Haj Committee held few days ago and it was expected from the other States that they should also prepare their action plan on the same basis. It was decided in the meeting held today that a meeting of other states’ Haj Committee members should be organised to consider for providing the maximum facilities to the Hajis. In the meeting the income and expenditure of State Haj Committee for the year of 2007-08 was approved and the estimated income and expenditure for the year of 2008-09 was discussed. On this occasion, the senior member of State Haj Committee and Media Advisor to C.M. Mr. Zameel Akhtar, members Mr. Raees Ahmad, Hafiz Usman, Secretary State Haj Committee Mr. Laik Ahmad, Assistant Secretary Mr. Javed Ahmad and Haj Officer Mr. Tanveer Ahmad were present. *********
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Parties turn ire on EC over poll code
Bangalore, DHNS:
Upset over the strict implementation of poll code, parties on Tuesday vented their ire against election officials in the State before the Election Commission and petitioned it to relax the rules on using publicity materials.
The three-member EC, led by Chief Election Commissioner N Gopalaswami, held meetings with representatives of political parties at Vidhana Soudha and heard their suggestions and complaints.
‘KMF vans ferrying liquor’
Mysore, dhns: Former minister H Vishwanath has alleged liquor is being transported in KMF vans, which are under the control of former minister H D Revanna. Speaking to reporters here on Tuesday, he said milk being an essential commodity, these vans aren’t being checked.
Polling agents should not have criminal background: EC
New Delhi, PTI:
The EC said no person having criminal cases pending against him should be appointed as a polling agent. The CEO has been asked to ensure strict compliance and bring all violations in this regard to the notice of all District Election Officers…
In a bid to ensure free and fair assembly polls in Karnataka, the Election Commission has directed that no person with a criminal background should be appointed a polling agent of a candidate.
In a letter to the Chief Electoral Officer (CEO) of Karnataka, where a three-phased assembly poll would be held on May 10, 16 and 22, the EC said no person having criminal cases pending against him should be appointed as a polling agent.
The CEO has been asked to ensure strict compliance and bring all violations in this regard to the notice of all District Election Officers, Observers and other poll-related officials immediately.
The EC had earlier said in a directive to all Chief Secretaries and CEOs of all states that polling agents who were appointed by contesting candidates should ordinarily be resident and electors of polling areas concerned.
Over 800 candidates in fray for phase II polls in Karnataka
Over 800 candidates entered the fray for
the second phase of Assembly elections in Karnataka from ten
districts on May 16, as about 305 candidates filed on the last
In all, more than 305 candidates put in their papers for Raichur,
Udupi, Chickmagalur and Dakshina Kannada districts.
For the third and final phase polling on May 22, as many as 38
candidates had filed their nomination papers, including BJP
candidate B G Patil from Gulbarga north Assembly seat. Ten northern
districts, including Belgaum, Bagalkot, Bijapur, Gulbarga, Bidar,
Dharwad, Haveri and Gadag, would also face the electorate on the
same day.
A high drama was witnessed in Davanagere where the official
Congress candidate Syed Saifullah gifted the ‘B’ form issued by
party high command in favour of S S Mallikarjun, reportedly under
Mr Mallikarjun, a former state minister and district Congress
president, who had earlier submitted his nomination papers, handed
over the amended ‘B’ form to the returning officer. However the
paper submitted by Mr Mallikarjun was likely to be rejected during
the scrutiny on technical grounds.
Earlier, state Congress general secretary Manjunath Bhandari flew
in a helicopter with B form in the name of Mr Saifullah, which the
latter offered it to Mr Mallikarjun.
High drama over issue of B Form
DH News Service, Davangere:
Tension prevailed for over three hours at the Municipal Corporations premises on Tuesday due to the confusion over issuing the B form for Congress candidate from Davangere North constituency.
The party high command had decided to issue the ‘B’ form to Sayyed Saifulla belonging to the Muslim community. Helicopter, carrying four Congress leaders including KPCC Secretary Manjunath Bandari and AICC Secretary Harindra Mirda landed at ITI College ground at 1.15 pm.
The leaders directly drove to the corporation office and Manjunath Bandari entered into the returning officer’s office where he asked as to who is Sayyed Saifulla and told him that the ‘B’ form had been issued to him. Instead of handing over the ‘B’ form directly to the returning officer, Bandari held brisk discussions with Saifulla at the corporation office’s premises.
Nominations filed
On hearing the news that ‘B’ form had been issued to Saifulla, supporters of former minister S S Mallikarjun started shouting slogans. Interestingly, expecting the ‘B’ form, S S Mallikarjun had already filed his nominations as Congress candidate for Davangere North constituency on Monday.
Bandari and other leaders who accompanied him, spoke to the party leaders in Delhi and Bangalore on mobile. Some Congress workers even attempted to snatch the briefcase which Congress leader Balaraj possessed, containing the ‘B’ form. When only five minutes were left for the filing nominations, the high command was said to have directed the leaders to issue the ‘B’ form in the name of Sayyed Saifulla or else fly back to Bangalore.
As per the high command’s direction, Bandari wrote Saifulla’s name in the ‘B’ form and handed it over to him. Saifulla, who seemed anxious, wrote Mallikarjun’s name under his name. Mallikarjun, who arrived to the spot by that time, was said to have directed Saifulla to strike out his name.
Bowing to the pressure Saifulla removed his name in the form and wrote Mallikarjun’s name, which was subsequently submitted to the returning officer.
Rebels wrest Cong tickets
Bangalore, DHNS:
Confronted with widespread rebellion over choice of candidates for various Assembly segments going to polls in the first two phases, the Congress high command has effected changes in some constituencies.
According to sources, the party issued B form to former Minister S S Mallikarjun on Tuesday for the Davanagere North seat after issuing the B form first to Syed Saifulla. The pressure tactics by the former Minister and also his supporters is said to have worked in his favour.
Bowing to pressure the party has also decided to replace B Thippeswamy with H Anjaneya in Holalkere reserved seat in Chitradurga district.
The party has also yielded to pressure from Raichur MP Venkatesh Naik, who had threatened to resign following denial of ticket to his son for the Deodurga constituency. But instead of giving ticket to Venkatesh Naik’s son Bhagawantraya Naik, the party has selected Venkatesh Naik himself as the candidate. While the party has chosen former legislator Vadnal Rajanna for the Channagiri seat, for the Puttur seat it has selected Jayanath Shetty.
8 Cong leaders expelled
Bangalore, DHNS:
The State unit of Congress has expelled eight Congress leaders, who have remained in the fray as rebel candidates, for six years from the party.
According to KPCC General Secretary V S Ugrappa, the candidates expelled are: Varthur Prakash-Kolar, Venkataramanappa- Pavagada(SC), Ashok-Gauribidanur, G H Nagaraj-Chikkaballapur, B Raju-Hunsur, Appanna-H D Kote, B M Narendra Swamy-Malavalli(SC), and M Muniswamy-Shanthi Nagar.
Text-to-speech function is limited to 200 characters
Gratis Online JC Burung Gratis Murni Buah-buahan yang tumbuh Sayuran
atau yang tercerahkan - secara harfiah “knober”, “pemasakan”, atau
“yang terbangun” - adalah nama kehormatan yang diberikan kepada Sage
India, Gotama, yang menemukan dan menyatakan kepada dunia para
pembebasan, yang diketahui oleh Barat Nama Buddha.
Sebuah bijaksana tidak
sembunyikan apa saja, dan
tidak ada mereka
berpegang pada.
Tanpa akuisitasi
atau iri, mereka tetap
rendah hati; mereka memiliki
tidak meremehkan atau penghinaan
Bagi siapa pun.
-Purabheda Sutta.
Buddha pada.
Angin duniawi:
“Pujian dan
Pengakuan dan
mengabaikan, mendapatkan
dan kehilangan,
kesenangan dan
kesedihan datang
dan pergi seperti
angin. Beristirahat seperti seorang a.
pohon raksasa di
tengah-tengah mereka
Ketakutan lahir dari mempersenjatai diri sendiri.
Lihat saja bagaimana Mwny orang bertarung!
Aku akan memberitahumu tentang ketakutan yang mengerikan itu
Itu menyebabkan saya mengguncang seluruh:
- Buddha
Attadanda Sutta.
Tidak ada rasa takut
seseorang yang
bangun, pikiran siapa
tidak terkontaminasi
dengan keinginan,
dan tidak tersampur,
dan siapa yang menyerah
wakil dan kebajikan
Meskipun Anda dapat menjalani seratus tahun
tidak etis dan tidak terintegrasi,
Lebih baik adalah satu hari
hidup secara etis dan terserap
(di negara meditasi yang lebih tinggi. - Buddha
Untuk manfaat dan kebahagiaan jangka panjang
Latih diri Anda:
“Meskipun aku mungkin menderita tubuh, pikiranku akan tidak terafik.”
Itulah bagaimana Anda harus melatih diri. “
yang diperintahkan dengan baik memiliki hal yang mulia dan
berpengalaman dan disiplin dalam Dhamma mereka; Memiliki memperhatikan
orang-orang integritas dan berpengalaman dan disiplin dalam Dhamma
mereka - bentuknya berubah dan mengubah, tetapi dia tidak jatuh ke dalam
kesedihan, meratapi, sakit, kesusahan, atau putus asa atas perubahan
dan perubahannya. “
Untuk dua brahmana -120 tahun -
Melakukan perbuatan berjasa yang membawa kebahagiaan.
Buat pahala saat hidup.
Ketika dunia terbakar dengan penuaan dan kematian, seseorang harus menyelamatkan [kekayaan di masa depan] dengan memberi: “
“Perilaku moral melayani satu dengan baik sampai usia tua.
Sradda jika mapan, menyajikan satu dengan baik.
Pengetahuan adalah harta berharga bagi manusia.
Merit tindakan yang baik sulit bagi pencuri untuk dibawa pulang. “
Seseorang meninggalkan apa yang dia anggap sebagai milikku. - Buddha
Sebagai manik-manik air pada daun lotus tidak patuh, sehingga orang bijak tidak patuh. - Buddha
Orang bijak tidak tertipu oleh apa yang dipersepsikan. - Buddha
dan tetap berpegang pada mata pencaharian yang tepat, upaya yang tepat,
perhatian hak, konsentrasi yang tepat, karena penuaan sangat
menegangkan. - Buddha
Diagnosis dokter
Hidup hingga 150 tahun untuk harga kopi
Adenine Dinukleotide (NAD) 15 gram seharga $ 62,00 yang berperan dalam
menghasilkan energi dalam tubuh manusia tersedia ‘untuk harga kopi
sehari’ Sebuah terobosan anti-penuaan yang menakjubkan bisa melihat
manusia hidup sampai 150 tahun dan regenerasi organ. Baru Proses telah
ditemukan oleh Profesor Harvard David Sinclair dan para peneliti dari
University of New South Wales, yang melibatkan ePrograming sel.
fa risalire la fondazione del buddhismo al 566 a.C, quando a Lumbini,
nell’odierno Nepal, nasce il principe Siddhartha Gautama.La sua famiglia
di origine si dice che fosse ricca: una stirpe guerriere che dominava
il Paese. …
storia del Buddhismo inizia nel VI secolo a.C., con la nascita e la
predicazione del Buddha Siddhartha Gautama; questo la rende una delle
religioni più antiche ancora esistenti.
Risvegliato con la consapevolezza youniverso è già lì.
Fai buona attenzione a mente
Coltiva le tue verdure e frutta rivoluzione
Entrare in mondo interiore e raggiungere la felicità e la pace per la beatitudine eterna.
Fai il nuoto consapevole meditativo.
Convertiamo tutte le nostre case per mostrare il percorso per tutte le società per raggiungere Nibbana
Le parole del Buddha hanno potere
Risvegliato uno Le parole proprie del Buddha da Theravada Tipitaka sono per tutte le società indipendentemente da religioni, razzismo e caste.
o illuminato uno - letteralmente “conoscitore”, “comprensiere”, o
“risvegliato” - è il nome onorevole dato al salvia indiano, Guadama, che
scoprì e proclamato al mondo la legge della liberazione, nota a ovest
dal Nome del buddismo.
Un saggio non lo fa
nascondere qualsiasi cosa, e
Non c’è niente che loro
tenere stretto.
Senza acquisitività
o invidia, rimangono
non invadente; loro hanno
Nessun disprezzo o insulto
per chiunque.
-Purabheda Sutta.
Il Buddha acceso
Venti mondani:
“Lode e
Riconoscimento e
Ignora, guadagno
e perdita,
piacere e
il dolore viene
e vai come il
il vento. Riposa come a.
albero gigante nel
mezzo di loro
La paura è nata dall’armatura di se stessi.
Basta vedere come combattono le persone mwny!
Ti parlerò della terribile paura
Questo mi ha fatto scuotere tutto:
- il Buddha.
Attadanda Sutta.
Non c’è paura per
qualcuno che è
sveglio, la cui mente
è incontaminato
ed è insufficiente,
e chi ha rinunciato
Vice e virtù
Anche se potresti vivere cento anni
non etico e non integrato,
meglio è un solo giorno
vissuto eticamente e assorbito
(in stati meditativi più alti. - Il Buddha
Per benefici e felicità a lungo termine
“Anche se potrei essere afflitto nel corpo, la mia mente non sarà inflitta.”
È così che dovresti allenarti. “
discepolo ben istruito ha riguardo a quelli nobili ed è ben versato e
disciplinato nel loro Dhamma; ha riguardo agli uomini di integrità ed è
ben versato e disciplinato nel loro Dhamma - la sua forma cambia e
altera, ma non cade nel dolore, del lamentazione, del dolore, del dolore
o della disperazione rispetto al suo cambiamento e alterazione “.
A due brahmans -120 anni -
Fai azioni meritorie che portano felicità.
Rendere il merito mentre vivo.
Quando il mondo è in fiamme con l’invecchiamento e la morte, si dovrebbe salvare [la futura ricchezza] dando: “
“La condotta morale serve un pozzo fino alla vecchiaia.
SRADDA se ben consolidato, serve un pozzo.
La conoscenza è un prezioso tesoro per l’uomo.
Il merito delle buone azioni è difficile per il ladro da portare via. “
Una persona abbandona ciò che costruisce come il mio. - Buddha.
Come perle di acqua su una foglia di loto non aderisce, quindi il saggio non aderisce. - Buddha.
Un uomo saggio non è deluso da ciò che è percepito. - Buddha.
e attenersi a destra di sussistenza, giusto sforzo, giusta
consapevolezza, giusta concentrazione, come l’invecchiamento è
stressante. - Buddha.
La diagnosi del medico
Vivere fino a 150 anni per il prezzo del caffè
Adenine Dinucleotide (Nad) 15 grammi a $ 62,00 che svolge un ruolo
nella generazione di energia nel corpo umano disponibile “per il prezzo
di un caffè al giorno” Una splendida rivoluzionaria rivoluzionaria
rivoluzionaria potrebbe vedere gli umani vivi a 150 anni e rigenerare
organo. Il processo è stato trovato da Harvard Professor David Sinclair e
ricercatori dell’Università del Nuovo Galles del Sud, coinvolgendo
l’eprogrammazione cellulare.
Le parole del Buddha hanno potere
La consapevolezza della persona saggia
li tiene in bilico
equanimità costante dove.
L’arroganza è impossibile;
non fanno confronto
Con il resto del mondo
come “superiore”, “inferiore”
o ‘uguale’.
-Purabheda Sutta.
La maturità è
Imparare a camminare
lontano da persone
e situazioni che.
minaccia il tuo.
pace della mente,
rispetto per sè stessi,
Valori, morale,
o autostima.
Perdonare gli altri.
Non perché loro
merita il perdono,
byt perché tu
meritare la pace.
Ce ne sono tre
soluzioni ad ogni
Problema: accettalo,
cambiarlo o lasciarlo.
Se non puoi accettarlo,
cambiarlo. Se non puoi
cambiarlo, lasciarlo.
Se non includiamo a
più ampia consapevolezza nel nostro
pratica della consapevolezza,
Ci può essere un senso di
Separazione da parte
mondo. Diventando di più
consapevole di quelli che ci circondano
e il nostro impatto sugli altri
è essenziale sul percorso
The Tipitaka - The Pali Canon 1
Questa è la raccolta della lingua Pali
Testi, che formano il dottrinale
Fondazione del buddismo della Teravada.
Il tipicaka e il post-canonico
Testi Pali, cioè. i commenti e
Chronicles, compensare il completo
Corpo dei testi classici di Therevada.
Vinaya Pitaka - le regole di condotta
governante gli affari quotidiani all’interno del
Sangha, per entrambi i monaci che per suore.
Sutta Pitaka - I discorsi attribuiti al Buddha e alcuni
i suoi discepoli più vicini.
Abhidhamma Pitaka - Le dottrine
rielaborato e riorganizzato in un
indagine della mente e della materia.
Il Canon Pali, o il Tipitaka, consiste di
La collezione di tre Pitakas:
La sutta Pitaka, il Vinaya Pitaka e
L’Abhidhamma Pitaka,
Anche se tradizionalmente attribuito al
Buddha, l’Abhidhamma Pitaka è generalmente
accettato di essere il lavoro di Scholar successivo
monaci che re-organizzarono e tabulato il suo
Insegnamenti in questo set di 7 libri
La sutta pitaka.
1. La Diga Nikaya -Collezione di lunghi discorsi:
34 Sutta, alcuni molto lunghi, presentando un’immagine vivida del
diversi aspetti della vita e pensiero al momento del Buddha.
2. Majjhima Nikaya - Collezione della lunghezza media
Domines: contiene 152 suttas e insegnamenti presenti
con similie ed esempi profondi.
3. La Samyutta Nikaya - Collezione di discorsi d’accanto:
Questo ha 2.941 suttas, raggruppati in cinque parti o vaggs.
4. L’ANGUTTARA NIKAYA - Collezione dei detti graduali:
Contiene ben 2,38 piccoli suttas disposti secondo
al numero di argomenti discussi, da uno a undici.
Il Vinaya Pitaka.
1. Parajka Pali - Grandi reati: i rues of Discipline
riguardante 49 reati principali e minori e le sanzioni.
2. Pacittiya Pali - Grandi reati: si occupa del restante 178
Set di regole per Bhikkhus e Bhikkhunis.
3. Mahavagga Pali - Maggiore Sezione: questo contiene un account
del periodo successivo al risveglio del Buddha, ai suoi sermoni
ai primi cinque monaci e alcuni dei suoi grandi discepoli
unito al Sangha e raggiunto il risveglio. Anche regole di
condotta ed etichetta per Sangha.
4. CULAVAGGA PALLI - SEZIONE PIÙ GRANDE: più regole e processi
불상이나 계몽 된 하나 - 문자 그대로 “알고있는”, “이해자”또는 “깨어있는”- 인도 현자에게 주어진 인도 현자에게 주어진 명예의 이름 인 Gotama, West가 서쪽으로 알려진 전문의 법칙을 불교의 이름.
현명한 것은 아닙니다
아무것도 숨기고,
그들이 없다
~을 잡아라.
또는 부러워하고, 그들은 남아 있습니다
눈에 띄지 않는; 그들은 가지고있다
무배 나 모욕이 없습니다
- 뿌 라 바 헤다 슈타
세속적 인 바람 :
인정 및
무시, 이득
그리고 손실,
슬픔이 왔습니다
그런 것처럼 가라
바람. A. 좋아해요
거대한 나무
그들 중간
두려움은 자신을 무장하게 태어났습니다.
MWNY 사람들이 어떻게 싸우는지 보아라!
나는 두려운 두려움에 대해 알려 드리겠습니다
그것은 나를 모두 흔들어주는 것입니다 :
- 부처님
attadanda sutta.
두려움이 없습니다
깨어있는, 누구의 마음
오염되지 않았다
미확절하지 않고,
누가 포기 한 사람
부통령과 미덕
당신은 100 년을 살지 못할 것입니다
비 윤리적이고 일지난,
더 나은 하루는 더 낫습니다
윤리적으로 살았고 흡수되었습니다
(더 높은 명상 국가에서 .- 부처님
장기적인 이익과 행복을 위해서
직접 훈련하십시오 :
‘비록 내가 몸에 괴로울지도 모르지만, 내 마음은 무한하게 될 것입니다.’
그것이 당신이 자신을 어떻게 훈련 해야하는지입니다. “
지시 된 제자는 고귀한 것들에 관해서는 잘 지시되고 그 다마마에서 정통하고 징계를 받았다. 무결성의 남성에 관해서는 그분의
형태의 변화와 변화가 변화하고 변화에 대한 슬픔, 애도, 고통, 고통, 절망에 빠지지 않지만 슬픔, 애도, 고통, 고통 또는
절망에 빠지지 마십시오. “
브라만 2 개 - 120 세 -
행복을 가져 오는 공적 행위를하십시오.
살아있는 동안 가서를 만드십시오.
세상이 노화와 죽음으로 불을 지르면 [미래의 재산]을주는 것 : “
“도덕적 행위는 노년기까지 하나의 우물을 제공합니다.
Sradda는 잘 설립 된 경우 하나를 잘 제공합니다.
지식은 남자를위한 소중한 보물입니다.
좋은 행동의 장점은 도둑이 도망가는 것이 어렵습니다. “
사람이 내 것으로 해석하는 것을 압도합니다. - 부처님
연꽃 잎의 물 구슬이 부착하지 않으므로 현자가 부착하지 않습니다. - 부처님
현명한 사람은 인식되는 것에 의해 망상지지 않습니다. - 부처님
노화가 스트레스가있는 것처럼 오른쪽 생계, 올바른 노력, 올바른 정신, 정확한 농도를 시도하고 막아냅니다. - 부처님
의사의 진단
커피의 가격에 대해 150 년까지 라이브
아미드 아데닌 디나 뉴클레오타이드 (NAD) 하루에 커피 가격을 위해 인체의 가격에 대한 에너지를 창출하는 역할을하는 $
62.00에서 15 그램의 멋진 노화 방지 획기적인 인간이 150 년 동안 살 수 있고 organ.new를 재생할 수 있습니다.
과정은 하버드 교수님의 David Sinclair 교수와 뉴 사우스 웨일즈 대학교 (University of South
Wales)의 연구원이 발견했습니다.
부처님의 단어는 권력을 가지고 있습니다
현명한 사람의 마음에 들었습니다
그들을 멈추게한다
끊임없는 일정한 곳
오만함은 불가능합니다.
그들은 비교를하지 않습니다
나머지 세계와 함께
‘우월’, ‘열등한’
또는 ‘동등한’.
- 뿌 라 바 헤다 슈타
걷는 법을 배우십시오
사람들에게서 멀리
당신을 위협하십시오
마음의 평화,
가치, 도덕,
또는 자기 가치.
다른 사람들을 용서하십시오.
그들이 아니기 때문에
용서를받을 자격이있다.
너 때문에 바트
평화 가치가있다.
세 가지가 있습니다
매주 솔루션
문제점 : 받아 들인다,
그것을 바꾸거나 그대로 두십시오.
당신이 그것을 받아들을 수 없다면,
그것을 변경하십시오. 네가 할 수 없다면
그것을 바꾸고 그대로 두십시오.
우리가 A를 포함하지 않으면
우리의 넓은 인식
mindfulness의 연습,
의미가있을 수 있습니다
그와의 분리
세계. 더 많은 것
우리 주변의 사람들을 알고 있습니다
그리고 다른 사람들에 대한 우리의 영향
경로에 필수적입니다
Tipitaka - Pali Canon 1.
이것은 Pali 언어의 컬렉션입니다
교리를 형성하는 텍스트
Theravada Buddhism의 기초.
Tipitaka와 Post-Canonical
pali texts, 즉. 해설과
연대기, 완료를 구성합니다
클래식 도보의 몸매.
Vinaya Pitaka - 행동 규칙
일일 업무를 치르는 것
Sangha, 수도사와 수녀를위한 것.
Sutta Pitaka - 부처님과 몇 가지에 기인 한 담론
그의 가장 가까운 제자들.
Abhidhamma Pitaka - 교리
재 작업 및 재구성
마음과 물질에 대한 조사.
Pali Canon 또는 Tipitaka는
3 개의 pitakas의 컬렉션 :
비나 야 Pitaka, Sutta Pitaka 및
아바디마마 PITAKA,
전통적으로 그 일에 기인하지만
부처님, 아바디마마 Pitaka는 일반적으로 있습니다
나중 장학생의 일이 될 수락
몽크를 다시 조직하고 그분을 표로 만들었습니다
이 7 권 의이 세트에 대한 가르침
Sutta Pitaka.
1. 긴 담론의 틈새 시장 :
34 suttas, 아주 길어서 생생한 그림을 제시합니다.
삶의 다른 측면과 부처님의 시간에 생각합니다.
2. 마지 하마 니카야 - 중간 길이의 컬렉션
Sayings : 152 Suttas와 현재의 가르침을 포함합니다
심오한 시체 및 예제.
3. Samyutta Nikaya - Kinded Deconourses의 컬렉션 :
이것은 2,941 개의 SUTTA를 가지고 있으며 5 개의 부분이나 VAGAS가 그룹화됩니다.
Chief Election Commissioner N Gopalaswami, Election Commissioners S Y Qureishi and Naveen Chawla would hold separate meetings with representatives of political parties…
The full Election Commission would review here tomorrow the poll preparedness of Karnataka, which goes to elections in three phases next month.
Chief Election Commissioner N Gopalaswami, Election Commissioners S Y Qureishi and Naveen Chawla would hold separate meetings with representatives of political parties, expenditure and general observers, regional and deputy commissioners and police officials.
Karnataka Chief Electoral Officer M N Vidyashankar said Doordarshan and All India Radio have stopped airing/telecasting songs/films/serials featuring candidates, in observance of model code of conduct
Similar instructions have been issued to private television channels, Vidyashankar said.
He said liquor valued at Rs 65 lakh was seized in Bijapur yesterday, adding, 590 criminal cases pertaining to violation of the code of conduct have been registered in different parts of the state so far.
EC advice
BANGALORE: The Election Commission on Monday instructed the Chief Electoral Officer of the State not to appoint persons having criminal cases pending against them as polling agents for the three-phase Legislative Assembly elections.
CEC to monitor poll splurge
He said according to the final list of candidates for the first phase in which 89 Assembly constituencies are going to the polls, there are 837 contestants, including 398 independents.
The poll expenditure of candidates for the Assembly elections, especially those in the first phase of the hustings, will come under the scanner on Tuesday when the full bench of the Central Election Commission visits Bangalore.
Chief Electoral Officer M N Vidyashankar told reporters on Monday that Chief Election Commissioner N Gopalaswami along with the two election commissioners will hold meetings with representatives of political parties, top police officers, deputycommissioners and election and expenditure observers.
The EC will also review the preparedness for the polls and conclude its day-long visit with a meeting with the Director General and Inspector General of Police to assess the law and order situation in the state.
The police in Bijapur confiscated Rs 65 lakh worth liquor on Sunday, he said and added that so far as many as 590 criminal cases have been filed for violation of model code of conduct.
Vidyashankar said that the Election Commission has directed Doordarshan, AIR and private television channels not to telecast or air films and serials featuring candidates in the fray.
Prominent cine artistes who are contesting elections include Ambareesh from Srirangapatna and Jaggesh from Turuvekere, both on Congress ticket.
Meanwhile, as many as 249 candidates, including former chief minister S Bangarappa, filed their nomination papers for the second phase of polls. Bangarappa filed his nomination from the Shikaripura assembly segment from where BJP chief ministerial candidate B S Yeddyurappa is contesting. As many as 49 nominations were filed from Davangere district.
Gowda’s car seized
Former prime minister H D Deve Gowda is the new addition to the list of violators of the model code of conduct.
A Toyota Innova van used by him in Nanjangud, during his visit to inaugurate the JD-S election campaign office, was seized on Monday as prior permission had not been sought to use the MUV. The party had not sought permission to use the vehicle to take Mr Gowda for the inauguration of the party office. The car belongs to Prathap, JD-S candidate from Chamaraja assembly constituency.
Gowda angry
Reacting sharply to the seizure, during his speech at the inauguration of the JD-S election campaign office, he said, “as a former prime minister I have a right to freely move around the country” and also questioned whether he should obtain permission even while moving from hobli to hobli.
“I will not get the car released till the completion of the election. I will travel in another car. I will give a befitting answer to the officials after the election. Whether Rahul Gandhi had sought permission while travelling in various places of the State”, he questioned
Merajuddin booked
BIDAR: A case has been booked on Monday against Janata Dal (Secular) State unit N. Merajuddin Patel in connection with violation of model code of conduct. The police said Mr. Patel had put up a banner at the venue of a private function at Hallikhed (B) village of Humnabad taluk on Sunday. He has been booked under violation of the Karnataka Open Places Prevention of Disfigurement Act. Hallikhed village falls under the Humnabad Assembly Constituency from Mr. Patel is contesting. — Staff Correspondent
Poll code violated in Shikaripur?
Staff Correspondent
Mobbed: People greeting the former Chief Minister S. Bangarappa in Shikaripur on Monday.
SHIKARIPUR: Was the large gathering near the tahsildar’s office here on Monday a violation of the model code of conduct when the former Chief Minister S. Bangarappa arrived there to file his nomination papers?
It appears so. The police failed in controlling the crowd near the tahsildar’s office where the returning officer received the nomination papers. Entry of vehicles or gathering of more than five persons within a radius of 100 metres from the office of the returning officer has been banned. A senior police officer has been made nodal officer and put in-charge of security arrangements in and around the office of the returning officer.
He has to videograph the candidates and their supporters accompanying them and the vehicles used by them. A circular issued by the Police Department has asked the nodal officers to allow only five persons, including the candidate, inside the office of the returning officer.
The incident on Monday could have been avoided if security was tightened in anticipation of a large crowd at the time of filing of nomination papers by Mr. Bangarappa.
After offering puja at the Hucharayaswamy temple, Mr. Bangarappa came to the tahsildar’s office in a van. A large number of people followed him raising slogans.
The police stopped the van carrying Mr. Bangarappa near the barricade and asked him to go to the tahsildar’s office along with four persons only.
However, the pleas by the police were ignored and the van was taken inside the restricted area and was stopped in front of the tahsildar’s office.
Policemen deployed at the entrance to the tahsildar’s office had a tough time in controlling the crowd. Mr. Bangarappa was accompanied by Congress leaders Nagarada Mahadevappa and T.S. Mahalingappa, president of the taluk unit of the Samajwadi Party Kabaddi Rajanna and Siddhalingappa.
The crowd outside the tahsildar’s office surrounded Mr. Bangarappa’s van as he came out of the tahsildar’s office. Nearly, 5,000 people had assembled to greet Mr. Bangarappa, who is contesting against the former Chief Minister B.S. Yeddyurappa.
Revolt may harm Congress in at least a couple of segments
Vishwa Kundapura
Former Minister Srinivas Gowda is facing a formidable rebel
KOLAR: Though most rebel candidates have withdrawn from the contest, rebellion is discernible in some constituencies of Kolar and Chickballapur districts. Though the Congress, the BJP and the Janata Dal (Secular) have heaved a sigh of relief following the withdrawal of rebels from the fray, the latter, who are contesting as independents, seem poised to give sleepless nights to some official candidates.
It was particularly so in the headquarters of the two districts. While R. Varthur Prakash remains in the fray against the former Minister K. Srinivas Gowda, official nominee of the Congress in Kolar Assembly segment, it is G.H. Nagaraj against the Congress candidate S.V. Ashwathnarayan Reddy in Chickballapur constituency.
Despite the Congress’ attempt to play down the presence of Mr. Varthur Prakash in Kolar, the latter is considered as a formidable rival to the official candidate. Not heeding the advice of the party leadership, Mr. Varthur Prakash has chosen to remain in the fray saying he will give a tough fight to the three-time MLA, Mr. Srinivas Gowda.
“My social work in the constituency which includes distributing free books to poor students, financial aid to women’s self-help groups are the basis for my confidence,” says Mr. Varthur Prakash.
Besides, the hold over the Kolar City Municipal Council, which is being ruled by supporters of Mr. Varthur Prakash, is expected to give an edge to the latter in the urban area tilting the balance in his favour, according to political observers.
“Voters are wise and aware about the evils of the role of money power in politics,” was the argument put forth by Mr. Srinivas Gowda’s camp.
Chickballapur is another constituency where the Congress is likely to feel the heat of rebellion. Karnataka Pradesh Congress Committee (KPCC) member G.H. Nagaraj, a close relative of MP, R.L. Jalappa, has preferred to remain in the fray as an independent.
Though the withdrawal by another KPCC member, C. Anjanappa, from the fray has provided some respite to the Congress leadership, Mr. Nagaraj’s presence is expected to pester it in the constituency.
In Malur too, the former MLA, A. Nagaraj, has raised the banner of revolt.
He is pitted against J. Krishna Sing, official nominee of the Congress. Block Congress president R. Ashok remains in the fray against the Congress candidate N.H. Shivshankar Reddy in Gowribidnur.
Doddachowdappa is the rebel candidate of the Congress in Mulbagal constituency. Social worker S.N. Subba Reddy’s withdrawal in Bagepalli too has reduced to some extent the burden of dissidence in the Congress. Likewise, Ramachandrappa’s withdrawal in Kolar Gold Field (Scheduled Castes) segment has brought back the smiles on the faces of senior Congress leaders.
The presence of rebels is likely to affect the Congress in at least a couple of constituencies.
Denied ticket, three senior leaders desert Congress
T.V. Sivanandan
Basavaraj Patil Attur joins BJP
Vittal Heroor and Raju Gowda may follow suit
GULBARGA: The Congress suffered a jolt in its bid to recapture its hold in the Hyderabad Karnataka region in the Assembly elections with the resignation of three senior leaders, including the former Ministers, Gurupadappa Nagamarapalli and Basavaraj Patil Attur, and the reported decision of the former MLA from Surpur, Raju Gowda, and the former MLC, Vittal Heroor, who recently joined the Congress after quitting the Janata Dal (Secular), to resign from the party.
Miffed by the rejection of their claims for party ticket, the three leaders decided to part ways with the Congress.
While Mr. Nagamarapalli had sought the party ticket from Bidar after his traditional constituency Aurad was reserved for Scheduled Castes in the delimitation process in Bidar district, Mr. Attur had sought re-nomination from Basavakalyan and Mr. Heroor, a respected leader of the Kabbaliga community, had sought ticket from Afzalpur constituency in Gulbarga district and Mr. Raju Gowda sought the ticket from Surpur constituency.
The four leaders, after getting clear signals that their claims would not be entertained by the party, had decided to resign.
While Mr. Attur has joined the Bharatiya Janata Party, Mr. Heroor and Mr. Raju Gowda are likely to follow him. Mr. Attur is likely to be nominated as BJP candidate from Basavakalyan.
Mr. Nagamarapalli has not yet decided on his future course of action.
Mr. Heroor has decided to resign from the party after it was made known to him by the party leaders that the party ticket has been given to the former Minister, Malikayya Guttedar.
Mr. Raju Gowda decided to resign after the party indicated that the ticket would be given to Raja Venkatappa Naik.
The resignation of Mr. Nagamarapalli and Mr. Attur, two senior Lingayat leaders, from the Congress is likely to alienate the powerful Lingayat community from the party in the region.
However, not many senior leaders from Congress have ditched it in Raichur or Koppal districts.
Tacit understanding
BANGALORE: BJP chief ministerial candidate B.S. Yeddyurappa on Monday alleged that the Congress and the Janata Dal (Secular) had entered into a tacit understanding for the elections. Speaking to reporters, Mr. Yeddyur-appa said that the “nature of selection of candidates” by the two parties showed that they had a tacit understanding.
Text-to-speech function is limited to 200 characters
pali canon (Readings in Theravada Buddhism).A vast body of literature
in English translation the texts of the Canon has already been published
over the years.This collection can nonetheless be a very good place to
One thing I know for sure is I was born as a Buddhist, live as a Buddhist and will leave this earth as a Buddhist.
The words of the Buddha offer this truth: Hatred never ceases by hatred but by love alone is healed.
I only believe in Law of kamma ie., cause and condition.
Major Differences in Buddhism
Differences in Buddhism: There is no almighty God in Buddhism. There is
no one to hand out rewards or punishments on a supposedly Judgement Day
Awakened with Awareness Youniverse is already there.
Grow your own vegetables & fruits REVOLUTION
to go into inner world & attain happiness & peace for Eternal Bliss.
Do Meditative Mindful Swimming.
Let’s convert all our homes to show the Path for All Societies to Attain NIBBANA
Buddha’s words have Power
Awakened One the Buddha’s Own Words from Theravada Tipitaka are for all societies irrespective of religions, racism and castes.
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or Enlightened One — literally “Knower”, “Understander”, or “Awakened
One” — is the honorific name given to the Indian Sage, Gotama, who
discovered and proclaimed to the world the Law of Deliverance, known to
the West by the name of Buddhism.
A wise on does not
conceal anything, and
there is nothing they
hold on to.
Without acquisitiveness
or envy, they remain
unobtrusive; they have
no disdain or insult
for anyone.
-Purabheda Sutta
The Buddha on
The Eight
Worldly Winds:
“Praise and
recognition and
disregard, gain
and loss,
pleasure and
sorrow come
and go like the
wind. Rest like a
giant tree in the
midst of them
Fear is born from arming oneself.
Just see how mwny people fight!
I’ll tell you about the dreadful fear
that caused me to shake all over:
– The Buddha
Attadanda Sutta
There is no fear for
someone who is
awake, whose mind
is uncontaminated
by craving,
and is unperplexed,
and who has given up
vice and virtue
Though you may live a hundred years
unethical and unintegrated,
better is one single day
lived ethically and absorbed
(in higher meditative states.-the Buddha
For long-term benefit and happiness
Train yourself:
‘Even though I may be afflicted in body, my mind will be unafflicted.’
That is how you should train yourself.”
well-instructed disciple has regard for noble ones and is well-versed
and disciplined in their Dhamma; has regard for men of integrity and is
well-versed and disciplined in their Dhamma – his form changes and
alters, but he does not fall into sorrow, lamentation, pain, distress,
or despair over its change and alteration.”
To Two brahmans -120 years old –
Do meritorious deeds that bring bliss.
Make merit while alive.
When the world is on fire with aging and death, one should salvage [future wealth] by giving:”
“Moral conduct serves one well till old age.
Sradda if well-established, serves one well.
Knowledge is a precious treasure for man.
The merit of good actions is difficult for thieves to take away.”
A person abandons what he construes as mine. – Buddha
As a water bead on a lotus leaf does not adhere, so the sage does not adhere. – Buddha
A wise man is not deluded by what is perceived. – Buddha
Try and stick to right livelihood, right effort, right mindfulness, right concentration, as aging is stressful. – Buddha
The Doctor’s Diagnosis
Live upto 150 years for the price of coffee
Adenine Dinucleotide (NAD)15 Grams at $62.00 which plays a role in
generating energy in the human body available ‘for the price of a coffee
a day’ a Stunning anti-ageing breakthrough could see humans live to 150
years and regenerate organ.New process has been found by Harvard
Professor David Sinclair and researchers from the University of New
South Wales, involving cell eprogramming.
Buddha’s words have Power
A wise person’s mindfulness
holds them poised in
constant equanimity where
arrogance is impossible;
they make no comparison
with the rest of the world
as ‘superior’, ‘inferior’
or ‘equal’.
-Purabheda Sutta
Maturity is
learning to walk
away from people
and situations that
threaten your
peace of mind,
values, morals,
or self worth.
Forgive others.
Not because they
deserve forgiveness,
byt because you
deserve peace.
There are three
solutions to every
problem:accept it,
change it, or leave it.
If you can’t accept it,
change it. If you can’t
change it, leave it.
If we do not include a
broader awareness in our
practice of mindfulness,
there can be a sense of
separation from the
world. Becoming more
aware of those around us
and our impact on others
is essential on the path
The Tipitaka — The Pali Canon 1
This is the collection of Pali language
texts, which form the doctrinal
foundation of Theravada Buddhism.
The Tipitaka and the post-canonical
Pali texts, ie. the Commentaries and
Chronicles, make up the complete
body of classical Therevada texts.
Vinaya Pitaka – The rules of conduct
governing the daily affairs within the
Sangha, for both monks and nuns.
Sutta Pitaka – The discourses attributed to the Buddha and a few of
his closest disciples.
Abhidhamma Pitaka – The doctrines
reworked and reorganised into an
investigation of mind and matter.
The Pali Canon, or the Tipitaka, consists of
the collection of three Pitakas:
The Sutta Pitaka, the Vinaya Pitaka and
the Abhidhamma Pitaka,
Although traditionally attributed to the
Buddha, the Abhidhamma Pitaka is generally
accepted to be the work of later scholar
monks who re-organised and tabulated His
teachings into this set of 7 books
The Sutta Pitaka
1. The Digha Nikaya -Collection of Long Discourses :
34 suttas, some very lengthy, presenting a vivid picture of the
different aspects of life and thought at the Buddha’s time.
2.The Majjhima Nikaya – Collection of the Middle Length
Sayings : Contains 152 suttas and present teachings
with profound similies and examples.
3. The Samyutta Nikaya – Collection of Kindred Discourses :
This has 2,941 suttas, grouped into five parts, or vaggas.
4. The Anguttara Nikaya – Collection of the Gradual Sayings:
Contains as many as 2,38 small suttas arranged according
to the number of topics discussed, from one to eleven.
The Vinaya Pitaka
1. Parajka Pali – Major Offenses : The rues of discipline
concerning 49 major and minor offences and the penalties.
2. Pacittiya Pali – Major Offences : Deals with the remaining 178
sets of rules for Bhikkhus and Bhikkhunis.
3. Mahavagga Pali – Greater Section : This contains an account
of the period following the Buddha’s Awakening, His sermons
to the first five monks and some of His great disciples
joined the Sangha and attained Awakening. Also rules of
conduct and etiquette for Sangha.
4. Culavagga Pali – Lesser Section : More rules and proceedures
In the Buddhist tradition, Nibbāna has commonly been interpreted as the extinction of the “three fires”, or “three poisons”,greed (raga), aversion (dvesha) and ignorance (moha).When these fires are extinguished, release from the cycle of rebirth (saṃsāra) is attained.
Nibbāna has also been claimed by some scholars to be identical with anatta (non-self) and sunyata
(emptiness) states though this is hotly contested by other scholars and
practicing monks. In time, with the development of the Buddhist
doctrine, other interpretations were given, such as the absence of the
weaving (vana) of activity of the mind, the elimination of desire, and
escape from the woods, cq. the five skandhas or aggregates.
Buddhist scholastic tradition identifies two types of Nibbāna: sopadhishesa-Nibbāna (Nibbāna with a remainder), and pariNibbāna or anupadhishesa-nirvana (Nibbāna without remainder, or final Nibbāna). The founder of Buddhism, the Buddha, is believed to have reached both these states.
Nibbāna, or the liberation from cycles of rebirth, is the highest aim of the Theravada tradition. In the Mahayana tradition, the highest goal is Buddhahood, in which there is no abiding in Nibbāna. Buddha helps liberate beings from saṃsāra
by teaching the Buddhist path. There is no rebirth for Buddha or people
who attain Nibbāna. But his teachings remain in the world for a certain
time as a guidance to attain Nibbāna.
The Story of Five Hundred Bhikkhus
170: If a man looks at the world (i.e., the five khandhas) in the same
way as one looks at a bubble or a mirage, the King of Death will not
find him.
evam jokam avekkhantam: one who looks at the world in the same way,
i.e., looks at the world as being impermanent as a bubble and as
non-material as a mirage.
The Story of Five Hundred Bhikkhus
While residing at the Jetavana monastery, the Buddha uttered Verse (170) of this book, with reference to five hundred bhikkhus.
one occasion, five hundred bhikkhus, after taking a subject of
meditation from the Buddha, went into the forest to practise meditation.
But they made very little progress; so they returned to the Buddha to
ask for a more suitable subject of meditation. On their way to the
Buddha, seeing a mirage they meditated on it. As soon as they entered
the compound of the monastery, a storm broke out; as big drops of rain
fell, bubbles were formed on the ground and soon disappeared. Seeing
those bubbles, the bhikkhus reflected “This body of ours is perishable
like the bubbles”, and perceived the impermanent nature of the
aggregates (khandhas).
The Buddha saw them from his perfumed chamber and sent forth the radiance and appeared in their vision.
Then the Buddha spoke in verse as follows:
170: If a man looks at the world (i.e., the five khandhas) in the same
way as one looks at a bubble or a mirage, the King of Death will not
find him.
At the end of the discourse, those five hundred bhikkhus attained arahatship.
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follows is a brief outline of Theravada Buddhism, primarily for the
benefit of those of you who landed on this website without any idea
about what “Theravada” is. The links in this page serve as entry points
to the rest of the website.
you’re interested in learning a little about the history of Theravada,
you might enjoy seeing Theravada Buddhism: A Chronological History.
“Theravada” is pronounced (more or less, in American English) like
“terra vodda.” The “th” sound in Pali is not like the “th” in “thick”;
it’s pronounced more like the “th” combination in “hothouse”.
The “Doctrine of the Elders”
The many names of Theravada
Pali: the language of Theravada
A brief summary of the Buddha’s teachings
Theravada comes West
The “Doctrine of the Elders”
(Pali: thera “elders” + vada “word, doctrine”), the “Doctrine of the
Elders,” is the name for the school of Buddhism that draws its
scriptural inspiration from the Pali Canon, or Tipitaka, which scholars
generally accept as the oldest record of the Buddha’s teachings. For
many centuries, Theravada has been the predominant religion of Sri
Lanka, Burma, and Thailand; today Theravada Buddhists number over 100
million worldwide. In recent decades Theravada has begun to take root in
the West — primarily in Europe and the USA.
The many names of Theravada
Buddhism goes by many names. The Buddha himself called the religion he
founded Dhamma-vinaya, “the doctrine and discipline,” in reference to
the two fundamental aspects of the system of ethical and spiritual
training he taught. Owing to its historical dominance in southern Asia
(Sri Lanka, Thailand, and Burma), Theravada is also identified as
“Southern Buddhism,” in contrast to “Northern Buddhism,” which migrated
northwards from India into China, Tibet, Japan, and Korea. Theravada is
often equated with “Hinayana” (the “Lesser Vehicle”), in contrast to
“Mahayana” (the “Greater Vehicle”), which is usually a synonym for
Tibetan Buddhism, Zen, Ch’an, and other expressions of Northern
Buddhism. The use of “Hinayana” as a pejorative has its origins in the
early schisms within the monastic community that ultimately led to the
emergence of what would later become Mahayana. Today scholars of many
persuasions use the term “Hinayana” without pejorative intent.
Pali: the language of Theravada
language of the Theravada canonical texts is Pali, a relative of
Magadhi, a language probably spoken in central India during the Buddha’s
time. Most of the sermons the Buddha delivered were memorized by Ven.
Ananda, the Buddha’s cousin and close personal attendant. Shortly after
the Buddha’s death (ca. 480 BCE), the community of monks — including
Ananda — convened to recite all the sermons they had heard during the
Buddha’s forty-five years of teaching. Each recorded sermon (sutta)
therefore begins with the disclaimer, Evam me sutam — “Thus have I
heard.” The teachings were passed down within the monastic community
following a well-established oral tradition. By about 100 BCE the
Tipitaka was first fixed in writing in Sri Lanka by Sinhala
course, it can never be proved that the Pali Canon contains the actual
words uttered by the historical Buddha (and there is ample evidence to
suggest that much of the Canon does not). The wisdom the Canon contains
has nevertheless served for centuries as an indispensable guide for
millions of followers in their quest for Awakening.
students of Theravada find that learning the Pali language — even just
a little bit here and there — greatly deepens their understanding of
the path of practice.
A brief summary of the Buddha’s teachings
follows is a brief synopsis of some of the key teachings of Theravada
Buddhism. I’ve left out a great deal, but I hope that even this rough
outline will be enough to get you started in your exploration.
after his Awakening, the Buddha (”the Awakened One”) delivered his
first sermon, in which he laid out the essential framework upon which
all his later teachings were based. This framework consists of the Four
Noble Truths, four fundamental principles of nature (Dhamma) that
emerged from the Buddha’s honest and penetrating assessment of the human
condition and that serve to define the entire scope of Buddhist
practice. These truths are not statements of belief. Rather, they are
categories by which we can frame our direct experience in a way that is
conducive to Awakening:
2. The cause of dukkha: the cause of this dissatisfaction is craving
(tanha) for sensuality, for states of becoming, and states of no
3. The cessation of dukkha: the relinquishment of that craving;
4. The path of practice leading to the cessation of dukkha: the
Noble Eightfold Path of right view, right resolve, right speech, right
action, right livelihood, right effort, right mindfulness, and right
each of these Noble Truths the Buddha assigned a specific task which
the practitioner is to carry out: the first Noble Truth is to be
comprehended; the second is to be abandoned; the third is to be
realized; the fourth is to be developed. The full realization of the
third Noble Truth paves the way for the direct penetration of Nibbana
(Sanskrit: Nirvana), the transcendent freedom that stands as the final
goal of all the Buddha’s teachings.
last of the Noble Truths — the Noble Eightfold Path — contains a
prescription for the relief of our unhappiness and for our eventual
release, once and for all, from the painful and wearisome cycle of birth
and death (samsara) to which — through our own ignorance (avijja) of
the Four Noble Truths — we have been bound for countless aeons. The
Noble Eightfold Path offers a comprehensive practical guide to the
development of those wholesome qualities and skills in the human heart
that must be cultivated in order to bring the practitioner to the final
goal, the supreme freedom and happiness of Nibbana. In practice, the
Buddha taught the Noble Eightfold Path to his followers according to a
“gradual” system of training, beginning with the development of sila, or
virtue (right speech, right action, and right livelihood, which are
summarized in practical form by the five precepts), followed by the
development of samadhi, or concentration and mental cultivation (right
effort, right mindfulness, and right concentration), culminating in the
full development of pañña, or wisdom (right view and right resolve). The
practice of dana (generosity) serves as a support at every step along
the path, as it can help erode the heart’s habitual tendencies towards
craving and as it can teach valuable lessons about the causes and
results of one’s actions (kamma).
along the path does not follow a simple linear trajectory. Rather,
development of each aspect of the Noble Eightfold Path encourages the
refinement and strengthening of the others, leading the practitioner
ever forward in an upward spiral of spiritual maturity that culminates
in Awakening.
from another point of view, the long journey on the path to Awakening
begins in earnest with the first tentative stirrings of right view, the
first flickerings of wisdom by which one recognizes both the validity of
the first Noble Truth and the inevitability of the law of kamma
(Sanskrit: karma), the universal law of cause and effect. Once one
begins to see that harmful actions inevitably bring about harmful
results, and wholesome actions ultimately bring about wholesome results,
the desire naturally grows to live a skillful, morally upright life, to
take seriously the practice of sila. The confidence built from this
preliminary understanding inclines the follower to place an even greater
trust in the teachings. The follower becomes a “Buddhist” upon
expressing an inner resolve to “take refuge” in the Triple Gem: the
Buddha (both the historical Buddha and one’s own innate potential for
Awakening), the Dhamma (both the teachings of the historical Buddha and
the ultimate Truth towards which they point), and the Sangha (both the
monastic community that has protected the teachings and put them into
practice since the Buddha’s day, and all those who have achieved at
least some degree of Awakening). With one’s feet thus firmly planted on
the ground by taking refuge, and with the help of an admirable friend
(kalyanamitta) to help show the way, one can set out along the Path,
confident that one is indeed following in the footsteps left by the
Buddha himself.
is sometimes naïvely criticized as a “negative” or “pessimistic”
religion and philosophy. After all (so the argument goes) life is not
all misery and disappointment: it offers many kinds of joy and
happiness. Why then this pessimistic Buddhist obsession with
unsatisfactoriness and suffering?
Buddha based his teachings on a frank assessment of our plight as
humans: there is unsatisfactoriness and suffering in the world. No one
can argue this fact. Were the Buddha’s teachings to stop there, we might
indeed regard them as pessimistic and life as utterly hopeless. But,
like a doctor who prescribes a remedy for an illness, the Buddha offers
hope (the third Noble Truth) and a cure (the fourth). The Buddha’s
teachings thus give cause for an extraordinary degree of optimism in a
complex, confusing, and difficult world. One modern teacher summed it up
well: “Buddhism is the serious pursuit of happiness.”
Buddha claimed that the Awakening he re-discovered is accessible to
anyone willing to put forth the effort and commitment required to pursue
the Noble Eightfold Path to its end. It is up to each of us
individually to put that claim to the test.
Theravada comes West
the late 19th century, the teachings of Theravada were little known
outside of Southern and Southeast Asia, where they had flourished for
some two and one-half millennia. In the last century, however, the West
has begun to take notice of Theravada’s unique spiritual legacy and
teachings of Awakening. In recent decades, this interest has swelled,
with the monastic Sangha from the various schools within Theravada
establishing dozens of monasteries across Europe and North America. In
addition, a growing number of lay meditation centers in the West,
operating independently of the Sangha, currently strain to meet the
demands of lay men and women — Buddhist and otherwise — seeking to
learn selected aspects of the Buddha’s teachings.
turn of the 21st century presents both opportunities and dangers for
Theravada in the West: Will the Buddha’s teachings be patiently studied
and put into practice, so that they may be allowed to establish deep
roots in Western soil, for the benefit of many generations to come? Will
the current popular climate of “openness” and cross-fertilization
between spiritual traditions lead to the emergence of a strong new form
of Buddhist practice unique to the modern era, or will it simply lead to
the dilution and confusion of these priceless teachings? These are open
questions; only time will tell.
the Buddha left us with some very clear and simple guidelines to help
us find our way through the perplexing maze of purportedly “Buddhist”
teachings that are available to us today. Whenever you find yourself
questioning the authenticity of a particular teaching, heed well the
Buddha’s advice to his stepmother:
The qualities of which you may know, ‘These qualities lead to
passion, not to dispassion; to being fettered, not to being unfettered;
to accumulating, not to shedding; to self-aggrandizement, not to
modesty; to discontent, not to contentment; to entanglement, not to
seclusion; to laziness, not to aroused persistence; to being burdensome,
not to being unburdensome’: You may definitely hold, ‘This is not the
Dhamma, this is not the Vinaya, this is not the Teacher’s instruction.’
As for the qualities of which you may know, ‘These qualities lead to
dispassion, not to passion; to being unfettered, not to being fettered;
to shedding, not to accumulating; to modesty, not to
self-aggrandizement; to contentment, not to discontent; to seclusion,
not to entanglement; to aroused persistence, not to laziness; to being
unburdensome, not to being burdensome’: You may definitely hold, ‘This
is the Dhamma, this is the Vinaya, this is the Teacher’s instruction.’
— AN VIII.53
truest test of these teachings, of course, is whether they yield the
promised results in the crucible of your own heart. The Buddha presented
us with a challenge; it is up to each of us individually to put that
challenge to the test.
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Vote for BSP Brothers and Sisters,
It is well known to every one the Bahujan Samaj Party (BSP) is the only party in the country, which “believes in doing rather than saying”.
It is for this reason that our party, unlike other parties, does not release any tempting “Election Manifestoes” and instead, issues“Appeal” to the people in general and voters in particular to ensure their vote and support for BSP in order to fulfill the remaining commitments for completing its missionary goal by adopting the path shown by Saints, Gurus and Mahapurush (Great men) born in different periods in the Bahujan Samaj like Mahatma Jyotiba Phule, Chatrapati Sahu Maharaj, Narayana Guru, Periyar Ramaswamy Ji, Baba Saheb Dr.Ambedkar and more recently Manyawar Shri Kanshi Ram ji.
This we do with an aim to earn good results for the party in the elections and to achieve power to rule so that with the help of the “Master Key of Political Power” we become master of our own destiny and could ensure work and proper welfare of the poor, deprived and downtrodden sections of the society belonging to all castes and religions i.e.”Sarv Samaj”. Param pujya Baba Saheb Dr. Bhimrao Ambedkar has beautifully and wonderfully explained about the significance of the “Master Key of the Political Power”, declaring that the political power is such a “Master Key” through which all problems can be solved and also doors of progress and prosperity can be opened up.
Following this principle of Babasaheb Dr.Ambedkar, our party is contesting, on its’ own strength, KARNATAKA Legislative Assembly General Elections-2008. The Karnataka Legislative Assembly has a total number of 224 seats and the BSP is contesting on almost all the seats on its own. BSP has not at all entered into any kind of alliance or seat adjustments with any other party in this election. So, we are fighting this election on all seats on our own.
But, the pertinent question which arises here is, as to why there is a necessity for the people of the State of Karnataka to cast their votes in favour of the BSP only, rather than voting for the Congress, B.J.P. or their supporting parties? We have to understand this issue very clearly for an outstanding performance.
In this regard, I am of the view that BSP is the only Party in the country whose “Principles & Policies” and also its “style of functioning” suits very much the interests of the people belonging to “Sarv Samaj” (all sections of the society). On the other hand, other political parties make too many promises to people just before the elections or in the election year but they never translate them into reality for the true welfare of them, leaving most of their lofty electoral promises confined to papers only, rather than getting them implemented in practical terms.
It is for this very reason that, even after 60 years of independence, the “Social and Economic” condition of people belonging to Bahujan Samaj, which comprises of Scheduled Castes (SCs), Scheduled Tribes (STs), Other Backward Class (OBCs) and Religious Minorities such as Sikhs, Muslims, Christians, Parsis and Buddhists have not significantly improved due to faulty economic policies adopted by various governments of castiest leaders of different political parties, even though the population of these sections of society is very large and for this reason , we call them as “Bahujan Samaj”.
Here, I am especially talking about their wrong and erratic economic policies, mainly because at the centre as well as in most of the States, Governments’ were formed with the monetary or otherwise help of big capitalist powers and for this very reason, these parties, after coming to power, as a “return gift” to them formulated their “Economic Policies” in subservience of these capitalists, fully ignoring the interests and welfare of general public.
Due to this kind of unjust behaviour of the governments of Congress, BJP and their supporting parties, the economic condition of people belonging to Bahujan Samaj as well as poor people of “Savarn Samaj” i.e. the upper castes is turning from bad to worse. The malice is still continuing, rendering more and more such people unemployed and live a life under the darkness of poverty.< ?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = “urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office” />
In view of the complexity and seriousness of such kind of problems, these deprived and exploited sections of the people revolted in such a manner to form a separate political party of their own called as (the Bahujan Samaj Party-BSP) under the leadership of Manyawar Shri Kanshi Ram Ji on April, 1984, basing its ideology on policy and progrmmes of Great Baba sahib Dr. Ambedkar. And quiet obviously, with the massive support and cooperation of all the sections of the society, the BSP has acquired a “National Status” and has grown enough to be officially by the Election Commission of India as one of the main national political parties of India.
Not only this, our party also gradually expanded its mass base and graduated to send its representatives in Parliament, apart from winning assembly elections in various States of the Country. In Uttar Pradesh, which is the biggest State of India in terms of the size of the population, the BSP under the leader ship of mine had formed government four times. And all the four times, the governments of our party has worked with full devotion and dedication to provide “justice” to all, besides giving impetus and dynamism to the issue of ”Development” in the State.
Giving priority to weaker sections of the society in the process, with an aim to improve “Social and Economic” condition of the underprivileged sections of the society and poor people belonging to Sarv Samaj, our party Government in Uttar Pradesh, for the first time in the country, constituted separate “Welfare” Departments” in 1995 right at the inception of the first BSP government.
And the aspect of development were given new meaning when 25,000 villages, having predominantly Original Inhabitants of Jambudvipa i.e. the Great Prabuddha Bharath (SC/STs) population, were selected for “Dr.Ambedkar Village Development Scheme” to develop them fully with all kind of basic amenities and infrastructure facilities. The process is going on and gradually all the villages of the State will be taken for such kind of developmental activities all over the State, surely changing the very face and of course the life of the rural poor in real terms. Presently, however, the name of this scheme has been changed as “Baba Saheb Dr. Ambedkar U.P. Gramsabha Samagra Vikas Yojana (Gramsabha Integrated Development Scheme.)”.
Similarly, an ambitious “Urban Integrated Development Scheme” has been formulated in the name of “ManyawarShri Kanshi Ram Ji”. Under this scheme, small towns and cities of Uttar Pradesh are being developed in a systematic manner and within time bound period. But under both these schemes, all the activities are being speeded up as much as the economic condition of the State allows. These developmental activities could well get further momentum and much speed if the Central Government fulfills its obligations of providing funds for the purpose.
Ambedkar’s ideology exists in socio-cultural context
Staff Reporter
Gandhi could never understand the plight of Untouchables(SCs the Original Inhabitants of Jambudvipa that is the Great Prabuddha Bharath) because he was not born as one, says VC
— Photo: R. Eswarraj
Espousing ideals: O. Anantharamayya, Vice-Chancellor of Tumkur University, lighting the lamp to inaugurate a function to mark the birth anniversary of B.R. Ambedkar in Mangalore on Friday.
MANGALORE: The ideas and writings of B.R. Ambedkar provide enough space and political context for most “isms” to exist within the wide canvas of “Ambedkar-ism,” opined Vice-Chancellor of the Karnataka State Open University Vivek Rai on Friday.
He was addressing a gathering of students and teachers of the Mangalore University to mark the 117th birth anniversary of the architect of the Indian Constitution Bhimrao Ambedkar.
Mr. Rai is of the view that, while followers of Carl Marx, Mao Zedong, Mahatma Gandhi and Ram Manohar Lohia are poles apart, they would all find a resonance of their ideologies in the teachings of Ambedkar. “Can there be an ideology based on the teachings of Ambedkar?” he asked.
Lavishing praise on the leader. Mr. Rai said: “The beauty about Ambedkar’s ideology is that it manages to exist within the country’s socio-cultural context.”
He said that Ambedkar’s teachings had social, political, theological, anthropological and even scientific soundness.
Speaking on the issue of Untouchables(SCs the Original Inhabitants of Jambudvipa that is the Great Prabuddha Bharath) emancipation in the country, Mr. Rai said that the greatest impediment to upward mobility of backward castes is globalisation. “Rampant growth of the private sector at the cost of the government sector has led to widespread unemployment among educated Untouchables(SCs the Original Inhabitants of Jambudvipa that is the Great Prabuddha Bharath) youth,” he said.
Expressing solidarity with the views of Mr. Rai, Vice-Chancellor of Mangalore University K.M. Kaveriappa said that both Mahatma Gandhi and B.R Ambedkar were great freedom fighters. While one fought for political emancipation, the other fought for the social emancipation of the country’s masses. He said that Gandhiji could never fully understand Ambedkar or the suffering of the socially excluded masses of India. “Gandhiji could have understood what it is like being a Untouchables(SCs the Original Inhabitants of Jambudvipa that is the Great Prabuddha Bharath) only if he was born as one,” he said.
Earlier, Vice-Chancellor of Tumkur University Anantharamaiah said that Ambedkar was always misunderstood as a leader of Dalits in this country. “He was also a scholar in Science, Mathematics, Sociology, Anthropology, Law, Political Science, Literature, the Vedas and Theology,” he said.
Vote For BSP
BSP releases 20-page appeal
Special Correspondent
The booklet traces the history, ideologies, struggle of the party
The party will distribute 10 lakh copies of the appeal in a door-to-door campaign in State
BANGALORE: Highlighting the achievements of the Mayawati government in Uttar Pradesh, the Bahujan Samaj Party (BSP) has appealed to Karnataka voters to elect its candidates during the Assembly elections.
BSP General Secretaries Veer Singh and P.G.R. Sindhia, on Thursday, released a 20-page appeal by their party President Mayawati to the Karnataka voters. The booklet traces the history of the BSP, its ideologies and struggle and also lists the various socio-economic projects taken up by Ms. Mayawati in Uttar Pradesh.
Explaining the main features of the appeal, Mr. Sindhia said the BSP had urged the Centre to amend the Constitution to extend reservation benefits to below poverty line (BPL) families of the “upper castes”. Stating that the BSP was not against any community, he said that for the first time in the country, the Mayawati government had extended reservation benefits to the poor from all castes.
The party activists plan to distribute 10 lakh copies of the “appeal” in Kannada, Hindi, Urdu and English during the door-to-door campaign across the State, he said. Mr. Sindhia said the State unit’s manifesto committee was preparing the poll manifesto and would bring it out in a couple of days. The BSP had been growing in strength in Karnataka and prominent people from various castes were joining the party, he said. The party would field film artiste Jai Jagadish from Madikeri and former minister K.H. Hanume Gowda from Hassan.
Online edition of India’s National Newspaper Monday, Apr 28, 2008
‘BSP to be part of next coalition Government’
Staff Correspondent
No party can form government without our support: Sindhia
P.G.R. Sindhia
MYSORE: The Bahujan Samaj Party (BSP) will be part of the next coalition government in the State, party’s national general secretary P.G.R. Sindhia has said.
Addressing a press conference here on Sunday, Mr. Sindhia said that his party was poised to win a minimum of 50 to 60 seats in the Assembly elections.
“The elections will throw up a hung Assembly and it will not be possible for anyone to form the government by keeping the BSP out”, he said.
Notwithstanding the “tall claims” being made by the BJP and the Congress that they will secure a majority on their own and form government, Mr. Sindhia said that it would be a fractured mandate this time.
“In such a situation, the BSP will be playing a crucial role in the formation of the next coalition government”, he said.
Mr. Sindhia said that the Congress, the BJP and the Janata Dal (Secular) had thrown ideologies and principles to the wind for the sake of power, forcing the people not to vote any single party to power.
In contrast to other political parties, the BSP had shown its commitment towards the welfare of all sections of society. The party’s popularity had grown gradually over the last few years, he said.
“The BSP’s vote share, which was around 2 per cent during the 2004 Assembly elections, is expected to soar to 20 per cent in the coming polls”, he said.
Mr. Sindhia said the party’s election campaign was expected to receive a boost with party leader and Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Mayawati scheduled to campaign in the State from May 5.
She would be addressing election rallies and meetings, beginning with Kollegal in Chamarajanagar district and ending with Bidar, he said.
Responding to queries on speculations relating to the former Union Minister Jaffer Sharief’s plans to join the BSP, Mr. Sindhia said that the party leaders had met Mr Sharief in Bangalore four days ago and extended him an invitation to join the party.
Mr. Sharief is impressed with BSP’s ideology and had attended a public meeting addressed by Mr. Mayawati in Bangalore a few months ago. “We have extended an invitation to him to join the party. Now, it is left to him to take a decision”, he said.
The former Minister D.T. Jayakumar, who was also present at the press conference, sought to expose the “loopholes” in the professed commitment to social justice of the Janata Dal (S).
“For the Janata Dal (S), winning elections comes first and social justice next. The party has thrown the principles of social justice to the winds while distributing ticket for the elections”, he said.
Mr. Sindhia said that he had joined the BSP not because he was denied a Janata Dal (S) ticket. “I had sought ticket for a few people in the region, but the party refused to do so”, he said.
Mr. Jayakumar added that he would remain with the BSP as he subscribed to its ideology.
BSP is not favouring BJP candidate in Virajpet’
Staff Correspondent
Stop slanderous campaign against me: Kunhi Abdulla
Leaders of minority wings of Congress, JD(S) criticised
‘Jai Jagdish should have stayed in BSP’
Madikeri: Kunhi Abdulla, Bahujan Samaj Party (BSP) candidate contesting from Virajpet, said here on Sunday that he was not contesting to favour the Bharatiya Janata Party candidate from the constituency as made out by the Congress and the Janata Dal (Secular) candidates.
He was speaking to presspersons here.
Mr. Abdulla threatened to take the matter to the Election Commission if the two parties did not stop the “slanderous” campaign against him. Mr. Abdulla said that his presence would affect the prospects of the BJP in Virajpet.
He said that his rival in Virajpet was the BJP candidate and not the Congress or the Janata Dal (S) candidate.
He criticised the leaders of the minority wings of the Congress and the Janata Dal (S) in Kodagu who had claimed that members of minority communities would vote for their respective parties. How these parties could show concern to the minorities now, he said. If the two parties had so much concern for the minority communities, they should have issued ticket to a member of the community to contest in Kodagu, Mr. Abdulla said.
The Congress had betrayed the minority communities in the past, he charged.
On film actor and director Jai Jagdish, who joined the BJP in Somwarpet on Sunday, Mr. Abdulla said that it was a hasty decision. Mr. Jagdish should have stayed in the BSP, he said.
Madikeri election officer had rejected the nomination papers of Mr. Jagdish as the BSP candidate a few days ago.
Mr. Abdulla, who is also the secretary of the State unit of the party, announced that the BSP would not support K.H. Vittal, the party’s candidate for Madikeri Assembly constituency. There were many aspirants for the party ticket from Madikeri, he said.
BSP leader P.G.R. Sindhia and the former MLA Krishnappa would address an election rally in Virajpet on Tuesday, Mr. Abdulla said.
President of the Kodagu unit of the BSP Appachu, vice-president P.T. Antony, general secretary Veerabhadraiah and Virajpet taluk unit president Srikant Shet were present.
Poll helpline
Chitradurga: To receive complaints and grievances from people pertaining to Assembly elections, the district administration has set up helpline centres in six constituencies. The numbers are Chitradurga 08194221282, Hiriyur 08193227091, Hosadurga 08199230240, Holalkere 08191207131, Challakere 08195250111, Molakalmur 08198210260. — Staff Correspondent
Mayawati plans to woo Thakurs now
Atiq Khan
LUCKNOW: After wooing Brahmins, Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Mayawati has now decided to cast the net wider to include other prominent castes in her social mobilisation strategy ahead of next year’s Lok Sabha elections.
The “bhaichara” (brotherhood) committees, which played a significant role in the Bahujan Samaj Party’s race to power in the 2007 Assembly elections, will be assigned a greater responsibility.
Role redefined
The BSP president, who held meetings with Ministers, MPs, MLAs, MLCs, coordinators and office-bearers on Friday and Saturday, redefined the role of the brotherhood committees. A social brotherhood committee was formed under the leadership of Panchayati Raj Minister Babu Singh Kushwaha.
Informed sources said that for bringing the Thakurs or Kshatriyas into the BSP fold, the State had been divided into two zones — Purvanchal (eastern Uttar Pradesh ) and western Uttar Pradesh — under the charge of Cabinet Ministers.
Starting from Sultanpur and Pratapgarh districts, the Thakurs are largely concentrated in the Purvanchal region. The BSP’s focus will be on wooing the Thakurs in the eastern part, said a senior Minister on condition of anonymity.
In Uttar Pradesh, Thakurs are considered a “floating vote.” In the past, other parties had made vigorous attempts to woo them. A campaign by the Thakur Ministers and MLAs against the Mayawati government in 2003 following the arrest of Kunda MLA Raghuraj Pratap Singh alias Raja Bhaiyya and his father Uday Pratap Singh under the Prevention of Terrorist Act preceded the formation of the Mulayam government.
On his release, Raja Bhaiyya was inducted as a Cabinet Minister in the Mulayam regime.
Eight zones
For further expanding the BSP’s base, the Chief Minister has divided the State into eight zones and appointed Cabinet Ministers and senior party functionaries as coordinators for each zone.
After dissolving the district units of the party, Ms. Mayawati fixed August 31 deadline for forming new ones.
We cannot be bought with saris: women
Staff Reporter
— Photo: Sampath Kumar G.P.
venting ire: Members of the AIDWA burning saris, which were distributed by political parties, in Bangalore on Sunday.
BANGALORE: Even as politicians use time-tested methods of doling out freebies to woo voters from the underprivileged classes, voices are being raised against these illegal means of enticement.
On Sunday, a few saris given out to slum dwellers by politicians were burnt by indignant members of the All India Women’s Democratic Association (AIDWA) to drive home the point that “women’s votes cannot be bought.”
K.S. Lakshmi, State General Secretary of AIDWA, said that another manner of luring women voters from poorer classes has been through the use of self-help groups (SHG), which have emerged as the influencing factors in the areas they work out of.
Urging the State Election Commission to be more vigilant, Ms. Lakshmi said that under the cover of religious events and birthday celebrations, politicians and their followers are giving away saris and other freebies.
Denial of ticket to ex-Minister may spell trouble for Congress
M.B. Girish
Gurupadappa has considerable clout in Bidar, Aurad
BIDAR: The denial of Congress ticket to the former Minister Gurupadappa Nagamarapalli is likely to land the Congress party in trouble in the Bidar and Aurad Assembly constituencies.
Mr. Nagamarapalli will be contesting the Bidar seat for the first time, but he has won four times from the Aurad segment which is a reserved constituency now.
He is yet to decide whether he will be contesting as an independent or will join some other party.
The performance of the Congress in Bidar district was dismal in 2004; it lost five of the six Assembly seats.
Mr. Nagamarapalli was the only candidate to win from Aurad.
Sources close to him said: “Chairmanship of the Naranja Sahakari Sakkare Karkhane Limited, Bidar, and the District Central Cooperative Bank, may help Gurupadappa Nagamarapalli to influence voters in Bidar and Aurad constituencies.”
The inclusion of 25 villages, which fall under the Janawada Circle, in the Bidar Assembly Constituency has come as a blessing for Mr. Nagamarapalli because the Naranja Sahakari Sakkare Karkhane is located in Janawada Circle.
In Aurad, Mr. Nagamarapalli may play a key role in ensuring the success of any candidate since he had won from there four times — in 1985, 1989, 1994 and 2004. He lost the elections in in 1999, but he is said to have a large number of followers in the constituency.
Mr. Nagamarapalli left the Janata Dal (Secular) and joined the Congress in 1999
Monday, April 28, 2008
Bahujan rath rolls on in State
DH News Service, Bangalore:
Taking its slogan of Sarve jana sukhaya sarve jana hitaya forward, the Bahujan Samaj Party (BSP) on Sunday kickstarted its poll campaign by flagging off a Bahujana Ratha from the Gali Anjaneya Swamy temple on Mysore Road.
The BSP General Secretaries P G R Sindhia and Veer Singh, who flagged off the ratha, reiterated that the BSP was becoming a formidable force in Karnataka. The campaign was launched after the BSP leaders including State President Marasandra Muniyappa performed pooja at the Gali Anjaneya Swamy Temple.
“We are confident that the BSP will play a decisive role in the formation of the new Government in Karnataka,” Sindhia, who later left for Mandya and Mysore to start his campaign tour, said.
The ratha, which will be a part of Sindhia’s 20-day tour of the State, will pass through all districts and will also be a part of Mayawati’s public meetings.
Sharief in touch
Later, Sindhia told reporters that more and more politicians were appreciating the BSP’s ideology and principles. “Veteran politician Jaffar Sharief, who has been betrayed by the Congress, has expressed that the BSP’s approach is the right approach. From our side, we have invited him to join the party. Our party supremo has also spoken to him. But he is yet to take a decision. Like this there is an undercurrent in favour of the BSP,” Sindhia said.
He said he would address public meetings at Mysore, K R Nagar, Hunsur, Piriyapatna, Madikeri, Virajpet, H D Kote, Nanjangud, Chamarajnagar, Yelandur, Hanur, Malavalli, Bangalore South, Anekal till May 1.
Later, he would continue the campaign from Hoskote on May 2 till May 21. He would also accompany Mayawati during her four-day tour of Karnataka from May 5, he added.
The EC has directed all political parties to submit their list of ‘star’ campaigners so that election expenses incurred by them can be included in the name of the party. As ‘star’ campaigners tour across the State, their expenses cannot be included in their respective names, if they are contesting the elections, official sources said.
As per the EC norms, a candidate can spend only up to Rs 10 lakh for electioneering.
4 Cong rebels in fray in Bangalore City
Despite efforts by the party to quell rebellion, four Congress candidates have remained in the fray in Bangalore City.
Samiulla, who initially figured in the first list of official candidates from Jayanagar, was later replaced with M Suresh. Irate Samiulla has remained in the fray as the rebel candidate. He did not withdraw his nominations despite the party warning all rebel candidates.
Similarly, former Congress MLA Muniswamy, who represented Shantinagar twice, has not withdrawn his nomination papers. Other two rebels are Thambi Dorai (Pulakeshi Nagar) and Rajagopala Reddy (Bangalore South).
Samiulla said the party has cheated him by denying him B-form. “My name was announced in the first list. Someone in the party gave wrong information to the high-command saying a criminal case had been booked against me. As a result I was denied B-form. Forget criminal case, not even a petty case has been filed against me. If some criminal attacks my office and kills two, how can anybody come to the conclusion that I have been facing criminal charges,” he asked.
Party leaders approached him requesting to withdraw the nomination papers. “I did not budge under the pressure. Minority people in the constituency are united and all of them are with me. There are about 55,000 votes of minorities in the constituency. As a corporator I have done many development work and earned goodwill of the public. I will definitely win,” he said.
Similarly, Muniswamy is contesting as Congress rebel candidate from Shantinagar. He said the Congress had done a blunder by denying him ticket. “I have won from Shantinagar twice. It consists of Tamilian population close to 75,000. Being a Tamilian I was the best choice for the constituency. But the party did not consider my candidature. Now it has to pay price for that,” he said.
He said KPCC president Mallikarjun Kharge called him over phone and requested him to withdraw his nomination papers. Bangalore City Congress president J Alexander and others met him at his residence to persuade him. However, he did not change his mind.
Nagamarapalli quits Congress
One more senior Congress leader has resigned from the primary membership of the party. Former minister Gurupadappa Nagamarapalli on Sunday forwarded his resignation letter to KPCC president Mallikarjun Kharge. Though he has not cited any reason for his decision, sources said he is not happy with the party’s decision to field a Muslim candidate from Bidar. Nagamarapalli was a ticket aspirant from Bidar city.
After delimitation, his home constituency Aurad in Bidar district, has become a reserved seat. Nagamarapalli had represented Aurad Assembly constituency for the State assembly for four terms.
Yeddy’s car seized for poll violation
Mysore, DHNS: With the strict enforcement of the model code of conduct, prominent political leaders are getting added into the list of violators.
Two cars belonging to former chief minister B S Yeddyurappa and former MLC C Ramesh, who recently quit Congress and joined BJP, were seized in Hadinaru village of Nanjangud taluk, in Varuna Assembly constituency limits, on Sunday. They were using vehicles for campaigning without permission from the Election Commission. Police have arrested one person in this connection.
Madhugiri most sensitive
DH News Service, Bangalore: Madhugiri taluk in Tumkur has been declared as the most sensitive among the 89 constituencies which will go to polls in the first phase of elections.
Chief Electoral Officer M N Vidya Shankar said considering the past history of the place, where voters are lured by corrupt methods by distributing liquor and other gifts, the Commission has declared it the most sensitive and has stepped up vigilance by keeping tabs on 25 entrances of the taluk.
A sum of Rs 4 lakh has been recovered and complaints lodged at Madhugiri where Congress candidate K N Rajanna and JD(S) candidate Gowrishankar, son of former Minister Chennigappa, are contesting.
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பாசிச சக்திகளின் போக்கு முன்பு எப்போதையும் விட அதிகரித்துக்
கொண்டிருக்கிற இவ்வேளையில், அதை முற்றும் முழுதாக எதிர்க்கின்ற, அதற்கு
மாற்றாக பௌத்தத்தை முன்னெடுத்த பாபாசாகேப் அம்பேத்கர் பாதையில் அணி திரள,
அவர் பிறந்த நாளில் உறுதி கொள்வோம்! #DalitHistoryMonth#JaiBhim
This is the collection of Pali language
texts, which form the doctrinal
foundation of Theravada Buddhism.
The Tipitaka and the post-canonical
Pali texts, ie. the Commentaries and
Chronicles, make up the complete
body of classical Therevada texts.
Vinaya Pitaka - The rules of conduct
governing the daily affairs within the
Sangha, for both monks and nuns.
Sutta Pitaka - The discourses attributed to the Buddha and a few of
his closest disciples.
Abhidhamma Pitaka - The doctrines
reworked and reorganised into an
investigation of mind and matter.
The Pali Canon, or the Tipitaka, consists of
the collection of three Pitakas:
The Sutta Pitaka, the Vinaya Pitaka and
the Abhidhamma Pitaka,
Although traditionally attributed to the
Buddha, the Abhidhamma Pitaka is generally
accepted to be the work of later scholar
monks who re-organised and tabulated His
teachings into this set of 7 books
The Sutta Pitaka
1. The Digha Nikaya -Collection of Long Discourses :
34 suttas, some very lengthy, presenting a vivid picture of the
different aspects of life and thought at the Buddha’s time.
2.The Majjhima Nikaya - Collection of the Middle Length
Sayings : Contains 152 suttas and present teachings
with profound similies and examples.
3. The Samyutta Nikaya - Collection of Kindred Discourses :
This has 2,941 suttas, grouped into five parts, or vaggas.
4. The Anguttara Nikaya - Collection of the Gradual Sayings:
Contains as many as 2,38 small suttas arranged according
to the number of topics discussed, from one to eleven.
The Vinaya Pitaka
1. Parajka Pali - Major Offenses : The rues of discipline
concerning 49 major and minor offences and the penalties.
2. Pacittiya Pali - Major Offences : Deals with the remaining 178
sets of rules for Bhikkhus and Bhikkhunis.
3. Mahavagga Pali - Greater Section : This contains an account
of the period following the Buddha’s Awakening, His sermons
to the first five monks and some of His great disciples
joined the Sangha and attained Awakening. Also rules of
conduct and etiquette for Sangha.
4. Culavagga Pali - Lesser Section : More rules and proceedures
எல்லா சமுதாயங்களுக்கும் நெய்பனாவை அடைவதற்கு அனைத்து சமூகங்களுக்கும் பாதையை காண்பிப்போம்
புத்தரின் வார்த்தைகள் அதிகாரத்தை கொண்டுள்ளன
உங்கள் சொந்த காய்கறிகள் வளர & பழங்கள் புரட்சி
உள் உலகில் செல்ல & நித்திய பேரின்பம் மகிழ்ச்சியை & அமைதி அடைய.
விழித்தெழுந்த ஒரு தெராவாடா டிப்பிடாகாவிலிருந்து புத்தரின் சொந்த வார்த்தைகள் மதங்கள், இனவெறி மற்றும் சாதிகள் ஆகியவற்றை தவிர அனைத்து சமூகங்களுக்கும் ஆகும்.
668, 5 ஏ முக்கிய சாலை, 8 வது கிராஸ், ஹால் III மேடை,
Punya Bhumi Bengaluru.
மகாதி கர்நாடகா
மகிழ்ச்சியாக விழித்துக்கொள்ளுங்கள்
அல்லது அறிவொளி ஒன்று - மொழியில் “முழவாளி”, “புரிதல்”, அல்லது
“விழிப்புணர்வு”, அல்லது “விழித்தெழுந்த ஒரு” - இந்திய முனிவருக்கு
கொடுக்கப்பட்ட கௌரவமான பெயர், கோத்தாமாவிற்கு வழங்கப்பட்டது மற்றும்
உலகிற்கு விடுதலைப் புலத்திற்கு அறிவித்தது. புத்தமதத்தின் பெயர்.
இது பாலி மொழி சேகரிப்பு ஆகும்
நூல்கள், இது கோட்பாடுகளை உருவாக்குகிறது
தெராவாடா புத்தமதத்தின் அறக்கட்டளை.
Tipitaka - பாலி கேனான் 1.
Tipitaka மற்றும் பிந்தைய canonical
பாலி நூல்கள், அதாவது. வர்ணனைகள் மற்றும்
நாளாகமம், முழுமையானது
கிளாசிக்கல் உடலின் உடல்.
வினாயா பிடகா - நடத்தை விதிகள்
தினசரி விவகாரங்களை ஆளும்
சங்கா, இரண்டு துறவிகள் மற்றும் கன்னியாஸ்திரிகளுக்கு.
சூடா பிடகா - புத்தர் மற்றும் சிலவற்றில் உள்ள சொற்பொழிவு
அவரது நெருங்கிய சீஷர்கள்.
அபைதமா பிடக்கா - கோட்பாடுகள்
மறுபடியும் மறுபடியும் மறுபடியும் மாற்றியமைக்கப்பட்டது
மனம் மற்றும் விஷயத்தின் விசாரணை.
பாலி கேனான், அல்லது திப்பிடாகா, கொண்டுள்ளது
மூன்று pitakas சேகரிப்பு:
சுத்த்தா பிடகா, வினாயா பிடக மற்றும்.
அபீடதம பிட்டகா,
பாரம்பரியமாக காரணம் என்றாலும்
புத்தர், அபீடதம பிடக்கா பொதுவாக உள்ளது
பின்னர் அறிஞரின் வேலையாக ஏற்றுக்கொள்ளப்பட்டது
மீண்டும் ஒழுங்கமைக்கப்பட்ட மற்றும் குற்றம்சாட்டப்பட்ட துறவிகள்
7 புத்தகங்களின் இந்த தொகுப்பில் போதனைகள்
சூடா பிடக
1. நீண்ட சொற்பொழிவுகளின் டிகா நிகாயா -காலம்:
34 suttas, சில மிக நீண்ட, ஒரு தெளிவான படம் வழங்கும்
வாழ்க்கையின் பல்வேறு அம்சங்கள் மற்றும் புத்தரின் காலத்தில் சிந்தனையாகும்.
2. Majjhima Nikaya - நடுத்தர நீளம் சேகரிப்பு
கூற்றுகள்: 152 suttas மற்றும் தற்போதைய போதனைகள் உள்ளன
ஆழ்ந்த சிமிலீஸ் மற்றும் எடுத்துக்காட்டுகளுடன்.
3. Samyutta Nikaya - Kindred Dickourss சேகரிப்பு:
இது 2,941 suttas கொண்டுள்ளது, ஐந்து பகுதிகளாக, அல்லது வால்காஸ் குழுவாக உள்ளது.
4. Anguttara nikaya - படிப்படியான சொற்களின் தொகுப்பு:
2,38 சிறிய சுத்திராக்கள் ஏற்படுகின்றன
தலைப்புகள் எண்ணிக்கை பற்றி விவாதிக்கப்பட்டது, ஒரு முதல் பதினொரு வரை.
வினாயா பிடக
1. பரஜ்கா பாலி - பிரதான குற்றங்கள்: ஒழுக்கத்தின் மூலங்கள்
49 முக்கிய மற்றும் சிறிய குற்றங்கள் மற்றும் அபராதங்கள் பற்றி.
2. பஸிட்டிய பாலி - மேஜர் குற்றங்கள்: மீதமுள்ள 178 உடன் ஒப்பந்தங்கள்
பிக்ஹஸ் மற்றும் பிக்ஹுனிக்கு விதிகள் விதிகள்.
3. மஹாவாகா பாலி - கிரேட்டர் பிரிவு: இது ஒரு கணக்கு கொண்டிருக்கிறது
புத்தரின் விழிப்புணர்வு, அவரது பிரசங்கங்களைத் தொடர்ந்து காலம்
முதல் ஐந்து துறவிகள் மற்றும் அவரது பெரிய சீடர்கள் சில
சங்கத்தில் சேர்ந்தார் மற்றும் விழித்தெழுந்தார். மேலும் விதிகள்
சாங்காவிற்கு நடத்தை மற்றும் ஆசாரம்.
4. Clavagga பாலி - குறைந்த பிரிவு: மேலும் விதிகள் மற்றும் நடவடிக்கைகள்
या प्रबुद्ध एक - शाब्दिक रूप से “knower”, “समझदार”, या “जागृत एक” -
भारतीय ऋषि, गोटामा को दिया गया सम्मानित नाम है, जिसने दुनिया को दुनिया
की खोज और घोषित किया, जो पश्चिम में जाना जाता है, जिसे पश्चिम में जाना
जाता है बौद्ध धर्म का नाम।
टिपिटाका - पाली कैनन 1
यह पाली भाषा का संग्रह है
ग्रंथ, जो सिद्धांत बनाते हैं
थेरावाड़ा बौद्ध धर्म की नींव।
टिपिटाका और पोस्ट-कैनोनिकल
पाली ग्रंथ, यानी। टिप्पणियां और
इतिहास, पूर्ण बनाओ
शास्त्रीय के शरीर के शरीर।
विनाया पिटाका - आचरण के नियम
के भीतर दैनिक मामलों को नियंत्रित करना
संघ, दोनों भिक्षुओं और नन के लिए।
सुट्टा पिटाका - बुद्ध के लिए जिम्मेदार प्रवर्ज़ और कुछ
उनके निकटतम शिष्य।
अभिदेशमा पिटाका - सिद्धांत
reworked और reorganized एक में
मन और पदार्थ की जांच।
पाली कैनन, या टिपिटाका में शामिल हैं
तीन पिटाक का संग्रह:
सुट्टा पिटाका, विनाया पिटाका और
अभिदेशमा पिटाका,
हालांकि पारंपरिक रूप से जिम्मेदार ठहराया
बुद्ध, अभिदेशमा पिटाका आम तौर पर है
बाद के विद्वान का काम माना जाता है
भिक्षु जिन्होंने फिर से संगठित और सारणीबद्ध किया
7 पुस्तकों के इस सेट में शिक्षण
सुता पिटाका
1. Digha Nikaya- लंबे प्रवचन का Collection:
शामिल है
34 सुट्टास, कुछ बहुत लंबी, की एक ज्वलंत तस्वीर पेश करते हुए
बुद्ध के समय में जीवन के विभिन्न पहलुओं और विचार।
2. Majjhima Nikaya - मध्य लंबाई का संग्रह
कहानियां: 152 सूटास और वर्तमान शिक्षाएँ शामिल हैं
गहन सिमिली और उदाहरणों के साथ।
3. Samyutta Nikaya - दयालु प्रवचन का संग्रह:
इसमें 2,941 सूटास हैं, जो पांच भागों में समूहित हैं, या vaggas।
4. Anguttara Nikaya - क्रमिक कहानियों का संग्रह:
के अनुसार व्यवस्थित 2,38 छोटे सूटास के रूप में कई शामिल हैं
एक से ग्यारह तक, चर्चा किए गए विषयों की संख्या के लिए।
विनाया पिटाका
1. परजका पाली - प्रमुख अपराध: अनुशासन की राशि
49 प्रमुख और मामूली अपराधों और दंड के विषय में।
2. Pacittiya पाली - प्रमुख अपराध: शेष 178 के साथ सौदा
भिक्खस और भिक्खुनिस के लिए नियमों के सेट।
3. महावाग्गा पाली - ग्रेटर सेक्शन: इसमें एक खाता है
बुद्ध के जागृति के बाद की अवधि, उनके उपदेश
पहले पांच भिक्षुओं और उसके कुछ महान शिष्यों के लिए
संघ में शामिल हो गए और जागृति प्राप्त की। के नियम भी
संघ के लिए आचरण और शिष्टाचार।
4. Culavagga पाली - कम अनुभाग: अधिक नियम और कार्यवाही
of verligte een - letterlik “kniger”, “verdraag”, of “ontwaak” of
“ontwaak” - is die eerlike naam wat aan die Indiese Sage, Gotama, gegee
is, wat aan die wêreld die wet deur die Naam van Boeddhisme.
Die Tipitaka - die Pali Canon 1
Dit is die versameling van Pali-taal
tekste, wat die leerstelling vorm
Stigting van Theravada Boeddhisme.
Die tipitaka en die post-kanoniese
Pali tekste, dws. die kommentare en
Kronieke, maak die volledige
Liggaam van klassieke Therevada-tekste.
Vinaya Pitaka - die gedragsreëls
Beheer die daaglikse sake binne die
Sangha, vir beide monnike en nonne.
Sutta Pitaka - die diskoerse toegeskryf aan die Boeddha en ‘n paar van
sy naaste dissipels.
Abhidhamma Pitaka - die leerstellings
herwerk en herorganiseer in ‘n
Ondersoek van verstand en materie.
Die pali canon, of die tipitaka, bestaan uit
Die versameling van drie pitakas:
Die sutta pitaka, die vinaya pitaka en
die abhidhamma pitaka,
Alhoewel tradisioneel toegeskryf aan die
Boeddha, die Abhidhamma-pitaka is oor die algemeen
aanvaar om die werk van latere geleerde te wees
monnike wat sy herorganiseer en getabuleer het
Onderwys in hierdie stel van 7 boeke
Die sutta pitaka
1. Die Digha Nikaya -Collection of Long Discourses:
34 Suttas, ‘n bietjie baie lang, wat ‘n lewendige prentjie van die
Verskillende aspekte van die lewe en gedagte by die Boeddha se tyd.
2.Die Majjhima Nikaya - Versameling van die middellengte
Sê: Bevat 152 Sutta’s en huidige leerstellings
met diepgaande similies en voorbeelde.
3. Die samyutta nikaya - versameling van geslagte diskoerse:
Dit het 2,941 suttas, gegroepeer in vyf dele, of vaggas.
4. Die Anguttara Nikaya - Versameling van die geleidelike woorde:
Bevat soveel as 2,38 klein sutta’s wat gereël is
aan die aantal onderwerpe wat bespreek is, van een tot elf.
Die vinaya pitaka
1. Parajka Pali - Belangrike oortredings: Die Rues van Dissipline
Met betrekking tot 49 groot en minderjarige oortredings en die strawwe.
2. Pacittiya Pali - groot oortredings: handel oor die oorblywende 178
sets of rules for Bhikkhus and Bhikkhunis.
3. MAHAVAGGA PALI - GROTER AFDELING: Dit bevat ‘n rekening
of the period following the Buddha’s Awakening, His sermons
to the first five monks and some of His great disciples
joined the Sangha and attained Awakening. Also rules of
conduct and etiquette for Sangha.
4. Culavagga Pali - Lesser Section : More rules and proceedures
is a piece that tells audience what Buddhist is.English captions
available!#Buddha#Choir#Tipiṭaka#Dhamma#Sangha#Pancasila#Sutta#Vinaya#Abhidhamma#Pi… did not translate did not translate 09) Classical Albanian-Shqiptare klasike,
668، 5A الطريق الرئيسي، والصليب الثامن، HAL III المرحلة،
بونيا bhumi بنغالورو
مجاضي كارناتاكا
استيقظ سعيد youniverse.
أو المستنير واحدا - حرفيا “سقما”، أو “متيقظا”، أو “مستيقظ واحد” - هو
الاسم الفليني الذي قدمه SAGE الهندي، جمعة، الذي اكتشف وأعلن إلى العالم
قانون الخلاص، المعروف بالغرب من قبل اسم البوذية.
Tipitaka - The Pali Canon 1
هذه هي جمع لغة بالي
النصوص، والتي تشكل العقيدة
مؤسسة بيرافادا البوذية.
Tipitaka وما بعد الكنسي
نصوص بالي، أي. التعليقات و
Chronicles، تشكل كاملة
نص النص الكلاسيكي هذه النصوص.
فينايا بيتاكا - قواعد السلوك
تحكم الشؤون اليومية داخل
Sangha، لكل من الرهبان والراهنات.
Sutta Pitaka - الخطابات المنسوبة إلى بوذا وعدد قليل من
أقرب تلاميذه.
أبهيدذما بيتاكا - المذاهب
إعادة صياغة وإعادة تنظيم في
التحقيق في العقل والمادة.
يتكون Pali Canon، أو Tipitaka، من
مجموعة ثلاثة Pitakas:
Sutta Pitaka، فينايا بيتاكا و
أبهيدذما بيتاكا،
على الرغم من أن تقليديا المنسوبة إلى
بوذا، أبهيدذما بيتاكا عموما
قبلت أن تكون عمل الباحث لاحقا
الرهبان الذين أعادوا تنظيمهم ومجدون له
التعاليم في هذه المجموعة من 7 كتب
sutta pitaka.
1. Digha Nikaya -Collection من خطابات طويلة:
يحتوي على
34 Suttas، بعض الطوابق للغاية، وتقديم صورة حية لل
جوانب مختلفة من الحياة وفكر في وقت بوذا.
2. المجهد نيكايا - مجموعة من الطول الأوسط
أقوال: تحتوي على 152 Suttas وتعاليم الحالية
مع مشابك عميق وأمثلة.
3. The Samyutta Nikaya - مجموعة من الخطابات الطية:
هذا لديه 2941 ساتاس، مجمعة في خمسة أجزاء، أو vaggas.
4. أنديطارا نيكايا - مجموعة من الأقوال التدريجي:
يحتوي على ما يصل إلى 2،38 Suttas الصغيرة مرتبة حسب
إلى عدد المواضيع التي تمت مناقشتها، من واحد إلى أحد عشر.
In the Buddhist tradition, Nibbāna has commonly been interpreted as the extinction of the “three fires”, or “three poisons”,greed (raga), aversion (dvesha) and ignorance (moha).When these fires are extinguished, release from the cycle of rebirth (saṃsāra) is attained.
Nibbāna has also been claimed by some scholars to be identical with anatta (non-self) and sunyata
(emptiness) states though this is hotly contested by other scholars and
practicing monks. In time, with the development of the Buddhist
doctrine, other interpretations were given, such as the absence of the
weaving (vana) of activity of the mind, the elimination of desire, and
escape from the woods, cq. the five skandhas or aggregates.
Buddhist scholastic tradition identifies two types of Nibbāna: sopadhishesa-Nibbāna (Nibbāna with a remainder), and pariNibbāna or anupadhishesa-nirvana (Nibbāna without remainder, or final Nibbāna). The founder of Buddhism, the Buddha, is believed to have reached both these states.
Nibbāna, or the liberation from cycles of rebirth, is the highest aim of the Theravada tradition. In the Mahayana tradition, the highest goal is Buddhahood, in which there is no abiding in Nibbāna. Buddha helps liberate beings from saṃsāra
by teaching the Buddhist path. There is no rebirth for Buddha or people
who attain Nibbāna. But his teachings remain in the world for a certain
time as a guidance to attain Nibbāna.
Shivajinagar is a busy commercial hub as well as a residential locality.
Mine millionaires file nominations
DH News Service, Bellary:
Bellary is famous for mines. Mine owners possessing helicopters is also well known. On Friday, two more mine owners, who are also crorepatis, filed their nomination papers as Congress candidates.
Anil Lad is officially worth Rs 178 crore and owns a fleet of cars, including a few imported cars. Lad, who recently shifted his loyalty from BJP and joined the Congress, filed his nomination papers from Bellary City constituency on Friday.
Car collection
Cars in his stable include some of the best names in the world like Audi, Volkwagen, Bentley besides several Indian made cars. Lad and his wife have invested over Rs 6.4 on their cars.
As per the affidavit filed by the mine owner Anil H Lad, his and family income was Rs 177,98,77,391. But he has just Rs 22,669 cash in his name and deposits of Rs 1,84,39,499. His wife has Rs 1,08,668 cash and 2,42,63,344 in deposits.
He has a penchant for jewellery also as he has over Rs1.15 crore worth ornaments. His wife also owns over 21.69 lakh jewellery.
Lad has housing and commercial complex, a house and apartments. In Bangalore, he has a Rs 45 lakh apartment in Malleswaram, Rs two crore worth house in Delhi and Rs 99.7 lakh house in RMV II stage in Bangalore.
He owns mines in Dharmapura and Yeshwantnagar in Sandur taluk, Chintrapalli in Hagaribommanahalli, Interestingly, he owes to Rs 35,75,11,885 to Bank of India, Indian Bank, ABN Amro, HDFC and ICICI banks.
Anil Lad , accompanied by thousands of party workers, performed pooja the Durgamma temple before filing his papers.
Then, he proceeded towards the corporation office at 12 noon in a procession and submitted his nomination to the Returning Officer B P Adnoor.
Another mine owner H R Gaviappa, who filed his papers as a Congress nominee from Vijayanagar, also figures among one of the richest candidates in the district with declared assets of Rs 89 crore.
Diamond & silver
He appears to have a liking for diamond jewellery as he has Rs 1.47 crore ornaments made out of 21 carat diamonds. Besides, he has 10.5 kg silver articles worth Rs 10 lakh.
He owes Rs 6.8 lakh crore to State Bank of Hyderabad. Gaviappa’s father, H G Ranganagowda, also has an outstanding loan of Rs 7.26 crore.
Besides immovable property in Hospet and Bellary, he has stake in H R G Oil Industries, Ajay Oil Industries, H R Gaviappa Enterprises and Someshwara Builders Private Company Limited and invested overs Rs 21 crores in them.
EC to review on April 29
DH News Service, Bangalore:
The full Election Commission (EC) will visit Bangalore on April 29, to monitor the preparations for the assembly elections in the state.
State Chief Electoral Officer M N Vidyashankar told reporters on Friday, that CEC N Gopalaswami and the two election commissioners will meet representatives of political parties on that day. They will also hold meetings with election observers and review the preparations with deputy commissioners and top police officers, he said.
Meanwhile, two deputy election commissioners have started visiting various districts to monitor the preparations, he added. Mr Vidyashankar also said that the EC would treat any advertisements by any party or any candidate - on television or through SMS - as part of their election campaign. Service providers have been directed to produce details about such campaigns, he stated.
A meeting with Election Commission officials and top police officers was also held on Friday to take stock of the law and order situation and deployment of police force - both Central and State - in the run up to the elections and the day of polling.
EC officials have also seized around Rs 1.57 crore cash in Bellary over the last three days, he said. More than 550 criminal cases have been booked so far, for violation of code of conduct.
‘Ignoring minority will prove costly for BJP’
DH News Service, Bangalore:
BJP MP from Bangalore North H T Sangliana has criticised State BJP for not giving any representation to the minorities in the coming Assembly elections warning that ignoring their aspirations could prove fatal to the party.
“It’s the most embarrassing situation for me. I blame the State BJP leadership for ignoring them. This could prove suicidal for them. Members of the minorities have already started deserting the BJP,” Sangliana told Deccan Herald.
He added that though he is not for any particular group, caste or community, he finds himself in an awkward situation for not being able to address the aspirations of the minorities, who were looking forward for a BJP ticket. “Everyone has an aspiration to come up in life. There are people in the minority communities who also aspire to enter politics. They approached me and I met both the central and State BJP leaders, but unfortunately, not a single Christian or Muslim has been given a party ticket,” he said.
The BJP, he said is fielding Abbas Ali Bohra from Channapatna, which is not his constituency. “They should have retained him in his constituency Mandya. He left the BJP and is contesting the elections as an independent candidate,” said Sangliana.
“I blame the State leadership for not suggesting any Christian or Muslim names. Also, they have nominated some candidates in constituencies from where they are bound to lose for reasons best known to them,” he added. The BJP MP said that he would wait and watch for the results before taking any decision.
Rebellion still continues in Cong
DH News Service, Bangalore:
Protests and dharnas continued to rock the State Congress on Friday, with hundreds of disgruntled ticket aspirants venting their anger in front of the party top brass.
Soon after leaders, including Digvijay Singh, Prithviraj Chavan, S M Krishna, Mallikharjuna Kharge and others came out of a meeting discussing among others ways to quell the rebellion, a number of discontented aspirants, including several women, gheraoed them.
“You have sold all tickets ditching the honest party workers. Accommodate the workers in the list or face the consequences,” they warned. The protesters include former MLA Anjanaiah, Vasanthi Shivanna, Magadi Kamallamma and Sudhakar.
An embarrassed Singh, who has been tasked with pacifying the disgruntled leaders and workers, heard their complaints, but walked away without assuring anything.
Digvijay Singh and AICC Karnataka in-charge Prithviraj Chavan have been making all efforts to control discontentment among the party rank and file over ticket distribution over the last few days in vain.
The party has failed to provide adequate representation to women. Of 170 candidates cleared so far, only nine women have got tickets. A majority of these women have got tickets on basis of sympathy and family background.
So much so that the protesters circulated a copy that listed out women candidates who have got the party tickets based on sympathy and family background to the media. Names of Mamata Nichani, Anupama, Nandini Gowda and Gayatri Devi were mentioned in the list.
KPCC warns
Mallikharjuna Kharge, meanwhile, warned those protesting the party’s decision on issuing tickets that disciplinary action will be taken. “Rebel candidates should withdraw their nominations and work for the success of official candidate. Or the party will be forced to take disciplinary action,” he stated in the release. The party has selected the candidates based on available information and social justice. The party can issue only 224 tickets.
Hence, there will be number of workers who wouldn’t have got an opportunity to contest. “Those who have not got tickets should follow the footsteps of party supremo Sonia Gandhi, who sacrificed the post of prime minister,” he said.
Manjunath quits JD(S)
Senior JD(S) leader and former minister D Manjunath has tendered his resignation from the post of the Chairman of party parliamentary board.
Sources said Manjunath had asked the party supremo H D Deve Gowda to give his son a ticket from Holalkere, an allegation Gowda has denied. But it is for this reason that Manjunath has resigned from the post, sources added.
Notification issued for final phase of Karnataka election
The last date for filing of nominations is May 3. Nominations will come up for scrutiny on May 5 and the last date for withdrawal of candidature is May 7.
The process for the third and final phase of polling in 69 assembly constituencies in Karnataka slated for May 22 was set in motion on Saturday with the Election Commission issuing the notificationThe last date for filing of nominations is May 3. Nominations will come up for scrutiny on May 5 and the last date for withdrawal of candidature is May 7.
Eight districts of North Karnataka region, Belgaum, Bagalkot, Bijapur, Gulbarga, Bidar, Gadag, Dharwad and Haveri will go to ballot in the phase.
Of the 224 assembly segments which go to polls in three phases, 89 of them in 11 districts will face election in the first phase on May 10 and 66 constituencies in ten districts in the second phase on May 16.
The counting of votes will be taken up on May 25.
Bangalore, DHNS:
In a meeting with the Chief electoral officer MN Vidyashankar, Deputy Election Commissioner Jaiprakash, DG, Karnataka State Police Housing Corporation Ltd R Sri Kumar on Friday decided to deploy 225 companies of the paramilitary forces like the BSF, CRPF RPF and the CISF throughout the State for the conduct of fair and peaceful elections.
“We are now in the process of identifying sensitive and hypersensitive constituencies for appropriate deployment of forces,” Mr Vidyashankar said.
Mr Sri Kumar has been given an additional charge of overseeing elections and police arrangements in the forthcoming elections, the EC added.
Online edition of India’s National Newspaper Saturday, Apr 26, 2008
20 nomination papers filed in Raichur
Three candidates file papers in Koppal district
Raichur: As many as 20 sets of nomination papers were filed by 11 candidates from five Assembly constituencies in Raichur district on Friday.
Of them, seven nominations each were filed from Raichur and Lingsugur constituencies, and two each from Manvi, Sindhanur and Maski constituencies.
Eramma of the Bahujan Samaj Party filed nominations from Manvi constituency
100 candidates file nominations
Bangalore: One hundred candidates filed nomination papers on Friday in various constituencies going to the polls in the second phase on May 16.
BJP MP Karunakara Reddy filed his nomination papers from Harappanahalli constituency in Davangere district, while Anil Lad filed his papers from Bellary constituency.
The number of nominations filed on Friday district-wise is: Raichur – 11, Koppal – 5, Chitradurga – 22, Davangere, Chikmagalur and Shimoga – nine each, Uttara Kannada – 11, Udupi – 4 and Bellary and Dakshina Kannada – 10 each, according to officials here. — Special Correspondent
Farming eclipsed by industries
Jigani Shankar (Bahujan Samaj Party)
K.N. Venkatasubba Rao and B.S. Ramesh
Bangalore: Wooing the voters of Anekal (reserved) constituency, which lacks basic amenities such as drinking water and motorable roads, and is choked with industries will prove to be a challenge for the 12 candidates in the fray.
The constituency, before delimitation, comprising the hoblis of Jigani, Begur, Attibele and Sarjapur, besides Anekal kasaba, had 3.5 lakh voters in the 2004 elections. After delimitation, Jigani and Begur hoblis have been excluded from the constituency, and the number of voters has shrunk to 2.37 lakh. Hebbagodi, Attibele, Dommasandra, Bommasandra and Chandrapura remain part of the constituency.
Once considered a bastion of the Congress, the constituency came under the influence of the former Minister, the late Y. Ramakrishna of the Bharatiya Janata Party, since 1994. With the sudden demise of Ramakrishna in 1997, his follower A. Narayanaswamy was elected and is contesting again, hoping to register the party’s fourth win in a row.
The Scheduled Castes, the Scheduled Tribes and the Bovi community form the majority of the population. The Reddy community, which forms the second largest chunk in the taluk, plays a vital role in local politics.
Earlier, a majority of the population depended on farming. But with the IT boom and the Government acquiring an estimated 5,000 acres for industries, farming has reduced by 70 per cent. People who depended on farming have been deprived of regular employment. This has resulted in an unemployment rate of 40 per cent.
Of the 12 candidates in the fray, voters take only five candidates seriously: A. Narayanaswamy (BJP), Jigani Shankar (Bahujan Samaj Party), B. Gopal (Congress), K.M. Muniyappa (JD-S) and C. Topaiah (JD-U).
Many voters in Attibele, Dommasandra, Mayasandra and Veerasandra areas are not happy with the BJP. They complained that the local BJP leaders did not bother to support the organisations that held a rally in Bangalore to protest against the Government’s decision to establish an abattoir near Anekal. Several people in the constituency alleged that Mr. Narayanaswamy had betrayed the constituency’s interests to promote his land development activities. They are equally set against the Congress candidate, Mr. Gopal, who defected from the BSP and joined the Congress. They term both Mr. Narayanaswamy and Mr. Gopal “outsiders”.
No ticket for tribal people
Shankar Bennur
Independent candidate likely to send a message to leaders
MYSORE: Political representation continues to be a distant mirage for the tribal people. Even after 60 years of independence, none of the forest-based indigenous tribal people have been represented politically in the State, especially from Heggadadevanakote taluk which has the largest population of forest-based tribals.
As anticipated, their hopes have been dashed as none of the mainstream political parties have considered their request for fielding a tribal from H.D. Kote (reserved) constituency. Especially after the visit of All India Congress Committee General Secretary Rahul Gandhi to the taluk, the tribal people had high hopes of realising their dream of political representation.
Like any political party, it, too, came under pressure from party workers and announced former zilla panchayat member Beechanahalli Chikkanna, who belongs to the Nayaka community, as the party candidate from the constituency, reserved for Scheduled Tribes (ST). The Bharatiya Janata Party had announced Mysore ZP member Chikkaveeranayak as its candidate. The Janata Dal (S) has delayed announcing the candidate following stiff competition among the ticket aspirants. Appanna, a confidant of former Deputy Chief Minister Siddaramaiah, is learnt to have approached the Janata Dal (S) after the Congress denied ticket to him. Former MLA H.D. Basavaraj and Dodda Nayak are other strong contenders for the Janata Dal (S) ticket.
Former ZP vice-president Jaji Thimmaiah, Budakattu Krishikara Sangha President Somanna, former president of S Begur G.P. Kavera and several others had come forward to contest the election.
Nataraj, a tribal working as resource person in State Resource Centre, had been short-listed along with two others Appanna and Chikkanna. Their names had been sent to the Congress high command in Delhi for approval. But the party chose Chikkanna.
Nayaka representation
Both the Congress and the BJP have given ticket to candidates belonging to the Nayaka community. The Janata Dal (S) may follow suit as the constituency is dominated by Nayaka community with over 50,000 votes.
The delimitation process ensured that H.D. Kote constituency was reserved for STs. It was earlier reserved for Scheduled Castes. Out of the 15 newly-formed ST constituencies in the State, H.D. Kote is the only one where indigenous forest-based tribal people reside.
Some tribal activists are encouraging a tribal person who has done social service in the taluk, to enter the poll race as an Independent candidate. They are mobilising support of the entire tribal community of H.D. Kote.
Determined to make their votes count
R. Krishna Kumar
A group of farmers has decided to hold parties to account
About 25,000 sugarcane farmers have come together
They are based in Chamarajanagar and Mysore districts
MYSORE: An organisation with about 25,000 members, all sugarcane farmers, in Mysore and Chamarajanagar districts, is set to upset the calculations of aspirants in fray in the Kabini command area. The group, which has no political or caste affiliations, will meet here on April 29 to decide their course of collective action during the Assembly elections slated for May 10 in this region.
“As a group we are neither politically aligned nor are we swayed by the populist election manifestos, none of which have been implemented in the past. Our task is only to educate the farmers to see through the false promises and machinations of the political class, which has failed to uphold our collective interests,” explained Kurubur Shanthakumar, who is the president of the Kabini Raitha Hitarakshana Samithi and the State Sugarcane Growers Association.
The association plans to list 25 main points pertaining to agriculture, farmers, crop insurance and loans, and implementation of the Swaminathan Committee report, which advocates scientific determination of procurement price, among others.
This will help the farmers ascertain what measures the political parties have in store for them to make life easier for people living in villages before deciding who they will vote for. “If the political parties are serious, we could have expected a convincing answer. But from our experience we know a majority of them have just a passing interest in agriculture and the welfare of the farmers, and this will show in our discussions with them,” Mr. Shanthakumar said.
A difficult life
What many of the members find distressing is that life in villages has become more difficult, and people have to run from pillar to post for simple thinks like obtaining a caste certificate, an income certificate, a khata for land, crop loan or even seeds and fertilizers.
“We have a situation where personal loans are sanctioned at the doorstep of the people in cities for purchase of consumer goods. But in villages, farmers, who feed the nation, are denied basic support. Demands for agricultural loans and crop insurance are rejected on the flimsiest of grounds while seeds are seldom supplied in time,” said Mr. Shanthakumar.
“Unlike in the 2004 Assembly elections, the delimitation exercise has forced candidates to change constituencies, and some candidates who were on our radar for their apathy towards farmers are not in fray,” Mr. Shanthakumar said.
During the 2004 elections the farmers rejected all sitting MLAs from the Kabini command area including M. Shivanna in H.D. Kote, M. Mahadev in Nanjangud, A.S. Guruswamy in Chamundeshwari, Raju Gowda in Hanur, G.N. Nanjundaswamy in Kollegal, K.M. Chikkamadanaika in Bannur and Bharati Shankar in T. Narsipura.
The Congress was brushed aside for its negative image of an urban bias and obsession with information technology. The farmers ensured a clean sweep for the Janata Dal (Secular), which swept the polls in the region.
But the ground reality has not altered while political equations have changed. The group will force political parties to first demonstrate their commitment to farmers before seeking votes.
Quits’ Congress
Bangalore: The former Railway Minister and senior Congress leader, C.K. Jaffer Sharief, has reportedly quit the Congress. — PTI
For free and fair elections
In rapt attention: Officers appointed for poll duty at a preparatory meeting in Dharwad on Friday.
Election, expenditure observers arrive
Special Correspondent
BANGALORE: The Election Commission of India has appointed election observers and expenditure observers for the Assembly constituencies in Bangalore Rural district.
The following observers have arrived. Voters can call them for any election-related complaints, especially violation of the model code of conduct.
Contact numbers
The names of the constituencies, the election observers and their telephone and fax numbers are as follows:
Hoskote: V.B. Pyarelal (9916755673 and 23544012); Devanahalli: Ashok Dongre (99167 55714 and 23544016); Doddballapur: B. Thawang Konwak (9916755706 and 23544011); Nelamangala: Pradeep Kumar (99167 02214 and 23544010);
Expenditure observers
The election expenditure observers are:
Doddballapur and Nelamangala: P. R. Lakra (9916756026 and 23544014); and Hoskote and Devanahalli: Jagadish Prashad Jangid (97394 54614 and 23544015), according to an official press note issued here on Friday.
Preventive measures
— Photo: R. Eswarraj
STRICT VIGILANCE: A view of the Deputy Commissioner’s office in Mangalore where the police have put barricades to stop unauthorised persons from entering the premises along with those who come to file nomination papers for the Assembly elections.
Preparations on for peaceful polls
Staff Correspondent
‘A bandobast scheme being worked out’
Meetings held with police officers of neighbouring States
Belgaum: The district administration and the Police Department are gearing up to conduct free and fair elections in the district.
Addressing presspersons here on Friday, Superintendent of Police Hemant Nimbalkar said that a “bandobast” scheme was being worked out for deployment of forces in the district to ensure that no untoward incident or electoral malpractice occurred till the declaration of election results.
Central forces
In addition to District Armed Reserved Police, platoons of Home Guards, Karnataka State Reserve Police and Central Police Force had been requisitioned, he said.
He said that deployment of forces would depend on the “criticality” of polling stations and other sensitive aspects.
He said that to prevent transport of liquor and other material to be distributed among the voters in the district, he had held meetings with his counterparts at Panjim in Goa and Sangli, Sindhudurg and Kolhapur in Maharashtra on the security measures to be taken in that direction.
He said that 25 check-posts had been set up at 25 entry points on Karnataka’s border with other States .
Mr. Nimbalkar said that cellphone messages appealing to vote for a particular party or a candidate would also be treated as a violation of model code of conduct if its receiver lodged a complaint with the police.
The people could SMS their complaints to 9480539100, the Superintendent of Police said.
39 companies of Central forces for Gulbarga
Special Correspondent
Political leaders told to strictly follow code of conduct
GULBARGA: The Election Commission of India will deploy 39 companies of the Central paramilitary forces in 13 Assembly constituencies in the district a few days before the May 22 elections.
Returning Officer for Gulbarga district and Deputy Commissioner Pankajkumar Pandey told presspersons here on Friday that more forces could be deployed depending on the situation during the campaign and the number of hypersensitive and sensitive polling booths in the district.
According to the initial estimate three companies of the Central forces would be deployed in each of the 13 constituencies, he said and added that hypersensitive and sensitive polling booths would be manned by the personnel of the Central forces. Each company would have three platoons of 90 personnel, he added.
Mr. Pandey said that even if all the hypersensitive and sensitive booths were not manned by the Central forces, the presence of the Central forces along with the personnel of the Karnataka State Reserve Police would ensure peaceful and fair polling on May 22 throughout the district.
Mr. Pandey said that notification for the third phase of elections in the State would be issued on Saturday.
The last date for filing nominations is May 3 and scrutiny of nominations will be taken up on May 5. The last date for withdrawal of nominations is May 7. Mr. Pandey said that four rounds of meetings had been held with leaders of all political parties. They had been told to strictly follow the model code of conduct and directions of the Election Commission of India for filing nomination papers and holding public meetings.
Mr. Pandey said that 66 cases of violation of the code of conduct had been registered and chargesheets had been filed in eight of these cases.
Political parties would not be allowed to hold public meetings on playgrounds of government schools or colleges. Political parties would be allowed to display publicity material at the venue of public meetings only one hour prior to the event and they should be removed within two hours after the meeting, he said. He said that no public meeting would be allowed on roads, particularly in the Super Market area.
Steps had been taken to check the flow of illicit liquor from neighbouring Maharashtra and Andhra Pradesh into the State and checkposts had been set up at all entry points, he added.
Election observers appointed
Special Correspondent
GULBARGA: The Election Commission of India has appointed three officials of the Income Tax Department as expenditure observers for Gulbarga district.
According to Deputy Commissioner Pankajkumar Pandey, who is also the District Returning Officer, Hemantkumar Sarangi has been appointed as expenditure observer for Afzalpur, Jewargi, Surpur and Shahapur Assembly constituencies; Samar Bhadra has been appointed expenditure observer for Gulbarga Rural, Gulbarga South, Gulbarga North and Aland constituencies; and Rajesh Nandan has been appointed as expenditure observer for Yadgir, Gurmitkal, Chitapur, Sedam and Chincholi constituencies.
General observers
Along with them, 13 IAS officials have been appointed as general observers for the 13 constituencies in the district. They are Ashok Kumar (Afzalpur), T.K. Jose (Surpur), Jyoti Ram Gazia (Yadgir), Anita Singh (Chitapur), Ganesh Koyu (Sedam), M.S. Paikra (Gulbarga North), Bhusani Venkatesh (Gulbarga Rural), Santosh Kumar (Jewargi), Daya Shankar (Chincholi), Caralyne Edne (Gurmitkal), Normal Putsure (Shahapur), Anand Singh (Aland) and Kumar Rahul (Gulbarga South).
Returning officers
Mr. Pandey said that senior officials of the State Government had been appointed as returning officers for the 13 constituencies. They are B.K. Hiremath (Afzalpur), T.H.M. Kumar (Jewargi), Devaraj Yadav (Surpur), N. Gangappa (Shahapur), M. Timmappa (Yadgir), J.M. Thippeswamayya (Gurmitkal), V.S. Honamane (Chitapur), Kavita Mannikeri (Sedam), Vijaykumar Nirali (Chincholi), Jagadesh K.G. (Gulbarga Rural), B.M. Risaidar (Gulbarga South), Nagappa Sirasgi (Gulbarga North), and R.S. Yelamalle (Aland).
Chief Executive Officer of the zilla panchayat P.C. Jafar has been appointed as the team leader of the all the officials appointed to supervise the implementation of the model code of conduct in all the constituencies in the district.
The Election Commission has also identified the offices where the candidates can file their nominations in the district. They include tahsil office in Afzalpur town for Afzalpur constituency, tahsil office in Jewargi town for Jewargi constituency, tahsil office in Surpur town for Surpur constituency, office of the Assistant Commissioner in Yadgir town for Yadgir constituency, tashil office in Yadgir for Gurmitkal constituency, tahsil office in Chitapur town for Chitapur constituency, office of the Assistant Commissioner in Sedam town for Sedam constituency, tahsil office in Chincholi town for Chincholi constituency, office of the Assistant Commissioner for Gulbarga Rural constituency, office of the principal, District Training Institute at Jewargi Colony in Gulbarga city for Gulbarga South constituency, Town Hall in Gulbarga city for Gulbarga North Constituency and tahsil office in Aland town for Aland constituency.
All 1,525 polling stations in Hassan district are sensitive
Staff Correspondent
Elaborate security arrangements in place to ensure fair polls
Each paramilitary team will have 135 personnel
192-member mobile striking force for continuous patrol
Getting ready: Superintendent of Police K.V. Sharatchandra flagging off four motorcycles in Hassan on Friday. They will be used for extensive patrolling of the city during the elections.
HASSAN: All 1,525 polling stations in Hassan district have been declared sensitive. Of them, 675 have been categorised hypersensitive and the remaining 850 sensitive.
Superintendent of Police K.V. Sharatchandra said here on Friday that the district police had made elaborate security arrangements to ensure free and fair elections.
Addressing presspersons, he said that according to a request, the Government had decided to send 16 companies of Central paramilitary forces to the district and added that more than 5,000 personnel would be posted for election duty.
Shravanabelagola had 217 polling booths of which 44 were sensitive and 173 hypersensitive. Out of 221 booths in Arsikere, 108 had been declared sensitive and 113 hypersensitive. Belur, which comprised 201 polling stations, had 148 sensitive and 53 hypersensitive booths. In Hassan, as many as 56 booths out of the 211 were sensitive and 155 hyper-sensitive, Mr. Sharatchandra said.
Holenarsipur, which had 216 polling booths, comprised 63 sensitive and 153 hypersensitive ones. Of 220 stations in Arkalgud, 102 were sensitive and 118 hypersensitive. The Sakleshpur (reserved) constituency had 239 polling stations, of which 154 were sensitive and 85 hypersensitive, he added.
Mr. Sharatchandra said rumours that naxalites were active in the Sakleshpur forests were baseless and added that he had held discussions with police officers of neighbouring districts with regard to the issue. The Sakleshpur rural police were also keeping a close watch on the people.
He said two Additional Superintendents of Police, 10 Deputy Superintendents of Police, 43 inspectors, 147 sub-inspectors, 1,042 head constables and 1,972 constables would be posted for election duty.
Mr. Sharatchandra said he had requested the Director-General of Police to send an additional team of 2,000 police personnel from other districts to assist the present force. They were expected to arrive shortly, he added.
He said there would be a 192-member mobile striking force headed by a Sub-Inspector, which would be on continuous patrol. Paramilitary troops would also keep a close watch on the booths. Each team would have 135 members, he said.
Of the 16 companies of paramilitary forces, three each would be sent to Holenarsipur and Hassan, and the remaining five Assembly constituencies would be given two each. Mr. Sharatchandra said 380 anti-social elements in the district had been rounded up as a preventive measure.
Additional Superintendent of Police Umesh Pangam and Deputy Superintendent Rudrappa were present.
65 per cent voters in Gadag have EPICs
Staff Correspondent
HUBLI: Sixty-five per cent of voters in Haveri district have the Elector Photo Identity Cards (EPIC) and a special drive will be conducted till May 15 to cover the remaining electorate.
Addressing presspersons at Gadag on Friday, Haveri Deputy Commissioner N. Sriraman said two teams had been formed in each taluk for issue of EPICs and 9,000 voters had been issued the cards. Elections to the four Assembly constituencies in Gadag district are scheduled to be held in the third phase of the general elections in the State.
There are 6,57,500 voters in the four Assembly constituencies in the district of which 3,36,459 were men and 3,21,041 are women. There are 714 polling booths in the district including 17 auxiliary booths.
Of these, 414 had been identified as hyper-sensitive and 207 booths as sensitive, Mr. Sriraman said.
He said 714 electronic voting machines had been kept ready for the elections in the district and an additional 700 EVMs had been kept ready as a standby measure. As many as 65 sectoral officers would be monitoring the election process apart from enforcing the model code of conduct, he said.
1,072 weapons deposited in police stations
Staff Correspondent
Jamma land holders exempted from depositing guns
Extra vigil on Kerala-Karnataka border
Madikeri: Superintendent of Police Sandeep Patil said on Friday that 1,072 licensed weapons in Kodagu had been deposited in various police stations in view of the election on March 10.
He told The Hindu that the police did not insist on Jamma land holders or the “Kodavas by race”, who enjoyed exemption from licence for holding arms in Kodagu, to deposit their guns in police stations. The process would continue till May 7. Besides, weapons of those who faced criminal charges or had the background had been taken.
As many as 164 people had been identified with dubious background and the police were keeping extra vigil on them.
A meeting of superintendents of police from Kannur, Waynad, Kasaragod, Chamarajanagar and Kodagu was held in Chamarajanagar on April 13.
The meeting stressed the need for strict vigil on Kerala-Karnataka borders. This was to prevent smuggling of liquor and weapons into Kodagu.
Additional personnel had been posted at border check-posts, Mr. Patil said.
The Inspector General of Police, Southern Range, and his counterpart from Kannur had also held discussions. The police were obtaining records of liquor stock lifted from KSBCL outlets in Kushalnagar and Virajpet. If there was excess stock, such cases would be examined. The Revenue and Police departments were coordinating well in enforcing the model code of conduct, Mr. Patil said.
The police had executed 91 non-bailable warrants since April 5, of the 250 such cases pending in the district. Most of the remaining cases were from Kerala, which the police there would look into, he said.
Troublemakers and communal elements had been identified in Kodagu. If needed, they would be taken into custody as a precautionary measure before the elections, Mr. Patil said.
On beefing up security during elections, Mr. Patil said that he had sought two companies of Central forces. Additional police force from other parts of the State, which would not go to polls on May 10, had been requested.
He said that he had held meetings of police officers in Kodagu on April 6 and 9, who would pass on the instructions given to them to their colleagues in the respective police stations.
As many as 37 police sub-inspectors would be on mobile rounds apart from circle inspectors of police and deputy superintendents of police.
Town Hall grounds out of bounds for poll rallies
Special Correspondent
Deputy Commissioner has refused permission for its use
Political party representatives plan to request official to rescind the order
EC has banned cable service providers from beaming election-related advertisements
Mysore: Mainline political parties in the fray for the Assembly elections slated for May 10 are peeved over the non-availability of public grounds in Mysore for election rallies.
The Deputy Commissioner and District Election Officer P. Manivannan has refused permission for the use of the Town Hall grounds for political rallies. This has put the political parties in a tizzy.
The other grounds in the city are booked for programmes. Some are not centrally located for their use. In the absence of Town Hall grounds, the next option is to use the Maharaja’s College Grounds. But it is booked till May 8 for an exhibition.
The other open venues in the city include the Open Air Auditorium at Manasagangotri campus, but the University of Mysore Syndicate Rules prohibit renting it out for any other programme other than cultural events. Hence the open air auditorium has been ruled out.
Similarly, the Exhibition Ground is also booked for “Besige Mela” and that leaves the political parties with JK Grounds. But that belongs to Mysore Medical College and is used only for sports and so is the Oval Grounds opposite the Crawford Hall.
Ideal locale
For political parties, the Town Hall ground was considered ideal as it is centrally-located opposite the city bus stand. Among the slew of political rallies held in recent times there, the Communist Party of India (Marxist), the Bharatiya Janata Party and the Bahujan Samaj Party held political and public meetings. The Maharaja’s College ground has emerged the favourite venue for all public meetings.
It is a favourite for the sheer number of people that can be accommodated. The Congress, the Janata Dal (Secular) and the BJP kicked off their election campaigns from the Maharaja’s College grounds.
A few party representatives plan to meet the Deputy Commissioner to request him to rescind the order.
For the public, however, the strict implementation of the Election Code of Conduct has come as a whiff of fresh air and has spared them the political messages bombarded over loud speakers. While the use of loud speaker is allowed till 6 p.m. extending its use beyond the deadline will require special permission. Under no circumstances will its use be permitted beyond 10 p.m.
The crack down on buntings and banners has also spared the eyesore for the public and major heritage buildings, including K.R. Circle in the heart of the city which used to be the first casualty, has been spared vandalisation.
In a new circular, the Election Commission has prohibited the use of SMS services two days before the polls. Similarly, there is a ban on cable service providers to beam advertisements of political parties and have been warned of legal consequences if they violate the law.
RPF, KSRTC to help check inflow of black money
Special Correspondent
Black money is transported using human conduit
Road and rail routes are generally used for
the purpose
MYSORE: The authorities have taken serious note of the flow of money and liquor into the district during the run up to the elections and have sought additional measures to contain them.
The Railway Protection Force and the Karnataka State Road Transport Corporation staff will be roped in for election-related duties like checking and frisking passengers in trains, railway stations and bus stands within the jurisdiction of Mysore revenue division, to stem the flow of illegal money. They will assist the district administration in this regard. The Deputy Commissioner and District Election Officer P. Manivannan has also sought the assistance of the Divisional Railway Manager, Mysore Division, and the Divisional Controller of Karnataka State Road Transport Corporation to involve staff in checking and frisking passengers suspected of carrying large sums of money. Mr. Manivannan said there was a huge flow of funds into the district. He pointed out the seizing of a car which carried Rs. 1.2 crore in Mandya and another with Rs. 5 lakh in Mysore.
The decision to seek the Railways and the KSRTC staff’s help followed a meeting which discussed various means of flow of money and the methods that could be employed to contain them. The authorities said unaccounted black money is transported using a human conduit through the road and rail routes.
Complaint against Yogeshwar
Staff Reporter
Bangalore: A chartered accountant has alleged that C.P. Yogeshwar, Congress candidate from Channapatna Assembly constituency, has suppressed certain facts from the affidavits that he filed along with his nomination papers.
In a complaint to the Returning Officer of the constituency, Ravindra Beleyur has said that Mr. Yogeshwar had not given description of the offence for which the cognizance has been taken though he has mentioned that he has been facing charges under Section 177 and 220 of the Indian Penal Code.
Market value
The complainant has also alleged that Mr. Yogeshwar had not given the market value of many lands that he owns besides not disclosing complete information of land.
It was based on a similar complaint filed by Mr. Byeleyur that the Karnataka Lokayukta had conducted an inquiry against Mr. Yogeshwar and filed a criminal case against him under Section 177 for submitting false information while declaring his assets and liabilities.
Mine owners list assets
M. Ahiraj and H.S. Narasimha Kumar
Congress candidate Anil lad declares assets of Rs. 147 crore
Bellary/Davangere: What are the assets declared by the millionaire mine owners of Bellary who are contesting the elections?
Anil Lad, contesting as the Congress candidate from Bellary (city) Assembly constituency, has assets worth Rs. 146.96 crore, which include a fleet of automobiles, among which are a Bentley (Rs. 1.72 crore), an Audi AG Volkswagen (Rs. 50.36 lakh) and a Mercedes-Benz (Rs. 35.78 lakh).
According to the declaration of assets made by him while filing his nomination papers in Bellary on Friday, his moveable assets are worth Rs. 81.75 crore and immoveable assets Rs. 65.21 crore. Assets in the name of his wife, Arati A. Lad, amount to Rs. 31.02 crore.
Moveable assets
The moveable assets held by Mr. Lad include deposits in banks and financial and non-banking financial institutions (Rs. 1.84 crore); bonds and debentures (Rs. 12.44 crore); other financial instruments (Rs. 1 crore); motor vehicles (Rs. 3.08 crore); jewellery (Rs. 1.15 crore); and other assets as values of claims and interest (Rs. 62.21 crore).
Among his immoveable assets are agricultural land worth Rs. 5.06 crore; non-agricultural land worth Rs. 48.82 crore; buildings (commercial and residential) worth Rs. 6.70 crore; and houses/apartments worth Rs. 4.61 crore.
Mr. Lad’s liabilities, including bank loans have been put at Rs. 35.75 crore. He has already paid income tax of Rs. 1.05 crore and wealth tax of Rs. 40.53 lakh for 2007-08.
G. Somashekar Reddy, brother of Janardhan Reddy, BJP MLC, who is contesting from Bellary (city), has declared assets worth Rs. 27.43 crore (his being Rs. 20.36 crore and Rs. 7.07 crore in the name of his wife). He has a liability of Rs. 19.08 crore, being the loan taken in December 2007. B. Sriramulu, BJP leader and former Minister, who is contesting from Bellary constituency, has declared assets worth Rs. 18.75 crore (Rs. 8.25 crore moveable property and Rs. 10.49 crore immoveable property).
Among his immovable assets are agricultural land in Bellary (Rs. 6.12 crore); non-agricultural land in Bellary and Bangalore (Rs. 1.35 crore); buildings in Bangalore (Rs. 1.10 crore) and Bellary (Rs. 23.58 lakh).
M. Diwakar Babu, former Minister and Janata Dal (S) candidate for Bellary (city) has declared assets worth Rs. 3.35 crore in his name and Rs. 1.28 crore in the name of his wife.
G. Karunakara Reddy, Bellary MP, who is contesting from Harpanahalli Assembly constituency in Davangere, has declared bank deposits of Rs. 2,62,77,261 and land (non-agricultural) worth over Rs. 5 crore in Bellary.
He is building a house at a cost of Rs. 10 crore in Bellary, while he is staying in a bungalow worth Rs. 1.5 crore in Bellary.
Mr. Reddy said he has shares worth Rs. 20,71,000 and other financial instruments such as NSS, postal savings and LIC policies worth Rs. 1,06,12,587.
Mr. Reddy has a Mahindra jeep, Mercedes-Benz, Skoda and Reva cars and a Toyato Qualis MUV.
Upset over selection of candidates
DAVANGERE: Shamanur Shivashankarappa, veteran Congress leader and former MLA , has protested against the “whimsical selection of candidates” in Mayakonda in Davangere and Holalkere in Chitradurga.
In an informal chat with presspersons here on Friday, Mr. Shivashankarappa said that the party had fielded K. Shivamurthy from Mayakonda even though the DCC and the Block Congress Committee had not recommended his name. — Staff Correspondent
BJP candidate declares assets in dollars
Vishwa Kundapura
KOLAR: Bonds and debentures worth $ 1,70,000, vehicle worth $ 60,000, flat and apartment worth $ 1,75,000 and so on. These figures are not pertaining to any person contesting in the U.S. They are the details of the assets of C. Sonne Gowda, BJP candidate for Kolar constituency.
A green card holder of the U.S., Mr. Sonne Gowda, brother of veteran Janata Pariwar leader and former Minister the late C. Byre Gowda, has emerged richest amongst the candidates of Kolar constituency. As per the affidavit filed along with the nomination papers, Mr. Sonne Gowda’s properties including cash, jewellery, bonds etc., amounting to approximately Rs 2.5 crore. One of his flat in the U.S. is valued at about $ 1,75,000 and his wife owns a house worth $ 1 lakh. Mr Sonne Gowda’s income includes a bond of $ 50,000 in the USA Government Bank.
According to the details furnished in the affidavit, the former MLA Srinivas Gowda’s assets exceed more than Rs 1.22 crore. Mr. Gowda has liability to the tune of Rs. 31 lakh in the form of a loan. Mr. Gowda is in the fray as a Congress candidate seeking election for the fourth consecutive term.
Congress workers protest ‘injustice’
Staff Correspondent
BELLARY: Workers of the Congress party staged demonstrations here on Friday in protest against what they termed the inappropriate selection of candidates for three Assembly constituencies in the district.” After the resentment of party workers in Kudligi, who opposed the candidature of N.T. Bommanna, similar protests were held in Hospet and Sirguppa constituencies.
In Kudligi, party workers, mostly supporters of the former Minister Bhagirathi Marulasiddanagouda, were of the firm view that S. Venkatesh was a more acceptable candidate and was sure to win. They demanded that he be given party ticket and not Mr. Bommanna. They threatened to boycott the polls if a decision to that effect was not taken.
Sensing trouble, the party high command has reportedly decided to field Mr. Venkatesh. Around 1,000 party workers, including women from Sirguppa Assembly constituency, staged a demonstration in front of the District Congress Committee office in Bellary city demanding ticket for B.M. Nagaraj instead of Ramaiah. They submitted a memorandum addressed to the Karnataka Pradesh Congress Committee in this regard.
In Hospet, the supporters of Deepak Singh, a mine owner, staged a demonstration on Thursday urging the leaders to field him as party candidate from the Vijayanagar Assembly constituency.
There is nothing new in the manifesto,” . The BJP had not said anything on amendment of Article 371 of the Constitution, a long-pending demand of the people of backward regions.
Kharge faces protests from supporters of ticket aspirants
Special Correspondent
KPCC chief mobbed at the helipad on his arrival in Gulbarga
Venting ire: KPCC President M Mallikarjun Kharge being mobbed at the helipad in Gulbarga city on Friday by the supporters of ticket aspirants.
GULBARGA: Karnataka Pradesh Congress Committee president M. Mallikarjun Kharge on Friday faced angry protests by supporters of aspirants who were denied party ticket from the district and was mobbed at the helipad at the District Police Headquarters and in his residence demanding party ticket for their leaders.
Mr. arrived here in the evening by helicopter from Bangalore to participate in a workers’ conference of the Chitapur Assembly constituency from where Mr. Kharge is scheduled to contest the elections to the State Assembly. He was welcomed with slogans protesting against the denial of party ticket to Kailash Patil, son of former Chief Minister Veerendra Patil.
Other groups supporting the former Minister A.B. Maalakaraddy and the former MLC Chennareddy Tunnur raised slogans demanding party ticket to their leaders from Yadgir and Gurmitkal Assembly constituencies. As soon as Mr. Kharge alighted from the helicopter, he was literally mobbed by the supporters of these leaders shouting slogans and the police personnel had a tough time to keep away the surging party workers from Mr. Kharge. Mr. Kharge, who did not respond to the protests by the workers, got into the waiting car and sped to his residence. However, the protesting party workers followed Mr. Kharge to his residence to continue their protest. They even tried to disrupt the press conference addressed by Mr. Kharge by raising slogans praising their leaders.
District Congress Committee president Allamprabhu Patil and other leaders urged the protestors to maintain decorum and not to disturb the press conference and later they can voice their grievance to Mr./ Kharge.
Later, the supporters of Dr. Maalakaraddy, Mr. Chennareddy Tunnur, and Mr. Kailash Patil met Mr. Kharge and pleaded for party ticket to their leaders. Mr. Kharge told presspersons that there was very little scope for the party to effect any changes in the names of those who have already been given ticket.
Mr. Kharge sought to downplay the violent reaction in the party in almost all the districts against the selection of the candidates and said this sort of the phenomenon was not new and that it happened during all the elections.
He said told presspersons that for the 224 Assembly seats there were more than 3,700 aspirants and majority of them deserved to get the party nomination.
“Choosing 224 candidates among such a large number of deserving candidates is not an easy task,” he said.
They threaten to boycott polls
Staff Correspondent
Farmers in villages bordering the Western Ghats seek a better deal
HASSAN: Many farmers in Hassan, Chikmagalur and Madikeri districts, who have formed the Paschima Ghatta Horata Samiti, comprising people living in 100 villages bordering the Western Ghats, have sought a better deal from the Government. The region has one lakh hectares under cultivation.
Addressing presspersons here on Friday, president of the samiti A.K. Sachadev along with conveners Mallappa, Aswatha, Sanjay and Suresh said that every year this area received rainfall between 150 and 300 inches and that they had suffered from severe crop loss many times.
They said that when H.D. Kumaraswamy was Chief Minister, he had decided to form a committee headed by Principal Secretary (Revenue) Shivanand Jaamdar to study the problems in the villages in the Western Ghats and to recommend solutions.
But, this did not happen. they said.
Crop loss
There were 35 villages in Mudigere taluk of Chikmagalur district, 60 villages in Sakleshpur taluk covering Hanabalu, Vemalakere and surrounding areas, and five villages in Madikeri district that faced heavy crop loss owing to excess rainfall, Mr. Sachadev said.
Traditional crops such as cardamom, coffee, pepper, plantain, areca nut, vanilla and paddy had been destroyed either owing to shortage of rain or excessive rain.
Every year crop loss was common.
This had forced farmers to commit suicide, they said.
Till this day, these villages were not provided any civic amenities, infrastructure, drinking water or education, they said.
They had formed the samiti last year and presented a detailed report of crop loss and other requirements to the Government.
But, no response had been received to their problems.
Mr. Sachadev said that the people in this area had decided to boycott the coming Assembly elections.
They demanded constitution of a separate board called “Paschima Ghatta Abhivrudhi Mandali” for the overall development of the villages.
They demanded that crop loans given to farmers from cooperative and commercial banks be waived and fresh loans be extended at an interest rate of four per cent.
Two former MLAs, Mayor censured
Staff Correspondent
Poll panel pulls them up for code violation
They had attended a function to unveil a statue of Basaveshwara
Explanation given by them was ‘not satisfactory’
HUBLI: Taking exception to unveiling of a statue of Basaveshwara in Dharwad by a few politicians, the Election Commission of India (ECI) has censured eight persons, including two former MLAs, mayor and deputy mayor of Hubli-Dharwad.
Those censured by the ECI are the former MLAs Chandrakant Bellad and Vinay Kulkarni, Mayor Radhbai Safare, Deputy Mayor Chandrashekhar Managundi, council members Bharati Patil, Ashok Niduvani, Prakash Godbole and Vijayanand Shetty.
In its order, the ECI stated that the explanation given by these persons in response to notices served by it was “not satisfactory” and the unveiling ceremony was a violation of the model code of conduct.
The Principal Secretary, Election Commission of India, New Delhi, issued notices on April 10, seeking explanation from these persons on the unveiling ceremony held in Dharwad on April 8. These notices were issued following a report submitted by the Chief Electoral Officer (CEO) of Karnataka based on the recommendations of the district administration.
The district administration had suspended two assistant commissioners following the unveiling ceremony.
The statue was installed on a piece of land of the Hubli-Dharwad Municipal Corporation and 50 per cent of the cost of the statue was met by it. However, the unveiling ceremony was organised by a committee formed to install the statue without bringing it to the notice of the corporation and at a time when the model code of conduct was in force.
15 check-posts set up in Haveri
Staff Correspondent
HUBLI: Fifteen check-posts have been set up in Haveri district to monitor the inflow of liquor and other materials intended for distribution during the coming elections.
Addressing presspersons at Haveri on Friday, Deputy Commissioner P.S. Vastrad said adequate preparatory measures had been taken up in the district for conducting free and fair polls. There were 10,03,575 voters in the district which is scheduled to go to polls on May 22 during the third phase. Among them there were 5,29,016 men and 4,74,559 women, he added.
Mr. Vastrad said there would be six election observers in the district and another for keeping a check on election expenditure. Apart from them, six separate teams to ensure strict enforcement of the model code of conduct had already been constituted, he said. The Deputy Commissioner said there would be 1,077 polling booths in the district, which might be reduced or increased after taking into consideration fresh inclusions and deletions in the voters’ list.
1,072 weapons deposited in police stations
Staff Correspondent
Jamma land holders exempted from depositing guns
Extra vigil on Kerala-Karnataka border
Madikeri: Superintendent of Police Sandeep Patil said on Friday that 1,072 licensed weapons in Kodagu had been deposited in various police stations in view of the election on March 10.
He told The Hindu that the police did not insist on Jamma land holders or the “Kodavas by race”, who enjoyed exemption from licence for holding arms in Kodagu, to deposit their guns in police stations. The process would continue till May 7. Besides, weapons of those who faced criminal charges or had the background had been taken.
As many as 164 people had been identified with dubious background and the police were keeping extra vigil on them.
A meeting of superintendents of police from Kannur, Waynad, Kasaragod, Chamarajanagar and Kodagu was held in Chamarajanagar on April 13.
The meeting stressed the need for strict vigil on Kerala-Karnataka borders. This was to prevent smuggling of liquor and weapons into Kodagu.
Additional personnel had been posted at border check-posts, Mr. Patil said.
The Inspector General of Police, Southern Range, and his counterpart from Kannur had also held discussions. The police were obtaining records of liquor stock lifted from KSBCL outlets in Kushalnagar and Virajpet. If there was excess stock, such cases would be examined. The Revenue and Police departments were coordinating well in enforcing the model code of conduct, Mr. Patil said.
The police had executed 91 non-bailable warrants since April 5, of the 250 such cases pending in the district. Most of the remaining cases were from Kerala, which the police there would look into, he said.
Troublemakers and communal elements had been identified in Kodagu. If needed, they would be taken into custody as a precautionary measure before the elections, Mr. Patil said.
On beefing up security during elections, Mr. Patil said that he had sought two companies of Central forces. Additional police force from other parts of the State, which would not go to polls on May 10, had been requested.
He said that he had held meetings of police officers in Kodagu on April 6 and 9, who would pass on the instructions given to them to their colleagues in the respective police stations.
As many as 37 police sub-inspectors would be on mobile rounds apart from circle inspectors of police and deputy superintendents of police.
Congress first list leaves many upset
Govind D. Belgaunkar
Candidates for five constituencies announced
Party workers feel that Suresh Ballal has
been undone
Former MLA K.M. Ibrahim may contest as an independent from Bantwal
MANGALORE: The announcement of candidates for five of the eight constituencies in Dakshina Kannada by the Congress has upset some of the aspirants, particularly former Mangalore Urban Development Authority chairman Suresh Ballal.
The candidates announced by the Congress are: B. Ramanath Rai for Bantwal, Ivan D’Souza - Mangalore City South, U.T. Khader - Mangalore, Moideen Bawa - Mangalore City North and Abhayachandra Jain - Moodbidri.
Supporters’ view
Mr. Ballal, who is the president of North Block unit of the Congress, told The Hindu that he had decided to bow to the wishes of his supporters to file nomination as a Congress candidate from Mangalore City North hoping that the party would issue him the Form B.
Form B is essential to get the party’s symbol. Mr. Ballal’s supporters are understood to be pleased with him as he had been responding to people’s problems.
Mr. Ballal had previously contested from the constituency on Janata Dal (S) ticket and had secured third highest number of votes.
Some Congressmen and a few Bharatiya Janata Party leaders believe that Mr. Ballal would have posed a few problems to BJP’s candidate and former MLA Yogish Bhat. Mr. Ballal commands respect of people and party workers in the constituency, they say. Moreover, over 60 per cent of the electorate in the constituency are Hindus, who might favour the BJP unless the Congress fields a Hindu candidate.
‘Not wise’
Mr. Ballal said that it was not a wise move by the party to field candidates from minorities for the three constituencies in the city as it would help the BJP take advantage of the situation to woo the majority communities.
Mr. Ballal claimed that some of the leaders from Janata Dal (S) and Bahusjan Samaj Party had approached him to join their parties. “But I am committed to contest as a Congress candidate,” he said.
Another case
Meanwhile, the decision to field former Minister and district Congress president Mr. Rai from Bantwal has upset former MLA K.M. Ibrahim. Mr. Ibrahim had lost to Padmanabha Kottari of the BJP in 2004 in the erstwhile Vittla constituency although he had won the elections in 1999. With Vittla having been done away with after delimitation, Mr. Ibrahim had sought to contest from Bantwal constituency.
He is likely to contest as an independent, according to sources.
List awaited
The Congress is yet to announce its candidates for Sullia, Puttur and Belthangady constituencies. The party sources said that Mr. Vasanth Bangera should be given ticket to contest from Belthangady.
Mr. Bangera is understood to have joined the Congress from Janata Dal (S) on the condition of being given a ticket.
In such an event, K. Harish Kumat, who contested last elections as Congress candidate there, would be hurt as he was very keen to contest again.
Tough task
B. Raghu is expected to get the ticket from Sullia, reserved for Scheduled Caste. However, the party may find the going tough as there are many aspirants for the ticket.
Friends turn foes in politics
Staff Correspondent
MYSORE: Politics makes strange bedfellows. Yesterday’s friends will be today’s foes. Mysore region is not an exception to this phenomenon. Thick friends of the 2004 Assembly polls have turned bitter enemies and vice-versa for the 2008 Assembly elections.
Electorates are totally confused by the sudden decision of leaders to change their party affiliation because of denial of ticket. Take C. Basave Gowda and former Minister D.T. Jayakumar — who had taken up the responsibility of building the Janata Dal (Secular) in Mysore region and worked together for nearly two years after the exit of former Deputy Chief Minister Siddaramaiah and G.T. Deve Gowda — are now contesting against each other in Chamundeshwari Assembly Constituency. While Mr. Basave Gowda is contesting for the Janata Dal (S), Mr. Jayakumar is contesting on the Bahujan Samaj Party (BSP) ticket, after he was denied ticket to contest from Chamundeshwari.
Varuna constituency
Similar is the Varuna Assembly Constituency. Mr. Siddaramaiah and Director General of Police (DGP) (retd) L. Revanasiddaiah are now contesting in the newly carved out Varuna constituency in Mysore district for the Congress and the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) respectively.
After Mr. Siddaramaiah joined the Congress, both of them became friends. Now Mr. Revanasiddaiah has joined the BJP, as Congress denied him ticket to facilitate Mr. Siddaramaiah.
The situation is no different in Hunsur Assembly Constituency. It was Mr. Deve Gowda who brought Mr. Chikkamadhu, who was allegedly neglected in the Congress to the Janata Dal (S) fold. He made him a MLC. However, after Mr. Deve Gowda quit Janata Dal (S) and joined the BJP, Mr. Chikkamadhu became a prominent leader in the Janata Dal (S). He is now opposing Mr. Deve Gowda in Hunsur. In Narasimharaja constituency, B.P. Manjunath and E. Maruthi Rao Pawar, who were together till recently in the BJP, are facing each other in the elections. Mr. Maruthi Pawar is contesting as an Independent candidate, as the party denied him ticket.Congress candidate from Krishnaraja constituency, M.K. Somashekar, and Youth leader, Raghu Achar, who is campaigning for the Janata Dal (S) candidate were working together just a month ago.
New Delhi: Bahujan Samaj Party (BSP) leader Brajesh Pathak created an uproar in the Lok Sabha on Thursday accusing the government of failing to provide fertiliser to farmers.
Pathak accused Ram Vilas Paswan, the union minister of chemicals and fertiliser, of misleading parliament and giving wrong figures on allocation of fertilisers.
“He has been provided these figures by his bureaucrats. They are giving me false data. If what he is saying is true, then the farmers in my constituency would have got fertiliser,” said the BSP MP.
Speaker Somnath Chatterjee tried to pacify him but Pathak shouted at Paswan. Other members joined the chorus, which was countered by the treasury benches
When the situation got out of control, Chatterjee took down the names of those who were shouting and threatened action against them. He warned Pathak, telling him to sit down or he would ask him to leave.
The National Democratic Alliance (NDA) members joined the medley of protests, leading to an adjournment of the house till 2 pm.
Source :IANS
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Let’s convert all our homes to show the Path for All Societies to Attain NIBBANA
Buddha’s words have Power
Grow your own vegetables & fruits REVOLUTION
to go into inner world & attain happiness & peace for Eternal Bliss.
Awakened One the Buddha’s Own Words from Theravada Tipitaka are for all societies irrespective of religions, racism and castes.
BR Ambedkar is best known for being the architect of the Indian
Constitution and for his struggle against untouchability in India.
known as Babasaheb, the social reformer, economist, thinker, politician
and the first Law Minister of Independent India, Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar
was born on April 14, 1891, in Mhow, Madhya Pradesh.
honour him, every year on April 14, his birth anniversary is observed
as Ambedkar Jayanti in the country. Dr Ambedkar was a student at Bombay
University, followed by Columbia University, USA, and London School of
life and thoughts still inspire millions of people today. Therefore, on
his birth anniversary, we bring to you 10 inspirational quotes by Dr BR
1. “I measure the progress of a community by the degree of progress which women have achieved.”
2. “If you believe in living a respectable life, you believe in self-help which is the best help.”
3. “The history of India is nothing but a history of a mortal conflict between Buddhism and Brahminism.”
4. “They cannot make history who forget history.”
Dr BR Ambedkar always stood in solidarity with the oppressed and worked to uplift the lives of women, labourers and untouchables
Dr Babasaheb Ambedkar Portrait and Drawing To Pay Homage on Bhim Jayanti
Ambedkar Jayanti: Dr Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar devoted his entire life to promoting equality.
On the birth anniversary of Param Pujya Babasaheb Dr. Bhimrao Ambedkar,
the architect of the Constitution, on behalf of his followers, salutes
and heartfelt tributes to him. The country is always indebted and
grateful for his great and historical contribution towards the welfare
and welfare of crores of weaker and neglected sections and working
society etc.
By ignoring the struggles and messages of Babasaheb Dr. Ambedkar, the
opposition parties and their governments with casteist mentality
continue to exploit, injustice-atrocities and malice etc. on their
followers, but their self-respect and self-respect stop the BSP
movement. And is not going to bow down.
How The Buddha Prevented A Bloody War The Daily Enlightenment Buddhist Inspirations (since 1997)
only did the Buddha actively teach to promote peace, he actively
prevented war too. - Stonepeace | Get Books In the Buddha’s time, the
Sakiyas (Sakyas) and Koliyas (Kolis) once directed the Rohini (Rohni)
river to to be constricted by a dam between the city of Kapilavatthu
(Kapilavastu) and Koli…
Conflict resolution: How Lord Buddha’s way offers an answer
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Rohini River is one of the holiest and most revered rivers in Buddhist
scriptures. The river originates from the Siwalik hills and flows
through a dense evergreen forest and cultivated plains. It irrigates a
large area of land in the region. Once, during a long drought, the
Sakyas and the Koliyas were about to fight a battle for its water. The
dispute arose between the two states over the sharing of water of a dam
constructed close to the river. As the princes and soldiers from both
sides had gathered for a battle, Lord Sakyamuni Buddha was informed
about it. He traveled from Vaisali and convinced the hostile groups not
to fight; telling them blood was thicker than water. The two confronting
sides then, calmed down, thereafter shared the water without losing
their temper. Harmony was restored and peace prevailed in the region.
Some 500 Sakyas and Koliyas converted into Buddhist upon hearing the
teachings of Lord Sakyamuni Buddha.
development of effective measures to prevent deadly conflict begins
with the articulation of the problems generating the conflict, and it
requires the mobilization of social forces desirous of addressing those
problems (Appleby 2000). Buddhism in this context has been exceptionally
active in its efforts to combat systematic violence, prejudice and
hatred through non- violent means of conflict resolution. Since
resolving conflict is essentially a practical exercise this article
would present relevant aspects of Dhamma in reference to situations in
which Lord Buddha personally intervened to resolve conflicts before they
erupted into hostilities.
resolution methods from a Buddhist perspective would show a way forward
regarding how Buddhism can be used in the contemporary context of Sri
Lanka as an instrument and an empowering movement for strengthening
co-existence among communities in a post-war setting. Sri Lanka as a
nation recovering from a prolonged civil war has its long term
commitment to strive towards regaining integrity and sustainable peace
among all ethnic groups. Hence, there exists a timely need for the
formulation of constructive post-war peacebuilding initiatives based on
the teachings of Theravada Buddhism which respects the notion of
humanity undermining all forms of discrimination on race, class,
ethnicity, ritual duties or ideologies. At this point, for future
conflict prevention it is extremely necessary to emphasize that Buddhism
does not permit violence and war under any circumstances and there is
nothing that can be called a “just war” according to Buddhism – which is
only a false term used to justify and excuse hatred, cruelty, violence
and massacre. As C. G. Weeramantry an eminent jurist and the former Vice
President of the International court of Justice put it in his opinion
in the Legality of the Threat or Use of Nuclear Weapons case;
Buddhist tradition… would not countenance the taking of life, the
infliction of pain, the taking of captives, or the appropriation of
another’s property or territory in any circumstances whatsoever. Since
it outlaws war altogether it could under no circumstances lend its
sanctions to weapons of destruction-least of all to a weapon such as the
nuclear bomb.’ (Weeramantry 1996).
one may still be ambiguous to know whether there is a possibility to
legitimize wars of self-defence to uphold righteousness after all
peaceful methods have been exhausted. Answer still remains ‘no’, as
numerous passages in the Buddhist scriptures advocate a totally peaceful
response to violence both by individuals and by states. For example,
with regard to individuals, the Samyutta Nikaya (iv) Punna Sutta,
reports the following dialogue between the Buddha and a disciple who is
about to enter hostile territory:
O Punna, the men of that country are violent, cruel and savage. When
they become angry at you and do you harm, what will you think then?
shall think them truly good and kind folk, for whilst they speak angry
and insolent words, they refrain from striking or stoning me.’
‘They are very violent folk, Punna. What if they strike or stone you?’
‘I shall think them kind and good not to smite me with staff and sword.’
‘And what if they kill you?’
‘I shall think them kind and good indeed who free me from this vile body with so little pain.’
said, Punna, Well said! With you great gift of patience, you may indeed
essay this task. Go Punna yourself saved, save others.’ (Samyutta
Nikaya (iv) Punna Sutta, cited in Saunders, Gotama Buddha: A Biography
based on the Canonical Books of the Theravadin)
relation to peaceful dispute resolution Buddhist teaching explores
every possibility to resolve disputes without resort to violence. For
instance on two occasions the Buddha intervened and prevented Sakyas and
Koliyas from fighting over the waters of River Rohini. The commentaries
of the Anguttara Nikaya and the Samyutta Nikaya recount this instance.
As a result of the Buddha’s peaceful mediation and the dispute
resolution according to Dhamma, made a large number of young persons of
the Sakya clan entering the Bhikku Sasana. Similarly, in many regions of
the world today mainly in Africa and Asia the incidence of civil war
over scarce natural resources has become an inclining trend. Thus, among
the many methods available reconciliation, mediation, arbitration and
negotiation should be wisely adopted to bring these conflict to a
peaceful end. Another successful intervention by the Buddha resolving
dispute took place in Sri Lanka at Nagadipa, where he persuaded two
warring princes in Sri Lanka to lay down their arms and amicably settle
their dispute over a gem-set throne (Weeramantry: 2007).
certain occasions Buddha points out to the confronting parties the
losses they would sustain by indulging in battle. Lord Buddha even
stated that the victory is hollow and every victory contains within it
the seeds of another conflict. This statement could be further
illustrated using the story of the defeat of the King Kosala in
Dhammapada Verse 201, Kosalaranno Parajaya Vatthu. In fighting against
Ajatasattu, the King of Kosala was defeated three times and the King of
Kosala was ashamed and very much depressed over his defeat. The news
about the king’s distress spread like wild fire and when the Buddha came
to know about it, he said,
Jayam veram pasavati
dukkham seti parajito
upasanto sukham seti
hitva jayaparajayam.
begets enmity; the conquered live in misery; the peaceful live happily
having renounced conquest and defeat”. (Dhammapada Verse 201,
Kosalaranno Parajaya Vatthu)
non-violence is embedded in the heart of Buddhist thinking it will
forbid killing even if one’s own life is at risk of dying. The
Kamcupamasutta (Majjhima-Nikkaya I-28-29) clearly demonstrates the need
to love your enemy no matter how cruelly he treats you; “Even if thieves
carve you limb from limb with a double-handed saw, if you make your
mind hostile you are not following my teaching”
in Maha Nidhana Sutta (digha nikaya) Buddha clearly states how the
thoughts of greed and possession lead to the creation of acts of
I have said that because of watchful guarding (of possessions) there
arise many wicked demeritorious acts, such as hitting with sticks,
wounding with weapons, fighting, quarrelling, contentiously disputing,
using unbearable expressions, backbiting and telling lies …”
scripture quoted above proves that Buddhism being an essentially a
peaceful tradition leaves no room for the use of violence under any
circumstances. The world needs Buddhist ethics in the struggle to create
peace, and not only among human beings, but also with nature (Galtung
1993). Hence Buddhism has so much to contribute when intervening in real
world issues relevant for peace and it only wields one sword, the sword
of wisdom, and recognizes only one enemy – ignorance.
“May you realize the Four Noble Truths in this Blessed One’s era itself….”
Dilini Withanage
Conflict Resolution from a Buddhist perspective
anger, Be done with conceit, Get beyond every fetter. When for name
& form You have no attachment — have nothing at all — No sufferings,
no stresses, invade. -Kodhavagga; Dhammapada- The development of
effective measures to prevent deadly conflict begins with the
articulation of the prob…
The Buddha
the chapter on happiness. There, the Buddha intervenes in a Political
Dispute thinking, “it is my duty to go” deal with disputing parties.*
to that some good humorous attacks, one group calling the other
“lepers” and “those who have slept with their sisters” and the other
calling their opponents “brats” and saying they live up in trees. Fairly
tame by current political standards, sadly.
is said that the Sakyans and the Koliyans dammed the waters of the
Rohini River between Kapilavatthu and Koliya and cultivated the fields
on both sides of the river. During the month of Jetthamula, the crops
began to wilt, and the workers employed by both cities assembled. Those
of Koliya said: “If the water is diverted to both sides of the river
there will not be enough for both of us. As our crops will ripen with a
single watering, let us have the water.” But the Sakyans replied:
“After your granaries are full, we will not be able to face taking our
valuables and with basket and bags in hand, go begging from your doors.
Our crops will ripen with a single watering, so let us have the water.”
“We will not give it to you.”
“And we will not let you have it.”
grew bitter, one person struck another, the blow was returned, fighting
broke out, and as they fought they cast aspersions upon the origin of
the each other’s royal families. The Koliyans workers said: “Take your
brats and go where you belong. How can we be harmed by the elephants,
horses, shields and weapons of those have slept with their own sisters
like dogs and jackals?” The Sakyan workers replied: “You lepers, take
your brats and go where you belong. How can we be harmed by the
elephants, horses, shields and weapons of miserable outcasts who live up
jujube trees like animals.” Both groups went and reported the quarrel
to the ministers who were in charge of the work, who in turn reported it
to the royal households. The Sakyans prepared for battle, saying: “We
will show them the strength and power of those who have slept with their
sisters.” The Koliyans prepared for battle, saying: “We will show them
the strength and power of those who live up jujube trees.”
the Lord surveyed the world at dawn he saw his kinsmen and thought: “If
I do not go, these people will destroy each other. It is my duty to go
to them.” He passed through the air to where his kinsmen were gathered,
and seated himself cross-legged in the air in the middle of the Rohini
River. When the Lord’s kinsmen saw him they put down their weapons and
worshipped him. Then the Lord said: “What is this quarrel about, great
“We know not, reverend sir.”
“Then who would know?”
“The commander-in-chief of the army will know.”
asked, the commander-in-chief suggested the viceroy might know. Thus
the Lord asked one after the other with none of them knowing the cause
of the quarrel, until the workers were asked. They replied: “The
quarrel is about the water.”
Then the Lord said to the king: “What is the value of water, great king?”
“Very little, reverend sir.”
“What is the value of a warrior?”
warrior, reverend sir, is beyond price.” Then the Lord said: “Then is
it right that for a little water you should kill warriors who are beyond
were all silent. Then the Lord said: “Great kings, why do you act
thus? Were I not here today, you would cause a river of blood to flow.
Your actions are unworthy. You live in hatred, given to the five kinds
of hatred. I live full of love. You live sick with passions. I live
free from sickness. You live chasing after the five kinds of sense
pleasures. I live in contentment.”
— Dhp-a.254**
following on from yesterday’s post, there may be not only good wisdom,
but a sort of duty toward, wise people in engaging in political affairs –
even when those political affairs involve people who are a bit
unreasonable and unruly.
* In fact the Buddha thinks “it would be proper/right for me to go.” (mayā gantuṃ vaṭṭatī)
As a commentary to the Dhammapada, it’s quite certain that the material
derives from hundreds of years after the Buddha lived. So we might be a
bit skeptical about whether this historically ever happened. Comparing
it, however, with other texts it does seem consistent with what the
Buddha would have done and said. See, for instance, the Fruits of the
Reclusive Life.
Incorporate Ashokan principles in nurturing and safeguarding fruit bearing trees
in nurturing and safeguarding roadside trees the Mauryan emperor was
the first to promote and champion the concept of roadside trees in
Prabuddha Bharat. Let’s grow vegetables and fruit bearing plants in pots to overcome hunger the worst kind of illness as said by the Buddha.
என்ற அத்தியாயத்தில். அங்கு, புத்தர் ஒரு அரசியல் சர்ச்சையில்
தலையிடுகிறார், சர்ச்சைக்குரிய கட்சிகளுடன் “போக வேண்டியது எனது கடமை”.*
சில நல்ல நகைச்சுவையான தாக்குதல்களைச் சேர்க்கவும், ஒரு குழு மற்றவரை
“தொழுநோயாளிகள்” என்றும் “தங்கள் சகோதரிகளுடன் தூங்குபவர்கள்” என்றும்
மற்றவர் தங்கள் எதிரிகளை “பிராட்கள்” என்றும் அவர்கள் மரங்களில்
வாழ்கிறார்கள் என்றும் கூறுகிறார்கள். துரதிர்ஷ்டவசமாக, தற்போதைய அரசியல்
தரங்களால் மிகவும் அடக்கமாக.
கோலியாவுக்கும் இடையில் ரோகிணி நதியின் நீரை சாக்கியர்களும் கோலியார்களும்
தடுப்பணைகள் அமைத்து ஆற்றின் இருபுறமும் உள்ள வயல்களில் விவசாயம்
செய்ததாகக் கூறப்படுகிறது. ஜெத்தமுலா மாதத்தில், பயிர்கள் கருகத் தொடங்கின,
இரு நகரங்களிலும் வேலை செய்த தொழிலாளர்கள் கூடினர். இதுகுறித்து கோலியாவை
சேர்ந்தவர்கள் கூறியதாவது: ஆற்றின் இருபுறமும் தண்ணீர் திருப்பி
விடப்பட்டால், எங்கள் இருவருக்கும் போதாது. ஒரே தண்ணீர் பாய்ச்சினால்
எங்கள் பயிர்கள் காய்க்கும் என்பதால், எங்களுக்கு தண்ணீர் தாருங்கள். ஆனால்
சாக்கியர்கள் பதிலளித்தனர்: “உங்கள் தானியக் கிடங்குகள் நிரம்பிய பிறகு,
எங்களின் விலையுயர்ந்த பொருட்களை எடுத்துக்கொண்டு, கையில் கூடை மற்றும்
பைகளை எடுத்துக்கொண்டு, உங்கள் வீட்டு வாசலில் பிச்சை எடுக்கச் செல்ல
முடியாது. எங்கள் பயிர்கள் ஒரே தண்ணீர் மூலம் காய்க்கும், எனவே எங்களுக்கு
தண்ணீர் விடுங்கள்.
“நாங்கள் அதை உங்களுக்கு கொடுக்க மாட்டோம்.”
“நாங்கள் அதை உங்களிடம் அனுமதிக்க மாட்டோம்.”
கசப்பானது, ஒருவர் மற்றொருவரைத் தாக்கினார், அடி திரும்பியது, சண்டை
மூண்டது, மேலும் அவர்கள் சண்டையிட்டபோது அவர்கள் பரஸ்பர அரச குடும்பங்களின்
தோற்றம் குறித்து அவமானப்படுத்தினர். கோலியன்ஸ் தொழிலாளர்கள் கூறியதாவது:
“உங்கள் பிரட்களை அழைத்துக்கொண்டு நீங்கள் இருக்கும் இடத்திற்குச்
செல்லுங்கள். நாய்கள் மற்றும் நரிகள் போன்ற தங்கள் சொந்த சகோதரிகளுடன்
தூங்கிய யானைகள், குதிரைகள், கேடயங்கள் மற்றும் ஆயுதங்களால் நாம் எவ்வாறு
பாதிக்கப்பட முடியும்?” சாக்கியன் தொழிலாளர்கள் பதிலளித்தனர்:
“தொழுநோயாளிகளே, உங்கள் பிராட்களை அழைத்துக்கொண்டு நீங்கள் இருக்கும்
இடத்திற்குச் செல்லுங்கள். யானைகள், குதிரைகள், கேடயங்கள் மற்றும்
விலங்குகளைப் போல சீமைக்கருவேல மரங்களை வளர்க்கும் துன்பகரமான
வெளிநாட்டவர்களின் ஆயுதங்களால் நாம் எவ்வாறு பாதிக்கப்பட முடியும். இரு
குழுக்களும் சென்று, வேலைப் பொறுப்பில் இருந்த அமைச்சர்களிடம் சண்டையைப்
புகாரளித்தனர், அவர்கள் அதை அரச குடும்பங்களுக்கு தெரிவித்தனர்.
சாக்கியர்கள் போருக்குத் தயாரானார்கள்: “தங்கள் சகோதரிகளுடன்
உறங்கியவர்களின் வலிமையையும் சக்தியையும் நாங்கள் அவர்களுக்குக்
காண்பிப்போம்.” சீமைக்கருவேல மரங்களில் வாழ்வோரின் வலிமையையும் ஆற்றலையும்
அவர்களுக்குக் காட்டுவோம்” என்று கோலியன்கள் போருக்குத் தயாரானார்கள்.
இறைவன் உலகைச் சுற்றிப்பார்த்தபோது அவர் தனது உறவினர்களைக் கண்டு
நினைத்தார்: “நான் போகவில்லை என்றால், இவர்கள் ஒருவரையொருவர்
அழித்துவிடுவார்கள். அவர்களிடம் செல்வது எனது கடமை” என்றார். அவர் தனது
உறவினர்கள் கூடியிருந்த இடத்திற்கு வான் வழியாகச் சென்று, ரோகிணி நதியின்
நடுவில் காற்றில் குறுக்கே அமர்ந்தார். இறைவனின் உறவினர்கள் அவரைக்
கண்டதும் ஆயுதங்களைக் கீழே வைத்து வணங்கினர். அப்போது பகவான், “எதற்காக
இந்த சண்டை பெரிய அரசே?” என்றார்.
“எங்களுக்குத் தெரியாது, மரியாதைக்குரிய ஐயா.”
“அப்படியானால் யாருக்குத் தெரியும்?”
“இராணுவத்தின் தலைமைத் தளபதி அறிவார்.”
கேட்டபோது, வைஸ்ராய்க்கு தெரியலாம் என்று தளபதி பரிந்துரைத்தார்.
இவ்வாறு கர்த்தர் ஒருவர் பின் ஒருவராகக் கேட்டார், வேலையாட்களிடம் கேட்கும்
வரை, சண்டைக்கான காரணத்தை அவர்களில் யாரும் அறியவில்லை. அவர்கள்
பதிலளித்தார்கள்: “சண்டை தண்ணீர் பற்றியது.”
அப்போது இறைவன் அரசனிடம், “பெரும் அரசரே, தண்ணீரின் மதிப்பு என்ன?” என்றார்.
“மிகக் குறைவு, மதிப்பிற்குரிய ஐயா.”
“ஒரு வீரனின் மதிப்பு என்ன?”
போர்வீரன், மதிப்பிற்குரிய ஐயா, விலைக்கு அப்பாற்பட்டவர்.” அப்போது
இறைவன், “அப்படியானால், கொஞ்சம் தண்ணீருக்காக விலை மதிக்க முடியாத
வீரர்களைக் கொல்வது சரியா?” என்றார்.
அனைவரும் அமைதியாக இருந்தனர். பிறகு பகவான் சொன்னார்: “பெரிய ராஜாக்களே,
நீங்கள் ஏன் இப்படிச் செய்கிறீர்கள்? இன்று நான் இல்லாவிட்டால் இரத்த ஆறு
ஓடச் செய்திருப்பாய். உங்கள் செயல்கள் தகுதியற்றவை. நீங்கள் ஐந்து வகையான
வெறுப்புகளுக்குக் கொடுக்கப்பட்ட வெறுப்பில் வாழ்கிறீர்கள். நான் அன்புடன்
வாழ்கிறேன். நீங்கள் உணர்ச்சிகளுடன் நோய்வாய்ப்பட்டு வாழ்கிறீர்கள். நான்
நோயின்றி வாழ்கிறேன். நீங்கள் ஐந்து வகையான புலன் இன்பங்களைத் துரத்தி
வாழ்கிறீர்கள். நான் மனநிறைவுடன் வாழ்கிறேன்.”
- Dhp-a.254**
நேற்றைய இடுகையைப் பின்பற்றி, அரசியல் விவகாரங்களில் ஈடுபடுவதில் நல்ல
ஞானம் மட்டுமல்ல, புத்திசாலித்தனமான நபர்களுக்கு ஒரு வகையான கடமையும்
இருக்கலாம் - அந்த அரசியல் விவகாரங்கள் சற்று நியாயமற்ற மற்றும்
கட்டுப்பாடற்ற நபர்களை உள்ளடக்கியிருந்தாலும் கூட.
* உண்மையில் புத்தர் “நான் செல்வது சரியானது/சரியானது” என்று நினைக்கிறார். (மாயா கந்துவம் வாடதி)
தம்மபதத்திற்கு ஒரு விளக்கமாக, புத்தர் வாழ்ந்த நூற்றுக்கணக்கான
ஆண்டுகளுக்குப் பிறகு பொருள் பெறப்பட்டது என்பது மிகவும் உறுதியானது. எனவே
இது வரலாற்று ரீதியாக எப்போதாவது நடந்ததா என்பதில் நாம் சற்று சந்தேகம்
இருக்கலாம். இருப்பினும், மற்ற நூல்களுடன் ஒப்பிடுகையில், புத்தர் என்ன
செய்திருப்பார், என்ன சொல்லியிருப்பார் என்று ஒத்துப் போவதாகத் தெரிகிறது.
உதாரணமாக, தனிமைப்படுத்தப்பட்ட வாழ்க்கையின் பழங்களைப் பார்க்கவும்.
பழங்களை வளர்ப்பதிலும் பாதுகாப்பதிலும் அசோகன் கொள்கைகளை இணைத்துக்கொள்ளுங்கள் தாங்கும் மரங்கள்
சாலையோர மரங்களை வளர்ப்பதிலும் பாதுகாப்பதிலும் மௌரியப் பேரரசர் பிரபுத்த
பாரதத்தில் சாலையோர மரங்களின் கருத்தை முதன்முதலில் ஊக்குவித்து வெற்றி
பெற்றார். புத்தர் கூறியது போல் பசியை போக்க மிக மோசமான நோயை போக்க
காய்கறிகள் மற்றும் பழம் தரும் செடிகள் பானைகளில் வளர்ப்போம்.
In the Buddhist tradition, Nibbāna has commonly been interpreted as the extinction of the “three fires”, or “three poisons”,greed (raga), aversion (dvesha) and ignorance (moha).When these fires are extinguished, release from the cycle of rebirth (saṃsāra) is attained.
Nibbāna has also been claimed by some scholars to be identical with anatta (non-self) and sunyata
(emptiness) states though this is hotly contested by other scholars and
practicing monks. In time, with the development of the Buddhist
doctrine, other interpretations were given, such as the absence of the
weaving (vana) of activity of the mind, the elimination of desire, and
escape from the woods, cq. the five skandhas or aggregates.
Buddhist scholastic tradition identifies two types of Nibbāna: sopadhishesa-Nibbāna (Nibbāna with a remainder), and pariNibbāna or anupadhishesa-nirvana (Nibbāna without remainder, or final Nibbāna). The founder of Buddhism, the Buddha, is believed to have reached both these states.
Nibbāna, or the liberation from cycles of rebirth, is the highest aim of the Theravada tradition. In the Mahayana tradition, the highest goal is Buddhahood, in which there is no abiding in Nibbāna. Buddha helps liberate beings from saṃsāra
by teaching the Buddhist path. There is no rebirth for Buddha or people
who attain Nibbāna. But his teachings remain in the world for a certain
time as a guidance to attain Nibbāna.
Jaffer Sharief threatens to quit Cong The decision of the senior leader and one of the biggest names among the leaders from the minority community, created ripples in the party which is preparing to face the coming Assembly elections in its strong bid to regain power in the Southern state.
Jaffer Sharief threatens to quit Congress
Bangalore, Agencies:
The decision of the senior leader and one of the biggest names among the leaders from the minority community, created ripples in the party which is preparing to face the coming Assembly elections in its strong bid to regain power in the Southern state.
Protesting the denial of party ticket to his grandson in the next month’s Assembly elections in Karnataka, former Railway Minister and Congress leader C K Jaffer Sharief on Friday threatened to resign from the party.
The decision of the senior leader and one of the biggest names among the leaders from the minority community, created ripples in the party which is preparing to face the coming Assembly elections in its strong bid to regain power in the Southern state.< ?XML:NAMESPACE PREFIX = O />
Despite the party accommodating his son-in-law from Raichur segment, Mr Sherief, a permanent invitee of CWC the highest policy making body of Congress, was ‘hell bent’ on getting a ticket to his grandson Rehman Sharief, but the Congress election committee refused to heed to his demand.
According to sources close to Mr Sharief, who was not available for comment, the disgruntled leader was now contemplating to join Bahujan Samaj Party (BSP).
Mr Sharief who was enjoyed a ‘cordial’ relationship with Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Mayavati and had reportedly made his mind to join BSP and was ready to campaign extensively in the coming elections, BSP sources claimed.
Rattled with the sudden turn of events that may hurt Congress badly, Congress leaders including General Secretary Digvijay Singh and others had rushed to the residence of Mr Sharief to urge him not to take any haste decision
Durgada Raje Gowda BSP
Rajajinagar represents a constituency of contrasts. It has both upmarket localities and areas dominated by slums.
Bangalore: The Bruhat Bangalore Mahanagara Palike has established helpline to accept complaints about issuance of Elector Photo Identity Cards (EPIC) in 21 Assembly constituencies.
The helpline can be contacted on 41757550. Apart from this, the people can also lodge their complaints through 23405403/98451959810, according to a press release.
No need for EPIC tension, you can use other IDs
Staff Reporter
Old EPICs issued in other constituencies can also be used
Minor discrepancies in the entries to be ignored
Bangalore: Those unable to get elector photo identity cards (EPICs) need not worry about exercising their franchise in the 89 Assembly constituencies which are going to polls during the first phase, as the Election Commission on Wednesday permitted the use of 17 alternative photo identity cards.
However, those who have been issued with the EPICs would be able to vote only when they produce them and failure to do so will result in losing their voting despite having their names on the electoral rolls.
They will not be permitted to use the 17 other alternative identity cards.
Old cards
In its order, the EC has also permitted the use of old EPICs issued in a different Assembly constituency. However, the voter’s left forefinger will be checked for the indelible ink mark to ensure that s/he does not vote at two places.
As a number of complaints have been raised about discrepancies in the entries in the voters’ list and the EPICs, the EC has also made it clear that such discrepancies will be ignored. Minor discrepancies in the entries relating to names of elector, father/mother/husband, sex, age or address in the EPIC shall be ignored and the elector will be allowed to cast his vote so long as the identity of the elector can be established by means of that card. Any discrepancies even in the serial number of the EPIC as mentioned in the electoral roll also will be ignored.
Alternative ID cards
The Election Commission will permit the voters, who have not been issued with the EPIC, to vote provided their identities are established by production of following alternative documents: passport; driving license; Income Tax Department’s PAN card; service identity card with photograph issued to its employees by State/Central government, public sector undertakings or public limited companies; passbook with photograph issued by public sector banks/post office and Kisan Passbooks (Accounts opened on or before March 31, 2008); student identity card with photograph issued by recognised educational institutions on or before October 1, 2007; property documents with photographs such as pattas, registered deeds; ration card with photograph; SC/ST/OBC certificate with photograph issued by competent authority on or before 31-3-2008; pension documents with photographs such as ex-servicemen’s pension book/pension payment order, ex-servicemen’s widow/dependent certificates, old age pension order, widow pension order; freedom fighter identity card; arms license with photograph issued on or before March 31, 2008; certificate of disability with photograph issued by the competent authority on or before March 31, 2008; ex-servicemen CSD canteen card with photograph; Sandhya Suraksha Scheme card with photograph issued up to March 31 2008; job card, with photograph issued under NREG Scheme issued up to March 31, 2008; Yashaswini card with photograph.
Elaborate arrangements in Bellary
Staff Correspondent
‘The law will be enforced strictly to ensure smooth conduct of elections’
13 Central observers to oversee polling
27 companies of Central forces to be deployed
BELLARY: The Election Commission has made elaborate bandobust for the conduct of free, fair and peaceful elections in the State.
In Bellary district, as many as 13 Central observers, nominated by the Election Commission, would be monitoring the conduct of the elections in the district.
Of the 13, nine are general observers (one for each Assembly constituency) and four will monitor the expenditure incurred by the political parties.
In addition, 27 companies of Central police force (three companies for each Assembly constituency) will be deployed in the district. Apart from the Central forces, 3,400 civil police personnel from the rank of Deputy Superintendent of Police to the constabulary will be drawn for election duty.
Giving this information at a press conference with regard to poll arrangements, Arvind Srivastav, Deputy Commissioner and District Returning Officer, and Amrit Paul, Superintendent of Police, made it clear that the law would be enforced strictly to ensure the smooth conduct of elections.
Mr. Paul said that the Central forces were likely to arrive soon and a detailed security map, along with categorisation of the booths, was being prepared for its deployment.
The Central forces would be deployed in some hyper sensitive booths. In booths considered sensitive, both Central forces and the police will be deployed, while in other booths, it will be only the civil police.
He said that 167 cases have been registered, including those of violation of model code of conduct, so far.
In custody
As many as 120 persons with history of disturbing the peace, law and order, have been rounded up and some of them are in judicial custody. Seventeen cases pertaining to liquor has been booked and liquor worth Rs. 5 lakh had been seized in Kudligi and Hadagali taluks.
Mr. Srivastav said that “micro observers” at the booth level would be appointed to oversee the polling process. He said that 1,579 polling booths, including 147 auxiliary booths, would be set up in the nine Assembly constituencies in the district.
As many as 8,531 personnel (four in a booth, including one presiding officer and two polling officers) would be drawn for poll duty.
The list was ready and the selection and deployment would be through computer randomisation. Electronic voting machines (EVMs) would also be allotted randomly.
The sectoral officers have been provided a few EVMs for demonstrations on how to cast a vote, for the benefit of people in their respective areas.
Circulars have been issued to the political parties with regard to the norms to be followed by the candidates while opening offices, display of publicity/campaigning material only in areas earmarked by the local self-governments, obtaining permission for use of vehicles, use of publicity material, flags and the like.
“As per the instructions of the Election Commission, we have taken all necessary steps to conduct free and fair elections in the district,” he said.
Some parties yet to select nominees
Staff Correspondent
BIDAR: Leaders of the Congress, the Janata Dal (Secular) and the Bahujan Samaj Party (BSP) are yet to announce their candidates for the Bidar and the Bidar South Assembly constituencies.
The erstwhile Bidar constituency has been bifurcated into Bidar and Bidar South segments after delimitation. The district will go to the polls on May 22. Notification for the elections will be issued on April 26 and the last date for filing nominations is May 3. Leaders of the three parties are waiting for each other to announce the candidates for the two constituencies.
According to reports, they are also waiting for disgruntled aspirants of the other parties to switch loyalties. The former Minister, Gurupadappa Nagamarapalli, and Raheem Khan are the aspirants for the Congress ticket from Bidar.
According to sources in the party, there is pressure on the Congress leadership to issue ticket to a candidate from the minority community from the segment.
The Congress has named Ishwar Khandre from Bhalki constituency and Rajshekar Patil from Humnabad constituency.
All the CMs’ sons… and one daughter
Bageshree S.
Bangalore: It is going to be the former Chief Minister, the late Ramakrishna Hegde’s daughter versus former Chief Minister H.D. Deve Gowda’s son in Ramanagaram constituency.
Whether the new entrant to politics, Mamata Nichani, pitted against former chief minister H.D. Kumaraswamy, will make a dent is a different issue. But with her entry, the total tally of former chief ministers whose children are trying their luck in the coming Assembly elections goes up to six.
In the fray
Leading the pack of sons in the fray are the children of former Prime Minister and Chief Minister H.D. Deve Gowda. While Mr. Kumaraswamy has already been a chief minister, his brother, H.D. Revanna, has held an important portfolio as the Minister for Public Works.
The late Gundu Rao’s son, Dinesh Gundu Rao, is contesting from the Gandhi Nagar constituency as a Congress candidate for the third time in a row. He had worked as a Youth Congress leader as well.
The two sons of S. Bangarappa make for a curious story of brothers pitted against one another, with Kumar Bangarappa fighting on a Congress ticket from Soraba and Madhu Bangarappa likely to fight on his father’s Samajwadi Party ticket from the same constituency.
With talk of a Congress-SP alliance getting nowhere so far, this brother-versus-brother contest seems imminent.
S.R. Bommai’s son, Basavaraj Bommai, who was part of the huge exodus from the Janata Dal (United) to the Bharatiya Janata Party, has been given a ticket to contest from Shiggaon.
Meanwhile, J.H. Patel’s son, Mahima Patel, earlier with the JD(S), has floated his own party, Suvarna Yuga party, and is contesting from Chennagiri.
He has announced that he will go on a month-long fast after filing his nominations on April 28.
Lost chance
On the sidelights of this children’s show are those who were aspiring to be part of it but have been left behind. Kailashnath Patil, son of Veerendra Patil, who was an MLA from Chincholi constituency for one term in 1999, but lost in 2004 to Vaijanath Patil, has not been given a ticket since the constituency is now reserved.
It is interesting that while dynasty rule is the norm, sons far outnumber daughters in taking on the mantle.
100 sectoral officers to monitor enforcement of code of conduct
Staff Correspondent
Dharwad district, with seven constituencies, has an electorate of 11,81,460
Notification to be issued on April 26
1,173 polling booths to be set up in the district
Poll preparedness: Deputy Commissioner M.S. Srikar (centre) addressing a press conference in Dharwad on Thursday. Hubli-Dharwad Police Commissioner Narayan Nadamani (left) and Superintendent of Police B.S. Prakash are seen.
DHARWAD: As many as 100 sectoral officers will monitor the strict enforcement of the model code of conduct and create awareness on using the electronic voting machines (EVMs) and other election-related issues in Dharwad district which will go to polls on May 22.
Addressing presspersons here on Thursday, Deputy Commissioner M.S. Srikar, Hubli-Dharwad Police Commissioner Narayan Nadamani and Superintendent of Police B.S. Prakash gave information on the preparations for the conduct of free and fair elections in the district.
The district, with seven assembly constituencies — Kalghatgi, Navalgund, Kundagol, Dharwad, Hubli-Dharwad East (SC), Hubli-Dharwad West and Hubli-Dharwad Central — has an electorate of 11,81,460 of whom 5,78,732 are women.
Mr. Srikar said that the sectoral officers, who would be given the responsibility of 10 to 12 polling booths each, would report on any violation of the code of conduct to the Returning Officers.
Notification for the elections in the district would be issued on April 26 and filing of nominations would start on the same day, he said.
The last date for filing nominations is May 3 and scrutiny of nominations will be done on May 5. The last date for withdrawal of nominations is May 7 and counting of votes will be done on May 25.
There will be 1,173 polling booths in the district of which 134 will be auxiliary booths. As many as 1,173 EVMs, along with an additional 15 per cent of the total number of EVMs, have been kept ready.
Mr. Srikar said that 7,734 persons would be deputed as polling officials.
The Deputy Commissioner said that based on the previous records and incidents, polling booths would be divided into two categories — normal and vulnerable. Mr. Nadamani said the process of identifying vulnerable booth in Hubli-Dharwad would be completed soon. Mr. Prakash said that apart from those in Hubli-Dharwad there were 184 hypersensitive booths in the district.
Mr. Nadamani said that two police personnel would be deployed at normal polling booths and Central Paramilitary Force personnel would keep vigil at vulnerable polling booths. To a query, Mr. Srikar said that 53 per cent of the voters in the district had the Electors Photo Identity Card (EPIC) and the process of issuing EPICs in Dharwad, Navalgund and Kalghatgi segments had already begun. In Hubli-Dharwad the process would be begin from May 2.
The Deputy Commissioner said that voters could submit applications for inclusion of their names in the electoral rolls till April 26.
Criminal cases against those defacing public property
Staff Correspondent
Four cases of poll code violation in Dharwad district: Deputy Commissioner
Restrictions on display of publicity material
Officials seize a four-wheeler which did not
have permission for canvassing
DHARWAD: The Dharwad district administration will file criminal cases against those violating the model code of conduct and defacing public property.
Deputy Commissioner M.S. Srikar told presspersons here on Thursday that four cases of violation of the code of conduct had been reported and action had been taken accordingly, including issuing notices to elected representatives.
He said that the reports about the former Prime Minister H.D. Deve Gowda’s stay at the Hubli Circuit House on April 3 and the inauguration of Basaveshwara’s statue by former MLAs and Mayor, Deputy Mayor and councillors of the Hubli-Dharwad Municipal Corporation (HDMC) had been sent to the Election Commission of India.
The Election Commission had issued notices to eight persons, he said.
Notices had been issued to three councillors of the HDMC in connection with the inauguration of a road work, Mr. Srikar said. Officials seized a four-wheeler which did not have permission for canvassing, in Hubli on Monday, he said.
According to the guidelines of the Election Commission, permission would not be given to any political party for displaying banners, buntings and other publicity material at public places, he said.
“All the banners and buntings displayed in the district have been removed. Strict action will be taken against those violating the rule, under the provision of the Karnataka Open Places (Prevention of Disfigurement) Act, 1981,” he said.
Political parties would be allowed to display banners and buntings at the venue of the public meetings only two hours before the event, he said and added that they had to be removed within an hour after the event.
A helpline (Ph: 2443939) has been set up on the Deputy Commissioner’s office premisesCode of conduct implementation cells had been set up in each of the seven Assembly constituencies in the district, he said.
The phone numbers of these cells are as follows: Navalgund: 08380-229240; Kundagol: 08304-290239; Dharwad: 0836-2233822; Hubli-Dharwad East (SC): 2213833; Hubli-Dharwad Central: 2213860; Hubli-Dharwad West: 2446133; and Kalghatgi: 08370-284535.
Last link of Janata parivar in Mysore breaks
Muralidhara Khajane
BSP candidate from Chamudeshwari, Jayakumar, is still loyal to Janata Dal (S)
D.T. Jayakumar
MYSORE: The last link of the Janata parivar in Mysore district has finally been severed with former Minister D.T. Jayakumar quitting the party and joining the Bahujan Samaj Party (BSP) as its candidate from Chamundeshwari Assembly Constituency.
Despite the fact that Mr. Jayakumar was senior vice-president and member of the Parliamentary Committee of Janata Dal (Secular), the party decided against fielding him from Chamundeshwari, from where he wanted to contest, and instead favoured C. Basave Gowda, president, Mysore District City Cooperative Bank.
Frustrated with the treatment meted out to him, Jayakumar had rushed to Mysore on Wednesday after discussing with BSP State president Muniyappa, and filed the nomination papers from the BSP.
Though senior leaders, including Siddaramaiah, H.C. Mahadevappa, G.T. Deve Gowda, H.S. Mahadeva Prasad quit the Janata Dal (S) in view of the developments in the last two years, Mr. Jayakumar stayed with the Janata Dal (S) because of his loyalty to the party supremo H.D. Deve Gowda.
It is significant that, despite joining the BSP, Mr. Jayakumar continues to profess his loyalty to the Janata Dal (S) and championed its cause in an interview to The Hindu. Mr. Jayakumar said: “The BSP could win at least 10 seats and support the Janata Dal (S) in forming the Government.”
He predicted that the Janata Dal (S) would have a thumping majority in the Assembly elections because of former Chief Minister H.D. Kumaraswamy’s contribution to the State’s progress. He said the BSP would not hesitate to support the Janata Dal (S). “I sought ticket for backward communities and the minority in at least five constituencies in Mysore region. The Janata Dal (S) leaders were not prepared for that. I have not deserted the party for not giving me the ticket. Injustice done to backward classes and minority forced me to quit the party and contest from the BSP,” he clarified.
“Despite organising the Janata parivar for nearly 25 years, the party humiliated me by not giving me the ticket from Chamundeshwari constituency. I have left the party with great pain and reluctance and in pursuit of protecting social justice,” he said.
Though the BJP leaders invited him to contest from Chamundeshwari, he refused saying it was morally incorrect. Similar was the case with the Congress. On whether party leaders dissuaded him from deserting the party, he said that H.D. Revanna met him in the morning and assured him of a berth as Minister if the party came to power.
“How can I believe the words of leaders who have refused to field me in the constituency of my choice?” he asked.
Expressing his confidence in winning from Chamundeswari constituency, he said that his community, who were in large numbers there, would support him, along with voters belonging to backward classes and minority.
Prasad Reddy has Rs. 313 crore wealth
City Bureau
He is BJP candidate from Bommanahalli; D.K. Shivakumar declares assets at Rs. 76 crore
Mr. Reddy owns 14 cars and his real estate property is estimated at Rs. 142 crore
R. Ramalinga Reddy declares assets at Rs. 9.6 crore
D.K. Shivakumar
BANGALORE: G. Prasad Reddy, BJP candidate from BTM Layout, would be undoubtedly the richest among those who have filed their assets in the first phase of elections. His total value could be close to Rs. 313 crore as per the details in his affidavit. He has cash of Rs. 12,38,000 in his name.
He has deposits of Rs. 36,21,730 in 12 accounts in various banks. He has declared Rs. 27,52,165 as a bank balance jointly held with his wife and in his individual account.
Mr. Reddy owns 14 cars estimated at Rs. 1.03 crore, which includes two BMWs and one Honda Accord.
He owns gold jewellery estimated at Rs. 9,17,250 and his wife has 3.1 kg of gold jewellery estimated at Rs. 37,91,300. He has silver articles estimated at Rs. 13,31,000. He has invested capital in partnership firms amounting to Rs. 73,30,600.99. He owns non-agricultural lands worth Rs. 143.62 crore. He holds shares in two commercial buildings which are estimated at Rs. 142.02 crore, including residential apartments spread across in 4,52,094 sq ft which is under construction in Bommanahalli. He owns apartments and houses in Koramangala which are estimated at Rs. 14.77 crore. His wife owns a property in Roopena Agrahara estimated at Rs. 54.10 crore.
Mr. Reddy has declared that he has taken loan on his and on his wife’s name at Rs. 18,08,71,872.34 in various banks. He jointly owns a farm house with his wife in Mayasandra worth Rs 60 lakh.
What Shivakumar owns
The former Minister and Congress candidate for Kanakapura Assembly Constituency D.K. Shivakumar has declared his assets to be at Rs. 76 crore.
While Mr. Shivakumar’s individual wealth is Rs. 70.75 crore, his wife Usha has cash and assets estimated at Rs. 5.18 crore and children Aishwarya, Abharana and Aakash have gold jewellery estimated at Rs. 22.4 lakh.
The liability of Mr. Shivakumar and Ms. Usha was estimated at Rs. 60 crore.
The affidavit filed before the Returning Officer for Kanakapura constituency along with Mr. Shivakumar’s nomination paper states that the former Minister did not complete his graduation.
However, he obtained a postgraduate degree in Political Science from the Karnataka State Open University, Mysore, in 2006.
Mr. Shivakumar’s cash and bank deposits account for Rs. 2.88 crore while he has other movable assets including cash advances, claims and so on estimated at Rs. 14.15 crore.
He owns non-agricultural lands in Bangalore and elsewhere estimated at Rs. 47 crore.
He owns a commercial building at Nayandahalli estimated at Rs. 4.6 crore.
The former Minister Ramalinga Reddy contesting from BTM Layout has assets amounting to Rs 9,60, 67,179 which includes money in bank accounts in his name and in jointly operated accounts with his wife, son and daughter, and agricultural lands, non-agricultural lands, houses and apartments.
Mr. Reddy has declared that he has taken a loan of Rs. 2,42,77,522 from his relatives and friend.
Kumar Bangarappa’s assets worth Rs 4.8 cr
DH News Service, Shimoga:
Former minister Kumar Bangarappa, Congress candidate from Soraba constituency has assets worth Rs 4,88,61,473 and Rs 1,13,28,243 liabilities.
The total worth of assets in his wife’s name stands at Rs 23,28,504.
Kumar Bangarappa has Rs 12 lakh cash, Rs 4,90,481 bank deposits, jewellry worth Rs 7,07,600, Rs 1,74,90,692 claims, agriculture land worth Rs 14,28,899 and buildings worth Rs 2,75,43,801. His wife Vidyullatha is in possession of Rs 3 lakh cash, Rs 18,000 bank deposit and Rs 20,10,504 claim, the total worth of which is Rs 23,28,504.
Among the liabilities, Kumar Bangarappa has borrowed Rs 54,01,905 loan from banks, Rs 2,02,343 tax due, Rs 41,13,995 loan from other sources and Rs 16,10,000 due towards
Ayanur Manjunath, BJP candidate from Bhadravati constituency owns 7 acre land near Ayanur of which one acre is plantation and a house under construction in the same.
He also jointly owns 16 acre land with his wife near Chalikatte. Ayanur Manjunath also has two four wheelers.
Among the liabilities, he has borrowed Rs 18 lakh from banks and Rs 30 lakh from other sources.
Holenarasipura dhns: Former minister and JD(S) leader H D Revanna, who is contesting from Holenarasipur assembly constituency, and his wife are worth crores of rupees.
As per his declaration Revanna has properties - movable and immovable and jewellry worth Rs 6 crore and a loan of Rs 11.70 lakh.
His wife Bhavani has declared Rs 6.3 crore and a loan of Rs 68.95 lakh. While his elder son Suraj is worth Rs 19 lakh, his second son Prajwal has Rs 48.5 lakh and also owns jewellry.
Cong candidate
The Congress candidate Anupama and her son Shreyas are not far behind. Her assets are declared as Rs 4.12 crore that include movable, immovable, jewellry and vehicles.
She also has 2.5 crore in her name and Rs 1. 54 crore in her son Shreyas Patel’s name. Her daughter also has 20 lakhs in her name. Anupama has also mentioned a loan of Rs 1. 27 crore.
Mysore, dhns: Its raining crorepatis in Mysore region with many biggies contesting from rural areas declaring their assets to the tune of more than a crore. JD(S) candidate Sundaresh who is contesting from T Narasipura has property worth Rs 9 crore.
Gowda’s assets
Former minister G T Devegowda, who quit JD(S) and joined BJP, has declared property estimated at Rs 2.15 crore. Benki Mahadev, former Congress loyalist who joined BJP recently, has assets worth Rs 2 crore.
Former IPS officer Subhash Bharani, who quit a plum job to take a leap into politics is no standing close to all others with property worth Rs 1.21 crore.
Bellary, dhns: Three crorepatis filed their nominations on from Bellary district for the upcoming elections.
Former minister Sriramulu, who filed his papers from Bellary reserved constituency as a BJP candidate, has 19.06 crore assets–Rs 8.51 crore movable assets, Rs 10.55 crore immovable assets.
He owns 12 acre agriculture land valued at Rs 6 crore, Rs 1.25 crore house in Bellary and Rs 10 lakh worth non-agricultural land in Bangalore. He owns a Rs 1.1 crore worth house in Palace Road in Bangalore.
BJP candidate
Somashekhar Reddy, also a BJP, contesting from Bellary city is the richest nominee with a total assests of Rs 29.18 crore. He owns Rs 23.50 crore immovable assets. He owns two apartments in Bangalore and a house in Bellary. Former minister Diwakar Babu, who is contesting as JD(S) candidate, has Rs 4.52 crore assets.
Woman accused in criminal case in poll fray
Special Correspondent
G. Padmavathi is Congress candidate from Rajajinagar
She is accused of conspiracy, cheating, forgery
BANGALORE: Not just men, even a woman accused in a criminal case is contesting the Assembly elections from Bangalore.
The Congress candidate from Rajajinagar constituency and a three-time corporation councillor, G. Padmavathi, has been charged under three sections of the Indian Penal Code — criminal conspiracy (120B), cheating (420) and forgery for the purpose of cheating (468).
On a complaint by the then Bangalore Metropolitan Task Force (BMTF) Inspector, Muddumahadevaiah, the Ulsoor Gate police registered a case against Ms. Padmavathi and others in February 2001. The case is pending trial.
In the affidavit she filed along with her nomination papers, Ms. Padmavathi has mentioned that she is an accused in the criminal case (crime number 103/2001).
The BMTF had lodged a complaint with the police that the then chairman of the Bangalore Mahanagara Palike’s Appeals Committee, B.T. Srinivasa Murthy, and four councillors, including Ms. Padmavathi, who were members of the committee, had entered into a criminal conspiracy and fraudulently created a document to help a businessman whose building was being demolished by the BMTF.
The BMTF team demolished the fourth floor of Hotel Shiva International in Gandhinagar on December 26, 2000. When the demolition resumed the next day, building owner Somashekar produced a stay order issued by the Appeals Committee on December 22, 2000.
Order forged
During a preliminary inquiry, the BMTF officials found that Mr. Somashekar had not submitted an application to the Appeals Committee and the matter had not been discussed during the committee meeting held on December 22. The committee members had allegedly connived with Mr. Somashekar and forged the stay order to help him, the BMTF said in its complaint.
The committee chairman and the four members were also charged with violating Section 505 of the Karnataka Municipal Corporation Act, 1976. Mr. Somashekar is also an accused in the case.
KPCC office ransacked
Special Correspondent
Supporters angry over denial of ticket to R. Manjunath
Crowd control: Supporters of the former Youth Congress President R. Manjunath who went on the rampage at the KPCC office in Bangalore on Thursday being dispersed by the police.
Bangalore: A large number of supporters of the former president of the Karnataka Pradesh Youth Congress R. Manjunath on Thursday ransacked the office of the Karnataka Pradesh Congress Committee and obstructed traffic on Queen’s Road. They were protesting against the party’s failure to nominate him to contest the Assembly elections from Hiriyur constituency in Chitradurga district.
Defeated in polls
Sources in the party said that Mr. Manjunath was defeated in Lok Sabha and Assembly elections in the past, but he still wanted to contest from Hiriyur. Gita Yadav has been given the B form by the party to contest from the constituency.
The protesters damaged the telephone booth and furniture. One person even tried to commit suicide by strangling himself with a scarf. Sources said that the vehicle carrying Mr. Manjunath almost crashed into the car of the former Chief Minister N. Dharam Singh, which was parked on the footpath.
Union Minister of State and Karnataka in-charge Prithviraj Chavan and other leaders were holding a meeting when the supporters of Mr. Manjunath indulged in vandalism.
Karnataka Pradesh Congress Committee president M. Mallikarjun Kharge warned of stern action against those who brought discredit to the party by taking the law into their own hands.
Mr. Kharge said that the democratic process had been observed, and several high-level committees, including the Central Election Committee, had approved the lists of candidates after strict scrutiny.
Gave up seat
He said U.R. Sabhapathi, who was nominated to contest from Udupi Assembly constituency, had given up the seat in favour of Pramod Madhwaraj, as stood a better chance against the Bharatiya Janata Party. Mr. Madhwaraj is the son of the former Minister and Udupi MP, Manorama Madhwaraj, who is now a member of the BJP. Mr. Kharge confirmed that Mr. Madhwaraj had been given the B form to contest from Udupi.
Mr. Kharge said that those who were disappointed by the decision of the party to choose someone else should learn a lesson from Mr. Sabhapathi and cooperate in strengthening the hands of Congress president Sonia Gandhi in fighting the BJP. He said no one should think the he or she was indispensable.
Mr. Kharge said B forms had been given to around 50 candidates for the 66 Assembly constituencies in Raichur, Koppal, Uttara Kannada, Dakshina Kannada, Bellary, Chitradurga, Davangere, Shimoga, Udupi and Chikmagalur districts, which would go to the polls in the second phase of elections on May 16.
Protests continue for the second day
Special Correspondent
Supporters of Ramakrishna, Pawar stage demonstrations
Kharge visiting Gulbarga today
It has generated interest in party circles
IN PROTEST: Supporters of the former Minister, G. Ramakrishna, taking out a procession in Gulbarga on Thursday.
GULBARGA: The protests and the sense of discontent against the denial of party ticket to senior leaders in the Gulbarga district Congress continued for the second day on Thursday with supporters of the former Minister, G. Ramakrishna, taking out a procession and staging a protest in front of the District Congress Committee office for denying ticket to their leader from the Gulbarga Rural Assembly constituency.
Another group of supporters of another Congress leader from Shahabad Subash Pawar also staged an angry demonstration in front of the District Congress Committee office voicing its protest against the denial of party ticket to the leader from Gulbarga Rural Assembly Constituency.
The scheduled visit of Karnataka Pradesh Congress Committee president M. Mallikarjun Kharge to Gulbarga on Friday has generated interest in the party circles.
The leaders, who were denied party ticket in Shahapur, Gulbarga Rural, Gulbarga South and Sedam Assembly constituencies, are likely to meet Mr. Kharge and voice their protests.
Mr. Kharge, who is scheduled to arrive here by helicopter, has no scheduled programmes in the city.
Meanwhile, a crucial meeting of the supporters of the former MLA, Shivashekarappa Patil Sirwal, at Shahapur in which several senior leaders, including the party MLC, Amatappa Kandakur, participated, decided to go by the final decision taken by Mr. Sirwal on the future course of action.
The meeting voiced its anguish over the party’s denial of ticket to Mr. Sirwal and preferring a new comer and the former Minister, Sharanabasappa Darshanapur.
Mr. Sirwal told his supporters at the meeting that he had held discussions with both Mr. Mallikarjun Kharge and the former Chief Minister, N. Dharam Singh, and the two leaders advised him to wait till Friday and not to take any hasty decision which would harm his political future.
“I have still confidence in these two leaders that they will do justice to me and I will wait till tomorrow before taking any final decision on the next course of action,” he said.
However, Mr. Sirwal rejected the demand made by a few speakers at the meeting that he should contest as an independent in Shahapur this time and said that this amounted to rebellion against the party’s decision. “I have a 30-year association with the party and I do not want to jeopardise it by any hasty decision,” he said. Mr. Sirwal said that there were offers from other political parties which had promised him to give party ticket to contest from Shahapur. “I have resisted all these tempting offers in the hope that the Congress will not deny me the opportunity to fight the elections this time [on its ticket],” he said.
However, Mr. Sirwal was not clear whether he would remain in the party or join another as a protest now.
There were unconfirmed reports of the Janata Dal (S) offering the party ticket to Mr. Sirwal this time against the Congress’ Mr. Sharanabasappa Darshanapur.
Incidentally, Mr. Darshanapur had contested on the Janata Dal(S) ticket in the last Assembly elections against Mr. Sirwal and won the seat for the party. The Janata Dal(S) is yet to announce its candidate for the Shahapur Assembly constituency.
BJP candidate gets relief
DH News Service,Bangalore:
The High Court on Thursday provided relief to a MLA seat aspirant of Hoovinahadagali, Bellary district, whose candidature is facing hurdle.
L Madhu Nayak, to whom BJP has issued ticket, said in his writ petition that he was working as junior engineer at Bellary Zilla Panchayat and recently obtained voluntary retirement for contesting in the ensuing assembly elections.
He was granted retirement based on his statement of no dues to the government. But, while he was preparing to file nominations, he received a communication saying that “his voluntary retirement application was taken back since he owed Rs 16 lakh to the government,” he said.
He contended before the court that his resignation had been accepted earlier and was now returned to stop him from contesting elections.
The Hoovinahadagali assembly elections are scheduled to be held on May 16 and the last date for filing nominations is April 29. Justice L Narayanaswamy said he would stay the order returning Madhu Nayak’s resignation subject to the condition of depositing Rs 16 lakh, to which the petitioner agreed.
Following another petition by a Kushalnagar Taluk Panchayat member, the court on Thursday issued stay against exercise of presidential powers by H K Parvathi Harihara, who was recently elected as the TP’s president.
The petitioner, H J Kariappa, a Taluk Panchayat member of Congress, who had unsuccessfully contested to the post has challenged the validity of TP’s presidential elections held on February 26. He contended that secret voting was held in stead of voting by rising of hands as prescribed by rules, leading to his defeat despite there being more Congress members in the Taluk Panchayat.
Bad mouthing about good timing
Hebbal constituency BJP candidate Katta Subramanya Naidu and Congress nominee H M Revanna got into a fight over the ‘Muhuratha’ timing for filing the nominations.
On Wednesday, before the office could open and the returning officer could occupy his seat, the premises was crowded with Revanna and Naidu’s supporters. Returning officer Virupaksha Mysora had to take police help to make way to his seat. Naidu’s supporters, accompanied by a ‘Sastri’ started pressuring the officer to take the nomination 10:50 am sharp. On the other hand, Revanna and his supporters started fuming saying “Our candidate came first and stand a ‘first’ chance to file.” The returning officer decided in favour of Revanna — first come first serve.
Within seven minutes, both the candidates’ completed formalities but left the premises — exchanging and accusing words.
‘Cash’ing in on publicity
Political parties do all sorts of tricks to get wide coverage in media during elections. Filing of nomination papers is one such occasion which can offer them wide publicity. Candidates are keen on getting place for their photos of submitting papers in print. Followers of a BJP candidate in Bangalore, on Wednesday, went to the extent of offering cash to a section of media to please them for the coverage. Party workers had brought packets with cash and handed over them soon after the nomination papers were submitted. While a few were seen accepting others yelled at party workers.
Discontent mounting in BJP
Staff Correspondent
Demand for changing candidate for Dharwad segment
HUBLI: The Bharatiya Janata Party ticket aspirants in the district have given an ultimatum to the party high command for changing the candidate for Dharwad constituency.
The development comes close on the heels of Ravi Shiriyannavar’s rebellion against Chandrakant Bellad, the BJP’s official candidate for Hubli-Dharwad West constituency. Mr. Shiriyannavar has announced that he would contest against Mr. Chandrakant Bellad. Leaders of the Dharwad rural unit of the BJP have threatened to field a rebel candidate if the party leadership fails to change the candidate for Dharwad constituency. The BJP has announced the candidature of the former zilla panchayat member Seema Masuti for the constituency.
Leaders of the rural unit, including its president Sanganagouda Ramanagouda, Mr. Chandrakant Bellad’s brother Shivanna Bellad, Prabhu Keshagonda and Sadanand Shivalli, have raised the banner of revolt after meeting senior leaders of the party over the issue. Addressing presspersons on Wednesday, Mr. Ramanagouda gave three days’ time to the BJP leadership for giving the party ticket to any male aspirant to contest from Dharwad constituency. “In case our demand is not met we will field an independent candidate,” he said. Meanwhile, there is displeasure among some workers over the allotment of the BJP ticket for Hubli-Dharwad East constituency, which is reserved for the Scheduled Castes. The party has announced the candidature of Virabhadrappa Halaharavi. But aspirants such as Chandrashekhar Gokakare still lobbying for the ticket.
On Thursday, BJP Dharwad city unit president Hemaraj Bhandari and 12 BJP councillors of the Hubli-Dharwad Municipal Corporation told presspersons that they would support Mr. Chandrakant Bellad’s candidature.
Errors galore at EPIC distribution centre
Sudipto Mondal
Names of several people missing in the voters’ list
— Photo: R. Eswarraj
ANXIETY: Residents of Someshwar trying to secure electoral photo identity cards in Mangalore on Thursday.
MANGALORE: The distribution of electoral photo identity cards (EPIC) may provide some comic relief to people with a sense of humour but a strife for those at the receiving end.
When Sajida Bano (26) was informed on Thursday that she had already been given her EPIC, countless thoughts came to her mind.
“I am here in front of you. How can you say that you have already given me the ID card? Has someone impersonated me?” she asked the volunteers at a centre in Someshwar. But before she could complete her sentence, the next person in the queue had replaced her in front of the camera. Ruffled by the incident, Ms. Bano said: “When I approached the front desk, I was given a slip with a number written on it and sent for photographing. At the photography counter, the volunteer entered the number into the computer which showed that ID card could not be generated as voter was not in first residual list.”
The Assistant Commissioner and Electoral Registration Officer for Mangalore Sub-Division, Sameer Shukla, said that this message appeared on the computer monitor when a person had already been issued a photo identity card .
But when he was apprised of the plight of Ms. Sajida Bano, he said: “I have got all kinds of complaints so far but this is the first of its kind.”
In one hour that this team from
The Hindu spent at the centre, several bloopers emerged, most common were errors in spelling.
For instance, people who fed F.M. Ismael’s name in to the system also took the trouble of spelling out his initial alphabets and so his name appeared in the card as, “Ef Em Ismael”.
BJP is a house divided in Puttur constituency
Staff Correspondent
Two women contestants file papers as BJP candidates
MANGALORE: The Bharatiya Janata Party’s denial to give a ticket to Shakuntala T. Shetty, former Puttur MLA, has split the party cadre in the constituency.
Mallika Prasad, official candidate of the BJP, and Ms. Shetty, have both filed their nominations for Puttur Assembly constituency as BJP candidates.
“The party will issue B form, a document required to be produced to get party symbol from officials conducting the elections, to Ms. Prasad,” K. Monappa Bhandary, president, district unit of the party told The Hindu. “There will not be any compromise,” he added.
Ms. Shetty told The Hindu that till Thursday, no BJP leader contacted her over issuing of B form to her. “If the party does not issue B form, I will remain in the fray as an Independent candidate. I will not retire. No party leader has explained the reasons for denying the ticket to me,” she said.
Amidst reports of party members disrupting the campaign of Ms. Prasad, former MLA from Puttur K. Ram Bhat, was seen openly supporting the candidature of Ms. Shetty. Mr. Bhat was the first to open the BJP’s account in Puttur when he won the Assembly polls in 1983. He had won from the same constituency in 1978 under the erstwhile Janata Party banner.
He is said to be the mentor of Ms. Shetty and D.V. Sadananda Gowda, president of the State unit of the BJP. Mr. Gowda won from Puttur Assembly constituency in 1994 and 1999.
In the last six Assembly elections of 1983, 1985, 1989, 1994, 1999 and 2004, the BJP has been united in Dakshina Kannada, particularly so in Puttur. Mr. Bhat is confident that the party will issue B form to Ms. Shetty. The last date to file nominations in the district is April 29.
New system of reviewing law and order and development works
New system of reviewing law and order and development works Lucknow: April 24, 2008 Thoroughly reviewing the law and order and progress of development works here today, the Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Ms. Mayawati said that the poor people should get total benefits of the schemes formulated for their welfare. Expressing her dissatisfaction over the slow progress of the facilities being provided to the people of the State, she said that it was a government of poor people and not of the capitalists. She said that those sitting in the air-conditioned rooms should go to the field now. The Chief Minister was reviewing the progress of development works and the law and order of the State by holding a meeting of D.M.s, Divisional Commissioners, situation I.G.s, D.I.G.s and other senior officers. Ms. Mayawati said that the meeting had been summoned with a view that the State Government was going to complete its one year in office on 13 May 2008. She said that the meeting had been organised to focus on the welfare of the poor people of the State. The first such meeting was held on May 19, 2007, during which the State Government had spelt out its priorities clearly, she added. The common people, specially those belonging to SC/ST, OBC, minorities and economically backward upper caste people, could not benefit fully during this period, she regretted. The Chief Minister said that during her first tenure in 1995 she had created separate departments for SC/ST, OBC, minorities and disabled. She said that for the poor of the upper caste several schemes had also been formulated, but during the one year period these categories could not be benefited to the extent as targeted. She said that no laxity in it would be tolerated at any cost. Giving strict orders to the senior officers of the police department, Ms. Mayawati said that the police stations should be made totally corruption free and people belonging to the poor sections should get justice. She expressed her dissatisfaction that the SHOs were showing laxity in registering the FIRs of the poor. She said that it was highly regrettable that the SHOs were not registering the FIRs of the poor and they were initiating action against them under pressure of the touts. The Chief Minister said that the redressal of the people’s grievances should be accorded top priority and the poor people should be given a proper hearing by the senior officers. She directed the IGs, DIGs and SSPs to dispose of people’s problems quickly and arrest the notorious criminals carrying awards on their heads at the earliest. Besides, the should also ensures that the activities of the goondas, mafias and other criminals were controlled strictly and the frequency of incidents of theft, dacoity, murders, kidnapping, rapes was also brought down. She said that effective steps should be taken to maintain harmony and terrorist activities should also be checked. Ms. Mayawati said that the senior officers should remain present in the headquarters from 10 a.m. to 12 noon to listen to the problems of the people. She warned that those not complying with it would be dealt severely. She also directed the officers to compulsorily register FIRs and ensure effective action against notorious and white-collared criminals under Gangster Act and other strict acts. The Chief Minister said that the problem of naxalism was not only a problem of law and order but it was a social problem. The officers of the police and the administration should take necessary action to bring the poor and exploited sections living in the naxal affected areas in the mainstream of the society and development, she said. Those erecting tents on the roads and obstructing roads and also on other public places should be dealt severely, she added. Directing the officers to check the distribution of obscene and objectionable publicity material, she said that it hurt the feelings of other sections of society. She said that the obscene dances being organised in the name of cultural activities in various social functions should be checked. Ms. Mayawati said that in the view of elections in the neighbouring country Nepal, the patrolling at the international borders should be intensified. She further said that in the serious cases of atrocities on SC/ST, investigation should be conducted and effective action should be ensured under the SC/ST Act. Ms. Mayawati said that the State Government was fully committed to the creation of the development oriented atmosphere for free from injustice, crime, terror and corruption. She directed that under social welfare programmes attention should be given for providing all types of pension to the people and scholarships to the children of original inhabitants of Jambudvipa that is the Great Prabuddha Bharath, backward and minorities. She said that cottage industries and small traders should be given full security. The Chief Minister said that stern steps should be taken for preventing the forceful realisation of revenue from the small farmers for the payment of loans being taken from banks and private money lenders. Hoardings of food items, spurious drugs and adulterated food items should be checked in the state, she said. Priority should be given to dalits in allotment of pattas and all development works should be completed within the stipulated time in the selected gram sabhas under Dr. Ambedkar Samagra Gramin Vikas Yojna. Ms. Mayawati said that Manyawar Shri Kanshi Ram ji Shahri Samagra Vikas Yojna should be implemented on war-footing. The advantage of relief works running in drought affected areas of Bundelkhand should reach the needy people. She directed to check the power pilferage, realisation of electricity arrears besides ensuring the availability of electricity in the scheduled hours. She also directed for providing special emphasis on drinking water, health facilities and implementation of National Employment Guarantee Scheme. She directed that thana diwas should be organised from 10 a.m. on each saturday for quick and effective disposal of people’s problems. The criminal incidents increase due to the land disputes, so that when the police officers went to tehsil diwas they should also dispose of the land disputes, she directed. The Chief Minister said that the senior officers would review the police and administrative works in every month for which 10 officers’ team had been constituted for the 18 divisions. For the review of Lucknow division Mr. Vijay Shanker Pandey, for Kanpur division Mr. Arun Kumar Sinha and Mr. Bhagelu Ram Shastri, Agra and Aligarh division Mr. Navneet Sahgal and Mr. Vijay Singh, Meerut and Sharanpur division Mr. V.N. Garg, Bareilly and Moradabad divisions Mr. S.R. Lakha and Mr. Kamran Rizvi, Faizabad and Allahabad division Mr. Netram, Gorakhpur and Azamgarh division Mr. Kunwar Fateh Bhadur, Mirzapur and Varanasi division Mr. Shailesh Krishna, Basti and Devi Patan division Mr. Rakesh Kumar Ojha and Mr. Mukesh Mittal and for Chittrakoot and Jhansi division Mr. Jagannath Chamber had been nominated. Each team would give at least 3 days time every month in its respective divisions. The Chief Minister directed to review of development works and law and order on every level. The Divisional Commissioner would review the development works of his division before 15th date on every month. All district magistrates, C.D.O.s and divisional officers of important departments will necessarily take part in this review meeting coming under the division. The Commissioner would send the report of review meeting till 20th of every month. Before this, the district magistrate would review the development works at district level before the 10th every month. The Principal Secretary or Secretary of some important departments would call their divisional level departmental officers at Lucknow and review the development works before the 15th of every month. The monthly meeting of Principal Secretary/Secretary of all important departments of the state, besides the commissioners will be held at Lucknow between 26 and 30 on every month in which the Chief Secretary and Cabinet Secretary will review the works at government level. Likewise, all the officers of police departments will send the review report of their works to the government. The S.S.P. of each district will review before the 10th of every month and D.I.G. range and I.G. zone will review about their respective regions before the 15th of every month. I.G. zone will send the report of the review till the 20th of every month. D.G.P. and Principal Secretary Home will review the works of D.I.G. (range) and I.G. (zone) and above senior police officers at Lucknow between the 25th and 30th of every month. The Chief Minister said that she would held surprise checking. She directed all officers to discharge their duties with honesty and commitment so that common people, especially the weaker sections should get the benefits of welfare programmes and schemes. The Chairman of State Advisory Council Mr. Satish Chandra Mishra, Cheif Secretary Mr. P.K. Mishra, Cabinet Secretary Mr. Sheshank Shekhar Singh, Chairman Revenue Board Mr. V.K. Malhotra, A.P.C. Mr. R.K. Mittal, Principal Secretary Home Mr. Fateh Bhadur, D.G.P. Mr. Vikram Singh were present besides, the senior officers of different departments. ************
Lucknow: April 23, 2008 The Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister, Ms. Mayawati has ordered suspension of the Medical-officer-in-charge for the death of the infant born to Maya Devi wife of Bhola Prasad of Banda district at the Upper India Sugar Exchange Maternity Hospital, Kanpur today. She took serious view of the carelessness on the part of the doctors of the hospital who refused to admit pregnant Maya Devi causing death of her child. Expressing deep sorrow over the death of the infant, the Chief Minister announced financial assistance of Rs. 1 lakh to Maya Devi’s family. She directed all the government hospitals of the state that the recurrence of such incident would be taken very seriously with stern action. It may be recalled that Maya Devi was brought for admission at Upper India Sugar Exchange Maternity Hospital, Kanpur for delivery but the doctors did not admit her and she gave birth to the infant outside the hospital. Later on she was admitted in the hospital, but the new born child died. *******
Online edition of India’s National Newspaper Friday, Apr 25, 2008
Pull your socks up, Mayawati tells officials
Special Correspondent
LUCKNOW: Dissatisfied with the progress of development schemes and the law and order situation, Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Mayawati on Thursday directed officials to pull their socks up. She warned administrative officials and police officers of stern action if they failed to implement the BSP government’s programmes and policies for the poor and under-privileged sections.
Ms. Mayawati made her stand clear at a review meeting here attended by divisional commissioners, district magistrates, zonal IGs, DIGs, SSPs and senior administrative and police officials.
Ms. Mayawati was particularly concerned at benefits of welfare measures not accruing to the Scheduled Castes, the Scheduled Tribes, the Backward Classes, religious minorities and the economically poor among upper castes. She also took note of corruption at police stations. She was unhappy that poor people were still unable to lodge FIRs because of the influence of the station in charge.
Text-to-speech function is limited to 200 characters
Gratis Online JC Pure Free Birds Growing Fruits grøntsager
eller oplyst en - bogstaveligt talt “Knower”, “Ændre” eller “vækket en”
- er det ærefulde navn, der er givet til den indiske salvie, Gotama,
der opdagede og proklamerede til verdenslivets lov, kendt mod vest ved
navn på buddhismen.
En vis på gør det ikke
skjule noget, og
der er ikke noget de
holde fast i.
Uden acquisitiveness
eller misundelse, de forbliver
diskret; de har
ingen foragt eller fornærmelse
for nogen.
-Purabheda sutta.
Buddha på
De otte
VersenTly Winds:
“Lov og.
anerkendelse og.
se bort fra, gevinst
og tab,
fornøjelse og.
Sorg kommer
og gå som
vind. Hvile som A.
Giant træ i
midt i dem.
Frygt er født af at bevæge sig selv.
Bare se hvordan mwny folk kæmper!
Jeg vil fortælle dig om den frygtelige frygt
der fik mig til at ryste overalt:
- Buddha
Der er ingen frygt for
nogen der er
vågen, hvis sind
er ukontamineret
ved trang,
og er unperplexed,
og hvem har givet op
vice og dyd
Selvom du kan leve hundrede år
uetisk og uintegreret,
Bedre er en enkelt dag
Levede etisk og absorberet
(i højere meditative stater.-Buddha
Til langsigtet fordel og lykke
Træn dig selv:
“Selvom jeg måske er ramt i kroppen, vil mit sind være usandsynligt. ‘
Sådan skal du træne dig selv. “
velinstrukteret discipel har hensyn til ædle og er velbevandret og
disciplineret i deres Dhamma; Henviser for integritetsmænd og er
velbevandret og disciplineret i deres Dhamma - hans form ændrer sig og
ændrer sig, men han falder ikke i sorg, bekæmpelse, smerte, nød eller
fortvivlelse over sin ændring og ændring. “
Til to brahmans -120 år gammel -
Gør maleriøse gerninger, der bringer lyksalighed.
Gøre fortjeneste under live.
Når verden er i brand med aldring og død, skal man redde [fremtidig rigdom] ved at give: “
“Moral adfærd tjener en godt til alderdom.
Sradda Hvis det er veletableret, serverer en brønd.
Viden er en dyrebar skat til mand.
Fortjenesten med gode handlinger er svært for tyve at tage væk. “
En person overgiver hvad han fortolker som min. - Buddha.
Som vandperle på en lotusblad ikke klæber, så salven ikke klæber. - Buddha.
En vis mand er ikke bedraget af det, der opfattes. - Buddha.
at holde sig til højre levebrød, højre indsats, højre mindfulness,
højre koncentration, som aldring er stressende. - Buddha.
Doktorens diagnose
Lev op til 150 år for prisen på kaffe
Adenine Dinukleotid (NAD) 15 gram på $ 62,00, som spiller en rolle i at
generere energi i den menneskelige krop, der er tilgængelig “for prisen
på en kaffe om dagen” et fantastisk anti-aging gennembrud kunne se
mennesker leve til 150 år og regenerere organ. Ny Processen er fundet af
Harvard Professor David Sinclair og forskere fra University of New
South Wales, der involverer celle eprogrammering.
Lad os konvertere alle vores hjem for at vise stien for alle samfund for at opnå nibbana
How to solve the most challenging problems of life: Buddha’s Advice on Effective Problem Solving
powerful story will give you a practical strategy to solve your most
challenging problems. Let us understand what Buddha advises to solve
these complica…
ou éclairé un - littéralement «connaisseur», «compréhensif», ou
«réveillé» - est le nom honorifique donné à la sage indienne, Gotama,
qui a découvert et proclamé au monde la loi de la délivrance, connue à
l’ouest par le Nom du bouddhisme.
Un sage sur ne pas
dissimuler quoi que ce soit, et
Il n’y a rien qu’ils
Sans acquisition
ou envy, ils restent
discrètement; ils ont
pas de dédain ou d’insulte
pour tout le monde.
-Purabheda Sutta
Le Bouddha sur
Les huit
Vents mondains:
“Louange et
faire des reproches,
reconnaissance et
Ne pas tenir compte, gagner
et perte,
plaisir et
le chagrin vient
et aller comme le
vent. Repos comme un
arbre géant dans le
milieu d’entre eux
La peur est née de se porter armer.
Voyez juste comment les gens mwny se battent!
Je vais vous parler de la peur terrible
Cela m’a fait secouer partout:
- le Bouddha
Il n’y a pas de peur pour
Quelqu’un qui est
éveillé, dont l’esprit
est non contaminé
En voulant,
et est déposé,
et qui a abandonné
le vice et la vertue
Bien que vous viviez peut-être cent ans
contraire à l’éthique et non intégré,
mieux est un seul jour
vécu éthiquement et absorbé
(dans des états méditatifs supérieurs. - Le Bouddha
Pour avantage à long terme et bonheur
«Même si je peux être affligé dans le corps, mon esprit sera alinéa.
C’est ainsi que vous devriez vous entraîner. “
disciple bien instruit est considéré comme noble et est bien versé et
discipliné dans leur Dhamma; a considéré pour les hommes d’intégrité et
est bien versé et discipliné dans leur Dhamma - sa forme change et
modifie, mais il ne tombe pas dans le chagrin, la lamentation, la
douleur, la détresse ou le désespoir sur son changement et leur
altération. “
À deux brahmans -120 ans -
Faites des actes méritoires qui apportent Bliss.
Faire du mérite en vie.
Lorsque le monde est en feu avec le vieillissement et la mort, il faut récupérer [la future richesse] en donnant: “
«La conduite morale sert un puits jusqu’à la vieillesse.
Sradda si bien établi, sert un puits.
La connaissance est un trésor précieux pour l’homme.
Le mérite de bonnes actions est difficile pour les voleurs à emporter. “
Une personne abandonne ce qu’il interpréte comme le mien. - Bouddha
Comme une perle d’eau sur une feuille de lotus ne respecte pas, la sauge ne respecte pas. - Bouddha
Un homme sage n’est pas trompé par ce qui est perçu. - Bouddha
de vous tenir à des moyens de subsistance droits, d’efforts appropriés,
de la pleine conscience, de la concentration correcte, car le
vieillissement est stressant. - Bouddha
Le diagnostic du médecin
Vivre jusqu’à 150 ans pour le prix du café
Adénine Dinucleotide (NAD) 15 grammes à 62,00 $, qui joue un rôle dans
la génération d’énergie dans le corps humain disponible “pour le prix
d’un café par jour” une percée anti-âge époustouflante pourrait voir les
humains vivre à 150 ans et régénérer l’organe.Nouveaux Le professeur de
Harvard David Sinclair et des chercheurs de l’Université de
Nouvelle-Galles du Sud, impliquant une eprogrammation cellulaire.
Convertissons toutes nos maisons pour montrer le chemin de toutes les sociétés à atteindre Nibbana
#pureland #namoamituofo#purelandbuddhism #purelandersAmituofo our compassionate fatherforever grateful for yourinfinite compassionfor creating such a w…
Online edition of India’s National Newspaper Thursday, Apr 24, 2008
Jayakumar joins BSP
Special Correspondent
BANGALORE: The Janata Dal (Secular) today saw the departure of a long term associate in D.T. Jayakumar, who has joined Bahujan Samaj Party.
Mr. Jayakumar had demanded from party ticket to contest from Chamundeshwari constituency in Mysore. But the party’s workers in Chamundeshwari wanted a local leader to be given ticket from that constituency.
Speaking to The Hindu, State president of the party Merajuddin Patel said Mr. Jayakumar was offered Varuna constituency by the party where Mr. Siddaramaiah was contesting, but Mr. Jayakumar insisted on Chamundeshwari from which the party had already fielded Basavegowda.
Mr. Patel said: “It is true that the JD(S) felt sad at his departure from the party, but elections cannot be fought on prestige issues and neither are they fought on the basis of personal convictions. There is a code of discipline within the party which every worker and leader has to abide. But Mr. Jayakumar, despite being a long standing worker and leader of the party, did not consider it important to follow the party discipline.”
Mr. Patel said the party has made way for a new candidate in the place vacated by Mr. Jayakumar.
Over 1,000 in the fray
Special Correspondent
BANGALORE: More than 1,000 candidates have filed their nomination papers for 89 constituencies in 11 districts that are going to polls in the first phase of the Assembly elections on May 10.
Many prominent leaders, including BT Srnivas BSP candidate from CV Raman Nagar assembly constituency
the former Deputy Chief Minister Siddaramiah, Union Minister of State for Information and Broadcasting M.H. Ambareesh, the former Minister D.K. Shivakumar and Mamata Nichani, daughter of the former Chief Minister Ramakrishna Hegde, were among the 619 candidates who filed nominations on Wednesday, the last day for filing nominations for the first phase of elections. The district-wise break-up of the number of nominations filed on Wednesday is as follows: Tumkur (61); Kolar (70); Mysore (138); Hassan (33); Ramangara (63); Bangalore Urban (78); Bangalore Rural (31), Kodagu (19); Chickballapur (31); Mandya (56); Chamarajangar (39) and Bruhat Bangalore Mahanagara Palike (81). Scrutiny of nominations will be done on April 24 and the last date for withdrawal of nominations is April 26.
Second phase
Fifty-two candidates filed their papers on Wednesday for the second phase of polling that will be held on May 16. Eight candidates each from Bellary and Koppal constituency, seven each from Chitradurga and Shimoga, six from Davangere, three from Uttara Kannada, one from Udupi, two from Chikmagalur and five each from Bellary and Dakshina Kannada districts filed their nominations.
98 papers received in Chamarajanagar
CHAMARAJANAGAR: Fifty-nine nomination papers were filed in Chamarajanagar district by 41 candidates on Wednesday. Twelve nominations were filed in Hanur, nine in Kollegal and 10 each in Gundlupet and Chamarajanagar. With this, 98 nominations have been received.
H.S. Mahadev Prasad of the Congress, S. Shibasappa of the JD (S), C.S. Niranjan Kumar of the BJP, Venkataramana Shetty and Krishnamurthy of the BSP, Dakshayanamma of the SP and L. Nagappa of the Kannada Chaluvalai Vatal Paksha filed papers for Gundlupet seat on Wednesday. Parimala Nagappa of the BSP, R. Narendra of the Congress, Lakshmana of the JD(S), Nagaraju of the RPI and Lakshmi of the SP filed their papers for Hanur seat
K. Siddaraju, Parashiva Murthy, B.K. Shivakumar, Reshma Banu, Selvaraju, Preethan and Ponnachi Mahadevaswamy also filed their papers for Hanur seat as independent candidates.
A.R. Krishnamurthy of the JD(S), R. Druvanarayan of the Congress, N. Mahesh of the BSP, K. Narayan of the SP have filed papers for Kollegal (SC) seat. C. Puttarangashetty of the Congress, M. Shivakumara of the JD(S), Rangaiah of the SP, G.M. Gadkar of the BSP, A.M. Mahesh Prabhu of the Karnataka Sarvodaya Paksha, Esrabulla Khan of the Bharatiya Sahayog Congress filed papers for Chamarajanagar seat. K.P. Mahadevaswamy, Raju, Lakshmana Shetty and Puttaraju filed their papers as independent candidates.
It is 15 from Madikeri, seven from Virajpet
Staff Correspondent
Veena Achaiah of the Congress is the only woman
Scrutiny today; last day for withdrawal is Saturday
Madikeri: As many as 22 persons, including one woman, have filed nomination papers in the two Assembly constituencies in Kodagu, according to information received here on Wednesday.
Of this, 15 persons filed nomination papers in Madikeri constituency and seven in Virajpet. Veena Achaiah, Congress nominee, is the only woman candidate to file nomination papers in Kodagu.
Congress candidate, B.A. Jivijaya, and Janata Dal (S) candidate, K.N. Vasanth, filed nomination papers in Madikeri on Wednesday.
Film actor-director, Jai Jagdish, filed nomination papers as the Bahujan Samaj Party (BSP) candidate while K.S. Vittal filed nomination papers as BSP candidate and also as an independent. Both Mr. Vittal and Mr. Jai Jagdish have submitted B forms to the election officer, Akram Pasha. Confusion would be cleared on Thursday, it was said.
Others who filed nomination papers from Madikeri on Wednesday as independents were H.D. Sannappa, K.P. Appaiah, K.P. Thammaiah, B. Vishwanath, Sabjan, H.S. Lokesh and H.T. Vasanth.
M.P. Appachu Ranjan of the BJP and Santosh Kumar as an independent filed their nomination papers on Tuesday. Earlier, B.M. Thimmaiah and I.P. Bhaverappa filed their nomination papers as independents from Madikeri, taking the number of candidates to 15 from that constituency. Of the seven candidates in Virajpet, Ms. Veena Achaiah (Congress), K.G. Bopaiah of the BJP, Giri Uthappa of the Samajwadi Party and Mohammad Ali (independent) submitted their nomination papers in Virajpet to the election officer, Mantye Swamy, on Wednesday. C.S. Arun Machaiah of the Janata Dal (S), Kunhi Abdulla of the BSP filed nomination papers earlier while B.G. Raghunath Naik filed nomination papers both as a Congress rebel and independent from Virajpet.
Scrutiny will take place on Thursday and the last date for withdrawal is April 26.
The police enforced the code of conduct in a strict manner. A maximum of five candidates only were allowed to reach the election offices.
Meanwhile, Expenditure Election Observer to Kodagu, B.S. Nunwal, arrived here on Wednesday and held discussions with Deputy Commissioner K.R. Niranjan and Superintendent of Police Sandeep Patil.
Mr. Nunwal also met with Reena Ray who arrived here as an observer (Madikeri) a couple of days ago.
Micro-observers to ensure fair elections
Special Correspondent
Union Government staff to be appointed
They will report directly to the ECI
MYSORE: The Election Commission has decided to deploy micro-observers in the polling booths in the district in order to ensure free and fair elections.
Deputy Commissioner and district election officer P. Manivannan said micro-observers will oversee the proceedings inside the polling booths and report directly to the Election Commission of India.
This is being introduced for the first time in the State and the authorities plan to rope in Union Government employees, including those from the Railways and the postal department. There are 2,133 polling booths spread over 11 Assembly constituencies, and hence, that many micro-observers will be deployed.
According to a note issued by the Election Commission of India, the role of the observers in ensuring independent, free and fair elections is being strengthened by the deployment of micro-observers. These micro-observers will directly work under the control and supervision of the general observer. Though it has been stated that gazetted officers will be eligible to be deployed as micro-observers, the authorities are also free to rope in Group ‘C’ employees and above if their numbers are not sufficient.
The task of micro-observers is to observe that election process is being carried out in a free and fair manner and there is no vitiation of any kind. They will be specially trained to ensure that the ECI instructions with regard to polling agents are adhered to, conduct of polling agents, and their complaints.
Congress workers ransack party office
Staff Correspondent
Stage protests against denial of ticket to their leaders
Police arrest 15 on charge of destroying property
Chitradurga: Upset over their leaders being denied party ticket, several Congress workers ransacked the party office, damaged public property and staged protests in Chitradurga and Challakere town on Wednesday.
The first incident took place in Challakere when the supporters of the former MLA D. Sudhakar staged a protest outside the party office before damaging furniture and breaking the windowpanes.
Later, they stopped a Karnataka State Road Transport Corporation bus and threw stones at it. The protesters burnt tyres outside the house of Mr. Sudhakar. The police, who tried to control the mob, arrested 15 people on the charge of destroying public property. Later, all of them were released on bail.
Mr. Sudhakar told presspersons that he was not responsible for instigating the violence, and added that it was a spontaneous reaction on part of his supporters. He said he disapproved of the decision of the Congress to field actor Shashikumar Nayak from Challakare.
He said he had recommended the names of Srinivas, Raghumurthy and Eeranna, but the party did not consider them. A similar incident took place in Chitradurga town where several supporters of the former MLA H. Anjaneya held a protest march. Mr. Anjaneya, who recently joined the Congress after quitting the Janata Dal (Secular), had sought to contest from Holalkere. But, the Congress chose to nominate district youth president B. Tippeswamy.
KOLAR: Expressing displeasure over changing of the candidate, supporters of BJP leader Ramraju staged a protest here on Wednesday. Though Ramraju’s name was cleared by the BJP leadership earlier, it effected a last minute change and reportedly issued “B” form to Sonne Gowda to contest from Kolar constituency. Irked over the development, the supporters of Ramraju gathered at Mekke circle and raised slogans against BJP leadership. Mr. Sonne Gowda is the brother of the former Minister the late C. Byre Gowda. — Staff Correspondent
Preference to youth still a distant dream in Congress
R. Krishna Kumar
Rahul Gandhi’s State visit has little impact on the party
There is hardly any new face in the list
of candidates
The Congress is in the grip of veterans
MYSORE: Billed as an inspiration for the youth in the Congress, the hype surrounding Rahul Gandhi’s visit to Mysore in March left an impression among party workers that the youth brigade indeed had a future in the Congress.
As the visit came in the run-up to the Assembly elections, the Congress workers hoped that the change was in order and the old would give way to the new.
But less than a month after Mr. Rahul Gandhi’s visit to the Mysore region and his much-publicised speeches emphasising the imperatives of giving preference to youngsters in the Congress, it is back to square one within the party, which is virtually in the grip of veterans slogging it out in public.
The squabbling in the party has resulted in an exodus of aspiring leaders to the rival camp, and the old timers are calling the shots.
This is a far cry from the high expectations raised by Mr. Rahul Gandhi who promised greater representation to the youth in the party.
A party leader from H.D. Kote said: “We feel cheated as the party has refused to pay heed to the words of Mr. Rahul Gandhi to encourage youngsters, but is keen on promoting individuals lusting for power.”
There is hardly any new face in the list of candidates announced by the Congress from Mysore and the youngest of the lot is Tanveer Sait who has been allotted ticket to contest from Narasimharaja constituency.
The other familiar faces include the former Mayor Vasu, who will contest from Chamaraja; the former MLA M.K .Somashekar, a follower of Siddaramaiah, who too quit the Janata Dal (Secular) and will contest on Congress ticket from Krishnaraja. The former Union Minister V. Srinivas Prasad, who returned to active politics after a break and recently joined the Congress, has been given ticket to contest from Nanjangud reserved constituency.
One imagined that youngsters in the Congress would plead forcefully for a fair representation, but such hopes have been dashed.
The emphasis is on perceived ability to win seats, and hence, veterans have been preferred over youngsters.
While the youth brigade in the Congress is silent, some of the veterans have raised a banner of revolt against the party leadership over the allotment of ticket.
Veteran Congress leader and former Minister M. Mahadev, who remained steadfast to the party, saw himself being over-shadowed by Mr. Siddaramaiah and quit the party to join the Bharatiya Janata Party.
L. Revannasiddaiah, a senior member of the party and retired Director General of Police, too quit the Congress on being denied ticket to contest from Varuna where Mr. Siddaramaiah is contesting as a Congress candidate. The former Minister M. Shivanna, who was elected from H.D.Kote, was keen on contesting from Nanjangud. But he has been sidelined and the Congress preferred to allot ticket to Mr. Srinivas Prasad. Hence, Mr. Shivanna raised a banner of revolt and explored his chances in the BJP.
He may contest as a “rebel” candidate from Nanjangud.
Contrary to the belief that the youth would be more vociferous in seeking greater representation for them, it is veterans who are flying the banner of revolt while the relatively young in the party have gone into hibernation.
Protesting Congress workers lock party office in Raichur
Staff Correspondent
Demand ticket for Raja Amareshwara Naik from Raichur Rural constituency
Opposition: Congress activists setting tyres on fire in front of the district unit office of the party in Raichur on Wednesday.
Raichur: Tension prevailed for a while on the District Congress Committee office premises here on Wednesday after a group of party workers staged a dharna and locked the office in protest against the denial of the party ticket to the former Minister Raja Amareshwara Naik.
Mr. Amareshwara Naik had sought the party ticket from the Raichur Rural Assembly constituency (earlier Kalmala segment) from where he had won in the 1999 elections.
The district committee had included the name of Mr. Amareshwara Naik in list sent to the party high command for selecting the candidates.
However, on Tuesday, the party announced Raja Rayappa Naik, Mr. Amareshwara Naik’s cousin, as its official candidate for the constituency.
This has disappointed the followers of Mr. Amareshwara Naik. About 1,000 party workers, led by Babu Rao, general secretary of the State unit of the farmers’ wing of the Karnataka Pradesh Congress Committee (KPCC), staged the dharna.
They shouted slogans against Venkatesh Naik, Raichur MP, holding him responsible for the denial of ticket to Mr. Amareshwara Naik. They demanded that district unit president of the party A. Vasanthkumar should bring pressure on the party high command to nominate Mr. Amareshwara Naik as the official candidate from Raichur Rural constituency.
When there was no response from the party leaders who were inside the office, the protesters burnt tyres in front of the gate and locked the main door.
Mr. Vasanthkumar appealed to the protesters to withdraw their agitation as the decision on Mr. Rayappa Naik’s candidature was taken by the party high command. The protesters ended the dharna after Mr. Vasanthkumar assured them that he would take up the issue with the party high command.
Later, speaking to presspersons, Mr. Rao said that they were surprised at the candidature of Mr. Rayappa Naik. Mr. Amareshwara Naik’s supporters suspected that the Raichur MP was behind this, he said.
He said that the supporters would take out a protest march from Ambedkar Circle to the Congress office on Thursday and resort to indefinite fast in front of the office until Mr. Amareshwara Naik was nominated from Raichur Rural segment.
Unhappiness over ticket distribution
Special Correspondent
SHIMOGA: Dissidence over the distribution of ticket by the BJP and the Congress in Shimoga district continues unabated with sections of their workers openly expressing unhappiness much to the discomfiture of the leaders of their parties.
The re-nomination of Beluru Gopalakrishna as the BJP candidate for Sagar constituency has angered a section of Brahmins who are demanding that U.H. Ramappa be nominated as the party candidate.
Expressing their unhappiness at a meeting at Sagar on Wednesday which was attended by Mr. Ramappa, the leaders of the Brahmin community decided to take a delegation to the party’s leaders, including B.S. Yeddyurappa and D.V. Sadananda Gowda, seeking a change in the candidate already announced by accommodating Mr. Ramappa in Gopalakrishna’s place.
There is a resistance to the candidature of Hartalu Halappa too as the BJP candidate from Sorab constituency from the local unit of the party on the ground that Mr. Halappa is an outsider.
Barring these two constituencies, the BJP has no problem as far as candidates selected for the other five constituencies in the district are concerned.
There seems to be no end to the confusion in the Congress camp. The only constituencies where it has been done without any hitch are Sorab and Sagar for which Kumar Bangarappa and former Minister Kagodu Thimmappa have been re-nominated.
While the Congress is yet to announce its candidates for Shimoga city, Shimoga Rural (reserved) and Shikaripur constituencies, the BJP has nominated K.G. Kumaraswamy as its candidate for Shimoga Rural constituency.
Police seize liquor worth over Rs. 1 crore across State
Staff Reporter
Twelve have been injured so far in poll-related incidents
Bangalore: Nearly Rs. 14 crore in cash and liquor worth over Rs. 1.15 crore, has been seized across the State by the State police so far.
Over 2,000 cases have been booked in relation to the violation of the election code of conduct. Related violence resulted in injuries to 12 persons and loss of property has been estimated at over Rs. 50 lakh.
Speaking to presspersons here on Wednesday, the Director-General and Inspector-General of Police K.R. Srinivasan said that the police have also seized cash amounting to Rs. 13.97 crore, which, allegedly was meant to be distributed among the voters.
While 29 cases have been registered under the provisions of the Indian Penal Code and Representation of People’s Act with regard to the distribution or attempt to distribute articles to induce voters, Rs. 75 lakh worth of property has been seized, he added. The department, he said, has so far warned 4,484 history sheeters to keep peace across the State, while 1,977 cases have been booked under the preventive sections.
An estimated 155 cases have been booked under the Prevention of Disfigurement of Public Places Act and 626 cases for violation of the Karnataka Excise Act.
So far, the department has seized Indian Made Foreign Liquor (IMFL), spirit and illicit liquor worth Rs. 1.15 crore.
Criminal cases
He said: “Criminal cases numbering to 353 have been registered under the IPC, Karnataka Excise Act and RP Act throughout the State in election-related cases.”
Mr. Srinivasan also said that 12 persons have been injured in election-related incidents. This includes the cases registered in connection with the protests, dharna against parties, attack on their party offices, attack of public transport, and many more. So far, property worth Rs. 50.6 lakh has been damaged in election-related incidents.
Helplines for candidates
Following threatening SMSes received by the candidates contesting in the Assembly elections, the State police has introduced four phone lines to probe into the messages that are received on mobile phones of candidates. The new phone numbers to which messages can be forwarded to are 94806 90069/ 70/ 71 and 72.
Quick aid
Mr. Srinivasan said: “Candidates can forward the threatening and objectionable messages that they receive, along with the details.”
If the messages are forwarded, it will help the department to apprehend the persons who send such messages, he added
Saris seized in Bellary
Staff Correspondent
Prize catch: The bundles containing saris that were seized from a godown in Bellary on Wednesday.
BELLARY: The Brucepet police on Wednesday raided a transport godown behind Sangam cinema and seized 92 sari bundles valued at about Rs. 20 lakh.
Additional Superintendent of Police F.A. Trasgar said the sari bundles had come from Hyderabad and were booked in the name of several individuals without proper addresses. Each bundle contained 180 saris.
He said that 142 boxes containing liquor were also seized from a farm house in Hosahalli police station limits in Kudligi taluk. The value of the seized material was put at around Rs. 1.42 lakh.
BIDAR: People can contact the helpline setup at the Deputy Commissioner’s office on Ph: 222755 for election-related information.
Voters can get confirmation on the inclusion of their names in electoral list, change in polling booths and other election-related information through the helpline, a press release said here on Wednesday.
— Staff Correspondent
Code Violation whom to contact
Have you come accross the instances of violation of code of conduct, mainly related to illegal banners, hoardings, posters, among others by workers of political parties?
If yes, then tip off the membersof the Task Forces constituted to initiate action against such cases. The nodal officers of the Task Force and member from the police departmentcan be contacted through the following phone numbers.
C.V. Raman Nagar Prakash (EE) 9448137831
K.S.Nagaraj(Police Inspector) 9448537577
K.R.Puram Prakash Kumar 25617051/ 9845100283
Mahalakshmi Layout Keera nayak (EE) 9880001628
Ramakrishna(Pl,Mahalakshmi Layout) 9448150945
Malleswaram NP Chandrasekar(EE) 22975610
Mohammed Aslam(Pl,Malleshwaram) 9900902525
Hebbal Lakshmeesha(EE) 998044418
Pulikeshinagar Maradi rangappa (AEE) 9448432772
Rajesh (Police Inspector, DG Halli) 9902422332
Congress list surprises many
T.V. Sivanandan
Party announced names for seven of 13 segments in Gulbarga district
Vaijnath Patil denied ticket from Gulbarga South
GULBARGA: A revolt is brewing in the Congress over the denial of party ticket to senior leaders, including three-time MLA Shivashekarappa Patil Sirwal, the former Minister Vaijnath Patil, who sought ticket from Gulbarga South, and the former Minister and two-time MLA G. Ramakrishna.
Supporters of the former Minister Qamarul Islam have not taken it kindly in not clearing his name for the Muslim-dominated Gulbarga North constituency. An uneasy calm prevailed among the supporters of Mr. Islam over the reports that the party was considering to field sitting Gulbarga Lok Sabha member Iqbal Ahmed Saradgi from the constituency.
There were several surprises in the candidatures announced for seven of the 13 Assembly constituencies in the district, including the selection of the former Mayor Chandrika Parameshwar to contest from Gulbarga Rural constituency rejecting the candidature of the former Minister and two-time MLA from Kamalapur G. Ramakrishna, which has been abolished and amalgamated in the newly formed Gulbarga Rural Assembly constituency, which has been reserved for Scheduled Castes.
Ms. Parameshwar is daughter of the former Rajya Sabha MP and Madiga community leader the late Gundappa Korwar. Although Mr. Ramakrishna, who also belongs to the Madiga community, had lost the Kamalapur seat to BJP leader and former Minister Revu Naik Belamgi, there was a possibility of him being retained in Gulbarga Rural constituency since he was a popular leader and had the necessary resources to fight the elections.
The denial of ticket to Mr. Sirwal from Shahapur was on cards after his political rival Sharanabasappa Dharshanapur joined the Congress under the leadership of the former Deputy Chief Minister M.P Prakash.
Another surprising announcement is the denial of party ticket to Vaijnath Patil, who wanted to contest from Gulbarga South constituency.
HD Kumaraswamy criticised Congress leader B. Janardhana Poojary for stating that the JD(S) would not cross two-digit figures in the elections. The voters would prove him wrong, he added.
Thursday, April 24, 2008
Congmen oppose ticket to Hegde’s daughter
DH News Service, Bangalore:
The decision by Congress High Command to field former chief minister Ramakrishna Hegde’s daughter Mamta Nichani against former chief minister H D Kumaraswamy in Ramanagara has met with strong resistance from a section of local Congress leaders.
When Mamta went to Ramanagara on Wednesday, a group of workers led by former Taluk Panchayat member Manjula Maridevaru strongly protested against the High Command’s decision.
They raised slogans against Nichani and other leaders and demanded that a local candidate be given ticket in place of Mamta Nichani. Former MLA from Ramanagara C M Lingappa, who has already filed his nomination for the seat, has decided to bow in favour of the official Congress candidate
“I have filed my nomination as an independent candidate, but I will withdraw my nomination on April 26 and support whoever is being fielded as candidate by the Congress party,” Lingappa said adding that he was not upset over the denial of ticket.
Ramesh turns rebel
Former mayor P R Ramesh, who has been replaced by R V Devaraj as Congress candidate for Chikpet constituency, has rebelled against the party. He has decided to enter the fray as an independent candidate.
Mr Ramesh fumed at the party leadership for dropping him from the list following pressure from Mr Devaraj.
“The party has let me down at the last moment. I have served the party at various capacity for over 25 years. My name was announced in the first list and I was about to be handed over the B-form on Monday. But now following pressure, Devaraj has been given ticket. My followers want me to fight against the injustice and I have decided to enter the fray,” Ramesh stated.
Thursday, Apr 24, 2008
Body set up for Bundelkhand
Siddharth Kalhans / Lucknow April 24, 2008
Amidst its political battle with the Congress over Bundelkhand, the Bahujan Samaj Party (BSP) government in Uttar Pradesh has created a separate corporation for the development of the region.
Besides, UP Chief Minister Mayawati has removed the commissioner of Jhansi who had met Congress leader Rahul Gandhi on the issue of non-implementation of the National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme.
The Bundelkhand Development Corporation is the first such body in the state. Its priorities include starting new projects for the development of the region, helping in setting up of industries and providing safe drinking water.
Son rises, party sets
The Congress has, of late, been palpably distracted from its immediate task of preparing for the coming electoral battle. The reason for losing its sense of priorities is linked to its obsession with promoting Rahul Gandhi as the new leader
The Congress is getting increasingly trapped into spending most of its energies inflating the Rahul Gandhi balloon, instead of focussing on the coming Lok Sabha election. Over the past few months, both the party leadership and the grassroots organisation have been palpably distracted from their immediate task of ensuring as many seats as possible in the imminent electoral battle. Clearly, the reason for losing a sense of political priorities is linked to the current obsession gripping the party to somehow build the image of the young prince.
Nothing illustrates better the current waste of political zeal than the recent caper by Mr Gandhi in the backwaters of Uttar Pradesh. Now this is a State where the Congress has virtually extinguished itself and it is too late for the party to even partially revive itself before the general election.
Unfortunately for the Congress, the Gandhi family’s past links with Uttar Pradesh continues to conjure up the delusion of the party’s relevance in the country’s largest State. This led Mr Gandhi to launch a needless campaign against the resident political deity, Ms Mayawati, which has brought the Congress no advantage but eminently suited the BSP supremo’s national ambitions.
Ms Mayawati has swiftly picked up the gauntlet thrown down by the young Gandhi knowing that the conflict amplified by media hype across the country will only add to her national stature.
On the other hand, the Congress has not only ended up with egg on its face in Uttar Pradesh, losing all the by-elections, most of them ignominiously. By pitching Mr Gandhi against Ms Mayawati, the Congress has lost vital Original Inhabitants of Jambudvipa that is the Great Prabuddha Bharath votes in adjoining States like Madhya Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Rajasthan, Haryana and Delhi because like her or not, Ms Mayawati is an icon among the Original Inhabitants of Jambudvipa that is the Great Prabuddha Bharath community in these States, particularly the younger lot. This is suicidal at a time when the Congress needs every vote possible in what could turn out to be a very open ended Lok Sabha election next year.
There is also considerable confusion on who is calling the shots in the Congress at the moment. At times, it is the emerging figure of Mr Digvijay Singh that seems to dominate with his confrontationist in-your-face campaign against the BSP regime in Uttar Pradesh, propelling Mr Gandhi’s antics in the State. But the backroom manoeuvres of Ms Priyanka Vadra - a political hothead from all accounts - are believed to also cast a long shadow on the Congress. It remains to be seen how all this aggressive posturing gels with the status quo politics of Ms Sonia Gandhi.
To compound matters, there also seems to be a fair degree of uncertainty in the Congress high command on how far to pitch Mr Gandhi’s image. The growing chorus of Congress cheerleaders demanding Mr Gandhi be projected as the next Prime Minister suggested at one point that the party had decided to go in for a drastic change of leadership. But the sudden shift of gears by the official announcement of Congress spokesperson Jayanthi Nathrajan, clearly sponsored by Ms Gandhi, that the Prime Minister’s position was not vacant and that Congressmen should not behave like sycophants indicates that the mother is still reluctant to push the son directly into the firing line.
There is little doubt that the electoral outcome of next month’s Karnataka Assembly election and later of Assembly elections in Madhya Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Rajasthan and Delhi this winter will determine how much the Rahul Gandhi balloon will be blown up. If the Congress wins everything in sight, the aggressive build-up of the young prince will continue full steam ahead. On the other hand, adverse results even in some of the State Assembly elections could provoke the Congress president to quickly withdraw the Gandhi scion from leading the battle lest he get badly burned by an electoral debacle in the Lok Sabha election.
With less than a year left, the Congress is caught in an unenviable dilemma on whether to adopt a risky aggressive or a pragmatic defensive one. However, this kind of low key approach would hardly build up Mr Gandhi’s image as the dynamic young leader of the party.
The obvious confusion within the Congress leadership on whether to blow hot or cold about the elections has severely handicapped the party’s abilities to take advantage of a similar crisis of leadership in its principal opponent, the BJP. Under normal circumstances, the disarray within the BJP, most recently underlined by the revolt of Mr Gopinath Munde in Maharashtra, should have given a major leg up to the Congress’s electoral ambitions. But caught in two minds about how to prepare best for the coming elections, the Congress continues to look downcast even as its traditional rival flounders around in its own organisational morass.
With both the Congress and the BJP in a state of disorder, the door appears to have been opened for BSP but politically more virile party that has no-nonsense strategies to maximise whatever strengths on the ground it has. Indeed, there is already a buzz across the political spectrum anticipating an unprecedented political scenario where the three national political poles so far, the Right-wing BJP, centrist Congress and the Left Front may no longer play the role of the main mover and shaker. It would be indeed a major irony of history if even as the Congress debates on whether to project Mr Gandhi as the next Prime Minister or not, the very parameters of Indian politics are in the process of being re-defined.
Text-to-speech function is limited to 200 characters
or Enlightened One — literally “Knower”, “Understander”, or “Awakened
One” — is the honorific name given to the Indian Sage, Gotama, who
discovered and proclaimed to the world the Law of Deliverance, known to
the West by the name of Buddhism.
It is traditionally said that
he was born in the 6th century B.C., at Kapilavatthu, as the son of the
king who ruled the Sakya country, a principality situated in the border
area of modern Nepal. His persona1 name was Siddhattha, and his clan
name Gotama (Sanskrit: Gautama). In his 29th year he renounced the
splendor of his princely life and his royal career, and became a
homeless ascetic in order to find a way out of what he had early
recognized as a world of suffering. After a six year’s quest, spent
under various religious teachers and in a period of fruitless
self-mortification, he finally attained to Perfect Enlightenment
(sammā-sambodhi), under the Bodhi tree at Gayā (today Buddh-Gayā). Five
and forty years of tireless preaching and teaching followed and at last,
in his 80th year, there passed away at Kusinara that `undeluded being
that appeared for the blessing and happiness of the world.’
Buddha is neither a god nor a prophet or incarnation of a god, but a
supreme human being who, through his own effort, attained to Final
Deliverance and Perfect Wisdom, and became `the peerless teacher of gods
and men.’ He is a `Savior’ only in the sense that he shows men how to
save themselves, by actually following to the end the Path trodden and
shown by him. In the consummate harmony of Wisdom and Compassion
attained by the Buddha, he embodies the universal and timeless ideal of
Man Perfected.
The Dhamma
The Dhamma is
the Teaching of Deliverance in its entirety, as discovered, realized and
proclaimed by the Buddha. It has been handed down in the ancient Pali
language, and preserved in three great collections of hooks, called
Ti-Pi.taka (Tipitaka), the “Three Baskets,” namely: (I) the Vinaya-pi.t
aka, or Collection of Discipline, containing the rules of the monastic
order; (II) the Sutta-pi.taka (Suttapitaka), or Collection of
Discourses, consisting of various books of discourses, dialogues,
verses, stories, etc. and dealings with the doctrine proper as
summarized in the Four Noble Truths; (Ill) the Abhidhamma-pi.taka
(Abhiddhammapitaka), or Philosophical Collection; presenting the
teachings of the Sutta-Pi.taka in strictly systematic and philosophical
The Dhamma is not a doctrine of revelation, but the
teaching of Enlightenment based on the clear comprehension of actuality.
It is the teaching of the Fourfold Truth dealing with the fundamental
facts of life and with liberation attainable through man’s own effort
towards purification and insight. The Dhamma offers a lofty, but
realistic, system of ethics, a penetrative analysis of life, a profound
philosophy, practical methods of mind training-in brief, an
all-comprehensive and perfect guidance on the Path to Deliverance. By
answering the claims of both heart and reason, and by pointing out the
liberating Middle Path that leads beyond all futile and destructive
extremes in thought and conduct, the Dhamma has, and will always have, a
timeless and universal appeal wherever there are hearts and minds
mature enough to appreciate its message.
The Sangha
Sangha-lit. the Assembly, or community-is the Order of Bhikkhus or
Mendicant Monks, founded by the Buddha and still existing in its
original form in Burma, Siam, Ceylon, Cambodia, Laos and Chittagong
(Bengal). It is, together with the Order of the Jain monks, the oldest
monastic order in the world. Amongst the most famous disciples in the
time of the Buddha were: Sāriputta who, after the Master himself,
possessed the profoundest insight info the Dhamma; Moggallāna, who had
the greatest supernatural powers: Ananda, the devoted disciple and
constant companion of the Buddha; Mahā-Kassapa, the President of the
Council held at Rajagaha immediately after the Buddha’s death;
Anuruddha, of divine vision, and master of Right Mindfulness; Rāhula,
the Buddha’s own son.
The Sangha provides the outer framework and
the favorable conditions for all those who earnestly desire to devote
their life entirely to the realization of the highest goal of
deliverance, unhindered by worldly distractions. Thus the Sangha, too,
is of universal and timeless significance wherever religious development
reaches maturity.
The Threefold Refuge
Buddha, the Dhamma, and the Sangha, are called `The Three Jewels’
(ti-ratana) on account of their matchless purity, and as being to the
Buddhist the most precious objects in the world. These `Three Jewels’
form also the `Threefold Refuge’ ( of the Buddhist, in the
words by which he professes, or re-affirms, his acceptance of them as
the guides of his life and thought.
The Pali formula of Refuge is still the same as in the Buddha’s time:
I go for refuge to the Buddha I go for refuge to the Dhamma I go for refuge to the Sangha.
is through the simple act of reciting this formula three times that one
declares oneself a Buddhist. (At the second and third repetition the
word Dutiyampi or Tatiyampi, `for the second/third time,’ are added before each sentence.)
The Five Precepts
the formula of the Threefold Refuge follows usually the acceptance of
the Five Moral Precepts (pañca-sila). Their observance is the minimum
standard needed to form the basis of a decent life and of further
progress towards Deliverance.
Pānātipātā veramani-sikkhāpadam samādiyāmi.
I undertake to observe the precept to abstain from killing living beings.
Adinnādānā veramanii-sikkhāpada.m samādiyāmi.
I undertake to observe the precept to abstain from taking things not given.
I undertake to observe the precept to abstain from intoxicating drinks and drugs causing heedlessness.
The Four Noble Truths
Thus has it been said by the Buddha, the Enlightened One:
is through not understanding, not realizing four things, that I,
Disciples, as well as you, had to wander so long through this round of
rebirths. And what are these four things? They are:
The Noble Truth of Suffering (dukkha); The Noble Truth of the Origin of Suffering (dukkha-samudaya); The Noble Truth of the Extinction of Suffering (dukkha-nirodha); The Noble Truth of the Path that leads to the Extinction of Suffering (dukkha-nirodha-gāmini-pa.tipadā).
S. LVI. 11
long as the absolutely true knowledge and insight as regards these Four
Noble Truths was not quite clear in me, so long was I not sure that I
had won that supreme Enlightenment which is unsurpassed in all the world
with its heavenly beings, evil spirits and gods, amongst all the hosts
of ascetics and priests, heavenly beings and men. But as soon as the
absolute true knowledge and insight as regards these Four Noble Truths
had become perfectly clear in me, there arose in me the assurance that I
had won that supreme Enlightenment unsurpassed.
M. 26
I discovered that profound truth, so difficult to perceive, difficult
to understand, tranquilizing and sublime, which is not to be gained by
mere reasoning, and is visible only to the wise.
world, however, is given to pleasure, delighted with pleasure,
enchanted with pleasure. Truly, such beings will hardly understand the
law of conditionality, the Dependent Origination (pa.ticca-samuppāda) of
everything; incomprehensible to them will also be the end of all
formations, the forsaking of every substratum of rebirth, the fading
away of craving, detachment, extinction, Nibbāna.
Yet there are beings whose eyes are only a little covered with dust: they will understand the truth.
I. The Noble Truth of Suffering
What, now, is the Noble Truth of Suffering?
is suffering; Decay is suffering; Death is suffering; Sorrow,
Lamentation, Pain, Grief, and Despair are suffering; not to get what one
desires, is suffering; in short: the Five Groups of Existence are
What, now, is Birth? The birth of beings
belonging to this or that order of beings, their being born, their
conception and springing into existence, the manifestation of the Groups
of Existence, the arising of sense activity: this is called birth.
what is Decay? The decay of beings belonging to this or that order of
beings; their becoming aged, frail, grey, and wrinkled; the failing of
their vital force, the wearing out of the senses: this is called decay.
what is Death? The departing and vanishing of beings out of this or
that order of beings. their destruction, disappearance, death, the
completion of their life-period, dissolution of the Groups of Existence,
the discarding of the body: this is called death.
what is Sorrow? The sorrow arising through this or that loss or
misfortune which one encounters, the worrying oneself, the state of
being alarmed, inward sorrow, inward woe: this is called sorrow.
what is Lamentation? Whatsoever, through this or that loss or
misfortune which befalls one, is wail and lament, wailing and lamenting,
the state of woe and lamentation: this is called lamentation.
what is Pain? The bodily pain and unpleasantness, the painful and
unpleasant feeling produced by bodily impression: this is called pain.
what is Grief? The mental pain and unpleasantness, the painful and
unpleasant feeling produced by mental impression: this is called grief.
what is Despair? Distress and despair arising through this or that loss
or misfortune which one encounters: distressfulness, and desperation:
this is called despair.
And what is the `Suffering
of not getting what one desires’? To beings subject to birth there comes
the desire; `O, that we were not subject to birth! O, that no new birth
was before us!’ Subject to decay, disease, death, sorrow, lamentation,
pain, grief, and despair, the desire comes to them: `O, that we were not
subject to these things! O, that these things were not before us!’ But
this cannot be got by mere desiring; and not to get what one desires, is
The Five Khandhas, or Groups of Existence
what, in brief, are the Five Groups of Existence? They are
corporeality, feeling, perception, (mental) formations, and
M. 109
corporeal phenomena, whether past, present or future, one’s own or
external, gross or subtle, lofty or low, far or near, all belong to the
Group of Corporeality; all feelings belong to the Group of Feeling; all
perceptions belong to the Group of Perception; all mental formations
belong to the Group of Formations; all consciousness belongs to the
Group of Consciousness.
These Groups are a
fivefold classification in which the Buddha has summed up all the
physical and mental phenomena of existence, and in particular, those
which appear to the ignorant man as his ego or personality. Hence birth,
decay, death, etc. are also included in these five Groups which
actually comprise the whole world.
The Group of Corporeality (rūpa-khandha)
M. 28
What, now, is the `Group of Corporeality?’ It is the four primary elements, and corporeality derived from them.
The Four Elements
what are the four Primary Elements? They are the Solid Element, the
Fluid Element, the Heating Element, the Vibrating (Windy) Element.
four Elements (dhātu or mahā-bhūta), popularly called Earth, Water,
Fire and Wind, are to be understood as the elementary qualities of
matter. They are named in Pali, pa.thavi-dhātu, āpo-dhātu, tejo-dhātu,
vāyo-dhātu, and may be rendered as Inertia, Cohesion, Radiation, and
Vibration. All four are present in every material object, though in
varying degrees of strength. If, e.g., the Earth Element predominates,
the material object is called `solid’, etc.
`Corporeality derived from the four primary elements’ (upādāya rūpa or
upādā rūpa) consists, according to the Abhidhamma, of the following
twenty-four material phenomena and qualities: eye, ear, nose, tongue,
body, visible form, sound, odour, taste, masculinity, femininity,
vitality, physical basis of mind (hadaya-vatthu; see B. Dict.), gesture,
speech, space (cavities of ear, nose, etc.), decay, change, and
Bodily impressions (pho.t
.thabba, the tactile) are not especially mentioned among these
twenty-four, as they are identical with the Solid, the Heating and the
Vibrating Elements which are cognizable through the sensations of
pressure, cold, heat, pain. etc.
1. What, now,
is the `Solid Element’ (pathavii-dhātu)? The solid element may be one’s
own, or it may be external. And what is one’s own solid element?
Whatever in one’s own person or body there exists of karmically acquired
hardness, firmness, such as the hairs of head and body, nails, teeth,
skin, flesh, sinews, bones, marrow, kidneys, heart, liver, diaphragm,
spleen, lungs, stomach, bowels, mesentery, excrement and so on-this is
called one’s own solid element. Now, whether it be one’s own solid
element, or whether it be the external solid element, they are both
merely the solid element.
And one should.
understand, according to reality and true wisdom, `This does not belong
to me; this am I not; this is not my Ego’.
2. What,
now, is the `Fluid Element’ (āpo-dhātu)? The fluid element may be one’s
own, or it may be external. And what is one’s own fluid element?
Whatever in one’s own person or body there exists of karmically acquired
liquidity or fluidity, such as bile, phlegm, pus, blood, sweat, fat,
tears, skin-grease, saliva, nasal mucus, oil of the joints, urine, and
so on-this is called one’s own fluid element. Now, whether it be one’s
own fluid element, or whether it be the external fluid element, they are
both merely the fluid element.
And one should
understand, according to reality and true wisdom, `This does not belong
to me; this am I not; this is not my Ego’.
3. What,
now, is the `Heating Element’ (tejo-dhātu)? The heating element may be
one’s own, or it may be external. And what is one’s own heating element?
Whatever in one’s own person or body there exists of karmically
acquired heat or hotness, such as that whereby one is heated, consumed,
scorched, whereby that which has been eaten, drunk, chewed, or tasted,
is fully digested, and so on-this is called one’s own heating element.
Now, whether it be one’s own heating element, or whether it be the
external heating element, they are both merely the heating element.
one should understand, according to reality and true wisdom, `This does
not belong to me; this am I not; this is not my Ego’.
What, now, is the `Vibrating (Windy) Element’ (vāyo-dhātu)? The
vibrating element may be one’s own, or it may be external. And what is
one’s own vibrating element? What in one’s own person or body there
exists of karmically acquired wind or windiness, such as the
upward-going and downward-going winds, the winds of stomach and
intestines, the wind permeating all the limbs, in-breathing and
out-breathing, and so on-this is called one’s own vibrating element.
Now, whether it be one’s own vibrating element or whether it be the
external vibrating element, they are both merely the vibrating element.
one should understand, according to reality and true wisdom, `This does
not belong to me; this am I not; this is not my Ego.’
as one calls `hut’ the circumscribed space which comes to be by means
of wood and rushes, reeds, and clay, even so we call `body’ the
circumscribed space that comes to be by means of bones and sinews, flesh
and skin.
The Group of Feeling (vedanā-khandha)
There are three kinds of Feeling: pleasant, unpleasant, and neither pleasant nor unpleasant (indifferent).
The Group of Perception (saññā-khandha)
S. XXII, 56
now, is Perception? There are six classes of perception: perception of
forms, sounds, odors, tastes, bodily impressions, and of mental objects.
The Group Of Mental Formations (sankhāra-khandha)
now, are Mental Formations? There are six classes of volitions
(cetanā): will directed to forms (rūpa-cetanā), to sounds, odors,
tastes, bodily impressions, and to mental objects.
`group of Mental Formations’ (sankhāra-khandha) is a collective term
for numerous functions or aspects of mental activity which, in addition
to feeling and perception, are present in a single moment of
consciousness. In the Abhidhamma, fifty Mental Formations are
distinguished, seven of which are constant factors of mind. The number
and composition of the rest varies according to the character of the
respective class of consciousness (see Table in B. Dict). In the
Discourse on Right Understanding (M.9) three main representatives of the
Group of Mental Formations are mentioned: volition (cetanā), sense
impression (phassa), and attention (manasikāra). Of these again, it is
volition which, being a principal `formative’ factor, is particularly
characteristic of the Group of Formations, and therefore serves to
exemplify it in the passage given above.
For other applications of the term sankhāra see B. Diet.
The Group Of Consciousness (viññā.na-khandha)
S. XXII. 56
now, is consciousness? There are six classes of consciousness:
consciousness of forms, sounds, odors, tastes, bodily impressions, and
of mental objects (lit.: eye-conscious-ness, ear-consciousness, etc.).
Dependent Origination Of Consciousness
M. 28
though one’s eye be intact, yet if the external forms do not fall
within the field of vision, and no corresponding conjunction (of eye and
forms) takes place, in that case there occurs no formation of the
corresponding aspect of consciousness. Or, though one’s eye be intact,
and the external forms fall within the field of vision, yet if no
corresponding conjunction takes place; in that case also there occurs no
formation of the corresponding aspect of consciousness. If, however,
one’s eye is intact, and the external forms fall within the field of
vision, and the corresponding conjunction takes place, in that case
there arises the corresponding aspect of consciousness.
M. 38
I say: the arising of consciousness is dependent upon conditions; and
without these conditions, no consciousness arises. And upon whatsoever
conditions the arising of consciousness is dependent, after these it is
Consciousness, whose arising depends on the eye and forms, is called `eye-consciousness’ (cakkhu-viññā.na). Consciousness, whose arising depends on the ear and sounds, is called `ear-consciousness’ (sota-viññā.na). Consciousness, whose arising depends on the olfactory organ and odors, is called `nose-consciousness’ (ghāna-viññā.na). Consciousness, whose arising depends on the tongue and taste, is called `tongue-consciousness’ (jivhā-viññā.na). Consciousness, whose arising depends on the body and bodily contacts, is called `body-consciousness’ (kāya-viññā.na). Consciousness, whose arising depends on the mind and mind objects, is called `mind-consciousness’ (mano-viññā.na).
M. 28
there is of `corporeality’ (rūpa) on that occasion, this belongs to the
Group of Corporeality. Whatsoever there is of `feeling’ (vedanā), this
belongs to the Group of Feeling. Whatsoever there is of `perception’
(saññā), this belongs to the Group of Perception. Whatsoever there are
of `mental formations’ (sankhāra), these belong to the Group of Mental
Formations. Whatsoever there is of consciousness (viññā.na), this
belongs to the Group of Consciousness.
Dependency Of Consciousness On The Four Other Khandhas
S. XXII. 53
it is impossible that any one can explain the passing out of one
existence, and the entering into a new existence, or the growth,
increase and development of consciousness, independently of
corporeality, feeling, perception, and mental formations.
The Three Characteristics Of Existence (
A. III. 134
formations are `transient’ (anicca); all formations are `subject to
suffering’ (dukkha); all things are `without a self’ (anattā).
S. XXII, 59
is transient, feeling is transient, perception is transient, mental
formations are transient, consciousness is transient.
that which is transient, is subject to suffering; and of that which is
transient and subject to suffering and change, one cannot rightly say:
`This belongs to me; this am I; this is my Self’.
whatever there be of corporeality, of feeling, perception, mental
formations, or consciousness, whether past, present or future, one’s own
or external, gross or subtle, lofty or low, far or near, one should
understand according to reality and true wisdom: `This does not belong
to me; this am I not; this is not my Self’.
The Anatta Doctrine
existence, as well as the whole world, are in reality nothing but a
process of ever-changing phenomena which are all comprised in the five
Groups of Existence. This process has gone on from time immemorial,
before one’s birth, and also after one’s death it will continue for
endless periods of time, as long, and as far, as there are conditions
for it. As stated in the preceding texts, the five Groups of
Existence-either taken separately or combined-in no way constitute a
real Ego-entity or subsisting personality, and equally no self, soul or
substance can be found outside of these Groups as their `owner’. In
other words, the five Groups of Existence are `not-self’ (anattā), nor
do they belong to a Self (anattaniya). In view of the impermanence and
conditionality of all existence, the belief in any form of Self must be
regarded as an illusion.
Just as what we
designate by the name of `chariot’ has no existence apart from axle,
wheels, shaft, body and so forth: or as the word `house’ is merely a
convenient designation for various materials put together after a
certain fashion so as to enclose a portion of space, and there is no
separate house-entity in existence: in exactly the same way, that which
we call a `being’ or an `individual’ or a `person’, or by the name `I’,
is nothing but a changing combination of physical and psychical
phenomena, and has no real existence in itself.
is, in brief, the Anattā Doctrine of the Buddha, the teaching that all
existence is void (suñña) of a permanent self or substance. It is the
fundamental Buddhist doctrine not found in any other religious teaching
or philosophical system. To grasp it fully, not only in an abstract and
intellectual way, but by constant reference to actual experience, is an
indispensable condition for the true understanding of the Buddha-Dhamma
and for the realization of its goal. The Anatiiā-Doctrine is the
necessary outcome of the thorough analysis of actuality, undertaken,
e.g. in the Khandha Doctrine of which only a bare indication can be
given by means of the texts included here.
For a detailed survey of the Khandhas see B. Dict.
S. XXII. 95
a man who was not blind beheld the many bubbles on the Ganges as they
drove along, and he watched them and carefully examined them; then after
he had carefully examined them they would appear to him empty, unreal
and unsubstantial. In exactly the same way does the monk behold all the
corporeal phenomena, feelings, perceptions, mental formations, and
states of consciousness-whether they be of the past, or the present, or
the future, far or near. And he watches them, and examines them
carefully; and, after carefully examining them, they appear to him
empty, void and without a Self.
S. XXII. 29
delights in corporeality, or feeling, or perception, or mental
formations, or consciousness, he delights in suffering; and whoso
delights in suffering, will not be freed from suffering. Thus I say.
Dhp. 146-48
How can you find delight and mirth Where there is burning without end? In deepest darkness you are wrapped! Why do you not seek for the light?
Look at this puppet here, well rigged,
A heap of many sores, piled up, Diseased, and full of greediness, Unstable, and impermanent!
Devoured by old age is this frame, A prey to sickness, weak and frail; To pieces breaks this putrid body, All life must truly end in death.
The Three Warnings
A. III. 35
you never see in the world a man, or a woman, eighty, ninety, or a
hundred years old, frail, crooked as a gable-roof, bent down, resting on
crutches, with tottering steps, infirm, youth long since fled, with
broken teeth, grey and scanty hair or none, wrinkled, with blotched
limbs? And did the thought never come to you that you also are subject
to decay, that you also cannot escape it?
Did you
never see in the world a man, or a woman who, being sick, afflicted, and
grievously ill, wallowing in his own filth, was lifted up by some and
put to bed by others? And did the thought never come to you that you
also are subject to disease, that you also cannot escape it?
you never see in the world the corpse of a man, or a woman, one or two
or three days after death, swollen up, blue-black in color, and full of
corruption? And did the thought never come to you that you also are
subject to death, that you also cannot escape it?
S. XV. 3
is the beginning of this Sa.msāra; not to be discovered is any first
beginning of beings, who obstructed by ignorance, and ensnared by
craving, are hurrying and hastening through this round of rebirths.
wheel of existence, lit, the `Perpetual Wandering’-is the name given in
the Pali scriptures to the sea of life ever restlessly heaving up and
down, the symbol of this continuous process of ever again and again
being born, growing old, suffering, and dying. More precisely put:
Sa.msāra is the unbroken sequence of the fivefold Khandha-combinations,
which, constantly changing from moment to moment, follow continually one
upon the other through inconceivable periods of time. Of this Sa.msāra a
single life time constitutes only a tiny fraction. Hence, to be able to
comprehend the first Noble Truth, one must let one’s gaze rest upon the
Sa.msāra, upon this frightful sequence of rebirths. and not merely upon
one single life time, which, of course, may sometimes be not very
The term `suffering’ (dukkha), in
the first Noble Truth refers therefore, not merely to painful bodily and
mental sensations due to unpleasant impressions, but it comprises in
addition everything productive of suffering or liable to it. The Truth
of Suffering teaches that, owing to the universal law of impermanence,
even high and sublime states of happiness are subject to change and
destruction, and that all states of existence are therefore
unsatisfactory, without exception carrying in themselves the seeds of
Which do you think is more: the
flood of tears, which weeping and wailing you have shed upon this long
way-hurrying and hastening through this round of rebirths, united with
the undesired, separated from the desired-this, or the waters of the
four oceans?
Long have you suffered the death of
father and mother, of sons, daughters, brothers, and sisters. And whilst
you were thus suffering, you have indeed shed more tears upon this long
way than there is water in the four oceans.
S. XV. 13
do you think is more: the streams of blood that, through your being
beheaded, have flowed upon this long way, these, or the waters of the
four oceans?
Long have you been caught as robbers,
or highway men or adulterers; and, through your being beheaded, verily
more blood has flowed upon this long way than there is water in the four
But how is this possible?
is the beginning of this Sa.msāra; not to be discovered is any first
beginning of beings, who, obstructed by ignorance and ensnared by
craving, are hurrying and hastening through this round of rebirths.
S. XV. 1
thus have you long undergone suffering, undergone torment, undergone
misfortune, and filled the graveyards full; truly, long enough to be
dissatisfied with all the forms of existence, long enough to turn away
and free yourselves from them all.
II. The Noble Truth Of The Origin Of Suffering
D. 22
now, is the Noble Truth of the Origin of Suffering? It is craving,
which gives rise to fresh rebirth, and, bound up with pleasure and lust,
now here, now there, finds ever-fresh delight.
The Threefold Craving
is the `Sensual Craving’ (kā.ma-ta.nhā), the `Craving for (Eternal)
Existence’ (bhava-ta.nhā), the `Craving for Self-Annihilation’
`Sensual Craving (kāma-ta.nhā) is the desire for the enjoyment of the five sense objects.
for Existence’ (bhava-ta.nhā) is the desire for continued or eternal
life, referring in particular to life in those higher worlds called
Fine-material and Immaterial Existences (rūpa-, and arūpa-bhava). It is
closely connected with the so-called `Eternity-Belief’ (bhava- or
sassata-di.t.thi), i.e. the belief in an absolute, eternal Ego-entity
persisting independently of our body.
for Self-Annihilation’ (lit., `for non-existence’, vibhava-ta.nhā) is
the outcome of the `Belief in Annihilation’ (vibhava- or
uccheda-di.t.thi), i.e. the delusive materialistic notion of a more or
less real Ego which is annihilated at death, and which does not stand in
any causal relation with the time before death and the time after
Origin Of Craving
where does this craving arise and take root? Wherever in the world
there are delightful and pleasurable things, there this craving arises
and takes root. Eye, ear, nose, tongue, body, and mind, are delightful
and pleasurable: there this craving arises and takes root.
objects, sounds, smells tastes, bodily impressions, and mind objects,
are delightful and pleasurable: there this craving arises and takes
Consciousness, sense impression, feeling born
of sense impression, perception, will, craving, thinking, and
reflecting, are delightful and pleasurable: there this craving arises
and takes root.
This is called the Noble Truth of the Origin of Suffering.
Dependent Origination Of All Phenomena
M. 38
whenever perceiving a visual object, a sound, odor, taste, bodily
impression, or a mind-object, the object is pleasant, one is attracted;
and if unpleasant, one is repelled.
Thus, whatever
kind of `Feeling’ (vedanā) one experiences-pleasant, unpleasant or
indifferent-if one approves of, and cherishes the feeling, and clings to
it, then while doing so, lust springs up; but lust for feelings means
`Clinging’ (upādāna), and on clinging depends the (present) `process of
Becoming’; on the process of becoming (bhava; here kamma-bhava,
Kamma-process) depends (future) `Birth’ (jāti); and dependent on birth
are `Decay and Death’, sorrow, lamentation, pain, grief and despair.
Thus arises this whole mass of suffering.
formula of the Dependent Origination (pa.ticca-samuppāda) of which only
some of the twelve links have been mentioned in the preceding passage,
may be regarded as a detailed explanation of the Second Truth.
Present Kamma-Results
M. 13
due to sensuous craving, conditioned through sensuous craving, impelled
by sensuous craving, entirely moved by sensuous craving, kings fight
with kings, princes with princes, priests with priests, citizens with
citizens; the mother quarrels with the son, the son with the mother, the
father with the son, the son with the father; brother quarrels with
brother, brother with sister, sister with brother, friend with friend.
Thus, given to dissension, quarrelling and fighting, they fall upon one
another with fists, sticks, or weapons. And thereby they suffer death or
deadly pain.
And further, due to sensuous craving,
conditioned through sensuous craving, impelled by sensuous craving,
entirely moved by sensuous craving, people break into houses, rob,
plunder, pillage whole houses, commit highway robbery, seduce the wives
of others. Then, the rulers have such people caught, and inflict on them
various forms of punishment. And thereby they incur death or deadly
pain. Now, this is the misery of sensuous craving, the heaping up of
suffering in this present life, due to sensuous craving, conditioned
through sensuous craving, caused by sensuous craving, entirely dependent
on sensuous craving.
Future Kamma-Results
further, people take the evil way in deeds, the evil way in words, the
evil way in thoughts; and by taking the evil way in deeds, words and
thoughts, at the dissolution of the body, after death, they fall into a
downward state of existence, a state of suffering, into an unhappy
destiny, and the abysses of the hells. But this is the misery of
sensuous craving, the heaping up of suffering in the future life, due to
sensuous craving, conditioned through sensuous craving, caused by
sensuous craving, entirely dependent on sensuous craving.
Dhp. 127
Not in the air, nor ocean-midst, Nor hidden in the mountain clefts, Nowhere is found a place on earth, Where man is freed from evil deeds.
Kamma As Volition
A. VI. 63
It is volition (cetanā) that I call `Kamma’ (action). Having willed, one acts by body, speech, and mind.
are actions (kamma) ripening in hells. . . ripening in the animal
kingdom. . . ripening in the domain of ghosts. . . ripening amongst men.
. . ripening in heavenly worlds.
The result of actions (vipāka) is of three kinds: ripening in the present life, in the next life, or in future lives.
Inheritance Of Deeds (Kamma)
A. X. 206
beings are the owners of their deeds (kamma, Skr: karma), the heirs of
their deeds: their deeds are the womb from which they sprang, with their
deeds they are bound up, their deeds are their refuge. Whatever deeds
they do-good or evil-of such they will be the heirs.
A. III. 33
wherever the beings spring into existence. there their deeds will
ripen; and wherever their deeds ripen, there they will earn the fruits
of those deeds, be it in this life, or be it in the next life, or be it
in any other future life.
S. XXII. 99
will come a time when the mighty ocean will dry up, vanish, and be no
more. There will come a time when the mighty earth will be devoured by
fire, perish, and be no more. But yet there will be no end to the
suffering of beings, who, obstructed by ignorance, and ensnared by
craving, are hurrying and hastening through this round of rebirths.
(ta.nhā), however, is not the only cause of evil action, and thus of
all the suffering and misery produced thereby in this and the next life;
but wherever there is craving, there, dependent on craving, may arise
envy, anger, hatred, and many other evil things productive of suffering
and misery. And all these selfish, life-affirming impulses and actions,
together with the various kinds of misery produced thereby here or
thereafter, and even all the five groups of phenomena constituting
life-everything is ultimately rooted in blindness and ignorance
second Noble Truth serves also to explain the causes of the seeming
injustices in nature, by teaching that nothing in the world can come
into existence without reason or cause, and that not only our latent
tendencies, but our whole destiny, all weal and woe, result from causes
(Kamma), which we have to seek partly in this life, partly in former
states of existence. These causes are the life-affirming activities
(kamma, Skr: kamma) produced by body, speech and mind. Hence it is this
threefold action (kamma) that determines the character and destiny of
all beings. Exactly defined Kamma denotes those good and evil volitions
(kusala-akusala-cetanā), together with rebirth. Thus existence, or
better the Process of Becoming (bhava), consists of an active and
conditioning `Kamma Process’ (kamma-bhava), and of its result, the
`Rebirth Process’ (upapatti-bhava).
too, when considering Kamma, one must not lose sight of the impersonal
nature (anattatā) of existence. In the case of a storm-swept sea, it is
not an identical wave that hastens over the surface of the ocean, but it
is the rising and falling of quite different masses of water. In the
same way it should be understood that there are no real Ego-entities
hastening through the ocean of rebirth, but merely life-waves, which,
according to their nature and activities (good or evil), manifest
themselves here as men, there as animals, and elsewhere as invisible
Once more the fact may be
emphasized here that correctly speaking, the term `Kamma’ signifies only
the aforementioned kinds of action themselves, and does not mean or
include their results.
For further details about Kamma see Fund. and B. Dict.
III. The Noble Truth Of The Extinction Of Suffering
now, is the Noble Truth of the Extinction of Suffering? It is the
complete fading away and extinction of this craving, its forsaking and
abandonment, liberation and detachment from it.
where may this craving vanish, where may it be extinguished? Wherever in
the world there are delightful and pleasurable things, there this
craving may vanish, there it may be extinguished.
S. XII. 66
it in the past, present, or future, whosoever of the monks or priests
regards the delightful and pleasurable things in the world as
impermanent (anicca), miserable (dukkha), and without a self (anattā),
as diseases and cankers, it is he who overcomes craving.
Dependent Extinction Of All Phenomena
S. XII. 43
through the total fading away and extinction of Craving (ta.nhā),
Clinging (upādāna) is extinguished; through the extinction of clinging,
the Process of Becoming (bhava) is extinguished; through the extinction
of the (karmic) process of becoming, Rebirth (jāti) is extinguished; and
through the extinction of rebirth, Decay and Death, sorrow,
lamentation, suffering, grief and despair are extinguished. Thus comes
about the extinction of this whole mass of suffering.
S. XXII. 30
the annihilation, cessation and overcoming of corporeality, feeling,
perception, mental formations, and consciousness: this is the extinction
of suffering, the end of disease, the overcoming of old age and death.
undulatory motion which we call a wave-and which in the ignorant
spectator creates the illusion of one and the same mass of water moving
over the surface of the lake-is produced and fed by the wind, and
maintained by the stored-up energies. Now, after the wind has ceased,
and if no fresh wind again whips up the water of the lake, the stored-up
energies will gradually be consumed, and thus the whole undulatory
motion will come to an end. Similarly, if fire does not get new fuel, it
will, after consuming all the old fuel, become extinct.
in the same way this Five-Khandha-process-which in the ignorant
worldling creates the illusion of an Ego-entity- is produced and fed by
the life-affirming craving (ta.nhā), and maintained for some time by
means of the stored-up life energies. Now, after the fuel (upādāna),
i.e. the craving and clinging to life, has ceased, and if no new craving
impels again this Five-Khandha-process, life will continue as long as
there are still life-energies stored up, but at their destruction at
death, the Five-Khandha -process will reach final extinction.
Nibbāna, or `Extinction’ (Sanskrit: nirvāna; from nir +root vā to cease
blowing, become extinct) may be considered under two aspects, namely
of Impurities’ (kilesa-parinibbāna), reached at the attainment of
Arahatship, or Holiness, which generally takes place during life-time;
in the Suttas it is called `saupādisesa-nibbāna’, i.e. `Nibbāna with the
Groups of Existence still remaining’.
of the Five-Khandha-process’ (khandha-parinibbāna), which takes place
at the death of the Arahat, called in the Suttas: `an-upādisesa-nibbāna’
i.e. `Nibbāna without the Groups remaining’.
A. III. 32
truly, is Peace, this is the Highest, namely the end of all Kamma
formations, the forsaking of every substratum of rebirth, the fading
away of craving. detachment, extinction, Nibbāna.
A. III. 55
with lust, enraged with anger, blinded by delusion, overwhelmed, with
mind ensnared, man aims at his own ruin, at the ruin of others, at the
ruin of both, and he experiences mental pain and grief. But, if lust,
anger, and delusion are given up, man aims neither at his own ruin, nor
at the ruin of others, nor at the ruin of both and he experiences no
mental pain and grief. Thus is Nibbāna immediate, visible in this life,
inviting, attractive, and comprehensible to the wise.
The extinction of greed, the extinction of hate, the extinction of delusion: this, indeed, is called Nibbāna.
The Arahat, Or Holy One
A. VI. 55
for a disciple thus freed, in whose heart dwells peace, there is
nothing to be added to what has been done, and naught more remains for
him to do. Just as a rock of one solid mass remains unshaken by the
wind, even so neither forms, nor sounds, nor odors, nor tastes, nor
contacts of any kind, neither the desired nor the undesired, can cause
such a one to waver. Steadfast is his mind, gained is deliverance.
Snp. 1048
he who has considered all the contrasts on this earth, and is no more
disturbed by anything whatever in the world, the peaceful One, freed
from rage, from sorrow, and from longing, he has passed beyond birth and
The Immutable
Ud. VIII. 1
there is a realm, where there is neither the solid, nor the fluid,
neither heat, nor motion, neither this world, nor any other world,
neither sun nor moon.
This I call neither arising,
nor passing away, neither standing still, nor being born, nor dying.
There is neither foothold, nor development, nor any basis. This is the
end of suffering.
Ud. VIII. 3
is an Unborn, Unoriginated, Uncreated, Unformed. If there were not this
Unborn, this Unoriginated, this Uncreated, this Unformed, escape from
the world of the born, the originated, the created, the formed, would
not be possible.
But since there is an Unborn,
Unoriginated, Uncreated, Unformed, therefore is escape possible from the
world of the born, the originated, the created, the formed.
The Noble Truth Of The Path That Leads To The Extinction Of Suffering
The Two Extremes, and the Middle Path
SS. LVI. 11
To give oneself up to indulgence in Sensual Pleasure, the base, common, vulgar, unholy, unprofitable; or to give oneself up to Self-mortification, the painful, unholy, unprofitable: both these two extremes, the Perfect One has avoided, and has found out the Middle Path, which makes one both to see and to know, which leads to peace, to discernment, to enlightenment, to Nibbāna.
The Eightfold Path
It is the Noble Eightfold Path, the way that leads to the extinction of suffering, namely:
The Noble Eightfold Path
Right Understanding (Sammā-di.t.thi)
Right Thought (Sammā-sankappa)
Right Speech (Sammā-vācā)
Right Action (Sammā-kammanta)
Right Livelihood (Sammā-ājiva)
Right Effort (Sammā-vāyāma)
Right Mindfulness (Sammā-sati)
Right Concentration (Sammā-samādhi)
is the Middle Path which the Perfect One has found out, which makes one
both see and know, which leads to peace, to discernment, to
enlightenment, to Nibbāna.
The Noble Eightfold Path (Ariya-a.t.thangikamagga)
figurative expression `Path’ or `Way’ has been sometimes misunderstood
as implying that the single factors of that Path have to be taken up for
practice, one after the other, in the order given. In that case, Right
Understanding, i.e. the full penetration of Truth, would have to be
realized first, before one could think of developing Right Thought, or
of practising Right Speech, etc. But in reality the three factors (3-5)
forming the section `Morality’ (sila) have to be perfected first; after
that one has to give attention to the systematic training of mind by
practising the three factors (6-8) forming the section `Concentrations
(samādhi); only after that preparation, man’s character and mind will be
capable of reaching perfection in the first two factors (1-2) forming
the section of `Wisdom’ (paññā).
An initial
minimum of Right Understanding, however, is required at the very start,
because some grasp of the facts of suffering, etc., is necessary to
provide convincing reasons, and an incentive, for a diligent practice of
the Path. A measure of Right Understanding is also required for helping
the other Path factors to fulfil intelligently and efficiently their
individual functions in the common task of liberation. For that reason,
and to emphasize the importance of that factor, Right Understanding has
been given the first place in the Noble Eightfold Path.
initial understanding of the Dhamma, however, has to be gradually
developed, with the help of the other Path factors, until it reaches
finally that highest clarity of Insight (vipassanā) which is the
immediate condition for entering the four Stages of Holiness and for
attaining Nibbāna.
Right Understanding is therefore the beginning as well as the culmination of the Noble Eightfold Path.
M. 139
Free from pain and torture is this path, free from groaning and suffering: it is the perfect path.
Dhp. 274-75
like this path there is no other path to the purity of insight. If you
follow this path, you will put an end to suffering.
Dhp. 276
But each one has to struggle for himself, the Perfect Ones have only pointed out the way.
M. 26
ear then, for the Deathless is found. I reveal, I set forth the Truth.
As I reveal it to you, so act! And that supreme goal of the holy life,
for the sake of which sons of good families rightly go forth from home
to the homeless state: this you will, in no long time, in this very
life, make known to yourself, realize, and make your own.
Right Understanding
What, now, is Right Understanding?
Understanding The Four Truths
To understand suffering; 2. to understand the origin of suffering; 3.
to understand the extinction of suffering; 4. to understand the path
that leads to the extinction of suffering. This is called Right
Understanding Merit And Demerit
M. 9
when the noble disciple understands what is karmically wholesome, and
the root of wholesome kamma, what is karmically unwholesome, and the
root of unwholesome kamma, then he has Right Understanding.
What, now is `karmically unwholesome’ (akusala)?
Bodily Action (kāya-kamma)
Destruction of living beings is karmically unwholesome
Stealing is karmically unwholesome
Unlawful sexual intercourse is karmically unwholesome
Verbal Action (vacii-kamma)
Lying is karmically unwholesome
Tale-bearing is karmically unwholesome
Harsh language is karmically unwholesome
Frivolous talk is karmically unwholesome
Mental Action (mano-kamma)
Covetousness is karmically unwholesome
Ill-will is karmically unwholesome
Wrong views are karmically unwholesome.
These ten are called `Evil Courses of Action’ (akusala-kammapatha).
what are the roots of unwholesome kamma? Greed (lobha) is a root of
unwholesome kamma; Hatred (dosa) is a root of unwholesome kamma;
Delusion (moha) is a root of unwholesome kamma.
Therefore, I say, these demeritorious actions are of three kinds: either due to greed, or due to hatred, or due to delusion.
`karmically unwholesome’ (a-kusala) is considered every volitional act
of body, speech, or mind, which is rooted in greed, hatred, or delusion.
It is regarded as akusala, i.e. unwholesome or unskillful, as it
produces evil and painful results in this or some future existence. The
state of will or volition is really that which counts as action (kamma).
It may manifest itself as action of the body, or speech; if it does not
manifest itself outwardly, it is counted as mental action.
state of greed (lobha), as also that of hatred (dosa), is always
accompanied by ignorance (or delusion; moha), this latter being the
primary root of all evil. Greed and hatred, however, cannot co-exist in
one and the same moment of consciousness.
What, now, is `karmically wholesome’ (kusala)?
Bodily Action (kāya-kamma)
To abstain from killing is karmically wholesome
To abstain from stealing is karmically wholesome
To abstain from unlawful sexual intercourse is karmically wholesome
Verbal Action (vacii-kamma)
To abstain from lying is karmically wholesome
To abstain from tale-bearing is karmically wholesome
To abstain from harsh language is karmically wholesome
To abstain from frivolous talk is karmically wholesome
Mental Action (mano-kamma)
Absence of covetousness is karmically wholesome
Absence of ill-will is karmically wholesome
Right understanding is karmically wholesome
These ten are called `Good Courses of Action’ (kusala-kamma-patha).
what are the roots of wholesome kamma? Absence of greed (a-lobha =
unselfishness) is a root of wholesome kamma; absence of hatred (a-dosa =
kindness) is a root of wholesome kamma; absence of delusion (a-moha =
wisdom) is a root of wholesome kamma.
Understanding The Three Characteristics (
SS. XXII. 51
when one understands that corporeality, feeling, perception, mental
formations and consciousness are transient (subject to suffering, and
without a self), also in that case one possesses Right Understanding.
Unprofitable Questions
M. 63
any one say that he does not wish to lead the holy life under the
Blessed One, unless the Blessed One first tells him whether the world is
eternal or temporal, finite or infinite: whether the life-principle is
identical with the body, or something different; whether the Perfect One
continues after death, etc.-such a one would die ere the Perfect One
could tell him all this.
It is as if a man were
pierced by a poisoned arrow and his friends, companions or near
relations should send for a surgeon; but that man should say: `I will
not have this arrow pulled out, until I know, who the man is that has
wounded me: whether he is a noble man, a priest, a tradesman, or a
servant’; or: `what his name is, and to what family he belongs’; or:
`whether he is tall, or short, or of medium height’. Truly, such a man
would die ere he could adequately learn all this.
Snp. 592
Therefore, the man who seeks his own welfare, should pull out this arrow-this arrow of lamentation, pain, and sorrow.
M. 63
whether the theory exists, or whether it does not exist, that the world
is eternal, or temporal, or finite or infinite-yet certainly, there
exists birth, there exists decay, there exist death, sorrow,
lamentation, pain, grief, and despair, the extinction of which,
attainable even in this present life, I make known unto you.
Five Fetters
M. 64
for instance, that there is an unlearned worldling, void of regard for
holy men, ignorant of the teaching of holy men, untrained in the noble
doctrine. And his heart is possessed and overcome by Self-illusion, by
Scepticism, by Attachment to mere Rule and Ritual, by Sensual Lust, and
by Ill-will; and how to free himself from these things, he does not in
reality know.
Self-Illusion (sakkāya-di.t.thi) may reveal itself as:
`Eternalism’: bhava- or sassata-di.t.thi, lit. `Eternity-Belief’, i.e.
the belief that one’s Ego, Self or Soul exists independently of the
material body, and continues even after the dissolution of the latter.
`Annihilationism’: vibhava- or ucchcda-di.t.thi, lit.
`Annihilation-Belief’, i.e. the materialistic belief that this present
life constitutes the Ego, and hence that it is annihilated at the death
of the material body.
Unwise Considerations
M. 2
knowing what is worthy of consideration, and what is unworthy of
consideration, he considers the unworthy, and not the worthy.
unwisely he considers thus: `Have I been in the past? Or, have I not
been in the past? What have I been in the past? How have I been in the
past? From what state into what state did I change in the past?
I be in the future? Or, shall I not be in the future? What shall I be
in the future? How shall I be in the future? From what state into what
state shall I change in the future?’
And the present
also fills him with doubt; `Am I? Or, am I not? What am I? How am I?
This being, whence has it come? Whither will it go?’
The Six Views About The Self
with such unwise considerations, he adopts one or other of the six
views, and it becomes his conviction and firm belief: `I have a Self’,
or: `I have no Self’, or: `With the Self I perceive the Self’, or: `With
that which is no Self, I perceive the Self’; or: `With the Self I
perceive that which is no Self’. Or, he adopts the following view: `This
my Self, which can think and feel, and which, now here, now there,
experiences the fruit of good and evil deeds: this my Self is permanent,
stable, eternal, not subject to change, and will thus eternally remain
the same’.
M. 22
there really existed the Self, there would also exist something which
belonged to the Self. As, however, in truth and reality neither the
Self, nor anything belonging to the Self, can be found, is it not
therefore really an utter fools’ doctrine to say: `This is the world,
this am I; after death I shall be permanent, persisting, and eternal’?
M. 2
are called mere views, a thicket of views, a puppet-show of views, a
toil of views, a snare of views; and ensnared in the fetter of views the
ignorant worldling will not be freed from rebirth, from decay, and from
death, from sorrow, pain, grief and despair; he will not be freed, I
say, from suffering.
Wise Considerations
learned and noble disciple, however, who has regard for holy men, knows
the teaching of holy men, is well trained in the noble doctrine; he
understands what is worthy of consideration, and what is unworthy. And
knowing this, he considers the worthy, and not the unworthy. What
suffering is, he wisely considers; what the origin of suffering is, he
wisely considers; what the extinction of suffering is, he wisely
considers; what the path is that leads to the extinction of suffering,
he wisely considers.
The Sotapanna or `Stream-Enterer’
And by thus considering, three fetters vanish, namely; Self-illusion, Scepticism, and Attachment to mere Rule and Ritual.
M. 22
But those disciples, in whom these three fetters have vanished, they all have `entered the Stream‘ (sotāpanna).
Dhp. 178
More than any earthly power, More than all the joys of heaven, More than rule o’er all the world, Is the Entrance to the Stream.
The Ten Fetters (Sa.myojana)
There are ten `Fetters’-samyojana-by which beings are bound to the wheel of existence. They are:
Self-Illusion (sakkāya-di.t.thi)
Scepticism (vicikicchā)
Attachment to mere Rule and Ritual (siilabbata-parāmāsa)
Sensual Lust (kāmarāga)
Ill-Will (vyāpāda)
Craving for Fine-Material Existence (rūpa-rāga)
Craving for Immaterial Existence (arūpa-rāga)
Conceit (māna)
Restlessness (uddhacca)
Ignorance (avijjā).
The Noble Ones (Ariya-puggala)
who is freed from the first three Fetters is called a `Stream -
Enterer’ (in Pali: Sotāpanna) i.e. one who has entered the stream
leading to Nibbāna. He has unshakable faith in the Buddha, Dhamma, and
Sangha, and is incapable of breaking the five Moral Precepts. He will be
reborn seven times, at the utmost, and not in a state lower than the
human world.
One who has overcome the
fourth and the fifth Fetters in their grosser form, is called a
Sakadāgāmi, lit. `Once-Returner’ i.e. he will be reborn only once more
in the Sensuous Sphere (kāma-loka), and thereafter reach Holiness.
Anāgāmi, lit. `Non-Returner’, is wholly freed from the first five
Fetters which bind one to rebirth in the Sensuous Sphere; after death,
while living in the Fine-Material Sphere (rūpa-loka), he will reach the
An Arahat, i.e. the perfectly `Holy One’, is freed from all the ten Fetters.
of the aforementioned four stages of Holiness consists of the `Path’
(magga) and the `Fruition’, e.g. `Path of Stream Entry’
(sotāpatti-magga) and `Fruition of Stream Entry’ (sotāpatti-phala).
Accordingly there are eight types, or four pairs, of `Noble Individuals’
The `Path’ consists of
the single moment of entering the respective attainment. By `Fruition’
are meant those moments of consciousness which follow immediately
thereafter as the result of the `Path’, and which under certain
circumstances, may repeat innumerable times during life-time.
For further details, see B. Dict.: ariya-puggala, sotāpanna,etc.
Mundane And Supermundane Understanding
Therefore, I say, Right Understanding is of two kinds:
The view that alms and offerings are not useless; that there is fruit
and result, both of good and bad actions; that there are such things as
this life, and the next life; that father and mother, as also
spontaneously born beings (in the heavenly worlds), are no mere words;
that there are in the world monks and priests, who are spotless and
perfect, who can explain this life and the next life, which they
themselves have understood: this is called the `Mundane Right
Understanding’ (lokiya-sammā-di.t.thi), which yields worldly fruits and
brings good results.
2. But whatsoever there is of
wisdom, of penetration, of right understanding conjoined with the `Path’
(of the Sotāpanna, Sakadāgāmi, Anāgāmi, or Arahat)-the mind being
turned away from the world and conjoined with the path, the holy path
being pursued: this is called the `Supermundane Right Understanding’
(lokuttara-sammā-di.t.thi), which is not of the world, but is
supermundane and conjoined with the path.
Thus, there are two kinds of the Eightfold Path:
The `mundane’ (lokiya), practised by the `Worldling’ (puthujjana), i.e.
by all those who have not yet reached the first stage of Holiness; 2.
The `supermundane’ (lokuttara) practised by the `Noble Ones’
Conjoined With Other Steps
in understanding wrong understanding as wrong and right understanding
as right, one practises `Right Understanding’ (1st factor); and in
making efforts to overcome wrong understanding, and to arouse right
understanding, one practises `Right Effort’ (6th factor); and in
overcoming wrong understanding with attentive mind, and dwelling with
attentive mind in the possession of right understanding one practises
`Right Mindfulness’ (7th factor). Hence, there are three things that
accompany and follow upon right understanding, namely: Right
Understanding, Right Effort, and Right Mindfulness.
Free from All Theories
M. 72
if any one should put the question, whether I admit any theory at all,
he should be answered thus: The Perfect One is free from any theory, for
the Perfect One has understood what corporeality is, and how it arises
and passes away. He has understood what feeling is, and how it arises
and passes away. He has understood what perception is, and how it arises
and passes away. He has understood what the mental formations are, and
how they arise and pass away. He has understood what consciousness is,
and how it arises and passes away. Therefore I say, the Perfect One has
won complete deliverance through the extinction, fading-away,
disappearance, rejection, and getting rid of all opinions and
conjectures, of all inclination to the vain-glory of `I‘ and `mine‘.
The Three Characteristics
A. III. 134
Perfect Ones (Buddhas) appear in the world, or whether Perfect Ones do
not appear in the world, it still remains a firm condition, an immutable
fact and fixed law: that all formations are impermanent (anicca), that
all formations are subject to suffering (dukkha); that everything is
without a Self (an-attā).
word `sankhārā’ (formations) comprises here all things that are
conditioned or `formed’ (sankhata-dhamma), i.e. all possible physical
and mental constituents of existence. The word `dhamma’, however, has a
still wider application and is all-embracing, as it comprises also the
so-called Unconditioned (`unformed’, asankhata), i.e. Nibbāna.
this reason, it would be wrong to say that all dhammas are impermanent
and subject to change, for the Nibbāna-dhamma is permanent and free from
change. And for the same reason, it is correct to say that not only all
the sankhāras (=sankhata-dhamma), but that all the dhammas (including
the asankhata-dhamma) lack an Ego (an-attā).
S. XXII. 94
corporeal phenomenon, a feeling, a perception, a mental formation, a
consciousness, which is permanent and persistent, eternal and not
subject to change, such a thing the wise men in this world do not
recognize; and I also say that there is no such thing.
A. I. 15
And it is impossible that a being possessed of right understanding should regard anything as the Self.
Views and Discussions About the Ego
D. 15
if someone should say that feeling is his Self, he should be answered
thus: `There are three kinds of feeling: pleasurable, painful, and
indifferent feeling. Which of these three feelings do you consider as
your Self?’ Because, at the moment of experiencing one of these
feelings, one does not experience the other two. These three kinds of
feeling are impermanent, of dependent origin, are subject to decay and
dissolution, to fading-away and extinction. Whosoever, in experiencing
one of these feelings, thinks that this is his Self, must after the
extinction of that feeling, admit that his Self has become dissolved.
And thus he will consider his Self already in this present life as
impermanent, mixed up with pleasure and pain, subject to arising and
passing away.
If any one should say that feeling is
not his Ego, and that his Self is inaccessible to feeling, he should be
asked thus: `Now, where there is no feeling, is it then possible to say:
“This am I?”
Or, another might say: `Feeling,
indeed, is not my Self, but it also is untrue that my Self is
inaccessible to feeling, for it is my Self that feels, my Self that has
the faculty of feeling’. Such a one should be answered thus: `Suppose
that feeling should become altogether totally extinguished; now, if
after the extinction of feeling, no feeling whatever exists there, is it
then possible to say: “This am I’?”
M. 148
say that the mind, or the mind-objects, or the mind-consciousness,
constitute the Self, such an assertion is unfounded. For an arising and a
passing away is seen there; and seeing the arising and passing away of
these things, one would come to the conclusion that one’s Self arises
and passes away.
S. XII. 62
would be better for the unlearned worldling to regard his body, built
up of the four elements, as his Self, rather than his mind. For it is
evident that the body may last for a year, for two years, for three,
four, five, or ten years, or even for a hundred years and more; but that
which is called thought, or mind, or consciousness, arises
continuously, during day and night, as one thing, and passes away as
another thing.
S. XXII. 59
whatsoever there is of corporeality, of feeling, of perception, of
mental formations, of consciousness whether past, present or future,
one’s own or external, gross or subtle, lofty or low, far or near: of
this one should understand according to reality and true wisdom: `This
does not belong to me; this am I not; this is not my Self.’
To show the impersonality and utter emptiness of existence, Visuddhimagga XVI quotes the following verse:
Mere suffering exists, no sufferer is found, The deed is, but no doer of the deed is there. Nirvāna is, but not the man that enters it. The path is, but no traveller on it is seen’.
Past, Present and Future
D. 9
now, any one should ask: `Have you been in the past, and is it untrue
that you have not been? Will you be in the future, and is it untrue that
you will not be? Are you, and is it untrue that you are not?’ - you may
reply that you have been in the past, and that it is untrue that you
have not been; that you will be in the future, and that it is untrue
that you will not be; that you are, and that it is untrue that you are
In the past only that past existence was real,
but unreal the future and present existence. In the future only the
future existence will be real, but unreal the past and the present
existence. Now only the present existence is real, but unreal, the past
and future existence.
M. 28
he who perceives the `Dependent Origination’ (pa.ticca-samuppāda),
perceives the truth; and he who perceives the truth, perceives the
Dependent Origination.
D. 8
just as from the cow comes milk, from milk curd, from curd butter, from
butter ghee, from ghee the skim of ghee; and when it is milk, it is not
counted as curd, or butter, or ghee, or skim of ghee, but only as milk;
and when it is curd, it is only counted as curd: just so was my past
existence at that time real, but unreal the future and present
existence; and my future existence will be at that time real, but unreal
the past and present existence; and my present existence is now real,
but unreal the past and future existence. All these are merely popular
designations and expressions, mere conventional terms of speaking, mere
popular notions. The Perfect One indeed makes use of these, without
however clinging to them.
he who does not understand corporeality, feeling, perception, mental
formations and consciousness according to reality (i.e. as void of a
personality, or Ego) nor understands their arising, their extinction,
and the way to their extinction, he is liable to believe, either that
the Perfect One continues after death, or that he does not continue
after death, and so forth.
The Two Extremes (Annihilation and Eternity Belief) and the Middle Doctrine
S. XII. 25
if one holds the view that the vital principle (jiva; `Soul’) is
identical with this body, in that case a holy life is not possible; and
if one holds the view that the vital principle is something quite
different from the body, in that case also a holy life is not possible.
Both these two extremes the Perfect One has avoided, and he has shown
the Middle Doctrine, which says:
Dependent Origination (Pa.ticca-samuppāda)
S. XII. 1
On Ignorance (avijjā) depend the `Kamma-formations’ (sankhārā). On the Kamma-formations depends `Consciousness’ (viññā.na; starting with rebirth-consciousness in the womb of the mother). On Consciousness depends the `Mental and Physical Existence’ (nāma-rūpa). On the mental and physical existence depend the `Six Sense-Organs’ (sa.l-āyatana). On the six sense-organs depends `Sensorial Impression’ (phassa). On sensorial impression depends `Feeling’ (vedanā). On feeling depends `Craving’ (ta.nhā). On craving depends `Clinging’ (upādāna). On clinging depends the `Process of Becoming’ (bhava). On the process of becoming (here: kamma-bhava, or kamma-process) depends `Rebirth’ (jāti). On rebirth depend `Decay and Death’ (jarā-marana), sorrow, lamentation, pain, grief and despair. Thus arises this whole mass of suffering. This is called the noble truth of the origin of suffering.
“No god, no Brahma can be called The maker of this wheel of life: Empty phenomena roll on, Dependent on conditions all.”
(Quoted in Visuddhimagga XIX).
S. XII. 51
disciple, however, in whom Ignorance (avijjā) has disappeared and
wisdom arisen, such a disciple heaps up neither meritorious, nor
demeritorious, nor imperturbable Kamma-formations.
term sankhārā has been rendered here by `Kamma Formations’ because, in
the context of the Dependent Origination, it refers to karmically
wholesome and unwholesome volition (cetanā), or volitional activity, in
short, Kamma.
The threefold division of it,
given in the preceding passage, comprises karmic activity in all
spheres of existence, or planes of consciousness. The `meritorious
kamma-formations’ extend also to the Fine-Material Sphere (rūpāvacara),
while the `imperturbable kamma-formations’ (aneñjābhisankhārā) refer
only to the Immaterial Sphere (arūpāvacara).
S. XII. 1
through the entire fading away and extinction of this `Ignorance’, the
`Kamma-formations’ are extinguished. Through the extinction of
Kamma-formations, `Consciousness’ (rebirth) is extinguished. Through the
extinction of consciousness, the `Mental and Physical Existence’ is
extinguished. Through the extinction of the mental and physical
existence, the `Six Sense-Organs’ are extinguished. Through the
extinction of the six sense-organs, `Sensorial Impression’ is
extinguished. Through the extinction of sensorial impression, `Feeling’
is extinguished. Through the extinction of feeling, `Craving’ is
extinguished. Through the extinction of craving, `Clinging’ is
extinguished. Through the extinction of clinging, the `Process of
Becoming’ is extinguished. Through the extinction of the process of
becoming, `Rebirth’ is extinguished. Through the extinction of rebirth,
`Decay and Death’, sorrow, lamentation, pain, grief and despair are
extinguished. Thus takes place the extinction of this whole mass of
suffering. This is called the noble truth of the extinction of
Rebirth-Producing Kamma
M. 43
because beings, obstructed by ignorance (avijjā) and ensnared by
craving (tanhā) seek ever fresh delight, now here, now there, therefore
fresh rebirth continually comes to be.
A. III. 33
the action (kamma) that is done out of greed, hatred and delusion
(lobha, dosa, moha), that springs from them, has its source and origin
in them: this action ripens wherever one is reborn, and wherever this
action ripens there one experiences the fruits of this action, be it in
this life, or the next life, or in some future life.
Cessation of Kamma
M. 43
through the fading away of ignorance, through the arising of wisdom,
through the extinction of craving, no future rebirth takes place again.
A. III. 33
the actions which are not done out of greed, hatred and delusion, which
have not sprung from them, which have not their source and origin in
them: such actions, through the absence of greed, hatred and delusion,
are abandoned, rooted out, like a palm-tree torn out of the soil,
destroyed, and not able to spring up again.
A. VIII. 12
this respect one may rightly say of me: that I teach annihilation, that
I propound my doctrine for the purpose of annihilation, and that I
herein train my disciples; for certainly I do teach annihilation-the
annihilation, namely, of greed, hatred and delusion, as well as of the
manifold evil and unwholesome things.
Pa.ticca Samuppāda, lit, the Dependent Origination, is the doctrine of
the conditionality of all physical and mental phenomena, a doctrine
which, together with that of Impersonality (anattā), forms the
indispensable condition for the real understanding and realization of
the Buddha’s teaching. It shows that the various physical and mental
life-processes, conventionally called personality, man, animal, etc.,
are not a mere play of blind chance, but the outcome of causes and
conditions. Above all, the Pa.ticca-Samuppāda explains how the arising
of rebirth and suffering is dependent upon conditions; and, in its
second part, it shows how, through the removal of these conditions, all
suffering must disappear. Hence, the Pa.ticca-Samuppāda serves to
elucidate the second and the third Noble Truths, by explaining them from
their very foundations upwards, and giving them a fixed philosophical
The following diagram shows at a
glance how the twelve links of the formula extend over three consecutive
existences, past, present, and future:
Past Existence 1. Ignorance (avijjā) 2. Kamma-Formations (sankhārā Present Existence 3. Consciousness (viññā.na) 4. Mental and Physical Existence (nāmarūpa) 5. 6 Sense Organs (sa.l-āyatana) 6. Sense-Impression (phassa) 7. Feeling (vedanā) 8. Craving (ta.nha) 9. Clinging (upādāna) 10. Process of Existence (bhava) Future Existence 11. Rebirth (jāti) 12. Decay and Death (jarā-marana)
The links 1-2, together with 8-10, represent the Kamma-Process, containing the five karmic causes of rebirth. The links 3-7, together with 11-12, represent the Rebirth-Process, containing the five Kamma-Results.
Accordingly it is said in the Patisambhidā-Magga:
Five causes were there in past, Five fruits we find in present life. Five causes do we now produce, Five fruits we reap in future life.
(Quoted in Visuddhimagga XVII)
For a full explanation see Fund. III and B. Dict.
Right Thought (Sammā-sankappa)
D. 22
What, now, is Right Thought?
Thought free from lust (nekkhamma-sankappa).
Thought free from ill-will (avyāpāda-sankappa).
Thought free from cruelty (avihimsā-sankappa).This is called Right Thought.
Mundane And Supermundane Thought
M. 117
Now, Right Thought, I tell you, is of two kinds:
Thought free from lust, from ill-will, and from cruelty-this is called
`Mundane Right Thought’ (lokiya sammā-sankappa), which yields worldly
fruits and brings good results.
2. But, whatsoever
there is of thinking, considering, reasoning, thought, ratiocination,
application-the mind being holy, being turned away from the world, and
conjoined with the path, the holy path being pursued-these `verbal
operations’ of the mind (vacii-sankhārā) are called the `Supermundane
Right Thought’ (lokuttara-sammā-sankappa), which is not of the world,
but is supermundane, and conjoined with the path.
Conjoined with Other Factors
Now, in understanding wrong thought as wrong, and right thought as right, one practices Right Understanding (1st factor); and in making efforts to overcome evil thought and to arouse right thought, one practices Right Effort
(6th factor); and in overcoming evil thought with attentive mind, and
dwelling with attentive mind in possession of right thought, one
practices Right Mindfulness (7th factor). Hence there are three
things that accompany and follow upon Right Thought, namely: Right
Understanding, Right Effort, and Right Mindfulness.
Right Speech (Sammā-vācā)
What now, is Right Speech?
Abstaining from Lying
A. X. 176
Herein someone avoids lying and abstains from it. He speaks the truth,
is devoted to the truth, reliable, worthy of confidence, not a deceiver
of men. Being at a meeting, or amongst people, or in the midst of his
relatives, or in a society, or in the king’s court, and called upon and
asked as witness to tell what he knows, he answers, if he knows nothing:
`I know nothing’, and if he knows, he answers: `I know’; if he has seen
nothing, he answers: `I have seen nothing’, and if he has seen, he
answers: `I have seen’. Thus he never knowingly speaks a lie, either for
the sake of his own advantage, or for the sake of another person’s
advantage, or for the sake of any advantage whatsoever.
Abstaining from Tale-bearing
He avoids tale-bearing, and abstains from it. What he has heard here,
he does not repeat there, so as to cause dissension there; and what he
has heard there, he does not repeat here, so as to cause dissension
here. Thus he unites those that are divided; and those that are united,
he encourages. Concord gladdens him, he delights and rejoices in
concord; and it is concord that he spreads by his words.
Abstaining from Harsh Language
He avoids harsh language, and abstains from it. He speaks such words as
are gentle, soothing to the ear, loving, such words as go to the heart,
and are courteous, friendly, and agreeable to many.
Majjhima-Nicāya No. 21, the Buddha says: `Even, O monks, should robbers
and murderers saw through your limbs and joints, whosoever should give
way to anger thereat would not be following my advice. For thus ought
you to train yourselves:
`Undisturbed shall
our mind remain, no evil words shall escape our lips; friendly and full
of sympathy shall we remain, with heart full of love, and free from any
hidden malice; and that person shall we penetrate with loving thoughts,
wide, deep, boundless, freed from anger and hatred’.
Abstaining from Vain Talk
A. X. 176
He avoids vain talk, and abstains from it. He speaks at the right time,
in accordance with facts, speaks what is useful, speaks of the law and
the discipline: his speech is like a treasure, uttered at the right
moment, accompanied by arguments, moderate and full of sense.
This is called Right Speech.
Mundane and Supermundane Speech
M. 117
Now, Right Speech. I tell you, is of two kinds:
Abstaining from lying, from tale-bearing, from harsh language, and from
vain talk; this is called `Mundane Right Speech’ (lokiya-sammā-vācā),
which yields worldly fruits and brings good results.
But the avoidance of the practice of this fourfold wrong speech, the
abstaining, desisting. refraining therefrom-the mind being holy, being
turned away from the world, and conjoined with the path, the holy path
being pursued-this is called the `Supermundane Right Speech’
(lokuttara-sammā-vācā), which is not of the world, but is supermundane,
and conjoined with the path.
Conjoined with Other Factors
Now, in understanding wrong speech as wrong, and right speech as right, one practises Right Understanding (1st factor); and in making efforts to overcome evil speech and to arouse right speech, one practises Right Effort
(6th factor); and in overcoming wrong speech with attentive mind, and
dwelling with attentive mind in possession of right speech, one
practises Right Mindfulness (7th factor). Hence, there are
three things that accompany and follow upon Right Speech, namely: Right
Understanding, Right Effort, and Right Mindfulness.
Right Action
A. X. 176
What, now, is Right Action?
Abstaining from Killing
Herein someone avoids the killing of living beings, and abstains from
it. Without stick or sword, conscientious, full of sympathy, he is
desirous of the welfare of all living beings.
Abstaining from Stealing
He avoids stealing, and abstains from it; what another person possesses
of goods and chattels in the village or in the wood, that he does not
take away with thievish intent.
Abstaining from Unlawful Sexual Intercourse
He avoids unlawful sexual intercourse, and abstains from it. He has no
intercourse with such persons as are still under the protection of
father, mother, brother, sister or relatives, nor with married women,
nor female convicts, nor lastly, with betrothed girls.
This is called Right Action.
Mundane And Supermundane Action
M. 117
Now, Right Action, I tell you, is of two kinds:
Abstaining from killing, from stealing, and from unlawful sexual
intercourse: this is called the `Mundane Right Action’
(lokiya-sammā-kammanta) which yields worldly fruits and brings good
2. But the avoidance of the practice of
this threefold wrong action, the abstaining, desisting, refraining
therefrom-the mind being holy. being turned away from the world, and
conjoined with the path, the holy path being pursued-this is called the
`Supermundane Right Action’ (lokuttara-sammā-kammanta), which is not of
the world, but is supermundane, and conjoined with the path.
Conjoined With Other Factors
Now in understanding wrong action as wrong, and right action as right, one practises Right Understanding (1st factor): and in making efforts to overcome wrong action, and to arouse right action, one practises Right Effort
(6th factor); and in overcoming wrong action with attentive mind, and
dwelling with attentive mind in possession of right action, one
practises Right Mindfulness (7th factor). Hence, there are
three things that accompany and follow upon Right Action, namely: Right
Understanding, Right Effort and Right Mindfulness.
Right Livelihood (Sammā-ājiva)
What, now, is Right Livelihood?
D. 22
When the noble disciple, avoiding a wrong way of living, gets his
livelihood by a right way of living, this is called Right Livelihood.
the Majjhima-Nikāya, No. 117, it is said: `To practise deceit,
treachery, soothsaying, trickery, usury: this is wrong livelihood.’
in the Anguttara-Nikāya, V. 1 77, it is said: `Five trades should be
avoided by a disciple: trading in arms, in living beings, in flesh, in
intoxicating drinks, and in poison’.
Included are the professions of a soldier, a fisherman, a hunter, etc.
Now, Right Livelihood, I tell you, is of two kinds:
Mundane and Supermundane Right Livelihood
M. 117
When the noble disciple, avoiding wrong living, gets his livelihood by a
right way of living: this is called `Mundane Right Livelihood’
(lokiya-sammā-ājiva), which yields worldly fruits and brings good
2. But the avoidance of wrong livelihood,
the abstaining, desisting, refraining therefrom-the mind being holy,
being turned away from the world, and conjoined with the path, the holy
path being pursued-this is called the `Supermundane Right Livelihood’
(lokuttara-sammā-ājiva), which is not of the world. but is supermundane,
and conjoined with the path.
Conjoined with Other Factors
Now. in understanding wrong livelihood as wrong, and right livelihood as right, one practises Right Understanding (1st factor); and in making efforts to overcome wrong livelihood, to establish right livelihood, one practises Right Effort
(6th factor); and in overcoming wrong livelihood with attentive mind,
and dwelling with attentive mind in possession of right livelihood, one
practises Right Mindfulness (7th factor). Hence, there are
three things that accompany and follow upon Right Livelihood, namely:
Right Understanding, Right Effort, and Right Mindfulness.
Right Effort (Sammā-vāyāma)
A. IV. 13, 14
What, now. is Right Effort?
There are Four Great Efforts; the effort to avoid, the effort to overcome, the effort to develop, and the effort to maintain.
The Effort to Avoid (Sa.mvara-ppadhāna)
What, now is the effort to Avoid?
Herein the disciple rouses his will to avoid the arising of evil,
unwholesome things that have not yet arisen; and he makes efforts, stirs
up his energy; exerts his mind and strives.
when lie perceives a form with the eye, a sound with the ear, and an
odor with the nose, a taste with the tongue, an impression with the
body, or an object with the mind, he neither adheres to the whole, nor
to its parts. And he strives to ward off that through which evil and
unwholesome things, greed and sorrow, would arise, if he remained with
unguarded senses; and he watches over his senses, restrains his senses.
Possessed of this noble `Control over the Senses’ he experiences inwardly a feeling of joy, into which no evil thing can enter.
This is called the effort to avoid
The Effort to Overcome (Pahāna-ppadhāna)
What, now, is the effort to Overcome?
There the disciple rouses his will to overcome the evil, unwholesome
things that have already arisen; and he makes effort, stirs up his
energy, exerts his mind and strives.
He does not
retain any thought of sensual lust, ill-will or grief, or any other evil
and unwholesome states that may have arisen; he abandons them, dispels
them, destroys them. causes them to disappear.
Five Methods of Expelling Evil Thoughts
M. 20
whilst regarding a certain object, there arise in the disciple, on
account of it, evil and unwholesome thoughts connected with greed,
hatred and delusion, then the disciple (1) should, by means of this
object, gain another and wholesome object. (2) Or, he should reflect on
the misery of these thoughts; `Unwholesome, truly, are these thoughts!
Blamable are these thoughts! Of painful result are these thoughts!’ (3)
Or he should pay no attention to these thoughts. (4) Or, he should
consider the compound nature of these thoughts. (5) Or, with teeth
clenched and tongue pressed against the gums, he should with his mind
restrain, suppress and root out these thoughts; and in doing so these
evil and unwholesome thoughts of greed, hatred and delusion will
dissolve and disappear; and the mind will inwardly become settled and
calm, composed and concentrated.
This is called the effort to overcome.
The Effort to Develop (Bhāvanā-ppadhāna)
A. IV. 13, 14
What, now, is the effort to Develop?
Herein the disciple rouses his will to arouse wholesome things that
have not yet arisen; and he makes effort, stirs up his energy, exerts
his mind and strives.
Thus he develops the `Elements
of Enlightenment’ (bojjhanga), based on solitude, on detachment, on
extinction, and ending in deliverance, namely: `Mindfulness’ (sati),
`Investigation of the Law’ (dhamma-vicaya), `Energy’ (viriya), `Rapture’
(piiti), `Tranquillity’ (passaddhi), `Concentration’ (samādhi). and
`Equanimity’ (upekkhā).
This is called the effort to develop.
The Effort to Maintain (āna)
now, is the effort to Maintain? Herein the disciple rouses his will to
maintain the wholesome things that have already arisen, and not to allow
them to disappear, but to bring them to growth, to maturity and to the
full perfection of development (bhāvanā); and he makes effort, stirs up
his energy, exerts his mind and strives.
Thus, for
example, he keeps firmly in his mind a favorable object of concentration
that has arisen, such as the mental image of a skeleton, of a corpse
infested by worms, of a corpse blue-black in color, of a festering
corpse, of a corpse riddled with holes, of a corpse swollen up.
This is called the effort to maintain.
M. 70
for a disciple who is possessed of faith and has penetrated the
Teaching of the master, it is fit to think: `Though skin sinews and
bones wither away, though flesh and blood of my body dry up, I shall not
give up my efforts till I have attained whatever is attainable by manly
perseverance, energy and endeavor.’
This is called Right Effort.
A. IV. 14
The effort of Avoiding, Overcoming,
Of Developing and Maintaining: These four great efforts have been shown By him, the scion of the sun. And he who firmly clings to them, May put an end to suffering.
Right Mindfulness (Sammā-sati)
What, now, is Right Mindfulness?
The Four Foundations of Mindfulness (Satipa.t.thāna)
D. 22
only way that leads to the attainment of purity, to the overcoming of
sorrow and lamentation, to the end of pain and grief, to the entering
upon the right path and the realization of Nibbāna, is by the `Four
Foundations of Mindfulness’. And which are these four?
the disciple dwells in contemplation of the Body, in contemplation of
Feeling, in contemplation of the Mind, in contemplation of the
Mind-Objects; ardent, clearly comprehending them and mindful, after
putting away worldly greed and grief.
Contemplation of the Body (kāyānupassanā)
But how does the disciple dwell in contemplation of the body?
Watching Over In- and Out-Breathing (ānāpāna-sati)
the disciple retires to the forest, to the foot of a tree, or to a
solitary place, seats himself with legs crossed, body erect, and with
mindfulness fixed before him, mindfully he breathes in, mindfully he
breathes out. When making a long inhalation, he knows: `I make a long
inhalation’; when making a long exhalation, he knows: `I make a long
exhalation’. When making a short inhalation, he knows: `I make a short
inhalation’: when making a short exhalation, he knows: `I make a short
exhalation’. `Clearly perceiving the entire (breath-) body, I shall
breathe in’: thus he trains hImself; `Clearly perceiving the entire
(breath-) body, I shall breathe out’: thus he trains himself. `Calming
this bodily function (kāya-sankhāra), I shall breathe in’: thus he
trains himself; `Calming this bodily function. I shall breathe out’:
thus he trains himself.
Thus he dwells in
contemplation of the body, either with regard to his own person, or to
other persons, or to both, he beholds how the body arises; beholds how
it passes away; beholds the arising and passing away of the body. A body
is there-
`A body is there, but no living
being, no individual, no woman, no man, no self, and nothing that
belongs to a self; neither a person. nor anything belonging to a person.
this clear awareness is present in
him, to the extent necessary for knowledge and mindfulness, and he lives
independent, unattached to anything in the world. Thus does the
disciple dwell in contemplation of the body.
of Breathing’ (ānāpāna-sati) is one of the most important meditative
exercises. It may be used for the development of Tranquillity
(samatha-bhāvanā), i.e. for attaining the four Absorptions (jhāna; for
the development of Insight (vipassanā-bhāvanā) or for a combination of
both practices. Here, in the context of satipa.t.thāna, it is
principally intended for tranquilization and concentration preparatory
to the practice of Insight, which may be undertaken in the following
After a certain degree of calm and
concentration, or one of the Absorptions, has been attained through
regular practice of mindful breathing, the disciple proceeds to examine
the origin of breath. He sees that the inhalations and exhalations are
conditioned by the body consisting of the four material elements and the
various corporeal phenomena derived from them, e.g. the five sense
organs, etc. Conditioned by fivefold sense-impression arises
consciousness, and together with it the three other `Groups of
Existence’, i.e. Feeling, Perception, and mental Formations. Thus the
meditator sees clearly: `There is no ego-entity or self in this so
called personality, but it is only a corporeal and mental process
conditioned by various factors’. Thereupon he applies the Three
Characteristics to these phenomena, understanding them thoroughly as
impermanent subject to suffering, and impersonal.
For further details about Ânāpāna-sati, see M. 118.62: Visuddhimagga VIII, 3.
The Four Postures
further, whilst going, standing, sitting, or lying down, the disciple
understands (according to reality) the expressions; `I go’; `I stand’;
`I sit’; `I lie down’; he understands any position of the body.
disciple understands that there is no living being, no real Ego, that
goes, stands, etc., but that it is by a mere figure of speech that one
says: “I go”, “I stand” and so forth’. (Comm.)
Mindfulness and Clear Comprehension (sati-sampajañña)
further, the disciple acts with clear comprehension in going and
coming; he acts with clear comprehension in looking forward and
backward; acts with clear comprehension in bending and stretching (any
part of his body); acts with clear comprehension in carrying alms bowl
and robes; acts with clear comprehension in eating, drinking, chewing
and tasting; acts with clear comprehension in discharging excrement and
urine; acts with clear comprehension in walking, standing, sitting,
falling asleep, awakening; acts with clear comprehension in speaking and
keeping silent.
In all that the disciple is
doing, he has a clear comprehension: 1. of his intention, 2. of his
advantage, 3. of his duty, 4. of the reality. (Comm.)
Contemplation of Loathsomeness (pa.tikūla-saññā)
further, the disciple contemplates this body from the sole of the foot
upward, and from the top of the hair downward, with a skin stretched
over it, and filled with manifold impurities: `This body has hairs of
the head and of the body, nails, teeth, skin, flesh, sinews, bones,
marrow, kidneys, heart, liver, diaphragm, spleen, lungs, stomach,
bowels, mesentery, and excrement; bile, phlegm, pus, blood, sweat,
lymph, tears, skin-grease, saliva, nasal mucus, oil of the joints, and
Just as if there were a sack, with openings
at both ends, filled with various kinds of grain-with paddy, beans,
sesame and husked rice-and a man not blind opened it and examined its
contents, thus: `That is paddy, these are beans, this is sesame, this is
husked rice’: just so does the disciple investigate this body.
Analysts of Four Elements (dhātu)
further, the disciple contemplates this body, however it may stand or
move, with regard to the elements; `This body consists of the solid
element, the liquid element, the heating element and the vibrating
element’. Just as if a skilled butcher or butcher’s apprentice, who had
slaughtered a cow and divided it into separate portions, were to sit
down at the junction of four highroads: just so does the disciple
contemplate this body with regard to the elements.
In Visuddhimagga XIII, 2 this simile is explained as follows:
a butcher rears a cow, brings it to the place of slaughter, binds it to
a post, makes it stand up, slaughters it and looks at the slaughtered
cow, during all that time he has still the notion `cow’. But when he has
cut up the slaughtered cow, divided it into pieces, and sits down near
it to sell the meat, the notion, `cow’ ceases in his mind, and the
notion `meat’ arises. He does not think that he is selling a cow or that
people buy a cow, but that it is meat that is sold and bought.
Similarly, in an ignorant worldling, whether monk or layman, the
concepts `being’, `man’, `personality’, etc., will not cease until he
has mentally dissected this body of his, as it stands and moves, and has
contemplated it according to its component elements. But when he has
done so, the notion `personality’, etc., will disappear, and his mind
will become firmly established in the Contemplation of the Elements.
Cemetery Meditations
And further, just as if the disciple were looking at a corpse thrown on
a charnel-ground, one, two, or three days dead, swollen up, blue-black
in color, full of corruption-so he regards hIs own body: `This body of
mine also has this nature, has this destiny, and cannot escape it.’
And further, just as if the disciple were looking at a corpse thrown on
a charnel-ground, eaten by crows, hawks or vultures, by dogs or
jackals, or devoured by all kinds of worms-so he regards his own body;
`This body of mine also has this nature, has this destiny, and cannot
escape it.’
3. And further, just as if the disciple
were looking at a corpse thrown on a charnel-ground, a framework of
bones, flesh hanging from it, bespattered with blood, held together by
the sinews;
4. A framework of bone, stripped of flesh, bespattered with blood, held together by the sinews;
5. A framework of bone, without flesh and blood, but still held together by the sinews;
Bones, disconnected and scattered in all directions, here a bone of the
hand, there a bone of the foot, there a shin bone, there a thigh bone,
there a pelvis, there the spine, there the skull-so he regards his own
body: `This body of mine also has this nature, has this destiny, and
cannot escape it.’
7. And further, just as if the disciple were looking at bones lying in the charnel-ground, bleached and resembling shells;
8. Bones heaped together, after the lapse of years;
Bones weathered and crumbled to dust-so he regards his own body: `This
body of mine also has this nature, has this destiny, and cannot escape
Thus he dwells in contemplation of the body,
either with regard to his own person, or to other persons, or to both.
He beholds how the body arises; beholds how it passes away; beholds the
arising and passing away of the body. `A body is there’: this clear
awareness is present in him, to the extent necessary for knowledge and
mindfulness; and he lives independent, unattached to anything in the
world. Thus does the the disciple dwell in contemplation of the body.
Assured Of Ten Blessings
M. 119
the contemplation of the body is practiced, developed, often repeated,
has become one’s habit, one’s foundation, is firmly established,
strengthened and perfected; the disciple may expect ten blessings:
Over delight and discontent he has mastery; he does not allow himself
to be overcome by discontent; he subdues it, as soon as it arises.
He conquers fear and anxiety; he does not allow himself to be overcome
by fear and anxiety; he subdues them, as soon as they arise.
He endures cold and heat, hunger and thirst; wind and sun, attacks by
gadflies, mosquitoes and reptiles; patiently he endures wicked and
malicious speech, as well as bodily pains that befall him, though they
be piercing, sharp, bitter, unpleasant, disagreeable, and dangerous to
4. The four Absorptions’ (jhāna) which purify
the mind, and bestow happiness even here, these he may enjoy at will,
without difficulty, without effort.
Six `Psychical Powers’ (Abhiññā)
5. He may enjoy the different `Magical Powers (id.dhi-vidhā).
With the `Heavenly Ear’ (dibba-sota), the purified, the super-human, he
may hear both kinds of sounds, the heavenly and the earthly, the
distant and the near.
7. With the mind he may obtain `Insight into the Hearts of Other Beings’ (parassa-cetopariya-ñā.na), of other persons.
With the `Heavenly Eye’ (dibba-cakkhu), purified and super-human, he
may see beings vanish and reappear, the base and the noble, the
beautiful and the ugly, the happy and the unfortunate; he may perceive
how beings are reborn according to their deeds.
He may, through the `Cessation of Passions’ (āsavakkhaya), come to know
for himself, even in this life, the stainless deliverance of mind, the
deliverance through wisdom.
The last six
blessings (5-10) are the `Psychical Powers’ (abhiññā). The first five of
them are mundane (lokiya) conditions, and may therefore be attained
even by a `worldling’ (puthujjana), whilst the last Abhiññā is
super-mundane (lokuttara) and exclusively the characteristic of the
Arahat, or Holy One. It is only after the attainment of all the four
Absorptions (jhāna) that one may fully succeed in acquiring the five
worldly `Psychical Powers’. There are four iddhipāda, or `Bases for
obtaining Magical Powers’, namely: concentration of Will, concentration
of Energy, concentration of Mind, and concentration of Investigation.
Contemplation of the Feelings
D. 22
But how does the disciple dwell in contemplation of the feelings?
experiencing feelings, the disciple knows: `I have an agreeable
feeling’; or: `I have a disagreeable feeling’, or: `I have an
indifferent feeling’; or: `I have a worldly agreeable feeling’, or: `I
have an unworldly agreeable feeling’, or: `I have a worldly disagreeable
feeling’, or: `I have an unworldly disagreeable feeling’, or: `I have a
worldly indifferent feeling’, or: `I have an unworldly indifferent
Thus he dwells in contemplation of the
feelings, either with regard to his own person, or to other persons, or
to both. He beholds how the feelings arise; beholds how they pass away;
beholds the arising and passing away of the feelings. `Feelings are
there’: this clear awareness is present in him, to the extent necessary
for knowledge and mindfulness; and he lives independent, unattached to
anything in the world. Thus does the disciple dwell in contemplation of
the feelings.
The disciple understands that the
expression `I feel’ has no validity except as a conventional expression
(vohāravacana); he understands that, in the absolute sense (paramattha),
there are only feelings, and that there is no Ego, no experiencer of
the feelings.
Contemplation of the Mind (cittānupassanā)
But how does the disciple dwell in contemplation of the mind?
the disciple knows the greedy mind as greedy, and the not greedy mind
as not greedy; knows the hating mind as hating, and the not hating mind
as not hating: knows the deluded mind as deluded and the undeluded mind
as undeluded. He knows the cramped mind as cramped, and the scattered
mind as scattered; knows the developed mind as developed, and the
undeveloped mind as undeveloped; knows the surpassable mind as
surpassable and the unsurpassable mind as unsurpassable; knows the
concentrated mind as concentrated, and the unconcentrated mind as
unconcentrated; knows the freed mind as freed, and the unfreed mind as
Citta (mind) is here used as a
collective term for the cittas, or moments of consciousness. Citta being
identical with viññā.na, or consciousness, should not be translated by
`thought’. `Thought’ and `thinking’ correspond rather to the `verbal
operations of the mind’: vitakka (thought-conception) and vicāra
(discursive thinking), which belong to the Sankhāra-kkhandha.
he dwells in contemplation of the mind, either with regard to his own
person, or to other persons, or to both. He beholds how consciousness
arises; beholds how it passes away; beholds the arising and passing away
of consciousness. `Mind is there’; this clear awareness is present in
him, to the extent necessary for knowledge and mindfulness; and he lives
independent, unattached to anything in the world. Thus does the
disciple dwell in contemplation of the mind.
Contemplation of the Mind-Objects (dhammānupassanā)
But how does the disciple dwell in contemplation of mind-objects?
Herein the disciple dwells in contemplation of the mind-objects, namely of the `Five Hindrances.’
He knows when there is `Lust’ (kāmacchanda) in him: `In me is lust’;
knows when there is `Anger’ (vyāpāda) in him: `In me is anger’; knows
when there is `Torpor and Sloth’ (thiina-middha) in him: `In me is
torpor and sloth’; knows when there is `Restlessness and Mental Worry’
(uddhacca-kukkucca) in him: `In me is restlessness and mental worry’;
knows when there are `Doubts’ (vicikicchā) in him: `In me are doubts’.
He knows when these hindrances are not in him: `In me these hindrances
are not’. He knows how they come to arise; knows how, once arisen, they
are overcome; and he knows how they do not rise again in the future.
example, `Lust’ arises through unwise thinking on the agreeable and
delightful. It may be suppressed by the following six methods: fixing
the mind upon an idea that arouses disgust; contemplation of the
loathsomeness of the body; controlling one’s six senses; moderation in
eating; friendship with wise and good men; right instruction. Lust and
anger are for ever extinguished upon attainment of Anāgāmiiship;
`Restlessness’ is extinguished by reaching Arahatship; `Mental Worry’,
by reaching Sotapanship.
The Five Groups of Existence (khandha)
further: the disciple dwells in contemplation of the mind-objects,
namely of the five `Groups of Existence’. He knows what `Corporeality’
(rūpa) is, how it arises, how it passes away; knows what `Feeling’
(vedanā) is, how it arises, how it passes away; knows what `Perception’
(saññā) is, how it arises, how it passes away; knows what the `Mental
Formations’ (sankhāra) are, how they arise, how they pass away; knows
what `Consciousness’ (viññā.na) is, how it arises, how it passes away.
The Sense-Bases (āyatana)
further: the disciple dwells in contemplation of the mind-objects,
namely of the six `Subjective-Objective Sense-Bases’. He knows the eye
and visual objects, ear and sounds, nose and odors, tongue and tastes,
body and bodily impressions, mind and mind-objects; and the fetter that
arises in dependence on them, he also knows. He knows how the fetter
comes to arise, knows how the fetter is overcome, and how the abandoned
fetter does not rise again in future.
The Seven Elements of Enlightenment (bojjhanga)
further: the disciple dwells in contemplation of the mind-objects,
namely of the seven `Elements of Enlightenment’, He knows when there is
in him `Mindfulness’ (sati), `Investigation of the Law’ (dhammavicaya),
`Energy’ (viriya), `Enthusiasm’ (piiti), `Tranquillity’ (passaddhi),
`Concentration’ (samādhi), and `Equanimity’ (upekkhā). He knows when it
is not in him, knows how it comes to arise, and how it is fully
The Four Noble Truths (ariya-sacca)
further: the disciple dwells in contemplation of the mind-objects,
namely of the `Four Noble Truths’. He knows according to reality, what
Suffering is; knows according to reality, what the Origin of suffering
is; knows according to reality what the Extinction of suffering is;
knows according to reality, what the Path is that leads to the
extinction of suffering.
Thus he dwells in
contemplation of the mind-objects either with regard to his own person,
or to other persons or to both. He beholds how the mind-objects arise,
beholds how they pass away, beholds the arising and passing away of the
mind-objects. `Mind-objects are there’: this clear awareness is present
in him, to the extent necessary for knowledge and mindfulness; and he
lives independent, unattached to anything in the world. Thus does the
disciple dwell in contemplation of the mind-objects.
only way that leads to the attainment of purity, to the overcoming of
sorrow and lamentation, to the end of pain and grief, to the entering
upon the right path, and the realization of Nibbāna, is by these four
foundations of mindfulness.
These four
contemplations of Satipa.t.thāna relate to all the five Groups of
Existence, namely: 1. The contemplation of corporeality relates to
rūpakkhandha; 2. the contemplation of feeling, to vedanākkhandha; 3. the
contemplation of mind, to viññānakkhandha; 4. the contemplation of
mind-objects, to saññā- and sankhāra-kkhandha.
further details about Satipa.t.thāna see the Commentary to the
discourse of that name, translated in The Way of Mindfulness, by Bhikkhu
Soma (Kandy 1967, Buddhist Publication Society).
Nibbāna Through ānāpāna-Sati
M. 118
over In - and Out-breathing (ānāpāna-sati), practiced and developed,
brings the Four `Foundations of Mindfulness’ to perfection; the four
foundations of mindfulness, practiced and developed, bring the seven
`Elements of Enlightenment’ to perfection; the seven elements of
enlightenment, practiced and developed, bring `Wisdom and Deliverance’
to perfection.
But how does Watching over In- and
Out-breathing, practiced and developed, bring the four `Foundations of
Mindfulness’ (satipa.t.thāna) to perfection?
Whenever the disciple (1) mindfully makes a long inhalation or
exhalation, or (2) makes a short inhalation or exhalation, or (3) trains
himself to inhale or exhale whilst experiencing the whole (breath-)
body, or (4) whilst calming down this bodily function (i.e. the
breath)-at such a time the disciple dwells in `contemplation of the
body’, full of energy, comprehending it, mindful, after subduing worldly
greed and grief. For, inhalation and exhalation I call one amongst the
corporeal phenomena.
II. Whenever the disciple
trains himself to inhale or exhale (1) whilst feeling rapture (piiti),
or (2) joy (sukha), or (3) the mental functions (cittasankhāra), or (4)
whilst calming down the mental functions-at such a time he dwells in
`contemplation of the feelings’, full of energy, clearly comprehending
them, mindful, after subduing worldly greed and grief. For, the full
awareness of In- and Out-breathing I call one amongst the feelings.
Whenever the disciple trains himself to inhale or exhale (1) whilst
experiencing the mind, or (2) whilst gladdening the mind, or (3) whilst
concentrating the mind, or (4) whilst setting the mind free–at such a
time he dwells in `contemplation of the mind’, full of energy, clearly
comprehending it, mindful, after subduing worldly greed and grief. For,
without mindfulness and clear comprehension, I say, there is no Watching
over In- and Out-breathing.
IV. Whenever the
disciple trains himself to inhale or exhale whilst contemplating (1)
impermanence, or (2) the fading away of passion, or (3) extinction, or
(4) detachment-at such a time he dwells in `contemplation of the
mind-objects’, full of energy, clearly comprehending them, mindful,
after subduing worldly greed and grief. Having seen, through
understanding, what is the abandoning of greed and grief, he looks on
with complete equanimity.
Watching over In- and Out-breathing, thus practiced and developed, brings the four Foundations of Mindfulness to perfection.
how do the four Foundations of Mindfulness, practiced and developed,
bring the seven `Elements of Enlightenment’ (bojjhanga) to
full perfection?
1. Whenever the disciple dwells in
contemplation of body, feelings, mind and mind-objects, strenuous,
clearly comprehending them, mindful, after subduing worldly greed and
grief-at such a time his mindfulness is undisturbed; and whenever his
mindfulness is present and undisturbed, at such a time he has gained and
develops the Element of Enlightenment `Mindfulness’
(sati-sambojjhanga); and thus this element of enlightenment reaches
fullest perfection.
2. And whenever, whilst dwelling
with mindfulness, he wisely investigates, examines and thinks over the
`Law’ (dhamma)-at such a time he has gained and develops the Element of
Enlightenment `Investigation of the Law’ (dhammavicaya-sambojjhanga);
and thus this element of enlightenment reaches fullest perfection.
And whenever, whilst wisely investigating, examining and thinking over
the law, his energy is firm and unshaken-at such a time he has gained
and develops the Element of Enlightenment `Energy’
(viriya-sambojjhanga); and thus this element of enlightenment reaches
fullest perfection.
4. And whenever in him, whilst
firm in energy, arises super-sensuous rapture-at such a time he has
gained and develops the Element of Enlightenment `Rapture’
(piiti-sambojjhanga); and thus this element of enlightenment reaches
fullest perfection.
5. And whenever, whilst
enraptured in mind, his spiritual frame and his mind become tranquil-at
such a time he has gained and develops the Element of Enlightenment
`Tranquillity’ (passaddhi-sambojjhanga); and thus this element of
enlightenment reaches fullest perfection.
6. And
whenever, whilst being tranquillized in his spiritual frame and happy,
his mind becomes concentrated-at such a time he has gained and develops
the Element of Enlightenment `Concentration’ (samādhi-sambojjhanga); and
thus this element of enlightenment reaches fullest perfection.
And whenever he looks with complete indifference on his mind thus
concentrated-at such a time he has gained and develops the Element of
Enlightenment `Equanimity’ (upekkhā-sambojjhanga); and thus this element
of enlightenment reaches fullest perfection.
The four Foundations of Mindfulness, thus practiced and developed, bring the seven elements of enlightenment to full perfection.
how do the seven elements of enlightenment, practiced and developed,
bring Wisdom and Deliverance (vijjā-vimutti) to full perfection?
the disciple develops the elements of enlightenment: Mindfulness,
Investigation of the Law, Energy, Rapture, Tranquillity, Concentration
and Equanimity, based on detachment, on absence of desire, on extinction
and renunciation.
The seven elements of enlightenment thus practiced and developed, bring wisdom and deliverance, to full perfection.
M. 125
as the elephant hunter drives a huge stake into the ground and chains
the wild elephant to it by the neck, in order to drive out of him his
wonted forest ways and wishes, his forest unruliness, obstinacy and
violence, and to accustom him to the environment of the village, and to
teach him such good behavior as is required amongst men: in like manner
also should the noble disciple fix his mind firmly to these four
Foundations of Mindfulness, so that he may drive out of himself his
wonted worldly ways and wishes, his wonted worldly unruliness, obstinacy
and violence, and win to the True, and realize Nibbāna.
Right Concentration (Sammā-samādhi)
M. 44
What, now, is Right Concentration?
Its Definition
Having the mind fixed to a single object (cittekeggatā, lit. `One-pointedness of mind’): this is concentration.
Concentration’ (sammā-samādhi), in its widest sense, is the kind of
mental concentration which is present in every wholesome state of
consciousness (kusala-citta), and hence is accompanied by at least Right
Thought (2nd factor), Right Effort (6th factor) and Right Mindfulness
(7th factor). `Wrong Concentration’ is present in unwholesome states of
consciousness, and hence is only possible in the sensuous, not in a
higher sphere. Samādhi, used alone, always stands in the Sutta, for
sammā-samādhi, or Right Concentration.
Its Objects
The four `Foundations of Mindfulness’ (7th factor): these are the objects of concentration.
Its Requisites
The four `Great Efforts’ (6th factor): these are the requisites for concentration.
Its Development
The practicing, developing and cultivating of these things: this is the development (bhāvanā) of concentration.
Concentration (sammā-samādhi) has two degrees of development; 1.
`Neighborhood Concentration’ (upacārasamādhi). which approaches the
first absorption without, however, attaining it; 2. `Attainment
Concentration’ (appanāsamādhi), which is the concentration present in
the four Absorptions (jhāna). These Absorptions are mental states beyond
the reach of the fivefold sense-activity, attainable only in solitude
and by unremitting perseverance in the practice of concentration. In
these states all activity of the five senses is suspended. No visual or
audible impressions arise at such a time, no bodily feeling is felt.
But, although all outer sense-impressions have ceased, yet the mind
remains active, perfectly alert, fully awake.
attainment of these Absorptions, however, is not a requisite for the
realization of the four Supermundane Paths of Holiness; and neither
Neighborhood-Concentration nor Attainment-Concentration, as such,
possesses the power of conferring entry to the four Supermundane Paths:
hence they really have no power to free one permanently from evil
things. The realization of the Four Supermundane Paths is possible only
at the moment of deep `Insight’ (vipassanā) into the Impermanency
(aniccatā), Miserable Nature (dukkhatā) and Impersonality (anattatā) of
this whole phenomenal process of existence. This Insight, again, is
attainable only during Neighborhood-Concentration, not during Attainment
He who has realized one or
other of the Four Supermundane Paths without ever having attained the
Absorptions, is called Sukkha-vipassaka, or Suddhavipassanā-yānika, i.e.
`one who has taken merely Insight (vipassanā) as his vehicle’. He,
however, who, after cultivating the Absorptions, has reached one of the
Supermundane Paths is called Saniathayānika, or `one who has taken
Tranquillity (samatha) as his vehicle (yāna)’.
For samatha and vipassanā see Fund IV. and B. Diet.
The Four Absorptions (jhāna)
from sensual objects, detached from evil things, the disciple enters
into the first Absorption, which is accompanied by Thought Conception
and Discursive Thinking, is born of detachment, and filled with Rapture
and Happiness.
This is the first of the
Absorptions belonging to the Fine-Material Sphere (rupāvacarajjhāna). It
is attained when, through the strength of concentration, the fivefold
sense activity is temporarily suspended, and the five Hindrances are
likewise eliminated.
See B. Dict.: kasina, nimitta, samādhi.
M. 43
first Absorption is free from five things, and five things are present.
When the disciple enters the first Absorption, there have vanished (the
five Hindrances): Lust, Ill-Will, Torpor and Sloth, Restlessness and
Mental Worry, Doubts; and there are present: Thought Conception
(vitakka), Discursive Thinking (vicāra), Rapture (piiti), Happiness
(sukha), Concentration (citt’ekaggatā = samādhi).
five mental factors present in the first Absorption, are called Factors
(or Constituents) of Absorption (jhānanga). Vitakka (initial formation
of an abstract thought) and vicāra (discursive thinking, rumination) are
called `verbal functions’ (vaci-sankhāra) of the mind; hence they are
something secondary compared with consciousness.
Visuddhimagga, vitakka is compared with the taking hold of a pot, and
vicāra with the wiping of it. In the first Absorption both are present,
but are exclusively focussed on the subject of meditation, vicāra being
here not discursive, but of an `exploring’ nature. Both are entirely
absent in the following Absorptions.
further: after the subsiding of Thought-Conception and Discursive
Thinking, and by the gaining of inner tranquillity and oneness of mind,
he enters into a state free from Thought-Conception and Discursive
Thinking, the second Absorption, which is born of concentration
(samādhi), and filled with Rapture (piti) and Happiness (sukha).
In the second Absorption, there are three Factors of Absorption: Rapture, Happiness, and Concentration.
further: after the fading away of Rapture, he dwells in equanimity,
mindful, with clear awareness: and he experiences in his own person that
feeling of which the Noble Ones say: `Happy lives he who is equanimous
and mindful’-thus he enters the third Absorption.
the third Absorption there are two Factors of Absorption: equanimous
Happiness (upekkhā-sukha) and Concentration (cittekaggatā).
further: after the giving up of pleasure and pain, and through the
disappearance of previous joy and grief, he enters into a state beyond
pleasure and pain, into the fourth Absorption, which is purified by
equanimity and mindfulness.
In the fourth Absorption there are two Factors of Absorption: Concentration and Equanimity (upekkhā).
Visuddhimagga forty subjects of meditation (kamma.t.thāna) are
enumerated and treated in detail. By their successful practice the
following Absorptions may be attained:
four Absorptions. through Mindfulness of Breathing (see Vis. M. VIII.
3), the ten Kasina-exercises (Vis. M. IV, V. and B. Dict.); the
contemplation of Equanimity (upekkhā), being the practice of the fourth
Brahma-vihāra (Vis. M. IX. 4).
The first
three Absorptions: through the development of Loving-Kindness (mettā),
Compassion (karunā) and Sympathetic Joy (muditā), being the practice of
the first three Brahma-vihāras (Vis. M. IX. 1-3,).
first Absorption: through the ten Contemplations of Impurity
(asubha-bhāvanā; i.e. the Cemetery Contemplations, which are ten
according to the enumeration in Vis. M. VI); the contemplation of the
Body (i.e. the 32 parts of the body; Vis. M. VIII, 2);
`Neighborhood-Concentration’ (upacāra-samādhi): through the
Recollections on Buddha, Dhamma and Sangha, on Morality, Liberality,
Heavenly Beings, Peace (=Nibbāna) and death (Vis. M. VI. VII); the
Contemplation on the Loathsomeness of Food (Vis. M. XI. I); the Analysis
of the Four Elements (Vis. M. IX. 2).
four Immaterial Absorptions (arūpa-jjhāna or āruppa), which are based on
the fourth Absorption, are produced by meditating on their respective
objects from which they derive their names; Sphere of Unbounded Space,
of Unbounded Consciousness, of Nothingness, and of
The entire object of concentration and meditation is treated in Vis M. III-XIII; see also Fund. IV.
8. XXII. 5
your concentration: for he who has concentration, understands things
according to their reality. And what are these things? The arising and
passing away of corporeality, of feeling, perception, mental formations
and consciousness.
M. 149
these five Groups of Existence must be wisely penetrated; Ignorance and
Craving must be wisely abandoned; Tranquillity (samatha) and Insight
(vipassanā) must be wisely developed.
is the Middle Path which the Perfect One has discovered, which makes
one both to see and to know, and which leads to peace, to discernment,
to enlightenment, to Nibbāna.
Dhp. 275
“And following upon this path, you will put an end to suffering.
Gradual Development of the Eightfold Path in the Progress of the Disciple
Confidence and Right Thought (Second Factor)
M. 38
a householder, or his son, or someone reborn in a good family, hears
the law; and after hearing the law he is filled with confidence in the
Perfect One. And filled with this confidence, he thinks: `Full of
hindrances is household life, a refuse heap; but the homeless life (of a
monk) is like the open air. Not easy is it, when one lives at home, to
fulfil in all points the rules of the holy life. How if now I were to
cut off hair and beard, put on the yellow robe and go forth from home to
the homeless life?’ And in a short time, having given up his
possessions, great or little, having forsaken a large or small circle of
relations, he cuts off hair and beard, puts on the yellow robe, and
goes forth from home to the homeless life.
Morality (Third, Fourth, Fifth Factor)
thus left the world, he fulfills the rules of the monks. He avoids the
killing of living beings and abstains from it. Without stick or sword,
conscientious, full of sympathy, he is desirous of the welfare of all
living beings.- He avoids stealing, and abstains from taking what is not
given to him. Only what is given to him he takes, waiting till it is
given; and he lives with a heart honest and pure.- He avoids unchastity,
living chaste, celibate and aloof from the vulgar practice of sexual
intercourse.- He avoids lying and abstains from it. He speaks the truth,
is devoted to the truth, reliable, worthy of confidence, no deceiver of
men.- He avoids tale-bearing and abstains from it. What he has heard
here, he does not repeat there, so as to cause dissension there; and
what he has heard there, he does not repeat here, so as to cause
dissension here. Thus he unites those that are divided, and those that
are united he encourages; concord gladdens him, he delights and rejoices
in concord; and it is concord that he spreads by his words.- He avoids
harsh language and abstains from it. He speaks such words as are gentle,
soothing to the ear, loving, such words as go to the heart, and are
courteous, friendly, and agreeable to many.- He avoids vain talk and
abstains from it. He speaks at the right time, in accordance with facts,
speaks what is useful, speaks of the law and the discipline; his speech
is like a treasure, uttered at the right moment, accompanied by
arguments, moderate and full of sense.
He takes food
only at one time of the day (forenoon), abstains from food in the
evening, does not eat at improper times. He leeps aloof from dance,
song, music and the visiting of shows; rejects flowers, perfumes,
ointment, as well as every kind of adornment and embellishment. High and
gorgeous beds he does not use. Gold and silver he does not accept.- He
does not accept raw corn and flesh, women and girls, male and female
slaves, or goats, sheep, fowls, pigs, elephants, cows or horses, or land
and goods. He does not go on errands and do the duties of a messenger.
He eschews buying and selling things. He has nothing to do with false
measures, metals and weights. He avoids the crooked ways of bribery,
deception and fraud. He has no part in stabbing, beating, chaining,
attacking. plundering and oppressing.
He contents
himself with the robe that protects his body, and with the alms bowl by
means of which he keeps himself alive. Wherever he goes. he is provided
with these two things; just as a winged bird in flying carries his wings
along with him. By fulfilling this noble Domain of Morality
(siila-kkhandha) he feels in his heart an irreproachable happiness.
Control of the Senses (Sixth Factor)
in perceiving a form with the eye- a sound with the ear- an odor with
the nose- a taste with the tongue- an impression with the body- an
object with the mind, he cleaves neither to the whole, nor to its
details. And he tries to ward off that which should he be unguarded in
his senses, might give rise to evil and unwholesome states, to greed and
sorrow; he watches over his senses, keeps his senses under control. By
practicing this noble `Control of the Senses’ (indriya-sa.mvara) he
feels in his heart an unblemished happiness.
Mindfulness and Clear Comprehension (Seventh Factor)
is mindful and acts with clear comprehension when going and coming;
when looking forward and backward; when bending and stretching his
limbs; when wearing his robes and alms-bowl; when eating, drinking,
chewing and tasting; when discharging excrement and urine: when walking,
standing, sitting, falling asleep and awakening; when speaking and
keeping silent.
Now being equipped with this lofty
`Morality’ (siila), equipped with this noble `Control of the Senses’
(indriya-sa.mvara), and filled with this noble, `Mindfulness and Clear
Comprehension’ (sati-sampajañña), he chooses a secluded dwelling in the
forest, at the foot of a tree, on a mountain, in a cleft, in a rock
cave, on a burial ground, on a wooded table-land, in the open air, or on
a heap of straw. Having returned from his alms-round, after the meal,
he seats himself with legs crossed, body erect, with mindfulness fixed
before him.
He has cast away `Lust’ (kāmacchanda); he dwells with a heart free from lust; from lust he cleanses his heart.
has cast away `Ill-will’ (vyāpāda); he dwells with a heart free from
ill-will; cherishing love and compassion toward all living beings, he
cleanses his heart from ill-will.
He has cast away
`Torpor and Sloth’ (thiinamiddha); he dwells free from torpor and sloth;
loving the light, with watchful mind, with clear comprehension, he
cleanses his mind from torpor and sloth.
He has cast
away `Restlessness and Mental Worry’ (uddhacca-kukkucca); dwelling with
mind undisturbed, with heart full of peace, he cleanses his mind from
restlessness and mental worry.
He has cast away
`Doubt’ (vicikicchā); dwelling free from doubt, full of confidence in
the good, he cleanses his heart from doubt.
The Absorptions (Eighth Factor)
has put aside these five `Hindrances’ (, the corruptions of
the mind which paralyze wisdom. And far from sensual impressions, far
from evil things, he enters into the Four Absorptions (jhāna).
Insight (vipassanā) (First Factor)
A. IX. 36
whatsoever there is of corporeality, feeling, perception, mental
formations, or consciousness: all these phenomena he regards as
`impermanent’ (anicca), `subject to pain’ (dukkha). as infirm, as an
ulcer, a thorn, a misery, a burden, an enemy, a disturbance, as empty
and `void of an Ego’ (anattā); and turning away from these things, he
directs his mind towards the Deathless thus; `This, truly, is Peace,
this is the Highest, namely the end of all Kamma formations, the
forsaking of every substratum of rebirth, the fading away of craving,
detachment, extinction, Nibbāna. And in this state he reaches the
`cessation of passions’ (āsavakkhaya).
M. 39
his heart becomes free from sensual passion (kām’āsava), free from the
passion for existence (bhav’āsava), free from the passion of ignorance
(avijj’āsava), `Freed am I!’ this knowledge arises in the liberated one ;
and he knows: `Exhausted is rebirth, fulfilled the Holy Life; what was
to be done, has been done; naught remains more for this world to do’.
M. 26
For ever am I liberated. This is the last time that I’m born, No new existence waits for me.
M. 140
This is, indeed, the highest, holiest wisdom: to know that all suffering has passed away. This is. indeed, the highest, holiest peace: appeasement of greed, hatred and delusion.
The Silent Thinker
am’ is a vain thought; `This am I’ is a vain thought; `I shall be’ is a
vain thought; `I shall not be’ is a vain thought. Vain thoughts are a
sickness, an ulcer, a thorn. But after overcoming all vain thoughts, one
is called `a silent thinker’. And the thinker, the Silent One, does no
more arise, no more pass away, no more tremble, no more desire. For
there is nothing in him whereby he should arise again. And as he arises
no more, how should he grow old again? And as he grows old no more how
should he die again? And as he dies no more, how should he tremble? And
as he trembles no more, how should he have desire’?
The True Goal
M. 29
the purpose of the Holy Life does not consist in acquiring alms, honor,
or fame, nor in gaining morality, concentration, or the eye of
knowledge. That unshakable deliverance of the heart: that, indeed, is
the object of the Holy Life, that is its essence, that is its goal.
M. 51
those, who in the past were Holy and Enlightened Ones, those Blessed
Ones also have pointed out to their disciples this self-same goal as has
been pointed out by me to my disciples. And those who in the future
will be Holy and Enlightened Ones, those Blessed Ones also will point
out to their disciples this self-same goal as has been pointed out by me
to my disciples.
D. 16
disciples, it may be that (after my passing away) you might think:
`Gone is the doctrine of our master. We have no Master more’. But thus
you should not think; for the `Law’ (dhamma) and the `Discipline’
(vinaya) which I have taught you, will after my death be your master.
The Law be your isle, The Law be your refuge! Look for no other refuge!
disciples, the doctrines which I taught you after having penetrated
them myself, you should well preserve, well guard, so that this Holy
life may take its course and continue for ages, for the weal and welfare
of the many, as a consolation to the world, for the happiness, weal and
welfare of heavenly beings and men.
source of each quotation is shown by a marginal note at the head of the
quotation. The citations use the following abbreviations:
Abbreviation Document Referred To
D. Dîgha Nikāya. The number refers to the Sutta. M. Majjhima-Nikāya. The number refers to the Sutta. A. Anguttara-Nikāya. The Roman number refers to the main division into Parts or Nipātas; the second number, to the Sutta. S. Samyutta-Nikāya. The Roman number refers to the division into `Kindred Groups’ (Sa.myutta), e.g. Devatā-Sa.myutta = I, etc.; the second number refers to the Sutta. Dhp. Dhammapada. The number refers to the verse. Ud. Udāna. The Roman number refers to the Chapters, the second number to the Sutta. Snp. Sutta-Nipāta. The number refers to the verse. VisM. Visuddhimagga (`The Path of Purification’). B.Dict Buddhist Dictionary, by Nyanatiloka Mahāthera. Fund. Fundamentals of Buddhism, by Nyanatiloka Mahāthera.
The Pronounciation of Pali
Adapted from the American edition
for a few proper names, non-English words are italicized. Most such
words are in Pali, the written language of the source documents. Pali
words are pronounced as follows.
a — As u in the English word shut; never as in cat, and never as in take ā — As in father; never as in take. e — Long, as a in stake. i — As in pin. ii — As in machine; never as in fine. o — Long as in hope. u — As in put or oo in foot. ū –As oo in boot; never as in refuse.
c — As ch in chair; never as k, never as s, nor as c in centre, city. g — As in get, never as in general. h — Always,
even in positions immediately following consonants or doubled
consonants; e.g. bh as in cab-horse; ch as chh in ranch-house: dh as in
hand hold; gh as in bag-handle; jh as dgh in sledge-hammer, etc j — As in joy. .m — As the `nazalizer’ is in Ceylon, usually pronounced as .ng in sung, sing, etc. s — Always as in this; never as in these. ñ — As ny in canyon (Spanish: cañon) or as gn in Mignon. ph — As in haphazard; never as in photograph. .th — As in hot-house; never as in thin nor as in than. y — As in yes.
.t, .th, .d, .dh,.l are lingual sounds; in pronouncing, the tongue is to be pressed against the palate.
Double consonants: each of them is to be pronounced; e.g., bb as in scrub-board: tt as in cat-tail.
In the Buddhist tradition, Nibbāna has commonly been interpreted as the extinction of the “three fires”, or “three poisons”,greed (raga), aversion (dvesha) and ignorance (moha).When these fires are extinguished, release from the cycle of rebirth (saṃsāra) is attained.
Nibbāna has also been claimed by some scholars to be identical with anatta (non-self) and sunyata
(emptiness) states though this is hotly contested by other scholars and
practicing monks. In time, with the development of the Buddhist
doctrine, other interpretations were given, such as the absence of the
weaving (vana) of activity of the mind, the elimination of desire, and
escape from the woods, cq. the five skandhas or aggregates.
Buddhist scholastic tradition identifies two types of Nibbāna: sopadhishesa-Nibbāna (Nibbāna with a remainder), and pariNibbāna or anupadhishesa-nirvana (Nibbāna without remainder, or final Nibbāna). The founder of Buddhism, the Buddha, is believed to have reached both these states.
Nibbāna, or the liberation from cycles of rebirth, is the highest aim of the Theravada tradition. In the Mahayana tradition, the highest goal is Buddhahood, in which there is no abiding in Nibbāna. Buddha helps liberate beings from saṃsāra
by teaching the Buddhist path. There is no rebirth for Buddha or people
who attain Nibbāna. But his teachings remain in the world for a certain
time as a guidance to attain Nibbāna.
The State Unit of Mayawati’s Bahujan Samaj Party (BSP) is gearing up to face the coming Assembly elections. Also, Mayawati’s 20-page appeal to the voters as to why they should vote for the BSP will be released shortly, the BSP General Secretary P G R Sindhia said in Bangalore on Tuesday.
Addressing press persons he said it was heartening to note that several veteran politicians were accepting the party’s ideology.
“There is no doubt about the BSP becoming a deciding factor in the formation of the new government in the State,” he said.
Reiterating that the BSP was working towards becoming “an inclusive party,” Mr Sindhia said many people from the ‘upper castes’ were also planning to join the party.
The BSP, he said, was the first national party that had recognised the Original Inhabitants of Jambudvipa that is The Great Prabuddha Bharath Christians as a marginalised class, he added.
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Know your constituency
C V Raman Nagar Assembly Constituency (Reserved for SC) is a house of reputed institutions like Defence Ministry’s DRDO, LRDE, ADE and other departments and several software firms. It is a new constituency owing to fresh delimitation of constituencies, and comprises six wards under BBMP.
Airport ward, Jeevanbhima Nagar, Benniganahalli, C V Raman Nagar wards which earlier belonged to Varthur constituency; and Hoysalanagar and Sarvagnanagar wards that earlier beloned Bharathinagar constituency form C V Raman Nagar Constituency.
In previous Palike elections, JD(U)’s Munireddy, BJP’s Pratima Raghy, congress’ Reena Janardhana had won from Jeevanbhimanagar, Sir C V Raman Nagar and Airport wards, respectively. Congress party’s G Amuda, Munivenktatappa and Indiara had won from Hoysala Nagar, Benniganahalli and Sarvagnanagar wards, respectively.
BJP has fielded former MLA S Raghu as its candidate. Congress candidate is K C Vijaykumar and JD(S) aspirant is Manohar.
Total number: 2,19,473 Male: 1,13,524 Female: 1,05,949
Padmanabhanagar Assembly constituency is one of the new constituencies carved out of the erstwhile Uttarahalli Assembly Constituency, which was one of the largest constituencies in the country.
Padmanabhanagar Assembly constituency is one of the new constituencies carved out of the erstwhile Uttarahalli Assembly Constituency, which was one of the largest constituencies in the country.
Although it apparently seems developed, not only its outskirts but central areas also lack many basic amenities. The roads just half a kilometre inside the main road lack asphalting and there is problem for drinking water. Despite all this, land rates have reached skies similar to other parts of city, while at some places, a few tanks have vanished.
This constituency comprises of Padmanabhanagar ward, Ganesha Mandira ward, both were being represented by BJP corporators earlier and Yediyur ward which was with Congress. Previous to the last term, JD(S) corporator Padmavathi Gangadhara Gowda from Yediyur had climbed the mayor’s post. However, since after the formation of BBMP, it cannot be said that same parties have retianed strength. Hence there is equal opportunity for all.
JD(S) National president and former Prime Minister H D Deve Gowda’s house and office is in this constituency. Hence it is a prestigious constituency for JD(S) and other parties have also taken this seriously.
The candidates: JD(S) - M V Prasad Babu(Kabaddi Babu) who had represented state in national Kabaddi and the country in Asiad Olympics. BJP - former health minister R Ashok. Congress - Dr Gurappa Naidu.
Total number: 2,19,769 Male: 1,13,765 Female: 1,06,004
Nominations open for II phase of polling
DH News Service,Bangalore:
Nominations to the second phase of assembly elections scheduled for May 16, began on Tuesday, with the issuance of notification by the Election Commission
A total of 66 assembly constituencies in 10 districts will go to polls in the second phase. Addressing a press conference here on Tuesday, Chief Electoral Officer M N Vidyashankar said a total of 1.10 crore voters - including 52.02 lakh women - will be eligible to vote during the second phase. The last date for filing nominations is April 29, scrutiny of nominations will be held the next day, and the last date for withdrawal of candidature is May 2. About five candidates filed their nominations during the day in the constituencies going to the polls in the second phase. Assembly segments in the districts of Raichur, Koppal, Uttara Karnataka, Bellary, Chitradurga, Davangere, Shimoga, Udupi, Chikmagalur and Dakshina Kannada will go to the polls in the second phase. In a bid to prevent tampering of Electronic Voting Machines (EVMs), the Election Commission has decided to supply EVMs at random to polling stations. Vidyashankar said the EVMs would be randomised on the basis of each constituency, as well polling stations. The authorities have completed the process of certification of the Electronic Voting Machines. The EC has instructed completion of the process of randomisation in the presence of representatives of political parties and election observers, he added. Meanwhile, as many as 100 candidates on Tuesday filed their nominations for the first phase, taking their total number to more than 400. Wednesday is the last day for filing of nominations for the May 10 polls.
Fleet of buses, funds for JD(S), all in Rs 1 crore!
DH News Service,Bangalore:
He owns a fleet of buses and is said to be one of the major financiers of JD(S). But Chamarajpet JD(S) candidate is just over Rs 1 crore worth, according to an affidavit filed by him along with nomination papers for the upcoming polls.
As per the affidavit, Zameer’s total movable assets is around Rs 7 lakh. This includes bank balance of Rs 51,000, Rs 20,000 in the form of bonds and another Rs 5,000 as NSS and jewellery worth Rs 45,000. Besides, his wife Bibi Zohara has Rs 10,000 cash and jewellery worth Rs 2.38 lakh. Interestingly, the affidavit does not have any information on the total worth of the vehicles, especially buses and four-wheelers, that are registered in the name of National Travels, a city-based transport company, to which Zameer is one of the partners. According to the affidavit, Zameer does not own any vehicle. As per immovable assets, he owns a flat in Sadashivanagar worth Rs 45 lakh and another in Shivajinagar worth Rs 35 lakh. The affidavit also states that he has advanced Rs 13.20 lakh towards a property. He has stated in the affidavit that he is facing charges under section 468, 471 and 420 of IPC and the IV ACMM court has taken cognizance of it. But the police is yet to frame charges on him pertaining to these cases.
Zameer, who represented Chamarajpet constituency in the dissolved assembly, is a close associate of former CM H D Kumaraswamy. He was also the minister for Wakf for some time
K R Puram candidate pays Rs 14 lakh tax!
DH News Service,Bangalore:
Former Congress Minister A Krishnappa, who has filed his nomination from K R Puram constituency, has declared that he files an annual income tax of Rs 14,52,917.
According to the affidavit which the minister has submitted to K R Puram Returning Officer M Ashok along with his nomination papers, the above mentioned tax includes the Rs 2,05,830 filed as income tax by his wife Manjula.
The affidavit states that Krishnappa owns property worth Rs 7,28,85,000. This includes property worth Rs 2,09,25,000 registered in his wife’s name. That apart, Krishnappa has a total bank balance of Rs 26,94,619; and his wife’s bank account has a sum of Rs 2,06,937.
Krishnappa owns agricultural land in K R Puram Hobli and Kolar District, and non-agricultural land in Devasandra and Basavanapura villages of K R Puram Hobli in Bangalore.
That apart, he owns commercial buildings in Devasandra, Kalkere and Basavanapura villages and residential buildings in K R Puram, Devasandra and Hennur-Banaswadi Layout.
Krishnappa has a debt of Rs 95,79,600. He owes this amount to Syndicate and Punjab National Banks. Besides this, his wife Manjula owes Rs 9,85,377 to Syndicate Bank.
Election observers appointed
BANGALORE: Election observers have been appointed in Bangalore Rural district. V.P. Pyarelal (Hoskote), Ashok Dhongre (Devanahalli) Tewang Konwak (Doddaballapur) and Pradeep Kumar (Nelamangala) have been appointed election observers. P.R. Lakre will be the observer for expenses in Doddaballapur and Nelamangala Assembly constituencies and Jagadish Prasad Jangid will be the observer for expenses in Hoskote and Devanhalli Assembly constituencies. — Staff Reporter
Foolproof methods
New beginning: A first-time-voter getting her photo identity card in Shankaripuram in Hassan on Tuesday. Women in large numbers turned out to collect theirs.
For the right vote
Preparations: People turned out in large numbers to collect their photo identity cards in Gulbarga city on Tuesday.
Poll observers for Uttara Kannada
SIRSI: The Election Commission has appointed observers the six constituencies in Uttara Kannada district. They are, H.S. Mallik for Sirsi, Rashmi Varma for Kumta, Sumit Mallik for Bhatkal, Pramodkumara Patnaik for Haliyal, Sujata Chaturvedi for Karwar and Shakuntala Gamalin for Yellapur.
The Election Commission also appointed two accounts officers: Sandeep Dahiya for Kumta, Bhatkal and Sirsi constituencies and Rajesh Parde for Karwar, Haliyal and Yellapur constituencies.
As many as 654 polling booths in the district have been classified as sensitive and 150 as very sensitive.
Congress workers oppose party candidate
Staff Correspondent
They are against N.T. Bommanna contesting from Kudligi
Many of them want Venkatesh to be fielded instead
KUDLIGI (BELLARY DISRICT): Around 5,000 Congress party workers held a meeting on Tuesday and opposed the candidature of the former MLA N.T. Bommanna, for elections to the Kudligi Assembly constituency.
They blamed senior party leader and MLC K.C. Kondaiah for recommending Mr. Bommanna’s name knowing well that party activists did not approve of him. Mr. Bommanna represented Kudligi for two consecutive terms in 1985 and 1989 as a Congress candidate.
Party hopping
After being defeated in the 1994 elections, he hopped from one party to another and antagonised party workers. He has now returned to the Congress and is likely to be chosen to contest from Kudligi.
Effigy burnt
In disapproval, party workers burnt the effigy of Mr. Kondaiah on Tuesday. Kudligi constituency has been reserved for Scheduled Tribes. Mr. Bommanna belongs to the Valmiki community.
The followers of the former Minister and senior Congress leader Bhagirathi Marulasiddanagouda, had chosen to support Venkatesh, who, according to them was an able candidate.
The meeting, attended by several leaders from Gudekote “firka,” Hosahalli “firka” (which were part of the erstwhile Kottur Assembly constituency prior to the delimitation exercise) and Kudligi “firka,” including Gundmunugu Thippeswamy, Karnataka Pradesh Congress Committee (KPCC) member, Cinema Siddanagouda, Venkanna, Rajendra Prasad, Basheer Sab and Gudekote Rajanna, decided not to vote in favour of the Congress if the party fielded Mr. Bommanna.
They suspected that large amounts of money had changed hands for enabling Mr. Bommanna to be chosen, and felt that Mr. Kondaiah was instrumental in the exercise.
Mr. Thippeswamy said he would resign from the KPCC if the party did not field Mr. Venkatesh.
The party workers however, decided to defer the decision on whether to field Mr. Venkatesh as a rebel candidate, as a few more leaders had to be consulted in this regard.
‘Give us water’
Janata Dal (Secular) workers on the campaign trail were in for a big surprise when villagers of Shettikere gave them handbills recently instead of the other way around.
At every house that they visited they were given a handbill that read: “We want water, not a colour TV or rice at cheaper rates or a sari or shirt-piece.”
The people of Shettikere and surrounding villages have decided to give these handbills to all political party workers coming to them for votes. The handbill is printed in the name of Shettikere and Suttamuttala Gramastharu.
Congress workers’ protest blocks road
Special Correspondent
Demand that their leaders be nominated by the party to contest Assembly elections
— Photo: Bhagya Prakash K.
Backing their leader: Supporters of R.V. Devaraj staging a protest in front of the KPCC office in Bangalore on Tuesday demanding that he be nominated to contest the Assembly elections from Chickpet constituency.
Bangalore: The police had to be called in to disperse the crowd in front of the Karnataka Pradesh Congress Committee office on Queen’s Road. Followers of R.V. Devaraj, who has been denied a ticket to contest from Chickpet constituency, were blocking the road during peak hour on Tuesday morning.
Around the same time, Congress workers from Rajajinagar and Mahalakshmi Layout constituencies also arrived, demanding that their leaders, Puttaraju, former Deputy Mayor of Bangalore, and Nagaraju be given ticket.
Decision today
The Congress high command has withheld its decision to nominate P.R. Ramesh, former Mayor of Bangalore, whose request to contest from Chickpet constituency had been approved. He has not been given the B form for filing his nomination papers. A final decision on the nominee will be taken on Wednesday.
Mr. Devaraj, a close associate of the former Chief Minister S.M. Krishna, gave up the Chamarajpet seat, which he won in the 1999 elections, to allow Mr. Krishna to contest from there in the 2004 elections. Though he was accommodated in the Legislative Council, he resigned from the Council to contest the byelection following the resignation of Mr. Krishna after he was appointed Governor of Maharashtra. But Mr. Devaraj lost to Zamir Ahmed Khan of the Janata Dal (Secular).
Now that parts of the old Chamarajpet constituency have been included in Chickpet constituency after the delimitation process, Mr. Devaraj has sought to be nominated from Chickpet.
Owners of shops and establishments on J.C. Road, where Mr. Devaraj’s office is situated, and surrounding areas, which form part of Chamarajpet constituency, downed shutters in support of his candidature. Sources said that the party was in a fix on nominating a candidate for the Jayanagar Assembly constituency. It had announced in the first list of candidates that Samiullah would be the nominee. But the decision had to be kept in abeyance following serious reservations expressed by party workers and members of the public, sources said.
A large number of Vokkaligas in the party have reportedly urged the high command to field Mr. Krishna. The party, sources said, may ask the veteran Congressman to contest from either Maddur or Jayanagar.
The Vokkaligara Vedike of the Karnataka Pradesh Congress Committee has criticised the high command for not fielding Mr. Krishna.
Vokkaligas and OBCs resent low representation
Special Correspondent
OBC Cell chairman Ananth leaves Congress, joins the BSP
They are protesting against unfair Congress seat distribution in the first phase of elections
‘Congress paying lip service to Other Backward Classes’
Bangalore: The resentment by the Congress aspirants deprived of ticket to contest in the Assembly elections is snowballing into a major crisis. The latest to join the protest are the Vokkaligara Vedike and the Backward Classes Cell of the Karnataka Pradesh Congress Committee, who have protested against low representation to them in the first phase of elections in 11 districts.
Addressing separate press conferences, the cell chairman L.R. Ananth alleged that not a single person from the weavers and Vishwakarma castes has been accommodated by the Congress. He announced that he was joining the Bahujan Samaj Party (BSP). He said that the National General Secretary of the BSP, P.G.R. Sindhia had assured five seats to weavers in the elections, including Chickpet, where he would contest. Kadur Chandramma of the Janata Dal (S) also joined the BSP.
He said that though it was “painful” to sever relations with the Congress after 35 years of association with it, he had no option. The Congress, he alleged, was paying “lip service” to the Other Backward Classes, particularly the minorities from among them.
The vedike president T.V. Maruthi and C.R. Narayanappa, members, All India Congress Committee and G.C. Chandrasekhar, member of KPCC said that there was a gradual erosion of the number of seats to the Vokkaligas. In early 1970s, the caste used to get 65 seats and it had dwindled to 28 in the first phase of elections, while the number of Vokkaligas had gone up by 1.5 per cent and 95 constituencies were dominated by them, they said. The number of Lok Sabha seats for the community had shrunk to five from nine.
Jayanagar and Basavanagudi, they said, were Vokkaliga-Brahmin constituencies, but they had been given to others, including one to a Scheduled Caste (Bhovi), though the latter category had 36 reserved seats. They took objection to shifting the former minister Ramalinga Reddy, who belonged to the Vemana Reddy caste to B.T.M. Layout, depriving another seat to the Vokkaligas by giving it to a Muslim.
Mr. Narayanappa and Mr. Maruthi, alleged that Vokkaligas were gradually being driven out of their ancestral town. Such a trend was resulting in the erosion of the Congress base in the Old Mysore districts and it was time for the party to “wake up”, they said.
The Vokkaliga leaders demanded that at least 53 seats should be given to them, commensurate with their population in the State.
The prospect of a rebellion loomed large over the Congress party Karnataka in the wake of the release of first list of candidates for 84 assembly constituencies scheduled to go polls in the first phase of assembly polls next month.
Former Federal Minister C K Jaffer Sharief, who returned to Bangalore from New Delhi on Sunday, convened a meeting of his supporters at a resort on the outskirts of the City after the party leadership denied a ticket to his grandson Rahman Sharief from a constituency in Bangalore.
Reacting to Congress leadership’s decision against providing party tickets to the kin of senior Congress leaders, Sharief said the party should follow the same yardstick across the country.
Sharief, who has been named as the Chairman of the Congress party’s manifesto committee for the ensuing assembly polls in Karnataka, has expressed deep sense of hurt and dissatisfaction over the party’s decision to deny his grandson a party ticket.
Sharief, who has convened a meeting of his followers, is understood to be under tremendous pressure to quit the Congress and join other parties like the Bahujan Samaj Party (BSP) or the JD (S).
Similiarly, hundreds of Congress workers went on a rampage in Turuvekere in Tumkur district, stoning vehicles and setting fire to party flags in protest against the denial of ticket to cine star Jaggesh.
Jaggesh, who lost the 2004 polls as a Congress candidate, was hopeful of winning the polls during the ensuing polls. In the wake of the Congress party’s decision to deny him a ticket, Jaggesh threatened to resign from the party and contest as an independent.
Similiarly, former Federal Minister Ambareesh, who is also upset over the selection of candidates, has threatened to enter the fray from Srirangapatna assembly constituency though the Congress has already named Ravindra Srikantaiah as its official nominee.
Meanwhile, trouble is also brewing for the Congress in S M Krishna’s native Mandya district, where several unsuccessful aspirants have threatened to quit the party and join hands with the BJP
Former MLAs L R Shivarame Gowda, M S Athmananda, Kempe Gowda and Prakash, besides Madhu Made Gowda, all of whom were denied Congress tickets, met in a hotel in Bangalore and decided to explore possibilities of joining hands with the BJP.
BJP leader and former Chief Minister B S Yeddyurappa said the party leadership will discuss the matter as the BJP does not have good candidates to field in Mandya district.
BJP-JD(U) alliance in tatters
Neena Vyas
JD(U) demands that it be given 25 seats; BJP ready to offer only 10
NEW DELHI: The Bharatiya Janata Party-Janata Dal (United) alliance in Karnataka has been virtually abandoned with the JD(U) on Friday releasing its first list of candidates for 24 seats. The BJP has already declared 185 candidates in three lists.
Senior JD(U) leaders here indicated that the JD(U) would contest around 40 to 50 seats. And by no means would it be a “friendly contest”. “Aar paar ki ladai hogi” (it will be a fight to the finish), sources said.
Five rounds of talks between the two parties have yielded no breakthrough, with the BJP ready to offer only four seats from the list of 25 initially given by the JD(U). It was also admitted that the JD(U) would have settled for some specified seats where the party had credible candidates. Although at one point the BJP seemed ready to part with 10 seats, except for four the rest were seats the JD (U) did not want.
Over several decades the original Janata Dal has split several times. But party leaders cannot forget that it was a force in Karnataka, with several Chief Ministers from the Janata family — Ramakrishna Hegde (1983), S.R. Bommai (1985), H.D. Deve Gowda (1994) and J.H. Patel (1996).
Said a senior JD(U) leader, “The Janata Dal was the main opposition party in Karnataka for many decades. Its base was among the Lingayats, the Vokkaligas, Kurubas, other backward castes and Muslims. It is this base that the BJP has slowly captured and reduced our space.”
Punjab example
The party expected “big brother” BJP to be more generous, as the Shiromani Akali Dal was to the BJP in Punjab despite the fact that in the 2000 Assembly elections the BJP had won just four of some 20 odd-seats that it contested. “In Karnataka the BJP is pointing out that we won only five of 25 seats we contested in alliance during the last Assembly elections. Was that logic used against them by the Akalis in Punjab? Also, in the last Assembly elections in Karnataka, the BJP contested 198 seats, winning less than 40 per cent.”
What has disconcerted the JD(U) leadership is that after BJP’s president Rajnath Singh himself announced that there would be a BJP-JD(U) alliance in Karnataka, the BJP State unit has worked to completely sabotage it, offering terms that were simply not acceptable.
At the moment the mood in the JD(U) is sombre. It is ready to hit back in Bihar where it has an upper hand. And the BJP’s grouse is that in a spate of some 12 years the party has become the junior partner in Bihar where the JD(U) has grown at its expense. “In 1995, the then Samata Party (which later became the JD-U) had only six seats when the BJP had 36 in the Bihar Assembly,” said a BJP leader.
BSP disrupts parliament over Uttar Pradesh relief package
The Bahujan Samaj Party (BSP) forced adjournments of both houses of parliament Tuesday over its demand for a Rs.800 billion development package for Uttar Pradesh and maintained its long-standing proposal had nothing to do with Congress MP Rahul Gandhi’s recent visits to parts of the state.
‘Our demand is not 15 days or a month old. We first made the demand for a special package of Rs.800 billion for Bundelkhand and Purvanchal regions of Uttar Pradesh in June 2007. This demand has nothing to do with any individual or leader from any political party,’ Satish Chandra Mishra, BSP MP and national general secretary of the party, told reporters.
BSP MPs disrupted proceedings of the Rajya Sabha and the Lok Sabha soon after the two houses met for question hour. They raised slogans against the United Progressive Alliance (UPA) government and alleged discrimination against Uttar Pradesh.
In the Rajya Sabha, the BSP members left their allotted seats and were heard shouting ‘Uttar Pradesh ke saath bhed bhav band karo, band karo!’ (Stop discriminating against Uttar Pradesh).
The presiding officers in both houses tried to pacify the members but were forced to adjourn proceedings when the protesters remained unrelenting.
In the Lok Sabha, BSP launched a veiled attack on Gandhi for ‘politicising’ issues related to farmers in the Bundelkhand region of Uttar Pradesh and Madhya Pradesh and demanded a discussion about the plight of farmers of Bundelkhand.
Visiting the region Friday, Gandhi led protesting farmers and forced officials to hear their complaints about the rural job guarantee scheme, a flagship programme of the Manmohan Singh government.
Failing to pacify the BSP MPs, Lok Sabha Speaker Somnath Chatterjee adjourned the house till 12 p.m.
Later the MPs displayed placards and raised slogans at the entrance of the parliament building, accusing the government of failing to stop the price rise.
Mishra said Uttar Pradesh had been ruled for 57 years since independence by the Congress, the Bharatiya Janata party (BJP) and other non-BSP governments and they were responsible for widespread poverty and backwardness in Bundelkhand and Purvanchal.
Congress spokesperson Abhishek Manu Singhvi said: ‘Constructive suggestions for the development of any region are welcome. But there should be no political motive behind them.’
He argued that the Planning Commission had made ‘unprecedented allocations’ to Uttar Pradesh.
‘To press for more funds the state should take up the issue with the Finance Commission as per the norm. It can also ask for the Backward Area Regional Fund,’ Singhvi suggested.
But Mishra countered the argument that enough funds had been provided and the state had failed to fully utilize them.
‘It is wrong to say that we have not been able to utilize the funds allocated to the state. I have all details which show that this is untrue,’ he said.
BSP, which gives outside support to the UPA government, has given two months to the ruling coalition to sanction the funds, threatening to withdraw support if the demand was not met. It has 17 members in the Lok Sabha.
The BSP MPs’ move to stall parliament proceedings is being seen as an indicator of the sharpening differences between the Congress and the BSP.
Dasmunsi tries to placate irate BSP members (From the Corridors of Power)
New Delhi, April 22 Information and Broadcasting Minister Priya Ranjan Dasmunsi Tuesday tried in vain to plead with Bahujan Samaj Party (BSP) members not to disrupt question hour in the Lok Sabha. He was seen placating the BSP members, who had given notice to suspend question hour to take up the problems of drought in Bundelkhand region of Uttar Pradesh. When question hour began, the BSP members got to their feet and used lung power to force anadjournment of the house for almost an hour.
Dasmunsi held the parliamentary affairs portfolio till recently
BSP brings Parliament to a standstill over Bundelkhand issue
Stepping up pressure on the United Progressive Alliance government, Mayawati'’’s Bahujan Samaj Party on Tuesday forced brief adjournments in both the Houses of Parliament, demanding an immediate financial package of Rs 80,000 crore for Uttar Pradesh.
Stop politics in name of Bundelkhand and Poorvanchal,” the BSP members shouted in the Lok Sabha while demanding assistance for development of the two backward regions.
The BSP has raised the pitch on the issue in recent days with UP Chief Minister Mayawati threatening to withdraw support to the Centre if it failed to provide the package and bring down prices of essential commodities.
As soon as the new members took oath and Speaker Somnath Chatterjee read out a message on Earth Day, BSP member Brajesh Pathak demanded suspension of the Question Hour to take up discussion on the plight of farmers in Bundelkhand.
Newly sworn-in members of the BSP Akbar Ahmad Dumpy and Kushal Tiwari also joined the noisy protests, prompting the Speaker to take a swipe at them for their behaviour on the first day.
The Speaker, however, refused to suspend the Question Hour saying the matter could be taken in the Zero Hour. The BSP members continued with their slogan shouting and amid the din, Chatterjee adjourned the Lok Sabha for 50 minutes till noon.
When the House reassembled, BSP members raised slogans and later staged a walkout.
Similar scenes were witnessed in the Rajya Sabha where BSP member S C Mishra demanded a discussion on the ‘burning issue’ of drought in the region. Chairman Hamid Ansari adjourned the Rajya Sabha for 15 minutes as BSP members indulged in slogan shouting, disrupting the proceedings.
Mishra and other BSP members continued to raise slogans after the Upper House met again. The Chairman refused to accede to their demand, asking them to raise the issue during the Zero Hour. The unhappy BSP members then staged a walkout.
Online edition of India’s National Newspaper Wednesday, Apr 23, 2008
U.P. probe into land allotment for Amar Singh begins
Special Correspondent
Plot allotment in posh Lucknow area was made by Mulayam government
Probe being held by Principal Secretary, Urban Development
First allotment made under Economically Weaker Section scheme
LUCKNOW: The Uttar Pradesh government has initiated an enquiry into allotment of a plot to Samajwadi Party general secretary Amar Singh in the posh Gomtinagar area here.
The probe, ordered by Chief Minister Mayawati on Monday, is being conducted by S.R. Lakha, Principal Secretary, Urban Development. The proceedings commenced on Tuesday after files were submitted to him by the Lucknow Development Authority (LDA).
The plot was allotted to Mr. Singh under the Economically Weaker Section (EWS) scheme. He applied for a small plot in 1993 when Mulayam Singh was Chief Minister.
Subsequently, a 35-square metre plot was allotted to him under the scheme in the Vikas Khand area by the LDA.
According to LDA rules, for the benefit under the scheme, the applicant’s annual income has to be less than Rs.12,000.
Later, the allotment at Vikas Khand was cancelled and a 288-square metre plot was provided to Mr. Amar Singh in the prime Vipul Khand location. Some time later, a 354-square metre plot was allotted at Vipul Khand after cancelling the earlier allotment.
The fresh allotment was made during Mr. Mulayam Singh’s regime when Mr. Amar Singh was Chairman of the Uttar Pradesh Development Council.
Part of bungalow
Informed sources said the 354-square metre plot formed part of the 708.50-square metre plot at Vipul Khand on which Mr. Amar Singh’s bungalow “Aishwarya” has been constructed.
The house warming ceremony was held at February-end this year. Mr. Mulayam Singh, actor Amitabh Bachchan, his son Abhishek and daughter-in-law Aishwarya Bachchan and Samajwadi MP Jayapradha were present.
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