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VR1 MEDIA FREE ONLINE TRAINING ON PRECEPTS AND TRADE-30 - ON ETHICS THE WAY OF HOME LIFE -Apex court allows razing of Lucknow jail-Now, 2,000 sq feet replica of Ambedkar Memorial-Bramhnical/Manuwadi propaganda machinery :Show me the money
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Posted by: site admin @ 7:14 am


A disciple should show respect for his or her teacher in five ways:
1) by attending to him or her properly,
2) by making offerings and respecting him or her,
3) by looking up ti him or her,
4) by following his or her instructions, and 5) by upholding the Dhamma from the teacher and never forgetting it.

A teacher should show respect for his or her disciple in five ways:
1) by teaching according to one’s ability to learn the Dhamma,
2) by instructing the disciple in what he or she has never heard,
3) by explaining and answering his or her questions,
4) by showing one’s friendliness and kindness, and
5) by not being sparing in instruction.

The Confuscious used to say: “The aged will be cared for to the end, the mature will work, the young will be matured, and widowers, widows, the unmarried, and the handicapped will be cared for”. For the layperson observing today’s Buddhism, wisdom should be used in handling the emotions surrounding human relations. The Dhamma is used to purify, beautify, spresd, and add Buddhism to lay life. The aged, midddle-aged and the young should treat one another;because familial relations are interlinked. Fathers, mothers, sons, and daughters are all held together like inseperable links in a chain. Each person must do his or her utmost to love and respect others and strive for harmony. Each person must do his or her utmost to love and respect others and strive for harmony. For only when afamily laughs together will familial relations be happy and harmonious.

Buddhist term is made of 2 terms Buddhi and ist. Buddhi means
intellect and ist means liking. Therefore the term Buddhist means one
who likes to use his/her intellect and not just accept things blindly.
with metta,


Dear friends,
Greetings from COVA!

Commercialization of, especially,
school education in India is one of the worst outcomes of the
neo-liberal policies of our governments.  The government schools
neither address the current demands of society, nor do they match the
glitz of some of the private companies running education factories. The
state and central governments appear to have no intention to alter the

In Hyderabad, shocked by the exorbitant
hike in fees in private schools this year, even the otherwise-complacen
t middle class took to streets. COVA is spearheading this campaign in
association with a number of parents’ associations. An Open Forum last
week declared that it is high time the autocracy of the private schools
was checked. Two students’ unions called for a β€˜bandh’ on two separate
days. COVA is in the process of enlisting the support of major
political parties against gross commercialization of education and for
improvement of government school system.

 If the state shows lack of
political will to provide basic services like education and health to
its citizens, you and I have to raise our voice to improve the state of
affairs. Apart from systemic changes, individuals too have their
responsibility and can make a difference to the system. Please spare 10 minutes to read the enclosed attachment.

In solidarity for peace, harmony and social justice,


Apex court allows razing of Lucknow jail

New Delhi, July 8 ( The Supreme Court Wednesday allowed
the Uttar Pradesh government to raze a 195-acre jail besides the
Ambedkar Park in the heart of Lucknow city for construction of an
ecological park there

 State Advocate General
P.C. Mishra sought to assure the court that the new ecological park
will have neither statues nor memorials of anybody.

Mishra also sought to convince the court that the new jail on the outskirts of Lucknow will be much more spacious.

β€œA total of 4,660 prisoners can be housed in the new jail, while the old one had just 2,000-odd prisoners,” said Mishra.

The bench gave the order on a lawsuit by the state government
challenging May 14 order of the Allahabad High Court that had denied
permission to demolish the jail.


Now, 2,000 sq feet replica of Ambedkar Memorial

Lucknow Barely ten days after Chief Minister Mayawati inaugurating the
β€˜Pratibimb’ alongwith 14 other memorial structures, the 2,000-square
feet miniature replica of the Ambedkar Memorial has come up within the
complex in Gomti Nagar.
Displaying the layout of the memorial on a slanted plywood board, it
has replicas of all the structures in the complex and is flanked by
the statues of Mayawati and her mentor Kanshiram.

The two temporary statues, made of fibre, will soon be replaced with
24-feet-high bronze ones, each costing Rs 1.5 crore.

The model stands at the end of the 200-metre-long elephant gallery,
partly on the land which was incorporated after demolishing the
Bhimrao Ambedkar stadium last year.

The Uttar Pradesh Rajkiya Nirman Nigam has prepared the foundation of
Pratibimb, which will have a vast rectangular base, with steps on all
four sides leading to the top platform of over 5,000-square feet on
which the model has been created.

The base and the steps have been covered with granite slabs.
 An official associated with the project said: β€œThe main
structure of Pratibimb will have a slope in front of it to give
support to the display board. After construction, the structure will
be covered with pink sandstone.”

According to sources, the replica was ordered when the government
decided to inaugurate the projects on July 3. The plan, however, went
haywire when Mayawati decided to inaugurate Pratibimb, along with 14
other projects, suddenly on June 25 in the wake of a PIL challenging
the installation of her statues.

Memorials open from 10 am to 6 pm
From now on, memorials, spots and parks in Lucknow will remain open
from 10 am to 6 pm for public view. On Mondays, these will remain
closed. Mukesh Kumar Meshram, member secretary of the Memorial, Spot
and Institutions Management, Protection and Maintenance Committee,
said entry to these places will be free till further orders.

propaganda machinery :

The Manuwadi lies manufacturing and distribution
machinery is at it again. I don’t know which school of journalism the
journalists in manuwadi print and electronic media get themselves
trained ( if at all they do ) in journalism. They all have same
straight line of thoughts which lacks imagination and journalistic
accumen. Since last fortnight the manuwadi media is flooded
with articles, news and opinions against the memorials of SC/ST
Bahujan icons constructed by Uttar Pradesh government. All of them just
making one allegation that UP government is wasting public money in
constructing statues and parks at the cost of welfare of people. This
is nothing but concoction of lies by deliberately hiding the real
facts. The Manuwadis allege that Rs. 3000 Cr is being spent on Parks
and Statues. Even if that is true, with an yearly budget of about 1.5
Lac Crores, this amount comes to 2 % of  yearly budgetary provisions.
Since the provision for the expenditure
on memorials would have been made over years, this expenditure would come to less than 1% of yearly budget.

1 % expenditure to correct the historical wrong and
injustice meted out to SC/ST Bahujan icons by the bramhinwadis/
manuwadis of congress, BJP and SP, and to honour the great
contributions of the SC/ST Bahujan heroes by constructing their
memorials ,is a small price that 85 % of the SC/ST Bahujans of India
are ready to pay happily.

As Bahen Mayawati has rightly said , in past, if the bramhinwadi/
manuwadi congress had had given due respect to the SC/ST Bahujan icons
and honoured their revolutionary contributions, Bahen Mayawati would
not have had to do this work herself. Bahen Mayawati has to do what she
is doing, is  because the bramhnical/manuwadi congress went on
building memorials/statues , naming roads, educational institutions,
parks, in name of tom dick and harries of nehru, gandhi family,
throughout the country, projecting them as big heroes and forgetting
the real heroes like Mahatma Phule, Ramaswami Periyar, Narayan Guru,
Birsa Munda, Chatrapati Shahu Maharaj, Savitri Mai Phule, Matoshri
Ramamai Ambedkar and Dr Babasaheb Ambedkar.

Would the bramhnical/manuwadi congress let the nation
know as to why it’s government could not provide a land for Samadhi of
Dr Babasaheb Ambedkar in Delhi ?

 Would they let the nation know why Chaityabhoomi - Samadhi of
Dr Babasaheb Ambedkar could not get an inch more than meagre just 2
Guntas in Mumbai in last 53 years inspite of continuous pleas by the
Ambedkarites ?

the bramhnical/manuwadi congress let the nation know how much of prime
land in national capital they have wasted for samadhis of M K Gandhi,
Jawahar Nehru, Rajeev and Sanjay Gandhi, Indira bai, Kamla Nehru, etc.

With current market price, what is the cost of this prime land in delhi

How much of public money they have squandered on maintenance of these samadhis ?

 Did the corrupt congresswalas spent any money from their
ill gotten loot stashed in swiss banks to maintain these samadhis or it
was the money spent from the public exchequer at the cost of welfare of
the poor ?

Just to give idea of great developmental and welfare
work UP government is doing under stewardship of BSP Supremo bahen
Mayawati, following are the various developmental plans of UP
government for year 2009-2010. These facts exposes the concocted lies
being planted by the bramhnical/manuwadi media.

Facts of UP Government’s  plans in budget forΓ‚ 2009-2010  for Public welfare :

 A provision of Rs. 9,400 crore has been made for the
various schemes being implemented for the social security and welfare
of weaker and deprived sections of society, which is 29 per cent more
than the provision made in the last years budget.

Mahamaya Garib Balika Ashirvad Yojana has been launched to
  make the girls self-dependent and develop a positive
thinking in society to their birth, besides encouraging adult
marriages. An amount of Rs. 900 crore has been earmarked in the budget
for 2009-10 for the purpose.

Savitri Bai Phule Balika Shiksha Madad Yojana has been
launched to encourage girl education of the BPL families. An amount of
Rs. 412 crore has been provided in the budget

A provision of Rs. 1,704 crore has been made under the
Oldage/ Kisan Pension Scheme to cover all eligible old people above 60

A provision of
Rs. 120 crore has been made in this budget to ease the burden of debt
on poor and unemployed beneficiaries of scheduled castes (SC), whose
loans under several self-employment schemes are more than 10 years old
and are unable to repay them

Rs. 117 crore has been earmarked for providing financial
assistance for the marriage and treatment of girls belonging to poor families.

About 1.37 crore students belonging to SC/ST and General
categories studying in pre-10th and post 10th classes will be benefited
under the Pre-10th and Post 10th Scholarship Scheme. An amount of Rs.
1,193 crore has been earmarked for the purpose


 A provision of Rs. 9,846 crore has been made in the
budget for various schemes under implementation for increasing the
power generation capacity and improving the power supply system.

A provision of Rs. 7,657 crore made for roads and bridges in budget for 2009-10
Provision of Rs. 3,609 crore proposed for the construction of
rural roads.

Target has been fixed to purchase 2,209 buses in 2009-10.

 Provision of Rs. 6,231 crore made in the budget for
irrigation and flood control projects, which is about 14 percent more
than last year.

amount of Rs. 4,845 crore provided in the budget for housing, drinking
water, sewerage and other urban development programme under urban
infrastructure, which is 27 percent more than the provision made last

Provision of Rs.
1,250 crore made in the budget for houses to the urban poor free of
cost under Manyawar Shri Kanshiram Ji Shahari Garib Awas Yojana. Target
for construction of one lakh one thousand houses under the scheme

An amount of Rs. 200 crore earmarked in the budget for interest free loan to urban bodies for expansion of
infrastructure facilities and development works under Manyawar Shri Kanshiram Ji Nagar Vikas Yojana

Social Infrastructure -

 Provision of Rs. 19,037 crore made in the budget for the
education sector, which is 42 percent more than last year

At least one Girls High School to be opened in each
development block in partnership with private management in 426
identified development blocks in 2009-10 to provide secondary level
education to girls

3,000 new primary schools, 710 new junior high schools and 10,000
additional class-rooms will be constructed in 2009-10.

Target for construction of boundary walls of 14,000 schools and
electrification of 42,000 schools fixed under Sarv Shiksha Abhiyan Yojana in 2009-10

Provision of Rs. 1,211 crore made in 2009-10 for
Government Degree Colleges, aided and non-government degree colleges,
state universities and other higher education programmes

State Quality Assurance Agency will be set up to
evaluate the quality of higher education in Universities and Degree

Five New Indian Information Technology Institutes are proposed to be set up.

Medical and Health :

An amount of Rs. 6,503 crore has been made in the budget
for Medical, Health and Family Welfare Schemes, which is 16 percent
more than the last year.

Budgetary provisions of Rs. 85 crore made for the construction of PHCs
and Rs. 290 crore for CHCs buildings in 2009-10.

A provision of Rs. 1240 crore made in the budget of
2009-10 for Family Welfare Programme, which is 25 percent more than
last year.

An amount of
Rs. 1,239 crore provided for Allopathic Medical Colleges, Medical
University and super specialty Medical Institutes.

An amount of Rs. 300 crore provided for StateÒ€ℒs share
in the National Rural Health Mission, which is 28 percent more than
last year

Provision of Rs. 362 crore in the budget for Ayurvedic and Unani hospitals.

Provision of Rs. 184 crore made for the construction,
strengthening and up-gradation of Homoeopathic Medical Colleges and
Government Homeopathic Hospitals.

Women and Child Development :

With the objective of making girls self-dependent,
developing a positive attitude in society on their birth and to promote
adult marriages Mahamaya Garib Balika Ashirwad Yojana has been
launched. Under the scheme a provision of Rs. 150 crore in the
financial year 2008-09 and Rs.900 crore for the financial year 2009-10
has been made.

provision of Rs. 561 crore has been made under grant scheme for the
education of widows and their children. This will benefit 15 lakh 63
thousand destitute women.

Under Integrated Child Development Programme a sum of Rs. 1708 crore has been earmarked
Provision of Rs.
1022 crore has been made in the financial year 2009-10 to benefit 2 crore 26 lakh beneficiaries under Supplementary Meal Scheme

Rural development :

Under Dr. Ambedkar Gram Sabha Vikas Yojana a target of
six lakh for BPL and approximately one lakh individual toilets for APL
has been set for the 3712 Dr. Ambedkar Gram Sabhas selected for the
financial year 2009-10. For other village Panchayats a target of 12.89
lakh toilets for BPL families and 1.29 lakh toilets for APL families
has been fixed.

Provision of Rs. 1000 crore proposed for Rural Electrification.

Under the Rural Drinking Water scheme, Accelerated Rural
Drinking Water Scheme and Rural Drinking Water Supply Scheme are being
implemented. In the year 2009-10 budgetary provision of Rs. 378 crore
for Accelerated Rural Drinking Water Schemes has been proposed.

Budgetary provision of Rs. 223 crore has been made for
construction of 2 lakh 85 thousand houses under Indira Awas Yojna

Under Dr. Ambedkar Gram Sabha Development Scheme,
budgetary provision of Rs. 1457 crore under special component plan for
saturating all revenue villages of selected 3712 Gram Sabhas with
electricity and link roads.

For the Rural Infrastructure Development Schemes funded by Rural
Infrastructure Development Fund, a provision of Rs. 1440 crore made for
2009-10 as against Rs. 750 crores for the year 2008-09.

A target of providing employment to 50,000 persons and
generation of 35 lakh man days is fixed which is to be achieved by
increasing fish production to 4.19 lakh tonns with the implementation
of inter regional fisheries development projects in the state.

Industrial Development

Target of establishing 33000 micro and minor
enterprises, will provide employment opportunities to 1.30 lakh people.

 Target of providing employment to 30000 weavers by producing 62 crore meter handloom cloth.

Under Mukhya Mantri Gramoodyog Rozgar Scheme, target of
establishing 6500 new village industrial units fixed, which will
provide employment opportunities to 52000 persons

Agriculture and allied activities :

A provision of approximately Rs. 11064 crore year has
been made in this budget for Agriculture and allied activities which is
23 per cent more than the previous year.

 Multi Dimensional Farmer Interest Scheme is being
implemented with the objective of making fallow land cultivable. The
project costing Rs. 171 core will treat 1.40 lakh hectares land per
annum and will create 1.10 crore man days.

 Jayant Ramteke

Mayawati bashes ‘anti-people’ budget

Mayawati bashes ‘anti-people’ budget
Express News Service Posted: Jul 07, 2009 at 0536 hrs

Lucknow Chief Minister Mayawati has dismissed the Union budget as
directionless and anti-people, which has disillusioned all sections of
She said the budget proposals have vindicated her stand that the UPA
government stands only for the rich and privileged sections.

Taking particular exception to the Finance Minister’s proposal for tax
exemption on benami donations received by charitable trusts, Mayawati
said this will encourage generation of black money.

β€œThe budget has not fulfilled the expectations of the poor and weaker
sections of the country and the budgetary arrangements suggest that it
is loaded in favour of capitalists,” she said.

It is full of relief and concessions for rich people, business and the
corporate world. Tax exemption for branded jewellery is one such
proposal which will benefit only big businesses and the corporate

Criticising the Finance Minister for withdrawing the Fringe Benefit
Tax, Mayawati said this was another big concession for the corporate
world. Similarly, for the benefit of the business community, commodity
trade tax has been abolished.

Low income groups had been given only a notional relief in income tax,
while surcharge for tax payers with an annual income of Rs 10 lakh or
more has been abolished.

The Finance Minister had ignored the interests of millions of weavers
who are mostly from the SC/ST and minority communities. Moreover,
instead of providing relief to the handloom sector, the Finance
Minister had imposed eight per cent tax on the handloom products. She
alleged that this would only benefit big companies manufacturing yarn.

The chief minister also said that with the objective of benefiting a
particular business house, the Finance Minister had announced a tax
holiday for companies involved in oil and gas exploration and
production. Though in his speech, the Finance Minister mentioned
electricity in rural areas, he did not announce any specific plan for
the electrification of the villages of SC/STs and poor sections, she

Show me the money

In the run-up to Budget 2009, there
was a demand to increase the allocation of funds for SC/STs in the
country under the Special Component Plan. Whether these demands have
reached him or not, the Finance Minister promptly submitted a budget
which reduced the SCP allocation for 
SC/STs by 18 per cent.

Special Central
Assistance to the Scheduled Caste Sub-Plan is the single most important
scheme for the
SC/STs, and the lion’s share of the budget of the
Ministry for Social Justice is generally set aside and it is used
exclusively for the economic upliftment of
SC/STs. What is inexplicable
is that the SCA budget fell from Rs 577.71 crores in 2008-09 to Rs 469
crores in the 2009-10 budget.

Ironically, few
weeks before the budget exercise, the Congress party, in its new found
love for
SC/STs, visited and dined with  SC/STs in their basties in
Uttar Pradesh. Probably in return, the budget launched a new scheme
called Pradhan Mantri Adarsh Gram Yojana (PMAGY) with a gap funding of
just ten lakh rupees per village for a thousand villages. This budget
is pittance to what Uttar Pradesh spends under Ambedkar Gram Vikas
Yojana started in 1991 with more than ten thousand villages, from which
the PMAGY is inspired. The budget set aside this year is a mere Rs 100
crores for PMAGY. While this scheme claims that there are 44,000
villages with more than 50 percent SC population in India, the 2001
census shows only 28,672.

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