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Kushinara NIBBĀNA Bhumi Pagoda White Home, Puniya Bhumi Bengaluru, Prabuddha Bharat International.

July 2024
« Jan    
VRI MEDIA FREE ONLINE TRAINING ON PRECEPTS AND TRADE-49 ON MORALITY THE WAY OF CULTIVATION-FREE ONLINE TRAINING ON BUDDHISM FOR CHILDREN -10 -Ambedkar - Buddhism- A Permanent Online International Seminar on Buddhism and Buddhist Heritage of Jambudvipa, that is, the Great Prabuddha Bharath -4-Mayawati demands Rs 27 crore for new statues-Constitution of Bundelkhand Development Authority is for short term political gains and attempt to introduce central rule through backdoor —C.M. Constitution of Bundelkhand Development Authority against all democratic & constitutional norms —Mayawati C.M. emphasises for grant of fiscal and financial packages combined with direct central investment rather than a centrally controlled agency Uttar Pradesh has well developed administrative mechanisms to ensure development of Bundelkhand —C.M. C.M. writes letter to Prime Minister in this connection-Additional Cabinet Secretary and Principal Secretary Home review progress of development works and law and order of Mirzapur-C.M. announces Rs. Two lakh financial assistance to family members of each deceased in Mau incident Rs. 50 thousand for seriously injured and Rs. 25 thousand to persons having minor injuries
Filed under: General
Posted by: site admin @ 4:14 am







“Turn the other
cheek to blows and curses; do not return

Hate for hate;
maintain calm mind with angry people; and

Do not initiate other
people’s wrongdoings” (repentance Text

Of the mahisasaka
School  [Mishase Jiemo Ben])




Conjugation of

Past Tenst

Purisa                    Ekavacana                   Bahuvacana

Paṭhamā                i,ī                                 iṁsu, uṁ         

Majjhima               i,o                                ittha

Uttama                   i                                imha, imhā


For example: Pac = to cook


Purisa                    Ekavacana                   Bahuvacana

Paṭhamā                paci,
pacī                     paci
ṁsu, paciu

Majjhima               paci,
paco                    pacittha

Uttama                   paci                           pacimha, pacimhā


Also by augmenting ‘a’ before the root, e.g.,


Paṭhamā                apaci,
apacī                 apaci
ṁsu, paciu

Majjhima               apaci,
Apaco               apacittha

Uttama                   apaci                         apacimha, apacimhā


For example:

Gacchi = went                                           Hari
= carried

Vikkiṇi = sold                                            Āhari = brought

Kini = bought                                             Dadi
= gave

Uppajji = arose                                          Jāyi
= was born

Bhavi = was, became, developed             Āruhi = ascended

Hani = killed                                              Rakkhi
= protected,

Soci = lamented                                                    guarded

Ahosi = was                                               Rodi
= cried

Akāsi = made, performed                          Palāyi
= ran away

Muñci =freed, released                              Vadi
= said

Bhās = to speak                                         Bhāsi
= spoke

Pucch = to ask                                           pucchi
= asked

Likh = to write                                           likhi
= wrote

Khan = to dig                                             khani
= dug

Chind = to cut                                            chindi
= he cut

Suj = to pain                                              suji
= it pained

Pariesa = to seek                                       pariyesi
= he sought

Vand = to bow down                                 vandi
= he bowed down

worship                                           worshiped,

Āvesa = Āsevati = practices                                   Āsevi
– practiced



Kasmā = why                                       Pi = also

Nanu = is it not                                                Satthā
= teacher

Gāravena = with reference                  Bhatta = food

Amhe = to us                                       Kathaṁ = how

Iti = thus, as, so                                    Santike =

Upāsikā = lay female devotee             Bhariyā = wife

Upasakā = Lay male devotee              Idāni = now

Āha = said                                           Mayhaṁ = my

Yo = whoever, he who                         Sangāyana = Buddhist

Mā = don’t                                                                   council,

Bhadanta = Venerable                                    Tattha,
Tattra = thera

Ekadā = once                                       Ime = these

Bhagavā = Lord                                   Ariya = holy

Idaṁ, Imaṁ
= this
= welfare

Paṭhamā = first                                    Deva = divine being’

Bhikkhu =monk                                                god

Itthī = woman                                      Mahā =

Sabbattha = all over                            kalyāna = welfare’

                        everywhere                             wel-being

Bahu = many.


- Buddhism

Ramji Ambedkar (April 14, 1891 — December 6, 1956) was a Buddhist
revivalist, Indian jurist, scholar and Bahujan political leader
who is the chief architect of the Indian Constitution. Born into
an Aboriginal Inhabitants of Jambudvipa, that is, the Great Prabuddha Bharath (Untouchable Scheduled Caste) community; he spent his life fighting against
the system of Hindu untouchability and the Indian caste system. He
is also credited for having sparked the SC/ST Buddhist movement.
Ambedkar has been honoured with the Bhart Ratna, India’s highest
civilian award, given for the highest degree of national service.

A Permanent Online
International Seminar on Buddhism and Buddhist Heritage of Jambudvipa,
that is, the Great Prabuddha Bharath -4

names of 28 Buddhas
name 1 Tahakara
2 Medhakara 3 Saraakara 4 Dīpankara 5 Koṇḍañña
6 Magala 7 Sumana 8 Revata 9 Sobhita 10 Anomadassi 11 Paduma
12 Nārada 13 Padumuttara 14 Sumedha 15 Sujāta 16 Piyadassi 17
Atthadassi 18 Dhammadassi 19 Siddhattha 20 Tissa 21 Phussa 22 Vipassi 23 Sikhi
24 Vessabhū 25 Kakusandha 26 Koāgamana 27 Kassapa
28 Gautama         



In most Theravada


 countries it is the custom for Buddhists to hold elaborate festivals to
honor 28 Buddhas. For example, in various parts of Myanmar


Burma, officially the Union of Myanmar, is the largest
country by geographical area in mainland Southeast Asia, or Indochina.
The country is bordered by the People’s Republic of China on the northeast,
Laos on the east, Thailand on the southeast, Bangladesh on the west, India on
the northwest, and the Bay of Bengal to the southwest with…

, festivals are held to pay homage to 28 Buddhas, especially in the fair
weather season. The twenty eight Buddhas are said to have attained enlightenment
from the time Gautama

Gautama Buddha

Siddhartha Gautama was a Spirituality teacher in
the northern region of the Indian subcontinent who founded Buddhism. He is generally
seen by Buddhists as the Supreme Buddhahood of our age….

 attained his first definite prophecy (assurance that one will definitely
become a Buddha one day) from Dipankara


Dipankara one of the Buddhas of the past, said to
have lived on Earth one hundred thousand years.Theoretically, the number of
Buddhas having existed is enormous and they are often collectively known under
the name of “Thousand Buddhas”….

 Buddha. According to most Buddhist traditions, Maitreya Bodhisattva


Maitreya or Metteyya is a future
Buddhahood of this world in Buddhist eschatology. In some Buddhist literature,
such as the Amitabha Sutra and the Lotus Sutra, he is referred to as Ajita

 is expected to be the next Buddha.

The reclining Buddha image at Wat Suthat in Thailand depicts the spiritual leader on the verge of death.

Standing Buddha, ancient region of Gandhara, northern Pakistan, 1st century AD.




Pali language

Pali is a Middle Indo-Aryan languages or prakrit of India. It is
best known as the language of the earliest extant Buddhism scriptures, as
collected in the Pali Canon or Tipitaka, and as the liturgical
language of Theravada….


1. Tahakara


2 Medhakara







Dipankara one of the Buddhas of the past, said
to have lived on Earth one hundred thousand years.Theoretically, the number
of Buddhas having existed is enormous and they are often collectively known
under the name of “Thousand Buddhas”….Birth place is- Rammavati;
Father - King Suveda  Mother-Queen Sumed
ā; Consort - Padumā Devi;
Son-Usabhakkhandha; Chief disciples - male - Sumangala & Tissa Thera;
Female Nandā & Sunandā Theri;
Attendant-Udena Thera; Bodhi Tree -Pipphala Tree; Household Life-10,000
years; Life-span-1,00,000 years



6 Magala



Sumana-Birth place is-
Mekhala; Father - King Sudatta  Mother-Queen Sirim
ā; Consort -
Son-Anupama; Chief disciples - male - Saraa
&  Bhāvitatta Thera; Female Sonā & Upasonā Theri;
Attendant-Sāgata Thera; Bodhi Tree-Nāga Tree; Household Life-9,000 years;
Life-span-90,000 years


Revata-Birth place is- Sudhañña;
Father - King Vipula  Mother-Queen Bhadd
ā; Consort - Sudassanā ;
Son-Varua; Chief
disciples - male - Varua &  Brahmadeva
Thera; Female Sonā & Subhaddā Theri;
Attendant-Sambhava Thera; Bodhi Tree-Nāga Tree; Household Life-6,000 years;
Life-span-60,000 years


Sobhita-Birth place is-
Sudhamma; Father - King Susdhamma  Mother-Queen Sudhamm
ā; Consort
- Manilā ;
Son-Siha; Chief disciples - male - Asama &  Sunetta Thera; Female Nakulā &
Sujātā Theri;
Attendant-Anoma Thera; Bodhi Tree-Nāga Tree; Household Life-9,000 years;
Life-span-90,000 years


Anomadassi-Birth place is-
Candavati; Father - King Yasav
ā - 
Mother-Queen Yasodhar
ā; Consort - Sirimā Devi;
Son-Upavāna; Chief disciples - male - Nisabba &  Anoma Thera; Female Sundari &
Sumanā Attendant-Varua
Thera; Bodhi Tree-Ajjuna Tree; Household Life-10,000 years;
Life-span-1,00,000 years



Paduma-Birth place is-
Campaka; Father - King Asama
Mother-Queen Asam
ā; Consort - Uttarā;
Son-Ramma; Chief disciples - male - Salā &  Upasalā Thera; Female
Rādhā & Surāadhā Theri;
Thera; Bodhi Tree-Mahāsoa
Tree; Household Life-10,000 years; Life-span-1,00,000 years


Nārada-Birth place is- Dhaññavati;
Father - Monarch Suveda
-  Mother-Queen
ā; Consort - Vijjitasena;
Son-Nanduttara; Chief disciples - male - Bhaddasalā &  Vijjitamitta
Thera; Female- Uttarā & Phagguni Theri;
Attendant-Vāsettha Thera; Bodhi Tree-Mahāsoa Tree; Household Life-9,000 years;
Life-span-90,000 years


Padumuttara-Birth place is-
ṁsavati; Father - King Ananda - 
Mother-Queen Suj
ātā; Consort -
Son - Uttara; Chief disciples - male - Devala &  Sujāta Thera;
Female- Amitā & Asamā Theri;
Attendant-Sumana Thera; Bodhi Tree-Salala Tree; Household Life-10,000 years;
Life-span-1,00,000 years


Sumedha-Birth place is-
Sudassana; Father -King Sudatta
Mother-Queen Sudatt
ā; Consort - Sumana;
Son - Punabbasu; Chief disciples - male - Saraa &  Sabbakāma Thera; Female- Ramā &
Suramā Theri;
Attendant-Sāgara Thera; Bodhi Tree-Mahānipa Tree; Household Life-9,000 years;
Life-span-90,000 years


Sujata-Birth place is- Sumagala;
Father -King Ugatta
-  Mother-Queen Pabhāvati;
Consort - Srinandā;
Son - Upasena; Chief disciples - male - Sudassana &  Sudeva Thera;
Female- Nāgā & Nagamālā Theri;
Attendant-Nārada Thera; Bodhi Tree-Mahāvelu Tree; Household Life-9,000 years;
Life-span-90,000 years


Piyadassi-Birth place is-
ññavati; Father -King Sudatta - 
Mother-Queen Cand
ā; Consort - Vimalā;
Son - Kañcanavela;
Chief disciples - male - Palita &  Sabbadassi Thera; Female- Sujātā
& Dhammadinā Theri;
Attendant-Sobhita Thera; Bodhi Tree-kakudhaTree; Household Life-9,000 years;
Life-span-90,000 years


Atthadassi-Birth place is-
Sobhana; Father -King S
āgara -  Mother-Queen Sudassanā; Consort - Visākhā;
Son - Sela; Chief
disciples - male - Santa &  Upasanta Thera; Female- Dhammā &
Sudhhamā Theri;
Attendant-Sunetta Thera; Bodhi Tree- Campaka Tree; Household Life-10,000
years; Life-span-1,00,000 years


Dhammadassi-Birth place is- Saraa; Father -King Sāgara
-  Mother-Queen Sunandā; Consort -
Son – Puññavddhana; Chief disciples - male - Paduma & 
Phussa Thera; Female- Khemā & Saccanāmā Theri;
Attendant-Abhaya Thera; Bodhi Tree- BimmbijālaTree; Household Life-8,000
years; Life-span-1,00,000 years


Siddhattha-Birth place is- Vebāra; Father
-King Udena
-  Mother-Queen Suphassa;
Consort - Somanassā;
Son – Anupama; Chief disciples - male - Sambala
&  Sumitta Thera; Female- Sivalā & Suramā Theri;
Attendant-Revata Thera; Bodhi Tree- Kaṅikāra
Tree; Household Life-10,000 years; Life-span-1,00,000 years


Tissa-Birth place is- Khemaka;
Father -King Janasandha
-  Mother-Queen
ā; Consort - Subhaddā;
Son – Ānanda; Chief disciples - male -
Brahamadeva &  Udaya Thera; Female- Phussā & Suramā Theri;
Attendant- Samanga Thera; Bodhi Tree- Asana Tree; Household Life-7,000 years;
Life-span-1,00,000 years


Phussa-Birth place is- Kāsika; Father -King Jayasena - 
Mother-Queen Sirim
ā; Consort – Kisa Gotami;
Son – Anupama; Chief disciples - male -
Surakkhita &  Dhammasena Thera; Female- Cālā & Upacālā Theri;
Attendant- SabhiyaThera; Bodhi Tree- Āmaṅda
Tree; Household Life-9,000 years; Life-span-90,000 years


Vipassi-Birth place is- Bhandumati; Father -King Bhanduma -  Mother-Queen Bhandumati; Consort – Sudassanā;
Son – Samavattakkhandha; Chief disciples - male - Kaṅda
&  Tissa Thera; Female- Candā & Candamittā Theri;
Attendant- Asoka Thera; Bodhi Tree- Pālali Tree; Household Life-8,000 years;
Life-span-80,000 years


Sikhi-Birth place is- Arunavati; Father -King Aruna -  Mother-Queen Pabhāvati;
Consort – Sabbakāmā;
Son – Atula; Chief disciples - male - Abhibhu &  Sambhava Thera;
Female- Sakhilā & Samālā Theri;
Attendant- Khemaṅkara Thera; Bodhi Tree- Puṅdanika Tree; Household Life-7,000 years;
Life-span-70,000 years


Vessabhu-Birth place is- Anoma; Father -King Suppatita -  Mother-Queen Yasavati; Consort – Sucittā;
Son – Suppabuddha; Chief disciples - male - Sona &  Uttara Thera;
Female- Rāmā & Padumā Theri;
Attendant- Upasanta Thera; Bodhi Tree- Mahāsāla Tree; Household Life-6,000
years; Life-span-60,000 years



Kakusandha-Birth place is- Khemavati; Father –Brahmin Aggidatta
-  Mother-Queen Visakha; Consort – Rocini;
Son – Uttara; Chief disciples - male - Vidhura &  Sanjiva Thera;
Female- Sāmā & Campā Theri;
Attendant- Buddhija Thera; Bodhi Tree- Sirisa Tree; Household Life-4,000
years; Life-span-40,000 years

In Buddhism tradition, Kakusandha is the name
of the twenty-fifth Buddhahood, the first of the five Buddhas of the present
era, and the fourth of the seven ancient Buddhas….


Koāgamana- Birth place is- Sobhavati; Father –Brahmin Yaññadatta
-  Mother-Queen Uttarā; Consort – Rocini;
Son – Uttara; Chief disciples - male - Vidhura &  Sanjiva Thera;
Female- Sāmā & Campā Theri;
Attendant- Buddhija Thera; Bodhi Tree- Sirisa Tree; Household Life-4,000
years; Life-span-40,000 years




Kassapa Buddha- Birth place is Bharanasi-; Father –Brahmin Brahamdatta
-  Mother-Queen Dhanavati; Consort –
Son – Sattavāha; Chief disciples - male - Tisa &  Bharavadvaja Thera;
Female- Anulā & Uruvelā Theri;
Attendant- Sottija Thera; Bodhi Tree- Udambara Tree; Household Life-3,000
years; Life-span-30,000 years


In Buddhism tradition, Kassapa is the name of a
Buddhahood, the third of the five Buddhas of the present aeon , and the sixth
of the six Buddhas prior to the historical Buddha mentioned in the earlier
parts of the Pali Canon….



Gautama Buddha-Birth place is- Kapilavattu; Father –Suddhodhana -  Mother-Queen Māyādevi; Consort – Yasodharā;
Son – Rāhula; Chief disciples - male - Sariputta &  Mahāmoggallāna
Thera; Female- Khemā & Uppalavannā Theri;
Attendant-  Ānanda Thera-Bodhi Tree-
Assatha Tree; Household Life-29 years; Life-span-80/100 years

Siddhartha Gautama was a Spirituality teacher
in the northern region of the Indian subcontinent who founded Buddhism. He is
generally seen by Buddhists as the Supreme Buddhahood of our age….

Mayawati demands Rs 27 crore for new statues


Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Mayawati
on Monday demanded for a budget of Rs 27 crore for statues at the
Kashiram memorial and for other structures in the state. Presenting the
supplementary budget, she demanded for an additional Rs 550 crore for
her dream projects, which includes Rs 27 crore for new statues. Rs
1,500 crore has already been spent on several structures, including on
her own statues.

Earlier, a two
Judge bench of the Supreme Court, comprising Chief Justice K G
Balakrishnan and Justice P Sathasivam, had refused to stop the
installation of statues of Mayawati and other Dalit leaders in Noida.
The apex court bench said, the process has been approved by the state
cabinet, the court can'’t intervene, till reports of misappropriation
are brought into focus. Environmentalists are opposing the installation
of statues of Mayawati, her political mentor Kanshi Ram and Dr Bhimrao
Ambedkar on the Yamuna Riverbed near Sector 15A of Noida, alleging that
the installation violates green laws. Opposition parties in Uttar
Pradesh alleged that the government is spending around Rs 2,000 crore
for installing these statues across the state.

Press Information Bureau
(Chief Minister Information Campus)

Information & Public Relations Department, U.P.

Constitution of Bundelkhand Development Authority
is for short term political gains and attempt to
introduce central rule through backdoor

Constitution of Bundelkhand Development Authority
against all democratic & constitutional norms

C.M. emphasises for grant of fiscal and financial packages combined
with direct central investment rather than a centrally controlled agency
Uttar Pradesh has well developed administrative mechanisms
to ensure development of Bundelkhand

C.M. writes letter to Prime Minister in this connection

Lucknow : July 31, 2009

The Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Ms. Mayawati said that

Constitution of Bundelkhand Development Authority was not only against
all democratic & constitutional norms, but a short sighted and dangerous
move which seeks to sacrifice the principles of Indian democracy at the
alter of political expediency. She has strongly opposed the initiative of
forming Bundelkhand Development Authority separately and to control it

Giving this information while talking to media here today, the
Cabinet Secretary Mr. Shashank Shekhar Singh said that the Chief
Minister in a letter written to Prime Minister on July 30, 2009 had referred
to the acute problems prevailing in the Bundelkhand region and the need
to place development objectives over politics.

The Chief Minister in her letter said that it had been learnt from
press reports that despite our concerns the Government of India had set
up a Bundelkhand Development Authority, which goes against the federal
principles of the Constitution. Attention had repeatedly drawn that the
neglect of this region had faced over the last 60 years, much of which
was under Congress rule. Neither did the Congress Government introduce
any sustainable policies to integrate the development to the Bundelkhand
region spanning two states, which essentially is just a cultural entity.
However, it is a surprise that now when Uttar Pradesh & Madhya Pradesh
are ruled by opposition parties, the Central Government has suddenly
woken up to the need to set up an inter-state Council under the control of
the Central Government with the ostensible purpose of developing a
region which the Congress party had neglected since Independence.

Additional Cabinet Secretary and Principal Secretary Home review
progress of development works and law and order of Mirzapur

Lucknow : July 31, 2009

The Additional Cabinet Secretary Mr. Vijay Shankar Pandey and
Principal Secretary Home Mr. Kunwar Fateh Bahadur today reviewed the
progress of development works and law and order of Mirzapur district and
conducted spot verification of development works being carried out at the
Ambedkar village Raipuri under the Chhanve block of the district.

Both the senior officers held meeting at the auditorium of Ashtbhuja
inspection house and directed the district officers to follow the directives of
the Chief Minister strictly. They said that the functioning of the public
dealing offices like Tehsil, Block Development and Thanas should be
friendly and forthcoming towards the people. People’s problems should be
solved on priority basis, they emphasised.

The Additional Cabinet Secretary directed the officers that the Tehsil
and Thana Diwas should be made more effective and complaints received
during both the Diwas should be registered and disposed of in a time
bound manner. He said that if the district level officers solved the problems
in a sensitive and impartial manner then these problems would not have
been reported at the Government level. He directed the officers to be
present in their respective offices between 10 a.m. and 12 noon to solve
the problems of the people. He said that the funds released for particular
scheme should be utilised for that scheme only. He directed the
development related officers to conduct surprise inspection of various
schemes and development works by visiting villages of the districts.
The Principal Secretary Home directed the officers of the police
department that activities of the criminals should be checked strictly. He
said that instead of indulging in corruption and encouraging mafias, the
officers should work with honesty. He warned that those indulging in
corruption would not be spared at any cost.

The Additional Cabinet Secretary and Principal Secretary Home
conducted spot verification of development works being carried out at
Ambedkar village Raipuri and held Chaupal at the primary school and
inquired from the villagers about the BPL card, job cards, Antyoday, Janani
Suraksha Yojna, Aganbari, distribution of food grains, kerosene etc. On
receiving complaints about the irregularities in job cards, they directed the
C.D.O. to conduct verification of all job card holders and send its report to
the Government. Likewise, suspecting irregularities in pension and other
works, they directed the D.M. to conduct inquiry against the Gram
The Divisional Commissioner Vindhyachal Mr. Satyajeet Thakur,
D.I.G. Mr. Chandra Dev Tiwari, D.M. Dr. Ramakant Shukla, SP, C.D.O. and
other officers of the district were present on the occasion.
C.M. announces Rs. Two lakh financial assistance to
family members of each deceased in Mau incident
Rs. 50 thousand for seriously injured and Rs. 25
thousand to persons having minor injuries

Lucknow : July 31, 2009

The Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Ms. Mayawati has
announced Rs. two lakh as financial assistance to the family
members of each deceased in the violent incidents occurred
recently in Mau. She has also announced Rs. 50-50 thousand to
seriously injured persons and Rs. 25-25 thousand to persons
having minor injuries. She has directed to district magistrate of
Mau to make available the amount of financial assistance
immediately to affected families.

The Chief Minster has expressed her heartfelt condolences
and deep sympathies to the family members of the deceased and
wished speedy recovery for injured persons. She has also
directed district administration to provide proper medical facility
to injured persons.

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