Free Online FOOD for MIND & HUNGER - DO GOOD 😊 PURIFY MIND.To live like free birds 🐦 🦒 πŸ¦… grow fruits 🍍 🍊 πŸ₯‘ πŸ₯­ πŸ‡ 🍌 🍎 πŸ‰ πŸ’ πŸ‘ πŸ₯ vegetables πŸ₯¦ πŸ₯• πŸ₯— πŸ₯¬ πŸ₯” πŸ† πŸ₯œ πŸŽƒ πŸ«‘ πŸ…πŸœ πŸ§… πŸ„ 🍝 πŸ₯— πŸ₯’ 🌽 🍏 πŸ«‘ 🌳 πŸ“ 🍊 πŸ₯₯ 🌡 🍈 🌰 πŸ‡§πŸ‡§ 🫐 πŸ… 🍐 πŸ«’Plants 🌱in pots πŸͺ΄ along with Meditative Mindful Swimming πŸŠβ€β™‚οΈ to Attain NIBBΔ€NA the Eternal Bliss.
Kushinara NIBBΔ€NA Bhumi Pagoda White Home, Puniya Bhumi Bengaluru, Prabuddha Bharat International.

July 2024
« Jan    
VR1 (WE ARE ONE) +ve NEWS-CM inaugurates new buildings of Lucknow Jail equipped with high-class facilities and security arrangements to people-ONLINE TRAINING ON PRECEPTS AND TRADE-70-Women benefiting from group farming in Uttar Pradesh-Wealth is lost nothing is lost-Learn English through FM channel in UP-INTERNATIONAL JIVAKA PRESUMPTIVE HEALTH PROTECTION (IJPHP) -FREE ONLINE TRAINING ON BUDDHISM FOR CHILDREN-30-Health is lost something is lost FREE ONLINE TRAINING ON BUDDHISM FOR CHILDREN-31-The Tree That Acted Like a Hunter [Impatience] -The moral is: The wise remain innocent.-A BLUE PRINT FOR LIFE ON KNOWLEDGE THE WAY OF STUDY-Precepts (Character, morality self-discipline) is lost everything is lost
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Information Bureau
(Chief Minister Information Campus)
Information and Public Relations Department, U.P.

CM inaugurates new buildings of
Lucknow Jail equipped with high-class
facilities and security arrangements to people

Lucknow::September 04, 2009

The Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Ms. Mayawati
inaugurated the new buildings of Lucknow District
Jail, Model Jail and Nari Bandi Niketan here today at
her official residence. On this occasion, she said that
old buildings of Jail were not safe and secure. The
buildings of District Jail and Model Jail were
constructed in 1861 and 1867 respectively.
Following the directives of Courts, Human Rights
Commission and Government of India, the prisoners
had to be kept with human dignity equipped with
complete basic facilities, she added.

The Chief Minister said that the old buildings of
Lucknow Jail were far away from the city population
at the time of their construction. Later on, these
buildings came in midst of people due to the
expansion of the city and security hazards were
being created. Besides, owing to the adoption of
modern technology and changed methods of
criminals in last few years, it became necessary to
change the design of Jail buildings. She said that old
District Jail had the capacity of 1004 prisoners
against which 2,680 prisoners were jailed there at
present. She said that expansion of Jail building was
not possible keeping in view in the midst of the

Ms. Mayawati said that buildings of the Jail had
been constructed at the new place with high class
security and other arrangements. Besides, different
facilities for the welfare and improvement of
prisoners had been provided.

It may be recalled that the State Government
made available 81.068 hectare of land to Jail
Department on Mohanlalganj-Gosainganj route for
the buildings of Lucknow District Jail, Model Jail and
Nari Bandi Niketan and an amount of Rs. 327.965
crore was sanctioned for the construction of these
buildings. The new Model Jail and Nari Bandi
Niketan would have the capacity of 600 and 420
prisoners respectively. The District Jail would have
the total capacity of 3,640 prisoners instead of
1,004 prisoners of present District Jail.
The new Jails would have modern kitchen, 80-
bed hospital safe meeting place, sewerage
treatment plant, multi-purpose hall, school buildings
in each circle, canteen, visitors’ shade, bakery
building etc. Better arrangements for the training
and improvement of prisoners had been made in the
new Jail, so that prisoners could start their new life
after completing their prison period. X-ray scanning,
high security premises, CCTV, court room, video
conferencing room, central watch towers, high mast
light, police chowki, sensitive prisoner room, police
barrack, police MT garage facilities had been
provided in these buildings. The Government has
sanctioned 364 and 124 posts for new District Jail
and Nari Bandi Niketan respectively.



sending β€œCASH” money to a

ABSOLUTELY DO NOT send any money
using Western
/ Moneygram. 

Always deal ONLY locally by meeting
the seller/buyer in person.

READ and UNDERSTAND the methods used
by Fraudsters in the link above.


Women benefiting from group farming in Uttar Pradesh

Lucknow, Sep. 6 (ANI): Women in the Campierganj district of Uttar
Pradesh have formed small farming communes under which they are grow
various crops and reap reasonable benefits to run their households

Be it sowing, reaping or selling the crops in the local market, the
women of Sarapta village are capable of handling it all by themselves.

β€œWe made a group, an association. Within an acre of land we grow a
variety of crops. We are putting a lot of hard work into farming. We
also go to the market to sell our produce. We are reaping considerable
profits because we are working in a group,” said Ramrati, the head of
one such group.

Each group consists of eight to twelve members. All of them work
together and grow a variety of crops, including paddy, sugarcane,
pulses and vegetables.

β€œWe use the money for our families, especially for our children. We
grow vegetables and other crops. If the government helps us in our
venture, it would be good,” said Arti, a member.

The investments are also collective and the profits are shared
amongst the women. The women have been growing their crops in a
scientific manner, and the fields do not remain barren at any time.

The crops are rotated, which helps in keeping the soil nutrients intact.

There are twelve such groups in the village. (ANI)

is lost nothing is lost

Learn English through FM channel in UP
STAFF WRITER 10:23 HRS ISTAbhishek Bajpai

Lucknow, Sep 4 (PTI) Switch on the radio to learn
English - this is the mantra of Uttar Pradesh education
department for students wanting to learn the language.

In a bid to make the learning process interesting, the
department has chalked out an ambitious plan to teach English
language to students through FM channel.

“We are in the process of starting an English learner
programme for students through radio in select districts of
Uttar Pradesh,” Principal of District Institute of Education
and Training (DIET) Lalita Pradeep told PTI.

“We have already roped in Rainbow, the FM channel of
All India Radio, which will broadcast the programme in
Lucknow. In rest of the districts it will be aired through
primary channel,” she added.

Other than Lucknow, five districts which will be
covered under the programme include Rae Bareli, Unnao, Hardoi
Lakhimpur Kheri and Sitapur



Betel Leaf


Piper betle


a.k.a. Betel Pepper



A green leafy vine growing as a
ground cover or small climber, very similar in growth habits to pepper.

Description: The betel leaf plant is a branching
vine, that may climb as high as 10-15ft, although it often grows as an
understory ground cover.

Hardiness: It is generally too tender to grow outside of the tropics.

Growing Environment: The plant prefers warm, humid conditions, but can
tolerate some drought.

Propagation: Usually propagated by divisions.

Uses: The betel leaf is used in a number of
traditional remedies for the treatment of stomach ailments, infections, and as
a general tonic. It is often chewed in combination with the betel nut (Areca
as a stimulatory. Some evidence suggests that betel leaves have
immune boosting properties as well as anti-cancer properties.

Native Range: Native to India. - A Modern Herbal, by Mrs. M. Grieve


Botanical: Piper betel (LINN.)
Family: N.O. Peperaceae

—Synonyms—Chavica Betel. Artanthe Hixagona.
—Part Used—The leaves.
—Habitat—India, Malaya and Java.

—Description—The Betel plant is indigenous throughout the Indian Malay
region and also cultivated in Madagascar,
Bourbon and the West Indies. It is a climbing
shrub and is trained on poles or trellis in a hot but shady situation. The
leaves are pressed together and dried, sometimes being sewn up together in
packets for commerce.

—Constituents—The chief constituent of the leaves is a volatile oil
varying in the leaves from different countries and known as Betel oil. It
contains two phenols, betel-phenol (chavibetol) and chavicol. Cadinene has also
been found. The best oil is a clear yellow colour obtained from the fresh
leaves. The Indians use the leaves as a masticatory (the taste being warm,
aromatic and bitter), together with scraped areca nut and lime.

—Medicinal Action and Uses—The leaves are stimulant antiseptic and sialogogue; the oil
is an active local stimulant used in the treatment of respiratory catarrhs as a
local application or gargle, also as an inhalant in diphtheria. In India the
leaves are used as a counter-irritant to suppress the secretion of milk in
mammary abscesses. The juice of 4 leaves is equivalent in power to one drop of
the oil.

—Dosage—Betel oil, 1 to 2 minims.


Health is lost something is lost


The Tree That Acted Like a Hunter

Once upon a time, there was an antelope who
lived in the deep forest. He ate the fruits that fell from the trees. There was
one tree that had become his favorite.

In the same area there was a hunter who
captured and killed antelopes and deer. He put down fruit as bait under a tree.
Then he waited, hiding in the branches above. He held a rope noose hanging down
to the ground around the fruits. When an animal ate the fruit, the hunter
tightened the noose and caught him.

Early one morning the antelope came to his
favorite tree in search of fruits to eat. He did not see that the hunter was
hiding in it, with his noose-trap ready. Even though he was hungry, the
antelope was very careful. He was on the lookout for any possible danger. He
saw the delicious looking ripe fruits at the foot of his favorite tree. He
wondered why no animal had yet eaten any, and so he was afraid something was

The hiding hunter saw the antelope approaching
from a distance. Seeing him stop and take great care, he was afraid he would
not be able to trap him. He was so anxious that he began throwing fruits in the
direction of the antelope, trying to lure him into coming closer.

But this was a pretty smart antelope. He knew
that fruits only fall straight down when they fall from trees. Since these
fruits were flying towards him, he knew there was danger. So he examined the
tree itself very carefully, and saw the hunter in the branches. However, he
pretended not to see him.

He spoke in the direction of the tree.
“Oh my dear fruit tree, you used to give me your fruits by letting them
fall straight down to the ground. Now, throwing them towards me, you do not act
at all like a tree! Since you have changed your habits, I too will change mine.
I will get my fruits from a different tree from now on, one that still acts
like a tree!”

The hunter realized his mistake and saw that
the antelope had outsmarted him. This angered him and he yelled out, “You
may escape me this time, you clever antelope, but I’ll get you next time for

The antelope realized that, by getting so
angry, the hunter had given himself away a second time. So he spoke in the direction
of the tree again. “Not only don’t you act like a tree, but you act like a
hunter! You foolish humans, who live by killing animals. You do not understand
that killing the innocent brings harm also to you, both in this life and by
rebirth in a hell world. It is clear that we antelopes are far wiser than you.
We eat fruits, we remain innocent of killing others, and we avoid the harmful

So saying, the careful antelope leaped into
the thick forest and was gone.

The moral is: The wise remain innocent.




Practice does not mean practice in isolation for one’s own

Practice should include going to temples, acquiring good

knowledge, and 
seeking the Dhamma. At the same time, one must

strive to protect as well as spread the Dhamma.

Precepts (Character, morality
self-discipline) is lost everything is lost

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