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VR1 (WE ARE ONE ) +VE NEWS MAY YOU BE EVER HAPPY, WELL AND SECURE! MAY YOU LIVE LONG! MAY ALL BEINGS BE EVRER HAPPY, WELL AND SECURE! MAY YOU ALWAYS HAVE CALM, QUIET, ALERT, ATTENTIVE AND EQUANIMINTY MIND! WITH A CLEAR UNDESRSATNDING THAT NOTHING IS PERMANENT! MERITS makes us HAPPY MORALITY makes us HAPPIER MEDITATION makes us HAPPIEST-The Story of Kapila- C.M. writes letter to P.M. C.M. requests P.M. to direct Union Ministry of Road Transport and Highways to sanction 60 projects worth Rs. 1424 crore-No import of sugar till sugar cane crushing completes β€” State Government Rs. 5939.87 crore payment by sugar mills to cane farmers so far
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Press Information Bureau
(Chief Minister’s Information Campus)
Information and Public Relations Department, U.P.

C.M. writes letter to P.M.

C.M. requests P.M. to direct Union Ministry of Road Transport

and Highways to sanction 60 projects worth Rs. 1424 crore

Lucknow: 06 February 2010

In a letter written to Prime Minister the Uttar Pradesh Chief

Minister Ms. Mayawati has said that the state government had sent
60 proposals of Rs. 1424 crores to the Union Ministry of Road
Transport and Highways, but none of the projects had been
sanctioned as yet. She said that State Highways and National
Highways are the backbone of the economic growth of the country
and Government of India should release funds under Central Road
Fund scheme for widening and strengthening of State Highways.
The Chief Minister referred to the meeting of Mr. Nasimuddin
Siddiqui, P.W.D. Minister, Govt. of U.P. with Mr. Kamal Nath, Union
Minister, Government of India on 24-11-09, in which he apprised Mr.
Kamal Nath about the poor condition of the highways. Mr. Kamal
Nath had given an assurance to clear the pending proposals, but no
sanction had been received from Government of India, so far. She
said that only two months of the financial year now remain, and if
these projects are not cleared within a week then the State
Government would certainly lose the bank of sanctions on the basis
of expenditure incurred. This would also limit sanctions in the next
financial year, she added.

In her letter, Ms. Mayawati said that the State Government had

also been requesting the Union Ministry of Road Transport and
Highways to reimburse the balance of Rs. 135.34 crores against the
utilization certificates submitted to Government of India by State

The Chief Minister has requested the P.M. direct the concerned

Ministry to sanction these projects and reimburse the amount at the
No import of sugar till sugar cane crushing completes
β€” State Government

Rs. 5939.87 crore payment by sugar mills to cane farmers so far

Lucknow:02 February 2010

Keeping in view the interests of sugar cane farmers, the Uttar Pradesh

Government has taken the decision that sugar mills would not process the
imported raw sugar, unless the crushing of canes would be completed. Due to
the efforts of the state government the cane farmers are getting the payment of
Rs. 260 per quintal at present.

Giving this information the state government spokesman said that the
state government had deferred the import/transport of raw sugar in this state by
railway rakes with a view to providing maximum price to cane farmers in the
current crushing season and make their fields vacant. The spokesman said that
sugar mills had made Rs. 5939.87 crore payment till February 01, 2010 against
the supplied cane price of Rs. 6926.58 crore. It may be recalled that period of 14
days has been fixed for cane price payment by sugar mills, but immediate
payment has been made before this time limit.

The spokesman said that state government was fully committed and
sensitive towards the cane farmers therefore, the government had made one
time record increase of Rs. 25 per quintal in SAP. This SAP is minimum SAP,
therefore with the incentive payment amount the cane farmers are getting Rs.
260 per quintal. Besides, directives had been issued to provide other facilities to
cane farmers.

The spokesman said that in view of the increase in cost of sugar cane
production and demands of farmers, the state government had taken the
initiative for mutual consent between cane development
committees/representative of cane farmers and sugar mills to provide
incentives/facilities to cane farmers, besides SAP. As a result, the cane farmers
are getting the payment of Rs. 260 per quintal.

The spokesman said that special efforts were being made to strengthen
economic condition of farmers and increase cane production. Stringent action
was being taken against the guilty persons. Massive drive has been launched to
check the less weighing of canes in sugar mills and other irregularities, due to
which 211 weighing clerks had been suspended, so far and F.I.Rs had been
lodged against sugar mill owners in 59 cases. The state government has made it
clear, that any slackness or carelessness with regard to complaints of cane
farmers would be severely dealt with.

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