Free Online FOOD for MIND & HUNGER - DO GOOD 😊 PURIFY MIND.To live like free birds 🐦 🦒 πŸ¦… grow fruits 🍍 🍊 πŸ₯‘ πŸ₯­ πŸ‡ 🍌 🍎 πŸ‰ πŸ’ πŸ‘ πŸ₯ vegetables πŸ₯¦ πŸ₯• πŸ₯— πŸ₯¬ πŸ₯” πŸ† πŸ₯œ πŸŽƒ πŸ«‘ πŸ…πŸœ πŸ§… πŸ„ 🍝 πŸ₯— πŸ₯’ 🌽 🍏 πŸ«‘ 🌳 πŸ“ 🍊 πŸ₯₯ 🌡 🍈 🌰 πŸ‡§πŸ‡§ 🫐 πŸ… 🍐 πŸ«’Plants 🌱in pots πŸͺ΄ along with Meditative Mindful Swimming πŸŠβ€β™‚οΈ to Attain NIBBΔ€NA the Eternal Bliss.
Kushinara NIBBΔ€NA Bhumi Pagoda White Home, Puniya Bhumi Bengaluru, Prabuddha Bharat International.

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322 LESSON 21 07 2011 Dhaniya Sutta Dhaniya the Cattleman FREE ONLINE eNālandā Research and Practice UNIVERSITY and BUDDHIST GOOD NEWSletter to VOTE for BSP ELEPHANT to attain Ultimate Bliss-Through Scheduled Castes Scheduled Tribes Centre for Trade and Business Practice-Britons may soon fly cars!-Indochina Buddhist Exploration 15 Days
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Posted by: site admin @ 2:47 am

322 LESSON 21 07 2011 Dhaniya Sutta Dhaniya the Cattleman  FREE ONLINE eNālandā
Research and Practice UNIVERSITY and BUDDHIST GOOD NEWSletter to VOTE for BSP
ELEPHANT to attain Ultimate Bliss-Through Scheduled Castes Scheduled Tribes Centre for
Trade and Business Practice-Britons may soon fly cars!-Indochina Buddhist Exploration 15 Days

the cattleman:[1]

“The rice is cooked, my milking done. I live with my
people along the banks of the Mahi; my hut is roofed, my fire lit: so if you
want, rain-god, go ahead & rain.”


“Free from anger, my stubbornness gone,[2]
I live for one night along the banks of the Mahi; my hut’s roof is open, my
fire out:[3]
so if you want, rain-god, go ahead & rain.”


“No mosquitoes or gadflies are to be found. The cows
range in the marshy meadow where the grasses flourish. They could stand the
rain if it came: so if you want, rain-god, go ahead & rain.”


“A raft, well-made, has been lashed together.[4]
Having crossed over, gone to the far shore, I’ve subdued the flood. No need for
a raft is to be found:[5]
so if you want, rain-god, go ahead & rain.”


“My wife is compliant, not careless, is charming,
has lived with me long. I hear no evil about her at all: so if you want,
rain-god, go ahead & rain.”


“My mind is compliant, released, has long been
nurtured, well tamed. No evil is to be found in me: so if you want, rain-god,
go ahead & rain.”


“I support myself on my earnings. My sons live in
harmony, free from disease. I hear no evil about them at all: so if you want,
rain-god, go ahead & rain.”


“I’m in no one’s employ,[6]
I wander the whole world on the reward [of my Awakening]. No need for earnings
is to be found: so if you want, rain-god, go ahead & rain.”


“There are cows, young bulls, cows in calf, &
breeding cows, & a great bull, the leader of the herd: so if you want,
rain-god, go ahead & rain.”


“There are no cows, no young bulls, no cows in calf
or breeding cows, no great bull, the leader of the herd:[7]
so if you want, rain-god, go ahead & rain.”


“The stakes are dug-in, immovable. The new
muΓ±ja-grass halters, well-woven, not even young bulls could break: so if you
want, rain-god, go ahead & rain.”


“Having broken my bonds like a great bull, like a
great elephant tearing a rotting vine, I never again will lie in the womb: so
if you want, rain-god, go ahead & rain.” The great cloud rained down
straightaway, filling the lowlands & high. Hearing the rain-god pour down,
Dhaniya said: “How great our gain that we’ve gazed on the Blessed One! We
go to him, the One with vision, for refuge. May you be our teacher, Great Sage.
My wife & I are compliant. Let’s follow the holy life under the One
Well-gone. Gone to the far shore of aging & death, let’s put an end to
suffering & stress.”


“Those with children delight because of their
children. Those with cattle delight because of their cows. A person’s delight
comes from acquisitions, since a person with no acquisitions doesn’t


“Those with children grieve because of their
children. Those with cattle grieve because of their cows. A person’s grief
comes from acquisitions, since a person with no acquisitions doesn’t

; AN
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Scheduled Castes Scheduled Tribes
Centre for Trade and Business Practice

Uttar Pradesh Government has made Reservation in contracts upto Rs.25
lakh for SC/ST, so far, contracts worth Rs.1,623
crore allotted.

 About 4 lakh S/C families
allotted more than 3,500 hectares of land.

 Mahamaya Polytechnics for Information
Technology set up for these categories of students

Regularisation of landless SC/ST people in possession of gram sabah
land upto13May,2007

Enterprises; allotment of more than 4,000 fair price shops; together
with the establishment of a Rs.100 crore β€œleather
park and shoe mandi”: in Agra,
exemption from VAT of Agra
Footwear Industry.

SC/STs are second to
none as far as intelligence and entrepreneurship is concerned. They only have
to be given   an opportunity.

Rajesh Saraiya, who
owns a multi-national company in Ukraine, SteelMont Pvt Ltd, that trades in
metals is the first Scheduled Caste billionaire in India.

Belonging to a middle
class family based in Dehradun, Rajesh completed his education in aeronautical
engineering from Russia.

Britons may soon fly cars!

London, July 18 (IANS) A flying car which usually finds
its mention in children books or animated cartoon movies, may soon become a
reality in Britain.

experts are saying a flying car could be in regular use in Britain within five
years after a model was formally approved by US authorities, Daily Mail
reported Monday.

$250,000 Terrafugia Transition is a two-seater aircraft, which has a top speed
of 115 mph, a range of 500 miles on a tank of fuel and requires just 20 hours
training to fly.

The car,
at the touch of a button, takes just 15 seconds for its wings to fold up
automatically and the power to be re-routed from the propeller to the rear

It can
then be driven at up to 65 mph and will comfortably fit in a standard size

like a little Transformer,’ said Terrafugia founder Carl Dietrich, referring to
the children’s toys that were turned into a blockbuster movie franchise.

aimed primarily at buyers in the US where there are plenty of airstrips and 600
‘fly-in’ communities - Boeing 707 owner John Travolta being the best-known fan
- more than 20 Britons have already declared an interest in the carbon-fibre

“People have to
change from inside. They have to change their ideology, their mentality and
look around the world for what is happening. There are so many opportunities,”
said Saraiya.

Our sole purpose is
to bring together Scheduled Caste/Scheduled Tribes (SC/ST)  businessmen is an organisation which works
for the betterment of SC/ST Traders and businessmen in the country.

Despite being a great accomplishment, the grim reality in the conditions of the
marginalized sector has not changed in the country.

About 88 percent of
Adivasis and Scheduled Castes in the country, spend less than Rs. 20 a day.
We must  try to bring together SC/ST
Traders and Businessmen as part of acquiring the MASTERKEY.

The CII’s
move to increase sourcing goods and services from Scheduled Caste and Scheduled
Tribe entrepreneurs can bring about much awaited change.

When 33-year-old Devanand Londhe, a civil
engineer from Kolhapur University, decided to leave his job as a disaster
management consultant and turn entrepreneur in 2008, he was in for a rude
shock. Despite the economic and social changes in the democratic country, he
realised that being a member of Scheduled Caste can still create numerous

Londhe wanted to start a garment manufacturing
unit in his home district of Sangli, Maharashtra, but could not find someone
who would lend him Rs. 7 lakh to start his unit. A bank denied him the loan at
the last minute, without giving any valid reason.

delayed his plans to start the unit by a year, and forced him to sell his house
and wife’s jewellery and take loans from a money lender to meet the shortfall.
β€œMy qualifications and ability did not matter; age-old perceptions and
discriminations did,” says Londhe.

In the past two years, however, he has made
good progress. Today, he employs 225 people in his business of exporting gloves
to Japanese firms and has a turnover of more than Rs. 1 crore. Still, he
faces difficulties in getting orders or funding from within the country. It is
no surprise then that Londhe feels buoyed by the Confederation of Indian
Industry’s (CII) latest open declaration for affirmative action. On May 18, CII
President B. Muthuraman announced that the industry body will work closely with
the Dalit Indian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (DICCI) to increase sourcing
of goods and services from Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribe (SC and ST)
entrepreneurs by 10 to 20%. Today, DICCI has 1,000 entrepreneurs as
members, 400 of whom are in Maharshtra. In 2005, when it started, it had only
100 members.β€œ[The CII] should have done this a long time ago,” says Londhe, who
could not take up an order from a Tata group company last year for
manufacturing  21 lakh pairs of gloves because no financier believed he
could deliver to the Tata group. He feels such an open declaration could bring
about a sea change in the way SC/ST entrepreneurs are perceived in society.β€œIt
is a significant event since it is the first time the industry is officially
declaring this,” says Chandra Bhan Prasad, one of the leading SC thinkers in
the country. Prasad has been spearheading the cause of affirmative action both
in public and private sector.

says that although there are many SC/ST businessmen in the country, they are
weighed down by negative perceptions and most are unable to grow their
businesses beyond Rs. 50 crore. Most SC/ST entrepreneurs end up becoming third
party suppliers in large businesses. β€œThey don’t get a direct first party
contract,” he says.β€œIt is tough enough in government dealings, but in the
private sector it is worse,” says Ratibhai Makwana, who speaks from his
experience of more than six decades as a businessman in Gujarat, with a
turnover of Rs. 200 crore. There is another reason why the call for
affirmative action in the private sector is being taken as a watershed event by
SC/ST businessmen and thinkers. β€œWe want to be job givers, not job seekers,”
says Adhik Rao Sadamate of Sadamate Industries, as he complains against the continuing
stereotyping of SC/STs as incapable of delivering quality. Prasad feels that
while the move will benefit many young SC/ST entrepreneurs to gain a footing in
business, the real benefit is the possible change in the way in which SC/STs
are looked at, by themselves and others. β€œWe need role models. SC/ST
entrepreneurs need to believe and this could be the gentle push they need,” he
says. Milind Kamble, head of DICCI, says he is busy finalising a list of about
400 members who could well be the first ones to benefit from the CII’s
move. Joint steps

The Confederation of Indian Industry (CII) has
also set a target of training 50,000 youngsters from among the Scheduled Castes
and Scheduled Tribes (SCs and STs)and facilitate an equal number of them with
employment in 2011-12. Milind Kamble, head of the Dalit Indian Chamber of
Commerce and Industry (DICCI), says the CII would be using its own training
centres, in places like Pune and Ahmedabad, for this purpose.


By the first week of June, DICCI will be
providing the CII with a list of 400 SC/ST entrepreneurs, from among its 1,000
members, who could benefit from the CII’s move to increase sourcing of goods
and services from SC and ST entrepreneurs

Indochina Buddhist Exploration 15 Days



Day 1: Kuala Lumpur Arrival (16.10.2011)
Arrival in
Kuala Lumpur. Meet and greet and transfer to hotel. Check in at the hotel and
free at your own leisure. Overnight in Kuala Lumpur.

Day 02: Kuala Lumpur (B, L)(17.10.2011)

Breakfast at the
hotel. Enjoy Full day Kuala Lumpur City & Temple Tour.

1. Tugu Negara
(National Monument)

2. LakeGardens,
area includes: - KL Bird Park (pass by), - Orchids & Hibiscus Gardens (pass

3. DataranMerdeka
(Merdeka Square)
Enjoy Lunch at local Indian Restaurant.


5. KingPalace
(photo stop)

PetronasTwinTower (photo stop)

7. Chocolate

8. Visit to
TheanHouBuddhistTemple (This six-tiered ChineseBuddhistTemple is one of the
largest temples in South East Asia)

9. Visit to
ThaiBuddhistChetawanTemple in Petaling Jaya

10. Visit to
Buddhist MahaVihara

11. Visit to Sri

Day 3: Kuala Lumpur Departure – Vientiane Arrival (B, D)
(18.10.2011) (arrival at 16:40)

Breakfast at the hotel in Kuala
Lumpur. Free at leisure until transfer to Kuala LumpurAirport for your

Welcome to Vientiane. Your guide and private car will
meet you at the airport and transfer you to your hotel for check-in. The rest
of the day is at your leisure to explore Vientiane, whose name means ‘the
cityuo of sandal wood’. Vientiane is one of the quietest capitals in the world,
far away from the bustle and hustle of other Asian capitals and far from the
real-estate frenzy of the regional megalopolis. Overnight in Vientiane.

Day 4:
Vientiane (B, L, D) (19.10.2011)
Your journey will continue by travelling outside of Vientiane to a
forest temple renowned for its work in Engaged Buddhism, or Buddhism for
development. At the forest temple, you will tour the temple’s gardens and learn
about their grassroots recycling techniques. You will contribute to the beauty
of the temple’s herbal garden by planting your own plants, or strolling through
the gardens. Then, you will engage in a meditation training session. This
relaxed excursion provides the luxury of tranquility and time for you to
practice sitting and walking meditation.
After your meditation session, you can enjoy the temple’s traditional sauna and
chat with the Lao nuns that manage it. You will learn how Buddhism is not only
an age-old religion with regional traditions, but also a socially engaged
pillar of contemporary Lao society.

Your afternoon will end with a
workshop recapitulating your day with an English-speaking Buddhist monk. In
this workshop, you can ask any clarification questions, discuss your cultural
readings, or just connect in cross-cultural dialogue.

Spend the night at SokpaluangTemple.

5: Vientiane – Siem Reap QV512 06.30 – 09.25 (B, L, D)
In the early morning, transfer to
the airport for your flight to Siem Reap. Upon arrival at Siem Reap, visit
Center for Khmer Studies, is a non-profit, non-governmental organization
promoting the social sciences, arts and humanities as they relate to Cambodia
and Southeast Asia. We support emerging Cambodian scholars, writers and artist,
following the near disappearance of these dynamic creative leaders during the
Khmer Rouge regime. Then we continue to visit local monastery WatReachbo Pagoda
to learn about Buddhist philosophy and monastic life. Lunch at local

You will transfer to the second of a
local monastery meeting with the monks who live there near the Western Baray,
water reservoir in the Angkor area measuring an incredible 8km by 2.3km, was
excavated by hand to provide water for the intensive cultivation of lands
around Angkor.

Today, our course focuses on
Buddhist philosophy and monastic life, overnight in the monastery. Course on
Buddhism: focus on Buddhist philosophy, monastic life and nirvana, Discussion
with a monk.

Spend the night at WatSvayRomeat Pagoda.

Day 6:Siem
Reap – SamborPreiKuk – Phnom Penh (6 hours drive)
(B, L, D) (21.10.2011)
This morning, start your journey
to Phnom Penh (approx. 6 hour drive). You will stop mid way in Kampong Thom for
lunch and to discover the temple complex of SamborPreiKuk; this complex features
3 pre-Angkorian temples dedicated to Shiva. It was built in the 7th century,
abandoned, rediscovered and restored in 1980. Here, your guide introduces us to
Hinduism; Hinduism has strongly influenced pre-Angkorian and Angkorian
civilizations; its impact and artistic testimony is worth focusing on. Picnic
lunch. Buddhist & Hindu influences on pre Angkorian and Angkorian arts.
Drive further to Phnom Penh, hotel check in and dinner.


Day 7: Phnom Penh – Speed boat to Chau Doc (B, L, D) (22.10.2011)
This morning after breakfast at
your hotel, Left time of the day is saved for shopping at ToulTompong Market
(called Russian Market), so-named because of the prevalence of items from the
Eastern Bloc in past times, the Russian Market today is a treasure trove for
tourists, that you will feel a bustling daily life of local people with
Cambodian’s special character through local specialties, their houses, their

Continue to visit Wat Phnom Daun
Penh – the name of a pagoda, was built by lady Daun Penh in 1372 on a little
hill, Legend has it that after a particularly heavy flood, a wealthy Khmer
woman named Daun Penh found a tree on the banks of the Mekong with four statues
of Buddha hidden inside. Early lunch at local restaurant

Then trasfer to take the speed
boat to Chau Doc departing at 12.30, arriving around 05.00 PM.
Hotel check-in and overnight in Chau Doc.

8: Chau Doc – Can Tho (B, L, D)
In the morning, visit Forbidden
Mountain (Nui Cam)
with the Big Buddha Temple, Van Linh Pagoda - the famous
ancient temples in the area.

Depart for Long Xuyen, visit the Bird Sanctuary in Thot
Not and the incense stick making village.

Transfer to Can Tho for dinner and overnight at hotel.

Day 9: Can Tho – SocTrang – Vinh Long (B, L, D) (24.10.2011)

After breakfast, proceed to
SocTrang to visit
WatKh ‘Leang - the first temple combines of Vietnamese, Chinese & Khmer
architecture and sculpture, Chua Doi (Bat pagoda) where has the most crowded of
bat to live.


Transfer to Vinh Long to pay a
visit to the ancient VinhTrang pagoda and
Ngoc VienVihara - the first Buddhist
monastery of the sect who beg in Vietnam.
At the monastery, visitors will be introduced to the process of
formation and development as well as the uniqueness of the factions who beg
Vietnam; coordinates participation by Zen abbot to guide and receive gifts of
Vihara .

Have dinner with vegetarian meal at the monastery.

Overnight in
Ngoc VienVihara.


Day 10: Vinh Long – Cai Be floating market
– Ho Chi Minh
(B, L, D) (25.10.2011)

In the
morning, s
tart the motorized boat to visit
the Cai Be Floating Market, experience how people exchanging goods, fruit and
many other commodities on their vessels. Visitors then roam into the small
villages to visit the orchard, fruit plantation… Keep cruising to Vinh Long
through small canals to enjoy the charm of the Upper Mekong Delta. Visit some
hand – made family business products such as the coconut candy mill, the crispy
rice popcorn.

Arrive in BinhHoaPhuoc village –
the green pearl of Vinh Long town where you can indulge yourself into the
nature. Have lunch with fresh river food served in the heart of the garden.
Enjoy the southern Vietnamese traditional folk music. Take a nice walk through
the bonsai garden. Meet the car/van in Vinh Long. Return to Ho Chi Minh for


Day 11: Ho Chi Minh Departure – Bangkok Arrival (B)(26.10.2011)
Time at your own leisure until
transfer to the airport for your flight departure to Bangkok.
Arrival in Bangkok. Meet and greet
at the airport and transfer to hotel for check in. Free at your own leisure and
overnight in Bangkok.

Day 12: BangkokTempleTour (B, L) (27.10.2011)
08:00 hours: 
Pick-up from hotel. Please wait in the lobby.

08:45 hours
WatSuthat& Giant Swing:  WatSuthat is located right opposite City Hall
and this area is very congested throughout the day. Take your time here because
there is a lot to see. 

10:00 hours: WatPhraKaeo(Emerald Buddha)
WatPhraKaeo is within the walls of the GrandPalace and is Thailand’s most
revered temple. Please dress and act accordingly.
Important Information:

A strict
dress code applies for this day. The GrandPalace with The Temple of the Emerald
Buddha is Thailand’s most sacred site. Visitors must be properly dressed before
being allowed entry to the temple. Men must wear long pants and shirts with
sleeves. No tank tops or singlets. Women must be similarly modestly dressed. No
see-through clothes or bare shoulders. No shorts or tights. Proper shoes must
be worn. No flip flops.

12:00 hours: Lunch in Thai Restaurant: Lunch will be
in a Thai restaurant beside the Chao PhrayaRiver.

13:00 hours:Wat Pho (Reclining Buddha)
Wat Pho is considered to be Thailand’s first university, because it was the
centre for education and learning when the city was first established.

14:30 hours:WatBenjamabophit(Marble Temple)
You’ll be amazed how quiet and serene it is once you are inside the temple
grounds, bearing in mind that it’s located on one of Bangkok’s busiest streets.

16:00 hours: Return to your Hotel: Drop off back at
your hotel or elsewhere if you want to go shopping.

Day 13: AyudhayaFullDayTemple Tour
(B. L)
Breakfast at the hotel. Enjoy AyuthayaTemple tour
Ayutthaya is the second capital of Siam. Ayutthaya translates to β€œThe
undefeatable city” and was originally built in 1350.
***Pick up from hotel at 08:00 am then drive about 45 minutes to Bang pa-in
summer palace. The SummerPalace built by King Prasart Thong in the 16th
century(Bang-pa-in). Spend time there about one hour then drive to Ayutthaya
historical park to visitWatYaiChaimongkon where some of the best photographs
can be taken.
Stop for lunch at Local Thai restaurant. Afternoon, bring you to WatMahathat,
to WatMahathat where you must see the Buddha encased within a tree.
WatPrasisanphet the largest temple in Ayutthaya and the last one out of
AyutthayaIsland is Wat Chai Watthanaram with the Cambodian architecture.
Transfer to Bangkok and arrive at hotel. Free and leisure in the evening.Overnight
in Bangkok.

Day 14: Bangkok (B, L) (29.10.2011)Floating Market -
Tiger Temple


Breakfast at the hotel.


07:40am : Pick up from Hotel.

08:50am :: Arrive Floating Market. Tour Market on small long tail Boats

11:30am :: Arrive Kanchanburi Visit War Graves then onto the Bridge.

12:00am :: Lunch

12:30am :: Leave for Tiger Temple 45 Kilometers further on.

01:00pm :: Arrive Tiger Temple


03:45 PM : Leave Tiger Temple and transfer back to hotel in Bangkok.

Free at leisure and overnight in Bangkok.


Day 15: Bangkok Departure – India (B)(30.10.2011)
Breakfast at the hotel. Free at your own leisure until transfer to Bangkok
Airport for your departure for your flight back home.

Included on the tour
Private transfer as per program
- Hotel accommodation with daily breakfast as specified or similar
- 3 nights at Monasteries as specified with donation for overnight included
- Meals as indicated in the program.
- Good English speaking local guides (know well about Buddhism) (3 guides in 3
countries: Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos)
- Good English speaking local guide in Thailand on tour days
- English/Tamil speaking Tour Guide in Kuala Lumpur
- Speed boat ticket Phnom Penh - Chau Doc
- Sightseeing and entrance fees as specified


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