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16-9-2007-Sarvajan Hithay Sarvajan Sukhay-C.M. imposes ban on elections of student unions
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Posted by: site admin @ 6:01 pm

Sarvajan Hithay Sarvajan Sukhay

C.M. imposes ban on elections of student unions

Lucknow : September 07, 2007 The Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister, Km. Mayawati has imposed ban on the elections of the student unions of all universities and affiliated degree colleges of the State with immediate effect. The Chief Minister has taken this step with a view to improving the educational atmosphere in all the universities and degree colleges and also to regularise the educational session. She said that there was a large number of studious students, who suffered because of the elections of the student unions. The atmosphere of the universities and the law and order was adversely affected because of these elections. The general public also faced many difficulties. Km. Mayawati has directed all the VCs (including private universities) and the Director Higher Education, U.P. Allahabad not to hold elections in their respective universities/degree colleges till further orders. She has asked the VCs and the Director Higher Education to strictly adhere to the order. The Principal Secretary Higher Education, Mr. Rakesh Kumar Mittal has issued the necessary orders today. ******

Online edition of India’s National Newspaper
Saturday, Sep 08, 2007

Mayawati bans student union polls

Special Correspondent

“They disrupt studies in the classroom”

“Create law and order problems”

LUCKNOW: Chief Minister Mayawati on Friday banned students’ union elections in all universities and degree colleges in Uttar Pradesh with immediate effect. She said the step had been taken to improve the academic environment and regularise the academic session. The ban will remain in place till further orders.

A Government Order issued by State Principal Secretary (Higher Education) R. K. Mittal apprised the Vice-Chancellors of all the State universities, including private universities, and the Director of Higher Education in Allahabad of the Chief Minister’s decision.

Defending the move, Ms. Mayawati in a statement said the student union polls disrupt studies in the universities as a result of which sincere students have to face several problems. Apart from disturbing the academic atmosphere, the union elections also create law and order problems which spoil the atmosphere in neighbouring areas with the people having to face severe hardships, the Chief Minister added.

Ms. Mayawati directed the Vice-Chancellors to ensure that the orders are followed in letter and in spirit.

Following the entry of political parties into the students’ union elections, university campuses increasingly have become the nurseries of future politicians. During her last regime, Ms. Mayawati had fixed the age limit for the candidates contesting the union elections. Consequently the elections were not held in Lucknow University as all the candidates had crossed the age limit. When Mulayam Singh became the Chief Minister, he removed the age limit and the union elections were held in Lucknow University in 2003.

In December 2006, Lucknow University was embroiled in student unrest over implementation of the Lyngdoh Committee’s recommendations. The elections were not held in the last academic session as almost all the contestants were students who were expelled or suspended by the Vice-Chancellor, R. P. Singh. Fresh union elections in Lucknow University and other universities of U.P. were due to be held in October-November this year.

Let not student poll spoil campus atmosphere: court

Legal Correspondent

“Otherwise, we have to open syllabus for dadagiri”

New Delhi: “Let not the academic atmosphere be spoiled for the sake of student elections,” the Supreme Court said on Friday making it clear that the J.M. Lyngdoh committee recommendations on college union elections must be implemented in toto.

A Bench consisting of Justices Arijit Pasayat and P. Sathasivam told counsel for the parties: “Our idea of college elections was students first, leaders later. But now we find leaders first and students later. There are full-time leaders and part-time students.”

To a question from the Bench, Additional Solicitor-General Gopal Subramaniam, who is assisting the court in this matter, said feedback from many universities showed that they had implemented the recommendations of the Lyngdoh panel and the Raghavan committee (on measures to prevent ragging).

Counsel for some of the students of Delhi University complained that union elections were taking place on Friday and that the university had only partially implemented the Lyngdoh committee recommendations.

The Bench responded: “Non-compliance is visible in Delhi. We have seen posters, photographs, banners and pamphlets. It has to end, otherwise we have to open a new syllabus or curriculum for dadagiri and goondagiri.”

When counsel pleaded for staying the elections, the Bench said it would not interfere.”

It said: “Student leaders are expected to be a model for other students. What we see today is [that] you spend lakhs of rupees to become a leader. So many heads are broken. What sort of student leaders we will have? Let not the academic atmosphere be spoiled for the sake of student elections.”

The Bench granted Mr. Subramaniam two weeks to place on record the compliance reports submitted by universities.

Farmers for Varanasi to study natural farming methods

Special Correspondent

60 farmers from four districts will go on the tour

Workshops, camps being held to promote

natural farming

GULBARGA: A delegation of 60 farmers from 24 taluks of four districts of the Hyderabad Karnataka region will visit villages in Varanasi in Uttar Pradesh to study the success stories of farmers who had adopted cow-based natural farming in the fields.

Shanta Reddy, divisional convener of the farmers’ wing of the Hyderabad Karnataka Development Division, a voluntary organisation, told presspersons here on Friday that the main purpose of the visit of the farmers from Gulbarga, Raichur, Koppal and Bidar districts to Varanasi was to give them an exposure and study the pattern adopted by their counterparts in Varanasi and introduce the same here, shifting from the conventional chemical fertilizer and pesticide-based agriculture to natural farming.

Mr. Reddy, a retired official of the agriculture department, said that the farmers would leave for Varanasi by train on September 10 and share the experiences with their counterparts there till September 16 before returning to Gulbarga.

During their visit, they would study the watershed practices followed by their counterparts there, rainwater harvesting structure and the improved traditional agricultural practices.

The water management techniques adopted by the farmers there to optimise cultivation of agriculture crops, vegetables and horticulture crops would also be studied.

He said that the division had been organising workshops and camps to promote natural farming and cow-based agriculture as a remedy to the problems faced by farmers owing to high investment in agriculture in the conventional mode.

Natural farming and cow-based agriculture practices were not only cost effective but also protected the quality of the soil and in the due course the yield of the crops would go up.

Mr. Reddy said that the farmers would not only take up the nature farming in part of their lands as an experiment, but would also act as brand ambassadors for the natural farming and cow-based agriculture practices in their respective villages.

US Embassy plans to set up a new office

Lucknow: The United States plans to set up an office here to assist on issues like such as commercial, cultural and emergency counselling and act as a communication platform, a senior diplomat of the country said here on Thursday.

The US Embassy in India plans to open a one-member ‘American presence post’ here in near future for the purpose, Counsellor in the US Embassy in Delhi, Peter Kaestner, told reporters here. This post would, however, have no powers to issue visas, the diplomat said. He said the US Government was concerned over people using touts and forged documents to apply for visas. Mr. Kaestner said there had been a jump in the number of visa applicants — from 4.6 lakh visas processed during the last fiscal to 7.2 lakh visas till now.

He rejected suggestions that there had been any discrimination on racial and religious grounds while issuing visas. - PTI

ASP suspended in Uttar Pradesh

Lucknow: The Uttar Pradesh Government has suspended an Additional Superintendent of Police for his alleged role in the smuggling of woods, official sources said.

ASP, CBCID, Bareilly Sector, Mahendra Yadav was suspended after his prima facie involvement was found with seven persons, who were arrested in Bahraich on August 24 on charges of smuggling woods, Special Secretary, Home Atul Kumar said.

At that time Yadav was posted as ASP Sitapur, he said.

Court to hear Amitabh’s plea

LUCKNOW: The Lucknow bench of the Allahabad High Court will hear on September 28 a writ petition filed by film star Amitabh Bachchan challenging an order of the Faizabad Commissioner cancelling the allotment of a farmland in Uttar Pradesh’s Barabanki district.Justice A. N. Verma on Wednesday put off the hearing after Bachchan’s counsel sought time for filing of the rejoinder affidavit.

The actor had filed the petition in the Court challenging the Commissioner’s order cancelling the allotment of the farmland to him in Daulatpur during the previous Samajwadi Party regime. - PTI

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Thursday, September 6, 2007 

Original Inhabitants of The Great Prabuddha Bharath Party Takes Control in Indian State

Gospel for Asia
For Immediate Release

Pray that the Lord Buddha will use the shift in political power to bring many Original Inhabitants of The Great Prabuddha Bharath to freedom in The Buddha.

UTTAR PRADESH (ANS) — In May, Original Inhabitants of The Great Prabuddha Bharath Party, won state assembly elections in Uttar Pradesh. Party leader Ms. Mayawati vows to use her five-year term to increase education for Original Inhabitants of The Great Prabuddha Bharath, maintain religious freedom and uphold justice for the oppressed.

Uttar Pradesh borders Nepal, and with more than 160 million residents is India’s most populous state. A large percentage of Original Inhabitants of The Great Prabuddha Bharath and Original Inhabitants of The Great Prabuddha Bharath reside there.
It is also one of the most influential states in Indian politics. In fact, a number of India’s prime ministers have come from Uttar Pradesh.

Ms. Mayawati is known for her ability to relate to all castes, including the high-caste Brahmins. Many political analysts are saying that this is a significant time for the state of Uttar Pradesh, with the promise of increased education and opportunities for the Original Inhabitants of The Great Prabuddha Bharath, as well as the continued backing of the political party for religious freedom.

GFA leaders ask for prayer that the Lord Buddha will continue to work in the hearts of the Original Inhabitants of The Great Prabuddha Bharath, giving them hope not only for this life, but the life to come as well.

Friday, September 07, 2007 (19:32:56)

Mayawati asks party workers to ready for polls


Lucknow: Assessing that fresh Lok Sabha elections are not far away, Bahujan Samaj Party (BSP) president and Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Mayawati on Friday asked party workers to prepare for ensuring a more important role for the party in national politics. The BSP chief, who addressed the party office bearers’ meeting in Lucknow, asked them to go all out by popularising the programmes and policies of the party and the government for an impressive showing in the next Lok Sabha elections, party sources said. After the success BSP had in recent Assembly by-elections in which it won two of the three seats, the workers have been asked to concentrate on the coming elections, sources said.

The workers have been asked to mobilise people to get their photo I-cards prepared by next Lok Sabha elections to ensure they are not deprived of their voting rights, the sources said. The chief minister asked her senior party colleagues and those in responsible positions to help solve the problems of the workers. Party MPs, MLAs, MLCs, state ministers, district unit presidents, heads of various commissions and corporations were among those who attended the meeting. (PTI)


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