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24 to 27 08 2012 Friday to Monday LESSON 686 FREE ONLINE eNālāndā Research and Practice UNIVERSITY through Tipitaka network … his life, his acts, his words sabbe satta bhavantu sukhi-tatta TIPITAKA up a levelமூன்று கூடைகள்— The words of the Buddha புத்தரின் வார்த்தைகள்—Majjhima மத்திம Nikāya நடுத்தரமான நீள அளவு திரட்டுகள் -Sabbāsava Sutta எல்லா களங்கங்களின் நெறி முறைக் கட்டளை ஆணை (contd)- Dhammapada Verse 314 Issapakata Itthi Vatthu Verse 315 Sambahulabhikkhu Vatthu Verses 316 and 317 Nigantha Vatthu- Verse 314. Good Deeds Never Make You Repent-Verse 315. Guard The Mind-Verse 316. False Beliefs Lead To Hell-Verse 317. Fear And Fearlessness In Wrong Places
Filed under: General
Posted by: site admin @ 7:03 am

24 to 27 08  2012 Friday to Monday LESSON 686 FREE ONLINE  eNālāndā Research and Practice UNIVERSITY
Tipitaka network … his life, his acts, his words
sabbe satta bhavantu sukhi-tatta

TIPITAKA  up a levelமூன்று கூடைள்— The words of the Buddha புத்தரின் வார்த்தைகள்Majjhima மத்திம Nikāya
நடுத்தரமான நீள அளவு
-Sabbāsava Sutta எல்லா களங்கங்களின் நெறி முறைக் கட்டளை ஆணை (contd)

Dhammapada Verse 314 Issapakata Itthi Vatthu Verse 315
Sambahulabhikkhu Vatthu
Verses 316 and 317
Nigantha Vatthu-
Verse 314. Good Deeds Never Make You Repent-Verse 315. Guard The Mind-Verse 316. False Beliefs Lead To Hell-Verse 317. Fear And Fearlessness In Wrong Places

Universal Studios Hollywood Photos

Verse 314. Good Deeds Never Make You Repent

Better an evil deed not done
for misdeed later on torments.
Better done is deed that’s good,
which done, does not torment.

Explanation: It is better not to do an evil deed; an evil
deed torments one later on. It is better to do a good deed as one
has not to repent for having done it.

Verse 315. Guard The Mind

Even as a border town
guarded within and without,
so should you protect yourselves.
Do not let this moment pass
for when this moment’s gone they grieve
sending themselves to hell.

Explanation: As a border town is guarded both inside and outside,
so guard yourself. Let not the moment go by. Those who miss this moment
has come to grief when they fall into hell.

Verse 316. False Beliefs Lead To Hell

They are ashamed where shame is not
but where is shame are not ashamed
so by embracing evil views
beings go to an evil birth.

Explanation: Those who are ashamed of what they should not
be ashamed of, and those who are unashamed of what they should be
ashamed of, all those who embrace false views go to woeful states.

Verse 317. Fear And Fearlessness In Wrong Places

They are afraid where fear is not
but where is fear are unafraid,
so by embracing evil views
beings go to an evil birth.

Explanation: There are some who are afraid of what they should
not fear. There are also some who are not afraid of what they should
really fear. They, all, who embrace false beliefs go to woeful states.

Dhammapada Verse 314
Issapakata Itthi Vatthu

Akatam dukkatam seyyo
paccha tappati dukkatam
katanca sukatam seyyo
yam katva nanutappati.

Verse 314: It is better not to do an evil deed; an evil deed torments one
later on. It is better to do a good deed as one does not have to repent for
having done it.

The Story of a Woman of Jealous Disposition

While residing at the Jetavana monastery, the Buddha uttered Verse (314) of
this book, with reference to a woman who was by nature very jealous.

Once, a woman with a very strong sense of jealousy lived with her husband in
Savatthi. She found that her husband was having an affair with her maid. So one
day, she tied up the girl with strong ropes, cut off her ears and nose, and shut
her up in a room. After doing that, she asked her husband to accompany her to
the Jetavana monastery. Soon after they left, some relatives of the maid arrived
at their house and found the maid tied up and locked up in a room. They broke
into the room, untied her and took her to the monastery. They arrived at the
monastery while the Buddha was expounding the Dhamma. The girl related to the
Buddha what her mistress had done to her, how she had been beaten, and how her
nose and ears had been cut off. She stood in the midst of the crowd for all to
see how she had been mistreated. So the Buddha said, “Do no evil,
thinking that people will not know about it. An evil deed done in secret, when
discovered, will bring much pain and sorrow; but a good deed may be done
secretly, for it can only bring happiness and not sorrow.”

Then the Buddha spoke in verse as follows:

Verse 314: It is better not to do an evil deed; an
evil deed torments one later on. It is better to do a good deed as one
does not have to repent for having done it.

At the end of the discourse the couple attained Sotapatti Fruition.

Dhammapada Verse 315
Sambahulabhikkhu Vatthu

Nagaram yatha paccantam
guttam santarabahiram
evam gopetha attanam
khano vo ma upaccaga
khanatita hi socanti
nirayamhi samappita.

Verse 315: As a border town is guarded both inside and outside, so guard
yourself. Let not the right moment go by for those who miss this moment come to
grief when they fall into niraya.

1. evam gopetha attanam: so guard yourself; i.e., to guard the internal as
well as the external senses. The six internal senses (sense bases) are eye, ear,
nose, tongue, body and mind; the six external senses (sense objects) are visible
object, sound, odour, taste, touch and idea.

The Story of Many Bhikkhus

While residing at the Jetavana monastery, the Buddha uttered Verse (315) of
this book, with reference to a group of bhikkhus who spent the vassa in a border

In the first month of their stay in that border town, the bhikkhus were well
provided and well looked after by the townsfolk. During the next month the town
was plundered by some robbers and some people were taken away as hostages. The
people of the town, therefore, had to rehabilitate their town and reinforce
fortifications. Thus, they were unable to look to the needs of the bhikkhus as
much as they would like to and the bhikkhus had to fend for themselves. At the
end of the vassa, those bhikkhus came to pay homage to the Buddha at the
Jetavana monastery in Savatthi. On learning about the hardships they had
undergone during the vassa, the Buddha said to them “Bhikkhus, do not
keep thinking about this or anything else; it is always difficult to have a
carefree, effortless living. Just as the townsfolk guard their town, so also, a
bhikkhu should be on guard and keep his mind steadfastly on his body.”

Then the Buddha spoke in verse as follows:

Verse 315: As a border town is guarded both inside and
outside, so guard yourself. Let not the right moment go by for those
who miss this moment come to grief when they fall into niraya.

At the end of the discourse those bhikkhus attained arahatship.

Dhammapada Verses 316 and 317
Nigantha Vatthu

Alajjitaye lajjanti
lajjitaye na lajjare
satta gacchanti duggatim.

Abhaye thayadassino
bhaye cabhayadassino
satta gacchanti duggatim.

Verse 316: Those beings who are ashamed of what should not be ashamed of, who
are not ashamed of what should be ashamed of, and who hold wrong views go to a
lower plane of existence (duggati).

Verse 317: Those beings who see danger in what is not dangerous, who do not
see danger in what is dangerous, and who hold wrong views go to a lower plane of
existence (duggati).

The Story of the Nigantha Ascetics

While residing at the Jetavana monastery, the Buddha uttered Verses (316) and
(317) of this book, with reference to Nigantha ascetics, who covered only the
front part of their bodies.

One day, some Niganthas went on an alms-round with their bowls covered with a
piece of cloth. Some bhikkhus seeing them commented, “These Nigantha
ascetics who cover the front part of the body are more respectable compared to
those Acelaka ascetics who go about without wearing anything.” Hearing this
comment, those ascetics retorted, “Yes, indeed, we do cover up our front
part (by covering our bowls); but we cover it up not out of shame in going
naked. We only cover up our bowls to keep away dust from our food, for even dust
contains life in it.”

When the bhikkhus reported what the Nigantha ascetics said, the Buddha
replied, “Bhikkhus, those ascetics who go about covering only the front
part of their bodies are not ashamed of what they should be ashamed of, but they
are ashamed of what they should not be ashamed of; because of their wrong view
they would only go to bad destinations.”

Then the Buddha spoke in verse as follows:

Verse 316: Those beings who are ashamed of what
should not be ashamed of, who are not ashamed of what should be
ashamed of, and who hold wrong views go to a lower plane of existence


Verse 317: Those beings who see danger in what is
not dangerous, who do not see danger in what is dangerous, and who
hold wrong views go to a lower plane of existence (duggati).

At the end of the discourse many Nigantha ascetics became frightened and
joined the Buddhist Order.

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Entertainment Center

Studio Tour

August 2, 2009 Photo Update - Universal Studios Hollywood

Seeing Stars: The Studio Tours 

100 Universal City Plaza,
Universal City, CA./ (818) 508-9600

Universal is unique among the various
Hollywood studio tours because their tour is only one part of a much larger
theme park experience.

I’ll review Universal Studios Hollywood
in general on another page. (To read it, click
.) This article will deal solely with the studio tour.

In studio lingo, the “front lot” is where
you’ll find sound stages and offices, while the “back lot” is
where you’ll find the large outdoor sets that the public tends to think
of when they hear the words “movie studio”. These big back lots
are an endangered species in these days of on-location filming. Universal
Studios and Warner Bros are the only two studios which still have large
“back lots” filled with colorful sets.

As such, their tours tend to be more interesting
than those at the other studios (e.g. Sony & Paramount, where what
visitors mostly see are the exteriors of sound stages). And because of
the large size of their back lots, both Warner Bros and Universal use trams
in their tour (while Sony and Paramount offer walking-only tours.) The
good side of this is that is the trams save visitors a good deal of walking.
The drawback is that a tram-based tour can seem more removed from the reality
of movie-making, and less personal than a walking tour.

Warner Bros manages
to get around this potential drawback in two ways. First, they use tiny,
golf cart-sized vehicles, which limit the size of the tour group to an
intimate number of visitors - so that guests can easily ask questions of
their tour guide. Second, they allow visitors to get off the tram and explore
the “front lot” on foot, taking a peak inside places like the
wardrobe and prop departments, and seeing inside the sound stages. Guests
are even allowed to visit the current sets on foot at WB. The Universal
tour trams, on the other hand, are huge, noisy vehicles, which hold
hundreds of passengers on each trip. And, for better or worse, guests are
stuck on those trams for the entire 45-minute tour. The trams slow down
to let guests get a good look at the various streets and sets, but they
never stop and let people explore them on foot. (Ages ago, when the studio
learned that guests’ main wish was to visit the sets on foot, the studio’s
reaction was to build a few fake “streets” up in the amusement
area, filled with shops and restaurants, where guests could spend money.
They are still there today: a French street, a Western street, etc.)

On the other hand, Universal spiced up their
tour with something that Warner Bros doesn’t try to offer: special effects
and unique “rides” within the tram ride. Not very authentic,
perhaps, but still entertaining. Like Universal Studios Hollywood itself,
the tram tour is part authentic studio tour and part show-biz razzle dazzle.
How you will react to this depends upon what you’re looking for. If you
want your studio tour spiced up with jumping mechanical sharks and simulated
earthquakes, Universal is the place to be. If you’re looking for authenticity
and Hollywood history, Warner Bros is the best bet.

(However, Universal is now offering a new VIP
, which provides an experience similar to Warners, and offers a
much more intimate look at the movie-making side of the studio - albeit
at a high price. More about that later.)

But enough with comparisons… Let’s get to the tour

I shot this photo
in 2007 - looking down on the Universal back lot (with Burbank in the distance).
Copyright © 2012-Gary


A photo on Flickr

A photo on Flickr

A photo on Flickr
A photo on Flickr
A photo on Flickr

Studio Tour - Community ForumGet an exclusive, behind-the-scenes look at how your favorite movies and TV shows are made on the Studio Tour.

Special Effects Stage

Special Effects Stages - Community ForumLearn
the secrets behind King Kong, The Mummy, The Klumps and other big
Hollywood blockbusters revealed at the new Special Effects Stages. You
may even get your very own starring role!

Shrek 4D

Shrek 4D - Community ForumTake
adventure to the next dimension in the all-new Shrek 4-Dâ„¢ - the
attraction that puts you in the action with hair-raising, eye-popping,
and butt-busting effects so real, all your senses will be on ogre-time.

The Simpsons Ride

The Simpsons Ride - Community ForumThe
Simpsons are visiting Krustyland, the low-budget theme park created by
famed TV personality and shameless product huckster Krusty the Clown!

Universal’s House of Horrors

Universal's House of Horrors - Community ForumUniversal’s
House of Horrors is a frightening, scream as you go, walk through
inspired by some of the greatest Universal horror movies of all time.

The Adventures of Curious George / Coke Soak

The Adventures of Curious George - Community ForumHave fun with Curious George as you both explore this themed play area for children, and the young at heart.

Terminator 2: 3D

Terminator 2: 3D - Community ForumInside
Cyberdyne Systems Corporation, you’ll witness the unveiling of the new
Terminator robots - until a live, human rebel strike erupts around you
in an all-out cyber war that’ll have you ducking for cover!

Click to view full size imageClick to view full size image

Click to view full size imageClick to view full size image


WaterWorld - Community ForumThe
hit motion picture comes surging to life in a spectacular tidal wave of
death-defying stunts, awesome explosions and an ocean of thrills!

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This shot is backstage and you can see the launch which the skyboat sits upon.
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Universal’s Animal Actors

Universal Animal Actors - Community ForumCome
see what happens when the world’s most talented animal stars take over
the show! You’re sure to laugh and be amazed at this live performance.
Who knows, you may even co-star!

31 Photos

E T.
E T.
3 days ago

Kat J.
Kat J.
5 days ago

Marjorie N.
Marjorie N.
1 week ago

Sharon M.
Sharon M.
1 week ago

dik L.
dik L.
3 weeks ago

Nigel V.
Nigel V.
July 27

Patricia v.
Patricia v.
July 27

Jason A.
Jason A.
July 22

Funda K.
Funda K.
July 18

Tami B.
Tami B.
July 5

June 22

Charlie B.
Charlie B.
June 18

Vee C.
Vee C.
June 4

June 1

Brittany H.
Brittany H.
May 30

Abbeygail A.
Abbeygail A.
May 29

Charlie H.
Charlie H.
May 21

dik L.
dik L.
May 15

dik L.
dik L.
May 7

Jeff B.
Jeff B.
May 3

Subi R.
Subi R.
April 29

April 26

Fernando A.
Fernando A.
April 7

Angela H.
Angela H.
April 6

Kai J.
Kai J.
March 30

Mariely B.
Mariely B.
March 14

March 5

Mario P.
Mario P.
3 weeks ago

dik L.
dik L.
3 weeks ago

Tim M.
Tim M.
June 23

March 5, 2012

Chikato Y.
Chikato Y.
March 1, 2012

Rafael R.
Rafael R.
February 26, 2012

Jasmin G.
Jasmin G.
February 8, 2012

Kevin K.
Kevin K.
January 29, 2012

M C.
M C.
December 23, 2011

Marco P.
Marco P.
August 15, 2011

Romel D.
Romel D.
March 11, 2011

The Blues Brothers

The Blues Brothers - Community ForumTreat yourself to the musical stylings of Jake, Elwood and the coolest blues band to ever take the stage!

Studio Center

Transformers: The Ride

Transformers - Community ForumTransformers: The Ride-3D is an immersive, next generation thrill ride blurring the line between fiction and reality. 

Inside ‘Transformers: The Ride 3D’, wowing fans with big action and immersive visuals at Universal Studios Hollywood

The NBCUniversal Experience

The Universal Experience - Community ForumGo
behind the scenes of Universal’s film legacy in this interactive
exhibit featuring authentic props, wardrobe and artifacts from past,
present and upcoming Universal productions.

Revenge of the Mummy - The Ride

Revenge of the Mummy - The Ride - Community ForumPlunge
into the immortal terror of “The Mummy” on a roller coaster ride filled
with heart-pounding special effects and shocks at every turn!

Jurassic Park… The Ride

Jurassic Park... The Ride - Community ForumCome
face-to-face with “living” dinosaurs, a 50-foot T-Rex, and a
treacherous plunge straight down an 84 foot vertical drop waterfall.

CityWalk Hollywood

  1. Shopping,
  2. Dining,
  3. Entertainment

CityWalk Hollywood - Community ForumWith 65 cool things to do, this truly is “The Entertainment Capital of LA”!

Halloween Horror Nights

Halloween Horror Nights - Community ForumThis October, the terror is real as Halloween Horror Nights comes to Universal Studios Hollywood.


Grinchmas - Community ForumAt
this festival full of holiday cheer, you can celebrate with your little
ones, friends and family as you play in a winter playground of real

navigation, search

—  District of Los Angeles  —

The world-famous Hollywood Sign

Nickname(s): Tinseltown

Hollywood is located in Los Angeles


Location within Central Los Angeles

Hollywood is located in Los Angeles


Location within Western Los Angeles

Coordinates: 34°6′0″N 118°20′0″W
Country United States
State California
County County of Los Angeles
City City of Los Angeles
Incorporated 1903
 • City Council Eric Garcetti, Tom LaBonge
 • State Assembly Mike Feuer (D), Vacant
 • State Senate Curren Price (D), Gilbert Cedillo (D)
 • U.S. House Xavier Becerra (D), Diane Watson (D), Henry Waxman (D)
 • Total 24.96 sq mi (64.6 km2)
Population (2000)[1]
 • Total 123,435
 • Density 4,945/sq mi (1,909/km2)
ZIP Code 90027, 90028, 90029, 90038, 90046, 90068
Area code(s) 323

Hollywood is a district in Los Angeles, California, United States situated west-northwest of downtown Los Angeles.[2] Due to its fame and cultural identity as the historical center of movie studios and movie stars, the word Hollywood is often used as a metonym of American cinema. Even though much of the movie industry has dispersed into surrounding areas such as West Los Angeles and the San Fernando and Santa Clarita Valleys, significant auxiliary industries, such as editing, effects, props, post-production, and lighting companies remain in Hollywood, as does the backlot of Paramount Pictures.

As a district within the Los Angeles city limits, Hollywood does not
have its own municipal government. There was an official, appointed by
the Hollywood Chamber of Commerce, who served as an honorary “Mayor of Hollywood” for ceremonial purposes only. Johnny Grant held this position from 1980 until his death on January 9, 2008.[3] No replacement for Grant has been named.

Universal Studios Hollywood Photos

For complete reader ratings and reviews, visit Theme Park Insider’s Universal Studios Hollywood review page.

Universal Studios Hollywood photo, from
Transformers: The Ride 3D: The Grand Opening of Transformers: The Ride 3D at Universal Studios Hollywood, May 24, 2012. Photo submitted by Robert Niles

Universal Studios Hollywood photo, from
International Cafe: Photo submitted by Robert Niles

Universal Studios Hollywood photo, from
International Cafe: The roast beef sandwich with brie, arugula, and carmelized pecans. Photo submitted by Robert Niles

Universal Studios Hollywood photo, from
Terminator 2: 3D: Photo submitted by Robert Niles

Universal Studios Hollywood photo, from
The Adventures Of Curious George: Photo submitted by Robert Niles

Universal Studios Hollywood photo, from
Waterworld: Photo submitted by Robert Niles

Universal Studios Hollywood photo, from
Waterworld: Photo submitted by Robert Niles

Universal Studios Hollywood photo, from
Waterworld: Photo submitted by Robert Niles

Universal Studios Hollywood photo, from
Waterworld: Photo submitted by Robert Niles

Universal Studios Hollywood photo, from
Waterworld: Photo submitted by Robert Niles

Universal Studios Hollywood photo, from
Waterworld: Photo submitted by Robert Niles

Universal Studios Hollywood photo, from
Waterworld: Photo submitted by Robert Niles

Universal Studios Hollywood photo, from
Waterworld: Photo submitted by Robert Niles

Universal Studios Hollywood photo, from
Waterworld: Photo submitted by Robert Niles

Universal Studios Hollywood photo, from
Transformers: The Ride 3D: Photo submitted by Robert Niles

Universal Studios Hollywood photo, from
Transformers: The Ride 3D: Photo submitted by Robert Niles

Universal Studios Hollywood photo, from
Transformers: The Ride 3D:
Megatron battles Optimus Prime, in one of the climactic scenes of
Transformers: The Ride. Notice the real props positioned in front of the
rear-projection 3D screen. (Image is projected in 2D for this still
photograph.) Photo submitted by Robert Niles

Universal Studios Hollywood photo, from
Transformers: The Ride 3D:
Additional detail on the ceiling of the ride as you approach the unload
station - detail only best seen when walking through the ride with the
lights on. Photo submitted by Robert Niles

Universal Studios Hollywood photo, from
Transformers: The Ride 3D:
The one tactile Decepticon in the ride - the remains of Megatron,
hanging horizontally above the track. Watch his eyes when you’re on the
ride. Photo submitted by Robert Niles

Universal Studios Hollywood photo, from
Transformers: The Ride 3D:
Here’s more of the wreckage detail from the final scene - detail most
riders will miss as their attention turns to the screen with Optimus
Prime on the other side of the track. Photo submitted by Robert Niles

Universal Studios Hollywood photo, from
Transformers: The Ride 3D: At the end of the ride, after you crash through the roadway, you’ll end up here. Photo submitted by Robert Niles

Universal Studios Hollywood photo, from
Transformers: The Ride 3D:
The screen where Bumblebee and Sideswipe fight for the Allspark. The
real helicopter in the foreground will blend with additional helicopters
on the screen. Photo submitted by Robert Niles

Universal Studios Hollywood photo, from
Transformers: The Ride 3D: A side view of EVAC. Photo submitted by Robert Niles

Universal Studios Hollywood photo, from
Transformers: The Ride 3D: A front view of EVAC, the Autobot who serves as your ride vehicle, as seen during a construction walk-through in April 2012. Photo submitted by Robert Niles

Universal Studios Hollywood photo, from
Transformers: The Ride 3D: The opening screen in Transformers, as seen during a construction walk-through in April 2012. Photo submitted by Robert Niles

Universal Studios Hollywood photo, from
Special Effects Stage: Photo courtesy Universal Studios. Photo submitted by Robert Niles

Universal Studios Hollywood photo, from
Harry Potter Ride:
James and Oliver Phelps, the Weasley twins from the Harry Potter films,
offer a Butterbeer toast during the announcement of Universal Studios
Hollywood’s Wizarding World of Harry Potter on Dec. 6, 2012. Photo submitted by Robert Niles

Universal Studios Hollywood photo, from
Jurassic Park - The Ride: Photo submitted by Robert Niles

Universal Studios Hollywood photo, from
Jurassic Park - The Ride: Photo submitted by Robert Niles

Universal Studios Hollywood photo, from
Transformers: The Ride 3D: The Transformers ride as of August 2011. Photo submitted by Manny Barron

Universal Studios Hollywood photo, from
Transformers: The Ride 3D: Transformers as of March 2011. Photo submitted by Manny Barron

Universal Studios Hollywood photo, from
The icon globe at the entrance to Universal Studios Hollywood. Photo submitted by Robert Niles

Universal Studios Hollywood photo, from
Flintstone’s Drive-In: Flintstones Drive-in Universal Studios Hollywood. Photo submitted by robert romero

Universal Studios Hollywood photo, from
Terminator 2: 3D: T2: 3D at Universal Studios Hollywood. Image courtesy Universal. Photo submitted by Robert Niles

Universal Studios Hollywood photo, from
Studio Tour: A statue right at the entrance of the Curse of the Mummy’s Tomb section. Photo submitted by Brandon Mendoza

Universal Studios Hollywood photo, from
Kwik-E-Mart Photo submitted by Brandon Mendoza

Universal Studios Hollywood photo, from
Creature From The Black Lagoon: The Creature from the Black Lagoon confronts his prey. Photo submitted by Robert Niles

Universal Studios Hollywood photo, from
Creature From The Black Lagoon: The first musical scene in the show. Photo submitted by Lucas Lee

Universal Studios Hollywood photo, from
Creature From The Black Lagoon: The new screen inside the theater. Photo submitted by Lucas Lee

Universal Studios Hollywood photo, from
Studio Tour: In the middle of the “Earthquake” sequence on the Universal Studios Hollywood Studio Tour. Photo submitted by Robert Niles

Universal Studios Hollywood photo, from
Studio Tour:
Formerly home of the Muensters, now home to one of the Desperate
Housewives of Wisteria Lane, on the Universal Studios Hollywood backlot.
Photo submitted by Robert Niles

Universal Studios Hollywood photo, from
The Simpsons Ride: The giant Krusty head durring the Christmas season. =) Photo submitted by Lucas Lee

Universal Studios Hollywood photo, from
Revenge of the Mummy: Entrance to Revenge of the Mummy the Ride Photo submitted by Manny Barron

Universal Studios Hollywood photo, from
Jurassic Park - The Ride: Welcome to Jurassic Park Photo submitted by Manny Barron

Universal Studios Hollywood photo, from
Jurassic Park - The Ride: Jurassic Park the Ride Photo submitted by Manny Barron

Universal Studios Hollywood photo, from
Entrance to Universal Studios Hollywood Photo submitted by Manny Barron

Universal Studios Hollywood photo, from
Special Effects Stages: Entrance to Special Effects Stages Photo submitted by Manny Barron

Universal Studios Hollywood photo, from
Backdraft: Entrance to Backdraft Photo submitted by Manny Barron

Universal Studios Hollywood photo, from
Shrek 4-D: Welcome to Shrek 4-D Photo submitted by Manny Barron

Universal Studios Hollywood photo, from
Universal’s Animal Actors: Universal’s Animal Actors Photo submitted by Manny Barron

Universal Studios Hollywood photo, from
The Simpsons Ride: Marge, Homer, Maggie, Bart, and Lisa aboard the Simpsons Ride Photo submitted by Manny Barron

Universal Studios Hollywood photo, from
The Simpsons Ride: Krustyland home of The Simpsons Ride Photo submitted by Manny Barron

Universal Studios Hollywood photo, from
Waterworld: The Water World set Photo submitted by Manny Barron

Universal Studios Hollywood photo, from
Studio Tour: The entrance to the world famous Studio Tour Photo submitted by Manny Barron

Universal Studios Hollywood photo, from
Terminator 2: 3D: Entrance to Terminator 2:3-D Photo submitted by Manny Barron

Universal Studios Hollywood photo, from
Halloween Horror Nights: Universal Studios Hollywood Halloween Horror nights Photo submitted by j capellino

Universal Studios Hollywood photo, from
Studio Tour: Flash Flood on the Studio Tour. Photo submitted by Brandon Mendoza

Universal Studios Hollywood photo, from
Waterworld: The Mariner being chased by a Smoker on Jet Ski’s. Photo submitted by Brandon Mendoza

Universal Studios Hollywood photo, from
Studio Tour: Lyon Estates Sign from Back to the Future Photo submitted by Brandon Mendoza

Universal Studios Hollywood photo, from
The Simpsons Ride:
One of the many posters of Krustyland’s “attractions”… this one is of
Captain Dinosaur’s Pirate Rip-off… wait time: 300 minutes! Photo submitted by Brandon Mendoza

Universal Studios Hollywood photo, from
The Simpsons Ride: One of the many posters of Krustyland’s “attractions”… this one is of the Haunted Condo. Photo submitted by Brandon Mendoza

Universal Studios Hollywood photo, from
Jurassic Park - The Ride: Jurassic Park entrance at night. Photo submitted by Brandon Mendoza

Universal Studios Hollywood photo, from
Studio Tour: Skull Island Scale Model from Studio Tour. Photo submitted by Brandon Mendoza

Universal Studios Hollywood photo, from
The Simpsons Ride: The Simpsons Ride Photo submitted by Marcos Raxtun

Universal Studios Hollywood photo, from
The Simpsons Ride: An entrance in the queue. Photo submitted by Marcos Raxtun

Universal Studios Hollywood photo, from
Studio Tour: Up close shot of the fire damage on the Backlot

(King Kong building in background) Photo submitted by Marcos Raxtun

Universal Studios Hollywood photo, from
The Simpsons Ride:
On-ride image from the beginning of The Simpsons Ride, as Sideshow Bob
prepares to send the Simpsons to their doom. (Image courtesy Universal.)
Photo submitted by Robert Niles

Universal Studios Hollywood photo, from
Studio Tour: This is on the studio tour in the part of jurrasic park. Photo submitted by Marcos Raxtun

Universal Studios Hollywood photo, from
Waterworld: Photo submitted by christian bowman

Universal Studios Hollywood photo, from
Universal’s House of Horrors: Photo submitted by christian bowman

Universal Studios Hollywood photo, from
Halloween Horror Nights:
The over-enthusiastic Barber at Halloween Horror Nights Hollywood is
waiting for you!! He gives the closest shaves in all of London! Photo submitted by Eric Bell

Universal Studios Hollywood photo, from
Halloween Horror Nights: Promotional decor for Universal Studios Hollywood’s Halloween Horror Nights 2006. Photo submitted by Robert Niles

Universal Studios Hollywood photo, from
Waterworld: Waterworld at Universal Studios Hollywood. Photo submitted by Ally Pascua

Universal Studios Hollywood photo, from
Fear Factor - Live!:
This was the 2nd stunt at Fear Factor Live. In this part of the
competition, the challengers had to drink a special fear factor smoothie
made of pig organs, live insects, and a bunch of other fun treats. It’s
definately a fun thing to watch. Photo submitted by Ally Pascua

Universal Studios Hollywood photo, from
Jurassic Park - The Ride: The entrance to Jurassic Park. Photo submitted by Ally Pascua

Universal Studios Hollywood photo, from
Revenge of the Mummy:
Brendan Fraser, right, and Arnold Vosloo blow open the door to
Universal Studios Hollywood’s “Revenge of the Mummy – The Ride” on June
24, 2004. Photo submitted by Robert Niles

Universal Studios Hollywood photo, from
Revenge of the Mummy: Just a few of the skeletal remains in Revenge of the Mummy. Taken during a pre-opening behind-the-scenes tour of the ride. Photo submitted by Robert Niles

Universal Studios Hollywood photo, from
Revenge of the Mummy:
The treasure room. The darkened screen to the left will feature the
show animation in this scene. Taken during a pre-opening
behind-the-scenes tour of the ride. Photo submitted by Robert Niles

Universal Studios Hollywood photo, from
Revenge of the Mummy:
The Revenge of the Mummy coaster track viewed from the scarab invasion
scene, looking back into the ride. Taken during a pre-opening
behind-the-scenes tour of the ride. Photo submitted by Robert Niles

Universal Studios Hollywood photo, from
Waterworld: The waterworld show. Photo submitted by Tim Samuel

Universal Studios Hollywood photo, from
Outside the main entrance. Photo submitted by Tim Samuel

Universal Studios Hollywood photo, from
Fear Factor - Live!:
This is the Fear Factor Live Show. Guests volunteer and go one on one
against other them park guests. This is the hanging stunt. The last
person to remain hanging with this stunt. Photo submitted by Ryan Milanio

Universal Studios Hollywood photo, from
This is part of the crash site set from Steven Spielberg’s new movie War of The Worlds Photo submitted by Blake A

Universal Studios Hollywood photo, from
Studio Tour: This is on the Studio Tour when Jaws attacks the tram. Photo submitted by Blake A

Universal Studios Hollywood photo, from

Universal Studios’ have neighbors and they live right next door. Disney
Studios, Warner Brothers, and the NBC Studios are here in the Eastern
San Fernando Valley. Photo submitted by Ryan Milanio

Universal Studios Hollywood photo, from

After going through Universal Studios Hollywood, relax at Universal
Citywalk. It’s just right next door, and a lot of places to eat, watch
movies, and have fun. Photo submitted by Ryan Milanio

Universal Studios Hollywood photo, from

YOU TO UNIVERSAL’S BACKLOT. Photo submitted by Ryan Milanio

Universal Studios Hollywood photo, from

CRUISE. WATCH FOR THIS IN THE MOVIES. Photo submitted by Ryan Milanio

Universal Studios Hollywood photo, from

Revenge of the Mummy: The Ride. This is a 16 passenger car. Guests will
encounter Imhotep, the mummy, and ride in the dark, pitch black. Beware
of the scarab beetles, and Imhotep’s Curse. Photo submitted by Ryan Milanio

Universal Studios Hollywood photo, from

If you’re planning to go to Universal Studios, please don’t miss the #1
Show in the World, WaterWorld. WaterWorld show was better than the
movie. Explosions here and there. You and actors are part of the show.
Let the Mariner save the day. Photo submitted by Ryan Milanio

Universal Studios Hollywood photo, from

If you’re in Hollywood, you got to act like a star. Walk down Universal
Studios’s own red carpet to the theme park. Today you’re going to be
the star!! Photo submitted by Ryan Milanio

Universal Studios Hollywood photo, from
Terminator 2: 3D:
CYBERDYNE SYSTEMS. Home of the Terminator. John Connor and Sarah
Connor, once again, must stop Skynet, T-1000, and the furious T-1
Million from destroying the human race. HASTA LA VISTA, BABY!!! Photo submitted by Ryan Milanio

Universal Studios Hollywood photo, from

This picture is on the “STARWAY”. Universal Studios Hollywood has two
separated lots, Upper and Lower. There are four escalators just to take
you down to the Lower Lot. Photo submitted by Ryan Milanio

Universal Studios Hollywood photo, from
Back to the Future: The Ride:
This is the Entrance to the “Back to the Future The Ride” Enter Doc
Brown’s Institute of Future Technology to help Doc catch Biff from
ruining th future. Photo submitted by Ryan Milanio

Universal Studios Hollywood photo, from
Revenge of the Mummy: This is the main entrance to the Revenge of the Mummy roller coaster or to Imhotep’s Revenge. Photo submitted by Ryan Milanio

Universal Studios Hollywood photo, from

This is the Super Tram approaching the Departure zone. The Super Tram
has 3 additional trams attached to the main car. Its approximate holding
is about 200 people. Please step, behind the red line! Photo submitted by Ryan Milanio

Universal Studios Hollywood photo, from
Jurassic Park - The Ride:
Jurassic Park “River Adventure” is the wettest ride on the lot. You
will be on the rafts traveling thorugh Jurassic Park. This ride has a 84
foot waterfall. And if you are thinking of using Backdraft to dry you
off, it won’t work. Photo submitted by Ryan Milanio

Universal Studios Hollywood photo, from

This is the Studio Directory. You will see this in 4 places: The Main
entrance, the exit of the Studio Tour, the entrance of the starway, and
exiting the starway. The studio directory gives you time of shows, and
wait times for rides. Photo submitted by Ryan Milanio

Universal Studios Hollywood photo, from
Van Helsing: Fortress Dracula: The haunted house-style Van Helsing: Fortress Dracula currently occupies the walkthrough exhibit on the Upper Lot. Photo submitted by Robert Niles

Universal Studios Hollywood photo, from
Revenge of the Mummy: The entrance of USH’s Revenge of the Mummy, taken from a cell phone during my summer theme park tour. Photo submitted by Robert Niles

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