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29 08 2012 Wednesday LESSON 688 FREE ONLINE eNālāndā Research and Practice UNIVERSITY through Tipitaka network … his life, his acts, his words sabbe satta bhavantu sukhi-tatta TIPITAKA up a levelமூன்று கூடைகள்— The words of the Buddha புத்தரின் வார்த்தைகள்—Majjhima மத்திம Nikāya நடுத்தரமான நீள அளவு திரட்டுகள் -Sabbāsava Sutta எல்லா களங்கங்களின் நெறி முறைக் கட்டளை ஆணை (contd) Dhammapada Verses 320, 321 and 322 Attadanta Vatthu-Verse 320. The Buddha’s Endurance-Verse 321. The Disciplined Animal-Verse 322. The Most Disciplined Animal-Photography in San Francisco
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29 08  2012 Wednesday LESSON 688 FREE ONLINE  eNālāndā Research and Practice UNIVERSITY
Tipitaka network … his life, his acts, his words
sabbe satta bhavantu sukhi-tatta

TIPITAKA  up a levelமூன்று கூடைள்— The words of the Buddha புத்தரின் வார்த்தைகள்Majjhima மத்திம Nikāya
நடுத்தரமான நீள அளவு
-Sabbāsava Sutta எல்லா களங்கங்களின் நெறி முறைக் கட்டளை ஆணை (contd)

Dhammapada Verses 320, 321 and 322 Attadanta Vatthu-Verse 320. The Buddha’s Endurance-Verse 321. The Disciplined Animal-Verse 322. The Most Disciplined Animal

Photography in San Francisco

Verse 320. The Buddha’s Endurance

Many folks are ill-behaved
but I shall endure abuse
as elephant in battle
arrows shot from a bow.

Explanation: I will endure the words of the unvirtuous, who
make statements that go beyond the limits of decency. This is just
as the elephant that endures arrows in battle.

Verse 321. The Disciplined Animal

The tusker tamed they lead in crowds,
the king he mounts the tamed,
noblest of humans are the tamed
who can endure abuse.

Explanation: It is the disciplined animal (elephant or horse)
that is led to a gathering. The king mounts a disciplined horse. Among
men the disciplined one is the greatest. He has endured the harsh
words of the people.

Verse 322. The Most Disciplined Animal

Excellent are mules when tamed
and thoroughbred from Sindh,
noble the elephant of state,
better still one tamed of self.

Explanation: When well trained, mules are useful. Sindu thoroughbreds
are outstanding among horses. Of great elephants those of the Kunjara
breed are the greatest. But, of all, the best is the person who has
trained himself.

Dhammapada Verses 320, 321 and 322
Attadanta Vatthu

Aham nagova sangame
capato patitam saram
ativakyam titikkhissam
dussilo hi bahujjano.

Dantam nayanti samitim
dantam raja’ bhiruhati
danto settho manussesu
yo’ tivakyam titikkhati.

Varamassatara danta
ajaniya ca sindhava
kunjara ca mahanaga
attadanto tato varam.

Verse 320: As an elephant in battlefield withstands the arrow shot from a
bow, so shall I endure abuse. Indeed, many people are without morality.

Verse 321: Only the trained (horses and elephants) are led to gatherings of
people; the King mounts only the trained (horses and elephants). Noblest among
men are the tamed, who endure abuse.

Verse 322: Mules, thoroughbred horses, horses from Sindh, and great elephants
are noble only when they are trained; but one who has tamed himself (through
Magga Insight) is far nobler.

On Subduing Oneself

While residing at the Ghositarama monastery, the Buddha uttered Verses (320),
(321) and (322) of this book, with reference to the patience and endurance
manifested by himself when abused by the hirelings of Magandiya, one of the
three queens of King Udena.

Once, the father of Magandiya, being very much impressed by the personality
and looks of the Buddha, had offered his very beautiful daughter in marriage to
Gotama Buddha. But the Buddha refused his offer and said that he did not like to
touch such a thing which was full of filth and excreta, even with his feet. On
hearing this remark both Magandiya’s father and mother discerning the truth of
the remark attained Anagami Fruition. Magandiya, however, regarded the Buddha as
her arch enemy and was bent on having her revenge on him.

Later, she became one of the three queens of King Udena. When Magandiya heard
that the Buddha had come to Kosambi, she hired some citizens and their servants
to abuse the Buddha when he entered the city on an alms-round. Those hirelings
followed the Buddha and abused him using such abusive words as ‘thief, fool,
camel, donkey, one bound for niraya’. Hearing those abusive words, the Venerable
Ananda pleaded with the Buddha to leave the town and go to another place. But
the Buddha refused and said, “In another town also we might be abused
and it is not feasible to move out every time one is abused. It is better to
solve a problem in the place where it arises. I am like an elephant in a
battlefield; like an elephant who withstands the arrows that come from all
quarters, I also will bear patiently the abuses that come from people without

Then the Buddha spoke in verse as follows:

Verse 320: As an elephant in battlefield
withstands the arrow shot from a bow, so shall I endure abuse. Indeed,
many people are without morality.


Verse 321: Only the trained (horses and elephants)
are led to gatherings of people; the King mounts only the trained
(horses and elephants). Noblest among men are the tamed, who endure


Verse 322: Mules, thoroughbred horses, horses from
Sindh, and great elephants are noble only when they are trained; but
one who has tamed himself (through Magga Insight) is far nobler.

At the end of the discourse, those who had abused the Buddha realized their
mistake and came to respect him; some of them attained Sotapatti Fruition.

Photography in San Francisco

Photowalking 7Golden Gate Bridge at Dusk, Dedicated to My Good Friend Robert ScobleSkinSelf Portrait, August 24, 2005



Twin Peaks

Twin Peaks San Francisco Sunrise (HDR time-lapse)

This was an HDR time-lapse from Twin Peaks. It
was a glorious moment because mother nature was behaving, unlike the
last 2 early morning efforts where I was too fogged in. I was also
shooting with my new Nikon D700 and a new 14-24mm ultrawide which is
just a great combo since the D700 is a full frame camera!

San Francisco Walks & Hikes - Photos

Mosaic Stairs in San Francisco

of self-guided walks throughout San Francisco and the Bay Area. If you
came to San Francisco with the intent to just walk, you’d have days of
discovery and enjoyment. Unlike hot climates where summer heat makes
walking prohibitive . . . or rainy climes where duckies and mud might be
the norm . . . San Francisco’s weather is an ideal blend of clear days
and subsequent, cooling fog. 

1 of 9

San Francisco Ferry BuildingSan Francisco Attractions & Landmarks

2 of 9

Crissy Field and Crissy Marsh in the Presidio of San FranciscoSan Francisco Walks & Hikes

3 of 9

legion of honor san franciscoSan Francisco Neighborhood Photos

4 of 9

kiteboarding championships san franciscoSan Francisco Event Photos

5 of 9

Brandt's CormorantsSan Francisco Parks & Nature Photos

6 of 9

contemporary jewish museum san franciscoSan Francisco Museum Photos

7 of 9

Albany BulbEast Bay Photos

8 of 9

coastal trail in marin headlandsMarin County Photos

9 of 9

Main Quad Stanford University

San Francisco Neighborhood Photos

of San Francisco neighborhoods. The districts of San Francisco imbue
the city with its diverse colors, flavors and character. Although the
precise delineations can be hazy, the ethnic and demographic
distinctions are often vivid . . . between the Mission and the Marina,
between the Outer Sunset and North Beach. 


How San Francisco Works: San Francisco City Guide

San Francisco Attractions & Landmarks

of San Francisco Landmarks. San Francisco is studded with immediately
identifiable icons, such as the Golden Gate Bridge. This picture gallery
will expand to include some of the more familiar images around San
Francisco, and also the lesser known attractions and places of interest
around the San Francisco Bay Area.


Video: Golden Gate Bridge 75th Anniversary Fireworks Show!!


Fireworks cascade downward from the Golden Gate Bridge as part of the
span’s 75th anniversary celebration on Sunday, May 27, 2012, in San
Francisco. (AP)

We’re neither very interested nor typically emotional over firework displays, but last night’s Golden Gate Bridge 75th anniversary
fiery finale changed everything. It was pretty damn spectacular.
Starting out with a shower of sparks leaping from the the bridge, the
fireworks show blew up from there, gloriously. Check it out:

Slideshow of Golden Gate Bridge

San Francisco Parks & Nature Scenes

San Francisco Nature Scenes - Cairns

of San Francisco parks, nature and art works. One of the benefits and
joys of living in the San Francisco Bay Area is the overwhelming natural
beauty. From city parks to wilderness areas outside the city — trails,
wildlife, geological landmarks are all within a short walk, ride or
drive from the city.

San Francisco Event Photos

Doggie Diner Doggies at St. Stupid's Day Parade

of San Francisco events. Street fairs, festivals and public
competitions take place throughout the year in San Francisco. Some
events, like Bay to Breakers, attract hundreds of thousands of
participants and spectators. Others, like the St. Stupid’s Day Parade or
the Bring Your Own Big Wheel race, are often an accidental encounter
for tourists or newcomers who don’t know about these annual San
Francisco traditions.


Bay Area Photos - Beyond SF

Lyford House at Richardson Bay Audubon in Tiburon California

photos here include attractions, events, parks, and walking tours from
around the Bay Area — beyond the city limits of San Francisco.


San Francisco Bay Area Scenic Flight

A scenic flight over San Francisco and featuring the Golden Gate bridge.
Music: Loro by Pinback. Many thanks to Bob Spofford for the flight.

videos of San Francisco  Alcatraz, Neighborhood, Twin Peaks,The Museums, Chinatown / North Beach, Haight Ashbury / Mission District, City Hall, The Ferry Building,Palace of Fine Arts / Exploratorium, The cemeteries.

san francisco ferry buildingSan Francisco Ferry Building & Bay Bridge San Francisco Ferry Building and San Francisco Boat Tram StreetcarSan Francisco Streetcar - F Market Market Bar at the San Francisco Ferry BuildingMarket Bar - Embarcadero Side of Ferry Building San Francisco Ferry Building InteriorSan Francisco Ferry Building Nave
San Francisco Ferry Building ConcoursePeets & Book Passage - San Francisco Ferry Building Boulette's Larder at the San Francisco Ferry BuildingBoulettes Larder - San Francisco Ferry Building Ferry Plaza Wine Merchant at San Francisco Ferry BuildingFerry Plaza Wine Merchant Recchiuti Confections at San Francisco Ferry BuildingRecchiuti Confections - San Francisco Ferry Building
Cowgirl Creamery at the San Francisco Ferry BuildingCowgirl Creamery - San Francisco Ferry Building Miette Patisserie at San Francisco Ferry BuildingMiette Patisserie - San Francisco Ferry Building Imperial Tea at San Francisco Ferry BuildingImperial Tea Court - San Francisco Ferry Building

Tsar Nicoulai Caviar at San Francisco Ferry BuildingTsar Nicoulai Caviar -

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