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Kushinara NIBBĀNA Bhumi Pagoda White Home, Puniya Bhumi Bengaluru, Prabuddha Bharat International.

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17X12 Wednesday LESSON 725 மூன்று கூடைகள் திபிதகup a levelTIPITAKA from FREE ONLINE eNālāndā Research and Practice UNIVERSITY through Verses 389 and 390 Sariputtatthera Vatthu-Verse 389. Harm Not An Arahat-Verse 390. An Arahat Does Not Retaliate-Homemade Rat and Mice Spray Repellent
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17X12 Wednesday LESSON 725  மூன்று கூடைள் திபிup a levelTIPITAKA from FREE ONLINE  eNālāndā Research and Practice UNIVERSITY through Verses 389 and 390 Sariputtatthera
Vatthu-Verse 389. Harm Not An Arahat-Verse 390. An Arahat Does Not Retaliate-Homemade Rat and Mice Spray Repellent

Verse 389. Harm Not An Arahat

One should not a brahmin beat
nor for that should He react.
Shame! Who would a Brahmin beat,
more shame for any should they react.

Explanation: No one should strike a brahmana - the pure saint.
The brahmana who has become a victim must refrain from attacking the
attacker in return, or show anger in return. Shame on him who attacks
a brahmana; greater shame on him who displays retaliatory anger.

Verse 390. An Arahat Does Not Retaliate

For brahmin no small benefit
when mind’s aloof from what is dear.
As much he turns away from harm
so much indeed does dukkha die.

Explanation: To the brahmana, the act of not returning hate
is not a minor asset - it is a great asset, indeed. If, there is in
a mind which usually takes delight in hateful acts, there is a change
for the better, it is not a minor victory. Each time the violent mind
ceases, suffering, too, subsides.

Dhammapada Verses 389 and 390


Na brahmanassa pahareyya
nassa muncetha brahmano
dhi brahmanassa hantaram
tato dhi yassa muncati.

Na brahmanasse’ tadakinci seyyo
yada nisedho manaso piyehi
yato yato himsamano nivattati
tato tato sammatimeva dukkham.

Verse 389: One should not strike a brahmana; a
brahmana should not get angry with his assailant; it is shameful to strike a
brahmana; it is more shameful to get angry with one’s assailant.

Verse 390: For a brahmana there is no benefit
at all if he does not restrain from anger to which his mind is prone. Inasmuch
as one desists from the intention to harm, to that extent dukkha ceases.

The Story of Thera Sariputta

While residing at the Jetavana
monastery, the Buddha uttered Verses (389) and (390) of this book, with
reference to the Venerable Sariputta.

The Venerable Sariputta was often
praised by many people for his patience and forbearance. His pupils usually said
of him thus: “Our teacher is a man of great patience and extreme endurance.
If he is abused or even beaten by others, he does not lose his temper but
remains calm and composed.” As this was often said of the Venerable
Sariputta, a brahmin holding wrong views declared to the admirers of Sariputta
that he would provoke the Venerable Sariputta into anger. At that moment, the
Venerable Sariputta, who was on his alms-round, appeared on the scene; the
brahmin went after him and hit him hard on his back with his hand. The thera did
not even look round to see who was the person that attacked him, but proceeded
on his way as if nothing had happened. Seeing the magnanimity and great
fortitude of the noble thera, the brahmin was very much shaken. He got down on
his knees at the feet of the Venerable Sariputta, admitted that he had
wrongfully hit the thera, and asked for pardon. The brahmin then continued,
“Venerable Sir, should you forgive me, kindly come to my house for

In the evening, other bhikkhus
reported to the Buddha that the Venerable Sariputta had gone for alms-food to
the house of a brahmin who had beaten him. Further, they observed that the
brahmin was sure to get bolder and he would soon be assaulting other bhikkhus
also. To those bhikkhus, the Buddha replied, “Bhikkhus, a true brahmana
does not beat another true brahmana; only an ordinary man or an ordinary brahmin
would beat an arahat in anger and ill will. This ill will should be eradicated
by Anagami Magga.”

Then the Buddha spoke in verse as

Verse 389: One should
not strike a brahmana; a brahmana should not get angry with his
assailant; it is shameful to strike a brahmana; it is more shameful to
get angry with one’s assailant.

Verse 390: For a
brahmana there is no benefit at all if he does not restrain from anger
to which his mind is prone. Inasmuch as one desists from the intention
to harm, to that extent dukkha ceases.

Whether you are looking to protect your garden or house from mice and
rats, natural and chemical products can help deter mice and rats from
interacting with your household.

High-frequency Sound to Get Rid of Rats

Many find it inhumane to
kill the rodents in traps, so they turn to alternative repellents.
Homemade spray repellents are an ideal alternative to rodent traps. They
work to repel the rodents through scent, without harming the animals.

Instructions Peppermint

  • 1

    Saturate several cotton balls with peppermint oil.

  • 2

    Place the cotton balls in places where the mice have been known to go.

  • 3

    Change the cotton balls after a couple of days, replacing
    them with fresh ones. Peppermint leaves may be laid around as a
    substitute for the peppermint oil.

  • Hot Pepper Spray

    • 4

      Fill a bucket with 1 gallon of water. Add 1 tbsp. hot sauce and ¼ cup dish soap to the bucket.

    • 5

      Stir the ingredients thoroughly with a long-handled spoon. Transfer a portion of the mixture into an empty spray bottle.

    • 6

      Spray the mixture onto floors, countertops and other areas
      where mice and rats have been known to go. Store the remaining mixture
      in a container with a lid.


    • 7

      Fill several small dishes with ammonia. You can use plastic soda bottle caps for a disposable container.

    • 8

      Place the containers of ammonia in areas where the mice and
      rats go. If you have small children or pets, do not place the ammonia
      containers where they can get to them.

    • 9

      Leave the ammonia containers in the area for several days.
      The mice and rats will not drink the ammonia; rather, the smell of the
      ammonia alone will keep them away.

    manufacturers sell products that they claim use high-frequency sounds to
    get rids of rodents, insects and some pets. Some of these products
    operate off electricity, while others are solar-powered. In general,
    this concept is attractive to homeowners because it does not require
    killing the creature, nor does it require handling hazardous materials.
    Yet, there are issues involved with high-frequency sound to get rid of
    rats that you should consider.

    Sound and Electronic Devices. Although mice are easily
    frightened by strange or unfamiliar noises, they quickly become accustomed to
    regularly repeated sounds and are often found living in grain mills or
    factories and other noisy locations. Ultrasonic sounds, those above the range
    of human hearing have very limited use in rodent control because they are
    directional and do not penetrate behind objects. Also, they lose their
    intensity quickly with distance. There is little evidence that sound of any
    type will drive established mice or rats from buildings because they rapidly
    become accustomed to the sound.

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