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Kushinara NIBBĀNA Bhumi Pagoda White Home, Puniya Bhumi Bengaluru, Prabuddha Bharat International.

July 2024
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20X12 Saturday LESSON 728 திபிதக மூன்று கூடைகள் up a levelTIPITAKA from FREE ONLINE eNālāndā Research and Practice UNIVERSITY- VOICE OF SARVAJAN Dhukka LPG crisis worsening -Ration card registration centres go the ‘extra mile’SOLUTION:Dhukka Nirodha
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20X12 Saturday LESSON 728  திபிமூன்று கூடைள் up a levelTIPITAKA from FREE ONLINE  eNālāndā Research and Practice UNIVERSITY through Verse 393 Jatilabrahmana
Vatthu-One Does Not Become A Brahmin Merely By Birth-VOICE OF SARVAJAN Dhukka LPG crisis worsening - Ration card registration centres go the ‘extra mile’ SOLUTION:Dhukka Nirodha

Verse 393. One Does Not Become A Brahmin Merely By Birth

By birth one is no brahmin,
by family, austerity.
In whom are truth and Dhamma too
pure is he, a Brahmin’s he.

Explanation: One does not become a brahmin by one’s matted
hair. Nor does one become a brahmin by one’s clan. Even one’s
birth will not make a brahmin. If one has realized the Truth., has
acquired the knowledge of the Teaching, if he is also pure, it is
such a person that I describe as a brahmin.

Dhammapada Verse 393


Na jatahi na gottena
na jacca hoti brahmano
yamhi saccanca
1 dhammo2 ca
so suci so ca brahmano.

Verse 393: Not by wearing matted hair, nor by
lineage, nor by caste, does one become a brahmana; only he who realizes the
Truth and the Dhamma is pure; he is a brahmana.

1. sacca: the Four Noble Truths.

2. dhamma : the nine Transcendentals, viz., the
four Maggas, the four Phalas and Nibbana.

The Story of Jatila, the Brahmin

While residing at the Jetavana
monastery, the Buddha uttered Verse (393) of this book, with reference to Jatila,
a brahmin ascetic who wore matted hair.

Once, a brahmin ascetic thought
to himself that the Buddha called his disciples ‘brahmanas’ and that he being a
brahmin by birth should also be called a ‘brahmana’. Thinking thus, he went to
see the Buddha and put forward his view. But the Buddha rejected his view and
said, “O brahmin, I do not call one a brahmana because he keeps his hair
matted or simply because of his birth; I call one a brahmana only if he fully
comprehends the Four Noble Truths.”

Then the Buddha spoke in verse as

Verse 393: Not by
wearing matted hair, nor by lineage, nor by caste, does one become a
brahmana; only he who realizes the Truth and the Dhamma is pure; he is
a brahmana.



LPG crisis worsening

To increase the cap on subsidized cooking gas cylinders.

Dismal ratio between gas dealers and consumers in the state, is badly affecting adequate supply of LPG cylinders on ground.

Oil companies have  to expedite the process of allotting gas
dealership and every block should have at least one dealer for smooth
LPG distribution,

The verification process as per the new LPG policy has become
cumbersome, with people made to wait for hours together in queues to
update their LPG consumer connections.

Chief Minister must “personally monitor” the situation
and the government must decide to urge the Prime Minister Manmohan Singh
and UPA Chairperson Sonia Gandhi to increase the quota of subsidized
LPG cylinders.

A group of ministers from the state must meet PM  and apprise
him about the situation with regard to the new LPG policy,

Minister for Consumer Affairs and Public Distribution (CAPD) has to confirm this.

State government must be concerned about the problems that people are facing due to new LPG policy.

 The issue of LPG must be personally taken up with 
the Prime Minister and ask for special concession for the people.

There is no shortage of LPG in the state.However due to verification process people are not able to get cooking gas.

With new LPG policy coming into effect, LPG consumers  are facing lot of problems.As the number of LPG cylinders to be given to a consumer at subsidized
rates has been fixed at six refills per year, the people are bound to
face multiple problems. After consuming six cylinders, a consumer has to
pay non-subsidized rate of LPG cylinders which will be fixed by Oil
Companies keeping in view fluctuating crude oil prices.

People suffer

This refers to the news “After LPG crisis, more power cuts to haunt
people.” It is an unfortunate decision by the government and PDD to
announce a new curtailment schedule at a time when examinations are
going on. On one hand government is talking about improving the
education sector, while on the other hand it announced curtailment
schedule even after knowing the problems faced by the people due to LPG
crisis. How can a student study when there is so much curtailment
especially in unmetered areas? Also we can’t use handy gas now because
it is difficult to get handy gas refilled due to new LPG policy
announced by the government. With Darbar move just round the corner
people living in this so called “paradise on earth” will continue to
reel under darkness this winter too. Meanwhile, the government has no
moral courage to get back power projects from NHPC.

LPG crisis


In the wake of LPG crises, the common man seems
to be on the cross roads. It is very unfortunate
and disgusting to see old aged persons waiting in
long queues for hours in the open to get the gas
documents verified.

It is duty of the Govt to utilize its resources
and authority to make the verification process
and the LPG distribution system easy and smooth.

In the absence of the home delivery system, let
the concerned administration ask the LPG dealers
to open more and more distribution centres
(outlets) in order to give some respite to the
common man. Keeping in view the LPG crises the
administration needs to be vigilant to curb any
attempt of illegal black marketing of Gas

While a subsidised LPG cylinder will cost somewhere around Rs 430, the
cost of non-subsidised cylinder would be more than double the price of a
subsidised cylinder and a consumer is entitled to only six LPG
cylinders a year.


pointed out that it is difficult to use other energy sources, like
biogas, solar energy, etc as a substitute to LPG due to reasons like
cost and availability.

LPG cylinder price hiked, non-subsidised cylinder to now cost Rs. 921

The price of cooking gas (LPG) has been hiked by Rs.
11.42 per cylinder, following the government’s decision to raise the
commission paid to the dealers. The hike comes within weeks of the
government deciding to restrict supply of subsidised cooking gas to six
cylinders per household in a year.

The Oil Ministry had yesterday issued orders raising commission paid to LPG dealers from Rs. 25.83 per 14.2-kg cylinder to Rs. 37.25, government officials said.

For the consumer, subsidised LPG in Delhi will now cost Rs. 410.42 per cylinder, up from Rs. 399. Officials said the commission paid on market price or non-subsidised LPG too has been raised by Rs. 12.17 to Rs. 38 per cylinder. Accordingly, a non-subsidised LPG cylinder price will go up from Rs. 883.5 to Rs. 921.5.

Petrol and diesel prices too may go up marginally as the Oil Ministry
considers raising dealers’ commission by at least 23 paise and 10 paise a
litre respectively.

Viewing the rise in prices including that of LPG as “anti-people”, MAJORITY PEOPLE CONSISTING SC/ST/OBC/MINORITIES AND POORER AMONG THE NON-MAJORITY PEOPLE  will hold a nation-wide protest during which they will also raise the issue of scams that have
hit the government.

Ration card registration centres go the ‘extra mile’

Franchisees charge exorbitant fees for collecting bio-metric details in B’lore

The bribery bug seems to have bitten the online registration for ration cards in the city.

time the fleecing of applicants is not by any government agency, but by
franchisees (photo bio service centres), which have been entrusted with
the task of taking photographs and collecting fingerprint and other
bio-metric details of the ration card seekers.  

The official
website ( of the Department of Food, Civil Supply
and Consumer Affairs says the fee for taking the photographs and
bio-metric details has been fixed at Rs 20 for upto four members of a
family and Rs 5 for each additional member.

A reality check showed that these centres, mostly cyber cafes, were taking the applicants for a ride.

some centres, the card seekers are being charged Rs 50 to Rs 100,
irrespective of the number of family members.  A resident
of Chandra Layout (Bangalore West) was forced to pay Rs 50 when she
went to give bio-metric details at the photo centre, even though there
are only two members in her family.

“When I told them about the
fee fixed by the department, the cyber cafe owner said they are
collecting a higher fee because they have to pay more to the
government,” . Other residents of the area faced similar
problems. They too had to pay “extra” to ensure that biometric details
are taken properly.

The operator at a service centre on
Kaggadasapura main road (Bangalore East) said they were collecting Rs 10
per person to record biometric details, irrespective of what the
department had prescribed.

A resident of the area,
said some people had paid Rs 100, even though the number of family
members was limited to four.

A service centre in Yeshwantpur
(Bangalore North) is charging Rs 30 as minimum fee. Another centre in
Ejipura (Bangalore South) is collecting Rs 10 for each additional member
of the family with a size more than four.

M C Gangadhar, Deputy
Director (Procurement and Distribution) of the Department of Food,
Civil Supplies and Consumer Affairs told that the deputy
directors of the respective zones had been made responsible for the
irregularities at the service centres in their jurisdiction.

public may lodge complaints with the deputy directors. The list of the
service centres under each zone is available on the department website
as well as at the nearest ration shops, he said.

Gangadhar said
if the service centre owners were found guilty, the password given to
them would be immediately disabled and another service centre would be

The food department has identified 160 service centres in the city.

are a total of 765 such service centres across the State, including
those in the jurisdiction of select gram panchayats, taluk offices and
offices of the deputy directors of the department for recording
bio-metric details.

As many as 31 lakh people from across the
State, including seven lakh from Bangalore, have applied for new ration
cards and bio-metric details will be collected before delivery of the


Dhukka Nirodha


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