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Kushinara NIBBĀNA Bhumi Pagoda White Home, Puniya Bhumi Bengaluru, Prabuddha Bharat International.

July 2024
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28X12 SUNday LESSON 735 திபிடக முக்கூடைகள் up a levelTIPITAKA from FREE ONLINE eNālāndā Research and Practice UNIVERSITY through Takes on Gandhis in Rae Bareli-A Brahmana Is He Who Is Not Wrathful Dhammapada Verse 400 Sariputtatthera Vatthu
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28X12 SUNday LESSON 735  திபிக  முக்கூடைள் up a levelTIPITAKA from FREE ONLINE  eNālāndā Research and Practice UNIVERSITY through Takes on Gandhis in Rae Bareli-A Brahmana Is He Who Is Not Wrathful Dhammapada Verse 400 Sariputtatthera

BSP Takes on Gandhis in Rae Bareli

Uttar Pradesh chief minister Kumari Mayawati doesn’t appear to want to
hand Congress party president Sonia Gandhi or her family a walkover in
the 2014 general elections.

week, Ms. Mayawati’s Bahujan Samaj Party announced it would put up a
candidate to fight Ms. Gandhi in her parliamentary seat of Rae Bareli in
Uttar Pradesh, according to local media reports.

seat has been a Nehru-Gandhi family stronghold since Independence – a
fact which appears to be discouraging other parties from even fielding a
candidate in the constituency.

month, head of Uttar Pradesh’s ruling Party, said the leadership had
decided not to contest Rae Bareli in 2014 as a gratitude for Congress’s
decision not to field a candidate in another part of Uttar Pradesh
during a by-election this summer. The candidate then was SP head’s

This kind of horse-trading diminishes democracy. A few families dominate a swathe of Country’s parliamentary seats.

for the BSP’s decision is that Congress is looking more vulnerable in
Rae Bareli. The party did badly in the constituency during Uttar Pradesh
state elections earlier this year.

BSP is planning to field Ram Lakhan Pasi, a local Scheduled Caste
leader from the party and a former state-level bureaucrat, in Rae
Bareli, reports say. The Pasis, part of the Indian caste system, are one
of the largest communities in the constituency.

Jaamodeep, a village of 70 or so families living in mud huts, farmers
say they have been disappointed by a lack of infrastructure

The village falls under the neighboring Amethi constituency, None of the other parties put up candidates.

Falling under a Gandhi constituency hasn’t brought any benefits for the village, pointing to unpaved roads.

They get electricity for just two hours a day. It comes in the middle of the night and by the time they wake up, it’s gone.


Ms Mayawati will the the next Prime Minister of PraBuddha Bharath for the following reasons:

BSP is only party which has got the capacity to not to hand Congress
party president Sonia Gandhi or her family a walkover in the 2014
general elections.

2 One family cannot dominate a swathe of
Country’s parliamentary seats which did badly in the constituency during
Uttar Pradesh state elections earlier this year.

3 Farmers say they have been disappointed by a lack of infrastructure.

4 Falling under a Gandhi constituency hasn’t brought any benefits for the village, pointing to unpaved roads.

5 They get electricity for just two hours a day. It comes in the middle of the night and by the time they wake up, it’s gone.

6 The VIEWS PAPERS and MEDIAS with ULTERIOR IDEAS will not succeed in 2014 elections.

The Chief Election Commission is expected to drape all the hands,
Lotuses, Bicycles and othe symbols of ruling parties in the respective
States and the statues of leadsers of those parties as it did in the
last UP elections for a level playing ground. And also publish the
source code of the program software of the Electronic Voting Machines
for openness and security.

It is hoped that The Wall Street Journal (INDIA REAL TIME) high light these points in the larger interest of Democracy.

Verse 400. A Brahmana Is He Who Is Not Wrathful

Who’s angerless and dutiful,
of virtue full and free of lust,
who’s tamed, to final body come,
that one I call a Brahmin True.

Explanation: He is free of anger. He carefully performs his
religious duties and is mindful of the observances. He is disciplined
in terms of virtuous behaviour. He is restrained. This is the final
body he will occupy as he has ended his cycle of births. I call that
person a brahmana.

Dhammapada Verse 400


Akkodhanam vatavantam
silavantam anussadam
dantam antimasariram
tamaham brumi brahmanam.

Verse 400: Him I call a brahmana, who is free
from anger, who practises austerity, who is virtuous and free from craving, who
is controlled in his senses and for whom this body (i.e., existence) is the very

1. antimasariram: lit., one who has the last
body. This is his last body because he will not be reborn; he is an arahat.

The Story of Thera Sariputta

While residing at the Veluvana
monastery, the Buddha uttered Verse (400) of this book, with reference to the
Venerable Sariputta.

While the Buddha was in residence
at the Veluvana monastery, the Venerable Sariputta, accompanied by five hundred
bhikkhus, entered Nalaka Village and stood at the door of the house of his own
mother for alms-food. His mother invited them into the house. But while she was
offering food to her son she said, “O you consumer of left-overs, you who
have abandoned eighty crores to become a bhikkhu, you have ruined us.”
Then, she offered alms-food to the other bhikkhus and said to them rudely,
“You all have used my son as your attendant; now eat your food.” The
Venerable Sariputta said nothing in reply but he just meekly took his bowl and
came back to the monastery. Back at the monastery, the bhikkhus told the Buddha
how the Venerable Sariputta had patiently borne the scolding and abuses of his
mother. To them, the Buddha said that arahats never get angry, they never
lose their temper.

Then the Buddha spoke in verse as

Verse 400: Him I call
a brahmana, who is free from anger, who practises austerity, who is
virtuous and free from craving, who is controlled in his senses and
for whom this body (i.e., existence) is the very last.

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