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982 LESSON 17-07-2013 WEDNESDAY

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Caste-based rallies unite, not divide: Mayawati

Mayawati blames Centre, state for security lapses

The Economic Times

Caste-based rallies unite, not divide: Mayawati

Mayawati said that despite a ban on holding caste-based rallies, her party would continue to organize as they were meant for bringing all castes together.Mayawati
said that despite a ban on holding caste-based rallies, her party would
continue to organize as they were meant for bringing all castes

LUCKNOW: Bahujan Samaj Party chief Mayawati
has said that despite a High Court ban on holding caste-based rallies,
her party would continue to organize as they were meant for bringing all
castes together and not divisive in nature.

She said that the court should instead consider banning religious organisations like the Vishwa Hindu Parishad (VHP), Rashtriya Swayam Sewak Sangh (RSS) and Bajranj Dal, who govern a political party like the BJP.

Speaking to the press on Sunday, Mayawati said that the High Court had
recently banned caste-based rallies in the state. “But we must bear in
mind that our society is still based on caste structures. Some castes
like SC/ST OBC’s have been suppressed for ages and are now trying to
come up. The rallies that the BSP organised recently are not for
creating a division on caste lines but bringing several castes together.
This should be seen positively. For the BSP social upliftment of
suppressed castes comes first and politics later. We will continue to
organise ‘Sarva Samaj’ rallies, which are meant for a broader society”.

She said that the rallies would be under the right spirit of the
constitution and if some parties would have objection BSP would make
small changes. Mayawati said that the Courts should instead ban
organisations like the RSS, VHP and Bajrang Dal which are religious in nature.

She said that not only are these three organisations affiliated to the BJP but also decide its Prime Ministerial candidate, an oblique reference to Narendra Modi being made the campaign committee chief of the BJP.

She said that the Gujarat
chief minister recent comments related to 2002 killings in the Gujarat
riots to the death of an animal were deplorable and she condemned it.
She said that the Gujarat CM should study the constitution which is not
based on Hindutva and does not allow for divisive politics.

She said that the recent Supreme Court order regarding convicted leaders would be liable for much misuse and, the Centre should appeal against it.

Jagatheesan Chandras (Bangalore)

14 Minutes ago

question is as to who will bell the cat of the ideals of distributive
justice and equitable allocation of resources that support programmes
for social equality must be backed by effective governance, sound
universal education and industrialisation that would usher in
modernisation, the ultimate solvent for caste. Apart from distribution
of healthy seeds to the farmer with land to the tillers and irrigation,
government loan to the youth will to start-up and for small enterprises
and to see that the government servants are honest and corrupt free
which is the duty of the government. So far neither the Congress nor
Vishva Hindu Parishad, nor the Rashtriya Swayam Sevak Sangh nor Bajarang
Dal (BJP) have done this. On the other hand the wealth of the country
has been distributed to the upper castes and the rich depriving the poor
because they believe in 1st, 2nd, 3d , 4th rate athmas (souls) and the
Panchamas (Untouchables) have no soul. Buddha never believed in any
soul. He said all are equal. The father of the constitution Dr.B.R.
Ambedkar enshrined this in the Constitution which Kanshiram and Mayawati
wished to implement it. They wanted all the castes and religions to be
united to achieve like all the people of this country wanted to lead a
happy and peaceful life to attain Eternal Bliss as their Final Goal. And
of course the media has greater role to play. Napolean had once said
that he could face two battalions but not two scribes.

jay (US)


Can some one please slap this bas******

Agree (0)Disagree (0)Recommend (0)Offensive

Jagatheesan Chandras (Bangalore) replies to jay

4 Minutes ago

this bas******jay (US) because of this hatred, anger, jealousy, greed,
intolerance caste based discriminative attitude which is nothing but
mental disorder and deserved to be in a mental asylum. No sooner such
persons think of an untouchable they become mad. Ms Mayawati wants to
put an end to this madness by banning Vishva Hindu Parishad, Rashtriya
Swayam Sangh, Bajrang Dal (BJP).

Mayawati blames Centre, state for security lapses

GAYA: BSP chief and former UP CM Mayawati,
on Monday, expressed concern over the serial blasts in Mahabodhi
temple, the most sacred shrine for Buddha followers across the world.

Talking to news persons after visiting the blast sites, the BSP supremo
said shrine protection is the joint responsibility of the Union and
state government and both failed. The shrine security should have been
more foolproof. What happened in Mahabodhi temple should not have happened, said Mayawati. Two monks were injured in the serial blasts on July 7, 2013.

“It has to be ensured that such things do not happen in future,” said
Mayawati. Expressing dissatisfaction with the manner in which Buddha
shrine was being managed, the former CM said the shrine management left
much to be desired. She asked the state government to see to it that the
shrine was better managed. The former UP CM said that if BSP came to
power at the Centre, the problems of the shrine management committee
will be solved.

The BSP leader did not rake up the issue of total Buddhist control over
the shrine. The shrine, as of now is jointly managed by a nine member
Hindu majority committee having five Hindus and four Buddhists. 

Jagatheesan Chandrasekharan(Bangalore)

the BSP acquires the MASTER KEY and comes to power at the center,
better will be the solution of problems of the Mahabodhi temple, the
most sacred shrine for Buddha followers across the world.



had on Sunday demanded that the central government ban the VHP, RSS and
Bajrang Dal. She had said that the Allahabad High Court’s decision to
ban caste rallies in Uttar Pradesh would be respected, but her party
would hold such caste-based rallies under the banner of ‘Sarva Samaj

Jagatheesan Chandrasekharan(Bangalore)
question is as to who will bell the cat of the ideals of distributive
justice and equitable allocation of resources that support programmes
for social equality must be backed by effective governance, sound
universal education and industrialisation that would usher in
modernisation, the ultimate solvent for caste. Apart from distribution
of healthy seeds to the farmer with land to the tillers and irrigation,
government loan to the youth will to start-up and for small enterprises
and to see that the government servants are honest and corrupt free
which is the duty of the government. So far neither the Congress nor
Vishva Hindu Parishad, nor the Rashtriya Swayam Sevak Sangh nor Bajarang
Dal (BJP) have done this. On the other hand the wealth of the country
has been distributed to the upper castes and the rich depriving the poor
because they believe in 1st, 2nd, 3d , 4th rate athmas (souls) and the
Panchamas (Untouchables) have no soul. Buddha never believed in any
soul. He said all are equal. The father of the constitution Dr.B.R.
Ambedkar enshrined this in the Constitution which Kanshiram and Mayawati
wished to implement it. They wanted all the castes and religions to be
united to achieve like all the people of this country wanted to lead a
happy and peaceful life to attain Eternal Bliss as their Final Goal. And
of course the media has greater role to play. Napolean had once said
that he could face two battalions but not two scribes.

this bas******jay (US) because of this hatred, anger, jealousy, greed,
intolerance caste based discriminative attitude which is nothing but
mental disorder and deserved to be in a mental asylam. No sooner such
persons think of an untouchable they become mad. Ms Mayawati wants to
put an end to this madness by banning Vishva Hindu Parishad, Rashtriya
Swayam Sangh, Bajrang Dal (BJP).

The Times of India

UP to have 1cr unemployed youth by 2017: National Sample Survey Organisation

LUCKNOW: For the Akhilesh Yadav government, the burgeoning unemployment problem comes as a daunting challenge. The 66th round of the National Sample Survey Organisation
(NSSO) report puts the projection of unemployed youth in Uttar Pradesh
in the age group of 15-35 at whopping 1 crore by the end of the ongoing
12th Five Year Plan (2012-17). They will be in addition to the backlog
of around 32 lakh unemployed, who are already in the queue awaiting
their chance.

The grim reality urgently calls for a drastic
shift in planning and development approach before it becomes
unmanageable. The spiralling problem may snowball into widespread social
unrest and dejection with far-reaching political repercussions. So the change for youth largely
depends on the government’s ability to address the problem of
unemployment, which remains the core issue for job-seeking young

What comes as a real shock is the decline of
agriculture workers at an alarming pace. There was a net decline of 49
lakh agriculture workers in the last five years in Uttar Pradesh. The
NSSO report shows that the number of total agriculture workers went down
from 403 lakh in 2004-05 to 369 lakh in 2009-10 and 354 lakh in

So, at present, only 52.41% of the total workers are
now engaged in the UP’s agriculture sector. Earlier it used to be as
high as 78%. There has been a constant decline in the number of
agriculture workers, but the drop in their number was rapid in the last
five years. The declining trend continues and this is expected to
dwindle further by 5% in the current financial year.

indicates the poor performance of the agriculture sector, which is the
mainstay of the state’s economy. The sector has grown at the rate of
3-4%, which is much below the overall potential of the state.

Reasons for this are many. The major contributory factor is that
agriculture has become far more unproductive due to rising cost of
inputs, particularly fertilisers and seeds. Adding to this are the
small land holdings, which are shrinking every passing year. The result
is that there are too many small and marginal farmers who are living
below subsistence level. The Mahatma Gandhi
National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme (MGNREGS) is another factor
that has driven agriculture labourers towards construction work.
However, those engaged with the scheme are also not deemed better-paid
and thus most of them are forced to survive on meager income.

The decent work is
available to only a minority of 9.72% workers. On
the other hand, the number of casual labourers has risen from 100 lakh
to 160 lakh, which shows a sharp increase from 16.9% to 24%.

The dismal situation of job availability in UP is further evident by the
fact findings of the NSSO. It states that the work participation rate
in UP remains at 33.3%, while the total number of workers has gone up
from 667 lakh in 2004-05 to 675 in 2011-12. Thus it shows that 67%
workers either have to go without any work or have to fend themselves on
pecuniary wages. They are not bracketed in decent job conditions that
contain security covers like medical or other risk insurance.

The employment scenario further makes a depressing reading. The
manufacturing sector, considered the corner stone of the economy, has
grown at snail’s pace of 1.64%. The number of workers employed in this
sector has risen from 84 lakh in 2004-05 to just 86 lakh in 2011-12.  As against the total
workers, the sector employs 12.75%.

Construction sector show is at a lower rate. It accounts for 12.64% of total
work force. The numbers rose from 37 lakh in 2004-05 to 79 lakh in
2009-10 and to 85 lakh in 2011-12. Incidentally, this was the period was
when the state witnessed a large number of construction activities like SC/ST/OBC memorials and parks under the Mayawati regime.

Ironically, the issue
of unemployment remains a matter of misplaced priority. The growth
pattern adopted is also not employment-oriented. The best example of
this is of the agriculture, which has witnessed a sharp mechanisation.
Industries are not coming and the emphasis is only large industries
rather than small and medium scale, which have more job potential. The
allied sectors of agriculture like horticulture, food processing,
fisheries, dairy and poultry farming are just in infancy in the state
despite having huge potential. In the face of the prevailing situation,

unemployment dole makes no answer to the vexed problem of job crunch.

Jagatheesan Chandrasekharan(Bangalore)
duty of the government is to provide healthy seeds, fertilisers and
sufficient irrigation to the farmers besides distribution of government
to cultivate small holdings. It is the duty of the government to arrange
for government loans to all youths to encourage them to start-up or
small enterprises. The government servants must be honest and corruption
free to implement all the above government schemes for good governance.
Ms Mayawati seriously attempted to do her best without the cooperation
of the Central Govt. Hence the MASTER KEY must be handed over to BSP to
unlock all doors of development for the progress, welfare, happiness and
peace of the entire people and to enable them to attain Eternal Bliss
as final goal.

The Times of India

Mayawati justifies caste-based rallies, demands ban on RSS and VHP

Mayawati justifies caste-based rallies, demands ban on RSS and VHP
Mayawati justifies caste-based rallies, demands ban on RSS and VHP

LUCKNOW: Justifying caste-based rallies organized by her party, BSP chief Mayawati on Sunday said the courts should instead ban religion-based organizations like Vishwa Hindu Parishad, Bajrang Dal and Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh,
which claim that they are not political but in reality control parties
like BJP through remote control. “These organizations also decide prime
ministerial candidate and policies of the BJP,” she told reporters. Such
religion-based politics is threat to national unity, she said.

Mayawati warned her party MP Vijay Bahadur Singh for supporting Gujarat chief minister and BJP campaign committee chairperson Narendra Modi
for latter’s ‘puppy remark’ related to the 2002 riots. She said that
Singh gave statement in his personal capacity and party has nothing to
do with it. She said Vijay Bahadur Singh had defied party line because
BSP has decided not to give him ticket for the next Lok Sabha election.

Mayawati said she will expel Singh from the party, if he continued to
act and speak against the party line. The BSP chief described Modi’s
remark as insensitive and communal. Mayawati had earlier said that Modi
is not fit to become the prime minister.

Reacting to the high
court’s stay on caste-based rallies, Mayawati said rallies organized by
her party are aimed at uniting people of all sections of the society and
not for political gains. She said that the BSP will continue to
organize rallies to promote brotherhood among all castes and

However, we will keep in mind that such rallies do
not appear to be casteist, the former UP chief minister said. Mayawati
claimed that teachings of saints like Narayana Guru were the guiding
principle for her party.

Mayawati also said she did not agree
with Supreme Court’s decision banning those in jail from contesting
elections. She said such a provision could be misused by the ruling
party in a state and at the Centre.

Demanding President’s rule in UP, Mayawati said poor law and order was adversely affecting development in the state.

The BSP chief alleged that the SP government was neck-deep in
corruption. Mayawati said when she was in power she did not hesitate in
sacking ministers. However, the SP has inducted family members of Babu Singh Kushwaha, minister in BSP regime, whom she had expelled after his name figured in NRHM scam, she said.


The Times of India

Jagatheesan Chandrasekharn(Bangalore)
Jagatheesan Chandrasekharan(Bangalore)
Mayawati is the only leader in the country asking the courts to ban
Vishva Hindu Parishad, Bajarang Dal,and Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh,
which claim that they are not political but in reality control parties
like BJP through remote control and also decide prime ministerial
candidate and policies of the BJP as Such religion-based politics is
threat to national unity, She also said rallies organized by her party
are aimed at uniting people of all sections of the society and not for
political gains. She said that the BSP will continue to organize rallies
to promote brotherhood among all castes and communities. However, we
will keep in mind that such rallies do not appear to be casteist, the
former UP chief minister said. Mayawati claimed that teachings of saints
like Narayana Guru were the guiding principle for her party. She is
right as the system of 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th rate athmas (souls) and
Panchamas without any soul must unite to promote brotherhood among all
castes and communities as the Awakened with Awareness never believed in
any soul but all are equal for peace, welfare and happiness and to
attain Eternal Bliss as Final Goal.

This is called caste based atrocious mind who live in a stupor state
from time immemorial calling all types of names at untouchables. No
sooner they come to know that a person is an untouchable soon erupts
hatred which is nothing but mental disorder. They must become broad
minded to accept SC/STs also as their mothers and sisters.

First caste fanatics must delete from their minds that they are superior
to untouchables (SC/ST). For this Vishva Hindu Parishad, Bajrang Dal
and Rashtriya Swayam Sevak Sangh must be banned.The ruling castes must
implement provisions in the Constitution for equal distribution of
wealth equally among all sections of the society.

Rahul Sharma (Rajkot)

BJP is not interested in panchayati raj system. They are interested only
in British raj system. What else other than this one has to expect from
such a crooked divisive political party like BJP?

Sanghi Hypocrite (goa)

the BJP wants all the Minoritlies to be Eliminated and when whoever
Opposes them they call them Pseudo Secularists…

Amit Kunderval (Ahmedabad, India)
“Firstly BJP contrasted on ram mandir, then they are saying that they
want to focus on muslim once again they are coming on ram mandir. One
side they are talking on development politics and on the other side
they are playing politics on religion.”

“In 2002, it was NDA govt who started working on 100% FDI in retail
sector but now they protest for fame!”

“The BJP which is protesting CBI inquiry in Ishrat Jahan probe,
registered it’s support for the same in 2011! Who will trust this party
with dual policies?”

Akanksha Misra (New Delhi, India)

Jagatheesan Chandrasekharn (Bangalore) replies to Akanksha Misra
Jagatheesan Chandrasekharan(Bangalore)
Mayawati is the only leader in the country asking the courts to ban
Vishva Hindu Parishad, Bajarang Dal,and Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh,
which claim that they are not political but in reality control parties
like BJP through remote control and also decide prime ministerial
candidate and policies of the BJP as Such religion-based politics is
threat to national unity, She also said rallies organized by her party
are aimed at uniting people of all sections of the society and not for
political gains. She said that the BSP will continue to organize rallies
to promote brotherhood among all castes and communities. However, we
will keep in mind that such rallies do not appear to be casteist, the
former UP chief minister said. Mayawati claimed that teachings of saints
like Narayana Guru were the guiding principle for her party. She is
right as the system of 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th rate athmas (souls) and
Panchamas without any soul must unite to promote brotherhood among all
castes and communities as the Awakened with Awareness never believed in
any soul but all are equal for peace, welfare and happiness and to
attain Eternal Bliss as Final Goal.

This is called caste based atrocious mind who live in a stupor state
from time immemorial calling all types of names at untouchables. No
sooner they come to know that a person is an untouchable soon erupts
hatred which is nothing but mental disorder. They must become broad
minded to accept SC/STs also as their mothers and sisters.

First caste fanatics must delete from their minds that they are superior
to untouchables (SC/ST). For this Vishva Hindu Parishad, Bajrang Dal
and Rashtriya Swayam Sevak Sangh must be banned.The ruling castes must
implement provisions in the Constitution for equal distribution of
wealth equally among all sections of the society.

Rahul Sharma (Rajkot)

BJP is not interested in panchayati raj system. They are interested only
in British raj system. What else other than this one has to expect from
such a crooked divisive political party like BJP?

Sanghi Hypocrite (goa)

the BJP wants all the Minoritlies to be Eliminated and when whoever
Opposes them they call them Pseudo Secularists…

Amit Kunderval (Ahmedabad, India)
“Firstly BJP contrasted on ram mandir, then they are saying that they
want to focus on muslim once again they are coming on ram mandir. One
side they are talking on development politics and on the other side
they are playing politics on religion.”

“In 2002, it was NDA govt who started working on 100% FDI in retail
sector but now they protest for fame!”

“The BJP which is protesting CBI inquiry in Ishrat Jahan probe,
registered it’s support for the same in 2011! Who will trust this party
with dual policies?”

Jagatheesan Chandrasekharan(Bangalore)
are the Corrupted mad (pagal) nuts hard to crack minds because they are
the followers of communal Vishva Hindu Parishad, Rashtria Swayam Sevak
Sangh (BJP)

Drsantosh Kumar
abhishek (Delhi )

N.Shekar (Bangalore)
Annie (India)

Dolittle Thomas

Sudhir (IND)
AAM Janta Dal Rockin

coolguy (india)
Nachiket (Nashik) (NACHU-POISON)

ashish.niam (New Delhi) (Maa kaa

Rishi Tiwari (Pune, Maharashtra)

anivarch.1963 (jharkhand)


leela.guruprakash1970 () must be sent to mental asylum for hatred,
anger, intolerance, jealousy, fear, caste discrimination which are
nothing but madness. Only 1% of the budget was sent to SC/ST/OBC icons
while chores of rupees are spent on non-SC/ST/OBC icons for just
maintianance.Even the SC/ST/OBC icons are the national property.
Easwar Venkatraman (Mumbai)

Even Mayawati can also aspire for PM post as she is trying to bring all
castes and religions together through SARVA SAMAJ SADBHAVAN for the
welfare, happiness and peace for the entire people and to help them
achieve Eternal Bliss as Final Goal as she is the Awakened One with

Prasad Shirahatti (Dandeli)

Virendra Verma (australia)

Manthan Bachani (Mumbai, Maharashtra, Ind)
rluthra1 ()
Shiva Mishra (Kota)


Jagatheesan Chandrasekharan(Bangalore)

was at the behest of BJP that all false charges were filed by CBI as
she did not become a prey to the communal policies of BJP which were
looting the country in coal and other scams. She is successful in
conducting SARVA SAMAJ SADBHAVAN Rallies for uniting all castes,
religions and languages which is the need of the hour.

Jagatheesan Chandrasekharan(Bangalore)

forget that the majority includes 2nd, 3rd, 4th rate athmas (souls) who
agreed to be so and panchamas (untouchables) who are believed to have
no soul so that anything could be done to them. Buth the Awakened One
with Awareness never believed in any soul. He said all are equal. If the
this awareness comes to to ignorant then the BJP (VHP, RSS, Bajarang
dal) will automatically become minorities and that is the reason that
they are afraid of Mayawati and support ban on Sarva Samaj Sadbhavan

Jagatheesan Chandrasekharan(Bangalore)

Jain (Gurgaon) is a thief and a stealth person who is scared of the
consequences of calling an untouchable by spealling correctly the word
*hore…. But this media and others know that he is not born to a

Jagatheesan Chandrasekharan(Bangalore)

Balle (Gurgaon) is SIKH-KA-LIAR. Social Engineering is for uniting
people irrespective of all castes, languages and religions which is not
liked by Balle Balles as they wish to maintain status ko believing that
they are 1st rate athmas and rest are nuts.

Jagatheesan Chandrasekharan(Bangalore)

(VHP,RSS.Bajarang dal) afraid of Hindus 80.5% , Muslims 13.4%,
Christians 2.3%, Sikhs 1.9,Buddhists 0.8%, Jains 0.4% and others 0.6%
because they practice hatred politics thinking that they are 1st rate
athmas and all others are 2nd,3rd ,4th rate athmas (souls) and believe
that the SC/STs (untouchables ) have no soul and they could do whatever
they wished to do to them. The Buddha never believed in any soul. He
said all are equal which all the people believe. hat is the reson why
the BJP is scared.
Jagatheesan Chandrasekharan(Bangalore)

Verma (australia)’s ears to be twisted and tongue chopped off because
he is hiding the manuvad realities. Manuvadi BJP wanted to use BSP as
their tool as with the case of other 2nd,3rd,4th rate athmas (souls).
But BSP did not become a prey for its dirty design and that is called
awakeness with awareness and not a thankless creature.

Jagatheesan Chandrasekharan(Bangalore)
is the only leader in the country asking the courts to ban Vishva Hindu
Parishad, Bajarang Dal,and Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh, which claim
that they are not political but in reality control parties like BJP
through remote control and also decide prime ministerial candidate and
policies of the BJP as Such religion-based politics is threat to
national unity, She also said rallies organized by her party are aimed
at uniting people of all sections of the society and not for political
gains. She said that the BSP will continue to organize rallies to
promote brotherhood among all castes and communities.

However, we will keep in mind that such rallies do not appear to be
casteist, the former UP chief minister said. Mayawati claimed that
teachings of saints like Narayana Guru were the guiding principle for
her party.

She is right as the system of 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th rate athmas (souls) and
Panchamas without any soul must unite to promote brotherhood among all
castes and communities as the Awakened with Awareness never believed in
any soul but all are equal for peace, welfare and happiness and to
attain Eternal Bliss as Final Goal.

Jagatheesan Chandrasekharan(Bangalore)

is called caste based atrocious mind who live in a stupor state from
time immemorial calling all types of names at untouchables. No sooner
they come to know that a person is an untouchable soon erupts hatred
which is nothing but mental disorder. They must become broad minded to
accept SC/STs also as their mothers and sisters.

Jagatheesan Chandrasekharan(Bangalore)
caste fanatics must delete from their minds that they are superior to
untouchables (SC/ST). For this Vishva Hindu Parishad, Bajrang Dal and
Rashtriya Swayam Sevak Sangh must be banned.The ruling castes must
implement provisions in the Constitution for equal distribution of
wealth equally among all sections of the society.

Rahul Sharma (Rajkot)13 hrs ago
Bronze: 73
is not interested in panchayati raj system. They are interested only
in British raj system. What else other than this one has to expect from
such a crooked divisive political party like BJP?

Sanghi Hypocrite (goa)
1 day ago

the BJP wants all the Minoritlies to be Eliminated and when whoever Opposes them they call them Pseudo Secularists…
Amit Kunderval (Ahmedabad, India)
BJP contrasted on ram mandir, then they are saying that they want to
focus on muslim once again they are coming on ram mandir. One side they
are talking  on development politics and on the other side
they are playing politics on religion.”

“In 2002, it was NDA govt who started working on 100% FDI in retail sector but now they protest for fame!”
“The BJP which is protesting CBI inquiry in Ishrat Jahan probe, registered it’s support for the same in 2011!

Who will trust this party with dual policies?”

case mayavati s demand are taken seriously by UPA, I am sure Indian
people will demand closure of schools and institutes which teach any
kind of religious texts….of are being supported by any religion….
going ahead, we demand that any show of religion in form on clothes,
bodily identifications and prayers in public places etc should all be
banned under the name of secular India.

thomas cheenath (India)

vicki (Wellington NZ)

VHP, Bajrang Dal are all communal parties , better ban them and also
ban all religious procession under the communion banners of Hinduism.

nirav0279 ()

Really a wild demand

Bewakoof to tu hai murkh.tere dharm ne jati me baatkar loogo ko divide kiya .pehle upne dharm ki safayi kar

is right in demanding a ban on the RSS, the VHP and the Bajrang Dal.
she is not alone in this demand. Most people wish that theses three
organisations must be banned for ever forthwith. It was, in fact, a
grave mistake on the part of the then government that it lifted the ban
on the RSS,, which was imposed following the assassination of Mahatma
Gandhi., in 1948. Had the ban been there the VHP and the Bajrang Dal
would not have been founded in the years 1964 and 1984 respectively.
In the last 65 years of the existence of the RSS it has developed its
many fangs and has contaminated the minds of a lot number of Hindus with
the poison of communalism. It has divided the country on communal
basis. India would have been a far better place had these organisations
were not there. Even now the organisations can be banned for ever and
the country rescued.

Truth ()

rss ,vhp and bajirang dal BAN”"”"BAN rss ,vhp and bajirang dal
BAN”"”"BAN rss ,vhp and bajirang dal BAN”"”"BAN rss ,vhp and bajirang
dal BAN”"”"BAN rss ,vhp and bajirang dal BAN”"”"BAN rss ,vhp and
bajirang dal BAN”"”"BAN rss ,vhp and bajirang dal BAN”"”"BAN rss ,vhp
and bajirang dal BAN”"”"BAN rss ,vhp and bajirang dal BAN”"”"BAN rss
,vhp and bajirang dal BAN”"”"BAN rss ,vhp and bajirang dal BAN”"”"BAN
rss ,vhp and bajirang dal BAN”"”"BAN rss ,vhp and bajirang dal
BAN”"”"BAN rss ,vhp and bajirang dal BAN”"”"BAN rss ,vhp and bajirang
dal BAN”"

richard dias dias replies to vinay sharma

do not know to comment. They only can kick. I know that kick is
directed against all the religious fanatics in this country.

Winner (Location) RSS, VHP & Bajrangdal should be banned. Mayawathi is a voice of the just.


: 3939

Prakruti Shah (Mumbai)
1 day ago
Gold: 12.8K

nitin (mumbai) replies to Seng Kally 1 day ago

nitin (mumbai) replies to Seng Kally 1 day ago
Bewakoof to tu hai murkh.tere dharm ne jati me baatkar loogo ko divide kiya .pehle upne dharm ki safayi kar

Padmesh Kumar varma (India.) 1 day ago

The Times of India

Don’t divide this great nation, be a nationalist Indian

Jagatheesan Chandrasekharan(Bangalore)

a 2nd rate, 3rd, rate, 4th rate like to call himself except the 1st
rate athma (soul) as hindu nationalist ? Certainly not the panchamas who
are considered to be not to have any soul. Buddha never believed in any
soul. He said all are equal. Therefore every one must be proud to call
himself as PRABUDDHA BHARATH NATIONALIST for peace, welfare and
happiness of all people and to attain Eternal Bliss as Final Goal.

The Indian Elections | The New York Times | 4 July


Supreme Court had ordered to replace all the Electronic Voting Machines
which could be easily tampered in favour of ruling caste as it was done
in US some times back. The OPEN SOURCE CODE has to be made public to
save democracy, freedom and liberty. Hope the NYT concentrates on this
vital issue.

Following are the Corrupted mad nuts hard to crack minds because they are the followers of  communal Vishva Hindu Parishad, Rashtria Swayam Sevak Sangh (BJP)

Drsantosh Kumar ()

abhishek (Delhi )

1 day ago

N.Shekar (Bangalore)

Annie (India)

Dolittle Thomas ()

Sudhir (IND)

AAM Janta Dal Rockin ()


coolguy (india)

Nachiket (Nashik) (NACHU-POISON)

ashish.niam (New Delhi) (Maa kaa


Rishi Tiwari (Pune, Maharashtra)

anivarch.1963 (jharkhand)

leela.guruprakash1970 ()

leela.guruprakash1970 () must be sent to mental asylum for hatred, anger, intolerance, jealousy, fear, caste discrimination which are nothing but madness. Only 1% of the budget was sent to SC/ST/OBC icons while chores of rupees are spent on non-SC/ST/OBC icons for just maintianance.Even the SC/ST/OBC icons are the national property.

Easwar Venkatraman (Mumbai)

Even Mayawati can also aspire for PM post as she is trying to bring all castes and religions together through SARVA SAMAJ SADBHAVAN for the welfare, happiness and peace for the entire people and to help them achieve Eternal Bliss as Final Goal asshe is the Awakened One with Awareness.

Prasad Shirahatti (Dandeli)

Virendra Verma (australia)

Manthan Bachani (Mumbai, Maharashtra, Ind)

rluthra1 ()

Shiva Mishra (Kota)



Samajwadi Party does away with most of its special cells

cells which go off the list will include the Samajwadi Brahman Sabha,
Samajwadi Bauddhik Sabha and Samajwadi Vikalang Sabha. Yadav said cells
carrying the name ‘Samajwadi’ be done away with. The directive extends
to dismantling of various executive committees formed under the cells
which Yadav said were “unconstitutional”.

Jagatheesan Chandrasekharan (Bangalore) 15 hrs ago
had on Sunday demanded that the central government ban the VHP, RSS and
Bajrang Dal. She had said that the Allahabad High Court’s decision to
ban caste rallies in Uttar Pradesh would be respected, but her party
would hold such caste-based rallies under the banner of ‘Sarva Samaj

Appa Durai (Coimbatore)

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