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1214 LESSON 24714 THURSDAY FREE ONLINE E-Nālanda Research and Practice UNIVERSITY Please render correct translation in your own mother tongue and all other languages and propagate for your and others happiness-The Sutta Pitaka-Digha Nikāya -Mahāparinibbāna Sutta {excerpts} — The last instructions — [mahā-parinibbāna]
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1214 LESSON 24714 THURSDAY FREE ONLINE E-Nālanda Research and Practice UNIVERSITY

Please render correct translation in your own mother tongue and all other languages and propagate for your and others happiness

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Mahaparinibbana Sutta - මහාපරිනිබ්බාණ සුත්‍රය1:05:41hr.

Mahaparinibbana Sutta - මහාපරිනිබ්බාණ සුත්‍රය

අතිපූජනීය නා උයනේ අරියධම්ම ස්වාමීන් වහන්සේ විසින් දේශනා කරනු ලබන මහාපරිනිබ්බාණ සුත්‍රය පිළිබඳ ධර්මානුශාසනය.

සියලු ධර්ම දේශනා ශ්‍රවණය කිරීම සඳහා පිවිසෙන්න -…

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>>ஸுத்தபிடக-திக்க நிகாய Sutta Piṭaka >> Digha Nikāya

DN 16 - (D ii 137)

Classical English


Mahāparinibbāna Sutta{excerpts}— The last instructions —[mahā-parinibbāna] (The Mirror of the Dhamma)
This sutta gathers various instructions the Buddha gave for the sake of his followers after his passing away, which makes it be a very

important set of instructions for us nowadays.I will expound the discourse on the Dhamma which is called Dhammādāsa, possessed
of which the ariyasāvaka, if he so desires, can declare of himself: ‘For me, there is no more niraya, no more tiracchāna-yoni, no more

pettivisaya, no more state of unhappiness, of misfortune, of misery, I am a sotāpanna, by nature free from states of misery, certain of
being destined to sambodhi. And what, Ānanda, is that discourse on the Dhamma which is called Dhammādāsa, possessed of which

the ariyasāvaka, if he so desires, can declare of himself: For me, there is no more niraya, no more tiracchāna-yoni, no more pettivisaya,
no more state of unhappiness, of misfortune, of misery, I am a sotāpanna, by nature free from states of misery, certain of being

destined to sambodhi? Here, Ānanda, an ariyasāvaka is endowed with Buddhe aveccappasāda:

செம்மொழி பாளி

நாம தம்மா-பரியாயங், யேன ஸம்மன்னாகதொ ஆரியஸாவகொ ஆகன்கமானொ  அட்டணாவ
அட்டாணங் ப்யா - கரெய்ய: கின-நிரயோ-மி கின-திர்ச்சான-வொனி
கின-பெட்டிவிசவொ கின் அப்பாவ-துக்கதி-வினிபாதொ, ஸோதாப்பன்னொ - ஹமஸ்மி
அவினிபாதொ-தம்மொ நியதொ ஸம்போதி பரயனொ’தி.

கதமொ ச ஸொ, ஆனந்தா,
தம்மாதாஸொ தம்மா-பரியாயவொ, யேன ஸம்மன்னாகதொ ஆரியஸாவகொ ஆகன்கமானொ 
அட்டணாவ அட்டாணங் ப்யா - கரெய்ய: கின-நிரயோ-மி கின-திர்ச்சான-வொனி
கின-பெட்டிவிசவொ கின் அப்பாவ-துக்கதி-வினிபாதொ, ஸோதாப்பன்னொ - ஹமஸ்மி
அவினிபாதொ-தம்மொ நியதொ ஸம்போதி பரயனொ’தி?

இத்’ஆனந்தா, ஆரியஸாவகொ புத்தே அவெச்சப்பஸாத ஸம்மன்னாகதொ ஹோதி

Idhānanda, ariyasāvako Buddhe aveccappasāda samannāgato hoti

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>>ஸுத்தபிடக-திக்க நிகாய Sutta Piṭaka >> Digha Nikāya

DN 16 - (D ii 137)

மஹாபரினிப்பண ஸுத்த (அபார வீடுபேற்றுநிலை குறிக்கோள் எய்தல்)

- இறுதி நெறிமுறைக் கட்டளைத்தொகுதி -

ஸுத்த (சூத்திரத்தொகுதி )  புத்தர் அவரை பின்பற்றுபவர்கள் பொருட்டு
பற்பலவிதமான கொய்சகமாக்கப்பட்ட மிக முக்கியமான நெறிமுறைக் கட்டளைத்தொகுதி
குழுமத்தை  முன்னேற்றமுற்ற இக்காற்கு நமக்கு கொடுத்திறுக்கிறார், 

செம்மொழி தமிழ்

(தம்மாவின் உருப்பளிங்கு)

Dhammādāsa (தம்மாவின் உருப்பளிங்கு) என  கருதப்படும் தம்மாவை
வியாக்கியானம் பண்ண பிரசங்கம் செய்ய விரும்புகிரேன்,ariyasāvaka (புனிதமான
சீடர்)ஆக ஆட்கொண்டு, ஒருவேளை அவர் தானே  விரும்பி உறுதியாக்கிக் கொண்டால்:
எனக்கு, மேலும் niraya (நரகம்) இல்லை,  மேலும்
tiracchāna-yoni ( மிருகம சாம்ராஜ்யம்) இல்லை,இன்னும் மேலும் pettivisaya
(ஆவிகள் சாம்ராஜ்யம்) இல்லை,  மேலும்
பாக்கியவீனம், துரதிருஷ்டம், துக்க நிலை இல்லை, நான் sotāpanna (புனல்
பிரவேசி), இயற்கையாக துக்க நிலையில் இருந்து விடுவிக்கப்பட்டவன், sambodhi
(முழுக்க தூக்கத்திலிருந்து விழிப்பு) ஆக சேர இருத்தல் உறுதி.

என்ன, Ānanda (ஆனந்தா), தம்மா மீதான அந்த பிரசங்கம் Dhammādāsa (தம்மாவின்
உருப்பளிங்கு) என  கருதப்படும் தம்மாவை வியாக்கியானம் பண்ண பிரசங்கம் செய்ய
விரும்புகிரேன், ariyasāvaka (புனிதமான சீடர்) ஆக ஆட்கொண்டு, ஒருவேளை அவர்
தானே  விரும்பி உறுதியாக்கிக் கொண்டால்:
‘ஆக எனக்கு,  மேலும்
niraya (நரகம்) இல்லை, மேலும் tiracchāna-yoni ( மிருகம
சாம்ராஜ்யம்) இல்லை,  மேலும் pettivisaya (ஆவிகள் சாம்ராஜ்யம்)
இல்லை, மேலும் பாக்கியவீனம், துரதிருஷ்டம், துக்க நிலை இல்லை, நான்
sotāpanna (புனல் பிரவேசி), இயற்கையாக துக்க நிலையில் இருந்து
விடுவிக்கப்பட்டவன், sambodhi (முழுக்க தூக்கத்திலிருந்து விழிப்பு) ஆக சேர
இருத்தல் உறுதி தானே?

43) Classical Kannada
Oneindia Kannada–%E0%B2%97–%E0%B2%B0-%E0%B2%B2–%E0%B2%A1-%E0%B2%95-%E0%B2%95—-22-%E0%B2%AE%E0%B2%95-%E0%B2%95%E0%B2%B3-%E0%B2%B8-%E0%B2%B5-.html

43) ಶಾಸ್ತ್ರೀಯ ಕನ್ನಡ
ಟ್ರೀ >> suttapitaka-ಅನಾಥರಿಗೆ ನಿಕಾಯ ಸುತಾ Pitaka >> ದಿಘಾ ನಿಕಯಾ

ಡಿ ಎನ್ 16 - (ಡಿ II 137)

Mahaparinippana ಸುತಾ (ವೇಗವಾಗಿ vituperrunilai ಗೋಲ್ ಶೂಟಿಂಗ್)

- ಅಂತಿಮ ನಿಯಂತ್ರಿತ kattalaittokuti -

ಸುತಾ (cuttirattokuti) parpalavitamana கொய்சகமாக்கப்பட்ட ಬುದ್ಧ
கொடுத்திறுக்கிறார் munnerramurra ikkarku ಪ್ರಮುಖ ನಿಯಂತ್ರಣಾ
kattalaittokuti ಗ್ರೂಪ್ ತನ್ನ ಅನುಯಾಯಿಗಳಿಗೆ ಆದೇಶ,

ಶಾಸ್ತ್ರೀಯ ತಮಿಳು

(ಧಮ್ಮ ನ uruppalinku)

Dhammādāsa (ಧಮ್ಮ ಆಫ್ uruppalinku) ಅವರು ಬಯಸಿದ್ದರು ಖಚಿತವಾಗಿ ಆಗಿತ್ತು ಬಹುಶಃ
ವೇಳೆ, ಉಳಿಸಿದ ಆಗಲು ಧರ್ಮಬೋಧೆ, ariyasāvaka (ಪವಿತ್ರ ಶಿಷ್ಯ) ಮಾಡಲು ಧಮ್ಮ
virumpukiren ವ್ಯಾಖ್ಯಾನ ಪರಿಗಣಿಸಲಾಗಿದೆ:
“ಆದ್ದರಿಂದ, ನನಗೆ ಹೆಚ್ಚು niraya
(ನರಕದ) ಯಾವುದೇ, ಹೆಚ್ಚು tiracchāna-ಯೋನಿ (ಒಂದು ರಾಜ್ಯವನ್ನು ಇಲ್ಲ), ಮತ್ತು
ಇನ್ನೂ ಹೆಚ್ಚು pettivisaya (ಶಕ್ತಿಗಳು ಸಾಮ್ರಾಜ್ಯದ) ಇಲ್ಲ, ಹೆಚ್ಚು
pakkiyavinam, ಡ್ಯೂಸ್, ಶೋಕ ಮತ್ತು ಯಾವುದೇ, sotāpanna ನಾನು (ಕೊಳವೆಯ
ಪ್ರವೇಶ), ಸ್ವಾಭಾವಿಕವಾಗಿ ಖೇದ ರಾಜ್ಯದ விடுவிக்கப்பட்டவன், sambodhi
(ಸಂಪೂರ್ಣವಾಗಿ ನಿದ್ರೆಯಿಂದ ಜಾಗೃತಿ), ಆದ್ದರಿಂದ ಸೇರಲು ಮರೆಯಬೇಡಿ.

ಆನಂದ (ಆನಂದ), ಧಮ್ಮ Dhammādāsa (ಧಮ್ಮ ಆಫ್ uruppalinku) ಪ್ರಸಂಗವು
ಧರ್ಮಬೋಧೆ, ariyasāvaka (ಪವಿತ್ರ ಶಿಷ್ಯ) ಮಾಡಲು ಧಮ್ಮ virumpukiren ವ್ಯಾಖ್ಯಾನ
ಪರಿಗಣಿಸಲಾಗಿದೆ ಅವರು ಬಯಸಿದ್ದರು ಖಚಿತವಾಗಿ ಆಗಿತ್ತು ಬಹುಶಃ ವೇಳೆ, ಉಳಿಸಿದ ಆಗಲು:

“ಆದ್ದರಿಂದ, ನನಗೆ ಹೆಚ್ಚು niraya (ನರಕದ) ಯಾವುದೇ, ಹೆಚ್ಚು
tiracchāna-ಯೋನಿ ಸ್ವಾಭಾವಿಕವಾಗಿ, ತಪ್ಪಿಸುವ ಖೇದ, ಮತ್ತು ಹೆಚ್ಚು pettivisaya
(ಶಕ್ತಿಗಳು ಸಾಮ್ರಾಜ್ಯದ) ಇಲ್ಲ, ಹೆಚ್ಚು pakkiyavinam, ಡ್ಯೂಸ್, ಶೋಕ ಮತ್ತು
ಯಾವುದೇ, ನಾನು sotāpanna (ಕೊಳವೆಯ ಪ್ರವೇಶ) (ಒಂದು ರಾಜ್ಯವನ್ನು ಇಲ್ಲ)
விடுவிக்கப்பட்டவன் , sambodhi (ಸಂಪೂರ್ಣವಾಗಿ ನಿದ್ರೆಯಿಂದ ಜಾಗೃತಿ), ಆದ್ದರಿಂದ
ಇದು ಸೇರಲು ಮರೆಯಬೇಡಿ?

74) Classical Telugu×60/0


74) క్లాసికల్ తెలుగు
ట్రీ >> suttapitaka-అనాథలు nikaya సుత్త Piṭaka >> డిఘ Nikāya

DN 16 - (డి II 137)

Mahaparinippana సుత్త (రాపిడ్ vituperrunilai గోల్ షూటింగ్లో)

- ఫైనల్ నియంత్రణ kattalaittokuti -

సూత్తా (cuttirattokuti) parpalavitamana கொய்சகமாக்கப்பட்ட బుద్ధ கொடுத்திறுக்கிறார் munnerramurra ikkarku అత్యంత ముఖ్యమైన నియంత్రణ kattalaittokuti గ్రూప్ తన అనుచరులు ఆర్డర్

సాంప్రదాయ తమిళ్

(ధమ్మం యొక్క uruppalinku)

నేను Dhammādāsa (ధమ్మం యొక్క uruppalinku) అతను అతను కోరుకున్నాడు ఖచ్చితంగా ఉండవచ్చు, సేవ్ అవ్వండి ఉపన్యాసం, ariyasāvaka (పవిత్ర శిష్యుడు) తయారు ధమ్మం virumpukiren భావానువాదం భావించబడుతుంది:
“సో, నాకు, మరింత niraya (నరకం) లేదు, మరింత tiracchāna-యోని (ఒక రాజ్యం ఉంది), మరియు ఇప్పటికీ మరింత pettivisaya (ఆత్మలు సామ్రాజ్యం) లేదు, మరింత pakkiyavinam, డ్యూస్, సంతాప మరియు సంఖ్య, sotāpanna నేను (గరాటు ఎంట్రీ), సహజంగా విచారంలో రాష్ట్ర விடுவிக்கப்பட்டவன், sambodhi (పూర్తిగా నిద్ర నుండి లేవడం), కాబట్టి చేరడానికి నిర్థారించుకోండి.

మరియు, ఆనంద (ఆనంద), ధమ్మం Dhammādāsa (ధమ్మం యొక్క uruppalinku) పోస్ట్ ప్రబోధం ఒక ఉపన్యాసం, ariyasāvaka (పవిత్ర శిష్యుడు) తయారు ధమ్మం virumpukiren భావానువాదం వలె వ్యవహరించాలి దానిని అతను కోరుకున్నాడు ఖచ్చితంగా ఉండవచ్చు, సేవ్ మారింది:
“సో, నాకు, మరింత niraya (నరకం) లేదు, మరింత tiracchāna-యోని సహజంగా, కలిగి నుండి విచారంలో, మరియు మరింత pettivisaya (ఆత్మలు సామ్రాజ్యం) లేదు, మరింత pakkiyavinam, డ్యూస్, సంతాప మరియు సంఖ్య, నేను sotāpanna (గరాటు ఎంట్రీ) (ఒక రాజ్యం ఉంది) விடுவிக்கப்பட்டவன் , sambodhi (పూర్తిగా నిద్ర నుండి లేవడం), అందువలన ఇది చేరడానికి తప్పకుండా

The Sutta Pitaka

surface of a pond

A Taste of Salt

The Sutta Pitaka
was written down in the Pali language over 2,000 years ago. The Sutta
Pitaka is made of five collections of suttas; the Digha Nikaya, the
Majjima Nikaya, the Samyutta Nikaya, the Anguttara Nikaya, and the
Khuddaka Nikaya. These texts remain the most complete record of early
Buddhist teachings. The suttas fill thousands of pages, and it is a
daunting task for most readers to read through the many volumes. A Taste of Salt
draws 350 pages containing the central teachings of the Buddha from the
roughly 5,000 pages of the Sutta Pitaka. The purpose of this collection
is to make these essential texts more accessible to meditators and
students of Buddhism.

Special thanks are given to the translators who have made this
timeless wisdom available on the Internet for free distribution. They
ask that any copies of this material be distributed at no cost.
Otherwise all materials are subject to copyright laws.

Wikipitaka - The Completing Tipitaka

Welcome to Wikipitaka,
the Tipitaka that anyone can edit.
Right now, there are 1,518 suttas and articles.

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Structure of the Tipitaka
To Do
The Tipitaka
Vinaya Pitaka
Sutta Pitaka
Digha Nikaya
Majjhima Nikaya
Samyutta Nikaya
Anguttara Nikaya
Khuddaka Nikaya
Abhidhamma Pitaka

Wikipitaka is an attempt to compile and complete an English translation of the Tipitaka,
the Buddhist sacred scripture, and its commentaries in order to enable
complete features of online text: searching, browsing, linking, instant
editing as well as looking up terms in an online dictionary.

There are now 1,518 suttas in Wikipitaka. Please help us grow by contributing. See the To Do page for ideas. It really is easy to help once you get started!


Wikipitaka offers another dimension of Buddhist study. With searching tool, one can easily find a passage in the massive Tipitaka in a second. Wikipitaka also includes glossary
of Pali terms which aggregate variety translations of Pali terms. This
glossary enables us to effectively search though the Tipitaka without
any translation confusion.

Also, in reading the text, one can find a link to the Encyclopedia of Buddhism which will help readers with the understanding of some Pali terminologies used in the translation.

The expansive characteristic of Wikipitaka will create an extensive tool to study Buddhism at every level and for every purpose.

To start, you may visit our help on Basic Navigation

Our Goal

Our goal is to unify a standardized English translation of the Tipitaka. Also, along side with the Tipitaka, we would like to aggregate every aspect of the text: significances, commentaries, and interpretations.

Because Buddhism is one of the World Religions, and the Tipitaka
is the major Buddhist sacred scripture, it is important to compile and
complete this online version of the Tipitaka as soon as possible! And
with the power of this Wiki format, we believe that our goal is not too
far. It’s in your hand!

So far the Digha Nikaya and Majjhima Nikaya are complete.

Join Us!

The Buddha said:

A gift of Dhamma conquers all gifts.
Dhammapada XXIV, 354

Help us carry out this great mission, giving this great gift to the world, by sharing the profound Dhamma of the Buddha.

This is the excellent chance to make some Great Karma. By reading and sharing your insight with us, you have accumulated the perfection of wisdom (panna paramitta), for yourself as well as for the world.

Quotation of the Day

The Buddha said:

Whatever happiness is found in sensual pleasures,
And whatever there is of heavenly bliss -
These are not worth one sixteenth-sixteenth part
Of the happiness that comes with craving’s end.

Last Updated by ItsTheSage 06:37, December 2, 2009 (UTC)

How to Help “Completing the Tipitaka”

Simply pickup your Tipitaka or any of the scriptures at hand and
translate! You may help us transcribe some translations that available
in hardcopy, with proper citation, if you do not want to translate them
yourself. Please see To Do page for more ideas about how to help “completing the Tipitaka.”

Today’s Featured Passage

Maha-satipatthana Sutta

Maha-satipatthana Sutta
offers comprehensive practical instructions on the development of
mindfulness in meditation. The Buddha describes how the development of
continuous mindfulness of the four satipatthana (”foundations of
mindfulness” or “frames of reference”), mindfulness of the body, of
feelings, of the mind, and of mind-objects, can lead ultimately to full

Satipatthana Sutta is oftertime referred in the broad conception
of Buddhist meditation in the Theravada Buddhist tradition. Satipatthana
is a way of implementing the right mindfulness and, less directly, the
right concentration parts of the Noble Eightfold Path. Satipatthana
meditation goes hand-in-hand with vipassana, samatha or calming
meditation, and anapana meditation. Satipatthana is practiced with the
aims of vipassana and most often in the context of Theravada Buddhism
although the principles are also practiced in most traditions of
Buddhism which emphasize meditation such as the Zen or Soto Zen

There is also Satipatthana Sutta or sutra which is also known as the Discourse on the Foundations of Mindfulness. This sutta explains how to systematically cultivate mindful awareness or sati.


The Dhammapada
is an ancient and revered text in Buddhism, especially in Theravada
Buddhism. It is one of the most loved and the most cited passages in the
Tipitaka because it is one of the more approachable texts in the
Buddist canon.

Dhammapada is highly regarded as both poetry and moral teaching. It is one of the texts in the Khuddaka Nikaya (the “Minor Collection”), which is one of the five collections in the Sutta Pitaka. The Sutta Pitaka is one of the three “baskets” of texts in the Tipitaka, the great Pali corpus of Buddhist texts, among the oldest extant Buddhist writings.

Also, Dhammapada contains many short sayings of the Buddha. Many mottos of many Buddhist schools in Thailand are from Dhammapada.

Passages in Need…

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