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July 2024
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1215 LESSON 25714 FRIDAY FREE ONLINE E-Nālanda Research and Practice UNIVERSITY Please render correct translation in your own mother tongue and all other languages and propagate for your and others happiness To, The Honourable Chief Justice of India - Request to scrap the current Lok sabha until all the fraud Tamperable EVMs are replaced with genuine Voting system to stop murder of democracy and save Liberty, Fraternity & Equality-Setback for Gujarat govt, SC acquits all accused in 1993 Surat blast cases-Mayawati’s Interview with Smita Prakash
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Posted by: site admin @ 9:24 pm
1215 LESSON 25714 FRIDAY FREE ONLINE E-Nālanda Research and Practice UNIVERSITY

Please render correct translation in your own mother tongue and all other languages and propagate for your and others happiness

To, The Honourable Chief Justice of India - Request to scrap the current Lok sabha until all the fraud
Tamperable EVMs are replaced with genuine Voting system to stop murder of democracy and save Liberty, Fraternity & Equality.


GOVERNMENT- NEED OF THE HOUR IS Electronic Virtual Movement 4 Replacing all EVMs (EVM4RAEVMs) 2 save Democracy 

EVM SADHASIVAM, shirked its duty & committed a grave error of
judgment by allowing in phased manner Fraud Tamperable EVMs

the request of CEC EVM SAMPATH because of the 1600 crore cost to replace
them and dealt a fatal blow to the Country’s democracy.

CJI did not order for ballot paper system would be brought in. No such precautionary measure was decreed by the apex court.

did not order that till the time this newer set of about 1300000 voting
machines is manufactured in full & deployed totally.

the people in 80 democracies in the world who simply done away with
fradulent EVMs should not recognise EVM Modi & his Government.

Narendra Modi full of hatred for non-brahmins & non Baniyas
intoxicated for power violated all good Silas of not killing, lying,

EVM Militant Stealth Cult RSS saying no reservation
on the basis of castes means it is against Constitution providing
reservation for SC/STs.

RSS’s Mr. Mohan Bagawath,a brahmin& a
dropout is not a Constitutional expert to say that there should not be
any caste based reservation.

Attempted to E-File through while trying to attach Driving Licence through
- got the result java.lang.StringIndexOutOfBoundsException: String
index out of range: -1

And could not proceed further. Brought this
to the  notice of without any response. through
with a confusion whether it is supremecour[at]nic[dot]in or supremecourt[at]nic[dot]in
- all maintained by also do not work.It often says “invalid
characters found, Please Re-Enter”
A correct procedure for  E-Filing must be known to the world.

steps required to be taken for E-Filing process ?
Supreme Court initiatives for citizens via e -Filing - e-Filing in Supreme Court of India
Supreme Court of India is also on the e-governance track and providing its services at doorstep of the Indian citizens.
this regard, on October 2, 2006 Supreme Court started e-filing
facility. It is a simple way of filing any case via internet from his
e-filing via internet does not require the help of advocate.
This service can be utilized by any common man as well as registered
Anybody desiring to avail this service may log on to and sign up as a user.
For sign up procedure please follow up these steps:

    •    First time users of Supreme Court’s E-filing have to register him/her through the ‘Sign Up’ option.
    •    Through ‘e-FILING’ only Advocate-on Record’ and petitioners-in-person can file cases in the Supreme Court of India
•    Advocate option is to be chosen if you are an
‘Advocate-on-Record’, otherwise choose ‘In-person’ option in case you
are petitioner-in-person.
    •    For registering first time
personal details such as Address, contact details, E-mail Id etc., which
are mandatory, need to be entered.
    •    For
Advocate-on-record, his/her code (Advocate-on-record code) will be
‘Login-ID’, while ‘In-person’ will create his/her Login-Id through
•    ‘Sign Up’ option. Password needs to be entered thereafter. Login
Id and password will be created once the mandatory requirements
•    are filled properly. After successful login the ‘Disclaimer
screen’ appears on the screen. Clicking of ‘I agree’ button on
Disclaimer allows the
    •    user to proceed further, while ‘I decline’ button sends the control back to the Login screen.
•    After successful login, the user can file the case electronically.
‘New Case’ option allows the user to file a new case.
‘Modify’ option allows a user to carryout changes to the already e-filed
case, provided the court fee payment option is not invoked.
    •    Defects associated with the e-filed case will be e-mailed to the advocate/petitioner by the Supreme Court Registry.
    •    For further assistance, ‘Help’ option is available.
Click here to file case online in Supreme Court of India - Reasons For Banning Fradulent Tamperable EVMs
Electronic voting machines (EVMs) were introduced in a limited way in Indian elections in 1982,
and they have been in universal use since the general elections of 2004, when paper ballots were phased out completely.
is about time this country reformed its voting system to ensure that
the electoral verdicts reflect the true will of the people of the
1. The Whole World has Discarded Similar EVMs 2. Use of EVMs is Unconstitutional and Illegal Too! 3. EVM Software Isn’t Safe
Nor is The Hardware 5. EVMs are Sitting Ducks 6. “Insider” Fraud a
Concern 7. Storage and Counting are Concerns 8. Vote of No Confidence

9. EC is Clueless on Technology 10. Trust Deficit

The Whole World has Discarded Similar EVMs. The electronic voting
machines used in this country’s  elections are internationally known as

Direct Recording Electronic (DRE) voting  machines which record votes directly in electronic memory.
voting machines have been banned in many countries such as Germany, the
Netherlands, Irelands etc. and such machines are allowed

in most states of the US only with a paper back up. Potential dangers of “vote fraud” and more importantly,
lack of transparency and verifiability associated with them prompted ban or restrictions of their use.

nations like the United Kingdom and France and advanced countries in
our region like Japan and Singapore have so far stuck to
voting on
paper ballots, owing to their simplicity, verifiability and voter
confidence in the system. India is an exception to this

trend and we continue to use these  voting machines long discarded by
the world due to lack of awareness and appreciation of the
lay public of the concerns.

Use of EVMs is Unconstitutional and Illegal Too! Indian EVMs may also
be held unconstitutional because they infringe upon the fundamental
of the voters. In India, Right to vote is a legal right but how that
vote should be exercised by a voter is his/ her individual expression

by Article 19 (1) (a) of the Constitution, which
guarantees fundamental rights to the citizens. In the 2002 case
pertaining to disclosure of assets
and the criminal background of
candidates, the Supreme Court ruled that voters have a right to know the
antecedents of the contesting candidates

and this is
fundamental and basic for survival of democracy. Accordingly, a voter
has the right to know that his vote which he exercised as a
part of
freedom of expression has really gone in favour of the candidate whom
he/she has chosen. This right, fundamental in nature, is absent

the electronic voting system. In the traditional paper ballot system,
that fundamental right was preserved because a voter knew exactly how
her vote was recorded and Universal use of EVMs in Indian elections is
illegal too! In 1984, the Supreme Court of India held that the use of

voting machines in elections was “illegal” as the Representation of
People (RP) Act, 1951 did not permit use of voting machines in
Later, the R.P. Act was amended in 1989 incorporating Section 61A. However, the amendment says voting machines

“may be
adopted in such constituency or constituencies as the Election
Commission may, having regard to the circumstances of each case,
Violating the provisions of the R.P Act, the Election
Commission has conducted 2004 and 2009 nationwide general elections only

electronic voting machines. Going by the 1984 judgment
of the Supreme Court, parliamentary elections of 2004 and 2009 may be
held illegal.
3. EVM Software Isn’t Safe. The electronic voting
machines are safe and secure only if the source code used in the EVMs is
genuine. Shockingly,

the EVM manufacturers, the BEL and ECIL,
have shared the ‘top secret’ EVM software program with two foreign
companies, Microchip (USA)
and Renesas (Japan) to copy it onto
microcontrollers used in EVMs. This process could have been done
securely in-house by the Indian Worse,

when the foreign
companies deliver microcontrollers fused with software code to the EVM
manufacturers, the EVM manufacturers cannot “read back”
contents as they are either OTP-ROM or masked chips. Amusingly, the
software given to foreign companies is not even made available with the

Commission, ostensibly for security reasons. With such ridiculous
decisions, the Election Commission and the public sector manufacturers
rendered security of the EVMs a mockery.  Adopting an open standards
policy by making the software public and allowing parties to test the

installed in the EVMs would have offered better 4. Nor is The Hardware.
The danger for EVM manipulations is not just from its software.
Even the hardware isn’t safe. Dr. Alex Halderman, professor of computer science in the University of Michigan says,

used in the West require software attacks as they are sophisticated
voting machines and their hardware cannot be replaced cheaply.
contrast, the Indian EVMs can easily be replaced either in part or
as wholesale units.” One crucial part that can be faked is
microcontrollers used

in the EVMs in which the software is
copied. EVM manufacturers have greatly facilitated fraud by using
generic microcontrollers rather than more
secure ASIC or FPGA microcontrollers. Not just only microcontrollers, mother boards (cards which contain microcontrollers) and

EVMs can be replaced. Neither the Election Commission nor the
manufacturers have undertaken any hardware or software audit till date.
a result, such manipulation attempts would go undetected. To detect
such fraud, the upgraded EVMs have a provision to interface with an

Unit that would allow the manufacturers to verify whether the EVM being
used in the election is the same that they have supplied
to the
Election Commission. The EVM manufacturers developed an “Authentication
Unit” engaging the services of SecureSpin, a Bangalore

software services firm. The Unit was developed and tested in 2006 but
when the project was ready for implementation, the project was
shelved at the instance of the Election Commission.
Several questions posed to the Election Commission for taking this
decision went unanswered.

5. EVMs are Sitting Ducks. The Indian
EVMs can be hacked both before and after elections to alter election
results. Apart from manipulating the
EVM software and replacing many
hardware parts discussed above, discussions with knowledgeable sources
revealed that our country’s EVMs

can be hacked in many ways. I
mention just two of them below. Each EVM contains two EEPROMs inside the
Control Unit in which the  
voting data is stored. They are completely unsecured and the data inside EEPROMs can be manipulated from an external source.

is very easy to read (data from) the EEPROMs and manipulate them. The
second and the most deadly way to hack Indian EVMs is by inserting
chip with Trojan inside the display section of the Control unit. This
requires access to the EVM for just two minutes and these replacement

can be made for a few hundred rupees. Bypassing completely
all inbuilt securities, this chip would manipulate the results and give
out “fixed”
results on the EVM screen. The Election Commission is
completely oblivious to such possibilities. A demonstration of these
vulnerabilities is on the cards.

6. “Insider” Fraud a Concern.
Personal accounts from some well placed political sources and experts
say that there are some “insiders” demanding vast
sums (Rs. 5 Crore
for each assembly constituency) to fix election results. Who are these
insiders? Unlike in the traditional ballot system where only the

officials were the “insiders”, electronic voting machine regime has
spawned a long chain of insiders, all of whom are outside the ambit and
of the Election Commission of this country. There is every possibility
that some of these  “insiders” are involved in murky activities in

elections. The whole world—except us in India–is alive to the dangers
of insider fraud in elections. The “insiders” include the public sector
of India’s electronic voting machines namely, the Bharat Electronics
Limited (BEL) and Electronics Corporation of India (ECIL),

foreign companies supplying microcontrollers,private players (some of
which are allegedly owned by some political leaders) for carrying out
and  maintenance of electronic voting machines during. 7.
Storage and Counting are Concerns. The EVMs are stored at the district
headquarters or in

a decentralized manner in different
locations. Election Commission’s  concern for EVM safety becomes
apparent only during elections, where as security
experts say that
voting machines must remain in a secure environment throughout their
life cycle. There could be many malpractices associated with

counting. “Everybody watches polling closely. Nobody watches counting
as closely),” says Bev Harris, an American activist. Our Election
takes three months to conduct parliamentary elections but wants
counting to be over in just three hours! In the rush to declare results

the winners, several serious lapses go unnoticed in the counting
process. As a result, parties cannot give it the kind of attention that
this activity deserves.
Massive discrepancies between votes polled
and counted in a large number of polling stations across the country
raise serious concerns in this regard.

8. Vote of No
Confidence.The political class cutting across all sides of the divide
has just one verdict: “we don’t trust the EVMs”. This vote of
 confidence” stems from the personal experiences of parties and leaders
as well as the nature of results thrown up by the EVMs.

are looking at EVMs with great suspicion and dread the prospect of EVMs
“defeating” them.This mistrust in EVMs is not confined to any single
and is all pervasive. Almost all mainstream political parties,
including the BJP, Congress, left parties, regional parties like the
Telugu Desam party (TDP),

AIADMK, Samajwadi party, Rastriya Lok
Dal (RLD), Janata Dal (United) etc. have all expressed reservation about
EVMs in the aftermath of
2009 Lok Sabha polls. Even the Congress
party that decisively won the 2009 general elections alleged that the
EVMs have been manipulated in Orissa.

Today, it is difficult to
find parties that vouch for the continued use of EVMs in Indian
elections. On the contrary, there is a flood of opposition to the EVMs
the political class. 9. EC is Clueless on Technology.The Election
Commission has adopted the EVM technology about which it has practically
no knowledge.

As a result, it has little  control over many
aspects of the election process. None of the election commissioners,
neither the present commissioners nor their
predecessors, have
proper understanding of the EVM technology. The only source of technical
understanding for the Election Commission is a Committee of

led by its chairman, Prof. P.V. Indiresan. Even the Expert Committee
seems very weak in its capacities and understanding. Alex Halderman,
professor of
computer science at the  University of Michigan and an
expert on the security of voting systems who was present in New Delhi
for the launch of the book,

Democracy at Risk, Can We Trust our
EVMS? commented, “When I read the 2006 technical report prepared by
the Expert Committee of the Election Commission.
I scribbled on it
that there was a cause for alarm and quickly decided to agree to come
here.” That speaks volumes for the quality and rigor of security testing
done on

the Country,s  EVMs.10. Trust Deficit. Election
Commission’s conduct in the wake of the serious reservations expressed
by people has been unbecoming of a  
constitutional body. It has
uttered many lies – our EVMs are “tamper proof”, they are “different”
etc. etc. It has refused to provide any clarifications sought to

petitioners in the Supreme Court, despite a reference from the Supreme
Court of India. It has taken several questionable decisions for which it
has refused to
offer any explanations. For instance, it does not
explain why old EVMs were used in Lok Sabha elections despite the
recommendations of its own Expert Committee.
It does not explain why
as many as 4.48 Lakh new EVMs (which are more secure as per the Expert
Committee) were not used in any Congress party or
UPA ruled states?
Why and where it had allowed use of state government owned EVMs? The
non-transparent conduct of Election Commission in the
use of EVMs
and the farce of an “enquiry” it has conducted following serious
reservations on EVMs does not inspire confidence in its unbiased

How EVM Works and how can changed it’s functionality Watch this video [youtube id=”ZlCOj1dElDY” width=”620″ height=”360″]
- See more at:
youtube id=”ZlCOj1dElDY” width=”620″ height=”360″ -

EVMs are Vulnerable to Fraud-Contrary to claims by our country,s
election authorities, the paperless electronic voting systems used in
India suffer from

significant vulnerabilities. Even brief access
to the machines could allow criminals to alter election results. In
this video, we demonstrate two kinds of attacks
against a real
Indian EVM. One attack involves replacing a small part of the machine
with a look-alike component that can be silently instructed to steal a

of the votes in favor of a chosen candidate. These
instructions can be sent wirelessly from a mobile phone. Another attack
uses a pocket-sized device to change the votes
stored in the EVM between the election and the public counting session, which in India can be weeks later.

attacks are neither complicated nor difficult to perform, but they
would be hard to detect or defend against. The best way to prevent them
is to count votes
using paper ballots that voters can see.
- EVMs Can Be Tampered - Says Net India - Net India company says that
the Electronic Voting Machines EVMs
which are used in polling
stations can be tampered in favor of the candidates. Watch this to find
out more…..To watch live news, videos subscribe to

Dr Subramanian Swamy
- EVMs can be tampered, experts say - Electronic voting machines could
be easily tampered to manipulate
elections results, a group of
foreign experts said at a seminar in Dhaka on Tuesday. A standing
committee member of the main opposition Bangladesh Nationalist Party,

Moyeen Khan, in the seminar said that the party would make some
prototypes of the EVMs the Election Commission made to show the people
how the device
could be tampered. Non-governmental organisation
Centre for Sustainable Development organised the seminar, ‘Electronic
voting machines: use and abuse,’ at the

Lake Shore hotel in the
city. The organisation’s secretary general Mahfuzullah conducted the
seminar and its president Anwar Hashim, also a former ambassador,
over the programme. Computer science professor in the University of
California Mathew Allen Bishop, senior software architect of Yahoo in

Shashank Shekhar and research and development director of
Hewlett Packard of the United States Shawn Islam made presentations in
the seminar highlighting
how EVMs could be tampered. All the three
experts said the EVMs could be tampered in several ways in a short span
of time to manipulate the elections results in

favour of a
certain candidate if the manipulators would get physical access to EVMs.
Citing an example of the flaws of the EVM used in the United States and
other parts of the world, Bishop said the EVMs, electronic
devices which need software to function, could be easily tampered.
Bishop, however, asked the authorities

concerned to look into
certain issues before using EVMs. ‘When votes are counted, how do you
know that the button pushed to vote for scales on the ballot unit is
fact counted as a vote for scales?’ he said. Bishop also said, ‘How do
you know that the software is correct? There are no bugs that affect the
vote counting?

How do you know that the software on the EPROM
chip is the version that is supposed to be used? There was no malware?’
He said the security of the software
running the EVM must be part of
the inbuilt design of the device. Earlier, Shawn Islam, a
Bangladeshi-American, demonstrated how a vote cast for a candidate

be stored for the candidate the voter did not vote for through software
manipulation effected beforehand. Both of the experts said that there
be a system of
paper trail of the votes cast so that the voters
could see that their votes were stored for the candidate they voted
for.’But,’ Shawn Islam added, ‘the EVMs developed

by Bangladesh
do not have any option to add the paper trail system.’ He claimed that
the EVM developed in Bangladesh have plenty of problems. Shashank said
there was no electronic device in the world which could not be
tampered. All of the experts said that the device must be tested by a
third party before its use.

In reply to a question whether the
EVM can be manipulated with remote control devise without physical
intervention once EVMs are tested and certified by the experts
the political parties just before the elections, Shawn said, ‘You must
have physical interventions to manipulate it if the EVM does not belong
to any wireless network.’

When a reporter asked Abdul Moyeen Khan
whether the BNP would accept it if EVMs were tested by their experts,
the BNP leader parried the answer saying that the
party would
develop some EVM prototypes to show how they could be tampered.
Representatives from the Bangladesh Nationalist Party, including its
acting secretary

general Mirza Fakhrul Islam Alamgir, the
chairperson’s advisers Iqbal Hasan Mahmud, Sabiuddin Ahmed, Ruhal Alam
and opposition chief whip
Zainul Abdin Farroque, attended. Speaking
on the occasion, former Dhaka University vice-chancellor Moniruzzaman
Mia, BRAC University professor Piash Karim

and Sushaner Janya
Nagarik secretary Badiul Alam Majumder stressed the need for building
trust among political parties before introducing any new device in
elections process.The country’s two major political camps are now at
loggerheads over the introduction of EVMs in the next polls. The ruling
Awami League-led

alliance said that it would extend all
cooperation to the Election Commission in using EVMs in the next general
elections while the opposition
Bangladesh Nationalist Party-led alliance vowed to resist the move.

area- Preview YouTube video India’s EVMs are Vulnerable to Fraud
-Preview YouTube video EVMs Can Be Tampered - Says Net India

YouTube video EVM in INDIA REALITY EXPOSED by Dr Subramanian Swamy -
Preview YouTube video EVMs can be tampered, experts say


GOVERNMENT- NEED OF THE HOUR IS Electronic Virtual Movement 4 Replacing all EVMs (EVM4RAEVMs) 2 save Democracy 

To, The Honourable Chief Justice of India - Request to scrap the current Lok sabha until all the fraud
Tamperable EVMs are replaced with genuine Voting system to stop murder of democracy and save Liberty, Fraternity & Equality.


Setback for Gujarat govt, SC acquits all accused in 1993 Surat blast cases-Mayawati’s Interview with Smita Prakash

Dear Sir, Thank you for the news, a rejuvenating energy we gain after reading behanji’s interview, kindly share our party news forever, regards ,

Ambeth Rajan wrote: Mayawati’s Interview with Smita Prakash, ANI Q1: Do you have to say about your party’s

dismal performance in the recent Lok Sabha elections?

A: Our vote share had risen in the 2014 general elections. Our vote base is intact, and there is no damage to it. Our party has received around
20 percent of the votes in the Lok Sabha elections. We came second on 34seats. But, the Congress Party has suffered badly in these elections. If

the Congress had fought this election with full preparation and had acquired at least a lakh of votes in every constituency, then our party
might have won those seats. But, they fared poorly and got around 20-30 thousand votes. Due to this, there was a direct fight between our party and

the BJP. Our base vote is still intact. If we had won 10 seats, but had lost our base votes, then that is more damaging.
Q2: If there had been a third front, whose prime ministerial candidate would have given Modi a close fight, then do you believe smaller parties

might have performed better?
A: We have seen a lot of third fronts, and they were formed before the elections. But, we have always suffered whenever we have aligned with any

other political party. Whenever there are elections, we have always fought alone and without any alliance. UP is the example of this. From what we
have learnt in UP, we have taken this decision, whether it is a parliament election or an assembly election, we will fight it alone. And, when results

are announced, then we consider the interest of our party and the weakersections before taking any decision on the formation of government. But we
will fight elections alone.

Q3: You were associated with UPA Government?
A: But we were not satisfied with their policies. That is why we never joined the UPA. They requested a lot, but we only gave outside support to

them so as to weaken the communal forces in the country.
Q4:  In UP, if a BJP government is formed, then will you support it?

A: There is no question of it. Though, the SP government has an absolute majority in the UP assembly, but whatever be the situation in UP, we have
no business with any other political party. We will fight the elections alone and will form the government on our own.

Q5: If the BJP asks for issue-based support in the Rajya Sabha, then will you provide it?
A: We will support the BJP-led NDA government on issues which are in best interest of the country, the people and the weaker sections.

Q6: The BJP has been saying that the Akhilesh Yadav-led UP Government will fall due to the sins they have committed?
A: It is not just the BJP, the whole of UP is saying this. There is nothing new in this statement. The public in UP is saying that the present SP

government in the state has failed on all fronts, especially on the law and order front. Crime is on a rise in the state, and our women do not feelsafe here.
In the Badaun case, the government had promised a CBI probe, but it was only after we had raised this case in the RajyaSabha, that a CBI probe was ordered.

Q7: You visited the family of Badaun rape victim after a gap of few days?
A: I thought that the SP government might think that I am trying to trouble them by visiting the victim’s family. But, I had already sent my party

leader and leader of opposition in the Vidhan Sabha Swamy Prasad Maurya to visit the family as the victims belonged to his caste. Afterwards, I had
sent Nasimuddin Siddiqui, who understood their problems and presented each and every fact in front of me. The family had demanded a CBI probe. So,

after sending my party people and listening to their demands, I held a press conference.
Q8: If mid-term polls are held, then what will be your plank for it?

A: If mid-term polls are held, then it will be our priority to reestablish law and order in the state. Especially the crime, which is on the rise,
will be controlled and the honour of women will be restored. After the lawand order situation improves, then we will focus on development.

Q9: Modi had said that vote bank politics will be finished which we witnessed during the polls as almost all sections of the society voted for the BJP?
A: But Modi had failed to break the base vote of the BSP. The BJP and its allied parties tried everything to breach into our vote base, but they failed.

However, in UP, the base vote of the SP which is a Yadav society, went to the BJP. But our base vote, which is a Dalit society, is still intact.
Q10: Your critics say that your social engineering experiment has been diluted?

A: Despite the presence of a Modi wave, our vote base is still intact. We had given tickets to people belonging to the upper class, backward class,
religious groups, and Muslim community in the Lok Sabha polls. Therefore, there is no impact on our vote base.

Q11: The SC/ST people have complained that their elected representatives are just like any other politician?
A: They are right. Because if these leaders had done anything for the people, then we would not have formed the BSP.

Q12: Same can be said BSP leaders also?
A: No, this is not the case. Despite the presence of a Modi wave our base vote was not impacted. Dalit vote, even outside of UP, has gone to the BSP.

Q13: It is being said that you are the sole leader of the party and there is no level two or three afterwards?

A: This is not the case. The BSP has its own constitution. After this, there is a unit on the national level and there is a structure on the state
level. If this was not in place, then how could I take my party forward?

Q14: It is being said that you isolate yourself and don’t meet people very often?
A: No, this not true. Vote base of parties like the Congress and its allies, who used to meet the people very often, were affected but ours is still intact.

Q15: There is no personal life of women politicians. Is it the case withyou also?
A: I know that women face difficulties when they enter into politics. When I came to politics, I had decided that I have to do something for the

weaker section and poor people. So, when I joined politics, I dedicated my  life to my ambition, and this is why I decided to remain unmarried. Being
unmarried, nobody can accuse me of nepotism. Married women who are in politics are deviated by their families and kids. I have dedicated my life

to the weakers section and poor people. I stayed unmarried to fight for the rights of the backward classes.
On 20-Jul-2014, at 7:33 am, ARUN KHOTE wrote: Friends ! Sorry for cross posting ! ARUN KHOTE PMARC

Setback for Gujarat govt, SC acquits all accused in 1993 Surat blast cases-Mayawati’s Interview with Smita Prakash

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