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1231 LESSON 11814 MONDAY FREE ONLINE E-Nālanda Research and Practice UNIVERSITY Please render correct translation in your own mother tongue LORD BUDDHA FOR WORLD PEACE Buddha Statues Presentation Ceremony MAHA BODHI SOICETY 14, Kalidasa Road, Gandhinagar, Bengaluru - 5660009, India Tel: 080-22250684, Fax: 080-41148440 Email: for Nahi verana varani…. Hatred is never removed by hatred in this world. Only by non-hatred, maitri, hatred is removed. Only love brings peace and happiness. Celebrated the presentation of LORD BUDDHA FOR WORLD PEACE Buddha Statues at Freedom Park Bengaluru as a great revival of Buddhism In Memory of Most ven. Dr. Acharya Buddharakkhita Bada Bhanteji Founder, Mahabodhi Institutions
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1231 LESSON 11814 MONDAY FREE ONLINE E-Nālanda Research and Practice UNIVERSITY
Please render correct translation in your own mother tongue

Buddha Statues Presentation Ceremony

14, Kalidasa Road, Gandhinagar, Bengaluru - 5660009, India

Tel: 080-22250684, Fax: 080-41148440

Nahi verana varani….
Hatred is never removed by hatred in this world. Only by non-hatred, maitri, hatred is removed.
Only love brings peace and happiness.

Celebrated the presentation of LORD BUDDHA FOR WORLD PEACE
Buddha Statues at Freedom Park Bengaluru as a great revival of Buddhism In Memory of
Most ven. Dr. Acharya Buddharakkhita Bada Bhanteji
Founder, Mahabodhi Institutions

of numerous social welfare organizations. Born 1922, Imphal,
Manipur State, India, educated Institute of Engineering
Technology, Calcutta. World War II: service as Officer.
1946-48: Ramakrishna monk. 1949: bhikkhu ordination.1949-52:
Buddhist studies in Sri Lanka. 1952-55: Buddhist studies
in Burma under Mahasi Sayadaw. Editorial board, Tipitaka
Translation, 6th Buddhist Synod, Burma. 1955-6: taught
at Nalanda Postgraduate Institute. 1956: founded Maha
Bodhi Society, Bangalore. Later founded: International
Meditation Centre, school for indigent Buddhist boys,
Buddha Vachana Publishers and Tripitaka Press, Maitri
Mandala, Mahabodhi Burns & Casualty Centre (Bangalore),
Institute of Buddhology & Pali Studies (Mysore), Artificial
Limb Centre (Bangalore), Arogya Centre, etc. 1980: has
taught and conducted retreats in UK and USA. Publications
including over 50 books.

Large number of Buddhists  with family and friends
 attended this auspicious occasion
Ven. Kassapa Maha Thero
President and Members
Maha Bodhi Society, Bengaluru

Ven. Parasandee Phra Maha Nipon,
Secretary - Wat Thai,

Venerable Phra Thepbodhivides Veerayutdho

Chief Abbot - Royal Thai Monastery, Buddhagaya
 Inaugurated the Ceremony

Venerable Ananda Bhante
Gen.-Secretary, Maha Bodhi Society, Bengaluru


In the presence of Venerable Monks

Venerable Saddhatissa Maha Thero
Mah Bodhi Society, Bhuvaneshwar, Orissa

Venerable Ottawa Sayadaw
Indo-Burma Friendship Society, Chennai

Venerable Bhikku Buddhapriya Bhante
Mahabodhi International Yogi Meditation Centre, Hubli

Venerable Bhikku Vinayarakkhita
Lokaratna Buddha Vihara, Bengaluru

Bhante Vinaya Rakkhita

Venerable Mahanama Thero
Maha Bodhi Society, Chennai

Venerable Khemacara Thero
Acharya Nagarjuna University, Vijayawada

Venerable Ariyawamsa Thero
Lumbini, Nepal

Sri.K. Siddharamaiah,

Honourable Chief Minister of Karnataka

Inauguarated Instalation of Buddha statue at his Office and Karnataka Government presented Rs.1 Crore for Maha Bodhi Society Bengaluru to translate TIPITAKA in Classical Kannada Language

Presentation of Certificates to Buddhist Centers was done by
H.E.Mr.Chalit Manitykul
Ambassador of Thailand to India

Released of Website of
Mahabodhi Centre for Theravada Buddhist Studies
Sri.V.Srinivas Prasad
Honourable Minister of Revenue, Karnataka

Prospectus of MBCTBS was Released

Sri. H.Anjeneya
Honourable Minister of Social Welfare, Karnataka

Released of Buddhist Perspective book

Sri.Dinesh Gundu Rao
Honourable Minister for Food and Civil Supplies, Karnataka

Released  Kannad Dhammapada Book

Shri Gollapalli Surya Rao, MLA, Former Minister, Andhra Pradesh was Guest

Upasak, Raja ram, Kumar

Mahashtra SandipArya, Ritesh, Anup,
Upasak Selvaraj,

Upasak E Anban Tamil Nadu

Most eminent Buddhists scholors and personalities Mr. Shivalingiah, Mr. Gopal

Marasandra Muniappa

N Mahesh

Mavalli Shankar

Mohan raj

Artist Chandrasekhar

BT Srinivas

9:30 AM - Gathering at Loka Shanti Buddha Vihara and offerings to the Monks

10:00 AM - Sanghadana to the Monks - Lunch

11AM - The Bhikku Sangha proceeds to the function

11:30AM - Pragram begins with Puja

Welcome and Introduction by Ven. Ananda Bhante

Gift of Statues - Speech by Ven. Parasandee Phra Maha Nipon,

Tisarana and Pancasila Undrtaking

Statue Donation Ceremony and Dhamma Talk by the Chief Abbot, Wat Thai

Inauguration of Presentation Ceremony by the Hon’ble Chief Minister

Offering of Buddha Statues by Ven. Monks and Dignitaries

Speeches by Honourable Guests

Presentation of Statues to different Buddhist centers

Vote of Thanks

2:00 PM - Lunch

Representatives from Different Religions graced the Occasion

2600 years ago Bhagawan Buddha got Awakened with Awareness. For 45 years
Bhagawan travelled by foot in Jambudvipa and proclaimed the great teachings
without any discrimination of caste, creed, gender, rich or poor, high or low.
He gave the Light of Dhamma to everyone alike. The essence of his
teachings is peace and happiness of all beings in the Universe. This goal is
possible and he taught the way how through individual peace one can
contribute to the world peace. This non-violent and compassionate Master’s
Teachings have been given solace to crores of people.

Today there is violence all around. Destruction is dancing.
There is no Peace. β€˜Let the Light of Peace arise in each and
everyone. May all wars end!’ With this goal the Maha Bodhi
Society, Bengaluru, founded by Ven. Dr. Acharya
Budharakkhita Bhanteji about 60 years back, is serving the
cause of Buddha Sasana in this country. The Maha Bodhi Society,
Bengaluru and the Royal Thai Monastery, Buddhagaya have
jointly distributed 100 World - Peace Buddha Statues in Southern
part of the country, which is part of 2600 Statues Donation Program.

Please Visit:

At 6 PM – Kannada Play was Presented by Goutami Foundation, Mandya


Script - Dr.M.Byregowda, Direction: N.Shivalingaiah

10-08-2014 was a big day, every MMYC Boys were there in Maha Bodhi,

Bangalore from past 2 days, they were giving their helping hand for this
special program β€˜ Lord Buddha for World Peace’ . Pictures may speak louder.
Wishing you all a pleasant weekend. Sadhu sadhu sadhu..

On: 10-08-2014 Sunday 10:30 a.m.
At: Freedom Park Ground, Gandhinagar,

The present Mettaloka batch

Photo: The present Mettaloka batch

Please watch:

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