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1802 Sat Mar12 2016 LESSONS from INSIGHT-NET-FREE Online A1 (Awakened One) Tipiṭaka Research & Practice University in Visual Format (FOA1TRPUVF) through Classical Buddhism (Teachings of the Awakened One with Awareness) belong to the world, and everyone have exclusive rights:JC Please render exact translation in your mother tongue to this Google Translation as a lesson of this University in 105 Classical Languages- PART XXI TEMPORARY, TRANSITIONAL AND SPECIAL PROVISIONS ARTICLE ‘It took EC 4 years to admit that EVMs could be hacked’ Part XXI Temporary, transitional and special provisions. 377. Provisons as to Comptroller and Auditor-General of India.-The Auditor-General of India holding office immediately before the commencement of this Constitution shall, unless he has elected otherwise, become on such commencement the Comptroller and Auditor-General of India and shall thereupon be entitled to such salaries and to such rights in respect of leave of absence and pension as are provided for under clause (3) of article 148 in respect of the Comptroller and Auditor-General of India and be entitled to continue to hold office until the expiration of his term of office as determined under the provisions which were applicable to him immediately before such commencement. About The Bahujan Samaj Party (BSP)
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Posted by: site admin @ 10:13 pm

1802 Sat Mar12 2016



INSIGHT-NET-FREE Online A1 (Awakened One) Tipiṭaka Research & Practice University
in Visual Format (FOA1TRPUVF)  


Classical Buddhism (Teachings of the Awakened One with Awareness) belong to the world, and everyone have exclusive rights:JC

Please render exact translation in your mother tongue to this Google Translation as a lesson of this University

in 105 Classical Languages-



‘It took EC 4 years to admit that EVMs could be hacked’

Part XXI Temporary, transitional and special provisions.

377. Provisons as to Comptroller and Auditor-General of India.-
The Auditor-General of
India holding office immediately before the commencement of this Constitution shall,
unless he has elected otherwise, become on such commencement the Comptroller and
Auditor-General of India and shall thereupon be entitled to such salaries and to such
rights in respect of leave of absence and pension as are provided for under clause (3) of
article 148 in respect of the Comptroller and Auditor-General of India and be entitled to
continue to hold office until the expiration of his term of office as determined under the
provisions which were applicable to him immediately before such commencement. 


Woman Transforms Herself Into Pop Culture Figures Using Only Makeup

Donald Trump


Wise Words By Eleanor

Wise Words By Eleanor

that is

Why Ms Mayawati and BSP are dangerous for Murderers of democratic institutions(Modi)

SC/STs are seething at the doings of Bahuth Jiyadha Psychopaths MPs.
The Adivasis are being trampled on by this Murderers of democratic
institutions (Modi).

fraud Hindutva demagogues, who wage war on our own people and are all talk and no action.
But the the
country has all  ready mounted the forums. The intellectuals, research
scholars and all cadres of Sarvajans of all societies all over the world
started recording positive and non-violence thoughts in Insight-net,
websites, blogs, face book, bulk emails, tweets including for Sarvajan Hithaye Sarvajan Sukhaya i.e., for welfare,happiness and peace of all societies.

Bill Introduced in Rajya Sabha on Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes (
Prevention of Caste –based Discrimination in the Educational
Institutions ) Bill, 2016

They started recording:…/supreme-court-asks-election-commissio…

Supreme Court asks Election Commission to implement paper trail in EVMs

Delhi: The Supreme Court on Tuesday asked the Election Commission to
introduce in a phased manner the paper trail in Electronic Voting
Machines (EVMs) for the 2014 Lok Sabha elections, saying “it is an
indispensable requirement of free, fair and transparent” polls which
will restore confidence of the voters.

Supreme Court, which directed the Centre to provide financial
assistance to the poll panel for introduction Vote Verifier Paper Audit
Trail (VVPAT) system with the EVMs, said it will “ensure the accuracy of
the voting system” and also help in “manual counting of votes in case
of dispute.”

‘paper trail’ is an indispensable requirement of free and fair
elections. The confidence of voters in the EVMs can be achieved only
with introduction of the paper trail,” it said.

with VVPAT system ensure the accuracy of the voting system. With an
intent to have fullest transparency in the system and to restore the
confidence of the voters, it is necessary to set up EVMs with VVPAT
system because vote is nothing but an act of expression which has
immense importance in democratic system,” the bench said.

is a system of printing paper trail when the voter casts his vote, in
addition to the electronic record of the ballot, for the purpose of
verification of his choice of candidate and also for manual counting of
votes in case of dispute,” a bench comprising Chief Justice P Sathasivam
and Ranjan Gogoi said.

bench asked the Election Commission to introduce VVPAT in EVMs in
gradual stages or geographical-wise in the 2014 general elections.

asking the Centre to provide financial assistance, the bench noted the
submissions made by the Election Commission in its affidavit that it has
decided to increase the use of VVPAT units in a phased manner and has
already written to the Ministry of Law and Justice to issue
administrative and financial sanction for procurement of 20,000 units of
VVPAT (10,000 each from M/s BEL and M/s ECIL) costing Rs. 38.01 crore.

bench said, “Taking notice of the pragmatic and reasonable approach of
the Election Commission and considering the fact that in general
elections all over India, the Election Commission has to handle one
million (ten lakh) polling booths, we permit EC to introduce the same in
gradual stages or geographical-wise in the ensuing general elections.”

area, state or actual booth(s) are to be decided by the EC and the EC
is free to implement the same in a phased manner,” it said.

The bench passed the order on two similar petitions; one of those petitions was filed by BJP leader Subramanian Swamy.

that EVMs were open to hacking, Mr Swamy had sought directions to the
poll watchdog to introduce paper trail to easily and cheaply meet the
requirements of proof that the EVM has rightly registered the vote cast
by a voter.

Swamy had moved the Supreme Court against January 2012 order of the
Delhi High Court disallowing his prayer to direct Election Commission to
incorporate the system of paper trail in EVMs.

bench noted that though initially the poll panel was little reluctant
in introducing paper trail by use of VVPAT, pursuant to its directions,
the Election Commission contacted several expert bodies and technical
advisers and held meetings with national and state level political
parties and carried out demonstrations.

noted that after a thorough examination, VVPAT was successfully used in
21 polling stations of 51-Noksen (ST) Assembly Constituency of

information furnished by the ECI, through the affidavit dated October
1, 2013 clearly shows that VVPAT system is a successful one,” the bench

Linked on USA Today 23 Feb. 2010…/Countri…/India/05zF4kBeFJ47y/1

Hackers can ’steal’ ballots from electronic voting machines- 2009 Electronic Voting Technology Workshop
Indo-Asian News Service
Washington, August 11, 2009
First Published: 16:48 IST(11/8/2009)
Last Updated: 17:06 IST(11/8/2009)

scientists have demonstrated how criminals could hack an electronic
voting machine (EVM) and ’steal’ votes using a malicious programming
approach that had not been invented when the voting machine was
The team of scientists from the Universites of California,
San Diego, Michigan and Princeton employed “return-oriented programming”
to force an electronic voting machine to turn against itself.

machines must remain secure throughout their entire service lifetime,
and this study demonstrates how a relatively new programming technique
can be used to take control of a voting machine that was designed to
resist takeover, but that did not anticipate this new kind of malicious
programming,” said Hovav Shacham.

is professor of computer science at UC San Diego’s (UC-SD )Jacobs
School of Engineering and study co-author. His study demonstrates that
return-oriented programming can be used to execute vote-stealing
computations by taking control of an EVM designed to prevent code

computer scientists had no access to the machine’s source code - or any
other proprietary information - when designing the demonstration

using just the information that would be available to anyone who bought
or stole a voting machine, the researchers addressed a common criticism
made against voting security researchers: that they enjoy unrealistic
access to the systems they study.

on our understanding of security and computer technology, it looks like
paper-based elections are the way to go. Probably the best approach
would involve fast optical scanners reading paper ballots. These kinds
of paper-based systems are amenable to statistical audits, which is
something the election security research community is shifting to,” said

“You can actually run a modern and efficient election on paper,” he said.

“If you are using electronic voting machines, you need to have a separate paper record at the very least,” he added.
There findings were presented at the 2009 Electronic Voting Technology Workshop.…/hackers-can-steal-ballot…/23603.html

has to answer for the holes in the bucket identified in the book edited
by Subramanian Swamy and Kalyanaraman, Electronic Voting Machines —
Unconstitutional and Tamperable (2010)…
A private co. had a project to EVMs. Are look-alike EVMs available in the market?
are EVMs being manufactured abroad (with control units burnt-in with
programs in foreign countries using Indian agents)? How can BEL/ECIL
claim IP rights for such foreign-makes? How much money has been spent
for this foreign outsourcing?

should scrap EVMs which are unconstitutional in any case and revert to
paper ballots.Save democracy which has flourished in India for over 1000
years since Uttaramerur Inscription of Parakesari Varman of Parantaka
Chola days. This was mentioned in Constituent Assembly debates by the
late T. Prakasham, CM of composite Madras Presidency.…/comelec-chief-no-audit-before-poll-…#

‘EVMs illegally being used for a decade’

Sanjay Sharma, TNN, Feb 22, 2010, 03.44am IST
The electronic voting machines (EVMs) are being used in violation of
the Information Technology Act 2000, a research paper has revealed.

of the research paper, advocate Ajay Jagga, told The Times of India, on
Sunday that as per IT Act, 2000, a verifiable audit trail has to be
provided in case of any electronic record, which is now admissible as
evidence as per Evidence Act but in case of electronic voting, the voter
does not get any receipt with regard to his voting.

research paper recently attracted the attention of experts when a
conference on “EVMs: How trustworthy?” in Chennai passed a unanimous
resolution on February 13 asking Jagga to approach the Election
Commission of India (ECI) for bringing the electronic voting procedure
in tune with IT Act, 2000.

said he would soon approach ECI seeking formation of legal committee to
remove the illegality or will knock the doors of court.

lawyer said, “Unless the voter gets a receipt like the one we get in
ATM or after the use of debit or credit cards, all electronic
transactions including a vote, are illegal.” What is the evidence that
the vote cast has really been recorded and that it has been recorded in
the manner the voter intended, he asked.

the purpose and to protect the secrecy of ballot, all such receipts,
after the voter has checked his transaction, should be put in a box
which should remain with ECI to be produced as evidence in case of a
dispute, he said. The government amended the relevant laws in 1989 to
equate EVM with ballot and ballot box to facilitate transition from
ballot paper to EVM but the IT Act 2000 created a new complication that
has to be immediately resolved in the interest of fairness of things,
Jagga pointed out.

lawyer also proved that the machine can be tampered with which has been
accepted by the government itself in its letter to withdraw patent
applications filed by Electronics Corporation of India and Bharat
Electronics Ltd, makers of the machine. The PSUs withdrew their patent
applications on the ground that the machine may not be tamper-proof, he
said, adding that America and Germany had to return to ballot paper
after their machines were found wanting.…/evms-are-not-foolproof-say…

Don’t stand on prestige, dump EVMs, save democracy Computer Science Prof. of Stanford Univ., Dr. David Dill’s statement on Indian EVMs (Videos, expert panel)

Election Commission concedes manipulation of EVMs

Election Commission of India has made an amazing confession: that the
security and integrity of the entire election system will be compromised
if the EVM software and the hardware design becomes known.

is what technologists, activists and political leaders have been saying
for many months now and the Commission had steadfastly refuted such
claims with a bizarre “our EVMs are fully tamper proof” claim.

above revelation was made by the Election Commission in a letter dated
March 30, 2010 to V.V. Rao, petitioner in the Supreme Court on the EVMs.
I quote below:

Commission is concerned that commercial interests could use the route
of reverse engineering (a process by which the original software and
hardware configuration can be accessed) which may compromise the
security and sanctity of the entire election system.”

is once again made clear that any demonstration of alleged
tamperability cannot include reverse-engineering as it compromises
security and sanctity of the entire […]

Don’t stand on prestige, dump EVMs: Naidu

J. Balaji, The Hindu

Published: April 13, 2010 00:53 IST | Updated: April 13, 2010 02:54 IST

He seeks national debate to clear “doubts in the minds of voters”

Desam Party president N. Chandrababu Naidu doubts that electronic
voting machines (EVMs) are non-tamperable, and has sought a national
debate to “clear all the doubts in the minds of voters.”

“I am convinced that there is scope for tampering with the EVMs,” he said here on Monday after launching a website,, hosted by election analyst G.V.L. Narasimha Rao and information technologist Hariprasad.

he would not blame the Election Commission, with the existing EVMs
people were not sure whether the votes they cast went to the candidates
of their choice, Mr. Naidu said. When Germany, Singapore and some
European countries had gone back to the paper ballot, as the EVMs could
be tampered with and hacked, why should India alone use such machines?
“The EC should not stand on false prestige and gracefully go in for a
debate as the issue involved the fundamental rights of the citizens.”

Naidu said he would take up the issue with other parties. There would
be nothing wrong in the country going back to the old system of ballot
votes if the machines were not safe and susceptible to tampering.

former Chief Secretary of Delhi and IIT alumnus, Omesh Saigal, asked
why the chip used in EVMs was allowed to be written in the United
States. “A Trojan horse is sitting inside the machine.”

August last, the EC said it gave opportunities to political parties and
individuals who claimed that EVMs could be manipulated to prove their
case. But “they either failed or chose not to demonstrate,” it said.

EC would like to underline that it always had a firm conviction and
complete satisfaction that EVMs could not be tampered with. Its faith in
the machine has never wavered through the conduct of elections in the
last many years.”

was able to actually demonstrate that the EVMs used by the Commission
could be tampered with. “What has been demonstrated or claimed to have
been demonstrated is on a privately assembled lookalike of ECI-EVMs and
not the actual EVM, produced by the Electronics Corporation of India
Limited,” the Commission said.

Full technical paper at


elaborate safeguards, India’s EVMs are vulnerable to serious attacks.
Dishonest insiders or other criminals with physical access to the
machines at any time before ballots are counted can insert malicious
hardware that can steal votes for the lifetime of the machines.
Attackers with physical access between voting and counting can
arbitrarily change vote totals and can learn which candidate each voter
selected. These problems are deep-rooted. The design of India’s EVMs
relies entirely on the physical security of the machines and the
integrity of election insiders. This seems to negate many of the
security benefits of using electronic voting in the first place. The
technology’s promise was that attacks on the ballot box and dishonesty
in the counting process would be more difficult. Yet we find that such
attacks remain possible, while being more difficult to detect.

is highly doubtful that these problems could be remedied by simple
upgrades to the existing EVMs or election procedures. Merely making the
attacks we have demonstrated more difficult will not fix the fundamental
problem: India’s EVMs do not provide transparency, so voters and
election officials have no reason for confidence that the machines are
behaving honestly.

should carefully reconsider how to achieve a secure and transparent
voting system that is suitable to its national values and requirements.
One option that has been adopted in other countries is to use a
voter-verified paper audit trail (VVPAT), which combines an electronic
record stored in a DRE with a paper vote record that can be audited by
hand [43]. Existing EVMs do not have updatable software, but it would be
possible to add a VVPAT by interposing on the cable between the control
unit and the ballot unit. Another
option is precinct-count optical
scan (PCOS) voting, where voters fill out paper ballots that are scanned
by a voting machine at the polling station before being placed in a
ballot box. Attacking either of these systems would require tampering
with both the paper records and the electronic records, provided that
routine audits are performed to make sure these redundant sets of
records agree [14]. A third option is to return to simple paper ballots.
Despite all of their known weaknesses, simple paper ballots provide a
high degree of transparency, so fraud that does occur will be more
likely to be detected.

EVMs in India may have seemed like a good idea when the machines were
introduced in the 1980s, but science’s understanding of electronic
voting security—and of attacks against it—has progressed dramatically
since then, and other technologically advanced countries have adopted
and then abandoned EVM-style voting. Now that we understand what
technology can and cannot do, any new solutions to the very real
problems election officials face must address the problems, not merely
hide them from sight.

EVMs are not foolproof, says computer scientist

April 23rd, 2010
DC Correspondent, Kumar Chellappan

holes. A low-budget adversary armed with a small instrument can read
out votes cast, suppress the votes of one or several voters, and even
delete all the votes.

22: Electronic voting machines are not as tamper-proof as the Election
Commission of India would like us to believe, going by the research of
an Israeli comuter scientist who has found flaws in the most advanced
EVMs in the world.
“The Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) EVMs
developed in Israel are rated as the most advanced machines in the
world. But we have proved that they are vulnerable to all kinds of
tampering,” Avishai Wool, of the School of Electrical Engineering, Tel
Aviv University, told DC on Thursday.
“We can show how a low-budget
adversary armed with a small instrument can read out all votes already
cast into the ballot box, suppress the votes of one or several voters,
rewrite votes at will and even completely disqualify all votes in a
single booth,” Prof. Wool says in the paper. “These attacks are easy to
mount and very difficult to detect.”
\While Prof. Wool refused to
comment on Indian EVMs, several experts have noted that most electronic
polling devices are susceptible to tampering. Prof. Wools’ comments
follow a letter qritten by David Dill, professor of computer science at
Stanford University, to Chief Election Commissioner Navin Chawla on
Indian EVMs lacking credibility.
Subramanian Swamy, former Union
minister for law, said Bharat Electronics Ltd and ECIL, who developed
the Indian EVM , have withdrawn their application for a patent for the
device from the World Intellectual Property Organisation.

EVM debate rages on, lets get rid of it.

EVM debate rages. Jump in and cast your vote on the spot poll on this blog.

personal take is that advanced countries with a longer history of
democracy like the US, UK, Australia, France, Netherlands, Norway,
Sweden and many other European countries don’t use a EVM but the good
old paper and ballot. Why should we move to a EVM.

The EVM does not provide a physical evidence of a vote. Whereby a re
count can be demanded. In earlier elections it has been seen that after a
re count a loosing candidate has won. A recount in EVM will just mean
adding up of all votes which will always add up to the earlier number.
How do we know this is correct.
2) This machine does not allow for
any audit just because it has no physical evidence. So tomorrow we shall
all do corporate accounting on a calculator (no need for bills,
invoice, chalan etc) and show the auditors the final figure on the
screen of the calculator. This is what EVM amounts to.
3) This goes against the basic Right to Information Act. Where is the evidence.
4) A 10 std Physics student can rig up such a device. I wonder why you need a micro processor even.
please jump in and tell the govt that we don’t need the EVM. Why are
they scared of going back to the old system when there is a section of
the population that does not believe in the authenticity of this device.
Don’t believe in the impartiality of the EC, its fully corrupted by
congress ideologues.

भारत मैं सभ कुछ बिकता हैं हम कैसे मान ले की EC नहीं बीके, EVM यंत्र बनाने वाले नहीं बीके होवे हैं |

UPA won a surprise victory in 2004 and left many stunned about NDA’s
loss. Many never expected this but it happened. Incidentally EVM were
first used in 2004.…/evm-debate-rages… :
EVMs are prone to tampering by both external hackers and insiders. The
danger of insider fixing of elections is recognized the world over.
Hence mere faith in companies and a host of private players handling
EVMs cannot be the basis for election results. Elections can be trusted
only if the results are verifiable and auditable. Most developed
countries have rejected or reformed direct-recording EVMs. Election
Commission of India is persisting with the voting machines ignoring the
serious concerns. Hence this effort to mobilize public opinion.

the Philippines ballot papers are used. Counting is done through voting
machines by optically scanning the ballots into the machine. Still, a
manual audit is mandated. In computing, if things can go wrong, they
always will; this is Murphy’s law of computing. I hope you have read
Stanford Univ. Prof. Dill’s letter to ECI.

The nature of the electonic counting in the Philippines

kalyan 25 Feb. 2010

EVMs and cyberlaw of the Philippines: mandated manual audit

Article posted February 24, 2010 - 09:48 PM
on Elections (Comelec) chairman Jose Melo on Wednesday rejected the
idea of conducting the random manual audit before the declaration of the
winners in the May polls, saying that it will only cause unnecessary

“(We don’t want) a simple audit (to) deter proclamation,” Melo said in a press briefing.

poll body chief issued the statement after some groups asserted that
the random manual audit be done right after the election results are
transmitted and before the winners are proclaimed. (See: More voting
machines should be audited to ensure polls’ credibility)

24 of Republic Act 9369 requires a random manual audit to be conducted
in one precinct per congressional district in each province and city.

difference between the automated and manual count will result in the
determination of root cause and initiate a manual count for those
precincts affected by the computer or procedural error,” it further

Melo said that conducting the audit before the proclamation would cause
a great delay because the auditors would still have to “reconcile” the
marks on a ballot that were recognized and not recognized by the
Precinct Count Optical Scan (PCOS) machine.

ng variation yan, magdedebate, madedelay yan. Ang mark na ganyan,
bibilangin ng manual, pero hindi binilang ng makina, sino paniniwalaan
mo (There will definitely be a variation, triggering debate, which would
delay everything. Marks like those that are counted manually, but not
counted by the machine—which would you believe),” he said.

further said that it would be fine if only the proclamation of the
winners of the local elections would be delayed, but he said that even
the national positions would have to await proclamation.

we are going to delay the proclamation because of a simple concern of
one machine, bakit pa tayo nag-automate (why did we automate at all)?”
he said.

the National Citizens’ Movement for Free Elections (Namfrel) and the
Consortium of Electoral Reforms (CER) also asked the poll body to
increase the number of voting machines that will undergo auditing.

groups said that at least 2.5 to 3 percent of the 82,200 PCOS units or
five poll machines per congressional district should be manually audited
to give enough assurance that the results of the elections are
credible. —Kimberly Jane T. Tan/JV,

Security Analysis of India’s Electronic Voting Machines

Elections in India are conducted almost exclusively using electronic
voting machines developed over the past two decades by a pair of
government-owned companies. These devices, known in India as EVMs, have
been praised for their simple design, ease of use, and reliability, but
recently they have also been criticized because of widespread reports of
election irregularities. Despite this criticism, many details of the
machines’ design have never been publicly disclosed, and they have not
been subjected to a rigorous, independent security evaluation. In this
paper, we present a security analysis of a real Indian EVM obtained from
an anonymous source. We describe the machine’s design and operation in
detail, and we evaluate its security, in light of relevant election
procedures. We conclude that in spite of the machine’s simplicity and
minimal trusted computing base, it is vulnerable to serious attacks that
can alter election results and violate the secrecy of the ballot. We
demonstrate two attacks, implemented using custom hardware, which could
be carried out by dishonest election insiders or other criminals with
only brief physical access to the machines. This case study contains
important lessons for Indian elections and for electronic voting
security more generally.…/27589262_1_v…
American scientists ‘hack’ into Indian voting machines
India’s voting machines - considered to be among the world’s most
tamperproof - can be hacked, American scientists claim.Researchers at
the University of Michigan connected a home-made device to a voting
machine and successfully changed results by sending text messages from a
mobile.“We made an imitation display board that looks almost exactly
like the real display in the machines. But underneath some of the
components of the board, we hide a microprocessor and a Bluetooth
radio,” the BBC quoted Prof J Alex Halderman, who led the project, as
He added: “Our lookalike display board intercepts the vote
totals that the machine is trying to display and replaces them with
dishonest totals - basically whatever the bad guy wants to show up at
the end of the election.”
Moreover, they added a small
microprocessor, which they say can change the votes stored in the
machine between the election and the vote-counting session.No one’s
right mind would yet allow the use of absolutely antiquated, completely
out-dated, easily hack-able and highly tamper-able “high school
technology” based, obsolete EVMs (electronic voting machines) in
national elections, but it was used now — in 2014
More than 80
democracies in the world have simply done away with them, dumping them
in the trash, or simply declared the usage of this simplistic voting
system susceptible to fraud, and hence declaring the same as illegal —
as the Supreme Courts of Germany and Holland indeed have done. Even
Japan, from where EVMs originated, has long abandoned its rogue babies,
and is using paper ballot system since then. All the advanced
democracies in the West, except the most dull-headed ones, have reverted
to a voter verifiable system or the ballot paper. In Canada, even at
the ,most basic school level, ballot paper voting is in use.
year, the Supreme Court of India, having been convinced of an
undeniable, edible possibility of EVMs getting tampered with and that
easily hacked — even from afar — had ordered the imbecilic Election
Commission and the indolent Government of India to provide about 1600
crore (1600, 0000000) rupees — convert this into your respective
currency! — for manufacturing these VVPAT (Voter Verifiable Paper Audit
Trail) voting machines; which show a verifiable paper receipt to the
This is the Fundamental Right of a citizen of India, as per
the laws laid down by the Constitution. However, recent newspaper
reports tell us that only 20, 000 such voting machines have been
provided for the entire country in this, 2014 election! India has 29
states now — with Telagana being the latest. In most of them, depending
upon their size etc., either about 400 VVPAT machines are being
deployed, or some such similar ridiculous number — more or less — has
been made available in the length and breadth of the country. It’s an
asinine, bland, cruel, demeaning joke we 1.25 billion voters have been
“blessed” with by the powers that be.
All “patriotic” hackers of our motherland made hay in May!
to how EVMs can be hacked into, tampered with, and results favorably
manipulated via software interference and other means — from near and
from far, far away — this can easily be found by anybody by just going
to Google etc. and filling “EVM HACKING, TAMPERING” or something to this
effect in the Search. And lo, behold! a plethora of information will
just overwhelm your overly chilled-out, lesser employed, un-billed
However, the only solace for us naive fools is that quite a
few unscrupulous politicians and every other most “honorable” political
party worthy of its “salt”, would surely be playing this comic-tragic
game of hacking into and hijacking the votes of a billion people! Thus,
one who outsmarts the other such fine folks, armed with their hacking
forks in this merry-go-around, will win.The rest — this or that
“tsunami” or wave in favor of one or the other, poll forecasts and the
“newbie”, the over enthused, seeming game changers in the making — well,
they may well fall flat on their dumb faces, if not on their smart
That the Supreme Court of India too, while passing the order
of putting new VVAT voting machines in use in a “phased manner”, has
unwittingly shirked its duty. In fact, it committed a grave error of
judgment. Perhaps dealt a fatal blow to Indian democracy. It should have
ordered, as a caution, that till the time this newer set of about
1300ooo voting machines is manufactured in full and so deployed
throughout India, ballot paper system would be brought in. No such
precautionary measure was decreed by the apex court.Well, crib all you
want. But don’t cry, my dear countrymen. After all, the same model of
EVMs is yet very much in use in South Africa, Bangla Desh, Bhutan,
Nepal, Nigeria, Venezuela etc. These poor folks of the said “non-techy”
countries — millions of them — too cannot figure out as to what the hell
had, yet is happening, in their dear short-circuited “developed”
democracies. Nor will you.
Don’t worry, be happy! You are not alone “out there”.
by the way, the somewhat notorious lawyer who had brought in this case —
of the present lot of EVMs being tamper-able and hack-able — and, who,
had successfully fought it so, forcing the Supreme Court to order the
installation of a fail-safe voting mechanism (of Voter Verifiable Paper
Audit machines replacing the susceptible earlier Electronic Voting
Machines) to ensure a free and fair electoral process in India — well,
this oh-so-very honorable fellow too has fallen silent, like a demure
maiden. This most vociferous gentleman had openly declared on social
websites, especially Twitter, that in case VVPAT machines do not get
installed in time for 2014 elections, then, there would be a
“constitutional crisis” — putting it out there like an Indian
“pehalwan”, a la WWW wrestler, that he would challenge the same in the
apex court. He had most emphatically underlined he would ensure that
either the new fail-safe voting machines or the old time-tested paper
ballot system will be put in use during this general election in India.
However, recently, when asked specifically on Twitter about this matter —
as to what this lovely man is doing or is going to do about this
impending doomsday electoral scenario — there was a deafening silence
from his side. May be owing to the fact that since the Supreme Court
judgement late last year, this self-righteous rightist has joined the
ultra-rightist political bandwagon.
The latter has been projected by
pollsters to overwhelmingly sweep these elections — as a direct result
of the doings of the monstrous public relations firm hired from the land
of the let-it-be, oops! free. This US firm is the same that was used
fruitfully by President Bush and Hillary Clinton for their respective
political campaigns. It has — let there be no doubt about it —
successfully projected its client as the potential winner and the next
numero uno in Indian politics.
What the majority of the Indians have
missed in fine print is that the outgoing Chief Minister of the state of
Rajasthan, in the last year elections, had officially filed a complaint
with the election commission that the EVMs used in his state were
pre-programmed and tampered with — and that the same had come from the
state of which this presently hyped-up future Prime Minister of India,
is the current Chief Minister. Now, the lawyer who had gone to the dogs
to awaken India and the rest of the world about the mischief and
malfeasance possible with the old model of EVMs — and had in fact
written a book on this subject — is in a wink-wink deep-throat “smadhi”.
A silence that speaks truths we dumb billion idiots on this part of
slippery earth cannot fathom. Perhaps it’s a precursor of the things to
Let us hope the jolly good hackers of this-that party screw-up
each other’s devilish, outright evil plans. In a dog eat dog political
crap pit we hapless billion creatures have to walk through every
election, maybe this time the ape sitting by the side — the wide-eyed
hopeful citizen of India — at least gets a tiny part of the apple pie
this messy hacking cat fight will leave behind, on the side lanes.
Perhaps these little crumbs will be enough for us to stay afloat. though
not gloat.
In a nutshell, simply put, whosoever “out-hacks” the other, will win.
again, we are an ancient civilization of more than 33, 0000000 gods and
goddesses — some civilized, others not so civil. Let’s hope one of
these fancied deities has a soft corner for us dumbos. Otherwise, we are
going to get screwed. A billion times over.
Therefore, I made doubly
sure I did not vote. I sat on my ass on voting day — not that I don’t
do so everyday. This voting day, I absolutely did. Not only figuratively
and metaphorically, but literally. I may have many buts in life, but at
least today I have a little sore, yet not so sorry a butt.
We are a fool’s paradise.
Long live the banana republic of India!…/articleshow/7049951.cms

Editorial: E-voting needs a paper trail
Dec. 6, 2010
years after the “hanging chads” fiasco in Florida, and two months
before one of the most important presidential elections in U.S. history,
Congress still refuses to listen to the nation’s top computer
scientists and require a secure, auditable paper trail for all federal
elections. This despite the latest revelation of a serious problem with
the electronic voting machines used in 34 states — including Virginia
and Maryland — in addition to their well-publicized vulnerability to
hacking.In March, Ohio officials found a programming error that dropped
votes when the data on memory cards from multiple electronic machines
are electronically transferred to a central tabulator, as they would be
on Election Day. Dozens of lawyers are ready to file legal challenges
everywhere e-voting machines are used, even those declared “qualified”
by the National Association of State Election Directors. Such litigation
could tie up final election results far longer than it would take to
count paper ballots.State and local government officials have spent $1.5
billion on e-voting machines in recent years, most of it federal funds
under the 2002 Help America Vote Act. But instead of ensuring a fast,
secure way to count millions of votes, they got a technological
nightmare. Studies in Ohio and California confirmed that e-voting
machines currently in use can allow individuals to cast multiple votes,
load viruses that crash the system, produce fake tallies and even change
previously cast votes.As recently as May, a spokesman for Premier
Election Solutions (formerly Diebold Election Systems) blamed the Ohio
glitch on state-installed anti-virus software, but eventually admitted
to a decade-old “logic error” programmed on all 19 of its touch screen
and optical scan models. Computer experts say every e-voting machine now
in use has serious security vulnerabilities. Even a piece of white tape
on a scanner can block votes from being recorded.“We don’t know how to
make secure paperless voting,” says Stanford computer science professor
David Dill, founder of the Verified Voting Foundation and author of
Attackdog, a computer model that simulates more than 9,000 ways to
attack e-voting systems. Dr. Dill and others like him have warned again
and again that an auditable paper trail is the only way to guarantee a
secure election, the very bedrock of democracy. Congress has less than
two months to pass emergency legislation requiring state election
officials to add verifiable paper trails to all voting in the November
election. There is no more time to lose.…/editorial-e-voting-needs-pa…



CJI SADHASIVAM, shirked its duty & committed a grave error of
judgment by allowing in phased manner Fraud Tamperable EVMs on the
request of CEC SAMPATH because of Rs.1600 crore cost to replace them and
dealt a fatal blow to the Country’s democracy.Ex CJI did not order for
ballot paper system to be brought in. No such precautionary measure was
decreed by the apex court. Ex CJI did not order that till the time this
newer set of about 13,00,000 voting machines is manufactured in full
& deployed totally. All the people in 80 democracies in the world
who simply done away with fradulent EVMs should not recognise Modi
(Murderer of democratic institutions). These Insecure EVMs must be
scraped and Fresh Lok Sabha and all the State Assembly elections
conducted with these EVMs must be scraped and Fresh elections must be
ordered to save Democracy, Liberty, Fraternity and Equality a Enshrined
in the Constitution.

is not only a political party but also a movement of societal change.
Hence this technological game of 1% Chitpawan RSS plan has to be
defeated by strengthening the 99% intellectuals by exposing the
fradulent EVMs as done by 80 democracies of the world in the larger
interest of Sarvajan Hitaye Sarvajan Sukhaye i.e., for the peace,
happiness and welfare of all societies including SC/STs/ OBCs/
Minorities and the poor brahmins and baniyas for distributing the wealth
of this country among all sections of the society as enshrined in the
Constitution by making the Supreme Court to pass orders to replace all
fradulent EVMs and till such time to scrap all elections conducted by
these fradulent EVMs and then to conduct elections with tamper proof
voting system to save democracy, equality, fraternity and liberty.

all the fraud EVMs are replaced with fool proof Voting system the
present CJI must order to scrap the present Lok Sabha.& have a
collegium system of picking judges from SC/ST/OBC/Minorities for having a
fool proof voting system to safeguard Liberty, Fraternity and Equality
as enshrined in the Constitution. And also a collegium system in the
Chief Election Commission consisting SC/ST/OBC/Minorities for having a
fool proof voting system to safeguard Liberty, Fraternity and Equality
as enshrined in d Constitution to prevent Murder of Democracy.After the
fraud EVMs are replaced with fool proof voting system Lok Sabha
elections must be held, if chitpawan brahmins have to be sidelined
totally because of their politics of hatred towards all non chitpawan
brahmins, all the non- chitpawan brahmins have to unite under BSP for
Sarvajan Hitay, Sarvajan Sukhay i.e., for the welfare and happiness of
all societies including, SC/STs, OBCs, Minorities and the poor upper
castes by sharing the wealth of the country equally among all sections
of the society as enshrined in the Constitution.

average minds discuss events; small minds discuss people;

The media projects small events and and discuss small people for their survival.

Wise Words By Eleanor

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