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Kushinara NIBBĀNA Bhumi Pagoda White Home, Puniya Bhumi Bengaluru, Prabuddha Bharat International.

March 2025
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IAS forum International All Societies (SC/STs/OBCs/Minorities/Poor Upper castes/Racially Discriminated) for Affirmative Action for PEACE, HAPPINESS and WELFARE through Techno-Socio-Politico Transformation and Economical Emancipation Movement
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Human rights challenges

IAS forum
International All Societies (SC/STs/OBCs/Minorities/Poor Upper castes/Racially Discriminated)
Affirmative Action
Techno-Socio-Politico Transformation and Economical Emancipation Movement

Dear friends,
IAS forum
International All Societies (SC/STs/OBCs/Minorities/Poor Upper castes/Racially Discriminated)
Affirmative Action
Techno-Socio-Politico Transformation and Economical Emancipation Movement to tackle the real

Human rights challenges

to reach out all NRIs from all over the world to contribute their
Time,Talent and Treasure in a legal manner through their relatives to
Bahujan Samaj Party.

Ms Mayawati ex Chief Minister of Uttar Pradesh
and Chief of Bahujan Samaj Party (BSP) won in the Panchayat Elections
conducted through paper ballots while it could not win a single seat in
Lok Sabha elections conducted through EVMs vulnerable to fraud. As CM of
UP, her governance was the best by distributing the wealth
proportionally among all sections of the society and became eligible to
become the Prime Minister of this country. This was not tolerated by the
traditional manuvadis. So the fraud EVMs were tampered to defeat her.

Now the CEC says that all the EVMs will be replaced in the 2019 general elections.…/articles…/51106327.cms

2019 general elections to have paper-trail electronic voting machines: Nasim Zaidi, CEC

BJP Spreading 'Religious Fundamentalism', Says Mayawati

BJP Spreading ‘Religious Fundamentalism’, Says Mayawati.

BSP chief Mayawati said the BJP has spoilt the hopes of ushering in ‘hey days’ for farmers, poor and small traders .
DELHI:  Bahujan Samaj Party (BSP) chief Mayawati on Saturday accused
the Bharatiya Janata Party (BSP) of spreading “religious fundamentalism”
and hatred in its bid to convert the country into a ‘Hindutva rashtra’.

the party’s National Executive meeting in Delhi, she said the BJP has
spoilt the hopes of ushering in ‘hey days’ for farmers, poor and
small TRADERS and only a “handful” of capitalists and industrialists have

“In a bid to divert people’s attention from issues
like price rise, imposition of taxes which have led to large-scale
public anger, BJP and its organisations are trying to provoke issues
like religious fundamentalism, mutual hatred and pseudo nationalism,”
she said.

She also said that the BJP  is following the “narrow
and casteist philosophy” of its parent organisation RSS to convert this
country into a “Hindutva rashtra”.

In the process, it has
sacrificed national and public interest and has “fully ignored” matters
like poverty, unemployment, peace and price rise, a statement quoting
her said.

Referring to the issue of corruption, she said the BJP and Congress are two sides of the same coin.

way BJP government is trying to protect the corrupt, it is possible
that it will beat the corruption of Congress in the coming years,” she

She alleged the BJP and Congress governments in states are
indulging in atrocities against SC/STs and those belonging to the weaker
sections of the society.

“Though they opposed the SC/ST icons
throughout their lives, they use their names now to further their
political interests,” the former Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister said.

also said her party will contest the Assembly polls in West Bengal,
Tamil Nadu, Assam, Puducherry and Kerala alone. “It may take a while to
get good results there, but we will contest alone,” she said addressing
the gathering.

How BJP (Bahuth Jiyadha Psychopaths) is following
the “narrow and casteist philosophy” of its parent organisation RSS
(Rowdy Swayam Sevaks)  and all its avathars VHP (Venomous Hindutva
Psychopaths), ABVP (All Brahmin Venomous Psychopaths), Bhajan Dal etc.,
are trying to convert this country into a stealth, shadowy
discriminative “Hindutva cult”.

is one of the Biggest Terrorist Organisations in the World. They are
Mad Horrorists threat group - shadowy, stealth and discriminatory group
trying to establish hindutva cult.

New Delhi: A US-based risk
management and consulting company has put the Rashtriya Swayamsevak
Sangh (RSS) because RSS is killing so many people and bombing and
cutting of people and using suicide bombing techniques and raping and
honor killing women … it all happened in Gujrat and happening in parts
of the country.. Go get a life and become a Hindu mr…. What is it?
the one who have at least common sense, do u think he or she become
hindu? do u think that? Most of the people in the world becoming muslim
without any pressure, force or demand… think about that…. See that
RSS gentleman who studied about islam to oppose them and became a
muslim…. use your common sense and refrain from your bad thoughts and

They will have the end.. Rss have to be banned in india with
its.. hindhuthuva branches.. in south tamilnadu.. this rss and hindhutva
terrorist gang made problem to the people who celebrating new year of
2015 night..

Increasing threats to the democratic-secular Indian
polity from the Hindutva organizations - a concise document on the
anti-national game-plan of the RSS–rss-chief-072901011.html


is all that you have. Join hands with Ms Mayawati’s Bahujan Samaj Party
Elephant to move ahead  with the Caravan of Techno-Politico-Socio-
Transformation ans Economic Emancipation Movement to save democracy,
liberty, equality and fraternity.

The Manifesto of BSP is Implementation of our Constitution

of democratic institutions (Modi) remotely controlled by 1% intolerant,
violent, militant, shooting, lunching, lunatic, mentally retarded
psychopath cannibals chitpawan brahmin RSS (Rowdy Swayam Sevaks) and all
its avathars VHP (Venomous Hindtva Psychopaths), ABVP (All Brahmin
Venomous Psychopaths), Bhajan Dal etc., approach of giving you something
shitty like stealth, shadowy and discriminting hindutva that they say
is good, And then making you pay to get the shitty taste out of your
mouth by selling toothbrushes.

Fraud Internationalists :

hatred, anger, jealousy, delusion, which are defilement of mind of the
people who are violent, militant, shooting, lynching, lunatic, mentally
retarded psychopath cannibals must be treated for their mental illness
in mental asylums. They are very small in numbers and non-entities.
Mental asylum must be created in space so that they will not peace
loving majority people.

Achievements of “Bahujan Samaj Party” – 100s Reason to Vote for BSP

Ms. Mayawati Ji-led government formed on 13 May, 2007 in Uttar Pradesh,
after its four-year term, has kindled a new ray of “bright” future
among the general public in the State, especially the SC/STs, backwards,
religious minorities and upper-caste poor in respect of law and order
and crime control together with development and public welfare

This very government, by pursuing the path shown by
great saints, gurus and seers born in backward classes, especially
Mahtma Jotiba Phule, Chhatrapati Shahuji Maharaj, Shri Narayana Guru,
Baba Saheb Dr. Bhimrao Ambedkar and Manyawar Shri Kanshiram Ji in
development and public welfare activities with government following the
policy of “Sarvajan Hitay – Sarvajan Sukhay”.

Vote and Support “Bahujan Samaj Party”

to honour these backward-born great “Saints, Gurus and Seers”, various
magnificent spots, memorials, museums, parks, etc have been constructed
in the state, on which the total budgeted government amount spent is
even less than 1%; the remaining funds having spent on law and order,
crime control, development and public welfare activities.

In the
last four years, the central government did not release on time its
share payable to the state totalling Rs. 21,385 crore. If this amount
had been paid by the centre in time, achievements of the state
government could have been far far better.

Not only this, the
“special economic package’ of Rs. 80,000 crore sought from the central
government for the total development of the state, especially
Bundelkhand and Poorvanchal in view of the poor and pitiable economic
conditions inherited from the previous governments, no money was
received from the central government at all.

Thereafter, under
government’s new development strategy several major projects /schemes on
the PPP-model, like the Ganga Express-way, Yamuna Express-way and Upper
Ganga canal were prepared to spur development in the state in which no
central investments were involved except a departmental ‘no objection ‘
from them; the centre, however, did not cooperate even in this matter.

yet, with “ correct mobilization of resources and improved financial
management” the state government generated an atmosphere
Development, notable achievements of which are enumerated below:

the formation, in 1995 of the first government of Hon’ble Chief
Minister Ms. Mayawati Ji in Uttar Pradesh, its priority has been the
total development of the poor and the backward SC/ST, other backward
classes,Religious minorities and disables persons-who had remained
neglected for centuries and during earlier governments. By separately
creating Uttar Pradesh Welfare Department and other ministries, there
has been considerable improvements in their condition at every level
and\ every sphere.

1.    This government in the last four years
has undertaken several activities at a total cost of Rs. 37,000 crore
(Rs. 36,795 crore), outlay of 21.21 and 100% expenditure on the
development of “SC/ST” under special component plan which are chiefly –
increase in the rate of post matric for (Scheduled Castes), eligibility
level of income increased from 1lakh to Rs.2 lakh,, scholarships fora
all students (girls and boys) from class 1 to 8, establishment of
‘bhagidari bhavan’ at Lucknow and Agra, including Training institutes at
Aligarh and Rae Bareli to coach SC/ST youth for recruitment to
high-level services like I.A.S and P.C.S; recruitment in Government
posts through a drive to clear the backlog; for the first time
Reservation in contracts upto Rs.25 lakh for SC/ST, so far, contracts
worth Rs.1,623 crore allotted; about 4 lakh S/C families allotted more
Than 3,500 hectares of land.; 16 Mahamaya Polytechnics for Information
Technology set up for these categories of students; regularisation of
Landless SC/ST people in possession of gram sabah land upto13May, 2007; 
formal right of possession letters (pattas) awarded to 9,431 persons;
about 3000 genuine lease-holders benefited by removing illegal usurpers
from their land; creation of employment totalling 5,945 lakh man- days
for men and 2,089 lakh for women belonging to SC/ST classes created in
rural areas; about 8 lakh S/C families benefited by writing-off debts
amounting to Rs.120.28 crore of Uttar Pradesh SC/ST Development
Corporation; electrification on large-scale of SC/ST bustees /majras and
appointment of 23% from these classes only of SOs in police stations;
provision of reservation also in state government-aided private
enterprises; allotment of more than 4,000 fair price shops; together
with the establishment of a Rs.100 crore “leather park and shoe mandi”:
in Agra, exemption from VAT of Agra Footwear Industry.

“Other Backward Classes” – in the last four years 2 lakh landless people
allotted lease of about 50,000 hectares of agricultural land; effective
implementation of 27% reservation for OBSc in the allotment of fair
price shops in the urban and rural areas under the public distribution
system; computerisation of the entire procedure of scholarship under the
backward classes Welfare department; more than 50 lakh students (girls
and boys) benefites by scholarships under the scheme of aid to the poor
families of backward classes on account of marriage and illness about
Rs.50 crore spent every year; apart from increasing the “creamy layer”
annual income limit of these classes from Rs.3 lakh Rs.5lakh, about
Rs.250 crore spent to reimburse the admission fees of students studying
in post matric classes.

3.    In the matter of Religious
Minorities especially the Muslim community, mention may be made of the
establishment of Manyawar Shri Kanshiram Ji Urdu, Arabic-Persian
University; inclusion of 10 new Arabic-Persian Madrasas in the
grant-in-aid list; as much as 486.73 crore approx, on account of
scholarships to 1,28,35,824 minority students (girls and boys);
elegibilty income limit for scholarships increased to Rs.1 lakh in
respect of, minority students; grant of Rs. 3,745 lakh for the marriage
of 37,445 daughters from minority BPL families; reimbursement of fees
amounting to Rs.2,049 lakh of 49,166 post matric students; construction
of well-equipped “Haj Houses” at Ghaziabad and Lucknow for the
convenience of the Hajis; “direct Haj flight” from Varanasi to Jeddah;
abolition of the pre-condition of police verification in the appointment
of “Mutawallis”; arrangement of advance coaching to prepare for
competitive recruitment examinations; the amount of grant for Uttar
Pradesh Urdu Academy more than doubled to Rs.3 crore; establishment of
58 government secondary schools in minority-dominated areas of 22
selected districts as well as mformation of a commission to provide the
atatus of minority institution to ‘taleemi idaar’ (educational
institutions) besides, the distribution of Manyawar Shri Kanshiram Ji
Handloom Weavers awards.

4.    “Disabled” – establishment of
‘Uttar Pradeesh Dr. Shakuntala Misra Rehabilation University’ at a cost
of Rs.400 crore to provide quality education to the differently-abled
students; with 1% reservation for the visually impaired and 2% other
disabled, so far, 677 and 1320fair shops allotted, respectively;
disabled pension rate increased to Rs.300 per month from Rs.150- the
total number of disabled pensioner during 2009-10 increased to 708077.

Several welfare schemes implemented for Sarv-Samaj “women” also,
notable being amendment of the zamindari kanoon to ensure equitable
share of women in patriarchal landed property; the amount of dole for
destitute women increased to Rs.300 per month from Rs.150 apart from
construction of shelter homes etc for them in Mathurs and Vrindavan;
“alertness and sensitivity” on the part of government has resulted in
considerable “decline” of criminal cases against “women”.

addition, many significant and historic steps wre taken for the uplift
of the poor and the helpless belonging to sarv-samaj besides, Farmers,
labourers, lawyers, employees, traders and people engaged in other
professions, with all government departments also contributing to the
development of the people of the state viz.:

1.    Uttar Pradesh
Mukhyamantri Mahamaya Gharib Arthik Madad Yojna benefits about 31 lakh
families in Uttar Pradeshwhich have not been able to avail of the
benefits of the BPL list or antyodaya, by providing an assistance of
Rs.400 per month.

2.    Savitribai Phule Shiksha Madad Yojna
benefitted a total of 6,86,953 girl students, so far, with Rs.15,000 and
a bicycle given to class 10 students and an additional assistance of
Rs.10,000 on promotion to class 12.

3.    Mahamaya Gharib Balika
Ashirwad Yojna provides for Rs.1lakh to be given to the girl child
immediately on birth, which has benefitted about 3,25,000 girl children.

4.    Dr. Ambedkar Gram Sabha Samagra Vikas Yojna benefitted abount 5,598 gram sabhas.

5.  Manyawar Shri Kanshiram Ji Sheri Gharib Awas Yojna provides for free housing facilities, benefiting about 1lakh families.

6.    Sarvjan Hitay Gharib Awas (Slum Area) Maliqana Haq Yojna benefited about 7,232 families.

BPL card-holders of Sarv-samaj and beneficiaries of Mahamaya Gharib
Arthik Madad Yojna being provided free of charge legal aid by government
lawyers to plead their cases in courts.

8.    Under Manyawar Shri Kanshiram Ji Sheri SC/ST Bssti Samagra Vikas Yojna, 250 bustees selected for development.

9.    Lease-hold of 55,000 hectares of agricultural land for about 2.5 lakh poor and unemployed landless people.

10.  About “3.5 lakh families” allotted residential plots measuring 3,500 hectares.

11.  Allotment of 30,000 hectares of land to about 36,000 agriculturists.

12.  16,000 sites allotted to 19,000 people engaged in the pottery craft.

13.  Allotment of 12,000 hectares of land for free plantation to 42,000 farmers.

14.  Insurance provided to 18,67,835 heads of families under the General Public Insurance Scheme.

Under the enforced Uttar Oradesh Janhit Guarantee Quanoon 13 essential
services relating to revenue, urban development, medical and food and
supply guaranteed within a specified time limit.

16.  Brilliant
BPL students (girls and boys) of the newly established Gautam Buddha
University belonging to sarv-samaj sent to Europe for higher studies on
state expenses.

17.  The maximum sickness allowance increased
from Rs.2,000 to 5,000 in the case of S/S and those eligible from the
general category.

18.  The amount of grant-in-aid doubled in the event of marriage/sickness in Bundelkhand.

19.  As many as 897 child development projects under operation.

20.  Daily wages of “labourers/wage earners” of unorganised sector increased to Rs.100 from Rs.58.

More than 18 lakh government employees in the state provided benefit of
the sixth pay commission, causing an additional financial burden of
Rs.21,000 crore.

22.  As many as 35,000 daily wage employees, appointed till 29 June, 1991 regularised.

23.  Generation of 10,586 lakh man days in the rural areas at a cost of Rs. 16,995 crore.

24.  Self-employment made available to 13.58 lakh families with a grant of Rs.800 crore.

Recruitment of 1.9 lakh ‘safai-workers (Aroghya Rakshaks)” in the state
in one go besides, 88,000 primary school teachers, 5,000 Urdu teachers
and massive recruitment in other departments together with employment
opportunities provided to “lakhs” of people in non-governmental sectors
as well.

26.  Infrastructural Development: construction of 165 Km
long, 6-lane Yamuna express-way at a cost of Rs. 9,935 crore between
Noida and Agra.

27.  Rs.30,000 crore –construction project of 1,047 Km long, 8-lane entry controlled express-way from Greater Noida to Ballia.

28.  Costing Rs. 8,911 crore, 148-km long Sanauta-Purkazi Express-way project along the upper Ganga canal bank.

29.  In the Taj city, Agra, construction of a 20.5 km long 6-lane ring road at a cost of Rs.1,100 crore.

30.  Delhi-Noida-Greater Noida Metro Rail Link, first phase, from Delhi to Noida completed.

31.  PPP process activated to establish ab international airport at Kushinagar for the development of Buddhist circuit.

Energy development; with an amount of Rs. 28,796 crore incurred by the
government led by the Hon’ble Chief Minister Ms. Mayawati Ji, a “new
trust” born among the general public to meet its electricity needs,
during its four-year term,; the government seriously engaged at the
ground level about its promise to offer 24-hourelectricity by 2014,
Begining of about 30,000 MW new projects. Investment of Rs. 1,20,000
crore. In the field of transmission, thye largest ever investment of
Rs.10,000 crore through PPP in the country.

33.  Road
construction – construction/reconstruction of more than 50,000 km long
roads with an expenditure of about Rs.9000 crore.

34.  About 13,000 km long CC roads and KC drains constructed in 5,480 gram sabhas/villages at a cost of Rs. 3,569 crore.

Construction of 319 bridges at a cost of Rs.1,369 crore as well as 16
over-bridges, entailinf an expenditure of Rs.363 crore.

36.  Irrigation – Strengthening of irrigation works/activities at a cost of Rs.22,097 crore.

37.  Additional irrigation capacity of about 1.5 lakh hectares generated with the construction of 2,975 tube wells.

38.  Tail-feeding of more than 9,000 canals ensured.

39.  Irrigation arrangement of 32 lakh hectares of land.

40.  Agriculture and Allied services – about Rs. 19,50 crore spent in the last four years.

41.  Drive to bouble the income of the farmers.

42.  Weather-based crop insurance scheme started.

43.  Rain water storage project in Bundelkhand.

44.  Unprecedented increase in sugarcane price (SAP).

45.  Uttar Pradesh tops the country in milk production.

46.  Dr.Ambedkar Agricultural Improvement Scheme of feeder separation for uninterrupted power supply to farmers.

47.  Establishment of new agricultural university in Banda.

Education and Sports Development – about 65,000 crore (Rs.64,997 Crore)
were spent on account of education in the last four years.

49.  As many as 12,160 new senior primary schools and 4,654 new primary schools established

50.  13 private universities established.

51.  Manyawar Shri Kanshiram Ji Research Chair established in 6 universities.

52.  As many as 41 new government polytechnics  set up.

53.  In Gautambuddha Nagar, a second technical university established under the name of Mahamaya Technical University.

54.  Commencement of ‘Manyawar Shri Kanshiram Ji Kala Samman Puraskar’ and Sant Ravidas Kala Samman Puraskar’.

55.  Medical and Health services – About 22,000 crore (Rs 22,190 crore) spent in the last four years.

Decision to operate medical colleges in Kannauj, Jalaun and Saharanpur
districts as wellas a para-medical college in Jhansi.

Decision to open state of the art super specialty 500-bed hospital with
participation of private sector, costing around 140-150 crore each in
Lucknow, Agra, Jalaun, Bijnur, Azamgarh, Ambedkar Nagar. And Saharanpur.

58.  For the first time in the country a separate unani directorate established by  Uttar Pradesh.

Urban Development – About Rs.13,156 crore spent on account of housing
and urban development as wellas Rs. 4,090 crore spent on hygene and
cleanliness schemes.

60.  Projects worth about Rs.8,000 crore
completed in Kanpur, Lucknow, Agra, Varanasi, Meerut, Allahabad and
Mathura on development of urban infrastructural facilities and providing
housing to the poor besides, fulfilling their basic needs.

Provision of about Rs.1,000 crore for drinking water projects in 7
metropolitan towns. Completion of projects of Rs.400 crore in other 37
towns and plying of 1,310 modern buses started.

62.  Implementation of solid waste management schemes in 26 cities.

and Support “Bahujan Samaj Party”In addition to the above, the
government has, through other departments , taken several important and
notable  decisions, a detailed account of which is given in a government
published listing its achievements of four years.

In order to
see for herself the ground reality of the activities stated in the
booklet, the former Hon’ble Chief Minister, Ms Mayawati Ji, from 1st
February, 2011 to 2nd March 2011 i.e., for full one month, made surprise
inspections to take stock of law and order situation and creime control
in all the 72 districts, together with development and public welfare
activities, with strict action taken against authorities, if anything
wanting was detected. Necessary directions and guidance for improvement
were also given.

In a nutshell, the four years of the Uttar
Pradesh Chief Minister Hon’ble Ms Mayawati Ji led government has been “
highly promising and the best” in the area of “development and public

Every policy of Uttar Pradesh Govt. is based on ‘Sarvajan Hitay – Sarvajan Sukhay’
Important and Historic Initiative for Law & Order and Crime Control

Since the formation of the present government in Uttar Pradesh, on 13
May, 2007 till date, an Unprecedented environment of “peace and order
and communal harmony, free from injustice, crime and fear” has been
created by giving “top priority” to “law-order and crime control” for
which several important decisions had to be taken with iron resolve at
the different levels e.g:

2.    Rigorous and effective action taken against more than 1 lakh known notorious criminals/Mafiosi.

3.    1.707 notorious criminals detained under the most stringent “National Security Act (NSA)”.

4.    Strict action taken under the “Gangster Act” against about 40,000 professional offenders.

A total of 8.013 notorious delequents, carrying reward on their heads,
were arrested, including those “carrying on the head a reward” upto Rs.5

6.    Another 374 notorious criminals carrying reward,
between Rs.50,000 – Rs. 5,00,000 were “killed” by the police in self

7.    Also, thousands of anti-social elements/goondas
and white-collar criminals were sent to their right place i.e. behind
the bars in the “jail”.

8.    For the first in the state, action
was also taken against “ influencial people and those occupying high
positions” found guilty of breaching the law, establishing the motto
“all wequal before the law” under which several ministers, ex-ministers,
MPs and legislators were proceeded against leagally with due

9.    “Historic action” continues, without let or
hinderance, against arrant criminals and Mafiosi to “confisticat their
ill-gotten wealth” in order to break the economic backbone. Property
worth more than Rs. 443 crore forfeited so far.

10.  Elimination
of fierce dacoits – synonymous of terror, Rs. 5 lakh rewardee bandit
chief Shivakumar alias Dadua, Ambika Patel i.e. Thokia, Mussafir Yadav,
carrying a reward of Rs.2lakh from Bihar State and Santosh alias Kittu
Gupta with a reward of Rs. 1.5 lakh besides, several other offenders
carrying rewards between Rs. 1 lakh and Rs. 50,000 were killed by police
in encounters inself-defence.

11.  In the terrorist attack on
CRPF group centre at Rampur by 4 terrorists of HUJI – Harqat UI Jehad Al
Islami as well as an active member of Khalistan Zindabad Force (KZF)
together with ISI agents were also apprehended.

12.  Noor Baksh, a
shooter belonging to the gang of international criminal, Dawood Ibrahim
was shot daed while trying to escape from police custody.

To secure justice to prosecuted people under the previous government,
10,000 cases filed through a “special campaign” and action taken against
31,136 persons. “Legal” action also initiated against those trying to
register “fake” reports.

14.  The area of ‘jungle raj’, goonda
tax, ‘mafia rule’ and ‘anarchy’ inherited in legacy, ends, entirely due
to the “missionary and struggling” efforts of Hon’ble Chief Ninister Ms.
Mayawati JI. People, coming out of the suffocating “jungle raj”,
breathing in, today, the wiff of fresh air of the “rule of law by law”.

The result of such strict action was that an environment of “ communal
harmony” continued to exist and no untoward incident occurred in the
whole of the state, in light of the court decision on the very sensitive
Ram Janmbhoomi/Babri Masjid “case”. The peaceful conditions prevailed
in Uttar Pradesh, there was calm and quiet in other states of the
country as well.

16.  So also Common Wealth Games 2010,
three-tier panchayat elections, Mahakumbh fair, Haridwar-2010, Allahabad
Magh Mela-2011 passed off peacefully. Lok Sabha-2009 general elections
were also conducted without violence, with peace and impartiality.

In order to ensure “justice” to the general public and create “trust”
towards the law and order system in them, strict instructions issued to
record the First Information Report (FIR) in the thanas from victimized
persons without the slightest difficulties.

18.  Instructions to
all district, division and tehsil level authorities to be available to
the people, as a must in their offices from 10 to 12 in thye morning.

Observance of “thana divwas” on every 1st and 3rd Saturdsy of the month
with the object of taking effective action against victimization of
poor people of the sarv-samaj.

20.  As a result of these special
efforts made by the government, remarkable “decline“ in the rate of all
kinds of crime against “SC/ST” in the state. Eqally notable has been the
percentage of disposal of crime enquiries which stands at 92.

21.  Appointment of a special public prosecutor” for prosecution of cases under the SC/ST Prevention of Atrocities Act.

22.  “Considerable reduction” in incidence of all crimes against “women” in the state.

The percentage of action was 94.1, last year against those accused of
crime against “women” and 91.9 of cases disposed of, which is a “record”
in itself. Consequently, the rate of crime against women in Uttar
Pradesh is much less than even the national average.

24.  The
effort to secure “justice” in every matter and at every level  to every
segment of the society and the sarv-samaj, the poor people, farmers,
labourers, businessmen, lawyers, service-class and non-service-class
people as also students in accordance with the policy of “Sarvajan Hitay
Sarvajan Sukhay”.

25.  Together with the arrest of more than two
dozen hard core naxalites, a strategy of  “tatal development (samagra
vikas)” in identified areas adopted in order to deal with the “naxal”
problem so that a feeling of trust towards the administration in kindled
in the public psyche in the affected areas and they do not go astray.
Efforts to provide the various basic amenities under Dr. Ambedkar gram
sabha yojns to the 423 naxal affected villages.

26.  Many
important and historic decisions taken to establish “rule of the law by
law” in the state  in order to “modernize and strengthen to make the
police administration alert and vigilant”.

27.  More than double
the increase in police budget with about Rs. 7,740 crore sanctioned. For
the first time in Uttar Pradesh a service manual for different sections
of the police force promulgated.

28.  Formation of “Uttar
Pradesh Police Recruitment Board” for transparency in view of complaints
of corruption in police recruitment.

29.  In a “historic”
decision about 2.04 lakh new posts for policemen created, in one stroke.
Already 35,000 constables selected in a transparent procedure – a step
which has been praised at the national also.

30.  Constitution of
two new zones Viz. “Poorvanchal and western Uttar Pradesh” to further
strengthen the “Special Task Force (STF)”.

31.  “National Capital Police Zone” formed for effective control over law and order and crime control in western Uttar

Establishment of “women police stations (mahila Thana)” in all
districts together with “mahila helpline”, “family planning Centre” and
“mahila sahayta prakoshtha” at the state level.

33.  “Anti-Terrorist Squad (ATS)” set up in November, 2007 itself.

34.  “SIT” constituted to investigate serious economic offences.

35.  For proper security and up keep of the newly constructed sites/memorials  etc
formation of “Uttar Pradesh Police Special Zone Security Battalian” under which 1,233 new posts created.

“state level committee constituted” inder the chairmanship of Director
General, police to prevent circulation of “counterfeit / fake currency

37.  Several proposals for necessary cooperation pending
with the centre about inclusion of naxal-affected districts into “focus”
districts under the “integrated development plan” for development of
the local surroundings and modernization of the police.

from these, many more important steps were taken, a detailed account of
which is given in a booklet published by the government, highlighting
its achievements during the last four years.

In brief, to get the
correct feel of ground realities, the former Hon’ble Chief minister Ms.
Mayawati Ji herself made surprise inspections of “Law-order and crime
control:, for one full month i.e. from 1 February – 2 March, 2011,
visiting police stations in all the 72 districts in the state,taking
strong action against authorities found wanting in performance and
issuing guidelines for improvement.
Inconsistent Pakistan policy won’t reduce terror activities: Mayawati

BJP wants to convert India into ‘Hindu rashtra’, spreading religious fundamentalism, hatred: Mayawati

Unemployment, inflation, corruption and poverty are listed to be the four most key election issues in the upcoming Assembly Elections in 2017.

BSP will be back: Mayawati cites poll result

BSP chief Mayawati said the recent opinion poll showing her party winning maximum number of seats in UP assembly elections due in 2017.

Strong indications are  that Ms Maywati in UP will ne  returning to power with absolute majority.

Mayawati, addressing BSP cadres during party national committee executive meeting cited the panchayat elections in which BSP emerged the biggest winner.

“People in UP are recalling BSP days when law and order prevailed and development work was carried out,” Maya said.

People in UP have are disillusioned with the rule of SP  & the B J  P  because of their anti-people stance and communal politics.-Maya

BJP is ignoring the interests of not only the SC/STs but also the middle class which was being denied requisite subsidies and has been burdened with taxes.

People like airline owner Vijay Mallya and IPL chairman Lalit Modi were getting concession and “Modi (Murderer od democratic institutions)support”.

While Congress’s corruption was common, BJP’s corrupt practices were “unprecedented”. “BJP and Congress are two sides of the same coin-Maya.

Popularity of Modi was declining.The downslide has only been sped by the RSS and BJP leaders who are trying to convert this country into a Hindutva Rashtra-Maya

Mayawati alleged the BJP was promoting “fanaticism” and “hatred” to divert the attention of people from its wrong policies.

Mayawati said diluting reservation for the SC/STs and other oppressed castes was becoming an agenda of the saffron outfit.

Instances of atrocities on SC/STs in both BJP and Congress ruled states were on the rise,because both parties had a casteist mindset.-Maya

Invoking names of SC/ST leaders will not help either BJP or Congress,” Mayawati said.

‘No alliance for West Bengal, Kerala’

The Mayawati-led BSP will not enter any alliance with any political party in poll-bound states like West Bengal, Assam, Kerala and Puducherry.

The decision was taken by BSP’s national executive committee in New Delhi on Saturday.

Mayawati said contesting elections on its own was in the interest of the party and its cadres who are working at ground level.


Few rare pictures of Behan Mayawati and Sahib Kanshi Ram Ji

Few rare pictures of Behan Mayawati and Sahib Kanshi Ram Ji

In “Buddhism”

15th January in Dalit History - B’day of Behan Mayawati

15th January in Dalit History - B’day of Behan Mayawati

In “Behan Mayawati”

What BSP and Kanshi Ram have done to the Untouchables

What BSP and Kanshi Ram have done to the Untouchables


Inconsistent Pakistan policy won’t reduce terror activities: Mayawati

BJP wants to convert India into ‘Hindu rashtra’, spreading religious fundamentalism, hatred: Mayawati

Jolt to Samajwadi Party, poll suggests BSP to win 185 seats in Uttar Pradesh elections; PM Modi still most popular leader

Jolt to Samajwadi Party, poll suggests BSP to win 185 seats in Uttar Pradesh elections; PM Modi still most popular leader

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