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Kushinara NIBBĀNA Bhumi Pagoda White Home, Puniya Bhumi Bengaluru, Prabuddha Bharat International.

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1857 Fri May 6 2016 LESSONS from INSIGHT-NET-Hi Tech Radio Free Animation Clipart Online A1 (Awakened One) Tipiṭaka Research & Practice University in Visual Format (FOA1TRPUVF) through is the most informative and research oriented site propagating the teachings of the Awakened One with Awareness the Buddha and on Techno-Politico-Socio Transformation and Economic Emancipation Movement followed by millions of people all over the world. Button Plant Green Butterfly E Mail Animation Classical Buddhism (Teachings of the Awakened One with Awareness) belong to the world, and everyone have exclusive rights:JCMesh J Alphabets Letter Animation ClipartMesh C Alphabets Letter Animation Clipart Rendering exact translation as a lesson of this University in one’s mother tongue to this Google Translation and propagation entitles to become a Stream Enterer (Sottapanna) and to attain Eternal Bliss as a Final Goal. May all sentient and non-sentient beings be ever happy, well and secure ! May all live long ! May all have calm, quiet, alert, attentive and an equanimity mind with a clear understanding that everything is changing ! A prophecy-Born as a prince-The Four sights-When Buddha looked for answers-Four noble truths-The Language of Buddha-Five precepts-Largest religion worldwide-His teachings-Re-united family-Buddha’s final request-The word of wisdom-Not god-One of a kind-A reluctant teacher-He invented the middle way to awakenment-The truth about His appearance Bahenji Ms Mayawati’s Chennai programme on 08-05-2016 at 04:00 PM at Island ground (Theevu Thidal),Marina Beech. பஹெஞ்சி மாயாவதி சென்னை தீவு திடல், மெரினா பீச்சில் 08-05-2016 அன்று மாலை 04:00 மணிக்கு உரையாற்றுகிறார். in Classical English,
Filed under: General
Posted by: site admin @ 11:18 pm

1857 Fri May 6 2016



INSIGHT-NET-Hi Tech Radio Free Animation Clipart Online A1 (Awakened One) Tipiṭaka Research & Practice University
in Visual Format (FOA1TRPUVF)  


the most informative and research oriented site propagating the
teachings of the Awakened One with Awareness the Buddha and on
Techno-Politico-Socio Transformation and Economic Emancipation Movement
followed by millions of people all over the world.

Button Plant Green Butterfly E Mail Animation

Classical Buddhism (Teachings of the Awakened One with Awareness) belong to the world, and everyone have exclusive rights:JCMesh J Alphabets Letter Animation ClipartMesh C Alphabets Letter Animation Clipart

exact translation as a lesson of this University  in one’s mother
tongue to this Google Translation and propagation entitles to become a
Stream Enterer (Sottapanna) and to attain Eternal Bliss as a Final Goal.

May all sentient and non-sentient beings be ever happy, well and secure !

May all live long !

May all have calm, quiet, alert, attentive and an equanimity mind

with a clear understanding that everything is changing !

prophecy-Born as a prince-The Four sights-When Buddha looked for
answers-Four noble truths-The Language of Buddha-Five precepts-Largest
religion worldwide-His teachings-Re-united family-Buddha’s final
request-The word of wisdom-Not god-One of a kind-A reluctant teacher-He
invented the middle way to awakenment-The truth about His appearance

Bahenji Ms Mayawati’s Chennai programme on 08-05-2016 at 04:00 PM at Island ground (Theevu Thidal),Marina Beech. 

பஹெஞ்சி  மாயாவதி சென்னை தீவு  திடல், மெரினா பீச்சில் 08-05-2016 அன்று மாலை  04:00 மணிக்கு உரையாற்றுகிறார்.

in Classical English,


A prophecy

A prophecy

Gautama Buddha was born an asetic predicted that Suddhodhana’s son
will either be a great and known holy man or he will become a great
king. His father wanted him to stay away from the sufferings and even
did not let him have the religious teachings in fear of him becoming a
holy man. His father even built three palaces for him with all the
luxuries of life so that he does not have any desire to see the outside

The Four sights

The Four sights

his four trips outside the palace, he saw an old man, a corpse, a sick
man and at last he saw a wandering ascetic. He was so disturbed at these
sites and he wondered how he can enjoy his life so much when there is
so much suffering in the world. He finally realized that the reality is
not what he has seen till now in his life, but the reality is what he
was seeing in the life.

When Buddha looked for answers

When Buddha looked for answers

leaving the palace it was hard for Gautama to find a teacher for
himself who could teach him about the truth of the world and about
different religions. To learn about the sufferings he used to wander in
robes and tried to learn from the wisest teachers. But none of the
teachers could tell him how to end the sufferings and so finally he
decided to go in search of the answer all by himself.

When Buddha looked for answers

When Buddha looked for answers

around six years he led a life of self discipline and abstinence by
surviving on mere roots, fruits and raw food. He also learned yoga and
meditation practices. In a very short period of time Siddhartha mastered
the art of Yogic meditation, but nothing satisfied him. Later he
realized that neither the wealthy life in the palace and nor the modest
life in forest is an answer to what he was looking for.


Four noble truths

What the Buddha discerned in his moment of awakenment is summarized
within the Four Noble Truths - Dukkha (agony,misery,Suffering exists; Suffering arises from
attachment to desires; Dukkha Nirodha(end of agony,misery,Suffering also exists; ceases when attachment to desire
ceases; Freedom from suffering is possible by practicing the Eight-fold

The Language of Buddha

Buddhism’s original language was Pali-The ancient, any child, left alone
without hearing the human voice would instinctively speak
Māgadhī(vernacular from which Pāli assumingly derived). The stanza,
which expresses the assertion that Māgadhī was the original language of
ancient times and which Brahmas,Sambuddhas and those who had never heard
any speech would utter:

SāMāgadhīmūlabhāsa narāyāyādikappikā,Brahmāna ca assutālāpāsambuddhācāpi bhāsare.

But today, even esoteric Buddhist
writings are available in many languages worldwide. Dhamma talks
(lessons) are given in local languages in Buddhist centers and online.
Chanting may be done in a variety of languages, depending on the choices
of the community. Some opt for ancient tongues, while others prefer
contemporary language.

There is not one official Buddhism

Five precepts

One of the foundational elements of Buddhism is known as the Five
Precepts. These simple rules
form the core of acceptable, ethical behavior. The Five Precepts are:

I do not want to be killed by anyone. So I will not kill.

I do not want others to steal my belongings. So I will not  steal.

I do not want others to take my wife/husband. So I will not engage in sexual misconduct.

I do not want others to tell lies ti me. So i will  not lie.

If I use intoxicants I may indulge in all the above misconducts. So I will not use intoxicants.

Fourth largest religion worldwide

Largest religion worldwide

One of the top ten facts about Buddhism is that it is the largest
religion. Today there are over 360 million followers of Buddhism
worldwide. The countries with
the largest Buddhist populations are China, Thailand, Vietnam and
Myanmar. Large number of people of this ancient Jambudvipa have started
returning back to their original home as they have realised that their
welfare, happiness and peace lie in following the teachings of the
Awakened One with Awareness the Buddha, after Dr BR Ambedkar revived

What is Zen?
Two types of Buddhism
Two types of Buddhism

His teachings

His teachings

After achieving the awakenment he started sharing his idea and his
teachings. Buddha and his disciples for the next forty five years went
to different places in the world to spread their words and teachings.
Buddha taught people that to become the awakened one, a person should
never be ignorant, angry and hate people. It was not hard for Buddha to
win hearts of people wherever he went as he knew the true feelings of
people and knew how to deal with them.

Re-united family

Re-united family

his journey throughout the world to spread their teachings, Buddha
visited his son, father, his devoted wife and his foster mother.
Eventually his family joined the Sangha, which is the Buddhist monastic
community. His cousin Ananda also became his disciple and joined the
community and became a monk. His son, Rahula was the youngest monk in
the community and he became monk when he was just seven years old.

Buddha’s final request

Buddha’s final request

taught and traveled his entire life until the age of 80 when he passed
away. His final request of his followers was this: “All component things
in the world are changeable. They are not lasting. Work hard to gain
your own salvation.”

The word of wisdom

The word of wisdom

died in Kushinagar and according to the sources it is said that he died
in the 483 BCE. He encouraged his followers to work for their
deliverance and he told them that happiness is in learning that nothing
in the world is permanent. Even after so many years of his death, his
words of compassion and kindness are still followed by people in
different parts of the world.

Not God

Not god

Buddhists view Buddha as a teacher and not a god or avatar. Buddha’s
spot of awakenment underneath the bodhi tree is still preserved to
this day.

One of a kind

One of a kind

Buddha’s teachings were spread by
nonviolent methods such as word of mouth or carvings on prominent stone

A reluctant teacher

is not easy to think that a great teacher like him, who taught the
whole world about Buddhism, could be hesitant to teach at the first
place. He considered that the thing he knows is very difficult not only
for the people to understand but it is also difficult for him to express
what he knows into words. But later his compassion swayed over him and
he finally decided to teach the people about the doctrines of awakenment.


He invented the middle way to enlightenment

He invented the middle way to awakenment


the time of Buddha’s quest for awakenment, there were many  practices
that called for either intense overindulgence in the senses,
or strict deprivation such as weeks of fasting. Realizing that neither
was truly beneficial, he devised what would later be known as “The
Middle Path” to awakenment…a balanced approach that emphasized inward
rather than outward renunciation.

The truth about His appearance

The truth about His appearance

was not as chubby as many depictions of him would make it appear- he
was mainly portrayed this way because it was symbolic of happiness in
the east. He practiced moderation in all things, fasted regularly, and
spent most of his time walking hundreds of miles spreading the
philosophy of awakenment.

Amitabha Buddha

Life of the
Buddha in pictures

Plate1aa.jpg (3208 bytes) 1. The Birth of the Bodhisatta.

On a full-moon day in the month of May (Visakha) 2600 years ….

Plate2aa.jpg (3117 bytes) 2. Life as a Prince.

Manifold was the variety of all the sensuous delights within the palace, ….

Plate3aa.jpg (2840 bytes) 3. The realities of life.

All King Suddhodana’s efforts to protect his son from the four  …

Plate4aa.jpg (2447 bytes) 4. The Great going forth.

On the day of the Esala full-moon (July) the Crown Prince receives…

Plate5aa.jpg (2746 bytes) 5. Experiment with Asceticism.

For six long years the ascetic Gotama, as Prince Siddhattha was now known, …

Plate6aa.jpg (2902 bytes) 6. Enlightenment.

Discarding both extremes of luxurious living and self mortification ….

Plate7aa.jpg (2840 bytes) 7. The First Discourse.

Having realized the Four Noble Truths - the Noble Truth of Suffering; the Cause of

Suffering …

Plate8aa.jpg (2815 bytes) 8. Go now and wander for the welfare of the many.

The Buddha stays on at Isipatana for the rainy season…

9. The law of Causation or Dependent Arising.

After His Enlightenment under the Bodhi-tree at Buddhagaya, the Buddha reflects…

Plate10aa.jpg (2897 bytes) 10. The Philosophy of change.

The Buddha teaches that all conditioned things are in a state of flux or change, and thus

Plate11aa.jpg (2983 bytes) 11. Unsatisfactoriness of Life.

According to the Buddha, whatever is impermanent is subject to suffering,…

Plate12aa.jpg (2739 bytes) 12. Buddha teaches that all Phenomena is soulless.

When a thing is impermanent, as all...

Plate13aa.jpg (2917 bytes) 13. Freedom of thought.

At times referred to as the Buddha’s Charter of Free inquiry this discourse …

Plate14aa.jpg (2666 bytes) 14. Towards human dignity.

Sunita was a scavenger born into a so called outcaste community.  ….

Plate15aa.jpg (2635 bytes) 15. Equality of women.

It was the Buddha who first gave women her rightful place in a society which had earlier

Plate16aa.jpg (2895 bytes) 16. Human freedom.

In the time of the Buddha it was common for both

men and women to enter into services …

Plate17aa.jpg (2537 bytes) 17. Ministering to the sick.

In spite of the fact that the study and practice of medicine and surgical science has …

Plate18aa.jpg (2599 bytes) 18. Psychic Therapy.

The Buddha speaking on the mind, has also spoken on mental disorders …

Plate19aa.jpg (2761 bytes) 19. Compassion to Animals.

In the Buddha’s time there were various animal sacrifices taking …

Plate20aa.jpg (2982 bytes) 20. Buddhist Economic System.

Many who are not familiar with the Buddha’s Teaching classify it as a religion for the

next ..

Plate21aa.jpg (2879 bytes) 21. Buddhist Education.

It is a method of teaching that is based on the mental development of the …

Plate22aa.jpg (3090 bytes) 22. Administration of Justice.

Certain statutes regarding the administration of justice, were ….

Plate23aa.jpg (2831 bytes) 23. World Peace.

In the Buddha’s Teaching the highest emphasis is laid on the …

Plate24aa.jpg (3018 bytes) 24. The Maha Parinibbana.

The Buddha was born as a prince under a tree, gained Supreme ..
Please watch:

Life of the Lord Buddha in pictures (chronological order)-12:41 mins

Buddha’s story in picture-4:13mins

Gautam Buddha’s Animated Life Story in Hindi-27:45mins


Vinaya Pitaka Sutta Pitaka Abhidhamma Pitaka
Bhikkhuni Vinaya
Digha Nikaya
Majjhima Nikaya
Samyutta Nikaya
Anguttara Nikaya
Khuddaka Nikaya

Also Read | More contradictions emerge on PM Modi’s degree

The paper, TOI, also reported that the Murderer of democratic institutions (Modi) was unhappy over the CIC M
Sridhar Acharyulu’s decision to order the Gujarat and Delhi Universities
to make degrees of Modi available.

ma degree

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However, just like Modi’s enrollment document earlier leaked by
Gujarat University, his reported Masters degree too has come under
scanner for anomalies.

Ahmedabad-based RTI activist, Roshan Shah, said that the new purported certificate had thickened the plot.

He said, ” It is a duplicate certificate. RTI means you should be
given copy of the original. It says verified which means GU has copy of
his certificate. Modi’s major is “ENTIRE POLITICAL SCIENCE” – probably
the only university in the world to use word ENTIRE before a major. His
father’s name is DAMODERDAS and not DAMODARDAS. 
This is 4th incarnation of Modi after original one, one with date of
birth, one who went concurrently in 1967 to Himalayas while doing
pre-science at M N College and this one with different middle name.

“Also the certificate has date of 01.04.2016 – April Fool’s date. The
question is that the CIC did not order any copy of certificate before
01.04.2016  and University in the past refused RTI Activists to give
them copy of his certificates. So who requested a duplicate certificate
from Gujarat University and who approved it? The plot has thickened

The Gujarat University last week had also allegedly leaked Modi’s
enrollment document, which had shown the prime minister’s date of birth
wrong showing him a year older than his official age.

Activists have also pointed out how the VC, whose signature appears
on Modi’s certificate was once arrested along with his son for forgery
and other corruption charges.

According to a PTI report
in November 2003, both Shashtri and his son arrested on alleged charges
of corruption, forgery and cheating, police said on Sunday.

“Gujarat University’s former vice chancellor K S Shastri and his son
Pragnesh Shastri were arrested around midnight following complaints that
he used to charge fees excess than that prescribed by the state
government and the University Grants Commission, from students studying
in the Somlalit Institute of Management Studies (SLIMS),” Deputy
Commissioner of Police (zone 1) Ajay Tomar had told PTI.

“The former vice chancellor has been booked under sections of
forgery, cheating and Prevention of Corruption Act and further
investigation is being conducted,” the DCP was quoted as saying.

The arrest of Shastri was significant after the incumbent vice
chancellor A U Patel blew the whistle on a major marksheet printing scam
involving the long serving registrar M P Jadia and controller of exams
Satish Bhatt last month.

The other signatory on Modi’s MA degree, Minesh Shah, too was booked for fraud in 2012.

In 2012, as reported by Indian Express,
the complainant Pradeep Prajapati, a suspended professor of the
university, had alleged that Gujarat University Vice-Chancellor Dr
Parimal Trivedi in connivance with university’s in-charge registrar
Minesh Shah and development officer Vaishali Padhiyar siphoned off
crores of rupees of the varsity.

Trivedi and three others were later booked under various sections of
Indian Penal Code (IPC) including 409 (breach of trust by public
servant), 420 (cheating), 465 (forgery) among others.

One RTI activist told that the administration was desperately trying to cover up, which was causing more damage to prime minister’s reputation.

He pointed out that the Wikipedia Gujarat University page did not list Modi as alumni up until February 2015.

This is now popularly known as ‘Degree Fixing’ as ‘EVM Fixing’ by the Murderer of democratic institutions (Modi)

Over millions of  cuckoos cackle, cry and crap.

is a nation where Crooked cunning 1% chitpawan brahmins 
rules in closed quarters, 99% Sarvajan Samaj i.e., All Societies  in the
 open. Just like the open
toilets under the benign gaze of Mother
 Nature — there are more cell
phones than toilets, a survey
reports. Oh! the average voter
retorts — and, then, goes on to do
“business” as usual, sitting on the

They are an
intelligently inclined idiocy — oops! democracy, They make
gods out o f
mud, then, prostrating before them, they remain, as before, a
dud. And,
 some times, in the name of their fancied little god and his
glory, his 
motherland’s favorite sons also kill each other, with the deep
vigor of all their bestial ancestry, and like a whiff of wind
gone — dead.

Lest it became confusing, they, like every other human being, are truly
 really, really queer kin of apes. In some fields, ahead of others
beyond compare; in other areas, they are as silly and supercilious as
bull-hounded mare. In a nutshell, at least in the
 mystical and evolved spiritual circles “get” some things
well — like
 higher metaphysics — while failing miserably,
simplistically, in simple,
elementary physics.

After all, 
who in
one’s right mind would yet allow the use of absolutely
completely out-dated, easily hack-able and highly
 tamper-able “high
school technology” based, obsolete EVMs (electronic
voting machines) in
national elections, even now — in 2016?

than 80 democracies
in the world have simply done away with them,
 dumping them in the trash,
or simply declared the usage of this
 simplistic voting system
susceptible to fraud, and hence declaring the
 same as illegal — as the
Supreme Courts of Germany and Holland indeed 
have done. Even Japan, from
where EVMs originated, has long abandoned 
its rogue babies, and is
using paper ballot system since then. All the
  advanced democracies in
the West, except the most dull-headed ones, have 
reverted to a voter
verifiable system or the ballot paper. In Canada,
even at the ,most
basic school level, ballot paper voting is in use.

Now is all
that you have. Join hands with Ms Mayawati’s Bahujan Samaj Party
Elephant to move ahead  with the Caravan of Techno-Politico-Socio-
Transformation ans Economic Emancipation Movement to save democracy,
liberty, equality and fraternity.
reserved even in this
Nostradamus! — Rightly Predicted the Outcome of the May 2014 General Elections in Indool’s Paradise. Hacke hay in May!
The trend continued and still continues in all the elections just in favour of Murderer of democratic institutions (Modi)

Over a billion cuckoos cackle, cry and crap in this country.


is a nation where intelligence rules in closed quarters, idiocy in
 open. Just like the open toilets under the benign gaze of Mother

Nature — there are more cell phones than toilets in India, a
reports. Oh! the average Indian retorts — and, then, goes on to
“business” as usual, sitting on the haunches, as sorry-assed
before — or sorts.
We are an indifferent,
intelligently inclined
idiocy — oops! democracy, We make gods out of
mud, then, prostrating
before them, we remain, as before, a dud. And,
some times, in the name
of our fancied little god and his glory, my
motherland’s favorite sons
also kill each other, with the deep ingrained
vigor of all our bestial
ancestry, and like a whiff of wind are
gone — dead.

Lest it
becomes confusing, let’s say it
as it is — we Indians, like every other
human being, are truly one
really, really queer kin of apes. In some
fields, ahead of others and
beyond compare; in other areas, we are as
silly and supercilious as a
bull-hounded mare. In a nutshell, Indians,
at least in the loftier
mystical and evolved spiritual circles “get”
some things well — like
higher metaphysics — while failing miserably,
simplistically, in simple,
elementary physics.

After all,
who in
one’s right mind would yet allow the use of absolutely
completely out-dated, easily hack-able and highly
tamper-able “high
school technology” based, obsolete EVMs (electronic
voting machines) in
national elections, even now — in 2014?

than 80 democracies
in the world have simply done away with them,
dumping them in the trash,
or simply declared the usage of this
simplistic voting system
susceptible to fraud, and hence declaring the
same as illegal — as the
Supreme Courts of Germany and Holland indeed
have done. Even Japan, from
where EVMs originated, has long abandoned
its rogue babies, and is
using paper ballot system since then. All the
advanced democracies in
the West, except the most dull-headed ones, have
reverted to a voter
verifiable system or the ballot paper. In Canada,
even at the ,most
basic school level, ballot paper voting is in use.

the Supreme Court of India, having been convinced of an 
edible possibility of EVMs getting tampered with and that
hacked — even from afar — had ordered the imbecilic Election
and the indolent Government of India to provide about 1600
crore (1600,
0000000) rupees — convert this into your respective
currency! — for
manufacturing these VVPAT (Voter Verifiable Paper Audit
Trail) voting
machines; which show a verifiable paper receipt to the

is the Fundamental Right of a citizen of
 India, as per the laws laid
down by the Constitution. However, recent 
newspaper reports tell us
that only 20, 000 such voting machines have
 been provided for the
entire country in this, 2014 election! India has
 29 states now — with
Telagana being the latest. In most of them,
depending upon their size
etc., either about 400 VVPAT machines are 
being deployed, or some such
similar ridiculous number — more or
 less — has been made available in
the length and breadth of the country.
 It’s an asinine, bland, cruel,
demeaning joke we 1.25 billion joker s
have been “blessed” with by the
powers that be.

All “patriotic” hackers of our motherland are going to make hay in May!

how EVMs can be hacked into, tampered with, and results
manipulated via software interference and other means — from
near and
from far, far away — this can easily be found by anybody by
just going
to Google etc. and filling “EVM HACKING, TAMPERING”
something to this effect in the Search. And lo, behold! a plethora
information will just overwhelm your overly chilled-out,
employed, un-billed brains.

the only solace for
us naive fools is that quite a few unscrupulous
politicians and every
other most “honorable” political party worthy of
its “salt”, would
surely be playing this comic-tragic game of hacking
into and hijacking
the votes of a billion people! Thus, one who
outsmarts the other such
fine folks, armed with their hacking forks in
this merry-go-around, will

rest — this or that “tsunami” or wave in favor of one
or the other, poll
forecasts and the “newbie”, the over enthused,
seeming game changers in
the making — well, they may well fall flat on
their dumb faces, if not
on their smart asses.

That the Supreme
Court of India
too, while passing the order of putting new VVAT voting
machines in use
in a “phased manner”, has unwittingly shirked its duty.
In fact, it
committed a grave error of judgment. Perhaps dealt a fatal
blow to
Indian democracy. It should have ordered, as a caution, that
till the
time this newer set of about 1300ooo voting machines is
manufactured in
full and so deployed throughout India, ballot paper
system would be
brought in. No such precautionary measure was decreed by
the apex court.
crib all you want. But don’t cry, my dear
countrymen. After all, the
same model of EVMs is yet very much in use in
South Africa, Bangla Desh,
Bhutan, Nepal, Nigeria, Venezuela etc. These
poor folks of the said
“non-techy” countries — millions of them — too
cannot figure out as to
what the hell had, yet is happening, in their
dear short-circuited
“developed” democracies. Nor will you.

Don’t worry, be happy! You are not alone “out there”.

the way, the somewhat notorious lawyer who had brought in
case — of the present lot of EVMs being tamper-able and
hack-able — and,
who, had successfully fought it so, forcing the Supreme
Court to order
the installation of a fail-safe voting mechanism (of
Voter Verifiable
Paper Audit machines replacing the susceptible earlier
Electronic Voting
Machines) to ensure a free and fair electoral process
in India — well,
this oh-so-very honorable fellow too has fallen silent,
like a demure
maiden. This most vociferous gentleman had openly
declared on social
websites, especially Twitter, that in case VVPAT
machines do not get
installed in time for 2014 elections, then, there
would be a
“constitutional crisis” — putting it out there like an
“pehalwan”, a la WWW wrestler, that he would challenge the same
in the
apex court. He had most emphatically underlined he would ensure
either the new fail-safe voting machines or the old time-tested
ballot system will be put in use during this general election in
However, recently, when asked specifically on Twitter about
matter — as to what this lovely man is doing or is going to do
this impending doomsday electoral scenario — there was a
silence from his side. May be owing to the fact that since the
Court judgement late last year, this self-righteous rightist
has joined
the ultra-rightist political bandwagon.

The latter
been projected by pollsters to overwhelmingly sweep
elections — as a direct result of the doings of the monstrous
relations firm hired from the land of the let-it-be, oops! free.
US firm is the same that was used fruitfully by President Bush
Hillary Clinton for their respective political campaigns. It
has — let
there be no doubt about it — successfully projected its client
as the
potential winner and the next numero uno in Indian politics.

majority of the Indians have missed in fine print is that the
Chief Minister of the state of Rajasthan, in the last year
had officially filed a complaint with the election commission
that the
EVMs used in his state were pre-programmed and tampered
with — and that
the same had come from the state of which this presently
hyped-up future
Prime Minister of India, is the current Chief Minister.
Now, the lawyer
who had gone to the dogs to awaken India and the rest
of the world
about the mischief and malfeasance possible with the old
model of
EVMs — and had in fact written a book on this subject — is in
wink-wink deep-throat “smadhi”. A silence that speaks truths we
billion idiots on this part of slippery earth cannot fathom.
it’s a precursor of the things to come.

Let us hope
jolly good hackers of this-that party screw-up each other’s
outright evil plans. In a dog eat dog political crap pit we
billion creatures have to walk through every election, maybe
this time
the ape sitting by the side — the wide-eyed hopeful citizen
India — at least gets a tiny part of the apple pie this messy
cat fight will leave behind, on the side lanes. Perhaps these
crumbs will be enough for us to stay afloat. though not gloat.

In a nutshell, simply put, whosoever “out-hacks” the other, will win.

we are an ancient civilization of more than 33, 0000000 gods
goddesses — some civilized, others not so civil. Let’s hope one
these fancied deities has a soft corner for us dumbos. Otherwise, we
going to get screwed. A billion times over.

I made
doubly sure I did not vote. I sat on my ass on voting day — not
that I
don’t do so everyday. This voting day, I absolutely did. Not
figuratively and metaphorically, but literally. I may have many
buts in
life, but at least today I have a little sore, yet not so sorry a
We are a fool’s paradise.

Long live the banana republic of this country!

secrecy of the vote is seen as one of the fundamental principles
required in the conduct of democratic elections. Failure to secure the
secrecy of the vote opens the possibility for voters to prove how they
have voted, facilitating voter coercion and vote buying. Both of these
practices undermine the free expression of the will of the voter and the
possibility for election results to reflect the will of the voters.

implemented properly, the paper-based system of voting effectively
protects the secrecy of the vote. In the case of electronic counting,
the same protections that currently exist for the hand counting of paper
ballots should be applied. Electronic voting, however, introduces a
number of additional ways secrecy can be violated. Voting machines
record the choices cast on them by voters, and these votes may be
recorded in the order in which they are cast with a time stamp. This
means if someone knows the order in which voters cast their ballots on a
voting machine or the time at which a voter cast their ballot and has
access to the record of voting on the machine, they could determine the
choices made by each voter.

Appropriate procedures restricting
access to logged transactions on the voting machine would reduce this
threat to the secrecy of the vote. In countries that have experienced
authoritarian trends, these issues are likely to generate suspicions
among citizens concerning breaches of ballot secrecy, and extra steps
may be required to establish public confidence.

developments with electronic voting machines are increasing the threat
to the secrecy of the vote. While the VVPAT is a vital tool in building
confidence in the use of electronic voting machines and in providing an
audit mechanism, it can also be implemented in such a way as to
undermine the secrecy of the vote. Some VVPAT systems have a roll of
paper on which the voter’s choices are printed. As the choices are
printed sequentially, this can be used with the order in which voters
cast their ballots on the voting machine to determine the content of
each person’s vote. Access to the paper audit trail cannot be restricted
in the same way as with electronic records on voting machines, since
the audit trail is meant to be taken out and checked against the
electronic record of the voting machine.

However, not all VVPAT
systems function in this way. Some voting machine paper audit trails
operate a cut-and-drop system where the printed vote is cut from the
roll of paper and drops into an internal ballot box within the voting
machine. This ensures that audit records are randomized in the same way
as placing a paper ballot into a physical ballot box.

potential, final challenge to the secrecy of the vote from electronic
voting machines comes from the most recent developments with voting
machines, whereby the machines also conduct voter identification. Most
voting machines still rely on a physical process for voter
identification and authentication, with polling staff checking voter
names against a voter list separate from the voting machine. This means
voter identification data and vote data are held in completely separate
processes (the former through a manual process and the latter through an
electronic process), which are never linked in any way, making it
impossible to link voting data to the voter.

More recent voting
machines are also fulfilling the function of voter identification and
authentication. This identification can be by simply entering an ID
number or passcode for the voter, or it can be through the voting
machine scanning a biometric attribute of the voter and identifying them
from a list of approved voters. Clearly, when the voting machine
identifies the voter, it possesses both pieces of information required
to break the secrecy of the vote and could retain the link between the

Technical solutions are readily available to ensure it is
not possible to link voter data with the value of their vote. However,
EMBs will need to adequately address concerns by stakeholders that this
link is still maintained and that the secrecy of the vote is not

While challenges related to the secrecy of the vote
with electronic voting machines can be resolved, it is important that
electoral stakeholders are cognizant of them and take all necessary
steps to ensure the secrecy of the vote when considering the use of
voting machines. At the same time, observers should evaluate whether any
aspect of the process might challenge this fundamental principle.

Legal and Procedural Framework

use of electronic voting and counting technologies should be defined in
the legal framework. This process can take a considerable amount of
time, particularly since key legal provisions are incorporated at the
legislative level (i.e., in constitutions and electoral laws) as well as
the regulatory level. Amendments should, at a minimum, address the
following: physical and procedural aspects of voting or counting
processes; testing and certification; audit mechanisms and conduct;
status of audit records versus electronic records; transparency
mechanisms; data security and retention; voter identification; and
access to source code. The process of developing amendments should
involve input from electoral stakeholders, including political parties
and civil society.
In order to properly implement electronic voting
or counting technologies, the use of these technologies needs to not
only be in compliance with the constitutional and legal provisions
relating to elections and the general conduct of public affairs, but
must also be defined in the legal framework for elections. The legal
framework includes the constitution, if there is one, the laws relating
to elections, and the secondary legislation (such as regulations, rules
and procedures often passed by electoral management bodies).

constitutions rarely say anything specific about electronic voting or
counting technologies, they may include general provisions that are
relevant to the use of these technologies. Germany provides a good
example of this (see Figure 11 below for more details), with the German
Constitutional Court deciding in 2009 that the electronic voting
machines used in Germany did not comply with general transparency
requirements for the electoral process established in the constitution.

addition to ensuring that suggested technology solutions are in
compliance with the constitutional framework of a country, consideration
should also be given to whether suggested solutions meet international
standards, including emerging standards for the use of electronic voting
and counting technologies. Election officials and lawmakers may wish to
study other countries’ experiences when considering whether to adopt
such technologies.
Primary and secondary legislation will inevitably
need to be amended in order to accommodate the use of electronic voting
and counting technologies. It is important that key legal provisions
relating to the use of electronic voting or counting system are included
at a legislative level so that the use of these technologies is not
entirely legislated at the regulatory level. The necessary amendments to
the electoral legal framework will vary depending on the technology
being implemented but should cover, at a minimum, the issues listed

    •    Physical Aspects of the Voting or Counting
Process – The use of electronic voting or counting machines will entail
changes to the procedure for the setup and conduct of voting and/or
counting. For example, when direct-recording electronic voting machines
are used, there is no ballot box to prepare and seal. The common
practice of displaying the empty physical ballot box before polling
starts does have a comparable procedure for electronic voting or
counting machines; a display demonstrating that no ballots have been
stored is conducted for observers at the beginning of the process. Some
of the procedures relating to the setup and conduct of voting and/or
counting may be in the election law(s) or may be in secondary
legislation, and both will need to be reviewed and amended to
accommodate the setup and use of electronic voting or counting

    •    Procedural Aspects of the Voting and
Counting Process – The timeline for the preparation of the voting or
counting systems should be clearly outlined, as should details of how
the system is to be operated, who is allowed access to it during
elections, how equipment should be stored between elections and how
access to equipment in storage should be regulated and reported.

•    Testing and Certification of Technologies – Electronic voting and
counting technologies clearly need to be tested before they are used.
While any responsible election management body would ensure that
sufficient testing of such technologies takes place before they are used
for elections, it may be useful to guarantee that testing takes place
and specify the kinds of testing to be conducted by including these
requirements in the law or in secondary legislation. Likewise, if there
is a process of formal certification of electronic voting and counting
technologies, this should be included in the law as well. The law should
also clearly identify the institutions with the authority to provide
this certification, the timeframe for certification and the standards
and requirements against which certification will take place.

•    Audit Mechanisms – The need for audit mechanisms for electronic
voting and counting technologies is an emerging international standard.
In order to ensure that this standard is met, the requirement for an
audit trail should be included in the law. The nature of the audit
mechanisms may also be specified if relevant — for example, any
requirement for a voter-verifiable audit trail often used with
electronic voting machines.

    •    Conduct of Audits – Audits
should be conducted in order to generate trust in the use of electronic
voting or counting machines and to ensure that these technologies
function correctly. Many different kinds of audits can be conducted,
including audits of the results, audits of internal logs, audits of
storage and access to devices, and so on. The law should clearly
identify which audits are to be implemented, when such audits are to
take place and the scale of the audits. In addition to requiring audits,
which should be provided irrespective of whether there are any
electoral challenges, the law should also identify conditions under
which recounts are to take place.

    •    Status of Audit
Records Versus Electronic Records – In the event that the conduct of an
audit determines a different result than is produced electronically by
an electronic voting or counting machine, the law should specify how to
deal with the situation.

    •    Transparency Mechanisms – The
use of electronic voting and counting machines entails the conduct of
existing electoral procedures in different ways, as well as the conduct
of new stages in the electoral process (for example, the configuration
of electronic voting machines). In the interest of transparency,
appropriate procedures will need to be developed to ensure that
political actors and observers have access to these different and new
processes so that they can provide meaningful oversight of the process.
These transparency measures should be clearly defined in the legal
framework so that observers and party representatives understand and can
utilize their access rights.

    •    Data Security and
Retention – It is unlikely that existing laws and procedures adequately
cover the issue of electronic data security when using electronic voting
or counting machines. The way in which all electoral data is secured
and stored will need to be provided for in the legal framework, as will
the timeframe and procedures for deletion of the electronic data, and
these provisions must be in accordance with existing data protection

    •    Voter Identification – If
identification/authentication is being incorporated into the electronic
voting process, then this may require legislation, whether using
biometrics or making mandatory a particular form of machine-readable ID.
In such cases it is essential that the secrecy of the vote be protected
through de-linking the vote and the identity of the voter.

•    Access to Source Code – It may be prudent to legislate whether
source code is open source or not, in addition to legislating the
mechanisms for any access by stakeholders.
Many of these issues are
covered in greater detail later in this part of the guide, and the
intention here is to identify the issues that are relevant for inclusion
in order to properly legislate for the use of electronic voting or
counting technologies.

It is clear from the preceding discussion
that adapting the legal framework for the use of electronic voting or
counting technologies will entail considerable amendments to laws and
secondary legislation. Electoral stakeholders must be involved in the
development of these legislative and regulatory amendments. Initially,
political parties and observers should be consulted on the ways in which
the legislation needs to be changed, especially from a transparency and
oversight perspective. Once legislation is passed, the election
management body will need to fully brief political parties, the media
and civil society on the changes that have been made.

The Constitutionality of Electronic Voting in Germany

a largely successful trial period spanning from 1998 to 2005, two
citizens challenged the constitutionality of electronic voting before
the German Constitutional Court. Though the public generally viewed the
voting system in a favorable manner throughout the trial period, the
actual legality of the technology was not fully assessed in advance of

Germany piloted its first electronic voting
machines, supplied by the Dutch company NEDAP, in Cologne in 1998. The
trial was seen as successful, and one year later Cologne used electronic
voting machines for its entire European Parliament elections. Soon
other cities followed suit, and by the 2005 general election nearly 2
million German voters were using these NEDAP machines to cast votes.
Reaction to the use of these electronic voting machines was generally
very positive among voters, who found the machines to be easy to use,
and among election administrators, who were able to reduce the number of
polling stations and staff in each polling station.
However, after
the 2005 election, two voters brought a case before the German
Constitutional Court after unsuccessfully raising a complaint with the
Committee for the Scrutiny of Elections. The case argued that the use of
electronic voting machines was unconstitutional and that it was
possible to hack the voting machines, thus the results of the 2005
election could not be trusted.

The German Constitutional Court
upheld the first argument, concurring that the use of the NEDAP voting
machines was unconstitutional. The Court noted that, under the
constitution, elections are required to be public in nature and that all
essential steps of an election are subject to the possibility of public
scrutiny unless other constitutional interests justify an exception . .
. The use of voting machines which electronically record the voters’
votes and electronically ascertain the election result only meets the
constitutional requirements if the essential steps of the voting and of
the ascertainment of the result can be examined reliably and without any
specialist knowledge of the subject . . . The very wide-reaching effect
of possible errors of the voting machines or of deliberate electoral
fraud make special precautions necessary in order to safeguard the
principle of the public nature of elections.30

Making it clear that the court’s decision did not rule out the use of voting machines in principle, it stated that:
legislature is not prevented from using electronic voting machines in
elections if the possibility of a reliable examination of correctness,
which is constitutionally prescribed, is safeguarded. A complementary
examination by the voter, by the electoral bodies or the general public
is possible for example with electronic voting machines in which the
votes are recorded in another way beside electronic storage.

decision by the German Constitutional Court, stressing the need for
transparency in the electoral process without specialist technical
knowledge, effectively ended Germany’s recent use of electronic voting.
Although the Court decision does not rule out electronic voting machines
entirely, no further moves to adopt machines that meet the transparency
requirements have been made.

Religious freedom: US report fails to understand this country

USCIRF report 2016, USCIRF report this country, USCIRF  report 2016, US report on religious freedom in this country.

government Tuesday said that the US Commission on International
Religious Freedom (USCIRF) report, which stated that religious tolerance
has deteriorated in this country in 2015, “failed to show proper
understanding of this , its Constitution and society”.

country  is a vibrant pluralistic society founded on strong democratic
principles. The Architect of Modern  Constitution fathered by Dr BR
Ambedkar guarantees fundamental rights to all its citizens, including
the right to freedom of religion.

In its annual report, the
USCIRF asked the this country’s government to publicly rebuke officials
and religious leaders who make derogatory statements about religious
communities. Stating that incidents of religious freedom violations
increased in this country  since 2015, the report stated, Minority
communities, especially Christians, Muslims, and Sikhs, SC/STs
experienced numerous incidents of intimidation, harassment, and
violence, largely at the hands of stealth, shadowy discriminating 
hindutva anti- nationalist cult.

It also blamed the BJP (Bahuth
Jiyadha Psychopaths) controlled by 1% intolerant, violent, militant,
lunatic, mentally retarded cannibal psychopath chitpawan brahmin
Rakshasha Swayam Sevaks and all its avathars VHP (Visha Hintuva
Psychopaths), ABVP (All Brahmin Venouous Psychopaths), Bhajan Dal etc.,
for tacitly supporting such a cult, and using religiously-divisive
language to further inflame tensions.

Earlier this year, USCIRF members were denied visas by this country.

is one of the Biggest Terrorist Organisations in the World. They are
Mad Horrorists threat group - shadowy, stealth and discriminatory group
trying to establish hindutva cult.

New Delhi: A US-based risk
management and consulting company has put the Rashtriya Swayamsevak
Sangh (RSS) because RSS is killing so many people and bombing and
cutting of people and using suicide bombing techniques and raping and
honor killing women … it all happened in Gujrat and happening in parts
of the country.. Go get a life and become a Hindu mr…. What is it?
the one who have at least common sense, do u think he or she become
hindu? do u think that? Most of the people in the world becoming muslim
without any pressure, force or demand… think about that…. See that
RSS gentleman who studied about islam to oppose them and became a
muslim…. use your common sense and refrain from your bad thoughts and

They will have the end.. Rss have to be banned in india with
its.. hindhuthuva branches.. in south tamilnadu.. this rss and hindhutva
terrorist gang made problem to the people who celebrating new year of
2015 night..

Increasing threats to the democratic-secular Indian
polity from the Hindutva organizations - a concise document on the
anti-national game-plan of the RSS–rss-chief-072901011.html


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