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2040 Mon 07 NOV 2016 2041 Tue 08 Nov 2016 LESSONS from INSIGHT-NET-Hi Tech Radio Free Animation Clipart Online A1 (Awakened One) Tipiṭaka Research & Practice University Tipitaka translated in 105 languages Dhammapada Illustrated Sun 11/6, 9:46 Dhammapada Illustrated
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2041 Tue 08 Nov 2016



INSIGHT-NET-Hi Tech Radio Free Animation Clipart Online A1 (Awakened One) Tipiṭaka Research & Practice University

Tipitaka translated in 105 languages

Dhammapada Illustrated
Sun 11/6, 9:46
2041 Tue 08 Nov 2016

Dhammapada Illustrated

News Feed…/mayawati-hits-back-at-amit-shah-…

Mayawati hits back at Amit Shah for ‘Kalyan-type govt’ remark

Lucknow: BSP supremo Mayawati on Thursday sought an apology from BJP
president Amit Shah for promising “Kalyan Singh-type” good governance in
Uttar Pradesh, reminding the people that the former chief minister was
dismissed for “poor law and order and contempt of court in 1992″.

“Amit Shah has humiliated 22 crore people of the state by promising a
government similar to the one led by Kalyan Singh, who was dismissed for
poor law and order and contempt of court…He needs to apologise for
it,” she said in a statement hours after Shah’s remarks at a rally in

“Actually, the BJP has no example of good governance and
its promise of a Kalyan Singh-type of government only exposes this
fact…The BJP president should know that Kalyan Singh was dismissed in
1992 and President’s Rule was imposed in the state,” Mayawati recalled.

The Bahujan Samaj Party chief said the situation in the state was not
similar to the one prevailing in 2014 and claimed that the people were
now “seeing the truth in the claims being made by the BJP”.

“Their claims about the security situation at the border is also wrong
as firing is taking place on a daily basis there,” she said.

Mayawati also flayed Shah for “wrong publicity” on crime control and law
and order during her party’s rule in the state, claiming that “strict
and prompt action” was taken in all cases which had often “surprised”
her political opponents.

Describing as “mischievous” Shah’s
allegations holding the BSP as much responsible for corruption during
the UPA government, she said her party was never a part of the
government but had only given outside support to “keep the communal
forces at bay”.

“People have punished the UPA for its corruption
and shortcomings, but the Modi government should also remain prepared
for their ‘burey din’ (bad days) as their works and decisions have also
been anti-people like that of the Congress,” she alleged.

the BJP-led Central government responsible for the “bad state of
affairs” in Uttar Pradesh, she asked what concrete steps were taken by
it in the last two years and referred to the “exodus” of the youth to
the other states for employment.

“The situation was very
different during the BSP rule when people from other states were coming
here for employment…Amit Shah needs to check his facts before making
any comment on the BSP,” said Mayawati.

Shah’s comments as
“childish”, claiming that after the setting up of Niti Ayog, Uttar
Pradesh had lost Rs 9,000 crore of central grants.

“The Centre is
meting out stepmotherly treatment to Uttar Pradesh. Shah and the Prime
Minister should tell what has the Centre done for the state which gave
73 MPs to the BJP (including two of the Apna Dal),” said Rajendra

“The Gujarat model, which the BJP used to publicise,
has failed and the party is losing that state. Farmers there are in a
miserable condition,” he claimed, adding that “despite conspiracies
against the SP government, the BJP would not succeed in the state”.
BSP will probe Akhilesh Yadav’s ‘big’ economic decisions: Mayawati
The Sarvajan leader also welcomed the “stern” direction of the
Allahabad High Court to the state government for the latter’s failure to
contain dengue menace.

BSP president Mayawati today said she
would order a probe into the various economic decisions taken by Chief
Minister Akhilesh Yadav in the run up to the state Assembly elections,
if voted to power. “Assessing that his
party will not return to power, the Chief Minister is taking big
economic decisions on a regular basis and they will definitely be probed
by the BSP government,” she said in a statement.

“Now when the Assembly elections are just round the corner, the Chief
Minister is enacting ‘drama’ to woo different sections of society and
making announcements,” she said. Her statement said, “The Uttar Pradesh
government’s decision to raise honorarium of gram pradhan from Rs 2,500
to Rs 3,000 and distribution of the ruling SP’s poll material in the
form of steel plates and glasses to school children was aimed at gaining
cheap publicity.”

The Sarvajan leader also welcomed the “stern”
direction of the Allahabad High Court to the state government for the
latter’s failure to contain dengue menace. After being rapped by the HC
on the issue recently, Akhilesh Yadav had directed officials to launch a
campaign in every district of the state to check the disease.

“Accepting apathy and laxity alone in the court will not serve the
purpose…. stern measures and prompt action against those responsible for
it is required,” she said.

Mayawati alleged that though the
state government had said that 113 deaths have taken place, but in
Lucknow alone 219 people have died of dengue. “There is an immediate
need to declare dengue an epidemic,” she stressed.

Taking a dig
at the alleged family feud in Samjawadi Party, Mayawati added that the
Chief Minister should take out time from the ongoing family fight and
rather concentrate on people’s sufferings.

The crucial state Assembly polls are scheduled for next year.

Dalit leader also welcomed the “stern” direction of the Allahabad High
Court to the state government for the latter’s failure to contain dengue

supremo Mayawati on Thursday sought an apology from BJP president Amit
Shah for promising “Kalyan Singh-type” good governance in Uttar

UP polls: Murderer of democratic institutions (Modi )sees election danger in Mayawati
Mayawati is calling on Sarvajan Samaj including minority groups to
reject the BJP (Bahuth Jiyadha Psychopaths), whose roots are in 1%
intolerant, violent, militant, shooting, lynching, Rakshasa Swyam Sevaks
(RSS)’s stealth, shadowy, discriminative hindutva cult that 99% of
Sarvajan Samaj including SC/STs/ OBCS/ Muslims and poor UCs see as a threat to their way of life.
LUCKNOW: When Amit Shah, president of Modi’s party, meets with him, he
is sometimes asked a question he struggles to answer: “What is behenji

By “behenji”, or
“older sister”, Modi means Mayawati, the enigmatic politician and
former ruler of India’s most populous state, Uttar Pradesh.

Modi’s keen interest in what the 60-year-old is up to reflects concern
about his political prospects, amid an economic recovery that many poor
Indians have yet to feel and rising social tensions among sizeable
minority communities.

With a near-devotional following from tens
of millions of people who, like her, belong to the aboriginal rung of
country’s social hierarchy, Mayawati is emerging as Modi’s chief
challenger in a key state election set for early next year.

“Mayawati is the biggest threat to our victory,” Sanjeev Balyan, a in Modi’s party, told Reuters.

“The one who becomes the chief minister of Uttar Pradesh gets to be the most powerful political leader as prime minister.”

Modi’s (BJP) gobbled Uttar Pradesh, home to 200 million people, in the
2014 general election by tampering the fraud EVMs where the ex CJI
Sadasivam had committed a grave error of judgement by allowing the ex
CEC Sampaths request to replace the fraud EVMs in phases (Out of 543
seats only 8 were replaced), handing him the biggest parliamentary
majority in three decades. He never ordered for replacing them with
paper ballots as followed in most of the democratic countries. And the
present CEC says that the entire EVMs will only be replaced in 2019. Ms
Mayawati’s BSP won in the last Panchayat elections with the paper

Violent attacks on SC/STs, are turning the opinion of
some against the BJP and its Hindu nationalist supporters, giving
Mayawati a new lease of life as she seeks a political renaissance.

Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) swept Uttar Pradesh, home to 200 million
people, in the 2014 general election, handing him the biggest
parliamentary majority in three……/firebrand-crackers-samajwadi-ro…/

Sarvajan Diwali
The cover of one cracker packet shows BSP supremo Mayawati staring furiously with words ‘Angry Bomb’ written next to her photo.

See more

cover of another cracker packet shows BSP supremo Mayawati staring
furiously with words ‘Angry Bomb’ written next to her photo.

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