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2048 Tue 15 Nov 2016 LESSON from INSIGHT-NET-Hi Tech Radio Free Animation Clipart Online A1 (Awakened One) Tipiṭaka Research & Practice University Modi has left his family but that does not mean he would take imature decisicions. He should stop emotionally blackmailing the people who are facing hardships due to the move. Mayawati Because of the Queue India Movement of Modi You’re a pain in queues
Filed under: General
Posted by: site admin @ 5:27 pm

2048 Tue 15 Nov 2016



INSIGHT-NET-Hi Tech Radio Free Animation Clipart

Online A1 (Awakened One) Tipiṭaka Research & Practice University

has left his family but that does not mean he would take imature
decisicions. He should stop emotionally blackmailing the people who are
facing hardships due to the move.


Because of the Queue India Movement of Modi

You’re a pain in queues,,

Tipitaka translated in 105 languages

has left his family but that does not mean he would take imature
decisicions. He should stop emotionally blackmailing the people who are
facing hardships due to the move.


Because of the Queue India Movement of Modi

You’re a pain in queues

PAIN, PAIN & Long Term PAIN - NO GAIN Economy
in Deep Dive

One couldn’t believe Murderer of democratic institutions (Modi) OPENLY TALK of Giving PAINS to JUST ANY BODY – Not Once But Repeatedly.
Today 30 months or HALF TERM of BJP (Bahuth Jiyadha Psychopaths) remotely controlled by Intolerant, Violent, Militant, shooting, Lynching, Cannibal
Lunatic, Mentally Retarded 1% chitpawan brahmin RSS (Rakshasa Swayam Sevaks) Pyschopaths after gobbling the Master Key by tampering the fraud EVMs because of the error of judgement order by the Ex CJI Sadasivam that allowed just 8 out of 543 Parliament elections in 2014 to be replaced by the fraud EVMs as suggested by the Ex CEC Sampath. The present CECs says
that entire EVMs will be replaced in 2019. All without ordering for
Paper Ballots which is being used by 80 democracies of the world till entire EVMs are replaced.
Ms Mayawati’s BSP won UP Panchayat elections with paper ballots while it lost in the 2014 Lok Sabha elections because of these fraud EVMs.
This has caused:

Ø     PAIN to
Indian Farmers When MSP was not adequately increased, No Drought Relief,
Ø     PAIN to
Railway Passengers by raising Fare 40% to 50%,
PLANTS Pollution & Dirt,
Ø     PAIN of
NEGLECTING 80% Non BJP India ,
Investing in Gujarat Ambani & Adani,
Ø     PAIN of Nepal & Pakistan , MNREGA, LPG Distribution,
Ø     PAIN to
Foreign Investors by CANCELLING Bi-lateral Country Trade Agreements,
Ø     PAIN to
DAIRY Farmers who Care for Milk Animals but can’t sell unproductive animals,
Ø     PAIN to
people of different Faiths, Customs, Professions – Apex Court Judges,
Ø     PAIN to
people by ‘DEMONETIZING CURRENCY’ affecting Every Indian – Labor, Farmer,
Businessmen, Traders, Tourists, Transporters,
Ø     PAIN of
Retail Prices of FOODS & Pulses DOUBLING – Besan Selling At Rs.200 Per Kg.
Ø     PAIN to
political rivals, even dead,
Ø     PAIN ideas keep
After gobbling the Election BJP preferred
Before November 08 Currency Notes on the
Left Were Legal Currency – From November 09 Notes on the Right shall be illegal
Economy in DEEP DIVE. 
DON’T FORGET ALL PAINS Of the Fraud EVMs till they are replaced by Paper Ballots.

demonetisation drive of the Murderer of democratic institutions (Modi) is wrecking havoc in
ordinary people’s lives. People are suffering. No work. No money. Long
hours in Bank/ATM queues. That’s for those who have bank accounts. At
least 80 % of our country are dependent on cash economy. Farmers can’t sow
their fields. They cant buy manure. Workers are not getting paid. At
least 20 people have died in its aftermath. Collateral damage for
‘Nation’ ‘purified’ of black money and fake currency?

100 Cr Crippled in Pain - No Let Up in Black Money

There is no Change in Prices of Fruits &
Vegetables – which as Usual Cost Consumers 3-5 Times Farm Gate Prices. Food
accounts for 50% of Household Consumption alone is Rs.25,00,000 Cr to
Rs.30,00,000 Cr Black Money Generation Annually, No Farmers Storage, Processing
& Retail of Foods.
Buy Gram @50/Kg Sell Besan @Rs.200/kg
Some DULLARD Grade Economists are Supporting this
but there is MERELY EXCHANGE OF CURRENCY. A Property Which Cost Rs.10 Cr –
50%-50% in White & Black – Would Now Sell for Rs.4 Cr or Rs.5 Cr – Take Out
Black Money Operations –
Economy will CRASH to $1000b
Only Or Level With Nepal.
Annexed in List - When ADANI & BIYANI retail Dry Turmeric Power and Dry
Chilli Power for Rs.540/Kg and Rs.330/Kg – Farmers are paid Rs.13/Kg & Rs.6/kg for Turmeric & Green Chilli
sent to Ahmadabad & Azadpur Mandis.
Dry Ginger Power retails for Rs.800/kg,
Farmers Get Rs.22/kg for Ginger.
Farmers get Rs.27/Kg for Groundnut in
Pods – in Packets cost Rs.300/Kg and Groundnut Oil May
Cost Rs.200 Per Kg.
It was reported earlier – How A Media Table Fan Which Cost Rs.650 to
BAJAJ Electricals Was Retailed for Rs.1650/-. A Booster Pump which cost Rs.650
to importers is Retailed for Rs.2,400 to Rs.3,200 Depending on Brand.
BJP (Bahuth Jiyadha Psychopaths) and some other Parties OPPOSED WALMART & EXPERT
RETAILERS – So that MULTI-CHAIN Marketing Stays As It Is.
2.]  100 Cr Are WAITING In QUEUES
3.]  50% of Economy Up To 20 Cr
Jobs Could Be Lost.

The Murderer of democratic institutions (Modi) has rushed into a decision that is poor economics and will ultimately prove to be poor politics too.
Upon deeper analysis Its come to the

conclusion that it is nothing less than an unmitigated disaster.

Here are 10 of the most prominent reasons why I say so.

1. Cash is an insignificant component of black assets

The effect of this move on the black economy will be limited because

cash comprises only a tiny part of black assets. This is borne out

both by facts and reasoning.

Cash recovery has been only 6% of the undisclosed income seized from

income tax evaders, according to data from tax raids from 2012-13


This fact only affirms what is already apparent upon the application

of reasoning. Opening foreign accounts anonymously is child’s play

today and given the anonymity it provides, it is a widely preferred

option for those holding black money. Investments in gold and property

are also preferred for a variety of reasons. Firstly, wealth stored as

cash decreases in value with inflation while other types of assets

appreciate with inflation. Secondly, storing large sums of cash is

much more problematic (occupies more space, vulnerable to hazards)

than storing the same value in gold. Finally, security problems with

cash are much greater.

Thus, illegitimate cash is just the tip of the iceberg and dealing

with it does not mean taking down the mammoth black economy.

2. Counterfeit currency is more molehill than mountain

Much has been made of the “fact” that taking out higher denomination

notes will render worthless the bulk of counterfeit currency in

circulation today. But contrary to popular perception, the value of

counterfeit currency is quite insignificant.

According to a study done by the Indian Statistical Institute,

Kolkata, in 2015, the only reliable and comprehensive exploration of

the subject, at any given point of time ₹400 crore worth of fake notes

were in circulation in the economy. This is merely 0.025% o f the

total budget outlay of ₹19.7 lakh crore as announced this fiscal.

In comparison, just the printing cost of notes being taken out of

circulation is approximately ₹12,000 crore. Is it sensible public

policy to flush ₹12,000 crore down the drain to purportedly remove

about ₹400 crore of fake currency?

3. Information may have leaked—rise in bank deposits

While the news of the withdrawal of notes caught most people by

surprise, leading many to hail the government’s success in keeping it

a closely guarded secret, it is now emerging the information—or at

least a rumour of what was to come—had already reached several ears.

Firstly, in April this year, SBI had said that people were withdrawing

cash in large amounts in smaller denominations due to rumours of

demonetization of ₹1000 and ₹500 notes. Secondly, in the past few

weeks, local dailies in Gujarat and elsewhere had also reported that

such a move might be in the offing. Thirdly, the BJP’s (Bahuth Jiyadha Psychopaths) West Bengal

unit deposited an unusually large cash amount of Rs 1 crore just

before the move’s announcement. All these factors indicate that

information of the action may well have leaked.

Is it sensible public policy to flush ₹12,000 crore down the drain to

purportedly remove about ₹400 crore of fake currency?

While those who don’t have black money may not have paid attention to

rumours and speculations, those that did have something to hide

probably took action right away to protect their spoils, thereby

reducing the efficacy of the eventual demonetization.

What most strengthens the suspicion that many with black money were

warned in advance is the sudden spike in bank deposits in the last

quarter. Data from different banks shows that last quarter most of

them reversed the trend of declining deposits and witnessed healthy

growth. This rise in bank deposits happened despite the decline in

industrial production and in the absence of any facilitating factors

in the economy. In the absence of an upturn in economic parameters,

the sudden rise in deposits just before demonetization decision is

definitely fishy.

4. Whitewashing of whatever little black cash there is

Even the insignificant black assets in cash that remain with people

(even after prior information) are likely being whitewashed through

various loopholes. Backdated buying of gold and exchanging through the

new black market for exchange of notes are prominent ways in which

those with black cash are getting it laundered or changed to smaller


5. The root problem of black money generation is untouched

The move is also questionable as it does little to address the root

problem of black money generation. The annual black economy is

conservatively over 20% of our GDP. This means that the annual

generation of black money is over ₹30 lakh crore which is greater than

the entire amount of ₹17.77 lakh crore of cash in circulation (86% of

this cash is in the form of withdrawn ₹500 and ₹1000 notes). So, even

if half the value of the withdrawn notes was black wealth and none of

it was whitewashed, the black money destroyed would still be much less

than the amount of black wealth generated yearly. It’s clear from this

that demonetization cannot do any long-lasting damage to the black

economy since the roots of it remain untouched.

6. The government’s politically motivated sensationalism has spread panic

In a bid to derive maximum political mileage out of the move, BJP

sensationalized the move and announced with great drama for maximum

impact. Many myths were spun around it, which made people panic. This

panic is leading to untold miseries with ATMs reporting long lines and

various establishments refusing to offer change; some hospitals are

even denying treatment. Had the BJP been more sombre and pragmatic in

its narrative and execution, rumour mongers would not have had such a

field day and the move’s implementation would have been less painful

for the people.

7. In poll-dictated hurry, government was woefully under prepared

The government is visibly unprepared for the move.

Firstly, the RBI didn’t have enough supply of smaller denomination

notes and is supplying soiled 100 notes to meet the demand. Secondly,

the new ₹2000 notes being released are smaller in size than the old

notes and ATMs have not been modified to dispense them. Thus, ATMs are

storing less cash and thus running out faster as they can only

dispense ₹100 notes.

The annual generation of black money is over 30 lakh crore which is

greater than the entire amount of ₹​​​​​​​17.77 lakh crore of cash in


Thirdly, the new ₹2000 notes are being released without any additional

security features as the hurried decision by the government didn’t

allow for the provision of such features. It is reported that the

government pushed through the action in six months, although over

three years or so are usually needed to introduce new notes. Perhaps

as a result of such haste, many errors are being reported in these

notes. Because of the absence of additional security features (and

presence of mistakes), the task of counterfeiting will become easier.

Also since now there is a higher denomination, it is more profitable

to counterfeit. Thus despite spending so much of public wealth, the

hasty manner of the move will deprive us of any benefit in reducing

counterfeit currency which would have occurred if the new currency had

additional features.

So, why did Modi act in such a rush despite knowing the

associated downsides? The theory is that as the Uttar Pradesh elections

and the model code of conduct are round the corner, the government

decided to implement the move so as to milk the issue before the


8. Reintroducing higher denominations facilitates future hoarding of black cash

Another pitfall of rushing through the decision is that it left

government with no choice other than to reintroduce higher

denominations as today India doesn’t have the infrastructure for a

primarily cashless economy. Doesn’t it make more sense to first focus

on transitioning to a cashless economy and then completely withdrawing

these larger denominations?

By introducing ₹2000 notes, the government has made it easier for

those who want to hoard black money in cash as they will need only

roughly half the space they needed earlier for their ₹1000 notes.

Thus, in this sense this move will give a boost to black economy.

9. Where is the infrastructure for a cashless economy?

The argument that the move will spur a cashless economy is flawed .

First, how does replacing ₹1000 notes with ₹2000 ones help make the

economy cashless?

How does replacing ₹1000 notes with ₹2000 ones help make the economy cashless?

Secondly, merely depriving people of cash doesn’t make an economy

cashless. With only 46% banking penetration, only 22% internet

connectivity, 19% of population without electricity connection (and

others with unreliable connection) and only 1.2 million of 14 million

merchants having point of sale devices, India simply doesn’t have the

infrastructure for a cashless economy. Another problem is the low

level of digital literacy in India. Unless these real challenges are

addressed, withdrawing the bulk of cash only creates chaos as we can

now see.

10. Economic activity is taking a beating

The gross under-preparedness of the government, the sensationalism of

the move and it being inherently economically imprudent, have all lead

to the move creating extreme chaos.

Firstly, the people are desperate for cash, so much of the workforce

that should be productively working is wasting long hours in unending

queues at the banks and ATMs .

Secondly, the abrupt call-back of 86% of cash, has brought the

informal economy to a standstill—this sector is the worst affected,

with the most marginalized suffering the most.

Thirdly, the wide speculation on property and gold pricing will also

undermine economic stability and reduce investors’ confidence in



Thus for the variety of reason discussed above, there is no hesitation

in calling the move an unmitigated disaster. It’s simply a case of

headline management trumping sound economics. The government in its

attempt to win brownie points on the black money issue has rushed into

a decision that is poor economics and may ultimately prove to be poor

politics too.

solution is that the entire Sarvajan Samaj unite and request the CJI and
CEC to dismiss the Lunatic, Murderer of democratic institutions
(Modi),s Central government and all the state governments selected by
the fraud EVMs and conduct fresh elections with paper ballots for
Sarvajan Hitay Sarvajan Sukhay i.e., for the peace, welfare and
happiness of all societies.

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