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2050 Thu 17 Nov 2016 LESSON from INSIGHT-NET-Hi Tech Radio Free Animation Clipart Online A1 (Awakened One) Tipiṭaka Research & Practice University Rendering exact translation as a lesson of this University in one’s mother tongue to this Google Translation and propagation entitles to become a Stream Enterer (Sottapanna) and to attain Eternal Bliss as a Final Goal.…/story-EqYMsbzYbhDOtNgocROfN… Stop being vindictive or else Uttar Pradesh voters will give apt reply: BSP tells (Murderer of democratic institutions (Modi)
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Posted by: site admin @ 4:56 pm

2050  Thu 17 Nov 2016



INSIGHT-NET-Hi Tech Radio Free Animation Clipart

Online A1 (Awakened One) Tipiṭaka Research & Practice University

Rendering exact translation as a lesson of this University in one’s mother tongue to this Google Translation and propagation
entitles to become a Stream

(Sottapanna) and to attain Eternal Bliss as a Final Goal.

Murderer of democratic institution (Modi)’s demonetisation drive already modified 10 times in 7 days. It may cross 70 times in 50 days.

Initially, there was no limit on depositing old notes from November 10 till December 30. Withdrawals from banks were limited at Rs 10,000 per day and Rs 20,000 per week. But these caps were increased and so were the other provisions. Even the last dates for exemptions have been revised twice.


Initially, the exchange limit for Rs 500 and Rs 1000 notes was capped at Rs 4,000 and withdrawals were restricted to Rs 2,000 per card per day, and later to Rs 4,000 per card per day.

However, the withdrawal limit was increased to Rs 2500 and exchange limit over the counter increased to Rs 4500 from 4000.

The withdrawal limit from ATMs was increased to Rs 2500 from Rs 2000 and weekly withdrawal limit to Rs 24000 from Rs 20000. The daily withdrawal limit of Rs 10000 has been removed.

Besides, business entities having current accounts and which are operational for last three months or more have been allowed to draw Rs 50,000. This can be done in a single transaction or multiple transactions. This will enable the small business entities to pay wages to their workers and make other petty payments.


Initially, the last date for exemptions for acceptance of old Rs 500 and Rs1000 notes for certain types of transactions was November 11. However, it has been extended twice - first till November 14 and now the last date for availing existing exemptions has been extended up to November 24.


Till November 11, government-authorised places, institutions and services such as hospitals, Railways, airline, bus ticket booking counters, petrol, diesel and gas stations authorised by public sector oil companies, consumer co-operative stores, milk booths, crematoriums, burial grounds, toll plazas, pharmacies, onboard rail catering and LPG cylinder supplies were authorised to accept old Rs 500 and Rs 1000 notes for payment.

However, on November 12, the Government extended the exemption on notes in certain other categories like metro rail tickets among others till November 14.


Long and serpentine queues of people were witnessed outside the ATMs throughout the country from November 10. About two dozen people reportedly died standing in these queues. Keeping this in view, the Government asked the banks to arrange for separate queues for senior citizens and Divyang (differently-abled) persons.

Also, for public convenience, banks remained open on Saturday and Sunday (November 12 and 13).


Prime Minister Narendra Modi has held two review meetings on demonetisation with officials of the Finance Ministry and the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) so far. In the second one too, the persistent issue of long queues at banks came up for discussion. According to Economic Affairs Secretary Shaktikanta Das, it was found that in many places same set of people were visiting to get cash. They went from one branch to another branch. The unscrupulous elements were trying to convert their black money into white by going to different banks branches several times over in a day.

As a result, the benefit of withdrawal was getting restricted to a few people. To prevent this, the idea of using indelible ink marks, like in elections, at the cash counters was mooted.


While reviewing the demonetisation process, the Narendra Modi Government also received reports that Jan Dhan accounts were being used by other people to deposit their unaccounted cash. As a result, the Government set an upper limit of Rs 50,000 for deposits into these accounts. The source of deposits of above Rs 50,000 into these accounts will now be verified.


Minutes after PM Narendra Modi made the historic announcement in his 8 pm address to the nation on November 8, the Government learnt that some people rushed to jewellery shops to buy golden ornaments with a view to converting their unaccounted cash. While there was no bar on spending the scrapped Rs 500 and Rs 1000 currency notes, several jewellery shops remained open throughout the intervening night of November 8 and 9 as well as the next day.

However, the Government has reportedly demanded the CCTV footage of the shops during this period and also the PAN numbers of the buyers. This is sure to catch those who had sought to convert their unaccounted cash.


In the course of reviews, the Government also got the feedback that several people had booked railway and international air tickets only to get them cancelled shortly afterwards to get refunds. This was another loophole found by some. The Government immediately announced that the money from cancellation of air tickets would not be refunded. Also, it started asking for bank details of those cancelling multiple railway tickets in order to transfer the refund amount in their account.


The RBI on November 14 banned the district central cooperative banks (DCCB) from providing any exchange facility against Rs 500 and Rs 1000 notes. However, four states - Maharashtra, Gujarat, Kerala and Tamil Nadu - have strongly opposed the RBI circular stating that the DCCBs are the backbone of rural economy and the only banking apparatus available to farmers and farm labourers.


The Narendra Modi Government did not put any cap on the maximum amount of cash to be deposited in banks. However, it was only a day after the announcement of the demonetisation process that the Centre warned that those depositing cash above Rs 2.50 lakh under the 50-day window till December 30 could attract tax plus a 200 per cent penalty in case of income mismatch. Any mismatch with income declared by the account holder will be treated as a case of tax evasion and the tax amount plus a penalty of 200 per cent of the tax payable would be levied as per the Section 270(A) of the Income Tax Act.

US $ Printing press produces 3.8m Notes Per day or 10 Cr Notes Per Month.
This single machine would take 210 months to print all the notes.
US Reserves Stock $80b Worth Currency for use in other countries.
may order 500m $100 Notes worth $50b and here RBI may put its Own
Rubber Stamp – ‘Rs.7000 – RBI Governor – Valid Till December31, 2017’.
This shall meet 25% of Currency Demand.

500m $100 weigh about 500T – All the money can be delivered in 2-3
days. In fact RBI Offices in Delhi , may get $20b, and $10b for other
can print ‘Rs.7000 – RBI Governor – Valid Till December31, 2017’ along
with photo of Mahatma Gandhi @ 100 Per minute or 6000 Per Hour – 100,000
Per Day Per Machine. Rs.70 Cr Per Day in Value or Rs.700 Crore in 10
days. To Distribute Rs.3,50,000 Cr in 10 days India would require to
arrange 500 Photocopying Machines.

India can also RE-USE Rs.500 and Rs.1000 Notes with Similar Printing –
- With a Difference – ‘Notes Valid for Use Till December2017 In Delhi Only’.
Pay Salaries – HOSPITAL BILLS, School & College Fees, Rent and

- NOT FOR PURCHASE OF CARS or Real Estate or Electronics Goods etc.
India May Collaborate With US In Printing Currency.

Economy Crashing Down – Import $50b or Rs.3,50,000 Cr
is said Uncovered RBI Secret that currency production capacity in our
country is barely 300 Cr Notes Per month and requirement is 2100 Cr
Notes and this shall take 7 months to print.

Obviously Demonetization is a big blunder.

is Crashing Down One By One – Soon 80% Of Population Will Run Out Money
– Salaries, School Fees, Utility Bills, Rents etc Are Due in Next 14

ill conceived demonitisation move in the country is making people
desperate. Huffington Post reports of 33 deaths. It’s much more than

Hawker Federation, a collective of more than 1176 unions all over the
country, one of the biggest representative of the unorganised sector in
the country, has come out with a damning statement against the move. It
has totally wrecked poor traders all over the country.

crisis is real possibility. Pradeep Singhal, working president of
Transporters Welfare Association, told The Wire “There are about 85 lakh
trucks engaged in the transportation of goods in the country and the
operations of almost all of them are fast coming to a halt.” That’s
really a cause for concern.

you don’t mind, and if you think the content of this news letter is
critical for the dignified living and survival of humanity and other
species on earth, please forward it to your friends and spread the word.
It’s time for humanity to come together as one family! You can
subscribe to our news letter here

Uttar Pradesh: Retired school teacher dies waiting in queue for 8 hours

Verma went to withdraw money from State Bank of India’s Madhogarh
branch for his daughter’s wedding, when he slumped to the ground after
the eight-hour wait.

70-year-old retired school teacher, who was in queue for eight hours
outside a bank in Uttar Pradesh, died on Sunday after he suffered a
cardiac arrest, Hindustan Times reported.

to the paper, Verma fell at the bank manager’s feet and pleaded to help
him withdraw money for meeting the marriage expenses. Speaking to HT,
Verma’s son Ravi Verma said, “We needed Rs 2 lakh for the marriage
expenses. My father went to the bank for three days. He had spoken to
the bank manager many times asking him to help with the withdrawal and
exchange. The manager did not listen to him.” At least 1000 people were
reportedly in front of him in the queue, despite him arriving at the
branch early Sunday morning. Verma was taken to a community health
centre and was declared dead on arrival.

father was restless when I spoke to him over the phone. There was so
much to do. He was worried to carry on with the marriage as we were
unable to meet the expenses. This decision of the government has been a
double whammy, my sister’s marriage has been postponed and we have lost
our father,” Verma’s son said.

far 33 deaths have been reported since the Murderer of democratic
institutions (Modi)’s November 8 announcement, scrapping old tender.

UP farmers say demonetisation move has left them with no money for fertilisers or seeds when sowing season set to begin.

20 km off National Highway-24 connecting Lucknow to Sitapur, Saholi
village of about 500 households is surrounded by dusty plain fields,
with most of them still to sow their rabi crops. Ram Lal, 70, a
Scheduled Caste farmer who owns four bighas, says the demonetisation
couldn’t have come at a worse time for farmer families like his.

this is how Murderer of democratic institutions (Modi) implementing the
agenda of 1% intolerant, violent, militant, shooting, lynching lunatic,
mentally retarded, cannibal psychopaths chitpawan brahmin RSS (Rakshasa
Swayam Sevaks ) chief Mohan Bagavath who opposes SC/ST reservation.

nearest bank, the Allahabad UP Gramin Bank branch, has not dispensed
much cash since the decision scrapping Rs 500 and Rs 1,000 notes was
announced. Though all the farmers have bank accounts, most opened for
MGNREGS wages, none have any ATM cards. The bank itself has no ATM.

Kumar Singh, ‘Bank Mitra’ at the Gopalpur Bhatha branch of the
Allahabad UP Gramin Bank, said they had not received any cash to
distribute till Tuesday
Lal says he has no money in his account and had only a Rs 500 note with
him on November 8 when the Prime Minister announced the scrapping of
notes. “I had got Rs 1,500 two months ago as old-age pension (paid
quarterly under a state government scheme). Most of it was spent in the
last two months. I carried the Rs 500 left with me to a villager who
owns a tractor and tills my land. I have been without any money since

doesn’t have money to either irrigate his land, or to buy fertiliser
and seeds for his wheat crop, he says, sitting outside his two-room
house where he lives with his wife, daughter, and her two children.

wife Mahakarna has had fever for the last two weeks, but he has no
money to buy medicines. Trip to the nearest good hospital, in Sidhauli
town that is 20 km away, would cost him at least Rs 1,000.

is a very ill-timed decision. Modi has not avoided it at a time when
farmers sow their land. I can’t borrow from anyone either because all
the villagers are without money. The sowing is already late and is
getting delayed even more,” he says.

prices of even their standing crops such as paddy and urad have
crashed, farmers complain. “Local buyers are buying the crops of urad
and til at half the cost because of lack of cash in the market. Most of
us are hesitant to sell the crop at such prices, but many have sold in
order to buy fertiliser and seeds,” says another villager, Siya Ram.

Lal hopes the one quintal bajra (pearl millet) and a similar amount of
paddy he has at home from the kharif season will see his family through.
“We are poor people. Our family has been eating chapatis of bajra. Even
if we don’t get vegetables, we will manage with eating salt and
chapatis. But if the situation remains like this for another two weeks,
we will not be able to sow any land. Modi kihin toh badhiya hain, lekin
gareeb pareshan ho gawa (Modi did not do good thing as the poor have
been facing trouble),” says Ram Lal.

town, located 50 km north of Lucknow, has branches and ATMs of almost
all the banks functioning in Uttar Pradesh. However, he hasn’t been able
to get any money due to the long queues, says Sagar Gautam, one of its
25,000 residents.

40, who repairs electrical items like TVs, inverters and ACs, visited
ATMs on Sunday, Monday and Tuesday. Most of them were closed on Tuesday,
he adds.

had only Rs 250 on November 8 when the announcement was made scrapping
Rs 500 and Rs 1,000 notes. The family of six lived on this for two days,
before Gautam’s daughter Vineeta, a BA student, managed to withdraw Rs
4,000 from her bank account.

soon as we got that money, I gave Rs 3,500 to my diabetic father. He
needed medicines. I was left with only Rs 500. Today I have to attend a
tilak ceremony of my relative’s daughter in Itaunja, but I am left with
only Rs 200. If I fill petrol of Rs 100 in the motorcycle, I will be
left with Rs 100. So I am thinking of taking public transport. But I
will not be able to give anything for shagun unless I borrow from
someone,” he says.

has no hopes of earning anything soon either as, according to him, not a
single customer has come to his shop since November 8.

Essentials have also started showing a strain, he adds. “The agencies providing LPG cylinders are not accepting old currency.”

have reduced our household expenses to bare minimum,” Gautam adds. “I
don’t bring any bananas for children when I return home in the evening,
we take only half a litre of milk in place of one litre.”

He says while they are traditionally BSP supporters. Modi has not made preparations in advance.”

far 33 deaths have been reported since the Murderer of democratic
institutions (Modi)’s November 8 announcement, scrapping old tender. He
says that he will not be cowed down even if he is burned alive without
telling how anyone could be cowed down after being cremated. He has
become mad and requires treatment in a mental asylum along with 1%
intolerant, violent, militant, shooting, lynching, lunatic, mentally
retarded cannibal psychopath chitpawan brahmin RSS (Rakshasa Swayam
Sevaks) because of their hatred, anger, jealousy, delusion which are
defilement of mind treatment. They gobbled the Master Key after
tampering the fraud EVMs because of the grave error of judgement of the
ex CJI Sadasivam on the request of ex CEC Sampath. The present CEC says
that the entire EVMs will only be replaced in 2019 with out ordering for
paper ballots till such time. That is the reason why the Modi and RSS
are behaving in this manner.

Irrespective of Demonetisation to
check money power in 2017 UP polls, the EVMs if not replaced by paper
ballots it will go in favour Bahuth Jiyadha Psychopaths (BJP)’s Murderer
of democratic institutions (Modi).…/2019-general-elections-…

2019 general elections to have paper-trail EVMs: CEC

for 2019 general elections will be conducted through paper trail-based
electronic voting machines to ‘enhance transparency’.

Till such
time, CEC did not say that Paper ballots will be used. In the last UP
Panchayat elections BSP won majority of the seats with paper ballots
while it last all the Lok Sabha seats conducted through these fraud EVMs
which was tampered in favour of BJP.

Exuding confidence over BJP
expanding its base in the country, BJP’s  Prakash Javadekar who has
staked money in Swiss Bank along with LK Advani, Vijayaraje Sindia and
all other capitalists and the rich said that the party would have its
chief ministers in at least 20 states before the 2019 general polls.

elections are conducted with paper ballots, the 1% intolerant, violent,
miltant, shooting, lynching, lunatic, mentally retarded cannibal
psychopath chitpawan brahmin RSS (Rakshasa Swayam Sevaks) and all its
stealth, shadowy, discriminating avathars of hindutva cult Bahuth
Jiyadha Psychopaths (BJP) Visha Hindutva Psychopaths(VHP), ABVP (All
Brahmin Venomous Psychopaths) Bajan Dal and all instant mushrooming
Psychopaths will not only lose their sleep they will also have to be
admitted in mental asylums because of their hatred, anger, jealousy and
delusion which are defilment of the mind will get only 1% votes after
this demonitisation move which had created hardship to the 99% Sarvajan
Samaj i.e., all societies.

The CJI who asked to announce the
names of people who have staked their money in Foreign banks must also
reconsider the ex CJI Sadasivam’s grave error of judgement by ordering
that the EVMs to be replaced in phases on the request of ex CEC Sampath
who has not ordered for using paper ballots till such time. This helped
BJP to corner the Master Key.

The CJI must dismiss the Central
and all state governments selected by these fraud EVMs and order for
re-elections with paper ballots.

Apart from questioning the lack of preparedness and forewarning in
implementing such a crucial policy and the distress it has put the
common public in,
several state leaders have also raised doubts over how effective the demonetisation will be in curbing black money.

Secrecy surrounding the demonetisation was a blow to cooperative
federalism, where the state and centre work collectively, and the move
would not have a serious impact on tax evaders.

But the measures adopted by Murderer of democratic institutions (Modi)’s BJP (Bahuth Jiyadha Psychopaths), which has gone for
demonetisation of high-denomination notes, has hurt the common people
more than the real violators. The same objectives could have been
achieved even if Modi had announced a future date for
demonetisation and allowed the market to adjust.

Studies of income tax raids and such have shown that currency constitutes only about 5% of illegal wealth.

So, even if you give a liberal estimate, the black money in the form of
currency wouldn’t surpass more than 10% of the total value of the black
economy. Now, to capture this 10%, you have put the entire population
into strife and suffering. You are pulling out 86% of liquidity from the
economy. India is a money economy. The cash to Gross Domestic Product
Ratio in India is 12% as against 3% to 4% in other comparable economies.
This will freeze liquidity and by extension, the economy.

You can go to the countryside and see for yourself. Employment in the
rural areas has shrunk by half in less than a week as people do not have
the money to pay for work. This will have both a short and medium-term
impact on the economy. This is why the secrecy around this
demonetisation has become a devastating blow. Consumption will shrink as
liquidity has been hurt. When this happens, negative impact on growth
is inevitable in a cash-based economy like ours.

If Modi’s objective really was to clean up the system of black money, the
policy should have been accompanied by certain systemic measures. This
includes restrictions on purchase and sale of high-value commodities,
import restrictions on high-value goods and so on. Only then it would be
possible to rattle the super rich who hoard crores of black money.
Purchase of gold, luxury cars, land and other such things should have
been made as difficult as possible before embarking on demonetisation.

Another crazy idea which has been announced is the penalty of 200% on
money that does not match the income. Under what provision Modi would do
this is yet to be made clear. The fact is, Modi has failed
miserably in attacking the black money hoarded in foreign countries.
This current measure would only help people whiten the black money as it
was not accompanied by strict systemic measures.

The way this demonetisation was effected is a big blow to the very
concept of cooperative federalism. Most states were
kept completely in the dark about this crucial policy decision. Even
after the announcement, Modi has not reached out to the states to
understand the problems they are facing. There has been zero dialogue.

He could not even win a single seat in Maharashtra. He begged for a RS
seat with the enimies of SC/STs. And as an SC/ST face he is being used
by the enimies of Dr Ambedkar. He must know that he is only a use and
throw curry leaves. How could any one acquire the Master Key as
suggested by Babasaheb Dr BR Ambedkar being an integral part of the
Bahuth Jiyadha Psychopaths (BJP) remotely controlled by 1% intolerant,
ent, miltant, shooting, lynching,
lunatic, mentally retarded cannibal psychopath chitpawan brahmin RSS
(Rakshasa Swayam Sevaks) and all its stealth, shadowy, discriminating
avathars of hindutva cult Bahuth Jiyadha Psychopaths (BJP) Visha
Hindutva Psychopaths(VHP), ABVP (All Brahmin Venomous Psychopaths) Bajan
Dal and all instant mushrooming Psychopaths will not only lose their
sleep they will also have to be admitted in mental asylums because of
their hatred, anger, jealousy and delusion which are defilment of the
mind will get only 1% votes after this demonitisation move which had
created hardship to the 99% Sarvajan Samaj i.e., all societies. He can
only be a chamcha as said by Manyawar Kanshiramji or chela, stooge,
slave, boot licker and ones own mother’s fleash eater. Once a person
leaves his samaj , he goes alone the samaj does not follow him. He must
be ashamed to say that he will field a Gabre dancer against the former
CM of UP.…/story-EqYMsbzYbhDOtNgocROfN…
former inspector general of police SM Mushrif on Tuesday accused the
Intelligence Bureau (IB) of being hand-in-glove with right-wing …

Stop being vindictive or else Uttar Pradesh voters will give apt reply: BSP tells (Murderer of democratic institutions (Modi)

BSP said that the
people of Uttar Pradesh would give Modi a befitting reply in next
year’s assembly polls for his don kind of language and failure to
fulfill the promises made to the nation in the run up to the 2014
general election after tampering the fraud EVMs in his favour.…/2019-general-elections-…
for 2019 general elections will be conducted through paper trail-based
electronic voting machines to ‘enhance transparency’.

Till such time, CEC did not say that Paper ballots will be used. In the
last UP Panchayat elections BSP won majority of the seats with paper
ballots while it last all the Lok Sabha seats conducted through these
fraud EVMs which was tampered in favour of BJP.

confidence over BJP expanding its base in the country, BJP’s 
Prakash Javadekar who has staked money in Swiss Bank along with LK
Advani, Vijayaraje Sindia and all other capitalists and the rich said
that the party would have its chief ministers in at least 20 states
before the 2019 general polls.

If elections are conducted with
paper ballots, the 1% intolerant, violent, miltant, shooting, lynching,
lunatic, mentally retarded cannibal psychopath chitpawan brahmin RSS
(Rakshasa Swayam Sevaks) and all its stealth, shadowy, discriminating
avathars of hindutva cult Bahuth Jiyadha Psychopaths (BJP) Visha
Hindutva Psychopaths(VHP), ABVP (All Brahmin Venomous Psychopaths) Bajan
Dal and all instant mushrooming Psychopaths will not only lose their
sleep they will also have to be admitted in mental asylums because of
their hatred, anger, jealousy and delusion which are defilment of the
mind will get only 1% votes after this demonitisation move which had
created hardship to the 99% Sarvajan Samaj i.e., all societies.

The CJI who asked to announce the names of people who have staked
their money in Foreign banks must also reconsider the ex CJI Sadasivam’s
grave error of judgement by ordering that the EVMs to be replaced in
phases on the request of ex CEC Sampath who has not ordered for using
paper ballots till such time. This helped BJP to corner the Master Key.

The CJI must dismiss the Central and all state governments selected by
these fraud EVMs and order for re-elections with paper ballots.

 BSP on Monday dared Modi to prove his allegations on the opposition parties post
demonetisation and said that the people of Uttar Pradesh would give him a
befitting reply in next year’s assembly polls for his don kind of
language and failure to fulfill the promises made to the nation in the
run up to the 2014 general election.  BSP leader Sudheendra Bhadauria
condemned the Modi’s remark and alleged that he is being
vindictive towards the opposition.

“The way Modi is speaking about the
opposition shows that he is being vindictive towards them. The people of
Uttar Pradesh are not accustomed to this don kind of language that he
is using,” said Bhadauria.   Bhadauria further said the use of such
language in a democracy is not acceptable, adding if the Modi
wants to do something then he can do it legally not by making
allegations.   “Now, when he is unable to fulfill his promises he is
becoming like don. The people of Uttar Pradesh will give a befitting
reply to him in the upcoming state election,” he said.

Modi earlier in
the day hailed as ‘mahayagya’.  Modi, who has drawn sharp
flak from a united opposition post his decision to scrap 500 and 1,000
rupee currency notes, urged all to support his decision and bless him in
his war against black or undeclared money.

“There are some political parties that
are worried over currency ban. Those against me are strong people. But I
will not be scared of them. I will not leave the path of truth and
integrity. Some people never say anything on your face, but behind your
back they poke other people to oppose and go against you,” he added
while addressing a mega rally in Ghazipur, Uttar Pradesh.  Opposition parties have accused Modi of
introducing an anti-poor scheme by banning Rs. 500 and 1,000 currency
notes in a sudden move last week.  The currency crunch that has followed
has left the people standing for hours in queues at banks to draw
money, which is being rationed till there are enough replacement notes.

Modi’s don like attitude is because of his Rakshasa Swayam Sevak (RSS) back ground which is violent in nature.

He says he will not be cowed by anyone even if is burned alive. How will anybody be cowed down after his cremation?

He is really in a panic state because of his wrong doings.

Delhi, December 25, 2015: A US-based risk management and consulting
company has put the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) in its category of
‘Threat Group …
Delhi, December 25, 2015: A US-based risk management and consulting
company has put the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) in its category of
‘Threat Group …
Delhi, December 25, 2015: A US-based risk management and consulting
company has put the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) in its category of
‘Threat Group …

A US-based risk management and consulting company has put the Rashtriya

Delhi: A US-based risk management and consulting company has put the
Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) in its category of ‘Threat Group’ and
called it “a …
US-based risk management and consulting company has put the Rashtriya
Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) in its category of ‘Threat Group’ and called it
“a shadowy …
Enlisted RSS as Terorist, that’s a correct one, becoz today these RSS
(Not Hindus) peoples speaking on same langauge i.e killing of Muslims.

A US-based risk management and consulting company has put the Rashtriya
Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) in its category of ‘Threat Group’ and called it
“a shadowy, discriminatory group that seeks to establish a Hindu
Rashtra, a Hindu Nation.”

Terrorism Watch & Warning provides
intelligence, research, analysis, watch and warning on international
terrorism and domestic terrorism related issues; and is operated by OODA
Group LLC that helps clients identify, manage, and respond to global
risks and uncertainties while exploring emerging opportunities and
developing robust and adaptive strategies for the future.

Although the company had included RSS in its ‘Threat Group’ in April
2014, the post seems to have been modified after the BJP led government
assumed power at the Centre. Apart from the RSS, Terrorism Watch has
also put Naxalites, People’s Liberation Army (PLA) and Students’ Islamic
Movement of India (SIMI) among others in the category of ‘Threat

The websites describes: “The RSS is a shadowy,
discriminatory group that seeks to establish a Hindu Rashtra, a Hindu
Nation. The group is considered the radical ideological parent group of
India’s ruling Hindu nationalist party – the Indian Peoples Party

“The RSS is a Hindu nationalist movement, a right wing
group that was founded in 1925. Their philosophy, called Hindutva, was
termed fascist by Communists, and their main demand of the central
government was that it stop appeasing Muslims,” the description
continues, adding, “Hindutva has been translated to mean variously:
Hindu pride, patriotism, fundamentalism, revivalism, chauvinism, or
fascism. The group self-justifies by ‘asserting the natural rights’.”

In its ‘Intel analysis,’ it further adds, “The RSS was banned in 1948
following the assassination of Mahatma Gandhi by an ex-RSS member,
Nathuram Godse. The ban was lifted the following year. Since then, the
group has gained popularity. It later began the Bharatiya Janata Party
(BJP), widely considered the political arm of the RSS, which now heads
the central government of India.”


Describing violence as ‘Group Activities’ for the RSS, the site further
says, “Violence has been a strategy for the Sangh movement. It is often
couched as a method of self-defense against minority groups. Hindutva
has been clear about the need for violence, particularly communal riots.
The Sangh has incited rioting to cause further chasms between
religions, and thus a further separation of religions, and to rally the
Hindu community around the philosophy of Hindutva.”

The Terrorism
Watch & Warning database contains over 1,00,000 Open source
intelligence (OSINT) excerpts from 1999 to present on terrorism and
security related issues, attack database of over 10,000 attacks,
original terrorism analysis, terrorism document repository, Homeland
Security Fact Sheets and profiles over 500 Terrorist/Threat Groups.…/articlesh…/49943534.cms

RSS India’s number 1 terror group: Former Mumbai police officer

KOLKATA: Claiming that the activists of the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh
(RSS) have been indicted in at least 13 terror cases across India,
former Maharashtra inspector general of police S M Mushrif on Thursday
described the BJP’s ideological mentor as India’s number one terrorist

“RSS activists have
been chargesheeted in at least 13 cases of terror acts in which RDX has
been used. If organisations like Bajrang Dal are taken into the account,
then the number of such cases goes up to 17,” Mushrif said at an event
in Kolkata.

“The RSS is India’s number one terrorist
organisation, there is no doubt on this,” said Mushrif, referring to the
2007 Mecca Masjid bombing in Hyderabad, the 2006 and 2008 Malegaon
blasts in Maharashtra and the 2007 Samjhauta Express bombings among

Mushrif, however, asserted that “saffron terror” had no bearing on which party was in power.

“The RSS as a terror organisation has nothing to do with political
power. It is immaterial which party is in power. It is the system that
is working, it’s the Brahminical system. And when I say Brahminical, it
doesn’t mean the Brahmin, it’s the mentality, the attitude to dominate
and oppress,” he said.

However, Mushrif was not in agreement with
the view that intolerance was rising in recent times. “Intolerance has
been going on for a long time. There have been many severe bigger
incidents earlier, I don’t understand why it is being highlighted now,”
he asked.

Reiterating his claims that the Intelligence Bureau
(IB) masterminded the killing of Hemant Karkare, who was probing the
involvement of Hindu radicals in terror acts, during the Mumbai terror
attack in 2008, Mushrif called for a people’s movement to establish the
truth behind the killing of the Mumbai Anti-Terrorism Squad chief.

“There is clinching evidence about the IB’s involvement but all efforts
to establish that have been defeated. Our efforts to call for an
independent probe have always been defeated. Unless there is a massive
public movement, this will never be established,” said Mushrif, who made
the sensational claims in his book “Who Killed Karkare”.

Mushrif, along with national award winning music director and former
Trinamool Lok Sabha member Kabir Suman, was speaking at an event to
commemorate Karkare’s martyrdom.

RSS is India’s number one terrorist organisation, there is no doubt on
this,” said former Maharashtra inspector general of police S M Mushrif,
referring to the 2007…

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