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2075 Tue 13 Dec 2016 LESSONS from Rector JCMesh J Alphabets Letter Animation ClipartMesh C Alphabets Letter Animation Clipart an expert who identifies experts influenced by Expert and Infulencer Sashikanth Chandrasekharan of Free Online Awaken One With Awareness Mind (A1wAM)+ ioT (insight-net of Things) - the art of Giving, taking and Living to attain Eternal Bliss as Final Goal through Electronic Visual Communication Course on Political Science -Techno-Politico-Socio Transformation and Economic Emancipation Movement (TPSTEEM). Struggle hard to see that all fraud EVMs are replaced by paper ballots by Start using Internet of things by creating Websites, blogs. Make the best use of facebook, twitter etc., to propagate TPSTEEM thru FOA1TRPUVF. Practice Insight Meditation in all postures of the body - Sitting, standing, lying, walking, jogging, cycling, swimming, martial arts etc., for health mind in a healthy body. from INSIGHT-NET-Hi Tech Radio Free Animation Clipart Online A1 (Awakened One) Tipiṭaka Research & Practice University in Visual Format (FOA1TRPUVF) free online university research practice up a level through http://sarvajan.ambedkar.orgup a level https://awakenmediaprabandhak. email-0565.gif from Download & Greeting Card is the most Positive Energy of informative and research oriented site propagating the teachings of the Awakened One with Awareness the Buddha and on Techno-Politico-Socio Transformation and Economic Emancipation Movement followed by millions of people all over the world in 105 Classical languages. Rendering exact translation as a lesson of this University in one’s mother tongue to this Google Translation and propagation entitles to become a Stream Enterer (Sottapanna) and to attain Eternal Bliss as a Final Goal…/a-sketchbook-narrative-of…/ An engrossing sketchbook of the The Great Demonetisation saga. It asks, what’s black mone, where it is hoarded, who will benefit by this whole demonetisation exercise, what will be the consequences for the common people. The sketchbook is in PDF… New Delhi, Dec 12 (IANS) With the cash crunch continuing, ans does the hardship of the common people, the popular support for Modi demonetising high denomination notes is declining, a survey said on Monday.…/cashless-india-inviting-d…/ Usually, Sunday evening is peak business time for local super markets.… At the outset they said that demonetization would remove black money and I too was taken in by that claim at first.… Facebook doesn’t want graphic videos depicting death from oppression, like police shootings, because it is “obscene” to some viewers.… Gali Janardhan Reddy’s aide Bheema Naik arrested after driver leaves suicide note accusing him of money laundering-…/bengaluru-hawa…/1/833217.html Bengaluru: 7 arrested for converting old notes into new; Rs 93 lakh in Rs 2,000 notes found Bengaluru Police today arrested seven people including a hawala operator for converting black money into new Rs 2,000 notes.…/legion-hackers…/1/832700.html Legion hackers: Who are they and how they are hacking Indian Twitter celebs-…/2000-notes-new…/1/832722.html Who decides the economy of our country, the Murderer of democratic institutions (Modi) who gobbled the Master key by tampering the fraud EVMs or the non entity RSS (Rakshasa Swayam Sevaks) of just 1% intolerant, militant, shooting,, lunatic, mentally retarded, cannibal psychopaths chitpawan brahmin who proclaim stealth, shadowy discriminating hindutva cult rashtra ? How can someone who is not part of the government declare what Modi is going to do next?
Filed under: General
Posted by: site admin @ 10:25 pm

2075 Tue 13  Dec 2016



JCMesh J Alphabets Letter Animation ClipartMesh C Alphabets Letter Animation Clipart

an expert who identifies experts influenced by Expert and Infulencer Sashikanth Chandrasekharan

Free Online
Awaken One With Awareness Mind
+ ioT (insight-net of Things)  - the art of Giving, taking and Living   to attain Eternal Bliss
as Final Goal through Electronic Visual Communication Course on
Political Science -Techno-Politico-Socio Transformation and Economic
Emancipation Movement (TPSTEEM).

Struggle hard to see that all fraud EVMs are replaced by paper ballots by

using Internet of things by creating Websites, blogs. Make the best use
of facebook, twitter etc., to propagate TPSTEEM thru

Insight Meditation in all postures of the body - Sitting, standing,
lying, walking, jogging, cycling, swimming, martial arts etc., for
health mind in a healthy body.


INSIGHT-NET-Hi Tech Radio Free Animation Clipart Online A1 (Awakened One) Tipiṭaka Research & Practice University
in Visual Format (FOA1TRPUVF)

free online university research practice

up a level through http://sarvajan.ambedkar.orgup a level


email-0565.gif from Download & Greeting Card

is the most Positive Energy of informative and research oriented site propagating the teachings of the Awakened One with Awareness the Buddha and on Techno-Politico-Socio Transformation and Economic Emancipation Movement followed by millions of people all over the world in 105 Classical languages.

Rendering exact translation as a lesson of this
University in one’s mother tongue to this Google Translation and
propagation entitles to become a Stream
Enterer (Sottapanna) and to attain Eternal Bliss as a Final Goal…/a-sketchbook-narrative-of…/

An engrossing sketchbook of the The Great Demonetisation saga. It
asks, what’s black mone, where it is hoarded, who will benefit by this
whole demonetisation exercise, what will be the consequences for the
common people. The sketchbook is in PDF…

New Delhi, Dec 12 (IANS) With the cash crunch continuing, ans does the
hardship of the common people, the popular support for Modi
demonetising high denomination notes is declining, a survey said on

Usually, Sunday evening is peak business time for local super markets.…

At the outset they said that demonetization would remove black money
and I too was taken in by that claim at first.…

Facebook doesn’t want graphic videos depicting death from oppression,
like police shootings, because it is “obscene” to some viewers.…
Gali Janardhan Reddy’s aide Bheema Naik arrested after driver leaves suicide note accusing him of money laundering…/bengaluru-hawa…/1/833217.html

Bengaluru: 7 arrested for converting old notes into new; Rs 93 lakh in
Rs 2,000 notes found Bengaluru Police today arrested seven people
including a hawala operator for converting black money into new Rs 2,000

Legion hackers: Who are they and how they are hacking Indian Twitter celebs…/2000-notes-new…/1/832722.html

Who decides the economy of our country, the Murderer of democratic
institutions (Modi) who gobbled the Master key by tampering the fraud
EVMs or the non entity RSS (Rakshasa Swayam Sevaks) of just 1%
intolerant, militant, shooting,, lunatic, mentally retarded, cannibal
psychopaths chitpawan brahmin who proclaim stealth, shadowy
discriminating hindutva cult rashtra ? How can someone who is not part
of the government declare what Modi is going to do next?…/a-sketchbook-narrative-of…/

An engrossing sketchbook of the The Great Demonetisation saga. It
asks, what’s black mone, where it is hoarded, who will benefit by this
whole demonetisation exercise, what will be the consequences for the
common people. The sketchbook is in PDF

The demonetisation saga
is a slow moving tsunami. It gathers momentum from rural Iside and is
going to engulf the whole of the country. Starvation and famine are the
most likely outcome. We’ve already seen farmers dumping tomato on the road. How are they supposed to live?

The Murderer of democratic institutions (Modi) too is aware of this
emerging scenario. It is guessed, that’s why Modi removed the import
duty on wheat. This classical shock doctrine playing out.
Agri-corporations are going to make a windfall. They may even push,
hotly resisted BT seeds into the country. Will it end famine?
Starvation? Unlikely. The imported wheat is most probably end up in
urban supermarket and be consumed by plastic card holding urban elite,
while the rest of the country is submerged in the tsunami of starvation.

Are the plastic card holding class safe? Vijaya Kumar Marla writes from
his own experience “Cashless Country: Inviting Disaster”. He writes how
bank networks malfunctioned, making plastic cards practically useless.

Yesterday, a talk to a ‘Techie’ friend who is well versed in the
functioning of the ‘e-wallets’ sprouting everywhere in the country and
promoted by the Modi himself. He said most of these e-wallets do not
practice the basic security principles needed to make these e-wallets
secure. He said most of them are vulnerable to hacker attacks, that to
pretty easily! So, much for the dream of ‘cashless Country’.

Check the engrossing “Sketchbook Narrative Of The Great Demonetisation Saga”

engrossing sketchbook of the The Great Indian Demonetisation saga. It
asks, what’s black mone, where it is hoarded, who will benefit by this

New Delhi, Dec 12 (IANS) With the cash crunch continuing, ans does the
hardship of the common people, the popular support for Modi
demonetising high denomination notes is declining, a survey said on

According to the survey conducted by citizen engagement platform LocalCircles in which 8,526 people participated.

Respondents rated the scheme as being poorly implemented.

The respondents believed the Modi should have planned better to avoid the inconvenience.

With reports of over Rs 12 lakh crore demonetised currency already been
deposited in banks and still over two weeks to go for the deadline,
many respondents also questioned the efficiency of the entire exercise.

Reports of seizure of large stashes of new currency across the country
and multiple cases of bank personnel found to be involved in such
collusion has also led to the decline in support of demonetisation, the
survey said.


Delhi, Dec 12 (IANS) With the cash crunch continuing, ans does the
hardship of the common people, the popular support for Narendra Modi
governments demonetising high denomination notes is declining, a survey
said on Monday. According to the survey conducted by citizen engagement
platform LocalCi……/cashless-india-inviting-d…/

Usually, Sunday evening is peak business time for local super markets.
On last Sunday, 11 December evening, many customers in super bazaars and
malls had come back empty handed as credit cards were not accepted –
the reason – bank servers were down and there is still Monday ahead,
which happens to be a bank holiday

Sunday evening is peak business time for local super markets. On last
Sunday, 11 December evening, many customers in super bazaars and malls
had come back empty handed as credit cards wer……

At the outset they said that demonetization would remove black money
and I too was taken in by that claim at first. Then the chaos started
with endless queues outside banks and ATMs and most of the people
returning empty handed after standing for hours in the queue. Then Modi
announced that the cash-shortage problem would be sorted out within 50
days.But yesterday there was a news item that we have run out of paper
for printing currency and this morning there is an article in the local
daily saying that we do not have the printing capacity to meet the
demand for currency arising out of demonetization. This means that the
cash shortage we face will not be over in the near future let alone in
the next 15 of the 50 days of patience and forbearance solicited by
Modi. In fact from the news it seems they are only beginning tender
procedures for buying paper for currency. The government is fully aware
of this and so they have begun shifting focus from demonetization and
black money to cashless economy which everyone knows is not very
feasible in a backward country like India. Now they are sure to come out
with some other ‘red herring’ or boogeyman or scapegoat to draw
peoples’ attention away from the failures of demonetization, black money
eradication and cashless economy which are all doomed to failure.

As I have reiterated, I do no not question Modi’s good intentions. But
in politics good intentions do not matter and it is success and success
alone that matters.

On the day of demonetization and for a few
days thereafter I was also euphoric that demonetization would spell the
end of black money in India for ever. But with each passing day I am
having my doubts and question which do not seem to have any satisfactory

Black money can be classified into yesterday, today and
tomorrow depending on the time of its generation. Black money has been
generated ever since Independence or even before and 99% of it has been
irrevocably converted into long-term or short-term assets which cannot
be recovered. We will call this black money yesterday’s black money and
demonetization is totally impotent against this irrevocable black

Then there is tomorrow’s black money, black money which
will be generated in the future. Again there is little that
demonetization can do against this future black money unless as Guru
Murthy has suggested yesterday that the 2000 rupee note will be also be
cancelled and unless such demonetization becomes a regular event in
India. But if future demonetizations are handled as shabbily as this one
there will be a bloody revolution in India.

Demonetization seems
to have brought out a good portion of the black money generated
recently which we will call today’s black money, black money which is
still stashed away as cash. But this black money in cash represents only
the tip of the iceberg. There is still not answer to how demonetization
can prevent the accruals of future black money.

A cashless
economy does not pose a solution. Even if all the country goes cashless
and every transaction is accounted for, the sheer number of transactions
in a cashless economy will make it impossible to monitor them unless
the income and other tax departments recruit 5-10 times as many
employees as now. But I wonder whether such huge recruitment are worth
the returns.
As far as I can see eradicating corruption or its
reasonable containment is the only way to minimize black money. But it
has to start at the top with the politicians in power. But few if any
minister has been brought to book in India till date. 3-4 years ago
Balakrishna Pillai a prominent politician in Kerala and a former
minister was put behind bars for corruption for a term of 7 years or so.
But within the year he was freed on the grounds that he was of poor
health. But this ‘poor health’ has not prevented him from entering
active politics within a day or two of being released from prison for
good. And as long as politicians remain immune to the laws of the
country, there will be black money and violence in India.

On 12 December 2016 at 20:13, ram puniyani <> wrote:

Demonization: Assault on the People

Ram Puniyani

The month old gamble of Mr. Modi (November 2016) has put the whole
country in an unprecedented chaos. The demonetization of 86.4% of the
circulating currency in the form of Rs 500 and 1000 rupee notes has put
into jeopardy the life of major sections of society. Nearly seventy
people have died in the queues to withdraw the money from Banks/ATMs.
The daily wage workers have to lose their daily earning to withdraw the
cash, many daily wage earners had to go back to their villages for lack
of work, the small trade has been damaged severely, farmers are neck
deep in trouble while probably those holding the ‘black money’ don’t
have to suffer such an ordeal. The 80% of estimated black money is
stashed in the overseas tax heavens; roughly 15% of such wealth is in
the form of real estate, gold and shares etc. Its only 5% of money which
is in the form of currency notes. It is for this 5% quantum that 86%
currency has been demonetized and millions of people, who barely make
their two ends meet, have been put to such a massive discomfort.

The impact of this is that the hard earned money of the peasants
and common people in the cooperative banks, agricultural credit
societies, housing societies and so on has been frozen in a single
stroke. The agricultural-rural economy is close to paralysis. The
massive loans of corporate houses have been labeled as ‘Bad loans’ and
have been waived off. All these expose that the true intention of this
assault is not eradication of black money, but to unleash a social
engineering for draining away the meager earnings of the common people
in to the coffers of corporate billionaires through the banking system.
This move has full backing of those who deal with black money or those
Corporate giants who stand to benefit as their loans are being waived

The response to this has been very diverse.
Most of those standing in long queues have expressed their opinions
though their life and sweat. While few among them have also praised the
effort by saying that in the long run it will be better for them. Most
of the opposition parties though disunited as usual have vehemently
criticized the move of the government. Prominent economists and
substantial section of media have scathingly criticized the move of the
government. The critics of the Modi policy, again as usual are being
labeled as anti Nationals. Baba Ramdev, the fellow traveler of Modi
politics used the word ‘Deshdrohi’ (anti national) and RSS groomed
Devendra Fadanvis, the Chief Minister of Maharashtra, used the word
Deshvirodhi (against the nation) for these critics. The large section of
followers of Modi mania, despite their discomforts are holding that it
is a good move. Their delusion is that in the long term the system will
be better and they will benefit. Modi launched an app to conduct the
survey to show that people’s opinion is with him, while few surveys are
showing growing resentment against this move.

It’s no mystery
as to why this must has been undertaken. Two major Gujarati papers had
carried the news of demonetization several months ago. Many are arguing
that it is to cripple the opposition parties in the forthcoming
elections in UP and Punjab in particular. The idea is to reduce the
campaigning capability of opposition parties. There are reports that BJP
has lots of real estate just prior to demonetization. The problem of
‘bad loans’ given to the corporate are being aimed to be solved through
the public funding for Corporate giants through the banks, through the
massive deposits which is the goal of this move.

Modi campaign for power in 2014 was built around the promise of Acche
Din and bringing the black money from overseas banks and then depositing
of 15 Lakhs in every body’s account. The social scenario has worsened
abysmally during last two years. The prices of commodities reached sky
high during this period. Tur dal has shot up from Rs. 60 to 150 per KG.
Despite the drastic fall in the prices of crude oil in international
market from 119 per barrel to 30 per barrel, the petrol price in India
has come down only from Rupees 67 to 60 or so only. Corporates like
Mallya have made merry by running away with huge debts. This along with
the non realization of boastful promises like rupee becoming stronger
viv a vis dollar are nowhere in sight. The agrarian crisis has been
worsening. With the demonitisation the production in unorganized sector
has come to a near halt. It seems Mr. Modi, taunted by opposition and
critics on his boastful promise, now wants to claim that so many efforts
are being done in this direction. As such the major area of non taxed
money remains untouched. There is a push towards cashless economy where
large number people seem to be unprepared for that.

last over two and a half years the so called fringe elements of RSS
combine, Modi’s ideological pond; has become bolder and has thrown up
non issues, identity related one’s in the public domain. These emotive
issues which took off from the Ram Temple-Babri Mosque dispute have been
joined in by issues related to Holy cow, beef, pseudo nationalism
Bharat Mata ki Jai, abolishing the autonomy of education institutions,
creating a growing atmosphere of intolerance leading to returning of
awards by eminent writers and social workers has come to the fore. The
deeper issues related to poverty alleviation, employment, malnutrition,
health and matters pertaining to agrarian crisis have been buried under
the weight of pseudo nationalism. This hyper nationalism has also
worsened the state of affairs in Kashmir and relations with neighbors;
with Pakistan and Nepal in particular.

seems to be a move which will benefit the corporate World and is
creating huge suffering for the average people. The propaganda, ‘this
will benefit us’ has been created with great amount of success. But can
this deceptive propaganda win over the reality for so long?

LikeShow More Reactions

Facebook doesn’t want graphic videos depicting death from oppression,
like police shootings, because it is “obscene” to some viewers. The
killings of our people, however, continue. Facebook’s policy: out of
sight, out of mind.

This is a policy created for those with the
power to kill, not for those who are being killed. And with
President-Elect Trump, who has hired a white supremacist as his chief
strategist, we must protect the truth revealing platforms for Black and
Brown people to fight for their lives.1,2

Sign now to tell
Facebook’s CEO Mark Zuckerberg: Don’t censor human rights documentation,
especially content that depicts police brutality.
Facebook Censor

Our communities have turned social media into a forum for activism.
When Larissa Martinez, a valedictorian in Texas, announced to the world
she was undocumented, social media helped counter the Trump
anti-immigrant narrative.3 When DREAMers posted their videos on social
media, people were inspired and saw the reality of undocumented
lives.4,5. These videos, voices, and depiction of our realities have
changed the world. A facade of peace means nothing, during the reality
of violence.

Sign the petition to tell Facebook’s CEO Mark
Zuckerberg: to stop protecting the powerful when they kill and harass
our communities.

Social media helped hashtags like #BlackLivesMatter and #Ferguson
to become worldwide social movements.6 Removing the videos, posts, and
accounts of our activists is devastating to movements for justice.

Facebook deactivated Korryn Gaines’ account while she livestreamed a
police shooting that included her 5-year-old son.7 Facebook suspended
live footage of the water protectors peacefully protesting the Dakota
Access Pipeline, while being harassed and physically harmed.8 Facebook
took down the “Napalm Girl” photo that depicted the brutality of the
Vietnam War.9 Facebook disabled Palestinian journalists’ accounts.10
Facebook shut down the account of Shaun King, a Black Lives Matter
activist, for posting a picture of racist messages he received.11 While
Facebook has often said these are mistakes or temporary deactivations,
we cannot forget that Facebook sent data to help police track and
surveil protesters in Ferguson, MO and Baltimore, MD.12

This sets
a dangerous precedent. Trump’s administration will no doubt increase
law enforcement’s requests of Facebook. Facebook needs to stand firm now
and be accountable to the public, including by clarifying its policies
on removing content at the request of government actors. Facebook cannot
be an arm of the police.

Sign the petition to tell Facebook’s
CEO Mark Zuckerberg: Before Trump comes into office, address public
concerns about Facebook complying with law enforcement to censor human
rights documentation.

Facebook has come under fire lately for NOT
censoring fake political news, which help build stereotypical and
fear-based narratives of Black and Brown people.13 Real news, on the
other hand, revealing human rights abuses, is actively being attacked by

Now more than ever, we need all the tools we can to
protect the voices fighting hardest for justice, particularly voices of
Black and Brown people.

Sign the petition to tell Facebook’s CEO
Mark Zuckerberg: to stop acting as an arm of the police, especially
under the new administration and to support the very communities that
made Facebook important.

Thank you for all you do and ¡adelante!

– Matt, Favianna, Oscar, Erick, Reetu, Erica and the team.…
Gali Janardhan Reddy’s aide Bheema Naik arrested after driver leaves suicide note accusing him of money laundering
[Devyani Sultania]
Devyani Sultania11 December 2016
Gali Janardhan Reddy’s aide Bheema Naik arrested after driver leaves suicide note accusing him of money laundering
Naik, who has also been accused of abetment to suicide, was arrested along with his current driver Gulbarga on Sunday morning.

The Mandya District Police on Sunday arrested Karnataka mining baron
and former minister Gali Janardhana Reddy’s aide and Karnataka
Administrative Service officer Bheema Naik for alleged money laundering.
Naik’s driver had left a suicide note accusing him of having helped
Reddy launder money to be used in the mining baron’s daughter’s wedding.

Naik, who has also been accused of abetment to suicide, was arrested
along with his current driver, Gulbarga, on Sunday morning. K C Ramesh
Gowda, the KAS officer’s former driver, had killed himself on Tuesday
after leaving a suicide note where he alleged that his life was in
danger because he knew about Naik helping Reddy to launder money for his
daughter’s wedding.

The suicide note also mentioned that Naik
helped Reddy convert Rs 100 crore into new notes and also kept a 20
percent commission on them.

Reddy was a minister in the
BJP-government led by BS Yeddyurappa before he was removed in 2011
following corruption charges. His daughter’s wedding, which was attended
by 50,000 guests including politicians across parties, had made
international headlines for the enormous amount of money (Rs. 30 crore
to Rs. 50,000 crore) spent on it at a time when Prime Minister Narendra
Modi had announced his decision to demonetise currency notes of Rs 500
and Rs 1,000 in an attempt to curb the black money menace.

issue was also raised by the Opposition parties in Parliament as to how
Reddy was being able to legally clear all payments of the wedding when
the entire country was dealing with the massive cash crunch caused due
to PM Modi’s move to demonetise high-value currency notes.…/bengaluru-hawa…/1/833217.html

Bengaluru: 7 arrested for converting old notes into new; Rs 93 lakh in
Rs 2,000 notes found Bengaluru Police today arrested seven people
including a hawala operator for converting black money into new Rs 2,000

Seven people, including a hawala operator, were arrested
in Bengaluru today as part of a racket that converted black money in
banned Rs 500 and Rs 1000 notes into the new Rs 2000 currency notes.

Rs 93 lakh in new currency was found with the middlemen after multiple government agencies raided them.

One of the arrested has been identified as KV Virendra, who is
believed to be running a casino in Goa. He was produced before a special
court in Bengaluru which has sent him to six days of CBI custody for

The CBI has also registered cases against the
officials of four Karnataka banks - State Bank of India, State Bank of
Mysore, ICICI Bank and Kotak Mahindra Bank - on charges of converting
old notes with Rs 2000 notes.

The CBI sources said that during
preliminary probe, the names of several persons have been taken by
Veerendra and it is trying to gather material evidence linking the
alleged hawala operator with them.

The seven accused are reported to be charging 15 to 35 per cent commission for their work from black money hoarders.

Also read:

Demonetisation the biggest scam of 2016: Former Finance Minister P Chidambaram

Black money crackdown: Rs 60 crore cash, 245 kg gold seized from 10 airports since demonetisation

Tamil Nadu: New notes worth Rs 24 crore seized in Vellore, total recovery rises to Rs 166 crore…/legion-hackers…/1/832700.html

Legion hackers: Who are they and how they are hacking Indian Twitter celebs

After a couple of high-profile hacks, which even saw Rahul Gandhi
losing access to his Twitter account and emails of many prominent people
including journalist Barkha Dutt dumped out in the open, everyone is
asking who is Legion. The hackers — or is it just a lone wolf — who
have hacked Rahul Gandhi, Barkha Dutt, Vijay Mallya and now are going
after Lalit Modi, claim that their group is called Legion. They have
become active on Twitter and are supposedly threatening everyone in
India who they believe is corrupt.

“Okay Brothers we’re back. #legion.
Support our cause to expose the rats in our system,” the Legion
recently tweeted. The “group” also exhorts that people should expose the
corrupt persons by leaking their details to Legion through an email id.
The mail is hosted on SIGAINT, a fairly secure email service available
to public.

So who exactly are the guys — or girls — behind
Legion and how they are hacking into the accounts of prominent people in
India? The answer to first question is that we don’t know. And it is
fairly certain that anyone, other than probably a handful of people,
really know at the moment. As for how they are doing it, the answer is
again we don’t know for sure. Though there is a pattern.
Who are Legion?

As we said earlier, we don’t know. But we are fairly certain who they
are not. These are not the engineering students who hack the Pakistani
government websites. These guys are also not the Indian white hackers
aka bug-bounty hunters who often find exploits and bugs in services like
Facebook and Google and are then rewarded for their work. The Legion is
most likely made up of genuine hackers who do this stuff for their
living in some way or other. So they seem a bit more knowledgeable than
your average computer engineering student.

Delhi Police, which is
probing the Rahul Gandhi hack, claims that according to Twitter his
account was accessed from five countries: United States, Sweden, Canada,
Thailand and Romania. Some have theorised that this means the Legion
hackers are based in five countries. It is possible but extremely
unlikely. The IP addresses came from several places because that is how
Tor browser or proxy sites work, by bouncing the traffic through various
servers to obfuscate its origin. This is fairly common, especially
among the nerd types, to hide their internet traffic through Tor.

So far Legion is not talking about who they are. But the way they are
hacking, and the way they are talking on Twitter, these are savvy
hackers. They won’t be in the league of what some state agencies employ
– think the TAO inside US spy agency NSA — but they seem as good as
the eastern European hackers who often attack companies, steal data and
then seek ransom. It’s just that in this case, these guys seem to be
dumping the data out in public.

Update: The Legion, or what we
believe is Legion, responded to India Today Tech queries and said that
it doesn’t have any Twitter account, which seems rather strange because
these guys are dumping hacked data through @legion_group.

Also read: Twitter hacks: How people and organisations usually get hacked?
How are they doing it

Once again, it is tough to say. But it does seem that for now the
Legion has got lucky. So far it has hacked the Twitter handles
associated with the Indian National Congress, NDTV and that of Vijay
Mallya. In all three hacks the common factor seem to the servers managed
by Net4 India. Although Net4 India has denied any hack in its systems
and so has the NDTV. But the way it seems so far, it is clear that
Legion did not gain direct access to Twitter accounts by attacking
Twitter servers. Raheel Khursheed, who looks after policy for Twitter
India, has categorically said that Twitter didn’t detect any hacking
attempt for the accounts compromised by Legion. “The Twitter accounts
are legitimately logged into after gaining credentials via email,” he

In other words, when Legion got into the accounts of Rahul
Gandhi and others, it had genuine passwords. How it got those passwords
is the mystery that is explained by the fact that Legion compromised the
mail servers of its intended victims.

Also read: Men behind big Twitter hacks speak out, says Apollo Hospitals could be next

The problem with these small web hosts, and the Net4 India is surely a
small host when considered to the biggies, in India is that the web
security is hardly a priority.

In fact, the overall state of web
security in India is quite shoddy. It is so poor that government
websites are routinely hacked by engineering kids from Pakistan. And the
same is true for many organisations, which have seen their networks
hacked by hackers in the last couple of years. Many had to pay ransom to
take the control back.

The Legion, even as it exploits the
vulnerabilities in web and email hosts, is also possibly hiding its
tracks well. It is definitely using TOR and proxies to mask its
identities and is possibly even using somewhat more advanced techniques
like IP spoofing etc to ensure that its tracks are well hidden.

But at the same time, it also needs to be said that for now the group
hasn’t hacked any entity that is not associated in some ways with Net4
India. Although, this may change in future because frankly speaking
Indian IT infrastructure is quite shoddy when it comes to cyber

Also read: Twitter security for dummies: How to keep your account safe
What’s up with the name Legion

This is something that “Legion” has hijacked. The term, although
buzzing right now on India’s web, is quite common among the hacker
types. In the 1980s and 1990s, there was a fairly active and well known
hacker group called Legion of Doom. By the late 1990s the group withered
away. But the word Legion remained in the popular culture, especially
at the web communities frequented by nerds and l33t hackers.

term again entered the popular culture a few years ago when the
Anonymous group became active and hacked a number of organisations and
people. The term became so popular that it was the title — We Are
Legion: The Story of the Hacktivists — of a documentary made in 2012
about Anonymous.

The “Legion” has clearly borrowed the word from
Anonymous. Although, it seems possible that unlike Anonymous which went
after the “capitalists and fascists” and claimed to uphold the
“justice”, the Legion is more into a bit of, as hackers say, lulz. It
looks more like LulzSec, the hackers who created some serious mayhem,
all in the name of fun, rather than Anonymous.

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Who decides the economy of our country, the Murderer of democratic
institutions (Modi) who gobbled the Master key by tampering the fraud
EVMs or the non entity RSS (Rakshasa Swayam Sevaks) of just 1%
intolerant, militant, shooting,, lunatic, mentally retarded, cannibal
psychopaths chitpawan brahmin who proclaim stealth, shadowy
discriminating hindutva cult rashtra ? How can someone who is not part
of the government declare what Modi is going to do next?

RSS is of the chitpawan brahmins
by the chitpawan brahmins
And for the chitpawan brahmins

who keep poking their dirty nose in others dish.

They do not have any respect for our modern constitution which is enshrines Democracy, Equality, Liberty and Fraternity.

They believe in brahmins as 2st rate athmas (souls), kshatrias as 2nd
rate, vysias as 3rd rate, shudras as 4th rate souls ans the aborignal
panchamas (SC/STs) as having no souls, so that they could commit any
crime on them. But the Buddha never believed in any soul. He said all
are equal.

RSS is behind this demonetization of Modi.

Chitpavan or Chitpawan, part of the Konkanastha Brahmins (i.e. “Brahmins
native to the Konkan”), are a Brahmin community of Konkan, the coastal
region of western India.

The community is Hindu. Until the 18th
century, however, the Chitpavans were not esteemed in social ranking,
and were indeed considered by other older Brahmin castes as being an
inferior caste of Brahmins.

The community remains concentrated in
Maharashtra but also has populations all over the country and the rest
of the world including the USA and UK which does not cross 1% of our
total population.

The Konkan region has witnessed the immigration
of various groups, such as the Bene Israeli, Parsis and Kudaldeshkars.
Each of these settled in distinct parts of the region and there was
little mingling between them. The Chitpavans were apparently the last
major community to arrive there and consequently the area in which they
settled, around Ratnagiri, was both the least fertile and that with a
relative scarcity of good ports for trading. While the other groups
generally took up trade as their primary occupation, the Chitpavans
became known as administrators

The Chitpavan kin were rewarded
with tax relief and grants of land. Historians cite nepotism and
corruption as causes of the fall of the Maratha Empire in 1818. Richard
Maxwell Eaton states that this rise of the Chitpavans is a classic
example of social rank rising with political fortune.The alleged haughty
behavior by the upstart Chitpavans caused conflicts with other
communities which manifested itself as late as in 1948 in the form of
anti-Brahminism after the killing of Mahatma Gandhi by Nathuram Godse, a

After the fall of the Maratha Empire in 1818, the
Chitpavans lost their political dominance to the British. The British
would not subsidize the Chitpavans on the same scale that their
caste-fellow, the Peshwas had done in the past. Pay and power was now
significantly reduced. Poorer Chitpavan students adapted and started
learning English because of better opportunities in the British

Some of the prominent figures in the Hindu
reform movements of the 19th and 20th centuries came from the Chitpavan
Brahmin community. These included Dhondo Keshav Karve, Justice Mahadev
Govind Ranade, Vinayak Damodar Savarkar, Gopal Ganesh Agarkar, Vinoba
Bhave, and Gopal Krishna Gokhale. These reforms preached against the
Hindu caste system establishment. Yet, some of the strongest resistance
to change also came from the very same community. Jealously guarding
their Brahmin stature, the orthodox among the Chitpavans were not eager
to see the Shastras challenged, nor the conduct of the Brahmins becoming
indistinguishable from that of the Sudras. The vanguard and the old
guard clashed many times. Ranade and other reformers were forced to
offer penance for breaking purity rules. D. K. Karve was ostracised.
Even Tilak made a visit to Varanasi so that he may not be
excommunicated.[citation needed]

The Chitpavan community includes
two major politicians in the Gandhian tradition: Gopal Krishna Gokhale
whom Gandhi acknowledged as a preceptor, and Vinoba Bhave, one of his
outstanding disciples. Gandhi describes Bhave as the Jewel of his
disciples, and recognized Gokhale as his political guru. However, strong
opposition to Gandhi also came from within the Chitpavan community. V D
Savarkar, the founder of the Hindu nationalist political ideology
Hindutva, was a Chitpavan Brahmin. Several members of the Chitpavan
community were among the first to embrace the Hindutva ideology, which
they thought was a logical extension of the legacy of the Peshwas and
caste-fellow Tilak.These Chitpavans felt out of place with the Indian
social reform movement of Mahatama Phule and the mass politics of
Mahatama Gandhi. Large numbers of the community looked to Savarkar, the
Hindu Mahasabha and finally the RSS. Gandhi’s assassins Narayan Apte and
Nathuram Godse, drew their inspiration from fringe groups in this
reactionary trend.…/rss-indias-no-1-terror-group-f…/

RSS is India’s No 1 terror group: Former Mumbai police officer

Kolkata: Claiming that RSS activists have been indicted in at least 13
terror cases across India, former Maharashtra inspector general of
police SM Mushrif on Thursday described the Hindutva outfit as India’s
No 1 terrorist organisation.

Home / News / India / RSS is India’s No 1 terror group: Former Mumbai police officer
RSS is India’s No 1 terror group: Former Mumbai police officer

November 26, 2015 4 Comments

Kolkata: Claiming that RSS activists have been indicted in at least 13
terror cases across India, former Maharashtra inspector general of
police SM Mushrif on Thursday described the Hindutva outfit as India’s
No 1 terrorist organisation.

“RSS activists have been
charge-sheeted in at least 13 cases of terror acts in which RDX has been
used. If organisations like Bajrang Dal are taken into the account,
then the number of such cases goes up to 17,” Mushrif said at an event

“The RSS is India’s number one terrorist organisation,
there is no doubt on this,” said Mushrif, referring to the 2007 Mecca
Masjid bombing in Hyderabad, the 2006 and 2008 Malegaon blasts in
Maharashtra and the 2007 Samjhauta Express bombings among others.

Mushrif, however, asserted that “saffron terror” had no bearing on which party was in power.

“The RSS as a terror organisation has nothing to do with political
power. It is immaterial which party is in power. It is the system that
is working, it’s the Brahminical system. And when I say Brahminical, it
doesn’t mean the Brahmin, it’s the mentality, the attitude to dominate
and oppress,” he said.…/ban-rss-india%e2%80%99s-no-…/ar-BBpRRAN

Ban RSS, India’s no 1 terror organisation: Former Maharashtra cop…/

America enlisted RSS in one of the Biggest Terrorist Organisation in the World

A US-based risk management and consulting company has put the Rashtriya
Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) in its category of ‘Threat Group’ and called it
“a shadowy, discriminatory group that seeks to establish a Hindu
Rashtra, a Hindu Nation.”

Terrorism Watch & Warning provides
intelligence, research, analysis, watch and warning on international
terrorism and domestic terrorism related issues; and is operated by OODA
Group LLC that helps clients identify, manage, and respond to global
risks and uncertainties while exploring emerging opportunities and
developing robust and adaptive strategies for the future

ideologue S Gurumurthy, who closely consulted the Modi government on
demonetisation, said that the new Rs 2000 notes will be phased out
within the next…

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