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2094 Sat 31 Dec 2016 LESSONS from Rector JCMesh J Alphabets Letter Animation ClipartMesh C Alphabets Letter Animation Clipart an expert who identifies experts influenced by Expert and Infulencer Sashikanth Chandrasekharan of Free Online Buddhism - World Religions for Kids One With Awareness Mind (A1wAM)+ ioT (insight-net of Things) - the art of Giving, taking and Living to attain Eternal Bliss as Final Goal through Electronic Visual Communication Course on Political Science -Techno-Politico-Socio Transformation and Economic Emancipation Movement (TPSTEEM). Struggle hard to see that all fraud EVMs are replaced by paper ballots by Start using Internet of things by creating Websites, blogs. Make the best use of facebook, twitter etc., to propagate TPSTEEM thru FOA1TRPUVF. Practice Insight Meditation in all postures of the body - Sitting, standing, lying, walking, jogging, cycling, swimming, martial arts etc., for health mind in a healthy body. from INSIGHT-NET-Hi Tech Radio Free Animation Clipart Online A1 (Awakened One) Tipiṭaka Research & Practice University in Visual Format (FOA1TRPUVF) free online university research practice up a level through http://sarvajan.ambedkar.orgup a level https://awakenmediaprabandhak. email-0565.gif from Download & Greeting Card is the most Positive Energy of informative and research oriented site propagating the teachings of the Awakened One with Awareness the Buddha and on Techno-Politico-Socio Transformation and Economic Emancipation Movement followed by millions of people all over the world in 105 Classical languages. Rendering exact translation as a lesson of this University in one’s mother tongue to this Google Translation and propagation entitles to become a Stream Enterer (Sottapanna) and to attain Eternal Bliss as a Final Goal BSP is the Number One Largest Party in the Country with all societies (sarvajan Samaj ) supporting it for Sarvajan Hitay sarvajan Sukhay.…/…/india-singapore-tax-treaty-amend… Murderer of democratic institutions (Modi) (Mad)i)) launches ‘Bheem App’ in digital push.…/why-hope-in-up-based-on-only-da…/ Why hope in Uttar Pradesh based on only SC/STs, Muslims of sarvajan samaj including Upper castes is Maya…/serious-discontent-…/89124/ Serious discontent emerges among BJP and RSS leaders over note ban impact on assembly polls Uttar Pradesh: begins rallies in all 75 districts Mayawati will come to power in UP Mayawati is already leading..because of Sarvajan Hitay Sarvajan Sukhaya, is she planning to win all the 400 seats..not to leave any seats for Murderer of democratic institutions ((Modi).
Filed under: General
Posted by: site admin @ 1:14 am

2094 Sat 31 Dec 2016



JCMesh J Alphabets Letter Animation ClipartMesh C Alphabets Letter Animation Clipart

an expert who identifies experts influenced by Expert and Infulencer Sashikanth Chandrasekharan

Free Online
Buddhism - World

Religions for Kids
Awaken One With Awareness Mind
+ ioT (insight-net of Things)  - the art of Giving, taking and Living   to attain Eternal Bliss
as Final Goal through Electronic Visual Communication Course on
Political Science -Techno-Politico-Socio Transformation and Economic
Emancipation Movement (TPSTEEM).

Struggle hard to see that all fraud EVMs are replaced by paper ballots by

using Internet of things by creating Websites, blogs. Make the best use
of facebook, twitter etc., to propagate TPSTEEM thru

Insight Meditation in all postures of the body - Sitting, standing,
lying, walking, jogging, cycling, swimming, martial arts etc., for
health mind in a healthy body.


INSIGHT-NET-Hi Tech Radio Free Animation Clipart Online A1 (Awakened One) Tipiṭaka Research & Practice University
in Visual Format (FOA1TRPUVF)

free online university research practice

up a level through http://sarvajan.ambedkar.orgup a level


email-0565.gif from Download & Greeting Card

is the most Positive Energy of informative and research oriented site propagating the teachings of the Awakened One with Awareness the Buddha and on Techno-Politico-Socio Transformation and Economic Emancipation Movement followed by millions of people all over the world in 105 Classical languages.

Rendering exact translation as a lesson of this
University in one’s mother tongue to this Google Translation and
propagation entitles to become a Stream
Enterer (Sottapanna) and

to attain Eternal Bliss as a Final Goal

is the Number One Largest Party in the Country with all societies
(sarvajan Samaj ) supporting it for Sarvaj
an Hitay sarvajan Sukhay.…/…/india-singapore-tax-treaty-amend…

Murderer of democratic institutions (Modi) (Mad)i)) launches ‘Bheem App’ in digital push.…/why-hope-in-up-based-on-only-da…/

Why hope in Uttar Pradesh based on only SC/STs, Muslims of sarvajan samaj including Upper castes is Maya…/serious-discontent-…/89124/

Serious discontent emerges among BJP and RSS leaders over note ban impact on assembly polls

Uttar Pradesh: begins rallies in all 75 districts

Mayawati will come to power in UP

Mayawati is already leading..because of Sarvajan Hitay Sarvajan
Sukhaya, is she planning to win all the 400 seats..not to leave any
seats for Murderer of democratic institutions ((Modi).…/why-hope-in-up-based-on-only-da…/

Why hope in Uttar Pradesh based on only SC/STs, Muslims of sarvajan samaj including Upper castes is Maya

Results of past elections show that not only has Mayawati’s SC/STs
Muslims of sarvajan samaj including Upper castes votes increased , she
has found the going is not difficult with support from other upper

You will see that BSP will win 400 plus seats.

As electoral combinations are discussed ahead of Assembly elections in
UP, it is allways believed that a solid SC/ST base and Muslim and poor
Upper castes support — adding up to 99% of the vote — can put the BSP
in the driver’s seat. It is assumed that Muslims, upset after a series
of communal incidents, would move away from the ruling SP. Results of
past elections, however, show that not only has Mayawati’s SC/ST vote
increased , she has not found the going difficult with upper castes.

Rajya Sabha MP Satish Chandra Misra, and the Upadhyay family of
Aligarh, led by Maya’s former minister Ramveer, have held important
positions in the party for around 2 decades. Entire Sarvajan samaj feel
that if Mayawati becomes the PM the whole country will be peaceful as
she will distribute the wealth of the country equally among all sections
of the society as enshrined in our constitutions with then policy of
Sarvajan Hitay Sarvajan Sukhaya.

The BSP’s 2007 victory — with
over 30% votes — was largely because Maya put Misra in front and fielded
a large number of Brahmins, who suddenly allowed the BSP to speak for
“sarvajan” and “social engineering”. However, in 2014, even as Maya gave
21 out of 80 tickets to Brahmins — the most to any caste — not one
could win.

That was because the fraud EVMs were tampered to
gobble the Master key by the Murderer of democratic institutions (Modi)
with the support of PRESSTITUTE media as suggested by BJP but yet
support them for the sake of money. The media is is only with the
urbanites and not with the masses like internet, facebook and WhatsApps
where every intellectuals and the common man became journalists and
scribes. Once Napolean said that he can face two battalions but not two
scribes. The nettizens are those scribes mentioned by Napolean and not
the money greed PRESSTITUTES.
From JAN 1st they will be fully supporting Modi or Mad(i).

of past elections show that not only has Mayawati’s Dalit vote shrunk,
she has found the going difficult without support from other — read
upper — castes.…/…/india-singapore-tax-treaty-amend…

Murderer of democratic institutions (Modi) (Mad)i)) launches ‘Bheem App’ in digital push.
Entire Sarvajan Samaj i.e., OBCs/Religious Minorities/Upper castes in
general and the SC/STs in particular oppose naming an app as Bheem App
to popularise his failed idea which killed innocent citizens in his
QUEUE INDIA MOVEMENT to withdraw their own money . To hush up his grave
sins the madi has taken refuge under the name of Babasaheb. He cannot
fool the world as they are aware of his cunning and crooked ideas. He
has no right to use the name of the Chief Archetect of our Modern
Constitution Dr BR Ambedkar for a lucky dip. Sarvajan Samaj condemns his
unconstitutional act as he is selected by the tampering of the fraud
The ex CJI had committed a grave error by ordering that the
EVMs could be replaced in a phased manner as suggested by the ex CEC
Sampath because of the cost of Rs 1600 crores invloved in replacing the
entire EVMs. Only 8 out of 543 seats in 2014 Lok Sabha elections were
replaced that helped madi gobble the Master Key.
The present CEC
said that only in 2019 entire EVMs will be repalced. But none of them
ordered for using the paper ballots until entire EVMs were replaced.

Ms Mayawati’s BSP lost in Lok Sabha because of these fraud EVMs while it won with a thumping majorityt with paper ballots.

Hence it is the duty of Sarvajan Samaj, the nes CJI, CEC to see that
the Central and State governments selected by these fraud EVMs be
dissolved and go for fresh polls with paper ballots.

Modi’s currency ban

1. The most wanted man in the whole country right now!

loose change currency ban Translation: My name is Bulla and I keep loose change.

getting change currency ban Translation: I have come to get change for my Rs 1000 notes.

4. Winter is here and no firewood? Might as well burn all the useless money.

money firewood currency ban

5. And finally, It’s not about the money…

money burning currency ban

Pics Photos - Narendra Modi Cartoons…/serious-discontent-…/89124/

Serious discontent emerges among BJP and RSS leaders over note ban impact on assembly polls

The shock note ban announcement by the Murderer of democratic
institutions( Modi )has left everyone in his party incredibly worried
about its potential adverse impact on their electoral fortunes in
poll-bound states next year.

agency Reuters, which claimed to have interviewed the saffron party’s
lawmakers and a senior functionary of the BJP’s ideological parent, the
RSS, said that there was a considerable disquiet among the party cadres
on demonetisation.

“There is no doubt that it is difficult to
convince voters that everything will be fine,” Santosh Gangwar, who is
leading the BJP campaign in Uttar Pradesh, was quoted by the news

Gangwar added, “Every candidate who will be contesting
polls is nervous because they feel people may not vote for the BJP …
There is tension and we cannot deny it,” he said.

Such is the
worry among the BJP’s senior functionaries that 71 MPs from Uttar
Pradesh reportedly met the BJP President Amit Shah as well as visited
Arun Jaitly to seek solutions for the cash crunch.

An RSS leader
said that they had advised Modi days before the move to take time to
prepare the ground for such a massive exercise, including setting up two
new mints and expanding the banking network, and to roll it out in

But, the RSS leader, Modi decided to press ahead, and he alone would bear responsibility for its failure or success.

Jagdambika Pal, a BJP lawmaker from Uttar Pradesh who attended the
meeting, told Reuters, “The situation is grim, and we cannot ignore it.
It is a challenge for every BJP lawmaker to manage the situation, but we
cannot do anything if there is no money in the banks.”

Modi ne kaha tha jaise matadan samay me EVM ke charcha hota.. said Ananthkumar.

That is during election time people discus about EVMs that they could
be tampered in favour of BJP as it was done during the 2014 Lok Sabha

The ex CJI had committed a grave error of judgement by
ordering that the EVMs would be replaced in a phased manner as
suggested by the ex CEC Sampath because of the cost of Rs 1600 crores
involved in entire replacement of the fraud EVMs.

The present CEC
said that the entire EVMs would be replaced in 2019 and none of them
ordered for using paper ballots till the entire EVMs were replaced.

Therefore all democracy loving people CJI, CEC and even the
discontented BJP, RSS must seeto it that the Central and State
governments selected by these fraud EVMs were dissolved and go for fresh
polls with paper ballots as followed by 80 democracies of the world to
save equality, liberty and fraternity as enshrined in our modern

note ban announcement by PM Modi has left many in his party incredibly
worried about its potential adverse impact on their electoral fortunes|By JKR Staff

Uttar Pradesh: begins rallies in all 75 districts

Mayawati will come to power in UP

Mayawati is already leading..because of Sarvajan Hitay Sarvajan
Sukhaya, is she planning to win all the 400 seats..not to leave any
seats for Murderer of democratic institutions ((Modi).

Whenever the just 1% intolerant, violent, militant, shooting, lynching
lunatic. mentally retarded chitpawan brahmin RSS (Rakshasa Swayam
Sevaks) guided BJP (Bahut Jiyadha Psychopaths ) start finding fault with
BSP it means that BSP in on the right path as said by Dr BR Ambedkar.

The plan of RSS to make this country as a stealth, shadowy
discriminating hinutva cult rashtra is snubbed by the 99% Sarvajan

The party’s public meeting in Lucknow district on Saturday
will be presided over by former state president Dayaram Pal, who hails
from the backward Gadariya caste.

Pal confirmed that he will
preside over the meeting where BSP general secretary Naseemuddin
Siddiqui will be the chief guest. The party will hold similar programmes
across the state in the coming few days.Among the prominent OBC leaders
who will be part of these rallies are former speaker Sukhdeo Rajbhar,
BSP state president Ram Achal Rajbhar, former minister Lalji Verma,
former MP RK Singh Patel, and former MLC Pratap Singh Baghel.

Party sources said that the SP was “losing its grip” on backward castes,
especially non-Yadav castes, more so because of the widening rift
between Chief Minister Akhilesh Yadav and party state president Shivpal
Yadav, BSP has been in a position to take these sections into its fold.

On the death anniversary of BR Ambedkar on December 6, Mayawati had
successfully persuaded the OBCs to not support BJP, alleging that the
party wants to re-establish the stealth, shadowy, discriminating
hindutva caste system in which both Aboriginal inhabitants Backward
Castes and SC/STs were treated as shudras and adi shudras and by upper

party’s public meeting in Lucknow district on Saturday will be presided
over by former state president Dayaram Pal, who hails from the backward
Gadariya caste.

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