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2215 Tue 02 May 2017 LESSON Online International E- Campaign -Seminar, Symposium and Debate on the following is the need of the hour: Please join with your views to be published in Emails: Also publish your views in facebook, WhatsApp and Tweet, E-file in Supreme Courts of all Democracies, UNO, International Human Rights Commission. Do not rest till all the fraud EVMs are banned and all governments selected by these EVMs are dissolved and go for fresh polls with Ballot Papers. Do not recognise any leader selected by these fraud EVMs. See that the Murderer of democratic institutions (Modi) who is the enemy of Universal Adult Franchise for tampering, distorting and rigging the EVMs to win elections is punished with punitive punishment such as the entire budget of our country to leaders such as Ms Mayawati the leader of the 99% sarvajan samaj i.e., all societies to enable to distribute the wealth of the country equally among them. Minimum of Rs 15 Lakhs in all their bank accounts. The CEC and the presstitute must be equally punished for murdering democracy in favour of just 1% intolerant, violent, militant, lunatic, mentally retarded No.1 terrorist cannibal chitpawan brahmin psychopaths Rakshasa Swayam Sevaks (RSS) for their stealth, shadowy, discriminatory hindutva cult and for practicing untouchabilty against Scheduled Caste leader Ms Mayawati preventing her to acquire the Master Key by tampering the EVMs. They must be booked under Atrocities Act. The CJI, CEC,and the media must have juries representing SC/STs/OBCs and Minorities for real justice. Point No. 12) This kind of harassment order against my sanity is an additional insult to an innocent Scheduled Caste Judge who is of sound health and mind,” Justice Karnan said shortly after the apex court pronounced the order. This is akin to the insult and harassment meted out to Ms Mayawati an innocent Scheduled Caste against her sanity by BJP leaders such as Venkaiah Naidu and others when she said that the EVMs to be banned as the democracy was murdered and dissolve the Central and State Governments selected by these fraud EVMs and go for fresh elections with Ballot Papers. issue an “order” for registration of a case under appropriate sections of the Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribe (Prevention of Atrocities) Act, 1989. Murderer of democratic institutions (Modi)and all the BJP leaders who who talked against the sanity of Ms Mayawati to undergo psychiatry test immediately… Will not undergo medical examination: Justice Karnan
Filed under: General
Posted by: site admin @ 8:27 am

2215 Tue 02 May 2017 LESSON

Online International  E- Campaign -Seminar, Symposium and Debate on the following is the need of the hour:

Please join with your views to be published in


publish your views in facebook, WhatsApp and Tweet, E-file in Supreme
Courts of all Democracies, UNO, International Human Rights Commission.

Do not rest
till all the fraud EVMs are banned and all governments selected by
these EVMs are dissolved and go for fresh polls with Ballot Papers.

Do not recognise any leader selected by these fraud EVMs.

See that
the Murderer of democratic institutions (Modi) who is the enemy of
Universal Adult Franchise for tampering, distorting and rigging the EVMs
to win elections  is punished with punitive punishment such as the
entire budget of our country to leaders such as Ms Mayawati the leader
of the 99% sarvajan samaj i.e.,  all societies to enable to distribute
the wealth of the country equally among them. Minimum of Rs 15 Lakhs in all their bank accounts.

The CEC and
the presstitute must be equally punished for murdering democracy in
favour of just 1% intolerant, violent, militant, lunatic, mentally
retarded No.1 terrorist cannibal chitpawan brahmin psychopaths Rakshasa
Swayam Sevaks (RSS) for their stealth, shadowy, discriminatory hindutva
cult and for practicing untouchabilty against Scheduled Caste leader Ms
Mayawati preventing her to acquire the Master Key by tampering the EVMs.
All along they were finding fault with SC/STs/OBCs/Minorities telling the world that they are not clean, no merit, not good performers and so on thinking that they are the only clean, meritoriousperformers and intellegent people on this earth.Actually they are cunning crooks. Now they started suspecting the sanity of SC/STs and other 99% sarvajan samaj.They must be booked under Atrocities Act.

The CJI, CEC,and the media must have juries representing SC/STs/OBCs and Minorities for real justice.


No. 12)

This kind of harassment order against my sanity is an additional insult
to an innocent Scheduled Caste Judge who is of sound health and mind,” Justice
Karnan said shortly after the apex court pronounced the order.

This is akin to the insult and harassment meted out to Ms Mayawati an innocent Scheduled Caste against her sanity by
BJP leaders such as Venkaiah Naidu and others when she said that the
EVMs to be banned as the democracy was murdered and dissolve the Central
and State Governments selected by these fraud EVMs and go for fresh
elections with Ballot Papers.

issue an “order” for registration of a case under appropriate
sections of the Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribe (Prevention of
Atrocities) Act, 1989.

of democratic institutions (Modi)and all the BJP leaders who who talked
against the sanity of Ms Mayawati to undergo psychiatry test

Will not undergo medical examination: Justice Karnan

PTI | Updated: May 1, 2017, 07.24 PM IST


  • Justice CS Karnan said he will not undergo a medical examination
  • He also threatened to “pass suo motu suspension order against the Director-General of Police (DGP) of West Bengal

KOLKATA: Adopting a belligerent approach, Justice CS Karnan of Calcutta High Court on Monday said he will not undergo a medical examination as ordered by the Supreme Court in connection with a contempt case against him.

Justice Karnan, who has been restrained by the apex court from
exercising his judicial and administrative powers, also threatened to
“pass suo motu suspension order against the Director-General of Police
(DGP) of West Bengal, if the DGP functions against my wish.”

The Supreme Court earlier in the day ordered medical examination of
Justice Karnan on May 4 by a board of doctors, to be set up by a
government hospital in Kolkata.

A seven-judge bench headed by Chief Justice JS Khehar also directed
the West Bengal DGP to form a team of police officers which could assist
the medical board in carrying out the medical examination on Justice

This kind of harassment order against my sanity is an additional insult
to an innocent Scheduled Caste Judge who is of sound health and mind,” Justice
Karnan said shortly after the apex court pronounced the order.

“I further direct the Director General of Police, New Delhi to take
all the seven judges and produce them to a psychiatric medical board
attached to the AIIMS Hospital, New Delhi, to conduct appropriate
medical tests on the seven accused and submit a copy of the report on or
before May 7, 2017,” Justice Karnan said in a signed order, a copy of
which was given to the media.

Justice Karnan also said that before securing the seven judges their respective families should be accordingly informed.

Top Comment

True afacts


*Karnan HONEST
transparent, 7 SC Judges Corrupt, HIDING Facts, Read Details:. **HC
Justice Karnan calls 7 SC Judges, Judicery corrupt, brings up old
allegations against HC judges, DETAIL:..Karnan alleged that Judges had
tampered records to get into service and amassed wealth through unfair
means while the other had R#PEDd an intern.. Justice Karnan had made
these allegations in 2013 and 2014. “I wrote to the chief justice of
Madras high court but no action has been taken against them. I brought
specific allegations against 20 judges. But while those 20 are silent, a
seven-member bench of the SC issued a warrant against me. Today I
openly admit that Indian judiciary is corrupt,” Karnan said at a press
conference at his residence… “These seven judges don’t know law. The
SC did not apply mind. That’s why public confidence (in the judiciary)
is decreasing day by day,” he said… ***CLASSIC Case of very high
level Widespread Dangerous Corruption.. Justice Karnan must protect
himself.. SC CROOKS trying to make him look like mentally CRAZEY is a
prime indication, SC Crooks might try to Elem1nate him to Coverup what
Justice Karnan is Exposing.. Karnan is very transparent, Open, Indians,
this what you wanted TRUTH. SC is trying very hard to hide TRUTH..

Satish B

modi to undergo psychiatry test immediately…

Mithilesh Kumar

This is true reflection of status
of Judiciary in the country. Indiscipline, corruption and denial of
justice to the individual are the hallmark of present Judicial system in
the country


justice karnan is of sound mind.. I
can tell coz I am a doctor.. why sc judges afraid of CBI enquiry of
curruption charges.. some allegations have been put by a high Court
judge.. if sc judges are clean they have nothing to fear. but why
question sanity of a man making allegations?

Halius Mayun



In india justice is a mockery. Pay to judges get escaped.

Bala S M

When it comes to them SC is very
prompt to order a medical examination on their brother Justice Karnan.
But when the common man continues to suffer at the hands of jokers like
Kejri, Dig Vijay Singh, RaGa, Mamta Fisherji ooooops Banerji, SC is
quietly watching the fun. Not at all fair.

Shyamal Ganguly


Quote: Sachindranath
Ayer “The judiciary have been enabled to be unaccountable to notions of
law, equity and fair play by the executive and superior courts through
social engineering appointments and immunity from impeachment among
other things and by the Constitution that has enshrined exceptions to
both the Rule of Law and Equality under law in the Indian Constitution.
Apart from eroding competence and integrity, the resultant culture has
bred insouciance and arbitrariness of a very high order. The deleterious
effect of this on the National character has been as extreme as the
corrosion of education for political convenience. Today the Courts are
defenders of the four important principles of any Banana Republic, “Just
because you did it does not mean you are criminal”, “Just because the
statute book says so, does not make your actions a crime”, “Evidence
lies in the perception of the judge”, and “Just because you did not do
it, does not mean you are innocent”.
Nothing will change until: (1)
Inequality under law and exceptions to the rule of law are expurgated
from the Constitution and laws of India. (2) Bribe Taking is defined as
criminal extortion or treason and made a capital offense with special
rules of evidence and special courts with summary powers (akin to a
Military Court Martial). (3) All court proceedings are video graphed and
archived for public viewing and can be used as evidence to prosecute
Judges and Magistrates at all levels under special laws and special
courts with summary powers akin to a military Court Martial, for
insouciance, negligence, tardiness, dereliction of duty, disregard for
law and propriety, behaviour unbecoming of a Judge such as lack of
etiquette and manners, (4) every job on the “Public” i.e. Government Pay
Roll has specific and unique Key Responsibility Areas, Key Performance
Parameters and Objectives for which they are held accountable on pain of
summary dismissal for non-performance or life imprisonment for treason
for sabotage under special laws and special courts with summary powers
akin to a military Court Martial and (5) India creates an Ombudsman
Service of reemployed and retrained military officers (Colonel and
Below, JCOs and NCOs) who retire before 50 to serve as presiding
officers, investigating/prosecuting and enforcement officers at the
afore mentioned “Special Courts”, one for every tehsil with powers to
arrest, incarcerate, try and punish any and all from the President of
India to a peon in accordance with the Special Laws framed therefor.”
7 Corrupt Judges of Supreme Court Ganging up on one of their own. Why? Let us find out.

Shyamal Ganguly-


To: Hon’ble Mr. Justice C.S. Karnan
Calcutta High Court
3, Esplanade Row West
Kolkata, Pin – 700 001
Dear Sir:
Reference: The buzzard LAWYER, Ram Jethmalani’s letter to Mr. Karnan, Indian Express.
am impressed, you challenging the vested interests of SC judges. What
you are doing is commendable and it’s a news across the world. You
are creating a history like Rosa Park did, whom the United States
Congress called “the first lady of civil rights” and “the mother of the
freedom movement.”
You are also an active catalyst. Here are some facts:
Jethmalani (PCI)- protector of criminals of India - is sending
unsolicited advice to a HC judge. On whose behest is he calling you
stupid? Why is he joining the judges who ganged up on you.?
2. Buzzard said in his letter:” In this corruption dominated country judiciary is the only protection”.
It is just the opposite. Where Judges are bribe takers, and they had
been bought out by criminals - there is no democracy, no rule of law,
and constitution. Ask any judge: “BOFORS, 2G, National Herald, CWG,
COALGATE, Maran(Telco)”- status of all these cases for billions. You
will get no answer.
4. Modi has cleaned up black money.
5. Time has come to do house cleaning of Supreme Court.
I support Hon’ble Mr. Justice C.S. Karnan of Calcutta High Court. Sir,
you have shown courage to challenge the corrupt Supreme Court judges.
Jai Ho Justice Karnan.
Shyamal K. Ganguly

Karnan’s ‘order’ bans air travel of CJI, 7 SC judges

| TNN | Updated: Apr 29, 2017, 07.22 AM IST


  • Calcutta
    high court judge Justice C S Karnan passed an order banning CJI and
    seven other SC judges from travelling abroad until disposal of cases
    against them
  • He had earlier summoned the seven SC judges to appear before him at his residential court in Kolkata

On April 13, Justice Karnan
had issued an “order” for registration of a case under appropriate
sections of the Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribe (Prevention of
Atrocities) Act, 1989, against CJI J S Khehar and six other judges of
the Supreme Court β€” Justices Dipak Misra, J Chelameswar, Ranjan Gogoi,
Madan B Lokur, Pinaki C Ghose and Kurian Joseph. He had summoned the
seven SC judges to appear before him at his residential court in Kolkata
on April 28.

CJI Khehar and the six other judges had earlier initiated contempt
proceedings against Justice Karnan and summoned him to appear before
them on March 31. The seven-judge constitution bench had earlier issued a
bailable arrest warrant against Justice Karnan.

During the hearing on March 31, the SC bench disclosed that Justice
Karnan had in a letter on March 27 indicated his willingness to withdraw
the complaint he sent to the PM and the CJI levelling corruption
charges against 20 sitting and retired judges of the SC and HC and
apologise unconditionally. However, appearing before the SC bench,
Justice Karnan said he would apologise only if the SC restored his
judicial and administrative work, a pre-condition that the apex court
rejected. The SC asked him to file his reply affidavit to the contempt
charges in four weeks and directed him to remain present in court on May
1, the next date of hearing.

Justice Karnan’s latest order, a copy of which was provided to TOI,
indicated that since the eight judges he had summoned to his court were
“absent”, the matter was being reposted to May 1 β€” the very day that the
SC has asked him to be present β€” to enable their reappearance.



Salute to Justice
Karnan. He has rightly admonished the corrupt judges of Supreme Court
of India. Great writer Sarat Chandra Chattopdhyay’s novels described
quarantining a family that did not follow the dictates of the village
Brahmin elites. SC judges ganged up against Justice Karnan and he is
valiantly fighting like Abhimanyu in the Mahabharata. Let us support
his fight against the corrupt gang of SC JUDGES. Prashant Bhushan
supplied the names of 16 judges in a sealed envelope 2 years ago and no
judge had the balze to open it - even though Prashant had to do it under
duress upon being told not to insult the court system. Time has come
for Indians start insulting the corrupt judges and raise questions on
their behavior. It took 18 years to get a judgment against Jailalitha -
all these scams were helped by the judges else GANDHI FAMILY could not
loot for 65 years. JAGO Indians JAGO. Our heritage is to even ask RAMA
about chastity of his wife. Why could not Kranan send a letter to PM
identifying 20 corrupt judges? Nothing wrong.

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