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Buddha Vacana — The words of the Buddha —
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Posted by: site admin @ 4:31 pm

Buddha Vacana

— The words of the Buddha —

Learn Pali online for free and the easy way.

This website is dedicated to those who wish to understand better the
words of the Buddha by learning the basics of Pali language, but who
don’t have much time available for it. The idea is that if their purpose
is merely to get enabled to read the Pali texts and have a fair feeling
of understanding them, even if that understanding does not cover all
the minute details of grammatical rules, they don’t really need to spend
much time struggling with a discouraging learning of tedious
grammatical theory involving such things as numerous declensions and

In that case, it is enough to
limit themselves to simply learn the meaning of the most important Pali
words, because the repeated experience of reading provides an empirical
and intuitive understanding of the most common sentence structures.
They are thus enabled to become autodidacts, choosing the time,
duration, frequency, contents and depth of their own study.

Their understanding of the
Buddha Vacana will become much more precise as they effortlessly learn
and memorize the words and the important formulae that are fundamental
in the Buddha’s teaching, by ways of regular reading. Their learning and
the inspiration they get from it will grow deeper as their receptivity
to the messages of the Teacher will improve.

Disclaimer: This website is created by an autodidact and
is meant for autodidacts. The webmaster has not followed any official
Pali course and there is no claim that all the information presented
here is totally free from errors. Those who want academic precision may
consider joining a formal Pali course. In case the readers notice any
mistake, the webmaster will be grateful if they report it via the
mailbox mentioned under ‘Contact’.

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bhikkhū anāgatam·addhānaṃ, ye te suttantā tathāgata·bhāsitā gambhīrā
gambhīr·atthā lok·uttarā suññata·p·paṭisaṃyuttā, tesu bhaññamānesu na
sussūsissanti na sotaṃ odahissanti na aññā cittaṃ upaṭṭhāpessanti na ca
te dhamme uggahetabbaṃ pariyāpuṇitabbaṃ maññissanti.

In future
time, there will be bhikkhus who will not listen to the utterance of
such discourses which are words of the Tathāgata, profound, profound in
meaning, leading beyond the world, (consistently) connected with
emptiness, they will not lend ear, they will not apply their mind on
knowledge, they will not consider those teachings as to be taken up and

Ye pana te suttantā kavi·katā kāveyyā citta·kkharā citta·byañjanā bāhirakā sāvaka·bhāsitā,
tesu bhaññamānesu sussūsissanti, sotaṃ odahissanti, aññā cittaṃ
upaṭṭhāpessanti, te ca dhamme uggahetabbaṃ pariyāpuṇitabbaṃ maññissanti.

On the
contrary, they will listen to the utterance of such discourses which are
literary compositions made by poets, witty words, witty letters, by
people from outside, or the words of disciples, they will lend
ear, they will apply their mind on knowledge, they will consider those
teachings as to be taken up and mastered.

bhikkhave, suttantānaṃ tathāgata·bhāsitānaṃ gambhīrānaṃ
gambhīr·atthānaṃ lok·uttarānaṃ suññata·p·paṭisaṃyuttānaṃ antaradhānaṃ

bhikkhus, the discourses which are words of the Tathāgata, profound,
profound in meaning, leading beyond the world, (consistently) connected
with emptiness, will disappear.

bhikkhave, evaṃ sikkhitabbaṃ: ‘ye te suttantā tathāgata·bhāsitā
gambhīrā gambhīr·atthā lok·uttarā suññata·p·paṭisaṃyuttā, tesu
bhaññamānesu sussūsissāma, sotaṃ odahissāma, aññā cittaṃ upaṭṭhāpessāma,
te ca dhamme uggahetabbaṃ pariyāpuṇitabbaṃ maññissāmā’ti. Evañhi vo,
bhikkhave, sikkhitabbanti.

bhikkhus, you should train thus: ‘We will listen to the utterance of
such discourses which are words of the Tathāgata, profound, profound in
meaning, leading beyond the world, (consistently) connected with
emptiness, we will lend ear, we will apply our mind on knowledge, we
will consider those teachings as to be taken up and mastered.’ This is
how, bhikkhus, you should train yourselves.

— Āṇi Sutta —

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