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D. Paṭikūlamanasikāra Pabba

Bhikkhus, bhikkhu batek gorputz osoaz jotzen du,
Oinak gora eta ilea buru gainean behera, hau da, bere mugak
Larruazala eta ezpurutasun ezberdinez betea: “Kāya honetan daude
Buruko ileak, gorputzaren ileak, iltzeak, hortzak, azala, haragia,
Tendoiak, hezurrak, hezur-muina, giltzurrunak, bihotza, gibela, pleura, spleen,
Birikak, hesteak, mesenteria, sabeleko edukiak, feces, behazunarekin,
Flegm, pus, odol, izerdia, gantz, malkoak, koipeak, saliva, nasal mucus,
Fluido sinoviala eta gernua “.

Bhikkhus, poltsa bat izan zen bi irekita eta hainbat beteta
Aleak motak, hala nola muino-arroza, arroza, mung babarrunak, behi-ilarrak, sesamo
Haziak eta arroz desizoztuak. Ikusmen oneko gizona, desegin ondoren,
[Bere edukiak] kontuan hartuko luke: “Hau da muino-arroza, hau da arroz, horiek
Mung babarrunak dira, behi-ilarrak dira, horiek sesamo haziak dira eta hau da
Arroz desizoztuak; “modu berean, bhikkhus, bhikkhu batek oso jotzen du
Gorputza, oinak eta irakurritako buruetatik behera,
Larruazala mugatzen duena eta ezpurutasun ezberdinez beteta dagoena.
“Kāya honetan, buruaren ileak daude, gorputzaren ileak,
Iltzeak, hortzak, azala, haragia, tendoiak, hezurrak, hezur-muina, giltzurrunak, bihotza,
Gibela, pleura, spleen, birikak, hesteak, mesenteria, estomak berearekin
Edukiak, feces, behazun, flema, pus, odola, izerdia, gantza, malkoak, koipeak,
Saliva, nasal mucus, sinovial fluid and urine “.

Kāya behatuz kāya barrutik ikusten du, edo Kāya behatzen du
Kāya kanpoan, edo kāya behatzez ikusten du Kaxan barrutik eta
kanpotik; Kāya-ren fenomeno samudaya behatzen du, edo berak
Kāya-ren fenomenoaren iraungitzea behatzen du, edo bizi da
Samudaya behatuz eta kāya-ren fenomenoak igaroz; edo, bestela,
[Konturatu:] “hau da kāya!” Satan dago bertan, neurri batean
Ñāṇa soilak eta hutsak baizik, bere burua ezkutatzen du eta ez du atxikitzen
Munduan ezer ez. Horrela, bhikkhus, bhikkhu batek behatzen du
Kāya in kāya.

homeland of the proud and resilient Basque people is split between
France and Spain. From our San Sebastián home base, we tour the ancient
Basque capital…
The Uncle Ruckus Compilation(Funniest Clips) (The Boondocks) subtitulada español

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Belarusian State University: traditions and technologies

09) Classical Belarusian
09) Класічная беларуская

2289 пн 17 Ліпень 2017 УРОК

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D. Paṭikūlamanasikāra Pabba

Акрамя таго,
Манахі, бхиккх лічыць гэта само цела, ад падэшваў
ногі ўверх і ад валасоў на галаве ўніз, які абмежаваны яго
скура і поўная розных відаў прымешак: «У гэтым Кая, ёсць
валасы на галаве, валасы цела, пазногці, зубы, скура, плоць,
сухажыллі, косткі, касцяны мозг, ныркі, сэрца, печань, плеўра, селязёнка,
лёгкія, кішачнік, брыжэйкі, страўнік з змесцівам, калам, жоўцю,
мокрота, гной, кроў, пот, тлушч, слёзы, змазка, сліна, насавая слізь,
сіновіальной вадкасці і мачы «.

Гэтак жа, як калі б,
бхикшу, ёсць торба, які мае два адтуліны і, напоўненай рознымі
віды збожжа, такія як гара мал-сырца, рыс-сырца, залацістая фасолю, гарох коров-, кунжут
насенне і лусканы мал. Людзі з добрым зрокам, быўшы расшпіліў яго,
разгледзяць [яго ўтрыманне]: «Гэта пагорак падзь, гэта падзь, тым
з’яўляюцца маш, тыя каровін гарох тое насенне кунжуту і гэта
лусканы рыс, »сапраўды гэтак жа, бхикша, бхиккх лічыць гэта вельмі
цела, ад падэшваў ног і ад валасоў на галаве ўніз,
які абмежаваны яго скура і поўны розных відаў прымешак:
«У гэтым Кая, ёсць валасы на галаве, валасы на целе,
пазногці, зубы, скура, мяса, сухажыллі, косткі, касцяны мозг, ныркі, сэрца,
печані, плевры, селязёнка, лёгкія, кішачнік, брыжэйкі, страўнік з яго
змест, фекаліі, жоўць, мокрота, гной, кроў, пот, тлушч, слёзы, тлушч,
сліна, насавая слізь, сіновіальной вадкасці і мача «.

такім чынам
ён знаходзіцца, назіраючы Кай ў Kaya ўнутрана, альбо ён жыве назірання Kaya
у Kaya вонкава, ці ён знаходзіцца назіраючы Кая ў Kaya ўнутры і
з вонкавага боку; ён знаходзіцца, назіраючы за samudaya з’яў у Кая, ці ён
насяляе назірання скону з’яў у Кая, ці ён знаходзіцца
назіраючы samudaya і скон з’яў у Кая; інакш,
[Разумеючы:] «гэта Кая!» Саці прысутнічае ў ім, толькі ў той ступені,
простага Нана і простага paṭissati, ён жыве асобна які стаіць, і ня чапляецца
да чаго-небудзь у свеце. Такім чынам, бхикша, бхиккх прабывае назірання
Кай ў Кая.

State University — the oldest classical university in Belarus, was
founded in 1921. Today BSU is consistenly ranked among top 2 percent of
world u…
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Ustad Rashid Khan -Yatra | Tagore Songs | Bangla Classical Songs | Bangla Songs New 2017

10) Classical Bengali
10) ক্লাসিক্যাল বাংলা

২২89 সনের 17 জুলাই ২017 পাঠ

ইনসাইট-নেট - বিনামূল্যে অনলাইন টিপিকা রিসার্চ অ্যান্ড প্র্যাকটিস ইউনিভার্সিটি এবং সংশ্লিষ্ট নিউজ-এর মাধ্যমে in105 ক্লাসিক্যাল ল্যাঙ্গুয়েজ
Pl ব্যবহার করুন

এবং আপনার মাতৃভাষায় সঠিক অনুবাদ প্রদান করে এই গুগল অনুবাদে যা চূড়ান্ত লক্ষ্য হিসাবে আক্ষরিক আনন্দ লাভ করার জন্য

ডি। পিকুলমন্যাশিকার পব্বা

ভিক্ষুক, একটি ভিক্ষু এই শরীরের বিবেচনা করে, এর তল থেকে
মাথার উপর চুল ও মাথা থেকে মাথা পর্যন্ত, যা তার দ্বারা সীমাবদ্ধ
ত্বক এবং বিভিন্ন ধরনের অমেধ্য পূর্ণ: “এই কায়ায়, আছে
মাথা চুল, শরীরের চুল, নখ, দাঁত, চামড়া, মাংস,
তন্তু, হাড়, অস্থি মজ্জা, কিডনি, হার্ট, লিভার, ফুরাফ, স্পি্ন,
ফুসফুসের, অন্ত্র, মস্তিষ্কে, পদার্থের সাথে পেট, ফিশ, ব্রাই,
কফ, পুষ্প, রক্ত, ঘাম, চর্বি, অশ্রু, গ্রীস, লালা, অনুনাসিক শ্বাস,
শর্করাবরণ তরল এবং প্রস্রাব। “

ঠিক যেমন,
Bhikkhus, দুটি খোলার আছে এবং বিভিন্ন ভরাট সঙ্গে একটি ব্যাগ ছিল
বিভিন্ন ধরনের শস্য, যেমন পাহাড়-ধান, ধান, মগ মটরশুঁটি, গরু-মটর, তিল ইত্যাদি
বীজ এবং husked চাল একটি ভাল দৃষ্টিশক্তি সঙ্গে মানুষ, এটি অবিচ্ছিন্ন,
[এর বিষয়বস্তু] বিবেচনা করবে: “এই পাহাড়ী ধান, এই ধান আছে, ঐগুলি
মগ মটরশুঁটিগুলি, যারা গরু-মটর, তারা তিলের বীজ এবং এই হল
পাকা চাল; “একই ভাবে, ভিক্ষা, একটি ভিক্ষু এইটি বিবেচনা করে
শরীর, পায়ের পাতার নিচের অংশ থেকে এবং মাথার উপরে চুল থেকে,
যা তার চামড়া দ্বারা বিভক্ত এবং বিভিন্ন ধরনের অমেধ্য পূর্ণ:
“এই কায়ায়, মাথার চুল, শরীরের চুল,
নখ, দাঁত, ত্বক, মাংস, তন্তু, হাড়, অস্থি মজ্জা, কিডনি, হৃদয়,
লিভার, ফুরাপা, তির্যক, ফুসফুসের, অন্ত্র, মস্তিষ্কে পেট, তার সাথে পেট
বিষয়বস্তু, ফিশ, ব্রিল, কফ, পুষ্প, রক্ত, ঘাম, চর্বি, অশ্রু, গ্রীস,
লালা, অনুনাসিক শ্বাস, শর্করাবরণ তরল এবং প্রস্রাব। “

তিনি অভ্যন্তরীণভাবে কাইয়্যায় কায়স পালন করেন, অথবা তিনি কাইয়া পালন করেন
বাহ্যিকভাবে কাইয়্যে, অথবা তিনি কাইয়ায় অভ্যন্তরীণভাবে এবং কাইয়া পালন করেন
বাহ্যিকভাবে; তিনি কাইয়্যায় চৈতন্যের সমুদয় অধ্যয়ন পর্যবেক্ষণ করেন, বা তিনি
কাইয়্যর ঘটনাস্থলে মৃত্যুবরণ করে, অথবা তিনি বাস করেন
সমুদয় পর্যবেক্ষণ এবং কায়ায় ঘটনা প্রবাহিত; অথবা,
[অনুমান করা যায়] “এই কাই!” সটি তার মধ্যে উপস্থিত, ঠিক এই পরিমাণে
নিছক প্রশ্নাতীত ও নিছক প্রশস্তি, তিনি আলাদা, এবং আটকে থাকে না
বিশ্বের কোন কিছুই এইভাবে, ভিক্ষুক, একটি ভিক্ষু বাস করে
কায়ায় করিয়া

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was a story that was too good to pass up. The Svalbard ‘doomsday’ seed
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What to See & Eat in Sarajevo, Bosnia & Herzegovina

11) Classical Bosnian
11) Klasični bosanski

2289 pon 17 srp 2017 LESSON

INSIGHT-NET - BESPLATNO Online Tipiṭaka Research & Practice University i povezane vesti preko in105 KLASIČNI JEZIKI
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D. Paṭikūlamanasikāra Pabba

Bhikkhus, bhikkhu smatra ovo telo, od podloge
Stopala i od kose na glavi dole, koja je ograničena njenom
Koža i puna različitih vrsta nečistoća: “U ovoj kaji postoji
Dlake glave, dlake tela, ekseri, zube, koža, meso,
Kite, kosti, koštane srži, bubrezi, srce, jetra, pleura, slezina,
Pluća, creva, mezenterija, želudac sa sadržajem, izmet, žuč,
Gljivica, gnoj, krv, znoj, mast, suze, mast, pljuvačka, nazalni sluz,
Sinovijalna tečnost i urin. “

Kao da,
Bhikkhus, bila je torba sa dva otvora i ispunjena raznim
Vrste zrna, kao što je brežuljka, pečenica, mung grah, kravji grašak, susam
Seme i oljušteni pirinač. Čovek sa dobrim vidom, razdvojivši ga,
Bi razmatrao [njegov sadržaj]: “Ovo je brdo, ovo je pijesak, oni
Su mung pasulj, to su kravji grašak, to su seme sezama i ovo je
Oljušteni pirinač “, na isti način, bhikkhus, ovaj bhikkhu ovo smatra
Telo, od stopala stopala i od kose na glavi dole,
Koja je ograničena kožom i puna različitih vrsta nečistoća:
“U ovoj kaji postoje dlake glave, dlake tela,
Nokte, zube, kožu, meso, tetive, kosti, koštanu srž, bubrezi, srce,
Jetra, pleura, slezina, pluća, creva, mezenterija, stomak sa svojim
Sadržaj, feces, žuč, flegm, gnoj, krv, znoj, mast, suze, mast,
Pljuvačka, nazalna sluz, sinovijalna tečnost i urin. “

On živi posmatrajući kāya u kāya interno, ili živi posmatrajući kāya
U kāya spolja, ili on stanuje posmatrajući kāya u kāya interno i
Spolja; On živi posmatrajući samudayu fenomena u kāya, ili on
Zadržava posmatranje prolaska fenomena u kāya, ili on stanuje
Posmatrajući samudayu i prolazak fenomena u kāya; ili drugo,
[Shvaćajući:] “ovo je kāya!” Sati je prisutno u njemu, samo do mere
Od samo ñāṇa i puçe paṭissati, on stanuje odvojeno, i ne drži se
Bilo čemu na svetu. Tako, bhikkhus, bhikkhu zadržava posmatranje
Kāya in kāya.

to See & Eat in Sarajevo, Bosnia & Herzegovina ►Subscribe and
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teapot filled with marbles that falls from the fridge and breaks.
Leaves placed under the feet of a sick man confined to his bed. A broom
brushing the tops of a man’s shoes, filling him with terror. These are
the portents and prescriptions of the…
WGBH Music: Bella Hristova plays a Bulgarian “Ratchenitsa”

12) Classical Bulgarian
12) Класически български

2289 пн 17 юли 2017 УРОК

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D. Paṭikūlamanasikāra Pabba

Освен това,
Bhikkhus, bhikkhu счита това много тяло, от подметките на
Краката нагоре и от косата на главата надолу, което е ограничено от него
Кожа и пълен с различни видове примеси: “В тази кая, има
Космите на главата, космите на тялото, ноктите, зъбите, кожата, плътта,
Сухожилия, кости, костен мозък, бъбреци, сърце, черен дроб, плевра, далак,
Белите дробове, червата, мезентериума, стомаха със съдържанието му, фекалиите, жлъчката,
Храчки, гной, кръв, пот, мазнини, сълзи, мазнини, слюнка, назална слуз,
Синовиална течност и урина. “

Като че ли,
Bhikkhus, имаше торба с два отвора и пълна с различни
Видове зърно, като хълмове, лозови маси, фасул, кравешки грах, сусам
Семена и олющен ориз. Човек с добро зрение, като го развърза,
Ще помисли [нейното съдържание]: “Това е хълмистата ниша, това са оризовите, тези
Са мюнг боб, това са кравешки грах, това са сусамовите семена и това е
Олющен ориз “; по същия начин, bhikkhus, bhikkhu счита това много
Тялото, от стъпалата на краката и от косата на главата надолу,
Която е ограничена от кожата му и е пълна с различни видове примеси:
“В тази кая има космите на главата, космите на тялото,
Нокти, зъби, кожа, плът, сухожилия, кости, костен мозък, бъбреци, сърце,
Черен дроб, плевра, далак, бели дробове, черва, мезентерия, стомаха с него
Съдържание, фекалии, жлъчка, храчки, гной, кръв, пот, мазнини, сълзи, мазнини,
Слюнка, назална слуз, синовиална течност и урина. “

По този начин
Той обикаля вътрешно наблюдаване на kaya в kaya, или той живее в наблюдението на kaya
В кая външно, или той обикаля вътрешно наблюдение на kaya в kaya
външно; Той обитава спазването на самудаите на явленията в кая, или той
Пребивава в наблюдение на изчезването на явленията в кая или живее
Наблюдавайки самудаите и изчезването на явленията в кая; или друго,
[Осъзнавайки:] “това е kaya!” Сати присъства в него, само до степен
На обикновена ñāṇa и обикновена paṭissati, той живее отделен и не се придържа
За всичко в света. По този начин, bhikkhus, bhikkhu пребивава наблюдава
Kāya in kāya.

in the Fraser Performance Studio at WGBH, Boston, Bulgarian-born
violinist Bella Hristova plays the traditional 7/8 folk dance from her
homeland called …

Los set goyts - Llibre Vermell - Ars antiqua & Schola Cantorum de México

13) Classical Catalan
13) Català clàssic

2289 Dll 17 de juliol de 2017 LLIÇÓ

INSIGHT-NET - GRATUÏTA Tipiṭaka de recerca i pràctica en línia Universitat i notícies relacionades a través de in105 LLENGÜES CLÀSSIQUES

I realitzeu la traducció correcta a la vostra llengua materna per
aquesta traducció de Google per aconseguir la felicitat eterna com a
objectiu final

D. Paṭikūlamanasikāra Pabba

A més,
Bhikkhus, un bhikkhu considera aquest mateix cos, des de les plantes de la
Els peus cap amunt i del cabell al cap baix, que està delimitat per la seva
Pell i plena de diversos tipus d’impureses: “En aquest kāya, hi ha
Els pèls del cap, els pèls del cos, les ungles, les dents, la pell, la carn,
Tendons, ossos, medul·la òssia, ronyons, cor, fetge, pleura, melsa,
Pulmons, intestins, mesentery, estómac amb els seus continguts, excrements, bilis,
Catarro, pus, sang, suor, greix, llàgrimes, greix, saliva, mucositats nasals,
Líquid sinovial i orina “.

De la mateixa manera que si,
Bhikkhus, hi havia una bossa que tenia dues obertures i estava plena de diverses
Tipus de cereals, com ara arròs de muntanya, arrossos, fesols mung, pèsols de vaca, sèsam
Llavors i arròs descascarado. Un home amb bona visió, després d’haver-lo desbloquejat,
Consideraria [el seu contingut]: “Aquest és un arbre de muntanya, aquest és un arròs, aquells
Són faves mung, aquestes són pomes de vaca, aquestes són llavors de sèsam i això és
Arròs descascarillado “, de la mateixa manera, bhikkhus, un bhikkhu ho considera molt
Cos, des de les plantes dels peus fins i des del cabell al cap baix,
Que està delimitada per la seva pell i plena de diversos tipus d’impureses:
“En aquest kāya hi ha els pèls del cap, els pèls del cos,
Claus, dents, pell, pell, tendons, ossos, medul·la òssia, ronyons, cor,
Fetge, pleura, melsa, pulmons, intestins, mesentery, estómac amb el seu
Continguts, excrements, bilis, catarro, pus, sang, suor, greix, llàgrimes, greixos,
Saliva, moc nasal, líquid sinovial i orina “.

Mora observant kāya a kāya internament, o mora observant kāya
A kāya externament, o mire observant kāya a kāya internament i
Externament; Mora observant la samudaya dels fenòmens a Kāya, o ell
Habita l’observació del fracàs dels fenòmens a kāya, o mora
Observant la samudaya i el fracàs dels fenòmens a Kāya; o sino,
[Realitzant:] “això és kāya!” Sati està present en ell, només en la mesura
De mera ñāṇa i mer paṭissati, ell mora separat, i no s’aferra
A qualsevol cosa del món. Així, bhikkhus, un bhikkhu mora observant
Kāya in kāya.

Los set goyts (Llibre Vermell) Ars Antiqua & Schola Cantorum de México (1993) Directior General:…

know, there are only a few thousand natural languages in use by humans
today, yet among these, there are a few in which the child’s word for
father is mama.…
matud mo(karaoke)

14) Classical Cebuano

2289 Lunes 17 Jul 2017 LEKSYON

Panan-aw sa Panan-aw ug Praktika sa Unibersidad ug may kalabutan nga BALITA pinaagi sa in105 MGA KLASIKAL NGA PINULONGAN
Gamit ang paggamit sa

Ug paghatag sa husto nga paghubad sa imong lumad nga pinulongan alang
niining google nga paghubad aron makabaton sa Eternal Bliss isip Final

D. Paṭikūlamanasikāra Pabba

Dugang pa,
Bhikkhus, usa ka bhikkhu ang nag-isip niini nga lawas, gikan sa lapad sa
Tiil ug gikan sa buhok sa ulo ngadto sa ubos, nga gilain pinaagi niini
Panit ug puno sa nagkalainlaing matang sa mga hugaw: “Niini nga kaya, adunay
Ang mga buhok sa ulo, ang mga buhok sa lawas, ang mga kuko, ang mga ngipon, ang panit, ang unod,
Tendon, bukog, uyok sa bukog, kidney, kasingkasing, atay, pleura, spleen,
Baga, tinai, tiyan, tiyan uban sa mga sulod niini, hugaw, bile,
Plema, pus, dugo, singot, tambok, luha, grasa, laway, ilong mucus,
Synovial fluid ug ihi. “

Sama ra,
Bhikkus, adunay usa ka bag nga adunay duha ka mga lungag ug puno sa nagkalainlain nga mga
Mga matang sa lugas, sama sa bungtod sa panit, humay, mungong beans, mga baka, mga lugas nga saging
Binhi ug panit nga humay. Usa ka tawo nga maayo ang iyang panan-aw, sa walay hunong sa pag-ayo,
Maghisgut sa [mga kaundan niini]: “Kini mao ang bungtod, kini mao ang palma, kadto
Ang mung beans, ang mga baka-mga gisantes, mga liso nga liso ug kini mao
Binakbak nga bugas; “sa samang paagi, ang bhikkhu, usa ka bhikkhu nagaisip niini
Lawas, gikan sa lapalapa nga tiil ug gikan sa buhok sa ulo ngadto sa ubos,
Nga napugngan pinaagi sa panit ug puno sa nagkalainlaing matang sa mga kahugawan:
“Niini nga kaya, anaa ang mga buhok sa ulo, mga buhok sa lawas,
Mga kuko, ngipon, panit, unod, tendon, mga bukog, utok sa bukog, kidney, kasingkasing,
Atay, pleura, spleen, baga, tinai, mesentery, tiyan uban niini
Kaundan, hugaw, bile, plawta, pus, dugo, singot, tambok, mga luha, grasa,
Laway, ilong mucus, synovial fluid ug ihi. “

Siya nagpuyo sa pag-obserbar sa kāya sa kāya sa sulod, o nagpuyo siya sa pag-obserba sa kāya
Sa kāya sa gawas, o nagpuyo siya sa pag-obserba sa kāya sa kāya sa sulod ug sa
Sa gawas; Siya nagpuyo sa pag-obserbar sa samudaya sa mga panghitabo sa kāya, o siya
Nagpuyo sa pag-obserbar sa paglabay sa mga katingalahan sa kāya, o siya nagpuyo
Pagpaniid sa samudaya ug paglabay sa mga katingalahan sa kāya; O,
[Nakaamgo:] “kini mao ang kya!” Ang sati anaa kaniya, sumala lamang sa gidak-on
Sa lamang nga ñana ug sa paṭissati, nagpuyo siya nga wala, ug wala mokupot
Sa bisan unsang butang sa kalibutan. Busa, ang bhikkhu, usa ka bhikkhu nagpadayon sa pag-obserbar
Kāya sa kāya.

visayan song……

The entire wikipedia with video and photo galleries for each article. Find something interesting to watch in seconds.
The Story Of ‘Gautam Buddha’ for kids
The hero of our story is Prince Siddhartha, the Buddha-to-be, who lived
more than 2,500 years ago. His father was the Rajah of the Sakya clan,
King Suddhodana, and his mother was Queen Maha Maya. They lived in
India, in a city called Kapilavatthu, in the foothills of the Himalayas.
Siddhartha’s parents belonged to the Indian warrior caste. They lived in a great palace in their capital city of Kapilavatthu,
beneath the majestic mountains of the Himalayas. Queen Maha Maya was
beautiful, intelligent and good. King Suddhodana was honoured and
respected because he ruled well. Both of them were admired and loved by
the people they ruled
After many years, Queen Maha Maya became
pregnant. She and her husband were very happy about it. On the full moon
day in the month of May, she gave birth to a boy in Lumbini Park, while
she was on her way to see her parents. Five days after the prince’s
birth the king asked five wise men to select a name for his son. They
named him Siddhartha. This name means “the one whose wishes will be

hero of our story is Prince Siddhartha, the Buddha-to-be, who lived
more than 2,500 years ago. His father was the Rajah of the Sakya clan,
King Suddhodan…
Legend Of Buddha (English) - Kids Animated Movies - HD

Legend Of Buddha is a wonderful animated movie in Hindi. The journey of
how Prince Siddharth Gautama became Buddha, The Awakened One. The movie
features spectacular animation technology to narrate the story of
Buddha right from his childhood till the day he attains Nibbana. The
story reflects qualities of truth , morals and sacrifice for the younger

SUBSCRIBE for your favorite Nursery Rhymes, Kids Learning videos, Kids Animations, Poems and more

Of Buddha is a wonderful animated movie in Hindi. The journey of how
Prince Siddharth Gautama became Buddha, The Enlightened One. The movie
features s…
Life Of The Buddha (Animation) [English]

Good, Avoid Evil, Purify One’s Mind.” This is the teaching of all the
Buddhas. Disclaimer: This video is owned by Buddhist Research Society.
Gautam Buddha Enlightened | Gautam Buddha Stories in Hindi | Gautam Buddha Life Story For Kids

Pebbles present Gautam Buddha Moral Values stories in Hindi for kids.
Gautam Buddha Life Story, Gautam Buddha Moral Values Stories for

The most popular &
famous Honesty & Kindness stories, Friendship & Togetherness
stories, Caring & Forgiveness stories, Respect & Helpfulness
stories in English for children in HD Quality.

Pebbles also
offers a variety of other stories such as Grandma Stories, Grandpa
Stories for kids, Moral Stories for kids, Animal Stories for Kids,
Jungle Stories for kids, Panchatantra Stories for Children, Birbal the
Wise, Tenali Raman, Fairy Tales and many more.

The most popular,
interesting & ancient stories for babies, nursery kids &
children of all age groups by Pebbles Hindi Channel.

Pebbles Gautam Buddha Moral Values Stories in Hindi are
The Birth of Gautam Buddha, Gautam Buddha A Kind Prince, Gautam
Buddha’s Marriage, Gautam Buddha Sees Unexpected Sights, Gautam Buddha
is Awakened

Pebbles present Gautam Buddha Moral Values stories in Hindi for kids. Gautam Buddha Life Story, Gautam…
Lord Buddha Stories - The Power of Life

Lord Buddha Stories - The Power Life Of Buddha -
Buddha reveals the power of love by reforming Angulimala, a terrible killer.

Buddha reveals the power of love by reforming Angulimala, a terrible
killer. The calm and compassionate face of the Buddha is known all over
the world. Buddha was a spiritual teacher of ancient India whose great
ideas on freeing mankind from sorrow and suffering form the basis of
Buddhism. Buddha was born in the sixth century B.C into a royal family.
Known as Siddhartha, he realized that human life was short and full of
sadness. He found out a path to Enlightenment and spiritual fulfillment.

Buddha Stories - The Power Life Of Buddha - Buddha reveals the power of
love by reforming Angulimala, a terrible killer. Buddha reveals the
power of lov…
To view Chinese, Spanish, German, Sinhalese, Portuguese, Hindi,
Burmese, Vietnamese, Korean or Indonesian subtitles, click on the wheel
(Settings), then on Subtitles, then on the language.
If you enjoyed this film, please Join DVA
Membership is free, and your voice will make our voice even stronger.

In keeping with the tradition of the Buddhist teachings, this film is
offered free of charge. If you would like to support our work, please
consider a donation.

This powerful and important film features interviews with
world-renowned monastics and lay teachers including Ven. Bhikkhu Bodhi,
Jetsuma (Ven. Master) Tenzin Palmo, Ven. Bhante Gunaratana (Bhante G),
Christopher Titmuss, Ven. Geshe Phelgye, teachers from Spirit Rock
Meditation Center and many others.

view Chinese, Spanish, German, Sinhalese, Portuguese, Hindi, Burmese,
Vietnamese, Korean or Indonesian subtitles, click on the wheel
(Settings), then on S…
Story Of The Buddhas Life | National Geographic Documentary |…
Genius of the Ancient World, 1 Buddha


Among the oldest story-telling traditions, we find the Jataka tales,
which were told by Buddhists to inspire people with moral values. The
Jataka tales go back to the 3rd century B.C. Because of the limited
literacy of the times, travelling storytellers known as Jataka bhanakas
were selected and given the task of reaching the stories to every corner
of the land and beyond. The Jataka Tales carried strong and inspiring
messages of kindness, compassion, generosity, non-violence,
self-sacrifice, charity and the need to abjure greed. Jataka stories
explain concepts of karma and rebirth, and teach moral values.

the oldest story-telling traditions, we find the Jataka tales, which
were told by Buddhists to inspire people with moral values. The Jataka
tales go ba…
Though the Jataka Tales are more than two thousand years old, they
carry a message for us even today. This is the reason for their
popularity, especially as stories for children. Their interesting
stories and moral teachings are a positive source of inspiration for the
young people of today.

the Jataka Tales are more than two thousand years old, they carry a
message for us even today. This is the reason for their popularity,
especially as …
Jataka Tales - Jackal Stories - Moral Stories for Children - Jackal the Messenger

The Jackal tales for young viewers, are marked by humor and wit. The
aim is to inculcate moral and ethical behavior in a simple and colorful
way. The Jataka Tales contain deep truths about moral beauty,
self-sacrifice and other vital human values.

Jackal the Messenger
Wit can win over might. If this was not so, how could the small jackal here have made the elephants take to their heels.

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For more preschool & phonics songs, rhymes and kids stories click below:

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Jataka Tales - Elephant Stories - The Winner Jumbo
The Jataka Tales are stories of the Buddha’s former births… and the
Buddha being one of the greatest teachers of compassion and right
conduct, what you have here are wonderful tales to tutor the young in
good values. The characters of the Jataka tales are mostly animals, and
in this case, they are elephants. These graphically animated Jumbo tales
beautifully instill culture and ch

See more
Jataka Tales - The Royal Elephant - Animated Stories for Kids
Jataka Tales - Royal Elephant -
A man, who earned his money by making his powerful elephant do deeds of
great physical challenge, had a fall when he crossed the line of good
conduct. His elephant reformed him with remarkable wisdom.

The Jataka Tales are stories of the Buddha’s former births and the
Buddha being one of the greatest teachers of compassion and right
conduct, what you have here are wonderful tales to tutor the young in
good values.

Tales - Royal Elephant - A man, who earned his money by making his
powerful elephant do deeds of great physical challenge, had a fall when
he crossed …

Elephant and the Jackal - Every despot meets his doom. Arrogant
elephant learns a lesson when the tricky little jackal gets to work. The
Jackal tales for…
Jataka Tales - The Deer’s Disciple - Animated Stories for Kids

A king who loves hunting… and a smart deer that loves its parents, Find out how the conflict of interest gets resolved.

DEER’S DISCIPLE - A king who loves hunting… and a smart deer that
loves its parents, Find out how the conflict of interest gets resolved.
Click below t…
Jataka Tales - The Intelligent Jackal - Moral Stories for Children - Animated Cartoons/Kids
The story of the ferocious wolf, the credulous Brahmin and the clever jackal shows that brain can beat brawn.

When animals talk, children listen. And profit by what they hear. From
the days of the Panchatantra, this has been going on in a big way. Now
let your kids vibe to brilliantly animated stories of animals teaching
them the basic lessons of life. Let “Animal Tales” relate the great
values of life in a way that they will never forget. The clever goat,
the wise piglet, the smart deer, the wise jackal and other quadruplets
will bring joy and understanding to the young.

THE INTELLIGENT JACKAL The story of the ferocious wolf, the credulous Brahmin and the clever jackal…
Jataka Tales - The Hawks & Their Friends - Moral Stories fr Children - Animated Cartoon/Kids
The jackal tales for young viewers are marked by humour and wit. The
aim is to inculcate moral and ethical behaviour in a simple and colorful
way. The Jataka Tales contain deep truths about moral beauty,
self-sacrifice and other vital human values.

Friends in need are friends indeed and never underestimate any
friendship. Find out how the Jackal, Kingfisher and Turtle saved the
Hawk family.

Click below to Subscribe to our channel for regular videos!

We would love to hear from you so please do leave your comments and share our videos with your loved ones!

For more preschool & phonics songs, rhymes and kids stories click below:

Visit our official website!

The jackal tales for young viewers are marked by humour and wit. The aim is to inculcate moral and…
Jataka Tales - The Wind & The Moon - Moral Stories For Children - Animated Cartoons/Kids
Jataka Tales are ancient fables that have been passed down from one
generation to the next, as a code of conduct and a guideline for good
moral behavior. They are not just stories that preach about the
difference between right and wrong. They are charmingly witty
narratives, each of which has an important message to convey. These
stories are mainly about pass
incarnation of Buddha. And are meant to impart the values of
self-sacrifice, honestly, morality and devotion to children and adults

The Wind And The Moon - Moral : Rain or Shine, “Friendship is shine”..

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We would love to hear from you so please do leave your comments and share our videos with your loved ones!

For more preschool & phonics songs, rhymes and kids stories click below:

Visit our official website!

Jataka Tales are ancient fables that have been passed down from one generation to the next, as a code of…
Jataka Tales - The Wise Reply - Moral Stories For Children - Animated Cartoons/Kids
Panchatantra tells about five ways that help the human being succeed in
life. Pancha means five and tantra means ways or principles. Addressed
to the king’s children, the stories are primarily about statecraft and
are popular throughout the world.

Intelligence, wit, presence of mind, these are very important to survive in a challenging world. “Smart Tales” imparts these qualities to kids through its lively characters of beasts and humans…

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We would love to hear from you so please do leave your comments and share our videos with your loved ones!

For more preschool & phonics songs, rhymes and kids stories click below:

Visit our official website!

Panchatantra tells about five ways that help the human being succeed in life. Pancha means five and tantra…
Jataka Tales - A Friend In Need - Animated Stories for Kids
Jataka Tales - Elephant Stories
These are stories of wisdom and morals written around 300 BC in a
language called Pali. They were later translated and distributed to
people across the world.
These stories connected to the past
incarnations of the Buddha are meant to teach values like
self-sacrifice, honesty and morality..

The Jackal tales for young viewers, are marked by humor and wit. The
aim is to inculcate moral and ethical behavior in a simple and colorful
way. The Jataka Tales contain deep truths about moral beauty,
self-sacrifice and other vital human values.

Tales - Elephant Stories These are stories of wisdom and morals written
around 300 BC in a language called Pali. They were later translated and
Jataka Tales - Royal Elephant - Short Stories for Children
Jataka Tales - Royal Elephant -
The Royal Elephants did to call the bluff of a physician who wanted to
settle scores wit crows. A man, who earned his money by making his
powerful elephant do deeds of great physical challenge, had a fall when
he crossed the line of good conduct. His elephant reformed him with
remarkable wisdom.

Tales - Royal Elephant - The Royal Elephants did to call the bluff of a
physician who wanted to settle scores wit crows. A man, who earned his
money b…
Indian Folk Tales - Short Stories for Kids - Presence Of Mind Pays
Presence of Mind Pays -
A Smart deer who escapes from captivity… His weapons… Presence of mind and intelligence..

Folk tales are the wisdom of ages of experience. They can be fairy
tales, legends, myths, tall tales and trickster tales…they impart
culture, intelligence, ethics and camaraderie to children. The Indian
folk tales in this collection are a captivating blend of morals and

of Mind Pays - A Smart deer who escapes from captivity… His
weapons… Presence of mind and intelligence.. Folk tales are the wisdom
of ages of ex…
The Clever Monkey and The Crocodile - Short Stories for Children - Jataka Tales - Kids Stories
Kids are the best creation of god. They have very good learning
capacity and they grasp things very fast. So we should always try to
teach them good and moral lessons. Here are some extraordinary tales,
kindergarten learning videos, bedtime stories for kids and many more
which will definitely help to make them good human beings.

Clever Monkey
and The Crocodile - This is the well-loved tale of the clever monkey
who used his wits to narrowly escape his death at the hands of the wily
crocodile. This tale teaches us how we can get out of tricky situations
by keeping our wits about us. It also emphasizes the importance of being
a good loser.

The Jackal
tales for young viewers, are marked by humor and wit. The aim is to
inculcate moral and ethical behavior in a simple and colorful way. The
Jataka Tales contain deep truths about moral beauty, self-sacrifice and
other vital human values.

Kids are the best creation of god. They have very good learning capacity and they grasp things very fast. So…
0:33 / 10:08
Jataka Tales - Prince Of Monkeys - Monkey Stories
Jataka Tales - A PRINCE OF MONKEY -
This is the story of monkey king who didn’t want to relinquish his
throne at any cost and the lengths he went to, to remain ruler. But when
one of his heirs evades his evil plans of making him unfit to rule, we
see how the king’s son is cunning and metal agility help him win the

The Jackal tales for young
viewers, are marked by humor and wit. The aim is to inculcate moral and
ethical behavior in a simple and colorful way. The Jataka Tales contain
deep truths about moral beauty, self-sacrifice and other vital human

Tales - A PRINCE OF MONKEY - This is the story of monkey king who
didn’t want to relinquish his throne at any cost and the lengths he went
to, to rema…
Jataka Tales - Prince Five Weapons and Sticky Hair - Kids Stories
This tale teaches us a valuable lesson that it is not the external
weapons we posses or the armory we have that will help us in any crisis
the only weapons we need are within us. They are our presence of mind
and strength of character. In this story, a young prince uses these
qualities to outwit a ferocious demon named Sticky Hair.

Click below to Subscribe to our Channel for Regular Videos! -

Click here to Watch our other Jataka Tales Videos -

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Tales - PRINCE FIVE-WEAPONS AND STICKY HAIR - This tale teaches us a
valuable lesson that it is not the external weapons we posses or the
armory we ha…
0:39 / 16:17
Jataka Tales - King Subuddhi, The Great - Short Stories for Kids
This is story of an extremely kind hearted and gentle king, named king
Subuddhi. He not only preached but also practiced non-violence in every
form. How his beliefs and good deeds won him back his kingdom form the
crux of this story…

Click below to Subscribe to our Channel for Regular Videos! -

Click here to Watch our other Jataka Tales Videos -

Become a KidsAnimations Fan on Facebook:…


Visit our official website!

Tales - KING SUBUDDHI, THE GREAT - This is story of an extremely kind
hearted and gentle king, named king Subuddhi. He not only preached but
also prac…
Jataka Tales - Smart Business - Animated / Cartoon Stories for Kids

Tales - SMART BUSINESS - In this fable, we see how a poor young boy
named Seethu earns great riches for himself and prospers in life simply
by being e…
Jataka Tales In English (HD) | MagicBox Animation | Animated Stories For Kids
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1. Clever She Goat -
2. Deer-Tortoise-Woodpecker -
3. Elephant and Dog -
4. Foolish Disciple -
5. Greedy Crow -
6. New King for the Birds -
7. Noble Monkey King -
8. Fox and Otters -
9. Rabbit and its Dream -
10. Village Mouse and City Mouse -


VISIT US AT…/uttar-pradesh-five-injured-in-cl…
Uttar Pradesh: Five injured in clashes between Thakurs and SC/STs in Muzaffarnagar
IndiaPTIJul, 17 2017 16:10:21 IST

Muzaffarnagar(Uttar Pradesh): Five persons were injured in a clash
between two communities at Dukhad village in Muzaffarnagar, police said
on Monday.
Representational image. AP

Representational image. AP

Sanjay, who belonged to the Thakhur community, had gone to the SC/ST
locality for some work where an altercation broke out between him and
another man, police said.

Soon the situation turned violent as
more people from both sides joined them and engaged in brickbats,
leaving five of them injured, an official of Khagoliya police station

He said the injured, Sanjay, Yogender, Vikas, Monti and Sachin, were rushed to a nearby hospital.

A case has been lodged by the police and security stepped up in the village, the official said.

Published Date: Jul 17, 2017 04:07 pm | Updated Date: Jul 17, 2017 04:10 pm

Five persons were injured in a clash between two communities at Dukhad village in Muzaffarnagar,……/astrologers-to-set-up-pra…
[The Madhya Pradesh government is planning to start astrology OPD
(out-patient department) in which astrologers and such soothsayers will
provide consultation to visitors facing diverse problems. These will be
staffed by qualified soothsayers under the aegis of the Maharashi
Patanjali Sanskrit Sansthan (MPSS), a state government institution in

Astrologers to set up practice in Bhopal, like doctors, to ‘diagnose’ and solve problems

By Anuraag Singh | Express News Service | Published: 16th July 2017 08:43 AM |
Last Updated: 16th July 2017 09:07 PM | A+A A- |

BHOPAL: The Madhya Pradesh government is planning to start astrology
OPD (out-patient department) in which astrologers and such soothsayers
will provide consultation to visitors facing diverse problems. These
will be staffed by qualified soothsayers under the aegis of the
Maharashi Patanjali Sanskrit Sansthan (MPSS), a state government
institution in Bhopal.

For three to four hours twice a week
(preferably on weekends), astrologers, vastu experts, palmists and
proponents of Vedic karmakanda will delve deep into the horoscopes and
lifelines of visitors, including patients. The OPD will be operational
at the Yoga Center building situated close to the Red Cross building in
Bhopal. “Only we are giving it the name of astro-OPD and in no way will
it be any kind of medical OPD to be operated at hospital,” MPSS director
PR Tiwari told The New Indian Express.

“Like OPDs where junior
doctors work under the supervision of seniors, aspiring astrologers will
assist astro experts in dealing with various kinds of cases in the
astro OPDs,” added Tiwari.

These experts are faculty members who
are teaching aspiring astrologers, vastu experts and purohits under
three annual diploma courses for astrology, vastu and paurohitya
(priesthood) started by the MPSS a few weeks ago.

“The students
in these diploma courses will not only act as assistants to qualified
astrologers in the OPD, but will also get hands-on training in devising
astro-based solutions for different problems in the manner junior
doctors get from senior specialists in regular medical OPDs,” said

Patients seeking astrological diagnosis of their problems
(medical, psychological and social) will pay a registration fee of Rs
5. “The OPD will help to establish that astrology is not hunch, but a
calculative science,” maintained Tiwari.

In these outpatient
departments teams of experts and neo-astrologers will study the
planetary combinations and changes reflected in the horoscopes of
patients. The prognosticators will also analyse varied problems of
visitors/patients who come without horoscopes, using the prashna kundali

“The astrologers will study the planetary
combinations at the exact time the questions are asked to arrive at the
right astrological solution,” said Tiwari.

Based on the success
of this novel effort, similar OPDs are likely be spring up at 138
Sanskrit schools run by the MPSS across the state, inspired by school
education minister Kunwar Vijay Shah to produce a pool of qualified
astrologers and vastu experts in the state.

“We’re planning to
extend the annual diploma course in astrology, vastu and paurohitya to
the Sanskrit schools in form of two years diploma courses. The students
of Uttar Madhyama (equivalent to Class XI and XII) at the 138 Sanskrit
schools who enroll in the two-years diploma courses, will study the
diploma course subjects as additional subjects in the years of regular
Uttar Madhyama course,” said Tiwari.

Peace Is Doable

3-4 hours twice a week, and possibly on weekends too, astrologers,
vastu experts, palmists and proponents of Vedic karmakanda will delve
deep into the…

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