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B R Ambedkar’s Statue Found Damaged In Uttar Pradesh Village
Hundreds of villagers staged a protest against the incident at Abad Ghar village under Thana Bhawan police station.
Muzaffarnagar: A statue of the Chief Architect of our Constitution
icon BR Ambedkar was found damaged in a village in Shamli district of
Uttar Pradesh today, leading to tension in the area, police said.
Hundreds of villagers staged a protest against the incident at Abad
Ghar village under Thana Bhawan police station, said Circle Officer
Rajesh Tiwari, adding that police personnel were deployed at the village
as a precautionary measure.
A case was registered against unidentified miscreants in this regard, Mr Tiwari said.
The damaged statue would be replaced, he added.
This is the second such incident reported from the area in the recent
past. Sometime ago, a statue of Ambedkar was damaged in the neighbouring
village of Ahmad Garh.
Anonymous | 1 day ago
Case was registered against unidentified miscreants, because miscreants succeed in hiding behind cow politicians.
The BJP on one are attempting to appropriate Baba saheb Dr BR Ambedkar while on the other side they play mischief.…/
New Delhi: Days after quitting Parliament, BSP chief Mayawati on Sunday
said her party would launch a state-wide programme from 18 September to
protest the “anti-SC/ST” stand of the BJP.
She said as she had resigned from the Rajya Sabha on 18 July “not being
allowed to speak on the anti-SC/ST violence in Uttar Pradesh’s
Saharanpur”, a conference of workers would be held on the 18th of every
month beginning September.
Every month, party workers from two Uttar Pradesh divisions would hold programmes in which she would also participate.
The agitational programme, beginning from Meerut, would continue till June next “to expose the BJP”.
She announced the programme after holding a strategy session with party MPs, legislators and other leaders here.
The September date was decided as the monsoon would be over by then.
BSP supremo Mayawati’s resignation from the Rajya Sabha was accepted on
Sunday by chairman Hamid Ansari, a senior official of the Upper House
The 61-year-old had on Wednesday resigned from the RS,
accusing the BJP and the chair of not allowing her to raise the issue of
“anti-SC/ST violence” in Uttar Pradesh in the House.
The move
was seen as an attempt by Mayawati to consolidate her core SC/ST of
Sarvajan Samaj including OBCs/Religious Minorities and the poor Upper
castes support base and re-establish herself as the Sarvajan Samaj’s
prominent leader after facing a massive defeat in the Uttar Pradesh
Assembly elections earlier in 2017 because of the fraud EVMs which were
tampered to win elections by the BJP.…
Sunda Javanese Gamelan
48) Classical Javanese
48) Klasik Jawa
2297 Tue 25 Jul 2017 LESSON
INSIGHT-NET - Universitas Riset & Praktek Tipi Tauladan lan kabar PAWARTA liwat neng105 LANGAS NGISI
Lan nerjemahake terjemahan sing bener ing basa ibune kanggo terjemahan
google iki kanggo entuk Eternal Bliss minangka Tujuan Final
D. Paṭikūlamanasikāra Pabba
Bhikkhu, bhikkhu nganggep awak iki, saka soles
Kaki munggah lan saka rambute ing sirah mudhun, kang delimited dening sawijining
Kulit lan kebak macem-macem impurities: “Ing kāya iki, ana
Rambut saka sirah, rambut awak, kuku, untu, kulit, daging,
Tendon, tulang, sumsum tulang, ginjal, jantung, ati, pleura, limpa,
Paru-paru, usus, mesentery, weteng karo isi, endhog, empedu,
Phlegm, pus, getih, kringet, lemak, nangis, pelumas, saliva, mucus hidung,
Cairan sinovial lan cipratan. “
Bhikkhu, ana kanthong sing duwe rong bukaan lan diisi karo macem-macem
Jinis gandum, kayata padi, padi, mung kacang, kacang-sapi, wijen
Wiji lan husked beras. Wong sing duwe panemune apik,
Bakal nimbang [isine]: “Iki pekarangan, iki padi, sing
Ana kacang buncis, sing ana sapi-kacang, yaiku wijen wiji lan iki
Beras “, kaya mangkene, bhikkhu, para bhikkhu nganggep banget
Awak, saka sikil sikil munggah lan saka rambute ing sirah mudhun,
Sing diwenehake dening kulit lan kebak warna-warna saka impurities:
“Ing kāya iki, ana rambut saka sirah, rambut ing awak,
Kuku, untu, kulit, daging, tendon, balung, sumsum tulang, ginjel, jantung,
Ati, pleura, limpa, paru-paru, usus, mesentery, weteng
Isi, feces, empedu, phlegm, pus, getih, kringet, lemak, eling, grease,
Saliva, mucus hidung, cairan synovial lan cipratan. “
Panjenenganipun manggen observasi kāya ing kāya sacara internal, utawi piyambakipun manggen ing ngarsanipun kāya
Ing kāya njaba, utawa manggon ngamatake kāya ing kāya sacara internal lan
Njaba; Panjenengane manggon ngamatake samudaya saka gejala ing kāya, utawa dheweke
Manggon ngamatake lelara fenomena ing kāya, utawa dheweke dumunung
Ngetutake samudaya lan ngliwati fenomena ing kāya; utawa liya,
[Sadhar:] “iki kāya!” Sati ana ing dheweke, mung nganti
Saka ñāna lan sawisé paṭati, dheweké manggon, lan ora nempuh
Kanggo apa wae ing donya. Mangkono, para bhikkhu, para bhikkhu manggoni
Kāya in kāya.…
Kurdish music, Kırmanci music, Kurmanji (North of Xorasan)
به تازگي گروهي از هنرمندان خوش ذوق كورمانج شمال خراسان اقدام به انتشار
آلبومي به نام كوات نموده اند.اين گروه كه نام خود را نيز به همين نام
-كوات-نامگذاري كرده اند (كوات در زبان كوردي كورمانجي به معني باد ملايم و
گرم ميباشد) اولين آلبوم خود را به همراه شش آهنگ و با تنظيم علي جافري و
با سرپرستي آقاي محسن ميرزاده از طريق سايت خود منتشر كرده است.
ذكر است كه اين آلبوم با اجرايي متفاوت از آنچه تاكنون از اين موسيقي به
اجراء درآمده با استقبال بي نظري از سوي كوردهاي اين خطه روبرو شده به گونه
اي كه در اكثر منازل و خودروها مردم به شنيدن اين آلبوم ميپردازند و در
محافل به تمجيد از اجراء اين گروه ميپردازند.
اعضاي اين گروه عبارتند :
از خانم يلدا عباسي خواننده و نوازنده دوتار، آقاي محسن ميرزاده خواننده
ونوازنده دوتار، قاسم اهوراكي نوازنده سنتور، حسن كوهستاني ويولن، مسعود
عابدين نوازنده عود، شاهرخ شيران نوازنده تار، مهدي رحيم زاده نوازنده
كمانچه و ميثم قاضي ميرسعيد اجراي آواز
نشاني سايت گروه كوات :
نشاني وبلاگ شخصي خانم يلدا عباسي:
براي دانلود آلبوم ميتوانيد روي لينك زير كليك نمائيد
53) Classical Kurdish (Kurmanji)
53) Kurdî (Kurmancî)
2297 Tue 25 Jul 2017 LESSON
Pl Bikaranîna
Û ji bo wergera vê googleê ji bo zimanê zikmakî di rastiyê de
wergerandina wergerandinê rast bike ku ji bo Tevgera Dawîn ya
Navneteweyî ya Navîn
D. Paṭikūlamanasikāra Pabba
Wekî din,
Bhikkhus, a bhikkhu ji bedenê, ji pevçûnan tê wateyê
Lingên xwe û ji porê serê serê xwe, ku ji aliyê wê ve tête xurt kirin
Çerm û tije yên cûrbecûr hene: “Li vê kayiyê, hene
Kevirên serê xwe, hûrên laş, nails, diranan, çerm, beden,
Tendons, hestî, marê, kûr, dil, germ, pîr, spleen,
Lungs, intestines, mesentery, stomach bi bi materyalên wê, fêk,
Fembm, pus, xwîn, şîr, hêsir, birçîbûnê, maqûlbûna nasal,
Şewitandina derman û mîzê. “
Wek ku
Bhikkhus, hebek du du vekirî bû û bi cûda re tije kirin
Cureyên genê, wek çil-paddy, paddy, mung beans, cow-peas, sesame
Tov û zîvê zirav. Mirovekî bi çavên qenc re, ew neheq kir,
Dê [materyalên wê] bifikirin: “Ev çiyê bav e, ev bav, ew e
Mung beans, yên ku cew-peş in, ew nebêjin û ew e
Xwarinê xwarinê; “Bi heman awayî, bhikkhus, bhikkhu ev pir pir dibîne
Bedenê, ji hêvên lingên xwe û ji porê serê xwe,
Ku ji hêla çermê ve tête vekirî ye û ji celebên cûrbecûr ve girêdayî ye:
“Di vê kayînê de, mêrê serê serê, porê bedenê hene,
Nails, diranan, çerm, beden, celeb, hestiyên hestiyê, kûr, dil,
Liver, pleura, spleen, lungs, intestines, mesentery, stomach with its
Naverok, fîlan, çilm, fûlem, pus, xwê, xwê, dil, hêsir,
Saliva, maqûlê nasal, şehîdê derman û murî. “
Ji ber vê yekê
Ew li hundurê kayiyê dîtiye, an ew li kahiyê dîtiye
Li hundirê kahîn, an ew li hundurê kahiyê di hundurê xwe de dimîne
Derve Ew rûnişte ku samudaya phenomena li kahya, an ew e
Rûniştin ku di kaya de derbas dibe, an jî ew dimîne
Çavdêriya samudaya û li ser kayaya phenomena derbas dibe; An jî
[Rastkirina rastîn]] “ev kahayê!” Sati ew di tenê de hema wî heye
Mere ñāṇa and my paṭissati, ew dimîne, û nehêle
Tiştek dinyayê. Ji ber vê yekê, bhikkhus, bhikkhu dîtiye
Kāya in kāya.
Kyrgyz art song “Appak Suyuu” - Yulia Rutskaya / Kyrgyz Republic
Kyrgyz art song “Appak Suyuu” (Kyrgyz: Very White Love) performed by Yulia Rutskaya / Kyrgyz Republic
Юлия Руцкая “Аппак сүйүү”
music and lyrics by Nurak Abdyrakhmanov / Kyrgyz Republic
54) Classical Kyrgyz
54) Классикалык Кыргыз
2297 Tue, 25 Jul 2017-бөлүм
ТҮШҮНҮКТҮҮЛҮК-NET - FREE Online Трипитака изилдөө жана практика University жана аны менен байланышкан IN105 классикалык тилдердин аркылуу NEWS
Pl колдонуу
жана акыркы максаты болуп, түбөлүктүү бактылуулукка жетүү үчүн бул Google котормо үчүн эне тилинде туура котормо чыгарат
D. Paṭikūlamanasikāra Pabba
Мындан тышкары,
bhikkhus, таман бир bhikkhu ушул орган деп эсептейт,
тарабынан юридикалык башына түшүп, күнү жана чачы чыканак, анын
тери жана кошулмалар ар кандай түрлөрүн толук: “Бул Кайа-жылы бар
башымдагы чачымдан, дене, тырмак, тиш, тери, дененин түкчөлөр,
тарамыштары, сөөктөр, жилик чучугу, бөйрөк, жүрөк, боор, pleura, көк боор,
өпкө, ичеги-карын, mesentery, анын мазмуну, заъына, өт, ашказан,
какырыкты, ириъ, кан, тери, бөйрөк майын, көз жашын төгүп, куйгуч, шилекей, согушкан мурун былжыры,
муун суюктук жана зааранын. “
Сыяктуу эле, эгерде,
bhikkhus, эки кесик бир баштык бар болчу, ошондой эле ар кандай толтурулган
эгиндин түрлөрү, мисалы, тоолуу шалы катары, шалы, маш буурчак, уй-буурчак, кунжут
өсүмдүктөрдү жана уруктарды чагуу күрүч. жакшы кёргён киши, аны түшүп алып,
карап турган [анын мазмуну]: “Бул тоодо талаасы, бул = съмдък болуп саналат, ошол
оператор болуп, ошол уй-буурчак болуп саналат, алар кунжут уруктары бар жана бул
чагуу күрүч, “ошондой жол менен монастырларда, бир bhikkhu ушул деп эсептейт
органы, бут алдына жыкканга чейин, ал эми башына чачы,
анын тери менен бёлънгён жана кошулмалар ар кандай түрлөрүн толук:
“Бул Кайа-жылы, башымдагы чачымдан да бар, дененин түкчөлөр,
мыктар, тиштер, тери, эт, тарамыштарды, сөөктөр, жилик чучугу, бөйрөк, жүрөк,
менен боор, pleura, көк боор, өпкө, ичеги-карын, mesentery, ашказан анын
мазмуну, заъ, ошондой эле өттө, какырыкты, ириъ, кан, тери, бөйрөк майын, көз жашын төгүп, май,
шилекей, мурун былжыр, муун суюктук жана зааранын. “
Ал ички Кая менен Кайа байкоо жашайт, же байкоо Кайа жашайт
тышкы Кайа, же ал Кая менен Кайа байкоо жашаган нан ички жана
тышкы; Ал Кая менен көрүнүштөрдүн samudaya байкоо жашайт, же ал
жашаган Кая менен көрүнүштөрдүн өтүп байкоо, же ал жашаган
samudaya байкоо жана Кая менен көрүнүштөрдүн өтүп кетет; же башка,
[Түшүнүп:] “Бул Кайа болот!” Саатан эле көлөмдө, анын ичинде бар
тек гана Бейбит жана жөн paṭissati, ал өзүнчө жашайт, кал эмес,
дүйнөдө эч нерсеге. Ошентип, монастырларда турган bhikkhu байкоо жашайт
Кайа-жылы Кайа.
ஷாம்ராட் அசோகன்
samrat ashoka drama acted by sivaji ganesan in annaien aanai Tamil film
Ashoka Life History in Tamil
Asoka 2001
Published on Jan 24, 2017
Ashoka the Great:
Storyline of Ashoka the Great 2001
Prince Ashoke (Shahrukh Khan), heir to the Magadha Kingdom, bowing to
his mother’s (Shilpa Mehta) demand forsakes his princely status and goes
to live in the wild for awhile. There he meets and falls in love with
Kaurwaki (Kareena Kapoor). He identifies himself as Pawan, not wanting
to disclose his identity yet. Ashoke has to return to Magadha, but when
he returns to find and wed Kaurwaki, he is told by Bheema (Rahul Dev)
that Kaurwaki and her brother Arya have been killed. Devastated Ashoke
returns home. On the way home he is attacked and Devi (Hrishitaa Bhatt),
of the Buddhist faith rescues him and tends to him till he gets well.
As a result, Devi’s marriage to her groom is cancelled. Ashoke weds her
and brings her to Magadha, only to be told by his father that since Devi
is not of the same race as he, she cannot be welcomed. Ashoke leaves
with Devi and lives in Ujjaini. Soon Devi gets pregnant, and this
arouses jealously and hatred amongst Ashoke’s step-brothers. As a result
they plot to kill Devi, however, their plans are foiled by Ashoke’s
mother, who is killed. Ashoke swears to avenge his mother’s death by
killing his step-brothers one by one, except for one, who has led to
Kalinga. Ashoke asks the ruler of Kalings to turn over his step-brother
to him, and they refuse. Ashoke swears to raze Kalinga to the ground.
Ashoke is unstoppable. Even his close friend, Virat (Danny Denzongpa),
too, is unable to stop Ashoke. Ashoke proceeds to war, little knowing
that the queen of Kalinga is none other than Kaurwaki, who is still ashoka the great
Watch the trailer of an epic historical drama film based on the life of
emperor - Asoka. The film features Kareena Kapoor & Shah Rukh Khan
in the lead roles.
For more updates on Asoka, click on the links below:
… See more
Asoka Trailer | Kareena Kapoor, Shah Rukh Khan, Hrishita Bhatt | A Santosh Sivan Film
Watch the trailer of an epic historical drama film based on the life of
emperor - Asoka. The film features Kareena Kapoor & Shah Rukh Khan
in the lead roles.
For more updates on Asoka, click on the links below:…
Chakravartin Ashoka Samrat - 7th October 2016 - चक्रवतीन अशोक सम्राट
“To watch the full episode of ‘Chakravartin Ashoka Samrat’ anytime, Download the Voot app now or Visit…
This historical drama, based on life of King Ashoka Maurya, continues
to hold its place in the viewers’ list of favorites. The period drama
charts the journey of a young Ashoka as he fights for his rightful place
in the empire of Magadh and then follows his rise to the throne. As he
fights all odds, we see Ashoka coming of age and battle destiny in an
attempt to make Chanakya’s dream for a united India, come true.”…
Chakravartin Ashoka Samrat - 6th October 2016 - चक्रवतीन अशोक सम्राट
Ashoka the Great - Kings of India | Mocomi Kids
Ashoka the great was emperor of the Maurya Dynasty who ruled the Indian
subcontinent from 269 BC to 232 BC. His kingdom stretched from Pakistan
and Afghanistan in the west to Bangaldesh and Assam in the east, and as
far as Kerela and Andhra Pradesh in the East. Ashoka was headquartered
in Magadha (Bihar).
Ashoka in his
younger days is said to have had a massive temper and was also very
wicked and cruel. He once put his ministers through a loyalty test in
which he killed 500 of them. He was also nicknamed Chand Ashoka which
means ‘Ashoka the Fierce’ for having built a horrific torture chamber.
On ascending the throne, Ashoka expanded his empire to regions in Iran,
Persia and Afghanistan over the next eight years. The battle of Kalinga
would be the one that would change his life forever.
Kalinga was
a rich and fertile land situated between the Godavari and Mahanadi
rivers. This was the only land left to conquer. The people of Kalinga
refused to bow down to Ashoka’s rule, however, they were also no match
for Ashoka’s army. It is said that in this battle alone more than
100,000 soldiers lost their lives and many civilians who rose up in
defense were deported.
To read more about Ashoka, visit:
For more history videos and interactive articles, visit:
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