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2299 Thu 27 Jul 2017 LESSON INSIGHT-NET - FREE Online Tipiṭaka Research & Practice University and related NEWS through in
105 Google’s free service instantly translates words, phrases, and web pages between English and over 100 other languages. and render correct translation in your mother tongue for this google translation to attain Eternal Bliss as Final Goal Jai Bheem. All are invited to “ANEKAL PARTY WORKERS MEET & PARTY JOINING PROGRAMME” Celebrated in a grand way On 29/7/2017 Saturday at 10.00am. At SUN PALACE, old Chandapura, Hosur Main road, Anekal, B’lore. Ashok Siddharthaji, Marsandra Muniyappaji, Maheshji will address the gathering. Bahujan Samaj Party, Congress, JD(S)’s representatives including Jagatheesan Chandrasekharan, Vikram(Anthony), N.D.Solomon Raju, S.A. Hussain and others attended a meeting at office of the Chief Electoral Officer, Nirvachan Nilaya,Sheshadri Rd. Bangalore-1 Ph No. 22224212,,, on 26-7-2017 Sub: Stock Taking of EVMs using A Mobile App.-Reg CEO assured to send copies of the handouts through mail. The representatives requested CEO to Kindly revert back to Ballot Papers for the following reasons: Online Continuous Conference, seminar, symposium on Universal Adult Franchise through Paper Ballots rejecting the fraud EVMs/VVPAT to safeguard Democracy, Equality, Liberty and Fraternity as enshrined in our Constitution Revert back to Paper Ballots as Electronic Voting Machines (EVM) is being Manipulated.
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Posted by: site admin @ 3:16 pm

2299 Thu 27 Jul 2017 LESSON

INSIGHT-NET - FREE Online Tipiṭaka Research & Practice University
and related NEWS through in
105 languages

Google’s free service instantly translates words, phrases, and web pages between English and over 100 other languages.

and render correct translation in your mother tongue for this google translation to attain Eternal Bliss as Final Goal

Jai Bheem. All are invited  to  “ANEKAL PARTY WORKERS MEET & PARTY
JOINING  PROGRAMME”   Celebrated in a grand way On 29/7/2017  Saturday
at 10.00am. At SUN PALACE, old Chandapura, Hosur Main road, Anekal,
B’lore. Ashok Siddharthaji, Marsandra Muniyappaji, Maheshji will address
the gathering.

Samaj Party, Congress, JD(S)’s representatives including Jagatheesan
Chandrasekharan, Vikram(Anthony), N.D.Solomon Raju, S.A. Hussain and
others attended
a meeting at office of the Chief Electoral Officer, Nirvachan Nilaya,Sheshadri Rd. Bangalore-1

Ph No. 22224212,,,

on 26-7-2017

Sub: Stock Taking of EVMs using A Mobile App.-Reg

CEO assured to send copies of the handouts through mail. Requested to send emails to,,,,,,,,,,

The representatives requested CEO to Kindly revert back to Ballot Papers for the following reasons:

Continuous Conference, seminar, symposium on Universal Adult Franchise through Paper Ballots
rejecting the fraud EVMs/VVPAT to safeguard Democracy, Equality, Liberty and Fraternity as enshrined in our Constitution

Revert back to Paper Ballots as Electronic Voting Machines (EVM) is being Manipulated.

Voting is a fundamental right
The heart of democracy is voting

The heart of voting is TRUST that each vote is recorded and counted with accuracy and impartiality.
The purpose of an election is not to name the winner, but it is to convince the losers that they lost.
Voting is a statutory right under the Representation of People Act
1950 and fundamental rights in India under Article 19(1)(a) to know
the antecedent of the candidates contesting for the election.
A voter has the right to know whether his / her vote has been recorded and counted.

Voter in this country today  do not know whether his /her vote has been recorded or
counted with accuracy and impartiality.

There is no proof
and there is no accountability.

 EVMs Does not answer these questions.

Electronic Voting Machines (EVMs) have two main components
CONTROL UNIT, used by poll workers, which stores and accumulates votes,
(2) a BALLOT UNIT, located in the election booth, which is used by

These units are connected by a 5 m cable, which has one end permanently fixed to the ballot unit.

The system is powered by a battery pack inside the control unit.

The ballot unit has 16 candidate buttons.
If any are unused, they are
covered with a plastic masking tab inside the unit.
When there are more
than 16 candidates, an additional ballot unit can be connected to a port
on the underside of the first ballot unit.

Up to four ballot units can
be chained together in this way, for a maximum of 64 candidates.

A four-position slide switch in the ballot unit selects its position in
the chain.
The Bharat Electronics Limited (BEL) and Electronics
Corporation of India (ECIL) are the manufacturers of EVMs in our country and
the foreign companies in US and Japan supplying micro-controllers,

The electronic voting machines (EVMs) used in elections are
internationally known as Direct Recording Electronic (DRE) voting
machines which record votes directly in electronic memory.

Electronic voting machines were first introduced in India in 1982 in
assembly elections on a limited basis. One such constituency where they
were used was the Parur Assembly constituency in the state of Kerala. In
50 of the 84 polling stations, electronic voting machines were used.

EVMs have been in universal use since the general elections of
2004, when paper ballots were phased out completely.

 They have been
deployed in all assembly polls and the general elections in 2009.

“It is tamper-proof, error-free and easy to operate,” says the EC`s manual for returning officers states.

It is “illegal” to use EVM in India.

 In 1984, the Supreme Court held that the use of electronic
voting machines in elections was “illegal” as the Representation of
People (RP) Act, 1951 did not permit use of voting machines in

Later, the R.P. Act was amended in 1989 incorporating Section

However, the amendment says voting machines “may be adopted in
such constituency or constituencies as the Election Commission may,
having regard to the circumstances of each case, specify.” Violating the
provisions of the R.P Act, the Election Commission has conducted 2004
and 2009 nationwide general elections only using electronic voting
machines. Many legal experts say that going by the 1984 judgment of the
Supreme Court, parliamentary elections of 2004 and 2009 may be held
illegal. (GVL Narasimha

It will be interesting to know whether ECI specifically issue
notification for use of EVM in the general election of Manipur-2012.

These things happens when we caste our votes.

The general process of electronic voting on the most common EVMs models goes something like this:

Computer security expert, Rice University ).

1. The voter checks in with the voter’s ID with poll workers . The
polling personnel and the agents verify the name and identify the voter
. They obtained signature or thumb print of the voter . To prevent
double voting, they mark the voter’s right index finger with indelible

2. Next, a poll worker presses the BALLOT button on the control unit to
allow one vote. This causes a green READY light to glow on the ballot

3. The voter enters the polling booth and presses the button for the
candidate of his or her choice. A red light next to the candidate button
glows, the ready light turns off, and the control unit emits a loud
beep to indicate that the vote has been cast. The red light then turns
off automatically. This process repeats for each voter.

4. At the end of the poll, the presiding officer removes a plastic cap
on the control unit and presses the CLOSE button, which prevents the EVM
from accepting further votes. The ballot unit is disconnected and the
control unit is placed in storage until the public count, which may
occur weeks later.

5. On the counting day, the control units are delivered to a counting
centre. In public view, an election official breaks a seal on the
control unit and presses the RESULT button.

The display on the control
unit shows a sequence of outputs: the number of candidates, the total
votes, and the number of votes received by each candidate.

6. The Counting officials manually record the totals from each machine
and add
them together to determine the results of the election. The machines are
then placed in storage until the next election.

Disadvantages of EVM :

Disadvantages of electronic voting can include viruses and hacking,
as well physical tampering. Despite elaborate safeguards, our country’s EVMs
are vulnerable to serious attacks.

1. EVM Software Isn’t Safe
The electronic voting machines are safe and secure only if the source
code used in the EVMs is genuine. Shockingly, the EVM manufacturers, the
BEL and ECIL have shared the ‘top secret’ EVM software program with two
foreign companies, Microchip (USA) and Renesas (Japan) to copy it onto
micro-controllers used in EVMs. This process could have been done
securely in-house by the our country manufacturers. Worse, when the foreign
companies deliver microcontrollers fused with software code to the EVM
manufacturers, the EVM manufacturers cannot “read back” their contents
as they are either OTP-ROM or masked chips. Amusingly, the software
given to foreign companies is not even made available with the Election
Commission, ostensibly for security reasons. With such ridiculous
decisions, the Election Commission and the public sector manufacturers
have rendered security of the EVMs a mockery. (GVL Narasimha

2. EVM hardware Isn’t Safe

The danger for EVM manipulations is not just from its software. Even the
hardware isn’t safe. Dr. Alex Halderman, professor of computer science
in the University of Michigan says, “EVMs used in the West require
software attacks as they are sophisticated voting machines and their
hardware cannot be replaced cheaply. In contrast, the our EVMs can
easily be replaced either in part or as wholesale units.” One crucial
part that can be faked is micro-controllers used in the EVMs in which the
software is copied. EVM manufacturers have greatly facilitated fraud by
using generic micro-controllers rather than more secure ASIC or FPGA
microcontrollers. Not just only micro-controllers, mother boards (cards
which contain micro-controllers) and entire EVMs can be replaced. Neither
the Election Commission nor the manufacturers have undertaken any
hardware or software audit till date. As a result, such manipulation
attempts would go undetected. To detect such fraud, the upgraded EVMs
have a provision to interface with an Authentication Unit that would
allow the manufacturers to verify whether the EVM being used in the
election is the same that they have supplied to the Election Commission.

The EVM manufacturers developed an “Authentication Unit” engaging the
services of Secure-Spin, a Bangalore based software services firm. The
Unit was developed and tested in 2006 but when the project was ready for
implementation, the project was mysteriously shelved at the instance of
the Election Commission. Several questions posed to the Election
Commission for taking this decision went unanswered. (GVL Narasimha

3. Vulnerability to hacking: Our EVMs can be hacked both before and after elections to alter
election results.

Apart from manipulating the EVM software and
replacing many hardware parts discussed above, our EVMs can be hacked
in many ways. To possibilities may be mentioned :-

Each EVM contains two EEPROMs inside the Control Unit in which the
voting data is stored. They are completely unsecured and the data inside
EEPROMs can be manipulated from an external source. It is very easy to
read (data from) the EEPROMs and manipulate them (GVL Narasimha

The second and the most deadly way to hack Indian EVMs is by inserting a
chip with Trojan inside the display section of the Control unit. This
requires access to the EVM for just two minutes and these replacement
units can be made for a few hundred rupees. Bypassing completely all
inbuilt securities, this chip would manipulate the results and give out
“fixed” results on the EVM screen. The Election Commission is completely
oblivious to such possibilities. (

Contrary to claims by election authorities, these paperless EVMs
suffer from significant vulnerabilities. Even brief access to the
machines could allow dishonest election “Insiders “ or other criminals
to alter election results.

There are allegations that some “insiders” demanding vast sums (Rs. 5
Crore or more for each assembly constituency) to fix election results.
Who are these insiders? Unlike in the traditional ballot system where
only the election officials were the “insiders”, electronic voting
machine regime has spawned a long chain of insiders, all of whom are
outside the ambit and control of the ECI. There
is every possibility that some of these “insiders” are involved in
murky activities in fixing elections. The whole world—except us in our
country–is alive to the dangers of insider fraud in elections. The
“insiders” include the public sector manufacturers of our country’s
voting machines namely, the Bharat Electronics Limited (BEL) and
Electronics Corporation of India (ECIL), the foreign companies supplying
micro-controllers, private players (some of which are allegedly owned
some political leaders) for carrying out checking and maintenance of
electronic voting machines during elections.

A team of researchers showed precisely how a display component could be
replaced with a fake substitute programmed to steal a percentage of the
votes in favour of a chosen candidate. They also demonstrated how stored
votes could be changed between the election and the public counting
session, which in our country, can be weeks later, with a pocket-sized
The team, comprising Hyderabad-based NetIndia, Dr J Alex Halderman,
professor & noted expert on electronic voting security from the
University of Michigan and Holland-based security expert Rop Gonggrijp,
was instrumental in the ban on EVMs in the Netherlands.

4. Which candidate to favour -Once the dishonest display is installed in
an EVM (possibly months or years before the election), the attacker
must communicate which candidate is to be favoured or disfavoured and by
what margin.

There are many different ways that attackers could send
such a signal—various kinds of radios, secret combinations of key
presses, or even by using the number of candidates on the ballot.

2. Stealing of Votes To steal votes, the attacker indicates his favoured
candidate using the rotary switch, which selects a number from 0–9, and
the attacker can use it to pick a favoured candidate in any of the
first 9 ballot positions, which normally include the major national
parties. When the switch is set to positions 1-9, the chip on the
clip-on device executes a vote-stealing programme . The programme runs
in two passes: first, it reads the list of votes and calculates how many
votes to steal from each candidate, and second, it rewrites the list of
votes, stealing votes as calculated in the first phase. Any time
between the start of polling and the public count, dishonest election
insiders or other criminals could use the clip-on device to change the
votes recorded in the EVM. In India, counting sometimes takes place
weeks after voting, so criminals could wait for an opportunity to tamper
with the machines while they are in storage. In normal operation, the
EVM limits the rate of voting to no more than
5 per minute. However, Clip-on device bypasses the software
restrictions of the EVM, so an attacker is able to again forcibly take
control of an EVM and stuff the electronic “ballot box” with any number
of votes. These attacks are neither complicated nor difficult to
perform, but they would be hard to detect or defend against.

3. Dishonest insiders or other criminals with physical access to the
machines at any time before ballots are counted can insert malicious
hardware that can steal votes for the lifetime of the machines.
Attackers with physical access between voting and counting can
arbitrarily change vote totals and can learn which candidate each voter

4 The EVM has no means for the voter to verify that his/her votes have
been tallied properly.

5. The EVM has no means outside of the memories of the voting machines
themselves to audit or recount the votes.

6. Susceptibility to fraud: Although some may believe that tampering
with an electronic voting machine is extremely hard to do, computer
scientists have tampered with machines to prove that it is quite easily
done. If people have access to the machines, and know how to work them,
they can take the memory card out of the machine, which stores the
votes, and in place they put their own memory card with a virus that can
tamper with the votes

7. Government ties of manufacturers: The Government at the time of
election may hire any manufacturer or company for manufacturing EVMs
according to the needs of the political party in power An EVM can be
tampered during manufacturing stage, that too during the manufacturing
of the Chip. After tampering the EVM, its difficult to detect it by a
third party. When the tampering happens at the manufacturing stage of
chip, even those who are assembling the EVMs will not be aware of and
cannot detect tampering .

8. Malicious software programming: Any computer software is basically
generated from software programming and coding. And all these soft
wares could be tampered with by a computer programmer who knows the
source code. Testing electronic voting systems for security problems,
especially if they were intentionally introduced and concealed, is
basically impossible. If malicious coding is inserted by programmers
into commercial software that are triggered by obscure combinations of
commands and keystrokes via the computer keyboard, then election results
can change completely.

9. Physical security of machines:

10. Secure storage of cast votes: The votes that are cast using the
electronic voting machines, are stored in a safe storage or space in the
computer machine memory. The time gap between election and the
counting of votes is a risk to possible hacking and manipulation . The
chance of tampering increases as the time gap increases.

(Dr. Dan Wallach,  Can a   ?

What is   
Advantages of EVM
Electronic Voting Machines (EVMs) have revolutionised the Indian
election process. The advantages of electronic voting machines is
simplicity of the procedure, the ease of tabulation of ballots into
results and the faster and more accurate results . It`s easy to see the
utility of the machine— it eliminates invalid votes, ends booth
capturing, and makes counting easier and faster.

Why do other countries rejected EVMs ?

Several countries in the world rejected Electronic Voting
Machines (EVMs) because they are difficult to secure, easily subject to
manipulation and open to large scale fraud and pose a serious threat for
free, fair and transparent elections in democratic societies. EVMs are
allowed in most states of the US only with a paper back up. Indian EVMs
do not produce a paper trail, which is a major drawback . Potential
dangers of “vote fraud” and more importantly, lack of transparency and
verifiability associated with them prompted ban or restrictions of their
use. Developed nations like the United Kingdom, France, Japan and
Singapore have so far stuck to voting on paper ballots, owing to their
simplicity, verifiability and voter confidence in the system.

Some of the countries ho have rejected EVMs are as follows :-

1. Ireland abandoned e-voting in 2006.

2. Italian Minister Giulano Amato stated, “We decided to stop
the electronic voting machine. During the 2006 elections we experimented
with the machines as a voting system, and not a system that counts the
sections, without any reference to the legally valid votes. “Let`s stick
to voting and counting physically because less easy to falsify.” (
Source of info:

3. California Secretary of State Kevin Shelley banned EVMs in
the November 2004 elections as certain security conditions were not met
with. Verifiable paper trail & certain security conditions need to
be implemented. People want elections results that can be physically
verified. (

4. Germany`s Supreme Court ruled in March 2009 that e-voting was unconstitutional.

5. In the Netherlands, in 2006, licenses of 1,187 EVMs were
withdrawn after citizen group `We do not trust voting machines` showed
they could hack into EVMs in 5 minutes from up to 40 metres without the
knowledge of voters or election officials. The nation will return to
paper voting.” (Publication: ComputerWorld, Dt: 19-05-2008, Author:
Andreas Udo de Haes)

6. Supreme Court of Finland declared the result of pilot
electronic voting machines invalid in the municipal corporation
elections of 2009.

After Hugo Chávez won the 2004 election in Venezuela, it came out that
the government owned 28 percent of Bizta, the company that manufactured
the voting
machines. The CIA has reported vote-rigging schemes in Venezuela,
Macedonia and

Ukraine and a raft of concerns about EVMs & tampering. Stigall who
studied electronic systems in about 36 countries said that most
countries` machines produced paper receipts that voters then dropped
into boxes. However, even that doesn`t prevent corruption. (

Our country must also ban EVMs.
Speed of election
results is obviously an attraction for the EVMs. But saving democracy is
more critical than saving election costs or gain in efficiency.
Numerous EVM rigging allegations have been made by many prominent

• EVMs were manipulated during the poll which resulted in defeat of many candidates of Bahujan Samaj Party in Uttar Pradesh,”

the advise of ex CEC Mr. Sampath the ex CJI Mr. Sathasivam had
committed a grave error of judgement by ordering that the EVMs could be
replaced in a phased manner. In 2014 Lok Sabha Elections only 8 out of
543 seats the EVMs were replaced for the advantage of BJP. Subsequently
in all the Assembly elections including Uttar Pradesh only in 20 seats
out of 403 seats the EVMs were replaced again to the benefit of BJP.
Thye ex CJI never ordered for Ballot Papers to be used until the entire
EVMs were replaced. This has negated the Universal Adult Franchise
provided in the Constitution. Therefore, there is no need for taking
stock of EVMs using a mobile App. Only choice is to revert back to
Ballot papers to save democracy, liberty, equality and fraternity as
enshrined in our Constitution.

References with public comments:
संसद में ईवीएम घोटाले पर मायावती का सनसनीखेज बयान/MAYAWATI ON EVM IN PARLIAMENT

behenji sach bol rahi hai

Sahi hai evm ko hatao

EVM should be banned

Toamit Chaudhary

She is absolutely right…according her E.V.M ought to be ban…!! She is the God of  society….

BJP can go to any extant of debauchery

inko bolne kiun nahi diya jaa raha hai baar baar unko baithne kiun kaha jaate raha hai

I salute u

ye maderchod sale sab chor hai beiman hain voton ki chori karke jeete hain inki salo ki aulad doob jayegi

correct iron Lady👍👍👍

Pankaj Rawat

बहन जी आप शेरनी है
हमे पता है कि आप कभी पिछे नही हटेंगी
Aap aage badhe hum aap ke sath hai

sabha pati bjp ka agent hai

Vikkarm John

Mazhar Abbas sahi kaha Bhai

Bhenji zindaabaad a age bado janta aapke saath hai

evm se election nai honi chaiye. evm is dangerous for country…

evm murdabad
EVM FRAUD SCAM - BSP Leader SATISH CHANDRA MISHRA [Best Speech] with complete study and Evidence


Published on Mar 24, 2017

Video Credits goes to :…
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These Big Politicians are against EVM Machine Results - EVM Fraud Scam के लिए सवाल उठाने वाले नेता…
Supreme Court ने EVM Fraud Scam पर कर दिया फैसला - देखें पूरा वीडियो - Arvind Kejriwal ने बताया…
ABP news, Aaj tak news, India tv News और Zee News जैसे बड़े News
Channel EVM Tampering or EVM Fraud Scam को छिपाने की कोशिस कर रहे है |
Supreme Court ने माना EVM में कराई जा सकती है गड़बड़ी | EVM Fraud Scam की जांच होनी चाहिए या नहीं ?…
EVM Fraud Scam से देश के नागरिकों में भड़का BJP और PM Narendra Modi के खिलाफ गुस्सा…
How to Hack EVM Machine | Hacked EVM Machine, How it works | 2 Methods to hack | UP Election…
your comments and views below without using abusive words, just stay
calm and give your views in acceptable manner as a good citizen of your
BJP won due to EVM machine SCAM, allegations by
Oppositions. UP: Fraud in EVM Machine By BJP explained in detail ईवीएम
में कैसे हुई गड़बड़ी- मायावती का सनसनीखेज खुलासा/MAYAWATI BLAMES FRAUD
BJP tampered with EVMs, alleges Mayawati; asks for fresh polling by ballot papers
votes in Muslim majority constituencies have gone to BJP, makes it
evident that voting machines were manipulated,” said Mayawati.

pradesh elections 2017, up polls, mayawati akhilesh yadav, bsp,
samajwadi party, indian express news, india news, elections updates
BSP Chief Mayawati (File Photo)
ready to accept defeat in Uttar Pradesh, BSP chief mayawati accused the
BJP of tampering with the EVMs and demanded fresh poll with the use of
ballot paper. The BJP is likely to secure a landlisde victory in the
state, according to the latest trend. But Mayawati alleged that the
voting was fudged and accused the BJP and its workers of tampering with
the electronic voting machines. She said that she will write to the
Election Commission to conduct a fresh poll in the state.
results in UP and Uttarakhand are surprising and not palatable to
anyone…it seems EVMs did not accept votes polled for any party other
than BJP,” said Mayawati, whose Bahujan Samaj Party has fared poorly in
the UP elections.
Elections,Modi,Technical guruji,Technicalguruji,Narendra Modi,EVM
Problem Voting Machine Scam: Miss Pooja blames to Modi party वोटिंग मशीन
घोटाले में पूजा ने खोली मोदी की पोल ये है गवाह यूपी में हुआ वोटिंग मशीन
घोटाला । EVM scam EVM fraud UP ईवीएम में कैसे हुई गड़बड़ी- मायावती का
सनसनीखेज खुलासा/MAYAWATI BLAMES FRAUD IN EVM Nashik: EVM Machine scam
Issue; candidate complaint fraud in EVM machine BJP का चुनाव जीतने का
नया हथकंडा, पहले Kamal का Button दबा कर EVM Machine Check करें ? किस-किस
नेता ने उठाए ईवीएम पर सवाल ?/BIG LEADER AGAINST EVM MACHINE



b j p chor he



waah really wonderful speech .


good speech

and true speech

good spech

Good speech

s sir good
speech .bjp wale agar mard ki aulad hain to re election karwao (ballot
paper se)Kya himmat hi .agar tum ram ke manne wale ho aur ram par
bharosa hi to pm se bolo re election ke liye. is me Gali de ke kuch NAHI
hoga (Tamam rajion ka re election karwao)
ईवीएम घोटाले पर शरद यादव का आंखें खोल देने वाला भाषण/JDU LEADER SHARAD YADAV ON EVM SCAM

Satish Chandra Mishra presented the case to revert back to paper ballots in a very befitting manner.

Following are the recent developments of the EVMs:…/faulty-evm-machine-ocassionally…/

Faulty EVM ‘ocassionally’ casts vote for BJP in Buldhana: Report
The report says that on February 16th, the day of polling, Zore and her
representatives made a complaint at around 10 am after they objected to
LED light flashing for BJP candidate when votes were case in her favour
at an EVM unit in Sultanpur

Electronic Voting Machine (EVM) used during the Zilla Parishad elections
in the month of February in Maharashtra reportedly recorded votes in
favour of a BJP candidate when they were cast for an independent

According to a report in DNA, independent candidate
Ashatai Arun Zore filed a complaint after an EVM in Buldhana district of
Vidarbha votes polled in her favour “occasionally” went to the rival
candidate from BJP. The complaint was forwarded to Buldhana district
collectorate by RTI activist Anil Galgali who sought information
regarding the complaint.

Maharashtra: EVM malfunctioned in Buldhana local election, says Collector

The report says that on February 16th, the day of polling, Zore and her
representatives filed a complaint at around 10 am after they objected
to the LED light flashing for BJP candidate when votes were cast in her
favour at a polling booth in Sultanpur. The inquiry report was earlier
found to be “without substance” by centre in-charge Ramnarayan Sawant
and election officer Manikrao Bazad. Similar complaints were made again
at 1:30 PM, which were then found to be true, the report added.

The complaint was brought to the notice of the Assistant Returning
Officer prompting officials to seal the machine and restart the polling.
Re-polling took place a few days after the incident at booth 57/6, the
report stated. The Buldhana district collector, in his letter to the
State Election Commission, admitted that Zore’s complaint turned out to
be true.

The reason for the malfunction remains unclear but the
officials denied that it was a case of EVM tampering. “This could be a
technical fault. On an average, there are 60 seats in a Zilla Parishad.
The problem occurred on one machine in one centre in a particular
constituency. If there was deliberate tampering, similar complaints
could have been reported from more machines in other centres,” a
Buldhana district official told DNA.

report says that on February 16th, the day of polling, Zore and her
representatives made a complaint at around 10 am after they objected to
LED light flashing for BJP…

EVM In Madhya Pradesh Votes Just For BJP, Says Opposition Seeking Probe

An Electronic Voting Machine that was reported to have voted for a
particular party during a demonstration in Madhya Pradesh on Saturday
reignited the opposition charge that tampered EVMs had helped the BJP in
the last round of assembly elections. The Election Commission of India
has sought a detailed report from Bhind’s District Election Officer
after seeing the video of a demonstration organised by state election
officials for journalists ahead of by-elections in the state’s two
assembly seats.

NDTV is one of the leaders in the production and
broadcasting of un-biased and comprehensive news and entertainment
programmes in India and abroad. NDTV delivers reliable information
across all platforms: TV, Internet and Mobile.
EVM Controversy: SP, Collector of Bhind removed

For latest breaking news, other top stories log on to: &

EVM Controversy: SP, Collector of Bhind removed For latest breaking news, other top stories log on to: &

Following are the most happiest people on the earth because of the EVMs:


How will VVPAT with EVM restore trust
and faith of people, also its a law now as following SC direction The ex
CJI Sathasivam had committed a grave error
of judgement by ordering that the EVM could be replaced in a phased
manner as suggested by the ex CEC Sampath which is a bad law. He never
ordererd for using Paper Ballots as used by 80 democracies of the world
till the entire EVMs. so EC has to use it in only 8 out of 543 Lok Sabha
seats in 2014 and subeswuently in 20 seats out of 403 seats in UP
Assembly elections which helped the Murderer of democratic institutions
(Modi) to gobble the Master Key at the Centre and the Yogi to win the UP
elections for BJP (Bahuth Jiyadha Psychopaths: why then CEC introduced
VVPATs when EC was not so sure of EVMs ?

That is because the leader of the 99% Sarvajan Samsaj i.e., of all
societies belonging to SC/STs/OBCs/Religious Minorities and even the
poor  Upper Castes Ms Mayawati a Scgedued Caste became eligible to
become the Prime Minister because of her good governance of Upper
Pradesh and declared that she would reestablish Ashokan Rule if she
became the Prime Minister. This is not liked by the Manuvadi 1%
intolernat, violent, militant, ever shooting, lynching number one
terrorist horrorists lunatic, mentally retarded cannibal chitpawan
brahmin psychopaths RSS (Rakshasa Swayam Sevaks) to establish their
stealth, shadowy, discriminatory hindutva cult.

This has to be prevented by filing number of cases unitedly 
sarvajan samaj through e-filing in the Supreme Court to see that Central
and state governments selected by these fraud EVMs are dismissed and go
for fresh polls with paper ballots as challenged  by Ms Mayawati. It
was proved in the UP Panchayat elections Ms Mayawati’s BSP won majority
of the seats which was conducted with paper ballots and failed in
Assembly elections just after few months with the fraud EVMs.

Now the entire Sarvajan Samaj must project Ms Mayawati as the next
Prime Minister as so far no SC/ST has been able to acquire the Master
Key as desired by the Chief Architect of our Modern Constitution Dr BR
Ambedkar. If while majority number of brahmins and an SC/ST could become
the President of this country why not Prime Minister form SC/ST? Are
majority of the Prime Ministers, Presidents, CJIs, CECs, top Defence
forces Central state fovernments, Public Undertakings etc are filled on
the basis of  brahmin caste without making a big hue and cry ?

First the Sarvajan Samaj must bring back the Paper Ballots then automatically an SC/ST will become the Prime Minister.

All those Murderers of democratic institutions (Modi), Chief of
Rakshasa Swayam Sevaks, the EX CJI and the ec CEC who are responsible to
prevent SC/ST to become the Prime Minister by way of tampering the
fraud EVMs to win elections and reversed the Universal Adult Franchise
must be booked under SC/ST atrocities act with non bailable warrant and
punished with 7 years imprisionment with Rs 10 lakhs fine to save
democracy, liberty, equality and fraternity.

The intellectuals belonging to Sarvajan Samaj must propagate for
paper ballots through facebook.WhattsApp, twitter, SMSes , Emails and all
other media supporting this cause.

As a matter of fact when the BJP was in opposition its remotely controlling RSS also wanted the Ballot Papers to be reverted:

RSS favours paper ballots, EVMs subjected to public scrutiny

Joining the controversy regarding the reliablity of Electronic
Voting Machines (EVMs) which have been questioned by political
parties, the RSS today asked the Election Commission (EC) to revert
back to tried and tested paper ballots and subject EVMs to public
scrutiny whether these gadgets are tamper proof. In an editorial
titled ‘Can we trust our EVMs?’, The Organiser, the RSS mouthpiece,
noted it was a fact that till date an absolutely tamper-proof machine
had not been invented and credibility of any system depends on
‘transparency, verifiability and trustworthiness’ than on blind and
atavistic faith in its infallibility. The issue is not a ‘private
affair’ and it involves the future of India. Even if the EVMs were
genuine, there was no reason for the EC to be touchy about it, the
paper commented. The Government and the EC can’t impose EVMs as a fait
accompli on Indian democracy as the only option before the voter.
There were flaws like booth capturing, rigging, bogus voting,
tampering and ballot paper snatching in the ballot paper system of
polling leading the country to switch over to the EVMs and all these
problems were relevant in EVMs too. Rigging was possible even at the
counting stage. What made the ballot papers voter-friendly was that
all aberrations were taking place before the public eye and hence open
for corrections whereas the manipulations in the EVMs is entirely in
the hands of powers that be and the political appointees manning the
sytem, the paper commented. The EVM has only one advantage —
’speed’ but that advantage has been undermined by the staggered polls
at times spread over three to four months. ‘’This has already killed
the fun of the election process,'’ the paper noted. Of the dozen
General Elections held in the country, only two were through the EVMs
and instead of rationally addressing the doubts aired by reputed
institutions and experts the Government has resorted to silence its
critics by ‘intimidation and arrests on false charges’, the paper
observed, recalling the arrest of Hyederabad-based technocrat Hari
Prasad by the Mumbai Police. Prasad’s research has proved that the
EVMs were ‘vulnerable to fraud’. The authorities want to send a
message that anybody who challenges the EC runs the risk of
persecution and harassment, the RSS observed. Most countries
around the world looked at the EVMs with suspicion and countries like
the Netherlands, Italy, Germany and Ireland had all reverted back to
paper ballots shunning EVMs because they were ‘easy to falsify, risked
eavesdropping and lacked transparency’. Democracy is too precious
to be handed over to whims or an opaque establishment and network of
unsafe gizmos. ‘’For the health of Indian democracy it is better to
return to tried and tested methods or else elections in future can
turn out to be a farce,'’ the editorial said.

— (UNI) — 28DI28.xml

Therefor, The Chief Electoral Officer,

Nirvachan Nilaya,Sheshadri Rd.


Ph No. 22224212,

most humbly take up the issue with the authorities concerned to see
that the Ballot Papers are reverted back to save democracy.

To see Truth as Truth and Untruth as Untruth of EVMs please visit:
Preview YouTube video Indian Big Politicians are against EVM Machine Results - EVM Fraud Scam के लिए सवाल उठाने वाले नेता

Preview YouTube video Supreme Court ने EVM Fraud Scam पर कर दिया फैसला - देखें पूरा वीडियो - Arvind Kejriwal ने बताया

Preview YouTube video Supreme Court ने माना EVM में कराई जा सकती है गड़बड़ी | EVM Fraud Scam की जांच होनी चाहिए या नहीं ?

Preview YouTube video EVM Fraud Scam से देश के नागरिकों में भड़का BJP और PM Narendra Modi के खिलाफ गुस्सा

Preview YouTube video ईवीएम घोटाले पर शरद यादव का आंखें खोल देने वाला भाषण/JDU LEADER SHARAD YADAV ON EVM SCAM

Preview YouTube video EVM In Madhya Pradesh Votes Just For BJP, Says Opposition Seeking Probe

Preview YouTube video EVM Controversy: SP, Collector of Bhind removed

Preview YouTube video Jinguchaa Jinguchaa Song With Lyrics

IANS quoted Congress general secretary Ghulam Nabi Azad as saying soon after his party`s defeat in Orissa in July 2009.

• LK Advani has demanded a paper back-up to electronic voting.
Parties such as CPM, TDP, AIADMK, RJD, LJP and Trinamool Congress have joined the chorus.

• In 2001, Capt. Amarinder Singh, Punjab Pradesh Congress
Committee alleged that EVMs can be tampered with.(

• In 2009, Chandrababu Naidu blamed the EVMs for his defeat. (,-naidu-blames-evms-720

• In 2009, AIADMK urged the EC to revert back to paper ballots,
saying that EVMs were rigged in Lok Sabha polls

• When the Indian National Congress surpassed all projections to
win 262 seats in 2009, According to Dr. Subramanian Swamy, President
of the Janata Party (24-8-2010) , the Leader of Indian National
Congress Mrs. Sonia Gandhi reportedly hired hackers to hack into
election results of the electronic voting machines, which resulted in
landslide victory of the Indian National Congress in the national
elections in 2009. (Electronic Voting Machine: Excellent tool of
manipulation- by News Desk, December 17,

• In 2004, the Hon. Kerala High Court has asked EC to consider
representation seeking changes in the EVMs. to consider suggestions of
Prof. Satinath Choudhary and address issues concerning possible
tampering of EVMs

• On 1st December, 2010, Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina of
Bangladesh announced that there will be full electronic voting system
in Bangladesh to arrange the future elections in a flawless manner. But
there are serious allegations that a group of “election planners” of
the ruling party has already contacted a number of leading EVM hackers
in India, including the most infamous “Cyber Army”. According to
unconfirmed sources, the ruling party influential figures from
Bangladesh are already bargaining a “package deal” with the Indian
hackers in ensuring a massive victory and re-election of Bangladesh
Awami League during the election in 2014 in exchange of a huge amount of
money. Initially, the Indian hackers demanded US$ 1 billion for this
service; while the figure has already been brought down to US$ 400
million and the ruling party men are optimistic of getting even a
cheaper deal with the Indian hackers. Once the deal will be successfully
concluded, there will be visibly no way in stopping the ruling party
from getting re-elected in the election of 2014. Bangladesh has
indigenously developed its own electronic voting machines. Bangladesh
University of Engineering & Technology (BUET) has developed these
systems. ( )

Possible solutions

Nine safeguards recommended by International Electrical &
Electronics Engineering Journal (May 2009, p 23) should be incorporated.
EVMs should print a paper record of each vote, to be deposited in a
conventional ballot box. This ensures physical evidence and speedy
results. A Voter Verified Paper Ballot (VVPB) provides an auditable way
to assure voters that their ballots will be available to be counted.
Without VVPB there is no way to independently audit the election

Use two machines produced by different manufacturers to records votes.

Expose the software behind EVMs to public scrutiny. Having the software
closely examined by independent experts would make it easier to close
technical loopholes that hackers can exploit.

Booth monitoring: Strict monitoring of the activities inside the polling
booth is important to eliminate human elements responsible for fraud
and corruption .

EVMs may be needed, but this is not the best option for corruption
prone environment that exist in our country.

Intellectuals belonging to Sarvajan Samaj have decided to do e-filing to the Supreme Court,


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Facebook, WhatsApp, Emails, SMSes and other supportive media on the
above subject until the Paper Ballots are used in the coming elections
and to dissolve Central and State governments selected by the fraud EVMs
and go for fresh polls using Paper Ballots.

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