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2306 Thu 3 and 2307 Fri 4 Aug 2017 LESSONS INSIGHT-NET - FREE Online Tipiṭaka Research & Practice University and related NEWS through in
105 languages Google’s free service instantly translates words, phrases, and web pages between English and over 100 other languages. and render correct translation in your mother tongue for this google translation to attain Eternal Bliss as Final Goal E. Dhātumanasikāra Pabba E. Section on the Elements Demonetisation cat is out of the bag What is happening is thet the fraud EVMs are being used by the BJP (Bahuth Jiyadha Psychopaths) to win elections. The Central and state governments selected by these fraud EVMs have to be dissolved and go for fresh polls with paper ballots. The the BJP will not get even 1% votes. Till the elections are conducted with paper ballots all sorts of miscalculations will continue. India has more people than any other country in the world today. in 23) Classical English,2) classical Afrikaans-Klassieke Afrikaans,3) Classical Albanian3) Klasike Shqiptare,4) Classical Amharic-ጥንታዊ አማርኛ,5) Classical Arabic- العربية الكلاسيكية 6) Classical Armenian-դասական հայերեն,7) Classical Azerbaijani- Klassik azərbaycanlı
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2306 Thu 3 and 2307 Fri 4 Aug 2017 LESSONS

INSIGHT-NET - FREE Online Tipiṭaka Research & Practice University
and related NEWS through in
105 languages

Google’s free service instantly translates words, phrases, and web pages between English and over 100 other languages.

and render correct translation in your mother tongue for this google translation to attain Eternal Bliss as Final Goal

E. Dhātumanasikāra Pabba

E. Section on the Elements

Demonetisation cat is out of the bag

What is happening is thet the fraud EVMs are being
used by the BJP (Bahuth Jiyadha Psychopaths) to win elections. The
Central and state governments selected by these fraud EVMs have to be
dissolved and go for fresh polls with paper ballots. The the BJP will
not get even 1% votes. Till the elections are conducted with paper
ballots all sorts of miscalculations will continue.

India has more people than any other country in the world today.

in  23) Classical English,2) classical Afrikaans-Klassieke Afrikaans,3) Classical Albanian3) Klasike Shqiptare,4) Classical Amharic-ጥንታዊ አማርኛ,5) Classical Arabic- العربية الكلاسيكية

6) Classical Armenian-դասական հայերեն,
7) Classical Azerbaijani- Klassik azərbaycanlı


bhikkhus, a bhikkhu reflects on this very kāya, however it is placed,

however it is disposed: “In this kāya, there is the earth element, the

water element, the fire element and the air element.” 

Just as, bhikkhus, a skillful butcher or a

butcher’s apprentice, having killed a cow, would sit at a crossroads

cutting it into pieces; in the same way, bhikkhus, a bhikkhu reflects on

this very kāya, however it is placed, however it is disposed: “In this

kāya, there is the earth element, the water element, the fire element

and the air element.”

Thus he dwells observing kāya in kāya

internally, or he dwells observing kāya in kāya externally, or he dwells

observing kāya in kāya internally and externally; he dwells observing

the samudaya of phenomena in kāya, or he dwells observing the passing

away of phenomena in kāya, or he dwells observing the samudaya and

passing away of phenomena in kāya; or else, [realizing:] “this is kāya!”

sati is present in him, just to the extent of mere ñāṇa and mere

paṭissati, he dwells detached, and does not cling to anything in the

world. Thus, bhikkhus, a bhikkhu dwells observing kāya in kāya.…
Jay en Lianie May – Vir Liefde

2) classical Afrikaans

2) Klassieke Afrikaans

2306 Do 3 en 2307 Vr 4 Aug 2017 LESSONS

E. Dhātumanasikāra Pabba

E. Afdeling oor die elemente

Bhikkhus, ‘n bhikkhu weerspieël op hierdie baie kāya, maar dit word geplaas,
Maar dit is afgehandel: “In hierdie kāya is daar die aarde element, die
Water element, die vuur element en die lug element. “

Net soos, bhikkhus, ‘n ervare slagter of a
Slagter se leerling, nadat hy ‘n koei doodgemaak het, sou by ‘n kruispunt sit
Sny dit in stukkies; Op dieselfde manier, bhikkhus, reflekteer ‘n bhikkhu op
Hierdie baie kāya, hoe dit ookal geplaas word, is egter weggedoen: “In hierdie
Kāya, daar is die aarde element, die water element, die vuur element
En die lugelement. “

Dus woon hy kāya in kāya
Intern, of hy woon kāya in kāya ekstern, of hy woon
Die waarneming van kāya in kāya intern en ekstern; Hy woon om te sien
Die samudaya van verskynsels in Kāya, of hy woon die waarneming van die verbygaan
Weg van verskynsels in kāya, of hy woon die samudaya en
Verby van verskynsels in kāya; Anders, [besef:] “dit is kāya!”
Sati is teenwoordig in hom, net tot die mate van blote ñāṇa en blote
Paṭissati, hy woon los, en klou niks aan die
wêreld. Dus, bhikkhus, woon ‘n bhikkhu in kāya waar hy kāya sien.

LIEFDE Geskryf deur Johan Vorster (C) Inhoud Huis Uitgewers Uitgevoer
deur Lianie May en Jay. Musiekvideoproduksie: Verfilm en redigeer deur
Gerhard van …
The NEW Periodic Table Song (Updated)

Download on ITUNES: Hey friends - we wanted to update a few things in our video to be more accurate and appropriate for everyone. And w……
Albanian Kosovo Music

3) Classical Albanian
3) Klasike Shqiptare

2306 Thu 3 dhe 2307 Fri 4 Aug 2017 MËSIME

E. Dhātumanasikāra Pabba

E. Seksioni mbi Elementet

Për më tepër,
Bhikkhus, një bhikkhu pasqyron në këtë kāya shumë, megjithatë ajo është vendosur,
Megjithatë ajo është e disponuar: “Në këtë kāya, ka elementin e tokës,
Elementi i ujit, elementi i zjarrit dhe elementi i ajrit “.

Ashtu si, bhikkhus, një kasap i zoti ose a
Nxënësi i kasapëve, pasi kishte vrarë një lopë, do të ulet në një udhëkryq
Prerja e saj në copa; Në të njëjtën mënyrë, bhikkhus, një bhikkhu reflekton në
Kjo kaja shumë, megjithatë ajo është vendosur, megjithatë ajo është e disponuar: “Në këtë
Kaja, ka elementin e tokës, elementin e ujit, elementin e zjarrit
Dhe elementin e ajrit “.

Kështu ai banon duke vëzhguar kāya në kāya
Brenda, apo ai banon duke vëzhguar kāya in kāya jashtë, ose ai banon
Duke vëzhguar kāya in kāya brenda dhe jashtë; Ai banon duke vëzhguar
Samudaya e fenomeneve në kaya, ose ai banon duke respektuar kalimin
Larg fenomenit në kāya, ose ai banon duke vëzhguar samudayën dhe
Kalimi i fenomeneve në kāya; Ose tjetër, [duke kuptuar:] “kjo është kāya!”
Orë është e pranishme në të, vetëm në masën e thjeshtë ñāna dhe thjesht
Paṭissati, ai qëndron i shkëputur, dhe nuk u ngjit asgjë në
botë. Kështu, bhikkhus, një bhikkhu banon duke vëzhguar kāya in kāya.

Thanks for watching! If you enjoyed the music, give it a thumbs up and please subscribe for new videos!…
Albanian singer Inva Mula

Dolce Suono - by Inva Mula, Albanian opera singer This is the famous
song of the movie “The Fifth Element” performed by character Diva
Plagalaguna, actual…

have a section on our website that loads quite slowly as it’s doing
some intensive calls. Any idea how I can get a div to say something
similar to “loading” to show while the page prepares itsel……
Buddhist chant ‘Sangwa Duepa’ (Performed by Gyuto Monks of Namgyal Monastery, Dharamsala)…
Best amharic classical music 2

4) Classical Amharic
4) ጥንታዊ አማርኛ

2306 ግንቦት 3 እና 2307 ነሏ 4 Aug 2017 ትምህርት

ኢዱሃማነሽኪራ ፓባ

ቢሁ-k’khkkhus, አንድ ሒkኪ በቃያ ላይ ያንጸባርቃል, ግን ቢቀመጥም,
ነገር ግን “ይህ ካያ ውስጥ, የምድራዊ አካል አለ, ሀ
የውሃ አካል, የእሳት እና የኤየር ውሁድ ናቸው. “

ልክ እንደ ባህክል, ብልህ ዝያተኛ ሰው ወይም ሀ
የእርሻ ባለሙያ አንድ ላም ከገደለ በመንገዱ ላይ ይቀመጥ ነበር
ቆርሶም. በተመሳሳይም, ባሁቅ, አንድ ሒስኪን ያሰላስላል
ይህ ሁሉ ካያ ነው, ግን እሱ የተቀመጠ ቢሆንም ግን ተወስዷል. “በዚህ ውስጥ
ካያ, የምድር ክፍል, የውሃ ንጥረ ነገር, የእሳት እሴት አለ
እና የአየር ክፍል. “

በዚህ መንገድ በቃያ ውስጥ ካያ ውስጥ እየተከተለ ነው
ውስጣዊ, ወይም በከፋይ ውስጥ በቃያ እየተከተለ ነው
በውስጥ እና በውጫዊ በካያ ውስጥ ካያ ውስጥ መከታተል; እርሱ ይመለከታል
በካያ ውስጥ የተካሄዱት የሱዳዳያን ክስተቶች, ወይም እሱ መተላለፉን በማስተዋል ላይ ይገኛል
በካያን ከሚያስከትላቸው ክስተቶች መራቅ, ወይም እሱ ሱናዳያን እና
በካያን ውስጥ ያሉ ክስተቶችን ማለፍ; ወይም, “ይህ ካያህ ነው!”
ሳቲ በራሱ እስከ ተራ ና እና እንደ ተራ ብቻ ነው ያለው
ፓትቲቲቲ, እርሱ ራሱን የቻለ እና በየትኛውም ሥራ ላይ አይጣበቅም
ዓለም. ስለሆነም, ባንኩኪ, በሂተኩ ውስጥ በቃያ ውስጥ ካያ ውስጥ እየተመለከተ ነው.…
Ashenafi Kebede - The Shepherd Flutist

Ashenafi’s most famous piece, it is rarely heard outside Ethiopia, and
then in the form of an old, distorted recording that often circulates,
or …

Women meditating on the beach

Adobe’s ImageReady is no longer in Creative Suite, I’m wondering which
program to choose to make small, short gif animations? If possible -
Andalusia Islamic Music Morocco

5) Classical Arabic
5) العربية الكلاسيكية

2306 الخميس 3 و 2307 الجمعة 4 أغسطس 2017 الدروس

E. داتوماناسيكارا بابا

هاء - الفرع المتعلق بالعناصر

علاوة على ذلك،
بيخخوس، وهو بيخخو يعكس على هذا كايا جدا، ومع ذلك يتم وضعها،
ومع ذلك يتم التخلص منها: “في هذا كايا، هناك عنصر الأرض، و
عنصر الماء، وعنصر النار وعنصر الهواء “.

تماما كما، بهيكخوس، جزار ماهرا أو
فالمتدرب الجزار، بعد أن قتل بقرة، سيجلس عند مفترق طرق
قطعه إلى قطع. في نفس الطريق، بيخخوس، وهو بيخخو يعكس جرا
هذا كايا جدا، ومع ذلك يتم وضعها، ولكن يتم التخلص منها: “في هذا
كايا، هناك عنصر الأرض، عنصر الماء، عنصر النار
وعنصر الهواء “.

وهكذا يسكن مراقبة كايا في كايا
داخليا، أو يسكن يراقب كايا في كايا خارجيا، أو يسكن
ومراقبة كايا في كايا داخليا وخارجيا؛ يسكن المراقبة
سامودايا الظواهر في كايا، أو يسكن مراقبة مرور
بعيدا عن الظواهر في كايا، أو يسكن مراقبة سامودايا و
والخروج من الظواهر في كايا؛ أو آخر، [تحقيق:] “هذا هو كايا!”
ساتي موجود فيه، فقط إلى حد مجرد مجرد ومجرد
بيساتي، يسكن منفصلة، ​​ولا تتشبث بأي شيء في
العالمية. وهكذا، بهيكخوس، يسكن بهيكخو مراقبة كايا في كايا.

Thanks for watching! If you enjoyed the music, give it a thumbs up and please subscribe for new videos!
Learn Arabic - [Lesson 1] Arabic Grammar for Understanding the Quran

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The Last Airbender, also known as Avatar: The Legend of Aang in PAL
regions, is an Emmy award-winning American animated television series
that aired for three seasons on Nickelodeon and the Nicktoons Network.
The series was created and produced by Michael Dante DiMartino and Bryan

for Newsletter: Question: A caller phoned in a question to the
Voicemail Hotline: 937-660-4949: Can you talk about chanting? It seems
that many different sects do it. Why? Answer: Well, you a……
Relaxing Armenian music with duduk

6) Classical Armenian
6) դասական հայերեն

2306 Թվ 3 եւ 2307 Փետրվար 4 Օգոստոս 2017 ԴԱՍԸՆԹԱՑՆԵՐ

E. Դատումասանիկ Պաբբա

E. մասերը տարրերի վրա

Bhikkhus, bhikkhu արտացոլում է այս ամենը, սակայն այն տեղադրված է,
Սակայն այն տեղադրված է. «Այս քարի մեջ գոյություն ունի երկրի տարրը
Ջրի տարրը, հրդեհային տարրը եւ օդային տարրը »:

Ճիշտ այնպես, ինչպես bhikkhus, հմուտ մսագործ կամ a
Մորթող աշակերտը, որը կով է սպանել, նստեց խաչմերուկում
Կտրում այն ​​կտորների մեջ; Նույն կերպ, bhikkhus, բխիկխու արտացոլում է
Այս ամենը, սակայն, այն տեղադրված է, սակայն այն տեղավորվում է. «Այս դեպքում
Կա, կա երկրի տարրը, ջրի տարրը, հրդեհային տարրը
Եւ օդային տարրը »:

Այսպիսով, նա ապրում է դիտելու քաայում
Ներսում, կամ նա բնակվում է արտաքին դիտարկմամբ, կամ բնակվում է
Դիտարկելով որպես ներքին եւ արտաքին; Նա ապրում է դիտարկմամբ
Կամ երեւակայության երեւույթները, կամ նա ապրում է դիտելով անցումը
Հեռու երեւույթների մեջ, կամ նա բնակվում է սամուդը եւ այլն
Երեւակայության երեւույթները. Կամ էլ, [իրականացնելով.] «Սա կայա է»:
Sati ներկա է նրա մեջ, ընդամենը ընդամենը ñāṇa եւ ընդամենը
Նա, անշուշտ, ապրում է, եւ չի դնում որեւէ բան
Աշխարհը: Այսպիսով, բխիկխը, բխիկխուները, ապրում են միմյանց:

shipyard arts community has lost the person whose inspiration, vision
and love for the arts and artists brought it into being, the person who
was, for more than two…


here is a collection of pages with links to online dictionaries in
languages from all over the world, including dictionary directories and
Mugam: Classical music of Azerbaijan

7) Classical Azerbaijani
7) Klassik azərbaycanlı

2306 Tue 3 və 2307 Cu 4 Avqust 2017 DERS

E. Datumasikara Pabba

Elementlər üzrə E. Bölmə

Bundan əlavə,
Bhikkhus, bir bhikhu bu çox kaya əks etdirir, lakin yerləşdirilir,
Ancaq bu təsbit edilir: “Bu kada, yer elementi var
Su elementi, yanğın elementi və hava elementidir. “

Bikxus kimi, bacarıqlı qəssab və ya bir
Qəssabın çırağı bir inəyi öldürən bir kəsişməsində otururdu
Parçaları kəsmək; Eyni şəkildə, bhikhus, bir bhikhu əks etdirir
Bu çox kaya, lakin yerləşdirilir, lakin bu təsbit edilir: “Bu
Kara, yer elementi, su elementi, yanğın elementi var
Və hava elementi. “

Beləliklə, o, kaya ilə müşahidə olunur
Daxili olaraq, ya da xaricdə qaya gözləməsində yaşayır, ya da yaşayır
Daxili və xaricdə kaya ilə müşahidə; O müşahidə edir
Kaya hadisələrinin samudayası və ya keçənləri müşahidə etməkdədir
Ya da kaya hadisələrindən uzaqlaşır və ya samudayı və onunla müşahidə edilir
Kaya hadisələrindən keçmək; Və ya başqa, [həyata keçirir:] “bu kâya!”
Sati sadəcə ñāṇa və sadəcə dərəcədə ona daxildir
Əlbəttə, o, müstəqil yaşayır və heç bir şey ilə bağlı deyil
Dünya. Beləliklə, bhikhus, bir bhikhu kaya ildə kaya gözləyir.

also known as Azerbaijani Mugham is one of the many folk musical
compositions from Azerbaijan, contrast with Tasnif, Ashugs. Mugam draws
on Iranian-Ara……
Uzeyir Hacibeyli - Koroglu Overture (HQ)

deluded, one is called an ordinary being, but when enlightened, one is
called a Buddha. This is similar to a tarnished mirror that will shine
like a jewel when polished. A mind now clouded by the illusions of the……/demonetisation-cat-is-out-of-the-…/

[A Parliamentary Committee on Demonetisation has submitted its report,
which will be tabled during the Monsoon Session of Parliament.
Accordingly, the report calls demonetisation a blunder. Not a single objective has been met, it reportedly says.
Findings of the Committee reveal no major black money was found. It
says Finance Ministry accepts that only details of 4,172 crores of
suspicious money which could be black. (Prime Minister Modi had
predicted 5-7 lakh crores would have been black).
According to the
Committee’s findings, demonetisation had no effect on terror funding.
Neither cashless nor was less cash society formed as Finance Ministry
was projecting. People have shifted back to pre-November 8, 2016, level
cash transactions.
In a further revelation, the report says demonetisation killed small scale industries and major unorganised sector. …]…/demonetisation-cat-is-out-of-the-…/

Demonetisation cat is out of the bag
The initiative, as per the parliamentary panel report, is a blunder, writes MY Siddiqui

Tehelka Web Desk
August 3, 2017, Issue 15 Volume 14

A Parliamentary Committee on Demonetisation has submitted its report,
which will be tabled during the Monsoon Session of Parliament.

Accordingly, the report calls demonetisation a blunder. Not a single objective has been met, it reportedly says.

Findings of the Committee reveal no major black money was found. It
says Finance Ministry accepts that only details of 4,172 crores of
suspicious money which could be black. (Prime Minister Modi had
predicted 5-7 lakh crores would have been black).

According to
the Committee’s findings, demonetisation had no effect on terror
funding. Neither cashless nor was less cash society formed as Finance
Ministry was projecting. People have shifted back to pre-November 8,
2016, level cash transactions.

In a further revelation, the
report says demonetisation killed small scale industries and major
unorganised sector. Bhartiya Mazdoor Sangh, a trade union affiliate of
BJP, has reported a loss of four crore jobs and shut down of over three
lakh industrial units. Report has questioned decision making authority
and termed all decisions were taken without planning, like size of
currencies not planned according to ATMs, 2000 rupees note was brought
in without any smaller denomination note to exchange, no considerable
amount of currency printed for supply which led to huge rush to banks
and ATMs, rules changed on daily basis proved flawed planning. Till
date, ATMs remained dry in rural areas.

In a startling
revelation, the report says failed demonetisation planning has led to
now cut in expenditures of Government on health, education and other
vital sectors. Education sector remains most affected as funds have been
stopped, fees hiked, and seats decreased for research. Taxes have been
increased, interest rates on PPF and other savings scheme reduced.

In view of the foregoing, who will be held responsible for all this
Organised Blunder? Who will account for 30,000 plus crores incurred on
distribution and all other expenses like advertisements, transportation,
extra pay to manpower etc? The question arises who will be held
responsible for 180 plus deaths during the whole process?

Will PM
Modi account himself before the bar of the people or will Indian
democracy continue to be throttled with arbitrary exercise of power by
one man government, shorn of collective responsibility? Will Modi go
down in the history of India as the first disrupter of its economy by
getting away with the aggressive hyper nationalism and any one
questioning him as anti-national?

Media euphemistically called
“presstitutes” by one of the NDA Government’s Minister, have been warned
not to bring the report to light.

Rightly, the former PM Dr
Manmohan Singh termed it as “Organised Loot”. One may recall how Dr.
Manmohan Singh in answer to a question from media in his last Press Meet
as the Prime Minister on January 3, 2014 had said that Modi as Prime
Minister will be a “disaster”, which has been proved now with jobless
growth, negligible investments from domestic business houses, fudged
data on GDP and ever rising social tensions, straining the very idea of
India as postulated by its Constitution and the rule of law based
democratic system of governance!…/nitish-kumar-bihar-jdu-bjp-alli…/
The Nitish echo
Nitish Kumar’s pragmatic choice reinforces a fraught idea — of Hindu consolidation and Muslim peripherality

The Nitish echo
Nitish Kumar’s pragmatic choice reinforces a fraught idea — of Hindu consolidation and Muslim peripherality

Written by Ashutosh Varshney | Updated: August 3, 2017 10:28 am

Bihar CM Nitish Kumar and Deputy CM Sushil Kumar Modi wave at gathering
after their swearing-in ceremony recently. (Source: PTI Photo)

Birthplace of Chaitanya Mahaprabhu: BJP demands withdrawal of government
‘decision’ to construct abattoirBirthplace of Chaitanya Mahaprabhu: BJP
demands withdrawal of government ‘decision’ to construct abattoir

The significance of Nitish Kumar’s embrace of the BJP cannot be
overstated. The BJP’s stunning victory in UP, and now its return to
power in Bihar, undoubtedly consolidates its hold over Indian politics.
But is that all?

Over the last few days, it has repeatedly been
said that ideology has ceased to matter in Indian politics, and a
full-blown political marketplace, where the price of victory and defeat
is calculated with the finesse of a stock-broker, has emerged. It has
also been suggested that the so-called millennials, those born in the
decade of the 1990s, are less ideologically inclined and more interested
in economic aspirations and India’s glory on the world stage. They are
ushering in an ideological erosion in Indian politics.

While it
is worth figuring out what the millennials want, Nitish Kumar’s
calculations may have little to do with it. India’s OBC politics, which
nurtured Nitish (as well as Lalu Prasad and Mulayam Singh Yadav), has
always combined ideology and pragmatism. When politics was dominated by
the Congress, the various Janata or Samajwadi parties, which represented
OBC politics, often sought coalitions with Hindu nationalists: As
during the days of the Samyukta Vidhayak Dals (SVDs) in the late 1960s,
when real opportunities for non-Congress state governments first
emerged; as also during the Janata days, 1977-80. After the late 1980s,
some of these parties teamed up with the BJP, others with the Congress.
Mulayam and Lalu have been closer to the Congress, while the likes of
Nitish and George Fernandes have mostly allied with the BJP.

coalitional history at one level is paradoxical. The OBCs constitute
about 43-45 per cent of the country’s population, higher than any other
caste grouping. Yet a political party representing them all has not
emerged. The ideologies of OBC parties have also been roughly similar.
Caste-based social justice, seeking higher representation of lower
castes in political power, bureaucracy, police and education, has been
their key argument. They have always said that upper castes, not more
than 15-16 per cent of India, have controlled power, dominated
opportunities, and treated lower castes shabbily. Finally, they also
believe that state power is the best way to correct historical wrongs;
movement politics would take too long. They would rather be in power
than outside the state, agitating.

Despite ideological
similarities, these parties have a history of splits. One reason is
structural, the other personality-based. The so-called “graded
inequalities” of the caste system constitute the structural reason. The
three-fold characterisation of the caste order — upper, OBC, and Dalit —
is an abstract aggregation. Each category is marked by internal
hierarchies. There are upper OBCs and lower OBCs. It is not simply the
upper castes that have looked down upon the lower castes; those placed
higher among the OBCs have not treated those ranked lower well either.
The idea of a united OBC party thus runs into structural difficulties,
even at the state level.

Second, for reasons not fully
understood, all OBC parties rely on charismatic leaders and dynasties.
They often clash and split their units away. This phenomenon marks even
the more institutionalised OBC parties like the southern Dravidian
parties. Take Lalu and his family away from the RJD, and the party would
fall apart. Take Nitish away from the JD(U), and the organisation would
wither away.

Because the OBC platform remains fragmented, these
parties seek alliances in search of power. With few exceptions, the
ideology of alliance partners has historically been less important for
them than the prospect of acquiring, or remaining in, power. Nitish’s
latest move does not constitute a historic novelty. It is consistent
with his past, as well as in correspondence with the tradition of such
parties. If they believed in movement politics, not state power, these
parties would be ideologically purer.

Though not a surprise, the
future implications of Nitish’s move are very serious. One has already
been extensively commented on. He has expressed “no confidence” not only
in Lalu, but also in Rahul Gandhi. Lalu’s power in Bihar is a threat to
him; and he has given up on Rahul’s ability to be a more effective
national leader.

Since Nitish was widely expected to be a leading
figure in a potential grand alliance of non-BJP parties to contest Modi
in 2019, his departure has a major signaling effect. More politicians
are likely to give up on Rahul Gandhi and switch sides. How draining the
effect is would depend on how quickly the key non-BJP parties come
together and show political resolve.

They can’t easily project
defence of secularism as their key idea, for if secularists are tainted
with believable charges of corruption, the project of secularism alone
will not take the stain of corruption away. The BJP might not be
incorruptible. Indeed, the Vyapam scandal reveals its corruption. The
BJP also has its favourite capitalists. But in the court of public
opinion, the narrative of secular corruption has stuck. In the short
run, this problem can be overcome only if the Opposition can credibly
demonstrate that the BJP, too, is corrupt. And the people have to
believe that assertion.

One more implication of Nitish’s move has
not been noted. In terms of long-term reconfiguration of Indian
politics, it could be far and away the most serious. It is the idea that
the Muslim vote can be rendered irrelevant. The UP elections showed
that. Bihar, too, has a large Muslim population and Nitish heavily
relied on it in 2015. Does he, after UP, think that election victories
in Bihar can be constructed with the votes of upper castes, segments of
OBCs and parts of the Dalit community? He can’t possibly be unaware that
an alliance with the BJP at this political moment implies erosion of
the Muslim vote.

Historically, the Muslim vote has been
electorally significant in UP and Bihar. If what happened in UP is
repeated in Bihar, non-BJP politicians in other states too might take
the cue and strategise on the assumption of Muslim peripherality. The
BJP is dominant today, but if the idea of Hindu consolidation and Muslim
irrelevance becomes a political reality, the BJP will move from
dominance to hegemony. It is not the end of ideology in Indian politics.
Nitish’s act of pragmatism might make the ideological questions more

The writer is director, Centre for Contemporary South
Asia, Sol Goldman Professor of International Studies and the Social
Sciences, Watson Institute for International and Public Affairs, Brown

What is happening is thet the fraud EVMs are being
used by the BJP (Bahuth Jiyadha Psychopaths) to win elections. The
Central and state governments selected by these fraud EVMs have to be
dissolved and go for fresh polls with paper ballots. The the BJP will
not get even 1% votes. Till the elections are conducted with paper
ballots all sorts of miscalculations will continue.

Peace Is Doable

Arjun Meghwal - India Shall Be No.1 in 2100 or Was in 1967
August03, 2017 (C) Ravinder Singh

India was already Number 1 in world’s biggest ‘Cottage Industry
Producing & Rearing Children’ – since 1967 to 2011, India produced
699m people to Chin 619m only. -…/2014-world-population-data-sheet_eng.p…
India has more people than any other country in the world today.

This is another matter India doesn’t Excel in Any Economic Development –

Ø Worst in creating Intellectual Property per capita.
Ø India had the unique advantage of Learning from US & UK Patent Filings but didn’t.
Ø India continues to have FEUDAL Economy – Moneylenders-Middlemen rule economy.
Ø 40% of Indian Economy is Unregistered and Black Economy.
Ø Only 10% MSMEs in India is supported by Banking Institutions.
Ø GOI promoting Corporate India – 99% Economy starved of funds.
Ø No Privacy & Protection for MSMEs, CBI, IT, ED, Raid Culture.

NDA-I Promoted ‘Black Money Laundering’ 1998-2004

1. Unban Land Ceiling, 2. Abolished Wealth Tax,
3. Opened FDI through Zero Tax Mauritius & Panama registered companies,
4. Legalized ‘SHELL COMPANIES’ ‘Subsidiaries’, Repealed FERA.
5. Introduced DERIVATIVE TRADING in stocks and COMMODITIES,
6. Repealed FERA around 2000 – MADE IT EASY TO LAUNDER MONEY IN TO

NDA-II Introduced Thanedari Economics – Raids Culture,

1. Demonetisation, 2. GST, 3. Digitization of All Transactions, 4. Reducing
Interest Rates Frequently to Benefit Non Performing LARGE Companies, 5,
that didn’t Create Jobs but Minimized Dues to Banks, 6. Frequent Raids
Largely Politically Motivated, 7. Centralized Control of Taxation, 8.
Funding CORRUPTED Projects like Expressways, Bullet Trains, Solar Parks,
Long Distance Power Transmission, 9. Only 4 States out of 29 get 70%
Central Funds, 10. All Have Pulled Down Economy.

Worst affected sectors are –

(A) Real Estate, Construction, Declining Home Sales, (B) Agriculture,
(C) Water, (D) MSMEs, (E) Foreign Trade, (F) Banking, (G) Telecom &
IT, (H) Mining & Metals, (I) Health & Education - Exceptions are
– Airlines & Auto

Ravinder Singh, Inventor & Consultant, INNOVATIVE TECHNOLOGIES AND PROJECTS
Y-77, Hauz Khas, ND -110016, India. Ph: 091- 9871056471, 9718280435, 9650421857
Ravinder Singh* is a WIPO awarded inventor specializing in Power, Transportation,
Smart Cities, Water, Energy Saving, Agriculture, Manufacturing, Technologies and Projects

human population growth amounts to around 75 million annually, or 1.1%
per year. The global population has grown from 1 billion in 1800 to 7
billion in 2012. It is expected to keep growing, and estimates have put
the total population at 8.4 billion by mid-2030, and 9.6 billion by
mid-2050. Ma…

Bringing infographics to life using animation is still on the cutting edge, but this trend is set to continue throughout

Balloon Alphabet J Fly Letter Red Animation CliparBalloon Alphabet C Fly Letter Red Animation Clipar

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