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2311 Tue 8 Aug 2017 LESSONS INSIGHT-NET - FREE Online Tipiṭaka Research & Practice University and related NEWS through in
105 languages Google’s free service instantly translates words, phrases, and web pages between English and over 100 other languages. and render correct translation in your mother tongue for this google translation to attain Eternal Bliss as Final Goal E. Dhātumanasikāra Pabba E. Section on the Elements in 23) Classical English,28) Classical Frisian- Klassike Frysk,29) Classical Galician- Clásico galego,30) Classical Georgian-კლასიკური ქართული,31) Classical German-Klassisch Deutsch, 32) Classical Greek-Κλασσική Ελληνική,33) Classical Gujarati- ક્લાસિકલ ગુજરાતી, 34) Classical Haitian Creole- Klasik kreyòl ayisyen,35) Classical Hausa-Hausa Hausa
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2311 Tue 8 Aug 2017 LESSONS

28) Classical Frisian- Klassike Frysk,29) Classical Galician- Clásico galego,30) Classical Georgian-კლასიკური ქართული,31) Classical German-Klassisch Deutsch,

32) Classical Greek-Κλασσική Ελληνική,33) Classical Gujarati- ક્લાસિકલ ગુજરાતી,

34) Classical Haitian Creole- Klasik kreyòl ayisyen,
35) Classical Hausa-Hausa Hausa…
Elements - Lindsey Stirling (Dubstep Violin Original Song)
28) Classical Frisian
28) Klassike Frysk

2311 Tue 8 Aug 2017 LESSONS

E. Dhātumanasikāra Pabba

E. seksje oer de eleminten

Bhikkhus, in bhikkhu refleksret op dizze heule kāya, lykwols wurdt it pleatst,
It is lykwols ûntstien: “Yn dizze kavia is it ierdelik, de
Wetterelemint, it fjoer-elemint en it loft-elemint. “

Krekt as, bhikkhus, in leuke mâltsje of a
De learling fan ‘e slachter, dy’t in ko hat deadien, soe op in krúsing sitte
It ynsette yn stikken; Op deselde manier, bhikkhus, in bhikkhu sprekt op
Dizze tige kaja, lykwols is it pleatst, lykwols is it dispositearre: “Yn dit
Kaja, der is it ierdeljocht, it wetterelemint, it fjoer elemint
En it loft-elemint. “

Sa hâldt er observaasje fan kāya yn kāya
Yntern, of hy hâldt observaasje fan kāya yn kāya bûten, of hy wennet
Beoefene kāya yn kāya yntern en bûten; Hy hâldt observaasje
De samudaya fan ferskynsels yn kāya, of hy hâldt de observaasje fan ‘e trochgong
Fuort fen ferskynsels yn kāya, of hy hâldt de observaasje fan ‘e samudaya en
It fuortgean fen ferskynsels yn kāya; Of oars, [realisearjen:] “dit is kāya!”
Sati is yn him oanwêzich, allinich om ‘e mjitte fan bloedearm en bloed
Paṭissati, hy bleau frijsteande, en hinget neat oan yn ‘e
wrâld. Sa bhikkhus, in bhikkhu hâldt beoefene observaasje yn kāya….

Watch “Behind the Scenes” footage of this video here: Get the Lindsey Stirling Deluxe Album at: Amazon — http://s…
Suspense: The X-Ray Camera / Subway / Dream Song

program’s heyday was in the early 1950s, when radio actor, producer and
director Elliott Lewis took over (still during the Wilcox/Autolite
run). Here the…

The four classical elements, each originally conceived as the unique , arché (plural , archaí), “beginning,”…

services by US based transcriber with high quality and quick delivery
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Galicia Vacation Travel Video Guide
Travel video about destination Galicie in Spain.
Our journey through romantic northern Spain travels south through
Galicia along the Atlantic coast. A Coruña is the region’s largest
industrial city and shipping harbour and it thought to have been founded
by the Phoenicians in 60 A.D. The Romans conquered this harbour city
that has always been associated with the sea and it was from A Coruña
that the invincible Spanish Armada set sail in1588 to invade England.
Santiago De Compostela is the capital of Galicia and since the Middle
Ages it was, apart from Jerusalem and Rome, the most important
pilgrimage destination in Christendom. Half a million pilgrims came here
each year from all over Europe and Spain’s most religious city
continues to attract the faithful. Some centuries ago each of the large
villages of the Rias Baixas prospered due to fishing, as did Pontevedra.
However, all this changed when its harbour was engulfed by sand some
three hundred years ago. In contrast to Spain’s many other harbour
cities, the old town of Pontevedra is almost the same now as it was in
bygone times with cobbled streets, intimate squares and the residential
palaces of the city’s former elite. Across a huge chain bridge that
spans the mouth of a deep river is Galicia`s largest city, Vigo. Its
name is of Roman origin and it is believed that Vicus Spacorum was the
starting-point of Caesar’s campaign against Britannia, as well as a
storage area for his Empire’s oil, fish and wine. For many centuries A
Guarda, ‘the Female Guard’, has watched over the river border with
Portugal and in the wooded mountain city of Monte Santa Tecla the Celts
established a settlement that contained more than a thousand buildings
that dated back to the 6th and 3rd centuries B.C. and formed part of a
prehistoric settlement. Throughout the centuries life in Galicia was not
representative of that in the rest of Spain and both Romans and Moors
considered it to be too remote for their interests. Maybe that’s what
makes it such a special place to be!

29) Classical Galician
29) Clásico galego

2311 Tue 8 de agosto de 2017 LECCIONES

E. Dhātumanasikāra Pabba

E. Sección sobre os elementos

Bhikkhus, un bhikkhu reflicte sobre este moi kāya, no entanto colócase,
Con todo, está disposto: “Neste kāya, hai o elemento da terra, o
Elemento de auga, elemento de incendio e elemento de aire “.

Así como, bhikkhus, un carnicero magistral ou a
O aprendiz de carnicero, matando unha vaca, sentouse nunha encrucillada
Corte en pedazos; Do mesmo xeito, bhikkhus, un bhikkhu reflexiona sobre
Este mesmo kāya, no entanto está situado, con todo está disposto: “Neste
Kāya, hai o elemento da terra, o elemento de auga, o elemento de lume
Eo elemento de aire “.

Así habita observando kāya en kāya
Internamente, ou vive observando kāya en kāya externamente, ou el habita
Observando kāya en kāya internamente e externamente; El vive observando
A samudaya de fenómenos en kāya, ou el mire observando o paso
Lonxe de fenómenos en kāya, ou mora observando a samudaya e
Falecemento de fenómenos en kāya; Ou ben, [entendendo:] “¡isto é kāya!”
Sati está presente nel, só na medida do mero ñāṇa e mero
Paṭissati, el vive separado, e non se aferra a nada no
Mundo. Así, bhikkhus, bhikkhu mora observando kāya en kāya.

video about destination Galicie in Spain. Our journey through romantic
northern Spain travels south through Galicia along the Atlantic coast. A
Rimsky-Korsakov: Scheherazade op.35 - Leif Segerstam - Sinfónica de Galicia

NIKOLAI RIMSKI-KÓRSAKOV (1844-1908) Scheherazade, op. 35 Introducción. El mar. El barco…

Envato is a community of creatives who come together to share ideas and help each other succeed.
People’s Palaces - The Golden Age of Civic Architecture: Neo Classical [BBC, Full Documentary]

30) Classical Georgian
30) კლასიკური ქართული

2311 Tue 8 Aug 2017 გაკვეთილი

ე. თათმანასიკა პაბბა

E. განყოფილება ელემენტებზე

გარდა ამისა,
ბიკიხუსი, ბიკიხი ასახავს ამ კაას, თუმცა მოთავსებულია,
თუმცა იგი განლაგებულია: “ამ კაიაში არის დედამიწის ელემენტი,
წყლის ელემენტს, ცეცხლის ელემენტს და ჰაერის ელემენტს. “

ისევე, როგორც ბიკხილუსი, ნიჭიერი ჯალათიც ან
ჯალათიც ასისტენტი, რომელმაც მოკლეს ძროხა, ჯდომა გზაჯვარედინზე
ჭრის მას; ანალოგიურად, ბიკიხუსი, ბიხია აისახება
ეს ძალიან კაია, თუმცა მოთავსებულია, თუმცა განლაგებულია: “ამ
კაია, დედამიწის ელემენტს, წყლის ელემენტს, ცეცხლის ელემენტს
და საჰაერო ელემენტს “.

ამგვარად, ის ცხოვრობს კაიაში კაიაში დაკვირვებაზე
შიგნით, ან ის ცხოვრობს კაიაში დაკვირვება კაიაში გარედან, ან ის ცხოვრობს
კაიაში შიდა და გარეგნულად დაკვირვება; ის ცხოვრობს
კაიას ფენომენის სამუდია, ან ის ცხოვრობს დამკვირვებლად
ქაიში ფენომენის მოშორება, ან ის ცხოვრობს სამუდისის დაცვით
კაენში ფენომენის დაშორება; ან სხვა, [ხვდებიან:] “ეს არის კაია!”
სითი არის მასში, მხოლოდ ñāṇa და უბრალო
პატატისტი, ის ცხოვრობს, რომელიც არღვევს და არაფერს არ იღებს
მსოფლიოში. ამდენად, ბიკიხუს, ბჰიხუში ცხოვრობს კაიაში კაია დაკვირვება.

Architectural historian Dr Jonathan Foyle explores some of the best Georgian and Victorian neo-classical civic……
Amazing Georgian Folk Music

Thanks for watching! If you enjoyed the music, give it a thumbs up and please subscribe for new videos!

order to allow input structures for queries, the PubChem Assay and
Structure database uses its own unique Web-based sketcher tool. This
document describes its features and operation.

officially the Tibetan Empire, is a large nation situated in the
Himalayas, the Tibetan plateau and its surroundings. The full official
name of Tibet is “The Sacred and Buddhist Nation of the Tibetan Empire”.
A common name is “Empire of Tibet”,……
Classical Music: Great Austrian/German classics

31) Classical German
31) Klassisch Deutsch

2311 Di 8 Aug 2017 LEKTIONEN

E. Dhātumanasikāra Pabba

E. Abschnitt über die Elemente

Bhikkhus, ein bhikkhu spiegelt auf diese sehr kāya, aber es ist platziert,
Aber es ist entsandt: “In diesem Kāya gibt es das Erdenelement, das
Wasser-Element, das Feuer-Element und das Luftelement. “

So wie, Bhikkhus, ein geschickter Metzger oder ein
Metzgerlehrling, nachdem er eine Kuh getötet hatte, würde an einer Kreuzung sitzen
Schneiden sie in Stücke; In der gleichen Weise, Bhikkhus, ein Bhikkhu spiegelt auf
Das ist sehr kāya, aber es ist platziert, aber es ist entsorgt: “In diesem
Kāya, da ist das erdelement, das wasserelement, das feuerelement
Und das Luftelement. “

So wohnt er und beobachtet kāya in kāya
Innerlich, oder er wohnt, kāya in kāya nach außen zu beobachten, oder er wohnt
Beobachtet kāya in kāya intern und extern; Er wohnt zu beobachten
Die Samudaya von Phänomenen in Kāya, oder er wohnt, das Vorbeigehen zu beobachten
Weg von Phänomenen in Kāya, oder er wohnt, die Samudaya zu beobachten und
Vergehen von Phänomenen in Kāya; Oder sonst, [das verwirklichen:] das ist kāya! “
Sati ist in ihm vorhanden, nur in dem Ausmaß von bloßen ñāṇa und bloß
Paṭissati, er wohnt freistehend und klammert sich nicht an irgendetwas in der
Welt. So bhikkhus, ein Bhikkhu wohnt, kāya in kāya zu beobachten.

Haydn: Symphony No. 94 in G - Andante 5:37 Mozart: Symphony No. 40 in G
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2:19 / 8:05:10
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Modern Greek vs Ancient Greek
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How to pronounce Ancient Greek:
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How to learn Sanskrit:

32) Classical Greek
32) Κλασσική Ελληνική

2311 Δευ 8 Αυγ 2017 ΜΑΘΗΜΑΤΑ

Ε. Dhātumanasikāra Pabba

Ε. Τμήμα στα Στοιχεία

Επί πλέον,
Bhikkhus, ένα bhikkhu αντικατοπτρίζει αυτό το πολύ kāya, ωστόσο τοποθετείται,
Ωστόσο, διατίθεται: “Σε αυτό το kāya, υπάρχει το στοιχείο της γης, το
Το στοιχείο του νερού, το στοιχείο φωτιάς και το στοιχείο αέρα. “

Ακριβώς όπως, bhikkhus, ένας επιδέξιος κρεοπώλης ή α
Ο μαθητευόμενος του χασάπης, έχοντας σκοτώσει μια αγελάδα, θα καθόταν σε ένα σταυροδρόμι
Κόβοντας σε τεμάχια. Με τον ίδιο τρόπο, ο bhikkhus, ένας bhikkhu αντανακλά την
Αυτό ακριβώς το kaya, ωστόσο, τοποθετείται, ωστόσο διατίθεται: “Σε αυτό
Kaya, υπάρχει το στοιχείο της γης, το στοιχείο νερού, το στοιχείο φωτιάς
Και το στοιχείο αέρα. “

Συνεπώς, κατοικεί παρατηρώντας το kāya στο kāya
Εσωτερικά, ή κατοικεί παρατηρώντας το kāya στο kāya εξωτερικά, ή κατοικεί
Παρατηρώντας το kāya in kāya εσωτερικά και εξωτερικά. Παραμονεύει να παρατηρεί
Η samudaya των φαινομένων στο kaya, ή κατοικεί παρατηρώντας το πέρασμα
Μακριά από τα φαινόμενα στην kāya, ή κατοικεί παρατηρώντας τα samudaya και
Απομάκρυνση των φαινομένων στο kāya. Ή αλλιώς, [συνειδητοποιώντας:] “αυτό είναι kaya!”
Η σατί είναι παρούσα σ ‘αυτόν, μόνο στην έκταση της απλής ñāṇa και της απλής
Paṭissati, κατοικεί αποσπασμένο, και δεν προσκολλάται σε τίποτα στο
κόσμος. Έτσι, ο bhikkhus, ένας bhikkhu κατοικεί παρατηρώντας το kāya στο kāya.

Want to learn languages faster and support my channel? Buy my book: How to pronounce Ancient Greek:…
Greek Philosophy In 10 Minutes

Learn everything you need to know about greek philosophy from Thales to Stocism including Socrates, Plato and Aristole.

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Guitar Music - Eva Fampas on AllMusic - 2014 - Eva Fampas is a
representative of the modern…

The Mesmerizing Gifs of Graphonaute








Science student Hugo Germain (aka. Graphonaute)
is just 18 years old, but crates animations and visual effects that
seem well beyond his years. Though animation is not his primary focus,
Germain spends his spare time mixing live action footage with various 3D
tools to create quirky visual effects and experiments. You can see more
over on Graphonaute. (via This Isn’t Happiness)…
Tai Chi - Chinese Relax Music (Music for My Mind)

33) Classical Gujarati
33) ક્લાસિકલ ગુજરાતી

2311 મંગળ 8 ઑગસ્ટ 2017 પાઠ

ઇ. ધૌથમિસિકા પબ્બા

ઇ. એલિમેન્ટ્સ પર વિભાગ

ભીખુસ, એક ભિક્હ આ ખૂબ જ કવાયત પર પ્રતિબિંબ પાડે છે, જો કે તે મૂકવામાં આવે છે,
જો કે તે નિકાલ કરવામાં આવે છે: “આ કાયામાં, પૃથ્વી તત્વ છે, તે
પાણી તત્વ, આગ તત્વ અને હવામાં ઘટક. “

જેમ જેમ, ભિક્ષુ, કુશળ કસાઈ અથવા
કસાઈનો એપ્રેન્ટીસ, એક ગાયને હત્યા કર્યા, ક્રોસરોડ્સ પર બેસશે
તેને ટુકડાઓમાં કાપી; એ જ રીતે, ભિક્ષુ, એક ભિક્હ પર પ્રતિબિંબ પડે છે
આ ખૂબય ક્યા, જો કે તે મૂકવામાં આવે છે, જો કે તેનો નિકાલ થાય છે: “આમાં
ક્યા, પૃથ્વી તત્વ, જળ તત્વ, આગ તત્વ છે
અને હવાનો તત્વ. “

આમ તે ક્યામાં ક્યા અવલોકન કરતો રહે છે
આંતરિક રીતે, અથવા તે બાહ્ય રીતે કાયામાં ક્યા અવલોકન કરે છે, અથવા તે નિવાસ કરે છે
આંતરિક રીતે અને બાહ્ય કાર્યોમાં ક્યા અવલોકન; તે નિરીક્ષણમાં રહે છે
ક્યામાં અસાધારણ ઘટના છે, અથવા તે પસાર થવાનો અવલોકન કરે છે
ક્યામાં અસાધારણ ઘટના દૂર છે, અથવા તે સમૂદાય જોવાનું રહે છે અને
ક્યામાં અસાધારણ ઘટના પસાર થઈ રહી છે; અથવા બીજું, [અનુભૂતિની:] “આ ક્યા છે!”
સતી તેનામાં હાજર છે, માત્ર નિદ્રાની માત્રા સુધી અને માત્ર
પાશ્ચાત્ય, તે અલગ રહે છે, અને આમાં કશું વળગી રહેતું નથી
દુનિયા. આમ, ભિક્ષુ, એક ભીખુ કશ્યમાં ક્યા અવલોકન કરતો રહે છે.

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Removal of Pali as UPSC subject draws criticism

VARANASI: The decision to remove Pali as a subject from the Civil
Services Examination (main), conducted by the Union Public Service
Commission (UPSC), prompted a teacher of Banaras Hindu University (BHU)
to send a petition to the Murderer of democratic institutionsv urging
him to save the ancient classical language.

“The removal of Pali
by UPSC from the subject list of the main examination and
non-recognition of Pali as an Indian classical language calls for a
protest, not only by those who are related with Pali and Buddhist
studies but also those who study, respect or relate themselves with
Indology or Buddhism in whatever ways,” said Siddharth Singh, associate
professor, Pali and Buddhist studies, BHU.

Singh raised this
issue by opposing this step of the Central government on various forums
and social media. He has created a Facebook group ‘Save Pali and
Buddhist studies in Prabuddha Bharath’ and also filed an online petition
by the title ‘Save Pali, ancient classical Jambudvipan language of
Buddhism in Prabuddha Bharath’ on a petition site addressed to Murderer
of democratic institutions . “I have also raised this issue before
International Association of Buddhist Studies (IABU), German Theravada
Buddhist Network, Buddhist Publication Society and many others,” he

The presence of Pali in this competitive examination was a
major reason to attract youngsters to study Pali and Buddhist studies
and at least this was playing a role to make this declining rich
discipline survive in Prabuddha bharath, he said. It is unfortunate that
Pali, the language of Buddha’s teachings, is not recognized as an
official classical language by the Union government, he added.

further stated that scholars, researchers and Buddhist from across the
world have vehemently reacted on this and criticized the step of the
government. “Bhikkhu Bodhi, one of the American Buddhist scholar and
monk wrote in a letter to me. ‘Such a rash course of action would be a
terrible blight on Prabuddha Bharath’s record. The Pali literature of
Jambdvipa is one of Prabuddha bharath’s outstanding contributions to
world spirituality and literature. The whole world regards the Buddha as
the foremost religious founder, philosopher and spiritual guide that
India has given to humanity. The most extensive collection of his
teachings preserved in any Prabuddha Bharath language is the Pali
Tipitaka. If Prabuddha bharath were to remove Pali from its official
list of recognized classical languages, that would be almost equivalent
to rejecting its greatest spiritual teacher, the one who shed the light
of Prabuddha bharath’s spiritual wisdom over the whole world,’ Singh

Craig Johnston from Australia wrote on Singh’s Petition
site: “I studied Pali for 1 year at Sydney University, Australia. This
University has the biggest Buddhist studies and Pali language program in
Australia. One year was the maximum amount available. It would be
ironic if this language, the surviving classical language closest to
that spoken by the Buddha and to the inscriptions of the great Asoka,
were to lose status in its homeland, yet preserved in countries (like
mine) so far away.”

Professor Bimalendra Kumar, head, department
of Pali and Buddhist Studies, BHU, says, “Pali has also become a
cultural link between India and South-east Asian countries. The
government should not ignore it.”

Sally Gross from South Africa
writes, “Pali, and the teaching of the historical Buddha preserved in
Pali in the Tipitaka, are a fundamental part of the Prabuddha bharath
historical heritage. Removal of Pali from the Public Service Commission
examinations excises an inextricable part of that heritage and
impoverishes the historical memory of the breadth and vibrancy of that
heritage.” He said that the response of people from across the world
shows that the standpoint of government is being considered by them as
illogical and unjustified. Certainly, the place of Pali, as a subject in
the IAS main examination should be restored.

So far, Tamil,
Sanskrit, Kannada and Telugu have been classified as classical
languages. The government has laid down the criteria to determine the
eligibility of language to be considered for classification as
‘classical language’. The criteria are high antiquity of its early
texts/recorded history over a period of 1500-2000 years, a body of
ancient literature/ texts, which is considered a valuable heritage by
generations of speakers, the literary tradition be original and not
borrowed from another speech community and the classical language and
literature being distinct from modern, there may also be a discontinuity
between the classical language and its later forms or its offshoots.

Removal of Pali as UPSC subject draws criticism
Binay Singh | TNN | May 5, 2013, 07.08 AM IST
VARANASI: The decision to remove Pali as a subject from the Civil
Services Examination (main), conducted by the Union Public Service
Commission (UPSC), prompted a teacher of Banaras Hindu University (BHU)
to send a petition to the Prime Minister, urging him to save the ancient
classical language.

“The removal of Pali by UPSC from the
subject list of the main examination and non-recognition of Pali as an
Indian classical language calls for a protest, not only by those who are
related with Pali and Buddhist studies but also those who study,
respect or relate themselves with Indology or Buddhism in whatever
ways,” said Siddharth Singh, associate professor, Pali and Buddhist
studies, BHU.

Singh raised this issue by opposing this step of
the Central government on various forums and social media. He has
created a Facebook group ‘Save Pali and Buddhist studies in India’ and
also filed an online petition by the title ‘Save Pali, ancient classical
Indian language of Buddhism in India’ on a petition site addressed to
Prime Minister Manmohan Singh. “I have also raised this issue before
International Association of Buddhist Studies (IABU), German Theravada
Buddhist Network, Buddhist Publication Society and many others,” he

The presence of Pali in this competitive examination was a
major reason to attract youngsters to study Pali and Buddhist studies
and at least this was playing a role to make this declining rich
discipline survive in India, he said. It is unfortunate that Pali, the
language of Buddha’s teachings, is not recognized as an official
classical language by the Union government, he added.

He further
stated that scholars, researchers and Buddhist from across the world
have vehemently reacted on this and criticized the step of the
government. “Bhikkhu Bodhi, one of the American Buddhist scholar and
monk wrote in a letter to me. ‘Such a rash course of action would be a
terrible blight on India’s record. The Pali literature of India is one
of India’s outstanding contributions to world spirituality and
literature. The whole world regards the Buddha as the foremost religious
founder, philosopher and spiritual guide that India has given to
humanity. The most extensive collection of his teachings preserved in
any Indian language is the Pali Tipitaka. If India were to remove Pali
from its official list of recognized classical languages, that would be
almost equivalent to rejecting its greatest spiritual teacher, the one
who shed the light of India’s spiritual wisdom over the whole world,’
Singh said.

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Craig Johnston from Australia wrote on Singh’s Petition site: “I
studied Pali for 1 year at Sydney University, Australia. This University
has the biggest Buddhist studies and Pali language program in
Australia. One year was the maximum amount available. It would be ironic
if this language, the surviving classical language closest to that
spoken by the Buddha and to the inscriptions of the great Asoka, were to
lose status in its homeland, yet preserved in countries (like mine) so
far away.”

Professor Bimalendra Kumar, head, department of Pali
and Buddhist Studies, BHU, says, “Pali has also become a cultural link
between India and South-east Asian countries. The government should not
ignore it.”

Sally Gross from South Africa writes, “Pali, and the
teaching of the historical Buddha preserved in Pali in the Tipitaka, are
a fundamental part of the Indian historical heritage. Removal of Pali
from the Public Service Commission examinations excises an inextricable
part of that heritage and impoverishes the historical memory of the
breadth and vibrancy of that heritage.” He said that the response of
people from across the world shows that the standpoint of Indian
government is being considered by them as illogical and unjustified.
Certainly, the place of Pali, as a subject in the IAS main examination
should be restored.

So far, Tamil, Sanskrit, Kannada and Telugu
have been classified as classical languages. The government has laid
down the criteria to determine the eligibility of language to be
considered for classification as ‘classical language’. The criteria are
high antiquity of its early texts/recorded history over a period of
1500-2000 years, a body of ancient literature/ texts, which is
considered a valuable heritage by generations of speakers, the literary
tradition be original and not borrowed from another speech community and
the classical language and literature being distinct from modern, there
may also be a discontinuity between the classical language and its
later forms or its offshoots.

“Doesn’t Pali language and
literature fulfil the criteria,” questioned Singh, wondering how Pali
was removed from the IAS examination. Pali, which is said to be the
dialect of the Buddha’s own teachings contained in Tipitaka, which is a
treasure of Buddhist knowledge and became carrier of the propagation of
Buddhism in the entire world, is on the verge of dying and it is a
matter of concern, he lamented.

Navaneetham Chandrasekharan

Like all other spices of the world including birds, animals, insects
etc., have their own languages which is used for communication with each
other. Like wise when a new born baby is kept isolated without anyone
interacting with the baby, it will speak a natural language which is
known as Magadh or prakruth (Natural) language. Buddha knew this.That is
the reason he gave all his discourses in Pali which was a common
languages understood by lay people. All the languages of the world is
the offshoot of this natural language Magadh. Madadh or Prakruth or Pali
is the mother language of all other languages.

decision to remove Pali as a subject from the Civil Services
Examination (main), conducted by the Union Public Service Commission
(UPSC), prompted a teacher……
Avèk ou, James S Alcindor
34) Classical Haitian Creole
34) Klasik kreyòl ayisyen

2311 Tue 8 Aug 2017 LESSE

E. Dhātumanasikāra Pabba

E. Seksyon sou eleman yo

Anplis de sa,
Bhikkhus, yon bhikkhu reflete sou sa a trè kya, sepandan li se mete,
Sepandan li se dispoze: “Nan sa a, gen eleman latè, a
Eleman dlo, eleman dife ak eleman lè a. “

Menm jan, bhikkhus, yon bouche abil oswa yon
Boucheur a, li te gen touye yon bèf, ta chita nan yon krwaze semen
Koupe l ‘nan moso; Nan menm fason sa, bhikkhus, yon bhikkhu reflete sou
Sa a trè kya, sepandan li se mete, sepandan li se dispoze: “Nan sa a
Sepandan, gen eleman latè a, eleman dlo, eleman dife
Ak eleman lè a. “

Se konsa, li rete obsève nan kya
Entèn, oswa li rete obsève kya nan kya deyò, oswa li rete
Obsève kàya nan kya internally ak deyò; Li rete obsève
Samudaya nan fenomèn nan kya, oswa li rete obsève pase an
Lwen fenomèn nan kya, oswa li rete obsève samudaya la ak
Pase lwen fenomèn nan kya; Oswa lòt bagay, [reyalize:] “sa a se kya!”
Sati se prezan nan l ‘, jis nan limit de sèlman ak sèlman
Paṭissati, li rete detache, epi li pa rete kole sou anyen nan la
Mond. Kidonk, yon bhikkhu rete nan obsèvasyon nan kya.…
Rodrigue Milien - Confession

Rodrigue Milien - Confession

nomu, really, , , Translation, human translation, automatic translation.

35) Classical Hausa
35) Hausa Hausa

2311 Ran 8 Aug 2017 LONSON

E. Dhātumanasikāra Pabba

E. Sashe na kan abubuwa

Bugu da ƙari,
Bhikkhus, a bhikkhu nuna a kan wannan sosai kāya, duk da haka an sanya shi,
Duk da haka an shirya shi: “A cikin wannan yanayin, akwai qasa qasa, da
Da ruwa, da kuma abin da ke cikin iska. “

Kamar yadda, bhikkhus, mai kwarewa mai kwarewa ko a
Mafariyar ƙwararru, da kashe ɗan saniya, zai zauna a kan hanya
Yanke shi a cikin guda; Haka kuma, bhikkhus, wani bhikkhu yana nunawa
Wannan yanayin, duk da haka an sanya shi, duk da haka an shirya shi: “A cikin wannan
Kāya, akwai qasa qasa, da qarfin ruwa, qarfin wuta
Da kuma bangaren iska. “

Ta haka ne yake zaune a kan kariya a cikin kāya
Cikin gida, ko yana zaune yana kallon kariya a waje, ko yana zaune
Lura da kariya a cikin gida da waje; Yana zaune yana kallo
Samudaya na abin mamaki a cikin kariya, ko yana zaune yana lura da wucewa
Tafi da abin mamaki a cikin kaya, ko yana zaune yana kallon samudaya kuma
Wucewa daga abin mamaki a cikin kāya; Ko kuma, [yana cewa:] “wannan shi ne kāya!”
Sati bai kasance a cikin shi ba, sai kawai ñāṇa da kawai
Paṭissati, yana zaune ne kawai, kuma ba ya jingina ga wani abu a cikin
Duniya. Saboda haka, bhikkhus, wani bhikkhu yana zaune yana kallon kāya a kāya.
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