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Posted by: site admin @ 7:11 am

2345 Mon 11 Sep 2017 LESSON

“We alone can challenge and defeat the casteist, communal and pro-capitalist BJP (Brashtachar Jiyadha Psychopaths (Private) Limited!
Get ready!”

Maha Mayawati’s clarion call to the Sarvajan Samaj i.e., Cadres of all societies in general and BSP Cadres in particular to liberate the country from the clutches of fascist rule.

Murderer of democratic institutions (Modi) is literally Hitler and BJP (Brashtachar Jiyadha Psychopaths) is fascist

  1. “Veggie Madhya Pradesh CM bans eggs in anganwadis, to be felicitated”. Turns out some non-BJP states too don’t provide eggs in midday meals
  2. BJP ruled “BMC has banned sale of meat for four days during the Jain festival of Paryushan”. Turns out it happens every year since 1994 after a resolution by Congress govt in 1994. The ban duration was increased to 4 days in 2011, again by a Congress-NCP govt.
  3. Compulsory national anthem in Maharashtra movie theaters introduced by Congress-NCP govt
  4. Prohibition in Gujarat - it was the Congress govt which enacted The Bombay Prohibition Act, 1949.
  5. Cow slaughter is banned in 23 States, most of them non-BJP
  6. “Ministry of Home Affairs cancels FCRA licences of 8,975 associations”, but in 2012, a total 4138 NGOs had their FCRA license cancelled because of similar violations
  7. “Criticising government can be sedition in Maharashtra now, however the guidelines were actually prepared by Cong-NCP govt

but hey, Murderer of democratic institutions (Modi) is literally Hitler and BJP is the majority appeasing,
fascist party. And if it turns out that it was done by Congress, goal
posts are shifted

From “Fascist rule is here again; Thums Up! Thums Up!” to “Arey, it’s not about BJP (Brashtachar Jiyadha Psychopaths) or the Congress”

 BJP, RSS of turning India into neo-fascist

Hitting out at RSS and BJP, some Congress
leaders today accused them of turning India into a “neo-fascist” state
and questioned whether they will give up their idea of a Hindu Rashtra
if they believe in the Constitution.

Speaking during a national seminar
Contribution of Dr Ambedkar, was  a
neo-fascist state  targeting Murderer of democratic institutions (Modi).

Hailing of Ambedkar by RSS (Rakshasa Swayam Sevaks)/ BJP (Brashatachar Jiyadhs Psychopaths) Private Limited outfits of  the saffron organisations were always opposed to the
ideology of the Chief architect Constitution


Today we are a neo-fascist Indian state. Fascism
developed after Second World War is known as neo-fascism.

He noted BJP is the “only party” talking about Ambedkar without subscribing to his ideology.

also noted the ruling party saying that purchasing Ambedkars house in
London is not “sufficient”, but there is a need to follow his ideology.

Ambedkar believed in “removing contradictions” from the country.  how RSS/BJP believing in inequalities will not be able to do justice to the Ambedkar’s ideology.

Those who claim they believe in Constitution,
cannot  say they will give up the idea of a stealth, shadowy, discriminatory hinutva cult rashtra.

Ambedkars ideology is the “only hope” for people in the
current political context and said the same shall remain “relevant”
until there are inequalities in the country.

BJP regime similar to Hitlers fascist model

Present regime at the Centre after gobbling the Master Key by tampering the fraud EVMs is a  “Hitlers fascism model” if a
parallel is drawn with history,  BJP and RSS is
manufacturing the debate on nationalism to serve their agenda of “stealth, shadowy, discriminatory hindutva cult ”

“An aggressive nationalism debate is being manufactured
by the BJP and RSS so that they can force their agenda on the nation.
They want to convert a democratic, republic and a secular country into a
stealth, shadowy, discriminatory hindutva cult rashtra,”.

Nationalistic feelings of people are being misused.

present regime resembles (Adolf) Hitlers fascism model,”.

Patriotism debate is manufactured for specific reasons as
“the Murderer of democratic institutions (Modi0  is unable to handle the massive expectations people had.
Also, people are grappling with financial stress of which he can do nothing about”.

intends to let private banks take over their public sector counterparts
who, as per conservative estimates, have lost around Rs 6 lakh crore due
to non-payment of loans.

“There has been a 26 per cent rise in
farmers suicides during two years of Modi’s rule. (Crude) oil rates have
fallen drastically but consumers have not benefited. There is
frustration among people. Modi is scared that all this does
not transform into an agitation and thus this nationalism debate is

The votes are in, the people have spoken, and the result is ugly. Merriam-Webster has warned that fascism could become 2016’s most-searched term on its online dictionary—presumably with even more searches than bigly.
Fascism was No. 3 last year, between socialism and racism, which is just where fascism began in the 1920s.

  1. Ideological formation and the creation of a party with
    quasi-military cadres. Talk of national humiliation, lost vigor, and the
    failures of liberalism and democracy.
  2. Entry of the party into national politics. Intimidation of rivals,
    and planned acts of “redemptive violence” against suspect minorities and
    radical rivals.
  3. Arrival in government, often in alliance with conservatives.
  4. Exercise of power, in concert with institutions and business. The
    regime expands its control at home: restricting the press and democratic
    processes, corporatizing business, and collectivizing the people.
    Abroad, it asserts itself militarily.
  5. Radicalization or entropy: Some fascists go down in a Götterdämmerung, but most die of boredom.

Definition of Götterdämmerung

  1. :  a collapse (as of a society or regime) marked by catastrophic violence and disorder; broadly :  downfall the Götterdämmerung of Communism






Popularity: Bottom 40% of words

Definition of downfall

  1. 1a :  a sudden fall (as from power)b :  a fall (as of snow or rain) especially when sudden or heavy

  2. 2 :  something that causes a downfall (as of a person) gambling was his downfall


play \-ˌfȯ-lən\ adjective

Examples of downfall in a Sentence

  1. Their downfall was the result of several bad decisions.

  2. Bad decision-making was their downfall.

left has changed the definition of “fascist/fascism” post 2009 to now
include “right wing” in all dictionaries, etc. Proof again why almost
nothing can be trusted at face value. The attached image is the
definition before they changed it to attack the right.

What are the differences between authoritarianism, totalitarianism, and fascism?

4 Answers

Cecilieaux Bois de Murier

and Fascism are forms of authoritarianism, which is governance by an
authority without the option of questioning whatever the authority
orders. The distinctions between the three are mostly a matter of
political theory; applying these labels is usually done very loosely
and, in my opinion, badly.

An authoritarian
government is any ruling political unit in which the person or group in
power tells everyone else what to do, more or less without recourse.
Monarchies without parliament and in which the monarch actually rules,
as well as military governments and dictatorships of the left and the
right can all be correctly identified as authoritarian. Most workplaces
are authoritarian, too; the boss tells you what to do, or else.
Similarly, most families have an authoritarian streak, as do schools.
The basic idea is that what is done is not put to a vote: someone in
authority commands, others obey. Authoritarian governments, as you might
imagine, can cover a very wide range of power regimes.

rule is called this because the power of those who govern extends to
every aspect of life and society; in other words, total rule. They tell
you what to say, what to think, where to live, what to study, where to
work, etc. Obviously, because of the difficulty of controlling large
populations minutely, no pure form of totalitarian government has ever
existed. However, Soviet Communism, German Nazism and Italian Fascism
attempted to be totalitarian, but for very different reasons.

of which brings us to Fascism, which is the historical movement of
Benito Mussolini, who ruled Italy as a dictator from 1929 to 1943. The
word “fascism” comes from the Latin fasces, a bundle of rods tied
around an ax; the members of the movement conceived of themselves as a
tightly wound bundle of people who figuratively chopped down whatever
stood in the way of their ideas. These ideas included the revival of
Italy’s glory as the center of the Roman Empire. It was a nationalist
and ultra-conservative movement similar and allied to German Nazism and
Spanish Falangism, yet distinctly Italian.

Fascism came to power first, its name became a shorthand for any
right-wing authoritarian regime and for the supporters of such rule. The
concept has also been twisted completely out of shape by rhetorical
abuse. For example, Reaganism and Thatcherism (USA and UK in the 1980s),
although ideologically in harmony with many fascist ideas, have been
called fascist even though they operated in a political environment in
which at least a pretense of democratic representation was maintained.

Gregory Norton

The Wikipedia definition of authoritarianism is good “Authoritarianism is a form of government
characterized by strong central power and limited political freedoms”
Authoritarianism could be Individualistic or Collectivist, depending on
what range of non-political freedoms exist. Singapore under Lee Kuan Yew
was authoritarian but Individualistic, there was a great deal of
individual and economic freedom.

is state-centric, Collectivist form of authoritarianism in which the
state acknowledges no limits to its authority and seeks to regulate all
aspects of public and private life including religious, artistic,
political, and economic activity. All individuals exist to serve the
state. As Mussolini (one of the originators of the idea) put it, “All
within the state, nothing outside the state, nothing against the state.”

is more slippery. One part of it is a state-business partnership for
mutual benefit, with the state acting as senior and controlling partner.
A fascist regime is as totalitarian as it can be, given the culture and
legal traditions of the society. It may or may not be militaristic, and
may or may not be internationally aggressive. It may or may not assert
ethnic, national, or racial superiority. Some European political
observers considered the second Wilson administration to be fascist. In
popular usage, “fascist” means little more than “bad” and prone to

Nathaniel Downes

term Authoritarianism was coined in 1859 as the establishment of order
through a central, elected, authority. Under an Authoritarian model,
uniform elections (not saying if they were fair elections, mind you)
must be held, and by holding them, all those who vote then agree to
abide by the decisions of the elected Authority. The Authority itself
had no power to implement these decisions, and passed them down to lower
bodies to handle the direct implementation.

was coined by the Italian fascists in 1926, “totalitario”, and was a
rejection of Authoritarianism. Under Totalitarianist systems, there was
no pretext of elections or rule by mandate, and only the elite had any
say over the system. Instead of submitting to an authority,
Totalitarians had “total representation of the nation and total guidance
of national goals” through dictates. Unlike Authoritatian systems,
which had a decision making body, and left implementation to smaller
groups, Totalitarian models used a single body to handle both decisions
and implementation.

On the surface it is easy
to claim that Fascism used Totalitarianism and Communism used
Authoritarianism, but in the real world we find that is not always the
case. The root difference was in both how each system claimed their
mandate, and how each system implemented decisions.

Very, very simplified:

State rules and decides on everything, but some social and economic
institutions exist that are not under governmental control.

Totalitarianism is an extreme version of authoritarianism. Nothing exists but the government.

brings ultra-nationalism to the mix; with a hint of racism. All fascist
governments are authoritarian, but not all authoritarian governments
are fascists. This part would get a bit muddy depending on whose
definition you stick to. I like Umberto Eco’s definition as I can
picture Hitler’s doctrines with them easily.

Definitions of fascism

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