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2354 Wed 20 Sep 2017 LESSON

INSIGHT-NET - FREE Online Tipiṭaka Research & Practice University
and related NEWS through in
105 languages

23) Classical English,30) Classical Galician- Clásico galego,31) Classical Georgian- კლასიკური ქართული,32) Classical German- Klassisch Deutsch,33) Classical Greek-Κλασσική Ελληνική,34) Classical Gujarati- ક્લાસિકલ ગુજરાતી35) Classical Haitian Creole-Klasik kreyòl ayisyen,36) Classical Hausa-Hausa na gargajiya…
30) Classical Galician
30) Clásico galego

2354 Dom 20 set 2017 LECCIÓN

INSIGHT-NET - Gratis Online Tipiṭaka Research & Practice University
e NOTICIAS relacionadas a través de en 105 idiomas

F. Navasivathika Pabba, F. Sección sobre os nove charnel grounds,

F. Deixe unha resposta Cancelar resposta

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23) Inglés clásico

F. Sección sobre os nove charnel grounds

bhikkhus, a bhikkhu, coma se estivese vendo un corpo morto, afastado
un charnel ground, un día morto, ou dous días mortos ou tres días mortos,
inchada, azulada e festiva, el considera este moi kāya: “Este kāya
tamén é de tal natureza, vai ser así e non
libre de tal condición “.

Así habita observando kāya en kāya
internamente, ou el vive observando kāya en kāya externamente, ou el habita
observando kāya en kāya internamente e externamente; el vive observando
a samudaya de fenómenos en kāya, ou el mire observando o paso
lonxe de fenómenos en kāya, ou mora observando a samudaya e
falecemento de fenómenos en kāya; ou ben, [entender:] “¡isto é kāya!”
Sati está presente nel, só na medida do mero ñāṇa e mero
paṭissati, el vive separado e non se aferra a nada no
mundo. Así, bhikkhus, un bhikkhu habita observando kāya en kāya.

MANTRA - NAM MYOHO RENGE KYO This Mantra describes the essence of
Buddhism - the conviction that we have within us at each moment the
ability to over…

Gyalse Rinpoche Adzom Gyalse Rinpoche is the reincarnation of Adzom
Gyalse Gyurme Dorje, who was the son of Adzom Drukpa Pawo Dorje, and
born in the year of the Iron-monkey (1980); in Bumthang, a region of
central Bhutan, which was…
A Tour to Bodhgaya, Rajgir & Nalanda

31) Classical Georgian
31. კლასიკური ქართული

2354 Wed 20 Sep 2017 ლექცია

INSIGHT-NET - უფასო ონლაინ Tipiṭaka კვლევისა და პრაქტიკის უნივერსიტეტი
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ფ. ნავასავათკა პაბბა, ფ. სექცია ცხრა charnel საფუძველი,

F. ოცი კვარტალი მიწისზედა განყოფილება

Google- ის უფასო სერვისი მყისიერად თარგმნის სიტყვებს, ფრაზებსა და ვებ გვერდებს ინგლისურ ენასა და 100-ზე მეტ ენაზე.

და სწორად თარგმნოს თქვენი მშობლიური ენა ამ Google თარგმანისთვის, რათა მივაღწიოთ მარადიულ ბესიკს საბოლოო მიზნად

23) კლასიკური ინგლისური

F. სექცია ცხრა შარლზე

გარდა ამისა,
ბიკიხუ, ბიკიხი, ისევე როგორც თითქოს ის მკვდარ სხეულს ხედავს,
charnel ადგილზე, ერთ დღეს მკვდარი, ან ორი დღის მკვდარი ან სამი დღის მკვდარი,
ადიდებულმა, ლურჯმა და ფესტერმა, ის მიიჩნევს, რომ ეს ძალიან კაია: “ეს კაია
ასევე ასეთი ბუნებაა, ის მსგავსი გახდება და არ არის
თავისუფალი მდგომარეობისგან “.

ამგვარად, ის ცხოვრობს კაიაში კაიაში
შიგნით, ან ის ცხოვრობს კაიაში დაკვირვება კაიაში გარედან, ან ის ცხოვრობს
კაიაში შიდა და გარედან; ის ცხოვრობს
კაიას ფენომენის სამუდია, ან ის ცხოვრობს დამკვირვებლად
ქაიში ფენომენის დაშორება, ან ის ცხოვრობს სამუდისის დაცვაში
ქანაში ფენომენის დაშორება; ან სხვა, [ხვდებიან:] “ეს არის კაია!”
სატი არის მასში, მხოლოდ ñāṇa და უბრალო
პატატისტი, ის ცხოვრობს, რომელიც არღვევს და არაფერს არ იღებს
მსოფლიოში. ამდენად, ბიკიხუს, ბჰიხუში ცხოვრობს კაიაში კაია დაკვირვება.

English translation of one of the most important discourses of the
development of meditation in the Pāli canon (with an embedded reading of
the text).…
Studying Music for Better Concentration: Focus Music for Work, Study Music to Concentrate and Focus

32) Classical German
32) Klassisch Deutsch

2354 Mi 20 Sep 2017 LEKTION

INSIGHT-NET - KOSTENLOSE Online-Tipiṭaka Research & Practice University
und verwandte NEWS durch in105 Sprachen

F. Navasivathika Pabba, F. Abschnitt über die neun Charnel-Gelände,

F. ஒன்பது இடுகாடு நிலத்தளங்கள் மேலான பிரிவு

Der kostenlose Dienst von Google übersetzt sofort Wörter, Phrasen und
Webseiten zwischen Englisch und über 100 anderen Sprachen.

mache korrekte Übersetzung in deiner Muttersprache für diese
Google-Übersetzung, um Ewige Glückseligkeit als Endziel zu erreichen

23) Klassisches Englisch

F. Abschnitt über die neun Charnel-Gelände

Bhikkhus, ein Bhikkhu, genauso, als ob er einen Leichnam sah, weggeworfen
ein Kesselboden, ein Tag tot oder zwei Tage tot oder drei Tage tot,
geschwollen, bläulich und eitrig, hält er das sehr kāya: “Das kāya
auch so, es wird so, und das ist nicht so
frei von einer solchen Bedingung. “

So wohnt er und beobachtet kāya in kāya
innerlich, oder er wohnt, kāya in kāya nach außen zu beobachten, oder er wohnt
beobachtet kāya in kāya intern und extern; er wohnt zu beobachten
die samudaya von phänomenen in kāya, oder er wohnt, das vorüber zu beobachten
weg von Phänomenen in Kāya, oder er wohnt, die Samudaya zu beobachten und
Vergehen von Phänomenen in Kāya; oder sonst, [das ist: “das ist kāya!”
Sati ist in ihm gegenwärtig, nur in dem Ausmaß von bloßen ñāṇa und bloß
paṭissati, er wohnt los, und klammert sich nicht an irgendetwas in der
Welt. So bhikkhus, ein bhikkhu wohnt, kāya in kāya zu beobachten.

NuMeditationMusic youtube channel is devoted to…

OG description…
Buddhist success mantra

33) Classical Greek
33) Κλασσική Ελληνική

2354 Τετ 20 Σεπ 2017 ΜΑΘΗΜΑ

INSIGHT-NET - ΔΩΡΕΑΝ online πανεπιστήμιο Tipiṭaka Research & Practice
και τα σχετικά ΝΕΑ μέσω σε 105 γλώσσες

F. Navasivathika Pabba, F. Τμήμα σχετικά με τα εννέα γη του φλοιού,

F. ஒன்பது இடுகாடு நிலத்தளங்கள் மேலான பிரிவு

Η δωρεάν υπηρεσία της Google μεταφράζει άμεσα λέξεις, φράσεις και ιστοσελίδες μεταξύ αγγλικών και πάνω από 100 άλλες γλώσσες.

και να κάνετε σωστή μετάφραση στη μητρική σας γλώσσα για αυτή τη
μετάφραση στο Google για να φτάσετε στην Αιώνια Ευτυχία ως Τελικό Στόχο

23) Κλασική Αγγλική

ΣΤ. Τμήμα των εννέα λόφων του φλοιού

Επί πλέον,
bhikkhus, ένα bhikkhu, σαν να έβλεπε ένα νεκρό σώμα, να πετάει μέσα
ένα γήινο έδαφος, μια νεκρή μέρα ή δύο νεκρές ή τρεις ημέρες νεκρές,
πρησμένο, γαλαζοπράσινο και τρωκτικό, θεωρεί αυτό το πολύ kāya: “Αυτό το kāya
είναι επίσης τέτοιας φύσης, πρόκειται να γίνει έτσι, και δεν είναι
ελεύθερη από μια τέτοια κατάσταση. “

Συνεπώς, κατοικεί παρατηρώντας το kāya στο kāya
εσωτερικά, ή μένει να παρατηρεί εξωτερικά το kāya στο kāya, ή κατοικεί
παρατηρώντας το kāya in kāya εσωτερικά και εξωτερικά. κατοικεί παρατηρώντας
η samudaya των φαινομένων στο kaya, ή κατοικεί παρατηρώντας το πέρασμα
μακριά των φαινομένων στην kāya, ή κατοικεί παρατηρώντας τα samudaya και
απομάκρυνση των φαινομένων στο kāya. ή αλλιώς, [πραγματοποιώντας:] “αυτό είναι kaya!”
η σατί είναι παρούσα σ ‘αυτόν, μόνο στην έκταση της απλής ñāṇa και της απλής
paṭissati, αυτός κατοικεί αποσπασμένος, και δεν προσκολλάται σε τίποτα στο
κόσμος. Έτσι, ο bhikkhus, ένας bhikkhu κατοικεί παρατηρώντας το kāya στο kāya.

Buddhist chant for health and success. This Buddhist chant is based on
healing the mind, body and spirit provided by the ancient Buddhist
masters at H…
Buddhist chanting of Ladakh, Haris Ahmed India

34) Classical Gujarati
34) ક્લાસિકલ ગુજરાતી

2354 બુધ 20 સપ્ટે 2017 પાઠ

ઇન્સાઇટ-નેટ - નિઃશુલ્ક ઑનલાઇન ટીપિકા સંશોધન અને પ્રેક્ટિસ યુનિવર્સિટી
અને 105 ભાષાઓમાં દ્વારા સંબંધિત સમાચાર

એફ. નવસીવથિકા પબ્બા, એફ. નવ ચેનલ મેદાન પર વિભાગ,

એફ. ઇંટિએટ્સ ડેવલપમેન્ટ્સ ફાઉન્ડેશન્સ ફાઉન્ડેશન

Google ની મફત સેવા અંગ્રેજી અને 100 અન્ય ભાષાઓમાંના શબ્દો, શબ્દસમૂહો અને વેબ પૃષ્ઠોને તરત અનુવાદિત કરે છે.

અને અંતિમ અનુવાદ તરીકે શાશ્વત બ્લિસ પ્રાપ્ત કરવા માટે આ google અનુવાદ માટે તમારી માતૃભાષામાં સાચો અનુવાદ રેન્ડર કરો

23) શાસ્ત્રીય અંગ્રેજી

નવ ચેનલ મેદાન પર એફ. વિભાગ

ભીખુસ, એક ભિક્હ, જેમ તે મૃત શરીર જોતા હતા, તેને દૂર ફેંકી દીધો
એક ચેનલ જમીન, એક દિવસ મૃત, અથવા બે દિવસ મૃત અથવા ત્રણ દિવસ મૃત,
સૂજી, નિસ્તેજ અને તહેવાર, તે આ ખૂબ કવાય ગણે છે: “આ ક્યા
પણ આવી પ્રકૃતિ છે, તે આના જેવું બનશે, અને નથી
આવી સ્થિતિથી મુક્ત. “

આમ તે ક્યામાં ક્યા અવલોકન કરતો રહે છે
આંતરિક રીતે, અથવા તે બાહ્ય રીતે કાયામાં ક્યા અવલોકન કરે છે, અથવા તે નિવાસ કરે છે
આંતરિક રીતે અને બાહ્ય કાર્યોમાં ક્યા અવલોકન; તે નિરીક્ષણમાં રહે છે
ક્યામાં અસાધારણ ઘટના છે, અથવા તે પસાર થવાનો અવલોકન કરે છે
કાયામાં ચમત્કારો દૂર, અથવા તે samudaya નિરીક્ષણ dwells અને
ક્યામાં અસાધારણ ઘટના પસાર થઈ રહી છે; અથવા બીજું, [અનુભૂતિની:] “આ ક્યા છે!”
સતી તેમનામાં હાજર છે, માત્ર નિદ્રાની માત્રા સુધી અને માત્ર
પાશિસી, તે અલગ રહે છે, અને તેમાં કંઇપણ ચોંટે નહીં
દુનિયા. આમ, ભિક્ષુ, એક ભીખુ કશ્યમાં ક્યા અવલોકન કરે છે.

UNESCO: Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity - 2012 URL: Description: In the monast…

Manteaux churns out silly new words when you feed it an idea or two.
Enter a word (or two) above and you’ll get back a bunch of portmanteaux
created by jamming together words that are conceptually related to your
07 9 Types of Charnel Ground Meditation - April 3rd

35) Classical Haitian Creole
35) Klasik kreyòl ayisyen

2354 Wed 20 Sep 2017 LESSON

INSIGHT-NET - GRATIS sou entènèt Tipiṭaka Rechèch ak pratik Inivèsite
ak NEWS ki gen rapò ak nan nan105 lang

F. Navasivatika Pabba, F. Seksyon sou nèf charnel teren yo,

F. Pou fè sa ki pi enpòtan nan lavni an

Sèvis gratis Google la imedyatman tradui mo, fraz, ak paj entènèt ant angle ak plis pase 100 lòt lang.

epi rann kòrèk tradiksyon nan lang manman ou pou tradiksyon Google sa a
pou atenn Bliss ki p’ap janm fini an kòm objektif final la

23) Klasik angle

F. Seksyon sou teren nèf charnel la

Anplis de sa,
Sepandan, yon bhikkhu, menm jan si li te wè yon kò ki mouri, jete lwen
yon tè ajil, yon sèl jou a mouri, oswa de jou mouri oswa twa jou mouri,
anfle, bluish ak fese, li konsidere sa a trè kouran: “Sa a
tou se nan tankou yon nati, li pral vin tankou sa a, epi li pa
gratis nan kondisyon sa yo. “

Se konsa, li rete obsève kàya nan kàya
entèn, oswa li rete obsève kya nan kya deyò, oswa li rete
obsève kàya nan kya internally ak deyò; li rete obsève
samudaya nan fenomèn nan kya, oswa li rete obsève pase an
lwen fenomèn nan kya, oswa li rete obsève samudaya la ak
pase lwen fenomèn nan kya; oswa lòt bagay, [reyalize:] “sa a se kya!”
sati se prezan nan l ‘, jis nan limit de sèlman ak sèlman
Pa konnen, li rete detache, epi li pa rete kole sou anyen nan la
mond. Kidonk, bhikkhus, yon bhikkhu rete obsève nan kya.

A catalog listing the full collection of DVDs and streaming videos available from Filmakers Library, as of fall 2012.
Buddha and the Dharma.. Theravada Buddhist morning chant.

36) Classical Hausa
36) Hausa na gargajiya

2354 Mar 20 Sep 2017 LONSON

INSIGHT-NET - Yanar gizo na Tipiṭaka Research da Practice Online
da kuma sauran labarai ta hanyar in105 harsuna

F. Navasivathika Pabba, F. Sashe na kan iyakoki na tara,

F. Tambaya: இ இ இ இ

Sabis na kyauta na Google nan take fassara kalmomi, kalmomi, da kuma
shafukan intanet tsakanin Ingilishi da fiye da 100 sauran harsuna.

kuma kuyi fassarar daidai a cikin harshenku don wannan fassarar google
don samun farin ciki na har abada azaman makasudin karshe

23) Harshen Turanci

F. Sashe na kan iyakoki tara

Bugu da ƙari,
bhikkhus, a bhikkhu, kamar dai yana ganin gawacciyar jiki, jefa shi cikin
wani shinge, wata rana ta mutu, ko kwana biyu ko mutu ko kwana uku,
ya kumbura, ya yi haske kuma ya yi fushi, ya ɗauki wannan kariya: “Wannan kaya
Har ila yau, irin wannan yanayi ne, zai zama kamar wannan, kuma ba haka ba ne
free daga irin wannan yanayin. “

Ta haka ne yake zaune tare da kariya a cikin kāya
cikin gida, ko yana zaune yana kallon kariya a waje, ko yana zaune
lura da kāya a cikin kāya cikin gida da waje; yana zaune yana kallo
samudaya na abin mamaki a cikin kariya, ko yana zaune yana lura da wucewa
tafi da abubuwan mamaki a cikin kāya, ko yana zaune yana lura da samudaya kuma
wucewar abubuwan mamaki a cikin kāya; ko kuma, [yana cewa:] “wannan shi ne kāya!”
Sati bai kasance a cikin shi ba, sai kawai ñāṇa da kawai
paṭissati, yana zaune ne kawai, kuma ba ya jingina ga wani abu a cikin
duniya. Saboda haka, bhikkhus, wani bhikkhu yana zaune a kallo a kāya.

like my FACEBOOK Page.. ‘BUDDHA and His DHARMA’.. Just click on the
link below in the comments beneath this Message.. Thank you.. May you be
Well and …

Sister Yeshe is a young Australian Buddhist nun in the Tibetan Vajrayana tradition.

Sahab Kanshiram’s speech on PAY BACK TO SOCIETY

Listen a important speech of Sahab Kanshiramji organised by PAY BACK TO THE SOCIETY MISSION at Nagpur.

The so called mainstream media has no time to remember a man who changed
the politics of  India and actually did India a great favor by
transforming power to the suppressed voice of India. The Great Salute to
Humanitarian Manyawar Kanshiram….

Kanshiramji was the greatest leader in the world history after
Babasaheb. I am quite sure, no one can ever match his potential. I
believe that Behenji is the greatest politician in the world history
after Babasaheb. No one can ever match her political intellect.

Inline image 1

must become the rulers instead of being ruled,’he told the
cheering and applauding delegates.

KANSHI RAM: - My funds
come from various sources which will not dry up. My funds come from
those people who produce wealth. The Bahujan Samaj produces wealth. I
get my money from them. Lakhs of my people spend crores going to
festivals like the Kumbh Mela to improve their next birth. I tell them
that Kanshi Ram does not know anything about the next life. But he is an
expert in the present life.

Those interested in improving their next life , I tell them , must go to
the Brahmins on the banks of the Ganga .Those interested in improving
their present life must come to me . So they throng to my meetings.

QUESTION: - They say you spent a lot of money on the Lucknow rally.

-Rs. 22 lakhs were spent on hiring the buses alone .But I am angry. It
should have been Rs. 22 crores .A time will come when people should
spend Rs. 22 crores on my call .I don’t feel any dearth of money. If
money is coming from a treasury, it will be extinguished. I am getting
money from a perennial source of funds. I need only one crore rupees to
win all the 542 parliamentary seats. One day, voters will queue up to
pay money to Kanshi Ram. The next day, they will que up to vote for
Kanshi Ram. 

QUESTION: - Some of your party men have broken away from you.

- You cannot keep all the people together. Some people may get tired.
Some people may be purchased. Some may become frightened. This will be a
permanent feature. It will not demoralise us. I have created a method
where in a given time if 10 people go away , we will produce 110 people
of the same caliber .Whom we dropped as deadwood , others are trying to
pick up and burn a fire .They are trying to use them against us. 

QUESTION: - You reiterate that you have never taken funds from a foreign source. 

- When I went to England two years ago, some people - there are seven
lakh Chamars there - offered me funds. I decided not to take the money,
though Indira Gandhi, Rajiv Gandhi and Buta Singh had taken money from
the same source - the Guru Ravidass Gurdwara in Birmingham. They had
given to Babu Ji also .I was the only person who didn’t accept.

QUESTION: - What Kind of change are you looking for? 

- I don’t want temporary changes. I am not prepared to attain what I
cannot sustain .Let us attain whatever we can, but it must be retained
and retained only by permanent change.

‘We must become the rulers instead of being ruled,’he told the cheering and applauding delegates.

KANSHI RAM: - My funds come from various sources which will not dry up.
My funds come from those people who produce wealth. The Bahujan Samaj
produces wealth. I get my money from them. Lakhs of my people spend
crores going to festivals like the Kumbh Mela to improve their next
birth. I tell them that Kanshi Ram does not know anyth
ing about the next life. But he is an expert in the present life.

Those interested in improving their next life , I tell them , must go
to the Brahmins on the banks of the Ganga .Those interested in improving
their present life must come to me . So they throng to my meetings.

QUESTION: - They say you spent a lot of money on the Lucknow rally.

KANSHI RAM: -Rs. 22 lakhs were spent on hiring the buses alone .But I
am angry. It should have been Rs. 22 crores .A time will come when
people should spend Rs. 22 crores on my call .I don’t feel any dearth of
money. If money is coming from a treasury, it will be extinguished. I
am getting money from a perennial source of funds. I need only one crore
rupees to win all the 542 parliamentary seats. One day, voters will
queue up to pay money to Kanshi Ram. The next day, they will que up to
vote for Kanshi Ram.

QUESTION: - Some of your party men have broken away from you.

KANSHI RAM: - You cannot keep all the people together. Some people may
get tired. Some people may be purchased. Some may become frightened.
This will be a permanent feature. It will not demoralise us. I have
created a method where in a given time if 10 people go away , we will
produce 110 people of the same caliber .Whom we dropped as deadwood ,
others are trying to pick up and burn a fire .They are trying to use
them against us.

QUESTION: - You reiterate that you have never taken funds from a foreign source.

KANSHI RAM: - When I went to England two years ago, some people - there
are seven lakh Chamars there - offered me funds. I decided not to take
the money, though Indira Gandhi, Rajiv Gandhi and Buta Singh had taken
money from the same source - the Guru Ravidass Gurdwara in Birmingham.
They had given to Babu Ji also .I was the only person who didn’t accept.

QUESTION: - What Kind of change are you looking for?

KANSHI RAM: - I don’t want temporary changes. I am not prepared to
attain what I cannot sustain .Let us attain whatever we can, but it must
be retained and retained only by permanent change.

Guru Raviadss Sabha Vancouver celebrated Sahib Shri Kanshi Ram Ji’s
77th birth anniversary and grand opening ceremony of Dr. Ambedkar
Library on Sunday, March 13th, 2011 at 10:30am. On this day, Guru ka
langar and Deg was served to mark 77th birth anniversary of the great
leader of Bahujan Sama…
Training camp, Jalandhar, Punjab, 15th-16th May, 1999
Bahujan Samaj Banao training camp at Village Khurla Kingra, Jalandhar,
Punjab. Also has a missionary song sung by the legendary missionary
singer Mohan Banger.

agar baba saheb ke bad koi hai to wah
kashiram ji hai .agar aaj kashiram ji hote to hamare samaj me bahut
badlaw hua hota .ham unhe puri life salute krte rhenge ..jai bhim

Samaj Banao training camp at Village Khurla Kingra, Jalandhar, Punjab.
Also has a missionary song sung by the legendary missionary singer Mohan

जब गुंडे उत्तर प्रदेश छोड़कर भाग गए थे। Powerfull Speech of KanshiRam Ji. DIGITAL WORLD. Mp3

जब गुंडे उत्तर प्रदेश छोड़कर भाग गए थे। Powerfull Speech of KanshiRam Ji. DIGITAL WORLD.

Play and Listen please subscribe digital world
जब गुंडे उत्तर प्रदेश छोड़कर भाग गए थे। Powerfull Speech of KanshiRam Ji.

By Digital WorldPublish 2017-07-11


Sahab Kanshiram's speech on PAY BACK TO SOCIETY Mp3

Sahab Kanshiram’s speech on PAY BACK TO SOCIETY

Play and Listen listen a important speech of
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Sahab Kanshiram’s speech on PAY BACK TO SOCIETY Mp3

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sahab kanshiram ji speech at gidarwaha (mukatsar) 26-11-1996 Mp3

sahab kanshiram ji speech at gidarwaha (mukatsar) 26-11-1996

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Important speech of Saheb Kanshi Ram Ji - Part 1 Mp3

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The Ballot or the Bullet - Speech by Saheb Kanshi Ram Mp3

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Shahab Kanshiram's English speech on Annihilation of Caste | Kuala Lumpur, 1998 Mp3
Play and Listen dalit international organization
dio Shahab Kanshiram’s English speech on Annihilation of Caste | Kuala
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By Ambedkar ArchivePublish 2016-07-26


Kanshiramji's Exclusive Speech before 13th Loksabha Election, video by Nikhil Sablania Mp3
Play and Listen to buy audio cds dvds books etc
contact nikhil sablania delhi 9013306236 sablaniangmailcom on facebook
join of page dr br ambedkar books Kanshiramji’s Exclusive Speech before
13th Loksabha Election, video by Nikhil Sablania Mp3

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Play and Listen rare video of the great revolutionary leader Manyawar Saheb Kanshi Ram Ji in Aap Ki Adalat Mp3

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Sahab Kanshiram's speech on PAY BACK TO SOCIETY Mp3

Sahab Kanshiram’s speech on PAY BACK TO SOCIETY

Play and Listen Sahab Kanshiram’s speech on PAY BACK TO SOCIETY Mp3

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Kanshiramji's Exclusive Historical Speech at Nagpur, video by Nikhil Sablania Mp3

Kanshiramji’s Exclusive Historical Speech at Nagpur, video by Nikhil Sablania

Play and Listen to buy audio cds dvds books etc
contact nikhil sablania delhi 9013306236 sablaniangmailcom on facebook
join of page dr br ambedkar books Kanshiramji’s Exclusive Historical
Speech at Nagpur, video by Nikhil Sablania Mp3

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Kanshi Ram created his own legacy - Ravish Kumar Mp3

Kanshi Ram created his own legacy - Ravish Kumar

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uc3arsiuvrxguxozagfsglmq popular uploads Kanshi Ram created his own
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Saheb Shri Kanshi Ram Ji’s speech in Shamchurasi, Punjab, 2001

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By Saheb Shri Kanshi Ram ji’s SpeechesPublish 2014-08-31


Saheb Shri Kanshi Ram Ji in Punjab Mp3

Saheb Shri Kanshi Ram Ji in Punjab

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listen and watch all the speeches https wwwyoutubecom channel
uc3arsiuvrxguxozagfsglmq popular uploads Saheb Shri Kanshi Ram Ji in
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“We alone can challenge and defeat the casteist, communal and pro-capitalist BJP! Get ready!”

Behanji’s clarion call to the BSP workers to liberate the country from the clutches of fascist rule

Mayawati launched 2019 election campaign with Meerut rally.

Bahujan Samaj Party (BSP) chief Mayawati on Monday addressed a rally in
Meerut to mobilize SC/ST and Muslim population in western Uttar Pradesh

After Mayawati’s resignation from the Rajya Sabha on 18 July, the
Bahujan Samaj Party (BSP) has stepped up preparations for the next big

Bahujan Samaj Party (BSP) chief Mayawati is all set and
began a campaign to try and wrest her sarvajan samaj base in Uttar
Pradesh before the 2019 Lok Sabha elections.

The four-time chief
minister launched her campaign with a rally in Meerut in western Uttar
Pradesh on Monday. Mayawati has chosen this part of Uttar Pradesh,
considered a BSP stronghold, to mobilize the SC/ST and Muslim population
in the area. To be sure, the BSP chief had also launched her campaign
for the assembly election in February-March this year from Agra in
western Uttar Pradesh, with an eye on the same demographics.

drifting of Mayawati’s Sarvajan samaj voter base towards the Bharatiya
Janata Party (BJP) and its successful attempts to consolidate the fraud
EVMs to win both in Centre and many states led to BSP’s rout in the 2014
Lok Sabha election and in the state assembly election in March this

After Mayawati’s resignation from the Rajya Sabha on 18
July after she was not allowed to speak on violence against SC/STs in
Uttar Pradesh, her party has stepped up preparations for the next big

The first major decision taken by Mayawati after her
resignation was that starting September, BSP will hold review meetings
in each division of the state on the 18th of every month to remind her
supporters of her resignation. The rally in Meerut, therefore, covered
voters across three key divisions of Meerut, Saharanpur and Moradabad in
western Uttar Pradesh.

The BSP hopes to revive its political fortunes through a direct contest with the BJP in the 2019 election.

“Behenji (Mayawati) has decided to hold one rally for three to four
mandals in the next eight to ten months. For instance, the Meerut rally
covered the Saharanpur and Moradabad mandals as well. She will raise
the issues of deteriorating law and order in the state, the recent
tragedy in Gorakhpur, violence in the name of cow protection and her
resignation from Parliament for the SC/ST cause in her upcoming rallies.

While arrangements are being made for another rally in Purvanchal
(eastern) Uttar Pradesh in the coming days, the extent of Mayawati’s
preparations for the general elections can also be gauged from the fact
that she is already screening candidates for the 80 Lok Sabha seats from
the state. Despite starting the process of shortlisting candidates,
Mayawati has made it clear that the BSP will be part of an anti-BJP
alliance, but only after parties have reached a seat-sharing

The BSP chief had sent out a strong message
regarding her seriousness on seat-sharing when she refused to attend an
opposition rally organized by Rashtriya Janata Dal chief Lalu Prasad on
27 August in Patna.

Analysts say that Mayawati is leaving no stone unturned to reconnect with her voters.

“Mayawati has not become irrelevant— Giving an early start to her
campaign, Mayawati is preparing to take on the BJP in the 2019 general

Samaj Party (BSP) chief Mayawati will on Monday address a rally in
Meerut to mobilize Dalit and Muslim population in western Uttar Pradesh

PM, 9/20/2017] +91 94492 60443: The Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes,
Other Backward Classes and Religious Minorities, are able to secure our
rights guaranteed under the Constitution of India due to the incessant
struggle and matchless sacrifice of Babasaheb Dr. Bheemrao Ambedkar. But
the caste-prejudiced governments did not implement these rights to the
benefit of our people. As the result, despite the provisions of
Constitution, our socio-economic condition remained worst as before.
Hence, Babasaheb advocated us to form the government on our own by
getting united under one political platform and one leadership. In this
direction, he contemplated to launch the Republican Party of India
during his life-time. But he, perhaps, did not know that he would die so
early even before he could bring his plans into action. He could not
complete the task which was later on completed by Manyawar Kanshi Ram
Non-political Routes: When Manyawar Kanshi Ram Saheb decided
to revive the Ambedkarite movement, the movement was almost extinct.
People had almost forgotten about the movement. Kanshi Ram Saheb made a
deep study as to the conditions which caused the failure of Ambedkarite
movement. He saw that most of the followers of Babasaheb were out of the
movement.  He started probing the reasons which led to the
discontinuation of the movement followed by the death of Babasaheb
Ambedkar. He, after a thorough study, understood that the failure of
Ambedkarite movement was caused due to the lack of ‘non-political
routes’ among the Bahujan Samaj and hence, he decided to strengthen the
non-political routes to create the ‘non-purchasable leadership’. He
realized that only that society with strong non-political routes would
produce the ‘non-purchasable’ missionary leaders. Thus he decided to
prepare the non-political routes of the society by preparing the
educated employees and youths. Before launching the Bahujan Samaj Party,
he started the BAMCEF and DS-4 to prepare the educated employees and
youth from among the SC/ST/OBCs and Religious Minorities. He devoted the
best part of his life to strengthen the non-political routes of Bahujan
[4:55 PM, 9/20/2017] +91 94492
60443: Importance of Cadre Camps: Ms Mayawati joined the Ambedkarite
movement when Kanshi Ram Saheb was organizing the employees under the
banner of BAMCEF. Seeing her dedication to the movement and
capabilities, he started encouraging her. But the senior members could
not tolerate it. They began opposing Saheb arguing, “How can you project
a most junior person ignoring seniors like us? If you continue to
project her too much, we will leave the organization”. Kanshi Ramji
replied them sternly saying, “If you are thinking to leave tomorrow, it
is better for you to leave today itself. Why postpone it?” All these old
members, who are mostly from Maharashtra and Punjab, left the movement
even before Saheb launched BSP. They went out of BAMCEF and formed their
own BAMCEF outfit. They had even got it registered. Today there are
several outfits of BAMCEF and nobody knows how many outfits are there.
Our people have not gone with them. These seniors went alone and
remained alone, but the people and workers have remained with the
movement. Nobody got disturbed over their exit. Do you know why the
workers and people did not follow those old members? asks
[4:56 PM, 9/20/2017] +91
94492 60443: Those were the honest people who were solidly prepared by
Manyawar Kanshi Ram Saheb through cadre camps. Cadrization is the only
way to prepare missionary workers and society. Saheb, with his team of
missionary cadres, was able to create new leadership. He went on to
start DS-4 and finally BSP on April 14, 1984. The workers and society
remained with the movement only because they were prepared through the
means of cadrization. Saheb had rejuvenated the Ambedkarite movement
only by conducting cadres.                       
[5:01 PM,
9/20/2017] +91 94492 60443: Warning to Elders: Ms Mayawati  has been
telling  to build the party organization by preparing the workers
through cadre camps. But  are more interested in conducting public
rallies, meetings and programs, yet to understand the fact that workers
cannot be created by conducting public programs.  Workers cannot be
prepared ideologically in public meetings. We can sustain the movement
only by preparing the young generation through cadre camps. Should
encourage the entry of others and new blood into the movement. We must
have a minimum of 50% young and educated members in every level of
party’s organization.                       
[5:03 PM,
9/20/2017] +91 94492 60443: As dreamt by Babasaheb Dr. Ambedkar,
Manyawar Kanshi Ram Saheb launched the political party, namely, Bahujan
Samaj Party on April 14, 1984.  By following the footsteps of our
ancestors and guidance of Manyawar Kanshi Ram Saheb, Ms Mayawati was
able to form BSP government for four times in Uttar Pradesh in the past.
As the result, we are able to improve the socio-economic condition of
our people in Uttar Pradesh. We are able to secure the constitutional
rights of our people. We are also able to build memorials, statues and
parks in the honor of our ancestors. But we could not succeed to form
our government in other states. As the result, atrocities against our
people are continuing unabatedly. Exploitation of the poor has not been
Tampering of EVMs by BJP :  Our failure to form our own
government in other states has helped the BJP to defeat us in Uttar
Pradesh. They found that BSP is strong only in UP and not in other
states and hence they thought that if they could finish us in UP, BSP
will die a natural death in all other states. That is how they focused
their entire strength to defeat us in UP. However, they could not win
through fair means. They had to resort to fraudulent way of tampering
the electronic voting machines (EVMs) to defeat
[5:04 PM, 9/20/2017] +91 94492 60443: BJP
and company had used the EVMs in 2014 itself to win the General
Election. We thought that it was the mandate against the scams-ridden
and scandals-tainted rule of Congress. But the election results of the
five states held in March 2017 have exposed the EVM scandal of BJP. They
could not win in Punjab, Uttarkhand, Goa and Manipur. In Goa and
Manipur, Congress party got lead over the BJP. But BJP leaders have
managed the other MLAs form their governments. In Uttarkhand, it was the
internal quarrel of the Congress that gave a lead to the BJP. In
Punjab, the anti-incumbency factor of Akali Dal gave the victory to
Congress. BJP, being the partner of Akali Dal, lost the election. In all
the above four states, they did not tamper with the EVMs and the
results were on the expected lines. But in Uttar Pradesh, nobody
expected that BJP would get such a huge margin of victory. The senior
bureaucrats of UP, who are usually the first to know the results in
advance, were making preparations to welcome the BSP Government. They
were utterly surprised when the results were announced. I, seeing the
trend of results late in the morning, went to the press and exposed the
EVM fraud. Later on, we also launched nation-wide struggle against the
fraud of EVMs and legal battle to get the VVPAT incorporated with EVMs.
Thus, we are confronting the BJP at every step.                       
PM, 9/20/2017] +91 94492 60443: BJP Mischief in Saharanpur: It is to be
understood that we are the only one who are challenging the RSS agenda
of BJP rulers during the past three years. Be it the death of Rohit
Vemula in Hyderabad University, attack against Dalits in Una of Gujarat,
Vyapam scandal of Madya Pradesh or lynching of Muslims in Dadri, I
vehemently opposed and exposed them in the Rajya Sabha.  Hence, the BJP
leaders had been hatching plans to choke our voice. They are planning to
isolate BSP from other communities and limit us only to Dalits. That is
why they managed to create clashes between Dalits and the Jat community
in Saharanpur. They are also able to use a Dalit organization in their
conspiracy. I have clearly understood the game-plan of BJP behind the
Saharanpur clashes. I decided to expose them in the Parliament. When I
gave the notice to speak on the Saharanpur issue in the Rajya Sabha on
July 18, 2017, they were afraid that their mischief would get exposed
and hence they did not allow me to speak. Even the ministers also joined
the chorus to prevent my speech. I went to the Parliament to give voice
to the aspirations of people and find redresses to their woes. The
issue of Sabbirpur in Saharanpur is a very serious one in which a Dalit
was killed, several others were injured and their houses were burnt. If I
am not allowed to do justice to my aggrieved people and not able to
protect them, why should I remain in the Parliament? BJP people may try
to silence me. But I, being Babasaheb’s daughter and Kanshi Ram Saheb’s
disciple, cannot be silenced by anyone. I decided to resign my Rajya
Sabha membership as Babasaheb Ambedkar did in 1951. I, after quitting
the Rajya Sabha seat, have also decided to tour the whole country to
prepare our people and strengthen our movement in every state. We must
put an end to all kinds of exploitations by forming our
[5:09 PM, 9/20/2017] +91
94492 60443: Have Faith in the Success of our Movement: The BJP has
become strong not because of its own strength, but because of the
failure of other parties. Presently, you may be thinking that we can
succeed if we join the UPA / Congress and other parties. These parties
are in such pitiable conditions that they cannot be of any use to us. We
must achieve the success on our own strength without depending on any
other party. In fact, only we can challenge and defeat the casteist,
communal and pro-capitalist BJP. Other than BSP, no other party has got
the determination and morality to challenge BJP. Do not lose your faith
in the success of our movement. Do not lose your heart in the face of
odd situations. Our ancestors had faced much more tough situations, but
they did not lose heart. Babasaheb Ambedkar and Manyawar Kanshi Ramji
were neither disappointed nor did they get discouraged when they faced
severe challenges and setbacks. Look at me. Have you ever seen me
disheartened, sad and disappointed? Every tough situation has made me
tougher and made me to move ahead with greater determination. When I
took over the charge of party’s president post, I had faced toughest
time of my life. Our old leaders such as Phulsingh Barayya and Davuram
Ratnakar betrayed the movement by playing in the hands of other parties.
But I was not disappointed. I carried ahead the movement all alone. I
always enjoyed my work. You must also do your work with great joy. Do
not think that success brings us joy. On the other hand it is the joy
that brings us success. We must carry our struggles with great
celebration and bliss. The present situation may look very critical and
depressing. But we can convert this situation to our advantage by our
determination and hard work.  We should never think that ‘why should I
work when I would not be getting any benefit?’ We are already reaping
the benefits of struggles of our ancestors. We must now work for the
benefit of our future generations. If we fail to do our duty, our
children will be forced to become slaves in
[5:14 PM, 9/20/2017] +91 94492
60443: •    Starting from September 18, 2017, BSP will be having
programs in Uttar Pradesh on every month of 18.
    •    Ms Mayawati
is also visiting other states of the country at least once in a year to
address the party workers. All these states have been grouped in nine
zones. These programs are not for the public. They are only for the
party workers of all levels – starting from state to booth level. In
these programs, she will be personally verifying the progress of
formation of committees. These programs are to be conducted in the name
of ‘Grand Conference of Workers’ (Karyakarthan ka Vishal Mahasabha).
    •    The nine zones with states inherent and the dates of Behanji’s programs are as follows:
    •    Bhopal Zone (Madhya Pradesh, Chattisgad) – Dec. 12, 2017.
    •    Jaipur Zone (Rajastan, Gujarat) – Nov. 30, 2017.
    •    Nagpur Zone (Maharashtra, Telangana, AP, Orissa) – Dec. 10, 2017.
    •    Bangalore Zone (Karnataka, Tamilnadu, Kerala, Puducherry) – Nov. 26, 2017.
    •    Patna Zone (Bihar, West Bengal, Jarkhand) – Jan. 30, 2018.
    •    Delhi Zone – Jan. 28, 2018.
    •    Chandigad Zone(Chandigad, Punjab, Haryana) – Feb. 25, 2018.
    •    Kangada Zone (Jammu & Kashmir, Himachal Pradesh) – Feb. 27, 2018.
    •    Nova Zone – Uttarkhand -  March 4, 2018.

    •    The above programs will continue every year on the above dates without any change.
    •    You have to mobilize funds for the above programs and also for the elections on your own.
•    Now that we are increasing the pace of our movement in a greater
speed, we must mobilize more funds to achieve greater success. Ours is a
self-respect movement. Self-respect movement can succeed only with
self-help. We are not taking funds from business houses and corporate
companies. Collecting money through membership is one source for us. Now
we must restart the collection of funds on my birthday every year as we
were doing earlier. With these two sources, we can manage our party
activities. You must declare your contributions now. ( Tamilnadu and
Karnataka office-bearers declared to contribute Rs. 25 lakh each. Kerala
leaders declared Rs. 10 lakhs and Puducherry leaders declared Rs. 2
lakhs). These funds must be collected before Dec. 31 and deposited at
the Central Office in the first week of Jan. 2018. No receipt books to
be printed. If it is printed, the responsible persons will be expelled
from the party. Funds must be collected through registers in the name of
Jankalyan Diwas. Similarly, you must also deposit the membership money
with the Central Office as and when you enroll the members.
Collection of funds on the eve of my birthday must continue in future,
whether I am alive or not. It must become a tradition for the Bahujan
Samaj to collect money for running the movement.
With these words, Ms mayawati concluded her speech. Jaibheem, Jaibharath”.…/articles…/60739615.cms
OBCs figure big in Mayawati’s speech in western Uttar Pradesh

NEW DELHI: In her first big rally after resigning from the Rajya Sabha
on July 18, BSP chief Mayawati tried to reconnect with the other
backward castes (OBCs) by referring to her support for the Mandal
Commission report and also resumed her attacks against the BJP.

In a speech at Meerut that lasted well over an hour, Mayawati recalled
the BJP’s decision to withdraw support from the then VP Singh government
in an apparent bid to woo the OBC voters. While targeting the BJP, she
also highlighted the Rohith Vemula and Una incidents. Referring to
demonetisation, she said it has only weakened the economy.

Mayawati also spoke of Baba Saheb Bhim Rao Ambedkar’s resignation as law
minister on the issue of Hindu Code Bill, alleged that EVM machines
were tampered in the last state polls and blamed BJP for Saharanpur

Her speech clearly showed her efforts to woo back the
OBC voters, apart from keeping intact her support base among the SC
voters. BSP could win only 19 seats in Up elections in what is
considered to be the party’s worst performance since 1991. She now plans
to hold a rally on the 18th of every month.

Mayawati reached the
venue of his rally by car. She said she wanted to reach the venue on
time. She appealed voters to dislodge the BJP from power in the 2019 Lok
Sabha polls.…/death-fatwa-to-kill-kanch…/
A powerful politician and a member of parliament has issued a fatwa to
kill Kancha Ilaiah Shepherd. In the aftermath of the Gauri Lankesh
assassination this threat is ominous. All democratic minded people
should condemn and resist this open threat to one of the greatest
intellectuals in India. Kancha Ilaiah Shepherd wrote ” T.G. Venaktesh,
an extremist Arya Vysya leader held a press conference on 18/9/2017 in a
luxury hotel in Hyderabad with an extremist, conspitorial Arya Vysya
team and declared a Fatwa on me that he would kill or hang in the
streets as they do in the Middle East.”

Venaktesh, an extremist Arya Vysya leader held a press conference on
18/9/2017 in a luxury hotel in Hyderabad with an extremist, conspitorial
Arya Vysya team and…

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