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Kushinara NIBBΔ€NA Bhumi Pagoda White Home, Puniya Bhumi Bengaluru, Prabuddha Bharat International.

September 2024
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Filed under: General
Posted by: site admin @ 11:17 pm

the people of these classes must not at all be misled by this
conspiracy of the BJP nor should they allow their relation with Muslims
aligned with the BSP to deteriorate. But still,in this regard, I
certainly wish to say to this to the people of these classes that when
when a BSP government was formed four times under my leadership in Uttar
Pradesh and particularly in 2007 when the BSP formedits government on
its own strength there were Muslim MLAs in a largenumber, but uring that
period also I did not allow Uttar Pradesh to become like Pakistan.

a mater of fact, they should learn a lesson in this regard from the
Muslims aligned with the BSP and in this regardI wish to remind them in
this context that in the beginning when my government was formed thrice
with the cooperation of the BJP, then the Muslim MLAs of the BSP by
placing their full trust in me had not at all opposed the formation of
the government in alliance with the BJP and by honestly reposing their
faith with mein all these three governments formed with the cooperation
of the BJP.

Similarly the
SC/STs,backwards and the people of the high caste society aligned with
the BSP. Here should have trust in me, and today I wish to assure them
again that on formation of a BSP government in future too, I can never
allow Uttar Pradesh to become like Pakistan.

these people must not at all be misled by this false propaganda of the
BJP because the BJP people are carrying out this false propaganda under a
conspiracy to hide their dishonesty with regard to the Electronic
Voting Machines (EVMs). Keeping particularly this in view, the people of
these classes must not at all jeoparadise the feeling of brotherhood
with the Muslims.
Not only this,
rather the BJP people by joining hands with gullible people from party
are getting this false notion stressed by them that ‘Behenji” should
herself after the organisational work in each assembly constituency for
then alone the party can now be strengthened. All this is a very big
conspiracy of theirs so that I am not able to giove my time outside
Uttar Pradesh to other parts of the country, an a s a consequence my
party remains confines to Uttar Pradesh. It is very necessary to caution
you against this.

I once again wish to tell you people that for whatever little that the
SC/STs and the people of the other backward classes are getting today in
theentire country, Baba Saheb had to wage a very tough struggle at
every step. In this regard, you people are aware that when the British
agreed to grant independence to India, they asked India to frame its own

that time when casteist parties and Hindu organisations did not allow
Baba Saheb to get elected to the Constituent Assembly from Mahashtra,
then the SC/STs of Bengal with the cooperation of the Muslim League got
him elected to the Constituent Assembly of India from the Khukana and
Jaysore set tere as on this seat SC/STs had largerpopulation among the

under a conspiracy, the Khulna andJaysore seat of Bengal from which
Baba Saheb was elected because of its being SC/STs majority area was
forcibly included in Pakistan instead of keeping that with India.
Although it was in violation of the condition stipulated, despite
knowing all this, this area of Bengal was handed over to Pakistan. But
Baba Saheb in the interest of his own people resigned from the
Constituent Assembly of Pakistan.

resigning, Baba Saheb went to England and spoke there about the
injustice done to him. The British then asked India to get back that
area or else to get Baba Saheb elected to the Constituent Assembly of
India. Then he was elected to the Constituent Assembly of India in July
1947. Thus whatever legal rights the SC/STs/OBCs to have are a
contribution of Baba Saheb alone.

the same time, a little bit of security that the people of religious
minorities enjoy in this country is solely contribution of Baba Saheb
Dr. Ambedkar. But it is also very necessary to understand how the
casteist forces and parties behaved with Baba Saheb after the British
left and the India Constitution came to force.

this regard, you people are aware that after the British quit, Baba
saheb became the first Law Minister of Independent India and when he
said this while pioleting the “Hindu Code Bill” in Parliament as the Law
Minister that if you wish to protect the Hindu system, Hindu culture
and the Hindu society, then Hindu Shankarachariyas must not be adverse
to removing whatever shortcomings that are in these. This bill aimed at
improving only such areas as wrre not proper. There was nothing morein
that bill. But soon after that bill, this was opposed in Parliament so
strongly that Baba Saheb Dr. Ambedkar had to resign from his ministerial
post in September 1951. But despite his having resigned, the then
speaker of the house in contravention of the convention did not allow
him to speak. Then he had to come out of the House and express his views
in the media.

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