2459 Sun 3 Dec 2017 LESSON
Birthday to J Chandrasekharan, translator of Tipitaka in 105 languages,
one of the propagators of Techno-Politico-Socio Transformation and
Economic Emancipation Movement and International Master Swimmer and all
those who are born on 3rd December
- From Banurekha Pradeep Kumar, NS Pradeep Kumar, Sashikanth, Shifu,
Tushar, Harshith, Pranay, Vinay and all relatives, and friends.
Do no Evil, Always do Good and be Mindful
May all be ever happy, well and scure.
May all sentient and non-sentient beings ve calm, quiet, alert, attentive and have an equanimity mind
with a clear understanding that everything is changing.
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from FREE ONLINE Tipitaka Research and Practice UNIVERSITY through http://sarvajan.ambedkar.org
outline displays the publication of books in the Devan±gari-script
edition of the Chaμμha Saag±yana (Sixth Council) Tipiμaka. The names of
the volumes are displayed in italics with the suffix “-p±1⁄4i”
indicatingthe volume is part of the root Tipiμaka, rather than
commentarial literature. This outline lists the root volumes only.
45) Gaeilge Clasaiceach
2458 Sath 2 Nollaig 2017 LESSON
ó OLLSCOIL OLLSCOILE TUAIRISC AR LÍNE AR LÍNE TÍ LUCHT AGUS Cleachtais trí http://sarvajan.ambedkar.org
Taispeánann an imlíne seo foilsiú na leabhair san eagrán Devan ± gari-script de Chaiμha Saag ± yana (Séú Comhairle) Tipiμaka. Taispeántar
ainmneacha na n-imleabhar i gcló iodálach leis an iarmhír “-p ± 1/4i”
mar chuid den fhréamh Tipiμaka, seachas litríocht tráchtaireachta. Tugann an imlíne seo liostaí ar na méideanna bunúsacha amháin.
i 23) Béarla Clasaiceach,
Vinaya Piμaka
(Trí roinn, clóite i 5 leabhar)
Sutta Vibhaaga [dhá leabhar ina bhfuil rialacha don bhikkhus agus bhikkhunis, ag cur síos ar ocht gcinn de chionta]
Tipiμaka (trí “ciseán”)
Sutta Piμaka
(Cúig nik ± yas, nó bailiúcháin)
Tá bunús an teagaisc an Búda ar an Dhamma sa Sutta Piṭaka. Tá níos mó ná deich míle suttas ann. Tá sé roinnte i gcúig bhailiúchán ar a dtugtar Nikāyas (A lán,
comhdháil; bailiúchán; rang, ordú, grúpa; cumann, bráithreachas, pobal,
teach, teaghais).
Dīgha Nikāya
[dīgha: long] Bailíonn an Dīgha Nikāya 34 de na cainteanna is faide a thug an Búda. Tá leideanna éagsúla ann go bhfuil go leor díobh ag cur go mór leis an gcuspóir bunaidh agus le barántúlacht amhrasach.
Majjhima Nikāya
[majjhima: medium] Bailíonn an Majjhima Nikāya 152 cúrsa de Búda na hÉireann
fad idirmheánach, ag déileáil le nithe éagsúla.
Saṃyutta Nikāya
[samyutta: group] Bailíonn an Saṃyutta Nikāya na huaireanna de réir a n-ábhar i 56 fo-ghrúpa darb ainm Saṃyuttas. Tá níos mó ná trí mhíle díospóireachta ann d’fhad athraitheach, ach go ginearálta, tá sé réasúnta gearr.
Aṅguttara Nikāya
[aṅg: factor | uttara:
additionnal] Tá an Aṅguttara Nikāya subdivized in aon fochuideachta
déag ar a dtugtar nipātas, gach ceann acu ag casadh díospóireachtaí a
bhfuil áirimh ar fhachtóir amháin amháin i gcomparáid leo siúd an nipāta
fasach. Tá mílte de suttas ann atá i gcoitinne gearr.
Khuddaka Nikāya
[khuddha: short, small] Téacsanna gearra Khuddhaka Nikāya agus meastar gurb iad
atá comhdhéanta de dhá stratas: Is é Dhammapada, Udāna, Itivuttaka,
Sutta Nipāta, Theragāthā-Therīgāthā agus Jātaka na strata ársa, agus is
iad na leabhair eile a chuirtear go déanach agus níl a gcuid
barántúlacht níos mó ceist.
Sutta Piμaka
(Cúig nik ± yas, nó bailiúcháin)
1. D2gha-nik ± ya [34 suttas; 3 vaggas, nó caibidil (gach leabhar)]
(1) S2lakkhandavagga-p ± 1/4i (13 suttas)
(2) Mah ± vagga-p ± 1/4i (10 suttas)
(3) P ± μikavagga-p ± 1/4i (11 suttas)
2. Majjhima-nik ± ya [152 suttas; 15 vaggas; roinnte i 3 leabhar,
5 vaggas gach ceann, ar a dtugtar paoo ± sa (’caoga’)]
(1) M3lapaoo ± ssa-p ± 1/4i (an caoga ‘fréamhacha’)
1. M3lapariy ± yavagga (10 suttas)
2. S2han ± davagga (10 suttas)
3. Tatiyavagga (10 suttas)
4. Mah ± yamakavagga (10 suttas)
5. C31/4ayamakavagga (10 suttas)
(2) Majjhimapaoo ± sa-p ± 1/4i (an caoga ‘lár’)
6. Gahapati-vagga (10 suttas)
7. Bhikkhu-vagga (10 suttas)
8. Paribb ± jaka-vagga (10 suttas)
9. R ± ja-vagga (10 suttas)
10. Br ± hmana-vagga (10 suttas)
(3) Uparipaoo ± sa-p ± 1/4i (ciallaíonn ‘níos mó ná caoga’)
11. Devadaha-vagga (10 suttas)
12. Anupada-vagga (10 suttas)
13. Suññata-vagga (10 suttas)
14. Vibhaaga-vagga (12 sútha talún)
15. Sa1/4 ± yatana-vagga (10 suttas)
3. Sa1/2yutta-nik ± ya [2,904 (7,762) suttas; 56 sa 1/2 bliain; 5 vaggas; roinnte
i 6 leabhar]
(1) Sag ± thavagga-sa1/2yutta-p ± 1/4i (11 sa1/2yuttas)
(2) Nid ± navagga-sa1/2yutta-p ± 1/4i (10 1-2 bliain)
(3) Khandavagga-sa1/2yutta-p ± 1/4i (13 sa1/2yuttas)
(4) Sa1/4 ± yatanavagga-sa1/2yutta-p ± 1/4i (10 1-2 bliain)
(5) Mah ± vagga-sa1/2yutta-p ± 1/4i Vol I (6 sa1/2yuttas)
(6) Mah ± vagga-sa1/2yutta-p ± 1/4i Vol II (6 sa1/2yuttas)
4. Aaguttara-nik ± ya [9,557 suttas; in11 nip ± tas, nó grúpaí, socraithe amháin
uimhriúil; tá roinnt vaggas ag gach nip ± ta; 10 nó níos mó
gach vagga; 6 leabhar]
(1) Eka-Duka-Tika-nipata-p ± 1/4i (cinn, cúpla, trees)
(2) Catukka-nipata-p ± 1/4i (ceithre)
(3) Pañcaka-nipata-p ± 1/4i (fives)
(4) Chakka-Sattaka-nipata-p ± 1/4i (séú, seachtó)
(5) Aμμhaka-Navaka-nipata-p ± 1/4i (eights, nines)
(6) Dasaka-Ekadasaka-nipata-p ± 1/4i (deich, elevens)
5. Khuddaka-nik ± ya [koleksi buku-buku kecil, aneka kumpulan-
pekerjaan di 18 bagian utama; Ini termasuk sutta, kompilasi
catatan doktrin, sejarah, ayat, dan literatur komentar yang dimilikinya
telah dimasukkan ke dalam Tipiμaka itu sendiri; 12 buku]
(1) Kuddhakap ± tha, Dhammapada & Ud ± na-p ± 1/4i
1. Kuddhakap ± tha (sembilan formula dan sutta pendek, digunakan sebagai panduan latihan untuk
bhikkhu pemula)
2. Dhammapada (paling terkenal dari semua buku Tipiaka, koleksi 423
ayat dalam 26 vaggas)
3. Ud ± na (dalam 8 vaggas, 80 ucapan sukacita Sang Buddha, kebanyakan dalam ayat-ayat, dengan
beberapa laporan prosa tentang keadaan yang menimbulkan ucapan)
(2) Itivuttaka, Suttanip ± ta-p ± 1/4i
4. Itivuttaka (4 nip ± tas, 112 sutta, setiap awal, “iti vutta1/2 bhagavata” [demikianlah
dikatakan oleh Sang Buddha])
5. Suttanip ± ta (5 vaggas; 71 sutta, kebanyakan dalam ayat; mengandung banyak yang terbaik
Sutta Sang Buddha yang terkenal
(3) Vim ± navatthu, Petavatthu, Therag ± th ± & Therig ± th ± ± ± 1/4i
6. Vim ± navatthu (Vim ± na berarti mansion; 85 puisi dalam 7 vaggas tentang tindakan
jasa dan kelahiran kembali di alam surgawi)
7. Petavatthu (4 vaggas, 51 puisi yang menggambarkan makhluk menyedihkan [petas] lahir di Indonesia
keadaan yang tidak bahagia karena tindakan demeritorious mereka)
8. Therag ± th ± (ayat-ayat sukacita dan kegembiraan setelah pencapaian tingkat kesucian arahat dari 264
bhikkhu tua; 107 puisi, 1.279 g ± thas)
9. Therig ± th ± (sama seperti di atas, dari 73 suster tua, 73 puisi, 522 g ± thas)
(4) J ± taka-p ± 1/4i, Vol. saya
(5) J ± taka-p ± 1/4i, Vol II
10. J ± taka (cerita kelahiran Bodisatta sebelum kelahirannya sebagai Buddha Gotama; 547
cerita dalam ayat, terbagi menjadi nip ± ta sesuai dengan jumlah ayat yang dibutuhkan
ceritakan kisahnya. Cerita lengkap J ± taka sebenarnya ada dalam komentar J ± taka itu
jelaskan kisah dibalik ayat-ayat tersebut.
(6) Mah ± nidessa-p ± 1/4i
(7) C31/4anidessa-p ± 1/4i
11. Nidessa (komentar pada dua bagian Suttanip ± ta)
Mah ± nidessa: komentar pada 4 vagga
C31/4anidessa: komentar pada tanggal 5 vagga dan
Khaggavis ± oa sutta dari vagga pertama
(8) Paμisambhid ± magga-p ± 1/4i
12. Paμisambhid ± magga (sebuah analisis detail abhidhamma tentang Buddha
mengajar, ditarik dari semua bagian Vin ± ya dan Sutta Piμakas; tiga vaggas,
masing berisi sepuluh topik [kath ±])
(9) Apad ± na-p ± 1/4i, Vol. saya
13. Apad ± na (kisah dalam ayat-ayat kehidupan terdahulu dari 550 bhikkhu dan 40 bhikkhuni)
(10) Apad ± na, Buddhava1/2sa & Cariy ± piμaka-p ± 1/4i
14. Buddhava1/2sa (sejarah para Buddha di mana Sang Buddha, sebagai jawaban atas a
pertanyaan dari Ven. Sariputta, menceritakan tentang pertapa Sumedha dan D2paakara
Buddha dan 24 Buddha berikutnya, termasuk Buddha Gotama.)
15. Cariy ± piμaka (35 cerita dari J ± taka disusun untuk menggambarkan sepuluh p ± ram2)
(11) Nettippakarana, Peμakopadesa-p ± 1/4i
16. Nettippakarana (risalah kecil yang menetapkan metode untuk menafsirkan dan menjelaskan-
teks kanonik
17. Peμakopadesa (risalah yang menjelaskan metode untuk menjelaskan dan memperluas
pengajaran Sang Buddha)
(12) Milindapañha-p ± 1/4i
18. Milinda-pañha (catatan pertanyaan yang diajukan oleh King Milinda dan
jawaban oleh Ven. Nagasena; Perdebatan ini berlangsung ca. 500 tahun setelah
mah ± parinibb ± na dari Sang Buddha)
Abhidhamma Piμaka
[Tujuh bagian eksposisi sistematis dan abstrak dari semua dhamma; dicetak di
12 buku]
1. Dhammasaagao2
(penghitungan dhamma)
(1) Dhammasaagao2-p ± 1/4i
2. Vibhaaga-p ± 1/42
(perbedaan atau analisis dhamma)
(2) Vibhaaga-p ± 1/42
3. Dh ± tukath ±
(diskusi tentang unsur; ketiga bagian ini membentuk trilogi itu
harus dicerna sebagai dasar untuk memahami Abhidhamma)
4. Puggalapaññatti
(sebutan individu; sepuluh bab: yang pertama berhubungan dengan single
individu, yang kedua dengan pasangan, yang ke-3 dengan kelompok tiga, dll.
(3) Dh ± tukath ± -Puggalapaññatti-p ± 1/42
5. Kath ± vatthu-p ± 1/42
(titik kontroversi atau pandangan salah; diskusikan poin yang diangkat dan
menetap di dewan ke-3, yang diadakan pada masa pemerintahan Aœoka, di Patna)
(4) Kath ± vatthu-p ± 1/42
6. Yamaka-p ± 1/42
(buku pasangan, penggunaan pasangan, pertanyaan yang berlawanan untuk menyelesaikan ambi-
kedok dan menentukan penggunaan istilah teknis yang tepat)
(5) Yamaka-p ± 1/42, Vol I
(6) Yamaka-p ± 1/42, Vol II
(7) Yamaka-p ± 1/42, Vol III
7. Paμhh ± na
(buku hubungan; penjabaran dari skema 24 syarat
hubungan [paccaya] yang membentuk sistem pemahaman yang lengkap
Mekanisme seluruh alam semesta Dhamma)
(8) Paμμh ± na-p ± 1/4i, Vol I
(9) Paμμh ± na-p ± 1/4i, Vol II
(10) Paμμh ± na-p ± 1/4i, Vol III
(11) Paμμh ± na-p ± 1/4i, Vol IV
(12) Paμμh ± na-p ± 1/4i, Vol V
(1) P ± r ± jika-p ± 1/4i Bhikku
p ± r ± jik ± (pengusiran) 4
saaghadises ± (pertemuan Sangha) 13
aniyat ± (tak tentu) 2
nissagiy ± p ± cittiy ± (pelepasan dengan penyitaan) 30
(2) P ± cittiya-p ± 1/4i
suddha p ± cittiy ± (pelepasan biasa) 92
p ± tidesaniy ± (pengakuan: makanan sedekah) 4
sekhiya (tentang etiket & kesopanan) 75
adhikaraoasamath ± (proses hukum) 7
(diakhiri dengan peraturan bhikkuni vinaya) ______
2. Khandaka [dhá leabhar rialacha agus nósanna imeachta]
(3) Tosaíonn Mah ± vagga-p ± 1/4i (10 alt [khandhakas] le cuntais stairiúla an
Soilsiú Buddha, na chéad díospóireachtaí agus fás luath na Sangha;
leagtar amach na rialacha seo a leanas a rialaíonn gníomhartha na Sangha:
1. rialacha maidir le ligean isteach san ordú (upasampad ±)
2. cruinniú uposatha agus aithris an p ± timokkha
3. cónaí i rith séasúr na báistí (vassa)
4. searmanas ag críochnú an vassa, ar a dtugtar pav ± rao ±
5. rialacha maidir le hairteagail gúna agus troscáin
6. leigheas agus bia
7. dáileadh bliantúil de róba (kaμhina)
8. Rialacha le haghaidh bikkhus tinn, codlata agus ábhar gúna
9. modh imeachtaí forghníomhaithe an Sangha
10. imeachtaí i gcásanna scéime
(4) C31/4avagga-p ± 1/4i (nó Cullavagga) (12 khandakas ag déileáil le rialacha breise agus próiseas-
dálaí le haghaidh gníomhartha nó feidhmeanna institiúideacha, ar a dtugtar saaghakamma:
1. Rialacha chun déileáil le cionta a thagann os comhair na Sangha
(saagh ± disesa)
2. nósanna imeachta chun bhikkhu a chur ar phromhadh
3. nósanna imeachta chun bikkhu a phlé le carnadh cionta
4. rialacha chun nósanna imeachta dlí a shocrú sa Sangha
5. misc. rialacha maidir le snámha, gúna, etc.
6. teaghaisí, troscán, lóistín, etc.
7. schisms
8. ranganna de bhikkhus agus dualgais múinteoirí agus neodóirí
9. eisiamh ón p ± timokkha
10. ordú agus treoir bhikkhunis
11. an chéad chomhairle ag R ± jagaha a áireamh
12. an 2ú chomhairle ag Ves ± li a áireamh
3. Pariv ± ra-p ± 1/4i [achoimre ar an vinaya, eagraithe mar a
catechism le haghaidh teagaisc agus scrúdaithe]
(5) Pariv ± ra-p ± 1/4i Freastalaíonn an cúigiú leabhar de vinaya mar chineál láimhe a chumasú don léitheoir
suirbhé anailíseach a dhéanamh ar an iomlán de Vinaya Piμaka.
The Uncanny Sound Illusion That Creates Suspense in Christopher Nolan’s Movies
Adam Clark Estes
7/27/17 10:36amFiled to: panic at the kino
Gif source: YouTube / Vox
Ever notice how Christopher Nolan’s movies (Interstellar, Inception,
The Prestige) feel like an anxiety attack? Well, maybe that’s
overstating things a bit. But the director does have a knack for
creating an unnerving degree of tension. Turns out he’s using a little
bit of musical magic to do it.
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The magic is actually a science-based audio illusion called a Shepard
tone. Named after psychologist Roger Shepard, a pioneer in our
understanding of spatial relation, the effect sounds like an infinitely
ascending or descending scale. The tones are constantly moving upwards
or downwards, but they never seem to reach a pinnacle or nadir. This is
accomplished by stacking scales on top of each other—typically one
treble scale, one midrange, and one bass—with an octave in between, then
playing them in a continuous loop.
A Shepard tone is sometimes
referred to as the barber pole of sound. You can even see the
similarity, when you hear it and look at the spectrum view of a Shepard
tone. Don’t listen to this too long, or you might lose your mind:
Anyways, Christopher Nolan just loves this. With longtime collaborator
Hans Zimmer, the acclaimed director has used a Shepard tone in almost
every one of his films in the last decade. He even writes his scripts to
match the effect. In a recent interview, Nolan explained how he used
Shepard tones in his newest film, Dunkirk:
The screenplay had
been written according to musical principals. There’s an audio
illusion, if you will, in music called a “Shepard tone” and with my
composer David Julyan on “The Prestige” we explored that and based a lot
of the score around that. And it’s an illusion where there’s a
continuing ascension of tone. It’s a corkscrew effect. It’s always going
up and up and up but it never goes outside of its range. And I wrote
the script according to that principle. I interwove the three timelines
in such a way that there’s a continual feeling of intensity. Increasing
intensity. So I wanted to build the music on similar mathematical
Knowing this, you gain a deeper understanding of
films like Interstellar, Inception, and The Prestige. It also explains
why these films seem somehow inconclusive. A Shepard’s tone creates a
conflict that can’t be resolved, just like Nolan’s plots.
[Digg, Business Insider]
About the author
Adam Clark Estes
Senior editor at Gizmodo.
Researchers Just Launched a Prototype of Humanity’s First ‘Interstellar Spacecraft’
Last year, extraterrestrial exploration venture Breakthrough
Initiatives announced an ambitious plan to send tons of tiny spacecraft
to our nearest neighboring star system, Alpha Centauri. The project,
called Breakthrough Starshot, is focused on launching lightweight
‘nanocraft’ to the stars at rip-roaring speeds. Recently, the project took a big leap toward achieving its ultimate goal by successfully sending six test craft into Low Earth Orbit.
The tiny spacecraft, called “Sprites,” are just 3.5 centimeters on each
side and weigh about four grams. Aerospace engineer Zac Manchester, who
is leading the design on the Sprites, has been working on them for the
last 10 years.
“What we’ve
set out to do from the beginning is push the size limits of spacecraft,”
Manchester told Gizmodo. “The question was how small can we make a
satellite and still make it do something useful. One of the challenges
is how can you get enough power, and given the tiny power you can
harvest, how do you communicate back to Earth?”
Manchester and his
fellow researchers hope that eventually, mini spacecraft similar to the
Sprites—called StarChips—will be able to travel at 20% the speed of
light, which translates to about 37,000 miles per second. It would take a
spacecraft traveling at this speed less than seven seconds to reach the
Moon from Earth, according to Sky and Telescope.
Those are
speeds and distances no spacecraft of any size has gone before.
Currently, the farthest spacecraft ever built is NASA’s Voyager 1, which
launched in 1977, and only just reached Interstellar space a few years
For now, the Sprites are chillin’ in Low Earth Orbit. They
launched on June 23rd on an Indian rocket called the Polar Satellite
Launch Vehicle (PSLV). Breakthrough Starshot anticipates that a second
satellite will release more soon.
Obviously, much more work needs
to be done before we get our hopes up about an interstellar voyage. But
for astrobiology nerds and tinfoil hat believers alike, the Sprites’
successful launch could be an important step toward finding life beyond
“The distances are immense and it’s a big challenge,”
Manchester added. “We’re a long way out to the eventual goals [of
Breakthrough Starshot], but we’re setting the early precedent here.”
Spacecraft Everywhere
SpaceX to Fly a Recycled Spacecraft for the First Time Tonight
NASA Just Found a Lost Spacecraft Orbiting the Moon
Watch How a Beloved Spacecraft Will Die in Saturn’s Atmosphere
See All 360 Degrees Of A 900 Horsepower Truck Jumping 379 Feet Over A Ghost Town
Last year, Bryce Menzies set a new world record for the longest
off-road truck jump using a modified 900-horsepower Pro2 truck. The
resulting 379.4-foot jump not only smashed the old record—it also looked
ridiculously cool. Now you can poke around the footage of that jump
captured with a 360-degree camera.
Indulge in a few glorious slow-mos
of the truck flying over the “ghost town” set. I can spend way too much
time with these looking at every conceivable angle of something, but
I’ll leave it up to you to figure out your favorite view.
While this jump was successful, Menzies actually broke his shoulder on
an attempt to smash his newly set 379.4-foot record. Ouch. Still,
getting a record and trying to achieve an even crazier jump right
afterwards is the kind of insanity I can appreciate.
Send It
Watch A Truck Jump 379 Feet Across A Ghost Town, A Totally Pointless But Awesome World Record
Racing Onboards On 360-Degree Cameras Are The Ultimate Time Waster
How To Get A Truck To Basically Fly With Only A Few Mods
Lesson: Introduction to 360-degree video and virtual reality
360-degree video (360) and virtual reality (VR) are hot topics–but
what are they and how do they work? Learn why 360 and VR are changing
how video is watched and produced.
360-degree video and virtual reality: a new landscape
Popular types of 360-degree and virtual reality video
Is shooting in 360-degrees right for you?
Try it
Search for 360 videos on YouTube and watch a few. If you have a VR
viewing device, like Google Cardboard, search for and watch one or two
videos in virtual reality. If you don’t have one, try searching on
Google for how to find one. What do you like most about each type of
viewing experience?
View several types of 360 videos and see
which ones interest you, affect you emotionally. Create a playlist of
your favorite ones and share with your community.
Consider the three key questions in the final section and determine if 360/VR might be something you explore.
Check your knowledge
What is the main difference between a 360-degree and virtual reality video?
VR has music in the background at all times.
You always see the camera operator when shooting in 360.
VR requires you cover your field of vision in order to view.
360 requires you to cover your eyes in order to view.
What devices can you use to view videos in 360?
A head-mounted display only.
Your mobile device or desktop, sometimes a head-mounted display and Google Cardboard.
Your mouse and Google Cardboard only.
Your phone only.
Spherical videos are meant to be watched at the movies.
Give feedback
Check your knowledge
What is the main difference between a 360-degree and virtual reality video?
VR has music in the background at all times.
You always see the camera operator when shooting in 360.
VR requires you cover your field of vision in order to view.
360 requires you to cover your eyes in order to view.
What devices can you use to view videos in 360?
A head-mounted display only.
Your mobile device or desktop, sometimes a head-mounted display and Google Cardboard.
Your mouse and Google Cardboard only.
Your phone only.
Spherical videos are meant to be watched at the movies.
360-degree video and virtual reality on YouTube
360-degree video and virtual reality are changing how audiences can
experience video. This course will get you acquainted with this new
technology, help you decide whether producing videos in 360 is right for
your channel and offer some tips to get started.
What we’ll cover:
Lesson 1
Introduction to 360-degree video and virtual reality
360-degree video (360) and virtual reality (VR) are hot topics–but
what are they and how do they work? Learn why 360 and VR are changing
how video is watched and produced.
Lesson 2
Shooting in 360-degrees
Producing 360-degree and virtual reality videos can be
exciting–but also a little complicated because you’re using a camera
with multiple lenses. Try out these suggestions for a more successful
Start course
360 Video Cameras
Insta360 Pro Spherical VR 360 8K Camera (Black)
Insta360 Pro Spherical VR 360 8K Camera (Black)
B&H # INPROVR3608K MFR # 195726
Capture 360 Videos & Stills in 8K and 3D
Live-Stream 4K Video in H.264 or H.265
Six 200° Fisheye Lenses (Selectable)
Adjustable Shutter Speed
100 fps Slow Motion with Post-Processing
Four Built-In Mics & AUX Mic Input
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September 17, 2017 by Dr Rajiv Desai
Typical laser-lit transmission hologram
Suppose you want to take a photograph of an apple. You hold a camera in
front of it and, when you press the shutter button to take your
picture, the camera lens opens briefly and lets light through to hit the
film (in an old-fashioned camera) or the light-sensitive CCD chip (in a
digital camera). All the light traveling from the apple comes from a
single direction and enters a single lens, so the camera can record only
a two-dimensional pattern of light, dark, and color. To be more
accurate camera records wave length (color) and intensity (amplitude) of
light waves. If you move your head slightly, the photograph remains
same i.e. it is two dimensional. The physical world around us is
three-dimensional (3D), yet traditional display devices can show only
two-dimensional (2D) flat images that lack depth (i.e., the third
dimension) information. This fundamental restriction greatly limits our
ability to perceive and to understand the complexity of real-world
objects. Nearly 50% of the capability of the human brain is devoted to
processing visual information. Flat images and 2D displays do not
harness the brain’s power effectively. Now if you look at an apple,
something different happens. Light reflects off the surface of the apple
into your two eyes and your brain merges their two pictures into a
single stereoscopic (three-dimensional) image. If you move your head
slightly, the rays of light reflected off the apple have to travel along
slightly different paths to meet your eyes, and parts of the apple may
now look lighter or darker or a different color. Your brain instantly
recalculates everything and you see a slightly different picture. This
is why your eyes see a three-dimensional image. A hologram is a cross
between what happens when you take a photograph and what happens when
you look at something for real. Like a photograph, a hologram is a
permanent record of the light reflected off an object. But a hologram
also looks real and three-dimensional and moves as you look around it,
just like a real object. That happens because of the unique way in which
holograms are made where holographic film (media) not only records wave
length and intensity of light waves but also records phase of light
waves. If a 2D picture is worth a thousand words, then a 3D image is
worth a million. With holography, it is possible to reconstruct 3D
images using holograms, and the process is unlike anything found in
traditional display technology. However, the term “hologram” gets thrown
around loosely, simply because many people don’t know the true
definition. What media commonly identifies as ‘hologram’ is not actually
a hologram; it is Pepper’s Ghost illusion or its variants or a
volumetric display or reconstructed tomograms. Actual holograms are 3D
images on 2D surfaces, and not visible from arbitrary angles. People use
the term ‘hologram’ loosely as it is easier to say hologram than
volumetric display, Pepper’s Ghost and many other techniques and tricks.
2D/3D holograms are by far the most common type of holograms seen on
credit cards and driver licenses but they are multilayer images and not
real holograms.
Glossary of Terms:
Amplitude – The height of a wave crest or depth of a wave trough, measured from the wave’s mid-point.
Phase – The position of a wave in space, measured at a particular point in time.
Coherent light – Light which is of the same frequency and is vibrating in phase. The laser produces coherent light.
Beamsplitter – A device used to divide the light from the laser into
two separate beams – the reference and object beams. It consists of a
partially transparent mirror which reflects part of the laser beam and
transmits the rest.
Film – Whether photographic or holographic,
film consists of light sensitive chemicals (the emulsion) spread on a
surface. A film’s resolution measures its ability to distinguish between
details. Because holographic films must be able to record very detailed
information, they have a resolving power of 50 or more times that of
photographic film. They require either exposure to a high intensity
pulsed or a long exposure to a continuous wave laser. Holographic film
is developed in a manner similar to photographic film, by bathing it in a
series of chemical agents.
Interference pattern – When two waves
overlap, their amplitudes add at every point. This results in an
interference pattern which records the relative phase relationships
between the two waves, storing each individual wave’s characteristics.
This is how a hologram works.
Laser – An acronym for “Light
Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation.” A laser is a device
that produces a concentrated beam of coherent light. Some, called
continuous wave lasers, produce a continuous beam of light. Others,
called pulsed lasers, emit more light in brief pulses which are able to
freeze motion.
Lenses – Lenses are devices which redirect light.
In photography, lenses are used to focus an image for the film.
Holographers use lenses to widen the lasers beam to illuminate all of
the subject which is to be holographed.
Object beam – The light from the laser beam that illuminates the object, and is reflected to the holographic film.
Reference beam – The portion of the laser beam that goes directly to
the holographic film. The interference pattern which results from the
object beam meeting the reference beam at the holographic film is
recorded on the film.
Reflection hologram – One that forms an
image by reflected light. Reflection holograms are lit from the front,
reflecting the light to the viewer.
Transmission hologram – One
that forms an image from the light passing through the holographic
emulsion. Transmission holograms are lit from the rear, bending the
light as it passes through the hologram to your eyes.
White light
– Light which contains most of the wavelengths in the visible spectrum,
such as light from the sun or a spotlight. White light is incoherent,
while laser light is coherent. A white light transmission hologram (or
rainbow hologram) is one which can be displayed using ordinary white
light. Early holograms required viewing with coherent laser light.
Abbreviations and synonyms:
2D = two dimensional
3D = three dimensional
4D = 3D + time
CGH = computer generated holography
DH = digital holography
AH = analog holography
SLM = spatial light modulator
LCD = liquid crystal device
CRT = cathode ray tube
DHM = digital Holographic Microscopy
HVD = holographic versatile disc
HDS = holographic data storage
LED = light-emitting diode
VMETH = volumetric multiple exposure transmission holography
CCD = charge-coupled device
4K = horizontal resolution of 4,096 pixel
HOE = holographic optical elements
D means dimension:
Each dimension is a way of seeing or sensing something.
1D (one dimensional) is mostly a theoretical idea or the domain of the
very small world of quantum mechanics. Everything we can see has 2
dimensions. Even a very thin long line has at least some width.
2D is a flat representation of a scene or object. Its size can be
described as height and width, like a square, picture or image on a
standard TV.
3D is a recreation of an object or scene in three
dimensions. So height, width and depth like a cube or sphere. We have
two eyes so we have great depth perception and experience the world in
4D is basically 3D plus movement over time. So Time is the fourth dimension.
5D and above are not viewable or detectable by us in our Universe.
These extra dimensions are the playground of theoretical physicists.