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2494 Sun 7 Jan 2018 LESSON Essence of Pāḷi Tipiṭaka 5 MAJJHIMA NIKĀYA 1. Mūlapaṇṇāsa Pāḷi (a) Mūlapariyāya Vagga (b) Sīhanāda Vagga (c) Opamma Vagga (d) Mahāyamaka Vagga (e) Cūḷayamaka Vagga 2. Majjhima Paṇṇāsa Pāḷi (a) Gahapati Vagga (b) Bhikkhu Vagga (c) Paribbājaka Vagga (d) Rāja Vagga (e) Brāhmaṇa Vagga 3. Uparipaṇṇāsa Pāḷi (a) Devadaha Vagga (b) Ānupada Vagga (c) Suññata Vagga (d) Vibhaṅga Vagga (e) Saḷāyatana Vagga SC/STs are rising up in many parts of India. Millennia old shackles are being broken and the oppressed classes of India are marching in unison in streets of India. The fringe reinforces the mainstream, and the mainstream nurtures the fringe. They are two sides of the same coin. One should have no illusions on this score
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Posted by: site admin @ 10:58 pm

2494 Sun  7  Jan 2018 LESSON

Essence of Pāḷi Tipiṭaka

Majjhima Nikaya 1-Mulapariyaya Sutta - The Root Of All Things- Ajahn Brahmavamso…
Majjhima Nikaya (MN 2: part 1-1, 2009.10.17) Bhikkhu Bodhi.MPG
BAUS Chuang Yen Monastery
Published on Feb 11, 2012
Chapter 2: Sabbāsava Sutta: All the Taints

“The Majjhima Nikaya, the Middle Length Discourses”

The Buddha teaches the bhikkhus seven methods for restraining and
abandoning the taints, the fundamental defilements that maintain bondage
to the round of birth and death.

Sutta Study Class with Ven. Bhikkhu Bodhi series:

Place: Chuang Yen Monastery, Kuan Yin Hall

Time: Saturday morning, 9:30 - 11:30 am

Info: please contact (845) 225-1819, or email

Chapter 2: Sabbāsava Sutta: All the Taints “The Majjhima…

1. Mūlapaṇṇāsa Pāḷi

(a) Mūlapariyāya Vagga

(b) Sīhanāda Vagga

(c) Opamma Vagga

(d) Mahāyamaka Vagga

(e) Cūḷayamaka Vagga

2. Majjhima Paṇṇāsa Pāḷi

(a) Gahapati Vagga

(b) Bhikkhu Vagga

(c) Paribbājaka Vagga

(d) Rāja Vagga

(e) Brāhmaṇa Vagga

3. Uparipaṇṇāsa Pāḷi

(a) Devadaha Vagga

(b) Ānupada Vagga

(c) Suññata Vagga

(d) Vibhaṅga Vagga

(e) Saḷāyatana Vagga

Meditation Group
See for Yourself
November 21, 2017
Progress of a Joyful Meditation Practice
Bhante Vimalaramsi Commentary
Keep it Going
Thirty minutes of meditation a day is the minimum to
start. It takes fifteen to twenty minutes to get the mind
to settle down. Then you are giving yourself another
ten productive minutes where you can truly watch and
observe. Forty-five minutes is better.
Just the fact you are sitting and not moving permits the
mind to calm down. The longer you sit the more your
mind will calm on its own, without you doing anything
else. So sitting longer and not mov-ing is vital to
progress to deeper states.
On retreat, you will at first sit at least thirty minutes, walk
fifteen minutes, then sit again, alternating like this for
the whole day. Your sittings will naturally get longer and
longer throughout the retreat and may eventually last as
long as two to three hours.
In your daily life, sitting twice a day is very helpful.
Once you’re comfortable, try to stay completely still
throughout the sitting period. If the mind insists on
moving, 6R the desire to move. The 6Rs are very
helpful in dissolving tension and finding deeper ease.
If pain arises, please watch how it arises. You can tell if
the pain is genuine by noticing what happens when you
get up from sitting. If the pain goes away very quickly,
it is a “meditation pain,” which is, in fact, a mental
pain and is not caused by anything harmful. It is just
a distraction. If it returns when you sit, try to remain
still and 6R. If, when you get up, the pain lingers and
stays with you, it is best not to sit that way in the future,
because this would be actual physical pain manifesting.
If we try to get rid of painful or unpleasant feelings
forcefully, whether mental or physical, we just add
more greed and aversion to the mind. This creates the
vicious cycle of Saṃsāra. However, if we approach
an unpleasant feeling openly and without taking it
person-ally, we view these unwholesome qualities with
wholesome awareness. This pure, clear awareness
gradually melts that disturbing feeling. Moreover, you
might notice the feeling linger, but your attitude to-ward
it has changed.
If you get sleepy sitting inside, try sitting outside but not
in the direct sun. The outdoors tends to wake you up.
You can even try do-ing the walking practice backward
after you walk forward thirty paces. Instead of turning
around, just walk backward to the starting point.
Meditation and its benefits increase if you can continue
to culti-vate awareness throughout the day. Smile and
send Mettā whenever you think of it. When you notice
difficult feelings coming up, 6R them. Do this with a
sense of fun and humor at just how crazy mind can be.
If you get serious and try to control the mind, that is just
more Craving. You may wear yourself out and become
frustrated. So do this lightly, but with as much continuity
as possible.
Add Mettā (Lovingkindness) to Everything
You can bring Lovingkindness into everything that you
do. Generally, you will do your sitting at home, but you
can also smile and radiate well-being and happiness
to all beings when you are out and about. If you are
just going out walking or shopping, you do not have to
stay with a Spiritual Friend. Stay with a general feeling
of Mettā. Smile more. Notice and 6R emotional upsets
that arise. When un-wholesome states of mind arise,
see them as opportunities. Let them be and bring up
wholesome ones. This is the meaning of Right Effort in
the Buddha’s Noble Eightfold Path.
Progress and Jhāna
(re-collected state)
As you make progress with the meditation, you will see
all kinds of new phenomena. Joy and other pleasant
experiences will arise. Some of them will be really worth
the price of admission! The first time you truly and
completely let go of a hindrance, you will have your first
experience of the jhāna state and be on your way to
going even deeper. You will start to be friends with fun
stuff like Joy, Contentment, Equanimity, and more. Good
times are on the way!
Brahmavihāras and Nibbāna
(Lovingkindness, Compassion, Joy, Equanimity &
The Buddha talked about four divine qualities of mind
that are par-ticularly wholesome. They are called the
Brahmavihāras and consist of Lovingkindness (Mettā),
Compassion (karuṇā), Sympathetic Joy (muditā)—we
actually prefer just Joy—and Equanimity (upekkhā). This
is the practice you are starting now. You will gradually go
through all these states very naturally as Mettā becomes
quieter and turns to compassion and so on through joy to
equanimity. You do not need to change the practice as
you go—the states themselves will develop and arise
on their own.
Once you become an advanced meditator, you just
have to keep the meditation going. The Brahmavihāras
develop naturally, one by one, without you having
to bring up each of these states as its own separate
meditation object. When the next state arises, then
you take that state, whether it be compassion or joy as
the feeling, to be the object of meditation and continue
sending that out now.
This is another important difference from how other
practices have you develop Mettā. The Buddha taught
that when the medita-tion is properly practiced, all four
divine states arise on their own one after the other.12
You will learn how to radiate any of these four states to
all of the six directions and then to all directions at the
same time.
As this happens, the jhānas will arise naturally on their
own as well. The word jhāna is a loaded word. It has
been translated in many dif-ferent ways, but we refer to
the jhānas as levels of understanding. We do not want
to confuse them with their one-pointed absorption jhāna
cousins. They are related, but these are ones in which
the med-itator keeps awareness of their body, whereas
the others do not. The Buddha taught that the key to
understanding Craving and distrac-tions is to realize
that mind and body are one process that cannot be
separated. Tension and tightness are bodily processes,
while thought and images are mental processes. We
not only want to pay attention to the mind but also be
aware of what is happening in the body and not ignore
or repress this awareness through one-pointed focused
We call the jhāna states that we experience with this
meditation the Tranquil Aware Jhānas. There are eight
of them (four rūpa or “material” jhānas, and four arūpa
or “immaterial” jhānas). Beyond the eighth jhāna lies
the experience of Nibbāna itself. Your mind will be-
come so quiet that it just stops. When the mind comes
back from that cessation experience, it will be incredibly
bright and clear, with no disturbance—like a blackboard
with nothing on it.
At that point, when the next mental process arises,
you will see with astonishing clarity every link and
part of this process that we call life as it arises and
passes away. This process is what the Buddha called
Dependent Origination. There are twelve links in each
mo-ment of experience, and you will see how all of
these arise and pass away. You will see how all of
these dependently arise one upon the other.
When you see very deeply into this process, you will
understand, at a profound personal level, that all of the
“aggregates” that make up “you” or the “I” are actually
impersonal and without any sort of en-during self or
soul. This experience is so profound that Nibbāna will
arise, and you will understand the true nature of all
existence. You will have attained awakening in this
very life. There will be so much relief!
Experiencing awakening (Nibbāna) happens for many
people who follow these simple directions. It does
not take years or decades. The Buddha said that this
practice is “immediately effective.” In the Satipaṭṭhāna
Sutta of the Majjhima Nikāya, he says that this
experi-ence can take place in as little as seven
years, or even seven days! (But you must follow the
instructions exactly in the Satipaṭṭhāna Sutta of the
Majjhima Nikāya)
For the full instructions by Bhante Vimalaramsi,
download the PDF from the OpenEye site on the
Smiling Mind Mediation page

Inline image 2

Inline image 1

SC/STs are rising up in many parts of India. Millennia old shackles are
being broken and the oppressed classes of India are marching in unison
in streets of India.
The fringe reinforces the mainstream, and the mainstream nurtures the
fringe. They are two sides of the same coin. One should have no
illusions on this score…/bhima-koregoan-latest-bat…/
SC/STs are rising up in many parts of India. Millennia old shackles are
being broken and the oppressed classes of India are marching in unison
in streets of India. It all started with the attack on SC/STs who were
celebrating the historic victory of a SC/ST army on their oppressors.
“the gruesome attack on unarmed people signifies the fear and
unwillingness of dominant just 1% intolerant, cunning, crooked, violent,
militant, number one terrorists of the
world shooting, lynching cannibal chitpavan brahmin lunatic, mentally
retarded RSS (Rakshasa Swayam Sevaks) of BJP (Brashtachar Jiyadha
Psychopaths) leader Murderer of democratic institutions (Modi) for the
sake of stealth, shadowy, discriminatory hindutva cult even to imagine
the reduction of the power of hindutva and some disturbance in the
social order under the hindutva mechanics. Instead of accepting the fact
that chitpavan brahimincal order has infact enslaved each other under
the ambit of caste, they opted to denounce those who assembled in
Koregoan as anti-national. Had Babasaheb Ambedkar been alive today, he
would have been another of those anti-nationals while the RSS-BJP state
would not have a second thought to send him to prison.”

Out of shear fear of survival of the chitpavan brahmins, are now facing
a backlash for making negative comments against SC/ST icons BR
Ambedkar, Kanshi Ram and Mayawati who have now organised all societies
(Sarvajan Samaj) after Modi gobbled the Master Key by tampering the
fraud EVMs to win elections.

Sarva Samaj i.e., all societies are
up in their arms to see that the Central and all state governments
selected by these fraud EVMs are dissolved and go for fresh polls with
Ballot Papers as followed by 80 democracies of the world as challenged
by Ms Mayawati who became eligible to be the Prime Minister afer her
best governance of Uttar Pradesh as Chief Minister.

Also more stories from around the world.

If you don’t mind, and if you think the content of this news letter is
critical for the dignified living and survival of humanity and other
species on earth, please forward it to your friends and spread the word.
It’s time for humanity to come together as one family! You can
subscribe to our news letter here

incidences of Bhima Koregoan have come up as yet another battleground
of Dalits’ liberation movement against a Hindutva fascist state run by
caste system. The……/bjps-artful-il…/

[The fringe reinforces the mainstream, and the mainstream nurtures the
fringe. They are two sides of the same coin. One should have no
illusions on this score.]…/bjps-artful-il…/

BJP’s artful illusion: Actually the fringe reinforces the mainstream, and the mainstream nurtures the fringe

January 6, 2018, 2:00 AM IST

Pavan K Varma in TOI Edit Page | Edit Page, India | TOI

A word that has gained increasing currency in recent times is ‘fringe’.
Every excess, outlandish statement, aberration, deviation, derogation
from the law, or arbitrary act of violence, is ascribed to the ‘fringe’.
This fringe is distinguished from the ‘mainstream’. The aim is to
portray the fringe as the extreme, and, by contrast, the mainstream as
its opposite.

But it is now becoming increasingly clear that the
categorical divide between the two is artificial and expedient. Indeed
the two are not different entities. A fringe has an organic connection
to the mainstream because, after all, without the mainstream there
cannot be a fringe. And if it is from the mainstream that the fringe
derives its strength, then the difference between the two becomes only a
matter of convenience.

Let us test this thesis against some
recent examples. In December 2014, Sadhvi Niranjan Jyoti, a minister in
the central government, made the atrocious remark about ‘ramzadon and
haraamzadon’. Obviously, she represented the fringe, because Prime
Minister Narendra Modi’s lofty slogan on assuming power was ‘sabka
saath, sabka vikas’. His approach was the mainstream, and the Sadhvi’s
comment was the loony fringe. But when only a perfunctory apology was
sought from her by the PM, and she was not even asked to resign, one is
entitled to ask who was the fringe, and who the mainstream?

Illustration: Uday Deb

The raging controversy about the film Padmavati offers another good
example. The Rajput Karni Seva, described as a fringe group, demanded a
ban on the film because it ‘distorted history’. Consequently, it openly
resorted to violence, the issuance of threats, including beheadings of
the film crew, and payments of vast amounts to those who would kill the
director, Sanjay Leela Bhansali, and cut off the nose of Deepika
Padukone. But, it was soon apparent that the Karni Sena fringe had
substantial support from the mainstream.

Suraj Pal Amu, who held
the responsible post of BJP’s chief media coordinator in Haryana, openly
doubled the bounty – to Rs 10 crore – for eliminating Deepika and
Bhansali. Rajasthan chief minister weighed in to say that no community’s
sentiments should be hurt. And, in an unprecedented move, even before
the designated authority, the Central Board of Film Certification, could
pronounce its verdict, five BJP ruled states, Madhya Pradesh, Gujarat,
UP, Rajasthan and Bihar banned the film!

Sangeet Som, a two-time
BJP MLA, made the outrageous comment in October 2017 that the iconic Taj
Mahal is a blot on India’s history. Obviously the assumption would be
that his is an insane voice from the fringe. But his comments were
subsequently endorsed by Vinay Katiyar, who has been the national
general secretary of BJP and three times member of the Lok Sabha.

What is worse, GVL Rao, the national spokesperson of BJP, while
disagreeing perfunctorily with Som, proclaimed the mainstream view in a
generalised indictment of epic proportions: “The period of Islamic rule –
around 800 years – was a period of extreme exploitation, insane
barbarism, and unprecedented intolerance.” Ergo, the fringe and the
mainstream were identical.

The umbilical cord between the fringe
and the mainstream is both transparent and verifiable. If the Vishwa
Hindu Parishad, one of the larger affiliates of the Sangh Parivar, makes
a clarion call for India to become an exclusive ‘Hindu rashtra’, it is
the fringe.. But if a Union minister, Anant Kumar Hegde, said last month
that BJP is here to change the Constitution to rid it of the word
‘secular’, is he fringe or mainstream?

Sakshi Maharaj, who had
once said that Nathuram Godse’s martyrdom should be commemorated, is
definitely the fringe. In September 2017 he announced that couples who
indulge in ‘vulgar behaviour’, (read being physically affectionate in
public), instigate rape.

But his statement had the support of
Manohar Lal Khattar, no less than the chief minister of Haryana, who
said in 2014: “If a girl is dressed decently, a boy will not look at her
in the wrong way.” When queried about whether girls should have freedom
of choice, he reportedly retorted: “If they want freedom, why don’t
they roam around naked?”

Dina Nath Batra, and his unverified
assertions that ancient India – for all its creditworthy achievements –
had achieved everything that science has discovered today, is definitely
the fringe. But, no less a person than PM Modi, echoed what Batra said
when in October 2014 in Mumbai, he claimed that the manner of the birth
of Karna in the Mahabharata, and Ganeshji’s adorable form with an
elephant head, showed the existence of advanced genetic science and
plastic surgery in ancient India. Is Batra the fringe, or is he the

In April 2017, Pehlu Khan was carrying cattle for his
dairy farm in Nuh, for which he had a valid licence. He was lynched in
full public view, by a mob of cattle vigilantes. In spite of substantial
evidence to nail the culprits, they were all let off. Was the Rajasthan
government the fringe or the mainstream?

The truth is there are
no such distinctions. The fringe reinforces the mainstream, and the
mainstream nurtures the fringe. They are two sides of the same coin. One
should have no illusions on this score.
SC/STs are rising up in
many parts of India. Millennia old shackles are being broken and the
oppressed classes of India are marching in unison in streets of India.
It all started with the attack on SC/STs who were celebrating the
historic victory of a SC/ST army on their oppressors. “the gruesome
attack on unarmed people signifies the fear and unwillingness of
dominant just 1% intolerant, cunning, crooked, violent, militant, number
one terrorists of the world shooting, lynching cannibal chitpavan
brahmin lunatic, mentally retarded RSS (Rakshasa Swayam Sevaks) of BJP
(Brashtachar Jiyadha Psychopaths) leader Murderer of democratic
institutions (Modi) for the sake of stealth, shadowy, discriminatory
hindutva cult even to imagine the reduction of the power of hindutva and
some disturbance in the social order under the hindutva mechanics.
Instead of accepting the fact that chitpavan brahimincal order has
infact enslaved each other under the ambit of caste, they opted to
denounce those who assembled in Koregoan as anti-national. Had Babasaheb
Ambedkar been alive today, he would have been another of those
anti-nationals while the RSS-BJP state would not have a second thought
to send him to prison.”

Out of shear fear of survival of the
chitpavan brahmins, are now facing a backlash for making negative
comments against SC/ST icons BR Ambedkar, Kanshi Ram and Mayawati who
have now organised all societies (Sarvajan Samaj) after Modi gobbled the
Master Key by tampering the fraud EVMs to win elections.

Samaj i.e., all societies are up in their arms to see that the Central
and all state governments selected by these fraud EVMs are dissolved and
go for fresh polls with Ballot Papers as followed by 80 democracies of
the world as challenged by Ms Mayawati who became eligible to be the
Prime Minister afer her best governance of Uttar Pradesh as Chief

Also more stories from around the world.

If you
don’t mind, and if you think the content of this news letter is critical
for the dignified living and survival of humanity and other species on
earth, please forward it to your friends and spread the word. It’s time
for humanity to come together as one family! You can subscribe to our
news letter here

Peace Is Doable

word that has gained increasing currency in recent times is ‘fringe’.
Every excess, outlandish statement, aberration, deviation, derogation
from the law, or arbitrary…

https://hinduexist rashtra-is-absolutely-urgent-i n-bharat/
The whole world has now understood what is manusmriti’s stealth,
shadowy, discriminatory hindutva cult or who are hindutvaites. Just 1%
intolerant, cunning, crooked, violent, militant, number one terrorists
of the world shooting, lynching cannibal chitpavan brahmin lunatic,
mentally retarded RSS (Rakshasa Swayam Sevaks) of BJP (Brashtachar
Jiyadha Psychopaths) leader Murderer of democratic
institutions (Modi) for the sake of stealth, shadowy, discriminatory
hindutva cult even to imagine the reduction of the power of hindutva and
some disturbance in the social order under the hindutva mechanics.
Instead of accepting the fact that chitpavan brahimincal order has
infact enslaved each other under the ambit of caste, they opted to
denounce those who assembled in Koregoan as anti-national. Had Babasaheb
Ambedkar been alive today, he would have been another of those
anti-nationals while the RSS-BJP state would not have a second thought
to send him to prison.” This 1% chitpavan brahmins think that they are
1st rate athmas (souls), the kshatrias, vysias, shudras as 2nd, 3rd,4th
rate souls and the untouchables Ati shudras including SC/STs and
converted religious minorities as having no souls at all so that they
can commit any atrocities on them, But the Buddha never believed in any
soul. He said all are equal. Hence Babasaheb Dr Bhimrao Ambedkar in his
Marvelous Modern Constitution imbibed this fact and hence the Universal
Adult Franchise which as been now negated by the fraud EVMs. As long as
the chitpavan brahmins with full of hatred, anger, jealousy and delusion
which are defilement of the mind are in power and money eradicating
caste is impossible. The only solution is to create Prabuddha Bharath
and to treat the chitpavan brahmins and their stooges in mental asylums
for their mental illness.

People will cooperate in this regard.
So it is better be with Prabuddha Bharath.

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