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2511 Wed 24 Jan 2018 LESSON 1 Classical Pāḷi Paṭisambhidā Jāla-Abaddha Paripanti Tipiṭaka Anvesanā ca Paricaya Nikhilavijjālaya ca ñātibhūta Pavatti Nissāya anto 105 Seṭṭhaganthāyatta Bhāsā 23 Classical English Analytic Insight Net - FREE Online Tipiṭaka Research and Practice University and related NEWS through in
105 CLASSICAL LANGUAGE Tipiṭaka Studies for University Students in 95 Classical Thai-คนไทยคลาสสิก,96 Classical Turkish- Klasik Türk,97 Classical Ukrainian-класичний український,98 Classical Urdu-کلاسیکی اردو95 Classical Thai-คนไทยคลาสสิก,96 Classical Turkish- Klasik Türk,97 Classical Ukrainian-класичний український,98 Classical Urdu-کلاسیکی اردو 99 Classical Uzbek-Klassik o’zbek,
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Posted by: site admin @ 5:23 am

 2511 Wed 24 Jan 2018 LESSON

1 Classical Pāḷi

Paṭisambhidā Jāla-Abaddha Paripanti Tipiṭaka Anvesanā ca Paricaya Nikhilavijjālaya ca ñātibhūta Pavatti Nissāya anto 105 Seṭṭhaganthāyatta Bhāsā

23 Classical English

Analytic Insight  Net - FREE Online Tipiṭaka Research and Practice University
and related NEWS through in

Tipiṭaka Studies for University Students

95 Classical Thai-คนไทยคลาสสิก,96 Classical Turkish- Klasik Türk,97 Classical Ukrainian-класичний український,98 Classical Urdu-کلاسیکی اردو95 Classical Thai-คนไทยคลาสสิก,96 Classical Turkish- Klasik Türk,97 Classical Ukrainian-класичний український,98 Classical Urdu-کلاسیکی اردو

99 Classical Uzbek-Klassik o’zbek,

Pali in Thai Script…

Ray T
Published on Aug 14, 2010
Pali in Thai Script

95 Classical Thai
95 คนไทยคลาสสิก

Analytic Insight Net - ฟรีออนไลน์Tipiṭakaวิจัยและการปฏิบัติมหาวิทยาลัยและข่าวที่เกี่ยวข้องผ่าน ใน 105 ภาษาคลาสสิก

Pali Chanting in Thai Script …
… in Romanized Pali and
with English Translation

Collecting and publishing the Theravada
Chantings as recited in Thailand is the
purpose of this blog.

best viewed with Mac and Firefox
In case you want to download this text in Excel, please
use the Font Lucida Grande

Much more information, Audio and pdf files :

Pali Sutta, Gatha and Paritta in Thai Script
pdf file of the Pali Chantings
Audio files, information etc

The Pali Alphabet
The Vowels
The Consonants

Different Texts and Chantings
1_Abhaya Gaathaa Paritta / Abhaya Gāthā
2_ Tisarana / Namo Tassa
3_ The Three Refuges
4_ Attha Sila - The Eight Precepts
4.1_Panca Sila - The Five Precepts

Morning chanting
5_ Salutation to the Triple Gem - Ratanattaya Vandanaa
6_Bowing to the Triple Gem
7_Tisarana / Namo Tassa
8_Buddha Bhithuti - Praise to the Buddha
9_Dhamma Bhithuti / Praise to the Dhamma
10_Sangha Bhithuti - Praise to the Sangha
11_Ratanattayapanaamagaathaa - Salutation to the triple gem
……..and passages for dispassioneteness
12_Samvega Parikittanapaatha - Passages conducive to
…… dispassionateness

Evening Chanting

13_Buddha Nussati - Recollection on the Buddha
14_Buddha Bhigiiti - Hymn to the Buddha
15_Dhamma Nussati - Recollection on the Dhamma
16_Dhamma Bhigiiti - Hymn to the Dhamma
17_Sangha Nussati - Recollection on the Sangha
18_Sangha Bhigiiti - Hymn to the Sangha (end of evening chanting)

Other Texts
Contemplation of the Body - 31 Body Parts

Five Subjekts for Frequent Recollection - Abhinhapacca
… vekkhanāpātha

Phra Gāthā Ākāravattāsūtra - itipi so
….. bhagavā parts 1. + 17.

Pali Chanting Videos with subtitles
Please scroll down….…

96 Classical Turkish
96 Klasik Türk

Analytic Insight Net - ÜCRETSİZ Çevrimiçi Tipiṭaka Araştırma ve Uygulama Üniversitesi ve 105 ile ilgili aracılığıyla HABERLER KLASİK DİLLER

Pure Turkish Classical Ottoman Music: 19 th Century - Ada Ciftetelli

Ottoman classical music (Turkish: Türk sanat müziği — turkish art……

Medley of Ukrainian Folk Songs
97 Classical Ukrainian
97 класичний український

Аналітичний Insight Net - БЕЗКОШТОВНИЙ Онлайн Науково-практичний університет Типітака та пов’язані новини через в 105 класичних мовах.

Spot your favourites! українські народні пісні украинские народные песни Ukrainian State Folk Ensemble “Kalyna” 0:07 -……
Ukrainian Folk Song - Marichka
George Stone
Published on Jun 22, 2011
My parents instilled the love of Ukrainian culture in me while I was
growing up in NYC. I’ve never been to Ukraine but some day I hope to go.

See more

parents instilled the love of Ukrainian culture in me while I was
growing up in NYC. I’ve never been to Ukraine but some day I……

98 Classical Urdu
98 کلاسیکی اردو

تجزیاتی انٹرویو نیٹ - مفت آن لائن ٹپتاٹاکا ریسرچ اینڈ پریکٹس یونیورسٹی اور متعلقہ خبریں 105 کلاسیکی زبانوں میں کے ذریعے

Finally found this!…/intro-to-world-music-31-flash-cards/
Intro. to World Music 3.1
99 Classical Uzbek
99 Klassik o’zbek

Analitik tushuncha aniq - bepul onlayn tipiṭaka Tadqiqot va amaliyot universiteti va orqali 105 ta klassik tilda
Literally, “the time or place of the sunset.” The Arabic name
designating the region from present-day Libya west through Morocco.
Literally, “the time or place of the sunrise.” The Arabic name
designating the parts of Asia (and Egypt) conquered and populated by the
A Semitic language originating with the Arab
ethnic group; also, the holy language of Islam, and a musical tradition
whose history is intricately linked with the spread of the language.
Ottoman Empire
A powerful Turkish dynasty that ruled over various parts of West Asia,
Eastern Europe, and Northern Africa from the thirteenth to the early
twentieth century.
An Arabic music ensemble including
zithers, bowed and plucked lutes, drums, aerophones, and sometimes
non-traditional instruments.
(also, qanun) A plucked zither used in Turkish and Arabic music traditions, prominent in takht ensembles.
Raqs Sharqi
The Arabic name for what is commonly referred to by outsiders as “belly dance.”
Arabic word for a state of emotional transformation or ecstasy achieved through music.
(also, Zikr) A Sufi ritual in which believers chant the name of God with the goal of entering an ecstasy state.
Jalal Al-Din Muhammad Rumi
Sufi saint of Islamic mysticism known for his poems and as the founder of the Mevlevi religious order.
The islamic call to prayer.
The minority branch of Islam.
Muslim prophet and Arab leader who during his lifetime (571 A.D. - 632
A.D.) spread the religion of Islam and unified a great deal of the
Arabian Peninsula.
The mainstream or majority branch of Islam.
The mystical branch of Islam.
(Also, Al ‘Ud) A fretless, plucked pear-shaped lute that is found in
Arabic music traditions and is the origin of certain lutes of Africa,
Asia, and Europe.
(Also, Makam) Arabic/Turkish mode or system of rules and expectations for composition and improvisation.
A hammered zither from the Persian classical tradition.
Persian mode or system of rules and expectations for composition and improvisation.
In china, a ruling family, like the Ming, and the era characterized by that family’s dominance.
One of the ascending group of tones that form the harmonic series derived from the fundamental pitch.
Throat or overtone singing from Mongolia.
Dung Chen
A long metal trumpet with low tones blown during Tibetan ritual.
Munojaat Yulicheeva
leading performer of classical Uzbek music, always accompanied by her master Shawqat Mizaev, famous rubab player
Sarakhbori Dugox
national eastern dance that Munojaat performs
Sevara Nazarkhan
Uzbek singer, songwriter, and musician of pop music
Hector Zazou
Real World Records - was a prolific French composer and record producer
who worked with, produced, and collaborated with an international array
of recording artists.
Yol Bolsin
pop song by Sevara Nazarkhan (Uzbek singer)
Ashot Petrosiants
lead acoustician in folk orchestra, founded the conservatory
Membranophone, A medium sized frame drum with jingles (Uzbekistan / Central Asia)
Chordophone, long necked, two stringed lute. (Uzbekistan / Central Asia)
Kashgar Rubob
chordophone from uzbekistan
chordophone from uzbekistan
Arranged Folklore
The practice of collecting tunes from rural communities, codifying, and
harmonizing them for polyphonic performance by large ensembles.
popular music in Uzbekistan, combo of national instruments and synthesized sounds
name for all rhythmic modes/patterns in Turkish classical music
8 Beats common in uzbek music
One of the main personalities in the Book of Esther in the Hebrew Bible. He was the son of Jair, of the tribe of Benjami

Pitch-bending ornaments on on voice or instruments that are often micro
tonal (in between notes) and are considered highly expressive
the climatic point in a piece of classical uzbek / tajik music like the shashmaqom
a set of repertoire of uzbek / tajik classical music that originated in
the city of bukhara, traditionally played heterphonically, both
instrumental and vocal
a Muslim who represents the mystical dimension of Islam
Secondary melodies associated with a dastgah
Each dastgah can have many gushehs (collection of short memories)
large orchestral ensembles consisting of traditional Arabia instruments found in the middle east
Flute instrument, performed slightly off to the right, not directly in
front of player, breathy or pure sound (middle eastern flute)
long necked lute of the takht ensemble, with 24 movable frets. (chordophone from Turkey)
In Islamic theory, expressions that combine pitch and rhythm are
divided into a higher-level category called non-musiqa, and a
lower-level category called Musiqa. Non-musiqa is considered legitimate
and includes readings from the Qu’ran. Musiqa includes familial,
celebratory, occupational, and military band music, and is discouraged
by fundamentalist Muslims.
a vocal improvisational form in Arabic music traditions
in Arabic classical music, instrumental improvisations that may either
be extended items in a recital or short introductions to, or bridges
between, composed pieces
an extensive poem written in
persian by Jalal al-Din Muhammad rumi. Spiritual writing that teaches
Sufis how to reach their goal of being in union w/ God
Umm Kulthum
Very popular pop singer when Egypt was emerging towards independence
Voice of the people
Musical training started at school reciting the Koran
Gave radio concerts on Sunday nights and the whole country shut down to listen to her sing
Gamal Abdel Nasser
Arab leader, set out to modernize Egypt and end western domination,
nationalized the Suez canal, led two wars against the Zionist state,
remained a symbol of independence and pride, returned to socialism,
nationalized banks and businesses, limited economic policies
Chinggis Khan
born in 1170s in decades following death of Kabul Khan; elected khagan
of all MOngol tribes in 1206; responsible for conquest of northern
kingdoms of China, territories as far west as the Abbasid regions; died
in 1227 prior to conquest of most of the Islamic world
Urtyn duu
a monglian love song, long songs…associated with formal celebrations and rituals…free expansive rhythms
Morin huur
fiddle, large bowed instrument of the lute type (Chordophone from Mongolia)
Dalai Lama
chief lama and once ruler of Tibet (universal priest)
Yunchen Lhamo
most acclaimed Tibetan singer-songwriter living in NYV in exile
Incantation and Mani
Ritual recitation of verbal charms or spells to produce a magic effect
Om mani padme hum
Buddhist Mantra that invokes the powerful benevolent attention and blessings of Chenrezig, the embodiment of compassion.
Kang dung
aerophone from tibet (trumpet)
Dung kar
aerophone from tibet (conch shell trumpet)
Rom/rol mo
an ethnic group originating in India characterized by a semi-nomadic lifestyle; known as gypsies
a double reed aerophone traditional to Tibet. It is used specifically in Tibetan monasteries during chanting and prayer
idiophone from tibet (Bell)
On ikki maqom
A muqam is the melody type used in Uyghur music, that is, a musical
mode and set of melodic formulas used to guide improvisation and
The muqam system developed among the Uyghur in
northwest China and Central Asia over approximately the last 1500 years
from the Arabic maqam modal system that has led to many musical genres
among peoples of Eurasia and North Africa
instrument (chordophone) 5 stringed instrument. A mobile instrument,
taken by farmers, part of the nomadic tradition. Has 3 main parts and is
played as part of everyday life, very cherished by the Uyghurs.
Cultural Revolution
Campaign in China ordered by Mao Zedong to purge the Communist Party of
his opponents and instill revolutionary values in the younger
generation.(p. 848)
Chinese organological system based on 8 materials
Chinese music(silk and bamboo) of the Jiangnan region, featuring erhu,
pipa, gu/zheng. Played in tea shops (silk and bamboo ensembles)
Jiangnan Sizhu
Chinese chamber instrumental ensemble made up of strings and winds
popular around the areas of Shanghai. Played by amateurs for their own
enjoyment. Like other traditional Chinese music it is considered a kind
of background music to enhance the ambiance of a pleasant social
(Guqin), A people and state in the Wei Valley
of eastern China that conquered rival states and created the first
Chinese empire (221-206 B.C.E.). The Qin ruler, Shi Huangdi,
standardized many features of Chinese society and enslaved subjects.
a notational system (written for lute) that
tells the player which strings to pluck and where to place the fingers
on the strings, rather than indicating what pitches will result.
(cipher notation) a musical notation system widely used among the Chinese people
Beijing Opera
(model revolutionary opera), translates to “model revolutionary opera”.
The Chinese term for Opera infused with Communist and Nationalist
political messages during the Cultural Revolution (1966-1976) (there
were only 8 model operas)
one man opera story telling
genre of traditional percussion music originating in Korea
Sheng — Male Role; Dan — Female Role; Jing — Painted Face Male; Chou — The Comedy Role.
Bowed, two-string fiddle from China, with its bow hairs fixed between the strings; rests on the leg while playing.
A Chinese hammered dulcimer with a trapezoidal sound box and metal strings that are struck with bamboo sticks.
Pear-shaped, plucked chordophone with four strings. Chinese instrument
of Central Asian heritage; close historical association with the zheng.
the male role of the Xiqu theatre, where companies would be composed of
all men. The old men were called the lao sheng, the young men were
called the xiao sheng, and the warrior was called wu sheng.
lead instrument in beijing opera, a fiddle pitched an octave higher than the erhu, high fiddle
Traditional Chinese instrument with a double reed, similar to the Western oboe.
transverse bamboo flute
membranophone from korea
North indian (Hindustani) string instrument that is plucked with a plectrum of ivory or coconut shell
a stringed instrument of India
a set of two drums
A long-necked plucked lute (a stringed instrument found in different
forms and in many places). The body shape of the tambura somewhat
resembles that of the sitar, but it has no frets - only the open strings
are played to accompany other musicians. It has four or five (rarely
six) wire strings, which are plucked one after another in a regular
pattern to create a harmonic resonance on the basic note (bourdon or
drone function).
a free-reed instrument in which air is forced through the reeds by bellows
fretted string. played by Saraswati (Indian goddess of music/learning)
Sruti box
A drone instrument comprised of a small wooden box with tuned reeds (like a reed organ), with air provided by a hand bellows.
Membranophone, Barrel-shaped drum (South India)
double headed cylindrical drum
A large clay pot played with fingers and hands.
a genre of devotional hindu poetry from south India
An ornamentation that is used in the performance of Indian classical
music. The unique character of each raga is given by its gamakas, making
their role essential rather than decorative in Indian music. Translates
to ‘ornamented note’
a Hindu or Buddhist religious leader and spiritual teacher
South Indian who gave legitimacy to south indian musicians.
Syama Sastri
is among the most renowned composers of Carnatic music
a form of Hindi spoken around Delhi
“Classical” music of southern India, dates back to palaces of rajas and
maharajas, but took shape during late eighteenth and early nineteenth
(Filmi Git), popular music taken from films in india
Lata Mangeshkar
famous filmi singer from india
In Indian classical music, a complete and self-contained melodic system
that serves as the basis for all the melodic materials in any
composition or performance created in that raga.
how something is done or how it happens
Metric cycle in Indian music. Begins and ends on same (1st and last).
Certain number of beats (matras). Organized in vibhags (larger units,
groups). Vibhags demonstrated with claps (strongest) waves and finger
mnemonic syllables corresponding to drum strokes in indian drumming traditions
A 16-beat metric cycle (i.e., tala) used in Hindustani raga and other types of North Indian music.
a voice exercise
the syllables of the seven notes of Indian music- Sa re ga ma pa dha ni
can refer to the entire opening of a North Indian classical piece; consists of alap, jor, and jhela
refers to a set of drone strings on indian chordophones
The main part of a Hindustani raga performance following the alap; a
tala (metric cycle) serves as its metric/rhythmic foundation; the entry
of a rhythmic accompaniment part (usually played on tabla) marks the
commencement of the gat.
Aashish Khan
Indian classical musician, known for his virtuosity on the Sarode. Also a professor of Indian classical music at UCSC
“Flavor,” or powerful feeling, essence or individuality to which the
audience must surrender themselves during Indian dramatics.There are
eight in a drama: erotic, comic, compassionate, furious, heroic,
terrifying, disgusting and awesome.
A particular class of Hindu devotional songs and hymns with close ties to the historical development of Indian classical music.
The muslim official of a mosque who summons the faithful to prayer from a minaret five times a day.
An ornament used by vocalists; specifically a thrill or rapid
oscillation between a different vocal register; fluttering of the voice.
Guitar-shaped instrument, heavy -sounding, not much rhythm, flash flourishes of notes; fast repetition.
Membranophone; goblet-shaped drum.
The creative recombination and transformation of local cultural features with features from elsewhere.
Annual Hindu festival observed in many parts of the world; means connecting with the universal self.
Indian version of Hollywood; centered in Mumbai (Bombay)
Ravi Shankar
Indian sitar player who popularized classical indian music in the west. 1920.
The repetition of mystic incantations in Hinduism and Buddhism.
Chordophone; Plucked Turkish lute.
Gongche Notation
Common notation for instruments other than qin. Pitch
syllables/characters; read from top to down, right to left; no rhythmic
Amateur vs Pro. Musicians

Civil vs Military Sections
Civilian - soft, quiet instruments; military - louder instruments
Korean folk music tradition that includes drumming, dancing, and
singing. Most performances are outside, with tons of players, all in
constant motion.
Associated with Agraran rites; prayers for a bountiful harvest; involves drums, gongs, and an hour glass drum.
Turgun Alimatov
Uzbek musician who learned music from father and never took a formal
music lesson; strongly identified with sentiments of Uzbek nationalism.

terms · Maghrib → Literally, “the time or place…, Mashriq → Literally,
“the time or place…, Arabic → A Semitic language originating…, Ottoman
Empire → A powerful Turkish dynasty tha…, Takht → An Arabic music
ensemble inclu…

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