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2577 Sat 31 Mar 2018 LESSON in 34 Classical Haitian Creole Awakeness Practices All 84,000 Khandas As Found in the Pali Suttas Traditionally the are 84,000 Dharma Doors - 84,000 ways to get Awakeness. Maybe so; certainly the Buddha taught a large number of practices that lead to Awakeness. This web page attempts to catalogue those found in the Pali Suttas (DN, MN, SN, AN, Ud & Sn 1). There are 3 sections: The discourses of Buddha are divided into 84,000, as to separate addresses. The division includes all that was spoken by Buddha.”I received from Buddha,” said Ananda, “82,000 Khandas, and from the priests 2000; these are 84,000 Khandas maintained by me.” They are divided into 275,250, as to the stanzas of the original text, and into 361,550, as to the stanzas of the commentary. All the discourses including both those of Buddha and those of the commentator, are divided into 2,547 banawaras, containing 737,000 stanzas, and 29,368,000 separate letters. BuddhaSasana-The Home of Pali Buddha Vacana — The words of the Buddha — Classical Buddhism (Teachings of the Awakened One with Awareness) belong to the world, and everyone have exclusive rights: is the most Positive Energy of informative and research oriented site propagating the teachings of the Awakened One with Awareness the Buddha and on Techno-Politico-Socio Transformation and Economic Emancipation Movement followed by millions of people all over the world. Rendering exact translation as a lesson of this University in one’s mother tongue to this Google Translation and propagation entitles to become a Stream Enterer (Sottapanna) and to attain Eternal Bliss as a Final Goal. Analytic Insight-Net - FREE Online Analytic Insight-Net Tipiṭaka Research & Practice University and related NEWS through 
 105 CLASSICAL LANGUAGES Just take note of the stark contrast with the local Brashtachar Jiyadha Psychopaths (BJP) MP, trying to stoke fires of violence: As some people approached him, news channels showed Supriyo telling them, “Aami ki apnader ke bolbo lorai koro? Ami chole jabo, apnader opor goli cholbe (Will I ask you to fight? I will leave and you will come under fire).” Ram Navami violence: His son dead, Asansol Imam says if you retaliate, will leave town Murderer of democratic institutions (Modi) Brshshtachar Jiyadha Psychopaths (BJP) is being left with one year of its term. with Data leak! Aadhar leak! SSC Exam leak! Election date leak! CBSE papers leak! There is a leak in everything, the ‘chowkidar’ is weak. and is strong in using the fraud EVMs to win elections at its peak! Ajay Bhushan Pandey, CEO of the Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI), the agency that implements India’s controversial Aadhaar project, shared his authentication logs with the Constitutional bench of the Supreme Court last week. His aim, ostensibly, was to show how Aadhaar incorporates “privacy by design”, to quote the accompanying power-point presentation. It wasn’t long before Aadhaar critics on Twitter poured through his logs and proved just the opposite.
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Posted by: site admin @ 7:37 pm

2577 Sat 31  Mar 2018 LESSON

in 34 Classical Haitian Creole

Awakeness Practices

All 84,000 Khandas As Found in the Pali Suttas

the are 84,000 Dharma Doors - 84,000 ways to get Awakeness. Maybe so;
certainly the Buddha taught a large number of practices that lead to
Awakeness. This web page attempts to catalogue those found in the Pali
Suttas (DN, MN, SN, AN, Ud & Sn 1). There are 3 sections:

discourses of Buddha are divided into 84,000, as to separate addresses.
The division includes all that was spoken by Buddha.”I received from
Buddha,” said Ananda, “82,000 Khandas, and  from the priests 2000; these
are 84,000 Khandas maintained by me.” They are divided into 275,250, as
to the stanzas of the original text, and into 361,550, as to the
stanzas of the commentary. All the discourses including both those of
Buddha and those of the commentator, are divided  into 2,547 banawaras,
containing 737,000 stanzas, and 29,368,000 separate letters.

BuddhaSasana-The Home of Pali

 Buddha Vacana
— The words of the Buddha —
Classical Buddhism (Teachings of the Awakened One with Awareness) belong to the world, and everyone have exclusive rights:

the most Positive Energy of informative and research oriented site
propagating the teachings of the Awakened One with Awareness the Buddha
and on Techno-Politico-Socio Transformation and Economic Emancipation
Movement followed by millions of people all over the world.

exact translation as a lesson of this University in one’s mother tongue
to this Google Translation and propagation
entitles to become a Stream Enterer (Sottapanna) and to attain Eternal
Bliss as a Final Goal.  Analytic Insight-Net - FREE Online Analytic
Insight-Net Tipiṭaka Research & Practice University and related NEWS

Just take note of the stark contrast with the local Brashtachar Jiyadha
Psychopaths (BJP) MP, trying to stoke fires of violence: As some people
approached him, news channels showed Supriyo telling them, “Aami ki
apnader ke bolbo lorai koro? Ami chole jabo, apnader opor goli cholbe
(Will I ask you to fight? I will leave and you will come under fire).”

Ram Navami violence: His son dead, Asansol Imam says if you retaliate, will leave town

Murderer of democratic institutions (Modi) Brshshtachar Jiyadha Psychopaths (BJP) is being left with one year of its term.

with Data leak!
Aadhar leak!
SSC Exam leak!
Election date leak!
CBSE papers leak!
There is a leak in everything, the ‘chowkidar’ is weak. and is strong in using the fraud EVMs to win elections at its peak!

Ajay Bhushan Pandey, CEO of the Unique Identification Authority of
India (UIDAI), the agency that implements India’s controversial Aadhaar
project, shared his authentication logs with the Constitutional bench of
the Supreme Court last week.
His aim, ostensibly, was to show how
Aadhaar incorporates “privacy by design”, to quote the accompanying
power-point presentation.

It wasn’t long before Aadhaar critics on Twitter poured through his logs and proved just the opposite.

 34 Classical Haitian Creole
34 Klasik kreyòl ayisyen

2577 Sat 31 Mar 2018 LESSON

Pratik Awakès

Tout 84,000 Khandas jan yo te jwenn nan Pali Suttas yo

Tradisyonèlman yo se 84,000 Pòt Dharma - 84,000 fason yo ka resevwa Awakeness. Petèt sa; sètènman Bouda a anseye yon gwo kantite pratik ki mennen nan Awakeness. Paj entènèt sa a eseye katalòg sa yo ki te jwenn nan Pali Suttas yo (DN, MN, SN, AN, UD & Sn 1). Gen 3 seksyon:

Diskou yo nan Bouddha yo divize an 84,000, menm jan yo separe adrès. Divizyon
an gen ladan tout sa ki te di pa Bouda: “Mwen te resevwa nan men
Bouddha,” te di Ananda, “82,000 Khandas, ak nan prèt 2000 yo;
yo se 84,000 Khandas konsève pa m ‘. “Yo divize an 275,250, tankou
stanzas yo nan tèks orijinal la, ak nan 361,550, menm jan ak stanzas yo
nan Next a.
Tout diskou yo ki gen ladan tou de sa yo nan Bouda ak sa yo ki nan
kòmantatè a, yo divize an 2.547 banawaras, ki gen 737,000 stanzas, ak
29,368,000 lèt separe.

BuddhaSasana-kay la nan Pali

 Bouda Vacana
- Mo sa yo nan Bouda -
Boudis klasik (Enseignements de la ouverture ak konsyantizasyon) apatni a mond lan, ak tout moun gen dwa eksklizif:

se pi pozitif Enèji nan sit enfòmatif ak rechèch oryante pwopagasyon
ansèyman yo nan yon sèl la leve ak konsyans Bouda a, epi sou
Teknolojik-politico-sosyo transfòmasyon ak Mouvman emansipasyon ekonomik
ki te swiv pa dè milyon de moun nan tout mond lan.

tradiksyon egzak kòm yon leson nan Inivèsite sa a nan lang manman an
nan sa a Tradiksyon Google ak pwopagasyon
dwa pou yo vin yon Antreur Stream (Sottapanna) ak atenn Bliss p’ap janm
fini an kòm yon objektif Final.
Analytic Insight-Filè - GRATIS sou entènèt Analytic Insight-Filè
Tipiṭaka Rechèch ak Pratike Inivèsite ak ki gen rapò NEWS nan nan 105 lang yo KLASIK

 Bouda Vacana
- Mo sa yo nan Bouda -
Aprann Pali sou entènèt pou gratis ak fason ki pi fasil.

entènèt sa a dedye a moun ki vle konprann pi byen pawòl Bouddha yo nan
aprann Basics lang Pali, men ki pa gen anpil tan ki disponib pou li.
a se ke si bi yo se senpleman jwenn pèmèt li tèks yo Pali epi yo gen
yon santiman ki jis nan konprann yo, menm si ke konpreyansyon pa kouvri
tout detay yo minit nan règ gramatikal, yo pa reyèlman bezwen depanse
tan difikilte ak yon aprantisaj dekouraje nan teyori fatigan gramatikal ki enplike bagay tankou deklarasyon anpil ak konjigezon.

ka sa a, li se ase yo limite tèt yo nan tou senpleman aprann
siyifikasyon an nan pawòl ki pi enpòtan Pali, paske eksperyans nan
repete lekti bay yon konpreyansyon empirik ak entwisyon nan estrikti yo
fraz ki pi komen.
Yo pèmèt yo vin otodidaks, chwazi tan, dire, frekans, sa ak pwofondè etid pwòp yo.

yo nan Bouda Vacana yo ap vin pi plis presi jan yo efor aprann ak
memorize mo yo ak fòmil yo enpòtan ki fondamantal nan ansèyman Bouddha
a, pa fason pou lekti regilye.
Aprantisaj yo ak enspirasyon yo jwenn nan li ap grandi pi fon pase reseptivite yo nan mesaj pwofesè a ap amelyore.

Limit responsabilite nou: Sit entènèt sa a kreye pa yon otodidact epi li vle di pou otodidaks. Webmaster
a pa swiv nenpòt ki ofisyèl Pali kou e pa gen okenn reklamasyon ke tout
enfòmasyon ki prezante isit la se totalman gratis nan erè.
Moun ki vle ak presizyon akademik ka konsidere rantre nan yon kou fòmèl Pali. Nan ka lektè yo avi nenpòt ki erè, webmaster a pral rekonesan si yo rapòte li via bwat la mansyone anba ‘Kontakte’.

Sutta Piṭaka - Diya Nikiya

DN 9 -
Patenarya Sutta
- Kesyon yo poze kesyon -

Pasyèl mande plizyè kesyon reyaji nati a nan Sañà.
Remak: tèks plenn
Sutta Piṭaka
- panyen an nan diskou -
[Sutta: diskou]

Sṭta Piṭaka a gen sans nan ansèyman Bouddha a konsènan Dhamma la. Li gen plis pase dis mil suttas. Li se divize an senk koleksyon yo rele Nikayas.

Dijital Nikiya
[dijè: tan] Dīgha Nikāya a ranmase 34 nan diskou yo pi long yo bay nan Bouda la. Gen divès kalite sijesyon ke anpil nan yo se ajoute an reta nan corpus orijinal la ak nan bon jan kalite dout.
Majjhima Nikya
[maj: medyòm] Majjhima Nikāya a ranmase 152 diskou nan Bouda a nan longè entèmedyè, fè fas ak divès zafè.
Sa a Nikiya
[chakutta: gwoup] Saṃyutta Nikāya a rasanble suttas yo selon sijè yo nan 56 sub-gwoup yo rele sa nyyyuttas. Li gen plis pase twa mil diskours nan longè varyab, men jeneralman relativman kout.

Aksamutara Nikiya

    [aṅg: faktè | Apre
sa: adisyonèl] Nikiya a Aṅguttara se sibdivize nan onz sub-gwoup yo
rele nipātas, chak nan yo rasanble diskours ki gen ladan enimerasyon nan
yon sèl faktè adisyonèl kont sa yo ki nan presedan nipāta.
Li gen dè milye de suttas ki jeneralman kout.

Khuddaka Nikiya

kout, ti] Ti tèks yo Khuddhaka Nikiya ak konsidere kòm te konpoze de de
stratas: Dhammapada, Udāna, Itivuttaka, Sutta Nipāta,
Theragāthā-Therīgāthā ak Jātaka fòme kouch yo ansyen, pandan y ap liv
lòt yo se ajoute anreta ak otantisite yo
se plis dout.

Fòmil yo

ki baze sou travay sa a se ke pasaj yo nan suttas yo ki rapòte yo dwe
pi souvan repete pa Bouda a nan tout kat Nikiya yo ka pran kòm endike sa
li konsidere kòm yo te pi merite a nan enterè nan ansèyman li
, ak nan menm tan an tankou sa ki reprezante ak pi presizyon mo aktyèl l ‘yo. Youn nan yo ap esplike nan Gaingaaka-Moggallāna Sutta a (MN 107) epi
li dekri kòm sekha Paṭipadā a oswa Path pou youn anba Fòmasyon, ki
pratikman mennen neophyte la tout wout la nan katriyèm jhāna la.

Seka Paṭipadā - Path la pou youn anba Fòmasyon

Douz fòmil ki defini etap pa etap pratik prensipal yo preskri pa Bouda la. Li se enpòtans fondamantal pou nenpòt moun ki vle pwogrè avèk siksè,
paske li gen enstriksyon yo ki pral pèmèt meditatè a yo mete kanpe
kondisyon yo endispansab pou yon pratik efikas.

Ānāpānassati - Konsyantizasyon sou souf la
Pratik la nan ānāpānassati se trè rekòmande pa Bouda a pou tout kalite
bon rezon epi isit la ou ka konprann byen jisteman enstriksyon yo li
Anussati - Recollections yo
Isit la nou gen deskripsyon an estanda nan Bouda a (≈140 okazyonèl), Dhamma la (≈90 rive.) Ak Sangha la (≈45 rive.).
Appamāṇā Cetovimutti - liberasyon yo san limit nan tèt ou la
Bouda a souvan fè lwanj pratik la nan kat la, ki yo rekonèt pou pote
pwoteksyon kont danje ak pou yo te yon fason ki mennen nan Brahmaloka.
Arahatta - Arahantship
Sa a se fòmil la stock pa ki reyalizasyon nan arahantship ki dekri nan suttas yo.
Ariya Sīlakkhandha - Gwoup la nòb nan vèti
Règ divès kalite yo dwe ki te swiv pa bhikkhus.
Pwomosyon - Fòmil la Fòm
Isit la yo se fòmil yo stock ki dekri absòpsyon yo nan samādhi pi lwen
pase katriyèm jhāna a, ki yo refere yo bay an reta Pali litterature kòm
Pwovizwa Khayañāṇa - Konesans nan destriksyon nan sa yo
Konesans nan destriksyon nan āsavas: arahantship.
Bhojane Mattaññutā - Moderasyon nan manje
Modération nan manje: konnen kantite lajan apwopriye pou manje.
Cattāro Jhānā - kat jhānas la
Kat jana yo: li gen yon respektab bèl.
Indriyesu Guttadvāratā - Siveyans nan papòt la nan kapasite sans
Gad nan antre nan kapasite sans: kontrent sans.
Jāgariyaṃ Anuyoga - Dedikasyon nan wakefulness
Dedikasyon nan wakefulness: lajounen kou lannwit.
Kammassakomhi - Mwen se pwòp kamma mwen
Fòmil sa a eksplike youn nan fondasyon wòch yo nan ansèyman Bouddha a: yon vèsyon subjectif nan lwa a nan kòz ak efè.
Pèdi pwa - Retire nan antrav
Retire nan entraveni yo: simonte obsève eta mantal.
Pabbajjā - ale nan
Ale nan: ki jan yon sèl deside abandone mond lan.
Pèsonalite - Konesans nan rekoleksyon an nan kote k ap viv ansyen
Konesans nan rekoleksyon an nan kote k ap viv ansyen: sonje lavi sot pase yo.
Satipaṭṭhāna - Prezans nan Konsyantizasyon
Sa yo se fòmil pa ki Bouda a defini nan brèf sa ki kat satipaṭṭhānas yo (≈33 rive.).
Satisampajaña - Mindfulness ak konpreyansyon bon jan
Akonpayans ak konpreyansyon bon jan: yon pratik san enteripsyon.
Saddhammā Sèt - Seven kalite bon
Sèt kalite fondamantal ki dwe metrize pa trainee a yo nan lòd yo gen siksè. Kat nan sa yo kalite parèt tou nan mitan senk Indriyas yo espirityèl ak senk balas yo.
Satisfè konesans - Konesans nan rne a nan èt epatan
Konesans nan rne a nan èt epatan.
Sèlasampatti - Akonplisman nan vèti
Akonplisman nan vèti: yon obsèvans atansyon nan règleman yo Pātimokkha.
Vivitta Senāsanena Bhajana - Resort nan solitèr abite
Chwa a nan yon kote ki apwopriye ak adopsyon an nan pwèstans ki kòrèk
la fizik ak mantal se yon lòt sin ki pa kondisyon nan pratik siksè.
Bodhi fèy

- Gid Bhikkhu a -

Sa yo se direktiv yo 227 ke chak bhikkhu dwe aprann pa kè nan lang Pali yo nan lòd yo kapab resite yo. Isit la yon analiz semantik nan chak gid yo pral (èspere ke) dwe bay.

Paj 1

    Ta dwe nenpòt ki bhikkhu - patisipe nan fòmasyon an ak mwayen poul viv
nan bhikkhus la, san yo pa gen renonse fòmasyon an, san yo pa gen te
deklare feblès li - angaje yo nan kouche seksyèl, menm ak yon bèt fi, li
se bat epi pa gen ankò nan afilyasyon.

    Paj 1

Yo ta dwe anpeche yo fè sèks nan lavi yo, epi yo ta dwe anpeche yo fè
sa pou yo ka rive jwenn yon fason pou yo ka angaje yo pou yo ka ede yo.

Ta dwe nenpòt ki bhikkhu - patisipe nan fòmasyon an ak mwayen poul viv
nan bhikkhus la, san yo pa gen renonse fòmasyon an, san yo pa gen te
deklare feblès li - angaje yo nan kouche seksyèl, menm ak yon bèt fi, li
se bat epi pa gen ankò nan afilyasyon.

Yo pana bhikkhu Ta dwe nenpòt ki bhikkhu
Bhikkhūnaṃ sikkhā · s · ājva · samāpanno k ap patisipe nan fòmasyon an ak mwayen poul viv nan bhikkhus la,
sikkhaṃ a · paccakkhāya san yo pa gen renonse fòmasyon an,
Du · balyaṃ anavvi · katvā san li te deklare feblès li
muhunaṃ dhammaṃ paṭiseveyya angaje yo nan kouche seksyèl,
antamaso tiracchāna · gatāya · pi, menm avèk yon bèt fi,
Sèvi ak sa a. li se bat epi li pa nan afilyasyon.

Sit wèb download

Download sit entènèt la (vèsyon nan Januray 2013):

Klike la a


Pou nenpòt ki remak, sijesyon, kesyon:

Pa ezite rapòte nenpòt erè, erè, lyen ki kase, vid enfòmasyon · ti wonn elatriye ou ka vini nan tout. Webmaster a pral rekonesan.

Fasil aksè:

Dijital Nikiya

Majjhima Nikya

Sa a Nikiya

Aksamutara Nikiya
Dijital Nikiya
- Diskou yo long -
[dijè: long]

Dīgha Nikāya a ranmase 34 nan diskou yo pi long ke yo sipoze bay Bouda la.

Patenarya Sutta (DN 9) {ekstrè} - Ranfòse tradiksyon
Pasyèl mande plizyè kesyon reyaji nati a nan Sañà.
Mahāparinibbāna Sutta (DN 16) {ekstrè} - mo pa mo
Sa a sutta rasanble divès enstriksyon Bouda a te bay pou dedomajman
pou disip li yo apre yo fin pase l ‘yo, ki fè li dwe yon seri trè
enpòtan nan enstriksyon pou nou sèjousi.
Sansa Mahāsatipaṭṭānā (DN 22) - mo pa mo
Sa a sutta se lajman konsidere kòm yon referans fondamantal pou pratik meditasyon.

—— oooOooo ——
Majjhima Nikya
- Diskou yo nan longè mwayen -
[Dejwe: mwayen]

Majjhima Nikāya rasanble 152 diskou nan Bouda a nan longè entèmedyè, fè fas ak divès zafè.

Sabbāsava Sutta (MN 2) - amelyore tradiksyon
Trè enteresan sutta, kote fason yo diferan pa ki āsavas a, fèrmantine ekilib nan tèt ou a, yo disipe.
Bhayabherava Sutta (MN 4) - amelyore tradiksyon
Ki sa ki ta li pran yo viv nan solitid nan dezè a, konplètman gratis nan pè? Bouda a eksplike.
Vattha Sutta (MN 7) {ekstrè} - amelyore tradiksyon
Nou jwenn isit la yon lis olye estanda nan sèz dévlopman (upakkilesa)
nan tèt ou a, ak yon eksplikasyon sou yon mekanis pa ki yon sèl vin sa
yo ‘konfime konfidans’ nan Bouda a, Dhamma a ak Sangha a ki se faktè nan
kouran antre-.
Mahādukkhakkhandha Sutta (MN 13) - amelyore tradiksyon
Sou assâda (atire), ādīnava (dezavantaj) ak nissaraṇa (emansipasyon) nan kama (sensuality), rūpa (fòm) ak vedanā (santi). Yon anpil bagay trè itil yo medite sou.
Sutta a (MN 27) - ranfòse tradiksyon
Bouda a eksplike kòman lefèt ke li se aktyèlman yo dwe yon fòs eklere
dwe pran sou lafwa oswa kòm yon konjekti jiskaske yon etap sèten rive, e
ke nenpòt reklamasyon nan konesans sa yo san sa realizasyon se pa vo
Mahāvedalla Sutta (MN 43) {ekstrè} - mo pa mo
Li repons plizyè kesyon enteresan ki te mande pa Mahajnik Mahāko, epi
nan ekstrè sa a, li eksplike ke Vedanā, Sañāā ak Viņāāṇa pa klèman
detaye men pwofondman mele.
Cutta Sutta (MN 44) {ekstrè} - amelyore tradiksyon
Bhikkhuni Dhammadinnā reponn yon seri kesyon enteresan ki te mande pa Visākha. Pami lòt bagay, li bay definisyon 20-pliye sakkāyadiṭṭhi.
Sekha Sutta (MN 53) - amelyore tradiksyon
Bouda a mande Ānanda pou esplike Sekha Paṭipadā, nan ki li bay yon
vèsyon etone, ki soti nan ki Satisampajaña ak Nīvaraṇānaṃ Pahāna yo
curiously ranplase pa yon seri de ‘bon kalite’ sèt, ak ki ilistre pa yon
similan di.
Potaliya Sutta (MN 54) - amelyore tradiksyon
Yon seri sèt ajil estanda yo eksplike dezavantaj yo ak danje nan bay nan sensuality.
Bahuvedanīya Sutta (MN 59) {ekstrè} - mo pa mo
Nan ekstrè kout sa a, Bouda a defini senk kanmarad yo epi li fè yon konparezon enpòtan ak yon lòt kalite plezi. Kilti Sutta (MN 70) {ekstrè} - amelyore tradiksyon
Sa a sutta gen yon definisyon nan dwòg ak endepandan.
Bhatik Sutta (MN 88) {ekstrè} - amelyore tradiksyon
Wa Pasenadi a nan Kosala se anvi konprann ki sa ki rekòmande oswa pa
pa asenetik ki gen bon konprann ak brahmans, epi li mande seri de kesyon
nan Ānanda ki pèmèt nou yon pi bon konprann nan mo sa yo kusala (bon
poul) ak akusala (unwholesome).
Ānāpānassati Sutta (MN 118) - mo pa mo
Sutta nan pi popilè sou pratik nan anpatikalati, ak ki jan li mennen
nan pratik la nan kat satipaṭṭhānas ak abondans nan pwogrè nan sèt
bojjhaṅgas la.
Sutta sa a (MN 137) {ekstrè} - amelyorasyon tradiksyon
Nan sa a sutta gwo twou san fon ak trè enteresan, Bouda a defini nan
mitan lòt bagay sa yo se ankèt yo nan santiman bèl, dezagreyab ak net
mantal, epi tou li defini ekspresyon yo te jwenn nan deskripsyon estanda
nan Bouda a: ‘anuttaro purisadammasārathī’.
Indrayabhāvanā Sutta (MN 152) - mo pa mo
Sa a sutta ofri twa apwòch pratike nan kontrent sans, ki gen ladan
enstriksyon adisyonèl konplete fòma yo Guttadvāratā Indriyesu.

—— oooOooo ——

Sa a Nikiya
- Diskou yo klase -
[sa a]: gwoup]

Diskou yo nan Sāyutta Nikāya a yo divize dapre tèm yo nan 56 ane, ki se tèt yo gwoupe nan senk vaggas.

Vibhaṅga Sutta (SN 12.2) - mo pa mo
Yon esplikasyon detaye sou paipal, ak yon definisyon chak nan douz lyen yo.
Cetanā Sutta (SN 12.38) - amelyore tradiksyon
Isit la Bouda a eksplike ki jan cetanā, ansanm ak medite ak anusaya, aji kòm yon baz pou viññāṇa.
Satisfè Sutta (SN 12.52) - amelyore tradiksyon
Sa a se yon leson trè Enstriktif ki revele pa ki sikolojik mekanis yon
sèl bay nan bzwen, epi eksplike kijan li ka fasil ranplase pa
konsiderasyon serye debarase m de li.
Sutta Puttama (SN 12.63) - amelyore tradiksyon
Bouda a ofri isit la kat similes enpresyonan ak enspire pou esplike kijan kat kat yo ta dwe konsidere.
Sanidāna Sutta (SN 14.12) - amelyore tradiksyon
Yon eksplikasyon bèl bagay sou fason pèsepsyon vire nan aksyon, plis fòs ankò ak similman nan flanbo a flanm dife. Rete avèk dilijans bliye pou w devwale move lide!
Āṇi Sutta (SN 20.7) - mo pa mo
bagay ki enpòtan anpil se raple nou pa Bouda a: pou benefis pwòp nou an
kòm byen ke pou benediksyon an nan jenerasyon yo poko rive, nou dwe bay
pi enpòtans nan mo pwòp li yo aktyèlman, epi yo pa tèlman bay moun ki
lòt moun pretann sèjousi oswa
te pran pòz nan tan pase a yo dwe yon bon (Dhamma) pwofesè.
Samādhi Sutta (SN 22.5) - mo pa mo
Bouda a ekspòte disip li yo pou yo devlope konsantrasyon pou yo ka
pratike insight nan rive ak pase lwen senk gran yo, apre yo fin ki
defini sa li vle di pa rive ak pase lwen granules yo, an tèm de orijin
Paṭisallāṇa Sutta (SN 22.6) - san tradiksyon
Bouda a esplike disip li yo pratike entimid pou yo ka pratike insight
nan rive ak pase lwen senk gran yo, apre yo fin ki defini sa li vle di
pa rive epi pase lwen nan granula yo, an tèm de orijin depandan.
Satisfè Sutta (SN 22.8) - mo pa mo
Ki rive ak sispann nan soufrans pran plas nan senk gran yo.
Nandikkhaya Sutta (SN 22.51) - mo pa mo
Ki jan yo opere destriksyon nan pran plezi.
Anattalakkhana Sutta (SN 22.59) - mo pa mo
Nan sutta sa a trè popilè, Bouda a ekspoze pou premye fwa ansèyman li sou anatta.
Khajjanīya Sutta (SN 22.79) {ekstrè} - mo pa mo
Sa a sutta bay yon definisyon pikant nan senk khandhas yo.
Suddhika Sutta (SN 29.1) - amelyore tradiksyon
Diferan kalite nazi.
Suddhika Sutta (SN 30.1) - amelyore tradiksyon
Diferan kalite supaṇṇas (aka garudas).
Suddhika Sutta (SN 31.1) - amelyore tradiksyon
Diferan kalite gandhabba devas.
Suddhika Sutta (SN 32.1) - amelyore tradiksyon
Kalite diferan nan nwaj devas.
Samāpattimūlakaṭhiti Sutta (SN 34.11) - amelyore tradiksyon
Vin konsantrasyon kontwole konsantrasyon.
Pubbesambodha Sutta (SN 35,13) - mo pa mo
Bouda a defini sa li vle di pa atire, dezavantaj ak emansipasyon nan
ka a nan esfè yo sans entèn yo, ak Lè sa a, deklare ke Awakening l ‘te
pa gen anyen plis ni mwens pase konprann yo.
Abhinanda Sutta (SN 35.20) - mo pa mo
Pa gen okenn chape pou moun ki pran plezi nan objè sans.
Migajāla Sutta (SN 35.46) - amelyore tradiksyon
Poukisa se solitid vre konsa difisil pou jwenn? Bouda a eksplike poukisa, pa gen pwoblèm kote ou ale, kanmarad ki pi anmède ou toujou tag ansanm.
Avètisman Sutta (SN 35.53) - mo pa mo
Yon konferans trè senp, ankò vSabbupādānapariñāā Sutta (SN 35.60) - mo pa mo
Bouda a, pandan y ap esplike konpreyansyon konplè sou tout atachman,
bay yon eksplikasyon byen fon, men trè klè: kontak rive sou baz twa
Migajāla Sutta Sutta (SN 35.64) {ekstrè} - mo pa mo
kèk neyophytes (e nou ka souvan konte tèt nou pami yo) pafwa vle kwè ke
li posib pran plezi nan plezi sensual san yo pa bay monte atachman ni
Bouda a anseye Migajāla ke sa a se kareman enposib.
Sutta adapte (SN 35.94) - mo pa mo
la se youn nan moun ki konseye ki yo, se pou fasil a konprann ak
intelijans lan, men se konsa difisil yo konprann nan pi fon nivo paske
opinyon ki mal nou toujou ap entèfere nan pwosesis la.
Se poutèt sa, nou bezwen jwenn li repete souvan, menm si sa ka sanble raz kèk.
Chwazi Sutta (SN 35,97) - mo pa mo
Ki sa ki fè diferans ki genyen ant yon moun ki abite avèk neglijans ak yon moun ki abite avèk vijilans.
Sakkapañhā Sutta Sutta (SN 35.118) - mo pa mo
Bouda a bay yon repons olye senp nan kesyon Sakka a: kisa rezon ki fè
kèk moun atenn objektif final la pandan ke lòt moun pa fè sa?
Ritm Sutta (SN 35.137) - mo pa mo
Bouda a eksplike pou nou yon fwa plis, nan ankò yon lòt fason, kòz la ak sispann nan soufrans. Li pran plas dwa nan mitan an nan sa nou kenbe fè tout jounen an ak tout lannwit lan.
Aniccanibbānasappāya Sutta (SN 35.147) - mo pa mo
Isit la yo se hardcore vipassanā enstriksyon ki gen rapò ak pèsepsyon
la nan enpandans pou meditatè avanse ki ap chèche pou pi devan pou rive
Itilize Sutta (SN 35.142) - mo pa mo
Ki jan ankèt sou kòz yo pou rive nan ògàn yo sans, nan ki
karakteristik nan nonself ka pi fasil yo konprann, pèmèt yon transfè nan
konpreyansyon sa a nan ka yo.
Samudda Sutta (SN 35.229) - amelyore tradiksyon
Ki sa ki oseyan an nan disiplin nan moun yo nòb la. Pran prekosyon nou pa koule nan li!
Pahāna Sutta (SN 36.3) - amelyore tradiksyon
Relasyon ki genyen ant twa kalite vedanā ak twa nan anusayas yo.
Daṭṭhabba Sutta (SN 36.5) - amelyore tradiksyon
Ki jan twa kalite vedanā (santiman) yo ta dwe wè.
Salla Sutta (SN 36.6) - amelyore tradiksyon

tire pa flèch la nan doulè fizik, yon moun ki mal fè zafè vin pi mal pa
anpile anmè mantal sou tèt li, menm jan si si li te tire pa de flèch.
Yon moun ki gen bon konprann santi l pike yon sèl flèch poukont li.
Anicca Sutta (SN 36.9) - amelyore tradiksyon
Sèt karakteristik nan vedanā (santiman), ki yo tou aplikab a lòt kat
khandhas yo (SN 22.21) ak chak nan douz disip lyen yo nan paṭicca ·
samuppāda (SN 12,20).
Phassamūlaka Sutta (SN 36,10) - mo pa mo
Twa kalite santiman yo rasin nan twa kalite kontak.
Aṭṭhasata Sutta (SN 36.22) - amelyorasyon tradiksyon
Bouda a ekspoze vedanās nan sèt diferan fason, analize yo nan de, twa, senk, sis, dizwit, trant sis oswa san uit kategori.
Nirāmisa Sutta (SN 36.31) {ekstrè} - mo pa mo
Nou ka konprann isit la ke pita, menm si yo te souvan ki nan lis kòm yon bojjhaṅga, ka pafwa tou akusala. Pasaj sa a gen ladan tou yon definisyon senk kanmarad yo.
Dhammavādīpañhā Sutta (SN 38.3) - amelyore tradiksyon
Ki moun ki professes Dhamma a nan mond lan (dhamma · vādī)? Ki moun ki pratike byen (su · p · paṭipanna)? Ki moun ki byen byen (su · gata)?
Dukkara Sutta (SN 39,16) - amelyore tradiksyon
Ki sa ki difisil fè nan ansèyman sa a ak disiplin?
Vibhaṅga Sutta (SN 45,8) - mo pa mo
Isit la Bouda a defini jisteman chak faktè nan wout la uitfold nòb.
Āgantuka Sutta (SN 45.159) - Ranfòse tradiksyon
Ki jan Noble Path la travay ak abhiññā a ki gen rapò ak dhammas divès kalite kòm yon envite-kay akeyi divès kalite vizitè yo.
Kusala Sutta (SN 46,32) - mo pa mo
Tout sa ki avantaje ini nan yon sèl bagay.
Āhāra Sutta (SN 46.51) - amelyore tradiksyon
Bouda a dekri ki jan nou ka swa “manje” oswa “grangou” antrav yo ak
faktè yo nan Syèk Limyè selon kijan nou aplike atansyon nou an.
Saṅgārava Sutta (SN 46,55) {ekstrè} - ranfòse tradiksyon
Yon seri bèl nan similes yo eksplike kijan senk nīvaraṇas yo
(entraveni) afekte pite a nan lespri a ak kapasite li nan wè reyalite a
jan li ye.
Sati Sutta (SN 47,35) - mo pa mo
Nan sa a sutta, Bouda a raple bhikkhus la yo dwe satos ak sampajānos, ak Lè sa a, defini tèm sa yo de.
Vibhaṅga Sutta (SN 47.40) - mo pa mo
Satipaṭṭhānas te anseye nan ti bout tan.
Daṭṭhabba Sutta (SN 48.8) - amelyore tradiksyon
Chak nan senk endriyoloji yo espirityèl yo te di yo dwe wè nan yon dmama kat fwa.
Sa a Sutta (SN 48.14) - amelyore tradiksyon
Akonpli yo se tout sa nou dwe fè, e sa se mezi liberasyon nou an.
Vibhaṅga Sutta (SN 48.38) - amelyore tradiksyon
Isit la Bouda a defini senk endirèk yo sansib.Uppaṭipāṭika Sutta (SN 48,40) - amelyorasyon tradiksyon
Sa a sutta trase yon paralèl enteresan ant sispansyon an nan kapasite yo santi yo ak siksè reyalizasyon nan jhānas.
Saka Sutta (SN 48.43) {ekstrè} - amelyore tradiksyon
Nan sa a sutta, eta yo Bouda ki balas yo ak indriyas yo ka konsidere kòm youn ak menm bagay la oswa kòm de bagay diferan.
Patiṭṭhita Sutta (SN 48.56) - amelyorasyon tradiksyon
Gen yon eta mantal nan ki tout senk kapasite yo espirityèl yo pèfeksyone.
Bata Sutta (SN 49.24) - amelyore tradiksyon
Yon senp bèl ki montre ki jan fondamantal vèti se pou pratik la nan kat strivings yo dwa.
Gantha Sutta (SN 50.102) - amelyore tradiksyon
Sa a sutta ki baze sou lis la enteresan nan kat ‘kò a ne’, ak fè pwomosyon devlopman nan senk fòs yo espirityèl.
Viraddha Sutta (SN 51,2) - amelyore tradiksyon
Nenpòt moun ki neglije sa yo neglije chemen an nòb.
Chandasamādhi Sutta (SN 51,13) - amelyore tradiksyon
Sa a sutta eksplike byen klè siyifikasyon fòmil ki dekri pratik nan iddhi · pandas yo.
Chwazi Sutta (SN 51,17) - amelyore tradiksyon
Eske nan tan lontan an, nan tan kap vini an oswa kounye a, nenpòt moun
ki fè egzèsis pouvwa Supernormal devlope ak asiduously pratike kat
Vidhā Sutta (SN 53,36) - amelyore tradiksyon
Jhannas yo rekòmande yo debarase m de twa kalite konsider, ki gen rapò ak konpare tèt li ak lòt moun. Li
fè li klè ke si gen nenpòt yerachi nan Sangha a, li se sèlman pou rezon
pratik, epi li pa dwe pran kòm ke yo te reprezantan nan nenpòt ki
Li pa byen klè si sa a se yon sèl sutta repete 16 fwa menm bagay la,
oswa 16 suttas gwoupe ansanm, oswa 4 suttas ki gen chak 4 repetisyon.
Padīpopama Sutta (SN 54.8) - mo pa mo
Isit la Bouda a eksplike ānāpānassati ak rekòmande li pou divès rezon:
soti nan abandone enpurte brit, nan devlope tout uit jhānas la.
Sarajanisakka Sutta (SN 55.24) - amelyore tradiksyon
Nan konferans sa a enteresan, eta yo Bouda ke yon sèl pa menm gen te
genyen konfyans solid nan Bouda a, Dhamma ak Sangha yo vin yon gayan
kouran nan yon moman nan lanmò.
Mahānāma Sutta (SN 55,37) - amelyore tradiksyon
Ki sa sa vle di yo dwe yon kouche kouche disip, doue ak vèti, kondanasyon, jenewozite ak discernment.
Aṅga Sutta (SN 55,50) - mo pa mo
Kat sotāpattiyaṅgas la (faktè pou kouran-antre).
Samādhi Sutta (SN 56.1) - mo pa mo
Bouda a exhorts bhikkhus pou yo pratike samādhi, pou li mennen pou konprann verite kat nòb nan nati vre yo.
Sutta Paṭisallāna (SN 56.2) - mo pa mo
Bouda a exhorts bhikkhus nan pratik paṭisallāna, pou li mennen nan konprann verite yo kat nòb nan nati vre yo.
Dhammacakkappavattana Sutta (SN 56.11) - mo pa mo
Sa a se sètènman sutta ki pi popilè nan litoral la Pali. Bouda a esplike kat ariya-sakas la pou premye fwa.
Saṅkāsanā Sutta (SN 56.19) - amelyore tradiksyon
Ansèyman an nan verite yo kat nòb, sepandan raz li pouvwa sanble lide
sa a pèdi wout, se aktyèlman trè gwo twou san fon ak lide a te kapab
pase tout tan an mennen ankèt sou li.
Si Sutta Sutta (SN 56.31) - mo pa mo
Sutta la pi popilè kote eta yo Bouda ke li pa gen okenn enterè nan nenpòt ansèyman ki pa imedyatman konekte ak rive objektif la.
Daṇḍa Sutta (SN 56,33) - amelyore tradiksyon
Similaj la di nan bwa a.

—— oooOooo ——
Aksamutara Nikiya
- Diskou yo nan yon sèl faktè adisyonèl -
[aṅg: faktè | Lòt: plis]

Nikiya a Aṅguttara gen dè milye de diskou kout, ki gen patikilye a yo dwe estriktire kòm enimerasyon. Li
se divize an divès seksyon, premye a fè fas ak enimerasyon nan yon sèl
atik, dezyèm lan ak sa yo ki nan de atik elatriye Bouda a, li pa janm te
fè pou sèvi ak ekri, mande koute l ‘yo dwe atantif ak memorize
enstriksyon l’ yo.
Nan lòd pou fè pawòl li yo klè ke posib epi pou fasilite memorizasyon sa a, li souvan prezante ansèyman li nan fòm enemèr.

1. Ekaka Nipata 7. Sattaka Nipāta
2. Duka Nipāta 8. Ayi Kilti
3. Tika Nipāta 9. Navaka Nipāta
4. Lè sa a, klike sou 10. Soti nan
5. Pòs ki pa Peye 11. Eksepsyon
6. Chakka Nipāta

—— oooOooo ——
1. Ekaka Nipāta

Pye Vagga (AN 1.1-10) - mo pa mo
Gen senk kalite objè sans ki kraze tèt ou nan (pifò) èt imen plis pase nenpòt ki lòt moun.
Louvwi Vagga (AN 1.11-20) - mo pa mo
Dedamm yo senk ki nouri pi efikasman senk entraveni yo, ak senk fason ki pi efikas yo dispile yo.
Akammaniya Vagga (AN 1.21-30) - mo pa mo
Lide a kapab nou pi move lènmi oswa pi bon zanmi nou yo.
Adanta Vagga (AN 1.31-40) - Ranfòse translatiAdanta Vagga (AN 1.31-40) - amelyore tradiksyon
Lide a kapab nou pi move lènmi oswa pi bon zanmi nou yo.
Udakarahaka Suttas (AN 1.45 & 46) - amelyore tradiksyon
Diferans ki genyen ant yon lespri klè ak yon sèl labou.
Mudu Sutta (AN 1.47) - amelyorasyon tradiksyon
Yon simil pou yon lide ki nan pliyan.
Lahuparivatta Sutta (AN 1.48) - Ranfòse tradiksyon
Bouda a, nòmalman konsa abil nan jwenn similes, se isit la nan yon pèt.
Peyyāla Akcharāsaṅghāta (AN 1.53-55) - mo pa mo
Pratike bòn volonte fè yon sèl merite pou yo kado.
Kusala Suttas (AN 1.56-73) - mo pa mo
Ki sa ki pwodui ak ki sa elimine eta mantal ak move mantal.
Pamāda Suttas (AN 1.58-59) - Ranfòse tradiksyon
Pa gen anyen ki enkonvenyan konsa.
Vagga (AN 1.81-97) - mo pa mo
Bouda a repetitivman avèti nou kont enpèfeksyon.
Chwazi Vagga (AN 1.563-574) {Ekstrè} - amelyore tradiksyon
Bouda a pale nan fè lwanj segondè nan atensyon an ki dirije nan kò a.

—— oooOooo ——

2. Deyò

Appaṭivāna Sutta (AN 2.5) - amelyorasyon tradiksyon
Ki jan nou dwe antrene tèt nou si nou vle yo rive jwenn leve.
Cariya Sutta (Yon 2.9) - amelyore tradiksyon
Ki sa ki, apre tout, ki garanti amoni, politès, onètete, fratènite nan yon lapè mo nan yon sosyete bay? Bouda a eksplike isit la ki se de gadyen yo nan mond lan.
Ekaṃsena Sutta (yon 2.18) - amelyore tradiksyon
Isit la se yon sèl bagay ki Bouda a deklare kategorikman.
Vyetnamyen Sutta (AN 2.32) - mo pa mo
Isit la Bouda a gen rapò Samatha ak ràga ak cetovimutti, ak Vipassanā ak avijjā ak paññāvimutti.

—— oooOooo ——

3. Tika Nipāta

Kesamutti [aka Kālāmā] Sutta (AN 3.66) - mo pa mo
Nan sa a pi popilè sutta, Bouda a raple nou finalman mete konfyans
sèlman eksperyans pwòp nou an dirèk nan reyalite a, se pa sa ki te
deklare pa lòt moun, menm si yo rive yo ‘nou venere pwofesè’.
Sutta Sutta (AN 3.67) - amelyore tradiksyon
Konsèy la bay isit la trè menm jan ak sa yo bay kalam yo.
Atenn Sutta (Yon 3.69) - amelyore tradiksyon
Rasin yo twa nan unwholesome la yo eksplike ak karakteristik respectv
yo, kòz la nan rive yo, ak wout la yo pote sou sispansyon yo.
Uposatha Sutta (yon 3.71) - amelyore tradiksyon
Nan sa a sutta, Bouda a defini kijan kouche moun ta dwe pratike Uposatha ak dekri diferan kalite devas.
Sīlabbata Sutta (yon 3.79) - amelyore tradiksyon
Ānanda eksplike pa ki trè senp kretyen valè ak rituèl ka jije kòm benefisye oswa ou pa.
Samaṇa Sutta (AN 3.82) - Ranfòse tradiksyon
Isit la yo se twa travay yo ascétics nan yon asèt.
Vajjiputta Sutta (Yon 3.85) - amelyore tradiksyon
Yon mwàn sèten pa ka antrene ak anpil règleman. Bouda a eksplike l ‘ki jan li ka fè san yo pa yo, epi li travay deyò olye byen.
Sikkhattaya Sutta (Yon 3.90) - mo pa mo
Bouda a defini twa fòmasyon yo, se sa ki adisyasasyon, abilite ak responsabilite.
Accāyika Sutta (yon 3.93) - amelyore tradiksyon
Twa travay ijan nan yon asèt ki tankou twa travay ijan nan yon kiltivatè.
Sikkhattaya Sutta (yon 3.91) - mo pa mo
Isit la Bouda a bay yon definisyon altène nan adhipaññsikkhā.
Paṃsudhovaka Sutta (Yon 3.102) - kèk info · bul
Nan sa a sutta, Bouda a konpare pou retire elèv la nan enpurte mantal nan pratik la nan travay la nan yon bòs chapant. Li se patikilyèman enteresan, paske li bay yon ekspozisyon gradyèl nan
enpurte yo yon sèl gen fè fas ak pandan pratik la, ki bay yon referans
Nimitta Sutta (Yon 3.103) - kèk info · bul
Ou jwenn tèt ou koudeta oswa ouvè tro ajite pandan pratik meditasyon ou a? Sa
a se yon diskou trè itil pou meditatè yo ki vle balanse de kapasite ki
koresponn ak espirityèl nan efò ak konsantrasyon, ansanm ak egalite.
Anpil nan nou ta benefisye anpil de aplike byen enstriksyon sa yo.
Ruṇṇa Sutta (Yon 3.108) - mo pa mo
Isit la Bouda a eksplike sa ki chante ak danse nan disiplin nan moun
yo nòb, ak Lè sa a, bay enstriksyon li konsènan ri ak souri.
Atitti Sutta (Yon 3.109) - amelyore tradiksyon
Twa bagay sa yo mal, ki anpil moun ki malerezman renmen, ki pa janm ka pote sou sasyete.
Nidāna Sutta (AN 3.112) - amelyore tradiksyon
Sis kòz, twa bon ak twa move, pou leve nan kamma.
Kammapatha Sutta (Yon 3.164) - mo pa mo
Li demontre isit la ke gade nan dapre ki pa gen anyen mal nan yo te ki pa vejetaryen se inègza.

—— oooOooo ——
4. Catukka Nipāta

Yoga Sutta (Yon 4.10) - amelyore tradiksyon
Ki sa ki Bouda a vle di lè li chita pale sou yoga ak yogakkhema (rès soti nan jouk bèf la).
Padhāna Sutta (Yon 4.13) - mo pa mo
Nan sa a sutta, Bouda a bay yon definisyon nan sammappadhānas la.Apwouve Sutta (Yon 4.37) - amelyore tradiksyon
Kat pratik senp ki fè yon sèl enkapab nan tonbe lwen, dwa nan prezans Nibbāna.
Satisfè Sutta (yon 4.41) - mo pa mo
Kat kalite konsantrasyon ke Bouda a rekòmande. Li se byen evidan isit la ke pa gen diferans distenksyon ki fèt ant samādhi ak pañàā.
Vipallāsa Sutta (yon 4.49) - mo pa mo
Nan sa a sutta, Bouda a dekri deformation de quadruple de sañà, citta ak diṭṭhi.
Appamāda Sutta (Yon 4,116) - tradiksyon senp
Kat ka kote youn ta dwe pratike ak asidwite.
Ārakkha Sutta (AN 4,117) - tradiksyon senp
Kat bagay yo dwe eskize ak asiduite, atantite pandan y ap pwoteje tèt ou an.
Mettā Sutta (Yon 4.125) - amelyore tradiksyon
Isit la Bouda a eksplike ki kalite rne yon moun ki byen pratike
Brahmavihāras nan kat ka atann, ak avantaj nan gwo pou yo te disip li
Asubha Sutta (Yon 4.163) - amelyore tradiksyon
Kat fason yo nan pratike, dapre kalite pratik yo chwazi ak entansite a oswa feblès nan fòs ak espektakite espirityèl.
Abhiññā Sutta (AN 4.254) - san tradiksyon
Ki jan Noble Path la travay ak abhiññā a ki gen rapò ak dhammas divès kalite kòm yon envite-kay akeyi divès kalite vizitè yo.
Araña Sutta (Yon 4.262) - amelyore tradiksyon
Ki kalite moun ki anfòm pou viv nan dezè a?

—— oooOooo ——

5. Pa gen koup

Vitthata Sutta (AN 5.2) - san tradiksyon
Isit la Bouda a defini an detay sa li rele senk Sekha balas yo (strenghs nan yon sèl nan fòmasyon). Sa
a sutta se fasil konprann san yo pa egzije yon tradiksyon paralèl, si
ou al gade nan fòma saddhammā Saddhammā kòm yo pral sijere nan tèks la.
Pali-angle dictionnaire disponib tou, jis nan ka.
Vitthata Sutta (AN 5,14) - mo pa mo
Isit la yo defini senk balas yo.
Samādhi Sutta (AN 5.27) - amelyore tradiksyon
Senk konnen konesans ki rive nan yon sèl ki pratike konsantrasyon an san limit.
Akusalarāsi Sutta (AN 5.52) - amelyore tradiksyon
Pale rezon, ki sa yo ta dwe rele ‘akimile demerit’?
Abhiṇhapaccavekkhitabbaṭhāna Sutta (AN 5.57) {ekstrè} - mo pa mo
Ki jan yo konsidere pwòp kamma yon sèl la.
Anāgatabhaya Sutta (AN 5.80) - Ranfòse tradiksyon
Bouda a raple relijye yo ke pratik Dhamma pa ta dwe mete pou yon dat
pita, paske pa gen okenn garanti ke lavni an ap bay nenpòt opòtinite pou
Sekha Sutta (AN 5.89) - san tradiksyon
Bouda a raple nou nan senk bagay ki deteryore pratik la, ki pou nenpòt
moun ki vle pwogrè nan fòmasyon an yo se prèske kòm enpòtan yo konnen
sou, sonje epi entegre nan vi nou kòm konesans nan senk nīvaraṇas yo
Sekha Sutta (AN 5.90) ​​- Ranfòse tradiksyon
Senk atitid ki mennen nan deteryorasyon nan pratik la.
Sutadhara Sutta (AN 5.96) - amelyore tradiksyon
Senk kalite youn nan plon pratike atensyon nan respire liberasyon nan pa gen lontan.
Kathā Sutta (AN 5.97) - Ranfòse tradiksyon
Senk kalite youn nan plon pratike atensyon nan respire liberasyon nan pa gen lontan.
Ārañska Sutta (AN 5.98) - Ranfòse tradiksyon
Senk kalite youn nan plon pratike atensyon nan respire liberasyon nan pa gen lontan.
Andhakavinda Sutta (AN 5.114) - amelyore tradiksyon
Senk bagay Bouda te ankouraje relijyon ki fèk òdone yo pou yo fè.
Samayavimutta Sutta (yon 5.149) - san tradiksyon
Senk kondisyon anba ki youn ki te vin ‘okazyonèl liberasyon’ ap retounen.
Samayavimutta Sutta (yon 5.150) - san tradiksyon
Yon lòt seri senk kondisyon ki anba ki youn ki te vin ‘okazyonèl liberasyon’ ap retounen.
Vaťijjā Sutta (Yon 5.177) - Ranfòse tradiksyon
Bouda a presize isit la senk echanj ki pa ta dwe te pote sou pa disip li kouche, nan mitan ki biznis la nan vyann.
Gita Sutta (Yon 5.179) - Ranfòse tradiksyon
Nan sa a sutta, Bouda a bay pi gwo presizyon sou wout la nan ki kat
abityèl sotāpattiyaṅgas a dwe fè enteryalize yo nan lòd yo konstitye
kondisyon yo apwopriye pou sotāpatti.
Nissāraṇīya Sutta (AN 5.200) - amelyore tradiksyon
Sa a sutta refize senk kalite nissāraṇas.
Yāgu Sutta (AN 5.207) - amelyore tradiksyon
Bouda a bay senk avantaj ki genyen nan manje diri-gaz.
Dantakaṭṭha ​​Sutta (AN 5.208) - amelyorasyon tradiksyon
Bouda a bay senk rezon pou itilize yon dan-cleaner.
Gītassara Sutta (AN 5.209) - mo pa mo
Sa a sutta te lajman neglije pa tradisyon divès kalite Boudis: Bouda a
eksplike poukisa li pa pèmèt bhikkhus la fè nenpòt melodi chante.
Muṭṭhassati Sutta (AN 5.210) - amelyorasyon tradiksyon
Dezavantaj yo nan tonbe nan dòmi san sati apwopriye ak sampajañña, ak avantaj ki genyen nan rèspè nan fè sa ak yo.Duccarita Sutta (AN 5.245) - amelyore tradiksyon
Yon lòt sutta sou senk danje yo nan duccarita ak senk avantaj nan sucarita.
Sivatika Sutta (AN 5.249) - amelyore tradiksyon
Senk fason nan ki yon moun malad-fèt ka sanble ak yon tè ajil kote moun voye kò mouri.
Puggalappasāda Sutta (AN 5.250) - ranfòse tradiksyon
Isit la se yon avètisman ki ra bay Bouda a sou danje ki genyen nan mete konfyans nan nenpòt moun.
Rāgassa abhiññāya Sutta (Yon 5.303) - amelyore tradiksyon
Senk bagay yo dwe pratike pou konesans dirèk la nan raj.

—— oooOooo ——

6. Chakka Nipāta

Bhaddaka Sutta (AN 6.14) - kèk enfòmasyon · bul
Di eksplike sa ki fè diferans ki genyen ant yon bhikkhu ki gen lanmò
yo pral ungepicious ak yon sèl ki gen lanmò yo pral favorab.
Anutappiya Sutta (AN 6.15) - kèk info · bul
Sa a eksplike ki sa ki fè diferans ki genyen ant yon bhikkhu ki gen
lanmò yo pral remorseful ak yon sèl ki gen lanmò yo pral remorseless.
Maraṇassati Sutta (AN 6.20) - amelyore tradiksyon
Sa a sutta eksplike an detay ki jan yo pratike atensyon a nan lanmò.
Saki Sutta (AN 6.21) - kèk info · bul
Pwovoke pa entèvansyon an nan yon deva, Bouda a revele sis fason yo san yo pa ki bhikkhus deteryore nan kusala dhammas.
Apwouve Sutta (AN 6.22) - kèk info · bul
Six dhammas ki konekte nan ki pa deteryorasyon. Yon lòt seri dhammas trè itil pou pratik pike.
Himavanta Sutta (AN 6.24) - amelyore tradiksyon
Sis kalite akoud ak ki yon meditatè ta rapòte kraze an moso Himalayas yo.
Anussatiṭṭhāna Sutta (AN 6.25) - Ranfòse tradiksyon
Sa a sutta defini ki sa yo sis sijè yo nan rekoleksyon.
Sekha Sutta (AN 6.31) - san tradiksyon
Bouda a eksplike ki se sis dhammas ki mennen ale nan deteryorasyon nan yon bhikkhu anba fòmasyon.
Nita Sutta (AN 6.42) - amelyore tradiksyon
Pandan ke rete nan yon forè Achera, Bouda a pale nan fè lwanj nan modesti, kontantman, unentanglement, ak entimite nan dezè a.
Dhammika Sutta (AN 6.54) - tèks plenn
Nan sa a sutta, mo a tathāgata pa itilize yo deziyen Bouda a, men nan
sans komen, ki pèmèt nou yon pi bon konprann nan sans li yo.
Nibbedhika Sutta (AN 6.63) - tèks plenn
Sa a sutta bay yon analiz enteresan sistematik nan Kama, Vedan, Sañana, Asava, Kamma ak Dukkha. Chak nan tèm sa yo defini ak Lè sa a, dekri ak modèl la nan kat ariya-sakka yo.
Anavatthitā Sutta (AN 6.102) - amelyore tradiksyon
Sis rekonpans ki ta dwe aji kòm yon motivasyon pou etabli pèsepsyon an nan anicca.
Atammaya Sutta (AN 6.104) - amelyore tradiksyon
Sis rekonpans ki ta dwe aji kòm yon motivasyon pou etabli pèsepsyon an nan anatta.
Assāda Sutta (AN 6.112) - amelyore tradiksyon
Ki jan yo detwi gade nan nan jwisans, gade nan tèt ou, ak move View an jeneral.
Satisfè Sutta (AN 6.118) - mo pa mo
Li vo gen repete mesaj yo bay nan sa a sutta: sis abitid san abandone ki li pa posib yo pratike satipaṭṭhānas a byen. Byen kèk netwayaj ka rekòmande isit la.

—— oooOooo ——

7. Sattaka Nipāta

Anusaya Sutta (AN 7.11) - tèks plenn
Isit la yo ki nan lis sèt anusayas yo.
Anusaya Sutta (AN 7.12) - amelyore tradiksyon
Sou abandone sèt anusaya a (obsession oswa tandans inaktif).
Sañña Sutta (AN 7.27) - Ranfòse tradiksyon
Six pèsepsyon ki mennen nan byennèt la alontèm nan bhikkhus la ak anpeche n bès yo.
Parihāni Sutta (AN 7.28) - amelyore tradiksyon
Sèt pwen sou ki yon bhikkhu nan fòmasyon pouvwa refize oswa ou pa.
Parihāni Sutta (AN 7.29) - amelyore tradiksyon
Sèt pwen nan konpòtman sou ki yon disip kouche pouvwa refize oswa ou pa.
Vipatti Sutta (AN 7.30) - Ranfòse tradiksyon
Sèt pwen nan konpòtman sou ki yon disip kouch ka satisfè echèk li oswa siksè.
Parabba Sutta (AN 7.31) - amelyore tradiksyon
Sèt pwen nan konpòtman sou ki yon disip kouche ka rankontre / ruine li oswa pwosperite.
Sañña Sutta (AN 7.49) - Ranfòse tradiksyon
Sèt refleksyon anndan ki byen vo pouswiv.
Nagaropama Sutta (AN 7.67) - tèks plenn ak fòma Pali
Isit la Bouda a sèvi ak yon senile Enstriktif pou eksplike kouman sèt
bon kalite ki ta dwe metrize pa trainee a yo nan lòd yo gen siksè travay
ansanm yo anpeche twoup yo nan Mara (ie akusala dhammas) soti nan k ap
antre nan fò a nan tèt ou.
Satthusāsana Sutta (AN 7.83) - mo pa mo
Isit la se yon ansèyman trè kout sètfold diskrimine sa ki ansèyman an nan Bouda a soti nan sa ki pa.

—— oooOooo ——
8. Atenn

Nanda Sutta (AN 8.9) {ekstrè} - mo pa mo
Bouda a dekri kouman Nanda, menm si yo te karanklou vle dezi move, pratik byen nan dapre enstriksyon li yo. Sa a sutta gen yon definisyon nan satisfampajañña.
Mahānāma Sutta (AN 8.25) {ekstrè} - mo pa mo
Mahanma mande Bouda a pou defini ki sa ki yon l
Mahānāma Sutta (AN 8.25) {ekstrè} - mo pa mo
Mahānāma mande Bouda a pou defini ki sa ki se yon disip kouch ak nan ki respekte yon disip kouche espere yo dwe vètye.
Anuudhamahāvitakka Sutta (AN 8,30) - kèk info · bul
Sèt panse ki gen bon konprann ki se vrèman vo konpreyansyon ak sonje rive nan ven. Anuruddha. Bouddha a vini pou l ‘anseye l’ wityèm lan, doue ak ki li pral atenn arahantship. Bouda a Lè sa a, eksplike an detay siyifikasyon an nan sa yo panse.
Abhisanda Sutta (AN 8.39) - amelyore tradiksyon
Isit la yo se uit fason nan ki tout disip grav nan Bouda a kreye anpil merit pou tèt yo.
Suk kuti (AN 8.40) - kèk info · bul
Sa a sutta dekri ki kalite soufrans ki yon sèl sibi en nan obsèvans ki pa nan prensipal la lòd.
Saṅkhitta Sutta (AN 8.53) - mo pa mo
Bouda a bay isit la enfimyè ansyen l ‘uit kritè yo fè diskriminasyon
si yon deklarasyon bay fè pati ansèyman l’ oswa ou pa, ki ka rive yo dwe
sou la men sèjousi.
Dutta Sutta (AN 8.54) {ekstrè} - tèks plenn
Pami lòt bagay, Bouda a defini nan sa a sutta sa li vle di pa jenerozite.
Vimokkha Sutta (AN 8.66) - amelyore tradiksyon
Yon eksplikasyon sou uit vimokkhas a (liberasyon).
Parihāna Sutta (AN 8.79) - san tradiksyon
Bouda a eksplike ki se uit dhamm ki mennen nan deteryorasyon nan yon bhikkhu anba fòmasyon.

—— oooOooo ——

9. Navaka Nipāta

Nāga Sutta (Yon 9.40) - tèks plenn
Sa a sutta, ki gen koulè pal ak imè sibtil, eksplike kijan yon bhikkhu
nan tèt ou entansifye se konparab ak yon elefan klè, tou de nan yo
anjeneral yo rele Nāga.
Tapussa Sutta (AN 9.41) {ekstrè} - tèks plenn
Men saññà · vedayita · nirodha, sispansyon an nan sañña ak vedanā prezante kòm yon nevyèm jhāna.
Sikkhādubbalya Sutta (AN 9.63) - mo pa mo
Ki sa ki fè si yon sèl pa pafè pafè nan senk lòd yo.
Nutta Sutta (AN 9.64) - mo pa mo
Ki jan yo retire senk entraveni yo.

—— oooOooo ——

10. Dwa sa a

Saitrao Sutta (AN 10.13) - tèks plenn
Sa a trè kout sutta bay lis dis la.
Kasiṇa Sutta (AN 10.25) - mo pa mo
Sa a se deskripsyon an estanda nan pratik la sou dis kasiṇas yo.
Girimānanda Sutta (AN 10.60) - Ranfòse tradiksyon
Yo nan lòd yo ede Girimānanda rekipere li nan yon maladi grav, Bouda a
bay yon ansèyman gwo revize dis kalite pèsepsyon trè itil ki ka
Kathāvatthu Sutta (AN 10.69) {ekstrè} - tèks plenn
Bouda a raple bhikkhus la ki sa yo pa ta dwe pale sou ak sa yo ta dwe pale sou.
Cunda Sutta (AN 10.176) - kèk info · bul
Bouddha a eksplike yon siyifikasyon ki pi fon nan pite, nan kàya, vācā
ak mana, pa nan rites oswa rituèl ak demontre ke ansyen a fondman lèt
la, ki gen inefikasite te fè evidan.

—— oooOooo ——

11. Ekonomik

Mutta Sutta (AN 11.15) - kèk info · bul
Onz bon rezilta ki soti nan pratik la nan mwatye.

—— oooOooo ——…
Rodrigue Milien - Confession
Emmanuel V
Published on Nov 30, 2008
Rodrigue Milien - Confession

Rodrigue Milien - Confession…/babul-supriyo-booked-for-violat…/…/ram-navami-violence-his-son-dea…/

Just take note of the stark contrast with the local Brashtachar Jiyadha
Psychopaths (BJP) MP, trying to stoke fires of violence: As some people
approached him, news channels showed Supriyo telling them, “Aami ki
apnader ke bolbo lorai koro? Ami chole jabo, apnader opor goli cholbe
(Will I ask you to fight? I will leave and you will come under fire).”

But when a person asked him to “go back” and leave them alone, Supriyo
was heard shouting, “Chamra guthiye debo ekdom… (Will skin them alive).”

(Ref.: ‘Babul Supriyo stokes Asansol tension, tells crowd: Will skin you alive’ at <…/babul-supriyo-booked-for-violat…/>.)


Sibtulla Rashidi,
who appeared for his Class X board exams this year, was reported missing
after communal clashes in Rail Par area of Asansol on Tuesday
afternoon. According to sources, he was picked up by a mob. His body was
recovered late on Wednesday night and identified on Thursday. He is
suspected to have been beaten to death.>>

Supriyo has been booked under section of Rioting and 353 (assault or
criminal force to deter public servant from discharge of his duty)”, a
senior police official told……/ram-navami-violence-his-son-dea…/

Just take note of the stark contrast with the local Brashtachar Jiyadha
Psychopaths (BJP) MP, trying to stoke fires of violence: As some
people approached him, news channels showed Supriyo telling them, “Aami
ki apnader ke bolbo lorai koro? Ami chole jabo, apnader opor goli cholbe
(Will I ask you to fight? I will leave and you will come under fire).”

But when a person asked him to “go back” and leave them alone, Supriyo
was heard shouting, “Chamra guthiye debo ekdom… (Will skin them alive).”

(Ref.: ‘Babul Supriyo stokes Asansol tension, tells crowd: Will skin you alive’ at <…/babul-supriyo-booked-for-violat…/>.)


Sibtulla Rashidi,
who appeared for his Class X board exams this year, was reported missing
after communal clashes in Rail Par area of Asansol on Tuesday
afternoon. According to sources, he was picked up by a mob. His body was
recovered late on Wednesday night and identified on Thursday. He is
suspected to have been beaten to death.>>

(Excerpted from below.)…/ram-navami-violence-his-son-dea…/

Ram Navami violence: His son dead, Asansol Imam says if you retaliate, will leave town

Asansol violence: Sibtulla Rashidi, who appeared for his Class X board
exams this year, was reported missing after communal clashes in Rail Par
area of Asansol on Tuesday afternoon.

Written by Ravik Bhattacharya | Kolkata | Updated: March 30, 2018 9:45 am

Police patrol Asansol Thursday. (Express Photo)

Hours after his 16-year-old son was found dead, becoming the fourth
victim of violence triggered by Ram Navami processions across the state
since Sunday, Maulana Imdadul Rashidi, Imam of a mosque in Asansol, on
Thursday presided over a congregation where he appealed for peace. He
told the crowd that he would leave the mosque and the town if there was
any retaliation for his son’s death.

Sibtulla Rashidi, who
appeared for his Class X board exams this year, was reported missing
after communal clashes in Rail Par area of Asansol on Tuesday afternoon.
According to sources, he was picked up by a mob. His body was recovered
late on Wednesday night and identified on Thursday. He is suspected to
have been beaten to death.

“There was chaos outside when he went
out. He was picked up by a group of miscreants. My older son alerted the
police, but he was made to wait at the police station. We were later
informed that a body had been recovered by the police. He was identified
in the morning,” Rashidi, 48, told The Indian Express.

Read | Babul Supriyo stokes Asansol tension, tells crowd: Will skin you alive

As thousands of people gathered at the Eidgah Maidan in the afternoon,
after Sibtulla was buried, Rashidi appealed for peace. “I want peace. My
boy has been taken away. I don’t want any more families to lose their
loved ones. I don’t want any more houses to burn. I have already told
the gathering that I will leave Asansol if there is any kind of
retaliation. I told them that if you love me, you will not raise a
finger,” said Rashidi, Imam of Noorani Mosque in Chetladanga Nadi Par.

“I have been an Imam for the last 30 years. It is important that I give
the right message to the people — a message of peace. I need to get
over my personal loss. People of Asansol are not like this. This is a
conspiracy,” he said.

READ | West Bengal govt shuts data services to maintain public order

“The Imam was instrumental in calming the angry youth and cooperated
with the administration. We are proud of him. Despite the pain he is
suffering following the loss of a son, he appealed for peace,” said
Jitendra Tiwari, Mayor of Asansol.

Read | Babul Supriyo accuses Mamata Banerjee-led TMC for violence in Asansol, Raniganj

“We did not expect this from a father who has just lost his son. This
is an example, not only for Bengal but for the entire country. People
started to cry after his speech. I was present there… I was awestruck.
There was anger among the youth after the body was found, but the
message for peace struck the right chord. He is popular in the area. If
he had not appealed for peace, Asansol would have been caught in a
fire,” said Mohammed Nasim Ansari, councillor of Ward 25 in Asansol,
where the victim’s family lives.

Peace Is Doable

violence: Sibtulla Rashidi, who appeared for his Class X board exams
this year, was reported missing after communal clashes in Rail Par area
of Asansol on……/cbse-paper-leak-sack-prakash-java…

Murderer of democratic institutions (Modi) Brshshtachar Jiyadha Psychopaths (BJP) is being left with one year of its term.

with Data leak!
Aadhar leak!
SSC Exam leak!
Election date leak!
CBSE papers leak!
There is a leak in everything, the ‘chowkidar’ is weak. and is strong in using the fraud EVMs to win elections at its peak!…/cbse-paper-leak-sack-prakash-java…

CBSE paper leak: Sack Prakash Javadekar,


Published : Mar 30, 2018, 6:09 am IST Updated : Mar 30, 2018, 6:07 am IST

The CBSE is expected to announce the date of re-examination on Monday or Tuesday.

CBSE chief Anita Karwal (Photo: ANI/Twitter)

New Delhi: Even as students, angry over the re-examination of the Class
XII Economics and Class X Mathematics papers, took to Delhi streets
shouting “Stop playing hit and trial with our lives; It’s not the
students who need a retest, it’s the system,” Prakash Javadekar and the
CBSE board chairperson Anita Karwal be sacked and a probe be ordered by
a high court judge into the matter. The CBSE is expected to announce
the date of re-examination on Monday or Tuesday.

Modi’s should work as a watchman and stop wrongdoings, “exam mafia” was being encouraged under the Modi.

The exam leaks destroy the hopes and futures of millions of students.
This is what happens when institutions are destroyed by the Rowdy
Rakshasa Swayam Sevaks RSS/BJP. to protect their manusmriti agenda to
see that only the 0.1% intolerant, cunning, crooked, number one
terrorists of the world, violent, militant, ever shooting, lynching,
lunatic, mentally retarded chitpavan brahmins only have to get educated
and to pour molten lead into the ears of the rest of the 99.9 % sarvajan
samaj students in order to avoid education to them.

All the
students are users of internet and the users are the owners of the net.
Anything put in the net is the property of all the users. Nobody can
control that like the airr, water, fire and the earth.

of democratic institutions App itself has leaked as he is not aware of
the fact that once something is loaded in the net it becomes the
property of all the users in the world. Now the whole world is aware
that the fraud EVMs usage to win elections is no more a secret andis a
bad Kamma (action) the law of cause and condition will take care of

The users who are the owners of the net are quiet happy,
well, and secure as they are calm, quiet, alert, attentive and have an
equanimity mind with a clear understanding that everything is changing!

The RSS/BJP with their practice of hatred, anger, jealousy, delusion
which are defilement of the mind will one day land in mental asylums for
their mental disease.

Many students claimed that almost all the
papers had been leaked a day before the examinations and demanded that
if reexamination is to be held, it should be held for all the subjects.

The Delhi Police has questioned 25 people, including 18 students and
five tutors, in connection with the alleged leak, including the owner of
a coaching centre in Rajender Nagar who is suspected to be behind the
alleged leak.

It is termed the paper leak issue “unfortunate”,
“This (paper leak) has been a breach by the culprits and we will not let
go any culprit scot-free. The police is on the job and it is very sure,
they will nab the culprit as they have done in case of the SSC exam
leak case. We have also instituted internal inquiry.”

All these
are only drama as ever since the education is meant only for the
chitpavan brahmins as per manusmriti this has been happening.

is only an eye wash to assure that efforts are being made to make the
examination system “fool-proof”, he could “understand the pain, anguish
and frustrations” of students and parents because “we are one of them”
and that he could not sleep last night.

Therefore no body can fixed and the culprits and CBSE chairperson Anita Karwal removed.

Peace Is Doable…/uidai-ceo-gave-the-supreme…/

[《Ajay Bhushan Pandey, CEO of the Unique Identification Authority of
India (UIDAI), the agency that implements India’s controversial Aadhaar
project, shared his authentication logs with the Constitutional bench of
the Supreme Court last week.
His aim, ostensibly, was to show how
Aadhaar incorporates “privacy by design”, to quote the accompanying
power-point presentation.

It wasn’t long before Aadhaar critics on Twitter poured through his logs and proved just the opposite.

Cybersecurity analyst and software developer, Anand Venkatanarayanan,
revealed how just looking at six months worth of authentication data
could offer clues to Pandey’s physical movements, his phone service
provider, the banks where he has his accounts, and even his daily

Two failed attempts to link his ICICI bank account to
his Aadhaar at midnight on Republic Day, for instance, suggests seeding
bank accounts with Aadhaar is giving the UIDAI CEO sleepless nights as

29/03/2018 12:21 PM IST | Updated 11 hours ago
UIDAI CEO Gave The Supreme Court His Aadhaar Logs, Now Twitter Knows Everything About Him
Read the thread to know more about Pandey’s life.

HuffPost Staff

Ajay Bhushan Pandey, CEO of UIDAI.
Ajay Bhushan Pandey, CEO of the Unique Identification Authority of
India (UIDAI), the agency that implements India’s controversial Aadhaar
project, shared his authentication logs with the Constitutional bench of
the Supreme Court last week.

His aim, ostensibly, was to show
how Aadhaar incorporates “privacy by design”, to quote the accompanying
power-point presentation.

It wasn’t long before Aadhaar critics on Twitter poured through his logs and proved just the opposite.

Cybersecurity analyst and software developer, Anand Venkatanarayanan,
revealed how just looking at six months worth of authentication data
could offer clues to Pandey’s physical movements, his phone service
provider, the banks where he has his accounts, and even his daily

Two failed attempts to link his ICICI bank account to
his Aadhaar at midnight on Republic Day, for instance, suggests seeding
bank accounts with Aadhaar is giving the UIDAI CEO sleepless nights as

Other gems include the fact that only one transaction in
the past six months was authorised using his biometrics. The
transaction, which was conducted at IDFC bank a day before the Court
re-convened to discuss the Aadhaar matter, failed.

advocates have long maintained that seeding Aadhaar with other forms of
identification allows for the creation of detailed databases that can be
used to track citizens.

Read the thread to know more about Pandey’s life.

Anand V
So everyone is citing Authentication failures on @ceo_uidai’s
authentication history, but I can understand quite a bit about his life
with just that. Let us begin. 👇

8:55 AM - Mar 29, 2018
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Anand V
Replying to @iam_anandv
He has a Vodafone phone and did not link it until last week for the
court demo (OR) He just bought a new one. Given his position and status,
this is most likely a Post Paid connection.

9:00 AM - Mar 29, 2018
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Anand V
Replying to @iam_anandv
He used “UIDAI Services”. That is not an internal AUA and not a public
one. So we can conclude that he was browsing the web then from the
confines of his office during this time among other things.

9:09 AM - Mar 29, 2018
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Anand V
Replying to @iam_anandv
Another “internal” AUA. With the transaction name of the AUA, it is
easy to conclude that he was using a Demo Application. Hence most likely
he was giving a Presentation to someone on the greatness of Aadhaar.

9:12 AM - Mar 29, 2018
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Anand V
Replying to @iam_anandv
Another “Internal AUA” at 8 PM in the night, one after another within a
minute. OK. Pandeyji had a busy day in office that day. He definitely
came home late and did not reach before 9 PM.

9:17 AM - Mar 29, 2018
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Anand V
Replying to @iam_anandv
OK. OTP linking at midnight. He definitely has 3 accounts with ICICI
Bank. May be a credit card (OR) 2 bank accounts (OR) 3 bank accounts. He
has linked them all on Republic day. So he was not in office but is
doing it from his home. Why 3 accounts? UKC:XXX is different.

9:21 AM - Mar 29, 2018
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Anand V
29 Mar
Replying to @iam_anandv
OK. OTP linking at midnight. He definitely has 3 accounts with ICICI
Bank. May be a credit card (OR) 2 bank accounts (OR) 3 bank accounts. He
has linked them all on Republic day. So he was not in office but is
doing it from his home. Why 3 accounts? UKC:XXX is different.

Anand V
Another “Internal Auth Service Monitoring” at Republic day at 7 PM?
Hmnn, he was probably in office checking out some data centers.. May be
they have a special PIN based terminal for him to go in. That is one
hypothesis. Let us keep that to ourselves for now.

9:25 AM - Mar 29, 2018
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Anand V
Replying to @iam_anandv
He has a Vodafone phone and did not link it until last week for the
court demo (OR) He just bought a new one. Given his position and status,
this is most likely a Post Paid connection.

9:00 AM - Mar 29, 2018
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Anand V
Replying to @iam_anandv
He used “UIDAI Services”. That is not an internal AUA and not a public
one. So we can conclude that he was browsing the web then from the
confines of his office during this time among other things.

9:09 AM - Mar 29, 2018
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Peace Is Doable

Read the thread to know more about Pandey’s life.

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