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2602 Apr 25 Wed LESSON


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No automatic alt text available.…/under-narendra-modi-government-vip-h…

[γ€Š90% of hateful comments made during the NDA’s current terms are by BJP politicians..

During the NDA period, a total of 44 political leaders made hateful
comments. Of them, 34 politicians, or 77%, are from the BJP. 10 leaders,
or 23% of the offenders, are from other political parties, including
the Congress, the Samajwadi Party and Lalu Yadav’s Rashtriya Janata Dal.

During UPA-2, 21 political leaders made hateful comments, of which 3 or
14 % were from the Congress, which anchored the coalition. From the
opposition, politicians from the BJP took the lead, recording seven
instances of hate speech.

Of the 44 leaders responsible for
hate speech since the Modi government came to power, we could only find
five cases ( only 4% of all instances) of evidence of a politician being
reprimanded or cautioned, or issuing a public apology. In 96% of the
time, the ‘VIP hater’ faced no consequence.

Cases were registered
only against 11 of the 44 politicians. In a separate investigation,
NDTV had reported on how cases of hate speech against political leaders
show little or no progress.》

Pls. vist the site by clicking on the link below.]


Under Modi Government, VIP Hate Speech Skyrockets - By 500%
NDTV scanned nearly 1,300 articles and cross-referenced this with
databases. We went through 1,000 recent tweets of politicians and public

All India | Written by Nimisha Jaiswal with Sreenivasan Jain and Manas Pratap Singh |

Updated: April 17, 2018 22:33 IST

Under Modi Government, VIP Hate Speech Skyrockets - By 500%
Click to Play

The hate speech data was collated from public record, the internet, and our reporters’ network.

NEW DELHI: The use of hateful and divisive language by high-ranking
politicians has increased almost 500% in the past four years, an NDTV
data collection exercise has found.

The premise of the exercise
was simple: it seems not a day, or a week goes by without some senior
politician - a member of Parliament, minister, MLA or even Chief
Minister making a hateful comment, be it in the language of bigotry or
calling for violence. The rise in use of social media by politicians has
only amplified this disturbing trend.

Our aim was to establish,
as accurately as possible, whether this is ‘business as usual,’ or if
the practice of ‘VIP hate speech,’ which has a long and troubled history
in this country, witnessed an unusual rise in the recent past.

The methodology is as follows: we defined hate speech as statements that
are clearly communal, casteist, or calls to violence. These instances
could invoke action under laws that cover hate speech - laws like
Section 295A (outraging religious feeling), Section 153 (promoting
enmity between groups) or Section 505 (making statements conducing to
public mischief) of the Indian Penal Code.

We also included
comments that may not directly be communal, but are clearly “dog
whistling” - loaded against a community or religion in an indirect or
coded way.

We did not include crude or sexist remarks that are derogatory to women.

We selected two time periods for our analysis - the four years from
2014 until now of the Modi government, and the five years from 2009 to
2014, under the second Congress-led United Progressive Alliance.

We concentrated on elected representatives - members of parliament,
members of legislative assemblies, chief ministers - well as those
holding high offices, like party leaders and governors.

The data was collated from public record and the internet, as well as using our network of reporters.

We scanned nearly 1,300 articles, and cross-referenced this information
with databases such as the Documentation of the Oppressed and Amnesty
International’s Halt the Hate Tracker.

We also went through the 1,000 most-recent tweets (ending with April 2018) of top politicians and public figures.

We also looked up what action, if any, was taken against the leaders making hate speech.

To be clear: this is far from a perfect record, and in no way are we
claiming this to be comprehensive. Readers (and viewers) are welcome to
submit any omissions that meet our criteria.

Based on what we
found, from May 2014 to the present, there have been 124 instances of
VIP hate speech by 44 politicians, compared to 21 instances under UPA 2,
an increase of 490%.

hate speech data 1 ndtv

upa nda hate speech gfx ndtv

90% of hateful comments made during the NDA’s current terms are by BJP politicians.

During the NDA period, a total of 44 political leaders made hateful
comments. Of them, 34 politicians, or 77%, are from the BJP. 10 leaders,
or 23% of the offenders, are from other political parties, including
the Congress, the Samajwadi Party and Lalu Yadav’s Rashtriya Janata Dal.

During UPA-2, 21 political leaders made hateful comments, of which 3 or
14 % were from the Congress, which anchored the coalition. From the
opposition, politicians from the BJP took the lead, recording seven
instances of hate speech.

The remaining 11 instances of hate
speech from 11 political leaders under UPA-2 include politicians from
the Samajwadi Party, the Bahujan Samaj Party, the Majlis-e-Ittehadul
Muslimeen, and the Shiv Sena.


Of the 44 leaders responsible for hate speech since the Modi government
came to power, we could only find five cases ( only 4% of all
instances) of evidence of a politician being reprimanded or cautioned,
or issuing a public apology. In 96% of the time, the ‘VIP hater’ faced
no consequence..

Cases were registered only against 11 of the 44
politicians. In a separate investigation, NDTV had reported on how cases
of hate speech against political leaders show little or no progress.

In November, just four days before Suraj Pal Amu, the BJP’s chief media
coordinator at that time, offered a bounty for beheading actor Deepika
Padukone, the Haryana police had driven 360 km to arrest a 19-year-old,
Shaqib, for posting an offensive image of Prime Minister Narendra Modi.


In at least two cases, hate speech appears to have paid off.

Yogi Adityanath, the current Chief Minister of Uttar Pradesh, was a
member of parliament from Uttar Pradesh when, in November 2015, he said
“There is no difference between the language of Shah Rukh Khan and that
of Hafiz Saeed.”

In September 2014, he ascribed the rise in riots
in Western UP to the population growth of a minority community. “In
places where there are 10 to 20% minorities, stray communal incidents
take place,” he said. “Where there are 20 to 35% of them, serious
communal riots take place and where they are more than 35%, there is no
place for non-Muslims.”

In all, there are six such instances of
hate speech by the Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister. All were made before he
was promoted to his current office.

yogi adityanath pti
Yogi Adityanath, in ascribed the rise in riots in Western UP to the population growth of a minority community

Anant Kumar Hegde was a BJP member of parliament from Karnataka when,
in March 2016, he said, “As long as we have Islam in the world, there
will be no end to terrorism. If we are unable to end Islam, we won’t be
able to end terrorism.”

In September 2017, he was promoted as Union Minister of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship.

Since 2014, Mr Hegde has made eight such hate speeches. Three months
after being made union minister, in December 2017, Mr Hegde declared
that the party would remove the term “secular” from the Constitution,
saying “These people who call themselves secularists are like people
without parentage or who don’t know their bloodline.”


Mr Hegde is one of three serial ‘VIP haters’ in poll-bound Karnataka.

Shobha Karandlaje, a member of parliament from Karnataka and the
general secretary of the Karnataka BJP, has posted at least nine hateful
tweets since June last year. These include tweets like the one below.

Shobha Karandlaje

Siddaramaiah govt withdrawing the cases of jihadis.He wants to create
communal tension in the state at the cost ofHindu life’s # Save Hindus

4:52 PM - Jan 26, 2018
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Shobha Karandlaje
CM Siddaramaiah why ur not withdrawing the cases of innocent Hindu youths ? Why only Minorities ?

4:54 PM - Jan 26, 2018
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Shobha Karandlaje
Will continue my fight against Jihadi elements.There is no way I’ll succumb to the pressure of @siddaramaiah Govt.#HinduLivesMatter

6:30 PM - Dec 22, 2017
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Pratap Simha, another member of parliament from Karnataka, has also
posted four hateful tweets since September last year. These include
Tweets like:

Pratap Simha
Dear @SPmysuru Ravi Channannavar prior to Eid Milad, over night you
allowed Muslims to erect illegal green arch on govt road, but stopped us
from putting Hanuman Posters! From last two years u are distrusting
Hanuman Jayanti! What a policing!!

9:12 AM - Dec 3, 2017
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Pratap Simha
Your bros can kill others just few hours before Eid, but Muslims cannot be arrested on Eid!! Wow, what a logic?!…/5-policemen-injured-after-terrorists-… … …

8:08 PM - Sep 2, 2017
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Mr Simha has since been appointed by the government as a member of the Press Council of India.


In further proof that hate has no consequence on the careers of
political leaders, we found that at least 21 political leaders (or 48%)
had recorded more than one instance of hate speech. They were not
reprimanded for their hateful comments, nor did they issue apologies.

Prominent amongst them, T Raja Singh, a BJP MLA from Telangana, who has
repeatedly made public speeches inciting violence. In November last
year, he threatened to burn down theatres screening “Padmavat.”

Reacting to the communal violence in Kasganj, Uttar Pradesh, in January
2018, he said, “Every Hindu should carry weapons like lathis and attack
other communities’ members if they said anything wrong.”

Since December 2015, Mr Singh has made at least ten hateful comments.

Other prominent repeat offenders include former BJP member of parliament Vinay Katiyar, and Governor of Tripura Tathagata Roy.

Mr Katiyar, who finished his Rajya Sabha term just this month, has made
at least four communal speeches since December 2017. In February this
year, he said Muslims have no business being in India, and should go to
Pakistan or Bangladesh.

“The cremation ground inside the Taj will
be destroyed,” he said in another speech in February, claiming that the
Taj Mahal was in fact, a temple. “Only our temple will exist and only
the pillars that exist around it will stand.”

Mr Roy has
repeatedly taken to Twitter to make communal comments. Since March 2015,
he has made at least 12 such comments, like the ones below:

Tathagata Roy
Intelligence shd keep a tab on all (expt relatives & close
friends) who assembled bfr Yakub Memon’s corpse. Many are potential

9:06 AM - Jul 31, 2015
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Tathagata Roy
Replying to @tani_sana
@tani_sana One exception was Gujarat,2002. I’m glad you appreciate what the Hindus did then @AdityaRajKaul

4:40 PM - Mar 23, 2015
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A significant number of instances of hate speech invoke the rhetoric of
cow protection, a subject that has gained currency under this
government. Elected leaders, including MPs, MLAs and even Chief
Ministers have used the language of vigilantes while calling for
violence against those who kill cows.

“There is no such thing
(cow slaughter) happening in the state. It hasn’t happened in the state
in the last 15 years. Has it? We will hang those who kill cows,” said
Raman Singh, the Chief Minister of Chattisgarh, in April 2017.

had promised that I will break the hands and legs of those who do not
consider cows their mother and kill them,” Vikram Saini, a BJP MLA from
Uttar Pradesh, said last year.

“I will say it straight out, if
you smuggle and slaughter cows, then you will be killed. The cow is our
mother,” Gyan Dev Ahuja, a BJP MLA from Rajasthan, said in December last

The rise in political vitriol over cow protection in the
past four years appears to correlate with a rise in cow-related
vigilantism. The fact-checking site India Spend reported that 97% of gau
raksha attacks since 2010 occurred under the current government. They
counted 76 attacks from May 2014 to December 2017, compared to only two
instances in the earlier period (from 2010 to May 2014).


Another popular theme in hate speech by political leaders was repeated
attempts to delegitimise the Muslim faith, urging Muslims to accept
their Hindu ancestry, or inciting fears of a Muslim takeover by playing
on fears of an increasing Muslim population.

Like Surendra Singh,
a BJP MLA from Uttar Pradesh, who said in January this year, “Muslims
who assimilate into our culture will stay in India. Those who will not
are free to take asylum in any other country.”

BJP member of
Parliament Sakshi Maharaj has also made hateful speeches along this
theme. In June last year, he exhorted every Hindu woman to have four
children to “protect the religion.” “If problems are arising in the
country due to population, Hindus are not responsible for that,” said
Maharaj. “Responsible are those who talk of four wives and forty
children.” An FIR with charges of inciteful and divisive speech was
filed against Maharaj for this speech.

BJP member of parliament
Subramanian Swamy has repeatedly written hateful tweets against Muslims,
posting at least 17 of these since September 2017:

Subramanian Swamy
Replying to @kumarvikash011
: He knows that I am not anti Hindustani Muslim i.e., those Muslims who acknowledge their ancestors as Hindus.

9:33 AM - Feb 3, 2018
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Subramanian Swamy
Hindus wake up! Muslims leaders are refusing to give up on a
masjid,that is shiftable,to restore the holiest temple on the birthplace
of Ram

10:09 AM - Nov 16, 2017
11K people are talking about this
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Choudhary Babulal, a BJP member of parliament from Rajasthan, issued an
open threat to anyone “insulting the [Hindu] community” after the death
of a Vishwa Hindu Parishad leader in February 2016. “We do not want
unrest at any cost, but if you want to test Hindus, then let’s decide a
date and take on Muslims,” said Mr Babulal.


The past four years have also seen political leaders threatening the
administration with violence for taking action against members of their
own party, religion or their ideological fraternity.

instance, in February 2016, Arun Kumar Mauhar, a leader of the Vishwa
Hindu Parishad, was shot dead on his way back from a temple in Mandola,
Uttar Pradesh. Five people from the minority community were arrested for
the murder.

While his family cited personal enmity, political
leaders from the BJP and the VHP called a condolence meeting three days
later, where several hate speeches were made.

At the meeting, Ram
Shankar Katheria, a BJP MP and the then Minister of State for Human
Resources Development (now the chairman of the National Commission for
Scheduled Castes) threatened to kill those who attacked Mr Mauhar.

“Today we have lost one Arun, tomorrow it could be another Arun…the killers should be killed,” said Mr Katheria.

Three BJP leaders were booked for making hate speeches at the meeting.
Though Mr Katheria was not named, three weeks after the meeting, he
said, “”If cases against the BJP and VHP leaders are not withdrawn
within 15 days, if the administration continues to ignore our demand,
then a different kind of Holi would be played after 15 days.”

Sangeet Som, an MLA from UP who was re-elected in the 2017 elections,
reacted to the media coverage and the arrests of nine men accused of the
lynching of Mohammed Akhlaq in Dadri in 2015 by saying, “If action is
taken against innocent, we have given a befitting reply earlier and can
do so again.”

sangeet som
On the Dadri lynching, MLA Sangeet
Som said, “If action is taken against innocent, we have given a
befitting reply earlier and can do so again.” (File)


The reluctance of the current ruling party to crack down on its hate
speech ‘offenders’ may partly be explained by the fact that the top
leadership of the party does not seem averse to playing the communal
card, albeit using veiled language.

Prominent amongst such instances are speeches by BJP party president Amit Shah, and Prime Minister Narendra Modi himself.

“If there is a cemetery in the village, there should be a crematorium
as well; if there is electricity on Ramzan, it should be there on Diwali
as well; there shouldn’t be any discrimination,” Mr Modi had said in
February 2017, during an election rally in Fatehpur, UP, in the run-up
to the assembly elections that his party swept.

Ahead of the
Bihar election in 2015, at a speech in Buxar in October that year, Mr
Modi said, “Nitish and Lalu have conspired to take away the 5%
reservation for OBCs, EBCs and Dalits and give it to the minorities. I
swear I will die protecting the rights of the OBCs, EBCs and Dalits.”

During the same campaign, Amit Shah sparked controversy with this
comment: “If by any mistake, BJP loses, the victory and defeat may be
in Bihar but fire crackers will go off in Pakistan.”


In the instances of hate speech in the past four years by prominent
leaders of the opposition, threats of violence against Prime Minister
Modi feature more than once.

In October 2017, Bihar MLA an
Rashtriya Janata Dal leader Tej Pratap Yadav said “A conspiracy is being
hatched to kill Lalu-ji. We will not stay silent. We will skin Narendra

Just a week before this threat, Rabri Devi, Tej Pratap’s
mother and a former Chief Minister of the state, reacted to a comment
by BJP MP Nityanand Rai saying he would cut off the fingers or any hand
raised against PM Modi.

“I dare them to cut (hands), there are many people who can cut the hands and neck of PM Modi,” she said.

Earlier this month, Dinesh Gundu Rao, a Congress MLA from Karnataka,
declared UP Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath unfit to step into the state.
“If Yogi Adityanath comes again to Karnataka, we should show chappals
to him and make sure that he is sent back,” said Mr Rao. “If a person
like him comes to Karnataka, then our mother land will become impure.”
Mr Rao later apologised for the comment.


Under the previous government, there were at least 21 instances of hate
speech recorded across party lines. Amongst the prominent instances: in
the lead up to the 2014 general elections, Rahul Gandhi, then a member
of parliament, said, “If the BJP comes to power, 22,000 people will be

Also in the run-up to the general elections, Congress
candidate Imran Masood said, “If Modi tries to turn Uttar Pradesh into
Gujarat, then we will chop him into tiny pieces.”

Owaisi, the leader of the All India Majlis-e-Ittehadul Muslimeen and
then an MLA in Andhra Pradesh, had issued a violent threat against
Hindus in December 2012. “Remove the police for 15 mins, we will finish
off 100 crore Hindus,” he had said during a speech. He spent 40 days in
jail on charges of hate speech before getting bail.

The Samajwadi
Party’s Azam Khan, at the time an MLA in Uttar Pradesh, was campaigning
for the 2014 general elections when he said the country cannot be
“given in the hands of a murderer,” referring to Mr Modi, who was then
the Gujarat Chief minister.

“When Narendra Modi had been asked
about 2002 Gujarat riots, he said that if a dog comes under the wheel of
a car, he is very upset,” said Mr Khan. “The murderers of Muzaffarnagar
should be avenged by pressing the button.”

hate speech by politicians ndtv


Peace Is Doable

use of hateful and divisive language by high-ranking politicians has
increased almost 500% in the past four years, an NDTV data collection
exercise has found.…

Bahujan Samaj Party supremo Mayawati had called for investigation on
EVM tampering after her party was drubbed in the Uttar Pradesh elections

How is it that all faulty machines only register votes in favour of BJP?

“Who is changing the software and how is not being checked,”

Why the Source Code of the software not made public to the contestants and the voters ?

EVM tampering: Bhind DM & SP removed after video showing machine dispensing BJP slips goes viral

The incident in Bhind ahead of the April 9 bypoll in Ater will
certainly give a shot in the arm of the anti-BJP forces who have
recently raised allegations of tampering with the EVM machines.

the district collector and superintendent of police of Bhind, Madhya
Pradesh, were removed while action was initiated against 19 others after
a video of a dummy test of an electronic voting machine (EVM) that only
ejected BJP slips went viral.

The video showed the
voter-verifiable paper audit trail (VVPAT) only released the saffron
party’s lotus symbol even if different buttons were pressed. The
Election Commission sought a report from 21 officials before the Ater
bypoll on April 9.

The video went viral amidst the clamour of
many politicians that the EVM machines were tampered with during the
Assembly elections held recently.

“If some EVMs can be faulty,
many others may also be tampered with. These reports are shocking and
raise doubts about the essence of democracy in this country. This means
that if this continues, no matter who people vote for, the lotus will
bloom out of the muck of EVMs,”

RTI reveals contradictory numbers of EVMs from Election Commission, suppliers; raise question mark on polls

[This development, obviously, makes the scene way murkier.

γ€ŠIndiscriminate acquisition of Electronic Voting Machines (EVMs) by the
Election Commission, inexplicable mismatch in numbers of machines from
producers and buyers, and insecure transportation have emerged as major
concerns from official replies to Right to Information (RTI) queries.

Mumbai RTI activist Manoranjan S Roy β€” who painstakingly pursued the
matter for nearly a year β€” said the RTI responses may have severe
repercussions on the conduct of free, fair and credible elections in the

RTI reveals contradictory numbers of EVMs from Election Commission, suppliers; raise question mark on polls
India IANS Apr 08, 2018 17:09:49 IST

Mumbai: Indiscriminate acquisition of Electronic Voting Machines (EVMs)
by the Election Commission, inexplicable mismatch in numbers of
machines from producers and buyers, and insecure transportation have
emerged as major concerns from official replies to Right to Information
(RTI) queries.

Mumbai RTI activist Manoranjan S Roy β€” who
painstakingly pursued the matter for nearly a year β€” said the RTI
responses may have severe repercussions on the conduct of free, fair and
credible elections in the country.

evmRepresentational image. Reuters
Terming the revelations “extremely grave”, Roy said the poll panel and
the EVM manufacturing companies need to be asked to explain these
discrepancies as it “affects the very foundation of the Indian democracy
and its election system”.

Used in India since 1989, the EVMs β€”
comprising a Balloting Unit (BU) and a Control Unit (CU), and recently,
Voter Verifiable Paper Audit Trail (VVPAT) β€” are currently manufactured
by only two PSUs Electronics Corp of India Ltd (ECIL) in Hyderabad and
Bharat Electronics Ltd (BEL) in Bengaluru.

Roy’s RTI queries
revealed that from 1989-90 till May 15, 2017, the Election Commission
procured a total of 1,005,662 BUs and 928,049 CUs from BEL, plus another
1,014,644 BUs and 934,031 CUs from ECIL.

An RTI query to the
Union Ministry of Law and Justice showed that the government received
intimation of purchase of 1,395,306 BUs and 930,716 CUs in 2016-17.

BEL said on 9 June, 2017, that it supplied 125,000 CUs and 190,000 BUs to EC, from 2010 to 2017.

ECIL said it provided 222,925 BUs and 211,875 CUs to EC from 2010 to
2017, and another 497,348 BUs and 307,030 CUs for the same period.

According to Roy, against the figures provided by the EC on the number
of EVMs received, BEL and ECIL have submitted data with huge differences
in the numbers they have supplied, at times ranging from several
thousands to lakhs of EVMs, raising questions on “where the excess
number of EVMs are going, what is being done with them”.

Roy says all this “indicates something very suspicious is going on between these organisations”.

On the questions of payments too, major discrepancies came out in the figures from 2006-07 to 2016-17.

Against the EC’s “actual expenditure” of Rs 5,360,175,485 (spent) on
EVMs, the BEL RTI reply said it received from EC a payment of Rs
6,525,644,000 β€” a difference (excess) of Rs 116.55 crore.

On the
mode of transportation, the capacity of trucks vis-Γ -vis the dimensions
of the EVMs, BUs and CUs β€” figures provided by both BEL and ECIL also
were way off.

“In many instances, the transportation details are
at complete variance with the purported capacity of the trucks vis-Γ -vis
the EVM dimensions and the carrying load of the containers that are
disclosed,” Roy said.

“According to the standard calculations, a
32×8x8 feet container can accommodate 199 BUs or 261 CUs, and a 20×8x8
feet container can take 124 BUs or 163 CUs, but the BEL says it has
dispatched between 320 to 400 units per container. Were extra machines
dispatched to EC? If so, what happened to them?” asked Roy.

on the question of voter and candidates capacity of the EVMs, the
figures thrown up points to non-standardisation from both the

“Between 1989 and 2000, the ECIL EVMs capacity was
64 candidates and voter capacity 3,902. It was modified in 2014-15 to
accept 384 candidates but only for 2,000 voters. In 2014-15, its EVM’s
capacity was for 60 candidates and 8,000 voters. But the capacity of
VVPAT EVMs was a mere 1,500 voters,” said Roy.

BEL said in its
reply that, till 2005, its EVMs had a capacity of 3,824 voters which was
later reduced to 2,000 from 2006. At present, their EVMs have capacity
for only 16 candidates. “There is absolutely no logic or standardisation
applied. Who authorised these design changes,” Roy asked.

has filed a writ petition in the Bombay High Court, through Pawar and
Company, seeking directions to all parties to provide all
records/documents pertaining to EVMs, setting up of a suitable probe
panel to ban use of EVMs till the logical outcome of the probe.

Published Date: Apr 08, 2018 17:09 PM | Updated Date: Apr 08, 2018 17:09 PM

Peace Is Doable

incident in Bhind ahead of the April 9 bypoll in Ater will certainly
give a shot in the arm of the anti-BJP forces who have recently raised
allegations of tampering……/karnataka-assembly-elections-20…/

[This is an implicit admission on the part of the Sanghis that the
“Development”/”Gujarat Model’ and “anti-corruption” pitches are just not
So, it has got to be a hate campaign, with very few ifs and buts.

γ€Š”This election is not about roads, water or other issues. This
election is about Hindus vs Muslims, Ram Mandir vs Babri Masjid,” ANI
quoted BJP lawmaker Sanjay Patil as saying in Belagavi. Patil represents
the Belagavi Rural constituency in north Karnataka. The video of Patil
making this comments has been doing rounds on social media and has
evoked criticism from many quarters.》]…/karnataka-assembly-elections-20…/

Karnataka polls 2018 about Hindus vs Muslims, Ram Mandir vs Babri Masjid, not about other issues: BJP MLA
Karnataka will go to polls on May 12 and the results will be declared
on May 15. The tenure of the current Karnataka Legislative Assembly will
expire on May 28.

By: Express Web Desk | New Delhi |

Updated: April 19, 2018 9:51:45 pm

Karnataka assembly elections 2018: β€œThis election is not about roads,
water or other issues.This election is about Hindus vs Muslims, Ram
Mandir vs Babri Masjid,” says BJP MLA Sanjay Patil.

A Bharatiya
Janata Party (BJP) MLA in Karnataka has raked up a controversy with his
comment that the upcoming state assembly election is β€œnot about roads
and drinking water but about Hindu-Muslim incidents”.

election is not about roads, water or other issues. This election is
about Hindus vs Muslims, Ram Mandir vs Babri Masjid,” ANI quoted BJP
lawmaker Sanjay Patil as saying in Belagavi. Patil represents the
Belagavi Rural constituency in north Karnataka. The video of Patil
making this comments has been doing rounds on social media and has
evoked criticism from many quarters.

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This election is not about roads, water or other issues.This election
is about Hindus vs Muslims, Ram Mandir vs Babri Masjid: BJP MLA Sanjay
Patil in Belagavi. #KarnatakaElections2018 (17.4.18)

3:23 PM - Apr 19, 2018
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Karnataka will go to polls on May 12 and the results will be declared
on May 15. The tenure of the current Karnataka Legislative Assembly will
expire on May 28.

ALSO READ | Karnataka Assembly Elections 2018: BJP’s 22 or Congress’ resurgence?

BJP MLA from Bairia, Surendra Singh, had recently said that the 2019
Lok Sabha elections will be a contest between two β€œmentalities” β€” Hindu
and Islamic. β€œYe 2019 ka chunav Islam banam bhagwan hone ja raha hai
(The 2019 elections are going to be Islam versus bhagwan),” Singh told
the public during a rally in Ballia on Thursday.

READ | Bairia BJP MLA at UP rally: β€˜Lok Sabha elections will be Islam versus bhagwan’

Peace Is Doable

will go to polls on May 12 and the results will be declared on May 15.
The tenure of the current Karnataka Legislative Assembly will expire on
May 28.

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