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2611 Fri 4 May LESSON Ms Maha Mayawati Dares BJP To Hold Polls Using Ballot Papers- RSS favours paper ballots, EVMs subjected to public scrutinyNew Delhi | Saturday, Aug 28 2010 IST- Against Modi / RSS ‏ @Iypan8 Election Commisson : Ban EVMs’ and Bring Back Paper Ballot Voting in Indian Elections - Sign the Petition! via @ChangeOrg_India After diluting the PoA now the Presidents office is diluted. That is the fate of SC/STs under Murderer of democratic institutions (Modi). Jailed For “Insulting” Ram, Professor Says SC/STs In Karnataka Won’t Be Fooled By BJP (Brashtachar Jiyadha Psychopaths)’s GimmicksSSON Ms Maha Mayawati Dares BJP To Hold Polls Using Ballot Papers- RSS favours paper ballots, EVMs subjected to public scrutinyNew Delhi | Saturday, Aug 28 2010 IST- Against Modi / RSS ‏ @Iypan8 Election Commisson : Ban EVMs’ and Bring Back Paper Ballot Voting in Indian Elections - Sign the Petition! via @ChangeOrg_India
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2611 Fri 4 May  LESSON

Ms Maha Mayawati Dares BJP To Hold Polls Using Ballot Papers- RSS favours paper ballots, EVMs subjected to public scrutinyNew Delhi | Saturday, Aug 28 2010 IST-

Against Modi / RSS
‏ @Iypan8

Election Commisson : Ban EVMs’ and Bring Back Paper Ballot Voting in Indian Elections - Sign the Petition! via @ChangeOrg_India

After diluting the PoA now the Presidents office is diluted.
That is the fate of SC/STs under Murderer of democratic institutions (Modi).

For “Insulting” Ram, Professor Says SC/STs In Karnataka Won’t Be Fooled
By BJP (Brashtachar Jiyadha Psychopaths)’s Gimmicks…/A…/India/20100828/1575461.html

(The resource you are looking for might have been removed)

RSS favours paper ballots, EVMs subjected to public scrutinyNew Delhi | Saturday, Aug 28 2010 IST

the controversy regarding the reliablity of Electronic Voting Machines
(EVMs) which have been questioned by political parties, the RSS today
asked the Election Commission (EC) to revert back to tried and tested
paper ballots and subject EVMs to public scrutiny whether these gadgets
are tamper proof. In an editorial titled ‘Can we trust our EVMs?’, The
Organiser, the RSS mouthpiece, noted it was a fact that till date an
absolutely tamper-proof machine had not been invented and credibility of
any system depends on ‘transparency, verifiability and trustworthiness’
than on blind and atavistic faith in its infallibility. The issue is
not a ‘private affair’ and it involves the future of India. Even if the
EVMs were genuine, there was no reason for the EC to be touchy about it,
the paper commented. The Government and the EC can’t impose EVMs as a
fait accompli on Indian democracy as the only option before the voter.
There were flaws like booth capturing, rigging, bogus voting, tampering
and ballot paper snatching in the ballot paper system of polling leading
the country to switch over to the EVMs and all these problems were
relevant in EVMs too. Rigging was possible even at the counting stage.
What made the ballot papers voter-friendly was that all aberrations were
taking place before the public eye and hence open for corrections
whereas the manipulations in the EVMs is entirely in the hands of powers
that be and the political appointees manning the sytem, the paper
commented. The EVM has only one advantage — ’speed’ but that advantage
has been undermined by the staggered polls at times spread over three to
four months. ‘’This has already killed the fun of the election
process,’’ the paper noted. Of the dozen General Elections held in the
country, only two were through the EVMs and instead of rationally
addressing the doubts aired by reputed institutions and experts the
Government has resorted to silence its critics by ‘intimidation and
arrests on false charges’, the paper observed, recalling the arrest of
Hyederabad-based technocrat Hari Prasad by the Mumbai Police. Prasad’s
research has proved that the EVMs were ‘vulnerable to fraud’. The
authorities want to send a message that anybody who challenges the EC
runs the risk of persecution and harassment, the RSS observed. Most
countries around the world looked at the EVMs with suspicion and
countries like the Netherlands, Italy, Germany and Ireland had all
reverted back to paper ballots shunning EVMs because they were ‘easy to
falsify, risked eavesdropping and lacked transparency’. Democracy is too
precious to be handed over to whims or an opaque establishment and
network of unsafe gizmos. ‘’For the health of Indian democracy it is
better to return to tried and tested methods or else elections in future
can turn out to be a farce,’’ the editorial said.– (UNI) — 28DI28.xml

RSS is a non entity unregistered party stealth,shadowy discriminating
1% of the brahmins intolerant, militant, shooting, lynching, lunatic,
mentally retarded chitpawan brahmin cannibal psychopaths attempting the
bring back manusmriti as our constitution for their hindutva cult.

Against Modi / RSS
‏ @Iypan8

Election Commisson : Ban EVMs’ and Bring Back Paper Ballot Voting in Indian Elections - Sign the Petition! via @ChangeOrg_India

Election Commisson : Ban EVMs’ and Bring Back Paper Ballot Voting in Indian Elections…/

BJP (Bahuth Jiyadha Psychopaths) remotely controlled by just 1%
intolerant, militant, shooting, lynching, lunatic, mentally retarded
chitpawan brahmin psychopaths of RSS (Rakshasa Swayam Sevaks ) for their
stealth, shadowy, discriminatory hindutva cult rashtra are themselves
the top terrorists of the world.

America enlisted RSS in one of the Biggest Terrorist Organisation in the World

A US-based risk management and consulting company has put the Rashtriya
Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) in its category of ‘Threat Group’ and called it
“a shadowy, discriminatory group that seeks to establish a hndutva cult

Terrorism Watch & Warning provides intelligence,
research, analysis, watch and warning on international terrorism and
domestic terrorism related issues; and is operated by OODA Group LLC
that helps clients identify, manage, and respond to global risks and
uncertainties while exploring emerging opportunities and developing
robust and adaptive strategies for the future.

The RSS was
banned in 1948 following the assassination of Mahatma Gandhi by an
chitpawan brahmin as the owners of RSS member, Nathuram Godse.

Violence as ‘Group Activities’ for the RSS, “Violence has been a
strategy for the Sangh movement against minority groups. Stealth shadowy
discriminatory hindutva cult has been clear about the need for
violence, particularly communal riots. The Sangh has incited rioting to
cause further chasms between religions, and thus a further separation of
religions, and to rally the Hindu community around the philosophy of
hindutva cult.”

The Terrorism Watch & Warning database
contains over 1,00,000 Open source intelligence (OSINT) excerpts from
1999 to present on terrorism and security related issues, attack
database of over 10,000 attacks, original terrorism analysis, terrorism
document repository, Homeland Security Fact Sheets and profiles over 500
Terrorist/Threat Groups.…/uttar-pradesh-elections-bjps-legal-……/articlesh…/49943534.cms

KOLKATA: Claiming that the activists of the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh
(RSS) have been indicted in at least 13 terror cases across India,
former Maharashtra inspector general of police S M Mushrif on Thursday
described the BJP’s ideological mentor as India’s number one terrorist

“RSS activists have been chargesheeted in at least
13 cases of terror acts in which RDX has been used. If organisations
like Bajrang Dal are taken into the account, then the number of such
cases goes up to 17,” Mushrif said at an event in Kolkata.

RSS is India’s number one terrorist organisation, there is no doubt on
this,” said Mushrif, referring to the 2007 Mecca Masjid bombing in
Hyderabad, the 2006 and 2008 Malegaon blasts in Maharashtra and the 2007
Samjhauta Express bombings among others.

During elections they
attempt to provoke violence by raking up issues such as Triple Talaq,
Removal of reservation, RSSIse Ram Temple, RSSised anti-reservationist
Sardar patel statue and RSSised Shivaji statue costing Rs 3000 crores
each.But not for replacing the entire EVMs which costs Rs 1600 crores
according to ex CEC Sampath because of which the ex CJI had committed a
grave error of judgement by ordering that the EVMs should be replaced in
a phased manner. Only 8 out of 543 lok Sabha 2014 were replaced. This
helped Murderer of democratic institutions (Modi) to gobble the Master
Key. Henve without any fear he is indulging in issues like the
DEMONItisation anti reservation etc.,
The present CEC says taht
only in 2019 the entire EVMs will be replaced. Till such time he never
ordered for Ballot Papers to be used which helped BSP of Ms Mayawati ti
win majority seats in UP Panchayat elections.

It is the duty of
all people for democracy, liberty, freedom, equality and fraternity as
enshrined in our Modern Constitution including the present CJI to
dissolve all Central and State governments selected by these fraud EVMs
and go for fresh elections with Ballot Papers till entire EVMs were

And to initiate legal action on BJP and RSS for their terrorist activities.And also ban these outfits.

Chitpavans were not esteemed in social ranking, and were indeed
considered by other older Brahmin castes as being an inferior caste of
Brahmins.They came in Country’s social mainstream in time somewhere
around Peshwas.

The community chitpavan brahmins remains
concentrated in Maharashtra but also has populations all over the
country and the rest of the world including the USA , UK and Canada.

After the fall of the Maratha Empire in 1818, the Chitpavans lost their
political dominance to the British. The British would not subsidize the
Chitpavans on the same scale that their caste-fellow, the Peshwas had
done in the past. Pay and power was now significantly reduced. Poorer
Chitpavan students adapted and started learning English because of
better opportunities in the British administration.

Some of the
prominent figures in the hindutva reform movements of the 19th and 20th
centuries came from the chitpavan brahmin community. These included
Dhondo Keshav Karve, Justice Mahadev Govind Ranade, Vinayak Damodar
Savarkar, Gopal Ganesh Agarkar, Vinoba Bhave, and Gopal Krishna Gokhale.
These reforms preached against the Hindu caste system establishment.
Yet, some of the strongest resistance to change also came from the very
same community. Jealously guarding their brahmin stature, the orthodox
among the chitpavans were not eager to see the Shastras challenged, nor
the conduct of the brahmins becoming indistinguishable from that of the
Sudras. The vanguard and the old guard clashed many times. Ranade and
other reformers were forced to offer penance for breaking purity rules.
D. K. Karve was ostracised. Even Tilak made a visit to Varanasi so that
he may not be excommunicated.

The Chitpavan community includes
two major politicians in the Gandhian tradition: Gopal Krishna Gokhale
whom Gandhi acknowledged as a preceptor, and Vinoba Bhave, one of his
outstanding disciples. Gandhi describes Bhave as the Jewel of his
disciples, and recognized Gokhale as his political guru. However, strong
opposition to Gandhi also came from within the chitpavan community. V D
Savarkar, the founder of the hindutva rashtra political ideology
hindutva, was a chitpavan brahmin. Several members of the chitpavan
community were among the first to embrace the hindutva ideology, which
they thought was a logical extension of the legacy of the Peshwas and
caste-fellow Tilak. These Chitpavans felt out of place with the Nation’s
social reform movement of Mahatama Phule . Large numbers of the
community looked to Savarkar, the Hindu Mahasabha and finally the RSS.
Gandhi’s assassins Narayan Apte and Nathuram Godse, drew their
inspiration from fringe groups in this reactionary trend.

enlisted RSS in one of the Biggest Terrorist Organisation in the World
in National 12 Comments A US-based risk management and consulting

[The petition filed by one Ashok Pande, with
extremely dubious track record of filing frivolous and scandalous
petitions and was once debarred for two years from entering the premises
of the Allahabad High court, subsequent to the filing of a similar
petition by Shanti Bhushan, a former Law Minister and jurist of some
renown, is heard first, only to be dismissed, by a three-judge bench,
after hearing for five minutes.
The petition by Bhushan is, on
repeated proddings, thereafter referred to a two-judge bench, which,
just cannot overturn, even if it wants to, the judgement given
previously by a three-judge bench.
Ashok Pande, quite interestingly, would reappear to intervene in Bhushan’s case in order to oppose it!
(A sort of rerun of the Justice Loya case, in the Supreme Court!?)

Too intriguing!?

PIL Profile Check: Curious Case Of Asok Pande,The Man Who Sought Regulation Of Powers Of CJI As ‘Master Of Roster’
By: Manu Sebastian May 3, 2018 5:04 pm

“In public interest
litigation (PIL), the previous record of public service of litigant can
be examined by the Court”– Kalyaneswari v. Union of India (2011) 3 SCC

Asok Pande, the petitioner who filed the Public Interest Litigation
seeking regula…

Read more at:

After diluting the PoA now the Presidents office is diluted.
That is the fate of SC/STs under Murderer of democratic institutions (Modi).

National Film Awards Row: Half the winners stay away; awards ceremony leaves President Kovind’s office fuming

<<“We are left with no choice but to express our disappointment
and convey to you that at the end of the day we feel dejected rather
than honoured for our work. It feels like a breach of trust when an
institution/ceremony that abides by extreme protocol fails to inform us
of such a vital aspect of the ceremony with prior notice. ***It seems
unfortunate that 65 years of tradition is being overturned in a jiffy***
[emphasis added],” stated a letter signed by the protesting recipients,
which was issued by them at an impromptu press conference ahead of the
ceremony and which was addressed to Chaitanya Prasad, additional
director general, Directorate of Film Festivals, and marked to both the
President and the I & B Ministry.>>]…/articles…/64020647.cms


By Roshmila Bhattacharya, Mumbai Mirror |

Updated: May 4, 2018, 12.23 AM IST

Revolt at National Film Awards embarrasses I & B Ministry, leaves President’s office fuming

Over 60 winners, who alleged “discrimination”, refused to accept their
awards from Smriti Irani, after last-minute change in schedule that saw
the Prez hand out only 11 awards.

The National Film Awards
ceremony, which took place on Thursday at the Vigyan Bhavan in Delhi was
a forlorn affair, with about half of the 120-odd awardees choosing to
skip the event. Over 60 seats were empty, and the nameplates of those
who boycotted the event were kept face down.

Their boycott – on
the discontent among the awardees – was a reaction to the breach of a
65-year-old tradition of the awards being handed over by the President.

On Thursday, however, President Ram Nath Kovind presented only 11
awards, while Information & Broadcasting Minister Smriti Irani, and
her minister of state Rajyavardhan Rathore gave away the rest.

Filmmaker Praveen Morchhale, who was among those who skipped the
ceremony, told Mirror that several awardees, were hurt because of “the
discrimination that was without any basis”.

“We did not ‘boycott’
the ceremony nor did we disrespect anyone — we simply skipped it. We
would have been happy if the I & B minister would have presented all
the awards instead of a select few being chosen to receive them from
the President,” said Morchhale, whose Walking with the Wind bagged the
award for Best Film (Ladakhi), Best Sound Design and Best Re-recording.
Late actors Sridevi, and Vinod Khanna, who was also a BJP MP, were among
those felicitated posthumously by the President. Boney Kapoor,
Sridevi’s husband, and Kavita Khanna and Akshaye Khanna, wife and son of
Vinod Khanna, received the awards.

“We are left with no choice
but to express our disappointment and convey to you that at the end of
the day we feel dejected rather than honoured for our work. It feels
like a breach of trust when an institution/ceremony that abides by
extreme protocol fails to inform us of such a vital aspect of the
ceremony with prior notice. It seems unfortunate that 65 years of
tradition is being overturned in a jiffy,” stated a letter signed by the
protesting recipients, which was issued by them at an impromptu press
conference ahead of the ceremony and which was addressed to Chaitanya
Prasad, additional director general, Directorate of Film Festivals, and
marked to both the President and the I & B Ministry.
We did not
‘boycott’ the ceremony nor did we disrespect anyone — we simply skipped
it. We would have been happy if the I & B minister would have
presented all the awards instead of a select few being chosen to receive
them from the President.
-Morchhale, Filmmaker

Pointing out
that the National Awards are different from other awards and urging the
government “to maintain the dignity and eminence of the event” without a
“display of hierarchy”, the letter also said, “in the circumstance of
not receiving a response to our grievance we are left with no option but
to be absent from the ceremony. We do not intend to boycott the award
but are not attending the ceremony to convey our discontent and are
awaiting a more just solution”.

Read Also:

The petition
calling for skipping the ceremony was signed by over 60 winners,
including Nagraj Manjule (Best Direction, Pavasacha Nibandha, Marathi);
KJ Yesudas (Best Male Payback Singer for the song “Poi Maranja Kalam”
from the Malayalam film Vaswasapoorvam Mansoor; and Jayaraj (Best
Director for the Malayalam film Bhayanakam). However, all three accepted
their awards on Thursday evening from the President who was flanked by
Irani and Rathore.

The awardees learnt of the change in the
schedule and felicitators on Wednesday afternoon during rehearsals for
the event, and conveyed their grievance to Irani who, said a source,
assured them that she would convey them to Rashtrapati Bhavan and would
get back once she heard from the President’s office. Later in the
evening, the source said that all the awardees were verbally asked to be
present at Vigyan Bhavan by 3:15 pm on Thursday. The source added that
the final decision to skip the ceremony was taken after there was no
official word from the I & B minister.

The President’s press
secretary Ashok Malik said in a statement: “The President attends all
award functions and convocations for a maximum of one hour. This has
been the protocol since he took office (August 2017). It was conveyed to
Information and Broadcasting Ministry several weeks ago and the
ministry knew this all along. Rashtrapati Bhavan is surprised by the
11th hour questions that have been raised.”

What should have been one of the happiest days of our lives is a sad one for many of us.
-National Film Awardee

Meanwhile, several of the winners, who refused to accept their awards
from Irani, watched the telecast of the ceremony in the lobby of Hotel
Ashok where they were put up. “What should have been one of the happiest
days of our lives is a sad one for many of us,” one of them told
Mirror. —Inputs from Lakshmi Iyer

Boney Kapoor arrives at the venue with daughters Janhvi and Khushi Kapoor

For “Insulting” Ram, Professor Says SC/STs In Karnataka Won’t Be Fooled
By BJP (Brashtachar Jiyadha Psychopaths)’s Gimmicks

“Backing a SC to become the country’s president and diluting that office like PoA won’t fool us”

an academic conference in Mysore in 2015, Professor B.P. Mahesh Chandra
Guru offered an interpretation of the Ramayana, in which he said Ram
was guilty of misogyny when he banished pregnant Sita to live alone in a
forest. He used the Kannada word ‘alemari’ to describe Ram. “I meant he
was ‘nomadic’ or ‘wandering’,” Guru said. A year-and-half later, Guru
spent eight days in a Mysore jail after an functionary of Karunawu
Sarvodaya Sene — a stealth, shadowy, discriminatory hindutva cult
group, that wasn’t present at the lecture — took offence at Prof.
Guru’s speech and filed a police complaint with out knowing that Valmiki
who created the Epic Ramayana was a Scheduled Caste and the just 0.1%
intolerant, cunning, crooked, number one terrorists of the world,
violent, militant, ever shooting, lynching, lunatic, mentally retarded
rapists chitpavan brahmin Rowdy Rakshasa Swayam Sevaks (RSS) and all its
other avathars like KSS have no right to talk about Rama since they are
foreigners and Paradesis from Bene Israeli.

his complaint, C.V.Ravishankar, the KSS functionary who works in the
city’s postal departmental, claimed Guru had hurt Hindu religious
sentiments by calling Ram a “loafer”.

Prof. Guru’s bail plea was rejected the first time and he was released only after he spent over a week in prison.

a professor of journalism and a prominent face in SC/ST activism in
Karnataka, said he is familiar with the belligerence of Hindu
upper-caste and the far-right. However, this was an extreme case at a
time when arresting people on frivolous grounds is commonplace.

was not at a demonstration or protest. I was delivering a lecture on
invitation from the institution,” he said. “The academic space is
sacred, this is where we debate and learn. You can question anything
here without the fear of getting muzzled.”

the Karnataka polls scheduled for May 12, the stakes in this election
could not be higher for Prof. Guru. A win for the BJP, Guru said, would
further entrench the hindutva cult’s ‘intrusion’ into spaces of learning
and their fear mongering activities.

Prof. Guru’s opposition is symptomatic of the limits of the BJP’s slick campaign to tap SC/ST communities for their votes.

election Guru is working hard to counter the BJP in Mysore. Guru says
he is not campaigning for any party, but is attending public meetings,
seminars, demonstrations every day with a single agenda — to defeat the
BJP in Karnataka.

a part of this effort, Guru, attended a seminar organised by the
Karnataka Backward Classes Federation to raise ‘awareness about the need
to protect the constitution and democracy’. The very next day, he
received a show-cause notice from the university, asking him to
‘explain’ why he was canvassing for the Congress.

Soon after, Prof. Guru was suspended from his teaching position at Mysore college.

“Conspiracy to silence SC/STs”

says his arrest is part of a broader conspiracy to silence and
intimidate SC/STs who critique the existing caste hierarchies enabled by
Hindu scriptures.

was kept along with other inmates under the most insecure environment,”
he said. After the complaint was filed the RSS group, Guru alleges the
vice-chancellor of Mysore University forced his fellow academics to
support the accusations against him.

“It cannot be coincidence that the complainant and the VC live in the same neighbourhood,” he said.

The recent case of suspension, Guru alleges, is because a local BJP MP put pressure on the college administration.

rule is to give people 21 days to respond to any charge brought against
them. I was given just one day. And then they suspended me on 24th
April, pending investigation,” said Guru. “Ironically, this MP was my
student in Mangalore University.”

Ambedkar had said ‘Congress is a party of manuvadis’. At this time, that rings true for the BJP.

According to the professor, at the seminar, he spoke about the need to stand up to communalist, casteist forces.

said that democracy is in danger and whenever the NDA comes to power
they threaten freedom of expression. I also said we need to save the
country of communalism. It was a not a political event, it was a
cultural event and we expressed our political views there. That cannot
be held against us as canvassing for a party,” he said. Guru explained
that the organisers or the participants had not shot videos of the
event, yet, the deputy commissioner of the Election Commission said that
they have videos of the event.

is clear someone was trying to get back at us for criticising the BJP,”
he said, adding, an examination of the videos will reveal that he
didn’t canvas for a party. He suspects that the Commission’s action is a
response to media reports of the event.

is also fighting another police case, lodged after he attended a
seminar organised by the SC/ST Welfare Trust on the relevance of the
Bhagavadgita. which was again created by Vyasa a Scheduled Caste.

had not uttered any word against Bhagavadgita but I made certain
constructive comments on the need for Anti-Superstition Bill of
Karnataka,” he said. “I had appealed to the audience to keep a copy of
Constitution of India and develop responsible citizenry.”

many FIRs, Guru feels, is evidence that the BJP’s promises of uplifting
the minorities and backward castes is just lip service to bag votes.

“In the 1930s, Ambedkar had said ‘Congress is a party of manuvadis’. At this time, that rings true for the BJP,” Guru said.

Guru’s reading, the BJP presents the SC/STs with two faces: Murderer of
democratic institutions ( Modi ) inaugurates elaborate memorials to
‘celebrate’ Ambedkar, meanwhile RSS goons are vandalising Ambedkar
statues across the country.

The party, Guru said, was torn between discrediting Ambedkar’s legacy and appropriating it.

thinks that the Centre’s handling of the Rohith Vemula case is proof
that they don’t want to anything substantial for the backward castes.

does nothing to penalise the likes of Anant Kumar Hegde, who says that
the constitution should be changed,” Guru said. “The way Hegde has been
elevated in the Centre and has been campaigning in Karnataka, I am sure
the BJP thinks of him as a chief ministerial candidate for their party
in the state.”

has made his political career by making controversial public
statements: When SC/STs demonstrated against him in Bellari district of
Karnataka in January this year, Hegde said he was not bothered by ’stray
dogs barking’.

After SC/STs blocked his car and demonstrated against him in Bellari
district of Karnataka, Hegde said he was not bothered by ’stray dogs

Hegde has been campaigning extensively for the party in the run-up to
the polls in the state. He was made the minister of state for skill
development in a cabinet reshuffle helmed by Modi in September last

Adityanath’s Uttar Pradesh government insisted that BR Ambedkar be
identified as Bhimrao ‘Ramji’ Ambedkar because that’s how he is
identified in the eighth schedule of the Constitution. A few weeks
later, a ’saffron’ Ambedkar statue was unveiled in Uttar Pradesh, which
was only painted blue after protests from local BSP leader.

is also critical of the saffron party’s decision to install Ramnath
Kovind as the President of India and diluting his office like PoA.

gimmicks like backing a SC/ST to become the country’s president won’t
fool us. In fact, how come the SC president didn’t say a word when Hegde
was talking about changing the constitution. Or when the Ambedkar
statues were being vandalised?” Guru asked.

Guru said, was not a true representative of SC/STs. “He is a true
representation of chamchas, stooges, chelas, bootlickers and own
mother’s flesh eaters in support of vested interest RSS”

If Ambedkar was alive today, Guru concluded, he’d call the BJP what he once called the Congress, “A burning house.”

The Murderer of
democratic institutions (Modi) gobbled the Master Key by tampering the
fraud EVMs. The software and its source code are kept secret. The
Brashachar Jiyadha Psychopaths (BJP) is remotely controlled by Rowdy,
Rakshasa Swayam Sevaka (RSS).

Ms Mayawati became
eligible to be the Prime Minister after her best governance of Uttar
Pradesh as Chief Minister. This was not tolerated by the foreigners
chitpavan brahmins and defeated her with the help of these fraud EVMs
which is negating the Universal Adult Franchise.

Therefore the entire 99.9% Sarvajan Samaj must unite and see that C.V.Ravishankar,

Anant Kumar Hegde,
the ex CJI (Cheat Justice) Sathasivam who committed a grave srror of
justice by ordering that the EVMs could be replaced in a phased manner
where the replacement order itself is a clear proof that the EVMs could
be tampered, the ex CEC (Cheating Evil Commision) Sampath who suggested
that the EVMs had to be replaced in a phased manner because of the cost
of Rs 1600 crore at that time without ordering for Ballot Papers to be
used till the entire EVMs were used. The CJI and the injustices who have
diluted the SC/ST Prevention of Atrocities Act, The Murderers of
democratic institutions a(Modi) and his gang must be arrested under PoA
and treated for their, hatred, anger, jealousy, delusion which are
defilement of the mind in mental asylums.

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