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2615 Tue 8 May LESSON பாஜகவை திணரடிக்கும் 14 கேள்விகள். -நக்கீரன்.-= Today the SC/ST PoA has been diluted along with the President’s authorities.– Kathua: A heart-warming development! Trial transferred out of Jammu: Investigation *not* transferred to CBI- “Hang The Accused Or Shoot Us”, Kathua Girl’s Mother Tells NDTV- No precedent of govt returning collegium’s recommendation: SC judge Kurian Joseph
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2615 Tue 8  May  LESSON
Piya Tan’s Reflection & sutta class: 9 May 2018 (Wed)-
பாஜகவை திணரடிக்கும் 14 கேள்விகள்.

Today the SC/ST PoA has been diluted along with the President’s

Kathua: A heart-warming development! Trial transferred out of Jammu: Investigation *not* transferred to CBI
- “Hang The Accused Or Shoot Us”, Kathua Girl’s Mother Tells NDTV
No precedent of govt returning collegium’s recommendation: SC judge Kurian Joseph

From The Minding Centre (TMC) @ Shenton House


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[For more TMC announcements, see after this Reflection.]

REFLECTION R551: “Do bad mindfully” (To download PDF).

[Click here for past Inspirations; Revisioning Buddhism & Index of Reflections] 

Do bad mindfully

[Revised edition of fb180506 on Facebook]


affluent Singapore, the mass media often report on criminal offence by
executives, doctors, lawyers, academics, Christian pastors and Buddhist
monks for which they had to serve prison time. These are
professionals—can we then say that a profession­al is one who does something better for more money? But “better” here can refer to both good actions as well as bad ones.


has taught us to survive the harshest natural and human challenges, but
we have yet to learn to overcome some of our criminal habits. Such
habits do not sprout up overnight, but have been learned and conditioned
from our past. Basically, we have never really been taught about right
and wrong, good and bad. Or worse, we are actually drilled that in our
rat-race society money is might, and might is right.


Learning right


moral habits have to be taught from young in a loving way. The key
teaching on this early training is found in the Amba,laṭṭhika
Rāhul’ovāda Sutta (M 61), where the Buddha basically teaches his own son
Rāhula to examine himself on a deep personal level—his thoughts, speech
and deeds—if any of it will harm himself, others or both. “Both” here
is a term for society in general and today we would include the


how the Buddha teaches young Rāhula. The Buddha does not command him:
Don’t do this, or don’t do that! Instead he is taught to be curious
about his mind, speech and body. Let us apply this principle in some
modern circumstances.


Smoke and drink


I was I teenager I smoked because my peers did; when I was older I
drank with western Buddhist friends. As I learned to enjoy the smoke, I
noticed that it hurt my eyes, it smelt like an unwashed over-used sweaty
towel, it made me cough, it tasted like chemical. I easily gave it up. I
enjoyed the drink while I was at it, but it actually tasted so bad, we
seem to seep just a bit each time as a dare; I wondered why anyone drank
at all!


back, I realized I had used some sort of mindfulness approach. I was
being curious about the bad habits I had. I did not really fight them,
but wondered why I even thought of doing them. The question now is how
did these bad habits start? Perhaps we had an urge, or we wanted to get
back at someone, or we were simply bored.


Learning by imitating


notice something or someone doing something, and thought it was worth
copying. For example, we notice that when we show anger people were more
likely to agree with us. So we learned a trigger, behaviour, reward,
repeat. This is just how our karmic unconscious works. Once we get
angry, we will get angry again. Once we give in to desire, we will fall
for it again. Once we show fear, we will show it again. And so on—this
is how our latent tendency (anusaya) builds up and grips us ever tighter.
 Again and again–that’s samsara.


know that being angry, falling into lust or showing fear are not
helpful, even bad. This is called self-restraint or cognitive control. 
we need to know our habits on a deeper level. Notice the urge, get
curious; feel the joy of letting go; and repeat. This way we don’t have
to force ourself, but to be disenchanted, even disgusted, on a gut level
so that we are not inclined to do it again. This is naturally letting


we are mindful of something bad we are doing—say like when we are
angry—we will notice a lot of things that we do not like and actually
feel bad about. Then, we more naturally
 let go of old bad habits and form new good ones. We begin to see the benefits of it all.


Up close and personal


mindful then is simply about being really up close and personal with
what is happening in our body and mind. We should get curious with what
is going on inside us rather than wanting to force our bad habits to go
away or to feel guilty about them. As we begin to see ourself as a
better person, capable of great things and boundless love, it becomes
very much easier to step out of our bad habit loops.


we are brave enough, we may even smile at a silly habit–call it by its
name. Don’t call it by your name; then, you will own it forever. The
inner smiling–the Buddha smile–is disarming. It means we do not fear
the enemy; we befriend it. These are little miracles that bring us
closer to the Buddha.

sustained–makes buddhas. Then, we keep on making and befriending our
mistakes for countless lives until we have done them all–
even breaking our hearts, losing our limbs, losing our heads life after life after life.
Then, we’re done, ready to awaken from the dreamy sleep of endless
failing, falling and fleeing, into the bright light of beauty and truth.


R551 Inspiration 342
Piya Tan ©2018

[1] Amba,laṭṭhika Rāhul’ovāda Sutta (M 61), SD 3.10.

— End of Reflection —


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To help all access the suttas and essays, we have started working on the following:

1. the Sutta Title Index (STI) to SD 1-49 (totaling 54 vols), click here to download; and

2. the Sutta Glossary Index (SGI) (subject index), click here (part 1) and here (part 2).


(5) ONLINE TEACHINGS: Sutta teachings by Piya Tan on YouTube.


(6) MEDITATION guides: Vol 1, 2 & 3: Click here.


(7) MEDITATION CUSHIONS (kapuk-filled zafu): Order now (Singapore only).


(8) WEDNESDAY SESSION @ TMC Studio, 7 pm, The Minding Centre

Sutta recording for YouTube:

Date: 9 May 2018

(Navaka) Tadanga Nibbana Sutta (A 9.50 @ SD 50.27):

The progress to nirvana


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With Metta & mudita,

Ratna Lim

hp (65) 8211 0879
The Minding Centre @ Shenton House
3 Shenton Way, #03-06 B, Singapore 068805.

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பாஜகவை திணரடிக்கும் 14 கேள்விகள்.



1.இந்திய வரலாற்றில் இதற்கு முன்பு எப்போதேனும், கற்பழிக்கப்பட்ட
ஒரு பெண்ணின் தந்தையை போலிஸ் நிலையத்திலேயே ஒரு எம்.எல்.ஏ. கொலை செய்ததாக

2.இந்திய வரலாற்றில் ஊழல் வழக்கில் குற்றம்சாட்டப்பட்ட ஒருவர் தேர்தல்
ஆணையராக நியமிக்கப்பட்டதுண்டா? தேர்தல் ஆணையரான பிறகு அவர் மீதான ஊழல்
குற்றச்சாட்டை மாநில அரசு திரும்பப்பெற்றதுண்டா?

3.இந்திய வரலாற்றில் பிரதமரின் கல்வித்தகுதியை எப்போதாவது ரகசியமாக மறைத்து வைத்ததை கேள்விப்பட்டிருக்கிறீர்களா?

4.இந்திய வரலாற்றில் தலைமை நீதிபதியே தனது வழக்கில் நீதிபதியாக இருந்ததை கேட்டிருக்கிறீர்களா?

5.இந்திய வரலாற்றில் எம்.எல்.ஏ. ஒருவரால் கற்பழிக்கப்பட்ட பெண்ணின்
குடும்ப உறுப்பினர்கள், அந்த மாநில முதல்வரின் வீட்டுமுன் தற்கொலைக்கு
முயன்றதை கேள்விப்பட்டிருக்கிறீர்களா?

6.இந்திய வரலாற்றில் ரூபாய் நோட்டு கிடைக்காமல் திண்டாடியதாக
எப்போதாவது கேள்விப்பட்டிருக்கிறீர்களா?

7.இந்திய வரலாற்றில் தலைமைத் தேர்தல் ஆணையர் தேர்தல் தேதியை அறிவிப்பதற்கு
முன் பா.ஜ.க.வின் ஐ.டி.விங் தலைவர் தேதிகளை அறிவித்ததை

8.இந்திய வரலாற்றில் ரூபாய் நோட்டுக்களை பெறுவதற்காக நீண்ட வரிசையில் மக்களைக் காக்கவைத்த நிகழ்வை கேள்விப்பட்டதுண்டா?

9.இந்திய வரலாற்றில் உச்சநீதிமன்றம் தீர்ப்பை வெளியிடுவதற்கு முன்பு,
தீர்ப்பு நகலை சட்டத்துறை அமைச்சர் வாங்கிய நிகழ்வை கேள்விப்பட்டதுண்டா?

10.இந்திய வரலாற்றில் ராணுவ வீரர்கள் தங்களுக்கு உணவு கிடைக்கவில்லை என்று புகார் செய்ததை கேள்விப்பட்டிருக்கிறீர்களா?

11.இந்திய வரலாற்றில் கற்பழிப்புக் குற்றச்சாட்டுக்கு ஆளான
குற்றவாளியை பாதுகாக்க மாநில அமைச்சர்களே ஊர்வலம் நடத்தியதை

12.இந்திய வரலாற்றில் உச்சநீதிமன்றத் தலைமை நீதிபதிக்கு எதிராக
உச்சநீதிமன்ற நீதிபதிகள் கூடி செய்தியாளர்களைச் சந்தித்து புகார் கூறியதை

13.இந்திய வரலாற்றில் சாலைகளில் கிடந்த பசு சாணத்தை திண்ணும்படி
தாழ்த்தப்பட்ட மக்களை கட்டாயப்படுத்திய சம்பவத்தை கேள்விப்பட்டதுண்டா?

14.இந்திய வரலாற்றில் மதக்கலவரத்தில் ஈடுபட்ட ஒரு குற்றவாளியை
பாதுகாக்க, நீதிமன்றக்கூண்டில் ஏறி, தேசியக் கட்சியின் தலைவர் ஒருவர்
சாட்சியம் அளித்திருக்கிறாரா?


இந்த 14 கேள்விகள் இப்போது பரபரப்பாக உலா வருகின்றன. சமூகவலைத்தளங்களில்
பரவும் இந்தக் கேள்விகள் அனைத்தும் பா.ஜ.க. ஆட்சிப் பொறுப்பேற்ற பிறகு
இந்திய சரித்திரத்தில் இடம்பெற்றவை.

அனைத்து நிகழ்வுகளிலும் பா.ஜ.க. அரசுக்கும், பாஜக ஆட்களுக்கும் தொடர்பு

Today the SC/ST PoA has been diluted along with the President’s
authorities. No one has the right to dilute the Provisions in the
Constitution fathered by Babasaheb Dr Bhimrao Ambedkar. Ms Mayawati as
Chief Minister of Uttar Pradesh made Reservation provisions in Private
Sector. After gobbling the Master Key by tampering the fraud EVMs the
Murderers of democratic institutions (Modi) for Brashtachar Jiyadha
Psychopaths (BJP) the just 0.1% 0.1%
intolerant, cunning, crooked, number one terrorists of the world,
violent, militant, ever shooting, lunatic, mentally retarded, rapist
foreigners from Bene Israeli Paradesi chitpavan brahmin RSS (Rowdy
Rakshasa Swayam Sevaks) who have become emboldened and started
implementing their stealth, shadowy, discriminatory manusmriti agenda.
The 99.9% Sarvajan Samaj must unite and throw them out and must not
become their, chamchas, stooges, chelas, bootlickers and own mother’s
flesh eaters. The SC/STs must fight to see that the Central govt. buy
suction trucks to avoid manhole cleaning.…/kathua-case-probe-be-hand…
Kathua: A heart-warming development! Trial transferred out of Jammu: Investigation *not* transferred to CBI
Some more relevant stuuf.

AA. What did the accused ask for?


They also opposed a plea seeking transfer of trial to Chandigarh.

Sanji Ram and Vishal Jangotra, who were chargesheeted by the crime
branch of Jammu and Kashmir Police in the case, claimed that the police
had miserably failed to conduct a “fair and effective” probe and alleged
that “tainted” officers were part of special investigation team (SIT)
which probed the matter.

In an affidavit filed in the top court,
the accused have opposed the plea of the victim’s father seeking
transfer of trial from Kathua to Chandigarh, saying there were 221
prosecution witnesses in the case and it would be “impossible” for them
to attend court proceedings at Chandigarh, which is approximately 265 Km
from Kathua.

“In the interest of justice and fair play, the
investigation so far carried out is shrouded with mystery. The
investigation has been carried out by tainted officers of the Crime
Branch, Kashmir and there are lacunas in the investigation resulting in
miscarriage of justice,” the affidavit claimed.

A bench headed by
Chief Justice Dipak Misra had on April 27 stayed till May 7 the trial
in the case, after being seized with petitions seeking shifting of the
trial to Chandigarh and handing over the investigation to the CBI.

The accused have further said in the affidavit that the probe “be
handed over to CBI or any other independent agency to unearth the real
picture for giving justice to the victim and the accused persons”.

Referring to several judgements delivered by the apex court, the
affidavit said these showed that “the rule of law must prevail and every
one shall get a fair trial” which included the accused and the
complainant also.

The accused, while alleging that they have been
falsely implicated, claimed that family members of the victim have no
threat and there was not a “whisper of evidence” about this.

affidavit also said that providing security to the family members and
advocate Deepika Singh Rajawat, who appeared for the victim’s family
before the high court there, was an “abuse of process of law”.

said that Rajawat’s allegations that she was obstructed and threatened
when she appeared for the family before the high court, has been denied
by the Jammu and Kashmir Bar Association in an affidavit filed in the
top court.

It also sought vacation of the order granting security
to Rajawat and another person, who claims to be the friend of victim’s

The accused have also said that investigation in the case
must be “fair, transparent and judicious” and probe agency cannot be
allowed to conduct the probe in a tainted and biased manner.

convenience of the complainant cannot be the sole consideration for
transferring a criminal case out of state. Courts have to consider the
convenience of the accused, prosecution witnesses and larger interest of
the society,” it said, adding there was no apprehension of any threat
to the witnesses.

They have sought a CBI probe in the matter
claiming that the victim’s age has not been ascertained by the police
and the statement of her father was also not recorded.

They claimed that “tutored and coerced” statements of some witnesses were recorded but they later retracted.

The affidavit alleged that a rape case was lodged against a Deputy
Superintendent of Police, who is a member of the SIT, in 2007 and the
matter was pending before the court and another inspector in the team
also had a graft case registered against him.>>

(Excerpted from: ‘Kathua case: Probe be handed over to CBI, accused requests Supreme Court’, dtd. May 04 2018, at <…/kathua-case-probe-be-hand…>.)

BB. What the Supreme Court has now ordered?

I/III. <

Special Bench of Chief Justice Dipak Misra, Justices D.Y. Chandrachud
and Indu Malhotra transferred the case out of Jammu and Kashmir with
consensus from the victim’s family, Jammu and Kashmir government and the

“Fair trial is sacrosanct principle under Article 21
(fundamental right to life) of the Constitution,” the Supreme Court
observed in the order.

It said fair trial and fear are
contradictory concepts and should not be allowed to co-exist. It said
fair trial means an “atmosphere where the victims, accused persons and
witnesses feel safe and they do not suffer from any phobia from
attending court”.

Issuing a series of directions, the Supreme
Court ordered that the trial should be held in-camera. This is to
protect the witnesses and make the accused “feel safe”.

The court
ordered the Pathankot District Judge to conduct the trial and not
delegate it to another court. The trial shall be held under the
provisions of the Ranbir Penal Code, which is applicable in Jammu and

The documents would be translated from Urdu to English.
The apex court allowed the J&K government to appoint a special
public prosecutor and continue providing protection, transport and all
other ancillary facilities to the victims, lawyers and accused during
the trial.

The court refused to examine a separate plea to hand
over the investigation to the CBI, saying it was dealing with only a
petition seeking transfer of the case for the purpose of fair trial.

Chief Justice Misra said the investigation has been done, chargesheet
has already been filed by the J&K Crime Branch on April 9 and it is
always open for supplementary investigation, if required.

“When chargesheet is filed, why should we want another agency?” Chief Justice Misra said.

The Supreme Court said it would continue to monitor the trial, so no
other court across the country has jurisdiction to entertain complaints
or appeals from the Pathankot District Judge’s orders.

The apex
court ordered a fast-track trial on a day to day basis with no
adjournments. Chief and cross examinations of a witness should be done
without break and there would be no adjournments, it said. There are a
total of 221 witnesses in the case.

The next date of hearing in the Supreme Court has been fixed on July 9.

The court ordered all the records of the case to be sent from the
Kathua District and Sessions Judge’s court - where the case was
committed for trial - to the Pathankot trial court in a sealed cover
under police escort.

The hearing saw the apex court accept the
suggestion by the J&K government, represented by senior advocate
Gopal Subramanium, that it would be better to transfer the trial outside
Kathua district rather than out of J&K itself.

The court’s
decision was fortified after the J&K High Court-appointed judicial
report from the Kathua District Judge “indicated” that the local
lawyers, demanding a CBI probe, had obstructed the administration of
justice by not allowing the Crime Branch team to file the chargesheet in

The court also did not heed to submissions raised by one
of the accused’s lawyer that the investigation by the Crime Branch
itself was “botched-up” and a transfer of the case would not ensure fair

“We are not going to comment on the investigation. We are
here for the fundamental concept of fair trial for both victims and the
accused,” Chief Justice Misra responded.

During the hearing,
four adjoining districts - Udhampur, Samba, Jammu and Rambal - near
Kathua were considered for transferring the trial. However, counsel for
victims and accused could not reach an agreement on any of them owing to
their distance from Kathua.

Finally, they all agreed on
Pathankot, which is 30 km away from Kathua but over the border in
Punjab. The victim’s father had wanted a transfer to Chandigarh, but the
accused had protested.>>

(Excerpted from: ‘Kathua rape and murder: SC transfers case to Pathankot’, dtd. May 07 2018, at <…/sc-transfers-…/article23802019.ece>.)


(Excerpted from: ‘Supreme Court transfers Kathua gangrape case to Pathankot, says ‘no’ to CBI probe’, dtd. May 07 2018, at <…/articles…/64063173.cms>.)

III. <<5. The accused in the case have sought a CBI
investigation, which is pending in Jammu and Kashmir High Court.. Chief
Justice of India Dipak Misra, who was part of the three-judge bench
hearing the case, however said, “No other court will hear any case on
this issue as we are monitoring it”.>>

(Excerpted from:
‘Trial in Kathua Rape-Murder Will Be Held In Pathankot, Says Supreme
Court: 10 Facts’, dtd. May 07 2018, at <…/kathua-rape-case-trial-will-be-trans…>.)


Peace Is Doable

Ram and Vishal Jangotra, who were chargesheeted by the crime branch of
Jammu and Kashmir Police in the case, claimed that the police had
Hang The Accused Or Shoot Us”, Kathua Girl’s Mother Tells NDTV

[Just think of it that the accused of rape and murder of an eight year
child has asked the Supreme Court to order withdrawal of state
“security” provided to the victim’s family and the lawyer under its
Despite the case being under international watch, the UNSC
Secy General and the IMF chief, among others, having recorded their
serious concerns.

(Here’s the video clip of the mother’s desperate cry: <…/hang-the-accused-or-shoot-us-kathua-…>.
Also look up: ‘How So Very Scandalous! ‘Kathua case: Prime accused ask
SC to withdraw security provided to victim’s family, lawyer'’ at <…>.)

《”They will kill us if they are freed. People in four villages are
after our lives. We are only four people… everything is gone; our
house, our entire property is gone,” the child’s mother told NDTV.

The girl’s father has requested the Supreme Court to transfer the trial
out of Jammu and Kashmir, citing a “backlash” and lack of security for
his family. “We are apprehensive that the trial will not happen
peacefully, seeing the condition in Jammu… seeing that lawyers opposed
it in Kathua and did not let the chargesheet proceed,” the family’s
lawyer told the top court.

The child’s mother alleges that her
family is being pressured by local politicians to agree to a probe by
the Central Bureau Of Investigation (CBI). The family wants the Crime
Branch of the state police to agree to a probe by the Central Bureau Of
Investigation (CBI). The family wants the Crime Branch of the state
police to continue with investigations. The girl’s mother alleges that
politicians are pushing for a CBI probe “to save the accused.”

“If the police had acted when we first filed a complaint, the child
could have been saved but they sat on it for seven days,” she told

“Hang The Accused Or Shoot Us”, Kathua Girl’s Mother Tells NDTV
Kathua Case: Eight-year-old’s mother in Kathua tells NDTV, we have lost
everything, she alleged it’s one family versus people of four villages
in the region
All India | Reported by Nazir Masoodi, Edited by Debjani Chatterjee | Updated: May 06, 2018 17:22 IST
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KATHUA, JAMMU: Hang the accused or shoot us, the mother of the Kathua
eight-year-old, whose rape and murder outraged the country and sparked
global condemnation, told NDTV. “If there is no justice, shoot all four
of us,” she said, two days ahead of the Supreme Court’s decision on
whether the trial should be moved out of Kathua.

“They will kill
us if they are freed. People in four villages are after our lives. We
are only four people…. everything is gone; our house, our entire
property is gone,” the child’s mother told NDTV.

The girl’s
father has requested the Supreme Court to transfer the trial out of
Jammu and Kashmir, citing a “backlash” and lack of security for his
family. “We are apprehensive that the trial will not happen peacefully,
seeing the condition in Jammu… seeing that lawyers opposed it in
Kathua and did not let the chargesheet proceed,” the family’s lawyer
told the top court.

The child’s mother alleges that her family is
being pressured by local politicians to agree to a probe by the Central
Bureau Of Investigation (CBI). The family wants the Crime Branch of the
state police to continue with investigations. The girl’s mother alleges
that politicians are pushing for a CBI probe “to save the accused.”

“If the police had acted when we first filed a complaint, the child
could have been saved but they sat on it for seven days,” she told NDTV.

“Koi begunah nahin hain (no one is innocent),” the mother said - her
voice choked with emotion - when told that Sanji Ram, the main accused
in the case, had told the Supreme Court that he was innocent and was
like a grandfather to the child. All eight accused have petitioned the
court seeking a CBI probe to catch the “real culprits”.

kathua rape
Police chargesheet said the murder was carefully planned to drive out the nomadic community

The accused, while pleading not guilty, have asked the district and
sessions judge for a narco test. Six including a former revenue
official, two police officers and a minor, are accused of keeping the
little girl sedated and without food in a small temple for days, raping
her over and over and finally killing her. The girl’s body was found in
the forests on January 17, a week after she went missing from the spot
where her horses were grazing. A police chargesheet says the murder was
carefully planned by the retired official, Sanji Ram, to drive the
girl’s nomadic Muslim community out of Kathua’s Rasana village.

The Supreme Court on Monday will decide if the case should be moved out
for fair trial; the girl’s family has filed a petition seeking shifting
of the trial to Chandigarh. A bench of Chief Justice Dipak Misra and
Justices DY Chandrachud and Indu Malhotra said it will deal with the
prayer of the victim’s father for shifting of trial to Chandigarh and
plea of the accused seeking handing over the probe to CBI.

COMMENTSThe family, belonging to the Bakerwal Muslim nomads alleged,
they face extreme discrimination after the child was raped and murdered.
“The local people don’t even let us use the pastures on the village
outskirts for grazing goats after the incident…they will come after us
if they are freed,” the mother said.

Before his arrest by the
state crime branch, Sanji Ram had told NDTV that he would not allow
grazing and fodder to Muslim nomads because there are Hindu shepherds
who need this fodder.
“I am not allowing their goats into our area.
We have our Hindu gaddis. They have been saying we will build mosque on
your house. If CBI inquiry is ordered you will know who has done this,”
Sanji Ram had said..

Peace Is Doable

Case: Hang the accused or shoot us, the mother of the Kathua
eight-year-old, whose rape and murder outraged the country and sparked
No precedent of govt returning collegium’s recommendation: SC judge Kurian Joseph
“There is a general feeling that such a thing should not have happened.
It is expected that there would be discussions on why it happened and
to see such things don’t happen in future,’’ he said.
No precedent of govt returning collegium’s recommendation: SC judge Kurian Joseph
“There is a general feeling that such a thing should not have
happened. It is expected that there would be discussions on why it
happened and to see such things don’t happen in future,’’ he said.

By: Express News Service | Thiruvananthapuram | Published: May 7, 2018 4:20:05 am

The Supreme Court of India (Express Photo by Tashi Tobgyal)

Referring to the Central government move to withhold the Supreme Court
collegium’s recommendation to elevate Uttarakhand Chief Justice K M
Joseph, senior Supreme Court judge Kurian Joseph on Sunday said “what
happened should not have happened”. After releasing the autobiography of
former MP Thampan Thomas in Kochi, he told reporters, “Unprecedented
things are happening now. That is why more detailed discussion is needed
on the issue.’’ He said things have never happened in this manner so
far. It was the first time that the list of names recommended by the
collegium has been shortened and sent back. “There is a general feeling
that such a thing should not have happened. It is expected that there
would be discussions on why it happened and to see such things don’t
happen in future,’’ he said.

Peace Is Doable

is a general feeling that such a thing should not have happened. It is
expected that there would be discussions on why it happened and to see
such things don’t…

In a democracy you need patriotic strong government and very 

well studied, patriotic opposition party.  The Murderers of democracy
institutions ( Modi ) had gobbled the Master Key by tampering the fraud
EVMs/VVPATs whose Software and its Source Code is kept secret in the
eyes of candidates and the voters. hod do you call Modi patriotic

Ms Mayawati,
as Chief Minister of Uttar Pradesh gave the best governance by
distributing the wealth of the State equally among all societies with
Sarvajan Hitay Sarvaja Sukhaya policy and became eligible to be the
Prime Minister of this country. This is not liked by Just 0.1% intolerant, cunning, crooked,
number one terrorists of the world, violent, militant, ever shooting,
lunching, lunatic, mentally retarded rapists foreigners Bene Israei
Paradesi chitpavan brahmins  who defeated her by tampering the fraud EVMs.

No doubt Mayawati is best CM of UP.

1. Main work of state govt to regulate law and order. She is judged as best CM for the same. I bet you take any survey.

During her tenure 2007-12, GDP growth rate of UP was higher although the
whole country was in economic crisis. So, development also is on her

3. She is the only political head of
any party who herself facilitated the arrest of her leaders, who are
involved in corruption. It is her strong dedication to curb the menace
of corruption.

4. Till date, only
disproportionate property case have been registered against her. She has
got acquitted from this case. That too was politically motivated, like
the way BJP is doing witch hunting.

Mayawati get lot of money from SC/STs to fight Election, as BSP is a
party of gareeb and backward. It is not brahman baniya party, who have
lot of black money.

Achievments of the party
BSP’s primary achievements have been with respect to the state
governance of Uttar Pradesh. The welfare schemes implemented in UP have
greatly benefited the poor and downtrodden sections of the society,
including the women, disabled persons and members of religious

Notable amendments of the ‘zamindari kanoon’ or the rules of the
patriarchal landed property of the zamindars were made, to benefit the
farmers, women, labourers and others.

A number of schemes or yojnas initiated in UP have helped poor
families to a significant extent. Some of these notable schemes are
‘Uttar Pradesh Mukhyamantri Mahamaya Gharib Arthik Madad Yojna’,
‘Savitribai Phule Shikhsha Madad Yojna’, ‘Mahamaya Gharib Balika
Ashirwad Yojna’, ‘Dr. Ambedkar Gram Sabha Samagra Vikas Yojna’,
‘Manyawar Shri Kanshiram Ji Sheri Gharib Awas Yojna’ and others. These
schemes have made possible the families of the Below Poverty Line (BPL)
list to get free education, housing and other assistance from the BSP.
More significantly, the BSP has catered to the needs of members of
the lower-castes belonging to various professions such as lawyers,
doctors, teachers, etc.

The BSP have made significant contributions to the infrastructure,
maintenance of law and order in UP, medical and health facilities to the
people, as well as rural and urban empowerment.

Murderer of
democratic insitutions (Modi) exposed:challenging the myths surrounding
the RSS’s BJP’s Gujarat Chief Minister A Hindutva Cult Fascist.

the upper caste political parties made a ruckus when monuments were
built for Historical SC/ST/OBC icons were built by Ms Mayawati. Now when
the CM of Gujarat announced to build a monument for RSSised Vallabai
Patel, no body is raising their voice. Even before it has come into
existence one can see paid news (Views) / advertisements in many
electronic media.

is just a Bakara (scape goat led to the bali peet) in the RSS’s BJP.
They discriminate in the name of religion, opposed to Muslim because
most of their origin is Scheduled Castes. Because of the stringent
untouchability acts they cannot kill SC/STs. Indirectly they kill
Muslims. They are using this bakara as curry leaves and use and throw
toilet papers as they did to Yediyurappa. Their hidden PM candidates are
chitpavan brahmins. They show something and do the opposite. Once upon a
time they projected Babu Jagajeevan Ram belonging to SC commuinity as
PM but made Vajpayee a brahmin as PM. Ms Mayawati is working for real
Sarva Samaj
Sadhbhavan that is for the welfare, happiness and peace of all societies
including SC/ST/OBCs/ Minorities and poor Upper caste brahmins, baniyas
and kshatrias. But the upper caste leaders and media project her as a
Sceduled Caste leader as they do to Dr. Ambedkar though he is the father
of the Constitution. This is the real caste system in this country. If
the Congress, RSS’s BJP, AAP are once and for all thrown out of power
then a true PRABUDDHA Bharath will emerge to enable all the societies to
attain Happiness, Welfare, Peace Eternal Bliss as their Final Goal.

Big states like Uttar Pradesh should be bifurcated: Mayawati

RSS’s BJP is a liar, we’ve to stop it, says Mayawati

Fresh Efforts For International Action Against Modi

Narendra Modi
challenging the myths surrounding the RSS’s BJP’s Gujarat Chief Minister A Hindutva Cult Fascist.

Hindutva Cult Fascist.The
creator of Hindutva is RSS. Epics like Ramayana, Mahabaratha were the
creation of Scheduled Caste/Scheduled Tribe Valmiki and Vyasa. They were
written to please the rulers as it was the practice. Later on the
heroes and heroines of these epics were worshiped as gods. The the Manu
started his vadha by creating 1st rate athman (soul), the brahmin, 2nd
rate, the kashtria, 3rd rate the vysia and the 4th rate the shudhra
athmans. and the panchamas who had no athmas. 2nd, 3rd
and 4th rate athmans accepted brahmins as 1st rate athmans. The Buddha
never believed in any athmans (Souls) He said all are equal. The
panchamas who followed the Buddha were declared that they had no athma
and were kept away from the society and treated worst than the racially
discriminated people of the world
who became the untouchables and unseeables.
Though the SC/STs created these epics, they were not allowed inside the
temples by the manuvadis, even though these SC/STs were used as temple
builders and statues of these gods were sculpted by them.. Many of them
converted to other foreign religions and formed other state wise
religions such as lingayats, Iyengars,etc. The RSS cult took advantage
of the weakness of the gullible devoties who became the majority of the
country to capture political power. The Hindus were RSSised
and now they are known as Hindutuvaites. For the sake of votes Rama,
Krishna, Govinda and other god worshipped by the voters and popular 
icons like Viveknanda, Bagat singh, Chandrasekhar Azad etc. were
RSSised. They even try to RSSise Dr. Ambedkar, Kanshiramji etc. who
criticised brahmin RSS for their hatred, anger towards SC/ST/OBC and
since they wanted equality among all sections of the society. But the
RSS cult lies that other their cult all others have no efficiency, merit
and so on. Ms Mayawti wanted to implement the Constitution for the
welfare, happiness and peace of Sarva Samaj i.e. all societies including
SC/ST/OBC/Minorities and the POOR among brahmmins, baniyas, kshatriyas
as enshrined in the Constitution.

This represents a fresh effort by organisations and
individuals to pressure the UK government to have no engagement with
RSS’s BJP’s Modi until “he has answered to a court of law” and for the setting up of
an international tribunal to try the “genocide” in Gujarat.

As Chief Minister of the state of Gujarat
in 2002, RSS’s BJP’s Modi presided over a massacre of Muslims that conforms to the
UN definition of genocide. At the time this had evoked widespread
domestic and international condemnation. Recently, however, there has
been a determined campaign to paint him in a different light. One prong
of the campaign has been to argue that the events of 2002 should be
consigned to the past as the Supreme Court of India has given RSS’s BJP’s Modi a
‘clean chit’. 
RSS’s BJP’s Modi
remains a figure deserving international opprobrium.”

  • Fisheries Scam by Modi’s Minister, when he was CM of Gujarat
What are Murderer of democratic institutions (Modi)’s biggest corruption scandals?

(1 of 6): * Fisheries Scam by Modi’s Minister, when he was CM of
Gujarat * * Fisheries scam: Court issues process against Purshottam
Solanki * * How Narendra Modi shielded Purushottam Solanki of Fisheries
Scam… - Truth Of Gujarat * *…

Fisheries scam: Court issues process against Purshottam Solanki

Issuing process by a court means the particular case is “triable” and it has taken cognizance of the case.

A Gandhinagar court has issued process against minister Purshottam
Solanki, prominent BJP leader Dileep Sanghani and five others in
connection with alleged irregularities in awarding contracts for fishing
in 2008.

Issuing process by a court means the particular case is “triable” and
it has taken cognizance of the case. In the “fisheries scam” case, the
court has considered an investigation report submitted by the
anti-corruption bureau (ACB) and then issued process against the seven
accused accused.

The order passed last week by additional district judge Rizvana
Ghodhari stated: “On perusal of complaint documents produced alongwith
complaint as well as police report dated 31/5/2014 and police report
dated 23/6/2015, it appears that there is sufficient ground for
proceeding. Therefore, registry, criminal branch, is directed to
register this case and issue process against the accused no.1 to 7…” The
matter was posted for hearing on September 19.

The other accused are senior officials of the fisheries.

“The court has directed the registry to lodge a criminal case based
on the ACB report,” said advocate Vikram Thakor, who represents
complainant Ishaq Mohammad Maradia. He said that the report was filed in
May 2014 and since then the matter was pending.

Neither Solanki nor Sanghani replied to repeated phone calls for comment.

It has been alleged that in 2008, Solanki, the then MoS for fisheries
and currently state minister for animal husbandry and cow protection,
granted fishing contracts for 58 reservoirs to his favourite parties and
did not follow the mandatory auctioning process. Sanghani was the then
agriculture minister.

The matter came to light when Maradia, a Banaskantha-based fishing
contractor, approached the Gujarat High Court after being denied the
contract for a state reservoir. In September 2008, the HC scrapped the
contracts and ordered tenders be invited. These tenders fetched the
government Rs 45 crore in one year, against Rs 2.4 crore for the
contracts granted by the minister.

While, Maradia had claimed the total loss to the exchequer was Rs 400 crore in the past 10 years, but the ACB report differed.

The complainant again moved the High Court to seek Solanki’s
prosecution. The case against Solanki turned into a major political
controversy in 2012 after the then Governor Kamla Beniwal granted
sanction to prosecute the minister. The state had challenged her
decision in the High Court, but its arguments were rejected.

The ACB report came almost a year after it was asked by the
Gandhinagar court to look into the matter under Section 202 of the Code
of Criminal Procedure. The ACB officials recorded statements of over 100
people, including Solanki, Sanghani, their personal assistants, a
couple of IAS officers in Gandhinagar secretariat and as many as 50
contractors, before filing the report.

How Narendra Modi shielded Purushottam Solanki of Fisheries Scam… - Truth Of Gujarat…/accused-on-police-remand-in-alleg…/
Kalyansinh Champawat on remand for allegedly duping Talati job applicants

18 February 2014 A private coaching class owner Kalyansinh Champawat
has been arrested from Gandhinagar for allegedly duping students by…

Sujalam Sufalam Yojana Scam

The ghost of a rice scam in the state government’s ambitious Sujalam
Sufalam Yojana in Panchmahals seems to be haunting the top district
officials. They are now trying to recover a huge sum of money from Fair
Price Shop owners who had distributed rice instead of wheat under the
scheme. Rice was supplied despite a direction from the Department of
Rural Development Agency (DRDA) to distribute wheat.

Panchmahals District Collector Milind Torawane said, “We have
recovered Rs 3.5 lakh from the nine shop owners and Rs 9 lakh from 12
others in Kalol. Further, we have served notices to them. If they fail
to respond to that, we would attach their movable and immovable
properties as per the rule.”

It was in 2004-05 when the Food Corporation of India’s local
officials had learnt about the irregularities and informed the DRDA
officials, who, in turn, initiated an inquiry into the matter. While
legal action was taken against some government officials and Fair Price
Shop owners, the investigators have still not been able to recover the
money, which was used to purchase rice instead of wheat.

DRDA officials had identified the beneficiaries to develop khet
talavdi (a small pond) in their respective farms. And, as compensation,
they were given coupons to collect wheat from the Fair Price Shop in
their villages. Interestingly, the District Supply Office of the
Panchmahals Collectorate distributed rice, which, according to DRDA
officials, was done without their consultation.

As per the information furnished by the DRDA, in 10 talukas of
Panchmahals, a total of 6,721 khet talavdis were dug up by the
beneficiaries and 4,188.978 metric tonnes of grains worth Rs 2.41 crore
were distributed among them. While 1,520.596 tonnes of rice were
distributed at the rate of Rs 7 per kg, some 2,668. 383 metric tonnes of
wheat were distributed at the rate of Rs 5.05 for every kg.

According to former zilla panchayat member Rupchand Sevkani, the
distribution was done only on paper. “About 800 khet talavdis were made
only on paper. This has been put on record by the investigating officer
from the Local Crime Branch, K B Khant, as the villagers admitted that
the talavdis were never dug up and the question of benefits in terms of
grains does not arise,” Sevkani said, adding, “The stock of 1,500-odd
tonnes of rice was apparently sold in the Maharashtra markets.”

Admitting to discrepancies in the supply, Panchmahals District
Supply Officer B N Ghantiya said an inquiry is going on in this
connection. “We had served notices to several Fair Price Shop owners,
but did not receive convincing reply.

The investigation procedure was slowed down due to elections, but
now we will take action against those involved in the scam,” Ghantiya
added. There has been a delay in the investigation even as DRDA
officials sent several reminders to the District Supply Office in the
last one year. A copy of one of the reminders addressed to Taluka
Development Officer (TDO) V B Patel, which is available with The Indian
Express, states that the officer had failed to explain anything about
the irregularity.

The letter addressed to District Supply Officer from P A Shah,
the then director of the DRDA in April 2008, said, “As part of the
Sujalam Sufalam Yojana under the Khet Talavdi scheme, it was mentioned
categorically to distribute wheat through a coupon system. Barring
Shehra, Lunawada, Khanpur and Ghoghamba talukas, rice has been
distributed in all other talukas.”

It added: “Whether the rice was sold at the rate of wheat and who
is responsible for this goof up has not been explained by the TDO
despite frequent reminders. It was made clear that even as wheat was
available for distribution, but due to lack of clarification from your
side, rice was distributed in Kalol taluka.”

List of other Scams

Daily News and Analysis

17 ’scams’ that Narendra Modi doesn’t want Lok Ayukta to probe

Earlier this year, Gujarat Congress had submitted to the Governor Dr
Kamla and the president a detailed list of ‘17 scams’ that had allegedly
taken place under the Modi government. It  demanded probe by an
independent agency. Last week, when it was getting apparent that a Lok
Ayukta for the state was close, the state government set up an enquiry
commission to be headed by retired Justice MB Shah. The following is the
list of alleged scams submitted by the Congress to the Gujarat governor
and the president:

Land for Nano plant at low rate The state
government allotted 1100 acres of land to Tata Motors Ltd (TML) to set
up the Nano plant near Sanand. The land was allotted allegedly at Rs900
per square metre while its market rate was around Rs10,000 per square
metre. Simply put, the government gave Tata Motors total monetary
benefit of Rs33,000 crore.

Land sold cheap to Adani Group Land was allotted to
Adani Group for the Mundra Port & Mundra Special Economic Zone
(SEZ) at Re1 per square metre. This is grossly lower than the market

Cheap land for ind, not for airforceThe Gujarat
government allotted 3,76,561 square metre of land to real estate
developer K Raheja at Rs470 per square metre, while the South-West Air
Command (SWAC) was asked to pay Rs1100 per square metre for 4,04,700
square metre land.

Agricultuure University land allotted for hotelState
government allotted 65,000 square metres of land belonging to Navsari
Agriculture University in Surat to Chatrala Indian Hotel Group for a
hotel project despite objection from the institute. This deal was
allegedly brokered by the chief minister through his office causing a
loss of Rs426 crore.

Border land for chemical firmsA huge plot of land
near the Pakistan border was allotted to salt chemical companies said to
be close to BJP leader Venkaiah Naidu.

Essar Group’s encroachmentState government has
allotted 2.08 lakh square metres of land to Essar Steel. Part of the
disputed land is CRZ and forest land that cannot be allotted as per
Supreme Court guidelines.

Land given to Bharat HotelPrime land was allotted
to Bharat Hotels without auction on Sarkhej-Gandhinagar Highway in
Ahmedabad. The company has been allotted 25,724 square metre land.

Corruption in allotment of lakesState government,
in 2008, awarded contracts for fishing activities in 38 lakes without
inviting any tenders; bidders were ready to pay Rs25 lakh per lake.

Land given to L&TLarson & Toubro (L&T) was allotted 80 hectare land at Hazira at the rate of Re1 per square metre.

Land allotted to other industriesInstead of
auctioning prime land in the major cities of the state, the Gujarat
government had allotted the land to some industries and industrialists
who had signed MoUs in the five editions of VGGIS.

Cattle feed fraudThe Gujarat government had
purchased cattle feed from a blacklisted company at Rs240 per 5 kg
whereas the market rate is just Rs120 to Rs140 per 5 kg.

Scam in Anganwadi centresTwo bidders apparently
formed a cartel and bid for supplying supplementary Nutrition Extruded
Fortified Blended Food (EFBF) to Anganwadi centres of the state. One
company bid for three zones, while the other for only two. Guidelines
were violated, causing the state exchequer a loss of Rs92 crore.

GSPCDespite an investment of Rs4933.50 crore, GSPC
has been able to earn only Rs290 crore from the 13 out of 51 blocks of
oil and gas discovered by the company. Contractual relations of
Geo-Global and GSPC deserve investigation since Geo-Global is to be
hired for a higher fee, above profit-sharing.

Luxury aircraft used by CM Instead of using
commercial flights or state-owned aircraft and helicopter, chief
minister Narendra Modi had used private luxury aircraft for around 200
trips in five years. The cost had been borne by the beneficiary

Rs500 crore SSY scamThe Rs6237.33 crore Sujalam
Sufalam Yojana (SSY) announced in 2003 was to be completed by 2005 but
it is still not completed. Public accounts committee of Gujarat assembly
unanimously prepared a report indicating a scam of over  Rs500 crore
which was not tabled.

Indigold Refinery land scamAround 36.25 acre farmland in Kutch district was purchased and sold in violation of all norms by Indigold Refinery Ltd.

Swan Energy49% of the shares of Pipavav Power Station of GSPC were sold to Swan Energy without inviting any tenders.

Narendra Modi’s Scandals

1 . For Tata ’s Nano Plan a square Mtr worth Rs 10 lakh Land was Given only
for Rs 900 to It’s Tata Group to score a Jackpot of Rs .33,000 crore .

.To build Mundhra port and Mundhra  Special Economic Zone Atani group
was given square metres of land at the rate of Just one Rupee/sqm i.e.,
for 10 paise. Later Atani Company sold for Rs 100/ sqm and earned fat
profits .This is Illegal sales .

3 . In the main part K. Raheja The Real estate at the rate of Rs 470 a sqm
 3.76 lakh square mtr was sold .When a nearby Air Force land was asked It is said it will be sold at  Rs .1100 /sqm.

4 . Navsari Agricultural University -owned
Square Meters of land was given to catrala Hotel Group for building
lodge. The Gujarat state incurred a loss of Rs . 426 Crore .

In the border  side of the neighboring country Land should be in the
hands of state. Because of the feature associated with national
security. Buta large area of ​​land was given to Salt companies. These
Companies belongs to Venkiah Naidu’s relatives. Can you understand why
Venkaiah Naidu supports Modi ?

6. Essar Corporate board was
allotted 2.08 lakh square meter land.  An area rich in forests.As per
Court ruling this is illegal.

7. Near the city of Ahmedabad as
Location of the market price is high 25.724 sqm was given to  Bharat
Hotel group. For this no tenders were sought.

8. In 38 largest lakes were given to a few Fishing rights without tenders.

In place of  Hacira to L & T company around 80 hectares of the land
Just for Rs.1 / -mtr i.e for 10paise /sq.ft. was gifted.

Participants of industryalists  in the Vibrant Gujarat celebrations many
of the principal places in the main High Places on the market Was

11. From a blacklisted firm animal feed was Bought
at  Rs .48 -for one kg. But the forage in the open market is available
at Rs.24 .

12. Only two companies are allowed for Procurement of
food items for Anganwadi centers.Because of this the loss of Rs. 92

13. To  start GSPC company Gujarat government invested Rs. 4993.50 Crore.
So far income is just Rs. 290 Crore. Many crores loss per year.

To the Sujalam Sufalam yojana Program in 2003  Rs. 6237.33 crore was
allotted. In 2005 this project must have been fulfilled.Not yet
fulfilled. When Gujarat Assembly Public Accounts Committee study was
made Rs. 500 crore scam was discovered.In this it should be mentioned
that BJP members are also there. The report was not submitted to the

15. When traveling Narendra Modi did not travel in
Gujarat Government’s  airplane or Helicopters But travelled only in
Private Industrialists-owned Luxurious planes. The cost  was borne by
If wishes were horses then RSS’s BJP and all the Caste,
Religious biases like apartheid Viewspapers, magazines and medias with
ulterior ideas would ride on them.

 16 .In violation of the law
The company Intikoltu purchased 36.25 acres of  farmland and sold at fat
Profits. So far no action was taken against the company.

Gujarat state-owned B. Power substation’s 49 percent Shares was sold to 
Swan Energy establishment. No tender was sought. Why Modi’s stalemate
in Gujarat Lokpal System will soon be Known by the people.


Austin Benjamin

“Money and commerce are in my blood” was the proud proclamation made by Murderer of democratic institutions (Modi) to Japanese investors during
his visit to Japan in 2014. This is perhaps one of those rare occasions
when he did not exaggerate or embellish. An exemplar of this unique
trait of Mr. Modi’s is the “KG scam”. Gas is a vaporous substance, as we
all know. To pretend to extract non-existent gas requires extraordinary
skill and sleight. And to banish all of it into thin air later is even
more masterful. This is what the KG scam is all about. It is a tribute
to the Prime Minister’s dexterity that this Rs. 19,700 crore scam as
estimated by five reports of the Comptroller and Auditor General of
India (CAG) over the past five-six years is still unknown to the nation.

Eleven years later

June 26, 2005, Gujarat Chief Minister Narendra Modi announced that
Gujarat State Petroleum Corporation (GSPC), a State government public
sector corporation, had discovered India’s biggest gas reserves in the deep waters of the Krishna Godavari (KG) river basin.
He said the discovery was 20 trillion cubic feet worth Rs. 2,20,000
crore. It caught the entire nation by surprise. Officials in the
Ministry of Petroleum were flummoxed by this bold claim. Mr. Modi
further, in his characteristic flamboyance, promised the nation that
GSPC would start production in December 2007 and make our nation energy
independent. It is 2016 now, nearly 11 years since that grandiose
announcement by Mr. Modi. There has been zero gas recovered yet from the
KG basin. Yes, zero. Why? Because there is no gas there. GSPC spent Rs.
19,700 crore during this period, ostensibly looking for the missing

Of course, the exploration of natural
resources such as oil and gas is always fraught with discovery
uncertainties. Even the best global companies have gone searching for
such resources and returned empty-handed. So, what is the purported
fraud here? Yes, oil exploration is always an expensive and risky
proposition. Yet, it is also the norm that when one realises that there
is no or minimum oil or gas to be found, one either stops exploration
immediately or reduces costs appropriately. But that is not what GSPC
did, as the below sequence of events show.

such an important and sophisticated exploration activity, GSPC’s
technical partner was a two-person company called GeoGlobal Resources
incorporated in Barbados, the land that is known more for Gary Sobers
and now Carlos Brathwaite. GeoGlobal, in turn, entered into a
partnership with Roy Group in Mauritius, the land that is more famous as
a tax haven than as an oil exploration haven. This entire quest for gas
in the KG river basin by GSPC smelt fishy from the beginning. Recall
Mr. Modi’s tall promise in 2005 of gas being extracted and produced in
2007? Not in 2007, but in June 2009, this fishy joint venture entity did
produce something — a field development plan report for recovering gas
from KG basin! So, a full four years after the announcement and two
years after the expected production year, GSPC produced a report of few
hundred pages that supposedly articulated how it planned to extract gas
from the KG basin. But between the announcement of the discovery of the
gas in 2005 to producing a plan document on how to extract that gas,
GSPC had borrowed Rs. 4800 crore in loans from public sector banks and
other financial institutions. Surely, it didn’t cost Rs. 4,800 crore to
produce a report, so why was so much money borrowed even before a plan
was finalised to extract the supposed gas from the KG river basin?

development plan in 2009 acknowledged that Mr. Modi’s claims were lofty
and cut its expectations of gas reserves by 90 per cent. More
importantly, the development plan also admitted that this entire gas
exploration operation is futile and should not be undertaken if the gas
that is recovered cannot be sold above $5.7mmbtu. At that time, the
approved selling price of gas was only $4.2mmbtu. Hence, this whole
operation was unviable and a waste to begin with. This should have been
abandoned right then. Yet, the-then Modi government in Gujarat, as
explained below, constructed an elaborate plan to borrow money to be
handed out as contracts to various dubious entities under the auspices
of GSPC.

Non-existent gas

joint venture entity decided to procure platform rigs to fish for
non-existent gas in the KG basin. It awarded this critical contract for
platform rigs to a company called Tuff Drilling that had zero experience
in providing drilling rigs. In fact, Tuff Drilling was set up only in
2007, much after that bombastic claim of India’s largest gas discovery
by Mr. Modi. Up to March 2015, more than Rs. 5,000 crore had been spent
in expenses to Tuff Drilling and other such entities. A total of Rs.
19,700 crore has been spent by GSPC on KG basin gas exploration activity
over the past decade and no gas has been found. What’s worse is even if
gas had been found, it would have incurred huge losses to the company
since its selling price was lower than its costs. Surely, the
self-proclaimed messiah with an astute sense of commerce knew that it
made no business sense to carry out an operation where the selling price
is lower than cost price? Now, where did GSPC get all its money from?

which was incorporated in 1979, did not have any loans on its books as
on March 31, 2007. Between 2008 and 2015, it had borrowed a staggering
Rs. 19,720 crore in loans from 13 public sector banks together. This
money was evidently used to farm out contracts to dubious entities whose
motives are entirely questionable. It is then a little ‘rich’ for the
Prime Minister now to wax eloquent about bad loans and industrialists
who milk nationalised banks. It is no surprise that our PSU banks are
facing the loans crisis that they are now, with borrowers such as GSPC
that borrowed money for no apparent business purposes.

KG scam is a depressing story of how a State PSU was used to whip up
fake claims of gas discovery and then be used as a platform not to
extract gas but money, by handing out contracts to related entities in
the garb of gas exploration. In the 2015 audit report of GSPC, the CAG
lambasts the company for indulging in futile and unviable business
activities with reckless borrowing. This and other misdemeanours of GSPC
have been repeatedly highlighted by CAG reports over the past several
years. Not a word has been heard in the media about the shady
functioning of the GSPC over the years. This is not some politically
motivated charge. Every piece of information in this article has been
pieced together through careful analysis of various publicly available
documents such as the GSPC’s Initial Public Offering prospectus filed
with Securities and Exchange Board of India in 2010, various CAG reports
of course, filings of GeoGlobal Resources with the Securities and
Exchange Commission in the United States, records of Ministry of
Corporate Affairs, and so on.

This scam, and there is no other word to describe it, is a matter fit for an inquiry by a sitting Supreme Court judge.

Jairam Ramesh is a Congress Rajya Sabha MP.


giving away land at throw away prices to their relatives. Now Modi is
smart. the currpotion is going to happen through complex financial
routes. Wait for the 3.5 years more.  Modi talked much about Congress
corruption and promised to take action. Do you see any action. NONE.
Reason is simple.  You scratch my back and I yours. 

fact that with the last UPA 1 and UPA 2 governments, people have become
so regular with the word scandal that it is difficult for them to
imagine a government can exist without a scandal. I dont blame you
Anyways, there have been no corruption scandals (Sushma
Swaraj helpling Lalit Modi for visas can’t be considered a scandal) in
the Modi Government till now and hopefully there won’t be for the full
term as well.

Most Indian Funny Hindi Cartoon Picture Narendra Modi vs Congress

Modi’s promise to deposit Rs15 Lakhs in the bank saccounts of
every citizen has not been fulfilled. He promised 2 crore jobs but talks
about chai and pakodas. Farmers are suffering because of his bad
policies. Porr students are prevented to get higher education including
Medical and Engineering.

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