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2616 Thu 10 May LESSON Please visit: Translate in your mother tongue using From: Analytic Insight Net - FREE Online Tipiṭaka Research and Practice University and related NEWS through 
 105 CLASSICAL LANGUAGES Piya Tan’s Reflection & sutta class: 9 May 2018 (Wed) So vote for BSP/ JD(S) as they gave best and efficient governance under able former Prime Minister Shri. Deve Gowda, former Chief Minister of Uttar Pradesh Ms Mayawati and former C.M. of Karnataka Shri. Kumara Swamy. ‘ Hall of shame – Serial abusers, sexist bigots, rumour mongers followed by Murderer of democratic institutions (Modi) on Twitter For all that the “proud” nationalists may say about “sanskar” and rich traditions, when we review the handles followed by the Modi, sexist tweets directed at women stands out as a prominent feature. BJP (Brashtachar Jioyadha Psychopaths) Communist Parties in our country, Trinamul Congress, Congress are all just 0.1% intolerant, cunning, crooked, number one terrorists, violent, militant, ever shooting, lynching, lunatic, mentally retarded rapist foreigners Paradesi Bene Israeli chitpavan brahmin Rowdy Rakshasa Swayam Sevaks (RSS) feather of the same vultures flock together which the whole world is aware of.
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Posted by: site admin @ 10:55 pm

2616 Thu  10 May  LESSON

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Piya Tan’s Reflection & sutta class: 9 May 2018 (Wed)

So vote for BSP/ JD(S) as they gave best and efficient
governance under able former Prime Minister Shri. Deve Gowda, former
Chief Minister of Uttar Pradesh Ms Mayawati and former C.M. of Karnataka
Shri. Kumara Swamy. ‘

Hall of shame – Serial abusers, sexist bigots, rumour mongers followed by Murderer of democratic institutions (Modi) on Twitter

For all that the “proud” nationalists may say about “sanskar” and rich
traditions, when we review the handles followed by the Modi, sexist
tweets directed at women stands out as a prominent feature.

BJP (Brashtachar Jioyadha Psychopaths) Communist Parties in our
country, Trinamul Congress, Congress are all just 0.1% intolerant,
cunning, crooked, number one terrorists, violent, militant, ever
shooting, lynching, lunatic, mentally retarded rapist foreigners
Paradesi Bene Israeli chitpavan brahmin Rowdy Rakshasa Swayam Sevaks
(RSS) feather of the same vultures flock together which the whole world
is aware of.

10 May at 7:37 AM

From The Minding Centre (TMC) @ Shenton House


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DICTIONARY OF EARLY BUDDHISM (DEBo 1.0): ordpress/dictionary-of-early-b uddhism.


[For more TMC announcements, see after this Reflection.]

REFLECTION R551: “Do bad mindfully” (To download PDF).

[Click here for past Inspirations; Revisioning Buddhism & Index of Reflections] 

Do bad mindfully

[Revised edition of fb180506 on Facebook]


affluent Singapore, the mass media often report on criminal offence by
executives, doctors, lawyers, academics, Christian pastors and Buddhist
monks for which they had to serve prison time. These are
professionals—can we then say that a profession­al is one who does
something better for more money? But “better” here can refer to both
good actions as well as bad ones.


has taught us to survive the harshest natural and human challenges, but
we have yet to learn to overcome some of our criminal habits. Such
habits do not sprout up overnight, but have been learned and conditioned
from our past. Basically, we have never really been taught about right
and wrong, good and bad. Or worse, we are actually drilled that in our
rat-race society money is might, and might is right.


Learning right


moral habits have to be taught from young in a loving way. The key
teaching on this early training is found in the Amba,laṭṭhika
Rāhul’ovāda Sutta (M 61), where the Buddha basically teaches his own son
Rāhula to examine himself on a deep personal level—his thoughts, speech
and deeds—if any of it will harm himself, others or both. “Both” here
is a term for society in general and today we would include the


how the Buddha teaches young Rāhula. The Buddha does not command him:
Don’t do this, or don’t do that! Instead he is taught to be curious
about his mind, speech and body. Let us apply this principle in some
modern circumstances.


Smoke and drink


I was I teenager I smoked because my peers did; when I was older I
drank with western Buddhist friends. As I learned to enjoy the smoke, I
noticed that it hurt my eyes, it smelt like an unwashed over-used sweaty
towel, it made me cough, it tasted like chemical. I easily gave it up. I
enjoyed the drink while I was at it, but it actually tasted so bad, we
seem to seep just a bit each time as a dare; I wondered why anyone drank
at all!


back, I realized I had used some sort of mindfulness approach. I was
being curious about the bad habits I had. I did not really fight them,
but wondered why I even thought of doing them. The question now is how
did these bad habits start? Perhaps we had an urge, or we wanted to get
back at someone, or we were simply bored.


Learning by imitating


notice something or someone doing something, and thought it was worth
copying. For example, we notice that when we show anger people were more
likely to agree with us. So we learned a trigger, behaviour, reward,
repeat. This is just how our karmic unconscious works. Once we get
angry, we will get angry again. Once we give in to desire, we will fall
for it again. Once we show fear, we will show it again. And so on—this
is how our latent tendency (anusaya) builds up and grips us ever tighter.
 Again and again–that’s samsara.


know that being angry, falling into lust or showing fear are not
helpful, even bad. This is called self-restraint or cognitive control.
we need to know our habits on a deeper level. Notice the urge, get
curious; feel the joy of letting go; and repeat. This way we don’t have
to force ourself, but to be disenchanted, even disgusted, on a gut level
so that we are not inclined to do it again. This is naturally letting


we are mindful of something bad we are doing—say like when we are
angry—we will notice a lot of things that we do not like and actually
feel bad about. Then, we more naturally
 let go of old bad habits and form new good ones. We begin to see the benefits of it all.


Up close and personal


mindful then is simply about being really up close and personal with
what is happening in our body and mind. We should get curious with what
is going on inside us rather than wanting to force our bad habits to go
away or to feel guilty about them. As we begin to see ourself as a
better person, capable of great things and boundless love, it becomes
very much easier to step out of our bad habit loops.


we are brave enough, we may even smile at a silly habit–call it by its
name. Don’t call it by your name; then, you will own it forever. The
inner smiling–the Buddha smile–is disarming. It means we do not fear
the enemy; we befriend it. These are little miracles that bring us
closer to the Buddha.

sustained–makes buddhas. Then, we keep on making and befriending our
mistakes for countless lives until we have done them all–
even breaking our hearts, losing our limbs, losing our heads life after life after life.
Then, we’re done, ready to awaken from the dreamy sleep of endless
failing, falling and fleeing, into the bright light of beauty and truth.


R551 Inspiration 342
Piya Tan ©2018

Loyal aboriginal inhabitants of this Jambudvipa / Prabuddha Bharath are
the real owners of this country and not the 0.1% intolerant, cunning,
crooked, number one terrorists of the world, violent, militant, ever
shooting, lynching, lunatic, mentally retarded, rapist foreign Paradesi
outsiders chitpavan brahmin RSS (Rowdy Rakshasa Swayam Sevaks) who
gobbled the Master Key by tampering the Fraud EVMs for Murderer of
democratic institutions (Modi) of BJP (Brashtachar Jiyadha Psychopaths )
who promised to bring back black money from deposited in foreign
countries and deposit Rs 15 Lakhs in every citizen’s bank accounts nor
provided 2 crore jobs nor government choukidars/ chaprasis nor to start
chai and pakoda shops nor land to the tillers with sufficient
irrigation. On the other CJI (Cheating Corrupt Injustice) CEC (Corrupt
Cheating Evil Commisson ), Executive , Parliament, President Authorities
, and the PRESSTITUTE media have been diluted.
All of them are slaves, stooges, chamchas, chelas, bootlickers of just
0.1% foreigners Bene Israeli Paradesi chitpavan brahmins and own
mother’s flesh eaters.

So vote for BSP/ JD(S) as they gave best and efficient
governance under able former Prime Minister Shri. Deve Gowda, former
Chief Minister of Uttar Pradesh Ms Mayawati and former C.M. of Karnataka
Shri. Kumara Swamy. ‘


Classical Kannada-ಶಾಸ್ತ್ರೀಯ ಕನ್ನಡ,

Classical Malayalam-ക്ലാസിക്കൽ മലയാളം,

Classical Tamil-செம்மொழி தமிழ்,

Classical Telugu-క్లాసికల్ తెలుగు,

Classical Urdu-کلاسیکی اردو

Classical Hindi-शास्त्रीय हिंदी,

Classical Marathi-शास्त्रीय मराठी,

Classical Bengali-শাস্ত্রীয় বাঙালি,

Classical Gujarati-ક્લાસિકલ ગુજરાતી,

Classical Punjabi-ਕਲਾਸੀਕਲ ਪੰਜਾਬੀ
 Image may contain: text

99.9 % of Sarvajan Samaj do not recognise Murderer of democratic institutions (Modi) as a leader. Only Rakshasa Swayam Sevaks (RSS)who
gobbled the Master Key by tampering the Fraud EVMs for Murderer of
democratic institutions (Modi) of BJP (Brashtachar Jiyadha Psychopaths )
who promised to bring back black money from deposited in foreign
countries and deposit Rs 15 Lakhs in every citizen’s bank accounts nor
provided 2 crore jobs nor government choukidars/ chaprasis nor to start
chai and pakoda shops nor land to the tillers with sufficient
irrigation. On the other CJI (Cheating Corrupt Injustice) CEC (Corrupt
Cheating Evil Commisson ), Executive , Parliament, President Authorities
, and the PRESSTITUTE media have been diluted.All of them are slaves,
Chamchas, chelas, stooges, bootlickers of foreigners from Bene Israeli
justy 0.1% chitpavan brahmins.…/

Pls. visit the original site, link provided, to have a look at few of the (revolting) cartoons..)

It’s only in the fitness of things that Modi found this cartoonist, whose works are defined by nauseous grossness, adorable.

By no stretch, it’s a deviation.

Hall of shame – Serial abusers, sexist bigots, rumour mongers followed by Murderer of democratic institutions (Modi) on Twitter
There was uproar on social media after it came to light that Modi
follows the person who called the murdered journalist, Gouri Lankesh a
‘Bitch who died a dog’s death’. The Modi’s twitter handle following an
abusive troll? Those who have been around on twitter long enough will
know that this is not the first time that this issue is being
highlighted. The outrage builds up every few months yet the twitter
handle of Modi continues to follow many serial abusers and

Of the ones he follows, many are government
handles, ministers, Heads of States, senior journalists and other such
profiles you would expect the Modi to follow. However, a handful of the
1779 are profiles that will make you squirm. Serial abusers,
rumor-mongers, misogynists, handles brimming with communal venom… you
will find them all there.

Let us take a look at some of these
tweets of the people the Modi has handpicked to follow. Please bear with
us, the list is long. It is a hall of shame.
Sexist tweets / abuse directed at women

For all that the “proud” nationalists may say about “sanskar” and rich
traditions, when we review the handles followed by the Modi, sexist
tweets directed at women stands out as a prominent feature. The attack
is always personal and the targets are often journalists who are seen as
critical of the government like Barkha Dutt, Rana Ayyub and Sagarika

Here are a few examples:

Here are some lewd jokes of Samir Varier, yet another person followed by Mr. Modi.

abuse is often unprovoked. In this case, it is not sexist but this
gentleman, whom Mr. Modi follows, doesn’t think twice before calling
Rana Ayyub a terrorist and suicide bomber because she said her flight
was running late.

who is also followed by Mr. Modi posted this picture of journalist Neha
Dixit and her husband Nakul Sawhney asking whether payment was made in
“cash or kind”.

Sonia Gandhi is also often a target of hateful misogynistic tweets

MRVChennai 1 cong leader demands 2 know Modijis clients when he sold tea. Can he ask a similar question of Soniaji? CLIENTS may be impolite but

This is an old tweet of Alok Bhat, dating before 2014. Mr. Modi chooses to follow him as well.

Abusive Tweets

Former Vice President Hamid Ansari was following the flag code when he was called an “asshole” and a “bastard” by Rahul Kaushik.

Here is Nikunj Sahu of BJP IT cell abusing Arvind Kejriwal


Here is another example of a twitter handle that is humbled to be followed by Narendra Modi

It is not just politicians of rival parties who are target of abuse but other twitter users as well. Here are a few examples:



Mahaveer’s account was deactivated for abuse by twitter, it was BJP’s
Giriraj Singh who stood by him to get his account reactivated.

Giriraj singh I stand with Mahaveer

Rumor-mongering and tweets spreading communal tension

Singh who projected himself as a BJP youth leader and claimed to be
related to a BJP politician was followed by PM Modi. He tweeted a call
to “kill 3000 Muslims” in response to a rumor that was doing rounds on
the internet. What followed was his arrest and a denial from BJP that he
was associated with them. If he was not associated with BJP, why did
Mr. Modi follow this 19 year-old? That is a question we never got an
answer to.

rumor which led Amitesh to tweet the threat was started by a handle
that was also followed by Mr. Modi. The handle has been suspended by

spread the rumor of doctor lynched by a Muslim mob? Handles followed by
Mr. Modi. Every tweet in the picture below is from people followed by
Mr. Modi.

rumor that the murder of Swati in Chennai was started by Ramki. His
claims were later proven to be fake but there was no retraction or

This handle followed by Mr. Modi called for a boycott of Muslim businesses.

this case UP government had to tweet to bust the communal rumor being
spread by Ritu Rathaur, another profile followed by Mr. Modi. The police
filed a case against her for “attempting to disturb communal harmony by spreading sensational and controversial posts on social media”.

funerals are not spared when it comes to spreading fake news. No
national flag for MP E Ahamed’s funeral, asked Kiran Kumar. A screenshot
of TV footage said otherwise .


Here is another rumor spread by Rishi Bagree

In this case an attempt to malign
a UAE based business was led by Mahesh Vikram Hegde, one of the select
few followed by the PM. The company filed a police case and the pictures
were found to be photoshopped. Hegde is the founder of postcard news, a
website that routinely spreads fake news.

Meena Das Narayan raised the ‘Hindus under attack’ alarm after the Kollam temple fire. She knew “for sure”. The fire was caused by pyrotechnics display that was held despite a ban on the same.

why does the Prime Minister of India follow such people? Is it possible
that his social media team is behind this and Mr. Modi is not really
aware that his handle follows such profiles? In response to a RTI, PMO confirmed that “PM Modi himself tweets and posts content on his personal Twitter and Facebook accounts”. Mr. Modi is social media savvy and we have no reason to doubt the response of the PMO (:-P).

other possible reason could be that these are like-minded individuals
who are part of his core supporter group. He has personally met many of
these individuals in specially organized events. All of them flaunt the
selfie with him, stating, “proud to be followed by Narendra Modi”. This
also makes it very difficult for him to unfollow them. A tweet by RS
Prasad condemning the celebratory tweets on the murder of Gauri Lankesh
had upset some of them. Imagine the backlash from his supporters if PM
Modi was ever to un-follow any of them. They are already running a
hashtag #IStandwithNikhil in support of the person who called Gauri
Lankesh a ‘kutiya”.

It is not that Mr. Modi has never un-followed anyone. After a massive outrage in 2014, he unfollowed a handle that had tweeted a morphed photograph of Gul Panag.

More recently he un-followed Jwala Gurunath after she had a spat with BJP Delhi spokesperson Tajinder Bagga.

How can Narendra Modi be responsible for the tweets of people he follows?”  ask
many of his supporters. None of us are responsible for the tweets of
our followers. But hey, he is the Prime Minister of the country and he
has handpicked this select group to follow. Moreover, this issue has
been reported many times, tons of people have raised it on social media
and there is no way PM Modi is not aware of this issue.

Who are you to tell the Prime Minister who to follow?
ask his supporters. Sure, it is his choice. He is free to follow anyone
he likes, be they serial abusers tweeting lewd and sexist tweets, or
rumor mongers and riot instigators. Including the person who described
Gauri Lankesh’s murder as “A bitch died a dog’s death”. And the world
shall know that this is his choice.

Screenshots from the collection of @TruthofGujarat, @kapsology and @samjawed65 on Twitter
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26 Comments on “Hall of shame – Serial abusers, sexist bigots, rumour mongers followed by PM Modi on Twitter”

newest oldest most voted

Thanks AltNews. You r a streak of light in this darkness..


I just want their parents to follow them.
AltNews, is there no way to ask twitter to block these accounts and
government can take action against them under IT Act. #BjpBharatChodo

kk singh

Was known but as a summary was not brought out. Well done Sam Jawed!
Do we expect otherwise by an RSS activists, with an RSS culture?
It is the base of RSS rise up to the present!


ji is playing with fire. He is imitating putin and erdogan, dividing
the country into two parts – pro and anti. They ll fight among
themselves and modi ji ll rule with chill


a sad state. Gauri used to write in Kannada, n most of these hate
mongers dont even speak kannada, n still commenting on it without even
reading a single line of her articles

Raj Baral
Raj Baral
SATH SABKA VIKAS. By following these kind of people, Modi Ji is
supporting their right to speech. No doubt these people are well skilled
to use abusive language which promotes the idea of Modi’s kind of skill
India. This abusive language is originally from India which promotes
make in India. Eventually, Mr. Na Mo also need a cooperation from these
kind of people to develop the idea of new India, which promotes Modi’s
Sabka Sath Sabka Vikas. What a Idea hai Sir ji. Once again thanks… Read more »
Mallikarjuna Sharma
Mallikarjuna Sharma
Obviously smarter than Mallikarjuna Sharma
Obviously smarter than Mallikarjuna Sharma

time, please use proper formatting, Typing in all caps makes you look
like the fool you are. Please go anonymous the next time you defend your
Dear Supreme Leader, like your Sanghi brethren,

Ur Dad\'s dad
Ur Dad\’s dad

Don’t take is so seriously after all you will die one day and the world won’t stop :=)

Pseudo Patriot
Pseudo Patriot

The same would happen to you but your wife will be taken care of, don’t worry.


Thanx Altnews . great job


Is bhakts on leave today?? 😜

Indur Chhugani

Modi@narendramodi follows me since over 32 months. He never helped me
in my struggle against injustice from Judiciary. I have never posted
even one post in his favour till today, against him I have posted at
times. But he continues to follow me as of today morning.

Shatrughan Sinha
Shatrughan Sinha

Modi lavda hai Lavda… Amit Shah choosta hai usko

Teri ma ki choot
Teri ma ki choot

sabse bada bhosda hai jo alt news ka leke baitha hai. Sare k sare
comments and news fake hai is site pe. Congress ke laude hai sare k
sare. Dub maro sab. Desh ko barbad karne pe tule ho sab bhosdike.
Aatankvadio ka chooste ho tum log. Desh k dusmano.

P s nair
P s nair

What can we expect from a Muslim writer except Lies?


Prove it


Its totally on expected lones Ms Jawed. And people who follow your news.

Vinod Sethi
Vinod Sethi
are traitors who have never condemned or criticized china for invading
India and forcibly occupying Indian territory. They have sided with the
traitors and terrorists, separatists at JNU and other places in India
and abroad. Likewise, most of the congressmen are terrorists, traitors
and totally corrupt who have looted and plundered India with both hands
in the last 70 years. So, congis or left leaning stupids being falsely
called intellectuals should have no place in India. I don’t mourn their
deaths like I don’t mourn the death of Pakistani terrorists or soldiers.
So Gauri Kamlesh was killed by her… Read more »
Alok mishra
Altnews blogger First i want 2 reply that count 1779 is not just
handful and no one can recognize anyone personally if they dont know
each other personally and the posts of these unknown will always be
ignored or may not come up in someone timeline or notification. And this
will become negligible if someones followers are such huge like 33.7
millions. Followers like comments post will always occupy the timeline
rather than those likes and posts of people that some one follow. Also
want to add that these kind of people always speak jaisa hai
usko waisa… Read more »

The truth is that, today India is unofficially divided into :-
Hindu, Muslims, Sikhs, Christian, Buddhist, Brahmin,Maratha, obc,sc,st,obc, congress,bjp,sp,aap, etc etc etc.

Unfortunately only few are Indian’s.

The britishers are gone. But their grafted ideas not.

NEVER MAKE POLITICIAN AN IDOL, they know their job well. We as a citizen must improve.

Prasanjeet Mohapatra
Prasanjeet Mohapatra

These are false news and the images are edited. Correct your findings.


we only talk about these abusers. No one is speaking how abusive Gauri
Lankesh was for our govt. Criticizing is one thing but abusing our PM
is totally different. Going by that logic Gauri was no different from
these people. Gauri also abused mothers of all devout Hindus.


by mother, did you mean cow – the 4 legged beast?

akash srivastava

After reading all tweets and retweets,Mind has blown off.
Unable to understand the dirty politics,The twists and turns,The conspiracy and conspirators,The burglars to unity of India.
Did i waste my first vote ?? 😷



Murderer os democratic institutions (Modi) has been an active twitter user since years now. After Obama
left the Presidency early this year.

Now, talking about his following, being Modi he is expected to follow
top bureaucrats, leaders of other nations, and other such
personalities. His total following count is 1779, which includes all the
expected personalities along with a few users who are a blot on social

The issue of Modi following abrupt abusers and hate mongers
recently hogged the limelight again when one of the users he follows
tweeted out an abusive post for Gauri Lankesh, a journalist who was
killed recently for her staunch take against the right wing. This has
prompted even the international media to take jibe at our PM. Global
media houses including The New York Times and The Guardian questioned Modi for following ‘creeps’ on Twitter.

This is what the NY Times tweeted on one of its account!

The Guardian too reported the complete story!

Full article

This is what The Global Times had to say!

Full article

The Quartz reported about the #BlockNarendraModi hashtag that was trending on Twitter on September 7

Complete article

It wasn’t for the first time though, as our Modi had been criticised
for following abusers and hate mongers earlier as well. To elaborate it
further, let’s have a look at all the infamous troll accounts Modi follows on twitter with a few of their hate tweets.

Women Abusers

The list of abusers and hate mongers followed by Modi is way too
long. So, we’ll categorically show you tweets of a few of them who take
pride in getting followed by Modi and keep showing their real side
every now and then. These people abused all the left wing activists and
other critics of the present government and yet remain to be followed by
Modi .

Rana Ayyub has been at the receiving end of it on many occasions.
Here is one guy who abused Rana Ayyub for apparently no sensible reason!

Sagarika Ghose wasn’t spared by him either!

And then there is this Ramki who went on to term Rana Ayyub a terrorist just because she complained about a delayed flight!

This guy posted a photo of journalist Neha Dixit with her husband
Nakul Sawhney but apparently forgot that a husband and wife are bound to
share the same bedroom

Of course you can’t miss out abuses on Sonia Gandhi!

This tweet was posted before  Modi gobbled the Mater Key by tampering the fraud EVMs/VVPATs. Strangely, the Modi still opts to follow him!

Abuses were hurled at almost every opposition leader. From former VP,
Hamid Ansari, to AAP supremo, Arvind Kejriwal, everyone received a bit
of hammering on twitter from the people Modi follows.

This handle just did not have the slightest of sense what a Vice President means!

Need more?

It wasn’t just for the leaders, supporters too had to face the ugly brunt!

Respect? Error 404: Not Found

Communal Hatred Spreading Handles

A handle which was followed by PM Modi asked his followers to kill
3000 Muslims. He was arrested by police which made the BJP deny his
association with them. This handle named Amitesh Singh claimed to be a
BJP (Brashtachar Jiyadha Psychopaths) youth leader. Then again, the
question remains, why did Modi
follow him if BJP had no connections with him? Many such handles which 
Modi follows or used to follow ignited the fire of communal hatred
and eventually were suspended from twitter for the same.

This handle too stands suspended now!

Just to tell you the effect of this tweet!

And then this!

Rumour mongers

Lots and lots of rumours that ruled the social media lately were
triggered by yet again the users whom our PM follows. The list is long,
occasions endless! To top that off, there were no traces of an apology
from any of them even after they were proved wrong.

In this case, the UP Government’s official twitter handle had to intervene to control the rumour!

This was too much!

Now have a look at this! All these handles were busy in spreading the rumour of a doctor getting lynched by a Muslim mob

If you believe Modi ’s twitter handle is managed by someone else, in response to an RTI, the PMO had stated at “Modi himself tweets and posts content on his personal Twitter and Facebook accounts”.

Again, if you feel Modi doesn’t keep a check on his followers, have
a look at this tweet! This lady was followed by  Modi until
she had a quarrel with BJP’s Delhi Spokesperson, Tajinder Bagga.

The question that arises out of this is why Modi doesn’t unfollow
any of them? Maybe because he has met many of them personally and
everyone of them help him maintain hid vote bank by suppressing the
failures of his government on social media. But all this is surely too
much now!

All this has not been compiled up to malign Modi by any means, it
is just to ask our PM to maintain the dignity he holds and represent our
country in the right manner. Surely, none of his global followers would
expect him to follow such people.

We just hope Modi accepts our plea and stops following all these unworthy twitter users.

Murderer of democratic institutions (Modi) Just Praised An Artist Who Reeks Of Bigotry, Misogyny & Communalism

Modi retweeted a sketch of himself drawn by a cartoonist. The artwork
was inspired by Modi’s rally in Mangaluru, ahead of the state assembly
elections in Karnataka. 

“Lovely gesture Kshitij. Thank you. You are an extremely talented artist”, tweeted Modi.

He thanked the cartoonist, Kshitij Bajpai, who regularly posts his work on Twitter. 

this time the prime minister seems to be unaware of Bajpai’s previous
work. If one looks at the cartoonist’s work on his Twitter timeline, one
could see that he is blatantly misogynistic, unashamedly communal and
transparently propagates anti-Muslim agenda. 

artworks reek of bigotry, hatred for women and abhorrence for Muslims.
His cartoons are repugnant and discourteous, portraying political
leaders, particularly of opposition parties in a loathsome, hideous and
vile manner. 

Take a look at some of his sketches:


Kathua gangrape case

Bollywood community was vocal over the monstrous rape and murder of an
eight-year-old girl in Kathua, Jammu and Kashmir. In a reference to the
actresses who outraged over the incident, they are referred to as
prostitutes. The cartoonist tweeted the hashtags #BollywoodProstitute
and #BollywoodSlut along with his cartoon on the subject.  


another cartoon, he unambiguously targets actresses Swara Bhaskar,
Sonam Kapoor, Kareena Kapoor Khan, Huma Qureshi and Richa Chadda.

rapes and sexual harassment are the key subjects of Bajpai’s works, his
cartoons on these are extremely distasteful and malicious. 


In of the cartoons, a man wearing a skull cap is shown urinating on a wall with Swachh Bharat Abhiyaan written over it.

This cartoon of the Taj Mahal is an epitome of racism and bigotry.


are a number of other cartoons targeting leaders from the opposition.
Delhi chief minister Arvind Kejriwal is his favourite subject.





 Modi’s Twitter handle’s association with trolls and controversial pages
is not new, and he has even been called out for that. It is
disconcerting to see Modi lauding the cartoonist despite his nature of

His party has defended him saying that the prime minister believes in freedom of speech and does not unfollow anyone. 

Navaneetham Chandrasekharan ·

Loyal aboriginal inhabitants of this Jambudvipa / Prabuddha Bharath are
the real owners of this country and not the 0.1% intolerant, cunning,
crooked, number one terrorists of the world, violent, militant, ever
shooting, lynching, lunatic, mentally retarded, rapist foreign Paradesi
outsiders chitpavan brahmin RSS (Rowdy Rakshasa Swayam Sevaks) who
gobbled the Master Key by tampering the Fraud EVMs for Murderer of
democratic institutions (Modi) of BJP (Brashtachar Jiyadha Psychopaths )
who promised to bring back black money from deposited in foreign
countries and deposit Rs 15 Lakhs in ev
See More
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Anant Sharma ·

were you when Kerala painted portrait Lord shiva as rapist ? Were you
in orgasm with circumcised dicks ? Iunderstand , for livelihood
sometime people have to do such hypocrisy to earn some penny .
Like · Reply · 5 · 1d
Bashier Palayil ·
Works at Self-employed

3rd rated BHAKT…as always with question where were you ?
Like · Reply · 19 · 1d
Fasil Faz ·

When did this happen? I am living in kerala. never heard of such thing, don’t spread lies.
Like · Reply · 3 · 23h
Vishnu YouKay ·

There no such thing happened in kerala.. U r misleaded by the ones u follow.. Still u dont get it?
Like · Reply · 20h
Vinod Agarwal ·

I’m saving this article, as this is a treasure trove of adjectives.
Like · Reply · 3 · 1d
Dulal Kisku ·

Modi has time to praise bhakts,
Never get time to come on TV interview.

(Now don’t tell me Sudhir is a journalist.(

Like · Reply · 1 · 19h
Devansh Rana ·

Yes everyone except you are nobody
Reply · 15h
Sujata Hati Baruah ·

Like · Reply · 1 · 1d
Anant Sharma ·

Teri jali na . Good .
Like · Reply · 1d
Stephen B. Billings
Of course the Prime Minister loves this so called cartoonist. He is as prolific an anti Muslim as he is!
Like · Reply · 4 · 1d · Edited
Dil Ki Baat, Dost Ke Sath
This is very bad.. we say we live in secular and democratic country but we hate other religions…/story-OoFdUYg05Zt6Q9gefVpo…
BJP (Brashtachar Jioyadha Psychopaths) Communist Parties in our
country, Trinamul Congress, Congress are all just 0.1% intolerant,
cunning, crooked, number one terrorists, violent, militant, ever
shooting, lynching, lunatic, mentally retarded rapist foreigners
Paradesi Bene Israeli chitpavan brahmin Rowdy Rakshasa Swayam Sevaks
(RSS) feather of the same vultures flock together which the whole world
is aware of.

[<<CPI(M) central committee leader Sujan
Chakraborty said few “isolated incidents” should not to used to judge
the CPI(M)’s political line against BJP.

“We are the only party
in India which has the most clear approach against BJP and its communal
policies. We are not like the TMC which is not serious about fighting
BJP. Our policies should not be judged based on isolated incidents. In
panchayat poll such isolated incidents do happen. You will find it in
other parties also”, Chakraborty said.

The TMC claimed that the
political development in Nadia only proves that the BJP and the CPI(M)
are having a “tacit understanding in Bengal”.>>]…/story-OoFdUYg05Zt6Q9gefVpo…

CPI(M), BJP tie up to counter Trinamool in Nadia ahead of Bengal panchayat polls
Bengal panchayat polls: The CPI(M) has said the “seat sharing
agreement” is to counter Trinamool Congress and has nothing to do with
the Left party’s policy.

INDIA Updated: May 08, 2018 23:10 IST
PTI, Kolkata

TMC said that the political development in Nadia only proves that the
BJP and the CPI(M) are having a “tacit understanding in Bengal”.(PTI
File Photo)

Arch-rivals BJP and the CPI(M) have joined hands in
Nadia district to defeat the Trinamool Congress in the upcoming
panchayat polls in West Bengal.

Describing it as a “formal seat
sharing adjustment”, a district level CPI(M) leader said that the party
had to opt for seat adjustment in many seats as several villagers wanted
a one-to-one fight against the TMC.

The CPI(M), which follows an ideology opposite to that of the BJP, has described the saffron party as a “divisive force”.

The BJP’s north Nadia district unit president termed the development as an “isolated incident”.

The bonhomie first came to light in the last week of April when both
the parties organised a joint protest rally in Karimpur-Ranaghat area of
Nadia district against the alleged violence of the TMC during the
panchayat poll process.

Cadre of both parties carried their respective flags during the protest programme.

CPI(M) Nadia district secretary and state committee member Sumit De
agreed that there have been adjustments at the grassroot levels in many
seats as several villagers were in favour of a one-to-one fight.

It has nothing to do with the party’s policy, he added.

“Yes, there have been adjustments at the grassroot level. In many seats
as the villagers had wanted one-to-one fight, we had to respect it and
act accordingly. But it is not that there have been several rounds of
discussions between parties and it is a formal seat sharing adjustment,”
De told PTI.

Senior CPI(M) leader and state committee member
Rama Biswas, who was present at the joint rally of the BJP and CPI(M),
admitted that a rally had been taken out by villagers against the
violence of the TMC.

West Bengal BJP president Dilip Ghosh too admitted that supporters of the BJP and the CPI(M) were present at the rally

“I have received information that we had called a rally against the
violence of the TMC. CPI(M) workers also came and joined our protest
rally as they too were attacked,” Ghosh told PTI.

A senior state
BJP leader who did not wish to be named, said in areas where the BJP
could not field a candidate “it has given enough hints to the voters and
party cadres to counter the TMC which has unleashed violence”.

Agreeing that such “isolated incidents” had taken place, the BJP north
Nadia district president Mahadeb Sarkar told PTI, “In some seats where
we could not field candidates, our workers at the grassroot level have
extended support to independent candidates”.

“In most cases, these independent candidates are actually CPI(M) workers”, he said.

In several gram panchayat seats of Nadia-Karimpur area, BJP candidates
were asked to withdraw their nominations so that the CPI(M) could fight
against the TMC and vice-versa, a district BJP leader said.

those seats, the party (either CPI(M) or BJP) which has not fielded any
candidate is campaigning for the other one to defeat the TMC, the BJP
leader of Nadia’s Karimpur area, who did not wish to be named, said.

CPI(M) central committee leader Sujan Chakraborty said few “isolated
incidents” should not to used to judge the CPI(M)’s political line
against BJP.

“We are the only party in India which has the most
clear approach against BJP and its communal policies. We are not like
the TMC which is not serious about fighting BJP. Our policies should not
be judged based on isolated incidents.. In panchayat poll such isolated
incidents do happen. You will find it in other parties also”,
Chakraborty said.

The TMC claimed that the political development
in Nadia only proves that the BJP and the CPI(M) are having a “tacit
understanding in Bengal”.

“We are not surprised at this
development as we were aware of such developments in various districts.
Only the TMC is serious about fighting the BJP and its anti-people
policies,” TMC secretary general Partha Chatterjee said.

According to West Bengal SEC (State Election Commission) sources, of the
48,650 seats in 3,358 gram panchayats, 16,814 were uncontested and of
the 9,217 seats in 341 panchayat samitis, 3,059 were uncontested.

In the 20 zilla parishads, 203 of the 825 seats were uncontested, they said.

Peace Is Doable

panchayat polls: The CPI(M) has said the “seat sharing agreement” is to
counter Trinamool Congress and has nothing to do with the Left party’s

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