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Kushinara NIBBΔ€NA Bhumi Pagoda White Home, Puniya Bhumi Bengaluru, Prabuddha Bharat International.

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Jhanas- Stream-enterer-First Jhnana-The four levels of Noble Sangha
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Posted by: site admin @ 8:03 am



First Jhnana

The four levels of Noble Sangha

The four levels of transcendent attainment may be described as follows:

    1. Sotapanna. This literally means Stream Entry, a metaphorical expression suggesting a stage where one ‘enters’ into the stream of Nibbana. It is a spiritual sphere beyond the mundane and is therefore not liable to relapse. Once this stage is attained, the noble disciple will be inexorably swept toward the ultimate attainment of Arahantship and nothing can stand in his way. He will not be reborn more than seven times at the most before attaining Arahantship, neither will he ever be born in any woeful states (below that of human).

    A Stream-Enterer is incapable of breaking the five precepts because he has permanently eliminated the lowest ‘fetters’ from his mind. There are ten kinds of defilements called fetters (samyojana) that bind worldlings to Samsara or the cycle of birth and death. Out of these ten, a Stream-Enterer has destroyed the first three, doing away with the false view of individuality (sakkayaditthi), doubt in the Triple Gem, in the doctrine of kamma, and the four Noble Truths (vicikiccha), and blind attachment to rites and rituals (silabbataparamasa). These are three of the five lower fetters that are abandoned on the attainment of Stream-Entry.

    There are three classes of Stream-Enterers: those who, if not attaining to Arahantship in this very life, will be born only once before attaining Arahantship; those who will take only two or three births before the final deliverance; and those who will be born seven more times at the most before the ultimate realization of Nibbana. Characteristic of Stream-Enterers is their perfect moral integrity, not given to committing even a relatively insignificant immoral act, even though they may still lead the life of householders. They have complete and unshakable faith in the Triple Gem and would neither denounce nor renounce it at any cost.

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